darts european tour prague

PDC European Tour opět v Praze!!!

18.-20. 10. 2024 se v praze odehraje čtvrtý oficiální turnaj pdc s názvem pdc czech darts open 2024. bude se jednat o poslední, třináctý podnik pdc european tour 2024..

Stejně jako v roce 2023 bude místem konání Hala 6 v PVA EXPO PRAHA – Výstaviště Letňany

Každý turnaj série European Tour má 6 hracích částí. Dvě v pátek, v sobotu i v neděli. Turnaje se zúčastní 16 nejlepších hráčů ze žebříčku Pro Tour Order of Merit, které doplní dalších 32 hráčů z kvalifikací.

A co je další superdůležitá a skvělá zpráva?

Přece to, že se turnaje zúčastní také čtveřice českých hráčů!!!

Dva nejvýše postavení čeští hráči na žebříčku PDC Order of Merit mají automaticky zajištěnou účast. Aby se jim vyhrané prize money počítaly také do žebříčků, musí vyhrát zápasy první kola. Prize money ale samozřejmě dostanou i pokud první kolo prohrají. O zbylá dvě místa se den před vlastním turnajem, ve čtvrtek 17. října 2024, bude přímo na hracím místě v PVA EXPO v Praze hrát Česká národní kvalifikace. Z národní kvalifikace budou do hlavního turnaje postupovat 2 hráči.

Hrací plán PDC Czech Darts Open 2024

Pátek 18. 10. 2024.

Odpoledne – 8 zápasů 1. kola 12:00 – otevření hracího místa 13:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 17:00 – Konec odpolední části

Po odpolední části musí všichni fanoušci opustit halu. Pokud mají celodenní vstupenky, nebo mají vstupenky také na večerní část, budou do haly opět vpuštěni po uklizení haly v 18:00.

Večer – 8 zápasů 1. kola 18:00 – otevření hracího místa 19:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 23:00 – Konec večerní části

Sobota 19. 10. 2024

Odpoledne – 8 zápasů 2. kola 12:00 – otevření hracího místa 13:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 17:00 – Konec odpolední části

Večer – 8 zápasů 2. kola 18:00 – otevření hracího místa 19:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 23:00 – Konec večerní části

Neděle 20 . 10. 2024

Odpoledne – 8 zápasů 3. kola 12:00 – otevření hracího místa 13:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 17:00 – Konec odpolední části

Večer – 4x čtvrtfinále, 2x semifinále, finále 18:00 – otevření hracího místa 19:00 – Začátek prvního zápasu 23:00 – Konec večerní části

Pro všechny fanoušky a fanynky šipek a nejen pro ty české, to je velká příležitost, vidět na vlastní oči světovou šipkovou elitu na podiu. Kdo ještě nemá vhodný dárek, třeba pod stromeček, nebo za vysvědčení, je to obzvláště pro milovníky šipek jedinečná příležitost. A navíc svou účastí v pátek můžete i čtyřem našim hráčům vytvořit opravdu domácí prostředí v jejich zápasech během prvního kola.

Šipky jako takové, jsou sportem, který si získává stále větší oblibu. Ať už v Čechách, na Moravě nebo ve Slezku a to doslova napříč všemi generacemi. Od prvních přátelských duelů s rodinou nebo partou přátel někde v oblíbené hospůdce u zlatavého moku, až po první amatérské turnaje či zápasy jednotlivých lig, kdy hráči i fanoušci mnohokrát sledují napínavý zápas, který rozhodne jedna šipka odhozená na terč v ten správný čas. A pak následuje výbuch radosti nejen u vítězícího hráče, protože právě on tou šipkou dokázal vyhrát svůj zápas.

Na velkých turnajích, kde přední světoví hráči předvádějí svoje šipkové umění, a které jsou přenášené televizním vysíláním téměř do celého světa, jsme toho mnohokrát svědky. Ze svého vítězství se raduje nejen hráč, ale s ním i přítomní diváci v zaplněných halách a sálech, kde skandování a popěvky fanoušků v různorodých pestrých kostýmech doprovází hráče již od jeho nástupu na podium až do poslední šipky, která zápas rozhodne. Atmosféra je pak obdobná, vlastně spíše ještě mnohem lepší, než při fotbalových nebo hokejových zápasech. Hráči jsou na takovou atmosféru již zvyklí a mnohdy jim to dodává potřebnou energii a pohání je to ještě k většímu úsilí, předvést přítomným divákům a fanouškům u terče to nejlepší, co momentálně se šipkami dokáží.

A právě takovou atmosféru, ve které se hráči budou cítit jako na tom velkém, televizním turnaji, si PDC Czech Darts Open 2024, zařazený do European Tour, bezpochyby určitě zaslouží. Pokud jsou šipky vaší vášní, koníčkem nebo oblíbeným sportem, přijďte fandit a podpořit nejen české hráče. Hlavně tím ale šéfům PDC dokážete, že takový turnaj je v Praze, v srdci Evropy, oprávněně a že se z něho může stát skvělá tradice. A pro fanoušky mimořádná příležitost potkávat přední světové šipkaře u nás i nadále.

Kdo přijede?

Do prahy s velkou pravděpodobní zavítají všechny aktuální šipkové hvězdy. všichni si při předchozích návštěvách prahy pochvalovali české fanoušky. níže naleznete profily alespoň některých z nich..

darts european tour prague


Michael Smith je anglický profesionální hráč šipek Je aktuálním Mistrem světa a také světovou jedničkou žebříčku Order of Merit. V roce 2022 se mu podařilo na desátý pokus vyhrát finalové utkání na MAJOR turnaji. O 1,5 měsíce později svůj úspěch zopakoval také na slavném podiu v Alexandra Palace.

darts european tour prague


Mighty mike.

darts european tour prague


darts european tour prague


Gerwyn Price je welšský profesionální hráč šipek a bývalý profesionální ragbista. V roce 2021 se stal Mistrem  světa PDC a zároveň také jedničkou ve světovém žebříčku a jako první hráč dokázal po 7 letech předstihnout Michaela van Gerwena.

darts european tour prague


Cool hand luke.

Angličan Luke Humphries je reprezentantem mladé generace hráčů, která vyrostla na sérii PDC Development Tour. Tam vyhrál dohromady 11 titulů a v roce 2017 byl celkovým šampionem. V roce 2019 se stal juniorským mistrem světa. Luke je obhájcem loňského vítězství v Praze

darts european tour prague

the machine

Seznam kvalifikovaných hráčů na gambrinus czech darts open 2023, pdc european tour 2024, pva expo praha - výstaviště letňany, národní kvalifikace na pdc czech darts open 2024.

Ve čtvrtek 17. 10. 2024 od 12:00 se bude hrát národní kvalifikace, ze které 2 hráči postoupí přímo do hlavního turnaje.

Účastník hlavního turnaje se samozřejmě objeví v hlavním světovém žebříčku PDC Order of Merit, ale také v dalších dvou (European Tour Order of Merit a také ProTour Order of Merit), ze kterých se dá postoupit na velké televizní MAJOR turnaje. Finanční výhra za prohru v 1. kole 1.250 Liber (cca 35.000 Kč).

Kvalifikace se mohou zúčastnit všichni hráči se státní příslušností v České republice, kterým je v den kvalifikace minimálně 16 let. Účastník kvalifikace nemusí být členem žádné šipkové organizace. Hrací formát kvalifikace je KO bez nasazení. Zápasy se budou hrát na 5 vítězných legů.

Kvalifikace se bude hrát den před vlastním turnajem, ve čtvrtek 17. října 2024 přímo na hracím místě v PVA EXPO, Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 9 . Do kvalifikace je možné se přihlásit pouze pomocí PDC Tournament Entry System.

Pokud nemáte vytvořený váš profil v PDC Entry System, můžete se ho snadno vytvořit podle návodu, který naleznete zde .

Pokud už máte profil v PDC Entry System vytvořený, můžete se rovnou zaregistrovat do Národní kvalifikace. Jak to udělat se dozvíte zde .

Startovné na Národní kvalifikaci je 105 britských liber.

Uzavření přihlášek je v úterý 15. 10. 2024 v 15:00

Časový plán

12:00 – otevření hracího místa 12:00 – 13:00 – registrace 13:00 – losování 13:30 – start kvalifikace

Hraje se dle pravidel PDC, takže např. je vyžadována ústrojová kázeň (společenské kalhoty, triko s límečkem, černé boty), bude vyžadováno ticho na hracím místě, nebo zákaz fotografování atd.

Podle počtu přihlášených bude teprve později zveřejněno, zda si s sebou budou moci hráči vzít doprovod.

Všichni účastníci Národní kvalifikace dostanou od pořadatelů zdarma jednu vstupenku na páteční odpolední hrací část PDC Czech Darts Open 2024

Účastníci Q-School 2024 mají vstup na kvalifikaci zdarma.

darts european tour prague

Celkový počet hráčů

Počet čechů v turnaji, nejlepších hráčů světa, pdc european tour 2024.

European Tour 2024 se skládá z celkem třinácti turnajů, jenž se odehrají mimo britské ostrovy. Kromě Německa, Rakouska, Holandska, Belgie, Maďarska a Švýcarska má počtvrté v historii i českou zastávku. Všechny turnaje European Tour mají vždy stejný herní klíč. Páteční první kolo hraje 32 hráčů. Dvacet čtyři hráčů je z kvalifikace pro držitele Tour Card. Startovní pole prvního kola doplní dva hráči z jihozápadní, jeden ze severské a jeden hráč z východoevropské kvalifikace. Zbývající čtyři místa obsadí hráči, z pořádající země. Vítězové prvního kola se utkají s prvními šestnácti hráči aktuálního žebříčku PDC Pro Tour Order of Merit a nasazenými do sobotního druhého kola. Všech třináct turnajů letošní Tour se odehraje od prvního do třetího kola a čtvrtfinále na šest vítězných legů. Semifinále na sedm a finále pak na osm vítězných legů.

Pokud byste měli zájem navštívit kromě pražské zastávky také některý další turnaj série PDC European Tour 2024, tak vstupenky můžete zakoupit na stránkách PDC Europe ZDE .

darts european tour prague

Informace pro návštěvníky

Podmínky účasti:.

– Zákaz používání profesionálních fotoaparátů; fotoaparáty nesmějí mít odnímatelný objektiv; focení povoleno pouze bez blesku. – Zákaz používání videokamer. – Zákaz vstupu ve fotbalových, nebo hokejových dresech, šálách atd. – Není dovoleno přinášet do haly vlastní jídlo a pití. – Není dovoleno vnášet do haly šipky – Diváci jsou povinni uposlechnout pokynů ochranky. – Není dovoleno nosit tašky nebo batohy větší než DIN-A4 (cca 21×30 cm). – Malé tašky a kabelky jsou povoleny, budou ale zkontrolovány ochrankou. – Prosíme neberte s sebou aerosolové lahvičky (deodoranty atd.) ani jiné tekutiny. – Na místě bude otevřená šatna, kam bude možné uložit své věci.

Rules of conduct for spectators:

– No professional cameras – Cameras must not have a removable objective – No flash must be used – No video cameras – No football club shirts, scarfs, etc. – It is not allowed to bring your own food and beverages to the Event – It is not allowed to bring your darts – The spectator must follow the instructions of the security – It is not permitted to carry bags or backpacks larger than DIN-A4. Only small bags and small handbags are allowed after a check from Security. – Please do not carry aerosol cans (Deodorant etc.) or other liquids

Předprodej vstupenek bude spuštěn ve čtvrtek 5. 10. 2023 od 12:00.

  • odpoledne 600 Kč
  • večer 700 Kč
  • Celodenní (sektor A - pod podiem) 1 350 Kč
  • odpoledne 950 - 1 200 Kč
  • večer 1 050 - 1 350 Kč
  • Celodenní (sektor A - pod podiem) 2 700 Kč
  • VIP 4 000 Kč/hrací část – odpolední, nebo večerní. Místa jsou v “Sektoru E” vlevo od nástupní uličky a obsahují konzumaci jídla a pití zdarma (kromě tvrdého alkoholu).

Plán PVA EXPO Praha

darts european tour prague

  • Obchodní podmínky
  • Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Good Life Company © 2022. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

Peter Wright and Dave Chisnall (Picture: Jonas Hunold/PDC Europe)

Gambrinus Czech Darts Open 2023: Draw, schedule, results, odds & TV coverage details

The full results and round-ups from the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open, which takes place in in Prague from May 12-14.

The European Tour season continued in the Czech capital, where Luke Humphries was bidding to defend his title.

Here is everything you need to know including the full draw, daily schedule, prize money and history.

Czech Darts Open: Draw & Tournament bracket

  • Seedings in brackets
  • (2) Dave Chisnall 6-8 (9) Peter Wright


  • (2) Dave Chisnall 7-4 (6) Rob Cross
  • (4) Damon Heta 5-7 (9) Peter Wright


  • (6) Rob Cross 6-4 (3) Michael van Gerwen
  • (2) Dave Chisnall 6-5 (7) Nathan Aspinall
  • (4) Damon Heta 6-5 (5) Jonny Clayton
  • (9) Peter Wright 6-3 (1) Luke Humphries


  • (6) Rob Cross 6-3 Karel Sedlacek
  • (3) Michael van Gerwen 6-5 (14)Josh Rock
  • (7) Nathan Aspinall 6-1 (10) Ryan Searle
  • (2) Dave Chisnall 6-4 (15) Andrew Gilding
  • (5) Jonny Clayton 6-3 (12) Dirk van Duijvenbode
  • (4) Damon Heta 6-5 Kim Huybrechts
  • (9) Peter Wright 6-3 (8) Danny Noppert
  • (1) Luke Humphries 6-1 (16) Dimitri Van den Bergh

Seeds enter in round two on Saturday

  • (6) Rob Cross 6-3 Madars Razma
  • (11) Joe Cullen 4-6 Karel Sedlacek
  • (3) Michael van Gerwen 6-4 Mike De Decker
  • (14) Josh Rock 6-3 Dalibor Smolik
  • (7) Nathan Aspinall 6-4 Martin Lukeman
  • (10) Ryan Searle 6-4 Steve Beaton
  • (2) Dave Chisnall 6-2 Geert Nentjes
  • (15) Andrew Gilding 6-4 Vincent van der Voort
  • (5) Dirk van Duijvenbode 6-5 Mario Vandenbogaerde
  • (12) Jonny Clayton 6-1 Martijn Kleermaker
  • (4) Damon Heta 6-2 Dylan Slevin
  • (13) Martin Schindler 3-6 Kim Huybrechts
  • (8) Danny Noppert 6-4 Jose De Sousa
  • (9) Peter Wright 6-5 Brendan Dolan
  • (1) Luke Humphries 6-4 Ross Smith
  • (16) Dimitri Van den Bergh 6-2 Stefan Bellmont

Winners to play the seeds

  • Adam Gawlas 3-6 Madars Razma
  • Karel Sedlacek 6-5 Jeffrey Sparidaans
  • Ian White 4-6 Mike De Decker
  • Richard Veenstra 4-6 Dalibor Smolik
  • Martin Lukeman 6-2 Patrik Kovacs
  • Steve Beaton 6-4 Darius Labanauskas
  • Geert Nentjes 6-5 David Pisek
  • Jamie Hughes 1-6 Vincent van der Voort
  • Mario Vandenbogaerde 6-5 Matt Campbell
  • Martijn Kleermaker 6-3 Stephen Bunting
  • Dylan Slevin 6-3 Filip Sebesta
  • Kim Huybrechts 6-1 Callan Rydz
  • Jose De Sousa 6-4 Bradley Brooks
  • Jelle Klaasen 4-6 Brendan Dolan
  • Ross Smith 6-3 Jani Laurila
  • Stefan Bellmont 6-4 Rowby-John Rodriguez

Czech Darts Open: Schedule and results

Friday April May 12 First Round Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST)

Evening Session (1900 local time, 1800 BST)

Saturday April 13 Second Round Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST)

  • Andrew Gilding 6-2 Vincent van der Voort
  • Josh Rock 6-3 Dalibor Smolik
  • Damon Heta 6-2 Dylan Slevin
  • Ryan Searle 6-4 Steve Beaton
  • Dave Chisnall 6-2 Geert Nentjes
  • Martin Schindler 3-6 Kim Huybrechts
  • Dirk van Duijvenbode 6-5 Mario Vandenbogaerde
  • Nathan Aspinall 6-4 Martin Lukeman
  • Danny Noppert 6-4 Jose De Sousa
  • Rob Cross 6-3 Madars Razma
  • Peter Wright 6-5 Brendan Dolan
  • Michael van Gerwen 6-4 Mike De Decker
  • Joe Cullen 4-6 Karel Sedlacek
  • Luke Humphries 6-4 Ross Smith
  • Jonny Clayton 6-1 Martijn Kleermaker
  • Dimitri Van den Bergh 6-2 Stefan Bellmont

Sunday April 14 Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST)

  • Rob Cross 6-3 Karel Sedlacek
  • Michael van Gerwen 6-5 Josh Rock
  • Nathan Aspinall 6-1 Ryan Searle
  • Dave Chisnall 6-4 Andrew Gilding
  • Jonny Clayton 6-3 Dirk van Duijvenbode
  • Damon Heta 6-5 Kim Huybrechts
  • Peter Wright 6-3 Danny Noppert
  • Luke Humphries 6-1 Dimitri Van den Bergh


  • Rob Cross 6-4 Michael van Gerwen
  • Dave Chisnall 6-5 Nathan Aspinall
  • Damon Heta 6-5 Jonny Clayton
  • Peter Wright 6-3 Luke Humphries


  • Dave Chisnall 7-4 Rob Cross
  • Damon Heta 5-7 Peter Wright
  • Dave Chisnall 6-8 Peter Wright

Format All games up to and including the quarter-finals are the best of 11 legs, with the semi-finals the best of 13 legs and the final the best of 15 legs.

Czech Darts Open: Sky Bet odds

  • Click here for Sky Bet's darts page

Where can I watch the Czech Darts Open on TV?

Live coverage of all 2023 European Tour events will be streamed through Viaplay in the UK, the Netherlands, Poland and all Nordic & Baltic countries, and through DAZN for viewers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Coverage will also be shown on PDCTV (excluding Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and through bookmakers' worldwide.

  • Winner: £25,000
  • Runner-up: £10,000
  • Semi-Finalists: £6,500
  • Quarter-Finalists: £5,000
  • Last 16: £3,000
  • Last 32: £2,000
  • Last 48: £1,000

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Online Darts

2023 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open schedule, results and how to watch

The PDC Euro Tour returns today for ET 8 as the Czech Darts Open draw gets underway in Prague


We won’t see the seeds enter the action until Saturday, but there are lots of well-known names in action.

The draw and schedule for this weekend’s competition have been announced and Luke Humphries will begin his defence of the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open against either Ross Smith or Jani Laurila.

From May 12–14, 2023, Prague will host the eighth PDC European Tour stop of the year as reigning champion Humphries attempts to defend his title.

Humphries, who will win four European Tour championships in 2022, defeated Rob Cross in last year’s championship match. On Saturday night at the PVA Expo, he may play European Champion Smith.

The top seed participated in the inaugural Baltic Sea Darts Open final in February and has appeared in back-to-back European Tour finals in Wieze and Leeuwarden,

The last 16 will be played in the afternoon session on Sunday, followed by the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and final in the evening.

All the games from the Czech Darts Open can be watched online, and only online they are not shown on regular TV. So we have a complete step by step guide on how you can watch all the Czech Darts Open matches.

Just Click Here, and we take you through it step by step.

2023 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open schedule, results and how to watch

Schedule of Play

2023 gambrinus czech darts open.

Rob Cross 6-3 Karel Sedlacek

Michael van Gerwen 6-5 Josh Rock

Nathan Aspinall 6-1 Ryan Searle

Dave Chisnall 6-4 Andrew Gilding

Jonny Clayton 6-3 Dirk van Duijvenbode

Damon Heta 6-5 Kim Huybrechts

Peter Wright 6-3 Danny Noppert

Luke Humphries 6-1 Dimitri Van den Bergh

Evening Session 


Rob Cross 6-4 Michael van Gerwen

Dave Chisnall 6-5 Nathan Aspinall

Damon Heta 6-5 Jonny Clayton

Peter Wright 6-3 Luke Humphries


Dave Chisnall 7-4 Rob Cross

Peter Wright 7-5 Damon Heta

Peter Wright 8-6 Dave Chisnall

Format All games up to and including the quarter-finals are the best of 11 legs, with the semi-finals the best of 13 legs and the final the best of 15 legs.

Winner: £30,000

Runner-up: £12,000

Semi-Finalists: £8,500

Quarter-Finalists: £6,000

Last 16 losers: £4,000

Last 32 losers: £2,500

Last 48 losers: £1,250 Total: £175,000

NB: Seeded players who lose their last 32 match in the event will not be credited with prize money on to the Order of Merit, ProTour Order of Merit or European Tour Order of Merit, however they shall still receive full prize money payment.


Phill Barrs

Founder of Online Darts. Phill is always busy around the press room. Phill has been covering darts for over 3 years, starting first with Live Darts. Over this time has built up outstanding relationships, and produced some outstanding content in the darts world.

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Humphries doubles European Tour title tally with Czech Darts Open glory in Prague

Luke Humphries sealed his second European Tour title in as many months, becoming the Czech Darts Open champion in Prague after handing Rob Cross further heartbreak on the continental circuit.

Humphries, who landed an elusive triumph last month at the European Darts Grand Prix in Munich, doubled his growing title tally, pocketed £25,000 and broke into the world’s top 16 for the first time in his career during a landmark weekend in the Czech capital.

Former UK Open runner-up Humphries completed two 13-darters on his way to constructing a 4-1 advantage in the final. Following a narrow missed bullseye attempt for a 167 outshot, Cross stepped in and stopped the rot with a tremendous 145 checkout on double tops.

Both players subsequently completed comfortable holds of throw, with Cross remaining a break behind the front runner. Four spurned attempts on the outer ring from Humphries soon gifted the former world champion that necessary break to restore parity at five apiece.

‘Voltage’ opened the eleventh leg with back-to-back 140s but those scores were made academic by two trebleless visits, and Humphries grasped his opportunity to immediately break back, converting a clutch 78 checkout to regain his slender lead.

Cross refused to cave in nonetheless and responded by leaving a two-dart finish after only three visits, only for Humphries to follow his fifth maximum with an 82 outshot to move on the brink of the title, before sealing the deal and sinking to his knees.

“To win one European Tour was great, but to win two is unbelievable – I’m over the moon,” said Humphries. “I think the final was the best I played all weekend. Rob and I are good friends and he pushed me really hard.

“When you make that final it’s hard because you’re tired after a long day and when he took the 145 out it drained me. But I think the last two legs show a lot about my game and are testament to what I am now.

“I need to start believing I’m one of the best players in the world. I’m getting that confidence in my game, I feel like I’m making the next step now.”

Humphries scuppered Martin Lukeman’s fairytale run to the final during his aforementioned maiden success, and the former world youth champion began his Czech campaign with a 6-1 thrashing of Lukeman prior to brushing aside Dimitri Van den Bergh.

The 27-year-old from Berkshire proceeded to deny Michael van Gerwen a third consecutive European Tour accolade, having whitewashed him in Munich, before defeating Portuguese sensation Jose de Sousa to book his place in the final.

De Sousa posted a ton-plus average in his quarter-final win over Rowby-John Rodriguez and teased a comeback against Humphries, with a 132 outshot on the bullseye proving a particular highlight, although finishes of 101 and 170 helped Humphries prevail.

Cross, meanwhile, recorded an average marginally adrift of the 100 mark in his opener against American debutant Jules van Dongen, before sweeping aside Ricky Evans and punishing a wasteful Ross Smith in a nip and tuck quarter-final affair.

Vincent van der Voort brought the fairytale campaign of home hero Adam Gawlas to a halt in the quarter-finals, with the Czech youngster having beaten Ryan Searle and Damon Heta beforehand, only for Cross to battle back from behind to scupper his resurgence.

Dutchman Van der Voort bursted out of the blocks in an attempt to reach his first final in seven years, pinning an 11-darter and three 14-dart legs to move 4-1 in front, only for Cross to reel off six legs on the bounce to advance to his second ranking final of the season.

Van der Voort had ousted two-time world champion Adrian Lewis during the afternoon session, with Lewis fresh from his post-match second round shenanigans with Gerwyn Price, while Austrian Rodriguez defeated Dirk van Duijvenbode to reach his third European Tour quarter-final.

The European Tour continues next weekend as the European Darts Grand Prix takes place in Stuttgart, with the tournament moving from its traditional Sindelfingen home due to the venue hosting Ukrainian refugees.

Gambrinus Czech Darts Open Schedule of Play Sunday, May 15 Afternoon Session Rowby-John Rodriguez 6-5 Dirk van Duijvenbode José de Sousa 6-5 José Justicia Luke Humphries 6-4 Dimitri Van den Bergh Michael van Gerwen 6-5 Mickey Mansell Rob Cross 6-2 Ricky Evans Ross Smith 6-4 Dave Chisnall Adam Gawlas 6-5 Ryan Searle Vincent van der Voort 6-3 Adrian Lewis

Evening Session Quarter-Finals José de Sousa 6-2 Rowby-John Rodriguez Luke Humphries 6-4 Michael van Gerwen Rob Cross 6-4 Ross Smith Vincent van der Voort 6-2 Adam Gawlas

Semi-Finals Luke Humphries 7-4 José de Sousa Rob Cross 7-4 Vincent van der Voort

Final Luke Humphries 8-5 Rob Cross

(Featured Image: Kais Bodensieck/PDC Europe)

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How to watch 2023 Czech Darts Open this weekend as European Tour heads to Prague

This weekend between 12-14 May sees the Czech Darts Open take place in Prague as the European Tour continues for the eighth tournament of the season.

DartsNews has you covered as ever so you don't miss a second of the action over the course of the weekend with our handy TV Guide .

A move to Viaplay was announced last year which caused confusion as seemingly the UK and Ireland was initially part of this but PDC TV will still show the tournaments in full as part of the subscription which is £49.99 per year.

Tournament Centre 2023 Czech Darts Open: Schedule of play, results, TV Guide and prize money breakdown

Germany, Austria and Switzerland through will see coverage on DAZN as usual albeit with the new broadcast values.

A special weekend pass for PDCTV is also available at £3.99 and downwards in increments of £1 depending on how long you want to use it for from one day to three at the former price point.

There are also live streams available through various betting sites. With these websites, you usually need a balance of at least £5 to access the stream offer.

Prize money breakdown at 2023 Czech Darts Open with £175,000 on offer

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European Tour Calendar for 2024 is set

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After a fantastic European Tour year 2023, the calendar for next year is now set! In addition to the traditional venues such as Munich, Riesa, Graz or Sindelfingen, three new cities – Basel, Antwerp and Rosmalen – will make their European Tour debut. The legendary European Tour will also make stops in Kiel, Leverkusen and Hildesheim.

“We are very happy to finally be able to offer darts fans in Switzerland an own event – darts is experiencing an absolute hype there!” said Werner von Moltke, President of PDC Europe. “Exactly this darts euphoria is also experienced in Belgium which is why it was clear for us to organise a second event there. The atmosphere in Wieze this year was outstanding”, von Moltke continued.

To make sure you don’t miss the pre-sale start, you can register for it here . You will be informed via e-mail as soon as the sale for the city of your choice starts.

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Incredible Humphries storms to NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix title

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Humphries Handed Tough Opener at Czech Darts Open

Luke Humphries will begin his defence of the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open against Ross Smith or Jani Laurila, with the draw and schedule for this weekend’s event now confirmed.

The eighth PDC European Tour event of 2023 will take place in Prague from May 12-14, as reigning champion Humphries bids to retain his title in the Czech capital.

Humphries – a winner of four European Tour titles in 2022 – defeated Rob Cross in last year’s decider, and he could face European Champion Smith in his opener at the PVA Expo on Saturday night.

The top seed has made back-to-back European Tour finals in Leeuwarden and Wieze respectively, having also featured in February’s inaugural Baltic Sea Darts Open final.

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Dave Chisnall and Michael van Gerwen denied Humphries in the respective finals, and the pair will also headline this weekend’s action, as 48 players battle it out for the £30,000 top prize in Prague.

Friday’s first round – which will be broadcast through  PDCTV,  Viaplay and DAZN – will feature 16 matches across two sessions, as Czech number one Adam Gawlas takes centre stage on home soil.

UK Open semi-finalist Gawlas reached the last eight at this event 12 months ago, and he will begin his campaign against Latvia’s Madars Razma on Friday evening.

Gawlas’ World Cup partner Karel Sedlacek faces Dutch qualifier Jeffrey Sparidaans, after Filip Sebesta takes on emerging Irishman Dylan Slevin for a place in Saturday’s second round.

Last year’s semi-finalist Vincent van der Voort will play 2019 champion Jamie Hughes in a tasty tie, while Portuguese star Jose de Sousa meets former World Youth Champion Bradley Brooks.

Three-time European Tour event winner Ian White and Belgium’s Mike De Decker also collide, with Stephen Bunting pitted against quick-fire Dutchman Martijn Kleermaker.

Steve Beaton will face Lithuania’s number one Darius Labanauskas in another high-profile first round clash, while Associate Member Qualifier Jelle Klaasen plays Northern Irish veteran Brendan Dolan.

Elsewhere, Kim Huybrechts will be aiming to bounce back from his disappointing showing in Belgium when he takes on Callan Rydz – a late replacement for Gary Anderson this weekend.

The 16 seeded players enter the fray in Saturday’s second round, as Humphries kicks off his title defence against Smith or Finnish debutant Laurila.

Van Gerwen celebrated a record-extending 36th European Tour success in Belgium last weekend, and the Dutchman will begin his title tilt against White or De Decker on Saturday evening.

Meanwhile, Chisnall – eyeing a third European Tour title of 2023 – will meet Dutch youngster Geert Nentjes or a Host Nation Qualifier for a place in Sunday’s last 16.

Austrian Darts Open champion Jonny Clayton faces Kleermaker or Bunting in his opener, while last year’s runner-up Cross awaits the winner of Gawlas or Razma in round two.

Two-time World Champion Peter Wright has been drawn against Klaasen or Dolan, as Hughes and Van der Voort collide for the right to take on UK Open champion Andrew Gilding.

Another intriguing second round showdown will see Danny Noppert play De Sousa or Brooks, before Dimitri Van den Bergh enters the fray against Switzerland’s Stefan Bellmont or Austrian ace Rowby-John Rodriguez.

Following Saturday’s second round, the last 16 will take place on Sunday afternoon, before the tournament concludes with the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final in a bumper evening session.

Live coverage of all 2023 European Tour events will be streamed through Viaplay in the UK, the Netherlands, Poland and all Nordic & Baltic countries, and through DAZN for viewers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Coverage will also be shown on  PDCTV  (excluding Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and through bookmakers’ worldwide.

The field will be completed on Thursday night, with two places on offer in the Host Nation Qualifier in Prague, as a field of over 50 entrants compete for a spot in the main event.

NB: From the original field, Michael Smith and Gary Anderson have withdrawn for personal reasons and have been replaced from the Reserve List by Rowby-John Rodriguez and Callan Rydz.

2023 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open

Tournament draw bracket – second round onwards.

(6) Rob Cross v Adam Gawlas/Madars Razma

(11) Joe Cullen v Karel Sedlacek/Jeffrey Sparidaans

(3) Michael van Gerwen v Ian White/Mike De Decker

(14) Josh Rock v Richard Veenstra/Host Nation Qualifier 1

(7) Nathan Aspinall v Martin Lukeman/Patrik Kovacs

(10) Ryan Searle v Steve Beaton/Darius Labanauskas

(2) Dave Chisnall v Geert Nentjes/Host Nation Qualifier 2

(15) Andrew Gilding v Jamie Hughes/Vincent van der Voort

(5) Dirk van Duijvenbode v Mario Vandenbogaerde/Matt Campbell

(12) Jonny Clayton v Martijn Kleermaker/Stephen Bunting

(4) Damon Heta v Dylan Slevin/Filip Sebesta

(13) Martin Schindler v Kim Huybrechts/Callan Rydz

(8) Danny Noppert v Jose De Sousa/Bradley Brooks

(9) Peter Wright v Jelle Klaasen/Brendan Dolan

(1) Luke Humphries v Ross Smith/Jani Laurila

(16) Dimitri Van den Bergh v Stefan Bellmont/Rowby-John Rodriguez

Schedule of Play

Friday May 12

First Round

Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST)

Martin Lukeman v Patrik Kovacs

Stefan Bellmont v Rowby-John Rodriguez

Geert Nentjes v Host Nation Qualifier 2

Mario Vandenbogaerde v Matt Campbell

Dylan Slevin v Filip Sebesta

Richard Veenstra v Host Nation Qualifier 1

Jelle Klaasen v Brendan Dolan

Ian White v Mike De Decker

Evening Session (1900 local time, 1800 BST)

Jose De Sousa v Bradley Brooks

Jamie Hughes v Vincent van der Voort

Ross Smith v Jani Laurila

Steve Beaton v Darius Labanauskas

Adam Gawlas v Madars Razma

Kim Huybrechts v Callan Rydz

Karel Sedlacek v Jeffrey Sparidaans

Martijn Kleermaker v Stephen Bunting

Saturday May 13

Second Round

Andrew Gilding v Hughes/Van der Voort

Josh Rock v Veenstra/HNQ1

Damon Heta v Slevin/Sebesta

Ryan Searle v Beaton/Labanauskas

Dave Chisnall v Nentjes/HNQ2

Martin Schindler v Huybrechts/Rydz

Dirk van Duijvenbode v Vandenbogaerde/Campbell

Nathan Aspinall v Lukeman/Kovacs

Danny Noppert v De Sousa/Brooks

Rob Cross v Gawlas/Razma

Peter Wright v Klaasen/Dolan

Michael van Gerwen v White/De Decker

Joe Cullen v Sedlacek/Sparidaans

Luke Humphries v R Smith/Laurila

Jonny Clayton v Kleermaker/Bunting

Dimitri Van den Bergh v Bellmont/Rodriguez

Sunday May 14

Third Round



Sunday’s games played in Draw Bracket order


Images: PDC

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Clemens' comeback stuns Wright in Riesa

European tour.

Gabriel Clemens produced a remarkable fightback to stun Peter Wright on the opening day of the NEO.bet International Darts Open, as Martin Schindler also impressed in Riesa.

2024 NEO.bet International Darts Open draw & schedule

Gerwyn Price will begin his defence of the NEO.bet International Darts Open against Brendan Dolan or Kai Gotthardt, with the draw and schedule for this weekend's event confirmed.

Razma, Edhouse & Nijman complete ET5-6 qualification double

Madars Razma, Ritchie Edhouse and Wessel Nijman secured a European Tour qualification double in Leicester on Wednesday.

ET5-6 Seeds & Tour Card Holder qualifier entries confirmed

Player entries for European Tour Events 5-6 have been confirmed ahead of next week's Tour Card Holder Qualifiers in Leicester.

Humphries hails 'amazing' Munich crowd following Euro Tour triumph

An emotional Luke Humphries hailed the support he received from a capacity crowd in Munich after returning to winning ways on the European Tour over the Easter Weekend.

Incredible Humphries storms to NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix title

Luke Humphries claimed his sixth PDC European Tour title in spectacular style with glory over Michael van Gerwen in the NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix final.

Inspired Humphries produces magical display in Munich

Luke Humphries produced an outrageous display to open his challenge at the NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix on Easter Sunday, as reigning champion Michael Smith began his title defence in style.

Wonderful Wright stars on Day One at German Darts Grand Prix

Peter Wright will play Gerwyn Price in a blockbuster second round showdown at the NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix on Sunday, after producing the performance of the opening day in Munich.

2024 NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix draw & schedule

Michael Smith will begin his defence of the NEO.bet German Darts Grand Prix against Cameron Menzies or Mike De Decker, with the draw and schedule for this weekend’s event confirmed.

NEO.bet become European Tour's new main sponsor

Professional sports betting company NEO.bet have been announced as the new main sponsor of European Tour events in Germany and Austria.

The European Tour sees three-day tournaments held at venues across Europe.

Held from February-October, European Tour events feature 48 players, made up of PDC Tour Card Holders, Associate Member Qualifiers and Host Nation Qualifiers.

Prize money won in European Tour events counts towards the PDC Order of Merit, ProTour Order of Merit and European Tour Order of Merit.

All European Tour events are streamed live through Viaplay in the UK, the Netherlands, Poland and all Nordic & Baltic countries, and through DAZN for viewers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Coverage will also be shown on   PDCTV  (excluding Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and through bookmakers worldwide.

Click here for European Tour ticket information.


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  1. PDC v Praze

    PDC European Tour opět v Praze!!! 18.-20. 10. 2024 se v Praze odehraje čtvrtý oficiální turnaj PDC s názvem PDC Czech Darts Open 2024. Bude se jednat o poslední, třináctý podnik PDC European Tour 2024. Stejně jako v roce 2023 bude místem konání Hala 6 v PVA EXPO PRAHA - Výstaviště Letňany. Každý turnaj série European Tour ...

  2. European Tour Tickets

    The 2023 European Tour will take place from February to October at venues across Europe. ... Czech Darts Open May 12-14, Hala Kralovka, Prague, Czech Republic. ET9 - Interwetten European Darts Grand Prix May 26-28, Glaspalast, Sindelfingen, Germany. ET10 - Interwetten European Darts Matchplay June 30-July 2, Arena Trier, Germany. ET11 ...

  3. Gambrinus Czech Darts Open (ET8)

    Peter Wright won his first ranking title of 2023 in style with a sensational final day at the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open in Prague, which culminated in an 8-6 win over Dave Chisnall in the final. ... The PDC European Tour returns from May 26-28 with the Interwetten European Darts Grand Prix in Sindelfingen, where 48 players will compete across ...

  4. 2023 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open draw & schedule

    Luke Humphries will begin his defence of the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open against Ross Smith or Jani Laurila, with the draw and schedule for this weekend's event now confirmed. The eighth PDC European Tour event of 2023 will take place in Prague from May 12-14, as reigning champion Humphries bids to retain his title in the Czech capital.

  5. Czech Darts Open 2022

    The 2022 Czech Darts Open takes place in Prague, and you can follow the latest results and schedule of play here. The sixth of 13 European Tour events this season features 48 players battling it out for £140,000 in prize money at the Královka Arena from May 13-15.. The top 16 players from the ProTour Order of Merit (as of March 29) are seeded and enter at the Second Round stage, while 32 ...

  6. Czech Darts Open 2023

    The 2023 Czech Darts Open commences in Prague on Friday as the qualifiers face off in the opening round. The eighth of 13 European Tour events this season features 48 players battling it out for £175,000 in prize money at the PVA Expo in Prague from May 12-14.

  7. Draw and schedule confirmed for 2023 Czech Darts Open including

    The draw and schedule have been confirmed for the seventh European Tour in the form of the Czech Darts Open which will take place between May 12-14. Defending champion Luke Humphries will return to Prague looking to claim his first European Tour title of 2023 after losing in last week's final to Michael van Gerwen in Belgium.

  8. Gambrinus Czech Darts Open 2023: Draw, schedule, results, odds & TV

    The full results and round-ups from the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open, which takes place in in Prague from May 12-14. The European Tour season continued in the Czech capital, where Luke Humphries was ...

  9. Czech Darts Open 2022

    The sixth European Tour silverware of the season is up for grabs in Prague on Sunday as the final 16 vie for the Czech Darts Open title. Only seven of the top 16 seeds are left standing at the Královka Arena following a dramatic day of upsets on Saturday.

  10. 2023 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open schedule, results and how to watch

    The PDC Euro Tour returns today for ET 8 as the Czech Darts Open draw gets underway in Prague. ... From May 12-14, 2023, Prague will host the eighth PDC European Tour stop of the year as reigning champion Humphries attempts to defend his title. Humphries, who will win four European Tour championships in 2022, defeated Rob Cross in last year ...

  11. Gambrinus Czech Darts Open (ET6)

    Luke Humphries won his second European Tour title in the space of a month in Prague on Sunday, defeating Rob Cross 8-5 in the final of the Gambrinus Czech Darts Open. Humphries further enhanced his reputation as one of the sport's hottest prospects with impressive victories over Michael van Gerwen and Dimitri Van den Bergh en route to the final.

  12. PDC European Tour

    The PDC European Tour is a series of darts tournaments held across Europe organized by the Professional Darts Corporation. Starting in 2012 with five events, the number of events has steadily risen with eight held in 2013 and 2014, nine in 2015, 10 in 2016, 12 in 2017, 13 in both 2018 and 2019. ... Prague, PVA EXPO Praha Jamie Hughes: 8-3 ...

  13. CALENDAR: This is when and where the PDC European Tour ...

    The Czech Darts Open will be held in Prague, while the Dutch Darts Masters will be held in Zwolle. After the summer, other tournaments are on the calendar in Budapest (Hungary), Wieze (Belgium) and Gibraltar. Structure of a European Tour tournament. The field of a European Tour tournament consists of 48 players.

  14. Czech Darts Open 2023

    The 2023 Czech Darts Open draws to a close in Prague on Sunday as the 16 remaining players battle it out for glory. A £30,000 top prize is up for grabs at the PVA Expo as 14 seeds and two qualifiers collide over two sessions. The afternoon session plays host to the Third Round ties, before the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and final follow in ...

  15. Humphries doubles European Tour title tally with Czech Darts Open glory

    Luke Humphries seals his second European Tour title in as many months, becoming the Czech Darts Open champion in Prague after handing Rob Cross further heartbreak on the continental circuit. ... The European Tour continues next weekend as the European Darts Grand Prix takes place in Stuttgart, with the tournament moving from its traditional ...

  16. How to watch 2023 Czech Darts Open this weekend as European Tour heads

    There are also live streams available through various betting sites. With these websites, you usually need a balance of at least £5 to access the stream offer. This weekend between 12-14 May sees the Czech Darts Open take place in Prague as the European Tour continues for the eighth tournament of the season.DartsNews has you covered...

  17. 2022 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open draw & schedule

    2022 Gambrinus Czech Darts Open draw & schedule. Number one seed Gerwyn Price will face either Adrian Lewis or Ted Evetts in the second round of this weekend's Gambrinus Czech Darts Open, with the draw and schedule of play for the year's sixth PDC European Tour event confirmed. Taking place at Hala Kralovka in Prague, the £140,000 tournament ...

  18. Czech Darts Open 2022

    The 2022 Czech Darts Open gets under way in Prague on Friday as the 32 qualifiers battle it out in Round One. The sixth of 13 PDC Euro Tour events this season features 48 players battling it out for £140,000 in prize money at the Královka Arena from May 13-15.. The top 16 players from the ProTour Order of Merit (as of March 29) are seeded and enter at the Second Round stage on Saturday ...

  19. PDC Europe

    European Tour Calendar for 2024 is set. 13 September 2023 — PDC Europe. After a fantastic European Tour year 2023, the calendar for next year is now set! In addition to the traditional venues such as Munich, Riesa, Graz or Sindelfingen, three new cities - Basel, Antwerp and Rosmalen - will make their European Tour debut. The legendary ...

  20. Humphries Handed Tough Opener at Czech Darts Open

    The eighth PDC European Tour event of 2023 will take place in Prague from May 12-14, as reigning champion Humphries bids to retain his title in the Czech capital. Humphries - a winner of four European Tour titles in 2022 - defeated Rob Cross in last year's decider, and he could face European Champion Smith in his opener at the PVA Expo on ...

  21. 2024 PDC Pro Tour

    The 2024 PDC Pro Tour is the current series of non-televised darts tournaments and Europen Tour events organised by the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC). Players Championships and European Tour events are the events that make up the Pro Tour. There will be thirty Players Championship events and thirteen PDC European Tour events, as well as 24 events for the Challenge and Development Tours ...

  22. Czech Darts Open 2022

    The top 16 seeds commence their Czech Darts Open campaigns in Prague on Saturday as the Second Round action takes centre stage. The sixth European Tour event of the season features 48 players battling it out for £140,000 in prize money, with 16 qualifiers having progressed through Friday's opening round to set up a meeting with one of the 16 seeded stars.

  23. European Tour Darts Events, Darts Tournaments

    Inspired Littler reflects on landmark success in Belgium. Luke Littler continued his meteoric rise with a sensational Blåkläder Belgian Darts Open triumph on his European Tour debut in Wieze on Sunday. PDC Europe is staging 13 European Tour Events in 2018 which will feature 48 players. Make sure you come and watch one our European events.

  24. William OConnor v Mervyn King Odds

    Darts / PDC European Tour - International Darts Open Odds / William OConnor v Mervyn King Odds. William OConnor v Mervyn King Odds. William OConnor. Mervyn King. Friday 10:00am ET. Moneyline. William OConnor. Mervyn King-166 +136. Most 180's. William OConnor-105. Draw +330. Mervyn King +210. Leg Spread. William OConnor-1 ...

  25. Czech Darts Open 2022 live stream

    European Tour action continues with the 2022 Czech Darts Open in Prague, and a live stream is available for all matches. The sixth of 13 PDC Euro Tour events this season features 48 players battling it out for £140,000 in prize money at the Královka Arena from May 13-15.. The top 16 players from the ProTour Order of Merit (as of March 29) are seeded and enter at the Second Round stage, while ...