journey yoga and wellness

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Virtual intermediate flow- hatha with a kick, see more..., 8:30 - 9:30 am edt, evening restorative yoga - in studio class (8 south pleasant st south natick ma), 7 - 8:15 pm edt, canceled - virtual gentle hatha flow- stretch and flow.

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About Journey Through Life Yoga & Wellness

Journey Through Life Yoga and Wellness offers yoga and mindfulness practices to support your health and well-being as you travel the path through the different phases of your life.  Regardless of where your journey started or where you ultimately end up there will inevitably be times of change and transition in both your life circumstances and physical body. The challenge of coping and dealing with change and transition can often contribute to stress and compromise your physical and emotional health and overall sense of well being.

Yoga, meditation and breath work are tools that encourage and enhance self care.  They can help us develop an awareness of the relationship between the outer landscape of our physical body and the inner landscape of our thoughts and emotions.  Traditionally thought of as separate entities, there has been much research to suggest that our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and habits play an integral role in our physical health and vice-versa.  When we allow the inner and outer landscapes to inform each other this can lead to a greater sense of overall physical and emotional balance.

For individuals living with a medical condition such as cancer, chronic pain syndrome or arthritis, navigating each day can be even more challenging.  These practices are well suited to complement conventional medical treatments to improve physical function and enhance well being *

Our physical function, mood and outlook can improve by moving and engaging our bodies.   In practicing the physical poses of yoga we build strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination.  These, in turn, improve posture and mobility leading to increased vitality and greater physical confidence.

Engaging in breath and meditation practices helps to calm our minds and emotions, allowing us to be in the present moment.  This mindful awareness can build emotional resilience to help manage the stress and anxiety we inevitably encounter in our everyday lives.   When we are calm, things become clearer. We create an environment where the subtle whispers of our inner being - heart and soul - can be heard.

A  journey is simply traveling to one place from another.  When you plan a vacation destination, you likely invest time and energy into research and planning, right down to how efficiently you pack your suitcase.  The truth is, you travel to and from multiple times in your everyday life. Whether to and from the grocery store, across continents, through expected life stage journeys, or those you could never imagine nor would ever choose to traverse, you are well traveled.   

The question is, “How well do you travel?”

*Yoga and Mindfulness practices offered at Journey Through Life Yoga @ Wellness™ are not intended to nor should they be a replacement for any medical advice, intervention or therapy that has been prescribed by your healthcare provider.  You should inform your provider of your intention to begin a new or change an existing wellness/fitness practice.

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Breaking down barriers on the yoga mat and in the marketplace

Breaking down barriers on the yoga mat and in the marketplace

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  • COD’s Black Student Success Center
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Pristine Villarreal

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Fei Wade is a young, Black female entrepreneur who’s on a wellness journey.

Wade is connecting her community to yoga while introducing them to her own drink: Calbucha Kombucha.

“I started my business because I was inspired to contribute to my community in a healthy way and I wanted to share a wellness practice,” she said.

A University of California, Berkeley graduate who holds an MBA from Texas A&M, Wade recently earned a yoga certification at College of the Desert where she was so inspired by the local landscape that she made it her brand’s artwork.

“The photo is from Mountain Center which is in the high desert,” she said. “It’s of the beautiful San Jacinto sunset and the mountains.”

While Black women like Wade are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the United States, according to a recent study by GoDaddy, they do face several unique challenges.

“It hits me in the heart, especially being in the valley and being a Black female,” said Mary Eden, coordinator of COD’s Black Student Success Center.  Eden says Wade is inspirational to her community and coeds.

“There’s not a lot of representation of Black females in the valley but being part of that it brings it out and lets everyone else know that there’s time for them as well,” she said. “They can do the same thing.”

From breaking down barriers on the yoga mat to the marketplace, Wade is continuing her wellness journey with hopes of creating up new opportunities for her community.

To learn more about this project, visit

This story is written and reported by Kai Beech.

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Always remember it is your journey & yours alone.

Our mission & vision.

Our Mission is Simple..

Journey Yoga Studio and wellness center is a safe space for you to explore all aspects of the Self, experience your expansive potential and embody the lifestyle you truly seek.

We believe in celebrating the uniqueness of each person who chooses to discover that within our community.

Our Vision is Expansive..

Our community of yoga practitioners offer compassion, knowledge, and guidance through classical yoga on & off the mat. As our yoga practice grows, the light and compassion we use to see ourselves naturally expands to include all beings as well as Mother Nature.

We envision a world in which all life is honored and respected. To do this the work begins at home. Cultivating peace & space within, sends a ripple of love out into the world. Together we bring about positive change.

This is our passion. This is our mission.

Welcome, we look forward to our journey with you!


Meet Kendra

I am grateful for the inspiration & evolution that is Journey Yoga Studio!

My passion is to support others as they attune to their own body, mind, and spirit. By listening to the subtleties, we are better able to discover ourselves from the inside out. This mindset is embodied in the way I share yoga. Learning to trust our inner knowing can support our growth in infinite directions. Expansion is a beautiful thing!

I blend my knowledge of Athletic Training (BA), Massage Therapy (+15yrs), Energy Therapy (+5yrs) and Yoga (200 E-RYT/ 500 RYT, 6yrs) together to create empowering therapeutic sessions with my clients. I am also the mother to a beautiful little girl who fills my heart with love &  compassion  and  reminds me to laugh a lot!

I look forward to being a part of your journey!

Your Guides : Our Teachers

Kendra Busby Owner of Journey Yoga Studio, 200 E-RYT/ 500 RYT

Teaches: Beginner yoga, Hatha flow, Aerial/ Restorative Aerial & Yoga Workshops

Janell Foust ND, 200 RYT/ 500 RYT, Reiki Master

Teaches: Reiki Restorative, Hatha, Restorative Aerial & Yoga Workshops

Wesley Beeler 200 RYT, Yoga Teacher

Teaches: Journey into Asana, Flow, Inversions

Katie Kitchin Owner of Barre Embrace

journey yoga and wellness

A Journey Into the Heart of Yoga

I n today's fast-paced, stress-fueled world, the ancient practice of yoga has become a popular antidote for those seeking balance, wellness, and spirituality. While Instagram-worthy yoga poses and trendy athleisure wear have brought this age-old discipline into the limelight, there is a deeper, more profound purpose to yoga that goes beyond the superficial layer of consumerism.

Let's peel back the layers of this timeless practice and discover the true purpose of yoga. We'll not only explore its origins and philosophy but also reveal how it can transform our lives by aligning the body, mind, and soul.

Yoga - More Than Just Physical Exercise

Yoga has its roots in ancient India, with the first written records dating back to the sacred texts of the Vedas. Although the physical postures, or asanas , have gained significant popularity in the West, the essence of yoga encompasses much more than just exercise.

The word " yoga " is derived from the Sanskrit root " yuj ," which means to unite, join, or bind. This union refers to the connection between the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness, ultimately leading to the realization of one's true nature.

In essence, yoga is a holistic practice that aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. It allows practitioners to experience their inherent wholeness.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The sage Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras, outlines an eight-fold path called Ashtanga Yoga, which serves as a roadmap to self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.

These eight limbs are:

  • Yama (ethical disciplines): The Yamas are the moral and ethical principles that help us cultivate a harmonious relationship with the external world. They include non-violence ( ahimsa ), truthfulness ( satya ), non-stealing ( asteya ), continence ( brahmacharya ), and non-covetousness ( aparigraha ).
  • Niyama (observances): The Niyamas are the personal practices that promote self-discipline and inner purity. They include cleanliness ( shaucha ), contentment ( santosha ), austerity ( tapas ), self-study ( svadhyaya ), and surrender to a higher power ( Ishvara pranidhana ).
  • Asana (postures): The physical practice of yoga, asanas help to develop strength, flexibility, and balance, while also purifying the body and preparing it for meditation.
  • Pranayama (breath control): Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath, which is believed to have a direct influence on the mind and emotions. It is an essential tool for cultivating mental clarity, focus, and inner peace.
  • Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses): Pratyahara involves detaching from sensory input and external stimuli, allowing the practitioner to dive deeper into their inner world and cultivate self-awareness.
  • Dharana (concentration): Dharana is the practice of cultivating single-pointed focus, which is necessary for developing the ability to meditate.
  • Dhyana (meditation): Dhyana is the process of maintaining a continuous flow of awareness on a single object, leading to a state of profound inner tranquility and stillness.
  • Samadhi (absorption): The ultimate goal of yoga, Samadhi is a state of complete absorption, where the individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness. It is a state of ultimate peace, self-realization, and enlightenment.

The Transformative Power of Yoga for Modern Life

In an era marked by stress, constant stimulation, and the relentless pursuit of material wealth, yoga offers a path to inner peace, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with our true selves.

Let's explore how the practice of yoga can transform our lives:

  • Cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness: By focusing on the breath and sensations in the body, yoga brings our attention to the present moment. This mindful awareness helps us become more attuned to our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety: The combination of physical postures, breath control, and meditation in yoga practice helps activate the relaxation response, reducing stress and anxiety levels. This, in turn, promotes mental clarity, emotional resilience, and overall well-being.
  • Enhancing physical health: Regular yoga practice can improve strength, flexibility, and balance, while also promoting better posture, increased energy levels, and enhanced overall fitness.
  • Emotional healing and self-acceptance: Yoga encourages the practitioner to approach their practice with compassion, non-judgment, and self-acceptance. This mindset, combined with the physical and emotional release offered by the practice, can facilitate emotional healing and personal growth.
  • Spiritual growth and self-realization: Through the integration of ethical principles, self-discipline, and meditation, yoga provides a framework for spiritual growth and the realization of our true nature.

Embracing the Essence of Yoga in Our Everyday Lives

To fully reap the benefits of yoga and uncover its true purpose, we must go beyond merely practicing postures on the mat. Instead, we can integrate the principles of yoga into our daily lives, creating a holistic lifestyle that fosters balance, wellness, and personal growth.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Practice mindfulness: Cultivate present-moment awareness by engaging in daily meditation or simply bringing mindful attention to everyday activities like eating, walking, or even washing dishes.
  • Live in alignment with yogic principles: Embrace the ethical disciplines ( Yamas ) and personal observances ( Niyamas ) as guiding principles for your actions and interactions with others.
  • Nourish your body and mind: Adopt a balanced, wholesome diet and engage in regular exercise to maintain physical and mental health.
  • Cultivate inner peace: Prioritize self-care and create a daily routine that includes relaxation, reflection, and stress reduction practices.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals: Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who share your values and can help you grow on your spiritual journey.

The Importance of Personalizing Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is a deeply personal journey, and its true purpose can only be realized when we tailor our practice to suit our individual needs, preferences, and circumstances.

Here are a few tips for personalizing your yoga practice:

  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body's cues and adapt your practice accordingly, focusing on what feels right and beneficial for you.
  • Set intentions: Set clear intentions for your practice, whether it's to cultivate mental clarity, emotional healing, physical strength, or spiritual growth.
  • Explore different styles: Experiment with various styles of yoga to find the one that resonates with you and supports your personal growth.
  • Find a supportive teacher: Seek out a knowledgeable and compassionate yoga teacher who can help guide you on your journey and provide personalized guidance and support.
  • Be patient: Yoga is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth. Be patient with yourself and remember that the true purpose of yoga unfolds over time, as you continue to practice and evolve.

The true purpose of yoga lies in its capacity to transform our lives by uniting body, mind, and spirit. As we peel back the layers of this ancient practice, we can uncover its true essence and embrace its holistic approach to personal growth, well-being, and self-realization.

By integrating yoga's principles into our daily lives, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual awakening, ultimately realizing our full potential and leading lives that are deeply aligned with our true selves.

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Happy Journey Yoga & Wellness

Corporate yoga, teacher training.

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Yoga classes.

From Basic Yoga to Group and Private Practices, Happy Journey Yoga & Wellness has the practice for you. Learn more

Corporate Yoga classes are a great way to improve workspace morale, increase productivity and bring everyone together to do something fun as a group. Learn more

Love yoga so much you want to share your experiences with others? Take the seat of a teacher and join our Teacher Training. Learn more

“The yoga practice begins, after you have rolled up your mat” -Unknown

New to yoga?

Welcome to Happy Journey Yoga & Wellness! We would love for you to join us.

Monday 8:45am Mantra Monday Yoga Series

Tuesday 5:30pm Yoga Series

Thursday 8:45am Yoga 101 Series

Brenda VanAsdlen

I love sharing Yoga with beginners as well as students that been practicing for years.

Happy Journey Yoga and Wellness with Brenda VanAsdlen

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Brenda is amazing!! I love taking classes with her.

Detox Class

I cannot tell you how much the Detox class has made my body and spirit heal. I missed one week and I could tell! I highly recommend Happy Journey Yoga and Wellness with Brenda!

Best teacher!

Peace and Relaxation

I have been wanting to try this class out for a long time! I finally had the chance to try it tonight,and I absolutely loved it. I needed that peace and relaxation in my life;) I def missed out all of these years. You have changed how I have viewed yoga.  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ thank you so much Brenda. Great class tonight! Can’t wait to do it again;)

New Student Special! 3 yoga classes for$36!

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Exercise, yoga, gym, strength

YogaSculpt is an invigorating blend of weight training and yoga, designed to strengthen and tone every major muscle group.  Small weights are incorporated in this class as you are guided through a fluid sequence of resistance training, basic yoga poses, and powerful toning exercises.  This intense, but easy-to-follow class will elevate your strength and flexibility to new heights, while tightening your upper body, core, glutes and legs.  

Modifications will be offered to all levels. yoga in newtown ct beginner yoga advanced yoga Bethel Brookfield

"Happy Hour" Rest & Restore

Restorative yoga is a passive, meditative form of yoga that allows you to focus on your breath while releasing tension in your body. Unlike other forms of yoga, restorative yoga requires you to hold asanas or poses for an extended length of time, typically 5 minutes or more. 

Restorative yoga often uses props like folded blankets, blocks, or bolsters. These props help support your body and allow you to deepen the pose and more fully relax your body. 

Restorative yoga is gentle and generally considered safe for most people.

Gentle Yoga

Morning Gentle Yoga is perfect for anyone looking to begin their day connecting breath and movement in a mindful way to help soften tight muscles, ease joint pain, connect the body and mind at a peaceful, slower pace. A perfect bridge between moving in flow and staying stationary.  This class is appropriate for beginners or anyone working with injury, limited mobility, or simply prefer a gentler approach to yoga.

All Levels Energetic Flow

This All levels Energetic/Vinyasa Flow session is designed to move negative energy through and out of the body, heart and mind, allowing positive energy to flow smoothly and freely throughout your life!

Modifications are offered so that everyone receives what they need to flow at their own personal pace! 

Let your breath guide you through this uplifting and relaxing Asana and enable you to "Let Go" of life's challenges and lead you to find your inner peace.

Candlelight Flow

Candlelight Flow is an active, flowing practice that emphasizes meditative, breath-led movement and encourages a strong inward focus. The practice ends with time for some yin or restorative poses, soothing postures held for longer periods of time, and finally an extended final relaxation, leaving you balanced and relaxed. yoga yoga in newtown ct beginner yoga advanced yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is one of the most powerful ways to energize and revitalize all of the systems of your body, including the glandular, nervous and circulatory systems.  Most people think of yoga simply as stretching and postures to release stress and promote relaxation.  Kundalini Yoga, the original of the twenty-two schools of Yoga, combines these but also uses breath and meditation, often in sequential and aerobic exercises, to promote complete super-health, a union of your body, mind and spirit.

A typical class will include 15-20 minutes of warm up.  A Kriya (set of specific Asana’s or Postures), that will be anywhere from 15–30 minutes long, a 10-15 minute relaxation, and then a 10 – 15 minute meditation.  You do not need to be in any specific shape to experience a Kundalini Class.  If you can breathe, you can take a Kundalini Class!

All Levels Yoga

Come as you are! All Levels classes are suitable for beginners, masters and everyone in between. These classes offer modifications so that you can customize your class to fit your specific needs and level of expertise.

Building on the foundation of proper alignment, poses are linked together with the breath while building strength, stamina and flexibility. Designed to relieve stress, classes generally have a flow and rhythm to encourage the evolution of one's practice as moving meditation. 

The class will provide a challenging workout but can be modified for those seeking a gentler experience.

VINYASA is a flowing, dynamic yoga practice that cultivates presence by connecting movement with breath. Most classes feature several elements of traditional Ashtanga yoga— vigorous sun salutations, standing poses, preparation for arm balances & backbends, with focus on gaze point guided by a steady breath.

Work the connective tissues of your ligaments, joints and deep fascial networks in this meditative practice focused on deep stretching, breathing and relaxation. Props are used to support the body as postures are held for an extended time allowing for deep stretches that are soft, rather than muscle driven. 

Yin Yoga is the perfect complement to a regular practice of active asana.

The Flow style of Yoga, like all forms originated from Hatha Yoga. Using music to inspire, meditation to calm the mind; and smooth, conscious, breath directed movements to anchor the awareness, the practitioner is led from one pose into the next. The held postures are embodied with a moment to moment awareness of intelligent alignment. The breath, body and awareness become established in a deep, steady union. The movement between postures is a rhythmic transformation process that brings the qualities of one pose into the next. Through carefully balanced sequences, progressions and modifications, the practitioner becomes fully absorbed in a feeling of energized awareness, deepening our understanding of the Self. Subtle channels open, and begin to flow freely with vital life force energy, and we recognize our experience as a reflection of the greater rhythms and Flow of life and the universe. yoga in newtown ct beginner yoga advanced yoga

Zen Barre follows along the principles of barre, yoga, and Pilates with an emphasis on ballet and strength training. The class designed by The Zen Barre provides a challenging and unique workout designed to sculpt and strengthen your entire body as well as increase flexibility. This class will provide the ultimate workout using a combination of barre and Pilates moves connecting with the mind, body, spirit philosophies of yoga. yoga in newtown ct beginner yoga advanced yoga Brookfield Bethel

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Journey Within Yoga and Wellness

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About Journey Within

Journey within history.

     At Journey Within, we offer a diverse range of yoga classes, catering to practitioners of all levels. Our commitment to your overall wellness goes beyond the mat, with an array of additional offerings, including meditation, Mindful guidance, and holistic healing practices.

     In challenging times, we recognize the importance of mental health. That’s why we provide grief counseling, holistic life coaching and other services to support those navigating difficult emotions. Our compassionate team is here to guide you on your journey to inner peace and healing.

     Join us at Journey Within, where the past meets the future, and where your well-being is our utmost priority. Together, let’s discover balance, serenity, and renewal on your path to a healthier, happier life.

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Our Mission

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Why we do what we do:

Life is busy and stressful, for so many reasons. We often “react” as opposed to “create” a healthy lifestyle. It can feel like the tail is wagging the dog. Here’s the good news: we CAN do things differently.

What we see:

Science supports the health and mental health benefits of holistic practices. We find that our regular members report lower anxiety and depression, improved physical health and stamina, and feeling better overall.

What we hope for you:

Regular practice of breathwork, mindfulness, and movement through yoga has been proven to reduce the impact of stress in everyday life, especially when we are grieving. We offer many options for individuals, families, and groups to practice stress relief and we hope you will find what works best for you. We are all on our own path, but we can journey together.

Meet Our Practitioners

Our Team of practitioners are here to support you on your wellness journey.

Grief Support

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Danielle McDonald-Bourbeau

Owner/grief counselor/studio manager.

Danielle is a Yoga Teacher and Grief Counselor in Central Massachusetts. She began practicing yoga at age 16, after years of classical ballet and dance training. While healing from an injury she turned to yoga and found relief from pain, renewed strength, and a calling to reconnect with her spirituality and Self.

Through Yoga, breathwork, and meditation, Danielle began her own healing journey with Grief after experiencing multiple losses.  She wished to bring this healing resource to the community and recently completed her certification as a Grief Counselor through the American Institute of Health Care Professionals and became a Certified Grief Informed Professional through PESI.  Danielle takes a holistic approach to grief work, which often includes holding space for memories and emotions, creating keepsakes, and staying grounded through breathwork or guided meditation.

Danielle's yoga training includes various styles of yoga (Hatha, Iyengar, Vinyasa, and Restorative Yoga).  She truly believes that "There is Yoga for Every Body" and has experience offering group and private sessions for prenatal, kids/family yoga, accessible/chair yoga, and yoga for grief & loss.  In addition, Danielle is a Meditation teacher, Breathwork Practitioner, a CranioSacral Therapy practitioner trained through the Upledger Institute, and experienced in Thai Yoga Massage and Ball Rolling for self-massage.

Outside of work Danielle can often be found engaged with her children’s activities, enjoying a book, gardening, or being active outdoors with her family and their homeschool community.

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Melanie Designas

Therapist & yoga instructor.

Melanie, LICSW earned her MSW from Salem State University and A Post-Master's Certificate in The Clinical and Relational Treatment of Trauma from Simmons College. She has been trained in CBT and DBT. She has experience working in emergency mental health, child welfare agencies, outpatient therapy, forensic mental health, and in a school setting. She was trained by Children's Friend/The Carriage House in Grief and Loss with Children and facilitated a group there. She recently graduated from Frog Pond Yoga School with her 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training. She enjoys incorporating yoga and meditation into clinical practice. She is a parent of three and enjoys hiking in her free time.

Kelley Lynn Niemi

Grief counselor/life coach.

Kelley Lynn Niemi is a certified grief counselor, actor, comedian, viral TED talk speaker, and author of the book: "My Husband Is Not a Rainbow: The Brutally Awful, Hilarious Truth About Life, Love, Grief, and Loss." After earning her BFA in Performing Arts at Adelphi University in Garden City, NY, Kelley lived in the NYC area for over 25 years, teaching as an Adjunct Professor for almost two decades, with courses in stand-up comedy, dramatics, improvisation, and creative writing. She has directed and written several shows for non-profits, and has shared the stage with such performers as Judy Gold, Elayne Boosler, and Jim Gaffigan.

On an ordinary Wednesday on July 13, 2011, Kelley woke up to a new life as a widow at age 39, after learning that her 46 year old husband Don had gone into sudden cardiac arrest and died about one hour after arriving at work. Since that day, it has been Kelley's mission to help others survive and thrive through their losses, and to change the conversations we have as a society surrounding grief and loss. Kelley's TEDx talk: "There is no such thing as Moving On" has reached viral status at almost 3 million views and counting. Kelley speaks globally about death and life with a twist of comedy thrown in, and is a featured speaker at the annual Soaring Spirits Event "Camp Widow", where she finds the funny inside of the pain with her comedic presentation. Kelley runs a weekly virtual peer support group for widowed people on the Circles app, and co-leads several widowed support groups locally.

She is thrilled to be joining Journey Within as a Grief Counselor, and is hopeful to be a factor in the tricky process of healing. A native of Groton, Kelley currently resides in Westminster, MA, with her husband Nick, and their moody old lady cat Autumn.

Yoga Teachers

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Denise Cerrati

Yoga teacher.

Denise received training and certification through Trillium Yoga and Ayurveda in North Orange, MA, and is a practitioner of yoga for over 20 years. Her styles of yoga include Hatha, Yin, and a Spiritually based practice. Denise is also a Hairstylist and Educator in Cosmetology for 40 years. Her personal interests include gardening, travel, continuing her education in spirituality, yoga, holistic and natural studies, and in being a forever student in the school of life.

Denise’s hope is to help people to know that yoga is much more than an exercise program. It is an integrative practice of the whole person which can yield restorative results.

journey yoga and wellness

Katarina Kohberger

Katarina Kohberger is an inspiring Yoga Instructor. She got her 200-hour RYT through Frog Pond Yoga of Princeton MA., where she currently lives with her partner and beloved cat. Katarina found Yoga when she needed it most. When mental health came to the forefront of her life, Yoga and mindful meditation saved her and continue to save her every day. She has experience teaching Hatha, Restorative, Vinyasa, and aromatherapy classes. Katarina wears a lot of hats - as well as Yoga, she's a Reiki Practitioner, Prenatal Yoga Instructor, and most recently a Postpartum Doula. In her free time, you can find Katarina on hikes around central mass, or tending to her garden. Katarina hopes to bring you peace of mind through Yoga practice, so you can enjoy life more!

journey yoga and wellness

Jared McDonald-Bourbeau

Jared trained under David Vendetti of Yoga Liberation Front and formally South Boston Yoga for his 200 hour CYT. He has enjoyed studying mindfulness and the different unique practices since being introduced to yoga in 2010. He is always interested in exploring different practices and learning from others.  When he is not on the mat you can find him doing different actives with his children such as coaching baseball, playing chess or a fun game of magic the gathering.

Honey Hogan

Honey Hogan is a dedicated yoga practitioner, teacher, and advocate with a passion for making the healing power of yoga obtainable for every body. She completed her 200-hour Raja yoga training under the guidance of Diane Featherstone at Frog Pond Yoga Centre in Princeton, MA. Beyond her foundational training, Honey embarked on a transformative journey in adaptive yoga. Guided by Matthew Sanford at Mind Body Solutions in Minneapolis, MN, she earned her certification as an adaptive yoga teacher. She obtained her Opening Yoga I & II certifications, followed by her Opening Yoga Instructor certification, demonstrating her commitment to a deeper understanding of adaptive yoga.

Despite living with multiple chronic illnesses and disability, Honey has turned her challenges into strengths, offering a truly inclusive and compassionate approach to yoga. Specializing in trauma, loss, and disability, Honey's teachings are marked by her personal experiences and her desire to help others find healing and empowerment through yoga.

Outside of her yoga practice, Honey finds solace and joy living amongst the trees in North Central MA with her husband, children, and dogs

journey yoga and wellness

Yee Leng Tan-Whittall

Yee Leng is a two-time cancer survivor. After being diagnosed at age 24, she began her quest to discover the mind-body-spirit connection. Her very first yoga class was in 2005 that eventually brought her to Frog Pond Yoga Centre in Princeton where she received her 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2011. Her second news of cancer came at age 48. She was very grateful and thankful to have yoga with her through treatment and recovery. She credits her practice not only for getting her through the rigors and side effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, but also the emotional ups and downs of the disease. Because of her experience with cancer, Yee Leng is drawn to the therapeutic and healing aspects of yoga and meditation that are accessible to everyone. She believes that we all can come “home” to our bodies, in any condition; quietly listening to the wisdom within.

journey yoga and wellness

Trixi Padilla-Lazar

Trixi completed her 200-hour YTT at Frog Pond Yoga Centre in Princeton, Ma. She is a substance use counselor, student, and devoted single parent. She finds joy in nature, and spending time with her friends and family. Committed to personal growth, she is dedicated to evolving as an emerging energy healer. She finds balance through her yoga practice, and seeks to share its benefits by teaching classes that nourish the mind-body connection.

journey yoga and wellness

Rev. Phyllis Pomerleau

Yoga teacher - expressions unlimited – moving toward wholiness.

At Expressions Unlimited we believe that ‘ the place where we began’, where all Creation began, was a place where we knew only wholeness and holiness ; Sacred Beings , living in complete balance and accord with one another and with all aspects of Creation. We aspire to strive by every available means to arrive there once more and to know it purely. Phyllis is passionate about this exploration of Divine Creation, Love, Life and Self. As she learns she teaches…and as she teaches she learns, seeing herself as both teacher and student at all times. As an ordained Interfaith/Inter-spiritual Minister Phyllis views all of her services as Vocational Ministry, whether offering group work, classes or working one on one in personalized program or process. Current offerings include the areas of Spiritual Companioning , Grief and Loss Counseling, Therapeutic Yoga teaching and Whole Health Education. Phyllis feels truly blessed in so many aspects of life. She lives in Princeton, with her husband and enjoys spending time with her adult children and all of her grandchildren, near and far. She loves being out in nature ( and learning from the natural world!), feels a true kinship with animals of all kinds. She reads, refers to and collects enough books to qualify it as a true addiction, and really loves meeting and getting to know new people! Phyllis is not a big fan of travel but her son, who lives in Australia , and her grandchildren , who are scattered throughout the USA have insured that she will see the world one way or the other because she definitely won’t miss out on their lives!

journey yoga and wellness

Yoga Teacher 

Lisa is a practicing Occupational Therapist. She first became interested in yoga to address her back pain and poor posture.  After practicing for many years and seeing the improvements yoga provided in her own life, she felt compelled to share what she had learned with others.  It was at this point that she decided to become an instructor.  She is a graduate of Frog Pond Yoga, receiving her RYT200 in January of 2013, and is currently pursuing her RYT500.   Lisa has taught hot yoga, all-levels yoga, and prenatal yoga.

Lisa brings her own blend of yoga styles, focusing on a combination of strength, flexibility, breathing techniques, and mindfulness.  Yoga is a practice that provides benefits for the mind, body, and soul.  It allows the discovery of one’s connection to the universe.  In her own practice, she found that yoga has allowed healing to her body and calming to her mind. Her particular teaching style helps to guide others who seek the same goal.  As an instructor, she believes “The teacher in me honors the student in you, and the student in me honors the teacher in you.”

An outdoor enthusiast at heart, you can often find Lisa with her family enjoying the seacoast, hiking in the mountains, listening to live music, or taking longs walks on various trail systems.  She also enjoys meditation, continuing education, and researching holistic lifestyle options.

journey yoga and wellness

Justine Pulaski, RYT200

Justine's journey with Yoga started over twenty-five years ago with her personal practice of self care and healing. During her practice she was encouraged to take her 200 hour teacher training to deepen her understanding of her own practice and share her love of yoga with others. Fostering her personal beliefs and desire to give back to others, Justine loves sharing a gentle, meditative practice, encouraging self-awareness and that Yoga is truly for every body.

Energy Healers

Sound healer and craniosacral therapist and reiki practitioner, yoga teacher - reiki master, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner.

Chair Yoga For Seniors App 4+

Vitality therapeutics ltd, diseñada para ipad.

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Introducing "Chair Yoga" – Your Gateway to Tranquility and Wellness. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation with "Chair Yoga," the app designed to bring the transformative power of yoga into your life, no matter your age, mobility, or fitness level. Tailored specifically for those seeking a gentle yet effective way to improve their health and wellbeing, our app offers a unique approach to yoga that is accessible from the comfort of your chair. **Why Zen Chair Yoga?** **Inclusive Practice:** Perfect for seniors, beginners, and anyone with mobility challenges, our carefully curated yoga flows are accessible to all. **Diverse Flows:** Explore 10+ unique yoga flows such as "Sunrise Salutation," "Midday Energizer," and "Tranquil Twilight," each designed with specific themes focusing on mind, body, and spirit. **Expert Guidance:** Led by world-class yoga instructors, each session provides clear, step-by-step instructions ensuring a safe and rewarding yoga experience. **Holistic Benefits:** Enhance your flexibility, strength, and balance. Reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost your overall mood. **Customizable Sessions:** Choose from a variety of lengths and focuses to fit your schedule and meet your wellness goals. **Mindful Meditation:** Complement your physical practice with guided meditations that foster peace, mindfulness, and mental clarity. **Track Your Journey:** Monitor your progress with intuitive tracking features that celebrate your achievements and encourage consistency. Whether you're starting your day with energy, seeking a midday boost, or winding down for a peaceful evening, "Zen Chair Yoga" offers a sanctuary for your mind and body. Embrace the gentle warrior within, find your zen, and transform your life, one pose at a time. Download "Zen Chair Yoga" now and start your journey towards a more balanced, healthier, and serene life today. Welcome to the community of tranquility and strength. Welcome to Zen Chair Yoga. This app offers annual subscription with 39.99 USD Privacy policy: Terms: Disclaimer: EULA:

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Más sobre este desarrollador

Shadow Work Journal

Rain Sounds & Rainy Mood Sound

Breathwork for Stress Anxiety

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Mindful Daily Affirmations

Are you in pain? Do you have weird health issues and wonder if there are better options out there? Maybe more holistic options? We believe God created your body perfectly with an innate ability to heal, AND that we need support with that sometimes. We want to help support your body, naturally, and also know that there isn't a 'cure all' out there to completely heal all aspects of yourself. We dig into holistic paths to wellness that can support you in releasing pain, healing, and feeling great in this journey called life. During this journey, we ask that you trust your God given intuition to reach out where you may be felling called. You don't need to try every option- just try that ones that are standing out to you! We are here to have in depth chats about therapies that have worked for others, both from the professional and client aspects. Nothing is off the table, we may talk about very unconventional things. We ask you to keep an open mind and listen to people's stories- who knows, maybe it could help you too!

Journey to Wellness Nikki L'Esperance

  • 26 MAR 2024

4. Joni Carlson on Leaning into Intuition, Psychic Mediumship & Education

Joni joins us to chat about her gift, being a psychic medium. She tells her story of how she got to where is now, from childhood on. She also chats about how you can tune in to your intuition and the classes she teaches to take that deeper. Join Joni's next masterclass on April 8-12th! Unlock & Develop your Spiritual Gifts each day with Joni at 7pm in her Facebook group; Tranquil Blue VIP, linked below. This is free and a great way to get to learn about your gifts and intuition on a deeper level. You can find Joni online at, on Facebook at and on Facebook in her Tranquil Blue VIP Group.

  • 19 MAR 2024

3: Gina Erickson on Intention with Technology, Yoga, Massage Therapy + Education

Gina Erickson, Massage Therapist and Educator, hopped on today to have a conversation around mindfulness with our technology. We also chat about yoga and how taking a teacher training impacted her life, and her role as a teacher at Encompass Academy of Massage Therapy. To sign up for her April Class, you can call Gina at 906-337-2962. You can also email her at [email protected].

  • 12 MAR 2024

2: Hypnotherapy, Releasing Trauma with Katie Potratz

In this episode, get to know Katie; Hypnotherapist & more, Katie has witnessed the incredible power that lies within each of us that can end life-long struggles, break generational patterns, and even heal physical pain and dis-ease in the body. That incredible power lies within you. Her mission and passion in life is to create a space for you to harness that power and release the old stories and stored emotion so that you can live a life that's wildly fulfilling. Find Katie online at or on Instagram at

  • 28 FEB 2024

Welcome to Journey To Wellness! Meet Nikki

In this episode, you will meet me, your host, Nikki L'Esperance! -hear my story of why I wanted to start a podcast -what my goals are for this podcast! Find me online on Instagram at or on my website at

  • © Nikki L'Esperance 2021

Top Podcasts In Education

Summer Term Begins May 13

From Poetry to Psychology, This CNM Student is Determined to Help Others on Their Wellness Journey

From Poetry to Psychology, This CNM Student is Determined to Help Others on Their Wellness Journey

Shakkri Ortega-Jackson knows a thing or two about perseverance. 

She was previously enrolled at CNM in 2011 and 2020 but had to take breaks to focus on her family. Now, after enrolling a third time, she’s just a few months away from graduating and couldn’t be more excited. 

“I’ve always wanted to learn more about people and how our brains work, which is why I decided to study Psychology when I came back to CNM in 2020,” she says. “After taking a much-needed break to care for my daughters during the COVID pandemic, I re-enrolled in the program last summer, and now I can’t believe I’m already in my final semester.”

Even though Shakkri has attended CNM at various times in her life, she says the one thing that has stayed consistent is the people. 

“I’ve had the unique opportunity to watch CNM grow over the years, and the individuals I have met along the way have been so influential,” she says. “I have taken lots of great classes, in psychology and other areas, and in each of those classes I have met amazing individuals that have shaped me into who I am today, and for that I am forever grateful.”

Along with her course work, Shakkri is also a student editor for CNM’s student-led literary and fine arts magazine, Leonardo . 

With the help of the Leonardo faculty advisor Jessica Mills, Shakkri was invited to perform some of her original poetry at CNM’s Black History Month Jazz Festival back in February.

“I don’t perform poetry all the time, but my childhood dream was to be a writer so I decided to take the leap when Jessica asked me if I would like to share my poetry at the event,” she explains. “It was definitely nerve wracking, but I also found it really powerful to be that vulnerable and I want to keep exploring performing as a form of self-expression.”

After she graduates in May, Shakkri plans to continue her education and ultimately wants to earn her doctorate in psychology. From there, she would like to open her own practice with a focus on movement therapy, like dance or yoga, to help others on their mental health journey. 

As she reflects on her time at CNM, Shakkri wants to encourage others to trust themselves and go after what they want. 

“If you’re thinking about going back to CNM, or just to school in general, my best piece of advice is to not second guess yourself,” she says. “Don’t let yourself get in the way of going after something that you love and are excited to pursue.”


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  2. The Wonderful Health Benefits of Yoga

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  3. YOGA BENEFITS AND MY YOGA JOURNEY // After one year of practicing yoga at home

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  4. Journey Yoga & Wellness

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  5. Journey yoga Retreats

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  6. How to Begin Your Yoga Journey

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  1. Journey Yoga & Wellness

    Welcome to Journey Yoga & Wellness. Journey Yoga & Wellness located in Newtown, CT. Our mission is to provide a supportive atmosphere accessible to students of all levels. With emphasis on proper breathing, mindful movement and conscious interaction, we aim to develop and nourish your individual practice.

  2. Journey Yoga & Wellness

    Journey Yoga & Wellness, Lakewood, Ohio. 532 likes. Along with studio classes, we Journey throughout the city of Cleveland selecting venues that will bring our friends/students unique yoga experiences.

  3. Journey Yoga & Wellness

    Journey Yoga & Wellness, Newtown, Connecticut. 501 likes · 2 talking about this · 252 were here. Yoga and wellness


    Specialties: Journey Yoga & Wellness is a Yoga Studio based in Cleveland. At Journey Yoga we acknowledge the importance of being seen, accepted, and having a sense of belonging. Our classes are kept small and designed to offer our students an intimate setting allowing for more assists, personal instruction, and support. Along with studio class we also off massage therapy and reiki energy ...

  5. Journey Yoga Studio

    Journey Yoga Studio, located in Richmond's Historic Depot District offers a full schedule of Yoga classes, workshops and events suitable for students ranging from beginners to advanced. We offer Yoga & Barre classes, workshops, and nature retreats.

  6. Journey Within Yoga and Wellness

    Journey Within Yoga and Wellness, Hubbardston, MA. 462 likes · 17 talking about this. Yoga is the journey to the Self, through the Self. We are honored to be part of your Journey. ️

  7. Journey Within Yoga and Wellness in Hubbardston, MA 01452

    Together, let's discover balance, serenity, and renewal on your path to a healthier, happier life. Find Out More. At Journey Within Yoga and Wellness, we provide Yoga and Wellness services to support stress reduction. 01452, 01441.

  8. About

    Journey Yoga Studio and wellness center is a safe space for you to explore all aspects of the Self, experience your expansive potential and embody the lifestyle you truly seek. We believe in celebrating the uniqueness of each person who chooses to discover that within our community. ...

  9. Journey Through Life Yoga & Wellness

    Journey Through Life Yoga and Wellness offers yoga and mindfulness practices to support your health and well-being as you travel the path through the different phases of your life. Regardless of where your journey started or where you ultimately end up there will inevitably be times of change and transition in both your life circumstances and ...

  10. Breaking down barriers on the yoga mat and in the marketplace

    Fei Wade is a young, Black female entrepreneur who's on a wellness journey. Wade is connecting her community to yoga while introducing them to her own drink: Calbucha Kombucha. "I started my business because I was inspired to contribute to my community in a healthy way and I wanted to share a wellness practice," she said.

  11. About Us at Journey Yoga Studio

    Journey Yoga Studio and wellness center is a safe space for you to explore all aspects of Self, experience your expansive potential and embody the lifestyle you truly seek. We believe in celebrating the uniqueness of each person who chooses to discover that within our community.

  12. Classes and Series

    Zoom Yoga. Join us for any of our weekly yoga classes on Zoom! Our new virtual class pass - 5 classes for $65, 10 classes for $120, and 15 classes for $165. Expires 12/21/21. Contact Brenda if interested.

  13. A Journey Into the Heart of Yoga

    Story by Marquel Slaughter, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. • 1h • 2 min read. Learn about the true meaning of yoga, and how its benefits are more than just physical.

  14. Happy Journey Yoga & Wellness by Brenda in Minooka, IL

    Welcome to Happy Journey Yoga & Wellness! We would love for you to join us. Follow on Instagram. Schedule. Monday 8:45am Mantra Monday Yoga Series. Tuesday 5:30pm Yoga Series. Thursday 8:45am Yoga 101 Series. About Me. Brenda VanAsdlen. I love sharing Yoga with beginners as well as students that been practicing for years.

  15. Yoga in Newtown Ct

    Kundalini Yoga, the original of the twenty-two schools of Yoga, combines these but also uses breath and meditation, often in sequential and aerobic exercises, to promote complete super-health, a union of your body, mind and spirit. A typical class will include 15-20 minutes of warm up. A Kriya (set of specific Asana's or Postures), that will ...

  16. Journey Within Yoga and Wellness

    Journey Within Yoga and Wellness. 94 likes. Welcome to Journey Within Health and Wellness.

  17. Guiding Your Journey Towards Healing: Journey Within

    At Journey Within, we offer a diverse range of yoga classes, catering to practitioners of all levels. Our commitment to your overall wellness goes beyond the mat, with an array of additional offerings, including meditation, Mindful guidance, and holistic healing practices. In challenging times, we recognize the importance of mental health.

  18. Rezerv: Fitness, Gym, Yoga 4+

    5. Dive into up-to-date articles across fitness, wellness, arts, and more—make every day a learning experience! Rezeve, one app, countless possibilities. Download now and start your journey to be the healthier, happier you that you deserve!

  19. CT yoga teachers

    Lesley Stephen. Lesley attended her first yoga class in 1983 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and then practiced in various studios, church basements, and bedrooms along the way. She found her way to Journey of Yoga in 2015, reconnecting with Maggie and completing her 200-hour yoga teacher certification in 2016. Lesley strives to create yoga classes ...

  20. Chair Yoga For Seniors App 4+

    ‎Introducing "Chair Yoga" - Your Gateway to Tranquility and Wellness. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation with "Chair Yoga," the app designed to bring the transformative power of yoga into your life, no matter your age, mobility, or fitness level. Tailored specifically for those s…

  21. Transform your self-care journey with Black Girl Yoga and RVL Wellness

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  22. Journey Wellness

    Journey Wellness, Madisonville, KY. 602 likes · 24 talking about this · 13 were here. Yoga is a beautiful way to improve flexibility, balance and strength. We welcome all skill levels.

  23. ‎Journey to Wellness on Apple Podcasts

    We also chat about yoga and how taking a teacher training impacted her life, and her role as a teacher at Encompass Academy of Massage Therapy. To sign up for her April Class, you can call Gina at 906-337-2962. ... Welcome to Journey To Wellness! Meet Nikki. In this episode, you will meet me, your host, Nikki L'Esperance!-hear my story of why I ...

  24. From Poetry to Psychology, This CNM Student is Determined to Help

    After she graduates in May, Shakkri plans to continue her education and ultimately wants to earn her doctorate in psychology. From there, she would like to open her own practice with a focus on movement therapy, like dance or yoga, to help others on their mental health journey.


    21 likes, 0 comments - srmdaustralia on March 26, 2024: " A WEEK OF REJUVENATION AND SELF-CARE WITH WELLNESS EXTRAVAGANZA! Join SRMD Yoga Sydney for a transformative journey filled wi..." 🌿 A WEEK OF REJUVENATION AND SELF-CARE WITH WELLNESS EXTRAVAGANZA! 🌟 Join SRMD Yoga Sydney for a transformative journey filled wi... | Instagram

  26. On the journey to wellness with a smile and a stretch! 'The body

    156 likes, 3 comments - teambeerbiceps on March 6, 2024: "On the journey to wellness with a smile and a stretch! 'The body achieves what the mind believes.' Last ...

  27. The Soul's Journey

    The Soul's Journey - Yoga and Wellness, Franklin, Indiana. 66 likes. Strength for the body, tranquility for the mind, and Peace for the Soul through the practice of Yoga

  28. Happy Journey Yoga and Wellness with Brenda VanAsdlen

    Happy Journey Yoga and Wellness with Brenda VanAsdlen, Minooka, Illinois. 902 likes · 22 talking about this · 42 were here. Offering in person and virtual yoga. Beginner and intermediate classes...