Taïg Khris, ancien sportif devenu entrepreneur : «C’est le moment de se lancer»

Ancien champion du monde de roller, Taïg Khris est désormais, à 45 ans, un entrepreneur accompli.

Taïg Khris a créé une application qui permet via le cloud d'avoir plusieurs lignes téléphoniques sur un même portable avec une unique carte SIM. LP/Matthieu de Martignac

Auteur d’un saut légendaire à rollers du premier étage de la tour Eiffel en 2010, Taïg Khris est devenu un chef d’entreprise qui milite pour que d’autres autodidactes comme lui osent créer leur boîte. Il fera partie des orateurs de l’événement digital Go Entrepreneurs , organisé par le groupe Les Échos - Le Parisien les 9 et 10 juin 2021.

Quel parallèle entre votre parcours sportif et une carrière d’entrepreneur ?

TAÏG KHRIS. Se lancer du premier étage de la tour Eiffel à rollers et créer une entreprise, c’est très différent. En sport, il ne peut y avoir qu’un seul champion dans le monde, la chute peut survenir à tout moment et briser net tous les espoirs. L’entrepreneuriat ressemble davantage à un marathon qu’à un sprint, on ne joue pas tout sur quelques secondes. Il y a tout de même des similitudes avec la vie de sportif : le travail, le perfectionnement, ne pas avoir peur de l’échec et savoir rebondir. De manière générale, je m’assimile à un challenger. Lorsque j’ai souhaité démarrer l’aventure entrepreneuriale, j’ai mis la pratique du sport de côté et je me suis investi nuit et jour, avec toute l’énergie dont je disposais, à la manière d’une compétition de roller. À force de travail acharné, on y arrive.

Comment se sont déroulés vos débuts dans l’entrepreneuriat ?

J’ai spontanément choisi une industrie nouvelle, les télécoms, parce qu’il y a beaucoup d’opportunités de marchés. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant que je n’ai pas rencontré de difficultés : j’ai commencé à l’aveugle dans un milieu inconnu, sans argent, avec comme moteur l’envie de bien faire. Je me suis également formé au management d’équipe car le succès d’une entreprise repose sur le groupe. Il s’agit de motiver les salariés, en étant à la fois intransigeant et empathique. C’est à cela que j’attribue ma réussite. J’ai créé Onoff , une application mobile qui permet d’obtenir facilement un deuxième numéro sur le même téléphone. J’ai également développé Albums, un réseau social de partage privé de photos entre amis.

Un conseil pour se lancer ?

C’est le moment ! Les choses ont beaucoup évolué depuis plusieurs années. Déjà parce qu’il existe des tutoriels : aujourd’hui, on dispose d’énormément d’outils d’e-mailing ou de marketing. En quelques clics, on peut donner l’illusion d’une grosse boîte, même si on est simplement dans son garage. L’autre avantage, c’est l’ouverture du marché : la start-up est à la mode, donc les investisseurs s’y intéressent. Cela doit encourager à essayer.

Même si on n’est pas né là-dedans, qu’on n’a pas fait d’études, on peut y arriver. Souvent, le manque d’éducation et les proches dissuadent les aspirants entrepreneurs de tenter l’expérience. Ils se bloquent aussi eux-mêmes, s’estiment incompétents… Je veux les appeler à dépasser leurs inhibitions : ils sont capables de grandes et belles choses. Participer à Go Entrepreneurs me tient à cœur, j’aspire à transmettre mon expérience et donner espoir aux gens.

taig khris tour eiffel

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En 2023, pendant six mois, Dimitri Raffoux et Elodie Piaskowski ont visité huit pays pour explorer les nouvelles pratiques de management, dont l'Argentine. Les voici ici à Ushuaïa. DR

Taïg Khris: la Tour Eiffel en rollers, sa vie d’entrepreneur, concurrencer les GAFAM avec Albums!

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Interview – La rédaction de Caractères a reçu Taïg Khris! Star du roller, vainqueur des plus grandes compétitions mondiales parmi lesquelles les X-Games, il est l’homme de tous les records, de tous les dépassements ! Le grand public le découvre le 25 mai 2010, alors qu’il s’apprête à sauter en roller depuis le premier étage de la Tour Eiffel. Plus tard, il apparaîtra sur le petit écran, participant à des jeux télévisés comme Koh Lanta, Pékin Express ou Danse avec les Stars.

Taïg Khris refait parler de lui en 2014, lorsqu’il lance OnOff, un opérateur de télécommunications mondial, qui lui offre une place au hall of fame des entrepreneurs français les plus influents. En mars 2021 il lance Albums, une application photo et vidéo avec laquelle il espère concurrencer les géants du réseau social.

taig khris tour eiffel

Taïg Khris vient donc de lancer Albums, une application en passe de devenir le WhatsApp de la photo et de la vidéo! Après le sport, le métier de présentateur pour la télévision et l’entreprenariat, l’ancien sportif se dirige vers un tout autre domaine.

Même s’il grandit loin de tout enseignement traditionnel, l’école est un sujet qui le passionne. Il songe aujourd’hui à inventer l’école de demain:

“Y’a beaucoup de parents qui ont peur pour le futur, pour le lendemain. Toujours à dire à leurs enfants “Il Faut que tu penses à ton avenir!” Pour les miens, ce qui comptait le plus c’est que je sois heureux. Le jour où j’aurais des enfants je créerai une école, basée sur la liberté. C’est difficile d’avoir un avis tranché, parce que je ne connais pas l’école! Donc je ne sais pas ce qui est bien ou pas bien. Mais un truc est certain, c’est que j’ai un ressenti de l’extérieur, je pense que l’école est un peu dépassée. Si un jour je peux créer cette école, je pourrais vraiment aider à grande échelle” Taig Khris, 14/04/21 – Caractères média

Après sa carrière de sportif de haut niveau, il passe d’une notoriété assez “niche”, liée à son sport (le roller), à une célébrité nationale, avec la télévision! En 2003 on le voit chez France Télévision dans l’émission l’été de tous les records . En 2010, il participe à Koh Lanta et Pékin Express ! Et la même année, il organisez un événement qui marque les esprits du Monde entier: un saut en rollers depuis le premier étage de la Tour Eiffel!

Aujourd’hui, c’est un Taïg Khris entrepreneur que nous rencontrons. Toujours dans la même veine de challenge et de dépassement de soi, il a cependant du faire face à un milieu qui ne le prenait pas au sérieux:

“Les fonds d’investissement m’ont un peu ri au nez, au début, quand je suis arrivé en béquille. Et en tant que rollerman quand je leur disais que je voulais créer un opérateur mobile mondial ils sont tombés de leur chaise et m’ont dit non, on ne va pas vous financer! Quand on n’est pas attendu dans une entreprise, qu’on part au bas de l’échelle, qu’on a pas d’argent, et qu’on est tout seul, une des premières choses c’est d’amener à cette industrie quelque chose qui n’existe pas! C’est clair que dans les dîners, quand je disais vouloir créer un opérateur mobile mondial et que les gens autour de la table rigolaient, je le prenais un peu personnellement!” Taig Krhis, 14/04/21 – Caractères média

Taïg Khris crée ALBUMS, le réseau social français

Aujourd’hui, après l’expérience et la renommée acquises avec l’application OnOff, il se lance corps et âme dans le projet ALBUMS. Un service de stockage et de partage de vidéos. Là encore, le défi est énorme: fédérer un public français et européen autour d’une seule application, indépendante de l’emprise des GAFAM et des grandes puissances mondiales.

“C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles j’ai créé Albums, c’est la frustration et le complexe qu’en France, nos investisseurs et nos politiques ont vu passer le train et l’ont laissé passer sans rien faire! Et donc finalement on perd une bataille stratégique pour les 100 prochaines années! Parce que c’est quand même dingue de se dire que toute la communication, toute la vie des gens est sur des serveurs américains, chinois ou russes et que nous, on n’a aucun poids là-dessus! C’est presque un poids politique! Je ne suis pas du tout pour Donald Trump, mais on voit dernièrement que Twitter et Facebook ont supprimé la voix d’un Président en exercice! C’est quand même délirant! Ça veut dire qu’aux prochaines élections françaises, si les Gafam n’aiment pas un de nos candidats, en un clic ils le suppriment de la scène médiatique et on pourra rien faire!” Taïg Khris, 14 avril 2021 – caractères média

Est-il sensé de parler de GAFAM à la française? Est-ce réalisable? Pourrons-nous, d’ici quelques années, concurrencer les Etats-Unis et les grands groupes comme Facebook, Google, Amazon, avec des services français dont les DATA ne seraient pas exploitées aux quatre coins du Monde, mais centralisés et plus sécurisés? Albums pourrait-il devenir le leader de ce GAFAM français?

“Y’a un vrai problème, presque politique, de créer un GAFA français et européen. Ou en tout cas un réseau social français et européen. J’ai pas la prétention de dire que c’est Albums qui le deviendra mais j’ai l’ambition que ça le devienne! Et en tout cas je lance le message pour que d’autres entrepreneurs se mettent dans la lignée, et je lance un message aux politiques et aux investisseurs de soutenir ce genre de projets! Parce que c’est très beau! Souvent les investisseurs me disent “nous aussi on a l’ambition de créer des réseaux sociaux à l’américaine, en France! Sauf que quand il faut faire le chèque, y’a plus personne!” TAIG KRHIS, 14/04/21 – CARACTÈRES MÉDIA

Taïg Khris a 45 ans. Il est de la génération d’Elon Musk, Directeur de Tesla et Président de SpaceX, que certains voient comme un ingénieur et leader inspirant. Est-ce que l’on envie la réussite d’un autre entrepreneur? Quel regard porte-t-il sur l’activité de Musk?

“Un mec comme Elon Musk j’adore, parce que c’est un mec qui pense out of the box, qui pense avec beaucoup d’ambition, qui n’a pas peur de changer le Monde dans sa vision. Même si parfois il est extravagant! Mais au contraire, j’aime ce côté de vouloir sortir des clous! Je ne le vois pas comme une idole, mais je le considère avec beaucoup de respect! Comme un objectif vers lequel tendre. J’aimerais beaucoup, un jour, pouvoir le rencontrer, et faire des projets qui se rapprochent de ce que fait Elon Musk. Peut-être qu’un jour je ferais des projets similaires!” TAIG KRHIS, 14/04/21 – CARACTÈRES MÉDIA

La suite de l’interview, c’est ici !


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En vidéo – Dans les coulisses du record de Taïg Khris à la Tour Eiffel

Taig Khris

Taïg Khris rentrait un peu plus dans la légende des sports extrêmes il y a tout juste 10 ans. Son exploit, s’élancer du premier étage de la Tour Eiffel dans le but d’établir le record du monde de saut dans le vide en roller.

En 2010, Taïg Khris réussissait un saut sur rampe à 40 mètres de hauteur depuis une plateforme attenante au 1er étage de la tour Eiffel. Assurément l’exploit sportif le plus retentissant à la tour Eiffel. Même s’il s’y est pris à deux fois, le triple champion du monde de roller, a battu le record du monde de saut avec une chute de 12,5 m devant 80 000 spectateurs amassés sur le Champ de Mars.

Retransmise par la chaîne de télévision  W9 , la tentative de Taïg Khris a été suivie par plus d’un million de téléspectateurs. Sûrement pour le plus grand plaisir de ses sponsors.

Média de référence des sports extrêmes, Riding Zone nous embarque dans les coulisses de cet exploit mémorable. Bon visionnage !

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taig khris tour eiffel

International Register




The Eiffel Tower has inspired numerous sporting, artistic and scientific feats, but has also been witness to some incredible stunts and challenges. Its history is full of feats and exploits.

1889 "Le Figaro" sets up a printing press on the 2nd floor and produces its daily paper on site. Visitors buying their newspaper can have their name inscribed on their copy to "certify" that they climbed the Tower. On September 11, Gustave Eiffel welcomes Thomas Edison and his phonographs on the 1st floor. The men dine together.

1901 On several occasions Santos-Dumont sets off from Saint-Cloud, just to the west of Paris, in his dirigible and flies past the Eiffel tower to win a prize.

1905 "Le Sport" organizes a championship race up the stairs to the 1st floor, won by Forestier in 3 minutes, 12 seconds. The prize: a bike.

1909 On October 18, the Count of Lambert flies over Paris and around the Eiffel tower for the first time in the history of aviation. His aircraft is a "Wright", made of wood and canvas. In Eiffel’s aerodynamics laboratory at the foot of the tower, the first research is carried out on the plane wing sections used by Wright, Voisin and Farmann, using the vertical drop from the 2nd floor.

1912 "Birdman", one Reichelt, a tailor based in Longjumeau, throws himself off the 1st floor with his handmade parachute and crashes to the ground at the feet of the press. An aviation enthusiast, Gustave Eiffel builds the first return flow wind tunnel, as a result of numerous plans and drawings. The "Engineer of the Universe" conducted over 5,000 experiments on the resistance of wings and propellers to air.

1923 The journalist Pierre Labric, future Mayor of Montmartre, cycles from the first floor down to the ground on his bike, and without authorization. The descent was given substantial coverage. The cup won by the "hero" is currently to be found in the cellars of the Eiffel Tower.

1926 The aviator Léon Collot is killed flying under the Eiffel Tower. Blinded by the sun, he hits the television antennas.

1934 Jacopozzi installs a clock and a thermometer along the tower. Red lamps represent mercury.

1939 For the Tower’s 50th anniversary, high mass is celebrated on the 1st floor in the presence of the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr. Chaptal.

1944 On August 24th, a three-colored flag, the symbol of liberated Paris, is raised to the top of the tower. The flag is made from three bedsheets sewn together.

1948 Bouglione, of the eponymous circus, takes one his "inmates" for a little promenade. At 85, the oldest elephant in the world cannot make it further than the first floor.

1964 To celebrate the Tower’s 75th anniversary, mountaineers Guido Magnone and René Desmaison climb the Tower, and the event is broadcast by Eurovision.

1983 Charles Coutard and Joël Descuns ride up and down the Tower on their motocross bikes. An international auction is held in the Gustave Eiffel room on the first floor to sell parts of the spiral staircase that linked the 2nd and 3rd floors – with 12 television channels attending.

1984 Two Britons, Amanda Tucker and Mike MacCarthy, parachute-jump from the third floor without permission.

1987 A.J. Hackett, a New Zealander, bungy-jumps from the 2nd floor.

1989 For the centenary of the Eiffel Tower, the tightrope walker Philippe Petit "walks" across the 700 meters that separate the Palais de Chaillot from the Tower.

1995 Triathlete Yves Lossouarn breaks the record for climbing the Tower stairs on foot in 8 minutes and 51 seconds. Seventy-five athletes take part in the race, organized for a special Arte television evening.

1997 A professional British stuntman parachute-jumps from the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower. 12th World Youth Days: the Pope pays a tribute to the Eiffel Tower in front of 300,000 pilgrims gathered on the Champ de Mars to meditate. To celebrate Halloween, an extraordinary vegetable garden containing 85 tonnes of pumpkins is installed in the Trocadéro gardens.

1998 Hugues Richard breaks the record for climbing the Eiffel Tower stairs from the ground floor to the 2nd floor on a mountain-bike. For the Football World Cup, nearly 700 journalists and 120 television stations from all over the world are welcomed to the Eiffel Tower, in the reception pavilion set up for the occasion on the ground floor. Throughout the World Cup, a camera set up on the roof of the Unesco building films the Eiffel Tower around the clock. The footage is used as the reference for televisions the world over. The "Three Tenors" concert at the foot of the Eiffel tower: José Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti sing on the Champ de Mars for an audience of 200,000 people, with the illuminated Eiffel Tower as a backdrop.

1999 A golf tournament is held in Paris for the first time with the 1st and last hole under the Eiffel Tower.

2000 As part of the Firemen’s World Games, the most prestigious competition – climbing stairs from the ground to the 1st floor of the building – is held at the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is decked out for the Europe Days on May 9. European flags are raised on the1st floor, on the gallery roof. The set of a French fund-raising telethon is installed on the Champ de Mars. The Eiffel Tower is in the background throughout the many hours during which the program is broadcast live on the France 2 channel. The Orchestre de Paris and the Boston Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa give a free concert on the Champ de Mars in front of the Eiffel Tower, which is illuminated for the occasion. Johnny Hallyday gives a free concert at the foot of the Eiffel Tower for an audience of 600,000 people. Pyrotechnics and a light show enhance the Tower for the occasion.

2001 The Spaniard Aitor Sarasua Zumeta smashes the record previously set by Hugues Richard for climbing the tower on a mountain-bike. As part of an exhibition on the Champ de Mars organized by the French land army, 10 climbers of the Paris Fire Brigade climb up to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower and abseil down from the first floor.

2002 Hugues Richard breaks his own record in 1998 of climbing the Tower on his mountain-bike. The Eiffel Tower participates in the first "Nuit Blanche" organized by Paris City Hall on October 5. Sophie Calle, at the top of the monument all night, welcomes visitors who come to tell her stories. The Eiffel Tower welcomes 18,425 people between 6 pm and 7 am. The Tower welcomes its 200 millionth visitor since it opened in 1889. To celebrate the event, an exceptional evening is organized on the1st floor. All the tourism professionals and partners who contributed to the success are invited, and more than 1,200 of them accept. An immense heart made from 5,000 vine stocks painted pink is placed at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The event is held in aid of the people affected by the explosion at the AZF plant in Toulouse in September 2001.

2003 The Eiffel Tower is decked out in colors representing Paris’s candidature to host the Olympic Games of 2012. The First International Meetings for Defense are held on the Champ de Mars. The Paris Fire Brigade puts on a show around the Eiffel tower by abseiling from the1st floor. Centenary of the Tour de France: the prologue departs from the foot of the Eiffel Tower. For the end-of-year festivities, a forest of fir trees is planted under the Eiffel Tower. A giant hopscotch game is installed on the1st floor.

2004 The VTT champion, Xavier Casas from Andorra, beats his own record for climbing the steps on a VTT:  1,300 steps! He obtained an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for this feat. French champion ice skaters, Sarah Abitbol & Stéphane Bernadis, inaugurate the 200 square meter skating rink installed on the 1st floor of the tower. A real success, the rink welcomed more than a thousand skaters each day.  

2005 On May 18th, the athlete Jerome Sue descended the 345 steps from the 1st floor to the ground floor in a wheel chair.

2006 A roller skating rink was set up on the 1st floor from November 18th to 20th. Taïg Khris, twice world champion in the sport, amazed the amateurs with his demonstrations. Yoggi, young French champion of the monocycle, went up the stairs to the second floor in 22 minutes without setting foot on the ground.

2007 From June 1st to 10th, the Tower welcomed an under-water diving pool 240 square meters in size installed at the foot of the tower allowing 3,000 visitors to get a scuba diving initiation. At the end of the year, visitors were able to put on snowshoes and follow a 300-meter trail of snow around the first floor of the monument. For this celebration of the Polar Year, a special icy bar opened and a 6-meter ice model of the Eiffel Tower decorated the first floor. 

2010 May 29th, the roller skating champion Taig Khris beats the world record jump from a platform located at the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower with a 12.5 meters free fall jump.

2015 80 athletes take part in the 1st edition of the Eiffel Tower Vertical on March 19th 2015. Suzy WALSHAM (09:44.74) and Piotr LOBODZINSKI (07:50.93) become the first winners.

2016 On March 17th, the second edition of the Eiffel Tower Vertical also sees Suzy WALSHAM (9:48.90) and Piotr LOBODZINSKI (7:48.77) win the event, with a new record for LOBODZINSKI. 100 athletes took part in the event that year.

2017 128 runners (the same as the age of the Eiffel Tower) begin their ascent on the third edition of the Eiffel Tower Vertical. And for the third year in a row, Suzy WALSHAM (9:34.75) and Piotr LOBODZINSKI (7:54.76) win the event.

2018 This year, 129 riders (1 more year, 1 more rider) will take the start of the 4th edition of the Vertical of the Eiffel Tower. This year again, Suzy WALSHAM (10:02.70) and Piotr LOBODZINSKI (7:56.67) win the competition for the 4th consecutive time.

2019 130 riders were on the starting line for the 5th edition of the Vertical of the Eiffel Tower. This year again, Suzy Walsham (10:16:57) and Piotr Lobodzinski (7:53:97) won the competition for the 5th consecutive time.

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Taig Khris - Mega Jump @ Tour Eiffel, paris | 29.05.2010 | by fabiengelle

Taig Khris - Mega Jump @ Tour Eiffel, paris | 29.05.2010

Record du monde de saut en roller sur rampe depuis la tour eiffel. vidéo: www.m6mobilemegajump.fr/#/accueil.

taig khris tour eiffel

Taig Khris: Behind Closed Doors, Part 2 of 2

taig khris tour eiffel

Introduction by Dave Bloom Interview by Dave Bloom & Oliver Nermerich Photography by Jacques Ginet,    Jean-Charles Caslot (M6 mobile by Orange)  &  Benjamin Brillante

Read the first part of the interview here .

What kind of skater do you view yourself as in a situation like this? Aggressive skater, freestyle roller? Does it even matter? 

Aggressive skater, and no, it doesn’t matter. It’s who I am.

What support have you seen from the rollerblading world, both with this event and the Eiffel Tower event?  

I received great support from all of my pro friends; Sven, Nel, Lamine, etc., friends that borrow me ramps, etc. They all came for free to skate there to make demos since they knew I had put all the money I had to make my jump. But, besides that I really don’t have much time to read rollerblading forums. And, unfortunately the rollerblade industry cannot really help me. The projects became too big and went beyond the industry of action sports. When it gets to be that size it is hard to control it and make it work within a small industry. We really stretched things with this.

Were there some old rolling friends on site to support you? Who was there watching and cheering you on? 

Yes there were some, and it was so cool. There were Jerry Bekker, Rafael Sandoz, etc.

Why did you choose a Superman Front Flip?  

I was practicing two jumps: the double back flip and the superman front flip. I chose the superman front because the symbol of the Sacré-Cœur jump was flying above Paris and I had dreamed of having photos of me flying like that above Paris. At the training I was landing them perfectly. I made about seven hundred of them during the two months prior. But, because of the drop of twelve meters at the event, everything changed. It’s totally different to make a front flip or double back landing at the same height compared to landing at twelve meters lower than the takeoff. Add in the slippery resi I was landing on so hard at one hundred kilometers an hour into the airbag that I could not move my neck. It took me one month to be able to move my neck properly after the jump.

Did you land that one properly to qualify for a world record? Or, did they award you with world record for the straight jump only? 

No, they did award only for the straight jump.

Was the City of Paris bit more cooperative this time? How open-minded is the city towards these (risky and dangerous) events/stunts?  

No, it was almost impossible to get the authorization again. Every time we try something it becomes a new war. It always means we have to adapt like crazy. It’s never the same people because of different areas within Paris.

You enter a crazy politic war and security is very important for the people in charge. You are really lucky to have such great support in doing this. How did it all come about? What stages bring you from just an idea all the way up to the actual event? Was this something you came up with or is there a team that puts together the entire plan from the original idea to training and working the trick itself out? 

It’s a long story. I was fed up with competing. I wanted to do something different and build things for big crowds. My television producer asked me one night, “Why don’t you set a huge record like that?” I took his advice and started to work nonstop. People really don’t know what I had to do to make it. I had two partners that helped me out a lot. But, I still had to create and build everything myself. I had to learn many new programs on the computer and had to make a crazy presentation of around one hundred pages long. I basically worked nonstop, day and night, for two years, to build the team, fund the budget, make so many different presentations, and most of all making more than one hundred and fifty meetings with politicians and sponsors. And, it’s hard because if something you work for two years is cancelled in the end you lose two years of your life and a lot of money. Both Eiffel Tower and Sacré-Cœur were my idea.

What support and reaction have you received from people who outside of this event have no understanding of rollerblading and the culture it hosts? What were some responses you received from spectators?  

The response from 99 % of them has been amazing. It really is incredible because you are no longer just talking about rollerblading or action sports. You are talking about dreams, about achieving the impossible. I realize people will always remember that one day a guy jumped off the Eiffel Tower. And, it’s so cool because there is no age limit to the event. Everyone knows of it. Even people that are more than seventy years old are familiar with it. It’s absolutely unreal.

What level of media coverage was there for the Sacré-Cœur event? Was it more or less than the Eiffel Tower stunt? What reaction did the media bring? Positive, negative, or just a typical brief spotlight? 

No, the media was also something totally unique and incredible. We reached 167 countries. 100.000 people came to see the jump making it the best television audience in the history of that channel. Everything was like in a dream. These world records are undeniably epic on their scale.

What impact do you see this having on both the culture and actual technique and limits of skating as well as how the rest of the world views skating as a sport and culture? 

I would say those records give just a little light to rollerblading. But, it’s the job of all the skaters to continue building the good image in the skate parks and on the streets. After all, it’s their job to show the culture of it, to show the world what it’s all about.

You have done a lot of crazy stuff in your life so far. Can you give us a short recap of your craziest stunts?   

Well, my craziest stunts, beside the Eiffel Tower and Sacré-Cœur, were mainly done on the ramp: first Double Back in a contest, Double Back 540° (but I broke my wrist), first ever Double Flat Spin, first ever Flat Spin 900°, first 900°, Double Back Method between 2 ramps with a gap of three meters, flying Invert at two meters high, fakie switch 900° Stale Fish, and Ghetto Spin 720°.

What does your girlfriend think about all this? She must be a nervous wreck. What does she say to you when you approach with these ideas for the first time?  

Yes, my girlfriend and parents are very stressed about this all. I think when I will stop doing records and only skate for fun like that they will all be very happy. Also, because I have really crazy ideas and will probably take much bigger risks in the future they aren’t likely to be less stressed anytime soon.  

taig khris tour eiffel

What kind of skates did you use for the event? How many wheels, axles, and other parts have you gone through in the various training and practice sessions? 

I have pretty typical skates: always my Rollerblades. Even when I was no longer sponsored by Rollerblade I still skated on them. It just took a longer frame to be more stable. And my Cozmo René Hulgreen wheels. I’m glad I kept some. 

Looking back is there anything you would have done to improve your setup for the jump?

Yes, of course. Many things, probably. I would have brought an airbag that would stop me without hurting me at the Eiffel Tower and a non-sliding landing for the Sacré-Cœur.

Overall, are you pleased with the end result of everything, both personally and how your peers and the world around viewed it? 

I am pleased for achieving my dreams. To have worked day and night putting all my passion, my money, taking crazy risks and at least it worked and I did it. Of course it was not perfect, but it’s rare to make it perfect the first or second time. The great thing is that I have opened doors for the future. I have so many new records coming up (which I will take care of to land good this time) and I have a movie next year, many television shows, and more. It’s crazy that the sport I started doing with one friend under a highway took me so far. That’s why it’s important to follow your dreams and your passions. I am skating now for thirty years. And probably it’s just the beginning.

Lets talk about the sport itself. All-in-all, what do you think about skating today, where it has come and where it may be headed? 

I am little sad to see where skating went. I remember when rollerblading was the number one sport in action sports. But, our industry was not ready to carry it. It’s sad because the level of talent is certainly there. The Yasutoko brothers are killing it so much. They really bring so much respect to the sport. And, of course all the street skaters are also going huge. I just wish we could see them at the X-Games on the mega ramp showing everybody that inline can fly higher. But, I am sure given time we will get back there. It is definitely quite different from how it was early on, very much so in every aspect. While some the original nature exists, the style, both in skating and attire, has changed and evolved so much.

Do you think anything is missing or lacking from the sport? 

The level, the culture, the style of rollerblading… It’s all there. The only thing missing is older people to manage it. The people who are experts in building events or television shows.

What do you think about tours? Have you thought about organizing some sort of rolling promotion tour? 

I was thinking of building a tour as well, but more for the big crowds. But, I love to see tours happening because it’s only the passion of skating and touring. No baggage. It is purely fun-based. Rollerblading is my life; so many memories with so many friends.

What do you think about the path that the X-Games has taken? Any chance that you see skating making its way back into the event in the future? In your eyes, would this be a good thing or a bad thing? 

I think it would be a very good thing. It will give so much promotion and help the entire industry restart. I think it will come back in the future, but we need leaders, we need American people that have the level and the charisma to step up on television, and all of that being managed by an expert in marketing and communication. That’s the way to re-enter the X-Games.

Are you still skating half-pipe on a regular basis? Why haven’t we seen you in half-pipe competitions anymore? Did you feel it was time to step aside and give the younger generation an opportunity to step it up? 

Unfortunately, I really don’t have as many chances to skate full-time lately. I only do a few shows a year, but in between I do almost nothing on a ramp. I still skate around Paris for fun with my girlfriend and some friends. But, with all the projects going on, free time is almost non-existant at the moment. As far as competition goes I am over it. I had reached my dreams in that area and decided to step down. I felt it was a good time to vacate my place for the new generation to take over.

Alright, here is what everyone really wants to know. After all that has been done so far, what’s next? Is there a line, a limit, and challenge that you won’t accept? 

I have worked on a bunch of records over the past three to five years something in the range of around two a year. That may not seem like a lot, but believe me when I say that the work going into it makes it that much more difficult beyond just doing a trick one time. Now that I have reached a little of this dream I really want to bring it to a different level. I will not say what record attempt I am working on at the moment, because I never know if I will manage to get the authorization, but I fight everyday for it. In my mind I have one that is totally insane going beyond just rollerblading or action sports all together. It will still involve my skates and a ramp, but it’s going to be on a totally different level. Let’s just cross fingers for all those dreams to achieve, for myself and for everyone that has their own goals that they work towards to make a reality. Thank you, all.  

taig khris tour eiffel

Taig Khris official website M6 Mobile Guinness World Records  

taig khris tour eiffel

Tour Eiffel

Roller Skating Ramp on the 1st Floor of the Eiffel Tower !

Friday 10 November 2006

Modified the 02/01/18

Learn to skate 57 meters above Paris...

A real skaters’ ramp, 15 meters long by 7.5 meters wide, will be installed on the first level of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking the Champ de Mars, for three days. State-licensed skaters will be on hand to assist young and old, from 7 to 77 years old, in learning to skate inline. The champion team Taïg Khris, twice world champions, will demonstrate the moves.

...free to all visiting the Tower

All visitors to the Eiffel Tower will be admitted free of charge with their Eiffel Tower entrance tickets. You can reach the ramp either by the elevators or the stairs. The stairs to the first floor represent 345 steps, a great way to warm-up before skating (skates are provided on site), especially for young adults less than 25 years old who can take advantage of the special price (3€).

World champions perform on the Eiffel Tower !

Monday, November 20th at 7:30 pm, Taïg Khris, Ambassador of the association Voix de l’Enfant, will show the spectators what champion skating is all about. Before, at 6:30 pm, Yoggy is going to attempt to beat his own world record in going up the Tower stairs on a monocycle, also organized by the association la Voix de l’Enfant that is celebrating 25 years of events on the Eiffel Tower.

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Today : 09:30 - 23:00

Price : 29.40€

Take Paris’ most spectacular ride to the top for €29.40 or less (€29.40 for adult ticket with access to top by lift).

On the same theme

La Verticale

The Eiffel Tower Vertical ® on Thursday, March 16th 2017


Visit the roftoop garden on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower

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Horses in the spotlight at the foot of the Eiffel Tower

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    May 29th, the roller skating champion Taig Khris beats the world record jump from a platform located at the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower with a 12.5 meters free fall jump. 2015 80 athletes take part in the 1st edition of the Eiffel Tower Vertical on March 19th 2015. Suzy WALSHAM (09:44.74) and Piotr LOBODZINSKI (07:50.93) become the first winners.

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