• Aug 10, 2023

Beginners guide to creating a travel blog with Wix

Do you want to run a blog, but don't know where to get started.

Creating a travel blog is a fantastic way to document your journeys, connect with like-minded individuals, and even potentially earn an income. With its user-friendly interface and cost-effective options, Wix stands out as the perfect platform for launching your very own travel blog.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through setting up your blog using both the free and paid versions of the platform, highlighting the benefits of each, and discuss why Wix is the ideal choice.

Having personally chosen Wix as the platform for my own blog and website, I invite you to explore my site and take inspiration as you consider the right blogging platform for you. Whether you're just starting out or have questions along the way, feel free to reach out—I'm here to help!

Getting started with Wix as a Travel Blogger

1. Sign Up and Choose a Template: Begin by signing up for a Wix account. Once registered, you'll have access to a wide range of beautifully designed templates tailored to various blog niches, including travel. Choose a template that resonates with your style and travel aesthetic. Note that you can create your site for free and launch it after customization, it will just have the Wix branding. To remove the Wix branding a paid version is needed.

2. Customize Your Blog: Wix's drag-and-drop editor allows you to personalize your blog with ease. Adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to create a unique and captivating online presence. Customize the template to reflect your travel experiences, incorporating images and design elements that showcase your adventures. The top reason that I went with Wix for my travel blog is because of the ease in design.

3. Crafting Compelling Content: Start creating and publishing content that captures your travel experiences. Wix's intuitive editor enables you to effortlessly add text, images, videos, and even interactive elements. Craft engaging blog posts that transport readers to the destinations you've explored.

Free Version: Basic Blogging with a Web Presence

The free version of Wix provides an excellent starting point for aspiring travel bloggers:

Cost-effective: Wix's free version allows you to launch your blog without any upfront expenses.

User-friendly: The platform's intuitive interface requires no coding skills, making it accessible to beginners.

Basic Web Presence: You'll have a functional website where you can publish and share your travel stories.

Responsive Design: Your blog will look great on various devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Subdomain: Your blog's URL will include "" unless you upgrade to a custom domain.

Limited Storage: The free version comes with limited storage space for media files.

Paid Options: Enhancing Your Travel Blogging Experience

Wix offers several paid plans, each with its unique set of benefits. The "Combo" and "Unlimited" plans are great for basic bloggers looking to establish a stronger online presence:

1. Combo Plan: For a modest investment, the Combo plan offers significant advantages over the free version:

Custom Domain: Choose a personalized domain name, enhancing your blog's professionalism and branding.

Increased Storage: Enjoy ample storage space for high-quality images, videos, and other media.

Ad Removal: Say goodbye to Wix ads on your site, providing a cleaner and more polished look.

Connect to Google Analytics: Gain insights into your audience and blog performance for better optimization.

2. Unlimited Plan: Stepping up to the Unlimited plan provides even more features for a richer blogging experience:

Unlimited Bandwidth: Accommodate higher traffic volumes without worrying about bandwidth limitations.

Form Builder App: Engage with your readers through interactive forms and collect valuable feedback.

Site Booster App: Improve your blog's visibility with enhanced search engine optimization (SEO) tools.

Benefits of the Yearly Option:

Opting for a yearly subscription instead of monthly payments brings additional perks:

Cost Savings: Yearly plans offer a discounted rate compared to monthly subscriptions, making it more budget-friendly in the long run.

Free Domain: Many yearly plans include a free domain registration for the first year, reinforcing your blog's unique identity.

In conclusion, creating a captivating travel blog has never been easier with Wix's user-friendly interface and budget-friendly pricing options. Whether you're starting with the free version or upgrading to a paid plan, Wix provides the tools you need to showcase your adventures, connect with readers, and establish a compelling online presence.

With the Combo and Unlimited plans offering advanced features, and the benefits of the yearly subscription adding even more value, Wix is the perfect platform for both beginners and experienced bloggers alike.

Start your blogging journey today and share your travel stories with the world!

Click edit and create your own amazing website

Travel Blog - Website Template

Travel blogs, passion projects and personal sites


You're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and this template is perfect for your collection of keepsakes and memories. Whether you're keeping a blog or creating a photo collection on Instagram, you can easily adapt the site to fit your needs. Don't forget to add details about yourself and your work availability before going live!

20+ Best Wix Blog Templates & Examples (Create a Blog on Wix)

Setting up a blog using Wix is quite easy. In fact, it will only take you a few minutes to go from registering a Wix account to having a full-featured blog up and running.

The only task that will likely take up most of your time is finding a great template for your blog design. Because there are tons of templates in the Wix library. So we wanted to help you save your time by picking out the best of the best Wix blog templates for you.

In this post, you’ll find some of the most beautiful and professional-looking Wix blog templates you can use to setup a blog. There are many different styles of blog template designs in this collection so be sure to explore them all.

If you’re new to Wix, read the guide on how to create a blog on Wix at the end of the post.

Minimal Personal Blog Wix Template

Minimal Personal Blog Wix Template

A clean and minimal design is often the perfect choice for a personal blog. That’s why we think this is the best template you can use to setup a beautiful personal blog.

This Wix blog template comes with an eye-catching fullscreen design with plenty of white space to bring more attention to your content. It has a featured post section on the homepage, a section to promote your email list, as well as a sidebar to introduce yourself and promote your social feeds.

Elegant Personal Wix Blog Template

Elegant Personal Wix Blog Template

If you’re looking to craft a stylish personal blog to write about your life journey, this elegant Wix blog template is perfect for you.

It features a visual-centric homepage design where you can add a photo of yourself to give a personalized look to your blog. It also uses lots of colors to make the site look more attractive. Of course, you can choose from different color themes to change the design as well.

Food Blog Template for Wix

Food Blog Template for Wix

If you love to write about foods, review food items, or even share your recipes online, this Wix blog template is a great choice to build your own food blog.

The template has a cool design with parallax scrolling elements on the homepage. It includes lots of space for adding large images to get your readers interested in tasty foods. There are sections on the template for promoting your email list and socials too.

Fashion & Lifestyle Blog Wix Template

Fashion & Lifestyle Blog Wix Template

The elegant and simple design of this Wix blog template makes it one of the best designs in Wix’s library. It’s also perfect for setting up fashion and lifestyle blogs.

Visuals are very important when writing about fashion so this blog template provides you with plenty of ways to show off your fashion and lifestyle photos not only on the homepage but with each blog post you create.

Travel & Influencer Wix Blog Template

Travel & Influencer Wix Blog Template

If you’re a travel blogger or influencer looking to share your journeys online, use this Wix blog template to build your travel blog.

It comes with a unique design that allows you to highlight your travels and locations you’ve visited on the homepage. There are sections to promote your email list. And you can embed your Instagram feed directly into the blog as well.

Hobby Blog & Forum Wix Template

Hobby Blog & Forum Wix Template

With this Wix blog template, you can setup a website to share your passions and hobbies with the rest of the world.

This template comes with a stylish blog and forum layout that allows you to create a professional-looking hobby blog. It actually has an incredible design that’s suitable for any type of blog. Feel free to customize and use it however you like.

Lifestyle Wix Blog Template

Lifestyle Wix Blog Template

Whether you want to share stories about your lifestyle or share memories from your family, this template has the perfect design to make a unique lifestyle blog.

There are multiple sections on this Wix blog template where you can showcase the main categories, blog posts, and introductions on the homepage. It also lets you choose from several different color themes.

News & Magazine Wix Blog Template

News & Magazine Wix Blog Template

This great template proves that Wix is a platform you can use to build many different types of blogs, including news blogs and magazines.

You can use this Wix template to make a news website of your own. The template has a design that looks just like a high-quality news website with divided sections to show different categories and a professional blog post layout.

Design Blog Wix Template

Design Blog Wix Template

Interior designers, fashion designers, graphic designers, and all other types of designers in between can use this Wix template to create a simple blog to share their work.

The template comes with a minimal design with a beautifully structured blog layout for writing blog posts about your design work, sharing stories about your projects, as well as for making case studies, and more.

Music & Podcast Wix Blog Template

Music & Podcast Wix Blog Template

If you’re a musician, artist, or podcaster looking to setup a landing page to share your music with the world, use this Wix blog template to create your website.

This template has a bright and colorful design where you can effectively promote your music to your audience. It has sections to include links to your podcasts, music albums, and allows you to promote your email list and social channels as well.

Sports & Fitness Wix Blog Template

Sports & Fitness Wix Blog Template

You can setup a bold and professional-looking blog to write about sports or fitness using this Wix template. It’s perfect for coaches and influencers too.

The blog template uses a bright and colorful design that makes it easier for you to get the attention of the visitors. Also, there are sections for you to promote your training programs and get clients to book sessions with you as well.

Vlogger Wix Blog Template

Vlogger Wix Blog Template

Instagram and YouTube vloggers will surely find this Wix blog template useful as it allows you to promote your channel online and on other platforms.

The template has big placeholders for you to include large images and lets you embed your Instagram feeds on the website. It also has a section to promote your videos too.

Coaching Blog Wix Template

Coaching Blog Wix Template

A blog is a must-have for coaching professionals and trainers. It helps you promote your work much more efficiently online and get discovered by new clients.

This Wix blog template is perfect for making coaching blogs as well as blogs for various other types of trainers. The template features a fullscreen design that utilizes space quite well to showcase your blog posts on the homepage.

Modern News Wix Blog Template

Modern News Wix Blog Template

You can use this Wix blog template to setup your own modern magazine or news website in just a few clicks.

The template features a flexible design with sections to show posts from different categories. It also lets you choose from multiple color schemes to customize the design of the template.

Wellness Blog Wix Template

Wellness Blog Wix Template

Another great Wix blog template with a modern design. This template is ideal for making health and wellness blogs.

One of the best things about this template is that it’s fully optimized to help generate leads for your business as well. If you have health or wellness training programs, you can use the blog to promote them more effectively.

Gaming Blog Wix Template

Gaming Blog Wix Template

Whether you have an eSports team or just love to write about video games, this blog template is perfect for building your website on Wix.

It has lots of different sections to promote your blog posts, introduce your teams, showcase games, and more. Of course, you can also customize it with different themes as well.

Business Blog Template for Wix

Business Blog Template for Wix

When creating a business blog, a simple design with a minimal layout and fewer design elements is the best way to show off professionalism. That’s exactly what you get with this template.

It has a very clean design without using too many design elements, images, or colors. It’s perfect for setting up a blog for small businesses, startups, or corporate brands.

Beauty Blog Wix Template

Beauty Blog Wix Template

Looking for a bold and beautiful template to make your beauty blog? Then you can use this template to get started.

This is a Wix blog template made specifically for beauty bloggers and influencers. It comes with a highly visual design that gives you plenty of space to show lots of images of your favorite beauty products.

Writer & Book Blog Wix Template

Writer & Book Blog Wix Template

For authors, having a blog is one of the best ways to promote their books. With this blog template, you can make that happen.

This blog template is perfect for making a professional blog to showcase your books as well as to develop a blog. It’s perfect for writers, authors, and even book reviewers.

Movie Reviews Wix Blog Template

Movie Reviews Wix Blog Template

If you’re a fan of movies and love to share your hobby with others, use this template to make your own movie review blog.

This Wix blog template has a cool design that uses large vertical images to help you craft attractive blog posts to write your movie reviews. You can choose from light and dark color themes as well.

Tech Blog Wix Template


If you’ve been dreaming about starting your own tech blog or magazine, this Wix template is perfect for you. It features a modern and professional-looking design to help make your blog look just as good as an industry-leading website.

How to Create Blog on Wix

Not sure how to get started on Wix? Here’s a quick guide on how to create a blog on Wix.

Step 1: Sign Up

First, make sure to sign in to your Wix account.

If you don’t have a Wix account yet, you can sign up for an account for free. Then you can create unlimited websites or blogs for free and publish them on a subdomain name. You only have to pay when adding a custom domain name to the website.

Step 2: Create A New Site

After logging in, you can create a new Wix site by clicking the “Create a New Site” button on your account dashboard.

wix create blog 1

Choose what type of website you’re building and give it a name.

wix create blog 2

Choose what you want to add to your website.

wix create blog 3

Now, this next step of the process is important so pay close attention.

Step 3: Begin with a Template

In the next step of the create a new site process, you’ll be given a few options.

wix create blog 4

Choose the “Begin with a Template” option. This is important because once you create your blog on Wix, you can’t change the template design.

wix create blog 5

After selecting this option, you’ll be able to select a template from the Wix templates library. Feel free to browse or select one from our collection above.

Once you find a good design, click on the Use This Template button to start customizing your blog.

wix create blog 7

Add all the pages, logos, and other elements to personalize your blog. When ready, click the Publish button to go live with your blog. That’s it!

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11 Best Wix Templates for Travel Blog

  • 11 Best Wix Templates for…

11 Best Wix Templates for Travel Blog

Dare we say that your blog template is as important as your domain name? Yes! How many of you have clicked on an article on the Google Search Result page to only be disappointed by how the website actually looks like? Most likely, you would scan through the article and close the tab right away, without even thinking of subscribing to the page. To avoid that happening to your target audience, let’s choose your blog template for WIX carefully. And this article is here to help you with that!

Table of contents

Wildlife photographer, appetizing adventures food blog, lovely little things personal blog, going places travel blog, jake johnson travel photographer, inner pieces personal blog, urban photographer, on the trail travel blog, nomad on the road travel blog & podcast, 360 travel inspirations travel blog, mountain man photography blog, how to choose the best template for wix travel blog.

As we discuss on Travel Blog: How to Start , there is no particular template format to follow for travel blogging. It all depends on what you want to share and how you’d like to share it. In general, the best template for you is the one that suits what you want to focus on the most. Is it articles, photography, or community?

WIX Template Categories

This is the most common travel blog type. As a result, WIX has tons of templates you can choose as your WIX travel blog template. Focusing on articles means most of your content will be article posts which your audience will read. For this, selecting a template that comes with a great blog design is a must.

As they say, a picture can tell a thousand words. This is a great way to share your travel experiences if you’re into photography. It’s also easier than having to write articles consistently.

Choose the template for WIX blog that is also designed for photography. Your website’s home page must showcase your photo gallery. And every other content should have a visual aesthetic to please the eyes.

Many successful travel bloggers end up with more exposure through the community they build. After all, word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the best ways to promote. Templates that include a forum, vlog design, and other interactive types of content are what you’re looking for.

Whichever of these three main focuses you aim for, it is important to name your blog properly to avoid misleading your target audience. Read our guide on naming a travel blog next to help you decide!

As we said before, one single picture can tell a thousand words. Imagine what a slide of five of your best travel photos can tell the audience? That’s what the Wildlife Photographer template for WIX is all about. What a way to grab people’s attention from the very first visit to your page.

“Whether you need a website to store your images or you’re looking to showcase your photography work, this template has it all. Use Wix Photo Albums to create private collections for your clients, and Wix Art Store to easily sell digital prints. Write a few blog posts, upload photographs, and publish a professional site where your visual creativity takes center stage.” By WIX

Nature photographers, wildlife enthusiasts, and animal lovers should pick this template. It’s so straightforward, delivering your focus directly to your audience. And it’s easy to navigate.

Foodie travelers, gather round! It’s time to share how wonderful it is to travel with your palate. And the best way to tell that story is through food photography, along with one or two local recipes. Though the Appetizing Adventures Food Blog template is designed for cooks and chefs, foodies and foodies alike can benefit from it.

“Beautifully designed for recipes related blogs. This template is perfect for professional Chefs or Cooking Experts. Recipes Blog makes it easy to share cooking knowledge, stunning visuals and related information. A must for every foodie!” By WIX

The template’s simple background makes your food photos pop. That alone grabs your audience’s attention. Not to mention food stories from the abuelita you met while visiting Peru!

Advertised for busy moms makes Lovely Little Things Personal Blog perfect for adventurous ladies out there. While most blog templates are made for millennials, this one helps you connect with your audience in a meaningful yet helpful way. Not only do you share your stories, but you also get to teach them a thing or two to follow in your footsteps!

“This template is perfect for busy moms who want to share bits and pieces of their everyday lives with the world. Whether you have a skill to share with the world, or simply want a place to collect your photos, you can take advantage of our easy-to-use editor for all your blogging needs. Simply click edit and start adding blog posts, beautiful images, recipes, and more!” By WIX

Simple and easy to use. Isn’t that all you need from a template for WIX for beginners? Though it’s designed for stay-at-home moms, those who are active and adventurous can also use this template to share pieces of their traveling lives with the world.

This is the first WIX template for blogger on our list designed for travelers, as you can tell by its name. We love most from Going Places Travel Blog ‘s stunning yet simple design. Your audience is welcomed by the photo headline where you can put your blog title and tagline on. As they scroll down, your audience will find your blog even more enticing!

“What better way to share your traveling adventures than with this stunning template designed to showcase the sights, sounds, tastes, and vibes of your select destinations. The Travel Blog makes it easy to share travel tips, make recommendations, and highlight memorable experiences by showing off your beautiful pictures and videos. Take off with your travel blog today.” By WIX

Going Places is designed for bloggers interested in creating a travel blog or lifestyle blog. It’s easy yet refreshing on the eye for both the blogger and the audience.

Can’t decide which focus to aim for? Jake Johnson Travel Photographer template for WIX is made for all three! Whether you’re a photographer, travel blogger, journalist, nature lover – or even better, an eco traveler who loves photography – this template is the one to go.

“The ultimate travel photography template is here! Let your visitors live vicariously through your amazing journeys by uploading your stunning images and showcasing them in your website. Simple, yet sophisticated, it’s just what you need to keep your visitors engaged and eager for more.” By WIX

This template sets in a fresh, green theme that resonates with the nature theme. It would be perfect to use as a platform to share eco-friendly ways to travel through your photos.

Designed for health professionals, wellness bloggers, and therapists, travelers can use this WIX template for blogger to help tell a story from a more personal approach. Traveling can be therapeutical. And yes indeed, it has a healing aspect for some. If you just nodded agree to that idea, the Inner Pieces Personal Blog template is for you!

“Inspire brighter days ahead for you and your readers with this personal blog. This friendly, upbeat template is a great way to advocate your cause and watch your subscribers grow. Share intimate stories about your journey, advice and helpful resources that will give your readers the comfort they seek. Just click ‘Edit’ to begin – it’s all it takes.” By WIX

The template’s simple background lets you play around with colors on your image content. Though simple, this template has everything you need, from sharing photos, stories to building a like-minded community.

If you like scrolling through Instagram, you’ll love the Urban Photographer template for WIX. Made for photographers; it’s the most suitable one for you if you aim to focus on photography. The template welcomes your audience with one single photo: bold and simple! As they enter your website, they will see a collage of pictures as they would on your Instagram page.

“Showcase your stunning photography portfolio with this urban photography template, perfect for professionals and hobbyists alike. Showoff your most prized image with the stunning welcome page and use the beautiful full-width grid gallery to display your favorite work. Start editing now to create a site that’s as captivating as your photography.” By WIX

The template’s elegance in focusing on photography makes it perfect for professional photographers and hobbyists or anyone who’d like to have an online portfolio of their work.

Looking for the best blog template for WIX that puts you in the spotlight? This is it. On the Trail Travel Blog helps you share your travel experiences while focusing on you as the storyteller. But unlike the conventional blog template that makes things look like a journal, this template wraps them in a professional touch!

“You’re about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, and this template is perfect for your collection of keepsakes and memories. Whether you’re keeping a blog or creating a photo collection on Instagram, you can easily adapt the site to fit your needs. Don’t forget to add details about yourself and your work availability before going live!” By WIX

Wow your audience with a video of your travel montage. Hook them closer even before they read your stories! This is the ultimate template for traditional travel bloggers who simply want to be seen and heard. This WIX travel blog template is also suitable for personal sites and projects.

For us, this is the best WIX template for blogger and podcaster. First, it’s straightforward. The first two things your audience sees on the menu are – as you can guess – “blog” and “podcast,” precisely what you target. And this simplicity extends to the template’s design. A soft touch of green gives life into a rather plain vibe. Worry not if green is not your color. WIX lets you edit everything, including the background color, to all of its templates, including Nomad on the Road Travel Blog & Podcast .

“A stylish yet simple blog template for travelers on the move. Chronicle every step of your journey with text and visual posts. Simple to customize and update, this template lets you share your adventures as they unfold.” By WIX

Travelers, bloggers, professionals, backpackers, and hobbyists would love this template. Its simplicity requires little to no effort in posting content after content, making it perfect for on-the-go nomads!

What we love about the 360 Travel Inspirations Travel Blog template for WIX is how it covers all points of view you need in sharing your stories. Yet, the design makes it look simple and refreshing for both the blogger and the readers. This template also lets you build a follower base if a community is what you aim for.

“Create an international meeting point for worldwide travelers to connect, exchange advice and stay in touch. Inspiring yet efficient, this blog template is easy to explore with organized sections and relevant categories for all travel resources. If you’re looking for a different format, simply customize through the editor. Embark on the journey to begin building your online community.” By WIX

Simplicity at its best makes this WIX travel blog template great for photographers and communities as well. Why create the conventional forum website where you can have a blog-based one? Inspire your readers while gaining loyal followers. Win-win!

Combining photography and blogging at its finest; that sums up what the Mountain Man Photography Blog template for WIX is all about. We pick this one as the best WIX template for blogger mainly for its design. The home page’s feature allows you to showcase your best photo on parallax scrolling effects. This alone will help catch visitors’ attention.

“Create a beautiful photo blog narrative with this clean template that puts the spotlight on your stunning images. Featuring a large strip header with parallax scrolling effects, wow your visitors with a hi-res photo stream and tell your story with our easy-to-use blogging platform.” By WIX

WIX suggests – and as you can tell from its name – this template is suitable for bloggers and photographers, as well as publishers and freelancers. It’s the right one to choose if you aim to captivate your readers with photos before they engage in your written stories.

Author:  Emma Landa

I'm a traveler with a thirst for adventure and a passion for style. From the runways of Paris to the boutiques of Milan, I've traveled the world in search of the most glamorous and exclusive fashion experiences. I love nothing more than indulging in the latest designer collections and discovering hidden gems in the world of fashion. I've explored the streets of Tokyo, discovering unique and avant-garde styles that are pushing the boundaries of fashion. And in New York, I've attended the most exclusive fashion shows, rubbing shoulders with the industry's elite. But fashion isn't the only thing that I indulge in. I've also stayed in some of the most luxurious hotels and properties around the world. From the stunning resorts in Bali to the opulent villas in Tuscany, I know how to travel in style and comfort. Sharing my experiences and insights with others is something that I'm passionate about. Through my social media channels, I offer a glimpse into the world of luxury fashion and travel, inspiring others to explore the world of high-end fashion and indulge in the finer things in life. So, come along with me on my journey and let me show you the world of luxury fashion and travel like you've never seen it before!

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Ashley Mann

The Easiest Way to Create a Travel Blog

In talking about using Wix to set up a travel blog, I especially have in mind full time travelers who want to blog as a hobby or as a way to keep in touch with friends and family by chronicling their travels.  However, Wix can also be used to build a basic business website, so I’ll also talk briefly about some of the features Wix offers for promoting a business.

Full disclosure: Any links to Wix I share are affiliate links, meaning if you click one of my links to Wix and then decide to purchase a subscription I will receive a commission.  I’m not an employee of Wix, though, and Wix didn’t pay me to write this blog post (they don’t even know I’m writing it!).

To the contrary, I signed up for the Wix affiliate program because I know a lot of people want to have a personal blog or start an online business and feel overwhelmed by WordPress and are looking for a simpler option.  There are several other website building platforms similar to Wix that are also good alternatives, , , and (which is different than, but in order to write this article, I needed to pick one to review in more detail, and I chose Wix.

Table of Contents

As soon as you create an account

As soon as you create a new account at , you’ll be offered the option of immediately customizing your website using the Wix Editor, or using “ADI” (Artificial Design Intelligence) to help you set up your site.

Choosing the “ADI” option is easier and faster and still gives you lots of options for customization.  It’s what I used to build my demo travel blog in a little over an hour. If you don’t need anything fancy, that may be fine for you, and you can always start out using ADI and switch to the other option later (but not the other way around).  However, using ADI does limit you to pre-built options as far as the design of your website.  The other option, Wix editor, lets you do far more customization.  For now I’m going to show you what it’s like to set up a Wix website using ADI, and later I’ll show you what the editor option is like.

Setting up a website with Wix “ADI”

The first question ADI will ask you is what kind of website you want to build.  If you don’t see an option that describes your purpose, just start typing and more options will pop up.

Next you’ll be asked to choose a theme.  This isn’t locking you into anything – it’s just for the general look and feel, and there are lots more options to choose from later.  I chose “clean” for the demo travel blog I built.

When ADI asks you to pick a homepage design, the main thing you’re choosing is the placement of the pictures in relation to the text, but it’s very easy to change and experiment with different homepage layouts later, so don’t spend too much time on this decision.

Customizing your website using ADI

Once the basic layout of your website is loaded, you can start adding, removing, rearranging, and customizing the various blocks that make up the home page of your website.  In the screenshot below, you can see the various layout options available for adding a “blog feed” section to the page.

One cool feature that I think a lot of full time RVers might appreciate is the ability to connect and display an Instagram feed.  If you regularly post pictures of your RV travels on Instagram, you can have a section of your website that shows your feed where your blog visitors can comment or like your photos directly from your website.

Setting up a website using Wix Editor

Wix Editor can seem complex at first when compared with ADI, but the options for customization it gives you are really impressive, and in some ways actually outshine WordPress.

With WordPress, unless you know how to write custom code, the appearance of your website is pretty much limited to whatever features are included in your theme.  Doing something like adding an image or a button is possible, but it’s not at all easy to change your site layout or randomly add a button to the home page of your WordPress website once your website is built.

Wix Editor, on the other hand, lets you edit elements on a web page similarly to how would edit a PowerPoint slideshow.

Adding a “strip” gives you a background for a particular section:

Then you can add elements to the background like images (which you can resize simply by dragging the corner of the picture):

Want to add a button?  You have lots of styles to choose from:

Just drag your button where you want it, customize the appearance, and link it to wherever you want it to lead.

In the site menu section, you can easily rearrange the sections of your website by simply dragging them where you want them.

Adding blog posts to a Wix website

Once your Wix website is set up and published, adding a new blog post is very easy.  You simply log in and navigate to the blog section, click “Create New Post”, and start writing.  You can also organize your blog posts into categories so that when people visit your website, they can easily find articles that interest them without having to scroll through all your posts in reverse chronological order.  (You can see what I mean by visiting my demo travel blog; if you go to the “blog” section, you’ll see categories I’ve set up such as “Places to Visit” and “Travel Tips”.)

Building a website from a Wix template

Wix also has lots of pre-built templates that you can start with and customize to save you time setting up your site and help you end up with a great looking design.

Here’s an example of one of their templates that’s geared toward building a travel blog:

Connecting your Wix website to your own domain name

If you choose to upgrade to a paid plan, you can change your domain name (website address) to be whatever you want instead of “”.  You can either buy a domain name directly through Wix, or if you already own a domain name you’ve purchased separately (or if you prefer to manage all your domain names in one place) you can connect a domain name you already own.  You can also set up a custom email address at your domain name (for example, [email protected]).

Business & marketing features available in Wix

So far I’ve mainly focused on setting up a travel blog using Wix, but Wix also offers some features that in my opinion set it apart from other website builders as a good option for business websites.  In this section all go over a few of the features that particularly stand out to me.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

One advantage Wix has over some of its competitors is with SEO.  Unlike some blogger websites that don’t do as well in Google search rankings, Wix lets you customize your website and blog posts to help them rise in search engine rankings, which is essential if you’re hoping to run your website as a business.

Social Media Posting

Most successful online businesses also maintain a presence on social media.  Wix can help make this easier by allowing you to create social media posts directly from within your website.  For example, when you publish a new blog post, you can then create an image to promote your new blog post on Instagram and share the image directly to your Instagram account.

Email Marketing Features

Building an email list is one of the most effective ways to convert website traffic into income.  Wix can help you do this by letting you do simple email marketing within Wix itself (collect email addresses and send professionally designed emails from within Wix), or by letting you integrate your website with a Mailchimp (email marketing software) account and build custom email signup forms.

Integrating with other softwares

Even a website built with Wix ADI can integrate with some of the most common 3rd party marketing softwares, making it possible for you to track the number of visitors to your website, target potential customers with Facebook ads, do more advanced email marketing with Mailchimp, and put ads on your website for monetization.

Creating your website in the Wix Editor gives you access to even more marketing features and software integrations in the Wix App Store.

How much does Wix cost?

You can create an account and build a website with Wix completely for free.  However, you’ll need to pay for one of their monthly plans if you want to set up a custom domain name, remove ads from your site, or increase the amount of data storage your website is allowed.  You can look at the demo RV travel blog I built for an example of what the free website looks like.  In other words, you’ll probably need to pay for a monthly plan in order to actually use Wix for your main website, but it costs nothing to go ahead and set up a site in order to determine if it’s going to be a good option for you.

Hopefully this article has given you a good idea of what it’s like to create a website using  Even though WordPress is the more popular choice for blogs and business websites, if you’ve tried WordPress and found it harder to use than you expected and don’t have the time (or the desire) to learn, you do have other options, and one of those options is Wix.  If you’d like to give it a try, go here to create a free account and start experimenting!

Also, if you’d like to watch someone else do it first, in the video below you can see me set up my demo travel blog using Wix ADI:

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Great article to help me see if I can (want) to start the blogging process. Thanks Ashley! I find not your websites very helpful 😊

You’re welcome! <3

This is a fabulous post! I’ve been tairing my hair out with WordPress, and I really appreciate your help in this article.

So glad it was helpful!

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9 Best Templates for Blogging from Wix, Squarespace, & More

Sophia Conti

  • Best Wix Templates for Blogs

1. Going Places  – Great for Image-Heavy Blogs


2. House of Keto  – Best for a Blog + Online Store Combo


3. The Artifact  – A Unique Layout for News-Oriented Blogs

Arts & culture blog template – Wix

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  • Best SITE123 Templates for Blogs

6. Pet Blog – A Single-Page Template with a Simple Layout

Pet blog template - SITE123

7. Jazz-One  – An Image-Forward Template with Parallax Scrolling


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How do I build a blog?

What should my blog include.

  • An eye-catching homepage with a good headline and image
  • An About page telling readers about you or your company
  • A Contact page so your readers can get in touch with you

What is the best site to start a blog for free?

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  • Becoming an affiliate partner for online retailers
  • Writing sponsored content or reviews
  • Selling ad space on your site
  • Creating an ebook or online course

wix travel blog templates

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  • Managing your business
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Wix Blog: Adding and Setting Up Your Blog

wix travel blog templates

  • Step 1 | Add Wix Blog to your site

wix travel blog templates

  • Click Blog . 
  • Click Add to Site . 
  • Step 2 | Set up your blog

wix travel blog templates

  • Click the blog in your Editor
  • Click Manage Posts .
  • Click the More Actions drop-down at the top right.
  • Click Blog Settings .
  • Click Edit next to Your Author Info to change the author details. 
  • Click Manage next to Manage your notifications and emails .
  • Click the When a new blog post is published toggle to enable it.
  • Click Preview and Edit next to When a new blog post is published . 
  • Choose who will receive the notification.
  • Click Edit to customize the content in the email. Learn more
  • Mobile app: A notification banner appears across the mobile app. 
  • Site Feed. A notification banner appears across your blog feed. 
  • Click Save . 
  • Step 3 | Change the display settings

wix travel blog templates

  • Click your blog feed in the Editor. 
  • Click Settings . 
  • Click the Display tab.
  • Select or deselect the features you want to display in the blog feed or category feed. Note: To choose which features appear on the post page, click here .
  • Click Blog Menu .
  • Enabled: The blog menu is displayed at the top of the blog. Select or deselect the checkboxes next to each feature to show or hide it. 
  • Disabled: The blog menu is not displayed.
  • Click Back .
  • Click Social Sharing .
  • Enabled: Social share icons are displayed with your posts. 
  • Disabled: Social share icons are not displayed on posts.

wix travel blog templates

  • Go to your Blog Post page in your Editor.
  • Click the post preview.
  • Select Share & Print .
  • Enable the Enable share & print icons toggle.

wix travel blog templates

  • Publish your site.
  • Step 4 | Change the layout

wix travel blog templates

  • Click your blog feed in the Editor.
  • Click the Layout tab.
  • Choose a layout for the All Posts Feed.
  • Choose the Image Ratio for each post.
  • Post size: Set the minimum width that your posts can have.
  • Spacing between posts: Set the spacing between posts. 
  • Text box height: After changing display settings or font size, you can use text box height to ensure your box is the optimal size for the content.
  • Feed margins: Adjust both right/left and top/bottom margins at once.
  • Text padding (left to right): Adjust the space between the text and the border of the text box.
  • On scroll down: Posts display in an endless scroll.
  • With page numbers: After a set number of pages load, visitor can click to view the next.
  • Drag the slider to set how many posts appear per page or with every scroll.
  • Click the Category Feed tab at the top to customize the layout settings for the category feed.
  • Step 5 | Customize the design
  • Click the Design tab.
  • Click Blog menu .
  • Font style and color: Click the dropdown to choose a font style and click the color box to change the color of the font.
  • Font color for clicked & hover: Click the color box to choose a color for the font when clicked and on hover. 
  • Background opacity and color: Drag the slider to change the level of opacity for your background, and click the color box to choose a color. 

wix travel blog templates

  • Click the Design tab
  • Click Posts . 
  • Click the All Posts Feed tab. Note: Changes made here affect posts displayed on the main blog page.
  • Title style & color: Click the dropdown to choose a title style and click the color box to change the color of the title font.
  • Description style & color: Click the dropdown to choose a description style, and click the color box to change the color of the description font.
  • Text color on hover: Click the color box to choose a color for the text on hover.
  • Overlay color: Drag the slider to change the level of color in the overlay and click the color box to change the color. 
  • Overlay color: Drag the slider to change the level of color in the overlay and click the color box to change to color.

wix travel blog templates

  • Click Button and Background .
  • Text color: Click the color box to choose a color for your button text. 
  • Background color: Click the color box to choose a color for you button background. 
  • Opacity and color: Drag the slider to change the level of opacity for your feed area background, and click the color box to choose a color. 

wix travel blog templates

  • Click Video Settings . 
  • Play videos: Click the dropdown to choose how you want your videos to play. 
  • Play with sound: Click the Play with sound toggle to enable or disable sound in your videos. 
  • Playback speed: Click the dropdown to choose your video playback speed. 
  • Loop videos: Enable or disable the Loop videos toggle to choose if your videos play in a loop or not. 
  • Show play button: Enable or disable the Show play button toggle to show or hide a clickable play button on your video.

wix travel blog templates

  • Click the Post Page in your Editor.
  • Click the tabs on the left to customize your post page. Learn more
  • Step 6 | Create post categories

wix travel blog templates

  • Click the blog in your Editor.
  • Click the Categories tab on the left. 
  • Click New Category at the top right.
  • Enter a category label in the Category Label field (this appears in the navigation menu and at the bottom of blog posts in this category).
  • (Optional) Update the category URL.
  • Enter the Category Title which appears in search engine results and when sharing a category on social media.
  • Enter the Category Description which appears in search engine results and when sharing a category on social media.

wix travel blog templates

  • Select an image or upload a new one.
  • Click Add to Page .
  • Click Save .
  • Step 7 | Create your first blog post

wix travel blog templates

  • Click the blog in the Editor and click Manage Posts .
  • Click Create New Post and start writing. Learn more
  • Earn money from your blog by setting up blog subscriptions. Learn more
  • Using both Wix Blog and Wix Multilingual, you can translate your blog content into other languages.  Learn more

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18 Best Travel Website Templates of 2024

In today's travel industry, having a captivating online presence is a must. Whether you're a local travel agency seeking to expand your customer base or an established tour operator aiming to revitalize your online identity, the right website template can be your ticket to success.

To help you embark on a digital journey, we've explored the web to bring you the "18 Best Travel Website Templates of 2024." These templates have been thoughtfully curated to provide not only visual allure but also the essential features and functionality needed to attract travellers, showcase your destinations, and facilitate seamless bookings.

Join us as we help you choose the perfect template to make your travel website soar in the year ahead.

Table of Content


Free Travel Website Templates

Premium travel website templates.

Travel Websites Examples

Travel Website Trends

Travel Website Design

Best Travel Website Builders

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we'll showcase a carefully selected assortment of the top free travel website templates for 2024. From stunning visuals to user-friendly interfaces, these templates provide cost-effective solutions for displaying your travel destinations online without overspending.

1. Urban Nomad Adventures Travel Website Template

travel website templates

Embark on your virtual journey with our Urban Nomad Travel Website Template! Immerse yourself in a clean, clutter-free design that makes reading a breeze.

Our strategically placed, eye-catching buttons guide you seamlessly through a stylish and cohesive layout, while the elegant color palette adds a touch of sophistication. Stay informed and entertained with organized content updates in the blog/news section, ensuring your travel plans are not just a click away but a delightful experience!

Key Features:

Clean, uncluttered design enhances readability.

Strategically placed, visually appealing buttons.

Cohesive and consistent design elements.

Valuable, information-packed website.

Stylish, elegant color choices.

Organized content updates with the blog/news section.

2. Going Places Travel Blog Template

travel agency website templates

Experience the perfect platform to narrate your travel escapades through a captivating template, highlighting the essence of your chosen destinations in terms of sights, sounds, tastes, and vibes. The Travel Blog simplifies the process of sharing travel tips, providing recommendations, and showcasing memorable experiences through stunning visuals. Embark on your travel blogging journey now.

Easily accessible contact details.

Aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate.

Beautifully designed static site.

Delightful, charming website.

Strong and stable underlying framework.

Creative and visually pleasing.

3. YOLO Travel Agency Website Template

travel website template

Explore new horizons with a free website template featuring vibrant colors and bold fonts. Showcase exotic locations through a strip slideshow gallery, complemented by descriptive text highlighting unique packages and services. Begin editing to bring your tour agency online and captivate your audience.

Clear CTAs buttons.

High-quality imagery and relevant visuals.

Intuitive user interface for smooth navigation.

4. Laguna Resort Website Template

tourist website template

Laguna Resort Travel Website Template is like a virtual vacation in itself! With its large, mesmerizing travel photos, navigating through this aesthetically pleasing site is a breeze. The beautifully designed static pages create a delightful and charming online experience, supported by a strong and stable framework. It's a creative oasis that's not just visually pleasing but also user-friendly – making trip planning a joy!

Great social Integration for easy sharing.

5. SPRAYZ City Tour Website Template

free travel agency website templates

Create an inviting website for your city tours using this innovative template, appealing to both tourists and locals. Utilize the template's booking feature for easy tour sign-ups and multimedia options to effectively showcase your captivating content. Start building your website now and make a global impact with your tour services.

Adapts to all screen sizes flawlessly.

Use of high-quality imagery and relevant visuals.

6. Trailz Hiking Tours Website Template

free travel agency website template

Showcase your passion and professionalism with this vibrant template for a compelling online presence. Highlight yourself, your brand, and your offerings effectively. You can use the template's Bookings to effortlessly handle your schedule, reservations, and client interactions.

7. Rivoli Travel Website Template

template travel free

Explore the world effortlessly with our Travel Website Template, a sleek and intuitive design crafted for wanderlust seekers. Immerse your audience in captivating visuals, seamless navigation, and personalized trip-planning tools, making every journey a digital adventure. Whether showcasing dream destinations or facilitating hassle-free bookings, this template transforms the travel experience into an engaging and user-friendly online escapade.

8. Cassidy Harman Travel Blog Template

travel agency website template

Start a virtual journey with our Travel Blog Website Template, a visually captivating and user-friendly design crafted for wanderlust enthusiasts. Immerse your audience in the allure of travel through stunning imagery, intuitive navigation, and engaging storytelling sections.

Whether documenting adventures or sharing travel tips, this template provides a seamless platform to inspire and connect with fellow globetrotters.

9. Souto Travel Website Template

tour website templates

This travel website template is a dream to work with! The excellent design layout makes navigation a breeze, and the aesthetically pleasing design coupled with its user-friendly navigation creates a delightful and charming browsing experience. The beautifully designed static site not only looks fantastic but also rests on a strong and stable framework, making it a creative and visually pleasing choice for any travel enthusiast.

10. The Traveler Travel Blog Template

template for tour and travel website

The Traveler Travel Blog Template is like a breath of fresh air for avid wanderers! Its clean, uncluttered design is a visual treat, making reading a joyride through travel tales. With strategically placed, eye-catching buttons and a cohesive layout, this template is not just a pretty face – it's a treasure trove of valuable information, wrapped in stylish elegance and organized for your browsing pleasure. Happy reading and happy travels await!

For those who seek excellence and are willing to invest in it, premium travel website templates are the answer. In this section, we will introduce you to a curated collection of the finest premium travel website templates for 2024.

Discover the possibilities that premium templates offer in creating a travel website that excels in both aesthetics and functionality.

1. TravelTell - Travel Website Template

travel agency template

TravelTell is a multifunctional platform encompassing a blog, online store, and promotional features for businesses, boasting 25 distinct pages, animations, a content management system (CMS), and e-commerce capabilities.

Specifically designed for mobile responsiveness, TravelTell ensures an optimal user experience for mobile visitors. The template further offers a stylized and easily customizable contact form, along with a Style Guide page for modifying base elements and utility pages such as 404 and Password pages, all of which are 100% customizable through Webflow's visual interface without the need for coding.

2. Traveler - Travel Website Template

tourism website templates

Traveler is a contemporary, responsive blog template designed for effortless sharing of personal stories. With user-friendly categorization through main categories and tags, organizing and filtering your narratives becomes seamless. The prebuilt Webflow website allows for complete customization of colors, fonts, and other elements, offering endless creative possibilities as an ideal foundation for your upcoming projects.

3. Staycations - Travel Website Template

tour and travels website templates

Staycation is a contemporary vacation property listing website template, meticulously designed with Webflow CMS to deliver a superior user experience. The template features a responsive design, ensuring a smooth browsing experience across different devices, and responsive navigation for quick access to all crucial information. Its media lightbox integration and retina-ready visuals provide an engaging and visually stunning platform for users to navigate.

4. Travor - Tourism Website Template

travel website template free download

The Travor website template is tailor-made for travel agencies and tour-related websites, providing a ready-to-use design for a quick and cost-effective establishment of a professional online presence. It encompasses essential features like an appealing design, customizable pages, online booking systems, and dynamic photo galleries to effectively showcase destinations and travel experiences.

5. Discovery Tour - Travel Agency HTML5 Website Template

travel templates

The Discovery Tour HTML5 Website Template is a travel agency's dream come true! With easily accessible contact details, navigating this charming site is a breeze. The beautifully designed static pages, coupled with a strong and stable framework, make it a delightful and visually pleasing experience for anyone looking to plan their next adventure.

6. Trip & Guide - Tour, Travel & Travel Agency WordPress Theme

templates for travel agency

Trip & Guide is a breath of fresh air in the world of WordPress themes! Its large, captivating travel photos will instantly transport your visitors to exotic destinations, making it a visual feast. Navigating through this beautifully designed static site is a breeze, and with a strong underlying framework, it not only looks delightful but also ensures a stable and enjoyable user experience. It's the perfect blend of creativity and functionality, making your website journey as enjoyable as the travels it showcases!

7. Backpack Traveler - Modern Travel Blog Template

travel website templates

Backpack Traveler is a breath of fresh air for travel enthusiasts! Its postcard-style photo showcase turns every post into a virtual adventure, while the aesthetically pleasing design and easy navigation make exploring the site a joy. This beautifully crafted static site is not just delightful and charming but also boasts a strong and stable underlying framework, ensuring a creative and visually pleasing journey through the world of wanderlust.

8. Bexper - Travel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme

travel agency website templates

Bexper - Travel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme swept me off my feet with its excellent tour and travel booking options, making planning my dream getaway a breeze. The showcase of travel destinations is not only visually pleasing but also sparks serious wanderlust.

Navigating through this charmingly designed static site was as delightful as the destinations it showcases, thanks to its strong and stable underlying framework. Bexper effortlessly combines creativity with functionality, making it a must-have for anyone seeking a visually pleasing and seamless travel booking experience.

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  • UX Designer Portfolios
  • Web Developer Portfolios
  • Student Portfolio
  • Model Websites
  • Art Portfolios
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  • Interior Designer Portfolio
  • Wix Ecommerce Examples
  • Squarespace Ecommerce Examples
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  • Wix Websites
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  • Duda Examples
  • Zyro Examples
  • Bluehost Websites
  • ClickFunnels Examples
  • Weebly Websites
  • Blog Examples
  • Wix Blog Examples
  • Squarespace Blog Examples
  • Lifestyle Blog Examples
  • Food Blog Examples
  • Travel Blog Examples

28 Best Wix Blog Examples In 2024

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Are you looking for the best blog designs to draw inspiration to create your own blog? Thinking about the best blogging platforms to use to create or redesign your blog?

Wix offers you a rich library of beautiful and professional-looking blog templates you can use for designing your blog and writing blog posts. You can decide to hire a web designer to create the blog on the Wix website builder or build it yourself.

This article covers the 28 best Wix blog examples to draw inspiration from when creating or redesigning your own blog.

Let’s get started.

1. Zion Adventure Photog

Made with Wix

1. Zion Adventure Photog - Wix Blog Example

Zion Adventure Photog is dedicated to capturing the majesty of Zion National Park and celebrating relationships through dynamic and adventure-driven images. This Wix blog has its consistent design style to thank for giving it an aesthetically pleasing look.

The color scheme of white and pumpkin skin stands out as one of this website’s best design elements, making its content attractive to visitors. I love how Zion Adventure Photog uses the same white and pumpkin skin color scheme for its header texts and CTA buttons. 

You can’t miss out on the small social media icons that link to its Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram profiles. You can explore Zion Adventure Photog’s Instagram feed directly through the Instagram icon.

2. Bonsie - Wix Blog Example

Bonsie’s goal is to make skin-to-skin time easy and attainable anywhere and anytime, helping mothers connect with their little ones. A Wix blog exploring all there is to know about skin-to-skin baby treatments, Bonsie displays an image of a mother and her baby as its hero image. 

The header menu for Bonsie’s Wix blog is extensive, displaying navigation texts , including a FAQ section . There is a search function and an accessibility icon allowing users to make changes to the site’s layout.

3. All The Food

3. All The Food - Wix Blog Example

All The Food blog website is among the top Wix-built food blogs with a simple and user-friendly web design. Displayed extensively on the blog are comprehensive reviews, restaurants, travel guides, and news to guide its audience in making the right food choices. 

Light Sea Green is the predominant color on the All The Food blog, displayed as background colors for different sections and CTA buttons. The extensive display of high-quality images gives this Wix blog example its visual appeal.

4. Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond

4. Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond - Wix Blog Example

Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond is a personal travel blog of a family of three chasing buffaloes while visiting National Parks and other destinations around the world. 

This travel-based blog is consistent with the Mercury color , serving as the background color for its homepage, header menu, and CTA buttons. 

Beneath its site’s serene hero image, the Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond Wix blog displays its already-visited and yet-to-be-visited destination, arranged in a three-column layout. I love how this travel blog displays its recent posts in a centralized three-column layout.

5. Mikaela Reuben

5. Mikaela Reuben - Wix Blog Example

Mikaela Reuben's personal website doubles as her food blog, promoting a healthy lifestyle to visitors via her recipes. Her website displays hero video content of Mikaela on her farm, with a CTA button in white font prompting them to view more. 

Above the header navigation bar is a tiny information section displaying her site’s search feature and social media icons on a Fantasy background . 

She uses the Fantasy background to display logos of top brands that have featured her post, serving as social proof.

6. Mom Boss Life

6. Mom Boss Life - Wix Blog Example

Mom Boss Life is one of the best blog examples you can incorporate for your blog design as there are lots of must-have features to copy. Home to Laura Gimbert's blog, the Mom Boss Life’s stylish fonts and happy pictures are captivating and a joy to gaze upon. 

Laura’s Wix blog post is fun, featuring inspiring and energetic content that is centralized in a two-column layout. Her choice of using Carousel Pink and White as her site’s predominant colors is an excellent choice, giving room for other design elements to shine.

7. Tobias Becs

7. Tobias Becs - Wix Blog Example

Tobias Becs is a content creator and freestyler with a dark theme to his blog section on his website. His blog homepage has a fixed header menu with the header texts and icons in white visible even while scrolling. 

Tobias alternates between images and video content for his blog posts, choosing to stick to a three-column layout structure.  Visible at the bottom of the website blog page is an upward pointing arrow, helping visitors find their way to the top of the website.

8. Not Another Cooking Show

8. Not Another Cooking Show - Wix Blog Example

Not Another Cooking Show is among the best Wix food blog examples, combining text and video content to create an engaging blog. The bold header spelling recipes + tutorials catch visitors' attention, just above the header texts that serve as the site’s navigation headers. 

A three-column layout of recipes and tutorials is the main content of this award-winning Wix blog example, alternating between images and videos for its content. The footer section displays a subscription form alongside icons leading to its social media platforms.

9. Cottons Restaurant

9. Cottons Restaurant - Wix Blog Example

Cottons Restaurant is a blog and news website displaying recent news about cotton, food, beverages, and the Caribbean lifestyle. A fully informative blog, the Cottons Restaurant Wix blog falls under one of the best Wix blog examples.  

The header menu on this website in its Light Rose color background stands out, revealing hidden navigation via a drop-down menu feature. Cottons Restaurant uses a three-column layout to display its blog content on a white background.

10. Luisa Ferss

10. Luisa Ferss - Wix Blog Example

Luisa Ferss Wix Blog is a two-language blog , offering users the choice of viewing her blog in either English or Spanish . A search feature is visible at the top of the homepage, just above a header text displaying Luisa Ferss' name. 

Beneath the header text displaying her name is Luisa Ferss’ Wix blog header navigation menu. You can’t miss out on the chat feature pinned to the bottom right corner of her homepage. 

I love how she displays her blog posts in a three-column layout with an interaction feature that allows visitors to add comments and like each post.

11. Hello Neighbour

11. Hello Neighbour - Wix Blog Example

Hello Neighbor is a popular stealth horror video game about sneaking into your neighbor's house, an appealing concept. Using Wix for its blog site, Hello Neighbor is one of the best examples of outstanding Wix blog sites with an animated background. 

A large image of its latest game, Hello Neighbor 2 takes center stage on its site, serving as the site’s hero image. Visible is a Play More CTA button in white with a large moving arrow feature pointing to the CTA button.

12. Bella & Bloom

12. Bella & Bloom - Wix Blog Example

Shelie is the name behind the Bella & Bloom brand, a trusted Wix partner in web design with over 10 years of experience in delivering quality designs. Her Wix blog site is one of the best examples, with a neat design promoting a great user experience. 

The Bella & Bloom blog page displays soft colors for its layout, opting for a calm and soothing web design. I love how she displays her latest posts in a centralized layout with a numbered navigation feature leading to the next and previous pages.

13. Olivia + Laura

13. Olivia + Laura - Wix Blog Example

Olivia and Laura are long-time friends whose love for fashion led to the Olivia + Laura fashion-based blog site. A top Wix blog example, the Olivia + Laura Wix blog is a simple yet sophisticated site that takes a creative approach to its content.

The White Smoke color background blends well with dated featured posts displayed extensively on a three-column layout. Posts keep loading and popping up as visitors scroll to the bottom of her page, in an almost unending circle. 

Visible on the homepage is a message icon in Mushroom and White , giving visitors a means of reaching out. 

14. Brain of Brian

14. Brain of Brian - Wix Blog Example

Brain of Brian is among the best Wix blog examples, with a colorful design that makes its site visually appealing to visitors. Visitors are hooked to the animated hero image with several of Brian's heads visible on a Purple Jam background.  

The text announcing new merch arrivals in bold Fresh Green font color stands out amidst all the glitter and glamor all around it. There are two arrow icons in White and Fresh Green serving as this Wix blog’s navigation feature.

15. The Sofia Log

15. The Sofia Log - Wix Blog Example

Sophie Hollingsworth is a lover of adventure, food, cooking, and the outdoors, and the mastermind of the Sofia Log.

A Black and Jasmine color schem e is visible on the Sofia Log Wix blog, with a map of the world taking center stage and serving as the site’s hero image. Displayed on the right-hand side are header texts of locations Sofia covers, marking them in Jasmine color on the map feature.

Sophie displays on a two-column layout some of her blog posts, with each linked to her blog page. 

16. Hair Comes the Bride

16. Hair Comes the Bride - Wix Blog Example

Hair Comes the Bride is an online store selling bridal hair accessories with its elegant design one of its more pronounced site elements. Other than its product pages, Hair Comes the Bride has a blog page accessible from its top and bottom header menus. 

The search feature at the top of the homepage is brilliant, allowing visitors to easily locate anything on the site. You will find icons leading to the brand’s social media platforms and similar header navigation texts in the footer section.

17. Cornelius Holmes

17. Cornelius Holmes - Wix Blog Example

Cornelius Holmes is a licensed psychotherapist, mental health consultant, life coach, adjunct professor, and supervisor displaying her colorful life experiences through her blog posts. 

A great example of a simple blog , Cornelius displays all her posts extensively on a Soft Peach background . 

You can’t miss out on the search function on the Cornelius Holmes blog, helping users find specific blog posts. Users can like and share their favorite posts directly from the page.

18. Terra Living

18. Terra Living - Wix Blog Example

Terra Living with its team of interior designers helps deliver immersive product aesthetics and elegance into people’s living spaces. I love how Terra Living uses a centralized layout to display all of its blog posts, with navigation headers for titled and untitled blog categories. 

Icons leading to Terra Living’s social media platforms are visible in the site’s footer section in white on a Tuna background .

19. Mrs. Space Cadet

19. Mrs. Space Cadet - Wix Blog Example

Mrs. Space Cadet is a fitness blog with a colorful web design , displaying bold colors from its logo down to its website content. Two sets of navigation headers are visible at the top of Mrs. Space Cadet’s website, with both fixed to the top as visitors scroll through. 

An image of outer space serves as this site’s hero image , in a full-width layout only visible at the top of its home page. Mrs. Space Cadet uses a three-column layout to display its captivating contents, alongside published dates and names in white font.

20. Nicole Magazine

20. Nicole Magazine - Wix Blog Example

Nicole Magazine offers quality news where you want it and when you want it, a professional blog offering information across different niches. 

This business website displays the color Royal Fuchsia as the background color for its header menu that displays header texts and social media icons. 

You can’t miss out on the back-to-the-top text feature serving as one of the site’s navigation features. A message icon is visible at the bottom right side of the screen. 

I love how Nicole Magazine arranges its content based on different niches, making it easy for visitors to find their content.

21. Ravin AI

21. Ravin AI - Wix Blog Example

Raven AI blog posts thoughts around automotive, AI, computer vision, car inspection, and damage detection. Welcoming visitors to the blog section website is a curved color scheme background of White and Dark Indigo .

There are two sets of blog posts side-by-side with a short preview of the article drawing visitors in to check out the whole article. A cookie icon is visible, one of this website’s special features , allowing visitors to change the site’s cookie settings.

22. Urban Roots

22. Urban Roots - Wix Blog Example

Urban Roots is a two-language-based site that displays its content in both German and English, increasing its article reach. A nature-based blog, Urban Roots articles are deeply rooted in nature, displaying natural images to drive home its compelling articles. 

Sticking to a centralized layout , both its header menu and articles leave plenty of Green White spaces , the color of its extensive background. 

The footer section sticks to its centralized layout, displaying social media icons, contact information, and navigation links. 

23. Life As We Explore

23. Life As We Explore - Wix Blog Example

Life As We Explore is a travel and photography blog example that tells the love story of two couples. This Wix blog uses a simple and minimalistic design to display its content, displaying its blog articles one at a time.

The centralized layout display is uniform, leaving white space all around articles with the images attached to each post adding color to the blog. A search feature helps visitors easily find the content they want to read.

24. Ok Drugs

24. Ok Drugs - Wix Blog Example

Ok Drugs founded by Zak, Shai, and Lou is a blog that helps shape the way people view the world. Displaying two posts in its Wix blog section, OK Drugs blog uses a simple based layout.  

I love how this health blog uses Merino color for its background color. The black-colored footer section displays OK Drugs’ social media icons and privacy information in white.

25. P.S. & Co. Tahini Times

25. P.S. & Co. Tahini Times - Wix Blog Example

P.S. & Co. Tahini Times aims to provide the cleanest and most delicious food that helps its customers feel incredible. Putting its words into action, the layout of the P.s & Co. Wix blog is simply incredible, displaying an infinite number of posts in its All Post section. 

I love how the P.S. & Co. blog categorizes its posts based on different niches , making it easy for visitors to source particular content. The centralized display of its content makes it easy to attract visitors’ attention to its educational content.

26. Linda Franzosi

26. Linda Franzosi - Wix Blog Example

Linda Franzosi is a storytelling and design strategist with one of the outstanding Wix blog examples . I love how Linda displays articles on her blog site in an irregular centralized three-column layout. 

Visible in a French Rose and White color scheme is a message icon , which is home to Luciana’s site chat feature . One clicks on this feature and a popup messaging platform appears, connecting visitors with the editor.

27. Lizzy Hadfield

27. Lizzy Hadfield - Wix Blog Example

Lizzy Hadfield is a British blogger known for creating the popular fashion blog Shot from the Street. Her Wix blog is home to her fashion blog, displaying an infinite number of captivating large images extensively on her homepage. 

The header menu is fixed and visible throughout the home page with a search feature that makes Lizzy’s site easily navigable. Her name in bold Red font is visible throughout the homepage, attached to her header menu.

28. WSJ Innovator Award

28. WSJ Innovator Award - Wix Blog Example

The Wall Street Journal Innovator Award recognizes groundbreaking talents from a range of disciplines. A Walls Street Journal-based award, sponsorship is not a big deal for this blog site as it displays the logos of its top sponsors in a black-and-white color scheme . 

The hero video content takes center stage and steals the attention of the WSJ Innovator Award site, giving visitors a preamble of its last award. 

I love how WSJ Innovator Award displays large images and video content on the homepage, with a slideshow of its award categories beneath the hero video. 

Wix Blog FAQs

Wix is a good choice for your blogging needs. You can make passive income from blogging with a blog created with the Wix website builder. For beginners and middle-entry users, Wix is a welcome choice because of its versatility and ease of usage. 

Wix has a bunch of blog templates for you to incorporate for your own website. Check out the Wix site to gain access to a host of its blog templates and create your own blog site for yourself and your brand. 

You can make money creating blogs on Wix. There are lots of lucrative options available for you. You can use paid ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, memberships, asking for donations, and selling merchandise or products to generate income from your Wix blog. 

The main difference between a personal blog and a business blog is the purpose and audience of the blog. A personal blog is used to promote your brand and while the audience for a business blog is more specialized, helping users promote their business. 

Every successful blog post must have some distinctive features that drive user engagement. A compelling headline, compelling lead, informative and engaging content, call-to-action buttons, and social sharing options are some of the must-have features for your blog post. 

Explore Further

  • What is a Blog?
  • How to Start a Blog
  • How to Make Money Blogging
  • Powerful Blogging Statistics
  • Wix vs Squarespace
  • Wix Pricing Guide


Simple Blog Website


Multi Layout Blog


Wellness Website


Newsletter Website


Lifestyle Blog Website


Blog Website

Literature Blog

Top 20 Free Blog Templates from Wix

Want to start a blog, the quick and easy way? Opting for a ready-made free blog template from Wix is a great choice! This website builder is easy to use, highly customizable and you can choose from a great variety of free blog templates from Wix.

To make thing easier for you, we selected 20 new, free blog templates from Wix with gorgeous designs. These Wix blog templates are suitable for many types of niches, such as personal, food, beauty, writing and more! Enjoy!

This is a fully responsive, feature rich and beautifully designed Wix template for recipes related websites. This theme is perfect for professional Chefs and Cooking Experts. It has a very clean and simple look and it’s very easy to customize. You can change the colors if you want to make it more striking.

Food Blog

Fashion Blog

This is one of the cleanest blog themes and it’s ideal for a fashion personal blog. It’s most suitable for creative persons who enjoy writing. This template focuses on readability and reduces distraction from any unusable elements. It has enough space for big, gorgeous photography that always works well with successful fashion blogs. The post design is simple and effective and you can customize it if you want.

Fashion Blog

Gaming Blog

This template will offer every feature someone might want in a gaming blog or magazine because this thing is packed with great features and admin options. It’s dark themed and has a beautiful layout. The color choice is simply awesome but you can always change these in order to achieve the best look for your game or project.

Gaming Blog

Literature Blog

This is a theme for bloggers, writers and product owners who want to tell a story about their subject matter. It’s ideal for writers and book lovers. It can also be used as a book review blog. It works perfectly for big text blocks and it also features a stunning header. The title is unforgettable because of the bold colors and simple typography.

Literature Blog

Business Review Blog

This template was designed with creative business professionals in mind. This is a perfect canvas for creative businesses, small businesses, teachers, tutors, instructors and other personal service industry professionals. It has a very clean layout that’s based on the contrast between black and white with bold yellow accents. It’s clear that this template is focused on text and it’s dedicated to entrepreneurs that want to focus on writing.

Business Review Blog

Entertainment Blog

This template can turn your website or blog into an outstanding source of information and entertainment for all the people. It has a vibrant color palette and a very interesting layout. The background pattern makes it impossible for people to forget your website and the post design is simple and clear. Use this template to write your thoughts and entertain your readers.

Entertainment Blog

Sports Blog

This is a responsive sports news template for Wix. This stunning, professional and feature-rich sports news template is built to ensure the highest quality and features. It has a masculine design and a simple layout. The strong color contrast makes this theme a really powerful choice. This theme has a great accent to post titles and makes it really easy for viewers to read the information they find on your website.

Sports Blog

Techno Music Blog

This is a responsive Wix theme focused on readability with a minimalist, modern design and optimized for mobile. It’s great for people who want to write about music, especially techno. This dark themes blog design has a very catchy and simple look to it.

Techno Music Blog

Beauty Blog

This is a beautiful and minimalistic two-sidebar blogging theme. It has an elegant and feminine design with a pastel color palette. It’s easy to use and customize. Best used for beauty or personal blogs. It’s perfect for people that want a background pattern and some beautiful, vivid colors for their blog. This theme is very easy to read and customize.

Beauty Blog

Tech & Gadgets Blog

This great gadgets theme is responsive, which means your readers can easily read your article everywhere, on there mobile or tablet. It has a simple, flat design, great futuristic fonts, and nice layout. Use this template if you want a very clean and comprehensive look for your blog where the readers never miss a new post! This is great for blogs that want to showcase big, beautiful photographs.

Tech Gadgets Blog

News and Current Affair Blog

This is a modern Wix theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. This template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It has an user-friendly design your readers will appreciate.

News and Current Affair Blog

This is a professional Wix template created with PR websites in mind, but it can also be used for simple personal blogs. It has a large slider on the homepage and many useful features you can use. The bold colors and simple typography make this theme stand out from the crowd. Use it for awesome text posts and big photography and to show people that you’re a real professional.

PR Blog

Travel Blog

This is the perfect template for any travel, nature, culture-like blog or website. Its rich graphics will make your website stand out! The WIX builder allows you to customize about anything you can think of, including the fonts, background colors, lines, shapes, and icons! We like this theme for its simplicity and pastel colors.

Travel Blog

Parenting Blog

This is a really cute, feminine-looking blog template created especially for stay-at-home moms. It has a pastel color palette, ribbon graphics, and cool elements. We love it because it gives you the possibily to use big, beautiful photography that stands out! It’s perfect for documenting you and your child’s life and daily activities.

Parenting Blog

Entrepreneur Blog

This is an easy to customize template with awesome features like Slider, Admin panel for settings. This entrepreneur blog template is also SEO friendly and it contains lots of features. The patterned background gives it a personal note and the clean design makes it perfect to show your clients that you’re a professional. The post design is very simple and comprehensive.

Entrepreneur Blog

This DIY blog theme is a simple, clean, personal, modern and professional blog ideal for spreading stories and your DIY projects. It’s totally responsive so it adapts to your style as well as the device it’s viewed on. It’s loaded with great features too. The clean, textured background gives your blog a lot of personality! As usual, you can customize it and change it to suit your needs!

DIY Blog

Scientist’s Site

This is a cool, minimalist portfolio website. It can be used for various types of portfolios. Its design is highly customizable. You can use it as you please and you can also change the header photograph. We recommend this template for it’s specific background and gorgeous typography. Keep a clean look and limited color palette to make your blog stand out!

Scientist's Site

Business Intelligence Blog

This business blog template has clean aesthetics and straightforward functionality. It has a corporate blue color palette and it can be easily customized to suit your needs. It has great color accents, especially for titles. The entire theme creates a wonderful experience for your visitors! Use it for blogs that focus on writing rather than images.

Business Intelligence Blog

Allow your content to shine with this crisp blog theme. This template was created especially for you to feature your music or talk about music. It’s great for musicians, bands or music lovers. It has a very clean and comprehensive look that makes the navigation fast and easy! You can customize it as you please and also change the colors to achieve your desired look.

Music Blog

Healthy Living Blog

This is a feminine blog template with pink accents. You can use it to write about your weight loss journey and post delicious food recipes. It is minimalist but also has all the features you will need to set up the blog in minutes. As usual, you can change almost anything you can think of to really make this blog template ‘yours’. It’s great for blogs that want to focus on text as well as on photography.

Healthy Living Blog

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