The Lawrence Arms - We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of (Cover Artwork)

The Lawrence Arms

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Warped Summer Extravaganza (Major Excellent)

  • The Lawrence Arms

Lyrics submitted by baconandeggs

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the lawrence arms warped tour

It's obviously about the Warped Tour. Does anyone know details about this whole story?

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those are pretty much the lyrics, but a few corrections:

"the fringe is the center now, hey boys that's great"

"fuck your warped tour yeah! mother fucker!"

This is Lawrence Arms just putting their hate of Warped Tour into a song. Rather than join the "dictated economies" they go on their own tour each summer the same time the warped tour takes place. They feel that warped takes away from smaller venues making money, so they offer a cheap tour each year for them...pretty classy

The song's actual title is called "Warped Summer Extravaganza" I posted an explanation under that title, but here it is again:

I love the line 'the fringe is the center now' saying emo has gained the main attention at warped, though it started out as a punk-ish festival. great song.

they speak about it in interviews:

I think they're poking fun at specific bands. Obviously "A Fire Inside that I just don't believe" is pertaining to AFI. Also the part "when i woke up in hawthorne, i took ocean down to the fairground," I think could be calling out Hawthorne Heights and Yellowcard (who's CD is titled Ocean Ave.) for being such shitty bands. Lawrence Arms were also kicked off of Warped Tour because they were constantly shit talking it during their set according the fat wreck chords. Bottom line: larry arms rule.

The ending isn't "Fuck the warped tour yeah!", it's "Fuck your warped idea!"

This will provide a little more insight:

Bobby: Why such the anti-Warped stance?

Brendan: Well, it has to do with the fact that Warped Tour, it’s destroying the economy of DIY; and it’s doing it very methodically and very successfully in that [the] summer touring season used to involve a bunch of bands, like Alkaline Trio for example, jumping on buses and taking smaller bands, like us and the Black Maria for example, on tour. There would be all these bands that would do that, so all these support bands would have great tours to go on. Kids in every town would have a bunch of different shows to go see, like over the summer. Small clubs would have big, good shows at least once a week if not twice a week, three times a week; and kids would have stuff to do. Now, all those big bands go on the Warped Tour. When they come to town, it’s for one day. It’s in a band shell, small clubs all across the US are closing down, they can’t offered to be open. Bands like us have to tour against the Warped Tour, which sucks; or tour on the Warped Tour, which sucks even more. And you know it’s in a fucking big band shell; and the fact is, every single person who would read this interview, got into this at least in a tiny, little way thought there was something cooler than going to a band shell and buying twelve dollar bottles of water and standing there watching your favorite band play from like a million feet away. Now people talk about the Warped Tour like it’s the greatest thing to ever happen to punk rock, it’s not the greatest thing to ever happen to punk rock - it’s single handedly dismantling the whole thing we’ve been fucking building for all this time and nobody gives a fuck. And bands, big bands that play the Warped Tour say things like “Oh, it’s great, you only have to play it for half an hour” and it’s like “Fuck you! This is your job, I don’t care how hard you don’t have to work in order to get paid; like you’re fucking everybody!” And that’s why it’s the biggest tragedy. And that’s why it’s the worst thing to ever happen to punk rock, or DIY music in general.

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Skeleton Coast LP + T-Shirt

Skeleton Coast LP + T-Shirt

The lawrence arms share "last last words," new album 'skeleton coast' out july 17.


It’s only fair we signal boost this young aspiring musician during our brief moment in the sun

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Goddamn right

The Lawrence Arms 'Skeleton Coast' Out Now!

I sing my song for all to hear

Yo. Thanks, tiny. Dunno if you’re on twitter but we love ya!

The Lawrence Arms - "Quiet Storm"

The Lawrence Arms - Skeleton Coast

Skeleton Coast

The Lawrence Arms - Metropole

The Lawrence Arms are a lot of things but predictable isn’t one of them. Since forming in Chicago in 1999—the trio of bassist/vocalist Brendan Kelly, …

Official Site, jasmine muldrow, hector martinez, eu label contact, australia label contact, dave jiannis, canada label contact, tonni maruyama.

The Lawrence Arms - "Ghostwriter"

New video shot by the mighty @Ben_Pier dig the album here

Beex here. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Love y’all hope we can do it all again soon. Wear the mask and don’t die…

Love Neil? Check out our new video, which is really the natural arrival point of where we’ve been headed this whole…

On our first euro tour, we went to the pub called the Lawrence Arms in southsea. We were very excited. They were NO…

Take that, um....I have no idea who any of you are.

YOU GUYS! Our record is out.

Australia, Asia, Europe! Welcome to the skeleton coast. UK, see ya in 4 minutes!

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Warped Tour 2025: The Ultimate Festival Experience

Warped Tour 2025 is a highly anticipated event featuring bands like Mayday Parade, Shiragirl, Assuming We Survive, Doll Skin, The Lawrence Arms, and Front Porch Step. The tour will make stops in cities such as Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, and Houston.

Fans can expect an energetic and diverse lineup of punk, rock, and metal music, catering to the tastes of extreme sports enthusiasts and music lovers alike. Despite previous rumors, it has been confirmed that Warped Tour will not be returning this year.

However, fans can keep an eye out for future announcements and potential comebacks in the coming years. Don’t miss out on the chance to see your favorite bands and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Warped Tour.

Warped Tour 2025: The Ultimate Festival Experience


Evolution Of Warped Tour

The history and evolution of Warped Tour have made it one of the most iconic music festivals in the punk, rock, and metal scenes. Over the years, it has showcased a diverse lineup of talented bands and provided a platform for up-and-coming artists to gain exposure and connect with their fans. While Warped Tour came to an end in 2019, its impact on the music industry continues to resonate.

History Of Warped Tour

Warped Tour was first launched in 1995 by music promoter Kevin Lyman and quickly became known for its unique blend of punk, rock, and extreme sports. The festival traveled across North America, bringing the underground music scene to mainstream audiences. Its pioneering concept of a mobile festival, with multiple stages and attractions, set it apart from traditional static events.

Reasons For Warped Tour’s End

After 25 years of success, Warped Tour officially came to an end in 2019. While financial problems were not the primary reason behind its closure, issues such as fan elitism and the loss of a sense of community played a significant role. Festival co-founder Kevin Lyman stated that these factors ultimately led to the festival reaching its breaking point.

Nevertheless, the legacy of Warped Tour lives on, and its influence on the punk and rock genres cannot be understated. It provided a platform for countless bands, big and small, and nurtured a loyal and dedicated fan base. Additionally, the festival’s commitment to showcasing a wide range of musical styles and promoting inclusivity made it a beloved event amongst music enthusiasts.

Warped Tour 2025: The Ultimate Festival Experience


Warped Tour 2025 Lineup

Get ready for an electrifying summer as the legendary Warped Tour returns in 2025 with a lineup that promises to be bigger and better than ever before. With a roster of incredible bands set to rock the stage, Warped Tour 2025 is set to be the ultimate music festival experience. Prepare yourself for a whirlwind of energy, amazing performances, and unforgettable memories. Here’s a sneak peek at the featured bands and the tour locations:

Featured Bands

Warped Tour 2025 is all about showcasing the best and the brightest in the music industry. From punk to rock, from metal to alternative, this lineup has something for everyone. Here are just a few of the bands that will be making waves on the Warped Tour stage:

  • Mayday Parade – Known for their soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, Mayday Parade is set to deliver an emotional and captivating performance.
  • Shiragirl – This all-female band brings a powerful and empowering presence to the stage, blending punk rock with a fierce attitude.
  • Assuming We Survive – With their high-energy anthems and infectious hooks, Assuming We Survive is sure to keep the crowd on their feet.
  • Doll Skin – This all-female punk rock band is ready to show the world what they’re made of with their raw and energetic performances.
  • The Lawrence Arms – Prepare for a punk rock extravaganza as The Lawrence Arms deliver their signature blend of melody and aggression.
  • Front Porch Step – With his emotionally charged acoustic ballads, Front Porch Step is set to captivate the audience with his heartfelt storytelling.

Tour Locations

Warped Tour 2025 will be hitting cities all across the United States, bringing the magic of the festival to fans far and wide. Here are just a few of the tour locations you can expect:

Mark your calendars and get ready to rock as Warped Tour 2025 takes the stage in your city!

Speculations And Rumors

In discussions about Warped Tour 2025, rumors are rife regarding the potential return of the iconic music festival. With key figures expressing interest in reviving the event, fans are buzzing with anticipation.

The community’s response to speculations around the comeback of Warped Tour has been overwhelmingly positive. Enthusiasts are eager to relive the vibrant atmosphere and diverse music showcased at the festival.

Warped Tour 2025: The Ultimate Festival Experience


Fans’ Hopes And Expectations

Excitement builds as fans eagerly anticipate Warped Tour 2025, dreaming of epic performances and unforgettable experiences. Their hopes and expectations are high for a memorable and electrifying event showcasing their favorite bands and creating lasting memories.

Desire For Warped Tour’s Comeback

The anticipation for Warped Tour 2025 is palpable as fans from around the world eagerly await the potential return of this iconic music festival.

Having left an indelible mark on the music industry and the hearts of countless fans, the hope for a revival of Warped Tour is fervent.

Impact On The Music Industry

Should the Warped Tour make a grand return in 2025, it is poised to have a significant impact on the music industry across various fronts.

  • Reviving the festival could provide a platform for emerging artists to gain exposure and connect with a wider audience, ultimately rejuvenating the punk, rock, and metal music scenes.
  • The comeback of Warped Tour could also reignite a sense of community among fans, musicians, and industry professionals, fostering a renewed camaraderie within the music world.

Ticket Information

Where to buy tickets.

If you are a true fan of Vans Warped Tour, you are probably eager to secure your tickets for the much-anticipated 2025 edition. Luckily, there are several reputable platforms where you can purchase your Warped Tour tickets. You can buy tickets directly from the official Vans Warped Tour website, which offers the advantage of authentic tickets and access to exclusive deals and packages. Additionally, reliable ticket vendors like Stereoboard and Vivid Seats are also excellent options to consider. These platforms ensure a seamless ticket-buying experience, providing fans with a variety of seating options and pricing ranges to cater to different preferences and budgets.

Concert Dates And Details

As we eagerly anticipate the return of Warped Tour in 2025, it’s essential to stay informed about the concert dates and essential details to make the most of this iconic event. While the specific dates and locations for the 2025 tour have not been officially announced, fans can keep an eye on the official Vans Warped Tour website for the latest updates. The concert dates and venues are typically unveiled in advance, allowing fans to plan their attendance and make necessary arrangements to ensure a memorable experience at the Warped Tour.

Frequently Asked Questions For Warped Tour 2025

Will there be a warped tour 2024.

There will not be a Warped Tour in 2024. Chris Fronzak from the band Attila stated that Warped Tour legally cannot return for three years.

Will Warped Tour Come Back?

No, Warped Tour will not come back. ATTILA’s Chris Fronzak says Warped Tour legally can’t return for three years.

Why Vans Warped Tour Is Ending?

Vans Warped Tour ended due to fan elitism and loss of community, not financial issues.

Is There A Warped Tour This Year?

The Warped Tour will not be happening this year due to legal restrictions.

The future of Warped Tour looks promising with renewed enthusiasm and fan anticipation. As we eagerly anticipate what 2025 will bring, the legacy of this iconic music festival continues to thrive. With a diverse lineup of bands and a dedicated fan base, Warped Tour’s return is eagerly awaited.

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2025 Warped Tour: An Epic Musical Journey

The 2025 Warped Tour is set to feature popular bands such as Mayday Parade, Shiragirl, Assuming We Survive, Doll Skin, The Lawrence Arms, and Front Porch Step. The tour will take place in cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, and Houston.

With a focus on extreme sports and genres like punk, rock, and metal, the Warped Tour has attracted a diverse range of music enthusiasts over the years. Fans can expect an energetic and vibrant atmosphere as they enjoy performances from State Champs, Sleeping With Sirens, The Story So Far, Sum 41, and more.

2025 Warped Tour: An Epic Musical Journey


The Legacy Of Warped Tour

In 2025, the much-awaited Warped Tour will make a triumphant return, showcasing the best of extreme sports and music for punk, rock, and metal fans. Experience the legacy of this iconic festival and be part of the electrifying atmosphere in Austin, Texas.

History Of Warped Tour

Founded in 1995, Warped Tour quickly became one of the most anticipated and influential music festivals in North America. Spanning over two decades, the festival showcased a diverse lineup of punk, rock, and alternative bands, attracting thousands of passionate fans each year.

Warped Tour was the brainchild of music industry veterans Kevin Lyman and Perry Farrell, with the aim of bringing together like-minded individuals who shared their love for the punk and rock music scene. What started as a small-scale event grew into a cultural phenomenon, traveling across the United States and even reaching international audiences.

Over the years, Warped Tour became synonymous with the punk and rock music community, providing a platform for both established and up-and-coming artists to connect with fans and gain exposure. The festival’s success and longevity can be attributed to its ability to adapt and evolve with the changing music landscape, constantly staying relevant and pushing boundaries.

Influence On Punk And Rock Music

The impact of Warped Tour on punk and rock music cannot be understated. The festival played a pivotal role in shaping the sound and direction of these genres, introducing audiences to new and groundbreaking bands. Many iconic acts, such as Green Day, Blink-182, and My Chemical Romance, gained mainstream popularity after performing at Warped Tour.

Moreover, the festival served as a breeding ground for punk and rock subcultures, fostering a sense of community and belonging among fans and musicians alike. It provided a space for self-expression and a platform for artists to share their unique perspectives and messages through their music.

Warped Tour’s influence extended beyond the music itself. It inspired countless individuals to start their own bands, launch DIY labels, and organize their own local music scenes. The festival’s legacy can be seen in the thriving underground punk and rock communities that continue to thrive today.

Impact On Alternative Music Scene

Warped Tour’s impact on the alternative music scene cannot be ignored. The festival’s eclectic lineup, which often included artists from various genres such as ska, metal, and emo, helped broaden the definition of what it meant to be an alternative artist. It encouraged experimentation and diversity within the genre, paving the way for new and innovative soundscapes.

Furthermore, Warped Tour provided a platform for independent and underground artists to gain exposure and reach larger audiences. By offering them the opportunity to perform alongside established acts, the festival helped level the playing field and showcased the immense talent within the alternative music scene.

Ultimately, Warped Tour’s legacy lies in its ability to unite music lovers from all walks of life, transcending genres and labels. It created a sense of unity and camaraderie among fans and musicians, fostering a unique and inclusive community that continues to impact the alternative music scene to this day.

2025 Warped Tour: An Epic Musical Journey


The Final Year Of Warped Tour

The Warped Tour, a legendary music festival that has been the summer highlight for music enthusiasts since 1995, will bid farewell to its adoring fans in 2025. As the final year of this monumental event approaches, anticipation and excitement fill the air. Let’s explore the reasons behind its ending, discuss the significance of the 2025 tour, and reminisce about some of the most memorable performances throughout the years.

Reasons For Ending

Warped Tour’s co-founder, Kevin Lyman, made the heartbreaking decision to bring this era to a close. The festival’s demise was not motivated by financial issues; rather, it stemmed from problems such as fan elitism and a loss of community. For years, the tour has stood as a symbol of unity and a platform for up-and-coming artists to showcase their talent to a wide audience. However, in recent times, these core values seemed to be fading, leading to the festival’s breaking point.

Significance Of 2025 Tour

The 2025 Warped Tour will hold immense significance, not only as its final edition but also as a celebration of its illustrious history. This grand finale will serve as a tribute to the countless moments of joy, inspiration, and connection that fans have experienced over the years. It will be a bittersweet gathering that brings together music lovers from all walks of life to bid farewell to an era that shaped the modern punk, rock, and metal scene.

Memorable Performances

Throughout Warped Tour’s impressive run, numerous performances have left an indelible mark on fans’ hearts. Here are just a few unforgettable moments:

  • The explosive energy of State Champs, captivating the audience with their anthemic pop-punk melodies.
  • Sleeping With Sirens, taking the stage by storm with their powerful blend of post-hardcore and emo influences.
  • The Story So Far, mesmerizing fans with their heartfelt lyrics and infectious hooks.
  • Sum 41, delivering an adrenaline-fueled set that showcased their punk rock prowess.
  • Ice Nine Kills, thrilling the crowd with their hauntingly theatrical metalcore performances.
  • Tonight Alive, empowering fans with their catchy pop-rock tunes and empowering lyrics.

These are just a glimpse of the countless extraordinary moments that have made Warped Tour a staple in the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide.

The Lineup Of 2025 Warped Tour

Are you ready for the most anticipated event in the punk, rock, and metal scene? The 2025 Warped Tour is back with a lineup that will blow your mind. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience filled with energetic performances and a crowd that knows how to rock out. Let’s take a closer look at some of the amazing bands that will be gracing the stage at this year’s Warped Tour.

Mayday Parade

Get ready to sing your heart out as Mayday Parade takes the stage at the 2025 Warped Tour. Known for their catchy pop-punk anthems and heartfelt lyrics, this band knows how to create an electrifying atmosphere. Brace yourself for a performance that will leave you feeling euphoric and wanting more.

Shiragirl is set to bring their empowering punk rock sound to the 2025 Warped Tour stage. With their high-energy performances and infectious enthusiasm, they are sure to leave a lasting impression. Get ready to dance and lose yourself in the rebellious spirit of their music.

Assuming We Survive

If you’re looking for a band that knows how to put on an explosive show, look no further than Assuming We Survive. With their infectious energy and anthemic choruses, this band will have you jumping and singing along from start to finish. Brace yourself for a performance that will leave you breathless.

Prepare yourself for a dose of pure punk rock attitude as Doll Skin takes the stage at the 2025 Warped Tour. With their gritty sound and fierce stage presence, this all-female band is leading the charge in the punk rock scene. Get ready to headbang and mosh to their infectious hooks and powerful lyrics.

The Lawrence Arms

The Lawrence Arms are ready to showcase their punk rock prowess at the 2025 Warped Tour. Known for their introspective and introspective lyrics, this band is not afraid to tackle personal and societal issues in their music. Get ready for a thought-provoking and invigorating performance that will leave you wanting more.

The Tour Locations

One of the most exciting aspects of the 2025 Warped Tour is the lineup of incredible locations where the festival will be held. From bustling cities to scenic venues, each stop on the tour promises an unforgettable experience for fans. Here are the cities that will host the 2025 Warped Tour:

Known for its vibrant music scene, Atlanta is the perfect city to kick off the 2025 Warped Tour. With its abundance of live music venues and dedicated punk rock fans, Atlanta is sure to bring the energy and excitement that Warped Tour is known for. Fans will have the opportunity to explore the city and soak up its rich musical history before heading to the festival grounds.

Chicago, the Windy City, will welcome the 2025 Warped Tour with open arms. This iconic city has a long-standing love affair with punk rock and alternative music, making it an ideal location for the festival. Fans can expect a dynamic atmosphere and a lineup of incredible bands at this tour stop. Plus, Chicago offers plenty of post-show activities, including exploring its famous deep-dish pizza and visiting renowned music venues like the House of Blues.

Cincinnati may not be as well-known as some of the other cities on the tour, but it is certainly not to be overlooked. This Ohio hotspot has a thriving music scene, and fans in Cincinnati are known for their unwavering support of punk rock. The 2025 Warped Tour will bring together an eclectic mix of bands and fans in this vibrant city, creating an unforgettable experience for all who attend.

Nestled in the breathtaking Rocky Mountains, Denver provides a stunning backdrop for the 2025 Warped Tour. This city is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and music lovers alike, with its abundance of hiking trails, ski resorts, and live music venues. Fans can take in the beauty of the mountains during the day and rock out to their favorite bands at night, making the Denver stop of the tour a truly unique experience.

Detroit, the Motor City, is no stranger to the punk rock scene. With a rich history of producing influential bands, Detroit is the perfect location for the 2025 Warped Tour. Fans can expect high-energy performances, enthusiastic crowds, and a strong sense of community at this tour stop. Plus, the city’s iconic landmarks, like the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Motown Museum, offer a perfect opportunity to explore the cultural side of Detroit.

Warped Tour: Will It Make A Comeback?

Get the latest updates on the 2025 Warped Tour and its potential comeback. With exciting bands gaining momentum, fans are buzzing with anticipation for the return of this iconic punk, rock, and metal festival. Stay tuned for more information and be the first to secure your tickets.

The Co-founder’s Perspective

Despite its iconic status in the world of music festivals, the Vans Warped Tour bid farewell to fans in 2019 after a successful 25-year run. However, rumors are circulating about a possible comeback in 2025. Let’s take a closer look at the factors that might influence the return of this beloved festival.

Speculations And Rumors

Kevin Lyman, co-founder of the Warped Tour, has hinted at the reasons behind the festival’s hiatus. He points to issues such as fan elitism and the loss of community as the main factors that led to the decision to end the tour. However, this doesn’t mean the Warped Tour is gone for good.

With many bands in the scene gaining momentum and a growing demand from fans, rumors of a comeback are swirling. The possibility of a revamped Warped Tour in 2025 has sparked excitement among music enthusiasts worldwide.

Fan Reactions

Fans have taken to social media platforms to voice their anticipation for the return of the Warped Tour. Reddit threads dedicated to discussing the potential comeback have been buzzing with excitement .

Many fans have expressed their love for the vibrant atmosphere, diverse lineup, and unique community that the Warped Tour offered over the years. They are eagerly awaiting any official announcements regarding the potential resurrection of this legendary festival.

The Warped Tour’s enthusiastic fan base is a testament to the lasting impact it had on the music industry and the lives of countless individuals. The potential revival of the festival in 2025 would undoubtedly be met with open arms by fans across the globe.

2025 Warped Tour: An Epic Musical Journey

Frequently Asked Questions On 2025 Warped Tour

Will there be a warped tour in 2024.

As of now, there is no confirmation about the Warped Tour happening in 2024. Please stay tuned for updates.

Will Warped Tour Come Back?

Yes, Warped Tour will not be coming back in the future.

Why Vans Warped Tour Is Ending?

According to Warped Tour co-founder Kevin Lyman, the festival ended due to issues like fan elitism and loss of community, rather than financial problems.

What Is The Average Attendance Of The Warped Tour?

The average attendance of the Warped Tour varies each year but it typically attracts thousands of fans.

The 2025 Warped Tour promises to be an exhilarating experience for extreme sports enthusiasts and fans of punk, rock, and metal music. With an impressive lineup of bands including Mayday Parade, State Champs, and Sum 41, this tour is set to attract a wide range of music lovers.

As the Warped Tour returns after a hiatus, fans can look forward to being part of a vibrant and energetic community once again. Don’t miss out on the chance to catch these incredible performances and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Get your tickets now and be a part of the 2025 Warped Tour phenomenon!

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Moscow Metro Underground Small-Group Tour - With Reviews & Ratings

Moscow metro underground small-group tour.

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Tour Information

Key Details

  • Mobile Voucher Accepted
  • Free Cancellation
  • Duration: 3 Hrs
  • Language: English
  • Departure Time : 10:00 AM
  • Departure Details : Karl Marks Monument on Revolution Square, metro stop: Square of Revolution
  • Return Details : Metro Smolenskaya
  • If you cancel at least 4 day(s) in advance of the scheduled departure, there is no cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel within 3 day(s) of the scheduled departure, there is a 100 percent cancellation fee.
  • Tours booked using discount coupon codes will be non refundable.

Go beneath the streets on this tour of the spectacular, mind-bending Moscow Metro! Be awed by architecture and spot the Propaganda , then hear soviet stories from a local in the know. Finish it all up above ground, looking up to Stalins skyscrapers, and get the inside scoop on whats gone on behind those walls.

Know More about this tour

We begin our Moscow tour beneath the city, exploring the underground palace of the Moscow Metro. From the Square of Revolution station, famous for its huge statues of soviet people (an armed soldier, a farmer with a rooster, a warrior, and more), we’ll move onto some of the most significant stations, where impressive mosaics, columns, and chandeliers will boggle your eyes! Moreover, these stations reveal a big part of soviet reality — the walls depict plenty of Propaganda , with party leaders looking down from images on the walls. Your local guide will share personal stories of his/her family from USSR times, giving you insight into Russia’s complicated past and present. Then we’re coming back up to street level, where we’ll take a break and refuel with some Russian fast food: traditional pancakes, called bliny. And then, stomachs satiated, we are ready to move forward! We’ll take the eco-friendly electric trolleybus, with a route along the Moscow Garden Ring. Used mainly by Russian babushkas(grannies) during the day, the trolleybus hits peak hours in the mornings and evenings, when many locals use it going to and from their days. Our first stop will be the Aviator’s House, one of Stalin’s Seven Sisters, followed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — and you’ll hear the legends of what has gone on inside the walls. Throughout your Moscow tour, you’ll learn curious facts from soviet history while seeing how Russia exists now, 25 years after the USSR.

Local English-speaking guide

Pancake snack and drink

Additional food and drinks

Tickets for public transport

Souvenirs and items of a personal nature

Tips and gratuities for the guide

Additional Info

Confirmation will be received at time of booking

Dress standard: Please wear comfortable shoes for walking. For your Urban Adventure you will be in a small group of a maximum of 12 people

Traveler Reviews

This tour exceeded our expectations. Nikolai (Nick), our tour guide, was very knowledgeable, thorough, and has a great personality. He didn't take shortcuts and really covered everything that was on the agenda in great detail. We saw beautiful metro stations and learned the history behind them, including many of the murals and designs.

We did the tour with Anna her knowledge and understanding of the History surrounding the metro brought the tour alive. Well done Anna!

This tour was amazing!

Anna was a great tour guide. She gave us heaps of interesting information, was very friendly, and very kindly showed us how to get to our next tour.

Amazing beauty and history.

An excellent tour helped by an absolutely amazing guide. Anna gave a great insight into the history of the metro helped by additional material she had prepared.

great tour and guide - thanks again

great will do it again, Miriam ke was very good as a guide she has lived here all here life so knew every interesting detail.a good day

Moscow Metro Tour

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Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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    This is Lawrence Arms just putting their hate of Warped Tour into a song. Rather than join the "dictated economies" they go on their own tour each summer the same time the warped tour takes place. ... Lawrence Arms were also kicked off of Warped Tour because they were constantly shit talking it during their set according the fat wreck chords ...

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    The Lawrence Arms had some opinions on the Warped Tour "The Lawrence Arms also played a portion of the 2004 Warped Tour, but the band's attitude towards the tour resulted in controversy. In a 2006 interview, Kelly claimed that the band "did like seven days of it and we got kicked off it, banned for life" for "pointing out the obvious flaws of ...

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    Ten years ago, you were on the Warped Tour (2004) for about a week or so. I remember the band (particularly Brendan) having very strong opinions on how "people talk about the Warped Tour like it's the greatest thing to ever happen to punk rock, it's not the greatest thing to ever happen to punk rock - it's single handedly dismantling the whole ...

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