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Exit Stairway Vatican Museums Rome

3 Days in Rome: The Perfect Rome Itinerary

Last updated: April 15, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 234 Comments

Planning on spending three days in Rome? We think this post will help you make the most of your trip!

Rome is easily one of our favorite cities in Europe. It is absolutely stuffed full of sights, with thousands of years of history layered upon itself – you’ll find everything here from Roman ruins to Renaissance art.

It’s also home to fantastic food, the Vatican City and sights like the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum and the Spanish Steps.

We have visited Rome many times over the years and always find more to see and do. Certainly, three days in Rome is not enough to see absolutely everything that the city has to offer, but it’s definitely enough to see all the highlights if you manage your time effectively.

Laurence and Jessica in St Peters Square

With a focus on the highlights in Rome, we wanted to share what we think is an excellent itinerary for your time in Rome, which covers the attractions that visitors to Rome are most likely going to want to visit. This covers all the major highlights for your three day visit.

Following the itinerary, this post is then full of tips and advice for visiting Rome that will help you get the most out of your stay, as well as save money on attraction entry, transport and accommodation.

To get the most out of your trip and to be sure you see all the major attractions, you will need to do a bit of forward planning and even reserve your entry time to the key attractions – otherwise you’ll waste your time standing in lines unnecessarily and even miss out on being able to visit.

Don’t worry though, we explain everything in this post to help you save time and make the most of your budget, whatever that may be.

If you are visiting Europe on a longer trip, this guide to 3 days in Rome fits in perfectly with our 2 week Europe itinerary , which you might also want to check out for some ideas and advice on travelling in Europe. We also have a 10 day Italy itinerary to help you plan further adventures in Italy.

Now, let’s get started with our guide to the best things to do in Rome in 3 days.

3 Days in Rome

This guide to Rome is quite full, so do feel free to adjust it to meet your own interests.

It is certainly possible to do everything in this guide with three days, and you can see the comments at the end of the post for feedback from many visitors who have used this guide to do just that!

However, if you would prefer a more relaxed itinerary, you can definitely adjust it to suit.

Day 1 in Rome

Vatican city.

The Vatican City is the first thing on our list for your visit to Rome. It’s a country of its own, inside Rome, and is home to world-famous sites including the Vatican Museums , the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica.

3 days in Rome - Vatican

We recommend you come here early and head straight for the Vatican Museum with your pre-booked ticket. We cover ways to skip the lines in Rome further on in this post, but if you purchase a Rome Tourist Card or Omnia Rome and Vatican pass , you will have the option to pre-book a timeslot for your skip the line entry.

If you don’t get a pass, another option is to book your tickets online which will give you skip the line access to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel. You can buy tickets online with GetYourGuide here and Tiqets here (for Tiqets we have a 5% discount on their normal price with our link).

You can also book tickets directly from the Vatican here. Prices and availability fluctuate, usually the Vatican site is the best value but it can vary so do check them all.

Doors to the Vatican Museum open at 9am, so we recommend you arrange your entry for as close to then as you can manage. The Vatican Museum gets really crowded as the day progresses, so getting here early will let you enjoy it for a while before it gets too busy.

You can also book to take a tour which gets you early entry to the Vatican before the doors open for general admission. This tour for example starts at 7.30am and includes breakfast in the Vatican, as does this tour with Take Walks.

We’ve done the Take Walks early entry Pristine Sistine tour and can very much recommend it, the tour guides are excellent and can really bring what you are seeing to life.

For an even more exclusive experience, you might consider the VIP Vatican Key Master’s Tour . This is a premium tour that has you in the Vatican at 6am to accompany the Key Masters as they open the museums up. It’s an amazing experience, and one we thoroughly enjoyed; however it has limited availability and is more of an experience than a tour. Check that out here .

There is loads to see in the Vatican Museums, which span 7km of exhibits, so you could spend a whole lot of time here.

Our favorites include the Map Room, the Sistine Chapel, and the fabulous double helix exit stairwell, but we’re sure you’ll discover treasures of your own.

See our guide to visiting the Vatican for everything you need to know, including all the highlights.

Rome in 3 days - Exit Stairway Vatican Museums Rome_by_Laurence Norah (3)

Next, it’s back outside and on to St. Peter’s Basilica .

St Peter’s Basilica doesn’t have an entry fee, but as of March 2023 it also doesn’t have skip the line tickets (skip the line tickets used to be a paid alternative and we hope they come back soon!).

So the best option if you want to skip the line at St. Peter’s Basilica is to invest either in a tour like one of these or a pass which includes a tour like the Rome Tourist Card . Some tours of the Vatican,  like this one , also include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica which can be a good all in one option.

At busier times of year some form of quick access like a tour is absolutely worth it, but if you are visiting in the off season it’s not really necessary.

Once inside, you’ll be able to enjoy visiting the world’s largest church, and what is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic shrines.

With designers including Bramante, Raphael and Michelangelo, it’s a truly Renaissance building, and is a work of art in itself – before you even start to consider all the artworks within! If you’re up to it, we highly recommend the climb to the top of the dome. This offers superb views across the city, as well as the chance to see the Basilica from above.

Once you’re done with the Vatican City attractions, you can head on to our next stop. Don’t feel you need to rush though – the Vatican City is definitely going to be a highlight of the day, and you are welcome to spend a few hours exploring at your leisure. The rest of Rome will wait. When you’re ready, a short walk will take you to the next stop on our list.

Note, the Vatican is closed on Sundays and some other days – you can see all opening times and days on the official website here .

In terms of timing, you’re probably looking at spending around half a day in Vatican City at least, finishing up around midday or 1pm. Just in time for some food.

TIP: If you are an early bird, come to St. Peter’s Basilica at opening time. It normally opens around 7am, and if you come here at this time there’ll be barely anyone else about, and no lines to worry about. You can explore in peace, and then head over to the Vatican Museums when they open.

3 night trip to rome

Castel Sant’Angelo

Originally built as a mausoleum for the Emperor Hadrian, Castel Sant’Angelo has been sitting on the banks of the river Tiber for nearly two thousand years.

In that time, it has evolved from its initial role as a tomb, becoming a fortress, a castle, and finally, a museum.

3 Days in Rome - Castel Sant'Angelo Rome

Today it is open to the public, and you can climb right to the top, for gorgeous views of the city. You’ll also be able to marvel at the building techniques that have allowed it to survive for two millennia.

The Castel is open every day from 9am – 7.30pm with some holiday exceptions – see more here . You can buy tickets in person or from the official ticket site here .

You can also buy tickets from GetYourGuide here or from Tiqets here . It’s always worth comparing as prices vary, in most cases the official site will be the best value but not always.

We’d suggest spending around an hour here.

Piazza del Popolo

From the Castel Sant’Angelo it’s a pleasant twenty-minute walk along the banks of the river Tiber to the Piazza del Popolo.

This was the location of the northern gate of Rome, and is where, for countless years before trains, planes and cars, travelers would actually arrive into Rome.

3 Days in Rome - Piazza del Popolo Rome

From here, three roads span southwards in a trident formation, with the central road, the Via del Corso, running dead straight through the centre of Rome to the Piazza Venezia.

Originally this would have been the route from the northern gate of Rome to the Roman Forum.

In the centre of the Piazza is an Egyptian obelisk, dating from the rule of Ramses II, which was brought to Rome in 10BC, and put in this plaza in the 16th century.

On the south side of the Piazza are the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto, and Santa Maria del Miracoli, sitting either side of Via Corso.

Spanish Steps

We’re going to continue our first day by taking in a few of Rome’s highlights that you can take as long or as little time to visit as you wish. First on the list are the Spanish Steps .

Spanish Steps Rome

You can access these by walking in a south easterly direction through the Villa Borghese Gardens and down Viale della Trinita dei Monti.

This 135 step staircase was opened in 1735 to link the Spanish Embassy near the bottom of the steps to the Trinita dei Monti staircase at the top, and are today a popular spot to stop, eat Gelato, and watch the world go by. They were made particularly popular in the 1953 movie Roman Holiday , starring Audrey Hepburn.

Note that as of August 2019 , it’s no longer permitted to sit on the Spanish Steps as they have been classified as a monument, and there is the potential of being fined if you do so. So stick to standing on them instead!

Trevi Fountain

Continuing our must-visit Rome highlights, our next stop in our wanders through Rome is the Trevi Fountain.

This is the world’s largest Baroque fountain, and is always a popular location – whatever time of day (or night!) you visit. Built in the early 18th century, it is said that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you are guaranteed to return to Rome.

Trevi Fountain Rome

This seems to be a popular past time, as over three thousand euro’s worth of coins are throw into the fountain each day.

These go to a good cause – each night the coins are removed from the fountain and used by a charity that helps those in need purchase food.

In our experience this is nearly always a crowded location. If you want to visit it without the crowds then come here early in the morning when central Rome tends to be a bit quieter.

The Pantheon

A little walk from the Trevi Fountain is the incredible Pantheon. This building, which has been standing for almost 2,000 years, is the best preserved Ancient Roman monument in Rome.

I dare you not to be impressed by its incredible dome, which even today, two thousand years since it was built, still holds the record as the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.

Pantheon Rome

Originally built as a temple to the Roman gods, the Pantheon was converted for use as a Christian church in 609 AD, which is the main reason it survives in such excellent condition today.

It’s also notable for being home to the graves of a number of important folk, including the painter Raphael and two Italian Kings.

For a long time the Pantheon was free to visit but as of July 2023 there’s a small fee. You can pay this on-site, or you can buy it online in advance from the official site here (you’ll need to create an account).

Tickets with an audioguide are also available from GetYourGuide online here , although they are a bit more expensive.

You also can book an audioguide in advance here to help explain what you are seeing.

We think it’s very much worth the small fee as we have never failed to be impressed by this incredible building when we have visited it!

Piazza Navona

Wow, this has been a busy first day in Rome! We recommend finishing your adventure off with a visit to the Piazza Navona.

This has been a designated public space since the 15th century, and is full of gorgeous Baroque architecture.

Its most famous feature is undoubtedly Bernini’s fountain, which stands at the center – the Fountain of the Four Rivers, which dates from 1651.

Rome Context walking tour

The Piazza is a fun place to be, and often features street performers and markets, depending on the time of day and week that you visit. We always enjoy sitting and watching the fun in the evenings here.

There are a lot of options here for dining and drinking as well, although bear in mind that you always pay more in Rome at the more popular locations, especially if they have a terrace or view.

We ate at Caffe Domiziano, which has two seating areas. It’s cheaper to sit in the section on Corsia Agonale rather than on the main square. The food is the same, just the price is different.

Our current favourite cafe in Piazza Navona though is Ai Tre Tartufi, which has friendly staff and a good selection of drinks and food.

Another option to consider, rather than ending your day here, is to take a food walking tour.

We’ve taken many food walking tours in Rome, with this evening food and wine tour of the Trastevere neighborhood being one of our favorites. A food tour is a great way to try a lot of local food (and often drink), and also to get some recommendations for other locations to eat in Rome.

See our complete guide to food tours in Rome for more suggestions. Now, time to rest before day two of our three day Rome itinerary!

Food Tour Rome

Day 2: Rome Itinerary

Our second day in Rome starts with another Rome highlight – the Colosseum , also referred to as the Coliseum.

Built in Roman times as a space for holding public spectacles, the Colosseum is most famous for being the home of gladiators, who would battle it out in front of audiences that could number as many as 80,000 people.

Coliseum Rome

The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in the world, and despite suffering some damage in its two thousand years of existence, is still hugely impressive to visit.

It’s one of the most popular destinations in Rome for visitors, so again, our advice is to come as early as you can and take advantage of a pass or advance ticket purchase options so you can skip the ticket queue and go straight to the security line.

You can book entry to the Colosseum directly from the official website here , which tends to offer the best value for standard entry tickets.

If you do decide to just get a standard entry ticket rather than taking a guided tour, then I highly recommend picking up a guide book which includes details on the Colosseum like this pocket guide , or downloading a free audio guide which covers the Colosseum like this one from Rick Steves .

This will really help you navigate the site, as there is so much to see and it can be quite overwhelming otherwise.

There are also a range of Colosseum entry options on GetYourGuide here and on Tiqets here . These include tours and tickets with addons like multimedia guides or bundles which include other attractions and activities in Rome.

These are going to be a little more expensive but can definitely be worth it if you want to take a tour or will take advantage of the other bundled products.

If you are interested in purchasing an attraction pass for your visit to Rome, skip the line access for the Colosseum is included on the Rome and Vatican Pass , the Roma Pass and the Rome Tourist Card .

Colosseum entry is also included if you take a guided tour like this one with Take Walks , or one of these options on GetYourGuide .

We highly recommend taking a tour of the Colosseum like this one or this one if your budget allows for it, as it is a complex site with a lot of history. But it’s up to you of course!

Note that as of October 2023 all Colosseum tickets are issued in the name of the person visiting, and you need to bring ID with you to use your ticket.

If you are using a city pass that includes access to the Colosseum, you will still need to make a reservation to visit.

You need to do this as far in advance as possible to secure the time you want. You can make the reservation either by calling the reservation line, or (more easily) by booking online.

If there are no timeslots available, your best option for visiting the Colosseum is to take a guided tour like this , or like this , as guided tours have a separate ticket allocation system. If you book a guided tour, you don’t need to book a separate ticket or timeslot for visiting the Colosseum.

We highly recommend reading our detailed guide to visiting the Colosseum , which will help you make the most of your visit and not waste time in lines, as well as to understand the rules around passes, time slots and so on!

The Colosseum is open every day, with times varying depending on the time of year. You can see more information here . We’d suggest you’re going to want to spend between 90 minutes and 2 hours on site.

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Your Colosseum ticket is also good for entry to the Roman Forum & Palatine Hill (as long as you visit on the same day), which is conveniently located right next door.

If you don’t buy a ticket in advance for the Colosseum, then we suggest you visit the Roman Forum first, as the queues for tickets are much shorter.

However, they can only sell same day timeslots for entry to the Colosseum, and in the busy months these are not available.

Again, we highly recommend advance booking your tickets and timeslots for the Colosseum to avoid disappointment, or booking a tour which includes both like this one from Take Walks .

Roman Forum

So what’s special about the Forum? A lot! This was the seat of power during the reign of the Roman Empire, as well as the central marketplace and business district. Basically, Roman life for centuries revolved around this area of Rome, and no visit to the city is complete without walking these ancient ruins.

The Forum is open every day, you can see full opening hours here .

Most people visit the Forum using their Colosseum ticket, which will give you access into the main parts of the Forum.

However, there is also a “S.U.P.E.R.” ticket, which can be purchased separately on the official site here . This gives access to a number of additional sites inside the Forum, which you may be interested in visiting depending on how deep into Roman history you want to go.

These additional sites vary depending on archeological works, but usually include the Palatine Museum, House of Augustus, Aula Isiaca, Santa Maria Antiqua, Curia Iulia, Domus Tiberiana, Domus Transitoria and Livia’s House. So that’s something else to consider.

We’d suggest allocating around 90 minutes to 2 hours to exploring the Roman Forum.

Mouth of Truth

Time for a bit of fun! If you’ve seen the movie Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn, you’ll remember that Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn pop their hands into the mouth of this massive stone figure, which is said to bite off the hands of liars.

Mouth of Truth Rome

It’s not exactly known when or how this belief originated, but the good news is that you too can visit the Mouth of Truth, or Bocca del Verita, and pop your own hand in for a photo opportunity.

You’ll find it outside the entrance to the Santa Maria in Cosmedin church, which is also worth visiting. In can get busy here in the summer months, but the line is kept moving fairly quickly, so you won’t have to wait too long.

Pyramid of Caius Cestius

Did you know that Rome has a two-thousand-year-old Egyptian style Pyramid? Well, it does. The Pyramid of Cestius was built around 12BC, at a time when Rome was obsessed with all things Egypt, to serve as the tomb for a wealthy Roman.

Pyramid of Caius Cestius

The tomb has since been looted, and little is known about its original occupant, but the marble covered 36 meter high pyramid is the only one of its kind in Europe, and we think is definitely worth your time to visit.

Whenever we visit Rome with friends or family, we love taking them to see this as it’s such an unexpected sight in the city.

It’s now incorporated into the Aurelian Walls of the city (which helped to ensure it’s preservation), and one of the best places to see if from is the non-Catholic cemetery of Rome.

Whilst you’re at the cemetery, which is a beautifully peaceful spot, do take the time to visit the grave of the English poet Keats, one whose “name is writ in water”, who died in Rome at the young age of 25, far before his recognition as one of the greatest English poets of all time.

Baths of Caracalla

Those Romans really liked to build stuff on a big scale. The Baths of Caracalla are no different. This vast bathing complex could accommodate up to 1600 bathers at one time, in a complex that covered over 62 acres.

Baths of Caracalla Rome

Whilst time has taken its toll on the Baths, they are still open to visitors.

You can wander between the mighty walls and  appreciate the vast scale of the operation and the millions of bricks that were used to construct them, as well as some of the surviving details like the mosaic floors.

It’s not at the top of visitors lists to Rome, but is definitely one of our favorite spots to visit in the city, so we urge you to include it in your itinerary, especially as you’re already in the area.

The Baths of Caracalla are open every day except Christmas Day. Opening hours vary by time of year, you can see more here .

St. John in the Lateran

The Papal Archbasilica of St. John in the Lateran is the cathedral church of Rome and the seat of the Pope in the city, and as such, is one of the most important churches in the city.

Whilst nearly everyone makes it to St. Peter’s Basilica, less people make it out here, to what is in fact the oldest Basilica in the city, making this a quieter and more relaxing place to visit.

3 night trip to rome

Highlights include the Lateran Obelisk, the largest standing Egyptian obelisk in the world, the Borromini designed Knave, the Cloister and the Scala Sancta.

These last are a stairway of 28 steps, found in a building just across the road from the Basilica itself, which are said to be the same steps that Jesus walked up on his way to trial in Jerusalem.

Today, pilgrims to Rome can be seen climbing the stairs on their knees, which is the only way you’re allowed to ascend.

Finally, find yourself some delicious food or perhaps a gelato , and congratulate yourself on another excellent day in Rome!

Note that St. John in the Lateran is closed on Sundays.

Day 3: Rome Itinerary

Appian way and the catacombs.

For the third day on our three day Rome itinerary, we suggest you take a break from the city centre sight-seeing and head out along the Appian Way.

Built in 312BC, this is believed to be one of the oldest surviving roads in the world, and was of enormous importance to the Roman Empire, linking the capital to southern settlements including Naples and Brindisi, and allowing for the quick movement of troops and goods.

At the time, it was the widest and longest road in the world, and in testament to the quality of its construction, much of what you can see today is still original stonework. Those Romans built things to last!

There are a variety of attractions to see along the Appian Way, beyond the road itself, and the key sights are to be found along the first ten miles of the road, in the Parco dell’Appia Antica.

You can visit the road yourself, or you can take a tour which includes parts of the Appian Way. We have done and enjoyed this one from Take Walks but other are available including this one on GetYourGuide . Most tours focus on the Appian Way and Catacombs.

Another popular option is to take a bike or e-bike tour with catacomb visits along the route.

If you decide to visit yourself, you’ll want to head to the start point of the road, the Porta San Sebastiano. You can reach this via public transport from the city.

From here, it’s a ten-minute walk to the first major sight on the Appian Way, the Church of Domine Quo Vadis, which dates from the 9th century.

Alternatively, as the walk along the first part can be a bit tricky, you can take the bus a little bit further than the start point if you prefer.

After the Church, there are two Catacombs you can visit, the Catacombs of St. Callixtus and the Catacombs of St. Sebastian . The former are slightly larger and were the burial place of 16 popes, numerous Christians and a number of martyrs.

Following on from the Catacombs, you can continue your journey along the Appian Way should you so wish, to the tomb of Cecilia Metella and the Circus Maxentius, which are about another 10 – 15 minute walk along the Appian Way.

All in all, from the Porta San Sebastiano to the tomb of Cecilia Metella, you’re looking at about a thirty-minute walk, with plenty of attractions on the way. Whilst you can continue on at this point should you wish, we’d suggest returning to the city now, and heading to the:

Borghese Gallery

The Borghese Gallery is in the Villa Borghese gardens, and houses the Borghese collection, a collection of art that is easily one of the finest in Rome. This is by far our favorite art gallery in Rome.

With incredible pieces from the likes of Raphael, Bernini and Caravaggio, to name but a few, this museum is truly a must visit.

Borghese gallery exterior

It’s not huge, spread across two floors and twenty rooms, but the high quality of work on display means that everything you see is basically a masterpiece.

It’s also guaranteed not to be too crowded, as they only allow 360 people in at a time. Compare this to the 30,000 visitors a day that the Vatican Museum hosts, and you will enjoy being able to breathe whilst you appreciate the art on display.

It’ll take forty-five minutes to an hour to get to the Borghese Gallery from the Circus Maxentius part of the Appian Way, so you need to factor this in when planning your routes. Also, be aware that if you visit on a Sunday that public transport can be reduced.

The reason I mention this is because the Borghese Gallery has timed entry and reservation is mandatory.  To reserve, just call the reservation line: +39-06-32-810. Once you enter, you have two hours to see the Gallery.

Alternatively, if you wanted to do a guided tour like this , your tour company will arrange the time for you, although again, these need to be booked in advance. Read about our experience touring the Borghese Gallery with Take Walks here .

The Borghese Gallery is closed on Mondays, but is otherwise open every day from 9am – 7pm. See more here .

Note – usually the Borghese Gallery is included on the Roma Pass and the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card, but it has had availability issues on these cards of late. Always check with the official website for any card you purchase to be sure everything you want to see is included.

Villa Borghese Gardens

Once you’re done with the Borghese Gallery, we recommend heading over to the west side of the Gardens, towards the Piazza del Popolo.

View from Villa Borghese Gardens

The view from the terrace overlooking the Piazza del Popolo is one of our favourite views in Rome, especially at sunset.

If you can, try to time your visit here to enjoy that and reflect on three wonderful days spent exploring Rome!

Rome 3 Day Itinerary Map

Here’s a map of the above itinerary showing all the attractions across the three days you’ll be in Rome. You can click here to see this map on Google.

3 Day Rome Itinerary Map

3 Day Rome Itinerary Overview

  • Day 1 : Vatican City, Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, optional food and wine tour
  • Day 2: Colosseum, Roman Forum, Bocca Della Verita, Pyramid of Caius Cestius, Baths of Caracalla, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
  • Day 3: Appian Way, Borghese Gallery, Terrazza del Pincio

How to Save Money and Skip the Lines in Rome

As with many cities around the world, Rome has a number of passes that help you get free and discounted admission, as well as skip the line privileges at key attractions – including many of the above.

There are three main attraction passes for Rome that we usually recommend – the Rome Tourist Card , the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card  and the  Roma Pass.

Which you choose will depend on your sightseeing goals, so we’re going to go through these in a bit of detail now to help you choose.

It’s worth saying that none of these passes are quite as obvious a purchase as something like the London Pass , which nearly always saves visitors money when visiting London. The passes for Rome are a bit more complex and require a bit of work to maximise available savings. They do offer convenience though. Let’s look at the available options.

For our three-day Rome itinerary we suggest checking out either the Rome Tourist Card  or the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card .

Both of these passes offer skip the line entry to the Colosseum and Vatican Museums, which are the most popular and busiest attractions in Rome. However how they work is a bit different.

Rome Tourist Card Overview

The first option we suggest is the Rome Tourist Card . This includes pre-booked skip the line entry to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, as well as the Colosseum.

When you buy the pass, you select your entry time for the attractions, making this a seamless process for your visit.

It also has some useful audio tours for the city. It then includes a 10% discount on other Rome attractions.

This is a great option as it includes the pre-booked timeslots for the major attractions in Rome like the Vatican and Colosseum, making this a very convenient pass to use. It’s also cost-effective, and you can then add on other attractions you are interested in. You can buy yours in advance here .

Omnia Rome and Vatican Card Overview

If you plan on doing absolutely everything in our itinerary, then you might instead consider the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card . The main downside is that it requires a bit of planning to make the most of it, and it doesn’t currently (as of March 2023) include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica.

This pass is brought to you by the same folks who also run some of our other favourite city passes including the London Pass and the Barcelona Pass , and consists of two physical passes – an OMNIA card and the aforementioned  Roma Pass .

Rome Pass

Here’s what the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card covers:

  • Free entry with Skip the Line access to the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel, and the Basilica of St. John in the Lateran and the Cloister. Note it does not include skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica, which is a definite issue at busier times of year
  • Free audio guide at St. Peter’s Basilica and the Basilica of St. John in the Lateran and the Cloister
  • Free entry to two out of six listed attractions, which includes the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Castel Sant’Angelo
  • Skip the line entry at the Colosseum and Roman Forum (these count as one attraction when visiting using the card in the same day). Note you still need to book a timeslot for the Colosseum  with these cards.
  • Discounted entry at attractions once you have used up your two free visits – this will be the concession rate
  • Discounted entry at over thirty other sights in Rome, including the Baths of Caracalla and Appia Way attractions
  • A 72 hour travelcard for Rome which covers all the major public transport, including buses, trams and metro
  • A 3 Day Hop-on Hop-off Bus ticket
  • A detailed guidebook to Rome and map of the city

As you can see, this pass includes a lot. To get the most out of the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card though, you have to be a little bit clever, and plan ahead. Or, you can just follow my itinerary, as I’ve ordered the attractions in a way that will save you the most money when using the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card.

Omnia Card Rome

As you can see, there’s a list of six attractions , of which you can choose two that you get free entry to with the card. As these are not all the same price, to maximise your savings you want to try and use your free entry on the most expensive attractions.

Once you’ve used those two entries up, you will get a discounted admission when you use your card. Based on the three day itinerary above, we recommend you use the pass for free entry to the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo, and then for the combined entry ticket to the Colosseum and Roman Forum. This will save you around €35.

The other thing to be aware of is that for some attractions you need to book your entry in advance. These include the Vatican Museum and the Colosseum.

My advice, as you can see in the itinerary, is to book the earliest entry you can. The Vatican Museum gets very busy, and the first hour or so in the morning is the quietest time to visit.

For the Colosseum, you need to book your timed entry slot separately. This is a major downside of this pass, because you can buy the pass and not actually get Colosseum entry if it’s sold out.

If entry to the Colosseum is important for you , please check availability on the official website here before purchasing the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card .

Be sure to check for availability for the €2 Roma Pass reservation option rather than general availability as they come out of a different pool, and Roma Pass reservations are often available even if general tickets are showing as sold out.

If there is no availability, then you will not get access to the Colosseum even with the pass.

Instead, read our guide to visiting the Colosseum for other options you have.

St Peters line Rome

Alternatives to Passes in Rome

You don’t have to book a pass for Rome of course, and for many visitors a pass won’t make sense. Instead, you can either book tickets or tours individually for many of these attractions. This will be more economical if you only plan on visiting some of these attractions.

If you don’t plan on buying a pass, then we strongly recommend booking your timeslots or tours well in advance of your visit as most of the attractions in Rome are hugely popular and do sell out.

For example, you can book Vatican tickets here and Colosseum tickets directly here .

If you go down this route, make sure you choose the option that lets you print the ticket yourself so you can proceed directly to the security line. Note that the Colosseum now operates a timed entry system as well, which as of 1st March 2019, includes pass holders.

Also be aware that there are many sites that sell tickets at a mark-up, so if you want the best prices it’s best to compare against the official site for the attraction, although we would add that these tend not always to be super user-friendly!

The exception to this is St. Peters Basilica, which doesn’t currently have fast-track tickets and so if you want to skip the line the best option is to book a tour.

The other pass that you might consider is the Roma Pass . Whilst this comes with the Omnia Vatican and Rome card, it can also be purchased separately, in a 2 day (48 hour) or 3 day (72 hour) version.

The Roma Pass includes free / discounted admission to many of Rome’s attractions as well as a transport card for the public transport network in Rome.

However, it doesn’t include entry or skip the line access to any of the Vatican attractions, including the Vatican Museum or St. Peters Basilica, nor does it include the Rome Hop on Hop off bus.

We think that for 3 days in Rome, either the Rome Tourist Card or the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is a better option.

Summary of Best Pass Options for Rome

Here’s a quick summary of the main pass options for Rome.

First, the Rome Tourist Card . This includes skip the line entry to the Vatican, the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, and an audioguide tour of Rome, amongst other things. There’s also a 10% discount on a number of other attractions. You can book your timeslots for the attractions when you book the pass, which makes everything a lot easier.

Second, the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card . This includes the Vatican Museums, as well as a choice of a number of major attractions like the Colosseum and Castel Sant Angelo. It also includes transport in Rome and a Hop on Hop off bus. It’s more expensive than some other passes and you do have to book other attractions like the Colosseum separately, but it does include pretty much everything you might need for your time in Rome.

Third, the Roma Pass . The previous pass actually includes this pass, which includes free / discounted admission to many of Rome’s attractions as well as a transport card for the public transport network in Rome. Notably it does not include the Vatican attractions.

Fourth, consider the Best of Rome All Access pass . This 3-day pass includes fast track reserved entry to the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, and Roman Forum. There’s no transport included on this pass, or discounts on other attractions.

Hopefully that gives you plenty of ideas as to which Rome discount card might be best for your trip!

Getting Around Rome

Rome is really easy to get around, with much of it very walkable. The itinerary we’re laid out is designed to be logical and easy to follow, so you won’t waste time getting from place to place. Getting from each location to the next should be either a short walk, or a single bus or metro ride away.

Bus transport Rome

If you decide to buy the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card it includes free public transport for your three days in Rome, as well as the Hop on Hop Off bus.

Alternatively, you can either buy a travelcard yourself, or just buy tickets as you go. A one way ticket, known as a “B.I.T” costs €1.50 and is valid for 100 minutes from when you activate it.

With the B.I.T. you can change transport types as you go, with the exception being you cannot re-enter the metro system if you leave it.

These single tickets can be bought from metro stations as well as convenience stores and newsagents, and need to be activated with a timestamp when you board the first transport.

For buses this will require putting the card into a machine located on the bus. Metro entry barriers will automatically timestamp your ticket as you insert them at the barrier.

Not stamping your ticket is the same as travelling without a ticket, and you can be penalised for doing this.

As of 2023, many Rome buses now have contactless payment options as well, so you can just pay as you board by touching your contactless card to the terminal.

How to get into Rome from the Airport

Rome has two major international airports that you might fly into – Rome Fiumicino (FCO) and Rome Ciampino (FCO). Flights from the North America usually arrive at Fiumicino, whilst flights from Europe may arrive at either.

It’s easy to get into central Rome from either airport.

From Rome Fiumicino, you can take the train, bus, or taxi. There’s a train station on site which will get you into the city centre in around 30 minutes to an hour. Prices range from €8 – €14, depending on if you take the fast  Leonardo Express  or the local train services (FL1).

Note that the local train service (FL1) does not go directly to Termini – it goes to Rome Trastevere, and then you would need to change onto the FL5, which you can take to Termini.

There are also a number of bus options which cost from €5, and which take around 50 minutes to an hour, and take you to Termini train station. There’s also a taxi stand. You can also arrange either a  shared shuttle  or a  private transfer service , which needs to be booked in advance.

From Rome Ciampino, there’s no on-site train station, but there is a local train station just five minutes away by bus. This train costs around €1.50. There are also buses from Ciampino, which also cost €5. Ciampino also has taxis, although as this is a smaller airport there are generally fewer available. You can also  book a shared shuttle  or  private transfer service in advance .

Both airports also have private and shuttle transfer options that you can book in advance.

Where to Stay in Rome for 3 Days

Rome certainly has no shortage of places to stay. For this three day itinerary, we’d suggest you stay somewhere central, to make accessing all the attractions as easy as possible. Our suggestion would be to stay somewhere in the area between the Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia and Piazza del Popolo.

For some options close to the historical city centre and all the sights in our itinerary, consider the following. These are ordered approximately by price, from low to high, but do always check prices for your dates as they can vary.

  • The RomeHello – found just a few moments from Rome’s Termini Station, this hostel features a range of room types, from dormitories to private en-suite rooms. There’s free WiFi, fantastic reviews, and it’s a great value option.
  • Orsa Maggiore Hostel – just across the river in Rome’s trendy Trastevere district, this female only hostel features a range of room types including dormitories and private rooms.
  • Di Rienzo Pantheon Palace – a very well reviewed guesthouse option in the heart of the city, just moments from the Pantheon and other attractions. The building is a 16th century property, and rooms feature en-suite facilities, free wi-fi and breakfast
  • The  Mimosa Pantheon Hotel – right next to the Pantheon, and therefore well placed for the city’s attractions, this is a well reviewed good value 1* hotel. Rooms feature private bathrooms, air conditioning and free WiFi. A solid budget choice.
  • The  Navona Theatre Hotel – just five minutes walk from Piazza Navona, this is a very well rated 3* hotel within easy walking distance of most of Rome’s main attractions
  • The  Hotel Navona – another well reviewed 3* hotel in central Rome near Piazza Navona. This hotel is in a restored 15th century building which features restored original frescoes. Rooms have en-suite facilities, air conditioning and free WiFi
  • Hotel Valentino Palace  – a fantastic mid-range 3* property, just 150 yards from the train station
  • Gioberti Art Hotel  – 50 yards from Termini Station, a well rated excellent value 4* hotel
  • NH Collection Palazzo Cinquecento – Good value 5* hotel just a few steps from the train station

Of course, there are many more options. We tend to use for most of our accommodation when we travel, they have a wide selection of options, with everything from hostels to apartments to hotels . The review system makes it easy to pick a good option, and they have an excellent cancellation policy.

As an example of what is available, beyond the above mentioned hotels, here’s a well rated hostel , and a fantastically located apartment . As you can see – loads of options!

If you prefer an apartment, then we recommend either  Plum Guide or Vrbo .

Plum Guide carefully curate their listings so their options tend to be of a very high quality whilst still being available at a range of price points. We’ve stayed at a number of their properties around the world, and you can see our review of the Plum Guide here . See their listings for Rome here .

If you can’t find what you want from the above choices, or you want some new options to try out, we wrote a whole post on the  best alternatives to AirBnB  which you should check out!

We also have a page full of travel resources, which includes our tips for getting the best deals on accommodation, which you can find  here .

When to Visit Rome

With a Mediterranean climate, Rome is a city that can be visited throughout the year. However, it gets very busy and very hot in the summer months, especially in August, so we’d advise avoiding August if you can. If you must visit in August, we highly recommend you pick up the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card so you don’t have to queue for attractions in the unshaded heat.

3 Days in Rome

We’ve visited Rome at all times of year, and our favorite time to visit is April / May, which we think offers a good balance between nice weather and less crowded attractions.

Another thing to be aware of is that many museums and attractions are closed on Mondays. In addition, there is free entry to lots of the key attractions in Rome on the first Sunday of every month – we’d suggest avoiding this day if you possibly can as the crowds are unbelievable!

Practicalities for Visiting Rome for 3 Days

Safety in rome.

In our many visits to Rome we’ve never had any safety problems although pickpocketing is not uncommon in crowded tourist areas.

As always, practice basic safety precautions. Keep valuables concealed, don’t carry large quantities of cash, only use official taxis and so on.

Power in Rome

Electricity is of the 220v standard, with the 2 pin European style plug. Travellers from countries like the UK and the US will need a travel adapter like this , and US travelers need to check their equipment supports the 220v standard – it will be written clearly on the power adapter.

See more on travel adapters and how to choose one for your trip in our guide to the best travel adapters .

Currency in Rome

Rome is a part of the Eurozone, meaning the currency is the Euro. You can get these from ATM’s, banks and currency exchanges, although credit cards are of course widely accepted.

We suggest using a credit card where you can – just ensure it has no foreign currency transaction fee.

Internet Access in Rome

Internet access is widely available in the form of WiFi all around the city and in hotels and coffee shops, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting online.

You can also pick up local SIM cards if you have an unlocked phone. If you are travelling from the USA, consider a Google Fi package which lets you use your data overseas.

For more options on getting online when travelling, check out our guide to getting online when travelling to help you figure out the best options.

Drinking Water in Rome

The water in the taps is safe to drink, although many locals prefer the taste of bottled water. You can also drink the water that comes out of the taps in the fountains, so just carry a drinking water bottle with you and hydrate as you go.

Of course, if you don’t like the taste, bottled water is widely available.

Dress Code in Rome

Many of the attractions in Rome are holy places, and you need to be dressed appropriately.

There will be big signs explaining what you should wear, but generally, you need to have clothing that covers your knees and shoulders.

This can be an issue with warm weather clothing choices, particularly in summer, so we advise that if you choose to wear tank tops or shorts to keep items to cover your shoulders and knees with you like shawls, scarfs, long skirts, or pants that convert into shorts.

View from St. Peters Rome

Luggage Storage in Rome

It may be that on your day of arrival or departure in Rome, you’ll find yourself needing to leave your luggage somewhere.

Usually your hotel or apartment will have left luggage facilities, however, if this isn’t the case (often the case with apartment rentals for example), you will definitely want somewhere to leave your luggage for the day while you sightsee.

Many of the attractions in Rome won’t let you take bags in with you, and even those that do will require you to do additional screening.

As such, we’d recommend you leave your luggage behind so you can explore without being weighed down. We’d suggest this luggage service , which has locations at Termini station as well as the Pantheon and other parts of the city.

We also suggest checking out Nannybag , a service which has storage points across Rome (and other cities around the world).

Tours We Recommend in Rome

We’ve taken a number of tours in Rome, and can definitely recommend these if you’re looking for a guided experience. For walking tours specifically, the companies we recommend are as follows:

  • Take Walks – our favorite walking tour company, we’ve taken walks with them in cities around the world
  • Context Travel – very small group highly focused tours (10% off tours with this link ),
  • Devour Tours – focuses on delicious food tours. We’ve done a lot of their food tours including many in Rome and they have all been excellent

With Take Walks, the first tour we recommend is their introduction to Rome tour . This is a good tour to start with as it covers some of the highlights of the old city centre, helps orient you, and includes a gelato. It runs in the evenings, so is a good option if you are looking for something to do on your arrival day.

Another excellent Rome tour they offer is their Rome in a Day tour , which covers many of the highlights of the city in one day, which is a great way to see the sights in Rome and not worry too much about skip the line tickets and queues.

They also offer more specific tours of popular attractions. We can recommend the “ Pristine Sistine ” tour, which gets you early access to the Vatican Museums before they open to the public, which is even better than skip the line access.

We’ve also taken their “ Colosseum & Roman Forum ” tour, which covered the Roman Forum and the Colosseum. Finally, we’ve taken a tour of the Borghese Gallery on the “ Borghese Gallery Tour with Tickets ”.

If you prefer your tours to include food and wine, then we can highly recommend Devour Tours , who are the sister tour company to Take Walks. We’ve taken their food tours in a number of cities.

In Rome, one of our favorite Devour tours is the Trastevere Gourmet Food and Wine tour , which we thought was excellent. As this tour runs in the evening, you can likely include it on most of the days on our itinerary.

You can see our complete guide to Rome food tours here for some more ideas and options for your visit.

Food Tour Rome

We’ve also taken tours with Context Travel in Rome, who offer very small group tours for the intellectually curious. These are fairly specialized tours, one focusing on Rome, the Grand Tour and the Romantic Poets , and the other on the history of the Popes and Rome political power.

Context Travel also run a series of tours of Rome you can take before you leave for Rome, which can be a good way to familiarize yourself with the city or a particular landmark before you visit. You can see their online program here .

We’ve written fairly extensively about our tours with these two companies in Rome, and I link to these reviews in the further reading section below to help you decide if these are going to be good options for you.

There are of course other options for tours in Rome, including all the tours on this page , which offers a variety of things to do from different providers. So definitely check out the options to figure out what is best for you!

3 Days in Rome - Pantheon

Next Steps for Visiting Rome

Having read all the above, I hope everything is clear. I admit, Rome is a wonderful city to visit, but planning in all the attractions and avoiding those dreaded queues might feel a little overwhelming. With that in mind, here’s a quick checklist to help make sure you get the most out of your stay.

  • Plan when you are going and book your flights and accommodation
  • Decide which attractions you really want to visit based on the above itinerary, and any other research you have done
  • Check timeslot availability for the Colosseum on the official website if you want to visit
  • Decide if something like the Rome Tourist Card or Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is going to be for you, and purchase it in advance. If you aren’t interested in the Vatican attractions, or are going to visit them on a walking tour, you should definitely consider the Roma Pass instead. This includes transport and a number of other attractions in Rome.
  • Make any walking tour reservations with either Context Travel or Take Walks . This is also an option for visiting the Colosseum if timed slots are not available. You can also look at tour options on GetYourGuide as there are lots of options to choose from.
  • If you’re not getting an attraction pass, make your reservations in advance for all the attractions you know you want to visit which aren’t part of any walking tours you book. In particular, you will want to book in advance for the Vatican Museum , the Colosseum and the Borghese Gallery if you plan on visiting these attractions.
  • When comparing tickets on different sites, be sure to check the cancellation / refund policies. In our experience, the official site for each attraction does not offer any refunds if you need to cancel. GetYourGuide sometimes offers a refund on their tickets if cancelled within 24 hours of your visit, which can offer peace of mind, although do check the policy on each ticket as it varies by attraction. See all their Rome tours and activities here .
  • If you are getting an  Omnia Vatican and Rome Card or  Roma Pass , make sure to book your timeslot for the Colosseum as far in advance as possible
  • Enjoy your trip to Rome knowing you’re not going to waste time in line for anything but gelato !

Where to Go After Rome?

I’m often asked in the comments on this post, and our other Rome content, where to go after Rome, and the best way to get there.

My advice if you want to explore Italy a little bit further is to visit cities like Florence and Venice .

The easiest way to get to these is to take the fast train service. These run frequently and are very quick. Tickets are cheapest when booked well in advance, plus booking in advance will usually guarantee a seat reservation.

You can book train travel in Italy (and Europe in general), on our recommend train ticketing site: .

Another option if you would rather base yourself in Rome and don’t want to worry about booking train tickets, is to take a day tour from Rome. Some options from Rome include:

  • This day tour to Tivoli where you can visit Hadrian’s Villa and Villa D’Este
  • This day tour of the Tuscan countryside
  • This day tour to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast
  • A day tour to Venice
  • This day tour of Tuscany
  • This boat-hopping day tour of The Amalfi Coast from Rome

As you can see, you have plenty of options from Rome! See our detailed Italy itinerary for some ideas.

Further Reading for your 3 Days in Rome

Well, that was a lot of content to help you plan your trip to Rome! As well as the above, we have a number of other resources we’d like to recommend to help you out, both content we’ve written ourselves, and resources we’ve found online. Between this post and these resources, you should be able to put together the perfect trip to Rome!

  • If you’re in Rome for a shorter amount of time, check out our guide to spending 2 days in Rome , or a day in Rome , which will give you some other options for your visit. We also have a guide to things to do in Rome for general sightseeing advice.
  • We’ve taken a number of tours in Rome. You can read about our experience visiting the Vatican, Coliseum and Roman Forum with Take Walks in Rome here, our experience at the Borghese Gallery here and our VIP Key Master’s Tour of the Vatican here . With Context Travel, you can read about the Grand Tour and the Romantic Poets tour here , and Popes, Power and Parties here .
  • If you’re planning on visiting Rome in summer, read our tips for visiting a European city in summer to stay sane
  • We have a detailed guide to visiting the Colosseum to help you plan your visit to this ancient structure, which has everything from how to get here, to the best ways to buy tickets, to tour suggestions.
  • We also have a guide to visiting the Vatican to help you plan your visit to all the attractions in the Vatican City
  • Obviously you’ll want to eat Gelato in Rome! Check out our guide to the best gelato in Rome to be sure you get the best. For more food ideas, see our guide to the best food tours in Rome
  • Looking to visit more of Italy? Check out our content on Venice , Milan and Florence for inspiration!
  • We also have a detailed 10 day Italy itinerary to help you plan a trip in this wonderful country
  • If you’re looking for a physical (or Kindle!) guidebook, we recommend the Rick Steves Rome guide , which has lots of practical information to help you make the most of your stay

And that sums up our idea of how to spend the perfect three days exploring Rome! We hope you found this itinerary useful, and now have plenty of ideas for things to do in Rome for three days.

Are you planning a trip to Rome? What do you want to see when you do? Let us know in the comments below!

An itinerary for the perfect 3 Days in Rome. Everything from what all the highlights you need to see, to when to visit, where to stay, and tips on saving money in Rome!

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25th January 2023 at 1:35 am

Laurence and Jessica, We just recently came back from Rome. I can’t thank you enough for all of your information. Your recommendations has made our trip truly amazing. The Vatican Key Master Tour recommendation was great! It was the our most memorable tour. To have the Vatican experience with only 15 tourist in the complex was truly an amazing experience. Keep up the great work and recommations!

Laurence Norah says

28th January 2023 at 8:55 am

It’s my pleasure, we’re delighted you had a great time in Rome! We loved the Vatican Key Master tour as well and I’m so pleased you enjoyed it too 🙂

Safe travels!

8th November 2022 at 11:45 am

thank you for taking your time and provide us with this helpful post

we are traveling to Rome soon

8th November 2022 at 11:49 am

My pleasure Racio, have a great time in Rome!

Charles Slane says

27th August 2022 at 11:52 pm

Thanks for such an interesting and comprehensive itinerary.

I’ll be in Rome for 4 days, so I’m hoping to use your suggestions, however I’d also like to see a classical concert or two in the evenings. What time would you think would be reasonable to expect to complete the itinerary each day? Would it be in time to see a concert at 7 or 8pm?

28th August 2022 at 10:42 am

Hi Charles,

My pleasure. So yes, you should definitely finish each day in plenty of time to take in an evening concert. Obviously the exact finishing time will vary depending on how long you spend at each location, but I’d say you would have plenty of time to see a concert at 7 or 8 on all three days.

Have a great time in Rome!

5th August 2022 at 10:02 pm

Hi there, I’ve literally been eating up everything in your blog to plan our trip to Rome this September. I was trying to look for Take Walks ‘Tours from home’ tours but couldn’t find them on their website. It looks like they no longer offer those? Unless I’m looking in the wrong spot.

7th August 2022 at 8:17 am

Lovely to hear from you and I’m delighted you have found the blog useful! We’re actually in Italy right now and have been doing various tours with Take Walks as well. You are correct, I reached out to my Walks contact when I got your comment (hence the slightly slower response). They confirmed that they have recently removed the Tours from Home. It was something they started when travel wasn’t possible, but they are now refocusing on their in person tours. So I have updated the content. Context Travel are still running their online program though, so that is an option. You can see what they offer here .

Have a great time in Rome and let me know if you have any more questions, we’re happy to help!

Imelda Morgan says

18th April 2022 at 5:48 pm

Hi, we just found out we are going to be invited to a wedding in Rome Sept 6th!! We think we would like to explore Rome for 2/3 days before wedding! I have been going mad googling what to do etc and came across your site and it’s brilliant!! We, my husband and I, while we are definitely not in our dotage years!! , We do like things like booking tours etc to be straight forward and simple! I know you have loads of info and options of tours etc on your site , I was just wondering which ones you would recommend for us, we would love to visit Vatican, Trevi fountain and colleseum. We think we would be touring 3rd 4th and 5 th September , wedding is on the 6th,!! Thank you Imelda Morgan

18th April 2022 at 5:58 pm

Wow, that sounds like a fantastic place to go for a wedding!

To answer your question, my favourite tours are with Take Walks, who were formerly known as Walks of Italy. They have some really amazing experiences in Rome, especially some of their early and exclusive access tours where you can get access to locations with far fewer people, which is a truly memorable experience. For example:

VIP Key Master’s Tour: Open The Sistine Chapel VIP Pristine Sistine Vatican Tour with Museum Breakfast VIP Colosseum At Night Tour With Underground & Arena Floor

Of course they have lots more options, (you can see all their Rome Tours here ) and some of those are limited availability, but that would definitely be my first pick if looking for a tour in Rome.

I hope you have an awesome time, feel free to let me know if you have any more questions!

25th March 2022 at 9:00 am

HI, l really found it helpful. Thanks. Question. DO you need to wear masks in all places? Are they specific kinds of masks of just any? I know a weird question but better to be prepared. I just bought the OMNIA PASS and so excited but I am not sure how to separate slot for the vatican.

25th March 2022 at 9:42 am

Thanks! So the mask rules have been changing over time, so it’s best to check with an official source. You can see the current regulations here . Currently you need to wear masks indoors. For the type of mask, certain places require FFP2 masks (similar to the US N95 standard), such as public transport and other venues.

For the Omnia Card you should have recieved information on how to book the Vatican. If for some reason you didn’t get that information with your purchase, I’d suggest reaching out to them on their website here:

Have a great trip!

Sophie says

15th March 2022 at 8:15 pm

Hello! You have helped me with my itinerary for my visit in April and you have so much info on which passes to buy.

As we are hoping to do the majority of landmarks which pass would you recommend? We are there for 4 days and the majority of passes are only for 72 hours.

Thank you 😊

16th March 2022 at 1:10 pm

I’m glad you found our guide useful! So I would probably recommend the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card , because it has the most inclusions of all the passes. Just remember you still need to book a timeslot for the Colosseum with this pass.

I’d also add that there’s a bit of a workaround with this pass given you are coming for four days. The pass actually comes as two separate passes, the Omnia Card and the Roma Pass. You should be able to use these separately. So if you used the Omnia Card on your first day in Rome without using any elements of the Roma Pass, you could use your Roma pass for the next three days.

Altneratively, you could focus on using the passes for the first three days of your visit, and then either doing a day trip from the city or visiting the Appian Way on this day, as that area doesn’t have anything on the pass anyway.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions, and have an awesome time in Rome!

20th October 2021 at 2:58 pm

What a great blog! It’s making me very excited for my visit in April next year.

I am arriving mid morning on Friday 29th April and leaving on Tuesday 3rd May. With opening times etc which way round would you do your itinerary based on Saturday, Sunday and Monday being the main full days for exploring?

20th October 2021 at 6:49 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So at the moment (although you’ll want to check when you go because next year it might change!), attractions are closed as follows:

Vatican – Sundays Castel Sant Angelo – Mondays St. John in the Lateran – Sundays Borghese Gallery – Mondays

The Appian Way is also nice on Sundays as it’s closed to traffic, and many attractions including the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, the Catacombs of St. Sebastian and the Tomb of Cecilia Metella should be open on Sundays. You can see opening hours of various attractions along the way on this site (you’ll need to translate it to English).

If you want to visit all the attractions I’ve mentioned, I’d probably suggest doing Day 1 almost as it is on the Saturday, but with the addition of the Borghese Gallery as it’s closed on Mondays. If you miss any of the other attractions as a result they are all open the other days.

You could then switch day 2 and 3 around, so you do the Appian Way on the Sunday, and everything from Day 2 on the Monday.

Hopefully that makes sense! Let me know if you have any more questions!

Quynh Cao says

9th September 2021 at 9:50 pm

Hi Guys, Thank you so much for sharing this guide with the internet. I am planning a solo trip for my 23rd birthday and am feeling quite overwhelmed as this with being my first solo trip and my first time being in the EU. This itinerary is very detailed and is a huge help in the planning of my trip! I look forward to reading more of your blogs!

10th September 2021 at 2:43 pm

Thanks very much for your kind comment Quynh! If you have any questions at all as you plan your trip, don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll do our best to help 🙂

6th July 2021 at 9:19 pm

Hi.., i just want to ask im bit confused if i Buy the 72-hour Rome and Vatican City pass package whick cost 113€ i will get both Omnia card and Rome Pass or i will choose which one i want to activate?? Thank you

6th July 2021 at 9:34 pm

You get both cards! One primarily covers the Vatican attractions and the other is for other attractions 🙂

Let me know if you have any more questions!

6th July 2021 at 9:40 pm

Thank you…, ❤️❤️❤️

13th July 2021 at 8:51 pm

Hi.., i was confused again for the omnia card the St. Peter’s Basilica is included.., is it also included the entrance to the dome??? Thanks

13th July 2021 at 9:44 pm

So yes, the Ommia Card includes St. Peter’s Basilica entry. It is worth noting that it is free to visit St. Peters Basilica, however the card gets you faster access without the usual line. I’m not sure at the moment how long the lines are though.

The card does not include dome access. Usually to get dome access, you would buy a ticket inside St. Peters itself. As you enter through the main doors, the ticket booth is to the right hand side before you enter the church itself. The price varies depending on if you want to take the stairs or the elevator. I can’t find any up to date information on whether it is currently open for visitors, but looking at recent instagram photos from the location it does appear to be 🙂

Branko says

24th July 2020 at 12:27 pm

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Just spent 3 days in Rome with e-bike. Schedule was perfect!

24th July 2020 at 1:29 pm

My pleasure Branko, delighted to have been able to help and I am so happy you had a great time in Rome!

Kimberly Tate says

12th June 2020 at 12:28 am

Hello! I’ve just found your blog and love the information. Do you know when they will allow visitors again? Thank you Kim Tate

12th June 2020 at 10:20 am

Thanks very much, delighted to be able to help. So this is a great question. Italy actually opened up on the 3rd June to EU visitors, however it has not been announced when there will be wider openings. It is thought further announcements will be made on the 15th June. The majority of the attractions are already open, including the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, Borghese Gallery, and the Castel Sant Angelo. So really it’s going to come down to where you are visiting from, and when they open more widely to the world!

8th February 2020 at 9:16 pm

I absolutely love your blog / website. I’m thrilled I stumbled onto it. My question is about the Omnia Rome & Vacation Card and the Vatican Museum – Sistine Chapel. I’m a bit confused. The Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel are included in the Passes with the advantage of Skip-the-Line. What I’m confused by is when I went to the official Vatican website to look for the various tour options, I was going to have to pay 112 euros. When looking to purchasing tickets, I did not see an option to show the savings from the Omnia Rome Pass. How is this Pass cost effective for use at the Vatican? What am I missing or not understanding?

9th February 2020 at 3:55 pm

Thanks very much! You are correct, entry to the Vatican Museum is included on the Omnia Rome and Vatican Card. You don’t need to book a separate tour or purchase separate tickets for the Vatican, it’s all included as part of the pass. When you buy your card, you will be given the opportunity to book your time for the Vatican.

The only attraction you need to pre-book entry at is the Colosseum, which you do at the official Colosseum site. Instructions for doing this with the pass are in this post.

Let me know if I can help any further,

4th February 2020 at 9:54 pm

Thank you for creating this wonderful guide, you’ve made planning this trip so much more exciting! We are heading to Rome in May and have just tried to make the online reservation time slot for the Colosseum but it shows no availability beyond March…have these slots all gone already? Or are they not released yet?

Thank you in advance 🙂

6th February 2020 at 9:27 am

You are correct, the dates are released in phases rather than for the whole year. So you will want to check back regularly to see when your dates become available 🙂

19th February 2020 at 7:54 pm

Just to let you know if you haven’t done yet, reservation for Colosseum with Roma Pass is now open up to June 2020. Here’s the link:

Hope this helps. Looking forward to our trip in June.

12th January 2020 at 6:41 am

I already got my omnia card & roma pass 72 hrs. which I ordered using your site’s link. Looking at the pamphlet that came with it, it shows that the Omnia 72 includes the Vatican Museum,Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, Basilica of St. John Lateran, St Paul Outside the Walls, Carcer Tulllianum & Open Bus 72h hop on hop off. Then the Roma Pass says free use of public transport for 72h, free entry to first 2 museums and concessionary tickets to all other museums. My question is can I start using each card independently from each other? Say I use the Roma Pass Fri, Sat, Sun and the Omnia Sun, Mon & Tues. or does the 72 hrs. for both cards start & end at the same time? I am trying to follow your itineraries although I have to make some adjustments as we cannot spend three successive days in Rome; there is a day where we will be doing a day trip from Rome and it has to be in between, but we still have 3 days to explore Rome. Our trip will still be in June, but I already booked the earliest time (9am) for the Vatican Museum/Sistine Chapel. I guess one advantage with having the Omnia card is that at this time (January) you can already book your time for the Vatican for June. I tried going to the Vatican site and they still have not open booking for June, for now they have bookings available only til March. Next thing I’ll do is reserve our entry time for the Colosseum. Looking forward to our trip and thanks again for all the useful information you shared.

12th January 2020 at 10:23 am

Thanks for stopping by and also ordering through our links, it all makes a difference. To answer your question, the answer is yes, you can use each card entirely independently and you don’t need to activate them together. They are technically separate products which you can buy individually, so there’s no need to use them together as they cover different things.

Sounds like you are well organised – booking entrance times is super important. I’ve heard from folks in Rome at the moment that it’s busy even now, so you definitely want to be all booked well in advance.

Let me know if you have any more questions, otherwise have a wonderful time in Rome!

Jay Joseph Avery says

13th January 2020 at 6:30 pm

Hi Laurence, Hope you don’t mind my asking more questions. When I booked for the Vatican Museums/Sistine Chapel using my Omnia card, I picked the 0900 slot. When I chose the time for St. Peter’s Basilica my option was 1300 or 1500. I had a conversation with my wife as I wasn’t sure if 1300 was a little early. We want to take our time, not be in a hurry and have lunch before we do St. Peter’s, so we decided and got the 1500 time. Our 2 children (22 & 12) will be coming with us. I already mapped out our itinerary (using your 2 & 3 days in Rome as a guide, and adding a few churches) for our almost 4 full days in Rome (4 days for 3 of us and 3 days for our son). Took into account our booking times; that we are in the Vatican almost the whole day. So for the day we do the Vatican, after our visit to St. Peter’s, we only have Castel Sant’ Angelo, Piazza Navona, Pantheon which is kind of on the way to our AirBNB which is only 180 m (2 min. walk) from the Fontana di Trevi.

1) Do you think the 0900 Vatican Museum/Sistine Chapel & 1500 St. Peter’s Basilica would work out? Can we go in St. Peter’s earlier than our scheduled 1500 (w/ Audioguide) just in case we are already done at the Museum/Sistine Chapel/lunch/pictures outside?

2) I have read in some blogs that going to St. Peter’s first, then the Museum/Sistine Chapel is one way of avoiding the huge crowd/tourists on buses. Does this strategy really work?

Thanks for your help.

14th January 2020 at 10:26 am

It’s my pleasure. So I’ve actually spoken with the pass people directly about this question as it’s quite a common one. What they have told me is that the time on the St. Peter’s Basilica isn’t that important. The important thing is to turn up on the right day. This isn’t the case for the other attractions where the timeslot is important, but St. Peter’s seems to be different. So I think once you are done with the Vatican you can just head to St. Peters and not worry about being exactly on time.

In my experience the Vatican starts off quieter and then gets busier and busier. It might be less busy in the later afternoon, but I’m not sure it’s worth waiting until then based on your schedule. Basically, it’s always pretty busy. The only way to see it without crowds is to take one of the special early access or late evening tours, but those are separately bookable.

Happy to help with any more questions 🙂

Jill Marie Casey says

14th December 2019 at 7:29 pm

I am in the trenches of planning our trip to Italy for July. I have been feeling overwhelmed. Your blog has made me feel so much more comfortable! I am about to purchase my Omnia Vatican and Roma Card so I can book my Colosseum time slot. If I have questions, I hope you will not mind if I reach out in the future.

15th December 2019 at 12:23 pm

Thanks very much Jill, and of course, you are more than welcome to reach out with any questions 🙂

16th October 2019 at 10:31 pm

This is such a helpful post, thank you for taking time to write it! I have a couple of questions if you have time to answer: with the Omnia pass do we have to pick it up – if so I prefer online the tourist card might be better as it’s all online. The thought of trying to track down where to pick up a card seems like a lot of time to waste when you don’t have much time!!! Also, I wondered if you could suggest some eating places and eating ideas – for example I have heard its cheaper to eat your biggest meal during the day rather than in the evening. We are travelling with two kids. Thanks so much!

17th October 2019 at 1:11 pm

With the Omnia Pass yes, you do have to pick it up. I think there will be an option to mail it to you, but that can work out quite expensive and so negate the benefits of the pass. The online version might be an better option for you in this regard, as long as it covers everywhere.

For food, to be honest we don’t usually recommend a lot of restaurants. This is because the quality can change quickly! We generally suggest checking review websites like Google Maps and Tripadvisor and trying to find places with good recent reviews. We do however have some suggestions for gelato in Rome which we can highly recommend reading so you get the good stuff.

For meals in general, yes, in Europe generally lunch is a better time for a main meal as the prices for the lunch menus are usually much better value than the evening meals. So eating a main meal at lunch time can definitely save you some money.

Have an amazing time in Rome and do let me know if you have any more questions, I will do my best to help!

Nicola says

11th October 2019 at 4:02 pm

Such a helpful post which I used for my recent trip! Thank you 🙂

11th October 2019 at 4:26 pm

Thanks very much Nicola! If you have any photos or tips to share, we’d love to see them in our facebook group 😀

Laura P. says

5th October 2019 at 4:06 pm

Hello again — We will be in Rome from November 6-9 and have decided to do Walks of Italy for the Vatican and Collosseum/Forum. I noticed that several of their tours aren’t even available in November which makes me wonder how crowded the city and sights are at that time of year. Is the Pristine Sistine still recommended for November or do you think crowds during regular hours at that time of year are not an issue? Thank you

5th October 2019 at 6:26 pm

November is definitely a quieter time of year, so you shouldn’t have too many crowds to worry about. Really the busiest times are the summer months. We’d still recommend a tour if you want to learn more about what you are seeing, but certainly it shouldn’t be necessary. We would however always recommend buying skip the line tickets anyway – you can get them from Vatican website directly for the best price 🙂 You will also definitely need to book your tickets in advance for the Coliseum as well, as that runs a timed entry system.

Shirley says

21st January 2020 at 3:10 am

Hello I have been reading. Your blog and will be travelling in June 2020 . I love the 3day tour but will have to split the shortest day into 2 half day ( cruising in between) will be arriving to Rome early afternoon then on return my flight leaves late late that night any ideas ( I am staying near the Colessium so I was considering splitting that day up – would that work? Shirley

21st January 2020 at 9:23 am

Hi Shirley,

Yes that would work. Once you have seen the Colosseum and Roman Forum you can see the highlights of central Rome on your first day. Just be sure to book your Coliseum entry time well in advance for whichever day you choose to visit, as June can be a busy month and the Coliseum can book up.

Catherine says

29th September 2019 at 3:38 am

Hi Laurence

I am really appreciating all the information you are providing in your blog. I have decided not to get the Roma or Omnia Pass as I don’t think we will get the value from it. I am trying to book Colosseum ticket through one of the sites you recommended but am a bit confused with the tours and costings. We want to do a tour as we would like to see all the levels but can’t work out if I can do it or work out if we pay for that in addition to entry. We will be a group of 7 with three adults and 4 children 16 years and younger.

29th September 2019 at 9:47 am

Hi Catherine,

The tours I link to should all include your entry to the Colosseum 🙂 If you let me know which tour specifically you are looking at I can double check, but as far as I know entry is included with all the tours!

D Plummer says

25th September 2019 at 3:47 pm

Thank you for such an informative guide – making the museum and event reservations in advance were key to using our time wisely and having a perfect experience.

25th September 2019 at 9:20 pm

My pleasure, I’m delighted you had a great time and thanks so much for coming by to let us know, it’s always wonderful to hear nice comments 😀

13th September 2019 at 7:28 pm

Would you recommend hop-on hop-off bus in Rome? Or is the traffic far too bad for the bus transit?

13th September 2019 at 8:37 pm

We have taken the hop on hop off bus a number of times in Rome and it was ok actually, although this will vary depending on the time of day. It isn’t necessarily the fastest and most direct way to get around, but it is a good option for visiting some of the sights for sure 🙂

Paul Chasin says

5th September 2019 at 1:53 am

one more question from paul chasin if we use the omnia vatican card how do we get a reservation time for the vatican museums and sistine chapel without paying an additional 17.00E the web site for timed admissions on Nov 2, saturday has type of tickets all with prices but nothing that says if we have omnia card we can get a time without additional money thanks Paul C

5th September 2019 at 8:25 am

When you get the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card (assuming you buy it from the official site rather than Viator), you will be sent instructions on how to book the Vatican 🙂

Let me know if you have any problems!

3rd October 2019 at 11:22 pm

I’ve been wondering about this — can you reserve your entry times to Vatican and Colliseum without activating your card? I want to do it now, but won’t start using the card until November. Thanks!

4th October 2019 at 7:37 pm

You absolutely can and I encourage you to do so as soon as you can so as to get the slots you want 🙂 The card won’t activate until you use it at the first attraction.

paul Chasin says

5th September 2019 at 1:39 am

regarding Omnia vatican and Rome card 1. do you need a specific time slot reservation for anything other than the colosseum ? as to the the vatican do we need a timed reservation even with the Omnia card 2. currently on your link to the on line reservation web site for colosseum it does not give us option for reservation with the roma pass. Is there another way to make a timed reservation 3. do all sites on omnia vatican and Rome include audioguides or is that extra?

5th September 2019 at 8:24 am

1 – Yes, for the Vatican, but you should get a link to book this when you buy the card 2 – It seems the official Colosseum website has changed in the last week or so! The new link is here Altneratively, if you go to the Colosseum ticket office home page here then on the right hand side under “Roma Pass” there is a small link there. So you should be able to make your timed reservation from that page. Alternatively, there is a phone number you can ring. 3 – This is usually extra

I will update my Rome content regarding the new process for booking Colosseum slots now, thanks for bringing that to my attention!

paul chasin says

1st September 2019 at 12:16 am

is the Rome museum galleria borghese open sunday november 3? several web sites have it Xd out in red as they do on all mondays when museum is always closed but one site had non refundable tickets for Nov 3 which i am worried is a scam Thanks Paul Chasin

1st September 2019 at 11:44 am

As far as we can tell the Borghese is open on the 3rd November. You definitely want to book via a reputable site – we list some recommit in our dedicated Borghese Gallery guide which you can see here:

Jenny Swingle says

25th August 2019 at 5:40 am

I’m looking at the Omnia Pass and Roma Pass and feel like I’m missing something here. We are going to the following venues and it seems like buying tickets direct is cheaper than a pass? –Colosseum $13.50 USD, includes Roman Forum –Skip the Line Vatican and Sistine Chapel $31.50 –St Peters $16.86 –Castel Sant’Angelo $12

Your blog recommended to use the Omnia pass for free entry to the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo and the Colosseum / Roman Forum (value $25.50). Pass is $127. Or the Roma Pass gives free admission to the Colosseum OR Castel Sant’Angelo (value around $12-13). Pass is $45. I understand the passes include transit and other discounts, but it again appears to be cheaper to just buy direct or get a travel pass. Am I missing something, or if we’re only going to these sites should we just buy tickets direct because the passes aren’t worth it unless you’re going more places? Thanks in advance! Your blog was REALLY helpful!!

25th August 2019 at 2:15 pm

Thanks very much!

So you are definitely correct, the Omnia Pass and the Roma Pass are definitely only worth it if you plan on using most of the features. If you only want to visit some specific attractions, then booking individual skip the line entry is definitely the way forward.

In terms of pricing, I would add that the price for the Vatican should be less than what you have quoted. If you buy it directly from the official Vatican website:

The price is €17 + a €4 booking fee. Some websites will try to make it seem more expensive by calling it a skip the line ticket, or that it includes the Sistine Chapel. But if you buy the Vatican Museum ticket from the official website, the €4 fee gives you skip the line access, and all Vatican Museum tickets include the Sistine Chapel

If you really want to save money, St. Peters is actually free. However, skip the line access (which is what you pay for) can save you a lot of time if you are visiting at a busy time of year.

For what you are doing, I would definitely suggest that the pass would not be worth it, and you should just book direct with the official websites, which are

I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful time in Rome. Do let me know if I can be of any more help too 😀

26th August 2019 at 4:18 am

Perfect, thank you so much!

21st August 2019 at 11:52 am

Hi, I will be in Rome in September for the third time, but it’ll be my son’s first time. 🙂 Thank you for all your wonderful tips. This is a truly fabulous article! Gabi

21st August 2019 at 12:07 pm

Our pleasure Gabi – have an amazing time!

Syaharom Abdullah says

17th August 2019 at 3:25 am

Hi, Laurence !

My wife and I plan to visit Rome and Venice in mid December. If I were to follow your three day Rome itinerary, where would be the best location for me to stay? I have a budget of about 100 Euro a day for accommodation.

17th August 2019 at 9:46 am

Hi Syaharom

In Rome in December the prices are pretty reasonable, so you should have no trouble finding a location. I’d recommend staying near Piazza Navona as that is close to most of the sights in the city. Some options to consider:;label=FTU3DayRome;label=FTU3DayRome;label=FTU3DayRome

My suggestion would be to load up the site, and filter by your date, and then by price and rating. For example, this search already filters by your requirements, you just need to change the dates to your specific dates. Then you can hit the “map view” to see where they are. Have a great trip!

17th August 2019 at 3:06 pm

Dear Laurence

Thanks. I appreciate it.

17th August 2019 at 12:37 am

Question i read that “main museums and public monuments ” are free to seniors over 65 Which museums are these? are any of them the main tourist attractions like vatican city St Peter’s Basilica, or museo e galleria Borghese? thanks paul chasin

17th August 2019 at 9:56 am

It really varies depending on the attraction, but it is not common for entry to be free to seniors. In addition, the free access might only be for EU citizens. From the list you have provided, the Vatican doesn’t as far as I am able to tell. St. Peter’s Basilica is free, you only pay if you want to skip the line. The Borghese also has no senior discount.

Have a great time in Rome 🙂

youssef sherif says

6th August 2019 at 4:23 am

Hi laurence, I wanted to ask you a question , I don’t understand the difference between pre booking a regular admission ticket and pre booking a skip the line ticket , I mean in both cases I don’t have to stand in the ticket line and I go straight to the security check right? or did you mean that the line of visitors with skip the line tickets is usually much shorter than that with regular admission tickets? I also wanted to ask you about one more thing , If I bought a skip the line ticket from any website like tripadvisor I dont have to reserve a time slot on the official website right ?

7th August 2019 at 2:36 pm

Hi Youssef,

This is correct for the most part, however it depends on the attraction. In general though:

– for the majority of attractions, there will always be some sort of security line – some attractions have a separate fast track line for specific tickets, and a normal line for standard ticket holders. Depending on the ticket, you will join one of these lines for ticket validation and security checks – there will also be a general line for those not in possession of a ticket. You want to try and avoid this line!

For the skip the line tickets on third party websites, if it includes a timed entrance then you should not have to book a time slot, however you definitely need to check the instructions of the ticket to be sure.

Kim Wood says

9th June 2019 at 5:54 am

Hi, I have Omina Vatican & Rome card and I make a big mistake to reservation the time slot on the wrong date on Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel – Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel, how can I change it?

9th June 2019 at 8:59 pm

So for this you would need to contact the Omnia Vatican & Rome Card folds. I would suggest calling them – they have a UK call center and also a Skype contact number – you can see these here:

Best of luck,

4th June 2019 at 3:19 pm

Hi, back again, sorry.

Been trying since April to book that Colosseum entry time slot, with the Roma pass. Whenever I have tried to select my date to visit, in early July, there has not been a single date able to be selected after June.

Not full, just not yet able to be chosen. I wondered if I had to wait until June to be able to select dates in July, as there has simply been no possibility to choose dates within that month, until now.

Now that June has begun, I tried again, only to find that every single time slot on every single day until the end of August is fully booked.

I was unable to book before now because tickets were not available for purchase from July on, and now I cannot purchase because they are all seemingly sold out.

Can you tell me what this means for me, and possibly why this was the case? And am I unable to receive free entry on my Roma pass to the Colosseum because of this?

Thanks very much (once again) Alex.

4th June 2019 at 3:37 pm

Hi Alex – no problem at all!

So I have recently spoken to the Colosseum folks because I am getting a lot of questions about the Colosseum. So many in fact that I’ve written a whole guide to it, which is new since you last commented:

In essence, the timeslot system has definitely resulted in a lot less availability for the Colosseum. When I spoke to the Colosseum ticket office, I was told that do release slots on a weekly basis, but I wasn’t given details as to when that happens exactly, how many they release at a time, and how far in advance they are for. You could try calling the ticket line, giving your specific dates, and asking if new timeslots are going to open up. The number is +39 06 399 67 700, and it’s option 2 for English. I recommend using something like Skype for cheaper calls.

Let’s get back to the other part of your question, in terms of what this actually means for you if the timeslots are not available.

First, yes, you won’t be able to use your Roma Pass for the Colosseum. This isn’t the end of the world, as you can use the free entry to another attraction.

I assume you do still want to visit the Colosseum, and the good news is that this will be possible, you will just have to go about it a different way. Generally, this will involve taking a slightly higher priced ticket, or booking a guided tour. I have outlined the main options in this section of my Colosseum guide:

I hope this helps, the timed entry system is new for 2019 and I really don’t think anyone anticipated how much demand there was going to be, especially over the busier months!

Darlene says

27th May 2019 at 3:41 am

HI…thanks for a great site!! I am thinking of taking my 20 yr old daughter on a Med. cruise that leaves Oct 1st…we could have 3 or 4 days in Rome before the cruise…what are the crowds like during this time and is the weather still nice? Thank for your help. Cheers, Darlene

27th May 2019 at 11:06 am

Hi Darlene,

The crowds should be very manageable by October. i would still recommend booking your Colosseum ticket in advance just to avoid disappointment, but other than that I don’t think it will be too busy. Weather wise, it depends on how lucky you are! It could be mild and sunny, or it could be wet and cool. It’s unlikely to be extremely hot or extremely cold, so just some sensible clothing layers and some sort of waterproof or umbrella should suffice,

Have a great time!

David T says

23rd May 2019 at 11:12 am

Love your page! I bought the OMNIA Rome pass as you suggest. I want to do the VIP tour you suggested for the Colosseum, but am wondering whether I need to still purchase the Entrance pass (2 euros) with the Rome pass or does the VIP tour include the entrance as well?

23rd May 2019 at 11:15 am

Thanks David! The VIP Colosseum / Caesars Palace tour includes your entry ticket and time slot to the Colosseum and Roman Forum, so no need to worry about reserving those if you book on the tour 🙂

8th May 2019 at 12:59 pm

Hello, thank you for a great blog it really inn lauded all the information we needed and more. I just a question – I was going to buy tickets through the ticketbar website (you gave a link to it under basilica) but read a couple of entries at other sites saying not to use 3rd party vendors etc. is the website trustworthy for Vatican skip the line tickets. Omniscient would not work for us. Many thanks in advance Best Eva

8th May 2019 at 4:52 pm

For the Vatican we recommend (and directly link to in this post) that you book your skip the line tickets on the Vatican website directly. The only reason for this is cost, on the official website it’s €17 + €4 booking fee for a skip the line ticket, whilst most third party sellers are more expensive, and you generally end up getting the same thing, so there is no real value. The reason they are more expensive is just the way that the Vatican structures it’s prices to third parties. This is the same for the Coliseum – if you don’t use a pass, then it’s usually always cheaper to just book direct. The only thing to bear in mind is that some third parties do include addons like audioguides in the package price, which can make it more valuable.

We recommend ticketbar for many other products in cities around the world and have had no problems using them. For St. Peters Basilica for example they have a ticket, which as you mention we do suggest. This is because there is no actual entry fee to St. Peter’s Basilica, so you can’t buy a ticket from the official site. However, you can pay more to get a faster access and thus skip the long lines, which is what sites like ticketbar are able to provide.

Let me know if you have any more questions, I’m happy to help!

Vishal says

7th May 2019 at 4:07 am

Hi Laurence,

Thanks … this is very useful information and we will be relying on this to plan our trip.

Just wanted to check – if I buy the OMania card but need a guided tour of Vatican and Colosseum, is it possible to get a local guide to accompany us when we visit these 2 attractions? Where can I get a local guide . We are a group of 6.

Not planning a guided tour as I am already paying for the entry for both attractions when I purchase the card.

Regards, VK

7th May 2019 at 5:28 pm

So I am sure that this is possible, but I am not sure where you would find this type of guide, as all the tours I can find already include entry. However, you can get an audioguide, which might be just as good, and also a lot cheaper!

8th May 2019 at 4:54 am

Hi Laurance,

Thanks for your very prompt response. A couple of additional questions ( sorry about this but we are largely following your itinerary).

1. I have booked a guided tour for Vatican and Colosseum so will not opt for the Rome and Omania pass. Do you think it’s still worth to get a Roma pass (72 hr or 48 hr) for the rest of the attractions on your itinerary + the local transport flexibility it offers? We have 4 days and are a group of 6 (children, adults and seniors).

2. Borghese gallery is fully booked during the time I am in Rome and we will skip the Pyramid of Caius. What other attractions would you recommend we visit ?

8th May 2019 at 9:48 am

My pleasure, and no problem.

1 – it’s always hard to advise if something is worth it as folks have different ideas of value 🙂 I’d say for me it would be worth it and we usually advise it, but it will depend on the other attractions you visit and how much you plan to use the public transport to decide if it’s worth it for you. Without the Coliseum entry, it is less of a financially obvious case, but it depends what else you go and see.

2 – I’d suggest the Capucin Museum, which is quite interesting if a little creepy. You should also consider the Circo Maximums and the Capitoline Museums.

Christopher Darling says

27th April 2019 at 10:54 am

Good morning

Thank you very much for such a really great and detailed travel guide.

I ordered the Omnia card, I was wondering if it was possible to change the time of the Vatican museum booking. When I booked my museum timing I wasn’t aware Saint Peter’s Basilica next timing was 4 hrs later.

Thank you for all of your help and your great guide.

27th April 2019 at 6:55 pm

My pleasure. So for the Omnia Card, when I have queried about the timings in the past, I was told that the only important time is the Vatican time. Beyond that, as long as you show up on the right day for the St. Peter’s Basilica, you shouldn’t have any problem.

That said, I would also check with the Omnia card folks to confirm this, and also to see if you can change the time if you would still prefer to do that,

Alex Purvis says

12th April 2019 at 11:48 am

Hi Lawrence and Jessica,

Thank you very much for this wonderful blog. I have a question about the Omnia card, which I have just purchased, if you can help me.

I haven’t yet been quite able to figure out how the discounts to attractions work. I assume, at least for the two free attractions, you just pick which two appeal, then join the security line to enter and declare while brandishing your Omnia card that this is one of your two chosen free entries. Is that correct?

However, for the other discounted attractions, is it the case that you must still join the ticket purchasing line, and show your Omnia card when you buy in order to receive the discount? In which case, you would be unable to skip the ticket lines for any other than the two free attractions (plus the Vatican). Is that how the discounts work?

One other small issue – when I follow the link in the email confirmation Omnia sent me to reserve time slots at the Vatican, it appears that I have to reserve separate time slots for all three of: Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and St. Peter’s Prison. Is that the case, and if I did not reserve times for all three, or was slightly late for a particular time slot, would I then be denied entry, or miss out on skip-the-queue?

I apologise for the length of this message, but I would be very grateful for any clarity you could provide!

Thanks Again!

12th April 2019 at 12:00 pm

Our pleasure, we’re delighted you found it useful 🙂

So, assuming you bought the Omnia Card that we recommend in this post, it is actually two cards.

The Omnia part of it is what gives you access to the Vatican attractions, which include the Vatican Museum, St. Peters Basilica and so on. Those are all included, you don’t have to choose.

The other part of it is the Roma Pass, which is the one where you get free access to the 2/6 attractions, and then discounted admission. You are correct – the skip the line access only works for the free admission.

The main queues in Rome however are for St. Peters Basilica, the Vatican Museum (both of these you get skip the line access with the Omnia part of the card) and the Coliseum. The Coliseum however now operates a timed entry system, as explained in this post. I definitely recommend using the Coliseum for one of your free entries, and reserving your timeslot online using the process I outline in this post.

I have been told in the past by the Omnia Pass folks that the only timeslot that really matters is the Vatican Museum. For St. Peters Basilica, the important thing is that you choose the correct day, the actual timeslot is not an issue. I had not previously heard of a separate timeslot for the Sistine Chapel. I don’t see that this could be a thing as it’s actually inside the Vatican Museum, so you just visit it as part of that visit, I don’t believe there’s a separate entry process as far as I know, unless this has changed recently.

For St. Peters Prison, I have a feeling this will be the same as St. Peters Basilica, as long as pick the right day, the timing shouldn’t be a big issue. It’s not a massive attraction so there shouldn’t be any problem. Personally I would reserve all the times, but only worry about being on time for the Vatican Museum, which is one where you are escorted in by the Omnia Pass people in a special line.

Let me know if this all makes sense!

Melissa says

4th April 2019 at 9:01 pm

My husband and I are planning a full 2 week trip to Italy in September 2019. Mainly because our son is stationed at the military base in Naples. We will be arriving early morning on a WED and will have most of the day WED and all day THU to spend in Rome, then we will take a train FRI morning to visit our son in Naples for a 4 day weekend. He will be showing us around Naples, Pompeii and Amalfi coast/Capri. We were then planning to either catch a train/plane from Naples to Florence then to Venice and then back to Rome early on a MON for another day before heading to airport for very early am flight on TUE. Or maybe taking a flight directly to Venice first then taking the train to florence and back towards Rome.

I’ve been researching a lot on how to go about doing this. It seems that the Omnicard would not be the most economical option since our “3-days in Rome” will not be consecutive. Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

5th April 2019 at 11:18 am

Hi Melissa,

You are correct, the 3 day pass wouldn’t work out so well for you. However, I have a solution. The 3 day Ommnia Rome and Vatican Card actually consists of two cards, an Omnia Card, and a Roma Pass. You can buy these separately, and thus activate them separately. The Omnia card will cover the Vatican attractions, and the Rome Pass will cover things like the Coliseum, Roman Forum and so on.

So my suggestion is to buy them individually, and to use the Roma Pass for the WED/THU, then the OMNIA pass for the Monday. I would suggest picking up the Omnia Pass when you arrive though, as you can then book your timeslots for the Vatican Museums.

You can buy the 24 hour Omnia Card here , and the 48 hour Roma Pass here .

Just be aware that for the Coliseum, even with a Roma Pass, you still need to reserve a timeslot. The process for doing so is explained in the post above (this is new as of March 2019, so many websites are still giving incorrect information that you don’t need to do this).

The only thing I would advise is just to make sure the various attractions you plan to visit are open on the days you are visiting. Based on the information you’ve given me it should be fine, but Rome has public holidays and so on, and I wouldn’t want you to buy a pass for a specific day that you then can’t use!

Let me know if I can be of any further help, and have a fantastic trip!

5th April 2019 at 11:19 am

Just to add to this – if you don’t want the hop on hop off bus, you can also buy skip the line tickets for both St. Peters and the Vatican from that website, which might be a little cheaper than the Omnia Card.

4th April 2019 at 1:15 am

Hello, Thank you so much for the extremely helpful information. I’m in Rome now mostly following your itinerary. My question is about food. I’m not sure If you already mentioned this anywhere n I missed it but what are the best places you would recommend to eat Italian food (restaurants or grap n go pies n stuff)? We are doing Vatican tomorrow (through Omnia with a guide). Any specific place to eat you recommend around there ? Thanks

4th April 2019 at 11:55 am

To be honest, we haven’t put together a restaurant guide for Rome as yet. We rarely do food guides to be honest, because we like to be thorough, and it takes a lot of time to visit sufficient restaurants to come up with a good enough guide – especially in a city like Rome! We also find that restaurants are not like attractions, they tend to open and close more often, and it can be hard to keep a guide up to date.

When we travel, we usually look at resources like Google Maps or Yelp, as well a general blog posts on where to eat in a city from more focused food blogs. We try to make sure the reviews are recent and seem to also be from locals. Usually this works pretty well. Rome is pretty good for restaurants though, we’ve never had a particularly bad meal! But a little research will keep you away from the more touristy traps.

Sorry not to be of more specific help!

29th March 2019 at 2:01 pm

We will be traveling to Rome in May, and will be spending three days. I tried locating your google map itinerary but am having issue finding it. When I click the link to the map, it only opens my Google Map App without opening your itinerary map. Is there a way you could provide me the name or another link to the map?

Thank you! This was by far the most helpful in regards to planning a short visit in Rome – so many other blogs did not give precise direction on how/when to organize the trip!

29th March 2019 at 2:09 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So I have updated the link to the following:

Can you let me know if that works for you? Google is a bit tricky when it comes to these things sometimes. If that doesn’t work, I would suggest trying on a desktop browser or in an incognito tab perhaps.

Let me know how it goes!

29th March 2019 at 2:29 pm

Thank you so much! That link worked for me! I appreciate it!

29th March 2019 at 2:46 pm

Awesome 😀 I will update some of our other posts as well to the new link structure 🙂

gabriela honegger says

21st March 2019 at 8:02 pm

Hi Laurence and Jessica,

We will be arriving in Rome on June 20, 2019 and departing on June 24 out of Venice to France . Could you advise us on how to get around and see Rome, Florence, and Venice in 4 days? Is this even possible? love your website!!!!

21st March 2019 at 8:29 pm

Hi Gabriela,

So this is of course theoretically possible, but it will be quite rushed. I would probably try and focus on seeing two cities more fully, but I understand if you want to fit it all in.

I’m not sure what time you are arriving or leaving and if you have much time on the 24th or 20th. So this sort of assumes you don’t have much time on those days.

My advice be to spend a day in Rome, following our itinerary for a day in Rome . Then, take the train to Florence (book train tickets in advance on trenitalia to save money). Either go in the evening after exploring Rome, or early in the morning. Then explore Florence for a day, overnight in Florence, and then head to Venice on the train.

If you want to take a tour in any of these places, I can recommend this Rome in a Day tour and this Florence in a Day Tour 🙂

17th March 2019 at 7:24 pm

Thank you. This is immensely helpful. I can tell it took a lot of thought and time and I truly appreciate it!

18th March 2019 at 11:57 am

My pleasure Luis – have a great trip!

6th March 2019 at 3:13 pm

I love your website and how you are so helpful to those of us who have no idea what to expect when we arrive in Rome. Your 3 day itinerary is awesome. We plan to see at least the first two days of attractions. This is the best sight I’ve seen and the fact that you answer directly to us is amazing. Thank you in advance for your help.

I’m worried I may have done something wrong. We arrive in Rome on March 31st…we arrive early that morning so I thought we might want to see a few of the lesser sites or do the hop on hop off tour just to get familiar with the city that afternoon when we arrive. We plan to start our Vatican and Colosseum sightseeing early Monday morning April 1st.

I purchased the Omnia Vatican and Rome Card a couple of days ago. I picked the date of March 31, My thinking is that it will give us 3 days…March 31 – April 2. We leave early on April 3rd. Am I correct in my thinking that this pass will give us those 3 days of sightseeing and general transportation?

My second concern is I can’t find anywhere that allows me to pick time slots. We want to start at the Vatican as early as possible on Monday April 1. Can you help me figure out how to choose my time slots?

The Omnia Vatican and Rome Card is expensive and I can’t find a way to pick a time slot?

7th March 2019 at 11:35 am

Many thanks for your message. So the pass will activate on first use, the date you specified isn’t too important. If you start using it on the 31st it will work on the 31st,1st and 2nd.

For your second point I have been in contact with the folks who issue the pass about your issue. I have been told that you should have received an email with a link to book your times. However, you are the second person to contact me about this recently so I am wondering if something has changed. If you could forward me the email they sent you on purchase and any other confirmation to my email, [email protected] , I’ll investigate further!

7th March 2019 at 3:57 pm

Thank you Laurence,

I have forwarded the email to you. I really appreciate your help.

8th March 2019 at 1:32 pm

Great Alana – happy to be of help 🙂 Have a great trip!

1st March 2019 at 7:04 am

Thank you so much for this easy to follow and very detailed guide. I have one question though…. About the ticketbar purchase ~where can we redeem the cards and stuff for example from the airport in Rome?

1st March 2019 at 4:05 pm

For the Rome Pass, the pickup locations are as follows:

PIT Castel S. Angelo, Piazza Pia (next to the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo), 8.30am – 18.00pm till 24/03, 9.30am – 7.00pm till 27/10. PIT Ciampino, Aeroporto G.B.Pastine – External area International Arrivals. 8.30am – 6.00pm. PIT Cinque Lune, Piazza delle Cinque Lune (Piazza Navona). 9.30am – 7.00pm. PIT Fiumicino, Aeroporto Leonardo Da Vinci – International Arrivals – Terminal T3. 8.00am – 8.45pm. PIT Fori Imperiali, Visitor Center Via dei Fori Imperiali. 01 January-30 June and 01 September-31 December: 9.30am – 7.00pm – 01 July-31 August: 9.30am – 8.00 pm. PIT Minghetti, Via Marco Minghetti (corner to Via del Corso). 9.30am – 7.00pm. PIT Sonnino, Piazza Sidney Sonnino (Trastevere). 10.30am – 8.00pm. PIT Termini, Stazione Termini – Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34, platform 24. 8.00am – 6.45pm.

So as you can see, lots of options 😀

4th March 2019 at 10:25 am

Thank you so much!

Sandy s says

28th February 2019 at 7:47 pm

Hi Laurence. Hope you can answer a couple of queries for me. 1. Our flight lands at about 9pm and we were planning on getting the train/bus from the airport to termini. Just a bit concerned of what is the best option to get from termini to our hotel. Can we get a taxi outside the station and roughly how much would it cost? Our hotel is close to the Coliseum. the hotel does a shuttle from the airport but it is very expensive. 2. we have booked the Vatican museum etc with our omnia card. Did I see somewhere that we now have to book the coliseum as well in advance?

Ps loving the blog – planning on using the itinerary when we visit in 3 weeks!

1st March 2019 at 4:18 pm

So, from Termini to the Coliseum is only about half a mile, which is even walkable! However, there are also public buses you could take. I couldn’t tell you how much a taxi would cost, but it would not be very much for such a short distance.

For the Coliseum, yes, they have now (as of 1st March 2019, or today!), made it so that everyone, even holders of the Roma Pass / Omnia Card, have to book their Coliseum time. This costs €2 and is best done online. To do so, you will go here:

And pick a date and time slot at the bottom. It is easier if you do this with “solo disponsibli” checked, as it will show you only available times. Once you pick a time, you should be able to choose a ticket type, and one of them will be “COL-FOR-PAL PREN.INGRESSO CON ROMA PASS individuals entrance” at a price of €2. That is the one you want to buy.

I hope this helps! I’ll update our Rome content to reflect this as it’s all new for 2019.

Have a great trip

Sandy S says

1st March 2019 at 5:41 pm

Hi Laurence Thanks for the quick response. I was initially happy to walk from Termini but as it is going to be about 10pm I was just concerned about safety for two mature ladies visiting. I think a taxi might be best.

2nd March 2019 at 8:01 am

No worries. Rome is pretty safe, but it never hurts to take precautions, especially with all your baggage,

Have a wonderful time 🙂

25th February 2019 at 5:48 pm

Hello; I have found your site to be very helpful when planning my visit to Rome. I will be traveling with a small dog and traveling in November so I hope the crowds will be less. I realize that dogs will not be allowed in the interior of most places, but I assume I will be able to walk on the outside of many of the sites you mentioned. Also, do you find Rome to be dog friendly?

I would also like to take a cooking class while in Rome….do you recommend any?

27th February 2019 at 5:00 pm

So we haven’t travelled with a dog in Rome, so our advice is not from personal experience. However, you shouldn’t have any trouble on the outside of the attractions certainly. I’m not sure which attractions would allow dogs, if any, but I think overall Rome is dog friendly. However, again I must stress this is not based on first hand experience.

In terms of cooking classes, the only one we’ve done is this one . It was a great evening and lots of fun, but it was more of a pasta making evening and social event rather than a full-on cooking class, so it depends what you want 🙂

Have a wonderful trip!

Deepak says

21st February 2019 at 2:55 am

Thanks for the detailed itinerary. Really loved the way you have organised the content and shared your experience. We are planning for a 2.5 day trip to Rome in July. I had few questions

1. Since we land in Rome at 9am, we plan to start our sight seeing at 1PM after we check-in and take some rest. Given just half day, which of day of your 3 day itinerary do you suggest to do on our first day given we have only 0.5 day.

2. I plan to take guided tours to both Vatican Museums and Colloseum. Will you suggest I still take Roma Pass ?

3. Any suggestions on good authentic Italian food in Rome ?

4. We plan to take train to Naples on Day 4 for a trip to Pompeii. Any suggestions on Naples and Pompeii ?

21st February 2019 at 8:56 am

So if you lose half a day you will possibly have to skip something, depending on how you arrange your time. However, you mention that you want to take a tour of the Vatican and Coliseum. So my suggestions is as follows:

1 – take the Rome in a Day tour from Take Walks, which includes both the Vatican and Coliseum, as well as the majority of sights in the city centre. For your half day, you could see what’s left on Day 2, then on your other full day you could do day 3.

2 – no, I don’t think you will get too many benefits of the Roma Pass, unless you want the transport.

3 – to be honest, we rarely recommend restaurants as they change so often, and the quality can vary. We recommend using Google maps or something similar, and looking for recent good reviews.

4 – this isn’t an area we’ve explored recently, so we don’t have any tips currently – sorry!

Jeff Tokryman says

15th February 2019 at 2:58 pm

Hello Thank you for the detailed info We (2 of us) are looking for a guided group tour of Rome over a three day time frame to see the sites you mention. Vatican and related with skip the line access. We also want to go inside the Colosseum, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain. Context Travel has these split up. I am looking for a complete combo tour. We plan to visit Rome The 1st or 2nd week of MAY.

17th February 2019 at 3:59 pm

Have you taken a look at the tours available on the Take Walks site? They have a number of options. Or did you want a private tour?

14th February 2019 at 8:05 pm

I love your post about 3 days in Rome. I just purchased the Omnia Rome travel pass. I ordered the passes to be sent to me because I thought it would be one less thing I had to deal with when I arrived. They sent an email saying I can’t prebook my entry times until I have my tickets. I know you stated in your post that once you order the pss you can book your reservations. Do you know if something changed or did I book it wrong? Thank you.

14th February 2019 at 9:02 pm

So my understanding was that as soon as you bought your pass you would be able to book your entry times at the following website:

However, it sounds like this might have changed. I have sent an e-mail to my contacts at the Omnia Rome pass to see what the current process is in case it has changed. In addition, for the Coliseum you also now need to book an entry time if you are visiting after the start of March 2019. However the process for how you actually do this with the pass is a bit unclear, so I have asked for clarity about that as well,

I’ll be in touch when I hear back!

19th February 2019 at 2:01 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate your help with my questions!

19th February 2019 at 4:06 pm

My pleasure!

Suan Teo says

12th February 2019 at 1:16 am

We are a group of 6 seniors travelling to Rome arriving Oct 14 and our cruise sets sail on Oct 20. Your 3-day Rome itinerary and 2-day in Florence is very helpful. Need recommendation on accommodation for 6….will you suggest VRBO and/or AirBnB. Thank you.

12th February 2019 at 5:36 pm

I would certainly suggest for a larger party that an apartment is great option. We have a list of a range of apartment booking websites we suggest you look at, which you can see here .

Let me know if you have any more questions and I’ll try to help out!

27th January 2019 at 1:00 am

Hi Laurence & Jessica Norah, thank you for this wonderful insight of Rome. i am arriving in Rome Feb of this year Sunday noon and leaving Thursday morning to explore the City. i honestly love the itinerary that you wrote but my “bad left knee” can’t endure the walks as stated. my top priorities to visit are as follows. The Vatican, The Museum, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica (and maybe hear Mass and see a glimpse of our beloved Pope). Piazza del Popolo, Spanish steps, Trevi fountain (wishing to visit again), Mouth of Truth (for the child/curiosity/fun @heart) and of course, The Colosseum & Roman Forum. please help me out on how to achieve this in 3 1/2 days. thank you in advance and more power to you two 🙂 Sirod

27th January 2019 at 10:06 am

So based on your priorities I think you will be able to achieve what you want. As you say you want to see a Papal mass, we can arrange your visit around that. I’m not sure which part of February you are visiting, but you can see the papal mass timetable here:

For the Wednesday mass, please be advised you have to get tickets in advance from the website I link to. Tickets are free, but are required for entry. You will also need to be there in person at least a couple of hours early in order to see mass. So this will take up most of the morning and some of the afternoon.

My advice for the rest of that day would be to visit the outside attractions, like Piazza del Popolo, the Spanish Steps and the Trevi fountain. From the vatican you can take a bus to the centre of the city. Alternatively, you could visit St. Peter’s on this afternoon as you are already there. I don’t think you’ll have time to see the Vatican as well.

So this would give you the Monday to see The Colosseum & Roman Forum. This would also be a good day to see the mouth of truth.

You could then dedicate the Tuesday to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel.

Does that sound feasible?

27th January 2019 at 9:19 pm

Thank you very much for your reply. This will definitely be a short but wonderful stay in Rome. More power to your “blog”

27th January 2019 at 11:02 pm

My pleasure Sirod, do let me know if you have any more questions!

caroline says

26th January 2019 at 8:40 pm

love your blog. Excited to go to Rome in a few days, however, there is one thing that we dont understand with the Omnia Card. Are you supposed to prebooked online all the attractions with the Omnia card or just show up ? Thanks in advance, Caroline

26th January 2019 at 8:51 pm

Hi Caroline!

Thanks very much, and it’s my pleasure to be able to help 🙂

So when you have your card you can prebook your timeslots at the following website:

If you are picking the card up in person, you’ll make the bookings at the time you pick it up I think.

The only things you need to book the timeslots for are the Vatican Museum and St. Peter’s Basilica. However, for St. Peter’s, it’s an open ticket for the whole day – as long as you have a booking confirmation for the right day, the time doesn’t matter.

I hope this helps – let me know if you have any further questions or anything doesn’t make sense 🙂

26th January 2019 at 9:34 pm

Thanks Laurence, for taking the time to answer my question. This is very heelpful.

24th January 2019 at 5:59 pm

I’m relieved to find the perfect Rome travel guide for me! It tends to be overwhelming during this planning phase as there’s a wide range of attractions to visit. But glad to havr come across your page.

My husband and I are booked for June 3-11, 2019. We have not booked any accommodation yet but we’re looking more into a bed & breakfast kind of place.

We’re inclined to tour around Italy for our 8 nights. We’re thinking of Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence. Do you think doing this would be too tight given our travel period? We’re slow paced travelers and would want to have ample time to appreciate the surroundings. We also love when we don’t need to rush from one point to the next.

Also, can you comment about taking taxis, uber, or private hired cars as mode of transportation? What’s our best option if we want to travel (day trip) to Milan or Venice or Florence or all?

Thank you in advance!

25th January 2019 at 3:06 pm

Thanks very much 😀 So I would say that 8 days is definitely enough to see three cities. Four would be possible, but if you don’t want to feel rushed then you might want to drop one. My suggestion would be to go Rome -> Florence – Venice, and to take the fast train between them which will be the most cost effective and fastest way to travel. Tickets can be booked online in advance from the TrenItalia website, which has an English language version.

For transportation in the cities, much of the three cities I mention are entirely walkable, but Uber is available and likely going to be your best option. I’d also recommend the bus or other public transport options. Venice doesn’t have any vehicles, only water taxis.

I would personally advise that if you really want to appreciate Venice and Florence that you stay overnight in them. So with your eight nights, I’d suggest 3 in Rome, 3 in Florence with one of those days as a trip to Tuscany, and 2 nights in Venice. For your time in Florence, I’d suggest reading our guide to 2 days in Florence, which has some suggested tours to Tuscany:

I don’t think you’ll need a hire car 🙂

Have a great trip – and do let me know if you have any more questions!

17th January 2019 at 8:37 pm

Laurence, what a great blog you guys have produced, well done! Great insight and hints!! My wife and I are going to Rome either over Easter (yea) or in July (UGGGH HOT) If we buy the individual tickets from the sites themselves do we get to skip the lines too? And if we buy them online before we fly over can we print the tickets at home and bring them with us or do they have to be mailed/shipped to us ? Thanks so much!!

17th January 2019 at 10:26 pm

Personally I’d go for Easter if I was you – July will not only be hot, but also very busy.

For the tickets, sorry to say this, but it very much depends on the site and the ticket. However, I will quickly run down for the main sites:

For the Vatican, yes, if you book it on the official Vatican Museum website this comes with skip the line access. Note whatever ticket you buy there is still a security line.

For St. Peter’s Basilica, there isn’t an entry ticket, so there is no official website to buy a ticket from. However, there is usually a long line for security here, and if you buy from one of the “skip the line” third party services, you get access to a shorter security line which can save you a lot of time on a busy day. Obviously the value of this is up to you! We recommend this one , but there are a few.

For the Coliseum, you can also buy skip the line tickets from the official website here . Personally I find this website a bit confusing 😉 There are a variety of ticket options, but as of 2018 they operate a timed entry system, so you have to pick a time slot. Until the end of 2018 they had something called an “open” ticket, which let you go in any time after 2pm, but that appears to have been discontinued, so you need to select a time.

For the tickets, I believe they are all of the print at home variety, however we nearly always use one of the various passes we mention as we just find them easier, so I do not have first hand knowledge to confirm that.

Finally, we can also recommend one of the walking tours as well if you want to avoid all the hassle as they sort all this stuff out for you. Obviously more expensive, but we find they can really help bring a location to life. We recommend Walks of Italy generally for Rome 🙂

Have a fantastic trip, and if you do decide to go for the online tickets, do let us know how it goes and if they can be printed at home so I know for future!

21st January 2019 at 2:14 pm

Hi Laurence! Thanks for the reply, and again great information!! Hope we can make it around Easter for sure. If we buy the tickets on line I’ll be sure to let you know if we’re able to print them at home. Thanks again. Ken

Lisa Herrmann says

28th December 2018 at 3:08 pm

LOVE this site and your plans. I will be there in March and can’t wait! I made my reservations for the Vatican Museums and the Basillica as suggested with my Omnia card. Do I need to print out the reservation or is it now linked to my Omnia card?

I am also planning on taking a train ride to Venice for a day. Any suggestions on a half day trip there?


28th December 2018 at 4:30 pm

Thanks very much Lisa! I’m not 100% certain if you need to print out the confirmation. It should be linked with your card, but you might want to print it out just in case (we usually print things out just in case!).

For Venice, we have a guide to things to do in Venice for a day – I’d say that half a day would be enough to see the main sights like the Rialto Bridge, St Marks Square and so on 🙂

Have an awesome trip, and do pop back to let us know how it all went!

27th October 2018 at 9:33 am

A very good guide and help.

27th October 2018 at 11:25 pm

26th October 2018 at 8:57 pm

I just bought my Omnia Vatican and Rome pass for my trip at the end of November. It is being mailed to me. Do you know if I need to wait until the pass arrives so book my Sistine Chapel tickets? Or is there a portal I can go through to book them before actually having the pass? I wasn’t prompted to book the tickets during my Pass Purchasing process.

26th October 2018 at 9:06 pm

So the last time I asked the Rome and Vatican Pass people about this, I was told that you should be sent a link by e-mail when you place your order. You might want to check your spam folder to be sure. If you haven’t received a link, please let me know, and I will check in with them in case the process has changed, and get back to you.

I do know that when you have the pass in hand you can book your timeslot using this website:

And the code that is printed on the card, however I appreciate you might want to get things arranged already, so just let me know if you’ve got any links sent by e-mail or not.

Also, just to be aware, for the Sistine Chapel it’s the Vatican Museum entry you need to book. You also need to book a timeslot for St. Peter’s, but it’s an open ticket for the whole day – as long as you have a booking confirmation for the right day, the time doesn’t matter.

I hope this helps!

15th October 2018 at 8:18 pm

Firstly, I would like to appreciate you for the way you have written this blog. It’s beautiful and very useful. I am planning my trip based on your itinerary and have a few questions: 1. I will be visiting Rome from October 25th to 28th, 2018 and plan to visit the Vatican City on Friday, October 26th. My question, would they still be huge queues to visit the Vatican Muesuem and the Sistine Chapel. Do you recommend to buy any of the above passes or just buy a ticket from the official website of the Vatican museum.

2. In general, will the lines be too huge during my time of visit at other attractions like the Coliseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill? Just buying the ticket on the same day be recommended or should we buy any of the above mentioned passes?

Thanks in advance S

17th October 2018 at 7:53 pm

Thank you very much 🙂

So, it’s hard to predict exactly what the queues will be like for any given day, but October should certainly be less busy than say August. So you should be ok for the Vatican and the other sites. However, if you are planning on attending a few of the sites you mention, then the Roma Pass will definitely be helpful, as it will let you skip the lines, save a bit of money and also get free transport in the city.

Aggie Serrame says

8th October 2018 at 12:27 pm

I came across this post while looking at itineraries for Rome. We will be in Rome for 4 days from February 18-22, 2019!

First question is, what would the weather be like/what clothes to wear/pack because it’s a struggle every time we pack too much winter or pack too little winter stuff haha.

Second, we are going to be getting the Omnia and Roma Pass to utilize the service of skipping lines, when we get the 72 hour pass, does that start from the moment we get it? Because we’re trying to use 1 of the 4 days to do a Pompeii/Amalfi Coast tour so I don’t want the other day of the 72 hour to go to waste. Any suggestions for me?

Third, I already mentioned we are doing a day tour to Pompeii and Amalfi Coast, have you guys been there in the winter? Do you have any recommendations on what our 4 day intinerary can be with that day tour to Pompeii and Amalfi coast???

Last, we also want to take a cooking class specifically pasta making, do you have any recommendations on which company/class to take?? We will be staying at a hotel 5 mins walk from the Trevi Fountain so if there’s anything in that area that you recommend for us to go to eat and shop, I would love to know! Or any restaurants really!

10th October 2018 at 5:43 pm

First, sounds like we need to write a four day itinerary! For February, it will be a bit cooler so you should definitely plan on packing some layers. It won’t be freezing, but it won’t be much above 10 – 15C I would say, and if you get rain or wind it might feel cooler. For the passes, they activate from the first use, so you are fine on that front. We have not visited Pompeii or the Amalfi Coast in winter, we’d say Pompeii would probably be better.

In terms of a cooking class, we have done one through Take Walks which was a lot of fun. You can see that here: Pasta-Making Class: Cook, Dine & Drink Wine With A Local Chef

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions and we’ll try to help!

Roslyn says

5th October 2018 at 11:59 pm

Hi Laurence and Jessica, We are visiting Rome in December and we’re keen to use your 3 day itininery. Just wondering if daylight hours will be less in December and if that will impact on our ability to see the sights. We were also wondering about a day trip outside of Rome as we have been told there are many sites outside of Rime much older than the ones in Rome. Thanks

10th October 2018 at 4:55 pm

Certainly there will be less daylight in December compared to the summer, but it shouldn’t impact your ability to do sight-seeing as most of the outdoor attractions are well lit at night. For visiting outside of Rome, I’d say with three days you are better staying in the city – there are lots of sights to see, and many of them are 2000+ years old, so there’s no shortage of old things to see!

Kushal says

5th October 2018 at 2:47 am

Thanks so much for the detailed itinerary. My wife and I are looking to be in Rome around Christmas. As it stands we Re planning to be in Rome on 23rd Dec and leave for Florence 27th Dec. We have 3 full days and I am sure your itinerary gives us the best chance to see Rome the best way but what implications will Christmas period have on the itinerary? Can you please suggest.

10th October 2018 at 4:54 pm

Certainly the Christmas period is likely to affect opening times, especially on Christmas Day (25th). My suggestion would be to check the official websites for each attraction you want to visit to see when they are open or not, and adjust the itinerary to suit 🙂 Have a great trip!

1st October 2018 at 2:12 pm

Hi, Have really enjoyed reading this blog and intend on using the itinerary for when my sister and I visit from 21st March 2019. How soon should we be buying the OMNIA pass and booking the Vatican/colosseum entries? Is it best to have them shipped

1st October 2018 at 2:43 pm

Thanks for stopping by! It is easier to get the pass shipped as otherwise you do have to pick it up in person. That said, I’ve arranged the itinerary so you are near the collection points on the first day, however if you get it shipped you will save a bit of time if there is a line 🙂 It’s not too expensive to have it shipped

I hope this helps! Have a great trip 🙂

30th September 2018 at 9:40 pm

I really like your itinerary and all the inside info. Thank you for that. I have a few questions.

1. can I just book the Omnia card in Rome, when we get there? I’ll have a couple of hours at the Airport waiting for my family to arrive, so I thought it might be a good time to pop to Tourist information and buy them for us.

2. I have seen another itinerary recommending Vatican gardens. Are they worth visiting?

Thank you Jana

1st October 2018 at 2:22 pm

Thanks for your comment 🙂 To answer your questions

1 – Yes you can, but only from specific points in the city, which are not at the airport unfortunately. There are three places you can buy them, which are listed as the collection points on this page:

2 – It’s hard to know – some people will love the Vatican gardens, others may not find them as interesting 😉 You can only visit them as a guided tour, which takes around 1.5 – 2 hours. The ticket for the tour includes the Vatican Museum entry as well. So it will take a bit of time, so if you decide to do this, then you might need to adjust your day accordingly 🙂 They aren’t included on any of the passes, so you would have to book this separately!

I hope this helps – have a great trip!

23rd September 2018 at 5:27 pm

Hey! My sisters and i are going on our first trip together to Rome, and basically planning everything off of your amazing itinerary!

I did have one question, the first day there are a TON of attractions to see. Do you think its possible to do all of it in one day? We were planning on starting the day at 7AM, but i was still worried about not being able to see everything. I noticed that the Pantheon closes by 730 pm, and is more towards the end of the day as well. is it possible to make it on time

another question i had is about Pyramid of Caius Cestius. is this only open on saturday and sunday?

thank so much!!

26th September 2018 at 4:38 am

It is definitely possible (and you can see other commenters agree :)) to do it in one day, but I agree, it is a full day. However, if you start at 7am, you should be fine! Many of the attractions have no closing time, and you can just move the Pantheon forward a little bit in the itinerary if you are worried about it, as it’s right next to the Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountain. For the Pyramid, we think it’s enough just to see it from the outside rather than go in, but it’s up to you 🙂 It does appear only to open on weekend mornings.

23rd September 2018 at 3:11 am

I am planning a 3 day trip to Rome in December, and really like the 3-day itinerary that you have outlined. How does the Hop on Hop Off Bus ticket fit into the itinerary?

26th September 2018 at 4:40 am

The HOHO bus will take you around the major sights if you want to use it, it might be a good option on the first day to get from the Vatican area close to the major sights in Rome, or on the second day from the Coliseum. Or you could just use it on the third day to tour Rome, and then do the Appian Way. It’s up to you!

Hope this helps!

Kathy McDermott says

22nd September 2018 at 10:02 pm

I am happy that I came across your site. I’m struggling to put our itinerary together and yours seems to be a good fit. (and I’ve researched a lot!) My husband and I will be in Rome Sunday,May 12, 2019 with our flight landing at 8:15 am and leaving Wednesday,May 15th in the morning. We want to do the Colosseum on Sunday with the underground tour (the latest is 2:00 pm) but also purchase the Roma Pass. What I’ve read online is that I have to call the Colosseum to add the underground tour to use the Roma Pass. I don’t think we can squeeze your Day 2 itinerary into our Day 1 (with flight time and Hotel check-in) and the Vatican is closed on Sundays. Any suggestions as to how to mix it up? Thank You!

26th September 2018 at 4:54 am

I have to admit I’m not sure about adding the underground tour to the Roma Pass, but if that’s what you’ve read then I’m sure that is likely correct.

Based on your timings, I would suggest something like:

Coliseum, Roman Forum, St. John in the Lateran, Mouth of Truth

As Day 1 in the itinerary

As Day 3, but with the addition of the Baths of Caracalla

Hopefully that works!

Have a great trip, and let me know if I can help any more!

Chrisite says

5th September 2018 at 9:56 pm

Thanks for this amazing itinerary, I can’t wait to visit in less than a week! Just a quick question what do the ladies normally wear out there? Im more of a short person however, a lot of websites so not to wear them. I know knees/shoulders have to be covered in holy places, but would it be acceptable to wear shorts when visiting the colloseum and will i be the woman wearing them if i do?

6th September 2018 at 10:49 am

Hey Chrisite

Our pleasure! So for the religious buildings like St. Peter’s, as you say you do need to cover from just below your knees up to your shoulders. So this is why most people don’t wear shorts, as you have to change to something longer. But it’s perfectly acceptable to wear shorts to other places like the Coliseum or the rest of the city, and I’m fairly sure you won’t be alone if you do so!

Have a great trip 🙂

2nd September 2018 at 5:50 am

This was a great read and I’m sure I will check out all of these places when we go to Rome in March. My sisters and I went to Paris this spring and we bought a pass as that was the least expensive way to do it. My question though, is we will be in Rome for 19 days and I don’t want to cram all of the sight seeing into just a few days. Would it still be cost effective to purchase a pass? Also, because we will be staying outside of the central city because we do have some meetings to attend, we will be renting a car. I think we will use it mostly use it outside of the city and then when we go sight seeing, we will park somewhere and use public transit. Would it still be worth us buying a pass for public transit? Thanks again for the wonderful tips.

2nd September 2018 at 10:27 am

Thanks. I think for 19 days a pass isn’t going to deliver much cost benefit, as most of the passes we are aware of are time limited, and if you don’t see a certain number of attractions, then the pass cost won’t be worth it. So if you want to spread your attraction viewing out, then it’s unlikely to be cost effective to buy a pass. Instead, you should just be sure to book your individual tickets in advance to skip the ticket lines. I’d also say that a transport pass will be unlikely to save you money. Individual tickets, good for 100 minutes of transport, are only €1.50, so unless you plan on taking a lot of transport, it will probably be cheaper to just pay as you go.

29th August 2018 at 5:31 pm

Hello Laurence!

This ‘3 day’ plan is AMAZING! My husband and I are going to Rome in February half term (Im a teacher so can only go then) so this has given us loads of great ideas.

Id like to ask a few questions though, if I may.

1. Should I get the ’skip in lines’ even for first thing in the morning in late Feb? 2. Do I need an audioguide/ a real guide tour of the Vatican museums (especially if we aren’t really interested in art info – just cool to look at?) 3. Does the entry to the Vatican museums (€17+€4 for skip the queues) include Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica?? It says Basilica is free to enter but some sites charging €14,50 as fast track into the Basilica….is this worth it? Does the ‘fast track’ into the Vatican museums also get you fast track into the Basilica/Sistine chapel? 4. Is the Sistine Chapel extra if you have paid the entrance fee to the Vatican museums? 5. Castel Saint Angelo – worth a visit? Some people say just lots of fancy rooms…maybe just a visit from the front?

Sorry, I know thats a lot of questions. When I have a holiday project I go a bit all out. Want to get in as much as possible (we normally do a lot of visits whenever we are on holiday – most people think what we do is excessive but we love the fast paced hols)

29th August 2018 at 6:00 pm

Pleased you like it! And you are welcome to ask questions of course. I’ll answer then in the order you asked, I appreciate a well ordered list 😀

1 – it’s less likely you’ll need skip the line tickets at this time of year, especially if you go early in the morning. February should be a fairly quiet month. That said, you might want to add up the individual prices for each attraction you want to visit and figure out if something like the Omnia Vatican and Rome card will either save you money, or even if it’s a little more expensive, it might save you a bit of time.

2 – It’s up to you of course! We’ve visited the Vatican both on our own and on a guided tour. We definitely learnt a lot more with the tour than we did on our own, obviously, plus they know the fastest ways to the main highlights.

3 – Skip the line entry to the Vatican does include the Sistine Chapel (the Vatican Museum is the only way to get to the Sistine Chapel), but not St. Peters Basilica. St. Peters Basilica is free to enter, but as the lines (especially in summer) can get very very long, you can pay a premium for fast track entry. You do have to book this in advance. Alternatively, you can book a tour like the Pristine Sistine tour I mention in the post. Group tours have a special route they are allowed to use, which takes them directly from The Vatican Museums into St Peters Basilica. So if you were planning to take a tour, definitely take one that includes both the Vatican and St. Peters as this will save you time. Alternatively, if you’re an early riser, St. Peters Basilica opens pretty early, so you could go there first and you would definitely not need a skip the line ticket 🙂

4 – Nope, it’s included

5 – It’s very hard to answer this as what one person finds interesting another person doesn’t 🙂 We enjoyed visiting, and it’s certainly an ancient building with a great view from the top, but it’s also pretty from the outside. So if you wanted to save money you could skip this.

Overall I’d definitely suggest making a list of all the attractions you want to visit, looking at the entry costs for them and then deciding if the pass if going to be worth it for you – not forgetting that they often include transport 🙂

I hope this helps – happy to answer any follow up questions too!

Natasha Poulton says

16th September 2018 at 3:03 pm

Thanks so much for this; you certainly know your stuff! Completely forgot to check this site for the answers so sorry its taken some time for me to reply.

Just wondering about a switch round then of the Vatican and St Peters. Was going to do it that way round but if St Peters is open at 7am then may do that first and then the Vatican. If we did it that way, would we need a skip the queue for the Vatican for 9am when it opens do you think?

Also, can you recommend a roman bath experience. In late Feb I think some heat and relaxation would be quite nice.

Thanks for all the help.

16th September 2018 at 3:18 pm

No worries! We love Rome, so do our best to have all the info to hand to help others 🙂

That would certainly make sense to switch them round. I don’t do it like that in the itinerary as most people aren’t going to get excited about a 7am entry time, but if you are fine with that, you can go for it! I would say that in February the queues for the Vatican aren’t likely to be that long, especially at 9am. Although just bear in mind that many of the tour groups do go 8.30am – 9am, so you might have to wait a bit. It shouldn’t be round the walls queues though, as it is in summer as the day progresses!

I have never taken a Roman bath experience in Rome, so unfortunately I don’t have any recommendations there.

Have a great trip, and let me know if you have any more questions!

Vickie says

27th August 2018 at 1:06 pm

Hi we would like ti spend 4 days un room whatbis the weather like on med October?

27th August 2018 at 1:09 pm

October is a good time to visit Rome, it’s not as busy as the summer, and the weather is usually mild, usually between 12C and 22C. However, the chance of rain is increased, so you’ll want to be prepared. It can also be a bit cooler, especially at night and in the morning, so bringing some warm layers is advised.

Nitin Mistry says

27th August 2018 at 11:39 am

Hi Laurence & Jessica Thank you so much for the itinerary, We managed to follow most of the things listed but because of the thunderstorms we experienced over the three days we were not able to do all of it and sadly missed a whole days worth of sightseeing. As a result we picked the most of the important aspect from your plans which were a big help. We decided not to use the discount cards due to the weather which worked out cheaper but if the weather was better then I feel that it would have been more worthwhile for us. We decided to spend a little more on the Colosseum and do a moonlight tour to avoid the crowds and this was the hightlight for our holiday.

Once again I just want to say a huge thank you for this detailed trip

27th August 2018 at 12:22 pm

Our pleasure Nitin! Sorry to hear about the weather, but it sounds like you made the best of it, and we’re so pleased you had a good time 🙂

Trinetra Bhushan says

27th August 2018 at 4:03 am

Hi Laurence and Jessica, What a good blog about Rome travel. I will be following your trip for my Mid September visit to Rome. I am reaching Rome from New York around 12:30 PM on 18th September and leaving early morning 21st Sept, do you thing I can do the 3 days itinerary in 2.5 days? Also do you suggest to buy Omnia and Vatican card or Roma card?

Thanks, Trinetra

27th August 2018 at 1:07 pm

Hi Trinetra!

I actually had a similar question by e-mail recently. I think this is possible, but you may have to juggle the itinerary a little bit. My suggestion would be to do the Vatican on the day you arrive. You might also be able to fit in St. Peters Basilica, but it’s unlikely, and you also probably won’t be able to into Castel Sant’Angelo on this day either. However, if you don’t mind getting up early, St Peter’s opens very early in the morning, so you could do that and Castel Sant’Angelo on the morning of either the second or third days.

You may also have to adjust when you visit the Pantheon as that has opening times. Everything else on the first day will be do-able as it’s attractions that are outdoors.

For the trip, we would recommend the Omnia and Vatican card if you plan on seeing everything on the itinerary, as it will let you pre-book your Vatican entry and get skip the line access to the Vatican and St. Peters.

I hope this helps – have a great trip, and do let us know how it goes!

27th August 2018 at 3:50 pm

Thnaks for the detailed explanation Laurence. I would like to do Vetican part of Rome without rush so planning to go there on Thursday. I was thinking to do Day 3 of your itinerary on the day I arrive in Rome as it have less places and not the ones which are must see in my list. Is that sounds good?

Thanks in advance. Trinetra

27th August 2018 at 4:17 pm

Absolutely Trinetra, that makes sense. You should just check the opening hours of any of the attractions you definitely want to visit along the Appian Way so as not to miss them 🙂 Then you will have two full days to do everything you want to do.

27th August 2018 at 4:23 pm

You are angel thanks!!

27th August 2018 at 11:33 pm

I bought card and proceeded to book Vatican Museum @10:00 AM and the found only available slot for St. Peter’s Basilica and the Tomb of the Popes was for 13:00 PM I have booked that as well but then I started thinking is 3 hours is enough for getting into Vatican and then to St. Peter’s? Are they very strict about timings? is there any way I can modify my reservation if the time is not enough? Thanks, Trinetra

28th August 2018 at 12:08 am

Hi Trinetra,

I have queried the Omnia Rome & Vatican Pass people about this, and they said:

“St Peters is an open ticket so as long as they have a booking confirmation they will not need to go at the time of the confirmation.”

I hope this helps – it should mean that as long as your ticket is for that day, you should be fine!

Loretta Blackborough says

22nd August 2018 at 7:54 am

Thank you so much for a very well planned and written itinerary! We are staying in Rome for 4 nights in September, so your 3 day itinerary is perfect. We will be arriving in Rome at around 11am on Thursday 27/9, after a 4 hour bus trip from Sorrento. We plan to follow your 3 day itinerary exactly from day 2 of our stay. This being the case, what would you recommend we do for the first half day on the day of our arrival? Kind regards, Loretta

22nd August 2018 at 9:13 am

Hey Loretta,

Our pleasure 🙂 Of your first day, personally I’d take the time to just walk around the center of the city and eat gelato and take in some sights, but if you want some additional attractions that aren’t on this list, you could visit the Museum and Crypt of the Capuchin Friars, which is quite interesting. The Trastevere district is also nice to wander around, and isn’t in this itinerary, so that is a good option. You could also head up to the Buco della serratura di Roma, there a good view over the city from a garden up here, and a famous keyhole you can look through 🙂

22nd August 2018 at 9:58 am

Thanks Laurence, Wandering around the Trastevere district will be perfect!

One other question – does the hop-on bus go to most of the locations listed in the 1st two days of this itinerary?

Many thanks Loretta

22nd August 2018 at 10:07 am

It does! I found this map which I think is the up to date route, to give you an idea of where it goes 🙂

Vangie says

18th August 2018 at 10:03 pm

We are also planning to visit Rome Italy only for 3 – 4 days it will be our first time and I like your suggestions of places to visit Can you reach these sites through their local transportation , Taxis or rental car? Do you have a recommendation of hotel accommodation as well

18th August 2018 at 10:07 pm

Hi Vangie! Sure, there’s a section in the post on where to stay in Rome here:

And you can reach all the attractions by public transport, or you can take a taxi if you want. That’s covered in the post here:

iuliana constantinescu says

11th August 2018 at 11:02 am

Thank you for this wonderful guide! We’re planing to spend 3 days in Rome at the beginning of Nov. One of the days would be a Monday though, so how is this going to affect our itinerary? Also we have a 3 years old boy so I’m not sure how much walking we can do. Are these locations accessible with a stroller? Also do you have an idea on how is the weather in Nov? Your advice would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Iuliana

13th August 2018 at 9:07 pm

Hi Juliana,

Our pleasure! I would say that the majority of locations are accessible with a stroller, but it might be worth checking the official website for each as it’s not something we have personal experience with. For the itinerary, my suggestion is to check the opening times for the various attractions, seeing what is open, and then adjusting the itinerary to suit. It’s also hard to comment exactly on the stamina of your son as everyone varies, but this is a fairly packed itinerary, so you might want to scale it back a bit and focus on the highlights, or perhaps spread the first two days out over three days so you can see everything and not get stressed 🙂

Hope this helps a bit – have a great trip!

Graham says

2nd August 2018 at 7:02 pm

Hi My wife & I have just been on your 3 day tour of Rome and it was Fabulous. We are on our 25th Wedding Anniversary and couldn’t have wished for a better trip and this was all down to you. You gave us a purpose & we visited sites that was beyond our dreams. Thank you so much Angie & Graham PS Looking to undertake Berlin & Krakow next can you HELP please

2nd August 2018 at 7:05 pm

Hi Graham! First, congratulations on your anniversary. What a wonderful way to spend it 🙂 We are so pleased that you stopped by to let us know our guide worked for you, it’s the sort of feedback that really makes us smile! We’re thrilled you had a good time and that we were able to help.

For Berlin & Krakow – we have been to Berlin but haven’t as yet put together a detailed guide to visiting. Krakow is on the shortlist for next year – I know that doesn’t help right now, but stay tuned!

Graham Pickett says

2nd August 2018 at 10:35 pm

We our truly thankful for your brilliant advice, we have had such a Fab time. The feedback is throughly well deserved & hats off to you two.

Thank You Angie & Graham PS Knackered but exceptional journey & your correct Gardens was great at the end, sorry to say we shared the rowing boat time between us. Thank You both

Monica Doss says

29th July 2018 at 6:43 am

Hi Laurence, Great guide. I saved it and I keep checking it every now and then while planning my trip:) I bought the OMINA Card online and then went to book the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica. Booked Vatican museum successfully at 10am but for the basilica, Wednesdays are always unavailable even 5 months from now and other days timings are only 9am and 4pm. Do you have any information about that? Ideally I should book around 1pm to give Vatican museum and Sistine chapel 3 hours.

Thanks a million:)

29th July 2018 at 12:34 pm

Thanks very much 🙂

So for the basilica, I’m not sure why you can’t book a Wednesday, that seems a bit weird. For the other timings, it actually doesn’t matter. Here’s what the folks at the Pass told me about the bookings:

“customers now do have to book their visits to St Peters Basilica in advance of their trip. St Peters is an open ticket so as long as they have a booking confirmation they will not need to go at the time of the confirmation. ”

So hopefully that helps!

Tisaygwapa says

8th July 2018 at 3:34 pm

Hi, this blog is very informative and great read. Me and my husband will be visiting Rome next year and it will be our first time there. May i know what is the nearest airport to the Day 1 Itinerary? what are the transportation to take from airport to the attraction? Cost? Are there a lot of English speaking people?

Hoping to hear from you. Thank you in advance.

9th July 2018 at 10:11 am

Hi Tisaygwapa!

Thanks very much. I’m sure you will love Rome (and Paris :D). Rome has two major airports, Ciampino and Fiumicino. The first is smaller, and primarily serves budget airlines, the latter is bigger and handles more of the international traffic.

Fiumicino is easier to get to and from, it has a train station and it takes about 30 minutes to get into the city center. There are also regular buses and taxis.

Ciampino has a nearby train station, and also regular buses. So also quite easy.

Hope this helps – have a great trip!

Shrikant says

4th July 2018 at 3:03 pm

Is it doable to go from Florence everyday(for three days) by fast train to Rome for sight seeing? Or is it going to be very hectic? Leave Florence around 8:00 am to go to Rome and leave Rome around 7-8:00 pm to go back to Florence. BTW you have compiled very useful info on “Rome in three Days”, This is what exactly I was looking for. Thanks!!

4th July 2018 at 3:24 pm

Hi Shrikant,

Well, it is possible, but I have to be honest, I’m not sure why you would not just stay in Rome – this would add expense and lost time into the equation. But, yes, it could be done. Have a great trip!

Denise Shaw says

14th June 2018 at 5:06 pm

Hi I am chaperoning a class trip to Italy on June 29th. I was looking for a suggestion for a day in Rome. We have one free day in Rome . The other day in Rome we are doing a walking tour through the Vatican Museums to reach the Sistine Chapel at the end of a visit to St. Peter’s Badillica. Free time is given for lunch and to explore Vatican City. During our free time I am going to take them to Castel San’Angelo. Afternoon: Transfer by bus from the Vatican to the Colosseum for a guided visit (45) followed by a guided walk through the Roman Forum. Ending by the Spanish Steps I was wondering if you can give me a suggestion for one day in Rome what to see and where to go on foot. We will be dropped off in the morning and picked up late afternoon. Thanks so much Dee

16th June 2018 at 10:21 pm

Hey Denise! Sounds like you have many of the major highlights covered on that one day. I think your tour is also likely to take in the Pantheon, but if not, do make sure to add that in. So my suggestion would be to head out to the Baths of Caracalla, visit those and St. John in the Lateran Church, and then perhaps to explore the Appian Way. This is a different side of Rome to what you will have already seen, a bit more green, so should be a nice contrast. Hope this helps – have a great trip!

6th June 2018 at 10:24 am

This itinerary looks awesome and I think it covers the main spots. However, i am going to travel with my parents (in their 70s) and although they are healthy, I am not sure if its too much walking in a day. What do you think is your average daily steps taken?

8th June 2018 at 10:34 am

Thanks very much – and this is a good question, which I have to admit, is a bit hard to answer. This is because it really depends on what you aim on seeing – the Vatican alone for example has 7 miles of corridors! I actually did a tour like this a while back with my grandmother, and she did pretty well. From the map I’ve provided you should be able get an idea of the walking distances involved. I would also add that Rome has a really good public transport network, so you can definitely cut back on walking by taking advantage of the bus / metro system between the main points (or using the hop on hop off bus).

I would also say that when we walk these routes out, they often come in at around 20,000 steps for us, but again, that’s just an approximation. Certainly 10,000 – 15,000 would be a good number to think of, and you can probably cut back on that like I said with public transport.

Have a great trip, and do let me know how it goes!

24th May 2018 at 6:16 pm

hi ! this is a great blog and i really appreciate the time and energy put into this.

could you please provide a link to the site where we can book the required tickets in advance?

24th May 2018 at 8:57 pm

Hi Oorja – thanks very much!

For the Rome and Vatican Pass, if you buy that then when you have bought it you will be sent a link to book your times in advance.

If you want to book individually, the links are in the post for the tickets to the Coliseum, the Vatican and the other major attractions that need advanced booking 🙂 Each entry should have a link, let me know if you can’t find something specific 🙂

Tinamarie Mathis-Standley says

18th July 2018 at 8:40 am

I bought the pass but it does not give you the option of scheduling the coliseum or forum. Also, St. Peter’s Prison is included but not on your itinerary, where would you squeeze it in?

18th July 2018 at 6:49 pm

Hi Tinamarie,

For the Coliseum and Forum with the pass you don’t need to schedule the entry, you just go straight to the security line. You don’t need to queue for tickets if this is the first or second use of the pass, which it would be if you follow the itinerary.

For the prison, I’d suggest squeezing it in to the same day as the Forum, perhaps just after you finish the Forum, as it’s right there. Just bear in mind that the itineraries are quite full so you will have to hustle a bit 🙂

Gurjeet Kaur says

28th April 2018 at 9:44 pm

Hi. I was wondering if I need to make reservations for 2 out of the 6 free attractions before hand or do I just show up to the places and show my card and get in?

29th April 2018 at 8:20 am

Hi Gurjeet,

No, for the 2 out of 6 attractions you do not need to make reservations 🙂

Jai Sanghvi says

23rd April 2018 at 10:51 pm

Great Blog and amazing suggestions. You took away hours of research time I would have spent trying to finalize my itinerary. Appreciate it.

We are vegetarians (eat dairy, but no eggs, no meat, no seafood, etc). Could you possibly suggest some restaurants in the Rome Center area where we can get Vegetarian, Indian, Mediterranean food? We don’t mind exploring other cusines as well, except, we have our 12 year old daughter and would like to keep your suggestions in our back pocket for “emergency” situations..! 🙂

Again appreciate your help in advance

24th April 2018 at 10:31 pm

Thanks for your comment! We don’t really have the necessary knowledge unfortunately to answer your restaurant request – usually we shy away from recommending restaurants as the quality can change quickly – we usually find it’s best to check recent reviews on focused restaurant review sites. My best advice would be to try something like Google Maps or Yelp to see what suggestions they have,

Josefa Mapa says

20th April 2018 at 4:38 pm

My teenage son and I just got back from our trip to Rome. We were able to maximized our trip to Rome thanks to your blog and itinerary. Had it not been for them, we would be clueless what to see and much less how to batch up the places.

We didn’t buy any of the passes. We did a LOT of walking. We got lost often but that lead us to see something else interesting that were not in the itinerary. Tickets to the important sites were bought online in advance from the websites of the places itself so they were a bit cheaper. Maybe because it was just after lent so the queues were not that long if any and it still being spring, the weather was wonderful.

Again, thank you. You also gave me confidence in going to my very first adventure in a new country.

Good luck, and God bless.

22nd April 2018 at 10:19 am

That is wonderful to hear, I am delighted you had a good trip! Certainly, at quieter times of year you can be lucky with the queues and the weather, and it sounds like you were 😀 – plus making those reservations in advance will have helped a lot too 🙂 Thanks for stopping back to let me know how it went!

Lisa Smith says

7th April 2018 at 7:39 pm

Thank you 🙂

7th April 2018 at 7:56 pm

Our pleasure 🙂

2nd April 2018 at 3:03 pm

Hi thanks for this great guide. Have a couple of questions about the Omnia pass. You say the 72 hours starts from first use. So does using the hop on hop off part then activate the public transport and museum count down as it also mentions somewhere they are separate tickets. We have an afternoon and three full days so were planning to start with the bus tour on first afternoon but now worried we’d effectively lose a whole day of tha pass. Thanks

2nd April 2018 at 3:10 pm

So, according to the official website:

“Don’t forget the OMNIA Vatican & Rome Card works on a consecutive day basis, so if you first use your pass in an attraction or even on the public transport at 5pm on your first day, this will count as the first out of your three day pass duration.”

In practice, I think it is a little different. The Omnia Pass actually comes as two passes – an Omnia card, and Rome card. The Omnia card covers the hop on hop off bus and the vatican attractions, and the Rome card covers the public transport and the other Rome attractions like the Coliseum.

So, I *think*, the Hop on Hop off part of the card will only activate the Omnia Pass. So as long as you see the Vatican attractions on your first three days, you should be fine. Of course, I can’t guarantee this, but as I recall when I got on the hop on hop off bus, they only used the Omnia Pass rather than the Rome card, so it wouldn’t have activated.

cheryl says

28th March 2018 at 5:18 pm

Great advice, I am trying to decide on the Rome passes or just buy the hop on-off pass as it includes Vatican museum and coliseum. What do you think?

Also, Can I use the Rome pass to get from the airport to termini station? TIA

28th March 2018 at 5:41 pm

Thanks very much 🙂 So just for clarity, do you mean this pass?

I would say that it’s really up to you and what you want to see in Rome – the Rome Pass is slightly more expensive (although on sale right now) but also includes a few more attractions (plus skip the line access to St. Peter’s Basilica), as well as a three day travelcard and three days of Hop on Hop off transport. Personally I think the Omnia Rome and Vatican Pass is slightly better value considering what you get, but of course it does depend on what attractions you want to see.

In terms of the travelcard, whilst Fiumicino is connect to Termini by public tranport, the travelcard doesn’t include transport from the airport unfortunately, you can see that on the travelcard page here:

It says “Please note: The Travelcard does not include travel to and from the city airports.”

I hope this helps – have a wonderful trip to Rome!

28th March 2018 at 6:20 pm

Thank you so much for your quick reply. One more question…. I clicked on your link to the coliseum….am I correct that I have to buy two separate tickets, One for the coliseum and another for the form and palatine Hill?

28th March 2018 at 6:28 pm

My pleasure 🙂 The Coliseum ticket includes the Forum / Palatine Hill, so you only need to buy one ticket to get access to those attractions. Tickets are also valid for two days, although can only be used once for each attraction.

21st March 2018 at 4:33 am

Looks like a great itinerary, looking forward to checking it out. How about Rome after dark???

21st March 2018 at 11:25 am

Thanks Jim! In our experience we fill our days so much that our evening plans usually just involve a nice evening meal and a fairly early night 🙂 But of course there is lots to do in Rome at night, depending on your interests. If you’re interested in something a bit different, if you’re visiting on the right day, you can actually take an after hours tour of the Vatican, which is a really unique experience. You can find out more about that here:

Otherwise, just have fun, Rome is a great place to walk around at night 🙂

Will Smith says

17th March 2018 at 6:29 pm

Love your blog wii be following it to the T when we visit in June is our 30th wedding annervesary can you recommend any special resteraunts please

Many thanks

19th March 2018 at 1:56 pm

Thanks very much, and congratulations on your anniversary! Jess and I tend to just fall into the nearest restaurants we spot when traveling, or eat on the hoof! We also find recommending restaurants can be tricky as they can change so quickly. That said, this guide should help you pick somewhere wonderful for your trip:

Chantelle Sims says

14th March 2018 at 10:57 pm

Hello and thank you for this! I am planning a trip from London with my daughter, and would appreciate your advise on arriving and departing. Is it necessary to spend 4 nights to accomplish your 3-day itinerary, or could we do it if we spent only 3 nights? If so, how would you recommend arranging the days around air travel to and from? (With luggage to consider…) Thank you for your opinion.

16th March 2018 at 8:49 am

Hi Chantelle,

You could do this with three nights assuming you arrive early – you should do Day 3 first in that case as it’s less time sensitive, and then the other two days. If you can stretch to four nights though you will be less rushed in terms of having to arrive really early into Rome and possibly feeling tired, but up to you!

Michael Tang says

3rd March 2018 at 8:35 pm

We really enjoyed your travel blog.We will be visiting Rome from 4/11-15/2018.Our hotel ( Hotel Contilia) is less than 8 minutes from Rome Central Station.What would you recommend us to do in 4 1/2 days in Rome.We have been to Rome numerous times.Haven seen most of the main attractions.This time we would like to explore the local areas where local people meet for meals,shopping.My friends suggested Campo de Fiori,Jewish Ghetto or Trastevere. How about a day trip to Tuscany? Can we take metro ,train of bus to visit these places. Please advise.Thank you

4th March 2018 at 7:03 pm

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your comment 🙂 Sounds like you’re old hands with Rome! It’s hard to give specific advice without knowing what you’ve seen already / are interested in. A day trip to Tuscany is certainly do-able from Rome, and you can take the train from Rome central station to Florence for example, that’s about a 1hr 30minute train ride. if you’ve not been to Florence before it’s stunning. You could also do day trips to other parts of Italy from Rome, including Pompeii or Cinque Terre. If you’d rather not do it yourself, you could take a tour, for example:

Cinque Terre:

Amalfi Coast:

Tuscany from Rome day tour:

24th February 2018 at 7:00 pm

Hi Thank you for all the information. I will be taking my son for his graduation gift this June. I plan to follow almost all of your suggestions in regards to places to see. Having said that, what area do you suggest we stay at? I prefer to stay at a hotel. Any additional info would be appreciated.

24th February 2018 at 7:14 pm

My pleasure – and what a great gift for your son! My advice would be to stay somewhere around the Piazza Navona area, it’s really central and really pretty in that area, and we’ve stayed around there a number of times. Basically anywhere between the Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia and Piazza del Popolo would be great – that central area is perfect. I’m not sure of your budget, but somewhere like the following options might be a good starting point for your search:

You can see more options here, just narrow it down depending on your budget, location and other requirements 🙂

Have an amazing trip, and congratulations to your son!

allan Blanco says

10th February 2018 at 4:10 pm

Hi! Thanks for this blog & itinerary. It seems this will help us so much on what to do in Rome exactly for our 4-5 days side trip from France. We are fed so much with the info. & some ideas or places to go. Is there also a local travel tour & guide to book for this 3 days tour in Rome? or better on our own & follow your guide. our concern, is how to go there to the places you have listed, i mean a ride , total cost or amount to spend or our estd budget amount, do we need a tour guide & is it easy to get a guide & not expensive?…We are our concern if we get lost , and how to proceed every places than having a tour guide…… if so,,, is it not too expensive …. what can you recommend if we will get a total package for the 3 days tour…. what agency …. or what is best can you advise/recommend. thanks so much.

Allan Blanco Mindanao, Iligan City – Philippines

10th February 2018 at 8:59 pm

Thanks for your comment. I don’t know of any company that specifically offers this tour, but you could certainly put together a similar trip by putting various tours together. We like Walks of Italy ( ) for their tours if you wanted a walking tour with a guide, but these aren’t private tours.

That said, the itinerary is designed to be self-guided and you shouldn’t need a tour guide for any of it unless you would like local insight and guidance. The itinerary is also designed to be easy to follow and not require much other than a good pair of feet for walking. In some cases you can take a local bus, these are easy to use. Rome is not a very large city, or at least, not the parts covered in this itinerary, so I don’t think you will get lost or have any problem. The best idea is to get a map when you get to the city, and to download an offline version of the city into your Google Maps (or whatever mapping tool you use on your phone). Then you’ll always be able to figure out where you are and where to go.

20th January 2018 at 6:20 pm

Just recently my brother and I visited Rome for three days and based our trip around the itinerary you guys did. I have to say this was the most convenient and awesome itinerary we found, in which showed all the attractions and sites clearly! All of the places you guys suggested in the blog we visited and also took the time to do some night roaming and visiting the attractions again to see it in a different light! Because of your blog, my brother and I were able to experience Rome as a whole and we give our massive thanks for it! SO once again, thank you soo much for this, you guys are amazing!

21st January 2018 at 11:05 am

We are so pleased that you found this itinerary useful, and even happier that you let us know! Getting comments like this really makes us happy – thank you so much! We’re delighted that you had a great trip, and that we were able to help with that! Happy travels!

Laurence & Jessica

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She Wanders Abroad

  • The Perfect 3 Day Rome Itinerary for First Timers

Forum Romanum in Rome, Italy

Are you planning to visit the Italian capital for the first time? You are in the right place! This 3 day Rome itinerary was put together specifically with first-time visitors in mind.

Rome is one of those cities that truly sparks wanderlust in every explorer. Art, history, food, and beautiful urban parks combine to intrigue couples, families, and solo travelers alike. There are just so many things to love about Rome!

While it’s possible to see the main highlights of Rome in a day , it’s best to spend longer in the city, especially if this is your first visit to the Italian Capital. Spending 3 days in Rome is the optimum time to explore a little deeper and visit some hidden gems as well.

To further help you get the most out of your stay, this itinerary for 3 days in Rome contains a timeline so that you can plan how long you’ll need to spend at each location. Let’s get started!

* Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through my link. *

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The Perfect 3 Day Rome Itinerary for First Timers

Table of Contents

Useful Info for Visiting Rome

How to get to rome.

Being the capital of Italy, you’ll be spoiled with choices when it comes to how to get to Rome. Most visitors arrive by plane which is one of the easiest options, especially if you’re arriving from overseas.

Rome is served by two different international airports: Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci International Airport) and Ciampino (Rome Ciampino Giovanni Battista Pastine Airport). This means you can check both airports, compare prices and choose the one that’s more convenient for you.

If you’re already in Italy or you’re traveling from a nearby country, you have a couple more options to choose from.

Taking the bus is one of the most affordable ways to get to Rome. You can check out  FlixBus  or  Eurolines , two of the most popular bus companies in Europe. The majority of the buses will drop you off at Rome Termini Station, which is well-connected to the city center of Rome.

Another option to get to the city for your 3 days in Rome is to take a train. Many regular trains and high-speed trains arrive in Rome every day, so which one you choose only depends on your budget and your origin of destination. Termini is also the main hub for trains, so you can easily make your way to the center once you get off your train.

If you’re planning to do a wider road trip in Italy, you can also get to Rome by car. However, once you make it to the city, it’s best to give back your rental car or leave it in a parking lot. Trust me, you don’t want to drive in Rome!

Parking is hard to come by, most of the streets were not built for cars, and don’t even get me started on how Italians drive. Long story short, don’t drive in Rome!

Forum Romanum in Rome, Italy

Best time to visit Rome

Thanks to its mild Mediterranean climate, Rome is a true year-round destination. This means, there is really no wrong time to follow this 3 days in Rome itinerary!

As you might have guessed, the majority of tourists will opt to visit Rome during the summer. The weather is usually scorching hot, the city is crowded, and you can expect higher price tags for flights and accommodations as well. If you can, it’s best to avoid this season altogether!

Not many people opt to visit during winter, however, Rome is often considered one of the best winter sun destinations in Europe . Accommodation prices are usually lower and flights are cheaper, which is great news for budget travelers. However, this time of year sees the most precipitation, and some of the tourist attractions may be closed or have shorter opening hours.

A great in-between time to spend 3 days in Rome is in the spring or fall months, which are considered the shoulder season. You can expect fewer crowds and cheaper prices while the weather is usually still lovely and perfect for sightseeing.

Colosseum with pink flowers in the foreground in Rome, Italy

How to get around in Rome

Luckily Rome is an entirely walkable city, especially Centro Storico, where most of the tourist attractions are located. Most of the streets have cobblestone pathways so forget about your high heels and pack some comfortable walking shoes!

Another way to get around the city while following this 3 day Rome itinerary is to use the city’s public transport system. Although Rome has a great metro system in place, the metro doesn’t really cover the city center so you’re better off with buses in this area.

A one-way ticket costs €1.50 and it’s important to know that you have to validate (stamp) the ticket when getting on the bus/metro. Alternatively, you can purchase a one-day or a multi-day pass which can potentially save you a lot of money if you’re planning to use public transport a lot during your 3 days in Rome.

If you’re in a hurry, you can also opt for taxis or an Uber, but this is certainly more expensive than using buses/metros.

Trastevere neighborhood in Rome, Italy

Where to stay in Rome

If you’re visiting Rome in 3 days and you want to maximize your time, you’ll want to stay as central as possible.

Centro Storico, the city center of Rome is definitely one of the  best areas to stay in Rome  for sightseeing. Other great areas to stay in include Esquilino, Testaccio, or Trastevere.

Another great option is Monti which is home to the Colosseum, so you can find many amazing  hotels with views of the Colosseum  in this area. In case you’re looking for other views, check out these amazing Rome hotels with a view including Trevi Fountain views, Spanish Steps views, and more!

And if you’re traveling on a budget, you can check out the best hostels in Rome .

Below you can find my top recommendations for where to stay in Rome for 3 days.

Hotel Palazzo Manfredi

LUXURY – Hotel Palazzo Manfredi

Admire an outstanding view of the Colosseum over breakfast at the rooftop terrace at Hotel Palazzo Manfredi. With such a central location, a 2-minute walk from Colosseo Metro Station, getting around Rome is easy.

Royal Suite Trinità Dei Monti

MID-RANGE – Royal Suite Trinità Dei Monti

Overlooking the iconic Spanish Steps, Royal Suite Trinità Dei Monti offers elegant accommodation with hand-craft furnishings. Selected units come with a private balcony where you can linger over a morning espresso or evening glass of wine. 

Residenza Palline

BUDGET – Residenza Palline

Centrally located in the Prati neighborhood, Residenza Palline offers budget-friendly rooms with private bathrooms and free WiFi. Rooms either come with a city view or a balcony and guests can take advantage of the shared kitchen as well.

Overview of Your 3 Day Rome Itinerary

Breakdown of your 3 days in rome.

Day 1: Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Forum Romanum & Palatine Hill, Lunch, Piazza Venezia, Altare della Patria, Campidoglio, Baths of Caracalla, Mouth of Truth, Giardino degli Aranci, Dinner

Day 2: Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Terrazza del Pincio, Borghese Gallery & Villa Borghese, Piazza del Popolo, Lunch, Ponte Umberto I, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Campo de’ Fiori, Food tour, Ponte Umberto I 

Day 3: Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica, Lunch, Castel Sant’ Angelo, Belvedere di Gianicolo, Trastevere neighborhood 

Map for your 3 day Rome itinerary

Below you can find a customized map that includes all the locations you’re going to visit on this Rome itinerary. I marked your 3 days in Rome with different colors – I used red for the first day, blue for the second day, and green for the third day, so you can easily see which places you’re going to visit each day.

If you open up this post on your phone and you click on the bracket in the upper right corner of the map, it will automatically save this map to your Google Maps app so you can always have it with you. Super convenient, right?

Day 1 of Your 3 Day Rome Itinerary

Visit time: 9 am – 10.30 am

Start your 3 day Rome itinerary at the city’s most famous landmark of all: the Colosseum. 

The ginormous amphitheater was constructed between 72 and 80 AD. In addition to the gladiatorial games, the arena also hosted theatrical performances and public executions, which the ancient Romans relished watching for themselves. In its prime days, the Colosseum was able to host 50,000 visitors!

Morning at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Sadly, almost two-thirds of the original amphitheater was destroyed during the centuries due to several natural disasters and human neglect.

But this doesn’t take away from the impressive history of the building! In fact, it’s still one of the most visited landmarks on the planet and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

The Colosseum opens to the public daily at 9 am and it’s best to arrive as early as possible to avoid the crowds.

It’s also one of the most popular photography spots in Rome so if you want to take some amazing pictures with the Colosseum, it’s worth arriving at least 30 minutes prior to opening time.

At Sunrise girl in a yellow dress at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

When it comes to visiting the inside of the Colosseum, you have many options to choose from.

  • Standard Admission Ticket : You can purchase a normal ticket for €18 which also grants access to the Forum Romanum and Palatine Hill beside the Colosseum. It’s worth booking your tickets in advance to ensure you’ll have a spot – sometimes tickets can get sold out, especially in the peak summer season.
  • Priority Ticket : This is a good option if you want to visit the Colosseum independently but you want to avoid queuing for hours. Unfortunately, even if you book your normal tickets in advance, you still have to wait in line to get inside the Colosseum. This priority ticket costs only a bit more than a normal ticket but it allows you to use the fast-track entrance which can save you a lot of time!
  • Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill Fast-Track Tour : This is the best option if you want to visit these landmarks with a knowledgeable local guide. If you want to learn more about the history of Rome in 3 days, this tour is a stellar option! Besides skipping the queue you will benefit from a professional guide. 
  • Colosseum Underground, Arena & Forum Tour : A series of passages and rooms exist beneath the Colosseum where animals, gladiators, and those sentenced to death would wait prior to entering the space. Unfortunately, you can’t see them with a regular ticket, but this tour grants you exclusive access to these otherwise restricted areas.

Arch of Constantine

Visit time: 10.30 am – 10.45 am

The Arch of Constantine is right next to the Colosseum so it makes sense to swing by for a close-up afterward (it’s free to visit). If you book one of the tours that I recommended above then you can visit the arch first or after the Forum Romanum!

The arch is currently the largest surviving Roman triumphal arch. It was erected to commemorate the defeat of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius by Constantine the Great in AD 312 at the Battle of Milvian Bridge.

There is speculation that an earlier monument stood in the same spot and was built in honor of Hadrian. You will be able to spot sculptures of soldiers along the top of the three arches. 

Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy

Forum Romanum & Palatine Hill

Visit time: 10.45 am – 12.30 pm

Remember to hang onto your Colosseum ticket as you will need to show it at the next two sites on your 3 day itinerary for Rome. First up, you will visit the epicenter of religious, political, and social activities during the Roman Empire: the Forum Romanum, or otherwise called the Roman Forum.

The Forum Romanum is the setting of imperial residences, senate offices, holy temples, and monumental landmarks and statues. It was the most important forum in Ancient Rome, hosting such events as public meetings, law courts, and triumphal processions. Back in the heyday of the empire, it was swarming with shops and markets.

Rising behind the forum, Palatine Hill is one of the Seven Hills of Rome and one of the oldest parts of the city. It is where the infant twins Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf who raised them and became populated with even more imperial residences, aristocratic homes, and temples. 

Even if you are not too into history, the panoramic views from the hill are worth it alone. They sweep across the Colosseum, the Forum Romanum, the Circus Maximus, and towards the Capitoline and Aventine hills. 

In case you decided to book one of the guided tours, then a visit to the Forum Romanum and the Palatine Hill is already included. In this case, you just need to follow your guide and enjoy the sights and the history lesson!

Forum Romanum in Rome, Italy

Lunch break

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

Leaving Palatine Hill, you can walk towards your next attraction and make a stop for lunch. Piazza Venezia is around 10 minutes away on foot.

In terms of where to eat locally, you can head to the Ristorante Roof Garden which serves pastas and risottos with a view of the Forum Romanum. If you’d rather get food to go, check out the deli at Emanuel’s Food . Assuming the weather is playing nicely, you can grab a sandwich to go and sit in the Piazza d’Aracoeli.

Piazza Venezia

Visit time: 1.30 pm – 2 pm

The Piazza Venezia is where four major Roman roads intersect: Via dei Fori Imperiali, Via del Plebiscito, Via di Teatre Marcello, and Via del Corso. It’s pretty chaotic but the atmosphere is fun and the piazza gives you an excellent view of the next attraction on this itinerary for 3 days in Rome.

In case you don’t want to spend this much time in the square, you can just spend longer at the restaurant you choose for lunch. Use this time for resting your feet as the afternoon of your first day in Rome will be a busy one!

Altare della Patria

Visit time: 2 pm – 3 pm

Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland) is located within Piazza Venezia. You are more likely to hear this referred to as per its many nicknames, including the Wedding Cake Building or the Typewriter.

This massive monument was dedicated to the first king of Italy and those who served in World War II. It’s an architectural masterpiece, featuring a colonnade, fountains, sculptures, and reliefs, topped by two depictions of the Goddess of Victory, Victoria.

Altare della Patria in Rome, Italy

You will need to go through a quick security clearance before you are permitted to walk up the staircase to get a fantastic city view. This is completely free of charge!

However, if you want to go a step further then you can take the elevator up to the top observation deck for a 360-degree view. It costs €7 to use the elevator and you can purchase your ticket on-site. Take my word for it that it is absolutely worth the small fee!

Altare della Patria is open daily, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm during the fall and winter seasons and until 7.30 pm in spring and summer.

Girl in a red skirt in front of Altare della Patria in Rome, Italy


Visit time: 3 pm – 3.30 pm

You will need to have your water bottle to hand for the next site if your Rome 3 day itinerary falls during a heatwave! Campidoglio is a public square that occupies the top of another of the Seven Hills of Rome, the Capitoline Hill.

You can walk a couple of minutes from the Altare della Patria to the Cordonata Capitolina, a beautiful staircase that leads you to Campidoglio. The staircase is lined with majestic statues and, along with the square itself, was designed by Michelangelo.

The square is the setting for the Capitoline Museums which houses classical sculptures and Renaissance artworks. I haven’t factored in visiting the galleries in your 3 days in Rome but you might want to squeeze it in if you are an art lover. 

What I do recommend for everyone is popping around the back of the square and appreciating the view of the Forum Romanum. This is the Google location for Punto panoramico del Foro Romano .

Unless you decide to visit the art gallery, there is no admission fee for visiting Campidoglio.

Girl in a red skirt in Piazza Campidoglio in Rome, Italy

Baths of Caracalla 

Visit time: 3.30 pm – 5 pm

The Baths of Caracalla are one of the best and largest examples of thermae, Roman public baths. Work was started under the rule of the emperor Septimius Severus in 206 AD and completed by his son, the emperor Caracalla, 10 years later.

The site comprised three main bath chambers – the frigidarium, the caldarium, and the tepidarium – alongside larger swimming pools. During their time of use, the thermae would have been ​​adorned with mosaics, frescoes, and statues. The complex is enormous and in its prime, it could hold around 1,600 bathers at any time.

Admission to the Baths of Caracalla is €10 and includes a video guide. The baths are open daily from 9 am until one hour before sunset. You can reserve tickets online in advance or purchase them on-site. If you would like to learn more about the history of the baths, you can also book a guided tour to the Baths of Caracalla .

The baths are located south of Palatine Hill and you can walk there from Campidoglio in around 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can take bus number 118 or 628 from the Ara Coeli/Piazza Venezia bus stop.

Baths of Caracalla in Rome, Italy

Mouth of Truth 

Visit time: 5 pm – 5.45 pm

The Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verità) is a marble carving of a river god’s face, distinguished by his wide eyes and flowing hair. The sculpture has an open mouth and the rumor is that should a liar place their hands inside the deity’s mouth, they will not see it again!

The legend dates back to a Roman woman who stood accused of adultery and was ordered by her husband to place her hand inside the mouth. She strategized with her lover that he would kiss her right before she was due to take the liar test.

In response, she accused him of being a mad stranger and announced that she had only ever kissed her husband and this passerby, before submitting her hand. The trick worked for the woman, however, the Mouth of Truth supposedly resigned after being fooled. 

If you dare, you can visit the mask during your 3 days in Rome and insert your own hand. There is a €2 fee if so.

You can walk to the Mouth of Truth along the Via del Circo Massimo which takes 20 minutes from the baths. Make sure to arrive before 5.50 pm because this is when they close the place that holds the marble carving – if you arrive later, you will only be able to take a peek through a fence.

Mouth of Truth, Rome

Giardino degli Aranci

Visit time: 5.45 pm – 6.30 pm

Wrap up the first of your 3 day Rome itinerary at this gorgeous park that occupies the Aventine Hill. Manicured gardens and orange trees form a border around a basilica that dates back to 422 AD and you can walk up to the Punto Panoramico for a lovely view of the city which might coincide with sunset if you’re visiting during the colder months.

Giardino degli Aranci is a 10-15 minute walk from the Mouth of Truth. Since the gardens are located on top of a small hill, be prepared for a bit of an elevated walk!

Giardino degli Aranci in Rome, Italy

If you’re already in the park, it’s worth taking a small walk to the Aventine Keyhole. To be honest I didn’t really know what to expect and I kinda panicked when Google Maps led me to a dead-end street.

Then I realized that what I’m looking for is literally a keyhole on an otherwise closed huge, green door. What is really special about this keyhole is that it provides a perfectly framed view of St. Peter’s Basilica! I really wish I could have gone inside the gardens but sadly it’s closed for the public.

The door of the Aventine Keyhole in Rome, Italy


6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

For your first dinner in Rome, I recommend that you either head to Trastevere or Centro Storico. This will probably depend on how your energy levels are faring or which Rome neighborhood you have booked accommodation in.

Option A is to walk over Ponte Sublicio to reach the Trastevere neighborhood. Hostaria Luce serves artistically presented dishes in an elegant setting while VII Coorte offers a beautiful street view from its terrace where you can indulge with Sicilian seafood. Head to Ristorante Sette Oche in Altalena for moreish pizza or tasty pasta. 

Another option is to head to Centro Storico, the classic city center in Rome. Restaurants in Centro Storico lean towards a more touristic vibe but there are some treasures where you can find excellent food. My personal favorite is Cantina e Cucina , which has a vintage theme and authentic Italian cuisine.

Er Faciolaro has a rustic dining room where you can find a huge spread of meat, seafood, vegetarian, and pizza dishes. Closer to the river, Trattoria Lilli is a family-run restaurant that serves comforting dishes. 

The best thing about eating in Centro Storico is that you can pick up only the best tiramisu in Italy for dessert! Two Sizes is right next door to Cantina e Cucina and serves classic tiramisu alongside creative variations, infused with the likes of pistachio, peanut butter, caramel, and strawberry. They are so good that we legit went back for another round every day during our 3 days in Rome – no kidding!

Dinner at Cantina e Cucina in Rome, Italy

Day 2 of Your 3 Day Rome Itinerary

Trevi fountain.

Visit time: 8 am – 8.30 am

The Trevi Fountain is one of the most beautiful monuments in the Centro Storico. It’s absolutely massive and at its heart, there is a statue of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea and horses. Neptune stands in his shell-chariot which is drawn by a pair of horses. One is calm while the other is rebelling, thus symbolizing the personality of the sea.

Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

The fountain used to provide water to the ancient Romans, however, now that the water is recycled, it’s not safe to take a sip.

Making a wish at the Trevi Fountain is one of the most popular things to do in Rome in 3 days. If want to do so, you should stand with your back to the fountain and then toss a coin over your left shoulder with your right hand.

If you want to experience the fountain without the crowds then I can’t recommend enough the value of visiting as early as 8 am! Even then, chances are you won’t be alone at the fountain. If you can wake up for sunrise, that would be even better! But I know that waking up early is tough, especially when you’re on vacation, so it’s absolutely up to you when you start your day.

Girl in a red skirt in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

Spanish Steps

Visit time: 8.30 am – 9 am

After visiting the famous Trevi Fountain, you can walk 10 minutes to the Spanish Steps where a total of 138 steps lead up from the Piazza di Spagna to the Trinità dei Monti church. The square is named after the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See and during the 17th century, the area was considered Spanish territory.

Designed by the architect Francesco de Sanctis, the steps are photogenic and have inspired creatives from poets to painters. Be aware that it is no longer possible to sit on the stairs and that you might get a fine if you do so!

Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy

Terrazza del Pincio

Visit time: 9 am – 9.30 am

Terrazza del Pincio is an elevated observation deck located at the entrance to Villa Borgese, the next item on your 3 day itinerary for Rome. The view fans out over Piazza del Popolo and you can see St. Peter’s Basilica in the distance.

I recommend heading here before exploring the park so that you can capture the scenery in the soft morning light, and before the terrace gets busy. Alternatively, it’s also one of the best sunset spots in Rome so if you happen to be in the area around sunset, don’t miss it!

Terrazza del Pincio is a 10-minute walk from the Spanish Steps. You can either take the lower road which goes to Piazza del Popolo or you can walk up the 138 steps to Trinità dei Monti church and take the upper road, which will lead you directly to Terrazza del Pincio.

Girl in a yellow skirt at Terrazza del Pincio, Rome

Borghese Gallery & Villa Borghese

Visit time: 9.30 am – 1 pm

The park is literally right behind Terrazza del Pincio so no transit time is needed, just head down once you’ve had enough of the panoramic view. 

Villa Borghese is the largest park in Rome and it contains a number of art galleries and museums alongside statues, temples, a zoo, a boating lake, and even a theater. As there is a lot to explore, my recommendation is to prioritize visiting the Borghese Gallery & Museum.

This sublime, white mansion houses artworks by the likes of Bernini, Raffaello, Caravaggio, and Botticelli. The building itself is a work of art and the collection is stylishly curated. 

Opening hours for the Villa Borghese: Tuesday to Sunday, 9 am – 7 pm (until 10 pm on Wednesday nights).

The normal entry ticket to the gallery costs €15 and it’s worth booking your tickets in advance. If you want to learn more about the gallery and the gardens, it’s best to book a guided tour. With this tour , you can skip the long lines and enjoy picking the brain of a knowledgeable local guide.

Exterior of the Borghese Gallery in Rome, Italy

Piazza del Popolo

Visit time: 1 pm – 1.30 pm

Translating into People’s Square, Piazza del Popolo is the square that you overlooked from the Terrazza del Pincio.

It marks the location of the northern gate of Rome, the Porta Flaminia, and the oldest obelisk in the city. The perimeter is adorned with sculptures, fountains, museums, cafes, and a chapel designed by Raphael.

Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Italy

1.30 pm – 2.30 pm

There are a couple of places to eat in Piazza del Popolo but you’ll find better service and quality if you slip down one of the side streets. We personally ate at Brillo Restaurant and we were absolutely pleased with both the service and the quality of the food.

Another good option is Zelda Ristorante which is an unassuming joint with Italian dishes that are packed with flavor.

If you fancy something more luxurious, head to AcquaRoof Terrazza Molinari and order one of their experimental cocktails on the side.

Walk along River Tiber to Pantheon 

2.30 pm – 3 pm

Walk off your lunch with a stroll along the River Tiber towards the next attraction on your 3 days in Rome itinerary. The journey will take around 20 minutes but it’s worth taking a short detour to admire one of Rome’s most Instagrammable bridges, Ponte Umberto I.

Designed by Angelo Vescovali, this one was constructed during the late 19th century in honor of Umberto I of Italy. From the Centro Storico side of the bridge, you will be able to spot the looming shape of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Visit time: 3 pm – 4 pm

The Pantheon is a Catholic church although it was originally consecrated as a temple to all of the Roman deities. It is remarkably well-preserved, which is impressive when you consider the wars, invasions, and earthquakes that have reaped havoc elsewhere in the city.

Once you step inside you will note that the dome remains uncovered, with its ‘eye’ (Oculus) exposing the atrium to all the elements. It is the largest unsupported dome in the world.

There is no charge to go inside the Pantheon and take a look around. It’s open daily, 9 am – 6.45 pm,  and 9 am – 5.45 pm on Sundays.

Of course, if you would like to learn more about its rich history, you can take a guided tour. This Pantheon Express Guided Tour lasts for 40 minutes only but it’s packed with much useful information including engineering secrets that made the Pantheon the only one of its kind.

Pantheon in Rome, Italy

Piazza Navona

Visit time: 4 pm – 4.30 pm

The Piazza Navona is a huge public square with so many sights to take in. The northern end features a large fountain dedicated to Neptune while the southern end is marked by one depicting dolphins and tritons.

At the heart, you will see a tall obelisk reaching out from Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers. Dotted around the square are such attractions as the ruins of the Stadium of Domitian, the Palazzo Pamphili, and the 17th-century Sant’Agnese in Agone.

Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy

Campo de’ Fiori

Visit time: 4.30 pm – 5.15 pm

Campo de’ Fiori is the final public square today on this 3 day Rome itinerary. Translating to ‘a field of flowers’ this square is the setting of a market that spans fresh produce, flowers, and all manner of souvenirs and trinkets. If you want to pick up any treats for yourself or loved ones back home, this is the perfect occasion to pounce.

Campo de’ Fiori is a 5 minute walk from Piazza Navona.

Visit time: 5.15 pm – 7.45 pm

Who likes Italian food? Or should I say, who doesn’t?!

In addition to dining at some of my recommended restaurants, taking a food tour is one of the best ways to connect with the local cuisine during your 3 days in Rome.

If you want to learn many interesting facts about Italian food and sample the best dishes, attending a food tour is a must!

Being a true foodie capital, there is no shortage of food tours in Rome. We had a hard time choosing which one to book but in the end, we went with this Rome Street Food Tour and we were really happy with our choice!

The tour starts at 5.15 pm from Piazza del Biscione, which is right next to Campo de’ Fiori. You will graze on charcuterie before gorging on Supplì (this was one of my favorite on this tour!), zucchini flower fritters, and other tasty appetizers before moving on to pizza, beer, and gelato.

The tour lasts 2.5 hours and is available as a small group tour or a private tour.

If you are staying in the Trastevere area then you might prefer this Trastevere 2.5 Hour Street Food Tour . This neighborhood maintains a traditional ethos around food so you will sample lots of authentically cured meats and cheese, pizzas, and sweet bites. The start time for the tour is 5.30 pm and the meeting point is on Insula Tiberina (Tiber Island). 

Food tour in Rome

Ponte Umberto I

Visit time: 7.45 pm – 8.30 pm

After your food tour, whether you selected the Roman Ghetto or Trastevere option, you can circle back to Ponte Umberto I to catch the sunset.

This is optional as you might have had enough of the bridge earlier today, however, it’s one of the best places to catch golden hour in Rome so it’s worth summoning up the energy. 

Sunset from Ponte Umberto I

Day 3 of Your 3 Day Rome Itinerary

Vatican museums.

Visit time: 8.30 am – 12 pm

This morning, you will technically leave the city of Rome and visit the city state of Vatican City. Visiting the Vatican Museums gives you the opportunity to see priceless pieces of art from the masters, sarcophagi that contain royalty, and antique maps.

You also get to peek down the sublime corridors and wander the elaborate hallways before popping your head into the Sistine Chapel, where you can gaze up at Michelangelo’s frescoes.

Touring the Vatican Museums is actually the only way to visit the Sistine Chapel as it is not possible to view the church on its own. Your ticket also includes the option to visit the Papal Villas and Vatican Gardens. As the lines for the Vatican Museums are super long every day of the year, it’s really worth booking a skip-the-line ticket.

Exterior and gardens of the Vatican Museums

The first option is this Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Skip-The-Line Tickets just covers your admission fee and cuts out having to queue. You will still need to queue with the other skip-the-line ticket holders and go through an airport-style security clearance. But trust me, it’s much much better than the normal line!

The next option is this Vatican: Museums & Sistine Chapel Entrance Ticket ticket which is the exact same but with an optional handy audio guide. These two options mean that you will transition through the galleries at your pace. 

The third option is to book a tour, such as this Vatican & Sistine Chapel Tour . This way you will benefit from a professional guide who can tell you anything you want to know about the collections and Papal Villas.  

The first option is available from 8.30 am onwards, the second is from 9 am onwards and the third one is from 9.30 am onwards. I recommend taking the first slot to stay on track with your 3 day Rome itinerary. You will need to dress modestly while exploring Vatican City, with your shoulders and knees covered. 

Golden ceiling at the Vatican Museums

St. Peter’s Basilica

Visit time: 12 pm – 2 pm

Once you leave the Vatican Museums, you can head straight across to St. Peter’s Basilica which by now you have only enjoyed from afar.

If you booked a guided tour to the Vatican Museums , the good news is that you don’t need to leave the museum to enter the basilica, you can do so through a separate passageway. Unfortunately, if you’re visiting on your own, this means you have to leave the museum, walk to the basilica and stand in line again if you want to enter.

A little tip here: even if you’re not on a guided tour, you can pretend to be on one and slip through the passage with another group. We unknowingly did the same when we visited the Vatican Museums and it was only later that I learned that we just got lucky!

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Technically a major basilica, St. Peter’s Basilica is the largest Christian church in the world. Work began in 1506 under Pope Julius II and wasn’t completed until 1615, under Paul V.

Pope Paul III commissioned Michelangelo as the lead architect on the dome of the building in 1546. It turned out to be the final work from Michelangelo, who died in 1564 at the age of 88.

The interiors and exteriors are remarkable, with Renaissance and Baroque artworks adorning the hall and chambers. 

The tickets and tours that I shared above permit skip the line entry to the basilica but there is no fee to enter it anyway unless you want to visit the top of the dome (and believe me, you really want to!).

You can pay €8 and walk up all 551 steps to the summit or pay €10 to take the elevator part way and then climb the final 320 steps. 

Panoramic view from the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

If you would like to enrich yourself with more information about the Basilica, you have the following options:

  • St. Peter’s Basilica Guided Tour : You can receive in depth information about the history and hidden gems of the Basilica by a qualified guide.
  • St. Peter’s Basilica Dome to Underground Grottoes Tour : This tour is led by an official tour guide as well, but with the extension of the underground grottoes and the dome tour where you can enjoy the magnificent view of the eternal city.

If you are not fussed to tour the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel while touring Rome in 3 days you could always just head straight to St. Peter’s Basilica. It’s open daily: 7 am – 7 pm from April until September, and 7 am – 6.30 pm between October and March.

2 pm – 3 pm

After a long morning, you can look forward to a sit-down lunch at one of the nearby cafes. Osteria Padì is a friendly and humble eatery with generous portions. Borgo Pio is a quaint historic street with loads more options although be aware that they tend to get pretty busy.

Pasta dominates the menu at Borghiciana Pastificio Artigianale and it’s prepared to perfection. If you fancy a break from Italian, you can get a delicious burger at Quarto Burger & Drinks .

Castel Sant’ Angelo

You can walk across to Castel Sant’ Angelo once you’re full. You’ll have spotted this huge fortress by now from the right bank of the river, but again, when in Rome, you’ll want to ogle it close up. 

Castel Sant’ Angelo was commissioned under Emperor Hadrian to be his mausoleum although it was also used as a defensive fortress, a papal residence, a prison, and an execution ground.

Castel Sant' Angelo, Rome

You can wander around the premises to admire the architecture and views but if you want to visit the museums and see the artworks and relics then there is an entry charge. There are seven floors of exhibits but you can see a decent amount in around one hour of your 3 day Rome itinerary.

To be completely honest with you the museum itself was not particularly interesting, at least to me. However, visiting Castel Sant’ Angelo was absolutely worth it for the panoramic views alone! At the top, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Vatican City, River Tiber, and Rome itself.

Admission to Castel Sant’ Angelo is €14 and it’s open daily, 9 am – 7.30 pm.

If you would like to avoid long queues, you can purchase a skip-the-line ticket . If you would like to receive more information about this magnificent building, you can also participate in Castel Sant’Angelo Express Tour .

Castel Sant' Angelo with a girl in a blue dress

Belvedere di Gianicolo

Visit time: 4 pm – 5 pm

Belvedere di Gianicolo is an elevated terrace that grants a wonderful view of Centro Storico, Monti, and Vatican City. It’s located in the Orto Botanico di Roma, a lush green space filled with over 7,000 plant species, a butterfly house, and various sculptures.

The view is totally worth it as it’s a completely different perspective to what you’ve seen at the other viewpoints on this 3 days in Rome itinerary. 

You can save some time by catching a bus from Paola. Alight at P.Le Garibaldi G. and then walk to Fontana dell’Acqua Paola before following the stairs down to Trastevere.

Panoramic view from Belvedere di Gianicolo in Rome, Italy

Visit time: 5 pm – 6 pm

If you didn’t choose to eat in Trastevere on the first night, now is your chance. The Trastevere neighborhood is a treasure trove of laid-back trattorias and traditionally cooked Italian fare. 

But first, pluck out your camera and donate an hour or so to explore the streets. The terracotta and rose-hued residences and trattorias are extremely photogenic and allude to the charms of rural Italian villages.

There are public squares and churches, plus you can pay a visit to the Porta Portese which is the setting for a flea market every Sunday in case your 3 day Rome itinerary coincides. 

You can also wander across to Isola di Tiberina (Tiber Island) via Ponte Cestio and take in scenic views of both banks of the river. The bridge that connects the island to the Roman Ghetto neighborhood dates back to 62 BC and is the oldest one in the city. 

Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome

Dinner & drinks in Trastevere

6 pm – 8 pm

Sign off your 3 days in Rome with dinner in the vibrant Trastevere neighborhood. I already shared some recommendations for the first day of your 3 day Rome itinerary, so you can choose from that list or even eat at the Trattoria Sora Lella on Isola di Tiberina if you prefer. 

Afterward, you can head to the buzzing riverside Freni e Frizoni for a refreshing round of cocktails, sip al fresco at 404 Name Not Found , or stumble into whichever cozy wine bar catches your eye.

Restaurant in the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome, Italy

Planning a trip to Rome?

Then you might want to take a look at all our other travel guides about Rome. I promise, they are just as awesome as this article was!

  • Top 9 Best Areas to Stay in Rome for Every Budget
  • 13 Incredible Rome Hotels with Views of the Colosseum
  • 25 Best Rome Hotels with a View for Every Budget
  • How to See the Best of Rome in a Day
  • 15 Best Rome Instagram Spots for Stunning Photos
  • 93 Stunning Rome Quotes for Instagram

Other Amazing Destinations in Italy: Cinque Terre | Dolomites | Florence | Lake Como | Lake Garda | Venice

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The Perfect 3 Day Rome Itinerary for First Timers

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3 Days in Rome: The Perfect Itinerary (First Time Visit)

How to spend 3 days in rome: the best itinerary + where to stay.

You’re planning to spend 3 days in Rome ?

Great idea!

In order to help you plan your stay , I have prepared for you the perfect itinerary to visit Rome in 3 days.

I will start this guide with my best tips to avoid the long waiting lines (often more than 2 hours!) in front of the Colosseum and Rome’s other must-see attractions.

Then, I will give you my optimized and detailed 3-day itinerary to make the most of your stay in the Italian capital.

In addition to the best places to visit and activities for each stage of your itinerary, I will also give you all my best tips and accommodation suggestions depending on your budget.

So, what are the best things to do in Rome in 3 days? Where to stay?

Let’s find out!

1. Rome Tourist Card

2. omnia card, 3 days in rome: must-see attractions:, one last tip for a perfect 3-day stay in rome, a. colosseum, b. palatine hill, c. roman forum, d. piazza del campidoglio / capitoline museums, e. piazza venezia / victor emmanuel ii monument, a. vatican museums and sistine chapel, b. st. peter’s basilica, c. castel sant’angelo, d. trastevere district, a. piazza navona, b. pantheon, c. trevi fountain, d. via condotti, e. piazza di spagna, f. villa borghese, where to stay in rome, how to visit rome in 3 days with kids, even more places to visit and activities for your 3-day stay in rome, map of your 3-day itinerary in rome, flight prices to rome, you’re traveling in italy these articles will help you, my best tips to save time at rome’s must-see attractions.

As you surely know, Rome is one of the most visited cities in the world : tourists are flocking to visit its emblematic monuments such as the Colosseum or the Pantheon!

And this fame comes with a price: you can expect to wait several hours to to get your entrance ticket to the city’s top tourist attractions.

Hopefully, there are a few ways to avoid this 😉.

You actually have 3 different options that will allow you to save a ton of time (and money!) during your 3-day visit to Rome.

You will see, it’s very simple: you just have to follow my advice .

The first solution to save a lot of time and money during your 3-day stay in Rome is to get the “Rome Tourist Card”, also called “Rome City Pass”

It’s really super convenient: you’ll bypass the queues and have priority entrances to the most famous tourist attractions of the city .

Another advantage: the Rome Tourist Card is 100% digital . You don’t have to go anywhere to pick up your tickets, you’ll receive them immediately by email.

This pass includes the following:

  • Colosseum entrance ticket with audio guide + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill (1st day of my itinerary)
  • St. Peter’s Basilica: entrance + audio guide (2nd day)
  • Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel (optional – Day 2 of this itinerary)
  • 10% discount for museums and tourist attractions such as the Castel Sant’Angelo or the Galleria Borghese. You also get this discount on all guided tours and other activities you can book on Tiqets !

To purchase your Rome Tourist Card , it’s very simple – you just have to click on the green button below:

3 night trip to rome

Another way to visit Rome in 3 days and get fast track access to the best places to visit in the city is to buy the Omnia Card , also called the “Rome and Vatican Pass”.

The way it works is similar to the Rome Tourist Card I’ve mentioned above, but it’s even more complete! The Omnia card is valid for 3 consecutive days once activated , so that’s perfect for your 3 days in Rome.

You need to book your Omnia Card online and then exchange the confirmation voucher (received by email) for the Omnia Card once you will arrive in Rome.

The Omnia Card includes the following:

  • Priority admission to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel (scheduled for the second day of your trip)
  • Skip-the-line ticket to St. Peter’s Basilica + audio guide (2nd day too)
  • Visit to St. Peter’s Prison + audio guide
  • Lateran Basilica and Cloisters: entrance + audioguide
  • Colosseum (1st day of this itinerary)
  • Palatine and Roman Forum (1st day too)
  • Castel Sant’Angelo (2nd day)
  • Borghese Gallery
  • Capitoline Museums
  • Free access to public transportation during your 3 days in Rome – Perfect to get around quickly if you don’t want to do everything on foot!
  • Discounts for museums and activities
  • Hop-On Hop-Off bus ticket (tourist bus)
  • A map of Rome

You hesitate between the Omnia Card and the Rome Tourist Card?

Your decision depends on whether you want to use public transport and what you want to visit:

  • If you don’t want to visit the whole Vatican and don’t want to use public transportation , you should opt for the Rome Tourist Card , as it offers the best value for money in your case.
  • If you want to visit as many places as possible in Rome and the Vatican during your 3 days , the Omnia Card is undoubtedly the best choice.

It’s simply the most complete Card to visit Rome in 72 hours!

To buy your Omnia Card, you just need to click on the button below:

3. Skip-the-line tickets for Rome’s main tourist attractions

The 3rd and last solution to save time is to buy skip-the-line tickets online for each attraction, depending on what you will want to visit during your 3-day itinerary in Rome.

Skip the line tickets are available for all historical monuments . In addition to entrance tickets, you can also book all guided visits and activities in advance . It’s super convenient!

To view the prices and to book, just click on the links below (you’ll also find them throughout the article):

  • St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Vatican, Museums and Sistine Chapel
  • Castel Sant’ Angelo
  • Villa Borghese
  • Hop-on Hop-Off Tourist Bus

If you want to book other activities in Rome, you should always use these 2 reliable and safe websites:

  • Tiqets: Official City Passes and skip the line tickets in Rome
  • GetYourGuide: Official entrance tickets and activities in Rome .

If you already know your travel dates (or as soon as you will have them!) , you should really book your accommodation.

As Rome is one of the most touristic cities in the world , the hotels offering the best value for money are often fully booked months in advance.

As a seasoned traveler, I can assure you that it’s always by planning as far in advance as possible that I’ve found the best hotels or apartments deals.

You agree that it would be a shame to somewhat ruin your stay in Rome by ending up in a not-so-great hotel that costed you a fortune, right? 😅

So your best bet is to take 5 minutes now to have a look at  traveler’s favorite hotels in Rome.

And if you like one of the hotels you find, book it!

It’s fast, it’s easy and most accommodation offer free cancellation. That’s the best way to protect yourself from the inconvenience of finding nothing but mediocre rooms at exorbitant prices.

To check the best hotels deals in Rome, simply click on the green button below:

After securing your dream stay, it’s time to continue reading this guide!

3 Days in Rome: The Best Itinerary

Let’s now start to plan your 3-day itinerary in Rome!

For each day, I will give you all the details you need to plan your visits + a map that will allow you to visualize the itinerary a bit better.

I’m assuming you will be staying in Rome for 3 full days and that you will be using a City Pass ( Rome Tourist Card / Omnia Card ) or have purchased Skip-the-Line tickets . It’s the best way to save time and money during your stay!

If you still have questions after reading this 3 day itinerary in Rome (or need help organizing your holiday), don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section located at the very end of this article.

Day 1 – Ancient Rome

itinéraire Rome jour 1

Day 1 visits:

A. Colosseum B. Roman Forum C. Palatine Hill D. Piazza del Campidoglio / Capitoline Museums E. Piazza Venezia / Victor Emmanuel II Monument

Let’s start your 3-day stay in Rome with a visit to the Colosseum, for sure the most emblematic monument of the city.

With a capacity of more than 50,000 spectators, it was the largest amphitheater in the Roman world. The Colosseum is where the biggest gladiatorial combats, animals fights and Roman games were held.

You may not know it, but in addition to the bloody shows mentioned above, theatrical performances as well as reenactments of battles were also organized in the Colosseum.

The place was really meant to entertain people, whether in an artistic or much more violent way!

Today you can visit some parts of the Colosseum , including the first and second floors, the arena and even the underground level, where wild animals were kept.

As I told you a bit earlier, you will really need to get a skip-the-line ticket to visit the Colosseum if you don’t want to wait in line for 2 or 3 hours!

The good news is that if you bought the Rome Tourist Card or the Omnia Card , the visit to the Colosseum is included.

And if you just want a ticket to the Colosseum, that’s also possible.

You will have to choose your ticket depending on what you want to visit (1st and 2nd floor, the arena etc..) + If you want a guided tour or prefer to visit on your own.

Important: All Colosseum tickets also include access to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

To help you choose the Colosseum ticket that suits you the best, I have written a detailed article where everything is explained: All Skip-the-Line Tickets for the Colosseum (click here ).

A brief summary:

In my opinion, the standard ticket + Arena offers an excellent value for money – You can book it here: Colosseum + Arena + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill Skip-the-Line Ticket .

If you prefer a guided tour , this ticket is a great choice: Guided Tour: Colosseum + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill .

And if you have the budget, the VIP guided tour is the best option , as it will allow you to access exclusive areas not available with regular tickets such as the underground and the Arena: VIP Guided tour: Colosseum (+Underground + Arena) + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill.

To purchase these 3 tickets, you can click on the buttons below:

As all tickets for the Colosseum are not always available (for a given date, there is a limited number of tickets of each type , and they are sold out very quickly!), the orange links take you directly to the page with all Colosseum tickets.

Simply choose the one that suits you best on that page.

Of course, if you already know your travel dates, book quickly to ensure you can visit the monument.

Colosseum + Arena + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill

Guided Tour: Colosseum + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill

VIP Guided tour: Colosseum (+Underground + Arena) + Roman Forum + Palatine Hill

colosseum rome

After your visit to the Colosseum, you will head to Palatine Hill, located nearby.

According to legend, the city of Rome was founded on this hill by the twin brothers Remus and Romulus, two abandoned children raised by a she-wolf in a cave located on Palatine Hill.

From the top of the hill, you can enjoy a magnificent view over the city of Rome and its most famous monuments . There, you can also discover the residence of Augustus, the first Roman emperor.

During your 3 days in Rome, you should really visit the Palatine Hill, since the visit is included in the Colosseum entrance ticket!

Palatine Hill

The 3rd place you shouldn’t miss during your first day in Rome is the Roman Forum , located next to the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum

This visit is also included in all City Passes as well as in the Colosseum ticket.

In ancient times, the Roman Forum was the center of the city. You can stroll across the ruins of the former market and other administrative and religious buildings .

If you want to learn more about history, you should really opt for a guided tour (click here) , as there are no explanatory panels on site.

Roman Forum

After visiting the 3 must-see attractions mentioned above (a great start for your 3-day stay in Rome, right? 😄) let’s know head to Piazza del Campidoglio.

From the Roman Forum, you can reach the square in 15 minutes on foot.

The Piazza del Campidoglio, designed by Michelangelo, features several famous monuments such as the Palazzo dei Senatori, the Palazzo dei Conservatori and the Palazzo Nuovo .

These 3 palaces are also known as the Capitoline Museums : there, you can admire paintings by great artists such as Caravaggio or Tintoretto, as well as numerous sculptures and statues .

Piazza del Campidoglio

When you are done visiting the Capitoline Museums , head to Piazza Venezia (5 minute walk).

Here, you will find Victor Emmanuel II Monument, a beautiful building made of white marble .

The famous Trajan’s Column , featuring engravings of the emperor’s military victories is also located nearby.

Piazza Venezia is the most central square in Rome . The streets starting from the square will allow you to reach the main tourist attractions of the city.

Spend your first night in Rome

In order to help you out, here are my 5 favorite hotels of the city, each in a different price category.

And as always, if you already know your travel dates, book your hotel right now! In Rome, the best hotels are fully booked very quickly.

  • Biancaluna: B&B located near Termini Station, 1.5 km from the Colosseum. Modern, comfortable and very clean room from 70€. Strong points: the warm welcome and the advice to visit Rome, the location. An excellent choice for a cheap stay in Rome!
  • Hotel Balilla: Located 1.6 km from the Colosseum and close to a metro station. Well-equipped and quiet double room, impeccably clean, from 99€, breakfast at 5€. Strong points: the friendly staff, the comfort of the beds, the location at 10 min walk from the Colosseum. This is our favorite for its excellent value for money!
  • Alice Vatican House : Located 450 meters from St. Peter’s Square. Contemporary room with neat decoration from 95 € per night, breakfast included. Strong points: ideal location, terrace overlooking the Vatican, warm welcome. This is the best choice for your stay in Rome under 120 euros!
  • MZ Hotel: Located near the Campo di Fiori and not far from the Pantheon. Modern double room from 150€, breakfast at 12€. Strong points: the location near the historical center, the warm welcome, good bedding, new hotel.
  • Roma Luxus Hôtel : High end hotel located at only 400 meters from Piazza Venezia. Beautiful double room starting at 200€ per night, breakfast at 20€. Strong points: The room design, the 5 stars service, the superb breakfast, the spa, the amazing staff. It’s the best hotel for a high end stay in Rome!
  • NH Collection Roma Fori Imperiali: This 5* hotel located right next to the Roman Forum offers sublime rooms from 580€, breakfast included. Strong points: the exceptional location, the attentive staff, the view, the comfort. This is my recommendation for a luxury stay in Rome!

if you want to save a bit of money, you can find an accommodation around Rome. I recommend you he bungalows of Camping Village Rome , located at only 15 minutes by car from the Vatican city.

The price starts at only 30€ per night! It’s the best “budget” solution if you don’t mind not being in the city center. It’s also a great choice for families, with the swimming pool!

Monument to Victor-Emmanuel II, Piazza Venezia

Day 2 – The Vatican

itinéraire Rome jour 2

Day 2 visits:

A. Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel B. St. Peter’s Basilica C. Castel Sant’ Angelo D. Trastevere district

On the second day of your three-day trip to Rome, you should spend a good part of the day exploring the Vatican, the smallest state in the world.

First, you should go to Vatican Museums for a morning of culture! This group of 13 museums are located in a huge 7km long architectural complex.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to visit them all!

Different itineraries of visits are suggested on site, for a duration between 1h30 and 5 hours.

No matter how much time you want to spend at the museums, you definitely need to buy your tickets for the museums in advance if you don’t want to start your day with 2 hours of queuing at the ticket office.

Access to Vatican Museums is included in both the Rome Tourist Card and the Omnia Card. And if you haven’t bought those City Passes, you should book your tickets right now by clicking here .

Every itinerary of visit for the museums will end with the discovery of the Sistine Chapel.

Built in the 15th century, it’s famous for its magnificent frescoes painted by the greatest Italian artists : Michelangelo, Botticelli, Luca or Perugino. They depict numerous scenes from the Bible , including the Creation of Adam and the Last Judgment .


After your cultural morning at the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel, let’s now head towards St. Peter’s Square.

You will for sure be impressed by this large square, surrounded by about 280 columns topped by 3 meters tall statues of saints.

You also can’t miss the Egyptian obelisk standing in the middle of the square as well as the 2 fountains located on each side.

Here again, the waiting line to visit the famous St. Peter’s Basilica (free entrance) are endless . The basilica is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most visited monuments in the world.

If you followed my advice and bought your skip-the-line tickets in advance , you will be able to visit the Basilica without any problems. Otherwise, be prepared to wait for 2 to 4 hours!

Inside the Basilica, you will for sure love the extraordinary richness of the Baroque decoration . In addition to the tombs of the popes and the famous statue of St. Peter, you will also be able to admire the huge dome designed by Michelangelo.

You can even climb up there to admire a magnificent view of Rome (access for an extra fee).

Ticket for St. Peter’s Basilica + audio guide

Guided tour of St. Peter’s Basilica (Skip the line) + dome + crypt (most complete!)

St. Peter's Basilica

When you leave the Basilica, take Via della Conciliazione to get to Castel Sant’Angelo. It takes about ten minutes on foot.

Built by Emperor Hadrian , the castle was originally intended to house his mausoleum, but ended up being mainly used as a refuge for the popes during hostile invasions of Rome.

The popes built a direct access to the castle from the Vatican, allowing them to safely go to Sant’Angelo within a few minutes.

You can visit the inside of the castle to see the tombs and the former papal apartments. During your visit, don’t forget to take a walk outside on the ramparts to enjoy the view.

The castle is located on the bank of the Tiber River and is connected to the other side by the St. Angelo Bridge . The view over the Castle and the bridge from the opposite shore is very scenic!

The entrance Ticket to Castle Sant’Angelo should be booked in advance by clicking on the button below:

The bridge and Castel Sant'Angelo

If you still have time and you’re not too tired, you can finish this second day of your 3-day stay in Rome by exploring Trastevere district.

To get there from Castel Sant’Angelo, you can simply walk along the right bank of the Tiber River for about 30 minutes. And if you don’t feel like walking, you can indeed take the bus.

Trastevere district, with its typical flower-filled alleys , is still one of the most authentic neighborhoods in Rome. Here you can stroll through the streets and enjoy the charming italian atmosphere, while waiting for the aperitif and/or dinner time.

There, you will also find numerous nice small shops and super good trattorias (typical Italian restaurants) : everything you need for a perfect evening!

Trastevere district, in Rome

Day 3 – The historical center

itinéraire Rome jour 3

Day 3 visits:

A. Piazza Navona B. Pantheon C. Trevi Fountain D. Via del Corso / Via Condotti E. Piazza di Spagna F. Villa Borghese

On the third and last day of your 3-day trip to Rome , you should focus on the historical center of the city .

You should start by going to Piazza Navona , one of the most beautiful and famous squares in Rome, featuring 3 imposing fountains as well as numerous cafes.

It’s a great place to enjoy a good breakfast on one of the many terraces! But be warned, as this place is very touristy, it’s quite expensive.

The Pantheon is located close to Piazza Navona. It is the best preserved ancient building in Rome.

Originally dedicated to mythological deities, it became a church in the 7th century. There, you can see the tombs of Victor Emmanuel II and the famous Italian artist Raphael .

The place is also famous for its huge dome and its oculus (opening in the dome), granting the building his unique mood.

Since July 2023, access to the Pantheon has been subject to a charge and requires an admission ticket (cost: €5) . To visit, you should book your ticket on the official website .

And if you want to get more historical information , it’s better to get the fast track ticket + audioguide by clicking here:

And for more detailed explanations, you can also choose a guided tour of the Pantheon by clicking here!

Let’s continue your visit of the Italian capital with the Trevi Fountain .

Located only 10 minutes walk from the Pantheon, it’s for sure the most famous fountain in Europe : a must see during your 3-day trip to Rome!

The tradition here is to throw 2 coins in the fountain: the first one to make a wish and the second one if you want to be sure to return to Rome. And for lovers, Trevi Fountain is the perfect place for a marriage proposal!

The Trevi Fountain represents the god Neptune on his chariot . The large baroque building behind the fountain, also adds to the charm of the square.

Trevi Fountain Rome

If you’re visiting Rome in 3 days, you’ll also have some time to do a bit of shopping.

And after visiting the Trevi fountain, you will be in the perfect location for this!

First of all, you can go to Via del Corso . Here you will find all the big international brands like Zara or H&M.

Next, head to Via Condotti , a perpendicular street dedicated to luxury shopping : here you will find famous designer boutiques like Gucci or Prada. If you don’t want to (or can’t) shop here, you can at least admire the beautiful shop windows.

After this shopping break, let’s get back to sightseeing!

Next stop of your 3-day stay in Rome: The Piazza di Spagna .

Simply following Via Condotti will take you directly to Piazza di Spagna (that shouldn’t be confused with Piazza di Spagna in Seville , Andalucia !).

The Piazza di Spagna is located at the foot of the monumental staircase that leads to the Church of the Trinità dei Monti. It’s undoubtedly one of the most popular and charming squares in the city.

Do as the many Italians do and rest a few moments on the steps to enjoy the Italian dolce vita, and why not, a good ice cream!

Piazza di Spagna Rome

From the Piazza di Spagna, keep heading north to reach the entrance of Villa Borghese gardens .

These gardens featuring a small lake, many fountains and statues are among the most beautiful public parks in Rome. After the hustle and bustle of the city, this is the perfect place to relax at the end your 3-day trip to Rome.

While you’re there, you can also visit the very beautiful botanical garden.

Finally, if you still have time and are not too tired, you should also visit one of the 3 museums located in the gardens.

You have the choice between:

  • The Borghese Gallery , displaying a collection of paintings and sculptures. Skip-the-Line tickets needs to be purchased here
  • The National Etruscan Museum and its collection of pre-Roman objects and jewelry
  • The National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, housing paintings by Van Gogh and Cézanne.

And if you’re traveling with your kids, you should take them to the Bio-Park , which is home to over 1000 animals. Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.

It will now be time to spend your last night in Rome.

You can find my list of the best accommodations in the city just below.

Now that you know how to visit Rome in 3 days , you will need to find an hotel.

  • NH Collection Roma Fori Imperiali: This 5* hotel located right next to the Roman Forum offers sublime rooms from 580€, breakfast included. Strong points: the exceptional location, the attentive staff, the view, the comfort. This is our recommendation for a luxury stay in Rome!

piazza Navona

You’re planning to visit Rome in 3 days with your kids?

Well, even with kids, you can easily follow my 3-day itinerary.

As it’s optimized to avoid walking too much, the places you will visit each day are concentrated and it shouldn’t be too tiring, even with young children.

You should however , add a really an original activity that your kids will definitely enjoy and take them to the gladiator school!

They will dress up in traditional clothes and learn to fight like gladiators.

At the end of the course, they will even receive a gladiator diploma.

That’s definitely something they will remember forever!

You need to book this family activity by clicking here.

You’ve followed my 3-day itinerary in Rome and still have some time left?

So, you should read my guide of the 25 best things to do in Rome !

There, you’ll find even more ideas of places to visit and activities to enjoy in the Italian capital.

And who knows, maybe after reading my other guide, you’ll even want to extend your stay in Rome and spend 4 or 5 days there instead of 3!

To help you visualize your daily itineraries during your 3 days in Rome, I have created this map with all the places to visit day by day . You can view the legend of the map by clicking on the top left button, the one with a little arrow.

As always, you should book your plane tickets as early as possible to get the best prices.

To check the rates and schedules for flights to Rome, you can use our flight comparator, in partnership with Skyscanner:

If you need help organizing your 3-day stay in Rome, don’t hesitate to ask me your questions in the comments section below.

Italy travel Guides

  • Buy the Lonely Planet Italy guide on or on
  • Buy the Rick Steves Italy guide on or on

Discover all my articles about Italy : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Italy are listed there.

  • Rome: The 25 best things to do and see
  • Where to stay in Rome? – The definitive guide of the best areas!
  • Colosseum: The 7 best skip the line tickets
  • Milan: The Top 15 things to do in the city and around
  • Turin: The 20 must-see attractions

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Best places to visit in Rome in 3 days

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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Discussion 6 comments.


Hi, your Itinerary and general tips are amazing. Your insight has really helped me plan my trip. I’m interested in visiting Rome and some other cities in Italy. Do you know by chance what attractions are sold out? I was looking at the general entrance ticket to the Colosseum but there are no openings for mid-July. Also, I’m stuck if I should choose the Turbopass or Rome Tourist Card or just close everything individually and pay for the transportation separately. Thank you!


Hello Nick,

Thank! I’m glad my 3-day itinerary in Rome is helping you plan your visits.

For the Colosseum, this is normal, tickets are only available for sale about a month in advance. You will thus be able to book for mid July in 7-10 days.

If you want to visit the Colosseum and the Vatican Museums, I really recommend you to take the Rome Tourist Card rather than buying the tickets one by one. If you like to walk a bit (and in Rome this is the best way to see everything), you will hardly need to use public transport.

Enjoy your stay in Rome!

isabela adell

hi!! with the omnio pass, does the public transport included get you from and to the airport? thank you:)

Hi Isabela,

The Omnia Card doesn’t included free transport from and to the airport.


Hi Vincent, great tips!

Just curious about booking time slot for the colosseum. Correct me if I’m wrong – After purchasing the Omnia card, we’ll get a confirmation email with a link to book time slot. Which kinda doesn’t make much sense. Since we were hoping we can see the time slots available before buying the omnia card.

Looking forward to your advice!

Hello Jason,

You’re absolutely right, this is how the Omnia Card works: you have to buy it first and then you can see the time slots and book your visits.

However, if you take the Rome Tourist Card , it’s more convenient for this: you can see beforehand all the remaining slots for the Colosseum and the Vatican museums (and book them) before paying.

Have a nice trip to Rome!

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3 night trip to rome

3 Days in Rome Itinerary – The Perfect Itinerary (2024)

Rome has so much to offer! This 3 days in Rome itinerary is perfect for anyone planning to visit Rome.

With the help of this blog, you’ll be able to see the best places and eat some delicious food as well in just 3 days in Rome.

Hi, we’re Rach & Marty!

We’ve visited every country in the world and want to help you get the most out of your travels!

Whether you need an expertly planned itinerary , some experienced hints and tips , or just craving a delicious food adventure , we’ve got you covered!

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3 Days in Rome Itinerary Trevi Fountain

This 3-day itinerary for Rome is based on my multiple visits to Rome. I work as a professional tour guide during the summer months, and this is one of my favourite cities to explore in Europe.

I have taken thousands of my clients on 2 days, 3 days itinerary around Rome and refined what works the best over the years, what to book online and definitely how to avoid some tourist traps and long lines.

This itinerary includes where to stay, what to avoid and some insider tips too. There is a lot of info here, so feel free to bookmark or save it for future reference.

Most importantly, book your tickets for certain sights before you arrive to avoid disappointment.

As they say, all roads lead to Rome so let’s go!

Table of Contents



  • Colosseum Tour & Arena & Roman Forum 
  • Fast Track Colosseum VIP Tour 
  • Vatican & Sistine Chapel Tour
  • 4 Hour Food Tour by Night


  • Boutique Hotel near Campo de Fiori
  • Leonardo Boutique Hotel Rome Termini
  • Inn Rome Room & Suites
  • Sora Luxury Inn

The Perfect 3 Days in Rome Itinerary – Overview

You can see a lot of Rome just in 3 days. Here is an overview of this personalised 3 days in Rome itinerary, with all the places and landmarks mentioned in this itinerary. 

This is the perfect itinerary with things to do in Rome in 3 days!

How to visit Rome in 3 days:

Day 1:  Piazza di Popolo, Via del Corso, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Campo dei Fiori.

Day 2:  Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill, Trajan Column & Trajan Markets, Altare della Patria (Piazza Venezia), Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Caracalla), Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth), Trastevere & Basilica di Santa Maria.

Day 3 : Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica & Cupola, Castel Sant’Angelo, Sunset at Terrazza del Pincio or guided evening food tour.

Rome 3 Days Itinerary

I also wrote detailed itineraries on Florence , Venice ,  Amsterdam , Prague , Vienna , Budapest ,   Athens , Munich  and  Bratislava  so if you travel around Europe, these guides have you covered.

Day 1 of 3 Days in Rome Itinerary – Best of the Historic Centre of Rome

You might arrive in Rome on an international flight or it might just be a short flight in Europe or even a train/car from different parts of Italy.

As often we arrive at a new city during the day, this 3 days in Rome itinerary starts with a plan to hit the ground running and explore the ancient city straight away.

All you need is about 4 hours to follow the itinerary of this walking route from Piazza del Popolo to Piazza Navona with an add-on for seeing the Colosseum from the outside on your first day in Rome – because let’s face it, it is a bucket list item for everyone!

You can check in at your hotel or leave your luggage and let’s explore. Each place is linked to a location on Google Maps to help you plan.

Piazza del Popolo (People’s Square)

Start at the northern gate  Porta del Popolo , the former entry to the old city. The nearby Metro station is Flaminio  so depending on where you are staying you can catch the metro or grab a taxi/Uber here.

Walk underneath the gate and you will find yourself in a huge open square dominated by Fontana de Leoni (Lion’s Fountain) . Check out the 2000-year-old obelisk in the middle originally from Egypt, you will see a few more in Rome. The lions in the fountain are also 3000 years old.

The water in all public fountains in Rome is always drinkable and it is the legacy left behind by the Romans. They were exceptional engineers who designed aqueducts (water pipe systems) to bring fresh water into Rome. It still works.

Have a look around the square. If you look on the right side of the square, you’ll see a statue with a trident – that is Neptune (The Roman Good of the Seas). And on the left side of this huge square towards leafy gardens on the hill. Notice the statues underneath and try to see the she-wolf statue nursing two babies.

This is one of the best places in Rome where the story of Remus and Romulus is depicted. If you don’t know the story I recommend reading more about it Romulus and Remus story .

Rome in 3 days - Romulus and Remus

The green gardens are known as Pinico Gardens with a nice terrasse. You can walk up or save it for one sunset evening during your 3 days in Rome stay.

On the south side of the Piazza are the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto, and Santa Maria del Miracol i, sitting on either side of Via Corso.

It’s time to move on from Piazza del Popolo. Head towards the Spanish Steps which are about 10 minutes away. Walk along the Via del Corso which is a famous shopping street. In the distance, you will see Victor Emmanuel II National Monument , but we will get there later. 

Turn left into  Via dei Condotti ,  this is a historic street with some luxury shops. You will also walk past Caffe Greco , the oldest cafe in Rome founded in 1760 by a Greek (hence the name). This could be your first opportunity to have strong Roman espresso, simply step in, and order it at the cash register on the left.

Make sure you say that you wish to have the coffee at the bar (it costs less than 2 euros as opposed to the sitting-down price which is much higher). Then hand your ticket to the barista at the bar. He will serve you a nice coffee that you can enjoy while standing and observing the gorgeous cafe itself. Then continue on the street to reach your next place: Piazza Spagna .

Caffe Greco in Rome in 3 days itinerary

Piazza Spagna (Spanish Square and Spanish Steps)

You will arrive at a busy square dominated by yet another fountain  Fontana della Barcaccia,  this time in the shape of a boat! It was designed by Pietro Bernini (You will learn more about his son Lorenzo once you visit the Vatican). Fill up your water bottle if you need.

This is the Spanish square and you won’t be able to miss the Spanish Steps in front of you as they connect the square with the  Trinita dei Monti  ( Holy Trinity Church), the reason why the Spanish Steps were built in the 18th century. Walk upon this iconic baroque staircase towards the church.

You will have an amazing view of the square once you climb the 174 steps to the top. Please note you are not allowed to sit on the steps anymore.

3 Days in Rome Itinerary - Spanish Steps

If you are confused about why the steps are called Spanish Steps , there is a quick answer to it. The Spanish Embassy has been located on the square and was simply named after it. From Spanish Square, the Spanish Steps were born.

From here continue towards the famous Trevi Fountain . The easiest way would be to walk away from Spanish Square towards the Column of the Virgin Mary in front of the Spanish embassy. Continue on the Via di Propaganda which turns into Via di Sant’Andrea delle Fratte and Via del Nazareno, then cross the main street Via del Tritone to take a small alleyway Via della Stamperia that will lead you right to the square with the Trevi Fountain.

Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)

This is without a doubt one of the most recognisable landmarks in Rome. Our 3 days in Rome itinerary would be incomplete if we didn’t include the Trevi Fountain, the largest baroque fountain in the city.

Now first of all be prepared for how busy this spot will be when you arrive. The fountain is located on a small square the name comes from ‘ TRE VIA’  meaning ‘three roads’ that used to meet here.

Originally there was a Roman aqueduct here, an ancient water source. You can see the story of the founding of the aqueduct on today’s fountain.

Later on in the 1700s, the pope commissioned the architect, Nicoli Salvi, to build a fountain here. The money to finance this came from the tax on wine. Completed in 1762 (it took him 30 years), the fountain is simply amazing and it tells a story. 

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - The Trevi Fountain

The central figure is ‘Ocean’ riding in on a chariot drawn by 2 seahorses and 2 tritons. The two horses represent the different lives of the ocean, one calm and peaceful, the other dangerous and powerful. The left-hand niche contains a statue of Abundance and the relief above her illustrates Marcus Agrippa commanding his generals to build the aqueduct during Roman times.

The statue of Health   stands on the right niche. She is crowned with a wreath of laurel and holding a cup from which a snake drinks. The relief above her shows a Virgin lady showing to soldiers the source of water when the first aqueduct was due to be built.

Now there are a few legends when it comes to throwing the coin into the Trevi Fountain :

  • The first coin – make a wish
  • The second – guarantees you a safe return to Rome
  • And the third coin means you will marry soon or fall in love with an Italian

All coins thrown into the fountain are collected and donated to charity. The Trevi Fountain used to have as many as 3000 euro days on the pre-pandemic busy summer days.

From the Trevi Fountain continue on the Via delle Muratte and keep walking straight for about 10 minutes until you reach an open square with the Pantheon. 

Pantheon is the best-preserved Ancient Roman monument in Rome and a must-be on any Rome itinerary. Originally built in 27 BC by Marcus Agrippa, you can see the name of the designer at the top of the building. The building took 7 years to create and its construction was quite unique.

The walls are 6m thick and the layout of the bricks is built into arches. These arches act as internal buttresses, distributing the weight of the dome. The diameter of the dome is equal to its height (43m). There is a hole 9m across at the top of the dome.

It used to be a temple dedicated to Roman gods but was turned into a church later on which was probably the main reason why it is in such good shape.

Pantheon is truly a marvellous structure to see from the outside and you will need to step back into the square further just to be able to see the dome. But most importantly, make sure you go inside. The entry is free and you can really appreciate the size of this place. It is also the resting place of the first king of Italy: Vittorio Emanuele II.

3 Days in Rome Itinerary - Pantheon

My Tip:  If you’re visiting on the weekend or Italian public holiday, you’re required to book your visit in advance. I recommend the  Pantheon Guided Tour  

After your visit here, it is time to get some gelato!!! If you turn your back to the pantheon and cross the square and take either one of the small laneways opposite as both join a street called Via della Maddalena. Wak 1 minute further and you will see Gelateria Della Palma at number 19-23, you really can’t miss it. 

3 Days in Rome -Best Gelato

This place has more than 150 flavours of gelato and you will find some great vegan options too. Simply find the cash register, order the size of your ice cream – they have a price list and then choose your flavours. Once ready, hand the ticket to one of the workers at the gelato counter and he will scoop up what you like.  Amazing!!!

Piazza Navona

All refreshed with nice gelato, walk back towards Pantheon and once you reach the square simply turn right into Via Giustiniani and keep walking until you cross the main road with an obvious entrance to Piazza Navona .

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is one of the nicest squares in town, lined with baroque palaces fountains and many street artists. Especially pleasant in the late afternoon. There are two main landmarks here. 

The Fountain of the 4 Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi)

Designed by Bernini in the 17th century, the rivers represent the 4 corners of the world, Nile, Ganges, Rio de la Plante, and the Danube. Each of the rivers is represented by a different sculpture. 

The Nile sculpture has a veiled head symbolizing the river’s unknown source. The Rio de la Plante sculpture has a raised arm and is facing the church. The Ganges sculpture holds a scroll. 

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - 4 rivers fountain church

There is a legend about the fountain:

It is said that Bernini disliked the designer of the Sant’ Agnese in Agone Church which is right beside the fountain. That is why the sculpture that represents the Rio de la Plante has a raised arm shielding his eyes from viewing the church. It is believed that Bernini feared the church would collapse. However, this is just a legend as the fountain was actually built before the church.

Saint Agnes Church is free to enter as well, so I recommend checking it out while here. There are also two other smaller fountains on each end of the square. The piazza is filled with restaurants but there are mostly tourist traps, so I suggest you either follow one of the smaller streets next to the church of the square and find a restaurant in the backstreets. There are some good ones.

Alternatively, you could also walk towards the  Campo dei Fiori , which is less than 10 minutes away and south of Piazza Navona. During the morning, there is a lively flower and vegetable market here, and in the evening it is a great place for aperitivo or dinner.

If you are after good pasta check out Giordi and for good Italian dishes right on the square try Antica Hostaria Romanesca.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Campo di Fiori

And that’s your first day in Rome. If you are full of energy you can also walk down to Colosseum . Just follow the road to Piazza Venezia where you can admire the Monument dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II.

It looks like a giant wedding cake and once you are here you will see the Roman forum and the ancient parts appear. Simply head towards the Colosseum which you will see by now, lit up in the evening.  

It will be a pleasant 20-30-minute walk and I think there is nothing better than seeing the Colosseum at night.

✅ Hot Tip:  Skip the line, get free entry & free public transport with Omnio Vatican & Rome Pass Card

✅ Book in Advance: Book your guided tours and entry to the Vatican and Colosseum early to avoid missing out

✅ Luggage Storage: Early or late flight? Store your luggage at Termini station and explore Rome

Day 2 of 3 Days in Rome Itinerary –  Ancient Rome: Colosseum & the Roman Forum

Your second day of our 3 days in Rome itinerary starts with the number one landmark the Colosseum. The days can be hot in Rome, especially in July and August so I do recommend starting early around 8.30 am (and yes so does everyone else, unless you do love the heat you can visit later on).

But before I explain what is the best way to see the Colosseum as part of your 3 days in Rome itinerary, let me first tell you more about one of the 7 new wonders of the world : The Colosseum .

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Colosseum at dusk

Visiting Colosseum – 3 days in Rome 

The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre in the world. Located near Palatine Hill (one of 7 hills that make up the city of Rome) it was built in AD72 and commissioned by Emperor Vespasian. It could hold up to 80,000 spectators and sometimes when you visit in summer, it feels like there are as many tourists.

At the height of the Roman empire, this was the venue where Romans came for entertainment. The middle of the Colosseum is called the arena and it was covered in sand to soak up the blood of wounded animals and gladiators who used to fight here to win their freedoms. The games were held here for almost 500 years before the Roman Empire fell apart and the landmark suffered from looting and earthquakes. 

Honestly, I could talk about this place for 20 minutes and I indeed used to when I worked as a tour guide. 

But let’s explain how to get your ticket to the Colosseum. All the ways listed below also include entry to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, which is what the ticket has. There is a special ticket that will also allow you to visit the arena and the underground which is very exciting as this part was only open to the public in 2021.

You can pay for the standard ticket, the entire experience ticket, the priority skip-the-line ticket or at last, a guided tour. The official entity that manages Colosseum tickets is CoopCulture (all links are listed below).

How to get a ticket to the Colosseum –  there are 2 options:

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill – Buy the entrance ticket online

At the moment you can’t book the ticket at the Colosseum or Roman Forum office, you must buy it online.  The standard ticket  costs 16€ per adult plus 2€ for the online booking fee. It is valid for 24 hours.

Buy the Standard Entry Ticket for the Colosseum here.

If you have EU ID or passport and are 18-25 years old, you pay just 2€, and entry is free for those under 18.  

I highly recommend buying a guidebook to Rome or more information, so you know what are you looking at.

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill: Priority (Skip the line) Entrance –  Book your priority skip the line ticket online here . Essentially this is the easiest way to get the ticket and skip the line to get straight in. Explore at your own pace.

I personally think you should book a guided tour for your first visit unless you have a good understanding of the Roman Empire and Roman architecture. 

Guided tours of the Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Exploring the Colosseum on a guided tour is the best way to see it during your 3 days in Rome. The tour will make entry easy, and you won’t have to wait in a long line. You will maximise your time and definitely get the best experience as you will learn the history and interesting facts on your guided tour. You won’t miss any key places and will have time to capture them in photos.

Plus if you can choose the tour that includes access to the underground too!

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Colosseum

The 3 Best Guided Tours of the Colosseum 

Rome: Colosseum with Underground, Arena & Forum Tour

This is the best option for an all-inclusive tour. Enjoy exclusive access to areas of the Colosseum not available on a regular ticket such as the Underground, Arena, and upper tiers for amazing views. Learn more about everyday life at the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

Fast Track Colosseum, Arena Floor, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Get exclusive access to the Arena floor and walk through the gladiators’ gate. You’ll also get to see the dungeons where the gladiators prepared themselves. Learn stories of the political dramas that played out and the lives of people who lived 2,000+ years ago—finally, head to Palatine Hill, where Romulus chose to found his new city.

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour

Take a guided tour of 3 famous Roman sites: the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Let your guide bring their history to life as you tour a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Ancient Roman social epicentre, and the founding hill. Amazing views of the Colosseum from Palatine Hill. NOTE:  This tour does not include the underground, arena, or upper floor.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - View from Palatine Hill

The Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine are open every day at these times: 

  • 9.30 am – 4.30 pm:   until 28 February 202 3
  • 9.30 am – 5.30 pm: from 1st to 26th March 202 3
  • 9.30 am – 7.15 pm: from March 17th to 31st 

Changes for the 2023 visit to the Colosseum:

  • Free Sundays are currently suspended .
  • Tickets can be only purchased online and you must arrive 30 minutes before it.

You can get  free entry to the Colosseum  with the  Roma Pass , the Best of Rome All Access Pass  or the   OMNIA Vatican & Rome Card . However, you must reserve your timeslot online in advance. You can do so on the  official website  under the Roma Pass section. 

There are limited tickets so if they are sold out, try to book one of the recommended tours.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Roman Forum

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Depending on what tour option you choose to see the Colosseum or Roman Forum, you might have the afternoon free. But even if you have had a guided tour here, there is always more to see in the Roman Forum and make sure you walk up to Palatine Hill as both are included in the ticket.

The Roman Forum was the centre point of the social life and marketplace of Rome and the Roman Empire. It was only excavated at the end of the 1800s. It is home to temples, the senate, the Septimus arch and even the place where Julias Ceaser was buried. It’s interesting to see how the entire city is below the modern city of Rome, I guess they just kept building over the top. 

Today is always a huge day as there is so much to see and usually, the heat will get the best of you. So take a break if you need and once at the Roman forum, there are a few options for you where to go next: 

A. You can check out The Trajan Column and Markets and have a look at the Monument of Vittorio Emanuel II

B. You can continue further south to visit Bocca del Verita and Caracalla Baths if you are happy to walk more 

This might feel like choosing your own adventure, but I think it’s important to have choices as we all have different levels of energy. This 3 days in Rome itinerary can be intense, but you can always slow down or add things. So here are your options for the afternoon.

I do recommend getting back to your hotel to shower/refresh later in the afternoon and change for a nice evening in Trastevere for dinner and drinks.

Trajan Market and Column

If you exit the Roman Forum at the side next to the Monument of Vittorio Emanual you will be very close to Trojan Column and Trojan markets.

Trajan’s Market  is a large complex of ruins but gives you a great idea of how the city of Rome worked. The key products sold at the market would have come from across the empire and included fruit, vegetables, fish, wine and oil.

Trajan Column  is one of the most distinctive monumental landmarks to have survived dating to the 2nd century. Check out the details on the column, the reliefs tell the story of battles in Dacia, today’s Romania. 

Bocca del Verita (Mouth of Truth) and    Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Caracalla)

Bocca del Verita (Mouth of Truth)

If you ever watched Roman Holiday , you will remember the Mouth of Truth. Essentially a marble mask on a wall that will bite your hand should you tell a lie!

Ok, it is just a legend, but a great place to grab a photo especially since it is close to your next stop.

  Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Carcalla)

The Roman Baths are yet another example of how clever the Romans were when they built their cities not just in Rome, but across their vast Roman empire. I saw some of the best Roman Baths in Leptis Magna in Libya .

The Baths of Caracalla were one of the biggest in Rome and served as a social point for the Romans. You can spend some time exploring here, once again great to have a good guidebook (we recommend Lonely Planet guide ) or pick up the audio guide.

Trastevere for Dinner

The first time I visited Rome I asked my Roman friend to recommend a place for a good Italian dinner. He sent me to the Trastevere area. Back then it was mostly locals enjoying their food undisturbed. Things have changed since then and there are definitely many tourists here, but the food is still authentic and this is where all the foodies come to eat. 

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Trastevere Restaurant

Most visitors come here to dine and it has a different feel to the historic centre where everyone seems to be focusing on sightseeing and eating in between.

If you might change your 3 days in Rome slightly, make sure you come out here for dinner or at least a drink. Public transport is limited to buses so the best option is to get a taxi.

The area is gorgeously Roman, with the main Basilica in the Piazza di Santa Maria as a centre point. You can wander the narrow cobblestone streets, with small Vespas parked on the side and small wine bars pop out of nowhere in the evening.

So where should you eat in Trastevere? Here are my 3 favourite restaurants in Trastevere for dinner:

Some of the best restaurants in Trastevere include  Da Nina a Trastevere , Nannarella , and  Osteria Cacio e Pepe . Be sure to head to  Il Sorpasso  for an  aperitivo , a traditional Italian pre-meal drink and snack. It’s a popular choice with locals.

You will most likely finish your second day in Rome with dining and a few wines, but should you need to walk off your dinner you could walk down to the Tiber Island . Yes, it is a small island in the Tiber River and while there are a few restaurants, it is lovely to come here during the summer for some pop-up bars. 

Alternatively, take a 70-minute Aperitif Cruise on the Tiber River .

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Trastevere Streets

Day 3 of 3 Days in Rome – Vatican City (Museums, Sistine Chapel & St Peters)

The last day of your 3 days in Rome itinerary will be spent in the smallest country in the world –   The Vatican City . 

In a nutshell, Vatican City is a country within the city of Rome. It’s so small you can walk across it in just a few minutes. It is the centre of the Roman Catholic Faith.

For visitors, there are 4 main sights here:

The Vatican Museums  are considered one of the greatest collections of art in the world so be prepared to be wowed! Highlights included the Raphael Rooms, The Tapestries Hall and the Maps Room. Best to be appreciated on a guided tour – more about that below.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Vatican Museums

Sistine Chapel   – Vatican Museums are also home to Sistine Chapel whose ceiling is the absolute highlight for many visitors. Painted by young Michelangelo who spent 4 years decorating the ceiling with frescos laying on his back. Later on, returned to paint the Last judgment on the side of the chapel – so impressive considering he was a sculptor, not a painter.

You will never forget this masterpiece. Sistine Chapel is also where the conclave happens – when the cardinals voted for a new pope.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Sistine Chapel

Piazza San Pietro (Saint Peters Square)  – This is the main well and only square in Vatican City. You have seen it before in photos and it is the place where worshipers used to gather when the pope holds the mass. The Square has been designed by Bernini and of course, it’s free to enter.

St. Peter’s Basilica –  This is the huge church dedicated to Saint Peter in St Peter Square. It is also free to enter but lines might be long and if you are visiting The Vatican Museums you can skip the line by exiting the museums into the basilica directly.

The main highlight of the church includes Michelangelo’s Pietra (a statue) and the amazing Dome which was also designed by Bernini. I recommend visiting the dome first as you will need to climb the steps. (and you will need a separate ticket for it).

The perfect way to maximise your time and see the Vatican on your 3 days in Rome:

You can visit all places independently, but you will most likely spend time waiting in line and your experience will be limited. Start early so you can squeeze in more things in the afternoon.

St Peters Basilica and St Peters – can be visited for free, but to enter the Dome of St Peters you will need to book a ticket.

Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel can be accessed on a pre-booked ticket. You can also book a time slot if you have purchased Rome Tourist Card or Omnia Card . There is also the option to skip the line.

However, the best way to enjoy the Vatican is to do one of these 2 recommended tours:

 The Best Guided Tours of the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel

Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel: Skip-the-Line Guided Tour

Skip the ticket lines and visit the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Admire famous artworks by Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini, and more. Access to Saint Peter’s Square. There are options to have 2, 3, or 4 hours long tours depending on what suits you most. 

Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and Gardens: Skip-the-Line Guided Tour 

If you wish to see the Sistine Chapel, the museums AND and the gorgeous Vatican Gardens, then this is the right tour for you.

Castle Sant’ Angelo

Once you finish your morning in Vatican City, walk down towards Castle Sant Angelo , a fortress that dates back to AD 139. It was built by Emperor Hadrian whose body rests here. It houses the Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo and its grand collection of sculptures, paintings and medieval firearms.

The secret passage  (Passetto di Borgo)  connects to the Vatican and it was used by the pope previously to flee at times of danger. 

Climb to the top for some amazing views.

The entry to the castle is only at specific times (9 a.m. , 10:30 a.m., 12 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 4:30 p.m., and 6 p.m.), and you can  book your ticket here  or reserve your spot on a tour of Castle Sant Angelo .

Hours 9 am-7.30 pm, last admission 6.30 pm /  Price adult €13, free 1st Sunday of the month Oct-Mar

The bridge in front of the fortress is Ponte Sant’Angelo and offers really nice views (snap that photo) of the fortress and should you continue further you would soon arrive back at Piazza Navona.

The Final Night of 3 days in Rome

Rome has so much on offer, and you could spend a lifetime here, but if you followed this itinerary, you would have seen all the highlights here.

There are 2 excellent options on how to finish your stay in Rome.

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Gelato time

First, you might want to watch  the sunset at Pincio gardens . There is a terrace and often live music, and people gather there to watch the sunset (which is late in summer but might be different during the off-season).

The other, a more exciting option that also solves the issue of “what should I eat for dinner in Rome” is joining a food tour! Rome is one of the best cities in Europe when it comes to food tours (trust me, I have done a few across the continents). 

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Rome Pizza

Here are 3 food tours in Rome you might consider for the final night of your 3 days in Rome itinerary. You have a backup plan as some of them might be booked out.

Street Food Tour of Rome with Local Guide – A 2.5-hour guided walking tour of Rome includes tasting authentic Roman delicacies. Choose a private or small-group tour and try artisanal goodies such as pizza, supplì, and gelato.

4-Hour Food Tour by Night – This evening food tour takes you to the city’s best foodie neighbourhoods. You’ll have the opportunity to sample amazing food, wines, and local products that Rome has to offer. Includes over 20 tastings.

Pasta & Tiramisu Workshop with Dinner – A cooking class in the city’s heart. Learn how to make delicious pasta from scratch and the famous Tiramisù dessert from simple and fresh ingredients. Enjoy the meal you have prepared after class.

Where to stay in Rome for 3 days

Rome has a fantastic range of hotels for every budget, but don’t forget, since the historic centre is old, most rooms and hotels are relatively small.

Here are my recommendations:

Boutique Hotel near Campo de Fiori –  If you wish to stay in the heart of the historic centre with the lively square that offers an early morning market as well as a late-night dining/bar scene, this is the hotel to stay. The panoramic terrace is a win. Check prices here .

Leonardo Boutique Hotel Rome Termini  – Only 250m from Roma Termini Train Station, rooms include satellite channels, air conditioning and a minibar. Breakfast is fantastic here, with an extensive buffet with many options. Check prices here.

Inn Rome Room & Suites – The Vatican City and Saint Peter’s Square are 10 10-minute walk away. Only 5 min walk from Piazza Navona Square.

The surrounding area is full of traditional wine bars, restaurants, and excellent bus links to Termini Train Station. This hotel offers outstanding value for money. Check prices here.

Sora Luxury Inn – An excellent location in the centre of Rome, close to Campo di Fiori and offering city views and free WiFi. A short distance from Largo di Torre Argentina, the Synagogue of Rome and the Pantheon. Check prices here .

3 Days in Rome - Rome Termini Station

How to Get from Rome Airport to Rome Centre

Rome has two international airports:  Rome Fiumicino (FCO) and Rome Ciampino (CIA). In general, Fiumicino Airport, also known as Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, is the main airport for most international airlines, while Ciampino is used by low-cost airlines.

To book a cheap flight , check Skyscanner .

It’s very easy to get from Rome airport to the city. You can take a train, bus or taxi. 

How to get from Rome Fiumicino airport into the city by train?

The fastest and easiest option is the Leonardo Express, which takes 30 minutes and will arrive at Termini Station in the heart of Rome, which is connected to both Metro lines. The train goes every 20 minutes and costs 14.00 euros.

You could also book a regional train (we recommend Trainline to make reservations), but this one takes longer, and you will have to change trains so I recommend the Leonardo Express or the bus unless you are staying in Trastevere as the regional train stops there.

  How to get from Rome Fiumicino airport into the city by bus?

You can also get into Rome on a bus with Terravision, which is direct, cheap, and takes about 1 hour. The price starts from 6 euros, and you can book your ticket here .

How to get from Rome Fiumicino airport into the city by taxi?

Taxi from Rome Fiumicino airport should be 50 Euros – set rate. You might be better off booking your arrival transfer through your hotel or pre-booking a private transfer with Get Your Guide . 

How to get from Rome Ciampino airport into the city?

As there are no trains, you can take a taxi for approximately 40 to 50 euros or the Terravison bus for 6 euros. The bus takes 40 minutes and drops you off at Termini. Buy your ticket here .

Alternatively, you can pre-book a private arrival transfer with Get Your Guide .

Rome in 3 Days Itinerary - Rome Metro

How to Get Around Rome – Bus, Metro and Taxi

Be prepared to walk a lot when in Rome. To be honest, it is the best way to see the city and you will always come across something cool. Many landmarks are in the historic centre in pedestrian areas.

However, you might use the metro to maybe get in on a metro from your hotel or when heading out to the Vatican, as that is further out.

There are 3 Metro lines in Rome: Line A (red), Line B (blue), and Line C (green). If you pick up the free map of Rome from your hotel lobby it will also have metro lines so you can see what works for you.

If you do happen to use the bus (as well as the metro) just be aware of your belongings. Rome is sadly one of the worst places in Europe for pickpockets. No phones and wallets in your back pocket and keep your handbags and bag where you can see them. 

Finding how to get from A to B in Rome is easy on Google Maps, select the public transport options.

Alternatively, Omio is a fantastic platform to book all forms of transport in Italy and Europe.

Tickets for bus and metro are 1.50 euros valid for a 90-minute journey (you can make as many transfers as you want), and you can buy them from the metro ticket office or from any tobacco shop – they are everywhere. But you must validate your ticket on the bus – punch/stamp it on the yellow machine. In the metro, your ticket gets validated when you enter via the gate. 

Also, if you have the Omnia Card, you will get free metro & bus rides. And sometimes you might need a taxi to get home after a great evening dining out. 

Get Connected with eSIM

3 night trip to rome

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The Best Passes to Save Money in Rome

Tourist passes are a great way to skip the line, get free entrance and maximise your time. Here are the three on offer, they are all worth the money if you manage to tick off the freebies they come with, and they will save you time and money. 

1. ROMA PASS: 48 OR 72-HOUR CITY CARD – 32 Euro / 52 Euro

  • Skip the line and get free entry for one main attraction, such as the Colosseum with the 48-Hour Pass (2 attractions with a 72-Hour Card)
  • Free unlimited public transport
  • Free Map and a guide
  • Reduced tickets to many archeological sites and museums (but not the Vatican)


  • Reserved entry to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
  • Reserved entry to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hills
  • Official audioguide for St.Peter’s Basilica (entrance free – no reserved entrance included)
  • Vatican Gardens minibus (if option selected)

3. OMNIA CARD – 129 Euro

This is the most inclusive Rome Pass. 3-day OMNIA Vatican Card and Roma Pass. It’s actually 2 passes rolled into one. Roma Pass grants you free entry to 2 out of 5 top attractions plus discounts at a further 30 top sights and a travel card.

The OMNIA Vatican Card allows entry to all top sights in Vatican City plus a 3-day hop-on hop-off bus tour.

  • Skip the line with free admission to the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, and Michelangelo’s miraculous ceiling at the Sistine Chapel
  • Entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica – including a free audio guide worth €15.00! 
  • “Experience” tour of St. Peter’s Prison with a multimedia audio guide
  • Discover Rome’s eternal sights on a hop-on hop-off bus tour
  • Enjoy special offers from both the OMNIA Vatican and Roma Passes
  • Enjoy discounted entry to Rome’s top museums
  • Free guidebook and map of Rome and Vatican City


  • ROME 3 Days Itinerary
  • VENICE 1-Day Itinerary
  • FLORENCE 2 Days Itinerary
  • AMSTERDAM 3 Day Itinerary
  • PARIS 4 Days Itinerary
  • BUDAPEST 2 Days Itinerary
  • PRAGUE 2 Days Itinerary
  • LONDON 1 Day Itinerary
  • ATHENS 1 Day Itinerary
  • BERLIN 2 Days Itinerary
  • VIENNA 2 Days Itinerary
  • LISBON 2 Days Itinerary

Safety Tips for Rome

Rome is one of the most amazing cities in the world, but there are a few safety tips to know before you visit.

Here are my safety tips for Rome.

  • Beware of pickpockets, especially on public transport. Don’t leave wallets or phones in your pockets and bags/handbags on your side or back. The same goes for crowded places. They are professional pickpockets, so maybe invest in an a nti-theft bag .
  • Don’t carry too much cash for the same reason. Just enough for the day for gelato, souvenir and a tip for dinner. Lock up the rest of the money in your suitcase.
  • Watch where you’re going! Rome has plenty of uneven paths, and traffic can come at you from all sides. If you are from the UK or Australia, watch out when crossing the street, as you will be looking the wrong way.

Read more: 12 essential tips for safe travel around the world

Make sure you get Travel Insurance before hitting the road. We recommend Heymondo & SafetyWing

Click here and get 5% off Heymondo from us!

Best Time to Visit Rome

Rome can be very hot and very crowded in the summer months of July and August. However, the days are long, and it is truly summer. This would be the main season, with temperatures reaching over 30°C / 90°F. 

The best time to visit Rome is during April, May, and June when the temperatures are warm but not as hot (around 25°C / 77°F). June has super long days, so you pack a lot before sunset, but it can be already quite warm.

September and October are also pleasant to visit as we head into the European Autumn with similar temperatures as in spring. 

The winter months (November- March) are the coldest with the shortest days, and temperatures are around 13°C / 55°F

3 night trip to rome

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Top 10 Best Things to Do in Venice

3 night trip to rome

Where To Eat The Best Pizza In Florence – Top 5 Places

Where to Eat in Rome

Rome is one of the greatest food cities in Europe and the world. Italy is in our top 10 best countries for food lovers .

There are many great places and foods to try in Rome; you’ll be spoiled for choice. From pasta, antipasto, gelato to unique local Roman dishes, this is the city to eat out as much as possible and maybe the best city to join a food tour.

We wrote a dedicated blog about the 10 foods you must try in Rome . We hope you enjoy it

Travel Tips for Italy

We have many travel guides and tips for Italy—what a beautiful country!

You must read these  15 best places to visit in Italy to help you plan the ultimate itinerary.

Our expertly crafted city itineraries include our perfect 2 days in Florence itinerary.

Be sure to try these top 5 places to eat the best pizza in Florence .

This complete 3 days in Rome itinerary has sights, history and cuisine in mind, and Roman food is fantastic. Don’t miss our 10 delicious Roman dishes when you’re there.

You must plan a stop by the city of canals, Venice. Our detailed one-day in Venice itinerary covers the city’s highlights, with some great suggestions for spending more days here.

These top 10 things to do in Venice will keep you busy. For your convenience, we’ve also listed the top-rated Vatican tours .

If you stop by Milan, the city of Italian fashion – it’s just an easy day trip to Lake Como, the most beautiful lake in Italy. Here is how to get to Lake Como from Milan , it includes three easy options.

Here are our recommendations for why the village of Bellagio in Lake Como is our favourite place to visit and stay.

Did you know that train travel in Italy is the best way to get around? This is why we recommend travelling by train in Italy .

If you’re hungry for more fantastic Italian cuisine, we recommend you visit Bologna.

These 12 amazing things to do in Bologna include the best sites and where to find the best food.

If you travel for food, don’t miss these 10 best countries for food lovers.

You’ll need to stay connected while travelling in Italy. We recommend eSIM. It’s easy, reliable and affordable. View options for eSIM in Italy or view the regional Europe eSIM (which covers 39 countries).

If your travels in Italy are part of a larger global adventure, then a Global eSIM may be the answer. It connects you in 124 countries , offering data-only eSIM and data/call/text eSIM . The Global eSIM has been a game-changer; we couldn’t imagine travelling without it now.

Want to travel in Italy with like-minded travellers? View the best deals on group adventures in Italy .

Check out our best-ever travel tips compiled from more than twenty years of experience.

Travel Planning Resources

✈️ Flights : We use Skyscanner to book cheap flights worldwide.

🏨 Accommodation : is our preferred platform for booking hotels and accommodation. We use Vrbo to book apartments and long-term stays.

🏥 Travel Insurance : We recommend Heymondo ( Get 5% off Heymondo)  & SafetyWing

🚌 Transportation : Trainline is the best website to reserve trains. We use Omio to book transport worldwide. For travel in Asia, we use 12Go.  

🚘 Car Rental : We use DiscoverCars to book rental cars worldwide.

👫 Group Tours :  G Adventures OR compare multi-day tours worldwide with Tourradar .

📸 Day Tours & Trips :  GetYourGuide  & Viator are the only two platforms you need.

📚 Lonely Planet: The Best Range of Travel Guides & Ebooks , and FREE Shipping! (use code RACHELDAVEY10 for a 10% discount)

🎒 Luggage :  Osprey Farpoint 40L Backpack  or  Samsonite Luggage Range.

🛄 What to Pack:  Don’t forget your Universal charger and a good  power bank .  To help you pack the essentials, here is our ULTIMATE Packing List for all Travellers .

🐶 Become a House Sitter:  Join Trusted Housesitters and enjoy FREE accommodation worldwide. Use our invite to receive 25% off your new membership.

💰 Send Money Anywhere: WISE  &  Revolut  are the best online accounts that let you send money, get paid, and spend money internationally. Both are so easy to use and way cheaper than any bank transfer.

📶  Stay Connected: Airalo eSIM allows you to get connected the moment you land at your destination, and you can avoid those expensive data roaming charges. We LOVE this product! Use promo code NOMAD15 for 15% off ALL eSIMs (new Airalo users only) OR use NOMAD10 for 10% off ALL eSIMs (for existing Airalo users)

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5 comments . leave new.

3 night trip to rome

Marty, how best do you save your itinerary for on the go? I sure admire the folks who flash their phones for their tickets! I am almost 60 and not super techy. Any advice there, to not get lost and have passes avail etc? LOVE your advice and will use your itinerary. Sounds PERFECT

3 night trip to rome

Hi Sheryl, thank you so much for your message. I am so happy to hear you loved this Rome itinerary. To save this itinerary I would suggest simply saving it in PDF (Simply go select the FILE from your browser menu and choose SAVE AS PDF – it might be slightly different on windows than mac). You will then have a PDF copy which you can print as well to take with you to Rome. Of course, the links to the tours won’t work, so best to click on them on the website and book the tours ahead. 🙂

As for the tickets, yes these days most of us add tickets to the digital wallets on the phone and you don’t have to be too techy to learn it, it’s very simple.:) Maybe someone in your family can show you?

But as most bookings online will generate an email with a confirmation, simply keep them in your email so you can access them, possibly create a folder with the name BOOKINGS TO USE and move them there? This is what I do, so I have all bookings (hotels or tours or flights) in one place.

And the final advice would be to take a screenshot of the tickets on your phone. So when you book something, it will have a confirmation number or QR code etc – just screenshot it and then it will be saved in your photos. So even if you can not access your emails (say you are offline) you would have the confirmation/ticket saved in your photos. I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else.

And once you are in Rome, don’t forget that the reception of your hotel can help and print anything you might need too. Happy travels. M

You’re the BEST. Thank you!

3 night trip to rome

I love your itinerary and hoping to use it during our (my husband and me) trip in October 2022. I was wondering if you have advice on how to pick the tour for Day 2 in Rome, so many options! It is our first time in Rome. I am thinking it makes sense to do guided tour on all major spots. Do you agree? Thanks in advance, Sweena

Hello Sweena, so happy to see you enjoyed the itinerary. October will be an excellent time for Rome as we had some sweltering days in Italy this year. All three tours listed for Day 2 to see the Colosseum are great options. I would recommend to simplu click on each one of the links and then read through the description of each tour and to choose what seems to matter to you most. The first tour also includes an entry to the underground and the arena which some visitors find super fascinating. Either way, you won’t be disappointed, Rome is an incredible city to explore and Colosseum is amazing. Happy travels.

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3 Days in Rome: The Perfect Rome Itinerary for First-Timers

I’m going to be completely honest with you – 3 days in Rome is not enough. The Italian capital city is massive , with such a rich history and so many impressive sights that you could spend a month in Rome and still only scratch the surface. Even the most Type A travellers will not be able to see everything in Rome in 3 days, but with careful planning, it is certainly possible to visit all of the major Rome attractions (and eat a lot of delicious Roman food), in a long weekend. And how do I know? Well, I just spent 3 days in Rome last weekend on a Jet2CityBreak . For those of you who don’t know, Jet2CityBreaks combine the cost of flights and accommodation to get you a great deal, whether you’re looking for a summer excursion or a winter escape.  The cost of my flights (including a 10 KG cabin bag and 22 KG checked-in luggage) and 3 nights in a swanky 4-star hotel was less than 400 GBP which is honestly a steal. Although I didn’t get to see everything I wanted to see in Rome during this short time, I did manage to squeeze in a fair amount, and now I know how my 3 day Rome itinerary could have improved , I decided to use my experiences to create a better one, just for you.

Table of Contents

Rome at a glance

Rome is a big city that attracts a lot of tourists, and if you want a successful trip, you’ll need to plan it well. In fairness, any trip to Italy takes a bit of planning, if not an awareness of the weird and wonderful things that you can expect when you visit Italy . If you’re visiting Rome in the winter like I did, you won’t have to book very far in advance (you can even book on the same day sometimes!), but if you plan on visiting Rome in high season, I recommend booking things as early as you can , and always opting for the ‘Skip The Line’ package.  Doing this will save you hours of waiting in line in the blistering heat, or being disappointed when you turn up to see something and discover that it’s closed for the day. Now, while there is no one-size-fits-all approach to visiting Rome, there are definitely things that most people want to see when they visit the Eternal City. In order to see as many of those things as possible, I recommend sticking to the following schedule: Day 1 – The Historical Centre  Day 2 – Ancient Rome  Day 3 – The Vatican This will prevent you from wasting valuable time criss-crossing the city, allowing you to see things located nearby one another (and saving your precious feet!). If you’re spending the weekend in Rome, you may want to switch around the second and third day of this itinerary, because the Vatican is closed on Sundays (aside from the last Sunday of every month).

3 days in Rome itinerary

Day 1 | centro storico – piazza navona, trevi fountain, spanish steps, the pantheon, campo de’ fiori, piazza venezia.

Kick off your first day in Rome with a traditional Italian breakfast. Breakfast in Italy is a simple affair designed to give you a sugar rush and a caffeine hit to get you ready and raring to go. Head to a bar or pasticceria and take your pick from the freshly-baked sweet pastries on offer, ordering an espresso or frothy cappuccino to drink alongside it.  Cornetti are the one of the most common choices for Romans at breakfast time.  A cornetto is like a croissant but sweeter, and you can buy them plain or filled with jam, custard, or Nutella.  For a great coffee and cornetto, head to Sant’ Eustachio il Caffè . This place serves some of the best coffee in Rome, and if you like, you can queue up with the locals and buy a bag to take home with you! Dolce Rotunda is another great choice.   Pro tip: it usually costs more to sit down at a café in Italy, which is why you’ll only ever see locals standing at the bar with their pastries. This isn’t a scam or tourist trap – it’s something known as a coperto , which is essentially a table/service charge. Technically , coperto is banned in the region of Lazio, where Rome is located, but in practice, you will still find restaurants and cafes charging coperto. When you’ve finished, it’s time to start discovering Rome!

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is one of the most famous and beautiful piazzas in Rome. It was built on what was once a stadium in Ancient Rome, and has been a designated public space since the 15th century. Piazza Navona is home to stunning Baroque architecture and 3 intricate fountains.   The central fountain is called the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) by Bernini, and you should spend some time admiring the various sculptures that it is comprised of.  Top tip: Most of the restaurants on Piazza Navona are expensive tourist traps which you’d do well to avoid.

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain is one of the most famous landmarks in Rome, and is always incredibly crowded.  Even in January, when the streets of Rome are much quieter, you will still find large crowds at Trevi. With that being said, you can’t go to Rome and not see it, and it is certainly a beautiful sight. The Trevi Fountain was built over a period of 130 years, and is the largest Baroque fountain in Rome.  A popular tradition when you visit the Trevi Fountain is to throw a coin over your left shoulder with your right hand. Legend has it that tossing 1 coin means you’ll come back to Rome, 2 coins means you’ll fall for an attractive Italian while you’re there, and 3 coins means you’ll marry them in the Eternal City!  Whether or not you believe in legends, the coins go to a good cause – they collect around a million euros every year and give it to local charities. Top tips: Restaurants and cafes around Trevi are tourist traps that you should avoid. You should also come to Trevi Fountain very early in the morning if you want to avoid the worst of the crowds. 

trevi fountain

Spanish Steps

Another of the most famous landmarks in Rome is the Spanish Steps. The Spanish Steps are a 135-step staircase that were made extra popular in the Audrey Hepburn film, Roman Holiday.  At the bottom is a Baroque fountain named Fontana della Barcaccia (Fountain of the Leaky Boat), and while most bloggers say that the Spanish Steps are the perfect place to ‘soak up the atmosphere of Rome,’ you’d be really hard-pressed to find any locals here I may get cancelled for saying this, but if you ask me, the Spanish Steps are not one of the most exciting things to see in Rome. Top tip: Don’t sit on the steps! Since 2019, you can be fined for sitting on the Spanish Steps as they are classified as a monument.

The Pantheon

The Pantheon is another of Rome’s most famous attractions, and you only have to see it from the outside to understand why. Not only are its imposing columns incredibly striking, but its dome is the largest unreinforced dome in the world! Built by the emperor Hadrian between 126 – 128 AD, The Pantheon was originally built to worship the Roman Gods, but was turned into a Catholic Church in the 7th century.  Important Italian figures are buried here (such as Vittorio Emanuele, first King of Italy), and it functions as a church to the present day. Pro tip: entry to The Pantheon is free, but if you’re visiting on Saturdays, Sundays, or Italian public holidays, you must book your visit in advance.

pantheon rome

Lunch at Miscellanea

By now, you’re probably feeling a bit peckish, and luckily enough, there’s a great trattoria close to The Pantheon where you can enjoy a quick lunch. Miscellanea is a self-proclaimed ‘international students pub,’ but if you can get past the photos of Donald Trump on the walls, what you’ll actually find is a cosy and old-fashioned space where you can enjoy reasonably-priced Roman classics. Ethan and I opted for spaghetti cacio e pepe (spaghetti with sheep cheese and black pepper) and lasagne al ragu , and together with wine, bread, fruit and a digestivo shot, the total bill came to just 34 EUR. 

cacio e pepe

Campo de’ Fiori

After lunch, head to Piazza dei Fiori, a stunning piazza that is home to a bustling open-air food and flower market.  The translation of Campo de’ Fiori is ‘Field of Flowers,’ which just adds to the romantic charm of the city, and here you can purchase fresh pasta, olive oil, fruits, and vegetables.  In the middle of the piazza is a statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, who was burned here because he believed that the earth was round (in days gone by, the piazza held public executions).

Piazza Venezia

Next, head to Piazza Venezia to admire the breathtaking Altare della Patria, or Altar of the Fatherland, one of Rome’s most beautiful landmarks. The Altar of the Fatherland, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, or simply Il Vittoriano, is one of the most majestic buildings I’ve ever seen, and almost nobody talks about it! This colossal white marble structure features an ever-burning flame, statues of the Goddess Roma and Vittorio Emanuele on horseback (the biggest statue in Rome!), and 14 female figures that represent different Italian cities. You can climb the stairs and admire the statues for free, but you must pay 12 EUR to take the elevator right to the top. When you’re finished, head back to your hotel for a quick rest and freshen up, because you’re about to cross the river and spend an evening in Trastevere. 

altar of the fatherland rome

Dinner in Trastevere

Just across the Tiber River is Trastevere, a hipster Roman neighbourhood with tonnes of intimate restaurants, elegant enotecas , and grungy dive bars. It’s a great place to spend an evening in Rome (if you only have one night in Rome, spend it here) and you’ll certainly pay less than if you dined out in the Historical Centre. Head to Antica Osteria Rugantino , one of the best restaurants in Trastevere, for low lighting, delicious pasta, and great wine. Myself and Ethan ordered a huge platter of 4 traditional Roman pastas from the ‘first course’ menu, and were too full to even contemplate getting a second course!  The cost of the pasta for 2 people, a bottle of wine, and bread, was 50 EUR.

trastevere restaurants

Big Hilda Public Bar

If you can still move after your meal, head to Big Hilda , a local’s favourite bar with great cocktails and a lively (but not too hectic) atmosphere.

Day 2 | Ancient Rome – Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Baths of Caracalla, Mouth of Truth

The colosseum.

Your 3 days in Rome wouldn’t be complete without visiting Rome’s biggest and most important attraction – the Colosseum.  The Colosseum is one of the most famous monuments in the world , and provides a fascinating glimpse into life during the Roman Empire.  Built between 72 – 80 AD, the Colosseum would hold up to 50,000 people who would eat, drink, and gamble as they watched gladiators and exotic animals fighting each other to the death in the arena below.  Although this is certainly an interesting part of history, it is also tragic, as around 500,000 humans and 1,000,000 animals sadly lost their lives in the Colosseum.  As well as marvelling at the structure itself, the exhibition inside contains a plethora of ancient artefacts including animal skulls, coins, jewellery, sculptures, and more, along with very in-depth information. 

how to visit the colosseum

You can visit the Colosseum independently, or as part of a guided tour. As the Colosseum draws in significantly less crowds in the winter months, I’d recommend visiting independently during these months, as you will be able to take your time and read the exhibit. I visited independently, and if you do this, you should still reserve your spot online first. If you are visiting Rome in high or shoulder-season, it’s best to go with a guided tour . A guided tour is the fastest way to get in, and your guide will be able to give you all of the most interesting information, so you can be sure to make the most of your visit.  Depending on the tour you book, you can also get exclusive access to restricted areas such as the Arena and Underground.

Tips for visiting the Colosseum without a guide:

– Buy your ticket in advance. If you’re visiting Rome in high-season, this means as early as you possibly can. – Pay the extra couple of euros for fast track entry so that you can skip the line.  – Book the 9 am slot. It’s going to be a busy day! 

colosseum rome

Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

Next on your 3 day Rome itinerary, you’ll head to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, two more major Rome attractions. Entry to both is included with the price of your Colosseum ticket, and as they’re right next door, you’d be foolish for skipping them! For centuries, Roman life revolved around this area, and it was a village, marketplace, business district, and more.  Not only can you see various archaeological excavations of old walls and roads, but there are also several ruined temples and shrines here.  Pro tip: don’t miss the Temple of Romulus, a well-preserved temple and museum with centuries old frescoes within the Roman Forum.  Palatine Hill is also home to many shrines and temples, but the main draw for tourists is the panoramic views of the Colosseum that it provides.

roman forum

Lunch at Luzzi

By now, you’ve probably worked up an appetite, and while there are many tourist trap restaurants around the Colosseum, you can still get a decent meal here. One of the best restaurants near the Colosseum is Pizzeria Luzzi (also called Trattoria Luzzi ), and it was one of the few restaurants that had a queue in January (with an exclusively local clientele!). As soon as our food arrived, we understood why this place was so popular. We ordered tomato and mozzarella suppli (Rome’s answer to Sicilian arancine ), Jewish-style artichokes, Amatriciana (pasta with guanciale , cured pork cheek) and tomato sauce), and Roman-style oxtail with tomato sauce. All of this food, plus a LITRE of wine and bread, came to a grand total of 32 EUR.   Psst – if you want to know more about what to eat in Rome, read my post about Roman foods !


Baths of Caracalla

After lunch, take the short walk to the Terme di Caracalla , or Baths of Caracalla, ancient public baths that could accommodate up to 1600 bathers at once! Not only did the stunning complex hold baths, but there were also gardens, libraries, and temples, and a visit to the baths was a way of socialising for over 300 years! Wander through what remains and take in the sheer scale of them. You can even see areas of mosaic floor that still remain.  Entrance to the Baths of Caracalla is 8 EUR.

Mouth of Truth

The Mouth of Truth, or Bocca della Verita , is about 20 minutes on foot from the Baths of Caracalla, and is a huge stone face with an open mouth.  Legend has it that it bites the hands of liars, so a popular thing for tourists to do is place your hand inside and pose for a photo.  The Bocca della Verita is just outside the Santa Maria in Cosmedin church, which is also worth a visit.

An evening in Monti

To save your feet, spend your second night in Monti, a trendy bohemian neighbourhood close by that is full of jazz clubs, wine bars, mixology-bars-cum-art-galleries, and chic aperitivo joints. Start your evening at Ai Tre Scalini , a candlelit wine bar with hundreds of Italian wines and a menu featuring Buffalo Ricotta drizzled with truffle honey, porchetta, and marinated Angus beef carpaccio.  When you’re finished, check out Charity Café Jazz & Blues Club , or The Fiddler’s Elbow , a cosy Irish pub with a great Guinness.

Day 3 | The Vatican – Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, Trastevere

The vatican.

As your 3 days in Rome are almost at an end, start your last day early with a guided tour of Vatican City, a country within the city of Rome. A Vatican Museums guided tour is the best way to visit The Vatican, because not only will you learn so much more, but because tours also always get to skip the line. All guided tours of the Vatican Museums include the famous Sistine Chapel, which took Michelangelo spent 4 years painting!  Vatican tours I recommend are this Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and Basilica tour , which has over 36,000 positive reviews, or this Early Entrance Small Group Tour , which allows you exclusive early access to the Vatican Museums an hour before they open to the public and includes breakfast. If you want to visit The Vatican without a tour, get this Vatican Fast-Entry Ticket to skip the line. 

St. Peter’s Basilica 

St. Peter’s Basilica is the largest church on earth, with the tallest Dome (you can actually climb the Dome and enjoy stunning views over Vatican City and Rome).   Entrance is free, but if you’ve opted for a tour that includes the basilica, you’ll get to skip the line and enter through a passageway that connects the Sistine Chapel with the basilica, saving 20 minutes of walking.  If you want to climb the Dome, you must pay a fee of 6 or 8 EUR (depending on how many stairs you want to climb!).  Top tip: The restaurants around The Vatican are notorious for scamming tourists. While you’ll definitely be hungry after your Vatican visit, don’t fall into the trap of eating here!

Head to Trastevere in the afternoon to explore this quirky district in daylight.  Wander the flower-lined cobblestone alleys, discover photogenic courtyards, buy some souvenirs from artisan shops, and stay here for the evening.  Make sure to visit Piazza di Santa Maria and Basilica di Santa Maria, as it’s one of the prettiest churches in Trastevere. The Basilica di Santa Maria dates back to the 3rd century and inside, you’ll find opulent gold ceilings, 12th century mosaics and frescoes, and lots of beautiful paintings.  Entrance to the Basilica is free.   Begin your night at Bar San Calisto for the cheapest Aperol Spritz in Rome (and possibly the most outdated interior), before heading to one of the many fantastic Trastevere restaurants for dinner. We had a great (but ‘interesting’) meal at Papa Re , with the total bill being less than 50 EUR for one pasta dish to share, 2 mains, 2 desserts, and at least 1.5 litres of wine! Other great Trastevere restaurants include Trattoria Da Enzo al 29 , Trattoria Da Teo , Le Mani in Pasta , and Tonnarello .  Finally, head to the grungy Mr Brown Pub for homemade vodka, cold beer, and a great vibe. 


Best time to visit Rome

The summer months of July and August are when most people visit Rome, but if you’ve ever traipsed through an Italian city during summertime, you’ll know that it’s a really bad idea. With sweltering heat, overwhelming crowds , inflated prices, pickpockets, and tourist traps galore, not to mention many restaurants and bars being closed for the season, cities like Rome can be pretty unforgiving in high season.  Shoulder season (September/October) is when the crowds begin to thin out a bit and prices of accommodation comes down, but if you ask me, the best time to visit Rome is in the winter. The temperatures are certainly on the colder side, but when I spent 3 days in Rome in January, I got to enjoy the city almost to myself, never had to wait in line, and saw a side to the city that few people ever get to experience. I wrote a whole guide to visiting Rome in the winter here if you’re interested.

the roman forum

Rome packing list

Of course, what you need to pack for Rome will depend on what time of year you visit. Italy has 4 distinct seasons, and temperatures in Rome can range from almost freezing to oppressively hot. With that being said, there are some things that are essential for any visit to Rome.

Here are my recommendations:

– Comfortable walking shoes (I cannot stress this enough) and maybe even gel foot cushions or soft insoles – Plasters (for blisters!) – Travel adaptor – Reusable water bottle (tap water in Italy is safe to drink, and there are public drinking fountains everywhere) – Travel scarf or pashmina (Italians have a firm belief in keeping your neck warm so will often wear scarves all year round!) – Powerbank

I would also advise you to pack nice clothes for Rome, especially for the evening. Italians are very fashion-conscious, and would never wear jogging bottoms out of the house, leggings as pants, activewear when not working out, and those hideous t-shirts with pictures of the Colosseum on. If you want to fit in, dress how you’d dress if you were dining out at a nice restaurant at home (yes, even when sightseeing!).

rome in 3 days, the colosseum

How to get around Rome

I walked everywhere in Rome, and aside from The Vatican, things are not too far apart from each other.  The longest walk that I took during my 3 days in Rome was from my hotel to Trastevere, which was about 25 minutes. The problem is that those 10, 15, and 25 minute stretches start to add up, and you can easily clock up 20,000 steps per day! If you don’t want to walk everywhere, the metro system in Rome is fantastic (you can take the metro to The Vatican), and there are buses too.  If you want to take a taxi, you can use Uber or the FREE NOW taxi app for the best price (the few taxis that we took were not expensive). I don’t recommend flagging down a taxi in the street or using a taxi rank. 

Where to stay during your 3 days in Rome

The 3 best areas in Rome to stay in are Centro Storico, Monti, and Trastevere.

Centro Storico

This is the medieval part of Rome that is home to most of Rome’s major landmarks. Expect upscale hotels, Renaissance architecture, and more tourists. 

Monti is a cool neighbourhood with lots of cocktail and wine bars, a vibrant atmosphere, and a great location close to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill.

Trastevere is a little further away and across the river, but is where you’ll find a labyrinth of cobbled streets, bohemian coffee shops and bars, and a more authentic feel.

Where I stayed

We stayed in Hotel Forum Roma , a grand 4-star hotel situated between the Colosseum and Piazza Venezia. This 18th century building has an opulent feel (think wainscot panelling, parquet floors, Persian rugs and gold silk sheets), with a rooftop bar and restaurant offering stunning views, and former guests including the Dalai Lama and Gregory Peck.  It’s also within walking distance of Roma Termini station, making it very convenient to reach from the airport.   

hotel forum roma

Is Rome safe?

Many visitors to Rome worry whether Rome is safe, and I get it.  Rome is one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Europe, and wherever you have tourists, you also have pickpockets (to be fair, wherever you have people, you have pickpockets, but you get what I’m saying). High season is especially rife with touts trying to scam you, and this is also when the pickpockets are out in force. As you would anywhere, stay vigilant and keep a tight hold of your belongings. There is a high police presence in Rome, and you are never far away from a police/security/military person who can come to your aid if needed.  Like any city, Rome has some areas that should be avoided, but they are residential neighbourhoods and not somewhere you’d visit as a tourist anyway (you’d have to seriously be lost to end up in one!).  As always, areas around the train stations can be a bit rough, so keep a tighter hold on your phone and purse here. 

3 Days in Rome | Final Thoughts 

Although 3 days in Rome is definitely not enough to see everything , you can still get a fair amount done with some forward planning. Rome is an absolutely magical city that everybody should visit at least once, and I will definitely be back to discover more of it. That’s about it for now, but as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section below! Until next time, XOXO

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Disclaimer: My flights, hotel, and certain activities were paid for by The GetYourGuide and Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you if you buy something through those links.

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If you know the day and time you want to visit the Vatican Museum you can go to the Vatican Museum website and purchase your tickets (22 euros). At the chosen time you can go to the front of the line and get right in. The last Sunday of the month it is free (but extra crowded). My first time in Rome was 7 days and the second time was six days. Even that was not enough to see everything I wanted to see (I’m a history nut).

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Madison's Footsteps

Rome In 3 Days: The Perfect Rome Itinerary For 2024

3 night trip to rome

Wondering what to do in Rome in 3 days? In this blog post, you’ll find everything you need to hit the top sights in Rome in only a long weekend!

Welcome to Rome – the Eternal City! If you are visiting Rome in 3 days, you’ve landed in the right place. Rome, with its rich historical legacy and vibrant cultural life, is a city that captures the heart of every traveler. Despite its massive size, a well-planned itinerary can help you experience the essence of Rome in just a long weekend.

During my time as a digital nomad, I have been lucky enough to live in Italy for over two years. I spent a year and a half working in the tourism industry in Florence, and another six months studying in the heart of Rome.

As much as I loved Florence, Rome captured my heart in a way that no other city ever has.

My Rome for 3 days itinerary has been meticulously crafted to ensure that you don’t miss any of the must-see spots while also experiencing some tourist-free hidden gems. Your three days in Rome will be filled with iconic landmarks, mouth-watering restaurants, beautiful views, and local nightlife. Are you ready to take on the eternal city? Let’s go!

3 night trip to rome

Find what you need:

Map of Rome

The lazy girl’s guide to rome in 3 days.

You’re busy planning an epic trip to Rome – I get it. If you’re short on time, skip the long version and plan your Rome in 3 days itinerary with my lazy girl’s guide to Rome below!

👉🏼 Day 1 in Rome:

  • Visit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum 🚩
  • Take the elevator to the top of the Altare della Patria 👀
  • Indulge in a delicious Italian lunch at Trattoria Luzzi 🥖
  • Enjoy a local wine tasting in Rome 🍷
  • Have dinner at La Campana – Rome’s oldest restaurant 🧀

👉🏼 Day 2 in Rome:

  • Wander through the scenic Trastevere neighborhood and have breakfast at Pasticceria Valzani 🥐
  • Embark on an afternoon food tour of Rome 🍕
  • Tour the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica ⛪️
  • Enjoy an authentic Italian dinner at La Scala , a delicious restaurant in Trastevere 🍝

👉🏼 Day 3 in Rome:

  • Walk through history on the Spanish Steps 🇪🇸
  • Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain 🪙
  • Visit the Pantheon 🏛️
  • Have a world-famous panino for lunch at All’antico Vinaio 🥪
  • Try some of Rome’s best gelato at Frigidarium 🍨
  • Head out for a night of partying on a Rome pub crawl 🍸

Day One: Colosseum & Roman Forum

Welcome to the beginning of your Rome in 3 days itinerary! Your first day in the Eternal City is dedicated to delving into its rich and vibrant history – starting at the world-famous Colosseum. After immersing yourself in the lives and deaths of ancient gladiators, you’ll explore the nearby Roman Forum – the heart of ancient Rome.

But wait, that’s not all for day one! Enjoy some of Rome’s tastiest eats, explore the towering Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II, and take in the sunset over panoramic views of Rome. The first day of your 3 day Rome itinerary will leave you likely exhausted, well-fed, and excited for the days to come!

Start your first morning off in Rome by eating breakfast like a local . It’s simple – walk out the door of your hotel and pick the first cafe you see. Head to the bar and order a “caffè” and a “cornetto” – A.K.A. a shot of espresso and a croissant. If you haven’t developed a taste for Italian espresso yet, order a “cappuccino,” a “caffè latte,” or a “caffè americano.”

Next, head down Via dei Fori Imperiali for your (hopefully) pre-booked Colosseum & Roman Forum tour .

The Colosseum , or the Flavian Amphitheatre, is a testament to Rome’s architectural prowess and her historical prominence in shaping Western culture. Commissioned in 72 AD by Emperor Vespasian, it was completed under the rule of his son, Titus, eight years later. A marvel of engineering, the amphitheater could accommodate approximately 50,000–80,000 spectators attending a variety of public spectacles, including gladiatorial combat, mock naval battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The Colosseum stands today as an iconic symbol of ancient Rome’s grandeur and one of the top tourist destinations in the Eternal City.

I’ve visited the Colosseum twice during my time in Rome. To fully appreciate the historical depth and intricacies, I highly recommend booking a guided tour for your Rome in 3 days itinerary. Not only will you be able to skip the line (and potentially save yourself hours of waiting), but your tour guide will be an expert in Roman history and archaeology – providing you with a much more valuable and culturally rich experience than simply wandering around on your own.

👉🏼 Skip the line on this top-rated guided Colosseum & Roman Forum tour !

Me in front of the Colosseum – one of the best things to do in Rome in 3 days.

After your Colosseum tour, it’s time to head to your next historical exploration – the Roman Forum . This rectangular plaza, surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings, was once the center of the Roman Empire. It was here that triumphal processions took place, elections were held, public speeches were delivered, and commercial affairs were conducted. On the tour, your guide will walk you through the cobblestone paths, retelling the stories of the past and the vibrant political, legal, and social spectacles that once took place here. With your guide’s expertise, you’ll be able to visualize the grandeur of the Roman Empire that unfolded in this forum.

After your tour concludes, it’s time to head out for a delicious lunch in Rome.

Only a stone’s throw away from the Colosseum, you’ll find Trattoria Luzzi , a local eatery renowned for its authentic Italian dishes and an atmosphere that resonates with the Italian “la dolce vita.” Stop by for a plate of traditional carbonara (my favorite) or a Roman-style pizza fresh from the oven. Don’t forget to order a bottle of wine or two!

(If Trattoria Luzzi is too crowded, head to al42 by Pasta Chef Rione Monti for an affordable and tasty bite.)

A photo of the Roman Forum taken from Palatine Hill. A visit to the Roman Forum is not to be missed when visiting Rome in 3 days.

If you still have energy left after tours of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum (get those steps in girl! 👏🏼), your next stop is the Altare della Patria , also known as the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II.

This iconic monument towers over Piazza Venezia and, if you pay €15 for access to the panoramic terrace, offers panoramic views over the Roman Forum, Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Via del Corso. If you arrive around sunset, the city is bathed in a golden hue – that’s not a view you want to miss.

Once you’ve had your fill of the stunning views, it’s time to unwind and end your first day in Rome with a hearty meal at the oldest restaurant in the city, Ristorante La Campana . This historic eatery dates back to 1518 and has a charming, rustic atmosphere. Here, you can indulge in traditional Roman dishes, such as saltimbocca alla Romana (veal with ham and sage), carciofi alla Romana (Roman-style artichokes), and of course, a selection of exquisite Italian wines. It’s the perfect spot to reflect on the day’s adventures and recharge for the next two days in your Rome in 3 days itinerary.

If you plan to visit La Campana, be sure to make a reservation in advance. This restaurant is quite popular and can fill up quickly.

🍷 Book an italian Wine Tour:

If you’re still kicking after the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Altare della Patria, consider adding in a local wine-tasting tour before dinner. This top-rated wine tour starts at 6:00 PM and lasts only an hour and a half, so by the time it ends at 7:30 PM, it’s the perfect time to head to La Campana for dinner!

Me standing in front of the Altare della Patria in Piazza Venezia.

Day Two: Trastevere & Vatican City

Day two in Rome begins in the enchanting neighborhood of Trastevere, a gem known for its narrow cobbled streets, local restaurant scene, and bohemian vibe. At 11:15 AM, you’ll meet across the river in Campo de’ Fiori for a delicious and informative street food tour of Rome.

Be sure to eat your fill, because your afternoon is dedicated to exploring historic Vatican City! Embark on a guided tour of this city-state, observing the magnificent sight of St. Peter’s Basilica, the awe-inspiring beauty of the Sistine Chapel, and the vast collection of art in Vatican Museums. As the day concludes, head back to Trastevere for a hearty meal at one of my favorite Trastevere restaurants – La Scala.

Like Florence’s Instagram spots , Rome definitely has its share of amazing photo ops. If you’re visiting Rome as a solo traveler , download my easy guide to solo travel photography to make sure you leave Rome with a camera full of amazing Italian content.

👉🏼 Click here to download my guide to solo travel photography !

Day two in Rome starts off with a visit to the renowned Pasticceria Valzani in the heart of Trastevere! Opened in 1925, this historic pasticceria is a local treasure and one of Rome’s best spots for a traditional Italian breakfast. You can’t leave without trying their maritozzi – a fresh cream-filled bun, or their Sacher Torte (widely regarded as the best in Rome). Sip on a rich Italian espresso as you get ready for another fun-filled day in Italy.

Following breakfast, take this opportunity to wander around the picturesque Trastevere neighborhood – my personal favorite neighborhood in Rome. This district, known for its narrow cobbled streets and ivy-laden buildings, is Rome’s trendiest neighborhood for a reason. Take a leisurely stroll through the labyrinth-like streets, discovering hidden alleyways and quaint piazzas. Notice the vibrant colors of the buildings, weathered by time but brimming with character. Trastevere is not just a place; it’s a feeling that encapsulates the essence of Rome.

Next, make your way across the Tiber to Campo de’ Fiori to meet your street food tour guide!

A bike covered in flowers propped against a graffiti-covered wall in Trastevere.

I hope you’re getting hungry because your second afternoon in Rome is designed to tantalize your taste buds with a guided culinary journey through the heart of Rome. Your Roman street food tour begins at the bustling Campo de’ Fiori, a marketplace in the daytime that transforms into a lively hub in the evenings. Here, your guide will introduce you to a variety of mouth-watering Roman favorites.

Prepare to have your mind blown by the delicious suppli, an addictive Roman snack consisting of a breaded exterior filled with mozzarella and marinara-drenched risotto. You’ll sample zucchini flowers stuffed with a flavorful blend of herbs and mozzarella and fried to crispy perfection. You’ll be offered the chance to try Rome’s famous pizza al taglio, a rectangular slice of pizza sold by weight and topped with an array of fresh ingredients. Of course, be sure to save room for a delicious gelato at the end!

Street food tours and cooking classes are two of my favorite activities to book while exploring a new destination. This tour will fully immerse you in Rome’s culinary scene and is a perfect activity for exploring Rome in 3 days!

👉🏼 Book your street food tour of Rome here!

A delicious Trapizzino – one of Rome's best street foods.

Your second evening in Rome calls for a memorable tour of Vatican City , the world’s smallest independent city-state renowned for its cultural treasures.

Start your guided tour of Vatican City with the stunning Vatican Museums, home to an exceptional array of classical sculptures and Renaissance art. Wandering through the vast corridors, marvel at the captivating tapestries and antique maps that capture the essence of Italy. The piece de resistance, however, is undoubtedly the Sistine Chapel. Your guide will offer plenty of interesting information about Michelangelo’s masterful frescoes, including “The Last Judgement” and “The Creation of Adam.”

Next, prepare to be awed as you step into St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the world’s largest and most important Catholic shrines in the world. The Basilica is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture, with its towering dome designed by Michelangelo himself. The evening draws to a close as you ascend to the cupola of the Basilica for a panoramic view of Rome under twinkling stars.

👉🏼 Skip the line and save yourself hours of waiting with this top-rated Vatican City guided tour including the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica!

An aerial view of Vatican City.

Your guided tour of the Vatican has undoubtedly stirred up quite the appetite, but don’t fret – it’s time to head to dinner at one of the best restaurants in Trastevere, La Scala .

This charming restaurant boasts traditional Roman cuisine and uses only the freshest ingredients. Try their signature dish, spaghetti carbonara (I like it with zucchini flowers and cherry tomatoes), and pair it with a glass of Italian wine for the perfect end to your second evening in Rome. If you’re not ready to end the night, head to Bar San Calisto for an evening of affordable drinks with the locals!

Day Three: Trevi Fountain & Pantheon

Day three of your trip to Rome in 3 days will commence with a visit to the Spanish Steps. From there, you’ll head to the mesmerizing Trevi Fountain, Rome’s largest Baroque fountain.

Next up, a short stroll will lead you to the grandeur of the Pantheon, an architectural marvel that has stood the test of time. After a quick tour of the inside of its magnificent dome and the oculus, you’ll enjoy one of the best sandwiches in the world at All’antico Vinaio.

The day will unfold further with a leisurely walk around Piazza Navona, gelato at one of the best gelaterias in Rome, and a delicious dinner on the outskirts of Trastevere.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

Start your third day in Rome with breakfast at Hosteria del Mercato , a cozy and vibrant café located only a short, four-minute walk from the Spanish Steps. They serve a wide variety of tasty breakfast items, including sweet pastries, eggs, different types of toast, or a continental breakfast. They even have a juice menu!

After a hearty breakfast, walk towards Piazza di Spagna – home to the iconic Spanish Steps . As one of Rome’s most recognized landmarks, the Spanish Steps offer an exceptional view of the city from its summit, making it a popular spot for photos. The steps fan out in a beautiful symmetrical pattern, leading up to the Trinità dei Monti church at the top, adding to the charm of the square. Linger around, absorb the bustling atmosphere, or sit on the steps to people-watch for a bit.

Standing in front of the Spanish Steps with my mom and my sister back in 2017.

Once you’ve taken in the charm of the Spanish Steps, it’s time to explore another famous Roman landmark – the Trevi Fountain .

The sound of rushing water and a large crowd will greet you even before the monument comes into view. The Trevi Fountain, an iconic symbol of Rome, is a grand spectacle to behold. Throw a coin into the fountain to ensure your return to Rome, as the legend suggests. It’s a fitting ritual to mark the last day of your first time in Rome itinerary!

Be warned: the Trevi Fountain is a notorious spot for pickpockets. Keep your eye on your belongings, or better yet, invest in a theft-proof travel bag before leaving for Rome.

Once you’ve tossed your coin, it’s time to head to the Pantheon – only a short walk away. This architectural marvel, built as a temple for all Roman gods, is the best-preserved monument from ancient Rome. Its massive dome, featuring an open oculus, is a sight to behold. Remember, the Pantheon is still an active church, so dress modestly – shoulders and knees should be covered. 

Once you’ve marveled at the majesty of the Pantheon, it’s time to grab a bite at All’Antico Vinaio , widely regarded as the site of the best sandwiches in the world. During my last visit, I decided to order the Tartufo 2 which was piled high with truffle prosciutto, pecorino cream, and spicy eggplant. It was *chef’s kiss * divine.

Me sitting on the edge of the Trevi Fountain after throwing my coin.

On your last evening in Rome, take a leisurely stroll towards Piazza Navona and the beautiful Fontana della Barcaccia. Steeped in history dating back to 86 AD, this public space was once the Stadium of Domitian where ancient Romans flocked to witness games.

Wander through Piazza Navona and get ready to sample the best gelato in Rome at Frigidarium . Known for its diverse range of flavors and creamy texture, Frigidarium’s gelato is a sweet treat that is perfect for cooling off after a long day of exploring Rome. During my study abroad semester in Rome, you’d find me there at least three times a week indulging in delicious Nutella-flavored gelato dipped in rich chocolate.

Let’s be honest, when in Rome…dessert before dinner is always a good choice.

As evening descends on your final day in Rome, find your way to Trattoria da Teo , one of the best restaurants in the city. This local gem offers a menu that epitomizes Roman culinary tradition. Whether you opt for a plate of delicious cacio e pepe or pasta heaped with fresh seafood (or both!), you’re going to remember this meal for years to come. Just be sure to make a reservation, this restaurant is very popular.

🍸 Book a Rome Pub Crawl:

If you’re ready to end your Rome three day itinerary with a bang – book yourself and your travel buddies on an iconic Rome Pub Crawl to explore all the best nightlife hotspots in the city! This top-rated tour includes all alcoholic beverages in the booking price and takes you out in some of the best neighborhoods in Rome.

Piazza Navona in Rome.

Protect Your Trip to Rome

Whenever I plan a trip, I always make sure to protect myself and my wallet with travel insurance. I’ve always booked travel insurance before trips, but I had to learn the hard way that not all travel insurance programs are created equal. During the two months I lived in Thailand in 2022, I injured my foot on a weekend trip to Khao Sok National Park, which led to four months of limping around Southeast Asia and an eventual surgery in Canggu. Since I was buying travel insurance month-to-month through AXA, none of my surgery was covered and I was out $3,500—even though I had active travel insurance at the time.

Since then, I started traveling with SafetyWing Travel Medical Insurance . It’s perfect for both short-term travelers and digital nomads since you can tailor it exactly to your dates and needs. You can use it as a monthly subscription (what I usually do), or pay in full for a set date range. You can also take advantage of their useful add ons like U.S. coverage (not for U.S. citizens unfortunately), adventure sports, and electronics theft.

3 night trip to rome

Stay Connected with an Italian eSIM

The best thing you can do to stay safe as a solo female traveler is to purchase a reliable data plan while traveling, and Italy is no exception. Thankfully, purchasing and installing an eSIM has never been easier than with Airalo ! Simply choose your plan, pay, and follow the installation instructions to start using data ASAP in Rome. 

Choose between the Italian data plans below. 

  • Mamma Mia 1GB for 7 Days
  • Mamma Mia 2GB for 15 Days
  • Mamma Mia 3GB for 30 Days
  • Mamma Mia 5GB for 30 Days
  • Mamma Mia 10GB for 30 Days
  • Mamma Mia 20GB for 30 Days

Remember, data doesn’t do you any good if your phone is dead. I always recommend investing in a reliable portable charger, like this Anker bank .

Where To Stay in Rome

Whether you’re planning a luxurious getaway or traveling on a shoestring budget, my guide to 3 days in Rome includes the best accommodations for all price ranges! From boutique hotels to budget hostels, Rome offers a variety of comfortable lodging options to make your Roman holiday both memorable and attainable.

📍 Budget-Friendly: Alessandro Palace & Hostel

Alessandro Palace & Hostel is my favorite hostel in Rome for the money. The rooms are basic but clean, and they offer a variety of dorm sizes as well as private rooms for the bougie solo traveler. The staff is kind and accommodating and there is a social bar in the lobby where they host the beginning of their legendary “night out” parties (which are basically pub crawls).

The only downside is the location in Esquilino, but unfortunately, almost all of the hostels are located in that area – so you don’t have many choices. It’s also right around the corner from Termini Station, so guests have plenty of public transit options.

📍Mid-Level: Boutique Hotel Campo de’ Fiori

If you love a rooftop bar with a view and you’re open to spending a bit more on your Rome accommodation, then Hotel Campo de’ Fiori is the accommodation for your 3 days in Rome itinerary.

Located in the heart of the historic Campo de’ Fiori neighborhood, this hotel boasts beautiful panoramic views of Rome. The rooms are beautifully decorated and the staff is incredibly helpful and welcoming. You can also get great deals on rooms here during the off-season, although the on-season price is significantly higher.

The iconic rooftop views from Boutique Hotel Campo de' Fiori.

📍Luxury: The St. Regis Rome

If you’re looking for a Roman hotel steeped in history, then look no further than the St. Regis Rome . Originally opened as Le Grand Hotel in 1894, this hotel has hosted plenty of royalty, heads of state, and well-known celebrities like George Clooney, Madonna, and Brad Pitt.

This 5-star hotel offers guests plenty of luxurious amenities like the LUMEN cocktail bar and restaurant, an on-site spa, a fitness center, and a dry cleaning service.

How to Get Around in Rome

Getting around Rome is convenient and straightforward due to its extensive public transportation network. The city’s Metro system is a popular and efficient way to travel to Rome’s main attractions. In addition to the Metro, Rome’s network of buses and trams operated by ATAC provides another viable option for traversing the city. Be mindful of the pickpockets in crowded transit areas and always validate your ticket to avoid fines.

There is a new Tap & Go system on Rome’s buses that makes purchasing a ticket fast and easy. Simply tap your credit card or use Apple Pay to purchase a ticket once you board the bus.

Alternatively, both taxis and Ubers are readily available in Rome. Taxis are metered and more regulated than they used to be, which decreases your chances of getting scammed. However, always be wary of unlicensed taxis. Uber operates differently in Italy than in other countries. It’s basically just another way of ordering taxis and the prices will be given to you in ranges. However, you don’t need to find a taxi stand – so it is slightly more convenient.

The Roma Pass

There are two different options for The Roma Pass: 72-hours or 48-hours. If you’re planning a Rome 3-day itinerary, the 72-hour pass could be a great option for you. The 72-hour pass includes the following for €52. 

  • Entrance to your first two museums/archaeological sites. A full list of eligible experiences can be found here. Note that if you wish to use the pass for the Colosseum or the Borghese Gallery, you must make a booking in advance . 
  • Full use of the Roman public transportation system for 3 days.
  • Discounts and special prices. 
  • Dedicated booking arrangements for museums and archaeological sites.
  • Free use of bathrooms in P. Stop Network. 

Other Things to Add to Your Rome Itinerary

  • Villa Borghese : Villa Borghese is a beautiful park in the heart of Rome that’s home to the renowned Borghese Gallery. Here you’ll find a vast collection of sculptures and paintings by Italian masters like Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Caravaggio, and Titian. The Villa Borghese gardens, with their intricate landscaping, tranquil lake, and beautiful views of the city, offer a peaceful retreat from the bustling city center and would be a welcome addition to any itinerary for Rome in three days.
  • Castel Sant’Angelo : An integral part of Rome’s landscape with its cylindrical body towering alongside the Tiber River, Castel Sant’Angelo is a must-visit. Originally built as a mausoleum, it has been a fortress, a prison, and now serves as a fascinating museum that offers visitors a peek into its rich history and breathtaking views of Rome.
  • Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore : This basilica is one of Rome’s four papal basilicas and is a true masterpiece of religious architecture. It’s famed for its stunning mosaics dating back to the 5th century and the ornately carved coffered ceiling. Opening hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM every day and admission is free.
  • Giardino degli Aranci : Also known as the Orange Garden, this enchanting hilltop park offers a serene escape with its verdant orchard of orange trees and a stunning panoramic view of the city. It’s particularly famous for its romantic sunset views over the Roman skyline. This lovely, hidden gem in the heart of Rome is one of the best things to do in Rome in 3 days.
  • Take a Day Trip to Florence : A day trip to Florence is a must-do when in Rome. Just an hour and a half away by high-speed train, Florence offers a rich tapestry of art, culture, and history that is an enthralling experience for any traveler. The city is compact and ideal for walking, with all of its major attractions within close proximity to each other. Florence’s restaurant scene is truly unforgettable, making it a must-visit destination for foodies.

A beautiful Aperol Spriz from View on Art in Florence with a view of the Duomo.

Rome in 3 Days FAQ:

Having covered your Rome in 3 days itinerary, let’s delve into some frequently asked questions to provide you with more insights and ensure your Roman adventure is a memorable one! Here are some key queries that travelers often have while planning their Roman holiday:

Is Rome an expensive city?

Rome, like any major city, can be as expensive or as affordable as you make it. The cost of your trip will largely depend on your personal preferences and travel style. While some services and experiences, such as fine dining or a plush stay in luxury hotels, can indeed be expensive, there are plenty of options for budget travelers too. Many of Rome’s iconic attractions, like the Pantheon or the Trevi Fountain, are free to visit. Public transportation is also reasonably priced, and there’s a plethora of affordable dining options, especially if you venture off the beaten path. Therefore, with astute planning, a trip to Rome can fit a wide range of budgets. Keep in mind that, within Italy, Rome is definitely more affordable than Milan or Lake Como in the on-season, but less affordable than smaller towns like Pisa or Torino.

Is 3 days enough to see Rome?

Yes, 3 days can be enough to experience the highlights of Rome and get a feel for its vibrant culture and rich history. However, if you’re looking to explore the city at a more leisurely pace, taking in not just the iconic landmarks but also the lesser-known jewels, spending at least 4 days in Rome might suit you better. In all honesty, I could easily spend two weeks exploring Rome (or a lifetime), but if you’re trying to fit other Italy highlights into your trip – like Lake Como , Tuscany, or the Amalfi Coast – you can easily fit the best of Rome into 3 days.

How much does a 3 day trip to Rome cost?

The cost of a 3-day trip to Rome can vary widely depending on factors such as the time of year, the type of accommodations you choose, and how much dining out you plan to do. However, as a general estimate, expect to spend around $150-$200 per day. This includes accommodations, meals, sightseeing tickets, and local transportation. Of course, if you’re on a tight budget, you can always find ways to cut costs, such as staying in a hostel, eating street food, or cooking some meals at your accommodation.

Do You Tip in Rome?

Tipping is not a requirement in Rome, but it is a common practice to show appreciation for good service. In restaurants, it’s not unusual to leave a tip of around 10% if you’re satisfied with the service. However, many places include a service charge in the bill, so tipping is not necessary in those cases. For taxi drivers and hotel staff, a small tip is appreciated but not expected.

Final Thoughts: 3-Day Rome Itinerary

This Rome in 3 days itinerary captures the soul of what makes Rome special and unique…in only 72 hours. From the ancient Colosseum, to the bustling charm of Trastevere, to the decadent panini of All’antico Vinaio, Rome’s history, culture, and gastronomy are beautifully intertwined in this simple travel guide.

Hopefully, embarking on this Rome trip of a lifetime will allow you to fall in love with Rome the same way that I fell in love with the Eternal City six years ago. In every bite of suppli, every crooked cobblestone, and every ivy-covered wine bar, this city has been a beacon of art, culture, and history for centuries.

If you enjoyed my itinerary to Rome in 3 days, you may enjoy my related travel guides linked below. Buon viaggio my travelers – and don’t forget to follow along for the adventure on Instagram @madisonsfootsteps .

Blog post image for the best restaurants in Trastevere Rome.

The Best Places to Eat in Trastevere Rome

Blog post image for the best Instagram spots in Florence.

The Most Instagrammable Spots in Florence Italy

Blog post image for the best places to eat in Florence, Italy.

Where to Find the Best Italian Food in Florence

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Madison Krigbaum is the founder and sole contributor of Madison's Footsteps – a solo female travel blog started in 2017 with a focus on destinations in Honduras, Italy, and Thailand. Since her study abroad semester in Rome, Madison has traveled to 32 countries, many of which she visited as a solo traveler. She lived in Roatan, Honduras for one year, Southeast Asia for 8 months, and spent over two years in Italy (in Florence and Rome). She just returned from three weeks in Cartagena, Colombia, and is considering Puerto Rico as her next destination!

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Pip and the City

3 days in Rome: Ultimate City Break Guide for 2024

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something. Please check out our  disclosure policy  for more details.

Wondering how to spend three days in Rome? Rome is one of my favourite Italian cities that I keep returning to, so I’ve got you covered!

I think it’s one of the best city breaks in Europe, with its mix of ancient ruins, romantic cobbled streets, packed piazzas, alfresco restaurants, and world-class coffee.

My detailed Rome city guide is full of tips to uncover the best things to do in Rome if you are there for a long weekend.

Based on my extensive travels in Rome, this detailed guide offers practical advice on where to stay, the best places to eat and the best city tours.

How to spend 3 days in Rome

3 night trip to rome

Rome in 3 days is the perfect way to see many of the city’s highlights, take some tours and eat at some amazing trattorias and street food spots.

If you’re wondering how many days to spend in Rome, three should be enough time to see a few of Rome’s most popular attractions, including the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon.

Theoretically, you could spend weeks in the city and still not see everything; Rome has so many things to do!

things to do in rome in 3 days

3 night trip to rome

A city break in Rome will require travel planning and scheduling to fit everything into 3 days. If you’re wondering what to do in Rome, my guide has loads of activity suggestions.

I would start by listing the Rome attractions you want to visit, neighbourhoods you want to explore and restaurants you would like to eat in.

I have included a wide range of Rome activities and attractions in this guide, but you can go at your own pace and choose the most appealing ones to you.

If you need help planning a trip to Rome, check out my awesome travel planning service and let a travel expert plan the perfect travel itinerary.

We discuss travel planning on my weekly travel podcast – Travel Goals . Subscribe now and catch up on all episodes.

Rome Day one

3 night trip to rome

Visit Rome Colosseum

The first stop on your trip to Rome should be straight to Rome’s iconic amphitheatre. The Rome Colosseum is one of the most famous sites from Antiquity and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980.

Adjacent to the Arch of Constantine and the historic Roman Forum lies the largest ancient amphitheatre – the 2000-year-old Colosseum—a true icon of the Eternal City and the once-beating heart of the Roman Empire. 

Known originally as the Flavian Amphitheatre, it’s a towering marvel of architectural and engineering triumph that has miraculously stood for almost two whole millennia – outliving empires, dynasties and bloody power struggles. 

This ancient amphitheatre is where Emperors presided over epic gladiator games, merciless executions and shocking blood sports.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

During the height of the Roman Empire, large, roaring crowds of Roman citizens watched the games and other forms of entertainment. 

If you wish to reflect quietly on this magnificent site, I would advise arriving at the Colosseum at dawn.

This way, you should hopefully avoid the crowds, relentless cacophony of car horns and throngs of persistent street traders.

How to get Rome Colosseum tickets

3 night trip to rome

Book your tickets in advance if you want to see inside the Colosseum. You cannot buy tickets on-site; they must be bought online.

Book a Skip-the-Line Tour to Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill . This is the fastest way to get inside these ancient sites and will save you much time queuing.

The benefits of booking this awesome tour are:

  • See the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill with an expert guide
  • Get entrance tickets without the hassle of having to wait in line
  • Let your guide show you all the best spots for pictures

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

What’s inside the Rome Colosseum

Time has been rather unforgiving to the Rome Colosseum. Today, You can see how three-fifths of the outer walls are missing from the arena, with support structures as replacements. 

Huge neglect, deterioration and earthquakes have tragically taken their toll over the centuries, and its former glory has long faded.

However, there’s still plenty to see at the Rome Colosseum.

You can view the seating tiers [or cavea] that once accommodated up to 50,000 spectators, who gathered to watch gladiator battles and events.

Colosseum History

3 night trip to rome

A museum on the second level also showcases artefacts and exhibits related to the amphitheatre and its history.

View ancient Roman sculptures, architectural fragments, and informative displays that shed light on the cultural and historical significance of the Colosseum.

You can now also explore the intricate underground passages and rooms known as the hypogeum.

These subterranean chambers served as a backstage area for the gladiators, providing storage for weapons, staging areas, and holding cells.

To see this part of the Colosseum, you must book a tour with special access to the arena floor .

Marvel at the Rome Pantheon

3 night trip to rome

Continue your journey through ancient Rome by visiting the Pantheon, around a 25-minute walk from the Colosseum. Luckily, Rome is a very walkable city, and you can stop for gelato.

The Pantheon in Rome was originally constructed in 27 BC under the supervision of the esteemed statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.

Initially, it was a conventional temple featuring a rectangular shape with a gabled roof, elegantly supported by a colonnade on all sides.

It was rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian sometime between AD 118 and 128, and after many modifications over the centuries, it still stands as an architectural masterpiece in Rome.

What’s inside the Pantheon

3 night trip to rome

The most intriguing aspect of the Pantheon is its giant dome, with its iconic light dispursing hole at the top of the structure. It’s the largest unsupported dome in the world, and the diameter is a whopping 142ft.

Inside, the Pantheon is adorned with altars, paintings, and statues that reflect this blending of ancient and medieval Rome, creating a unique fusion of pagan and Christian elements.

The Pantheon’s floor is made of colourful marble, and a circular opening serves as a drain for rainwater and a reminder of the building’s original function as a temple.

Surrounding the opening, you can also observe Latin inscriptions that mark the resting places of Italian kings and renowned artists – such as Raphael, buried within the Pantheon.

Do you need a ticket for the Pantheon Rome?

3 night trip to rome

The Pantheon has just introduced a €5 entry fee from July 2023 for tourists. However, the ancient site will remain free for Rome residents.

Reservations are also now required to visit on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and bookings can be made up to one week before the selected visiting date.

You can book Pantheon tickets from the official ticket office at the Pantheon or book a guided tour of the Pantheon that includes a ticket.

To get the most out of your visit, I would buy a Pantheon ticket and Audio Guide Tour and enjoy insightful commentary from an expert audio guide.

Feast on local food on a Rome Food Tour

3 night trip to rome

Finish up your first day by doing a Rome food tour . I fancy myself a burgeoning foodie, so I’m always keen to sample some of the finest Italian foods during my many visits to Rome.

But how do you know the difference between an authentic Italian food experience and a tourist trap?

I would recommend booking a food tour of Rome in advance to eat like a local and learn more about traditional Roman cuisine.

3 night trip to rome

Rome’s food culture is a tasty tapestry woven with rich flavours, traditional recipes, and a deep appreciation for quality ingredients.

Italian cuisine is celebrated for its simplicity, fresh produce, and the art of preserving regional culinary traditions.

In Rome, food is not just a means of sustenance but a way of life, with meals serving as opportunities for socializing, connecting with loved ones, and savouring fresh produce.

Are food tours in Italy worth it?

3 night trip to rome

As I’ve visited Rome many times, I’ve done many guided food tours, and they are a brilliant way of learning more about the history of Roman food, what locals eat and how to avoid tourist traps

My favourite food tour is The Food Walking Tour around Trastevere, Campo de’ Fiori and Jewish Ghetto .

On this awesome small group tour, you can indulge in traditional Italian delicacies and have a local guide show you the best foodie spots in Trastevere, Campo de’ Fiori, and the Jewish Ghetto.

3 night trip to rome

Start by exploring Campo de’ Fiori market, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet local traders and sample high-quality produce.

Continue your culinary exploration into the streets of Trastevere. This vibrant neighbourhood is known for its lively ambience and traditional Roman cuisine.

Indulge in a classic Roman pasta dish, savour creamy and flavorful gelato, and feast on pizza as your guide explains more about Roman food culture.

Rome Day two

3 night trip to rome

See the Trevi fountain at dawn

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

On the second day of your Rome trip, you want to rise and shine early to catch an uncrowded glimpse of the magnificent Trevi Fountain. So I recommend arriving at sunrise to get enviable snaps for social!

At the terminus of three roads in central Rome lies a Baroque masterpiece with compelling Roman origins – the ‘Fontana di Trevi’.

The flamboyant Trevi Fountain has long been a focal point of the Eternal City and draws thousands of awe-struck visitors every day, who come to marvel at the oldest water source in Rome.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

With 10 million litres of water per day cascading over the sculpted Travertine stone, you’ll likely hear the ‘Fontana di Trevi’ before you see it.

The soothing sound of rushing water blends with the roar of assembled crowds and reverberates around the Piazza. 

Designed by Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762, it’s one of the most popular places in Rome, along with the Colosseum, Spanish steps and Pantheon – and it’s easy to see why.

Sculpted, allegoric statues, columns and inscriptions are also utilised and come together in a grandiose spectacle that tells us the story of water in a large 20-metre-high and 26-metre-wide structure. 

3 night trip to rome

Best time to visit the trevi fountain

The best time to visit the Trevi fountain if you want an epic ‘fountain selfie’ is to arrive very early in the morning or during Rome’s off-peak season.

If you arrive at dawn, the soft morning light enhances the beauty of the fountain, casting a magical glow on the flowing water and the surrounding sculptures.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

While weekdays are generally less crowded than weekends, it’s important to note that the Trevi Fountain attracts tourists throughout the year.

Consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) when the weather is pleasant and the tourist crowds are typically smaller than in the peak summer months.

December in Rome can be a quiet time to visit and should allow you to get Instagram-worthy shots of the fountain.

Climb the Spanish Steps

3 night trip to rome

After visiting the Trevi Fountain, you might want to catch the famous Spanish steps early in the morning.

Ascend the grandest steps in Rome when you walk up the Baroque Spanish Steps in the centre of the Eternal City.

The centrepiece of Piazza di Spagna, the grand ‘Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti’, or la Scalinata for short, is a true architectural icon of the Italian capital.

3 night trip to rome

The steps are overlooked by the Trinità dei Monti church and were built in the 18th century to connect the Spanish Embassy and the Trinita church [hence the name Spanish Steps].

While you might be tempted to sit down and admire the view, sitting is no longer allowed on the Spanish Steps , and you’ll get a big fine if you break this rule.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Spanish steps at night

The steps are located in one of Rome’s main shopping areas, and several restaurants, cafes and bars are nearby.

It’s always buzzing during the day but gets quieter as the evening approaches. So you could always head back to the Spanish Steps in the evening for a drink and to soak up the nighttime serenity.

There are also several hotels in the area, but be warned, it’s an expensive area of Rome to stay in.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

For a fantastic view of the steps, head to the il Palazzetto Wine Bar. It’s a lovely little rooftop spot to sit with a glass of red or three and watch the world go by as you overlook the iconic steps.

It’s quite pricey for their high-end cocktails, beers and wines, but the views are fabulous and they will give you some complimentary nibbles.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Go on a Rome walking tour

3 night trip to rome

Why not do a walking tour in the afternoon of your second day in Rome? ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ is a statement that can only be fully comprehended when you set foot in the city.

With its sheer breadth of history, architecture, and culture, you really need an expert to guide you around and paint a picture of Rome through the ages.

I’m a big fan of city walking tours as a way of quickly covering a lot of ground and history.

I recommend booking a Rome walking tour to ensure you are exploring the city with a professional guide.

3 night trip to rome

Book a Rome tour with a local

For an intimate and in-depth experience of Rome, I would also recommend a Best of Rome Walking Tour .

You can experience the city’s main sights in Rome’s historic centre tour with a knowledgeable local guide.

Our guide entertained us with funny stories as we wandered by Rome’s iconic landmarks and through hidden streets and romantic cobbled lanes.

We also had brilliant recommendations for places to eat in Rome, bars to go to and advice on Rome activities.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Explore Rome by Bike

3 night trip to rome

After becoming more familiar with the city after your walking tour, why not see the city by bike? See all the city’s highlights on a Guided Sightseeing Bike Tour with a local guide.

See Rome in a fun and non-conventional way with a 3-hour bike tour through the Italian capital, and have an experienced cyclist guide you.

This fun tour includes:

  • Cruiser bike rental

3 night trip to rome

Bike paths in Rome

You can also rent a bike and attempt to navigate the city yourself. ‘Cycling is a brilliant way of seeing a city’, I confidently announced to my husband Luke; he looked somewhat apprehensive as a nearby car mounted a pavement.

It quickly became apparent that my optimism was entirely misplaced and that Rome drivers have zero patience for cyclists.

While Rome is slowly improving its biking infrastructure, I recommend booking a guided bike tour so a local guide can safely take you around the city.

If you rent a bike, check out the Tiber River bike path. You can cycle along the river and see some of Rome’s iconic landmarks, like the Castel Sant’Angelo.

See the optical illusion at the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola

3 night trip to rome

If you have time after your bike ride, go and see the magnificent Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola (Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola) and marvel at the intriguing illusion inside. It’s located on Via del Caravita and is free to enter.

Construction on this historic church began in 1626 and was completed in 1650. It combines elements of the late Renaissance and Baroque styles.

As you step inside the church, look up to see the illusionistic ceiling fresco created by Andrea Pozzo.

Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola ceiling

3 night trip to rome

This masterpiece gives the impression of a massive dome when, in reality, it is a flat ceiling.

Pozzo used a quadrature technique to create a sense of geometrically accurate architecture and three-dimensionality that features fantasy elements, including cherubs and floating saints.

There’s a full-length tilted mirror in the church’s nave, so you can look closer at the ceiling frescoes and get some fun photos.

Rome Day three

3 night trip to rome

Visit Vatican City

3 night trip to rome

Kickstart your third day with an early visit to Vatican City, officially known as the Vatican City State, an independent city-state enclaved within Rome.

With an area of approximately 44 hectares (110 acres) and a population of around 800 residents, it is the world’s smallest internationally recognised independent state by both area and population.

Despite its small size, Vatican City carries immense religious, historical, and cultural significance as the spiritual and administrative headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

The Vatican Museums have various galleries and corridors filled with priceless artworks, historical artefacts and the incredible Sistine Chapel.

The Vatican Museums house a vast collection of artwork, including masterpieces by renowned artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Botticelli.

Is it worth doing a tour of the Vatican?

3 night trip to rome

I would advise you to book a tour of the Vatican with a qualified and experienced guide to help you understand the culture and history of this city within a city.

Book a skip-the-line Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and Basilica Tour and skip all the lines with priority entry to enjoy more time to explore inside.

You will also be in a small group with an expert guide who will bring the art and history to life in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica, and more.

We spent an entire morning on a guided tour and saw all the main highlights as our brilliant guide gave in-depth explanations of the artworks, religious iconography and the long history of the Vatican.

3 night trip to rome

Can you just visit the Sistine Chapel?

You can’t just visit the Sistine Chapel – one of the most renowned attractions in Vatican City and part of the Vatican Museums complex.

You must purchase a guided tour/ ticket to the Vatican Museums to enter the Sistine Chapel.

This sacred space is famous for its beautiful ceiling frescoes painted by Michelangelo, depicting scenes from the Book of Genesis.

The Sistine Chapel also holds religious significance as it serves as the site of papal conclaves, where the College of Cardinals gather to elect a new Pope.

You can’t take photos inside the chapel, and speaking loudly inside is also prohibited, as it’s a place of worship.

3 night trip to rome

Best time to visit the Vatican

The Vatican can be crowded throughout the year, but some months are busier than others. The peak tourist season in Rome generally falls between April and October, with high numbers of visitors during the sweltering summer months.

If you prefer to avoid crowds, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) or autumn (September to October).

3 night trip to rome

During these months, the weather is still pleasant, and the number of tourists tends to be slightly lower.

It’s also important to consider the time of day when planning your visit to the Vatican. Right after the Vatican opens its doors in the morning, it’s generally less crowded.

Arriving early allows you to explore the incredible artworks with fewer people around.

Learn to cook Roman cuisine at a Cooking Class

3 night trip to rome

After all the excitement of visiting the Vatican in the morning, why not book a Rome cooking class for your last afternoon?

Booking a cooking class in Rome is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in local cuisine and culture led by an expert.

There is a huge range of cookery class options, from pasta making to wine pairing to private home cooking classes and pizza making.

If you are visiting Rome with kids , this is also a perfect family activity, especially on a rainy day.

Rome Pizza Making class

3 night trip to rome

We did an awesome Pizza and Pasta Cooking Class in Rome where we learnt how to authentic Roman pizza and cook it in a wood-fired oven.

Our expert chef also taught us to make different pasta shapes without a machine and turn them into delicious dishes.

The best part of doing a cooking class, of course, is eating everything you made and showing off your culinary creations on social media.

We loved this class, including a lush Tiramisù dessert, Italian Limoncello and unlimited wine. It was a very wobbly walk back to our hotel.

Where to eat in Rome

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

For Rome city breaks, you want to eat the best Roman food possible. The city offers many dining options, from street food and traditional trattorias to upscale Michelin-starred restaurants.

Trastevere, a charming neighbourhood known for its narrow cobblestone streets and lively atmosphere, is a must-visit for food lovers.

3 night trip to rome

Here, you can find a variety of trattorias and osterias serving authentic Roman cuisine. Trastevere is renowned for its classic dishes such as carbonara, cacio e pepe, and Roman-style pizza.

Don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in traditional pasta dishes at places like Da Enzo or La Tavernaccia.

best food districts in Rome

3 night trip to rome

For those looking to delve into Rome’s exciting foodie scene, the Jewish Ghetto is a fantastic choice.

This historic neighbourhood is home to many traditional Jewish-Roman eateries. Indulge in authentic dishes like carciofi alla giudia (deep-fried artichokes) or try the traditional Roman-Jewish-style fried cod at Nonna Betta.

3 night trip to rome

Testaccio district is another excellent choice for budget-friendly eating. Mercato Testaccio, a local food market, features various food stalls where you can sample authentic Roman street food.

Try supplì (fried rice balls), panini filled with porchetta (roasted pork), or the delicious Roman-Jewish-style fried cod.

Rome’s food culture

3 night trip to rome

Rome’s food culture is a delicious blend of history, tradition, and culinary excellence. The city’s gastronomy is deeply rooted in its rich heritage, reflecting centuries of influences from ancient Roman, Italian, and international cuisines.

One of the defining characteristics of Roman cuisine is its simplicity and focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Roman dishes often feature a few key components prepared with precision and care. Classic pasta dishes like carbonara, amatriciana, and cacio e pepe showcase the art of creating deliciousness with minimal ingredients.

How to spot a tourist trap restaurant in Rome

3 night trip to rome

Rome is sadly full of overpriced tourist trap restaurants. To avoid dining hell and to find the best places to eat in the city, try and get away from the tourist areas if possible.

Wander down hidden side streets and look for restaurants full of locals.

The trick with Rome is seeking out authentic Italian cuisine. You don’t want to accidentally end up in an overpriced tourist trap, chowing down on frozen pizza.

3 night trip to rome

Here are some tips to help you avoid tourist trap restaurants in Rome:

  • Look at the menu, is it phone book sized crammed with every Italian dish conceivable?
  • Is the menu in 5 different languages?
  • Is the restaurant right next to a popular tourist attraction?
  • Are the waiters trying to coax you in?
  • Does the menu outside have pictures of the food?
  • Are the menus laminated?
  • Are there any locals in the restaurant?

3 night trip to rome

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, turn around and run, darlings. You are about to enter gastro hell.

Another great tip is to look for places open later than other restaurants.

Romans usually don’t eat dinner until 8 p.m. or later, so if a restaurant serves dinner late, it will likely be authentic and full of locals.

Foodie Culture Rome

3 night trip to rome

Another insider tip we picked up on our foodie tour is to watch out for asterisks on menus. This, unfortunately, means that the food is frozen.

Failing that, check Trip Advisor reviews, read quality travel and food blogs or book a foodie tour as a fail-safe against crappy food.

3 night trip to rome

Much like in Venice , there are tourist trap restaurants everywhere in Rome. The trick is to do your research and hunt down the authentic places.

3 night trip to rome

Pizza in Rome is a popular food choice and comes in two completely different styles. Whole, round pizzas with thin crusts that you sit down to eat are known as ‘Pizza tonda’.

‘Pizza al taglio’ is served by the slice and is a cheaper way to get your pizza fix.

Check asterisks on menus so you don’t get served a frozen pizza; you can do much better than that in Rome.

For authentic pizza that the Romans eat, try  La Renella , located in Piazza Trilussa in hip foodie haunt Trastevere.

3 night trip to rome

In Italy, there is a huge variety of pasta, served in restaurants, cafes, and pasta shops all over the city.

For high-end pasta, try Flavio al Velavevodetto or Armando al Pantheon. These authentic Italian joints serve remarkable pasta.

If you decide to chance it and wander around looking for a pasta place, try and avoid places near major tourist sites.

Wander down side streets instead and look to see what restaurants are packed with locals.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Rome Gelato

3 night trip to rome

Gelato shops are abundant in Rome, especially near the main tourist sites. The trick is to figure out if you are being served a scoop of genuine gelato or a tourist trap cone of premix goop.

Real Gelato will be a lot more understated than the fake stuff. Fake gelato will have unnatural colours and an extraordinary amount of unnecessary decoration.

For authentic Gelato, try Neve di Latte on Via Luigi Poletti , or Fatamorgana on Via Dei Chiavari .

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Where to eat in Rome on a budget

3 night trip to rome

For those having a weekend in Rome on a budget, head to Il Pastaio di Roma . Here you grab a box of homemade, fresh pasta for under €10. Your pasta can be eaten inside for no extra charge or taken away.

Choose from a small selection of tasty portions of pasta, including classic offerings such as Fusilli al pesto and Fusilli all’ Amatriciana.

If you are feeling indulgent, you can also order a bottle of wine to drink with your pasta for a reasonable price.

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Mercato Centrale Roma

Guide to Rome | City of legends, ruins and romance

Mercato Centrale Roma is a huge food market in the heart of Rome. Situated in the Termini train station, it offers a culinary haven for locals and tourists.

This lively market is a food lover’s paradise, providing a wide array of fresh produce, gourmet products, and delectable dishes.

The market spans two levels and inside, you’ll find a foodie marketplace filled with stalls showcasing a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and seafood.

3 night trip to rome

The knowledgeable vendors are friendly and often willing to share their expertise, allowing you to learn more about the products and the local food culture.

The food court offers everything from traditional Italian dishes to international dishes. Feast on pasta or pizza, or indulge in gourmet burgers, sushi, or vegan options.

Where to stay in Rome

3 night trip to rome

There are plenty of Rome accommodation options if you are looking to spend 3 days in Rome.

Where to stay in Rome depends largely on your budget, preferred accommodation type and what neighbourhood you want to stay in. Here are some suggestions on where to stay:

  • Historic Center (Centro Storico): This area is the heart of Rome and offers proximity to major landmarks like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon. It’s ideal for first-time visitors who want to be within walking distance of the city’s iconic attractions.
  • Trastevere: Known for its lively atmosphere and narrow streets, Trastevere offers a bohemian vibe and a vibrant nightlife. It’s a well-known foodie neighbourhood with colourful buildings, quaint cafes, and traditional trattorias.
  • Monti: Located near the Colosseum, Monti is a trendy neighbourhood with a vibrant social scene. It’s known for its hip boutiques, art galleries, and trendy bars. Monti offers a blend of historic charm and contemporary energy, making it a popular choice for travellers seeking a lively atmosphere.

3 night trip to rome

  • Spanish Steps (Piazza di Spagna): The area around the Spanish Steps is known for its luxury boutiques, high-end shopping, and elegant streets. Staying here puts you near designer shops, upscale restaurants, and the beautiful Spanish Steps.
  • Vatican City (Prati): If you want to be near the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica, consider staying in the Prati neighbourhood. It’s a residential area with wide boulevards and tree-lined streets and offers easy access to Vatican City.

Rome Hotels

There is a hotel to suit any budget in Rome, ranging from small guesthouses to luxury rooms for those looking to spoil themselves.

You can find a hotel in Rome to suit your budget and length of time by using travel resources such as and TripAdvisor to find the best hotel deals.

I recently stayed in the fabulous Marcella Royal Hotel , a 4-star hotel with an incredible rooftop terrace offering 360° views across Rome.

Don’t forget, Rome has a city tax, and the cost is per person, per night and depends on the hotel’s rating.

Rome Guesthouses

There are also plenty of family-run guesthouses in Rome. A reasonably-priced guest house we have previously stayed in was Guesthouse Stradivari. It was perfect for a Rome city break without breaking the bank.

It’s a very budget-friendly little guesthouse centrally located within walking distance of many main attractions.

It also featured a very charming old-fashioned lift that would groan and creak into life every time we cautiously used it.

A Guide to exploring Rome - City of legends, ruins and romance

Rome is full of these types of family-run guest houses situated in beautiful historic buildings.

They are often very basic, but for the budget traveller, they offer the opportunity to stay in a more traditional home rather than a swanky hotel.

Long weekend in rome travel tips

3 night trip to rome

Here are a few important Rome tips to ensure you are prepared for your trip to the Italian capital.

  • Italy still mostly functions on a cash economy, so carry money when visiting Rome.
  • Tipping is not mandatory but is appreciated. A service charge is normally included in the bill as the coperto (cover), but an additional tip is always appreciated if your service is exceptional.
  • Buy your bus tickets in advance as you can’t buy tickets on the bus. You can buy bus tickets at any ‘ tabaccheria’, which are small convenient shops designated with a large T.
  • Keep an eye on your possessions. Thieves have been known to pickpocket or snatch bags, so keep a firm grip on your possessions.
  • Only use official taxis to avoid being scammed. Taxis to and from Rome airports to the centre have fixed fares, so confirm the fare verbally with your driver before you set off.

3 night trip to rome

how many days in rome?

I think 3 days in Rome is the ideal time to see the highlights of this ancient city. The more we saw of Rome, the more we loved it.

It is a magnificent and vibrant urban space, full of history and striking architecture and populated with some of the world’s most well-known and iconic structures.

3 night trip to rome

Add to that hidden culinary delights, superb wine and the almost intoxicating vibe of Italian living, it is a truly wonderful place for a city break.

What do you think of my guide to Rome? What else should be added to the guide? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Pip and the City Travel Resources

Recommended travel resources

Flights : To find flight deals, check out sites such as Skyscanner and Google Flights to compare flight costs and book. Accommodation:  I use for hotel bookings as they have fantastic flexibility and cancellation.

Airport Parking and Lounges : With Holiday Extras , you can save money on airport and travel extras, including airport parking, airport hotels, and airport lounges. Travel Insurance:  I highly recommend you always get travel insurance – I use the Post Office Travel Insurance for single trip coverage and Safety Wing for comprehensive travel medical insurance. Car Hire: I use Discover Cars to hire cars abroad as they have free cancellation, free mileage and no card fees. Travel Money: I recommend Post Office Travel Money as you can get competitive rates and 0% commission for your holiday cash.

E-sim Cards: Use Airalo’s eSIM app to buy an eSIM for 200+ countries and stay connected when you travel abroad. For more travel tools, head to my bumper travel resources page now!

rome city break FAQ

  • When is the best time to visit Rome?

The best time to visit Rome is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) seasons. The weather is mild, and the city is less crowded than the peak summer months. However, Rome is a year-round destination, so you can plan your visit based on your preferences and availability.

  • How many days do you need in Rome?

To fully explore the highlights of Rome, I recommend spending at least 3 days in Rome. This allows you to visit iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon and immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant culture and culinary delights.

  • What are the must-visit attractions in Rome?

Some must-visit attractions in Rome include the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Vatican City (including St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel), Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, and the picturesque Trastevere neighbourhood. These landmarks showcase the rich history, art, and architecture that Rome is renowned for.

  • How can I skip the long queues at Rome attractions?

It’s advisable to book tickets in advance or opt for skip-the-line tours to skip the long queues. Many attractions offer timed entry tickets or guided tours that allow you to bypass the queues and make the most of your time in Rome. It’s also a good idea to visit popular attractions during the early morning or late afternoon when they are less crowded.

  • Is public transportation easily accessible in Rome?

Yes, Rome has an extensive public transportation system that includes buses, trams, and metro lines. The metro is particularly useful for quickly travelling between different parts of the city. I recommend purchasing a Rome Travel Pass or a Roma Pass, which offers unlimited travel on public transportation and discounted entry to select attractions.

  • What are some traditional Roman dishes to try?

When in Rome, don’t miss the opportunity to try traditional Roman dishes like pasta carbonara, cacio e pepe, amatriciana, and Roman-style pizza. Other must-try delicacies include supplì (fried rice balls with a cheesy center), fried artichokes, and gelato.

  • Are there any day trips from Rome worth exploring?

Yes, several day trips from Rome offer unique experiences. You can visit the ancient ruins of Pompeii, explore the beautiful coastal town of Positano on the Amalfi Coast, or take a trip to Tivoli to visit the stunning gardens of Villa d’Este and Hadrian’s Villa.

  • How should I dress when visiting churches in Rome?

When visiting churches in Rome, it’s important to dress modestly and respectfully. Both men and women should ensure their shoulders and knees are covered. It’s also advisable to carry a scarf or shawl to cover up if necessary.

  • What should I pack for Rome weekend breaks ?

Packing for a weekend break in Rome depends on the time of year you are visiting and your planned activities. I recommend a few essentials: Comfortable walking shoes, a day pack, a water bottle, light and breathable clothing, a power bank, adapters, sunglasses, a hat and a waterproof jacket.

  • Do I need to tip in restaurants in Rome?

Tipping is not mandatory in Italy, as a service charge is typically included in the bill. However, it’s common to leave a small tip of about 5-10% if you receive exceptional service or want to show appreciation to the staff.

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Wondering how to spend 3 days in Rome? With its mix of ancient ruins, romantic cobbled streets, bustling piazzas, alfresco restaurants and world-class coffee, Rome is surely the ultimate city break? My Rome city guide is full of tips to uncover the best things to do in Rome. This bumper guide also offers practical advice on where to stay, the best places to eat and the best Rome tours. #Rome #travel #rometours #Romefood #Italy #Italytravel #citybreak

Portia Jones has spent years traversing the globe and having many misadventures. She now works as a freelance travel journalist and is a Lonely Planet guidebook author and hosts the Travel Goals Podcast. She specialises in adventure travel, destination guides and city breaks. Her work has appeared in The Times, National Geographic, Wanderlust Magazine and the Independent. She can normally be found hiking, swimming outdoors in icy waters, or drinking coffee in bougie cafes.

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Love this!!! I can’t find your foodie guide blog post, has this been uploaded yet? Sorrrry to be a nag! I’m going next month for my birthday and would love to hear your reccomendations!! x

This is one of the best posts Ive read in the last 3 months 🙂 Mille grazie! My bf & I are in Italy for only 2 weeks in July-Aug and its been my life long dream to see Italia (Ive waited 20 years!!). So as much as I know where I want to go/see/do I still need to do some research, and your post has given me some amazing insights, advice and tips. Thank you so much xx

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback, I’m so glad I could help, send me some of your Rome pics on social media, I would love to see how you get on! xx

This was a good reminder of the top spots 🙂 I have been to Rome twice, but I am going again in 1.5 weeks and it will be the first visit for my husband, so this was good to remember the key sights, as I haven’t had much time to work on our itinerary yet 🙂 Also, the food just looks amazing! Can almost feel it on my tongue!

The food was ridiculously good!

Saving for my trip to Rome next week!

Thank you, glad you liked the post x

I recently went to Rome and fell in love with the place. And I agree with a lot of your tips. Great pictures too.

Thank you, it’s easy when the place you are visiting is so pretty x

Love this post! Love Rome! I went there some time ago and dream to go back ever since. Thanks for the tips and for reminding me of what an amazing city it is

Thank you, glad you like the post x

Love this! I’ve been to Rome but only briefly, I’d love to go back and do a foodie tour like you mentioned, would be incredible. Thanks for some great tips!

The foodie tour was awesome, would really recommend it!

I think I need to go live in Italy o.o

This is incredibly useful, thank you! Rome is at the top of my list for places I want to visit in Europe, I don’t know how I’ve never made it there because I know I would love it. The food (I’m hungry after reading your post), the historical sights, the sunshine… I shall be referring back to this post whenever I finally book flights!

It was so lovely in the sunshine, it’s a gorgeous city xx

Sounds like you had a great trip! That food tour looks fab, I’d happily visit Italy just to eat 😉

Rome is one of my favourite cities and you’ve captured it beautifully here.

Thank you, that’s lovely to hear x

Rome is one of my favourite cities and you’ve captured it beautifully here.

Great post! All that pizza and pasta is making me so hungry. Is it inappropriate to have pizza at 10am? lol

It is never inappropriate to have pizza! xx

I love this! When I was there unfortunately I fell for the tourist trap restaurants and to be frank I was like “wait, this is Italian pizza? ☹️ ” it wasn’t until my last day that we actually took the time to research for a good place and I wished I did that earlier . But great post btw!

It’s why i think doing a foodie tour is so good, especially if you are there for only a short time. It’s a great way of discovering local gems. xx

Wow it looks fantastic. Your pictures are gorgeous. I’ve actually never been but it’s on my bucket list. X

Thank you, glad you liked the photos xx

Thanks for this really comprehensive post! Rome is a great city and definitely one of my favourites in Europe (during off-season though 😉 ).

Thank you, it took a while to put together as there was so much to write x

I love this! When I was there unfortunately I fell for the tourist trap restaurants and to be frank I was like “wait, this is Italian pizza? ☹️ ” it wasn’t until my last day that we actually took the time to research for a good place and I wished I did that earlier . But great post btw!

Waw! I’d love to Visit Rome, it looks absolutely amazing. X

This looks amazing! I’d love to visit rome, glad you had a lovely time pip x

Abi | abistreetx

Thank you, I would really recommend a visit, it is such a beautiful city xx

I love Rome! I’m going in the fall I’ll have to save this post and take another look before I go! I’m mostly excited to eat and drink coffee there though!

When are you going? I will try and get my foodie guide up before you go! xx

Lovely Pip! I agree, Rome really does have something for everyone. I like the idea of hiring a bike – something to keep in mind for future trips! 🙂

I would definitely recommend it, it’s a great way to see Rome!

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Perfect 3 days in Rome itinerary (free map + tips)

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Looking for an easy to follow 3 days in Rome itinerary? We’ve got the perfect plan for your trip to Italy. You’ll see all of the best sights, eat delicious food, and have an unforgettable experience in the capital city of Rome. 

3 night trip to rome

We created this travel guide – so that you don’t have to do all the research and leave all the guesswork. Using our 3 day Rome itinerary, you will get a taste of everything there is about Rome and leave feeling like you experienced something truly special. 

It doesn’t matter if you have come to Rome once or twice – just know that every time will be better than the last!

Perfect 3 days in Rome itinerary: Travel tips and day by day sightseeing

3 night trip to rome

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Snapshot of 3 days in Rome itinerary 

  • Day 1 of Rome Itinerary: Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Walking tour of Monti
  • Day 2 of Rome Itinerary: Vatican City (St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums), Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps
  • Day 3 of Rome Itinerary: Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia, the neighborhood of Trastevere

Rome is the capital of Italy and one of the world’s most beautiful cities. It has been called “the Eternal City,” “Caput Mundi,” or “Capital of the World.” It is also home to St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel with the works of Michelangelo’s famous painting, the world’s largest amphitheater ever built (the Colosseum), and more.

The city offers an incredible variety of museums, monuments, churches, and palaces that are sure to impress visitors from all over the world. Whether you want to see ancient ruins or modern masterpieces, this city has it all!

Here are some quick Rome tips to kick start your itinerary.

Getting to Rome Italy: 

Rome is located in the central part of Italy, in the Lazio region. It is a great spot to start your Italian vacation. Rome is home to the largest and busiest airport and train station in the whole of the peninsula. 

3 night trip to rome

When flying from the United States/Canada and Europe you can arrive in one of Rome’s airports – Roma Fiumicino Airport, or Ciampino Airport. 

Roma Fiumicino Airport (also called the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport) is the busiest airport in Italy. This is where we landed from Canada. 

There are shuttle buses, express trains, and local trains to the heart of the city. Here are the transportation options from both airports.

  • From Roma Fiumicino Airport , get to the city centre via direct train service –  Leonardo Express (30 minutes), or shuttle buses (40+ minutes)
  • If arriving at the Ciampino Airport, then you can book this shuttle bus ride

Where to stay in Rome? Best hotels in Rome for sightseeing for 3 days

For a short 3 day Rome trip, we recommend staying in a central area. Within the city centre zone, and in and around it, you will find a variety of accommodation options from affordable rooms to fancy expensive suites. 

For effortless sightseeing, and a lively neighborhood opt for a hotel near the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, or Termini station. Trastevere and Prati (north of the Vatican) neighborhoods are also great options for all budget levels. 

We stayed at the Prassede Palace Hotel in Rome . It was conveniently located near sightseeing sites like the Colosseum, and the Termini Station. There were trattorias near the property as well.  In fact, the hotel has a cool restaurant on-site, and the rooms were super clean and beautiful. 

3 night trip to rome

Prassede Palace Hotel in Rome is a 4-star hotel, with one of the friendliest staff. Click to book your stay here

Need more options? Here are some of the other hotel recommendations

  • Leonardo Boutique Hotel Rome Termini: Located near the Termini Station, this is a 4-star luxury property with good access to sightseeing places like Trevi fountain and the Colosseum. The rooms are clean, and the property has a hot tub on-site. You can check out photos here
  • Atlante Star Hotel: Another 4 star hotel, Atlante offers an amazing scenic restaurant and is located close to the Vatican city (in the Borgo neighbhorhood). It also offers free breakfast for the price of the room. The hotel rooms are stylish, and there are eateries nearby. Book your stay here
  • Condotti Boutique Hotel: Condotti Boutique hotel is located near the Spanish Steps, so it is perfect for walking and sightseeing with access to many attractions, bars, and shopping centres. It is also good value for money as it runs deals often. Book your stay here

Note that Rome city charges a tourist tax, which is levied per person, per day. It is to be paid in cash when you check out. 

Read: 4 days in Rome itinerary

Rome & Vatican Pass or Omnia Card: Transportation tips for Rome and the Vatican City

We have included sightseeing at the Vatican City as part of this 3 day Rome itinerary. For this reason, we recommend getting a combined Vatican and Rome pass which gives you free admission to certain sites, free unlimited public transportation along a hop-on and hop-off tour. This pass is valid for 3 days. 

3 night trip to rome

The Rome Pass is worth it if you will use trains to get to various attractions, and planning to book separate entry tickets. We utilized the hop-on and hop-off tour included in this Pass and enjoyed free train rides. Hop on sightseeing buses also have a free audio guide on tour. 

Because we wanted to do in-depth sightseeing at the Colosseum, we booked a separate 3 hour Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill tour with a guide. But this is optional. 

With the Rome Pass , you do get a fast-track entry ticket to the Colosseum. Get your Rome Pass here

Now, let’s go over the day by day Rome itinerary,

Day 1 of 3 days in Rome Itinerary: Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Walking tour of Monti

On your very first day in Rome, explore the iconic landmark – Colosseum (along with the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill), and then finish the day with a self guided walking tour of the neighborhood of Monti.

3 night trip to rome

In order to explore these sites, you do not need transportation if staying at a centrally located hotel. As we stayed at the Prassede Palace Hotel in Rome we walked to the Colosseum and arrived there in 15 minutes. 

Reaching the Colosseum early allowed us to take pictures without any crowds, and to also enjoy a lovely stroll at the complex. There is an entry fee to visit the interiors of the Colosseum, and depending on your ticket access level you can visit various floors, the arena, and the underground. 

A ticket to the Colosseum also includes entrance fees for the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill, with or without a guide. We have written a detailed guide to visiting the Colosseum, you can read it here.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It’s a symbol of ancient Roman architecture and engineering, as well as an iconic site for tourists visiting Italy. 

This amphitheater was built by Emperor Vespasian around 70 AD, and its construction took less than a decade. It was opened in the year 80 AD by his successor and son Titus.

Colosseum outer ring

The Colosseum in Rome, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre could accommodate about 50,000 spectators. It had four stories with multiple entrances on each level for guests to enter this massive structure! 

We recommend booking a tour like this one with a knowledgeable guide to visit these historic ruins and learn more about what life was like back then or just enjoy seeing something so old and beautiful up close.

BOOK: A guided tour with a guide OR a fast track entry ticket here

As we mentioned with this pass you can also visit the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. 

The Roman Forum is the most popular Rome Instagram spots . This site was a public square during the ancient Roman Empire, and with its fall the Forum was left to decay. 

3 night trip to rome

In the subsequent decades, many also looted the stones and marbles to build other structures. Today what remains is a beautiful ruin site, with many important monuments from antiquity including temples, basilicas, triumphal arches, and more!

Of all the structures here, the columns of the Temple of Julis and the Arch of Constantine will impress you! These are my favorites too!

The Palatine Hill is the most popular of the Seven Hills of Rome. This is where Roman emperors and the nobility resided. As part of the guided tour, you can explore what is left of the district including the Temple of Venus. 

Palatine Hill View

After exploring the Colosseum – UNESCO World Heritage Site, head to a restaurant or trattoria nearby for lunch. You will be able to find places to eat right across from the exit gates of the Colosseum. 

Monti Walking tour

Monti is a wonderful neighborhood in Rome. We recommend spending 3-4 hours in the afternoon wandering through the district, eating, shopping, and checking out a lot of attractions along the way. 

Monti also has a ton of local boutiques, selling fashionable clothing, bags, and other accessories. The beauty of Monti is cute places to eat and shop all tucked away in narrow lanes, and behind piazzas.

3 night trip to rome

This neighborhood is located at the centre – close to the Colosseum, Via dei Fori Imperiali, and other popular landmarks of Rome. So you can start at the Colosseum, and then make your way to Monti. It will take about 10 minutes to get there via the Serpenti St.

Another option is to head to a restaurant – Bar Monti, type it on Google Maps, and follow signs to get there. You can also stop here for lunch or drinks if you prefer!

Piazza dell Madonna dei Monti 

This is the popular piazza in the district of Monti. Piazza dell Madonna dei Monti takes its name from the church, located nearby Santa Maria dei Monti. Buy a nice gelato and then sit on the fountain’s steps to relax.  

This piazza is great for people watching as well. It is common to see people hanging out by the piazza at all times of the day, but it is still not super crowded! 

Quaint lanes of Monti in Rome

This is a hip area of Monti. Via Urbana is home to cobblestone lanes and chic art and vintage shops and restaurants. 

There are also steep roads and narrow alleys all leading to, and moving away from Monti, like Salita dei Borgia / Via Leonina /Via degli Zingar. And it is really pretty to go on a stroll here. 

Trajan’s Column and Church of Santa Maria di Loreto

Trajan’s Market is a remarkable ruins complex, located on the opposite end of the Colosseum. You can also visit the Church of Santa Maria di Loreto here. 

If you walk further down you will at the Piazza Venezia. 

Quirinal Palace 

The Quirinal Palace is a must spot on your Monti walking tour. It is one of the three current official residences of the Italian President. If interested you can opt for a visit inside. 

3 night trip to rome

The palace is located on the Quirinal Hill, which is the highest of the seven hills of Rome, and this is why it makes for a nice sunset view from the piazza. 

Santa Prassede and Santa Maria Maggiore

Because we stayed at the Prassede Palace Hotel we also visited Santa Prassede and Santa Maria Maggiore on our way back. 

Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the most important churches in Rome. The church dates back to the 4th century AD and it is home to stunning mosaics, beautiful frescoes, and chapels inside. 

Santa Prassede Church in Rome

Santa Prassede, on the other hand, is an ancient church with beautiful ancient frescoes and Byzantine-style mosaics. 

The Monti district is a pretty large area, and it actually spreads over several of the 7 hills of Rome, and hence the name ‘Monti’, meaning ‘mountains’. 

All along this walking tour, you will find numerous trattorias, hip wine bars, and chic cafes where you can dine. So set aside time, and stop when you find anything interesting or fancy – that is the beauty of wandering through Rome’s neighborhoods!

OPTIONAL: Afternoon and evening activity

We will share an alternate sightseeing itinerary below, these activities will replace the Monti neighborhood exploration.

Right after the Colosseum tour and lunch, you can head to the Santa Maria in Cosmedin Church. It will take 15 minutes to walk from the Palatine Hill.

3 night trip to rome

Here you can check out the Mouth of Truth aka Bocca della Verità . This sculpture is dedicated to the God of the Sea and it is believed that it can catch a person if they are laying – almost like an ancient lie detector.  

You can also see the flower-adorned skull of St Valentine, housed inside the side altar on the left of the Basilica.

In the evening, opt for a food tour (2-4 hours). Here are some options,

  • Rome 4 hour night food tour: Check it here
  • Pasta making workshop: Check it here
  • Rome street food tour with a local guide: Check it here

Day 2 of 3 days in Rome Itinerary: Vatican City (St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums), Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps

Spend day 2 of 3 days in Rome itinerary exploring the Vatican City highlights like the Saint Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Museums. 

View of the Vatican and the Tiber River

Thereafter, visit the Castel Sant’Angelo in the afternoon, followed by the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps in the evening. 

Vatican City – St. Peter’s Basilica 

The Vatican is the world’s smallest country, also known as a European microstate. This microstate dates back to the year 1929 when it was created via the Lateran Treaty between Italy and Holy See, proclaiming independence and sovereignty from each other

When you are in Rome, you can easily visit the Vatican City; as it is a walled enclave within the metropolis. The Vatican serves as the headquarters of the Catholic Church and seat of its central administration.

Magnet with the Vatican at the backdrop. Great Rome Instagram spot

We arrived at the Ponte Umberto bridge first and then walked to Saint Peter’s Square. Ponte Umberto is the name of the bridge that connects Piazza di Ponte Umberto I to Piazza dei Tribunali, and is built over the River Tiber.

Once you are at St. Peter’s Square , take a good walk at the largest squares in Christendom. And then enter the Saint Peter’s Basilica; and the Vatican Museums including the Sistine Chapel.

Saint Peter’s Basilica is the prime structure here, and it is completely free to enter and explore. This Basilica is the most famous, largest, and important church in the world. 

Often considered a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture St Peter’s Basilica was designed by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Carlo Maderno, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 

Saint Peter's Basilica

For centuries, it has been regarded as one of the holiest Catholic shrines as it is home to the resting place of Saint Peter. The Basilica is also home to some of Catholicism’s most spectacular artworks including Michelangelo’s Pietà and his glorious frescoes on the ceiling as well as Raphael’s tapestries. 

One of the many things that make St. Peter’s Basilica so special is that it can accommodate up to 60,000 attendees! 

Vatican Museums and the famous Sistine Chapel

Up next are the Vatican Museums . This is a huge complex and is made up of 26 different museums.

It is one of the largest public museums in the world, and it displays a lot of artwork from ancient Roman and Egyptian artifacts, to religious objects, in beautifully painted rooms with modern art. 

3 night trip to rome

The Vatican Museums are housed in a complex of multiple Apostolic palaces, but the Sistine Chapel makes it the most popular. 

The Sistine Chapel is famous for its architecture and frescoes painted by renowned Renaissance artists like Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio, and Domenico Ghirlandaio to name a few.

3 night trip to rome

We recommend booking a guided tour of the Vatican museums with the Sistine Chapel. Both these sites are extremely popular, and tickets can be sold out. By reserving tickets or tours prior to your visit, you can save time and the hassle of waiting in long queues. 

For a guided tour of the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican museums, book this 2 hour tour . 

After exploring the Vatican, break for lunch. Just before you exit Saint Peter’s Square you will find restaurants and cafes to sit down and grab a nice meal. From here head over to the Castel Sant’Angelo.

Castel Sant’Angelo 

The Castel Sant’Angelo is a monument in Rome, which was originally built as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian and his family. It is often called the Mausoleum of Hadrian or the Hadrianeum. 

3 night trip to rome

The castle later was used as a fortress by the Popes. You can book an hour of sightseeing inside the castle. There are 7 floors in total, full of exhibits including some incredible artworks including sculptures from Bernini, paintings from Raphael, and frescoes from Michelangelo himself!

After exploring the artifacts, do climb up the spiral staircase to reach the Chamber of Ashes. This is where you will be greeted with a panoramic view of Rome city and the River Tiber from the castle terrace. 

Don’t forget, you can reserve and book ti ckets here

It is important to note that this castle is located on the Ponte Sant’Angelo, which is one of the bridges leading to St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. So it is just a short walk from Saint Peter’s Square. 

Ponte Sant’Angelo (also known as the Aelian Bridge or Pons Aelius) is a great spot to capture the bridge, the river, and the Basilica!

After sightseeing, walk the Ponte Sant’Angelo bridge, aka the Bridge of Angels to continue sightseeing in Rome!

The next 2 spots on the 3 day Rome itinerary will be quick ones, as it will be explored from the outside (without getting inside). However, they are Rome’s primary attractions – Trevi Fountain, and Piazza di Spagna with the Spanish Steps.  

Trevi Fountain and Piazza di Spagna are located about 15 to 20 minute walk from each other and are best explored on foot. Note that these spots also get extremely busy during the day, but if you stick around until the evening you will be able to see them aglow under the moonlights (and decorative lights around the site).

Photo tip: For an effortless photoshoot, you must head there in the morning (to beat the crowds). You can push this for day 3 of this Rome itinerary if you like and cover both spots in an hour, before moving on. 

Trevi Fountain:  

The Trevi Fountain is the largest Baroque fountain in Rome. It was built by Nicola Salvi between 1732 and 1762 and today it has become an iconic symbol for the city of Rome. 

3 night trip to rome

The fountain is located at the junction of three roads (tre vie) via delle Muratte, via dei Crociferi, and via delle Tre Fontane, and this is the origin of its name – Trevi Fountain or three street fountain. 

You can visit the fountains at any time of day – where mornings are great for photos, it is equally stunning at sunset when the lights are up!

At the Trevi Fountain, you can throw a coin or two, and make a wish. Yes, you are allowed to do so. All the coins are given away for a noble cause. Note that it is a crime to steal coins here, and also it is forbidden to sit on the fountain guard rails (near the fountains below) – you will find policemen patrolling the area. 

Trevi Fountain in Rome

The square in and around the fountain is called the Piazza di Trevi and there are lots of souvenir shops and cafes where you can grab a bite to eat. 

Up next is the Spanish Steps. Trevi Fountain to Spanish Steps is 8 minute walk away. 

Spanish Steps:  

The Spanish Steps is a popular Instagrammable spot in Rome. It is considered the widest and longest staircase in Europe. In Italian, it’s called “Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti”, and the entire staircase is composed of 12 ramps and 135 travertine steps. 

Spanish Steps in Rome

This staircase is located in the Piazza di Spagna (called the Square of Spain), and it leads to the Trinita dei Monti Church. Once you arrive at the square, snap a photo at the steps and then make your way to the church. 

Remember it is forbidden to sit on the steps, but you can surely climb up and down to reach the Trinita dei Monti Church, and back.

After visiting the church, take a stroll at the Piazza di Spagna where you will find amazing restaurants and bars to enjoy a drink and a meal. There are also popular designer brands like Gucci, Prada, and Louis Vuitton which are located at the square. 

Day 3 of Rome 3 day Itinerary: Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Piazza Venezia & Altare della Patria, the neighborhood of Trastevere

Final day in Rome, and we give you two itinerary options here. We will start with the popular attractions like the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and the neighborhood of Trastevere. 

The alternate sightseeing has another piazza (People’s Square), Villa Borghese, and a stunning viewpoint!

If the Pantheon is on your Rome bucket list, then day 3 will be exciting for you. We recommend starting early to be able to snap a photo, have breakfast at a trattoria nearby and then get in line to enter this Roman temple (now a church).


The Pantheon is one of the most well-preserved ancient Rome buildings. It was built by Marcus Agrippa as a temple for all the Roman gods but later converted into a church when Christianity became popular. Hadrian rebuilt it in 126 AD. 

Girl at the Pantheon

With its beautiful architecture and incredible history, this is a must-see attraction when visiting Rome. The stunning dome of the Pantheon symbolizes how the Roman empire was to be seen – its perfection and continuity showing a connection between the heavens, Roman gods, and the ruler. Hadrian had his court under this dome. 

To visit the Pantheon is completely free. We recommend making your trip early in the morning hours, between 9:00 am – 11:00 am to enter the Pantheon. For best photos, get there before the gates open.

Note that weekends are busier as compared to weekdays for visiting the Pantheon. Set aside 30 minutes to an hour for exploring the interiors.  

Piazza Navona : 

Head to Piazza Navona next. Piazza Navona is one of the most beautiful places in all of Rome. It’s a large square with fountains, statues, and an obelisk. 

3 night trip to rome

The buildings surrounding the piazza are also very impressive. They were built during the Renaissance period and have been well preserved over time. 

It was built in the first century AD and has been used as a market, a stage for entertainment, a stadium, and even as a bullfighting arena!

Today, you will find fountains, statues, and buildings with wonderful architecture. It is particularly known for its Baroque architecture including the famous Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers).

Fountain of Four Rivers

When you walk into this piazza, it will feel like stepping back in time. You will be surrounded by beauty everywhere you look – from the architecture to the artwork to the people walking around enjoying their day just like you are!

You can spend hours admiring the architecture here or just relax on one of the many benches while enjoying some gelato from nearby cafes. This is perfect to break for lunch, and then go on sightseeing. 

Piazza Venezia, Palazzo Venezia and Altare della Patria

Piazza Venezia, also known as the Venice Square is a central hub in Rome. Piazza Venezia is found where four major roads in Rome meet, namely the Via del Corso, Via del Plebiscito, Via di Teatre Marcello and Via dei Fori Imperiali. 

Piazza Venezia with the palace (on the left), Trajan's Column (on the right)

This square is named after the Palazzo Venezia, a palace that was built by the Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo alongside the church of Saint Mark (who was the patron saint of Venice). Pietro Barbo later on, became Pope Paul II. 

Palazzo Venezia has been a remarkable building over the years. It has served as the Embassy of the Republic of Venice and was used by the Austrian ambassador. 

In the 20th century, the Palazza was taken over by the Italian government, and this is where Benito Mussolini made important decisions and even delivered speeches to citizens. 

You can visit the Palazzo Venezia today, and explore Museo di Palazzo, a museum of Medieval and Renaissance art.

Located at the Piazza Venezia is also the gorgeous Victor Emmanuel II Monument. Known as the Altar of the Fatherlan (Altare della Patria) is one of the coolest and grandest monuments in Rome. It was built to honor Victor Emmanuel II, who was the first king of a unified Italy. 

Victor Emmanuel II Monument

You can visit the monument from the inside. The full ticket for the terrace view is 12 euros and also includes entry to the Museum of the Risorgimento and the Museum of Palazzo Venezia.

Explore Trastevere, one of Rome’s neighborhoods 

In the late afternoon, wander to one of Rome’s popular neighborhoods of Trastevere. 

Trastevere has lured tourists to its colorful cobblestone lanes, medieval-era buildings, ancient piazzas, and cute-sy trattorias for years. This neighborhood is separated from the historic center by River Tiber. 

3 night trip to rome

You can get there by train, and then explore on foot. Trastevere is reasonably quiet during the day, and even at night although there are activities (and lights), it is not super crowded. 

With its charming cobblestone streets and picturesque views, you won’t be able to resist photographing the neighborhood. When in Trastevere try out the real Roman (thin crust) pizza, and sit by a piazza for a relaxed evening.

3 night trip to rome

To sign off your 3 day itinerary for Rome, you can also book a food tour. Here is a Trastevere food tour (evening) , which is perfect. It starts in the evening and lasts for 3-4 hours in the neighborhood. 

You can hop numerous trattorias and ristorante on a guided walking tour and try out different kinds of pasta, wines, drinks, and more. Book it here

Other options: Street food tour | Trastevere food and drinks tour

Instead of the Piazza Venezia and Trastevere in the second half of 3 day of this Rome itinerary, you can visit the Borghese gardens and the gallery, followed by Piazza del Popolo & Pincio Terrace.

Villa Borghese (Galleria Borghese)

Villa Borghese is a beautiful garden in Rome. It is completely free to visit the garden.

Home to a number of historical buildings, museums, and structures, it makes the Villa Borghese the third largest garden in the city. So if you are looking to relax, head there for a picnic in the afternoon. 

3 night trip to rome

These gardens were developed for the Villa Borghese Pinciana, which houses the Borghese Gallery.

For visiting the Borghese Gallery or Galleria Borghese you must pre-book your tickets. This is a museum where you can check out sculptures and paintings made by Bernini, Canova, Caravaggio, Titian, and other artists.

As well as exploring the museum, you can stroll around the villa’s gardens, enjoy the views over the Piazza del Popolo and other landmarks of Rome. 

Piazza del Popolo & Pincio Terrace  

Pincio Terrace is a stunning viewpoint in Rome, which is connected to the Villa Borghese gardens. It sits at the top of the Pincian Hil. 

From the terrace, you can come down to the Piazza del Popolo aka People’s Square. This is the largest square in Rome and is home to three churches and two fountains, namely the Fountain of Neptune, and Goddess Roma. 

3 night trip to rome

You can also exit the Villa Borghese and then walk to Piazza del Popolo. 

At the square, admire the Flaminio obelisk located at the center. The 36 metre high Egyptian Flaminio Obelisk has been standing tall since the 16th century. It was brought to Rome by Emperor Augustus in 10 BC., to honor the conquest of Egypt.

Piazza del Popolo

In the past, Piazza del Popolo was an important site for public executions. This square is amazing at any time of day, but particularly in the evening as it comes alive with locals and visitors, hanging out, and enjoying Rome. 

For dinner, head to a trattoria near the square. 

Exploring Rome in 3 days: Free sightseeing map

Additional tips for 3 day Rome itinerary

Here are additional Rome travel tips, 

Travel Visa and documents for Rome 

Rome is the capital city of Italy, a European country. Being a European Union member, Italy belongs to the Schengen zone of countries and follows the Schengen Agreement. So, 

  • If you are a citizen of a not visa-exempt country, then you will require a Schengen visa to enter and visit Italy and the Vatican City,
  • If you are a United States and Canadian national, no tourist visa is required for visiting and staying in Italy for up to 90 days

When is the best time to visit Rome?

Rome is amazing at all times of the year, but to save money (and a little time from queuing up) plan a trip to Rome in the off-season. 

3 night trip to rome

The spring and fall months are pleasant in terms of weather as well. Temperatures are perfect for outdoor sightseeing, or wandering at a piazza. 

Off seasons also means cheaper flights and accommodation in Rome. Monthwise, April to June and late September to October for travel to Rome. 

To save on flights, book a trip in the months of January or February to score a good flight deal. We have checked flights from Toronto, San Franciso, and New York City; and they are a tad cheaper in these months as compared to August or summer-early fall. 

What to pack for Rome? 

When packing for Rome, consider the warm day time temperatures and the type of places you will be visiting. Rome has a strict dress code for churches and places of worship. Many of the ruin sites are uneven, and outside, and so that requires comfortable walking shoes and a hat during warmer months. 

3 night trip to rome

Here are some quick tips for packing to Rome, 

  • Wear comfortable shoes : Walking shoes are a must for Rome – it is known as the city of seven hills for a reason. You will end up walking quite a bit in the historical center and hence wearing comfortable walking shoes is important!
  • Clothes: Opt for cotton, breathable clothes for your trip to Rome. Pack 1-2 tops or dresses with long sleeves, mid length to visit religious sites. 
  • Waterproof jacket : Highly recommend carrying a lightweight waterproof jacket when visiting Rome in November as it is the wettest month of the year. 
  • Accessories: Add a sunhat, sunglasses and sunscreen 
  • Universal adaptor: Rome (and Italy) uses the round power pins, unlike the flat ones here in North America. So you will need a universal adapter. Here is what we recommend
  • Anti theft backpack: We recommend carrying an anti theft backpack when you are out and about exploring touristy sites, or traveling on trains. 
  • Travel documents : As always don’t forget your travel documents, credit cards, currency and travel insurance.

Rome in 3 days will allow you to explore the prime city highlights like the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and also give you relaxation time at historic neighborhoods and colorful quarters.  With 3 days, you can also venture on a day trip outside of Rome like the Hadrian’s Villa, or the UNESCO Site of Pompeii.

The best way to make the most of your 3 days in Rome is to cluster similar attractions together (neighborhood wise) and then explore on foot – stop by a trattoria, browse a local store or sit down at a piazza devouring a gelato.  Stay at a centrally located hotel, and buy the Roma Pass to save on attractions tickets, and public transportation to get to different areas such as the Vatican City, or Trastevere.

We recommend setting aside $150 USD per day per person (shared accommodation in a 3-star property in the city center area).  In the off-season, like November through February, you can find a nice hotel for less and can budget for $120 per day per person. In terms of budget, Rome is similar to Paris. You can explore some of the attractions for free, and for some, you will need to budget for $30-$55 USD for entrance fees. Hotels will be around $100 USD (mid-budget property), it will be cheaper for a hostel.  Food isn’t expensive in Rome. You can sit down by a piazza after grabbing a meal to go. Choose trattorias (especially by the metro) and you have a decent meal for 6 euros or less (per person). Of course, fancy dining places will obviously cost more.  Buy the Rome and Vatican Pass to save money on transportation and entrance fees.

You will need 3 full days to enjoy Rome intimately. If you have an extra day, it will be better for shopping, a day trip, flying in/out, or connecting to another city in Italy.

With 4 days in Rome, you can surely explore some of the offbeat attractions like the Appian Way gems, and also cover museums such as the Borghese Gallery, or check off offbeat spots like the Pyramid of Cestius, the Giardino degli Aranci, and the Keyhole of the Knights of Malta. Or just extend it for a day tour to Pompeii ruins.

Rome is a city like no other, and it’s one of those places that you absolutely need to visit in your lifetime. There are so many things to do there – from the Trevi Fountain to the Colosseum (and everything else) – but we don’t want this post to become too long!

If you’re looking for more info on our favorite Italian destination, head over here or check out some of our Italy travel guides below,

  • Italy: Most beautiful cities in Italy , 10 days in Italy itinerary
  • Milan: Milan one day itinerary , Milan Cathedral tips
  • Venice : One day in Venice itinerary

Explore Rome in 3 days

3 night trip to rome

Mayuri is the founder & editor of ToSomePlaceNew. An Indian-Canadian globetrotter, she has traveled to over 100 cities and 40+ countries.

Mayuri has a graduate degree in History and is an MBA. She loves traveling the world particularly Europe, capturing historical nuances, and discussing that over a cup of coffee with her husband, Salil. 

She has lived in Portugal, Canada and India.

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3 night trip to rome

Rome Three Day Itinerary for the Perfect First Time in Italy

Christa adams.

  • Destinations , featured , Italy , Itineraries

Once upon a time, I did 3 days in Rome and (surprise, surprise) I didn’t like it. Okay, I know I’m trying to win you over and convince you with this Rome three day itinerary, but I’m just laying the foundation. I visited and was overwhelmed – tourists in all directions and I didn’t have the slightest itinerary planned.

Then, I visited again, and I liked it. Then, I went there again (and again) and slowly fell in love with the Roman atmosphere, the culture, the cuisine, the neighborhoods – oh Trastevere! 

Anywho, through numerous trips to the Eternal City, my Italian friendships, and my love for this country, this 3 day trip to Rome, Italy has you set for an awesome time. So you don’t have to have a clueless first time in Rome like I did!

Here’s what to see, what to experience, and (let’s be honest) eat. It’s Italy, baby!

Table of Contents

Looking for an amazing Rome travel guide and itinerary for 3 days in Rome? Here's how to have the most amazing time on your first trip to Italy's capital.

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How many days in Rome? Is 3 enough?

Rome feels like a huge city, and in many ways it is. However, it’s actually smaller in population than other European cities like London, Paris, and Madrid. However, its population density, tourism, and list of places to see in Rome make it feel so grand.

I think back to my first time in Rome and the 20+ miles I walked most days – seriously! There is just so much to see in this ancient city and some of the best things to do in Rome are quite spread out, making the city feel bigger than it truly is.

So, how many days to spend in Rome? I generally recommend a Rome three day itinerary to cover your bases – the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Vatican City, Piazza Navona, etc.

You could easily spend 4-7 days in Rome and not get tired, especially if you’re exploring the food scene and taking a Rome day trip like this one.

Nonetheless, you’ll likely find that its ancient ruins, iconic landmarks, and charming neighborhoods offer a wealth of experiences! You could spend a week in Rome and barely scratch the surface.

When is the best time to visit Rome, Italy?

The best time to visit Rome depends largely on your travel style. However, if you want to beat the heat, still have pleasant weather, and deal with fewer crowds, aim to visit from April through part of June or in September into October.

At the bottom of this travel guide, I highlight more on the weather in Rome, so check that out if you’re still planning when to visit.

rome three day itinerary

About this Rome Three Day Itinerary

This Rome travel guide sets you up for an amazing 3 days, whether you’re traveling solo, with friends, a partner, or your family.

When planning, make sure you check the dates of your trip to make sure you’ll be able to do all of these attractions.

For example, on some Wednesdays the Pope gathers an audience at St. Peter’s Square – which can be really cool to see, but it does mean the Basilica doesn’t open until the afternoon. So, just double check your itinerary will align with your travel dates.

Otherwise, you can follow this guide for visiting Rome in any season and substitute out anything that doesn’t suit your travel style. Let loose, have some fun, and allow wiggle room for spontaneity – you never know what will catch your attention or who you might meet.

While I definitely recommend securing tickets in advance for big-ticket attractions, you can still allow yourself the freedom of last-minute decisions here and there with this itinerary. That’s the beauty of travel!

3 day rome itinerary guide

3 Days in Rome Itinerary

Let the travel buzz commence! Here’s your complete travel guide for Rome.

Rome Itinerary Day 1 – Colosseum, Roman Forum, Capitoline Museums, Trastevere

Ciao! You have made it and it’s your first day in Rome. Obviously, you’re going to want to head straight to the Colosseum. Not many historic sites have taken my breath away quite like stumbling upon the Colosseum my first time in Rome. I hope it’s the same for you.

So, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to get  this fast-pass entry ticket  to the Colosseum and Roman Forum ( or this one if you prefer to have a guided tour ). They are right beside each other and I honestly enjoyed the Roman Forum more than the Colosseum, so I highly recommend you do both.

However, hold up. We need coffee first. Don’t be ridiculous. We’re not trekking through ancient ruins without a good caffè e cornetto in our bellies – this is Italy!

For a typical Italian bar experience near the Colosseum, I recommend Antico Caffe del Brasile , which I’ve been to several times and it has high ratings. 

They have a big selection of baked goodies, like a cornetto (aka a croissant). I prefer mine vuoto (empty) but you can do marmalade, chocolate, pistachio, etc.

roman forum 3 days in rome

Colosseum & Roman Forum

Once you’ve had an Italian breakfast in Rome, enjoy walking through the Colosseum and through the Roman Forum. These are probably two of the main highlights of your trip, and I know you’re probably eager to see the Colosseum, so that’s part of why it’s part of your first day in Rome.

The ruins are quite expansive, so feel free to take your time here. You could spend anywhere from 2 hours and up depending on your interest.

I’d say it will take up a solid 3 hours to do the Colosseum and Roman Forum. So, don’t forget to get those advanced tickets so you can skip the line and save time!

Your ticket for the Colosseum and Roman Forum will give you access to both. Typically, you’ll visit the Colosseum first and then make your way out and follow signs for the Roman Forum. Someone will check your ticket/scan your QR code and then you’ll be able to pass through.

3 night trip to rome

Authentic Italian lunch

Depending on how long you stayed at the Roman Forum, it might be time for lunch. Your first lunch in Roma might as well be pasta. Luckily, I have just the recommendation for lunch near the Colosseum –  Naumachia Ristorante .

My favorite dish at this restaurant is their homemade fettuccine with tomato sauce, basil, and topped with Italian cheeses. For the best experience, pair it with a glass of red wine as well as a bruschetta starter for a delicious Roman lunch.

3 night trip to rome

Via dei Fori Imperiali

As you make your way to Capitoline Hill for the next two of this Rome three day itinerary, walk along Via dei Fori Imperiali.

This old street goes between the Roman Forum and the Forum of Augustus and Trajan Forum and offers a new perspective of ancient Rome. If you didn’t do a tour of the Roman Forum, this is a great free alternative! My first time in Rome, I didn’t visit the ruins, but I did walk about Via dei Fori Imperiali and it did the trick (sort of; I still suggest you get tickets to the Roman Forum).

Both sides of the street have Roman ruins, but I think I prefer the views on the right-hand side if you’re walking toward the Capitoline Museums and Altar of the Fatherland. 

3 night trip to rome

Ara Coeli Staircase

The first day of your 3 days in Rome is all about the views. Luckily, all these places are right next to one another, so it’s easy to do with 1 day in Rome.

Also located on the Capitoline Hill, the Ara Coeli Staircase offers a thigh-burning ascent to the Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara Coeli (meaning there’s a lot of stairs and your booty will be proud of you for your efforts).

But once you reach the top and enter the basilica, you can admire stunning frescoes, intricate architecture, and a more peaceful ambiance.

Plus, as you’re so high up, there are some stunning views of one of Rome’s oldest areas. Because you haven’t had enough of those views yet!

things to do in rome

Monument of Victor Emmanuel II - Altar of the Fatherland

Dedicated to the first king of Italy (who is buried in the Pantheon), the Monument of Victor Emmanuel II is located between Piazza Venezia and Capitoline Hill (where you just were!). It’s hard to miss with its two bronze statues and white exterior perched high over Rome.

It has an interior museum and some of the best views of Rome throughout. You might also see it called Altar of the Fatherland, or Altare della Patria as it’s said in Italian.

You can also get tickets to the rooftop (reached via elevator) for more views of the city. I think you can get amazing views without buying tickets to the rooftop, but you will get a closer look at the two statues of goddess Victoria that stand tall on either side of the monument.

If you can be at the Altar of the Fatherland at Golden Hour (the hour before sunset), you’re in for some perfect photos.

apertivos in rome

Aperitivo time

It’s time to reward yourself for ALL those staircases and walking you’ve done so far. For a cultural drink, definitely go out for an Aperol spritz. It’s an Italian favorite. 

For something close by and cool, SETTEGRAMMI cafè & lounge has Aperol spritz, wines, light bites, and it’s just a 10 minute walk from the Altar of the Fatherland. Oh, and they also have excellent coffee if you prefer something non-alcoholic.

So, enjoy a bit of slow travel and unwind with a drink before carrying on with your first of your 3 days in Rome. 

3 night trip to rome

Ponte Garibaldi

From there, you’ll be perfectly set up to walk across Ponte Garibaldi, one of the most beautiful bridges in Rome, and be set up to explore Trastevere (which is just across the Tiber River).

It’s much newer, but still pretty old, compared to the bridge you’ll cross on day 2. Ponte Garibaldi was built in 1888 and tomorrow’s bridge is close to 2,000 years old. Pretty crazy to think about.

With this view, you’ll be able to watch river cruises go by as well as different birds like heron, ducks, and gulls.

Don’t forget! You’ll want to have travel insurance for your trip to Italy. I recommend Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing .

trastevere - rome 3 day itinerary

This is a charming, centuries old neighborhood with working class roots and one of the best areas to visit during your three days in Rome.

Walk along the narrow cobbled streets, lined with greenery-covered buildings, local boutiques, craft breweries, and traditional trattorias.

For an unforgettable time on your first night in Rome, experience the lively nightlife around Piazza di San Calisto and Piazza Santa Maria . It’s these areas that make this neighborhood so beloved by locals and visitors alike.

Allow yourself to wander around and get to know this neighborhood for a little while.

Rome Itinerary Day 2 - Vatican City, Historic Districts, Trevi Fountain

Today is another day to get in those steps. So, you might as well kickstart your day with an Italian breakfast near your Rome accommodation and then make your way to Vatican City.

vatican city

Vatican City & the Sistine Chapel

To get to Vatican City, you can walk, which will take about 30 minutes if you’re staying toward the center of Rome, or you can take public transport. Ottaviano-S. Pietro Station is the closest metro line.

Technically a separate country, Vatican City is one of the best places to visit in Rome. It’s cultural, it’s fascinating, and you can check off another country which is pretty cool.

While you’re at Vatican City, be sure to take in Michelangelo’s famous works in the Sistine Chapel. Then,  climb to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica for stunning views of Rome and the Vatican.

There’s also the Gardens of Vatican City, home to a peaceful oasis full of fountains, sculptures, and rare plants. This was something I pleasantly didn’t expect to find.

Tips for visiting Vatican City

Get your tickets in advance! It’s free to enter Vatican City, but the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums do cost. Avoid waiting in lines by reserving your tickets in advance.

Tickets cost €20.00 + €5.00 for skip-the-line access when booking on the Vatican’s website.

For Vatican City,  I also recommend a guided tour  for a truly in-depth experience that makes your visit far more memorable. Either way, definitely make Vatican City part of your Rome three day itinerary.

3 night trip to rome

Castel Sant’Angelo

After you’ve had a nice little religious meets cultural experience in Rome, continue by walking toward Castel Sant’Angelo. This super old castle was built in 135 AD, making it one of the oldest places in Rome.

I don’t think it’s necessary to take a tour of the site unless it has really piqued your interest (I haven’t been inside but that’s not to say it’s no less amazing to see). That being said, my friend loved going inside the castle. There’s a nice cafe with amazing views of Rome and Vatican City.

Here are the tickets if you want to go inside Castel Sant’Angelo.

3 night trip to rome

St. Angelo Bridge

This Tiber River bridge leads right up to Castel Sant’Angelo. So, if you take a photo on the bridge, the castle makes for a really nice background. 

It was also built close to 2,000 years ago. It’s just so incredible to me that something so old can still be standing when modern architecture deteriorates after only a handful of years. Talk about a modern-day scam! Anywho.

Cross the bridge to head back toward the center of Rome.

3 night trip to rome

Campo de' Fiori

One of my favorite places to see in Rome – Campo de’ Fiori is a sprawling square known for its lively market during the day.

Campo de’ Fiori translates to ‘field of flowers’, and the name derived from the Middle Ages when this area was still a meadow covered in wildflowers.

Here you can find all sorts of fresh produce, dry pasta, truffle oils, cheeses, spices, flowers, and so much more. It’s a great place to find souvenirs from Italy.

During the evenings, the square is still very alive with bars and restaurants, so it’s an all-day place to be.

pasta campo dei fiori

Lunch in Campo de' Fiori

Thanks to the restaurant scene in this square, Camp de’ Fiori is a great spot for lunch or even dinner in Roma.

We visited Antica Hostaria Romanesca and the Roman-style pastas were bellissima! It’s also a popular spot for cacio e pepe in Rome – a delicious cheese and black pepper Roman pasta.

However, there are numerous restaurants in Campo de’ Fiori so head wherever calls to you.

While there, pair dishes like pasta alla Carbonara, tonnarelli cacio e pepe, and bucatini all’Amatriciana with a glass of Italian wine while enjoying the vibrant energy of this iconic square.

If you have time, Campo de’ Fiori, Trastevere, and other parts of the city offer up some AMAZING food tours in Rome .

best coffee in rome

Coffee at Sant' Eustachio Caffè

Sant’ Eustachio Caffè is one of the most famous places for coffee in Rome. They roast their beans in house and blend them with water from an ancient aqueduct. Pretty cool, indeed.

It’s only a 6 minute walk from Campo dei’ Fiori and just around the corner from Piazza Navona, so skip the digestivo at lunch and enjoy an afternoon coffee at this famous cafe in Rome. Take home a bag of beans as a souvenir! 

piazza navona

Piazza Navona

With your belly filled, walk around the corner (like 4 minutes away) to Piazza Navona. This is one of the most beautiful squares in Rome, and perhaps my favorite.

It’s very long with a central fountain called La Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (The Fountain of the Four Rivers, with four statues representing the Donau, Ganges, Nile, and Rio de la Plata).

The fountain was designed by sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini during the Baroque period; he was also the mastermind behind baldachin over the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica. 

For a cute hidden gem for book lovers in Rome, around the corner from Piazza Navona is the Fontana dei Libri (Fountain of the Books). It’s small and unassuming but I was so happy when I stumbled upon it. 

pnatheon - itinerary for rome in 3 days

From there, you can quickly arrive at the Pantheon. Your Rome three day itinerary can’t skip this must-visit place!

The Pantheon is one of the best preserved buildings from ancient Rome and it’s one of the best cheap places to visit in Rome. It actually used to be free to visit until July 2023. Now it costs €5 to enter with the option of adding an audio guide.

It’s located in Piazza della Rotonda where you’ll find another gorgeous fountain – because Rome doesn’t have enough of those!

It might be tempting to grab a drink or snack from one of the restaurants in this square, but I don’t recommend it. They are overpriced and low quality overall.

However, if you walk down some nearby streets, you’ll be able to find some terrace restaurants that make for an excellent Aperol Spritz or Americano (cocktail) pit stop. 

Salotto42 is one of the best cocktail bars in Rome that also serves light bites. The outdoor seating area is beautiful and it overlooks Piazza di Pietra with its ancient Roman columns. 

I also recommend Caffè Doria for an upscale place when it’s cold and you don’t want to sit outside.

best gelato in rome

Gelato break

There are so many places to get gelato near the Trevi Fountain. Venchi Cioccolato e Gelato is a very popular option. I always recommend pistachio because for me it’s like a taste test. If the pistachio is good, it’s a good gelato place.

Obviously, choose your favorite gelato and select either a cone or cup. Continue walking around as you enjoy it! This is the Italian way.

However, my friend and I really loved Gelateria Dell’Angeletto. It’s closer to the Colosseum, so that’s why I didn’t mention in this part of your Rome itinerary. Their gelato is perfectly creamy and my Italian friend LOVED that they sold seasonal fruit gelato.

By now, the evening should be approaching which means it’s getting closer to the top time to visit the Trevi Fountain. For real, visiting the Trevi Fontana is one of the best things to do in Rome at night. It’s much more peaceful.

3 night trip to rome

Trevi Fountain

One of the most famous places to visit in Rome, the Trevi Fountain is indeed stunning. The problem is that everyone else seems to think so and it’s one of the most chaotic and touristy places in the city.

If you want to see the Trevi Fountain for the first time and NOT feel overwhelmed and annoyed by the mass scale of people, wait until later in the evening or early, early in the morning.

When I first visited during a 4 day trip to Rome, I saw the fountain in the afternoon and was so blown away by the amount of people that I couldn’t appreciate the experience.

I returned the following night after drinks with people in my hostel and was pleasantly surprised to see it empty save for a couple cozied up at the fountain’s edge.

3 night trip to rome

Dinner at Gli Angeletti

Enjoy a picturesque 15-minute walk from Trevi Fountain as you head toward today’s dinner spot at Gli Angeletti. This Italian restaurant has a traditional vibe and an amazing outdoor patio with lights.

It’s a cute place for a romantic date in Rome or a cozy dinner with friends. They also have Chianti here, which is a really famous wine region, so if you like red wine you can pair it with a pasta dish.

Finish it all off with tiramisu and a digestivo like coffee or a limoncello.

Rome Itinerary Day 3 – Spanish Steps, Villa Borghese, Roman pizza

Your first trip to Rome is almost coming to an end. It’s nearing the end of your Rome three day itinerary. But that’s okay – there’s still so much more to see and do.

Start with breakfast somewhere near your accommodation or visit Trecaffè – Via dei due Macelli  for tasty croissant and a cappuccino closer to the Spanish Steps – the first stop of today’s 3 day Rome itinerary.

rome spanish steps

Spanish Steps

A frequent stop on any Rome walking tour, the Spanish Steps are a lovely way to start the day. Admire the fountain at the square below before heading up the stairs.

It’s hard to say why these steps became so famous, but many say it’s thanks to the 1953 film Roman Holiday, which starred Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.

They lead up the gorgeous Renaissance church Trinità dei Monti, which has a great view of the city. And you’d hope so after walking up all those steps!

borghese gallery

Villa Borghese & Borghese Gallery

From here, you’ll be in close proximity to the lush park of Villa Borghese . This is a fantastic place to escape urban buzz and retreat somewhere a bit more peaceful..

You’ll find a vast park with scenic paths and panoramic views from Pincio Terrace.

It’s also home to the famous Borghese Gallery , where you’ll find an impressive collection of art, including works by Caravaggio and Bernini.

And for more activities to do in Rome, rent a rowboat on the park’s picturesque lake and unwind. It’s such an amazing way to spend your last afternoon in Rome.

You’ll also find some restaurants and cafes in and around Villa Borghese if you want to have lunch in this area.

Tips for visiting the Borghese Gallery

You’ll need a reservation to visit the Borghese Gallery . You can reserve your spot up to 3 months in advance. When you reserve, you’ll have a 2-hour time slot.

The sooner in advance you book, the better chance you’ll have of getting the time you want. Hours are between 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. but last entry is 5:45 p.m.

janiculum hill

Janiculum Hill

If you’re willing to make the trek across the city for a gorgeous golden hour, Janiculum Hill has some of the most breathtaking cityscape views. You’ll be able to see it all as well as the mountains in the distance. 

This spot has a really interesting wall with words on it and it creates a cool foreground with a stunning view of Rome behind it.

The hill also offers a lot of the best secret things to do in Rome, like seeing the lesser-known Fontana dell’Acqua Paola . There’s also a Japanese garden, botanical garden, and a butterfly park here.

Then, Ombre Rosse is a cool place for drinks in Rome’s Janiculum Hill.

If you want to have a unique experience in Rome that’s a bit off the beaten path, I highly recommend Janiculum Hill.

3 night trip to rome

Roman pizza

Make your way back into the heart of the city for pizza on your last night in Rome. I really like the traditional Roman restaurant Non c’è trippa pe’ gatti  OR  Diadema Restaurant  for pizza in Monti. 

Diadema is also close to the Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore , which is a REALLY beautiful basilica worth checking out if you have time. It’s free to enter and open until 6:45 p.m.

At Non c’è trippa pe’ gatti, I had the marinara pizza with oregano, tomato, and garlic and it was so simple yet mega tasty. I paired it with an wine and it hit the spot. Notably, pizza is better served with beer but I’m not feeling beer these days, so wine was the move.

Then, I had a great classic Margherita pizza at Diadema. Both are great choices, so just choose whichever works best with your other plans or where you’re staying.

From there, enjoy one last walk through Rome at night! Gelato encouraged.

3 night trip to rome

Where to Stay in Rome - Three Day Itinerary

When it comes to choosing where to stay during your Rome three day itinerary, you’ve got a few awesome neighborhoods to consider for first-time visitors. Here are some neighborhoods in Rome.

This historic neighborhood is known for its narrow cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lively atmosphere. It’s packed with trendy bars, cozy cafes, and authentic trattorias serving up delicious Roman cuisine.

Plus, it’s right by the Tiber River and within walking distance to major attractions like the Vatican and the Colosseum, making it a convenient base for exploring the city.

Home to many main Roman attractions, stretching from the Colosseum over to the Roman Forum and up toward Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore, Monti is one of Rome’s oldest and most picturesque neighborhoods. For your first time in Rome, it’s a great place to base your trip.

The area is also a hub for art galleries, vintage shops, and hip cafes, perfect for soaking up the local culture. There are some very eye-catching Roman boutiques here too. I found a timeless sun hat at Tina Sondergaard here.

This area can be a little pricier since it’s so central, but it will make walking around the city so much a lot easier.

Relais Monti is a great boutique hotel in Monti, especially if you book a room with a private terrace.

Otherwise, Dimora ai Fori is very close to the Colosseum and has rooms with amazing views of the city. 

Also situated in the historic center of Rome, Campo de’ Fiori is famous for its bustling market by day and nightlife scene.

It’s a great are, surrounded by iconic places, ancient ruins, and landmarks like the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.

Staying in Campo de’ Fiori puts you right in the thick of the action, with plenty of dining, shopping, and sightseeing options at your doorstep.

I stayed in this vacation rental in Campo de’ Fiori during one of my most recent 3 days in Rome. It overlooks the market beautifully!

For a taste of authentic Roman life, head to Testaccio. This working-class neighborhood is famous for its food scene, with lively markets, traditional osterias, and some of the best street food in the city.

It’s also home to the Monte dei Cocci, an artificial hill made entirely of ancient Roman pottery shards. With its local charm and laid-back atmosphere, Testaccio is like a true slice of Roman life away from the tourist crowds.

However, that does mean you’ll be a bit further from the main attractions, so it’s not the best area in Rome for first-time visitors unless you really want to soak up the local life and a slow travel experience.

If you are on a budget in Rome, Termini is an affordable area to stay in. It doesn’t have the same charm as some of the city’s historic neighborhoods, but it does offer convenience and affordability for travelers on a budget.

You’ll find plenty of budget hotels, hostels, and guesthouses in this area, making it a practical choice for those looking to save money on accommodation.

Plus, Termini is well-connected to public transportation, including buses, trams, and trains, making it easy to explore the rest of the city and beyond.

Keep in mind this isn’t the best neighborhood and you might see some homeless people sleeping near the train station here.

Vittoria Garden Suites is a lovely budget-friendly accommodation in Rome.

rome to naples day trip

Extra time? Day trips after Rome Three Day Itinerary

If you have 4 or more days in Rome, you could take a day trip to see more of southern Italy.

You could hop on the fast train that takes only 1 hour 15 minutes from Rome to Naples and spend the day exploring this gem of a city. Naples is more rugged than Rome and I absolutely love it. Just be careful crossing the road and don’t forget to stop for pizza! See my guide on  what to do in Naples  here.

If you want to dive into more historical places, book a day trip from Rome to Pompeii and the ancient remnants that remained after nearby Mount Vesuvius destroyed much of this city in 79 CE.

I love this day tour because it takes you to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast for a perfect day trip from Rome.

If neither of those have caught your fancy and you’re not already heading to northern Italy, please do yourself a favor and book this guided Tuscany tour that includes lunch, a wine tasting, and a tour of the charming Pienza.

If you only have 2 days in Rome

Short and time and still want to make this most of the itinerary for Rome in 3 days? Just skip the itinerary for the 3rd day. I prioritized a lot of the best things to do on days 1 and 2 with day 3 taking you a bit out of the main hub of the city, aside from the Spanish Steps.

You might want to swap out one of the lunch oR  dinner options on the second day so that you can squeeze a Roman-style pizza before you leave.

what to wear in rome

What to wear in Rome

If you are visiting during the peak months or shoulder seasons, you can roughly follow this outline for Rome outfits.

  • Comfortable walking shoes – this is a must, especially for all those cobbled streets. Sneakers and/or sturdy sandals like these Clarks are comfortable and stylish.
  • A flowy dress
  • A lightweight cardigan or jacket
  • Cute casual pants, skort, and/or romper
  • A couple of cute tops to mix and match with your pants
  • A low-key sun hat for May/June (fedora style would be great)
  • This anti-theft bag because Rome is a prime pickpocketing destination.  See my guide on avoiding pickpockets in Europe.
  • A cotton/linen layer for added sun protection + sunscreen
  • A lightweight scarf or cover up when entering basilicas and the Pantheon

must do in rome: best things to do in rome italy

What is the weather like in Rome?

Here’s a quick little rundown of the weather in Rome throughout the year.

Spring (March to May): Spring is usually a lovely time to visit Rome. The weather is mild and pleasant, with temperatures gradually warming up from around 10°C (50°F) in March to the low 20s°C (high 60s°F) by May. You’ll begin to see blooming flowers and outdoor cafes bustling with locals and tourists alike.

Summer (June to August): Summers in Rome can be hot and humid, with temperatures often reaching the high 20s°C to low 30s°C (mid to high 80s°F). July and August are the hottest months in Rome, with occasional heat waves. If you’re coming in July and August, be prepared for crowded tourist sites and higher accommodation prices during this peak tourist season.

Fall (September to November): Fall is another lovely time to see Rome. You can usually expect mild temperatures that range from the high teens°C (mid 60s°F) in September to the low teens°C (low 50s°F) by November. I also love that the city is less crowded compared to the summer months, making it a great time to explore the historic sites and enjoy the outdoors.

Winter (December to February): Winters in Rome are relatively mild compared to other European cities, with temperatures averaging around 10°C (50°F) during the day and dropping to single digits at night. While it’s the coldest time of year, snow is rare and the city comes to life with festive flair in December

To sum it up, Rome has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers, so there’s hardly a bad time to visit. However, each season certainly offers its own unique charm, so the best time to visit depends on your travel style and preferences.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions when planning a 3-day itinerary for Rome.

What area to stay in Rome for three days?

A Rome three day itinerary is enough to see the main sites of Rome, but you’ll want to stay somewhere central to make the most of your time. To do this, stay in the Monti neighborhood, which is near the Colosseum or Campo dei’ Fiori, which puts you very close to Piazza Navona and the Pantheon.

What is the best way to see sights in Rome?

I’m an avid walker when I travel and it’s easily the best way to get to know a city. However, I know some people can’t handle walking upwards of 20 miles in one day to see Rome.

The hop-on hop-off bus in Rome is a great option for 3 days in Rome. It will take you to the main sights and you’ll be able to, as the name suggests, hop off one bus and hop back on another after you’ve visited the attraction.

You can get one, two, or three-day passes. This is convenient because it’s designed to take you to top places to see in Rome, unlike a metro or regular bus route would.

A Rome Travel Pass can also save you money if you are visitng a lot of sights in Rome.

How do I cover Rome and Florence in a 4-day Italy trip?

The fast train will get you from Rome to Florence in just 1.5 hours. If it were me, I’d book 4 nights in Rome and do an overnight in Florence while still keeping my room in Rome.

This assumes you are flying in and out of Rome. If so, do two nights in Rome, take the train up to Florence and stay one night, and then come back to Rome on the final day.

Otherwise, it might be too hectic to do three days in Rome, 1 night in Florence, and then try to take the train back to catch your flight the following morning.

How many days in Rome is enough?

Spending 3 to 5 days in Rome is the perfect amount of time to start getting to know the city. While you could certainly stay longer, if you are just hoping to see the main sites, enjoy some good Italian food, and a couple of cultural activities 3 days will do it.

Stay longer if you want to do a  day trip to Naples or Pompeii .

guide to best things to do in rome

Rome Travel Tips

Before you visit, keep these travel tips in mind to maximize your experience in Italy.

Plan ahead: Rome is a popular tourist destination, so it’s best to plan ahead, especially if you want to do tours of the Colosseum and Vatican City. I always recommend purchasing skip-the-line tickets in advance to save time and avoid pesky long lines.

Bathrooms cost: If you see WC signs, particularly near the Colosseum, Vatican, etc, you will need to pay 1€  in change to use the toilet. However, if you got the Roma City Pass , it’s free.

If you go into a bar and buy a coffee or similar, you can use the toilet there for free.

Dress appropriately for religious sites: When visiting religious sites like churches, the Pantheon, and the Vatican, make sure to dress appropriately by covering your shoulders and avoiding anything too short out of respect.

Comfortable footwear: Like I already touched on, Rome is a city best explored on foot, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Trust me, no matter what you’ll be doing a lot of walking on cobblestone streets and uneven paths.

Public transportation: Rome has a great public transportation system including buses, trams, and the metro. These can be convenient when exploring Rome in 3 days. You might consider purchasing a Roma City Pass for unlimited access to public transportation and discounts on attractions, or doing the Hop-on hop-off bus.

Watch out for pickpockets: Rome has its share of  pickpockets , ranking among the worst in the world (but not as bad as Barcelona!) especially in crowded tourist areas. Stay vigilant, especially in crowded areas, and keep your belongings secure. This anti-theft bag will be really handy, trust me.

Eat like a local: Rome is a foodie’s paradise, so you should totally be indulging in authentic Italian cuisine at local trattorias and street food stalls. Don’t forget to try classic Roman dishes like pasta carbonara, cacio e pepe, and Roman-style pizza.

Stay hydrated: Rome can get hot and humid, especially in the summer months, so be sure to stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle with you and refilling it at public water fountains ( nasoni ) scattered throughout the city. Bring a collapsible water bottle with you for an eco-friendly travel solution.

Siesta time: Many shops and businesses in Rome observe a siesta period in the afternoon, typically between 1:30 p.m. to 4 or 5 p.m., when they close for a few hours. This won’t be a problem when visiting most tourist sites, but if you’re wanting to shop, you might have a harder time finding open boutiques.

Learn some Italian: While many Romans speak English, it’s always fun and respectful to learn a few phrases in the local language. Try out saying “buongiorno” (good morning), “grazie” (thank you), and “prego” (you’re welcome) to feel like a local in Roma.

La Dolce Vita: Last but not least, take the time to soak in the beauty and charm of Rome, whether it’s sipping un caffè on a cobbled street, tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, or wandering down vibrant, vine-covered streets. Embrace “la dolce vita” (sweet life) and savor every moment of your time in the Eternal City! A dream!

Rome is such a fascinating city and I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to visit it on so many occasions. I hope Roma inspires you the way it has me. Enjoy your 3 days in Rome!

And if you are looking for more things to do in Italy, consider checking out some off-the-beaten path destinations like these mountain towns in Abruzzo or the historic city of Padua in Northern Italy.

While Rome is a stand-out city, there is SO much more to Italy than just big names Rome, Florence, and Venice.

So, I hope before or after your 3 day trip to Rome, you can experience more of Italy. It’s one of my favorite countries in the world for many more reasons than just Rome, coffee, and pasta (though those are high contenders). Hehe.

Buon viaggio! Happy travels!

3 night trip to rome

My top travel recommendations ♡

These are a few of my top travel tips that will save you time and money while setting up for an AMAZING trip.

B ooking flights: I can’t get enough of Google Flights . They have a cool feature where you can type in your departure airport and discover where you could fly within a certain budget. Otherwise, you can also compare airports and see what day is best to fly in/out to help you save money and have the most efficient flight path.

T ravel insurance : SafetyWing is my go-to choice for travel medical insurance. They have a global policy that covers 180+ countries. You can visit any doctor, cancel anytime, and you’re even covered for a few weeks after returning to your home country.

Anti-theft bag: To help protect against pickpockets, I like to carry my beloved Travelon bag . It’s slash-resistant, has locked zippers, and is very sleek and functional for traveling abroad.

A ccommodation: I almost exclusively use to find places to stay when traveling. I got tired of all the additional fees from Airbnb and their hosts. Plus, Booking has everything from hotels and hostels to b&bs and entire house/apartment rentals.

Travel Credit Card: I love-love-love my Capital One Venture One credit card. It has a $0 annual fee and no fees when using abroad or paying in a foreign currency. Plus you get 20,000 bonus miles when you spend $500 in your first three months when you get this card .

Tours: I don’t travel on complete tours as I like to travel on my own terms, but I do like to book experiences, walking tours, and excursions through GetYourGuide . They have an amazing line-up of things to do in destinations around the globe. You can also fass a lot of skip-the-line tickets as well.

Picture of Christa Adams

Hi, I’m Christa! Welcome to my sustainable solo travel blog dedicated to inspiring others to travel slowly, embracing a heart-forward and spirited approach to adventure. 

-The Spirited Explorer

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The Intrepid Guide

Rome 3 Day Itinerary: 21 Things to do in Rome in 3 days

From the vatican to the trevi fountain, the colosseum to the pantheon, here is the perfect rome 3 day itinerary (plus hotel & tour tips).

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days

If you’re repeatedly drafting lists of things to do in Rome in 3 days without arriving at the perfect plan, you’ve come to the right spot! The Italian capital is overflowing with attractions that all seem worth exploring, but when you only have 72 hours, the choices can be overwhelming.

Of course, three days in Rome won’t be enough to see everything that it has to offer, but , it is ample time to experience a slice of Roman life and create memories that will last a lifetime. So keep reading and have your notepad ready: this Rome 3 day itinerary promises a whirlwind tour of cultural treasures, artistic masterpieces, and culinary delights, where every moment is sure to be bellissimo !

Are 3 days in Rome enough?

Spending three days in Rome won’t allow you to see everything, but it’s certainly enough to get you hooked. In a city as big and culturally rich as Rome, more days mean more opportunities to dig deeper and explore lesser-known spots. Still, there are lots of great things to do in Rome in 3 days with a well-planned itinerary.

Staying in Rome for 3 days gives you a sufficient amount of time to familiarize yourself with the city, visit its most iconic landmarks, admire great art, and try some local culinary delights. Sure, you won’t have time to meander through every cobblestone alley, nor will you be able to delve into the Roman way of life. But what you will do is leave the city with an insatiable appetite for more, keeping Rome high on your list of places to revisit.

If you have more time, I highly recommend taking a day trip from Rome . There are plenty of charming seaside villages and mountain top towns with gorgeous views to explore.

How to use this 3 day in Rome itinerary

The itinerary you’re about to see is designed to cover three full days in Rome, with a suggested stay of four nights. To get the most out of this plan, please bear in mind the following key points:

  • Early starts are non-negotiable: your time in Rome is short but incredibly intense, thus waking up early isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a must. Not only will you avoid the crowds, but you’ll also experience Rome’s tranquil early hours, just like a local.
  • Opt for skip-the-line tickets for the most popular attractions: time is precious and you don’t want to waste it in endless queues or stuck outside in the scorching summer heat or the humid winter cold.
  • Visit during shoulder seasons: While Rome offers its charms year-round, spring and autumn provide milder weather and fewer crowds, making these seasons ideal for your trip and easier on the wallet.
  • Indulge in Rome’s vibrant street food for lunch to keep things simple and delicious. Come evening, elevate your dining experience with a leisurely meal at an authentic Roman trattoria.
  • Brush up on some basic Italian: While Rome is an international city and most people on the tourist trail speak English, I still recommend learning some basic Italian phrases that will break the ice, show respect and win you some brownie points too!
  • Have more time? Book one of these tours or workshops and get to know the locals while learning about Italian food and culture.

For more, read my Rome travel tips guide and how to save time money and disappointment in Italy.

Watch my Rome travel guide

Where to stay in rome for 3 days.

Map of the Neighbourhoods in Rome

Luxury option: Portrait Rome – If you have the budget to splurge, this stylish retreat on Via Condotti is a stellar choice. It features luxurious suites that pay homage to legendary Italian fashion designer Salvatore Ferragamo, and its rooftop terrace boasts breathtaking views of the Spanish Steps.

Mid-range option: Hotel Damaso – Conveniently located near the Pantheon, this hotel offers rooms that blend elegance with contemporary style. Some even feature their own private terrace. The rooftop cocktail bar serves as an idyllic setting for enjoying an Italian aperitivo .

Budget: Tolomeo B&B – Occupying a historic building in the heart of Trastevere, this B&B is a wonderful budget-friendly accommodation in Rome. It features modern design elements, and the room rate includes a traditional Italian breakfast.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Vista Antica - View of Roman Forum and Colosseum

For a more detailed guide, take a look at my guide on where to stay in Rome , which delves into each of the city’s key neighborhoods and recommends additional accommodations for all budgets. If you’re planning a summer trip, be sure to check out this list of amazing Rome hotels with a pool .

How to move around Rome

Rome’s vast urban landscape is served by a comprehensive transportation network that, while extensive, may not always be the fastest or most reliable. That’s why this list of things to do in Rome in 3 days is designed to cluster attractions that are within walking distance of one another, enabling you to explore different areas on foot each day.

Should you need to use public transportation, a single ticket costs 1.50€ and remains valid for 100 minutes. However, keep in mind that for metro rides, the ticket permits only one entry through the turnstile, although it remains valid for the full 100 minutes on buses and trams.

If you’re planning to rely more heavily on public transportation, multiple pass options are available. One such option is the Metrobus ticket, granting unlimited travel across all modes of public transportation (excluding connections to/from Fiumicino Airport). Prices start at 7€ for 24 hours, 12.50€ for 48 hours, and 18€ for 72 hours, with each time frame starting upon validation. Alternatively, you might consider the Roma Pass, which costs 32€ for 48-hour access and 52€ for 72-hour access, starting from the moment of activation. In addition to unlimited use of public transportation, it also grants free admission to select museums and archaeological sites, as well as various discounts, which we’ll delve into later in the article.

21 things to do in Rome in 3 days

Now that we’ve covered the basics for your trip, let’s delve into all the great things you can see and do during your time in Rome. From fascinating historic landmarks to delectable cuisine, your Roman adventure will be filled with endless opportunities for discovery and pleasure. So get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of the Eternal City!

Rome itinerary day 1: Colosseum and ancient Rome

On the first day of this Rome 3 day itinerary, you’ll dive into the rich history that once placed the Italian capital at the heart of a massive empire stretching across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. That era left behind incredible landmarks that offer not just a glimpse into the lives of emperors, but also a peek into the world of the craftsmen, engineers, and everyday citizens who lived within these monumental settings.

Stop #1: Colosseum (Colosseo)

Unique Things to do in Rome - Michele in front of Colosseum

Beyond its grandeur, the Colosseum was a multi-purpose venue, hosting everything from gladiator fights to exotic animal shows and even public beheadings. The place could pack in up to 80,000 people, with a seating layout that reflected the social divisions of ancient Roman society.

Engineering-wise, the Colosseum was ahead of its time. Built in just 10 years, it’s a testament to the Romans’ exceptional construction skills. It was even equipped with an advanced system that could incorporate different scenic elements into the arena at the drop of a hat. Also, few people know that at times the Colosseum was even filled with water to stage incredible naval battles!

Pro tip: Not all tickets allow access to all areas within the Colosseum. The basic ticket allows entrance to the Colosseum and its exhibition, but if you want to see also the underground passageways where gladiators, animals, and staff were housed, you need to purchase a Colosseum Underground Tour. Between March and December, you can also enjoy a fascinating night visit with this Colosseum under the Moon guided tour.

  • Address: Piazza del Colosseo
  • Nearest metro stop: Colosseo (line B)
  • Opening hours: 9:00AM – 4:30PM from 1 January to 28 February and from 29 October to 31 December; 9:00AM-5:30PM from 1 to 25 March; 9:00AM – 7:15PM from 26 March to 31 August; 9:00AM – 7:00PM from 1 September to 30 September; 9:00AM – 6:30PM from 1 to 28 October; 9:00AM – 4:30PM from 29 October to 31 December
  • Tickets: Adults €18 | EU Citizens (Ages 18-25) €2 | Under 18 Free
  • Online ticket: The only authorized outlets for purchasing tickets are the Colosseum website and CoopCulture . All other websites are resellers.

Recommended guided tours: Official Skip-the-line Colosseum Tour ; Colosseum Express Tour

Stop #2: imperial forum (fori imperiali).

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Vatican City - View of Roman Forum - Fori Imperiali

One of the must-see spots is Caesar’s Forum, named after the legendary Julius Caesar. While you’re there, you can see a temple dedicated to the goddess Venus (Caesar’s family claimed her as their divine ancestor!) and pay homage at Caesar’s tomb, situated at the exact location of his cremation in 44 B.C., after his assassination. The site is often adorned with flowers left by visitors.

Another important site within the Imperial Forum is the tomb of Romulus, founder of Rome and its first king in 753 BC. You’ll know you’ve found it when you see a large piece of black marble, known as the Lapis Niger, marking the spot.

Pro tip: To really get a handle on the ins and outs of the different areas, you should definitely take a guided tour with an expert. This will not only shine a light on the incredible history behind the ruins you’ll see, but it’ll also keep younger explorers totally engrossed in the wonders of ancient Rome. Recommended tours are listed below.

  • Address: Via dei Fori Imperiali
  • Tickets: The visit to the Imperial Forum is included in a comprehensive ticket, which also grants access to the Colosseum and Palatine Hill. Adults €18 | EU Citizens (Ages 18-25) €2 | Under 18 Free

Recommended guided tours: Colosseum and Roman Forum Guided Tour ; Skip the line – Gladiator Arena and Colosseum with Imperial Forum

Stop #3: the palatine hill (palatino).

What is Ferragosto in Italy - View from Palatine Hill

Over time, the Palatine Hill evolved into an upscale residential neighborhood for Rome’s high society, attracting emperors and illustrious personalities like Catullus, and Cicero, all wanting a piece of this prestigious neighborhood. The hill became so synonymous with luxury that its name, “Palatium” evolved into a modern word we use today for a grand and opulent residence.

As you explore the historic remnants of places like Domus Flavia, Domus Augustea, and the Temple of Apollo Palatine, you can almost feel the past splendor that once emanated from this area. Plus, the views of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum from up here are absolutely jaw-dropping! If you have time, book your ticket to visit Domus Aurea , Nero’s sunken golden palace located opposite the Colosseum.

Pro tip: Nestled atop Palatine Hill, you’ll find a hidden gem known as the Horti Farnesiani. This stunning Renaissance garden was commissioned by Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the grandson of Pope Paul III, who drew inspiration from the ancient Roman horti to create this breathtaking space as a homage to his family’s growing influence and power.

  • Tickets: The visit to the Palatine Hill is included in a comprehensive ticket, which also grants access to the Colosseum and the Imperial Forum. Adults €18 | EU Citizens (Ages 18-25) €2 | Under 18 Free

Recommended guided tours: Ultimate Colosseum Tour, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill ; Ultimate Colosseum And Palatine Hill

Stop #4: campidoglio.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Il Campidoglio

After falling into neglect during the Middle Ages, it got a face-lift in the 16th century when Pope Paul III hired Michelangelo to redesign the square in preparation for Emperor Charles V’s visit. Now, the square is framed by three stunning buildings: Palazzo Senatorio, the seat of Rome’s City Hall, and Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo that are home to the Capitoline Museums – the world’s oldest public museums. Their collections include Bernini’s Medusa, a remarkable floor mosaic from Villa Adriana in Tivoli, the iconic bronze she-wolf nursing Romulus and Remus, and the original equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose replica commands the square’s center.

Pro tip: If you make it to the top floor of the Capitoline Museums, don’t miss the Terrazza Caffarelli , offering panoramic views and even has a cozy café. There’s a separate entrance located directly on the square, allowing you to enjoy the terrace without necessarily visiting the museums.

  • Address: Piazza del Campidoglio
  • Opening hours: The square is always open. The Capitoline Museums can be visited every day from 9:30AM to 7:30PM.
  • Tickets: Visiting Piazza del Campidoglio is free. If you wish to visit the Capitoline Museums, tickets are: Adults €16 | Citizens (Ages 6-25) €14 | Under 6 Free. They can be purchased at the ticket counter or booked in advance through the dedicated Call Centre 060608

Consider these guided tours: Capitoline Museum Experience with Multimedia Video ; Capitol Hill and Capitoline Museums – Skip the line Private Tour

Stop #5: vittoriano (altare della patria).

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - il Vittoriano in Piazza Venezia

Drawing inspiration from the great temples and sanctuaries of classical antiquity, the Vittoriano features several notable elements. A massive staircase ascends to the Altar of the Fatherland, crowned by a huge portico adorned with bronze chariots symbolizing Italy’s Freedom and Unity.

Below the Goddess Roma statue lies the tomb of the Unknown Soldier honoring the countless soldiers who fell during wartime and remain unidentified. Dominating the scene is an enormous bronze equestrian statue of Vittorio Emanuele II, so big that they once had a 20-person dinner party inside it to celebrate finishing the monument! Within the Vittoriano, you’ll also find the Museum of the Risorgimento, packed with cool artifacts and historic documents from Italy’s rich history.

best views of Rome - Il Vittoriano Terrace - Monument Vittorio Emanuele II

  • Address: Piazza Venezia
  • Opening hours: 9:30AM – 7:30PM from Monday to Sunday and also 7:30AM to 10:30PM on Fridays and Saturdays until September 16. The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier takes place every hour.
  • Tickets: Entrance to the Vittoriano is free. Entrance to Terrazza Panoramica del Vittoriano and to il Museo Centrale del Risorgimento requires a ticket that can be bought here : Adults €16 | EU Citizens (Ages 18-25) €3 | Under 18s free. Admission is free on the first Sunday of the month.

Stop #6: Mouth of the Truth (La Bocca della Verità)

Walk down Via del Teatro Marcello for about 10 minutes and you’ll arrive at the Church of Santa Maria di Cosmedin where, hidden beneath a portico, lies Rome’s legendary Mouth of Truth. Thanks to its star appearance in the movie “Roman Holiday,” this massive marble face is famous around the globe.

Though it’s been sitting there since 1632, legend has it that it’s actually way older and dates back to ancient Rome, when it was probably just a simple manhole cover. Back then, these manhole covers often had carvings of river deities to symbolize their role in channeling rainwater toward the sea.

The marble face got its mysterious name, Mouth of Truth, during the medieval era. According to local lore, jealous husbands would bring their wives here because the mythical mouth was believed to chomp off the hand of anyone who wasn’t telling the truth!

Pro tip: Don’t just stop at the Mouth of Truth but make sure you explore inside the church too. You won’t want to miss the stunning floor mosaics or the special reliquary that holds the skull of Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers!

  • Address: Piazza della Bocca della Verità, 18
  • Nearest metro stop: Circo Massimo (line B)
  • Opening hours: every day 9:30AM – 1:00PM and 2:00PM – 5:50PM (time may vary depending on the church)
  • Tickets: €2 to take photos at the Mouth of the Truth

Consider these guided tours: Origins of Rome Tour: Mouth of Truth Circus Maximus Forum Boarium and Local Guide

Stop #7: circus maximus.

Just a stone’s throw away from the Mouth of Truth, you’ll find Circus Maximus, an incredible ancient Roman stadium that’s been around since the 2nd century BCE. While only a few remnants of its original structure are still standing, Circus Maximus remains an amazing example of what Roman engineers could accomplish. Often celebrated as the biggest stadium ever constructed, it could hold 250,000 people, making the Colosseum look tiny in comparison.

The Circus Maximus was built to host all sorts of games and athletic showdowns, and it continues to be a popular gathering place to this day, hosting concerts and big public events. It also holds a controversial spot in the annals of Roman history as the setting of the Rape of the Sabine Women, where Romulus and his soldiers abducted women from nearby Sabine tribes to populate the city he had just founded.

Pro tip: If you’re curious about what this massive stadium used to look like back in the day, you should definitely check out the Circo Maximo Experience , a 40-minute tour that uses virtual and augmented reality to really bring the past to life!

  • Address: Via del Circo Massimo
  • Opening hours: The park is open to the public at all times. The Archeological area is open everyday except Mondays 9:30AM – 4:00PM (from the last Sunday of October to the last Saturday of March), 9:30AM – 7:00PM (from the last Sunday of March to the last Saturday of October)
  • Tickets: Access to the park is free. Tickets to visit the archeological area can be purchased here or onsite and cost: Adults €5 | EU Citizens (Ages 6-25) €4 | Under 6 free. Admission is free on the first Sunday of the month. Tickets for the Circo Massimo Experience cost €12 or free for children under 6 and can be purchased here .

Consider these guided tours: Virtual Reality Race Game at Circus Maximus

Stop #8: rione monti.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Roman Columns in Monti

The neighborhood is packed with everything from wine bars and top-notch eateries for all budgets, to unique artisan shops and art galleries. The heart of all the action is Piazza della Madonna dei Monti, while key landmarks include the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano – often called ‘the mother of all churches’ – and the nearby Holy Stairs, which are said to be the steps Jesus climbed the day he was sentenced to death.

Pro tip: Often overlooked, the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rione Monti houses Michelangelo’s stunning sculpture of Moses as well as the sacred reliquary containing the chains that bound St. Peter in Jerusalem.

Nearest metro stop: Cavour (line B)

Consider these guided tours: Wine Tasting Tour in Rome around Rione Monti ; Rione Monti Food, Wine and Sightseeing Tour of Rome

Rome itinerary day 2: the vatican and trastevere.

Fun Facts of Italy - Vatican City is the smallest country in the world

Stop #1: Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Early access Inside Vatican Museums - Statue of Laocoön and His Sons

Although it was Pope Clement XIV who made these splendid museums accessible to the public in 1771, the Vatican Museums owe their genesis to Pope Julius II, who laid their foundation in 1506. Highlights include the Gallery of Maps, filled with incredibly detailed 16th-century maps of Italy, and Raphael Rooms, where you can see Raphael’s legendary fresco “The School of Athens.”

rome tips and tricks - visit the vatican museum in the afternoon

Pro tip: on the last Sunday of each month, it is possible to visit the Vatican Museums for free. Not only that, but you can also buy a guided tour at a special price.

  • Address: Viale Vaticano
  • Nearest metro stop: Ottaviano or Cipro (line A)
  • Opening hours: 9:00AM – 6:00PM from Monday to Saturday, and 9:00AM – 2:00PM every last Sunday of the month, unless it coincides with a Christian holiday. Extended hours are available from May 5th to October 28th: until 10:30PM on Fridays and until 8:00PM on Saturdays.
  • Tickets: Adults €17 | EU Citizens (Ages 6-18 and students up to 25) €8 | Under 6 free. Free on the last Sunday of the month. They can be purchased here .

Consider these guided tours: Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel Tour in Vatican City ; VIP Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel Experience ; Vatican Museums Early Group Tour

Stop #2: st peter’s basilica and its dome.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Inside St Peter's Basilica in Vatican City the biggest cathedral in the world

Once you step inside, you’ll be blown away by the art and religious artifacts. You can’t miss Michelangelo’s breathtaking Pietà, or Bernini’s lavishly designed baldachin that sits right over St. Peter’s final resting place. There’s also a bronze statue of St. Peter, and people say if you touch its right foot, it will bring you good luck.

Unique Things to do in Rome - Il Passetto from the Vatican

Pro tip: Right beneath the basilica, you’ll find the Vatican Grottoes where 22 popes are laid to rest. Plus, this underground space is your gateway to the ancient necropolis and the tomb of St. Peter, the holiest spot in the church basilica.

  • Address: Piazza San Pietro
  • Nearest metro stop: Ottaviano (line A)
  • Opening hours: 7:00AM-7:10PM (1 April-30 September) and 7:00AM-6:30PM (1 October-31 March)
  • Tickets: Entry to St Peter’s free. Climbing to the top of its dome requires a ticket that can be purchased onsite: €10 (lift + 320 steps) | €8 (551 steps)

Consider these guided tours: The Original Entire Vatican Tour & St. Peter’s Dome Climb ; Complete St Peters Basilica Tour with Dome Climb & Crypt ; Meet Pope Francis at St Peter square Vatican City

Stop #3: castel sant’angelo.

Unique Things to do in Rome - Castel Sant'Angelo

The castle got its name, Sant’Angelo, from a vision that Pope Gregory the Great had in 590 AD. He saw the Archangel Michael putting away his sword on top of the fortress, signaling the end of the terrible plague that had afflicted Rome. Now a museum open to the public, the castle features maze-like hallways and dark, mysterious rooms that hide fascinating tales of imprisoned heretics, concealed treasures, and clandestine meetings.

The castle has a terrace that’s crowned by a statue of the Archangel Michael—the very figure Pope Gregory is said to have seen ending the plague all those years ago – and offers a panoramic view of Rome.

Pro tip: the Vatican City is connected to Castel Sant’Angelo by an elevated passageway called Passetto del Borgo, which allowed popes to escape to the castle during times of danger. This passage can be visited exclusively with a Visita guidata al Castello Segreto.

  • Address: Lungotevere Castello, 50
  • Opening hours: 9:00AM – 7:30PM from Monday to Sunday
  • Tickets: Adults €15 | EU citizens aged 18-25 €2 | Under 18 free

Consider this guided tour: Castel Sant’Angelo Small Group Tour with Fast Track Entrance

Stop #4: trastevere.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Bar in Trastevere

Pro tip: If you’ve got some energy left, consider a brief hike to the Janiculum Terrace, about 15 minutes from the Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere. There, you’ll get to see a stunning sunset over Rome and a sweeping vista that stretches all the way from the Colosseum to St. Peter’s Basilica.

Nearest metro stop: There’s no convenient metro stop to reach Trastevere; it’s best to go there on foot or by bus or tram (for example line H from Termini Station or line 8 from Piazza Venezia).

Consider these guided tours: Trastevere Food Tour ; Trastevere at Sunset: Rome Food and Wine Tour ; Trastevere Guided Walking Tour

Rome itinerary day 3: the historic center.

On your last day in Rome, you’ll explore the city’s most renowned landmarks and must-visit attractions situated in its historic core. This day will also take you to areas full of local stores and boutiques, offering you the perfect occasion for a shopping spree before leaving the city.

Stop #1: Trevi Fountain

Best Time to Visit Italy - Best time for sightseeing - Trevi Fountain in Rome in May

Pro tip: Did you know that you can actually explore the hidden underground rooms of the fountain? It’s a cool way to dive into its history and see how it works. Tickets can be purchased here .

  • Address: Piazza di Trevi
  • Tickets: free
  • Nearest metro stop: Barberini (line A)

Consider these guided tours: Trevi Fountain and Hidden Gems Walking Tour in Rome ; Small-Group Express Tour of Trevi Fountain with Underground

Stop #2: piazza di spagna.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Piazza di Spagna Spanish Steps

The square is also home to the stunning Barcaccia Fountain. Created by Pietro Bernini and his superstar son, Gian Lorenzo, back in the early 1600s. This fountain is designed to look like a sinking boat, a nod to the River Tiber’s habit of overflowing its banks.

From Piazza di Spagna, you can explore some of Rome’s most prestigious streets – Via Condotti, Via del Babuino, and Via Borgognona. The square itself is surrounded by some amazing historical buildings, such as the lovely Babington’s Tea Room or the Giorgio De Chirico House Museum , which showcases the artist’s works and tools, houses a valuable collection of the artist’s paintings and tools. If you’re into English literature, the building to the right of the Spanish Steps is where the poet John Keats spent his last days and is now the Keats-Shelley Memorial House !

Best Hotels in Rome near Spanish Steps - Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti

  • Nearest metro stop: Spagna (line A)

Consider these guided tours: Your Own Private Photoshoot at Spanish Steps ; Best of Rome Including Trevi, Pantheon and Spanish Steps

Stop #3: piazza del popolo.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Piazza del Popolo

As you wander around, you’ll find street vendors selling all sorts of souvenirs, musicians jamming out, and artists busy sketching people’s portraits. Adding to the square’s allure are three beautiful churches: Santa Maria del Popolo, home to a couple of Caravaggio’s masterpieces, and the twin sisters – Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto. The latter has earned the nickname ‘the artists’ church’ because it’s often chosen to host funerals within the artistic community.

The square’s aesthetic is further enriched by three fountains: the Fountain of the Goddess Roma, the Fountain of Neptune, and the Fountain of the Lions. The latter notably features the majestic Obelisk of Ramses II, a relic of war that was brought to Rome from Egypt around 10 BCE.

Pro tip: Adjacent to the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo is the Da Vinci Museum , a fascinating venue that displays the sketches, inventions, and narratives celebrating the genius of Leonardo da Vinci.

Nearest metro stop: Flaminio or Spagna (line A)

Stop #4: Pincio terrace and Villa Borghese

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Terrazza del Pincio

The park was commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese back in the 1600s. He was a big deal in the art world and wanted to show off his family status with this big park. But don’t think it’s just about the views. Villa Borghese features several museums, a cute little lake where rowboats can be rented during the warmer months, and even Italy’s oldest zoo, the Bioparco di Roma. You’ll also find one of the world’s tiniest cinemas – the Cinema dei Piccoli – and a faithful replica of the Globe Theatre in London.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Lake in Villa Borghese

Pro tip: If you happen to visit in the summer, visit Satyrus, the park’s seasonal summer bar located right in front of the National Gallery of Modern Art. It’s a beautiful spot!

  • Address: Piazzale Napoleone I
  • Time: The park is open from dawn to sunset. The Galleria Borghese is open 9:00AM-7:00PM from Tuesday to Sunday.
  • Tickets: The park is free to visit. Tickets for the Galleria Borghese can be purchased here and cost: Adults €13 | EU citizens (ages 18-25) €2 | Under 18 free

Consider these guided tours: Small Group Gallery Borghese Tour with Skip-the-Line Admission ; Skip-the-Line: Villa Borghese Gallery & Gardens Guided Tour ; Villa Borghese Bike Tour ;  Borghese Gallery Skip-the-Line Ticket and Golf Cart Ride

Stop #5: via del corso and galleria alberto sordi.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Via del Corso

Via del Corso has a rich history too and boasts some interesting sights. For instance, the building at number 18 is where the German poet Goethe stayed when he was in Rome. Now it’s a museum – the only German museum outside Germany!

As you walk further, you’ll come across the Alberto Sordi Gallery, an elegant complex named after the legendary Italian actor, with a curated selection shops and cafes as well as refined Art Nouveau architecture.

Good to know : While many are drawn to Via del Corso for its retail allure, this street is also dotted with grand palaces and churches worth exploring. If you’ve got some extra time, make sure to check out the Galleria Doria Pamphilj, which houses a collection of masterpieces by artists such as Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, Guercino, and Velazquez.

Nearest metro stops: Spagna or Barberini (line A)

Stop #6: Church of Sant’Ignazio da Loyola

Proceed down Via del Corso and make a right onto Via del Carovita to check out the Church of Sant’ Ignazio da Loyola. Built in the 17th century, this Baroque gem is so beautiful that it has the power to humble even the most eloquent among us. It’s a tribute to Ignazio da Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, and it perfectly embodies the intellectual depth, spiritual richness, and commitment the Jesuits are known for.

While the exterior looks pretty low-key, the interior is a feast of polychrome marble, intricate stucco work, and sumptuous painted decorations that together create an atmosphere of lavish grandeur. The highlight is the breathtaking ceiling fresco by Jesuit artist Andrea Pozzo. He was a whiz at perspective and even painted a fresco that fools you into thinking you’re looking at a dome, though there isn’t actually one there.

Pro tip: Look for the mirror on the main aisle that lets you take in all the intricate details of the painted ceiling – it’s great for snapping beautiful photos, too!

  • Address: Via del Caravita, 8a
  • Time: every day 9:00AM-8:00PM
  • Tickets: Free
  • Nearest metro stop: Barberini (Line a)

Consider this guided tour: Wonders of Rome Walking Tour

Stop #7: pantheon.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Pantheon

Just a 3-minute walk from the Church of Sant’Ignazio da Loyola, you’ll find the Pantheon – an architectural gem with a history spanning two millennia. Initially built as a temple dedicated to all gods – which is what the term “Pantheon” means – it later became a Roman Catholic church.

What makes the Pantheon stand out is its massive freestanding dome, the largest of its kind in the world. The dome has a marvellous feature called the “Oculus,” a hole at the top that’s the building’s only source of natural light. Also, the Pantheon’s height and diameter are the same, making it a perfect geometric sphere! This has inspired countless artists and architects over the years. Even Michelangelo was so blown away by its beauty that he said it must’ve been designed by angels.

The Pantheon is still an active church where masses are held. It’s also the final resting place for illustrious figures like the artists Raphael and Annibale Carracci, as well as Italian kings Vittorio Emanuele II and Umberto I.

Pro tip: Every year, during the feast of Pentecost, a spectacular event takes place. Right at the end of the Mass, the Pantheon’s interior gets showered with rose petals falling from the Oculus, creating an absolutely magical show.

  • Address: Pizza della Rotonda

Nearest metro: Barberini (line A)

  • Opening hours: 9:00AM – 7:00PM
  • Tickets: Adults €5 | EU Citizen (Ages 18-25 €3 | Under 18 free

Consider these guided tours: Pantheon Guided Tour ; Pantheon Elite Tour

Stop #8: piazza navona.

3 night trip to rome

What truly defines Piazza Navona are its stunning fountains. At the center is Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers, which faces Borromini’s richly decorated Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone. To the south, you’ll find the Fontana del Moro, featuring a statue of a Moor wrestling with a dolphin, and at the northern end, the Neptune Fountain presents an epic battle with sea creatures.

The atmosphere in Piazza Navona is perpetually vibrant, with artists sketching portraits, musicians playing, and children running around. The whole scene is framed by ice-cream shops and cafes where you can sit outside and just soak up the lively Roman atmosphere.

Pro tip: Underneath the square, you can explore an awesome archaeological site that’s got remnants of the ancient Stadium of Domitian. It’s an excellent way to see how this area has changed, layer by layer, over the years. Get your tickets here.

Consider this guided tour: Private Express Tour of Navona Square with Underground

Stop #9: largo argentina and rome’s cat sanctuary.

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - See where Caesar was killed in Largo di Torre Argentina

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the area fell into disrepair and was eventually buried beneath layers of sediment and debris. The ruins remained undiscovered for centuries until they were unearthed in the 1920s during construction work. Interestingly, the name “Largo Argentina” is not connected to the country of Argentina; it originates from one of the area’s early residents—a papal envoy from a German town originally known in Latin as Argentoratum.

At the corner between Largo di Torre Argentina and Largo Arenula, you’ll find Rome’s famous cat sanctuary , which serves as a refuge for the city’s stray cats. It’s run by a group of dedicated volunteers, which once included the famous actress Anna Magnani. You are welcome to visit the shelter and even adopt a cat!

Pro tip: Although you can view all the temples from the street for free, as of June 2023, the site has been made publicly accessible through a new ramp leading down to the archaeological area. This allows you to see fascinating details not visible from street level. Entrance is from Via di San Nicola de’ Cesarini and €5 tickets can be purchased online here . The site is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM between the end of March and the end of October, and from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM between the end of October and the end of March.

Stop #10: The Turtle Fountain and the Jewish Ghetto

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Jewish Ghetto - Teatro Marcello

A few steps along Via della Reginella take you to Rome’s historic Jewish Ghetto, the world’s second oldest after Venice’s. Founded in 1555, the area is rich in history and culture. In addition to landmarks associated with Jewish history, such as the Great Synagogue and the Jewish Museum of Rome, you can also explore important Roman archaeological sites. These include the Theater of Marcellus, an ancient open-air theater that predates the Colosseum, and the Portico d’Ottavia, which Emperor Augustus built for his sister and later became a large fish market during the Medieval period.

Pro tip: One of the best reasons to visit the Jewish Ghetto today is for its culinary delights. Don’t miss the chance to sample the torta ricotta e visciole (a tart made with sour cherries and ricotta) from Forno Boccione.

Stop #11: Campo de Fiori

Rome 3 Day Itinerary - Things to do in Rome in 3 days - Market in Campo dei Fiori

Since its establishment in the 15th century, Campo de’ Fiori has seen its fair share of highs and lows. Dominating the scene is the statue of Giordano Bruno, which stands as a reminder of the philosopher’s public execution for heresy in 1600. Yet, despite its gory past, this square has evolved over the centuries into a lively focal point of commerce and social interaction.

While in the morning it hosts colorful stalls selling fresh produce and local delicacies (7AM-2PM, Monday to Saturday), once the sun sets, the square transforms into a hub of Roman nightlife. Trattorias, pizzerias, and wine bars encircle the piazza, each providing a haven for gastronomes. It’s a prime location for people-watching, given the eclectic crowd ranging from exuberant students and tourists snapping photos, to artists quietly capturing the scene and locals going about their daily lives.

Pro Tip: In Campo de’ Fiori you’ll find Cinema Farnese , one of Rome’s oldest cinemas dating back to the 1930s. Once a venue for theatrical performances, it now screens new releases and hosts indie film festivals. Plus, it’s one of the few places in Rome where you can watch movies in their original language.

Nearest metro: Spagna (Line A)

Consider these guided tours: Jewish Ghetto and Campo Dè Fiori By Night Food, Wine and Sightseeing Tour ; Rome Food Tour by Night in the Jewish Ghetto and Campo Marzio with Wine Tasting ; Roman Evening Food and Wine Tour in the Jewish Ghetto and Campo Marzio

The roma pass: is it worth it.

The Roma Pass is the city’s official tourist card. Depending on the type of pass you opt for—either the 48-hour version for €32 or the 72-hour version for €52—you gain complimentary access to either one or two museums or archaeological sites from a specified list. Additionally, the card provides discounted entry to other participating sites, unlimited travel on Rome’s public transit system (excluding all connections to/from Fiumicino airport), and access to all public restrooms in the P.Stop network. The pass also includes several other special discounts and promotional offers.

Since the Roma Pass doesn’t include the Vatican attractions in its list, the Omnia Card might be a better fit. Available for 72 hours at a cost of €149 for adults and €69 for children aged 6 to 17, this card provides all features of the 72-hour Roma Pass, plus fast-track entry to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel, hop-on, hop-off bus tours, and multilingual V&R audio guides. There is also a 24-hour version of the Omnia Card priced at €69 for adults and €49 for children, which solely provides priority entrance, omitting other extras like audio guides and multimedia tools.

While both cards are very popular, they may not always offer the best value and it’s always best to compare what they include with your sightseeing agenda. Take this 3-day Rome itinerary as an example: you may want to skip these cards, since you won’t be making extensive use of public transportation and most of the attractions you’ll visit are either free or best experienced through a guided tour, which neither tourist cards include.

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Don’t miss these Italy travel guides

  • 33 Italy Travel Tips That Will Save You Time, Money and Disappointment
  • Best Time to Visit Italy // PLUS Tips to Avoid Crowds and SAVE $$$
  • Rome Tips and Tricks: 27 Things You Should Know Before You Go to Rome
  • 21 Best Things to Do in Venice, Italy (From Rooftop Views to Private Tours)
  • Top 10 Things to Do in Rome That Aren’t On Your List
  • Top 10 Absolute Best Views of Rome That Will Blow Your Mind
  • Domus Aurea: Visit Rome’s Secret Hidden Palace
  • Self-Guided Trastevere Walking Tour: Where to See Rome’s Most Beautiful Streets
  • 12 BEST Things to do in Burano, Italy (Tips from a Local Guide)
  • Absolute Best Things to do in Verona, Italy | 26 Must-See Attractions
  • Top 7 Authentic Tours and Experiences in Rome [Run by Locals]
  • Lakes, Mountains & Castles: 21 Best Things to do in Trento, Italy
  • Italy Fun Facts: 126 Unique Things You Didn’t Know About Italy
  • 29 Amazing Day Trips from Rome By Train, Car & Guided Tour
  • Where to Stay in Rome | Best Hotels and Best Neighborhoods to Stay in Rome
  • Where to Stay in Verona: Best Hotels in Verona Neighbourhoods
  • Where to Stay in Venice | Best Hotels in Venice for Every Budget
  • 27 Best Things to Do in Trieste, Italy (PLUS Map, BEST Tours & Day Trips)
  • THE 15 BEST Hotels in Trieste, Italy [2023 Edition]
  • What it’s like Staying at DoubleTree by Hilton Trieste

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Rome 3 Day Itinerary - 21 Things to do in Rome in 3 days

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3 night trip to rome

Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. Get her free guide 9 reasons you’re not fluent…YET & how to fix it! Planning a trip? Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today!

12 BEST Things to do in Ostuni, Puglia | The White City

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Itinerary: 3 Days in Rome

3 Days in Rome: What to See and Do

3 night trip to rome

 TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre 

Rome is a popular travel destination in Italy full of popular tourist attractions . Today's Rome is a vibrant and lively city with reminders of its past everywhere. You'll encounter ancient Roman sites, medieval and Renaissance buildings and fountains, great museums, and beautiful squares. The city is a living museum of history from Roman times to present. It also boasts many fine restaurants, cafes, and good nightlife too.

Prior to the first full day, you will check into your hotel. Take some time to wander around the neighborhood near your hotel. Although Rome is a huge city, its historic center is small, making it easy to walk. If you want to see more of the city, take public bus number 110 (from the train station or ask your hotel for the closest stop). Riding on this bus is an inexpensive way to get a good overview of Rome.

For a more in-depth and personalized introduction to the city, book a walking tour. You'll see top sights such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Arch of Constantine, Palatine Hill, Spanish Steps, Trinita dei Monti church, Trevi Fountain and more.

Also check out recommendations for our favorite hotels in Rome: Overall , Budget , and Boutique .

Tip: If you like using physical maps, buy the Rome Transportation Map at a newsstand or tourist shop. It's a good map and if you want to take a bus or the metro, it will be very useful. You might also want to buy a Rome Pass or Discount Card to use on transportation and admissions.

Day 1: The Glories of Ancient Rome, Trevi Fountain, and Dinner near the Pantheon

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

On your first full day in Rome, visit Ancient Rome 's best monuments and ruins.

Palatine Hill and Colosseum

The Roman Colosseum, Ancient Rome's huge amphitheater, was built in between 70 and 82 AD as a venue for gladiatorial and wild animal fights. Today it's one of the best and most popular monuments of Ancient Rome. Check out ways to avoid the long ticket line and Rome Passes and Cards for discounts on admissions.

Nearby you can visit the excavations and museum on the Palatine Hill, home to Roman emperors and aristocrats, also included with the Colosseum ticket.

Tip: On Sunday, the Via dei Fori Imperiali leading to the Colosseum is closed to traffic, making a nice place to walk.

The Roman Forum

The Roman Forum , a huge complex of ruined temples, basilicas, and arches, was the ceremonial, legal, social, and business center of ancient Rome. Give yourself at least two hours to wander around. 

Trevi Fountain and Gelato Break

Now you'll try what many consider the best gelato in Rome at  San Crispino on Via Panetteria near the Trevi Fountain. Then see the magnificent Trevi fountain , completed in 1762. Toss a coin in the fountain to ensure your return to Rome.

Pantheon and Dinner

The Pantheon, the best-preserved building of ancient Rome, has a spectacular dome and free admission, closes at 7 pm. For dinner try Armando al Pantheon, in a street to the right of the Pantheon as you're facing it. (Salita de' Crescenzi, 31, closed Saturday evening and Sunday and part of August). After dinner, splurge on a drink outside in the Pantheon's lively Piazza di Rotonda .

Tip: Bars and cafes charge more to sit outside but it's worth it if you stay awhile and enjoy the ambiance.

Day 2: Capotiline Hill Museums, Rome Neighborhoods, and Traditional Cuisine

TripSavvy / Stella Levantesi 

Today you visit a few of Rome's neighborhoods and museums and sample the traditional Roman cuisine.

Campo dei Fiori, Trastevere, and Jewish Ghetto

Campo dei Fiori is alive in the mornings with a market and flower vendors so it makes an interesting start to your day. From there wander along the Tiber River to Ponte Sisto, cross the Tiber to the Trastevere neighborhood and visit the church of Santa Maria in Trastevere , Rome's first Christian church. Cross back to the other side and continue to the Jewish Ghetto . There are several places to sample Rome's interesting Jewish cuisine in the Ghetto.

Tip: If you're up early and want good photos of Piazza Navona, start the itinerary there, before the tourists arrive. Then continue to Campo dei Fiori .

Capitoline Hill Museums

From the busy Piazza Venezia, a transport hub and home to the Vittorio Emanuele Monument, go up to the Capitoline Hill , where you will have a fabulous view of the Roman Forum. The piazza was designed by Michelangelo and the museums are the oldest in the world. Palazzo Nuovo has Greek and Roman sculptures and Palazzo dei Conservatori has art galleries, sculptures, and frescoes. 

Testaccio District

Tonight, go to the  Testaccio District by taxi, bus 75 or the metro. You'll want to make a reservation for dinner at Checchino dal 1887, a very nice restaurant serving old Roman cuisine. The Testaccio District has several good nightclubs if you want to go out after dinner.

Tip: Be alert for pickpockets on the Metro and in crowds.

Day 3: Rome's Catacombs, the Ancient Appian Way, Piazza Navona and Tartufo

Today we visit the Ancient Appian Way, catacombs, and Piazza Navona with optional shopping. Day 3 Alternative : A visit to Vatican City (technically not in Rome as it is a separate country) to see Saint Peter's Square and Basilica and the Vatican Museums could be taken instead of going to Via Appia Antica. Be sure to book your Vatican Museum tickets or tour in advance.

Via Appia Antica and Catacombs

The  Via Appia Antica , the major road of the ancient Roman Empire, is now a regional park, Parco Regionale Dell'Appia Antica. Take bus 118 or 218 to visit the catacombs of San Callisto, the largest and most impressive of the catacombs . Then walk or rent a bike and ride along the ancient road, lined with tombs, monuments, and churches. A beautiful place for lunch is the Cecilia Metella Restaurant , especially when it is nice and you can sit on the patio.

Tip: You can buy bus tickets at newsstands or tabacchi. Validate the ticket in the little machine when you board the bus. If you say catacombs, someone will tell you when to get off .

Spanish Steps and Shopping

If you have time in the afternoon, go to  Piazza del Popolo and walk along Via del Corso , the main shopping street. Turn onto Via Condotti and follow it to the Spanish Steps. Window-shopping and people-watching is good in this area and won't hurt your budget.

It's fun to try a restaurant you've discovered on your own and after three days of walking around Rome, you've probably found something you'd like to try.

Piazza Navona and Tartufo

In the evening,  Piazza Navona is a great place to continue your people-watching as well as see the three lavish Baroque fountains. The much-touted ice-cream dessert, tartufo , is said to have originated here—you can try it outside at the Tre Scalini for a splurge or go inside and get a tartufo to go for less.

Extra Days: Suggestions for More Places to Go in and Around Rome

If you have more than three days in Rome, there are plenty of things to keep you occupied. Here are a few suggestions for what to see and where to go in Rome:

Vatican City Museums and Saint Peter's Basilica

Vatican City, a tiny independent state, is home to the Pope and the Vatican, Saint Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, and the extensive Vatican Museums. Vatican City is easy to visit from Rome, plan to spend at least a half day there.

Unique Tours

If you've seen the major sites and want to do something different, try a guided tour that includes touring Rome in a Vintage Fiat 500 or on a Vespa, training to be a gladiator, or visiting the Sistine Chapel after-hours.

Baths of Caracalla

At the foot of the Aventine hill are the monumental ruins of the Baths of Caracalla, used from the Second to Sixth century AD. Taking a bath was a social event for the people of ancient Rome and the huge complex could hold up to 1600 bathers! Besides baths, they held an array of facilities such as a gym, art galleries, gardens, and shops selling food and drinks.

Villa Torlonia

Mussolini's former home is now open to the public. Inside the mansion, which dates from the 19th century, is a museum and the grounds have been made into a public park . 

Rome's Majestic Churches

Visit Rome's Cathedral  San Giovanni Laterno , Saint Peter in Chains with its Michelangelo statue of Moses, Saint Paul Outside the Walls with magnificent mosaics, or Santa Maria in Cosmedin with its Byzantine mosaics and the Boca della Verita. Check out all of the top churches during your visit. 

Ostia Antica

The ruins of the ancient Rome port of Ostia Antica are well worth a visit. Ostia Antica is a huge complex and you can easily spend several hours wandering around the old streets, shops, and houses. You should plan at least a half day for this trip. To get there, take the Metro Line B to Magliana or Piramide and take the Ostia Lido train from there.

A Day at the Beach

There are several beaches that can be visited on a day trip. If you're in Rome in the summer and you want to escape the heat of the city, visit one of these Rome Beaches .

Take a Day Trip from Rome

On a  day trip from Rome , you can visit Tivoli and the Villa d'Este, Orvieto, Frascati, Florence, or Etruscan tombs. Or if you prefer to have someone else make the arrangements, consider a Guided Day Trip from Rome.

Essential Ancient Sites to Visit in Rome

The 14 Best Day Trips from Rome

The 25 Top Attractions in Rome, Italy

12 Free Things to Do in Rome

Where to Go in Rome to Take the Best Photos

Top 6 Tourist Attractions in Italy

10 Unique Guided Tours in Rome

The Top 23 Things to Do in Italy

Buying Tickets for the Colosseum in Rome

10 Neighborhoods You Need to Know in Rome

Visiting Saint Peter's Square in Vatican City

Best Rome Restaurants

Where to See Michelangelo's Art in Rome

Sightseeing in Rome With Kids

8 Best Things to Do in Vatican City

The 15 Best Destinations in Italy

Happy to Wander

A Magical 3 Days in Rome Itinerary

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3 night trip to rome

While three days in Rome may not sound like much, I can speak from personal experience that it’s plenty of time to eat spaghetti until you forgetti your regretti…

While doing some of that sightseeing stuff as well, I suppose.

I’ve explained before in my Rome travel tips post that you should dedicate at least four days to exploring Rome properly, but hey – I’m a big fan of challenges, and that’s how this three day Rome itinerary came to be.

Forged from the wisdom of three visits, I’ve designed this itinerary for spending three days in Rome with efficiency in mind, ensuring you see all of Rome’s top highlights, alongside some lesser known gems along the way.

So, if you’re spending three days in Rome in the near future, feel free to copy this itinerary, filled with fun facts, restaurant recommendations and a do-able plan of attack.

3 night trip to rome

Save this 3 days in Rome itinerary for later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

Things to Book in Advance for Your Three Days in Rome

When in Rome….. get ready to plan ahead.

Honestly, one of my top Rome travel tips is to book everything in advance, from big attractions to popular restaurants. It’ll save you a ton of headaches (and often moola) in the long run.

If you are following my itinerary for three days in Rome, here are some bookings to make in advance:

  • Colosseum Tour : I would advise booking for the early morning of your 2nd day, or a night tour like this one if you really want a unique experience without crowds
  • Vatican Museum: If you wish to see it, book tickets for the Vatican Museum in late afternoon of the 3rd day, or splurge on a night-time tour like this one to avoid crowds
  • Museum Tickets: I’d advise pre-booking tickets for any museums you want to visit (e.g. the Galleria Borghese ), although with only three days in Rome, I wouldn’t advise visiting too many museums as this can take up a lot of time
  • A nice experience: I highly recommend booking a nice experience at some point like a street food tour , cooking class , or Vespa tour to make this trip truly unforgettable!

3 night trip to rome

My Efficient Rome in 3 Days Itinerary at a Glance

Below, you’ll find my detailed 3 day Rome itinerary, where I’ll liberally blab about the context/history behind each attraction.

For your convenience and sanity however, here is a quick breakdown of each day:

Day 1 – Centro Storico, Jewish Ghetto and Trastavere

  • Spanish Steps, Piazza di Spagna & Piazza Mignanelli
  • Rinascente Roma Tritone (Optional)

Trevi Fountain

Galleria sciarra, chiesa di sant ignazio di loyola.

  • Elephant and Obelisk 
  • Pantheon & Piazza della Rotonda

Piazza Navona

Chiesa di sant’ivo alla sapienza.

  • Campo de’ Fiori & Passetto del Biscione (Optional)
  • Largo di Torre Argentina 
  • Piazza Venezia & Il Vittoriano

Piazza del Campidoglio

  • Teatro Marcello, Fontana delle Tartarughe (Turtle Fountain) & Tempio Maggiore (The Great Synagogue)
  • Tiber Island

Day 2 – Ancient Rome & Aventine Hill

  • Sunrise at the Roman Forum (Optional)

Colosseum Tour

  • The Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Circo Maximo (Circus Maximus)

Santa maria in cosmedin.

  • Giardino degli Aranci 

Day 3 – Vatican City, Castel Sant Angelo & Villa Borghese

  • Vatican City

Castel St’Angelo

  • Villa Borghese
  • Terrazza del Pincio

Absolutely incredible photos of Rome, Italy. If you're looking for stunning travel photography or inspiration to travel to Italy, travel to Rome or travel to Europe, this is it! #photography #rome #travelphotography #italy #europe

Day 1 – Centro Storico, the Jewish Ghetto & Trastavere

We’re kicking off our three days in Rome with a whirlwind tour of the city’s most famous monuments in the Centro Storico, along with a visit to the Jewish Ghetto, and an evening in romantic Trastavere. The goal of Day 1 is to have you fall hopelessly in love with Rome… 

So, get ready to rome-anticize your day.

The starting point of our Rome 3 Day Itinerary is the Spanish Steps , but before embarking on our epic journey of sightseeing, it’s important we address a vital need: coffee.

In Italy, coffee is most often slurped down at the bar for about a euro a piece, with a plain caffè (espresso) as the norm, although cappuccinos in the morning (usually about €1.30), paired with a cornetto, are a popular way to start the day.

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In the vicinity of the Spanish Steps, you have a lot of fancy and historic options for coffee. Most coffee bars will give you a pretty consistently tasty and affordable coffee, but here are two unique options:

IMPORTANT: Make sure to have your coffee at the bar to avoid exorbitant sit-down prices.

  • Antico Caffè Greco is the oldest coffee bar in Rome, dating back to 1760 with countless big names who have enjoyed coffee there over the years, from Goethe and Hans Christian Andersen to Princess Diana. Again, sit-down prices can be as much as 9 euros for a coffee, so make sure you order and drink yours at the bar.
  • Atelier Canova Tadolin is a workshop turned restaurant/cafe that is packed with sculptures and plaster models, creating one of the most unique atmospheres for any caffeine hit in Rome… Just make sure you have your coffee at the bar, rather than sitting down.

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Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti (Spanish Steps)

After you’ve hit your first of many espresso hits, it’s time to begin our three days in Rome with one of the most iconic sights of the city: the Spanish Steps!

These famous Baroque steps were designed by Francesco de Sanctis in the 1720s, who actually snagged the gig thanks to a competition held by a French diplomat turned financier, Étienne Gueffier.

The competition’s goal was to prettify the hilly terrain connecting Piazza di Spagna and Piazza Trinità dei Monti above, and props to Gueffier – I’m sure the thousands of tourists who photograph it daily would agree – mission accomplished!

PS: In case you’re wondering how many steps there are top to bottom, the answer is a steep 135, which means you’re definitely earning your gelato! That is, unless you decide to drive down like this drunk Colombian guy back in 2007 . Don’t worry though, no one was hurt!

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Piazza di Spagna 

Now, time to explore a bit more of the square – Piazza di Spagna , a square famous for a number of reasons (only one of which is the Spanish Steps!)

Firstly, famous English poet John Keats spent the final days of his life here, at 26 Piazza di Spagna which is today home to the Keats-Shelley House .

Standing in this square also puts you steps away from some of the top shopping streets in Rome, the most famous of which are Via dei Condotti (packed with luxurious brand names) and Via del Corso (packed with all the usual suspects of any High Street like Zara and the Disney Store).

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As for the fountain at the foot of the steps, this often overlooked beauty is called Fontana della Barcaccia, AKA Fountain of the Boat.

It may be tough to see if there are (as usual) a bunch of tourists sat around it.

It depicts a half-sunken ship and was designed by none other than Pietro Bernini, father of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, whose works you’ll find all over the city.

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Piazza Mignanelli

After capturing all your photos, it’s time to move onto the next stop: Piazza Mignanelli, home to the Column of the Immaculate Conception.

As you walk towards this column, you’ll pass by the Spanish embassy for the Vatican, said to be the oldest embassy in the world! Little wonder why it’s usually guarded at all hours by military in full camo.

The column itself dates back to Dec 8, 1857, exactly three years after Pope Pius IX published the Ineffabilis Deus , the decree which officially defined the dogma of the Immaulate Conception.

In other words, this was the decree that (after centuries of controversy) cemented the Catholic Church’s belief that the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus “free from all stain of original sin”.

… And that’s what this column (topped by a statue of the Virgin Mary herself) commemorates.

Every year on Dec 8 (the Feast of the Immaculate Consumption), they even host a ceremony here (usually attended by the Pope) during which local firefighters place a floral wreath on the statue’s right arm, a nod to the fact that it was firefighters who helped erect the statue all those years ago.

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Optional Stop: Rinascente Roma Tritone

From Piazza Mignanelli to the Trevi Fountain, it’s only a 7 minute walk, but if you’re willing to make a short detour, then you can admire one of the lesser known ‘hidden gems’ in this tourist-heavy slice of Rome.

At Rome’s Rinacscente flagship location on Via del Tritone, you’ll find a department store where you can marvel at wonders from Gucci, Prada, Versace and…. perhaps most wonderfully, a piece of Acqua Virgo, a 2000 year viaduct that, at its peak, would provide up to 100,000 cubic metres of water to the city a day.

This part of the Acqua Virgo was only uncovered recently when restoration work began on the palazzo, and is part of the reason why the store was under construction for 11 years, delaying its opening date many times until it finally opened its doors in 2017.

Today, the “Acqua Vergine” viaduct (a successor to the ancient Acqua Virgo) continues to supply fresh water to Rome’s many fountains, including famous names like the Trevi Fountain… which is conveniently our next stop!

Next, let’s move onto the Trevi Fountain, perhaps one of the most famous fountains in the world and one of the most beautiful sights in Rome… especially after its gleaming new makeover in 2015 funded by fashion giant, Fendi!

Situated at the end of the famous Acqua Vergine Viaduct, its name comes from its location at the crossroads of three streets (tre vie). At 65 feet wide, this monumental fountain is best known for its impressive marble sculptures and of course its dreamy blue hues.

Today, millions of tourists come for a chance to ogle the fountain and partake in the classic tourist ritual of throwing a coin (or three) over their left shoulder… The 1st to ensure a return to Rome, the 2nd for romance, and the 3rd for marriage. So hey, maybe you should too. It’s cheesy, but “when in Rome”…

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From the Trevi Fountain, it’s time to escape the crowds and take a quick 2 minute walk over to one of the prettiest hidden courtyards in Rome: Galleria Sciarra.

This unassuming walkway (tucked behind a McDonalds, no less) is a lovely hidden gem full of beautiful frescoes and artwork to admire, with a gorgeous glass and iron ceiling that makes the space feel impossibly grand.

… Especially when you consider that it’s simply home to offices these days!

Snap away, and let’s keep moving.

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After you’ve had your fill of art nouveau eye candy, a 5 minute walk will take you from Galleria Sciarra to the Chiesa di Sant Ignazio di Loyola, a Jesuit church where another wonderful neck workout awaits.

This church is home to one of the most extravagant frescoes in Rome, and best of all – they’re free to admire and with a tiny sliver of the crowds that you might find at the Sistine Chapel.

These delightfully deceptive trompe l’oeil frescoes are the work of Andrea Pozzo, a master of Baroque (and a Jesuit brother) who painted the illusion in the late 17th century.

Want to make the most of the church’s unique optical illusions? Keep an eye out for marble disk markers on the floor that show you the best spots to stand.

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Elephant and Obelisk 

A 5 minute walk from the church will bring you to the smallest of Rome’s ancient obelisks, perched upon an elephant designed by Bernini.

Why the curious combo? Well, as a Latin inscription on the base of the pedestal notes “Let any beholder of the carved images of the wisdom of Egypt on the obelisk carried by the elephant, the strongest of beasts, realize that it takes a robust mind to carry solid wisdom”.

So yes, all in all, the monument is an homage to wisdom.

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Now, onwards to Rome’s iconic Pantheon, which is only a 2 minute walk away.

Of all the buildings that remain from Ancient Rome, the Pantheon is by far the best-preserved, dazzling visitors even 2000 years after it was originally constructed.

And there’s a lot of reasons to visit – after all, the Pantheon houses tombs for some of Rome’s most famous figures, including Italy’s 1st King, King Vittorio Emanuele II and Ninja Turtle namesake, the famous painter Raphael.

The Pantheon’s dome is also the largest unsupported concrete dome in the world.

At the apex of this dome is the 27 feet wide oculus, which floods a bright ray of light into the Pantheon… and rain when the weather feels moody. That’s why you’ll find 22 manholes on the Pantheon’s floor – to filter said rain when it pours.

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Piazza della Rotonda

Once you’ve had your fill of the Pantheon’s epicness (truly, visiting is one of my favourite things to do in Rome!), step outside and let’s admire this bad boy’s exterior from Piazza della Rotonda, so-named for the Pantheon’s lesser known title as the church of “ Santa Maria Rotonda ”.

While standing in front of this impressive 2000 year old tourist magnet, take note of the 16 giant granite columns that hold up Rome’s swankiest front porch.

Believe it or not, these columns were actually brought here all the way from Eastern Egypt – a pretty remarkable feat considering their epic size.

As for the inscription on the front facade of the building, that reads “M. Agrippa L. F. Cos. Tertium fecit”, which translates to “It was built by Marco Agrippa, son of Lucio, in the year of his third consulate”.

This is a nod to the original Pantheon’s designer, Marco Agrippa. Today’s version is actually the Pantheon’s 3rd iteration though, after the first two were destroyed by fire and lightning.

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Lunch: Armando al Pantheon

While dining near tourist attractions is usually a rookie mistake in Rome, a notable exception is Armando al Pantheon, which serves excellent food at fair prices, literally steps away from the Pantheon.

I can highly recommend the Spaghetti Carbonara, which was top notch. My friends also spoke highly of their Cacio e Pepe. 

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Coffee: La Casa Del Caffè Tazza D’oro

If you need a little pick me up after lunch, La Casa Del Caffè Tazza D’oro is just around the corner and has super delicious coffee for a very fair price.

Slurp it up at the bar standing up (the sit-down prices are much higher), and let’s keep moving!

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From the Pantheon, it’s only a 5 minute walk to Piazza Navona, one of the grandest Baroque squares in Rome. 

The first impression for most visitors here is the oblong shape of the piazza, which stretches lengthways far more than a conventional square. 

Well, that can be explained by Piazza Navona’s history.

It stands over top the ancient Domitian Stadium, which was built back in the 1st century to introduce Greek-style athletics and (non-violent) sports to the Roman public, whose main source of entertainment was pretty much watching slaves murder each other with cameos from lions, tigers, and bears.

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Unfortunately, Romans far preferred their bloody gladiator games, and over the centuries, the stadium fell into disuse, eventually being pillaged for building materials.

It wasn’t until the 17th century that (under the command of Pope Innocent X), the space was transformed into a gorgeous Baroque piazza, complete with works from big names like Bernini and Borromini. 

Today their masterpieces can still be admired in the square, most notably the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi ( Fountain of the Four Rivers) by Bernini and the Sant’Agnese in Agone which was designed by Borromini alongside father and son duo Girolamo Rainaldi and Carlo Rainaldi.

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For more Baroque splendour, you can walk two minutes over to the Chiesa di Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza, which sits in a beautiful courtyard now belonging to Rome’s State Archives.

This is a great place to escape from the crowds a bit, and learn more about the pettier side of Rome’s Baroque turf wars. According to popular legend, the church was originally meant to be Bernini’s project, but it was handed over to Borromini when Pope Urban VIII died.

It is said that Borromini sculpted some donkey ears on the construction site to taunt Bernini (who he saw as a bitter rival), and Bernini (who lived next door) sculpted a phallus right back.

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Optional Stop: Campo de’ Fiori

Translated literally to “Field of Flowers”, the Campo de’ Fiori is a square found south of Piazza Navona, so-named for the lush meadow that was once found there.

By day, it’s home to a busy market selling produce and flowers. By night, it’s a gathering spot with terraces filled with people eating, drinking, and making merry. In my opinion, it’s not the most beautiful piazza in Rome, but it’s worth checking out during the day if you’re curious to see a Roman market in action.

Most interesting to note here is the statue of Giordano Bruno in the center, which serves as a reminder of the square’s dark past. 

Once used for public executions, the Campo de’ Fiori is where Bruno (a philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician) was hung and then burned at the stake for his so-called “heretic” beliefs that ran contrary to the Church.

… But yes, today you can honour his memory by buying vegetables and jam where he was brutally burned to death. Isn’t tourism fun?

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Passetto del Biscione

BONUS TIP:  From Campo de’ Fiori, walk through the Passetto del Biscione for a fun hidden treasure – a narrow tunnel-esque valley adorned with frescoes. 

Here, you’ll find (a copy) of a famous Madonna painting that sent the people of Rome into a spiral of hysteria back in 1796, when it was reported that the painting’s eyes were moving… a miracle that drew countless worshippers to visit for themselves.

Funnily enough, the hidden nature of the passage made the task quite difficult, which inspired the popular Roman saying “ andare a cercare Maria per Roma”, which translates to “looking for Mary in Rome”, a phrase now used to describe the difficulty of finding something.

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Largo di Torre Argentina 

From the Campo de’ Fiori, you’re about a 6 minute walk from some of the most interesting ruins in Rome, set among an ensemble of modern shops, cafes, and restaurants.

Discovered in the 1920s during city building works, the Largo di Torre Argentina includes ruins from four ancient temples (likely built to commemorate victories), the ancient Theatre of Pompey and, most significantly, the Curia of Pompey, which is where Julius Caesar was famously stabbed to death by traitors in his Senate back in 44 BC.

Of course, despite this (huge) historical significance, the ruins are perhaps best known these days for being home a thriving cat sanctuary, so don’t be surprised if you spot a furry friend or two frolicking around the ancient site.

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Piazza Venezia 

It’s less than a 10 minute walk from Largo di Torre Argentina to Piazza Venezia, an overwhelmingly large and chaotic square that connects the Centro Storico with some of the best preserved monuments of Ancient Rome. 

On the West side of the Square, you’ll find Palazzo Venezia, which has served multiple functions over the years, from its status as a papal residence in the 15th century, a Venetian embassy in the 16th century, and Mussolini’s office in the 20th century.

In fact, it was on the small balcony still seen today on the palazzo’s front facade that Mussolini declared war on France and Britain in 1940.

Today, the building houses the National Museum of Palazzo Venezia.

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Il Vittoriano

The focal point of the square however is no doubt the gleaming Neoclassical monument in the center that goes by many names, from the Vittoriano and the Altar of the Fatherland (which refers to the central altar of the monument), or much more whimsically, the “Wedding Cake” or “Typewriter”.

This pristine marble monument was constructed in the late 19th century to commemorate Vittorio Emanuele II, the 1st king of a unified Italy. It was officially inaugurated in 1911, 40 years after unification.

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Since 1921, the monument has also housed the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”, a shrine dedicated to those who perished and sacrificed their lives during World War I. The tomb is guarded by two eternal flames and two soldiers, who stand there at all hours of the day.

While it’s controversial, this mammoth structure is (to me) a must-see in Rome because It’s completely free to visit, with only an additional fee for the elevator ride up the terrace if you so choose. I’d highly recommend checking it out!

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Our next stop is Piazza del Campidoglio, the last remaining Renaissance Square in Rome, designed by Michelangelo.

You know the phrase “all roads lead to Rome”? It’s this part of Rome that they were specifically talking about.

Once upon a time, this square is where the roads on Ancient Rome converged, although it looked very, very different back then. It wasn’t until the 16th century that makeover plans began.

Panicked by an impending visit from Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Pope Paul III recruited the help of Michelangelo to beautify the square and (fingers crossed) impress the emperor.

And while the square wasn’t fully completed until a full century after Michelangelo’s death, the efforts paid off, and today Piazza del Campidoglio is truly one of the most beautiful squares in the entire city, lined with elegant palazzos that house important institutions like the Capitoline Museums and Rome’s City Hall.

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SCENIC DETOUR: If you follow Via del Campidoglio downhill for a bit from the Piazza del Campidoglio, you reach one of the most beautiful viewpoints in Rome, a glorious vista overlooking the Ancient Roman Forum! Don’t worry – if you follow this 3 days in Rome itinerary, we’ll be visiting this site tomorrow.

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Teatro Marcello

From Piazza del Campidoglio, it’s less than 10 minutes on foot to the Teatro Marcello, a Colosseum mini-me that once served as an open air theatre for musical and dramatic performances. 

While it’s only possible to admire it from the outside, it’s nonetheless an interesting monument that predates even the famous Colosseum, and one that was commissioned by Julius Caesar himself.

The Teatro Marcello is sometimes referred to as the Jewish Colosseum, thanks to its location in Rome’s Jewish Ghetto, so-named for its centuries-long stint as a walled neighbourhood in which Roman Jews were forced to live, often in appalling conditions.

It may be difficult to imagine today, given that the Jewish Ghetto is one of the most picturesque neighbourhoods in Rome, but lurking beneath those pastel facades and cobblestone streets is a sad and sinister history, ranging from the establishment of the Ghetto in 1555 all the way to the Nazi occupation of Rome, when over 1000 Jewish residents of the Ghetto were detained by the Gestapo and sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Today, the Jewish Ghetto is one of the quieter and more peaceful parts of Rome’s city center in terms of tourism, but those who visit are treated to a number of popular bakeries, restaurants, and interesting sights like The Great Synagogue (home to the Jewish Museum of Rome). 

If you have some extra time in Rome, exploring the Jewish Ghetto is a great way to get a bit more off the beaten path.

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Fontana delle Tartarughe (Turtle Fountain)

A short walk around the neighbourhood will bring you over to the Fontana delle Tartarughe (Turtle Fountain), a pretty Renaissance fountain in Piazza Mattei originally designed by Giacomo della Porta, perhaps made all the more famous by small bronze turtles attributed to Bernini.

The fountain depicts four young adolescent men (known as Ephebes), perched over giant conch shells. The original design had the Ephebes holding up dolphins who spouted water, however water flow issues meant that these needed to be removed.

It wasn’t until a restoration many years later that they decided to fill the empty space left by the removed dolphins with cute little turtles, which give the fountain its name today… although the turtles you see now are copies of the original (which are now safely kept in the Capitoline Museums),

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Tempio Maggiore (The Great Synagogue)

Before we leave the Jewish Ghetto, we have a final stop – the Tempio Maggiore, known in English as the Great Synagogue of Rome.

It’s a little known fact that the Jewish community in Rome is actually considered the oldest in Europe, with stories of settlement dating back to 160 BC.

And despite the Ghetto’s dark history, the Great Synagogue stands today as a symbol of the resilient Jewish community that continues to call this neighbourhood home. 

Inaugurated in 1904, this synagogue is the largest of the 13 synagogues in Rome, with a striking eclectic design topped with a unique square-shaped dome. 

Today, the synagogue complex is also home to the Jewish Museum of Rome.

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Cross Ponte Fabricio onto Tiber Island

Now, it’s time to visit the only river island in Rome… and we have a very historical route for getting there.

Two minutes away from the Great Synagogue, you’ll find the Ponte Fabricio – the  oldest bridge in Rome that still stands in its original form, which dates back to 62BC! 

From the Jewish Ghetto, we can cross this bridge to access Tiber Island, a suitably epic way to enter the birthplace of some of Rome’s proudest citizens (more on this below).

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Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island)

Crossing the bridge will bring you over to the Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island), a legendary bite-sized island that has been connected to the Roman ‘mainland’ since the Ancient Times. 

Due to its tiny size (less than 300m long and 70m wide), it is considered one of the smallest inhabited islands in the world, home today to a hospital and two churches.

In fact, it is said that those born at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital on Tiber Island use it as a point of pride – claiming that they are true Romans for having been born there.

Much legend and mystery swirls around the island’s millenia-long history, but one consistent theme is that the island has always been a place of of refuge and healing, a legacy that began in the 3rd century BC when a temple to Aesculapius, the Greek god of healing, was constructed.

This spirit of refuge is embodied by my personal favourite story about the island, dating back to 1943, when doctors at Fatebenfratelli Hospital diagnosed Jewish refugees with a fabricated illness known as “Syndrome K” to prevent their deportation.

Today, Tiber Island is a quiet escape from the chaos of the Eternal City, that is unless you visit during the summer, when they host a full program of outdoor movies.

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Evening: Trastavere 

Crossing the Ponte Cestio, you will arrive at one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Rome – Trastavere, famed for its abundance of restaurants, cafés and beautiful medieval streets, all tied up in a mega-photogenic package.

While some might have considered Trastavere a local secret years ago, such is no longer the case, and the tasty charms of the neighbourhood are now irresistible to both tourists and locals like.

Nonetheless, it’s a must-visit when in Rome to see a different side of the city, relaxed and vibrant, away from the historical center.

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This is the ideal place to wrap up a day of sightseeing, because you’ll find no shortage of restaurants and bars here to keep you busy. 

Exploring Trastavere without a plan is the way to go. Every street here seems to be filled with flower-entwined balconies, tall golden buildings trailing with ivy, and twinkly lights to create the most romantic possible ambiance. 

Unlike the Centro Storico, Trastavere is not a neighborhood filled with must-see landmarks (although the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere is quite pretty) – instead, it’s a place to meander without agenda, grab an aperitivo, and unwind a bit after some relentless sightseeing.

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Dinner: La Tavernetta 29 da Tony e Andrea

For a tasty, affordable and fun dinner in Trastavere, I can definitely recommend La Tavernetta 29 da Tony e Andrea. The servers here are hilarious, and the whole place has a chaotic ‘crazy family dinner’ sort of energy that completely made our evening. 

Of course, the food here was awesome too. I can definitely vouch for the Cacio e Pepe, but the Fried Zucchini Blossoms were also really good.

Otherwise, there’s no shortage of great restaurants in Trastavere. If you’re looking for a to-go option, Trappizzino is a classic street food option that originated in Rome, but now has locations across Italy and even one in New York.

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Drinks: VinAllegro

If you’re still not ready to leave Trastavere after dinner, I can recommend checking out VinAllegro, a really cute wine bar that’s covered in ivy. 

It’s a little off the main drags of Trastavere so it has a quieter and more romantic atmosphere, plus the drinks are very affordable. I’ve heard the food is nice too, but it’s a great stop even if you’re just having a glass of wine… which would be much deserved after this whirlwind 1st day on our three day Rome itinerary!

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Day two of our three day Rome itinerary will tackle some of the most famous sights of Ancient Rome, along with some glorious, unforgettable viewpoints. Make sure our cameras are properly juiced up for this day, because you’ll likely capture entire SD cards’ worth of photos.

Optional: Sunrise at the Roman Forum

I know this sounds like a LOT, but if you’re feeling especially motivated, then I’ve heard seeing sunrise by the Roman Forum is absolutely magical.

As I mention in my Rome travel tips post, particularly in peak season, the best way to avoid crowds and feel like the city is all yours is to get up early… and nothing beats sunrise early, if you can handle it after all those vinos last night in Trastavere.

The best vantage point would definitely be from Via del Campidoglio (downhill for a bit from the Piazza del Campidoglio), a photographer favourite for sunrise shots in Rome.

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If you value sleep over snapshots, then there’s zero shame in getting up at a more reasonable hour. 

Today’s itinerary is heavy on sights and history, so you’ll need plenty of coffee for this one. I’d recommend pillaging any local coffee bar near your hotel to prepare for the busy day ahead.

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NOTE: This requires advanced booking for sure. Try to book the first time slot available (usually 9:30am) or any time before noon to minimize heat in peak season – it can get horrifyingly hot.

Anyways – it’s the most famous monument in Rome, and an enduring symbol of Italy as a whole, so it makes sense to start Day 2 of our three days in Rome at the Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre.

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This incredible structure dates back almost 2000 years, and remains the largest standing amphitheatre in the world.

For centuries, it was here that Rome’s infamous gladiator fights and animal hunts took place, often to crowds as large as 80,000. Today, it can receive up to 30,000 visitors a day, making it one of the most visited monuments in the entire world.

And, thanks to a recent development, the Colosseum’s Underground area is open to visitors in full for the first time in its almost 2000 year history, making a visit to the inside an absolute must-do.

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A SPLURGEY OPTION : If you don’t mind paying extra for a truly unique experience, you can also book a tour to visit the Colosseum at night when you’ll have it pretty much all to yourself. Click here to check out prices and reviews.

PRO TIP: It can be difficult to get a good photo of the Colosseum due to its ginormous size, but the perfect vantage point for a shot or two is Via Nicola Salvi, where a perfectly photogenic perch awaits

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I’d really recommend grabbing lunch before powering through to the Forum, because that’s a lot of sightseeing to do all at once. 

If however you want to avoid the worst of the heat, then doing the Forum first might be a good idea.

Regardless, since today is super full-on with sightseeing, I’d recommend a quicker lunch to maximize your time. I can wholeheartedly recommend Pane & Vino on Via Ostilia , which has tons of super tasty sandwiches (the Porchetta is amazing!) for fair prices considering their location.

For a sit-down lunch, I’ve had good experiences twice at Trattoria Luzzi (the prices are a very fair for the area and the food really good!), but I haven’t been there in a few years and more recent reviews are less promising.

Pane & Vino sandwich by Christina Guan

The Forum & Palatine Hill

Alright, let’s power through now to The Roman Forum.

It may be hard to imagine, but this giant expanse of ruins was once the epicenter of commercial and government activity in Ancient Rome. 

This multi-purpose space would have been used for countless aspects of daily life, from elections and social gatherings to religious ceremonies and criminal trials. 

In other words, you are staring directly at the heart of Ancient Rome… or what remains of it, anyway.

To be honest, I find the Forum and Palatine Hill a little bit difficult to enjoy without a guide (or a guidebook) mainly because you don’t have any context as to what you are looking at.

I would highly recommend booking a tour guide for this portion of your three days in Rome itinerary, or at the very least find a free guide online that will teach you more about the sites’ history.

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While in the Forum, you can walk right up to Palatine Hill, which yields wonderful views. Many consider this hill to be the birthplace of Rome, since according to Roman legend, it was here that the city’s founders Remus & Romulus were found & saved by a she-wolf (it’s a long story).

For centuries, Palatine Hill was one of the swankiest neighbourhoods in Rome, beloved by emperors and the city’s elite. Sadly, the few ruins that remain make it hard to imagine how glamorous it would have all looked in its hey day, but the views are fantastic.

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Exploring the monuments of Ancient Rome is a LOT, and (particularly when the weather is hot), it can take a lot out of you.

Before we soldier on to our next stop, I’d recommend stopping somewhere for a refreshing gelato or drink. You deserve a treat after filling your brain with all that history! 

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When you’re ready, let’s head to our next stop: the Circus Maximus, one of the world’s first large-scale sporting arenas.

This is where Rome’s famous chariot races would have taken place back in the day, along with plays, gladiator fights, and other athletic displays.

It may be hard to imagine now, but back in its hey day, the Circus would have been able to host over 150,000 spectators. Today, only a few ruins here and there allow you to imagine its grand past, although a new VR experience at the site is hoping to help!

Because so little remains of the Circus, I wouldn’t necessarily class this as a must see in Rome, but it’s a nice stop en route to some beautiful viewpoints, as you’ll soon see.

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Moving onto our next stop – let’s go see the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin.

This is an 8th century church that is home to a legendary lie detector, Rome’s tallest medieval belfry, and the literal heart of Saint Valentine.

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The Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth) is a famous marble mask that (according to legend) bites off the hands of liars. It first made its way into popular culture through an appearance in Roman Holiday, and has been a check off every tourist’s bucket list ever since. 

Sure it’s little more than a cheesy photo opp, but it’s a fun one, especially if you want to watch your travel partners sweat a little… before promptly bringing them over to see the flower crowned skull said to belong to St Valentine himself. 

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Il Buco della Serratura dell’Ordine di Malta (AKA the Roman Keyhole)

Nearby, you’ll also find another of Rome’s most beloved photo opps – Il Buco della Serratura dell’Ordine di Malta , known more popularly as Rome’s Keyhole.

This famous keyhole can be found at the entrance of the Villa del Priorato di Malta (the Villa of the Priory of the Knights of Malta). 

Its claim to fame is the unique view of St Peter’s Basilica that you can access through the keyhole, which is perfectly framed by hedges to create a surreal and dreamy postcard view.

While waiting in line to look through a keyhole does indeed make you feel like an irreprehensibly cheesy tourist, the perspective is indeed very cool, and well worth a quick peek…

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Sunset: Giardino degli Aranci 

Ahh, with all that sightseeing done, now it’s time to relax and enjoy some amazing views. 

The Giardino degli Aranci , also known by its official name, Parco Savello, is a leafy garden on Aventine Hill that is lined with its namesake orange trees, offering some much-needed relief from the sun in peak season. 

The garden’s current design by Raffaele De Vico dates back to only 1932, when the scenic viewpoint/terrace was installed to give visitors a better view over the city. 

And what a view it is! 

This is definitely one of the prettiest panoramic vantage points you can enjoy in the city, with an ultra-romantic atmosphere too. This is a great place to watch sunset before enjoying some well-deserved dinner.

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From Giardino degli Aranci, you’re close to both Trastavere and Testaccio, two neighbourhoods filled with a wonderful choice of restaurants.

If you’ve followed this three days in Rome itinerary closely, you’ll have already enjoyed the wonders of Trastavere last night, so consider spending your evening in Testaccio, known as Rome’s ultimate foodie neighbourhood.

Overwhelmed by the choices? I recommend reading some local Roman food blogs like Testaccina for stellar food recommendations.

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Day 3 – Vatican City & Castel Sant Angelo

For the final day in our three day Rome itinerary, we are visiting the Vatican, Castel Sant Angelo, Piazza del Popolo and Villa Borghese. Nope, no rest for the wicked. Let’s get moving!

NOTE: Make sure to check the Vatican website to ensure that your visit won’t overlap with a Papal Audience, unless you are wanting to attend one. Otherwise, this will mean huge crowds which is not ideal.

Breakfast: Osteria Café del Monti

Vatican City is not only the smallest country in the world, it’s also one of the most popular sights in Rome, which means tourists and tourist traps galore.

Of course, to conquer this, we need coffee… and to wake up early! 

There are a lot of bad cafés and restaurants near the Vatican, so give them a miss and head to Osteria Café del Monti , which has fair bar prices and really tasty pastries.

Consumed at the bar, our cappuccinos and pastries were only 1.50 each, a total bargain for its central location near the Vatican (where you’ll find many foot spots swarming with negative reviews of high prices and scams).

Again, remember that you will be charged double for sit-down service, so treat this as a quick breakfast stop, slurp your coffee at the bar and get back to sightseeing.

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Visit St Peter’s and Climb Up the Dome

Arriving early to St Peter’s is key to avoiding the huge crowds that arrive here en masse no matter the season.

After all, this is the largest church in the world, and among the most beautiful. In fact, we can almost look at St Peter’s as a collaborative effort spanning over a century from some of the most famous names in art, from the original architect Donato Bramante to Raphael, Michelangelo and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Today, stepping into St Peter’s Basilica is a truly breathtaking experience, with its monumental interiors made of marble, bronze, and gilding as far as the eye can see. 

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In fact, turn immediately right and you’ll see Michelangelo’s Pietà, considered one of the most spectacular sculptures ever carved… although tucked behind bulletproof glass now, after a crazed Hungarian geologist hammered at it back in 1972 .

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Of course, the dome of the Basilica is also considered to be the largest dome of its kind in the world, so if you have the time and stamina, I highly recommend the climb (or the elevator ride + climb if you prefer). It’s not possible to book this in advance, so you can just make your choice the day-of.

As I mention in my Rome travel tips post, the ideal way to visit St Peter’s is the following: 

  • Enter the cathedral, have a quick look around to get a feel of the grandeur of it
  • Head down to the papal tombs, and the exit will take you back outside, conveniently where the ticket office is for the climb up the basilica dome
  • Climb up the tower (time your visit for the hour mark to hear the bells ringing across Rome!), enjoy the views from above 
  • Climb back down (the exit will actually bring you back into St Peter’s) and finish your explorations 

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Send a postcard from the Vatican Post Office

After experiencing the grandeur of St Peter’s Basilica, it’s time to head back out to St Peter’s Square.

If you want to, the Vatican Post Office is strategically placed right by the exit, giving you the unique opportunity of buying/sending a postcard from the world’s smallest country. 

Is it a little cheesy? Maybe… it’s definitely a cheap and memorable souvenir.

TIP: Bring a pen for your visit – they charge 1.50 for their cheapest pens (no joke!) and sometimes they even sell out.

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Explore some of the interesting secrets of St Peter’s Square

If you haven’t had your fill of Vatican City yet, I’d like to point you towards some often overlooked parts of St Peter’s Square that are worth checking out.

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First off, if you head close to the right side screen in the square, you may see a plain marble plaque embedded in the dark cobblestones.

This plaque is engraved with the coat of arms of Pope John Paul II, who survived an assassination attempt on this very spot back in 1981.

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And from interesting assassination monuments to interesting architecture, make sure you check out the most unique perspective of the colonnades that St Peter’s Square has to offer.

These two colonnades run 4 columns deep, and were expertly designed by Bernini himself to resemble welcoming arms outstretched for an embrace. But while countless visitors pass through the colonnades every day, many fail to appreciate the coolest vantage point of these columns.

So, don’t make that mistake! When in St Peter’s Square, look for the two iron circles on the ground (halfway between the central Obelisk and the fountain on each side) and look forward.

Those columns that run 4 rows deep will now align perfectly, creating the illusion that there’s only a single row of columns. Pretty wild!

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Lunch: Bonci Pizzarium

Okay, after all that sightseeing, you deserve a good feed. 

Pizza is an Italian superfood beloved the world over, but if you want to try a Roman style pizza, then Bonci Pizzarium is a great place to visit for Pizza al Taglio, a Roman style of pizza that is served in rectangular slices and sold by weight.

The pizzas here are beautiful and the toppings are unique, plus the entire experience is a little different since you pay by weight and indicate how big you want your slice to be before watching them snip away at it with scissors.

Pizzarium Bonci, Rome by Christina Guan

The downsides though are…

  • The pizza is more expensive than you’d find elsewhere in the city
  • The toppings can be pretty creative, so you might chance upon one you don’t like
  • There can be long line-ups and crowds
  • There’s nowhere to actually eat the pizza on-site (no tables)

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So, if you’re looking for more of a laid back and relaxing lunch, then I have another recommendation – Borgo 36, only a 5 minute walk from St Peter’s Square. The food here is unpretentious, fairly priced, and delicious! 

Risotto and Pizza from Borgo 36, Rome by Christina Guan

Optional: Vatican Museums

After lunch, you might consider visiting the Vatican Museums. I personally would mark this as a very optional visit, and here’s why.

I may get some flack for this, but I don’t think the Vatican Museums are necessarily a must-do when you’re visiting Rome, especially if you’re trying to make the most of Rome in 3 days.

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I get it: it feels like one of those things you MUST do because everyone says it is (akin to the Louvre in Paris ), but I’ve visited twice and am still pretty lukewarm about it, because…

Firstly, it can be SO crowded with large tour groups that you can barely move. Yes the architecture and artwork are fantastic, but the crowds can really take away from the experience.

Secondly, the Sistine Chapel (arguably the museum’s most famous attraction) is very dimly lit, and the atmosphere is incredibly bizarre. 

Not only is it crowded in there, guards inside demand utter silence yet ironically have to “SHUSH” tourists super loudly every 5 seconds. Photography is also prohibited, although everybody and their mom’s cousin will still try to sneak a blurry photo. 

All in all, yes the frescoes are magnificent, but if you’ve seen them before thanks to infinite references in pop culture, seeing them in real life doesn’t really blow you away.

That’s my personal experience anyway.

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If you do still want to visit though, here are some tips I can offer:

  • Time your visit for the last entry time. Going before it closes is usually less crowded than the mornings as most tours have left by then
  • Book a private after hours tour. This is a VERY pricey option but well worth it if you want the ultimate Vatican Museum experience – this tour takes place only once a week (so you must prebook) but allows you to experience the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel with literally no other tourists.
  • Book this early morning tour, which gives you entry to the Sistine Chapel before it opens. The downside is you’ll be touring the museums once it’s open to the public, so you won’t be protected from those crowds, but if the Sistine Chapel is your #1 priority, this could be a good middle ground option.

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Alright, it’s time to say goodbye to the Vatican and move on to our next stop: Castel St’Angelo.

NOTE : If you can time your visit with sunset (easier in winter months), then absolutely do. The views at this time are spectacular.

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The Castel Sant’Angelo is a really special Roman attraction because of its colourful history. Few monuments in Rome have evolved with the city’s history and power struggles as much as this one, which has been around since the 2nd century.

Originally built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian, it was later converted into a castle by the Popes, who from the 14th century onwards began to add their own little flourishes like chapels and statues to glam up the place to their liking.

Luckily they got a lot of use out of it – not only has Castel Sant’Angelo been a fortress and safe haven, it has also been used as a prison, and more recently, even a film set, where it starred as a key location in Angels & Demons and Eat, Pray, Love.

There aren’t many attractions in Rome that quite capture the city’s evolution from the Ancient Roman Empire  to its present day pop culture stardom, so this Castel is definitely worth a visit.

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Piazza del Popolo

Our next stop is a 20ish minute walk from Castel Sant’Angelo to Piazza del Popolo, or (much quicker) a quick 7 minute taxi ride. 

TIP: If you are ever getting a taxi in Rome, I recommend ordering one through an app like FREE NOW to avoid getting scammed. 

Translated as “The People’s Square”, Piazza del Popolo is considered one of Rome’s most important (and aesthetically pleasing) squares, housing a number of attractions including the Leonardo da Vinci Museum, the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli, and the Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo. 

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Where you’re standing now is actually the far northern end of the Aurelian Walls, ancient defensive walls from the 3rd century that still (to this day) serve an important purpose – they use them as a marker for deciding taxi fares from the airport, with any destination within the walls qualifying for a single flat rate.

In fact, the Porta del Popolo (the monumental gate at this end of the walls) served for centuries as a popular entry point for visitors. They also used to love this square for public executions, but that’s another story for another time.

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Enjoy Villa Borghese

From Piazza del Popolo, a short walk up some stairs will bring you to Villa Borghese, one of Rome’s prettiest and largest public parks, home to a number of villas and museums, including the Galleria Borghese, one of Rome’s most famous art galleries.

Since we’re nearing the end of our three days in Rome, I wanted to leave this last stop as fairly open-ended and relaxing. 

There is a lot to do in Villa Borghese – I can recommend renting a rowboat at the little lake by the Temple of Asclepius – it’s 4 euros per person for twenty minutes (which is more than enough to enjoy a quick paddle around the lake as it’s really small).

This is a really lovely and cheap activity that you’ll remember for years to come.

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Alternatively, if you’re big into museums, you can visit the Galleria Borghese.

As one of the more famous attractions in the city, I can recommend visiting just before their last admission time – this way it’s less likely to be heaving with crowds as most groups will have left by then, although they do control the number of visitors here so that shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

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OPTIONAL: From the Galleria Borghese, it’s only 15 min on foot to one of the most unique neighbourhoods in Rome – Quartiere Coppedè, which is peppered with spectacular art nouveau buildings that create a sort of fantasy dreamscape unlike anywhere else in Rome.

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Sunset at Terrazza del Pincio/Belvedere Terrace

Alright, now are you ready for a true showstopper?

To cap off this jam-packed Rome in 3 days itinerary, let’s finish off with a sunset at the Terrazza del Pincio, widely regarded as one of the most amazing places in Rome to enjoy sunset… all the better if you bring yourself a bottle of wine!

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If you aren’t completely exhausted, I think booking a night tour of Rome (whether by E-Bike like this one or Golf Cart like this one ) would be a wonderful way to finish off the trip, especially since you might have missed seeing many of these monuments at night. 

Otherwise, head straight to dinner, and treat yourself a little for your final night in Rome! 

Or, maybe get the best of both worlds and enjoy a final cooking class like this one where you make your own dinner (and take home some treasured secrets of Roman pasta and tiramisu)… no matter how you choose to celebrate your final evening in Rome, make sure it’s special!

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Extra Tips if You Have More Than 3 Days in Rome

The 3 day itinerary for Rome I created above covers most of your bases in terms of the must sees, but if you have additional time to play with, here are some recommendations.

Book a unique experience

Sightseeing non-stop is a great way to enjoy your three days in Rome, but what would make it even better (for those with additional time) is booking an unforgettable experience.

I promise this is the perfect way to round out your trip, whether you’re simply having a nice splurgey dinner, or doing something more hands-on like a cooking class.

Here are some additional ideas for your Rome itinerary:

  • A Vespa tour like this one
  • A street food tour like this one
  • A pasta and tiramisu making class like this one

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Explore some of the cool gems around Termini Station

Rome is such a historic city that the 3 day itinerary above barely scrapes the surface in terms of all the cool sights you can find.

Particularly around the Rome Termini Station, you’ll actually find a few interesting sights that are bit more off the typical tourist path, like:

  • Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri: A church designed by Michaelangelo in old bath house ruins with a cool Meridian Line
  • Fontana dell’Acqua Felice: A unique fountain with a giant Moses statue
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria: Home to the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, possibly the most famous of Bernini’s sculptures
  • Quattro Fontane: An intersection with four late Rennaissance fountains perched elegantly on each corner
  • Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli: A church home to the chains said to have held St Peter prisoner in Jerusalem, and Michelangelo’s famous Moses statue

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Take a day trip to Tivoli 

If you have additional days in Rome, I can highly recommend a day trip to Tivoli, which is only 33km away. The gardens at Villa d’Este are truly some of the most beautiful gardens I’ve seen in my entire life.

If you don’t have a car, this is a day trip I recommend doing with a guided tour, because getting between villas is a bit cumbersome with public transport. Here is an affordable option that includes lunch.

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Take a day trip to Pompeii 

While this is a much lengthier day trip, it’s a must-do for history lovers. After all, how often do you get to ‘time travel’ back to the year 79AD?

This is another experience I recommend booking with a tour guide, because context is SO important with Pompeii.

Here is an option from Rome with 1000+ positive reviews.

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Explore some of Rome’s other less famous neighbourhoods

Lastly, while Rome is a great city for tourists, I’ve been told by local birdies that it’s also a wonderful place to live.

So, if you have more than three days in Rome, make sure you pencil in some time to discover the more local side of Rome by exploring neighbourhoods beyond the touristy classics like the Centro Storico and Trastavere.

I’ve heard wonderful things about Testaccio in particular, if you love food as much as I do. 

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I hope this Rome in 3 Days Itinerary was Helpful!

Let me know in the comments if you have any more questions, or suggestions for my next trip.

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1 thought on “A Magical 3 Days in Rome Itinerary”

This 3 day itinerary looks like a week of sightseeing, taking notes already of all the places I can go. Thank you.

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Rome In 3 Days - How To Get The Most Out Of Your Trip!

Elyssa Bernard

By Elyssa Bernard

August 6, 2023

Wondering how to see Rome in 3 days?

Wondering what to do and how to fit it all in?

You've come to the right place!

trevi fountain

Rome in 3 Days - How to Fit it All In

I know one size does not fit all.

But after years of helping thousands of people plan their visit to Rome, I've learned there are some fairly common elements to many visitors' trips to Rome, especially if it's their first time (or their first time after a long time).

If I moved away from Rome, then came back to visit Rome with a friend who'd never been here before,  this is how we'd see Rome in 3 days .

  • DAY  1 - Historic Center - Spanish Steps, Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon
  • DAY 2 - Vatican City - Vatican Museums (Sistine Chapel), Saint Peter's Basilica, St. Peter's dome, Vatican Square
  • DAY 3 - Ancient Rome - Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Capitoline Hill, via dei Fori Imperiali

NB - One big must-see for me is the Borghese Gallery , which I didn't list above.  You may or may not be able to fit this into your 3-day visit to Rome. We'll go over this on this page.

roman forum from palatine hill

Rome in three days - what will work for you?

  • Is it your first time in Rome?
  • Are you on a romantic city break?
  • Are you visiting with small children ? Teenagers ?
  • Are you a solo traveler ?
  • Have you seen all the main things, and are you now looking for new ideas for things to see in Rome?
  • Do you like to " see as much as you can "?, staying out all day to maximize your time? Figure you'll sleep when you get home?

These are some factors I know can make a difference in how people decide what to do when they visit Rome.

So we'll take them into account when appropriate, in the 3-day Rome itinerary below.

trevi fountain

Rome 3-day itinerary - Day One

Your first day in Rome will affect how you think about Rome when you leave it.

rome rooftops from pincio hill

On my first visit here as a college backpacker, I did NOT enjoy Rome at all.

I now know why.

My friend and I did it all wrong.

We had no plan, no idea where to go, and just decided last minute to go visit the Vatican  Museums and see the Sistine Chapel .

We went without checking their hours or anything at all about what a visit would be like .

We did not get there in time, did not get in, and wasted half the day.

We also TRAVELED there the wrong way, and only experienced loud busy streets, traffic, and tons of tourists.

Bad impression.

It does NOT have to be this way. 

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Day 1 - Getting to Know Rome

I've put this 3 days in Rome itinerary in the order I'd do them.

Of course you could mix up the days as you prefer.

In addition, the Vatican Museums are usually closed on Sundays so you may need to move the days around if your Rome visit includes a weekend.

Regardless, the perfect Rome itinerary will focus mostly on the historic center and of course the Vatican.

But First, Coffee

Let's start our sight-seeing in Rome with a typical Roman breakfast .

cappuccino e cornetto in rome

We'll do as the Romans do, and just find the nearest bar (café).

A typical Roman breakfast (at a bar) consists of cappuccino (or another hot drink) and cornetto (Italian version of a croissant, and there are many versions of this - plain, filled with cream, jam or chocolate, whole-grain, etc).

You can have your breakfast standing at the counter (which is what the Romans do, and which is what costs the least ).

Or you can plunk yourself down at a table, preferably outside, and watch the scenery unfold before you.

piazza san lorenzo in lucina tables outside

First time in Rome

Be aware that it costs more to sit down at a cafe and consume anything than it does to stand at the bar.

Make sure to look for the price list showing bar vs. table prices before you order.

Traveling with children

You might get them a fresh squeezed orange or pomegranate juice, or a hot chocolate.

In Italy, hot chocolate is pretty dense.

If you opt for whipped cream on top, know that it may not be as sweet as your kids are used to.

Solo traveler

Stand at the bar if you feel like getting a move on (and saving money ), but otherwise, don't be shy.

It's common to see people sitting alone at a cafe enjoying their coffee. No need to feel self-conscious.

If you only have the afternoon on Day 1

  • You may be arriving in Rome from another city in Italy or Europe, or from a cruise ship . If your first day will begin at lunch or post-lunch, you can still do the below, perhaps after a quick Roman coffee first.
  • You may be arriving in Rome early morning from overseas and will be jet-lagged.  I suggest having a small walk around until you can check in to your room/ apartment , a max 2-hour nap , then heading out in the early afternoon. It's not easy to sight-see in Rome on no sleep.

Bottom line - you can do the below Rome itinerary as a half-day activity , fitting in what you can.

Check out my YouTube video where we do this walk:

3 night trip to rome

Let the sight-seeing begin

After we've fortified and soaked up some Roman  ambiance, we'll walk around the historic center and see some of the most  beautiful sites in the world . 

These sites are all fairly close to each other.

You may see some or all of these sites. Just go at your own pace.

Piazza Barberini - our starting point for our first day in Rome


I usually suggest walking around Rome, in particular on the first day.

For more ways to get around Rome, visit my pages about

  • using public transportation
  • taking taxis in Rome
  • taking the hop-on hop-off bus
  • how to get around Rome if you have limited mobility

As you can see from this map , y ou could start where you want (it opens in a new window).

If you are staying outside of Rome's historic center, take a taxi or public transportation to one of the starting points. ( For more about where to stay in Rome, visit my page here .)

I suggest starting our visit of the Eternal City at Piazza Barberini and walking up via Sistina to the top of the Spanish Steps.

1 - Trinità dei monti

One reason I love to start at the top of the Spanish Steps is that we begin high up, and will slowly make our way down. 

top of the Spanish Steps in Rome

Looking for a guided tour?

This half-day walking tour covers the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, and Pantheon , many of the must-see sites in central Rome.

The Pincio offers some of the most beautiful, and usually uncrowded, views of Rome's rooftops .

It just gets better as we walk along.

Pincio and views of Rome rooftops

When the road forks, we'll take the one going up, so we can get this view.

That's Piazza del Popolo down there.

After enjoying the views from up here, we'll go down there next.

Piazza del Popolo from above

Traveling with small children?

cycling in villa borghese park

Just behind you is the  Villa Borghese park .

If you walk back into it, you will come to a carousel, a café, places for bike and other rentals, and lots of fun things to do, for adults and kids alike. 

3 - Piazza del Popolo

Walking down from the Pincio, we arrive in Piazza del Popolo.

That Egyptian obelisk in  the middle, with its original hieroglyphs, is one of the oldest and largest in the Eternal City.

Augustus' obelisk in Piazza del Popolo

Rome's first emperor, Augustus , brought it back from Egypt in 10 BCE as a sort of war trophy.

This obelisk stood in the middle of Circus Maximus in Ancient Rome, and was moved to this piazza in the late 1500's.

Ready to plan your trip?

Book your train.

Planning to travel between cities in Italy and other parts of Europe?

Use Trainline to see all the different options available across the different rail companies.

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Find your perfect place to stay in Rome.

Use to choose between hotels, guesthouses, and self-catering apartments in neighborhoods throughout the Eternal City.

Buy your TurboPass

Purchase the convenient Turbopass and visit all of Rome's top attractions including the Colosseum, Pantheon, and Vatican.

With one handy pass, it's all included.

Are you an art-lover? Looking to see more stuff?

Pop into  Santa Maria del Popolo , the church at the edge of the piazza.

santa maria del popolo

This Renaissance church is home to a treasure-trove of art, including works by Caravaggio , Bernini, Raphael, Pinturicchio, Carracci, Bramante, and others.

Travelling with kids/teenagers?

Not just for kids, the exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions underneath the church is extraordinary , and much larger and more interesting than it appears from the outside. 

leonardo da vinci museum in piazza del popolo

4 - Via Margutta

We are going to make our way back towards the bottom of the Spanish Steps .

I love cutting back to this sweet little street, via Margutta.

It's one of my favorite streets for escaping the crowds in Rome.

Via Margutta in Rome in summer

It's mostly an artists' street, filled with art galleries, antique shops, one-off artisan shops, and lots of local ambiance.

It also happens to be where Gregory Peck's character lived in the 1960's classic movie " Roman Holiday ." Swoon!

(If you're a film buff, you may be interested in this Roman Holiday Segway tour .)

On a Romantic break?

Are you visiting Rome on a romantic getaway ? 

The  Hotel de Russie , immediately to our left as we start walking down via del Babuino, is one of the most luxurious, and most beautiful, hotels in Rome.

And they have a garden in the back.

hotel de russie garden

You can visit it year round (there are heat lamps for winter .)

It's not inexpensive but it is a very special way to spend a few moments enjoying a coffee or aperitif.

5 - Bottom of Spanish Steps

Once at the plaza called Piazza di Spagna , we can take some nice photos of the whole panorama. 

Spanish Steps in Rome

Limited time/energy?

You can skip the Pincio/Piazza del Popolo/via Margutta, and walk straight down the steps from our starting point at the top. 

The Spanish Steps neighborhood is central  Rome's primary shopping zone .

The most famous street in the area, lined with many of the most notable fashion brands in the world, is via Condotti . I prefer to walk down via Frattina, but it's up to you.

via condotti shopping street in rome

6 - Pantheon

The Pantheon  never fails to stop me in my tracks e very single time I see it.

rome pantheon

Built by the emperor Hadrian around 120 C.E., it has the world's largest un-reinforced concrete dome.

The Pantheon was originally built By Marcus Agrippa in 25 or 27 BCE under Rome's first emperor, Augustus.

We are not entirely sure of its original use(s), but in the 7th century it was turned into a church, which is one reason it's mostly intact.

It's also a mausoleum for Italy's kings and queens, and the artist Raphael is buried here too.

Find out how to visit the Pantheon here .

A great way to get the most out of this visit is with a self-guided audio tour.

If you're a shopper, you may enjoy my guide to shopping near the Pantheon.

artichoke roman style

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Want to fit in more stuff?

On this 3-day itinerary in Rome, we pass a lot of churches , many of which have exquisite art and architecture.

Right here near the Pantheon, you can visit:

  • Saint Ignatius - stunning ceiling with a trompe-l'œil dome (optical illusion.)
  • Santa Maria Sopra Minerva - the only Gothic church in Rome, with a statue of Christ the Redeemer, by Michelangelo .
  • San Luigi dei Francesi - a beautiful French church, with a chapel containing 3 Caravaggio paintings depicting the Life of Saint Matthew.

No matter what season you visit Rome, here are 4 things never to leave at home:

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Disclosure: If you make a purchase through a link on this page, I may receive a small commission - at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my site!

7 - Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is arguably one of the most beautiful piazzas in Rome's city center (and just a 3-minute walk from the Pantheon.)

The piazza was built on top of what was originally a stadium in Ancient Rome (in use at the same time as the Colosseum .)

piazza navona in rome

Today Piazza Navona is home to stunning baroque architecture, in particular the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone, and three fountains, two of which were designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini .

piazza navona

Want more stuff to do? Visiting Rome with teenagers/kids?

You can visit part of the remaining structure of Domitian's stadium, underneath Piazza Navona .

Go towards the rounded end of the Piazza and on the left-hand side you will see the entrance.

Click here to book tickets and audio tour of the underground.

Visiting Rome on a romantic city break?

Head to the rooftop terrace of the Eitch Borromini hotel (May - October), for stunning rooftop views of Rome , and sunsets.

To get there, walk behind Piazza Navona to Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima, 30.

A CAVEAT - This spot has become very popular in recent years and now you will need to reserve in advance to snag a spot. I don't recommend trying to just "pop in."

8 - Campo dei Fiori

Just a short walk from Piazza Navona, Campo dei Fiori is another beautiful piazza from Renaissance and Baroque times (used as a market, but also for public executions).

Today it's mostly known for its open-air market , and its high concentration of lively bars and pubs and places to eat.

campo dei fiori in rome

That statue in the middle of the square honors the philosopher Giordano Bruno, burnt at the stake on this spot for heresy in 1600.

He was later exonerated for his "crimes", hence this statue of him.

Staring hard, straight across the Tiber river at the Vatican.

A fun way to experience this area is with a food tour.

Click here to book an evening food tour that includes the Jewish Ghetto and Campo dei Fiori.

9 - Largo di Torre Argentina

Largo di Torre Argentina is known for two things: It's where Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.E.

The ruins at Largo Argentina in Rome

And it's a city-sanctioned cat sanctuary .

If you are a cat-lover, you will be pleased to see many cats living among the ancient ruins.

You can even go down the stairs on one side and visit them (and you can adopt, even from afar.)

If you are not a cat-lover, just know the cats are fed, cared for, and living in the ruins and will not bother you.

And, as of June 2023, you can now visit this site and I highly recommend it!

3 night trip to rome

It's usually not crowded, there are no long lines to buy tickets (5€), and you can see it in less than half an hour.

10 - Trevi Fountain

We'll top off our day with the one, the only, the Trevi Fountain .

trevi fountain in rome

Built over a period of 130 years , and with some traces of influence by Bernini, this iconic fountain was completed in the 18th century by Nicola Salvi .

My favorite thing about the Trevi fountain is that you can hear it before you see it.

Listen as you get closer and you will hear it too.

trevi fountain

And that's a wrap for Day 1!

Where to Eat?

Looking for someplace to eat nearby?

They are on the map linked on this page, Rome in 3 Days .

But you can also visit my pages about

  • Where to Eat Near the Trevi Fountain
  • Where to Eat Near the Pantheon
  • Where to Eat Near Piazza Navona
  • Where to Eat Near the Spanish Steps

Looking to save money?

Visit my page about where to eat in Rome on a Budget .

3 Days in Rome itinerary - Day Two

Today we visit the Vatican  and Vatican Museums (unless it's a Sunday, or you had to book a guided tour or special visit another day).

There are many ways to approach this visit but for our purposes, we are going to take a mid-morning guided tour .

1 - Coffee, of course

Most people not staying near Vatican City   take the Metro and come out at the  Ottaviano stop.

This is perfect for us, too.

As you can guess, I want to start the day with a yummy Roman breakfast . 

So we'll head to  Sciascia Caffè  for the perfect coffee and a pastry.

scia scia cafe in rome

First, it's near Ottaviano, one of the metro stations closest to the Vatican Museums.

Second, it's famous for serving up some of Rome's best coffee .

And that's saying a lot!

3 night trip to rome

2 - Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

The best way to visit Vatican City is with a very good guide. (When you book a tour, you always skip the line .)

I opted for a small-group tour , so we can hear the guide up close, and also have a better chance to ask questions.

( If you want to save money , you can also opt for the Vatican Museums' audio guide, which isn't bad.)

the creation of adam by michelangelo - sistine chapel

Every Vatican Museums guided tour includes the Sistine Chapel .

It's the last thing to visit inside the Vatican Museums.

3 - St. Peter's Basilica

St Peter's Basilica Shortcut

You can only take the shortcut from the Sistine Chapel to St Peter's Basilica if you are on a tour that INCLUDES the basilica.

The shortcut is open from 9:30 am - 5 or 5:30PM, and it's ONLY accessible to tour companies or private guides that you book OUTSIDE the Vatican Museums website.

The Vatican Museums does not have any ticket or tour that includes the shortcut.

This means that you won't have access to the shortcut during the  KeyMaster tour , the  Extra Time tour , or any other tour that does not specifically include the basilica.

If you book any tour of the Vatican Museums, you can check the details to see if it finishes in the  Sistine Chapel  or the basilica.

Click here to view a map of Vatican City  (it will open in a new page.)

If you're on a tour, take the shortcut from the Sistine Chapel to St. Peter's basilica .

I like getting a tour of the basilica as well as the Vatican museums .

It IS the largest church in the world and there's just so much  history, art, and architecture . 

st peters basilica in vatican city

Once our guide leaves us, we'll just sit down in a side-chapel and rest a little.

What better place to contemplate our day, and  what we've seen and done so far?

4 - St. Peter's Dome

3 night trip to rome

This next bit is optional, depending on how much time and energy you have.

Also, the second part of this climb can be claustrophobic  and also tiring as it's stairs only, so you may want to leave this out if it's not for you.

And for those with walking issues , you can take the elevator to the halfway point if you like.

Next, we'll make our way back to the entry of the basilica, and turn right towards the ticket office for climbing the dome .

What an amazing view of Saint Peter's Square from up there!

view from top of the dome of st peters basilica

Once we come down from the dome, we'll end up back in the basilica.

One last  long gaze at Michelangelo 's Pietà and off we go.

michelangelo's pietà inside st peter's basilica

This tour of Saint Peter's Basilica includes climbing the dome and also a visit to the underground grottoes below the altar.

5 - St. Peter's Square

We still have to walk through St. Peter's Square , where there is quite a lot to see!

st peter's square vatican city

This gives us a pretty complete tour of Vatican City .

Should you skip the Vatican Museums?

If you're short on time and/or energy, you might consider skipping the Vatican Museums.

Yes, you want to see the Sistine Chapel, I know.

But that visit takes around 2 hours, and if you skip it, you can still enjoy all the other art and architecture of Vatican City by visiting the Basilica and Saint Peter's Square.

6 - Castel Sant'Angelo

It's possible (and a great idea) to visit Castel Sant'Angelo on a visit to Rome in 3 days.

While I think we've done  plenty for the day, Castel Sant'Angelo is right on our way back across the Tiber river to the city center, and it's convenient to visit it after a Vatican Museums visit.

So if you want to fit in more stuff, this is a great option.

Two excellent guided tours you can choose from

This tour offers access the Castel Sant'Angelo with skip-the-line entrance and an opportunity to explore places that are generally closed to the public.

This express 1-hour skip the line panoramic tour takes you straight up to the stunning terrace of the Castel Sant'Angelo after which you can explore on your own.

castel sant'angelo in rome

If you decide to do this, you should go to the roof, where you can enjoy a little  refreshment, and one of the best café views in Rome.

There is sometimes a line to get in. 

If you think you want to do this, you can book ahead here .

Where to eat?

I've listed places to eat on the map embedded on this page .

fennel salad at sorpasso near the vatican

7 - Angel Bridge

If you visiting Rome for a short stay, you may not have time to visit Castel Sant'Angelo .

But on this itinerary, we will cross  Ponte Sant'Angelo , the Angel Bridge.

The bridge has spanned the Tiber River since ancient Roman times, but the angels are from the 1600s. 

the angel bridge,or ponte sant'angelo

The 12 angels on this bridge represent the 12 stations of the cross.

8 - Via dei Coronari

One of the prettiest streets in Rome, and one of the most fun strolling/ shopping /people-watching streets, is via dei Coronari.

via dei coronari rome

We end up right near Piazza Navona .

For the rest of today, we can visit some sites we may not have gotten to on the first day, stroll around or take a nap before dinner.

And that's a wrap for Day 2!

Want more stuff to do?

Visit Palazzo Altemps , part of the Rome National Museum system, right near Piazza Navona.

This wonderful collection of Greek and Roman sculptures resides in an old ducal palace that's a work of art in itself.

NB - After the Vatican Museums , I usually don't recommend trying to see another art museum like the Borghese Gallery on the same day. However, Palazzo Altemps is a relatively easy museum to visit and also logistically in the area of this itinerary.

Rome 3-day itinerary - Day Three

On Day 3, we can spend half or a whole day visiting the sites of Ancient Rome - Colosseum , Roman Forum and Palatine Hill .

We'll get a relatively early start.

This way, we have the second half of the day free.

We may want to see some sites we missed the first day, get in some shopping, relax, or fit in one more site.

Much of what we've seen already on our Rome itinerary has included ancient stuff.

The Pantheon , Piazza Navona ,  Largo Argentina  , even the Vatican all have history and architecture going back to ancient Roman times.

But on today's schedule, we are going to visit Rome sites commonly referred to as "Ancient Rome" - the Colosseum , Roman Forum and Palatine Hill .

How to free up this day

If you want to free this day up for more stuff, like the Borghese Gallery , the Capitoline Museums , shopping , a day trip , or something else, you could consider visiting the Colosseum by night .

This option is typically available from spring - December on weekends, and tickets can be hard to come by.

Also, you don't get to visit the Roman Forum or Palatine Hill with this ticket.

But it would give you an extra day to plan other activities while still allowing you to see Rome's most famous monument .

1 - Coffee, What Else?

By now, you know my drill.

I love to start a day of sight-seeing with my Roman cappuccino and cornetto . 

Er Baretto coffee bar in Monti in Rome

2 - Piazza Venezia

Let's start day 3 of our Rome in 3 Days itinerary at Piazza Venezia .

The most obvious thing to see here is this giant white "wedding cake" (that is one of several not-very-flattering nicknames the Romans have given it).

Piazza Venezia wedding cake in Rome

The building, Complesso Vittoriano , was built in the late 1890s and completed in 1925.

It was built as a tribute to Victor Emanuel II , the first king of a unified Italy.

Although not fascist in style, the monument is often associated with Mussolini.

If you look up at the building on the right-hand side as you face the monument, you will see the balcony where Mussolini declared war in 1940 . 

palazzo venezia in rome

The big white monument is today known for housing the tomb of the unknown soldier (you can see two soldiers there, guarding two "eternal" flames, and if you want, there is free entry, and you can go inside to visit the tomb).

tomb of the unknown soldier rome

3 - Campidoglio

We'll head around the wedding cake, and walk up the ramp to Campidoglio, city hall (and where I got married )!

campidoglio ramp

This is Capitoline Hill , where the Ancient Romans had their temple to Jupiter.

Later, Michelangelo redesigned the square, as you see it today.

The equestrian statue in the middle of emperor Marcus Aurelius is a copy.

The original is inside the Capitoline Museums .

capitoline hill in rome

The main reason I want to come here is for this view over the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill . 

view of the roman forum from capitoline hill

Visit the Capitoline Museums right here on Capitoline Hill.

It will easily take 2 or more hours, so make sure you will have time and energy for this.

You could also opt to take the elevator to the top of the Vittoriano for some of the most stunning 360 degree views of Rome .

top tips for rome

4 - Via dei Fori Imperiali

We'll walk down the curving slope and end up on the via dei Fori Imperiali , or, the Street of the Imperial Forums.

This is where some of Rome's emperors (and also Julius Caesar ) built their government centers.

via dei fori imperial, street of the imperial forums

Imperial Forum vs. Roman Forum

The Roman Forum is where downtown city life was in Ancient Rome.

It's off to the right as you walk down this road towards the Colosseum. You can go inside as part of a visit to the Colosseum.

An Imperial Forum was the forum that an emperor built, which is where he would conduct matters of state.

On this road, you can see 4 fora (forums): Coming from Piazza Venezia towards the Colosseum - On the right-hand side is the forum of Julius Caesar.

On the left, you have the forums of Trajan, Augustus, and Nerva.

5 - Colosseum (and Roman Forum if You Like)

Here's a way to combine 3 main locations in one day if you are really short on time: 

Rome in a Day Tour with Vatican, Colosseum & Historic Center

To visit one of the most famous monuments in Rome , if not the world, we are going to take a guided tour .

There is way too much information and Roman history to try to figure it out on our own. 

inside of the colosseum in rome

I booked a small-group tour that will take us into the Colosseum and the Roman Forum .

roses in the roman forum

If you prefer not to take a guided tour, you can just purchase a skip the line ticket and go on your own.

On a Romantic city break

If you can, visit the Colosseum towards closing time so you might catch a bit of sunset.

Afterwards, hop over to the  Hotel Forum  or the NH Fori Imperiali for a  romantic rooftop aperitivo .

If it's  winter  and the rooftops are closed, go to nearby Palazzo Manfredi and check out the swanky The Court with a stunning view of the Colosseum .

Traveling with small children

You may want to only  visit the Colosseum  and not the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

You may also opt to not go inside and simply walk around the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, and the via dei Fori Imperiali, taking it all in, without the stress and commitment of going inside these sites.

None of these sites is very stroller-friendly.


3 night trip to rome

For more to do in this area, try:

  • The Basilica of San Clemente , with it's two layers of underground excavations , going back to pre-Roman times.
  • Another ancient Roman site in the area, such as Trajan's Market , or Palazzo Valentini .
  • The Capitoline Museums .

Or if you really want to fit in another must-see site, consider the Borghese Gallery , although it is in a different area of the city and you'll need to plan your transportation there.

neighborhood near colosseum

6 - Palatine Hill and Roman Forum

When you buy a ticket to the Colosseum , it includes entry to the Roman Forum/Palatine Hill .

I put these two together because they constitute one archeological park .

The main thing to know is you cannot leave the Roman Forum/Palatine Hill and come back again.

view of roman forum from palatine hill

So if your tour or visit to the Colosseum ends in the Roman Forum , and you want to also see the Palatine Hill , either make sure your tour includes this part, or stay in the park until you've visited all you want to see.

7 - Lunch, and . . .

Winding down this visit of 3 days in Rome, we'll head for a bite.

There are lots of places to eat near the Colosseum .

Or you can just grab a sandwich or slice of pizza . 

tonnarelli cacio e pepe rome

Rome in 3 Days - the rest of the story

We have one more half day in Rome .

What will we do?

When you visit Rome, I believe in leaving a little bit of your trip unplanned .

Perhaps just a meander back to your hotel, stopping for a drink along the way.

Or maybe you want to shop .

Perhaps go back to one of the sites you saw (or missed) one of the other days.

Want to see something else?

Try  Trajan's Market , another incredible set of ancient ruins, and nearly always uncrowded.

Or, visit the Capitoline Museums, or the Galleria Doria Pamphilj.

If you want to make sure you have this second half of your day planned, I suggest trying to book in advance the Galleria Borghese , one of Rome's best museums.

No, you can't actually see it "all" in Rome in 3 days.

But you can see a lot.

And that's a great start. Next time, you'll see more!

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Top attractions and tours


  • Colosseum - Don't miss visiting Rome's most iconic monument
  • Vatican Museums - This is where the Sistine Chapel is
  • Pantheon - Book ahead and skip the line
  • Galleria Borghese - You'll need to book ahead for one of Rome's best museums
  • Castel Sant'Angelo - See Rome's history through its architecture
  • Rome City Pass - A great way to make your Rome visits easier

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Rome vacation packages make planning and booking much easier. Not only will you save with access to the most attractive rates, you'll be able to effortlessly match flight times to available hotels. Instead of spending time booking Rome flight and hotels separately, you can complete the process in one step.

When should you book a vacation package to Rome?

July and August are the most popular months and tend to be a little more expensive. However, you can always find competitively priced Rome travel deals. Some of the best Rome vacation packages are available in spring or fall. The city is less busy and queues for famous attractions like the Sistine Chapel are shorter.

Where should you stay in Rome during your vacation?

For any vacation type in rome:.

The Marcella Royal Hotel is perfect for singles, couples, or families. This Neo-Renaissance building is eight minutes from the metro and 15 minutes from the Via Vittorio Veneto. There is a shuttle service to and from Rome Fiumicino International Airport.

The Palazzo Martini is ideally located just one minute from the famous Baths of Diocletian. It's perfect for those who want upscale Rome vacation deals and easy access to the city's top attractions. Take a taxi or board the airport shuttle.

For family vacations in Rome:

You might consider the Hotel Mondial if you're browsing inexpensive Rome travel deals for your family vacation. Hop on the shuttle bus or take a train from the airport; the hotel is just a six-minute walk from Termini station.

Try the Hotel Ripa Roma, a chic design hotel on a bustling street 1.9 miles from the Colosseum and 2.4 miles from St. Peter's Basilica. Take the Leonardo Express to nearby Termini Station. The train departs from Rome Fiumicino at 30-minute intervals.

For romantic vacations in Rome:

Couples will adore the Palazzo Manfredi. A Relais & Chateaux hotel, it combines the opulence of a 17th century Italian Villa with chic, modern rooms and outstanding service. Take the complimentary shuttle from Rome International Airport.

Villa Clementina is perfect for couples who want Rome vacation packages that really meet their needs. Facilities at this sleek villa include a mineral water pool, a tennis court, a spa, a bar, and a 2-hectare garden. It's also easy to reach by taxi from the airport.

For luxury vacations in Rome:

Set in a grand 1930s Neo-Renaissance building on trendy Via Veneto Vittoria, the Ambasciatori Palace Hotel is an inspired choice for luxurious Rome getaways. It's 1.8 miles from the Colosseum and a short walk from the Trevi Fountain. Take a taxi or hire a limo from the airport.

Choose the prestigious Hotel Lunetta in the historic Parisi district for special Rome trips. You'll enjoy a range of amenities that includes a chic luxury spa, a rooftop bar, an indoor pool, and an airport shuttle service.

For budget vacations in Rome:

Suite Valadier enjoys an exceptional location between Piazza del Popolo and Piazza di Spagna and it's a great solution if you're searching for cheap Rome vacation packages. Take a taxi or rent a car at the airport to drive to the hotel via the A91.

Located in the EUR business and financial district, Warmhotel Rome is the ideal base from which to discover the city on a budget. There's an American-style bar and a restaurant, and you can book shuttle bus transfers to and from the airport for a small fee.

Where to stay in Rome

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Home » Europe » Italy » Rome

EPIC 3-Day Rome Itinerary! (2024 Guide)

Ah, Rome: the colossal, eternal city that’s thrived for well over 2000 years now. From the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and from the Second World War to the era of snap-happy tourists, Rome has seen many an empire rise and fall.

Simultaneously elegant and down-to-earth, the Italian capital manages to charm everyone from history lovers in search of ancient ruins to fashionable hipsters looking for the next best espresso. And I’m pretty sure that you’re next to fall in love with the Roman dolce vita !

Visiting the treasure trove that is the city of Rome can be totally overwhelming for many but there’s no need to let that put you off: I’m right here for you!

My 3-day Rome itinerary has plenty of advice, including what to do, helpful insider tips, and plenty of food recommendations. Whether you’re planning a trip to Rome or already right in the heart of the Eternal City, I’ve got you covered!

A Little Bit about this 3-Day Rome Itinerary

Where to stay in rome in 3 days, rome itinerary day 1: ancient rome and the historic quarter, rome itinerary day 2: vatican city, rome itinerary day 3: the other side, what to do with more than 3 days in rome, best time to visit rome, how to get around rome, what to prepare before visiting rome, faq on rome itinerary, final thoughts.

Backpacking in Italy is an unbelievably amazing experience as the whole country is gorgeous. Rome simply stands out even more!

If you want to do Rome in a day, you will probably have to decide between either the Vatican or the Colosseum as they are kind of far apart. Alternatively, you could admire The Colly from the outside in the morning and then make your way over to the Vatican or vice versa.

If you’re wondering how many days in Rome you should spend, I advise you to spend at least three days in Rome as the city is packed with major attractions and it’s just so awesome. With 3 days in Rome, you’ll be able to explore the Roman ruins and visit the Vatican at a leisurely pace. If all you have is a weekend in Rome then you should do the Vatican on Saturday and then explore Roman life and history in the city center on Sunday – you won’t have time for much else.

3 days in Rome will also allow you to explore a few lesser-known landmarks at a more laid-back pace. Ideally, though, you should spend at least five days in Rome to make the most of the Eternal City’s numerous attractions as well as fill up on the delicious food – perhaps even consider some food tours .

On top of that, make sure you choose the right location. Many of Rome’s epic hostels are ideally located in the center of the city so you’re well connected to all other areas, but there are some quieter neighborhoods that offer affordable prices just south of the Colosseum – amazing, considering Rome can be quite expensive .

If you have a few more days, you’ll be able to discover some of the city’s hidden gems. That said, a week in Rome can be pricey. Consider buying a Roma Pass if you plan on visiting a lot of extra museums and local attractions – it will give you free entry to most of Rome’s top points of interest. You’ll also get to skip the line at these!

If you follow this 3-day itinerary for Rome strictly though, you won’t need a Roma Pass.

3 night trip to rome

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3 Day Rome Itinerary Overview

  • Day 1 in Rome: The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Capitoline Hill, Altare Degli Patria, Piazza Venezia, Monti, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Campo de Fiore, Jewish Quarter
  • Day 2 in Rome:  Vatican City, Vatican Museums, St Peter’s Square, St Peter’s Basilica, Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza del Popolo, Spanish Steps, Via del Corso
  • Day 3 in Rome:  Bathes of Caracalla, Circus Maximus, Bocca della Verita, Giardino delgi Aranci, Pyramid of Caius Cestius, Ostiense, Trastevere
  • More Places to See in Rome:  Villa Borghese, Quartiere Coppedè, Appia Antica, Parco degli Acquedotti

3 night trip to rome

With a Rome City Pass , you can experience the best of Rome at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

When visiting Rome for the first time, you need to get your bearings as it’s a big city, but most of central Rome’s ancient historic sites are within walking distance. So let’s loosely break it down.

To the west is the Vatican and to the east is the Stazione Termini, the central transport hub for bus and train (including from the airport) and a bustling area in its own right.

To the south are the iconic Colosseum and much of the Roman city, while the Villa Borghese Gallery is to the north.

That said, let’s  identify where to stay in Rome  within this area. Top of the list is Centro Storico, the historic city center. Although it’s one of the pricier neighborhoods, it offers really good value: the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and the Pantheon are right on your doorstep!

Tridente is technically a part of Centro Storico but it’s a decidedly classier part. Prices are at a premium but it’s long been popular with celebrities and is surrounded by luxury stores.

For something more off the beaten track, we recommend Trastevere. It’s an effortlessly cool, shabby-chic area that bustles with hipsters exploring cobbled alleyways during the day and partying it up come nightfall. This Roman neighborhood is home to lovely shops, restaurants, and a few stunning historic sites, such as the Basilica di Santa Maria.

The Rome Airbnb scene is also booming and many are very well priced.

Best Hostel in Rome – Dreaming Rome Hostel

Rome itinerary

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Dreaming Rome Hostel is my pick for the best hostel in Rome! Recommended by over a thousand guests, Dreaming Rome Hostel is certainly doing something right. It comes with all the essential facilities (free WIFI and maps), is close to the Colosseum and is impeccably clean. It’s the welcoming atmosphere, though, that wins smiles. The owners are hands-on and provide their guests with individualized attention. There are also pasta nights every night and pizza on Sundays. Yummy!

Best Budget Hotel in Rome – Residenza Maritti Contemporary Suite

Rome itinerary

Located in the heart of the city, Residenza Maritti Contemporary Suite is a real gem! It combines contemporary style (spacious rooms with flat-screen TVs and cashmere fabrics) with a historic charm (gorgeous views of the Roman Forum and antique ornaments). It’s just 200m from the Roman Forum, has a superb terrace for socializing, and is consistently praised for the friendliness of the staff.

Best Luxury Hotel in Rome – Singer Palace Hotel

Rome itinerary

The 5* Singer Palace Hotel is one of a kind! 350m from the Trevi Fountain and 5 minutes from the Pantheon, the Singer Palace has a location spot-on. And then there is the hotel itself: a 20th-century palace with gilded furniture, a rooftop terrace with breathtaking views, and a restaurant serving up scrumptious Italian pasta and seafood. Lucky you!

rome itinerary map day 1

The first day of my perfect Rome itinerary is devoted to the city’s most iconic landmarks, including the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, and Trevi. This is going to be a whirlwind of a day so make sure wake up early, have a good breakfast, and a strong espresso before heading out!

Every map that you see in this article includes a hyperlink to an interactive version on Google Drive. After clicking the map image, the interactive version will be opened in a new tab.

8:30 am – Colosseum


As the icon of the Roman Empire and an ancient Wonder of the World, the Colosseum is one of the best things to see in Rome in 3 days. Historians believe it was built over an eight-year period and completed in 80 AD.

For over 500 years, the Colosseum was the place to have fun in Rome. There were gladiator fights, exotic animal displays, and executions of infamous prisoners all taking place to the roaring approval of the ancient Roman crowd.

Things are a lot less bloody today but there is still a lot of fun to be had with a visit to the Colosseum!

Note that it’s not exactly one of Rome’s hidden gems : the queues to enter the Colosseum are big (and even bigger in summer). If you don’t already have some sort of tourist pass that allows you to skip the line, bank half a day to get in, around, and out again.

Admiring the building from the outside is one option as this will save you time as well as $13 but you may end up regretting not going in. Guided tours obviously take longer than a DIY trip so you need to work out what is more important (1) historical context or (2) saving time.

If you don’t have a Roma Pass, buy your tickets at the Palatine Hill ticket office, instead of at the Colosseum, as the lines are a lot shorter! For the ones that are more interested in the history and hidden details of the Colosseum, you should check out a  VIP tour ! It will take you to secret tunnels, old cages where they kept lions and tigers, and to the third ring (all of this is a restricted area for normal visitors so you can enjoy exclusive access) – definitely a cool adventure that not everyone gets to experience!

  • Cost  – $13 entrance to the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours
  • Getting there –   Metro Line B stops directly in front of the Colosseum.

10:30 am – The Roman Forums and Palatine Hill

The Roman Forum

The Colosseum and Roman Forum are located right across from each other, so it makes sense to see this site next. The Roman Forum was once Rome’s city center of one of the most powerful empires in history! Walking through the ruins is like stepping back in time. The archaeological site is significantly lower than the surrounding attractions, meaning that there are some amazing views of ancient and modern Rome side-by-side.

The site was essentially the central business district of its time, full of temples and civic buildings. You can still visit the Temple of Julius Caesar, where the famous general was cremated after his assassination. There is also the Lapis Niger, the marble slab that legend holds to cover the tomb of Romulus, the founder of Rome.

Perhaps most impressive, though, is that you can view the Roman Senate in all its glory, thanks to a 1937 reconstruction of the renowned building.

The Roman Forum is a huge site and can be overwhelming if you don’t have a guide. That said, there are few archaeological sites in the world that are so extensive and evocative so this really is top of the list of  places to visit in Rome  in 3 days!

The lines here are a lot shorter than the ones for the Colly and I was in and out within an hour even in August. That said, if you go with a guide who stops to explain everything, that will take a lot longer.

If you like the Roman Forum, you should also consider taking a trip to Largo di Torre Argentina – the remains of collection of four roman temples and a theatre. However, if you are running out of time, you could skip this and not miss out.

Tip tip: consider getting tickets online for a Colosseum and Roman Forum combined tour, as they are located next to each other.

  • Cost  – Included with the purchase of a Colosseum ticket.
  • Getting there  –  You can access the Palatine directly from the Colosseum. Otherwise, the forum is a 5-minute walk up Via dei Fori Imperiali.

 12:00 pm – Capitoline Hill and Altare Della Patria

Capitoline Hill

Right next to the Roman Forum, the Capitoline Hill continues your journey into ancient Rome. The Capitoline Hill was predominantly a religious center for the Romans, concentrated around the Temple of Jupiter. To get a sense of how majestic the building was, head into the Capitoline Museums, and be aware that you could easily spend an entire day inside them.

Insider Tip: You don’t need a museum ticket to visit the museum cafe, nor do you need to buy anything to take in the views so even if you skip the museum, the cafe terrace is one of the best things to see in Rome!

The Capitoline Hill is also home to some stunning Renaissance landmarks. The most beautiful of these is the Piazza del Campidoglio which was designed by Michelangelo.

If you go around behind the Capitol ine Museum, you’ll also be afforded one of the best views of the Forum as well.

The Victor Emmanuel II Monument or the Altare Della Patria was built to honor the first Italian king and is also an immensely impressive site. It is an enormous and humbling structure (that was probably Mussolini’s intention when he oversaw the construction) and is definitely worth entering. Make sure you walk to the upper balcony for another great view.

Fun fact: the square in front of the Altare, Piazza Venezia, is where Mussolini used to deliver his speeches.

  • Cost  – The hill and Altare are both free; entrance to the Capitoline Museum is $13.
  • How long should I stay here?  An hour for the Altare. Longer if you enter the museum.
  • Getting there – Another 5-minute walk from the Roman Forum. Note that the main street here is closed for commuter cars but is still used by buses and taxis.

1:00 pm – Lunch in Monti

carbonara the best food in rome

Monti is considered the artist’s district of Rome, which means that there are lots of artisan shops, boutiques, and local clothing stores around. It is a great place to shop as well as to stop and have a bite to eat. There are many high-quality restaurants in Monti that offer meals at relatively affordable prices.

One of the best places to eat in Monti is Osteria Olivia. From the outside, this place is barely recognizable, aside from the old, broken truck parked outside, which now serves as a bench. Inside though are the delicious aromas of classic Roman cuisine.

Osteria Olivia makes one of the best carbonaras in Rome, a dish that is iconic to the city. It is perfectly cooked and extremely filling. You’ll probably want a coffee or digestif after eating one; pop on over to Magasin bar next door, which is owned and operated by the same people at Olivia. Take your time and recharge your batteries for continuing your 3-day Rome itinerary.

  • Cost  – Lunch should be around 10 euro.
  • How long should I stay here?  A couple hours to eat, relax, and digest.
  • Getting there  – Monti is a relatively small neighborhood and is right next to the Roman Forums. Osteria Olivia is about a 10-minute walk from the latter.

3:00 pm – The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain Rome

After a nice relaxing lunch and another tall cafe, we head to the Centro Historico of Rome. This is where many of Rome’s masterpieces can be found, including the Trevi Fountain.

The Trevi Fountain is as legendary as Rome itself: according to the myth, if you throw in a few coins, you’re sure to return to the Eternal City!

There aren’t many fountains in the world that have their own websites but that’s just how popular the Trevi Fountain is! The fountain that you see today is a reworked version of one that was built over 2000 years ago in the early days of the Roman Empire! The famous facade that you see today wasn’t built until the 17th century when Pope Urban VIII thought the old one was too boring.

The intricate reliefs are carved from local marble, with the main statue being a representation of the ancient god of the ocean, Neptune.

Make no mistake: the crowds here can be IMMENSE. If you’d like a more intimate and atmospheric experience visit here in the evening instead.

  • Cost  – A few cents’ donation to make your wish!
  • How long should I stay here?  Not too long. It gets hectic here.
  • Getting there  – From Monti, it’s about 15-20 minutes walk through the Quirinale area, which is where the government conducts national affairs.

 4:00 pm – The Pantheon

The Pantheon

The ancient Romans certainly knew a thing or two about architecture and left us the Pantheon to prove it! This brilliant building still hosted the world’s largest unsupported, masonic dome, and is a marvel of proportions. The interior was specifically designed to big enough to cause awe yet small enough to be completely taken in by the human eye.

Insider Tip: For a truly magical experience, attend Mass at the Pantheon .

The current Roman temple was built in 125 AD, after two previous versions were destroyed by fires, and the third time certainly was a charm! Originally intended to be a shrine to all forms of religion, the temple was later converted into a church and a cemetery for early Christian martyrs. Raphael, the renowned Renaissance painter, and King Victor Emmanuel II are also buried in the Pantheon.

Although the Pantheon is free to enter, I highly recommend getting an audio guide so you know what you are looking at.

  • Cost  – Free!
  • How long should I stay here?  At least an hour.
  • Getting there  – A 10-minute walk roughly due west from Trevi Fountain.

5:00 pm – Piazza Navona

statue at piazza navona

After Trevi, Piazza Navona hosts probably the second-most famous fountain in Rome called the Fountain of the Four Rivers. Constructed by the legendary Bernini in a slightly ironic manner after Pope Innocent commissioned it in 1651 – read the story – the fountain is a masterpiece of sculpture. Many people actually prefer Navona to Trevi!

Piazza Navona itself is much larger and more spacious than the square where the Trevi Fountain is located. One can actually breathe here and can sit down for a moment of respite. After a long day of walking around Rome, now is a good time to start and slow down and rest a little.

Next to the Fountain is the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone. It’s one of the more notable churches in Rome and you should definitely pop in for a moment. Entry is free.

At the southern end of Piazza Navona you’ll find another fountain: the Fontana del Moro. It’s not as impressive as the Four Rivers but is still worth seeing.

  • How long should I stay here?  An hour to see the fountain and church.

6:00 pm – Aperitivo in Campo de Fiore

Campo dei Fiori Market

The food market of Campo dei Fiori is located right in the center of Rome. The Campo dei Fiori was once a meadow before it was transformed into a place of public execution eventually becoming the legendary market we know today!  The most notable of the executions it witnessed was that of philosopher Giordano Bruno who was burned for heresy in 1600 for his belief that the earth orbited around the sun. His execution is marked by the eerie statue of a hooded monk.

Lovely and colorful, the Campo dei Fiori is everything you would imagine a food market in Italy to be! Some of the delicacies you can sample are artisan meats, fresh fruit, and vegetables, heaps of walnuts, and Tuscan wines. Around the fountain, you will find a picturesque display of cut flowers. During the day, housewives and local chefs jostle over each other for the freshest produce from around Lazio. Then come nightfall, the market takes on a distinctly more hipster vibe!

You don’t need to be cooking in Rome to enjoy the market: you can shop for canned souvenirs, as well as just take in the atmosphere from one of the many bars or restaurants. Though the establishments around Fiori are usually tourist traps, they’re still good for an early-evening snack or  aperitivo .

  • Cost  – between 10-15 euros.
  • How long should I stay here?  Chill for a couple of hours. No rush.
  • Getting there – Across the main street of Corso Vitorio Emanuelle II. Less than 5 minutes’ walk from Piazza Navona.

8:00 pm – Dinner in the Jewish Quarter

roman carciofi jewish quarter

Time to end the day with some more hearty Roman cuisine! You’ve earned it!

One of the most popular places in Rome to have dinner is the old Jewish Quarter. This former ghetto is the birthplace of some of the most famous dishes in the city.

Carciofi  or artichokes is one of the most beloved foods in Rome. Locals like them pan-fried in a delicious mixture of white wine, garlic, lemon, and mint or just straight-up deep-fried.

The deep-fried version of the artichoke originally came from the Jewish Quarter, where Jewish locals would make the dish for Yom Kippur. The tradition lasted and would eventually become of the most well-known dishes in Rome. Nowadays, the Jewish Quarter is filled with restaurants and just about everyone offers this dish.

  • Cost  – Dinners here are not cheap. Be prepared from 30 euros minimum per person.
  • How long should I stay here?  Take your time! It’s the end of the day.
  • Getting there  – 10 minutes walk due southeast from Campo die Fiore.

3 night trip to rome

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

rome itinerary map day 2

It’s going to be a busy day so have a big breakfast early at your hotel. There is also the possibility of booking breakfast at the Vatican Museums. If you don’t manage this, have breakfast at your hotel and then grab an early lunch at one of the museum’s eateries before heading over to St. Peter’s Basilica.

Make it a good breakfast too because it’s going to be a big day! We’re visiting some of the most admired pieces of art in the world like the Sistine Chapel soon!.

9:00 am – The Vatican Museums


No visit to the Eternal City is complete without a few hours at  the Vatican Museums . The world’s largest private art collection is home to some of the most famed artworks by the greats like Michelangelo and Caravaggio!

I cannot recommend a guided tour enough as the museums can be overwhelmingly full of both visitors and artworks. However, it is possible to do a self-guided tour of the museums.

If you’re keen to get up early, I highly recommend the early morning Vatican tour , which starts at around 7.45am. This means that you get in the museum and the chapel long before the main tourists start entering the museum, so you won’t have to wait a long time to buy a ticket.

The Vatican Museums is an arc of Western Civilization. Arguably, there is more history and art here within this building than the rest of the city. Pottery from the Ancient Greeks, tour de forces from the Renaissance, and a number of oddities that attracted various Popes’ attentions are all housed here.

Of course, the must-sees include the colorful, awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel which was painted by Michel Angelo, the paintings of Rafael, and the mind-bogglingly beautiful Spiral Staircase. I advise you not to rush the Sistine chapel and take in all of Michael Angelo’s best work, including the world famous Hand of God painting.

I advise you to start your visit to the Vatican with the museums as there is a direct entrance to St Peter’s Basilica from the museums; if you do it the other way around, you will stand in two queues.

  • Cost  – 44 euro for a guided tour, free with Roma Pass.
  • How long should I stay here?  At least 3 hours.
  • Getting there –  Take the A Metro Line and get off at either Cipro or Ottaviano. From either, it’s a 5 to 10-minute walk to the entrance of the museums.

12:00 pm – Early lunch or snack

pizza in rome

It’s definitely a good idea to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to our next destination: St. Peter’s Basilica. You just spent 2-3 hours walking around a museum and could potentially spend another 2-3 hours at the St. Peters. Food is not allowed in either of course.

Because this is going to be a grab-and-go meal, it’s the perfect time to try the local Roman pizza. Roman pizza is distinctive for being baked in a square shape and then cut into square pieces. The crust is crunchier than other types of Italian pizza and the toppings are pretty diverse.

There are lots of good pizzerie around Vatican City. Make sure you go into an actual pizzeria and not a restaurant that also serves pizza – the former is quicker and cheaper. Pizzeria Mammapa and Pizzeria Rustica are both good choices.

Consider taking your pizza to go as well. If there is a long line to get into St. Peter’s Basilica (there probably will be) you can eat your pizza while you wait.

  • Cost  – 3-4 euro for a large piece.
  • How long should I stay here?  Take an hour or so to rest and eat.
  • Getting there –  Depends where you go but there are good places within 10 minutes walk of the Vatican Museums.

1:00 pm – St Peter’s Square

St Peter’s Square, The Vatican

This enormous square is the iconic image of Vatican City and is broadcast across the world whenever the pope addresses the faithful. It is surrounded by pillared walkways and in the middle is a giant obelisk that originally came from Ancient Egypt. At the head of the square is the humbling Basilica of St. Peter

Entering St. Peter’s Basilica is open and free to the public. You will need to stand in line though and depending on the day, these can either be reasonably short or massive. On a good day, you might stand in line for a half-hour; on a bad one, it could be several hours. Prepare appropriately.

Insider Tip:  For an opportunity to see the pope, book a  papal audience . This isn’t a one-on-one meeting with the pope but a large gathering of the faithful and tourists that is held on St Peter’s Square in summer. There is a small service and then the Pope travels down the square to bless the audience. Tickets for the seating area near the front are free but must be booked ahead! If you do not have a ticket, you are still welcome (but there will be no opportunity for chairs).

  • How long should I stay here?  Depends how long the line is.
  • Getting there  – About a 10-15 minutes walk from the Vatican Museums. A bit more if you make a detour for some food.

2:30 pm –  St Peter’s Basilica

 St Peter’s Tomb, The Vatican

St Peter’s is one of the holiest sites for Christians worldwide and an architectural masterpiece. It is the result of 120 years of work by some of the world’s most renowned architects and artists: Michelangelo, Bramante, and Maderno.

Ever since 1626, the basilica has been able to accommodate 20 000 pilgrims for services that have been presided over by Pope John Paul II, Pope Innocent III, and the current Pope Francis, to name a few.

One of the highlights of any visit is the Pieta by Michelangelo, a statue of the Mother Mary holding Jesus’ body. Another masterpiece is St Peter’s Throne, an imposing seat for the head of the Catholic Church, created by Bernini.

You must dress conservatively for a visit to St Peter’s Basilica (cover your knees and shoulders).

If you have extra time, try and enter the Tomb of St. Peter. Very few people can say they’ve visited the resting place of this spiritual leader, who was arguably the founder of Catholicism (he is considered to be the first pope). This is a remarkably spiritual experience.

In 64 B.C. St Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, was crucified for promoting the Christian faith. Two thousand years later, it is now possible to visit what many believe is the martyr’s tomb. The tomb is underground, the Vatican only allows 250 people a day to visit in groups of 12 and no photographs are allowed. Add in the fact that you may well be in the presence of a saint and you can begin to imagine the unique, hushed atmosphere.

  • Cost – The basilica is free; tomb is $15.50.
  • How long should I stay here? 
  • Getting there –  Enter from St. Peter’s Square.

4:30 pm – Castel Sant’Angello and Ponte Umberto

When to visit Rome

The circular structure of Castel Sant’Angelo was originally built as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Eventually, it becaFvatime a fortress for the popes and Vatican City.

It is possible to enter the castle and tour the interior. Since you’ve already had a long day at the Vatican already, you may want to skip this tour. Most people just end up walking around outside of the fortress anyways.

The  ponte  or bridge leading up to Sant’Angelo is a very popular spot to take photos in Rome. Keep your head on a swivel for Instagrammers!

At sunset, the view from nearby Ponte Umberto is much better as you have a perfect view of the Dome of St. Peter.

This is a popular attraction in Rome and there are often queues to buy tickets, I recommend buying tickets online beforehand to avoid queues.

  • Cost  – $15 to enter.
  • How long should I stay here?   About an hour. Maybe longer if you have time.
  • Getting there –  10 minute walk from St. Peter’s Square.

6:00 pm – Piazza del Popolo

piazza del popolo exploring rome

The Piazza del Popolo is one of the largest and most important squares in Rome. It once served as the main entryway into the city for pilgrims and travelers, so it’s only appropriate that modern travelers make their way here!

You mustn’t miss visiting the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo at the beginning of the square though. This church hosts paintings by both Caravaggio and Raphael, which you can see for only 1 euro each.

Aside from the obelisk, the Caravaggio, and mirrored churches at the far end, there’s nothing too outstanding about this square. Mostly, it’s inhabited by buskers and hawkers.

Piazza del Popolo is interested by Via del Corso, which is one of the most popular places to shop in Rome. You can do some browsing here if you link or continue onwards to the Spanish Steps nearby.

  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours depending on if you want to shop.
  • Getting there –  It’s a 20-minute walk to get to Popolo from Castel Sant’Angelo but it’s a lovely walk along the Tiber. If you don’t want to walk, hail a taxi.

7:30 pm – The Spanish Steps and dinner

The Spanish Steps

If you plan a trip to Rome, you must make time for a passegiata ! Come dusk, this Italian tradition sees people of all ages take to the streets for an evening stroll. For a particularly scenic passegiata, stroll through the area around the Spanish Steps. The spectacular combination of ornate baroque architecture and stunning views will take your breath away!

Start your stroll at the Piazza di Spagna, one of Rome’s most beautiful squares. After a photocall at the Fontana della Barcaccia, a lavish fountain in the square, begin your ascent up the Spanish Steps.

The ornate staircase was built in the 18th century and has 138 steps! Note that whilst people were once able to sit on the steps – once upon a time – now the local government forbids this – you must stand or walk on the steps but not sit. At the top of the stairs, stand in awe of the lovely Church of the Trinita dei Monti. It was worth it, wasn’t it?

When you’re ready for some food, head over to the main thoroughway of Via del Corso. There are lots of restaurants and cafes tucked away in the alleyways intersecting this street.

  • How long should I stay here?  As long as you want.
  • Getting there –  10-15 minute walk directly from the Piazza del Popolo on Via del Babuino. From the piazza, you should be looking to the way on the left.

By the time we reach day 3, we will have already seen a lot. It might be the case that you want to have a chill day and not do so much. Feel free to cut out a few parts of this particular itinerary and then save the rest when planning your next trip to Rome!

rome itinerary map day 3

9:00 am – The Baths of Caracalla

Rome Itinerary

The Romans put their engineering skills to good use when they built the Baths of Caracalla for the dictatorial emperor of the same name! Although only ruins remain, it is still possible to get a sense of the scale and grandeur of the bathing complex.

The baths are conveniently located just 1km from the Colosseum, in the heart of ancient Rome. To get the most out of this iconic Roman location, go on a guided tour or hire an audio guide that will transport you to ancient Rome and back in just 50 minutes!

Although the baths were constructed in the 3rd century, they featured an impressive heating and drainage system for their time. The complex also included a library, a gym, temples, and gardens so that the Romans could get the most out of their downtime!

If you’re planning to visit the Baths of Caracalla, I highly recommend purchasing an audio guide with your ticket so you know what you’re looking at.

Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to experience the baths just as if you were visiting 1700 years ago as well! A new virtual 3D tour brings the marbled floors, vast halls, and ornate decorative details to life.

  • How long should I stay here?
  • Getting there  – It’s about a 10-minute walk from the nearest metro stop: Circo Massimo of Line B.

11:00 am – Circo Massimo and the Bocca della Verità

what to do in rome in 3 days

If you have time, make a quick visit to the Circus Maximus which is right next to the baths. It was once a chariot-racing stadium that could accommodate 300 000 spectators, a higher number than many modern stadiums can! Nowadays, it’s a giant park and is used to host concerts and political rallies.

About 5 minutes away from the Circus Maximus is the famous Bocca della Verità or the “Mouth of Truth.”  The Roman-era disk, whose original purpose is still not known for sure, depicts Neptune with his mouth and eyes wide open. People like to stick their hands in the mouth and take photos with the hungry Roman god 🙂

  • Cost : $3 to see the mouth.
  • How long should I stay here?  No more than an hour – neither the Circus nor Boca will take long.
  • Getting there  – Walk back to the very busy Viale Aventino from the Baths of Caracalla, about 10 minutes away. The Circus is right there and the Boca is another 5-10 minutes walk ahead.

12:30 pm – Packed lunch in the Giardino Degli Aranci

3 day rome itinerary

This is one of the best viewpoints in Rome! It’s particularly great at sunset, but we’re going to be spending the afternoon here. Eating premade panini and perhaps having a little wine or beer.

True to its name the garden is filled with orange trees but more noticeable are the towering pini Romani or “pines of Rome.” These distinctive trees, which may or may not have seen already, are a true symbol of the city.

In the distance, you’ll have a beautiful view of the Dome of St. Peter. Many comment on the perspective of the dome from the garden – when you enter the garden it’s quite small but as you get closer it suddenly becomes huge! It’s an ingenious visual trick.

When you finish with lunch and leave the Orange Garden, be sure to walk a bit further down the street and past the Basilica dei Santi Bonifacio e Alessio. Around here, you’ll find the mysterious “Keyhole” – one of the greatest not-so-hidden secrets of Rome.

  • Cost : Free!
  • How long should I stay here?  2 hours. Enough to eat and chill.
  • Getting there  – Walk parallel to the Circus Maximus and then head left through the Garden of Roses. You’ll be walking up a hill until you start to see cloisters and schools on the right. The garden is just up ahead. 10 minutes walk in total.

2:30 pm – The Pyramid of Caius Cestius and the Foreign Cemetary

things to do in rome in 3 days

This will be a quick stop. The Pyramid of Caius Cestius, built as a tomb for the same-named religious magistrate at the Porta San Paolo is pretty hard to miss – it’s right next to a giant roundabout on the way to Ostiense and is pretty tall. The walls here used to be the edge of the ancient Roman city!

Behind the Pyramid is the Non-Catholic Cemetary where many prolific non-Italian poets are buried. Most notable are Percy Shelly, author of tour-de-forces like “Ozymandias” and John Keats, arguably one of the greatest English Romantic poets. Finding their graves is a bit of an adventure in itself.

Watch out for the local cat population as well! There’s a friendly group that likes to hang out in the park behind the pyramid

  • How long should I stay here?  Not long; 1-hour tops.
  • Getting there  – From the Giardino Degli Aranci, walk back to the Viale Aventino and take the tram towards Testaccio. The pyramid will be on your right.

3:30 pm – Ostiense Street Art Walking Tour

Ostiense Street Art Walking Tour

Rome has some amazing examples of street art, most of which are located in Ostiense; this tour will help you find the best pieces of street art in just two hours.

Ostiense is an old industrial area in Rome that has been going through an incredible regeneration. Today, it’s considered one of the trendiest areas in the city with hipster bars, art galleries, and, of course, fantastic street art!

This tour will take you around the neighborhood to see the contemporary artworks that are bringing color back to the Eternal City. Visits to a few local galleries are also included. Finally, your guide will take you to see the Pyramid of Cestius, a white marble structure that was built as a tomb in around 18 B.C.

Quick heads up – squeezing a street art tour as well as the other Day 3 items is possible but only if you plan carefully, start early and keep on a schedule. If you want time to leisurely saunter around the city then you will definitely have to cut something.

  • How long should I stay here?  Tour lasts 2 hours.
  • Getting there  – The Ostiense neighborhood begins when you arrive at the Pyramid of Caius Cestius.

5:30 pm – Aparetivo at a local bar

where to drink in rome

After you’re street art tour, it’s time to kick back with an aparetivo. Ostiense is particularly famous for its local craft bars and pubs, which are distinctly grittier than the ones in the center of Rome. Beer bars, speakeasies, and craft cocktail bars all the rage here.

Hopside is probably the best beer bar in the area, followed closely by L’Oasi della Birra. If you want to check somewhere a bit more macabre, then head to the Mastro Titta, named after one of the most notorious executions in the city’s history.

If you want more wine or food, then check out the charming Il Nido or Porto Fiuviale.

  • Cost : less than 10 euro for an aparetivo.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours is fine.
  • Getting there  – You’ll already be in Ostiense. Just choose a good spot and it shouldn’t be more than 5-minutes walk away.

7:30 pm – Exploring Trastevere

trastevere at night in rome

No itinerary for Rome would be complete without visiting the Medieval quarter of Trastevere! This is one of the must-see places in Rome if you have 3 days in the city and shouldn’t be missed.

Trastevere is mostly known for its winding alleys, hidden cafes, and romantic ambiance. Lots of people come here to get lost in the streets in search of the perfect watering hole or perhaps love.

Trastevere is a pretty big neighborhood though the most popular area for tourists is around the Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere. There are lots of cafes and restaurants around here and at night the piazza is bursting with people. You can opt to drink in a bar or take your drinks to go and walk around as everyone else does.

If you’re a beer snob, be sure to check Ma Che Siete Venuti a Fa. It is has been voted one of the best beer bars in Italy on several occasions.

If you have the time and energy, try walking up to the Janiculum Terrace above Trastevere. It offers one of the best views in Rome.

  • Cost : Dinner should be around 20 euro.
  • How long should I stay here?  All night if you like!
  • Getting there  – From Ostiense, it’s a bit of a journey. You’ll either need to take a bus/tram from Porto San Paolo (20 minutes) or walk (40 minutes).

Need a place quick? Here’s the best neighborhood in Rome:

Historico Centro

Storico Centro

The Storico Centro is home to many of Rome’s greatest landmarks, so if you’re searching for where to stay in Rome for sightseeing, this is the district for you.

  • Sip and sample your way through the bustling Mercato Centre
  • Learn to cook your favorite Italian fare by taking a cooking class with a local
  • Rent a Vespa and explore the city on two wheels

Try to spend as long as possible in the city. There are just so many major attractions to visit that 3 days in Rome will pass by in a whirlwind! If you happen to have more time to spend here, check out some of these other Roman points of interest!

1. Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese

This palatial estate is home to several top things to see in Rome, including the Borghese Gallery and beautiful Villa Borghese gardens and a world-class gallery. The most striking part of any visit to the Villa Borghese is the beautiful garden which is so extensive that is now the most popular public park in Rome!

The park, which was designed in 1606, boasts elegant fountains, gravel walkways under the shade of cypress trees, and plenty of stunning flowers. This is another perfect venue for your sunset passegiata !

For a bit of culture in the midst of nature, visit the Villa Borghese Gallery , or Galleria Borghese. In this converted palace, you will find masterpieces of Italian art, including by the renowned painter Bernini.

To experience what the good life was like a few hundred years ago, visit  the Villa Medici . Built by the infamous Medici dynasty in the 16th century, it is now a center for the French Academy but happily welcomes tourists to explore the opulent manor and an array of exciting exhibitions.

If you have kids, or just want to unleash your inner child, pop in at the Bioparco di Roma, a lovely city zoo, and the Casina di Raffaello, a hive of storytelling and crafts!

  • Cost  – Park is free; gallery is $17.
  • How long should I stay here?  Half-day.
  • Getting there  – The nearest metro stop is Flaminio, which is serviced by Line A.

2. Quartiere Coppedè

Quartiere Coppedè

Drop into the Roman equivalent of fairyland if you have one extra day in Rome with a visit to the serene Quartiere Coppedè district . The district is away from the tourist center so take a short tram journey to Piazza Buenos Aires to begin a leisurely stroll.

When we say ‘fairyland’, we mean fairyland: neoclassical manors painted in Tuscan gold with ivy growing along the walls, ornate arches that open onto cobbled piazzas, fountains with marbled goddesses spewing water, turrets that reach dreamily for the skies…it’s all very, very charming!

Interestingly, this neighborhood was thoroughly planned and designed by Gino Coppedè from 1913 to 1927 who built around 40 structures in the district. The area was intended as a working-class neighborhood but what with the Baroque, Art Deco and Gothic styles, you could be forgiven for thinking it was home to kings and princesses! But this is Rome…style is ubiquitous.

The first attraction is the enormous arch, which is the entrance to the tranquil little neighborhood. Overhead is a bronze chandelier so you’ll know you’ve arrived in Coppedè!

There aren’t any specific attractions as such, so a leisurely meander through the pretty streets is all you need. Make sure, though, that you spend time on Piazza Mincio. This quaint little square is home to the Fountain of the Frogs, a whimsical fountain that is perfect for a photo-opp!

As beautiful as the Coppedè district is, it is a distinctly local area. Don’t expect souvenir shops or piazzas crowded with restaurants; its peacefulness just adds to the Secret Garden aura of the neighborhood!

  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours.
  • Getting there  – Take Metro Line B to Policlinico and then take the tram 2,3, or 19 due west. Get off at the Buenos Aires stop and the quartiere will be on your right.

3. The Appia Antica and Parco delgi Acquedotti

appia antica in rome

Want to mix your Rome itinerary up and see antique ruins in a more bucolic setting? Can’t deal with the constant traffic of the city anymore? Then head to the Appia Antica or Parco delgi Acquedotti on the outskirts of town then!

The Appia Antica was one of the original highways leading to Ancient Rome. Many of the old mansions, mile-markers, and other roadside buildings are still intact here. There aren’t many commuters competing on these roads anymore; just lots of vegetation of trees!

One of the most iconic pieces of Roman engineering were aqueducts. These towering structures brought water to the city and were vital to public sanitation. One of the best-presevered aqueducts in the area is in Cinecitta. It is now a large park where people go to exercise, picnic, and socialize.

  • How long should I stay here?  All day if you like.
  • Getting there  – Take bus 218 to reach the Appia Antica. Take Metro Line 1 until Subaugusta to reach the Acquedotti.

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Like many European capitals, Rome fluctuates between cold and scorching, and there is a distinct charm to each season. Winter is a reflective time of candle-lit holy festivals, while summer brings bustling crowds and long, lazy evenings. Spring and Autumn are less busy than summer, offer decent weather and some cracking light for Instagram shots.

Getting around Rome can be frustrating at times. Between the many buses, trains, taxis, trams, and self-driving options you’re sure to get to where you need to go, but you’ll probably utter a few  catzos  along the way.

If you intend on taking any form of public transport, you need to buy a pass of some sort. Choose a multi-day transit or  Roma Pass ; the latter of which includes discounted entry to cultural sites in addition to free public transport. Either way, both will cover travel on any bus, train or metro within the city of Rome for a certain amount of time.

You can buy a single trip or multi-day ticket in most stations at a kiosk or at one of the many local bars/tobacco shops ( tobaccoria ). Upon entering the bus/train/etc you’ll have to validate the ticket at a little yellow machine.

Rome itinerary getting around

Though the grand majority of Rome is covered by some form of public transport, experiences can be a mixed bag. Buses are usually jam-packed, trams are decrepit, and air conditioning is rare. Throw in the fact that Rome is constantly under construction, causing frequent reroutings, and the whole affair may seem overly-frustrating.

Most of Rome’s most notable places to visit are located in the Historical Center and within walking distance of each other. You’ll be able to see a lot on foot and should only need to use public transport when you want to visit the outer neighborhoods of the city, like Ostiense or the Apia Antica.

Most will use the bus once or maybe twice per day to backtrack. You will only need to resort to public transport if you want to get outside to Rome’s lesser-visited areas, like the Appia Antica or the coast.

Make sure that you pack depending on what season you are planning to visit Rome. Bring light clothing during the summer and a good jacket in the winter. If you need some more suggestions on what to bring, then check out our in-depth packing list for Italy before heading out.

In terms of safety, Rome’s one of the safer cities you’ll encounter on your travels but, as always, there are common precautions you can take to guard yourself against opportunistic petty crime.

Keep your valuables where you can see them: never hang your bag off a restaurant chair or leave valuables in a coat that you hang off your chair.

  • Be particularly vigilant in touristy areas like the Piazza di Spagna, the Colosseum, and St Peter’s Square.
  • Public transport is also a hotspot for petty crime, so hold tight to your belongings for any journeys you take.
  • It is generally quite safe to walk around popular areas at night, especially in summer when Italians and tourists fill up the squares until late.

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Rome

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They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

3 night trip to rome

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Rome itinerary.

How many days are enough for Rome?

Spending 3-5 days in Rome will allow you to check out the city’s top attractions. Of course, any extra days are a bonus!

What should you include on a 3 day Rome itinerary?

No trip to Rome is complete without checking out these iconic attractions: – The Colosseum – Palatine Hill & Capitoline Hill – Trevi Fountain – St Peter’s Square – Piazza del Popolo

Where should you stay if you have a full Rome travel itinerary?

Staying in the Centro Storico is perfect for first-time visitors, as you’ll be a stone’s throw from top attractions. It can get a little expensive though, so Esquilino and Monti provide great alternatives.

What are the best day trips from Rome?

There are loads of amazing day trips you can take from Rome. Explore the Vatican City, Tivoli, or visit Naples and Pompeii. Florence and Tuscany are also within reach.

With the ruins of a powerful empire in its center and the Vatican towering beside it, Rome is one of the most impressive cities you’ll ever visit! Despite all of the ruins, though, the city has managed to stay as lively as it was in Caesar’s time. With food markets and colorful street art popping up around the city.

Over 2000 years of history and drama have given Rome plenty of fabulous attractions to visit. My itinerary for Rome will make sure that you cover as many bases as possible.

So, whether this is your first time in the city or you’re already a veteran, be sure to keep my 3-day Rome itinerary with you for a truly epic experience in the Italian capital!

Insider tip:  For those who are short on time, I’d recommend you book a Rome-in-one-day tour. Going on this guided tour allows you to skip the line at many attractions, is flexible, features a tailored list of famous monuments (you can choose which ones you want to see), and a driver who also jumps into the role of a professional guide.

You’ll learn everything there is to know about the city, its history and so much more without having the stress of planning the trip yourself!

Made it this far? You get 15% OFF to book a place to stay ! Offer valid exclusively for Broke Backpackers 😉

3 night trip to rome

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Things To Do In Rome In 3 Days (Itinerary For First-timers)

3 night trip to rome

Rome is such a fascinating city that you could easily spend weeks discovering the amazing attractions that it has to offer, not to mention the incredible cuisine and nightlife too! However, this three-day Rome itinerary is a great way to get a taste of the city, perhaps over a long weekend. You’ll have the chance to visit some of Rome’s highlights, learn about the city’s history and culture and take plenty of photographs of the pristine streets and sights as you explore.

Step back in time as you discover sights like the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, and the Spanish Steps that have all played their part in Rome’s history.

I’ve been to Rome enough times to know the best way to visit the major sights, so here I’ve broken the itinerary down into three clear days allowing you to visit sites that are close together while stopping for coffees, and gelatos, and Italian cuisine in between!

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Table of Contents

How to spend 3 days in Rome, an itinerary for first-timers

3 night trip to rome

2 days in Rome: Day One

1. campo di fiori.

Things to do in Rome-campo-de-fiori

Visiting Campo di Fiori is a must for any trip to Rome, with the ancient market being a wonderful place to start your first day. The square plays host to a vibrant market every day (except Sunday) between 7 am and 2 pm. This bustling market is a real attack on the senses, with bright colors, interesting smells and a cacophony of sound from market vendors selling their produce. The fruits and vegetables come from the surrounding countryside and it is lovely to try some delicious local fruit to start your day.

If you get time, you can also come back to Campo di Fiori in the evening to enjoy the nightlife.

2. Piazza Navona

Things to do in Rome-piazza-navona

Another of Rome’s famous squares is Piazza Navona. This ancient square once hosted thousands of spectators for athletic events but is today home to three stunning fountains, restaurants and terraces and artists selling their work. Each of the fountains are well worth seeing (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, Fontana del Moro and Fontana del Nettuno) as are the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone and the Palazzo Pamphilj.

3. Pantheon


Rome is home to a number of spectacular buildings, one of which is the Pantheon, a present-day church that was once a grand Roman temple. The Pantheon was built between A.D 118 and 125, which considering its pristine state is astounding!

3 night trip to rome

The building is most known for its vast pillars, domed roof and its circular hole in the roof (the Oculus) which shines a beam of light around the interior throughout the day. Remarkably, the Pantheon has been in use ever since it was built and is now much loved by locals and tourists alike.

Opening hours:   Mon-Sat : 9 am – 6.30 pm and Sun: 9 am –1 pm.

4. Fontana di Trevi

Things to do in Rome-Fontana di Trevi

The Trevi Fountain is arguably the most beautiful fountain in the city, with many people recognizing it from the film La Dolce Vita . The name comes from the Italian tre vie , meaning three roads, the fountain is the point in which three roads meet. The fountain stands at over 26m tall, with grand Baroque design features making it one of the most impressive in the world!

5. Spanish Steps, Piazza di Spagna

What to do in Rome-Piazza di Spania

You continue your day with more famed sight-seeing spots including the Spanish Steps that lie between the Piazza di Spagna at the base and Piazza Trinità dei Monti at the top. This steep staircase comprises 138 marble steps dating from 1723. While these have been relatively well preserved, there has been some wear to the marble which has led to a ban of sitting on the steps (a law which is enforced by fines if you are caught!). You can still stop to take photos though as the walk between the stairs is well worth it.

6. Via Veneto

Things to do in Rome-Via Veneto

Via Veneto is a chic Roman street home to fountains, cafes, bars, hotels and designer shops (basically the best of all worlds!). It is also a place to see and be seen – as it has been since the 1950s – and you can live out your La Dolce Vita fantasies! This is the perfect place to while away an afternoon, people watching with a coffee or cocktail in hand. If you head north up Via Veneto you’ll come to Villa Borghese Gardens, one of the best parks in the city.

7. Villa Borghese

What to see in Rome-Villa-Borghese

Villa Borghese is a picturesque set of landscaped gardens at the top of Via Veneto with stunning works of architecture and manicured bushes dotted throughout. This is a lovely place to take an afternoon stroll out of the heat of the day. If you want to see some Italian art, head over to the Galleria Borghese or Villa Medici which house works by the likes of Bernini, Raphael, and Caravaggio. 

Opening hours:  Tuesday – Sunday: 8:30 am  – 7:30 pm , Monday: closed

Tickets: Adults: 13 € + 2€  for the obligatory reservation, EU citizens (ages 18 – 25): 6,5 € + 2€  for the obligatory reservation 

Find here more information about the Skip the Line: Borghese Gallery and Gardens Half-Day Tour.

8. Piazza del Popolo

Things to do in Rome-piazza-del-popolo

The last stop on your first day of sight-seeing in Rome is the Piazza del Popolo, a large open square in the heart of the city. An Egyptian obelisk dedicated to Ramesses II dominates the landscape of the square with the Santa Maria del Popolo basilica lying just behind. Not only is the square impressive when you’re standing in it but you can also ascend the stairs on the east side to gain a great vantage point!

After a busy day of sight-seeing you’ll probably want a fairly relaxed evening, so head back to one of the squares you’ve visited today for an evening meal before bed!

2 days in Rome: Day Two

Day two is going to be spent in and around the Vatican City as this area of Rome has so much to see and do!

1. Vatican Museums

3 night trip to rome

The Vatican Museums are one of the largest art collections in the whole world, with a whopping 1400 rooms all together! It is thought that the Vatican Museums have around 20,000 works on art on display at any one time, with the whole collection amassing to around 70,000 pieces. If you placed each piece next to each other they would stretch 9 miles, so to say there is plenty to see is an understatement! The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace which is part of the Vatican Museums, so visiting is an absolute must!

Opening hours:  Monday – Saturday: 9 am  – 6 pm  (Ticket office closes at 4 pm ). Sunday: Closed except the last Sunday of each month: 9 am – 2 pm .  (Ticket office closes at midday, 12:30 pm ). 1, 6 January, 11 February, 22 February, 19, 28 February, 29 June, 15 August, 1 November, 8, 26 December: closed

Tickets:  Adults: 16€. Children (ages 6 – 18): 8€. Students (ages 19 – 26): 8€. The entrance is free the last Sunday of every month.

What to see in Rome-museum-of Vatican

Tip: Visiting the Vatican is an essential Rome experience, and it will be quite overwhelming! Before anything, you should know that the queues are huge. No matter how much you think you can wait, you can’t. The queues go on for seemingly forever, so I recommend a skip a line tour .

Another way to enjoy the Vatican if you don’t have much time is by this Pristine Sistine, early entrance small group Vatican tour  by the Walks of Italy. The reason I like this tour is that you get inside the Vatican one hour before it opens, the group is up to 14 people and you get to see the Vatican in under 4 hours.

All times I’ve been there (currently 3) were with the skip the line guided tour, and it added to the overall comfort and convenience of my entire visit there.

If you’re not really into tours, you can wander on your own and skip the lines.

2. St Peter’s Square

3 night trip to rome

St Peter’s Square is the next stop on your Vatican City exploration with the grand St Peter’s Basilica being the top sight. Entrance to the basilica is free but there are always long queues to enter and a strict dress code is enforced (no shorts, short skirts or bare shoulders).

It’s worth getting an audio guide for your visit to St Peter’s Basilica so that you can learn about the architecture, the history of the Vatican and the works of art inside. Don’t miss Michelangelo’s Pieta statue that is located to the right of the entrance to the church which has been signed by the artist himself!

3. Castel St Angelo

3 night trip to rome

Castel St Angelo is another sight that is well worth seeing and as it’s located just 10-15 minutes from the Vatican City it’s a good add-on for day two of your Rome itinerary. This cylindrical fortress is also the Mausoleum of Hadrian and is today a museum, the Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo. Thanks to its location near the Vatican, it was used as a fortress and castle by Popes in days gone by.

Opening hours:  Tuesday – Sunday: 9 am – 7 pm

Tickets:  Adults: 10,50€, EU citizens (aged 18 – 24): 7€

Book here your Castel Sant’ Angelo Skip-the-Line Ticket & Audio Guide

4. Night in Trastevere

3 night trip to rome

As you won’t have walked too far today, you’ll have plenty of energy for an evening spent in Rome’s Trastevere district. Trastevere is located on the west bank of the Tiber River and is home to a wealth of authentic Roman restaurants, chic shops, and lively bars. You can spend time wandering the narrow, cobblestone streets and visit the Piazza Trilussa and Piazza di Santa Maria before settling down in a restaurant to enjoy thin Roman pizza and taste lovely craft beers or cocktails on Via del Politeama.

3 days in Rome: Day Three

Today is a big day and you’ll visit some more of the top attractions in the city. This is the chance to fill your Instagram feed with the best bits and see anything else you have missed out on before heading home! You’ll want to purchase a skip-the-line combination ticket to the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill so you don’t waste time waiting in lines.

1. Colosseum

3 night trip to rome

It is best to get up early on day three and head straight to the Colosseum. Not only will this mean beating the queues but you’ll also be able to witness the building in the majesty of the morning glow. The Colosseum is a breathtakingly beautiful and vast amphitheater which makes you feel as though you have stepped back in time! You can really imagine the epic battles and competitions that would have taken place here as you stand small in the shadow of the surrounding walls.

Opening hours:  Every day: 8:30 am  until one hour before sunset, 25 December and 1 January: closed

Combined ticket to visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine : Adults: 12€ European Union members (18 – 24): 7.50€ Children (ages less than 17) and seniors (over 65) members of the EU: free entrance

2. Roman Forum

3 night trip to rome

From the Colosseum, you’ll move on to the Roman Forum which is included in your combi ticket. The Roman Forum ruins really allow yourself to get a glimpse of what life would have been like in ancient times with temple and palace ruins at every turn. Wandering around the Roman Forum will have you standing in awe at the grandeur of it all and is a fantastic site for your third day in Rome.

3. Palatine Hill

3 night trip to rome

Palatine Hill is the final stop with your combi ticket, the nearby peak from which you can witness the Roman Forum from above. This verdant landscape is a wonderful place to connect with nature while also thinking about years gone by as you look down upon the ruins.

Opening hours:  Every day:  8:30am  7:00pm

Tip:  The Roman Forum, the Colosseum, and Palatine Hill were incredible places to visit, and the most important monuments in Rome, so needless to say, the lines were massive. Luckily, we bought  skip the line tickets that helped make our tour so much easier and convenient.

4. Piazza Venezia

3 night trip to rome

Yet another of Rome’s grand sights is the Piazza Venezia. This vast square is located close to the Roman Forum and features statues, steps, fountains, and architecture to admire. Visitors should try to see the Palazzo Venezia, the Palazzo delle Aste, Palazzo Bonaparte and the San Marco Church nearby.

5. Vittorio Emanuele II Monument

3 night trip to rome

Located on Piazza Venezia is the Vittorio Emanuele II Monument also known as the Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland). This mammoth monument was built in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of unified Italy. The monument comprises of large stairways, Corinthian columns, beautiful fountains statue of Victor Emmanuel II on a horse. Not only can visitors admire the monument bu they can also take a lift up inside the structure offering them a panoramic view of the Roman surroundings!

6. Via del Corso Shopping

If you’d like to enjoy a spot of Italian shopping before you go home, head over to Via del Corso which starts from Piazza Venezia and runs as far as Piazza del Popolo in the north. This famous shopping street features everything from high-street stores to designer brands so everyone is well catered for. It’s a great place to pick up some souvenirs or just clothes, bags and shoes for yourself!

If you have extra time to spend in Rome you might also want to add some tours and day trips that will give you a greater insight into the region and its cuisine and culture.

3 night trip to rome

 Food Tour  

This half-day   food tour   gives you the chance to wander the streets and eateries of Rome, stopping off to try some delicious foodie treats and wine along the way. The tour takes you from Campo de’ Fiori to the Trastevere to sample some local specialties including an aperitif, artisanal charcuterie, fine wine, and local cheese! Of course, it wouldn’t be an Italian food tour without trying some gelato too, so you’ll top off your visit with some fresh flavors at a famous gelateria.

A Day Trip To Pompeii

3 night trip to rome

This day trip to Pompeii   gives you a glimpse of history with a visit to the Roman remains of Pompeii, the town that was destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. After visiting Pompeii you’ll head over to Vesuvius itself, checking out the crater and witnessing impressive panoramic views from the top. On a clear summer’s day, visitors can see over to the Bay of Naples and the Amalfi Coast. The whole day tour starts and ends in Rome and gives you skip-the-line tickets so that you can make the most of your time.

Find here more information about the day trip to Pompeii

How To Get To And From The Airports In Rome

The city of Rome is served by two airports, Fiumicino and Ciampino, which offer flights in and out of various countries. You will want to check which airport you are arriving into so that you can plan your trip accordingly. Read on to find out how to get to and from Fiumicino and Ciampino airport in Rome:

From/To Fiumicino Airport:

Fiumicino Airport (also known as Leonardo da Vinci International Airport) lies 26km to the south-west of Rome. There are four options for getting to and from the airport to the city: train, shuttle bus, taxi or private transfer.

3 night trip to rome

There are two train options for getting to/from Fiumicino to the city.

The first is the Leonardo Express, a direct train that runs from Fiumicino airport to Termini Station in the heart of Rome. This journey takes 30 minutes from the airport to the city, costing €14 one way. Tickets can be purchased both at the airport and Termini station and you will need to validate the ticket in the machines on the platform before boarding the train. It’s important to note that tickets are valid for 90 minutes from the time of validation, so you’ll need to buy your ticket just before traveling and get on the train as soon as your ticket has been stamped.

The second train option is the Regional FL1 Train. This is a good option if you are not staying in and around Termini as it connects to various other stations within the city. You can take the train from the airport to Tiburtina and then connect to the metro to find the closest stop to your accommodation. The Regional FL1 Train is a cheaper option than the Leonardo Express as a single cost €8 and metro tickets cost €1.50 per journey.

Shuttle Bus:

A cheaper option still is to take the shuttle bus from Fiumicino Airport to Rome city center. The shuttle ticket costs €6 one way and tickets can be purchased online before travel. This, therefore, makes them a great option for those who like to be super organized and have everything ready upon arrival. The shuttle bus takes around 55 minutes to reach the city (depending on traffic) and stops at Termini Station and Piazza Cavour near the Vatican.

Book your shuttle bus from and to Fiumicino airport here.

3 night trip to rome

As with all airports, there is a taxi rank located outside of Fiumicino Airport where you can grab a licensed taxi to the city. These taxis are fixed at a rate of €48 from the airport to the city. While this is more expensive than public transport, it is a good option for larger groups or those traveling with lots of luggage!

Private Airport Transfer with Welcome Pick-Ups:

If you’d like a quick, comfortable journey from Fiumicino Airport to Rome but want to be organized in advance, you might want to book a private transfer with Welcome Pick Ups . These transfers are also fixed at €48 (so are the same price as a regular taxi), but as you have booked and pre-paid in advance you won’t need to worry about having cash. Taking a transfer with Welcome Pick Ups allows you to take any extra hassle out of traveling as you will have a driver waiting for you upon arrival with a sign with your name on it, a bottle of water and a map of Rome so you can start preparing your trip.

Click here for more information and to book your trip

From/To Ciampino Airport:

There are fewer options for getting to and from Ciampino Airport so you’ll just need to decide whether you want to take public transport or would prefer a private transfer. 

If you’re seeking the cheapest option for getting from Ciampino Airport to Rome city center, you’ll want to take the shuttle bus. This journey takes around 40 minutes (depending on traffic) and runs from Ciampino Airport to Termini Station throughout the day. A single ticket costs just €5 so is a cheap and cheerful way to travel.

Book your shuttle bus from and to Ciampino airport here.

Alternatively, if you are traveling as a group, with lots of luggage or would just prefer to travel by private transfer, you can book a trip with Welcome Pick Ups. The service is exactly the same as a pick up at Fiumicino Airport (name sign, water bottle, and city map), but the price from Ciampino Airport to Rome city center is fixed at €44.

Click here for more information and to book your private transfer.

3 night trip to rome

Where to stay in Rome

Royal Rooms – Via Del Corso

You could stay at Royal Rooms which is about 201m away from Via Margutta and enjoys all types of amenities – from shopping, nearby plazas, cafes and things to do, along with amenities like a bidet, shower, hairdresser and much more.

Palazzo Medusa

Located just outside Palazzo Medusa, this property is one of the best in Rome and is a lot of people’s top pick there. Not only do you get a large TV, bathroom, hairdryer and more, you also get to enjoy a wonderful gastronomic experience, bike rental, and super comfy beds!

Navona Colors Hotel

The thing about Navona is that it sells well and it sells fast. It’s an incredible choice for travelers – there is the food, the city walks around, and bike rental. But there’s also the unbeatable location of being 192 m from Piazza Navona. You’ll thoroughly enjoy the Baroque architecture of the hotel.

Piazza Del Gesu Luxury Suites

This is where comfort and slide go hand in hand, and the hotel itself has a hard to compete with the location. Located directly on the Piazza Navona, this hotel is a 5-minute walk away from history – the Pantheon… You’ll also enjoy free city views, free WI-FI, furnishings, and everything you need.

For more information on where to stay in Rome, check out my post the best areas to stay in Rome.

3 night trip to rome

When Is The Best Time To Visit Rome

Rome is a fantastic year-round destination with decent weather from around April to October. Of course, the summer months of June to August are also peak summer season so the main tourist attractions are at their busiest. Therefore, the best time to visit Rome is either April – May or September – November.

These months give you the chance to enjoy the city with clear, warm weather, without being jostled by the crowds. While Rome can also be visited in winter (and the tourist attractions will be much quieter) you’ll need to pack and dress appropriately as it can get a little chilly!

How To Get Around Rome

Many of Rome’s attractions can be reached on foot, with buses and metros being quick and reliable for longer journeys. Whether you choose to purchase a three-day pass for public transport or not depends on where you are staying in the city. If you think you will be using public transport a lot in one day, you can buy a one-day pass, or you might want to consider getting a Roma Pass which includes transportation as well as entry into some main attractions.

Public Transit Buses run throughout the city of Rome 24 hours a day, so you’ll always know you can get around by bus. Bus and metro tickets are interchangeable and a single ticket can be used continuously for up to 75 minutes. Rome has two metro lines with stations near some of the city’s top sights – Vatican Museums (Cipro), the Vatican (Ottaviano), the Spanish Steps (Piazza di Spagna), St. Pauls (Basilica S. Paolo) and the Colosseum (Colosseo).

3 night trip to rome

Safety Tips For Travelling To Rome

Rome is generally considered a fairly safe city and many travelers visit each year without incident. However, it is worth being a little cautious, especially when traveling on public transport and around busy streets and attractions as pick-pocketing is quite common. If can use a cross-body bag, money wallet or backpack (on your front while traveling), you should be able to avoid pick-pockets by keeping an eye on your zips and possessions at all times. It is best not to have any valuables in your pockets while using public transport if you can avoid it.

Other precautions to take while traveling in Rome (and any major city really) include not flashing money or valuables around, not traveling alone at night, not walking along dark quiet streets and making sure you know where you are going and look confident while doing so.

Now you have all the tools you need to plan an incredible three-day trip to Rome, knowing when to visit, how to get to the city from the airport, how to stay safe and most importantly the top sights you should include on your itinerary!

Let me know if you have been to Rome or if you are planning a trip and what your highlights are.

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  • How to spend 5 days in Rome
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  • An Amalfi Coast itinerary
  • How to get from Rome to the Amalfi Coast

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3 night trip to rome

An Easy Travel Guide to Rome, Italy

V isiting the Eternal City for the first time? Rome is one of the most visited cities in Italy and we created an easy travel guide to Rome so that you know the best things to see and do.

In this post, we’re sharing all we’ve learned from our vacations in Rome to help you plan your getaway. We’ll cover the most popular neighborhoods, the best things to see and do, how to get around in Rome, the best time of the year to visit, how to get to central Rome from FCO Airport, and tips for traveling.

Where is Rome

Rome is located in the region of Lazio, near the and is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations in Italy. It has the highest population of all cities in Italy and sits about 1 hour from the western coast.

And when it comes to tourism, it’s no surprise that visitors from around the globe travel to Rome to see its beauty and Renaissance art, experience Roman cuisine and Italian cooking , shop the fashion capital, discover the piazzas and fountains, explore the historical landmarks, or even practice Italian phrases that they’ve learned.

The various neighborhoods are the most widely visited by tourists because they are where most attractions can be found. Traveling through the city is easy on foot, but you should also consider the Rome sightseeing bus or the Rome golf cart tours .

The Best Time of Year to Visit Rome

Rome can be extremely uncomfortable in the summer months (primarily June through September). In April and May, the spring temperatures are nice, the mornings are cool, and by noon you probably won’t need a jacket.

The Best Things to See and Do (by Neighborhood)

Each neighborhood of Rome has museums, churches, gardens, parks, and iconic spots to visit. This list gives a brief description of each district, and helps you understand what to see in each neighborhood. It will come in handy for deciding where to stay in Rome while planning your trip.

You may need to take public transportation to reach a specific neighborhood depending on where you stay. However, once you arrive, the area is completely walkable and getting from one point of interest to another is easy.

Modern Center

This neighborhood is located around Via Veneto and the Spanish Steps, the Modern Center neighborhood combines classic and contemporary influences. It has a mix of upscale boutiques, trendy cafes, and luxurious hotels, making it a hub for shopping, dining, and experiencing the modern side of Rome.

Palazzo del Quirinale

Complesso delle Quattro Fontane

Trevi Fountain

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica a Pallazo

Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

Castro Pretorio

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria

Museo e Cripto dei Frati Cappuccini

The heart of Rome’s historic center, the Old Rome neighborhood captivates with its cobblestone streets, charming piazzas, and awe-inspiring landmarks like the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.

Scalinta di Trinita dei Monti (Spanish Steps)

Museo dell’Ara Pacis

Campo de’ Fiori

Palazza Farnese

Piazza Navona

Museo di Roma Palazzo Braschi

Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi

Chiesa di Sant’Agnese in Agone

By far this is the most popular neighborhood in Rome for travelers. Trastevere is a bohemian neighborhood located on the west bank of the Tiber River. It is known for it narrow, winding streets, nightlife, and charming piazzas. Trastevere has a lively atmosphere with trendy bars, and traditional trattorias.

Villa Farnesina

Galleria Corsini

Basilica di Santa Maria

Orto Botanico

Home to the iconic Colosseum, the Colosseum neighborhood in Rome immerses visitors in ancient history as they explore the grandeur of the Roman Empire, marvel at ancient ruins, and soak in the architectural splendor of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Roman Forum

Palatine Hill

Bocca della Verita

Circo Massimo

Piazza Venezia

Altare della Patria

Aventino – Tastaccio

Testaccio is a historic working-class neighborhood that has transformed into a culinary hotspot. It offers a vibrant food scene with traditional trattorias, gourmet restaurants, and a bustling food market.

Basilicia di San Giovanni

Terme di Caracalla

Knights of Malta Keyhole

Esquilino – San Giovanni

Located near Termini Station, the Esquilino neighborhood is a melting pot of cultures and flavors. Known for its diverse immigrant communities, Esquilino is a mix of ethnic restaurants, colorful markets, and architectural gems like the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore.

Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme

Museo Nazionale Romano

Basilica di San Pietro in Vincole

Nomentano combines residential tranquility with commercial areas. This neighborhood is characterized by its leafy parks, elegant villas, and the iconic University La Sapienza. There is a mix of students, locals, and dining. Nomentano has a relaxed and intellectual atmosphere.

Sapienza University

North Center

The North Center neighborhood of Rome, encompassing areas like Villa Borghese and Parioli, presents a more tranquil and residential atmosphere. With its leafy parks, elegant villas, and cultural institutions like the Galleria Borghese, this area provides a peaceful retreat from the city center.

  • Museo e Galleria Borghese
  • Villa Borghese
  • La Galleria Nazionale
  • Museo Nazionale Etrusce di Villa Guilia

Vatican City

Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the world and the spiritual center of Catholicism. Home to St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, and the Sistine Chapel, this iconic neighborhood offers a rich blend of religious significance, magnificent art, and awe-inspiring architecture.

St. Peter’s Basilica

Vatican Gardens

Vatican Museums

Castel Sant’Angelo

Southern Rome

The southern part of Rome is less touristy and has an authentic atmosphere that portrays a taste of local Roman life. From food markets and traditional trattorias to vibrant street art and a strong sense of community, Southern Rome provides a glimpse into the city’s everyday charm.

Via Appia Antica

Catacombe di San Sebastiano

Catacombe di San Callisto

Museo Capitoline Centrale Montemartini

How to Get Around Rome

Getting around the cobbled-stoned streets of Rome is not hard. I’ve walked, biked, and bused throughout Rome and loved it! All are great ways to get around and the method you choose depends on how much time you have and your personal preference.

I recommend the  Big Bus Tour  or a Golf Cart Tour in Rome if you are short on time or if you booked your travel in the dead heat of summer (which can be intensely hot).

With these tours, you’ll see all the top Rome attractions with audio commentary in your language of choice. If you choose an open top tour bus, the added benefit is free wi-fi and for 3 extra euros, you can use your ticket for two days (it is worth it).

When it comes to seeing Rome, walking can not be avoided especially when getting to an attraction that require climbing hilly pathways or navigating ancient streets. In my opinion, being on foot is one of the best ways to travel in Rome.

Exploring the narrow streets can lead you to the most marvelous pasta, the creamiest gelato, or the most perfect pasta! I highly recommend visiting the Trastevere neighborhood for  Italian street food . 

Public Transportation

This is the best option for getting to a part of town that is more than 20 minutes on foot, especially if visiting a museum or park. Save your energy and use public transportation for less than 2 euros. You can purchase them at the tobacconist store.

You will need to validate your ticket upon boarding the bus (it’s an honor system). Getting caught with an un-validated ticket can result in a fine. You should also use a really good map of Rome. 

Bike or Vespa

Peddling around the city on your own time feels so liberating. Bike rental is very affordable and is an enjoyable way to experience the outdoors, get some exercise to make up for all the  Italian breakfasts  that you eat, and explore Rome.

You can find rentals for as little as 13 euros for 24 hours, complete with lock, for a standard bike. The price for e-bikes is higher.

Getting around on a two-passenger scooter is loads of fun!  Rent a Vespa to skirt traffic or explore outside the city. They can be rented by the hour or day. This will make your trip to Rome memorable as you travel in true Italian style!

How to Get to Central Rome from FCO Airport

There are several options to get from Leonardo da Vinci International Airport to the center of the city. I found the train to be the quickest and most affordable especially if you’ve had a long day of travel and want to get to Termini station.  

The most economical way to get from the airport to the city center is via a shuttle bus service from the airport. You can travel conveniently between Rome’s city center and the airport and take pleasure in a stress-free arrival or departure from the city.

The ride takes about 50 minutes and departures run from the airport every 30 to 40 minutes so you have time to collect your luggage. Shuttles stop in Terminal 3’s arrivals section. Look for the respective service at the arrival platform.

Terravision offers a shuttle service for less than 8 euros it’s quite popular. The buses are air-conditioned and there is no cost to bring your luggage aboard. It goes directly to Termini station with no extra stops. 

Another option is the public transportation system, which costs about 6 euros. The bus stops multiple times in the city center, including one close to the Vatican and one at Termini Station, throughout the 45- to 1-hour one-way trip.

Buses halt in Terminal 3’s arrivals section, at number 14. You can purchase tickets at the airport desk or online. 

A taxi is quite expensive. It will set you back almost 50 euros and the ride takes just as long as a shuttle service (about 50 minutes). You can find the taxis at the arrival level of Terminal 1 and Terminal 3.

The Leonardo Express train is less than 20 euros and runs every 15 minutes during peak periods. It is operated by Trenitalia and the ride takes about 30 to 40 minutes.

If you wait to collect your luggage, and then make your way to the window or kiosk to purchase your ticket, note that many others will be doing the same. Hate long lines? You can purchase tickets in advance and be ready for validation after boarding the train.

I can’t recommend a car rental unless you plan a day trip and need a set of wheels. Rome is completely walkable. Not to mention, even Italians know that finding a parking space can be a hassle.

Tips for Visiting Rome

I adore visiting Italy. And no trip would be complete without seeing some of the most iconic and historic spots in the Eternal City.

Don’t make the mistake (that I made on my first trip) and skip these incredible spots! Fortunately, I was able to see them on return visits!

Whether you are visiting the Vatican for the first time or returning because you tossed a coin into the Trevi fountain, these Rome travel tips will come in handy to make your stay enjoyable.

  • Be prepared! Read these tips on the essentials for an international flight .
  • Think comfort when flying coach , it will help you stay calm and confident.
  • Beware of scammers, pickpockets, and panhandlers. It’s a thing in Europe and it can happen when you least expect it. 

So, what are you waiting for? Book that flight to Rome and thank me later.

travel guide for rome 0

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An elevated view of a city square surrounded by historical buildings

10 of the best places to stay in Rome, from 15th-century palazzos to kitsch hotels

You’ll find tiny boutique properties, swaggering grande dames and family-run guesthouses in Rome — and, as the city demands, there’s history in every one of them.

Not for nothing is Rome called the Eternal City. Time loses its meaning in the Italian capital: ancient Roman remains are mixed in with Renaissance palazzos, and grand baroque squares sit alongside imposing neoclassical architecture. Presiding over it all is a skyline that undulates with church domes — including St Peter’s, designed by Michelangelo, which beckons visitors towards the Vatican. Over the past decade, the hotel scene has become as multilayered as Rome itself.

1. Mama Shelter

Best for: kitsch These two conjoined brutalist office blocks are local landmarks in the elegant Prati neighbourhood west of the River Tiber — so much so that they even featured in Dino Risi’s seminal 1962 film Il Sorpasso. In 2021, the interiors became as striking as the facade, when the offices were replaced by the behemoth 217-room Mama Shelter. A 10-minute stroll from the Vatican — St Peter’s dome is well within sight of the rooftop bar — it’s a kitsch version of italianità (Italianness), from the lobby carpet adorned with pizzas and Roman emperors to the clashing colours and columns of the ground-floor pizzeria and the basement take on Roman baths. Rooms pair swirling carpets with Renaissance-style upholstery, such as lions rampaging through foliage, while an extra £20 or so nets you a room with a balcony. Rooms: From €166 (£142), B & B.

Hotel room bed with an end table covered with a jungle-themed pattern

2. Palazzo Ripetta

Best for: style Near busy Piazza del Popolo, this convent-like oasis served as a shelter for impoverished young women between 1675 and 1961. Its history is recalled through the Roman sarcophagus in the courtyard, restored by the palazzo’s 19th-century inhabitants, and the restaurant, whose walls are lined with photos of the women and the crafts they made here. Converted into a hotel in 1961 by Luigi Moretti — the ‘Italian Gaudí’ — it was upgraded into a family-owned five-star in 2022. Bright rooms feature colourful furniture and beds fitted with luxury Frette sheets, while public areas display the Crisci family’s own art collection. The vast courtyard, La Piazzetta, contains a bar as well as the top-notch Abruzzese restaurant San Baylon. Rooms: From €550 (£469), B & B.

3. Six Senses Rome

Best for: positive impact Sustainability is engrained in the ethos at 15th-century Palazzo Salviati Cesi Mellini, near Piazza Venezia. The hotel — which opened in 2023 and was awarded LEED Gold certification for its environmentally conscious remodelling — runs on green energy, the guestrooms are clad in local travertine and the plant-heavy restaurant menu features locally sourced ingredients. Organic herbs are grown on the rooftop, where there’s a bar, and magicked into liqueurs, and part of the proceeds from every stay go towards local community projects. As for the experience, it’s as luxurious as you’d expect, from the silky Rivolta Carmignani sheets in the tranquil, wood-clad rooms to the recreated Roman baths in the basement. Rooms: From €1,000 (£857), B & B.

4. Palazzo Roma

Best for: glitz There’s something in the air at Palazzo Roma. The 2024 transformation of a 17th-century patrician palazzo on Via del Corso, two blocks from the Trevi Fountain, has been scented by Rome’s legendary perfumier, Laura Bosetti Tonatto, who’s infused everything from the toiletries to the corridors with what smells like church incense. Up the marble staircase and beyond the frescoed restaurant is a brilliantly flamboyant hotel. The 39 plush rooms are eclectic to say the least — art deco-style lines mixed with brightly coloured walls and humbug stripes — while the public spaces are equally outré, with disembodied conductor’s hands emerging from the wall in the Music Lounge. It’s all as fun as the charming staff — no wonder it’s gone straight onto the books of the Leading Hotels of the World. Rooms: from €425 (£363), B & B.

A four poster bed with pink walls and paintings hung above

Best for: views In the postwar years, this building was the HQ of Italy’s Communist Party. Since becoming a hotel in 2022, it’s much more geared towards capitalism, with a gold check-in desk that segues into a low-lit bar with mirrored tables. The mid-century-inspired rooms are compact but comfy. The one to book is the ‘doppia deluxe experience’, with a terrace looking towards the ancient Jewish Quarter. Otherwise, have a cocktail on the sixth-floor rooftop, with views of the Vittoriano monument dominating Piazza Venezia. Rooms: From €200 (£171), B & B.

6. Hotel L'Orologio

Best for: location Have you got the time? You will at ‘The Watch Hotel’, which opened in 2022. The walls are covered in artwork of Rolexes, the bedside lights look like moving cogs, and handles for drawers, doors and bathroom taps are shaped like second hands. The obsession is down to the owner, who has amassed one of the world’s largest watch collections — those paintings on the walls are his prized possessions. Yet it’s surprisingly classy, as befits its location, a belle époque palazzo behind Piazza Navona in the heart of the city. Facing the Pantheon, the rooftop bar Santa serves cocktails themed by time zone. Its near 360-degree views, from St Peter’s to Piazza Venezia, make guests feel truly immersed in Rome. Rooms: From €210 (£180), B & B.

3 night trip to rome

7. Hotel Lancelot

Best for: atmosphere In 1959, Canadian Helen Khan stayed in a pensione in a 1930s apartment block behind the Colosseum. She loved it so much that she eventually bought it, expanding it into a 66-room hotel and stuffing it with antiques, from art deco chairs to old prints of Rome. Helen is now 95, and her children carry on the tradition: daughter Lubna manages it, chef son Faris cooks legendary three-course dinners then sits down with guests to eat. Plump for a sixth-floor terrace room for eye-popping views of the Colosseum. Rooms: From €140 (£120), B & B.

8. Domus Libera

Best for: seclusion Rome does a brilliant line in tiny, semi-staffed boutique properties, and this is one of the loveliest. Renaissance artist Sebastiano del Piombo is thought to have had his studio here, tucked behind Piazza Venezia on a cobbled alleyway. You might feel equally inspired by the six beautiful rooms. The style blends Philippe Starck-designed details (like a sink in the shape of an espresso cup) with original beams and gauzy drapes. The cheery staff are in during the day, and available by WhatsApp out of hours. Rooms: From €170 (£145), B & B.

9. Casa Montani

Best for: homeliness Through the grand entrance hall, along the marble-clad corridors and up to the third floor in the 100-year-old lift — arriving at Casa Montani feels like calling in at a family’s home. And in a way, it is. Giuseppe Montani crafted this nine-room B & B from his nonna’s old flat at Flaminio, just beyond Piazza del Popolo. Spread across two floors (rooms upstairs, suites downstairs), the comfortable digs are full of family heirlooms, including 18th-century Roman postcards sent by Giuseppe’s ancestors to family in Abruzzo, a tapestry painted by Giuseppe’s nonna herself, and furniture from their country house. Added to this unique heritage are bathrooms clad in buttery travertine tiles, with Ortigia toiletries, and breakfast served in-room on elegant trolleys. Rooms: From €120 (£103), B & B.

10. The Guardian

Best for: budget With its sunny, brightly coloured guestrooms, smart bathrooms and art-covered corridors, this hotel would cost at least double if located in the historic city centre. Out here in the neighbourhood of Esquilino, in a 19th-century belle époque building an easy 10-minute walk north of Termini train station, you get incredible bang for your buck. Breakfast is a loaded buffet spread, while in the evening, the sixth-floor Terrazza Costanza bar is packed with guests enjoying the sunset at aperitivo hour. They get to sip their cocktails overlooking the lush gardens of the British Embassy, as well as Porta Pia —   one of the northern gates of Rome, famously designed by Michelangelo in the 1560s —   and the Tiburtini Mountains in the distance. Rooms: from €145 (£124), B & B.

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Need a Quick Getaway? Book One of These Amazing 3-Night Cruises

Sometimes, we literally need to sail away for a few days..

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Aerial view of the coastal town of Eden, Australia, a green and rocky peninsula jutting out into a deep blue ocean

If you’re visiting Sydney, tack on a short cruise to the coastal town of Eden for a break from city sightseeing.


When it comes to extolling the benefits of booking a short cruise, the list is long. Whether you’re short on time or vacation budget or looking to extend your trip abroad, an abbreviated sailing offers a neatly bundled getaway that can help you relax and recharge in a few days.

Three-night cruises offer a taste of life at sea for those new to cruising who don’t want to commit to a week or more. They’re also a convenient length to pair with a longer land journey. If you’re already in Europe, why not sail to your next destination in comfort on a ship complete with colorful entertainment and great cuisine, rather than take the bus or train?

Just because these sailings are short doesn’t mean they lack in quality experiences on and off the ship. Culinary excellence, jungle exploration, cultural immersion, and festive celebrations are only a few of the themes you’ll find among the following short cruises worth considering.

The best three-day cruises

A viewing lounge with windows all around and club chairs on Cunard's 'Queen Elizabeth' ship

Sail in style on Cunard’s classy Queen Elizabeth , which offers a scenic itinerary along the western coast of Canada and the United States.

Courtesy of Cunard

A coastal cruise from Vancouver to San Francisco on Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth

To book: Cunard’s “Pacific Coastal” cruise to San Francisco from Vancouver is priced from $379 per person

Cunard’s classic British ocean liners exude elegance and sophistication. Board the 2,081-passenger Queen Elizabeth in Vancouver, British Columbia, for a jaunt along North America’s West Coast to the San Francisco Bay. Admire the views of the Pacific from the relaxing spa, or while sipping afternoon tea with scones.

Cunard is known for its onboard enrichment as well as its over-the-top gala evenings. With two sea days, guests will be able to enjoy the ship’s hospitality, from pints at the Golden Lion Pub to the comforts of a cozy nook in the library. To round out the trip, plan to spend a few additional days in Vancouver or San Francisco—or both.

Colorful boats floating outside of a historic castle in Naples, Italy

If you need to travel from Italy to Spain, why not do so in comfort on a floating hotel, complete with a scenic stop in Naples?


A Mediterranean sailing from Rome to Barcelona with MSC Cruises

To book: MSC’s three-night sailing from Rome to Barcelona is priced from $224 per person

For $75 per person, per night, it’s hard to beat MSC Cruises’ four-day sailing from Italy to Spain (let’s face it, that’s a lot more affordable than most hotels in Europe). A distance of approximately 900 miles—or 15 hours in a car—is crossed instead aboard a floating resort complete with a pool, Turkish-style baths, and an Italian wine bar.

Make your way to Civitavecchia, the port of Rome, via a 12-hour call in Naples. While in Naples, why not take a day trip to the ruins of Pompeii or the Amalfi Coast ? These outings are packaged as shore excursions available to purchase from the cruise line.

The rooftop garden and terrace on the 'Celebrity Edge' cruise featuring a mix of plants, artistic plantlike sculptures, and outdoor lounge seating

Take in the views of Sydney and Eden in Australia from the rooftop garden and terrace atop the Celebrity Edge .

Steve Dunlop/Celebrity Cruises

A round-trip weekend itinerary from Sydney to Eden and back on Celebrity Edge

To book: Celebrity’s Taste of Luxury cruise sets sail on April 17, 2025, from $368 per person

If you find yourself traveling in Australia, consider Celebrity Cruises’ three-night taster sailing from Sydney; this short cruise offers a scenic escape from the city for a long weekend (Thursday to Sunday).

On shore, explore Eden, a coastal town in New South Wales known for unspoiled scenery and oysters. Back aboard the 2,918-passenger Celebrity Edge , you can head to a different version of Eden, which is the name of a lush, captivating bar, restaurant, and lounge space with floor-to-ceiling windows and evening entertainment that’s constantly evolving, from acrobatics to burlesque. Don’t miss a seriously inventive drink here, accompanied by views as you sail from Sydney’s iconic harbor.

Exterior image of the small 'Delfin II' river cruise vessel sailing on the Upper Amazon River in Peru at sunset time

When in Peru, tack on some time sailing the Upper Amazon on the intimate and luxurious Delfin II .

David Vargas

The Amazon River from Iquitos, Peru, on Delfin II

To book: Delfin II offers numerous departures of its Amazon sailings , from $3,500 per person

Iquitos, in Peru, is considered the gateway to the northern jungles of the Amazon. A stunning destination in its own right, Iquitos is the world’s largest city not accessible by road, requiring either a plane or boat ride. This is part of what makes it an excellent departure point for a cruise along the Amazon River.

The Delfin II is an intimate and elegant 28-passenger vessel and part of the luxury Relais & Chateaux portfolio. Its three-night itineraries don’t come at a discount, but inclusions span naturalist-guided nature walks to see monkeys, along with fresh fruit juice or a Pisco sour on board.

A canal boat in Strasbourg sailing among the timbered buildings of the charming French town

A Rhine River cruise from Strasbourg to the Black Forest with a focus on food and wine? Yes, please.

Free Nomad/Unplash

A food- and wine-focused river cruise to Germany’s Black Forest with CroisiEurope

To book: CroisiEurope’s gastronomy-focused Rhine itineraries are priced from $1,439 per person

Not only can you sail the rivers of Europe in half a week, but also you can be sure to pile on lots of delicious local food and wine to your proverbial vacation plate. This “Grand Gastronomic” sailing from France-based company CroisiEurope pairs a breezy, three-night cruise on the Rhine River with a Michelin-starred French chef and world-famous sommelier as your companions.

Cruise round-trip on the 107-passenger Symphonie from Strasbourg, France with chef Marc Haeberlin and Serge Dubs, formerly rated as one of the world’s top sommeliers. With this dream team, explore the wine region of Breisach, Germany, which lies adjacent to the famed Black Forest.

Exterior image of Disney Wish cruise ship sailing on the high seas

Sometimes, the whole family could just use some good ol’ fashioned fun.

Courtesy of Disney Cruise Line

A Halloween-themed Bahamas getaway on Disney Wish

To book: This “ Halloween on the High Seas” cruise departs on September 27, 2024, from $1,795 per person

It’s September and the kids are back in school, but you want to surprise the family with an early treat for Halloween. This Friday-to-Monday sailing on the 4,000-passenger Disney Wish —which, when it launched in 2022, was the first new Disney Cruise Line ship in a decade—is a long weekend of not-too-scary fun. Departing from Port Canaveral, the port of Orlando, guests will visit Nassau along with Disney’s private island Castaway Cay.

“Halloween on the High Seas” programming includes costume parties, crafts, elaborate decor, and festive entertainment. In addition, Disney Wish boasts Frozen - and Marvel-themed dinner theater and a bar straight out of Star Wars called the Hyperspace Lounge. Disney cruises aren’t cheap—even the short ones—but the quality of its shows and immaculate attention to detail are what bring families back for more.

An aerial view of the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course and hotel along the beach in Florida


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