21 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Japan

Written by Meagan Drillinger Updated Mar 20, 2024

Japan is an enigma. It's the perfect juxtaposition of centuries-old traditions overlapped with lightning speed, cutting-edge technology. Many first-time visitors to Japan are often surprised to learn that, as one of the world's most advanced industrialized nations, this relatively small Asian country also boasts a rich and fascinating history that dates back thousands of years.

Indeed, long before many of Europe's most spectacular cathedrals were built, Japan's Shinto and Buddhist temples were already well-established and drawing pilgrims and patrons to their elaborate designs and décor. At the same time, the country was already perfecting the skills and trades that would set it on the path to riches, from fine porcelains and ceramics to textiles such as silk.

Much of this rich tradition has, despite wars and natural devastation, been preserved (or rebuilt), and a visit to Japan is a memorable adventure. Boasting an endless list of top attractions, fun things to do, and points of interest to explore, a vacation in Japan is certainly a great investment of time and money.

Discover the best places to visit in the country with our list of the top tourist attractions in Japan.

1. Mount Fuji

2. imperial tokyo, 3. hiroshima peace memorial park, 4. historic kyoto, 5. the island shrine of itsukushima, miyajima, 6. temple city: historic nara, 7. osaka castle, 8. chūbu-sangaku national park and the japanese alps, 9. the atsuta shrine, nagoya, 10. fukuoka castle ruins and the city's ancient festivals, 11. sapporo, hokkaido, 12. fushimi inari-taisha shrine, kyoto, 13. koyasan okunoin, 14. kiyomizu-dera, kyoto, 15. shinjuku gyoen national garden, tokyo, 16. hakone open-air museum, hakone, 17. naritasan shinsho-ji, narita, 18. okinawa churaumi aquarium, 19. matsumoto castle, nagano, 20. arashiyama monkey park, kyoto, 21. kenrokuen garden, kanazawa, tips for making the most of your visit to japan, best time to visit japan.

Mount Fuji

Without a doubt Japan's most recognizable landmark, majestic Mount Fuji (Fuji-san) is also the country's highest mountain peak. Towering 3,776 meters over an otherwise largely flat landscape to the south and east, this majestic and fabled mountain is tall enough to be seen from Tokyo, more than 100 kilometers away.

Mount Fuji has for centuries been celebrated in art and literature and is now considered so important an icon that UNESCO recognized its world cultural significance in 2013. Part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park , Mount Fuji is climbed by more than a million people each summer as an act of pilgrimage, which culminates in watching the sunrise from its summit.

While some still choose to begin their climb from the base, the majority of climbers now start from above the halfway mark, at the 5th Station, resulting in a more manageable six-or-so-hour ascent. Those who do attempt the complete climb are advised to depart in the afternoon, breaking up the climb with an overnight stop at one of the "Mountain Huts" designed for this very purpose. An early start the next day gets you to the top for the sunrise.

Of course, for many, simply viewing the mountain from the distance, or from the comfort of a speeding train, is enough to say "been there, done that."

  • Read More: Exploring Mount Fuji: A Visitor's Guide

Imperial Palace and Nijubashi Bridge

Tokyo's most famous landmark, the Imperial Palace with its beautiful 17th-century parks surrounded by walls and moats, is a must-see when visiting the nation's capital. Don't be put off by the fact that the majority of the palace is closed to the public (it's still in use by the Imperial family), as there is still enough to see simply by strolling the grounds.

In addition to the many fine views of the palace from numerous points in the surrounding parkland, visitors are permitted into the East Higashi-Gyoen Garden and other areas that are opened to the public as part of an organized tour. One of the most romantic views is of the famous Nijubashi Bridge , or "double bridge," so named for its watery reflection.

Another one of the must-sees for tourists visiting Tokyo is the famous Ginza shopping district. This always bustling area is home to the Kabuki-za Theatre with its Kabuki performances, as well as the Shimbashi Enbujo Theatre with its traditional Azuma-odori dances and Bunraku performances.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

While little needs to be said here of the horrors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in August 1945, much can be said of the incredible efforts this vibrant city has made to commemorate the many victims of the world's first nuclear attack. Perhaps even more importantly, Hiroshima has become a symbol of lasting peace.

Visited by more than a million people each year, many from overseas, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Hiroshima Heiwa Kinen Kōen) lies at the epicenter of the atomic blast in what was once a bustling part of the city. Here you'll find a number of important monuments, memorials, and museums relating to the events of that fateful day.

In addition to the grounds and gardens with their colorful cherry blossoms, the park is where you'll find the Peace Memorial Museum, with its numerous exhibits dealing with the issue of world peace. It's also where you'll find the Memorial Cenotaph and the Flame of Peace , as well as the Atom Bomb Dome , the ruins of an administrative building that lay at the center of the explosion.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Hiroshima

Bamboo forest in Kyoto

One of Japan's most visited cities, lovely Kyoto – one of the few cities in the country to be spared the devastation of WWII – attracts more than 10 million visitors annually. Most of them are here to explore Kyoto's fine old streets and architecture, much of it unchanged since the Imperial family took up residence here more than 1,000 years ago.

Even then, the city was Japan's most important cultural center. This legacy, in fact, continues to this day with its many museums and art galleries, each bursting with important sculptures, paintings, and other art forms.

Highlights of Kyoto's Buddhist-influenced architecture include its many well-preserved temples, 30 of which are still in use, and important structures such as the 14th-century Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku-ji), famous for its exquisite gold-leaf-clad exterior.

Be sure to also visit Nijo Castle , a 17th-century fortress that has retained its original walls, towers, and moat. Also worth seeing are the castle's beautiful gates, along with its palace with fine interior décor.

Another landmark to visit is the original Kyoto Imperial Palace (Kyoto-gosho ) . Built in AD 794, it's one of the city's most visited historic sites.

Finally, no visit to Kyoto is complete without spending time exploring the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove . This beautiful area of tall bamboo is just a few minutes' walk from the town center.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Kyoto

The Island Shrine of Itsukushima

Just a short ferry ride from mainland Hiroshima is the island of Miyajima , famous the world over as Japan's Shrine Island. Covering an area of 30 square kilometers in Hiroshima Bay, Miyajima is best known as the home of the Itsukushima Shrine, a Shinto temple dedicated to the Princess daughters of the wind god Susanoo.

Dating from the eighth century, the majority of the shrine's buildings rise out of the waters of a small bay supported only by piles. The effect at high tide is simply stunning, making these structures - including the famous Great Floating Gate (O-Torii) - appear as if they're floating on water.

Linked together by walkways and bridges, it's a fascinating place to explore, in particular its larger halls. These include the exquisite Honden (Main Hall), the Offerings Hall (Heiden), the Prayer Hall (Haiden), and the Hall of a Thousand Mats (Senjokaku).

Another notable feature is the shrine's stage, where visitors are entertained with traditional dances and musical performances. Also worth exploring are the island's exquisite grounds and gardens, home to wild deer and numerous bird colonies.

Please note: You can expect some interruptions and inconvenience from now until 2022 due to major renovations taking place at this historic site.

Temple City: Historic Nara

For centuries the hub of Japanese culture, the lovely unspoiled city of Nara is home to a large number of historic buildings, along with important national treasures and works of art.

In addition to its many historic streets, the city boasts numerous important old temples. These includ the magnificent seventh-century Kofuku-ji Temple , perhaps the best known of the Seven Great Temples of Nara; and the splendid eighth-century Todai-ji (Great East Temple), famous for its huge bronze statue of the Great Buddha (Daibutsu), cast here in AD 749.

Also of interest in Todai-ji are its Great South Gate (Nandaimon). This spectacular two-story structure is borne on 18 columns, with two Nio statues standing eight meters tall, and it guards the temple entrance. Also of note here is the Hall of the Great Buddha, the world's largest timber building.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nara

Osaka Castle with autumn leaves

Built in 1586 by famous Japanese warrior and politician Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Osaka Castle (Ōsaka-jō) was at the time the largest and most important fortress in the country. Although destroyed and rebuilt a number of times since, the present structure, built in 1931, remains true to the original.

Highlights of a visit include the huge five-story, 42-meter-tall main tower. Built on an imposing 14-meter-tall stone base, the tower is home to a number of displays detailing the history of the castle and the city. Be sure to visit the top floor for its superb views over Osaka, an especially attractive sight as the sun sets.

Also of interest in Osaka Castle Park is the Hokoku Shrine , while Osaka's best-known temple, Shitennō-ji , is also worth visiting and dates back to AD 59. Notable as Japan's first Buddhist temple, this lovely shrine features a five-story pagoda along with a number of other exquisitely decorated buildings. Among them are the Golden Pavilion (Kondō), with its fine statues and paintings; the Lecture Hall (Kōdō); and a lovely covered corridor linking three of the site's gates.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Osaka

Chūbu-Sangaku National Park and the Japanese Alps

Japan boasts a number of outstanding areas of natural beauty, many of them designated as national parks or, in some cases, UNESCO World Heritage Sites. One of the country's most spectacular of these is Chūbu-Sangaku National Park in the center of Honshu. Located in the park's northern and central regions is the group of mountains collectively referred to as the Hida Mountains , or Japanese Alps.

This region contains some of the highest peaks in the country, including Hotaka at 3,190 meters, and Yari at 3,180 meters. Similar in many ways to the Alps of Central Europe - both in the character of the landscape and in its abundance of snow in winter - the Japanese Alps attract large numbers of walkers and climbers in summer and skiers in winter.

Of particular interest is the park's abundance of flora and fauna, including the rare ptarmigan and mountain antelopes found at higher altitudes. The park's many hot springs also draw visitors and led to the development of various spas and holiday resorts, the best known being Kamikōchi .

The Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya, Japan

The Atsuta Shrine, in the heart of the city of Nagoya, is the most important Shinto shrine in Japan, and attracts more than five million visitors each year. Established in the first century, this religious site is famous for its preserved Imperial insignia, the "grass-mowing sword" (kusanagi-no-tsurugi), one of only three in the country.

Also of interest are its principal shrine, Hongu, surrounded by an enclosing wall, and the treasury with its numerous works of art, including old and modern paintings, ceramics, jewelry, and traditional masks. While in Nagoya, be sure to also visit Nagoya Castle . This splendid moated complex was built in 1612 and boasts a 48-meter-high main tower that is famous for its two gilded dolphins (shachi). It's also a popular place to visit for its museum, containing art treasures from the former palace, and its spectacular views over the city and the Nobi Plain.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nagoya

The ruins of Fukuoka Castle in Maizuru Park

The ruins of the once-grand Fukuoka Castle (Fukuoka-jō), built in the early 1600s, punctuate the middle of Maizuru Park. The castle was once a fine example of the prolific and majestic hilltop homes preferred by Shoguns and city rulers. But it was destroyed after the Meiji Restoration as a backlash against the feudal system.

Today, only the ruins of the castle remain, including the main gate and one of the turrets. Visitors mainly come here for the leafy walking trails and scenic lookouts, with beautiful views over the Naka River. If you climb to the top of the ruins, you can see views of the city beyond. The park is especially lovely in spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Fukuoka is also well known for its many events and festivals. The best-known of these is Hakata Gion Yamakasa , a famous two-week long, 700-year-old celebration held each July that draws millions of visitors from across the country to its colorful parades, as well as its traditional races and costumes.

The city is not without its modern attractions, too. Most notable among them is Canal City Hakata , a-city-within-the-city complete with a canal running through the complex, along with great shops, hotels, restaurants, and a theater.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Fukuoka

Sapporo, Hokkaido

Located on Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido, the city of Sapporo offers many things to do for tourists . As the island's largest city, it's a hub of cultural activity, hosting many excellent events and festivals. It also has a distinctive culinary style; a rich theatrical history; and plenty of museums, galleries, and parks.

The focal point here is very much the city's attractive downtown area, the center of which is Odori Park, a large swath of green that's very pleasant to explore. From here, you can also access points of interest such as the Sapporo TV Tower , as well as the city's famous aerial tramway, an easy walk away. The Mount Moiwa Ropeway will eventually get you to the summit's Upper Station, from where you can enjoy incredible views over the city, a real treat at night.

The mountain is also the location of the Mount Moiwa Ski Resort, a popular winter destination, especially since the 1972 Winter Olympics were held in the city. And if you're arriving in winter, be sure to visit the Sapporo Snow Festival , held here each February and drawing in excess of two million revelers.

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine

When you visit Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine, you'll be seeing red – but in a beautiful way. One of the most important shrines in Japan, the Fushimi Inari shrine is found in southern Kyoto, made famous for the thousands (yes, thousands) of scarlet-colored gates that arch over a web of trails. These arch-covered trails command silence, so expect a very peaceful walk towards the forest around Mt. Inari.

Inari is the Shinto god of rice – one of the most important gods in Shintoism. Of the thousands of shrines dedicated to him, Fushimi Inari is decidedly the most important. Most travelers come to see the vermilion gates, but the shrine itself is also open for exploration, and the buildings are quite spectacular.

Visitors can also hike to the top of Mt. Inari, which takes roughly two to three hours round-trip. The route up the mountain is dotted with shrines and smaller gates, as well as spots to grab something to eat.

Koyasan Okunoin

While a cemetery may not seem like an obvious top attraction, Japan's Koyasan Okunoin is a great exception. One of the most sacred places in the country, this popular pilgrimage spot holds the mausoleum of Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.

Daishi, also called Kukai, is one of the most important figures in Japan's Buddhist history. It is said that he sits in eternal meditation while waiting for the Buddha of the Future. Those who make the pilgrimage to his mausoleum do so to ask for salvation in this life.

Upon reaching the cemetery, visitors will cross the Ichinohashi Bridge, which is the first bridge into the cemetery. On the way to the mausoleum, visitors will pass more than 200,000 tombstones. The path leads to Gokusho Offering Hall, where visitors can make offerings, as well as pray for family members they have lost.

A second bridge, the Gobyobashi Bridge, is what separates the most sacred center of the site from the rest of the cemetery. Here is where you'll find the Miroku Stone, as well as Torodo Hall, which is a main worship hall just in front of the mausoleum. The hall is aglow with thousands of lanterns. Behind the hall is the mausoleum itself, and it is a most awesome experience to visit.

You'll feel the power of something – whether you believe or not – as pilgrims from all over the country have come to chant and pray in the presence of Kobo Daishi.

Kiyomizu-Dera temple during cherry blossom season

Kyoto is practically overflowing with gorgeous sites and landmarks. The city is a top attraction itself. But one can't come to Kyoto without visiting Kiyomizu-Dera, or the Pure Water Temple.

One of the most important temples in Japan, Kiyomizu-Dera was built in 780 CE on the grounds of the Otowa Waterfall. It was originally built to be part of the Hosso sect of Buddhism, but later formed its own sect in the mid 20th century.

Today the UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its wooden stage, which overlooks the beautiful rooftops of Kyoto, and the marvelous trees that always put on fantastic color displays in both the fall and cherry blossom season.

On the grounds, visitors will find other important sites, like the Jishu Shrine, as well as the Otowa Waterfall itself, which still gushes at the base of the monument's main hall.

Shinjuku Gyoen park

One of Tokyo's most famous districts is the Shinjuku district, known for its electric nightlife, trendy restaurants, and upscale hotels. But the heart of the district is also home to one of Tokyo's most naturally beautiful attractions – the Shinjuku Gyoen park.

Within the park are sprawling green spaces and trails of walking paths that wind around stunning floral displays, ponds, and manicured shrubbery. Come cherry blossom season, the park is one of the best spots to catch the brilliant waves of powder pink.

The park was built during Japan's Edo Period (1603-1867) as the residence of a feudal lord. After that it became a botanical garden and then was an entertaining grounds for Japan's Imperial Family in the early 20th century. It opened in 1949 as a public park.

Within the park are three different styles of garden, including a Japanese landscape, English landscape, and French landscape.

Hakone Open-Air Museum

The town of Hakone, located within the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park to the west of Tokyo, is known for its stunning mountains and tranquil hot spring resorts. That is reason enough to visit this stunning small town. But another top draw to this peaceful bit of paradise is the impressive Open-Air Museum.

True to its name, the outdoor museum is a sculpture park that spreads over 17 acres. Opened in 1969, it is one of the first open-air museums in Japan, featuring more than 100 sculptures all over the grounds.

One of the most impressive sculptures here is the Symphonic Sculpture, which allows visitors to climb a stained-glass tower to reach a viewing platform that overlooks the surrounding mountains, as well as the other works of art on the grounds.

In addition to the outdoor exhibits, the museum has an indoor exhibit, including one of the world's most impressive collections of Picasso . You'll find more than 300 of the great Spanish painter's works here, including his oil paintings, prints, ceramics, and sculptures.

Naritasan Shinsho-ji temple

Dating back more than 1,000 years, the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple is one of the most popular Buddhist temples in Japan. The purpose for the temple was to protect and pay homage to a statue of the Buddhist god, Fudo Myoo, which is said to have been carved by Kobo Daishi. Within the temple grounds are several buildings, including several different style pagodas, a park, and the main halls.

Approaching the temple complex is like stepping back in time. The half-mile journey from the rail station to the temple complex is a road lined with restaurants and handicraft stores. The same has been true of this street for hundreds of years. While the stores themselves may have a 21st-century appeal, the arrival experience to the temple complex has remained unchanged for centuries.

Whale shark in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Japan's Okinawa archipelago consists of more than 150 islands that speckle the area between Taiwan and Japan's mainland. This tropical environment is completely unique to other areas of Japan, home to beautiful beaches and swaying palm trees. The main island is also called Okinawa, and is home to several museums, as well as the Churaumi Aquarium.

The aquarium is widely considered to be the best in Japan, known for its Kuroshio Tank. Within this massive tank are about 60 different species of animals, but most visitors come to see the gigantic whale sharks and gliding manta rays.

Other attractions within the aquarium include a deep water exhibit, which shows off bioluminescent fish, as well as an area dedicated to tiger and bull sharks. Outside are a variety of pools that are home to dolphins, sea turtles, and manatees.

Matsumoto Castle

Japan has hundreds of beautiful, historic castles. But none is as complete or mesmerizing as Matsumoto Castle. Built from 1592 to 1614, Matsumoto is located in the city of Nagano. Tip: One of the best times to visit the castle is in the spring , when the grounds of the castle are powdered a soft pink with the bloom of thousands of cherry blossoms.

Inside the castle, visitors have one of the best glimpses back into time. Matsumoto Castle has maintained its wooden interiors, giving a true historic feel to the experience. Matsumoto is considered to be one of five castles that are designated as "National Treasures of Japan." It is the oldest six-story castle tower that remains in the country.

Arashiayama Monkey Park

Located in the Arishayama section of Kyoto, the famous Arashiayama Monkey Park is one of the best things to do both in Kyoto, as well as Japan overall. A short hike up a forest-covered mountain opens up to sweeping views over the city, as well as a troop of more than 120 Japanese macaque monkeys.

The macaques roam freely in the monkey park, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with these energetic creatures. You can even feed them with food you purchase at the park. You'll find a small, wooden enclosure where you can feed the monkeys. Outside the enclosure the macaques roam freely, bouncing from branch to branch and scattering across the dirt trails.

The top of the peak also provides a great view of Kyoto and the beautiful mountain peaks in the distance. Visiting the monkey park is wonderful in both spring and fall because you'll have a bird's eye view of the cherry blossoms and the brilliant changing of the leaves.

Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa

Perfectly manicured with the highest attention to detail, the gardens in Japan are truly works of art. To visit a Japanese garden is to step into a painting. Arguably the most beautiful garden in Japan is the Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa. The grounds used to be a part of Kanazawa Castle and were opened to the public in the 19th century.

What makes the garden so special is that it was designed around what are known as the six essentials to make a perfect garden. These include spaciousness, seclusion, antiquity, abundant water, views, and artificiality.

While exploring the grounds, visitors will pass by beautiful pools, babbling brooks, bridges, teahouses, artfully placed stones and flowerbeds, as well as sweeping views and secluded pockets.

The park is a beautiful spot to witness the cherry blossoms in the spring, as well as the sweeping autumn colors that take over in the fall.

  • Shoulder Season Travel : Due to its being blessed with so many amazing points of interest, Japan's top attractions can, during the peak summer months, get rather busy. If you can be flexible with your trip planning, create a sightseeing itinerary that will allow you to explore this beautiful country during the quieter shoulder seasons. You'll not only be rewarded by fewer lineups, but will be able to enjoy things other visitors will miss out on: spring cherry blossoms in places like Nara Park; amazing fall colors in the hillside spa destination of Jozankei Onsen; and historic structures such as Fukuoka Castle blanketed in snow.
  • Faster Than a Speeding Bullet (Train) : Thanks to its superb modern and efficient public railway system, Japan is an easy country to get around. Japan Railways is responsible for more than 21,000 kilometers of rail lines, connecting all points to larger cities such as Tokyo. The best of these is the Shinkansen Bullet Train , capable of traveling 320 kilometers per hour, making a trip such as Tokyo to Fukuoka - some 1,170 kilometers away - doable in just over six hours. Be sure to pick up your Japan Rail Pass or book your rail tours before departure to ensure savings.

Traditionally dressed woman along the river in Kyoto with fall colors

Despite its small size, Japan experiences almost every kind of weather you could imagine – from rainy typhoon seasons to snowy winters to hot humid summers. Whether you want to ski, hike, or explore the city, Japan has much to offer – and a perfect season for each of these activities.

For most tourists interested in sightseeing, the best time to visit Japan is during the months of March and April , as the weather is milder, the sakura (cherry blossoms) are in bloom, and the big summer crowds haven't arrived yet.

A land of contrasts and surprises, Japan has stunning springs, snowcapped mountains in winter, and plenty to do outdoors in the warmer months. The best time to visit Japan can be any time, depending on your interests.

Spring: Sakura (cherry blossoms) completely transform Japan during the months of March and April, making spring one of the most beautiful seasons in the country . Spring temperatures can vary widely depending on where you're heading, with the northern destinations seeing around 4 degrees Celsius in April, and the southern cities experiencing temperatures in the mid to high teens-in many places like Tokyo, temperatures are usually in the single digits in the early mornings and at night, but a comfortable 13 to 15 degrees during the day.

Summer: Japan's summers are hot, humid, and often wet . Temperatures in the cities often reach into the high 20s and sometimes 30s, but with high humidity present, it feels much hotter. Summer is a great time to head to the mountains and the countryside to escape the urban heat . Between July and October, the coast of Japan is under the threat of typhoons and heavy rains, although the wettest months are usually August and September .

Fall: Fall is a great time to travel around Japan , as you'll get cooler weather, great Autumn colors, and discounted prices. Although spring has similar temperatures, fall is drier , so you won't have to constantly carry an umbrella with you everywhere you go. Rikugien Garden in Tokyo and Lake Kawaguchi at the foot of Mt. Fuji are great places to catch the autumn colors.

Winter: Depending on your destination, Japanese winters can be very cold (as low as -10 degrees Celsius in Sapporo) or mild (Naha regularly sees January temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius). In most places, however, winters are dry-no humidity and very little rain, with snow mostly falling on the countryside but sometimes also blanketing the bigger cities. The alpine regions, including the ski resorts around Hokkaido, are among the best places to visit in Japan in winter. Slopes are great in January and February, with plenty of powdery snow for outdoor sports.

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Endless Day Trip Options : Wherever you choose to visit in Japan, the country's fast rail services open up endless possibilities for day trippers. Even if you are only visiting one city, you may be able to see several important tourist attractions in the surroundings. For more detail in planning your trip, see our articles on day trips from Tokyo , as well as historic Kyoto , and Osaka .

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Kinkakuji, the Golden temple Kyoto, one of the best places to visit in Japan.

16 Unmissable Places to Visit in Japan in 2024

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Japan is somewhere I think everyone should visit. From futuristic skyscrapers to tranquil bamboo forests and neon arcades to serene temples, it’s like nowhere else on the planet.

The food is incredible, the people are ultra polite, and it has one of the most efficient public transport systems in the world. We love the combination of ease of travel and glorious bewilderment.

Japan has so much to offer but where should you start? These are our picks for the 10 best places to visit in Japan, perfect for your first or second trip to the country (plus extra suggestions for the repeat visits that are likely to happen!).

I’ve included our favourite things to do in each place, how long to spend there, and where we stayed. At the end of the post you’ll find a map of all these Japan destinations to start planning your route. 

I recommend mixing a few of the popular cities (most people won’t want to miss Tokyo and Kyoto) with some quieter, more rural places in Japan to see a different side of the country and take a break from the crowds.

Video of Japan Must Sees

Top places to visit in japan, more amazing japan destinations, and a few more places to go in japan, best places to visit in japan map, japan travel tips.

Watch our short video for ideas on where to go in Japan for an amazing trip.

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Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto, one of the best places to visit in Japan

If you only have time for one Japan destination, make it Kyoto.

This is traditional Japan as you imagined it—geisha in brightly coloured kimonos emerging from wooden teahouses, forests of bamboo, temples and shrines in gold and silver and scarlet, raked gravel Zen gardens, intricate feasts served on lacquered plates, graceful tea ceremonies, and markets full of intriguing but unidentifiable ingredients.

The concrete high-rises of downtown Kyoto can be disappointing, so head out towards the mountains to the surrounding neighbourhoods where you’ll find narrow stone streets, old wooden houses, monks in flowing robes, and the sounds of chanting and gongs from the many temples and shrines.

Gion is the place to spot geisha, Higashiyama has many beautiful temples to explore, and Arashiyama, up in the western hills, is one of the most traditional neighbourhoods and home to bamboo groves, quirky temples, and monkeys.

Kyoto is one of the top Japan tourist spots, so try to visit the popular temples early in the morning as they do get crowded.

In Kyoto don’t miss:

  • Wandering through the red torii gates of Fushimi Inari shrine.
  • Drinking matcha in a traditional tea ceremony. We loved Tea Ceremony Ju-An at Jotokuji Temple.
  • Learning to cook traditional Japanese cuisine in a Kyoto cooking class .
  • Taking the train to the village of Kibune and walking across the valley to the beautiful Kurama-dera temple.
  • Retreating from the busy streets of Gion to the magical Yasaka-jinja at night.
  • Strolling the Philosopher’s Path.
  • Experiencing Zen Buddhist cuisine at the Tenryu-ji temple.
  • Getting off the beaten track at the quirky Otagi Nenbutsuji temple .
  • Exploring these magical Kyoto cherry blossom spots  if you visit in late-March or early-April.
  • Enjoying the magnificent autumn colours if you visit in mid to late-November (Eikando and Enkoji are our favourite temples in autumn).

How Long to Spend: 3 nights minimum but 5 nights would be better. We’ve spent two months in Kyoto and still haven’t done everything! A longer stay also allows you to avoid the crowds more easily (you have more early mornings available) and take some of these wonderful day trips from Kyoto .

Read: Our post on the many amazing things to do in Kyoto (and how to avoid the crowds) and our guide to Kyoto’s temples and shrines and the best vegetarian restaurants in Kyoto

Where to stay in Kyoto: For a traditional ryokan, we loved our huge room with private bath overlooking the garden at Ryokan Yachiyo near Nanzenji temple (choose a suite not a standard room). At central Sora Niwa Terrace we enjoyed the amazing view from its onsen and rooftop bar. Or in a quiet part of Gion, Hotel The Celestine is stylish and close to temples. Find more accommodation in Kyoto here .

Sensoji Temple in Tokyo with SkyTree in the background, a top Japan destination

If Kyoto is the heart of traditional Japan, Tokyo is its ultramodern counterpart.

It’s here you’ll find the skyscrapers, noisy arcades, busy pedestrian crossings, quirky youth fashions, and many many incredibly delicious restaurants.

If all you do in Tokyo is eat, you’ll have an amazing time—even as vegetarians we ate so well.

Tokyo is also home to some of the weirdest activities we’ve ever done. From themed cafes (cats, owls, maids, robots, goats—you name it, Tokyo has it) to sensory-overload shows and arcades to cos-play go-karting.

On my first trip to Tokyo I was overwhelmed by the sprawling city and couldn’t help comparing it unfavourably to Kyoto.

On repeat visits I’ve grown to love the city (the food certainly helped) and while it isn’t as attractive as Kyoto, there is so much to do that you won’t want to skip it.

In Tokyo don’t miss:

  • Driving a go-kart on the real roads while dressed as your favourite character. Insanity but so much fun!
  • Eating in a tiny restaurant on atmospheric Memory Lane in Shinjuku .
  • Gazing at the 360º skyline from the Shibuya Sky observatory (go at sunset for day and night views)
  • Walking across the famous Shibuya Crossing.
  • Gawping at the outrageous outfits on Takeshita Street in Harajuku.
  • Visiting the brilliant DisneySea (our favourite Disney park in the world!) or neighbouring Tokyo Disneyland (or both if you have two days spare).
  • Immersing yourself in the colourful digital art museum, TeamLab Planets (and don’t miss Uzu vegan ramen afterwards).
  • Watching sumo wrestlers train— we did this morning sumo stable visit and it felt such an honour to see these impressive athletes close up.
  • Drinking green tea at the relaxing Sakurai Japanese Tea Experience (the tea course is worth it).
  • Exploring the cool neighbourhood of Shimokitazawa for cafes, vintage clothes, and record stores.

How Long to Spend: 3 – 5 nights or longer if you want to take day trips (such as to Nikko, Kawaguchiko or Hakone (for Mt Fuji), and Kamakura). We’ve spent over 6 weeks here on various trips and still find new things to do. If time is limited, I would allocate more time to Kyoto than Tokyo. 

Read: 23 cool things to do in Tokyo and the best vegetarian restaurants in Tokyo .

Where to stay in Tokyo: Read why I think Shinjuku is the best area to stay in Tokyo . My top pick is Hotel Century Southern Tower next to Shinjuku Station—our panoramic king room had an incredible view and was more spacious than most Tokyo hotel rooms. Or splurge on the luxurious Hotel Park Hyatt where the film Lost in Translation was filmed. Search for hotels in Tokyo here .

Top tip: Consider buying a Japan Rail Pass in advance as it’s so easy being able to hop on and off trains all over the country. Read our Japan Rail Pass guide for full details.

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3) Takayama

Takayama, one of the best stops on our Japan 2 week itinerary

Takayama is an utterly gorgeous small town on the edge of the Japan Alps and one of the best less-visited places to go in Japan.

I loved wandering the historic centre full of traditional wooden houses, colourful shrines, neatly shaped trees, and bright red bridges over the river.

In Takayama don’t miss:

  • Wandering the old town in the early morning before the crowds arrive.
  • Buying delicious fruit from the morning markets.
  • Snacking on mitarashi-dango (rice balls grilled in soy) from a street stall.
  • Seeing the extravagant floats at the Festival Floats Exhibition Hall.
  • Visiting the Hida Folk Village to see traditional thatched houses.
  • Cycling through the countryside with Satoyama Experience .

How Long to Spend: 2-3 nights. We had 2 nights and wished we’d had longer because there’s lots to do in the surrounding countryside. With a longer stay you could take day trips to the traditional thatched roof houses of Shirakawa-go and go hiking in Kamikochi in the Japan Alps.

Read: 54 Best Things to do in Japan for an Unforgettable Trip

Where to stay in Takayama: We stayed at Super Hotel Hida Takayama , a good mid-range business hotel near the train station. Next time I want to stay at Oyado Koto No Yume , a ryokan with onsen which gets excellent reviews. Find more hotels in Takayama here .

Top tip: See our Japan 2 week itinerary for more details on combining these top places in Japan for an amazing trip.

Mount Fuji from Lake Ashi in Hakone, one of the top places in Japan

Mount Fuji is on most people’s lists of places to visit in Japan, but this must-see Japan landmark can be rather elusive and is often hidden by clouds.

There are a number of places you can see the mountain from ( Kawaguchiko is another great option), but Hakone is easy to reach from Tokyo and there are lots of other things to do in the area in case you are out of luck with a sighting.

Despite visiting on a cloudy, drizzly day, we were lucky that Mount Fuji emerged from the clouds above Lake Ashi and it was magical!

Hakone is also fun to visit because you can do a loop of the sights on different modes of transport—train, bus, pirate boat (yes, really!), and cable car.

In Hakone don’t miss:

  • Buying a Hakone Free Pass so you can hop on and off all the transport options on the Hakone Loop.
  • Seeing Mount Fuji from the lake or cable car.
  • Eating a black egg cooked in the hot sulphur springs at volcanic Owakudani (not really, we skipped this, but the Japanese love them).
  • Soaking in an onsen.
  • Staying in a tatami room in a ryokan (traditional inn) and enjoying an elaborate dinner.
  • Wandering the outdoor sculpture gallery at Hakone Open Air Museum .

How Long to Spend: You could visit on a day trip from Tokyo but I recommend 1-2 nights to experience a ryokan and onsen. We had one night and did part of the loop in the afternoon we arrived and the rest in the morning. While it was just enough for the main sights, we wished we’d had longer to enjoy our ryokan.

Where to stay in Hakone: I recommend staying in Moto Hakone by Lake Ashi for Mt Fuji views. A ryokan with an onsen and meals included is the perfect way to experience the area. Our ryokan has closed but Yoshimatsu looks like a beautiful alternative. Find more hotels in Hakone here .

5) Kanazawa

Kazuemachi geisha area in Kanazawa, one of the best cities to visit in Japan

Kanazawa is one of the best cities to visit in Japan, but few foreign tourists make it here.

Consider Kanazawa as a quieter alternative to Kyoto to experience geisha districts with preserved wooden buildings.

There is also one of the most beautiful gardens in the country, a stunning castle, and many art museums to explore.

In Kanazawa don’t miss:

  • Wandering Kenroku-en Garden , one of the top three gardens in Japan.
  • Exploring the wooden teahouses of the geisha districts Higashi Chaya and the quieter Kazuemachi and Nishi Chaya.
  • Experiencing a traditional tea ceremony at the exquisite Gyokusen-en Gardens.

How Long to Spend: 2 nights. 

Where to stay in Kanazawa: We stayed in a standard business hotel in the centre—there are lots of budget options. Find hotels in Kanazawa here .

Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, one of the most beautiful places in Japan

Nikko is a temple town and UNESCO world heritage site in the mountains a few hours north of Tokyo and makes a cool retreat from the city. The area is famous for its vibrant autumn colours.

The temples and shrines with their vermillion gates and moss-covered stone lanterns are scattered on the wooded hillside.

The main attraction is Toshogu Shrine, a stunning complex with more than a dozen lavishly decorated red and gold buildings amongst huge, ancient cedar trees. The crowds can be overwhelming, so afterwards head to one of the quieter shrines.

In Nikko don’t miss:

  • Visiting Toshogu Shrine early to avoid the crowds
  • Playing games at atmospheric Futarasan-jinja
  • Exploring Taiyuinbyo
  • Hiking up the mountain to the peaceful Takino shrine
  • Photographing the bright red Shinkyo bridge
  • Munching on dango (grilled rice balls on a stick) from a street stall
  • Eating sushi at Komekichi Kozushi

How Long to Spend: You could visit Nikko as a day trip from Tokyo, but it’s worth spending a night or two to explore one of the most beautiful places in Japan including hiking trails, lakes, waterfalls, and hot springs. 

We had one night and wished we’d had two so that we could have visited Toshogu Shrine early on the second day. 

Where to stay in Nikko: We stayed at Nikko Park Lodge Tobu Station , a good budget option conveniently located close to the train stations. For more character, you could stay in a traditional ryokan with views and outdoor onsen baths such as Nikko Hoshino Yado . Find more hotels in Nikko here .

7) Koya-San

Okunoin cemetery in Koya-san, a top Japan destination

Koya-san (Mount Koya) is one of the most interesting places in Japan to experience the traditional side of the country.

This secluded and sacred temple town is located in the forest-covered mountains of Kansai and is one of the best places to get a taste of life as a monk by staying in a shukubo or temple lodging.

After wandering around the otherworldly Okunoin forest cemetery , we checked into our simple tatami room at the temple, soaked in the communal onsen bath, and enjoyed a delicious shojin ryori  vegetarian Buddhist meal.

In the morning we were up early for the chanting and meditation ceremony with the monks.

A temple stay at Koya-san is a fascinating experience and well worth the detour from Osaka or Kyoto.

How Long to Spend: 1 night. 

Read: Sleeping with Monks: A Night in a Japanese Temple in Koya-San

Where to stay in Koya-san: We stayed in Haryo-in, the cheapest temple accommodation, but it’s quite basic and I’d recommend paying more to stay at one of the more traditional temples like 1000-year-old Eko-in which gets superb reviews. Find more temple lodgings here .

Tsumago village in the Kiso Valley, a must see in Japan

Tsumago is a picture-perfect traditional mountain village in the Kiso Valley.

It is one of the best-preserved post towns in Japan and you feel like you’ve stepped back in time on the traffic-less streets of beautifully restored wooden inns.

During the Edo period 300 years ago, Tsumago was a stop on the Nakasendo Way between Kyoto and Edo (now Tokyo).

You can hike part of this trail to the village of Magome in about two to three hours. Unfortunately, a typhoon prevented us doing this, but it’s supposed to be a scenic and easy walk.

How Long to Spend: 1-2 nights. If you can arrive early enough on the first day to hike the Nakasendo Way in the afternoon, then 1 night is enough as it’s a tiny village. 

Where to stay in Tsumago: In keeping with the Edo-era atmosphere, stay in a traditional ryokan or minshuku (a simpler family-run inn). We stayed at the basic Minshuku Shimosagaya . Neighbouring Magome has more choice including the budget Chaya Hotel or historic Tajimaya .

Todaiji temple in Nara, a must do in Japan

Nara was Japan’s first permanent capital and is full of historic treasures including many UNESCO world heritage sites.

It’s one of the top Japan attractions and makes a rewarding day trip from Kyoto to visit the temples and wild deer in Nara Park.

The Daibutsu-den (Hall of the Great Buddha) at Todaiji is the main sight—it’s the largest wooden building in the world and nothing prepares you for the immense sight.

Inside is the 15-metre tall gold and bronze statue of Buddha that dates back to 751.

We also love the forest shrine complex Kasuga Taisha.

How Long to Spend: Most people visit as a day trip from Kyoto or Osaka. You can see the highlights in half a day but a full day is better.

Where to stay in Nara: The advantages of staying overnight in Nara are avoiding the crowds with an early start and experiencing our favourite ryokan in Japan. Tsukihitei is a small traditional inn with a magical forest setting and delicious meals. It’s only a 15-minute walk to the Nara temples.

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10) hiroshima and miyajima.

Atomic Bomb Dome at Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Japan

Come to pay your respects to the victims of the atomic bombing at Hiroshima’s moving Peace Memorial Museum and Park and stay to explore the modern city that was almost entirely rebuilt after World War II.

Hiroshima is usually combined with a visit to the famous floating torii gate at Itsukushima shrine on nearby Miyajima Island.

You’ll also want to try the delicious local speciality okonomiyaki, a thick pancake of batter, vegetables and noodles.

How Long to Spend: 1-2 nights is enough to visit the Peace Memorial Museum and Miyajima Island or you could visit as a long day trip from Kyoto, Osaka or Okayama. We spent 1 night in Hiroshima then 1 night on Miyajima.

Read: 14 Best Day Trips from Kyoto .

Where to stay in Hiroshima: The Sheraton Grand Hiroshima was the most spacious Western-style hotel we stayed in in Japan. We really appreciated the king size bed after a few weeks of small Japanese hotels. It’s right next to the station too. Find more hotels in Hiroshima here . Where to stay in Miyajima: While you could visit the island on a day trip, we loved seeing the top sights without the crowds at night and early in the morning. Iwaso Ryokan has the perfect location (secluded but central), beautiful meals, and our room had a view of the torii gate.

There are so many incredible places to explore in Japan. Here are some more destinations that we absolutely loved (and it was hard to leave them off the top 10 list!).

If any of these appeal to you more than the ones above (or fit into your itinerary better), then they will be just as enjoyable. 

Busy streets and giant crab of Dotonburi in Osaka at night, a popular day trip from Kyoto

Osaka is a Japan must-see for many visitors. We love the neon craziness of Dotonburi, the amazing food ( for vegetarians too ), friendly people, affordable prices, and the scary rides and brilliant Harry Potter World at Universal Studios Japan . 

But, if you have limited time on your first trip to Japan, I would probably say choose Osaka or Tokyo as they are both sprawling modern cities. 

If you are flying into or out of Kansai airport then it makes sense to spend a night or two in Osaka. You could also visit as a day trip from Kyoto. 

In Osaka, we loved staying in Shinsaibashi . The location is ideal—quiet but close to lots of cool shops and restaurants and within walking distance of Dotonburi. Hotel options include the stylish Hotel The Flag .

12) Kinosaki Onsen

Visitor to Kinosaki Onsen in kimono at night by the cherry blossom lined canal

On our first Japan trip we were terrified of getting naked in onsens, but on our latest visit we were brave enough to spend a few nights in an onsen town. 

Onsen hopping dressed in a kimono in a traditional hot spring resort is a classic Japanese experience. Kinosaki Onsen is a great place to experience it.

It’s only a few hours from Kyoto or Osaka and the canal-side town is very pretty, especially in cherry blossom season.

We stayed in a traditional tatami mat room at Morizuya Ryokan . It’s ideal for first-timers as they speak English and are very friendly, walking you through everything you need to know. The epic meals served in your room are delicious too.

Read our Kinosaki Onsen guide for all the details including onsen etiquette and how to get over your fears. 

13) Naoshima Island

The yellow pumpkin sculpture on Naoshima Art Island in Japan

Contemporary art fans will love Naoshima, a sleepy island in the Seto Inland Sea known for its art galleries and outdoor sculptures. 

We visited on a day trip from Okayama and had a wonderful day cycling around and combining art with beautiful sea views and tiny fishing villages.

Read our Naoshima Island guide for a recommended one day itinerary.

14) Okayama

Cherry blossoms at Handayama Botanical Garden, one of the best things to do in Okayama Japan

If you are interested in getting off-the-beaten-track, Okayama is a great place to visit in Japan. 

This modern city is home to one of the best gardens in the country and is especially beautiful in sakura season when you can enjoy the cherry blossoms without the crowds of Kyoto or Tokyo. 

As it’s on a bullet train line, it’s a convenient and affordable base for exploring the area including the historic Kurashiki, Naoshima Island, Himeji Castle, and Hiroshima.

We also did a fantastic bike trip on the Kibiji Bike Trail through rice fields to untouristy temples. 

Our post on the best things to do in Okayama has all our tips.

15) Himeji Castle

Hineji Castle in cherry blossom season

Himeji Castle is one of the few original castles in Japan (most were destroyed at some point and rebuilt). It’s well worth a visit, especially in cherry blossom season. 

You can easily visit in half a day from Osaka, Kyoto, Okayama (as we did) or on the way to Hiroshima. 

16) Kawaguchiko

Mount Fuji at Lake Kawaguchiko at sunrise from the north shore

For the best views of Mount Fuji, head to Lake Kawaguchiko. It’s especially lovely in cherry blossom or autumn leaf seasons. 

You can enjoy the views by walking or cycling around the lake or taking a trip on a cable car or boat (we hired a panda pedal boat!).

The lake is also home to one of my favourite museums and tea houses in Japan.

Kawaguchiko Lakeside Hotel is an excellent affordable option here. Unusually for Japan, our room was huge, and it’s close to the lake with Mt Fuji views from some rooms.

See my Lake Kawaguchiko guide for more tips. 

These Japan tourist attractions and off-the-beaten-path gems are on our list for our next trip:

  • Kamakura – Beaches, Buddhas, hikes and vegetarian-friendly food. You could visit as a day trip from Tokyo.
  • The Izu Peninsula – Rugged coastline, mountains, and hot springs not far from Tokyo.
  • Shirakawa-go – A village of traditional grass-roofed houses in a scenic setting. You could fit in a visit between Takayama and Kanazawa.
  • Takaragawa Onsen – A scenic onsen resort a few hours from Tokyo. It has a large mixed-gender onsen, so unusually you don’t have to be naked.
  • Hokkaido – The northernmost island of Japan known for its natural beauty and outdoor activities.
  • Okinawa – A chain of tropical islands in the far south of Japan.

Read our detailed Japan guides for everything you need to know to plan a brilliant trip.

  • 54 Best Things to Do in Japan for an Unforgettable Trip
  • Planning a Trip to Japan: Dos and Don’ts
  • Two Weeks in Japan: A Detailed Itinerary
  • Is a Japan Rail Pass Worth It?
  • Where to Stay in Japan: The Ultimate Guide to Accommodation
  • 20 Fascinating Books to Read Before Visiting Japan
  • Vegetarian Survival Guide to Japan

More Japan, Direct to your Inbox!

I hope this post has given you some ideas of where to go in Japan. Wherever you decide to visit you are sure to have an amazing trip. 

What are your favourite places in Japan? Leave a comment and let us know so we can add them to our Japan bucket list. 

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Thanks for sharing some info , however are you seriously recommending a room at an outageous 2000 EUR / night ?

Reply ↓

We didn’t pay that much anywhere so I don’t know which place you are referring to. Prices vary so you might be looking at an especially expensive time. Ryokans are expensive but they do include a gourmet dinner and breakfast and are a unique experience that most visitors only do for a night or two.

very informative

thanks for sharing

First of all – your posts are fantastic and so full of great detail. We are planning our first trip to Japan in November. First draft is 5 days Tokyo – 2 days Hakone – 5 days Kyoto – 3 days Hiroshima – 4 days Tokyo.

I was trying to see how to fit Lake Kawaguchi or Takayama or Kanazawa into the trip but they all seem to require quite the journey time given the other places we have picked. Wondering if it would be better to add some days to the end of the trip and just visit from Tokyo. So maybe do Tokyo to Kanazawa for a couple of days. Not particular keen on 5-6 hour trip from Takayama back to Tokyo so may have to skip that.

Hi Kevin I would do Tokyo – Hakone – Takayama – Kyoto – Hiroshima – Tokyo.

We did Tokyo – Hakone – Takayama – Kanazawa on our 2 week itinerary:

I prefer Takayama to Kanazawa, especially as you already have lots of big cities on your itinerary. If you really want to fit it in, do so between Takayama and Kyoto.

Lake Kawaguchi is harder to fit in. You could do it as a day trip from Tokyo at the end if you didn’t see Mt Fuji at Hakone (due to clouds) and if you have the energy.

One thing you might also consider is reducing Hiroshima to 2 nights and adding a night on Miyajima Island. We did that last October (one night in each) and really preferred the island after the day trippers had left and early in the morning. You might catch the autumn colour on the island if you are visiting later in November. Again, it changes up the pace from the cities.

If you have big suitcases, you could use a luggage delivery service from Hiroshima to Tokyo and just take a day bag for the overnight (we decided against that but only had a carry on suitcase and laptop bag each).

Good luck with the planning and enjoy Japan!

Erin – Thanks for the advice – good to hear input from someone who has actually experienced it

Apologies for posting the reply so many times – i kept picking the wrong reply option

Awesome guide. Thank you. A lot of the accommodation is around $500aud a night! Extremely expensive. Is that normal around Japan? Me and my partner were wanting to travel around Japan in July this year but if the cost of accommodation us that expensive we might not be able to do the trip. I assume we will be able to find cheap accommodation at most places?

You can definitely find much cheaper accommodation. We did our first few Japan trips on much tighter budgets, but now have the ability to choose more special places to stay.

Your best bet is to look for business hotels in the cities – rooms are usually small but clean and well equipped. Have a browse on and you should find plenty of options.

Planning trip(first time ever in Japan) arriving afternoon of December 18th and leaving evening of December 30th. I will be traveling with my 18 and 20 year old boys (privacy should be interesting in the tiny hotel rooms). Planning to stay in Tokyo either 5 nights with day trips to Hakone and either Kamakura or Yokohama OR 4 nights with day trip to either Kamakura or Yokohama and 1 night in Hakone. Is it worth staying the night in Hakone, or just day trip from Tokyo? Then we will spend 3 nights in Kyoto and 3 nights in Osaka (does it matter which order?) with a day trip from each city. One to Nara and one to Hiroshima and Miyajima. My 18 year old wants to have Kobe beef in Kobe, but don’t think it will happen as it’s likely not worth the time away from the other places. I’d love to be able to visit both Kamakura and Yokohama, but don’t think it will work. Likely choosing to go to Kamakura. We will return to Tokyo for the last night and spend the last day (really 1/2 day) in Tokyo before heading to the airport to fly home. Thoughts on the plan? Any specific recommendations?

I think it’s worth spending the night in Hakone if you stay in a ryokan as it will be a unique experience that you won’t get in the cities.

I would probably go to Kyoto before Osaka but it doesn’t make a huge difference. Your day trip choices sound good.

Enjoy Japan!

thank you very much for all the infos and the very beautiful photos!

Hello, Have you been to Tamba-Sasayama in Hyogo? We have a lot of nature, local food, and cultures! Tamba black beans are famous local food and also you can experience a pottery making. I hope you will visit here one day;)

We haven’t but we’ll put it on our list for our next trip this autumn! Thank you for the recommendation!

Wow, this is such a great travel guide. Thanks a lot!

Odd how all of the “best places in Japan to visit” are all in central Japan near Tokyo and Kyoto. How disappointing the travels of the writers to these other parts of the country must have been.

Have you been to the Autumn Takayama Festival? 😊

We did not buy plane tickets yet, but we were going to land on Oct 22 to experience the Kurama Fire Festival in Kyoto. We heard about Takayama festival on Oct 9th and wanted to know if it’s worth changing our plans to fly in earlier for it, and if the weather will be horrible or not during that time? Thank you so mochi for your help! I’m so torn!

We haven’t been but it does look cool! I’m not sure it’s worth changing your plans for. Later in October you’ll have more of a chance of seeing fall colours in Kyoto. If you do decide to go, book your accommodation asap as it gets extremely busy during the festival.

What is the best way to get around these places? Train or car?

Train. You might find this post helpful:

very nice good work

Thanks for the detailed post with nice photographs

I forgot to include in early to mid December.

I’ve been to all the tourist sites and a few others. Where would you recommend for an overnight not far from Tokyo?

Have you been to the Izu Peninsula? We haven’t yet but our friend who lives in Tokyo recommends it. The onsens would be nice in the winter.

planning on going japan next year, getting lots of ideas from these blogs

Beppu should be on this list!

Hopefully we’ll make it there next time!

nice one thank you i learn lot of things about this web site

what about Harajuku?

I included it in the Tokyo section :)

It’s definitely worth visiting!

Hello I am relooking at your Japan highlights. I had the most amazing trip in Spring 2020 many thanks to your post which seems now to have gone and been replaced by more posts. The one thing I would like to say is that you put before Miyajama on the one i read and i have to say that this was one of my favourite spots. I totally recommend it. We also did the two walks one of which was the edo trail and the other outside of Kyoto. We stayed in Koyasan too thanks to you. Thank you again.

Hi, I’m thinking of planning a trip for me and my daughter to visit Japan but haven’t any ideas of where to start. I was thinking a two week trip but maybe more time would be needed for the things we would like to do. If staying for longer than two weeks is there visas needed ect. I haven’t a clue where to start I’ve looked at your guide which is very helpful. Would I be better of speaking to a travel agent for help and advice ??? Many thanks Paul Miller.

It depends where you are from but many nationalities (including UK and US) can stay in Japan for 90 days without a visa.

Two weeks would give you a great overview (here’s a suggested itinerary: ) but if you have more time (and the budget), there’s always more to see.

I think Japan is manageable without a travel agent. See our post on planning a trip for ideas to get started:

We used this page during our six week Japanese adventure and it was brilliantly helpful! Thank you!

I’m glad it helped, Alex. I hope you enjoyed Japan as much as we do.

This page has been very helpful! I am planning a two week trip to Japan next year and this has helped break down each city and what to not miss. Thanks again!

I hope someday, I can visit Japan for some other reasons. As pictures shown, fantastic and very interesting places and educational as well.

Japan has always been a remarkable place for me. I think I missed those places you described about. I hope I can give a shot on my future trip if possible. Btw thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Japanese pachislot, mechanical games,are different from foreign slot machine and popular recently. From 2020 smorking will be prohibited in the pachinko parlors or pachislot parlors. Terefore more and more people will have a good time during playing games. If you come to Japan, you might want to play them.

We keep meaning to try pachinko! That’s good news about the smoking ban!

Hi Great website thanks. We are looking to travel to Japan (arrive Tokyo) in late January for about 14 days. This is our first visit and we don’t mind driving. I would be interested to know what places you could recommend to get a real feel of Japan. Thanks

I don’t recommend driving in Japan. The train system is so efficient and it’ll be less stressful than driving. Here’s our 2 week itinerary:

Thanks for the guidance. If you were going in November for 6 weeks what would you do with your time Cheers Walter

That’s a great amount of time and you should so some great autumn foliage. You could visit everywhere on this list so it really depends on your interests and what pace of travel you prefer.

On our latest 7 week trip we chose to base ourselves in Kyoto for a month then travel around for a couple of weeks and finish with a week in Tokyo. If you prefer to move at a faster pace you could cover a lot of ground.

Hi Guys, great site. I was wondering why you seem to spend so much time in the large cities? I’m planning my first trip and my initial thoughts were to spend just a few days in Tokyo and Kyoto? Arent the more remote sights more rewarding?

I was also wondering about a cherry blossom visit – when if the best time to see them but to avoid the worst of the crowds??

Thanks! Chris

We love the smaller places in Japan and think the ideal trip includes a mix of them with the big cities. I wouldn’t say they are more rewarding, just different. There’s just so much to see (and eat) in Tokyo and especially Kyoto that we keep returning to them.

If you’re not a big city person a few days in Tokyo would be fine. Kyoto has a lot of history, temples, and traditional architecture (and more tourists), so you’ll only cover some of the highlights in a few days.

The cherry blossom are only in full bloom for about a week so there’s no way of avoiding the crowds in popular spots then. It’ll be slightly less crowded at the beginning or end of the blooming period, but it’s hard to predict exactly when that will be (and it varies by location).

I would focus on visiting places that have cherry blossoms but fewer crowds. We were in Kyoto at the beginning of April when the blooms just started (and it was already quite busy) then moved on to Kinosaki Onsen and Okayama where we enjoyed the blossoms without many people around.

I’ve written more about it here (and will be doing an Okayama post at some point):

hi guys really nice blog, could you itemize it, how many days you spent in each city, village? and if you would change something, where to stay maybe longer, where shorter?

regards tomek

That’s a good idea! We’re currently travelling in Japan and will update this post soon so I’ll add that info then. If you’d like to know about a specific place now just let me know. Usually we spend a week or more in Kyoto and Tokyo and only 1-3 nights in the smaller places.

My husband and I are interested in making a second trip to Japan in March with our 5 month old baby. This will be our second trip…we’ve done Tokyo, Takayama, and Kyoto previously (along with one night in Osaka). We LOVED Takayama for its food and quaintness. We liked Tokyo but got bored after a few days. Kyoto was probably our least favorite – too touristy, What should we do for our second trip??

It’s very difficult to make recommendations without having any idea of what you like to do, how long you plan to visit, or if your baby goes everywhere with you. Given that you liked Takayama, you might consider Kanazawa, Kurashiki, and Nikko. The first two are small cities of about 400,000 that have delightful walking areas and interesting sights in general. Nikko is very small but houses the shrines of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Tokugawa Iemitsu, who were the first and third shoguns of the Tokugawa Shogunate. These are UNESCO World Heritage and incredible.

You didn’t indicate when you visited Japan on your first trip. If you went to Kyoto during fall foliage you would have encountered a lot of tourists, most of whom are Japanese. Kyoto draws tourists because it is a world class city with a very large number of World Heritage sites in addition to spectacular fall color. I don’t want to sound rude regarding your Tokyo comment. I can understand not liking Tokyo because it is a bit overwhelming in size, although that is part of what makes it so enjoyable for us. However, I cannot comprehend getting bored there.

I wish you luck.

It sounds like you enjoy the smaller, more traditional places so I’d recommend Tsumago, Koya-san and Kanazawa (a bigger city but with some lovely traditional neighbourhoods). Nikko is also beautiful but we found it very crowded (it would have been quieter if we’d stayed overnight and arrived early though).

Your website is terrific. I was provided a link to a couple of regions in Italy for a major summer trip. Your comments, photos and recommendations were of such interest that my wife and I decided to completely change the first 10 days of our trip. Then I got so immersed in the various places you have gone, I decided to look at Japan. We spent a month there five years ago, and then we spent another month this December including Christmas. We have been to all but two of your 10 unmissable places in Japan and have used the trains and metros as our primary modes of transport. We would agree that Japan is a great place to visit and the people are terrific.

Since you asked for additions to your bucket list, I would like to suggest the following. Near Hiroshima is the island of Miyajima. This is the site of the great in the water torii gate, which is quite magical. The museum at the Hiroshima Peace Park provides an incredibly moving experience. Himeji Castle (White Heron Castle) is one of the original late 16th century castles and I believe the largest. It is on the route between Hiroshima and Osaka. It has been recently renovated. Osaka Station is beautifully done with some terrific surrounding buildings. The Dotonburi area is neon heaven with street food in abundance. Kyoto, as you stated, is amazing with probably more UNESCO World Heritage locations than anywhere else in the world. South of Kyoto in Uji is Byodo-in, a world heritage temple with a beautiful new museum.

I agree that Kanazawa is a really nice smaller city. Like Kyoto it was not bombed. The D.T. Suzuki Museum is an outstanding piece of architecture, although of primary interest to people steeped in Buddhism, philosophy. The Seisonkaku Villa is a 10,000 foot samurai home located at the edge of Kenrokuen Gardens and is very interesting. There are two places in Takayama you didn’t mention, each of which is very worthwhile. First, next door to the Float Museum and on the same admission ticket is the Sakurayama Nikkokan. This museum contains scale models of the shrines in Nikko. It took 33 master carpenters and 17 years to complete during the first part of the 20th century. It is incredible. Second, the Takayama Museum of Art houses an outstanding (Michelin 3 star) collection of art nouveau and art deco objects. We visited Matsumoto to see the Matsumoto Castle (Black Crow Castle). It is also one of the oldest castles in Japan.

I would also like to suggest Nagoya, which is one of Japan’s largest and most industrial cities. It is home to Toyota. Three recommendations. First, tour the Toyota Factory to get real insight into a truly sophisticated approach to assembly line manufacture. Second, the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Science and Technology is phenomenal. Many demonstrations of working textile machines and auto robotics. Third, the Nagoya Palace has been rebuilt (just opened in 2018) to exact specifications of the original palace (early 1600s) including all the screens. Even though it is a replica, it’s incredible.

You covered the shrines in Nikko. I would only add that if one did nothing else but see the Nikko shrines, a trip to Japan is warranted. Finally, Tokyo is to us the most exciting city around. Never ending pleasure of wandering around. There are just too many places to enumerate. One little side note: the Isetan Department Store in Shinjuku has a roof garden. You can buy incredible take away food in the basement food halls and take to the roof to eat, if the weather is good. Better than either Harrod’s or Selfridge’s.

Thanks so much for the tips David! We are returning to Japan in a few weeks for two months so we’ll try to visit some of these places.

Hi! Thanks, I am definitely gonna copy your ideas! One question – is it worth to go to Hiroshima instead of Takayama? My husband and I are gonna visit Japan in March 2019 for 9 days. I think it is not enough to fulfil your itinerary and we have to shorten it a bit. Thank you for your blog ;)

Honestly, we preferred Takayama. It’s just so pretty with the traditional Japanese architecture and we like small towns. Hiroshima is more of a big modern city BUT of course, the peace memorial is very moving, so if you really want to see that then choose Hiroshima instead (which is actually what we did on our first trip to Japan).

My husband is wanting to visit , the place that his father served in Japen . He is not sure exactly where that is ?

Hi..!! the blog is very informative.Me and my wife would be visiting Japan in Mar’19 for 8 days.We have opted for a package tour.Based on your recommendations Kyoto & Tokyo seem the 2 top places.Can you please recommend us the third place to visit..??

We are going there on a tour to Himazi with 3 homestays & I want to visit a friend in Miyago. Can we still see Mt Fuji & Kyoto after the tour? Thank you for your wonderful blog. Lynne

If you have time I don’t see why not. You can check train times/distances on the Hyperdia site . Have an amazing trip!

Interesting blog, thank you for sharing your experiences! We will have 9 full days in Japan and hoping to see Tokyo, Mount Fuji ( want to stay two nights there ) Takayama, Kyoto and Hiroshima ( as a one day trip from Kyoto ). We are flying back home from Osaka ( our arrival is at Haneda ).. do you think it is do-able or are we overdoing it? Maybe we should leave out Takayama? but since we are going middle of October we are hoping to see some of autumn there..any recommendations? Thank you!

Hi Nath I think it will be a busy trip but it’s definitely possible to do all that in 9 days. I love Takayama so it’s hard to recommend skipping it. It all depends on your energy levels! If you are up for busy days then go for it! Enjoy! Erin

Wooooow love this post!! I have always dreamed of visiting Japan and seeing real Cherry blossoms.. Though I was able to make one dream a reality – see real cherry blossoms in Atok, Benguet, Philippines (but just a few because we were told that it will took two years for the trees to bloom). They look lovely!! :) I’m still not giving up on the bigger dream which is to go to Japan :D And once I get there, I’d definitely visit Kyoto coz I find their culture very rich.. from geishas to kimonos, to sushi and temples! :) See you soon Japaaaaaaaaan!

Who knew there were cherry blossoms in the Philippines?!

We’re planning to go back to Japan next year for the cherry blossom season, although I’m a little worried the crowds will be crazy. Kyoto is a definite highlight of Japan – I hope you make it there!

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Wanderlust Storytellers – An Inspirational Family Travel Blog

5 Best Places To Visit In Japan For First Timers


Home » 5 Best Places To Visit In Japan For First Timers

Japan is a land of ancient traditions, modern marvels, and breathtaking natural beauty.

From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the peaceful temples in Kyoto and the majestic Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Japan offers something for everyone.

Tokyo Japan with Kids

For first-time visitors, there are plenty of amazing places to explore; from exploring Tokyo’s vibrant nightlife and shopping districts to discovering Osaka’s traditional street food culture, visiting historic Shinto shrines in Kyoto, and admiring the stunning views at Miyajima Island.

Whether you’re looking for an exciting adventure or just want to relax in one of Japan’s beautiful gardens or hot springs, this incredible country has something special waiting for you!

When we visited Japan for the first time, we traveled with our three daughters. We squeezed way too much into our itinerary. And visited 12 different destinations on one trip.

It was a busy trip, and we were sick of trains by the end of it, so my recommendation is to make your trip, light easy and only select 3-5 destinations to visit.

In this article, we will share with you the best places to visit in Japan for your first trip.

If you’re only planning to visit Japan for a few days or a couple of weeks, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to take in the entire country at once.

In fact, I recommend that don’t try to see it all in the space of a week or two.

Visit in Japan Tokyo with Kids

While the northernmost island of Hokkaido is well worth a visit, especially in winter, as well as the tropical islands of Okinawa, we recommend first-time visitors to Japan stick to the regions surrounding Tokyo and the other major Japanese cities in the area.

There is more than enough to see in Tokyo itself to fill up a short itinerary, and if you stay in the capital, there are plenty of exciting side trips you can undertake in a day.

These include short sojourns to the historic city of Osaka and even to Mount Fuji, probably the most iconic international symbol of Japan.

So let’s look at the top 5 best places to visit whilst traveling to Japan as a first-timer.

1. Tokyo, the Capital City of Japan

The majority of first-timers to Japan make the country’s capital their primary destination and with good reason.

Travel with Baby

A visit to the bustling metropolis is a unique experience and offers travelers a wealth of iconic attractions to explore in Tokyo , as well as a heap of fun activities to keep kids entertained if visiting as a family.

One thing that you might not realize is how big this city is. We were surprised by how many trains we had to take in order to get from our hotel to the various destinations.

So it is important to plan for enough days here. And sort out the attractions you want to see by area within the city to minimize having to go across the city to see different sights.

Some of the must-visit attractions in Tokyo include:

  • The Tokyo Tower and the Tokyo Skytree – The tallest and second-tallest buildings in the city are ideal vantage points where you can take stunning photos of the capital’s skyline.
  • Sensō-ji Temple – The oldest Buddhist temple in Japan and the most-visited spiritual site in the world.
  • Meiji Shrine – The Meiji Jingu Shrine is a peaceful garden-filled Shinto shrine in the heart of Tokyo, dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife.
  • Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea – You could easily spend a full day in each of these vibrant theme parks near Tokyo, and your kids will probably love you forever no matter which one you choose to visit – grab your entrance tickets online here .
  • Asakusa, Imperial Palace , and more – There are also plenty of other exciting districts to explore in the city, including Akihabara (the electronics mecca), Roppongi (the entertainment hub), and Harajuku .
  • Take a day trip to Mount Fuji , Japan’s most recognizable landmark. Mount Fuji is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the breathtaking views from the top are well worth the trip – book your full-day Mt Fuji tour and Hakone Cruise here .
  • Take a day tour to explore some of Tokyo’s nearby cities such as Tsukiji Market in Tokyo Bay – the largest fish market in the world ( join a tour here ), and Nikko National Park north of the city ( join a day tour to Nikko here ).

Of course, you don’t need to face long queues at the busiest tourist attractions to enjoy your time in Tokyo.

Shinjuku with Kids

Just walking around the city and experiencing its mind-boggling range of world-class restaurants and unique shopping areas is enough for many first-timers.


For an easy way to see the most popular sights in Tokyo on a single day, join this private tour. Simply pick from 12 sights and places and create your own private tour.

Check Prices For a Full-Day Private Tour Of Tokyo

We would especially recommend taking a stroll around the Shinjuku district – it was my favorite district in Tokyo. I especially recommend you visit it at night.

We visited Kabukichō earlier in the night to avoid exposing our kids to a red light district and they loved staring at all the brightly colored lights surrounding them.

Because Tokyo can be pretty overwhelming to see by yourself, I also recommend you book a few tours in Tokyo as well (it will really help with the planning!).

Here is a quick look at our time in Tokyo with our three daughters.

5 best places to visit in japan

How many days in Tokyo is enough?

The answer to this question depends on how much you want to see and do.

If your trip is short, two or three days may be enough to get a feel of the city and its major attractions.

However, if you really want to soak up the atmosphere and explore Tokyo in depth we suggest at least five full days there.

We spent 4 nights in Tokyo and another day could have been helpful to just slow down the pace a little.

Where to Stay in Tokyo:

Here is a list of the best places to stay in Tokyo for first-timers.

Luxury Option

Mandarin Oriental Tokyo

The Mandarin Oriental is located in the heart of the city, offering breathtaking views of Tokyo’s skyline from its rooms and suites.

It is also conveniently situated above the Mitsukoshimae Train Station, which provides easy access to the city’s major attractions.

The Mandarin Oriental Tokyo boasts luxurious amenities, including a world-class spa , fine dining restaurants , a fitness center, and a gorgeous indoor pool .

Overall, the Mandarin Oriental Tokyo is an excellent choice for luxury accommodations in Tokyo.

Check prices and availability at The Mandarin Oriental Tokyo.

Mid-Range Option:

Hotel Gracery Shinjuku

The Hotel Gracery Shinjuku is located in the vibrant Shinjuku neighborhood , which is known for its shopping, entertainment, and dining options.

This 4-Star hotel offers comfortable rooms with modern amenities.

The hotel also has several on-site dining options, including a Japanese restaurant and a café serving light meals and drinks. Additionally, guests can enjoy a fitness center and a massage service.

Overall, the Hotel Gracery Shinjuku is a great option for travelers who want a comfortable and convenient stay in a bustling neighborhood.

Check rates and availability for the Hotel Gracery Shinjuku here.


APA Hotel Asakusa Tawaramachi Ekimae

If you’re a first-time traveler to Tokyo and looking for a budget hotel, I would suggest the APA Hotel Asakusa Tawaramachi Ekimae .

This hotel is located in the Asakusa area, which is a popular tourist spot with lots of things to see and do, including the famous Sensoji Temple.

The APA Hotel Asakusa Tawaramachi Ekimae offers clean and modern rooms with all the basic amenities you need, including free Wi-Fi.

Check rates and availability for this hotel here .

Tip for Families: If you’re looking for ideas on where to stay in Japan’s capital when traveling with kids, check out our guide to the best family hotels in Tokyo .

Osaka in japan for first timers

The next stop on your itinerary should be Japan’s second-largest city, Osaka.

This city is known for its lively atmosphere and delicious food, including the famous Osaka-style okonomiyaki.

It’s also home to Universal Studios Japan , which is a popular amusement park. Our kids loved their day out at this amusement park, their favorite area was the Harry Potter area.

Universal Studios Osaka with Kids

Many travelers prefer combining their trip to Osaka with a day trip to Kyoto, however, I love Kyoto so much that I definitely suggest you stay a few days in both of these beautiful cities.

Some of the must-visit attractions in Osaka include:

  • If you have time, visiting Osaka Castle is a must. It’s one of the most famous castles in Japan and the perfect place to learn about Japanese history.
  • Other attractions in this city include Aquarium Kaiyukan, Tsutenkaku Tower, Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, and Umeda Sky Building.
  • Another must-do activity is exploring Dotonbori , the city’s most famous entertainment district. Here you’ll find plenty of delicious restaurants, unique shopping opportunities, and vibrant nightlife spots.
  • Universal Studios Japan is also located in Osaka, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re a fan of theme parks. You can buy your Studios pass online here.

How many days in Osaka is enough?

We suggest at least two full days here so that you can get a good feel for the city and its attractions.

In all honesty, I don’t care much for Osaka. I did however enjoy our day trips that we took when we used Osaka as our base. So I highly recommend you only give yourself a day or so in Osaka and then a few more days to enjoy some of the day trips. My favorite day trips were to Nara, Kurashiki and Miyajima. Jolene Ejmont (Family Travel Blogger)

If you have more time and you want to add on a few day trips from Osaka , three to four days is optimal.

Where To Stay In Osaka

Here is a list of where to stay in Osaka for first-timers.

Luxury Option:

The Ritz-Carlton Osaka

The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka is located in the heart of the city, this hotel offers easy access to popular attractions such as the Osaka Castle and the Dotonbori entertainment district.

What we love about this hotel is that it boasts elegant and spacious rooms , each equipped with modern amenities and featuring a stunning city view .

The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka also features a full-service spa , fitness center, and indoor pool .

With its luxurious amenities and convenient location , The Ritz-Carlton, Osaka is a great choice.

Check rates and availability at The Ritz-Carlton.

Cross Hotel Osaka

The Cross Hotel Osaka is located in the trendy Shinsaibashi area, within walking distance of popular shopping and dining spots.

This 4-star hotel offers modern and stylish accommodations, with comfortable rooms equipped with all the necessary amenities.

Overall, the Cross Hotel Osaka is a great choice for travelers looking for a comfortable and stylish stay in Osaka.

Check rates and availability at this hotel.

Budget Option:

Hotel WBF Namba Motomachi

If you’re looking for a budget hotel in Osaka for first-time travelers, I would recommend the Hotel WBF Namba Motomachi .

It’s located in the Namba area , within walking distance of popular tourist attractions such as the Dotonbori entertainment district and the Shinsaibashi shopping street.

The hotel offers clean and comfortable accommodations at an affordable price , with each room equipped with all the necessary amenities.

Check rates and availability here.

3. Kyoto, the Most Beautiful City in Japan

Bamboo Forest Arashiyama Kyoto Japan

Kyoto, the former imperial capital of Japan and home to some of the most beautiful sights in the country, should be your next stop.

Known as the cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto is home to over 1,000 beautiful temples, shrines, and other historical sites.

This city offers a glimpse into Japan’s past and is a great place to experience traditional Japanese culture.

This is my favorite city in Japan. It can feel a bit touristy with travelers dressing up in their kimonos for a photoshoot, but the traditional areas are just stunning! Whilst many visit Kyoto on a day trip from Osaka, I really think you should stay for at least a few days to soak it all in. Jolene Ejmont (Family Travel Blogger)

Best Things to do in Kyoto Include:

  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple – This grand Buddhist temple is set on a hill overlooking the city and offers stunning views over the city and Mt. Hiei.
  • Kinkaku-ji – This beautiful golden pavilion is one of Kyoto’s most popular attractions and boasts a stunning lake garden.
  • Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine – This Shinto shrine is famed for its thousands of vermilion torii gates, which stretch up the mountain to the shrine’s main summit.
  • Arashiyama – This district is known for its beautiful bamboo forest and many temples and is a great place to explore on foot or by bike.
  • Other things to do in Kyoto include exploring its bustling markets, trying traditional Japanese sweets, and visiting Nijo Castle .

How many days in Kyoto is enough?

Whilst you could visit Kyoto on a day trip from Osaka, we suggest spending at least three days in Kyoto so that you can explore all of its must-see sights and experience some of its unique culture.

Where To Stay In Kyoto

Here is a list of the best places to stay in Kyoto for first-timers.

Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto

The Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto is one of the top luxury hotels in Kyoto, offering a serene and luxurious atmosphere, exquisite dining options, and exceptional service.

Check rates and availability for the Four Seasons Hotel in Kyoto.

Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjo

One highly-rated 4-star hotel in Kyoto is the Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjo .

Located in the heart of Kyoto, this hotel is within walking distance of popular tourist destinations such as Nijo Castle and the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

The hotel features stylish rooms with modern amenities.

Overall, Hotel Gracery Kyoto Sanjo is a great choice for travelers looking for a comfortable and convenient stay in Kyoto.

Check rates and availability at Hotel Gracery

4. Hiroshima and Miyajima

Torii Gate Miyajima Island with Kids

Next is Hiroshima, the city of peace.

This modern metropolis is home to many attractions that commemorate its tragic past and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in World War II.

The must-visit sights here include:

  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park – This park is located in the center of Hiroshima and includes the A-bomb Dome, which was once a commercial building that survived the 1945 atomic bombing.
  • Miyajima Island – One of the most beautiful places located off the coast of Hiroshima and offers stunning views over the surrounding area. Its most famous attraction is the Itsukushima Shrine, also known as “The Floating Shrine”.
  • Hiroshima Castle – This castle is located on the banks of the Ota River and is a great place to learn about Japanese history.

How many days in Hiroshima is enough?

Two full days should be enough for you to experience all of Hiroshima’s major attractions, including the Peace Memorial Park and Miyajima.

If you are traveling with kids, I highly recommend a trip to Miyajime Island. Our kids loved strolling around amongst the deer there! What an awesome experience for them. Jolene

However, if you have more time we recommend spending three to four days here.

Where To Stay In Hiroshima

Here is a list of where to stay in Hiroshima for first-timers.

Sheraton Grand Hiroshima Hotel

One highly-rated luxury hotel in Hiroshima is the Sheraton Grand Hiroshima Hotel .

What we love about this hotel is that it is located in the heart of the city, making explorations really easy. It also offers stunning views of the city.

Spacious rooms are hard to come by in Japan, so you will love the spacious elegant rooms here.

Guests can also enjoy the on-site dining options, as well as the fitness center, indoor pool, and spa facilities.

Check rates and availability for this hotel here.

Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima

The RIHGA Royal Hotel Hiroshima is located just a 10-minute walk from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, and offers comfortable rooms with city or river views.

The hotel also features an indoor pool, a fitness center, several restaurants serving Japanese and international cuisine, and a bar.

Hakone is perfect for first-time visitors to Japan

Hakone is a destination that is worth visiting. It is located on the Izu Peninsula, just southwest of Tokyo. The region is known for its hot springs and beautiful views of Mt. Fuji .

Things to do in Hakone include visiting the Open Air Museum , walking around Lake Ashi, and exploring some of the area’s many shrines and temples.

There is also plenty of onsen (hot springs) scattered around the area and these are a great way to relax after a long day of sightseeing. This onsen has a spectacular view and is super affordable.

During our first trip to Japan we had a very tight itinerary and we had one specific day set aside to see Mt Fuji. Unfortunately our day was super overcast and Mt Fuji was pretty much invisible. Which meant that we never got to see it on our first trip and to see it was dissapointing is an understatement! So we suggest you have a loose plan of when you want to add a day trip to Hakone . Check the Mt Fuji live feed in the morning to see if it is visible. And if it is overcast simply check it again the next morning to see if the conditions are better.

How many days in Hakone is enough?

We suggest spending at least one full day in this region so that you can take your time exploring its attractions.

If you’re looking to experience more of Hakone, then I suggest two or three days.

Hakone is easy to do as a day trip, so I wouldn’t stay overnight. Here is the most popular day tour to Hakone from Tokyo.

Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the best places to visit in Japan for first-time visitors.

There are many amazing places to visit in Japan, but in my opinion, there are three destinations that you should visit on your visit trip: Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.

Ginkaku-ji Temple Kyoto

It’s a matter of personal preference, as both cities have their own unique charm and attractions. I think that some people might prefer Osaka’s laid-back atmosphere and delicious food, while others might prefer Tokyo’s modern and cosmopolitan vibe. It’s recommended to visit both cities to experience their unique cultures and decide which one you prefer. Personally, I prefer Tokyo over Osaka, and my husband agrees that he would rather visit Tokyo if he had to choose between the two.

3 Days in Kyoto | Kyoto Itinerary

Both Osaka and Tokyo are generally safe cities with low crime rates. While there may be some minor differences in terms of safety between the two cities, both are generally considered safe for travelers. We personally felt really safe in both of the cities.

The best way to get around Japan for a first trip would be to use the country’s extensive and efficient public transportation system, which includes trains, subways, buses, and taxis. We found that the Japan Rail Pass was a cost-effective option since we visited many destinations (that included train trips from one city to the next) on our trip. As a family of 5, we also found that not only did it simplify things but it also worked out much cheaper in comparison to traveling without the pass.

Final Thoughts On Where To Go In Japan For First-Timers

Japan with a baby or toddler

Whether you’re visiting Japan for a few days or even a couple of weeks, there’s no shortage of amazing places to explore.

From the iconic Tokyo skyline and its vibrant theme parks to the ancient temples in Kyoto and Osaka Castle in Osaka, this country has something interesting for everyone.

And if you have more time on your hands, don’t forget about Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Fushimi Inari Shrine, and Miyajima Island—all must-see destinations that will leave an unforgettable impression.

With so many incredible sights to see, it’s easy to understand why Japan is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations!

Further Reading:

  • This a must-read guide for those who will be traveling to Japan with a baby .
  • Everything you need to know about buying a Japan Rail Pass here.
  • Find all our Japan travel blog posts here.

Best places to visit in Japan for first timers

Andrzej Ejmont

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The Top 15 Destinations to Visit in Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

There are so many fascinating cities and towns in Japan that it’s difficult to choose which one to visit. It’s a country with thousands of years of history and food culture, some of the best winter sports and diving in the world, and national parks featuring unusual and diverse landscapes. From northern Hokkaido down to the south in Okinawa, you’ve got sites worth making a trip for. Pick your base wisely and you might be able to visit more than one of these top destinations in Japan.

Matias Sanchez / Getty 

An easy day trip from Osaka or Kyoto, Nara is a compact city that feels like a step back in time. It was the first permanent capital of Japan and retains many of its historical shrines and temples. It’s often associated with the famous deer of Nara Park that bow to visitors and look for a delicious biscuit in return! From the park you can access Kasuga-Taisha Shrine—one of Japan’s most sacred sites—and Todaji Temple, home to the world’s largest bronze buddha.

 Shan.shihan/ Getty

Kyoto is everything you hope it’ll be and more. You can see thousands of years of history by exploring temples like the Kinkaku-ji and historic sites such as Kyoto Imperial Palace. Visit some of Kyoto’s beautiful shrines, including Fushimi Inari, before catching a maiko show in Gion, the city's geisha district. Aside from history, Kyoto is also a modern city filled with izakayas, wine bars, and art museums. There's so much to do, be sure to plan a few days here.

Matteo Colombo/ Getty  

There are endless things to do in Tokyo , so get ready to dig in. The capital is as bustling, busy, and bright as you might expect—but there are also quieter neighborhoods where you can still find the Tokyo of old. Some of the highlights include Shibuya and Shinjuku, neon-soaked wards that promise nightlife, restaurants, and shops aplenty. Nearby, Tokyo’s public gardens like Shinjuku Gyo-en offer a peaceful respite. Within the city, you can enjoy theme parks like Disneyland and Disney Sea, or celebrate Japan's animated film legacy by checking out Studio Ghibli Museum.

Nikko National Park

A picture-perfect and highly spiritual destination, centuries-old Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines are surrounded by sweeping natural landscapes in Japan’s original national park. Some of the highlights include Toshu-gu, a lavish shrine and the final resting place of the first Tokugawa shogun, and the Buddhist temple Rinno-ji, founded in the eighth century. Don’t miss the Yomei-mon, also known as Sunset Gate, one of Japan’s national treasures featuring five hundred hand-carved figures. These exceptional sights are set within one hundred hectares of nature, where you’ll find waterfalls, over a dozen hot springs to sink into, and great lakes. One of the most iconic sights here is the red Shinkyo Bridge, which stretches across the Daiya-gawa River.


Westend 61/ Getty 

Most people head to Kyoto city and don’t get a chance to explore the wider prefecture—but Amanohashidate is one of the most impressive sites in the area. Head over to the coast to see the famous three-kilometer sandbar, classified as one of Japan’s most scenic views. There are many viewpoints to enjoy here; for the best, meander over to the cable car and head up for a birds-eye view.

 DoctorEgg / Getty 

Head up to Hokkaido to visit one of Japan’s most famous ski resorts , which receives the lightest, driest snow in the region and borders the breathtaking Daisetsu-zan National Park. Not just a winter destination, Furnao is famous for its wine production; thanks to the expansive lavender fields that cover most of the region, wine infused with the herb is popular here. Combine that with beautiful, rolling hills, and you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d stepped into southern France.

Chiara Salvadori/ Getty 

With over a hundred baths, this is one of Japan’s favorite onsen towns . Enjoy traditional Japanese accommodation by booking a stay at any one of the town's ryokan, some of which have been around since 1879. Each of the ryokan have their own private baths to relax in, with some offering special facilities including mud, sand, and steam baths.

But there's more to Beppu than bathing. Here, you can try unique food that’s been cooked in volcanic waters, making for interesting new flavors. Just 25 kilometers (about 16 miles) from Beppu you can reach Yufuin, a mountainous town that’s filled with boutique shops, cafés, and restaurants.

Yiming Chen/ Getty

Fukuoka is a perfect city for foodies and is considered one of the major culinary destinations in the country. Make sure to try Fukuoka’s famous Hakata ramen, a form of creamy tonkotsu ramen that has made waves locally and internationally. Head to Hakata yatai stalls where more than two hundred vendors serve up the tastiest dishes in intimate lantern-lit surroundings. This is a great city to enjoy the coast, with beaches, water sports, and nearby island adventures. Visit Shikanoshima for historic monuments and shrines, or Nokonoshima, famous for its seasonal flowers.


A convenient trip from Tokyo and Mount Fuji, Hakone has a lot to offer for those who love mountain views, hot springs, tea houses, and romantic ryokan . Yunessun and Tenzan are two of the most popular hot springs, but there are plenty of onsen to enjoy as well, including novelty baths with wine, herbs, milk, or coffee. There are more than a dozen art museums here ranging from the quaint (like the Museum of Saint-Exupéry and The Little Prince) to expansive (like the Open Air Museum). There are plenty of walking options, including routes up The Great Boiling Valley, where you can try Hakone’s signature black eggs; there’s also a gondola up for an easier ride.

Kerama Shoto National Park

 Ippei Naoi/ Getty

There are about two dozen islands surrounding Okinawa, Japan's favorite vacation spot. The Kerama Islands, an archipelago of approximately 30 islands, are surrounded by healthy coral reefs and a diverse ecosystem that makes for perfect diving and snorkeling adventures. With pine forests, sheer cliffs, and mountains, the landscape offers an endless amount of photo spots and hiking options. Many of the islands are inhabited, so you’ll find hotels, restaurants, and tour agencies in this subtropical paradise.

Miyajima Island


Off the coast of Hiroshima, Miyajima Island has long been regarded as one of the most scenic spots in Japan. It’s often associated with images of the torii gate of the sixth century Itsukushima Shrine; during low tide, you can walk up to the gate, but when the tide is high, it appears to float. There are many places to go hiking at Mount Misen, where you can get spectacular views of the city. The Daisho-in Temple complex sits at the foot of the mountain and is just one of the spiritual sites you can see on the island. Omotesando shopping street attracts those looking for local handmade crafts as well as street food lovers.


There’s a lot to see in Hiroshima even though it’s often associated with the atomic bomb that fell on August 6, 1945. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Parks is a must-visit for this reason; here you’ll find museums, various monuments honoring those that died, and the A-Bomb Dome that survived the blast.

Hiroshima is also famous for its ramen, particularly the Onomichi style; make sure you seek out some of these tasty noodles loaded with flavor. For a different side to Hiroshima’s history, pay a visit to the beautiful Hiroshima Castle and grounds, just a 15-minute walk from the peace park.


Often described as "Little Kyoto," Kanazawa largely escaped the bombings and so has retained most of its historic buildings and sites. Here you can explore preserved Edo-period, geisha, and samurai districts as well as winding streets and beautiful buildings. Take some time to wander the pedestrian street between Katsurazaka and Renchimon gates for regional crafts, restaurants, and cafés. Later, take a stroll through what’s considered one of Japan’s three best landscape gardens. With its varied flowers and foliage, Kenrokuen, established in the 18 th century, is lush in any season. Follow the paths to higher ground to get views over the garden and visit nearby Kanazawa castle.

 Suttipongs Sutiratanachai / Getty

Whether you see the majestic Mount Fuji from afar or climb to the top of this famous peak, there’s nothing quite like seeing one of the world’s most famous mountains for yourself. Climbing Mount Fuji was once considered a pilgrimage, and as you climb up, you can see shrines and monuments dating more than a hundred years. There are four routes you can take to the top, but the Yoshida Trail is one of the most popular.

You can even hop on a bus at Shinjuku in Tokyo to get halfway up the peak. If you just want to see the mountain, then take the bus to one of the small towns beneath it like Fuji Yoshida, or get a look at it from Lake Kawaguchiko .

Edwin Gimpel/ Getty 

A UNESCO World natural heritage site, this island nature reserve features Japan’s oldest Yaku cedar trees, mossy wooden bridges, waterfalls, and streams. The Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine inspired parts of the animated film Princess Mononoke , and it’s easy to imagine forest spirits hiding within the dense woodland. There are many hiking trails and routes to choose from of varying difficulty. For a view of the island and a bit of challenge, you can hike up Taiko rock and see the trees spread out below you.

If you're not into hiking, head to the coast of the island to enjoy the hot springs and the beaches where loggerhead turtles come to lay their eggs.

The Top 12 Day Trips From Osaka

Every Neighborhood to Know in Tokyo

The Top 20 Things to Do in Osaka

The 10 Best Temples to Visit in Kyoto, Japan

The 10 Top Things to Do in Miyajima

48 Hours in Kyoto: The Ultimate Itinerary

18 Best Things to Do in Japan in Summer

The Best Time to Visit Japan

Your Trip to Hokkaido: The Complete Guide

Mount Fuji: the Most Famous Mountain in Japan

15 Must-Try Dishes in Tokyo

The Top 18 Things to Do in Tokyo

48 Hours in Tokyo: The Perfect Itinerary

The Top 25 Things to Do in Japan

Kyoto Guide: Planning Your Trip

8 Foods to Try in Hiroshima, Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Places to Visit in Japan

W ith its unique blend of traditional culture and dazzling modernity, Japan offers an incredible tapestry of experiences that captivate the senses and ignite the spirit of adventure. Yet, with so much to explore, planning a trip can feel overwhelming. Fear not, we're here to help! Travel journalist Kevin Erickson has curated a list of the must-visit places in Japan that promise a truly unforgettable journey.

  • Uncover the timeless beauty of Kyoto
  • Experience Tokyo's electrifying cityscape
  • Discover the cultural heartbeat of Osaka
  • Immerse yourself in Hiroshima's poignant history
  • Explore the stunning wilderness of Yakushima

The Timeless Beauty of Kyoto

The ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto, is a living testament to Japan's rich history and tradition. With over 1,600 temples, serene Zen gardens, and the magnificent Fushimi Inari Shrine with its iconic torii gate pathway, Kyoto transports you back to Japan's imperial past. A visit during the cherry blossom or fall foliage season will make your journey especially magical.

Tokyo: The City That Never Sleeps

Japan's vibrant capital, Tokyo, presents an electrifying mix of neon skyscrapers, pop culture, high-tech innovations, and bustling street markets. From the fashion hub of Shibuya to the historic Asakusa district and the otaku paradise of Akihabara, Tokyo is a city of delightful contrasts that never fails to impress.

Osaka: The Nation's Kitchen

Known as the "nation's kitchen," Osaka is a haven for food lovers. From street-side takoyaki and okonomiyaki to high-end kaiseki cuisine, Osaka offers a culinary journey like no other. Don't miss the lively Dotonbori area and Osaka Castle, a symbol of the city's historical heritage.

Hiroshima: History and Resilience

Hiroshima, though known for its tragic past, showcases remarkable resilience and peace. The Peace Memorial Park and Museum provide profound insights into the catastrophic impact of the atomic bomb, while the scenic Miyajima Island, just a short ferry ride away, offers a tranquil escape.

Yakushima: Island of Ancient Forests

A trip off the beaten path leads to Yakushima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Famous for its ancient cedar forests, which inspired the animated film "Princess Mononoke," Yakushima is an enchanting realm of nature where you might even encounter the endangered Japanese macaque.

Nara: The Birthplace of Japanese Culture

Nestled in the Kansai region, Nara is often overshadowed by its more popular neighbors, Kyoto and Osaka. Yet, as the first permanent capital of Japan, Nara is brimming with historical treasures. It's home to Todai-ji, the world's largest wooden structure housing a towering Buddha statue, and Kasuga Taisha, a beautiful Shinto shrine surrounded by thousands of stone lanterns. But Nara's charm doesn't stop at its temples. The city's park is famous for its hundreds of free-roaming deer, considered sacred and protected as national treasures.

Hokkaido: Nature's Paradise

If you crave pristine wilderness, set your sights on Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. Here, you'll find stunning landscapes, from volcanic hot springs in Noboribetsu to lavender fields in Furano. Daisetsuzan National Park offers incredible hiking trails, while the Shiretoko Peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts wildlife such as brown bears and sea eagles. In winter, the snow festival in Sapporo, the region's capital, showcases spectacular ice and snow sculptures.

Nagasaki: A Tale of Triumph

Nagasaki's past is imbued with foreign influences and a tragic history, making it a poignant visit. The Peace Park and Atomic Bomb Museum narrate the tale of its WWII devastation, while Glover Garden and Oura Church highlight the city's close ties with the West during Japan's period of national isolation. For a tranquil getaway, the nearby Gunkanjima (Battleship Island), an abandoned coal mining facility and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offers a fascinating glimpse into Japan's industrial past.

From ancient traditions to futuristic cityscapes, Japan offers a unique travel experience that transcends the ordinary. As Chris Rowthorn, a Lonely Planet writer and Japan travel expert, aptly puts it, "Japan is a world apart - a cultural Galápagos where a unique civilization blossomed, and today thrives in delicious contrasts of traditional and modern." So why wait? Begin your Japanese adventure today!

When is the best time to visit Japan?

The best time to visit Japan is in spring (March to May) for cherry blossoms, and fall (September to November) for autumn colors. However, Japan has something to offer in every season.

What should I eat in Japan?

Japan boasts a rich culinary tradition. Must-try dishes include sushi, ramen, tempura, yakitori, and regional specialties such as Kyoto's kaiseki and Osaka's takoyaki.

How can I travel sustainably in Japan?

Embrace the Japanese concept of 'mottainai' (waste not, want not). Utilize public transportation, avoid disposable items, respect local customs, and consider staying in eco-friendly accommodations.

Is Japan expensive to visit?

While Japan can be pricier than other Asian countries, it offers a range of options for different budgets. Prepaid transportation cards, affordable eateries, and a variety of accommodations can make your trip economical without compromising the experience.

  • Japan National Tourism Organization
  • UNESCO World Heritage Centre
  • Lonely Planet

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33 Epic Things to Do in Japan [2024 Ultimate Guide]

Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

  • Last Updated: January 25, 2024

We’ve spent months exploring this incredible country to bring you our list of the absolute best things to do in Japan! Let’s get into it.

The Land of the Rising Sun is one of the most unique and captivating countries in the world.

Japan is a country with a fascinating heritage and interesting history – it’s just so much fun visiting its many attractions.

You can see things like old temples and shrines, royal palaces, hot springs, breathtaking gardens, and even quirky fun attractions like real life Mario Kart.

You can also taste authentic Japanese cuisine right at the source, admire a Japanese Garden or Buddhist Temple, try a tea ceremony, see the cherry blossoms, or visit all the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Japan is a great destination for everyone, from families to independent travellers; anyone will easily have a great time there.

Things To Do In Japan

Table of Contents

1. Follow the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms)

2. escape from tokyo’s bustle in a bamboo grove, 3. climb mount osore and soak in a natural hot spring, 4. party with robots in tokyo, 5. watch sumo wrestling, 6. immerse yourself in the ghibli museum, 7. haggle in nishiki market, 8. see the meiji shrine in tokyo, 9. explore the temples of mount koya, 10. stroll through the flower tunnels, 11. explore japan’s history at the imperial palace, 12. hike with monkeys on monkey mountain, 13. visit the resting place of the shoguns, 14. be in awe of tokyo’s oldest temple, the senso-ji temple, 15. see the towering buddha on todaji temple, 16. hike the legendary mount fuji, 17. experience the elegance of himeji castle, 18. immerse yourself in the magic of the tokyo national museum, 19. taste the finest sushi in japan, 20. visit the most sacred shrine in japan, 21. relax in rikugen garden, 22. marvel at the sculptures in the hakone open-air museum, 23. commemorate the past in the nagasaki bombing museum, 24. dive the fantastic waters, 25. take to the slopes for a ski session, 26. experience the art at naoshima island, 27. experience a matsuri festival, 28. cross the busy shibuya crossing in tokyo, 29. spend the night in a capsule hotel, 30. be amazed at the hospitality in a ryokan, 31. buy some traditional japanese crafts, 32. lounge at sunayama beach, 33. escape the hustle and bustle to enryakuji temple, our guide to the best things to do in japan.

The country is filled with one-of-a-kind attractions that are uniquely Japanese. That means the best things to do in Japan are usually those that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

From the famous sights like Mount Fuji, to the national parks, traditional arts markets and museums, there are so many incredible tourist attractions to see when you visit Japan.

Don’t miss out on our complete guide to the top  places to visit in Japan !

The sakura cherry blossoms are a defining symbol of Japan and one of the most eagerly awaited natural phenomena in the country.

These delicate, pink flowers bloom for a brief period in spring, typically from late March to early April, and are celebrated for their ephemeral beauty.

The transient nature of the blossoms has come to represent the fleeting nature of life and is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture.

Witnessing the sakura in full bloom is often listed as one of the top things to do in Japan, and for good reason.

The cherry blossoms are not only visually stunning, but they also hold a special place in the hearts of the Japanese people.

The arrival of sakura season is synonymous with the beginning of a new cycle, a time for renewal, and a reminder to appreciate the beauty of the present moment.

Throughout Japan, you can find numerous parks, temples and shrines, and streets lined with cherry blossom trees, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the age-old tradition of hanami, or cherry blossom viewing parties.

Friends, families, and colleagues come together to share food, drink, and laughter under the blooming canopies.

To experience the magic of sakura season, plan a visit to popular viewing spots like Tokyo’s Ueno Park, Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Path, or Hirosaki Park in Aomori.

Keep in mind that the exact timing of the blossoms varies from year to year, so it’s important to monitor forecasts for the best viewing opportunities.

The cherry blossoms are an essential part of the Japanese experience, so be sure not to miss this enchanting display when considering fun things to do in Japan.

Sakura Cherry Blossoms Tokyo Japan

Suzume-no Oyado Ryokuchi Park is one of the most pleasant and relaxing spots in Tokyo.

It may just be a bamboo grove, but it’s so enchanting and relaxing that you’ll want to come back over and over again.

The entire park is filled with a nice chill breeze, and there are plenty of comfortable spots to lounge.

It even has several open areas that can be used for anything, like for children running around and picnics.

At the far end of the park, you’ll find a traditional, yet refurbished, Japanese home that’s open to the public.

Check out our ultimate guide to the best  things to do in Tokyo !

This mountain is considered to be one of the three most sacred places to visit in Japan, and it’s the site of the very well-known Bodaiji Temple in Mutsu City.

The entire area is rich in volcanic activity, which is why there is a persistent odour of sulphur in the air.

Osorezan, or Mount Osore, is thought to be the entrance to the underworld, which is why its name means Fear Mountain.

The temple is really popular, which is why there are overnight lodgings. The hot springs near the temple are one of the many reasons visitors visit this place. The volcanic activity underground heats the water in these pools, making the hot springs a real treat!

The nearby Lake Usori is a really solemn and beautiful spot, although visitors should definitely avoid its poisonous waters.

*** Unfortunately this is closed now. The Samurai Restaurant is in its place, and the Robot Restaurant is intending to reopen eventually.

Tokyo is one of the world’s most modern cities, and that’s very apparent in its flair for science fiction.

The Shinjuku Robot Restaurant is one bombastic and lively spot where you’ll find regular nightly shows that feature its staff dressed like robots and futuristic machinery while performing mock battles.

It’s an experience like no other, and even though it’s loud and filled with pulsing neon lights and large crowds, it’s still one of the most unique attractions to visit in Japan.

If you’re a fan of Gundam, or anything that’s related to robots, then you’ll definitely enjoy this restaurant.

Sumo wrestling is an old and exciting sport from Japan that has a long-lasting tradition.

Originally, Sumo was meant to be a ritual of sorts with Shinto roots where its fighters wrestled in order to entertain and appease the gods.

Today, it’s a real spectacle that anyone can easily enjoy ­­– one that Japan is really proud of.

The official Sumo tournaments, or basho, only take place 6 times during the year – every other month from January.

Sometimes, the match might last a mere few seconds, but these heavyweight Sumo wrestlers will definitely entertain you. This is a must on any trip to Japan.

Don’t miss the best  things to do in Osaka !

Anime is one of Japan’s most important and largest cultural exports, so much so that plenty of people in the West spend hours upon hours watching it.

One of the biggest names in anime is Hayao Miyazaki, who’s the creator of Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro, and plenty of Anime classics – which he’s created along with his legendary Studio Ghibli.

The Ghibli Museum is one of the most enchanting Japan attractions, because it allows its visitors to take a peek into the genius mind of Miyazaki.

Here you’ll have direct contact with many of his finest works, as well as insight on how he’s created them. This is one of the top tourist attractions in Japan!

Also known as Kyoto’s Kitchen, this five-block shopping street has over a hundred different street food stalls, shops, and restaurants.

The market has a very long history because it used to be a fish wholesale market, with its first shop opening in the early 14 th century.

Here you’ll immerse yourself in one of the most charming and pleasant atmospheres in Kyoto, and you’ll get to explore many of its culinary delicacies that the city is famous for.

Plenty of the shops offer free samples, as well as skewers meant to be eaten right there and then. This market is the best place to try street food in Japan.

There are some establishments where you can sit down and enjoy your delicious Japanese food. It’s located near Shijo Station.

Here’s our complete guide to the best  things to do in Kyoto .

Things To Do In Japan, Nishiki Market, Fish

Emperor Meiji was the first emperor of modern Japan, which is a period that began in 1867 when the previous Edo Period ended.

This shrine is dedicated to him and his wife, Empress Shoken, and was built shortly after their deaths.

It’s a complex of buildings, and it’s surrounded by a hundred thousand trees that were planted after the shrine was rebuilt after being destroyed in World War II.

Today, it is one of the most popular things to see in Japan, and it sees over 3 million visitors per year.

Go on a bus tour to visit not only Meiji Shrine but other celebrated highlights of the capital city such as Asakusa and the Tokyo Skytree.

READ MORE: Here’s everything you need to know about  t ravelling in Japan .

Meiji Shrine, Forest, Japan

It could be said that Mount Koya is the birthplace and the centre of Shingon Buddhism, as this was the spot where Kobo Daishi finally set place in the 9 th century.

Kobo Daishi is considered one of the most important religious figures in the history of Japan, and that’s very evident in the artisanal headquarters of the Shingon sect and the nearby town.

The Garan temple complex on Mount Koya is one of the most sacred sites in Japan, and there are over a hundred temples to explore.

This spot also has overnight stay at the temple lodgings, which is definitely one of the most spiritual things to do in Japan.

Make the most of your vacation with our guide to the  best day trips in Japan .

The Kawachi Wisteria Garden is one of the most unique attractions in Japan. Its main draw are its long tunnels decorated with immaculately kept and displayed wisteria flowers.

Large and looming wisteria trees that form the beautiful flower roof over them bound the two tunnels.

When you’re done with the tunnels, you’ll be greeted by some of the most beautiful and pristine views Japan has to offer at the hillside garden.

From there, you’ll see practically an entire sea of wisteria flowers and sloping hills in the distance.

The flower tunnels are best from mid-April to mid-May & mid-November to early December, and they are located in Kitakyushu.

As one of the most important historical buildings in Japan, the Imperial Palace in Tokyo used to be the Edo Castle in the past.

It was the residence of the Tokugawa Shogun and the Royal Family, and it’s a building that’s seen a lot of hardship.

While there’s no entering the inner courtyard and buildings when you’re on a tour, the palace grounds and eastern gardens are great spots to visit.

Walking around and learning about the country’s turbulent past is one of the best things to do in Japan.

Want to see the Chiyoda Imperial Palace and learn all about the history and architecture? Book this awesome tour where you get enjoy a walking tour of the palace and Japanese gardens with a knowledgable local guide!

The Imperial Palace, Japan

Hiking up on Monkey Mountain is easily one of the most unique things to do in Japan.

As the name implies, it’s a mountain where plenty of wild monkeys live, and those are the Japanese macaque, a species native to Japan.

The hike is an easy and pleasant one, which takes about 30 minutes, and at the top you’ll have a gorgeous view of Kyoto, Japan.

The biggest draw of this spot are the monkeys that are generally friendly and docile.

The monkeys are wild animals, however, which means you shouldn’t let your guard down, and the general advice is to never stare at them directly in the eyes.

History lovers have to include this site on their trip to Japan! Before Japan entered its modern era, it was a feudal country that was led by a shogun.

The Tokugawa Shoguns were the leaders of Japan during this period, and Togukawa Ieyasu founded the Shogunate itself.

Today, the first Tokugawa Shogun is enshrined and laid to rest in the Toshogo Shrine, where he’s revered as the Great Deity of the East Shining Light.

Toshogo Shrine is a complex of buildings that’s very intricately and ornately built. The Resting Place of the Shoguns is definitely one of the most fascinating places to visit in Japan.

Senso-ji Temple is one of Tokyo and Japan’s most popular temples.

The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy, and it’s an entirely beautiful temple with a long and detailed history.

It was built in a unique position meant to protect Tokyo from invaders in the past, and it was even used by the emperor in Japan’s feudal era as one of his personal residences.

Today it’s a place meant for spiritual healing, although it’s pretty popular with tourists too.

The nearby shopping street is another nearby attraction that offers everything from traditional trinkets to unique local treats.

Sensoji Temple, Japan, Things To Do In Japan

The Todaji temple is one of Japan’s oldest and most important Buddhist temples.

It’s the world’s largest wooden building, even though today’s construction is actually one third smaller than it used to be in the past.

This temple has a very interesting and turbulent history because it grew so powerful in the past that it influenced the government which was then situated in Nara – its city.

Today, it’s still an important religious building, and it houses a towering 15m tall bronze Buddha statue, which is one of Japan’s largest ones.

Mount Fuji is Japan’s most sacred mountain, which has been worshipped for millennia. It’s played a vital role in Japanese society in the past, and it has inspired plenty of artists throughout the ages.

Today, hiking and mountaineering on the legendary Mount Fuji is one of the most popular things to do in Japan.

The official Mount Fuji climbing season is from July 1 st to September 10 th , and there are a few trails to go through.

Yoshida, Subashiri, Gotemba, and Fujinomiya trails are some of the most known and well-marked trails on Mount Fuji, and they each offer a different challenge.

Mt Fuji, Japan

Japan used to be a very militaristic country, but a large portion of its society was artistic, which culminated in some very beautiful castles.

Himeji Castle is one of the few remaining ones that has never been damaged at all by anything, and it’s considered the most beautiful one of the last 12 original Japanese castles.

It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a national treasure, so it should be on everyone’s Japan bucket list.

Called the White Heron Castle, its imposing size and beauty will definitely impress many of its visitors, as visiting it is one of the finest things to do in Japan.

The castle is also a hotspot during cherry blossom season. The Japanese gardens surrounding the castle come to life during the spring cherry blossom season and the natural colors are stunning.

Himeji Castle, Japan

Japan has plenty of museum, but if you only get to pick one, then make sure it’s the Tokyo National Museum.

It’s the perfect spot to visit when you don’t know where to go in Japan but just want to see something natively Japanese.

This museum has an extensive gallery with the finest Japanese art, like ancient pottery, beautifully crafted kimonos, and ukiyo-e – the famous Japanese woodblock prints.

On top of that, it has a lot of historic objects, like samurai swords and katanas, as well as the largest archaeological collection in Japan. Check the website for more info !

Sushi is the finest and most popular dish in Japanese cuisine, which is why every visitor should opt in to try the best one available.

Sushi Dai is one of the best sushi restaurants, where all of its ingredients are completely fresh from the Tsukiji Fish Market downstairs.

Here, you’ll be surrounded by plenty of other tourists and locals as it is quite popular. You can get food a la carte, but the courses are the recommended way to go.

There are even options for those that can’t eat raw fish, as well as meals for children. There is no better place to eat sushi in Japan!

Sushi, Japan, Authentic

Isse City is home to two very sacred shrines, one of which is the Inner Shrine.

The Inner Shrine, or Kotai Jingu, is the most sacred shrine in the country, and it’s over two thousand years old.

It has a very unique architectural style because there it shows no influence from other Asian countries.

Its architecture predates Buddhism.

Kotai Jingu is dedicated to the Sun Goddess, Shinto’s most venerated deity, and the shrine itself is rebuilt every 20 years according to ancient Shinto traditions.

The next rebuilding is scheduled to be in 2033, and that will be the 63 rd time the shrine will be rebuilt.

Considered the most beautiful garden in Tokyo, Rikugen Garden was built in the early 18 th century for the 5 th Tokugawa Shogun.

Its name means Six Poems Garden, because it’s meant to recreate scenes from famous poems.

The style in which it is built is considered to be one of Edo’s defining ones, with sizeable strolling gardens, a large central pond, and man made hills surrounding it.

A unique balance of nature and art is on display in this museum .

Sculptures are dotted all over the striking landscape outside because these sculptures are meant to be admired while you’re enjoying perfect views of the surrounding nature.

You can also head inside if the weather’s not the greatest, but walking outside admiring the sculptures of both Japanese and international artists is definitely one of the top things to do in Japan.

There’s a space dedicated to different artists, such as Picasso, where you’ll find some of his works, as well as photographs detailing aspects of his life.

World War II was a devastating time for humanity’s history, and that’s very evident in the bombing of Nagasaki.

On August 9, 1945, the world’s second nuclear weapon detonated over Nagasaki, causing tremendous destruction.

Today, the Nagasaki Bombing Museum commemorates the lives lost and the destruction caused – it’s a really somber place to visit.

It recounts the city’s experience through items, artifacts, and firsthand accounts. It’s one of the most inspiring cities in Japan and here you can learn about the city’s struggle to recover after the detonation.

Check out our guide to the top  things to do in Hiroshima , where you can see other WWII Monuments like the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

Scuba diving is not one of the things Japan is normally known for; however, it’s becoming increasingly popular.

Japan has over thirty thousand kilometers of coastline and an incredible number of diving spots that are unique and interesting to explore.

Marine life is extremely diverse and fascinating. The southern waters of Japan are similar to those in the Philippines and Thailand.

Spots like Miyako Island, Ishigaki Island, and Yoron Island are some of the finest diving spots in the region, although all of Japan’s waters are amazing to explore.

The weather in Japan is generally warm and nice, which is why plenty of people are surprised that it has some of the finest ski conditions in the world.

There are few other locations on the planet that have such ideal powder-skiing conditions such as Japan. The winds that cross the Sea of Japan from Siberia carry snow as thick as 10-20 meters.

Hokkaido has several ski resorts, like Niseko and Furano, and Honshu’s resorts are generally focused around Nagano.

No matter which part of Japan you choose to ski, you’re definitely going to have a great time.

Make the most of your trip with our perfect  Hokkaido itinerary !

Naoshima is an island with a cozy Mediterranean climate, and with a complete focus on art.

It might be a tiny island but it’s entirely filled with museums and galleries, and everywhere you look, you’ll see gorgeous views.

The architecture present on this island is one of the finest things to see in Japan, most of which was designed by famous architect, Ando Tadao.

This island also serves as a venue of art festivals and gatherings, and it hosts plenty of museums dedicated to art.

A matsuri is a festival in Japan, although they widely differ from the west.

Japan is known for having more festivals than practically anywhere else in the world, and they’re lively events with a lot of energy.

Besides amazing performances and music, on matsuris you’ll also find delicious Japanese cuisine and drinks being served at stalls.

Matsuri Festival, Japan

Although it might not appear as much on first glance, going over Shibuya Crossing is always an exciting affair.

It’s one of the largest hubs of people, and it’s an intersection that connects two of the busiest railway stations in the world.

It’s ideal for those that don’t know what to do in Japan and just want to see more of it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a cheap place to spend the night, or just a unique invention in Japan, capsule hotels are fascinating.

They offer a sleeping pod and a little space to stash your luggage in, and that’s pretty much it. Most have a common room and shared bathrooms – they’re very private, however, and can be found anywhere.

Sleeping in one of them is definitely one of the most unique things to do in Japan.

Ryokans are an old-fashioned type of authentic Japanese inn that has existed in Japan for centuries.

They’re considered great places to spend some time, learn about local customs, and maybe try a tea ceremony. They are generally located near hot spring resorts.

If you’re looking for some traditional Japanese hospitality, then look no further as they’re more than a mere place to stay.

In a Ryokan, you’ll get to experience true Japanese culture, lifestyle, baths, and cuisine. Try taking part in a tea ceremony or donning local clothing. Everyone is treated equal, no matter their country of origin.

Craftsmanship and artisanship are completely ingrained in Japanese culture.

The Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square is a store as much as it is a showroom, and it’s completely supported by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

You’ll find unique traditional Japanese Crafts of any make, such as lacquer work boxes, cut glass, textiles, and pottery, as well as any types of trinkets and items of great quality.

Since Japan has such a long coastline, it’s only logical that it has some amazing beaches.

Sunayama Beach, which means Sand Mountain Beach, is located on the largest of the Miyako Islands, and it’s considered one of the finest beaches in the entire wider region.

Miyako Island itself is a flat island made of elevated coral reef, and because there are no rivers on the island, it has a bit of unique geography.

The beach has plenty of modern amenities, and it’s found very close to the city.

Enryakuji Temple is a complex of Buddhist temples with a long and detailed history, and some of the most beautiful dark forests in Japan surround it.

It’s one of the most important monasteries in Japanese history as it’s the headquarters of the Tendai sect of Japanese Buddhism. It’s considered a Japan must see and a very iconic tourist attraction!

The temple itself is very old, as it was built in the 8 th century, and during its peak, it had over 3,000 sub temples and a vast army of warrior monks.

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Shinjuku Robot Restaurant has been closed due to covid and is still listed on here as per 2023 – FYI

thank you for taking your time and provide us with this helpful post. is june a good month to travel there?

Thank you so much. June is a great month to go and visit. 🙂

No, June is not a great idea as it is the Rainy season in Japan.

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Golden Pavilion, Kinkakuji, Kyoto

24 of the most beautiful places you should visit in Japan

Aside from culture and tradition, Japan also offers some of the world's most spectacular landscapes. Here's your Japan bucket list

Photo: Dayo Adepoju/Unsplash

Kasey Furutani

It’s no secret that Japan has a stunning amount of beauty. From the lavender fields of Furano in Hokkaido down to the crystal clear beaches of Okinawa , this small country is filled with gorgeous nature , contemporary museums , mountainside temples and of course, those pretty springtime  cherry blossoms  and colourful autumn leaves .

With so much to see, it's impossible to do Japan justice with just one visit. This explains why people miss Japan  more than any other country in the world. So this extraordinary island archipelago definitely calls for repeats visits – how else are you going to see all these 24 beautiful sight in Japan?

Recommended: The most beautiful festivals in Japan  

Kiyotsu Gorge and the Tunnel of Light, Niigata prefecture

Kiyotsu Gorge and the Tunnel of Light, Niigata prefecture

Niigata prefecture’s Kiyotsu Gorge is a massive natural marvel with volcanic columns, called columnar jointing, overlooking a dramatic river view. After the walking trails were deemed unsafe and closed to the public in 1988, Ma Yansong and the MAD Architects team built the Tunnel of Light , a 750m-long tunnel leading out to the gorge, so visitors can safely view its panoramic beauty. 

Kamikochi, Nagano

Kamikochi, Nagano

A lush green plateau on the Nagano prefecture side of the Northern Japanese Alps, Kamikochi offers some of Japan’s most spectacular mountain scenery with minimal hiking effort. Most visitors just hover around Kappabashi (Kappa Bridge) and for good reason. For one, the bus stop is just nearby. But more importantly, here you get to take in the grand view: a wooded riverbank surrounded by a fortress of mountains, which in autumn blushes in shades of yellow, orange and red.

Beat the crowd by starting at the quiet Taisho Pond, whose pristine surface in the early morning mirrors its gorgeous surroundings. From here, it’s an easy hour-long hike through marshlands to Kappabashi, where you can break for a meal at one of several cafés and restaurants. For day trippers, you can then go further into the forest; another 90 minutes’ walk will take you to the atmospheric Myojin Pond.

Oirase Gorge, Aomori

Oirase Gorge, Aomori

This picturesque gorge in the mountains of Aomori is one of Japan’s top autumn destinations. The 9km-long trail from Ishigeo to Nenokuchi at the mouth of Lake Towada is breathtaking – not that it’s a strenuous hike but because of the gorgeous scenery all along the way. The gushing Oirase Stream snakes through a blazing red and orange forest studded with moss-covered boulders, with multiple waterfalls feeding into the running water. It’s Japanese autumn at its best.

Set aside three hours for a one-way trek, and you can hop on a sightseeing ferry at the end of the trail at Nenokuchi for more autumn foliage along Lake Towada. Though you’d need some good stamina, don’t worry if you can’t do the entire nine kilometres. There are bus stops on the road running alongside the stream, where you can catch a ride to any point on the trail. 

Kinkakuji Temple, Kyoto

Kinkakuji Temple, Kyoto

Otherwise known as the Golden Temple, Kinkakuji is a Zen Buddhist temple covered in gold, a miraculous and shiny site in the middle of traditional Kyoto. In fact, the temple is so beautiful that a young monk attempted to burn it down in 1950, inspiring Yukio Mishima’s famous novel ‘The Temple of the Golden Pavilion’. First, you walk along a path to see the temple and its reflection before you eventually see it close up, so be prepared for multiple photo ops. Head there in the early morning or late afternoon for smaller crowds and less glinting from the gold leaf.

Mt Fuji, Yamanashi

Mt Fuji, Yamanashi

Japan’s crown jewel and arguably the most beautiful place in the country, Mt Fuji is a must for any visitor. There are plenty of places to see the grand mountain, but the views from Arakurayama Sengen Park, which boasts the majestic Chureito Pagoda, and from Lake Kawaguchi best capture its beauty.

Lake Kawaguchi, one of the Fuji Five Lakes, has glorious views of Mt Fuji, especially in winter when the sky is mostly clear and you can see the volcano’s reflection in the water. Having said that, the near-perfect symmetry of Mt Fuji is a spectacular sight year-round, regardless of where you see it from.

Shirakawa-go, Gifu prefecture

Shirakawa-go, Gifu prefecture

Deep in Gifu prefecture lies Shirakawa-go, a perfectly preserved Japanese village and Unesco World Heritage Site, filled with traditional gassho-zukuri style farmhouses known for their thatched, triangular roofs that resemble praying hands. Now, most of the farmhouses have been converted into museums, restaurants and even hotels, but visitors can still explore the inside of the houses to admire the idiosyncratic architecture, held together by wooden beams. The houses are especially picturesque in winter – all covered in snow, they look like gingerbread houses. 

Motonosumi Shrine, Yamaguchi

Motonosumi Shrine, Yamaguchi

Tunnels of vermilion torii gates are a common sight in Japan. There’s Fushimi Inari in Kyoto and Nezu Shrine in Tokyo, but Motonosumi Shrine in the seaside town of Nagato is the most picturesque. A relatively new shrine, built in 1955, it consists of 123 torii gates that lead down dramatic cliffs, with spectacular ocean views to boot. Unlike most shrines where you just toss a coin into an offering box, here you’ll have to shoot your donation into a box at the top of the final torii gate, which stands six metres tall. If you make it, your wish might just come true.

Narai, Nagano

Narai, Nagano

Along the historic Nakasendo, the mountainous route which connected old Edo (present-day Tokyo) with Kyoto, is Narai, a post town in the picturesque Kiso Valley. This is one of the best places to catch a glimpse of Edo-period (1603-1868) life, as most of this then-prosperous town is so well-preserved that its wooden buildings stretch for a 1km block. Many of the heritage houses have been adapted into restaurants, minshuku (Japanese bed and breakfast) and stores while two former residences – Nakamura Residence and Kamidonya Shiryokan – are preserved as they were back in the day. Narai is incredibly photogenic in autumn, when bright foliage lights up the surrounding Kiso mountain range.

Kumano Kodo, Wakayama prefecture

Kumano Kodo, Wakayama prefecture

Unesco-designated pilgrimage trails make up the Kumano Kodo on the Kii Peninsula in Wakayama prefecture. The 70km route leads through dense, lush forest and stops by plenty of ancient shrines and temples. One of the most famous destinations is the Kumano Nachi Taisha, which boasts a three-storey vermillion pagoda and Nachi no Taki, which, at 133m, is the tallest waterfall in Japan. 

Takachiho Gorge, Miyazaki

Takachiho Gorge, Miyazaki

The breathtaking Takachiho Gorge in Miyazaki is best seen from the water – you can rent a small rowing boat and take a romantic cruise down the calm Gokase River. This is no paddle in the park, though: the gorge is filled with natural wonder and you’ll be surrounded by lush maple trees and the dramatic 17m-tall Minai-no-taki waterfall. Prefer to stay on dry land? The gorge is still beautiful from above – hikers can walk along the 1km Takachiho Promenade for a landscape view, best enjoyed during the summer illumination or the vermillion autumn foliage.

Himeji Castle, Hyogo prefecture

Himeji Castle, Hyogo prefecture

Himeji is perhaps Japan’s most famous castle. It even served as the basis for this emoji: 🏯. Also known as the White Heron, Himeji Castle is a giant, stark white structure that has miraculously survived wars and natural disasters. The castle dates back to the 17th century but was restored in 2015, allowing visitors inside to admire the refurbished architecture. If you’re planning on visiting, bookmark the official website for live queuing times. 

The beaches of Ishigaki, Okinawa

The beaches of Ishigaki, Okinawa

Imagine a white sand beach with water so crystal clear you don’t even need snorkelling gear to see the fish. There’s no need to use your imagination in the tropical paradise of Okinawa, a string of islands between Japan and Taiwan. Of the 49 inhabited islands, Ishigaki is easily one of the most scenic, with a mix of mountains, jungles and sandy beaches to satisfy both the active and adventurous, and those who prefer lounging on the beach. Spend the day tanning and swimming at Yonehara Beach or have a look at sea critters in azure waters on Kabira Bay, where you can take a glass-bottom boat tour.

A Forest Where Gods Live at Mifuneyama Rakuen Park, Saga

A Forest Where Gods Live at Mifuneyama Rakuen Park, Saga

The sprawling Mifuneyama Rakuen Park in Saga prefecture was created more than a century ago in 1845, but teamLab has taken it into the future with edgy, immersive digital art that changes the way we interact with nature.

As a whole, the grounds now look like an enchanted forest after dark, with different exhibits scattered across the property. There’s a surreal projection of a silent waterfall in a secluded part of a jungle. A rolling garden of azalea shrubs pulses with lights as if the plants were breathing. In the darkness of the night, trees take on an otherworldly glow, holographic carp swim across a lake, digital flowers bloom on rocks while strokes of calligraphy appear like a painting in formation across a sacred boulder. It’s magic and there’s nothing quite like it anywhere in the world.

Hill of the Buddha at Makomanai Takino Cemetery, Hokkaido

Hill of the Buddha at Makomanai Takino Cemetery, Hokkaido

Leave it to starchitect Tadao Ando to create beauty out of loss and grieving. Ando designed Sapporo’s circular Makomanai Takino Cemetery around a giant 13.5m-tall statue of the Buddha, letting his head peak out from the top of an artificial hill. The industrial concrete, Ando’s signature material, contrasts with lavender surrounding the cemetery, and covers the Buddha’s body. The only way to see the full sculpture is by entering the hollow 40 metre ‘hill’ through a dark tunnel. When you reach the (natural) light at the end of the tunnel, you’ll see the ever graceful Buddha sitting before you. Jaw, dropped.

Yakushima, Kagoshima

Yakushima, Kagoshima

Off the coast of Kagoshima prefecture is Yakushima, a nature lover’s paradise. The best way to see the small island, which inspired the setting of the Ghibli film ‘Princess Mononoke’, is through multi-day treks: you’ll forget about the absurdities of modern life as you hike the moss-covered dirt tracks and admire yakusugi, the oldest surviving trees in Japan, more than 1,000 years old. There are multiple trails catering to different experience levels, from an easy-peasy one-hour hike to an exhilarating 20-hour overnight journey. Highlights include the overnight trek to see the ancient Jomonsugi cedar tree, estimated to be between 2,000 and 7,200 years old.

Naoshima, Kagawa

Naoshima, Kagawa

Off the coast of Kanagawa prefecture, in between Okayama and Shikoku Island, the Seto Inland Sea is home to a row of small islands dedicated to contemporary art. The six ‘art islands’ are Teshima, Naoshima, Inujima, Megijima, Ogijima and Shodoshima – but if you’re short of time, Naoshima is the pick of the bunch.

A trio of Tadao Ando-designed museums on Naoshima – Chichu Art Museum, Benesse House Museum and Lee Ufan Museum – were built in an industrial style, making them surreal sights in the midst of nature. Meanwhile, the Art House Project, which showcases Japanese and international artworks in refurbished traditional homes, preserves the charmingly rural and old-school vibe of the island.

No trip to Naoshima is complete without a photo in front of Yayoi Kusama’s ‘Pumpkin’, which sits against the backdrop of a clear blue sky and sea. This beautifully framed sight has become an endearing image of the ‘art islands’.

Zao Snow Monsters, Yamagata

Zao Snow Monsters, Yamagata

Zao is not only one of the best ski resorts for those hitting the slopes, it’s also home to picturesque scenery straight out of a winter fairy tale – or a horror film. The slopes are lined with trees covered in snow and warped from the wind, so they look like gigantic, mutated snowmen. The monsters are even celebrated with their own festival in January, complete with illuminations and fireworks.  

Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo

Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo

Just a hop, skip and 24-hour ferry ride away from Tokyo, you’ll find the Ogasawara Islands, a group of islands sporting some of the best snorkelling, hiking and sandy beaches in Japan. Chichijima, one of the main islands, is a popular spot for dolphin and whale watching. The islands are truly remote, so you’ll get to relax, disconnect and enjoy the subtropical climate far from the bustling city. Minamijima, off the coast of Chichijima, is only accessible by tour guide, but the eccentric rock formations and white sand beach are definitely worth the extra effort.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto

Sure, Arashiyama can be touristy, but there’s nothing more soothing than the sound of bamboo slowly swaying in the wind. Head to the bamboo grove early in the morning (it’s open 24 hours) to avoid the crowds. Don’t miss out on Tenryuji Temple, a Zen temple with a relaxing landscape garden, and Nonomiya Shrine, which appeared in ‘The Tale of Genji’ – both are inside the grove. 

Kurokawa Onsen, Kumamoto

Kurokawa Onsen, Kumamoto

There are many hot spring towns in Kyushu but only Kurokawa Onsen makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. You won’t find large hotels or tacky advertising hoardings here; the town has retained its original atmosphere with wooden ryokan in the valley around Mt Aso.

Unlike flashy onsen towns filled with tour buses and visitor attractions, the focus at Kurokawa Onsen is simply the baths. You can enjoy nature while soaking in the steaming water at the outdoor baths, called rotenburo . Or hop through three different public and private onsen with the wooden ‘Rotemburo Meguri’ pass for ¥1,300. The town is best explored in a yukata after sunset, once all the day bathers have left, especially during the winter bamboo illumination from December to April.

Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima

Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island, Hiroshima

This small island off the coast of Hiroshima is known for its deer, bright autumn leaves and Itsukushima Shrine, a large Shinto structure with a grand vermillion torii gate standing in the ocean. Spend the whole day on the island to see the torii gate in both high and low tides: at high tide, the entire shrine seems to magically float in the blue water, while at low tide, you can walk all the way up to the gate.

Long established as a place of Buddhist and Shinto worship, Itsukushima Shrine was founded in the year 593, and it is believed Miyajima is where the gods live. The island feels like a slice of paradise; you can spend the day frolicking with deer, hiking through maple leaves in the mountains or just sitting on the shore and watching the sun set behind the torii gate.

Yamadera Temple, Yamagata prefecture

Yamadera Temple, Yamagata prefecture

A 30-minute, 1000-step uphill hike will lead you into the Yamadera Temple complex, a small collection of Buddhist halls on the side of a mountain. Climb a few storeys higher and you’ll find Godaido Hall, a small vantage point that looks out into the countryside of Yamagata. Especially picturesque in summer and autumn, you’ll see fog rolling through the hills as you gaze at one of the best hiking views in Tohoku. 

Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

All flower lovers should add Ibaraki’s Hitachi Seaside Park to their bucket list. Best known for its blue sea of approximately 5.3 million nemophila in spring, and bright red kochia or summer cypress in autumn (pictured), Hitachi Seaside Park also grows California poppies, roses, daffodils and even sports a Holland-inspired tulip garden. The fun doesn’t stop with the flowers, there’s also an amusement park, a children’s adventure zone and 11km of cycling paths in the 350-hectare park.

Korakuen, Okayama

Korakuen, Okayama

Korakuen in Okayama, along with Kenrokuen in Kanazawa and Kairakuen in Mito, is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, a traditional honour it has held since the 19th century. The rolling landscape, covering approximately 144,000 square metres, is a fine example of traditional Edo-period (1603-1868) beauty. While the garden was damaged by war and natural distasters in the past, it has consistently been restored based on historcal illustrated maps. As one of the larger landscape gardens in Japan, Korakuen is sprawling enough to boast large lawns, ponds, plum and cherry trees and Japanese cranes. The garden is incredibly picturesque in all four seasons, thanks to a well-curated selection of plants to make sure there are always flowers year-round. And that grand view of Okayama Castle in the background is the icing on the cake.

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The Ultimate Japan Travel Guide: Top 13 Places to Visit in Japan

Despite being such a technologically advanced country, Japan holds its culture and traditions deep in its soul. No matter in whichever corner of the world you travel to, you will never come across a country that is so well-developed and still strongly connected to its roots.

The culture, tradition, and values are some of the interesting reasons to visit the country at least once during our lifetime. But its natural beauty and the diverse range of places to visit in Japan top the list of reasons to visit it.

When it comes to planning a trip to a country which is renowned for cherry blossoms, Mount Fuji, Shinto shrines, and exciting museums, you are often left confused about which place to visit and which to skin. Today, I’m sharing my list of top 13 places to visit in Japan so that you can plan your Japan itinerary with all the best places in Japan. 


The 13 Best Places To Visit in Japan


Tokyo , the capital city of Japan, has almost every kind of tourist attraction from ancient temples to modern skyscrapers that will leave you fascinated by the end of your visit to Japan. And that’s why it’s one of my favourite places to visit in Japan. The city is fast-paced, yet connected to its traditional roots and culture. 

You will not only get to see the oldest Japanese temple but also revive your childhood memories at Disneyland in Tokyo . Whether you want to dive into the Japanese history and culture, or just be mesmerized by the beautiful old and modern Japanese architecture, it is a city you shouldn’t miss visiting. 

Main Attractions


Sensō-ji (The oldest temple in Tokyo that introduces the beautiful Japanese architecture and culture)

Tokyo Dome City (A popular amusement park and an entertainment complex, great for both kids and adults)

Tokyo Skytree (The tallest broadcasting and observation tower in Japan)

Shinjuku Gyo-en National Garden (A pleasant and refreshing national park with traditional, formal and landscape Japanese gardens)

Tokyo DisneySea (An unique adult-oriented Disney-themed Park solely designed around water)

Harajuku (A shopping area in Tokyo famous for its quirkiness and Japanese pop culture)

Tokyo Disneyland (A Disney-themed Park popular with both adults and children)

Sunshine Aquarium (A giant water tank designed as an “oasis in the sky” so that you can spot penguins overhead with Tokyo’s cityscape as the background)

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (A rare type of museum based on the art of photography)

Mount Takao (A beautiful hiking destination to enjoy lush nature, wildlife and natural vegetation)

Best Dishes to Try in Tokyo

Sushi: You all have heard of Sushi and maybe you have tried it too. But eating Sushi in Japan, particularly in Tokyo is entirely a different feeling. Tokyo is considered to be the world capital of Sushi. It is home to many world-renowned sushi restaurants, serving some of the freshest and most delicious sushi in the world.

Sushi is made of vinegared rice, typically topped with raw fish, vegetables, and sometimes, other ingredients such as eggs or tofu. Sushi is often served with soy sauce and pickled ginger, and is typically eaten with chopsticks.

Ramen: Ramen is a popular dish in Tokyo, with many shops specializing in different types of ramen such as soy sauce, miso, and salt-flavored ramen. You might already know that Ramen consists of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a meat or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and topped with different types of ingredients.

Tempura: You might have tasted Tempura in a Japanese restaurant in your country. Tempura is a dish where seafood or vegetables are coated in a light batter and deep-fried. It’s a popular dish in Tokyo and can be found in many restaurants.

Yakitori: Yakitori is skewered and grilled chicken, it’s a popular street food in Tokyo and you can find it in many izakaya(Japanese Pub).The skewered and grilled chicken is typically seasoned with a variety of sauces and spices.

Udon: Udon is a type of thick wheat noodle that’s often served in a savory broth. It is chewy, smooth and slippery with various varieties available. The best way to enjoy the dish is to garnish the broth with sliced green onions, tempura, or even raw egg.

How long to Spend in Tokyo

The amount of time one should spend in Tokyo depends on individual preferences and interests. A general recommendation would be to spend at least 4-5 days in Tokyo to experience the city’s main attractions and get a sense of its culture and daily life.

During this time, Visit Tokyo Disneyland or DisneySea, Shibuya Crossing, Senso-ji Temple and the other main attractions of the city that I’ve mentioned in this article. Also, don’t forget to try traditional Japanese cuisine and shop and dine in Ginza.


Castles, towers, parks, shrines- there’s so much to see in Fukuoka that you might end up being tired yet you’d still be left with so much to see. Although it is often underrated as a tourist destination, I believe that it is one of the best places to visit in Japan. 

Fukuoka with its parks can be home to people searching for a peaceful escape from city life. It can also be an interesting destination for those trying to learn more about Japan’s history or arts. And lastly, if you are an admirer of cityscape views and sunsets , the hilly terrain or seaside tower will offer you exactly what you might be searching for. 

Fukuoka Castle (An abandoned Japanese castle of great historical importance that is now a park with a serene, calm and relaxing atmosphere)

Fukuoka Tower (The tallest seaside tower in Japan offering beautiful views of the sunset)

Ohori Park (A scenic park with a peaceful atmosphere, and options for walking, jogging or boating)

Nishi Park (A park located on hilly terrain famous for offering panoramic views of Fukuoka city and Hakata Bay, and cherry blossom viewing)

Marine World (A beautiful, chalky, and shell-shaped public aquarium housing twenty thousand marine creatures from 450 species)

Dazaifu Tenman-gū (The largest Shinto shrine in Fukuoka famous to scholars and students)

Kyushu National Museum (A museum dedicated to the history of Japan)

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (The only museum in the world that showcases modern and contemporary Asian art)

Kawabata Shopping Arcade (A traditional shopping arcade selling all kinds of local and traditional products)

Sasaguri Forest of Kyushu University (A pleasant forest around a large pond, great for hiking)

Best Dishes to Try in Fukuoka

Chimaki: Chimaki is a type of Japanese sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice flour and usually filled with sweet azuki bean paste. It is often wrapped in bamboo leaves, giving it a distinctive and flavorful aroma. Chimaki is a beloved treat among Japanese people and is enjoyed as a sweet snack or dessert.

Mentaiko: Mentaiko is a type of spicy cod roe that is popular in Japanese cuisine. It is particularly a symbolic food of Hakata City, Fukuoka prefecture. It is made by marinating pollock roe with a mixture of seasonings that typically include chili pepper, sake, and soy sauce. Mentaiko is often served as a condiment for rice dishes, such as onigiri or mixed into pasta.

Mizutaki: Originating from the Kansai and Kyushu area, Mizutaki is a hot pot dish that consists of a flavorful chicken broth and an assortment of ingredients, such as chicken meat, vegetables, and tofu, which are cooked in the broth at the table and then enjoyed as a communal meal. It is typically prepared in a large pot and served with dipping sauces, such as ponzu or sesame sauce.

Motsunabe: Motsunabe is a hot pot dish that originated in the city of Fukuoka. It is a type of nabe, a term used for hot pot dishes in Japan. Motsunabe consists of beef or pork offal, such as intestines, tripe, and other organ meats, cooked in a flavorful broth made with soy sauce, miso, sake, and garlic.

Ikinari Dango: Ikinari Dango, a popular sweet dish is some parts of Fukuoka prefecture and Kumamoto, is made from sweet flour dough, a slice of sweet potato and red bean paste. he name “Ikinari” means “suddenly” or “on the spot” in Japanese, referring to the fact that the dumplings can be made quickly and served to unexpected guests.

How long to Spend in Fukuoka

Fukuoka is a vibrant and exciting city that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern culture. You should spend at least 2-3 days in the city so that you can explore the main attractions such as the Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine and Ohori Park, as well as experience the city’s delicious food and lively nightlife.

If you have more time, spending a week or more in Fukuoka would allow you to visit nearby areas such as the beautiful beaches of Itoshima, the historic city of Dazaifu, and the beautiful islands of the Genkai Sea.


Enjoying a peaceful walk in a bamboo forest, hiking in a stunning mountain, or trying out delicious Japanese cuisine in a lively marketplace- whatever you prefer to do among these can be done in Kyoto .

Blinded by Tokyo’s attractiveness, many tourists miss this beautiful city and its attractions. However, smart tourists know that the value of Kyoto is no less than any of the most beautiful places to visit in Japan.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove (A world-famous bamboo forest with a 400-meter-long street surrounded by bamboo)

Nijō Castle (A 400-year-old castle that has witnessed most parts of Japanese history)

Kyoto Tower (The tallest observation tower in Kyoto offering great views)

Mount Hiei (A stunning mountain where tradition meets history and natural beauty)

Kyoto Aquarium (The largest aquarium in Kyoto showcasing Japanese giant salamander, penguins, sea turtles, and dolphin shows)

Nishiki Market (A lively marketplace selling seasonal foods, Japanese cuisine and Kyoto specialities)

Kinkaku-ji (A gold-coloured Zen Buddhist temple with beautiful views and surroundings)

Kyoto International Manga Museum (Japan’s first museum dedicated to manga displaying 19th-century Japanese magazines, contemporary books from home and abroad, and around 300,000 manga and manga-related materials)

Maruyama Park (An extremely crowded park famous for cherry blossom viewing)

Museum of Kyoto (A museum displaying the history and culture of Kyoto in an easily understandable way)

Best Dishes to Try in Kyoto

Kaiseki: Kaiseki is a traditional multi-course meal that’s considered to be the pinnacle of Japanese culinary art. It’s a highly refined and elegant dining experience, typically served at high-end ryokan (traditional Japanese inns) or restaurants.

A typical kaiseki meal begins with a light soup or broth, followed by an assortment of small dishes such as sashimi, grilled fish, and simmered vegetables.

Tofu: Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a staple in Kyoto’s culinary scene. In Kyoto, Tofu is often served in a variety of ways such as agedashi-dofu(deep-fried tofu) or yudofu (boiled tofu).

Takoyaki: Takoyaki is a type of ball-shaped snack made of wheat flour-based batter and filled with diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion. It is traditionally made in a takoyaki pan, which consists of several small, round wells.

Kushi-katsu: Kushi-katsu is a popular snack food in Kyoto that consists of skewered and deep-fried meats, seafood, and vegetables, often served with a dipping sauce. The ingredients can vary, but some of the most common options include chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, squid, and vegetables like bell peppers and eggplant.

Kuzukiri: Kuzukiri is a traditional Japanese noodle dish made from kudzu powder. The powder is mixed with water to form a batter, which is then cooled down and cut into long, thin noodles. It is a popular dish served during the hot summer months in Japan, as its light and refreshing taste provides a cool and soothing respite from the heat.

How long to Spend in Kyoto

Kyoto is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, and the amount of time you should spend there completely depends on you. However, I would recommend spending at least 3-4 days in Kyoto to experience the city’s main attractions, such as the Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kinkaku-ji, and the Gion district.

But if you spend a few more days or weeks, you will be able to explore some more popular attractions, such as the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, the Philosopher’s Walk, and the Tofuku-ji Temple. Additionally, Kyoto is a city with many temples and shrines, some of them are a little bit far from the city center, so, the more time you have, the more temples you can visit.

4. Hiroshima


What comes to your mind when you hear the word Hiroshima? Nuclear bombing of world war 2, I guess? We all have heard about the tragic nuclear bombing incident of Hiroshima, but how many of you know that Hiroshima is also a popular tourist destination for many other beautiful touristy attractions.

In this city, you not only get to explore the history of World War 2 but also get to enjoy many beautiful parts of nature. So, you won’t only get to learn about the sad history of the city, you will also be able to enjoy adventurous sightseeing and activities. 

Hiroshima Castle (A replica of the original Hiroshima Castle that is very much like the original one and depicts the history of Hiroshima)

Mikumarikyo Forest Park (A relaxing park, perfect for enjoying nature in the suburbs of the city)

Hiroshima Orizuru Tower (An observation tower offering panoramic views of the city and sunset)

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (A memorial park that works as a reminder of the destructive effects of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II)

Flame of Peace (A monument expressing condolence for atomic bombing victims, the flame will extinguish when there will be no nuclear weapons in the world)

Hiroshima Tōshō-gū Shrine (A nice and peaceful Shinto shrine on top of a hill offering beautiful views of the city)

Fudenosato Kobo (An interesting museum presenting the live demonstrations of brush making and exhibiting other art forms)

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Kure Museum (The only Japanese museum exhibiting a real submarine)

Megahira Onsen Megahira Ski Area (A snow resort suitable for skiing and snowboarding)

Bayside Beach Saka (A manmade swimming beach perfect for a walk or beach sports)

Best Dishes to Try in Hiroshima

Okonomiyaki: Okonomiyaki is a Japanese dish made with a batter mixture typically containing flour, eggs, shredded cabbage and various other ingredients such as meats, seafood, or vegetables, that is cooked on a griddle to form a savory pancake.

The dish is topped with a variety of ingredients such as mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce, bonito flakes, green onion and nori (dried seaweed). Okonomiyaki is a popular street food in Japan, particularly in Hiroshima and can also be found in restaurants.

Tsukemen: Tsukemen is a Japanese noodle dish that consists of dipping noodles served separately from a bowl of hot soup. The noodles are usually thick, chewy ramen noodles, and the soup is a concentrated, flavored broth made with ingredients such as soy sauce, fish sauce, and dashi (Japanese soup stock). It’s popularity in Hiroshima is more than ramen.

Onomichi Ramen: Onomichi Ramen is a regional style of ramen from Onomichi, a city located in Hiroshima Prefecture. It is characterized by its delicate and light broth, made with a blend of chicken and seafood stocks, and a unique blend of seasonings that includes soy sauce, sake, and mirin. The noodles used for Onomichi Ramen are thin and straight, and are cooked to a firm texture to complement the delicate broth.

Momiji Manju: Momiji manju is a traditional Japanese sweet, which is a type of cake made from rice flour and filled with sweetened red bean paste. The word “momiji” means “maple leaf” in Japanese, and the cake is often shaped into this leaf-like form. Momiji manju is typically steamed and has a soft, chewy texture, and its sweetness pairs well with tea. It is often purchased as a food souvenir in Japan.

Anago: Anago is a type of saltwater eel that is commonly used in Japanese cuisine. It is prized for its delicate, sweet flavor and tender flesh. Anago is often served grilled or simmered in a sweet soy-based sauce and served over steamed rice. It is considered a delicacy in Japan and is an important part of the country’s culinary heritage.

How long to Spend in Hiroshima

Hiroshima, a city with a tragic history and a symbol of peace and resilience, and the amount of time one should spend there is at least 1-2 days. In this short time, you must explore the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

The park is the site of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the museum provides a detailed and sobering account of the event and its aftermath. Additionally, you can also visit the nearby island of Miyajima, which is known for its picturesque Itsukushima Shrine, beautiful nature and is considered one of the three most scenic spots in Japan.

However, if you can manage more time, for example, 3-4 days, you can also explore the historical sites and learn more about the city’s history and culture, such as the Hiroshima Castle and Shukkei-en Garden, and also enjoy the local cuisine such as Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake made with various ingredients.


Hakone is more of a recreational destination than a historical one. Even though it’s a small town, it’s still one of the most popular places to visit in Japan because of its views of Mount Fuji. Any tourist who visits Japan doesn’t want to miss a picture with Mount Fuji in the background, and Hakone is the best place for that.

Hakone-en Garden (A massive and beautiful botanical garden with an aquarium, shopping zones and great outdoors)

Lake Ashi (A picturesque caldera lake perfect for cruising and mountain viewing)

Hiryu Falls (A beautiful two-tiered cascade in the middle of a lush forest, a wonderful hiking destination)

Picasso Pavilion (A museum exclusively dedicated to the arts of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso)

Hakone Open-Air Museum (The first open-air museum in Japan, perfect for a relaxing outdoor walk while being surrounded by world-class modern art)

Mishima Sky Walk (A picturesque pedestrian bridge offering panoramic views of Mount Fuji and Suruga Bay)

Mount Hakone (A complex volcano in Japan with mesmerizing views)

Hakone Shrine (A Japanese Shinto shrine with stunning views of Lake Ashi and Mount Fuji)

Hakone Ekiden Museum (An unique museum displaying the various materials used by the past players of the most important sporting event of Hakone, the Hakone Ekiden collegiate relay marathon race)

Dohi Sugiyama Iwao Cave (An enchanted land featuring around 20 age-old stone Budhha statues)

Best Dishes to Try in Hakone

Soba: Soba is a type of thin, buckwheat noodle that’s often served cold with a dipping sauce. The dish is often served with a variety of dipping sauces and toppings, such as tempura, scallions, and grated wasabi. If you are looking for a light and healthy dish to try, a bowl of Soba will be perfect.

Kamaboko: Kamaboko is a type of processed seafood product that is made by grinding fish meat (often cod, salmon, or pollack) into a paste, and then steaming it on a wooden board to form a loaf.

The steamed loaf is then sliced into thin rounds, which can be eaten on their own or used as a garnish or topping for various dishes, such as udon noodles or rice bowls. Kamaboko is widely available in Japan and is a staple of Japanese cuisine, known for its delicate flavor and tender texture.

Tofu and Yuba: You might have already hard of Tofu but Yuba might be new for you. Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a nutritious food made by coagulating soy milk.

It is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes as it is an excellent source of protein, iron, and calcium. On the other hand, Yuba is basically Tofu skin, formed at the top when boiling fresh soy milk.

Kuro Tamago: Kuro Tamago, also known as black egg, is chicken eggs boiled in natural hot springs. Due to the presence of sulfur in the water, they turn balck. However, they are completely safe to eat.

Onsen Manju: The literal meaning of Onsen Manju is hot spring bun. It is made by filling steamed buns with sweet bean paste. The buns are steamed in hot springs. It is often sold in towns and resorts of hot springs.

How long to Spend in Hakone

In order to experience the Hakone’s main attractions, such as taking a dip in an onsen (hot spring), visiting the Owakudani volcanic valley and taking the Hakone Ropeway, and taking a cruise on Lake Ashi you should go there for 3-4 days minimum.

Moreover, you should also visit the Hakone Open-Air Museum, which features sculptures and exhibits by famous artists and also the Chokoku-no-Mori Museum, which is dedicated to the works of the famous sculptor, Rodin.

6. Takayama


Takayama is mostly known for its historical landmarks, traditional architecture, age-old shrines, temples, and museums. For anyone wanting to learn more about how Japan was during the 17th century, this is the place to go. There are also some fascinating waterfalls and towers offering city views in Takayama so you won’t get bored only with the historical side of the city.

Sanmachi Suji (A historical landmark with wooden buildings as shophouses selling traditional cuisine and Japanese crafts)

Hida no Sato, the Hida Folk Village (An open-air museum with around 30 old farmhouses portraying the traditional architectural designs of the mountainous regions of Japan)

Shiroyama Park (A public park in the mountainous area around the ruins of Takayama Castle, a relaxing escape from the city life)

Hie Shrine (A centuries-old Shinto shrine famous for its spring festival)

Mount Hotaka (The third highest peak in Japan)

Takayama Shōwa-kan Museum (A Retro Museum displaying nostalgic items from the Shōwa period)

Takayama Castle Ruins (Ruins of a flatland mountain castle in a beautiful location that was built in the 17th century)

Hida Takayama Municipal Ski Resort (A small ski resort, perfect for first-time skiers)

Utsue Forty-Eight Waterfalls (A mesmerizing series of waterfalls in a forested valley)

Nishihotakaguchi Station Observation Deck (An incredible observation area popular for its breathtaking view)

Best Dishes to Try in Takayama

Mitarashi Dango: Mitarashi Dango is a siple snack that originated during the Edo period. It is made of small and round rice dumplings, also known as dango, which are skewered and grilled to perfection. Then they are coated with sweet soy sauce.

Yakiniku Hida Beef: Yakiniku Hida Beef is made of ingredients, such as: high-quality beef which is known as Hida Beef, sauces and various seasonings. The dish is made by grilling it over hot coals or a hot plate, allowing the beef to sizzle and caramelize, creating a delicious crust on the outside while preserving its juicy, tender texture on the inside.

Tsukemono steak: Tsukemono steak, often described as sauteed pickled vegetables consists of a variety of ingredients such as cucumbers, eggplant, daikon, or even fruit. The pickling process involves soaking the ingredients in a mixture of vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices, creating a tangy, flavorful pickle.

Goheimochi: Goheimochi, often served as an appetizer or snack, is a type of mochi(rice cakes) topped with a flavorful walnut miso sauce. The rice cakes are grilled and then toppings are poured over.

Hoba Leaf Sushi: Hoba leaf sushi is a type of sushi that is wapped in Hoba leaf or Magnolia leaf. When cooked, a subtle and smoky flavor is infused from the leaf to the ingredients inside. The ingredients used are- sushi rice, fresh vegetables, and seafood such as salmon, tuna, or shrimp. Ingredients may also differ according to people’s choice or location.

How long to Spend in Takayama

Takayama, a charming city known for its well-preserved traditional architecture and beautiful scenery, deserves to be spent a minimum of 2-3 days. You can walk around Takayama Old Town, the Hida Folk Village, and the Takayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hall.

The city is also known for its traditional morning market and the Takayama Festival, one of the most beautiful festivals in Japan, which is held twice a year, in spring. You should also check out the Hida no Sato, Shirakawago, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gokayama.

Since, the city is known for its beautiful countryside, with many hiking trails, you should plan your visit during the autumn to see the beautiful foliage and during the winter, as the city gets a blanket of snow and becomes a winter wonderland.

7. Mount Fuji


Without a trip to Japan’s highest and most beautiful mountain, Mount Fuji, the trip will be incomplete. After all, Mount Fuji is one of the most attractive places to visit in Japan. The beauty of Mount Fuji has always been acknowledged through poetry and painting. You can consider yourself lucky if you get to see the views of Mount Fuji. Because in most cases the view remains covered by clouds.

The beautiful snowcapped mountain can be climbed by anyone who is fit and determined. There are numerous food and accommodation facilities for climbers. And if you aren’t adventurous enough to climb Mount Fuji, you can still enjoy the beauty of surrounding lakes, and waterfalls and have fun in amusement parks nearby. Or you can enjoy the views of the mountain by cable car.

Lake Kawaguchi (An easily accessible lake with a great view of Mount Fuji)

Lake Tanuki (A huge, beautiful artificial lake with a spectacular view of Mount Fuji)

Yamanashi Gem Museum (A museum displaying beautiful crystals and gemstones from all over the world)

Fuji Q Highland (An amusement park popular for its extreme roller coaster r9des)

Narusawa Ice Cave (A lava tube cave where pillarlike ice is formed during winter months)

Shira-Ito Waterfall (A scenic waterfall surrounded by lush greenery)

Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway (An amazing way to enjoy sensational views of Mount Fuji and surrounding lakes)

Shinobi No Sato Ninja Village (A ninja-themed village at the base of Mount Fuji showcasing martial arts shows and interactive demonstrations)

Obuchi Sasaba (A famous green tea field with unique scenery and a view of Mount Fuji in the background)

Kawaguchi Asama Shrine (A 9th-century shrine famous for its giant cedar trees)

Best Dishes to Try in Mount Fuji

Kuro Hanpen: Kuro Hanpen is a type of Japanese fish cake made from fish paste and shaped into various forms. It is a staple ingredient in Japanese cuisine, used in a variety of dishes such as oden and chirashizushi. Hanpen has a soft, spongy texture and a mild, slightly fishy flavor. It is typically served in soups or simmered dishes, and is often enjoyed as a snack or side dish.

Fujinomiya Yakisoba: Fujinomiya Yakisoba is a local specialty of Fujinomiya. It is made by  frying meat and cabbage and then separately stir-fried noodles are mixed together. After that, seasonings and spices are carefully chosen and added to the dish to complement the flavor of the noodles and other ingredients.

Shizouka Oden: Shizuoka Oden is a type of one-pot dish that includes boiled eggs, daikon (Japanese radish), konjac (a type of starchy root vegetable), fish cakes (such as kamaboko), and fried tofu. The ingredients simmered in a light, flavorful broth made from soy sauce, dashi (Japanese broth), and other seasonings.

Sakura Ebi: Sakura Ebi is a type of small, dried shrimp and the name”Sakura Ebi” literally means “cherry blossom shrimp”. It has been named thus after the shrimp’s delicate, pink color, which resembles that of cherry blossom petals. The shrimp are typically dried and then seasoned with salt, resulting in a slightly salty, savory flavor.

Hamamatsu Gyoza: Hamamatsu Gyoza is a type of Japanese dumpling that is made with a thin, wheat-based wrapper that is filled with a mixture of ground pork, cabbage, garlic, ginger, and other seasonings. The dumplings are then pan-fried or steamed until the wrapper is crispy and golden brown, and the filling is fully cooked.

How long to Spend in Mount Fuji

While you are in Mount Fuji, climbing to the summit of Mount Fuji or enjoying the view of the mountain from the surrounding areas such as the Five Lakes region is must. So, in my opinion, you should spend 2-3 days in the area.

Climbing Mount Fuji typically takes around 8 hours to ascend and 4 hours to descend, so it’s usually recommended to start the climb early in the morning. After you are done climbing and enjoying the views of the magnanimous mountain, visit the Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha, the oldest Shinto shrine associated with Mount Fuji and the Fujigoko area, which is a popular tourist destination for the view of Mount Fuji, hot spring and outdoor activities.

The best time to visit Mount Fuji is during the climbing season, typically from July to September, when the mountain is most accessible, and the weather is most favorable.


Osaka’s culture is a bit different from other parts of Japan. A night-time boat cruise along the Dotonbori canal is enough to make you believe that the city is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Japan. Also, there are many other quiet and comfortable tourist attractions that will make your trip beautiful and peaceful.

Osaka Castle (An imposing castle with scenic grounds and a surrounding park, it played a major role in the unification of Japan during the sixteenth century)

Tombori River Cruise (A 20-minute delightful cruise of the Dotonbori canal offering beautiful sights especially at night)

Kema Sakuranomiya Park (A riverside park densely lined with beautiful cherry trees)

Minion Park (An exciting minion-themed park appealing to both children and adults)

Osaka City Central Public Hall (A red brick building of architectural elegance surrounded by greenery and water)

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan (It is one of the largest aquariums in the world that is renowned for showing the aquatic animals at their most vibrant and dynamic state)

Tsutenkaku (A great observation tower to get stunning views of the entire city)

Shitennō-ji (It is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Japan)

Shinsekai (A vibrant shopping street with vintage shops and retro arcades)

Tempozan Giant Ferris Wheel (It is one of the largest Ferris wheels in the world offering stunning views of Osaka City, Osaka Bay and even Kobe)

Best Dishes to Try in Osaka

Takoyaki: Takoyaki is a popular ball-shaped Japanese snack food made from a batter that contains wheat flour, water, and dashi (a type of Japanese broth). The batter is then mixed with diced octopus, green onion, and tempura bits, and is poured into special takoyaki pans that are heated over a flame.

You can enjoy it on its own or as part of a larger meal; takoyaki is a delicious and unique snack food that showcases the flavors and traditions of Japanese cuisine.

Okonomiyaki: Okonomiyaki is a type of Japanese savory pancake that typically consists of flour, finely chopped cabbage, topped with different types of meat and a variety of seasonings. Several regional variations of okonomiyaki are available, however, the Osaka-style okonomiyaki is made with a thicker batter and a greater proportion of cabbage.

Fugu: Fugu is a type of pufferfish, a delicacy is Japan, but one of the most dangerous foods in the world. It consists of tetrodotoxin, a highly toxic substance. So, it requires to be handled properly and that is perfectly done in Osaka.

Only licensed chefs are allowed to cook it. The ingredients used in making this dish are Fugu, rice, wasabi along with other flavorful ingredients and toppings.

Negiyaki: Negiyaki is generally okonomyaki, but without cabbage or pork. It is made of a batter that contains wheat flour, eggs, and water, scallions(negi), and soy saunce. The recipe requires very few ingredients and so it can easily be made at home.

Kitsune Soba: Kitsune Soba, a quintessential comfort food, is made with soba noodles and topped with a sweet, deep-fried tofu called aburaage. Another popular varation of the dish is “Kitsune Udon” made with udon noodles.

The main ingredients used in kitsune soba are soba noodles, aburaage, a savory dashi broth, soy sauce, sugar, Japanese sweet rice wine called Mirin. It can be often enjoyed as a light meal or as a snack.

How Long to Spend in Osaka

Spend 3-4 days in Osaka and enjoy in this vibrant and exciting city that offers a unique blend of modern culture and delicious food. Explore the Osaka Castle, Universal Studios Japan, and the Dotonbori area, known for its vibrant nightlife and delicious street food, the historic city of Kyoto, the beautiful beaches of the Kansai area, and the famous Nara Park, home to many temples, shrines, and deer.

Additionally, try out the many local specialties of food such as Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki and Kushikatsu. Also, for the nightlife, Osaka offers a lot of options such as Namba, Umeda and Shinsaibashi, which are popular areas for nightlife entertainment and dining.


If I ask you about your tried adventurous activities, most of you will reply with hiking, skiing, or paragliding. But what about walking on a footbridge made of vines? To you, it might either sound super simple or insane. And here’s the catch, it’s actually both. 

Walking on this footbridge is a once-in-a-lifetime experience but it’s safe as it is renovated every three years. And if I still couldn’t assure you about the safety of this bridge, you can completely avoid walking over the bridge and check out the other beautiful tourist attractions of Shikoku . 

Matsuyama Castle (A 17th-century flatland-mountain castle accessible by chairlift, cable car or foot)

Shikoku Village (An an open-air architectural park with a collection of traditional houses giving an insight into Japanese life)

Zenigata Sunae (A massive coin-shaped sand painting considered to be a source of great luck)

Chikurin-ji (A 5-storey Shingon temple from the 8th-century housing a number of important sculptures)

Ryūga Cave (One of the three largest limestone caves in Japan thought to be around 15 billion years old)

Shikoku Aquarium (A recently opened aquarium with over 14,000 creatures in 400 different varieties)

Ritsurin Garden (A huge historic garden that was only available to the feudal lords is now open to the public. There are numerous ponds, small artificial hills, historic teahouses, and shaped pine trees in the garden)

Iyanokazura Bridge (A pedestrian footbridge made from wood and mountain vines)

Chichibugahama Beach (A kilometre-long beach popular with swimmers and sunset lovers)

The Sakamoto Ryōma Memorial Museum (A museum displaying correspondence and other documents by a 19th-century samurai, Sakamoto Ryōma and his contemporaries)

Best Dishes to Try in Shikoku

Tai meshi: Tai meshi is a popular and traditional Japanese dish made by combining steamed rice with sea bream. The lietreal meaning of the word “tai” is sea bream and “meshi” is rice. It is typically made by cooking seasoned rice and sea bream together in a pot, creating a flavorful and aromatic dish that is both satisfying and nutritious.

Wasanbon: Wasanbon is a traditional delicacy of the Shikoku Prefecture. It is a type of sugar that has fine, powdery texture and subtle, delicate flavor. It is made from sugar can e flooliwng a traditional and artisanal process.

Kenpi: Kenpi is just like french fru but sweet in taste. It is a common snack food that is made by deep frying thinly sliced pieces of sweet potato. Before frying the slices are dipped in a in a mixture of flour and seasonings.

Sanuki Udon: Originated frpm the Kagawa prefecture, Sanuki Udon is a a type of thick, chewy noodle made from firm and bouncy thick noodles, broth, soy sauce and different vareties of toppings.

Tokushima Ramen: Tokushima Ramen is a local dish of Tokushima Prefecture. This special noodle soup is made wfrom ramen noodles, broth, egg and varius other toppings. The general difference of Tokushima Ramen with most other kinds of Ramen is that the egg served in Tokushima Ramen is raw. In other Ramen types, the egg is generally boiled and cut into half and then served.

How Long to Spend in Shikoku

Though Shikoku is the smallest of Japan’s four main islands, it holds immense pride for its natural beauty, traditional culture, and pilgrimage sites. So, you have to spend at least 5-7 days in the area. Check out the Shikoku Pilgrimage, a 1200 km walk through 88 temples that is considered one of the most important pilgrimage routes in Japan.

The pilgrimage can take anywhere from 40 to 60 days to complete on foot; however, it is also possible to do it by car or bus. That’s definitely not the only place where you should be spending your 5-7 days in. Rather there are many other temples, shrines, and historical sites, such as the Ritsurin Garden, one of the most famous and beautiful gardens in Japan, and the Uwajima Castle, one of the 12 remaining original castles in Japan.

Additionally, Shikoku is also known for its beautiful nature, such as the Iya Valley, a remote valley that is known for its rugged beauty, and the Ohenro-san. Explore every nook and corner of this magical city.

10. Sapporo


The most notable reason for visiting Sapporo is its snow festival. But there are also many other reasons that attract a huge number of tourists every year to the city. History meets modern art in Sapporo. You should check out the parks, historical villages, waterfalls, museums and most other tourist attractions to get a taste of this magical city.

Sapporo Odori Park (A beautiful park famous for Sapporo Snow Festival that happens in February)

Historical Village of Hokkaido (A must-see open-air museum displaying around fifty-two historical structures from the late 19th to early 20th century)

Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art (An art museum displaying artworks of Jules Pascin, École de Paris and modern Japanese artists with a connection to Hokkaidō)

Sapporo Olympic Museum (A museum with historical exhibits on the Winter Olympic Games, ski jump and bobsled simulations)

Glass Pyramid “HIDAMARI” (An iconic building of beautiful architecture)

JR Tower Observatory T38 (A 38th-floor stylish observation deck offering unobstructed panoramic views)

Tanukikoji Shopping Street (A very long covered 19th-century shopping street)

Shikotsu-Tōya National Park ( A national park with mountains, volcanic caldera lakes, and a hot spring resort)

Otaru Dream Beach (A lively beach that is perfect for swimmers during summer)

Ashiribetsu Falls (A very pretty waterfall that looks more beautiful during winter when the water is frozen)

Best Dishes to Try in Sapporo

Miso Ramen: Miso Ramen is a unique type of ramen noodles made with a miso paste flavored broth, noodles, chicken stock, vegetables and other seasonings. It can be said that Miso Ramen defines the Sapporo cuisine.

Yaki Imo: Yaki Imo is basically roasted sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes are roasted in such a way that the outside is crispy and the inside is soft and sweet. There are many heath benefits of this dish, like, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Jingisukan: Jingisukan, also known as Genghis Khan, is a barbeque dish of grilled lamb or mutton. It is made by grilling sliced meat on a large dome-shaped metal griddle. Later on, the meat is topped with salt, pepper, and other seasonings, and is often cooked along with vegetables. It is often enjoyed with rice.

Zangi: You call it fried chicken, they call it Zangi in Japan. However, the process of making and flavor of Zangi is different than the frid chicken you usually taste. The chicken used for Zangi is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sake(Japanese alcohol), and ginger, which gives it a flavorful and slightly sweet taste.

How Long to Spend in Sapporo

I think you should spend a minimum of 2-3 days in Sapporo, which is the capital city of Hokkaido and is known for its natural beauty, delicious seafood, and winter sports. During this time, visit the city’s main tourist attractions, such as the Sapporo Clock Tower, the Sapporo Beer Museum, and the Odori Park, which is famous for its winter festival, the Sapporo Snow Festival.

Don’t forget to add Shiroi Koibito Park, a park dedicated to the famous white chocolate, and the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, which is the oldest zoo in Hokkaido to your Sapporo itinerary.

While on your trip to the city, keep in mind that Sapporo is also known for its delicious seafood, especially the famous sushi and seafood buffet, and its winter sports, such as skiing and snowboarding, which can be enjoyed at the Sapporo Teine Ski Resort.

11. Yokohama


When you are in Tokyo, a 30-minutes train ride to Yokohama will bring you no harm. And if you don’t have much time on your hands, you must still plan a day trip to Yokohama to check out its Chinatown, and interesting noodles museums! 

Yokohama is not much of a popular tourist destination, still, it is on this list because it is much different from other cities in Japan. It has a Chinatown where you will get to learn about the Chinese culture and then there are some really interesting museums that you won’t find in any other part of the globe.

Yokohama Chinatown (It is the largest Chinatown in Japan with Chinese-owned or themed shops and restaurants scattered throughout the district)

NYK Hikawamaru (A popular and historic museum ship)

Shin-Yokohama Rāmen Museum (A late 20th-century food court dedicated to the Japanese ramen noodle soup)

Cup Noodles Museum Yokohama (An interesting museum devoted to instant noodles and Cup Noodles and its creator and founder)

Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (A historical building now consisting of a shopping mall, banquet hall, and event venues)

Yokohama Doll Museum (A museum with different kinds of dolls and a theatre)

Yamashita Park (A beautiful public park renowned for its waterfront views of the Port of Yokohama)

Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise (A large amusement park featuring an aquarium, marina, hotel, shopping mall, and amusement rides)

Sankei-en (A traditional Japanese-style garden with historical buildings from the early 20th century)

Yokohama Park (A public park renowned for its tulips)

Best Dishes to Try in Yokohama

Goma Dango: Goma Dango:is a delicious desert made from glutinous rice flour and sesame seeds. It was originated in China, but it is very popular in Japan. It is is known for its simple and natural flavor that is infused in the small ball shaped deserts made of glutinous rice flour, sesame seeds and sugar.

Gyu Nabe: Gyu Nabe is a fusion of Japanese and Western cuisine. It is a hot pot dish made from beef and a variety of vegetables. It is often served in a pot full of flavorful broth that consists of a mixture of various seasonings.

Nikuman: Nikuman, in simple words, which is steamed pork bun is a widely popular food item in Japan. The buns are usually stuffed with a mixture of minced pork, vegetables, and different types of seasonings. Then they are steamed until they become soft and fluffy.

Sanmamen: Sanmamen, also known as the soul food of Yokohama, is a type of noodle dish that is made with Chinese noodles and a variety of ingredients, such as sliced fish, vegetables, and seasonings. The color of the noodle may differ based on the type of ingredients used.

How Long to Spend in Yokohama

Yokohama is a port city located south of Tokyo and is known for its rich history, delicious food, and modern attractions. You should plan a itinerary of at least 2-3 days in the city so that you can explore the the Minato Mirai 21 area, known for its modern architecture and shopping, the Yokohama Chinatown, the largest Chinatown in Japan, and the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse, a historical building that now houses a shopping and dining complex.

Also, if you can spare some more time, don’t forget to visit the Sankeien Garden, a traditional Japanese garden that features historical buildings, and the Yokohama Landmark Tower, the second tallest building in Japan and offers a great view of Yokohama and Tokyo.

Also, don’t forget to try the local Ramen and seafood, and observe the city’s rich history, which can be seen in the many museums and historical sites that are scattered throughout the city.


Nara , the first permanent capital of Japan, has so many Buddhist monasteries, some of the oldest and largest Japanese temples, palaces of the 8th-century emperors, and many historic treasures. Due to being a city of great political interest in the past, this city holds a lot of Japanese history. 

However, Nara is not only limited to temples and palaces. One of the most notable reasons for Nara being on this list of my favourite places to visit in Japan is its deers. The parks in this city have so many free-roaming deers that you will be mesmerized by their views. 

Tōdai-ji (It is one of the most famous and historically significant temples in Japan featuring the world’s largest bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana, known as Daibutsu in Japanese)

Mount Wakakusa (A beautiful mountain covered in grass)

Iga Ueno Castle (A Japanese castle with beautiful architecture and high-stone walls)

Nara Prefectural Museum (An art museum displaying around 4100 items and conducting special exhibitions)

Nara Park (A large park renowned for its popular temples, shrines, and free-roaming deer) 

Heijokyu Izanai-kan Guidance Center (An informational facility that provides necessary insight into the history of Nara Palace Site Historical Park, that is the Heijō Palace)

Heijō Palace (An 8th-century imperial residence)

Road Station Hari TRS (A large roadside rest area with a farmers’ market and a bathhouse featuring thermal springs)

Tenri University Sankōkan Museum (An archaeological museum that has around 280,000 ethnographic and archaeological objects from Japan and overseas)

Tale of Genji Museum (A museum dedicated to the early 11th-century Japanese classic novel “The Tale of Genji”. It displays projected images, models, and exhibitions related to the novel)

Best Dishes to Try in Nara

Miwa Somen: Miwa Somen is a specialty of Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture. It is a type of thin, white noodle dish with a delicate and unique texture. This dish is often served with a variety of dipping sauces and toppings, such as grated ginger, wasabi, and scallions, and are often accompanied by seasonal vegetables and other ingredients.

Kakigori: Kakigori is a popular ice desert made from flavored shaved ice and topped with syrup, condensed milk, fruit, or other sweet ingredients. It can be made in different flavors, such as strawberry, melon, raspberry, green tea,  red bean etc.

Narazuke pickles: Narazuke pickles is the specialy of Nara. It is made from various vegetables, such as eggplant, turnips, carrots, and daikon radish, that are pickled in a mixture of sake lees, soy sauce, and other seasonings. The unique aroma and sweetness of the pickles is praiseworthy.

How Long to Spend in Nara

Nara is a historic city located in the Kansai region of Japan and is known for its rich history, beautiful temples and shrines, and friendly deer population. Spending at least 2-3 days in the city would allow you to explore the Todai-ji Temple, home to the world’s largest bronze Buddha statue, the Kasuga-taisha Shrine, known for its beautiful lanterns, and the Nara Park, where you can interact with the friendly deer population.

However, if you have more time, spending a week or more in Nara would allow you to visit more of the area’s many temples, shrines, and other historical sites, such as the Horyu-ji Temple, the oldest wooden building in the world, and the Yakushi-ji Temple, known for its beautiful architecture and art.

Moreover, since, Nara is also known for its beautiful nature you can visit the Kasugayama Primeval Forest, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site and the Mt. Wakakusa, which offers a great view of the city and the surrounding area.


If you want to enjoy the best of Japan’s winter season, you must include Niseko in your Japan itinerary. It is a town located on the most northern island of Hokkaido , Japan. Niseko is the last one on this list of best places to visit in Japan because there isn’t much to see or do.

However, it’s the best place for skiing or snowboarding during winter and rafting or boating during summer.

Mount Yōtei (An active stratovolcano famous for resembling Mount Fuji)

Hangetsu Lake (A beautiful crescent-moon shaped lake surrounded by dense forest)

Niseko Annupuri Kokusai Ski Area (A popular ski resort good for both beginners and intermediates)

Shiribetsu River (A river perfect for rafting and boating during Summer)

Fukidashi Park (A relaxing and beautiful park famous for its pristine waters spring)

Niseko Village Nature Experience ground “Pure” (An outdoor park with a restaurant, golf, and other thrilling activities. A perfect place to enjoy an adventurous time during summer)

Niseko Kaributo Shrine (A Shinto shrine in Niseko with a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere)

Niseko View Plaza (A market with around 60 stalls selling local goods)

SOMOZA Gallery, Chefs table, Exhibition and Event Space (A 150-year-old Japanese farmhouse redesigned as a shop, gallery, cafe, fine dining and event space)

Stone Circle (A historical monument of stones arranged in a circle or ellipse)

Best Dishes to Try in Niseko

Seafood: Since Niseko is located on the coast of Hokkaido, so seafood is a staple of the local cuisine. From fresh sashimi to grilled seafood platters, there are a variety of delicious seafood dishes to try in Niseko. The seafood is always fresh and flavorful, making it a must-try for anyone visiting the area.

Jingisukan: I’ve mention about it earlier in the best dishes to try in Sapporo section. And I’m mentioning it here again cause it is equally popular in Niseko. It is a dish made by marinating mutton or lamb and then cooked on a hot plate and further served with vegetables, rice, and a variety of sauces.

Ramen: You all know about Ramen and it’s actually a very popular dish in Niseko. So, while you are in Niseko, do try out the Ramen.

How Long to Spend in Niseko

Niseko is a popular ski resort located on the island of Hokkaido, Japan and is known for its powdery snow and beautiful scenery.

In my opinion, you should spend 4-5 days in the area. This would allow you to enjoy the main attraction, which is skiing or snowboarding, and explore the various ski areas such as Niseko Grand Hirafu, Niseko Annupuri, Niseko Village and Niseko Hanazono.

Additionally, there are a variety of on-snow activities such as snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and backcountry tours that are available. Niseko also offers many après-ski activities such as dining, shopping and nightlife.

Some Etiquette to Follow in Japan

Japanese people

Japan is not only renowned for its technological advancement but also for its etiquette and manners. Japanese people are polite and hospitable. And there are a few sets of etiquette that they expect tourists to follow.

You just have to keep these manners in mind during your trip to Japan. You won’t be sentenced to death if you forget any of these, but it would make you look a bit odd in their eyes. So, let me tell you some of the most common and necessary etiquette that you must follow in Japan.  

  • Lay down your chopsticks and don’t stick them into your food.
  • Don’t wave your chopstick or point it toward anyone. Use the back end of your chopstick to pick food from a shared plate.
  • In public transport, give up your seat for pregnant, disabled, elderly, and women with small children.
  • Outdoor smoking is prohibited in Japan. You can smoke only in the designated areas.
  • Don’t eat or drink while walking. This habit is frowned upon in Japan.
  • Before entering anyone’s home in Japan, take off your shoes.
  • Japanese taxi doors are automatic. When entering or coming out of a taxi, wait for the driver to open the door for you.
  • Tipping is not common in Japan. Still, if you wish to tip a waiter, put the money inside an envelope and hand it to the person respectfully with two hands. 
  • Avoid talking loudly or making unnecessary noise in public places.

Best Time to Visit Japan

Best time to visit japan

The best time to visit Japan depends on the reasons why you are visiting the country. Are you going there to check out the cherry blossoms? Or do you want to hike the mountains? Or do you want to have some adventurous time skiing or snowboarding? Let me help you choose your best time to visit Japan based on different attractions and activities.

Cherry Blossoms: Spring and Autumn are the best times to check out cherry blossoms and beautiful red leaves. So, if you are going to Japan to enjoy its natural beauty, plan your trip for March-May or September-November.

Hiking: The summer season is the best time to go for hiking adventures in Japan. For this, you can plan your trip for June-August. There are many mountains in Japan. You don’t need to be a pro-level hiker to climb those. So, even if you have never hiked before, you can start your hiking adventure on your Japan trip.

Skiing/Snowboarding: From December-February, the northern part of Japan is well lit with festivals and joyous occasions. As it is Winter in Japan during these months, you can also enjoy skiing or snowboarding other than the interesting festivals. Skiing in Japan is beginner-friendly, so why not give it a try?

Viewing Mount Fuji: It’s very rare to see the magnanimous Mount Fuji. The highest chances of seeing the vast mountain are during the months November-February. But it entirely depends on the weather. Some people despite visiting Japan during these months didn’t get to enjoy the views of Mount Fuji due to clouds.

I hope by now you have planned your Japan itinerary with all the best places to visit in Japan. Every place in Japan is different from the other. Especially the places that I’ve mentioned shouldn’t be missed by any tourist travelling to Japan.

Don’t forget to comment below and let us know about the places that you are going to add to your Japan itinerary. Have a fun journey!

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25 Most Beautiful Places in Japan

Ask anyone who has visited, and they'll tell you: Japan is easily one of the most stunning places in the world. The country offers a full range of nature and culture, from subtropical beaches to snowy mountains, futuristic skylines to ancient temples. And while you could spend a lifetime exploring all of the splendidly whimsical islands and cities , we suggest you start with this list.

Image may contain Plant and Bamboo

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan

Image may contain Gate Torii and Building

Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima

Image may contain Outdoors Scenery Nature Landscape Aerial View Mountain Mountain Range Art and Painting

Mt. Yoshino

Image may contain Animal Bird Swan and Flock

Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido

Hokkaido, Japan

This image may contain Flagstone Path Walkway Corridor Human Person Sidewalk and Pavement

Gion Geisha District, Kyoto

Image may contain Human Person Plant Grass Purple Flower and Blossom

Ashikaga Flower Park, Ashigaka

Image may contain Building Architecture Temple Worship Shrine Gate and Torii

Fushimi Inari-Taisha, Kyoto

Image may contain Animal Wildlife Mammal Antelope Outdoors Nature Field Deer and Grassland

Meguro River, Tokyo

Image may contain Housing House Building Cottage Nature Outdoors Tree Plant Fir Abies and Countryside

Shirakawa-go Village

Image may contain Building Architecture Temple Pagoda Shrine and Worship

Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine and Nachi Falls, Wakayama Prefecture

Image may contain Human Pedestrian Person City Town Urban Building Downtown Architecture Metropolis and Crowd

Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo

Image may contain Nature Scenery Outdoors Landscape Plant and Grass

Blue Pond, Hokkaido

Image may contain Architecture Building Temple Pagoda Shrine Worship Housing Monastery and Castle

Himeji Castle

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Ocean Water Sea Shoreline Land Coast Human Person Cave Cove and Beach

Miyako-jima, Okinawa

Image may contain Plant Tree Tree Trunk Fir Abies and Grass

Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo

Image may contain Wood Plywood Lumber and Rug

Benesse Art Site, Naoshima

Image may contain Building Architecture Temple Nature Worship Shrine Outdoors Pagoda and Water

Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion), Kyoto

Image may contain Indoors Room Library Book and Furniture

Tama Art University Library, Tokyo

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Field Grassland Countryside Paddy Field and Rural

Oyama Rice Terrace, Kamogawa

This image may contain Mountain Range Mountain Outdoors Nature Peak Light Flare and Scenery

Hitsujiyama Park, Chichibu

Image may contain Nature Ice Outdoors Mountain Snow and Glacier

Bioluminescent Rocks, Okayama

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Ice Fir Tree Abies Plant Snow and Frost

Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto

Image may contain Soil Sand Outdoors Nature Dune Human Person and Desert

Tottori Sand Dunes

5 best places to visit in japan

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17 Best Places to Visit in Japan

By Becky Griswold · Last updated on June 21, 2024

Japan is quickly becoming one of the top travel destinations in the world. More and more people are traveling to the island nation every year, lured by the promise of fresh sushi, amazing train rides, safe cities, intriguing traditions, and quirky pop culture. But there’s more to Japan than cat and robot cafes; its many islands are surprisingly easy to travel around and well connected by railways, ferries and bus services.

Japan is a warm, welcoming and endlessly interesting travel destination with something for everyone. Learn about Ainu culture in the cold, snow-coated northern island of Hokkaido and discover the often forgotten Ryukyu culture in the tropical islands of Okinawa.

Some of the most popular places to visit in Japan can be found in the Edo capital of Kyoto with its ancient wonders. Embark on temple pilgrimages in Shikoku, explore the peaceful streets of Hiroshima or get lost in the never-ending glittering delights in the buzzing streets of Tokyo.

17. Kinosaki Onsen

Kinosaki Onsen

Famed for its fabulous hot springs, Kinosaki has been a popular onsen town since the eighth century. Set just inland from the Sea of Japan, its numerous bathhouses and traditional inns lie in the Kansai region of south-central Honshu.

Now considered to be part of the city of Toyooka, the small town is bisected by a lovely willow-lined canal, while the Maruyama River passes nearby on its way to the sea. In total, there are seven public onsen bathhouses for visitors to try out; their warm waters are reputed to have healing properties. With elaborate interiors, fine architecture, and pretty gardens, the hot springs are the main reason that people visit Kinosaki.

Staying in a ryokan is a quintessential part of this experience, and lots of the traditional inns can be found around town. In addition, Kinosaki also has lots of shops, cafes and restaurants that sell local handicrafts and tasty delicacies with the town being mainly known for its fresh seafood.

16. Naoshima


Surrounded by the sparkling waters of the Seto Inland Sea, the idyllic island of Naoshima lies between the main Japanese islands of Honshu and Shikoku. Due to its lovely scenery, fantastic contemporary art museums, and numerous outdoor sculptures , it is a very popular tourist destination.

Before being chosen as the location for the Benesse Art Site in the late 80s, Naoshima was home to a dwindling fishing community. The Benesse corporation based in nearby Okayama then set up some world-class art galleries , such as the Chichu Art Museum and Benesse House Museum. Set amid some sublime scenery, these exhibit some exquisite architecture and house important art collections, while innovative outdoor installations are also scattered around the island.

While there is not all that much to do in the town of the same name, Naoshima certainly has enough arresting art, architecture, and scenery to keep visitors entertained. Thanks to the Benesse project’s success, art museums and installations have also popped up on the other islands lying nearby.

15. Shirakawa-go and Gokayama

Shirakawa-go and Gokayama

Lying amid majestic mountains with sweeping valleys and verdant forests all around, Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama are two of the prettiest villages in the whole of Japan. Famed for their spectacular settings and traditional thatched-roof farmhouses, they count among central Honshu’s most popular tourist attractions.

While this means they can get quite crowded, particularly during Golden Week and the cherry blossom season , the villages really are a treat to visit. This is because the distinctive gassho-zukuri buildings that look so stunning surrounded by fertile farmland and magnificent nature lend them a very charming, peaceful and rustic feel.


Besides taking in the incredible scenery and historic farmhouses, visitors can check out the Jim Homura Art Museum, buy some local handicrafts, and stay in a traditional ryokan inn . In addition to this, the mountains and forests surrounding Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama are home to scenic hiking trails, twinkling waterfalls, and breathtaking viewpoints.


Lying at the heart of one of the most populated metropolitan areas in the world, Osaka is set on the shores of Osaka Bay and is surrounded by more than ten satellite cities. The sprawling metropolis is the third-largest in Japan and has long been a major economic hub and important financial center.

While its endless concrete jungle is not all that pretty to look at, Osaka is considered the best place to eat, drink and party in Japan. Much of its nightlife is centered around the neon-lit Dotonbori district , which boasts plenty of restaurants, bars, and entertainment options. For shopping, Shinsaibashi is the place to go; endless department stores, boutiques, and malls line the covered shopping street.

Osaka Castle

Although most people visit for its thriving culinary scene and nightlife, Osaka does have some interesting historical sights and landmarks that are worth checking out.

Its reconstructed castle , for instance, lies in a lovely park in the city center, while the Umeda Sky Building and Tsutenkaku tower count among its most recognizable sights. In addition, it boasts Sumiyoshi Shrine and Shitennoji Temple – two of the oldest religious sites in Japan.

13. Kiso Valley

Kiso Valley

Once part of the historic Nakasendo trade route connecting Kyoto to Edo (present-day Tokyo), Kiso Valley is home to several charming old post stations as well as lovely scenery. Coated in thick forest and surrounded by steep mountains, the valley is centered around the Kiso River and lies in Nagano Prefecture in Central Japan.

Due to its well-preserved historical sights and dramatic mountain scenery , the valley is now a very popular tourist destination. One of its most famous and scenic stretches lies between the two Edo period post towns of Magome and Tsumago; many people choose to hike from one to the other. After strolling through verdant forests and crossing bubbling streams, there are plenty of atmospheric old buildings for you to take in and cozy ryokans for you to stay at.

Kiso Valley also has the charming post town of Nagai for visitors to check out, as well as delightful hiking trails that weave through the surrounding landscape.

12. Koya-san


Located just to the south of Osaka in Wakayama Prefecture, Koya-san is primarily known as being the center of Shingon Buddhism . Edged by eight prominent peaks, the gorgeous mount is home to an abundance of temples, shrines and pagodas, as well as pristine nature and scenery.

First settled all the way back in 819 CE, the original monastery has since grown to include over 120 temples. Of these, Kongobu-ji , the head temple, is undoubtedly the most important and impressive with its centuries-old ceremonial halls, traditional buildings, and idyllic rock garden . Konpon Daito is also worth visiting for its lovely pagoda – as is the large and atmospheric graveyard of Okunoin.

While many people visit Koya-san as a day trip from Osaka , staying over and sleeping in one of the temples is an amazing way to experience monastic life on the mount. Besides visiting its numerous sacred sites and historic temples and shrines, there are loads of wonderful hikes you can do around the surrounding mountains and forests.

11. Ishigaki


Located west of Okinawa, Ishigaki is Japan’s premier beach destination and makes a good base to explore the other islands in the Yaeyama archipelago . Blessed with Japan’s best beaches , it is particularly popular with families since the beaches at Fusaki and Maezato are net-protected.

Located 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) south of Tokyo, Ishigaki may not have the shrines and temples that other Japanese cities have, but it does have an exuberant nightlife for visitors who have the energy after a day of beachcombing, water sports or climbing Mount Nosoko.

10. Miyajima


One of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, the small island of Miyajima lies in the northwest of Hiroshima Bay , surrounded by the Seto Inland Sea. Besides boasting one of the famed ‘Three Views of Japan,’ it is also home to some lovely scenery and a number of temples and shrines.

Miyajima – or ‘Shrine Island’ – is just the popular nickname for the island of Itsukushima, which has long been considered a holy place. Dominating its interior are the scenic and sacred slopes of Mount Misen , where you can find various Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and a fantastic five-story pagoda. Its gentle hills and lush forests make for some excellent hiking, and you’ll often come across tame deer wandering freely around the island.

Miyajima’s main attraction, however, is the ‘floating’ torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine that lies just off its shores. One of the most renowned and recognizable sights in Japan, it makes for some fabulous photos and attracts hordes of tourists every year.

9. Kanazawa


Located in the northwest of Ishikawa Prefecture, the historic city of Kanazawa lies between the wild waters of the Sea of Japan and the towering Japanese Alps. Long overlooked due to its remote setting, it is an increasingly popular destination and boasts a rich history, culture and heritage.

In the center of the city, you can find a fantastic centuries-old castle to explore, as well as charming and well-preserved samurai and geisha districts. Their narrow alleys are lined by traditional houses, cosy tea shops, and a number of atmospheric temples and shrines. Kanazawa is also home to some great museums and the busy Omicho Market, renowned for its fresh seafood.

Its most famous attraction is the lovingly landscaped Kenroku-en, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful gardens in Japan. Wonderful to visit at any time of year, it is home to a huge variety of trees and plants, with scenic ponds, bridges, and stone lanterns on display.

8. Hiroshima


Hiroshima, located on Honshu Island, is younger than many Japanese cities, less than 500 years old, but its fate was forever sealed in history on August 6, 1945, when it became the first city in the world to have an atomic bomb dropped on it.

Although more than 60 percent of the buildings in Hiroshima were destroyed, the city has managed to make an amazing recovery since that devastating blast. In fact, by 1974, the city had actually managed to double its pre-war population, and it has also become a popular tourist destination.


One of the most popular attractions in this city is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, which was created in memory of all those who lost their lives or were injured by the atomic bomb. This large park is home to several interesting sites, including the Peace Memorial Museum where visitors can see the effect the bomb had on the citizens of Hiroshima.

Another must-see tourist site is the great Torii , a wooden shrine gateway that appears to be floating in the sea at high tide. The Torii is located on nearby Miyajima Island.

7. Kamakura


Set on the scenic shores of Sagami Bay, with forest-coated hills surrounding it, Kamakura is a top-rated destination and lies just an hour-long train ride to the south of Tokyo . As it was once the capital of Japan, the coastal city is home to many important landmarks and a plethora of beautiful temples and shrines.

Its defining symbol and most famous sight is the Great Buddha of Kamakura , which is 13.35 meters high. Made out of bronze, the mighty figure towers over its surroundings and is one of the city’s most famed and photographed attractions. The large Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine also attracts crowds of visitors, as do the pretty and peaceful zen temples of Kenchoji and Engakuji.

Surfing near Enoshima

While Kamakura certainly has a lot of interesting historical and cultural sights on offer, the center of the city also boasts lots of fantastic shops and eateries. Many people also come to go hiking amidst its stunning nature or to enjoy sunbathing, swimming or surfing at one of its beautiful beaches.


Located at the entrance to Nikko National Park , Nikko is set in a spectacular spot amid the mountains, with lush forests lying around it. Besides being famed for its scenery, the city boasts a wealth of important Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples and is located in Tochigi Prefecture.

Impressively, Nikko is home to two mausoleums of Tokugawa Shoguns ; these can be found at the extensive and extravagant Tosho-gu complex. Surrounded by towering cedars, the site showcases wonderful Edo-era architecture, with countless shrines, temples, and pagodas.

Nikko Shrine

While the complex is undoubtedly Nikko’s main attraction , two of its most famous and photographed sights are the centuries-old Shinkyo Bridge and twinkling Kegon Falls, both of which are rightfully lauded for their beauty.

In addition to this, many people visit Nikko for the lovely nature and scenery surrounding it. Tucked away among its endless mountains and forests, you can find sparkling waterfalls and lakes , as well as bubbling streams and boiling hot springs. Very easy to visit from Tokyo, all of Nikko’s historical, cultural, and scenic sights lie just a two-hour train journey from the nation’s capital.

5. Takayama


Nestled away among the northern Japanese Alps of Central Honshu, the small city of Takayama is a very picturesque place. Famed for its traditional townscape, stunning riverside setting, and unique culture and customs, it is fast becoming one of the region’s most popular attractions .

In its well-preserved historic quarter, visitors can find lots of exquisite architecture dating to the Edo period , as well as little sake breweries, boutiques, and fantastic old merchants’ homes. Shrines, temples and museums abound in Takayama, while numerous morning markets can be found near to the river.

floating puppet festival.

At the Hida Folk Village , you can watch artisans make local handicrafts and wander around a recreated mountain village, full of traditional thatched-roof farmhouses.

Due to its isolated setting, Takayama developed its own rich culture and traditions, as evidenced by the two famous festivals of Sanno Matsuri and Yahata Matsuri. During the festivities, large and lavishly decorated floats parade through the city, which is magically lit up by lanterns. Many people visit during the festivals for the lively ambience and atmosphere.


Boasting beautiful mountain scenery, relaxing hot springs, and a number of world-class art museums, Hakone is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. Located just a short train ride to the southwest of Tokyo, the town lies on the shores of tranquil Lake Ashi, with the iconic Mount Fuji rising in the distance.

A pleasant and picturesque place, Hakone is home to many lonsens and ryokans, so visiting one of the bathhouses and staying in a traditional inn is a must when in town. In addition, exquisite sculptures and artworks can be found in its numerous galleries and museums, while small shops and boutiques sell locally made handicrafts.

shira-ito waterfalls

One of the most popular things to do is take a boat ride on one of the pirate ships that sail around Lake Ashi . From aboard their decks, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the lake’s stunning scenery and majestic Mount Fuji in the distance.

While Hakone can get quite crowded, especially during weekends and holidays, Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park has loads of peaceful hiking trails for you to explore if you want to escape the crowds.

Nara Deer

Nara, once known as Heijo, was the first permanent capital of Japan, established in 710. The capital was moved to Nagaoka in 784 when the government was threatened by powerful Buddhist monasteries. Located less than an hour from Kyoto , the city boasts a plethora of important and impressive historic sights, with countless temples and shrines.

Most of its main attractions can be found in the gorgeous, green Nara Park , also home to the city’s multitude of tame deer that amble about asking tourists for food. Here you’ll find the multi-storey pagodas of Kofuku-ji and splendid stone lanterns of Kasuga Taisha, as well as a couple of lovingly landscaped Japanese gardens.


The highlight, however, is Todai-ji Temple with its awe-inspiring architecture and enormous Great Buddha.

Besides its plethora of well-preserved historic buildings , Nara has a couple of excellent museums for visitors to check out, as well as the charming old merchant district of Naramachi. With so much history, art, and architecture on show, the former capital is certainly not to be missed out on.


Kyoto today is the capital only of Kyoto prefecture, but it once served as the imperial capital of Japan for more than 1,000 years. If you’re interested in catching a glimpse of old Japan , Kyoto should definitely be on your itinerary.

Because of its historical significance, this city was largely spared much of the destructive bombing that occurred throughout the rest of Japan during World War II.


Located on central Honshu Island, this city of 1.5 million people, also boasts more than 1,000 temples and shrines, including one of the most photographed, the Golden Pavilion . In addition to the large number of religious structures, Kyoto is home to gorgeous Nijo Castle , the former residence of the Tokugawa shoguns.

Higashiyama, a well-preserved historic district and Gion, Kyoto’s famous geisha district are also must-visit attractions . But Kyoto is not just about history, this city also boasts a world-class aquarium and for fun, you can learn how to become a Japanese assassin at the Ninja Training Dojo.


Travelers who like to mingle with people will love Tokyo. The Japanese capital’s metropolitan area is the most populous in the world. From viewing spring cherry blossoms in traditional gardens to the fish market at Tuskiji. Tokyo blends the ancient with the new, from shrines to karaoke bars.

It’s hard to be bored in frenetic, fast-paced Tokyo where even a walk down the streets can be interesting. This city’s Shibuya intersection , for example, is famous for its controlled mob crossing. Another interesting neighborhood in Tokyo is Harajuku, known throughout the world for its amazing street fashion, including but definitely not limited to goth-Lolitas, punk or kawaii schoolgirls.

Ueno Park

Tokyo is also home to several world-class museums and numerous shrines, including the most famous, the Meiji Shrine, and Sensoji Temple, one of its oldest.

Then there is the Tsukiji Fish Market . In most cities, a fish market wouldn’t be a tourist attraction, but this is the world’s busiest and largest, and it also happens to be on the itinerary of just about every visitor to Tokyo. Plus, it is one of the best places on the planet to get extremely fresh sushi. One caveat, because you’ll be visiting the fish market early in the morning, you’ll be having your sushi for breakfast.

Other interesting attractions in Tokyo include the Imperial Palace, the residence of the emperor, and Tokyo Tower. Fortunately, getting around Tokyo is easy as this city boasts a large and relatively easy-to-use transit system. If you have the time, you’ll definitely want to consider taking a day trip to beautiful Mount Fuji.

Map of Japan

Map of Places to Visit in Japan

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Beautiful Castles in Japan

12 Most Beautiful Castles in Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

7 Best Day Trips from Kyoto

Best Things to do in Nara

11 Best Things to do in Nara, Japan

Reader interactions.

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July 31, 2019 at 7:26 pm

The article helped me a lot to gain information about the places. The map marked with the places from article made the work easy to know about the locations. Where to stay option was unique and will surely help while visiting there. Thank you for this amazing article.

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June 1, 2018 at 12:48 pm

Hiroshima, but not Miyajima?

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March 20, 2017 at 7:52 am

List is really fascinating, How much time would be needed to visit all the above mentioned places. planning a visit in november this year.

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June 17, 2016 at 8:29 am

Been to Kyoto, Nara, Kamakura and Tokyo in the list. Really really love how you guys have ranked the top 10 by “areas” because most other websites ranks by “attractions” which really frustrates me.

I’ve been to Japan twice and I already visited the popular ones that people usually goes to like Osaka, Mt Fuji and Nagoya. I’m planning a third trip with the intention of visiting other areas like Takayama and Kanazawa but it’s really hard to find websites introducing the less visited areas. So REALLY REALLY LIKE how the less visited places were also included.

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December 11, 2015 at 5:32 am

I have only been to 3 of the places mentioned,but many many others not mentioned. For me Kyoto beats,Tokyo and Nara…but then I have spent much more time in Kyoto and find it easy to get around.

Kyoto has so many beautiful temples,shrines and gardens and it is a relaxing place to walk around. I suppose a feature here is the Gion area,in the CBD,where you will certainly see the Maiko walking around in kimono, adding that special touch of old Japan. Of course, you find Tokyo exciting and Nara is well worth a visit;especially as it is so close to Kyoto. Visit all 3 if you can.

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May 16, 2015 at 8:36 am

Japan, the only asian country in G7, great country also friendly people

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15 Top Places to Visit in Japan: The Ultimate Japan Travel Guide

Chureito Pagoda with sakura and a view of Mt. Fuji in Japan

Japan is a land of beauty and mystery, packed with dazzling vistas just waiting to be explored.

From the vibrant cities of Tokyo and Osaka to the mystical forests, Japan has something for all travelers looking to satisfy their wanderlust. It’s no wonder why so many people flock here each year in search of adventure.

Like an undiscovered gem tucked away in the corner of Asia, discovering the hidden gems that lie within Japanese borders can feel like uncovering buried treasure!

Whether you’re a culture-seeking explorer or nature enthusiast looking for outdoor escapades, there are plenty of places in Japan to fit your travel style. From ancient shrines nestled deep in ancient woodlands, sprawling metropolises dripping with modern-day extravagance, and faraway islands dotted with secret beaches – this country provides countless opportunities for discovery.

So if you’re ready to explore some of Japan’s finest attractions, then buckle up and join us on our journey as we reveal some of the most stunning places to visit in one of Asia’s most captivating countries!

Attention Passengers: This post contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you click and make a purchase. These commissions help us to keep creating high-quality travel content for our readers. We only affiliate with brands that we vet and truly recommend.

Best for immersive cultural experiences and urban exploration

Places to visit:

  • Tokyo Tower
  • Meiji Jingu Shrine
  • Sensō-ji Temple
  • Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden

5 best places to visit in japan

Ah, Tokyo. Where to start? It’s a city that pulses with life and energy – the perfect place for those seeking freedom in their travels. From its bustling streets to its iconic Mount Fuji view, there is something to capture everyone’s attention here.

One of my personal favorite places to visit in Tokyo is Ueno Park. This sprawling park houses many Shinto shrines and temples that are sure to take your breath away. There are also numerous historical sites here that offer insight into Japan’s rich culture and history. For those looking for a more modern experience, the nearby shopping streets of Tokyo will satisfy even the most discerning shopper!

If you’re ready to explore one of Asia’s greatest cities, then look no further than Tokyo! Here you’ll find all sorts of attractions from traditional Japanese gardens, famous views of Mount Fuji, incredible cuisine, and plenty of nightlife hotspots too. Whether it be sightseeing or getting lost exploring the many alleyways – this city has something for everyone who seeks adventure and freedom on their travels!

Pro Travel Tip : Purchase a Suica or Pasmo card for convenient and cashless payment on public transportation and vending machines.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Tokyo : Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo

5 best places to visit in japan

Best for experiencing traditional Japanese culture and history
  • Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine
  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple
  • Arashiyama Bamboo Grove
  • Gion District

Map of Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto – the beating heart of traditional Japan.

This city is a must-see for any traveler looking to explore Japanese history and culture. From Buddhist temples to Nara Park, Kyoto has something for everyone. What sets this area apart from other cities in Japan? Well, simply put, there’s an unparalleled sense of ancient charm here that you won’t find anywhere else.

For starters, take a stroll through one of its many beautiful Japanese gardens or visit some of the renowned shrines and temples – like Kiyomizu Temple – which is steeped in centuries-old traditions and beliefs. No matter where you wander, it feels as though time stands still in Kyoto – making it the perfect place to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

You’d be hard-pressed not to fall in love with everything Kyoto has to offer: from its stunning architecture to its tranquil atmosphere. It truly is a remarkable destination for anyone who wants to get away from their daily grind and experience what authentic Japanese culture really looks like.

Pro Travel Tip : Visit the Fushimi Inari Shrine early in the morning to avoid crowds and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the shrine’s thousands of torii gates.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Kyoto : Kyoto Brighton Hotel

Osaka castle at the season change of autumn in Japan

Best known for Japan’s vibrant food culture and lively nightlife
  • Osaka Castle
  • Dotonbori District
  • Shitennoji Temple
  • Umeda Sky Building
  • Universal Studios Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

Osaka is a bustling metropolis, like an electric current running through the veins of Japan. From its iconic hot springs to Osaka Castle and the unforgettable cherry blossom season that paints the city pink every spring – this place will take your breath away!

The energy of Osaka is palpable from the moment you step off the train. If Kyoto is where ancient Japan lives, then Osaka is modern-day Japan at its best. It’s no wonder why so many people flock here for its unique combination of traditional elements blended with pulsing nightlife and incredible food culture.

Take a stroll along Dotonbori Canal adorned by neon signs, find yourself immersed in history between the grand gates of Osaka castle, or immerse yourself in some profound relaxation as steam rises from the area’s famous hot springs – there’s something for everyone!

During sakura season make sure to grab a seat underneath one of the thousands of cherry blossom trees that line up all over town; just be ready to share their beauty with hundreds of visitors who come around each year.

Pro Travel Tip : Visit Dotonbori at night for a bustling street food scene and to see the iconic neon lights, including the famous Glico Running Man sign.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Osaka :

4. Hiroshima

Miyajima Shrine Gate in Hiroshima, Japan with an organge sunrise.

Best for historical and cultural travelers
  • Peace Memorial Park
  • Hiroshima Castle
  • Itsukushima Shrine
  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

map of Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima is the stuff of dreams – a place so beautiful and serene, it can make your heart skip a beat! It’s one of Japan’s most important cities, with an incredibly rich history. From Himeji Castle to Matsumoto Castle to Nagoya Castle, there are plenty of amazing sites for visitors to explore.

The city itself is steeped in culture and tradition; from its unique cuisine to its vibrant festivals, Hiroshima offers something for everyone. The locals are warm and welcoming, making it easy for travelers to feel at home here.

Not only that but you’ll be able to visit some of Japan’s most iconic landmarks as well. Whether it’s strolling along the Atomic Bomb Dome or spending time atop Miyajima Island, there’s no shortage of things to do in this incredible city.

Experience Japanese hospitality firsthand while exploring all the wonders that this historical city has to offer. You won’t regret taking the time out of your day to discover everything that makes Hiroshima such a special destination – from its unique sights and sounds to its delicious food and friendly people.

Pro Travel Tip : Take a ferry ride to Miyajima Island to see the iconic “floating” torii gate and friendly deer.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Hiroshima :

5 best places to visit in japan

Best known for ancient temples, shrines, and roaming deer
  • Kasuga Taisha shrine
  • Hōryū-ji Temple

5 best places to visit in japan

What an incredible coincidence that I’d be in Nara, Japan during its famous Cherry Blossom Season! It’s no wonder why this historic city is a must-visit destination for many.

There is so much to explore and discover here, from the original castles to its vibrant culture and scenery. Here are several things you can do while visiting Nara:

Get lost in the magical gardens of Nara Park – it was once used as a hunting ground by Emperor Tenmu in 672 A.D., but today it’s home to over 1200 Sika deer which have become symbols of peace and tranquility.

Experience traditional Japanese architecture at Todaiji Temple – built in 752 A.D., this temple houses one of the largest bronze statues ever made! Make sure to take a few photos or even selfies with the resident deer who live around the area.

Take a boat ride down the Yoshikigawa River – this river runs through some of Japan’s most beautiful landscapes and provides breathtaking views along your journey. Plus, there’s nothing quite like experiencing life on the water!

Visit Kasuga Taisha Shrine for stunning cherry blossom displays– This shrine is said to be founded by Fujiwara Tamakata when he visited Mt Mikasa in 768 A.D.. Every February and March thousands flock here to see their iconic weeping cherry trees bloom into full glory– definitely worth seeing if you’re lucky enough to visit during these months!

It goes without saying that there are countless other attractions worth exploring in this ancient city –from temples, shrines, museums, restaurants, and more — making Nara one of those places where there is truly is something everyone will enjoy doing!

Pro Travel Tip : Bring some deer crackers to feed the friendly deer, but be prepared for them to follow you around looking for more!

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Nara :

Hakone Shrine in Japan with traveler standing under with an umbrella

Best for Mount Fuji views, hot springs, and scenic hiking trails
  • Hakone Open-Air Museum
  • Hakone Shrine
  • Owakudani Valley

5 best places to visit in japan

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find that Hakone is exactly what your heart desires.”

The small town of Hakone, nestled in the shadows of majestic Mount Fuji and near Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, offers a traveler an incomparable combination of relaxation and exploration.

Hakone’s landscape is one to behold; Lake Ashi glimmers with its glassy surface while Kegon Falls roar like thunder from their cascading majesty. Whether it be by foot or cable car, exploring this area will make the adventurous heart swell with delight.

With hot springs for soothing aching muscles, shrines and temples offering spiritual solace, and nature trails granting access to breathtaking vistas – there are plenty of opportunities for travelers to immerse themselves in all that Hakone has to offer!

From savoring traditional Japanese cuisine at local eateries to enjoying some karaoke at nightlife hotspots – no matter what type of experience you’re looking for, Hakone won’t disappoint. For those who seek adventure tinged with culture and history – look no further than this remarkable destination which marries beauty with tranquility.

Pro Travel Tip : Consider purchasing a Hakone Freepass for unlimited access to the area’s transportation options, including buses, trains, and cable cars.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Hakone :

5 best places to visit in japan

Best known for its Winder Festival and Japan’s oldest brewery
  • Sapporo Clock Tower
  • Sapporo Beer Museum
  • Mount Moiwa

5 best places to visit in japan

Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido and home to one of Japan’s most famous beers, is a great destination for anyone looking for an adventure.

On one hand, it has all the trappings of a bustling city – nightlife, shopping districts, and delicious food. But on the other hand, you can escape into nature with nearby Nikko National Park or even venture further out to Ishigaki Island or Miyajima Island.

If you’re in Sapporo during wintertime, don’t miss out on visiting their world-famous Snow Festival that takes over the city every year! This event draws crowds from around the globe who come to marvel at some amazing sculptures made entirely out of snow.

Even if you’re not visiting then, there are plenty of ski resorts close by where you can hit the slopes and get your fill of winter sports.

No matter what time of year it is though, Sapporo offers something special for everyone: those who want to explore its culture and party scene as well as those who just want to take in beautiful views of nature. It’s no wonder this vibrant metropolis continues to draw visitors from near and far!

Pro Travel Tip : When visiting Sapporo in the winter, be sure to bundle up and visit the Snow Festival to see stunning ice sculptures and enjoy local food and drinks.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Sapporo :

8. Kanazawa

 Japanese Geisha at Higashi-Chaya-gai - Geisha District in Kanazawa, Japan

Best known for gardens, historic geisha, and samurai districts
  • Kenroku-en Garden
  • Kanazawa Castle
  • Higashi Chaya District
  • Myoryu-ji Temple

Map of Kanazawa, Japan

Kanazawa is a destination that should be at the top of any traveler’s list. This beautiful capital city, located on Japan’s Kyushu Island, offers visitors stunning gardens and incredible cultural experiences.

The Kenroku-en Garden in Kanazawa is one of its most popular attractions. It’s said to be one of the three greatest landscape gardens in all of Japan—and you can see why when you take in its beauty.

The garden consists of various structures connected by pathways, ponds and streams, which are surrounded by an array of cherry blossom trees. Even if it’s not springtime during your visit, this place will still leave you mesmerized with its vibrant colors and sculptures tucked away among nature.

And don’t forget about the city itself! You’ll find many traditional shops here selling local delicacies like gold leaf sushi—a must-try for anyone visiting Kanazawa. There are also plenty of nightlife opportunities as well as temples and shrines to explore throughout the city where you can learn more about Japanese culture firsthand while capturing some amazing photos along the way.

Kanazawa truly has something for everyone who visits; from breathtaking gardens to endless cultural experiences – there’s no shortage of exploration or entertainment here. So make sure this destination is firmly planted on your travel itinerary!

Pro Travel Tip : Don’t miss Kenroku-en, one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens, and Omicho Market, a food lover’s paradise filled with fresh seafood and local specialties.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Kanazawa :

9. Nagasaki

5 best places to visit in japan

Best known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage
  • Atomic Bomb Museum
  • Nagasaki Peace Park
  • Glover Garden
  • Oura Catholic Church

map illustration of Nagasaki in Japan

Nagasaki, located in the far southern part of Japan, is one of the most fascinating cities to visit.

It was once a major port for foreign traders and merchants, receiving over 10 million visitors per year! Today it’s known as an important hub for culture, history, and tradition; what’s more, this city also has many great landmarks that make it worth visiting.

Nagasaki is famously home to the northernmost island in all of Japan – Goto Islands. This archipelago offers stunning views with its sandy beaches and mountainside scenery along with plenty of activities such as fishing, diving and kayaking.

On top of this you can explore the historical sites like Oura Cathedral or catch a glimpse of international cultures at Dejima Island where Portuguese traders used to reside centuries ago. Not to mention their local delicacies which include everything from sushi to tempura!

Whether you’re looking for adventure or just want to take in some incredible sights and sounds Nagasaki will not disappoint. From old-style temples and shrines surrounded by nature to the vibrant nightlife, there’s something here everyone can enjoy. Plus, being able to experience both urban life and rural serenity makes Nagasaki truly unique compared to other Japanese cities.

If you ever find yourself in Japan be sure to check out this amazing place – you won’t regret it!

Pro Travel Tip : Take a cable car to the top of Mount Inasa to enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its harbor.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Nagasaki :

10. Takayama

TAKAYAMA, JAPAN - MARCH 26 Unidentified people at Sannomachi Street, the old town area which has museums and old private houses, some survive from Edo period on March 26, 2012 in Takayama, Japan. — Photo by cowardlion

Best known for its traditional town and local festivals
  • Old Town (Sanmachi Suji)
  • Takayama Jinya
  • Hida Folk Village
  • Matsuri no Mori Museum

5 best places to visit in japan

Takayama is a charming city, located in the heart of Japan’s Hida region. It’s an ideal destination for those seeking to bask in natural beauty and experience traditional culture.

Here, you will be able to find a myriad of delightful attractions that make Takayama worth visiting:

  • Visit its old town district, Sanmachi Suji, which is full of ancient merchant homes that are over 300 years old!
  • Explore the Hida Minzoku Mura Folk Village and take part in activities such as weaving with locals.
  • Marvel at one of Japan’s most stunning festivals – the Takayama Festival – where floats parade through the streets.

Step into Takayama and step back in time; from the wooden houses perched atop winding cobbled lanes to Buddhist temples nestled among lush forests, here lies a place steeped in history and tradition like no other. You can wander along small alleyways lined with shrines or visit local markets brimming with unique delicacies.

From exploring artisanal breweries to tasting some of Japan’s finest sake — there’s something for everyone in this exquisite city. Takayama has all the ingredients needed for an unforgettable holiday: enchanting views, fascinating culture, and delicious food — it truly is a must-see destination!

Pro Travel Tip : Be sure to try the local specialty, Hida beef, and visit the Takayama Morning Market for fresh produce and crafts.

Nikko, Japan at the Shinkyo Bridge over the Daiwa River.

Best known for its stunning scenery and shrine
  • Shinkyo Bridge
  • Toshogu Shrine
  • Lake Chuzenji
  • Kegon Falls
  • Rinno-ji Temple

Map of Nikko Japan

“You can’t go to Japan and not visit Nikko.” This old adage perfectly captures the sentiment of any traveler wanting to experience all that Japan has to offer. Located in Tochigi Prefecture, Nikko is a quaint town with stunning natural beauty and cultural attractions.

The area is home to some of the most beautiful shrines and temples in Japan. The Toshogu Shrine dates back over 400 years and is one of the country’s greatest works of architecture – it’s no wonder why it was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999! There are also multiple other shrines scattered throughout the city, each displaying its own unique style.

For those looking for something a bit more nature-oriented, there are plenty of great spots here too. Lake Chuzenji offers spectacular views from high above the lake on Kegon Falls – one of Japan’s three highest waterfalls – while nearby Senjougahara Marshland provides an opportunity for visitors to explore marshlands surrounded by alpine vegetation on foot or even take a boat ride around the lake.

Additionally, Kinugawa Onsen is perfect for anyone wanting to relax after exploring these sights; this hot spring resort boasts luxurious baths fed by mineral-rich waters bubbling up from deep underground.

Nikko offers travelers an unparalleled journey into Japanese culture and nature alike – both sure to leave you feeling refreshed and inspired. Whether you’re looking to immerse yourself in history or just spend time admiring picturesque landscapes, this charming little town should be at the top of your list when visiting Japan.

Pro Travel Tip : Rent a bicycle to explore the area’s many temples and shrines, including the famous Hasedera Temple and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Nikko :

12. Okinawa

Sunset at Cape Manzamo on Okinawa Island, Japan near Onna Village in the Kunigami District.

Best known for its tropical climate and beautiful beaches
  • Shuri Castle
  • Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
  • Kokusai-dori Street
  • Cape Manzamo

5 best places to visit in japan

Okinawa: it’s not just a place, it’s an experience. An archipelago of islands off the coast of Japan steeped in history and culture that make you feel as if you’re on your own tropical island getaway.

The crystal blue waters are perfect for snorkeling with colorful coral reefs, while the white sand beaches provide great spots for sunbathing or relaxing under palm trees. With dozens of ancient temples to explore, plus plenty of shopping and nightlife options, Okinawa is sure to impress no matter what kind of traveler you are.

From the vibrant markets selling locally-sourced ingredients to delicious seafood dishes prepared with the freshest catch, there’s something here for everyone who wants to taste a bit of paradise. And don’t forget about all the outdoor activities like hiking trails leading up mountains where stunning views await or kayaking trips through mangrove forests!

Whether you want a luxurious stay at one of the many 5-star hotels or prefer to get away from it all by camping outdoors, Okinawa has got you covered. Let yourself float away into this dreamy part of Japan and let its magic take over – life doesn’t get much better than this!

Pro Travel Tip : Take a day trip to the neighboring island of Zamami to experience some of the clearest waters and best snorkeling spots in Japan.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Okinawa :

13. Kamakura

KAMAKURA, JAPAN - JANUARY 10  Daibutsu - famous Great Buddha bronze statue in Kamakura, Kotokuin Temple on January 10, 2016. The second largest bronze Buddha statue in Japan. — Photo by f11photo

Best known for the Breat Duhha Statue and temples
  • Great Buddha of Kamakura
  • Hokokuji Temple
  • Hasedera Temple
  • Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine
  • Zeniarai Benten Shrine

5 best places to visit in japan

Kamakura is a city near Tokyo that’s full of incredible sights and sounds. It’s the perfect place to get away from it all while being close enough to the hustle and bustle of Japan’s capital city.

From ancient temples and shrines to stunning beaches, Kamakura has something for everyone.

The first must-see in this beautiful town is arguably Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine – one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan. This historic spot is filled with lush greenery, making it an ideal escape from day-to-day life.

You can also explore nearby Komachi Street which holds many traditional Japanese eateries serving up delicious food made with local ingredients. For those looking for some time at the beach, Yuigahama Beach offers golden sand, waves lapping against shorelines, and amazing views of Mt Fuji on clear days – giving you an unforgettable experience.

There’s plenty more too: art galleries, museums, parks – the list goes on!

From historical sites to natural wonders and everything in between, Kamakura has so much to offer visitors seeking a unique destination. Whether you’re after a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure – there’s something here for everyone looking for their own slice of paradise!

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Kamakura :

14. Matsumoto

5 best places to visit in japan

Best known for its historic castle and striking scenery
  • Matsumoto Castle
  • Nakamachi Street
  • Japan Ukiyo-e Museum
  • Hotaka Shrine

Map of Matsumoto in Japan

Matsumoto is a city located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It’s known for its historic castle and surrounding mountain range called the Japanese Alps – an incredible sight to behold! As you explore this ancient town, it feels like you’re stepping back in time to another era.

If there’s one thing that stands out about Matsumoto, it’s surely its rich history. The iconic Matsumoto Castle is over 400 years old and still stands tall today. This beautiful structure has five tiers and each tier offers something unique: winding stone staircases, secret tunnels, and even a museum of artifacts from bygone days.

There are many other interesting sites as well — Shinto shrines, temples, and gardens all abound within the city walls.

From breathtaking landscapes to cultural gems, Matsumoto delivers plenty of reasons why it should be on your list of places to visit when you make your way to Japan. Whether you’re after some outdoor adventure or looking to immerse yourself in local culture, take some time here and discover what makes this area so special.

Immerse yourself in tradition – let your curiosity lead you through lush valleys and around centuries-old castles–and experience freedom like never before!

Pro Travel Tip : Take a scenic train ride on the Kamikochi Line to see the stunning mountain scenery of the Japanese Alps.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Matsumoto :

15. Fukuoka

Fukuoka Castle located in Chūō-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.

Best known for historical castle and lively nightlife
  • Fukuoka Castle
  • Tōchō-ji Temple
  • Canal City Hakata

Map of Fukuoka in Japan

Fukuoka is a vibrant city in the south of Japan, known for its incredible nightlife and street food. With over 5 million people living there, it’s one of the most densely populated cities on Earth – and yet somehow manages to maintain an incredibly chill atmosphere throughout.

The downtown area has some of the best shopping and dining experiences around, from traditional ramen shops to high-end boutiques. You can also find plenty of entertainment options like karaoke bars and arcades, as well as cultural attractions such as shrines, temples, museums, and art galleries. And then there’s the vibrancy of Hakata Bay – with stunning views across the water day or night.

Check out the local festivals when you’re visiting Fukuoka – they often feature unique performances that you won’t see anywhere else in Japan! From parades featuring hidden gods to fireworks shows set against the backdrop of Hakata Bay – these events offer truly unforgettable experiences.

Pro Travel Tip : Be sure to try the local specialty, Hakata ramen, and explore the bustling nightlife scene in the Nakasu area.

🏨 Recommended Hotel in Fukuoka :

Final Words

When it comes to visiting Japan, there’s no shortage of amazing places to explore. From the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to the temples in Kyoto and Nara, to the stunning natural beauty of Okinawa and Kamakura, each destination offers its own unique allure.

My personal favorite is Osaka. This city has a special energy that can only be found here – it’s like nowhere else on Earth. The food scene is off the charts; from street vendors serving up takoyaki balls to Michelin-starred sushi restaurants helmed by master chefs who have honed their craft for decades, you could eat your way around Osaka forever and never get bored.

All journeys must come to an end eventually though – so when it’s time to leave, I suggest taking away more than just souvenirs: let your experience in Japan live on through its traditional art forms such as calligraphy or kabuki theatre; take with you a newfound appreciation for Japanese culture which will last longer than any material memento.

Ready to start planning your trip to Japan? Start by checking flight prices!

Is Japan a safe place to travel with kids?

Yes, Japan is generally a safe place to travel with children or without. Japan is known for being family-friendly, and the country has a low crime rate. Japan’s infrastructure is excellent, including a reliable public transportation system. Many of the popular tourist attractions in Japan are well-suited for children.

When is the best time to visit Japan?

The best time to visit Japan depends on what you want to do and see, but generally, spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are the most pleasant seasons for traveling.

Do I need a visa to enter Japan?

Citizens of many countries, including the United States, Canada, and the UK, can enter Japan for short-term stays without a visa. However, it’s always best to check the latest visa requirements before your trip.

What’s the currency used in Japan?

The currency used in Japan is the Japanese yen (JPY).

How can I get around in Japan?

Japan has an excellent public transportation system, including trains, buses, and subways. It’s easy to get around using these modes of transport, and many cities also have bike-sharing services.

What’s the food like in Japan?

Japanese cuisine is diverse and delicious, featuring sushi, ramen, udon, tempura, and many other dishes. There’s something for everyone to enjoy!

Do I need to know Japanese?

Knowing Japanese is not a requirement for traveling to Japan, but learning some basic phrases and cultural etiquette can be helpful and appreciated by locals.

How much money does a trip to Japan cost?

The cost of a trip to Japan depends on various factors such as the duration of your stay, type of accommodation, transportation, and activities, but on average, a 7-day trip can cost around $1,500 – $2,000 USD per person, excluding flights.

See our related travel guides for Japan

  • 10 Iconic Streets Of Tokyo You Must See
  • 10 Essential Japan Travel Tips for First-Time Visitors
  • Must-See Sights in Kyoto Japan
  • 25 Best Things To Do in Okinawa

5 best places to visit in japan

About Ronaldo Stewart

Wantigo was born out of a deep passion for exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. With a keen sense of adventure and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I’ve traveled far and wide, immersing myself in the beauty and wonder of the world.

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50 Must-Visit Places in Japan as Chosen by a World-Famous Rating Guidebook

5 best places to visit in japan

In Japan, there are so many places that we would like you to visit, or rather, places you MUST visit. Museums, traditional Japanese gardens, shrines, temples, places with lots of nature and even famous brand shops. Whichever you choose, the immense excitement that can only be experienced in Japan awaits you. This time around, we selected carefully and will introduce must-visit places which are like three Michelin star holders!

Check out our writers’ top Japan travel ideas!

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1.  Shiretoko National Park [Hokkaido]

5 best places to visit in japan

Mr Hicks46/Flickr

Shiretoko National Park, a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site with it’s many remaining primeval forests has become a precious site of natural heritage. Many kinds of animals inhabit there by means of its unique ecosystem. Cruising tours and the like are usually organized, so why not enjoy the great outdoors by boat?


Address: Shiretokomisaki, Rausu, Menashi District, Hokkaido Prefecture. ( Google Map )

2.  Mount Hakodate [Hokkaido]

5 best places to visit in japan


When you talk about Mount Hakodate, it’s famous for having one of the most spectacular night views in the world. The scenery by ropeway on the way to the summit is one of the highlights. The night view from the summit itself has the kind of beauty that will surely leave an unforgettable impression on you. Although it is known for it’s beautiful night view, in fact the scenery during the day is just as popular.


Address: Iwadate City, Hokkaido. ( Google Map )

3. Lake Mashū [Hokkaido]  

5 best places to visit in japan

Lake Mashu has the clearest water in Japan and is ranked second in the world. The many times when it is shrouded in fog gives it a mysterious atmosphere. In particular we recommend Lake Mashu in the winter. The contrast between the crystal blue of the water and the white of the snow creates a picturesque scene.


Address: Teshikaga Town, Kawakami District, Hokkaido. ( Google Map )

4. Sapporo Snow Festival [Hokkaido]

5 best places to visit in japan


Celebrating the snow and water is Sapporo Snow Festival. This festival of epic proportions is visited every year by over 2 million tourists. The town is filled with various snow and ice sculptures. When night falls, they light up and create a fairytale-like atmosphere. Above all else, please visit and have a look at these gigantic snow sculptures.  


Address: Sapporo City, Hokkaido. ( Google Map )

5. Hokkaido University Botanical Gardens [Hokkaido]

5 best places to visit in japan

TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋)/Flickr

5 best places to visit in japan

Hokkaido University Botanical Gardens, belonging to the University of Hokkaido houses approximately 4 thousand different varieties of plants. Just at a glance, this place has many merits. Not only does it function as a research facility, it is also open to the general public and among other things, it acquired 3 Michelin stars from the “Folkloristic Short Film”. Recommended for plant lovers and those who appreciate the nature of Hokkaido.


Address: 8 Chome Kita 3 Jōnishi, Chūō-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaidō ( Google Map )

6. Chūson-ji Konjikidō [Iwate Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

One of the representative cultural assets of the Tohoku district, Chuson-ji Konjikido is a Buddhist temple of high cultural merit and is also a registered UNESCO World Heritage site. Konkijido, crafted in the image of Sukhavati (Buddhist’s paradise) was done using a condensed, stylish technique of that time. There are many people surprised at its excessive flamboyance.


Address: Koromonoseki-78 Hiraizumi, Hiraizumi-chō, Nishiiwai-gun, Iwate-ken ( Google Map )

7.  Matsushima [Miyagi Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

Matsushima consists of an archipelago of over 260 islands, located in Miyagi prefecture. Because of its beauty, it is counted as one of the “Three Views of Japan”. There are four observation points called “Matsushima shidaikan”, each with its own different charm and scenery that you can enjoy.Wouldn’t it be fun to spend a day comparing the different areas of Matsushima shidaikan.


Address: Matsushima town, Kyujou district, Miyagi prefecture. ( Google Map )

8.  Mount Haguro Cedar Avenue [Yamagata Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

Brent Miller/Flickr

Mount Haguro’s cedar avenue (suginamiki) spans an area of about 1.7 km, towering alongside a lengthy path of 2446 stone stairs. Each tree is hundreds of years old, some are even older than 1000 years old and there are more than 500 trees. It is popular as a place where you can receive nature’s power and many people gather here.


Address: Mukaiyama Haguromachi Touge, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata-ken ( Google Map )

9. Nikko Toshogu Shrine [Tochigi]

5 best places to visit in japan

Nikko Toshogu Shrine is the place to worship the house of Tokugawa, who unified Japan for the first time. Its richly colored architecture in those days indicated the strength of authority. It’s is famous a representative “power spot” of East Japan. It has also been registered as a World Heritage site.  

HP:  (Japanese Only)

Address: 2301 Sannai, Nikkō-shi, Tochigi-ken ( Google Map )

10. Tokyo National Museum [Tokyo]

5 best places to visit in japan

トトト/Wikimedia Commons

Located in Ueno, Tokyo National Museum is Japan’s oldest museum. The building’s quiet majesty harmonises perfectly with its many historical artefacts. The museum has collected over 100,000 artefacts. It is a must-visit place for anyone interested in Japan’s history and cultural assets.


Address: 13-9 Uenokōen, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to ( Google Map )

11. Tokyo International Forum Glass Building [Tokyo]

5 best places to visit in japan


Tokyo International Forum’s glass building which is open to the public was designed in a contest by architect Rafael Vinoly. The glass facade that is laid out in the image of a ship, has a beauty designed to attract viewers. They also hold many events here.


Address: 3 Chome-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to. ( Google Map )

12.  Ginza Maison Hermes [Tokyo]

5 best places to visit in japan

Darren Poon/Flickr

Hermes, the brand that people throughout the world long for. The company building for Hermes Japan is located in Ginza. Of course you’re free to purchase goods here but we recommend “ Le Forum ” on the 8th floor. You can see works of many domestic and international artists. A mini theater was also established on the 10th floor.


Address: 5-4-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo ( Google Map )

13.  Mikimoto Ginza [Tokyo]

5 best places to visit in japan


The high jewelry brand “Mikimoto” is by Mikimoto Kokichi who successfully created the world’s first cultured pearl. Unique to Japan, the detailed craft is unparalleled in its skill. Couples, how about picking some anniversary pieces here?


Address: 2-4-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo-to ( Google Map )

14. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building [Tokyo]

5 best places to visit in japan

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building is the office responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks of Tokyo. As befitting the government office building of the capital city, it is a skyscraper 243 meters all. From the observatory room, you can enjoy looking at the scenery of Tokyo. The fee is reasonable but please note that you can only enter on weekdays.

HP:  (Japanese Only)

Address: 2 Chome-8-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to ( Google Map )

15 . Hokokuji [Kanagawa]

5 best places to visit in japan


Overgrown with beautiful bamboo, you can pass time quietly at Hokokuji. The Nobel prize winning literary author Yasunari Kawabata called this absence of noise the “sound of the mountain”. The samurai of over 600 years ago would also hold their services for the dead in this temple. The green tea here is made the same as it was long ago so please try a cup.


Address: 2 Chome-7-4 Jōmyōji, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken ( Google Map )

16. Tokeji [Kanagawa]

5 best places to visit in japan

Ryosuke Yagi/Flickr

Tokeji’s history is ancient and its foundation is said to be roughly 700 years old. From the Kamakura period to the Edo period, this temple was an “ Enkiri-dera ”, a temple where women wanting a divorce could seek refuge. There are many kinds of plants on the compound. In particular, Kamakura’s famous hydrangeas ( ajisai ) are quite beautiful.  


Address: 1367 Yamanouchi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken ( Google Map )

17. Kenrokuen [Ishikawa Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

Kenrokuen is the first of Japan’s 3 famous parks. The water fountain inside the park is said to be Japan’s oldest and has a shape that you can still see today. The park is beautiful in all four seasons but during the winter in particular, the accumulation of snow creates a magnificent landscape that holds a mysterious beauty.


Address: 1 Kenrokumachi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa-ken ( Google Map )

18.  Zenkoji [Nagano Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

For hundreds of years, Zenkoji has remained a popular temple from the olden days. It is said to have been established in the year 644. The principal object of worship is the  Ikko-sanzon Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagatha) a secret Buddha, kept hidden from view and can only be seen once every 7 years. In the event that you pay a visit to Zenkoji, please check this point.


Adress: 491-I Nagano Motoyoshi-cho Nagano-shi ( Google Map )  

19.  Matsumoto Castle [Nagano Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

Designated as a national treasure, Matsumoto Castle is Japan’s oldest castle with a castle keep. Due to economic problems, the castle faced the crisis of being disassembled many times over. However, the story goes that because of the townspeople who fought to protect it, it was able to keep its beautiful appearance. On the lands near the castle is Matsumoto Castle Park which holds seasonal events.


Address: 4-1 Marunouchi, Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken ( Google Map )

20.  Hida Takayama Art Museum [Gifu Prefecture]

5 best places to visit in japan

Frank Fujimoto/Flickr

5 best places to visit in japan

Hida Takayama Art Museum is an art museum proficient in glass art. The amount is over 1000 pieces. Naturally it’s a place to appreciate these artefacts but you can also hold weddings here. A wedding ceremony surrounded by glass art is quite romantic isn’t it. The glass water fountain is also lovely.  


Address: 1 Chome-124-1 Kamiokamotomachi, Takayama-shi, Gifu-ken ( Google Map )

Next: No.21-40 Further must-visit places in Japan

The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.

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14 of the best places to visit in Japan

Between its mountainous interior and island-dotted seas, japan packs in modern metropolises, ancient temples and mouth-watering cuisine – often all in the same place. here’s where to go.

A Yatai food stall in Hakata, Fukuoka

I have been writing about Japan for a decade now, and visiting for even longer. But somehow, I never get tired of it. The more I learn about each facet of Japan’s deep, rich culture, the more I want to know. Take the national drink. I started with a saké sommelier tour in Tokyo. On my next visit, I toured a brewery or two. I’ve since visited them up and down the country, trying red-rice saké made by the country’s first female brewer in Ine, naturally sparkling nihonshu in Yamagata, and aged saké in Toyama, which was brewed when I was still a toddler. And there’s so much more I want to try.

The variety in Japan is dizzying. You can hike for days through its wild national parks, or follow in the footsteps of pilgrims and samurai on ancient highways. You can savour Michelin-starred cuisine, street eats and seafood fresh from the ocean. And you can walk straight from the bustle of some of the world’s most frenetic, exciting cities into the quiet of centuries-old shrines. These are 14 of the very best places to visit, with tips on how to make it happen and find your own Japan.

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If you only have . . .

One week The New Golden Route. The classic first-timer’s route takes you from Tokyo to the ancient capital of Kyoto , perhaps continuing on to Nara, Osaka or Hiroshima. For a different take on it, try the New Golden Route instead; this takes you from Tokyo to Kyoto via the mountainous Chubu region, and a new shinkansen line on the Sea of Japan coast.

Two weeks Tohoku and Hokkaido. Few visitors head north of the capital, but those who do are rewarded with spectacular landscapes, rich cultures and raucous festivals. And that’s before you even consider the winter, when the region enjoys some of the world’s most consistent powder snow.


Three weeks The islands. Japan is made up of thousands of islands, with diverse landscapes, climates and cultures, but most trips only take in one or two. From the main island of Honshu you can easily fly down to Okinawa’s idyllic Yaeyama Islands, or take a ferry to the protected wilds of the Oki Islands. It’s easy to add on a trip to subtropical Goto and Ojika from Kyushu, while from Shikoku you can drive or cycle the Shimanami Kaido between several Inland Sea islands.

A tight budget Michinoku Coastal Trail. Tackle a section of this 637-mile walking route to immerse yourself in northeast Japan’s dramatic coastal landscape and welcoming communities, and learn more about the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. You can stick to your budget by staying at minshuku (traditional guesthouses) along the way, or opt for campsites to save even more.

1. Matsumoto

Nakamachi in Matsumoto

You might expect the birthplace of visionary artist Yayoi Kusama to be a frenetic, overwhelming place, but beyond the City Art Museum, where her eye-catching polka-dotted pieces spill out of the main entrance, Matsumoto is pretty laid back. At its heart is Matsumoto-jo, the oldest castle in Japan. Its austere appearance is offset by the serene peaks of Chubu-Sangaku National Park rising behind it, and the froth of pink blossoms surrounding it each spring.

Matsumoto’s easy access to Tokyo, combined with its thriving food and music scenes, have made it a favourite of young escapees from the capital, many of whom open chic independent businesses. Stroll through Nakamachi for upscale cafés and ryokan (inns) in elegant converted warehouses, or cross the river to Frog Street for shops and restaurants in traditional wooden buildings. Spend a weekend here and you’ll quickly understand the appeal of the artsy, relaxing Matsumoto lifestyle.

Make it happen

The city’s oldest hotel, opened in 1887, Matsumoto Hotel Kagetsu is just five minutes’ walk from the castle. Rooms in the annex feature local folk-craft furniture and the dark wood of the communal areas feels pleasantly old-fashioned

With its seamless blend of tradition and modernity, Matsumoto makes a natural stop on Exodus’s 14-day Ancient and Modern Japan tour

2. Shiretoko National Park

In Hokkaido’s far northeast, the Shiretoko Peninsula juts out into the Sea of Okhotsk. Its steep mountains and dense forests look impenetrable at the best of times, and come winter the land is blanketed in deep snow and the shoreline jostled by drift ice. Here in its wildest reaches, it’s clear why the Ainu people named this place sir etok : the edge of the earth.

On a trip here, you can acquaint yourself with some of the most important deities in the Ainu pantheon. Take a boat trip to see orcas (Repun-kamuy; god of the sea) slicing through the cold waters, and brown bears (Kim-un-kamuy; god of the mountains) picking along the shore. Or go on a wildlife-spotting night drive for tanuki, foxes and deer. If you’re lucky, the world’s largest owl might even put in an appearance — Blakiston’s fish owl (Kotan-kor-kamuy; god of the village).

Kitakobushi Shiretoko Hotel & Resort has impressive views of the sun setting over the Sea of Okhotsk, and warming cuisine focused on fresh, local fish. Some rooms have hot-spring baths directly overlooking the water

Along with Shiretoko, the nine-day Oku Japan Wild Lands of Eastern Hokkaido tour includes dramatic natural sights like volcanic Meakandake and Lake Mashu

Japan’s capital may be an obvious stop on a first-timer’s itinerary, but its sheer variety of experiences keeps people coming back time and again. In chic Daikanyama and Meguro, you can stroll along upscale streets with innovative architecture and trendy boutiques. Waseda has intriguing cultural attractions like the Haruki Murakami Library, Hotel Chinzanso’s traditional gardens and the stark brilliance of Tange Kenzo’s concrete cathedral. And down in Todoroki you can wander through a natural river valley, feeling a world away from the bustle of city life.

This is before we’ve even touched on the big hitters — Shinjuku’s skyscrapers, Shibuya’s nightlife, Roppongi’s galleries, Harajuku’s street fashion. Truly, you’d have to try very hard to get bored of Tokyo.

With its blend of understated luxury and traditional hospitality, Hoshinoya Tokyo is one of the most memorable places to stay in the capital. It somehow manages to carve out a bubble of calm in the middle of the city

Most tours of Japan include a couple of days in the capital; the Tokyo Welcome Package from Bamba Travel gives you a good introduction to the city over four days

• Best hotels in Tokyo • Best things to do in Tokyo

4. The Michinoku Coastal Trail

Jodoga on the Michinoku Coastal Trail

After the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami, much of northeast Japan’s Tohoku coastline became the Sanriku Fukko (Reconstruction) National Park. Running through it for over 600 miles is the Michinoku Coastal Trail, giving hikers access to not only stunning scenery, but also some of the communities that are still rebuilding over a decade after the disaster. By spending your yen here — perhaps having fresh-from-the-boat sashimi for lunch, or staying at a traditional ryokan — you’ll be directly helping that rebuilding effort.

Slowing down to walking pace also encourages you to connect with the people and places you’ll encounter. Whether at a museum dedicated to the disaster or over a glass of saké in the local izakaya, you’re sure to hear some deeply personal, moving stories of what happened in 2011.

The Tanesashi and Hashikami sections are gentle, making them ideal for beginners. For more experienced hikers, the towering Kitayamazaki cliffs and mysterious tunnels cut through the rock make the section between Tanohata and Kurosaki very rewarding.

Elegant Jodogahama Park Hotel is situated on high ground above its namesake beach, a famous beauty spot on Honshu’s northeastern coast. Rooms either look out over the sea, or the forest of pine trees surrounding the hotel

On G Adventures’ Japan: Kyoto, Tokyo & the Michinoku Coastal Trail tour you can spend a day hiking part of the coastal route in Iwate

5. The Yaeyama Islands

Shisa (mythical lion) statues in Okinawa

Okinawa, an archipelago in the far southwest of the country, exerts a strong pull on the Japanese imagination. The string of subtropical islands is seen as a paradise where you can recharge over your precious few days of annual leave — just white sand, turquoise sea and no emails.

To see Okinawa at its best, you need to go beyond the over-touristed main islands. This is surprisingly easy, with the far-flung Yaeyama islands connected to the Japanese mainland by plane. On Ishigaki, you can explore mangrove forests, while Taketomi is home to traditional Ryukyuan villages, where the neat square houses have red-tiled roofs and are guarded by shisa (mythical lion) statues. Finally, the elusive, endangered Iriomote Cat stalks the jungles of its namesake island.

Glamping Resort Yokabushi offers villa-style accommodation with an outdoor pool, bar and barbecue area. There’s free bike hire, and Tamatori Observation Platform is a few minutes’ walk away

Wild Frontiers’ Japan in Style tour includes three nights on Ishigaki-jima, giving you plenty of time to see the Yaeyama Islands

Sightseeing boats in Fushimi, Kyoto

The ancient capital of Kyoto is the ideal place to immerse yourself in traditional Japan. Between the Imperial Palace, Nijo Castle, several major shrines and temples and an impressive range of other historic buildings, the city has more fascinating sights than you could see in a dozen visits.

To see Kyoto at its best, though, skip the most famous spots; unless you’re very canny about when you go, crowds are likely to spoil your experience. Instead of Arashiyama’s main street and river, visit the weaving workshops of Nishijin or take a boat along Fushimi’s picturesque canals. Swap Kinkaku-ji and the rock garden at Ryoan-ji for the serene temples and teahouses of Daitoku-ji. And in place of the palace grounds, wander Heian-jingu’s gorgeous gardens.

The jewels in Kyoto’s crown are sights like elegant Katsura Villa and the hushed grounds of Kokedera (Moss Temple), where the Imperial Household Agency strictly limits visitor numbers. You’ll need to apply in advance, but it’s worth it.

Opened in 2021, Tadao Ando-designed Shinmonzen combines modern sensibilities with the traditional Japanese aesthetics which help it blend seamlessly into its Gion surroundings

On Intrepid’s Japan Real Food Adventure, you can experience some of the highlights of Japan’s regional cuisines in Kyoto, Tokyo and Kanazawa

• Best hotels in Kyoto • Best things to do in Kyoto

Matsue Castle

Only 0.2 per cent of overseas travellers visited underrated Shimane prefecture in 2019, and those savvy few were rewarded with dramatic Sea of Japan scenery, fascinating museums and high-end onsen resorts.

In Matsue, you can admire both one of Japan’s best-preserved castles and, at the Adachi Museum of Art, one of its most spectacular gardens. Further west, impressive Izumo-taisha is thought to be the country’s oldest shrine, and is a popular place to pray for luck in love.

Mount Sanbe’s gentle slopes and scenic lakes are popular with cyclists, and at Sanbe-Azukihara Buried Forest Museum you can see vast cedars that were buried by a volcanic eruption 4,000 years ago. The beautiful nearby world heritage site of Iwami Ginzan includes an Edo-era silver mine and lovingly preserved townscape.

Tickets for the Sunrise Izumo sleeper train are snapped up quickly, but if you manage to get one you’re in for a relaxing, comfortable overnight trip from Tokyo to Matsue or Izumo — slow travel at its best. Add on a boat trip to Shimane’s Oki islands, a Unesco Global Geopark, for more slow-paced travel with an ecological focus.

Located on Shimane’s northern coast, Kai Izumo has spectacular views of the sea and Hinomisaki lighthouse. As well as its onsen and regional cuisine, the hotel is known for its outdoor performances of local kagura theatre

Explore Shimane and more of the San’in coast on two wheels on Spice Cycling’s Coastal Japan: San-in Explorer tour

8. The Kumano Kodo

The shrine pavillion and waterfall at Nachi-taisha

Japan is full of ancient highways and pilgrimage routes, and the Kumano Kodo is among the most atmospheric. Weaving through the holy mountains of Wakayama, Nara and Mie prefectures, this network of trails has been in use for centuries.

There are several routes to choose from, but the Nakahechi offers the best balance of well-maintained, well-signposted trails and breathtaking scenery. If you have a few days to devote to it, you could walk from the trailhead at Takijiri-oji to ancient Hongu-taisha, one of the area’s three Grand Shrines and home to the world’s largest torii (shrine gate). Stay in the rustic hot-spring town of Yunomine Onsen to soak your (probably achey) legs before pressing on to one of the other Grand Shrines. Visit Nachi-taisha to marvel at a picturesque vermilion shrine building standing before Japan’s tallest waterfall, or enjoy a ride on a traditional wooden boat down the Kumano River to Hatayama-taisha.

Ryokan Adumaya is a perfect place to break up your hike. Located in Yunomine Onsen, the traditional inn serves food steamed over the hot springs, and can prepare you a bento lunch for the next day’s walking

The Natural Adventure’s Kumano Kodo Nakahechi Trail tour takes you along the Nakahechi route over the course of a week, visiting Hongū-taisha and Nachi-taisha

Funaya fishermen houses in Ine

Only a couple of hours from Kyoto, Ine has one of the most unique townscapes in Japan. The village snakes around the edge of a bay, with its buildings jutting out over the water. Known as funaya , or “boathouses”, they were designed so boats could sail right into them, and many of them are still used in this way now. Several of the funaya are now holiday rentals, where you can gaze out over the bay while you eat mouthwateringly fresh fish for dinner, or get cosy in your futon for the night.

There’s plenty to do in the area, from kayaking and boat trips to e-bike tours. Be sure to drop by Mukai Shuzo, too. This historic, family-run saké brewery produces a range of traditional-style and innovative nihonshu, including a variety made from celebratory red rice. In 1999, it became the first brewery in Japan to have a female toji (master brewer), Kuniko Mukai.

In a convenient spot near the tourist information centre, Funayado Ichi is a converted funaya renovated in a clean, simple style which naturally draws your eye to the most important point: the view of the bay right outside

Starting with Ine, the Crooked Compass Sea of Japan, Temples & Mountains tour includes beautiful Sea of Japan scenery, craft experiences and hot-spring towns

10. Hiroshima

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Dome

Hiroshima is an essential stop to understand one of the key moments of Japan’s 20th-century history: August 6, 1945, when the US dropped an atom bomb over the city, killing 80,000 people immediately. The Atomic Bomb Dome is a stark and powerful testament to the destruction, while the nearby Peace Memorial Museum and Park provide context, outline nuclear proliferation since the Second World War, and express hope for a more peaceful future.

While it gives the appropriate weight to its past, Hiroshima today is a thriving, colourful city. You can visit a castle and stroll through a traditional garden, admire works of Impressionism in the art gallery and take a tour on a retro tram. And of course, you have to try the local style of okonomiyaki, a delicious layered dish featuring batter, noodles, meat or fish, and a richly umami sauce.

Hiroshima is also a great jumping-off point for Miyajima, with its “floating” torii , as well as the Seto Inland Sea area. You could take a short cruise around the islands, or over to Shikoku, from where you can take the scenic route back to Honshu via the Shimanami Kaido.

Centrally located Kiro Hiroshima is a calm, peaceful and design-forward space, with exposed concrete, plenty of natural light and a profusion of plants in the communal areas.

The Splendours of Japan with Hiroshima and Takayama Festival tour from Trafalgar takes you across the Shimanami Kaido and on to Hiroshima, with a boat ride to Miyajima included

11. Fukuoka

Food stalls in Hakata, Fukuoka

On Kyushu’s northwestern coast is Fukuoka, its most populous city. It’s geographically closer to some cities in China and Korea than it is to Tokyo, and with its young and diverse population, it certainly feels cosmopolitan. This variety is reflected in the local food scene — be sure to try out the yatai , food stalls serving everything from local specialities like Hakata ramen (noodles in a pork-heavy broth) and mentaiko (cod roe, served various ways) to staples like yakisoba and Chinese steamed buns.

Beyond the cuisine, there’s plenty to explore in Fukuoka. The city is one of the centres of Japan’s tech industry, but also has some notable historic sights. Spend some time decompressing at Japan’s oldest Zen temple, Shofuku-ji, or explore the preserved Taisho-era houses of the Hakata Machiya Folk Museum.

There are regular ferries from Fukuoka out to subtropical Ojika and the Goto archipelago. As well as enjoying the laid-back island lifestyle here, you can delve into the fascinating history of Japan’s “hidden Christians”.

The five-star Miyako Hotel Hakata is located right by Hakata, the city’s bullet train station, and has sweeping city views from the bar and rooftop onsen-fed pool

The Through the Heart of Japan: Tokyo to Fukuoka Cruise — Premium Adventure trip from Exodus takes in several places in both Japan and Korea, including the Goto islands, before finishing in Fukuoka

12. Ginzan Onsen

Ginzan Onsen in the snow

Japan has been shaped by tectonic activity — from its dramatic rock formations to its fertile volcanic soils, and of course its 25,000-odd hot springs. A good 3,000 of these have been developed, ranging from rustic wooden huts clustered around a few pools to sprawling high-end resorts where each water’s mineral composition and effects are meticulously explained.

Ginzan Onsen in Tohoku’s Yamagata prefecture is one of Japan’s most charming hot-spring towns, and was an inspiration for the bathhouse in Spirited Away . Its waters were first discovered around 500 years ago, when the nearby silver mine was active. But its heyday came in the Taisho era (1912–1926), when large and elegant inns were built alongside its small canal.

Visit today and you’ll almost feel like you’ve slipped back 100 years — especially in the evening, when the cobblestone main street is lit by the warm glow of gas lamps. Stay overnight for the full experience: kaiseki meals served in your ryokan, a yukata-clad wander by the canal, and plenty of time spent soaking in the thermal waters. It’s sure to be a restorative experience.

Set right by the canal, Kosekiya Ryokan is a classic hot-spring hotel. Expect lavish meals, mineral-rich waters, and yukata laid out in your tatami-matted room, ready for you to wear around town

Ginzan Onsen is best experienced with an overnight stay, which is included as part of Crooked Compass’s 12-day Tohoku — Uncharted Japan tour

The Dotonbori canal in the Namba district of the city’s Chuo ward, Osaka

Big, brash and bright — Osaka has a well-deserved reputation in Japan, and makes a perfect contrast to nearby Kyoto. Stop by the Dotonbori area in the evening to see the city at its high-energy best, with neon signs reflecting in the canal, music blasting from amusement arcades and bars, and groups of locals going “food-hopping”. The city is a gastronomic haven, so do as they do and visit multiple restaurants, food stands and izakaya over the course of your night to try as much as possible.

Osaka is packed with things to do beyond eating and drinking, too. The impressive castle is one of Japan’s most-visited destinations, and between its historical displays and great views, it’s well worth seeing. There are also several top-tier museums, covering subjects from contemporary art and east Asian ceramics to daily life in Edo-era Osaka and modern-day issues of human rights in Japan. But the city’s obsession with food comes up again for the most famous of the lot: the Cupnoodles Museum, dedicated to the invention of instant ramen right here in Osaka.

Lean into the colourful Osaka aesthetic at Cross Hotel, right in the heart of Dotonbori — some rooms even have direct views of the famous Glico man sign over the canal.

Join G Adventures’ Epic Japan: Speed Trains & Street Food tour for an introduction to Osaka’s food and nightlife scenes, and plenty of free time to explore the city

14. Nagasaki

Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown South Gate

Nagasaki is a beautiful port city with a fascinating history. One of its unique attractions is Dejima, the artificial island that for over 200 years was the only place European traders could enter Japan. The nearby Chinatown is Japan’s oldest, showing this community’s lasting impact on the city.

Further up the Urakami River are the Atomic Bomb Museum and National Peace Memorial Hall, where you can learn about August 9, 1945. The bomb dropped here was even more powerful than the one used in Hiroshima, and only Nagasaki’s geography kept the day’s death toll to around 70,000, rather than higher. The hypocentre was over Urakami Cathedral, where people were at morning prayer; some of the building’s remains have been preserved, next to the rebuilt church.

Like Hiroshima, the city remembers its past but is also forward-looking, with a thriving arts scene and several excellent galleries, museums and gardens. Be sure to try its fusion dishes while you’re here, such as hearty kakuni manju (pork belly in a Chinese-style bun), toruko rice (a mix of rice, noodles, pork cutlet and curry) and Portuguese-inspired castella cake.

Garden Terrace Nagasaki, across the bay from the city centre, makes a special place to stay. Designed by Kengo Kuma, it’s a modernist oasis of calm, with a spa, ocean views, a rooftop infinity pool and several excellent restaurants.

Intrepid Travel’s Southern Japan Experience itinerary includes some of Nagasaki’s major sights, plus free time with a tram pass to explore further on your own

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The 15 best places to visit in Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

A trip to Japan will offer visitors unique experiences you’ll never find anywhere else. Japan seems to have it all, from the fast and furious streets of Tokyo to the holistic ethereal experiences of Kyoto, remote beaches with tropical climates, and fantastic ski resorts .

With its convenient public transportation and diverse regions, guests never run out of places to visit while traveling throughout this country. Add a polite local culture and one of the most efficient transport systems on the planet, and you’ve got yourself a dream holiday.

Ideally, spend at least two weeks to get a good taste of Japan. It’s a place definitely to be explored once in a lifetime.

The best places to visit in Japan

5 best places to visit in japan

With nearly 10 million residents, Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. It’s unlike anywhere else on earth; a huge, busy metropolis with futuristic skyscrapers and a must for first-time visitors to Japan.

This enticing city has its hand on the pulse and is at the forefront of modern technological innovations. It’s the place to go if you’re looking for urban experiences, including contemporary art, shopping, and gastronomy. The city is mesmerizing to look at as it quite literally stretches upwards and sideways.

Head to the famous Shibuya Crossing, preferably at dusk when it’s at its busiest and the light is just right, to fully appreciate the effect of the lights and enormous video screens, flashing ads from the skyscrapers towering in every corner, to fully comprehend the pace and magnitude of Tokyo. You can get a bird’s eye view at the Shibuya rooftop observatory.

Where to stay : Ueno is a relaxed, affordable and friendly district of the city to stay, and near lots of major attractions.

When to go : During October and November the city is awash in color and shrines tend to stage beautiful fall festivals. The weather is lovely as well, and much more pleasant than summer when the humidity soars and public transportation can be hard to bear. Spring (March to May) is almost as appealing, not least because of the stunning pink cherry blossom.

What to eat : Tokyo is the birthplace of sushi so there is no place better in the world to eat it!

1a. Tokyo Skytree – Tokyo

5 best places to visit in japan

Talking of views, they don’t come better than those at the Tokyo Skytree in Eastern Tokyo, the tallest tower in the world. A whiz to the observation deck at the top, at 2,080 feet, offers jaw-dropping 360 panoramic views of this gigantic metropolis and its skyscraper-filled skyline.

1b. The Imperial Palace

5 best places to visit in japan

Like England has Buckingham Palace, Japan has the Imperial Palace, the royal family’s official residence in a large garden in the center of Tokyo. The inner grounds of the garden are rarely open to the public, but the East Gardens are open all year round and are a fascinating place to walk. The inner grounds open on two occasions in the year, the 2nd of January for the New Year greetings and on the 23rd of February for the Emperor’s birthday. Time your visit with these dates for a chance to experience the inner gardens.

2. Tsumagoi – Gunma

5 best places to visit in japan

Step back in time at the village of Tsumagoi, in Kiso valley in Gunma Prefecture district, once a popular stop for travelers between Tokyo and Kyoto.

They have beautifully restored the town’s old wooden Inns, and you can find a hiking trail that leads to the village of Magome, part of the original route.

It has stunning views, but you need to catch it in the right season; otherwise, it’s impossible to walk there.

Where to stay : The Tsumagoi Prince hotel comes recommended and nearby the Joshin’etsu-kogen National Park.

When to go : June – August for the best temperatures but if it’s snow you’re after come in December or January as there are lots of fantastic ski resorts.

What to eat : Cabbage! Tsumagoi is the largest producer of the leafy, green vegetable in Japan.

3. Hakone – West Kanagawa

5 best places to visit in japan

About an hour’s drive from Tokyo will bring you to Hakone, part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park on lake Ashinoko, famous for its hot springs.

It’s also where you can catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji on a good day across the lake or from a cable car. With so many hot springs, the obvious thing to do is indulge in that ancient Japanese ritual of shared open-air bathing, called the “onsen”.

Of course, you’ll also find some hot springs with incredible views.

Where to stay : Guro Kansiro is a 15 minute walk from Hakone Gora Park and its array of hot springs.

When to go : Fall evenings are the perfect time to relax in the hot springs.

What to eat : A black egg! They are regular chicken eggs that have turned black due to be cooked in the black springs. You can purchase them in tourist areas. Local folklore suggests eating one egg will add seven years to your life!

5 best places to visit in japan

Osaka , Japan’s third largest city and also a major port, is often referred to as Japan’s kitchen and has got to be at the top of any foodie’s tour of Japan.

Its street food market is epic, to say the least, and thought to be one of the best in the world. If you head to Dotonbori, in the city center, lined with eateries of any description and whose unofficial slogan is ‘eat until you drop’, you will be spoilt for choice.

A must-try is Kukury, famous all over Japan, but this is its original home. Another must-taste, Osaka’s signature dish, has got to be Takoyaki, which is grilled octopus dumplings. There’s a different pace to Osaka, intensified by its frenzied display of LED lights, animated 3D signage and flashing video screens, all part of the experience.

Osaka also has its own castle, the Osaka Castle dating back to 1583. The castle is totally worth exploring, along with the oldest of all the Sumiyoshi shrines, the Sumiyashi-Taisha.

Where to stay : If you enjoy food and lively nightlife we recommend the Namba district.

When to go : The spring or fall to experience the city in the most enjoyable temperatures.

What to eat : Takoyaki, which are grilled octopus dumplings.

5. Kyoto mountains

5 best places to visit in japan

Kyoto is, without a doubt, the image you had in mind when you set out on your trip to Japan. It is simply the most beautiful place in Japan.

It’s here where you’ll find wooden teahouses and Geishas in brightly colored kimonos, Zen gardens and temples; it’s thought there are over a thousand here.

The city itself can be rather disappointing after the buzz of Tokyo or Osaka, but if you head out towards the mountains, you will get a truly authentic Japanese experience.

If you’ve ever wanted to see a proper cherry blossom in its full glory, aim to be here in late March or early April for that magical experience.

Where to stay : Try a traditional inn – a ryokan – for a unique Japanese experience for one night before moving to a cheaper hotel or hostel downtown.  A ryokan is quite pricey but it includes meals and is very authentic.

When to go : Late March/early April for the most amazing colors and photograph opportunities.

What to eat : Kyoto is famous for traditional dishes including the Kyoto Fire Ramen which is cooked right in front of you. Tofu is also synonymous with Kyoto cuisine.

5a. Kinkaku-ji Temple – Kyoto

5 best places to visit in japan

Nothing epitomizes Japan more than the Kinkaku-ji Temple at the foothills of Kinugasa Hill. The temple is in the true Japanese architectural style, with the two top floors completely covered in gold and a bronze phoenix perched at the very top. You’ll find statues of Buddha and other Buddhist icons inside.

The temple grounds are wooded and can provide a beautiful space for meditation. They are incredibly stunning in the fall when the trees start to change color and in winter when snow blankets them. Of course, in such a revered place, one of the most fun things to do is get your fortune told by a vending machine.

6. Nikko – Tochigi

5 best places to visit in japan

If it’s temples you are after, and there are many in Japan, then head to Nikko, a calming retreat a few hours’ drive north from Tokyo. The Shinkyo Bridge (Sacred Bridge), one of the three finest bridges in Japan, will lead you into the mountains dotted with various temples and shrines, notable amongst them the Toshogo Shrine.

It’s awe-inspiring, to say the least, and up there with the top must-see places in Japan. It’s a memorial of the founder of a dynasty that ruled Japan for over 250 years.

There’s a colorful complex of over a dozen red and black buildings lavishly decorated with wood carvings covering almost every inch, covered in copious amounts of gold leaf.

Where to stay : Try the Nikko Guesthouse , which is one mile from Shinkyo and Rinno-ji Temple.

When to go : As with any of the mountainous regions, it is best to visit during the Sakura spring season or during the fall foliage period.

What to eat : Soba (buckwheat noodles) and Yuba (tofu skin).

7. Kanazawa – the capital of the Ishikawa district

5 best places to visit in japan

Not many visitors make it to Kanazawa, but it has to be one of the top places to visit in Japan. For a true Geisha experience, head to the Geisha districts of Higashi Chaya or the slightly quieter Kazeuemach and Nishi Chaya, where you will find preserved wooden buildings.

You will find one of Japan’s best gardens, the Kenroku-en Garden, with many art museums here. Don’t miss the castle while you’re there. One of the best experiences here is having a proper Tea Ceremony at the oldest Tea houses in Kanazawa at the Gyokusen-en Gardens.

Where to stay : Hotel MyStays Premier Kanazawa is within a short walk of nearby attractions, such as Ishikawa Ongakudo concert hall if you fancy some more culture.

When to go : Anytime, except the summer when it can be very hot and humid.

What to eat : The melt-proof ice cream! The locals consume more ice cream here than any other place in Japan.

8. Takayama – Gifu

5 best places to visit in japan

Though the least visited, Takayama, at the foot of the Japan Alps, is one of the best places to visit in Japan. Get up early, before the crowds arrive, and grab some “mitarashi-dango”, rice balls grilled in soy, and take in the magic and charm of the old town.

The streets are lined with perfectly manicured trees, traditional wooden houses, and red bridges over a river. It’s also a good place for the Cherry blossom season.

Where to stay : The historic Sanmachi-suji district , with its narrow streets to get a glimpse into life pre-modern Japan.

When to go : October for sun and pleasant temperatures or the spring for the cherry blossom season.

What to eat : The delicious mitarashi-dango (rice balls grilled in soy).

8a. Hida Folk Village – Gifu

5 best places to visit in japan

The Hida Folk Village is an open-air village museum with houses relocated from their original locations in nearby Shirakawago. It’s a World Heritage Site and exhibits tools used in everyday life as it was then.

9. Kamikochi – Gifu

5 best places to visit in japan

If you are an avid trekker, then Kamikochi is the place for you.

It’s by the Japan Alps, on the Northern Japan Alps to be precise, where you will find the Kamikochi River, a highland river valley surrounded by soaring peaks and perhaps the most stunning natural vistas in Japan.

Moreover, Kamikochi is the gateway to the region’s tallest mountains and most taxing hiking trails, such as the Yari–ga-take.

Where to stay : In the Kamikochi Valley , with most accommodations lying along the Azusa River.

When to go : From April to November. There is heavy snow in the winter and the resort is closed.

What to eat : Salt-grilled trout grilled on a charcoal fire.

10. Mount Koya – Wakayama

5 best places to visit in japan

Mount Koya or Koya-San provides one of the most genuinely spiritual experiences you will get in Japan, or perhaps anywhere else on earth. Your journey starts with a cable car that takes you up into the secluded and sacred temple town, home to some Buddhist monks found up in the mountains. One can’t help but feel transported into a different world.

If you can, stay here for the night for a fully immersive experience that includes an early morning rise for meditation with monks.

An onsen bath is all part of the experience whilst your accommodation will come in the form of a tatami room, complete with sliding doors and where you sleep for the night on a mat. Finally, take a tour of the temples. There are over 100 of them, including the Okunoin forest cemetery, the final resting place of the nation’s most important historical and religious figures.

Where to stay : Try and stay at a temple in the mountains for a unique experience.

When to go : Spring/summer.

What to eat : Mochi (Japanese rice cakes).

11. Hiroshima

5 best places to visit in japan

Re-built entirely after the WWII bombing, Hiroshima has got to be on your list of where to go in Japan, if not just to pay respect to the victims of the devastating atomic bombing. The Peace Memorial Museum and its surroundings provide a peaceful if not poignant space for reflection and a chance to take a step back for a slightly slower pace of things in Japan.

Combine your visit with a trip to Miyajima Island, only an hour away, famous for the Torri Gates, which seem to float when the tide is high; the sight is ranked as one of Japan’s three best views. Spend the night at Miyajima to fully appreciate its romantic setting when the paths have emptied of day visitors and are replaced with deer settling in for the night.

Where to stay : Miyajima Island.

When to go : May-May for cherry blossom season.

What to eat : Okonomiyaki, a local delicacy which translated means ‘what you like’, typically made of batter, cabbage, pork, and optional items such as squid, octopus, and chees

12. Mount Fuji – Yamanashi and Shizioka

5 best places to visit in japan

Fuji-San, Japan’s highest peak with its perfectly symmetrical cone, is probably on everyone’s must-visit list. Catching a glimpse of it from anywhere is breathtaking.

Lake Kawaguchiko offers some of the best views, especially during the Sakura season (cherry blossom) or autumn, when the turning leaves completely transform the landscape.

You can, of course, climb the mountain itself during the official season from July to September. Otherwise, it gets very wet or very cold. However, the views are truly spectacular at any point on the mountain, especially at dawn.

Where to stay : At the base of Mount Fuji ahead of your climb.

When to go : The Mount Fuji climbing season is from July 1 to September 14. From mid-April-start of June you can ski down Mount Fuji.

What to eat : Tempura wakasagi fish caught from the Fuji Five Lakes district is delicious.

13. Izu Peninsula – Shizuoka

5 best places to visit in japan

The Izu Peninsula is on the Pacific Coast of Japan with a beautiful, rugged coastline and is famous for its hot springs with an abundance of onsens and white sand beaches. The beaches on the west coast are generally quieter in the summer than those on the east coast. Weather permitting, you can also catch great views of Fuji-San at Suruga Bay.

Head to the quaint town of Shimoda, a city port that was the landing place of Western ships to Japan. Here, you will find a canal lined with old houses under willow trees now occupied by cafes, jazz bars, boutiques, and restaurants.

The mood here is quite bohemian, and you won’t want to leave in a hurry. There’s a quaint cobbled walkway along the canal that leads to Ryosen-ji temple on one end and the Sawamura house on the east end of the canal.

Where to stay : Try the Shimoda View Hotel , right near the coast.

When to go : The summer for top beach action. The weather is pretty mild here compared to the rest of Japan between June and September.

What to eat : The area is famous for its world-class seafood and wasabi.

14. Okinawa island

5 best places to visit in japan

Now, for a completely different experience, visit Okinawa and enjoy its semi-tropical vibes. Many don’t even realize these southern islands exist. The archipelago forms an arc between Kyusu and Taiwan and was once a kingdom until Japan annexed it in the 19th century.

As a result, the culture here is entirely different to the rest of Japan, including its architecture and spicier food. In addition, it has some of the best beaches in Japan, often bordered by palm trees and turquoise waters, which are perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving. You can also trek into the jungle if you fancy it.

Where to stay : Nago City – Hotel Yugaf Inn has direct access to the beach.

When to go : Spring or fall. Avoid the rainy season from June – August.

What to eat : The food is generally spicier here than mainland Japan – try the Okinawa Soba noodles

14a. Ishigaki Island – Okinawa

5 best places to visit in japan

Ishigaki Island is one of the largest islands of Japan’s Okinawa archipelago. One of the Yaeyama Islands, it is the remotest place in Japan, and only 75 miles away from Taiwan.

The island has near-white fine sand beaches, luxurious beach resorts, and clear blue waters where you can scuba dive and swim with hammerhead sharks. One of the experiences to have here is an eco-excursion to the mangrove forests of Iriomate Island.

15. The Kerama Islands

5 best places to visit in japan

The Kerama Islands consist of 36 isles, with only four of them inhabited. The islands offer excellent hiking trails, whale watching, snorkeling, diving, or just lolling around on the beach.

The hunchback Whales arrive in the waters around Kerama from around January to March, so it is the best time to visit if you want to catch a glimpse of these magnificent animals.

Where to stay : Try the Kerama beach hotel.

When to go : January – March for whale watching.

What to eat : Gōyā chanpurū, a stir fry using the gōyā fruit is unique to the islands. Also, try sea-snake soup (irabu) if you’re feeling adventurous.

15a. Tokashiki Island and Zamani Islands

5 best places to visit in japan

The largest of the Kerama isles is Tokashiki Island with two village ports, Tokashiki village on the northeast coast and Aharen on the southwest coast. There are many beautiful beaches on the islands, but this is where you will find the best snorkeling with sightings of the Takashi Sea turtle and an abundance of marine life.

You can find the best beaches on Zamani Islands. The Ama beach, with its shallow waters, is perfect for family holidays but means you have to swim further if you want to see any coral or sea life. Furuzamani beach, in the meantime, offers everything from swimming to diving and is great if you want to get up and close to tropical fish and coral.

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5 best places to visit in japan

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Home | Travel | 25 Best Authentic Places to Visit in Japan 2024

25 Best Authentic Places to Visit in Japan 2024

  • By Nagisa Tsuchida
  • Last updated February 29, 2024

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Efforts are being made to change Japan into a more welcoming place for foreign tourists, with new English menus and English signs becoming more of the norm than not.

You have decided to visit Japan, but you don’t know where specifically?

I have traveled all over Japan, and based on my experiences, I will introduce you to some of the most popular tourist destinations, as well as some of the more obscure spots that I would highly recommend to tourists.

Cherry blossom in kyoto

I will introduce them in order from the north of Japan to the south of Japan, I hope you will enjoy this list as much as I do!

1. Lavender fields and Aoi Ike in Biei 🪻(Hokkaido)

Lavender in Hokkaido

Lavender field

Biei is a beautiful town in Hokkaido and has several lavender fields.

⚠️ The lavender fields in summer are especially famous, and during the best season in July, the parking lot will be jammed with traffic.

The sight of the entire field of purple lavender swaying in the wind is breathtaking and attracts many tourists and photographers to take in the spectacular view. The fragrance is also pleasant and will provide you with a healing experience.

Lavender ice cream

The lavender soft serve ice cream is a must-try here 🍦 It contains lavender extract and has a very refreshing taste. I have visited many places and have rarely found this. I think that there are many great strange/unique foods that are also delicious in Japan , and I think this is one of those foods that you can only have because you visited the lavender fields. You should not miss this opportunity!

Hokkaido blue pond

About 30 minutes away by car is “Aoi Ike” (Blue Pond). The contrast between the deep blue color of the pond and the white birch trees standing in the background creates a mystical view.

Since these birch trees are only found in cold regions, this contrast can only be seen in a very limited number of areas in Japan.

However, the color of the pond varies depending on the weather and climate. In summer, the surface of the water is a bright blue.

Although it is possible to get around by bus or train, we recommend renting a car to get around Hokkaido, as it is a large island and each place is far apart from the others.

This is definitively one of my favourite nature spots in Japan .

2. Nyuto hot spring ♨️ (Akita)

Nyutou Onsen In Akita

Nyuto Onsen is a hot spring resort located in Akita Prefecture, surrounded by historic wilderness. It is characterized by its milky white hot spring water.


Visitors can bathe while enjoying Akita’s seasonal natural scenery, such as fresh greenery in spring, freshness in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and snowy landscapes in winter.

Nyuto hot spring in akita

When you arrive in Nyuto Onsenkyo, you will see a row of hot spring inns on both sides of the road. These are traditional Japanese-style inns, where visitors can enjoy the warmth of wood and the scent of tatami mats.

The inns here have an atmosphere similar to that of my Japanese grandmother’s house, making me feel nostalgic even though this was my first visit to this place.

5 best places to visit in japan

At night, when the lights are lit and snow piles up here, you can feel the Japanese atmosphere even more.

3. Ginzan hot springs ♨️ (Yamagata)

5 best places to visit in japan

Ginzan Onsenkyo is a historical hot spring resort in Yamagata Prefecture, characterized by streets that retain the atmosphere of old Japan. The cobblestone streets, gas lamps, and white-walled buildings evoke a sense of time, and the fantastic scenery at night will captivate your heart.

Sprited away

There is a ryokan that has been talked about for its resemblance to the oil house in the movie “Spirited Away,” the Notoya Ryokan, located right in front of the red bridge. You will feel as if you have wandered into an animated world. If you like these types of experiences then you can find more anime, manga and gaming places to visit in Japan here .

The atmosphere of this hot spring resort is also very interesting to me as a Japanese, because it is different from most of the ryokan I have seen in Japan in terms of architecture and atmosphere.

At night, guests walk around the onsen town in yukata (light cotton kimono) and geta (wooden clogs). This is a scene that can only be seen in a hot spring resort at night.

Ginzan Onsen in Yamagata

Reservations are hard to come by here due to the small number of rooms and popularity of the inn. Early reservations are essential.

In addition, ryokans that are representative of Ginzan Onsen are high-priced, with prices ranging from 150 euros or more per person at the lowest end, to 600 euros at the highest end. However, it is the kind of inn where you will want to splurge and stay at least once.

Ryokan dinner

If you stay at a ryokan with a dinner plan, you can have this kind of meal in your room!

I did not stay overnight here, but stopped by to take in the spectacle. I visited in November and it was so cold that I had to bring a scarf, gloves, and a down jacket.

It is an inconvenient place to visit unless you rent a car.

4. Zao Juhyo ❄️ (Yamagata)

Zao ski

Juhyō in Yamagata Prefecture is known as a spectacular natural art created by the cold and humidity of winter. Trees covered with snow and ice glisten in the sunlight, creating a fantastic landscape.

With this beautiful scenery of tree ice as a backdrop, skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities are sure to be a great experience.

Winter temperatures in the mountains during this season are below minus 10 degrees Celsius, so you need to be well prepared.

5. Zao fox village 🦊 (Miyagi)

5 best places to visit in japan

Zao Kitsune Village is a unique facility where you can see a very large number of foxes up close. This is the only place in Japan where you can play directly with foxes.

It is a sacred place for fox lovers. Visitors can observe the natural ecology and behavior of various foxes up close. The foxes here do not have to worry about echinococcus because they have been examined by a veterinarian.

In the mountains of Japan, red foxes are often seen, but in this fox village, you can meet six different species: the rare silver fox, the Arctic fox, the platinum fox, and the cross-shaped fox. It was like a dream come true to meet these foxes that I have only seen in picture books or on TV.

Black fox in Zao

I had an image of foxes as gentle, but to my surprise some of the foxes could be quite aggressive which led to some funny encounters with playful biting and snarling sounds.

However, most foxes were not aggressive, they were napping comfortably or basking in the sun, and I am sure you will be captivated by their adorable expressions and actions.

You can also experience holding and feeding the foxes. It was so cute to see the foxes looking up and waiting for you that I bought food twice.

In the cuddle experience you will be surprised that the fox is fluffier than you ever imagined. The experience cost 600 yen. You will want to hug it all the time.

At fox village

What’s more, to our surprise, the fox’s tail was as thick as our thighs. The foxes we held were very docile and it was a wonderful experience.

There was a limit on the number of people that can get in, so we recommend that you get in line early.

6. Hitachi seaside park 🌷 (Ibaraki)

5 best places to visit in japan

A vast park, this place is famous for its seasonal flowers, which attract tourists from home and abroad. In particular, the blue carpet of nemophila in spring is breathtaking and causes a huge traffic jam early in the morning. Seeing the nemophila in this park is one of the things I want to accomplish in my life.

5 best places to visit in japan

I visited in the fall to see the kochia fields. The red kochias were blooming all over the place and the contrast with the blue sky was amazing.

5 best places to visit in japan

There is also a large cosmos field, and I was extremely fascinated by the sight of countless cosmos swaying in the wind.

The admission fee of only 450 yen allows you to view such a wonderful sight, so it is a very good value.

5 best places to visit in japan

7. Nikko Toshogu Shrine ⛩️ (Tochigi)

Nikko Toshogu

Nikko Toshogu Shrine is known as an important shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of Japan, and is registered as a World Heritage site. The shrine grounds are lined with colorful carvings and gold leaf decorated buildings, most notably the “Sleeping Cat” and “Three Monkeys” sculptures.

The more than 5,000 sculptures, including monkeys, cranes, phoenixes, and dragons, are said to represent a world in which everyone can coexist.

Nikko toshougu

As a Japanese person, we deeply value the lesson of the “Three Monkeys”, they have their eyes, ears, and mouths covered, which represent the saying “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” It’s a core belief for us to avoid noticing, hearing, or discussing the negatives of others to prevent conflicts.

There are “Three monkeys” in the part of the building pictured below.

Nikko toshogu monkey

Please check my guidance on how to behave at Shrines and Temples in Japan for tips on how to blend in with the locals at these sacred spots.

8. Senso Temple 🛕 (Tokyo)

5 best places to visit in japan

Senso Temple is the oldest Buddhist temple in Japan. Passing through the huge lanterns of the Kaminari gate, you will find the shopping street Nakamise Dori, where you can find many unique Japanese sweets and souvenirs, and even taste them freshly made.

5 best places to visit in japan

After walking along this street for a while, I found a line of stores around the center of the street on the right.

5 best places to visit in japan

These look like marshmallows, but they are sticky dango (rice cakes made from rice). Left one is a typical japanese dango flavor with sweet and salty taste. Right one is very tasty wrapped in seaweed and dipped in sauce. I preferred the right side because I am used to and like the taste of seaweed.

I know some tourists do not like the taste of seaweed, but this is a Japanese sweet i think you should give a try even if you are not use to eating seaweed.

Be careful not to chew it too much or it will get stuck in your throat.

Japanese people are very fond of omikuji, and many people tend to draw them, especially at the beginning of the New Year.

First, shake the tube as shown in the video, then turn it upside down and a stick will come out. Take out a piece of paper from the drawer that has the same letter written on it as the letter on the stick. That is the omikuji on which your fortune is written.

Omikuji are used to predict one’s fortune in terms of money, health, love, etc. I think this is one of the best places to visit in Tokyo for an authentic experience, even as a Japanese!

Omikuji here are also written in English and are inexpensive at 100 yen, so please give them a try!

Omikuji in Tokyo

9. Hakone ♨️ (Kanagawa)


Fuji and Lake Ashi, its spectacular natural scenery and natural hot springs attract tourists. The easy accessibility from Tokyo makes it a popular hot spring resort for tourists. A wide variety of accommodations, from luxurious resort hotels to traditional ryokan (Japanese-style inns), are available for tourists to choose from according to their needs.

Around Hakone Yumoto station

Around Hakone Onsen Station, various restaurants and souvenir shops are lined with beauty and crowded with tourists. You can eat your way through and fill up, or you can go to one of the restaurants.

Yuba in Hakone

I had a bowl of yuba rice here. Yuba is a healthy traditional ingredient made from soy milk and is high in protein and low in calories. The yuba is made with plenty of spring water and tastes the best, and furthermore, it was intertwined with the dashi broth and tasted extremely soft. There was a wait of over an hour, but time was not wasted as our turn came while we filled out a list and browsed the souvenirs on the main street.

Other activities in the Hakone area include cruising and hiking on Lake Ashi; hiking in February was very cold as there was still snow on the ground, but the air was very clear and pleasant.

lake ashi cruising

At Owakudani, you can see Mt.Fuji and feel the white steam and smell the sulfur that rises from the volcanic activity. The sulfur smells like farts, but the sight of the rising steam is a sight unique to hot spring resorts. There is a 700m long parkway that takes you close to the fumarole. The smell of sulfur can be harsh, but you can learn more about the formation of the volcano through an explanatory plate.

5 best places to visit in japan

Black eggs are a specialty here. Using geothermal heat and chemical reactions, the eggs are boiled to produce black boiled eggs. I have never seen such a black boiled egg. It is a black boiled egg as shown in the picture below. This means that you can enjoy boiled eggs only in a hot spring resort.

Owakudani with Mt.fuji

10. Around Mt.Fuji 🗻

5 best places to visit in japan

In the Kawaguchiko area, you can relax and enjoy hot springs, specialty foods, and nature in the magnificent view of Mt.Fuji.

5 best places to visit in japan

Arakura Fuji sengen Shrine

Arakura Fuji sengen Shrine is a place where you can view the shrine and the magnificent Mt. Fuji at the same time, and in spring, you can also see cherry blossoms , which is a spectacular view.

I passed by a private house, wondering if I was in the right place, and arrived at the parking lot of the shrine. From there, we had to climb 400 steps, which was tiring, but as soon as we saw the view at sunset, our fatigue was gone and we were filled with emotion. I forgot to talk and just gazed at it. Mt. Fuji can be seen from anywhere around the area, but the view from this shrine was something special.

Famous Fuji

On my way back from here, I happened to find the spot where this photo was taken, which is often seen. Despite the fact that it was an ordinary shopping street, many people were setting up their cameras. If you want to take this picture, you can see the location if you follow the link under the picture above 📷

Hottarakashi Onsen

Hottarakashi Onsen is located near the top of the mountain and requires a short drive uphill. Here, you can enjoy the spectacular view of Mt. Fuji while soaking in the open-air bath. If you go early in the morning, you can see Mt. Fuji at the moment of sunrise, and the view is breathtaking. Fuji was hidden by clouds when I visited, so I would definitely like to revisit.

Fuji was hidden by clouds when I visited, so I would definitely like to revisit.

5 best places to visit in japan


Oshinohakkai is a spring area consisting of eight springs and is characterized by the clarity and beauty of its water.

Mt.Fuji, melted snow water flows deep underground for several decades, and fish swim comfortably in the clear water containing rich minerals. It is recommended to take pictures with the mystical scenery and Mt.Fuji.

5 best places to visit in japan

The photo above shows a pond called Naka Pond. The depth of this pond is 8 meters, but it does not look that deep because the bottom of the pond is clearly visible.

There are several spots where you can actually drink the natural spring water here. This water is rich in minerals and although Japanese water is soft, it was very soft and smooth. I think most people usually drink hard water, so you should definitely try it.

Local specialty: Hoto

5 best places to visit in japan

Hoto is a specialty here. Whenever I visit Kawaguchiko, I always visit a restaurant called “Fudou”. Some stores have a modern design, while others look like Japanese houses.


Hoto is a noodle dish made with many vegetables such as pumpkin and miso, and the soup is so delicious that you end up drinking so much of it before eating the noodles that you end up being full from the soup alone. Served in an earthenware pot, hoto is so uniquely Japanese that one cannot help but take pictures of it.

For more great places, food and experiences around Mount Fuji, please check out recommended things to do around Mount Fuji .

11. Kusatsu hot spring ♨️ (Gunma)

5 best places to visit in japan

Kusatsu Onsen is famous as one of the three most famous hot springs in Japan, and it is said that “a soak in Kusatsu Onsen will cure all illnesses except for love.” Kusatsu Onsen has a hot spring called Yubatake, which is a symbol of Kusatsu Onsen because it serves to lower the temperature of the hot spring water by pouring it into a wooden tub. At night, it is lit up and attracts many visitors.

Kusatsu onsen yubatake

The traditional performance of “yumomi” has become a tourist attraction. The source of the hot spring water is as hot as 50 degrees Celsius, but if water is added to the hot spring water to cool its temperature, the beneficial effects of the hot spring water will be diminished.

“Yumomi” is a traditional method of stirring the hot spring water to cool it down to the proper bathing temperature. The hot spring water is then stirred to cool it down to the proper bathing temperature. This process also helps to soften the strong smell of sulfur. Many tourists gather to watch this spectacle.

There are free public bathhouses around Yubatake. I actually visited a free public bathhouse called “Shirohata-no-yu” near the hot spring fields. It was a small bathhouse that could accommodate about four people.

Kusatsu onsen

I was surprised by two things: First, there was no need for shampoo or soap. What this means is that Kusatsu Onsen is highly acidic and has the strongest sterilizing power. All you need to do is soak in it.

Second, the water is unusually hot. The temperature is a staggering 47 and 44 degrees Celsius. Be sure to take your time getting in. It takes some time for your body to get used to the hot water, but once you do, it is very pleasant. It is a rare experience for me, even as a Japanese, to bathe in such hot spring water, and I hope that everyone will experience it.


You can also experience a free footbath in the vicinity of Yubatake. Footbath is a health practice that is believed to improve blood circulation throughout the body, improve fatigue, and have a relaxation effect by warming the feet, which are the extremities of the body. A footbath is a great way to refresh your feet and relieve travel fatigue.

⚠️ You need to bring your own towel for most foot baths.

12. Jigokudani wild monkey park 🐒 (Nagano)

Monkey hot spring

Jigokudani Yaen-koen is a nature park in Nagano Prefecture where you can see the lives of wild monkeys up close. The monkeys I see in my daily life are very cautious and run away immediately.

Since it was summer when I visited, the monkeys were only licking the hot spring water, but in winter, it is very lovely to see them bathing in the hot spring.

5 best places to visit in japan

However, the monkeys here are not so wary and run around very close by. I saw baby monkeys clinging to their mothers’ bellies as they moved about, and I saw monkeys standing in a line up close as they all fleeced each other’s bodies.

5 best places to visit in japan

The road to get here is so narrow that only about one car can pass, and it is quite difficult when an oncoming car comes by, so we decided to go on foot.

There were two paths, one through a bamboo forest where no cars could pass, and the other through a mountain path with a very serene atmosphere that allowed us to enjoy the travel time.

13. Shirakawa-go 🏠 (Gifu)


Shirakawa-go is a historic village in Gifu Prefecture that was registered as a World Heritage site in 1995. It is characterized by its unique gassho-zukuri houses, which offer an original Japanese landscape.

This architectural style was designed to withstand the harsh winter snows, and the sloping roofs are unique. Houses of this construction can be seen only in a limited number of areas in Japan, which is very rare, even for me as a Japanese person.

The scenery of each of the four seasons is attractive, and the snowy landscape in winter is regarded as a spectacular sight, especially in summer.

5 best places to visit in japan

Some of these houses are open to the public and can be toured inside. Inside the houses, there are hearths, which serve as a source of heating as well as a place to gather around and enjoy a meal together. It is constructed with wooden posts and beams, and these take on a deep hue over time, creating a historic atmosphere.

If you just want to see the whole village, you can do it in an hour, but if you want to visit and enjoy a meal, you will need three hours.

With inns of this construction, you will surely experience more of the historical architecture and atmosphere.

14. Kanazawa, Kenrokuen Garden and Higashi-chaya machi🌳 (Ishikawa)

Kenrokuen in Kanazawa

Kenrokuen Garden

Kenrokuen Garden is a historical Japanese garden, with large and small ponds, beautiful masonry, and tea houses arranged in the garden, providing a taste of good old Japan.

Taking a rest on a bench in the garden and admiring the scenery was so relaxing that the time passed so quickly. The illuminated garden has a different look from the daytime, so be sure to visit at night as well.


Especially during the snowy season, trees are protected by a traditional method called yuki-hanging. This technique is only practiced in areas of Japan where there is a lot of snow, and it is not seen everywhere.

Kanazawa higashityayamachi

Higashi-chaya machi

Nearby from Kenrokuen Garden, Higashi-chayamachi has a traditional historical landscape of cobblestone streets lined with unique wooden buildings. You will find yourself stopping to take pictures. You will experience as if you are traveling through time.

Gold icecream in Kanazawa

Kanazawa is famous for its gold leaf as a specialty, and sake and face packs containing gold leaf are famous as souvenirs.

You will often see people eating ice cream with a whole piece of gold leaf on it. Only in Kanazawa can you find such items sold with gold leaf, so be sure to get some items.

15. Fushimi Inari Shrine⛩️ (Kyoto)

5 best places to visit in japan

This is the number one spot in Kyoto for foreign tourists and a must-visit destination. Fushimi Inari Shrine is a famous place in Kyoto and is a shrine known as the god of prosperity and good harvest.

Its distinctive feature is the thousands of vermilion “Senbon-torii” gates that line the approach up the mountain, whose fantastic scenery attracts visitors.

5 best places to visit in japan

Red torii gates can be seen in many places in Japan, but as far as I know, only Fushimi Inari, Takayama Inari Shrine in Aomori Prefecture, and Motosumi Shrine, which will be introduced later on this page, have so many torii gates in a row, which is a rare sight even for Japanese people.

If you go there on a clear day, the red color of the Senbon-torii gateway reflects off the ground, making you feel as if you are walking through a tunnel of red. There are several observation decks from which you can look down on the city of Kyoto.

If you go to the Fushimi Inari Shrine during lunch time, it will be very crowded with people climbing up and down the torii, so I would recommend visiting early in the morning.

16. Bamboo Forest in Arashiyama 🎋 (Kyoto)

5 best places to visit in japan

Bamboo Forest are a sight to behold, with towering bamboos surrounding both sides of the path in dense clusters. Walking along the paths, the sound of the bamboos swaying in the wind and the gaps where the light shines through them create a unique sense of tranquility and beauty.

The bamboo grove, which is very calming, has seasonal beauty, and is especially loved by many tourists for the fantastic atmosphere it creates when illuminated at night, which is held for a limited time in winter.

Arashiyama Autumn

The autumn foliage of Arashiyama during the fall season is extremely popular as one of the most beautiful spots in Kyoto, and is very crowded.

The interior of the bamboo grove also stands out even more with its stately green bamboo in contrast to the background of the autumn leaves.

Sagano train

There is a sightseeing train called Sagano Trolley Train running from Arashiyama. The train runs 7.3 km from Saga Station to Kameoka Station, taking about 25 minutes, and offers views of the mountains and valleys along the line from the train windows.

You can fully enjoy the scenery in each of the four seasons. The autumn foliage season is especially popular, so early reservations are essential.

17. Kiyomizu Temple 🛕 (Kyoto)

5 best places to visit in japan

Kiyomizu Temple, with a history of over 1,200 years, is a World Heritage Site.” The large main hall, known as “Kiyomizu’s Stage,” is built on a cliff, and its unique architectural beauty and the view from the stage are overwhelming to visitors. Not a single nail was used in the construction of this stage, and the Japanese building techniques of the time are also impressive.

Kiyomizu temple

The view of the city of Kyoto seen through the stage and the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves are so well matched that one cannot help but admire them. At this time of year, the daytime view is of course wonderful, but both should be seen when the stage is lit up at night, as it has a different atmosphere!

In addition, the water that springs from the shrine grounds is special to those who wish for good health, love, and academic success, and people line up to drink this water.


This is not the only attraction of Kiyomizu-Dera. Kiyomizu-zaka slope on the way to Kiyomizu-dera Temple is lined with stone pavement, old town houses, and traditional architecture, creating a timeless atmosphere just by walking along it.

Stores selling traditional crafts, souvenirs, traditional cuisine, and sweets are scattered throughout this area.


When returning from Kiyomizu-Dera Temple, it is recommended to take a quieter path down the hill, different from the main street, to experience a different atmosphere than on the way there.

The modestly illuminated paths and quietness lure you into the elegant atmosphere typical of Kyoto.

5 best places to visit in japan

If you are lucky, you may also see maiko and geiko in this area in the evening or at night. If you want to be sure of seeing them, you should visit a place that offers dinner with a maiko in advance.

18. Kinkaku-ji 🛕 (Kyoto)

5 best places to visit in japan

The word “kin” means gold. The second and third floors of Kinkakuji Temple are lavishly decorated with shining gold leaf, giving it an overwhelming presence.

The use of gold leaf is believed to have been influenced by the desire to recreate the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss on earth, the intention to show the authority of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the shogun of the time, and the active exchange with China.

The reflections of sunlight and ponds add to its beauty, and this kind of gold leaf decoration cannot be found anywhere else. The Japanese garden creates a spectacular view through the perfect harmony of the pond, masonry, and plantings.

19. Dotonbori 🏃‍♂️(Osaka)


Dotonbori attracts many people as the center of Osaka’s food culture and entertainment. Here, taking pictures with neon signs such as the one depicting the running man (this is actually an always running ad of Glico, a food/snack company) and enjoying Osaka’s gourmet food are a must.

Takoyaki master

Along the river that runs through the center and around Dotonbori, various restaurants line the streets, where you can enjoy Osaka specialties such as takoyaki, kushikatsu (skewered pork cutlets), and okonomiyaki.

I recommend the best restaurants for each Osaka gourmet on this page . Please take a look at them for reference.

Guriko in osaka

There is a large shopping street in the immediate vicinity, where you can also enjoy shopping. There are also many nightclubs and bars in the vicinity, making it a popular area that is lively even at night.

20. Todaiji Temple 🛕 (Nara)

5 best places to visit in japan

The presence of one of the world’s largest bronze statues of Buddha, measuring approximately 18 meters in height, deeply impresses visitors. The Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall), where the statue is enshrined, is the largest wooden structure in the world, and its size will surprise you.

Todaiji statue

Inside the Daibutsuden, there is a challenge you must try. The challenge is to see if you can get your body through a hole in a pillar the same size as the nostrils of the Great Buddha. Although the Buddha is very large, his nostrils are not so big, so I gave up, but many children were lining up to try. It is said that there is a tradition to pray for health and safety by diving through this hole.

5 best places to visit in japan

Another thing that visitors must do at Todaiji Temple is to feed the deer that abound on the temple grounds.

 As soon as you buy one and start walking, the deer will come rushing in and you will be surrounded by them in no time at all.

I was once surrounded by about 20 deer and was stuck in the middle, attracting the attention of the tourists around me.

Sometimes they fight among themselves and sometimes they attack us. It is a bit frightening, but it is not something that will cause injury, and it is quite a valuable experience.

You will surely witness children screaming and running away from being chased by deer.

21. Himeji Castle 🏯 (Hyogo)

5 best places to visit in japan

Himeji Castle, listed on the World Heritage List, is called “Shirasagi-jo” (White Egret Castle) because of its white exterior. 2015 saw the completion of renovation work, and the castle has a very beautiful and unique appearance.

The collaboration of cherry blossoms and Himeji Castle is also beautiful.

5 best places to visit in japan

Inside Himeji Castle, there are numerous exhibits that help visitors gain a deeper understanding of the background of the period. They explain the battles, construction techniques, and the defensive functions of the castle, and although it would take about three hours to go through them all, they are the most interesting castle exhibits I have ever seen.

5 best places to visit in japan

22. Atomic Bomb Dome and Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 🕊️ (Hiroshima)

5 best places to visit in japan

The A-bomb Dome was hit by a blast and heat rays from the atomic bomb in 1945, but miraculously only the skeleton of the dome survived.

It was decided to preserve it through the efforts of peace-loving people in order to convey to future generations the horrors of war and the horror of nuclear weapons.

hiroshima memorial

Nearby is the Atomic Bomb Museum. Here, visitors can see a great many exhibits, including the belongings and artifacts of A-bomb survivors, memoirs and audio guides showing what it was like at the time, the effects of radiation exposure, and the process of reconstruction after the bombing.

Memorial park in Hiroshima

All exhibits are written in English. It will take about 3 hours to look through all of them, but we hope that you will take your time and learn about this history.

It makes you wonder hoe such a terrible thing could really happened on earth.

A friend of mine said that of all the museums he has visited, this was the most thought-provoking place he has ever been to.

If you plan on visiting, please check my itinerary for the perfect one day in Hiroshima for some great tips on surrounding activities.

23. Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima ⛩️ (Hiroshima)


Miyajima is one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. Miyajima is best known for the Otorii, a large gateway built into the sea.

Its appearance changes with the ebb and flow of the tide, and when the tide is out, visitors can walk up to the gateway.

5 best places to visit in japan

Itsukushima Shrine is also a unique structure built on the sea, and the combination of the red building floating on the sea and the green of the mountains seen from the ferry creates a mysterious atmosphere.

5 best places to visit in japan

The torii gate seen from inside Itsukushima Shrine is also beautiful.

Momijo manju

One of the best things to eat on Miyajima is momiji manju. Part of the many unique local foods in Hiroshima .

These buns are shaped like autumn leaves and come in a variety of flavors, including red bean paste, cream, and green tea.

Freshly made or deep-fried ones are also available, and at about 120 yen per piece, they are easy to try.

Deer in Miyazima

Wild deer inhabit Miyajima. They are accustomed to people, but will approach you if you have food.

But don’t worry, they are not as powerful as the deer at Todaiji Temple, which I introduced in the video earlier.

24. Mototosumi shrine ⛩️ (Yamaguchi)

5 best places to visit in japan

Slightly similar to the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, this one is located in Yamaguchi Prefecture, further west from Hiroshima. It is a great deity for prosperous business, childbirth, and maritime safety.

The sight of 123 torii gates lined up over 100 meters is breathtaking, and the contrast between their red color and the blue of the sea is beautiful.

As already mentioned in the introduction to Fushimi Inari Shrine, it is very rare to find a place where so many torii gates are lined up.

There is something a little unusual about this shrine. Usually, shrines have a “money-offering box,” in which visitors express their gratitude to the gods and Buddha or pay money in appreciation for the fulfillment of their prayers.

In all shrines, these are placed on the ground, but in this shrine, they are placed about 5 meters above the torii (gateway to the shrine).

What this means is that worshippers must aim at the high positioned money box and throw their money. I finally got in after about five tries.

It is said that if you get into the box, your wish will come true. Please give it a try.

25. Takachiho Gorge 🚣‍♀️ (Miyazaki)

takachiho gorge

Cliffs and strange rocks stand around a clear stream, and the sight of water falling from a waterfall is extremely beautiful.

Boat rentals are very popular to see this scenery up close, and the view of the gorge from a boat is said to be spectacular.

takachiho gorge

Reservations can be made a week in advance. Previously, I went to the reception early in the morning without a reservation, but the boat was already sold out and I could not get on the boat. If you definitely want to ride the boat, you must make a reservation.

Depending on which season you visit, you will enjoy each tourist attraction differently. In particular, please note that spring and fall are the high season and reservations are required for some places.

On this page, I have introduced the best spots to visit in Japan, and on other pages, I have detailed recommendations for many of Japans cities and areas. Of course, there are many wonderful sightseeing spots that could not fit this list, but please have a look around this website for more!

And for more general Japan tips, please check my top picks for things to do and activities in Japan .

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Bucket List Seekers

Extraordinary Travel for Ordinary Couples

Bucket List , Japan · June 23, 2023

The Ultimate Japan Bucket List

Osaka Castle and hundreds more Japan Bucket List ideas!

Are you  planning a trip to Japan  and looking for the absolute best things to do? This Japan Bucket List features over 230 incredible experiences and must dos in Japan covering all regions. There’s even a list of the best food experiences to be had in Japan! 

If it’s your  first-time visiting Japan  then you’re in for a real treat. Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world to explore. 

We usually recommend first-time visitors focus their time on  these 5 destinations , however, there are actually many more must-do Japan experiences that you should not miss out on.

This Japan bucket list features loads of must-dos in Japan, covering not only the main tourist destinations such as Tokyo,  Kyoto , Osaka, and Hiroshima but also has oodles of fun things to do in  off-the-beaten-path locations that the vast majority of visitors tend to skip.

While you probably won’t be able to tick off all 230+ of these epic Japan experiences during your first visit , this list is designed to highlight the very  best of Japan , so you can pick and choose which experiences you would like to do, depending on the regions you want to visit.

Whether you’re planning to stay for 7 days , 14 days, or longer in Japan. Or  visit Japan  in Summer, Spring,  Autumn , or winter. This list of Japan must-dos covers amazing experiences for all seasons.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in…

Here are the best bucket list things to add to your Japan itinerary!

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In This Post:

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Before we get started, you can download this bucket list for free to take with you on your trip and tick off items as you go! 

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Churito Pagoda with Mount Fuji in the background and cherry blossom trees during Sakura

10 Must do Japan Experiences

  • Take a ride on the world-famous Shinkansen bullet train.
  • Visit a traditional Japanese hot spring (onsen) and relax in the natural mineral-rich waters.
  • Take a stroll through one of Japan’s many beautiful gardens.
  • Witness the skill of sumo wrestlers at a sumo tournament or training stable.
  • See the beauty of Japan during Sakura (cherry blossom season).
  • Go skiing in the Japanese Alps.
  • Attend a traditional tea ceremony and learn about the art and culture of tea in Japan.
  • Watch a kabuki performance – a traditional form of Japanese theater.
  • Take a cooking class and learn how to make traditional Japanese dishes like sushi or tempura.
  • Experience Japan’s obsession with karaoke.

Japan Bucket List by Region

Cherry Blossom trees in Spring line along the Haya River in Gora, Hakone, Japan

Tokyo & Kanto Region

  • Visit the iconic Tokyo Skytree tower for panoramic views of the city.
  • Explore the historic Asakusa district in Tokyo, home to the famous Senso-ji temple.
  • Take a stroll through the stunning gardens at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
  • Visit the Meiji Shrine, a peaceful oasis in the heart of Tokyo’s bustling Shibuya district.
  • Check out the trendy Harajuku district in Tokyo for unique fashion, street food, and shopping.
  • Take a day trip to the beautiful city of Kamakura, home to many ancient temples and shrines.
  • Explore the charming town of Hakone, famous for its hot springs, onsen, and stunning views of Mount Fuji.
  • Wander down Memory Lane (Omoide Yokocho) in Shinjuku
  • Take a cruise on Lake Ashi and admire the stunning scenery.
  • Visit the breathtaking Tokyo Tower for amazing views of the city.
  • Visit the Nikko Toshogu Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Japan’s most ornate shrines.
  • Experience Tokyo’s bustling nightlife in the vibrant neighbourhood of Shinjuku.
  • Try the freshest seafood at the famous Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo.
  • Check out the cutting-edge contemporary art at the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills.
  • Take a stroll through the beautiful gardens at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden in Tokyo.
  • Visit the breathtaking Akihabara district in Tokyo, famous for its anime, manga, and electronics.
  • Explore the charming town of Kawagoe, known as “Little Edo” for its well-preserved traditional architecture.
  • Go shopping in the Ginza district, known for its luxury boutiques and department stores.
  • Visit the Tokyo National Museum for an in-depth look at Japanese history and culture.
  • Try delicious street food at the Yurakucho Yakitori Alley in Tokyo.
  • Visit the quirky Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku for an unforgettable dinner and show.
  • Experience the bustling energy of the Shibuya Crossing, one of the busiest intersections in the world.
  • Check out the Yokohama Chinatown, the largest Chinatown in Japan.
  • Take a relaxing hot spring bath at the Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture.
  • Visit the Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture for its stunning seasonal flowers and panoramic views.
  • Explore the scenic hiking trails at the Takao-san mountain in Tokyo.
  • Take a tour of the Kirin Beer factory in Yokohama.
  • Visit the Hasedera Temple in Kamakura for its stunning ocean views and ancient Buddhist statues.
  • Go on a scenic train ride on the Hakone Tozan Railway.
  • Take a relaxing boat ride along the Sumida River.
  • Explore the vibrant Nakameguro district, known for its cherry blossoms in spring.
  • Visit the Edo-Tokyo Museum for an in-depth look at the city’s history and culture.
  • Visit the beautiful Kiyosumi Gardens, a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city.

geisha in gion corner kyoto japan

Kyoto, Osaka & Kansai Region

  • Visit the iconic Osaka Castle, one of Japan’s most famous landmarks.
  • Explore the historic Nara Park and feed the friendly deer.
  • Take a stroll through the beautiful gardens at the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto.
  • Visit the impressive Himeji Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Explore the vibrant Dotonbori district in Osaka, known for its nightlife, food, and shopping.
  • Visit the beautiful Tofukuji Temple in Kyoto during autumn to see the stunning fall foliage.
  • Take a day trip to the charming town of Arashiyama, known for its Bamboo Grove and Monkey Forest.
  • 35. Take a tour of the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery, known for its world-class whisky.
  • Dress up in a kimono and wander through the historic Higashiyama district in Kyoto.
  • Visit the stunning Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Take a relaxing boat ride along the scenic Hozugawa River.
  • Visit the beautiful Kinkakuji Temple, also known as the Golden Pavilion.
  • Check out the vibrant nightlife in the Nakazaki-cho and Ura Namba districts in Osaka.
  • Explore the stunning gardens at the Ritsurin Koen in Takamatsu.
  • Visit the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, known for its thousands of torii gates.
  • Take a day trip to the charming town of Hikone, known for its impressive castle and scenic views.
  • Hike the famous Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trail.
  • Visit the beautiful Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara, known for its thousands of stone lanterns.
  • Explore the trendy Amerikamura district in Osaka, known for its unique fashion and street culture.
  • Take a stroll through the picturesque town of Kinosaki Onsen, known for its hot springs and traditional atmosphere.
  • Visit Japan’s most famous Moss Garden, Sahio-Ji in Kyoto
  • Visit the beautiful Nijo Castle in Kyoto, known for its stunning architecture and gardens.
  • Check out the vibrant nightlife in the Shinsaibashi district in Osaka.
  • Wander along the Philosopher’s Path in Kyoto during Sakura
  • Take a day trip to the scenic Koyasan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to many temples.
  • Visit the stunning Hikone Castle, one of Japan’s best-preserved castles.
  • Take a relaxing bath at one of the many hot springs in the Arima Onsen district in Kobe.
  • Visit the beautiful Byodoin Temple in Uji, known for its stunning architecture and gardens.
  • Explore the historic town of Tsumago-juku, one of the best-preserved post towns on the Nakasendo trail.
  • Take a day trip to the scenic Amanohashidate, known for its stunning sandbar and views.
  • Visit the stunning Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, known for its beautiful views and architecture.
  • Visit the beautiful Ishiyama-dera Temple in Otsu.
  • Visit the Shinto shrine of Izumo Taisha in Shimane Prefecture, known as one of Japan’s most important shrines.
  • Explore the beautiful Wakayama Castle.
  • Go hunting for Giesha or Maiko in Gion, Kyoto.
  • Explore the vibrant nightlife and food scene in the port city of Kobe.
  • Visit the historic Silver Temple (Ginkaku-Ji) in Kyoto
  • Sample traditional Japanese delicacies at the Nishiki Market in downtown Kyoto.
  • Tour the stunning grounds of Kodai-Ji temple in Kyoto.
  • Take a wander down the Sanneizaka and Nineizaka Paths in Kyoto.
  • Wander the grounds of Daigo-Ji temple in Fushimi Ward during Autumn.
  • Visit the beautiful Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, and explore its surrounding towns and attractions.
  • Visit the scenic Ise-Shima National Park, which is known for its beautiful coastline and traditional seafood cuisine.

White and black exterior of Kanazawa Castle at sunset with autumn foliage

Chubu Region

  • Visit the historic city of Takayama and explore its traditional streets and temples.
  • Hike the beautiful Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, which features stunning scenery and a variety of transportation options.
  • Visit the iconic Matsumoto Castle, one of Japan’s most beautiful castles.
  • Explore the charming city of Kanazawa, which is known for its traditional crafts and beautiful gardens.
  • Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Shirakawa-go, a picturesque village with traditional thatched-roof houses.
  • Visit the impressive Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa, one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan.
  • Hike the beautiful Kamikochi Valley, which is located in the Japanese Alps.
  • Explore the charming town of Tsumago, which is located on the Nakasendo historic trail.
  • Take a scenic train ride on the Oigawa Railway, which runs through beautiful mountain scenery in Shizuoka Prefecture.
  • Explore the historic town of Gujo Hachiman, which is known for its traditional waterways and dance festivals.
  • Take a day trip to the stunning Izu Peninsula, known for its hot springs, beaches, and scenic hiking trails.
  • Visit the stunning Takato Castle Park in Nagano Prefecture, which is famous for its cherry blossom festival.
  • Explore the historic town of Inuyama, which features a beautiful castle and traditional streets.
  • Take a scenic train ride on the Iseji line, which runs along the coast of Mie Prefecture.
  • Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine, which is located in Shimane Prefecture and features historic mining facilities and beautiful scenery.
  • Take a trip to the Kiso Valley, which is known for its traditional post towns and scenic hiking trails.
  • Visit the iconic Nagoya Castle, one of Japan’s most famous castles.
  • Explore the city of Nagano, which hosted the Winter Olympics in 1998 and is known for its many outdoor activities and hot springs.
  • Visit the impressive Gujo Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in Japan, located in Gifu Prefecture.
  • Explore the historic city of Gifu, which is known for its traditional cormorant fishing on the Nagara River.
  • Take a trip to the stunning Kurobe Gorge, which features beautiful scenery and a scenic train ride.
  • Explore the city of Toyama, which is known for its rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenery.
  • Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Fujisan, located in Yamanashi Prefecture, and hike or climb Mount Fuji.
  • Explore the historic city of Kanonji, which is located in Kagawa Prefecture and is known for its many temples and shrines.
  • Visit the beautiful Lake Suwa, located in Nagano Prefecture, and explore its surrounding towns and attractions.
  • Check out the unique art installations at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field in Niigata Prefecture.
  • Take a trip to Sado Island, Japan’s stunning “Butterfly Island”.
  • Go on a thrilling roller coaster ride at the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park.

Looking across the river at the Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park, Japan

Hiroshima & Chugoku Region

  • Visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum
  • Explore Miyajima Island and its iconic torii gate
  • Take a scenic drive through the Seto Inland Sea
  • Visit the Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni
  • Hike the trails of Mount Misen on Miyajima Island
  • Visit the historic city of Hagi and its samurai district
  • Take a scenic train ride on the Sanin Main Line
  • Visit the Okayama Korakuen Garden
  • Visit the stunning Tottori Sand Dunes in Tottori Prefecture, one of Japan’s largest sand dune systems.
  • Explore the castle ruins of Okayama Castle
  • Visit the Mazda Museum in Hiroshima
  • Go to the Hiroshima Food Market and try Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki
  • Take a day trip to the island of Naoshima, famous for its contemporary art museums
  • Try the local specialty of Hiroshima-style tsukemen (dipping noodles)
  • Visit the Adachi Museum of Art in Shimane Prefecture for its stunning gardens and Japanese art collection.
  • Go on a sake brewery tour in the town of Saijo
  • Visit the Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island and see the traditional Japanese wedding ceremonies.
  • Visit the Akiyoshi Cave and limestone plateau in Yamaguchi
  • Explore the historic streets of Kurashiki Bikan district in Okayama
  • Take a boat ride to see the floating torii gate at Motonosumi Inari Shrine in Yamaguchi
  • Visit the Hiroshima Castle and its surrounding park
  • Go on a cycling tour around the Setouchi region, including islands such as Shodoshima and Oshima.

5 best places to visit in japan

Shikoku Region

  • Walk the 88 Temple Pilgrimage Trail that circles the island, visiting the many beautiful temples along the way.
  • Visit the Ritsurin Garden in Takamatsu, one of the most famous gardens in Japan.
  • Explore the Iya Valley, known for its natural beauty and historic vine bridges.
  • Take a dip in the famous outdoor hot springs of Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama, the oldest hot spring resort in Japan.
  • Hike the beautiful Mount Ishizuchi, the highest mountain in western Japan.
  • Visit the Naruto Whirlpools in Tokushima, one of the most famous natural attractions in Japan.
  • Take a boat tour of the Oboke Gorge, a scenic area of rapids and steep cliffs.
  • Explore the historic city of Kochi, with its castle, museum, and beautiful coastline.
  • Visit the stunning Kotohira-gu Shrine, also known as Konpira-san, which has been a popular pilgrimage site for over 1,000 years.
  • Explore the historic town of Uchiko, which has many well-preserved Edo-era buildings.
  • Visit the Tsurugisan Quasi-National Park, which is home to the beautiful Tsurugi-san mountain and other natural wonders.
  • Try the local specialty of Sanuki udon noodles in Kagawa prefecture, which are famous throughout Japan.

Beautiful turquoise Tropical Lagoon beach paradise with boats of Okinawa, Japan

Okinawa & Kyushu Region

  • Visit the Nagasaki Peace Park and Atomic Bomb Museum
  • Take a dip in the famous hot springs of Beppu
  • Explore the historic city of Kumamoto and its castle
  • Visit the unique sand baths of Ibusuki
  • Take a scenic train ride on the Yufuin no Mori train
  • Visit the active volcano of Mount Aso
  • Explore the historic city of Nagasaki and its Glover Garden
  • Take a day trip to the beautiful island of Yakushima
  • Visit the impressive Takachiho Gorge and its waterfalls
  • Try the local specialty of Kumamoto ramen
  • Visit the stunning Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Fukuoka
  • Explore the hot springs and sand dunes of Amami Oshima
  • Visit the Huis Ten Bosch theme park, which is modeled after a Dutch town
  • Take a boat tour to see the beautiful Hashima island in Nagasaki
  • Try the famous beef from Miyazaki prefecture.
  • Snorkel or dive in the crystal clear waters around the Kerama Islands
  • Visit the Shurijo Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the former palace of the Ryukyu Kingdom
  • Explore the Churaumi Aquarium, which is one of the largest in the world and home to many rare marine species
  • Take a walk on the beautiful white sand beach of the tropical island of Ishigaki
  • Visit the Okinawa World theme park to see the Gyokusendo Cave and experience traditional Okinawan culture.

Asahikawa Hokkaido Japan Winter Skyline surrounded by the Japanese Alps in the distance

Hokkaido Region

  • Visit the Sapporo Beer Museum and try Hokkaido’s famous beer
  • Go skiing or snowboarding in Niseko or Rusutsu
  • Relax in the natural hot springs (onsen) at Jozankei or Noboribetsu
  • Visit the Sapporo Snow Festival in February
  • See the famous red-crowned cranes at the Kushiro Marshland
  • Take a scenic drive along the coast in Shakotan or Otaru
  • Visit the stunning Blue Pond in Biei
  • Go whale watching in Rausu
  • Visit the stunning Shiretoko National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Take a ride on the Hakodate Ropeway and see the stunning night view
  • Visit the Asahiyama Zoo and see the adorable penguins and polar bears
  • Go horseback riding through the fields in Furano
  • Visit the Ainu Museum in Shiraoi and learn about the indigenous people of Hokkaido
  • Go hiking in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan’s largest national park
  • See the colorful flower fields in Furano and Biei during the summer months
  • Try Hokkaido’s famous seafood, such as king crab and sea urchin
  • Visit the Otaru Canal and explore the historic buildings and shops
  • Go kayaking or canoeing on the Shiretoko Five Lakes
  • Visit the Shikotsu-Toya National Park and see the stunning caldera lakes
  • Take a relaxing boat ride on Lake Akan and see the Marimo, a rare and protected algae
  • Visit the Sapporo Clock Tower, a symbol of Hokkaido’s history and culture.

Tohoku Region

  • Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hiraizumi, which features historic temples and gardens.
  • Explore the city of Sendai, which is the largest city in the Tohoku region and is known for its cultural attractions and seafood cuisine.
  • Visit the scenic Oirase Gorge, located in Aomori Prefecture, which features beautiful waterfalls and hiking trails.
  • Explore the historic town of Hirosaki, which is known for its beautiful cherry blossom festival in the spring.
  • Visit the iconic Zao Fox Village, located in Miyagi Prefecture, which features a large number of foxes in a natural habitat.
  • Take a scenic train ride on the Aoimori Railway, which runs through beautiful coastal scenery in Aomori Prefecture.
  • Visit the stunning Matsushima Bay, which is known for its beautiful scenery and historic temples.
  • Explore the city of Yamagata, which is known for its hot springs and skiing opportunities in the winter.
  • Visit the beautiful Oga Peninsula, which is known for its traditional festivals and beautiful coastline.
  • Explore the historic town of Kakunodate, which features many traditional samurai houses and is known for its autumn foliage.

Delicacies at a Nishiki Market stall

Japanese Food Bucket List

  • Sushi – fresh and flavorful seafood served on bite-sized portions of vinegared rice.
  • Ramen – a hearty noodle soup made with a rich, savory broth and various toppings like pork, egg, and vegetables.
  • Tempura – crispy, deep-fried seafood or vegetables in a light batter.
  • Okonomiyaki – a savory pancake made with cabbage, flour, eggs, and various toppings like pork, shrimp, and cheese.
  • Yakitori – skewered and grilled chicken, often served with a variety of sauces and seasonings.
  • Tonkatsu – deep-fried breaded pork cutlet, served with a tangy sauce and rice.
  • Udon – thick and chewy wheat flour noodles in a flavorful broth, often served with various toppings like tempura or eggs.
  • Takoyaki – small, ball-shaped snacks made with batter and diced octopus, often topped with sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes.
  • Mochi – soft and chewy rice cakes, often filled with sweet bean paste or fruit.
  • Shabu-shabu – a hot pot dish featuring thinly sliced beef or pork, vegetables, and noodles cooked in a flavorful broth.
  • Soba – thin and nutty buckwheat noodles, often served cold with dipping sauce or hot in a broth.
  • Onigiri – rice balls filled with various fillings like pickled plum, tuna, or salmon.
  • Oden – a hearty stew featuring various ingredients like boiled eggs, daikon radish, and fish cakes simmered in a flavorful broth.
  • Katsu curry – breaded pork cutlet served with Japanese-style curry sauce and rice.
  • Matcha – finely ground green tea leaves, often used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and used to flavor desserts and drinks.
  • Kobe beef – premium, high-quality beef known for its marbling and tenderness.
  • Miso soup – a flavorful soup made with fermented soybean paste and various ingredients like tofu and seaweed.
  • Kaiseki – a traditional multi-course Japanese meal, featuring beautifully presented small dishes made with seasonal ingredients.
  • Sashimi – thinly sliced raw seafood served with soy sauce and wasabi.
  • Tonkotsu ramen – a rich and creamy pork bone broth-based ramen, often served with chashu pork and marinated soft-boiled eggs.
  • Gyoza – pan-fried or steamed dumplings filled with minced pork, cabbage, and other ingredients.
  • Yakiniku – Japanese-style grilled meat, often served with dipping sauces and side dishes like rice and vegetables.
  • Taiyaki – fish-shaped cakes filled with sweet red bean paste or other fillings like custard or chocolate.
  • Anago – grilled or simmered saltwater eel, often served with a sweet and savory sauce and rice.
  • Katsuobushi – dried and smoked bonito fish flakes, often used to flavor soups and other dishes.
  • Nikujaga – a hearty stew made with beef, potatoes, and onions in a sweet and savory sauce.
  • Mitarashi dango – skewered rice dumplings brushed with a sweet soy sauce glaze.
  • Ichigo daifuku – mochi filled with sweet red bean paste and a fresh strawberry.
  • Ochazuke – a comforting dish made with rice, tea, and various toppings like salmon or pickled plum.
  • Kakiage – a type of tempura made with mixed vegetables and seafood, often served as a topping for udon or soba noodles.
  • Chirashi sushi – a colorful and flavorful dish made with sushi rice and various toppings like raw fish, egg, and vegetables.
  • Oyakodon – a savory rice bowl dish made with chicken, egg, and onions in a sweet and savory sauce.
  • Hiyashi chuka – a refreshing cold noodle dish topped with various vegetables, meat, and a sweet and tangy sauce.
  • Melonpan – a sweet and crispy bread bun topped with a cookie dough-like crust.
  • Karage – bite-sized pieces of deep-fried chicken, often served as a snack or appetizer.
  • Dango – small round rice dumplings served on a skewer with various toppings like sweet soy sauce or sesame seeds.
  • Zaru soba – chilled buckwheat noodles served with a savory dipping sauce and various toppings like wasabi and green onions.
  • Wagashi – traditional Japanese sweets made with ingredients like mochi, bean paste, and fruit, often served with tea.

Have we missed a spot?  Can you recommend any other great Japan Bucket List ideas for other readers to check out, let us know in the comments below!

5 best places to visit in japan

Map of Must dos in Japan

Are you  planning a trip to Japan  soon?  We’ve created a handy Japan Bucket List Map that you can download for your trip. This map uses Google Maps so you can save to your phone and access it on-the-go using the Google Maps App. 

This Japan Map below features all the top must do things in Japan that are listed in this article, plus many more. To get free access to this map to use on-the-go,  click here  to sign up to our Travel Resource Library.

Ready to Book Your Trip to Japan?

Japan is one of the world’s top  Bucket List Destinations  and one we highly recommend everyone visits at least once in their lifetime. We hope this Japan Bucket List has given you some inspiration to start  planning your own trip to Japan !

To help you with your planning, we have a ton of other  Japan travel blog  articles featuring loads of handy tips and tricks. We recommend starting here:

Read More About Japan:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Trip to Japan for First Timers
  • The Ultimate Japan Bucket List: 230+ Experiences
  • 20 Things You Should Know before Visiting Japan for the First Time

Last but not least… Have a great trip to Japan!

Feeling inspired?  Here are  10 amazing destinations you must add to your Travel Bucket List !

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Best places to visit in washington state.

With rugged national parks, wild coastline, vibrant cities and friendly small towns, Washington has just about everything a traveler could ask for. To help you narrow down your options, U.S. News considered factors like can't-miss activities, cultural attractions and natural beauty to come up with the best places to visit in Washington state. Want to share your opinion? Cast your vote below to help us determine next year's list.

Olympic National Park

Mount rainier national park, leavenworth, san juan islands, kitsap peninsula, walla walla, north cascades national park, long beach, wa, columbia river gorge national scenic area.

5 best places to visit in japan

It's no surprise that the Emerald City tops this list. With museums, verdant parks and a robust coffee scene, Seattle's charm is hard to beat. Sample farm-fresh produce at the famous Pike Place Market, admire stunning works of art at Chihuly Garden and Glass or explore the botanic gardens at the Washington Park Arboretum. Meanwhile, aviation enthusiasts will enjoy exploring Seattle's Museum of Flight, and outdoor lovers will appreciate hiking in Discovery Park. No trip to Seattle would be complete without taking in magnificent views of the city from the top of the Space Needle.

5 best places to visit in japan

This national park in northwestern Washington covers an area of nearly 1 million acres, featuring lush rainforests, rugged coastline and snow-capped mountains. Worthwhile things to do here include investigating tide pools at Mora's Hole in the Wall and Kalaloch's Beach 4, kayaking the crystal-clear waters of Lake Crescent and snapping photos of Ruby Beach's dramatic sea stacks. But if there is one activity you absolutely can't skip, it is hiking through the lush Hoh Rain Forest, one of the best examples of temperate rainforest in the United States. While you're here, keep your eyes peeled for wildlife like marmots, elk and humpback whales.

5 best places to visit in japan

Named for its remarkable 14,410-foot-tall active volcano, the most glaciated peak in the contiguous United States, Mount Rainier National Park is home to one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. View it from Sunrise, the park's highest elevation reachable by car, or experience nature firsthand by hiking the Skyline or Silver Falls trails. And if marveling at centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars sounds like your cup of tea, plan a visit to Ohanapecosh. Arrive in winter to participate in popular activities such as skiing and snowboarding, or schedule your trip for summer when Paradise's subalpine meadows come alive with colorful wildflowers.  

5 best places to visit in japan

Leavenworth, a European-style town nestled in the scenic Cascade Mountains, makes for a delightful Washington getaway. Take a stroll through the enchanting downtown, which boasts Bavarian-inspired architecture and an assortment of boutiques and restaurants. In autumn, the town hosts exuberant Oktoberfest celebrations (think: pretzels, polka dancing and steins upon steins of German beer). Meanwhile, those who visit in winter will be treated to reindeer meet-and-greets, twinkling lights and horse-drawn sleigh rides. When you need to warm up, grab a drink at one of the town's breweries, cider houses or wineries.

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This 170-island archipelago in upper Puget Sound has three main visitor islands: San Juan Island, Orcas Island and Lopez Island. On San Juan Island, travelers should window shop and explore art galleries in quaint Friday Harbor. Meanwhile, horseshoe-shaped Orcas Island is equipped with excellent hiking trails and panoramic views at Moran State Park, and Lopez Island allows visitors to slow things down with a relaxing beach walk. No matter where you stay, don't leave without taking a whale watching tour – the waters surrounding the San Juan Islands are home to five different types of whales.

5 best places to visit in japan

The Kitsap Peninsula, which is separated from Seattle by the Puget Sound, is one of Washington's most underrated travel destinations. Bremerton, the region's largest town, features top sights such as the USS Turner Joy, Lions Park and Rodeo Drive-In, one of the largest drive-in theaters in the Pacific Northwest. Poulsbo (nicknamed "Little Norway" for its distinct Scandinavian influence), Gig Harbor (which boasts posh eateries) and Bainbridge Island (home to the beautiful Bloedel Reserve) are also worth a visit. Those seeking a truly unique experience should also book a kayak tour on the Hood Canal; at night, the dark waters glow with bioluminescent plankton.

5 best places to visit in japan

This picturesque town in southeastern Washington, about 5 miles from the Washington-Oregon border, is best known for its laid-back atmosphere and ample wineries. Take a walk down vibrant Main Street, which is lined with antique shops, cafes and bookstores, or admire the art installations that make up the Whitman College Outdoor Sculpture Walk. Walla Walla's lovely scenery also makes it a prime destination for activities like golfing and biking. But if you'd rather spend your time sipping on a glass of red while taking in a gorgeous sunset, head to one of the region's 130-plus wineries and tasting rooms.

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North Cascades National Park, situated about 110 miles northeast of Seattle, is one of those destinations that keeps travelers coming back again and again. Surging waterfalls, verdant valleys and more than 300 glaciers are just a few of this rugged national park's biggest draws. Here, travelers will be encouraged to reconnect with nature by engaging in a number of recreational activities, from hiking and biking to kayaking and horseback riding. If you're short on time, drive the winding North Cascades Highway to soak up as much of this park's natural beauty as you can.

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Sitting approximately 35 miles south of Seattle and boasting incredible views of snow-covered Mount Rainier, Tacoma's unique blend of cultural attractions and jaw-dropping scenery make it a must-see vacation destination. The city offers a wide selection of interesting museums, including the Tacoma Art Museum, LeMay – America's Car Museum and the Museum of Glass. Later, stretch your legs at Point Defiance Park, which is home to gardens, hiking trails and a zoo and aquarium. If you're a movie buff, don't miss an opportunity to sightsee some "10 Things I Hate About You" filming locations (several iconic scenes from the 1999 film were shot here).

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Located just 20 miles west of the Washington-Idaho border, Spokane is the second-largest city in Washington. First-time visitors can't miss a trip on the Numerica SkyRide, which offers incredible views of downtown Spokane and Spokane Falls. But don't put your camera away just yet – the sprawling Riverfront Park, which was the site of the 1974 World's Fair, is home to several public art installations and the historic Looff Carrousel. If you can swing it, try to pair your visit with a light show at the Spokane Pavilion, an open-air venue that comes to life at night with colorful LED lights.

5 best places to visit in japan

Visitors travel to this small beach town in the southwest corner of Washington in search of rest and relaxation. You could easily spend your entire vacation with your toes in the sand watching kites soar through the sky. But if you can tear yourself away from the soothing sounds of crashing waves, take some time to explore the Discovery Trail, which features several sculptures along the way commemorating Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery. Follow the trail into Cape Disappointment State Park to explore its coastal forests, dunes and wetlands. To round out your trip, stroll along the Long Beach Boardwalk at sunset.

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Spanning across Washington and Oregon, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is the largest national scenic area in the United States. Formed over millions of years as volcanic eruptions and floods carved out a corridor in the breathtaking Cascade Mountains, the Columbia River Gorge is characterized by its steep canyon walls, rushing waterfalls, grasslands and temperate rainforests. For an impressive vantage point, hike the switchbacks of Beacon Rock. Though the gorge is beautiful year-round, spring is the best time to enjoy its brightly colored wildflowers (15 species of which are found nowhere else in the world).

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Families will appreciate the easygoing atmosphere and abundant kid-friendly activities in Bellevue, located between Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish about 10 miles east of Seattle. From clean outdoor spaces such as Bellevue Downtown Park and Mercer Slough Nature Park to engaging museums like the Bellevue Arts Museum and the KidsQuest Children's Museum, tiny tots will have plenty to do and see in this Pacific Northwest city. Plus, visitors of all ages will appreciate the beautiful Bellevue Botanical Garden, which offers a diverse array of flora and fauna spread across 50-plus acres.

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Paris Olympics 2024 travel guide: best hotels, tickets, navigating the city and more

Sarah Pollok

Sarah Pollok

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Many travellers are heading to Paris for the Olympics. Photo / 123rf

The Paris Summer Olympic Games will take place in the French city from July 26 to August 11, 2024, followed by the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 6.

Here’s what you need to know from how to buy Olympic Games tickets and how much a trip to Paris will cost, how busy Paris will be in July and what public transport is available.

How to buy Paris Olympics 2024 tickets?

The organisers of the XXXIII Summer Olympics in Paris prepared almost 10 million tickets for individual events and most were sold out months ago despite high prices.

However, several sports are back on sale. From badminton to boxing, there are still sports you can nab a ticket to for as little as $30. Those attending the Games are encouraged to regularly check the Olympics website for updates on ticket sales.

How much will it cost to go to the Paris Olympics 2024?

Prices are typically a little higher in Paris than in Auckland according to European fintech company, Conotoxia, which found supermarket items reasonably comparable while eating out and grabbing a coffee was more expensive.

A litre of milk will cost $2.5 and 12 eggs cost $8.40 but a mid-range meal for two is $125-134 and a cafe coffee is $7.70.

Grabbing a bite, a place to stay or transport will only get more expensive when the Games are on in Paris, with some hotels and rental apartments doubling, tripling or quintupling their prices, the New York Times reported.

Think €400 to €700 per night for a basic double room at a chain hotel, compared to the typical €90 to €200.

What will be free is the NZ House at the NZ Olympic Team HQ at Marriott Champs-Élysées. Here, Kiwis who don’t have a ticket to the live events can relax with some free wine and watch our athletes on the screen while enjoying the atmosphere.

The city is expected to increase prices during the Olympics. Photo / 123rf

Best Paris Olympics accommodation?

If you’re yet to book accommodation in Paris, you’re cutting it close even without the Olympics. However, websites such as still have hotel rooms, apartments and other accommodations available for two people staying a week from July 26 to August 1.

There are several places available for $300 per night and some that cost more than $2000 but most accommodation tends to be priced between $450 and $750.

The cheapest place to stay in Paris during the Olympics would likely be outside the city centre, where properties are cheaper or much larger.

Meanwhile, the best palace to stay in Paris depends on a traveller’s priorities. Sports fans attending many events may want to stay near the venues while culture-lovers could prefer something in the city centre. Others may wish to stay near the Olympic Village, located 6km northeast of the CBD, across the towns of Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen and l’Ile-Saint-Denis.

Fortunately, there are still hotels and motels with availability. Photo / File

How busy will Paris be in July 2024?

Between 6.2 and 6.4 million tourists visited Paris in July and August 2023.

It’s difficult to say exactly how many visitors will flood into Paris during the Games but predictions suggest up to 3.1 million visitors with Games tickets will be in Paris, not counting the millions that could be visiting but not watching the Olympics.

Some Parisians have announced plans to escape the city before the Games begin to avoid the crowds and supposed inconvenience.

Is there public transport in Paris during the Olympics 2024?

Several bridges, metro and train stations in Paris will close a week before the Games and certain bus routes will be diverted around security perimetres.

For help planning routes around Paris, download Île-de-France Mobilités’ mobile app, named “Transport Public Paris 2024″. Available in English, the app includes a route planner, traffic updates and a ticketing system.

On the app, visitors can also purchase an unlimited transport pass, which allows people to travel to all Olympic and Paralympic venues during the Games. The pass will cost €70 for a full week or €16 for a single day. Passholders can make unlimited trips using all modes of transport provided by Île-de-France Mobilités between competition venues, fan zones and Paris’ two main airports.

An example of the official Games transport application launched by Île-de-France Mobilités. Image /  Île-de-France Mobilités

The pass can be purchased via the app or from ticket machines at RATP and SNCF Transilien stations.

There will also be 10 free shuttle buses running between six competition venues far from public transport networks. Travellers do not have to book a spot and can simply hop on and off at the stops, which include: The National Golf, the Château of Versailles, La Colline d’Élancourt, Roland Garros, Parc des Princes and Stade nautique de Vaires-sur-Marne.

Shuttles will run every minute from 2.5 hours before an event to 2 hours after according to Île-de-France Mobilités.

Do I need a visa to go to the Paris Olympics 2024?

Assuming your France holiday isn’t longer than 90 days, you don’t have to worry about visas.

New Zealanders do not need a visa to visit France and can vist visa-free on holiday or business for up to 90 days per 180-day period. However, to enter the Schengen area (which France is a part of) you must have a return or onward travel ticket and passport with at least three months validity from the date of indented departure, according to SafeTravel.

Can I visit the Eiffel Tower during the Olympics 2024?

The Eiffel Tower will be open during the Paris Olympics 2024 aside from three key days; July 14 and the morning of July 15 (for Bastille Day fireworks) and July 26 for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics.

Visiting the Eiffel Tower will be a little different the week before the Olympic Games too. During this time, pedestrian and car access will be “heavily restricted” along the Seine, according to the official Eiffel Tower website.

Additionally, visitors must present proof of a timed reservation, made using the official online ticket platform, before entering the tower. E-tickets are now available for purchase online but if they sell out you can buy a free ticket to access the ticket desk on the day of your visit and buy a pass there.

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The 10 Best Places to Live in Montana in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes

If you’re planning on moving to Montana, add these cities to your list.

With natural beauty, diverse history , and lively cities, Montana has it all .

In this Redfin article, we’ve uncovered the best places to live in Montana, ranking them on qualities such as affordability, navigability, and number of amenities. You can find more information about our methodology here or at the bottom of the article.

Overview of Montana

With natural beauty, diverse history , and lively cities, Montana has it all . Across its three distinct regions , there are rivers, glaciers, grasslands, and more in this expansive state. You can ride a horse, raft down a river, and shop at a bustling mall on the same day, for example. Even if you want to experience “ the middle of nowhere ,” Montana has you covered. 

Known as Big Sky Country, Montana boasts expansive plains, sprawling forests, towering mountains, and flat buttes that give way to unobstructed views of clear, beautiful skies. Everywhere you go, it seems, there’s more to see. 

Montana’s climate varies widely depending on where you live. In the mountainous west, winters are cold and snowy, and summers are warm and pleasant. As you move east over the Continental Divide into the High Plains, the climate is much drier, although winters are still very cold. Farthest to the east and lower in elevation, you’ll see cold winters and dry, hot summers. 

Lastly, Montana’s population has grown consistently over the past decade, with most newcomers moving to the hip mountain towns of Bozeman and Whitefish .


1. Missoula, MT

Home to the University of Montana, a thriving outdoor economy, stunning landscapes, and much more, Missoula tops our list as the best place to live in Montana. The city’s prime mountainous location, great weather, ample outdoor recreation opportunities, and easy navigability helped earn it a high score.

Missoula retains a small-town feel while containing all the big-city amenities you expect. Events and gatherings like the Farmers’ Market , the International Wildlife Film Festival , Germanfest , and more all add to the city’s charm and artistic spirit. You’ll experience a different kind of living in Missoula – one of community, exploration, and education. The natural beauty doesn’t hurt, either. 

Missoula’s history adds to its charm. The city sits in an ancient lakebed, at the confluence of five mountain ranges which rise steeply on all sides. Indigenous peoples, including the Salish, Kootenia, and Shoshone, have long lived in the region and taken advantage of the narrow passages leading into the valley. The Lewis and Clark Expedition brought the first European settlers to the area, and Missoula was established in 1860.

Missoula’s climate is comparatively humid and mild, due to its location west of the Rocky Mountain peaks. Winters are cold and snowy, while summers are warm but not often hot. This means four-season recreation is enjoyable and plentiful. An increase in wildfires, smoke, drought, and heat waves are affecting the region, though, which is important to keep in mind. 

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Deciding between renting or buying your next home?

Located at 4,800 feet in elevation in the foothills of the Rockies, Bozeman is second on our list. What was long a small town in the Rockies, Bozeman has since become a trendy, hip place to live. Whether it’s the 360-degree mountain views and incredible outdoor recreation, or the opportunity for growth and many outlets for creativity, people love the city. 

“Bozeman is perfect for people looking for outdoor adventure, community, and culture. You’re surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, a welcoming and fast-growing community, and plenty of museums, theaters, music, and events throughout the year. Every season brings a new feel to the mountain city, each with its own charm and benefits.” – The team at Visit Bozeman , the region’s official tourism department

The city has consistently ranked as the fastest-growing city of its size in the country. It’s primarily attracted people , including celebrities, from coastal metros looking for a small, lively mountain escape. Because of its popularity, though, Bozeman has become very expensive and even earned a disparaging nickname: Boz Angeles . Houses of all types regularly sell in the millions. 

Eclectic, locally-owned shops and restaurants are everywhere in the city. The Hideaway , Whistle Pig , Pakeezah , and Feed Cafe (prepare for long waits) are hotspots for all types of cuisine, while Heydey and Revolvr are great places for souvenirs and clothing. Amenities are generally located near Downtown Bozeman , where most annual events also take place. 

Bozeman is a very snowy city, seeing upwards of 90 inches of snow per year . Winters can be quite cold, while summers are typically mild and sunny. Two ski resorts, Big Sky and Bridger Bowl , are within an hour’s drive, and cross country skiing trails snake through the city during the long winter. 

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3. Helena, MT

With its mix of historical charm, recreational opportunities, and plenty of amenities, Helena earns the number three spot. Helena is the capital of Montana and a city rich with culture and charm. Founded in the 1860s, the city embraces both the old and new – you can find old brick alleyways adjacent to modern buildings. 

Helena began as a gold rush town and grew very quickly, becoming a wealthy city toward the end of the century. 50+ millionaires lived in Helena by 1888. This concentration of wealth contributed to the dozens of elaborate Victorian buildings that dot the landscape, the most prominent of which is the Cathedral of St. Helena . Today, Downtown Helena sits at the epicenter of the gold rush and is lined with local shops, restaurants, and parks. The Mansion District lies just to the east. 

Popular dining spots include the Windbag Saloon & Grill , known for its hearty meals, and On Broadway , offering upscale Italian food in a historic setting. 

“We love living in Helena, MT because of the numerous hiking trails, lakes, and parks within city limits, especially Mount Helena City Park, Canyon Ferry Lake, and Holter Dam. Helena is also full of local businesses. Some of our favorite places to frequent are the historic Carousel for Wilcoxson’s ice cream and The Bagel Co for fresh-baked and boiled bagels.” – Erik and Susan Wood, owners of The Bagel Company

The city’s gold rush roots influenced more than just its wealth. Old prospector trails winding around the city’s foothills to the south have been turned into more than 400 miles of multi-use path, 80 of which start right in downtown. Helena was even named an IMBA Silver Ride Center for mountain biking, one of only 16 in the world, due to the abundance and quality of trails.

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4. Billings, MT

Situated along the Yellowstone River in south-central Montana, Billings is a thriving city known for its old western character , midwest charm, and access to outdoor adventures. An affordable cost of living , plenty of amenities, and economic stability help make it a great place to live. 

As Montana’s largest city, Billings offers a lively urban environment with the scenic backdrop of the Rimrocks to the north and east, and seven mountain ranges further out. The Beartooth Mountains to the southwest are the most prominent. Hills, plains, forests, and streams make up the rest of the awe-inspiring landscape, perfect for adventures of all kinds.

Billings’ modern history can be traced back to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, when Clark arrived at Pompey’s Pillar , now a popular state park. About 80 years later, settlers arrived to take advantage of the great lumber in the area, and a railroad was built not long after. Billings was established in 1882 and quickly grew to become one of the state’s largest cities. 

Today, Billings has steadily grown to become the economic epicenter for multiple states. In fact, the city’s regional influence is nearly unmatched , making it the place to be for job hunters. Even with its large status, Billings manages to retain its small-town western roots and larger than life outdoor space. Riverfront Park and Two Moon Park are two great spots to enjoy the scenery.

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5. Great Falls, MT

Great Falls is fairly small in size, but boasts a rich history, strong industry , and creative populace. Named after the many waterfalls in the area, the iconic Missouri River runs through the heart of Great Falls and has provided electricity through dams and water for agriculture for over a century. The five dams (and waterfalls) along the river helped give the city the nickname “Electric City.” 

Great Falls was the largest in Montana from 1950 to 1970 due to its thriving industry and affordable land. The cost of living has stayed very reasonable.

Most famously, Great Falls is an emblem of the American West. The city seemingly begs you to get out and explore the vast wilderness. Located in the high plains, Great Falls is nestled between four mountain ranges, three rivers, and home to vistas as far as the eye can see. More than 1 million tourists visit the city each year. 

This renowned landscape has inspired many famous artists to capture its beauty, earning Great Falls the moniker “The Western Art Capital of the World.” You can find the most famous artwork at the C.M. Russell Museum or see more modern pieces during Western Art Week . A total of ten museums dot the city’s gridded streets. 

“Great Falls is amazing because of the community. Everyone is so welcoming and warm to newcomers, especially people moving to the area. Our downtown is a must-see, full of great restaurants, museums, and shops. There are plenty of food options for every palette Downtown, but my favorite is our own restaurant, 5th & Wine!” – Tara Tronson-Strunk, co-owner of 5th & Wine

Great Falls’ climate is fairly dry, with cold, snowy winters and warm summers. Afternoon thunderstorms in the summer are common, and is when a majority of precipitation falls during the year. Like most cities just east of the Rocky Mountains, strong Chinook Winds can cause brief, unseasonably warm winter temperatures. 

Great Falls homes for sale | Great Falls houses for rent | Great Falls apartments for rent


6. Kalispell, MT

The sixth-best place to live in Montana on our list, Kalispell is the gateway to Glacier National Park and the hub of Northwestern Montana . A former railroad town turned industrial and commercial hub, Kalispell is primarily known for its outdoor recreation, natural wonders, and small-town charm. People are looking to enjoy the peaceful and adventurous way of life, too; the Kalispell region was the fastest-growing in Montana in 2023. 

Kalispell embraces its role in Indigenous history. Numerous tribes lived and traveled through the fertile region, namely the Salish and Pend d’Oreille . Kalispell’s name comes from “Kalispel,” a common name for the Pend d’Oreille peoples, for example. You also have the option to learn Montana Salish, either as a student or adult, through local Salish and Kootenai tribal schools at the Flathead Indian Reservation.

The beloved Flathead Cherry Festival also happens within the reservation every July, along Flathead Lake. Be sure to come hungry – there are food carts and more Flathead Cherries than you can eat waiting for you. 

Kalispell homes for sale | Kalispell houses for rent | Kalispell apartments for rent  


7. Whitefish, MT

Just north of Kalispell, Whitefish is a fast-growing , upscale vacation town known for its outdoor recreation, natural beauty, and mountain views. The city is situated along crystal clear Whitefish Lake and home to two ski resorts, plenty of luxury lodging, locally-owned businesses, and an amazingly friendly population. Paired with remarkable weather, these high-end amenities have led an influx of people to the area, many just seasonally . 

The sunny and mild summer is generally when Whitefish is most crowded with seasonal residents , but all four seasons, especially powdery winters, have something special to offer. Glacier National Park is also right in your backyard, just 30 minutes away, for example. No matter what you choose to do outside, you’ll find it in Whitefish. 

Plenty of local events keep residents connected during the year, most happening downtown. The Under the Big Sky Music Festival , Huckleberry Days Arts Festival , and a weekly Tuesday farmers market are among the most popular. You can also get together with friends and family at high-end restaurants, homey local brunch spots, and lively coffee shops. Most are walkable from downtown.

Whitefish homes for sale | Whitefish houses for rent | Whitefish apartments for rent


8. Butte, MT

Butte, officially Butte-Silver Bow, is a small city about 100 miles northwest of Bozeman. Butte was the first major city in Montana and retains an old-western, mountain atmosphere to this day. Mining has played a major role in the city’s economy and culture since its founding and continues to this day . Today, natural beauty, an affordable cost of living, and access to outdoor recreation make it a desirable place to live.

Butte’s long mining history brought jobs, wealth , and people to the city. However, it has also harmed the environment. When one of the largest mines shut down in 1982, Butte unknowingly inherited one of the largest Superfund sites in the country . The Berkeley Pit, as it’s now known, is located on the edge of town and was the site of open-pit mining. The pit is now filled with toxic groundwater , which is still rising today. 

The Berkeley Pit has become a tourist attraction of sorts, with a viewing stand and memorial plaza dedicated to lost miners. It’s infamous for its role in bird migrations, as well – birds who land on it for more than a few hours will die. Montana has funded efforts for 40 years to scare birds from landing on the lake. 

Butte’s history also includes a robust Chinatown and immigrant population (similar to most of Montana), including the oldest continually-operating Chinese restaurant in the country. You can learn more about the city’s history at museums in the area.

Butte homes for sale | Butte houses for rent | Butte apartments for rent


9. Livingston, MT

Just 30 minutes east of Bozeman, Livingston is the ninth-best place to live in Montana on our list. Livingston is a picturesque town known as being the gateway to Yellowstone National Park , but is home to plenty of natural wonders in its own backyard. The city sits in aptly-named Paradise Valley , flanked by the rugged Absaroka and Gallatin Mountains on either side. The Yellowstone River flows through downtown and along open plains and thick forests. No matter what you want to do outside, you’ll find it around Livingston. 

There’s plenty to do in the town, too. Livingston is a small railroad town, but you can still learn something new, grab a great coffee, and sit down for a nice dinner all within a mile from each other. Campione and the Murray Bar offer some of the best experiences. Unique shops and historic buildings also line the brick-filled streets. 

Importantly, though, Livingston is fairly expensive for homeowners, with house prices about $100,000 above the national median. People continue to be attracted to small-town living in the rugged American West. 

Livingston homes for sale | Livingston houses for rent | Livingston apartments for rent


10. Belgrade, MT

Belgrade, a suburb 20 minutes from Bozeman, rounds out our list of the best places to live in Montana. People looking for more affordable homes without sacrificing the Bozeman, Big Sky lifestyle will feel right at home in Belgrade. And along with a historic city center and unique shops and events, you’ll be sure to find something to love. The Fall Festival is the most popular among locals. 

Belgrade is fairly rural and has a history of agriculture , similar to most towns in the Gallatin Valley . The area has easy access to water, plenty of fertile land, and favorable summer weather for wheat, oats, and other crops . A complicated network of irrigation canals that have been used for a century carve through the landscape for dozens of miles, influencing local water use and regulation . 

The four seasons heavily influence life in Belgrade. Winter is perfect for enjoying the snow and spending time inside, while summer is ideal for exploring the great outdoors. Spring and fall are great in-between seasons for most activities, but are dependent on weather.

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Redfin’s Best Places to Live rankings are meant to help home searchers make an informed decision when choosing where to live. To attempt to measure the overall quality of a metro area, each ranking takes into account several key factors, including access to healthcare, open outdoor space, navigability, housing trends, employment statistics, income, and travel time to work. Only metros with a population of 7,500 or greater were considered for our Montana list. More information about our methodology can be found here .

Data valid May 2024. This article is for informational and educational purposes only.

Jamie is part of the content marketing team and is passtionate about climate change, housing affordability, and housing market trends. His dream home is a small, modern, and minimalist forested home where he can hear the wind blowing at night.

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7 of the best places to visit in Southeast Asia

Acacia Gabriel

Jul 10, 2024 • 6 min read

5 best places to visit in japan

Start planning your route through Southeast Asia with our guide to the best places to visit Pakin Songmor / Getty Images

Traveling through Southeast Asia is a rite of passage for many backpackers on a budget, but this stunning region also appeals to adventurers and nature lovers too, with people coming back year on year. Whether you are learning how to drive a motorbike or heading out in scuba gear to dive with reef sharks, Southeast Asia offers fantastic experiences at a fraction of the price found elsewhere.

Leading with curiosity and patience will serve travelers well as they navigate their way through the region. There are many highlights, but the spots that you stumble upon are likely to be the ones you remember most fondly. To help you plan your route, and find your own favorite places, here are our picks of where to visit in Southeast Asia and what makes them so special.

A large multi-level wooden structure and walkway our to sea near a surf spot

1. Siargao, Philippines

Best for surfing 

Siargao is a tropical paradise known for its quality surfing, which includes the Cloud 9 break, regarded as one of the best waves in the world. Surfers can take a boat out to Rock Island or Daku, or ride the left reef break at Stimpy’s. Not quite ready for that yet? Surf lessons are available for all levels, then make time to see the island beyond the waves. 

Enjoy live music performances at local bars and cafes, such as the Extension or Strum , ride a motorbike out to the North to visit caves, or go to a yoga class and take an ice bath. Whatever you decide, expect to be welcomed warmly into the local community.

Planning tip: Base yourself in General Luna. By staying at least a week on Siargao, you'll be able to experience the best of the island and explore beyond the main town. 

2. Amed, Bali

Best for diving and snorkeling sites

Amed — a coastal area located in northeast — has maintained the local charm and warm welcome that initially made the island of Bali so popular. Snorkelers and divers in particular love it here because it's home to iconic dive sites like the Japanese Shipwreck – shallow enough to snorkel – and Jemeluk Bay, packed with colorful coral. From here, take a trip to Bali’s famous Gates of Heaven, Pura Lempuyan , to see one of the holiest temple complexes on the island. Sunsets here are stunning: go to Lahangan Sweet viewpoint or Sunset Point for views over Mt Agung , Bali’s highest peak. 

Planning tip: From Canggu , it takes about four hours to get to Amed by taxi. However, if you come from Lombok or the Gili Islands, the ferry is less than two hours depending on the season.

A many tiered waterfall with a bamboo raft full of tourists in the pool

3. Cao Bang, Vietnam

Best for getting off the beaten track 

Cao Bang, in the north of  Vietnam , has some of the most impressive natural sites in the country, but without the crowds. Start at Phat Tich Truc Lam , a temple near the Chinese border, that offers wonderful views over the region’s rolling hills.  Ban Gioc Waterfall  – one of the most magical waterfalls in Southeast Asia and the largest in Vietnam – cascades over multiple tiers and can be visited on a boat trip or bamboo raft. The nearby Nguom Ngao Cave  system extends for several kilometers underground, and is home to many breathtaking stalactites and stalagmites. 

Planning tip: This is a place to get a glimpse of true rural Vietnamese culture, so be prepared to taste dishes you've never heard of and expect to rely on Google Translate to help you with communicating. Even though it is far off the typical backpacker route (for now), Cao Bang is very safe and has great infrastructure for visitors. It takes about six hours from Hanoi by car.

4. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand 

Best for animal lovers 

Khao Sok is a stunning national park that is home to hundreds of animal species including bears, monkeys, leopards and wild elephants. If you're lucky, you can see them wandering around on a safari or boat trip. Located just a few hours north of Krabi , Khao Sok National Park also boasts ATV tours, cave trekking, and Elephant Hills , a sanctuary where rescued elephants are allowed to roam freely in the nature park. 

Chiaw Lan Lake ’s limestone cliffs and dense rainforest will make you feel like you've been transported to another planet. For the ultimate experience, book a night on the lake in a floating bungalow where you can soak in the park's natural beauty from late-night stargazing to a sunrise safari.

A row of monks in orange robes pass in front of a temple collecting money off people

5. Luang Prabang, Laos

Best for Buddhist culture

The former royal capital of Laos , Luang Prabang , is nestled in a valley in the north. It remains an important site for Buddhist culture with its wonderfully preserved temples (wats) and other spiritual sites.

Those who visit are encouraged to participate in almsgiving, a centuries-old daily ceremony where monks collect alms from locals and visitors. Wat Xieng Thong is one of the most spiritually significant temples in Laos. It was built in 1560 for coronations, and is home to large mosaics and an elaborate library. Another important site is Phu Si , which translates to “sacred mountain” and is dotted with temples and shrines. 

Luang Prabang is also close to one of Southeast Asia’s dreamiest waterfalls,  Tat Kuang Si , made up of three tiers that cascade into natural pools of mineral-rich water colored milky white by limestone. 

Planning tip:  For those looking to delve even deeper into Laos’s natural beauty, Luang Prabang is a great jumping point to Nong Khiaw , a village known for its limestone cliffs and outdoor activities.

A man stands by a rickshaw outside a temple with Chinese-style red lanterns

6. Penang, Malaysia

Best for history and culture 

Penang , Malaysia is a vibrant mosaic of Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures, all of which are reflected in its food, architecture and traditions. 

The capital of this tropical island, George Town , manages to transform its heritage into something that can accommodate tourists all while tastefully maintaining its authenticity. In just one city, you can tour through Chinese clan houses, mosques, Hindu temples, and British Colonial buildings. 

Outside of George Town, Penang National Park is home to beautiful beaches and hiking trails through the jungle. Learn more about local fauna at the Tropical Spice Garden  packed with spices, medicinal plants and deadly natural poisons – guided tours are available.

Planning tip: As a general rule, it's wise for female travelers to cover their shoulders, chest and knees. While most sites do not require you to cover your head, you may want to bring a head scarf or sarong to enter certain religious or government buildings.

7. Gili Air, Indonesia

Best for relaxation

The Gili Islands — located between Bali and Lombok — consists of three small islets : Gili Trawangan , Gili Meno , and Gili Air . Each island offers its own, unique atmosphere, but for someone looking for peace, relaxation and serenity, they will want to linger on Gili Air with its strong focus on wellness. Motorbikes and cars are not allowed on the island, so visitors can lay back and truly relax on the white sandy beaches, with yoga classes and affordable spa treatments and massages.

One of the top attractions among the Gili Islands are the underwater sculptures, Nest , by artist Jason deCaires Taylor. This site is best enjoyed in the early morning before the crowds arrive, so be sure to book the earliest boat trip possible. There are also opportunities to scuba dive with the area’s many turtles.

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