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Luxussafari à la Hemingway zu wilden Tieren und außergewöhnlichen Lodges.


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Exotische Vielfalt

Erlebnis Rocky Mountains

Abenteuer mit Charme in der kanadischen Wildnis

Portugal, Douro & Porto

Wein, Genuß, Lebensart

Private Luxusreise – Costa Rica

Kultur, Natur, Design & ein Hauch von Abenteuer

Patagonien & Feuerland

Chile, Argentinien, Kap Hoorn

Weltreise auf der Südhalbkugel

Brasilien – Chile – Osterinsel – Französisch Polynesien uvm.

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in der Welt der einzigartigen und exklusiven Luxusreisen! Das ist die Welt von Select Luxury Travel. In unserer Travel-Boutique finden Sie ausschließlich handverlesene Luxusreisen zu den schönsten und aufregendsten Orten der Welt. Ganz nach dem Motto des bereits 1998 in Berlin gegründeten Reiseveranstalters: „Travel in Style“.

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Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Dirk Gowin

Gründer & Geschäftsführer

„Ich zähle nicht meine Atemzüge, sondern die Orte und Momente, die mir den Atem rauben.“


luxury travel berlin

Südsee – Cookinseln, Te Manava Luxury Villas & Spa

Norwegen - Six Senses Svart

Norwegen - Six Senses Svart

Afrika – Ruanda, One&Only Gorilla's Nest

Afrika – Ruanda, One&Only Gorilla's Nest

Ozeanien – Neuseeland

Ozeanien – Neuseeland

luxury travel berlin

Karibik – Turks & Caicos, COMO Parrot Cay

luxury travel berlin

Karibik – St. Lucia, Jade Mountain Resort

Arabien – Jordanien

Arabien – Jordanien

Europa – Griechenland, Santorin, Canaves Oia Epitome

Europa – Griechenland, Santorin, Canaves Oia Epitome

Europa – Italien, Toskana

Europa – Italien, Toskana

Aqua Blu – Bali & Komodo

Aqua Blu – Bali & Komodo

Europa – Venedig ganz Privat, Hotel Aman, Belmond Cipriani & St. Regis

Europa – Venedig ganz Privat, Hotel Aman, Belmond Cipriani & St. Regis

luxury travel berlin

Afrika – Mosambik, Azura Quilalea Private Island

Karibik – British Virgin Islands, Saba Rock Island Resort

Karibik – British Virgin Islands, Saba Rock Island Resort

Karibik – Antigua und Barbuda, Jumby Bay Island

Karibik – Antigua und Barbuda, Jumby Bay Island

Europa – Spanien, Mallorca, Castell Son Claret

Europa – Spanien, Mallorca, Castell Son Claret

luxury travel berlin

Afrika – Botswana, Sanctuary Chief's Camp

Luxuseisbrecher Commandant Charcot: Nordpol, Arktis, Antarktis

Luxuseisbrecher Commandant Charcot: Nordpol, Arktis, Antarktis

Karibik – Saint-Barthélemy, Rosewood Le Guanahani St. Barth

Karibik – Saint-Barthélemy, Rosewood Le Guanahani St. Barth

Europa – Griechenland, Zakynthos, Porto Zante Villas & Spa

Europa – Griechenland, Zakynthos, Porto Zante Villas & Spa

Tansania - Mwiba Lodge

Tansania - Mwiba Lodge

Indischer Ozean – Malediven , Milaidhoo

Indischer Ozean – Malediven , Milaidhoo

Europa – Spanien,  Fontsanta Hotel Thermal Spa & Wellness

Europa – Spanien, Fontsanta Hotel Thermal Spa & Wellness

Indischer Ozean –  Mauritius, Constance Prince Maurice

Indischer Ozean – Mauritius, Constance Prince Maurice

luxury travel berlin

Mittelamerika – Mexiko, Chablé Maroma

Indischer Ozean – Seychellen, Mahé, Hilton Northolme Resort & Spa

Indischer Ozean – Seychellen, Mahé, Hilton Northolme Resort & Spa

luxury travel berlin

Europa – Griechenland, Kreta, Domes Zeen Chania, a Luxury Collection Resort

luxury travel berlin

Mittelamerika – Mexiko, Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort

Europa – Spanien, Mallorca, Iberostar Grand Portals Nous

Europa – Spanien, Mallorca, Iberostar Grand Portals Nous

Südsee – Französisch Polynesien,  Le Nuku Hiva by Pearl Resorts

Südsee – Französisch Polynesien, Le Nuku Hiva by Pearl Resorts

luxury travel berlin

Europa – Zypern, Annabelle Hotel

Kundenstimmen, brasilien deluxe.

Reise ansehen

luxury travel berlin

Kerstin & Uwe B.

Wir sind gestern von unserer Traumreise aus Brasilien zurück. Es war wirklich ein Traum. Wir möchten uns heute bei Ihnen für die exzellente Organisation bedanken. Es hat alles, wirklich alles, super geklappt und funktioniert. Wir waren rundum sehr zufrieden. Es war eine außergewöhnliche Reise, die so in Ihrem Ablauf für uns persönlich wirklich perfekt war. Der überraschende Schokoladengruß dann zu Hause war der I- Punkt. Sie haben für uns und unseren Vorstellungen davon 100% entsprochen.

Dafür allergrößtes Lob & Dank!

luxury travel berlin

Vielen Dank euch allen für dieses großartige Erlebnis. Top Organisation und Beratung vorab und dann eine so tolle Reise auf einem irre schönen Schiff zu einem sehr besonderen Ziel. Atemberaubend schön war der Weg zum Nordpol mit vielen Eisbären, ein paar Walen und Robben und vor allem riesige beeindruckende Gletscher. Es gibt sie noch, wenngleich man einen Rückgang erkennen kann. Ich kann diese Reise und generell eine Reise mit Ponant nur empfehlen.

Es ist seinen Preis wert.

Südamerikas Beste

luxury travel berlin

Veronika und Wolfgang P.

Vor kurzem führte uns eine privat geführte Rundreise durch Südamerika (Peru, Argentinien, Brasilien). Diese wurde von uns vorgeplant. Die ergänzenden Empfehlungen und zahlreichen Anregungen durch Herrn Gowin persönlich waren in jeder Hinsicht „Gold wert“. Seine Empfehlungen reichten vom Hotelzimmer auf der richtigen Seite, dem richtigen Zug nach und von Machu Picchu (hin mit Belmond Hiram Bingham, zurück mit Vistadome) bis zur Tischreservierung in ausgesuchten Restaurants. Die lokalen Reiseführer waren ihm persönlich bekannt, was man auch in der Betreuung spürte. Vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag fühlten wir uns bestens betreut und aufgehoben.

Wir können eine Reise mit „select luxury travel“ mit guten Gewissens nur wärmsten empfehlen.

luxury travel berlin

Hiltrud und Gerhard

Wir hatten die Freude, mit Dirk Gowin und seinem Team in unendlich vielen Ländern unserer schönen Erde unterwegs gewesen zu sein. Gerade auch Orte, die nicht unbedingt als Touristen-Hotspots zu bezeichnen sind. Select Luxury Travel zeichnet sich aus durch hohe Individualität, persönliche Betreuung auch in Extremsituationen sowie profunde Landeskenntnisse und Kontakte vor Ort, vielfach begründet durch eigene Erlebnisse. Und wer öfters gebucht hat, braucht seine Wünsche oft schon gar nicht mehr im Detail zu erläutern: die Angebote kommen maßgeschneidert.

Nachdem wir nun fast die ganze Welt erleben durften, haben wir uns mittlerweile auf Europa konzentriert. Und auch hier können wir die Experten in Berlin vorbehaltlos empfehlen.

luxury travel berlin

Daniela und Mario

Die Beratung bei Select ist einzigartig! Das Know-How ist super, die Tipps waren allesamt sehr wertvoll /professionell und die Freundlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit vorbildlich. Vor allem aber das individuelle Eingehen auf unsere Wünsche und Bedürfnisse haben wir so noch nie erlebt. Select versteht es, sich in den Kunden hineinzuversetzen und das allerbeste Ergebnis bei der Urlaubsuche für den Kunden zu erzielen. Hier kommen Ideen und ein gesamtes Reisekunstwerk zum tragen, welches keinen Wunsch offen lässt. Eine Unvergessliche Hochzeitsreise hat uns Select organisiert und Momente die wir nie vergessen werden -Träume machen Select wahr.

Wir haben den nächsten Urlaub bereits wieder gebucht, denn besser kann eine Beratung nicht ablaufen!

luxury travel berlin

Carolin und Anna

Sehr herzlichen Dank an Sie und Ihr Team für die perfekte Organisation und die Auswahl der schönen Hotels und Highlights. Wir haben uns jederzeit rundum gut betreut gefühlt und alles in vollen Zügen genossen. Die Reiseleiter haben uns mit Ihrer Kompetenz, Leidenschaft für ihr Land und ihrer Herzlichkeit begeistert. Geben Sie bitte unseren ganz besonderen Dank an Yudy Huancahuire und Vanessa Chavez weiter. Die beiden haben uns mit ihrer Freundlichkeit das Gefühl gegeben zu Besuch bei Freunden zu sein.

Alles in allem haben wir eine absolut unvergessliche Reise gehabt und wir wüssten nicht, was man hätte besser machen können.

Welt am Sonntag Leserreisen

Trilogie polarer Sehnsuchtsziele

Europa – Spanien & Portugal

Lifestyle und entspannte Beats

MS EUROPA – Europa

Geburtstagskreuzfahrt der MS EUROPA

Unsere specials, 5★ constance lemuria resort, beauty of sambia & botswana, ägypten – exklusive nilkreuzfahrt, kisawa sanctuary mozambique, amalfitana luxury.

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ab 9.950€ pro Person (gültig bei 2 Personen im Doppelzimmer)


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schön, dass Sie bei uns sind! Flexibel planen, kurzfristig buchen und sorglos, sicher und ganz individuell reisen ist bei uns jederzeit und auch sehr kurzfristig möglich.

Ob Business- , First- oder Economy-Class-Flüge  zu besten Konditionen  mit renommierten Airlines, Reisen im Privatjet, wohnen in exklusiven kleinen Resorts, Hotels oder Villen mit viel Privatsphäre und Top-Service, private Transfers, Rundreisen, Ausflüge und außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse nur für Sie alleine, mit Freunden oder mit Ihrer Familie – wir arrangieren  individuell, maßgeschneidert und perfekt im Detail geplant  Ihre private Auszeit, die für immer unvergessen bleibt.

Mit  viel Erfahrung  und  Fingerspitzengefühl , bester  Erreichbarkeit ,  Flexibilitä t und zu besonderen Konditionen  hinsichtlich  kostenloser Stornierung sogar bis kurz vor Reiseantritt bieten wir   gerade in diesen Zeiten  beste Flexibilität  und  größtmögliche Sicherheit , was uns am wichtigsten ist.

Gerne beraten wir Sie individuell und persönlich im Detail. Wir können es kaum erwarten, Sie bald mit uns auf Ihrer Traumreise begleiten zu dürfen.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ihr Dirk Gowin & Select-Team aus Berlin

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Luxury Travel Blogger – Carmen Edelson

Luxury Travel Blogger – Carmen Edelson

A Luxury Travel Guide to Exploring Berlin

Berlin, a city steeped in history and brimming with contemporary charm, invites travelers to embark on a luxurious journey through its vibrant streets. From opulent hotels to Michelin-starred dining, high-end shopping to private guided tours, Berlin has it all for those seeking an elevated travel experience.

Luxurious Retreats:

luxury travel berlin

Begin your Berlin sojourn in style by choosing from some of the city’s most prestigious hotels. The Hotel de Rome witnessed various transformations before becoming the epitome of opulence it is today. Originally a bank, the hotel seamlessly blends history and modern luxury, featuring a spa in the former bank vault, making it an unforgettable stay. You may also choose Berlin’s most famous hotel – the Adlon Kempinski. The original Adlon was a societal hub for Europe’s elite. Destroyed in 1945, the current hotel opened in 1997 and retains the legacy. With guests like Charlie Chaplin and Marlene Dietrich, the Adlon is not just a hotel but a living chronicle of Berlin’s past. You may end up in the room where Michael Jackson decided to dangle one of his kids out the window!

If you don’t mind staying further out of the city, consider historic residence turned into palatial retreat, Schlosshotel Berlin by Patrick Hellmann. Originally built in 1912, this residence has hosted illustrious guests from Emperor Wilhelm II to Robert Kennedy. Acquired by fashion designer Patrick Hellmann in 2014, it underwent a lavish redesign, incorporating Hellmann’s own collections into the opulent interiors. The Karl Lagerfeld suite, designed by Lagerfeld himself, adds a touch of fashion royalty to the hotel.

If at any point you need store your suitcases while in the city, I highly recommend Nannybag luggage storage in Berlin .

Hire a Private Guide:

luxury travel berlin

Embark on an extraordinary journey through Berlin’s history and culture with the personalized touch of Private Tours of Berlin with Matti . Your guide, Matti, not only brings a wealth of knowledge but also infuses the experience with a personable touch, ensuring an exclusive and tailored adventure. A unique highlight of these tours is the option of having a private driver, enhancing your comfort and allowing you to absorb the surroundings fully. For enthusiasts of royal grandeur, set out to Potsdam to explore the magnificent palaces, witnessing the splendor of Prussian history. With a private tour, your exploration goes beyond the ordinary, offering an exclusive, immersive, and unforgettable experience tailored to your preferences.

Culinary Extravaganza:

luxury travel berlin

Indulge your palate in Berlin’s culinary scene, where world-class chefs create gastronomic wonders. Cookies Cream stands as a culinary gem in Berlin, redefining vegetarian dining with its innovative and flavorful dishes. Tucked away in an unassuming location, this restaurant surprises and delights patrons with its chic and modern setting. The menu, curated with creativity and precision, showcases the versatility of vegetarian ingredients, transforming them into culinary masterpieces.

Or try Tim Raue, a two-Michelin-starred restaurant which takes diners on a culinary journey through the artistry of Asian-inspired cuisine. Renowned chef Tim Raue’s creations are a symphony of flavors, blending traditional Asian ingredients with contemporary European techniques. The restaurant’s sophisticated ambiance complements the exquisite dishes, creating an immersive dining experience. Thirdly, Facil offers a dining oasis where exquisite meals are savored amidst lush greenery. This restaurant, located in a serene setting, provides an escape from the urban hustle, inviting guests to indulge in a culinary experience surrounded by nature. The menu at Facil is a symphony of flavors, highlighting the best of seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients. With a commitment to sustainability and a focus on culinary craftsmanship, Facil creates dishes that are both visually stunning and gastronomically satisfying. No wonder it has two Michelin stars!

Retail Therapy in Style:

luxury travel berlin

For luxury shopping, head to the prestigious Kurfürstendamm, Berlin’s renowned shopping boulevard, featuring a plethora of high-end brands. This prestigious shopping district beckons with an array of elite brands and designer labels, offering a haven for those seeking the latest trends and timeless elegance. Whether strolling along the wide promenades or exploring chic storefronts, Kurfürstendamm promises a sophisticated retail experience, solidifying its status as a destination for discerning fashion enthusiasts.

Not far from Kurfürstendamm is KaDeWe, the iconic Kaufhaus des Westens, continental Europe’s largest department store. The gourmet floor stands as a gastronomic haven, presenting an unparalleled selection of premium delicacies and international flavors. Food connoisseurs will be delighted by the exquisite offerings, from artisanal cheeses to rare truffles and fine wines. For an extraordinary chocolate experience, venture into the realm of Rausch, where the artistry of chocolate-making reaches new heights. This chocolatier’s commitment to craftsmanship and quality is evident in every delectable creation. From intricately designed pralines to rich cocoa-infused delights, Rausch tantalizes taste buds with a symphony of flavors. The store itself is a visual delight, with meticulously crafted chocolate sculptures and displays, providing an immersive experience for chocolate enthusiasts.

Cultural Riches:

luxury travel berlin

Berlin’s rich cultural tapestry unfolds with a captivating array of museums and artistic gems, inviting enthusiasts to embark on a journey through time and creativity. The Neues Museum, an architectural marvel itself, is home to the iconic Nefertiti Bust, a symbol of ancient Egyptian beauty and craftsmanship.

For those with a penchant for contemporary art, the Boros Collection stands as a testament to Berlin’s avant-garde spirit. Housed within the confines of a converted World War II bunker, this exclusive gallery provides a unique and atmospheric backdrop for modern masterpieces. However, gaining entry into the Boros Collection is no simple feat, as its exclusivity and popularity necessitate reservations made far in advance. Art aficionados are rewarded with an immersive experience, encountering cutting-edge works within the rugged yet intriguing confines of this historical structure.

Top Sights and Hidden Gems:

luxury travel berlin

Last but certainly not least, embark on a captivating journey through Berlin, a city that seamlessly weaves together its rich history and vibrant contemporary spirit. The iconic Brandenburg Gate stands as a symbol of unity and peace, inviting visitors to delve into the city’s storied past. Immerse yourself in the poignant history of Berlin with a visit to the Holocaust Memorial, a solemn tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. Witness the remnants of the Berlin Wall, tangible echoes of a divided past that have become powerful symbols of reunification. The East Side Gallery, adorned with vibrant murals, offers a poignant representation of artistic expression on this historic canvas.

Experience the lively ambiance of the Hackesche Höfe, a series of interconnected courtyards filled with art, culture, and boutiques. Step into the grandeur of Charlottenburg Palace, a royal residence showcasing opulent architecture and lush gardens. Marvel at the historic Reichstag, a symbol of German democracy. Berlin’s tapestry of sights extends beyond the well-known landmarks; each corner reveals hidden gems waiting to be explored. Whether tracing the remnants of history or indulging in the city’s contemporary vibrancy, Berlin offers an unparalleled journey through time and culture.

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  • what to see in berlin
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  • where to stay in berlin

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Luxury Berlin tours

Travel+Leisure World's Best Awards 2023 logo in white

Enticing enthusiasts of arts, culture and history, this enigmatic city exudes a profound atmosphere of creativity and its storied past is evident around every corner

Set on either side of the Spree River, this multifaceted destination, the compelling capital of Germany, underwent years of division and turmoil during the Cold War, culminating in the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Today, a reunified and welcoming metropolis is what awaits those who enter this laid-back city – a particularly alluring magnet for visitors seeking outlets of inspiration or opportunities for cultural immersion. Regarded as one of Europe’s top start-up capitals and home to a profusion of festivals, museums, art galleries and theatres, Berlin is bound to appease with its easy-going Bohemian outlook and assortment of enthralling sights.

  • Seek out the towering 18th-century neoclassical Brandenburg Gate.
  • Visit one of the home of the German Government in Berlin, the Reichstag Building.
  • Walk along the outdoor memorial of the Berlin Wall.
  • Explore Museum Island UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Stop by Checkpoint Charlie – the Cold War crossing point of East and West Berlin.
  • Wander by the open-air East Side Gallery and its graffiti murals.
  • Hear heartbreaking stories at the Holocaust Memorial.
  • Inspect the city’s eye-catching street art.

As a result of the bombings and battles of World War II, and the demolitions during the post-war period, Berlin’s cityscape is an amalgamation of architectural designs and a fusion of several styles. Exploring its streets by foot is the best method of taking in the highlights and getting a real feel for its exceptionally unique ambience while understanding more about the journey of this city and its people through history.

To see the brilliance of Berlin from above, venture to the top of the Fernsehturm, Germany’s tallest structure at 368m, dominating the skyline. Here, you can look out from the observation deck and bar – a wonderfully ideal spot to conclude your day or to kick-start your evening experiencing the city’s renowned nightlife.

A tale of two cities, Berlin is fascinating to explore and a couple of days is needed to delve into the historical sites alone. Guides will bring to life the horrors of the wars, life under the Nazis, as a city divided and the jubilance at the fall of the wall. Despite a relatively bleak past, Berlin is thriving with independent shops, markets and designers, innovative restaurants and bars, and a renowned club scene, which makes this a fun city to spend time. No visit to Berlin is complete with visiting a traditional biergarten for fresh beer and lively conversation.

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Our top Berlin example trips

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Our favourite places to stay in Berlin

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THE 10 BEST Berlin Luxury Hotels

Berlin luxury hotels, property types, distance from, neighborhoods, traveler rating, hotel class.

  • Best Value Properties ranked using exclusive Tripadvisor data, including traveler ratings, confirmed availability from our partners, prices, booking popularity and location, as well as personal user preferences and recently viewed hotels.
  • Traveler Ranked Highest rated hotels on Tripadvisor, based on traveler reviews.
  • Distance to city center See properties located closest to the center first with confirmed availability for your dates from our partners


1. Grand Hyatt Berlin


2. The Mandala Hotel


3. Hotel Zoo Berlin

anna doege

4. Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt


5. Hotel Palace Berlin


6. Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

Eva B

7. Berlin Gorki Apartments


8. Hotel am Steinplatz, Autograph Collection

Katherine H

9. Intercontinental Berlin, An Ihg Hotel


10. Titanic Gendarmenmarkt Berlin


11. Hilton Berlin


12. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin


13. Pullman Berlin Schweizerhof


14. Dorint Kurfürstendamm Berlin

Mariano F

15. Jw Marriott Hotel Berlin


16. Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection


17. Berlin Marriott Hotel


18. Hotel de Rome

Marin P

19. So/ Berlin Das Stue


20. Regent Berlin

David Hallett

21. The Westin Grand Berlin


22. Schlosshotel Berlin By Patrick Hellmann


23. Waldorf Astoria Berlin


24. Ackselhaus

Urban A

25. Wilmina Hotel

Michelle J

26. Hotel Bristol Berlin

Jo C

27. Orania.Berlin


28. Telegraphenamt


29. Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade

Hanifi Tarik Keçe

30. Chateau Royal Berlin


Berlin Hotels Information

luxury travel berlin

  • Grand Hyatt Berlin
  • The Mandala Hotel
  • Hotel Zoo Berlin
  • Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt
  • Hotel Palace Berlin
  • Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin
  • Berlin Gorki Apartments
  • Hotel am Steinplatz, Autograph Collection
  • Intercontinental Berlin, An Ihg Hotel
  • Titanic Gendarmenmarkt Berlin
  • Berlin Travel Guide
  • Berlin Things To Do
  • Berlin Hotels
  • Berlin Restaurants
  • Berlin Neighborhoods
  • Berlin Travel Tips
  • Berlin News
  • Berlin Gallery
  • Berlin Sights
  • Berlin Shopping
  • Berlin Nightlife
  • Berlin Performing Arts

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The 8 Best Luxury Hotels in Berlin

These luxury properties offer the best of the best in Berlin, from historic settings to sumptuous interiors to top-notch amenities like lavish spas and Michelin-starred restaurants. And, of course, each promises first-class, white-glove service, as befits a five-star hotel.

Related Ultimate Guide: 17 Under-the-Radar Things to Do in Berlin

The Mandala Hotel

Why it made the list

A discreet five-star oasis just off the bustling Potsdamer Platz, the Mandala Hotel exudes a Zen-like calm with its understated yet luxurious modern design and top-floor holistic spa with unbeatable city views. Tucked away in the courtyard is its crown jewel: the two-Michelin-star Facil.

This privately-owned luxury hotel exudes a cool, serene, Zen Read More

Patrick Hellmann Schlosshotel

This baronial mansion hotel near the Grunewald Forest, about a 10-minute drive from the city, evokes a grand countryside estate, with its manicured gardens and aristocratic interiors designed by fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld. Luxurious treatments can be had at the comprehensive spa, which counts multiple saunas, an indoor pool and a full salon.

In the beautiful, verdant setting of residential Grunewald, Read More

Check Rates for Hotels on the List

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The Ritz-Carlton Hotel

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

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Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Welcome to The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

Contemporary luxury meets the best of berlin's golden age.

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is located in the heart of the city at Potsdamer Platz, neighboring Berlin’s largest inner city park “Tiergarten” and situated just a 7 minute walk to Brandenburg Gate. This superior 5-star hotel has won multiple awards and offers a unique setting in an contemporary style and the highest level of outstanding service. Richly designed and residential in feel, the 303 guest rooms and suites combine exquisite Art Deco design with contemporary touches and hand-selected furnishings recapture the essence of Berlin’s glamorous golden era. Guest can savor a variety of culinary experiences: POTS represents the modern German cuisine, while the elegant The Lounge pampers guests with quality teas and its own menu. The Curtain Club is one of the city's top bars and complete the culinary ensemble the luxury hotel has to offer. To relax and unwind, an elegant wellness facility and the exclusive Club Lounge on the 10th floor welcome guests.

An abstract image of yellow, blue and green swirl

Through personalized service and unparalleled experiences, discover moments that change everything. How will a stay at The Ritz-Carlton leave you?

The Ritz-Carlton Suite

Rooms and Suites

The spacious rooms and suites at The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin combine exclusive Art Deco styled design elements with contemporary touches in homage to Berlin’s Golden Age. Richly designed and residential in feel, glamour carries through the hotel’s five-star amenities and luxury accommodations. Dramatic, floor-to-ceiling headboards use color and geometric patterns to express change. The life of Marlene Dietrich is honored in artwork and the minibar’s design. (She shared her love for the Berlin in a song and had a permanent suitcase in the city.) And hand-selected furnishings recall the glamour of the 1920s.

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Ritz Carlton Hotel image

In the 1920s, Berlin brimmed with creativity and lavishness, a result of its booming film and cabaret industries. Today, The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin has recaptured the essence of the era. The hotel is a modern tribute to Art Deco design and a reflection of Berlin’s ever-changing cultural landscape. In the Berlin Mitte neighborhood, set on Potsdamer Platz, The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is a gateway into the city’s past and a reflection of its present. Outside, hotel guests are faced with remnants of the Berlin Wall. Inside, the city’s golden age unfolds with Art Deco décor and references to the film era. This glamour carries through the hotel’s five-star amenities including luxury accommodations overlooking the city center.

Guest Room - 1 King-size Bed

Elevated Suite Experiences

Richly designed and residential in feel, our suites combine Art Deco details with contemporary touches, meanwhile providing spacious luxury and a high level of intimacy. Select the suite accommodation that suits best your needs and revel in a memorable stay by experiencing personalized and high-class service.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Exclusive Art Deco-Inspired Accommodation

Experience a luxurious stay in our guest rooms, which combine Art Deco elements and contemporary touches in homage to Berlin’s Golden Age.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge

Perfect for unforgettable moments: Exceptional services and amenities ensure an added measure of excellence at every moment during your stay. The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge redefines the luxury hotel experience, combining intimacy, comfort and exclusivity with the personalized service and attention to detail that are the hallmark of The Ritz-Carlton. This oasis is often referred to as a hotel within a hotel, in a well-appointed, relaxed lounge environment.

Dining tables in a room with large windows overlooking a city at night

The Roaring Twenties at The Curtain Club

Behind the curtains of The Curtain Club we serve exquisite drinks, inspired by the Roaring 20s, to revive the spirit of days long gone.

Sparkling Tower

A 1920’s Celebration at The Lounge

With a glass of champagne, we cordially invite you daily at 6 p.m. to toast the nightlife of the golden 1920s.

German cuisine dish at POTS restaurant

POTS - German Cuisine, Reimagined

Savor classics of German cuisine in a modern interpretation. To complete the culinary pleasures, our sommelier and the POTS team serve more than 200 exclusive wines with a focus on German wines. The POTS team is welcoming guests in the style of the capital which are invited to experience an authentic and informal atmosphere.

Behind the curtains of The Curtain Club, we serve you exquisite drinks, inspired by the Roaring Twenties, to revive the spirit of days long gone. We also treat you to live music on selected days.

We are looking forward to welcoming to our summer season 2024 as of May 1, 2024.Insider tip. Hidden behind the secret corridors of The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin, we invite you to discover the new Secret Champagne Garden - a summertime pop-up bar in an exclusive, hidden location. Explore our high-garden, an oasis in the middle of the urban jungle, and enjoy fine champagne from Louis Roederer, drinks and cocktails inspired by flowers and botanicals, or refined delicacies from the hotel kitchen. The sunset over the Tiergarten can also be observed particularly well from there. Our concierge team in the lobby is delighted to show you the hidden corridor leading to the Secret Champagne Garden.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Within the elegant atmosphere of the The Lounge guests enjoy cocktails, light meals and snacks, as well as an afternoon tea ceremony.Seasons lead the experience at The Lounge, located at The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin, where exclusive tea blends are selected to reflect each season's essence. Perfect for a casual business meeting, The Lounge is a cozy, inviting space that transitions beautifully from day – when high tea, caviar tastings and signature dishes are enjoyed – to evening, when a cocktail is the beverage of choice.

Dining Experiences

A base for creative cuisine and cocktail culture, dining in Berlin often shares headlines with London and NYC. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin pushes the boundaries to shatter the traditional image of hotel dining. Indulge in culinary experiences such as Champagne Brunch, Afternoon Tea or seasonal dining specialties.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Gift Vouchers

Treat family, friends or colleagues to a one-of-a-kind hotel gift voucher to unwind from the all-day routine. Enjoy The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin at your leisure while relaxing with an overnight break or embark on a culinary journey.

gift voucher

Calendar of Events

Experience a variety of events and activities that enhance your time at The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin, and in the vibrant German capital. Discover memorable hotel highlights, culinary events, city highlights, cultural activities, and much more - Berlin offers happenings for every desire.

Toasting with Champagne Glasses

Wellness Area

The hotel’s modern wellness space brings a hint of glamour to the workout experience. The 24-hour fitness center features state-of-the-art equipment complemented by a steam room, Finnish sauna, lap pool and relaxation area. Treatments, performed by a local spa therapist, are available upon request.

woman relaxing in pool

Meetings and Events

Discover a business hotel in Berlin that specializes in bringing groups together for a truly collaborative and inspired meeting experience. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin pairs luxury accommodations with impeccable service to create unforgettable events in the heart of the city.

Grand Ballroom with classroom setup

Weddings and Occasions

Turn dreams into reality at The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin - ideally located in the heart of the city and specialized in spectacular weddings.

wedding couple leaving hotel

Eco-Label Certification

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is certified with the "Green Key" eco-label and is characterized by extended sustainability initiatives. We minimize our environmental footprint by sustainably managing our energy and water use, reducing our waste and carbon emissions, & increasing the use of renewable energy. We are committed to integrating leading environmental and social practices into our supply chain and collaborating with like-minded suppliers.

What To Expect

We Are Delighted To Welcome You


Potsdamer Platz 3, Berlin, Germany, 10785

Limousine Service (electric cars available); fee: 200 EUR (one way) ;on request


Private Car Service

Limousine/Van Service

Bus Station

Subway Station

Potsdamer Platz

Train Station

Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Main Station)

Reservations Tel: +49 30 33 777 6300 [email protected] Groups & Events Tel: +49 30 33 777 2200 [email protected] Sales Tel: +49 30 33 777 6037 [email protected] Reception & Guest Experience Tel: +49 30 33 777 7 [email protected] Concierge Tel: +49 30 33 777 5226 [email protected] Human Resources Tel: +49 30 33 777 6064 [email protected] Public Relations Tanita Ohlendorf Tel: +49 30 33 777 6026 [email protected]

News and Press Releases

Read The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin press releases.

Escape to this haven of tranquility

Property Details

Fitness Center

Indoor Pool

24 Hour Room Service

Daily Housekeeping

Turndown Service

Meeting Space

Convenience Store

Dry Cleaning Service

Room Service

Wake up Calls


Check-in: 3:00 pm

Check-out: 12:00 pm

Minimum Age to Check In: 18

Smoke Free Property

Pets Welcome.

Dogs under 20kg only with non-refundable fee of EUR 50 per dog per stay

Non-Refundable Pet Fee Per Stay: €50

Maximum Pet Weight: 20kgs

Accepts: Cash, Credit Cards


Concierge desk service

Currency Exchange

Property has elevators

Languages spoken by staff: German, English

For more information about the physical features of our accessible rooms, common areas or special services relating to a specific disability please call +49 30-337777

Service Animals are Welcome

Van Accessible on-site parking

Entrance to On-Site Fitness Center is Accessible

Main Entrance is Accessible

Meeting Spaces are Accessible

On-Site Restaurants are Accessible

Room and Suites Access through the Interior Corridor

Accessible Vanities

Adjustable Height Hand-Held Shower Wand

Alarm Clock Telephone Ringers

Bathtub Grab Rails

Bathtub Seat

Deadbolts on Guest Room and Suites Doors

Electronic Room Key

Guest Room and Suites Doors Self-Closing

Lowered Deadbolts on Guest Room Doors

Lowered Electrical Outlets

Lowered Night Guards on Guest Room Doors

Non-slip Grab Rails in the Bathroom

Roll-in Shower

Room Windows Open

Safety Chains and/or Latches on Guest Doors

Secondary Locks on Room Windows

Toilet Seat at Wheelchair Height - Toilet for Disabled

Viewports in Guest Room and Suites Doors

The Green Key Certified

Carbon Footprint: 13.58 kg per room night

Water Footprint: 407.17 liters per room night

Guest Room Recycling

Electric car charging

Unlock your stay with the Marriott Bonvoy™ App

Potsdamer Platz 3,

Berlin, Germany, 10785

Fax: +49 30-33777-5300

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Luxury Travel Berlin: Great Spots & Experiences in 2024

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  • 21 April 2024
  • Blog , Berlin travel

Berlin 2 13

Discover the opulence of luxury travel in Berlin, where historical elegance meets modern sophistication. Berlin offers a unique blend of luxury, from its world-class hotels and fine dining to exclusive shopping and bespoke cultural experiences. Explore the city’s rich history and vibrant contemporary scene through private tours, after-hours museum visits, and Michelin-starred cuisine, all while enjoying the utmost in comfort and service. Embark on a journey that goes beyond the conventional to experience the extraordinary luxury Berlin has to offer.

Table of Contents

Luxury Accommodations

In our quest for the finest that Luxury Travel Berlin has to offer, we uncover the city’s most prestigious places to stay. From historic landmarks to chic retreats, Berlin’s luxury accommodations are as diverse as they are grand.

Iconic Hotels

Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin , a symbol of opulent lodging, stands mere steps from the Brandenburg Gate. Its legacy is undisputed, a sanctuary of luxury that’s hosted an array of world leaders and celebrities. Here, every suite exudes elegance and each service is refined.

Another flagship of luxury, the Ritz-Carlton Berlin , pairs timeless style with modern amenities. It pampers with a touch of 1920s glamour right in the bustling Potsdamer Platz. For those seeking an accommodation that epitomizes Berlin’s heritage, with a suite at the Waldorf Astoria Berlin, high above the city in the Zoofenster skyscraper, they’ll grasp the meaning of a sky-high haven.

Elegant Boutique Hotels

Berlin’s luxury boutique hotels offer an intimate experience, each with its unique flair. The Hotel de Rome shines as a design hotel, where historic bank vaults have transformed into pools, a blend of tradition and modern luxury. For a uniquely tailored experience, SO/Berlin Das Stue invites us into its serene ambiance, with a design that’s both invigorating and soothing, nestled in the diplomatic district by the Tiergarten.

Whether we seek historic magnificence or contemporary chic, we find that Berlin’s luxurious stays are an indispensable part of the city’s luxury real estate, adding to Berlin’s reputation as a premier destination for discerning travelers.

Luxury Travel Berlin

Discovering Berlin’s History

When embarking on luxury travel in Berlin, we immerse ourselves in a city adorned with landmarks that are not just stunning but also steeped in profound historical significance. From the remnants of the Cold War to edifices that echoed with declarations of power, every cobblestone has a story to tell.

Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin Wall

Behold the Brandenburg Gate, an iconic symbol of Germany’s unity and resilience. This neoclassical triumphal arch stood witness to both the tumult of wars and the joy of reunification. As we gaze upon its majestic structure, we can almost hear the echoes of history that have played out beneath its grand archways.

Meanwhile, the remnants of the Berlin Wall, once a concrete manifestation of a divided nation, offer a sobering reminder of the past. A walk along the East Side Gallery, a part of the wall now serving as a canvas for political expression through art, reveals powerful messages of hope and freedom that resonate deeply with us.

Historical Museums

Berlin’s historical museums are treasure troves that house countless narratives of Germany’s past. At the Topography of Terror, we’re given a stark look at the ominous reach of the Nazis during World War II. This indoor/outdoor museum stands on the grounds which once bore the headquarters of the SS and Gestapo, inviting us to reflect on the gravity of the era.

The Reichstag building, with its grandiose architecture and impressive glass dome, is more than a political hub—it’s a symbol of Germany’s tumultuous journey through and beyond the 20th century. Within its walls, we track the timeline of Germany’s history, witnessing the weight of democracy restored to its halls.

Wellness and Relaxation

When we think of Luxury Travel Berlin, images of historical landmarks and vibrant street art may come to mind. But let’s not overlook the city’s indulgent side, where wellness and relaxation form the cornerstone of a truly opulent experience.

Spas and Wellness Centers

Berlin hosts an array of high-end spas that promise to rejuvenate the soul. Revered establishments, like the Guerlain Spa , offer bespoke treatments in settings that spell pure tranquility. For those who seek relaxation lifted by stunning views, a rooftop spa might just be your haven in the city.

  • Indulge in the serene atmosphere of a luxury spa
  • Experience unique treatments crafted by top wellness experts

Luxury Resort Amenities

Five-star hotels in Berlin aren’t just about the plush beds and impeccable service. They take pampering to a new level with amenities designed for peak relaxation. Picture an indoor pool that provides a tranquil escape from the city’s bustle, or wellness areas complete with the finest features to cater to your every need.

  • Find solace in the exclusive indoor pool facilities
  • Enjoy the full spectrum of luxury wellness amenities on offer

Berlin’s luxury landscape is an open invitation to those who seek a balance between urban excitement and restorative peace. Join us, and let the city’s lavish side enchant you.

Culinary Delights

When we think about Luxury Travel Berlin , the city’s exquisite culinary landscape comes immediately to mind. With a range of award-winning dining options and a diverse array of local and international cuisine, the city teases the taste buds of gastronomes from around the globe.

Award-Winning Dining

Berlin’s dining scene boasts impressive accolades, including Michelin-starred restaurants that elevate the dining experience to an art form. The prestigious Rutz Restaurant, for instance, has earned three Michelin stars, a testament to its innovative culinary creations and impeccable service. For those seeking an epicurean adventure, such establishments serve as temples of taste where every dish is a masterpiece.

Local and International Cuisine

We’re not just about the trophies, though. Berlin’s culinary circuit celebrates not just its award-winning restaurants, but also the rich tapestry of flavors from around the world. Whether it’s the authentic German fare at a traditional tavern or the exotic spices at an upscale Turkish eatery, Berlin is a place where food and drink stories are written with passion and served with pride. As travelers, we revel in the city’s ability to intertwine local ingredients with international culinary trends, making every meal an unforgettable part of our journey.

Luxus Restaurant

Shopping and Fashion

Luxury travel in Berlin offers a treasure trove of stylish experiences, especially for those with a passion for high-end fashion and unique finds. Let’s explore the city’s sartorial offerings together, highlighting the exclusive boutiques and fashion districts that make Berlin a must-visit for the style-conscious traveler.

Exclusive Boutiques

We can find the epitome of luxury amid the city’s charming streets, where exclusive boutiques are nestled. You’ll come across world-renowned designer labels such as Armani and Chanel, to complement your wardrobe with pieces straight off the runway. Whether you’re searching for the latest handbag or a bespoke suit, these boutiques offer tailor-made shopping experiences that cater to your every desire.

Fashion Districts

The districts of Mitte and Kreuzberg are vibrant hubs for fashion enthusiasts. In Mitte, the streets are lined with boutiques showcasing original Berlin style – a blend of contemporary design and classic elegance. Over in Kreuzberg, we can meander through eclectic streets to find an array of vintage shops and second-hand boutiques, giving us a taste of the city’s alternative fashion scene . These neighborhoods are perfect for finding something unique and perhaps a bit of Berlin to take home with us.

Arts and Culture

As we explore Luxury Travel Berlin , let us immerse ourselves in its arts and culture that serve as a beacon of inspiration. An eclectic art culture pulses through the city’s veins, offering a treasure trove of experiences—from cutting-edge art exhibits in sleek galleries to the vibrant murals that adorn its historic streets.

Galleries and Theatres

Berlin is a hub for arts enthusiasts, boasting a diverse range of venues. Art galleries in the city are as varied as the artworks they house, presenting everything from contemporary design to classical pieces. Notable galleries like Culture Treasures reveal Berlin’s innovative spirit, housed often in splendid Art Nouveau buildings. As for performing arts, Berlin’s theatres exude elegance and history, providing a stage for both avant-garde and traditional performances. Experiencing a show in one of these venues is a must for any luxury traveler seeking the finest cultural offerings of Germany.

Street Art and Design

Berlin’s street art tells a story of the city’s dynamic history and its ever-evolving present. Areas like the East Side Gallery display works that are as poignant as they are inspiring, turning the remnants of the Berlin Wall into a canvas for messages about peace and unity. The city’s affinity for street art melds seamlessly with its love for design, evident in the eclectic and stylish fashion found in its neighborhoods. Embrace the vibrancy of Berlin’s street art scene and you’ll find inspiration around every corner—even in the form of Art Deco embellishments decorating the city’s architecture. This juxtaposition of old and new encapsulates our Luxury Travel Berlin experience.

Luxury Hotel

Exploring the Cityscape

We know the allure of Luxury Travel Berlin beckons with its blend of history, culture, and modern flair. Allow us to guide you through the grandeur of Berlin’s outdoors, where iconic plazas and vibrant neighborhoods await.

Famous Parks and Plazas

Berlin’s fresh air whispers tales of history through the trees of Tiergarten , the city’s most beloved park. Here, the charm of greenery and serenity meet amidst the bustling city. Discover the delights at Potsdamer Platz , once a desolate no-man’s-land, now a symbol of regeneration with its glass and steel towers that epitomize the city’s rebirth.

Venture towards Gendarmenmarkt Square , one of Berlin’s most historic squares, where architectural beauty abounds. Its concert hall and cathedrals stand as testaments to time, offering a luxurious backdrop for a leisurely walk or a quiet moment of reflection.

Vibrant Neighborhoods

We’ll find our way through West Berlin, where luxury isn’t just found in a single locale, but diffused across distinctive boroughs. Each neighborhood tells its own story, from avant-garde galleries to high-end boutiques that line the streets. Delight in the vibrant atmosphere and embrace the eclectic mix of old-world charm and contemporary luxury.

Expect to be enamored by the presence of the Berlin Zoo in these parts. With its storied presence and commitment to conservation, it offers an enchanting escape from the city’s hustle and a touch of nature’s luxury.

Events and Leisure

When we think of Luxury Travel Berlin , our minds often leap to its world-class events and unparalleled leisure offerings. This city transforms each experience into something spectacular, balancing historical gravitas with contemporary flair.

Local Festivities

Berlin’s calendar is dotted with exclusive events that charm even the most discerning travelers. One such event is the International Green Week —an essential for epicureans seeking a grandiose display of global cuisines. Imagine us, mingling among the finest, savoring flavors that span continents right in the heart of this vibrant metropolis.

Casual and Elegant Entertainment

For a more laid-back yet equally luxurious experience, a sightseeing boat tour on the Spree offers a serene escape from the bustling city life. Picture us seated comfortably, the gentle waves whispering stories of the city’s past, as we witness Berlin’s grandeur unfold before our eyes. And for evenings spent on land, we recommend the finest hotels, like the Hotel Adlon Kempinski , where history and opulence meet and you can indulge in personal guide services for a truly enriching stay.

Business and Luxury

In the heart of Germany’s vibrant capital, we find that Luxury Travel Berlin isn’t just about leisure—it seamlessly blends with the city’s dynamic business atmosphere. Opulence meets functionality in Berlin, where exclusive business facilities and superior corporate services set the bar high for business travelers seeking that extra touch of luxury.

Exclusive Business Facilities

As we step into the deluxe settings of hotels like the Grand Hyatt Berlin , the definition of sophisticated business travel is redefined. Their state-of-the-art facilities sport cutting-edge technology, ensuring every meeting and conference is delivered with finesse. It’s not just about a table and chairs; think interactive digital systems, high-speed internet, and spaces that inspire creativity. Their acclaimed Club Lounge is a haven for professionals, offering a tranquil atmosphere where work becomes a pleasure, surrounded by elegance.

High-End Corporate Services

The real game-changer in Luxury Travel Berlin is the level of service we receive. Personalized and attentive, the service extends beyond expectations. Concierge teams with their pulse on the city connect us to essential events and handle our every request with grace. The details matter here—from a perfectly ironed shirt for that last-minute meeting to the discreet organizing of private transport, no need is too small, no ask too grand. Berlin’s luxury landscape is tailored for the business elite, where exceptional service is the standard.

Luxus Car in Berlin

Family Vacations and Personal Escapes

Luxury travel in Berlin offers a vibrant spectrum of options for family vacations and secluded romantic retreats alike. We understand that while some seek cultural adventures in this dynamic metropolis, others may desire serene moments to celebrate love and union.

Family-Friendly Resorts

For those of us traveling with kids, finding a place that caters to the needs of all ages is crucial. The Ritz Carlton Berlin , set in the heart of the city, provides family-friendly luxury with bespoke experiences that cater to our little ones, ensuring a memorable and comfortable stay for the entire family. Imagine suites that feel like a home away from home coupled with activities that keep the children engaged and entertained.

  • Indoor pool : perfect for a family splash
  • Kids program : engaging activities tailored for children

Romantic Getaways and Weddings

Nothing compares to the intimacy of a romantic escape or the grandeur of a wedding in Berlin. Idyllic venues like intimate boutique hotels offer the perfect backdrop for both. Imagine exchanging vows or celebrating an anniversary against the backdrop of this historic city which, with its blend of modernity and old-world charm, sets the stage for a truly unforgettable event.

  • Weddings : picturesque venues like grand ballrooms and private terraces
  • Getaways : luxury suites with stunning city views, offering absolute privacy

Staying Connected

As we wander through the streets of Berlin, immersing ourselves in its dynamic blend of history and modernity, staying connected is a must to keep abreast of the city’s pulse. Luxury Travel Berlin doesn’t just mean indulging in the extravagance of our surroundings; it also reflects the ease with which we navigate and share our experiences.

Wi-Fi Access: In Berlin’s luxury accommodations, such as the Rocco Forte Hotel , complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi is the norm, ensuring that whether we’re researching the next attraction or touching base with loved ones, we’re only a click away.

  • Newsletter Subscriptions: Start each morning with a curated list of events and insider tips delivered straight to our inboxes. By subscribing to luxury travel newsletters, we’re always informed on the finest experiences Berlin offers.

Data Roaming in the EU: For us, roaming within the European Union is often seamless, thanks to regulations that typically prevent additional roaming charges. However, it’s vital to understand our mobile provider’s terms to avoid surprises on our bills.

  • Check with our carrier before departure.
  • Understand the local regulations.
  • Consider travel data packages if necessary.

As we delve into the lifestyles of Berlin, Germany , a leading international travel destination , maintaining a connection enriches our journey, keeping us engaged with the world while we enjoy the exclusivity of our travels. Whether it’s posting a snapshot of a gourmet meal or streaming the sights as we stroll through the Brandenburg Gate, we’re never out of touch.

Frequently Asked Questions on Luxury Travel Berlin

Embarking on a luxurious journey through Berlin? We’ve got the inside scoop on the top-tier accommodations, exclusive activities, optimal trip duration, gourmet dining experiences, and premier shopping destinations to make your stay unforgettable.

What top luxury accommodations are recommended in Berlin?

For a lavish stay, consider the iconic Hotel Adlon Kempinski, situated next to the Brandenburg Gate, or the sleek SO/Berlin Das Stue, which overlooks the Berlin Zoo.

Which exclusive experiences are a must-do for luxury travelers in Berlin?

We recommend a private guided tour, perhaps exploring Berlin’s historic sites by limousine, or indulging in a personalized shopping experience with a fashion expert. Enjoying an evening at the Berlin Philharmonic is also a quintessential experience.

How many days are ideal for a luxury trip to Berlin?

Four to five days in Berlin allow for a comfortably paced itinerary packed with culture, dining, shopping, and relaxation. This timeline lets you savor the luxury offerings at a relaxed pace.

What dining experiences should not be missed by those seeking luxury in Berlin?

Epicureans should not miss dining at Restaurant Tim Raue, which holds two Michelin stars for its exceptional Asian-inspired cuisine or the sophisticated Grill Royal, known for its premium steaks and art-studded ambiance.

What are the most upscale shopping areas or boutiques in Berlin?

Kurfürstendamm and Friedrichstraße are Berlin’s most upscale shopping streets, housing designer boutiques and luxury brands. For unique pieces, browse the boutiques in the trendy Mitte district.

If you liked this blog post about the topic: Luxury Travel Berlin, don’t forget to leave us a comment down below to tell us about your experience with it.

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Patrice Bischof

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  • World's Best

The 3 Best Hotels in Berlin in 2022

The best hotels in Berlin, according to Travel + Leisure readers, reflect the city’s history while also weaving in touches of its eclectic modern-day vibe.

luxury travel berlin

We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Note: If you’re looking for our most recent recommendations, check out the 2023 list of our favorite hotels in Berlin .

In 1989, Berlin became a global symbol of the unification of Germany and Europe. And today, this bustling capital continues to have an important social, political, and cultural role on the Old Continent, attracting visitors from all over the world. The city's many neighborhoods reflect its diverse population, nearly a quarter of which now has foreign roots. From the historic Mitte to the hip Kreuzberg, once at the heart of Berlin's punk scene, and the vibrant Neukölln, home to an eclectic mix of independent galleries, kebab shops, and vegan cafés, the city is a colorful patchwork of cultures, trends, and ideas. And its hotel scene mirrors this diversity by offering a myriad of dwellings and amenities catering to a large variety of guests.

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey, T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Hotels (including safari lodges) were rated on their facilities, location, service, food, and overall value. Properties were classified as city hotel, resort, or safari lodge based on their locations and amenities.

Our No. 3 winner in this new category is housed in a 1950s building in west Berlin. The 25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin is inspired by the contrast between nature and urban culture. And so, fittingly, half of its rooms overlook the Berlin Zoo, and the other half have views of the City West skyline. Aside from the unique interiors, which include in-room hammocks hung next to the floor-to-ceiling windows and bold pops of color, guests love the funky vibe of its public spaces. "Great location for a hip hotel with a popular club," one voter commented. "Overall, an awesome hotel experience for younger hip couples seeking a good time in Berlin."

But it was the iconic Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin that took the top spot in this inaugural category. Read on to see what guests had to say about this elegant property and the full list of winners.

1. Hotel Adlon Kempinski

This 25-year-old property honors the legacy of the site's original hotel, which first opened its doors in 1907 in the heart of Berlin. Its owner at the time, Lorenz Adlon, wanted to create the most luxurious property in the world and treat his guests to the trendiest amenities, which at the beginning of the 20th century meant electricity and hot and cold water in the rooms. Adlon realized his vision, and more than a hundred years later (after the hotel was destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt), Hotel Adlon Kempinski continues to lead the way in the hospitality industry. The property's ideal location was the most-raved-about feature among World's Best Awards voters. "Excellent location near the Brandenburg Gate," one T+L reader sounded off. "Great walking proximity to the Bundestag and museums." That same voter recommended that visitors "ask for a room facing Unter der Linden and the Gate," while another loved the food offered at the property's five restaurants, lounges, or grab-and-go concepts — "especially the pretzels."

Score: 92.31

Book on Tripadvisor

2. Grand Hyatt Berlin

Score: 87.56

3. 25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin

Score: 84.25

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10 Best Marriott Hotels In Berlin

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10 Best Marriott Hotels In Berlin

Which is the best luxury Marriott Bonvoy hotel in Berlin? We have already reviewed the best Marriott hotels in Europe . Berlin, the capital of Germany, houses the best hotels in the country that fall under the Marriott brand.

The best Marriott hotels in Berlin are:

  • The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin
  • Hotel am Steinplatz, Autograph Collection
  • Sir Savigny Hotel, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™
  • Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection
  • Berlin Marriott Hotel
  • JW Marriott Hotel Berlin
  • Provocateur, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™
  • The Westin Grand Berlin
  • Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade
  • Courtyard Berlin City Center

There used to be a Four Seasons in Berlin, and Four Seasons hotels are often the best in a city. The Four Seasons Berlin is, however, permanently closed, making The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin, one of the best luxury hotels in the city, with one of the best club lounges in Berlin .

For something completely different, you might be interested in the best Marriott ski hotels and the best Marriott beach hotels .

Read on to find out more about each of the best luxury Marriott hotels in Berlin. Remember to book any luxury hotels via our luxury travel concierge for extra free benefits. You also get all your usual Marriott Bonvoy points and perks when you book via our concierge.

1. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is located in a grand, 1920s building on Potsdamer Platz where once The Wall divided East and West.

Woven into Berlin’s compelling and controversial history, The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is both authentic to the 1920s heyday and remains a testament to the city’s ongoing transformation.

After the hotel’s complete renovation in 2019, exquisite Art Deco design and glamorous references to Berlin’s golden era let past and present converge to create a captivating backdrop. The foyer is vast, with the grandest marble staircase you will ever see.

Communal areas are beautifully refurbished with modern, colorful touches. The rooms are also stunning here too and generous in size.

Staying at the Ritz-Carlton, Berlin means finding yourself in the city’s heart. The hotel neighbours Berlin’s largest inner city park “Tiergarten,” the Berlin Philharmonic, Mies van der Rohe’s New National Gallery, and the “Gemäldegalerie” art museum. It is just a leisurely seven-minute walk to Brandenburg Gate.

Richly designed and residential in feel, the 303 guest rooms, including 41 suites, combine Art Deco details with contemporary touches and hand-selected furnishings that recapture the essence of the glamorous 20s era.

Guests can savor a variety of culinary experiences: POTS represents modern German cuisine, while the elegant The Lounge pampers guests with quality teas and its own menu. The Curtain Club is one of the city’s top bars and completes the culinary ensemble the luxury hotel has to offer.

The hotel’s wellness space comprises of a 24-hour fitness center with state-of-the-art equipment complemented by a steam room, Finnish sauna, pool with countercurrent system, and relaxation area.

2. Hotel am Steinplatz, Autograph Collection

Hotel am Steinplatz, Autograph Collection is a boutique hotel in Berlin located in the Charlottenburg locality of Berlin with Messe Berlin convention center, Tiergarten and the Berlin Zoo nearby.

From this enviable location, guests enjoy an impeccable blend of luxury, history, culture, and lifestyle. Relax in sophisticated rooms and suites, where amenities like high-speed Wi-Fi, luxury bedding, spacious bathrooms, and one-of-a-kind décor details await. Recharge and reboot in the contemporary fitness center, dine at the excellent restaurant, and revive in the rooftop spa with panoramic views of the Berlin skyline.

3. Sir Savigny Hotel, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™

Sir Savigny Hotel, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™ is part of Marriott and part of Design hotels. It is also one of the smallest hotels in our listing, with just 44 rooms.

This hotel is also set in a historic building that dates back to 1893. Decor is a mix of cool metals, cozy calfskins, and wood, while Art Nouveau elements complement mid-century modern details.

The sleekly designed by Baranowitz + Kronenberg and includes Sir Savigny’s burger bar, The Butcher, which presents drinks and perfect burgers made from Scottish Aberdeen Angus beef; at the hotel’s beguiling bar; and at the garden, a private green oasis in the middle of Charlottenburg for the enjoyment of hotel guests and Berlin locals.

4. Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection

Hotel Luc, Autograph Collection is a brilliant boutique hotel that sits within the Marriott umbrella. This 5-star hotel is conveniently located in Friedrichstadt, Berlin, and offers guests a glimpse into the elegant, deep-blue world of Prussia’s legacy.

Seventy-five restful rooms and 17 exclusive suites offer a balance of formality and a sense of freedom. The strategically chosen location opposite the French Dom showcases the grandeur of Berlin. At the same time, the architectural ensemble of the Konzerthaus and the Deutscher Dom across the square serves as a reminder of Prussian religious tolerance and humility.

With inspiring interior design, a contemporary look that embraces bold colors, and superb restaurants, including one that spills out onto the pavement, this hotel appeals to those looking for something special. Pick one of the rooms at the top of the building with a balcony that overlooks the Berlin skyline.

5. Berlin Marriott Hotel

The Berlin Marriott Hotel is located at the pulsating Potsdamer Platz and is built right on the remnants of the former Wall where East and West unite.

The hotel is within walking distance of the Brandenburg Gate and is the ideal starting point to discover Berlin’s historical sights, such as Checkpoint Charlie or the Reichstag, while experiencing the city’s unique vibrancy, creative energy, and edgy scene.

The imposing and open 10-story atrium welcomes guests to the buzzing ‘Great Room’. In the Lobby Lounge, the day begins with freshly brewed coffee or a light breakfast; in the evening, cocktails or craft beers are served accompanied by pleasant music.

City View accommodations have been upgraded City View accommodations and offer scenic views of Berlin. There’s also a high-end fitness center (24/7) with a wellness area, including a pool, sauna, and infrared seats.

The American steakhouse “Midtown Grill,” Hot Dog Diner “The Big Dog,” and the “Lobby Lounge” with creative pastry variation offerings Mobile Guest Services, including check-in, room key, and service or dining requests.

6. JW Marriott Berlin

JW Marriott Berlin is located just off Potsdamer Platz, our hotel is just a short walk away from the city’s main attractions. Take a stroll to Brandenburg Gate or the historic Reichstag building for a sneak peek into Berlin’s past, or visit the famous KaDeWe or Galeries Lafayette for shopping.

Elegant guest rooms offer great views over Potsdamer Platz Tiergarten Park or the embassy quarters and invite you to unwind after a busy day. Relax in the wellness area with a swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, or work out in the fitness center.

7. Provocateur, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™

Provocateur, Berlin, a Member of Design Hotels™ is a boutique and lifestyle hotel and is a shamelessly sensual hotel.

Its outstanding interior was designed by Saar Zafrir, who has a passion for design. All 58 rooms are original and stylish. Enjoy the Golden Phoenix restaurant by Berlin’s creative chef, The Duc Ngo, and Provocateur Bar, which is based on the award-winning Roomers Bar in Frankfurt.

8. The Westin Grand Berlin

The Westin Grand Berlin is located at the Boulevard Unter den Linden in the middle of the Berlin city, and close to the main station, historical landmarks and the government district.

The sweeping lobby is renowned for its unique staircase and a 30 m high atrium. Guestrooms and suites all feature the signature Heavenly® Bed for restful sleep. Superior rooms offer views of the Boulevard, looking left to Brandenburg Gate and right to the Berlin Dome. Garden rooms overlook the idyllic garden and promise nature and silence in a vibrant city.

Maintain your fitness routine at the WestinWORKOUT Fitness Studio and finish in the sauna.

9. Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade

Sheraton Berlin Grand Hotel Esplanade is an urban oasis of sleek design in the heart of the city’s cultural district. Accommodation is just steps from world-class art museums, music, theatre, and shopping at Kurfuerstendamm and the famous shopping center KaDeWe.

10. Courtyard Berlin City Center

Courtyard Berlin City Center is not luxurious, but it has been recently renovated and it is located near Checkpoint Charli.

Copyright Luxury Travel Diary 2014 - 2024. Duplication outside of luxurytraveldiary.com is forbidden.

Image courtesy of Ritz-Carlton Berlin.

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City of Freedom

The Brandenburg gate in spring with red tulips

1 ticket for all museums

Admission to all museums & exhibitions

Spree view of the Museum Island

The most beautiful performances & productions

Staatsoper Unter den Linden

Discover dinosaurs & more

An experience for the whole family

Family in the Museum of Natural History Berlin

Highlights in Berlin's Museums

Ethnological Museum in the Humboldt Forum

Bypass the queue

Enjoy a unique panoramic view

Viewing level in the Berlin TV tower

Tips for your journey to Berlin

Be inspired.

Berlin awaits you. Visit the great museums & sights and then relax in a café. Look forward to concerts & shows, stroll through the shops and discover with us all the diversity of Berlin.

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Events, exhibitions, openings

Park Schloss Charlottenburg im Frühling

Berlin's Top 10 Attractions

Berliner Hauptbahnhof

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Skyline of Berlin

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Event tips in Berlin



Berlin's new show jewel: The new Grand Show at Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin, curated and visually designed by star designer Jean Paul

Show details

Karneval der Kulturen

Karneval der Kulturen

The Carnival of Cultures is one of the largest city festivals in Germany and reflects the diversity of Berlin. Since 1996, the Carnival of

Frühling am Reichstag

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Highlights in Berlin

 A couple on a boat trip with Reederei Winkler in Berlin

1-hour boat tour in Berlin on the river Spree

Classic city tour: Discover the historical & modern Berlin

from €21.00 1hr Tour

  • 1-hour boat tour on the river Spree
  • Discover historical & modern Berlin highlights
  • Daily tours from Friedrichstraße/Tränenpalast

Tickets & dates

Caspar David Friedrich, Moonrise by the Sea

Ticket: Caspar David Friedrich - Infinite Landscapes Exhibition

Temporary exhibition at the Alte Nationalgalerie

from €16.00 online tickets

  • The Art and History of Caspar David Friedrich
  • Exhibition with 60 paintings & 50 drawings
  • open from 19.04.2024

This you'll find only in Berlin: our tips!

You definitely don´t want to miss that in Berlin! Besides the top sights, Berlin has a lot more to offer.

Berlin has been the stage for a lot of world history and not just the fall of the Berlin Wall. You can still discover the traces of history in countless places around the capital. You can also explore traces of history in the modernist housing estates , which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Every three years, the large, supra-regional festival of building culture, the Triennale der Moderne , focuses on Berlin's modernist architecture.

Berlin is also a proper shopping destination . Besides luxury shops along Kurfürstendamm, you will also want to check out the numerous flea markets around the capital. Go on a shopping tour of Berlin: we're certain you'll find something you'll treasure.

Be sure to visit the popular food markets in Berlin's market halls and try out street foods from all over the world. And no Berlin visit is complete without a taste of local cuisine: we have the best tips for you and your travel companions.

Dome of the Berlin Reichstag sight in warm light

Berlin through the ages

Historic places in Berlin

Berlin’s history is full of highs and lows. Go on a hunt for clues and experience fascinating encounters with the past throughout the entire

Facade of the Kabelwerk Oberspree in Berlin

Industrial heritage in Berlin

Berlin Modernism

Art in the factory hall, fashion shows in the cold store, theatre in the transformer station – all over the city, Berliners have brought

Two women looking through a shop window in Berlin

Look forward to going shopping

Shopping in Berlin

Go for a wander. Berlin’s shopping malls, shops and department stores are an inviting place to embark on an extra-special shopping trip

Ethnological Museum in the Humboldt Forum

The historic centre of Berlin in rapid transformation

Berlin’s new cultural centre

Berlin’s historical centre is undergoing a dynamic change: new museums and major cultural projects are opening their doors.

15-Min-Stadt-Hotel Orania.Berlin exterior

Discover Berlin’s coolest neighbourhoods by foot

The 15-minute city

Enjoy a Berlin city break by foot with the 15-minute city concept. Explore hidden gems and hip neighbourhoods just a stroll from your hotel.

Dicke Wirtin

Meals for real guys

Berlin Cuisine

The food is half the experience when travelling, and Berlin cuisine won't disappoint. Enjoy a hearty meal after a long day of sightseeing.

Sustainable Berlin Visit: FREA - vegan zero waste restaurant

Berlin is that sustainable!

For an environmentally conscious visit to Berlin

  • Stay in certified hotels 
  • Enjoy vegetarian & vegan delicacies
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Favourite tickets

Discover the greatest places to visit from other visitors! Here, you can find tickets for the sights and attractions our Berlin visitors love! 

Our travel service offers the ideal way to enjoy a stress-free holiday in Berlin, making it easy to buy tickets online for sightseeing tours, museums and exhibitions, attractions, sights and shows.

And it’s fast – so you can find the right ticket in just three minutes!   

Falling in Love im Friedrichstadt Palast Berlin


Family in the Museum of Natural History Berlin

Tickets & Berlin Activities for Families with Children

Flashdance Musical im Admiralspalast

Flashdance - The Musical

Legoland Discovery Centre

LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Berlin: Fast Entrance Ticket


Footloose - The Musical

Bus from Berlin City Circle Sightseeing in front of the Berlin Cathedral

Tickets for hop-on hop-off & sightseeing tours

Hans Uhlmann in der Berlinischen Galerie Berlin

Hans Uhlmann "Experimental forming"

Tierpark Berlin Sumatra tiger

Tickets for Zoo, Aquarium & Tierpark in Berlin

Deutschlandmuseum Berlin


TV Tower in Berlin at dusk

Tickets Berlin TV Tower & Restaurant Sphere

BMW Welt in Berlin

BMW Motorrad Welt: welcome home!

Spree view of the Museum Island

Berlin Museum Island: Day Ticket

Which berlin do you want to see.

Berlin: experience the German capital just the way you like. No problem with our Berlin insider tips. Whether you want to photograph Berlin's sights, visit museums, or experience events, we have the tips and information to get you there.

If you've already done the "big sights," we recommend heading out to Berlin's neighbourhoods, where there's lots of water, nature, and one or two insider tips.

Berlin also has a lot to offer for shopaholics, lovers of luxury, foodies, cyclists, and sports fans. Let yourself be inspired by our recommendations.

We also offer tips and tour suggestions for a relaxed holiday in Berlin with children.

Berlin is tolerant and open: you can be yourself here. We have also compiled tips for LGBTI* visitors including events, bars and clubs.

Whether with or without a disability, we want you to explore Berlin comfortably. Find out more at visitBerlin.de.     


Berlin for explorers

We show you those sights in Berlin everyone expects you to have seen: the TV Tower, the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate, and Museum Island.

Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin

The best events for every day of the year

Berlin for the adventurous

Every day, there are so many events taking place in Berlin that we can hardly count them all. But we've put together a selection of the best

Blue Gate at Pergamon Museum in Berlin

More museums than rainy days

Berlin for culture fans

There are some 170 museums in Berlin, that's more museums than rainy days in a year. We help you find the right exhibition.

Bicycles in a Berlin neighbourhood

Get to know the real Berlin

Exploring Berlin neighbourhoods

12x Berlin: we show you largely unknown spots in the neighbourhoods of Berlin's 12 districts. Because one thing is clear: there's more to

Shopping at Hackescher Markt in Berlin

Flea markets, malls & luxury shops

Berlin for Shopaholics

From Kurfürstendamm to flea markets in rear courtyards: in Berlin, everyone becomes addicted to shopping. We show you Berlin's endless


Only the best of Berlin for you

Berlin for Luxury Lovers

Take a break in Berlin and let yourself be spoiled: in 5-star restaurants, premium department stores, and top-class restaurants.

NENI Berlin

Food markets, restaurants & currywurst

Berlin for Foodies

Whether a trendy restaurant or a curry sausage, whether vegan or a burger, from street food markets to market halls to snack bars, we show

Fahrradtour an der East Side Gallery

Tips & tours through the city

Berlin for Cyclists

Experience sightseeing from a different angle and pedal hard on your sightseeing tour through Berlin. It's a completely different

1. FC Union Berlin

Berlin is sports central!

Berlin for Sports Fans

Cheer on Berlin teams in football, basketball and other sports. Or discover the many different trendy and recreational sports on offer here.

Boy and girl playing in front of Berliner Dom

Tips for your family holiday

Berlin with small & big children

Berlin's range of offerings for children is huge. Whether you are bringing toddlers, schoolchildren, or teenagers, there are plenty of

LGBTI* Hotels in Berlin

The best tips for the scene

Berlin for LGBTI*

Berlin is one of the most open and tolerant cities in the world today and the gay and lesbian scene in the German capital is flourishing

Berlin for everyone, whatever your abilities - Men is sitting in his wheelchari and takes a picture from Berlin and looks for boats

A Berlin guide for all visitors

Berlin for everyone, whatever your abilities

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We want your holiday to be a memorable experience – and we support you with a range of services and exclusive deals for your trip to Berlin. Looking for the right hotel? We have a wide selection of hotels for you – from budget accommodation to 5-star luxury.

And we have inspected all the hotels – to ensure you can enjoy a perfect holiday in Berlin. Our hotel selection includes accessible, family friendly and LGBTI* hotels.

And best of all – we give you one night free in our Berlin hotels . A special deal you wouldn’t want to miss! Bahnhit Berlin gives you a fantastic rail deal for Berlin – with your train ticket and hotel included.

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Hotel am Steinplatz

Special Deal: Stay 4, Pay 3 from €242

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Grimm's Hotel Berlin

Special Deal: Stay 3, Pay 2 from €156.00

ICE im Stadtbild

Berlin for a bargain price

Including train journey & hotel

Tastatur im Call Center mit tippenden Händen

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Useful information for your trip to Berlin

Group Travel to Berlin

City Trips for many

Group travel to Berlin

From school and college tours to company trips or activity and fun tours by larger groups of friends – we’ll be happy to help you plan your

Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Everything you need to know

Travelling to Berlin

How best to get to Berlin? By train, by car or by coach? Check out our tips for travelling to the German capital.

Berlin Tourist Info at Hauptbahnhof

Information on hotels, tickets and more

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Germany Luxury Vacations & Bespoke Travel

For bustling cities, misty forests, relaxed revelry, romantic interludes, beer halls and all, Germany never misses a beat.

Discover historic towns, definitive shopping, gastronomic delights, and some of the world’s best hiking.

Beethoven and Bach, Goethe and Gutenberg, Einstein and Schweitzer – the significant intellectual and cultural cachet of Germany is by far its strongest calling card. Dive into this luminescent and engrossing kaleidoscope head-first with visits to galleries and museums, concert halls, and arenas. The architecture, too – from Gothic to Gehry – is plentiful and provocative, even the gingerbread. The country’s more painful history is an important opportunity for reflection and learning. Berlin is the capital of cool, filled with museums and markets, underscored by a sizzling nightlife. Add the capital of Munich, the heart of Bavaria, and Hamburg, home to Germany’s technological marvels, and prepare yourself for cuisine that goes far beyond schnitzel and into white asparagus and chanterelle territory.

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A Taste of What to Expect

An affinity for nature is ingrained in all German citizens, an appreciation they will happily share with you – lakes, forests, peaks, and valleys, not to mention the vineyards, which over-achieve on delicious fronts, particularly the Riesling, Gewürztraminer, and Pinot Blanc. From beautiful Bavaria to the wild Baltic Sea, and from the breathtaking Alps to restful river valleys, Germany offers countless corners of natural beauty to explore. Mix in a myriad of cultural exploits and a spirited urban landscape, and you’ve got a luxury trip to definitely write home about.


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What is your approach to planning bespoke luxury travel? Listen - get to know who is traveling and what the desires are for this journey. And the advice – where to spend to minimize travel time, and where to save to maximize experience and enjoyment.

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What is your favorite part of the job? Arranging amazing and memorable experiences for my clients. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step... so allow me to be your starting point!

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What is your approach to planning bespoke luxury travel? Our role can be so important. Whatever we plan will make for lasting memories and can seal or bond families, love and friendly relationships. It is primarily about listening and understanding what a client wants; their needs, moods and family dynamics.

Saloua Rezgui

If you’re considering bespoke private luxury travel to Germany, let our expert Travel Designers make your vacation truly customized from start to finish. Having spent the last three decades traveling and experiencing the best luxury offerings firsthand, Tully Luxury Travel has an exceptional understanding of Germany. We have the contacts and the relationships in place to ensure your travel needs are met – milestone celebrations, romantic dinners, private tours, dietary requirements, special room-service requests – all the details curated in step with your every wish. In Germany, our Private Travel Designers have insider information that will elevate your experience that much more. Local guides put you on all the right luxury tours and inside the most elegant Michelin-star restaurants. We can also book you into the best luxury hotels, from the award-winning spa resort Schloss Elmau in the south to the SO/Berlin Das Stue in the north. The time to start planning your next vacation is now. Our private luxury travel service also allows us to secure the best amenities and VIP extras at no additional cost. That’s the Tully Difference. Talk with a Private Travel Designer and start planning your bespoke luxury Germany vacation today.

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Over 35 years’ experience and industry-recognition in curated luxury travel.

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Exceptional Service

Work with our award-winning Travel Designers who have lived and travelled all over the world.

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Enjoy exclusive access to the finest amenities and upgrades thanks to our preferred partnerships.

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Making travel dreams a reality with our unparalleled customer service, attention to detail and expertise.

Award Winning…

Throughout the years, Tully Luxury Travel has been recognized as a top producing agency by virtually every luxury cruise line and hotel property.

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More Germany Inspiration

See unesco world heritage sites by river cruise.

There’s something particularly romantic about taking a river cruise. ...Read more

Best Places to Visit in Germany

Travel Guide

While the whole of Europe is a melting pot of cultural excitement, Germany is especially rich in stories and sensations, north and south. With its vibrant, cosmopolitan cities – Berlin, Munich, Baden-Baden – and charming medieval towns – including Rothenburg ob der Tauber, one of the most well-preserved municipalities in the country – Germany is an adventure waiting to be added to your calendar. And with so much to see and do, you may need to schedule more than one trip. ...Read more

Best Cities on the Danube and Rhine Rivers

With incredible experiences around every bend, your favorite Viking Cruises river voyage is the one you haven’t been on yet. ...Read more

Why choose us? We believe our award-winning service, more than three decades of experience, and firsthand knowledge of luxury travel in every part of the world shine through in the wonderful testimonials that we receive every day from our valued clients who return year after year.

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'They know how to bring your dream vacation to life!!'

I have been working with Tully Luxury Travel for years and love their attention to detail. They seem to know exactly what their client's needs are.

'Exceptional travel company'

I have been with Tully luxury travel for almost 20 years and Diana Wehrle has been my advisor all along. I find them very professional, efficient, and willing to go the extra mile.

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  1. Top 10 best luxury hotels in Berlin

    9. ORANIA.BERLIN. Orania.Berlin is a beautifully reimagined boutique hotel housed in a legendary art nouveau building in the creative heart of Berlin - directly at Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg. Upon entering the hotel, guests are greeted by a huge log fire and art that embraces the hotel's rich history.

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    Berlin, a city steeped in history and brimming with contemporary charm, invites travelers to embark on a luxurious journey through its vibrant streets. From opulent hotels to Michelin-starred dining, high-end shopping to private guided tours, Berlin has it all for those seeking an elevated travel experience. Luxurious Retreats: Begin your Berlin sojourn in style by

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  9. Best luxury hotels in Berlin

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  10. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

    Contemporary Luxury Meets The Best Of Berlin's Golden Age. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin is located in the heart of the city at Potsdamer Platz, neighboring Berlin's largest inner city park "Tiergarten" and situated just a 7 minute walk to Brandenburg Gate. This superior 5-star hotel has won multiple awards and offers a unique setting in an ...

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    LuxuryBerlin — Luxury Travel, Experiences, and Lifestyles . The most populous city in the European Union, Berlin Germany is a top international travel destination. As Germany's capital, Berlin is known for its' important historical significance, eclectic art culture, and sophisticated ambiance.

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    As one of the most well-known and charming hotels in central Berlin, The Westin Grand Hotel Berlin offers elegantly furnished rooms and suites on the main streets Unter den Linden and Friedrichstraße. 8. Hotel de Rome. Located on historic Bebelplatz, Hotel De Rome is one of the most prestigious luxury hotels in Berlin.

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  15. Review: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin

    CONS & THINGS TO KNOW. Hotel Adlon Kempinksi Berlin is a fairly new hotel, built in the nineties, and modeled on its historic predecessor (which was destroyed in a fire). The designers choose for a classic decor, honoring the Adlon's reputation as one of Europe's Grand Hotels and creating an ambiance of nostalgia.

  16. Luxury Berlin

    LuxuryBerlin — Luxury Travel, Experiences, and Lifestyles. The most populous city in the European Union, Berlin Germany is a top international travel destination. As Germany's capital, Berlin is known for its' important historical significance, eclectic art culture, and sophisticated ambiance. Visitors and residents alike will find that ...

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    Luxury Travel Berlin doesn't just mean indulging in the extravagance of our surroundings; it also reflects the ease with which we navigate and share our experiences. Wi-Fi Access: In Berlin's luxury accommodations, such as the Rocco Forte Hotel , complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi is the norm, ensuring that whether we're researching the next ...

  18. The 3 Best Hotels in Berlin in 2022

    1. Hotel Adlon Kempinski. Courtesy of Hotel Adlon Kempinski. This 25-year-old property honors the legacy of the site's original hotel, which first opened its doors in 1907 in the heart of Berlin ...

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    Travel the world with LuxuryBerlin and Riley International Media. Let Luxury Berlin be your personal guide to the leading travel agents specializing in travel to Germany and Europe, as well as the world's best luxury resorts and boutique hotels, plus the top luxury travel destinations across the globe. From Berlin to the Caribbean and all ...

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    Read on to find out more about each of the best luxury Marriott hotels in Berlin. Remember to book any luxury hotels via our luxury travel concierge for extra free benefits. You also get all your usual Marriott Bonvoy points and perks when you book via our concierge. 1. The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin

  21. Berlin's official travel website

    Because: We love Berlin and know our city like no other! Your complete Berlin holiday - hotels, city trips, tickets & tips. Secure booking on the official Berlin travel portal. Qualified Berlin experts with over 20 years experience. Free of charge travel advice, no commission fees.

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    Select Luxury Travel, Berlin. 1,409 likes · 19 talking about this · 3 were here. Wir sind ein besonders erfahrener, moderner Reiseveranstalter, unabhängig und inhabergeführt. Select Luxury Travel | Berlin

  23. Germany Luxury & Bespoke Vacations

    If you're considering bespoke private luxury travel to Germany, let our expert Travel Designers make your vacation truly customized from start to finish. ... Berlin, Munich, Baden-Baden - and charming medieval towns - including Rothenburg ob der Tauber, one of the most well-preserved municipalities in the country - Germany is an ...