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The 1st Cavalry’s Pegasus Ride Through Hell

In the opening week of April 1968, the sky over the northwestern corner of South Vietnam looked like someone had disturbed a beehive as swarms of U.S. Cavalry helicopters flitted about, marshaling troops, equipment and firepower to various landing zones. This was Operation Pegasus, one of the Vietnam War’s largest offensive campaigns, an attack on the enemy forces besieging a Marine base at Khe Sanh .

A letter home by Sgt. Doug McPhee, 4th Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, on April 8, 1968, described the conditions witnessed by troops of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) at the operation’s Landing Zone Wharton: “You probably know where the 1st Cav is now—the immediate vicinity of Khe Sahn—and it is really bad news. The NVA are as well equipped as we are—tanks, artillery, mortars, rockets. Everything but jets and helicopters. We got here on the 3rd and have been under every type of fire so far—with great success for the NVA. So far our battalion has had over 100 casualties…mostly from artillery.”

Landing Zones for Pegasus

For the first time in the war, all three brigades of the 1st Air Cav were concentrated against a determined enemy that had occupied most of the terrain outside of the Khe Sanh base since January. The stepping off point was a long clay-colored runway called Landing Zone Stud at Ca Lu. LZ Stud served as a major air terminal, communications center and supply depot during Operation Pegasus.

In the first week of April, hundreds of UH-1 Iroquois “Huey” helicopters , C-7A Caribou airplanes, CH-47 Chinook helicopters , CH-54 Skycrane helicopters and other aircraft of all kinds ferried heavy equipment to several outlying landing zones. As many as 30 Hueys and Chinooks descended onto LZ Stud at any one time, according to people who were there. At least one Marine at Khe Sanh jokingly wondered if each Army private had his own helicopter.

Thousands of American soldiers in the 1st Air Cav and South Vietnamese troops in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam waited along LZ’s Stud’s runway for transport to landing zones elsewhere in what was called “Indian Country,” slang for the dangerous areas occupied by the enemy. In just under one week, more than 15,000 soldiers were deployed. Many war correspondents arrived to capture this move, in cluding Larry Burrows of Life magazine, Terry Fincher with the Daily Express of London , Dang Van Phuoc of the Associated Press and Catherine Leroy, an independent French journalist.

Operation Pegasus had three primary goals: provide relief to the Marines at Khe Sanh; reopen Highway 9 to establish an overland supply route to Khe Sanh; and search for and destroy North Vietnamese Army units in the Khe Sanh area. The 1st Air Cav would do what it did better than anyone: Clear the enemy from the site of a planned hilltop landing zone by hitting it with murderous artillery fire and airstrikes. Then fly in skytroopers who leaped from Hueys onto the ground, where they set up landing zones used as drop-off points for search and destroy missions and sometimes as a base for artillery sites. The 1st Air Cav also deployed fast-response aerial teams to disrupt NVA troops who were, at that point, moving around in the daytime unmolested.

Marines under fire head for a helicopter at Khe Sanh in April 1968. (Getty Images)

Over five days, seven landing zones were blasted open to support 1st Air Cav units and ARVN troops in Operation Pegasus. The 3rd Brigade was the first to assemble its troops, inserted at three landing zones (Mike, Cates and Thor) east of Khe Sanh, starting on April 1, 1968. The brigade was ordered to push west toward Khe Sanh along Highway 9 with Marine tank support and Army engineers.

The 2nd Brigade dropped troops onto LZ Wharton (also known as Tim, Timothy and Pat) and LZ Tom south of Khe Sanh on April 3.Those forces would act as a pincer to prevent the NVA from moving south.

The 1st Brigade and the ARVN’s 3rd Airborne Task Force, leapfrogging west along the Laotian border near Lang Vei on April 7, would land at LZ Snapper and LZ Snake to block retreating enemy forces and prevent NVA reinforcements from moving into the region. With Marines holding the high ground to the north, the NVA besiegers faced attacks from all directions. Heavy fighting was in evitable.

The Big Move

In late March 1968 the soldiers of the 1st Air Cav’s 2nd Brigade had been told to grab their gear and saddle up for an extended operation. Assaults were a well-rehearsed routine, but even seasoned grunts felt an uneasiness settling in as their Hueys lifted off to head north and west into Indian Country.

Meanwhile, the 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery Regiment, and 1st Battalion, 30th Field Artillery Regiment, prepared their 105 mm and 155 mm howitzers, ammunition and other equipment for loading onto the underbelly slings of Chinooks and Skycranes that were on the way. Pvt. Fred Woodruff of Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, recalled his thoughts sitting in a vibrating, open-sided helicopter on his way to the battlefield: “I checked my watch and realized that already an hour had passed and this was, by far, our longest move yet. . .We were most certainly heading north, and that was not a direction to be heading in Vietnam.”

On April 3, one day ahead of schedule, the 2nd Brigade under the leadership of Col. Joseph C. McDonough sent the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, to LZ Tom. The brigade’s 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, and 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, were sent to LZ Wharton. Charlie Battery of the 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, and Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 30th Artillery, also went to Wharton.

LZ Wharton was well-situated to prevent NVA troops from heading south as they retreated from Khe Sanh. The innocuous-looking hill was 2½ miles southeast of the Khe Sanh base, and LZ Tom was 1 mile southeast of Wharton. Two miles to the northwest, near the village of Khe Sanh, was an old French fort garrisoned by a well-entrenched NVA battalion. The fort was a former French prison that once held Ho Chi Minh , his wife and a top North Vietnamese commander, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap.

LZ Wharton had about 1,000 U.S. troops, a battery of 155 mm howitzers, a battery of 105 mm howitzers, access to a fast-response scout team, support from artillery units aboard Hueys armed with rockets, and the assistance of scouts in the 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry Regiment. LZ Tom could provide an additional 500 men and several 105 mm howitzers. But 1,500 soldiers of the 66th NVA Regiment were also in the area, straddling Highway 9 and occupying an elaborate system of underground bunkers and complexes. More important, the artillery pieces of the NVA 675th Artillery Regiment had been placed in unknown locations close to Co Roc Mountain in neighboring Laos, officially off limits to the U.S. troops in Operation Pegasus.

Cavalry in the Crosshairs

LZ Wharton looked like most of the landing zones established during Operation Pegasus. From the air, the bomb craters from B-52 Rolling Thunder airstrikes had the appearance of orange lesions in the terrain. What was left of the underbrush consisted of tall elephant grass thick enough for predators, animal or human, to move about freely. Thick jungle remained in the areas missed by bombs or defoliants sprayed from the sky. Ridgelines melted into other ridgelines or spilled into open valleys.

LZ Wharton’s highest point was roughly 1,600 feet in elevation. At its apex was counterbattery radar, used to detect the location of enemy artillery firing at the landing zone. Along the peak, numerous signal antennae stuck out of the ground like quills on a bristly porcupine. Two ridges sloped downward from the hilltop. One ridgeline held the 155 mm towed howitzers of Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 30th Artillery. The other side of the hill supported the 105 mm howitzers of Charlie Battery, 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery. Both batteries generally faced west.

Ringing the entire perimeter were widely spaced foxholes and bunkers. The elephant grass around each bunker was cut short and often burned, which enabled American troops to more easily see the approaching NVA. Steep slopes and wide fields of fire would deter most NVA ground attacks, but not artillery attacks.

Enemy shelling began almost immediately during the initial airlift to LZ Wharton. The first instance occurred at 4:30 p.m. on April 3 with three rounds hitting inside the landing zone’s perimeter, and 45 minutes later three more rounds impacted on the hill. As the Marines at Khe Sanh had known for months, surviving the constant artillery barrages required moving operations largely underground. The infantrymen at LZ Wharton struggled to dig deeper foxholes and set up an overhead cover of interlocking logs and sandbags. In the past, a 2-foot-deep foxhole was sufficient, but the grunts now were making holes up to 5 feet deep to escape the steel rain of artillery from Laos.

By 10:15 p.m., hidden NVA forward observers had bracketed LZ Wharton to direct strikes for their artillery units. Over a span of 15 minutes, 25 artillery rounds (probably from Soviet-made 130 mm towed field guns) slammed into LZ Wharton. In the open areas or shallow bunkers, casualties quickly began to mount.

Cavalry troops at Landing Zone Wharton hunker down in a trench as enemy artillery rounds fired from Laos hit their position on April 4. (Terry Fincher/Getty Images)

“I’m counting the days till I’m out of the Godforsaken place,” said Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, Spc. 4 Don Sykes of Savannah, Georgia, to Pvt. Richard Loeffels of Greenville, South Carolina. “I’m practically a short-timer.” Suddenly, Sykes jumped up and made a frenzied dash toward his bunker but was cut down. Alpha Company’s mortar platoon also received a direct hit. Pvt. Greg Pylman’s mortars were destroyed, and he received shrapnel wounds to his chest.

By early morning of April 4, debris was strewn about, and shredded poncho liners hung from the few trees on LZ Wharton. The dirty faces and blank stares of the wounded showed the terror of the night’s artillery barrage. The information relayed from the landing zone to Lt. Col. Leslie Runkle, commanding officer of 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, still at LZ Stud, was dire: “Sir, we have multiple casualties in all companies. One of the severely wounded is Black Gold Six [Bravo Company’s commander] who is having difficulty breathing.” The battalion had suffered six killed and 17 wounded in four companies. The Bravo Company commander, Capt. Michael Nawrosky, died from his wounds a few months later in an Army hospital.

In the scramble to tend to the wounded on LZ Wharton, a trooper from Georgia with the 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, Capt. Joseph “Max” Cleland, a future U.S. senator, performed actions recognized with a Silver Star Medal that he received for disregarding his own safety to assist the wounded. Medevac helicopters ready to lift off with wounded men on April 4 were delayed by a low ceiling of fog and light drizzle that hung over the hill like a soggy, white blanket. The photographs by Burrows, Fincher and Van Phuoc memorably captured the scene of wounded and dead soldiers awaiting evacuation. The journalists flew out that morning to file their first photos of the operation.

At LZ Stud, Runkle was in a hurry to move the 1st Battalion’s tactical operations center—the command group for battlefield decisions—to LZ Wharton. The colonel, with a slender cigar in his mouth, anxiously paced about his cramped bunker. All the helicopters at LZ Stud sat idle under an 800-foot ceiling of fog mixed with rain. Two pilots, however, volunteered to fly Runkle to his troops at LZ Wharton.

In a hoarse voice aggravated by chain smoking over the past several days, Runkle told battalion assistant operations officer Capt. Joe Lyttle, to replace the badly wounded Nawrosky as commander of Bravo Company. Runkle also grabbed Capt. David Peters, his artillery liaison officer from 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, for the flight. They planned to fly down Highway 9 and recon the old French fort as the helicopter turned south toward LZ Wharton.

Runkle’s normal pilot, whose aircraft was grounded that morning with mechanical problems, watched in disbelief as the colonel’s command and control Huey lifted up, piloted by the volunteers from his platoon, and slowly slid into the white soup hanging over the valley.

Once the fog lifted, LZ Wharton was crowded with activity as medevacs continuously flew in and loaded casualties. Sgt. Tom Perkowski, in the command bunker of 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, tried to make radio contact with Runkle’s Huey—called “Charlie Charlie” for command-control—as early as 11:30 a.m., but his attempts brought no reply. Turning to the battalion operations officer standing nearby, Perkowski looked up and conceded, “Maj. Bean, I’ve lost commo with the Charlie Charlie.” Twenty minutes later, scouts from 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry, confirmed what many in the bunker had feared: The Huey carrying Runkle had been shot down.

The 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, was only 200 yards or so from the wreckage, but pinned down by heavy NVA small-arms fire. Runkle’s Huey had flown just a few hundred feet above an NVA force about the size of a battalion. Hundreds of automatic weapons opened up at once on the low-flying aircraft. When the 2nd Battalion troops finally reached the crash site, they discovered the NVA had systematically shot the men who had been on the helicopter, whether they survived the hard landing or not. The only survivor was Lyttle, who was partly concealed by the downed helicopter and escaped execution. However, a gunshot had penetrated his left arm, gone through his chest and hit his spine, permanently paralyzing him from the waist down.

McDonough, the colonel at LZ Stud in charge of the 2nd Brigade, was forced to reconstitute the command structure, replacing Runkle with Lt. Col. Zeke Jordan, a dashing West Point graduate with a pencil-thin mustache. Capt. Duke Wheeler, another West Point graduate, was elevated to liaison officer for 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, replacing Peters. Jordan arrived on LZ Wharton at 1 p.m. on April 4. The impending attack of the old French fort would be delayed one day.

As the sun set over the second day on LZ Wharton, troops with frayed nerves thought about the possibility of another artillery barrage, the loss of a respected commander and an expected attack on the landing zone. Adding to the tension, a soldier from Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, was wounded when a fragmentation grenade was thrown into his listening post during the early-morning darkness. The North Vietnamese were very much active and probing.

Assault on the Old French Fort

The early morning sun of April 5 tried to burn off the nighttime haze as the four line companies of 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, with Delta Company in the lead, departed from LZ Wharton and moved north. Slowed by disorder from the change in command, the approximately 350 men of the battalion were finally beginning their assault on the old French fort. Ahead of them was heavy resistance from 500 well-entrenched NVA fighters.

Shortly thereafter, the operations center at LZ Wharton began to receive calls from units that saw the enemy out in the open. Later, an NVA tank was spotted in a nearby tree line, but it vanished back into the jungle before the rocket-armed Hueys of 2nd Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment (Blue Max), could reach the area.

NVA artillery harassed the exposed troops as they made their way toward the fort. Five rounds hit at 9:45 a.m., and three more arrived a little over an hour later. “There was no place to hide,” said Pat Manijo of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry. “I just hit the ground and hoped for the best. As I did, a sizzling piece of metal landed with a thud right next to me.” Manijo was unscathed, but four of his team were wounded and removed in medevacs.

A short time later, the NVA tank reappeared and began firing on LZ Wharton and the advancing American troops. Again, Blue Max helicopters were called to the scene, only to find the tank had again disappeared. Unable to reach the fort, the 1st Battalion companies pulled back and settled in for the evening close to LZ Wharton’s protective cover. Even so, 13 enemy rocket rounds and seven artillery rounds from Laos fell on those companies.

LZ Wharton itself was not a safe place, either. An additional 14 rockets and six mortar rounds hit troops inside the perimeter. The 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, which had largely escaped casualties, suffered four killed and five wounded. As before, the wounded could not be evacuated until later the next day when the weather cleared.

The morning of April 6, the 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, again attempted to seize control of the fort. Built on high ground, it provided a great vantage point to observe the surrounding terrain. And although old, it was sufficiently fortified to endure significant battle damage. As soon as the fog burned off, Charlie Company called in to report more than 100 NVA in the open. Three-war veteran 1st Sgt. Robert Fowler calmly radioed, “We need mortar support. The enemy are coming out of this fort like ants,” trying to flank the American positions.

The 1st Battalion continued to press its attack, but casualties mounted under the withering fire of NVA mortars. Delta Company took the brunt of the shelling. More than 70 mortar rounds dropped on its men from 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. At least 46 of the roughly 75 Delta troopers were wounded, and three were killed. The assistant battalion operations officer at LZ Wharton, 1st Lt. Charles Brown, was calling for medevacs based on requests from commander Jordan and could see the shelling in the distance. “As I watched the smoke from the mortar rounds landing, the request for medevacs seemed to never end,” he said. “Tough times with tough fighting.”

Confronted with mounting casualties against a fully garrisoned fort, the 1st Battalion was forced to abandon its attack. But airstrikes battered the fort with napalm and explosives for the rest of the day.

On April 7, the 1st Battalion was replaced by the 5th Cavalry’s 2nd Battalion. By then the NVA had largely abandoned the fort, and the 2nd Battalion took control of it, eliminating the final NVA stronghold between the advancing 1st Air Cav units and the Khe Sanh base.

During the first few days of Operation Pegasus (April 1-6), the four line companies of 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, suffered 13 killed and 127 wounded. The brigade’s 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, and 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, took an additional 13 casualties during that period. In total, the 2nd Brigade lost about 40 percent of its forces to casualties during the opening weeks of Operation Pegasus—just the beginning of hard fighting that would last for another month.

Fighting with understrength companies characterized the remainder of the 2nd Brigade’s combat operations to relieve the siege of Khe Sanh. On April 8, the 3rd Cavalry Brigade hooked up with the Marines outside the base. The siege was broken.

Although the area today is now overgrown with verdant forests and underbrush that conceal the scars of war, the skytroopers and artillerymen who fought there in April 1968 will never forget its deadly past. 

J ohn McGuire is a forester and wildlife biologist from South Alabama. His interest in the 1st Cavalry blossomed several years ago when he discovered a shoebox full of medals and photos after the death of a close family friend.

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Pegasus Resort

Pegasus Resort

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Là đơn vị đi đầu về tổ chức, thiết kế du lịch kết hợp Team building, với đội ngũ hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong nghề.


Là một trong những đại lý vé máy bay giá rẻ của các hãng bay trong và ngoài nước.


Với SGTravel bạn có thể dễ dàng tìm được khách sạn phù hợp nhất. Giá tốt hơn so với đặt phòng trực tiếp tại khách sạn.


SGTravel chuyên nhận làm Visa , Passport, cung cấp các dòng xe du lịch từ 4 dến 45 chỗ – luôn cam kết dịch vụ xe chất lượng nhất.

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Pegasus Resort

  • Hotels in Vietnam
  • Hotels in Phan Thiet

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Hotel Information

saigon pegasus travel

  • Address: Thuan Thanh Hamlet, Thuan Quy Commune, Ham Thuan Nam Dist, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam
  • Location: Phan Thiet

Pegasus Resort located on the pristine, beautiful and romantic beach of Ham Thuan Nam, known for Ke Ga Lighthouse – the oldest lighthouse in Vietnam, Pegasus Resort is designed as the eco-resort with the green of grass, flowers and coconut garden


  • Price & Bookings

74 rooms including 19 Villas (2 bedrooms), 35 Bungalows with strange architecture but harmonious nestled under the green coconut garden give our guests comfort, privacy and luxurious relaxation. The mixture of classic and modern architecture gives us not only the friendliness, peace and warmth of a typical Vietnamese village but also the luxurious concept.

Rooms & Facilities

Ocean Villa Villa Pool -Hill side Grand Bungalow Garden view Deluxe Bungalow Superior

  • Air conditioner / IDD telephone
  • Safety box / Wifi internet access
  • LCD satellite TV
  • Bathroom / Bath tub / Hair dryer
  • Tempered glass standing bathroom with shower
  • Electric water heater
  • Minibar / Tea & Coffee making facilities
  • Daily mineral water

Facilities & Services:

  • Restaurant & bar:
  • Facilities For the Physically Challenged
  • 24-hour Security
  • Laundry & Dry Cleaning
  • Babysitting Service
  • Sightseeing & Tours
  • Safe Deposit Box (in-room & at reception)
  • Wireless Internet Access
  • Spa Treatment
  • Business Center
  • Meeting Facilities
  • Currency Exchange

Contact Information

Phone number, confirm e-mail, alternate e-mail, nationality, itinerary information, city / location, number of rooms, second choice hotel name, number of adults, children under 12 years old, others room - please specify, others bed (extra bed) - please specify, pick up at the airport with extra charge on request , airline name, flight number, arrival time, do you need our visa service, special request , additional information, you know us through, your preferred payment method, top destinations.

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Da Nang - Hoi An - Hue

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Ha Long Bay

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Mekong Delta

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Nha Trang Beach

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Sapa & Northern Highland

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Vientiane Destinations

How to book tour .

  • Ask for a FREE quote.
  • We reply within 12 hours.
  • Make any amendments.
  • Pay 25% deposit to secure.
  • Arrive and settle final payments.

We would be more than happy to help you. Our team advisor are 24/7 at your service to help you.


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You can pay for your booking now securely with PayPal ® by using your credit card or Paypal account.

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Viet Reader.

Premier Newspaper for Vietnamese Worldwide

Singaporean investor to operate large ecotourism project in Vietnam

Singaporean investor to operate large ecotourism project in Vietnam

HCMC – Singapore’s Pegasus Investment and Consultancy JSC and Banyan Tree Holdings Limited on April 7 signed an agreement in which the former will operate Dhawa Quy Nhon Vietnam, an eco-resort in the central province of Binh Dinh, upon its completion.

The project, which was expected to be completed in 2023, is part of the Pegasus Education Tourism Development area, Tuoi Tre Online newspaper reported.

With an estimated investment of 100 million Singaporean dollars (US$74.6 million), Dhawa Quy Nhon Vietnam is the second phase of Pegasus Education Tourism Development. Its first phase kicked off with the opening of Outward Bound Vietnam in 2016, while eco-residences will be developed in the third phase.

Pegasus Chairman Ricky Tan said, “Pegasus Education Tourism Development entrenches our long-term commitment and investments in Vietnam. As a Singapore enterprise, our latest investment signals our strong confidence in Vietnam's economic development and growth prospects.”

Pegasus will provide services at the resort, which is Banyan Tree’s second Dhawa resort signed in Vietnam.

Both Pegasus and Banyan Tree have been confident about Vietnam’s economic recovery, Covid-19 control and growth prospects, while Covid-19 vaccination programs are being accelerated.

Ho Kwon Ping, executive chairman of Banyan Tree, said the strategic partnership highlights the like-minded collaboration and entrepreneurship of two homegrown brands with strong overseas footprints.

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About author

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Để cập nhật thông tin mới nhất về mã số thuế vui lòng nhấn vào nút dưới đây:

  • 07 Nguyễn Gia Trí, Q25, Phường Bình Thạnh
  • [email protected]
  • 0977.337.366 - 0981.586.653

Saigon Pegasus Travel

  • Visa Canada
  • Cung Ứng XKLĐ

Cung Cấp Lao Động Đi Nước Ngoài

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Đi xuất khẩu lao động tại nước ngoài để có thu nhập tốt hơn đang là cách được nhiều người lựa chọn. Vậy, quy trình thủ tục đi xuất khẩu lao động theo con đường chính ngạch thực hiện như thế nào?

Cục Quản lý lao động nước ngoài (Bộ LĐTBXH) cho biết, để đi xuất khẩu lao động tại nước ngoài có 6 bước:

1. Đăng ký đi làm việc ở nước ngoài:

– Người lao động đăng ký đi làm việc ở nước ngoài thuộc doanh nghiệp hoặc đơn vị sự nghiệp có chức năng đưa người lao động đi làm việc ở nước ngoài, sẽ được tư vấn các lĩnh vực, ngành nghề, công việc người lao động sẽ đi làm việc ở các thị trường phù hợp với kỹ năng, trình độ, độ tuổi, giới tính, sức khỏe, chi phí phải đóng góp và tiến độ nộp các khoản chi phí;

– Người lao động lựa chọn thị trường và đơn hàng phù hợp.

2. Tuyển chọn:

– Người lao động tham gia tuyển chọn trực tiếp hoặc qua mạng, sau khi trúng tuyển đơn hàng sẽ phải khám sức khỏe tại các cơ sở y tế đáp ứng điều kiện đi làm việc ở nước tiếp nhận.

3. Đào tạo và bồi dưỡng kiến thức cần thiết:

– Người lao động sau khi trúng tuyển phải tham gia khóa bồi dưỡng kiến thức cần thiết do đơn vị phái cử tổ chức, Khóa bồi dưỡng kiến thức cần thiết gồm 74 tiết học về: quy định pháp luật liên quan của VN và nước đến làm việc, phong tục tập quán nước đến làm việc, các điều kiện hợp đồng lao động… Sau khi hoàn thành khóa học sẽ được cấp chứng chỉ bồi dưỡng kiến thức cần thiết.

– Căn cứ vào yêu cầu của chủ sử dụng lao động, người lao động có thể được đào tạo thêm về tay nghề và ngoại ngữ để đáp ứng yêu cầu về trình độ tay nghề và ngoại ngữ trước khi xuất cảnh.

4. Ký hợp đồng:

Người lao động đi làm việc ở nước ngoài thông qua doanh nghiệp dịch vụ phải ký 2 loại Hợp đồng, đó là: Hợp đồng dịch vụ ký với doanh nghiệp và Hợp đồng lao động ký với chủ sử dụng nước ngoài. Cả 2 loại hợp đồng trên đều phải có ngôn ngữ Tiếng Việt và người lao động được quyền giữ 1 bản hợp đồng sau khi hai bên đã ký.

Lưu ý: Người lao động cần đọc rõ các điều khoản trong hợp đồng dịch vụ ký với doanh nghiệp và hợp đồng lao động ký với chủ sử dụng, đặc biệt lưu ý các điều khoản về các khoản phí người lao động phải nộp; công việc và các điều kiện làm việc ở nước ngoài…

5. Nộp các khoản chi phí để đi làm việc ở nước ngoài:

Người lao động có nghĩa vụ nộp các khoản chi phí theo quy định cho đơn vị phái cử (như phí đào tạo, phí dịch vụ, phí môi giới (nếu có), lệ phí visa, vé máy bay).

6. Xin thị thực/visa làm việc và xuất cảnh

– Dưới dự hỗ trợ của đơn vị phái cử (doanh nghiệp XKLĐ/đơn vị sự nghiệp…) người lao động phải hoàn thiện hồ sơ để xin visa/thị thực đi làm việc để nộp tại Đại sứ quán nước tiếp nhận lao động tại Việt Nam. Bộ hồ sơ xin visa lao động thông thường gồm các giấy tờ sau: Hợp đổng lao động mà người lao động đã ký với chủ sử dụng; Lý lịch tư pháp; Phiếu trả lời/Thư giới thiệu của Cục Quản lý lao động ngoài nước/cơ quan lao động địa phương; Hộ chiếu; Chứng minh thư nhận dân/Thẻ căn cước công dân; và các giấy tờ khác tùy theo yếu cầu của mỗi nước….

– Sau khi có visa làm việc, người lao động sẽ xuất cảnh sang nước tiếp nhận để làm việc theo thời hạn của Hợp đồng đã ký.

Sau khi kết thức hợp đồng lao động ở nước ngoài về nước, người lao động có trách nhiệm phải đến đơn vị phái cử để thanh lý hợp đồng đi làm việc ở nước ngoài. Đây là việc đi xuất khẩu lao động theo con đường chính ngạch, an toàn và được Nhà nước quản lý, bảo hộ.

Gọi điện thoại

Gửi thông tin tại đây và chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ lại với bạn để tư vấn.


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  1. Du lịch không khó

    PEGAS Việt Nam (Pegas Viet Nam Travel) là công ty lữ hành chuyên nghiệp đến từ tập đoàn Pegas (Nga). Với kinh nghiệm hơn 25 năm trong lĩnh vực du lịch lữ hành toàn cầu, Pegas Vietnam Travel mang đến cho bạn những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời, chuyên nghiệp và đẳng cấp.

  2. Saigon Pegasus Travel

    Saigon Pegasus Travel Hỗ trợ nơi ở, nơi ở có đầy đủ trang thiết bị sinh hoạt, không cần tìm kiếm phòng và nhà ở. NHÂN SỰ NHIỆT TÌNH. Saigon Pegasus Travel có đội ngũ nhân viên, giảng viên giỏi luôn nhiệt tình hỗ trợ học viên để đạt được kết quả cao nhất.

  3. Pegas Viet Nam Travel

    Pegas Viet Nam Travel. 33,391 likes · 530 talking about this. Pegas Viet Nam Travel chuyên cung cấp: Tour du lịch chuyên nghiệp trong và ngoài nước.

  4. Saigon Pegasus Travel

    Saigon Pegasus Travel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 7,077 likes. Visa Mỹ. Anh. Úc. Canada. New zeland. Pháp. Đức. Hàn. Nhật. Đài loan Du lịch . Du học ...

  5. Giới Thiệu

    Saigon Pegasus Travel là công ty tư vấn du học và xuất khẩu lao động uy tín tại TP HCM, thành lập từ năm 2015 đến nay Saigon Pegasus Travel đã có những bước tiến vững chắc trên thị trường . Tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi được đánh giá một trong những công ty tư vấn du học và xuất khẩu lao động có chất lượng dịch ...

  6. Traveling is not difficult

    PEGAS Vietnam (Pegas Viet Nam Travel) is a professional tour operator from Pegas Group (Russia). With more than 25 years of experience in the global travel industry, Pegas Vietnam Travel brings you great, professional and classy experiences. Thailand Tourism Bangkok - Pattaya - Safari 5N4D with Great & Grand Sweet and Safari World Bangkok ...

  7. Dịch Vụ Visa Canada Chuyên Nghiệp

    Thời gian xét duyệt visa Canada: Thời gian xét duyệt Hồ sơ xin visa Canada sẽ trong khoảng từ 14 - 21 ngày. Trường hợp có kết quả sớm thì Visa Saigon Pegasus Travel sẽ liên hệ báo khách hàng. Còn với visa 10 năm thì thời gian xét duyệt là 1 tháng, trường hợp đặc biệt thời gian ...

  8. Saigon Pegasus Travel

    Saigon Pegasus Travel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 7,071 likes · 3 talking about this. Visa Mỹ. Anh. Úc. Canada. New zeland. Pháp. Đức. Hàn. Nhật. Đài ...

  9. Saigon Pegasus Travel Labor Supplying Study Abroad Travel Trading


  10. The 1st Cavalry's Pegasus Ride Through Hell

    Share This Article. In the opening week of April 1968, the sky over the northwestern corner of South Vietnam looked like someone had disturbed a beehive as swarms of U.S. Cavalry helicopters flitted about, marshaling troops, equipment and firepower to various landing zones. This was Operation Pegasus, one of the Vietnam War's largest ...

  11. Trip Finder

    Choose your travel concept by using Trip Finder and let us recommend holiday places. If you are looking for a fun journey with dancing, you can choose the "Nightlife" concept. If you want unforgettable memories with your lover in romantic cities, you can choose the "Valentine's Day" concept. Trip Finder is by your side to increase your passion ...


    Admin. Pegasus Resort is located on the seashore with powder-white sands, tropical sunshine, a fresh breeze from the ocean, and surrounded by over 10,000 square meter green garden. With the Vietnamese ancient architectural feature, and the staff's hospitality, the resort spreads the "Cozy Viet's Spirit!". With its 35 Bungalows and 19 ...

  13. Visa Canada

    Saigon Pegasus Travel 0977.337.366 0981.586.653 07 Nguyễn Gia Trí, Q25, Phường Bình Thạnh [email protected] Định Cư Visa Zalo: 0969 682 679.

  14. Giới Thiệu Công Ty Cổ Phần Thương Mại Dịch Vụ SAIGON TRAVEL

    Tên giao dịch tiếng Việt: CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN THƯƠNG MẠI DỊCH VỤ SAIGON TRAVEL Tên giao dịch tiếng Anh: SAIGON TRAVEL Service Trading Joint Stock Company Tên viết tắt: SGTravel ., JSC Giấy phép kinh doanh số: 0316331216 - Cấp tại SKHĐT TP.HCM Hotline tư vấn: (028) 73 038 368

  15. Flight Packages

    Comfort Flex Package offers you extra-comfortable and flexible travel. You get the flexibility to change and cancel tickets without penalty, 20 kg of free baggage allowance, sandwich, one piece of cabin baggage, seat selection (including extra leg-room seats), plus you can use the Fly & Watch in-flight entertainment service.

  16. Where Can I Fly During The Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

    Vaccination Status: There is no vaccination requirement. COVID-19 Testing: Test is not required. Forms To Be Completed: There is no form to be completed. Things To Do Before Your Flight: Turkish citizens will only be allowed to exit from Turkiye to the Azerbaijan with their biometric identity cards with a photo.

  17. Saigon Pegasus Travel

    Saigon Pegasus Travel . Nearby schools & colleges. Ielts Học Thuật Du Học Và Học Bổng 0 . Dr.Cho TOEIC Clinic Đường D2 . Flip English. Anh Ngữ An Toàn Quận Bình Thạnh . HUTECH - International Postgraduate Program Quận Bình Thạnh . Hutech - Viện Công nghệ Việt Hàn

  18. Dịch Vụ Visa

    Dịch vụ làm visa New Zealand trọn gói của Saigon Pegasus Travel sẽ giúp Quý khách 21 Th12. Dịch Vụ Làm Visa Đi Mỹ Trọn Gói 2023. Đối với thời điểm hiện tại, có thể nói Mỹ là nước khá khó trong 21 Th12.

  19. Pegasus Resort

    Pegasus Resort located on the pristine, beautiful and romantic beach of Ham Thuan Nam, known for Ke Ga Lighthouse - the oldest lighthouse in Vietnam, Pegasus Resort is designed as the eco-resort with the green of grass, flowers and coconut garden

  20. Singaporean investor to operate large ecotourism project in Vietnam

    Both Pegasus and Banyan Tree have been confident about Vietnam's economic recovery, Covid-19 control and growth prospects, while Covid-19 vaccination programs are being accelerated. Ho Kwon Ping, executive chairman of Banyan Tree, said the strategic partnership highlights the like-minded collaboration and entrepreneurship of two homegrown ...

  21. Dịch Vụ Làm Visa Đi Mỹ Trọn Gói 2023

    Dịch vụ làm visa đi Mỹ uy tín của Saigon Pegasus Travel. Saigon Pegasus Travel tự hào là đơn vị chuyên dịch vụ làm visa Mỹ du lịch - công tác - thăm thân nhân, trong hơn 10 năm qua chúng tôi đã giúp hơn 9350+ khách hàng có visa Mỹ làm mới và gia hạn visa Mỹ.

  22. 0317049170

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  23. Cung Cấp Lao Động Đi Nước Ngoài

    Saigon Pegasus Travel 0977.337.366 0981.586.653 07 Nguyễn Gia Trí, Q25, Phường Bình Thạnh [email protected] Định Cư Visa Zalo: 0969 682 679.