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Meine Lieblingsromane zu Star Trek-Classic

star trek romane rezension

Es gibt gute und schlechte Star Trek-Romane. Das ist halt so, wenn man viel Stoff in kurzer Zeit auf den Markt wirft, da kann nicht alles erste Qualität sein. In den Neunzigern erschienen mehrere Romane im Monat, so viel, dass man mit dem Lesen irgendwann nicht mehr hinterher kam. Obwohl ich Fan von Star Trek: The next Generation oder Deep Space Nine war und bin, habe ich dennoch viele Classic-Romane gelesen und einige von denen waren so gut, das ich mich noch heute, Jahrzehnte später, an sie erinnere.

Ich habe mal ein paar Titel zusammengeschrieben, von denen ich finde, das sie besonders gut waren. Die Liste ist aber sehr subjektiv. Es sind viele Vulkanier-Romane dabei, weil ich die vulkanische Kultur so mag. Daher ist es vielleicht eine etwas verzerrte Darstellung.

Der Entropie-Effekt Das Klingonen-Gambit Schwarzes Feuer Sohn der Vergangenheit Der letzte Schachzug Der Feind – Mein Verbündeter Die Tränen der Sänger Mord an der Vulkan Akademie Ishmael Das Faustpfand der Klingonen Spocks Welt Die verlorenen Jahre Die Romulaner Was kostet dieser Planet (eine Star Trek-Komödie) Zeit für Gestern Vulkans Ruhm Das Pandora-Prinzip Das große Raumschiffrennen Sarek Star Trek – Die Anfänge: Fremde vom Himmel

Gut fand ich auch die sechs Romane von William Shatner. Klar, die hat er nicht selbst geschrieben, aber die Story-Idee war gut und sehr spannend umgesetzt.

Es ist auffällig, dass gerade unter den frühen Romanen echte Perlen waren, je weiter die Veröffentlichungen sich fortsetzten, desto mehr ließ die Qualität der Geschichten nach. Uwe Anton, der viele der Romane ins Deutsche übersetzt hat, erzählte mir mal, dass er bei manchen Romanen einiges hat umschreiben müssen, weil sie sonst kaum lesbar gewesen wären. Da kann was dran sein, vor allem bei den spätere Sachen.

Was gar nicht geht, sind die Romane von Sandra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath. Ich weiß nicht warum, aber die habe ich in ganz schlechter Erinnerung.

Alle aufgelisteten Romane erschienen im Heyne-Verlag und sind antiquarisch erhältlich. Ich empfehle in solchen Fällen gern die Plattform »Booklooker«.

3 thoughts on “ Meine Lieblingsromane zu Star Trek-Classic ”

Ishmael war immer mein Lieblingsroman.

Viele dieser Romane habe ich ebenfalls als gut empfunden. Allerdings muss ich sagen, dass für mich persönlich die qualitative Hochphase der Deep Space Nine-Relaunch, insbesondere die achte Staffel, war. Ist aber natürlich auch höchst subjektiv. :-)

Die habe ich noch nicht gelesen. Sie stehen aber im Regal. Also irgendwann!

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10 Similarities Between Star Trek and Ancient Rome Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Mar 18, 2014 in Latin Language , Roman culture

Whilst trying to decide what to write for this week’s article, I was torn by many different avenues that inspire me. I am personally an avid fan of gender studies and societal transgressions, but these topics seemed a bit…heavy for this week. So, if you are by chance excited to see a blog on gender studies; please look forward to next week’s article on “Ancient Women in Modern Film.”

However, for this week I am interested to examine Star Trek and the depths within it that are of the Classical Tradition.  By “Classical Tradition,” I mean to show the degrees in which this science fiction world has drawn from antiquity to create a universe that has a large and loyal fan base.

Let’s start off with the most obvious.

1. Romulus and Remus

Capitoline Wolf suckles the infant twins Romulus and Remus.

Capitoline Wolf suckles the infant twins Romulus and Remus. Courtesy of Wikicommons & Jean-Pol GRANDMONT.

In Roman mythology, they are the twin sons of Mars and Rhea. Romulus is fated to find Rome (which is hence named after him), while Remus is destined to be killed at the hand of his brother.

In Star Trek mythology, Romulus and Remus were “twin planets” which revolved around the same star. However, their inhabitants and terrain were polar opposites. Romulans were related to Vulcans and came from a planet very similar to Earth or Vulcan (Class M planet); while Remus was a harsh planet whose inhabitants were considered of a lower class.

Courtesy of the page below and Tom Allred.

Courtesy of the page below and Tom Allred.

In Roman mythology, Vulcan was another name for the god Hephaestus. He was the god of crafting, blacksmithing, and even volcanoes.

In Star Trek mythology, Vulcans came from a planet, Vulcan, which was full of volcanoes. Vulcans were known for being skilled with crafting and creating new technology. One writer touches upon the subject very nicely ( here ).

3. Planet Names [which do not have connecting features between the name and terrain/inhabitants]

Many of the planet names in Star Trek derive from mythological characters or beings; these include (but are not limited to)

-Nausicaa, Cerberus, Gaia, Isis III, Janus VI, Kronos, Minos, Oceanus IV, Persephone V, Pollux IV, Sarpedion V,…

4. Orion(s)


Courtesy of Wikicommons, Till Credner &

In Roman mythology, he was a skilled hunter and friend of Artemis. But when Artemis felt herself tempted by his prowess she sent a giant scorpion to kill him. Thus the constellations Orion and Scorpio were formed.

In Star Trek mythology, Orion was a planet. It inhabitants were known as Orions and were a race of green (or blue) skinned humanoids. They were an animalistic and primal race in which the women used the men as slaves. (This is somewhat reminiscent of the mythical Amazons and mirror Artemis’ nature more so than Orions.)

5. Magna Roma

In Roman mythology, this was the Latin phrase for “Great Rome.” It referred to both the city of Rome and the female entity that was consider Rome.

In Star Trek mythology, it was the name of a planet (or 892-IV) that is visited in the episode “Bread and Circuses.” The planet is almost identical to Earth and therefore referred to as a” parallel planet.” It was classified as a parallel planet, because it showed what Earth may have become if the Roman Empire had not fallen. The presence of gladiatorial game, slaves, the Senate, and even the Praetorian Guard were present in the 23rd century.

6. Klingons

In accordance to ancient history, the Klingons seem to mimic the famous Spartans and their militaristic society. One argument (although weak) attributes the Klingon name to the ancient Greek κλίνω (kiln-o) [Latin form inclinare] meaning “to incline, to bend, to lean, to turn” (perhaps in reference to the Klingon forehead), but κλίνω can also have the meaning “to turn the ride of war.” Both meanings would serve the Klingons accurately.

You have seen the film 300, but have you heard of 300 Klingons? Watch on…

7. & 8. Jean Luc Picard and The Federation

Jean Luc Picard is as captain of the starship Enterprise is criticized by his mentor/father figure that:

“You’re like a Roman centurion off patrolling the provinces — the maintenance of a dull and bloated Empire.”

The parallel to the captain as a centurion, the planets as provinces, and the Federation to the Roman Empire is often eluded to, but not often stated in the Star Trek series. This lines offers to its audience a chance to meld antiquity and historic references to science fiction ones in a direct manner (which is not often seen).

*Fun Fact: Patrick Stewart, who plays Jean Luc Picard, actually plays a centurion in I, Claudius.

9. James Tiberius Kirk and Nero

In the recent Star Trek franchise, the 2009 film Star Trek, an alternative reality is created and affects all the character’s lives. It is ironic that our hero James Tiberius Kirk would be born and shortly afterwards the villain Nero makes his appearance. What I am attempting to hit on here are the names: Tiberius and Nero.

In history, Tiberius was an ancient Roman emperor and was often known for his lewd and lusty behavior, but he was also known for making spectacles of himself. While Nero was to be the second emperor after him and brought destruction and chaos. Is there perhaps a bit of mirroring with these Star Trek characters and the emperors? It is interesting that Roman emperor’s names would be used so freely in a science fiction series.

10. Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


“Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges” is the name of an episode of Star Trek (Deep Space 9 to be exact), which employs a Latin title. The title is actually a quote from the ancient Roman orator Cicero meaning ” In time of wars; the law falls silent.” The title and quote are actually used to justify a questionable tactic to which one person asks “” Is that what we have become? A 24th-century Rome? ” The question rings clear in both its parallelism and its indications of the Romulan Empire and the Roman Empire.

There is a clear and distinctive portrayal of antiquity with Star Trek. Whether it be through mythology, historical people, quotes, or epics, Star Trek makes good use of the wealth of information from antiquity. While some references may simply be in the form of a planet’s name or a vessel name, other times the parallel between the historical or mythological and the science fiction are clear. It is important to observe these similarities, because it further emphasizes the influence antiquity still has on modern day audiences. It shows how ancient ideals and mores are still used today to explore a story’s message. The Classical Tradition is not dead, but in fact far from it. It would seem that science fiction is the new frontier for antiquity to be employed and make its outreach.

There have been several episodes that have had an ancient theme to them such as:

Bread and Circuses; read on it ( here ).

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges; read on it  ( here ).

Plato’s Stepchildren; read on it  ( here )

Who Mourns for Adonis?; read on it  ( here )

Side of Paradise; read on it  ( here )

You can watch most of these on a Netflix or Hulu subscribe Account.

star trek romane rezension

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About the Author: Brittany Britanniae

Hello There! Please feel free to ask me anything about Latin Grammar, Syntax, or the Ancient World.

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David Emery:

“Fun Fact: Patrick Stewart, who plays Jean Luc Picard, actually plays a centurion in I, Claudius.”

Well, characterizing Sejanus as ‘a centurion’ is kinda like characterizing Augustus as ‘a senator’…

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Ruth Breindel:

As an avid ST fan, I have also noted these items. Let’s not forget “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one” (quite paraphrased – I have no auditory memory, despite having heard that phrase about 80 times…).

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Surazeus Simon Seamount:

I noticed the similarity of the Federation to the Roman Empire in the 1990s, ships exploring worlds on the Mediterranean rather than the galaxy. I always equated the Klingons with the Persian Empire.

' src=

J J Markin:

As an erstwhile classicist, I must have been subconsciously aware of all this, but ancient Rome was so much a part of my daily life that I confess that, until I read your article, I hadn’t really noticed it as clearly as I might have. Thanks.

I watched OST in high school and college during its first run back in the late ’60s and saw only sporadic episodes of most of the later spin-offs (yeah, I’m ancient!), much of what you wrote was new to me. Again, thank you. Altogether a very interesting piece.

One minor correction, though: Nero was third emperor after Tiberius, not second. (The Julio-Claudian dynasty: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero.)

' src=

The classic series as well a TNG is avalable on AMAZON and for those who have Prime membership its free.I think with DS9 this is as well

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Memory Alpha

Mira Romaine

Lieutenant Mira Romaine was a 23rd century Starfleet sciences division specialist . She was born on the Martian Colony 3 to Jacques and Lydia Romaine .

According to her psychological profile , Mira had a history of psychosomatic illness that consisted of occasional and teenage routine incidents. Mira was highly marked for her extreme flexibility and exceptional pliancy to new learning situations.

In 2269 , Lt. Romaine was given her first deep space assignment aboard the USS Enterprise when she was placed in charge of supervising the transfer of equipment to Memory Alpha . While aboard the Enterprise , she became romantically involved with Montgomery Scott .

During the mission, Romaine's mind came under attack by a group of non-corporeal lifeforms called the Zetarians , at which time she fainted . She later had several premonitions , including that of the attack on the Enterprise , the attack on Memory Alpha, and finally one of Scotty's death .

Later, when the Enterprise fired its phasers at the shadowing Zetarians, Mira experienced harsh pain. After reporting to sickbay , Dr. McCoy gave her a standard Steinman analysis . The results showed that physically her readings were identical, however, two of her hyperencephalograms indicated that her brain circuitry patterns had been altered. They were eventually identified as the impulse tracking patterns of the Zetarian cloud shadowing the Enterprise .

Mira was placed in the pressure chamber where she was subjected to increased pressure. Once the pressure chamber reached roughly 35 atmospheres , the Zetarians were forced from her body.

With the help of Scott, Romaine was able to recover from the attack and served out her first deep space deployment at Memory Alpha. ( TOS : " The Lights of Zetar ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Romaine was played by actress Jan Shutan .

According to Shutan in an interview with Starlog ( February 1994 , pp. 58-59):

" First of all, I think Shari Lewis was supposed to get the part; she wrote it for herself, " Shutan notes. " When I went in to interview, Shari was there. I didn't know she had written it or was up for it, and I got it right away. [Producer] Freddie Freiberger brought me in. because he thought I was perfect for the role and [director] Herb Kenwith and I really hit it off. I loved working with Herb: he's an angel. " [....] " I enjoyed doing the whole show, every second of it. James Doohan was an awfully nice guy, very sweet. My take on Mira Romaine was that she was a terrifically smart woman caught in another world. I liked Mira. she was me, " the actress jokes. " I hoped Mira would be a recurring character, but the series was cancelled shortly after. " One aspect of the series bothered her. " I remember being embarrassed about wearing that short costume because I had chubby thighs. " she laughs. " That's why my family and I laugh so hard every time we see the show– we get hysterical at what I look like in that stupid costume. Everyone on that show had long, gorgeous legs and I only had these cute little thighs. I didn't think they belonged on television! " She had no problems with the special FX. " I really didn't work with them, they came later. They would put me in a room and tell me what was happening. For me. it was essentially the lights going in and out of my eyes. The camera would go in and out and the FX people would put it in later. " She enjoyed the exorcism. " That was fun. Being in the hyperbaric chamber was kind of weird. " she notes. " Lying rigid and being suspended in that thing took a long time to do. " Shutan's floating in the tube was " done with a board hidden underneath me. "

A deleted scene from Star Trek Beyond had Scott mentioning that he was about to have dinner with a Lieutenant Romaine .

Apocrypha [ ]

According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Takedown , a medical facility was later named after her. It was dedicated to helping Starfleet officers who had undergone similar takeovers of their mental faculties by aliens.

She appeared in the Star Trek: The Original Series novel #42 " Memory Prime ", assigned to the Memory Prime installation in support of the Pathfinders, artificial intelligences who performed the primary collation and sifting of data from the Memory network. Memory Prime acted as the "hub" of the Memory network constructed in the aftermath of the Memory Alpha disaster.

The Star Trek: The Original Series comic book " Debt of Honor " had her achieving the rank of captain and chief archivist of Memory Alpha by 2286 .

"Mira" and "Romaine" are both varieties of lettuce.

External link [ ]

  • Mira Romaine at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 World War III

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Starfleet kadetten 02: worfs erstes abenteuer.

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Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar aufgebauten Kritiken auf deutsch gefunden habe, habe ich diesen Blog eröffnet...

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Star Trek gibt es auch als Buch??

Sechs sterne ****** [0], fünf sterne ***** [17], vier sterne **** [36].

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Drei Sterne *** [24]

  • Die Spiegelwelt 01
  • Tore auf einer Toten Welt

Zwei Sterne ** [20]

Ein stern * [10], null sterne [1].


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  1. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen

    Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar aufgebauten Kritiken auf deutsch gefunden habe, habe ich diesen Blog eröffnet...

  2. Star Trek-Rezensionen

    Wie man sehen kann, habe ich unter jede Rezension auch einzelne Aspekte wie Humor oder Spannung extra bewertet. Auch fehlte mir bei anderen Rezensionen immer der Hinweis, ob ein Star Trek-Roman auch für Nicht-Trekkies oder Neulinge geeignet ist oder nicht, deshalb gehe ich auch auf diesen Punkt ein. Ich habe versucht, nicht allzuviel zu ...

  3. Meine Lieblingsromane zu Star Trek-Classic

    Meine Lieblingsromane zu Star Trek-Classic. 20. Juli 2021 Christina Hacker. Ich hab sie alle. Zumindest die Star Trek-Romane, die bei Heyne und Goldmann erschienen sind. Ich gebe zu, dass ich einige noch nicht gelesen habe. Irgendwann versuche ich das nachzuholen. Aber den Großteil habe ich gelesen und einige sind mir auch nach dreißig Jahren ...

  4. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Die Rückkehr

    Star Trek Roman Rezensionen Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar ...

  5. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Sorge Dich nicht, beame!

    Star Trek Roman Rezensionen Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar ...

  6. Star Trek-Rezensionen: Die Top 10

    Willkommen auf meinem Star Trek-Blog! Seit ungefähr Anfang der 90er bin ich ein großer Star Trek-Fan, und irgendwann fing ich auch mal an, die Romane zu lesen. Dies soll ein Versuch sein, alle von mir geschriebenen Star Trek-Roman-Rezensionen einigermaßen kompakt zu präsentieren.

  7. Star Trek-Rezensionen: Bewertungsübersicht

    Willkommen auf meinem Star Trek-Blog! Seit ungefähr Anfang der 90er bin ich ein großer Star Trek-Fan, und irgendwann fing ich auch mal an, die Romane zu lesen. Dies soll ein Versuch sein, alle von mir geschriebenen Star Trek-Roman-Rezensionen einigermaßen kompakt zu präsentieren.

  8. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Generationen

    Diese Rezension ist meinem Jugendfreund Stojan gewidmet, der heute 30 geworden ist. Buchbesprechung Dillard, J.M.: Generationen. Heyne, 1994/1995. Story: Wehmut ergreift Captain Kirk, als er die Sachen packt um seine geliebte USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A zu verlassen.

  9. Neue #Rezension zu #StarTrek...

    Neue #Rezension zu #StarTrek "The Fall - Band 3: Auf verlorenem Posten". Star Trek Romane Cross Cult - Comics & Romane #Literatur

  10. Enterprise (Star Trek setting) Crossword Clue

    Answers for ___ Enterprise (Star Trek setting) crossword clue, 3 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. ... Use the handy Anagrammer tool to find anagrams in clues and the Roman Numeral tool for converting Arabic number to Roman and vice-versa.

  11. Star Trek-Rezensionen: Das Q-Kontinuum: Die galaktische Barriere

    Willkommen auf meinem Star Trek-Blog! Seit ungefähr Anfang der 90er bin ich ein großer Star Trek-Fan, und irgendwann fing ich auch mal an, die Romane zu lesen. Dies soll ein Versuch sein, alle von mir geschriebenen Star Trek-Roman-Rezensionen einigermaßen kompakt zu präsentieren.

  12. The Voyage of the Space Beagle

    The Voyage of the Space Beagle (1950) is a science fiction novel by American writer A. E. van Vogt.An example of space opera subgenre, the novel is a "fix-up" compilation of four previously published stories: "Black Destroyer" (cover story of the July, 1939, issue of Astounding magazine—the first published SF by A. E. van Vogt) (chapters 1 to 6) "War of Nerves" (May, 1950, Other Worlds ...

  13. Star Trek Romane

    Star Trek Romane, Ludwigsburg, Germany. 4,372 likes. Der Verlag Cross Cult sorgt seit 2008 dafür, dass den Fans der STAR TREK-Lesestoff nicht ausgeht.

  14. "Star Trek" collective in a cube Crossword Clue

    Answers for Star Trek%22 collective in a cube crossword clue, 4 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. ... Use the handy Anagrammer tool to find anagrams in clues and the Roman Numeral tool for converting Arabic number to Roman and vice-versa.

  15. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Das Schlachtschiff

    Buchbesprechung Carey, Diane: Das Schlachtschiff. Heyne, 1986. Story: Es war an einem lauen Frühlingsabend, als ich in das Bücherregal griff, um ein weiteres Star-Trek-Buch zu lesen und zu rezensieren.Zielsicher schnappte ich mir ein Buch mit dem Titel „ Das Schlachtschiff ", das von einer Schriftstellerin namens Diane Carey verfasst wurde. Schon bald las ich von einer jungen Frau namens ...

  16. Comparison of Star Trek and Star Wars

    A fan of Star Trek dressed in Starfleet uniform (left) and a fan of Star Wars dressed in Imperial Death Star gunner uniform (right) at the fan convention. Star Trek and Star Wars are American media franchises which present alternative scenarios of space adventure. The two franchises proliferate in this setting of storytelling, and each has offered various forms of media productions for decades.

  17. Star Trek-Rezensionen: Dämonen der Luft und Finsternis

    Obwohl ich normalerweise eher Star Trek-Romane mit großen Charakterszenen bevorzuge, sind es ausnahmsweise mal die Actionszenen, die diesen Roman für mich lesenswert machen. Der Höhepunkt ist zweifellos das spannende Duell zwischen dem Jem'Hadar-Krieger Taran'atar (meine absolute Lieblingsfigur der neuen DS9-Romane!) und dem Alpha-Hirogen.

  18. 10 Similarities Between Star Trek and Ancient Rome

    1. Romulus and Remus. In Roman mythology, they are the twin sons of Mars and Rhea. Romulus is fated to find Rome (which is hence named after him), while Remus is destined to be killed at the hand of his brother. In Star Trek mythology, Romulus and Remus were "twin planets" which revolved around the same star.

  19. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Die Beute der Romulaner

    Star Trek Roman Rezensionen Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar ...

  20. Star Trek-Rezensionen: ...und die 10 größten Flops

    Willkommen auf meinem Star Trek-Blog! Seit ungefähr Anfang der 90er bin ich ein großer Star Trek-Fan, und irgendwann fing ich auch mal an, die Romane zu lesen. Dies soll ein Versuch sein, alle von mir geschriebenen Star Trek-Roman-Rezensionen einigermaßen kompakt zu präsentieren.

  21. lt star trek Crossword Clue

    Answers for lt star trek crossword clue, 6 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. ... Use the handy Anagrammer tool to find anagrams in clues and the Roman Numeral tool for converting Arabic number to Roman and vice-versa.

  22. Mira Romaine

    Lieutenant Mira Romaine was a 23rd century Starfleet sciences division specialist. She was born on the Martian Colony 3 to Jacques and Lydia Romaine. According to her psychological profile, Mira had a history of psychosomatic illness that consisted of occasional and teenage routine incidents. Mira was highly marked for her extreme flexibility and exceptional pliancy to new learning situations ...

  23. Star Trek Roman Rezensionen: Starfleet Kadetten 02: Worfs ...

    Star Trek Roman Rezensionen Ich hab eine Menge Star-Trek-Romane in meinem Bücherregal. Es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn mich irgendjemand gewarnt hätte, dass ein großer Teil von ihnen - gelinde gesagt - Moppelkotze ist. Da ich die Amazon-Rezensionen selten hilfreich finde und auch sonst keine wirklich aussagekräftigen und nachvollziehbar ...