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33 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

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Road trips should always be full of memorable moments and fun experiences! Whether you are planning the next journey with your pals or you are already on the road and need to make it more interesting, below you’ll find 33 fun things you can do on a road trip with friends!

Going on a road trip can be a nice way to bond with people and deepen your relationship. On this list there is a bunch of different activities: some are supposed to make you laugh together, others may give you the opportunity to be more authentic and really talk to each other. And of course, there are some silly ways to spend time on the road that you’ll all remember for years to come!

Because this is what road trips are all about, right? Being silly together, sharing amazing experiences, handling various issues that may come up, and being there for each other for all the good and not-so-good moments. That’s what friends are for.

How to make road trips more fun

Three core things that make every road trip fun and special are people, surprises, and memories. Take a couple of good friends or meet new ones along the way. Plan some fun activities but allow for unexpected things to happen. And take a ton of photos to remember your amazing trip!

You are the one responsible for making sure you have fun!

Always start with a positive mindset and prepare for emergencies so they don’t ruin your experience. Have a plan but make it flexible enough to be open to the opportunities that may be waiting along the road.

Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy. For someone, it may be a group of active enthusiastic friends, for someone else a peaceful beautiful location is more important for having a good time. Find out what fills you up with positive energy and make sure to have it with you on every road trip!

Road trip essentials for adults checklist

Many things can happen on a road trip, so you gotta be prepared. Even if you don’t get to use half of these things, it’s better to have them handy just in case. Traveling is not always 100% predictable and you never know what could go wrong.

By packing all the essentials, you can handle any mishaps along the road without stressing too much about it. Traveling with friends usually shows different sides of people, especially in unexpected situations. Even Mark Twain had something to say about this:

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.

Why not minimize the potential negativity by putting a bit more thought into the preparation phase, right? Here is my list of important things to pack for a road trip, whether you go with friends or alone.

  • Drinking water
  • Healthy snacks
  • Travel-size hand sanitizer
  • Car power universal charger
  • Foldable car garbage can
  • First aid kit
  • Tampons – if there are girls on a trip
  • Natural pills for motion sickness relief

Useful things

  • Car seat organizer
  • Reusable coffee cup or a foldable one
  • Memory foam travel pillow
  • Road trip discussion prompts
  • Electric car blanket
  • Seat cushion for the driver
  • Portable hammock – if nature is in the picture
  • Waterless mini toothbrush

33 fun things to do on a road trip with friends

Regularly spending quality time with friends is crucial for building long-lasting relationships. Going on a fun road trip together is one of the ways to keep your connection strong and, hopefully, forever.

Whether it’s getting lost together, engaging in cool adventures, or simply talking in the car about life, you are bound to get closer after spending hours on the road!

With that said, prepare to have a great ride with your friends and have lots of joy together by using this extensive list of fun road trip things to do!

1. Let your hair down

let your hair down and have fun

Going on a road trip means detaching from your daily reality for a little bit and doing something different.

I’m not saying you should get wild and end up in jail or something, but let yourself get loose a little! Mix up your routines, try to be more spontaneous, say yes to more things, and be open for new opportunities to come your way.

And the most important: have fun!

2. Ride without navigation

Isn’t it fun to get lost together? This is likely an adventure you’ll always remember!

If you are used to always coming on a trip with a strict plan, maybe try to offer more freedom this time. If organizing everything is important to you, include being spontaneous to the plan! It may mean to only plan the big destination points without binding them to time intervals or to have chunks of the plan with no specific route.

In other words, plan your road trip well but allow for unexpected detours. Allow yourself and others to be more flexible and let the road give you more fun adventures!

3. Get inspired with some quotes about traveling with friends

Are you already in a car or just thinking about organizing a road trip? In any case, here are some fun quotes about trips with friends that will inspire you and get your mood up! Share a few favorites with your road trip buddies and discuss what they mean to you both.

A weird but true fact: sometimes other people can express your feelings more than you can express them yourself. Especially when they are writers and public speakers who know their ways with words, right?

4. Ask fun road trip questions

Ask fun road trip questions

The main idea behind going on road trips with your friends is not only to relax and have fun but also to deepen your connections. Asking each other interesting questions, even silly ones, may result in having a discussion on subjects you’ve never touched before.

If you think you know your friends too well for this, these conversation starters can easily prove you wrong!

5. Listen to a podcast

When you are tired from all the talking from the previous point, a good idea is to shut up for a bit and listen to someone other than each other. Thankfully, it’s 2021 and you are not limited by the radio stations as people were before. While people on the radio often talk about random things, consider listening to a podcast dedicated to a specific topic that interests all of you.

Here is a good selection of podcasts to listen to during a long road trip.

6. Stop for a picnic

make a stop along the road to have a picnic with your friends

Instead of inevitably eating super unhealthy things like burgers or hot dogs at gas stations or in the car, why not plan a picnic as a part of your journey!

Find a beautiful spot while driving and pull over to have a bite together in a nice setting. You can prepare some food and snacks at home or get takeout on the way (preferably not your typical junk food – maybe grab a salad instead this time?). You can even combine this with ideas #23 or #31 from this list if you want!

If that’s something you may enjoy, don’t forget to pack an outdoor blanket and a pack of eco-friendly bamboo utensils instead of plastic ones. This picnic may also be a good time to play “Exploding kittens” or “Unstable unicorns” if you are into board games like me!

7. Play Would You Rather

I obviously didn’t invent this game, and you likely played it already if that’s not your first ever road trip.

In any case, you can still make it fun and unique every time by using different sets of questions. For example, here is a whole book with more than 500 Would-You-Rather questions you can ask each other.

Some of them are silly (“Would you rather have three arms or three legs?”), while others may lead to deeper conversations (“Would you rather make a small difference in the lives of ten people or a massive difference in the life of one person?”).

This is the kind of game that may uncover new sides of your friends for you, even if you know each other for ages.

8. Get out of the car and walk around

Unless you are on a highway, nothing stops you from pulling over once in a while to walk around and stretch your body. Your muscles likely get stiff after all the sitting so you’ll feel wonderful to get out of the car. At least stop for a coffee and don’t have it inside the car!

These five to ten minutes out will let the blood flow better inside your body and will give a refreshing feeling to all your muscles. This can also be a good time to have that picnic from idea #6 and get some fresh air and food at the same time!

9. Take a group photo that is special to this road trip

Take a group photo that is special to this road trip

Instead of the usual selfie, try to capture something more special and unique this time. Maybe it’s a beautiful location, the feeling of happiness on your friends’ faces, or an interesting group activity you don’t usually do. Try to incorporate the mood of this road trip into your fun pictures.

If there are more than two or three of you on the road, consider taking a selfie stick or a tripod with you to make sure everyone can fit nicely in group photos. It gives you some flexibility when you can capture more than just your heads!

Put some thought into it cause these photos will remind you of your friendship and make you smile even decades later! How nice is it to find a picture you haven’t seen in years and immediately feel the wonderful atmosphere from that trip!

You can even print a mini photo book later with your photos from a road trip (and give it as a gift to everyone who was in it!).

10. Read a book out loud

When exactly was the last time you read a book aloud? Did you ever do it as an adult?

I always bring either a book or my Kindle when I’m traveling but I never actually considered reading aloud to a person who is with me. Maybe it’s because I’m a shy introvert and don’t wanna bother other people. Or maybe our tastes in literature are too dissimilar…

reading together on a road trip

Sometimes I read the best parts aloud to a person next to me but I’ve never thought about reading something together! I should probably consider it for my next road trip as well.

Anyway, if you have a book and others only have their phones, offer to read to them! You can take turns in reading so nobody gets too tired, just don’t involve the driver. Such a nice way to kill time together!

11. …or Listen to an audiobook

Not everyone is a very talkative person, especially when your road consists of many long hours. More often than not you just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy something pleasant. Instead of everyone reaching for their phones and getting lost in scrolling social media, better listen to a good book and then discuss it together!

Depending on your road trip length, you can probably listen to a whole book, or even a few, during your journey. If you have an Audible subscription , you can choose from a variety of great books or switch to listening to another one if you don’t enjoy the current one.

Make sure to choose something that every one of your friends will enjoy too! While it may not be as easy with fiction genres, you may still try finding something in recent Amazon bestsellers . Or listen to an uplifting non-fiction book like You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero that will definitely improve everyone’s mood.

12. Play I wish I didn’t know

Play I wish I didn't know

Wanna do something funny? How about a world’s filthiest trivia game ?

This is definitely not for kids. In fact, it has a 17+ age restriction on the cover! But play with a group of adults, and you’ll all get to learn many new things about the world that you’d rather not know.

There will be a lot of laugh, a lot of hope, and likely a lot of screaming “ewww, gross!”. But you want an unforgettable road trip experience, right?

13. Lock up your phones

While that’s not a fun activity by itself, it’s a prerequisite to having more fun together!

You probably heard by now about these smartphone containers that help people cope with digital addictions. If your friends are often distracted by their phones when you are trying to have a conversation, a safe like this may be a good solution!

You can all agree to take a break from social media and put all your devices in a box for a specified time interval. You can try it for an hour and see how it goes. I wouldn’t recommend blocking phone access for the whole trip ’cause there may be some situations when you’ll need them. For example, to pay for something if you are out of cash or to make a call in case of emergency.

Eliminating digital distractions like that is a great way to connect with your friends and spend more quality time together instead of endless scrolling.

14. Wear matching road trip shirts

traveling road trip with friends

If you want to make this trip more special, order a bunch of matching themed shirts in advance!

It can be a shirt with a special message like on this picture above, or a fun travel-themed T-shirt that everyone could wear more than just this one time.

Don’t do it for every trip or it stops being special. But do it at least once so everyone has something at the end to remember this particular journey. Also, the photos from your road trip will be much cooler if you all are wearing awesome matching shirts!

15. Find little souvenirs to remember this trip

You can be as creative with this as you want!

Postcards and fridge magnets are the most common things to bring back as souvenirs. I also used to collect sugar packets from cafeterias around the world.

If something especially interesting happens to you on this trip, think about something related to the situation that will remind you about it back at home. As long as it makes you smile, reminisce, and brings out warm feelings for your friends, take it as a souvenir!

If you travel to another country, a good idea can be to get a wall art piece. It can be a beautiful painting from a local shop or a minimalist photograph that would look nice in your room. Or you can print your own photo from this road trip on a canvas if you capture something worth being on the wall.

When it comes to souvenirs, it can literally be a little something from a gas station you stopped at. It doesn’t even need to mean anything to anyone other than you and your friends!

Whatever you decide to take, make sure it’s not illegal. For example, taking sand from some beaches is against the law so do your research in advance to avoid the trouble!

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16. Stretch together on the go

Sitting in a car for many hours at a time can feel very uncomfortable.

Don’t make it seem like another workday behind the desk! This may give your brain the wrong associations and make the trip impression much less fun.

The human body is meant to be active, and being in a limited space is not an excuse. There are a lot of things you can do to move around even in a moving car. Make sure to talk your friends into stretching with you so you aren’t the only one doing weird moves.

Here is a good example of the stretching poses you can do in the car (unless you are a driver):

17. Make a fun road trip playlist and sing along

Driving with feel-good music is usually more comfortable than listening to the radio, news, or going in silence. Fun songs help to tune the overall mood of your trip into a more positive one, and make you feel more energized.

Make a selection of your favorite songs that you can all sing along to together or find a ready-made playlist in a genre you prefer. Aim to choose uplifting and positive songs instead of depressing or sad ones, even if that’s what you are used to listening to. Remember that you want to make everyone smile on a trip, not cry!

Here is an example of a good playlist on Youtube specially made for road trips:

18. Meet new people

Even when you travel with friends , you can always meet more good people along the road. Be nice and friendly and allow for your path to cross with someone else’s. Who knows what might come out of it!

If you are visiting a new area, meeting locals can be very beneficial. Even if you don’t become instant friends, they may show you some local gems and add an unexpected spark to your trip. Literally even talking for a minute with someone can give you new ideas and place recommendations you never considered before!

You May Also Like: 82 Positive Affirmations For Lasting Friendship And Making New Friends

19. Count colorful cars

Watching cars is a fun simple game you can play with adults or kids.

Each person picks a color and whenever you pass a car of that color, you get a point. You can play till 10 or 50, or 100 points, or just play till the next stop and see whose color wins by comparing the points you all got.

This works very well to kill some time when everyone is tired and not really up for more intelligent games and deep conversations.

20. Answer some road trip trivia questions

If you have a growth mindset, you know that you can learn new things and continue to develop your intelligence at any age. A road trip is a very convenient place to expand your horizons by playing a trivia game that fills the knowledge gaps you may have.

There are all kinds of trivia question sets available online, for example, here on Amazon . Some are general knowledge questions, some can be more specific around one topic or location, and there are some tricky question sets that are especially fun to play with a group of close friends.

Here are some trivia cards that are good for the road trip:

  • Good Guess: A Social Trivia Game
  • I should have known that!
  • Brain Quest for the Car

21. Make an Instagram contest

Make an Instagram contest

If you all like taking photos, come up with some kind of a photo contest for the trip. Aim to create one amazing photo each and then share all of them on Instagram and make people vote on the best one!

You can even decide on a prize for a winner to make it more interesting and competitive. And don’t forget to use some of the best friendship hashtags for more exposure!

22. Eat something unusual

With friends or not, road trips are meant to be different from your usual life!

One way to experience something new is to eat something new. We all have to eat every day anyway, so the only thing you need to do is to be more open-minded with your meal choices.

Before leaving for your trip, explore the target areas online: look through the restaurant reviews on Tripadvisor or find a few local gems that you will be passing. Try to not order anything that you usually order. For example, if you always eat pizza, then have pasta, or go to a Thai restaurant instead of Italian. Or try to find the food you haven’t tasted before! This will give you another new thing to remember about this trip.

As an alternative, make a new tradition with friends to eat something specific on a road trip! Whether it’s sharing a pizza, enjoying tacos, or indulging in oysters, why not let it become your special group thing?

23. Brew your own coffee in the wild

If you are a coffee lover like I am, you would enjoy making coffee outdoors for a change!

I once saw a video from one of my favorite videographers on Youtube and I have this idea in mind ever since. This is what I’m talking about:

Doesn’t it look amazingly cool?

The process doesn’t have to be as hard either: there are many great portable espresso machines designed specifically for camping and travelers so you can have a fresh cup of coffee wherever you are. This will impress your friends, too!

24. Catch up on sleep

Unless you are a designated driver, take some time in a car to catch up on your sleep. Especially if you aren’t sleeping the healthy 8-9 hours every day (who does?), this may be a good time to relax and have a nap.

Far away, in the middle of some unknown road, you can’t make yourself busy with a bunch of tasks like you would at home. That’s why there is no need to feel guilty even if you take a nap at midday. Call it a siesta, and enjoy it like Spanish people do!

To make sleeping in a moving car more comfortable, always bring an inflatable pillow to support your head. A sleeping mask and earplugs will also come in handy so others can talk without disturbing your sleep.

25. Take funny photos of sleeping friends

If you have a really long road trip, there will be time when some of you are sleeping. Many people sleep in funny poses, especially when there isn’t much room in a car. You can spend some time “decorating” them with whatever stuff you have at your disposal and taking a few pictures just for fun!

But please, please, don’t post those pics anywhere. It’s one thing to laugh together, but embarrassing them in front of other people may easily do harm to your future relationship. Chances are, they won’t ever go on another road trip with you!

If you are immature enough to paint your friends’ faces for fun, make sure to not use a permanent marker like Ross did to Rachel!

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26. Share your dreams

Share your dreams on a road trip with friends

When was the last time, if ever, that you talked to your friends about your dreams and goals?

Unless you go on a trip with a bunch of strangers with whom you don’t feel comfortable sharing personal stuff, bring up the dreams subject somewhere along the way.

What would you do if money/society/age/physics/etc wasn’t an issue? What is the specific idea of a dream life for you and why does it seem unrealistic to you? What about your friends? Discussing these things may be very therapeutic because some things aren’t as impossible as you may think. By brainstorming together, you may share different perspectives and maybe come closer to achieving your dreams!

You May Also Like: 120 Heart Touching Quotes About Long Distance Friendships

27. Exercise your creativity with friends

Exercise your creativity

There are many ways to be creative together on a road trip! Here are a couple of my random ideas:

  • Create an interesting story together. One person starts with an opening sentence, the next one continues the story with another sentence, and so on. You can go as many circles as you want and come up with crazy plot twists. The fun part is to add an unexpected turn of events and make the next player look for the way out! And nobody knows how it ends until it does!
  • Draw an unusual creature together. This is the one the driver should probably sit out because it’s too distracting. Take a piece of paper and a pen (or a tablet if you didn’t do #13) and draw a base of a character. It’s easier to start with some kind of geometrical or abstract shape to be your creature’s body. Then pass it on to someone else to add something to the picture, and so on. In the end, you should get a really fun and unique character in the creation of which each of your participated equally!

28. Participate in a silly dance together

Remember that road trip playlist from idea #17? Wait for an especially uplifting song and dance, even if that’s just with the upper part of your body. Engage the others and learn silly moves from each other to have more fun.

This is also a nice way to stay somewhat active during a long drive!

By the way, if you haven’t seen this guy dancing, I’ll just leave this video here for good vibes!

29. Talk about something deep

When you are driving in the dark and just can’t laugh anymore, it may be time for some deeper bonding with your friends. You may think you know who they are and what they are all about but in reality, you never know all of it. Humans are complicated beings, after all.

More often than not, we only see the top layer of someone’s life, personality, and feelings. If you are interested to see the rest of their icebergs (and let them see yours), deep conversation starters may be very helpful. Or just ask them how they feel and discuss each other’s long-term goals. You may be surprised!

30. Play magnetic chess or checkers

Stuck in the back seat and getting bored while friends in the front are talking without you?

Pull a travel chess board out of your bag and invite one of your friends to play with you! Make sure to bring a magnetic travel version so your pieces don’t get flying all over when the car jerks on a pebble.

If you aren’t sure whether your friends can play chess, consider bringing a 3-in-1 set with checkers and backgammon to have more options.

31. Watch a sunset

watching a sunset with friends

Beautiful pinky-orange hues of sunset always make the world more beautiful!

If your timeline allows for it, make a stop someplace nice to watch a sunset and spend some quiet time in nature surrounded by people you love.

Sunrise may also work but everyone is more sleepy and sometimes cranky, and it’s usually colder early in the morning, so personally, I prefer sunsets. But if you are on the road anyway and the sky starts to look especially beautiful, make a stop and let yourself enjoy it!

32. Catch little moments and make a video after

You don’t have to be a professional videographer to make fun videos these days. People do it every day with entry-level vlogging cameras or even in a form of Instagram reels captured with a phone.

I love taking photos but with videos, you get to capture much more of the mood and details of your journey, as opposed to a bunch of still moments. Shoot movement, landscapes, your friends having fun, and beautiful surroundings that give you the feeling of what that place is all about.

Here is an inspirational video for your road trip with friends. Try to make your own like that!

33. Enjoy the journey

Last, but not least, of my road trip tips with friends, is to enjoy every minute of it!

Don’t focus on the destination alone: you have hours in the company of great people, so why not make the most of it? Use the ideas from this list or do something completely different next time to stay away from boredom. Engage other guys in conversations and learn more about each other while you are stuck in a small metal box for all those hours!

Have an awesome road trip with friends!

These were my 33 fun ideas of what you can do on a road trip with friends. Keep this list handy for your next adventure so you never get bored and always have plenty of fun adult things to do together!

What is your favorite thing to do on a trip like that? How do you manage to stay active and prevent other people in the car from getting bored? Tell me in the comments if you have some fun road trip experiences or more ideas to share!

More fun resources for building warm friendships:

  • 84 Travel Quotes With Friends To Inspire Your Next Adventure
  • 82 Positive Affirmations For Lasting Friendship And Making New Friends
  • 120 Heart Touching Quotes About Long Distance Friendships
  • 125 Best Friendship Hashtags For Instagram In 2024
  • 85 Hilarious Quotes About Crazy Friends

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Juliet Hunter is an introvert who had a tough time making friends after relocating across the world at the age of 30. As she went on a journey to become more social, she launched Gifts Of Friendship to empower others with her proven strategies and resources and to show that finding your people is way easier than it seems.

Gifts Of Friendship

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Travel Tips and Trivia

Last Updated: January 24, 2024

50 Epic Ideas for What to Do on a Road Trip With Friends

Wondering what to do on a road trip to keep the boredom at bay? This list of 50 fun things to do on a road trip with friends should help! Check it out!

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Danny Newman

I hope these ideas on what to do on a road trip help out when you’re bored in the car!

I hope these ideas on what to do on a road trip help out when you’re bored in the car!

I love road trips.

Ordinary life gets left behind, and a sense of adventure takes its place.

But when the excitement fades, and you’re facing hours or days in the car, they can get a bit, well… boring .

Want to avoid that fate?

Check out this long list of ideas for what to do on a road trip ! With 50 fun things to do on road trips with friends, you should never be bored in the car again.

[Last updated: July 2023]

50 Best Things to Do On a Road Trip with Friends & Family!

Looking for fun things to do in the car on road trips? The following 50 fun things to do during a road trip should help!

1. Journal the journey

One of my top suggestions for things to do on a road trip with friends is to keep a journal as you go.

Write about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doing, and how you’re finding the experience.

It doesn’t have to be a hand-written thing either.

I mean, writing in a moving vehicle isn’t easy! You could save yourself the hassle (and mess) by typing notes on your phone or even dictating into it.

However you do it, journaling about your journey will help a) pass the time, and b) provide a lasting record of the trip.

You’ll be able to look back on it long after it’s over and reminisce over forgotten details.

Need some help getting started? Check out these travel journal prompts .

2. Track your route on a map

Another cool thing to do on road trips is to track your route on a map.

I did this on a recent trip to Australia. I was travelling around in a rickety old campervan for 6 months or so, covering more than 20,000km and stopping all around the country to take in the sights.

Wanting to remember where I’d been, I dropped a pin on Google maps at every new place I went.

The result? I’ve now got a lasting memory and a visual display of my route to look back on.

You could do the same, or take it one step further with an actual physical map. I’ve heard of people literally stitching their route (with a needle and thread) as they went from place to place.

You’d have a fun task to do along the way and an awesome memento of your road trip at the end!

3. Take videos and photos (fun things to do in the car on a road trip)

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to take lots of photos and videos as you go!

Most people will have their phones/cameras out at every opportunity on a road trip. It’s the perfect way to record your trip and all the amazing things you see and do.

Have some fun with it as well though.

For example, why not challenge each other to take a maximum of 5 photos per day? Or do a photo competition to see who can snap the best image. And so on.

It might also be cool to take a Polaroid camera with you on the road.

You’d end up with piles of physical photos that captured the moment to moment of your trip in a way that digital cameras and phones couldn’t.

4. Post about your trip on social media

You don’t want to spend all of your time on your phone.

But there’s no denying that social media provides another option for entertainment on a road trip.

Try to avoid any mindless scrolling though! The last thing you want is to let the trip pass in a blur of cat videos and random TikTok clips.

Think about creating a new Instagram profile and Facebook page for your adventures.

Record your endeavours, post photos, and write little stories of your exploits. People back home, and even random strangers, can then check in on what you’re up to. You never know, you could end up garnering a significant following.

5. What to do on long road trips? Play road trip games!

Games are a classic way to stay entertained on long car journeys.

There’s no shortage of options, either. License plate bingo, cards against humanity, and eye-spy are just a few examples of popular road trip games to try.

Here’s a great list from BuzzFeed with more ideas.

Wondering what food to take on a road trip too? Check out this post !

Tracking your route on a map might not sound like one of the fun things to do on a road trip in the car. But, by the end of the trip, you’ll be glad you did it!

Tracking your route on a map might not sound like one of the fun things to do on a road trip in the car. But, by the end of the trip, you’ll be glad you did it!

6. Find out more about each other

You might have days on the road with the same road trip travel companions.

That’s a lot of time to kill! Why not take the opportunity to find out more about each other?

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve known someone for your entire life. There might still be things to discover about them. Now’s the ideal time to change that.

Have a heart to heart. Get political. Ask about their childhood. Enquire about their job, dreams, and goals. Divulge long-held secrets, get their opinion on noteworthy topics, and so on.

Need some conversation starters? These road trip questions should help.

7. Reminisce over shared memories

I love nothing more than reminiscing with good friends about days of old!

Whether you’re talking about old childhood stories, shared memories from college, or past adventures, it’s always fun to reflect, laugh, and feel the warm tinge of nostalgia on a best friend road trip.

8. Crack your favourite jokes

Is the atmosphere in the car getting a little grey?

Tell some travel jokes to brighten the mood! They’re a perfect antidote to lifting peoples’ spirits and putting a smile back on everyone’s face.

They don’t have to be good jokes either.

For more joke-related fun things to do in the car on a road trip, you could spice things up a bit and have a competition to see who can tell the worst one. Vote on the best/worst, and the winner/loser has to buy the beers at your next destination.

9. Play some music (essential stuff to do on a road trip!)

No road trip is complete without music blaring in the background!

Make sure your car has a good set of speakers, Bluetooth (or an aux cord), and something from which to play music. I recommend having multiple playlists of top tunes available to ensure you’re never short of a song.

Here’s an awesome road trip playlist from TimeOut if you’re looking for inspiration.

Want to mix things up a bit? Think about reverting to the good old days of CDs. Get everybody to bring an album and take it in turns to play them from start to finish.

Looking for more music ideas? Check out these awesome adventure songs .

10. Play movie soundtracks!

On the subject of music, why not play your favourite soundtracks as well?

There’s nothing better than driving along open roads with an epic movie soundtrack playing. Everything takes on a new sense of drama.

Whether it’s Batman, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter, they’re a perfect addition to any road trip playlist!

Heads up, you might also like this post about the best gifts for road trippers .

On a road trip with friends? Get the music playing!

On a road trip with friends? Get the music playing!

Wondering what to do during a road trip? Check out this list of 50 funny road trip quotes !

11. listen to podcasts and audiobooks (perfect road trip entertainment).

I often get tired of both the radio and my own music after a while.

That’s why I like having podcasts and audiobooks downloaded to my phone as well.

They’re ideal for quiet moments in the car and long stints behind the wheel. You can turn them on, tune in, and let the miles drift past.

12. Read each other stories (fun activities to do on a road trip)

Why not take it in turns to read to each other as well?

It might have been years since anybody read you a story! But, trust me, it’s bloody lovely. You feel like a little kid again.

It’s nice for the driver as well.

They can focus on the road without being distracted by loud music or boisterous conversation.

13. Read a book (entertainment for road trips is essential!)

Quiet moments in the car provide a perfect opportunity to read a book .

With a good novel or non-fiction in your hands, you can escape into the pages and easily kill hours of the drive!

That’s good news when boredom has started to settle in and time has began to drag.

14. Watch a movie/series

The same goes for watching a movie or series!

With TVs in the back of the car, or Netflix on your phone, you can get engrossed in your favourite series/film and see time pass by in a flash.

It’s even better if you can watch the same film/show with friends. The experience becomes less antisocial.

Spare a thought for the driver though! They’re having to concentrate on the road while you escape into the screen. Make sure they’re happy with the silence and take regular breaks to keep them company too.

15. Eat some road trip snacks

I think having a car full of snacks is a prerequisite for a successful road trip.

There’s nothing worse than being hungry on the road. Having an ample supply of tasty treats will prevent that eventuality and lift peoples’ moods.

Don’t overindulge in the unhealthy stuff though.

You’ll end up feeling sick, which is the last thing you want when you’re spending hours in the car. Pack a mixture of healthy and unhealthy snacks to keep you satiated and satisfied in equal measure.

Wondering what else to bring along on the road trip? Check out this post full of things to take travelling.

With so much road to cover, you’ll definitely need some road trip food to keep the munchies at bay!

With so much road to cover, you’ll definitely need some road trip food to keep the munchies at bay!

Enjoying these fun things to do on a road trip in the car? You might also like:

  • How to Plan a Trip on Google Maps
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling By Car
  • Amazing Quotes About Roads of Life
  • 85+ Road Trip Trivia Games and Questions
  • 20 Card Games from Around the World
  • Comprehensive Guide to Responsible Tourism
  • 10 Reasons Travelling is Fun

16. Sing karaoke songs (Awesome road trip fun!)

If you’re going to be listening to music, then you might as well sing along! Break out some classic songs and get your karaoke on in the back of the car.

You could even do one of those lip sync videos, like this epic one from a few years back:

Watch our lates video! BECOME A SKETCHETEER: LIKE our Facebook: https:/…

17. Take breaks

Don’t forget to take regular breaks from the car as well!

I mean, too much of anything is bad for you, right?

And that cliché seems particularly apt when you’re travelling at high speeds for hours at a time in a metal tin can with wheels.

Stop the car every couple of hours, stretch your legs, see the sights, and give yourself a rest.

18. Take turns driving

Got a few of you in the car? Divide the driving up between you as well.

For one thing, it gives everyone a turn behind the wheel, which means you’re getting natural breaks. That should stop people from getting too tired on the road, keeping everyone safe in the process.

An added bonus is that everybody gets to experience the joy of being a passenger!

I mean, driving’s great, but you have to be focused on the road all the time. Everything from looking out at the sights to engaging in the backseat banter becomes far harder.

19. Have a snooze (passengers only)

Things gone quiet in the car? Feeling tired and not your turn to drive anytime soon?

Well, I’d have a nap.

Road trips, like all travelling, can tire you out! You’re literally on the move all the time, fluctuating between excitement and boredom, stopping and seeing new things every few hours.

Having a periodic snooze can keep your energy levels up and ensure you keep enjoying yourself.

20. Turn off the GPS

I literally don’t know where I’d be without a GPS.

My sense of direction is notoriously bad and my memory isn’t much better. Take my GPS away when I’m driving and all hell breaks loose.

I don’t know where I’m going and can’t remember where I came from!

I can’t lie, though, it’s kinda fun. That’s how adventure happens! Give it a go if you aren’t in a hurry to get anywhere.

Turn off your GPS and see where you end up. You’ll be able to find your way back if you get lost (just turn the GPS back on!) and you might end up stumbling on some awesome and unexpected sights/places in the process.

Want an extra challenge? Don’t take a GPS in the first place and use an old-school map instead. It’s sure to make things more interesting…

Looking for things to do in the car on long journeys? Share the driving!

Looking for things to do in the car on long journeys? Share the driving!

21. Take detours & see the sights

I’ve travelled a reasonable amount at this point and done my fair share of road trips too.

And I can honestly say that, for me, at least, the best kind of travel is slow travel.

I don’t like rushing anywhere, skipping things out, or being in a hurry to reach my final destination. Remember, the joy of travel really is in the journey itself.

You won’t look back on this road trip and remember much about where you ended up.

But you will recall, in vivid detail, how you got there and the adventures you went on along the way.

With that in mind, make sure you stop at every opportunity (where it’s practical and feasible) to explore, do fun things, and take in the sights. Take random detours (especially when you don’t know where they go) and embrace the adventures that come as a result.

Want some inspiration? Click here to read about the world’s greatest explorers and their epic stories.

22. Make profiles for each other on dating apps & go wild

Looking for fun things to do on road trips and fancy having a giggle?

Swap phones, set up a profile for each other on Tinder (or another dating app), and start swiping left and right. See who you can set your mates up with at your next destination!

23. Drive a classic route

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, every country has certain roads and routes that are steeped in road-tripping prestige.

Think about the old Route 66 in America, the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, or the Grimsel Pass in Switzerland. All of them are epic road trips.

See which classic routes might be along the way on your chosen path and consider taking a detour to travel a section of them!

24. Goof around (AKA the most fun thing to do on a road trip)

Road trips should never be serious affairs.

They should be fun-filled, laughter-fuelled, joke-ridden rides that leave everybody in a good mood.

Take every opportunity on your trip to goof around. Plan some practical jokes, partake in plenty of (friendly) banter, and play silly games that everybody in the car likes.

25. Keep in touch with people back home

Don’t forget to let your loved ones at home know how you’re getting on.

There are all sorts of things that can go wrong on the road.

And, if your mum’s anything like mine, then they want constant reassurance that you’re a) still alive, and b) having fun.

…But mainly that you’re still alive.

Dropping them the odd message and giving them an occasional call will keep everybody happy! It’s also something to do when things are getting a bit dull in the car.

You could even download one of those apps that lets people back home check your whereabouts.

They’ll be able to track your progress without having to call/message all the time.

Fun road trips don’t always include much planning. Still, it’s worth stopping every now and again for a break and to check where you’re going next!

Fun road trips don’t always include much planning. Still, it’s worth stopping every now and again for a break and to check where you’re going next!

26. Research your next stop

I’m never a massive fan of planning.

I try to ‘go with the flow’ where possible, and see what happens. Sometimes, though, that tack backfires and I end up missing out on incredible opportunities that I simply had no idea existed.

Strike a happy balance: plan a little as you go, googling the next destination before you get there, checking what there is to do.

It’s a good way to pass the time when you’ve got nothing better to do and ensures you see the best bits of wherever you’re headed.

27. Come up with 3 must-do activities for each stop

This point leads on from the last.

Basically, while researching the next stop on your road trip, you could challenge each other to come up with 3 things to do there.

It could be activities to do, sights to see, places to eat, or points of interest to check out.

In any case, with multiple people coming up with multiple options, you’ll never be short of something to do when you arrive at each stop.

28. Check for ideas and inspiration is a gem of a website for anybody on (or planning) a road trip.

Plan your trip, decide your itinerary, get more travel tips, and so on. Check it out if you’re at a loss for what to do or how to get somewhere.

29. Wondering what to do on road trips? Make no plans whatsoever!

Plans sh-mans.

You could throw caution to the wind and ditch the lot of ‘em. Pile into the car with nothing but a physical map and your final destination in mind.

Figure it out as you go, with a general attitude of openness and adventure.

Find yourself planning in the car? Stop it! Take the next turn-off and see what you find.

30. Take/buy an air freshener

I suppose this is more of a practical suggestion for road trips than an idea for what to do on them.

Basically, there’s nothing like spending hours at a time in an enclosed space with your friends to make things a little ‘stuffy’. You’re eating food, sharing space, and sweating away in a hot vehicle!

Having an air freshener in the car will make an almighty difference.

…Oh, and crack a window while you’re at it!

Be sure to take your time, take detours, and stop to enjoy the scenery. These are often the most fun things to do on a long road trip.

Be sure to take your time, take detours, and stop to enjoy the scenery. These are often the most fun things to do on a long road trip.

31. Keep your electronics charged (use a multi-way charger)

Phone going flat? Camera battery running low? Laptop powering down?

Stick it all on charge!

First, though, you’ll need a multi-way adapter to plug into the cigarette lighter (or a power bank). They’re an absolute life-saver when you’re on the road with no access to mains power.

32. Remember the beers (and a bottle opener)

No, this isn’t me advocating or endorsing drunk driving!

But there’s no denying the benefits of having a case of cold beers in the back (preferable in a cooler). An ice-cold beer goes down a treat when evening rolls around and you’ve been driving all day.

Just wait until the driving’s done before you break them out.

Drunk driving causes countless accidents every year. Be safe, responsible, and only enjoy your beers when you’ve got nowhere else to go that day.

33. Camp out along the way (essential road trip things to do!)

Remember when I suggested making detours, stopping along the way, seeing the sights, and taking your time to have an adventure?

Well, camping out is a way of combining it all.

It’s also a really cool way to spend the night when you’re out on an extended road trip. Stick your camping gear in the back and keep an eye out for the perfect spot to free-camp.

Heads up, this is the perfect time to break out those beers I just mentioned…

34. Stargaze!

Driving at night? Or camping out along the way?

Look up at the stars! Use an app on your phone to highlight the constellations (assuming you don’t know them already) and take in the magic of the night sky.

35. Eat at local establishments

Stepping into local bars, cafes, and restaurants can be daunting sometimes- particularly in smaller, rural communities that don’t get too many travellers.

They can feel a little hostile. The locals don’t know you; you don’t understand the way they do things. It’s tempting to go to the big chains, the fast-food restaurants, or to cook for yourself/get take-out.

But I like (and recommend) doing it for two reasons:

First, it’s a way to support the local communities through which you’re driving. The result?

Well, it’s just good, ethical practice. But it has the added benefit of endearing the locals to travellers that come through after you.

Second, you end up challenging your stereotypes, meeting some lovely people, and learning more about where you actually are in the country.

Camping out along the way is an awesome thing to do on a car road trip with friends.

Camping out along the way is an awesome thing to do on a car road trip with friends.

36. Speak to the locals

This point leads on from the last!

Get into the habit of talking to locals whenever you can. It’s the best way to get recommendations for things to do, discover a place’s history, and have a quality conversation all at once.

37. Turn your phones off!

Mobile phones are always useful on road trips.

They act as a communications device, cameras, video recorders, GPS, entertainment, and encyclopedia all at once.

However, they can also be very distracting.

You’re there to have fun, escape the mundanity or real life, and spend time with your nearest and dearest. But you end up on your phone the whole time, just doing what you always do!

Get everybody to put the phone away every now and again to stop that happening.

38. Take customized stickers to leave as reminders

Want to leave you mark along the way?

Why not bring along some custom stickers (e.g. ‘Pete and Dave’s US road trip 2020’- or something slightly more original…) and leave them in places along the way?

Obviously, respect the places you visit. Only stick them in locations where it’s vaguely acceptable. The bathrooms of dive-bars or nightclubs are often a good place to do it, for example!

If you ever go back there, you’ll be able to look for your ‘mark’ and reminisce about the trip you took way back when.

39. Buy a tiny souvenir at each stop

Stop and buy souvenirs along the way too! It’s an awesome way to remember the road trip when it’s over. Take the mementos with you in the car and then back home when you’re done.

You’ll have a tangible reminder of all the cool things you did to go with the photos and journal entries.

40. Watch the world go by (one of the best things to do on long road trips)

Sometimes the best thing to do on a road trip is simply to sit and watch the world go by.

I know, it’s hardly revolutionary!

But you’d be surprised how easy it is to just let the time slip by without taking in what you’re doing.

Whenever you’re not driving, try to sit back, relax, and observe the new places you travel through.

Watch the landscapes change, see what the weather’s doing, and acknowledge the way you’re feeling in each place. You’ll be present and far more appreciative of your road trip as a result.

Fun things to do in the car on road trips are great. Sometimes, though, it’s worth just stopping to watch the world go by, stay present, and enjoy the moment to moment experience of the trip!

Fun things to do in the car on road trips are great. Sometimes, though, it’s worth just stopping to watch the world go by, stay present, and enjoy the moment to moment experience of the trip!

41. Make TikTok Videos

TikTok’s all the rave, so this idea might be at the top of your list of things to do on a road trip already.

In any case, making TikTok videos would be a fun way to pass the time, record the trip, and let your friends back home know how much fun you’re having!

42. Vlog about the trip

On the subject of making videos on your road trip, why not vlog about it?

You could start a YouTube channel and record your adventures for the whole world to see (not to mention your friends and family)!

Now, this might be overkill for short road trips, but it’d awesome if you’re going on extended journeys in the car. You never know, with enough interest you could even turn it into a living online .

43. Blog about the trip

If you don’t enjoy being in front of a camera but like the idea of recording your travels, then blogging about the road trip might be a better bet.

This could kill a few birds with one stone.

First, assuming someone else is driving, you’d be able to kill some time by writing articles as you go.

Second, you’d end up with a cool account of the journey for other people to read. And third, you’d create what’s essentially a diary of the road trip to look back on down the line!

44. Play the quiet game

Ahhh the quiet game…

My favourite game to play when everything’s getting a bit too loud and overwhelming in the car.

The rules are simple: whoever stays quiet for the longest wins!

This could be particularly useful if you’re on a road trip with siblings, or have young kids with you.

45. Get Some Exercise

Last but not least, try to stop along the way to move your limbs, stretch your muscles, and get the blood flowing around your body.

Don’t, and sitting in the car all day is a recipe for restless legs in the evening (my nemesis).

You could go for a walk or a hike, do some jumping jacks or push-ups, do some yoga, or run around the block. Anything you can do to get some exercise is sure to make a difference! Feel free to check out this list of travel workouts for more ideas.

traveling road trip with friends

Still looking for things to do on a road trip? Here are 5 more ideas to finish.

46. Stop For a Picnic

Like the sound of stopping somewhere beautiful en route for lunch?

Well, plan ahead and pack a picnic to eat.

It’s a perfect excuse to take a break from driving, stretch your legs, refuel with some delicious food, and actually take in your surroundings properly.

In other words, it’s an ideal activity for anybody wondering what to do on a road trip!

47. See Who Can Get the “Trucker Salute” First

You know when you make a first and pump your arm to truckers to try and make them honk their horn?

Well, that’s called the “trucker salute.”

Another fun thing to do on road trips is to see who can make trucker do it first!

Do the salute whenever you see one drive past. The first person to get a response wins the universal adoration of everyone else in the car – or an actual prize (like a snack at the next service station…).

48. Take Photos of Your Friends While They’re Asleep

With all that gravity working against your jaw, it’s hard to look your best when you’re fast asleep in a car.

…Which is why it’s so funny to take photos of your friends when they take a nap.

You can have a good laugh about it later and compare pics to see whose is worst. Of course, it’s also fantastic blackmail material…

49. Meditate

This idea for what to do on a road trip can be easier said than done – especially when you’re travelling with kids in the car.

However, if you have chance, why not kill some time in the passenger seat by doing a meditation practice?

Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, you could stop, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and try to stay as present as possible.

50. Have a Debate

Passionate about a certain topic? Why not have a debate about it?

For instance, let’s say your friend things Lord of the Rings is better than Game of Thrones. If you disagree, take turns justifying your position!

Other people in the car can then vote on who made the most compelling arguments.

Lay some ground rules beforehand, though, or ask someone else to mediate the discussion. After all, you don’t want the debate to derail your road trip.

Keep things light and respect each other’s views.

Exactly What to Do on a Road Trip With Friends

Road trips are always special. I mean, the very thought of going on a road trip is usually enough to get me dribbling with excitement!

They’re full of promise from the get-go. They’re exciting, liberating, fun-filled adventures that you share with awesome people in amazing places.

But they can definitely end up being a bit boring at times too. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do on a road trip! You’ll never feel bored or let down if you know the best things to do on a road trip.

Hopefully, this post will help in that regard! Want to read more articles like this one?

Click here for all of my general travel posts.

Ellie's Travel Tips

Road Trip with Friends in the USA: 20 Best Stops!

Posted on Last updated: February 13, 2024

Planning a road trip with your besties? Well, you are in the right place!

With countless amazing destinations to choose from, I have collected the top stops for your road trip with friends through the United States.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure  here .

Key West road trip with friends

Key West, Florida

Recommended by Cami from Travel Cami

Key West is the perfect destination for a road trip with friends. Since it is located on the last of the Florida Keys, to get there you will have to drive through the world-famous Seven Mile Bridge, which makes for one of the most scenic and epic drives in the United States.

Along the bridge, there are several cool stops to make. The coolest are the islands of Islamorada and Key Largo. Once you get to Key West, there is a handful of awesome things to do, like going to the beach, pub crawling, going on a classic Key West sunset sail, and even snorkeling with dolphins.

 Also, from Key West, you can go on a day trip to Dry Tortugas, one of the most remote and unique National Parks in the country. You can read about more awesome things to do in Key West here . Another great thing about Key West is all the great dining options it offers.

Make sure to grab a bite at Lobster Shack, Santiago’s Bodega, and Blue Heaven (which has the best brunch ever!) Regarding places to stay, the best choices are Parrot Key Hotel & Villas, Marquesa Hotel, and Ocean Key Spa and Resort.

Related: Dry Tortugas National Park

Friends road trip to Mt Shasta California

Mt Shasta, California

Recommended by Sumeeta from Sumeeta Seeks

Any road trip with friends in Northern California should include a stop in the town of Mt. Shasta.

Nestled five hours north of San Francisco and an hour south of Oregon, it’s the perfect destination with friends, either as a standalone trip or as part of a West Coast adventure.

Mt. Shasta is a treasure trove of stunning nature and tons of fun things to do . Best of all, it isn’t overrun with tourists so you can feel like you have the place all to yourselves!

Skiing and winter sports are abundant in the winter, and in the other seasons there are a ton of great hikes for hiking lovers.

Some of the best include hiking from Castle Lake to Heart Lake, hiking to Castle Dome in Castle Crags State Park, and hiking any of the awesome trails on the mountain of Mt. Shasta itself.

If you and your friends prefer relaxation, you can have epic picnics and swim in gorgeous spots including Mossbrae Falls, Hedge Creek Falls, and Lake Siskiyou.

You can then finish up an awesome day in nature during your road trip with friends with some spirituality and an incredible meal.

Be sure to check out the Gateway Peace Garden where you can say a prayer or meditate. Afterwards grab some food at one of the best eateries in town – Seven Suns for vegan fare, Lily’s for café grub, Crave for Mexican and BBQ, or Bistro No. 107 for burgers and a great selection of microbrews and wines.

Mt. Shasta is a hidden gem you and your friends are sure to love!

Burlington, Vermont

Burlington, Vermont

Recommended by Karen from Outdoor Adventure Sampler

Burlington, Vermont is a must stop if you are planning a road trip with friends through New England.

This vibrant city is located on Lake Champlain with the backdrop of the Adirondack Mountains across the lake. Stroll through Waterfront Park to soak in the beauty.

For more active exploration, rent bikes on the Burlington Bike Path. Ride to some of the beautiful beaches along the trail. North Beach or Leddy Beach are perfect destinations.

Burlington is a foodie town with excellent craft breweries and Mad River distillery. The gang might have a blast tasting their way around town. Foam Brewers on the waterfront is very popular.

The next stop is a visit to the open-air pedestrian mall of Church Street. With its unique stores, street performers, and restaurants with outdoor seating, you can spend a whole afternoon there. Grab a table at Honey Road on the mall for scrumptious Eastern Mediterranean small plates to share with friends.

In the evening, check out the arts and music scene before heading back to Waterfront Park for a magnificent sunset over Lake Champlain.

Have a nightcap at upscale Hen of the Woods before retiring next door to the Garden Hilton Inn with rooms with views of the lake.

Las Vegas road trip with friends

Las Vegas, Nevada

Recommended by Debbie from World Adventurists

Las Vegas is one of the most popular destinations in the USA to visit for some fun with friends. The glitz, glamour, and neon lights of Vegas are absolutely intoxicating.

Las Vegas is known as the entertainment capital of the world. With its variety of entertainment options that include shows, museums, exhibits, pool parties, casinos, and themed hotels, you’ll never run out of things to do.

Each hotel will transport you to somewhere different. You could spend an entire day just wandering the hotels and soaking it all in.

The Venetian Resort brings Venice to the heart of Las Vegas through its detailed replicas. The Bellagio is a Las Vegas Landmark that draws inspiration from European villages.

The hotel also features the famous Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Garden.Do not be afraid to venture  beyond the Las Vegas Strip .

Free-fall from the sky, take a helicopter ride, ride along in a race car, or go hiking. The sky is the limit for what you can do and experience; it is what keeps people flocking to Vegas all year-round.Las Vegas is a foodie paradise.

You won’t find as many celebrity chefs anywhere else. However, if you don’t fancy spending an entire paycheck on a meal, you can have a great time at Tacos El Gordo, Secret Pizza, Robert Irvine’s Public House, or Nacho Daddy.

It also isn’t a perfect road trip with friends to Vegas without a group photo in front of the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign!

Rocky Mountain National Park road trip with friends

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Recommended by Meg from Fox in the Forest

Set just an hour away from Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the best destinations in the USA for a road trip with friends if you’re into nature and keen to explore one of the most  beautiful places in Colorado .

Boasting over 110 hiking trails, gearing up for a day spent hiking is one of the best things to do here (options are aplenty for both newbie and seasoned hikers).

Think crystal-clear alpine lakes, rugged ridgelines, and unbelievable awe-inspiring landscapes to get a picture of what hiking here is all about!

If you and your friends would prefer not to break a sweat, another option to explore the park is to go on a scenic drive to hit all the best viewpoints.

The Trail Ridge Road and the Peak-to-Peak Highway are considered two of the most beautiful roads in Colorado!

Eating options are aplenty in the nearby Estes Park. Some of the best eateries to grab a bite are The Rock Inn Mountain Tavern (hearty food to get you ready for the adventure), Trailhead Restaurant (classic American), and Estes Brewery (hand-crafted beer, pizza, burgers, and delicious sandwiches).

There are many lodging options close to Rocky Mountain in the nearby Estes Park (Della Terra Mountain Chateau and Estes Hotel are both great options).

For more budget-friendly choices during your road trip with friends, consider driving a bit further away on your road trip with friends to Lyons or Boulder.

Moreover, there are five campgrounds in the Rocky Mountains if you’re feeling up for an adventure!

Friends road trip to Charleston South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Recommended by Dymphe from Dymabroad

A great stop on a road trip with friends in the USA is Charleston. Charleston is a great city to visit and there are many things to do and see there.

You find Charleston in South Carolina along the east coast of the United States.

The city of Charleston has a very rich history and culture, which is great to experience. One of the best things to do in Charleston is exploring the French Quarter.

You find here many beautiful streets that are great to wander around at with friends.

These beautiful places also make for great places for photography in Charleston .

For example, Rainbow Row is a street with many colorful houses. You could go here with friends to take photos together.  

Another great thing to do in Charleston is to go to one of the rooftop bars in the city. This is the perfect place to have a drink and watch the city from above.

Another great activity is to go to the beach. Folly Beach is a great beach near Charleston, with many fun water activities.

A great place to have food with friends in Charleston is CO on Lower King Street. Furthermore, a good place to stay is The Spectator Hotel.

Friends road trip to Rainbow Springs Florida

Rainbow Springs, Florida

Recommended by Rebecca from Whatever Packs Your Bag

Rainbow Springs State Park, Florida is a great underrated stop on a road trip with friends. It is located in Central Florida, right outside Dunnellon, Florida.

The natural spring produces over 490 million gallons of beautiful clean fresh water daily! 

It has a very interesting history, in the 1930’s it developed into a road side attraction, with submarines to view the water and wildlife.

It had a full zoo with exotic animals, however the interstate, and the new Disney parks soon made tourists dwindle. It was closed, and then donated to Florida.

Florida developed it as a state park as it remains to this day. You can go swimming in the swimming area, for an entrance fee of $2 per person. 

The real fun comes from tubing the Rainbow Springs River, there are several local options, but doing it at the state park supports the preservation efforts.

The tube and tram fee is $20 per person, and covers the ride down to the launch point as many times as you wish to go. You exit at the parking lot. You can bring your own tube and pay a slightly smaller entrance fee for just the tram.

It is super important to remember sunscreen as the sun will be pretty strong as you float down the river. It is relaxing, and the water is 72 degrees year round. It is the perfect road trip with  friends stop in Florida.

Friends road trip to Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth, Washington

Recommended by Chantelle from Flannels or Flip Flops

Leavenworth Washington is an amazing stop on a road trip with friends! There is so much to do in this tiny Bavarian Town that no matter what time of year you and your friends visit you will have so much fun! 

Leavenworth is just over 2 hours from Seattle and makes an excellent road trip destination, or a stop along  Washington’s most beautiful road trip the Cascade Loop.

The town of Leavenworth is a Bavarian themed town that oozes charm around every corner. It sits at the base of mountains so large, you’ll swear your are on a Hollywood Movie set!

You and your friends will enjoy wine tasting, and microbreweries up and down the main street.  There is also great food and super fun shopping! 

In the summer months, the town is beautiful for a road trip with friends with the Wenatchee River flowing through it.

There is excellent hiking, rafting, and biking in and around Leavenworth! In October, Oktoberfest is so much fun in Leavenworth. During the Christmas season, the whole town is sparkling with lights and has a nightly tree lighting ceremony.  

There are many Bed and Breakfasts located in and around Leavenworth, as well as airbnbs and hotels.  The most popular are the Bavarian Lodge and the Enzian Inn.

You’ll want to book your accommodations early, especially during Oktoberfest or the Holidays.  If you can’t find lodging in Leavenworth the nearby town of Wenatchee is a more affordable and not too far away choice.  

friend road trip to Rachel, Nevada

Rachel, Nevada

Recommended by Erin from Pina Travels

Rachel is a tiny town out in the desert of Nevada, about a 2 hour drive from Las Vegas. It’s the perfect stop on a road trip with friends because of it’s quirky reputation.

With a population of around 70 people, this little town is known for being a destination on the famous Extraterrestrial Highway (Nevada State Route 375).

It’s a 98-mile stretch of road that runs alongside the famously secretive Area 51, a classified United States Air Force facility that is off-limits to civilians.

The idea that Area 51’s secretive military base is a cover for alien research has become a popular part of pop culture alien lore.

Space enthusiasts believe that it’s possible to spot aliens and UFOs when you drive out into the Nevada desert on the Extraterrestrial Highway!

Because of all this alien lore, driving the highway out to the town of Rachel is a hilariously fun road trip with friends.

Along the way there are lots of alien-themed stops you can make for fun photo-ops. Be sure to stop at E.T. Fresh Jerk, the Alien Research Centre, and the Extraterrestrial Highway Sign!

When you get to Rachel on your road trip with friends, you’ll find the famous cafe, the Little A’Le’Inn. It’s an eccentric little bar, restaurant and motel full of alien themed kitsch and memorabilia.

There, you can have a drink and a meal (try the Alien Burger!) while chatting with locals who are likely to drop by and tell you their wild stories about Area 51 and alien sightings. If you really fall in love, you can check into the Little A’Le’Inn motel for the night.

Friends road trip to New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Recommended by Martina from PlacesofJuma

New Orleans is a really cool city for a road trip with friends. Located in Louisiana, this city is famous for its vibrant nightlife and the really cool music scene.

Also culinary you can experience a lot: The cuisine of New Orleans combines the French with the African and American – and so you will find many amazing food to try!

Every year the legendary Mardi Gras takes place here, a huge carnival party, but the city is also worth seeing outside this time.

New Orleans is the city of music, and you can feel that at any time of the day or night! So you experience with your girls a really cool flair and you can switch off from the stressful everyday life optimally.

As soon as the sun goes down there is dancing in the city, there are countless possibilities for live music and nightlife. Perfect if you want to party all night long with the girls.

But also during the day you can experience a lot of amazing things. New Orleans has a beautiful historic old town (“French Quarter”) with numerous buildings in Spanish and French colonial style.

Interesting is also, that New Orleans makes it consistently to the list of the most haunted cities in America!? So if you believe in the paranormal you should definitely book yourself and your girls a spooky room in one of the haunted hotels!

friend road trip to Washington DC

Washington DC

Recommended by Cynthia from Sharing the Wander

Washington D.C. is an easy stop on a road trip with friends. All major routes down the East Coast pass through here and there’s tons to do, a lot of it free.

The DC Metro is clean and fast and makes it easy to move around the city.  Have kids in tow? Washington DC is also fabulous for families. Check out How to Have the Most Fun in Washington D.C. with Kids .

Toss down a picnic blanket on the National Mall, and hit up the various food trucks. There’s a great selection of trucks that park across from the National Museum of the American Indian.

This museum also has a terrific native café. Relax in the sun and people watch, or wander through the various monuments.

Catch the DC Circulator to the Tidal Basin to see some of the newer memorials including the stunning Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and the FDR Memorial.

In the Spring, this area has an amazing concentration of cherry blossoms.

Catch up with your besties while you stroll through the National Portrait Gallery to check out the Obamas’ Official Portraits, or check out the original Declaration of Independence at the National Archives. Feeling adventurous?

Head to the International Spy Museum, where each of you will be given a secret mission and you can test your spy skills.

Ready to head out for the evening? Head to U Street, the birthplace of jazz legend Duke Ellington. There are lots of options, from upscale dining to Ben’s Chili Bowl. On the Eastern end of this area, you’ll find Little Ethiopia. There are lots of bars and music venues, from jazz clubs to live DJs.

Friends road trip to Houston Texas

Houston, Texas

Recommended by Gabby from Office Escape Artist

If you’re unfamiliar with Houston, you may think of Houston as a concrete jungle with hurricanes and oil companies.  Besides NASA, it isn’t really famous for anything touristy like Austin or San Antonio.

Don’t let these misconceptions fool you.  Houston is an underrated gem in Texas and is well worth a stop on a road trip with friends.  

If you’re spending the night, you’ll want to stay “in the Loop”. Houstonians call the I-610 loop the “Inner Loop” and that’s where the best and trendiest activity happens. For a quick trip, most of the action is west of I-45 in the Loop.  

If you’re a fresh college graduate and want to party, definitely check out the Midtown neighborhood during your road trip with friends. For young professionals still interested in the bar scene, Washington Avenue might be a better neighborhood for you.

If you’re looking for a neighborhood vibe with awesome restaurants, either the Heights or Montrose would be great for you.  Luxury travelers can’t miss either the Galleria or River Oaks neighborhoods but museumgoers should stay closer to the Museum District.

For a quick road trip stop, the best way to experience Houston is through the restaurants.  Houston’s dining scene is truly world-class, but still affordable and non-pretentious – really similar to Houston itself. Take your friends to get some amazing Tex-Mex at either El Tiempo or Ninfa’s on Navigation (and definitely  try the margaritas). 

Experience real BBQ Pinkerton’s and taste Viet-Cajun crawfish at Crawfish and Noodles (as seen on Netflix’s Ugly Delicious!)  

Dine at Beyonce’s favorite steakhouse, B&B Butchers, or enjoy  omakase  sushi at Uchi.   Houston has so many amazing restaurants so you won’t go wrong planning your road trip around food.

road trip with friends to San Francisco

San Francisco, California

Recommended by Stéphanie from Bey Of Travel

During a road trip with friends in the USA, you should absolutely make a stop to enjoy  some time in San Francisco . Located in the north of the state of California, San Francisco is a peninsula on the Pacific Ocean. Reserve two to three days to enjoy your stay to the fullest.

Book a room in the InterContinental San Francisco located close to all of the city’s highlights. San Francisco is home to different backgrounds and cultures and the city embraces the hippie & LGBTQ communities. You will see the colorful rainbow flags all over the city. 

Rent a bike and head over to the Golden Gate Bridge, an absolute must while in the city. Take the time to explore the nearby Golden Gate Park. Fisherman’s Wharf should also be high on your USA bucket list , besides the many good restaurants you will see many sea lions sunbathing along the pier.

Take a boat ride to visit the world-famous Alcatraz, the place where many famous gangsters have been kept prison. In addition, there are plenty of beautiful parks to visit, beautiful streets to explore and art stores to visit. In need of some Sun? Enjoy a relaxing day on Ocean Beach.

road trip with friends to Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Recommended by Lina from Bucket List Places

Picture a spa getaway surrounded by mountains in a picture-perfect town in Colorado. Add a natural hot spring in the middle of the river in town.

Pagosa Springs is a destination to add to any Colorado road trip itinerary .Located on the Continental Divide, this quiet town is fed by mineral waters from the deepest hot spring in the world.

Famous for its sunshine, you can choose whether you prefer to visit one of the several luxurious spas or if you prefer the budget option, you can soak for free in the natural pools in the river right in town.  

If you are planning a road trip with friends during the winter, the area is also famous for Wolf Creek, the ski resort with the most amount of snow in Colorado.  

The surrounding San Juan mountains offer more than 2.5 million acres of hiking trails in the national forest. Other activities in the area include kayaking, rafting, waterfalls, biking and more.

Minneapolis Minnesota road trip with friends

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Recommended by Ellie

If you are planning your road trip with friends in the Midwest, you are definitely going to want to add Minneapolis to your itinerary!

Minneapolis has long been a popular travel destination– whether visiting to explore the Mall of America or discover Minnesota’s natural wonders. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to explore this fascinating city on a budget.

There are dozens of fun and free activities in Minneapolis . Start off by strolling down the scenic Stone Arch Bridge while snapping some awe-inspiring photos of you and your friends.

Later, head over to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden to explore the iconic red cherry and spoon. If you are looking for an urban natural escape, check out Minnehaha Falls Regional Park. This beautiful park boasts over 190 acres of natural land filled with limestone bluffs, river outlooks, and a 53-foot-tall waterfall.

A great way to spend time in Minneapolis on your road trip with friends is trying out some of the local-favorite restaurants! I actually grew up around 20-minutes south of Minneapolis, and can honestly say that Minneapolis boasts some of the best restaurants ever!

If you are into Vietnamese food, check out Hai Hai. If you prefer tasty cocktails and seafood, head over to Martina. Whatever you choose, I guarantee you will love what Minneapolis has to offer.

For places to stay during your road trip with friends, the Ramada located around 3 miles outside of downtown is far more affordable and comfortable than any hotel you would find in the heart of the city!

road trip with friends to Joshua Tree, California

Joshua Tree, California

Recommended by Jacqueline from Your Travel Flamingo

In recent years, Joshua Tree National Park has exploded with popularity, namely with the influencer crowd.

It’s become an Instagram hotspot, and upon arriving here, it’s not hard to see why. Aside from being extremely photogenic, Joshua Tree is also a place like no other. Set in the Mojave Desert, this place is the ultimate playground for wild adventures in the untamed desert.

But it’s also a serene place for sundowners by the pool, nights spent stargazing, and admiring the dreamy lavender and pink hued skies during sunset. 

As a California native, I can tell you this is a local favorite pit stop for road trips with friends and outdoor adventures.

Things not to miss while here are hiking to Skull Rock, The Arch Rock, Cholla Cactus Garden (best photo spot during Golden Hour!) and Barker Dam. Also, a great activity to do with friends, is just having a do-it-yourself photoshoot.

For the best photos, shoot during golden hour right before sunset. The iconic photos usually are with a native Joshua Tree, and you will have no trouble finding one of those guys!

For dining, head to Joshua Tree Town, where you’ll be transported back into the days of the wild west. Some of the buildings here resemble historic saloons, reminiscent of old cowboy movies.

A great place to eat is Joshua Tree Saloon, a quirky and lively restaurant serving up juicy steaks and burgers.

As for accommodation during your road trip with friends, there are endless options on Airbnb in Joshua Tree, from rustic cabins, to luxury glamping sites. The best way to enjoy Joshua Tree is by going out in the mornings and afternoons to avoid the heat, and relaxing at your chic cabin during midday. 

friend road trip Moab, Utah

Recommended by Megan from Red Around the World

Moab is one of the best places to stop on a friends road trip, especially for outdoor lovers.  There is so much to do there, it’s crazy.  

If you’re on a budget, consider the Lazy Lizard Hostel (it’s not glamorous at all but it’s fun, even if you don’t stay, I’d highly recommend reading the Google reviews).  If you want to spend a little more, the Slickrock Quality Inn is good.  

As for food, there are tons of delicious options.  The Spoke, Josie Wyatts, Quesadilla Mobilla, and Tacos El Gordo (in the food truck park) are some of my favorites.  Now for the good stuff, all the awesome things to do in Moab.

Make sure to visit Arches and Canyonlands National Parks on your road trip with friends.  

Dead Horse Point is a state park with amazing canyon views, Potash Road has petroglyphs and some arches, hike to Corona Arch, drive the Colorado River Scenic Byway, or check out some of the amazing rock art in Moab.  

If you want to do something more adventurous, join a canyoneering, ATV, Jeep, or off-road tour.  And if you’re feeling super adventurous, sky dive over Canyonlands!

Savannah road trip with friends

Savannah, Georgia

Recommended by Brittany from Travel by Brit

Savannah, Georgia, is an unforgettable stop on a road trip with friends—the charming city offers haunted history, fabulous restaurants, and stunning architecture.   

Since the entire city is walkable, Savannah is the perfect destination to spend some time out of your vehicle, stretch your legs, and explore during a long road trip. Also, Savannah is one of the only cities in the United States with open container laws, so you can sip on a drink while you stroll through Historic Savannah.   

During your time in the city, you can’t miss the opportunity to go on a haunted ghost tour, stroll through Forsyth Park, tour a historic home,  or explore City Market and River Street.   

Savannah is a foodie city, so one of the best things you’ll do during your road trip with friends is eat tons of delicious southern food!

You’ll discover tons of  excellent restaurants in Savannah , like The Olde Pink House for upscale, southern dining, Leopold’s for classic, homemade ice cream, and Huey’s along the river for fresh-baked, doughy beignets!   

Choose accommodations in Historic Savannah to be close to the action during your road trip with friends. You’ll love the DeSoto Savannah  for a classy, centrally-located hotel, The Hamilton-Turner Inn  for a charming bed and breakfast experience, and The Marshall House for a historic (and spooky!) setting.  

Solvang California road trip with friends

Solvang, California

Recommended by Olivia from the Girl With Blue Sails

The quaint city of Solvang, California is one of the best stops on a road trip with friends in the USA.

Often referred to as “a little slice of Denmark in Southern California,” you will feel like you’ve stepped into another country as you walk down streets filled with rural Danish architecture and windmills. No matter the length of your road trip,  planning one day in Solvang, California is a must do. 

The most popular things to do in Solvang include eating Danish pastries and wine tasting while you window shop.

Notorious for its decadent bakeries, Solvang has many to choose from, but one local favorite is Mortensen’s Bakery. Having a fresh bear claw or Danish kringle with your coffee is the perfect way to start the day. 

Embarking on a wine tasting journey is easy to do, as Solvang has tasting rooms set up in the center of town. The city is surrounded by lush wine regions, so there are plenty of local wineries featured.

The tasting rooms are used to groups of friends passing through, so they all have pre-selected wine flight recommendations from which to choose.  

When planning where to spend the night, location is everything. Highly recommended is The Landsby. The look and feel of this hotel is contemporary with a hint of traditional Scandinavian design.

Located right in the heart of town, it is the perfect place to settle down with your friends and toast the quaint town of Solvang.  

Seattle, Washington road trip with friends

Seattle, Washington

Recommended by Karee from Our Woven Journey

Seattle is a perfect place to stop on a road trip with friends. There’s so much to do, you’re sure to find something of interest for everyone in your group to enjoy!

Start your day at the famous Pike Place Market where you’ll find fishmongers doing what they’re most famous for—throwing fish! They often put on a show for customers that draws quite a crowd.

Pike Place has over 500 shops and booths, so you’ll have plenty to explore besides flying fish. You’ll find fresh flowers, local artisans, quirky museum pieces and much more.

You’ll also want to spend time wandering the nearby area where you can add your contribution to Seattle’s Gum Wall (it’s as disgusting as it sounds) and stop by the original Starbucks store.

There’s no shortage of food at Pike Place Market, including those that serve local seafood. You can choose whether to snack your way through the day or stop for lunch at one of the many restaurants.

From there, make your way to the iconic Seattle Space Needle and treat yourself to an amazing view of the city. (Pro tip: if the sun is sunsetting early enough, time your visit to be there for it!) You can visit the beautiful Chihuly Glass Museum at the base of the Space Needle when you’re done.

For dinner, head on over to the Fisherman’s Wharf and have dinner at the Crab Pot, then wrap up your evening by taking a ride on Seattle’s Great Wheel!

Brevard, North Carolina road trip with friends

Brevard, North Carolina

Recommended by Megan from Virginia Travel Tips

There are so many incredible stops along the famous Blue Ridge Parkway that winds through a couple of states on the East Coast, but one of the most underrated (and best) is the charming town of Brevard, North Carolina.

It is the ideal stop on a road trip with friends!There are so many cool  things to do in Brevard  but one of the absolute best reasons to visit the North Carolina town is to explore Pisgah National Forest and all of the waterfalls that naturally occur in the region!

Some of the most notable waterfalls near Brevard are Rainbow Falls, Looking Glass Falls, Sliding Rock, and more!

Another reason to stop in Brevard on your Blue Ridge Parkway road trip with friends is that there are some wonderful hikes there.

The Art Loeb Trail is one of the most notable extreme hikes on the East Coast and it is a perfect place to visit from April until November.

If nature isn’t your cup of tea, there is a plentiful craft beer scene in Brevard.  Be sure to check out the Brevard Brewing Co as well as Ecusta in nearby Pisgah Forest.

While the Blue Ridge Parkway is home to plenty of awesome stops, Brevard is often overlooked in favor of Asheville – but, stop at both!

Kansas City road trip with friends

Kansas City, Missouri

Recommended by Alexa from Travel in Missouri

Kansas City is known for a lot including the Kansas City Chiefs super bowl win in 2019 and of course some of the best BBQ & Jazz in the United States.

With more than 100 BBQ restaurants throughout the city and a history dating back more than a century, visitors simply can’t go wrong with KC barbecue. Kansas City is most famous for its burnt ends, no matter the meat.  

Some of the best places to stop for BBQ on a road trip with friends through Kansas City, Missouri are Joe’s Kansas City Bar-B-Que, Slap’s BBQ. Arthur Bryant’s Barbeque, Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue, Q39, Jones BBQ, Plowboys BBQ and Gates Bar-B-Q. 

Beyond BBQ, Kansas City, Missouri is also known for its music; rhythm and blues, big band and most of all, its jazz. There are many great clubs and joints to hear great jazz music in Kansas City. A few favorites are The Phoenix that features live music from local jazz bands and has a Saturday jazz brunch.

Another fun choice is the Blue Room which is a jazz club inside the American Jazz Museum, located in the historic ’18th and Vine Jazz District’ area of Kansas City where Kansas City jazz originates from.

Downtown Kansas City is a great choice for accommodations during your road trip with friends. There is an abundance to do and an easily walkable city.

There is also a free street car that runs from Union Station to the River Walk and the oldest farmers market in the city. Hotel Indigo Kansas City Downtown is a great choice for those looking to make their Kansas City road trip a weekend adventure. 

Dripping Springs Texas road trip with friends

Dripping Springs, Texas

Dripping Springs, as one of the cutest Texas towns , is a fabulous stop to add to your road trip with friends itinerary! Located just 23 miles west of the world-renown city of Austin, you and your besties can explore a wide array of fun outdoor activities at a fraction of the cost.

Whether taking a refreshing dip in the beautiful Hamilton Pool Preserve (shown above) or exploring the unique olive trees at the Texas Hill Country Olive Company, Dripping Springs offers amazing activities and attractions as a fantastic stop on your road trip with friends.

Another great area to explore is the limestone cliffs found around Dripping Springs’ Pedernales River. This spot is perfect for adventurous rock climbing and picture-opts with your best friends.

If you and your besties are looking to go horseback riding or fishing during your friend road trip, make sure to head over to Reimers Ranch. Here, you can enjoy 3 continuous miles of pristine riverfront coastline to explore.

If you are looking for an affordable place to stay on your road trip with friends, I highly recommend checking out the Holiday Inn Express & Suites which is found not far from the center of Dripping Springs.

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Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

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Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

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Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends. Road trips are an amazing way to see the country. But before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road? #RoadTrip #RoadTripWithFriends #BestFriends #Vacation #RoadTripPlanning

Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends.

Sometimes when people picture cross country road trips they might think of a tired family packed into a station wagon sporadically chanting, “are we there yet?” while driving endlessly from home to their destination. But road trips are anything but that.

Road trips are an amazing way to see the country, even if you’re just seeing a small part of it. There is no better vacation freedom than packing up your car, going where you want to go, and stopping where you want to stop. And, if you’re bringing along friends: even better.

Taking a road trip with friends makes for a fun vacation and epic adventure. It allows you to spend more time with the person or people who mean the world to you, create a lasting memory, and get plenty of Instagram photos along the way.

Before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road?

Road tripping with friends?

Tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, where to go on a road trip with friends.

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

Make this book your third wheel!

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features 100 activities to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route. It’s a must-have book for a road trip with friends. Create a road trip hashtag, complete a TikTok-inspired challenge, curate the perfect gallery, and record every turn of the wheel.

Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Friends

You love your best friends to pieces, so of course you should take a road trip with them! Right? Well… maybe. Or maybe not. Just because you get along with your best friend in daily life doesn’t mean you’ll still feel so chummy after being cooped up in a car together with no breaks for days on end. No matter how much you and your friends get along, be prepared for a fight or two with your road trip friends and some hurt feelings along the way. I’m not saying here don’t take a road trip with friends. Actually, quite the opposite. Traveling with friends can be an amazing, fun, memorable adventure. But only if you’re prepared. Here are our tips to make sure your best friends road trip is the best it can be.

Make Sure You’re on the Same Page

When taking a road trip with friends it is vital to have a conversation beforehand and make sure everyone is on the same page before you decide to journey together. Even best friends might have different travel styles. One person might be a strict planner while the other a more go-with-the-flow type. One person might be a night owl and the other an early bird with an early (and loud) morning alarm. One person might love living off the land and camping while the other might only order room service in five-star hotels.

Before making any concrete decisions make sure you and your friends are road trip compatible. There should always be room for everyone to compromise a little, but if your ideas on how to travel are wildly different it might be a better idea to travel apart. Here are some things to make sure you discuss beforehand:

  • Who is coming on the road trip?
  • How early or late do you want to start your day?
  • Whose car are you taking?
  • Who will be driving? Will you take turns? How often will you switch?
  • What is your budget?
  • What level of accommodation are you comfortable with?
  • Are you OK sharing a bed and/or room?
  • Do you prefer air conditioner or open windows in the car?
  • What types of stops do you want to make?
  • How often will you stop?

Make a Road Trip Route, Itinerary, and Plan

When traveling with other people it is always a good idea to have a plan. It doesn’t have to be an iron-clad itinerary no one is allowed to stray from. In fact, you should definitely plan to be at least a little flexible. But, with multiple opinions, tastes, and travel styles, figuring out your road trip route and itinerary before leaving will allow you to plan a trip with input from everyone in the car and agree on stops beforehand.

Need a little extra help with how to plan a road trip with friends? Join our challenge! Sign up below and in just five days you can have your entire route planned!

How to plan a road trip with Google Maps - woman pointing at a road map with a camera, passport, and laptop

Road Trip Road Map

Five days to a better road trip route.

Take your road trip planning to the next level  join our five-day road trip planning challenge!  Over the next five days we will show you our method for planning a road trip route that will get you from point A to point Z without missing a letter in between. Sign up for our email list today and get ready to hit the road!

Decide How You’re Going to Pay and Make a Spending Spreadsheet

With road trips come lots of expenses: hotel bookings, gas, national park admissions, snacks. When traveling with friends it’s important to determine how you’re going to be paying for everything you need to pay for. You want to be fair to everyone and make sure everyone is paying equally. Sometimes one person will put everything on her credit card and others will Venmo that person their share. Sometimes everyone will pay for a different things until it balances out. There is no right or wrong answer, you just want to make sure that everyone on your road trip agrees to a method. No matter what you decide it’s a good idea to start a spending spreadsheet to track those expenses so you can make sure everyone paid their fair share.

Assign Roles

It isn’t necessary for everyone to take on roles, but sometimes it just makes sense. If one person is driving, another should be in charge of music. If one person is the impeccably organized planner in charge of keeping the itinerary on track, another should be in charge of sandwiches and snacks . Not everyone has to have a specific role, but you want to make sure one person isn’t booking all the hotels, driving, making the route, AND bringing the Cheez-Its.

Set Boundaries

While a roadtrip with friends will often come with a lot of compromise, it is also OK to set boundaries. If you haven’t driven since 2010 and aren’t comfortable driving someone else’s car, say no. If you’re an introvert like me and need some alone time at the end of a long day in the car, tell your friends you need to go hang out by yourself for a bit. Establishing boundaries is one of the most important road trip rules for friends.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

Who says car rides are boring? Especially when you’re traveling with friends. You’re sure to have an amazing adventure that is fun on its own. But, just in case you need a few ideas on how to occupy your time in the car and in the hotel room, here are 25 fun things to do on a road trip with friends.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends Stop at Some Roadside Attractions! Make a Group Playlist Play a Classic Road Trip Game Buy Gas Station Snacks for the Car Record the Journey Sing some Car Karaoke! Buy Funny Souvenirs Take a Hike Reminisce Over Memories Make a Road Trip Hashtag Get Matching T-Shirts Get Matching Tattoos Play Truth or Dare Make TikTok Videos Relax at the Hotel Pool Listen to a Podcast Put Away Your Phones Eat Something New Stop at a Hot Spring Ask Each Other Questions Have a Picnic Go Camping (Or Glamping) Listen to an Audiobook Play Would You Rather Take Lots of Photos

Stop at Some Roadside Attractions!

Whether you’re near the world’s largest strawberry , a fun muffler man , or a giant pink elephant , pull over at one of America’s best roadside attractions! Roadside attractions are fun stops for everyone and make great Instagram selfies. Use a website like ours here at Silly America or an app like the Roadside America App or Roadtrippers Plus to find fun road trip stops!

Make a Group Playlist

Before leaving on your road trip, start a group playlist with your friends. This will give everyone a chance to contribute their favorite songs. Shuffle the playlist and enjoy fun music your whole trip long. Need inspiration? Check out our list of the Best Road Trip Songs to Blast in the Car !

Play a Classic Road Trip Game

Road trip games are classic for a reason: they are easy, fun, and keep you entertained while stuck in a car. There are many road trip games to choose from so gather a few and pack them in your car. Here are some of the best classic road trip games to play in the car :

  • License Plate Game
  • Road Sign Bingo
  • Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

For even more inspiration find our lists of 55 Road Trip Games for Adults , 25 Best Road Trip Games for Two , and Games to Play in a Hotel .


The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation. The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features fun and engaging journal prompts. plus 100 activities and games to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route.

Buy Gas Station Snacks for the Car

For a fun twist on gas station snacks, have everyone go into the gas station one by one and get snacks for the whole car. Either go in with a no rules except buy one for everyone approach or assign everyone a different category: salty, sweet, breakfast, drinks, hot, cold, etc. Need inspiration? Check out our list of the Best Junk Food Road Trip Snacks .

Carpool Karaoke Machine for Kids & Adults, Carpool Karaoke The Mic 1.0 by Singing Machine - Wireless & Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone with Mic Volume, Echo Controls as White Elephant Gift, Gold & White

Sing some Car Karaoke!

Move a step beyond just blasting music in the car to becoming a highway superstar. Sing along to the car stereo at the top of your lungs! Or, better yet, get a wireless car karaoke microphone and take runs passing it around (to anyone who isn’t driving, of course).

Buy Funny Souvenirs

Funny souvenirs abound at gas stations and roadside stands across the country. There are magnets, mugs, t-shirts, hats, keychains, and so many other options to choose from. Make it a game to always find souvenirs printed with your names or a contest to find the weirdest souvenirs you can find on your road trip.

Record the Journey

Roadtripping with your friends will be an experience you will never want to forget. So be sure to record the journey. Take plenty of iPhone photos and post lots of Instagram stories , but if you want lasting memories, go one step further. Consider buying a road trip journal for everyone to contribute to. Or get an instant camera for instant souvenirs.

Take a Hike

Make time to get out of the car and stretch your legs. Taking hikes (whether multiple miles or easy strolls) is a great way to get some exercise in in the middle of a long drive.

Reminisce Over Memories

If you’re taking a road trip with friends, you’re probably pretty close. And if you’re pretty close, you probably have a lot of memories together. Spend some time in the car reminiscing over some of your best shared memories. You might even remember something special that you’ve forgotten!

Make a Road Trip Hashtag

#BestiesOnTheRoad Commemorate your road trip with your own hashtag Use it across social media when posting online about your road trip to organize your pics and to reminisce about the trip later.

Get Matching T-Shirts

Show the world you’re on a road trip together! Get matching road trip t-shirts! Matching t-shirts is a great way for a big group of friends to show the world they are traveling together. And they make for fun group photos!

Get Matching Tattoos

Want a more permanent reminder of your road trip with your friends? How about getting matching road trip tattoos! Stop somewhere along your route and get something to remember each other and your epic trip together.

Play Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a fun game for friends to play on a road trip. Have everyone take turns either answering a personal question or doing a small dare that can easily be done from the car. Something like, text your ex or blast classical music for the next ten miles. Just be safe: no daring the driver to swerve into oncoming traffic or anything that could get you hurt or a traffic ticket.

Make TikTok Videos

A fun way to pass the time on a road trip with friends is to make TikTok videos ! Find the perfect trending sound to film in the car or your destination. Or start a trend of your own!

GoFloats Inflatable Pool and Hot Tub Drink Holders (3 Pack) (Choose - Unicorn, Flamingo, Palm Tree and More)

Relax at the Hotel Pool

After a long day of driving and stopping at roadside attractions and other fun road trip stops, you deserve a little time to relax! Grab your bathing suits and go hang out by the hotel pool.

Listen to a Podcast

If you want to take a break from blasting tunes, try listening to a podcast in the car. If you all are addicted to the same true crime podcast, play the latest episodes. Or, have everyone in the car pick their favorite and take turns sharing.

Put Away Your Phones

For at least part of your road trip, have everyone put away their phones. It is easy to get distracted by social media or start texting with friends who are back at home. But spend some time with your full attention on each other, the amazing stops you’re making, and the road.

Eat Something New

Have you ever tried Rocky Mountain Oysters? Here’s a hint: they aint oysters. Make a pact to taste test local delicacies wherever you go. Sure, some might be weird (or seemingly gross) but you might just find your new favorite cuisine!

Stop at a Hot Spring

Hot Springs are often an overlooked road trip stop . But they are a super fun road trip stop, especially for a group of friends. Relax in a scalding hot pool while, often, overlooking nature, and give your weary muscles a break after being cooped up in a car.

Ask Each Other Questions

You’ll be stuck in the car for hours with your friends on a road trip, so use that time wisely. Ask each other questions and get to know each other even more! Ask things you’ve always wanted to know, silly scenarios, or a list of road trip questions .

Sunflora Picnic Backpack for 4 Person with Blanket Picnic Basket Set for 2 with Insulated Cooler Wine Pouch for Family Couples (Brush Beige)

Have a Picnic

Instead of stopping at yet anther fast food drive through, pack up a cooler with sandwiches , snacks, and drinks and have a picnic. Find a park, rest area, or even dine under a world’s largest thing.

Go Camping (Or Glamping)

If you’re the type of friends who feel more comfortable in nature over a four star hotel, go camping! Spend at least one night of your trip sleeping under the stars, starting a roaring fire, toasting hot dogs and marshmallows for s’mores, and telling ghost stories. If your style is a little more refined or you’re not quite into roughing it, give glamping a try!

Listen to an Audiobook

For another alternative to music, listen to an audiobook in the car. Pick a favorite amongst your friends, a current New York Times Best Seller, a steamy romance novel, a cheesy YA novel, or anything you all want to hear read! Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks.

Play Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another fun road trip game to play with friends! Give each other hypothetical scenarios where you have to choose if you world rather do one or the other.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 11 Instant Camera - Lilac Purple

Take Lots of Photos

Don’t forget to take lots of photos! If you’re taking a road trip with your friends it’s most likely because you love them, want to spend more time with them, and enjoy being together. Commemorate your epic travel adventure by taking lots of photos of your surroundings, stops, food, and, of course, each other.

Where to Go on a Road Trip with Friends

If you’re taking a road trip with your friends, you can go anywhere you want! Travel as far or stay as close as you want. See the things you want to see. Eat where you want to eat. And do what you want to do. The sky is the limit when it comes to choosing a road trip route (or, OK, maybe the ocean). But what are some of the best places to road trip with friends? Here are some ideas for fun road trips to take with friends.

Route 66 is a classic road trip route and the perfect road trip to take with friends. The iconic road spans 2,400 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. Though the official road was decommissioned in 1985, road trip loves from around the world still flock to the Mother Road for a sense of nostalgia and the thrill of the open road. At every turn of the journey that takes you through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California you’ll find plenty of fun things. There are weird roadside attractions, muffler men, national parks and monuments, classic diners, historic motels, museums, souvenir shops, and more. Ready to hit the Mother Road? Check out our list of the top must-see attractions on Route 66 or plan a Route 66 road trip !

Pacific Coast Highway: Highway 101 & Highway 1

The Pacific Coast Highway is the ultimate road trip for friends. Drive Highway 1 from San Francisco to San Diego or take the entire stretch from San Diego to Seattle. This West Coast Road Trip is full of breathtaking sites, beaches, forests, mountains, delicious food, and plenty of sun. You’re guaranteed to have an amazing adventure with your friends.

Themed Road Trip

Not every road trip has to follow a particular route. Sometimes it is most fun to chase a theme. I LOVE roadside attractions so I will often pick a state and find all the roadside attractions in it I can, no matter where it takes me. Here are some ideas for road trip themes you can take:

  • Roadside Attractions
  • Amusement Parks

National Parks

Looking for fun places to go on a road trip with friends? Consider building a trip around National Parks. Experience beautiful nature, natural formations, and scenic trails while bonding with the people you love most.

Disney World

A lot of times road trips are more about the stops along the way than the actual destination. But, sometimes, they are more about the destination. Disney World (Or Disney Land) is a fun destination for a girls trip. If you all love Disney spend the trip blasting your favorite soundtracks, pack some ears, and end up at the happiest place on Earth.

Pin this post on Taking a Road Trip with Friends to save for your next adventure!

Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends. Road trips are an amazing way to see the country. But before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road? #RoadTrip #RoadTripWithFriends #BestFriends #Vacation #RoadTripPlanning

Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash Photo by  Rachel Claire  from  Pexels Photo by Alex Jumper on Unsplash

Plan Your Road Trip

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How to Road Trip if You Don’t Own a Car

Last year I sold my car. I know what you’re thinking: a road tripper without a car? I know, I know. It was a difficult …

Road Trip Checklist

Road Trip Checklist (+ Printable PDF)

Overwhelmed with planning a road trip and all the things that go into pre-vacation planning? Use this road trip checklist to organize your planning and …

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Do you know someone who is heading off on a road trip? Send them off in style with a road trip care package full of …

Valerie Bromann

Founder & road trip expert.

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book , she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

Follow Valerie & Silly America

Last modified: December 21, 2023 Category: Road Trip Planning

Kansas Route 66 Map

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The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip!

By valerie bromann.

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

The road trip you’ve been dreaming of starts here! Journal about your stops and get to know your fellow passengers with activities and exercises designed to pass the time and bring you closer together. Instead of “Are we there yet?” you’ll find yourself asking, “We’re there already?”. Complete with prompts you can turn to while driving between locations, this journal will one day be a memento of your life-changing trip.

Silly America

Silly America - The best roadside attractions in America and road trip inspiration and road trip planning and advice.

Silly America is a roadside attractions blog designed to help travelers find unique stops for their next road trip. The website is a tribute to the great American road trip, devoted to all that is odd in America: roadside attractions, tourist traps, peculiar destinations, bizarre events, road food, fun festivals, and more! It’s a travel website and trip planner for those seeking an offbeat road trip.

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How To Prepare And Plan A Road Trip With Friends

How To Prepare And Plan A Road Trip With Friends

Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by Rose Morah

It’s about that time of the year. Time for a road trip!

Going on a road with friends requires adequate planning. Otherwise, w hat was supposedly meant to be an epic road trip with friends may turn out quite the opposite.

Did you know, that 60% of best friends end up breaking up their friendships after and during the road trip?

Personally, I have had both good and bad road trip experiences with friends in the past.

But over years, I have realized that with a proper road trip plan and preparation, there is a good chance that you’re going to have an epic road trip. 

This article gives you great tips for preparing and planning a road trip with friends.

Tips to help you choose the right road trip partner

How do you deal with a bad travel partner, 2. choose your road trip destination, how do you split travel expenses with friends, how do i split my airbnb price with a friend, how should you split gas money on a road trip with friends, but what is a good road trip car, other safety measures, 6. divide up the task, 7. maintain effective communication, 8. craft a good road trip playlist, what are the best healthy snacks for your road trip, other road trip comfort essentials when planning a road trip, 1. choose the right travel partners.

Let’s be honest, not every friend is going to be your ideal travel partner. 

Therefore, knowing how to choose a travel partner is important. 

Traveling with friends on a road trip can really test your relationship, and I am talking about even with the closest friends. 

Perhaps you might have known each other during the good times.

But one thing’s for sure when you are in the midst of challenging or difficult times on the road, chances are you will have conflicts and disagreements.

  • Find out if you share common goals and interests.

Discussing the needs that each one will want to achieve from the road trip and the kind of trip they are looking to have could be a great place to start.

You may have a best friend in mind, but if you don’t share goals, then you probably need to reconsider going on an extended road trip together.

  • Find out if you both are capable of doing the trip, financially.

You should both be on the same page, financially.

If that’s not the case, you may experience the following challenges:

  • One person may end up overburdened by most of the road trip costs.
  • It will be difficult to plan a trip together. The places you would like to sleep or visit may not be affordable for the other person. This means you may have to compromise. 
  • Some friends will never pay for anything. For example gas or even food. They will always come up with excuses every time they get asked to pay.

And you are wondering where arguments come from? This is one of the reasons!

If you happen to be traveling with a difficult partner:

  • Ensure that you are both on the same page regarding travel responsibilities, style, and privacy.

You could also try to find  road trip activities  that you will both enjoy.

Having said that, it would be great if you could reflect inwardly on how you might also be contributing to the conflicts arising between the two of you.

Because most of the time, figuring this out may go a long way in alleviating arising issues when you are on the road.

And another thing, try to hear them out and gain a common ground.

But even more importantly, always remind yourself why you are still friends after all.

  • You don’t have to stick together all the time.

You could wander alone for some time during the trip if your interests don’t align. 

Bottom line: Take a chance on a friend or someone you think will be a good road companion, then see what happens.

And…they don’t necessarily have to be your friend.  

Your choice of destination has a huge influence on how the journey will turn out.

When researching a road trip destination, there are a few important factors that you will need to consider to come up with the right choice:

  • How much time do you have

The choice can be influenced by the amount of time you have, and of course, where you live. 

For instance, do you have a week, a weekend, or a month to go on this road trip?

If you only have a limited time, your destination will need to be somewhere closer to home. 

Otherwise, you might rush and end up not quite enjoying the trip.

Taking an extended trip with friends requires more time and planning, make no mistake.

  • Who you are going with

When planning a road trip, your travel partner can dictate the choice of your destination. 

Some destinations are best suited for solo travelers, some for friends, and others are couples’ destinations. 

A friend’s destination will hence need to be a place suit for friends. And in other words, it should offer an experience that is practical for friends. 

See also: How To Entertain and Keep Yourself Busy On A Long Car Ride (10 Tips) .

  • What will be the weather like?

Depending on the type of season you will be taking the road trip, the weather could determine the choice of a destination. 

The weather may cause a rise in the number of visits to a destination (peak season) or a fall (offseason).

Additionally, this change in the number of visitors could cause a rise or fall in the prices of the destinations.

This influences your choice of destination.

  • What’s your travel budget  

Your travel budget will no doubt influence the choice of your destination.

If you are on a budget, you will be forced to visit destinations that will not put a strain on your budget.

Your travel budget will influence your accommodation, travel gear, and the type of vehicle you will use for the trip. 

See the 11 Best Cars To Sleep In (Tips From Avid Campers) .

  • The type of road trip experience you want

The type of experience you want will influence the choice of destination. 

You could choose a destination for adventure, an outdoor experience, relaxation, a beach experience, a food and cultural experience, and so on.

When planning, be sure to use road trip planner apps to help you find a ton of amazing destinations that offer a wide range of experiences.

And once you have narrowed down the possible road trip destinations, look for a common ground before finally coming up with the final decision. 

Going on a backpacking trip? Check out these backpacking tips when you’re overweight or out of shape.

See also:  Fun places to go on a road trip with friends .

3. Set a realistic road trip budget

This is probably the most crucial part of planning. 

First,  you need to know how much everyone should contribute to the trip’s budget. 

Your budget will affect your trip in several ways – the length of your trip, dining and accommodations, distance, the vehicle that you are going to use – and the list goes on.

Therefore, having a round table meeting at a friend’s house would be important when it comes to money matters.

And perhaps more importantly, this will be a time well spent, instead of sending long texts or emails. 

First, you need to come up with the maximum expenditure per person, then work out the budget for the whole group. 

When you plan a road trip, y ou could split up the bills with the help of a mobile app- such as  Splitwise .  Splitwise helps you split up the bills and keep track of the expenses which you then settle up later on.

You could also opt for other ways of splitting the expenses.

For instance, instead of booking a hotel room, you could go to Airbnb. Airbnb will allow you to split the rent among yourselves equally.

You can easily split the Airbnb price with a friend at the time of booking.

One of you will simply need to book an Airbnb. This will allow you to access the invitation page, which will allow you to invite your friends.

The one friend who booked the Airbnb will pay their share, which in the meanwhile will be placed on hold. The rest will then have 72 hours to pay up for their remaining equal amount of shares.

If anyone on the invited list does not fulfill their payments, the booking will automatically be canceled, and the money returned to those who had already paid.

It’s also important to note that Airbnb will allow only a maximum of 16 people to split the rent.

The best way to split gas money on a road trip is by having everyone contribute equally, except for the car owner.

Let’s assume that the car owner had already gone the extra mile to service the vehicle. It wouldn’t be fair for them to contribute a similar amount towards the gas costs.

You could also consider creating a separate fund and having everyone contribute equally before the trip.

This is because it is easy to forget small miscellaneous expenses when budgeting.

Having a separate fund will also be helpful in case you exhaust the main fund before the end of the trip.

Each person will hence need to make an extra equal amount of contribution . And this extra amount should cover you until the end of the trip.

It is important to ensure that there is good communication throughout the budget process. 

For instance, communication on important details such as the amounts contributed by everyone needs to be well communicated.

And again, make sure that everyone is satisfied.

Finally, r emember to leave room for some extra cash in hand in case of any emergency change of plan or as a backup for a rainy day. 

Do keep it in a safe place. You just might need it when you least expect it!

See also: How to calculate the average cost of a road trip .

4. Choose The Right Car

Choosing the right car for the road trip will guarantee you safety and comfort.

Imagine going for an extended road trip in a vehicle with poor AC, uncomfortable seats, constant mechanical problems, and to top it off, a fuel guzzler – a car that is always thirsty for fuel. 

That’s an experience that no one would ever want.

A good road trip car should be able to give you and your friends a thrilling driving experience from its vehicle dynamics.

A good road trip car needs to fulfill the following key aspects:

You will be sitting in the car for long hours. Make sure the car is as comfortable as possible. 

To check, you can start by taking the driver’s seat.

Adjust the seat backward, forward, downwards, or upwards in a way that will make you comfortable, depending on your height.

Make sure you leave enough legroom to stretch and move your legs.

Additionally, if you are taking a trip when the weather is too cold, consider getting  a  seat warmer  and  travel pillows .  

  • Size matters

A good road trip car should be spacious for everyone to fit in comfortably.

Your choice of vehicle needs to have enough seats for everyone. Larger models are better, of course, depending on the number of passengers on board.

See How To Pack A Small Car For A Road Trip .

  • The gas   mileage  

To minimize the expense, you will need a vehicle that gets quality miles per gallon. And in other words, a vehicle that will be efficient to cover a large distance per gallon. 

This way, you only make just a few stops to refuel. 

  • The vehicle air conditioner  

This is a must-have for a comfortable driving experience. Be sure to check if it is in proper working condition.

  • The vehicle cruise control

The cruise control keeps the vehicle at a constant set speed when driving, which controls overspeeding. 

This also limits the amount of fuel consumption during acceleration and deceleration, reducing your overall road trip budget.

Other aspects include:

  •   Backup camera  

A backup camera, also known as a rearview camera, is important. It helps you reverse without hitting objects from behind. 

  • Trunk space  

Your luggage needs to fit in the trunk.

Therefore, you need to consider the storage capacity of the trunk before choosing your road trip car. 

To help fix your storage blues, here are a few hacks to help maximize the storage capacity:

  • If you plan to go skiing on a winter road trip, getting a vehicle fitted with a ski rack on the rooftop would help preserve the boot space for other stuff.
  • Installing a backseat and a trunk organizer,
  • Carry a trash bin.

That being said, if you consider going on an adventure road trip, chances are, you will be carrying lots of kits. And most certainly, you will be driving on treacherous roads. 

An off-roader would hence be the best option in this case. 

You should hence consider 4×4 model SUVs such as VW Tiguan, Skoda yeti, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Jeep Wrangler, the new Land Rover Defender (my personal favorite), or even a Range Rover Sport if you are looking to have a luxurious off-road trip. 

The good thing is, all these SUVs come with ample luggage space for your gear. 

7 smart Tesla long-distance road trip tips .

Tips for traveling by bus to Mexico from the US .

5. Prepare Your Car For The Road Trip

One or two weeks before embarking on the friend’s road trip, take the vehicle for a full tune-up by an automotive service technician.

In a nutshell, here are the basic things you will need to do:

  • Change the Car Fluids

You should change the engine oil as opposed to adding it. I bet you’ll want to avoid unnecessary breakdowns during the trip.

You’ll also need to top off the coolant, oils, windscreen wash, transmission, power steering, and brake fluids. 

  • Check the tire condition

Check the tire for air pressure and wear.

In any case, the tires should last for the entire trip. 

And needless to say, driving on tires with improper inflation pressure is dangerous.

Therefore, properly fill it up to the recommended tire pressure or refer to the manufacturer’s manual if unsure.

Be sure to check the tires when they are cold – when the car hasn’t been driven for a minimum of 3 hours.

When checking the tire condition (for wear and any need for replacement ), perhaps it’s worth noting that the average tire tread depth is 10/32 to 11/32 inches, and at least not less than 2/32 inches. 

Additionally, carry out a thorough tire inspection for bulges or bumps. If you happen to find any, then this means that there is a separation in the tire’s body.

You will also need to be on the lookout for any uneven wear, flat spots, and cuts.

If you don’t know how to check the tires, consider taking the car to a qualified mechanic.

Safety should be your number one concern, especially when going on a road trip with a friend.

See also: Tire Pressure Guide: What is the Proper Tire Pressure For Vehicles?

  • Check the Engine Performance

To enhance proper and efficient engine performance, you need to inspect the air filters . to ensure that enough air supply to the engine. 

  • Check the Lights and Signals

Check to ensure that lights and signals are in proper working condition.

To check, you can turn on the lights and signals and have someone check from the outside. 

Be on the lookout for any warning indicators and light symbols on your dashboard.

  • Check the Car Battery

If it’s been long since you last changed your car battery , then it’s probably time you checked it for corrosion or for signs of the battery dying and have it changed.

For instance, the sluggish sound of your starter is one such indication.

B est Travel-Size Family Games (Recommended by Most Families) .

Fun Games to Play With Friends on a Weekend Night .

Remember to carry your reflective warning triangle in case of a vehicle emergency, and to also wash your car to enhance clear visibility on the road. 

Lastly, give your car a test drive.

Because you will need to have a feel of the vehicle on the road to detect any unfamiliar sounds or shakes, especially coming from the wheels.

You should do this before you hit the road.

On that note, if you notice a squealing sound coming from the brakes, that could indicate the brake pads have worn down and need replacement or the brake fluid needs a top-up. 

Repeat this process after the trip.

Note: There’s the risk of the car breaking down during the road trip.

Make sure you pack the following in your road trip emergency kit:

A fully inflated spare wheel , a jack stand , lug wrench , and owner’s manual in your vehicle emergency kit. 

See also: A Complete Overlanding Trip Checklist .

A vehicle emergency kit should at least have:

  • A car battery (with an extra battery)
  • Battery booster cables
  • Tire pressure gauge
  • A flashlight( with extra batteries) 
  • Jumper cable
  • A reflective warning triangle 
  • Reflector jacket
  • Whistle, window breaker 
  • Road flares
  • A fire extinguisher 
  • And the most important, a first aid kit.  

A first aid kit should have:

  • Pain relievers 
  • Antibiotic ointment 
  • Disposable sterile gloves
  • Safety pins 
  • An emergency blanket 
  • A thermometer and 
  • A first aid manual 

Essential vehicle documents to carry. 

  • Your driver’s license and registration (copy and the original)
  • Your own car insurance policy( with emergency contacts)
  • Owner’s manual
  •  A paper map –  or alternatively, you can use app offline 
  • Your vehicle insurance copies

Must-have Road Trip Car Accessories .

A complete g uide for a motorcycle road trip for beginners.

I bet you’ll agree with me here:

When planning a road trip, getting everyone involved reduces the pressure and the burden of leaving the task to one person. 

It speeds up the planning process and minimizes disagreements arising from conflicting interests on destinations, accommodations, fun activities, etc.

So, how do you divide up the tasks?

You could for instance research the car rental deals and have someone else browse hotels and accommodations or research destinations. 

And to enhance effectiveness, try to assign tasks based on strengths.

Be sure that everyone focuses on a single task and works to its completion. 

Later on, you could discuss your findings together to make sure they match everyone’s needs and interests.

Crafting proper communication during the planning process is important.

You will want to make sure that you are not caught up in the thrill of booking and making reservations without checking up with the others.

You need to hear their word. 

The road trip planning process should, in fact, be a team effort.

Any communication affecting everyone in the group, such as the departure time and other important decisions, needs to be well communicated. 

This is for the sake of your relationship and the success of the road trip.

Be sure to give everyone a voice to vocalize their opinions, desires, and needs that they want to achieve from this road trip.

Let them feel that their needs are being met. 

The process of planning a road trip calls for patience, compromise, kindness, and most importantly, good communication skills.

Are you w ondering what you will do on the road trip?

Check out these fun things to do on a boring friend’s road trip.

Planning an extended road trip is impossible without some musical tunes from a good playlist. 

But even the choice of your playlist can make or break a road trip.

Don’t let a boring playlist ruin your trip.

Here are a few tips for crafting an ideal playlist for the road trip:

  • Set a discernible playlist tone 

The tone of your playlist could have recurring musical lyrics of a certain topic. Let it also be a tone that evokes a certain mood or sensation from the tracks.

  • Consider the length of your trip  

The playlist needs to cover the length of time you will be on the road.

  • Take your time 

Start compiling as early as a few weeks before the road trip. This way, you will have room for some inspiration from online platforms such as Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, Pandora, etc.

  • Ask everyone to contribute to the playlist  

Needless to say, it needs to be a collaborative playlist.

  • Do a test run  

You need to add what’s missing and remove what’s not working.

Finally, don’t forget to download it before you leave.

9. Pack Some Healthy Snacks And Water

Consider taking various healthy snack options.

This will minimize the number of pit stops in fast food joints and will also lower your trip budget. 

The snacks need to be rich in proteins, full of nutrients, and should also be dry to avoid leaking into your bags. 

Check out these 5 Healthy Non-refrigerated Road Trip Snacks To Keep You Awake .

Here are 5 healthy snacks ideas to consider when planning a road trip;

  • Peanut butter pretzels

This snack will greatly help you stay full till the next meal. It has healthy fat and protein, but ensure that you go for the natural peanut butter pretzels because they are not loaded with extra sugar.

They are great road trip snacks that will keep you full on long road trips. 

  • Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds keep you awake when driving. They are also great due to their healthy fats and magnesium, which are great for your heart.

Popcorns provide you with energy while on a road trip. They are also an excellent source of complex carbs and fiber.

Avoid microwaved popcorns that are filled with chemicals.

You need yogurt on the road trip because it has probiotics (good bacteria) that are great for maintaining good digestive health. It is best when taken on an empty stomach.

Be sure to also carry plenty of water as opposed to excessive sodas or alcoholic beverages. Milk and juices are great alternatives.

When carrying lots of perishable foods, you will need a cooler. 

It provides storage for your canned drinks and other foodstuffs that normally go bad in hot temperatures.

See also: How To Keep Perishable Food Fresh and Frozen While Traveling .

Lastly, don’t forget to take your breakfast first thing in the morning before you hit the road. You will need that energy to start the trip.

10. Stay Connected During The Road Trip

It is important to have strong internet connectivity on a road trip with friends. Your devices also need to stay charged during the trip. 

This is because you’ll need to stay connected with your loved ones.

Having portable Wi-Fi helps you stay connected, especially if your phone does not have an international data plan.

Secondly, it is essential to have a Bluetooth hands-free car kit.

This kit enhances the safety of the crew in case the driver needs to make a call or stream audio on their mobile devices while maintaining focus on the road. 

  • Sunglasses  

You need them to minimize the glare on the road due to sun rays or snow that blocks your vision of oncoming vehicles.

They also provide a better view of the road ahead without straining your eyes and protect you from direct UV light. 

  • Travel mugs  

Look for those with sealable lids to prevent spillage on the floor or vehicle surfaces.

They also need to have an insulated double wall to keep your hot beverages hot and the cold ones cold.

  • Hand sanitizers

Hand sanitizers keep germs and viruses out of the car.

When you are cramped in the car, you need mints to keep a fresh breath inside the car.

  • Painkillers  

Sitting in a car for long hours with a pounding headache or muscle pain is fun.

Be sure to carry some painkillers in your first aid kit.

traveling road trip with friends

Hello there! My name is Rose. I’m passionate about electric cars and clean energy. My adventurous spirit and journalistic pursuits make each day fascinating and far greater. I consider traveling not just about the grandeur moments, but the little elements that transform the whole experience.

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This Rare Earth

A travel resource for the adventurous and often-solo female

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends

USA , Blog , North America / February 28, 2023 by Monica / Leave a Comment

There is nothing quite like taking a road trip with friends. The laughs, the adventure, the wrong turns! Here are some of the best places to visit and things to do on a road trip with friends, including my top tips on how to manage expectations and budgets. Let’s go!

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If you have been here for a while, then you already know that I take solo road trips quite frequently. Like, very frequently.

But some of the best travel memories I have come from various road trips I took with friends over the years. There is always a lot of laughter, a lot of joking, and usually tons of unexpected stops and adventures along the way.

Now, if you are headed on a long trip, you are going to need some entertainment to pass the time. Here we are going to cover some of the best things to do on a road trip with friends.

In addition, we will cover some important road trip with friends tips, as well as some of the best road trips to take with friends!

Let’s dive in, there is a lot to cover.

Table of Contents

No matter how fun you and your friends may be, there comes a time on every road trip that you might start to feel a bit antsy. Maybe the route is just long, or you are stuck in traffic, or you are just looking for some good old fashioned entertainment.

Let’s cover some of the best things to do on a road trip with friends that (hopefully!) everyone can agree on!

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - listen to a podcast.

1. Listen to a podcast

Podcasts are my go-to road trip activity. I love getting lost in a story or a mystery and becoming captivated on how it will turn out.

Before you and your friends head out on the road, download a variety of podcasts that you think you and your friends would be interested in. Perhaps interviews with their favorite celebrities, some true crime for suspense, or a comedy if you want to keep things light.

Be sure to actually download them rather than just bookmark them. You may very well hit areas with patchy cell service, and in those instances, you will lose your audio unless it has been downloaded.

Check out my top travel apps for my best suggestions.

2. Listen to an audiobook

Headed on a long journey? If your trip is more than a day long, you may opt for something longer. Like, an entire audio book.

Look up a few titles that sound interesting and send them out to your friends. Have everyone take a vote or download their favorite. If you are driving cross country, perhaps you will have time for more than one!

3. Play a road trip game

When I was a kid, we had all kinds of road trip games in the car for long drives to Florida or North Carolina. They kept me and my brothers, cousins, and friends entertained for pretty significant chunks of time… which I am sure that my parents were happy about.

No matter your age, invest in a few fun travel games to keep on hand! Whether its a card game, a thinking game, or a thoughtful word game, these are great ways to pass the time.

Here are a few personal favorites:

traveling road trip with friends

4. Stop for a hike or to do something active

Particularly if you are on a long trip, you are going to want to get out and stretch your legs. Me? I want to do more than just stretch. I often plan for a hike or some type of activity along my route to keep my muscles moving.

Check your route. Do you see any state or national parks on the way? Chances are you will find some very scenic hikes without much investgating.

Be sure to pack a day pack stuffed with all the hiking essentials before you go!

You May Also Like: The Best Hiking Gear for Women

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica taking a photo in Sedona.

5. Take some photos

Make an agreement ahead of time that when you hit scenic stretches of highway, you want to get out and take photos!

Rule number one, do it safely. Find a legal and safe area to pull over, and snap away. I’ve seen some pretty epic waterfalls and rock formations on some of my trips through the southwest.

The drive from Phoenix to Sedona has lots to see and do, and the drive along the Pacific Coast Highway is absolutely breathtaking. You are going to want to remember it.

Check out some of my most recommended photo gear here.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - three friends taking a photo near a colorful wall.

6. Document the trip

No matter how often you see them, you are going to want to document your road trip with friends. As you get older or move to different areas, you may not be able to see them as much or get to have an adventure like this anytime soon.

Take video, take group photos, and if it is an especially sentimental trip (like, a graduation trip or a bridesmaid trip) then you may want to even write in a journal about it.

7. Take turns sleeping

If your trip is quite long, or if you plan to drive through the night, don’t forget to get some shut-eye. Take turns sleeping and driving in shifts if you aren’t getting a hotel room for the night.

Side note, this is another instance where your podcasts can really come in handy. If its late and your friends are sleeping, that podcast just might keep you entertained while you are solo.

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8. Take all the detours.

Of all the things to do on a road trip with friends, this is easily one of my favorites. Take detours. Lots of them. In fact, all of them.

Hands down, I have made the best travel memories by stumbling upon the unexpected. So if you see an interesting street or a sign for the World’s Largest Pistachio, by all means go see it.

I can almost guarantee that years down the line, you and your friends will still be saying, “Remember that time when we saw……”

My Top Tips for Keeping a Road Trip with Friends Civil

Like I’ve already mentioned, taking a road trip with friends can be an unforgettable experience. It’s the perfect way to connect with old friends and even learn things about them you didn’t know.

That said, there are some things you should be mindful of when planning your friends road trip. These top tips may help ensure that your road trip is full of adventure and laugs rather than fighting or bickering.

Even the closest of friends are not immune to hurt feelings.

Let’s dive into my top tips for planning the best road trips with friends without any of the drama.

You May Also Like: How to Travel With Friends: Tips and Etiquette

1. Pick your road trip friends wisely.

I have no doubt that you have some fabulous friends. Smart friends, funny friends, wild friends, and adventurous friends.

That said, not all friends were meant to be tucked into a car with you for several days or weeks.

Be mindful about who you plan your road trip with in the first place.

You likely can think of one friend already that you love dearly, but you wouldn’t necessarily want to be stuffed in a sardine can with for the week. They could be the best person in the world… just be honest about your car compatibility.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - girl planning the travel route on a map.

2. Plan an itinerary.

You are going to want to have a chat ahead of time about the basic itinerary. Discussing your starting point, ending point, and how many days you expect to be on the road are all a must.

But beyond that, have a chat about what sights and scenic stops everyone in the car is interested in. It’s a good idea to try and hit everyone’s top sight at the very least. Obviously, it will create some resentment if the driver gets to stop and see all of their sights but ignores everyone else’s must-sees.

Got it? Good.

3. But make sure you all stay flexible, too.

Have you ever hit terrible traffic and ended up an hour late to your destination? Or, perhaps you got a flat and had to reroute to a tire shop.

It’s a good idea to be flexible on your road trip with friends, and to make sure that everyone else is on the same page too. Anything can happen on the road.

Have your ideal itinerary, but also have a backup plan. Maybe even a backup money stash for an extra hotel if needed. The point is, remember that things can always go awry!

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4. Be up front and communicate.

In every relationship, communication is key. Your road trip with friends is no different.

Both when in the planning phase and when on the trip, be up front an honest about expectations. Discuss the basics, like how you will split the budget and what date you must be home by.

This will help avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings in most cases.

While on the trip, if anything isn’t working for you, speak up – kindly. And, be equally willing to listed to your friends, too. Communication is the key to a smooth ride!

5. Know your boundaries.

Are you an introvert? Are you traveling with extroverts? Or, are you a night owl and your road trip friends are early risers? Knowing your boundaries is important when traveling with friends.

If you already know your travel styles or lifestyles don’t match, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t go on the road trip together. You just need to decide where the hard lines are drawn.

For example, one person is free to go out and party or stay up all night reading, but both must be aware that we hit the road by 9am. Or, one person typically takes over an hour to get ready in the morning, but the other gets up and is out the door. Perhaps you need two different alarms.

Whatever the situation is, you get the idea. Set whatever boundaries you all need to abide by together.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - girl taking a break from driving.

6. Take turns being in the driver’s seat.

Ya’all, I love road trips. I typically don’t mind driving them, mostly because I drive most of them solo.

but when I’m on a road trip with friends – especially a long one – I prefer to take turns. I want time that I can let me brain relax and I can curl my legs up and relax.

The same probably goes for you, and for whoever you are driving with. Things don’t have to be split 50/50 necessarily, but make sure you go with a ratio that works for both people. If both of you are tapped out, you probably need to refer back to the “Stop for a hike” section.

Where to Go on a Road Trip with Friends

Now that we’ve covered all of the planning aspects, let’s talk about where to go on a road trip with friends.

So, I like to consider myself somewhat of a road trip expert. I’ve driven across the United States nine times (yes you read that right) and have driven so much of the American Southwest that I know parts of it by heart.

I’m going to list all of my top road trip route suggestions that you could consider taking with friends. In no particular order, let’s dive in!

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - drive the Pacific Coast Highway.

1. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway with friends.

There is a reason that this is one of the most popular road trips in all of America. It is downright stunning! Driving the entire Pacific Coast Highway is an unforgettable experience. I think everyone should do it at least once.

From the rugged beaches in Malibu to quaint Santa Barbara and all the way up north past San Francisco, this drive has it all. Loads of ocean views, plenty of stops for hikes, and even small wine towns if that’s your kind of thing.

Find out more here: A 7 Day Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Itinerary

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring Joshua Tree.

2. Experience the California Deserts.

I know that when most people picture California, they picture beach. But for me, the California desert is my favorite area in the whole state.

I highly recommend taking a Joshua Tree to Death Valley road trip with friends. Or, exploring the Mojave National Preserve .

I bet you’d be surprised by just how fun the desert can be. Here are some more planning resources centered around Joshua Tree, which is the one desert requirement you can’t miss:

More Joshua Tree National Park Resources:

  • One Day in Joshua Tree National Park
  • The Best Joshua Tree Sunrise Hikes and Locations
  • The Best Hikes in Joshua Tree National Park
  • A Joshua Tree Photography Guide
  • All About the Joshua Tree: A Mojave Desert Staple
  • Five Drawbacks of Joshua Tree – and How to Beat Them
  • 10 Tips for Visiting Joshua Tree National Park
  • A Los Angeles to Joshua Tree National Park Road Trip
  • National Parks Near Los Angeles
  • Desert Wear and Hiking Essentials for the American Southwest
  • Ten Desert Hiking Safety Tips

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring White Sands.

3. Embark on a seven day New Mexico road trip.

I’ve driven through New Mexico many times. But recently, I returned back for a ten day road trip to re-visit some of my old favorite spots and explore new sights.

I traveled from Albuquerque to Santa Fe and soaked in some gorgeous hot springs . The Bisti Badlands was the perfect landscape to hike for days. I checked out the Aztec Ruins National Monument and made it all the way down to White Sands National Park and Roswell . It was incredible.

New Mexico has way more to offer than you might think! It’s such a great state to explore on a road trip with friends.

You May Also Like: The Best New Mexico Road Trip Itinerary

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - a sunny beach in Baja.

4. Or, go south of the border to Baja.

You may know, I love Mexico. And, my favorite area within Mexico is the Baja Peninsula.

There are so many fun things to do in Cabo – from boat rides to beaches to ATV adventures. La Paz and Balandra Bay offers some of the prettiest lesser-known beaches.

My personal favorite place to enjoy in Baja is hands down the Santa Rita Hot Springs . This is one of the best stops in all of Baja!

Staying in the north? Then check out San Felipe and the stunning Valle de Los Gigantes .

Get more info in my post about planning a Baja Sur Road Trip !

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring the Valley of Fire.

5. In the Las Vegas area?

If you are starting in the Las Vegas area, I have loads of road trips from Nevada to consider.

Nature lovers can enjoy Death Valley or the Valley of Fire . Art lovers should check out the Seven Magic Mountains at installation. And those looking for everything including hiking, good food, and spirituality should head to Sedona .

You May Also Like: The Top 10 Road Trips from Las Vegas

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - visit Yellowstone National Park.

6. See one of the most popular national parks driving Salt Lake City to Yellowstone.

There is a reason that Yellowstone National Park is one of the most visited parks each and every year. Yellowstone is basically a legend!

If you drive from Salt Lake City to Yellowstone , you can turn a drive to a single destination into a fun and scenic road trip. Simply choose the right route for landscapes and pit stops. Read all about my recommendations here .

I hope that these suggestions on things to do, how to prepare, and where to go help you plan your road trip with friends! These tips have never failed me and will set you up for a good time.

Let me know below – which route will you be taking?

traveling road trip with friends

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  • Cancun vs Cabo: Which is Better, Los Cabos or Cancun?
  • The Ultimate Guide to Visiting El Matador Beach, Malibu
  • The Perfect Day Trip to Malibu: A One Day Itinerary [2024]

traveling road trip with friends

About Monica

Monica has been a solo female world traveler for over 15 years. She is an expert on outdoor adventures, solo female travel, and off the beaten path destinations. She is the founder of This Rare Earth and is a firm believer that the world is not as scary as the media might have you think! Learn more about her here . Connect with her on Instagram .

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Monica in the Egypt, UAE, California and New Mexico deserts.

Troupe | The Group Travel Planning App

Awesome Ideas and Helpful Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

by Danielle Owen | Apr 1, 2022 | Group Travel | 0 comments

traveling road trip with friends

A road trip with friends can be the experience of a lifetime. But it takes some planning to make a group trip as stress-free as possible. While spontaneity is one of the best parts of hitting the road, there are still some things that should be figured out in advance.

Troupe’s group travel planner is the perfect pre-road trip tool to help you sort out your adventure. Share ideas for destinations and let trip members vote on their favorites to help plan out your route. You can also suggest dates that group members can approve and Troupe will let you know which dates work before for everyone.

Check out these top tips and ideas for a road trip with friends:

Plan a road trip based on a shared interest

  • Take the scenic route

Everyone plan a day

Rent an rv or camper van, leave some wiggle room in your schedule, have a plan for splitting shared costs, play car games to pass the time, take lots of photos.

  • Don’t be afraid to split up

Share driving responsibilities

  • Have a positive attitude (and a backup plan)

traveling road trip with friends

Fun road trip ideas for friends

Maybe you all love music and want to catch a show in each city you visit. Or maybe you’re avid hikers who plan on tackling bucket list hikes across the country. Whatever you all love, consider basing the road trip around a shared hobby or passion.

Simply take the scenic route

Half of the fun of a road trip with friends is the time you spend on the road, listening to music, laughing, and enjoying the drive. There’s nothing wrong with taking a road trip simply for the sake of taking a road trip. Choose a scenic route near you, whether that’s a coastal highway or a mountain pass, and hit the road.

If you’re taking a multi-day trip, consider planning out a general route and splitting it up into one-day chunks. Then let each person on the trip be responsible for planning a leg of the journey. You can even keep the plans a surprise to make them more exciting. Each person would choose the city to stop in for the night and an activity at that destination or along the route.

While road trips in cars are great and everything, a road trip in an RV is a next-level experience. You and your friends won’t soon forget the week you spent in your home on wheels.

traveling road trip with friends

Top tips for a road trip with friends

Don’t plan such a strict road trip itinerary that you don’t have room to stop and smell the roses along the way. Whether that’s literally stopping to enjoy a beautiful, flower-strewn vista or deciding that a quirky pitstop town is worth spending an extra night or two.

Make sure you have a plan in advance for how to split costs or someone will inevitably get the short end of the stick. Using apps like Splitwise and Venmo are great for calculating who owes who what and to send payments instantly. Check out more tips for splitting expenses on a group trip .

No matter how much good music you listen to or how beautiful the scenery is, you’re bound to become a bit bored after full days spent in the car. That’s where car games come in. Everyone knows the license plate game (keep track of all the out-of-state plates you see and try to spot all 50).

But you can also play more thought-provoking games to keep you alert. Try choosing a letter and a category (e.g. ‘C’ and animals) and go around in a circle naming items that correspond (cheetah, cockatoo) until someone is stumped.

traveling road trip with friends

Don’t hesitate to take photos. Everything about a road trip with friends is meant to be remembered. Take photos (safely) in the car. Pull over as often as you’d like to take pictures of the scenery. Just don’t forget to take it all in without the camera, as well. Snap a nice shot and then put the phone or camera away and just enjoy the view and time with your friends.

Very few people would be happy to get stuck behind the wheel for the entire trip. And it’s also not the safest way to take a road trip. Rotate drivers every few hours so you’ll all have a chance to kick back and you’ll be alert when it’s your turn to take the wheel.

traveling road trip with friends

Dont be afraid to split up for a while

If you and your friends only have one or two days at any of your destinations and some people want to do a grueling hike while others want to visit a museum, don’t stress! Everyone’s interests aren’t always going to align. As long as everyone feels safe on their own, don’t be afraid to split up for the day. Meet back up for dinner to share your different experiences.

Have a positive attitude and a backup plan

Things can, and will, go wrong at some point during a road trip even if it’s just bad traffic at some point along the way. Have a plan in advance for what to do in case of an emergency.

Does someone in the group have AAA? Is there a spare tire in working condition? Consider learning how to change it yourself if you don’t already know. Do you have chains in case of snowy conditions? Who is going to hold on to the spare set of keys?

You should know the answer to all those questions that are frequent road trip mishaps. In addition, remember to roll with the punches. When planning a road trip with friends, carefully consider who you invite to spend all those hours with. No one wants a fun sucker along for the ride.

traveling road trip with friends

Most importantly, have fun, be safe, and enjoy the time together with your friends. While you’re at it, start planning your next epic group adventure. Check out these articles for group travel inspiration.

  • Learn all there is to enjoy on a Lake Tahoe itinerary .
  • Discover more about the best countries to visit in South America .
  • Not sure where to go? Use this list of fun places to go with friends as a starting point.

Live A Wilder Life


Looking for some fun things to do on a road trip to pass the time? Whether you’re traveling with friends, on a family road trip, or driving solo, we’ve compiled a list of things to do in the car to save you from the dreaded road trip question, “Are we there yet?”

After our own cross-country road trip adventure and our years of living as a full-time travel family , we have come up with an arsenal of things to do on long road trips. Everything we suggest is things we’ve done ourselves and truly find entertaining . So while the license plate game is a classic road trip game…does anyone actually have fun playing it?

Whether you’re looking for unique road trip activities or fun road trip games, you’re sure to find something that will help pass the time. Scroll through our list of the best things to do on long car rides and see what gets you excited.


How To Plan A Cross Country Road Trip How To Survive A Road Trip With A Toddler The Only Road Trip Packing List You’ll Ever Need How We Renovated Our 1979 Camper For $650 An Epic Itinerary For A Road Trip Through Utah’s Five National Parks 160 Road Trip Questions To Keep The Conversation Flowing The Ultimate Road Trip Food List

*This “Things To Do On A Road Trip” post may contain affiliate links, which means we might earn a small commission if you purchase from them. This is at no extra cost to you! We only recommend products and services we genuinely think are helpful.


woman looking out of passenger side window of green SUV with steam rising up from a hot spring behind the car


Before you dive into the endless scroll on Instagram, how about getting to know your travel mates better? The open road is a great place to put down your phone and have an engaging conversation. Scroll through our list of fun, deep, and silly road trip questions to get the conversation rolling. Perhaps you’ll learn something you never knew before!


We’ve been road-tripping together for over 15 years now, and one of our favorite things to do on a road trip is to dream up an adventure together. We pull out some pen and paper and write down our top ten places we want to go. On a car ride to Northern California, is where we first started to dream up our grand trip to Croatia . Some advice–dream big and don’t get caught up in the grounded reality of “how” it’s going to happen. Figure that part out later. For now, it’s about dreaming up all the places you would love to visit. You can use an old-fashioned notebook or have a special bucket list journal as we do. You can also check out our bucket list for families post if you need some inspiration.


I’m a trivia lover. Inside my head is a bunch of totally useless information that is only helpful for when I’m playing a game like trivial pursuit. The best way to pass an hour or two on a long car ride is to test out your own trivia knowledge. You can narrow the topic down to a specific topic like 2000’s trivia and travel trivia or you can go for a general trivia deck. If you don’t want to purchase a trivia deck, you can also check out our post with 41 road trip trivia questions about the USA, travel, and road trips.


If you’re more of a music buff, play a fun music trivia game to test your music knowledge. Are you sure you can remember the name of that top 40 hit from the ’90s? Download a music trivia app and play it into your car speakers so everyone can play together.


If you’re looking for things to do on a car ride by yourself, then an Audible book is the reigning champion of car activities. Long car rides are a perfect place to learn about a new skill, read a murder mystery, or a frivolous comedy that quickly passes the time away. If you don’t have an audible membership, you can look at doing a free 30-day trial here . Don’t forget to download the books before leaving so you aren’t using data or relying on a good signal.

Also, if not everyone wants to listen to the Audible together, make sure to bring your headphones (if you’re the passenger), so you can listen to your heart’s content.

For more road trip essentials, check out our complete road trip packing list.

If you’re looking for road trip entertainment, a podcast can offer a more engaging experience since they tend to have interviews and a more traditional talk radio format. The range of topics is immense, from family-friendly storytelling to educational discussions to creepy murder plots, so do a quick search in a subject you might be interested in or look through a list of the most popular podcasts .


Now is the time you will FINALLY learn how to speak Cantonese. Live out your dream of fluently speaking a different language and mixing in with the locals by downloading a language-learning app and listening to it in your car. Top language learning apps are Rosetta Stone and Babbel .


Twenty Questions is the quintessential car ride game to pull out when you’re brainstorming things to do on a road trip. If you haven’t played the game, the basic idea is that someone can ask 20 yes or no questions to help them guess what you’re thinking about. You’ll set a topic like “celebrities” and ask away. For example, “Is this person a singer?” or “Are they alive?” and so on until you can guess the person.

This game is so trivial, but gosh darn it, we love playing this game when we need things to do on a long road trip. I honestly think we’ve managed to pass an entire hour away going back and forth with the ABC game. The game goes like this: You set up a general category like “fruit” or “animals” and then go back and forth, listing fruit in ABC order. For instance, partner A says “apple,” and partner B says “banana,” and so on.


I might be revealing how much of a parent I am right now, but long drives in the car are where I can often get banal stuff done. Something about being strapped into a car with nowhere to run allows me to check things off my list, like planning out our meals for a month or plotting out a content calendar for our blog. If you’re a passenger, grab your calendar and check things off your to-do list you’ve meant to do but never manage to. Maybe that long car ride is when you finally clear out your inbox with 10,000 emails dating back to 2001.


On the flip side of trying to fill every moment in your life with something to do, you can go the opposite way and meditate, do breathwork, or practice mindfulness in the car. When I used to have a 45-minute commute from work, I would often put on my breathing app and listen to it the entire ride home so I could ground myself before going into the onslaught of mom life. Even if you’re not a parent, our minds chatter away all day, so having a dedicated time to ground and listen to a guided meditation or guided breathwork is a fantastic alternative to getting stressed by traffic and everything that life throws your way. You can choose to do it self-guided or download an app that guides you through the process. I used Headspace, but there are hundreds to choose from. Check out this article for some good recommendations.

Also, if you’re the driver, it’s best to stick to guided breathing rather than a meditation that suggests you close your eyes. Because, you know…road safety.


Road tripping can often mean gas station burritos or fast food burgers that leave you feeling sluggish and guilty. Change it up by having a Pinterest-worthy picnic complete with gourmet charcuterie, pinot noir, and a red checkered picnic blanket. You don’t have to have those specific things, but having a pre-packed picnic with nicer food is a fun change in energy when you’ve been spending a few hours on the road. Instead of packing a cooler or an oversized wooden picnic basket, use a picnic backpack like this that comes with silverware, wine glasses (for the passengers), plates, cutting board, blanket, napkins, and more. Check your Google Maps for a park that’s right off the highway, or try out a picnic table at a rest stop.

For food suggestions, check out our post on the best road trip foods .


While getting from Point A to Point B, take a detour to see some oddball roadside attractions. Oh gosh, there are so many weird things to see in the US. We stopped by Cadillac Ranch, an outdoor art installation featuring 10 Cadillacs buried face down, when we were driving through Amarillo, Texas. Visitors are encouraged to grab a can of spray paint and leave their own artistic mark on the retro cars. You can see videos and pictures of it here on our Instagram. Fun, quirky, and totally worth the 30-minute stop! Finding peculiar roadside attractions feels like a must-do when looking for what to do on a road trip. You can use an app like RoadTrippers to discover what’s on your route.

How long has it been since you’ve played Mad Libs? I think it might be time to bring them out when you’re scheming up things to do on a road trip. There are various mad-lib games available to you, so search for the booklet that hits up your demographic whether you’re traveling with kids or going on a road trip with friends. Start here on your search for the most epic game of road trip mad libs.


A great conversation starter game is to have everyone list their “top 5.” Someone comes up with a topic like the top 5 songs of all time or your five favorite meals of all time. If you are playing with kids, you might want to reduce the number to your top 3. You can write it down, but I find it’s more relaxed to talk about your answers as they come. Other fun topics are the five people who would be at your dinner party, your top five movies, your top five celebrity crushes, or your top five travel destinations.


For those moments when you’re looking for quiet things to do in a car, pull out a booklet of challenging brain puzzles. I’m always a fan of crossword puzzle booklets and sudoku booklets , but you might like a general brain teaser book with an assortment of puzzles and trivia.


Document the road trip journey in a creative way. You can make a travel scrapbook where you collect mementos like postcards or kitschy roadside gifts, or you can take photos or videos of the trip. One fun idea is to ditch the iPhone or Go Pro and opt for an updated but old-fashioned Polaroid camera like this one . If you have kids, you can buy a kid-friendly camera like this one . Just be sure they realize that the camera doesn’t have an infinite supply of photos! The road trip is such a classic adventure that going old school with a Polaroid feels kind of perfect.

Here’s to hours of fun things to do on a road trip! If you have your own unique things to do on a road trip, let us know in the comments below.

We hope the journey is as fun as the destination.

pinterest image with woman looking out the passenger window of a green SUV. The words

Hi, we’re Christina and Brad, Idaho based writers and photographers who live to explore. We did a short stint of traveling full time with our two year old and discovered we're much happier as part time nomads. What does that mean? We travel a lot! And then we go home. We love helping fellow parents and everyday adventurers discover new places and experiences.

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How to travel with friends – without falling out

Emma Sparks

Sep 3, 2019 • 6 min read

traveling road trip with friends

Travelling together offers friends the chance to enjoy quality time awash with in-jokes, proper catch-ups and unforgettable experiences. Sound like bliss? It can be. But beware: even the best of friendships can be tested on the road.

Whether you’re about to embark on your first adventure with your mates in tow or are looking to improve on past experiences, here are writer Emma Sparks' 10 tips for having a harmonious trip with friends.

Five people sitting on building terrace overlooking the cityscape of Barcelona.

Beginners: start on the right foot

1. choose the right people to go with.

Pick any old pal with a passport at your peril. Just because you share a love of Nicolas Cage movies and Chinese food doesn’t mean you’re compatible travel buddies. Think twice before travelling with someone you only ever see in one context; your coffee-and-cake companion, yoga chum or work bestie might be a dream to hang out with at home, but a nightmare when it comes to exploring somewhere new. Opt for someone you’re confident you could tolerate for three days straight and you should have a reasonably hiccup-free trip – but there are no guarantees.

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2. Set expectations

Is this trip about winding down and going with the flow, or ticking off a list of sights the length of your arm? Will it be action-packed and outdoorsy, or heavy on the hangovers? It’s easy to make assumptions about your friends’ vision for a trip based on their usual behaviour, but travel can bring with it a different set of priorities and reveal a totally different side of people. Night owl travelling with early birds or vice versa? Proceed with caution – or agree to adjust your body clocks accordingly. Verbalise your needs: a simple conversation about what each of you wants to get out of the holiday – and what you don’t want to do – should do the trick.

Two laughing girls take a winter selfie outside a church in Saint Petersburg.

3. Discuss your budget

You probably have an idea of how flash or frugal your friends are, but it’s worth chatting about what you intend to spend on food and activities before you go. In situ, manage money sensitively – some people are happy to split the bill every time, while others will find subsidising your dessert addiction stressful. Keep a tally in a group budgeting app like Splitwise if you like, but don’t sweat the small stuff – no-one likes a penny-pincher.

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4. Prepare for close quarters

If you’re sharing accommodation, prepare to learn a lot more about your mates. Sleeping habits, bathroom routines and kitchen cleanliness (or lack thereof) can all cause friction between friends. Years of sharing rooms with incessant snorers, shower hoggers and the occasional gleeful farter have taught me that the best way to overcome small irritations is to make light of them – no doubt you have your own shortcomings too – and always pack earplugs...

‘When we travel as a three, Emily always gets a room to herself as she’s the loudest snorer. Emma puts up with my mild snores and I ignore the fact she leaves hair in the plughole’ – Mary, Emma’s travel buddy on many long weekends in Europe .

Emma and her friend Helen stand in front of a green lake with trees in the background and a statue in front of it.

Intermediate: avoid common pitfalls

5. hanger and fatigue.

The needs of travelling adults often mirror those of a two year old’s. If someone’s acting moody, chances are they’re hungry or overtired. Punctuate sightseeing with plenty of pit stops and snacks, or work siestas into your holiday routine to keep the peace.

‘I like my sleep and I’m prone to energy dips if I don’t eat at regular intervals. Before a long hike through the Latvian wilderness, Emma made sure to buy some carb-heavy snacks and sugary sweets, which saved the day’  – Helen, Emma’s travel buddy in Australia , Latvia and Estonia .

6. Too much time together

Find yourself lingering in the loo, or volunteering to pop to the shops for the milk and a few precious minutes by yourself? Don’t feel bad about taking some time away from each other. Introverts in particular often need plenty of alone time to avoid burnout – but splitting up for a few hours here and there can refresh and revive everyone. 

Five people jumping from a sailboat into the ocean during summer.

7. Lack of flexibility

Travelling with friends is a masterclass in the art of the compromise. When Friend A is laser-focused on finding a tabbacheria for their strictly-on-holiday smokes, Friend B wants nothing more than an Aperol spritz and a sit down, and you want to get to the top local landmark before it closes, something has to give. If it isn’t essential to you, let it go – but don’t let dominant or demanding personalities get their way every time. If you’re lucky, everyone’s wants and needs can be met with some tactical shuffling of schedules. 

‘Emma has dragged us up church spires and medieval towers in Florence , Porto , Seville and more – we expect it now, just as she expects to skip a few sights so we can sample local tipples in the sun’ – Emily, Emma’s travel buddy on many long weekends in Europe.

8. Overenthusiasm

The weeks and months ahead of a trip can be saturated with hope and high expectations, excited text messages and squeals of anticipation. So much so that by the time you board the plane, you’re already exhausted. Then, in the face of adversity – a disappointing Airbnb, bad weather or mosquito invasions – one friend may appoint themselves as a hype man, ignoring glaring issues and refusing to let anyone whinge. While positivity is a lifesaver on group trips, you can still keep it real. It’s OK if things aren’t perfect, so don’t put pressure on yourself or each other to have the best time ever – go with the flow and it will happen naturally.

Young friends with a skip in their step jaunt down a lake's dock with paddles to a waiting canoe.

Advanced: be your best self

9. forgive (and apologise) quickly.

An intense dose of togetherness coupled with new, sometimes challenging experiences means minor niggles are almost inevitable. Left to fester, resentment and pettiness can thrive. Unresolved tension is a sure-fire way to spoil a trip, so be honest about the way you’re feeling. If anyone gets snappy, forgive and forget immediately – and always apologise if you’re the grump of the group.

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10. Be considerate and self aware

When it comes to maintaining a good group dynamic, basic courtesies go a long way – and taking extra care of each other (without fussing) will give you the warm and fuzzies. Make sure you’ve got the fundamentals covered, such as doing your fair share of washing up and collecting the morning croissants, then go the extra mile by keeping tabs on hydration levels and sunscreen top ups, or volunteering to drive.

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Little Blue Backpack

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Tips & Tricks · May 3, 2022

The Ultimate Guide For Traveling With Friends [15 Tips]

Traveling with friends isn’t always easy. You are dealing with sleep schedules, expectations, quirks, and budgets that are not always in line. The goal is to enjoy time and new experiences with your friends, but sometimes you quickly realize people are more complex when you spend 4 days in close quarters vs. a night out for dinner.

traveling with friends

Group trips are usually amazing or quite the opposite and the truth is, the little things usually make the difference! Here are 15 tips for traveling with friends that will help create a positive travel experience and create memorable moments.

Make sure everyone has a good time—the whole time.

traveling with friends tips

Before You Commit to Traveling with Friends

There are top things to consider before you even sign up to take a trip with friends. The first step…

1. Understand WHO You are Saying Yes to:

You are not required to travel with everyone and anyone. It’s not always a good idea are simply people we are compatible with and those who we should spend a limited amount of time with—even if we appreciate it to the fullest.

Red flags? You’re a morning person and get up at 6:00 am and your potential traveling companions prefer 11:00 am. Maybe they can’t walk .5 miles without complaining or they only eat kale. Take some time to think about who your good friends are, how they operate, and if a trip together is a great idea.

If you have common travel styles and are able to set similar expectations, book those flights! There’s nothing like traveling with those closest to you. And who doesn’t love finding “vacation friends?”

traveling with friends

Here are a few questions to think about:

  • Does their travel style line up with mine?
  • What about travel costs? Do you have similar budgets? (At least for this trip)
  • Can I voice honest opinions with these people?
  • What do I love about them?
  • What really annoys me about them? (And is this list longer than the question above…)

2. Understand WHERE You are Saying Yes to:

You’re not done thinking yet. Equally as important, you need to consider which travel destination they are asking you to go. If the destination is on your list (and you’ve decided they are a trusty travel companion)—great! But if it’s somewhere that has never been of interest or looks boring, chaotic, or unappealing, you should say no.

Maybe they want to head to the boundary waters but sleeping on the ground makes you cringe. Or they want you to join their kids birthday party in Wisconsin Dells because “it will be fun for the adults too.” (Okay, Megan…) You know what you are interested in and what will be fun for YOU. Unless it’s required, don’t commit and spend money on a trip you know is going to drive you nuts.

Commitment Rule of Thumb: If It’s Not A Quick Yes, It’s a No.

Let me explain. You get a text from your best friend Hey! Me and Brittany are thinking about going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras! Wanna come? What is your VERY FIRST thought? Listen to that. It’s your intuition.

traveling with friends guide

Maybe it’s OMG I have always wanted to experience Mardi Gras. On the flip side, it might be, Mardi Gras with Sam and Brittany…those two partying together is bad news…

Your first thought is going to give you A LOT of what you need to know. If it’s excitement, keep the door open. If it’s negative, you probably don’t want to do it and shouldn’t force yourself.

3. Pick One Way or the Other

It’s not required that you say yes to traveling with friends. We all have priorities. If you have reasonable friends, they are going to understand if you don’t have the money right now, or are committed to something else, feeling burnt out, or not interested in the destination.

That said, one thing to stay away from is the middle ground. That sounds so fun, let me think about it! And then…crickets. Don’t put your friends, or yourself, in that position. For them, it’s hard to continue planning. For you, you are wasting time thinking about your decision when you likely deep down already know the answer.

should i travel with friends

If it’s a no, don’t fall into avoidance mode. Thanks for the invite but I’m going to have to pass. I don’t have the money right now and it’s not great for my schedule. I hope you guys have a blast! Or Thanks for the invite. I’M IN. LET’S GOOOOOO!

Tip: Set a date for decisions to be made as a group so everyone knows that’s when the next steps are going to happen.

Once you’re committed to traveling with friends.

You’re all in! It’s time to start planning what’s going to be an unforgettable time traveling with your friends—assuming you follow the rest of these tips.

traveling with friends

4. Appoint a Leader

In most cases, this happens naturally. It could potentially fall on the person who ties the group together. Or maybe it’s the one friend who knows what she’s doing 18 weeks from now—she just loves planning and being a travel agent.

She can schedule the pre-trip chats, book the hotel, provide information, and give reminders. Have the planner start a group text or email chain which is a great way to keep a record of your plans.

5. Schedule a Group Chat

This is one of the best things you can do! Trip plans and details are easily sorted out when you meet in person. Avoid only communicating through text where you can’t gauge emotions and feelings. Make it fun and grab happy hour after work one night (in-person or on Zoom) to discuss the next steps.

Tip: If you can’t meet up before the trip, use the first breakfast as a time to align.

traveling with friends ideas

6. Determine Transportatio n as a Group

Planes, trains, and automobiles. Determine the times of day first. Are you aiming to leave Thursday night and return Sunday afternoon? Great, now the group knows what to look out for instead of scanning every available flight, as well as the information needed to take off work and other activities. It’s also helpful if you are coming from different cities in order to align the arrival times as closely as possible. (And don’t forget rental cars!)

Tip: if you purchase on one credit card, you are much more likely to sit together without paying any extra fees – even if you don’t choose the seats yourself.

If you are taking a road trip, make sure to lock down who is driving and what vehicle you are taking. Schedule a time/place to meet and don’t forget to tell the notoriously late friend a solid 30 minutes earlier. In addition, be mindful of how many bags can fit with the number of bodies going! Notoriously late friend’s suitcase has to fit too!

traveling with friends tips

7. Determine Where You are Going to Stay as a Group

AirBnbs are great options when traveling with friends and are typically budget-friendly. A hotel room allows for great perks like pools with swim-up bars. Figure out the following:

  • Max budget; Most websites will have a filter to only show what is in your price range. Four people, $75 per day = filter at $300/night (likely a little below due to taxes/fees). Don’t even look at what’s not in everyone’s range.
  • Location; The heart of downtown for the experience and walking accessibility? A nearby suburb to save money? Near one particular attraction?
  • Special Accommodations; Free breakfast, outdoor pool, etc. Note: this may cost more upfront, but think about a day at the pool—very inexpensive compared to other activities, so it may be worth it. (I take that back if you opted for the swim-up bar.)
  • The key to finding the perfect place to stay is determining all of the above and then filtering. It’s much easier to pick and choose between 3 than it is to sort through the 100s that come up in your initial search of the city.

traveling with friends

8. Choose One Priority Each

As you’re discussing how to get there and where to stay, listen to everyone’s feedback. It’s likely going to give you answers as to what everyone wants to do. Make a mental note or write down any restaurants, shops, museums, and activities people mention.

Talk about the list of things along with any other ideas and have each person name one experience they want to make sure you do. You want to make sure everyone has input. Plus, it allows people to try new things and get out of their comfort zone!

traveling road trip with friends

While Traveling with Friends

9. make splitting expenses easy:.

When traveling with close friends, credit cards are going to be flying around left and right. Paying the bill at dinner, purchasing tickets for the group, hopping in Ubers after the unnecessary round of shots. To make it as easy as possible, here are my tips:

  • Don’t “figure it out later:” when someone pays, make sure you determine who owes what and at least have a running note on your phone. You are going to forget if you go through 4 days of expenses.
  • Venmo App ; the easiest and best way to pay others back—if you don’t have it, it’s time to get with the times!
  • Community Fund ; have everyone in the group throw in $50 or so that can be used throughout the trip on Ubers, a round of drinks, or any other smaller purchases that requires everyone to pitch in. That way, you’re not constantly sending $5 back and forth.
  • Don’t count pennies ; we all have that friend Becky who calculates the bill and says “Okay, everyone owes me $22.47.” Don’t be, Becky. Pennies all come full circle in the end.

marx fusion bistro stillwater minnesota

10. Break Off Into Smaller Groups

Is your group not agreeing on an activity? Not. A. Big. Deal. Don’t let this turn into tension or a fight—you don’t need to be together the entire trip. Split off into smaller groups, or head somewhere alone if you’d like.

Tip: make sure to set a time to meet up again.

Whether it’s the end of the day or even the next morning. This helps set expectations and no one is left out or feels bad. Continue using the group text for communication and everyone can enjoy their own great adventures!

11. Find Personal Time

Traveling with a group of friends forces you to be around people at all times. If you are any bit of an introvert, you will likely need to make space for some alone time.

Spend an hour at a coffee shop in the morning or head to the hotel lobby. Maybe it’s before bed as you scroll your phone and watch the day’s best YouTube videos. The chance to unwind and be alone, outside of the shower, is crucial and the best way to remain a good travel companion.

traveling road trip with friends

12. Do NOT Gossip About Each Other

If she talks about her boyfriend one more time I am going to freak out. Stop. Do not talk crap about your travel buddies; it’s the best way to end things in disaster. This will cause a divide for the rest of the trip and it’s likely not worth it at all. Have FUN with each other; that’s why you are together and you want to spend as much time HAPPY as possible.

13. Always Carry a Few Snacks

For when your friend starts whining about something dumb. They need a Snickers. (Nuts, apples, and beef jerky are healthier, easy to carry, no mess options as well.) Ha, seriously, this is one of those small ideas that end up being one of the most important things.

traveling road trip with friends

Final Tips for Traveling with Friends

14. communication is key..

Make sure everyone is on the same page with travel plans as often as possible. And don’t be afraid to speak up. Did your friends do something they weren’t thrilled to take part in? Say thank you. Travel companion annoying you? Tell them, nicely, to cut the shit. Just kidding, but do nicely say something. If you’re traveling with them and they are true friends, you should feel comfortable being honest.

Most group travel frustrations are due to a lack of communication and expectations.

15. and remember….

Traveling with friends can be an amazing experience and bring you closer than ever before. You will share good times and memories you remember forever, learn more about them, and experience new places. Make planning, listening, and communicating a priority, and you are going to have an incredible time.

Enjoy your next adventure with your closest friends!

traveling road trip with friends

My Best Group Trip Recommendations? Sedona , Las Vegas , and Austin !

Do You Have More Tips for Traveling with Friends?

Let me know in the comments how you can have the best time with a travel buddy or five!

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Trips with friends, best places to travel with friends on the weekend and in the world

30 Best Trips with Friends! FUN Weekend and International Places to Go

Best trips with friends on the weekend and in the world

But before you decide on a destination, be sure to keep the personalities and preferences of your friends top of mind. Some friends are awesome to lay on a beach with, but not so great for trekking through the jungle or road tripping through Europe.

My top tip: Embrace the personalities and preferences of who you’re traveling with, and let it guide your destination.

After getting trip ideas below, check out my travel planning guide to help you make it epic.

Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links to excellent travel-related products. If you use the links below to make a purchase, we’ll receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

15 FUN Places to go with friends on the weekend

I highly recommend OFTEN taking fun trips with friends near where you live. Short and sweet trips are a great way to “test the waters” of traveling with friends without putting too much stress on a relationship. Especially if your travel styles are quite different.

Here are awesome places to go with friends on the weekend, including ideas across the US and Canada.

traveling road trip with friends

1. HOUSEBOATING near you

My very first BIG trip with friends was a houseboating weekend in beautiful British Columbia. It was perfect! 

We soaked in the hot tub and slid down the waterslide when we got too hot. Ate way too much ice cream. Met some cuties. And we even crashed. Yup, we did. There’s nothing like a little drama to pull you together! (Make sure you get insurance, ‘cause those boats are harder to steer than they look!)

Find the nearest pretty lake country near you, book a car and make it happen. It’s like camping but with a waterslide.

2. Fun LOS ANGELES weekend getaway for girls

Crossroads sign of Via Rodeo and Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles

A girls trip to LA is pretty classic. Strut your stuff like Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive. Hit up the star-prone restaurants. And time it with the Oscars to experience the red carpet. It’s possibly THE most epic place to travel with friends on the weekend.

Or, if you’re not into the Hollywood mayhem, stay on beautiful Santa Monica Beach. Cycle The Strand bike path along the waterfront. Ride the ferris wheel on the pier. And people-watch while enjoying incredible beachfront restaurants.

Where to stay with friends in Los Angeles:

  • Casa Del Mar resort and spa (Santa Monica): Right on Santa Monica Beach, with an outdoor pool, restaurants and live music on Sundays. Every room has a hydrotherapy spa tub and floor-to-ceiling windows, some with an ocean view.
  • Beverly Wilshire (Beverly Hills): As close as you can get to Rodeo Drive, overlooking Rodeo Drive and the Via Rodeo fountain and steps. An epic place for a trip with friends to explore Rodeo Drive’s boutique shops and cafes.
  • SIXTY Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills): Five blocks from Rodeo Drive along Wilshire Blvd, with a pretty rooftop pool and bar.

Casa Del Mar LA, best trips with friends on the weekend

3. FLORIDA KEYS road trips with friends

Drinks in Florida Keys, places to stop on drive to Key West from Miami Florida

A road trip from Miami to the tip of the Florida Keys is the perfect mix of beach and culture. It’s only about 3.5 hours, with plenty of time to stop along the way.

If you’re not from Miami, spend a day exploring its museums, Bayside Marketplace at the waterfront, or cultural neighborhoods like Little Havana.

Then, rent a car and head out to Key West. Along the way, stop to play with dolphins, feel the sand between your toes, and eat and drink with a view. Want more adventure? Where better to go skydiving with the girls than in Key West?!

Find all you need to plan your Florida Keys road trip with friends .


4. NEW ORLEANS weekend getaway with friends

traveling road trip with friends

Visiting the plantations in Louisiana would certainly make for a memorable travel experience with friends in the USA. Stay in a former plantation mansion, the elegant Nottoway Plantation that dates back to the 1850s. It’s the south’s largest antebellum mansion, located right on the Mississippi River. It features antiques and fireplaces in the rooms. Plus, an outdoor pool, hot tub, onsite dining and self-guided tours.

Plantations to visit near New Orleans, Louisiana:

  • Oak Alley Plantation : Known for the stunning Oak-lined path entrance to this sugarcane plantation. Features tours of the “big house” (with a pretty wrap-around upper balcony), slave cabins, expansive garden and exhibits.
  • Whitney Plantation : Famous for its ground-breaking slavery museum, with restored buildings and educational guided tours.
  • Destrehan Plantation : Established in 1787, this sugar plantation was the site of one of the three trials following the 1811 Slave Revolt. Features interpretive tours, exhibits and pretty grounds.

5. Fun trips with friends to NEW YORK CITY

traveling road trip with friends

New York City can be anything you and your friends want it to be. 

Times Square and Fifth Avenue are perfect for high-end shopping, flashing lights and nightlife. Its museums, Broadway theater and The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts are epic for the culturalists. Foodies will love exploring Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. And for those who love relaxation, Central Park, Staten Island and Brooklyn waterfront promise amazing views. I’d argue that NYC is one of the BEST places to travel with friends.

On my trip with friends to NYC, we stayed in a boutique hotel in the Upper West Side . Within a block, we had a small pastry shop, grocery store and plenty of cute cafes. We could easily walk to Central Park and Riverside Park (perfect for a You’ve Got Mail walking tour). And since we were surrounded by residential streets, I got to meet so many dogs out for their walk! Plus, easy subway access to everything else.

Find your perfect place to stay in Manhattan , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Queens and the Bronx (a 3-part series).

6. SEATTLE jazz weekend trips with friends

traveling road trip with friends

I love Seattle, Washington. Its Pike Place Market and waterfront restaurants. Plenty of jazz clubs. And lots of excellent shopping and coffee shops, too. Seattle has beautiful waterfront parks, artsy museums, Space Needle views, and boat tours to stay busy. Time it with a concert, too!

When I visited Seattle with one of my best friends, we LOVED the comfortable beds and pillows at the Staypineapple Maxwell Hotel . You simply cannot get a better sleep! It’s colorful vibe is super fun, too, and it has an indoor pool and bikes you can use. Price includes wifi.

Now, as much as I love the Staypineapple beds, you can’t get a better location than The Edgewater . It’s right at Pier 67, with fabulous views of Elliot Bay and the Olympic Mountains. Elegant rooms have fireplaces, cozy furnishings and spa bathroom. The property features an onsite restaurant, gift shop and coffee bar. Price includes wifi and downtown shuttle.

The Edgewater hotel in Seattle USA, weekend getaway trips with mom in USA

7. Fun LAS VEGAS weekend trips with friends

I’ll admit that Las Vegas is pretty low on my list of places to visit, but I understand the appeal – especially with friends. Awesome shows. Epic shopping. Sights you just won’t see anywhere else.

If you want to embrace the chaos, Las Vegas Strip is the place to stay. If you want to come up to breathe, consider a place like Tahiti Village Resort & Spa near the airport and outlet mall.

You’ll also find some incredible house rentals on VRBO , both near The Strip or near the mountains.


8. Epic CANYON road trips with friends

traveling road trip with friends

A great add-on to a friends Vegas trip, especially for the outdoorsy adventurers at heart, is a 2-day canyon road trip . Hike the amazing canyons of Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon North Rim and Antelope slot canyon.

You have some incredible options for places to stay, too. Under Canvas near Lake Powell has lovely tents with a cozy wood-burning stove and private balcony with canyon views. Or book the luxury Amangiri spa resort, tucked right into the rocks. It has an onsite restaurant, bar, concierge, sauna and spa. And the rooms look AMAZING.

Under Canvas near Lake Powell Utah, luxury glamping experience retirement gift for woman friend

9. AMUSEMENT PARK hopping trips with friends

Are you guys dare-devils? How fun would it be to go amusement park hopping together?!

Top on my list are Coney Island in New York City and Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. In Canada, Montreal’s Six Flags is lots of fun.

To visit a bunch on one trip, take a road trip through California or Pennsylvania. Yup, Pennsylvania! Check out this USA Today article for 17 awesome parks.

10. BEACH resort weekend getaway with friends

Ponte Vedra Inn, Hotels for romantic getaways to Florida USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, Ponte Vedra Inn

You can have an amazing beach resort getaway with friends even without leaving the continental USA. One of my favorite spots is about half an hour from downtown Jacksonville, Florida, at the lovely Ponte Vedra Beach seaside community. It’s also known as San Pablo Island, and is a great mixture of relaxing beaches and bustling Jacksonville nearby.

A wonderful place for a beach weekend getaway with friends is Ponte Vedra Inn and Club . Its beach and gardens are beautiful, with warm and comfortable rooms. Enjoy four heated pools, bikes, seven restaurants and lounges, and plenty of onsite shops and boutiques. Despite all of its amenities, it feels like a charming boutique inn.

Our equivalent for relaxation in Canada is Prince Edward Island. It’s super low-key and perfect for friends who just want to chill.

Dalvay by the Sea Hotel is classic and luxurious, located on the north shore. It’s inside a national park and has an onsite restaurant, bar, tennis courts and bike rentals. Or stay in one of many lovely historic inns in Charlottetown. I highly recommend the charming Fairholm National Historic Inn .

11. Fun ARTSY places to go with friends

Hotels for romantic getaways Near NYC USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, East Hampton Art House Bed Breakfast

Here are two very different types of artsy places to go with friends.

First, East Hampton Art Bed and Breakfast on Long Island. This sprawling property is perfect for art lovers and those looking for a refreshing getaway. Relax in the outdoor pool and jacuzzi while admiring the meditation garden, waterfalls, and lotus pond.

And second, head to Memphis to meet the king! If your friends are big music buffs, you’ll enjoy exploring the Memphis Rock ‘n Soul Museum, Gibson Guitar Factory, and Orpheum Theatre. And of course, the iconic Beale Street’s shops and restaurants. 

Stay at the Peabody Memphis with an onsite dining room, spa, indoor pool and luxurious bathrobes. And don’t miss Peabody’s “March of the ducks” tradition!

12. LAKEFRONT retreat weekend trips with friends

Inns of Aurora New York, places to travel with friends in USA

Head to Upstate New York for a weekend trip with friends at the lake. 

Inns of Aurora is a community of five lakefront properties. They’re beautiful and cozy, with wine tastings, yoga and painting classes. Plus, a private beach, lakeside firepits, paddling and bikes. Organic, fair-trade coffee and fresh scones in the morning. Farm-to-table restaurant during the day. Book a room with a fireplace and lake views.

13. Fun weekend trips with friends in TEXAS

Commodore Perry Estate, romantic getaways Texas Hill Country, Austin Texas hotels, Texas resorts

There are plenty of beautiful resorts in Texas perfect for weekend trips with friends. One of my favorites is the JL Bar Ranch Resort and Spa in lovely Texas Hill Country. This estate is grand, with a full-service spa, outdoor pool and two restaurants. Plus, pretty gardens to explore, complete with a fountain. Rooms offer warm decor, with gorgeous dark wood accents, furnished patios, bathrobes and slippers. Price includes wifi.

Another favorite is Commodore Perry Estate in Austin Texas. Its manicured gardens are gorgeous, as is the massive library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases and plush couches. You’ll also spend plenty of time in its elegant tea room, pool, terrace and restaurant. Book a room with a terrace for pretty views. Price includes wifi and shuttle service.

14. WINE AND SPA getaways with friends

Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley California, best places to travel with friends in USA

Do you girls love sipping wine and relaxing with beautiful views? One of the best places to travel with friends in the USA is Napa Valley, California. Napa Valley is about 1.5 hours northeast of the San Francisco International Airport. You’ll find more than 375 wineries, more than 150 restaurants, and beautiful weather year-round. Napa Valley is nestled among two mountain ranges, with incredible views wherever you look.

For weekend getaways with friends at Canadian wineries, choose from gorgeous views in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, and Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. All three locations have excellent wines, spas and views.

Where to stay for a wine and spa getaway with the girls:

  • Auberge du Soleil Resort (Rutherford, California): This gorgeous resort is the ultimate friends weekend getaway, surrounded by a 33-acre olive grove. Relax in cabanas at the pool. Indulge at the spa and fine dining restaurant.
  • Therapy Vineyards (Okanagan, BC): Suites overlook the vineyard and Okanagan Lake, with oversized windows, fireplace, patio and oversized tub. The property also has an outdoor fireplace and hot tub, and serves breakfast.
  • Prince of Wales (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario): This elegant Victorian-style luxury hotel is the perfect base for exploring nearby wineries. Features an onsite spa and indoor pool. Enjoy traditional English tea at the onsite restaurant and local wines in the cozy lounge.


15. CRAFTING retreat with the girls

There’s something about a crafting getaway that screams “treat”! How often do you dedicate time to create together?

You can find accommodations that offer things like cooking classes or join a retreat that focuses on a particular craft, like painting. For me and my friends, we’d just bring our favorite crafting supplies to a cozy cabin retreat with a hot tub and views.

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List Template ebook

15 BEST Places to travel with friends in Europe and the world

Taking international trips with friends is a sure way to create lasting memories and bonds. But the stress of international travel will put pressure on your friendship. Make sure you choose a destination that complements your relationship and how you enjoy spending time together.

In Europe, my favorite place to look for accommodations is Plum Guide . You’ll find the coolest house rentals ever, all verified and not all ridiculously expensive.

Here are awesome places to travel with friends in the world, including Europe.

Hunters Moon home rental in England, Unique Christmas getaways for couples Europe

16. European CASTLE getaway with friends

Take your international trip with friends around Europe chasing castles! The biggest challenge will be narrowing your castle adventure to a geographical area, like England or France.

Pick the most iconic castle or area you most want to see and plan the rest of your friends vacation from there. Here are three ideas:

  • Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany): The most classic fairytale-like castle nestled in the Bavarian Alps. Take in its stunning architecture, lush surroundings, and panoramic views. Other (relatively) nearby castles to visit include the medieval and mountaintop Hohenwerfen Fortress in Austria and 
  • Château de Chambord (France): A Renaissance masterpiece with elegant French architecture and vast gardens. It’ll enchant you with its grand halls and intricate details. Other notable French castles to visit include the lovely Château de Chenonceau built atop an old mill and the opulent Palace of Versailles.
  • Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland): A remarkably enchanting castle among many in Scotland, with its charming bridge and moss-covered walls near the entrance to the Isle of Skye. My other favorite castles are on the opposite side of Scotland: the grand Sterling Castle and romantic cliffside Dunnottar Castle.

17. International trips with friends to AUSTRIA

Panoramic views of Melk from Melk Abbey's terrace

Austria is a captivating blend of stunning landscapes, rich history, and cultural experiences. Start your trip with friends in Vienna , the capital city. It’s a hub of art, music and architecture, with magnificent palaces, cathedrals and museums. Pick accommodations near City Center so you can walk to St. Stephen’s Cathedral for evening drinks.

Then, travel through the Danube’s Wachau Valley before heading south to Salzburg. Wachau Valley is a beautiful area of vineyards and cute villages along the river valley. I also highly recommend a stop at Stift Melk Abbey .

Roam the streets and hills surrounding the lovely city of Salzburg , the birthplace of Mozart and setting for the Sound of Music. It’s a charming old town with cobblestone streets, lovely gardens, and the iconic Hohensalzburg Fortress looming above.

traveling road trip with friends

18. ENGLAND road trips with friends

Take a road trip with friends through the English countryside. There are SO many romantic castles, parks and gardens. Quaint villages in the Cotswolds. Rugged rolling hills in the Lake District. And haunting mysteries of Rosslyn Chapel. Experience England’s beauty on a drive from London to Edinburgh .

If you’d prefer a relaxing group tour rather than driving yourself, check out excellent tours of England from Trafalgar . Include a tour of Scotland and Ireland, too.

Find amazing places to stay on .

Home rentals in Europe, best international trips with friends

19. EUROPEAN CRUISE vacation with friends 

A European cruise vacation with friends would be AMAZING. You have all the benefits of world-class service, entertainment and food. Plus the gorgeous cities, islands and rugged coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Elegant spires off the Baltic Sea. Incredible history and the Cliffs of Dover off the North Sea. And then the more intimate cruise experience of exploring the Rhine or Danube.

Choosing your perfect European cruise option will be the toughest part. River cruises are quite unique, and an incredible way to experience Europe together.


20. Road trips through ITALY with friends

I’ve been to Italy only once and long to go back. There is SO much to see in Italy and it would be absolutely amazing to experience it with my best girl friends. Given the variety of sights to see, I recommend either getting a train pass for the time you’re there or renting a car.

On a road trip through Italy, start and stop in the vibrant city of Rome. Rome is a must-visit for historical landmarks like the Colosseum, Vatican City, and the Trevi Fountain. Stroll its charmings streets while indulging in pastas and gelato.

Then head up to Venice, a unique floating city built on canals. On your return to Rome, stop in Florence to see the famous Statue of David and beautiful churches. Then calm things down with a few days exploring the stunning Cinque Terre coastline and Tuscany wineries.

If you have more time, continue south of Rome to explore the historic ruins of Pompeii. It’s just south of Naples, another gorgeous coastal city. Sorrento and the Amalfi coast promise more spectacular views and memories for an epic trip with friends.

Find amazing home rentals on and hotels on .

Grande Amore home rental in Tuscany Italy, romantic Christmas getaways for couples

21. Explore ICELAND on a trip with friends

Iceland is a magical land of fire and ice, with waterfalls, the Blue Lagoon and ice caves. It’s an amazing trip with friends who love exploring nature’s wonders … and don’t mind a remote experience. There are no Starbucks in Iceland! But you will find other delicious coffee.

Visit the famous Golden Circle, which includes the breathtaking Gullfoss waterfall, the Geysir geothermal area, and the Þingvellir National Park. Take in the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and nearby Diamond Beach. Hike through the mesmerizing landscapes of Landmannalaugar or the volcanic region of Mývatn. Discover rugged fjords and black sand beaches, and then soak in the soothing Blue Lagoon geothermal spa.

If you want to explore Iceland’s famous ice caves or chase the Northern Lights, you must come in winter. Plan your friend’s trip between mid-November and mid-March.

traveling road trip with friends

22. Fun CARIBBEAN CRUISE trips with friends

A cruise is as easy as they come for trips with friends. Choose a destination, timing, and go!

A super easy cruise vacation for friends would be the Bahamas or Caribbean. Hop from beautiful island to beautiful island, all while enjoying luxury amenities, entertainment, and dining onboard.

A cruise is also a fantastic solution to taking trips with friends who have different interests. So long as you can agree on a cruise destination, you can go your separate ways in the afternoon and come back together at dinner.

Explore cruises on .

23. INDIA adventure places to travel with friends

India is rich in cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and unforgettable experiences for friends traveling together. Explore the bustling streets of Delhi and vibrant markets of Jaipur. Visit the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra. And take a spiritual journey in Varanasi.

But to see the best of India on your trip with friends, you need to leave the popular northern cities. Travel south to the popular Kovalam Beach and witness the breathtaking landscapes of Kerala’s backwaters.

Find incredible treehouses for your next best adventure with friends! Check out these treehouses on , including in India, Chile, Costa Rica and more.

Treehouse in India, best international trips with friends

24. International trips with friends to THAILAND

Are you and your friends intrigued by Asian culture and finding the perfect secluded beach (like in The Beach movie)? Then I’m guessing Thailand is on your radar for international places to visit with friends. 

My main tip for visiting Thailand is to get out of Bangkok as quickly as possible. It’s busy, smoggy and not especially friendly. Instead, head north to Chiang Mai to experience the floating markets . Climb an ancient temple and brush up against an elephant. Then indulge at a beach resort at Phuket or the Phi Phi islands . Bask on white sand beach, surrounded by gorgeous limestone peaks and perfect turquoise waters.

Interested in a guided group tour? I highly recommend Intrepid small group tours for an incredibly rich, “local” experience. They have tours into Northern and Southern Thailand, including food and beach tours!

You may also like 5 Charities in SE Asia Tourists Should Visit .

25. Epic CAMBODIA trips with friends

Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, best international trips, bucket list destinations

Ancient temples, jungle and Tomb Raider. And an incredibly resilient people that carry an awful history of genocide. Cambodia is a place that will touch your soul and guarantees a friends trip you’ll never forget.

You’ll want to visit both the capital of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, home to the famous temples. In Phnom Penh, visit markets, temples and gardens. But hold onto your food, because those monkeys are gutsy! And my opinion is that tourists should pay their respects at the genocide sites . How else can we begin to appreciate what their people have been through?

In Siem Reap, explore the gorgeous temple ruins of Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple and Ta Prohm. A local guide can also take you to lesser-known temples you can climb with a jungle view all to yourself. Be sure to have a drink at The Red Piano and ask for a Tomb Raider drink. Cheers!

When I was in Siem Reap, my sister challenged me to do more than visit, so I will challenge you. Read about my experience of donating blood in Cambodia . (Yes, it was safe.)

26. JAPANESE MONASTERY places to travel with friends

Mount Koya Japanese monastery, best international trips with friends

I’ve only had a taste of visiting Japan on a layover in Tokyo on our way to Vietnam, but they completely charmed me with their hospitality! Japan is now on my bucket list, and specifically the zen experience of staying in Japanese monasteries.

Two iconic Japanese monastery communities to visit on a trip with friends include Kōya-san (Mount Kōya) and Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion). Mount Kōya is in a mountainous region about 7 hours southwest of Tokyo. It’s home to over a hundred temples including the famous Kongōbu-ji. Stay in shukubo (temple lodgings) with traditional Japanese-style rooms, vegetarian meals, and the opportunity to participate in morning meditations.

Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) is right in Kyoto. It’s known for its stunning golden exterior, and creates a breathtaking view as it reflects off the surrounding pond. Explore its exquisite gardens and the historic tea house inside the complex.

traveling road trip with friends

27. Fun AUSTRALIA beach road trips with friends

Australia is known for powdery white-sand beaches. So, rent a car and go beach-hopping on a road trip with friends!

Fly into Sydney and start your trip with friends at the iconic Bondi Beach . It’s known for its vibrant atmosphere, excellent surf and coastal walks. Take in the lively beach culture as you sample the many beachside cafes.

Then, head south for about 3 hours to Hyams Beach in Jervis Bay. It holds a Guinness World Record for having the whitest sand. Swim and snorkel at these beautiful clear waters and enjoy the laid-back coastal vibe.

Along the way, stop at the coastal Royal National Park and inland Heathcote National Park . They offer rugged hiking and other adventures that balance nicely with beach-bumming!

28. International trips with friends to BRAZIL

Iguazu Falls Argentina Brazil, best trips with mom, places to go for mother daughter trips of a lifetime

Have you heard of Iguazu Falls? Iguazu Falls is the world’s LARGEST waterfall, made up of a massive 270 separate falls! Check it out for yourself in the best virtual tours of waterfalls around the world . Iguazu Falls is right on the Brazil and Argentina border. 

Along with Iguazu Falls, experience Brazil’s beaches, rainforest and Rio de Janeiro. Make the epic climb up to Christ the Redeemer for epic views.

If you’re interested in a guided tour, check out Trafalgar’s tours in South America . This would be an easy way to explore the best sights on a trip with friends.


29. COSTA RICA best places to travel with friends

Costa Rica resort, romantic beach Christmas vacation ideas for couples, best international trips

I SO want to experience the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica. And stay in treehouse resorts. It sounds incredible.

Costa Rica is a tropical paradise known for its incredible biodiversity and natural wonders. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve offers breathtaking views, misty forests, and the chance to see rare wildlife. The nearby Arenal Volcano National Park provides thrilling hikes and hot springs for relaxing afterwards. 

For a beach experience, head to Manuel Antonio National Park. Manuel Antonio National Park is renowned for stunning beaches and lots of wildlife, perfect for relaxing and snorkeling. It’s on the Pacific Ocean and accessible by road.

With its lush rainforests, stunning coastlines, and eco-friendly practices, Costa Rica offers a memorable and sustainable travel experience for friends.

30. Fun MEXICO beach trips with friends

There’s a reason why North Americans flock to beautiful Mexico! Mexico has some of the world’s finest beaches, best preserved Mayan ruins and fascinating, colorful cultures. But with all the options, where should you travel with friends? I suggest two. 

First, Cancun is an obvious choice. It’s a world-class destination with something for everyone. Exquisite beaches, first-class hotels, a more authentic downtown area, Mayan ruins and fantastic weather year-round. For an incredible trip with Mom to Cancun, stay at the adults-only all-inclusive Le Blanc Spa Resort . 

A second, quieter choice is Playa Maroma. About 30 miles from Riviera Maya, Playa Maroma has arguably the best beaches in the world. Plus rainforests and snorkeling right off the beach. A beautiful all-inclusive resort to check out is Catalonia Playa Maroma .

Enjoy at Le Blanc Spa Resort Fish Spa, Massage, DeepTissue and more.

You may also like:

  • How to travel with friends: Trip planning
  • How to find better accommodations
  • Trips with Mom and Trips with Dad

Featured photo: Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash.

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41 road trip essentials: what you need on your next road trip.

Add these items to your road trip packing list to help you travel more comfortably.

Road Trip Essentials

Road trip

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A road trip is a great way to see the country. Consider stocking up on these accessories before you go.

If you're planning a road trip, you're going to have a lot of work to do before you pack the car and head out of town. You'll need to map out a general itinerary, plan your overnight stops and create a list of must-see sights along the way. And don't forget about all the stuff you need to pack to ensure your family is safe, comfortable and entertained.

While you don't necessarily need a lot of things to make a road trip a success, U.S. News searched far and wide to find the best gadgets and gear that will make your time in the car the highlight of your trip. These are all items you'll want to consider adding to your road trip packing list.

As you pack your bags and get ready for an epic road trip, here are a few last-minute road trip essentials you might want to add to your arsenal, organized by category.

Personal care and hygiene

Entertainment, comfort and convenience.

The booster cables and discharged battery, cold winter day

Keeping a reliable flashlight stored in your car is a good rule of thumb for all drivers heading out on a road trip. In roadside emergencies, the Anker Rechargeable Bolder LC90 LED Flashlight can illuminate a distance of nearly 1,000 feet with a battery life of up to six hours. Its durable design makes it ideal for use in inclement weather, and its five settings include an SOS signal and a strobe light. Meanwhile, the Black Diamond Spot 400 Headlamp – which features a 400-lumen beam and red LED night vision – is ideal for when you find yourself changing a tire in the middle of the night. Both products earn rave reviews from consumers for their powerful light.

Portable power bank

Goal Zero's Sherpa 100AC power bank is a portable power bank you can use to recharge tablets, phones, cameras and laptops on the go. It features two USB ports, plus four cables are included and it's lightweight at just 2 pounds. Recent customers loved the power bank's versatility, but recommend charging it every two to three days for the best results.

Jumper cables

Jumper cables from AUTOGEN can easily fit in your trunk and could save the day if your battery dies and you're unable to start your car while out on the road. Many travelers also say you can't go wrong with these heavy-duty cables from Energizer. These 25-foot-long cables are perfect for any car type and come with a travel bag for easy storage – they're a must for any road trip packing list.

Portable tire inflator

A portable tire inflator can be a lifesaver if you find your tires have a slow leak during your trip. The AstroAl Air Compressor Tire Inflator is compact, so it won't take up much space among the other gear in your trunk, and it includes an LED flashlight with independent switch control. It is programmed to stop automatically once it hits the preset tire pressure and it comes with a 36-month warranty. Other travelers prefer the ViAir 88P - 00088 Portable Compressor Kit , noting it works well with a wide variety of vehicles. In addition to a 12-foot air hose and 9-foot power cord, the kit comes with alligator clamps that power your air compressor by attaching to your car's battery.

Jump starter

Picture this: You're having the time of your life on your road trip when your car battery dies in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, a high-quality jump starter is all you need to avoid this disastrous scenario. In addition to being water-resistant and compact, the NOCO Boost Plus GB40 comes with a built-in flashlight and a USB port for charging devices like smartphones and tablets. The Hulkman Alpha 85 2000A Jump Starter also comes highly recommended by travelers thanks to its easy-to-use design and powerful battery life (a single charge can hold up to 60 jump starts).

Waking up in the morning to an icy windshield isn't a pretty sight. Prestone AS244 Windshield De-Icer instantly melts ice upon contact, so you don't have to worry about waiting for your car to defrost when you're in a rush. As an added bonus, the can comes with a built-in scraper tool for easy ice removal. Recent customers have called this product a lifesaver during harsh winters.

Bringing a trusty multi-tool on your road trip is a simple way to make sure you're prepared no matter what situation you run into. Leatherman products impress consumers time and time again thanks to the company's high-quality and lightweight multi-tool designs. Customer-favorites include the Leatherman Bond and the Leatherman Wave+ , which offers 18 powerful tools like pliers and wire cutters.

Car charger

Frequent car travelers recommend always staying connected with the TECKNET USB Car Charger . Featuring four fast-charging ports, this adaptor can be used to charge smartphones, tablets and more. If you're hitting the road with the whole family in tow, or you simply want to charge more than one device at a time, travelers say this powerful charging adaptor is a must-buy. Pair it with an extra-long charging cable that can easily reach everyone in the back seat.

Dashboard phone mount

Keep your eyes on the road by installing a dashboard phone mount before your journey starts. The iOttie Easy One Touch 5 comes with a telescopic arm, a magnetic cord organizer and a strong-hold suction cup. Plus, its easy one-touch lock-and-release mechanism (a feature that is much appreciated among recent customers) makes taking your phone on and off the holder a breeze. If you don't like the rigidity of traditional dashboard phone mounts, consider choosing a phone mount with a flexible arm instead.

Document holder

Whenever you're hitting the open road, you want to prepare for the worst. In the event that you get into a car accident or are pulled over by the police, having easy access to your car's registration, insurance information and owner's manual is crucial. Recent travelers say that this Samsill car registration holder is great for keeping all your important documents organized.

Roadside emergency kit

To give yourself peace of mind while you're on the road, travelers recommend this STDY car roadside emergency kit from Amazon. Equipped with a tire pressure gauge, a utility knife, safety gloves, cable ties, a tow rope, tire repair tools, a raincoat and more, this compact kit has everything you need when life throws you an unexpected curve ball.

Group of mixed ethnic teens packing up a car ready to go on a road trip together. The camera is placed in the boot of the car. They are at holy island in the North East of England.

Extra-large body wipes

Extra-large body wipes from Busy Co make it easy to wash up when you can't take a shower. Cloths are suitable for dry, oily and combination skin types, and address a variety of skincare needs, including clarifying, toning, soothing and nourishing. Recent customers appreciated the large size of the wipes and said using them made them feel refreshed while traveling.

Lysol wipes

Disinfecting Lysol wipes are a must-have on your travel packing list. These cleaning wipes kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, so you can feel protected while on the road.

Disposable toilet seat covers

Disposable toilet seat covers from Amazon will help you avoid germs and stay clean when you stop for restroom breaks at gas stations, port-a-potties and campgrounds.

First-aid kit

A comprehensive first-aid kit can't be overlooked when packing up the car for your next road trip. Recent customers say this 298-piece kit from Amazon will get you the most bang for your buck, with bandages, antibiotic ointment, gauze, Band-Aids, pain reliever and much more. Although this will arm you with the basics of what you may need in a medical emergency, it's always a good idea to personalize your kit according to your needs.

Nausea Relief

Long hours in the car might sound daunting to anyone prone to motion sickness. In those cases, having preventative nausea medicine like Dramamine can be a lifesaver. If you prefer a drug-free alternative, Sea-Bands are anti-nausea wristbands that use acupuncture as a natural remedy to reduce motion sickness. Travelers say these bands are highly effective at reducing nausea.

Hand sanitizer

From gas pumps to ATMs, you never know what germs you may encounter on a road trip. Protect yourself against viruses like the cold and flu by adding a travel-size hand sanitizer to your road trip packing list and keeping it in the car during your trip.

If you'll be spending long hours in the car, it's important to remember to wear sunscreen. Sun Bum's SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray is broad spectrum, moisturizing and water-resistant for up to 80 minutes. And if you'll be heading for the ocean on your trip, make sure you pack a reef-safe sunscreen like this one from Reef Repair to protect marine life and coral reefs from harmful chemicals. Although some customers reported a white cast upon application (due to the zinc oxide), many reviewers thought the trade-off was worth it to maintain healthy ocean environments.

Toiletry bag

This chic Sonia Kashuk Weekender Makeup Bag features two zipper compartments, a center organizer and carrying handles that make it perfect for transport. Customers particularly love that the bag is compact without sacrificing storage space. For durable, leak-proof travel bottles, check out this Getaway Travel Kit from . It comes with four pearlescent bottles, two jars, a spatula, a funnel and a zippered pouch for storage. Plus, it includes a fun set of sticker labels so you can organize your toiletries in style.

[Read:  The Top Travel Toiletry Bags .]

Young women singing and having fun on road trip with convertible car.

Sitting in the car for hours can be painfully boring at times, but there are plenty of ways you can enjoy your time while road tripping. With the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite , you have access to thousands of books at your fingertips. The device boasts up to 10 weeks of battery life, adjustable warm light and a glare-free display, which recent reviewers said made marathon reading sessions a breeze. Meanwhile, kids can enjoy the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Kids , which offers a special font for children with dyslexia and comes with a two-year warranty.

Carefully curated Spotify playlist

Whether you prefer jamming out to tunes or listening to thought-provoking podcasts, having a Spotify playlist ready to go before you get on the road is a must. Take some time before your trip to curate a playlist or two so you can keep your eyes on the road and your hands off your phone while road tripping.

Audible subscription

Long drives call for catching up on all those books you've been saying you were going to read this year. With an Audible subscription, you can make the most out of traffic jams by enjoying some words by your favorite authors.

Vehicle fully packed for a hiking and camping trip. Dog bowl included.  Fishing rod and rifle included.

Choose a reliable duffel bag like the Eagle Creek Migrate Duffel for your next road trip. This bag is water-resistant, strength-bearing and perfect for when you need your luggage to fit in a small space. It also comes with lockable zippers and can be worn as a backpack or carried as a tote, a top feature according to recent reviewers. And if you're planning on hiking during your trip, travelers say the Daylite Duffel 30 from Osprey can fit everything you need with room to spare. This bag can be worn comfortably all day long and comes with a mesh water bottle pocket and functional harness straps.

[Read: The Top Rolling Duffel Bags .]

This YETI Hopper Soft Sided Backpack Cooler makes it easy to bring drinks anywhere without worrying about leaks. The cooler, which comes with a dryhide shell and a magnetic closure, can hold up to 18 cans (or 26 pounds of ice), and comes highly recommended by travelers thanks to its durable design. It's ideal for road trippers who plan to get out and explore, and need to stay hydrated or keep food fresh.

Rooftop Cargo Carrier

Save some space inside your vehicle by opting for a car roof cargo carrier. With an anti-slip mat and reinforced adjustable straps, the waterproof FIVKLEMNZ 15 Cubic Car Roof Bag Cargo Carrier from Amazon is suitable for any car type. Recent customers say that they had no problem getting it to stay in place even on high-speed roads.

Car organizer

A car seatback organizer lets you arrange road trip essentials on the back of the driver's or passenger's side seat, where they're within reach of small hands. Many buyers said this seatback organizer from took some of the stress out of traveling with kids, thanks to its multipurpose storage compartments, including a place for a tablet and plenty of other spots to store key items for your trip. You can also maximize your space by stashing your essentials in a trunk organizer. This one from Drive Auto comes with multiple storage compartments, waterproof lining and tie-down straps to keep items in place while you're driving.

Car trash can

There's no doubt about it – road trips can generate a lot of trash. Keep your car clean on your next adventure with this Hotor car trash can from Amazon. Complete with an adjustable strap, mesh side panels for storage and a leak-proof interior lining, this useful accessory comes highly recommended by travelers who find themselves frequently on the road.

Reusable bags

Whether you're stopping for snacks at a gas station or running into the grocery store for those last-minute essentials, a reusable bag is an easy way to reduce your plastic consumption. Recent reviewers said these versatile and water-resistant reusable bags can even be used as laundry bags, garbage bags or beach bags in a pinch.

A young elementary-age girl takes a nap in the back seat of the car on a long road trip. She is snuggled up with a blanket and a stuffed animal giraffe. Her brother is in a booster seat next to her watching a game on a tablet.

Electric car blankets

Electric car blankets allow you to stay warm on the road no matter the temperature outside. This Stalwart electric car blanket takes up very little space, is surprisingly lightweight and plugs into any vehicle with a 96-inch-long cord. While some travelers noted that this blanket alone won't be enough to keep you warm in extremely cold weather, many say it was a welcome addition nonetheless.

SleepPhones soft headband headphones let you enjoy the open road while listening to music, audiobooks, meditation, white noise or talk radio. These headphones are expertly padded, which reviewers say makes them more comfortable for long-term wear than earbuds. You can buy the classic version or a wireless version at

Travel pillow

Pick up an ergonomic travel pillow from Cabeau if you need extra neck and shoulder support when you ride in the passenger seat. The pillow features supportive memory foam, a front clasp to ensure it stays put and a removable cover that you can wash. Recent customers also loved that the pillow comes with straps that can be attached to any headrest, making sure you don't fall forward while catching some shut-eye. For kids, this Cloudz plush animal neck pillow comes in a variety of colorful animal options, such as a unicorn, a ladybug, a dinosaur and more.

[Read:  The Top Travel Neck Pillows .]

A battery-operated mini fan from SkyGenius can help you stay cool and comfortable. This fan comes with a rechargeable and replaceable battery, and is ideal for the car and for camping. For even more cooling capacity, opt for a fan with dual heads like the XOOL Electric Car Fan from Amazon. Both mini fans earn glowing reviews from travelers thanks to their powerful airflow capabilities.

Shield your eyes from the sun by picking up a good pair of sunglasses before your trip. Choose sunglasses that protect against the sun's UVA and UVB rays, and are polarized to block glare. Travelers love that these Ray-Ban Aviator Classic sunglasses come in a variety of tints and can even be customized to fit your needs. For a more budget-friendly option, check out these SUNGAIT Ultra Lightweight Rectangular Polarized Sunglasses from Amazon, which recent customers say are very comfortable and perfect for road tripping.

Window shade

The sun beating down on your car all day can heat it up quickly. To keep your car cool, travelers recommend the EcoNour Car Windshield Sun Shade , which protects your vehicle from UV rays and helps maintain your car's interior temperature at a comfortable level. Pair it with these car window shades to protect your backseat drivers from UVA and UVB rays while you're on the road. The shades come in two different sizes and transparency levels, and previous buyers say they are very easy to install.

Travel towel

A travel towel is one of the most versatile accessories you can bring on a road trip. Whether you are cleaning up a spill or want to go for an impromptu beach day, having a spare towel on hand is always a good idea. This odor-resistant and quick-drying 4Monster travel towel from Amazon comes in several sizes and includes a compact EVA box, which recent reviewers say makes it perfect for travel.

Reusable water bottles

Skip the plastic bottles and opt for a high-quality reusable water bottle on your next trip. This 40-ounce bottle from Hydro Flask keeps drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for a full day. It also comes with a lid with a built-in straw, which consumers say makes it convenient for driving. For kids, a durable water bottle like this 12-ounce YETI rambler fits the bill – its stainless steel bottle is dishwasher safe and shatter-resistant, a feature that parents love.

Smiling girl enjoy reading book while sitting in car safety seat.

Cubcoats are two-in-one stuffed animals that transform into hoodies. Your child's furry friend (think bunnies, sloths and puppies) doubles as a soft, zip-up sweatshirt, and you get to save some space in your suitcase.

Inflatable car booster seat

If you're flying to another destination to pick up a rental car for your road trip, consider bringing inflatable car booster seats along. This BubbleBum backless inflatable booster is suitable for kids 4 to 11, and comes with a seat belt positioning clip for optimal comfort and safety. Recent buyers said it was portable and extremely easy to use.

Kids travel journal

A kids travel journal makes it easy for your child to document their road trip and all the fun things they see and do. This one from Peter Pauper Press includes world maps, puzzles, fun facts and more, and many parents said it made their kids' time in the car fly by.

Activity books

A family road trip means long hours in the car, and bored children are every parent's worst nightmare. Activity books can keep your kids occupied for long periods of time while you catch up on some much-needed quiet time.

Backseat travel tray for kids

If your co-pilot is constantly turning around to pick up toys or pass out snacks, a backseat travel tray is in order. The LUSSO Gear Kids Travel Tray comes with a safety strap that can be secured to any car seat, and includes a dry erase board table, a cup holder, a storage compartment for toys and a no-drop tablet viewing stand. Reviewers loved the tray's whiteboard area and said it was a great way to keep kids entertained on long car rides.

Detail of hand filling the fuel tank of the passenger car

Shop in bulk

Check out for specially curated bulk items that are perfect for road trips and other types of travel. From sunscreen, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to Fruit Roll-Ups and snack-size packs of Pringles, is a convenient site to order bulk hygiene and snack items in one place.

Bring spare cash

Debit cards, credit cards and mobile phone payments may be the way of the world nowadays, but you may still run into a few places on your journey that are cash-only (for example, some national and state park entrance fees must be paid in cash). Be on the safe side by keeping some spare cash on hand in case of emergencies.

Save on gas

It's no secret that sky-high gas prices can put a damper on your vacation. Save some money on fuel by using apps like GasBuddy , which will show you the cheapest gas prices in your area. Go the extra mile by signing up for a gas rewards credit card to get the most bang for your buck.

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Tags: Travel , Vacations , cars , Road Trips , Travel Gear

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The 25 best road trips in the usa.

Best Road Trips USA

 If you’re looking for the best road trips in the USA, look no further! These great road trips will have you driving for the rest of your life.

This post was written in partnership and paid for by Hum by Verizon . All opinions are my own.

Best Road Trips USA

There’s probably nothing more American than packing up your car and hitting the open road with family or friends, some good snacks, and great tunes… and for good reason. With more than 3.7 million square miles to discover and 4,071,000 miles of road , the United States has so many hidden gems accessible by car.

Although I’ve got about 194 countries on my bucket list right now, I’m grateful to live in the great US of A and think it’s one of the most amazing countries to explore from the road. There are so many fun road trips that you can take all over the country!

Here's a Short Cut

The Best USA Road Trip Safety Tips

Get ready for the best road trips in the usa, 1. pacific coast highway, 2. park loop acadia national park, 3. washington-oregon coast, 4. great river road, 5. big island loop road, 6. musical road usa trip, 7. northern national parks road trip, 8. southwest national parks road trip, 9. hana highway road trip, 10. new york city to finger lakes, 11. williamsburg, va to charlottesville, va to washington d.c., 12. miami to the overseas highway to key west, fl: 160 miles from miami, 13. the grand canyon to las vegas, 14. black hills of south dakota, 15. maine lobster trail, 16. blue ridge parkway, 17. grand teton national park to glacier national park, 18. outer banks scenic byway, 19. olympic peninsula, 20. route 66, 21. alaska highway, 22. ultimate florida road trip, 23. the great american road trip – cross country on the i-90, 24. anchorage to seward, 25. canada to mexico.

If you’re planning to take a road trip this year, I’ve compiled the best American road trip routes in the country.  These are 25 of the best road trips in the USA that everyone should take in their lifetime. We’ve been lucky enough to drive almost every inch of this country and there is some beautiful land to see out there.

Before you leave on any road trip, be sure your car is road trip ready.  If you’re traveling the US by car, it’s important to know how to prepare.

Prepare Your Car for the Best Road Trips in the USA

Before heading out on your USA road trip, be sure your car has been serviced, and everything is working properly. When you road trip around the US, anything could go wrong! It’s best to be prepared.

Use Hum by Verizon  to Prepare for Road Trip Vacations I’ve talked about my love of Hum by Verizon before, but it’s because I love my HumX and think anyone taking a road trip should have one!

Hum by Verizon is campaigning to make the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day the “100 Safer Days of Summer.” During these 100 Days, you can find helpful tips for safer driving on their Facebook page.

According to a study from Hum by Verizon and Wakefield Research that surveyed 1,000 U.S. adult drivers ages 20 and older, 80% of participants think that drivers are more likely to speed during the summer months. The survey also found that 61% of millennial drivers struggle to focus while driving during the summer, and one in five drivers have received at least one speeding ticket within the past five years.

Hum by Verizon wants to change that, by helping us practice important road safety with “100 Safer Days of Summer.”

With so many great summer road trip destinations around the country, and so many more Americans traveling these days, safety has never been more important! The best summer trips are safe summer trips!

Best Road Trips USA

We use HumX in our car. HumX is a little device that is easily installed in your car and takes the guesswork out of driving by using connected car technology. It allows you to have quick access to emergency services and loved ones while on a road trip, or any time on the road.

If you have an accident or emergency, HumX can send assistance to help you get back on the road.

Hum X car also runs diagnostics on your vehicle to make sure that things are running smoothly so you can take these cool road trips worry-free.

I love that HumX helps you keep track of general maintenance like oil changes and tire rotation, and you can set up alerts to remind you when it’s time for service.

Best Road Trips USA

All the Hum by Verizon services can be accessed on your smartphone from the Hum App which you can find in the App Store or Google Play . HumX also comes with a Bluetooth speaker that clips to your visor. This will give you access to roadside assistance with the touch of a button and can also be used as a speaker for your phone and be connected to your contacts.

I’m also really excited to have this service when my kids start driving, which is only in 3 more years (HELP)! It provides a safety score, boundary alerts, and records speed, so you can monitor your teen’s driving.

You can also track your fuel and mileage using HumX, which is great if you’re taking road trips that are for work and need to track mileage for expenses or tax purposes.

To prepare for your American road trip of choice, be sure to follow these tips that I’ve shared in How to Plan a Road Trip . If you don’t know what to do on a road trip, these tips will help you prepare and also help you have the best time! Learn a lot and have fun along the way while you road trip USA style!

Best Road Trips USA

25 Best Road Trips in the USA

● Begin: San Francisco, California ● End: San Diego, California ● Distance: 655 miles ● Drive Time: 12 Hours

California is one of the best places to road trip in the USA! Its size and diversity provide so many options and the Pacific Coast Highway is just one. This iconic highway along the California coast covers 655 miles of awe-inspiring views of the Pacific Ocean, stretching from San Francisco to San Diego. See classic sites like the Golden Gate Bridge and Bixby Creek Bridge along the way. The Pacific Coast Highway is one of the best summer road trips in the world!

Read more about our detailed West Coast Road Trip.

● Begin: Hulls Cove Visitor Center, Acadia National Park, Maine ● End: Hulls Cove Visitor Center, Acadia National Park, Maine ● Distance: 27 miles ● Drive Time: 2 hours This is one of the best east coast road trips I’ve ever taken. This is a quick road trip but packed full of stunning views as you drive along the Park Loop in Acadia National Park. Forests, mountains, and rocky shores greet you on your drive along with plenty of wildlife. Be sure to spend some time in beautiful Bar Harbor, Maine , the town where you can base your Acadia trip from. All good road trips include some amazing scenery, and this one is no exception!

If you’re looking for a great guide to the park, check out this Acadia National Park Guide.

● Start: San Juan Islands ● End: Brookings, Oregon ● Distance: 600 miles ● Drive Time: 15 hours

The Pacific Northwest is one of the best places to go on a road trip due to its geographical diversity and stunning scenery. One of the most dramatic coastlines in the world, the Pacific Northwest offers rocky beaches, turbulent waters, thick forests, and great food. Begin in the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington and continue down to the southern tip of Oregon for one of the best road trips in the USA.

● Starting point: Minnesota ● Ending point: Louisiana ● Distance: 3,000 miles ● Drive Time: 20 hours Follow along the mighty Mississippi River from its beginning in Minnesota, all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana. This route is called the Great River Road and it cuts 3,000 miles down the center of our great nation, passing through 10 states, where you’ll see St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and everything in between. This United States road trip is one of my all-time favorites as it explores some lesser-known destinations in the “fly over” states!

● Starting point: Kailua-Kona, Hawaii ● Ending point: Mauna Kea, Hawaii ● Distance: 300 miles ● Drive Time: 7 hours The Island Loop Road of the Big Island of Hawaii offers scenic views of beaches, mountains, lava fields, active volcanos, black sand beaches, and heated swimming pools. This may be the most diversity in landscape you’ll ever see in one day.

● Begin: Nashville, Tennessee ● End: New Orleans, Louisiana ● Distance: 600 miles ● Drive Time: 9 hours If you’re a music fan, then Route 61 (also known as the Blues Highway) will be a perfect road trip for you, giving you the chance to hear live music, visit Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley, and see famous recording studios. Finish in New Orleans, where you’ll hear live jazz on the streets nightly!

If you want to continue on farther, you can do this amazing gulf coast road trip !

● Begin: Jackson, Wyoming ● End: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming ● Distance: 70 miles ● Drive Time: 1.5 hours National Parks make for the best road trip destinations. Explore both Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park with this road trip full of stunning mountainous scenery! It’s the perfect summer road trip.

● Begin: Grand Canyon National Park (North Rim), Arizona ● End: Moab, Utah (one of the most amazing things to do in Utah !) ● Distance: 600 miles ● Drive Time: 11 hours This nature-packed road trip will allow you to see five stunning Utah national parks including the Grand Canyon, Zions’, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, and Arches. This is a great Utah road trip itinerary if you’re interested in exploring even more of this beautiful state.

Check out this Utah Road Trip Itinerary

● Begin: Kahului, Hawaii ● End: Hana, Hawaii ● Distance: 52 miles ● Drive Time: 2.5 hours This is possibly the most popular road trip in all of the Hawaiian Islands. The 60-mile Road to Hana takes you along the eastern coast of Maui where you will be sandwiched by beautiful ocean views and jungles filled with waterfalls. The Hana highway will wind you around approximately 600 curves, crossing 59 bridges, but the ride is worth it!

● Begin: New York, New York ● End: Corning, New York ● Distance: 250 miles ● Drive Time: 4.5 hours I love this New York road trip! After enjoying the busy city life, escape into the Fingerlakes region of upper state New York. Enjoy culture, scenery, great food and wineries along the way. New York City with kids is so much fun, but it’s great to mix it with a more relaxing and nature-filled vacation.

  • Begin: Williamsburg, Virginia
  • End: Washington, D.C
  • Distance: 240 miles
  • Drive Time: 4.5 hours

Brush up on your colonial history and visit the homes of some of our founding fathers while reliving the past. Begin your journey in southern Virginia where you can visit Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown Settlement, where you’ll witness historical reenactments and join in on living history.

Next, head to Charlottesville and visit the homes of former presidents Thomas Jefferson (Monticello) and James Monroe (Highland). Head to Mount Vernon, just outside Washington DC to visit George Washington’s home (Mount Vernon) and finish off your trip in our nation’s capital. The distance from Williamsburg VA to Washington DC isn’t much, but the history that can be found on the side of the road is amazing!

You can also do this trip in reverse. It’s one of the best road trips from DC I’ve ever taken.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Miami, Florida End: Key West, Florida Distance: 170 miles Drive Time: 3.5 hours Take the 150-mile drive on Route 1, also known as the Overseas Highway, from Miami to the Florida Keys, crossing 42 bridges. These sandy islands are full of history, sun, and relaxation. This southern USA Florida road trip is sure to be one of the most sun-filled, fun-filled drives ever!

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Grand Canyon National Park End: Las Vegas, Nevada Distance: 250 miles Drive Time: 4.5 hours Start out with nature, and end in Sin City. This desert drive will take you through the majestic Grand Canyon, with a stop in St. George, Utah and end with some fun in Las Vegas.

Check out this awesome Utah road trip.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Deadwood, South Dakota End: Hot Springs, South Dakota Distance: 100 miles Drive Time: 2.5 hours The Black Hills of South Dakota offer more than just Mount Rushmore. Drive along the Badlands Scenic Byway, making stops at Custer State Park, Wind Cave National Park and the infamous Wall Drug. National parks are some of the places to stop on a road trip. Stunning sunsets and sunrises in the Badlands will take your breath away. Keep an eye out for bison on the road. Check out this South Dakota road trip planner for more information.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Milbridge, Maine End: Eastport, Maine Distance: 125 miles Drive Time: 6 hours Explore the southeastern corner of Maine, also known as “Downeast Maine” as you drive along the Lobster Trail on Coastal Route 1. This colorful and delicious journey will take you through beautiful coastlines and forests while providing tasty and adventurous stops where you can find lobster and all kinds of local seafood. Try your hand at some local activities like clam digging or goat milking. There are so many more incredible east coast road trips .

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Shenandoah National Park End: Asheville, North Carolina Distance: 469 miles Drive Time: 6 hours The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the most popular road trips in the US. Connecting Shenandoah National Park in Virginia to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina, this 469-mile stretch of scenic road is the most visited road controlled by the U.S. National Parks system. Stops along the way include Skyline Drive (particularly beautiful in the fall), Luray Caverns, Natural Bridge, and Asheville.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming End: Glacier National Park, Montana Distance: 500 miles Drive Time: 9 hours Explore two national parks in one road trip by driving from Grand Teton National Park to Glacier National Park . The drive along the way will provide some of the most diverse landscapes in the U.S.

Begin: Carova, North Carolina End: Ocracoke, North Carolina Distance: 138 miles Drive Time: 5 hours North Carolina’s Route 12, otherwise known as the Outer Banks Scenic Byway spans 21 coastal villages and 138 miles of paved road and 25 ferry-traveling miles along the coast of North Carolina. Dotted with lighthouses, museums, houses and hotels, the Outer Banks is a great beach road trip.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Seattle, Washington End: Seattle, Washington Distance: 300 miles Drive Time: 10 hours Explore Washington’s Olympic Peninsula on this scenic road trip which takes you through the Olympic National Park and Forest and the lush Hoh Rainforest. There are great spots along the way for hiking, camping, and wildlife spotting.

Best Road Trips USA

Begin: Santa Monica Pier, California End: Chicago, Illinois Distance: 2,500 miles Drive Time: Several days Follow in the path of your grandparents by taking a quintessential cross-country road trip along one of the original highways in the U.S., Route 66. This road is not traveled very often now that the Interstate Highway system is established, but you can still visit many old towns that once thrived in the middle of the last century along The Mother Road. Route 66 crosses 8 states and dozens of historic sites along the way. It’s the ultimate US road trip, but with so many good road trip places around the country, this classic can be overlooked for bigger cities and National Parks. Don’t skip Route 66!

Begin: Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada End: Anchorage, Alaska Distance: 2,500 miles Drive Time: 27 hours Stretching nearly 1,500 miles between Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada and ending in Anchorage, Alaska, the historic Alaska Highway (also known as the ALCAN) is not for the faint of heart. Though most of the road is paved, many sections are constantly under construction and parts of the road are only gravel.

It’s a road that should only be attempted in the best of weather, usually during the summer months, but the views and wildlife along the way are worth the adventure. An Alaska highway road trip should be well planned out in advance, with stops and accommodations mapped out at least six months in advance!  But it is worth the planning. Alaska is one of the most amazing places to take a road trip! Learn more about planning a trip to Alaska.

Begin: St. Augustine, Florida End: Destin, Florida Distance: 1,400 miles Drive Time: 24 hours See the majority of Florida by circling the entire state, starting in St. Augustine(America’s oldest town) then bring out your inner-child in Orlando, eat your way through Miami, and relax on the beach in Clearwater, then explore the panhandle in Destin. This route is long, but the stops and scenery are breathtaking. Learn more about the best things to do in Destin, Florida .

Best Road Trips USA

Begin : Boston, Massachusetts End : Seattle, Washington Distance : 3,000 miles Drive Time: 45 hours This is the best cross country road trip! We’ve done this road trip across America many times out of necessity. It’s more exciting to do it when it’s just for fun. The I-90 spans 3,000 miles across the entire country from Boston to Seattle or vice versa, running along the northern part of the U.S. This route makes some incredible stops like Niagara Falls, Chicago, Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, and Yellowstone. This is one of the best American road trips you will ever take! A US cross country road trip can seem a little daunting. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time and map out your stops ahead of time, breaking up the long drive.

Begin: Anchorage, Alaska End: Seward, Alaska Distance: 125 miles Drive Time: 2.5 hours This quick 125-mile drive along the Seward Highway takes you from Anchorage to Seward. While small, this strikingly beautiful route offers incredible stops like seeing the Bore Tide at the Turnagain Arm, glacier hiking, berry picking, fishing, rafting, kayaking and more. Once in Seward you can finish off your trip with a fishing excursion or a wildlife cruise in the Kenai Fjords National Park where you’ll sail among whales, puffins, seals and more.

Begin: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada End: Tijuana, Mexico Distance: 2,300 miles Drive Time: 24 hours Hit three countries in one epic road trip by starting in British Columbia, Canada and using this itinerary all the way down to the border of U.S. and Mexico into Tijuana.

Whatever road trip you choose this summer, be sure to prepare your car for an epic road trip and install a HumX in your vehicle to take the worry out of your journey and to get you on the road!

src=”” alt=”These are the best road trips in the USA. These 25 road trips are some of the most famous and unique trips you’ll ever take. #Vacation #Roadtrip #USA” width=”1000″ height=”1628″ data-pin-description=”These are the best road trips in the USA. These 25 road trips are some of the most famous and unique trips you’ll ever take. #Vacation #Roadtrip #USA”>

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Wanderlust Crew

6 thoughts on “ the 25 best road trips in the usa ”.

' src=

thanks for all the info and pictures! would love to do some of these one day I’ve done a lot of road trips in Europe but none in the US yet! route 66 and the grand canyon is definitely on the bucket list!

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America certainly has some awesome road trips! I’ve done a lot in Europe, but would definitely love to do more!!

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I love that some of these road trip destinations are kid friendly. The kids and us could really use some time off from the house after all that’s happening. But we ‘d like to go once things get better. or rather, safer.

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Cross country trips and most of the iconic rides like Route 66 are the best! Gotta love having the countries (and even the continents) so close to us that we can travel by land all we want.

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30 Best Quotes about Traveling with Friends

Home | Travel | 30 Best Quotes about Traveling with Friends

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These quotes about traveling with friends will inspire you to round up all your favorite travel buddies and plan your next big adventure together. After all, friends make great company when you’re traveling, since they’re supportive, fun, and hopefully up for anything.

This collection of friendship adventure quotes has it all, from short travel quotes with friends and friends road trip quotes to funny friends trip quotes and inspirational quotes about traveling and friends . You’ll be amazed and inspired by all of the incredible things people have said about friendship and travel.

  • Short travel quotes with friends
  • Funny sayings about travel with friends
  • Road trip with friends quotes
  • Inspirational friendship and travel quotes

Don’t forget to save your favorite friends and travel quotes to share with your best buds. You can read them while you’re sitting around the campfire, when you’re on the road together, or to help pass the time on a trail. If you want even more inspiration, be sure to check out our list of the top 100 quotes about travel .

Short Travel Quotes with Friends

These short friends on vacation quotes are perfect for sharing with your pals before you start out on your next adventure.

1. “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.

This quote about traveling with friends points out that a great trip is not just about the friends you bring with you. It’s also about the friends that you make along the way – hopefully, lots!

2. “Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter

As this quote about adventures with friends suggests, traveling with friends makes the journey fly by. You’ll be having so much fun that you’ll arrive at your destination before you know it!

3. “Friends that travel together, stay together.” – Unknown

Friends that travel together, stay together

I love this journey with friends quote because it’s so true that travel is a great way to bond. You go through so much together in a short time, which creates memories that will last a lifetime.

4. “There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.” – Kristen Sarah

There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with

Traveling with a friend means you’ll share unforgettable experiences that will hopefully bring you closer together.

5. “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends.” – Unknown

Life was meant for great adventures and close friends

If you’ve got a bad case of wanderlust and love to travel with friends, then this friendship journey quote is for you!

6. “Good friends follow you anywhere.” – A.A. Milne

Good friends follow you anywhere

This adventure quote with friends shows that the best friendships involve lots of support, loyalty, and spending time together. Hopefully, you’ve found friends who want to travel the world with you!

7. “As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination.” – Unknown

As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination

As anyone who’s traveled with not-so-great company will know, this quote about friends traveling together is spot-on. Having your best friends by your side as you explore is sure to enhance any travel experience.

8. “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.” – African Proverb

If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together

This lovely quote about trips with friends goes to show that mutual support can take you far, both physically and emotionally.

9. “There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.” – Anonymous

There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go

If you’re on the fence about traveling with your best friend, this travel with best friend quote is your sign to start planning your trip together!

10. “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” – A.A. Milne

As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen

As this friendship and travel quote suggests, sometimes you just know when someone’s going to make a great travel companion. Have you met your adventure buddy yet?

Funny Sayings about Travel with Friends

These funny travel with friends quotes capture the fun, hilarious side of going on an adventure with your closest buddies.

11. “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.” – Thelma & Louise

Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas

Thelma & Louise is an iconic movie about friendship and a road trip, so this quote about road trips with friends is the perfect choice if you need a good caption for a photo from your big adventure.

12. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them

Hopefully, you’ll already know whether you like traveling with your friends before you go on a trip together. However, as this witty quote about trips with friends shows, you may just find out while you’re traveling.

13. “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!” – Unknown

You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring

As this friends holiday quote suggests, it’s always a good idea to bring a friend along on your travels. After all, they’ll be great to have in just about any situation!

14. “We are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang!” – Anonymous

We are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang

If you and your friends travel together frequently, you’ll probably relate to this quote about best friends traveling together .

Road Trip with Friends Quotes

These friends road trip quotes will help you get excited about heading out on the open road together.

15. “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” – A Goofy Movie

Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road

As this road trip with friends quote shows, friends make the ideal company for a long trip full of driving.

16. “Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies – fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A.” – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies – fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A

There’s nothing quite like going on a road trip with your best friends. This quote about a road trip with friends sums up the fun of going on a long journey filled with snacks and good songs on the radio.

17. “Everyone needs a friend that will call and say, ‘Get dressed, we are going on an adventure.” – Unknown

Everyone needs a friend that will call and say, ‘Get dressed, we are going on an adventure

This outing with friends quote captures the excitement of going on a spontaneous friends’ trip. Not all big adventures need to be planned !

Inspirational Friendship and Travel Quotes

These inspirational quotes about friends traveling together will put you in the right mood to plan an epic friends’ vacation.

18. “A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” – Unknown

A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you

As this friends adventure quote points out, some friends will want to go with you on your travels, while others will just be happy to hear your stories. Both are great types of friends to have!

19. “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend

This beautiful quote about travel with friends works for travel and also as a metaphor for life. Friendships really do make our lives (and trips!) better.

20. “The fastest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger.” – Unknown

The fastest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger

This friendship and travel quote makes an interesting point since travel is a great way to bond with people. Still, you’re probably better off traveling with people you already know!

21. “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone

While some people love solo travel, others find it hard to be alone in strange places. If you’re someone who needs a friend to travel with you, don’t worry – you’re not alone!

22. “Travel has a way of removing the gaps in your friendship timeline.” – Christina Pfeiffer

Travel has a way of removing the gaps in your friendship timeline

As this travel and friendship quote suggests, going on a trip together can be a wonderful way to catch up with an old friend.

23. “The more I travelled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

The more I travelled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends

I love this quote for travel with friends because the idea that the world is full of potential friends is a beautiful one. Time to get out there and start meeting your new best buds!

24. “When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than finding your friend whom you trust and can show the way.” – Toba Beta

When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than finding your friend whom you trust and can show the way

This traveling with friends quote expresses the joy and comfort that come from having a familiar friend with you in an unfamiliar place. Friends can provide that feeling of home, even when you’re far away.

25. “Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to.” – Unknown

Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to

This best friend travel quote is a celebration of close friendship. I hope you’ve found a friend who makes you feel that free!

26. “Let’s wander, and decorate our memories with wild love, epic adventures, and soul talk with badass people. Help me collect stories people won’t believe, and memories that will keep us warm when we’re old.” – Brooke Hampton

Let’s wander, and decorate our memories with wild love, epic adventures, and soul talk with badass people. Help me collect stories people won’t believe, and memories that will keep us warm when we’re old

As this memorable trip with friends quote reminds us, a trip with your friends will give you lots of amazing memories that you can relive again and again.

27. “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends

This beautiful quote about friendship and travel is a wonderful approach to viewing the world. Thinking about strangers as potential friends makes travel exciting and a way of becoming closer to others.

28. “Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.” – Chris Bradford

Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world

As this friends travel together quote points out, friendships are one of the most beautiful, powerful parts of our lives. Traveling with friends means carrying a bit of home with us everywhere.

29. “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.” – Anonymous

It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey

This friends travel together quote expresses the power of friendship to transform our lives for the better.

30. “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” – Maya Angelou

A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face

This travel and friends quote reminds us to see the people we encounter around the world as people like us, who we have more in common with than we might think.

I hope these quotes about adventures with friends spark your imagination and inspire you to travel the world with your best friends! Don’t forget to share your favorite quotes with your travel buddies or use them as captions for traveling with friends .

Happy traveling!

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70 Traveling With Friends Quotes to Remember the Good Times

One of the most epic things to do in life is to travel with your friends and make  crazy  incredible memories! Explore the unknown, try new food, and make mistakes that you will remember for the rest of your life . To accompany the legendary trip with friends , here are some of the best traveling with friends quotes that are perfect for captioning that photo or video! Don’t forget to check out some  travel tips with friends  to ensure your trip goes smoothly! Want more quotes for your travels? Check out our other posts!

  • Best Captions for Sunsets
  • Inspirational  Solo Travel Quotes
  • Powerful  Quotes about Waterfalls
  • Sweet  Family Travel Quotes

Our Favorite Traveling With Friends Quotes

Best Trip With Friends Quotes

These are our personal favorite quotes about traveling with friends. Whether it is to capture the difficulties when it comes to traveling with friends or the precious memories made, you will find a quotation here that works! 

  • “There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.”
  • “A good friend listens to your adventures. Your best friend makes them with you.”
  • “It doesn’t matter where you’re going, it’s who you have beside you.”
  • “Life is meant for good friends and great adventures.”
  • “I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.”
  • “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.”
  • “Good friends are like stars, you can’t always see them but you know they’re there.”
  • “In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.” – Charles M. Schulz
  • “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.”

Short Traveling Quotes With Friends

Friendship Quotes Travel

Short traveling quotes with friends are perfect for those Instagram posts that you want to keep short and sweet. Nowadays, not a lot of people are willing to read through long captions. Use one of these and get straight to the point and engage your audience!

  • “Friends that travel together, stay together.”
  • “Ten minutes with a genuine friend is better than years spent with anyone less.” – Crystal Woods
  • “No road is long with good company.” – Turkish Proverb
  • “Every day is an adventure with you.”
  • “Together is our favorite place to be.”
  • “A journey well shared is a journey well enjoyed.”
  • “The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.”
  • “We all start as strangers.”
  • “Let’s get lost.”
  • “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde

Funny Quotes About Friends Traveling

Travelling Friendship Quotes

An awesome trip with friends will unquestionably come with plenty of hilarious moments. That is why these funny quotes about friends traveling are the ideal captions. Funny captions are perfect for social media because everyone loves a good joke!

  • “When you’re in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun’.” – Groucho Marx
  • “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain
  • “You and me, we are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang!”
  • “Good friends pee together, but best friends puke together!” – Akansh Malik
  • “When life gives you best friends, use them.” – Areej Farooq
  • “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!”
  • “As long as we don’t die, this is gonna be one hell of a story.” – John Green
  • “Every brunette needs a blonde best friend.”
  • “If your friends don’t openly laugh at you, are they really your friends?”
  • “I want to live in a world where searching for flights burns calories.”

Road Trip With Friends Quotes

Friend Travel Quotes

Nothing in this world is quite like a road trip with friends. The hours spent driving in the car, taking in the incredible views, listening to your favorite music, and talking about nonsense with your friends, that is the life we all dream of. Here are some of our road trip with friends quote to capture that moment!

  • “Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck.”
  • “As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination.”
  • “Follow your heart a little more and listen to your head a little less.” – Fabiola Francisco
  • “Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase, Tamed (2014)
  • “And just like that, we’re on our way to everywhere.” – Emery Lord, Open Road Summer (2014)
  • “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” – A Goofy Movie
  • “Adventure is out there.” – Up
  • “Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies – fully loaded we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town it’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A.” – Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Road Trippin’
  • “The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.” – Wallace Stevens
  • “Road trips aren’t measured by mile markers, but by moments.”

Profound Travel Buddy Quotes

Journey With Friends Quotes

Whether you like it or not, travel isn’t always just fun and games. Sometimes travel is profound, life-changing, and challenging, especially if you have a travel buddy. These profound travel buddy quotes are best to express those emotions!

  • “If you have two friends in your lifetime, you’re lucky. If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky.” – S.E. Hinton
  • “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.” – Kristen Sarah
  • “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.” – African Proverb
  • “There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.” – William Butler Yeats
  • “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
  • “Best friends are people hard to find, difficult to be, and impossible to live without. They are the people you get along with so easily in the journey called life.” – Khushi Parwal
  • “The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.” – Aaron Lauritsen
  • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.”
  • “Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

Inspirational Travel With Friends Quotes

Quote Travel Friends

Our inspirational travel with friends quotes are perfect to encourage you to take that trip or motivate you to continue on when it gets rough. Travel isn’t always rainbows and butterflies and these quotes will certainly help!

  • “Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… just be my friend.” – Albert Camus
  • “Friendship is not something that you seek but something that finds you.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • “What we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brault
  • “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.”
  • “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler
  • “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.” – John Evelyn
  • “You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!”
  • “As with any journey, who you travel with can be more important than your destination.”
  • “I’d love to travel the world with you by my side.”
  • “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” – Tehyi Hsieh

Simple Quotations About Traveling With Friends

Friends Adventure Quotes

Simple quotations about traveling with friends are perfect for any occasion. They get the point across without sounding too tryhard. Pair that with your adventures with friends and you have the perfect post for social media!

  • “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “A true best friend may get you into trouble, but they will always be there to pull you out of it too.” – Kaylee Stepkoski
  • “Anyone can have a friend, but the one that would walk in a storm to find you is all you will ever need.” – Shannon L. Alder
  • “When life gives up on you, know that your best friend will always be there.”
  • “Best friends are forever. That’s why they’re called BFFs.” – Lauren Conrad, Sweet Little Lies (2010)
  • “Beach girls now, beach girls tomorrow, beach girls till the end of time.” – Luanne Rice, Beach Girls (2004)
  • “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill
  • “Let the adventure begin.”
  • “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.”
  • “Friends, sun, sand, and sea, that sounds like a summer to me.”

Bonus Adventure With Friends Quotes


  • “Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to.”
  • “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou
  • “The more I traveled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine
  • “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton
  • “Life by the water is always better, especially with a few good friends in tow.”
  • “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” – Anais Nin
  • “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” 
  • “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”
  • ​​“When traveling life’s journey, it’s good to have a friend’s hand to hold on to.”

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Quotes About Traveling With Friends Pinterest

Those are the 70 best traveling with friends quotes for Instagram or any kind of social media. We hope you found the perfect quote or captions for your trip! Any questions? Leave them in the comments!

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World Traveler, Travel Blogger, Photographer


Sean is the founder of the travel blog, LivingOutLau. He has been to over 30 countries in over 5 years of travel. Every day, he is traveling and sharing his discoveries of the world through exceptional travel guides on his blog!

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Travel experts at The Vacationer released their 2024 summer travel survey results this week, giving an overview of what travelers can expect this summer season beginning on Memorial Day weekend.

The anonymous survey asked more than 1,000 American adults if and how they plan to travel this summer. Mathematics professor Eric Jones of Rowan College, South Jersey, analyzed the results.

According to the survey, nearly 82% of Americans plan to travel this summer, which could be more than 212 million adults throughout the season.

This number is down from summer 2023, with 3% fewer people intending to travel at least once this summer.

While nearly 52%, or 132 million Americans, said they would fly this summer, air travelers are down compared to last summer, when 54% intended to fly at least once.

According to The Points Guy, airline passengers could be in for another busy summer travel season in the U.S. and internationally. Experts also don’t expect fairs to drop significantly compared to last summer.

82% of Americans plan on traveling this summer.

The average domestic airfare for June will cost about $303, with round-trip routes trending lower for July and August, according to The Points Guy.

According to The Vacationer survey, the most popular method of travel is by road. Seventy-five percent of Americans intend to take at least one road trip this summer, most driving somewhere within 100 miles of their home. 

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Less than 21% will stick to a destination within 250 miles from home, and 5.8% will drive more than 1,000 miles from home. 

How much road trip travelers pay at the gas pump this summer remains to be seen. 

According to AAA, the increasing gas prices may be about to stall – at least for a little while. The national average for a gallon of gas is $3.67, about two months ahead of Memorial Day weekend, when the summer travel season begins. 

“The situation overseas with war in both the Middle East and Ukraine has the oil market on edge,” AAA Andrew Gross spokesperson said. “But this is also the time of year we may see a bit of a lull in gasoline demand between the end of spring breaks and ahead of Memorial Day. So the national average for gas may waffle a bit with small increases, some flat days, and even some price dips.”

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Love Exploring

This Is What A Road Trip Looked Like The Year You Were Born

Posted: January 30, 2024 | Last updated: January 30, 2024

Few travel experiences are more classically American than the road trip. With a sprawling transcontinental highway system linking almost every state, there’s no better way to travel the country, but the activity has changed dramatically throughout the last century. From the first cars, camper vans and RVs to today, here’s what the great American road trip looked like in every decade until the 2000s.

The open road

<p><a href="">Although the first car was invented in 1886</a>, it wasn’t until a couple of decades later that automobiles became more popular and widespread in America. This was thanks to a game-changing invention: Henry Ford’s T Model, which launched in 1908. It ran on gasoline, which made it cheaper and meant it could travel further distances than the electric vehicles that had previously been used. In this photograph from the 1910s, a family poses by their brand new T Model.</p>

1910s: a family poses by their car

Although the first car was invented in 1886 , it wasn’t until a couple of decades later that automobiles became more popular and widespread in America. This was thanks to a game-changing invention: Henry Ford’s Model T, which launched in 1908. It ran on gasoline, which made it cheaper and meant it could travel further distances than the electric vehicles that had previously been used. In this photograph from the 1910s, a family poses by their brand new Model T.

<p>You might be surprised to learn that the world’s first recreational vehicle, or RV, was invented back in 1915. The 25-foot (7.6m) long automobile was created by Roland Conklin’s Gas-Electric Motor Bus Company and dubbed the Gypsy Van. It was kitted out with a kitchen, sleeping berths, folding tables, various small appliances, a generator and lighting. It was used by the Conklin family to travel from Huntington, New York to San Francisco, California on a journey that captured the attention of national media. </p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Now discover the fascinating history of RV-ing in America</strong></a></p>

1910s: the first-ever RV

You might be surprised to learn that the world’s first recreational vehicle, or RV, was invented back in 1915. The 25-foot (7.6m) long automobile was created by Roland Conklin’s Gas-Electric Motor Bus Company and dubbed the Gypsy Van. It was kitted out with a kitchen, sleeping berths, folding tables, various small appliances, a generator and lighting. It was used by the Conklin family to travel from Huntington, New York to San Francisco, California on a journey that captured the attention of national media. 

<p>Since the first national parks were signed into law in the late 1800s, Americans began to gain a greater appreciation for the natural beauty in their backyard. Then the arrival of cars made it easier to access them – although it was still a privilege available to the wealthy few who were lucky enough to own one. Pictured here is a group of visitors on a guided “Two National Parks in Two Weeks” tour that swept through Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone National Park.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Love this? Follow us on Facebook for more travel inspiration</strong></a></p>

1910s: touring the national parks

Since the first national parks were signed into law in the late 1800s, Americans began to gain a greater appreciation for the natural beauty in their backyard. Then the arrival of cars made it easier to access them – although it was still a privilege available to the wealthy few who were lucky enough to own one. Pictured here is a group of visitors on a guided “Two National Parks in Two Weeks” tour that swept through Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone National Park.

As cars became increasingly efficient and powerful, they began to be used to haul small trailers. In 1919, a group known as the Tin Can Tourists of the World (TCT) was set up by trailer enthusiasts, who wanted to create safe and clean campgrounds for people to visit. It’s thought the name originated from the Ford T Model, or “Tin Lizzie”, which was the preferred set of wheels for many TCT members at the time. This campground in Gainesville, Florida was one of the first to be set up.

1920s: birth of Tin Can Tourism

We wouldn’t dream of cutting a hole in a giant sequoia today, but back in 1881 a tunnel big enough to drive through was carved in the towering Wawona Tree in Yosemite National Park. Intended to be a tourist attraction, the 227-foot (69m) tree certainly drew in plenty of early road trippers such as this family. Sadly, the 2,100-year-old beauty fell in 1969, partly due to the fact the tunnel had weakened its base.

1920s: an unusual attraction in Yosemite

<p>While road trips may have been a way to unwind for many, motorcyclist and car racer Erwin Baker turned these cross-country journeys up a notch – by driving as fast as he could. In fact, he even earned the name “Cannonball”, after a newspaper compared him to a Cannonball Express train during one of his famous cross-country races. Shown here in 1923, in his Oldsmobile 30A surrounded by fans, the racer had just completed a trip from New York to Los Angeles by motocycle in a record-breaking 12-and-a-half days. </p>

1920s: a legendary cross-country race

While road trips may have been a way to unwind for many, motorcyclist and car racer Erwin Baker turned these cross-country journeys up a notch – by driving as fast as he could. In fact, he even earned the name “Cannonball”, after a newspaper compared him to a Cannonball Express train during one of his famous cross-country races. Shown here in 1923, in his Oldsmobile 30A surrounded by fans, the racer had just completed a trip from New York to Los Angeles by motorcycle in a record-breaking 12-and-a-half days. 

The Great Depression shook the automobile industry, and sales declined throughout this decade. However, those who could afford to still enjoyed the freedom of the open road, traveling to the coast, the mountains and beyond. Here, road trippers consult a map while passing through the state of Georgia.

1930s: road trippers check their directions

When people began to make longer journeys by car, it became apparent they’d need somewhere to keep their belongings and equipment. Enter the trunk. Early examples were fairly rudimentary, involving a trunk or suitcase attached to the back of the car – hence the name – but from around the 1930s, built-in storage became common in many cars. In this photograph, a couple loads the trunk with luggage for a trip.

1930s: boots allow people to pack luggage

The year 1936 saw the invention of the iconic Airstream Clipper, another mode of transport that would shape the image of the American road trip in decades to come. Despite costing a minimum of $1,465 or $30,300 in today’s money, sales went through the roof and it became popular with celebrities and political figures of the day, who had theirs customized with a variety of luxury finishes.

1930s: the first Airstream arrives

<p>The striated peaks of the Badlands, South Dakota are just as striking in this rudimentary color photograph as they are today. The national park (then a national monument) was located close to US Highways 14 and 6, so when roads were built through it during the 1930s and 1940s there was a significant uptick in visitor numbers.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Next, check out these vintage photographs of world-famous destinations</strong></a></p>

1940s: car drives through Badlands National Park

The striated peaks of the Badlands, South Dakota are just as striking in this rudimentary color photograph as they are today. The national park (then a national monument) was located close to US Highways 14 and 6, so when roads were built through it during the 1930s and 1940s there was a significant uptick in visitor numbers.

Although cars had been on the market for a few decades, the Great Depression and the Second World War had halted automakers’ growth and made most people unable to buy them. But in the postwar years, cars became increasingly affordable and many families were able to own them for the first time, which opened the world of road-tripping up to a wider audience.

1940s: automobile ownership on the rise

The national parks remained popular road trip destinations throughout the decade, as you can see from this black-and-white image of a car driving through Yellowstone in 1941. Parks’ infrastructure began to improve and families’ disposable income rose dramatically, making vacations more accessible for many too.

1940s: car drives through Yellowstone National Park

<p>By the 1950s, the road trip had become an undeniable fixture of American culture. The postwar years saw a continued boom in car ownership across the country and road conditions had improved a great deal too. In 1959, an engineer at Volvo developed the three-point seatbelt (the kind we're familiar with today) which also made hitting the road a whole lot safer. Pictured here, a road-tripping couple check their map.</p>

1950s: road-tripping increases in popularity

By the 1950s, the road trip had become an undeniable fixture of American culture. The postwar years saw a continued boom in car ownership across the country and road conditions had improved a great deal too. In 1959, an engineer at Volvo developed the three-point seatbelt (the kind we're familiar with today) which also made hitting the road a whole lot safer. Pictured here, a road-tripping couple check their map.

<p>Jack Kerouac's 1957 novel <em>On The Road</em> helped cement the dream of traveling through America’s highways and byways in the collective imagination. Celebrities also helped to give road-tripping a glamorous image. Pictured here is Marilyn Monroe and her husband at the time, playwright Arthur Miller (center, with box), with their friend Milton Green (right), a photographer. Captured in New York in 1956, the trio are about to take a trip to Connecticut in a Thunderbird convertible.</p>

1950s: famous stars take to the road

Jack Kerouac's 1957 novel On The Road helped cement the dream of traveling through America’s highways and byways in the collective imagination. Celebrities also helped to give road-tripping a glamorous image. Pictured here is Marilyn Monroe and her husband at the time, playwright Arthur Miller (center, with box), with their friend Milton Green (right), a photographer. Captured in New York in 1956, the trio are about to take a trip to Connecticut in a Thunderbird convertible.

<p>Now that more Americans were taking to the road during their vacation time, they needed a place to stay. So the neon signs of motels and diners became an increasingly common sight along the country’s highways. A classic “mom-and-pop” motel would offer affordable lodgings, a place to park up for the night, and often a diner serving home-style food.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Find out which is your state's best motel</strong></a></p>

1950s: motels and diners spring up everywhere

Now that more Americans were taking to the road during their vacation time, they needed a place to stay. So the neon signs of motels and diners became an increasingly common sight along the country’s highways. A classic “mom-and-pop” motel would offer affordable lodgings, a place to park up for the night, and often a diner serving home-style food.

<p>The first all-weather road between the Midwest and the Pacific Coast, Route 66 revolutionized the road trip. It shaved some 200 miles (322km) off the journey between Chicago and Los Angeles, making it easier for people in the rural west to get to cities in the midwest and northeast. In 1960, <em>Route 66</em>, an American TV series that followed the escapades of a pair of young men traveling the route, aired on CBS. As the so-called Mother Road continued to crop up in popular culture, America's fascination with her grew.</p>

1960s: Route 66 gains notoriety

The first all-weather road between the Midwest and the Pacific Coast, Route 66 revolutionized the road trip. It shaved some 200 miles (322km) off the journey between Chicago and Los Angeles, making it easier for people in the rural west to get to cities in the midwest and northeast. In 1960, Route 66 , an American TV series that followed the escapades of a pair of young men traveling the route, aired on CBS. As the so-called Mother Road continued to crop up in popular culture, America's fascination with her grew.

In the early 1960s, Aristocrat was the premier manufacturer of RVs in the country and its lo-liner model, which could fit into a standard garage, was especially popular. Although the company was in business for less than two decades, its trailers were so well-made – using aircraft construction methods and high-quality metals – they can still sometimes be seen on the road today.

1960s: Aristocrat is the top trailer maker

Camper vans became a big thing in the 1960s, when they were increasingly associated with the hippie counterculture of the time. Popular models included Volkswagen’s Type 1 and Type 2 Transporters and Dodge & Chevy’s Dodge A100. Seen here is a van parked up by the Teton Range of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming.

1960s: camper vans make waves

Released in 1967, the Volkswagen Type 2 became a symbol of the hippie trail during the late 1960s and 1970s, since many made the journey in this van. This classic model wasn’t just reserved for bohemian types though – it was also popular with adventurers remaining on home soil. It’s pictured here on the shores of Little Duck Key in the Florida Keys.

1970s: VWs dominate the hippie trail

As motorhome and RV ownership grew, so did the need for more sites in which to park up. The successful management of public land, such as national parks and state parks, also helped to fuel camping’s popularity in this time. Seen here, a group of campers sit around by their trailer.

1970s: more campsites spring up

Trailer ownership waned in the late 1970s due to the recession and gas crisis, so much so that Airstream changed tack and released a motorhome for the first time. But its famous trailers remained in use. In this image from the decade, a couple gaze at New Mexico’s stunning mesa formations on a road trip, their Airstream attached to the back of a classic station wagon.

1970s: trailers experience a fall from grace

The iconic Route 66 was decommissioned in 1985, as newer, faster routes such as the Eisenhower Interstate had made it obsolete. Businesses along the highway, such as the Bel Air drive-in cinema in Mitchell, Illinois, suffered and many fell into disuse. However, 85% of the road remains and many road-trippers looking to revisit its nostalgic past still use it today.

1980s: motels shut their doors on Route 66

Opened in 1959, Daytona International Speedway began to host popular car and motorcycle events from the 1960s, which drew in a huge range of spectators. Pictured here are eager National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) fans – in their cars, camper vans and even rented U-Haul vans – gathered to watch the 1985 Pepsi Firecracker 400 race.

1980s: NASCAR fans gather at Daytona International Speedway

<p>After a lag in the 1970s due to the oil crisis, the RV industry boomed during the 1980s. Popular movies including National Lampoon's Vacation and The Blues Brothers, whose storylines heavily featured the motorhomes, helped to cement RVs’ place in popular culture. The iconic RV of the decade was the Fleetwood Bounder, released in 1985, which was the first of its kind to include basement storage – now a common fixture in these vehicles.</p>

1980s: RVs become more advanced

After a lag in the 1970s due to the oil crisis, the RV industry boomed during the 1980s. Popular movies including National Lampoon's Vacation and The Blues Brothers, whose storylines heavily featured the motorhomes, helped to cement RVs’ place in popular culture. The iconic RV of the decade was the Fleetwood Bounder, released in 1985, which was the first of its kind to include basement storage – now a common fixture in these vehicles.

Alaska has remained at the top of many tourists’ wish lists to this day and it’s easy to see why. In this 1990s photograph, a car travels along the scenic Seward Highway Trail on the Kenai Peninsula. We can bet they stopped a few times to take in the incredible views along the way.

1990s: tourists take in Alaskan scenery

Cute, vintage trailers such as this one came back in vogue in the 1990s and 2000s, alongside the faster and more efficient RVs and motorhomes of the day. Parked up in Shady Dell RV park in Bisbee, Arizona, the 1954 Crown trailer looks like an idyllic (and very cozy) home for two.

1990s: old-school trailers are back

<p>Made popular by the Beat Generation in the 1950s and the hippies of the 1960s, central California’s Big Sur is one of the most popular road trips in the country. Highway 1 is the iconic route which takes travelers along this rugged coastline, with the most visited stretch running between Santa Barbara and Monterey. Here, a classic 1990s compact car drives alongside the sun-splashed cliffs. </p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Now check out America's most scenic coastal drives</strong></a></p>

1990s: Big Sur maintains its magic

Made popular by the Beat Generation in the 1950s and the hippies of the 1960s, central California’s Big Sur is one of the most popular road trips in the country. Highway 1 is the iconic route which takes travelers along this rugged coastline, with the most visited stretch running between Santa Barbara and Monterey. Here, a classic 1990s compact car drives alongside the sun-splashed cliffs. 

The Winnebago Adventurer, pictured, became increasingly popular throughout the 2000s and was the top-selling motorhome by 2012, according to data from Statistical Surveys. The Class A gas-powered RV had spacious and comfortable interiors, a well-equipped kitchen and ample storage space, making it a great choice for many families.

2000s: the most popular RV

In the 2000s, drivers didn’t need to worry about packing snacks for their road trip as the era of drive-thru fast-food outlets was in full swing. In fact, you could also find drive-thru pharmacies, grocery stores, liquor stores, coffee shops and banks lining the country’s highways and byways by this point.

2000s: drive-thru in Maryland

<p>By the 2000s, the historic Route 66 had become a tourist attraction in its own right, with plenty of motels, diners and even a museum profiting off its storied past. At this section near Prewitt, New Mexico, photographed in 2003, the road runs parallel to Interstate 40. It seems a fitting visual metaphor, given the road was ultimately surpassed by the high-speed interstate highway system.</p>

2000s: remnants of Route 66

By the 2000s, the historic Route 66 had become a tourist attraction in its own right, with plenty of motels, diners and even a museum profiting off its storied past. At this section near Prewitt, New Mexico, photographed in 2003, the road runs parallel to Interstate 40. It seems a fitting visual metaphor, given the road was ultimately surpassed by the high-speed interstate highway system.

GPS technology became an integral part of many cars in the 2000s and 2010s, meaning many drivers swapped old-school maps for sat-navs. Meanwhile, Google Maps first appeared on a smartphone in 2007, providing even more navigation options – as well as raising some safety concerns, as some people started looking at their phones while driving. Pictured is a car driving through the scenic Monument Valley, Arizona using a sat-nav.

2010s: navigation gets an upgrade

Thankfully, modern technology has helped make road-tripping a little greener. In recent years, Airstream has released models of its classic trailers equipped with PV panels on their roofs, as well as add-on solar packs, allowing campers to harness the sun’s rays and provide off-grid energy. Pictured is an Airstream trailer with a solar kit in Ojo Caliente, New Mexico.

2010s: camper vans powered by solar

<p>Until very recently, long-distance travel in an electric vehicle has felt like a distant dream. But thanks to the rapid improvements in EVs themselves, which mean they can travel for longer distances, as well as the installation of new charging points across the States, electric-powered road trips look like an increasingly viable option. And heading into the 2020s, <a href="">a new cross-country network of EV charging points</a>, running from Los Angeles, California to Washington DC, is making it easier than ever to refuel. Pictured is a motorway sign for a charging point along southern California’s Pacific Coast Highway.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Next, discover the amazing experiences you can only have in the US</strong></a></p>

2010s: road tripping goes electric

Until very recently, long-distance travel in an electric vehicle has felt like a distant dream. But thanks to the rapid improvements in EVs themselves, which mean they can travel for longer distances, as well as the installation of new charging points across the States, electric-powered road trips look like an increasingly viable option. And  a new cross-country network of EV charging points , running from Los Angeles, California to Washington DC, is making it easier than ever to refuel. Pictured is a motorway sign for a charging point along southern California’s Pacific Coast Highway.

<p>The start of the 2020s saw a curveball thrown at the travel industry: the COVID-19 pandemic. Popular destinations, such as Las Vegas (pictured), had their income from tourism almost completely slashed overnight, as lockdowns took hold and flights were canceled. However, when Americans were allowed to travel within the USA again, road trips experienced a renaissance: <a href="">a survey for <em>Vacationer </em>magazine</a> estimated that 80% of Americans planned to take a road trip in 2022. Many were keen to avoid airports and flying for fear of contracting the virus, and the open road offered a safer way to satisfy the wanderlust.</p>

2020s: a pandemic causes problems

The start of the 2020s saw a curveball thrown at the travel industry: the COVID-19 pandemic. Popular destinations, such as Las Vegas (pictured), had their income from tourism almost completely slashed overnight, as lockdowns took hold and flights were canceled. However, when Americans were allowed to travel within the USA again, road trips experienced a renaissance: a survey for Vacationer magazine estimated that 80% of Americans planned to take a road trip in 2022. Many were keen to avoid airports and flying for fear of contracting the virus, and the open road offered a safer way to satisfy the wanderlust.

<p>Another unexpected twist from the pandemic was the rise in remote working, which made long-term 'workations' a genuinely feasible option for many: one <a href="">2022 survey of RV owners</a> revealed that over half had worked while on the road that year. Looking into the future, an increased awareness of the impact of flying on our planet means travelers will be looking for a different kind of trip, and driving through dramatic landscapes with the ability to stop anywhere certainly presents a more ecological and enriching alternative. It seems the freedom of the road will always beckon.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Next, discover the amazing experiences you can only have in the US</strong></a></p>

2020s: remote working on the road

Another unexpected twist from the pandemic was the rise in remote working, which made long-term 'workations' a genuinely feasible option for many: one 2022 survey of RV owners revealed that over half had worked while on the road that year. Looking into the future, an increased awareness of the impact of flying on our planet means travelers will be looking for a different kind of trip, and driving through dramatic landscapes with the ability to stop anywhere certainly presents a more ecological and enriching alternative. It seems the freedom of the road will always beckon.

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Road Trips: How to Plan an Accessible Getaway

An illustration depicts two people happily chatting as they drive along a two-lane desert road with cactuses and rock outcroppings littering the dry landscape. The driver is disabled, and is using various specialized driving devices. Rugged mountains, a full yellow sun above them, rise up in the distance.

By Syren Nagakyrie

Planning an accessible road trip is getting a little easier for people with disabilities. There are more resources created by and for the disability community, and the tourism industry is starting to recognize the value of accessible travel. As a disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent person, I take road trips every year and have learned some tips and tricks along the way.

Renting a vehicle

Most major car companies offer adaptive driving devices for their vehicles at no additional cost. Enterprise , for example, offers hand controls, left foot accelerators, pedal extenders and spinner knobs to facilitate steering. Budget can provide hand controls, spinner knobs, a panoramic mirror, swivel seats and transfer boards. Be prepared to request adaptive devices at least three business days in advance.

For a wheelchair-accessible van with a ramp or a lift, rent from a mobility company like BraunAbility , one of the largest builders of wheelchair-accessible vans in the country, with rentals at many locations. MobilityWorks , an accessible-vehicle and adaptive-equipment dealer, has rental locations in 34 states. AccessibleGO , which offers a one-stop shop for adapted rental cars and wheelchair-accessible vans, has agreements with 100 wheelchair van rental locations nationwide; request a quote on their website. For accessibleGO’s rental cars, you can request hand controls and a spinner knob at checkout.

Route planning

You can use Google Maps, Waze and MapQuest for initial accessibility research using photos and street view. Google Maps provides directions for some wheelchair-accessible pedestrian and transit routes.

Sites such as Roadtrippers and Furkot can plot an entire itinerary. While these websites are not disability specific, they are invaluable tools. (Roadtrippers does have a wheelchair-accessible check box in the search function.) You can filter by types of destinations such as national parks or museums, and search for hotels and campgrounds. Furkot allows you to input how long you want to drive each day, whether you want to travel on Interstate highways or take more scenic roads. The app will determine the best route and length of time between stops, and suggest where to stay overnight.

Finding lodging

While hotels and other accommodations are required to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act, many hotels do not meet all accessibility needs. Most of the booking sites list hotels with accessible rooms for those with mobility, hearing and vision needs, but this information is not always verified. Do additional research on review sites and look for photos. Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton and Fairmont hotels offer allergy-friendly and scent-free rooms in some locations. Call the hotel to verify accessibility and to make sure a specific room is reserved for you.

Vacation rentals are typically not required to be A.D.A. compliant, but some do provide accessibility information. Airbnb recently rolled out an adapted category with accessibility search features and homes that have been scanned for accessibility. Review photos and contact the host for more information. Some hosts will make accommodations, such as changing the cleaning supplies or shifting furniture, but document your request using the in-app messaging system so that customer service can help if you run into issues.

Wheel the World is an accessible travel agency offering bookings at over 3,000 verified accessible hotels in the United States. The hotels have been reviewed in person by trained assessors; only those that meet the criteria are listed. Sign up as a disabled traveler or a companion and complete a personal profile that includes options for a variety of disabilities and accessibility needs. The site will provide listings that match your profile with partial, adequate and outstanding match options.

Food and medication

There are a variety of options to keep food or medication cold while traveling. Electric coolers can plug into your vehicle’s 12-volt outlet, but pay attention to the type of cooling mechanism — the less expensive versions are usually thermoelectric and will cool only to about 30 degrees below ambient temperature (if it is 70 degrees in the car, it will cool to 40 degrees). Compressor coolers are more expensive but maintain normal refrigerated temperatures.

Many hotels provide mini-refrigerators. When you know you will be stopping somewhere with a fridge almost every night, layer large ice packs and supplies in a cooler, then top them with another insulating layer like a cooling bag. This keeps everything cold for a couple of days at a time.

It’s also a good idea to travel with a single-burner cooktop — electric to use inside, or propane to use at rest areas and campgrounds — and a camp mess kit so that you can safely cook meals.

Some of the best apps to find food, restaurants and grocery stores that accommodate dietary needs are Fig for allergy-specific options, Happy Cow for vegan-friendly options and Find Me Gluten Free for celiac-safe spots. Add your favorite options to the route-planning app so that you know where to stop.

Finding activities

In addition to the apps mentioned in the route-planning section, state and local tourism organizations are good sources for accessible destinations.

National parks and monuments, which are required to meet federal accessibility guidelines, typically have visitor centers and recreation sites with accessible features. Each park website has information, as well as programs and services within the park. While accessibility varies, you can usually find information on wheelchair-accessible trails and campsites, tactile and audio features, assistive listening devices, and American Sign Language interpreters.

At state parks, accessibility features may not be consistent, but you can usually find some information on each park’s website.

Apps like AllTrails list wheelchair-friendly trails across the country, but the information may not be verified, so contact the park or land manager for verification. Among the parks with notable accessible trails are Redwood National and State Parks, North Cascades National Park, Badlands National Park, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park .

Syren Nagakyrie, the founder of the nonprofit Disabled Hikers and the author of “The Disabled Hiker’s Guide to Western Washington and Oregon” and “The Disabled Hiker’s Guide to Northern California,” among other guidebooks, leads group hikes and conducts assessments throughout the United States.

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

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‘Conan O’Brien Must Go’ Is a Keeper: TV Review

Legendary talk show host and hot wing evangelist returns to television with hilarious new Max travel show

By Stephen Rodrick

Stephen Rodrick

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Conan O'Brien tries Thai boxing with predictable results.

The key to understanding Conan O’Brien’s comedy is knowing that it comes from a point of kindness. Yes, I know in this age of comics punching down , this kind of compliment may leave you with a neon “Must Avoid!” sign flashing in your bleary eyes — but stay with me.

Popular on Variety

Conan’s three-decade run as a talk show host ended in 2021 under less-than-optimal circumstances , as he wound down his TBS show during the pandemic year. He talked to longtime sidekick Andy Richter , who sat among dozens of cardboard cutout fans. O’Brien quipped that they were last in line for the vaccine because the CDC had looked at the shows and “they said ours is the least essential of pretty much all the non-essential shows.”

There was some truth in that, but Conan had already started his move to other outlets , starting with his “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast in 2018.

The podcast is funny and sweet, especially the pre-interview segments with longtime associate Sona Movsesian and producer Matt Gourley. Conan mocks Sona’s legendarily bad work habits. and Gourley’s flea market predilections, but any kind of comedic acid is reserved for the self-lacerating O’Brien. (On a recent episode, Conan runs down his own looks, and it is cruel and hilarious, but part of me is thinking, “Dude, cut yourself a break.”). The only time things get contentious is when Conan visited by longtime friend Kevin Nealon — perhaps the podcast’s best episodes.

The podcast had an offshoot called “Conan O’Brien Needs a Fan,” on which O’Brien would talk to a fan, often in a faraway land. That led to O’Brien traveling to Norway, Thailand, Ireland and Argentina to meet them. Why? Well, a dour and ominous narrator, aka Werner Herzog, offered this rationale at the beginning of each episode: “Once a proud talk show host, he’s been driven by a changing ecosystem to a drier and harsher climate: the weekly podcast. Here , without the nourishment of his studio audience, this clown with dull , tiny eyes, the eye of a crudely painted doll , is forced to feed on that meagerest of morsels: the random call-in fan. Unhinged by the feral scent of their mild enthusiasm. He scavenges in distant lands uninvited, fueled by a bottomless hunger for recognition , and the occasional selfie.”

It’s a self-deprecating bit, but it’s also the truth. Conan has been doing travel shows for years, most notably one to Movsesian’s native Armenia , as well as a chaotic trip to Finland where O’Brien is treated as a god because of his physical resemblance to the Finnish president who happens to be a woman. He clearly loves the journey. And he loves the comedy set piece–see his classic “Old Timey Baseball” opus — which has always been an essential part of his appeal.

The encounters work because O’Brien doesn’t treat his new friends as fools — rather , he revels in the fact that he is the fool. (See his instant-classic appearance on “Hot Ones,” the show where interviews are conducted while the celebrity consumes increasingly acidic chicken wings. Conan rhapsodizes on comedy being all around us as green-yellow mucus drips down his nose.) Of course, there are exceptions made for old friends. Conan goes out for asada in Buenos Aires with the effete and erudite Jordan Schlansky, a longtime producer and frenemy. Schlansky and Conan are the Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon of American cable , and on his TBS show and podcast the two have tangled over Japanese customs, Conan hosting Schlansky’s bachelor party in his own office, and Schlansky hiding an expensive Espresso machine in an inaccessible part of their offices. (As with the Courtney Thorne-Smith segment, Conan’s visceral malice toward Schlansky works because it is so out-of-character).

During the Argentina episode, they get into a fierce argument about the proper pronunciation of the word “tango,” Conan then licks Schlansky’s favorite cut of meat — wait, that came out wrong. After, they go on an ill-fated trip to the Pampas, where both fail spectacularly at gaucho life.

Not everything works. O’Brien does a self-referential bit about the expensive drone he is using on the first show , and for the next four episodes I am distracted every time I see a beautiful shot thinking about the drone’s specifications and capabilities. Some of the stuff goes on a bit long, but so does my writing.

These are minor quibbles. If you’re a Conan fan, you’ll treasure the trips, just like his completists treasure encounters with a masturbating bear. The series ends with Conan tracing his family’s roots in Ireland. He comes across his ancestor’s land, makes a few jokes, but then looks at the land, clearly moved. Conan O’Brien has played the fool long enough; we grant him this moment of humanity with all our hearts.

All four episodes of “Conan O’Brien Must Go” are now available on Max.

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  1. Six Reasons Why a Road Trip with Friends is Amazing

    traveling road trip with friends

  2. How To Plan A Perfect Road Trip With Your BFF?

    traveling road trip with friends

  3. Boho style friends reaching the beach on a road trip

    traveling road trip with friends

  4. Top 50 Really Fun Things to Do on a Road Trip to Have a Great Time

    traveling road trip with friends

  5. 33 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

    traveling road trip with friends

  6. Friends on road trip driving in convertible car

    traveling road trip with friends


  1. Traveling 🧭 🇦🇪💚

  2. Traveling through a mountain pass

  3. Taking road trips amid COVID-19

  4. roadtripping with friends

  5. Road Trip w/ International Friends


  1. 37 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends (Quick-Fire)

    27. Catch Up - Have a Heart to Heart. Let's face it, you're going to be spending A LOT of time together. Taking a road trip with your friends means a lot of time in close quarters when you're on the road. For that reason, it's the perfect time to have a serious chinwag and catch up on everything.

  2. 33 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

    Lifesavers. Useful things. 33 fun things to do on a road trip with friends. 1. Let your hair down. 2. Ride without navigation. 3. Get inspired with some quotes about traveling with friends.

  3. 50 Epic Ideas for What to Do on a Road Trip With Friends

    41. Make TikTok Videos. TikTok's all the rave, so this idea might be at the top of your list of things to do on a road trip already. In any case, making TikTok videos would be a fun way to pass the time, record the trip, and let your friends back home know how much fun you're having! 42. Vlog about the trip.

  4. 25 Fun Things To Do on A Road Trip With Friends

    9. Take turns to drive. Driving in turns can make a boring road trip fun for everyone, of course, provided that each of you can legally drive. This is because most people love being in control. The good thing is, taking turns to drive relieves the pressure off the primary driver from long hours of driving.

  5. Road Trip with Friends in the USA: 20 Best Stops!

    Kansas City is most famous for its burnt ends, no matter the meat. Some of the best places to stop for BBQ on a road trip with friends through Kansas City, Missouri are Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que, Slap's BBQ. Arthur Bryant's Barbeque, Fiorella's Jack Stack Barbecue, Q39, Jones BBQ, Plowboys BBQ and Gates Bar-B-Q.

  6. Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

    Route 66 is a classic road trip route and the perfect road trip to take with friends. The iconic road spans 2,400 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. Though the official road was decommissioned in 1985, road trip loves from around the world still flock to the Mother Road for a sense of nostalgia and the thrill of the open road.

  7. How To Prepare And Plan A Road Trip With Friends

    Traveling with friends on a road trip can really test your relationship, and I am talking about even with the closest friends. Perhaps you might have known each other during the good times. But one thing's for sure when you are in the midst of challenging or difficult times on the road, chances are you will have conflicts and disagreements.

  8. Our 11 Best Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

    Take Turns Driving. Some people enjoy driving and some people hate it, but hardly anyone wants to do all the driving on a long road trip. For this reason, we highly recommend taking turns driving, splitting the time on the road as evenly as possible. This will help ensure nobody gets too tired of being behind the wheel, will give everyone a ...

  9. Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends

    My Top Tips for Keeping a Road Trip with Friends Civil. 1. Pick your road trip friends wisely. 2. Plan an itinerary. 3. But make sure you all stay flexible, too. Ready for Adventure? Subscribe Today. 4. Be up front and communicate. 5. Know your boundaries. 6. Take turns being in the driver's seat. Where to Go on a Road Trip with Friends. 1.

  10. Awesome Ideas and Helpful Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

    Check out these top tips and ideas for a road trip with friends: Plan a road trip based on a shared interest. Take the scenic route. Everyone plan a day. Rent an RV or camper van. Leave some wiggle room in your schedule. Have a plan for splitting shared costs. Play car games to pass the time. Take lots of photos.

  11. 17 Boredom Busting Things To Do On A Road Trip

    Document the road trip journey in a creative way. You can make a travel scrapbook where you collect mementos like postcards or kitschy roadside gifts, or you can take photos or videos of the trip. One fun idea is to ditch the iPhone or Go Pro and opt for an updated but old-fashioned Polaroid camera like this one.

  12. How to travel with friends

    Beginners: start on the right foot. 1. Choose the right people to go with. Pick any old pal with a passport at your peril. Just because you share a love of Nicolas Cage movies and Chinese food doesn't mean you're compatible travel buddies. Think twice before travelling with someone you only ever see in one context; your coffee-and-cake ...

  13. Best Places to Travel with Friends: 20 Trips & Vacations for Groups

    9. Iceland is a top place to travel with friends for adventure seekers. Iceland is a dreamy destination for outdoor lovers. It's jam-packed with precious scenery, including everything from geysers and hot springs to glaciers, fjords, and black sand beaches, making it the ideal destination for road trips.

  14. The Ultimate Guide For Traveling With Friends [15 Tips]

    While Traveling with Friends 9. Make Splitting Expenses Easy: When traveling with close friends, credit cards are going to be flying around left and right. Paying the bill at dinner, purchasing tickets for the group, hopping in Ubers after the unnecessary round of shots. To make it as easy as possible, here are my tips:

  15. 255 Road Trip Questions for a Fun Car Ride

    These 255 questions (and answers) will make the miles on the road fly by. Please keep your arms, feet and legs inside the ride at all times, and no—we're not there yet. No matter how many hours ...

  16. 30 Best Trips with Friends! FUN Weekend and International Places to Go

    Here are awesome places to travel with friends in the world, including Europe. Hunters Moon, England ( Chambers, Rome ( The Poets Once Said, Italy ( 16. European CASTLE getaway with friends. Take your international trip with friends around Europe chasing castles!

  17. Road Trip Packing List: 41 Road Trip Essentials

    Reusable water bottles. Skip the plastic bottles and opt for a high-quality reusable water bottle on your next trip. This 40-ounce bottle from Hydro Flask keeps drinks hot for 12 hours and cold ...

  18. The 25 Best Road Trips in the USA

    23. The Great American Road Trip - Cross Country on the I-90. 24. Anchorage to Seward. 25. Canada to Mexico. If you're planning to take a road trip this year, I've compiled the best American road trip routes in the country. These are 25 of the best road trips in the USA that everyone should take in their lifetime.

  19. Travel Buddies

    welcome to travel buddies. the free social network to find a travel partner. join free. free for everyone. Travel Buddies is 100% free and run by those who've been there and done that. find a travel buddy. Find a travel partner for your upcoming trip and make friends before you even leave.

  20. 30 Best Quotes about Traveling with Friends

    8. "If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.". - African Proverb. This lovely quote about trips with friends goes to show that mutual support can take you far, both physically and emotionally. 9. "There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.". - Anonymous.

  21. 70 Traveling With Friends Quotes to Remember the Good Times

    Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.". "A good friend listens to your adventures. Your best friend makes them with you.". "It doesn't matter where you're going, it's who you have beside you.". "Life is meant for good friends and great adventures.". "I would like to travel the world with you twice.

  22. Find a Travel Buddy

    TripGiraffe is the right place if you find yourself in need of finding a travel partner. You can browse travelers and detailed trips until you find the perfect match in a travel companion. No matter how you image your perfect travel buddy, you can always find someone to team up with on TripGiraffe. We try to make the experience of finding a ...

  23. 100 Awesome Travel With Friends Captions for Instagram

    Travel With Friends Quotes for Instagram. "Good friends follow you anywhere.". - Winnie the Pooh. "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.". - Helen Keller. "We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.". - Hilaire Belloc. "A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.".

  24. My Husband and I Did a 5-Day Road Trip Along the Most Iconic ...

    Our 5-day Highway 1 Road Trip itinerary covers Avila Beach, Cayucos, Cambria, San Simeon, and Baywood-Los Osos along the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo County. A road trip along ...

  25. The majority of US travelers plan to do a road trip this summer: survey

    Seventy-five percent of Americans intend to take at least one road trip this summer, most driving somewhere within 100 miles of their home. Less than 21% will stick to a destination within 250 ...

  26. Best Road Trip Albums: Top 10 Picks for Your Next Adventure

    Road trips are a great way to explore new places, make memories, and bond with friends and family. One of the essential elements of a successful road trip is a great playlist. The right music can ...

  27. This Is What A Road Trip Looked Like The Year You Were Born

    Made popular by the Beat Generation in the 1950s and the hippies of the 1960s, central California's Big Sur is one of the most popular road trips in the country. Highway 1 is the iconic route ...

  28. Tips on How to Plan an Accessible Road Trip

    April 12, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET. Planning an accessible road trip is getting a little easier for people with disabilities. There are more resources created by and for the disability community, and ...

  29. 5 tips to plan an EV road trip

    Where to rent an EV in the United States. iStock. We've seen most major rental car companies add EVs to their fleet over the past five years. Hertz led the charge when it added Teslas, Chevy ...

  30. 'Conan O'Brien Must Go' Review: Max's Travel Series Is A Thrill

    Here is an example. Early in the first episode of his new, four-episode Max travel show "Conan O'Brien Must Go," Conan — who has earned the right to be referred to by his first name. See ...