2021 Update: Lazy Eye and Adults


Lazy eye is estimated to affect up to 5% of all adults.

For many decades, it has been thought that only children under the age of 10 could be successfully treated for amblyopia (lazy eye). In other words, lazy eye treatment was usually not provided to children older than nine.

However, the National Eye Institute (NEI) recently funded a study that found that lazy eye can be successfully treated at least up to age 17 and even adults!

Now, lazy eye can be effectively treated in high school and college student and even adults !

What is lazy eye?

Lazy eye, also known as amblyopia, is a neuro-developmental vision condition that is caused when one eye is unable to achieve normal visual acuity or does not allow the full development of 3D vision.

A lazy eye typically affects the vision or visual function of the affected eye, causing blurred vision which contributes to poor depth perception and binocular vision.

Amblyopia may develop due to other vision conditions such as a wandering or crossed eye (strabismus), or unequal vision in the two eyes caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.

Contact an eye doctor near you who can diagnose and treat your lazy eye.

Symptoms of lazy eye

Common symptoms of lazy eye:

  • One or both eyes may wander inward or outward
  • Both eyes may not seem to be working together
  • Poor depth perception
  • Squinting or shutting one eye in order to see
  • Tilting one’s head in order to see
  • Frequent eye strain, eye fatigue, or headaches

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact an eye doctor near you who diagnoses and treats lazy eye.

Schedule an appointment with a vision therapy eye doctor to help improve your visual skills .

SEE RELATED: New Research for Adults with Lazy Eye

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Are eye exams important.

Yes, frequent eye exams are essential as the earlier a lazy eye is detected, the higher the chances of successful treatment.

In many cases, amblyopia is detectable during a comprehensive eye exam. In addition, if there is a family history of lazy eye, it is crucial that your eyes be examined regularly, as lazy eye can be an inherited condition.

Specific tests are used during eye exams to assess both the visual acuity and the visual skills of each eye. This enables your eye doctor to diagnose a condition such as lazy eye.

Adult lazy eye treatment

For many years it was believed that amblyopia was only treatable in children, often those who are 10 years of age or younger. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. While every patient is different, many adults can see results from amblyopia treatment.

The visual system which consists of the brain, eyes, and visual pathways, can be retrained due to the brain’s plasticity.

For amblyopia , specifically, binocular vision needs to be retrained, as this is the root cause behind a lazy eye. 

With poor binocular vision the two images that the eyes see cannot be combined into one single image, but due to the plasticity of the brain, this does not have to be permanent.

While treatment is most effective when it’s given at an early age, it is still possible at any age to retrain the visual system, restore binocular vision, and correct amblyopia.

Lazy eye and vision therapy

Vision therapy is an effective treatment method for amblyopia. It has been shown to greatly improve the visual skills of the lazy eye by re-training the visual system.

Through vision therapy, the two eyes will be trained to work together to achieve clear and comfortable binocular vision.

Some vision therapy programs that treat amblyopia work to improve these visual skills:

  • Accommodation (focusing)
  • Fixation (visual gaze)
  • Pursuits (eye tracking)
  • Saccades (switching eye focus, “eye jumps”)
  • Spatial skills (eye-hand coordination)
  • Stereopsis (3-D vision)

LEARN MORE: Guide to Vision Therapy for Adults

Schedule an eye exam and vision evaluation for a proper diagnosis of lazy eye and to discuss whether a vision therapy program is the appropriate treatment for you.

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Lazy eye (amblyopia)

On this page, when to see a doctor, risk factors, complications.

Lazy eye (amblyopia) is reduced vision in one eye caused by abnormal visual development early in life. The weaker — or lazy — eye often wanders inward or outward.

Amblyopia generally develops from birth up to age 7 years. It is the leading cause of decreased vision among children. Rarely, lazy eye affects both eyes.

Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent long-term problems with your child's vision. The eye with poorer vision can usually be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, or patching therapy.

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Signs and symptoms of lazy eye include:

  • An eye that wanders inward or outward
  • Eyes that appear to not work together
  • Poor depth perception
  • Squinting or shutting an eye
  • Head tilting
  • Abnormal results of vision screening tests

Sometimes lazy eye is not evident without an eye exam.

See your child's doctor if you notice his or her eye wandering after the first few weeks of life. A vision check is especially important if there's a family history of crossed eyes, childhood cataracts or other eye conditions.

For all children, a complete eye exam is recommended between ages 3 and 5.

Lazy eye develops because of abnormal visual experience early in life that changes the nerve pathways between a thin layer of tissue (retina) at the back of the eye and the brain. The weaker eye receives fewer visual signals. Eventually, the eyes' ability to work together decreases, and the brain suppresses or ignores input from the weaker eye.

Anything that blurs a child's vision or causes the eyes to cross or turn out can result in lazy eye. Common causes of the condition include:

  • Muscle imbalance (strabismus amblyopia). The most common cause of lazy eye is an imbalance in the muscles that position the eyes. This imbalance can cause the eyes to cross in or turn out, and prevents them from working together.

Difference in sharpness of vision between the eyes (refractive amblyopia). A significant difference between the prescriptions in each eye — often due to farsightedness but sometimes to nearsightedness or an uneven surface curve of the eye (astigmatism) — can result in lazy eye.

Glasses or contact lenses are typically used to correct these refractive problems. In some children lazy eye is caused by a combination of strabismus and refractive problems.

  • Deprivation. A problem with one eye — such as a cloudy area in the lens (cataract) — can prohibit clear vision in that eye. Deprivation amblyopia in infancy requires urgent treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. It's often the most severe type of amblyopia.

Factors associated with an increased risk of lazy eye include:

  • Premature birth
  • Small size at birth
  • Family history of lazy eye
  • Developmental disabilities

Untreated, lazy eye can cause permanent vision loss.

Aug 14, 2021

  • Coats DK, et al. Amblyopia in children: Classification, screening, and evaluation. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed June 8, 2021.
  • AskMayoExpert. Amblyopia. Mayo Clinic; 2021.
  • Amblyopia. National Eye Institute. https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/eye-conditions-and-diseases/amblyopia-lazy-eye. Accessed June 8, 2021.
  • Amblyopia preferred practice pattern. American Academy of Ophthalmology. https://www.aao.org/preferred-practice-pattern/amblyopia-ppp-2017. Accessed June 8, 2021.
  • Coats DK, et al. Amblyopia in children: Management and outcome. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed June 8, 2021.
  • Diseases & Conditions
  • Lazy eye (amblyopia) symptoms & causes


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Wandering Eye

by NSG SEO | A Child's Vision , Newsletters | 0 comments

Child with wandering eye

A wandering eye is a type of eye condition known as strabismus or tropia, and it may be caused by damage to the retina or muscles that control the eye, stroke or brain injury, or an uncorrected refractive error like farsightedness. With a wandering eye, one eye deviates or wanders in a different direction when looking at an object.

What Causes a Wandering Eye?

The eyes contain muscles to which they are attached to, and these muscles receive signals from the brain that direct eye movement. Normally, the eyes work together so that they focus in the same direction at the same time. However, with a wandering eye, there is poor eye muscle control and one eye turns away from the object that the person is attempting to hone in on—either up, down, in or out. The eye that turns may do so all the time, or it may only do so at certain times, such as when the person is fatigued, sick or has overworked the eyes as a result of prolonged reading or staring at a computer. There are other cases where the eyes may alternate turning.

Because the eyes are misaligned, the brain receives a different image from each eye. While the brain will learn to ignore the image it gets from the wandering eye, if left untreated, lazy eye or amblyopia can present. This is characterized by a permanent reduction of vision in the traveling eye, and can lead to poor depth perception.

A wandering eye can be classified by the direction the eye turns:

  • Inward (esotropia)
  • Outward (exotropia)
  • Downward (hypotropia)
  • Upward (hypertropia)

It may also be classified in other ways:

  • Alternating (the eye that turns alternates from left to right)
  • Unilateral (always involves the same eye)
  • Constant or intermittent (the regularity with which it occurs)

Testing and Treatment

To determine the classification, and in order to develop a treatment plan for a wandering eye, an optometrist will look at a number of factors to understand the cause of the condition, as well as how the eyes move and focus. This may include:

  • Looking at the patient’s  family history
  • Reviewing the patient’s  medical history
  • Observing the external and internal structures  of the turned eye
  • Refraction  – a string of lenses are put in front of the patient’s eyes and a handheld instrument with a light source is waved pass. This is done to gauge how the eyes focus and can conclude the lens power needed to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness.
  • Visual acuity  – reading letters on distance or near reading charts to measure and estimate the amount of visual impairment
  • Focusing and alignment testing   to determine how well your eyes move, focus and work together.

Information gathered from these assessments will help your optometrist devise a treatment plan, which could consist of vision therapy, eyeglasses, prism or eye muscle surgery. If treated early, a wandering eye can be corrected and vision can be restored.

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How to Deal With a Partner Who Has Wandering Eyes

Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20+ years. She's the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. 

Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments.

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Signs of a Wandering Eye

Differing viewpoints.

  • Impact of Social Media
  • Have You Crossed a Line?

How to Respond

When a person has a 'wandering eye,' it means looking and having sexual thoughts about people other than their current romantic partner. It may include behaviors such as overtly evaluating and appreciating someone's physical attractiveness or even outright flirting with people who are not their romantic partners.

When the issue of a partner's eyes wandering is discussed, there seem to be two general responses: Either the behavior is brushed off as nothing to be concerned about or feelings of hurt and disrespect ensue, which may harm the relationship .

Some even believe checking out people other than a committed partner is a sure sign of infidelity, or at least a form of micro-cheating . The true answer to whether or not this is OK lies with you, your needs, and your personal boundaries .

It is important to recognize that each person has differing definitions depending on their beliefs and boundaries. Some examples of behaviors that characterize a wandering eye include:

  • Blatantly checking out another person
  • Flirting with other people
  • Having sexual fantasies about others
  • Talking about sexual fantasies about other people
  • Telling other people they are attractive
  • Planning romantic or sexual encounters with people other than their partner
  • Texting or DMing people other than their partner

The behaviors that characterize a wandering eye involve how a person thinks about or communicates with people other than their partner. If these thoughts or actions lead to romantic or sexual encounters, it would be defined as cheating .

According to  Gail Saltz, M.D ., a psychiatrist and expert on relationship matters, blatantly checking out, commenting on, repeatedly admiring, and flirting or touching someone else usually feels quite undermining to a partner.

For partners that are bothered by the behavior, having wandering eyes is often described as:

  • A sign of disrespect
  • Damaging to a relationship
  • Insensitive behavior that shows a lack of caring
  • One of the first signs of cheating and that a person is looking for another relationship

Dr. Saltz acknowledges that all humans have some measure of voyeurism and exhibitionism: we like to look and we like to show.

But unless both parties are confident of the others' affection and fidelity, an obvious and frequent wandering eye will generally stir up envy and hurt, making one feel unappreciated and even threatened in the relationship.

On the other hand, some people believe that having a wandering eye is perfectly normal behavior. People in this camp often don't worry about a quick glance, and some may not even be bothered by something more.

Those who feel this way often cite the following points:

  • Looking at an attractive person is thought to be a natural physiological reaction.
  • A person with wandering eyes just appreciates beauty.

Again, it's important to remember that you define what is normal and acceptable for yourself and your relationship. That said, a study published in the  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that a consistent wandering eye probably signals a more significant issue in a relationship, which is worth considering.

Some evidence suggests that people prone to having a wandering eye are also more likely to engage in infidelity. One study found that people who found attractive people more attention-grabbing were more likely to eventually cheat on their partners.

Impact of Social Media and Technology

People don't just engage in 'wandering' behaviors in real-world encounters. They can also make their way into online interactions. In such settings, 'wandering' might involve:

  • Flirting with another person, either in the comments section on their social media post or via direct message
  • "Liking" another person's photos to communicate interest
  • Flirtatious, romantic, or sexual texting with people who are not the person's partner
  • Intentionally joining social sites in order to engage in flirtatious communication with others

Such behaviors can affect trust, communication, and intimacy in a relationship. According to one survey, around a quarter of people in relationships feel that technology has had a negative impact on their relationships.

Have You or Your Partner Crossed the Line

It isn't always easy to determine if you or your partner have crossed a boundary in your relationship. This is because it is normal to think that other people are attractive and doing so doesn't necessarily mean that you've broken trust with your partner.

In order to recognize whether you or your partner have a wandering eye, consider the following:

  • How would your partner feel if they knew about your behaviors?
  • How would it make you feel if your partner was doing the same thing?
  • Have you ever discussed boundaries with your partner?
  • Does your current behavior violate your partner's trust?
  • Are you hiding your behavior from your partner?

If you feel like your partner would be hurt or upset and need to hide your actions from them, it is a good sign that your actions are crossing the line. 

If you are bothered by your partner's eyes wandering, Dr. Saltz suggests that you make it clear that although you don't expect them to wear blinders, you don't want them to ogle someone else.

If your partner really won't make any effort to change and doesn't appear to care how it makes you feel, it's likely that other issues may be affecting your relationship that couple's therapy could help examine.

Indeed, it seems that research agrees with this advice. The aforementioned study goes on to say that nagging your partner to stop looking likely won't address any underlying problems, either. Your relationship will require communication and a strategy to boost satisfaction and commitment.

Leading with jealousy and sweeping requests for your partner to change his or her behavior may lead them to tune you out. Instead, Dr. Saltz suggests the following:

  • Accept that your partner's wandering eye is not a reflection of your own attractiveness.
  • Don't try to "police" your partner's wandering eyes.
  • If your partner's wandering eye creates a problem in your relationship, discuss the issue with them. Start with your own feelings, not with an accusation or criticism. 
  • Suggest couple's therapy or attend therapy on your own if your requests are continually ignored.
  • Try to casually acknowledge it first when a beautiful person comes into view.

A Word From Verywell

A wandering eye could very well be a natural, simple acknowledgment of attractive people—nothing more. Of course, that may not be the case all the time. Regardless, your feelings should be valid to your partner. If it bothers you and you have calmly expressed as such to your partner, he or she should be receptive to your concerns.

DeWall, CN, Maner, JK, Deckman, T, Rouby, DA. Forbidden fruit: inattention to attractive alternatives provokes implicit relationship reactance . J Pers Soc Psychol . 2011;100(4), 621–629. doi:10.1037/a0021749

McNulty JK, Meltzer AL, Makhanova A, Maner JK. Attentional and evaluative biases help people maintain relationships by avoiding infidelity .  J Pers Soc Psychol . 2018;115(1):76-95. doi:10.1037/pspi0000127

Pew Research Center. Couples, the internet, and social media .

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. About marriage and family therapists .

Dewall CN, Maner JK, Deckman T, Rouby DA. Forbidden fruit: Inattention to attractive alternatives provokes implicit relationship reactance .  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . 2011;100(4):621-629. doi:10.1037/a0021749

By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20+ years. She's the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. 

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How to Deal With a Partner Who Has Wandering Eyes

Jenni Jacobsen

Jenni Jacobsen is a licensed social worker with a master's degree in social work from The Ohio State University, and she is in the process of completing her dissertation... Read more

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In This Article

Dealing with a partner who has a wandering eye can be difficult. You may worry that they are not that interested in you or that they may leave the relationship for someone else.

There are ways to cope with men with roaming eyes, so you can determine if the relationship can be saved. It can also be helpful to understand this is a problem and when it is not.

Each situation is different, but in many cases, it may just be a natural reaction to beauty, and you and your partner should be able to understand the situation.

What does it mean to have a wandering eye?

Before you determine whether your partner’s roaming eye may be a problem, it is helpful to understand what is a wandering eye.

The number one indicator that someone has a roaming eye is that they can be seen checking out other people. Essentially, they will notice other attractive people and look their way.

Roaming eyes do not always have to occur in person. As such, people may also follow attractive people on social media.

Whether it occurs in person or on the Internet, a simple way to explain the wandering eye meaning is that it involves your partner noticing people who are physically attractive .

What causes a wandering eye in a relationship?

If you are dealing with such a person, you may be asking yourself what causes this behavior.

Having a wandering eye is simply a natural reaction to seeing attractive people. When it is only a quick glance in the direction of a particularly attractive person, a roaming eye can just signify a normal appreciation of beauty.

Psychologists have even spent time researching the underlying causes, and they have concluded that when something catches our attention as humans, we unintentionally look in its direction.

Simply put, we are easily distracted, and looking at an attractive person is a natural reaction to something distracting in the environment.

That being said, it is not always a problem. It can simply be your partner’s gut reaction to beauty and nothing more.

On the other hand, if your partner is openly ogling other people or going so far as to comment on their appearance or flirt with them, this case may be a red flag that signals deeper issues.

Signs your partner has a wandering eye

Now that you know what it means and what causes it, it can be helpful to know the signs of a roaming eye. Three signs to look for in your relationship include:

  • On more than one occasion, you have caught your partner looking up and down at an attractive person in public.
  • Your partner follows attractive people on social media, such as fitness models or women who pose in bikinis or skimpy clothing.
  • Your partner may glance at a woman walking by but then return his attention to you.

Some of the above signs are a natural reaction to seeing someone attractive and may not signal a problem.

Some more obvious and hurtful signs your partner has a wandering eye are as follows:

  • Your partner openly admires other people when with you and appears to look at them longingly.
  • Your partner approaches attractive people and flirts with them in your presence.
  • Your significant other appears to gaze intently at other people and makes comments about their appearance, such as how nice their bodies are.

Does having a wandering eye mean your partner is cheating?

Roaming eyes can be a source of concern in some relationships, and whether it signals cheating depends on the situation. As previously stated, it is often a natural reaction for people to glance in the direction of an attractive person.

You may even find that you tend to look in the direction of members of the same sex who happen to be beautiful. You are simply noticing and appreciating beauty, which is human nature.

When it is a quick glance and nothing more, it is probably nothing to worry about and likely does not mean your significant other is cheating. We cannot expect our partners to wear blinders and avoid acknowledging other people.

If your partner notices people of the opposite sex but quickly turns attention back to you, this behavior is usually totally acceptable.

On the other hand, there are cases where it can be indicative of a larger problem. In fact, people who view others as attractive are more likely to stray in their relationships. That being said, having a wandering eye is not the only indication that someone is at risk of cheating .

Other factors, including being dissatisfied with the relationship, are linked to cheating. Furthermore, the link between cheating and a roaming eye is seen among people who have difficulty looking away from attractive people.

What all of this means is that quick glances that occur in reaction to an attractive person do not typically mean your partner is cheating.

On the other hand, when a roaming eye becomes excessive, and it seems like your partner cannot help himself but continue to gawk, something more may be going on here, especially if he openly flirts with or talks about how hot other people are.

5 signs your partner’s wandering eye may be cheating

If you are worried your partner’s problem may mean that he is cheating, there are some telltale signs to be aware of that might confirm your suspicions. Here are five to consider:

1. Their habits with technology have changed

If your partner is suddenly hooked on the phone and seems to be scrolling through Facebook and responding to texts and emails at all hours, the roaming eye may have turned into cheating, and he is using the phone to connect with a person who caught his eye more than once.

2. Your partner is suddenly highly critical of you

If your partner seems to find something wrong with everything you do , it may be that the honeymoon stage of the relationship has passed, and they are too immature to handle your quirks.

Instead of working through this with you, they may have turned to someone else.

3. There has been a change in your sexual relationship

If a roaming eye has led your partner astray, you may find that your sexual relationship changes . In some cases, your partner may stop having sex with you because he feels guilty.

On the other hand, adding new habits to the bedroom could mean he has learned new tricks outside of the relationship.

While there can be other reasons for changes to your sex life, when these changes are sudden and are paired with a roaming eye and other signs of cheating, it can be cause for suspicion.

4. Emotional intimacy has shut down as well

Physical intimacy is not the only form of closeness needed in a successful relationship.

If you find that you and your partner are no longer communicating or connecting, or they seem to be distant and unwilling to have personal conversations or discussions about the future with you, the issue may have turned into an affair.

5. Your partner is changing their style or way of dressing

When your significant other has a roaming eye and has suddenly started dressing up or trying out a new style, they may have found a new mate who has caught their attention. Dramatic shifts in style can be a sign that they are trying to impress someone else.

If the situation has been excessive and they are displaying one or more of the above signs, it may be time to consider the possibility of cheating.

How to deal with a partner who has wandering eyes

Men with wandering eyes can be frustrating, but the answer to how to fix a wandering eye depends upon the situation. If it is harmless, you may not necessarily need to stop the situation but rather change the way you look at it.

For example, if your significant other occasionally glances in the direction of an attractive person but returns his attention to you and shows no signs of cheating, this may be an innocent, natural response.

Here are the ways for dealing with someone with a wandering eye when the situation is harmless:

1. Accept it for what it is

Recognize that acknowledging someone else as being attractive is normal and does not mean your partner doesn’t love or respect you . If it’s just a quick glance, it is part of human nature.

2. Have some confidence about it

Your gut reaction may be to feel that your partner does not find you attractive if they have the issue, but remember that they have chosen to be with you, out of all the beautiful people in the world.

While his natural reaction may be to glance in the direction of an attractive woman, they still choose to stay with you. Showing confidence in this fact will make you appear even more attractive to him.

3. Take time to recognize your own good qualities

We all want to be loved and desired by our partners, so when we catch them looking at someone else, it may make us feel less than. Try not to think this way, and instead, remember your own good qualities. It takes more than just physical attractiveness to have a successful relationship.

You and your partner have a connection that runs ways deeper than a momentary glance. You have built a life together and have interests in common, and your partner probably values your personality and the spiritual connection the two of you have.

Given all of this, a quick glance in someone else’s direction typically does not undermine all that your partner values about you.

In the video below, Andrea Crump talks about how the roaming eyes of a person can cause insecurities in their partner. She provides tips to handle it. Take a look:

4. Confront your partner

If you have considered the above, and your partner’s issue still makes you uncomfortable, it may be time to have a conversation.

For example, if your partner spends so much time checking out others when you two are together that you feel you do not have his attention, it may be time to have an honest conversation about the fact that it bothers you. Be careful not to be too harsh or critical.

You may start the conversation by saying, “You may not even notice that you are doing this, but when we are together, you sometimes spend so much time staring at other girls that I feel like you do not even notice me.”

5. Play along

Another way to fix a wandering eye is to play along with your partner.

For instance, if you see him looking another woman up and down, you may comment, “She has a great smile, doesn’t she?”

Maybe your partner didn’t even realize he was spending so much time noticeably admiring others, and this method will draw his attention to it so that he is more mindful of it in the future.

If your partner’s issue is making you uncomfortable and they continue to make no effort to change their behavior, there may be something more going on, especially if there are other red flags, such as emotional distance between the two of you.

It may be time to have a heartfelt conversation about the status of the relationship.

Perhaps your partner isn’t getting what they need from you, and instead of doing the right thing and addressing it, they are wondering what it might be like to be with someone else. In this case, it has become a bigger problem.

If you find that you have to nag your partner to stop staring at others, it may be time to seek professional intervention, such as couple’s therapy, to determine if there are underlying issues that can be resolved.

3 tips for how to fix a wandering eye

If it has become a big enough problem that it requires fixing to keep you happy in the relationship, there are some tips that can make the process easier for you. When having a conversation about your partner’s problem, consider the following advice:

1. Avoid making dramatic requests

You cannot expect your partner to never look at other people, and making huge requests, such as telling him he cannot be around other women, is likely to result in him tuning you out.

Instead, you might calmly state that you would prefer he not spend time openly ogling other people when you are together.

2. State your own feelings without being harsh or critical

Remember that sometimes, it is just a natural, innocent reaction to beauty. Instead of criticizing your partner by calling names or suggesting that they have selfish or malicious motives, use “I” statements and focus on how you feel.

3. Acknowledge that you know the behavior can be totally normal

Your partner’s defenses will be heightened if you have unreasonable expectations, so it can be helpful to begin the conversation by acknowledging that you know it is only natural for beautiful women to catch their attention.

This shows him that you are not asking him to go against his nature but rather to be more mindful of his behavior to not come across as disrespectful to you.

In a healthy, secure relationship, you should be able to have a heartfelt conversation about your partner’s problem if it has become a problem for you.

If the conversation doesn’t go well, it may be time to dive deeper into your relationship issues through additional conversation or professional intervention .

How to deal with such a partner can certainly depend upon the situation. We are all drawn to attractive people, and in many cases, it can just be human nature. When we see someone beautiful, we are inclined to look in their direction. Chances are, you may even have an innocent wandering eye yourself from time-to-time.

When your partner glances at others in public or on social media, it is probably nothing to worry about. The world is full of attractive people, and someone else’s beauty does not take away from your own.

If your partner remains committed to you, meets your needs, and seems happy with you, you can be confident in the fact that he has chosen you among all the beautiful people in the world.

Remember, it is a momentary acknowledgment of someone else’s attractiveness in many cases, but your partner spends many more moments with you.

On the other hand, if it becomes a problem, you may notice that your partner is openly ogling other women, commenting on their beauty, or even flirting while in a relationship.

If this is the case, an honest conversation about your feelings may resolve the issue. Perhaps your partner was unaware of the behavior or its effect on you. If it continues to be a problem, it could be signs of relationship trouble, especially if other red flags are involved.

You have every right to discuss this with your partner or to request couples counseling if you have ongoing troubles in your relationship.

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Jenni Jacobsen, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Ashland, OH

Jenni Jacobsen is a licensed social worker with a master's degree in social work from The Ohio State University, and she is in the process of completing her dissertation for a Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychology. She has worked in the social work field for 8 years and is currently a professor at Mount Read more Vernon Nazarene University. She writes website content about mental health, addiction, and fitness. Licensed as both a social worker through Ohio Board of Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage/Family Therapists and school social worker through Ohio Department of Education as well as a personal trainer through American Council on Exercise. Read less

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Wandering Eye

Krista Bridges, Frank Chiesurin, and Amanda Righetti in Wandering Eye (2011)

Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons.

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Robert P. Burriss Ph.D.

The Danger of a Wandering Eye

A long-term study of newlyweds reveals the precursors of infidelity..

Posted May 14, 2018 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

Infidelity is a major cause of relationship breakdown, and so understanding why some people cheat is an important area of research.

Of course, none of us is immune to temptation. Committing to a long-term, exclusive relationship doesn’t close our minds to the alternative. A marriage vow enshrines our intention “to forsake all others,” but it can’t render all others unattractive.

Psychological research suggests that we manage our illicit desires by tearing our attentions away from appealing alternatives (“Out of sight, out of mind”), and by devaluing the allure of those who nevertheless catch our eye ("They aren’t all that”). Those who report greater commitment to their partners tend to deploy these so-called “evaluative biases” more effectively.

James McNulty and his colleagues at Florida State University, in a paper published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , wondered whether evaluative biases have any effect on real-world behavior. Reported feelings of commitment are one thing, but actual infidelity is another thing entirely.

Are people who are able to still their wandering eyes less likely to cheat?

McNulty’s team recruited around 500 newlyweds (most couples were male-female) for a long-term study. At the beginning of the study, all the volunteers visited the researchers’ lab. There they completed two tasks:

  • The first was a test of the volunteers’ attention to romantic alternatives. The volunteers were shown a series of photographs of attractive and average-looking men and women on a computer screen. After each photograph disappeared from the screen, it was replaced by a square or a circle. The volunteers’ job was to click one button if the shape was a square and another if it was a circle. Sounds easy, right? However, the photograph wasn’t always in the same place on the screen —each one jumped to a new position. And the shapes that appeared after the photographs were sometimes in the same position as the photograph, and sometimes elsewhere. The idea behind the task was that volunteers who find it difficult to drag their attention away from a face will be slower to categorize a shape when it materializes elsewhere on the screen. An attractive face is more likely to "glue" your eyes in position.
  • In the second task, the volunteers’ tendency to devalue the attractiveness of others was tested. The volunteers rated the attractiveness of the same men and women whose photographs they had seen in the first task. A control group of single volunteers also rated the photographs. On average, the newlyweds rated the photographs as less attractive than the singletons did, which confirms the results of previous research indicating that those in a committed relationship are more inclined to devalue the attractiveness of others. However, each volunteer varied in the extent to which they devalued attractiveness compared to the average singleton. Some thought the faces were relatively unattractive; others thought the faces were relatively attractive.

Over the next three years, the volunteers periodically completed surveys about their commitment to their marriage, and reported on infidelity by themselves and their spouses.

McNulty discovered that those who had found attractive others more attention-grabbing were more likely to have cheated on their partner by the end of the three years. In fact, he could be specific about it: Each increase in the speed of disengagement of one-tenth of a second (about the difference between gold and silver medal times in elite 100m sprint races) decreased the odds of infidelity by a massive 50 percent . I’ll say it again: If you can tear your eyes away from a hottie 100ms faster, you are half as likely to cheat on your partner in the next three years.


Of course, we can’t be sure that cheating is caused by a wandering eye. It is possible that people who are distracted by attractive alternatives also behave differently in other ways, or possess certain attitudes or values that directly influence infidelity. McNulty also found that cheaters were more likely to report lower relationship satisfaction and to have younger partners.

Those who reported infidelity were also less likely to devalue the attractiveness of alternatives: If you think other people are hot, you’re more likely to stray. In McNulty’s study, volunteers who rated attractive, opposite- sex persons an average of two points lower in attractiveness on a 1–10 scale were half as likely to have cheated.

So, a tendency to avoid looking at attractive others, and to view those who do attract attention as less appealing, does seem to be associated with faithfulness.

Further analyses revealed that people who rated others as more attractive tended to be less satisfied with their relationships by the end of the three years. Also, McNulty discovered that volunteers who found it more difficult to drag their attention away from attractive alternatives were more likely to have broken up. (After three years, around 12 percent of all the couples had gone their separate ways.)

Volunteers were also photographed at the beginning of the study, and their own photographs were rated for attractiveness by a group of independent volunteers. When a woman was low in others' perceived attractiveness, both she and her partner were more likely to cheat. The male partner’s attractiveness was unimportant.

McNulty, J. K., Meltzer, A. L., Makhanova, A., & Maner, J. K. (in press). Attentional and evaluative biases help people maintain relationships by avoiding infidelity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. doi:10.1037/pspi0000127

Robert P. Burriss Ph.D.

Robert Burriss, Ph.D., is an evolutionary psychologist at Basel University in Switzerland. He produces The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast.

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Sol 4128: Left Navigation Camera, Cylindrical Projection

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wandering eye live

Eyes hurt after the eclipse? Signs of retinal damage, explained

The April 8 eclipse inspired awe from many skywatchers — but now concerns about possible eye damage appear to be rising.

young man leaning into a mirror and pulling down on his eyes as if to inspect them

Following the total solar eclipse raced across North America at a whopping 1,500 mph (2,400 km/h) Monday (April 8), drawing the eager eyes of tens of millions of skywatchers, internet searches for "my eyes hurt" seem to be spiking .

So how can you tell if you injured your eyes while watching the eclipse? And if you have, what should you do?

How can an eclipse hurt your eyes?

The only time it's safe to look at a solar eclipse with bare eyes is during totality, which is when the moon completely blocks the sun. It's dangerous to look at the sun without special eye protection any other time, including during partial phases of a solar eclipse, when the sun isn't fully obscured. This is due to a risk of "solar retinopathy," which refers to damage to the retina — the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye — caused by sun exposure or other bright lights.

Typically, protective reflexes, like blinking and pupil contraction, kick in if we glance at the sun on a normal day. During an eclipse, though, these reflexes may not be as robust because the sun is partly covered. This can make it easier to stare at the sun without discomfort — long enough to cause retinal damage.

You wouldn't necessarily feel this damage happening in real time because "the retina has no sensory nerve fibers," Dr. Vincent Giovinazzo , interim chairman of ophthalmology at Staten Island University Hospital in New York City, told Live Science after North America's 2017 eclipse .

That's why it's recommended that you view eclipses through an eclipse viewer, a solar filter fitted to a telescope or binoculars, or special eclipse glasses — although, unfortunately, there were counterfeit glasses floating around for this year's eclipse, Live Science's sister site Space.com reported .

In theory, looking at an eclipse could also burn the surface of the eye, causing a condition called solar keratitis, NBC reported . But this sort of burn would be much more common among people spending time at high altitudes or in bright, white snow without eye protection, as compared to eclipse watchers.

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Related: The best photos and videos of the April 8 total solar eclipse over North America

Signs of eye damage after an eclipse

The main symptoms of solar retinopathy don't always include pain, but they tend to disrupt a person's vision, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology .

For example, symptoms can include having blurred vision or noticing a blind spot toward the center of one or both eyes. People may also experience increased light sensitivity or distorted vision, where straight lines look curved or objects appear smaller than they really are, for instance. Changes in a person's color vision can also occur because the cells responsible for sensing color are in the retina. 

These various vision changes can also give rise to headaches, and people also commonly report eye soreness, wateriness and discomfort, the Cleveland Clinic says .

These symptoms typically show up within about four to six hours of the viewing event, although they could appear the next day, Dr. Nathan Podoll , a spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and co-division chief of comprehensive ophthalmology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, previously told Live Science.

Importantly, though, the symptoms that may show up after an eclipse aren't necessarily signs of permanent eye damage. In mild cases of solar retinopathy, the symptoms typically go away on their own, although it may take up to six months in some instances, the Cleveland Clinic notes. The New York Times reported that it sometimes takes closer to a year.

In severe cases of the condition, though, the eye damage can be irreversible. An ophthalmologist may suggest that they check your eyes several times across multiple visits, to see if the damage is improving or not; they can diagnose solar retinopathy and judge its severity with a test called optical coherence tomography , an imaging test that uses light to reveal damage and irregularities in the retina.

There's no specific treatment for permanent damage caused by solar retinopathy, NBC reported.

If it's not eye damage, why do my eyes feel weird?

If your eyes felt weird after the eclipse but it doesn't turn out to be retinal damage, what is it?

Staring at anything for a prolonged period can cause eye soreness, The Washington Post reported . That discomfort can arise when the eyes are dried out or when they've been focused on something for a long time, for example.

— 10 weird things that happen during a solar eclipse

— Myth busted: Total solar eclipses don't release special, blinding radiation, NASA says

— When is the next total solar eclipse after 2024 in North America?

If you viewed the solar eclipse only through certified eclipse glasses, it's unlikely that your eyes were damaged, Dr. Carl Jacobsen , a clinical professor at the UC Berkeley School of Optometry, told The Washington Post. You may just be experiencing eyestrain — but if any vision changes persist, you should see an eye doctor, he said.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.

Ever wonder why some people build muscle more easily than others or why freckles come out in the sun ? Send us your questions about how the human body works to [email protected] with the subject line "Health Desk Q," and you may see your question answered on the website!

Nicoletta Lanese

Nicoletta Lanese is the health channel editor at Live Science and was previously a news editor and staff writer at the site. She holds a graduate certificate in science communication from UC Santa Cruz and degrees in neuroscience and dance from the University of Florida. Her work has appeared in The Scientist, Science News, the Mercury News, Mongabay and Stanford Medicine Magazine, among other outlets. Based in NYC, she also remains heavily involved in dance and performs in local choreographers' work.

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KKR vs RCB Live Score, IPL 2024: Virat Kohli On Cusp Of History As RCB Eye Redemption vs KKR

Kkr vs rcb live cricket score, ipl 2024: virat kohli only needs 33 runs to complete 1000 runs against kkr..

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KKR vs RCB LIVE Cricket Score, IPL 2024 : Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) will have their task cut out when they face an in-form Kolkata Knigth Riders (KKR) at the Eden Gardens in IPL 2024. With six defeats from seven, RCB's pursuit of a maiden IPL title has once again hit a roadblock. The only positive for them has been the form of talisman batter Virat Kohli , who also enjoys a great record against KKR. The former RCB captain only needs 33 runs to complete 1000 runs against KKR in IPL. However, the hosts pose a different threat this time around, especially with their batters firing on all cylinders. ( Live Scorecard )

IPL 2024 LIVE Updates | Kolkata Knight Riders vs Royal Challengers Bengaluru | KKR vs RCB, straight from Eden Gardens

  • April 21 2024 14:42 (IST) KKR vs RCB Live Score: Pitch Report "This is an afternoon game and that changes the dynamics completely. One short boundary at 61m, the other side is at 66m, the straight boundary is 73m long. It's very hot at 43 degrees and the pitch will suffer because of that, it's very dry. Most of the pitch looks even and flat, but there's one big chunk where it's extremely dry, the grass has been removed. It's around the spinner's length and they could exploit the patches. Otherwise, this pitch has plenty of runs on offer. With this heat, the captain winning the toss should opt to bat first," reckons Graeme Swann and Sanjay Manjrekar, in their pitch report. facebook twitter Share Link
  • April 21 2024 14:41 (IST) KKR vs RCB Live: KKR's strong batting Kolkata Knight Riders are having a great IPL 2024 campaign as they have won four games out of games. They have also defeated Royal Challengers Bengaluru, earlier in this season. They have a strong batting lineup, consisting of openers Phil Salt and Sunil Narine, followed by the likes of skipper Shreyas Iyer, Venkatesh Iyer, and Andre Russell.  facebook twitter Share Link
  • April 21 2024 14:28 (IST) KKR vs RCB Live: Virat Kohli eyes huge feat Amid all the losses, one thing which Royal Challengers Bengaluru are definitely cherishing is the form of their star batter Virat Kohli. He is currently highest run-scorer with a total of 361 runs in 7 matches. In today's game against Kolkata Knight Riders, he will aim to complete his 1000 runs against them. He is just 33 runs away from the feat.  facebook twitter Share Link
  • April 21 2024 14:19 (IST) KKR vs RCB Live: RCB eye redemption Royal Challengers Bengaluru pursuit of a maiden IPL title has once again hit a roadblock following six losses in seven matches. With five consecutive defeats, the bottom-ranked RCB now confront the daunting task of winning their remaining seven games to keep their playoff prospects alive. facebook twitter Share Link
  • April 21 2024 14:01 (IST) KKR vs RCB Live Score: Hello Hello and welcome to our live coverage of the IPL 2024 match between Kolkata Knight Riders and Royal Challengers Bengaluru, straight from Eden Gardens in Kolkata. Stay tuned for all the live updates.  facebook twitter Share Link

Royal Challengers Bengaluru


The holy script

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

The Bible is full of wisdom when it comes to our actions and thoughts, and it has a lot to say about a wandering eye. In fact, there are several verses that mention the dangers of looking at someone with lust or longing. It’s important to understand what the Bible says about a wandering eye because it can help us avoid temptation and maintain healthy relationships.

A Wandering eye is an eye that does not stay focused on one thing. It is an eye that is always looking for something new or better. The Bible has a lot to say about eyes that wander.

Proverbs 4:25 says, “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.” This verse is telling us to keep our eyes focused on what is in front of us and not to let them wander.

Matthew 6:22-23 says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” This verse is telling us that our eyes are important and that if they are not healthy, our whole body will be filled with darkness.

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

The Bible is telling us that we need to keep our eyes focused on what is in front of us and not to let them wander. We need to keep our eyes healthy so that our whole body can be filled with light.

What is the proverb about wandering eyes?

It’s not polite to stare, especially if you’re looking at something you shouldn’t be. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is being too curious or nosy, and it’s a way to tell them to mind their own business.

I pray that you will see people the way that God sees them. I pray that you will know the true love of God for others. I pray that God will help you guide your eyes and heart. I pray that God will help you to not lust after another person outside of marriage.

What does it mean when you have wondering eyes

A wandering eye is a type of eye condition known as strabismus or tropia, and it may be caused by damage to the retina or muscles that control the eye, stroke or brain injury, or an uncorrected refractive error like farsightedness.

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

Anxiety about the fate of those who died before the Reformation was a common concern. Karlstadt explained that the wandering spirits were ignorant souls who were destined for salvation, but still needed to learn the right way. These wanderers spurred the living to diligent study of God’s will so that they could be saved.

What does the Bible say on wandering heart?

God, I know that I am prone to wander and to leave the God I love. I am so thankful that You have created a place of safety for me within Your Word. I bind my wandering heart to You today and ask that You would help me to stay focused on You. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.

Can you fix a wandering eye in adults?

Vision therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for lazy eye. recent studies have shown that the neural pathways of the brain can be enhanced at any age, which means that a lazy eye can be treated at any age, even into adulthood.

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about the eye as the lamp of the body. He says that if our eyes are good, our whole body will be full of light. But if our eyes are bad, our whole body will be full of darkness.

How do I unlock my spiritual eyes

There are a variety of methods that you can use to open your third eye chakra. Some people believe that this chakra is linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. If you feel ready to open your third eye chakra, Covington suggests the following methods:

1. Activate your third eye: You can do this by using affirmations, visualization, and/or breath work.

2. Supplement your diet: Consider adding foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, such as dark leafy greens, berries, and nuts.

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

3. Apply essential oils: Some people find that using essential oils, such as lavender or Frankincense, can help to open the third eye chakra.

4. Try sun gazing: Spend a few minutes each day looking at the sun. Start with just a few seconds and gradually increase the amount of time you spend gazing.

5. Practice meditation and chanting: Both of these activities can help to still the mind and open up the third eye chakra.

6. Use crystals: A variety of crystals, such as amethyst and lapis lazuli, are believed to be helpful for opening the third eye chakra.

What does the bible say about a wandering eye?

What is it called when one eye goes in a different direction?

If you or your child has been diagnosed with strabismus, there are a number of treatment options available. Glasses, patching, eye exercises, and medication are all possible treatments, and in some cases, surgery may be necessary. The best course of treatment will be determined by your doctor, based on the severity of the condition. With proper treatment, most people with strabismus can achieve normal, functional vision.

The legend of the Wandering Jew is a popular one in Christian lore. According to the legend, the Wandering Jew is a character who is doomed to live until the end of the world because he taunted Jesus on the way to the crucifixion. The legend is based on a reference in the Gospel of John (18:20-22) to an officer who struck Jesus at his arraignment before Annas. Over the centuries, the legend of the Wandering Jew has been a popular one, and the character has appeared in many works of literature and art.

How do you know if a spirit is disturbed

When an individual experiences spiritual distress, they may feel a range of emotion including anger, hopelessness, anxiety, and depression. They may have difficulty sleeping and feel abandoned by their god or question their religious or spiritual beliefs. Asking why this situation occurred is also common.

A wandering soul is a special kind of soul. They see life for what it is and believe that they were put on this planet to fulfill their greatest potential. A wandering soul cannot be tamed, nor can it be put in a place for too long. Your biggest fear is getting caught up in mundanity.

How do you guard your heart?

The heart is the wellspring of life (Proverbs 4:23), so it’s important that we guard it. We can do this by seeking out the wisdom that God is giving us and by taking every thoughtcaptive to make it obedient to Christ. Additionally, we can fix our gaze straight ahead and give careful thought to our ways. By doing these things, we can safeguard our hearts and keep them focused on God.

“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This is a beautiful promise from God to His people. In a world that can be so cruel and heartless, it is comforting to know that we have a Father who is always close to us, even in our darkest and most difficult moments. If you are feeling lonely or crushed in spirit today, know that you are not alone. God is with you, and He wants to help you through whatever you are going through.

What is the meaning of Proverbs 4 23

The heart is the command center of the soul, which means that it is responsible for the mind, will, and affections. However, it is also a high-risk, vulnerable place because of sin. This verse teaches us to keep our spiritual heart with all vigilance, in order to prevent sin from taking over.

The lazy eye, or amblyopia, is a common vision problem in children that usually affects only one eye. It happens when the brain starts to ignore the signals coming from the eye that is not being used. Over time, the brain gets used to working with only one eye, and the other eye becomes weaker.

The Bible says that anyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

The Bible has a lot to say about a wandering eye, and it is definitely not something that is encouraged. In Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus tells us that if our eye is healthy, then our whole body will be full of light. But if our eye is bad, then our body will be full of darkness. So it is very important to keep our eyes from straying, because it can lead to all sorts of problems. Proverbs 4:23 also warns us to keep our heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life. So we need to be very careful about what we allow our eyes to see, because it can have a direct impact on our heart and our life.

wandering eye live

Hilda Scott

Hilda Scott is an avid explorer of the Bible and inteprator of its gospel. She is passionate about researching and uncovering the mysteries that lie in this sacred book. She hopes to use her knowledge and expertise to bring faith and God closer to people all around the world.

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World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships: India eye Paris 2024 Olympics marathon mixed relay quota - where to watch live

Priyanka Goswami of Team India.

The marathon mixed relay at the meet in Antalya will serve as a qualifying event for the Paris 2024 Olympics. Priyanka Goswami will be in action. Watch live!

The Athletics Federation of India has sent a 14-member contingent for the World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships 2024 , set to be held in Antalya, Turkiye on April 21.

The Indian race walkers will be in action across three categories - men’s and women’s 20km race walk and marathon race walk mixed relay.

The marathon race walk mixed relay event, which has been included in the Olympic programme for Paris 2024, is being contested for the first time at a major championship. Athletes will have to cover the full marathon distance of 42.195km.

It will be held in the relay format with teams, composed of one male athlete and one female athlete, covering the entire race in the following breakup - an initial 12.195km for the man, the next 10km for the woman, another 10km for the man and the woman covering the final 10km to the finish line.

The marathon race walk mixed relay event in Turkiye is also a qualifying event for the Paris 2024 Olympics and the top 22 teams in this category stand to qualify for the upcoming Summer Games. Up to five of the 22 teams will also get the advantage of selecting an additional team for their country.

Priyanka Goswami / Akshdeep Singh and Munita Prajapati/Paramjeet Singh are representing India in the mixed relay event.

All the races will take place on a 2km looping course near the Antalya Expo Centre. The start and the finish lines are located in front of the Expo 2016 Botanical Park.

For India, Akshdeep Singh, Vikash Singh, Paramjeet Singh, Suraj Panwar, Servin Sebastian, Arshpreet Singh and Ram Baboo have already met the Paris Olympics qualifying standard in men’s 20km race walk. Priyanka Goswami has achieved the same in women’s 20km race walk.

All of them will be in action at the World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships in Antalya. Suraj Panwar, Ram Baboo, Vikash Singh, Servin Sebastian and Arshpreet Singh are competing in the men’s team 20km race walk while Manju Rani, Payal, Pooja Kumawat, Mokavi Muthurathinam and Ramandeep Kaur are competing in the women’s 20km race walk.

The Antalya meet will also give more Indians an opportunity to meet the Olympic entry standards in the men’s and women’s 20km races. Each country can field a maximum of three athletes in each event at Paris 2024.

No Indians are competing in the junior men’s and women’s 10km race walk events in Antalya, Turkiye.

Where to watch World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships 2024 live in India

The World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships can be streamed live on the Live Stream Inside Track on the World Athletics website. The events start at 9:30 AM IST. The event will not be telecast live on any TV channel in India.

World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships 2024 schedule

All in India Standard Times (IST)

April 21, Sunday

  • Men’s 20km Race Walk - 11:40 AM IST
  • Women’s 20km Race Walk - 1:35 PM IST
  • Marathon Race Walk Mixed Relay - 3:25 PM IST

World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships 2024: India squad

  • Men’s team : Suraj Panwar, Ram Baboo, Vikash Singh, Servin Sebastian, Arshpreet Singh
  • Women’s team : Manju Rani, Payal, Pooja Kumawat, Mokavi Muthurathinam, Ramandeep Kaur
  • Mixed relay teams : Priyanka Goswami-Akshdeep Singh, Munita Prajapati-Paramjeet Singh


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Text and video journalist, most recently in Ukraine and as bureau chief in Jerusalem. Stephen has reported from the Middle East, Iraq, South Asia, New York and UK. Previously worked at The New York Times and The Times of London. Co-author of the book 'Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement'.

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Mark Porter is a desk editor at Reuters, where he files a plethora of stories on numerous topics, from general news to business and political news. In his more than 20 years at Reuters, Porter has been on the initial teams for the Reuters Insider television project and the breaking news team, he started the entertainment blog and was the Reuters embedded editor at Yahoo. He has worked for almost 40 years as a journalist, with stints at the New York Times, TheStreet.com, Dow Jones and Knight-Ridder/Bridge News.

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CNN, MSNBC Report Live as Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside of Trump Trial Courthouse: ‘An Unbelievably Disturbing Moment Here,’ Says CNN’s Laura Coates

By Jordan Moreau

Jordan Moreau

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Laura Coates Yasmin Vossoughian

A man set himself on fire outside the courthouse where the jurors are being chosen for former president Donald Trump ‘s hush money criminal trial. CNN ‘s chief legal analyst Laura Coates and MSNBC national correspondent Yasmin Vossoughian both witnessed the self-immolation and spoke about the incident live on air.

Incredible moment from Laura Coates pic.twitter.com/zaeGe3sIwj — Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) April 19, 2024

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Both Coates and Vossoughian were reporting live on their respective networks about the Trump jury, with cameras catching the moment they saw the self-immolation and began to explain what was going on.

Coates at first thought the chaos appeared to be an active shooter, but she quickly corrected herself and reported the man setting himself on fire live. Cameras caught footage of the flames, then turned away to focus on Coates as she spoke.

“We have a man who has set fire to himself,” she said. “A man has emblazoned himself outside of the courthouse just now. Our cameras are turning right now. A man has now lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse in Manhattan while we are waiting for history to be made.”

A man appeared to have set himself on fire outside the Donald Trump trial in Manhattan as MSNBC was live on the air. Good lord. pic.twitter.com/tSoHGyLoqy — Charles Robinson (@CharlesRobinson) April 19, 2024

Eyewitnesses told outlets that Azzarello threw pamphlets into the air before setting himself on fire. There is not a clear reason why he set himself on fire, and reports indicated Azzarello was still alive but in “critical condition” while in the ambulance.

The 12 jurors and six alternates in Trump’s trial had been chosen, and the court was heading into a break when the man set himself on fire outside. Trump is accused of being part of a large scheme to bury negative press stories about him ahead of the 2016 election, including making hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal to cover up alleged affairs. He has denied these claims as he is gearing up for the 2024 presidential election.

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