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25 Contoh Brosur Tour Travel Terbaik dengan Desain Unik Terindah

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Inilah 25 contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik. Di Indonesia aktivitas travelling kini tengah mengalami peningkatan signifikan terutama beberapa tahun terakhir. Dunia penerbangan pun mengalami peningkatan lonjakan. Jumlah penumpang pesawat untuk tujuan travelling meningkat yang sangat dahsyat sejak tahun 2.000 dan untuk saat ini terdapat lebih dari 3.000 penerbangan yang mengangkut jutaan orang dan melewati udara Indonesia setiap harinya.

Travelling dulunya dianggap hanya kegiatan pengisi waktu luang saja. Tapi kini tour travelling telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan dasar untuk hidup bahagia. Mungkin itu yang menjadi alasan meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Nah apakah anda tengah bergelut pada bisnis yang sedang naik daun ini? Atau anda sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk mulai terjun?

25 Contoh Desain Brosur Tour Travel Terbaik

Promosi dan marketing tentu menjadi hal utama yang pertama dipersiapkan. Selain dalam bentuk online berupa website, brosur pun masih menjadi media yang cukup ampuh guna menarik calon-calon konsumen bisnis tour wisata dan travelling anda.

Inilah 25 contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik yang bisa anda download dan jadikan sumber ide maupun referensi template. Untuk DOWNLOAD, klik atau sentuh aja gambarnya.

1. 12 Page Travel Brochure – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik dengan ukuran 8” x 8” ini dinamakan 12-page travel brochure. Jika anda ingin mendownloadnya, maka perhatikan jika foto di atas tidak termasuk.Font yang dibutuhkan adalah Gill Sans. Font Gill Sans bisa didownload di www.linotype.com . File desain termasuk InDesign file dengan potongan bleed 0.125”. Juga disertai place-holders buat foto dan ada file format PDF. Mengeditnya sangat mudah, silahkan link-kan kembali foto/gambar anda dan tambahkan teks informasi di tempat yang tersedia.

2. Caribbean Holiday Travel Offer Tri-fold Brochure – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik berjudul Caribbean holiday ini merupakan brosur clean trifold. Dibuat dengan 2 aplikasi: Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Keduanya dibuat dengan teliti menggunakan layer dan style di InDesign. Di Photoshop, semua foto ada di smart objects dengan masking, adapun bleed telah ditetapkan pada semua halaman, begitu juga margin dengan guide line. File InDesign hadir dengan 3 layer (teks, foto, latar belakang), semua paragraf dan objek foto memiliki definisi style. Warna disertakan ke dalam swatches sehingga sangat membantu ketika akan membuat perubahan dalam proyek. Templat ini sangat cocok untuk brosur travelling atau wisata.

3. Fancy Travel Agency Catalogue Brochure – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Brosur ini adalah katalog agen travelling dan dapat digunakan untuk marketing bisnis jalan-jalan & wisata. Brosur ini dilengkapi dengan ukuran A4 landscape dengan mode warna CMYK. Menggunakan 300 dpi + N.2 maka file ini akan memiliki warna dengan tata letak yang berbeda; merah muda dan abu-abu dengan peta PSD disertakan.

Harap diperhatikan bahwa dalam paket yang diunduh, foto yang digunakan di sini pada preview tidaklah disertakan. Foto-foto tersebut digunakan hanya untuk tujuan pamer saja.

4. Fun Travel Brochure – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Nah yang satu ini adalah templat brosur yang simple tapi bersih dan terlihat modern yagn akna cocok untuk bisnis perjalanan & wisata seperti: biro perjalanan, layanan pemesanan, perencana perjalanan atau untuk perjalanan maskapai.

Mudah digunakan dan sangat dapat disesuaikan. Brosur ini dapat dengan mudah disesuaikan agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Semua lapisan diberi nama dan disusun dengan fitur: Ukuran A5 (210 mm x 148 mm) dengan 16 halaman dalam mode warna CMYK.

Dirancang dalam template PSD berkualitas tinggi sepenuhnya layered dan sepenuhnya dapat diedit, template ini telah dalam file siap cetak dengan bleed dan pedoman. Untuk font, ada detail dalam file Bantuan.

Catatan: foto tidak termasuk.

5. Fun Travel Tri-fold Brochure – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Ini dia, templat brosur tri-lipat bisnis yang benar-benar sederhana dan bersih yang akan sempurna untuk berbagai bisnis liburan dan perjalanan seperti: Agen Perjalanan, Layanan Pemesanan, Perencana Perjalanan atau Perjalanan Maskapai.

Mudah digunakan dan sangat dapat dikustomisasi, dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Fitur: Ukuran A4, Semua lapisan diberi nama dan diorganisasikan dengan baik, template PSD berlapis penuh dan dapat diedit sepenuhnya, Siap Cetak, CMYK dengan 300 dpi, Bleed dan pedoman, dan detail font dalam file Bantuan.

6. Haji dan Umrah – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Brosur Haji Umrah Travel Tours sangat cocok dengan agensi mana pun yang menawarkan layanan terkait Umroh dan Haji. Bersih, modern dengan kombinasi geometri perpaduan pola-pola Islami membuat brosur modern menarik.

Brosur haji umroh ini hadir dengan grafik perbandingan paket dan rincian paket individu untuk setiap halaman. Fitur dengan Ready to Print dan bagan perbandingan paket termasuk, juga paket individual secara detail dengan area testimonial.

Unduh dan Anda akan mendapatkan 1 Indesign Layout dan dokumentasi dengan spesifikasi: ukuran 21cm x 29.7cm (A4 International), 16 Halaman, CMYK dan 0,5cm Bleed.

7. Stylish Brochures Template – Brosur Tour Travel

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Templat brosur bergaya di atas memiliki banyak fitur seperti Ukuran A5 CMYK dan 300 DPI. Dengan warna siap cetak, printer memiliki garis tepi 3mm.

Brosur ini dirancang menggunakan Adobe Photoshop CS dengan layer biasa sehingga Anda akan merasa mudah untuk mengubah semua. Juga, templat ini dibuat menggunakan shape-shape dan vector smart object.

8. Travel Agency 3-Fold Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Brosur Lipat Agen Perjalanan 3 memiliki file PSD Layered sepenuhnya, ditampilkan dengan folder yang terorganisir dengan baik. Berbentuk brosur trifold A4, ukurannya 307 × 220 mm.

Sementara 210 × 297 mm dalam ukuran potong, file yang diunduh akan siap untuk dicetak dalam mode warna CMYK. Ini memiliki 300dpi berkualitas tinggi. Bleeded, Guidlines, garis aman. Template ini memiliki Layers Sangat Terorganisir dengan Desain Bersih. Pratinjau foto tidak termasuk. Baca saya file (termasuk instruksi)

9. Travel Agency Brochure Catalog Template

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Template ktalog brosur biro perjalanan ini dibuat dengan InDesign. Brosur / Template Katalog Perjalanan 12 Halaman yang Kreatif ini nampak bergaya bersih dan modern, siap digunakan untuk Agen Perjalanan, Liburan, Liburan Musim Panas, Liburan Musim Dingin, Brosur dan Katalog Perjalanan Perjalanan Wisata, dll.

Template ini selain siap digunakan untuk berbacam kebutuhan brosur juga dapat digunakan gaya desain terbaru dan opsi perubahan foto dengan mudah.

10. Travel Agency Trifold Brochure Template

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Templat Brosur Trifold berukuran 8 x 11 in (8,75 in x 11,25 in dengan bleed) dan siap dicetak, karena dalam CMYK pada 300 dpi. File psd dapat diedit di Photoshop, dan agar sederhana dapat mengubah teks. 2 file Photoshop Layered dalam folder zip dengan teks yang dapat diedit dan Simple to Customize. ganti warna, teks, tambahkan gambar & logo Anda, dll.

11. Travel and Tourism Brochure – Caribbean Beach

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Brosur Perjalanan & Pariwisata, ideal untuk hotel, agen perjalanan, dan semua bisnis akomodasi / perjalanan / pariwisata. Cukup tempatkan foto Anda dan edit teks! 2 PSD (dalam dan luar). 11 × 8.5 “termasuk perdarahan, pedoman, trim, 0,25”. Warna CMYK, 300DPI. Print Ready. Font: Myriad Pro, Keluarga Gotham, Qwigley.

12. Travel Business Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Templat brosur ini dirancang untuk bisnis tur dan perjalanan. Didesain dalam ukuran standar dengan trifold – 11 × 8,5 inci, memiliki 3 pilihan warna dan Easy Color Change. Semua PSD dengan perdarahan 0,125 inci dari semua sisi. Cetak file Ready | 300 DPI | Skema warna CMYK. Layers Terorganisir untuk penyesuaian mudah. Smart Objects digunakan untuk penggantian gambar yang mudah. Detail font di bawah ini. Termasuk variasi warna. Penuh warna dan segar. Minimal / Warna Ringan-Hemat Biaya. Warna Gelap-Hemat Biaya.

13. Travel Business Trifold Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Brosur trifold standar ini berukuran 8,5 inci dan memiliki 3 pilihan warna sekaligus mudah berubah warna. Semua PSD dengan perdarahan 0,125 inci dari semua sisi. Cetak file Ready | 300 DPI | Skema warna CMYK. Layers Terorganisir untuk penyesuaian mudah sementara benda pintar digunakan untuk penggantian gambar yang mudah. Detail font di bawah ini. Variasi warna disertakan sehingga template ini akan Berwarna-warni dan Segar dengan Minimal / Warna Terang-Hemat Biaya dan Efektif warna gelap-Hemat.

14. Travel Tours Trifold Brochure Template

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

15. Travel TriFold Brochure Volume 1

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Spesifikasi: templat ini dapat diedit dengan mudah menggunakan adobe photoshop cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6. Dibuat dalam resolusi 300 dpi untuk resolusi, ini memiliki ukuran Letter dan A4, dengan gambar berdarah. Diatur dalam mode warna CMYK, foto tidak termasuk dalam file unduhan, untuk dicatat. Font tersedia; Arial: Font Standar dan Font Gratis Nexa.

16. Traveler Guide Trifold Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Ini adalah Brosur Panduan Perjalanan 3 Kali Lipat baru. Template ini dilengkapi dengan PSD Photoshop, manajemen warna menggunakan aturan pencetakan standar, dengan CMYK 300 dpi. Brosur ini dapat Anda gunakan untuk Agen Perjalanan Anda, Anda dapat mempromosikannya menggunakan brosur ini, seperti layanan yang Anda pilih untuk ditawarkan kepada pelanggan Anda (Liburan, Penerbangan Murah, Tiket Pesawat & Tarif Penerbangan). Atau Anda butuh rencana lain, Anda bisa menggunakan brosur ini untuk pekerjaan lain.

Yang Anda butuhkan untuk menggunakan Brosur ini adalah Adobe Photoshop, versi CS3 minimal. Anda dapat mengubah teks dan gambar dengan teks dan gambar Anda sendiri.

17. Travelworld Trifold Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Trifold ini dirancang untuk Perusahaan / agensi perjalanan yang memiliki paket wisata berbeda di seluruh dunia. Ini cara yang lebih baik untuk mendaftar paket wisata paling terkenal dengan info dan gambar perusahaan. Spesifikasi Barang: Ukuran Trifold: 25,5 ”x 11”. Semua PSD dengan perdarahan 0,125 inci dari semua sisi. 2 Pilihan Warna. Cetak file Ready | 300 DPI | Skema warna CMYK. Layers Terorganisir untuk penyesuaian mudah. Smart Objects digunakan untuk penggantian gambar yang mudah.

18. Tri-fold Travel & Tourism

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Templat Trifold baru dari dapur joeBanana. Kali ini untuk Agen Perjalanan dan brosur Turis. File berjarak 15 menit dari pekerjaan pencetakan, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengganti gambar dan mengedit penawaran! Namun, seluruh tata letak, skema warna dan font dapat dengan mudah diganti melalui lapisan berlabel dan sangat teratur. Dengan pemikiran ini, seseorang dapat menggunakan template untuk industri apa pun.

19. Caribbean Holiday Travel Offer Tri-fold Brochure

Templat brosur liburan Karibia ini adalah brosur bersih 3 kali lipat yang disiapkan untuk dua aplikasi: Adobe InDesign dan Adobe Photoshop. Keduanya dibangun dengan hati-hati dengan lapisan dan gaya (InDesign). Di Photoshop, semua foto ada di objek pintar dengan topeng, semua halaman telah menetapkan perdarahan, dan margin dengan garis panduan. File InDesign memiliki 3 lapisan (teks, foto, latar belakang), semua paragraf dan objek foto memiliki definisi gaya. Warna disertakan untuk carikan dengan nama ini sangat membantu untuk membuat perubahan dalam proyek. Templat ini sangat cocok untuk brosur perjalanan atau wisata.

20. Visit! Series – Square Tourism Brochure

Contoh Desain Brosur Tour dan Travel Terbaik

Desain modern dan minimalis yang dapat disesuaikan dengan subjek apa pun yang terkait dengan pariwisata, agen perjalanan atau liburan, sarana promosi yang sangat baik untuk tujuan wisata apa pun. Semua file dibangun di InDesign CS3, yang memastikan kompatibilitas dengan versi terbaru. File disiapkan dengan benar untuk pencetakan, Ukuran 200mm X 200mm dengan 3mm berdarah * dan semua warna dalam CMYK.

21. Astray Travel Co : Brochure Design

Contoh Brosur Tour Travel 15

Brosur Astray dirancang untuk menggabungkan rasa penemuan dan kemewahan. Brosur dikategorikan berdasarkan Wilayah, Musim, dan Gaya Perjalanan. Itu terbuka untuk mengungkapkan informasi tentang perusahaan dan apa yang diharapkan ketika Anda bepergian dengan mereka. Ada saku di dalamnya yang menyimpan perjalanan yang dipamerkan di brosur; setiap perjalanan memiliki kartu sendiri yang mengingatkan pada kartu pos. Informasi tentang perjalanan ada di satu sisi sedangkan bagian belakang kartu memiliki gambar full-bleed dari perjalanan tertentu.

22. Free travelling trifold brochure template

Contoh Brosur Tour Travel 15

Contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik ini berbentuk lipat tiga. Brosur ini ditujukan untuk perusahaan dengan jenis bisnis traveling.

23. Travel Die-Cut Brochure, Magazine Cover, and Spread

Contoh Brosur Tour Travel 15

Sampul majalah, sebaran, dan brosur dirancang sebagai bagian dari kampanye iklan perjalanan St. Augustine. Contoh desain brosur wisata wisata terbaik dibuat dengan menggunakan foto pendaftar pribadi sang desainer.

24. Oahu Travel Brochure

Contoh Brosur Tour Travel 15

Contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik “Rack Card/Travel Brochure for Oahu” ini dibuat secar khusus untu kperusahaan turisme. Tur yang dipilih untuk brosur dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis wisatawan. Perancang merancang konsep, mengambil gambar, menentukan skema warna, menulis beberapa konten, dan memformat tata letak. Perancang juga mengkustomisasi peta di bagian belakang untuk memasukkan tur yang secara khusus disorot.

25. City Of Lakeland – Travel Brochure – 3 Fold

Contoh Brosur Tour Travel 15

Contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik ini dibuat oleh Jessica Smith from Lakeland, Florida, United States. Perancang template ini diminta untuk merancang brosur yang didasarkan pada kota asalnya. Tinggal di Lakeland, FL hampir sepanjang hidup perancang brosur ini, ia menganggapnya sebagai kampung halamannya. Perancang brosur menjaganya tetap sederhana dan memutuskan untuk menargetkan 3 hal tentang kota kelahirannya yang istimewa dan menonjol, dalam pandangannya. Perancang juga menambahkan Ikon Media Sosial dan tautan ke situs web kota, dll. Di bagian belakang brosur setelah selesai dan terlipat siap untuk dilihat. Dibuat dengan Adobe Indesign, Touch Ups untuk foto: Adobe Photoshop.

Demikianlah 25 contoh desain brosur tour travel terbaik yang bisa kami bagikan untuk anda dan bisnis tour travel Anda.

Admin Ayuprint

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brosur tour and travel

How to make a stunning travel brochure – Templates included

How to make a stunning travel brochure – Templates included

Travelling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. A journey to discover new places, cultures, and traditions and a reflective self-discovery trip we get to embark on every time we go somewhere else. Sometimes, stunning travel brochures are the only tools you have to inspire travelers to visit new destinations worth exploring.

During the height of the pandemic, traveling of any kind was halted or severely restricted. That resulted in an interest spike as soon as the borders opened. No surprise there. There’s a hunger for it that the industry strives to satisfy.

But how do you grab the attention of all potential wanderers in the post-pandemic era? Do you follow the same pattern as before, or use optimized tools for your benefit?

How to make a stunning travel brochure banner

Whether you’re running an online travel agency , an independent travel agent, or just promoting your tourist attraction, travel brochures are a great promotional tool. Still, traditional marketing tools made their way into the digital world, and with the right online marketing tool , you can make any type of brochure digital in no time.

We’ll get into the details of how to make a travel brochure and more in a minute. Let’s just make sure we cover our bases first.

A travel brochure is the most commonly used promotional tool for the tourism industry’s marketing strategy. Its role is to promote a destination, service, or product to potential customers in an informative and commercial manner.

If you know how to make a travel brochure, you’ll inspire tourists to pack their bags and book their flight, hotel room, and adventure in no time. Due to that, the information travel brochures provide needs to answer fundamental questions about a destination. How’s the weather? What can you do once you get there? Which are the transit options? What are the prices? Coupled with appealing visuals that give tourists a taste of what the destination promises, the written content provides the educational part of the material. 

Knowing how to make a travel brochure can be the difference between a successful brochure marketing strategy and losses in revenue. Promote your services with a travel brochure, but understand exactly what is a travel brochure and what it isn’t, as there is much confusion among marketing materials. We’ll go over the main ones to make it easier to differentiate between them. To exemplify what a great travel brochure might look like, I’m going to mention the brochures from Bookatrekking.com , a hiking company that meets the needs of people interested in visiting famous mountains around the world. It comes as a branded travel brochure with travel destination services.

Brochure vs. other marketing materials

Travel brochures are probably the most diverse marketing material as you can fold them in different ways and bind them, and they are not limited in sizes like leaflets , pamphlets , or flyers . You can choose the one that fits your needs best based on factors such as budget, target audience, style, and overall marketing strategy.

Brochure vs. leaflet vs. flyer visual created in Flipsnack

Despite being the most popular choice for tourism service providers, even those who know how to make a travel brochure template often confuse it with other promotional materials. To clarify, we’ll go over the main differences in a few bullet points:

  • Travel brochures have a minimum of two pages containing images and written content. They are primarily used for selling and marketing services, containing details about them and activities available in an area. 
  • Pamphlets are much smaller in size, with a panel of written content and images. They are used to inform and educate, covering only one topic, and are similar in aspect to flyers. 
  • Booklets have more pages and are more expensive, but they are usually used for manuals and are always bound. 
  • Leaflets are similar to pamphlets and flyers if only a bit smaller and more sophisticated.

Still, printed marketing materials are outshined by their digital counterparts in the age of technology and the internet. Everything is made available and more appealing at the click of a button or the swipe of a screen, so why should your brochure marketing strategy stay in the past? Let’s see why you should look into digital travel brochures and some ways to reduce printing costs .

Travel brochures – why choose digital?

Travel agencies or visitor’s centers will have different types of printed marketing materials available to browse. That part is unlikely to change. Still, people leave them behind, throw them away, and they become waste before the next season comes around.

Digital travel brochures don’t fall into this trap as they are, well … digital. They stay on your devices. You have them on your phone, always on hand, and, once downloaded, you can consult them anytime. Digital travel brochures are also editable. You won’t have to recover stacks of printed copies, discard them, and replace them before clients still take the content as accurate. You can just change the content as you wish.

Printed vs digital brochures visual

Still, how can you decide which is better for you and your business? Just consider the costs and your needs and organize your marketing strategy accordingly. Printed materials are necessary only to showcase in information centers or travel agencies and for clients that don’t venture online for their traveling plans. Furthermore, given online services proficiency, you don’t need design experience to make a professional-looking travel brochure.

Learning how to make a travel brochure has never been easier. You can simply upload a PDF file in record time and play around with the features available. A quick guide will help you through the basics, and you’ll be halfway there.

How to make a travel brochure?

So far, from this article, you have discovered what is a travel brochure and what the differences between print and digital are. We can move on to the more exciting part of this article and probably the reason you’re here in the first place.

Let’s see how to make a travel brochure! Creating your first can seem a bit daunting, especially if you don’t have much marketing experience. From design to content, people think it is overwhelming. But, hey! That’s what brought you here, so let’s start!

  • Think before you do
  • Develop a buyer persona
  • Organize your ideas
  • Choose the right format
  • Write a compelling copy
  • Make it visually appealing
  • Color outside the lines
  • Include branding elements
  • Reach your audience

But let’s take a closer look at them one by one and get into more details.

1. Think before you do

You know why travel brochures are important to a marketing strategy if you work in the tourism industry. Their main purpose is to market your services, but you don’t simply tell your customers about them. You make them as tangible as possible. Traveling isn’t a product that can be tested. You don’t get a trial version before you book your holiday, so you use travel brochures for that.

Of course, knowing what you’re promoting in your travel brochure is detrimental. Basing your written content on online information won’t guarantee success; what will is having experienced the things you write about. “Write about what you know,” as critics say, relates to the authenticity of the information. Imagination and creativity can take us only so far, but actual experience supersedes them. Explore the location and services for yourself as a simple Google search can tell a client about the best hotel in the area. You need to give them more. An effective travel brochure can make them feel like they are there, and first-hand experience is the best source for inspiring content.

An efficient travel brochure doesn’t only have the best images, design, copy, and color scheme. It must have all of that but focused on the customer’s needs. Otherwise, it’s a pamphlet. Interactive digital brochures do even more with added videos. Overwhelm your reader’s senses so that they imagine themselves experiencing those services. It will make the difference between browsing for services and buying them. Still, before writing your copy, get up close and personal with your targeted audience.

2. Develop a buyer persona

Knowing what you write is as important as knowing for whom you are writing. Developing a buyer persona will make you understand your audience better. You don’t want to promote skydiving to toddlers or a puppet show to adrenaline seekers. Know who will benefit the most from your services and address them. 

A buyer persona represents your ideal customer or target audience. This is a character you design based on what you sell and the characteristics of the person who buys your product. You need to know and understand your buyer persona like the back of your hand. Are they married? Do they have children? What’s their age group? Do you know their interests? What makes them tick? How do they book their holiday? What activities do they prefer? When in doubt, create several buyer personas (three is the recommended minimum) because you won’t only have one type of customer buying your products.

Developing a buyer persona exemplified with Flipsnack

Developing your buyer persona is like creating a character for a book you’re writing. The story is all about the character; if you don’t understand your character thoroughly, the story will lose its flow, meaning, and authenticity. Look at reviews, testimonials, characteristics of potential clients, and your services to develop your buyer persona. Once you know what they want, you’ll be able to better accommodate their needs. When in doubt, look for templates online for designing your buyer persona , and once they become as tangible as possible without being real, you can start making your travel brochure.

3. Organize your ideas

Before you continue your travel brochure, you need a general idea of what your travel brochure will look like. It’s important you tell a story through your content, immerse your audience into an experience, and take them with you on a teaser of their holiday. But how do you do that? Take all the information you intend to write about, and make a plan for your travel brochure. 

Your buyer persona is your target audience, and you need to excite them. Readers are drawn to a good storyline, and as the storyteller, you’ll take them on an adventure. Infuse an emotion through your front page, delve deeper into the main subject with an intro, give them the main attractions, and show them what they’ll experience there. You need to tickle a nerve. Give them the right reasons to be unable to scroll past your offer, and convince them to purchase your services through compelling arguments. 

But don’t forget while your aim is to sell an emotion, you must keep it brief, succinct, and to the point. It’s the simple words that carry the heaviest emotions. This compelling argument should be recurring throughout your travel brochure, reiterating more and more as they move past each page. Tell a story through text, imagery, page layout, and flow. They will have to book their holiday by the end of your travel brochure, and if done correctly, it won’t turn out to be a novel. Size does matter in travel brochures. 

4. Choose the right format

Once you know what your travel brochure will be about and who will read it, you can get into the more technical elements of making a travel brochure. Size, style, and format mostly apply to foldable printed travel brochures designs due to folding techniques. Still, if you design your brochure in a digital format, you should keep this in mind. Using the digital version of your brochure for any printed copies will be easier than designing two, and you’ll find many travel brochure templates for various folding styles . Consider using a really good laptop for graphic design so the result is high quality on paper, too.

Choosing the right brochure format visual

If you intend to print copies of your travel brochure, you should keep it simple, as custom shapes won’t save you money. That is if you don’t mind splurging on your marketing materials. The most common dimensions for brochures are A4, A5, and DL (dimension lengthwise), but for printed brochures, it’s the folding that takes the cake. You can pick and choose from the single fold, concertina fold, cross fold, open-gate fold, couple-gate fold, and roll fold, or make origami if you want to stand out. All that folding, however, can take away from the visuals you use.

Aside from the ability to print it, a digital brochure can come in various sizes. The basic option is an A4, horizontal or vertical, from which you can implement many folding techniques. Still, there is the letter format (916 x 1056 px) for a slightly wider variant, followed by the tabloid (1632 x 1056 px). The smaller sizes resemble the flyer (416 x 865 px) or booklet format (793 x 793 px). Still, you can make it multiple pages without considering paper quality, limited space, ink, and budget, especially if you want an informative copy. 

5. Write a compelling copy

As the most time-consuming part of how to make a travel brochure, you don’t want to rush through the copy. Words are an unlimited resource of magic in our world. They can hurt, heal, save, and push over the edge, making them a powerful tool to wield. Still, they make the intangible tangible, and thoughts can be made a reality through them. For the copy of a travel brochure template, get your grammar game on point. Check everything twice and be mindful of punctuation. Everything must work together, but without a good copy, even the most breathtaking images can’t save a travel brochure. When you think of the copy and the visuals, think of the heart and lungs of the travel brochure. One can not work without the other.

Be aware of who you’ll be addressing and how you’ll address them. Tailor your voice on your buyer’s personas. Address the copy as you would your friends. This makes the content more approachable for writers of any skill level and bridges the gap between you and your audience. Also, your travel brochure’s text (copy) must be descriptive. It has to paint a clear picture of the place where you’re inviting your readers. With interactive maps, your readers will get familiar with their surroundings and know what to expect.

Let readers visualize their experience. Transport them to your destination. Invite them over to try out new experiences. Enthusiasm is a contagious feeling, and you can transmit passion through words. Include a call to action once you drew them in by the written content like “Plan your adventure now!”, “Sign up for the latest offers!” or simply “Book!” Then the right visual will get them over the finish line in no time.

6. Make it visually appealing

While we’ve established that telling a story is detrimental to the informational part of what is a travel brochure, the imagery is the visual that shows the story and captures the attention. If the images are dull, you could write the next Romeo & Juliette, and no one will read it. As images are the first things people see when they look at examples of a travel brochure , include engaging visuals that showcase experiences and people having fun, giving your audience a taste of the sight-seeing part of traveling. 

We are visual creatures drawn to aesthetics. It’s in our genetic makeup, and by using appealing imagery of landscapes, you can relay a feeling, even if it’s only longing to be in that place. If you want to take your travel brochure to the next level, implement interactive features. Think of your buyer’s persona and target their fantasies. Whether it’s sunbathing while enjoying a cocktail, hiking peaks while the thrill of birds keeps you company, or something exhilarating like a skydiving video embed, provide for that fantasy through a virtual tour but keep it accurate. Don’t sell something you don’t have.

Appealing travel brochure example created in Flipsnack

Once you decide on the story, you want to tell, finding the right images will be easy. There are multiple websites for stock photos that you can use, many for free or for a fee. The quality of the images you use matters, and if you’re willing to go the extra mile, hire a professional photographer. Stock images can go a long way, but original imagery, commissioned to express a particular emotion, has a different impact. It will also help with how they perceive you in the field, increasing your position among competitors through original content. Combine the visuals with the color pallet for a harmonious travel brochure design.

7. Color outside the lines

After choosing your images carefully, make sure you select a color scheme for your brochure. When it comes to designing your own travel brochure template, the sky’s the limit. You can use branding, style, and imagery to create a color scheme. Firstly, the importance of a color scheme is relevant if color is a focus of your travel brochure. 

Knowing how to make a digital brochure doesn’t mean you must know or be proficient at travel brochure design. However, if you intend to use color to highlight some sections of your travel brochure or create a theme, you must remember the overall pallet you use. Again, if color is not an overwhelming part of your design, you can be relatively liberal with what colors you use. Still, if your travel brochure has plenty of turquoise images of ocean beaches with clear blue water, the designer can integrate blues perfectly throughout the travel brochure design.

A well-known fact, blue is one of the calmest colors. It communicates peace and tranquility. So, when advertising beach resorts or hotels, you may want to use lighter shades of blue to send the right message with your travel brochure design. That is the psychological effect colors have on us. Similarly, orange inspires action, and green can be soothing if it’s light or envy-inducing if dark. Red stands for passion but also anger, while purple is luxurious. You can use a color wheel to better understand which colors work best together to ensure an enticing combination. Use your brand colors, and your company will become synonymous with the best holiday of their lives in no time.

8. Include branding elements

You may know some businesses in the tourism industry by their logos, slogans, or images . Think of the font in Holiday Inn’s logo, “Sweet Home Alabama ”, “The city that never sleeps,” or “Finger Likin’ Good,” and tell me your mind doesn’t go places. Implementing branding in a brochure marketing campaign doesn’t only help with sales but will also increase the company’s and its services’ popularity. The message sticks with the consumer; if the overall experience is good, they come again. If not, they know to stay away from it.

That is why brand consistency throughout your marketing materials is essential. If your clients enjoy themselves, it will help them remember your brand and return when the next holiday comes around. Branding means everything from your company’s logo, slogan, brand colors, font pairings , or typography. Incorporate branding elements in your marketing materials to connect your brand to the message. Aside from standing out and being recognized from the millionth other brands, using them will breed loyalty.

Branding elements presented in a Flipsnack travel brochure

Keep your brand in mind throughout your travel brochure and other marketing materials. Maybe you can work with the colors, some cursive lettering titles, or simply a feeling that oozes from your brand. Whatever it is, work it throughout your travel brochure design with a branding kit . If your brand colors are pastels, keep to those hues and tints, but if it’s black and white, think carefully about adding color. What you have to say can also make a difference so keep the general idea of your written content in the back of your mind before you get around to hashing it out. Now all you need to do is send your travel brochure to people.

9. Reach your audience

Once you finish your travel brochure examples, you need to publish them. You save it in whatever editor you’re using and send it to the printer if you want to have physical copies. You can send traditional printed brochures to hotels, and trade events, in PR kits or through the post. 

A digital travel brochure lives online, and you can share it as a PDF link as far and wide as possible. Share a link that opens the page or a full-screen link to open the travel brochure in full-screen mode in your browser. You can easily share it through social media platforms, email, and embedded on websites and downloaded for further consultation in various formats. Like that, you won’t need an internet connection or to carry them in hand wherever you travel.

Some distribution paths incur additional costs, which is why digital travel brochures are gaining more terrain. We’re not saying that if you go digital, you won’t need a marketing budget, but when for 5000 printed brochures, you need around $2000 for design, printing, delivery, and distribution. A monthly fee of $35 is a bargain. Considering all the benefits, features, and design options you get from such a package, you’ll save money faster than ever . On top of that, once you share your published digital travel brochure, you can also update any pricing or information alterations in real-time. Talk about efficiency.

Design your travel brochure with Flipsnack

Congratulations! Now that you have everything you need to make a travel brochure marketing campaign like a professional, you can get to work. Everything from the section above will be applicable when you make a digital travel brochure. But now that you have the know-how let’s talk about the tool.  There are plenty of online tools for designing promotional materials , but with range, applicability, and usability, after 10 years of experience, none can overcome Flipsnack. Making your own digital travel brochure in our Design Studio will be easy. Our flipbook software offers you three paths you can take when creating a travel brochure. Let’s see more about these options, shall we?

One of the simplest ways to create a digital travel brochure in Flipsnack is to upload an already-made brochure. With the fastest PDF converter on the market , it’s no wonder many of our customers choose this option. Once your PDF file has been converted, you take it to the next level through the interactive features available .  Want to include a short video about your spa? Go ahead! Want a soothing sound for a more intense experience while people read sections about the wildlife in the area? You can have that. Include internal and external links for easier access to even more details. Add social media buttons so your customers can keep in touch with ease. Update the content easily when something changes and share it in HTML5 , video, or GIF versions to be accessible on any device.

When inspiration strikes, you can create a travel brochure from scratch . Organize your travel brochure from the first to the last page, and balance the copy and visuals in a seamless manner to tell the story you want to tell. Add styling elements and interactivity features that keep the flow of the brochure going. Creating your own travel brochure gives you free rein over the entire process so let your imagination run wild and design your vision into reality.

When the muse takes a break, you can browse through our travel brochure templates to find something that speaks to you. Once you choose the travel brochure template that fits best with your needs, you only need to fill the template with your original content. Make it your own through simple customizing options. You can personalize it through a simple drag & drop and then start adding interactivities. This will give your travel brochure a new dimension, capturing the attention and inspiring people to take you up on your offer.  Choose the path you want, but once you make your choice, it doesn’t mean you won’t have access to the others. You can add extra pages to uploaded PDFs, original designs, or templates. You can also use one page from a template to add in an original design and any other combination that you can think of. The borders of your imagination are the limits when it comes to our Design Studio . Just continue reading, and we’ll give you a taste of what Flipsnack can do for you through a few travel brochure examples.

Travel Brochures Examples

From here on out, we’re done with the technical aspects of digital travel brochures. Now we’ll show you that we don’t only talk the talk but also walk the walk. 

Blue Sea Tourism Brochure Template

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, if the image looks anything like the one in the travel brochure example below, it’s easy to see where that saying comes from. This blue sea travel brochure template will ignite any beach lover’s imagination.

Blue sea travel brochure template created with Flipsnack

As you browse through its pages, one thing that stands out is the turquoise color of water and sky integrated throughout the brochure. The page number is of a similarly shaded background. Make this work for any breathtaking visual by changing the color of other connected elements throughout the template. Once you have done this, introduce your logo, replace the images and text, add interactions to capture your audience’s attention, and personalize it for your business.

Pattern Themed Travel Brochure Template

A dynamic travel brochure template can help you organically highlight the most appealing activities if you have a theme in mind. With the spotlight on them, simplicity is essential as you don’t want other elements to distract the readers.

Pattern Themed Travel Brochure Template

Here we have a pattern themed travel brochure . The travel brochure design makes it look like a diary photo album, intentionally connecting a personal item so that the reader connects to it with ease. Cursive writing titles on polaroid photographs make it feel like a travel journal you make before your trip begins. It’s an inspirational and concise way to bridge the gap between the experience available and the reader who has yet to experience them.

Adventure Trip Brochure Template

This digital travel brochure example can come in foldable templates that work in both the printed and digital worlds. Select the main attraction for the promoted destination and inspire your readers’ curiosity enough to generate leads. 

Adventure Trip Brochure Template

This front-and-back adventure travel brochure template gives an immersive experience through visuals that continue beyond the page. A design created for the tourism industry ensures that travelers get access to all the relevant information while at the same time seeing a sneak peek of the attractions they can visit. Make it foldable in printed version or keep it digital for easy distribution. The choice is yours once you customize it with the most popular attractions, best-reviewed hotels, and highest-scoring restaurants.

Informative Travel Brochure Template

Marketing strategies come in different forms, and teasers work to ignite the spark, tickle curiosity, and demand action. You can use a simple, short, and content-limited travel brochure example if you include your contact information.

Informative Travel Brochure Template

The saying, less is more is the best way to describe a teaser brochure marketing campaign. Through this informative travel brochure template , you only give your readers a taste, the smallest sample of the experiences they could enjoy. Still, if you add a few more between the front and back, you can give them as much information as you want. Activate a form for access inside of it and easily gather contact information from them.

Double Gate Fold Holiday Promotion Brochure Template

You can fold printed travel brochures differently, but you can see this from the template. On the outside, you say what it’s about. Open it to start your story, and open it again to find out more.

Double Gate Fold Holiday Promotion Brochure Template

This double-gate fold travel brochure template comes with layers. Each layer takes the audience deeper and deeper as you provide more information about the offers available. While the main image starts on the front page in its folded format, it continues on the inside without creating a bigger image. It simply continues. Once it’s fully open, you can show different locations worth visiting and give your clients a choice. Break apart the text with relevant images, so they understand their options.

Before & After

Those templates are just that – templates you can easily personalize to promote your services. We discussed some of these features throughout the article, but this before-and-after section is where you see them in action. Changing the pictures and text is one thing, but there’s so much more you can do with Flipsnack. The before the template is the version without any customization. In the after template, you’ll be able to see the distinguishable changes and some that are not as visible.

Before and after customizing a template in Flipsnack

Get ready to design

There are many ways to make a travel brochure through Flipsnack. As you can see, the options are boundless. Your imagination is the only limit. Besides creativity and a sense of wonder, you now have the tools necessary to create breathtaking travel brochures that can reach your audience wherever they may go, so don’t hold back. Take your time, try out the features available through Flipsnack, and figure out which makes more sense for your product and how you can use them both for your and your audience’s utmost benefit. 

How to make a stunning travel brochure banner

Bring those incredible holiday destinations to your buyer personas screens, where they don’t have to go out of their way to find out about them, and ensure an authentic connection from the start. Show them what they want to see, create it in Flipsnack, and give it to them. New experiences feed our growth, but some may need an extra push. Give it to them through your first travel brochure, and they’ll thank you for it later.

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15+ Travel Brochure Examples to Inspire Your Design

See some of our travel brochure ideas, templates, and examples, all in one place. Then design your own informational and unique brochure for free using Venngage!

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New travel brochure ideas, templates & examples.

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Photo Centric Outdoor Travel Brochure Idea

Marrakech Travel Trifold Brochure Template 1

Colorful Moroccan Minimalist Travel Trifold Brochure Idea

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EPIC Green Tri-Fold Travel Brochure Idea

As designers and creators, we all have all been there a few times. Sometimes all you need is a little brochure design inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. 

Want to create a travel brochure for your amazing cottage or hotel? What about designing a business brochure that shows off your company in a very professional way. Or even just a simple tri-fold brochure for your school project? We have all of those brochure examples in the Gallery. 

After you find the perfect brochure idea, you can use one of our professionally designed brochure templates to finish the job. And with our collection of brochure templates, even a new designer can create something incredible. So what are you waiting for?

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Business Brochure Ideas

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Trifold Brochure Ideas 

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Modern Brochure Ideas

 top inspirational categories.

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Poster Ideas

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Brochure Ideas

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Flyer Ideas

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Business Infographics

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Education Infographics

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Marketing Infographics

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Tech Infographics

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February 26, 2022



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At 5 am on February 24, Russia began the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. They are violently trying to steal our country.

Russian forces have invaded Ukraine, confirming our worst fears. At this very hour they are attacking us on the streets of many Ukrainian cities.  We are at war.

Skylum was proudly founded in Ukraine, and our core development center is based in Kyiv. At this harrowing time, unfortunately we cannot guarantee the on-time delivery of updates to Luminar Neo. We strive for excellence in everything we do, and we will make sure to further develop and improve Neo and to keep you updated on any news. 

However, today we ask our community for help and support. Here are some details on what has happened and how you can support Ukraine in this difficult time.

!   At 5 am on February 24, Russia began the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. They are violently trying to steal our country.

! Right now, there are missile strikes and bombardment of peaceful Ukrainian cities.   We must hide our families in bomb shelters and protect our land with weapons in our hands as part of the territorial defense forces.

! This disastrous and entirely unprovoked Russian war has already taken the lives of 198 civilians. 33 children have been injured, and 3 have been killed.

! The Armed Forces of Ukraine, young and brave heroes, are fighting all over the country not only for Ukraine but for Peace and Clear Skies in Europe. 

As we write to you from a city under attack, we want to be very clear: This war is not just something you see on TV. It is not happening in some distant lands. It is happening right now here in Ukraine, and the Russian forces who are invading our lands and threatening our families may come to your doorstep one day too if we do not stop them.

Sanctions that world governments are currently imposing are not enough. Russia must be completely isolated from all spheres of the civilized world: the financial system, technologies, sports, culture.  

Here is a list of simple actions you can take to help Ukraine. We MUST unite to quite literally save the world before it’s too late:

- Contact your local representatives and pressure them to provide more support for Ukraine and stricter sanctions on Russia. We need military and humanitarian aid and Russia must be cut off from SWIFT.

- Donate money to humanitarian aid organizations. Find a full list over here:  https://how-you-can-support-ukraine.super.site/  

- Follow the news from official channels. Avoid fake news and disinformation!

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa  





Telegram:  https://t.me/Forbes_Ukraine_official  

- Support the Ukrainian Army —  Official Account of the National Bank of Ukraine

We stand together

Please share this information with your community.

#Ukrainians #NATO #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


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20 Travel Brochure Examples to Inspire Your Next Design

20 Travel Brochure Examples to Inspire Your Next Design

The warm sun on your cheeks, the cool wind at your back, the hustle and bustle of local street eats. Whatever kind of travel experiences you facilitate, there’s no better way to get potential clients in vacation mode than a well-designed booklet with stunning photos and captivating copy.

Learn why these simple marketing pieces matter so much and then check out some inspiring travel brochure examples below.

Why Travel Brochures Are Good Business

Photo of travel brochure examples in Chiang Mai, Thailand

If print marketing seems outdated in this glued-to-our-smartphone age, you’ll be surprised to find out how important travel brochures really are. Small but mighty, these handheld pamphlets often make a real difference in vacationers’ plans.

According to a study by Bentley University :

  • Print brochures are the second-most popular source of trip-planning information (behind internet sources like personal research or travel ads ).
  • 85% of participants learned about a new attraction by seeing it on a brochure.
  • 73% of participants would consider changing their plans based on a brochure.

Plus, for many people, planning is half the fun of any trip! The right travel brochure builds early excitement and contributes to a positive customer experience long before the experience actually begins. 

And, one final bonus: Because DIY travel brochures have gotten so easy, you can make a digital brochure and a print brochure at the same time. Create your custom booklet, export one file for print and one for web, and you’ll be ready to share it online and stock it in your lobby.

Sound good? Then get inspired to design by browsing the twenty beautiful city guides and creative tourist pamphlets below.

City-Specific Travel Brochure Examples

City guides help visitors—especially those on foot—orient themselves in an exciting new place. These travel brochures often include maps, highlights of key attractions, fun facts, and historical details.

1. Santorini, Greece

This travel brochure plays off well-loved Greek motifs including the classic blue-and-white palette (one of the world’s most iconic color combinations !), mosaic-inspired tile patterns, and a faux Greek font that evokes stone-carved manuscripts.

Santorini travel brochure with blue letters in Greek font

2. Macau, China

This city guide is the perfect distillation of Macau’s indigenous, Chinese, and Portuguese influences. It contains more text than most other travel brochure examples but uses a grid to keep everything easy to read.

Macau travel brochure and walking guide with a detailed map of the city

3. Singapore

Bold colors make this Singapore city guide stand out, evoking some of the vibrant street art of this cultural melting pot. A suggested itinerary helps visitors explore this interesting city-state in just five days.

Singapore travel brochure with a detailed map of places to visit

4. Tel Aviv, Israel

This walking map of Tel Aviv uses a cool motif drawn from Bialik Square to give each page of the pamphlet a cohesive identity and professionally designed look.

Man holding a brochure of a walking guide to Tel Aviv

5. Istanbul, Turkey

Take a page from this Istanbul travel brochure by adding a QR code to your own design. QR codes make it easy for viewers to move from print marketing to the web , where they can continue finding even more helpful information.

Istanbul travel brochure with stunning photos of the city

6. Tokyo, Japan

Featuring a flat-design map with five attractions and six local recommendations, this Tokyo travel brochure has the highlights covered.

Tokyo travel brochure with map illustrations of popular sites to visit

7. Budapest, Hungary

With its monochrome poppy orange and a lightly textured screen-printed look, this Budapest city guide rocks a retro 1960s feel while still feeling super contemporary.

Budapest walking tour guide with orange markers indicating popular visiting sites

8. Krakow, Poland

If you have a ton of information to share, this Krakow guide is one of the best travel brochure examples to follow. It features a whole lot of text but utilizes background boxes, dividing lines, and color-coding to maintain a strong visual hierarchy. 

Goodtime Monty Krakow city guide with cartoon illustration of a man playing a trumpet

9. Paris, France

This city guide advertises custom walking tours in Paris, using an action-packed photo and a bold-type font . Be sure to include critical info like website, phone number, location, or whatever else will ensure your appointment books get full!

Brochure with a woman walking through the streets of Paris with illustrations of postcards on her back

10. Barcelona, Spain 

Quirky, uneven letterforms and oversized asterisks serve as a whimsical introduction to Barcelona. The sky blue background and white clouds work especially well with the two photos, both of which feature a prominent sky.

Barcelona travel brochure with uneven letterforms on a light blue background

Travel Brochure Examples for Cultural Sites and Tourist Attractions

The following travel brochures hone in on a specific attraction, region, or cultural site, incorporating beautiful visual representations as well as useful information for tourists. They’re perfect to keep stocked in hotel lobbies, visitor centers, and travel agencies.

11. Villages of Crete, Greece

This guide is given to guests of a family-owned hotel on the island of Crete. The black-and-white photos , desaturated peach paper, and vintage grotesque font lend themselves to a nostalgic, down-home look.

Chronakis Home travel guide book on peach-colored background

12. Waters of Palawan, Philippines

Unsurprisingly, gorgeous travel photos of beaches, water, and sunsets take center stage in this travel brochure example. The natural element of water is reflected in the dark blue color palette and the curving wave motif.

Palawan travel brochure with images of the beach, mountains, and sunsets

13. Wines of Bordeaux, France

This museum booklet captures the elegance of French wine through an understated beige and slate gray color palette and a modern serif font.

Bordeaux travel brochure booklet with elegant images of wine-related themes

14. Aruba, South America

Aruba’s stunning white beaches are a must-see experience. Use a Create template like this one to insert enticing and can’t-miss attractions for your destination.

Even try using minimal text to let those pro-photos speak for themselves. You can upload your own images or use some of Shutterstock’s unmatched royalty-free photos geared to your location.

To find this template in Create , simply type “Travel” into the search bar and it’ll pop right up!

Tri-fold brochure with images of a beach with mountains in the distance

15. Trails of Taiwan

Part outdoor trail map and part historical guide, this travel brochure highlights the natural beauty of the island, as well as the history of local indigenous peoples.

Hiking guide to Tamsui-Kavalan trails Taiwan with illustrations of indigenous people

16. Railways of India

Okay, so this travel brochure is for a railway that only exists in our collective cultural imagination (thanks, Wes Anderson!). But, there are well over 20,000 trains in India , and any one of them could benefit from a creative brochure like this one.

Darjeeling Limited travel brochure with a map of the area and colorful illustrations

17. Churches of Kaunas, Lithuania

Drawing upon classic Orthodox iconography and church decor, this guide to Kaunas, Lithuania, perfectly mirrors the religious sites it highlights.

Hand-drawn illustrations and sketched tiling add a folksy and authentic feel.

Pilgrim's guide to Kaunas with detailed insights to popular sites

18. Mountains of Bolivia

This travel brochure highlights Bolivia’s natural beauty and encourages visitors to travel in an ecofriendly way . The earthy greens and browns contribute to the rustic feel, with a helpful legend indicating various outdoor activities at each location.

Ecotourism travel brochure with photos of popular sites

19. Wildlife of South Africa

This campground and safari travel guide strikes a rustic and authentic tone with its font and desert-friendly color choices. You can always use personal photos or Shutterstock’s images to capture the essence of your destination. As you build your design, keeping colors, fonts, graphics, and images complementary will make for a cohesive theme.

For more tips on capturing African landscapes, check out this must-read tutorial for design inspo. And to find this template in Create , simply type “Animal” into the search bar and start crafting!

Brochure template with photo of an antelope in the desert under location information

20. Beaches of Thailand

Creative text effects make this Thailand travel brochure especially remarkable, including text and photo layering, text masks, and even a subtle color gradient at the bottom.

To mirror this look in Create , explore the Effects tab for a multitude of options. For color gradients, specifically, click the Change color circle on the lefthand toolbar, select Gradient, and Apply !

Thailand travel brochure with a picture of a person parasailing over the ocean

If you were able to browse these twenty travel brochure examples and not be flooded with an overwhelming desire to get away, you must be one in a million.

Why not take a page from the brochures above and tell your own travel story? Start with one of Create’s travel templates or begin your own vision with a blank canvas ! We can’t wait to see all of your fun adventure-time-fueled creations.

License this cover image via briddy .

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FREE Travel Brochure Templates & Examples

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Yuddy Renaldi

Pertama tama, tentu kami berdua mengucapkan beribu terima kasih karena Ibu dan Dream Tour melalui "tangan" dan "kehendak" Allah SWT telah mewujudkan keinginan dan harapan kami yang sudah cukup lama utk melaksanakan Ibadah Haji di tanah suci Makkah. Kedua, tentunya kamipun mohon dimaafkan apabila ada salah kata dan salah perbuatan selama kami berinteraksi dengan Ibu dan Teman2 Dream Tour yg dengan telah begitu baiknya melaksanakan tugasanya dilapangan, sejak keberangkatan di Jakarta, pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji dan sampai kepulangan ke tanah air semua dikelola dengan sangat2 baik. Kedepannya, saya tetap berharap, Dream Tour semakin maju dalam melayani Jamaah yg akan berangkat Umrah dan Haji dan semakin lekat di hati Jamaah dan Ummat. Sekali lagi, terima kasih Bu Afi dan Teman2 Dream Tour dan semoga silaturahmi tetap bisa dijaga, Aamiin...🙏

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Razman A Nasution

Dream Tour semoga menjadi salah satu terbaik di Indonesia. Nama besar belum tentu pelayanannya besar, saya sudah pernah pakai travel-travel yang seperti itu. Ternyata Dream Tour itu betul-betul mimpi, mimpi yang menjadi kenyataaan, oleh karena itu saya mengucapkan terimakasih.

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Reza Arthamefia

Saya beserta anak-anak saya semua, merasa happy banget ikut Dream Tour, Ustadnya luar biasa mas Reza juga luar bisa banget. Kita bener-bener merasa diurusin gak merasa sedikitpun terbengkalai, kayak nunggu lama atau apalah, Alhamdulillah sama sekali tidak. Thank you so much Dream Tour .

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • St. Petersburg Tours

Our 20 Best St. Petersburg Tours of 2022

Join us for a Journey of a Lifetime to St. Petersburg the gem of Russia. Sometimes called the city of the Tsars or the Northern Venice, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. All of our tours to St. Petersburg are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our St. Petersburg tours using the form on the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Russia, photo by Express to Russia staff

Classic St. Petersburg

This is our most popular tour of St. Petersburg. It includes all the most important highlights of the Northern Capital, and also provides enough free time for exploring the city on your own. We have a huge variety of St. Petersburg excursions that you can take for extra sightseeing.



Photo by Alice Butenko on Unsplash

Express St. Petersburg

This tour gives you a great overview of the city. You will visit Peter and Paul Fortress, the birthplace of the city and also the location where the Last Romanovs are buried. You will become acquainted with the rich collection of the Hermitage Museum and learn about Imperial life while visiting Peterhof.

St. Petersburg, photo by Tama66 on Pixabay

Weekend in St. Petersburg

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with St. Petersburg if you are short on time. You will see all of the city’s major highlights and visit the Hermitage Museum - one of the largest museums in the world and former residence of Russian tzars.

The Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo, Russia, photo by schliff on Pixabay

Imperial St. Petersburg

This is our most complete St. Petersburg tour package. Besides visiting all of the major sights within the city and three Imperial summer residences, you will also see the Yusupov Palace and learn about the life and murder of Rasputin, one of the most mysterious figures in Russia’s history.

Photo by verdealbastrui on Unsplash

Group Tour St. Petersburg Break by Intourist

Explore St. Petersburg, the former capital of Imperial Russia with its magnificent palaces, parks, and monuments. Our engaging and most importantly fun tour includes all the most important highlights, such as Peter and Paul Fortress, the Hermitage Museum, and the Catherine Palace with the Amber Room.

St Petersburg Grand Choral Synagogue, Russia

Jewish Heritage Tour

This tours takes you to the major Jewish sights of St. Petersburg including the Grand Choral Synagogue, the Kolomna district and the Ethnography Museum which has an excellent exhibition dedicated to the history and culture of the Jewish people in Russia.

Jewish Cemetery, St Petersburg, Russia

Jewish Heritage, Major City Highlights, Peterhof & Catherine Palace

This tour will take you to St. Petersburg’s great museums such as the Hermitage and the Catherine Palace, and it also includes several sights connected with the life of the Jewish community.

Moika river embankment, St Petersburg, Russia

Major City Highlights

Let our friendly and knowledgeable guide take you on a fun and informative tour to St. Petersburg's major highlights including the Peter and Paul Fortress, Nevsky Prospect, the Hermitage, the Cathedral on the Spilt Blood and more over the course of one day.

Palace Square, St Petersburg, Russia

All City Highlights

This tour is a great introduction to St. Petersburg - the Venice of the North. During the tour, you will visit the Yusupov Palace associated with the fate of Rasputin, St. Isaacs Cathedral, the Hermitage Museum and the Cathedral on the Spilt Blood.

Peterhof, St Petersburg, Russia

Major City Highlights & Peterhof

On this tour, you will have the chance to explore the magnificent parks and fountains of Peterhof, the outstanding interiors of the Grand Palace at Peterhof, and the Hermitage Museum - one of the world's greatest museums.

The Catherine Palace, St Petersburg, Russia

Major City Highlights & Catherine Palace

This tour takes you to one of the world's most famous treasures - the Amber Room in Tsarskoe Selo. You will visit the Catherine Palace and Park, and explore the famous Hermitage Museum.

Pavlovsk Palace, St Petersburg, Russia

Three Imperial Residences

This tour takes you to three Imperial suburbs - each with its own palace and park and all associated with Russia's colorful history. See the fountains of Peterhof, the Amber Room in the Catherine Palace and Emperor Paul's German style residence in Pavlosk.

Moscow, Russia

One-Day Moscow Tour with Visit to the Tretyakov Gallery

This tour brings you the main highlights of Moscow, Russia’s capital. You will also take an excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery which contains many masterpieces from the greatest Russian artists.

brosur tour and travel

Revolution, WWII & Soviet Leningrad

Russia is well known for its rich history and especially the Russian Revolution that ushered in the age of communism and the Soviet Union. Our tour will take you to the places associated with the Soviet epoque.

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

One-Day Moscow Tour with Visit to the Kremlin

This one-day tour to Russia's capital includes major highlights of Moscow, such as Red Square, the Kremlin Cathedrals and Armory. Feel the energy that has always made Moscow one of the most exciting cities on earth.

Peterhof, St Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg is considered the capital of Russian arts and cultural. During this tour, you will visit such gems as the Hermitage Museum, the Church on the Spilt Blood and the Peterhof Palace with its magnificent gardens and fountains.

The Catherine Palace, St Petersburg, Russia

This tour takes you to the town of Pushkin, also known as Tsarkoye Selo, one of St. Petersburg's main Imperial suburbs. You will visit the Catherine Palace and Park - home to one of the world's most exquisite pieces of architectural and decorative art, the Amber Room.

Palace bridge, St Petersburg, Russia

Major City Highlights, Peterhof & Catherine Palace

This tour explores St. Petersburg’s main attractions including the Hermitage Museum, the Church on the Spilt Blood and two of the city's Imperial suburbs - Peterhof with its magnificent fountains and Pushkin’s Catherine Palace, famous for the Amber Room.

St Petersburg, Russia

All City Highlights, Peterhof & Catherine Palace

On this tour, you will explore the city's most beautiful museums, including the Hermitage and the Yusupov Palace, as well as two Imperial suburbs - Peterhof with its fountains and Pushkin with the Catherine Palace and the Amber Room.

Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia

This tour will give you a great understanding and feeling for the city of St. Petersburg, Russia's art and cultural capital. It takes you to the Hermitage, Catherine Palace (including the Amber Room), the Peter & Paul Fortress, St. Isaac's Cathedral and more.

Palace Square St Petersburg, Russia

All City Highlights and Three Imperial Summer Residences

Over the course of 3 days, you will visit three of St. Petersburg's Imperial suburbs - Peterhof, Pushkin with the Catherine Palace and Pavlosvk. We will also explore the city's most beautiful museums, such as the Hermitage, the Yusupov Palace, St.Isaac's Cathedral and more.

Grand Choral Synagogue, St Ptersburg, Russia

Jewish Heritage, Major City Highlights & Catherine Palace

This tour will acquaint you with the Hermitage Museum and the Catherine Palace with its world-famous Amber Room, while at the same time it explores the history and present-day life of St. Petersburg's Jewish Community.

Cityskape of St Petersburg, Russia

Jewish Heritage, Major City Highlights & Peterhof

Besides exploring St. Petersburg's main sights such as the Hermitage, Cathedral on the Spilt Blood and the Imperial suburb of Peterhof with its magnificent fountains, this tour will also acquaint you with the history of St. Petersburg’s Jewish community.

brosur tour and travel

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to St. Isaacs Cathedral

A great introduction to St. Petersburg for visitors who enjoy walking. Our expert guide will take you down the famous Nevsky Prospect, to Palace Square (the Winter Palace) home...

Walking tours

brosur tour and travel

City Tour of St. Petersburg

Our St. Petersburg walking tour is a great introduction to this marvelous city for visitors who enjoy walking. Our expert guide will take you down the famous Nevsky Prospect, to...

brosur tour and travel

St. Isaacs Cathedral walking tour

One of the finest architectural monuments of the XIX century, the former principal cathedral of the Russian capital has the capacity to accommodate 10,000 people. The cathedral...

brosur tour and travel

Hermitage Museum Tour

The Hermitage is one of the greatest museums in the world. The museum consists of five historical buildings including the Winter Palace – the residence of the Russian Tsars....

brosur tour and travel

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to Peter and Paul Fortress

brosur tour and travel

Peter and Paul Fortress walking tour

The Peter and Paul Fortress was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. Besides the ancient fortifications, the fortress includes the Peter and Paul Cathedral, built in the early XVIII...

brosur tour and travel

Tour to Pavlovsk, Tsar Pauls stronghold

Built in the late XVIII and early XIX centuries, Pavlovsk’s palace and park was used as a summer residence for emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the...

Tours by car

brosur tour and travel

Tour of Pushkin: Catherine Palace and Park, Amber Room

The Palace and Park of Tsarskoye Selo is a former country residence of the Russian Tsars. It is a fascinating monument of the world’s architectural and gardening arts of...

brosur tour and travel

Day trip to Novgorod - the ancient capital of Russia

At 8.00 AM, our driver will pick you up to depart for Novgorod. Veliky Novgorod is one of Russia’s most ancient cities and was Russia’s first capital. No other Russian...

brosur tour and travel

Alexander Nevsky Monastery walking tour

The largest monastery in Russia, Alexander Nevsky Lavra was built near the location where Grand Prince Alexander won his victory over the Swedes and the Teutonic Knights in 1240....

brosur tour and travel

Cathedral of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood walking tour

St. Petersburg´s most Russian looking building. The cathedral would seem at home on Moscow´s Red Square with its onion shaped domes and multi colored facade. The cathedral...

brosur tour and travel

Yusupov Palace Tour

This is an extremely interesting palace excursion and St. Petersburg tour. The building is notable both for its beauty and for the historical events that have taken place within...

brosur tour and travel

Russian Museum Tour

The Michailovsky Palace where the Russian Museum is situated was built by the architect K. Rossi at the beginning of the XIX century for Alexander I´s brother Michail. It...

brosur tour and travel

Tour to Pushkin & Pavlovsk

Pavlosk was built in the late XVIII and early XIX centuries, the palace and park were used as a summer residence for emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the...

brosur tour and travel

Tour to Peterhof (Petrodvorets)

Peterhof is a jewel of Russian art – a town of parks, palaces and fountains. In the past, it was used as an exquisite summer residence by the Russian Tsars. Verkhniy Garden...

brosur tour and travel

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to Peter & Paul Fortress and St. Isaac's Cathedral

The tour will take the visitor throughout the historical center of St. Petersburg and includes spectacular views of the Neva River, Canal Griboyedova, Moika Canal, the many bridges...

brosur tour and travel

Dostoyevsky's St. Petersburg Tour with transport

Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous Russian novelist, journalist and short-story writer spent much of his life in Russia’s Northern Capital, even though he was born in Moscow....

brosur tour and travel

Boat Excursion Along the Canals of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city of canals and viewing it from the water is an unforgettable experience. During your one hour trip, you will sail from Pevchesky bridge along the Moika...

brosur tour and travel

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to the Hermitage Museum with transport

The tour will take the visitor throughout the historical center of St. Petersburg and includes spectacular views of the Neva river, Canal Griboyedova, Moika canal, the many bridges...

brosur tour and travel

Military Tour: the Artillery Museum and the Central Naval Museum with transport

This excursion will be exciting for those who are interested in the military history of Russia. The tour includes a visit to the Artillery Museum and the Central Naval Museum....

brosur tour and travel

Dostoevsky Museum walking tour

Learn more about the life and times of Dostoevsky on this most engaging excursion. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky's literary works explore human psychology in the troubled political,...

brosur tour and travel

The National Museum of Alexander Pushkin Tour

Learn more about the father of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin with a visit to his house located on the Moika River Embankment. During your visit you will learn about Pushkin's...

brosur tour and travel

Revolutionary St. Petersburg Tour with transport

St. Petersburg is often called the cradle of the Russian Revolution. If you want to know more about the political history of Russia, or just walk the paths of the revolutionary...

brosur tour and travel

WWII and the Siege of Leningrad Tour with transport

The city suffered on an almost unimaginable scale during the time of WWII. The bravery and courage of the citizens of Leningrad, as the city was called during that period, is well-known...


Thank you both for making our visit to St. Petersburg so enjoyable. Asya - your prompt replies to my many emails and your efficient organization were greatly appreciated. Elena - you were a delight. I don't know how you remembered all those names and dates! Your knowledge and enthusiasm made our 2 days with you very interesting and memorable. I will recommend you both to any friends we hear who are travelling to St. Petersburg. Thank you again for 2 wonderful days.


I am very glad to put in a good word for your excellent tour company. You handled all the tour arrangements so well. Compliments also to Dasha the tour guide & Dmitri the driver. The tours to the museums, city & palaces were really well explained and interesting. We were so happy not to stand in the long lines. Our driver drove efficiently and safely. We will have only compliments if anyone asks us about your tour company. Russia is beautiful and we have a great appreciation of your history, art and people.

St. Petersburg Russia Tours

St. Petersburg is one of the world’s most beautiful cities. It was built on a collection of islands where the Neva River meets the Gulf of Finland and is divided further by a system of canals earning the city the name the Venice of the North. St. Petersburg was referred to as Peter the Great’s Window to the West because the great Tsar and reformer Peter the First designed the city to be Russia’s most European. The European feeling of the city is as true today as it was during the early 1700s. The embankments and boulevards are full of 18th and 19th century palaces of the nobility giving St. Petersburg an almost fairytale atmosphere. The historical city center is huge and dominated by the Winter Palace (former residence of the Tsars) which now houses the world famous Hermitage Museum . St. Petersburg Russia indeed is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities on earth. Our company is based in St. Petersburg, Russia allowing us to offer the widest variety of St. Petersburg Russia tours and excursions available on the Internet. All of our tours are designed so that our guests experience maximum enjoyment and become immersed in the culture and history of this great, Russian city. All our tours are private and can be fully customized upon your request. You can either choose one of our ready-made packages or create your own. Because we are locally based, we can offer excellent prices and the most knowledgeable guides in the city.

St. Petersburg in the 19th century

St. Petersburg – a Historical Gem

The city has witnessed some of the most dramatic and important moments in Russian history since its founding in 1703 by Peter the Great , making the city especially important for curious travelers coming to Russia. St. Petersburg was the scene of the Decembrist uprising , the famous court of Tsarina Catherine the Great , the assassination of Tsar Pavel and Alexander II and the home of Rasputin , the Siberian mystic. The last Tsar, Nicholas the II, was overthrown at the Winter Palace and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and Lenin brought communism to power here. After the revolution, the name of the city was changed to Leningrad. During the Second World War, Leningrad was under siege and fully blockaded by the Nazis for almost 3 years, resulting in the deaths of up to 1.5 million of its citizens. Our St. Petersburg tours take you to the places associated with many of these events and more.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time of year to go to st petersburg.

St Petersburg is a spectacular city regardless of the time of year, it all depends on your itinerary. Summertime can be wonderfully warm and brings the White Nights, nearly 24-hours of sunshine and a party atmosphere. However, St Petersburg will be very busy and accommodation can be much more expensive. St Petersburg is quite cold in winter, but enchantingly beautiful and with less crowds. The worst weather takes place in November and March. Check to see if your visit will coincide with Russia’s holidays and festivals, and for more information about the best time to visit, read our guide .

How many days are enough in St. Petersburg?

With a carefully planned and researched itinerary you can see St Petersburg’s main sights over a long weekend. St Petersburg’s city centre is compact compared to Moscow’s, and its most famous attractions are reachable by foot from one another. Find centrally located accommodation, acquaint yourself with public transport, and book tickets in advance so that you can skip the queues. To make the most of a short trip, check out our informative St Petersburg city tours with options to suit all interests.

Is it safe to walk around St Petersburg, Russia?

Walking around St Petersburg is no more dangerous than exploring any European city if you are sensible with your belongings and use common sense. The city centre rarely feels isolated as it is quite compact, and many bars and restaurants are open 24/7. During White Nights there are nearly 24 hours of sunlight, meaning that you’ll never venture anywhere in the dark. If you travel by taxi make sure to book in advance, or take public transport, which is perfectly safe and tourist-friendly. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

Do they speak English in St. Petersburg?

St Petersburg is Russia’s most western-leaning city and staff in city centre restaurants, hotels, shops and attractions can generally accommodate English speaking tourists. There are also English-speaking tourist police. The metro and bus service maps have English translations, and intercom announcements are also made in English. If you’d prefer to travel by taxi, the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber) works in multiple languages, although it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. Younger Russians are more likely to speak basic English than older Russians, but Google Translate is useful if you get completely stuck.

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  • 12 Days, 11 Nights Holyland Pilgrimage
  • 11 Days, 10 Nights, Israel & Rome Pilgrimage
  • 11 Days, 10 Nights Arctic Circle Adventure + Baltic and Nordic Capitals

9 Days / 8 Nights Moscow & St Petersburg, Russia

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Tour Program

Confirmation Deposit Required. Contact (+63.88) 859 0600 or [email protected] Depending on the number of persons joining the tour, final computation will be adjusted on the full payment.


Above Itinerary & Rate subject to change without prior notice, until paid & finalized. Non-Refundable Deposit but transferable if done at least 60days prior to departure ( If visa is paid, charges will apply ) Full cancellation penalty if cancelled within 30days from departure.


Roundtrip Airfare Manila – Moscow – Manila via Qatar Airways or Aeroflot / Cathay Pacific Airlines or similar One way fast train from Moscow – St Petersburg 8 nights accommodation at Holiday Inn Sokolniki / Park Inn Nevsky or similar Full board Meals as specified below (except lunches on free day) Deluxe coach transfers for the entire duration of the tour Guided Tour as specified in the itinerary with admission tickets Admission to the following: Russian Vodka Tasting, Russian Circus Admission, Famous Russian Ballet at Bolshoi Theater One (1) bottled water per person in the bus daily Airline Taxes & Travel Tax Personalized Luggage Tags, Travel Pouch & Utility Bags


  • International Travel Insurance
  • Drinks during meals unless specified
  • Personal items (laundry, drinks, telephone etc. Anything not listed as included above)

Booking for 9 Days / 8 Nights Moscow & St Petersburg, Russia

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  23. 9 Days / 8 Nights Moscow & St Petersburg, Russia

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