Jump in. Glide through. Ride away. Do some sightseeing. Or just relax and unwind. TICO TRIPS offers you a wide variety of tours to experience adventures in Costa Rica's nature surroundings and activities to explore our culture or relax and let yourself be pampered.

Tours give you the opportunity to see a lot, within a time frame. You get to see a place, its culture, treasures, and big sites, taste the cuisine, blend with the locals and then you’re off again. Essentially, you get to sample the very best of a place and what it has to offer.

Now, we are firm believers of guided tours. Why? No matter which destination you’re in, someone will always have your back. Also, as the tour guides are local to the country, they know all the ins and outs of keeping you safe, where to go, where NOT to go and general recommendations of the area you’re visiting, so you can un-stress and roam freely.













Shuttle from/to hotel

English/Spanish Guide

Water bottle

from $110 + tax per person



Manuel Antonio, Quepos

from $62 + tax per person



Office arrival

Fruit snacks

Punta Uva, Limon

from $55 + tax per person

Our top 3 wildlife tours.



Arenal, Fortuna

from $60 + tax per person



from $30 + tax per person



Uvita, Puntarenas

from $88 + tax per person

Our top 3 volcano tours.



from $65 + tax per person



Water bottle, lunch

from $113 + tax per person



Poas Volcano

from $150 + tax per person

Our top 3 waterfalls.



Lunch, water bottle

Tenorio, Guanacaste

from $90 + tax per person



Arrival to office

Water, snacks

Rincon de la Vieja, Guanacaste



Dominical, Puntarenas

from $80 + tax per person

Our top 3 adventure tours.



Arrival to tour office

from $85 + tax per person


from $84 + tax per person



Breakfast and lunch

Pacuare River

from $105 + tax per person

Our top 3 boat tours.



Breakfast, Lunch

from $165 + tax per person



Water Bottle

Tarcoles river

from $74 + tax per person



Tamarindo, Guanacaste


Feel free to request or book any tour on this page.  Best deals guaranteed!

1. Your selection

Pick up time for the tour will be informed in the quote, as it may vary depending on availability.

2. Tell us about yourself

Worried about sharing your phone number  don't be.  please read our privacy note about your personal information ..

Thanks for submitting! We will contact you shortly

Ticos A Pata

Puentes Colgantes de Monteverde

Puentes Colgantes de Monteverde

  • Descripción

Protocolo COVID-19

Acompaña a Tico Tours a un tour chivisima en la zona de Monteverde en donde caminaremos por unos puentes colgantes sobre la copa de los árboles.

Nuestra aventura iniciará tempranito en donde saldremos de San José, para pasar a comer un delicioso desayuno y seguir nuestro recorrido hasta el pueblo de Santa Elena en Monteverde, para conocer uno de los principales atractivos de este hermoso lugar, los puentes colgantes los cuales nos permitirán poder apreciar un increíble bosque nuboso , que envuelve un rica diversidad de flora y fauna.

El atractivo cuenta con 6 puentes en donde el puente más largo tiene una distancia de 261 mts, con un recorrido aproximado a los 2 km.

Verdad que se ve una experiencia increíble!

Qué nivel tiene esta caminata

Esta caminata es recomendada para todo público

Distancia: aproximadamente 2 km

Duración: 2 horas.

Se recomienda que lleven

  • Zapatos tipo tennis
  • Pantalones largos o cortos de secado rápido o licra.
  • Camisa o blusa de manga larga o corta, que sean de telas de secado rápido.
  • Gorra y bloqueador.
  • Sueter o capa impermeable.
  • Ropa de cambio (esta queda en la microbús)

Itinerario donde les recogerá la microbús:

5:00 am san josé-catedral, 5:30 am heredía-una, 5:45 am heredia-san joquín, 6:00 am alajuela-rostipollos.

Recuerden estar puntuales, ya que solo se dará 5 minutos de espera.

La hora de regreso a San José es aproximadamente a las 7:00 PM

Cómo Reservar?

Tico Tours forma parte del grupo de empresas de Ticos A Pat Travel SRL , por lo que puedes reservar por medio de transferencia electrónica a nuestras cuentas bancarias en Colones  a nombre de  Ticos A Pata Travel SRL , Cédula Jurídica No.  3-102-826098  de los siguientes bancos:

  •   Banco Nacional de Costa Rica     Cuenta IBAN No. CR91 0151 0312 0010 4884 27
  •   Banco de Costa Rica                     Cuenta IBAN No. CR96 0152 0200 1316 5548 31
  •   SINPE MÓVIL :                                 88 41-80 76 o el 83 51-13 31

Después debe de llenar el siguiente formulario:

Una vez realizado el pago y llenado el formulario de reservación, debe de enviar el comprobante de depósito al whatsApp  8790-5341 o bien al correo electrónico  [email protected],  para que su reservación quede en firme.

Políticas de Nuestros Eventos

Estimado cliente es importante que cada participante conozca de las políticas  y recomendaciones de las caminatas o eventos que organiza “TICO TOURS“ el cual es un nombre  fantasía el mismo está representado bajo la razón social : TICOS A PATA TRAVEL SRL , Cédula número 3-102-826098  , por lo que le recomendamos leerlas y aclarar cualquier duda a los teléfonos 8790-5341/2573-3434 o al correo [email protected]

Políticas de devolución de dinero:

  • Cuando son actividades de un   día y el cliente avisa de su NO participación con mínimo de  5 días de anticipación, se le devuelve el dinero o bien lo puede dejar de fondo y tendrá vigencia por tres meses , para que lo aplique a un nuevo evento. Pasado este tiempo si la persona NO utilizó el dinero en alguna actividad, este NO se devuelve.
  • Cuando son tour o caminatas de un día y la persona avisa de su NO participación por CUALQUIER MOTIVO QUE SEA , con menos de 5 días de anticipación del día de la actividad, aunque su reservación la realice dentro de este período de tiempo de los 5 días, NO se devuelve el dinero depositado, ni se puede dejar de fondo para una próxima actividad.
  • Cuando son actividades  de más de 1 día en donde hay una reservación previa que la organización debe de cancelar a un proveedor con anticipación ya sea hotel, transporte, restaurante, lancha, agencia, albergue, parque nacional o cualquier otro proveedor y si el cliente realizó el depósito previo y al final nos indica que NO va a asistir por cualquier motivo que sea independientemente de los días que hagan falta para la fecha del evento, NO se realizará devolución del dinero pagado, ni se puede dejar de fondo para una próxima actividad.
  • Si  NO  avisa de su ausencia o llega tarde al punto de encuentro donde indicó que iba a tomar la microbús y está ya ha pasado,  NO  se devuelva el dinero depositado.
  • En caso de que se suspendiera la actividad por que NO se cuenta con el cupo mínimo de participantes requeridos para el evento o por problemas del clima o de alguna alerta por parte de la  Comisión Nacional de Emergencia  en la zona donde se va a realizar la actividad, esta se re-programará, en caso de que la persona  NO   pueda asistir en la nueva fecha, nos debe de avisar con los días de anticipación, según lo indicado en el punto  No.1 , para proceder con el reintegro del dinero a la cuenta que el cliente nos indique (aplicando la penalización ver  punto 5 ) o bien puede solicitar dejarla a fondo para una próxima actividad ( ver punto 1 ) , caso contrario si  NO  avisa dentro de los  5 días  de anticipación, se aplicarían las políticas indicadas en el punto  No.2 .
  • Cláusula definición de Desastre Natural : Desastre natural entiéndase como pérdidas materiales y vidas humanas ocasionadas por eventos o fenómenos naturales como terremotos, inundaciones, Tsunamis, deslizamientos de tierra, incendios, huracanes, tormentas, tornados, pandemias, entre otros.
  • Cláusula de reembolso en caso de Desastre Natural: “TICO TOURS“ el cual es un nombre  fantasía el mismo está representado bajo la razón social : TICOS A PATA TRAVEL SRL , Cédula número 3-102-826098 no hará ningún reembolso de dinero al cliente que haya pagado por adelantado un tour de más de un día, y que el mismo se haya tenido que cancelar por un desastre natural.

Políticas y Recomendaciones Durante los Tours, Campamentos y Caminatas:

  • Si el tour o caminata No incluye el desayuno, se recomienda llegar bien desayunados ( por ningún caso. no llegue sin desayunar ) el esfuerzo físico sin desayunar le puede ocasionar: mareos , trastornos en la presión , glucosa , náuseas  y hasta la pérdida de conocimiento.
  • Llevar suficiente agua o hidratante, refrigerio ( sándwich , frutas o un pequeño almuerzo frío ) ya que siempre se hace una parada para merendar o almorzar.
  • En su mochila o salveque debe contar con cosas básicas como : repelente, bloqueador solar y de labios, sombrero, o gorra y anteojos para sol.
  • Sobre la vestimenta se recomienda usar camisas, blusas y pantalones cómodos, con telas de secado rápido o licra, pueden ser cortos y largos ( no algodón, ni mezclilla ).
  • Para todas las caminatas se recomienda llevar “bastones”, ya que le permiten tener una mejor estabilidad, distribución del peso y le puede ayudar a evitar caídas y lesiones.
  • Se recomienda utilizar zapatos cómodos y anti-deslizantes aptos para caminar en montaña, se recomienda que sean zapatos altos de montaña que le protejan el tobillo en caso de una torcedura,  no llevar zapatos de tacón o sandalias ( en el caso de las mujeres ).
  • Se recomienda utilizar una media gruesa y alta que no permite que su pie se friccione con el calzado . Es recomendable antes de ponerse las medias , que se unte en su pie , un poco de “ vaselina “  esto le ayudará a evitar que no se le hagan “ ampollas “.
  • Revise y corte las uñas de los pies con un mínimo de 5  días   antes de la caminata, para evitar la molestia de un uñero.
  • Llevar suéter corta viento , capa o poncho  impermeable . Es importante llevar ropa de cambio, para cambiarse después de la caminata.
  • Es muy “ importante “ llevar siempre un foco ( preferiblemente , los que se utilizan en la cabeza ) y un pito.
  • Procure llevar algo de efectivo , ya que hay algunas zonas rurales que no aceptan tarjeta de crédito o débito, por si ocupara comprar algo de camino  o pasar a comer.
  • No llevar joyas o artículos de valor , los organizadores no nos hacemos responsables por perdidas, robos o asaltos (simples o agravados)  o algún daño ocasionado a la integridad física, psicológica o moral, producido por algún tipo de vandalismo.
  • Si viaja “ solo “ debe proporcionar al guía algún tipo de teléfono, para que en caso de alguna emergencia comunicarse con algún pariente o familiar.
  • Si usted padece de alguna enfermedad , como por ejemplo corazón, presión alta o baja, diabetes, epilepsia o convulsiones, alergias a comidas o picaduras de insectos, depresiones u alguna otra enfermedad o operación, que por esfuerzo físico o mental pueda ocasionarle algún cambio repentino de salud, debe de consultarle antes a su médico si le autoriza a realizar este tipo de actividad y debe de reportarlo al organizador o al guía antes de realizar la caminata o tour .
  • Si toma algún tipo de medicamento por algún padecimiento de salud, debe de llevarlos e informar al guía de su caso, por si tuviera  alguna eventualidad de salud durante la caminata.
  • Debe de portar sus documentos personales, cédula de identidad, pasaporte ( en caso de extranjeros ) o epicrisis en caso de padecer alguna enfermedad.
  • El coordinador porta un botiquín básico de primeros auxilios   gasa , guantes de latex, curitas entre otros, pero es importante que cada participante lleve su propio botiquín básico de primeros auxilios , con medicinas para dolores de cabeza, musculares, náuseas y malestar estomacal, entre otros.
  • Queda totalmente prohibido consumir alcohol, drogas  o fumar en el bus o la microbús o durante de la caminata, en caso de que el participante incurra en esta falta grave, se le invitara a que abandone la caminata y no se le reintegrará el dinero pagado .
  • El participante debe de acatar las disposiciones y reglamentos de los parques nacionales.
  • Cada persona participa bajo su propio “riesgo “ y “ responsabilidad “ , ninguna persona del equipo coordinador u organizador asume ninguna responsabilidad directa ni indirecta por cualquier daño o perjuicio que sufra de su salud. 
  • Comprendo que participar en una caminata es una actividad parcial o potencialmente peligrosa , que me podría provocar lesiones temporales, permanentes o la muerte, por lo que expresamente asumo bajo mi responsabilidad todos los riesgos inherentes asociados a mi participación en este evento, incluyendo pero no limitado a caídas, contacto con otros participantes y objetos, los efectos del clima, incluyendo altas temperaturas, frío, lluvia, humedad, el tráfico  y las condiciones del terreno y la ruta. Mediante este registro hago constar que me encuentro en condiciones físicas y mentales adecuadas para participar por lo que exonero a los organizadores de cualquier causa directa o indirecta relativa a un deterioro de mi salud física, durante o posterior a mi participación.
  • Hago constar que cualquier eventualidad que surja durante la caminata y se vea afectada mi integridad física, psicológica o moral , el organizador y su equipo de apoyo no tendrán ninguna responsabilidad civil y penal , por esta razón  soy consciente que no podré exigir ninguna indemnización por daños y perjuicios.
  • En caso de que algún participante sufriera un incidente (accidente, lesiones e incluso la muerte) dentro una propiedad privada, area de conservación, reserva o parque nacional , la empresa SOS MÉDICOS FINANCIEROS S.A ced. 3-101-569899 (TICOS A PATA), no se hace responsable por ningún daño ocasionado a la integridad física, psicológica o moral del participante, liberando a dicha empresa y a sus colaboradores de toda responsabilidad civil o penal.
  • En caso de participar algún menor de edad , este debe de ir acompañado de una persona adulta, quien será el responsable.
  • En caso de sufrir algún accidente   mientras se está en la microbus o bus , los participantes deben realizar el reclamo directamente con la empresa contratada o dueño registral del vehiculo.
  • Las actividades organizadas “NO” cuentan con un seguro de vida, gastos médicos, riesgos o accidentes, no obstante queda a criterio del participante , que pueda contratar por su cuenta ( si así lo desea ) un seguro o póliza con el INS u otra entidad aseguradora .
  • En caso de realizar alguna actividad acuática , será bajo su propio riesgo y todo menor de edad deberá estar acompañado de un adulto en todo momento, liberando de toda responsabilidad a los organizadores.
  • En caso de que se de algún incendio forestal, rayo, terremoto, tornado, tormenta, inundaciones  cabeza de agua, terraplén, derrumbe, deslizamiento o desprendimiento de terreno durante la caminata que ocasione alguna lesión temporal, permanente o la muerte, se libra de toda responsabilidad a los organizadores.
  • En caso de sufrir alguna lesión temporal,  permanente o la muerte ocasionada por algún animal silvestre o doméstico, se libra de toda responsabilidad a los organizadores.
  • El participante debe acatar todas las recomendaciones que realice el equipo organizador o del guía a cargo.
  • En caso que se diera alguna condición climática inesperada o de fuerza mayor durante la caminata, relacionados con cambios de clima o cualquier otra eventualidad de la naturaleza, por lo que en estos casos NO se hace reintegro de dinero .
  • Los organizadores no se hacen responsables por daños ocasionados a la propiedad de terceras personas, áreas de conservaciones protegidas o en cualquier otro lugar donde realicen las actividades.
  • Los organizadores no se hacen responsables por las multas que los participantes ocasionen por algún tipo de daño ( botar basura, extraer plantas de áreas de conservación, matar animales o aves ).
  • Clausula Responsabilidad Civil en caso de Desastre Natural : “TICO TOURS“ el cual es un nombre  fantasía el mismo está representado bajo la razón social : TICOS A PATA TRAVEL SRL , Cédula número 3-101-569899  no se hará responsable por ninguna indemnización civil o por daños y perjuicios ocasionados por un desastre natural.
  • En caso que no surta el efecto de la actividad promocionada en algún medio de comunicación masiva, por alguna condición climática inesperada, se libra de toda responsabilidad de publicidad engañosa a los organizadores.
  • Autorizo a los organizadores del evento a utilizar mi nombre, imagen, fotografías, videos, entrevistas o cualquier otro registro de la caminata  en algún medio de comunicación colectiva.

Declaro que he recibido y he leído esta información que contiene las políticas y condiciones de la caminata . ya sea por algún medio de comunicación ( correo electrónico o página web ) previo a la caminata, por lo que estoy de acuerdo en todas sus cláusulas.

Estimados clientes de Ticos A Pata , sirva la presente para saludarlos y a la vez brindarles una serie de recomendaciones por medio del siguiente protocolo ante la emergencia del Covid-19 el cual pretende mejorar los hábitos de higiene,  para proteger y salvaguardar la vida de nuestros  clientes, guías y proveedores, para  prevenir el contagio de alguna enfermedad.

  • Todos las personas que interactúan en en nuestras actividades , como lo son guías, choferes de microbús, personal de hospedajes, sodas y restaurantes , deben de acatar y cumplir todas las recomendaciones emitidas por el Ministerio de Salud y demás instituciones del gobierno de la República de Costa Rica , en cuanto a las normas de higiene y protocolos de salud, esto con el fin de evitar el contagio de alguna enfermedad incluyendo el COVID-19.
  • Es muy importante que cada que cada cliente que va a participar en un tour nos informe de su estado de salud de 24 a 48 horas antes de iniciar el evento, para saber cual es su estado actual de salud, si la persona presenta síntomas de: fiebre, dolor de cuerpo o garganta, cuadros severos de tos, gripe (sin confirmar que sea Covid-19) pérdida del gusto o del olfato, problemas estomacales como diarrea o vómito , NO puede realizar el tour .
  • Si la persona durante el tour comenzará a presentar los síntomas indicados en el punto No. 2 , se debe de abandonar el tour y trasladarse inmediatamente al centro de salud más cercano.
  • Es importante que cada cliente porte los siguientes artículos de limpieza : Alcohol en Gel, Jabón Líquido Antibacterial, Toallas Desechables para el secado de manos, para que durante las caminata se puedan estar lavando y desinfectando las manos.
  • Las unidades de transporte el chofer las va a desinfectar antes y durante el tour.
  • Durante la emergencia del COVID-19 vamos a evitar ilizar el aire acondicionado de la Microbús.
  • Durante la emergencia del Covid-19 cada participante debe de portar una mascarilla que cumpla con los requisitos del Ministerio de Salud, para que la utilicen dentro de la microbús y todos se deben de limpiar las manos con Alcohol en Gel antes de ingresar a la microbús.
  • A la llegada a  desayunar o almorzar a una soda o restaurante, es importante que este se encuentre totalmente desinfectado y que cumpla con todas la recomendaciones emitidas por el Ministerio de Salud en cuanto al porcentaje máximo de concentración de personas. Si cuando el grupo llegue al lugar y ve que este NO cumple con las medidas, se buscará otro lugar que si cumpla con las recomendaciones.
  • Los restaurantes, albergues, sodas y cualquier lugar que visite Ticos A Pata debe de tener en baños : Jabón Antibacterial, Toallas de Papel Desechable para secado de manos y Alcohol en Gel en lugares visibles, para que los clientes se estén desinfectando.
  • Durante las caminatas se va a evitar la visita a lugares en donde haya aglomeración de personas , como lo son restaurantes, sodas, parques nacionales u otros centros de recreo.
  • El guía asignado debe de estar en excelente estado de salud , si por cualquier motivo presentara algún síntoma indicado en el punto No. 2 antes del tour, este debe de ser sustituir por otro.
  • El chofer de la microbús asignado por la empresa de transporte debe de estar en excelente estado de salud , si por cualquier motivo presentara algún síntoma indicado en el punto No. 2 antes del tour, este debe de ser sustituir por otro.
  • Todo el personal de los hospedajes, sodas y restaurantes que atienda de forma directa a nuestros clientes debe de estar en excelente estado de salud, si por cualquier motivo presentara algún síntoma indicado en el punto No. 2, NO puede atender al grupo.
  • Durante toda la gira en caso de que alguna persona estornuda o tosa , debe de implementar los protocolos recomendados de cubrirse la boca y nariz con la parte superior del brazo, haciendo presión para evitar la salida de gotas de saliva o bien que la persona se cubra con una toalla o pañuelo desechable y después lo tiene que botar en un basurero y aplicar alcohol o lavarse las manos.
  • Durante la emergencia del Covid-19 es importante seguir la recomendación de mantener el distanciamiento entre las personas recomendado por el Ministerio de Salud,  en los restaurantes, sodas y hospedajes.
  • Durante la caminata se recomienda que guarden una distancia mínima de 4 mts entre cada caminante. Si van en su burbuja social si pueden ir en grupo.
  • Durante la emergencia del Covid-19 se recomienda que las personas NO se saluden de besos, abrazos o de la mano.

Precio de la Caminata

  • Transporte en Microbús
  • Desayuno Típico
  • Entrada a los Puentes Colgantes
  • Coordinador capacitado en PAB y en RCP


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Detalles del Tour

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MapleTico Tours


Costa Rica Travel Agency -Tour Operators


welcome to mapletico tours

Costa rica travel service, hablamos español, costa rica vacations.

Hola from MapleTico Tours located in Monetverde, Costa Rica! We offer a variety of experiences from guided or non-guided pre-designed tour packages, customized tours and reserving tours/activities or transportation anywhere in Costa Rica! MapleTico Tours is waiting for you in paradise! 

*Flights are not included in packages. Quoted in USD & based on double occupan cy.







EXHALE         6 DAYS/5 NIGHTS  

rio celeste.jpg



EXPLORE         10 DAYS/9 NIGHTS  



santa teresa.jpg










  • Family & FIT Tours
  • ViExperiences
  • TICO TOUR 5 days
  • Return to tour overview!

TICO TOUR: 5 days

  • Enjoy the country’s best “gallo pinto”
  • Whitewater rafting and zipline tour
  • Experience Manuel Antonio National Park and pristine beach
  • Visit Monteverde, home of world’s first zipline
  • Make and eat your own homemade chocolate
  • Visit local farms, interact with locals “en español”
  • Meet curious and sometimes mischievous monkeys
  • San José walking tour
  • Go on guided hikes, spot amazing wildlife


Welcome to Latin America’s “Switzerland.” Meet your tour director as you depart for Sarapiquí. Visit a butterfly and ecological family garden. Learn about many insect and reptile species and maybe catch a glimpse of a caiman. Enjoy a late homemade lunch. For dessert help make and sample homemade chocolate with our local host. Ask for some cacao fruit!


Enjoy an adventurous morning of whitewater rafting in the Sarapiquí river. After lunch, continue to Monteverde’s Cloud Forest as you view wildlife and northern countryside. Guided evening hike in the mysterious cloud forest, one of the world’s most important protected forests.


Go on an interactive hike at the Santa Elena reserve and learn more about the cloud forest. Experience the world’s first canopy zipline – Soar over the jungle on an amazing zipline adventure. After lunch, drive west to experience warm Pacific coast weather at Jaco Beach. Short beach town tour.


Experience a guided tour of Manuel Antonio National Park. Hike the trails and discover close-up encounters with wildlife. Enjoy some beach time at the park, but beware of curious monkeys eager to snack on your lunch! Depart to San José for a brief walking and driving tour of historic capital city.


Converse with locals as you learn about the nation’s environmental efforts and the country’s importance in Latin America. After a farewell breakfast, enjoy some last-minute cultural/souvenir shopping. Reminisce about all your people to people and nature experiences as you head home.

You’re Covered

Benefits of traveling with us… Meet our affiliates

Tours in Monteverde, Costa Rica

While the entire country of Costa Rica represents 0.03% of landmass on the planet, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve alone houses 2.5% of the world's biodiversity.

Just in case, If you want to arrange a personalized itinerary with several tours, please click the following button

About Monteverde

Monteverde is a complete paradise of nature. With an impressive cloud forest and a large amount of fauna, Monteverde has become one of the main tourist destinations of Costa Rica.

The Monteverde area covers the center of the country, located right on the dividing line between the Pacific coast and the Caribbean Sea. This way Monteverde and its habitats are constantly influenced by both climate factors coming from both directions, thus causing the Monteverde forest to become impressively cloudy and rainy throughout the year.

The altitude of the Monteverde area combined with all the climate characteristics allow this area to preserve approximately 120 species of mammals, 131 species (between amphibians and reptiles), 450 species of birds, and nearly 4,000 species of plants. In addition, in Monteverde you can find approximately 500 species of orchids.

Monteverde is currently one of the most developed nature destinations in Costa Rica. In Monteverde you can find several activities, from guided tours with a specialist in many different fields such as birds, amphibians, insects, as well as many adventure and adrenaline activities such as zipline tours or ATV.

Here in Monteverde you will have a wide variety of hotels with incredible attractions and resources to fully enjoy the amazing nature.

The Monteverde experience and tours will give you a memorable vacation in Costa Rica!

ATV Tour in Monteverde

ATV Tour in Monteverde

Enjoy a great experience driving through the muddy rainforest!

Birdwatching Curicancha (Private tour)

Birdwatching Curicancha (Private tour)

Curi-Cancha is a birdwatcher's paradise. Quetzal, Bellbird, Motmot, Trogon, and many others are frequently seen!

Coffee Tour in Monteverde

Coffee Tour in Monteverde

Enjoy a coffee Tour in one of the best areas for farming the best coffee beans in Costa Rica!

Canopy Selvatura Tour in Monteverde

Canopy Selvatura Tour in Monteverde

One of the longest cables truly immersed in virgin forest!

Canopy Tour Extremo Park in Monteverde

Canopy Tour Extremo Park in Monteverde

In this tour you can enjoy fourteen cables, the longest is 1030 meters!

Coffee'N Jungle Night Tour in Monteverde

Coffee'N Jungle Night Tour in Monteverde

Coffee'N Jungle Night Tour is a perfect blend of coffee tradition and wildlife adventure in Monteverde!

Don Juan Coffee, Chocolate and Sugar Cane Tour in Monteverde

Don Juan Coffee, Chocolate and Sugar Cane Tour in Monteverde

One of the most complete cultural tour in all Costa Rica!

Bat Jungle in Monteverde

Bat Jungle in Monteverde

Enjoy a world class exhibit that will provoke a new appreciation for the often misunderstood creatures of the night!

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve Birdwatching Tour

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve Birdwatching Tour

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve is a sanctuary for over 500 bird species, a paradise where the main stars are the majestic

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve Nature Tour

Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve Nature Tour

Cloud Forest Biological Reserve deserves to be a rich learning experience discovering the secrets of the exuberant cloud forest!

Horseback Riding Tour in Monteverde

Horseback Riding Tour in Monteverde

A horseback riding tour is a wonderful way to experience Monteverde's green, mountainous countryside!

Curicancha Nature Tour in Monteverde

Curicancha Nature Tour in Monteverde

Walk along beautiful natural trails with an experienced guide and see different species of birds and mammals!

Sky Tram and Sky Trek Tour in Monteverde

Sky Tram and Sky Trek Tour in Monteverde

Enjoy this memorable combo experience of tram and zipline in the cloud forest!

Sky Walk, Sky Tram, and Sky Trek Tour in Monteverde

Sky Walk, Sky Tram, and Sky Trek Tour in Monteverde

This is the ultimate combo tour for experiencing the cloud forest

Sky Tram & Sky Walk Tour in Monteverde

Sky Tram & Sky Walk Tour in Monteverde

Get above Monteverde's cloud forest to see the busiest part of this environment – the canopy!

Zip Lines, Suspended Bridges & Butterflies Tour in Monteverde

Zip Lines, Suspended Bridges & Butterflies Tour in Monteverde

This zip line, suspension bridge and butterfly garden combo tour perfectly mixes peaceful tranquility and thrilli

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Monteverde, Costa Rica

In Santa Elena you will find a selection of cheap accommodation, restaurants, shops, galleries and some bars in the lively city center. Many travelers use this cozy town as a base to explore the Monteverde region and its endless attractions. Most tours and packages, such as zip lining or guided hikes through the area's two majestic cloud forest reserves, are available here.

Visitors to the area often overlook the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve, adhering to the more popular Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. The Santa Elena School Board maintains this reserve, which encompasses 765 acres of protected land, and entrance fees and donations are split between the reserve and the local school. The reserve offers stunning views and on a clear day, you can expect to see the distant Arenal Volcano from one of its observation decks.

The city of Monteverde is located further up the road to the world-renowned Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. This majestic reserve is a short drive from Santa Elena, and only 3 percent of its territory is open to visitors, while the other 97 percent is monitored and protected. The Monteverde Reserve is famous for its ancient forest covered in epiphytes and its exuberant wildlife and birds, in particular the resplendent Quetzal.

In addition to bird watching or hiking through the Santa Elena and Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserves, Monteverde is the zipline capital of Costa Rica, with a variety of options to choose from. However, if hanging from a cable in a harness over the forest and going from one platform to another is not your thing, try suspension bridges, a slower and more meditative option that also allows you to observe life in the treetops. forest. A children's favorite is the mini-train ride through the cloud forest.

Dotted through the Monteverde region as well as in the town of Santa Elena are several beautiful mid-range hotels and ecolodges to choose from. All-inclusive luxury resorts and hotels are not found in this small rural area. Some of the mid-range hotels we recommend include Hotel Ficus, El Establo, and Hotel Poco a Poco located inside Santa Elena. Somewhat upscale hotels include the Hidden Canopy Treehouses Boutique Hotel and Hotel Belmar. For budget travelers, we recommend Monteverde Country Lodge, Hotel Heliconia, and Claro de Luna. Look in our Hotels section under Monteverde and you will find all the details about these hotels and other lodgings we recommend in the area. Swimming pools are not typically found here as you are more likely to be needing a blanket at night.



Monteverde hotels are characterized by having direct contact with nature, they do not need luxuries to capture the essence of the flora and fauna that their visitors are looking for. Relax and enjoy the most perfect climate in Costa Rica.



Among the main activities in Monteverde, the canopy, the hanging bridges, the walks through the different private reserves, the observation of birds such as the hummingbird, the visit to the cheese factory and of course the chocolate tour.



The Monteverde cloud forest is almost in the center of the country, so its proximity to the main beaches of the North Pacific, make private transportation very fast. If you are visiting Arenal, we recommend the lake crossing transportation. 



Shared shuttle is one of the most common modes of transportation leaving from Monteverde It offer transportation in an air conditioned tourist van, save money paying per person. It ussually have 2 different departure schedule per day.



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Experienced Staff

Our team boasts professionals with 30+ years of combined, on-the-ground experience. Their in-depth knowledge ensures that every trip you embark on is spectacular.

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Why juggle multiple providers? From adventure activities to nature tours and shuttles, we offer comprehensive services, making your trip planning efficient and hassle-free.

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Last but not least, quality doesn’t have to break the bank. We’re committed to providing top-tier experiences at competitive prices. If you find a better deal elsewhere, we’ll match it!

A Customer on a Ziplining Tour organized by MonteTours

💖 “Magical Trip”

  My first trip to Monteverde was magical, thanks to MonteTours. Their expert team took away all the stress of planning, helping me with everything from the best tours to choosing the right shuttles. Their local knowledge is unparalleled, making every experience authentic. I was particularly impressed by their commitment to eco-friendly practices. The highlight was the cloud forest tour – a breathtaking journey I’ll cherish forever. Highly recommend!” – Martha Lewis | USA | July 2023

Who We Are at MonteTours

We are not just a tour and transportation company; we symbolize resilience and passion. 😍

Founded in the challenging year of 2020, amidst the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, our journey began when the world paused and tourism faced unprecedented hurdles.

We originally started in 2015 with a hotel in Monteverde, Costa Rica, which we had to close in 2020 due to the global pandemic, as our borders were closed for several months.

However, we saw an opportunity -to prepare for a new era of sustainable, responsible, and immersive travel- and ventured on a new journey, helping travelers plan to visit our country once the borders open again. Learn more about us here .

MonteTours Team posing for a photo.

What Customers Say About MonteTours

It was the best experience ever! Our guide was excellent. He started the tour by setting expectations upfront and then took us through different paths. We spotted some cool snakes, insects, and birds! And we captured the pictures on our phones!

We had a fabulous time on this tour! The guide was incredibly knowledgeable, and our group was tiny, which was fantastic. We could have listened to him talk all night about the native plants and critters of Costa Rica. Highly recommend checking this out!

Amazing. We're birders and wanted a birding tour specialized in that area, and we're happy we found this place. Our guide was the most passionate person I've ever met. He deeply respected nature and found many bird species for us, which is what we wanted.

Getting Started on Your Trip to Monteverde

Suppose you’ve been to our website before and know precisely what you want to book. In that case, we recommend you click the “Book Now” button (top-right on desktops or center-bottom on mobile devices), as that will open up the widget to get your tickets for tours and shuttles or your reservation for lodging through our accommodations’ partner Booking.com .

On the other hand, if you’re unsure what to book, we recommend you get started by browsing the different sections to learn more about each service. For example, suppose you want to go ziplining but don’t know which Monteverde tour company will suit you best as there are several companies who offer this experience in Monteverde. Then, instead of jumping into the booking widget, you will want to click on “Tours > View All,” then go into the Zipline category to learn the critical differences between each offering to find out which one will suit you best.

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  • TICO TOUR 5 days
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TICO TOUR: 5 days

  • Enjoy the country’s best “gallo pinto”
  • Whitewater rafting and zipline tour
  • Experience Manuel Antonio National Park and pristine beach
  • Visit Monteverde, home of world’s first zipline
  • Make and eat your own homemade chocolate
  • Visit local farms, interact with locals “en español”
  • Meet curious and sometimes mischievous monkeys
  • San José walking tour
  • Go on guided hikes, spot amazing wildlife


Welcome to Latin America’s “Switzerland.” Meet your tour director as you depart for Sarapiquí. Visit a butterfly and ecological family garden. Learn about many insect and reptile species and maybe catch a glimpse of a caiman. Enjoy a late homemade lunch. For dessert help make and sample homemade chocolate with our local host. Ask for some cacao fruit!


Enjoy an adventurous morning of whitewater rafting in the Sarapiquí river. After lunch, continue to Monteverde’s Cloud Forest as you view wildlife and northern countryside. Guided evening hike in the mysterious cloud forest, one of the world’s most important protected forests.


Go on an interactive hike at the Santa Elena reserve and learn more about the cloud forest. Experience the world’s first canopy zipline – Soar over the jungle on an amazing zipline adventure. After lunch, drive west to experience warm Pacific coast weather at Jaco Beach. Short beach town tour.


Experience a guided tour of Manuel Antonio National Park. Hike the trails and discover close-up encounters with wildlife. Enjoy some beach time at the park, but beware of curious monkeys eager to snack on your lunch! Depart to San José for a brief walking and driving tour of historic capital city.


Converse with locals as you learn about the nation’s environmental efforts and the country’s importance in Latin America. After a farewell breakfast, enjoy some last-minute cultural/souvenir shopping. Reminisce about all your people to people and nature experiences as you head home.

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Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

Home » What To Do In Costa Rica » Ziplining (Canopy Tours) » Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

Last updated on December 26th, 2023 at 07:06 pm GMT-6 (Costa Rica time)

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Written by Nikki Solano

Want to know our pick for the  BEST ZIPLINE TOUR and the BEST ZIPLINE CABLE in Costa Rica? They are featured on DIY Costa Rica !

Want to save money in costa rica, our sister site pura vida eh inc. has sky adventures tour discounts.  con mucho gusto (you’re welcome) and pura vida.

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click on a photo in the gallery above for discount and tour information

Sky Adventures Monteverde Park

Get the Costa Rica info you need by browsing our article's TABLE OF CONTENTS:

We know the Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour well because we’ve done it more than once

Monteverde sky trek experience, monteverde sky trek duration and tour times, monteverde sky trek tour costs, monteverde sky trek logistics, monteverde sky trek minimum age limit, monteverde sky trek maximum weight limit, monteverde sky trek discounts.

As we mentioned in our related blog post  Sky Adventures Monteverde: Ziplining, Hanging Bridges, And Tram Rides In The Cloud Forest ,  we’ve been visiting  Sky Adventures ‘s Monteverde (Santa Elena) and Arenal (La Fortuna) adventure parks and experiencing the company’s adventure and nature tours for more than a decade.  In that article, we detailed  Sky Adventures ‘s entire Monteverde operation, including their Monteverde  Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour , their Monteverde  Sky Tram aerial tram ride , their Monteverde  Sky Walk hanging bridges , their Monteverde  Sky Climb Arboreal tree-climbing tour , their Monteverde  Vertigo Drop  (free-fall activity), their off-site amphibian and reptile exhibit  Herpetarium Adventures , and their on-site facilities including free lockers, free parking, dining opportunities, and more. If you’re interested in learning about the various tours, activities, and services that are available at the  Sky Adventures Monteverde Park , please see the article linked to above.  If you’re specifically interested in learning about  Sky Adventures ‘s  Monteverde Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour , please continue reading below.

Sky Adventures Monteverde Park

Unlike some other canopy ziplining tours in Costa Rica, which cut through the middle of rainforest and/or cloud forest ecosystems, Sky Adventures ‘s Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour takes place above the forest canopy. More specifically, the tour zigzags back and forth over the forest and offers a bird’s eye view of treetops, clouds, and an endless sky.

Though several canopy ziplining tours are offered in the Monteverde region, the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour is the only canopy ziplining tour that utilizes a handlebar braking system . Most other canopy tour operators in the country use the traditional hand-braking system during their ziplining tours. Though both braking methods are regarded as safe, the handlebar braking system merely requires you to jostle a set of metal handlebars back and forth to slow your speed. In contrast, the hand-braking system requires you to place gentle pressure on the zipline using a thick leather glove to slow your speed.

In addition, the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour is the only canopy ziplining tour that automatically includes a complimentary aerial tram ride. While the Sky Trek tours run at Sky Adventures ‘s Arenal park and Sky Adventures ‘s Monteverde park both offer the free tram ride, no other canopy ziplining tours in Costa Rica provide this complimentary experience.

Only at the Sky Adventures Monteverde Park will you find the Vertigo Drop , a thrilling free fall that’s an included component of the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour . Note that the Vertigo Drop is not an included component of the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour run at the Sky Adventures Arenal Park . Like bungee jumping, participation in the Vertigo Drop requires you to jump off a tall metal structure. Unlike bungee jumping, where you bounce back up following the jump, with the Vertigo Drop , your free fall is slowed by ropes so you land softly on a crash pad amid the forest.

The Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour experience begins with the collection of safety equipment at Sky Adventures ‘s operations center. To confirm, the use of all necessary ziplining equipment is included in the cost of Sky Adventures ‘s tour, so no equipment rental fees apply. Following an instructional briefing led by your tour guide, you’ll proceed to the first zipline cable, which is a practice cable. The practice cable allows you to sample ziplining to make sure you feel comfortable participating in the activity . If you don’t feel comfortable participating in the activity, you can opt out of doing the tour. Do so here, if that’s your choice, because there’s no turning back once you proceed beyond this point.

If you’re up for participating in the Sky Trek tour, you’ll first take a 20-minute ride on the Sky Tram aerial tram that will bring you to a platform at the top of the cloud forest. At the platform you’ll find the canopy ziplining tour’s first zipline cable, which is technically the second cable if you count the practice cable as the first. The Sky Trek tour in Monteverde has 10 cables in total, including the trial cable. Here’s how the various cables compare with one another according to the length of the cable, the height of the cable, the average speed you’ll travel when you cross the cable, and the average number of seconds it takes to cross the cable:

Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour cable details for the Sky Adventures Monteverde Park : Cable #1 (practice cable): 40 meters long / 15 meters high Cable #2: 400 meters long / 60 meters high / 44 kms per hour / 44 seconds Cable #3: 520 meters long / 60 meters high / 53 kms per hour / 45 seconds Cable #4: 420 meters long / 50 meters high / 35 kms per hour / 33 seconds Cable #5: 560 meters long / 38 meters high / 52 kms per hour / 38 seconds Cable #6: 320 meters long / 100 meters high / 54 kms per hour / 32 seconds Cable #7: 380 meters long / 70 meters high / 53 kms per hour / 32 seconds Cable #8: 420 meters long / 65 meters high / 64 kms per hour / 34 seconds Cable #9: 750 meters long / 60 meters high / 75 kms per hour / 41 seconds Cable #10: 70 meters long / 42 meters high / 42 kms per hour / 17 seconds Total ziplining distance: 3,880 meters

It is important to note that it is not possible to participate in the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour without riding the Sky Tram . The Sky Tram ride is a required component of the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour because it delivers you to the tour’s second cable.

Though the duration of the Sky Trek tour varies from day to day due to group size, weather conditions, and other factors, on average, the actual ziplining portion of the tour takes roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete . The entire tour experience, including the collection of equipment, the instructional briefing, the one-way Sky Tram ride, and the ziplining portion of the tour takes roughly 2-2.5 hours to complete . This estimate excludes extra time needed to travel between the Sky Adventures Monteverde Park and downtown Santa Elena (an approximate 10-minute drive) and/or area hotels before the tour begins and after the tour wraps up. It also excludes the 15 minutes that Sky Adventures asks you to arrive at their operations center in advance before participating in any of their tours.

For years, Sky Adventures maintained that their minimum age limit for participation in the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour was 12 years old. Then they swapped their minimum age limit to a minimum height limit (1.2 meters tall). In 2017, Sky Adventures announced that children as young as 5 years old would be allowed to participate because they obtained equipment that was suitable for children weighing 10-40 kilograms. 5 years old remains the current minimum age limit for Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour participants.

The current maximum weight limit for participation in the Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour is 300 lbs. Individuals who exceed the maximum weight limit will be evaluated by Sky Adventures ‘s technical staff according to their height and physical condition to determine eligibility for tour participation.

Don’t miss our Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour discounts: Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour (includes one-way tram ride)(Monteverde) Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour (includes one-way tram ride) and Sky Walk Hanging Bridges Tour Combo (Monteverde)

QUESTION TO COMMENT ON: Have you experienced the Monteverde Sky Trek canopy ziplining tour before? If so, what did you enjoy about the experience?

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Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

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Monteverde Expeditions

We have a great range of guided Tours for everyone

Guided Walk in Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Guided Walk to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve

Guided Walk in Curi Cancha Reserve

Guided Walk to the Curi Cancha Reserve

Guided Walk in Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve

Private Guided Walk to the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve

Guided Night Walk in Monteverde

Guided Night Walk Monteverde

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We're always ready to personalize a tour to your unique needs

Map & Route

Puntarenas region, what's included.

Our itineraries reflect 40 years of experience in crafting exceptional educational tours. That means we know exactly how to make the best of your time abroad—incredible destinations, immersive activities, centrally located hotels, and smart, well-traveled tour managers who ensure your educational goals are met. Here are some of the exceptional features of this tour.

ACIS Guarantees

We have high standards, which is why we take care to include these features in every tour.

Round-Trip Flights

Leave the airlines to us.

3- or 4-Star Hotels

After a busy day, comfort is key.

Centrally Located Hotels

Save the commuting time, beat the morning crowds and keep right on exploring after dark when your hotel is in the heart of the city.

Daily Breakfast and Dinner (unless otherwise noted)

Delicious, authentic, multi-course dinners at local restaurants with meal times tailored to maximize your experience.

24-Hour Tour Manager

Part guide, part educator, part engineer, part mind-reader, part magician—ACIS Tour Managers are your travel partner.

Start Exploring

Never wait hours at the airport to share a transfer with other later groups.

Service Guarantee

We're so sure you're going to love your tour, we guarantee it!

Global Network

24/7 on the ground support whenever and wherever you need it.

All Local Transportation

Urban transportation is on us, allowing you to explore each destination with ease.

Exceptional Experiences

Our tours are designed to help you and your students be in the moment and experience everything the world has to offer.

Horseback Ride in Monteverde

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Explore part of Monteverde Cloud Forest as generations of the native populations have done: on horseback. Experience the variety in Costa Rica's landscape as you ride along a trail that promises breathtaking views, traditional farms and lush jungle as well as observations of the local birds and animals.

Monteverde Canopy Tour and Hanging Bridges

tico tours monteverde

Founded in the 1970s to protect the region's biodiversity, the high-altitude Monteverde Cloud Forest is home to more than 400 species of birds, 100 species of mammals and 2,500 species of plants within a reserve comprising 6 distinct ecological zones. Gain a bird's-eye perspective on this important wildlife refuge as you cross tree-top suspended hanging bridges and zip-line through the canopy.

Hot Springs

Río frío wildlife boat cruise, manuel antonio national park.

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Featured in this video

Horseback Ride, Río Frío Boat Trip, Manuel Antonio National Park, Community Service Project in Sarapiquí, Monteverde Canopy Tour and Hanging Bridges, Jauri Tropical Farm, Cultural Exchange with Local Students, Sarapiquí Homestay, Costa Rican Cooking Lesson, Arenal Volcano

This itinerary is the starting point for your tour, but it’s not set in stone. If there are days you would like to change, or specific places you’d like to go, we can work with you to create a personalized program that fits the needs of you and your students.

Day 1: San Jose

Depart from the USA. Arrive in the Costa Rican capital of San José, where you'll meet your ACIS Tour Manager and begin to explore, discovering how history has shaped this vibrant city both architecturally and socially.

Day 2: San Carlos

This morning travel to the beautiful province of Alajuela. The rest of the day is free for you to relax. In the evening view the Arenal Volcano as you swim in the therapeutic waters of the hot springs at the base of the volcano. Spend the night in San Carlos, also known as Ciudad Quesada, the agriculture capital of the north.

Day 3: San Carlos

Today travel north to Caño Negro and the Río Frío. Comprised of swamp and marshlands, the area covers about 1,977 acres in the wet season. Enjoy a boat trip on the river while you share company with exotic creatures such as osprey, storks, caimans and monkeys, as well as the unique gars, which have lungs, gills and a nose. Lunch will be included today instead of dinner. Return to San Carlos for the evening.

Day 4: Monteverde

This morning is something truly special: travel by bus from the Arenal area along the shores of Lake Arenal toward the lush cloud forest of Monteverde. When you arrive in Monteverde saddle up for a horseback ride , giving you a new understanding of how the local native populations traveled and a deep appreciation of just how spectacularly beautiful Costa Rica can be.

Day 5: Monteverde

Today explore this important and fascinating cloud forest. Originally settled in the 1950s by a group of Quakers from Alabama, Monteverde Cloud Forest is home to more than 400 species of birds, 100 species of mammals and 2,500 species of plants including the jaguar, ocelot, Baird’s tapir, three-wattled bellbird, bare-necked umbrellabird, and the famously elusive resplendent quetzal. Get ready for a different perspective on the forest, as this afternoon you will swing far above the forest floor on the world famous Monteverde Canopy Tour and Hanging Bridges . You will have views from a series of platforms, suspension bridges and thrilling zip-lines.

Day 6: Puntarenas Region

Observe the shift in landscape as you travel from the mountainous inland cloud forest to the beaches and Pacific breezes of the Puntarenas region on the Golfo de Nicoya. This area draws visitors from around the world, and, once you see the curving coastline dotted with bays and islands, you will understand why. Enjoy time to relax on the beach and settle in to your new neighborhood.

Day 7: Puntarenas Region

Enjoy a full day in Manuel Antonio National Park, one of the most stunning parks in Costa Rica. A series of small beaches with lush forests and well-maintained trails are yours to explore for the day. Explore the park and its wildlife (Capuchin monkeys play in trees just behind the beach) before returning to Puntarenas for the evening.

Day 8: San Jose

Enjoy a free morning on the beach. Then say adiós to the coast and drive through lush vegetation back to San José for your last night in this beautiful country.

Day 9: Departure

Depart for the USA. Optional Extensions and Extra Nights: Further immerse yourself in the culture and wonders of Costa Rica with an extra night in San José, including the services of your ACIS Tour Manager.

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Ultimate-plus protection plan.

Most Enhanced health coverage, program interruption, baggage delay/loss and travel delay protection while on tour. Plus, enhanced medical/job loss cancellation refund policy

Ultimate Protection Plan

Enhanced health coverage, program interruption, baggage delay/loss and travel delay protection while on tour. Plus, enhanced medical/job loss cancellation refund policy

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  • Weekend Surcharge

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ACIS provides Basic Protection coverage, but we recommend that participants purchase the Ultimate-Plus Protection Plan designed specifically for your travel needs. There are many other options and extensions that you may elect to take; please contact your ACIS Tour Consultant for details.


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  3. MANUEL ANTONIO TICO TOURS (Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio)

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  6. Monteverde Cloud Forest

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  1. Restaurante Sabor Tico en Monteverde

  2. Tico Tours Guanacaste

  3. ARENAL VOLCANO Erupting



    Bienvenidos a Tico Tours . Los Mejores Tours de Costa Rica . Nuestra Misión. Llevar salud y felicidad al corazón de nuestros clientes por medio de los mejores momentos y experiencias turísticas, recorriendo Costa Rica y el mundo, por medio de un excelente servicio personalizado y diferenciado. ... Puentes Colgantes de Monteverde. Sábado 29 ...

  2. Top Tours in Monteverde Amazing Adventures

    Tico Paradise offers a wide variety of Monteverde Tours Experiences. Explore emerald green forest canopies on zip lines and suspension bridges. Meet all manner of wildlife - by day and night -, including hummingbirds, butterflies, and frogs. Have a second childhood when you climb trees, and so much more!

  3. Monteverde Canopy Tour: An Exhilarating Encounter with ...

    Safety precautions and equipment for the Monteverde Canopy Tour. Safety is of utmost importance during the Monteverde Canopy Tour. Before embarking on the adventure, you'll receive a thorough safety briefing from the knowledgeable guides. They will explain the proper use of equipment, including harnesses, helmets, and pulleys. ...

  4. Monteverde Cloud Forest

    Monteverde is more of a scenic experience; it is a place of cloud forests and coffee plantations, monkeys, mist, and friendly locals! Upon arrival to Monteverde we will visit a butterfly garden located at a private reserve, follow up by a walk through the cloud forest for about an hour. ... * Tico Tours Guanacaste will charge a $180US booking ...

  5. Rediscover Nature's Wonders: Unmasking the Mysteries of ...

    The Original Canopy Tour Monteverde is waiting to show you an adventure you'll never forget. The History of the Original Canopy Tour. The Original Canopy Tour in Monteverde has a rich history dating back to its inception in the early 1990s. It all began with a group of adventurous biologists who wanted to study the diverse wildlife that ...

  6. Costa Rica Tours

    Or just relax and unwind. TICO TRIPS offers you a wide variety of tours to experience adventures in Costa Rica's nature surroundings and activities to explore our culture or relax and let yourself be pampered. Tours give you the opportunity to see a lot, within a time frame. You get to see a place, its culture, treasures, and big sites, taste ...

  7. Puentes Colgantes de Monteverde

    Puentes Colgantes de Monteverde. Acompaña a Tico Tours a un tour chivisima en la zona de Monteverde en donde caminaremos por unos puentes colgantes sobre la copa de los árboles.. Nuestra aventura iniciará tempranito en donde saldremos de San José, para pasar a comer un delicioso desayuno y seguir nuestro recorrido hasta el pueblo de Santa Elena en Monteverde, para conocer uno de los ...

  8. THE TOP 10 Monteverde Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    The Original Canopy Tour Monteverde, Zipline. 922. Get your heart racing on this cloud forest adventure on a private reserve in Monteverde. Ride ziplines over the forest canopy, rappel down to the forest floor, climb inside of a tree, and more, for a family-friendly excursion that brings you closer to nature. 2 hours 30 minutes.

  9. Monteverde Tours: Costa Rica's Best Cloud Forest Adventures

    Welcome to Monteverde Tours. Nestled in the heart of Costa Rica, Monteverde is a haven for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to reconnect with the great outdoors. Our Monteverde Tours offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in the lush, misty landscapes of this renowned cloud forest region.

  10. Costa Rica Travel Agent Tour Guide

    Costa Rica vacations. Hola from MapleTico Tours located in Monetverde, Costa Rica! We offer a variety of experiences from guided or non-guided pre-designed tour packages, customized tours and reserving tours/activities or transportation anywhere in Costa Rica! MapleTico Tours is waiting for you in paradise! *Flights are not included in packages.

  11. Tours and Transportation in Guanacaste Costa Rica

    Before leaving, I read the reviews of tour companies on Trip Advisor and booked two tours and airport transfers with Bernal Mata who owns and operates Tico Tours Guanacaste. I cannot say enough about how phenomenal he and his employees were. With him we toured the Arenal Volcano and the Monteverde Cloud Forest.


    TICO TOUR 5 days; CHILERO TOUR 6 Days; GALLO PINTO TOUR 7 Days; GUACAMAYO TOUR 8 Days; PEREZOSO TOUR 9 Days; Return to tour overview! ... After lunch, continue to Monteverde's Cloud Forest as you view wildlife and northern countryside. Guided evening hike in the mysterious cloud forest, one of the world's most important protected forests.

  13. Tours in Monteverde with local certified guides

    Monteverde is currently one of the most developed nature destinations in Costa Rica. In Monteverde you can find several activities, from guided tours with a specialist in many different fields such as birds, amphibians, insects, as well as many adventure and adrenaline activities such as zipline tours or ATV. Here in Monteverde you will have a ...

  14. Monteverde Travel Guide l Tico Paradise

    Most tours and packages, such as zip lining or guided hikes through the area's two majestic cloud forest reserves, are available here. Visitors to the area often overlook the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve, adhering to the more popular Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.

  15. About Tico Tours Guanacaste

    Tico Tours Guanacaste is a licensed and insured tour company in Guanacaste Costa Rica. Tico Tours Guanacaste aims to provide you with an active experience of the real Costa Rica. We will take you off of the beaten path for a one-of-a-kind, matchless experience. Tico Tours Guanacaste provides first-class personal attention, superior customer ...

  16. Experience the Magic of Monteverde: A Nature Lover's Paradise

    Savor the authentic flavors of Costa Rican cuisine with our curated dining experiences. Embark on a journey through Costa Rica's rich history and discover hidden cultural gems. Discover the breathtaking beauty of Monteverde with Visit Monteverde. Explore lush rainforests, incredible wildlife, and eco-adventures.

  17. MonteTours: Your Monteverde Tour and Transportation Experts

    Who We Are at MonteTours. We are not just a tour and transportation company; we symbolize resilience and passion. 😍. Founded in the challenging year of 2020, amidst the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, our journey began when the world paused and tourism faced unprecedented hurdles. We originally started in 2015 with a hotel in ...

  18. Palo Verde Jungle and Cultural

    Before leaving, I read the reviews of tour companies on Trip Advisor and booked two tours and airport transfers with Bernal Mata who owns and operates Tico Tours Guanacaste. I cannot say enough about how phenomenal he and his employees were. With him we toured the Arenal Volcano and the Monteverde Cloud Forest.


    TICO TOUR 5 days; CHILERO TOUR 6 Days; GALLO PINTO TOUR 7 Days; GUACAMAYO TOUR 8 Days; PEREZOSO TOUR 9 Days; Return to tour overview! ... After lunch, continue to Monteverde's Cloud Forest as you view wildlife and northern countryside. Guided evening hike in the mysterious cloud forest, one of the world's most important protected forests.

  20. Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

    The Sky Trek tour in Monteverde has 10 cables in total, including the trial cable. ... We're Ricky, a born-and-raised Tico (Costa Rican), former rafting tour guide, and nature and wildlife photographer; and Nikki, a longtime Costa Rica explorer, four-time published Costa Rica guidebook author, and Tica (Costa Rican) at heart. ...

  21. Monteverde Cloud Forest

    Tour, Monteverde Cloud Forest. Culture and History Tours . Nicaragua 1 day

  22. Tours

    Private Guided Walk to the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve. ages. 3 Hours.

  23. Tico Trek

    Monteverde Canopy Tour and Hanging Bridges. Founded in the 1970s to protect the region's biodiversity, the high-altitude Monteverde Cloud Forest is home to more than 400 species of birds, 100 species of mammals and 2,500 species of plants within a reserve comprising 6 distinct ecological zones.