Suri Cruise Is All Grown Up After 18th Birthday as She Steps Out With Mom Katie Holmes in NYC

The teen was spotted with her mom in the Big Apple, both wearing coordinating denim for their outing.

Katie Holmes with daughter Suri Cruise

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes ‘ daughter, Suri Cruise , turned 18 earlier this month and is spending time with her mom, 45. The mother-daughter duo were recently spotted in New York City together following Suri’s birthday.

On Monday, April 22, Suri stepped out carrying what appeared to be an iced coffee alongside Katie, according to photos published by Daily Mail . For their day out, the teen wore a red maxi dress with a long denim overcoat and brown boots. As for Katie, she chose a pair of dark denim jeans with a green long-sleeved shirt for the outing.

Suri is rarely seen out in public. Up until now, she was legally a minor, and Katie preferred to keep her daughter away from the spotlight. However, the Coda actress shared a rare childhood picture of Suri to her Instagram in May 2021 in honor of Mother’s Day at the time. The image featured a then-toddler-aged Suri as Katie kissed her cheek.

Suri Cruise with her mom Katie Holmes

“I am so grateful to be a mom to the sweetest daughter,” Katie captioned the post. “Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms!!!!”

The former Dawson’s Creek star previously opened up about being a famous parent to a young child during a 2017 interview with Town & Country. While noting that this “business is so unstable, and you never really know where you’re going to be,” Katie explained how she made sure to protect Suri’s childhood.

“My child is the most important person to me, and her upbringing is paramount to my work right now,” Katie said. “It’s very important that I’m present and she has a stable, innocent childhood. I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there’s nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed.”

As for Suri’s dad, Tom, 61, was recently seen at Victoria Beckham ‘ s 50th birthday party over the weekend. The Mission Impossible movie star was reportedly seen breakdancing at the soiree, which was held in London.

Rumors have swirled over the years claiming that Tom has not been present in Suri’s life since his divorce from Katie in 2012. However, neither of the parents has publicly reacted to this speculation.

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Inside Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's Marriage

Popcorn! Soccer games! The couple's friends say their life together is shockingly normal

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes share a life together that’s shocking – shockingly normal, that is, considering they’re one of the world’s most famous couples.

“When you come over, the first thing [Katie] does is say, ‘Are you hungry? Let me make you something,’ ” their friend, Internet mogul Sky Dayton, tells PEOPLE.

A favorite pastime is family movie night: “Tom and Katie will get in the kitchen and make this amazing popcorn with chocolate,” Dayton says. “Suri is there playing. Kate feeds her a bottle and then Tom feeds her.”

According to those in the couple’s inner circle – which includes Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, Yahoo CEO Terry Semel, Mission: Impossible III director J.J. Abrams, Victoria and David Beckham and fellow members of the Church of Scientology such as Leah Remini and Dayton – the Cruises are nothing like the characters portrayed in headlines.

On a recent visit to the beach home of Yahoo’s Semel and his wife Jane, “Tom organized a soccer game. All the kids were there. His mom was playing!” says Semel. “When they’re surrounded by relatives and friends, it’s home.”

But that normalcy hasn’t stopped the speculation that their marriage is on the rocks and that Holmes, 28, is controlled by Cruise, 44. Those who know the couple best are mystified by the rumors, PEOPLE reports in its new issue.

“We’re shocked when we read that stuff,” says Semel. “Kate is bright and has opinions.” Adds Abrams: “She’s hardly a shrinking violet.”

“I think everybody has this image: Poor little Kate, she doesn’t have the strength to take care of herself,” says Pinkett Smith. “People don’t know that behind all that grace is a tiger. … People think Tom and the Church of Scientology got something on Kate? They don’t. Kate is running her own show.” (For our complete interview with Pinkett Smith about Cruise and Holmes, click here. )

King of Queens actress Remini agrees: “I really don’t get it. They’re married, they love each other and have a beautiful baby. They do ‘weird’ things like take care of their kid and go to baseball games.”

Holmes’s parents, Martin and Kathleen, are a part of that picture. Kathleen flew to L.A. for Suri’s first birthday on April 18 , and a source says both remain “very close” to their daughter, who has embraced her husband’s religion. “She’s very involved and it’s her choice,” says an acquaintance. “She spends a lot of time reading books and learning on her own.”

As for another rumor making the rounds, that Cruise has tried to convert the Beckhams to Scientology, a Beckham family friend calls the story “rubbish” and adds, “Ages and ages ago Tom gave them a booklet, but that was it. There hasn’t been anything more than that. It is never discussed.”

For more on Tom and Katie’s marriage, including their recent trip to Las Vegas and how they’ve been spending time in Louisiana, pick up the new issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.

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Al fine di permettere la Sua iscrizione ai servizi relativi ai contenuti generati dagli utenti (di seguito ugc) e consentirLe di accedervi Le chiediamo di prendere visione e di accettare le condizioni generali che disciplinano l'accesso ai servizi offerti.

Al momento dell'iscrizione ai servizi ugc e della registrazione dei suoi dati personali Lei dovrà dichiarare di essere maggiorenne e di avere preso visione delle condizioni generali per l'accesso ai servizi, che Le chiediamo di accettare espressamente mediante la sottoscrizione elettronica, facendo un click sullo spazio "Accetto".

La dichiarazione di avere letto attentamente le condizioni generali di contratto e la loro accettazione è condizione necessaria ed indispensabile per l'accesso, l'utilizzo e la fruizione dei servizi offerti da RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.. Al momento della sottoscrizione delle condizioni generali Le sarà anche chiesto di prendere visione dell'informativa relativa al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali ai sensi del d.lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, e Le verrà chiesto di autorizzare il trattamento dei suoi dati personali, liberamente forniti, per le finalità relative all'accesso ai servizi e per eventuali altre iniziative cui Lei potrà scegliere di aderire.

Le condizioni generali ora esposte disciplinano le modalità di accesso e di fruizione dei servizi offerti dal sito

  • L'accesso ai servizi ugc (di seguito i Servizi UGC) è fornito attraverso i Siti RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. a ogni Utente maggiorenne regolarmente iscritto e registrato, di seguito "Utente". Ad ogni Utente, prima di procedere alla registrazione, RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. chiede di accettare le condizioni generali di contratto qui dettagliate e di avere letto con attenzione l'informativa relativa al trattamento dei dati personali forniti a a RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. necessari per l'accesso ai servizi.
  • Completando la procedura di registrazione ed iscrizione con l'inserimento del suo username e della password le verrà richiesto di fare click sul link "Accetto". Così facendo lei dichiara di avere attentamente letto ed espressamente accettato tutte le condizioni, i termini e le modalità di utilizzo e fruizione dei servizi ugc come di seguito espressamente indicati e di essere a conoscenza di tutte le caratteristiche e finalità dei servizi. 1.3. Il nome Utente e la password da lei forniti sono personali e non potranno essere usati da nessun altro per accedere ai servizi offerti dal Sito.
  • L'utente si impegna a conservare il proprio nome Utente e la propria password e di non permetterne a terzi l'utilizzo.
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  • L'Utente è il solo ed unico responsabile della conservazione, della riservatezza e dell'utilizzo del proprio nome utente e della propria password e, conseguentemente, rimane il solo ed unico responsabile per tutti gli usi propri e/o impropri che potranno esserne fatti.
  • L'assenza di segnalazione e successiva disabilitazione determinerà responsabilità diretta ed esclusiva dell'Utente per tutti gli usi e/o abusi del suo nome utente e e/o della sua password. 1.9 L'Utente potrà chiedere in qualsiasi momento la cancellazione della propria registrazione e dei propri dati inviando una comunicazione a RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: [email protected]. Il presente accordo immediatamente dopo la ricezione della richiesta di risoluzione del presente accordo e nome Utente e password saranno cancellate. 1.10 Resta inteso che RCS MediaGroup S.p.A non sarà in alcun caso e per alcun motivo considerati responsabili nei confronti dell'Utente ovvero di terzi per la avvenuta modifica, sospensione, interruzione e/o cessazione dei servizi.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A offre a ciascun Utente la possibilità di accedere ai Servizi Ugc . I servizi offerti agli utenti sono i seguenti: a) commenta l’articolo b) commenta nei blog c) partecipa ai concorsi d) qualsiasi altro servizio che richieda l’invio di testi, fotografie, filmati da parte dell’Utente
  • Gli Utenti sono consapevoli che tutte le spese relative alle apparecchiature e ai programmi software necessari per attivare e stabilire il collegamento ai Siti e tutti i costi relativi alla connessione alla rete sono di loro propria esclusiva competenza.
  • In nessun caso RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. potrà essere ritenute responsabili del mancato o inesatto adempimento da parte dell'Utente di ogni eventuale procedura di legge o di regolamento in relazione all'Accordo.
  • Partecipazione ai concorsi : con la registrazione al Sito l’Utente avrà la possibilità di partecipare ai concorsi e/o alle iniziative promozionali indetti sul Sito. Al fine della partecipazione a dette iniziative l’Utente: a) dichiara di essere maggiorenne; b) si impegna al rispetto del regolamento e delle modalità di svolgimento del concorso e/o dell’iniziativa interessata che saranno accettate espressamente tramite specifico form; c) per tutto quanto non disciplinato dal presente articolo si applicheranno i termini e condizioni generali di servizio di cui al presente accordo.
  • È vietato prendere qualsiasi tipo di iniziativa (proteste contro gli Editori o gli organi di stampa, organizzazione di petizioni, creazione di nuovi siti o forum, etc.) senza l'autorizzazione dell'amministrazione di RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.
  • È vietato pubblicare: a. Links a siti/forum/chat/blog concorrenti dei Siti b. Indirizzi e-mail privati c. Numeri di telefono o indirizzi privati
  • Ciascun Utente si impegna espressamente a non inviare messaggi il cui contenuto possa essere considerato diffamatorio, ingiurioso, osceno, offensivo dello spirito religioso, lesivo della privacy delle persone, o comunque illecito, nel rispetto della legge italiana e delle leggi internazionali.
  • Sono espressamente vietati commenti aventi come contenuto: a. Offese alle istituzioni o alla religione di qualunque fede. Devono essere evitati commenti in chiave sarcastica, sbeffeggiatoria, sacrilega e denigratoria. b. Razzismo ed ogni apologia dell'inferiorità o superiorità di una razza, popolo o cultura rispetto alle altre. c. Incitamento alla violenza e alla commissione di reati. d. Materiale pornografico e link a siti vietati ai minori di 18 anni e. Messaggi di propaganda politica, di partito o di fazione. Quindi non sono ammessi messaggi che contengano idee o affermazioni chiaramente riferite ad ideologie politiche. f. Contenuti contrari a norme imperative all'ordine pubblico e al buon costume. g. Messaggi commerciali e attività di lucro quali scommesse, concorsi, aste, transazioni economiche. h. Affermazioni su persone non provate e/o non provabili e pertanto inattendibili i. Materiale coperto da copyright che viola le leggi sul diritto d'autore j. Messaggi pubblicitari, promozionali, catene di S.Antonio e segnalazioni di indirizzi di siti Internet, non inerenti ad argomenti trattati k. In generale, tutto ciò che va sotto la definizione di "spamming".
  • Nel caso vengano riportati brani prelevati da siti ufficiali di informazione, quotidiani, giornali, riviste è obbligatorio citarne la fonte, sempre a patto che non vengano violate le norme sul copyright
  • Non è consentito: a. Inviare messaggi che contengano insulti, offese, sia tra utenti registrati al servizio che verso altri soggetti b. Avere atteggiamenti e/o posizione di contestazione, palesemente ostili nei confronti dei moderatori e dell'amministrazione della servizio. A questo proposito si fa presente che le decisioni dei moderatori non sono oggetto di discussione ed eventuali lamentele, critiche e chiarimenti riguardo l'attività di moderazione devono essere presentati in forma privata scrivendo all'indirizzo [email protected]. c. Trattare argomenti ritenuti non idonei allo spirito del servizio, contrari al buon gusto o comunque in grado di offendere la sensibilità degli altri utenti d. Richiedere informazioni a fini commerciali
  • Le violazioni di queste norme comporteranno la non approvazione o la rimozione dei commenti inviati dagli utenti
  • In presenza di comportamenti gravi o comunque recidivi, la violazione di queste norme potrà comportare la sospensione a tempo o la cancellazione dell'Utente responsabile. L'Utente che, più volte cancella, continui a riscriversi col solo scopo di turbare il regolare svolgimento delle attività verrà segnalato alle competenti autorità.
  • Si precisa, inoltre, che: a. RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. non può in alcun modo essere ritenuto responsabile per il contenuto dei messaggi inviati dagli utenti e si riserva il diritto di cancellare qualsiasi messaggio o contenuto sia ritenuto inopportuno o non conforme allo spirito del servizio senza tuttavia assumere alcun obbligo al riguardo. b. Ciascun partecipante si assume la piena responsabilità penale e civile derivante dal contenuto illecito dei propri messaggi e da ogni danno che possa essere lamentato da terzi in relazione alla pubblicazione degli stessi.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. si riserva anche il diritto di rivelare i dati dell'autore di un messaggio in suo possesso in caso di richiesta da parte delle autorità competenti.
  • Questo regolamento potrà essere modificato in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso, l'Utente è pertanto tenuto a consultarlo periodicamente per verificare la presenza di eventuali aggiornamenti. È in ogni caso esclusa qualsivoglia responsabilità della Società nei confronti dell'Utente relativamente a modifiche delle condizioni e termini di utilizzo e/o fruizione dei servizi.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di disabilitare l'Utente alla funzione di partecipazione ai servizi ugc, con conseguente cancellazione dell'account dell'Utente, qualora venisse a conoscenza ovvero determinasse, a suo esclusivo insindacabile giudizio, che l'Utente abbia ovvero stia violando le prescrizioni di cui al presente Accordo, nonchè la normativa vigente.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. fa affidamento nel buon senso degli utenti al fine di mantenere i servizi uno spazio civile e gradevole di incontro, anche al fine di limitare al minimo l'attività di moderazione.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. invita i nuovi Utenti a visitare il Sito prima di iniziare a inviare contributi al fine di capire l'ambiente ed al fine di rapportarsi con i Servizi Ugc nella maniera migliore.
  • l'Utente è invitato a verificare sempre quello che invia e ad assicurarsi che sia quanto inviato sia conforme al regolamento dei Servizi Ugc.
  • l'Utente è invitato a scrivere un messaggio chiaro e con un titolo adeguato.
  • Gli Utenti sono invitati a non intraprendere lunghi botta e risposta con altri Utenti, soprattutto se si tratta di questioni personali con altri utenti.
  • L'Utente è invitato a non scrivere in maiuscolo dove non necessario (significa che stai urlando).
  • L'Utente è invitato a non usare titoli troppo lunghi, creano solo confusione.
  • L'Utente che invia un contributo rivolto esclusivamente ad un altro utente ricordi sempre che i servizi del Sito sono pubblici e che quindi il contributo inviato verrà letto da tutti.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. invita al rispetto degli altri utenti, soprattutto quelli che hanno idee diverse da chi scrive.
  • RCS MediaGroup. S.p.A. si riserva la facoltà di moderare i contenuti degli Utenti in tutti i loro elementi prima della pubblicazione. Nel dettaglio, potranno essere oggetto di moderazione: PROFILO PERSONALE: Nick name - Descrizione/Frase COMMENTI: Titolo – Contenuto
  • L'attività di moderazione verrà effettuata tramite un Amministratore e dei Moderatori. È facoltà dell'Amministratore: a. approvare/non approvare i singoli commenti inviati dai lettori b. cancellare i singoli commenti, messaggi c. sospendere o cancellare un Utente d. modificare le condizioni o il funzionamento dei servizi. È facoltà del moderatore: a. approvare/non approvare i singoli commenti inviati dai lettori b. cancellare i singoli commenti, messaggi c. sospendere o cancellare un Utente d. modificare le condizioni o il funzionamento dei servizi. I moderatori vengono nominati e destituiti esclusivamente dall'amministratore. L'utente concorda che l'amministratore e i moderatori dei servizi hanno il diritto al loro operato in modo insindacabile e qualora lo ritengano necessario. L'amministratore e i moderatori faranno il possibile per rimuovere il materiale contestabile il più velocemente possibile, confidando nella collaborazione degli utenti.
  • Modificazione dei contenuti. I moderatori hanno la facoltà di modificare, nel caso lo ritengano opportuno, la classificazione dei contenuti qualora i tag segnalati dagli utenti vengano ritenuti scorretti oppure al fine di dare una più precisa connotazione editoriale del contenuto all'interno del Sito.
  • Accettazione/rifiuto/eliminazione dei contenuti. Verranno accettati solo contenuti che risultino idonei alla linea editoriale del Sito. Saranno invece rifiutati i contenuti non in linea con le linee guida esposte all'interno del regolamento. Se ci fossero commenti agli articoli o contributi che dovessero degenerare (anche con un solo contenuto) è data ampia facoltà ai moderatori di intervenire nei modi ritenuti più opportuni, anche con la rimozione immediata del contenuto o, nei casi più gravi, con la cancellazione immediata da parte dell'amministratore.
  • L'operato dei moderatori può essere giudicato solo dall'amministratore, è comunque permesso chiedere spiegazioni, non utilizzando però lo spazio pubblico dei servizi del Sito. Eventuali contestazioni vanno effettuate tramite e-mail da indirizzare al seguente indirizzo [email protected]. Verrà immediatamente chiuso commento o contributo avente come oggetto argomenti di contestazione in chiave polemica. Chi dovesse insistere in simile atteggiamento, verrà immediatamente allontanato dai servizi secondo l'insindacabile giudizio dell'amministratore
  • È possibile che alcuni messaggi non conformi al regolamento non vengano rimossi per disattenzione degli amministratori o dei moderatori o per loro precisa scelta. Gli utenti sono comunque invitati a segnalare all'amministrazione tali messaggi, scrivendo all'indirizzo [email protected]. In ogni caso il fatto che, a volte, un messaggio non conforme non venga rimosso non dà diritto a nessun utente di contestare la decisione dell'amministrazione in caso di cancellazione di un messaggio.
  • L'Utente cede e trasferisce a RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. in via definitiva e a titolo gratuito, la titolarità di tutti i diritti di sfruttamento economico e commerciale relativi ai contenuti trasmessi, per l'Italia e per tutto il mondo.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A ha libera facoltà, ma non l’obbligo, di riprodurre, con qualsiasi scopo e finalità, con qualsiasi procedimento, comunicare, trasmettere e/o diffondere la fissazione dei contenuti trasmesso, in tutto o in parte, attraverso Internet e/o attraverso qualunque rete di comunicazione elettronica e/o con qualsiasi mezzo e sistema di diffusione a distanza attualmente conosciuto (quali a mero titolo esemplificativo Wap, UMTS, IPTV, DSL, ecc.) o inventato in futuro attraverso cui possono essere veicolati i siti internet, utilizzando qualsiasi protocollo di comunicazione e/o formato di compressione audio e/o video attualmente conosciuto (MP3, Podcast, WMA, MPEG, AVI, JPEG etc.) o di futura invenzione e per qualsiasi modalità di fruizione attualmente conosciuta (quali a titolo esemplificativo streaming, downloading, Video on Demand, Podcast ecc.) o di futura invenzione.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A ha libera facoltà di far uso dei contenuti trasmessi, di trasformarli, di apportare agli stessi tagli, modifiche e/o aggiunte, di inserire o sostituire un commento parlato e/o la colonna sonora e/o di utilizzarne estratti.
  • L'Utente dichiara e garantisce che in relazione ai contenuti trasmessi: a) ha pieno titolo e legittimazione per concedere tali diritti a RCS MediaGroup S.p.A b) non ha concesso a terzi diritti confliggenti e/o in contrasto con i diritti di cui alla presente; c) ha ottenuto tutte le irrevocabili, autorizzazioni da parte degli eventuali coautori dei contenuti trasmessi, nonchè, le irrevocabili autorizzazioni (dotate delle predette caratteristiche) da parte degli eventuali artisti e/o interpreti esecutori.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. non presta alcun tipo di garanzia in merito al fatto che i servizi ugc corrispondano ai requisiti propri e/o alle aspettative dell'Utente.
  • L'Utente riconosce che l'accesso ai servizi ugc dei Siti, la conservazione, pubblicazione e diffusione dei contenuti inviati è fatta a proprio rischio esclusivo.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A., inoltre, non presta alcuna garanzia nei confronti dell'Utente in merito ai risultati che possono essere ottenuti con l'uso dei servizi ugc, ovvero in merito alla veridicità e/o affidabilità di ogni informazione, dato o notizia ottenuta dall'Utente per il tramite dei servizi ugc.
  • L'Utente prende atto ed accetta che RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. non potrà in alcun caso considerarsi responsabile per qualsiasi tipo di danno, diretto o indiretto, derivante all'Utente ovvero a terzi: a) dall'uso o dalla impossibilità di utilizzare i servizi ugc; b) dalla eventuale modifica, sospensione ovvero interruzione dei servizi ugc; c) da messaggi ricevuti o transazioni eseguite da RCS MediaGroup S.p.A o per loro tramite; d) da accesso non autorizzato ovvero da alterazione di trasmissioni e/o dati dell'Utente, ivi incluso tra l'altro l'eventuale danno, anche economico, dallo stesso Utente eventualmente subito per mancato profitto, uso, perdita di dati o di altri elementi intangibili.
  • L'Utente, ferma restando ogni altra previsione di cui al presente Accordo, riconosce e dichiara espressamente che: a) l'uso ed utilizzo dei servizi ugc dei Siti è a proprio ed esclusivo rischio e viene fornito da RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. sul presupposto di un'assunzione esclusiva e totale di responsabilità in capo ed a carico dell'Utente; b) RCS MediaGroup S.p.A è esonerato da ogni tipo di responsabilità e garanzia, espressa o implicita, inclusa la garanzia sulla continuità, qualità o quantità dei servizi, c) ogni materiale scaricato o altrimenti ottenuto attraverso l'uso dei servizi verrà effettuato a scelta e a rischio dell'Utente e pertanto ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni a sistemi di computer o perdite di dati risultanti dalle operazioni di caricamento e/o scaricamento di materiale ricadrà sull'Utente; d) RCS MediaGroup S.p.A non assume alcuna responsabilità per eventuali danni, perdite di dati, informazioni, danni per ritardo o perdita di chance, inesatto o mancato reperimento di informazioni, restrizioni o perdite di accessi, difficoltà o problemi di ogni tipo, errori, uso non autorizzato durante l'accesso ai servizi ugc ovvero relativamente alle altre forme di interazione all'interno dei servizi. L'Utente è e sarà, inoltre, unico e diretto responsabile per il mantenimento e il salvataggio di dati ed informazioni contenuti nei servizi ugc.
  • RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. tratterà tutti i dati personali forniti dagli Utenti al momento della registrazione nel pieno rispetto delle disposizioni contenute nel d.lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 (recante il "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali"), secondo le modalità e per le finalità indicate nella informativa fornita all'Utente ex art. 13 del Codice quale apposta in calce al presente contratto.
  • Con la presa visione dell'informativa di cui all'art. 13 del D.lgs. 196/2003 e con la sottoscrizione del presente contratto l'Utente manifesta il proprio espresso consenso al trattamento e alla comunicazione dei dati che la riguardano con le modalità descritte nella predetta informativa, manlevando l'altra parte da qualsivoglia responsabilità civile, penale o amministrativa per danni che dovesse risentire in conseguenza, occasione ovvero connessione con detti trattamenti, impegnandosi verso detta parte a comunicare senza ritardo ogni modifica dei dati fornitile, mediante raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento indirizzata alla persona alla cui attenzione le comunicazioni vanno indirizzate ai sensi della predetta normativa.
  • Il presente accordo è regolato dalle legge italiana.
  • Per tutte le controversie che dovessero insorgere in relazione all'esecuzione o interpretazione del presente accordo sarà competente in via esclusiva il Foro di Milano.

Per perfezionare il presente Accordo è altresì necessario fare click sul link "Accetto"

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Suri Cruise, la figlia di Tom e Katie Holmes compie 18 anni. E finalmente esce allo scoperto: è identica alla madre

La bimba è cresciuta. ed è davvero una “mini me” della madre. che la vorrebbe instradare nel mondo del cinema. anche se lei ha altri progetti.


Suri Cruise è finalmente maggiorenne. La figlia del 61enne Tom Cruise e della 45enne Katie Holmes compie 18 anni il 18 aprile. Non aspettiamoci stories e post su Instagram o video su TikTok, visto che lei, dopo una sovraesposizione degna dai piccoli “Ferragnez”, ora è del tutto sganciata dai social. Una riservatezza custodita gelosamente in tutti questi anni. Ma ora che la bambina è diventata grande, esce anche lei allo scoperto. Soprattutto con mamma Katie. Anche perché sono letteralmente due gocce d’acqua: si somigliano come non mai… – foto | video

Tom Cruise e l’assegno di mantenimento per Suri da 400 mila dollari al mese -  guarda

PROTETTA DALLA MAMMA – La bellissima Suri (nome che significa principessa) è una “mini-me” di Katie Holmes ed è una della “figlie di” più fotografate. È nata sette mesi prima del matrimonio faraonico dei genitori al Castello Odescalchi sul Lago di Bracciano. E la ricordiamo tutti, da piccola in braccio alla mamma alla viglia delle nozze o a spasso con i genitori, da grande in giro con le amiche. Sebbene mamma Katie abbia cercato di tenerla il più possibile al riparo dai riflettori per garantirle una vita almeno simile a quella delle altre adolescenti, da qualche anno a New York, e non solo, Suri è un’icona di stile. E sembra avere un futuro da trend setter.

Tom Cruise e quel flirt con Elsina, figlia di un fedelissimo di Putin – guarda

CANTANTE O STILISTA? – Suri Holmes, che andrà al college l’anno prossimo, recita (e bene) negli spettacoli scolastici. Ha anche interpretato una cover di Blue Moon, per il film Alone Together, diretto dalla madre. Non si sa cosa studierà all’università, c’è chi dice che voglia puntare sulla moda. Ma mamma Katie scommette anche sul suo talento di attrice: «Suri è stata davvero fantastica», ha detto dopo averla ammirata e applaudita nei panni di Morticia Addams durante un musical scolastico.

Katie Holmes, ecco chi è il suo nuovo fidanzato – guarda

PAPÀ TOM, ASSENTE MA PRESENTE - Suri Cruise non vedrebbe il padre Tom dal 2013, quando l’ex moglie Katie Holmes, dopo il divorzio, ha ottenuto l’affidamento esclusivo della bambina. Motivo del triste allontanamento: l’adesione dell’attore a Scientology, che non gradirebbe i rapporti stretti degli adepti con i non fedeli. «Suri non frequenta più suo padre da un decennio, lei non va a vedere i suoi film e lui non fa parte della sua vita», ha rivelato una fonte al Daily Mail. Ma assente non significa scomparso: all’attore spetta il mantenimento della giovane fino alla maggiore età, il pagamento delle cure mediche e del college.

Tom Cruise e Katie Holmes, un amore finito (molto) male – guarda

UN COMPLEANNO IMPORTANTE – Non si sa come Suri festeggerà il suo compleanno. Probabilmente, feste ed eventuali outfit saranno riportati dalle pagine social create dai suoi fan. E gli auguri più emozionanti saranno le dichiarazioni d’amore che mamma Katie posterà sul suo profilo Instagram.


Oggi ti propone

Tom Cruise non vede la figlia Suri da dieci anni, ma le dà 400 mila dollari al mese. E ora anche la retta del college

Tom Cruise non vede la figlia Suri da dieci anni, ma le dà 400 mila dollari al mese. E ora anche la retta del college

Tom Cruise, guarda quanto è cambiata tua figlia Suri!

Tom Cruise, guarda quanto è cambiata tua figlia Suri!

Katie Holmes, senza Tom Cruise la vita è proprio dura

Katie Holmes, senza Tom Cruise la vita è proprio dura

Katie Holmes, cambiamento incredibile dalla sera alla mattina

Katie Holmes, cambiamento incredibile dalla sera alla mattina

Cos'è questo?


Riccardo Scamarcio e Benedetta Porcaroli, l’amore trionfa: escono (di nuovo) allo scoperto

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Suri Cruise Takes a Note Out of Mom Katie Holmes’s Playbook in a Flowy Boho Dress

The two proved they’re the most stylish mother-daughter duo in town with their latest outing

preview for Katie Holmes’ Career Evolution

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On a recent outing in New York City, the mother and daughter showed off their individual—yet complementary—styles with two looks that embraced spring.

Holmes wore a thin dark gray sweater layered over a striped collared button-down, plus a pair of wide-leg dark-wash jeans, black Adidas Samba sneakers , a slouchy black leather tote bag from Saint Laurent , and dark brown sunglasses.

As for 18-year-old Cruise, she opted for a more feminine look that embraced the boho silhouettes of the ’70s. This ensemble included a tiered maxi dress covered in a red, white, and black geometric pattern, which she then layered underneath a caramel corduroy jacket and a collared denim coat. Cruise finished off her look with a pair of sensible suede boots in a light brown.

two women walking down a sidewalk

Holmes, who shares her daughter with ex-husband Tom Cruise, doesn’t often talk about their family life in the media. But in an interview with Variety last year, she did reveal that Suri had watched the ’90s TV show that launched Holmes into the spotlight.

“[Suri] has seen Dawson’s Creek , and I think it’s probably weird, since she’s a teenager,” Holmes said. “I’m not like, ‘You need to watch Mommy’s work.’ ”

The actor reflected on seeing her child at almost the age Holmes was when she first started work on Dawson’s Creek . “But during the pandemic, we had a good laugh about it,” Holmes continued. “It’s wild to have a daughter who’s almost the same age as I was when I began all this.”

Headshot of Chelsey Sanchez

As an associate editor at, Chelsey keeps a finger on the pulse on all things celeb news. She also writes on social movements, connecting with activists leading the fight on workers' rights, climate justice, and more. Offline, she’s probably spending too much time on TikTok, rewatching Emma (the 2020 version, of course), or buying yet another corset. 

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Suri Cruise, 17, is the spitting image of mom Katie Holmes on NYC stroll

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Suri Cruise

Double take.

Suri Cruise, the 17-year-old daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, was photographed looking just like her famous mother as she bundled up on a walk in New York City Sunday.

She kept it casual for the midday stroll, wearing gray sweatpants, a T-shirt, a navy blue jacket and brown flats.

Suri Cruise

Suri went makeup-free for the outing as she tied her hair up in a ponytail and accessorized with drop earrings.

It’s unclear where the teenager was off to, but she held on to a pink water bottle as wired headphones hung out of her pocket.

The brunette beauty is occasionally seen wandering around the Big Apple , often out on errands.

Suri Cruise

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Suri was last spotted with Holmes, 45, last month as the mother-daughter duo walked through Soho with big smiles on their faces.

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A few months before, the two made another rare appearance together as they celebrated the “Dawson’s Creek” alum’s 45th birthday in the city.

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise

In 2019, the “Batman Begins” actress gushed over her mini-me in an interview with Shape magazine, revealing they like to work out together.

“I feel very blessed to have such a special daughter. Being her mom is absolutely the greatest gift and privilege,” she told the outlet. “Sometimes I work out with my daughter. It just depends on the day.”

Last year, Holmes also shared she’s always been protective of her daughter “because she was so visible at a young age” due to her and Cruise’s fame, per Glamour.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

However, Suri is rumored not to hold the same bond with her father amid reports she’s been estranged from the “Top Gun” actor , 61, since his 2012 divorce from Holmes.

The “First Daughter” star and Cruise welcomed their daughter in April 2006 and wed a few months after her birth.

The last person the actress was romantically connected to was musician in Bobby Wooten III from April 2022 until December 2022 .

Meanwhile, the “Mission Impossible” star was dating Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova , but cooled off a little bit after an insider claimed Cruise “felt things were moving too fast.”

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Katie Holmes: ‘Suri doesn’t need Tom Cruise’s money – or him’

But will he reach out now she's turning 18.

Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise and Suri Cruise

Sometimes, it seems like Hollywood offspring age faster than the rest of us. Because we’re sure it’s not been that long since Suri Cruise was a cute toddler being carted around by her famous parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes .

Now, though, she turns 18 on 18 April, and we’re told that this could lead to even less involvement from her father.

Katie was awarded sole custody of Suri after she filed for divorce from Tom in 2012, with court documents showing that he would pay child support of £318,000 a year, plus expenses, including medical and educational costs.

Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise and their daughter Suri

It’s been reported that he’s had little part in his daughter’s life, and with the financial arrangement due to come to an end on Suri’s 18th birthday, an insider tells us Katie feels Suri doesn’t need Tom – or his wallet.

The source says, “Katie’s very clear that Suri doesn’t need Tom’s money to be happy or afford the life they’re accustomed to. Katie’s made plenty of her own money and she can take care of her daughter and send her to whatever college she wants.

“Suri is going to be quite the superstar, whether she goes into business or Hollywood. But one thing that’s very clear as far as Katie’s concerned is that she doesn’t need Tom’s help to get ahead. She’s got the brains, talent, and beauty to make it to the top all on her own.”

Katie Holmes and her daughter Suri

After meeting in 2005, Katie and Tom – who’s said to be worth £477million – had a whirlwind romance, with Suri born the following year. The couple practised Scientology, a blend of science and spirituality, but six years after their wedding, Katie filed for divorce amid rumours that she wanted to free herself and Suri from the constraints of the controversial religion.

In 2013, Tom sued a US magazine when it reported that he had “abandoned” Suri, with a settlement reached before it went to trial. In a deposition, Tom admitted he hadn’t been able to see Suri for 100 days because of filming, and since then, reports have claimed he hasn’t seen her in a decade, though that hasn’t been verified.

Our insider says that as his daughter reaches adulthood, Tom – who is a very present parent to his other children, Isabella and Connor, who he adopted with ex-wife Nicole Kidman – is having a change of heart.

“Tom is feeling guilty about missing so much of her life, but insists that he hasn’t completely shut Suri out of his life, and does get updates from time to time. He made that deal to allow her and her mother to live their own lives because that was what Katie wanted. But now Suri’s officially an adult, he feels she’s old enough to make her own choices, and he wants to reach out and build a better relationship with her.”

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What Katie Holmes And Tom Cruise's Prenup Looked Like

Tom Cruise looking at camera with slight smile

When Katie Holmes decided to pull the plug on her marriage to Tom Cruise in 2012, Cruise himself was surprised. In 2013, the "Top Gun" actor told German TV network ProSieben (via CBS News ), "I didn't expect it."

Since then, Holmes and Cruise have remained rather quiet surrounding the details of their split, but Holmes did tell InStyle  in 2020 that she wanted to be in the driver's seat. She told the publication, "You can get consumed by what people think, but suddenly you just decide to do things on your own terms. I feel like I'm finally figuring that out."

Holmes' prenup with Cruise protected his millions while providing for his ex-wife and their daughter, Suri Cruise , too. But one aspect of the prenup didn't go as planned. Keep reading to learn more about the spousal support and child support arrangements between the exes and how they've played out since their split.

Katie Holmes got what she wanted from her prenup with Tom Cruise

Back in 2012, E! News reported that according to their prenup, Cruise would leave his ex-wife an amount of spousal support that would increase for every year they were married. But Holmes ultimately got no spousal support from Cruise, TMZ reported in 2012. 

However, Holmes has sole custody of their daughter Suri and gets child support checks to help pay for her daughter's expenses. Per TMZ, Cruise pays Holmes $400,000 a year in child support. That breaks down to about $4.8 million for the years that Holmes has to raise Suri on her own. TMZ also reported that as part of their agreement, Suri wouldn't attend boarding school. Per CafeMom , fans have speculated that Holmes reportedly turned down spousal support to keep Suri from a Scientology-based boarding school.

"I love her so much. My biggest goal has always been to nurture her into her individuality. To make sure she is 100% herself and strong, confident, and able," Holmes said of Suri to InStyle in 2020. In the end, it looks like Holmes got exactly what she wanted out of her divorce from one of the biggest stars in the industry: peace and happiness. That, for Holmes, is worth much more than any Hollywood settlement out there.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were together for almost a decade — here's a timeline of their relationship

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were once one of Hollywood's most iconic couples. The pair's relationship was a bit of whirlwind, from a quick engagement to a seemingly shocking divorce. 

Here's a timeline of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's relationship. 

2001: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman got divorced.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

After almost a decade, the couple divorced . The pair had previously adopted two children, Connor and Isabella, who later joined the church of Scientology . 

Read More: Nicole Kidman opens up about loving her adopted children with ex-husband Tom Cruise despite them not talking to her

July 2004: Katie Holmes told a Seventeen reporter about her crush on Tom Cruise.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

"I used to think that I was going to marry Tom Cruise," Holmes told a reporter for Seventeen magazine, who later wrote about the interview  and its possible significance in a Huffington Post op-ed. 

During this time, Katie Holmes was engaged to actor Chris Klein. 

March 2005: Holmes and Klein split.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

According to People, Holmes and her then-fiancé Chris Klein ended their five-year relationship in 2005. 

April 2005: Holmes and Cruise stepped out as a couple for the first time.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

A month after Holmes and Klein split, Holmes and Cruise make their first public appearance as a couple.

The two were photographed together in Rome where Cruise was receiving a David di Donatello Award for lifetime achievement. A source told People the pair had "been dating a couple of weeks." 

May 23, 2005: Cruise declared his love for Holmes during an appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

About a month after the two started dating, Cruise filmed one of his most well-known interviews ever. While on "Oprah,"  he jumped on the set's couch  to gush about Holmes.

Cruise said, "I'm in love. I'm in love and it's one of those things where you want to be cool, like, ‘Yeah I like her' … that's not how I feel." He added, "I wanted to meet this person and I met her and she's extraordinary."

June 13, 2005: Holmes said she's converting to Scientology.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

At the "Batman Begins" premiere, Holmes told reporters that she was going to convert to Scientology .

In a separate interview with "W," she spoke a bit  about the process , saying, "You know, it's really exciting. I just started auditing and I'm taking some courses and I really like it. I feel like it's really helping."

June 16, 2005: Holmes and Cruise announced their engagement.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

A few months after they began dating, the two got engaged . Cruise said he proposed with a teardrop-shaped ring at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. He announced their engagement the next day at a press conference for "War of the Worlds."

At the conference, a fairly quiet Holmes said the two planned to have children. 

October 6, 2005: The couple announced they were expecting.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

A spokesperson for Cruise told People that Holmes was pregnant with the couple's first child together and the couple was "very excited."

April 18, 2006: Holmes gave birth to a baby girl.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Cruise's spokesperson announced that Holmes had given birth to a baby girl named Suri who was seven pounds and 20 inches long.

October 2006: Suri made her public debut.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Cruise and Holmes showed Suri off to the world on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. The couple also shared details about their daughter's name. 

"We had the name before we found out [the gender of the baby] because we both thought the baby would be a girl," Cruise told Vanity Fair. He  said their daughter's name meant "red rose."

November 18, 2006: The couple got married in Italy.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Holmes and Cruise sealed the deal with a very lavish wedding in the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, Italy. Holmes wore a Giorgio Armani gown and the two had a "double ring" Scientology wedding , as per People's report. 

January 2008: Cruise's Scientology indoctrination video went viral.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

According to Gawker, a  Scientology indoctrination video featuring Cruise had leaked and spread across media outlets. The outlet described the video as "scary." 

He said, among other things, "When you're a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one who can really help … We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures."

May 2010: Holmes put on a show for Cruise at a Hollywood benefit.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

During the benefit, Holmes performed a seductive dance to the song "Whatever Lola Wants" from the musical "Damn Yankees." She danced around her husband while he did some of his own moves.

September 2010: Holmes gushed about Cruise in an interview and talked about future children.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

In an interview with Marie Claire, Holmes described being married to Cruise as "really fun," saying, "It's an amazing life, but we always remind ourselves of how incredibly lucky we are."

When asked about the possibility of having more kids, she said "maybe in a couple of years," adding that she really just wanted to focus on Suri at the moment.

May 2012: Cruise raved about Holmes in an interview with Playboy.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

In a "Playboy" interview, Cruise called Holmes "an extraordinary person," saying "if you spent five minutes with her, you'd see it." He added, "I'm just happy, and I have been since the moment I met her. What we have is very special."

June 2012: Cruise promoted "Rock of Ages" without Holmes by his side.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Many noticed when Holmes didn't appear next to her husband on the red carpet while he promoted his new film.

June 29, 2012: Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

In June, Holmes' team made a statement to People about how she was divorcing Cruise , who said he wasn't expecting it at all.

Holmes' attorney said, "This is a personal and private matter for Katie and her family. Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has been, her daughter's best interest."

Cruise's rep said, "Kate has filed for divorce and Tom is deeply saddened and is concentrating on his three children. Please allow them their privacy."

Holmes reportedly made calls about the divorce on a disposable cellphone and hired three law firms in three states, according to the Los Angeles Times. 

July 11, 2012: Lawyers for Cruise and Holmes announced they had reached a settlement on custody of Suri.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

According to People, lawyers reached a very quick settlement only 11 days after the divorce was filed.  Holmes received primary custody of 6-year-old Suri and Cruise was granted visitation rights.

April 2013: Cruise admitted he had never expected the divorce.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

During an interview with German TV network ProSieben, Cruise said he didn't expect Holmes to divorce him .

He described that time of his life as a "tragicomedy," and said, "To be 50 and to have experiences and to think you have a grip on everything ... and then it hits you: This is it, what life can do to you."

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10 Years Later: All the Details From Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' Lavish Italian Wedding

The stars became husband and wife in an elaborate celebration at a castle in bracciano.

Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise Official Wedding Photo

"I think every little girl dreams about [her wedding]," Katie Holmes said in an interview with  Seventeen  in 2004. "I used to think I was going to marry Tom Cruise ."

"So let it be written, so let it be done."

As fate would have it, her childhood wishes came true less than a year later when, newly split from fiancé Chris Klein , she accepted the Oscar winner's marriage proposal, subsequently gave birth to the couple's only child, Suri , and went on to marry her girlhood crush in one of the most significant wedding ceremonies in Hollywood history.

As pop culture history goes, the marriage ended in a divorce settlement five and a half years later with primary legal custody of Suri granted to her mother.

Nevertheless, for nostalgia's sake, today marks a different milestone for those vows—their 10-year anniversary. On this day in 2006, the actors became husband and wife inside Bracciano, Italy's 15th-century Odescalchi Castle, a celebration that reportedly cost them upwards of $3 million. 

With a price tag that grand, Tom and Katie's wedding cemented itself in celebrity bridal history. From the cream of the crop Hollywood guest list and double wedding gowns to a dinner serenade by  Andrea Bocelli , it seems no expense was spared on the night Holmes became Mrs.  Tom Cruise . 

"If you get invited to that wedding, you go," Brooke Shields , a guest at the wedding, told Jenny McCarthy  in an interview on her  SiriusXM show  in January.  

Before the wedding could begin, the bride needed a gown—or two. Holmes sported two dresses during the special night, both designed by wedding attendee Giorgio Armani . For the ceremony, the  Ray Donovan  actress donned an off-the-shoulder silk and lace design adorned with Swarovski crystals. The crystals alone took 350 hours to place, as People reported at the time.

Then, she switched into a one-shoulder off-white silk organza number embellished with more Swarovski crystals.

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Katie wasn't the only one to dazzle the crowd in Armani—her groom and the wedding party all wore the label for the special night. 

"Katie wanted a simple, elegant dress," Armani told People  at the time. "I wanted to make it modern but at the same time complement the sweetness and energy she conveys."

As fans would learn years later, Holmes accessorized with "something old" gifted to her by Shields. After being publicly criticized by Cruise for taking prescription medication for her postpartum depression, Shields said the actor came to her home to apologize. Soon after, she got a call from Holmes to invite her to their Italian nuptials. 

"She said, 'It just wouldn't feel right without you there,'" Shields told McCarthy during the interview in January. "And I said 'OK, I'll bring the something old, as long as it's not me!' And she said, 'would you?'"

The former face of Calvin Klein ultimately delivered the bride-to-be an antique enamel compact. 

The supermodel was just one name on the sprawling VIP list of famous attendees, which included  Will Smith  and  Jada Pinkett Smith , fellow Scientologists  John Travolta  and  Kelly Preston , David Beckham and Victoria Beckham , Jenny McCarthy and then-partner  Jim Carrey ,  Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez and former Scientologist Leah Remini . 

Once inside the castle's armory doors, guests were greeted by flag bearers sporting traditional Renaissance attire. With Cruise's older children, Connor and Isabella , Holmes' maid of honor, sister Nancy Blaylock , and Cruise's best man, Scientology leader David Miscavige , present, the couple took part in Scientology's traditional "double ring" ceremony and sealed it with a kiss. 

What followed was a seemingly endless celebration that carried into different halls of the castle, as People  described at the time. After a round of toasts, the bride danced with her father,  Martin Holmes , to  Louis Armstrong 's "What a Wonderful World" and joined Cruise for their first dance to  Fleetwood Mac 's "Songbird."

"It didn't take much time before I realized this Tom guy was a special guy—that he loved Katie, that he cared for her and supported her," Martin said during a toast at their rehearsal dinner at the Villa Aurelia. "Tonight, I am extremely proud and happy to raise my glass to Katie and Tom."

One five-tier wedding cake and fireworks display later, the guests danced the night away with music producer Mark Ronson spinning tunes and Lopez jumping in to perform one of her songs live when it came on. 

A nostalgic moment arrived when Cruise sang  The Righteous Brothers ' "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" to his bride—a nod to his iconic performance in  Top Gun . 

Of course, the song now seems like a moment of foreboding as, five and a half years after they wrapped the late-night festivities and boarded a jet to the Maldives for their honeymoon, Holmes filed for divorce . The two have not remarried and Holmes continues to live with her daughter.

While their high-profile relationship was a subject of controversy and speculation since Cruise first jumped on Oprah Winfrey 's couch, the actress recently revealed she wouldn't do it differently. 

"I really enjoy my life," she told Ocean Drive   a year ago. "I don't really regret anything that I've done. I've learned from everything, and everything sort of leads you to the next place. I just keep going."

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This Is Why Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Really Divorced

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise posing on the red carpet

Back in 2012, the former Hollywood power couple  Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced to the world they were getting a divorce after six years of marriage. According to Ranker , news of the A-list split sent shockwaves throughout the world of show business and sparked waves of rumors and speculation as to why the pair decided to call it quits. So, why exactly did Cruise and Holmes get divorced?

As Extra reported, the former husband and wife first began dating in 2005. In June of that same year, the former "Dawson's Creek" star revealed that she and Cruise were engaged and that  she planned to convert to Cruise's religion of Scientology. Four months later, in October 2005, Holmes announced that she was pregnant with her first child. In April 2006, the pair welcomed their baby daughter, Suri Cruise — who has undergone a stunning transformation —  and seven months later the pair tied the knot in a luxurious Italian wedding ceremony. 

As per the Mirror , the star-studded Scientologist wedding was held at Odescalchi Castle in Italy on November 18, 2006. The nuptials were attended by some of the biggest names in Hollywood, including the likes of Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Lopez, John Travolta, and the former Scientologist, Leah Remini . Holmes and Cruise looked like they were well on their way to a fairytale ending.

Katie Holmes has remained quiet about her divorce from Tom Cruise

According to InStyle , both Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise have remained tight-lipped about the exact reasoning behind their divorce. However, the "Mission Impossible" actor previously revealed that he "didn't expect" his wife to file for divorce. Although neither party has confirmed why the highly publicized breakup actually took place, there are plenty of rumors surrounding Holmes' decision to get out of the marriage. One of the primary rumors was reported by HuffPost in 2013, when Cruise discussed Holmes' aversion to raising their daughter, Suri, in the Scientology religion.

While the "Top Gun" actor was being questioned during a deposition for a defamation case involving Bauer Media, a lawyer asked whether the "Dawson's Creek" alum had requested a divorce "in part to protect Suri from Scientology," (per HuffPost). The outlet went on to say that Cruise initially reacted with frustration, indicating, "there is no need to protect my daughter from my religion." However, as the attorney continued to press Cruise on the matter, the movie star admitted that Holmes' desire to keep Suri from Scientology, " ... was one of the assertions, yes."

Despite her newfound freedom as a single woman, Radar Online reported in 2016 that Holmes had made a "secret divorce deal" with Cruise that allegedly forbid her from publicly commenting on their separation or dating someone else for five years after their breakup. Though almost a decade has passed since their divorce, the "Batman Begins" actress has still remained quiet about the situation.

Tom Cruise backed up a long-standing rumor about his divorce

The most commonly accepted cause surrounding the demise of the couple's relationship is that Katie Holmes wanted to remove herself and their daughter Suri from any involvement with the Church of Scientology. Per InStyle , Tom Cruise appeared to back up this theory by admitting that one of the reasons his ex-wife filed for divorce came down to the controversial religion itself during his defamation case against Bauer media.

During the 2013 deposition, Cruise also revealed that his daughter Suri, who was just seven years old at the time, was no longer a practicing member of the Church of Scientology (via HuffPost ). This particular revelation came as a surprise to many, primarily because those who leave the Church are deemed a "Suppressive Person" and are eventually cut off from other practicing members — which includes immediate members of their own family. According to the Mirror , Cruise and Holmes' divorce settlement afforded Holmes "sole custody" of Suri, and reportedly included "'ironclad' rulings that Suri would not be exposed to anything Scientology related."

Suri Cruise, la figlia di Tom Cruise e Katie Holmes compie 18 anni: ecco com'è diventata. Il padre non può vederla (per colpa di Scientology)

La ragazza non ha nemmeno un account social e appare raramente su quelli della madre..

Suri Cruise, la figlia di Tom Cruise e Katie Holmes compie 18 anni: ecco com'è diventata. Il padre non può vederla (per colpa di Scientology)

Suri Cruise  ha compiuto 18 anni e i paparazzi newyorkesi si sono scatenati. La ragazza, nata dal matrimonio ormai finito da tempo tra Katie Holmes e Tom Cruise , è sempre stata protetta dalla madre che ha cercato (per quanto possibile) di non esporla ai media. Quella che mostrano oggi le foto scattate in strada è una ragazza bellissima e stilosa che somiglia tantissimo alla mamma ma che lo stesso sguardo e sorriso del papà.

L'infanzia di Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise è nata il 18 aprile 2006: a quel tempo Katie Holmes e Tom Cruise erano una delle coppie d'oro di Hollywood e il sole sembrava brillare sulla famiglia. La bimba era una mini fashion icon: ogni suo abitino diventava subito di moda e ogni look veniva studiato e commentato sulle riviste. Poi nel 2012, dopo il doloroso divorzio dei genitori (l'attrice ha lasciato il marito per proteggere la figlia dal fanatismo di Scientology e da allora non si parlano più) è sparita dalla scena pubblica: la mamma l'ha cresciuta a Manhattan tenendola il più lontano possibile dai media. La ragazza non ha nemmeno un account social e appare raramente su quelli della madre.

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Il rapporto di Suri Crusie con papà Tom Cruise 

Cosa c'è nel futuro di Suri Cruise?

  Suri Cruise ha l'indole della trend setter e potrebbe voler trasformare il suo amore per la moda in un lavoro. Per lei è il momento di scegliere quale università frequentare e pare che si stia orientando verso il mondo fashion. "Suri sta facendo domanda nei college di tutto il mondo", ha raccontato una fonte al Daily Mail, anche se Katie Holmes vorrebbe che rimanesse a New York. Per la ragazza sono aperte anche le porte del mondo cinematografico: "Le chiedo in continuazione di partecipare ai miei film. E' davvero talentuosa "Ha detto sua madre. Per ora le sue esperienze però si fermano agli spettacoli scolastici. Sembra che sia dotata anche per il canto: ha registrato una cover della canzone "Blue Moon" per il film "Alone Together" diretto dalla Holmes e presentato al Tribeca Film Festival.

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

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Suri Cruise has rejected one thing from her childhood

Suri Cruise was born famous but recent photos of the 18-year-old reveal one thing she’s rejecting.

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Suri Cruise has just turned 18, and it is clear that she’s rejecting one big thing about her celebrity child past – her iconic Real Housewives of Kindergarten aesthetic.

Usually, teenagers aren’t old enough to have a past, but when you’re born famous, by the time you’ve graduated high school, the world has already seen many different versions of you. Such is life for Suri.

The young adult was spotted taking a solo stroll around New York City, and her outfit spoke for itself. 

Suri is a fan of the big pant and small top combination. Picture: Said Elatab / BACKGRID

Suri wore the unofficial Generation Z uniform: baggy pants, an oversized jacket, and a tiny top. She’s in the era of wearing the kind of tops that make your nan tell you that your kidneys will get cold. 

She looked great but was casual, like any other teenager you’d walk past in a shopping centre. She had excellent casual street style, but you wouldn’t say she looked glamorous or glitzy.

Her fashion in general is very low-key. Picture: BrosNYC / BACKGRID

This is quite the rejection of the fashion identity created for her as a child. 

If you’ve somehow managed to dodge the pop culture phenomenon that is Suri, well, it’s easy to catch up. 

Her dad is action star Tom Cruise, known for doing his own stunts and being a Scientologist. Her mum, Katie Holmes, played Joey in the late-90s teen hit  Dawson’s Creek and while she’s never found the same kind of mainstream career success since, she’s remained a tabloid fixture. 

Suri’s parents got married in 2006, after a whirlwind romance that saw Tom appear on Oprah, jump on her couch, and announce, “I’m in love”. 

Tom, Katie and Suri. Picture: Toby Canham/Getty Images

Then Suri entered the picture and became a celebrity instantly, achieving a similar level of fame that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s daughter, North, 10, currently enjoys. 

Before Suri could walk, she was a subject of public fascination, and the way her parents dressed her made her downright iconic. 

Looking like a fashion icon. Picture: Splash News/Media Mode

While most toddlers might wander around in a stained Bonds onesie, toddler Suri dressed more like an actual princess. 

She wore high heels and couture and dressed more like a rich housewife than a child who wasn’t old enough to read. 

She never looked like she was going on a playdate; instead, she dressed like she was about to go to a soiree. 

The fake fur coat is fabulous. Picture: Splash News/Media Mode

The fact that she dressed like a middle-aged woman with an Amex caused lots of buzz at the time.

Some people thought it was wrong, and some thought it was harmless fashion, but everyone could agree that it made Suri more famous. She wasn’t just another celebrity kid hanging in the background she was prancing around in a faux fur coat.

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tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Her parents split in 2012, and from then on, Suri remained with her mum in New York City. Her diva dressing lessened over the years, but now she’s ditched it altogether.

These days, she wears sneakers instead of high heels. She’s seen getting around in baggy pants instead of sparkly clothes, and she seems to have ditched the rich vibes for a more down-to-earth look. 

Suri hasn’t carried glamour into her adulthood but rejecting your parent’s ideas is a rite of passage, and one even Gen Z is still enthusiastically embracing.

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Gli stivali texani di Suri Cruise per la moda Primavera 2024

Il tocco country dei look street style di questa stagione

preview for Suri Cruise: 5 curiosità

Suri Cruise è cresciuta e non è più la bambina che eravamo abituate a vedere a passeggio con mamma Katie Holmes per le strade di New York. Oggi la neomaggiorenne consolida la sua fama di fashion icon (che l'accompagna in realtà sin da piccola) e detta tendenza con un look street style in sintonia con l'aesthetic più cool del momento: il countrycore. Ormai lo sappiamo, i l western è ufficialmente tornato di moda per la Primavera 2024 . Dagli outfit in passerella ai look delle celeb più seguite del momento, gli stivali texani sono l’accessorio grintoso di stagione da abbinare a ogni mise: l’elemento chiave imprescindibile dei look street style primaverili . Con il loro tocco wild e country, infatti, i camperos sono i boots preferiti anche di Suri Cruise . Avvistata tra le affollate strade di New York, la figlia di Katie Holmes e Tom Cruise ha scelto di indossare proprio un paio di stivaletti texani , che aggiungono un pizzico di fascino wild al suo look sofisticato. Abbinati a una gonna midi bianca con balze sul fondo e a un morbido maglione beige stretto in vita da una cintura di pelle, i texani di Suri Cruise in pelle marrone con gambale medio, suola flat e cuciture a contrasto sono emblema di uno dei feticci di moda più desiderati di stagione ideali per il far west metropolitano.

Come indossare i texani di Suri Cruise per la moda Primavera 2024?

Nel marasma di tendenze della moda Primavera 2024 , l’accessorio da aggiungere subito alla wishlist è, senza dubbio, lo stivale in stile western . Perfetti sotto un abito longuette in maglia o una mini skirt con pieghe, gli stivaletti country si sposano alla perfezione con una combo moda super gettonata tra le celeb: jeans wide leg e t-shirt oversize. Per le prime (e attese) giornate calde, invece, meglio scegliere uno styling alla moda avvistato sui feed Instagram e nei look street style: gonna midi in satin, crop top basic, maxi blazer e mini bag a mano con fantasia animalier. Nulla di più cool e di tendenza.

Dove acquistare i texani come quelli di Suri Cruise

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tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

Katie Holmes’ Lawyer Responds To Reports Of Money Problems As Tom Cruise’s Child Support End

  • Katie Holmes' lawyer denies rumors of financial struggles post-Tom Cruise child support.
  • Reports suggest Katie might consider writing a tell-all book about her marriage to Cruise.
  • Holmes is actively seeking new acting roles with the potential to cash in on a high-paying book deal.

There’s increasing speculation over Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter Suri Cruise now that the teen is set to turn 18-years old and will reportedly be off to college later in the year. One report claimed Katie was preparing for a change in finances, including looking for work , now that Tom’s child support will allegedly end when Suri no longer qualifies as a minor.

The speculation over the recent claims has prompted Katie to speak out via her lawyer to deny the rumors and assure fans she’s doing just fine.

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Katie’s lawyer claims the reports aren’t true.

Holmes’ attorney Jonathan W. Wolfe released a statement to Radar , saying, "The story is riddled with falsehoods. One would hope there would be more newsworthy items to cover, and publications would avoid reporting as 'facts' claims from anonymous sources peddling such obvious misrepresentations."

Katie has starred in a variety of projects in recent years, including The Secret: Dare to Dream, Alone Together , and most recently, 2023’s Rare Objects.

Earlier this month, a report was released claiming Katie has been getting around $30,000-$40,000 in monthly child support (or roughly. $400,000) since her divorce from Tom in 2012. But with that about to come to an end, the report said Katie was anxious to sign onto new projects.

“For years, Katie’s enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, thanks to Tom’s consistent support,” a source said to In Touch . “But as their child nears adulthood, both mother and daughter are facing an uncertain future. It’s a terrifying prospect — going from an amazing standard of living to a question mark overnight!”

Reports Say Katie Holmes Could Write A Tell-All Book

The insider further claimed there’s a chance that Katie might consider revealing her perspective on her marriage to Cruise in a memoir. Their divorce proceedings concluded swiftly, with Tom reportedly acquiescing to Katie's desire for primary custody of their only child.

Rumors have circulated suggesting that Cruise's adherence to Scientology influenced their separation. It's also been suggested that Katie signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) during the divorce proceedings, which may soon be expiring now that their daughter is approaching adulthood.

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“She’s actively looking for roles and is eager to throw herself back into the industry full-time,” the source continued. “And don’t forget the non-disclosure agreement she signed — it’s set to expire, too. If things get tough, Katie could cash in by penning a tell-all book!”

Celebrities often command substantial advances for their memoirs, reflecting their fame, influence, and the potential marketability of their stories, so it’s possible Katie could consider one if she’s looking for high-paying work. While advances can vary widely depending on factors such as the celebrity's level of notoriety and the anticipated sales potential of the book, some figures have reached astronomical heights.

For instance, Michelle Obama's memoir "Becoming" reportedly fetched an advance of around $65 million , making it one of the most expensive memoir deals in history. Similarly, Bruce Springsteen's autobiography "Born to Run" secured a rumored advance of $10 million to $12 million .

Only time will tell if Katie ever reveals her story about what happened during her marriage to Cruise.

Katie Holmes’ Lawyer Responds To Reports Of Money Problems As Tom Cruise’s Child Support End

Digital Cover mother-and-baby

Katie Holmes' impressive rule for daughter Suri, 18

Dawson's creek star katie lives in new york, while suri's father tom cruise splits his time between la and england.

Sophie Hamilton

Katie Holmes ' daughter Suri Cruise has just celebrated her 18 th birthday and has been spotted out and about strolling in New York City.

Over the years, Katie has rarely spoken of her daughter, who she shares with her former husband, Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise .

However, back in 2015 when Suri was nine, the Dawson's Creek actress opened up about her relationship with Suri, explaining how her daughter is "generous and sensitive", and even revealed a parenting rule she had at home.

"My little one is very, very generous and very sensitive," Katie said on the Today Show .

"So, she’s always [saying], ‘Mom, let’s give my old toys to people who need it.’ So we are always doing that. I don't over-gift. I don't inundate my child with a lot of things."

How sweet that Suri liked to donate her toys to those less fortunate than her. It's also so impressive how Katie kept her daughter grounded, and despite their wealth, chose not to spoil Suri with a plethora of lavish gifts.

Suri Cruise pictured celebrating her 18th birthday

In 2022, Katie gave another rare snippet into her relationship with Suri, telling InStyle: "I love her so much. My biggest goal has always been to nurture her into her individuality. To make sure she is 100 per cent herself and strong, confident, and able. And to know it." 

Suri is set to go to college at the end of the summer. It is thought she has been considering colleges in NYC, meaning that she will still be able to see her mother regularly.

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Katie Holmes and her daughter Suri Cruise were seen enjoying a stroll together in NYC for the first time since Suri turned 18.

It's clear that Suri has developed her parents' talents for performing, and showcased her singing voice back in 2022. 

Suri appeared in the opening credits of Katie's film, Alone Together , when she was just 15, singing Blue Moon.

Suri Cruise has grown up in New York City

Chatting to Yahoo! Entertainment  about her daughter's role in the movie, she said: "She's very, very talented. She said she would do it and she recorded it and I let her do her thing. 

"That's the way I direct in general: It's like, 'This is what I think we all want - go do your thing'." 

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This 1 rule may prohibit tom cruise from ever having contact with daughter suri, sources claim.

by Delilah Gray

Delilah Gray

Trending News Editor

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Tom Cruise at the 95th OSCARS® Nominees Luncheon held at The Beverly Hilton on February 13, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California.

Former leading Scientologist Karen De La Carriere told DailyMail that while many think that there are a lot of rules that prohibit Cruise from seeing Suri, it’s just one major rule that she believes to be the case.

This was backed up when DailyMail also asked Cruise’s former security detail, Brendan Tighe, about it.”Basically, when it comes to Scientology thinking, there is a disconnection policy. When it’s applied rigorously, there is no room for emotion,” he said. “So long as Suri sides with her mom, there will be no contact with her dad.”

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

For those who don’t know, Holmes and Cruise welcomed Suri, 17, on April 18, 2006, with her ex-husband Tom.

Suri turned 18 this past month, and many wonder if she’ll have something to say about her estranged dad and Scientology. “Suri would have been too young to sign any agreement, but she will now be free to talk if she wants to, and it’s going to be really interesting if she has something to say,” Tony Ortega, an expert and seasoned Scientology journalist said to Page Six .

tom cruise e katie holmes oggi

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    Jessica Booth. Nov 9, 2018, 10:14 AM PST. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise dated for years. AP / Ricardo Moraes. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were once one of Hollywood's most iconic couples. The pair's ...

  21. 10 Years Later: Revisiting Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes' Wedding

    10 Years Later: All the Details From Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' Lavish Italian Wedding. The stars became husband and wife in an elaborate celebration at a castle in Bracciano. By Samantha ...

  22. This Is Why Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Really Divorced

    Back in 2012, the former Hollywood power couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced to the world they were getting a divorce after six years of marriage. According to Ranker, news of the A-list split sent shockwaves throughout the world of show business and sparked waves of rumors and speculation as to why the pair decided to call it quits.So, why exactly did Cruise and Holmes get divorced?

  23. Suri Cruise, la figlia di Tom Cruise e Katie Holmes compie 18 anni

    L'infanzia di Suri Cruise. Suri Cruise è nata il 18 aprile 2006: a quel tempo Katie Holmes e Tom Cruise erano una delle coppie d'oro di Hollywood e il sole sembrava brillare sulla famiglia.

  24. Suri Cruise makes a bold fashion statement in NYC as she celebrates

    Katie Holmes' daughter Suri Cruise was pictured on her 18th birthday in New York City, holding birthday presents as she celebrated the milestone occasion with friends The only daughter of Tom ...

  25. Flashback: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' First Red Carpet Kiss

    Watch Tom kiss Katie, as we look back at the couple when they shared happier moments with daughter Suri. Subscribe to PeopleTV

  26. Suri Cruise has rejected one thing from her childhood

    Her mum, Katie Holmes, ... Tom Cruise 'has no part' in daughter's life. Tom Cruise's daughter stuns in new pics. Her parents split in 2012, and from then on, Suri remained with her mum in ...

  27. Gli stivali texani di Suri Cruise della moda Primavera 2024

    Suri Cruise è cresciuta e non è più la bambina che eravamo abituate a vedere a passeggio con mamma Katie Holmes per le strade di New York. Oggi la neomaggiorenne consolida la sua fama di ...

  28. Katie Holmes' Lawyer Responds To Reports Of Money Problems As Tom

    There's increasing speculation over Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter Suri Cruise now that the teen is set to turn 18-years old and will reportedly be off to college later in the year.

  29. Tom Cruise's ex-wife Katie Holmes' strict rule for daughter Suri, 18

    Sophie Hamilton. Katie Holmes ' daughter Suri Cruise has just celebrated her 18 th birthday and has been spotted out and about strolling in New York City. Over the years, Katie has rarely spoken ...

  30. The 1 Rule That Prohibits Tom Cruise From Ever Seeing ...

    Tom Cruise. Photo By: Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection. For those who don't know, Holmes and Cruise welcomed Suri, 17, on April 18, 2006, with her ex-husband Tom. Suri turned 18 this past ...