• Destinazioni

5 itinerari e percorsi enogastronomici in Marche

Ascoli Piceno Mercato Riflessione

Strada dei Vini Maceratesi

Specialità ascolane, antichi sapori nella provincia di pesaro e urbino, ancona, la terra del verdicchio, tipicità marchigiane della provincia di fermo.

Le Marche sono una regione non molto conosciuta dal punto di vista della enogastronomia, ma in realtà ha una grande varietà di prodotti tipici e di ricette della tradizione , fatte di prodotti genuini e dai sapori decisi. Basti pensare a prodotti come l'Olio Extravergine di Oliva di Cartoceto, il prosciutto di carpegna, la Casciotta di Urbino o le intramontabili olive all'ascolana di Ascoli Piceno! Ecco quali sono i migliori itinerari e percorsi enogastronomici nelle Marche .

macerata centro storico 1

  • Tappe/paesi principali Macerata, Urbisaglia (azienda vinicola Tenute Muròla), Ripe San Ginesio (azienda vinicola Terre di San Ginesio)
  • Prodotti locali e piatti tipici vincisgrazzi, cacciagione, coniglio in porchetta, Bianco dei Colli Maceratesi, Vino Cotto, Sapa, San Ginesio DOC
  • Distanza / durata itinerario 51 km totali / 2 giorni
  • Dove dormire la soluzione migliore è soggiornare a Macerata, con un'ampia scelta di alloggi di diversa tipologia. Per un soggiorno in mezzo alla natura, invece, ci sono numerosi agriturismi, come l'Agriturismo I Valeriani - confronta i migliori alloggi su booking

ascoli piceno mercato riflessione

  • Tappe/paesi principali Ascoli Piceno
  • Prodotti locali e piatti tipici olive all'ascolana, cacciannanze, Rosso Piceno DOC
  • Distanza / durata itinerario 1 giorno
  • Dove dormire in centro ad Ascoli Piceno troverete numerosi alloggi di diversa tipologia. Negli immediati dintorni ci sono numerosi agriturismi e anche hotel 4 stelle immersi nel verde, come la Villa Cicchi: Agriturismo di Charme o l'Hotel Villa Pigna - confronta i miglioi alloggi su booking

campanile urbino marche gotico

  • Tappe/paesi principali Urbino, Montefabbri, Mombaroccio, Pesaro
  • Prodotti locali e piatti tipici lumachelle all'urbinate, biscotti del pescatore, crescia sfogliata, casciotta di Urbino, passatelli, cappelletti alla pesarese, cannelloni alla Rossini
  • Distanza / durata itinerario 63 km totali / 3 giorni
  • Dove dormire la soluzione migliore è soggiornare nei pressi di Urbino e di Pesaro. In città potrete trovare diversi hotel, appartamenti e B&B. Per un soggiorno in mezzo alla natura, ci sono diversi numerosi agriturismi, come l'Agriturismo dei Duchi (Urbino) o il Badia Agriturismo (Pesaro) - confronta i migliori alloggi su booking

ancona marche

  • Tappe/paesi principali Ancona, Jesi
  • Prodotti locali e piatti tipici stoccafisso all'anconetana, brodetti di pesce, moscioli del conero, polacche, cicerchiata carnevalesca, vino Verdicchio
  • Distanza / durata itinerario 30 km totali / 2 giorni
  • Dove dormire la soluzione migliore è soggiornare ad Ancona, con alloggi nel centro storico o vista mare. La zona di Jesi è ricca di meravigliosi agriturismi, come la Futura Country House o la Tenuta San Marcello - confronta i migliori alloggi su booking

fermo marche italia 1

  • Tappe/paesi principali Fermo, Campofilone
  • Prodotti locali e piatti tipici maccheroncini di Campofilone
  • Distanza / durata itinerario un giorno
  • Dove dormire in centro a Fermo ci sono numerosi alloggi, tra hotel, appartamenti e B&B. Nei dintorni, consigliamo l'Agriturismo Fiore di Campo o l'Agriturismo Il Vecchio Pioppo, completamente immersi tra le colline - confronta i migliori alloggi su booking

Foto di Samantha Olivo

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tour gastronomico marche

I migliori Tour gastronomici a Marche, Italia

Tour gastronomici a marche.

  • Tour in autobus
  • Tour culturali
  • Tour a piedi
  • Giri turistici
  • Tour gastronomici
  • Fino a 1 ora
  • Da 1 a 4 ore
  • Da 4 ore a 1 giorno
  • La classifica di tour, attività ed esperienze disponibili su Tripadvisor è determinata da diversi fattori, tra cui le commissioni che Tripadvisor ottiene da queste prenotazioni, la frequenza di clic degli utenti e il volume e la qualità delle recensioni dei clienti. Talvolta, le nuove offerte potrebbero avere la priorità e occupare quindi posizioni più alte nell'elenco. La posizione specifica dei nuovi annunci può variare.

tour gastronomico marche

1. Tour di mezza giornata, con pranzo a base di tartufo: Alla scoperta delle terre del Duca

Non fermare il divertimento scegliendo altre esperienze nella zona.

tour gastronomico marche

Esperienza di Caccia al Tartufo in Assisi

tour gastronomico marche

Degustazione all'Aria Aperta di Vini BIO con Vista!

tour gastronomico marche

Assapora il tour gastronomico di Perugia guidato da locali

tour gastronomico marche

Enologo per un giorno: tour di un'azienda vinicola biologica

tour gastronomico marche

Tour ad Assisi con degustazione di aceto balsamico, olio d'oliva e cantina biologica

tour gastronomico marche

Visita Privata nella Cantina Brugnoni con Degustazione 4 vini

tour gastronomico marche

Tour gastronomico tradizionale di Perugia: esperienza Mangia meglio

tour gastronomico marche

Corso di cucina privata con pranzo o cena ad Assisi

tour gastronomico marche

Lezione di pasta e tiramisù con Mamma ad Assisi

tour gastronomico marche

Rich aperitif 5 wines and walk in the vineyards

tour gastronomico marche

Caccia al Tartufo e Pranzo Bio ad Assisi

tour gastronomico marche

Lezioni pratiche di cucina italiana

tour gastronomico marche

Cesarine: lezione di cucina casalinga e pasto con un locale a Rimini

tour gastronomico marche

Tour del mercato per piccoli gruppi e lezione di cucina a Rimini

tour gastronomico marche

Tour del mercato per piccoli gruppi e lezione di cucina a Gubbio

tour gastronomico marche

Pic nic Deluxe Assisi per 2 e degustazione di 5 vini

tour gastronomico marche

Vini e formaggi

tour gastronomico marche

Giro enogastronomico

tour gastronomico marche

Fun ATV Adventure in Umbria with Aperitif

tour gastronomico marche

Corso di cucina in Umbria in qualsiasi luogo presso la tua villa privata

tour gastronomico marche

Lezione privata di pasta e tiramisù a casa di Cesarina con degustazione a Perugia

tour gastronomico marche

Assaggiatore di olio d'oliva assaggiatore per un giorno!

tour gastronomico marche

Tour del mercato privato, pranzo o cena e demo di cucina a Gubbio

tour gastronomico marche

Gita di un giorno: Visita guidata di Gubbio con pranzo e Passeggiata a cavallo con degustazione

tour gastronomico marche

Gita di un giorno: tour privato di Gubbio con pranzo in cantina + giro a cavallo

tour gastronomico marche

Lezione di pasta e tiramisù per piccoli gruppi a Gubbio

tour gastronomico marche

Visita in Cantina e Degustazione

tour gastronomico marche

Corso di cucina tradizionale umbra nella campagna di Assisi

tour gastronomico marche

Lezione di cucina tipica regionale umbra con pranzo ad Assisi

  • Tour privato del birrificio Mastio con degustazione di birra
  • Tour del vino e degustazione presso la Più Antica Azienda Vinicola delle Marche
  • Corso privato di pasta in casa di Cesarina con degustazione ad Ascoli Piceno
  • Degustazione di Olio Extravergine di Oliva ad Ascoli Piceno
  • Caccia al Tartufo e Pasta Artigianale ad Ascoli Piceno
  • Sara Giorgi - Guida Turistica per le Marche
  • Be in Italy
  • Vespa Tour Marche
  • Expirit - L'Italia Autentica
  • Expirit - Piccole Realtà. Grandi Storie.
  • La Cerqua Tartufi


  • Piatti tipici delle Marche: un tour gastronomico tra cibo e vini
  • Cibo e sapori

Viaggio nelle Marche in un tour gastronomico ad alto tasso calorico. Tra piatti tipici marchigiani e paesaggi che incantano. 

tickets banner

Itinerario gastronomico sulle tracce dei piatti tipici marchigiani che ti faranno innamorare una volta di più di una regione che ispira bellezza. 

Terra di mare, boschi e colline, d’arte e poesia. Luogo splendidamente disegnato da una natura ammaliante e da borghi fiabeschi cristallizzati in un passato che pare vicino come un un giro d’orologio, le Marche sono da scoprire a passo lento e stomaco tassativamente pieno. Perché se è vero che il cibo è cultura allora non c’è modo migliore per conoscere un territorio che mettendo le mani in pasta. Oppure mangiandola. 

Per accompagnarti al meglio nel tuo prossimo viaggio abbiamo preparato questo vademecum del goloso, da salvare tra i preferiti e cliccare quando la fame comincerà a farsi sentire. E possiamo assicurarti che sì, la voglia di mettere qualcosa sotto i denti sarà irresistibile quando a tentarti troverai fritti da mille e una crocchetta, piatti dagli abbinamenti apparentemente inusuali e dolci che non t’aspetti. Bon appétit.  

Piatti tipici marchigiani: un tour gastronomico dallo street food al dessert

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Marche Tourism (@marchetourism)

tour gastronomico marche

La cucina marchigiana è fatta di piatti che mescolano freschezza e sapori antichi. Un ricettario ampio quanto i paesaggi che si incontrano percorrendo la regione e che attraversa mare e colli in infinite sfumature di gusto. Con delle costanti.

Il finocchietto selvatico , ad esempio. È il comune denominatore in preparazioni per certi versi inusuali, protagonista in un gustoso piatto di campagna a base di coniglio, ma anche delle tipiche fave in porchetta o — e qui ti sfidiamo a non fare la scarpetta — delle lumache di mare in porchetta. 

Talvolta, ci si trova difronte a preparazioni così legate ai luoghi a cui sono associate da tratteggiarne in parte l’identità. È il caso dello stoccafisso all’anconetana , un grande classico che ha pure un’accademia tutta sua (l’Accademia dello Stoccafisso all’anconitana). 

Ad ogni modo, di prodotti tipici se ne contano tanti, con eccellenze locali che primeggiano in vari comparti del gusto. Te ne suggeriamo qualcuno: il carciofo violetto precoce di Jesi, le fave di Ostra, le mele rosa di Amandola, il tartufo bianco di Acqualagna, l’olio extravergine di Cartoceto Dop, il formaggio di fossa di Talamello, il prosciutto di Carpegan Dop. Ma la lista è lunga. 

Si capisce che sull’impero culinario marchigiano non tramonta mai il sole e quindi, dal fritto al dolce passando per l’ammazzacaffè, ce n’è di che riempire lo stomaco.

Sfizioserie come i calcioni sono così versatili da prestarsi tanto per un veloce stuzzichino quanto come dolce. Al forno o fritte, queste mezzelune ripiene sono un’irrinunciabile spezzafame.

Il concetto di dessert marchigiano, poi, contempla spesso e volentieri una felice relazione aperta con i liquori tipici della regione. Del rosso vermiglio dell’ alchermes si colorano cavallucci, scroccafusi, pesche dolci di Acquaviva Picena, ciaramille e castagnole. Del sentore di anice del minstà , versione marchigiane dell’ouzo greco, si profumano gli anicetti di Macerata e i funghetti di Offida. 

Il consiglio è di provarne il più possibile, di piatti tipici marchigiani. Qui intanto ti raccontiamo di alcuni must try e di vini da sorseggiare con un occhio al panorama. 

tour gastronomico marche

Piatti tipici marchigiani: olive all’ascolana

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Content Creator ✈ Travel&Food (@stefano_cicchini)

So’ greche? No,  Tenere Ascolane Dop . Parliamo, ovviamente, di sua maestà l’oliva all’ascolana e della qualità che la tradizione impone nella sua delicata e paziente preparazione. Regina e sovrana indiscussa dello street food nelle Marche, un decalogo dei piatti tipici marchigiani non può che cominciare con un omaggio a questa che, tra tutte, è probabilmente la pietanza locale più iconica. 

L’originale pretende un ripieno macinato a base di vitello, pollo e maiale unito a uova, parmigiano, noce moscata e un po’ di buccia di limone. Impanate, fritte e mangiate caldissime sono l’entrée perfetto per approcciarsi alla cucina marchigiana che, va riconosciuto, regala tante soddisfazioni anche nella sua versione take away. 

Da Pesaro ad Ascoli Piceno sulle tracce della crescia perfetta

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Cinzia_Elle (@bissia13)

Un po’ focaccia un po’ piadina, spostandoti da una città all’altra troverai questo tipico pane marchigiano proposto in diverse varianti. Per esempio, a Pesaro è detta “vonta”, unta con lardo di maiale e servita calda e ripiena di salsiccia e formaggio.

A Urbino si chiama crostolo ; ad Ancona si prepara con la pasta del pane; a Jesi e Osimo prende il nome di cresciola e si fa con la polenta; quella della provincia di Macerata ricorda la schiacciata toscana; ad Ascoli Piceno è alta e ripiena. La sfida? provare a (non) provarle tutte. 

Dove assaggiare i ciarimboli

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Max Santoni (@maxsantonicuoco)

La vera chicca dello street food made in Marche è una leccornia per stomaci intrepidi e spiriti avventurieri. I ciarimboli , detti anche “ciarrimmoli”, “ciambudei” o “cinciabusucchi”, non sono per tutti e non si trovano dappertutto. Per assaggiarli dovrai necessariamente recarti in borghi dell’entroterra, luoghi come Cupramontana, Montecarotto e Serra San Quirico, dove ancora vengono preparati e serviti perlopiù durante fiere e sagre. 

Si tratta di parti di intestino di maiale che prima di finire in mezzo al tuo panino si fanno un passaggio nel vino caldo, un tuffo nell’acqua bollente, trascorrono qualche giorno ad aromatizzarsi con aglio, rosmarino e finocchietto, per poi essere affumicate e, infine, arrostite sulla brace. Once in a lifetime. 

Una porchetta fuori dal comune

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Armando D'ascanio (@pizzachef_armadasca75)

Non la classica porchetta. A due passi dall’Adriatico la campagna marchigiana si apre in panorami verdi e dolci da scoprire, magari, durante una gita domenicale stress free.

Quale occasione migliore per provare uno dei piatti più tipici dell’entroterra, dove il coniglio in porchetta è l’inusuale protagonista della tavola domenicale. Proprio come la sua controparte a base di maiale, anche questa versione “magra" si presenta come un rotolo di carne condito con finocchietto selvatico e farcito di fegato e pancetta. 

Paste fantastiche e dove trovarle

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Forma (@forma.sg)

A Campofilone , per esempio. Questo grazioso borgo non distante da Fermo è famoso per una pasta all’uovo Igp lunga e sottile, i maccheroncini . L’abbinamento perfetto è con il ragù marchigiano, preparato con manzo, maiale e rigaglie di pollo. Al di sopra, una montagna di pecorino. 

A Urbino, da provare le lumachelle , antico formato risalente, si racconta, al Rinascimento, quando erano preparate da giovani nobili in procinto di indossare la tonaca. A Montefeltro, i tacconi ricordano nella forma le più famose tagliatelle e si fanno con la farina di fave, mentre torcelli , foglietti e stroncatelli sono tipici di Ancona, dove venivano preparati dalla comunità ebraica.

Ma la pasta probabilmente più celebre delle Marche consiste in una sfoglia il cui nome è tutto un programma: vincisgrassi . Ne viene fuori una pietanza molto simile alla classica lasagna e, proprio come la lasagna, fa la sua comparsa in tavola nei giorni di festa. Tante le versioni: quella maceratese le vuole con sugo di carne, rigaglie di pollo e besciamella.

Un piatto povero della tradizione marchigiana: i frascarelli

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Barbara Pantoni (@barbarapantoni)

Ricetta della tradizione culinaria delle Marche, i frascarelli nascono come piatto povero. E sebbene in origine si preparasse con della semplice polenta di farina bianca, oggi lo si trova spesso a base di riso, da cui gli altri nome con cui è conosciuto: riso in polenta o riso corco. La consistenza finale è densa, quasi cremosa, a ricordare un po’ un un porridge, ed è spesso completato con sugo, salsiccia, ciauscolo, pecorino o verdure.

Meglio a Fano o ad Ancona? Il brodetto marchigiano e le sue mille versioni

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da BrodettoFest (@brodettofest)

La zuppa di pesce e crostacei tipica della zona adriatica ha tante varianti e interpretazioni che, solo nelle Marche, fanno perdere il conto delle ricette e annesse preparazioni che si alternano di provincia in provincia.

A Porto Recanati si assaggia l’unico brodetto senza pomodoro della regione, aromatizzato con pistilli di zafferanno selvatico del Conero che ne conferiscono il peculiare colore giallognolo. Il piatto è quantomai antico e popolare, nasce infatti sulle barche dei pescatori intenti a consumare il pesce invenduto. Oggi è un must da assaggiare tra un tuffo con vista sul Monte Conero e una visita al Castello Svevo. Meglio ancora se durante la Settimana del Brodetto nel mese di giugno. 

A San Benedetto del Tronto si prepara con cipolle, aceto, peperoni e pomodori verdi che donano alla pietanza un sapore più deciso e acidulo. 

Nel brodetto di Porto San Giorgio si utilizza solo pesce locale del Compartimento Marittimo di Porto San Giorgio, Civitanova Marche e San Benedetto del Tronto. 

A Fano è venerato da una confraternita che ne attesta la rigorosa appartenenza alla tradizione fanese. C’è anche un festival con cooking show, spettacoli e, ovviamente, degustazioni, che è una tappa imperdibile per gustare l’iconica zuppa (il BrodettoFest). 

La variante anconetana vuole tredici varietà di pesce. Il numero non è un caso: c’è chi dice sia un richiamo all’Ultima Cena e chi alle maschere della fontana del Calamo. Leggende di un piatto. 

Viaggio tra i vini marchigiani

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Samuele Grandoni (@samuele.grandoni)

Per le Marche passano alcune delle strade del vino più ambite dai fan di Bacco. Del resto, i vini marchigiani rappresentano un’eccellenza nel ricco panorama enologico italiano. E quindi un itinerario enogastronomico che si rispetti deve necessariamente passare per cantine ed enoteche ben fornite della ricca produzione locale. 

La zona di Macerata, ad esempio, ha un’interessante produzione di vini che comprende le bottiglie dell’area San Ginesio DOC (i comuni interessati sono San Ginesio, Caldarola, Camporotondo di Fiastrone, Cessapalombo, Ripe San Ginesio, Gualdo, Colmurano, Sant’Angelo in Pontano, Loro Piceno), il Bianco dei Colli Maceratesi DOC e lo Spumante Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG .

Ad Ascoli, i brindisi local sono con del Rosso Piceno Superiore , Falerio dei Colli Ascolani , Passerina e Pecorino . 

Quasi al confine con l’Emilia Romagna, tra Pesaro e Urbino nascono tre DOC marchigiani: Bianchello del Metauro , Pergola e Colli Pesaresi . 

Fermo e la sua provincia deliziano con i locali Offida , Falerio e Rosso Piceno .  

Terra di Verdicchio , le zone dei Castelli di Jesi e di Matelica regalano versioni diverse del vitigno più diffuso delle marche. 


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tour gastronomico marche

tour gastronomico marche

Experience Le Marche with its hidden gems, artisans and sustainable food sources

Fabrizio Lucci

Fabrizio Lucci

Founder & Tour Guide of Italia Sweet Italia

Founder & Tour Guide of Italia Sweet Italia 

5-11 May 2024

6-12 october 2024.

Fully escorted small groups tour up to 12 travelers

Why a small group of travelers and a local tour operator

Here’s why we believe that  traveling with a small group of people and a local tour operator as we are  can really make the difference:

We love our region – Attention to details – Local knowledge and experience – Support sustainable and responsible travel - Live like a local – Feel part of a big family – Make new friends – Explore on your own – Everybody feels at home – Small groups tour up to 12 travelers. Click  here  to learn more!

Join us on a 7-day unique Italian sustainable and cultural escorted tour to visit one of the most stunning Italian regions: Le Marche. 

This tour is geared to those who want to live, an immersive italian culture experiencing “marchigiana” culture and traditions, and, who want to get to know the food, region and its people. our hosts and local guides, together with their friends, have put together amazing experiences that combine passion, beautiful places, eco-friendly visits to show you the best of le marche by putting you in touch with local communities ., this is a fully escorted tour that will give you the insights into daily life, culture, food, and wine production and will let you discover authentic italy in a balanced mix of experiences, relax, adventure and learning opportunities., in keeping with our  approach to support the local economy,  we employ local guides that love and know everything (or almost:-)) about le marche like fabrizio (italia sweet italia founder & tour guide) for abruzzo. the tour has been designed by fabrizio in partnership with local suppliers committed to selecting partners, licensed tour guides and passionate people living and working in le marche. the result is a tour that supports small local enterprises and sustainable tourism., the highlight of this tour is the chance to discover and experience le marche, a region of infinite beauty and hidden gems (we know them as “sleeping beauties”) in the heart of italy . you will go back home with life-long memories and with many friends, for sure , who is this tour suitable for.

Like-minded travelers - Everybody that travelled enough to know that touristy vacations are just not them - Travelers that appreciate la dolce vita and want to learn something new - Solo travelers - Couples - Group of friends - Families

  • Live like a local and sleep in an ancient Roman town on the Adriatic Sea
  • Immerse yourself among local life, culture and tradition of le Marche
  • Discover the land’s hidden gems and most beautiful hamlets
  • Meet local farmers, artisans and genuine people
  • Forage for truffles with dogs and truffle hunters in Acqualagna
  • Make “tacconi”, a typical fresh pasta of the countryside with two different kinds of flour
  • Learn ancient crafts from the local artisans
  • Enjoy the beautiful landscapes around sloping hills and the blue sea
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport pick-up at 12:30 pm  and transfer to the ancient Roman town of Fano on the Adriatic Coast after crossing the green heart of Umbria through the Apennines, with its hilltop villages and vibrant colors of nature
  • Check in at the family-run Hotel Angela (or similar accommodation) with seaside view and walking distance from the historical downtown
  • Get to know your local tour leader Michela and/or Giulia and learn more about this 7-day cultural and local life vacation
  • Walk to a traditional restaurant to enjoy a welcome dinner in the heart of Fano

After a leisurely traditional breakfast made of freshly baked bread, whole fruit country-style preserves, cake, pastries, coffee, tea and juices:

  •   We meet at the hotel and drive to the beautiful village of Fratte Rosa to meet farmer Rodolfo in the countryside. He is the guardian of “favetta”, a small bean vegetable, a slow food staple of Le Marche
  •   Next we’ll reach the hamlet Fratte Rosa to discover a small and historical bakery producing a very local biscuit “con la glassa” biscuits in syrup ( homemade biscuits with icing. The biscuits tell a very special story which involves America!
  • Sofia is waiting for us with a cooking lesson focused on “tacconi” (you’ll make only this pasta during this cooking section) . You will learn how easy it is to make fresh pasta with 2 different kinds of flour ! The best part is taking the pasta you have made, home!
  • Lunch at Sofia’s traditional restaurant. Usually she and her dad Francesco, prepare fresh handmade pasta with seasonal vegetables or local meat , ragu with mushrooms and tomato sauce for example, roasted meat with lots of spices and “favetta”, pie with seasonal jam
  • We take a leisurely walk along the walls of the village from where you will admire amazing landscapes of the sea and the Apennines .We will visit Daniele’s “bottega” and workshop of pottery, where you will learn of this ancient tradition attributed to the  rich clay found in Fratte Rosa and surrounding areas
  • We will close this rich and interesting day with a visit at the  organic winery of Luca and Vittorio , two passionate siblings and their families…We tour the vineyards and cellar , and enjoy wine tasting with local products
  • The evening is free for you to experience dinner on your own in Fano. After enjoying our traditional lunch and wine tasting with some food, based on our many years of experience, we know that nobody is looking for a rich dinner, so our travelers usually enjoy spending time like a local trying a simple aperitif, a gelato or a pizza. Obviously Michela and/or Giulia will suggest their favorite places
  •   After breakfast we’ll walk to the fish market (10’) and travel downtown where our chef for passion Ivana is waiting for us . With her, we will choose the fish to prepare the “brodetto” soup, a special fish soup of local and ancient culinary tradition of Fano. We then visit the local town market, where we will find local products such as cheese, salami, bread and pizza, seasonal fruit and vegetables. Here you’ll have the possibility to practice a little bit of Italian even if you don’t speak any of it
  • Next, we’ll walk to the port to meet Andrea, a young man who hails from a family of  fishermen , telling us about life on the fishing boat, and the ancient tradition of clam fishing
  • Let’s taste the delicious and very traditional “vongole alla poretta” typical of Fano with a glass of local wine and drink “Moretta” at a local establishment: a bar but it is much more than a bar, where local fishermen hang out
  • We travel to the hills just outside of Fano to Ivana’s country house. Are you ready to sit and taste? Show-cooking and lunch all together. The focus: “brodetto” fish soup and other delicacies. Ivana and Otello are farmers and live in a relaxing place surrounded by ancient olive-trees, vegetable gardens, and nature. Possibility to visit Otello’s centuries olive-trees
  • Head back to your hotel in the afternoon. Free leisure time or the possibility to explore Fano’s historic center: Augustus’ Arch, Roman Walls , the sacred chapel Nolfi inside the Cathedral, the historical theater (outside) in Piazza XX Settembre , the lively squares and shops, with your tour leader Michela
  •   Dinner on your own , Michela and/or Giulia will suggest their favorite places
  • After breakfast, we’ll travel to the very charming Urbino where your local guide Silvia is waiting for you to explore the ideal court of Renaissance in Italy through the history and meaning of the very ancient blue color “guado” starting from the Botanic Garden (if opened) where you can discover the plant from which this color is produced
  • Next we’ll walk through the historic center of the town crossing Piazza della Repubblica , up to the Cathedral , the Ducal Palace/National Art Gallery to Alessandra who opens her home, situated in an ancient building (1544). She will tell us the origins and evolution of the Guado color, that we find in the works of art of the most important Italian Renaissance painters such as Piero della Francesca just to name one
  •   We will proceed with our visit to a hidden gem, a small place with its indoor walls completely covered by frescoes by Salimbeni brothers (from Marche Region) and where you can admire this color with your eyes! 
  • Monia, our host, will prepare lunch for us focused on local products of Urbino and the Montefeltro area : usually she proposes bread with fresh truffle, polenta with cheese cream and fresh truffle, local salami and ricotta cheese with wild and black cherries of Cantiano, very local …and of course, all paired with local wine!
  • Free afternoon in Urbino where you can visit on your own: Palazzo Ducale/National Art Gallery of Marche Region, Raphael’s birthplace, or do some shopping
  •   Enjoy our group dinner at a local restaurant in Fano, walking distance from the hotel
  • After breakfast we’ll travel to Acqualagna , a very well-known village for its production of truffles!
  • Paolo, your local hunter and his dog Lilla , on a very easy walk, will guide and show you the truffle hunting among the fields and woods around Acqualagna discovering the characteristics of this special product, the utensils used, the training of dogs and …other secrets
  • Visit their small workshop with Lorenzo to see how truffles are cleaned, preserved and transformed
  • Lunch at Susy’s family restaurant operating for three generations, to taste her traditional recipes: usually she prepares homemade pasta with fresh truffle, eggs with fresh truffle followed by dessert prepared with truffle …full immersion day for you!
  • The ancient consular, Roman Road Flaminia is waiting for you at “Gola del Furlo” a fascinating place where colors and vegetation will capture your attention immediately. Meeting with Maurizio , to discover the life of a special animal inhabiting  this place for a long time: the eagle . Enjoy magic storytelling and learning a lot of interesting information about local life through the passion and knowledge of our expert and passionate historian
  • Dinner on your own: Michela and/or Giulia will suggest you their favourite places
  • Breakfast and free time for your own activities , which could be: going to one of the many beaches, biking, taking part in some extra activities/excursions or whatever you prefer to explore Fano
  • Lunch on your own
  • We travel to Sant’Ippolito where our sculptress Natalia is waiting for us . She creates Virgin Marias using sandstone; she is the ambassador of this ancient tradition of “scalpellini” stonemasons in this small and ancient village. It’s a short walk inside the ancient part of this small town to admire the amazing landscape with sloping hills toward the Adriatic Sea
  • We end our afternoon and evening in a special place: Cartoceto, called the “town of the oil” where you can find “ l’ oli bon” , and meet Tommaso who will guide us to visit the olive oil mill
  • Last dinner together in the “osteria” of the olive oil mill in a familiar atmosphere and place up on the hills just behind Fano

After breakfast we will leave (usually at 09:00 am) for Rome Fiumicino Airport or your next destination (Rome Fiumicino is about 3,5 hours driving from Fano) so make sure to get an afternoon flight (after 3:00 pm)

Want to read it later?

Download this tour's PDF brochure and start tour planning offline


Your Itinerary is a guide to your activities during the week. However, sometimes we modify the final itinerary to take advantage of the season and the weather . Our goal is to ensure that  everyone has a fabulous time , and that sometimes means tweaking the schedule even after your arrival. Your guide will provide suggestions during the week, and the group will decide if any modifications are desired. Be assured that  only enhanced experiences are ever considered.

5-11 May 2024: € 1,995.00*

6-12 October 2024 : € 1,995.00*

*Prices are per person and land only, with accommodation in a twin/double room with ensuite bathroom. Airfare and travel insurance are not included. Single occupancy supplement: + € 160.

During this tour you will stay at Hotel Angela *** with sea view and at walking distance from the historical downtown or similar accommodation. You can also choose to upgrade to a boutique hotel**** in front of the ancient Roman walls of Fano and the entrance to the historical downtown without sea view.  Inquire Fabrizio for a quote.

Click  here  for exchange rate

  • 6 Nights accommodation ( room type Classic) at Hotel Angela *** with sea view and at walking distance from the historical downtown or similar accommodation
  • Breakfast Buffet Daily
  • 8 meals (food, water, house wine) in selected restaurants, private homes,  based on traditional regional dishes
  • 1 hands-on cooking class and 1 show-cooking and associated food costs
  • 1 coffee-break at historical bakery and 1 fisherman’s aperitivo 
  • 1 truffle hunting with truffle dog
  • Local guide to visit Urbino
  • Guided visit to local artisans and artists (terracotta maker, sculpturist and guado color maker)
  • Daily trips and excursions
  • Pick up and drop off at Rome Fiumicino airport in an air conditioned minivan/minibus or car
  • Personalized cooking booklet, apron and your homemade pasta box
  • All transport for daily trips and excursions in an air conditioned minivan/minibus or car
  • All entry fees for excursions, tours and wine, truffle and olive oil and local product tastings
  • English-speaking tour manager throughout the duration
  • All taxes except city tax
  • Airfares. We recommend using www.skyscanner.com to check the flights
  • Any meals if not clearly mentioned at “the package price includes”
  • All drinks/snacks/coffee breaks between meals  not listed on the itinerary and at “the package price includes”
  • Entrance tickets to museums, historical places
  • Personal extras like phone calls, visa costs, laundry or tips
  • Drinks not listed in the itinerary (an extra bottle of wine, for example)
  • City tax (at the moment € 6 per person for 6 nights)
  • Medical and Assistant Travel insurance (not compulsory, but recommended)
  • Any costs of additional excursions or activities


  • Only 100% authentic experiences
  • Deep connections with the people who live here
  • We have a passion for our culture and our communities


  • Read the glowing reviews from our  guests on  Tripadvisor
  • We know how to make you feel right at home
  • We keep our groups small so we can  take care of every detail


  • We promote the local culture as a sign of responsible travel
  • We are focused on preserving our way of life
  • We involve small, family-run and passion-driven businesses

Italia Sweet Italia ( ISI) is a small incoming tour operator specialized in organizing vacations around Abruzzo Italy, our home. ISI is a fully licensed company covered by insurance policy no. 4378340 by Europe Assistance Italia S.p.A. band authorised by the local government to create and sell tour packages from 2011. 

Our mission is to show people from all over the world the beauty of Abruzzo and other Italian regions so they can experience our homeland, traditions, arts and folklore in a unique way, also demonstrating the benefits of sustainable tourism to everyone. In order to help you discover everything Abruzzo and other Italian regions have to offer, we organize small groups (up to 12 people) escorted tours including cultural, culinary, active, pottery, Italian language and ancestry experiences. We are happy to create a tailored vacation around your wishes. Our tours provide you with the rare opportunity to be invited into homes and farms , as well as into the daily lives of locals .


Yes, Fabrizio will be happy to guide you to let you discover his Abruzzo although there may always be some unforeseen events that may make it necessary to replace Fabrizio with another experienced and trusted Abruzzese guide who has worked with Fabrizio for many years.


Yes, Fabrizio will be happy to guide you for the first 5 days of the tour to let you discover his Abruzzo although there may always be some unforeseen event that may make it necessary to replace Fabrizio with another experienced and trusted Abruzzese guide who has worked with Fabrizio for many years. In Puglia there will be Katia, an enthusiastic local guide who share our philosophy and we prefer to have people that love and know everything (or almost) about their region just like Fabrizio does for Abruzzo. It’s best to have the knowledge of a local to appreciate all that is local. Rest assured that we designed the tour together and Fabrizio has personally met the local suppliers to make sure they share Italia Sweet Italia’s philosophy and style to create new and unique trips to support small local businesses and sustainable tourism .


No, Fabrizio won’t personally lead these tours. We prefer to entrust our trips to enthusiastic local guides who share our philosophy. While it would be wonderful to have Fabrizio accompany the tour, we believe in giving space to individuals from the area who have a deep love and knowledge of the region . Nonetheless, Fabrizio has worked closely with local suppliers to ensure they a lign with Italia Sweet Italia’s values and style . This collaboration allows us to create new and unique trips while s upporting small local businesses and sustainable tourism .

Here are some general information , please read in the final part of the tour brochure that you can download by clicking on the Download free brochure button (button you will find on the page you are reading) all the details about the pick up time, drop off, the duration of the transfer to and from the hotel and the meeting point which is very simple.

For all the small group tours listed in our calendar , the pick up is planned at 12:30 pm on day 1 at Rome Fiumicino airport  for tours in Abruzzo, Puglia and Le Marche and at 2:30 pm at Bologna and Palermo airports for tours in Emilia Romagna and Sicily.

For the drop-off we usually leave the hotel at 9:00 am after breakfast.

Private pick-up and drop-off for group tours

Of course, we are always happy to support you to organize a private pick up/drop off only for you to let you join our small group tours listed in our calendar . 

Connecting to or from another part of Italy

If you are connecting to or from another part of Italy we are happy to assist you in planning your pre and post trip connections . If your planned arrival or departure does not coincide with the specified meeting time we can assist you in booking a private transfer at an additional cost or some extra nights.

Once a complete booking is made you may also contact us directly for further details and assistance. We are always here to help and have insider knowledge and on the ground support to ensure you find the best option available to arrive or depart from your tour.

Make sure to arrive at the meeting point on time but don’t get stressed

Please note that all guests joining our tours are responsible for ensuring they make it to the meeting point by the indicated time . Those who are unable to be on time will not be guaranteed a transfer from the airport and will have to seek other arrangements to participate in the remainder of the tour. Anyway, don’t worry, in most cases, there are public buses or trains that connect the airport with our locations. 

Of course, we are always happy to support you to organize a private pick up/drop off only for you to let you join our small group tours listed in our calendar which needs to be quoted as an extra cost.

If you are connecting to or from another part of Italy we are happy to assist you in planning your pre and post trip connections . If your planned arrival or departure does not coincide with the specified meeting time we can assist you in booking a private transfer at an additional cost or some extra nights inItaly. 

Once a complete booking is made you may also contact us directly for further details and assistance. We are always here to help and have the insider knowledge and on the ground support to ensure you find the best option available to arrive or depart from your tour.

For arriving in Italy (Rome or other airports) from abroad, we recommend allowing an average of 1.5 to 3 hours before our meeting .

This timeframe accounts for the time needed for the customs clearance process, baggage retrieval, and reaching our meeting point.

Our travelers typically take between 40 minutes and 1 hour to complete these procedures.

Arriving early will allow you to manage any delays and complete the checks without rushing.

As for returning from Italy ((Rome or other airports) to your Country, we suggest arriving at the airport at least 2 or 3 hours before the scheduled departure time of your international flight .

This additional time is necessary for check-in, security screening, and customs checks for international flights.

Please note that these times are indicative and may vary depending on passenger flow and the efficiency of checks at the time of travel.

Therefore, it’s advisable to plan with some extra time to avoid stressful situations .

To book your flights and check available schedules, we recommend using the website www.skyscanner.com .

This tool allows you to compare different flight options and find the best solution for your travel needs.

  • Our tours are suitable for everybody that travelled enough to know that touristy vacations are just not  them  and long for more  authentic travel, ways to truly  experience  the culture and people they’re visiting
  • Our travellers  appreciate  la dolce vita  and the pleasures of exquisite food, wine, and fellowship with others who share their passions
  • Our guests are not afraid to take bold steps…to learn something new… to explore something completely out of the ordinary
  • The  minimum age for pre-arranged tours is 14  (14-18 accompanied by an adult) with no upper age limit. For tailor-made and private tours any age is fine
  • Our tours are  perfect for solo travellers  (we don’t charge single room supplements for our 7-day tours in Abruzzo),  couples, groups  of friends and even  families  are welcomed
  • Our guests  don’t need to have any experience in cooking or painting or do pottery or speaking Italian  to join our tours. Our experienced course tutors will soon discover your level of knowledge and will adapt their approach accordingly

All classes are taught in both Italian and English so you’ll have the opportunity to  learn and practice a little bit of Italian

The booking process with Italia Sweet Italia is very simple. All you have to do is follow the 2 easy steps. At any stage you are welcome to contact us and we will help you with any doubts or problems:

  • To Pay a deposit of 25% per person by:
  •     Credit card using the book now button on the tour page
  •   Bank Transfer

(Italia Sweet Italia Holidays di Lucci Fabrizio)

Account number: 1231254113 IBAN: IT21R0526277910CC1231254113 SWIFT: BPPUIT33 Banca Popolare Pugliese – Società cooperative per azioni Via XXIV Maggio, 25 66054 Vasto (CH) – Italy. Motivation of the payment: Deposit for Tour… to add name of the tour, month and year ). Please inform your bank to make it directly in €.

  • You pay the 75% balance within 45 days before arrival

You can pay the balance by Bank Transfer or Credit card (you will receive an automatic email from our booking platform).

Tours booked less than 45 days before their start date must be paid in full . 

Welcome to Italia Sweet Italia, where each day blends cultural immersion, scenic beauty, and culinary delights. Arriving at Rome Fiumicino airport, our team whisks you away to Sulmona or Vasto amidst the stunning Abruzzo landscape. After settling in, explore at your leisure before a warm welcome briefing with our guide. Indulge in authentic Italian cuisine at local eateries, with flexibility to accommodate preferences. From optional activities to leisurely strolls, every moment promises an unforgettable Italian adventure. Read more  



Price: € 1,995.


tour gastronomico marche

If you have any questions or an authentic Italian vacation idea for yourself or a group that you would like to discuss with Italia Sweet Italia please do get in touch with Fabrizio by any of the methods below:

Click here to Schedule a Free Consultation with Fabrizio to Discover more about Abruzzo and our Tours

tour gastronomico marche

The Abruzzo, Puglia & Matera Experience

tour gastronomico marche

Culture and food trip in authentic Sicily

tour gastronomico marche

Cultural, Patron Saint Celebrations & Grape Harvest Experience in Abruzzo

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Cultural, Culinary & Walking Experience in Abruzzo

© 2023 Italia Sweet Italia Holidays di Lucci Fabrizio | P. IVA/VAT: IT02557170699 | Via Circonvallazione Histoniense n. 501/A – 66054 Vasto (CH) – Italy | Terms of Use

Cultural, Culinary and Active Tours in Italy - Enquiry

To get more info and for booking enquiries, select your preferred starting date, add your personal data and needs and I’ll get back to you with more information accordingly as soon as I can! Thanks, Fabrizio

I authorise the processing of personal data transmitted pursuant to the Italian & EU law on privacy 679/2016

Download Free Brochure

Enter your email to get the "Experience Le Marche with its hidden gems, artisans and sustainable food sources" brochure containing all the important information right to your inbox.

Cultural, Culinary and Active Tours in Italy - Travel Privately

To get more info and for booking enquiries, select your preferred starting date, add your personal data and needs and I’ll get back to you with more information accordingly as soon as I can! Thanks, Fabrizio, Founder and Tour guide

  • This tour can be booked privately from a minimum of 6 travellers
  • There may be an additional fee when booking this tour privately

tour gastronomico marche

Discover Authentic Italy With Fabrizio: How to Plan an Amazing Tour of Abruzzo

Our 6-part free email course will walk you through everything you need to know about planning - and enjoying - an amazing tour of abruzzo..

+39 0721 371724

tour gastronomico marche

Marche, food and cultural traditions

Discovering the Marche culture not only territorial but also culinary with the tasting of typical dishes of each stage: passatelli, ricotta and typical salami and cheeses . A rich experience for the palate!

Contact us for info or reservations

From 9am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 6pm

  • Description

Details of itinerary

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  • Tour for groups of minimum 15 participants

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Gastronomic Le Marche - Food, wine, art & hilltop towns in undiscovered Italy

Unspoilt and exceedingly picturesque – one of the least-visited yet most compelling regions of Italy.

A gastronomy that reflects a varied geology, along ancient byways from the Apennines to the Adriatic.

Two lecturers: Dr R.T. Cobianchi, art historian; and Marc Millon, gastronomic specialist .

Print itinerary

13 - 20 May 2024 £3,560 Book this tour

tour gastronomico marche

  • Expert lecturer
  • Practicalities

Located on the Adriatic coast in the centre of Italy, Le Marche is one of Italy’s still-to-be-discovered regions. Its wonderful cuisine and wines, which display influences from mountain and sea and range from sophisticated flavours in the north to more robust tastes in the south, are a well-kept and delicious secret.

The region’s history dates back to ancient times. Vitally strategic Roman roads passed through: Via Salaria, the salt road that ran from Rome to the Adriatic through Ascoli Piceno; and Via Flaminia, which reached the sea at Fanum Fortunae (present-day Fano), and from there linked up with Via Emilia to the north.

Gastronomically there is splendid variety: hearty mountain stews contrast with fresh seaside dishes; the refined foods of northern Italy melding with the more robust and sometimes piccante flavours of the Mezzogiorno. Here coniglio – rabbit – is stuffed with fennel, garlic and chilli ‘in porchetta’, while mussels – moscioli in local dialect – are served over spaghetti. Vincisgrassi is the local baked pasta, a fulsome concoction made with lasagna , ragù , chicken livers, prosciutto , béchamel and sometimes black truffles from Acqualagna. These are foods to satisfy the appetites of hunters, country folk and fishermen. Yet, notwithstanding the simple pleasures of cibo della strada (street food) such as the fried olive ascolane or piadina hot off the griddle, Le Marche is also home to some of Italy’s greatest temples of gastronomy: at Ristorante Madonnina del Pescatore we’ll experience modern seaside dining at its most sophisticated.

Le Marche’s cuisine is pleasurably washed down with some of Italy’s most undervalued wines. The Verdicchio grape, once used to produce indifferent wines bottled in the distinctive lollobrigida (the ‘sexy bottle’ was supposed to suggest a Greek amphora), has become one of Italy’s most characterful white grapes, producing wines of concentration and elegance. Little-known Pecorino can be equally delightful. Red wines, notably Rosso Piceno and Rosso Conero, are simply outstanding.

The region has plenty to delight and much of great merit in terms of art and architecture. Two painters in particular are associated with the area, Carlo Crivelli and Lorenzo Lotto, and we see some of the best of the pictures by these wayward geniuses.

Ascoli Piceno. Fly at c. 8.15am (British Airways) from London Heathrow to Rome Fiumicino. Drive to Ascoli Piceno (c.3 hours, a break is included), an exceptionally attractive little city, ringed by rivers and wooded hills, where the first three nights are spent. Evening aperitivo in a historic café in Piazza del Popolo – the town-centre seat of a family run distillery of anisetta .

Ascoli Piceno. Explore the centre of Ascoli, an unspoilt agglomeration of medieval, Renaissance and Baroque buildings around arcaded squares and narrow streets. The walk ends at a producer of the delicate olive ascolane : sweet and juicy green olives stuffed with aromatised meat and fried in breadcrumbs. Watch how they are made and taste them here.

Piattoni, San Savino di Ripatransone. Visit the Borgo Storico Seghetti Panichi, a bioenergetic garden and park. Tour of the garden with the Principessa Giulia Panichi Pignatelli. North-east of Ascoli lies the Piceno wine region, a landscape characterised by vineyards interspersed with olive groves and farms. Tasting and lunch at the Cocci Grifoni winery and vineyards, a historic estate whose owner’s vision and tenacity facilitated the revival and success of Pecorino wine.

Monte San Giusto, Castelfidardo, Montecassiano. At Monte San Giusto see the great Crucifixion by Lorenzo Lotto, described by Berenson as the finest of the 16th century.   Continue to Portonovo, home to the pescatori dei moscioli (designated a Slow Food Presidio product). Meet the fishermen and taste the mussels over lunch. Continue to Montecassiano, where the following two nights are spent.

Montecassiano, Tolentino, Colmurano. Now something of a backwater, the shrine of S. Nicola da Tolentino once made the town a major pilgrimage destination and the sumptuous church has fine medieval frescoes. Continue to an agriturismo for a visit to the orto (vegetable garden) a tasting of local beer, salami and cheese and a traditional Marchegiano lunch.

Marzocca, Urbino. In the morning, visit a vineyard to taste and see some of the Marchigian wines produced from local grapes. Continue to Marzocca for lunch at Madonnina del Pescatore, an exceptional seafood restaurant, with two Michelin stars. Continue to Urbino, Duke Federico da Montefeltro’s principal residence and one of Italy’s loveliest towns, where the following two nights are spent. See the exquisite Gothic frescoes in the Oratorio di S. Giovanni.

Acqualagna, Urbino. Some consider Acqualagna to be Italy’s truffle capital. There is a truffle hunt near here this morning; sample the truffles over lunch in a nearby restaurant. Return to Urbino to visit the Palazzo Ducale, a masterpiece of architecture which evolved over 30 years as the perfect Renaissance secular environment.

Cartoceto. Visit a cheesemaker and vendor, and see the formaggio di fossa : Pecorino cheese aged in wells. Olive oil and cheese- tasting before continuing to Rome Fiumicino airport to fly to London Heathrow, arriving c. 8.15pm.

Image of Marc Millon

Marc Millon

Wine, food and travel writer. Born in Mexico, he was raised in the USA before studying English Literature at the University of Exeter. Together with his wife, he has pioneered a series of illustrated wine-food-travel books including The Wine and Food of Europe , The Wine Roads of France , The Wine Roads of Italy , The Food Lover’s Companion to France and The Food Lover’s Companion to Italy . He is also the author of The Taste of Britain and lives in Devon, where he is closely involved with the food scene of the West Country. Marc is a certified Vinitaly International Italian Wine Ambassador. His next book, Italy in a Wineglass , will be published in Spring 2024 and tells the story of Italy through its wines. Twitter: @Marc_Millon

Avatar resized.

Dr R. T. Cobianchi

Art historian and researcher specializing in Italian art and architecture of the Renaissance and Baroque. His interests also span from the iconography of the late Middle Ages to the sculpture of Neoclassicism.

Price, per person 

Two sharing: £3,560 or £3,390 without flights. Single occupancy: £3,890 or £3,720 without flights .

Flights (Euro Traveller) with British Airways (Airbus 320); travel by private coach; hotel accommodation; breakfasts, 5 lunches and 4 dinners with wine, water, coffee; 3 wine and food tastings equivalent to light meals, all admissions; all tips; all taxes; the services of the lecturers.


Palazzo Guiderocchi , Ascoli Piceno: a converted Renaissance palace in the heart of the city, which retains many original features. Villa Quiete , Montecassiano: 18th-century mansion, now a country hotel & spa, the rooms are furnished and decorated in a contemporary style. Hotel San Domenico , Urbino: converted from a monastery building and the most centrally located hotel, opposite the Ducal Palace. Single rooms throughout are doubles for sole use. 

How strenuous?

There is a fair amount of walking involved. Participants need to be used to walking unaided on uneven terrain, and surefootedness is also essential for truffle hunting in the woods. The tour also involves walking in town centres, sometimes uphill and over unevenly paved ground. Some days involve a lot of driving through hilly terrain. Average distance by coach per day: 78 miles.

Are you fit enough to join the tour?

Gastronomic tours

On a tour that focuses on food, wine and cooking traditions, we regret that participants with special diets may not have the same gastronomic experience as those with no restrictions. Please discuss your requirements with us before booking.

Between 10 and 22 participants.

Combine with

Habsburg Austria , 29 April–6 May 2024

The Heart of Italy , 29 April–6 May 2024

Classical Turkey , 29 April–8 May 2024

Salzburg String Quartet Festival , 7–12 May 2024

Versailles: Seat of the Sun King ,   24–27 May 2024

The Road to Santiago , 24 May–5 June 2024

A Festival of Impressionism,   26–31 May 2024

The Ring in Berlin ,  27 May–3 June 2024

Travel advice

Before booking, please refer to the   FCDO website   to ensure you are happy with the travel advice for the destination(s) you are visiting.

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+39 0721 371724

tour gastronomico marche

Tour enogastronomico di 4 giorni nelle Marche

tour gastronomico marche


  • dal 2 Gennaio al 20 Dicembre 2024

Scegli le date del tuo soggiorno e lasciati guidare dai nostri consigli per una vacanza con la tua auto senza pensieri!

Contattaci per richiedere informazioni più dettagliate!

Rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 12:30 e dalle 14:30 alle 18:00. Il sabato e la domenica rispondiamo a questo numero 375 7356169 dalle 9:00 alle 18:00!

  • Descrizione

Itinerario dettagliato

All’arrivo in albergo , situato all’interno dell’antico borgo di Mondavio , troverete una bottiglia di vino regalo in camera. Vi attende un’ apericena con assaggio di salumi, formaggi e confetture locali, accompagnati da ottimo vino e piadina. Pernottamento.

Colazione in hotel e trasferimento a Pesaro , città del compositore Gioacchino Rossini , con la Piazza del Popolo su cui si affaccia Palazzo Ducale e la bellissima fontana. Pranzo speciale nella più antica osteria della città, per assaggiare prodotti tipici locali. Nel pomeriggio vi suggeriamo un itinerario panoramico in direzione di Gabicce Monte , passando per i suggestivi borghi di Fiorenzuola di Focara e Casteldimezzo . Rientro in hotel e cena tipica con i piatti della tradizione locale. Pernottamento.

Colazione in hotel e trasferimento verso la località Furlo dove il fiume Candigliano ha creato nei secoli una suggestiva gola con pareti di roccia che si specchiano nelle verdi acque; attraversando l’antica galleria romana arriverete poi all’ Abbazia di San Vincenzo al Furlo , gioiello di architettura romanica. Si proseguirà poi verso Cagli , importante insediamento romano lungo l’antica Via Flaminia. A pranzo vi attende un fumante piatto di spaghetti alla carbonara , uno dei migliori delle Marche. Nel pomeriggio trasferimento a Urbino , bellissima cittadina Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO , con lo splendido Palazzo Ducale che ospita la Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, gli oratori e la casa natale di Raffaello Sanzio. Rientro in hotel e pernottamento.

Colazione in hotel e al mattino visita all’imponente Rocca Roveresca che domina il panorama di Mondavio , che ospita un museo di rievocazione storica e l’antica armeria. Prima di partire non dimenticate di visitare il teatro storico “Apollo” costruito nel XVIII secolo su un’antica chiesa. Partenza e arrivederci nelle Marche!

tour gastronomico marche

  • Periodo dal 2 Gennaio al 6 Luglio e dal 1° Settembre al 20 Dicembre 2024
  • Prezzo per persona € 310
  • Extra camera singola € 70
  • Prezzo per bambini e con sistemazione in 3° letto:
  • – da 0 a 3 anni nel letto dei genitori (escluso pasti al consumo) Gratis
  • – da 3 a 8 anni in 3° letto € 155
  • – da 9 a 12 anni in 3° letto € 190
  • – terzo adulto nessuna riduzione e sistemazione in Family Room (3 persone)
  • Periodo dal 7 Luglio al 31 Agosto 2024
  • Prezzo per persona € 330
  • – da 3 a 8 anni in 3° letto € 165
  • – da 9 a 12 anni in 3° letto € 205
  • Sistemazione presso albergo 3 stelle selezionato a Mondavio – 3 notti in camera doppia;
  • Trattamento di pernottamento e prima colazione in hotel con utilizzo della piscina e delle sue pertinenze (aperta dal 1° Giugno al 15 Settembre);
  • Bottiglia di vino in camera all’arrivo;
  • Apericena in albergo all’arrivo;
  • Pranzo nella più antica osteria di Pesaro (bevande escluse);
  • Cena tipica in albergo (bevande escluse);
  • Pranzo con spaghetti alla carbonara a Cagli (bevande escluse);
  • Ingresso alla Rocca di Mondavio;
  • Informazioni sulle località da visitare previste nel programma.
  • Trasporti: consigliamo di raggiungere le località con auto propria ;
  • Servizio guida;
  • Tutto ciò non indicato ne “la quota comprende”;
  • La tassa di soggiorno (attualmente non applicata).

Alloggerete presso un albergo 3 stelle selezionato situato nel centro storico di Mondavio, proprio di fronte all’antica Fortezza di uno dei “Borghi più belli d’Italia”, paesino circondato dalle panoramiche colline marchigiane. Le camere affacciano su un’ampia terrazza verandata o sulla maestosa Rocca Roveresca. L’albergo dispone di un ristorante e della piscina.   Le foto delle camere della struttura sono puramente indicative.

tour gastronomico marche

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Tour of Le Marche Itinerary

The first thing that will strike you in Le Marche is the wonderful bucolic landscape...

Fields of Poppies in Le Marche Italy

Then, over the next few days, you'll be enchanted by the rich cultural heritage, the architecture, and the quality of the local produce.

We'd like to help you get under Le Marche’s skin, you'll meet local artisans and experience authentic Italian rural life.

With the help of a friend who was born and raised in the area and is extremely passionate about the traditional Le Marche way of life, we are pleased to offer you the one le Marche itinerary that will allow you to experience this lifestyle that has remained unchanged for centuries.

Moreno grew up on his father’s farm where life was as sweet as the ancient apple varieties they nurtured. Varieties such as the Mela Rosa dei Monti Sibillini, Slow Food approved, and winner of the best gastronomic reviews an apple is ever likely to get.

Marche tour guide

His dream has always been to share this treasured land with the world, and to this end, he graduated from the University of Macerata with a degree in Tourism and rural Marketing.

He now works with many influential leaders of the Slow Food Movement , frontrunners in Italian gastronomy, and he has appeared on Channel 4's “Feast with Heston Blumenthal”.

The great news is that he has kindly agreed to share a tailor-made journey through the landscapes and villages of his childhood with my site's visitors.

Marche Italy

Marche with Moreno

 Day 1: Welcome to Le Marche

  •  Welcome wine tasting followed by dinner at a carefully selected hotel

Day 2: Medieval Villages & Pottery

  •   Enjoy a breakfast in the hotel
  •  Visit to the Medieval Village of Ortezzano
  •  Lunch in a local restaurant
  •  Visit a Pottery lab in Montottone Village
  • Return to the hotel and dine out

Day 3: Truffles

  •  Breakfast in the hotel
  • 10:00 a.m.: Class making fresh pasta with truffle sauce and a wine tasting of local wine.
  • We leave the fresh pasta to dry while we meet our truffle hunter and head out into the woods, where we hope to find something.
  • Expect no more than an hour of walking through lovely scenery while truffle hunting, and then we sit down to a hearty and very welcome lunch of pasta and fresh truffles, other local dishes, and of course, the local wine!
  • 4 pm: finish the truffle hunting, and we'll visit lovely Amandola Village, and then it is back to the hotel. 
  •  Dinner at the hotel

Day 4: Wine

  • After breakfast we'll visit the winery of Filippo Panichi where you will be invited to taste his wonderful wines.
  • Enjoy a lunch in the winery and then we visit the beautiful city of Ascoli Piceno ( the city of 100 towers)
  • Aperitif in one of the historic bars of the City
  • Return to the hotel.

Breakfast at hotel and then you'll depart for your transfer to Rome Airport

Tour Prices:

842 Euros per person in double rooms

The price includes;     DAY 1: welcome dinner and wine

    DAY 2: Visit to Ortezzano , Lunch in the restaurant and visit to the pottery laboratory

    DAY 3: Truffle Hunting ( hunting, cooking class, wine tasting, lunch)

    DAY 4: 1 wine tasting lunch included and, lunch, Not included:  Dinner out except for the first dinner MINIMUM 2 PERSONS

Marche Scenery

About the Hotel

We have selected a splendid 14-bedroom boutique hotel that was once a 17th-century noble residence. Situated in the heart of Ascoli Piceno and only two steps away from the famous Piazza del Popolo. You are assured of impeccable service, a lovely breakfast garden, tasteful furnishings, and great lightning dominated by the local white travertino stone from which the whole town has been built. PRICES HOTEL: Standard room for two: €153 Prestige room for two: €166

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tour gastronomico marche

My Italian Diaries

Exploring Le Marche: 1 week itinerary

Le Marche are an unspoiled region in central Italy with a varied landscape of sea and mountain and a blissfully unhurried atmosphere.

tour gastronomico marche

  • 2 Day 1 & 2: Mount Conero National Park
  • 3 Day 3: Ascoli Piceno, Offida, Grottammare, Torre di Palme
  • 4 Day 4: Offagna, Castelfidardo, Loreto, Recanati
  • 5 Day 5: Fermo, Sant’Elpidio a Mare
  • 6 Days 6 & 7: Montappone, Pollenza, and Filottrano
  • 7 Getting to Le Marche

The region of Le Marche is located in central Italy, between the Apennines and the Adriatic Sea, where crystal blue waters mingle with a luxuriant landscape of lush green hills and pretty mountaintop villages in a blissfully unhurried atmosphere .

Le Marche-pinterest

Italy is an immensely popular tourist destination but there are still many unexplored gems, like the region of Le Marche. Despite being pretty close to rockstar Tuscany, Le Marche is still quite under the radar despite being absolutely gorgeous. And it truly has it all: splendid beaches , fascinating towns steeped in history and a fantastic landscape of lakes, hills, and mountains where the more adventurous travelers can experience a wide range of outdoor activities .

I put together the following itinerary based on a number of places I wanted to visit, including a friend’s place. This means that it’s definitely not one of the most classic routes, but it surely gives a good idea of what the region has to offer . Also, I chose Porto Sa nt’Elpidio as the base for this tour because I wanted a place by the sea close to all my must-see places, and this cute town fit the bill perfectly.

Day 1 & 2: Mount Conero National Park

Mount Conero National Park is a stunning stretch of coastline facing the Adriatic Sea, well known for its unspoiled nature and stunning beaches . I started my exploration from the bay of Portonovo , the jewel of Conero, with a fantastic landscape of crystal-clear waters surrounded by a green valley.

tour gastronomico marche

  • DON’T MISS: some of the best spots for a swim are the wild  Mezzavalle beach  in Portonovo and the  Sassi Neri beach  in Sirolo. If you have time, do check out also the  Due Sorelle  beach, a magic spot that can only be reached by boat.
  • EAT: the local specialty here is  mosciolo , a wild mussel that has been included in the Slow Food presidia. Don’t leave without dining at Bar Belvedere , an unpretentious trattoria on the way up to Mount Conero with delicious food and breathtaking views over the bay (make a reservation well in advance because the place fills up quickly in summer)

Day 3: Ascoli Piceno, Offida, Grottammare, Torre di Palme

At 70 km from Porto Sant’Elpidio, Ascoli Piceno is an elegant town of towers, churches and palaces, steeped in history and art. With its beautiful sights and the general laid-back atmosphere, I could easily picture myself living there!

Le Marche-ascoli-piceno

  • DON’T MISS:   aperitivo in the beautiful Piazza del Popolo in Ascoli Piceno and a visit to the Lace Museum in Offida , where you can see the gorgeous lace dress worn by Naomi Campbell for a fashion show in 1997.
  • EAT: try some  fritto misto all’ascolana , a mixed fried platter of stuffed olives, fried custard cream and breaded lamb cutlets typical of this area, and book a table at Focarò in Torre di Palme, where you can dine in a cozy piazza facing the sea!

Day 4: Offagna, Castelfidardo, Loreto, Recanati

Driving north of Porto Sant’Elpidio, my first stop for the day is Offagna , a pretty medieval village with an impressive fortress dating back to the XV century.

tour gastronomico marche

  • DON’T MISS: the super interesting International Accordion Museum with over 300 pieces on display that retrace the history of the accordion
  • EAT: consider having dinner at Porto Recanati, about 12 km from Recanati, to taste  brodetto , a delicious soup of freshly-caught fish typical of this seaside town

Day 5: Fermo, Sant’Elpidio a Mare

My exploration of Le Marche continues in Fermo , another charming medieval town with an elegant airy piazza and some pretty delightful alleys all around. Unfortunately, there are a number of cultural sites including, Palazzo dei Priori and its famous Globe Room, that are still closed for restoration after the earthquake that hit the region in 2016… a good reason to come back!

tour gastronomico marche

My hunt for shoes brings me to Sant’Elpidio a Mare , about 7 km from Porto Sant’Elpidio, to visit its famous Shoe Museum… only to be told that the place is closed due to the earthquake. However, I found a delightful historic center where locals enjoy talking to the adventurous traveler venturing here.         

tour gastronomico marche

  • DON’T MISS: in Fermo join a guided tour that will show you the incredible Roman cisterns and the exquisite Teatro dell’Aquila (tickets are available at the ticket office in Piazza del Popolo).
  • EAT: book a table at Il Veliero , a fantastic restaurant by the sea in Porto Sant’Elpidio

Days 6 & 7: Montappone, Pollenza, and Filottrano

I used the last couple of days of this tour to visit a friend who lives in Pollenza, amidst green hills, vineyards and sunflower fields (I know, lucky him…). But before seeing him, I drove to Montappone , a hilltop town renowned for being the center of Italian hat production , with tens of artisanal workshops continuing the family tradition.

Le Marche-montappone

  • DON’T MISS: the Hat Museum in Montappone, with a fantastic array of antique machinery and unique pieces, including the last hat worn by Italian film director Federico Fellini (the museum is open by appointment only) 
  • EAT: have dinner at Cà Vecchia Beerstrot , a beautiful farmhouse where you’ll enjoy craft beers and excellent burgers seating on the panoramic terrace while watching the sun go down, or take part in one of the special events organized over the summer months at  Villa Sant’Isidoro , a stunning family-run retreat not far from Pollenza (they also produce excellent wine!) 

Getting to Le Marche

Le Marche

The region of Le Marche is best explored by car, although there is also a very good public transportation network (check Le Marche main bus schedules , although it’s available in Italian only).


I stayed at B&B Il Piccolo Giglio in Porto Sant’Elpidio, which proved to be a great base for this trip; right in the town center, very close to the beach and sparkling clean. Many of the most famous made-in-Italy brands were born in Le Marche and their products are still realized here, hence you’ll find many factory outlets and shopping malls offering super quality products at fabulous prices (take a look here ) – just saying…

Until next time,

tour gastronomico marche

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37 thoughts on “exploring le marche: 1 week itinerary”.

Oh my gosh, I don’t know which is more beautiful, the views or the architecture! My hubby suggested going to Italy together soon since I’ve never been and I want to see as much of it as possible.

That’s exciting! Email me if you need any info or suggestions for your itinerary, I’ll be able to help 🙂

Absolutely stunning! I would love to visit someday!

Thanks Aly, I highly recommend it!

This is just so pretty Valentina, I miss being back in Italy when I see these small towns. We’ve been around Toscana, but not yet to Le Marche. I love these small medieval towns, they seem so authentic and not overrun with tourists, thankfully! Maybe when we’re next back, we’ll drive here and explore it for ourselves.

That’s one of the aspects I loved most about Le Marche, its authentic vibe… and of course not having many tourists around 😉

This trip looks amazing, I love the photos. Can’t wait to return to Italy, it’s one of my favourite countries.

Yay, I’m so happy to read this! I strongly suggest to consider this part of the country for your next trip 🙂

Le Marche in Central Italy looks perfect for a holiday. I loved the view of the Adriatic Sea from Ascoli Piceno. I never knew that this place is known for lace and I would love to buy few of them, as I love lacy dresses. You have taken beautiful photos of buildings and streets.

Thanks so much Yukti! Le Marche truly makes for a great holiday 🙂

I totally love that Le Marche is under the radar and unspoiled by tourism… yet you still get to totally enjoy being in a coastal town. I so love Italy and would love to explore places like Le Marche. I totally would like to try all the speciality eats your recommended like the fried custard – how cool!!

It’s a great itinerary, where you visited the beautiful coastline and some historic places. This place is still not touristy and that’s what I liked about the place. It’s a great tip about buying from factory outlets and shopping malls of Le Marche.

Thank you Sapna!

If I could visit Le Marche, I would definitely go to Fillotrano. It’s fun to see and discover a tailor made suits for men, I might get my partner one. And of course, have a beer in hand while watching the sun set at Ca Vecchia Beertstrot. 🙂 What a great way to start and end the day at LE Marche!

Great picks 😉

This looks so quaint and charming. I could live here! Never knew about this place. Great article and lots of good info!

Thanks a lot Alexandra!

This is exactly the type of article I look for when planning trips. I like to the avoid the more crowded, touristy areas to explore other regions. So, how would a couple of 50-something year-old women do on this type of trip. Oh, and we don’t speak Italian.

Hey Tess, great to read your comment, I think it’s perfectly doable for you, people don’t speak that much English but you’ll be totally fine 😉 DM me if you need any help with the planning!

Just beautiful! Every place you have highlighted was so charming, Mount Conero National Park would be high on my list. This is a region I have never visited. Will absolutely pin this for later.

That’s great Alice and I hope you’ll be able to visit one day!

What a beautiful destination and interesting itinerary! I’ve pretty much avoided Italy so far due to the crowds, so hearing about off the beaten path places in Italy is a nice change!

Oh no, please, don’t let the fear of crowds stop you from coming to Italy, it’s totally manageable!

I would love to do a road trip through Italy’s amazing vineyards, national parks and coasts. Mount Conero National Park looks really awesome, what lovely waters. I’d love to go hiking there. Definitely hitting Mezavalle Beach, sounds like the place I’d love to soak up some sun and swim in those waters. Also Offagna has to be my favourite, I love medieval villages. Lovely 7-day itinerary through Le Marche.

Thank you Medha!

Such a great post! And I love the national park, the view out over the cliffs to the ocean is amazing. I could totally just spend my entire trip just there, however all the photos are breathtaking!

I know right, those views are simply amazing!

Italy never fails to surprise me, I’d never even heard about this region before reading but it looks so beautiful! I’d definitely love to visit as those medieval towns look so gorgeous and laid back, what a lovely place to explore

Italy is always full of surprises 🙂

I’ve never considered this area of Italy before, but I really should as it looks gorgeous! That national park is definitely somewhere I would find myself! Time to book a trip to Italy 😉

Yay, come to Italy 😀

I’m so happy I came across this post! I had honestly never heard of Le Marche before, but it sounds like a great alternative to the more touristy parts of Italy. Saving this!

It is and has it all – sea, mountains, lake, gorgeous hamlets and big cities 🙂

Wow, these photos are gorgeous! And what a helpful guide you’ve put together. Definitely bookmarking this for future travels to Italy!

Thanks so much for your kind words Katie!

I’m always on the hunt for up and coming cities! I have yet to go to Italy, but I will add this to my list when we do!

Time to start planning an Italian adventure 😉

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An Italian travel writer in love with my country. Having travelled widely across the globe, I realized there was more to explore closer to home. My Italian Diaries is the place where I share itineraries, activities and off-the-beaten-path places to help you experience the best of Italy like a local!

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Gastronomic Route between Marche & Abruzzo

2.750 €

A tour in the most authentic heart of Italy. Marche and Abruzzo are full of hidden gems that are worth a visit. Our 1 week tour will put travellers in contact with local producers and artisan, who will let you fall in love with Italian cuisine. Far from the most famous mass tourism destinations,these two regions will reveal ancient villages, mouthwatering dishes faithful to ancient tradition, and high quality wines such as Pecorino and Rosso Piceno.

Type of tour: Escorted group tour

Min/max people: from 4 to 8 pax

Length of stay: 8 days/ 7 nights Arrival/Departure: Rome/Rome Dates 2019: Available every day from March till October


  • An intimate tour of 8 people or fewer will give participants the chance to experience the human hospitality of local people and immerse themselves in the most authentic Italy
  • Meet the locals by visiting small villages, wine & cheese makers, farms and castles
  • Taste the most genuine local products directly from the source: wine, olive oil, cheese

Day 1: Rome Fiumicino airport pick up, Welcome to Marche!

Arrival at Rome Fiumicino airport. Pick up and transfer to Marche (we can organize a pre-tour accommodation in Rome).

Greeting with our driver and guide. We get on the van in order to reach The Boutique Hotel Magnolia. During our trail to reach Le Marche, we will stop by at “Rossella Restaurant” in Carsoli. This is already a great first culinary day since GrandMa Rossella is not used to hosting international clients as tourists but as big friends..and lunch is incredible. After lunch we get back on the minivan and go directly to the Boutique Hotel Magnolia where we will be hosted by Mrs Sandra in her amazing farmhouse! Here we will have a welcome drink and dinner! Overnight.

D ay 2: Among enchanting villages: Offida, Ascoli Piceno & Wine Tasting

Today you will really start your tour to discover the secrets of this amazing area! The driver will pick you up at 9.30 am and bring you to the splendid ancient village of Offida , one of the top 10 most beautiful small villages in Italy.

After the guided tour we will have a first wine tasting at a local famous winery named “ Cocci Grifoni Winery ”, famous for its Rosso Piceno Superiore and Pecorino!

At the end of the wine tasting we will get on the minivan to reach the beautiful city of Ascoli Piceno where we will have an incredible fish lunch at the historical Trattoria del Corso where Mr Antonio has been the unique chef (even he says his owner is always her wife!) for the last 50 years! After the end of lunch we have a great tour of the city it of Ascoli Piceno .

After the tour we go back home and we have dinner tonight at the hotel. Overnight.

Day 3: Wine Tour

The Boutique Hotel Magnolia is also a winery and this is why this morning, after we wake up we will go directly to the winery for a great wine tour of the “Domodimonti Winery. After the end of the tour we go to visit the restaurant of GrandMa Silvana. She does not have a website and no tourists  know her..but she’s probably the best cook in the world!!! Her delicacies are simply unforgettable for everyone that go to visit her place.

After lunch you will only want to have some rest at the hotel before we go to visit a city close to beach for a walking tour along the seaside. We will here meet Sigismondo, owner of “ La Degusteria del Gigante ”, who will show us how the  fish market works here in the Marche Region. We will then go for a show cooking and a great dinner with him. Back to the hotel and overnight.

Day 4: From Marche to Abruzzo, Civitella del Tronto Castle & Pescara

After breakfast, we’ll leave Le Marche and go straight towards the Abruzzo region. We will visit the splendid Civitella del Tronto Castle, famous all over the world for its importance in the italian history and we will then go for our third winery tasting experience before going to have a lunch on own in Pescara.

After that  we will go to the other 4 star hotel where we’re staying for the next couple of days..the stunning Castello Di Chiola.

After check in and relax we have a welcome dinner in this amazing Castle! Back to the hotel and overnight.

D ay 5: Olive and Beer Tour

This morning we have a great meeting with Mario, a local olive producer which will explain us all the secrets of his products! We will have a tour and a quick lunch, before going to visit a local brewery and back to the hotel for dinner on own and relax. Overnight.

Day 6: Nature 

After breakfast, we will go for a simple walk experience that will bring us to visit the stunning and famous “ Rocca Calascio ”, where the movie “Lady Hawke” was shot.

After the tour we have a lunch in the splendid Santo Stefano in Sessanio ancient village!

After the tour we go to Sulmona, a splendid beautiful Roman town where we will stay for the last night and for the farewell dinner!

Day 7: Sulmona-Rome

Breakfast. Enjoy a relaxing walk in Sulmona before going back to Rome. Accommodation in hotel. Dinner at the hotel and overnight.

Day 8: Goodbye

Breakfast, check out and transfer to Rome airport for departure, or continue your staying in Rome.

Price per person:  2750 euro in double room (min 4 pax)

The tour includes:

  • Accommodation in standard room with en-suite bathroom
  • Breakfast Buffet
  • Meals in selected restaurants, farmhouses or wineries based on traditional regional dishes (food, water & house wine included)
  • Daily trips, excursions and guided tours in English language as per programme
  • All transport for daily trips and excursions
  • English speaking tour leader throughout the duration of the tour
  • Pick up and drop off at Rome Fiumicino airport
  • All taxes     

The tour does not include:

  • Tips and personal expenses
  • Travel insurance (available on request)
  • Everything not listed under item “the tour includes”

Extras and Supplements:

  • Single room supplement € 250
  • Pre and post tour extensions

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tour gastronomico marche

A gastronomic journey through Le Marche

£ 2,690.00

These 7 & 8 Day Classic tours offer a wonderful opportunity to vist this Italian “secret gem” on the Adriatic coast. Based at a beautiful boutique hotel in the hills of Montelparo, this gastronomy tour is a real treat for Italian food and wine enthusiasts. Comprising winery tours, Italian seafood, truffle hunting, olive groves and more, this tour explores the best of Italian gastronomy in a region that, to-date, hasn’t received the attention it deserves.

A deposit of £250 per person is requested to secure this booking.

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tour gastronomico marche

  • December 29, 2020


Marche is one of italy’s best-kept secrets. the famous guide lonely planet places this region between the top 20 regions to visit in the entire world., share post:.


This region has all the same charms as its famous neighbour with lesser-known spots. Sandwiched between the Adriatic sea, Tuscany and Umbria regions, this beautiful piece of Italy is backed by the Apennine mountains and has dreamy beaches, ancient hillside villages and beautiful scenery. It’s the perfect place to visit if you want to avoid crowds both on beaches and towns. Lots of things to do: from food festivals to Renaissance palaces, visiting Marche is the perfect way to experience Italy at its best!

Let’s discover together three staple dishes of this unique Italian region:



First of all, chop the vegetables and brown them with a little extra virgin olive oil, add the three types of meat and cook slowly over low heat, blending with the white wine. Add, salt and pepper to taste.

Rinse the olives under running water, in this way they will lose the excess salt.

Pitted all the olives with the appropriate tool, so as to leave them whole. With a kitchen knife with a smooth blade, cut the olive in a spiral without breaking it starting from the stalk, you must obtain a spiral.

When the meat mixture is cooked and warm, blend it in a mixer and add, nutmeg, lemon zest, Parmesan and eggs. Then form balls of the size of a hazelnut.

Arrange the filling inside every single olive and close the olives.

Coat the olives first in the flour, then in the beaten egg and finally in the breadcrumbs. Fry the olives in a saucepan until they are crisp and place them gradually on a plate with kitchen paper, to drain the excess oil. Serve the stuffed olives still hot.

tour gastronomico marche


To prepare vincisgrassi, start by cutting the nad the chicken giblets into into small pieces.

Finely chop the celery, carrot and onion and put them in a saucepan to brown for 5 minutes, with extra virgin olive oil together with the pancetta. Let it all season for a few minutes then add the beef and pork and cook for about ten minutes, until the meat reaches a brown color. Add the puree and season with salt and pepper.

Add the chicken giblets to the sauce and mix with a wooden spoon; cover with a lid and cook for about an hour and a half, stirring occasionally and adding broth if the sauce gets dry. The sauce must be well cooked and thickened.

Once the ragù is ready, you can assemble the vincisgrassi in a pan with high sides: place a few tablespoons of sauce on the bottom then line the pan with a first layer of lasagna sheets, and cover with a generous spoonful of meat sauce and a spoonful of grated Parmesan cheese.

Continue like this until at least ten layers are formed (this is a characteristic of vincisgrassi) and finish with a layer of meat sauce and a generous handful of Parmesan cheese. Bake in a hot oven at 180 ° for 30 minutes and take them out as soon as a nice golden crust has formed on the surface.

tour gastronomico marche


Begin the preparation by grating the lemon zest. Immediately after, put the flour, sugar and baking powder in a bowl.

Gently mix with one hand, this procedure will prevent lumps from forming. Add the liquids, starting with the eggs, then the milk and oil. Knead until the mixture is compact and manageable with your hands on a surface.

If the mixture remains too liquid, add a little flour at a time, but not too much or the ciambellone will be rock hard when cooked. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper and divide the dough in two rolls.

Take one of the two parts and roll it giving it a rectangular shape. At the center of this dough, pour the spreadable chocolate, leaving a few centimeters from the edges.

Then take the second ball of dough and roll it out to the same shape. Use this rectangle to cover the other one with the chocolate, and seal it at the edges so that it does not overflow on the sides during cooking.

Brush the surface with beaten egg yolk mixed with milk. Pour over granulated sugar. You can enrich it by pouring over hazelnuts or chocolate chips.

Cook at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Your ciambellone will finally be ready.


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Gnocchetti Sardi Salsiccia Zafferano recipe

Gnocchetti Sardi with Saffron and Sausage

Enjoy the taste of Sardinia with the light flavours of Gnocchetti Sardi Saffron and Sausage – a true taste of Italy.

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Spring is an explosion of flavours and the opportunity to take advantage of seasonal vegetables to create unique dishes. Here 3 recipes to enhance these lovely, seasonal vegetables.

Minimum order £25

Gnocchetti Sardi Salsiccia Zafferano recipe


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Let us help you plan your tour

of the Marche country

Naturally beautiful and culturally rich, this region of central

Italy offers a taste of Mediterranean Europe than any other.

Not surprisingly, this region is fast becoming a haven

for peopletraveling to and from all of Europe, who are looking for unique experiences and exceptional.

Spectacular mountain vistas, the world-known vineyards, charming medieval villagesthe, Michelin-starred restaurants, museums and historic, rocky and sandy bech Marche region

has much to offer its visitors.

Professionally Tours of Marchre is committed to make you in a personalized day, a unique and exciting experience.

Mobile +39 389 172 4553

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Local marketing, experiential tourism, tourism office management, managing of companies importers, educational tour and press trip, events management, tour operator.

Le Marche region is located in the center of Italy, overlooking the Adriatic Sea and is characterized by the presence of the Apennine Mountains. The typical landscape of Le Marche is composed by gentle hills starting from the mountains and reaching the sea, with a succession of lush colourful crops. Monte Vettore and Monte Priora from the Sibillini National Park are the most majestic mountains of the region. Monte Tabor in the province of Macerata inspired the poet Giacomo Leopardi in his verses of the Infinito and finally Monte Conero, which plunges over the Adriatic.

Marche’s beaches interchange between soft and fine sand expanses to jagged ones with rocky boulders in the clear water of the Adriatic Sea, recognized all over the world for their uniqueness and beauty. The villages are one of the most evocative places we could find in the region. Fabulous masterpieces among soft hills where time seems to have stopped. Characteristics as the quality of life, the architectural harmony and the shapes of these places have been the subject of great recognitions as for example the Orange Flags.

Moreover, the region is characterized by the rare beauty that has made it a proud land of great personalities. From Giacomo Leopardi to Raffaello, from Giovan Battista Pergolesi to Gioacchino Rossini, from Federico II to Papa Sisto V, they were born in this wonderful territory transforming the region, Italy and the World with their personality. These important figures and their works represent the inestimable historical, artistic and intellectual richness of this region, which never stop to amaze those who visit it with its extraordinary hidden treasures and fabulous cultural resources.



Get married in a fairytale.

The extraordinary natural position of Petritoli, surrounded by lush, uncontaminated nature, is the ideal setting for this  synthesis of paradise on Earth  where art work, monuments and unique examples of architecture pleasantly catch the eye of visitors who are constantly in the company of the smiles and friendliness of all Petritolesi. Get married in a fairytale!

tour gastronomico marche


Wonderful companies who help us to achieve our mission

tour gastronomico marche

  • Picnic in the Vineyards
  • Grape Stomping
  • Cooking Class
  • Craft Beer Tasting
  • Olive Oil Tasting
  • Local Handmade Cheese Tasting
  • Truffle Hunting
  • Le Marche Wines Tasting
  • Yoga Lesson overlooking the Sibillini
  • Boat Day Fishing and Relax
  • E-Bike tour overlooking the Sibillini Mountains
  • Conero Boat Tour
  • Hiking in the Sibillini National Park
  • Hot air balloon flight in the Marche region
  • Frasassi Caves tour
  • Adventure Park
  • Cultural Tour
  • Shopping experience in Le Marche factories
  • Wedding in Petritoli
  • Visit Valdaso
  • La Dieta Mediterranea nel Regno della Sibilla
  • Le Marche in Valigia
  • Un Monumento un’Azienda




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  17. A gastronomic journey through Le Marche

    These 7 & 8 Day Classic tours offer a wonderful opportunity to vist this Italian "secret gem" on the Adriatic coast. Based at a beautiful boutique hotel in the hills of Montelparo, this gastronomy tour is a real treat for Italian food and wine enthusiasts. Comprising winery tours, Italian seafood, truffle hunting, olive groves and more, this tour explores the best of Italian gastronomy in ...

  18. Home

    In Le Marche you can spend a wonderful holiday!. A land of poets and artists, beaches and hills, truffles, grapes and olive groves, medieval towns and villages filled with art and history, it's no surprise that Le Marche are called the Plural Region, as they are the only Italian Region named with a plural noun.. This 'distillate of Italy' , as Piovene said, boasts an almost unique blend of ...


    Ciao! Oggi vi portiamo con noi in un mini tour delle Marche. Abbiamo visto tanti posti bellissimi e assaggiato piatti tipici 😋Vi raccontiamo tutto nel video...

  20. Gastronomica Tour of Italy: Marche

    Marche is one of Italy's best-kept secrets. The famous guide Lonely Planet places this region between the top 20 regions to visit in the entire world.

  21. HOME

    Spectacular mountain vistas, the world-known vineyards, charming medieval villagesthe, Michelin-starred restaurants, museums and historic, rocky and sandy bech Marche region has much to offer its visitors. Professionally Tours of Marchre is committed to make you in a personalized day, a unique and exciting experience. Mobile +39 389 172 4553

  22. TuRisMarche

    Le Marche region is located in the center of Italy, overlooking the Adriatic Sea and is characterized by the presence of the Apennine Mountains. The typical landscape of Le Marche is composed by gentle hills starting from the mountains and reaching the sea, with a succession of lush colourful crops. Monte Vettore and Monte Priora from the ...

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