Design Tagebuch

TUI Cruises „Mein Schiff“ – Logo-Facelift und neue Kampagne

  • 19. Oktober 2022
  • von Achim Schaffrinna
  • dt+ , Logos

Mein Schiff Logo, Quelle: Tui Cruises

Der Markenauftritt von „Mein Schiff“, einer zur Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft TUI Cruises gehörenden Schiff-Flotte, wurde kürzlich modifiziert. Im Zuge des Launchs der jüngsten Kampagne („Mein Schiff Gefühl“) wurde der Markenschriftzug dezent angepasst.

Seit 2009 werden die zum Unternehmen TUI Cruises gehörenden Kreuzfahrtschiffe unter dem Markennamen „Mein Schiff“ geführt. Aktuell umfasst die „Mein Schiff“-Flotte sechs Kreuzfahrtschiffe. In der Werft Meyer Turku in Turku/Finnland wird seit Juni 2022 „Mein Schiff 7“ gebaut. 2024 soll der Neubau in Dienst gestellt werden.

Trotz Inflation und gestiegener Energiepreise hat die Kreuzfahrtbranche im Sommer erstmals wieder bessere Geschäfte gemacht als vor der Corona-Krise. Im Vergleich zum Juli 2021 hat sich der Umsatz mehr als verdreifacht, er kletterte um 218 Prozent. Die Nachfrage ist groß.

Mein Schiff Logo – vorher und nachher, Bildquelle: Tui Cruises, Bildmontage: dt

Erstmals seit der Lancierung der Marke im Jahr 2009 erhält der handschriftliche Markenschriftzug nun ein Facelift. Die extrem starke Neigung der Lettern wurde abgemildert und die Form der Lettern S und f neu gezeichnet. Die Lesbarkeit und die Darstellungsqualität wurde so verbessert. Der Charakter hingegen bleibt weitestgehend unverändert.

Für die aktuelle Kampagne, die seit einigen Wochen via Connected TV, Digital Out Of Home, Printanzeigen und digitalen Medien ausgespielt wird, zeichnet Yours Truly (Hamburg) verantwortlich. Die Weiterentwicklung des Corporate Designs übernahm bam! creatives (Hamburg).

Nach zwei Katastrophenjahren heißt es innerhalb der Kreuzfahrtindustrie wieder mit Volldampf voraus. Innerhalb der Branche wird die deutlich gestiegene Nachfrage mit einer „aufgestauten Reiselust“ begründet. Und auch in Werbung und Branding wird seitens Kreuzfahrtanbieter offenkundig wieder investiert.

Die Anpassung am „Mein Schiff“-Markendesign ist gleichwohl dezent. Vermutlich werden die wenigsten Passagiere mitbekommen, dass sich der am Schiffsrumpf aufgebrachte Schriftzug mittlerweile von dem in der Werbung/Kommunikation verwendeten unterscheidet. Denn der Look ist ähnlich. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass eine Umlackierung der gesamten Schiffsflotte seitens Tui Cruises als zu kostenintensiv angesehen wird und die Agentur dahingehend gebrieft wurde, dass die Modifikation des Schriftzugs nicht zu weitreichend sein darf. 2024 wird sich zeigen, wenn „Mein Schiff 7“ die Werft verlässt, ob hier dann zumindest der neue Schriftzug angebracht sein wird.


Mein Schiff Logo – vorher und nachher, Bildquelle: Tui Cruises, Bildmontage: dt

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Dieser Beitrag hat 22 Kommentare

Was mich immer nervt bzw. ich nie verstehe: Wenn man schon eine vermeintliche Handschrift benutzt, um ein Logo zu bauen, warum verändert man hier nicht wenigstens die i-Punkte, damit die sich nicht 1:1 gleichen? Und exakt die gleichen Bögen im n und im h sind halt auch nicht schön.

Ok, im Fließtext kann man das nicht ändern. Aber wenn es ein Logo ist, kann man doch die Pfade entsprechend bearbeiten und die Handschrift so eben mehr wie eine Handschrift aussehen lassen. Kein Mensch schreibt zweimal ein i in absolut identischer Form.

Aber vielleicht ein ich mit der Meinung auch alleine.

Ich denke, weil es zwar handschriftlich anmuten, aber trotzdem nicht handgeschrieben aussehen soll.

Das logo wirkt ja trotzdem persönlich und locker, zudem aber auch sauber gearbeitet und nicht einfach von Hand geschrieben – für mich jedenfalls. Mir gefällt es so tatsächlich auch besser. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass TUI hier schludrig daherkommen will. Man kann ja durchaus die positiven Aspekte einer Handschrift und die eines genau austarierten Logos verbinden.

Das Problem stört mich viel mehr, wenn tatsächliche Habdschrift dargestellt werden soll.

Ich finde es schön, dass die Ligatur “ff” zumindest unterschiedlich gezeichnete Buchstaben verwendet. Beim alten Schriftzug waren alle Symbole individuell (bis auf den “.” am Ende) aber hier finde ich das schön harmonisch umgesetzt. Ist halt -Handschrift anmutend- und nicht -Handschrift imitierend-. ;)

@Christian: Grundsätzlich bin ich deiner Meinung, daß kurze, Handschriftlich anmutendende Texte angepasst werden sollten und gleich aussehende Buchstaben „indivisualisiert” werden sollten. Entsprechende Schriftarten gibt es ja auch für so etwas. Hier im „Mein Schiff” Logo finde ich gut, dass dies nicht getan wurde, um Unruhe zu vermeiden. So entsteht m.E. eine minimale Statik, die Verlässlichkeit und Vertrauen ausstrahlt. Auch die harte Grundlinie finde ich hier gut. Alles in allem finde ich die Aufgabe gut umgesetzt.

Wenn man schon was ändert, wie wäre es dann mal mit dem nervigen Auslauflied(ziemlich “Unheilig”)

Nein bloß nicht die auslauf Musik ändern mit das beste an bord👍

Da bin ich ganz deiner Meinung. Ich mag das Lied auch nicht mehr hören. Das Logo ist mir total egal.

Die Auslaufmusik gehört zu Mein Schiff und muss unbedingt bleiben!!! Nervig ist I am sailing, der Song von Aida soweit ich weiß, aber Geschmäcker sind unterschiedlich, gerade bei Musik. Und ich mag eigentlich Rod Steward sehr viel lieber als Unheilig, mit dem ich sonst nichts anfangen kann. Aber hier geht es um meine Assoziation….

Jaaa, das fände ich auch dringend notwendig! Das Lied ist so grauenvoll! Kein Vergleich zum “Sail away” von Enya auf AIDA!!!

…ihr könnt Probleme haben… :)

Wenn ich mir eine Kreuzfahrt gönne, wäre das Auslauflied wahrscheinlich das letzte, was bei mir die Qualität der Reise mindern würde…

Zum Thema: Sehr gut umgesetzt…

Gut dass der Statement-Punkt nach dem Zwei-Wort-Logo verschwunden ist. Scheint ein Relikt aus den Achtzigern gewesen zu sein, bei dem in der Werbung oft nach jedem einzelnen Wort ein Punkt gesetzt wurde. Als wenn es ein echtes Satz-Ende wäre.

Ansonsten gebe ich den Vorkommentatoren unbedingt Recht. Dass diese Schriftart zwar lesbarer ist als die alte, bei der man sich beim Lesen wie im Sturm verbiegen muss, doch erneut als echte emotional-individuelle Handschrift durchfällt, weil die gleiche Buchstaben technisch identisch sind.

Chance vertan, würde ich sagen. ; -)

[Bin eh kein Fan der Kreuzfahrtindustrie. Noch nie, nicht erst seit der Klimakrise. Sind für mich nicht mehr als schwimmende Riesenhotels mit Personalausbeutung – und mit dem unvermeidlichen Landgang, um Städte im Pulk heimzusuchen ;-), durch die Filmindustrie mit Glam und Romantik versehen. Wers mog.]

Vielleicht brauchts das Individuelle auch gar nicht, denn Kreuzfahrtreisen sind verindustrialisiert. Massenindustrie. Dann passts wieder.

Nur aus Interesse: wie kommt der Autor auf 6 Schiffe? Sind es nicht: Mein Schiff 1 + Mein Schiff 2 als größte und aktuell neueste Generation Mein Schiff 3, 4, 5, 6 als erste TUIC Selbstbaugeneration und Mein Schiff ? als Übernahme aus dem Mutterkonzern RCL?


Auslaufmelodie i.O.,aber bitte,bitte,bitte nicht so lange.

Genau mein Humor: Ausufernde Diskussionen über vegane Schokolade und kompostierbare Verpackungen – und dann kostenlose Werbung für so ziemlich die größte Umweltsünde, die der Menschheit je eingefallen ist.

Wie sehr ich mir wünsche, dass irgendwann mal so ein Schiff mit ein paar Tausend Ignoranten auf dem Meeresgrund endet.

Den abschließenden Wunsch lasse ich mal außen vor, das ist die Art von Formulierung, die der unangenehmen Verrohung und Überspitzung von Diskussionen im Internet Vorschub leistet. Aber es stimmt wirklich, und ich staune sowohl über den Beitrag als solchen, der die Nachhaltigkeitsfrage – ausgerechnet hier – komplett ausblendet, wie auch über die Kommentare zu den offensichtlich allseits bekannten Auslaufmelodien. Ich kannte bis vorhin noch nicht einmal den Begriff.

Der Wunsch war auch nur als rhetorische Zuspitzung gemeint. Polemik als rhetorisches Mittel.

Letztlich ist es das, was unseren Planeten zugrunde richten wird: Menschen wie z.B. Design-Blogger Schaffrina fühlen sich als Retter des Planeten, wenn sie über Nachhaltigkeit bei der Verpackung der veganen Schokolade debattieren – da wird dann aber doch bitte das bisschen Fliegerei und die paar Kreuzfahrten erlaubt sein, oder? Schließlich ist man environment aware bis zum Anschlag!

Bigott ist halt auch ein Gott.

(Auf die Liste zu meidender Zeitgenossen setze ich ab jetzt “Menschen, die Auslaufmelodien kennen”.)

…die ausufernden Diskussionen fangen aber meist die User an. Es sei denn, das Design berührt diese Thematik von sich aus (grüne Fische oder was weiß ich).

Und ungedachtet dessen: Als Redesign einer durchaus großen und bekannten Marke gehört das Thema “Mein Schiff” hier in jedem Fall rein. Über die Klimabelange – bei denen ich deinen suggerierte Meinung übrigens zu 100% teile – ist woanders noch Platz…

Danke für die Kommentare mit dem I-Punkt. Ich dachte, ich hätte einen Knall, dass sich mir da ständig alles zusammenzieht wenn ich sowas sehe. Ich verstehe voll und ganz dass sich kaum jemand die Machen möchte bei bspw. Imagebroschüren jede Headline individuell anzupassen aber hier wäre es wirklich eine Sachen von 15 Minuten gewesen die Schrift dezent zu modifizieren. Naja, was weiß ich schon…

P.S.: als kostenlose Werbung sehe ich das nicht, weil hier Profis sich über professionelle Arbeit unterhalten und diese Analysieren. Wir Profis sollten die Kommunikation ja so dechiffrieren können, dass eben diese durchleuchtet, analysiert und für gut oder schlecht (oder im schlimmstenfall keines von beidem) empfunden wird.

Warum fährt Mein Schiff mit dem relativ eigenständigen dunkelblauen Rumpf herum, während die englischen Tui-Cruises Schiffe sehr viel näher an dem typischen Tui-Design sind, und auch viel freundlicher Aussehen?

Sind im Januar mit mein Schiff 2 in der Karibik und freuen uns jetzt schon den Auslaufsong zu hören. 10 Häfen 10mal Auslaufsong, immer wieder Gänsehaut Achim und Anette…. Übrigens den Schriftzug ist uns egal.. mein Schiff bleibt mein Schiff

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TUI Brand Migration

  • TUI Stories

oneBrand – TUI as a globally unified brand

In 2016 TUI Group launched its international oneBrand campaign: Since October 2017 all major European tour operator brands are now rebranded with the TUI master brand. Whether you are in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Sweden or in UK and Ireland: Our customers book with TUI everywhere.

Learn more about TUI’s oneBrand strategy!

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Travel agencies remain the place of choice visited by many people who do not wish to do without personal advice.


The rebrand is now completed in 100 countries.

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How TUI’s logo guides guests through the airport.

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Acht Blogger, fünf Nationalitäten, ein Ziel: der TUI MAGIC LIFE Cala Pada auf Ibiza.


The world's largest travel group has launched its first international advertising campaign under a European umbrella brand.


Jetair became TUI. On 10 November, almost 1,500 Belgian colleagues celebrated the TUI brand in Brussels.


Starting on November 1st, Fritidsresor became TUI in Sweden – a migration together with three other Nordic brands from Finland, Denmark and Norway.


30 members of the Belgian staff manually pulled a aircraft of the fleet to the boarding gate, where the passengers joined them in the celebration.


The Dutch subsidiary Arke marked the start with the rebranding in October 2015.


Until 2017 all of our European tour operator brands will be (re)named to TUI.

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The appearance of the TUI brand is governed by rules, principles and restrictions, for example with regard to logo, colors, tonality, typography and iconography. This is the only way to avoid contradictions in the brand image.

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 Mein Schiff Relax Aufsicht Heck mit Logo

Neubau Mein Schiff Relax

Highlights entdecken.

8. Schiff Burlesque Bar


8. Schiff - Griechisches Restaurant


8. Schiff - Suitenbereich Sonnendeck - Aerial View


8. Schiff Entspannung Liegen


Aufschimmen - MS Relax

Aufschwimmen der Mein Schiff Relax - 27.11.2023

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Datenschutzbestimmungen .

„Durch die Kommunikation auf verschiedenen Plattformen wurde deutlich, wie wichtig der Name dieses Schiffes für unsere Gäste ist. Auch für uns ist dieses Schiff etwas ganz Besonderes - es verkörpert die Weiterentwicklung von allem, wofür wir seit fast zehn Jahren mit den Neubauten der Mein Schiff Flotte stehen", so Wybcke Meier, CEO von TUI Cruises. „Daher haben wir uns ausreichend Zeit genommen und die Entstehung des Schiffes - zusammen mit all den großartigen neuen Möglichkeiten für unsere Gäste - sorgfältig bedacht. Für TUI Cruises ist jetzt klar, dass der Neuzugang in der Flotte nur einen Namen tragen kann: Mein Schiff Relax . Genau das symbolisiert das erste Schiff der InTUItion-Klasse - ein völlig neues Wohlfühl-Erlebnis .“

Der Name der neuen Schiffsklasse: InTUItion

„ Intuitiv, mit sehr viel Herz und dem Mein Schiff Wohlfühlgefühl, können die Gäste dieses Schiff, diese neue Schiffsklasse entdecken, die einerseits auf jedem Deck, in jedem Bereich Bewährtes und Vertrautes offenbart“, sagt Wybcke Meier, CEO TUI Cruises. „Aber sich auf dieses Schiff intuitiv einzulassen, bietet den Gästen auch völlig neue Perspektiven und die Möglichkeit bei dem Mehr an Freiraum und Möglichkeiten ihren Lieblingsplatz zu finden.“

tui cruises neues logo

Die Mein Schiff Relax erwacht zum Leben - Emotionale Kiellegung des Neubaus der neuen Schiffsklasse von Mein Schiff ®

Ganz nach alter Schiffbautradition, wurde jetzt die Kiellegung dieses Schiffes zelebriert. Auch nach alter Tradition wurden Münzen, unter anderem eine mit dem Bild der Hamburger Elbphilharmonie, in einer Box verschlossen und von TUI Cruises CEO Wybcke Meier und Cristiano Bazzara, Direktor von Fincantieri, mit der Box an das Schiff geschweißt. Eine emotionale Zeremonie, die auch die neue Zusammenarbeit mit der Werft besiegelt.  Als Zeichen für die christliche Seefahrt segnete Roberto Benvenuto, Pfarrer der Werft, diesen Neubau, der ganz unter der Prämisse „Wohlfühlen neu erleben“ steht und damit das Mein Schiff ® Gefühl für die Gäste auf ein neues Level hebt, mit Gebeten und heiligem Weihwasser.

„Die Kiellegungs-Zeremonie dieses achten Schiffs war besonders emotional. Der Neubau nimmt täglich mehr und mehr Gestalt an. Wir freuen uns auf die diese neue Schiffsklasse , die wir gemeinsam mit Fincantieri in den letzten Jahren für Mein Schiff  ® und unsere Gäste entwickelt haben“, sagt Wybcke Meier, CEO TUI Cruises.

Kiellegung des 8. Schiffs

Produktionsstart - 22.06.2022

Die mein schiff relax ist das erste kreuzfahrtschiff einer neuen schiffsklasse und überrascht mit vielen neuerungen und überzeugt mit bewährtem..

Durchgängig große Auswahl an Markengetränken & Cocktails - Mein Schiff Inklusivleistungen


Bei all den großartigen Neuheiten ist es TUI Cruises wichtig, bei den Gästen Beliebtes fortzusetzen. Deshalb gelten auch auf diesem Neubau die Mein Schiff  ®  Premium-Inklusivleistungen , die den Urlaub noch unbeschwerter und die Kosten für einzigartige Reisen kalkulierbar machen.

Nachhaltiges Wachstum: Erstes Schiff mit Gas-Antrieb

„Die Investition in Flüssiggas-betriebene Schiffe ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur emissionsfreien und klimaneutralen Kreuzfahrt. LNG dient hier als Brückentechnologie. Perspektivisch werden wir Bio-LNG und E-LNG einsetzen, welches entweder aus biogenen Quellen oder synthetisch aus erneuerbarer Energie erzeugt wird“, erklärt Wybcke Meier.

Bis 2030 will TUI Cruises erste klimaneutrale Kreuzfahrten anbieten. Bereits heute verfügt die Reederei über eine der modernsten und umweltfreundlichsten Kreuzfahrtflotten weltweit: Alle bisherigen Schiffsneubauten zeichnen sich durch ihre herausragende Energie-Effizienz aus und verbrauchen rund 30 Prozent weniger Treibstoff als Schiffe vergleichbarer Größe. Darüber hinaus sind sie mit einem kombinierten Abgasnachbehandlungssystem, bestehend aus einem Abgaswäscher („Scrubber“) sowie Katalysatoren ausgestattet, welches die Schwefelemissionen um bis zu 99 Prozent, die Stickoxidemissionen um bis zu 75 Prozent und den Partikelausstoß um bis zu 60 Prozent verringert.

Die ersten buchbaren Reisen

Palma (Mallorca) TUI Cruises Mein Schiff

Kommen Sie an Bord der neuen Mein Schiff  Relax  und erleben Sie eine wunderbare Kreuzfahrt. Unsere Mittelmeer-Kreuzfahrt beginnt und endet im Hafen von Palma de Mallorca. Weiteres Ziel unserer Reise ist Barcelona – besuchen Sie d ie imposante Kirche ...

Barcelona TUI Cruises Mein Schiff

Starten Sie diese Mittelmeer-Kreuzfahrt in Barcelona und erleben wunderbare Ziele und Städte im westlichen Mittelmeer. Freuen Sie sich unter anderem auf Valencia, Palma  oder Civitavecchia. Der Hafen an der italienischen Küste ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt für Ausflüge in die Heilige Stadt Rom ...

Kommen Sie an Bord und genießen Sie das Leben entlang der spanischen und italienischen Mittelmeerküste auf unserer Mein Schiff Kreuzfahrt. Freuen Sie sich auf Entspannung an Bord und abwechslungsreiche Ziele an Land wie Palma, La Spezia, Barcelona und Civitavecchia – der perfekte Ausgangspunkt ...

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With a fleet of seven ships, TUI Cruises , the Germany-based cruise line offers premium vacations with a quality cruise experience. Catering to German speaking customers the cruise holiday company is owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises and TUI AG(tourism company).

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TUI Cruises Reveals First Details of the New Mein Schiff 7

  • November 22, 2022

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TUI Cruises recently revealed the first details of its next newbuild, the Mein Schiff 7.

Set to enter service in 2024, the 2,900-guest vessel is the seventh in a series of ships built for the company at the Meyer Turku shipyard, in Finland.

Following the 2019-built Mein Schiff 2, the new ship will introduce new features while also bringing back concepts of the existing ships of the fleet.

According to TUI, returning favorites include a diverse range of culinary venues, a 25-meter-long swimming pool and generous ratios of space per passenger.

Asian Restaurant

The Mein Schiff 7 is also introducing a new set of single cabins. Featuring an “attractive design,” the accommodations will be available for a small additional charge, the Germany-based company said.

Another new feature is the Asia & Sushi Restaurant. Connected to the ship’s signature Diamant Bar, the specialty venue will serve both warm Japanese dishes and sushi creations.

The 110,000-ton vessel is debuting a new casino as well. Located on the Abtanz Bar, the smoke-free venue serves as a gambling spot and a dancing club, offering slot machines and game tables, as well as a dance floor and bar.

Champagne Bar

Other announced features include the Bella Italia restaurant, the Kaffeehauskultur coffee bar and the Champagner Treff champagne bar.

Returning onboard the ship, the later will be located on an external area of the Deck 6 and includes a new design. According to TUI, the bar was conceived as the perfect place to look towards the horizon, with a canopy to protect from adverse weather.

The Mein Schiff 7 will also feature green technology, including a shore power connection system and highly efficient catalytic converters.

The vessel will operate exclusively with lower-emission marine diesel as well and is prepared to run on green methanol in the future.

According to TUI, the marine fuel will make the ship’s propulsion system almost CO2-neutral.

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TUI Cruises

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TUI Cruises fleet

Mein schiff 9, mein schiff relax, mein schiff 7, mein schiff 2, mein schiff 1, mein schiff 6, mein schiff 5, mein schiff 4, mein schiff 3, tui al horeya, review of tui cruises.

TUI Cruises GmbH ( is a 50-50 Joint venture company between TUI AG (Germany) and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (US corporation). The Hamburg -based company was founded in 2008 and operational since 2009. On April 22, 2018, the cruise line celebrated its 10th anniversary. In 2018, TUI fleet's capacity was 14,784 berths, serving 0,5+ million passengers annually. By year 2024, TUI will have annual capacity ~800,000 passengers - compared to 2017 (500,000), 2018 (550,000) and 2019 (650,000, berths 17,500),

TUI Cruises logo

TUI Group fully owns three England-registered subsidiary companies (TUI UK Ltd, TUI Airways Ltd, TUI Ireland Ltd) plus one Ireland-registered (Adehy Ltd).

On February 7, 2020, TUI AG announced that Hapag-Lloyd Cruises (valued ~EUR 1,2 billion) becomes part of TUI Cruises. The contract with RCCL was signed in Hamburg (Feb 7), the cash transaction from RCCL (~EUR 700 million) was closed on July 6, 2020.

The Hanover Germany-based TUI Group (British-German multinational) is currently ranked the world's largest leisure and travel company. It was founded in 1923 and until 2002 was named "Preussag AG". TUI Group's companies specialize in hospitality and tourism services worldwide, with a portfolio including passenger airlines, cruise shipping (shipowner), package vacations, hotels and resorts, travel agencies, retail shops. TUI Group's current CEO is Sebastian Ebel, who (in October 2022) succeeded Fritz Joussen (2013-2022).

TUI Cruises GmbH's current CEO is Wybcke Meier (since 2014). In March 2023 was created the "Mein Schiff Destinations Department". Other executives include Marcus Puttich (director of destinations), Dennis Tetzlaff (VP of fleet operations and newbuilds), Denis Wiechert (VP of product management and guest experiences).

For 2021-Q1, TUI Group reported 2,8 million bookings (all brands/subsidiaries), or 56% of 2019's, with 20% higher average prices and overall loss EUR 698,6 million (EUR 146,7 M loss in 2019). Cruise shipping revenue was EUR 0,6 million (EUR 238,4 M in 2019). TUI Group secured 3x financing packages (with its major shareholders, banks and Germany's Economic Stabilization Fund). The 3rd package (EUR 1,8 billion) was completed in late January.

For FY2021 (fiscal year), TUI Group reported EUR 27 million (~USD 30,6M) in cruise revenues (~EUR 445,6M less than FY2020), EBIT loss EUR 277,5M (~USD 314M), avrg ship occupancy rates ~40%. By brand, the number of passenger days was 1,227M (TUI), 0,114M (Hapag-Lloyd), 0,153M (Marella). Average daily rates by brand were EUR 132 (TUI), EUR 514 (Hapag-Lloyd), GBP 124 / EUR 145 (Marella).

In September 2023 TUI signed with VIKAND Solutions (Dania Beach Florida-based medical group specializing in maritime healthcare) to deliver fleetwide biomedical equipment and provide support (lifecycle asset management, preventative maintenance, repairs, support).

In January 2024, TUI signed a partnership with Marquard & Bahls (1947-founded, Hamburg-based company specializing in energy and chemicals) to supply with methanol Mein Schiff 7 (fleet's first methanol-powered vessel vessel). The deal was signed by Wybcke Meier (TUI's CEO) and Volker Ebeling (Mabanaft's Senior VP of New Energy, Supply & Infrastructure).

(new brand) TUI River Cruises UK

In April 2019, the shipowner TUI AG terminated the charters of its 3 riverboats and established the UK-focused brand "TUI River Cruises" ( The new brand was scheduled to start operations in summer 2020 but due to the global health crisis, its inauguration was postponed for August 2021 (delayed ~1,5 years).

The sisterships are named TUI Isla , TUI Maya , TUI Skyla .

In 2024-2025, TUI expands the river fleet with two more boats - TUI Al Horeya (2024/Egypt's Nile River) and TUI Alma (2025/Portugal's Douro River).

TUI river cruise ship (aerial view)

TUI River Cruises is a separate company part (fully-owned subsidiary) of TUI AG (British-German travel and tourism corporation). TUI Group also owns the companies Marella Cruises UK and Hapag-Lloyd-Cruises .

River travel aficionados can choose from various itineraries and optional shipboard and land packages. Standard (basic) TUI river cruise pricing is inclusive of alcohol (beers and wines by the glass) and soft drinks with all meals, as well as of gratuities (onboard tips), service charges and bicycles (offered complimentary to all passengers in call ports of the current cruisetour itinerary). Premium drinks packages are optional (offered at extra cost). All TUI riverboats have balcony suites. Shore excursions range from sightseeing tours (guided by local experts) to bike tours.

The new river cruise company offers GBP 120 (~EUR 140 / USD 155) per person in OBC (onboard credit) towards all land tour bookings. TUI river ships are named TUI Maya , TUI Skyla and TUI Isla , each with capacity 155 passengers plus 40 crew, LOA length 135 m (445 ft), 4 decks (3 with cabins). Standard cabins are sized 12 m2 (130 ft2) and with fixed double beds.

TUI river cruise ship sundeck

TUI riverboats' venues include:

  • (Deck 2) cabins, Lobby (Reception Desk, Tour Desk, Library), wellness facilities (Spa, Gym, Hair Parlor)
  • (Deck 3) cabins, Observatory Lounge, Bar Lounge, Bow Terrace, 2 restaurants (Bistro Buffet, Verdastro Dining Room). Verdastro Restaurant serves buffet-type breakfast and a la carte lunch and dinner (with waiter service). Bistro Restaurant is for buffet-style dining only (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Observatory is the show lounge with live entertainment in the evenings (musical performances, stand-up comedy acts, crew show, themed dance parties).
  • (Deck 4) Sundeck with games area (shuffleboard), shaded seating (Sundeck Lounge), sunbathing area with padded loungers, sunbeds, daybeds.

In December 2019, TUI signed an exclusive partnership with Live Business UK (one of Europe's largest entertainment program developers and suppliers) for the TUI River Cruises company. By this deal, Live Business UK prepared the onboard entertainment programming for the boats and is also responsible for recruiting cruise directors, hosts, ship musicians, guest performers, local tour guides and other experts.

Company history

During the company's 10 years of service (2008-2018), the six Mein Schiffs handled around 2,2 million passengers, visited over 200 seaports and covered around 2,9 million km (1,8 million ml). TUI's sister-brand is Marella Cruises (UK source market).

For FY2018 (fiscal year), TUI Group's earnings (from the 3 cruise brands - TUI, Marella, and Hapag-Lloyd) increased by 10,7% - to EUR 901,9 million. Company's turnover was EUR 324 million (26,8% increase over 2017). Group's average daily rates increased to EUR 178 euro (TUI, up from EUR 173), EUR 141 (Marella, up from EUR 131) and EUR 615 (Hapag-Lloyd, up from EUR 594).

In 2015-2016, TUI Group had a turnover of EUR 17,8 billion (company's record) and operating result of EUR 1B. Corporation's portfolio consisted of 14 vessels (TUI, Thomson-Marella, and Hapag-Lloyd brands), several large tour operators, around 1600 travel agencies (including online portals), over 300 hotels (around 214,000 beds) and 6 airlines (over 150 aircraft).

The list of TUI-owned airlines includes Corsair International (France), TUI Airways (UK), TUI fly Belgium, TUI fly Deutschland, TUI fly Netherlands, and TUI fly Nordic (departures from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway).

In FY2016 (the fiscal year 2016), TUI Cruises had 60% growth (over FY2015) in earnings, with EBITA of EUR 130 million (EUR 81 million in FY2015). The reported growth came from the corporation's two main markets - Germany and UK.

TUI Cruises started operations by acquiring Celebrity Galaxy (owned by Celebrity Cruises - another RCCL subsidiary). The ship left Celebrity's fleet on March 16, 2009. After buying Celebrity Galaxy, the vessel was refitted at Lloyd Werft shipyard ( Bremerhaven, Germany ) arriving on March 27 for 38-day, EUR 50 million conversions. Galaxy was re-christened on May 15 in Hamburg and renamed "Mein Schiff" (meaning "My Ship" in Deutsch). TUI planned to build two 100,000 GT, 2500-passenger ships in 2011 and 2012.

  • On May 27, 2010, was revealed that Celebrity Mercury joins TUI fleet as "Mein Schiff 2"(renamed in 2018 to Mein Schiff Herz/now Marella Voyager ). Before the refit, "MS Mein Schiff" was renamed to Mein Schiff 1 (now Marella Explorer ). Schiff 2 entered service in February 2011 after an extensive drydock reconstruction .
  • On September 27, 2011, TUI and STX Finland announced shipbuilding contract for a 97,000 GT vessel ( Schiff 3 ) with delivery in 2014. The vessel is 968 ft (295 m) long, with 1250 staterooms (most of which are balconied) and capacity 2500 passengers and 1000 crew. The contract included an optional second ship, that was ordered on November 5, 2012 ( Schiff 4 ). Schiff 3 entered service on April 22, 2014.
  • In March 2015, RCI ( Royal Caribbean International ) announced selling Splendour of the Seas to TUI Cruises in 2016-Q2. TUI leased the vessel to Thomson UK (now Marella) replacing MS Island Escape (now Ocean Gala ).
  • In May 2015 TUI Group announced that as part of fleet modernization strategy, Schiff 1 and 2 will be transferred to Thomson/Marella over the next few years to upgrade TUI's UK fleet.
  • In 2018, TUI signed a partnership deal with "Merkur Casino Mare" (part of Gauselmann Group) for the onboard gambling on Schiff 1 (since 2018), Schiff 2 (since 2019) and Schiff 3 (since 2021). The ship Casino features 6x electronic roulettes plus 14x other Merkur gaming machines, and a separate gambling lounge with 4x M-Box Buzzer (multi-gaming machines) and a blackjack table for live gaming. For 2020, Gauselmann AG reported revenue EUR 2,56 billion (~USD 3B / ~GBP 2,2B). Since 2012, Gauselmann owns the British company Praesepe Ltd (now Merkur Casino UK) which owns the Cashino brand (street gambling arcade chain).
  • In mid-October 2021, TUI announced that Schiff Herz will be transferred in 2023 to Marella Cruises UK . Following a drydock, the boat will be renamed "Marella Voyager", starting operations for Marella on June 3, 2023.

The Hannover travel group TUI AG (listed at London Stock Exchange) keeps an upbeat outlook of cruise shipping activities. The company owns 100% of Hapag-Lloyd Kreuzfahrten and 50% of TUI Kreuzfahrten.

In August 2015, TUI announced EBITA growth (Q3) by EUR 11 million, which reflected the full-year profit of Schiff 3 (operated since June 2014) and the launch of Schiff 4 (June 2015). In addition, Hapag-Lloyd's remarkable turnaround and EUR 4 million benefits from refinancing ms Europa 2 meant that TUI had EUR 21 million increase in underlying EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization).

TUI Mein Schiff cruise ship

In May 2015, TUI AG Supervisory Board and RCCL-Royal Caribbean confirmed the purchase options for Schiff 7 and Schiff 8 (later renamed "Schiff 1" and "Schiff 2", delivered respectively in 2018 and 2019), as the German market reported further growth. The new liners are slightly larger (2860 lower berths each), built by Meyer Turku Finland . The deal was fully financed within TUI Cruises (joint venture) - without further contribution from TUI AG and RCCL.

Schiff 5 was launched on January 15, 2016, following the 14-month construction period. Around 1500 employees are involved in the building of each TUI vessel.

In mid-July 2018, TUI ordered two new ships (161,000 GT-ton, 4000-passenger) - this time from the Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri. Their scheduled deliveries are in 2025-Q1 ( Schiff Relax ) and 2026-Q2 ( Schiff 9 ). TUI's "Italian" liners are LNG-powered and from the company's new InTUItion-Class (fka TUI XL-Schiff).

TUI Mein Schiff cruise ship

In October 2018, TUI announced the "Wasteless" initiative aimed to eliminate disposable plastic products fleetwide (and also in land-based operations - provision suppliers and office staff) by the year 2020. Plastics will be replaced by alternative products made from renewable resources. The eco-initiative started with the newbuilds, on which in all cabin bathrooms, shower gel and shampoo dispensers are refillable, terry slippers are bathrobe's pockets (not packed in plastic), laundry bags are from bio-based plastic, coffee-to-go cups for crew are from bio-based plastic, drink stirrers are wooden. In November 2019, TUI reported ~30 million single-use plastic items replaced with renewable/sustainable materials-made alternatives.

In 2018, the German travel market reached ~2,2 million cruisers, of whom ~26% were served by TUI.

TUI Schiff Restaurants and Bars

TUI Schiff sonnenbereiche und poolbereiche (sundeck and Lido-deck pool areas)

(Coronavirus crisis) passenger shipping pause 2020-2021

Due to the COVID pandemic, TUI River Cruises suspended passenger shipping operations by canceling all voyages with pre-scheduled departures March 15, 2020, through August 15, 2021. TUI Cruises Germany ("Mein Schiff" fleet) suspended operations on March 23 and restarted on August 21 with Schiff 1 (7-day Norwegian Fjords roundtrip from Kiel) and Schiff 2 (7-day Norway from Hamburg). Schiff 6 started on September 13 (through November 7) with 7-day roundtrips from Heraklion (Crete) to Piraeus-Athens and Kerkyra (Corfu Island).

TUI River Cruises were planned to resume on November 26, 2020 ( Christmas and New Year itineraries ) but were eventually canceled through August 2021 (the brand was inaugurated on August 15, with TUI Maya from Frankfurt).

All affected bookings were automatically canceled and fully refunded in FCC (future cruise credit) notes for the full cost of the cruise. The FCCs can be used for paying a new voyage (with rebooking) or fully refunded (100%) in cash after 12 months.

Next are listed all TUI liners and their first departure dates/homeports/regions in 2021 - Schiff 3 (May 10/Norway from Bremerhaven), Schiff 4 (Apr 23/UK-Baltic from Hamburg), Schiff 5 (May 13/Mediterranean from Heraklion Crete), Schiff 6 (May 9/Mediterranean from Palma de Mallorca), Schiff Herz (Sept 3/Mediterranean from Palma de Mallorca). Schiff 1 and Schiff 2 started Canary Islands cruises in January, with 7-day and 14-day roundtrips from Gran Canaria.

The latest cancellations affected Schiff 5's Asian program (Hong Kong) and Schiff 6's Arabian Gulf program (from Dubai).

Itinerary of TUI Cruises

The next table provides a concise review of the TUI fleet's deployments (as homeports and destinations/regions). For detailed itineraries (call ports, port dates-times, and cruise prices) just follow the ship links.

TUI River Cruises

"TUI River Cruises" is a 2019-founded (operational since 2021) brand and a subsidiary of TUI AG. The new company specializes in passenger river shipping in Europe and is generally UK-focused (as source market).

TUI's riverboat fleet consists of three fully refurbished ships - TUI Maya , TUI Skyla , TUI Isla . The boats usually operate roundtrips from the homeports Passau and Frankfurt (Germany), Amsterdam Holland and Budapest Hungary .

In January 2022, TUI announced the restart dates of the riverboats after winter 2021 season was suspended due to Europe's increasing COVID Omicron cases. TUI's Rhine program was first halted before Christmas 2021 when Germany's government imposed travel restrictions on UK tourists.

TUI's river operations were planned to resume with TUI Skyla on March 28th. The "Magic of the Danube" itinerary (7-night roundtrip from Budapest ) visited ports in Slovakia, Austria, and Germany. Prices started at GBP 1120 per person with double occupancy.

TUI's first 14-night voyage started on April 8 ( TUI Isla ). The "European Icons" itinerary started in Amsterdam and visited ports in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary, ending in Budapest. Prices started at GBP 2010 pp.

TUI's Rhine voyages started on April 8 with the "Rhine Germs" itinerary visiting Koblenz and Speyer (Germany Rhineland-Palatinate) along with Basel Switzerland . The 7-day roundtrip is from Frankfurt am Main (Germany Hesse) , fares started at GBP 1170 pp.

Themed voyages started on April 1st ( TUI Maya ) with the "Vines and Valleys" Moselle River itinerary.

In December 2023, TUI River Cruises announced a fleet expansion with two new vessels - TUI Al Horeya (Nile River boat/inauguration in 2024) and TUI Alma (Douro River boat/inauguration in 2025).

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Hamburg Port concludes 2023 cruise season with record-breaking visits from AIDAnova

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Cruises-N-More Blog

A Side trip to Moscow

Have you thought about a cruise visit to the Baltics? One of our clients offered this very interesting diary of a summer trip  to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and we thought you might enjoy reading it. Enjoy…

This offered us the unique opportunity to explore the Russian capital in one day. Indeed, we were going from one capital – St. Petersburg, the capital for 200 years – to the historical capital of Moscow, which was founded back in the 11th Century, and restored as the capital by the Bolsheviks in 1917. We were taken by air in a one-hour flight to Moscow, where waiting coaches, escorted by a police car took us directly to the Kremlin. As we transferred to a bus and saw the countryside surrounding Moscow, we were struck by how clean and cosmopolitan the city was. And then the Kremlin, which means “fortress” in Russian. It’s aptly named, as the entire facility (70 acres worth) is surrounded by a high wall. Once inside, our first stop was the Armory, the repository of famous artifacts stored their throughout the centuries. Old Bibles encrusted with jewels, magnificent carriages that once transported the Tsars, and 10 of the surviving jeweled eggs crafted by Carl Faberge as gifts for the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his wife Alexandra.

Then we were off to visit some of the most beautiful churches in the world, including one of the most famous (St. Basel’s, with its colored turrets reflecting the Ottoman Empire style) in the world. Also impressive was the world’s largest cannon, commissioned centuries ago and fired but only a few times. And then it was lunch time in the Alexandr Pushkin restaurant, one of the most famous eateries in the city (and only a few blocks from the Kremlin, down the street from the old KGB headquarters.) Lunch consisted of tomato and mozzarella salad, beet and beef soup, chicken and veal patties, sorbet for dessert, and an excellent Bordeaux. After this tasty meal, it was back to the Kremlin for one more visit – this time to view the famous (and vast) Red Square, and some last-minute shopping at the G.U.M. department store on the corner of the Square. (Remind me to show you my prize purchase – a necklace of heart-shaped amber, a popular semiprecious stone in Russia.)

Then it was back to the airport – again under police escort – for the one-hour flight back to St. Petersburg. We didn’t get back to the ship until 11pm, but have no regrets for this exhausting but fascinating day. And…it was still light outside when we arrived at the ship, compliments of the famous “White Nights” representative of St. Petersburg at this time of year.

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  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Best of Moscow by high speed train

By shuguley , February 15, 2014 in Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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Cool Cruiser

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.

Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?

My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

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If you are considering this on the 2015 June Baltic cruise on Voyager; my suggestion is don't. There is so much to do in St. Petersburg and although a train is one of my favorite ways to travel the time would be far better spent in St. P.

Thanks for the advice. Yes, this would be on the Voyager during the 2015 season but not yet sure exactly which cruise.

5,000+ Club

We did the Moscow excursion "on a different luxury line", but from your brief description it sounds very much like the same trip, so I will operate on that assumption. It is a VERY long day! We left the ship at 5:30 AM and returned at 12:30 AM. The highspeed train trip is comfortable, and while they call it "Business Class" it does not compare well to the equivalent class on say Rail Europe. When we did it in 2011, we did have highspeed both ways, and the trip back seemed much longer as the adrenaline and excitement had worn off!:D

Moscow itself is not that terribly different from any other big city in the world, but this Cold War kid never thought he would ever stand in Red Square, never mind walk the grounds of The Kremlin, or tour The Kremlin Palace, or see (but not visit) Lenin's Tomb, or visit The Armoury. But he did, and he loved every minute of it! Yes, it is a long day, and you barely scratch a scratch on the surface, but it is worth it. There is a tremendous amount to see in St. Petersburg, but every Baltic cruise goes to St. Petersburg, so you can go back if you choose to. Not every cruiseline offers you the chance to see Moscow.


I have not personally done this tour, but our last time in St Petersburg, the private guide that we hired for a day was leading the regent tour to Moscow on the high speed train the next day. He said it was way better than the previous alternative, which was flying to Moscow and back. He said that you actually got to Moscow faster because you didn't have to deal with airline checkin etc. it did seem like a very long day to me, and there is so much to see and do in st. Petersburg that I didn't consider doing it.



We toured to Moscow from St. Petersburg via the hi-speed SAPSAN train last September, from a Baltic cruise on the Oceania Marina. You need to have a two-night, three day port call in St. Petersburg to take this tour because the tour typically leaves the ship around 5:00 - 5:30 AM and doesn't return until after midnight the next day. We didn't take the ship's tour; we made private arrangements with TravelAllRussia for three days of touring, the first and third days in St. Petersburg and the second day the tour to Moscow by train. Our cost for the private tour for three days was about the same as what the ship charged for the excursion to Moscow alone. There are a number of private tour agencies that operate in St. Petersburg and offer the Moscow train tours; we would strongly recommend them over the ship's tours.

All three days had private guides with car and driver. The second day, the driver picked us up at the ship and took us to the train, but we were alone on the train, and met in Moscow by the guide on the station platform. After our tour and dinner, we were brought back to the train and after the return train trip met by the driver and taken back to the ship. Because you are alone on the train you must have your own Russian visas.

If this is your first visit to St. Petersburg, I would agree there is much more to see there. We found Moscow somewhat a disappointment, particularly Red Square. The Kremlin and the cathedral in Red Square were also worth seeing. But the best thing we saw was the Moscow subway! I worked for the Washington Metro system back in the 1980s as it grew from 40 to 80 miles and although I was in the computer area, I learned a lot about the challenges of running a subway system. We used the Moscow system to get across the city from where we had dinner to the train station, and I was amazed at the cleanliness', speed of operation, the short headways maintained, and the courtesy of everyone involved. A very impressive experience!

We had been to St. Petersburg before, and so had the time to take a day and go to Moscow. Also, I really like trains, and the SAPSAN is a German train set running on Russian rails. Seats are like first class domestic air, spacious but not too plush or comfortable, but with enough room. Not too much recline, and almost 8 hours on the train in two shots is a lot for an old man. They come through and sell drinks, candy, etc. but the sellers don't speak English and no one around us helped, so we had just poor coffee once coming, and brought stuff with us for the trip back. Not too much to see from the train either, particularly on the return when it is night the whole way.

If you decide to go, take a private tour and avoid the overly expensive ship's tour. I'm glad we did it, but wouldn't bother to repeat the tour; we've seen Moscow.

Thanks so much to all of you for the thorough and thought insight. Yhe information you have provided is most helpful.

countflorida: Your detailed post is very helpful. We are not quite ready for a Baltic cruise but should do so within a year. Time enough to do our pre travel research, bookings and visa gathering.:) Thank you!

Emperor Norton

Emperor Norton

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.   Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?   My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

I did this on Seabourn. IMO DONT. Take Aeroflop (er Aeroflot). The train has non folding seats where you are literally knee to knee with your fellow passenger (facing each other). Further they don't believe in air conditioning. It's also the worlds slowed bullet train. I think I would have found more enjoyment wandering around the St. Petersburg and Moscow airports.


This is a little off topic,, however we had planned a river cruise in Russia but decided we would rather stay on land and have booked about two weeks with Travel-All-Russia using the private guide and driver. I'm curious as to how you found them as a tour company.

The guides they provided were fine. We had a different guide each of the days in St. Petersburg, but both were flexible, pleasant, knowledgeable and spoke English very well, as did the guide in Moscow, incidentally. She was a bit aloof, distant, not too friendly, but otherwise fine. In fact, she was the one who suggested taking the Metro, which unexpectedly became one of the highlights of the Moscow excursion. If I have a complaint with AllTravelRussia, it is with their plan and its execution (more later).

I had requested emphasis on World War II (in Russia, the Great Patriotic War) sites and info. In scheduling us, they weren't careful about dates and a couple of the sites we wanted to see were scheduled on the third day, after we'd been to Moscow. But both sites were closed that day of the week, and that info was readily available, right on web sites describing them. Also, the included meals (lunches in St. Pete, dinner in Moscow) were not what we asked for: light meals with some choices, so we could avoid things we didn't like and choose things we did like. My request was ignored; we were given full Russian meals with a fixed menu, no choice. On the first day, a fish dish was the entre, but I am allergic to fish. Fortunately, I had the e-mail I'd sent with me and showed it to the guide, and she was able to change my entre to chicken, which was very good actually. But we didn't want a 3-4 course lunches or dinner (in Moscow). We had the guide drop the lunch the third day, although we never got any credit or refund. But, particularly in contrast to the ship's tours, the prices were so reasonable we didn't worry too much about it.

The people who were on the ship's tour to Moscow saw us boarding the same train for which they were forced to queue up and wait on the way back, and asked us what we had done. I was candid and open so they were not happy when I explained what we had arranged and particularly what it had cost. Also, when we returned to the ship, we found they had laid on a late supper for those who had gone to Moscow, so up we went and had something. Well, it turns out the late supper was supposed to be just for those on the ship's tour, but we and others on 'independent' tours, there were a dozen or more of us, crashed the party, actually got there first, and they didn't realize it until the larger group arrived and there weren't enough tables/places set. By that time, the 'independents' had all gotten served and were eating; what could they do?

A couple from the larger group sat down with us and asked us about our tour, and they were the ones I told about our arrangement and its cost. They turned to others who’d been with them and announced the details, loudly enough so the whole room heard, which started a lot of bitching and complaining. I gathered they weren't very happy with the ship's tour to begin with, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. We finished up and beat it out of there, but overheard later that one of the excursion staff came to check on something and ran into a real mess. I caught a cold on the trip, which forced me to bed the second day following in Tallinn, so by the time we reappeared we heard about the contretemps' but apparently no one recalled who started it, thankfully.

Because of what happened to us, I would probably not use AllTravelRussia if I were to go again, or if I did, I would be sure to get confirmation of every detail of the tour. They do have good reviews generally, and we were certainly helped by their visa department and liked the guides and drivers. Their weakness, I say now with full 20:20 hindsight, is that once the sales person who plans the tour, sells it to you and collects your money, he (or she) transfers the plan to their Russia office for implementation; there is no follow-up to make sure it gets done right. And that is where our problems arose; we paid for a custom tour but got a standard package with a few destinations switched, and no one checked them out, even to see when they were open the day we were scheduled to go. If you check every detail that’s important to you, it should be OK, but that’s a hell of a way to have to do business, in my opinion.

Thank you for the 20/20 hindsight observation on your Russian tour operator, and better priced than the ship's excursion cost.

Thanks very much for the feedback.

We had the same experience as you so far as price. We originally booked a Viking Cruise but, hearing some things about the river cruises that made us unhappy, looked into other options. T-A-R cost the same or less than a cruise and had us in hotels for 11 days. We opted for the private tour. They have three tour levels, based on hotels. We originally opted for the four star as it did not cost much more than the three star hotels. Finally we decided to throw it all in and upgraded to five star. In Moscow we will be at the newly opened Kempinsky which is two blocks from Red Square. In St. Petersburg it is the Grand Hotel Europe, one of the most vaunted luxury hotels in Russia. Location is important for us as the tours use up only part of the day so being in the center of everything for our independent touring is important. As with many other cities, the less you pay, the farther out of the center of town you are.

We have been working with our salesman in D.C. and he seems to get back to us with the changes we want. He recently returned from Russia so is up on everything. When I asked they said they paid the full TA commission if I wanted so I got my usual TA on board so he is watching our back and giving us that extra level of comfort. He also set up our air, which I know pays him little or nothing, and got us business class for much less than T-A-R wanted for economy, though it took working for a while with a consolidator. He's happy to get his 10 percent on this trip without having booked it. He also took care of the trip insurance. We've been doing a lot of research on the CC sister site Trip Advisor and will write a report there. We will, I guess, become a source of info for CC members after having spent 5 days in Moscow and 6 in SP.

  • 4 months later...



Anybody considering a day trip to Moscow from St. Petersburg on the Sapsan may want to look at our travelogue filled with pictures.


Very informative. Thanks dor sharing. Jeff

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  7. TUI Cruises

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    Sure would appreciate someone who has taken Best of Moscow by high speed train from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day. Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also wha...