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Tour de cou Buff multifonctions test et avis pour le running hiver et été

Tour de cou Buff multifonctions test et avis pour le running hiver et été

Tester le tour de cou Buff pour courir c'est à mon avis l'adopter

Buff Original

Avis sur le Buff multi-fonctions après 2 ans de tests

Plusieurs façons de mettre son buff en hiver pour se protéger du vent

Le tour de cou multifonction : une protection pour tous

Tour de cou Style Moto/Motard

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  • Acheter un tapis de course pas cher



Outdoor And News

Tour de cou Buff : le foulard multifonction

Écharpe, couvre-chef, bandeau ou encore serre-tête, le tour de cou Buff est l’accessoire multifonction pour vos sorties en plein air ! Avec sa technologie CoolNet UV+ , il offrira à votre cou et à votre tête une protection solaire optimale et un effet rafraîchissant en cas de forte chaleur. Mais il vous protégera également du vent par temps plus frais. Outdoor and News vous en dit un peu plus sur la marque textile Buff , ainsi que sur ce produit ultra léger , extensible et écoresponsable .

Test outdoor du tour de cou Buff CoolNet UV+.

Buff : le textile innovant et écoresponsable à la Catalane

Fondée par Joan Rojas, Buff est une entreprise espagnole. C’est en Catalogne qu’elle voit le jour avec la création de son tour de cou original en microfibre et sans couture.

Ce qui était à la base un accessoire conçu pour lui-même pour l’accompagner dans ses chevauchées à moto fait vite sensation auprès de ses proches. Puis, en 3 ans à peine, le produit a un tel succès, qu’il est commercialisé dans plusieurs pays d’Europe.

Aujourd’hui, la marque catalane propose une gamme textile plus large : écharpes, bandeaux, casquettes, bonnets, vêtements… Son objectif : fabriquer des vêtements et des accessoires de qualité adaptés aux mouvements, aux conditions météorologiques et qui préservent l’environnement.

Ces produits textiles techniques se déclinent selon les saisons, mais également selon les activités sportives pour lesquelles ils sont conçus. En ce qui concerne les tours de cou, il existe des modèles spécifiques pour l’hiver, le vent, la mi-saison ou pour les conditions chaudes, comme celui que j’ai testé.

Enfin, l’entreprise Buff est engagée dans la protection de la nature. Elle utilise essentiellement des matériaux écoresponsables pour limiter l’impact écologique de la fabrication de ses produits.

Un tour de cou bluffant d'ingéniosité

Le foulard Buff est un accessoire multifonctionnel ultra léger que vous allez pouvoir moduler au gré de vos envies. S’il a été conçu avant tout pour protéger votre cou du soleil, de la chaleur ou d’un petit vent, il peut aussi facilement s’utiliser en bandeau, en bonnet ou encore pour retenir ou attacher vos cheveux. Il sera de toutes vos activités outdoor!

Un tissu ultra léger et écoresponsable

Le Buff se présente sous la forme d’un long tube de tissu sans couture . Grâce à la technologie stretch , le tissu est extensible . Il est donc facile de le plier et lorsque vous le portez autour du cou, il ne serre pas.

Présentation du tour de cou Buff CoolNet UV+.

J’ai apprécié cela en l’enfilant pour la première fois. Je n’ai ressenti aucune gêne, ni aucune irritation comme on pourrait en avoir avec un col roulé par exemple ou une écharpe trop serrée.

Enfin, autre point non-négligeable, l’entreprise catalane utilise un tissu de polyester fabriqué à partir de bouteilles recyclées . Ce tissu écoresponsable participe à réduire la pollution environnementale générée par l’industrie textile.

Innovation CoolNet UV+

Le tour de cou Buff CoolNet est prévu pour être porté avec des conditions météos comprises entre 10 et 30° Celsius. Sa technologie CoolNet UV+   procure une protection solaire indice 50 et un effet rafraîchissant .

Pour ma part, je l’ai testé lors d’une randonnée sur le littoral avec un soleil breton de février. Ce n’était donc pas la canicule. D’habitude, j’utilise un foulard pour me couvrir le cou. Et avec une météo équivalente, je finis souvent par le retirer après quelques kilomètres, car il me donne trop chaud.

Cet accessoire me paraissait tellement fin que j’avais peur d’avoir froid avec le petit vent frais du jour. J’ai été surprise qu’il me protège aussi bien de la fraîcheur de l’air. Et malgré les kilomètres et le soleil, je n’ai pas eu chaud. Le tissu permet une bonne évacuation de l’humidité .

Tour de cou Buff CoolNet.

Un foulard multifonctionnel

Il existe 12 manières d’utiliser le tour de cou. Vous pouvez le décliner en couvre-chef, en foulard, ou en accessoire pour maintenir vos cheveux, et ce en quelques pliages rapides et astucieux.

Votre nuque est exposée aux rayons du soleil ? Utilisez-le comme une écharpe.

À moins que vous préfériez protéger votre tête ? Il vous suffira de le plier selon la forme voulue : bonnet, pirate, foulard,  saharienne ou cagoule.

Vous pouvez aussi l’enfiler autour du cou et le remonter sur votre nez comme un masque pour vous protéger de l’air ou du soleil.

Enfin, vous le transformerez rapidement en bandeau, en serre-tête ou encore en chouchou pour attacher vos cheveux longs.

Si vous ne savez pas comment le porter, Buff a créé une vidéo explicative . Vous n’avez plus d’excuse !

Tour de cou Buff : mon avis

Le Buff est l’accessoire idéal pour protéger votre cou ou votre tête lors de vos activités en extérieur : marche, randonnée, running, trail, vélo…

Il ne serre pas lorsque vous le portez autour du cou et il ne bouge pas contrairement à une écharpe. Il ne vous gênera pas dans vos mouvements. 100 % sans couture , vous ne serez pas importuné non plus par des marques ou des frottements.

Il est multifonction et écoresponsable ! Et ça, on aime quand on a une conscience écologique et que l’on souhaite réduire son empreinte carbone et effectuer des achats responsables.

Avec son tissu fin en matières recyclées , il vous protège d’un vent frais, comme des rayons du soleil tout en régulant la température. J’ai apprécié de ne pas sentir mon cou en sueur malgré l’effort. De plus, la matière est respirante et agréable à porter.

Il se lave facilement en machine et après plusieurs lavages à 40°, il n’a pas bougé.

Les designs sont extrêmement variés et colorés. Motifs sobres ou dessins tape-à-l’œil et originaux, vous aurez l’embarras du choix sur leur boutique en ligne .

Et pour affronter les grands froids hivernaux, sachez que des modèles existent également en polaire.

Les prix sont abordables. Ils vont de 16 € à 30 €. Pour un produit écoresponsable, je trouve cela raisonnable.

Enfin, la marque a pensé aux enfants . Eux aussi trouveront leur bonheur avec des tours de cou à l’effigie de leurs héros préférés.

En bref : ce Buff m’a bluffée ! Pour un prix mini, c’est un accessoire qui offre plusieurs utilisations, tant pour vous accompagner dans vos sorties outdoor qu’à la ville. Et vous, utilisez-vous un tour de cou ? Venez nous le dire en commentaire.

Ne vous arrêtez pas en si bon chemin et venez découvrir nos autres tests d’articles de sport outdoor !

Et pour connaître toute l’actualité d’Outdoor and News : suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux.

Rédaction et photos : Maureen Pineau

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tour de cou buff avis

Tour de cou bleu Buff

Ref. 52154030

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  • Livraison chez vous - Le 30/04/24 Livraison standard offerte dès 49,00 €
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Sous 30 jours

En hiver, vous êtes parfaitement protégés avec ce tour de cou bleu Buff.

  • Ce tour de cou est fabriqué dans un mélange d'acrylique et de laine idéal pour protéger du froid et du vent.
  • Pour une protection optimale, l'intérieur est entièrement doublé en polaire.
  • Sa maille fine vous assure plus de souplesse et de confort quand vous le portez. Et il se glisse plus facilement sous le col de votre manteau.
  • Avec son style urbain, ce tour de cou bleu Buff s'adapte à tous les usages. Pour les sorties en ville comme les balades dans les bois, il vous protègera efficacement contre le froid.
  • Conseil d'entretien : laver à la main.
  • Référence 52154030

68% Acrylic / 16% wool / 16% nylon

Top 10 du rayon Mode

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  • Gants imperméables et respirants M
  • Gants Herringbone Woolrich L
  • Chèche volutes gris noir
  • Tour de cou anti-UV rafraîchissant
  • Veste Houdini Patagonia S
  • Tour de cou thermique bleu
  • Coffret chaussettes forêt
  • Gants Heat Holders gris S-M

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Tour de cou Windproof Solid Evo

Buff - Tour de cou Windproof Solid Evo Noir


  • Livraison 24h gratuite Sous conditions, plus d'informations dans nos CGV
  • 100 jours pour changer d'avis

Assurance Valeur à neuf Equipements Daf'Assur

  • - Remplacé ou remboursé !
  • - Jusqu'à 3 ans de garantie
  • - Assurance en cas d'accident

L'assurance exclusive Daf'Assur pour garantir en cas d'accident tous vos Equipements achetés chez Dafy !

Remplacé ou remboursé !

Votre équipement endommagé est soit remplacé par un équipement équivalent ou à défaut directement remboursé en valeur d'achat.

Jusqu'à 3 ans de garantie

Vous avez le choix d'assurer vos équipements pendant 1 an, 2 ans ou 3 ans.

Assurance en cas d'accident

L'assurance fonctionne si votre équipement a été endommagé à la suite d'un accident au guidon de votre moto. Elle ne couvre pas le vol, le vandalisme et l'usure.

Tous les Equipements couverts

L'assurance est possible pour les équipements et accessoires suivants : casques, bottes, blousons, vestes, gants, bagages, gilet airbag, vêtement de protection, vêtement de pluie, vêtement thermique et tout autre accessoire éligible en vente sur le site DAFY. La valeur maximum de l'article ne doit pas dépasser 1600 euros.

Quand suis-je garanti ?

Lors des déplacements d'ordre privés ou professionnels, à l'exception des activités du transport de personnes et de marchandises.

Description complète Tour de cou Windproof Solid Evo

  • Tour de cou Buff Windproof Solid Evo.
  • Tour de cou moto .
  • 95% polyester, 3% élasthanne, 2% PTFE.
  • Taille unique.


  • Tour de cou tubulaire technique protégeant efficacement du vent lors d'activités de haute intensité.
  • Technologie GORE® WINDSTOPPER® offrant une protection efficace contre le vent.
  • Technologie Ultrastretch : Ajustement dans 4 directions offrant une meilleure tenue et un confort optimal.
  • Confort et performance supérieure : sans coutures, protection UV, élasticité améliorée.

Tour de cou Windproof Solid Evo : Avis des clients

Tour de cou coupe-vent plutôt bien pensé, la membrane Gore-Tex a un peu de mal à glisser mais descend bien sous le col de ma veste.

Ou acheter un tour de cou ? Comment mettre un tour de cou ? Autant de questions auxquelles Buff peut répondre. Autour de votre cou, sur votre tête en bandeau, en protection de menton, sous votre casque... Plus de 12 façons différentes de porter cet équipement moto . Les tours de cou Buff ne sont limités que par votre imagination. Choisissez votre couleur, votre thème, portez-le quand il fait froid, chaud. Fini les moustiques et les UV, un tour de cou Buff vous protègera durant tous vos road trip, mais aussi pendant vos trajets quotidiens.

Rouler en groupe est toujours plus agréable. C'est avec nos partenaires que nous pouvons être toujours plus à votre écoute, afin de vous proposer une meilleure expérience. Laissez-vous porter par l'esprit motard ! Vous pourrez encore modifier votre direction par la suite ;) Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez lire notre politique de cookies .

Dafy, élu parmi les meilleurs sites de commerce en ligne en 2023

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Tour de cou Buff Aspect Charcoal

Tour de cou Buff Aspect Charcoal - Tours de cou | Pacific Pêche

19, 99 €

Choisissez un magasin pour voir la disponibilité

Paiement sécurisé  | Pacific Pêche

Description & détails


L'accessoire le plus polyvalent jamais créé. Fabriqué à partir de bouteilles en plastique recyclées, offrant une protection solaire UPF50 et pouvant être porté de plus de 12 façons différentes. Retournez-le, tournez-le, pliez-le, un Original vous couvre dans toutes les situations, chaudes, froides, venteuses, ensoleillées - pour faire l'activité que vous aimez le plus. Ne quittez pas la maison sans elle !

Technologie UltraStretch : Produit hautement extensible conçu pour une performance et un confort optimaux.

Ce produit contient l'équivalent de deux bouteilles en plastique recyclé. Ce n'est pas une ruse, il s'agit de développement durable !

Protection solaire certifiée UPF 50 contre les rayons ultraviolets (UV) produits par le soleil. Échantillons de tissus testés pour la protection UV conformément aux normes internationales.

Un grand nombre de façons de le porter et de possibilités. Polyvalence et liberté en un seul produit.


Caractéristiques :

  • Composition : 95% Polyester recyclé 5% Elasthanne
  • Instructions d'entretien : Lavage couleur à 40°C



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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow Tours

Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

tour de cou buff avis

Group Tour Moscow Break by Intourist

Russia's capital has so much to offer, from the Kremlin and the Metro to the Old Arbat street and the Tretyakov Gallery. Besides these sites, you will also visit a fascinating country estate which today is quite off the beaten path, Gorky Estate, where the Soviet leader Lenin spent the last months of his life.

tour de cou buff avis

Kolomenskoye Tour with transport

The history of Kolomenskoye stretches back for centuries. In 1380, Dmitri Donskoi’s army passed through Kolomenskoye on their way to the Kulikovo battlefield, and it was...

Tours by car

tour de cou buff avis

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour

The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city’s former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury...

Walking tours

tour de cou buff avis

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

tour de cou buff avis

Old Arbat walking tour

You will be told of the street’s interesting history and view the street’s artisan culture. You will also have the opportunity to view and purchase souvenirs from the...

tour de cou buff avis

Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

Considered by some to be the Russian Vatican, Sergiev Posad is the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Trinity St. Sergius Monastery (Lavra)...

tour de cou buff avis

Tour to Kuskovo with transport

The Kuskovo Estate often called the Moscow Versailles due to its perfectly preserved French park, is an example of an 18th century, luxurious Moscow summer residence. Its history...

tour de cou buff avis

Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

The Tsaritsyno Estate is located in the southern part of Moscow. The estate was constructed for Catherine the Great by the Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov in a romantic...

tour de cou buff avis

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians...

tour de cou buff avis

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone...

tour de cou buff avis

Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

This apartment museum located close to Patriarch Ponds became the prototype of the "bad apartment" described in the novel "The Master and Margarita." Currently the museum's...

Spasskaya Tower,Moscow Kremlin, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

The State Museum of Lev Tolstoy Tour

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. During the visit to the museum you will see part of a vast collection of exhibits connected to Tolstoy...

Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

Tour of the Novodevichy Monastery. Founded in 1524 by Grand Prince VasiliIoanovich, the original convent was enclosed by fortified walls and contained 12 towers. The structure...

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will...

tour de cou buff avis

City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous...

tour de cou buff avis

Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

tour de cou buff avis

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to...

tour de cou buff avis

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened...

Girl with Peaches by Alexander Serov

Tretyakov State Gallery Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and...

tour de cou buff avis

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious...

Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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Moscow travel guide

Moscow tourism | moscow guide, you're going to love moscow.

Moscow is sometimes known as "The Third Rome" and it doesn't disappoint. With the amazing architecture and history behind some of the buildings, it's the perfect combination of contemporary mixed with historic.

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Everywhere from the Moscow Business District to the Red Square will have some beautiful building or park and a plethora of delicious Russian food options. You'll be immersed in history everywhere you go, but you'll also see the signs of modern-day tsars.

The people of Moscow are welcoming and kind and can't wait to show you everything their city has to offer.

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Moscow

1. it's a history buff's paradise.

Moscow has a rich history, and not just from the time of the USSR. If you love history than the stories behind every building, landmark, and road in Moscow will have you chomping at the bit for more. Be sure to take a historic tour of the city.

2. It's an Architectural Dream

Moscow's architecture is unmatched, and the design and colors of every building are breathtaking. Visit the Kremlin, built in the 15th century, or Saint Basil's Cathedral from the 16th century.

3. Art Galleries and Museums Aplenty

There's nothing quite like Russian art, and Moscow is home to some of the world's most impressive collections. Be sure to visit the Tretyakov State Gallery or if you're into something more modern, the ARTPLAY Design Center and Flacon Design Factory.

4. The World-Renowned Subway Stations

Not many cities can claim their train stations as a drawcard, but the Moscow subway, built in 1935, is truly like walking through a royal castle. You can only imagine the engineering that went into building something so complex and impressive.

5. The Russian Theater

Probably the biggest draw to Moscow is the Russian Theater, which hosts everything from plays to ballet. The Bolshoi Ballet Company is among the most well-known symbols of Russia and experiencing this in person is incredible.

What to do in Moscow

1. moscow kremlin: russia's must-see.

The first stop in Moscow is the Red Square - home to the iconic St. Basil's Cathedral with its multicolored domes, and the gateway to the Kremlin. Just past Lenin's Mausoleum, this fortified citadel was built for royalty. Overlooking the river, it boasts a density of cathedrals and palaces behind thick walls. Step into the State History Museum and the Museum of Fashion for contrasting but equally enthralling Russian learning opportunities, or enjoy a stroll through the Aleksandrovsky Garden.

2. Bolshoi Theatre: The Show Must Go On

The Bolshoi Theater is a historical gem. This grand institution has hosted the famous Russian opera and ballet for centuries, and the performances have never lost their grandeur. The most talented opera singers and ballet dancers keep coming from Russian schools. Naturally, it is the ultimate venue to immerse yourself when it comes to traditional performance. The little sister to the Bolshoi, Maly Theater, is just across the street.

3. Cathedral of Christ the Saviour: A Worthwhile Reconstruction

This Orthodox Christian church was one of the tallest in the world until it was demolished by Stalin in 1931, as he planned to have the "Palace of the Soviets" built. Of course, this idea never came to fruition, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was certainly significant enough to rebuild. Since 1997 it has become a huge attraction for its beauty as well as a symbol of the country's tumultuous history. The golden domes shimmer from across the city, and the interior is fabulously colorful.

4. Gorky Park: Where Everyone Comes out to Play

This "Central Park of Culture and Leisure" lives up to its self-proclaimed title, boasting newly renovated recreation zones for visitors of all ages. For the ultimate experience, hop on the Sokolnicheskaya Metro Line and get off at Park Kultury to walk over the Crimean Bridge - the first thing you will see is the Main Gate of Gorky Park. From amusement rides to ice skating rinks, activities abound. Not to mention the simple delight of strolling by the river or lounging on the grass.

5. State Tretyakov Gallery: One Thousand Years of Art

The largest collection of Fine Russian Art in the world is found in Moscow's Tretyakov Gallery. National glory is celebrated across the halls of this museum, giving artists a platform when their work is often overlooked in foreign collections. Particularly telling are the modern art galleries, which exhibit political art created largely in response to the fascinating and tumultuous history of Russia over the 20th century.

Moscow Kremlin

Activities & attractions in Moscow

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Where to Eat in Moscow

Moscow is great for food of all types. There are high-end dining restaurants, some of which are world renowned, but there is also a lot of tasty street food and mid-range dining as well. For a luxury experience, try Savva in the city center, but expect to pay anywhere from ₽1,590 to ₽3,200 for a main. If you opt for street food, you'd be looking at paying around ₽400. For some lovely mid-range dining experiences great for solo travelers, couples, or families, check out Chaikhona No. 1 in Pushkin or Mari Vanna in Tverskaya. Mains here will be around ₽700 to ₽900. Drinks vary in price, but a beer will usually cost somewhere around ₽300.

When to visit Moscow

Deciding when to visit Moscow depends a lot on your budget and your durability. Russian winters are incredibly harsh with temperatures that reach below zero on some days and winds that will chill you to your core. This kind of weather isn't for everyone, but in the summer the temperatures can reach the high 80s. Shoulder seasons are a great time to experience Moscow because the temperatures are mild enough to enjoy the sights. Summers will always cost more because it's a peak travel period.


How to Get to Moscow

Most visitors come into Moscow by plane. The main airports are Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO), Domodedovo International Airport (DME), and Vnukovo International Airport (VKO). Sheremetyevo International is approximately 20 miles from the center. The best way to get into Moscow is by the Aeroexpress, which costs ₽500. Domodedovo International is around 28 miles away. To get into the city, take the train from the Paveletsky Rail Terminal for ₽470 rubles. Vnukovo International is about 19 miles from the city, and you can take the train for ₽470.

Although there are quite a few trains into Moscow from other European cities, it's not a particularly popular mode of transport since the journeys are quite long. There are nine train stations in Moscow, but the main one is Leningrad Station. The main train route is the overnight train from Warsaw on Russian Railways, which costs around ₽9,000.

The M1 goes into the city from the west and the M7 goes into the city from the east. Moscow has two circular highways around it, the Third Ring Road and MKAD. This makes it easy to approach the city from any angle once you get in from the M1 or M7.

Similar to the train, approaching Moscow by bus isn't a very common way to get there. However, Lux Express has many routes to Moscow. You can travel from Riga, Tallinn, Berlin, Warsaw, Minsk, Budapest, and more.

Airports near Moscow

Airlines serving moscow, where to stay in moscow.

When it comes to accommodation, Moscow has a little bit of everything. It does luxury beautifully, with stunning 5-star hotels dotted around the city with breathtaking views, such as the Ritz Carlton in Tverskaya, or the Ararat Park Hyatt Hotel in the city center. If you're after budget options, there are plenty of mid-range hotels such as the Hilton, and many excellent hostels, such as the Davydov Hostel in the Arbat district.

Popular Neighborhoods in Moscow

Tverskaya Street - this area north of the business district is one of Moscow's most popular. Famous for its amazing cafes, nightclubs, and overall nightlife, this is the suburb to be in for a fantastic party time.

Petrovka - east of Tverskaya lies this district, which is a perfect upmarket area for boutique shopping. You'll also find lots of historic sights here like two ancient monasteries.

Arbat district - although this district is very touristy, its colorful appearance and cute eating establishments make it a lovely area to pass some time without spending a fortune.

Where to stay in popular areas of Moscow

Most booked hotels in moscow, how to get around moscow, public transportation.

The public transportation routes in Moscow are excellent with a very well-connected subway network, trams, and buses. You can buy tickets ranging from a single journey all the way up to 60. One journey only costs ₽28.

Unlike other large cities, taxi prices in Moscow are relatively reasonable. You can expect to pay a base fee of around ₽150, and then about ₽90 per mile. There are plenty of taxis around Moscow, so you shouldn't have any problems flagging one down.

With multiple Hertz, Avis, Sixt, and Elite outlets, you'll have your pick of rental companies, and you can expect to pay around ₽2,403 a day. Rates become cheaper the longer you rent. For a three-day rental, expect to pay around ₽6,310.

The Cost of Living in Moscow

Shopping streets.

Moscow is great for high-end luxury shopping, but it also has many popular international stores that you would expect to see as well. The street for top-of-the-line jewelry and items is Tretyakovsky Proyezd, located in the city center. At Izmailovsky Park you'll find a large open-air bazaar where things will be much more affordable, but you will have to pay an entrance fee of ₽50.

Groceries and Other

Moscow is filled with cheap markets to find all kinds of delicious food at affordable prices. However, for your other grocery or personal needs, you'll find the big chain Auchan or the more upmarket Perekrestok. A loaf of bread will cost around ₽50, and a dozen eggs will cost about ₽109.

Shooter Files by f.d. walker

Street Photography Tips, Interaction, Travel, Guides

Apr 24 2017

City Street Guides by f.d. walker: A Street Photography Guide to Moscow, Russia


*A series of guides on shooting Street Photography in cities around the world. Find the best spots to shoot, things to capture, street walks, street tips, safety concerns, and more for cities around the world. I have personally researched, explored and shot Street Photography in every city that I create a guide for. So you can be ready to capture the streets as soon as you step outside with your camera!

At over 12 million people, Moscow is the largest city in Russia and second largest in Europe by population ( Istanbul is #1). An urban, cosmopolitan metropolis with more than enough glitz and glam to cater to the elite, but without losing its fair share of Soviet era roughness around the edges. It can be fast paced, brash, busy, and trendy like other big cities, but it has its blend of West meets Russia atmosphere and beauty that provides plenty of unique interest. The Red Square is as famous as it gets, but there’s so much more to this city, including the most beautiful subway system you’ve ever seen. It would take years to capture all of Moscow, but that means you have an endless amount of areas to discover.

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So here’s a Street Photography guide so you can be ready to capture all that Moscow has to offer before you even arrive!

  • Patriarch’s Pond
  • Old Arbat Street
  • Maroseyka Street
  • Tverskoy Boulevard

Top 5 Street Spots:

1. red square.

The Red Square is the most famous square in not just Russia, but all of Eastern Europe. The name actually doesn’t come from the color of the bricks or communism, but from the name in Russian, Krásnaya, once meaning “beautiful” before its meaning changed to “red.” This large plaza is what you see on the cover of guide books and magazines for Moscow, with St. Basil’s Cathedral being the center piece next to Lenin’s Mausoleum surrounded by the Kremlin Wall. Of course, the Red Square attracts hordes of tourist due to the main attractions, but all that activity around an interesting atmosphere does provide street photo opportunities. It’s also the central square connecting to the city’s major streets, providing a good starting point to explore outward.

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You’ll also find the popular pedestrian only Nikolskaya Street connecting the Red Square to Lubyanka Square. This line of expensive shops includes plenty of activity, while also leading you to another popular square. Filled with history rivaling any city, the Red Square and surrounding areas are the heart and soul of Russia.

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2. Patriarch’s Ponds

Patriarch’s Ponds is one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Moscow. Despite the name being plural, there’s only one large pond, but it’s worth a visit with your camera. It’s a popular spot for locals and expats to come relax or take a stroll around the pond. You get an interesting mix of young and old too, from young love to “babushkas” feeding pigeons. It’s a very peaceful park atmosphere in one of the nicer areas within the city center, while bringing enough activity for street photography. 

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The pond is shallow and in the winter becomes a popular spot for ice-skating too. The area is also well-known for the location in the famous Russian novel, The Master and Margarita. 

3. Old Arbat (Stary Arbat)

Old Arbat is the most famous pedestrian street in Moscow, and dating back to the 15th century, also one of its oldest. Originally, it was an area of trade, but soon became the most prestigious residential area in Moscow. During the 18th century, Arbat started attracting the city’s scholars and artists, including Alexander Pushkin. Cafes lined the streets and impressive homes filled the neighborhood. Since then, New Arbat street was created as a highway in the area, while Old Arbat was paved for a 1km pedestrian only walkway.

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Due to the historic buildings, famous artists that lived here, and the bohemian atmosphere, Old Arbat has become a big attraction for tourists today. Now, there’s a mix of cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, street performers, street merchants and other attractions for visitors, and some locals, to come enjoy. It can get really busy here and there’s usually something interesting going on so it’s a good street to come walk with your camera for guaranteed life.

4. Gorky Park

One of the most famous places in Moscow is Gorky Park. The official name is Maxim Gorky’s Central Park of Culture & Leisure, which gives you an idea of what goes on here. When built, it was the first of its kind in the Soviet Union. Divided into two parts, it stretches along Moscow River. One end contains fair rides, foods stands, tennis courts, a sports club, a lake for boat rides, and more. This end brings more active life due to its number of attractions, while the other end is more relaxed, where you’ll find gardens, trees, older buildings, and an outdoor amphitheater.

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Gorky Park attracts mostly locals so it’s a good spot to capture the non-tourist side of Moscow life. Muscovites come here to escape the city and unwind in a picturesque setting. The park remains alive outside of the warmer months too, especially when the lake turns into the city’s largest outdoor skating rink. I’d recommend taking the metro out here to spend at least half a day exploring the massive park’s life with your camera.

5. Maroseyka Street

Maroseyka Street is a popular area not too far from the Red Square. The long, winding street turns into Pokrovka and is lined with restaurants, cafes, bars and places to stay. It’s actually where I like to stay when I’m in Moscow due to its location and solid street photography opportunities itself. You have Kitay-gorod station near and if you keep walking southwest, you’ll get to the Red Square. But if you walk northwest, as it changes to Pokrovka, you can find a long street of activity for photography with its own interesting atmosphere.

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6. Tverskoy Boulevard

Tverskoy Boulevard is the oldest and longest boulevard in Moscow, beginning at the end of Nikitsky Boulevard, and finishing at Pushkin Square, a spot to come for activity itself. The boulevard is made up of two avenues, with pedestrian walkways in-between. You’ll find grass, shrubbery, trees, benches and more walking it’s almost kilometer length. Many people come here to enjoy some relaxation, walk their dog, or just to use it to walk wherever they’re going. Its center location also provides a nice place to walk with your camera near plenty of other spots you’ll want to check out anyway.

Sample Street Walk:

For a full day of Street Photography, covering some of the best spots, you can follow this sample street walk for Moscow:

  • Start your morning walking around the Red Square (1), while exploring the surrounding area, including Nikolskaya Street
  • Then walk northwest to Patriarch’s Ponds (2) and slowly walk the pond and surrounding area with your camera
  • Next, walk east to the Pushkin Monument and stroll down Tverskoy Boulevard (6)
  • Once Tverskoy Boulevard (6) ends, it will turn into Nikitsky Boulevard. Follow this down until you get to the start of Old Arbat Street (3), across from Arbatskaya station
  • After you’re done walking down Old Arbat Street (3) for more street photography, spend some time checking out Moscow’s beautiful metro stations
  • To finish off the day with more street photography, get off the metro near Red Square (1) again, Maroseyka Street (5) or wherever you’re staying for the night.

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3 Things I’ll Remember about Shooting in Moscow:

1. museum metro.

The Moscow metro system was the first underground railway system in the Soviet Union and today includes 203 stations across 340km of routes. The elaborate system has some of the deepest stations in the world too, with escalators that seem to go on forever. None of this is what makes it so special, though. Many of its stations feel like stepping inside a museum, making it without a doubt the most interesting and beautiful metro system I’ve been in.

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When built, Stalin wanted to make the metro stations “palaces for the people” with marble, chandeliers, and grand architecture. The best part is the variety of architecture and styles used, making many of the stations a completely different experience visually. You could easily spend a whole day traveling the stations and there are even tours available for people who wish to do just that. My advice, though, would be just to buy a ticket and hop on and off at different stations, while exploring different lines. The museum-like surrounding mixed with the crowds of characters can make for a great photography experience.

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Since there are so many stations, here are some of my favorites to check out:

  • Novoslobodskaya
  • Mayakovskaya
  • Elektrozavodskaya
  • Komsomolskaya
  • Ploschad Revolyutsii
  • Dostoyevskaya
  • Prospekt Mira

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2. Moscow is Big

It’s no secret that Moscow is a big city, but it can feel even bigger with how spread out much of it is. This is especially true if you compare it to cities outside of Asia. If I compared it to cities in Europe, I’d probably say only Istanbul would warrant more time to really discover the depths of this city. Most only explore around the Red Square and surrounding area, but that is such a small part of the city. Although, that central area does give you plenty to see on its own.

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Fortunately, I had a good friend living in the city to show me around, but it opened up my eyes even more to how much there is to discover in Moscow. It’s a big city with a variety of atmosphere that can take you from “east” to “west” and trendy to rugged depending on where you go. I’d imagine you’d have to live here a while to really know the city.

3. Cosmopolitan Mix of East meets West

Modern skyscrapers mixed with amazing architecture, a world-class metro system with museum-like beauty, trendy fashion and chic clubs, Moscow is a rich mix of Russian culture and history in a more western cosmopolitan package. There is a push to keep the Russian culture, while also pushing forward with a modern metropolis the whole world will envy. This comes with an impressive skyline, that continues to grow, and endless modernities, but with soviet nostalgia and atmosphere mixed in for good measure.

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Mixed in with this grand western cosmopolitan atmosphere, is a strong national pride in Russia. This includes their famous leader, Vladimir Putin. Maybe no other place will you see a country’s leader more often. All over, from the pricey tourist shops to the underground walkway stalls, you’ll find goods with Putin’s likeness covering them. From t-shirts to magnets to Matryoshka dolls. There’s a strong national pride that can be seen around the city, which also extends to their leader. Moscow is many things. It’s East meets West, modernizations meets Soviet era, and a whole lot more.

What To Do For a Street Photography Break?:

Eat at a stolovaya.

Stolovayas are Russian cafeterias that became popular in the Soviet days. You grab a tray and walk down the line of freshly prepared local dishes, and select whatever you want from the chefs. They’re usually inexpensive and a much better value than restaurants, while giving you the opportunity to try from a wide selection of everyday Russian food. They’re also very tasty. I always include some borsch on my tray and go from there. The places themselves are all over Moscow and usually come with Soviet-era aesthetics to complete the experience.

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Street Safety Score: 7

*As always, no place is completely safe! So when I talk about safety, I’m speaking in general comparison to other places. Always take precaution, be smart, observe your surroundings and trust your instincts anywhere you go!

Being the 2nd largest city in Europe with over 12 million people, you’re going to have your dangerous areas, but for the most part, it feels safe walking around. Russia is statistically higher in crime compared to most of Europe, but this generally doesn’t apply to tourists and visitors. Around the Red Square and surrounding city center, you should feel completely safe walking around. Pick pocketing can happen, but no more than other touristic places. I always explore Moscow freely without coming across too much to worry about. It’s a spread out city, though, so of course it matters where you are. Just use basic street smarts, know where you are and Moscow shouldn’t give you a problem. 

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People’s Reaction Score: 7

Moscow is fast paced, big city life, which usually means people aren’t too concerned with you, or your camera. I don’t find people notice or pay much attention to me when I’m out taking photos in Moscow. For the most part, people just go about their day. You shouldn’t get too many looks or concern. But it can depend on the area you are in. The more you stick out, the more you might get noticed with suspicions. I’ve never had any problems in Moscow, or Russia, but just be careful who you’re taking a photo of if you get out of the city center. Other than that, it’s about average for reactions. 

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Street Tips:

Learn the alphabet .

Much of Moscow, including the metro system, doesn’t use english. The Russian alphabet uses letters from the Cyrillic script, which if you aren’t familiar with it and don’t know the sounds, can be hard to decipher the words. This is most important for street names and metro stops when trying to get around. It can save confusion and make it easier getting around if you learn the basic alphabet. At the very least then, you can sound out the words to see which are similar in the english conversion, which can help matching them to maps. When out shooting street photography, getting around is as important as anything. So save yourself some time and frustration by learning the Russian Alphabet.

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Use the metro

While Saint-Petersburg feels very walkable for a city its size, Moscow can feel very spread out, even for its bigger size. Outside of the Red Square area, you can have plenty of walking before getting anywhere very interesting, so you’ll need to take the metro a lot if you really want to explore the city. Maps are deceiving here too, it will always be further than it looks.

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Another reason it’s less walkable than Saint-Petersburg is its completely different set-up. Moscow’s streets are mostly contstructed in rings with narrow, winding streets in-between. This is common with medieval city cities that used to be confined by walls, but you usually don’t have it in a city this massive. Saint-Petersburg has a more grid-like pattern that also uses the canals to help you know your way around. When it comes to navigating on foot in Moscow, it can be more difficult, so bring a map and take the metro when needed. It’s why Moscow’s metro carries more passengers per day than the London and Paris subways combined.

Explore other areas if you have time

Moscow is really big. While most people stay around the Red Square within the Boulevard Ring, there’s so much more to the city. I covered some other spots outside of this circle, but if you really want to see the city, you’ll need time. If you do have time, some other areas I’d check out first are Zamoskvarechye, along some of the south and western Moscow.

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For some more inspiration, you can look through the Street Photography of Moscow photographer Artem Zhitenev  and check out 33 of my photos taken in Moscow .


Moscow’s name brings a certain mystique, but once you’re there it might bring a different atmosphere than you expect. It’s big and sprawling, but beautiful in many ways. It can feel like a European capital on a grand scale, but you can definitely find its Russian side in there.

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The urban sprawl of Moscow can be intimidating, but give it enough time and you’ll be rewarded with plenty to discover. All with the world’s best metro system to take you around.

I hope this guide can help you start to experience some of what Moscow contains. So grab your camera and capture all that Moscow has to offer for Street Photography!

If you still have any questions about shooting in Moscow, feel free to comment below or email me!

(I want to make these guides as valuable as possible for all of you so add any ideas on improvements, including addition requests, in the comment section!)

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(A New Guide Posted Every Other Wednesday)

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Top Tours in Moscow, Russia

Moscow tours.

  • Private Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • Garden Ring
  • Boulevard Ring
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Hidden Gems
  • Adventurous
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Moscow Private Tours


2. Mosstreets


3. Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer


4. Flotilla Radisson Royal


5. Moscow Free Tour


6. Bridge to Moscow


7. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours


8. Go Russia Travel Company


10. City Pub Crawl Moscow


11. Privilege Tour


13. Moscow Navigator


14. Trans-Siberian Railway Network


15. Put-in Tours


16. Moscow River Boat Tours


17. Walks With Folks


18. Moskovskiye Gulyaki

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19. Moscow Bike Tours


20. Real Russia


22. Happy Moscow Tours


23. Tour of Moscow - Day Tours


24. Kremlin Tour


25. Three Whales


26. Guia de Moscú


27. IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow


28. Tsar Visit


29. Excursions in Russia


30. Sup-Club

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  • The Red Arrow
  • Put-in Tours
  • Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours
  • Walks With Folks
  • Happy Moscow Tours
  • IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow
  • Moscow Private Tours
  • Moscow Bike Tours
  • Tour Gratis Moscu
  • Moscow Free Tour
  • YourLocalGuide Moscow
  • Moscow Navigator
  • Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer
  • Angel Taxi - Day Tour
  • Your Moscow Guide & Driver
  • Gulyayem po Moskve
  • Tanksdriving
  • PandaPark Fili
  • Excursions in Russia
  • Vadim Pavlov Guide and Driver in Moscow


  1. Tour de Cou Multifonction Original by BUFF

    tour de cou buff avis

  2. Tour de Cou Buff Original

    tour de cou buff avis

  3. Tour de Cou Multifonction Old Gray by BUFF

    tour de cou buff avis

  4. Tour de Cou Réversible Polar Gao by BUFF

    tour de cou buff avis

  5. Tour de Cou Buff Original Solid ASH

    tour de cou buff avis

  6. Tour de Cou pour Enfant Lizzie by BUFF

    tour de cou buff avis


  1. Tour de cou BUFF®

  2. Tour de cou BUFF®

  3. 10 façons de porter un tour de cou "BUFF" + autres astuces!

  4. Comment porter un tour de cou BUFF POLAIRE REVERSIBLE


  6. TOP 10 façons ORIGINALES de porter un BUFF (tour de cou) !


  1. Tour de cou Buff multifonctions test et avis pour le running hiver et été

    Manières de tester le tour de cou Buff. En guise de bandeau, il protège parfaitement les oreilles et il est vraiment très agréable à porter, il se fait oublier. En cache cou bien évidemment on peut le disposer comme on le souhaite c'est vraiment extra. Il se transforme en bonnet selon un simple pliage, là encore il est efficace.

  2. Cache Cols Multifonctionnelles

    Tour de cou multi-position. Tirez le meilleur parti de vos guêtres de cou grâce à nos tubulaires super polyvalents et multifonctionnels ! Que vous soyez à la recherche d'une mode ou d'une protection, ces guêtres de cou sont faites pour vous. Avec 12 façons différentes de les porter, vous êtes sûr de trouver le look qui vous convient.

  3. Cache Cols

    Le tour de cou multifonctions peut être porté comme un masque, un bandeau ou une cagoule. Plus de 12 façons différentes ! Choisissez votre style Cou. Tout Tour de cou multi-position Cache-cous Bandana. Filtrer par: 414 Produits. ... À propos de BUFF.

  4. Tour de cou Buff : le foulard multifonction

    En quelques années, le tour de cou Buff est devenu un accessoire apprécié des sportifs outdoor. Découvrez notre test du Buff CoolNet UV et notre avis sur ce produit multifonctionnel, tendance et écoresponsable.CONTINUER LA LECTURE. Le tour de cou Buff est devenu un accessoire multifonction apprécié des sportifs outdoor. ...

  5. Avis / tests de tours de cou pour le running et le trail

    797 avis à découvrir sur 233 buffs ou tours de cou pour le running et le trail. Trouvez les meilleurs prix, posez votre question sur le produit à des coureurs utilisant déjà ce produit. Avis, test, questions-réponses et meilleurs prix sur runagora.

  6. Tour de cou CoolNet UV®

    Tour de cou multifonction Solid Black Multi CoolNet UV®, Green Cold. Technologie CoolNet® UV: 95 % de matériaux recyclés, protection solaire et effet rafraîchissant. | Original BUFF®

  7. BUFF : Tours de cou chaud et casquettes respirantes

    Buff, le spécialiste du tour de cou!La marque Buff propose des tours de cou fonctionnels pour des pratiques variées, tel que le ski, le trail ou bien encore le vélo. Découvrez également la casquette Buff : ultra-légère et compacte, elle est parfaitement taillée pour la course ! Pour les conditions les plus extrêmes, découvrez les cagoules Buff en laine mérinos, une première couche ...

  8. Tour de cou Buff CoolNet UV

    Le tour de cou Buff CoolNet UV vous apporte une protection solaire de qualité et un effet rafraichissant. Il est conçu à 95 % de matériaux recyclés, se montre léger et confortable grâce à sa conception sans coutures. ... Laissez-nous votre avis ! Nous vous offrons un bon de 5€ HT pour 5 avis validés. Laissez-nous un avis. Titre. Avis ...

  9. Tour de cou bleu Buff

    Tour de cou bleu Buff. 39,95 €. 5/5 (2 avis) Il protège votre cou avec style contre les frimas de l'hiver ... Lire la description. Ref. 52154030. Ajouter au panier. Retirer en magasin. Vendu et expédié par Nature & Découvertes.

  10. Le tour de cou multifonctionnel BUFF® est-il disponible en taille

    Notre tour de cou multifonctionnel BUFF® est disponible en deux tailles : enfants et adultes. Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ? Oui Non. Utilisateurs qui ont trouvé cela utile : 0 sur 0. Send a request. Send a request. Retour en haut Articles associés .

  11. Comment le tour de cou multifonctionnel BUFF® est-il produit

    La plupart des tour de cou multifonctionnels BUFF® sont fabriqués dans notre usine d'Igualada, à proximité de Barcelone, en Espagne. Des millions d'exemplaires sont vendus chaque année dans le monde entier.

  12. Tour de cou Windproof

    Un tour de cou Windproof qui vous aide à lutter contre les éléments, tout en respectant la terre. Dans les conditions les plus difficiles, vous pouvez compter sur la technologie Windstopper® de GORE-TEX®, déperlante et évacuant la transpiration, fabriquée à partir de 54 % de matériaux recyclés avec un traitement sans PFC respectueux de l'environnement.

  13. Tour de cou Windproof Solid Evo Buff moto

    Tour de cou Buff Windproof Solid Evo. Tour de cou moto. Conception. 95% polyester, 3% élasthanne, 2% PTFE. Taille unique. Caractéristiques. Tour de cou tubulaire technique protégeant efficacement du vent lors d'activités de haute intensité. Technologie GORE® WINDSTOPPER® offrant une protection efficace contre le vent.

  14. Tours de cou BUFF

    Tour de cou Buff Duck Blind. 19,99 €. Ajouter au panier. BUFF. Tour de cou Buff Andrea Larko Bonefish Sage. 19,99 €. Ajouter au panier. Découvrez nos Tours de cou pour pêche BUFF sur Pacific Pêche au meilleur prix et trouvez le modèle qui vous convient. Garantie 2 ans, livraison gratuite en magasin.

  15. Le tour de cou multifonctionnel BUFF® est-il disponible en taille

    Notre tour de cou multifonctionnel BUFF® est disponible en deux tailles : enfants et adultes. Aller au contenu principal. BUFF® | Help Center; CUSTOM BUFF® : PLUS DE 100 UNITÉS; JE VEUX PLUS D'INFORMATIONS SUR LE TOUR DE COU MULTIFONCTIONNEL. Articles dans cette section

  16. Tour de cou Buff Merino Lightweight

    Le tour de cou Buff Merino Lightweight est l'accessoire parfait pour les cyclistes écoresponsables. Il est à prendre lors de toutes vos sorties par temps frais. Il vous apportera une protection contre les courants d'air et vous gardera au chaud.

  17. Tour de cou Buff Aspect Charcoal

    Caractéristiques : Composition : 95% Polyester recyclé 5% Elasthanne. Instructions d'entretien : Lavage couleur à 40°C. Découvrez notre Tour de cou Buff Aspect Charcoal Tours de cou Pacific Pêche, spécialiste du matériel de pêche. Garantie 2 ans et livraison gratuite en magasin.

  18. Le meilleur tour de cou

    Notre tour de cou a été le tout premier du marché. Aujourd'hui, après 30 ans de perfectionnement, c'est aussi le meilleur. Réalisé à partir de bouteilles recyclées et produit à l'aide d'une énergie non polluante, il se séduit par sa matière stretch sans couture, son confort éprouvé et sa polyvalence. Un accessoire unique, imaginé ...

  19. The 20 Best Moscow Tours for 2022

    This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing. $ 941 From/Per person. Details.

  20. Moscow Travel Guide

    What to do in Moscow. 1. Moscow Kremlin: Russia's Must-See. The first stop in Moscow is the Red Square - home to the iconic St. Basil's Cathedral with its multicolored domes, and the gateway to the Kremlin. Just past Lenin's Mausoleum, this fortified citadel was built for royalty. Overlooking the river, it boasts a density of cathedrals and ...

  21. City Street Guides by f.d. walker:

    You could easily spend a whole day traveling the stations and there are even tours available for people who wish to do just that. My advice, though, would be just to buy a ticket and hop on and off at different stations, while exploring different lines. The museum-like surrounding mixed with the crowds of characters can make for a great ...

  22. Tour de cou DryFlx®

    Tour de cou multifonctionnel sans couture avec réflectivité à 360° pour une meilleure visibilité en cas de faible luminosité. Une construction éprouvée, extensible dans les 4 directions, à séchage rapide et sans couture, fabriquée à partir de 71 % de matériaux recyclés, notamment des bouteilles en plastique et des airbags de voiture.

  23. THE 10 BEST Moscow Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    International flight home If you want to join the best tour contact the 7SUMMITS CLUB. 10. City Pub Crawl Moscow. 158. Bar, Club & Pub Tours • Night Tours. Basmanny. By sureshs952. Never miss this activity if at all you ever travel to moscow or st. petersberg. 11.