Work and Travel USA


Es un programa de Intercambio dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de todos los países del mundo, el cual a través de una Visa J-1 de Intercambio Cultural, les da la oportunidad de tener una experiencia de trabajo remunerada en los Estados Unidos durante un periodo máximo de 4 meses. Adicionalmente, los participantes del programa podrán estar 1 mes más en calidad de turistas en los Estados Unidos, una vez han terminado su periodo de trabajo.

El programa de Work and Travel USA le permite a los estudiantes Colombianos participar entre el 1 de mayo y el 30 de agosto, tiempo en el cual podrán trabajar legalmente en diferentes lugares de los EEUU y en empresas tales como parques acuáticos, parques de diversiones, resorts, hoteles, restaurantes, etc.

Los estudiantes que participan en el programa de Work and Travel USA deben saber que al trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos, deberán costear sus gastos de manutención al momento de hacer parte de este. Por esta razón, quienes participan en el programa deben contar con los fondos necesarios que les permita vivir y mantenerse en los Estados Unidos por lo menos hasta el momento en que reciban su primer pago por el trabajo realizado durante el programa.

work travel bucaramanga

Ser estudiante de tiempo completo

Ser estudiante universitario(a) activo(a), en modalidad presencial y de tiempo completo, cursando una carga académica de al menos 4 materias al momento de solicitar su visa en la Embajada de los EEUU y que tenga como mínimo 1 año de estudio por cursar al momento de volver del programa.

work travel bucaramanga

Contar con la edad requerida

Ser mayor de 18 años y menor de 28. Para mayores de 28 años tenemos otros programas.

work travel bucaramanga

Tener el nivel de inglés necesario

Tener un nivel de inglés Intermedio con el que pueda mantener una conversación en inglés.

¿Necesitas ayuda?

Estamos aquí para ayudar a nuestros clientes en cualquier momento..


Más información.

  • Brochure Digital Work and Travel USA

Inscríbete aquí

¿Qué incluye?

Aplicación y material de apoyo.

Manuales, guías y formularios para el programa.

Oferta de empleo

Asignación y verificación de la oferta de empleo.

Certificado DS – 2019

Certificado de elegibilidad expedido por el sponsor.

Solicitud de visa J1

Orientación, preparación y asesoría para la cita.

Preparación del viaje

Orientación antes de partir y al llegar a USA.

Apoyo durante el tiempo del programa 24/7.

Seguro médico

Línea de emergencias y seguro médico internacional.

Registro en SEVIS

Registro, pago y seguimiento a través de SEVIS.

work travel bucaramanga

Pasos para iniciar mi programa

Paso 1: Inscripción al programa:

El costo de inscripción es de ciento cincuenta mil pesos ($150.000) colombianos. El participante puede inscribirse siempre y cuando cumpla con todos los requisitos del programa. Es importante tener en cuenta que el valor de la inscripción no es reembolsable ni transferible.

Paso 2: Entrevista en inglés:

ISC llevará a cabo una entrevista en inglés con el aspirante para evaluar su nivel de inglés y verificar la idoneidad de su perfil para el programa.

Si te inscribiste y pasaste la entrevista, prepárate para iniciar tu aventura.

work travel bucaramanga


El síndrome post viaje es real y bastante poderoso en este caso. uno vuelve a su país de origen luego de los 4 meses y lo único que pasa por tu cabeza es volver. hay que velar por la felicidad a corto plazo, créame, jamás se va a arrepentir de haber sido parte de una oportunidad como esta. cuando tenga 90 años y este viendo para atrás todo lo que hizo en su vida, ¿realmente cree que se va a arrepentir de haber pasado 4 meses viviendo en el extranjero cuando era joven, viajando y conociendo lugares nuevos., diego arroyo – estudiante participante de work and travel usa con isc colombia., viaja, vive y no pares de soñar.

Alista tu maleta y prepárate para vivir una experiencia inolvidable. Tenemos más de 1.200 ofertas de trabajo en los mejores destinos de los Estados Unidos.  Trabaja en Hoteles, Parques de Diversiones, Parques Acuáticos, Restaurantes, Resorts y Parques Nacionales.


Tenemos experiencia internacional de más de 13 años de experiencia y más de 2.500 clientes satisfechos en países como Colombia, Perú, Chile, Costa Rica y Estados Unidos.

Somos una empresa líder en programas académicos y de intercambio en el exterior creada bajo principios de honestidad, responsabilidad, trabajo y servicio.

Nuestros clientes son los primeros en recomendarnos con sus amigos y familiares debido a nuestro excelente servicio.


La oportunidad de participar en los mejores programa de intercambio en el exterior, en los cuáles podrás obtener experiencia laboral en reconocidos Hoteles, Parques Temáticos, grandes cadenas de Restaurantes y Resorts en los Estados Unidos.

Nuestros programas de Work and Travel USA, es la mejor oportunidad para conocer Estados Unidos, perfeccionar el nivel de inglés, viajar, conocer, hacer amigos de otras partes del mundo, ganar dinero para solventar tus gastos y ahorrar.

Nuestros programas de Work and Travel USA, han sido creados por El Departamento de Estado, es decir que estos son programas avalados por el Gobiernos de Estados Unidos y su objetivo es permitir a jóvenes de diversos países del mundo, experimentar, conocer, viajar y brindar una experiencia de vida.


Según la tarea a desempeñar, tus ingresos pueden variar entre $8,00 y $15,00 dólares Americanos por hora trabajada.

Trabajarás de 32 a 40 horas semanales y en algunos trabajos podrás recibir horas extras.

Podrás tener un segundo o tercer trabajo si así lo deseas.

Podrás recuperar lo invertido, ahorrar, vivir de tus propios ingresos, viajar y tener la mejor experiencia de tu vida.


Asistencia y orientación total en la obtención de tu permiso de trabajo.

Asignación garantizada y verificación de una oferta de trabajo en Estados Unidos antes de solicitar tu respectivo visado.

Aseguramos tu alojamiento antes de viajar.

Asesoría profesional para trámites de solicitud de visa para los Estados Unidos.

Orientación y asistencia durante el programa 24 horas al día y 7 días a la semana.

Seguro Médico Internacional.

Orientación y apoyo antes de viajar y durante tu estadía en el exterior.


  • Material de apoyo (Student Handbook, Application forms, manuals and guides)
  • Asignación garantizada y verificación de una oferta de trabajo en los Estados Unidos antes de solicitar tu visado.
  • Asignación y verificación de hospedaje en un lugar apropiado.
  • Obtención de tu formulario DS-2019, el cual te permite solicitar el visado adecuado para viajar a los Estados Unidos.
  • Orientación, preparación y asesoría en tramites de visa.
  • Orientación y charla antes de partir y al llegar a los Estados Unidos.
  • Apoyo durante el tiempo del programa 24 horas al día y 7 días a la semana.
  • Línea gratuita de emergencias.
  • Seguro médico internacional con cobertura por el tiempo del programa.


Hace unos años empecé a conversar con unos amigos y algunos de ellos comentaban haber ido a un viaje de intercambio a Estados Unidos, me parecía una experiencia chévere y divertida según la contaban ellos. Sin embargo no estaba muy interesada en el tema. Ya terminando mi carrera empecé a averiguar y a enterarme de todos los beneficios que uno podía tener, me interesó la agencia ISC porque es una empresa seria y lleva muchos años en el negocio. El día que me entregaron la visa estaba feliz porque ya estaba lista para emprender ese viaje que tanto había deseado. Estando allá conocí muchas personas distintas a mí pero a las cuales les llegué a coger mucho cariño e incluso puedo decir que hice verdaderos amigos con los cuales todavía tengo contacto y hablo como si los conociera de toda la vida. Este lazo de amistad se forma de una manera muy fuerte ya que yo no tenía familia, convivíamos y compartíamos muchas experiencias juntos. Viajamos cada vez que podíamos, todos los días había un motivo para celebrar. Mis compañeros de trabajo eran muy amables, mi jefe como un papá. Como todo es una experiencia que tiene buenos y malos momentos, sin embargo de cualquier situación allá saqué mil enseñanzas. Estaría dispuesta a realizar este viaje cuantas veces sea posible, es una aventura la cual no todas las personas la tienen y yo fui una de ellas.

– Laurenys Turizo Mejía

Todo comenzó un 20de Mayo de 2013 cuando me encontraba realizando un parcial final exactamente a las 8:00 de la mañana en la UNAB. Me tocó salir en carrera para el aeropuerto Palo negro a las 10:30 amdespués de haber terminado el examen para coger el vuelo hacia Bogotá y posteriormente a Nueva York. Llegué a la capital del mundo a las 12:30 de la madrugada, me encontraba solo pero muy emocionado, salí del aeropuerto y tomé un taxi que me llevó a la PennStation para coger el tren que finalmente me llevaría a mi destino final, Harrisburg.

A pesar de todo el trabajo, el pago era bueno, y trataba de disfrutar al máximo cada momento que vivía al lado de mis nuevos amigos y de las personas que estaban participando del intercambio cultural. Teníamos fiestas increíbles que empezaban desde las 2 de la tarde y se acababan al otro día a las 6 de la mañana, dormía media hora y me iba a trabajar. Aparte de las fiestas jugábamos fútbol cada domingo en el estadio de Harrisburg, eran partidos muy emocionantes. También viajamos a muchos lugares como Washington, Niagara falls, oceancity, y atlanticcity entre otros, ademas gracias a esta experiencia aprendí el significado del trabajo duro. En fin fue una gran experiencia, la cual me gustaría repetir.

– Jose P Camargo

Estuve trabajando para Galveston Beach Patrol, una empresa de Salvavidas en la ciudad de Galveston, Estado de Texas.

El equipo de Salvavidas de Galveston es uno de los más antiguos de Estados Unidos y uno de los más activos en la Costa Este. Ser salvavidas es un honor y a la vez una puerta a los corazones de los que nacieron en la isla.

Si bien la remuneración económica está muy por encima de la mayoría de las ofertas ofrecidas para los estudiantes que viajan por el programa Work and Travel USA, es la remuneración espiritual la que termina siendo la más valiosa. Detener un sangrado menor, reunir a un niño con sus padres o incluso salvar una vida, son experiencias enaltecedoras que pueden cambiar la visión que uno mismo tiene sobre las cosas.

– Juan Sebastián López Murcia

Una experiencia nueva, agradable y realmente necesaria, en donde puedes aprender el sentido real de la independencia, de cómo ser responsable y ordenar tus prioridades.

Además de esto es una experiencia única, donde puedes conocer, ciudades realmente importantes donde siempre has querido estar, como New york, Washington, los ángeles y las vegas. En mi experiencia personal, puedo decir que realmente valió la pena, primero que todo por mi nivel de inglés, la mejora es realmente notoria además de el gran intercambio cultural, llegue a conocer gente de Korea, Ukrania, Republica Checa, USA, Jamaica, Moldovia, Eslovaquia, entre otros países, y eso, es lo más importante que pude haber vivido, el conocer y compartir a su vez con tanta diversidad cultural.

Work and travel “un intercambio que vale la pena”

– Julian Moreno



International Cultural Experience

work travel bucaramanga

Somos un equipo de trabajo con casa matriz en Bucaramanga, Colombia. Nos dedicamos a promover experiencias de vida transformadoras que trascienden fronteras y permiten explorar diferentes culturas, idiomas y sistemas educativos. Ofrecemos un amplio portafolio de servicios y programas de intercambio de alta calidad, con el fin de enriquecer vidas y construir puentes culturales para fomentar un mundo más interconectado. Para nosotros, la experiencia es lo más importante, por lo tanto, estamos enfocados en ofrecer el mejor servicio al cliente del mercado, acompañando a nuestros clientes desde la elección del programa o servicio hasta la culminación del mismo.

"La experiencia no es lo que le sucede a un hombre, es lo que un hombre hace con lo que le sucede" (Aldous Huxley)

Trabaja, viaja y vive una experiencia de inmersión cultural única en EE. UU., durante la temporada de verano.

Escuelas de idiomas

Aprende idiomas y conquista el mundo

Asesoría en visas de turismo

¡Viaja sin obstáculos! Explora USA, Canadá y Australia sin complicaciones

Sumérgete dentro de la cultura estadounidense, mientras trabajas y compartes con una familia anfitriona y sus hijos.

Care Assistant

¡Construye tu futuro mientras marcas la diferencia en la vida de otros!

Camp counselor

Se consejero de un campamento de verano y vive una experiencia épica llena de diversión, aprendizaje y amistad

Seguros internacionales

¡Descubre el placer de viajar sin preocupaciones!

Canadá, tu proyecto de vida

Estudia, trabaja y vive en Canadá: ¡Tu futuro comienza aquí!

Intern and Trainee

Lleva tu profesión al siguiente nivel

Teacher exchange USA

Transforma Aulas, Abraza Horizontes: Únete al Viaje Educativo con Teacher Exchange USA

CAMP COUNSELOR_Mesa de trabajo 1

¡Trabaja temporalmente, sumérgete en la cultura estadounidense y explora el país mientras perfeccionas tus habilidades y creas recuerdos inolvidables! ✈️

El programa Summer Work And Travel USA, es una oportunidad de intercambio cultural ofrecida por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos que le permite, a estudiantes universitarios, trabajar en USA durante la época de verano, es decir, entre Mayo y Agosto; mediante una modalidad de visa de intercambio llamada J1.

⚠️ Para poder aplicar a este programa, debes cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

✅ Ser estudiante universitario de modalidad presencial (ACTIVO)

✅ Tener entre 18 y 27 años de edad

✅ Manejar un nivel intermedio/avanzado en inglés conversacional

¡Experimenta la cultura estadounidense como Au Pair: cuida niños, aprende y vive una experiencia única en los Estados Unidos! 👩‍🍼

El programa Au Pair USA , es una oportunidad de intercambio cultural donde vivirás con una familia anfitriona en Estados Unidos mientras cuidas de sus hijos. La familia anfitriona te proporcionará alojamiento, comida y una remuneración semanal.

✅ Tener entre 18 y 26 años de edad.

✅ Contar con experiencia en el cuidado de niños. (1000 Horas certificadas).

✅ Tener un nivel de inglés intermedio/ avanzado.

✅ No tener antecedentes penales

✅ Ser bachiller académico. 

✅ Poseer licencia de conducción mayor a 6 meses.


¡Descubre tu proyecto de vida en Canadá y empieza a forjar un futuro lleno de oportunidades únicas para tu desarrollo personal y profesional en un entorno vibrante y acogedor! 🍁

Tu proyecto de vida, es una oportunidad de intercambio que te brinda la posibilidad de estudiar en este país, con permiso de trabajo. Nuestro programa te permite estudiar en varias áreas y niveles, según tus intereses y necesidades. Te ofrecemos diferentes alternativas en estas magníficas ciudades:

Además, ¡Te brindamos asesoría para que puedas migrar hacia este increíble país de una forma legal y sencilla! ¿Qué esperas para vivir la ICExperience?

Intern & Trainee USA, es un programa de intercambio cultural ofrecido por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, que permite, realizar prácticas universitarias de forma remunerada y/o adquirir experiencia laboral internacional paga. A esta oportunidad de intercambio cultural, pueden acceder tanto estudiantes o egresados de carreras relacionadas con el sector al que aplican, como también personas cuya ocupación se relacione con el mismo.

⚠️ Para poder aplicar a este programa es necesario cumplir con los siguientes requisitos*:

✅ Tener entre 18 y 35 años

✅ Nivel de inglés intermedio/ avanzado.

✅ Tener estudios y/o experiencia laboral, cumpliendo al menos 1 de los siguientes perfiles:

1️⃣ Ser estudiante ACTIVO de una carrera afín al sector al que aplica

2️⃣ Haberse graduado, hace menos de 1 año, de una carrera relacionada al sector al que aplica.

3️⃣ Ser egresado de una carrera afín al sector al que aplica (hace más de un año y tener un año de experiencia certificada)        

4️⃣ Cinco años de experiencia laboral certificada en el sector al que aplica

*Los requisitos pueden variar ocasionalmente dependiendo de la oferta o sector del postulante. Para mayor exactitud acerca de la oferta y sus requisitos, recomendamos contactarnos para revisar el perfil del postulante y brindar la información pertinente al caso en concreto.


¡Aprende idiomas y desbloquea un mundo de posibilidades! 🧑🏻‍🏫

Sumérgete en nuestro programa de Escuelas de Idiomas y abre las puertas a un universo de culturas. Aprende con maestros expertos, conecta con compañeros de todo el mundo y transforma tu habilidad lingüística.

Te ofrecemos programas de diferente duración e intensidad en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Malta y Dubai.

¡Labra tu destino al tiempo que impactas positivamente la vida de quienes te rodean! ❣️

El programa Care Assistant no solo te capacita en el cuidado del adulto mayor, sino que también abre las puertas hacia la residencia. Estudia con propósito, trabaja con compasión y construye tu camino hacia una comunidad más fuerte y conectada. ¡Únete a nosotros para una experiencia que cuida de tu futuro y del bienestar de otros!

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Asesoría en visas

¡Tu camino hacia un sinfín de aventuras sin fronteras! ✈️

Facilitamos tus sueños de viajar a Estados Unidos, Canadá y Australia, con nuestro servicio de Asesoría en Visas de Turismo . Nuestro equipo experto te guiará en cada paso, asegurando un proceso sin complicaciones para que puedas explorar el mundo con total tranquilidad.

¡Tu bienestar es nuestra prioridad, dondequiera que vayas! ⚕️

Protege tu salud en cualquier rincón del mundo con nuestro servicio de seguros médicos internacionales. Ofrecemos tranquilidad y cobertura integral para que puedas disfrutar de tus viajes sin preocupaciones. Contamos con un amplio portafolio de seguros que se adaptan a tus necesidades y requerimientos.

¡Vive la aventura del verano! 😎

Bienvenido a Camp Counselor USA, un programa extraordinario que te ofrece la oportunidad única de trabajar y vivir la experiencia de un campamento de verano en los Estados Unidos. Sumérgete en la magia de la naturaleza, comparte risas y aventuras con jóvenes entusiastas, y descubre la verdadera esencia del espíritu estadounidense. Como consejero de campamento, no solo estarás impartiendo habilidades y conocimientos, sino que también te embarcarás en un viaje de autodescubrimiento. Camp Counselor USA te brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo, mejorar tu inglés, y construir amistades internacionales que durarán toda la vida.

¿Estás listo para cruzar fronteras, inspirar aulas y hacer del intercambio educativo una experiencia única? 👩🏻‍🏫

Teacher Exchange USA te invita a desatar todo tu potencial educativo y vivir una experiencia transformadora en los Estados Unidos. Este programa excepcional ofrece a profesores, de diversas ramas, la oportunidad de intercambiar conocimientos, sumergirse en la riqueza cultural estadounidense y enriquecer las aulas con perspectivas internacionales.




Of. principal/bucaramanga:.

Email: [email protected] Celular/WhatsApp: (+57) 315-682-3461 Tel. Fijo: (+57) 607-6879287 Carrera 45 #56-79 Barrio Terrazas, Bucaramanga, Santander

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Work and Travel Colombia

Home / blog, work and travel colombia: unlocking career opportunities and cultural immersion..

Have you ever dreamed of combining your love for travel with your professional goals? If so, Work and Travel programs may be the perfect opportunity for you. And what better place to embark on this adventure than in the vibrant and diverse country of Colombia? With its rich cultural heritage, welcoming locals, and growing economy, Colombia is an ideal destination for anyone seeking to gain valuable work experience while immersing themselves in a new culture.

Unlock New Career Opportunities with Work and Travel Colombia.

One of the primary benefits of Work and Travel programs is the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a new environment. With Colombia’s growing economy and thriving industries, there are numerous opportunities for international students and professionals to gain practical skills and knowledge in their field of interest. Whether you’re interested in finance, marketing, or hospitality, Colombia has a diverse range of industries that are eager to welcome international talent.

Moreover, working in Colombia will not only give you valuable experience in your chosen field but will also enhance your adaptability and cross-cultural communication skills. These are crucial skills that are highly valued by employers in today’s globalized job market.

Experience Colombian Culture and Improve Your Language Skills with Work and Travel.

In addition to gaining valuable work experience, Work and Travel programs offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and learn a new language. Colombia is a country rich in history, traditions, and diversity, and its people are known for their warmth and hospitality. By working and living in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to explore its vibrant culture and customs, learn about its history, and practice your Spanish language skills.

Living like a local will give you a unique perspective on Colombian life, and you’ll have the chance to make lifelong connections with local Colombians. By immersing yourself in the local culture, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the country and its people, and develop a newfound appreciation for the rich diversity of Colombia.

Live Like a Local: The Benefits of Work and Travel Programs in Colombia.

One of the most significant advantages of Work and Travel programs is the opportunity to live like a local. By staying with a local host family or in shared housing with other international students and professionals, you’ll have the chance to experience everyday life in Colombia from a local’s perspective. You’ll learn about the local customs, cuisine, and daily routines, and you’ll be able to practice your Spanish language skills in a real-world context.

Moreover, living with locals will help you to develop meaningful relationships and connections that can last a lifetime. You’ll learn from their experiences and gain a deeper appreciation of their culture and way of life.

Gain Valuable Work Experience Abroad with Work and Travel Colombia.

Working abroad is an excellent way to gain valuable work experience that will set you apart from other candidates in the job market. By working in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to develop new skills, build your professional network, and gain a better understanding of international business practices.

Whether you’re looking to kickstart your career or gain practical experience before pursuing further education, Work and Travel programs in Colombia offer numerous opportunities to gain valuable work experience and enhance your resume.

Enhance Your Resume with International Work Experience in Colombia.

Employers are always looking for candidates with a diverse range of skills and experiences, and international work experience is highly valued in today’s job market. By participating in a Work and Travel program in Colombia, you’ll be able to showcase your adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and willingness to take on new challenges.

Work and Travel programs in Colombia offer numerous benefits for international students and professionals seeking to gain valuable work experience and cultural immersion.

By working in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to develop new skills, expand your professional network, and gain a better understanding of international business practices.

Discover the beauty of Colombia: A must-visit destination for tourist

work travel bucaramanga

Make Lifelong Connections and Expand Your Network with Work and Travel Colombia

Networking is essential in any industry, and working abroad can be an excellent way to expand your professional network. By participating in a Work and Travel program in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and connect with professionals in your industry from around the world. You’ll also have the chance to build relationships with local professionals and learn about their experiences and perspectives.

Expanding your network through international work experience can open up new career opportunities and give you a broader perspective on your industry. By building relationships with professionals from diverse backgrounds, you’ll be able to learn from their experiences and gain a better understanding of global business practices.

Improve Your Language Skills and Enhance Your Cultural Competency with Work and Travel Colombia

Language skills and cultural competency are essential in today’s globalized job market. By participating in a Work and Travel program in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to improve your Spanish language skills and enhance your cultural competency.

Colombia is a Spanish-speaking country, and by living and working there, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your language skills in a real-world context. Moreover, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in the local culture and gain a better understanding of Colombian customs and traditions.

Enhancing your language skills and cultural competency can be a valuable asset in any industry, particularly in fields such as international business, tourism, and hospitality.

Experience the Beauty and Diversity of Colombia with Work and Travel

Colombia is a country known for its natural beauty and diversity. From the Andean mountains to the Caribbean coast, Colombia has a diverse range of landscapes and ecosystems. By participating in a Work and Travel program in Colombia, you’ll have the opportunity to explore this beautiful country and all it has to offer.

During your free time, you can explore Colombia’s historic cities, sample its delicious cuisine, and experience its vibrant nightlife. You can also take advantage of Colombia’s diverse range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, surfing, and birdwatching.

Related Posts:

Colombian Visa

Privacy Overview


El síndrome post viaje es real y bastante poderoso en este caso. uno vuelve a su país de origen luego de los 4 meses y lo único que pasa por tu cabeza es volver. hay que velar por la felicidad a corto plazo, créame, jamás se va a arrepentir de haber sido parte de una oportunidad como esta. cuando tenga 90 años y este viendo para atrás todo lo que hizo en su vida, ¿realmente cree que se va a arrepentir de haber pasado 4 meses viviendo en el extranjero cuando era joven, viajando y conociendo lugares nuevos., diego arroyo – estudiante de ingeniería industrial – ucr. park city, utah, viajá, viví y no parés de soñar.

Alistá tu maleta y preparáte para vivir una experiencia inolvidable.   Tenemos más de 800 ofertas laborales en las mejores zonas y centros de Ski de Estados Unidos y Canada.


Tenemos experiencia internacional de más de 12 años de experiencia y más de 2.500 clientes satisfechos en países como Colombia, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica y Estados Unidos.

Somos una empresa líder en programas académicos y de intercambio en el exterior creada bajo principios de honestidad, responsabilidad, trabajo y servicio.

Nuestros clientes son los primeros en recomendarnos con sus amigos y familiares debido a nuestro excelente servicio.


La oportunidad de participar en los mejores programa de intercambio en el exterior, en los cuáles podrás obtener experiencia laboral en reconocidos Hoteles, Parques Temáticos, grandes cadenas de Restaurantes y Centros de Ski en los Estados Unidos y Canada.

Nuestros programas de Work and Travel USA y Work and Travel Canada ( Working Holiday Canada ), son la mejor oportunidad para conocer otros países, perfeccionar el nivel de inglés, viajar, conocer, hacer amigos de otras partes del mundo, ganar dinero para solventar tus gastos y ahorrar.

Nuestros programas de Work and Travel USA y Work and Travel Canada ( Working Holiday Canada ), han sido creados por El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos y por Citizenship and Immigration Canada, es decir que estos son programas avalados por los Gobiernos de dichos países y su objetivo en común es permitir a jóvenes de diversos países del mundo, experimentar, conocer, viajar y brindar una experiencia de vida.


Según la tarea a desempeñar, tus ingresos pueden variar entre $8,00 y $15,00 dólares Americanos o Canadienses por hora trabajada, según el país destino.

Trabajarás de 32 a 40 horas semanales y en algunos trabajos podrás recibir horas extras.

Podrás tener un segundo o tercer trabajo si así lo deseas.

Podrás recuperar lo invertido, ahorrar, vivir de tus propios ingresos, viajar y tener la mejor experiencia de tu vida.


Asistencia y orientación total en la obtención de tu permiso de trabajo.

Asignación garantizada y verificación de una oferta de trabajo en Estados Unidos o Canada antes de solicitar tu respectivo visado.

Aseguramos tu alojamiento antes de viajar.

Asesoría profesional para tramites de solicitud de visa para los Estados Unidos o Canada.

Orientación y asistencia durante el programa 24 horas al día y 7 días a la semana.

Seguro Médico Internacional.

Orientación y apoyo antes de viajar y durante tu estadía en el exterior.


  • Material de apoyo (Student Handbook, Application forms, manuals and guides)
  • Asignación garantizada y verificación de una oferta de trabajo en los Estados Unidos o Canada antes de solicitar tu visado.
  • Asignación y verificación de hospedaje en un lugar apropiado.
  • Obtención de tu formulario DS-2019, el cuál te permite solicitar el visado adecuado en caso de viajar a los Estados Unidos y Asesoramiento continuo en la obtención de un permiso de trabajo en caso de viajar a Canada.
  • Orientación, preparación y asesoría en tramites de visa.
  • Orientación y charla antes de partir y al llegar a los Estados Unidos o Canada.
  • Apoyo durante el tiempo del programa 24 horas al día y 7 días a la semana.
  • Línea gratuita de emergencias.
  • Seguro médico internacional con cobertura por el tiempo del programa.


Un amigo me invitó a ser parte de un programa en el que podría snowboardear todas las vacaciones, sin pensarlo mucho, acepté. ¿En qué otra ocasión podría ridear durante 4 meses en uno de los mejores resorts de USA de gratis? Tenía que aprovecharlo. Seis meses después puedo decir que todas mis expectativas se cumplieron y hasta se quedaron cortas. Las montañas me ofrecieron una experiencia única, momentos épicos, escenarios y vistas de ensueño, picos constantes de adrenalina y hasta un par de sustos.

– Diego Arroyo – Estudiante de Ingeniería Industrial – UCR Park City, Utah

Lo primero que quiero decir es que es una experiencia que todas las personas deberían de vivir en algún momento de su vida. En lo personal fue una experiencia bastante enriquecedora ya que nunca había estado tanto tiempo tan lejos de mi casa y viviendo sin mis padres. Empezando por ahí, uno se vuelve mucho más independiente ya que uno es el encargado de organizarse con todo lo que respecta al manejo del dinero y como hacer las compras necesarias para el lugar donde uno está viviendo (comida, utensilios de limpieza, etc.)..

– Fabián Rodríguez Obando – Angel Fire Resort

Mi nombre es Gerson Hernandez tengo 21 años y soy de Costa Rica. Ha sido mi segunda experiencia participando en el programa “Work and Travel USA”, lo cual ha sido la mejor decisión que pude haber tomado en mi vida. Estuve por primera vez en el invierno 2013-2014 en Angel Fire, New México, todo era nuevo para mi, me aventuraba a una experiencia inolvidable.

– Gerson Hernandez – Estudiante de Biología – UNA

Trabajar en Angel Fire Ski Resort fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora que me permitió viajar y conocer lugares impresionantes y al mismo tiempo trabajar por primera vez. El servicio brindado por los encargados de Work and Travel en Costa Rica fue excelente, el proceso es bastante simple y ordenado, asimismo el personal de Angel Fire se encargó de hacernos sentir cómodos y realizar distintos paseos para que pudiéramos conocer más del lugar y su cultura.

– Daniela Chan, Costa Rica

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Program types.

Exchange your skills for accommodation

Higher chance of approval

Hosts that recently have approved volunteers and are looking for more applications

Hosts that have good ratings and receive many worldpackers

Opportunities for couples and pairs

Hosts that welcome couples or two friends traveling together

Purpose of the trip

  • Immerse yourself in the local culture
  • Connect with the locals
  • Connect with international travelers
  • Practice English
  • Practice Spanish


Last minute.

Needs help immediately

How do you help

  • Welcoming & Helping Guests
  • Night Shift
  • Kitchen Hand
  • City & Town

Hours of collaboration per week

Travel length.

Medium Term


  • Shared Dorm

Perfect for digital nomads

  • Fast Internet Access
  • Dedicated Workspace

Additional Benefits

  • Use our equipped kitchen
  • Free Laundry
  • Free Events
  • Language lessons
  • Discounts on Restaurants

Work Exchange programs in Bucaramanga

2 opportunities found

work travel bucaramanga

Hostel Bucaramanga, Colombia

Conoce increíbles personas y haz nuevos amigos en nuestro hostal!

  • Higher approval

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Ayudanos con tareas del Hostel y disfruta de Colombia!

Join the community.

Create a free Worldpackers account to discover volunteer experiences perfect for you and get access to exclusive travel discounts!

How do Worldpackers trips work?

As a member, you can contact as many hosts and travel safely as many times as you want.

Choose your plan to travel with Worldpackers as many times as you like.

Complete your profile, watch the video lessons in the Academy, and earn certificates to stand out to hosts.

Apply to as many positions as you like, and get in contact with our verified hosts.

If a host thinks you’re a good fit for their position, they’ll pre-approve you.

Get your documents and tickets ready for your volunteer trip.

Confirm your trip to enjoy all of the safety of Worldpackers.

Have a transformative experience and make a positive impact on the world.

If anything doesn’t go as planned with a host, count on the WP Safeguard and our highly responsive support team!

After volunteering, you and your host exchange reviews.

With positive reviews, you’ll stand out to hosts and get even more benefits.

Student Services Abroad

  • Experiencias

Bienvenido a Student Services Abroad

Aviso Importante :

SSA Student Services Abroad informa a todos sus clientes, que todos los procesos de Asesoría en Tramite de Visas Americanas se llevaran a cabo de manera virtual.


Programa work and travel usa summer 2023, quienes somos.

Al igual que tú , estamos llenos de sueños y propósitos que deseamos cumplir. Conoce quienes somos y los servicios que ofrecemos.

Aun no sabes cual sera tu próximo destino?... conoce los programas que ofrecemos para ti. 

Si tienes un destino nuevo para viajar, probablemente a una visa deberás aplicar... Conoce nuestros servicios de asesoria de visa. 

Escríbenos... Cuéntanos en que te podemos colaborar!

Este sitio está protegido por reCAPTCHA y aplican las Política de privacidad y los Términos de servicio de Google.

¡ Estaremos contigo de manera virtual !

Student services abroad.

Calle 35 # 19 - 41, Oficina 906, Torre Sur, Centro Internacional de Negocios La Triada, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

Teléfono Fijo: +57-607-6811551 Móvil: +57 300 221 2744

Atención Virtual

Lunes - Viernes: 

9:00am - 12:00m

2:00pm - 6:00pm

Sábado y Domingo

No hay Atención

Copyright © 2023 Student Services Abroad - Todos los derechos reservados.

Con tecnología de GoDaddy

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Vivi una experiencia única.

Arrow Down


El Programa Summer Work and Travel permite a estudiantes universitarios y terciarios viajar a USA y permanecer 3/4 meses, entre diciembre y marzo con un empleo temporario permitiéndoles conocer la cultura estadounidense, hacer amigos de todo el mundo y obtener experiencia laboral y personal INOLVIDABLE!

Los 3 requisitos OBLIGATORIOS para participar son:

 - Tener entre 18 y 28 años

 - Tener un nivel intermedio de inglés

 - Ser estudiante universitario o terciario de manera regular y presencial a tiempo completo y demostrar avances en la carrera (si o si tiene que ser presencial, NO virtual).


Coordinamos una entrevista (virtual o presencial) para sacarte todas las dudas y contarte todos los detalles 

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Validamos tu niveles de ingles, te inscribis en el programa y nos contas tu preferencia de empleador o destino.

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Completas tu perfil en la plataforma y comenzamos con el proceso de documentacion 


Recibís tu oferta de acuerdo a tus preferencias de destino o empleador y presentás la documentación necesaria para tramitar tu VISA

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Tramitás tu VISA con nuestra ayuda y ya estás listo para sacar el pasaje y viajar

Somos una Empresa de Viajes y Turismo con veinte años de trayectoria en el mercado, brindamos servicios turísticos integrales, realización de eventos, congresos, ferias, giras deportivas, viajes corporativos, de incentivo y de placer.

Somos agencia IATA habilitada para la emisión de tickets aéreos nacionales, regionales e internacionales desde el año 2001, integrantes de la Asociación d e Agencias de Viajes y Turismo de Buenos Aires (AVIABUE), el Foro Argentino de Consultores de Viajes Empresariales (FACVE) y la Cámara Argentina de Comercio Electrónico (CACE), participando activamente y contribuyendo al desarrollo del sector turístico.

Nuestra area de Work and Travel es un nexo entre las empresas extranjeras que contratan empleados temporarios y la mano de obra calificada que estos requieren.

Trabajamos sobre una programa “llave en mano” que contempla:  Scouting / Capacitacion / Contratacion / Seguimiento/ Continuidad.

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-04 a la(s) 09.53.51.png


work travel bucaramanga


Contáctanos para recibir mas información y si estas interesada/o coordinar una entrevista personal o virtual para que te saques todas las dudas.

[email protected]

Whatsapp: +54 9 11 2845-1200

Head Office Buenos Aires

Av. del Libertador 218, 1piso

C1001 ABP, Buenos Aires


Gracias por contactarnos

work travel bucaramanga

  • Estudiar Portugués en el Exterior
  • Ingles Tecnico en el Exterior
  • High School Italia
  • Demi Au Pair Australia
  • Au Pair Francia
  • Turismo y destinos en Colombia

work travel bucaramanga

Work and travel USA

Te asesoramos, programa work and travel usa.

El programa USA Work and Travel , tiene como objeto el intercambio cultural en los Estados Unidos , permitiéndole a estudiantes universitarios, viajar durante el período de vacaciones de verano (mayo – agosto) mientras trabajan legalmente en el exterior.

El programa Work & Travel ofrece a los empleadores de los Estados Unidos la capacidad de adquirir personal adicional para cubrir puestos temporales en las zonas de alto turismo en Estados Unidos.

work travel bucaramanga

Te ayudamos programa Work and Travel USA Agentes disponibles

301 283 9481

Work and travel USA

Te asesoramos con el programa Work and Travel EE UU

Lo que tiene que ser del programa work and travel.

Work and travel USA es un programa oficial de intercambio que cada año permite a miles de estudiantes de distintas nacionalidades realizar una experiencia laboral en Estados Unidos

Este programa te permitirá conocer el estilo de vida estadounidense, a través de un trabajo temporáneo, tiene una duración de hasta 4 meses con opción de un mes más de viaje.

La mayor oferta de puestos de trabajo se concentra en el sector de servicios, como en áreas de hotelería y turismo .

Es ideal para quienes deseen experimentar unas vacaciones diferentes, interactuar con otra cultura e incrementar el dominio del idioma inglés .

Conoce el Proceso Work and Travel USA

Te mostramos los pasos para iniciar el proeso del programa Work and Travel USA

  • Se inicia con el pago de la Inscripción de $100USD (el valor de la inscripción no es reembolsable)
  • Debes enviarnos carta de presentación y hoja de vida estos dos documentos se envían a nuestra agencia sponsor en USA.
  • Luego se debe programar una entrevista con la agencia sponsor esta la hacen para verificar tu nivel de idioma, perfil, idoneidad e interés.
  • Posterior a esta entrevista se debe hacer un pago equivalente al 30% del valor total del programa. (Este valor es reembolsable si la visa es negada, pero no hay reembolso si se desiste del proceso)
  • Posteriormente la Agencia sponsor en USA se encarga de hacer el proceso para postularte dentro de las organizaciones con un posible empleador, hasta tener uno que le interese tú hoja de vida y perfil, luego se hace el proceso de entrevistas para que definitivamente te elijan o buscar un siguiente empleador así hasta que seas elegido (a) y contratado.
  • Posterior a ser elegido por una organización u empleador se debe hacer un pago equivalente al 70% restante del valor total del programa. (Este valor es reembolsable si la visa es negada, pero no hay reembolso si se desiste del proceso)
  • Luego se deben alistar los documentos pertinentes para realizar el proceso de visado.
  • Posteriormente hacemos la orientación y capacitación para el proceso de viaje.

Te asesoramos | programa Internship & Training USA Agentes disponibles 301 283 9481

Información adicional del programa Work and Travel USA

  • Tener entre 18 a 28 años.
  • Ser estudiante de un programa académico de educación superior.
  • Disponibilidad de fechas para viaje según el programa y la categoría seleccionada.
  • Nivel de inglés B1 como mínimo.
  • Capacidad y confianza en un ambiente de trabajo de habla inglesa.
  • Tiempo y Recursos disponibles
  • Atención al cliente.
  • Habilidades comunicativas
  • Relaciones públicas y marketing
  • Gestión de recursos humanos
  • Servicio de alimentos y bebidas
  • Gestión de eventos
  • Marketing digital
  • Gestión de proceso
  • Comportamiento organizacional
  • Nutrición y dietética

El programa podrá ser realizado por todos aquellos estudiantes inscritos en un programa profesional, que actualmente estén estudiando un PREGRADO ó POSGRADO y que al momento de realizar proceso puedan presentar una carta de la institución donde estudian que respalde su inscripción al siguiente semestre.

Para participar en el programa la visa requerida es J1, para solicitarla, el participante debe estar Inscrito a una Organización Sponsor Internacional en EE. UU y haber sido aceptado por la misma .

La mayor oferta de puestos de trabajo se concentra en el sector de servicios, como en áreas de hotelería, turismo y parques de diversiones

Podrá ser ofrecido por el empleador, no es obligatorio aceptarlo a menos que sea una condición explícita para el empleo, en caso contrario el participante podrá entonces buscar su propia vivienda y deberá pagar el valor mensual del arriendo a quien le brinda el servicio.

Como organización no ofrecemos el servicio de ubicación de vivienda, los empleadores informan en la oferta de trabajo si está o no disponible este servicio, en caso contrario el participante deberá ubicar por su cuenta la vivienda en USA.

Es cundo la agencia sponsor gestiona ante los diferentes empleadores la emisión de una oferta laboral en EE. UU para que el participante tenga la posibilidad de postularse, obtener una entrevista y ser escogido.

El participante ubica su propio empleo antes de viajar a los EE. UU y posteriormente necesita la ayuda de una agencia sponsor para la gestión de los documentos y asesoría para la obtención de la visa

Programa Work and Travel USA

Conoce Nuestros Aliados

Por mas de 10 años hemos trabajado de la mano con aliados, aqui te mostraremos algunos

work travel bucaramanga

Estudia y trabaja en el exterior CUMPLE TUS SUEÑOS EN EL EXTERIOR

Estudiar en el exterior brinda una experiencia única de crecimiento personal y académico. Permite sumergirse en nuevas culturas, ampliar horizontes, desarrollar habilidades interculturales y establecer redes globales. Además, se accede a programas educativos de renombre internacional y se aumentan las oportunidades laborales y el enriquecimiento cultural.

Somos una organización no gubernamental líder en programas de intercambio y estudios para jóvenes colombianos que desean vivir, estudiar y trabajar en el exterior como parte de sus proyecciones personales y profesionales.

work travel bucaramanga

Destinos Demi - Au Pair

  • Au Pair Alemania
  • Au Pair EE UU
  • Au Pair Holanda
  • Au Pair Bélgica
  • Au Pair Austría
  • Demi Au Pair Nueva Zelanda
  • Au Pair Irlandia
  • Au Pair Australia


  • Internship & Training USA
  • Internship & Training España
  • Internship & Training Argentina
  • Work and Travel USA
  • Work and Travel Argentina
  • Programa Teach USA
  • Voluntariados – STEP

Programas High School

  • High School EE UU
  • High School Francia
  • High School Bélgica
  • High School Agentina

Estudios en el Exterior

Diseño y desarrollo para Mundo Colombia | Todos los derechos reservados

Working Traveller

  • How to – guides
  • Skills List
  • How to – guides
  • North America
  • South America

Work and Travel in Colombia

Help us grow. share what you know about getting work in colombia for travellers., volunteer and paid work opportunities in colombia for travellers.

Colombia has become one of the ‘it’ destinations for backpackers. As a result, you’ll find hundreds of work and travel opportunities in Colombia . As one of the thirty biggest countries in the world, there’s an array of options in this diverse country. Colombia may be associated with less savoury things, but the volunteer and paid work opportunities in Colombia will make you see things differently. Travel guides for Colombia reveal it to have one of the most diverse animal and plant populations on a planet. It’s also a great place to improve your Spanish and get a taste of Latin American culture. These are some of the volunteer opportunities in Colombia on offer now. 1. Work in a Hostel The boom in tourism means that both locals and foreigners alike are opening up hostels throughout the country to meet demand. Volunteer in Colombia and you’ll not only be able to take on basic reception and cleaning work in Bogota and Cartagena, but you’ll be able to plunge into the Amazon and sleep in a hammock under the stars. If you volunteer in Colombia hostels the work can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. 2. Conserving the Rainforest A significant part of Colombia, which borders Brazil, is covered by the vast Amazon rainforest. Join a conservation programme and you can be applying specialist skills surrounded by plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Most of these programmes will require some prior experience, however, so be aware of that. But due to the fact that you can be involved in highly skilled work there’s the potential to get paid. Before applying to one of these programmes, you should be aware of the vaccinations you may need when entering the Amazon. 3. Volunteer on a Coffee Plantation in Colombia Colombia is only one of two major coffee growing countries in the world where there’s more than one coffee harvest. The main harvest is from September to January and from March to June. This means volunteering on a coffee plantation is an option throughout the vast majority of the year. You could be supporting workers or actively helping with the picking in the Sierra Nevada region of Colombia. It’s ideal if you have a good level of Spanish as the majority of workers on coffee plantations hail from impoverished areas, where the education system is poor.


Most Westerners are able to enter Colombians for 90 days without a visa, including all EU countries, Russia, as well as other South Americans, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. South Africans, though, will require a visa even to visit as a tourist. However, visa-free entry doesn’t entitle you to officially work or volunteer in Colombia. It should be noted, though, that many jobs like teaching English do hire foreigners even without the visa. Enforcement is extremely lax here. But we recommend that you apply for the visa. The visa you need is the TP-6 visa  for volunteering or working in the country. If you work for an NGO then your employer will supply the majority of the paperwork. You need the relevant documentation from the organisation explaining your role. You must also submit a legal representation document , essentially proving that the NGO is genuine. It can be time-consuming to get these forms together, regardless of your nationality. This is typically only possible with major NGOs in the country. For everything else, you will need to do most of the legwork yourself. But it should be noted that the visa system is why most volunteering opportunities in Colombia are strictly unofficial.


Spring work.

There is no seasonal work specific to spring time in Colombia.


Work and travel in Colombia during the summer yields little more than year-round opportunities and tourism work. This is actually the rainy season but also the second tourist season as it’s when Westerners typically travel to this part of the world. Some farms may require an extra hand if they’re in particular areas where damage occurs. These farms tend to be in the more isolated, mountainous areas of the country.

Autumn is the time of year when most private academies are hiring English teachers on long-term contracts. If you feel like you want to teach English in Colombia, there’s no shortage of places. Colombia is very much like the rest of Latin America in that many young people want to learn English so they can succeed in the world. Most programmes won’t require anything except fluent English. However, better jobs are guaranteed if you possess the TEFL qualification or an equivalent.

Winter actually represents the hottest months of the year in Latin America. December, January, and February is traditionally when people from other parts of Latin America fill the most common tourist destinations. Cartagena, for example, will always have short-term work during the tourist season. Tourist work could be handing out leaflets, getting people into clubs in Bogota, or just running hostels during the high season. It all depends what you can do.


Colombia is a country that has become used to tourists over the years. The infrastructure has improved and it’s no longer uncommon to see a Westerner wandering around the country. You’ll find plenty of foreigners, so you won’t feel too out of place in any of the major cities or tourist destinations. Bear in mind that certain parts of Colombia are not welcoming to foreigners. The UK Foreign Office, for example, cautions against travel to the border regions with Venezuela (, as of summer 2017, due to high levels of kidnapping there. But despite the negative press that has accompanied Colombia in the last few years, many of the armed conflicts are restricted to small areas and have little effect on tourists. In general, Colombia is perfectly open to tourists and you won’t experience any problems. Do you want to work in Colombia on your next trip?

Recent Contributors

  • Edited on May 20 2021 by
  • Edited on Jun 12 2019 by
  • Edited on Jan 15 2018 by Yara

If you have worked in Colombia or live here. Instead of saying `That information is not right` Please sign up to Working Traveller by clicking here and update this page with your opinions on the subject and your views on what the barter points should be. If your a host, you will have a SEO link added to the page directly to your own web site so viewers can see who provided the information. If you are a traveller it will link to your profile.


  • Barranquilla
  • Bucaramanga
  • Santa Marta
  • Departamento de Antioquia
  • Departamento de Arauca
  • Departamento de Bolivar
  • Departamento de Boyaca
  • Departamento de Caldas
  • Departamento de Casanare
  • Departamento de Cordoba
  • Departamento de Cundinamarca
  • Departamento de La Guajira
  • Departamento de Narino
  • Departamento de Norte de Santander
  • Departamento de Risaralda
  • Departamento de Santander
  • Departamento de Sucre
  • Departamento de Tolima
  • Departamento del Amazonas
  • Departamento del Atlantico
  • Departamento del Caqueta
  • Departamento del Cauca
  • Departamento del Cesar
  • Departamento del Choco
  • Departamento del Guainia
  • Departamento del Guaviare
  • Departamento del Huila
  • Departamento del Magdalena
  • Departamento del Meta
  • Departamento del Putumayo
  • Departamento del Valle del Cauca
  • Departamento del Vaupes
  • Departamento del Vichada
  • Distrito Capital de Bogota
  • Providencia y Santa Catalina, Departamento de Archipielago de San Andres
  • Quindio Department


Work and travel the world using your skills to gain work experience and references for a good job back home

Log in with your credentials, forgot your details.

  • Estados Unidos
  • Nueva Zelanda

Estudios Superiores

Summer work and travel eeuu.


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Estudia Inglés y

Conoce un país mágico, una experiencia inolvidable, vívela ahora.

work travel bucaramanga

Estudia Inglés y trabaja

En tu tiempo libre, en australia.

work travel bucaramanga

Trabaja en tus vacaciones

De verano y vive las mejores, vacaciones de tu vida, en estados unidos.

work travel bucaramanga

Conviértete en hermana

Mayor y conoce el mundo, ahora es el momento.

work travel bucaramanga

Asistencia médica

Siempre a tu lado, viajar seguro y tranquilo, trabaja en tu tiempo libre, aprende ahora.

work travel bucaramanga

Variedad de programas

Interlatina Colombia ofrece una variedad de programas en el exterior que le permitirán al estudiante escoger su destino según su perfil, lo que le abrirá puertas a nuevas experiencias y aventuras.

work travel bucaramanga

Asesoría en todo momento

Nuestros servicios adicionales con más de 6 años en el mercado internacional, buscan mejorar tu experiencia; permitiendo ofrecer la información y acompañamiento adecuado para la solicitud de visas.

work travel bucaramanga

Reserva de tiquetes

Nuestro servicio de acompañamiento personalizado para la realización de reservas de tiquetes aéreos ajustándose a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, de esta manera buscamos seleccionar la mejor opción de vuelo.

work travel bucaramanga

Gestionamos tu crédito

Facilitamos el proceso de financiación a través de diferentes métodos de pago para idiomas en el Exterior hasta por un monto de 8.000 dólares americanos en instituciones de reconocido prestigio internacional

work travel bucaramanga


Con INTERLATINA COLOMBIA obtienes certificación en cada uno de nuestros programas, lo cual te permitirá acceder a diferentes oportunidades académicas y profesionales.

work travel bucaramanga


INTERLATINA COLOMBIA está en constante actualización de estrategias para la mejora de precios y promociones del mercado, en pro de ofrecer la mejor y más flexible de las experiencias en el mercado actual.

work travel bucaramanga

Beneficio de la Tarjeta ISIC

Al depositar su confianza en nosotros, INTERLATINA COLOMBIA obsequia la tarjeta ISIC la cual cuenta con unos beneficios a nivel mundial.

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Soporte en todo el mundo

A través de nuestros convenios contamos con un servicio de asistencia para solucionar eventuales problemas de salud, pérdida de equipaje, pasaporte o documentos, con un simple llamado telefónico pone en funcionamiento el sistema de asistencias.

work travel bucaramanga

Tips Culturales

Capacitación virtual/presencial que encontrarás útil y práctico para cuando llegas a un país diferente, el cual te permitirá una adaptación eficaz y fluida

Nuestros programas

Lo mejor de nuestros programas.

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Estudios de pregrado, posgrado y maestrías, la cualificación profesional y la realización de experiencias en el extranjero que se pueden acreditar en el país

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Curso de Idiomas

Con Interlatina encontrarás destinos donde aprender idiomas: Australia, Canadá, USA, Inglaterra, Malta, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica.

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Calle 77 No. 13 – 47 Oficina 305

El Lago Bogotá DC., Colombia

Teléfono : 300 7339823

9:00 am a 6:00 pm LV

9:00 am 1:00 pm SD

Correo:  servicioalcliente

Carrera 1 f # 40 – 149

Edificio marca business center oficina 217

Teléfono:   3118742118 / 3146090421

Correo: [email protected]


Carrera 31 # 50-29 piso 2

Teléfono: 322 7305051 / 321 229 6256

9:00 am a 6:00pm L-V

9:00 am 1:00 pm S-D

[email protected]

avenida 0#12-44 local 25 C.C Isla 0

9:00 am a 5:30pm L-V

[email protected]


Oficina Costa Caribe: Carrera 42F # 75 - 75 Piso 2 Local 12 Barrio Las Mercedes.

Barranquilla, Atlántico

Teléfonos: +57 301 1268986  / +57 324 4660677

Horarios: L-V   9:00 am - 6:00 pm   S     9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Correo: [email protected]

Más info aquí:

Oficina Medellín Av. Nutibara #4-87 a, Laureles oficina 305 Correo: [email protected] Teléfono: 3007853911 Barrio Laureles 

LV : 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

S; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

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Volunteer and work in Colombia - low cost travel abroad - Workaway!

Here at Workaway you will find 500+ hosts and organisations for volunteer work in Colombia. Low cost travel without having to pay expensive agency fees.


Travel to regions in Colombia

Florencia, Leticia, Mocoa, Obando, Mitu, San Vicente del Caguan

Bogota, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Cucuta, Pereira, Bello, Ibague, Manizales, Neiva, Armenia

Barranquilla, Cartagena, Soledad, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Monteria, Sincelejo, Riohacha, Cienaga, Magangue

  • Orinoquía   (22)

Cali, Pasto, Popayan, Buenaventura, Tulua, Cartago, Ipiales, Tumaco, Quibdo, Tuquerres

Last minute volunteer opportunities

Here you will find 15 last minute opportunities for volunteering in Colombia from Hosts that have indicated that they require help immediately.

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Feedback from Workaway members

There are 4223 reviews for 422 Hosts and organizations in Colombia. 422 Hosts in Colombia were rated at least 4.9/5!

Very friendly school and enjoyable experience in a tranquil traditional town of Colombia close to Bogotá. Santiago and other staff at the school were ...


by Tom , 3 May 2024

We loved our experience here volunteering for Jhon and his academy. Jhon and everybody at the academy, his family, the staff and students, were warm a...

by Rachel & Freya , 3 May 2024

What a wonderful first Workaway experience! Sebastian was the most welcoming host, I felt completely at home in the space and with the friends and com...

by Chris , 2 May 2024

1000 gracias a Joep y Julia por estas 2.5 semanas maravillosas al Guaimaro El Guaimaro no es solo el árbol donde podrás colocar la hamaca con una vi...

by Tom , 2 May 2024

Wow. Words simply cannot describe how impactful and magical my time here was. Eric and Lolita are two beautiful human beings with open hearts and welc...

by Caelli , 2 May 2024

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Registering as a host with is completely free of charge. has been set up to promote and encourage exchange and learning. Hosts on Workaway should be interested in cultural exchange and sharing experiences. They should be able to provide a welcoming friendly environment for visitors as well as offering accommodation and food.

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Popular Hosts and organizations in Colombia

Family (174), farmstay (135), hostel (98), sustainable project (90), individual (73), community (58), school (37), animal welfare (8), house sitting (2).

Alongside being considered one of the best budget-friendly travel destinations in the Americas, Colombia is home to 10% of the Amazon rainforest, the start of the Andes Mountain Range, vibrant cities such as Bogota and Medellín and of course, Colombians - some of the warmest locals you will ever meet. Do you need any more reasons to visit?

Here’s the lowdown on why Colombia should be bumped up your bucket list…

Colombia at a glance

Colombia is a country that truly captivates the hearts of those who visit. With its diverse landscapes ranging from pristine Caribbean beaches to lush Amazon rainforests, then towering Andean peaks to picturesque colonial towns. This South American gem offers an incredible backdrop for your next Workaway experience.

Highlights include the captivating city of Bogotá where you can immerse yourself in a thriving arts scene and vibrant nightlife. Medellín - although once known for its troubled past - has now transformed into a city of innovation and one of the cheapest destinations for digital nomads . Cartagena, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that enchants visitors with its cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and coastal vibes.

If you prefer to head off the beaten track away from the cities, Colombia is also a country teeming with natural wonders. From the awe-inspiring Cocora Valley home to the tallest palm trees in the world to the mesmerising Tayrona National Natural Park with its pristine beaches and lush jungles. There are endless opportunities to hike through cloud forests, spot exotic wildlife in the Amazon, or dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean.

Some would argue what truly sets Colombia apart is the warmth and hospitality of its people. Proven even more so by the fact we have over 600 hosts in Colombia ready to share their homes and way of life with you. Thanks to these hosts, you will have the opportunity to connect with local communities, contribute to meaningful projects, and make friends for life.

Is Colombia Safe?

For those who want to volunteer in Colombia, safety is usually the number one reason holding them back, but when it comes to safety for tourists, Colombia has made significant strides in recent years and most tourists will have an uneventful trip.

Security forces have increased their presence in popular areas and the government has taken significant steps to combat crime and reduce the risk of incidents. These efforts have paid off, leading to a substantial decrease in crime rates and an improvement in overall safety.

Visitors can now feel more confident to explore, and after decades of violence and instability the country has emerged as a bucket list destination with its authenticity intact. This means many areas previously off-limits to travellers are now safe to visit resulting in the majority of Colombia still showcasing pristine nature untouched by mass tourism.

If travelling alone, make sure to follow our safety tips for solo travellers , but generally as long as you take the usual safety precautions (such as avoid flaunting your wealth, always inform someone of your plans, and stay with reputable hosts or hostels etc.) then you will have a safe and memorable stay in Colombia.

Reasons to Volunteer in Colombia

Are you passionate about making a positive impact? Love exploring vibrant destinations? Ready to immerse yourself in a warm and welcoming culture? Then join Workaway , because Colombia is the perfect place for your volunteering adventure! If you still need a little convincing, here are the top reasons to volunteer in Colombia…

  • Rich Cultural Heritage: Colombia is a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions. Experience the unique rhythms of salsa and cumbia, immerse yourself in colourful festivals like the Carnival of Barranquilla, and discover the country's fascinating history through archaeological sites, architecture and of course, the locals!
  • Warm and Welcoming Locals: Talking of which, Colombians are renowned for their warmth and friendliness. Whether you’re on vacation or volunteering, you'll soon find locals who would eagerly share their stories, offer insider tips, and make you feel like part of the family.
  • Unique Wildlife: If you’re someone who prefers animals to humans (we’ve all been there!) Colombia is one of the world's most biodiverse countries in the world. From the colourful birds of the Amazon rainforest to the elusive jaguars and giant river otters, nature lovers will be mesmerised by the country's incredible wildlife. Such incredible nature needs protecting however, which means there are plenty of volunteer opportunities in Ecotourism, sanctuaries, permaculture and more.
  • Off the beaten path: One of the many reasons to Workaway in Colombia is so you can head off the beaten path. Whether it’s up into the mountains, along the coast or deep into the jungle, it’s so much easier to head off the tourist route when living like a local. Workaway can connect you with local communities, allowing you to immerse yourself in the colourful, Colombian culture with ease.
  • The surf: With coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and the Pacific, Colombia is the perfect playground for surfers of all levels. In particular, the coastal town of Nuquí, nestled in the Pacific region, the beach town of Palomino on the northern coast or Playa Salgar, a popular spot known for its surf-friendly conditions and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Unforgettable Cities: From the sea to the cities! From the bustling capital of Bogotá to the vibrant Medellín and the enchanting Cartagena, Colombia's cities offer a unique blend of history, culture, and innovation. Get lost in the colourful streets, indulge in the delicious street food, and embrace an exciting atmosphere like nowhere else.
  • Adventure Awaits: Colombia is a haven for adrenaline seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you trek through the misty mountains of the Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), go whitewater rafting in San Gil, hike to the world’s tallest palms in Cocora Valley, or explore the colourful coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea — there's no shortage of thrilling activities!
  • Coffee Culture: If you’re a coffee connoisseur or dream of working in the industry one day, why not volunteer in Colombia to turn you from enthusiast to expert!? Explore the lush coffee plantations in the Coffee Triangle, learn about the art of coffee production, and indulge in some of the world's finest coffee. All while enjoying stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Simply use “coffee” as a keyword when searching for your Workaway host in Colombia!
  • Affordable Travel: As one of the cheapest countries in South America , Colombia offers excellent value for all budgets. From cheap transport to inexpensive street food, you can travel long term without breaking the bank.
  • The Food: For those who like to travel through your tastebuds the authentic Colombian cuisine won’t disappoint. The food here is a delicious reflection of its diverse regions and living with locals will allow the opportunity to try as well as master authentic dishes such the famous bandeja paisa, arepas and empanadas.

Regional Highlights of Colombia

With so many Workaway hosts in Colombia , it can be difficult to decide where to go. We’ve summarised each region to include the highlights and hidden gems to help you decide. From the Andes to the Amazon, Afro-Carribean roots to remote indigenous communities, you’ll realise there is a place for everyone.

While the country is divided into 32 “departments” these fall under 6 main regions. Here's an overview of the regional highlights of Colombia:

Andean Region

This region is characterised by the majestic Andes mountain range, which runs through the centre of the country. It is the most populated region thanks to being home to both the capital city of Bogotá and the city of Medellin. The Andean Region is also home to various indigenous communities, including the Kogi, Arhuaco, and Wiwa people. These communities preserve their traditions, customs, and spiritual beliefs, offering visitors a chance to learn about their rich cultural heritage.

Highlights of the Andean Region

  • Bogotá: As Colombia’s capital city, explore the fascinating historical centre of La Candelaria, visit impressive museums such as the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum and enjoy the panoramic views from the top of Monserrate mountain. The city is home to a thriving foodie scene, vibrant street art, and bustling markets.
  • Medellin: As it is located in a beautiful mountain basin, the city itself is surrounded by lush hills and picturesque views. Head for the hip neighbourhoods of Provenza, Poblado, Manila, Envigado, and Laureles in particular for funky restaurants, gig venues and galleries. Also head to Botero Plaza to admire the famous sculptures of Fernando Botero, ride the iconic cable cars for panoramic views, and experience the city's lively nightlife. Finally, partake in the “finca” culture - a tradition where locals escape the city for a few days to retreat in a nearby farm or countryside holiday home.
  • The Coffee Triangle: Made up of the departments known as Caldas, Quindio, and Risaralda, visitors can explore lush coffee plantations and picturesque towns like Salento, as well as experience the coffee-making process firsthand.
  • Popayán: Known as the "White City" due to its well-preserved white architecture, Popayán offers beautiful churches, museums, and a vibrant Holy Week celebration.

Caribbean Region

Along the country's northern coast, the Caribbean region offers exceptional natural beauty, vibrant culture, and a lively atmosphere. The region is blessed with stunning beaches, from the famous coastal city of Cartagena to the remote paradises of the Rosario and San Bernardo Islands, there are endless options for sunbathing, swimming, and relaxation.

Highlights of the Caribbean Region

  • Cartagena: As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city of Cartagena is an unmissable place thanks to the well-preserved colonial architecture, charming streets and exciting nightlife. It is a popular destination with digital nomads as it is the perfect paradise to work and play. The nearby Rosario Islands provide an idyllic tropical escape.
  • Santa Marta: Is a gateway to the iconic Tayrona National Natural Park, where visitors can hike through lush forests and relax on pristine beaches. Did we mention we have over 70 hosts in Santa Marta alone!?
  • Palomino: For an off-the-beaten-path experience, the coastal town of Palomino offers a laid-back vibe and excellent surfing opportunities.

Pacific Region

Visiting Colombia's Pacific region is a unique experience that offers a deep connection with nature. Thanks to lush rainforests, unspoiled beaches, and vibrant Afro-Colombian culture, the Pacific region provides a glimpse into an authentic and lesser-explored part of the country. This makes it one of the best destinations in Columbia to volunteer.

Highlights of the Pacific Region

  • Nuquí and Bahia Solano: These coastal towns are renowned for their stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and incredible biodiversity. Between June and October you can enjoy whale watching tours to witness the majestic humpback whales. Alternatively, you can surf, explore hidden waterfalls, and learn all about Afro-Colombian culture.
  • The San Cipriano Nature Reserve: Located near Buenaventura, it is a haven for nature lovers. It can only be accessed via a unique rail-cart system through dense jungle, so it promises an excursion to remember. Eventually you will reach refreshing natural pools and waterfalls surrounded by rich flora and fauna.
  • Gorgona Island: This former prison island has been transformed into a paradise for divers and snorkelers. Offering colourful coral reefs and an abundance of marine life from turtles to sharks! Visitors can also explore the island's dense rainforest, hike to scenic viewpoints, and learn about its fascinating history.

Orinoco Region

Located in the eastern part of the country, the Orinoco (or Orinoquía region) region is known for its vast grasslands and is a treasure trove of natural wonders. From the majestic Angel Falls to the rich traditions of indigenous communities, there are many reasons to visit. The Orinoco Region is home to many indigenous cultures, including the Pemon, Warao, and Yanomami peoples. It is also home to a fascinating cowboy culture that reflects the area's rural and agricultural heritage.

Highlights of the Orinoco Region

  • Canaima National Park: As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the area is home to the iconic Angel Falls - the world's tallest waterfall! As well as the breathtaking beauty of Angel Falls, explore the park's vast savannahs, tepuis (table-top mountains), and lush rainforests.
  • Orinoco River and Delta: As one of the longest rivers in South America, you can take a riverboat to witness its impressive size and diverse ecosystems. The Orinoco Delta is a labyrinth of waterways and mangrove forests teeming with wildlife including birds, caimans, and monkeys.
  • Ciudad Bolívar: A historic city located on the banks of the Orinoco River. Stroll through its well-preserved old town, admiring the architecture and visiting landmarks like the Casa del Congreso Angostura museum or enjoy panoramic views of the city from La Llovizna Park.
  • Casanare: The department of Casanare is known for its extensive savannahs, safaris and traditional cattle farms. For those who want to learn about Colombia’s cowboy culture, this is the destination for you. Known as "llaneros," these cowboys are skilled horsemen and expert cattle ranchers. Best of all, we have 70 hosts in Casanare, ready to share their way of life with you.

Amazon Region

The Colombian Amazon is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The region offers unforgettable experiences, connecting visitors with the wonders of the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The region is home to amazing wildlife such as pink dolphins, sloths and macaws. It also offers a blend of cultures and the opportunity to engage with indigenous communities in Leticia thanks to its tri-border location.

Highlights of the Amazon Region

  • Leticia: Located in the southernmost tip of the country, at the tri-border area with Brazil and Peru, Leticia is the gateway to the Amazon rainforest. Visitors can embark on jungle treks, take boat trips along the Amazon River, and interact with indigenous communities.
  • Puerto Nariño: Located about 80 kms upstream from Leticia on the Amazon River, Puerto Nariño is a tranquil and eco-friendly village. It offers a laid-back atmosphere, sustainable tourism initiatives, and opportunities to explore the surrounding rainforest, lakes, and wildlife.
  • The Amacayacu National Park: Located in the heart of the Amazon, it is a biodiverse reserve famed for its amazing wildlife including pink river dolphins, monkeys and jaguars. By exploring the dense forests, tranquil rivers and vibrant ecosystems, you can experience the magic - and beauty - of the Amazon firsthand.

Insular Region

Colombia's Insular Region is made up of around 21 islands; four located in the Pacific Ocean and 17 located in the Caribbean Sea. These islands offer stunning turquoise waters, white-sand beaches, and incredible coral reefs, making them ideal for snorkelling, diving, and chilling on the beach. This region promises a blissful tropical destination, with breathtaking scenery and unforgettable Caribbean experiences.

Highlights of the Insular Region

  • San Andrés Island: A tropical paradise offering the best of both worlds - a vibrant marine life AND nightlife. Visitors can enjoy activities like snorkelling, diving, and swimming in the famous Seven Colors Sea by day. Then enjoy the island's unique blend of Colombian, English, and African cultures by night, including delicious cuisine and lively music.
  • Providencia Island: Just a short distance from San Andrés, Providencia Island offers a more tranquil and laid back atmosphere. The island offers excellent diving opportunities, including the world's third-largest barrier reef, known as the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. Visitors can also hike to the peak of El Pico, the island's highest point, for breathtaking panoramic views.
  • Rosario Islands: A short boat ride from Cartagena, the Rosario Islands are a picturesque archipelago of coral islands and turquoise waters. This protected national park is an ideal destination for snorkelling, diving, and enjoying the beauty of untouched Caribbean beaches. Oceanario, an open-sea aquarium is also worth a visit to learn about the impressive underwater world.

Volunteering in Colombia

Feeling inspired to volunteer in Colombia? Now you know the highlights of each region, it’s time to get planning an adventure like no other. Why stay in yet another hostel or beach resort when you can live like a local as part of an unforgettable cultural exchange? Embrace the famous Colombian hospitality with a Workaway experience instead!

As the world’s leading community for volunteering and cultural exchange, Workaway is the perfect platform to connect with locals in Colombia. Whether you are a solo backpacker trying to find a travel buddy , recently retired or setting off on a grown up gap year – we welcome all ages and walks of life. Best of all, you can join as a solo traveller, as a couple, or even as a family!

In exchange for a few hours of work each day, your host will usually provide free accommodation and meals. Whether you want to make your digital nomad dream a reality in Medellin, improve your surf skills in Nuquí, or embark on an Amazon adventure, with Workaway you can enjoy it all at the click of a button!

Making a difference in Colombia

Despite being one of Latin America’s largest economies (according to the International Monetary Fund) Colombia struggles with the unequal distribution of the country's wealth and welfare resources. This means there are several regions in Colombia where volunteers can make a meaningful impact.

Here are some of the ways you can make a difference in Colombia:

  • Rural Communities in the Amazon Region: We have many hosts in the Amazon region who need volunteers to support sustainable development projects in remote communities. These initiatives are usually focused on education and environmental conservation. By volunteering in these areas, you can contribute to the well-being of indigenous communities and promote sustainable practices in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Urban Centers: There are many hosts who are trying to improve disadvantaged neighbourhoods and living conditions in cities like Medellín or Bogotá, but they need your help. Through these community development projects and NGOS , the focus is usually on language practice, DIY, sports or educational programs. By volunteering in these areas, you can help create positive social change and empower disadvantaged communities.
  • Conservation Efforts in the Coffee Triangle: As you sip on a delicious cappuccino have you ever considered the environmental impact coffee has on the planet? Through Workaway you can volunteer in environmental conservation projects in the coffee-growing region. These projects usually focus on reforestation and sustainable farming practices. By volunteering in these areas, you can help protect the unique ecosystems of the Coffee Triangle and promote environmentally-friendly practices. It also provides unrivalled experience for those who dream of working in the coffee industry and the perfect stepping stone to your dream career .
  • Wildlife Rescue Centers and National Parks: There are many rescue and rehabilitation centres across Colombia which means a demand for volunteers passionate about animals. Through these projects you can assist in the care of injured or endangered animals, contribute to conservation research and support educational programs. By volunteering with animals , you can help protect Colombia's rich biodiversity and raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.
  • Ecotourism and Conservation: In particular, the Pacific region is a hotspot for ecotourism and conservation efforts. Here you can support community-based tourism initiatives to protect endangered species and fragile ecosystems. As well as teaching others how to be a responsible traveller , you can contribute to sustainable practices and witness the region's commitment to preserving its natural treasures.

How to find the perfect host in Colombia

As well as using the regions above as a guide, you can use your skills and interests as keywords in the search box to find your perfect Workaway host in Colombia. Whether you’re enticed by colourful streets of Cartagena, dream of sipping your way around the Coffee Triangle or island hopping around the Insular region – your perfect host is literally a few clicks away.

Best of all, when you join Workaway you are not limited to one project or region. For a small membership fee you have access to over 50,000 volunteer opportunities across 170 countries. After Colombia, why not hop over the border? Colombia shares borders with Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela - and guess what? We have hosts in each one too!

Volunteering in Colombia is an incredibly rewarding experience that allows you to make a genuine impact while immersing yourself in the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of this diverse country. With Workaway you can experience Colombia's warmth and gratitude first hand all while making a difference to others. Sounds good, huh? Sign up today!

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Workaway has committed over $20,000 USD from the Workaway foundation to help refugees from Ukraine.

Upon request all workawayers based in Ukraine will have their accounts extended for free until further notice.

Hosts in Ukraine have been temporarily disabled for safety reasons.

If you are a host and are able to take in refugees please add the information in your account and you will be added to our last minute host list .

Should you wish to donate and help please click here .

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Bucaramanga in Colombia

Bucaramanga Travel Vacations

City of Parks

Museo Casa de Bolívar

Shopping & Nightlife

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Street view and Cathedral - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

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Experience the best of Colombia as you traverse through the country, staying at exceptional boutique hotels and witnessing the many natural, cultural, and historical highlights along the way. Start your trip in Bogota and explore the most famous attractions of the Colombian capital, such as the Plaza de Bolívar and the La Candelaria district, on…

Enchanting Travels Colombia Tours Tayrona National Park

Colorfully Yours, Colombia

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Enchanting Travels Colombia Vacation Cartagena

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This Colombia tour is the perfect introduction to the best-loved highlights: vibrant cities, colonial heritage, archaeology, culture, museums and Gold Rush. With visits to the lush coffee region, hiking and island stays, experience the Colombian countryside and beaches too!

Enchanting Travels Colombia Tours tayroa beach

Colombian Luxury, Relaxation and Beaches

This Colombia vacation offers the perfect introduction to the country’s top three highlights – rich culture, colonial gems and heritage at Cartagena, verdant plantations and world class brews in the Coffee Region, and beachside relaxation at the pristine Baru Island!

Colombia Tours Enchanting Travels pretty church in Cartagena

Colombia: Cities and Coffee

Discover the rich culture and traditions of Colombia at its best-loved cities – from cosmopolitan Bogota to vibrant Medellin and colorful Cartagena. Also enjoy downtime at a traditional hacienda and some world class coffee at the lush green Coffee Region, high up in the Andes.

Colorful Cartagena streets Colombia Tours

Cultural Ecuador and Colombia

Discover rich cultural heritage as you travel through the colonial cities of Ecuador and Colombia, right from Quito in the Andean highlands to colorful Otavalo, and bustling Bogota to timeless Cartagena. Highlights of your tour include a visit to the incredibly biodiverse Yasuni National Park in the Amazon as well as a brief sojourn in…

Colombian Getaway

This short tour offers great opportunities to travel in some of the famous regions of Colombia. Your journey begins in bustling Bogota, where centuries old colonial history beautifully combines with a buzzing cultural scene. In the Coffee Region, expect leisurely days spent amid verdant mountains and rolling valleys, your favorite cuppa in hand. End your…

Cartagena buildings, Colombia, South America

Highlights of Colombia

Discover cultural and culinary gems on your Colombia tour. Begin your journey at the numerous cultural hotspots of Colombia’s capital city Bogota and direct your steps towards the mystical UNESCO World Heritage site of San Agustin. Villa de Leyva offers charmingly cobbled streets that wind past colonial plazas and beautiful boutiques. Sample some of the…

Other Interesting Places

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Aptly nicknamed the City of Eternal Spring, Medellin takes your breath away with the jagged mountain peaks of the Andes range providing a sharp contrast to the city’s modern skyline.

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Múcura is a tiny little island on the Caribbean Sea, which is part of Colombia’s San Bernardo Archipelago. It is part of the country’s protected marine parks and is involved in the conservation of endangered marine life

Múcura Island

work travel bucaramanga

Barú is a long island on the Caribbean Sea, south of the city of Cartagena. It used to form the tip of a peninsula stretching out from mainland Colombia, before the Canal del Dique was built, cutting off the island.

Baru Island

work travel bucaramanga

Tayrona is a large protected natural ecosystem with a diverse range of landscapes. It is bound by the turquoise blue Caribbean Sea with its coral reefs and coconut palm fringed beaches to one side, and coastal lagoons skirted by lush tropical jungles on the other.

work travel bucaramanga

Set at an altitude of over 2,000 meters in Colombia’s Eastern Andean range, Bogota boasts wonderful highland climate and natural beauty. The capital of Columbia is dotted with numerous national monuments and cultural landmarks.

work travel bucaramanga

Discover this hidden gem tucked away near Bogota. Declared as a national monument in the 1950s, this lovely little 16th century town feels as if it has been preserved over centuries!

Villa de Leyva

work travel bucaramanga

The pretty little colonial town of Barichara in Columbia was declared a national monument in the 1970s. With its highland climate, natural beauty and old world charm, Barichara attracts visitors all round the year.

work travel bucaramanga

The wild and mystical San Agustín, riddled with architectural wonders, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

San Agustin

work travel bucaramanga

The oldest colonial city of South America, Santa Marta was established by the Spanish in the 16th century. The area around the old city dates back to the ancient Tayronas, who ruled the region before the Spanish invasion.

Santa Marta

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los patios hostel medellin colombia

The Best Places To Work Remotely in Colombia | 2024

Colombia is quickly becoming a hot spot for digital nomads and remote workers. It’s easy to see why. Colombia’s sparkling Caribbean coastline, vibrant culture, and laid-back pace of life is a preferable alternative to sitting in a cubicle all day. This Latin American country is one of few countries that can claim to have it all. To the north, you have Caribbean islands and colorful cities. The bustling cities of Medellin and Bogota are lively hubs that make for great home bases for remote workers. Snow-capped peaks, lush valleys with towering palm trees, and the Amazon Rainforest make for excellent weekend getaways in between work weeks. It’s impossible to get bored in Colombia. The work-life balance here can be excellent, if you manage to resist the nonstop nightlife. I admittedly struggled with that.

los patios hostel medellin colombia

But hey, if you have more resolve than I do, then Colombia is a dream destination for digital nomads and remote workers. Here are some of the best places in Colombia to work remotely.

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Oh, and before you go, make sure to have good travel insurance handy whenever you’re out adventuring. I use  SafetyWing , which specializes in health and travel insurance for digital nomads, to keep me covered throughout my travels for as low as $45 a month.

And hey, if this post helps you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated. It allows me to keep providing free travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world.

The City of Eternal Spring has exploded onto the scene as a top remote-work destination globally. Specifically, the neighborhood of El Poblado has drawn a digital nomad from far and wide. Boasting co-working spaces, affordable living options, and endless cafes and restaurants to hang out in, El Poblado is an excellent hub for working remotely. You’ll find travelers from all walks of life here. As a backpacker and a travel blogger, Medellin truly was paradise.

work travel bucaramanga

I had no shortage of work spots to choose from during the day. If you don’t mind staying in hostels while working remotely, Medellin has a ton of amazing options. Selina is a big hub for digital nomads, and their co-working space is one of the best in the country. Viajero , Los Patios , and Masaya are a few other affordable options that offer luxury on a backpacker’s budget. Keep in mind that it might be difficult to stay away from the party, especially at Viajero. During the day, though, you’ll find plenty of travelers and digital nomads working in the hostel common areas and co-working spaces.

At night, I had no shortage of options to let loose and live a little (or a lot). Living in El Poblado, you have access to most of Medellin’s top bars and nightclubs. A few favorites of mine were Perro Negro, PKR Medellin, and Vintrash. There’s something to fit your taste no matter what vibe you’re looking for. Personally, I’m all about the hot and sweaty dancing ’til dawn vibe, so if you’re looking for a chill night out, maybe don’t take my recommendations.

Aside from El Poblado, the neighborhood of Envigado would make an excellent home base for remote workers. Laureles is another lively area that is popular among travelers. However, I’m not as familiar with these two neighborhoods as I am with El Poblado. These neighborhoods are much more local than El Poblado. Once you’ve got your feet set in El Poblado, you can consider making the move. 

All in all, I’d consider Medellin to be the top destination for working remotely in Colombia, and also the top party destination in Colombia . Get you a city that does both, right? You’ll find it all here, with community being one of the most important aspects for me. You’ll meet travelers from everywhere. It felt nice being able to alternate between a digital nomad crowd or a backpacker crowd depending on what I wanted to do.

Santa Marta

This coastal city has a perfect vibe to it. It’s a big enough city where you’ll have all the amenities that you’d need while working on the road. However, it’s still small enough that one can walk anywhere and feel safe after dark. It’s not as developed for digital nomadism as Colombia’s bigger cities, but you’ll be able to find your spots pretty easily. From cafes to hostels to co-working hubs, Santa Marta has a decent amount of options. Masaya Hostel , Viajero Hostel , and Flamingo Hostel and Coworking are some of my favorites if you’re looking for the balance between social and co-working. The tourist center of Santa Marta isn’t that big, but honestly, it might be better that way. If you’re traveling solo, it’s easy to meet people and dive into the community right away when it’s cozier.

Tayrona Colombia

While Santa Marta doesn’t have too many things to do, it’s a short distance away from Colombia’s best adventures. Tayrona National Park can’t be missed. A weekend spent camping here can be a great getaway from working in the city. Minca and Palomino are two other top Colombian destinations that aren’t too far from Santa Marta at all. And if you need beach vibes closer to the city, the small fishing village of Taganga is absolutely stunning.

Cartagena is the jewel of Colombia. Its colorful old town is one of the most picturesque colonial city centers you’ll ever see. And don’t get me started on the nightlife here.

cartagena colombia old town

Despite being a holiday hub, it’s actually very possible to get into a productivity flow while you’re in Cartagena. Aside from Old Town, the neighborhood of Getsemani is an excellent option for remote workers. Casa Zahri and Selina are good accommodation options for digital nomads in Getsemani. As a popular tourist destination, Cartagena is very developed. You’ll have no shortage of cafes and co-working spots to work from during the day. It’s too dang hot to be outside during the day anyway, so you won’t mind being comfortably nestled indoors behind your laptop until the sun sets.

After the sun sets, anything goes in Cartagena. It’s probably the best place in Colombia if you’ve got the work hard, play hard mentality like I do. It is pretty pricy in Cartagena, but that’s to be expected from a tourist hotspot right on the Caribbean coast. Cartagena itself doesn’t really have the stunning beaches you’d crave from the Caribbean, so weekend getaways to the nearby islands are the way to go. 


This might be one of my favorite city names to say. Bucaramanga. It just rolls off the tongue. Anyway, Bucaramanga is more than just a pretty name. It is quickly becoming one of Colombia’s best and wealthiest cities, boasting the highest GDP per capita in the country. Bucaramanga is beautiful, boasting over 160 parks and green areas. Bucaramanga makes it easy to escape into nature. I find that a little break in green spaces in between work sessions is much needed.

It isn’t a popular tourist destination yet, but it is easily one of Colombia’s most livable cities. Being a larger city, the infrastructure in Bucaramanga for working remotely is great. A weekend trip to nearby San Gil is a must if you’re looking for an escape from the city life. San Gil is often called the adventure capital of Colombia.

Villa de Leyva

work travel bucaramanga

The small town of Villa de Leyva won me over right away. Located in the state of Boyaca, this colonial city of all-white is one of the most beautiful places in the country. It also has a great, laid-back vibe for digital nomads. Villa de Leyva is perfect for chilling out after experiencing the craziness of Medellin and Bogota. It isn’t as straightforward to get to, but this budget-friendly destination is worth the journey. There are an abundance of things to do around the city and the state of Boyaca in general.

Villa de Leyva has a big cafe culture, so you won’t have any shortage of cute work spots. There’s also a newly-opened Selina in Villa de Leyva . Selinas are usually hit-or-miss for me, but the one in Villa de Leyva is amazing. You don’t need to pay extra to use the co-working space either, unlike most other Selina locations.

Manizales, Armenia, or Pereira

These three cities make up the brunt of Colombia’s famed  Eje Cafetero region. Working remotely and cafe culture go hand in hand. What better place to post up than the stunning coffee region of Colombia? These three mid-sized cities are pretty close to each other, both geographically and figuratively speaking. It’s a matter of preference, but choosing any one of these three cities will provide a great work-life balance. And of course, all the nature and coffee that you could ask for.

work travel bucaramanga

There are a lot of small towns and national parks to visit a short distance away. As someone who works while they travel, this triangle of cities was a perfect home base. The smaller towns, like Filandia and Salento, are perfect for the adventurous traveler. However, Wi-Fi and cell signal were pretty unreliable once you got outside of the larger cities. If you need to work during the week, post up in Manizales, Pereira, or Armenia and then immerse yourself in the natural wonders like Valle de Cocora or Los Nevados National Park on the weekends.


Home to Shakira and the world’s second-largest Carnival celebration, you have Barranquilla. It is about halfway between Cartagena and Santa Marta, and I mean that both geographically and figuratively. It’s a lot more built up and developed than Santa Marta, but nowhere near as touristy as Cartagena. As Colombia’s fourth-largest city, you’ll find everything you need here as a digital nomad.

Plus, you’re right on the Caribbean coast. Like most big cities, the best beaches aren’t within the city itself, but a short drive away. There are a number of beach resort towns within an hour of Barranquilla, so you have plenty of options for weekend getaways. Barranquilla is a vibe. Bonus points if you’re around during Carnival, although you’ll probably not be getting any work done that week.

work travel bucaramanga

Most travelers will have a polarizing opinion on Colombia’s sprawling capital city . However, most travelers’ experience with Bogota means catching an international flight in and immediately bouncing within a day or two. While I’ll agree that it wasn’t my favorite city in Colombia, it can be a great city for remote workers. You’ll find neighborhoods of town populated mostly by university students. These neighborhoods, such as Chapinero, are usually safer, more affordable, and home to a number of trendy cafes and restaurants to choose from.

bogota colombia la candelaria

This sprawling city might seem overwhelming at first, but once you find your spots, Bogota will feel a lot smaller and cozier. You’ll find pockets of calm in the chaos and realize that hey, Bogota isn’t so bad after all.

Be sure to use Skiplagged to find the cheapest flights to Colombia. Skiplagged is free to use and I’ve saved thousands of dollars on flights since I started using it religiously.

Buy Me A Beer!

If this post helped you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated, and allows me to keep writing helpful travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world on a budget.

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One thought on “ the best places to work remotely in colombia | 2024 ”.

Thank you for taking the time to compile this list. I agree that Medellin was truly paradise, but Santa Marta appears to be equally wonderful. I’ll pay them a visit.

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work travel bucaramanga

My Prediction For The 2024 RSA Conference: Proactive Security Will Dominate Use Cases

Erik Nost , Senior Analyst

The RSA Conference is upon us again, and many are planning their travel to San Francisco next week and determining which talks to attend (including talks from our own Heidi Shey , Jinan Budge , Jeff Pollard , and Joseph Blankenship ). But a trip to the 2024 RSA Conference won’t be complete without a stroll through the Moscone Center to see what security vendors are up to, complete with enthusiastic messaging and wacky antics. And while generative AI is sure to be prevalent throughout vendor demos this year, I am predicting that you will find yourself challenged by many vendors asking “How proactive are you?” as they eagerly scan your badge.

We covered proactive security during our Security & Risk Forum last year , but I’m pleased to announce that we’ve just published two reports that discuss the meaning of proactive security along with the steps required to achieve it. We define proactive security as:

A strategic approach to controlling security posture and reducing breaches through strong visibility, prioritization, and remediation.

The Three Principles of Proactive Security covers how visibility, prioritization, and remediation are the foundational building blocks of your proactive program, and The Four Steps For More Proactive Security breaks down the tactical steps that organizations should take to get there.

At the 2024 RSA Conference next week, I expect to see vendors offering products such as attack surface management, exposure management , and continuous security testing, all touting themselves as proactive security solutions (expect to see vague, ill-defined phrases with words like “continuous,” “threat,” and “exposure” accompanying these products’ marketing). But before assessing whether these products will help your program, you must first understand how well your organization is currently aligned toward the three principles of proactive security:

  • Visibility. Security pros must know what they’re dealing with before they can understand their risks. Visibility extends to asset and vulnerability enumeration and context.
  • Prioritization. The size and scale of discovered assets and their exposures means teams need to filter down to actionable objectives. Tools that enable assessment and validation of threats, weaknesses, and controls all support prioritization .
  • Remediation. Remediations are the most convoluted part of a successful proactive program due to scattered inputs, metrics, and processes (or lack thereof). Inputs toward remediation must shed light on root causes.

While you’re wandering Moscone, remember that vendors claiming to be proactive are not doing enough. Ask vendors how and why they support the above principles. Press vendors on how their solution supports the three principles but also on how they would support and integrate with your current security stack. This will help hone your focus for deploying potential proactive solutions.

Want to hear more? Get in touch with me! Schedule an inquiry or hit me up on LinkedIn .

  • CISO Trends
  • Cybersecurity Trends
  • predictions
  • security architecture

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