bali zoo dan bali safari park

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Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safar

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari, Mana yang Harus Kamu Kunjungi?

  • EXPLORE AND TRAVEL , Explore Bali
  • Juli 21, 2023

Sama-sama berlokasi di Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari kerap membuat bingung pengunjung. Tidak sedikit wisatawan yang mempertanyakan perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari saat mereka berlibur di Pulau Dewata.

Nyatanya, kedua tempat tersebut memang memiliki perbedaan dan daya tarik tersendiri. Apa saja sih, perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari ini? Yuk, simak bareng Bob!

Table of Contents

Mengenal Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari

Bali Zoo adalah kebun binatang yang memiliki berbagai jenis satwa termasuk mamalia, burung, dan reptil. Pengunjung dapat mengamati hewan-hewan tersebut, berfoto dengan mereka, atau bahkan berinteraksi lebih dekat dalam beberapa program interaksi yang ditawarkan oleh kebun binatang. Selain itu, Bali Zoo juga menyediakan pertunjukan burung dan acara lainnya yang dapat dinikmati oleh pengunjung.

Sedangkan Bali Safari Park, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Bali Safari, adalah taman safari yang terletak di Gianyar, Bali. Taman ini menawarkan pengalaman melihat satwa liar dari seluruh dunia dalam habitat yang mirip dengan aslinya. Pengunjung dapat menjelajahi taman ini dengan berbagai cara, seperti menggunakan bus safari, berjalan kaki, atau bahkan naik gajah.

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Apa Bedanya Bali Safari dan Bali Zoo?

Berikut ini beberapa perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari, yaitu:

1. Lokasi Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari

Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park adalah kebun binatang yang sama-sama bisa kamu jumpai di kawasan Gianyar. Namun, lokasinya tentu berbeda.

Bali Zoo berlokasi di Jalan Raya Singapadu, Desa Singapadu, Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar. Sementara itu, Bali Safari Park berada di Jl. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, KM 19, Desa Serongga, Kecamatan Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar.

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari tentu bukan sampai situ saja. Masih banyak perbedaan lainnya segi koleksi satwa hingga wahana. Baca terus ya untuk mengetahui perbedaannya!

Baca Juga: Jarang Diketahui, Ini Dia 5 Wisata Gua Bali Yang Unik Dan Magis. Wajid Masuk Wishlistmu!

2. Koleksi Satwa

sepasang singa di bali zoo

Sumber: @balizoo via Instagram

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari salah satunya bisa kamu lihat dari koleksi satwa kedua kebun binatang tersebut. Jika dibandingkan, koleksi satwa Bali Zoo lebih sedikit dari koleksi di Bali Safari.

Berdiri di atas lahan seluas 12 hektar, Bali Zoo menjadi rumah bagi lebih dari 450 satwa dari 70 spesies asli Indonesia dan luar negeri, termasuk reptil, mamalia dan burung. Beberapa di antaranya adalah singa, buaya, berang-berang, harimau, owa, orang utan, gajah, rusa, beruang madu, penyu, landak, kakaktua, merak, dan jalak bali. Kebanyakan hewan-hewan di Bali Zoo berada di dalam kandang seperti kebun binatang pada umumnya.

Sementara itu, Bali Safari yang berdiri di lahan seluas kurang lebih 40 hektar menampung lebih dari 1.000 ekor hewan dari sekitar 120 spesies satwa endemik Indonesia, India, hingga Afrika. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan termasuk hewan langka dan dilindungi, seperti komodo, orang utan, jalak bali, dan gajah sumatera.

Selain itu, ada juga hewan-hewan lain yang umum kamu jumpai di kebun binatang. Sebut saja harimau, badak, singa, merak, kuda nil, jerapah, burung unta, burung merak, zebra, rusa, meerkat, dan masih banyak lagi.

Tidak seperti kebanyakan kebun binatang yang memamerkan satwanya di dalam kandang, Bali Safari justru membiarkan mereka berkeliaran bebas layaknya di alam liar.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

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3. Cara Pengunjung Bertemu dengan Satwa

perbedaan bali zoo dan bali safari. anak kecil mengamati sepasang singa betina dari balik dinding kaca


Bagaimana Pengunjung Berinteraksi dengan Satwa di Bali Zoo?

Hal lain yang menunjukkan perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari adalah cara pengunjung bertemu para satwa. Di Bali Zoo, kamu bisa menyusuri area kebun binatang dengan berjalan kaki lalu mendekat ke kandang untuk melihat satwa dari dekat. Meski terkurung, satwa-satwa Bali Zoo tinggal di dalam kandang yang sudah dibuat seperti habitat aslinya.

Selain menyaksikan hewan dengan pembatas kandang, kamu juga bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan beberapa satwa tertentu Bali Zoo. Kebun binatang satu ini menawarkan keseruan memberi makan rusa, gajah, dan kelinci di area Petting Zoo.

Ada pula kegiatan animal encounter, tempat kamu bisa berinteraksi dan berswafoto dengan sejumlah hewan seperti satwa jinak, serta berinteraksi dengan gajah, orang utan, singa, macan putih, hingga burung pelikan.

Selain itu, ada juga animal show , seperti atraksi seru burung terbang, dan juga kegiatan menunggangi kuda poni untuk anak-anak.

Bali Zoo menawarkan paket-paket menarik supaya kamu bisa berinteraksi lebih dekat dengan satwa, yaitu Breakfast with Orang Utan, Elephant Mud Fun, dan Elephant Expedition.

Baca Juga: Ternyata, Ini 7 Kebiasaan Orang Bali Yang Bikin Bali Jadi Surga Dunia!

mengarungi bali safari dengan trem di tengah satwa yang dilepas bebas


Bagaimana Pengunjung Berinteraksi dengan Satwa di Bali Safari?

Bali Safari Park menawarkan aktivitas yang lebih menantang, seolah-olah kamu tengah bersafari di alam liar. Dengan membiarkan para satwa berkeliaran di lingkungan yang menyerupai habitat aslinya, pengalaman bertemu hewan di Bali Safari jadi lebih memacu adrenalin, sebab kamu akan terasa lebih dekat tanpa penghalang apapun.

Bali Safari menyediakan kendaraan khusus berupa trem. Dengan begitu, pengunjung bisa merasakan pengalaman berada di alam liar sambil melihat aneka satwa, termasuk yang sudah terancam punah. Dalam kegiatan ini, kamu juga dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan sejumlah hewan, misalnya dengan memberi makan jerafah hingga bermain dengan para meerkat .

Ada juga kegiatan memberi makan ikan piranha di Fresh Water Aquarium, dan menyaksikan animal show yang mempertunjukkan atraksi gajah, kucing-kucing besar, dan hewan-hewan lainnya.

Selain sekadar bersafari, Bali Safari Park juga menawarkan beragam paket dengan kegiatan yang lebih beragam. Paket tersebut meliputi Jungle Hopper, Elephant Back Safari, Night Safari, Breakfast with The Lions, 4×4 Safari, dan Bali Agung Show.

4. Wisata Edukasi

sepasang pengunjung bermain lumpur dengan seekor gajah

Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari menawarkan wisata edukasi melalui paket yang mereka tawarkan. Contohnya adalah Elephant Mud Fun di Bali Zoo. Elephant Mud Fun mengajak pengunjung mempelajari perilaku dan kehidupan gajah sumatera. Di bawah panduan pawang gajah, kamu akan diajak berkotor-kotoran dan bermain lumpur bersama hewan berbelalai tersebut.

Kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa berkubang dalam lumpur merupakan kebiasaan seekor gajah untuk menghindari paparan berlebih sinar matahari pada kulit, terutama di musim kemarau. Karena tidak memiliki kelenjar keringat, gajah mengandalkan lumpur untuk membuat tubuh tetap sejuk dan melindungi diri dari terik matahari. Meskipun tampak kuat, gajah juga bisa terkena sunburn .

Sementara itu, Bali Safari memiliki paket Elephant Back Safari, yaitu kegiatan menunggangi gajah dengan didampingi pawang. Kegiatan satu ini akan membawa kamu mempelajari perilaku, keterampilan, kecerdasan, serta habitat alami hewan besar tersebut.

Baca Juga: 7 Sunrise Spot Terbaik Di Bali Yang Bisa Kamu Kunjungi Dengan Bobovan

5. Wahana Air Menyenangkan

wahana air di bali zoo

Untuk melengkapi keseruan berlibur di Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari, kedua kebun binatang ini menyediakan wahana air ramah anak. Lalu, apa perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari dari segi wahananya ini?

Bali Zoo memiliki zona Bali Jungle Splash Waterplay yang seru layaknya waterboom lengkap dengan seluncuran dan air mancur, tapi dengan skala lebih kecil. Wahana yang buka mulai pukul 10.00-17.00 ini biasanya sudah termasuk ke dalam tiket masuk, sehingga tidak ada biaya tambahan untuk memasukinya. Namun, kamu mungkin harus menyiapkan uang tambahan untuk menyewa fasilitas di dalamnya, seperti cabana (gazebo), loker, dan handuk.

wahana air dengan perosotan di bali safari

Sementara itu, Bali Safari Park memiliki wahana FunZone yang menyediakan kolam super luas dengan beragam kedalaman sehingga bisa digunakan orang dewasa maupun anak-anak. Wahana ini juga menawarkan fasilitas seperti berbagai jenis perosotan yang membuat suasana lebih seru dan mengasyikkan.

Wahana ini biasanya belum termasuk di dalam biaya tiket masuk, jadi kamu perlu menyiapkan uang tambahan untuk menikmati FunZone serta menyewa handuk dan loker. Namun, FunZone biasanya sudah include di dalam tiket paket-paket Bali Safari.

6. Bersantap Bersama Satwa Liar

seorang laki-laki sedang menyantap makan siang di samping dinding kaca, ada seekor singa di baliknya

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari berikutnya adalah dari pengalaman bersantap makanan di dengan ditemani satwa liar. Jika berkunjung ke Bali Zoo, kamu bisa membeli paket Breakfast with Orang Utan yang hanya bisa kamu dapatkan di kebun binatang tersebut. Ada juga Gayo Restaurant di jantung Bali Zoo, yang menyuguhkan pemandangan terbuka elephant train sekaligus kebun penuh beragam burung tropis.

Sementara itu, Bali Safari menawarkan paket Breakfast with the Lions di Tsavo Lion, restoran bernuansa Afrika yang bersisian dengan tempat pameran singa. Tentunya ada pembatas antara restoran dan tempat singa tersebut, agar kamu bebas mengamati mereka di habitatnya sambil menikmati sajian kuliner yang mewah dan lezat.

7. Harga Tiket Masuk

Harga Tiket Masuk Bali Zoo:

  • Wisatawan Domestik: Harga tiket mulai dari Rp75.000 hingga Rp125.000.
  • Wisatawan Asing: Harga tiket mulai dari Rp355.500.

Harga Tiket Masuk Bali Safari:

  • Wisatawan Domestik: Harga tiket mulai dari Rp175.000 hingga Rp680.000.
  • Wisatawan Asing: Harga tiket mulai dari Rp650.000 hingga Rp2.100.000.

Dapat dilihat bahwa harga tiket untuk Bali Safari Marine Park cenderung lebih tinggi daripada harga tiket untuk Bali Zoo, terutama untuk wisatawan asing. Namun, harga tiket bisa berbeda-beda tergantung pada paket dan program yang dipilih.

8. Jam Buka

Kedua tempat tersebut memiliki jam buka yang sama, yaitu dari pukul 09.00 hingga pukul 17.00 WITA. Ini memberikan fleksibilitas kepada pengunjung untuk mengunjungi tempat tersebut sesuai dengan jadwal yang diinginkan.

Namun, perlu dicatat bahwa informasi harga tiket dan jam buka dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu, jadi disarankan untuk memeriksa website resmi atau menghubungi langsung Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari untuk mendapatkan informasi yang paling akurat sebelum mengunjungi tempat tersebut.

Baca juga: Rekomendasi Bulan yang Bagus untuk Liburan ke Bali

Nikmati Keindahan Kintamani Bersama Bobocabin!

Nikmati Keindahan Kintamani Bersama Bobocabin!

Lengkapi wisata kamu selama di Bali dengan berkunjung ke kawasan Ubud. Untuk pilihan akomodasinya, serahkan saja pada Bobocabin! Hadir dengan teknologi Internet of Things , Bobocabin siap menemani kamu menikmati keindahan alam Bali dengan cita rasa modern.

Kabin-kabin yang tersedia telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas khas Bobocabin, seperti Smart Window , B-Pad , Bluetooth speaker, dan moodlamp . Tak hanya itu, Bobocabin juga menyediakan fasilitas penunjang lain berupa Wi-Fi , campfire & barbeque, hingga entertainment ( board games dan proyektor film) agar keseruanmu di tengah alam semakin mengasyikkan.

Tertarik menikmati keindahan dan keseruannya? Yuk, unduh dulu aplikasi Bobobox untuk reservasi dan informasi lebih lanjut!

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  • # bali , destinasi wisata bali , kebun binatang , perbedaan , tempat wisata bali , wisata bali , zoo


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19 Oct 2022 - 4 min read

Sama-Sama Bertemu Satwa, Cek Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

Buat kamu yang sedang liburan ke Bali bersama keluarga, mungkin bertanya-tanya apa perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park . Ternyata kamu nggak sendirian, banyak wisatawan yang mencari tahu apa perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park. Nyatanya, Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park memiliki daya tarik wisata tersendiri. Keduanya wajib dikunjungi jika Anda sedang melancong ke wisata Bali. Pengalaman yang ditawarkan akan berbeda dan sama-sama memberikan nuansa liburan yang seru. Yuk, simak Bali Zoo vs Bali Safari Park berikut ini.

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

1. Koleksi Satwa

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Bali Zoo merupakan kebun binatang yang memiliki koleksi sekitar 350 satwa langka. Wisata di Bali ini menawarkan pengalaman bertemu dengan berbagai jenis unggas seperti elang, jalak, dan burung merak. Bahkan kamu juga bisa bertemu langsung dengan mamalia seperti harimau Sumatra, singa Afrika, beruang, unta, dan kanguru. Ada juga koleksi berbagai jenis reptil seperti komodo, buaya, dan ular.

Bali Safari and Marine Park - Wisata Anak di Bali

Bali Safari Park

Sementara Bali Safari Park adalah kebun binatang terbesar di Bali yang memiliki koleksi 1.000 satwa dari sekitar 120 satwa eksotis dan endemik Indonesia, India, dan Afrika. Kamu bisa bertemu langsung aneka satwa seperti burung hantu, beruang madu, harimau Sumatra, rusa tutul, beruang Himalaya, kuda nil, greavy zebra, burung unta, babbon, blue wildebeest, singa, hingga satwa yang hampir punah seperti komodo dragon, orangutan, jalak Bali, dan gajah Sumatra di tempat wisata Bali ini.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Gianyar, Bali

2. Pengalaman Bertemu Satwa

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Jika liburan ke wisata Bali Zoo, kamu bisa bertemu satwa dari dekat dengan menyusuri area berjalan kaki dan mendekati kandang yang telah dibuat seperti habitat aslinya. Walaupun begitu, kamu juga bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan beberapa satwa di area Petting Zoo untuk memberi makan langsung rusa, kelinci, berbagai jenis burung, dan gajah. Bahkan kamu bisa berfoto bersama harimau Sumatra, rusa bawean, orangutan, hinggaberbagai jenis reptile dan unggas di area Animal Encounter.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Sementara Bali Safari Park menawarkan aktivitas Safari Journey. Kamu bisa mengikuti perjalanan safari untuk berinteraksi dengan satwa liar sekaligus memberi makan. Jika memilih paket Jungle Hopper, kamu akan diajak naik tram khusus serta berkunjung ke Fresh Water Aquarium untuk memberi makan ikan piranha. Ada juga aktivitas Night Safari yang dibuka setiap Sabtu, Minggu, dan hari libur nasional yang menawarkan pengalaman bertemu langsung dengan zebra, gajah, jerapah, singa, harimau di alam bebas.

3. Wahana Edukasi

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Tak hanya memberikan pengalaman bertemu satwa, Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park juga dilengkapi dengan wahana edukasi. Kamu bisa ikut atraksi Elephant Mud Fun di Bali Zoo. Dengan dipandu pawang gajah, kamu akan belajar mengenai perilaku dan gaya hidup gajah serta bermain di lumpur bersama gajah.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Bali Safari Park juga memiliki aktivitas tur edukasi Elephant Back Safari. Lewat tur ini, kamu bisa belajar lebih banyak tentang perilaku, keterampilan, kecerdasan, dan habitat alami gajah Sumatra. Ada juga Animal Educational Show seperti Elephant Show yang mengisahkan konflik gajah dengan manusia yang memberikan pesan untuk menjaga lingkungan tempat hidup bersama.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

4. Wahana Ramah Anak

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Baik Bali Zoo maupun Bali Safari Park, keduanya merupakan tempat wisata di Bali yang cocok menjadi destinasi liburan bersama anak. Kedua wisata Bali ini dilengkapi dengan wahana ramah anak. Misalnya di Bali Zoo,anak-anak bisa bermain outbond untuk melatih ketangkasan melewati high ropes dan menguji keberanian naik flying fox di wahana Treewalk Adventures. Ada juga Jungle Splash Waterplay yang merupakan waterpark lengkap dengan seluncuran dan air mancur.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Jika berkunjung ke Bali Safari Park bersama anak, jangan lewatkan wahana FunZone untuk mencoba naik aneka wahana seru. Wahana ini menyediakan ragam permainan seperti Climbing Car, Merry Go Round, Jungle Cruise. Anak-anak juga bisa bermain dan berenang di waterpark.

5. Restoran

Ini dia aktivitas seru yang wajib dicoba jika liburan ke Bali Zoo maupun Bali Safari. Kedua tempat wisata Bali ini menawarkan area restoran dengan pengalaman menyantap kuliner ditemani dengan satwa. Kamu bisa mencoba pengalaman Dinner with the Great Elephant di Bali Zoo untuk menikmati sajian menu mewah. Saat menunggu makanan disajikan, kamu bisa melihat gajah mandi dan memberi makan langsung. Ada juga paket Breakfast with Orangutan yang hanya bisa didapatkan di Bali Zoo.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Jika di Bali Zoo, kamu bisa makan ditemani gajah dan orangutan. Lain halnya dengan di Bali Safari Park, kamu bisa makan bersama singa! Bali Safari Park menawarkan paket Vreakfast with the Lions di restoran dengan nuansa Afrika pertama di Asia.

Itu dia perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park. Keduanya sama-sama patut disambangi jika liburan ke Bali karena menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda. Untuk lokasinya, Bali Zoo beralamat di Jalan Raya Singapadu Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar. Bali Zoo berjarak sekitar 6 km dari Kota Denpasar atau sekitar 30 menit berkendara dari Kuta. Sementara jika berangkat dari kawasan Ubud, memerlukan waktu sekitar 20 menit untuk sampai di Bali Zoo,

Sementara Bali Safari Park berlokasi di Jl Bypass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Km. 19,8 (Golden Line of Bali) Gianyar. Untuk mencapai Bali Safari Park dari Denpasar, kamu bisa menempuh perjalanan sekitar 17 km. Sementara dari Kuta, kamu harus menempuh perjalanan sekitar 30 km untuk mencapai Taman Safari Bali.

Langsung saja masukkan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park ke itinerary liburanmu! Kamu bisa booking tiket Bali Zoo maupun Bali Safari Park serta wisata ramah anak lainnya seperti Bali Bird Park di Traveloka secara praktis agar liburan nyaman dan lancar.

Sudah tahu perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park, kini saatnya bertualang bertemu satwa!

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Your Ultimate Guide to Experiencing the Best of Wildlife at Bali Safari and Marine Park

BY Pelago by Singapore Airlines


Journey into the Wild: Bali Safari and Marine Park Uncovered

Beyond the sun-soaked shores and rice terraces lies an extraordinary experience in Bali.

The Bali Safari and Marine Park is an expansive haven for exotic animals native to Indonesia and those brought in from India and Africa.

Witness them in their natural habitats on safaris, capture photographs of the wildlife, and learn everything about nature through interactive encounters and animal shows.

Follow this guide to make your trip to the Bali Safari and Marine Park fuss-free!

Embark on a Thrilling Wildlife Journey at Bali Safari and Marine Park

1. bali safari and marine park - tours and experiences, bali safari park tickets, idr 6,50,000.

The park is home to more than 100 species of animals, including rare and endangered ones, such as the Sumatran elephant, Komodo dragon, and more.

You can take your pick from the Jungle Hopper safari tram, elephant-back ride, or the Bali safari in a 4×4 jeep. All the rides take you right into the heart of the park, where you can see the wild animals from a stone’s throw distance.

There are dozens of animal shows, encounters, and feeding sessions where you can interact with animals like elephants, orangutans, and even alpha predators like tigers.

The park also offers a special night safari package.

You can witness the wild come alive after sunset. You may even expect the predators to casually approach the vehicles, with their sparkling eyes shining bright in the dark and sending chills down your spine.

And hey, don’t forget to witness the Bali Agung Show, the spectacular cultural extravaganza performed by more than 150 Balinese dancers and musicians.

Fusing traditional and contemporary theatrical arts, this show showcases a timeless journey through Bali’s history, culture, and heritage, with the tragic hero, King Sri Jaya Pangus, and his love story with his Chinese wife, Kang Ching Wie, central themes of the show.

2. How to Get to Bali Safari and Marine Park

Address: Jl. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra No.Km. 19, Serongga, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80551, Indonesia ( map )

The safari park is easily accessible from all parts of Bali.

Cab or Car Rental: A four-wheeler on hire or rent is the best way to reach the park. It takes around 40-45 minutes from Denpasar.

Shuttle Services: There are daily shuttle services to the safari park from different parts of Bali, such as Ubud, Sanur, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua. You can book the shuttle via your hotel’s travel desk or through the operator’s official portal.

Public Transportation: While there is no direct public transportation to the park, you can take a public bus (known as bemo) to Gianyar Regency and then a taxi or ride-hailing service from there to the Bali Safari and Marine Park.

3. Bali Safari and Marine Park Tickets

bali zoo dan bali safari park

The safari park offers multiple packages. You can avail of the one that best fits your plans.

*Note: Prices are subject to change. Please click here for updated prices.

4. Bali Safari and Marine Park Hours

bali zoo dan bali safari park

The park is open daily from 9am to 5:30pm. The night safari hours are 6pm to 9pm. Ticketing closes at 8pm sharp.

Other than the regular hours of the park, each of the safaris and shows have their specific timings. Follow the timetable below for an idea:

The timings are subject to change owing to weather conditions, the health of the animals, or any other unforeseen circumstances.

5. Bali Safari and Marine Park - Where to Eat

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Famished after hours of exploring the safari park? You’d be surprised to find several dining experiences available on the premises.

Tsavo Lion Restaurant – It is an African-themed fine dining restaurant located just beside the lion’s exhibition. You can watch the majestic animals walk around, playfully engage with each other, and go about their day as you enjoy your delectable tribal cuisine meal.

Nkuchiro Restaurant – Located near the grazing zone of giraffes, Nkuchiro Restaurant is a hotspot if you love afternoon high tea and BBQ meals. It also has a tribal African ambience to it.

Uma Restaurant – Enjoy traditional Balinese recipes at this all-day dining venue set in a village-themed food court. Savour local delicacies as well as international preparations for a quick but hearty meal when hunger strikes.

Other than these, there are also several smaller cafes, stalls, and counters where you can grab a bite. Warung Gajah for Padang and Javanese food, Kafe Siki for bakeries and confectionaries and Cafe Hanuman for Indonesian, Mexican and American street food are the famous ones.

Pick your choice and settle down for a relaxed time after an exhausting day.

6. Hotels near Bali Safari and Marine Park

The in-house African-themed accommodation in the park, Mara River Safari Lodge, is a family-friendly resort with 45 fully-equipped rooms equipped with all contemporary facilities. Get comfortable in the rustic decor and enjoy an excellent view of the park from the open-air terrace.

A Bali trip is certainly incomplete without visiting the Safari and Marine Park once. Equipped with all the details from this guide, embark upon a captivating journey and enjoy a never-seen-before proximity to the wilderness.

Commonly Asked Questions

Are there any age or height restrictions.

No, there are no strict restrictions on height or age. However, minors should be accompanied by adults.

Can visitors feed the animals?

No, visitors are not allowed to feed the animals except during the feeding tours under safari staff supervision.

Is it possible to interact with animals?

Yes, visitors can take part in various animal encounters, where they can feed and interact with some of the park’s friendlier animals, under the supervision of trained staff.

What is the difference between the Bali Zoo and Safari Park?

In zoos, animals are kept in cages or glass enclosures, whereas in a safari park, they get to roam around in their natural habitat.

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Bali Safari & Marine Park

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Top ways to experience Bali Safari & Marine Park and nearby attractions

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Bali Safari & Marine Park - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (0.47 km) Rumah Luwih Bali
  • (0.33 km) Villa L'Orange Bali
  • (0.32 km) Romantic beachfront resort - 2 bedroom Pool Villa
  • (0.36 km) Villa Puri Nirwana by Elite Havens, 6BR, Ketewel
  • (0.80 km) Mara River Safari Lodge
  • (0.06 km) Varuna Bali
  • (1.43 km) Genius Cafe Gianyar
  • (0.48 km) Andrawina Restaurant
  • (1.76 km) Warong Legong
  • (0.47 km) Rumah Luwih Restaurant
  • (0.23 km) Cucukan Bali Tour
  • (0.41 km) Cucukan Beach
  • (1.45 km) Sababay Winery
  • (4.11 km) Halo Bike Cycling Tour
  • (4.34 km) Bali Golden Destination

Bali Zoo Review: Experience, Prices & Photos

A zoo is a zoo, and once you’ve seen one, you might think you’ve seen them all, but the Bali Zoo is a bit special and probably different from any other zoo you’ve visited!

The great thing about the Bali Zoo is that it has a lot of animals native to Bali, Java, and the rest of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, so it’s extra relevant for anyone traveling in this part of the world.

It also happens to be a pretty good zoo in its own right, so we decided to write this Bali zoo review after visiting it several times ourselves.

They even have some fun events where you can interact with the animals in a limited setting, such as the ‘breakfast with orangutans’ package, but everything seems to be well managed and ethically run.

This travel guide will explain where the Bali Zoo is, how to get there, current ticket prices, and everything else you need to know before you go!

Where To Stay

The Kayon Resort

The Kayon Resort

Adiwana Unagi Suites

Adiwana Unagi Suites

Pondok Serayu

Pondok Serayu

Umah Dajane Guesthouse

Umah Dajane Guesthouse

Our Bali Zoo Review: What To Expect

We’ve been to the Bali Zoo a few times now, and still haven’t seen everything.

It’s not exactly huge, but there’s plenty to see: birds, tigers, sun bears, all kinds of monkeys, and much more.

As of 2024, the zoo is also expanding, with a new African savanna section that features lions, meerkats, hyenas, and zebras. They’re also working on adding rhinos and giraffes.

You can see most of the zoo in a few hours, so what I generally do is book a driver for the whole day and then combine the zoo with other sightseeing trips in Bali. But if you want to do extra activities at the zoo (e.g. breakfast with the orangutans), then you could easily stay longer.

It’s also possible to book your zoo tickets online, with hotel transfers included.

Red and orange colored parrot sitting on a tree branch at the Bali Zoo

Big alligator statue near the zoo entrance. Looks real!

A brown muntjac deer with antlers at the Bali Zoo

Tourists on an elephant ride at the Bali Zoo

Animal Encounters & Extra Activities

The Bali Zoo has lots of ‘animal encounters’ where you can interact with the animals. This includes the elephants, orangutans, gibbons, lemurs, deer, goats, rabbits, and wallabies.

Generally this means the animals have a big enclosure that you can walk through as a guest while the animals go about their business.

If you come during feeding time and pay a little extra, you can also help feed chunks of meat to the tigers and crocodiles (from a safe distance), so that’s fun too.

You can have your photo taken professionally with the tropical birds (extra charge), or it’s free to hold them and take your own pics if you want.

Bali Zoo Breakfast With Orangutans Baby

Baby orangutan!

Breakfast With Orangutans

One of the special attractions at the Bali Zoo is to have breakfast with the orangutans and elephants.

We did this on our latest visit to the zoo, and it was a blast! It’s actually one of my favorite things at the whole zoo.

At our breakfast area, there were 2 orangutans, 2 elephants, a few tropical birds, a gibbon with its baby, and a pangolin (mammal from Java).

This sounds like a recipe for chaos, but everything is handled professionally by the zoo staff, and the dining area has plenty of space for the animals and people.

The animals won’t be literally sitting at the breakfast table with you, but they’re sitting nearby with some greens of their own to eat, and you can snap pictures before, during, and after your meal.

My woman being teased by an orangutan at the Bali Zoo

In 2022, the Bali Zoo welcomed its first baby orangutan, named Gandhi! He was 3 months old when we visited, so we got to see him at breakfast, although he was kept at a safe distance since the mother is still protective.

The breakfast is a big buffet with a wide selection of fruit, pancakes, rolls, omelets, bacon, sausages, rice, noodles, veggies, and more. For drink choices, you have natural fruit juice (orange or watermelon), coffee, tea, or water.

Everything at the breakfast buffet was very fresh and good, but the main highlight for us was seeing the baby orangutan!

Bali Zoo Breakfast With Orangutans Baby

At the ‘breakfast with orangutans,’ we got to see this little guy from a safe distance.

One of my only gripes with the Bali Zoo is that they don’t have a better Komodo dragon exhibit. Especially with Bali being so close to their natural habitat, you would expect to see this covered better.

The zoo apparently has two of the Komodo dragons, but they were totally absent every time I’ve been there.

Not everyone has time to hop over to the Komodo islands to see these!

The Bali Safari & Marine Park successfully bred more than a dozen baby Komodo dragons recently, so hopefully the Bali Zoo will start a similar program.

Komodo dragons are endangered in the wild, so this kind of project is great for conservation.

Little kids holding a colorful red parrot at the Bali Zoo

Javan Rusa. They’re friendly and you can feed them.

The colorful face of a blue and yellow parrot at the Bali Zoo

You can have your photo taken with tropical birds like this guy.

Animal Welfare At The Bali Zoo

The animals at the Bali Zoo seem to be healthy and well treated. The zoo staff are friendly and helpful, and everything is kept pretty clean and ethical. We haven’t noticed mistreatment of any kind in our several visits to the zoo.

I know not everyone is a fan of zoos, but it’s undeniable that they play an important role in animal conservation via breeding, funding, education, and more.

You can interact with some of the animals, but none of the encounters are forced and some of the deer, wallabies, and such are even free to roam around the zoo as they please (no roaming tigers, don’t worry).

The tigers and lions have big glass enclosures with good visibility. The lemurs have a big zone to hang out in, and you can walk through it freely, but they were super friendly and had plenty of room to come and go as they please.

All in all, I give the Bali Zoo a big thumbs up — lots of great animals and a good overall experience. If you have time for it, I think it’s a worthwhile addition to your Bali holiday!

Green snake on a tree branch at the Bali Zoo

Ticket Prices

These are the ticket prices for tourists as of 2022. The prices for Indonesian locals are a bit lower.

  • Adults: 355k IDR ($25 USD)
  • Children: 250k IDR ($17 USD)
  • Extra Activities: Check the Bali Zoo website for the latest prices

Hours Of Operation

The hours of operation for the Bali Zoo are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

If you do the breakfast with orangutans, it generally starts at about 7:30 AM, before the rest of the zoo is open to visitors, so your small group will have the place to yourselves for awhile.

There are also lots of extra animal encounters and other activities scheduled throughout the day!

Cassowary bird sitting in the dirt at the Bali Zoo

Where Is The Bali Zoo? How To Get There

The Bali Zoo is located in the Sukawati area, halfway between Sanur and Ubud.

It’s a 20 minute drive from Ubud, 30 minutes from Sanur, or about 1 hour from Kuta, Seminyak, or Canggu.

The best way to get there is to rent a scooter or hire a private car and driver (both of these can be booked online).

If you want to see the Bali Bird Park while you’re at it, that’s only about 5-10 minutes from the zoo!

Angry lizard at the Bali Zoo

Bali Private Driver & Motorbike Rental

If you want to explore Bali in the comfort and safety of a private car with an English speaking driver, my top recommendation would be GetYourGuide .

Their price is 650k Rupiah ($45 USD) for a full day of driving and sightseeing in Bali (up to 10 hours) for 1-5 passengers. That's the total price for the whole car + driver + petrol! It's a great deal. They also offer affordable hotel transfers from the airport.

If you'd rather travel by motorbike, they have that too. Their scooter rentals start at 140k Rupiah (~$9) and include a helmet, rain coat, and free delivery in the south Bali area.

We've used GetYourGuide for lots of tours and activities around the world, and they're great! Highly recommended.

Book Now: Bali Private Driver / Scooter Rental  

Ubud Hotels

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I had no idea that Bali Zoo was so nice. My kids will love it. I am adding this place to my must see list in Bali. Thanks for the tip and useful information.

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Bali Traveller

What to Expect at Bali Zoo

Bali Zoo, located in the heart of Bali, is a popular destination for families and animal enthusiasts. It is home to a diverse collection of exotic species, including tigers, elephants, and monkeys.

Visitors may get up up and personal with these gorgeous creatures while learning about their habitats, behaviour, and conservation efforts at this world-class zoo.

A One-Of-A-Kind Zoo Experience

Bali Zoo is not your typical zoo. Guests can participate in a variety of participatory activities such as elephant rides, animal interactions, and guided tours, making it a genuinely unique experience.

The zoo allows visitors to get up close and personal with a variety of animals, as well as learn about their habitats and behaviour.

Bali Zoo Animal Welfare

Bali Zoo is committed to the conservation of rare and endangered animals. It is home to a variety of endangered species, including the Sumatran tiger, Javan langur, and Bali mynah.

To safeguard the survival of these species for future generations, the zoo collaborates closely with conservation organizations and breeding initiatives.

Bali Zoo Animals

  • Black Palm Cockatoo
  • Black Winged Myna
  • Blue and Gold Macaw
  • Double Wattled Cassowary
  • Eclectus Parrot
  • Guinea Fowl
  • Javan Peafowl
  • Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
  • Wreathed Hornbill
  • African Lion
  • Bengal Tiger
  • Sumatran Tiger
  • False Gharial
  • Saltwater Crocodile
  • Agile Gibbon
  • Common Marmoset
  • Javan Langur
  • Silvery Gibbon
  • Green Iguana
  • Komodo Dragon

Turtles & Tortoises

  • Asian Forest Tortoise
  • Red Eared Slider
  • Sulcata Tortoise

Other Animals

  • Asian Bearcat
  • Asian Forest Otter
  • Bawean Deer
  • Goat & Muntjak
  • Shetland Horse
  • Sugar Glider
  • Sunda Slow Loris

Coming Soon

  • Flamingo (Coming Soon)
  • Giraffe (Coming Soon)
  • Rhinoserous (Coming Soon)

A Family-Friendly Location

Bali Zoo is an excellent choice for families with children. The zoo provides a variety of entertaining and instructive activities for children, such as animal interactions, playgrounds, and interactive displays.

It is the ideal spot to spend a day with the family and make lifelong memories, with so much to see and do.

Animal Encounters

At Bali Zoo, you will have an educational and unforgettable encounter with the animals. Learn how to interact with and feed the brave animals who appear during the encounters.

  • Animal Encounter (1.00 – 1.30 PM) at Central Food Village
  • Free-roaming orangutans in Kampung Sumatra 1.30 – 2.30 PM

Bali Zoo Breakfast With Orangutans

  • Duration: Roughly 5 hours
  • last Check-in time: 08:30 (morning).

Begin the day’s most important meal with our gorgeous Orangutans in their playground. Breakfast at the zoo is routine, but breakfast with an orangutan? That would be one kind an experience!

Bali Zoo was the first in Indonesia to provide a Breakfast with Orangutans experience. Guests can now eat breakfast like a king and with the jungle’s kings: Orangutans.

  • Admission Ticket
  • Animal Encounter & Show
  • Full Breakfast
  • Insurance 
  • Jungle Splash Waterplay


  • Parking Area
  • Praying Room
  • Shuttle Bus (Inside Bali Zoo)
  • Wheelchair Access

F ee d the Animals

From the moment you enter Bali Zoo, you can feed and pet some of the tame animals, such as deer and elephants. You can even feed lions and tigers while being escorted by a trained crew.

Bali Zoo: A Shelter for Animals

Bali Zoo’s animals are carefully cared for and live in spacious, natural areas that mirror their original environment. The zoo places a high value on animal welfare and works relentlessly to keep each animal healthy and happy.

Visitors may be confident that they are helping a zoo that genuinely cares for its animals.

A Memorable Experience

Visiting Bali Zoo is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is the ideal location for families, animal enthusiasts, and anybody searching for a unique and memorable experience, thanks to its large selection of animals, interactive experiences, and commitment to conservation.

Ticket Prices

These are the tourist ticket rates as of 2022. Prices for Indonesian residents are slightly lower.

355k IDR ($35 AUD) for adults 250k IDR ($25 AUD) for children

Bali Zoo is a world-class zoo that provides a one-of-a-kind and amazing experience. The zoo is a must-see location for animal lovers or anyone looking for a fun day out with the family.

Where Is The Bali Zoo?

The Bali Zoo lies in the Sukawati neighbourhood, between Sanur and Ubud . It’s a 20-minute drive from Ubud, a 30-minute drive from Sanur, and an hour’s drive from Kuta , Seminyak , or Canggu . Renting a scooter or hiring a private car and driver (both of which can be hired online) is the best method to get there. If you want to explore Bali Bird Park , it’s only 5-10 minutes from the zoo!

Bali Zoo FAQs

Bali Zoo offers a unique and engaging experience with various animal encounters. Visitors can enjoy close interactions like hand-feeding elephants, petting deer, holding tropical birds, and cuddling with orangutans, making it a memorable visit for animal lovers and families.

The key difference between a traditional zoo and a safari park lies in the animal housing approach. Bali Safari Park provides a more natural, open environment for animals, akin to wildlife habitats, making it a distinctive choice for those seeking a more immersive and educational experience with a wide range of animals.

Generally, a few hours are sufficient to explore most of Bali Zoo. However, for those interested in additional activities like breakfast with orangutans, a longer stay is recommended. Combining the zoo visit with other Bali sightseeing trips is a popular option for many visitors.

Bali Zoo, located near Ubud in Sukawati, spans 22 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens. It is home to over 400 animals from various parts of the world, offering a comprehensive and educational wildlife experience for families and wildlife enthusiasts.

Bali Zoo provides a unique opportunity to feed elephants, allowing visitors to interact closely with these magnificent creatures in a tropical setting, enhancing the overall zoo experience.

Bali Zoo focuses on exhibiting animals in enclosures, whereas Bali Safari Park emphasizes a free-roaming environment for animals, replicating a natural habitat. Bali Safari Park offers educational encounters with animals from Indonesia, Africa, and India.

While Bali Zoo provides care for its animals, captivity inherently cannot fully replicate the natural needs of wild animals. As such, no facilities in Bali or Lombok are currently recognized as completely ethical wildlife viewing venues.

The Bali Safari and Marine Park offer various packages, with the Adventure Package starting from IDR 540,000 per person, including safari, aquarium, elephant show, and tax. For an exclusive experience like breakfast with lions, the package is priced at Rp675,000.

Bali Zoo, the island’s first zoological park, is a sanctuary for over 500 rare and exotic animals, set within a lush, tropical environment, providing an educational and fascinating experience for visitors.

Housing over 500 animals across 70 species native to Indonesia, Bali Zoo is a haven for various wildlife, including birds, reptiles, and mammals. Key attractions include lions, tigers, crocodiles, otters, gibbons, cockatoos, deer, elephants, and orangutans.

Established in 2020, Bali Zoo is the island’s pioneering animal conservation facility, owned and maintained by Anak Agung Gde Putra, Lesmana’s father, who has dedicated years to its care.

Bali Zoo opened its doors in 2002, marking its place as the first Balinese-owned zoological park. It was independently founded by Mr. Anak Agung Gde Putra in the Sukawati district of Gianyar , in his native village of Singapadu.

Ben H

A seasoned traveller and Bali enthusiast with a wealth of experience and knowledge about the island. With a passion for exploring and discovering Bali’s hidden gems, Ben has a keen eye for details and a deep understanding of Bali’s culture, history, and unique features. With years of travel experience under his belt, he has explored almost every corner of the island and can provide invaluable insights and recommendations to make your trip unforgettable. From the best beaches to the tastiest local cuisine,he’s has got you covered.


Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari

Tim Balipedia

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Kali ini mimin Balipedia pengen bahas perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari. Bukan tanpa alasan karena banyak tamu/calon pengunjung yang terkecoh jika keduanya dianggap sama. Misalnya saja mau berkunjung ke Bali Safari, tetapi malah booking Bali Zoo 😀

Walau memiliki konsep sama dengan mengusung tagline Kebun Binatang di Bali, kenyataan di lapangan kedua nama diatas memang tidak sama seperti lokasi, company, ataupun kegiatannya.

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

Apa itu Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari?

Bali Zoo adalah objek wisata kebun binatang yang terletak di Jalan Raya Singapadu, Gianyar – Bali. Memiliki koleksi satwa sekitar 70 spesies dengan jumlah lebih dari 500 ekor binatang. Memiliki luas 12 hektar, kamu bisa jalan kaki berkeliling melihat hewan dikandangnya seperti burung cendrawasih , harimau sumatra, dll.

Sedangkan Bali Safari Park adalah objek wisata kebun binatang juga namun diselingi naik mobil untuk melihat satwa dihabitatnya. Lokasi tempatnya di Gianyar juga lho guys, namun di Jalan Bypass Ida Bagus Mantra km 19,8. Perlu juga kamu tahu, kalau jarak Bali Safari ke Bali Zoo sekitar 1 jam naik mobil. Lumayan jauh juga
 :D. Taman Safari Bali memiliki luas 40 hektar, didalamnya ada sekitar 100 spesies, lebih dari 1000 hewan dari Indonesia, India, dan Afrika.

Jadi 2 tempat diatas sangat jelas beda lokasi ya guys.. Nah, apalagi perbedaan yang lainnya?

Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

Meskipun memiliki persamaan dalam konservasi satwa di Bali, namun dalam beberapa hal mereka tidak sama. Nah, berikut perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari adalah:

  • Jenis pengalaman: Bali Zoo adalah sebuah kebun binatang tradisional dimana pengunjung dapat melihat berbagai jenis hewan dari jarak dekat dengan berjalan kaki, termasuk primata, reptil, dan kucing besar. Sementara Bali Safari adalah taman satwa liar yang menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih imersif, di mana pengunjung dapat berpartisipasi dalam tur safari (naik tram untuk journey trip), melihat hewan dalam habitat alaminya, dan bahkan berinteraksi dengan beberapa dari mereka. Jadi di Bali Safari selain naik mobil khusus, juga bisa jalan kaki untuk melihat binatang dari jarak dekat.
  • Lingkungan: Bali Zoo menampilkan hewan dalam lingkungan yang dikontrol dalam artian berada didalam kandangnya, sedangkan Bali Safari menampilkan hewan dalam lingkungan yang lebih alami dan juga ada beberapa di dalam kandang.
  • Luas area: Bali Zoo (12 hektar) lebih kecil dibandingkan Bali Safari Park (40 hektar).
  • Jenis Hewan: Bali Safari Park memiliki lebih banyak jenis hewan (sekitar 1000+ satwa) dibandingkan Bali Zoo (sekitar 500+ satwa), termasuk hewan-hewan eksotis seperti gajah, singa, dan bison. Bali Zoo, meskipun lebih sedikit, memiliki beberapa jenis hewan yang menarik, seperti orang utan, kucing hutan, dan burung-burung tropis.
  • Fasilitas: Bali Safari Park memiliki fasilitas yang lebih modern dan lengkap, termasuk restoran, toko suvenir, dan fasilitas parkir yang besar. Bali Zoo memiliki fasilitas yang lebih sederhana, meskipun masih memiliki area makan dan toko suvenir.
  • Aktivitas: Bali Safari Park menawarkan beberapa aktivitas unik, seperti safari malam, naik tram utk journey trip, dan atraksi hewan. Bali Zoo memiliki beberapa aktivitas yang menyenangkan, seperti pertunjukan hewan namun tidak ada naik mobil untuk lihat satwa langsung dihabitatnya.
  • Rate: Harga Bali Safari Park lebih mahal dibandingkan Tiket Bali Zoo , karena fasilitas dan aktivitas yang lebih lengkap.

Diatas sudah kami sebutkan 7 perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari. Jika tertarik berkunjung salah satunya, kami Balipedia siap membantu.

Foto Bali Zoo

Bali Zoo

Foto Bali Safari

Bali Safari

Booking Tiketnya?

Jika ingin beli tiket Bali Zoo Park ataupun Bali Safari Park, silakan hubungi tim marketing Balipedia ya guys. Kami memberikan jaminan harga lebih murah dibanding harga di lokasi. Tentu saja layanan dan fasilitas yang diterima tetap sama. Jadi jangan khawatir.

Kontak kami dibawah ini. Siap memberikan harga terbaik

  • Hp.  081339633454  (Telkomsel)
  • Hp.  087736-633454  (XL)

bali zoo dan bali safari park

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bali zoo dan bali safari park

Bali Zoo Review vs Bali Safari Marine Park

Bali Zoo review kali ini tentang kunjungan kami ke Bali Zoo, mumpung dapet tiket diskon, hehe.. Secara umum sih, Lala cukup menikmati, tapi ada beberapa hal yang menjadi highlight kami selama di sana.

Bali Zoo Review

Variasi binatang.

Variasi binatang di Bali Zoo cukup banyak, yaitu sekitar 500 jenis binatang. Kebanyakan binatang berada dalam kandang, seperti layaknya kebun binatang di kota-kota.

Attraction di Bali Zoo

Sedikit update untuk review Bali Zoo ini kami tulis waktu kunjungan kami tahun 2016, dan sekarang Bali Zoo udah tambah gede dan tambah seru. Nah untuk ulasan lengkapnya bisa dibaca di artikel Serunya Bermain & Belajar di Bali Zoo Extension  ya : )

Show di sini ada 2 saja, yaitu:

  • Exotic Bird Show Jam 11 AM & 3 PM Di area Animals Presentation dekat Petting Zoo. Gratis.
  • Animal Encounters Jam 1 PM & 4 PM Di Restoran Elephant view Di show ini, kita bisa berfoto gratis dengan binatang yang dibawa oleh tim Bali Zoo. Saat kami berkunjung, kami berfoto dengan baby crocodile dan baby tiger . Urutan foto harus mengambil nomor antrian. Jadi, sebaiknya, buru2 mengambil nomor antrian dulu sekitar jam 11 atau saat masuk ke area Bali Zoo (karena restoran ini terletak di area dekat pintu masuk).
  • Selain show, kita juga bisa memberi makan rusa di area Petting Zoo (jam 9AM hingga 5 PM) dengan membeli wortel dan sayuran seharga Rp.25.000,- di booth dekat area Petting Zoo.
  • Feed the Animals, jam 9 AM hingga 4 PM. Di sini juga bayar lagi, tapi ga tau berapa. Kita dapat memberi makan karnivora seperti macan, buaya, atau herbivora seperti gajah. Agak-agak serem sih, makanya kita ga cobain haha..
  • Pony Ride jam 10AM hingga 4 PM, tapi kami ga sempat naik jadi ga tau di mana dan berapa harganya.
  • Elephant Ride , jam 9AM hingga 5.30 PM. Saat tanya staffnya, katanya bayar Rp.350.000,- per dewasa. Karena mahal, kami ga naik, jadi nonton aja dari Elephant View Restaurant.

Nah, terlihat ya, dari shownya, banyakan bayar lagi. Saat staffnya ditanya, ini shownya di mana, juga ga bisa jawab. Nanti kita bandingkan dengan Bali Safari di point di bawah ya..

Sebelnya, kita sering banget difoto, baik saat masuk di pintu masuk saat ketemu burung, animal encounter dll. Setelah difoto, kita akan dapet sejenis kupon gitu yang berisi nomor foto, dan bisa kita kasih ke counter foto kalo mau cetak dan beli fotonya. Kemarin pas saya tanya sih, fotonya mulai dari Rp.130.000,- -.-” Mahal ya, mungkin mereka memang cari uangnya di sini. Dan, yang paling penting lagi, ini ngabis2in kertas banget kuponnya. Kami sendiri dapat 8 kupon yang berisi nomor seri yang beda2. Pemborosan.

Di sini terdapat 2 restoran yaitu:

  • Wana Restaurant , di mana kita bisa makan sambil melihat singa melalui kaca.
  • Elephant View Restaurant , di mana kita bisa menikmati gajah yang lewat atau sekedar minum.

Elephant View Restaurant Bali Zoo

Enjoy Our Meal with a View of Elephants

Harga makanannya cukup mahal, yaitu mulai dari Rp.80.000,- untuk per porsi makanannya. Harga minuman mulai dari Rp.25.000,-.

Miniapolis Jungle Waterplay

Nah, agak emosi nih kalo cerita yang satu ini. Jadi, semua paket Bali Zoo pasti sudah termasuk tiket masuk ke waterplay ini, tapi sebenarnya ini dalam management terpisah lho dari Bali Zoo. Jadi positifnya, kalo kita cuma mau ke waterplay, kita bisa saja cuma beli tiket ke Miniapolis Jungle Waterplay-nya tanpa bayar untuk Bali Zoo.

Nah, kita sudah beli 2 tiket dewasa utk Bali Zoo kan, di mana Lala memang masih free karena baru 18 bulan. Keselnya, setelah kita pikir tiket masuk Waterplay sudah termasuk dalam tiket yang kita beli, ternyata Lala (children above 1 year old) harus bayar! Lala baru 18 bulan, dan anak di atas 1 tahun sudah harus bayar coba yaaaa.. Anak di bawah 2 tahun paling bisa main apa sih? Slide juga masih dipegangin. Di kolam juga paling keciprak kecipruk. Makanya biasanya anak di bawah 2 tahun ga bayar lagi di manapun: transportasi, attaction, zoo, dsb. Harga Miniapolisnya untuk tiket dewasa Rp.25.000,- dan anak-anak Rp.60.000,-. Tapi ya udah, karena tanggung udah pengen berenang, jadi kita bayar yang Lala (karena yang kita memang sudah termasuk di tiket Bali Zoo).

Pas mau bayar, mba nya sudah bilang, “Ga boleh cancel ya Bu tiketnya kalo sudah beli?”. Errrr.., kan mulai curiga ya, jadi saya tanya lagi satu-satu sambil tanda tangan surat pernyataan kalo kecelakaan ga akan tuntut mereka:

Saya: “Ada loker kan?” Mba: “Ada Bu, tapi bayar lagi Rp.10.000,-” S: “Trus apalagi yang bayar?” M: “Cabana bayar lagi Bu Rp.50.000,-. Cuma kursi aja yang gratis” S: “Ok, terus ruang ganti?” –> udah mulai emosi kalo sampe bayar juga M: “Ngga Bu, sudah termasuk” S: “Ok deh kalo gitu saya jadi beli tiketnya”

EEEEEHH, abis udah bayar, dia langsung bilang gini:

“Oh ya bu, slidenya hanya untuk anak-anak ya, orang dewasa ga boleh naik”

Langsung deh itu memuncak emosinya, “APAAA?!” *zoom-in zoom-out*


Sorry if I sound too emotional 🙁 Tp gila itu mah emosinya udah Coba kalo dipikir-pikir ya: anak >1 tahun harus bayar, tapi klopun masih kecil ga bisa ditemenin naik slide oleh orang dewasa (emang si Lala bisa gitu, naik tangga trus slide sendiri tanpa cedera?), sedangkan kalo ada kecelakaan kita ga boleh nuntut dia. Please somebody, tell me where it makes sense?  *nangis di pojokan*

Pantesan aja pake warning kalo sudah beli tiket ga bisa cancel .. -.-”

Bali Zoo vs Bali Safari

Jawabannya: Bali Safari. Hal ini karena beberapa alasan berikut:

  • Staff lebih attentive , komunikatif, dan informatif. Kalo di Bali Safari, saat masuk, kita bisa tanya di information center, dan staffnya akan langsung jelasin “show ini jam sekian di sini, lalu ibu bisa ke show ini berikutnya jam sekian di sini..” sambil nandain peta. Kalo di Bali Zoo, boro2 , pas ditanya tempat Bird Show di kasirnya aja (ga ada information booth) masih bisik-bisik sama temennya dulu untuk cari tau. Sedangkan semua staff Bali Safari sudah well-trained , mulai dari receptionist , information center , hingga ke host animal show .
  • Show & attraction di Bali Safari lebih banyak, lebih edukatif, dan lebih menghibur. Puas banget kalo mau satu hari full. Tapi kalo cuma setengah hari, mending ke Bali Zoo kayaknya..
  • Secara keseluruhan, lebih murah di Bali Safari. Walaupun tiketnya terlihat lebih mahal, tapi kebanyakan show sudah ga bayar lagi. Makanan di restorannya juga cukup murah , mulai dari Rp.30.000,- an per porsi. Sebagai bandingan, kami makan di Bali Safari sekitar Rp.120.000-an, kalo di Bali Zoo sekitar Rp.220.000-an. Begitu juga dengan petting zoo, kalo di Bali Safari ga bayar lagi. Intinya, kalo dihitung2, kami menghabiskan lebih banyak uang di Bali Zoo, dengan tingkat kepuasan yang jauh lebih rendah. 🙂
  • Waterpark Bali Zoo ngeselin, dan itu sudah pasti include di tiket, ga bisa kalo beli tiket Bali Zoo tapi ga beli tiket Miniapolis. Lebih puas mendingan ke waterparknya Bali Safari deh. Kolamnya jauh lebih gede, slidenya lebih banyak juga, dan ada kolam dalem juga untuk orang dewasa berenang.

Lokasi Bali Zoo

Bila dari arah Kuta, maka arahnya mengarah ke Ubud. Tepatnya di Jl. Raya Singapadu Banjar Seseh Sukawati Batuan Sukawati Gianyar Bali. Kalo pake GPS, bila langsung ketik “Jalan Raya Singapadu – Gianyar, Bali”, atau lihat di Google Map di link berikut: Lokasi Bali Zoo

Harga Tiket Bali Zoo

Untuk lihat published rate, bisa di link ini .  Untuk anak-anak, terhitung dari umur 2-12 tahun. Per tangga 8 Des 2016, harga resmi di bawah ini sedang diskon 15%. Namun harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu, jadi monggo cek website resmi mereka ya untuk konfirmasi harga 🙂

  • Zoo Admission (miniapolis + animal encounters & show+ insurance) Adult Rp.378.000,- / Child Rp.245.000,-
  • Zoo Explorer (Zoo Admission + Lunch) Adult Rp.756.000,- / Child Rp.580.500,-
  • Zoo Safer (Zoo Admission + Shuttle Express) Adult Rp.526.500,- / Child Rp.391.500,- Depart from Beachwalk Shopping Mall : 09.30 AM, 10.30 AM Return from Bali Zoo: 02.00 PM, 03.00 PM
  • Night at the Zoo (Hotel transfer + Dinner + insurance + hand feeding elephants & animal encounters, fire dance show) Adult Rp.972.000,- / Child Rp.675.000,- Pick up from Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran at 4.30-5.00 PM Pick up from Sanur, Ubud at 05.00-05.30 PM
  • Paket lain di atas 1 juta, yaitu: Mahout for A Day, Zoo Keeper for A Day, Elephant Expedition, Elephant Safari.

Kemarin kami dapat harga promo di Groupon Indonesia, diskon Zoo Admission jadi cuma Rp.55.000,- untuk dewasa. Tapi promonya sudah habis.

Kesimpulan Bali Zoo Review

Kalo dari kami sih, untuk yang budgetnya terbatas, boleh lah ke Bali Zoo tapi bawa lunch sendiri aja. Itu kan areanya ga gitu besar, jadi bisa keluar dulu, makan di mobil terus masuk lagi kalo mau — walaupun kyy sih setengah hari juga udah selesai.

Tapi yang punya budget, bela2in aja ke Bali Safari dari jam 9.00-10.30 AM sudah nongkrong di sana, sampe sore jam 5 mau tutup baru pulang. Worth-it banget kok. 🙂

Bali Safari & Marine Park Review 2

Bali Zoo Park Jl. Raya Singapadu Banjar Seseh Sukawati Batuan Sukawati Gianyar Bali, Bali 80582 Ph. (+62) 361 294357 Opening Hour: Everyday 9AM – 10PM Lokasi Bali Zoo

Selamat belajar sambil bermain di kebun binatang ya! 🙂

This review post is based on our honest personal opinion, not a sponsored post or intended to sully any party.

  • bali zoo atau bali safari
  • bali zoo review
  • bali zoo vs bali safari
  • harga tiket bali zoo
  • kebun binatang bali

bali zoo dan bali safari park

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Diana Suciawati

Originally from Palembang, Diana spent 6 years in Bandung and was 'lucky' to survive Jakarta only for 9 months. Her first solo travel was in 2008 to Malaysia and has been addicted to travel ever since. Now, she is based in Bali with her husband and daughters, working as a freelance writer for and co-founder of JSB.ID. Blogging since 2005, she is now sharing all her traveling experiences with her little happy family through this blog.

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Dimas Arif Budiman

Dear mba diana,

Kalo bali safari sensasi nya sama gak dengan taman safari cisarua? Karena agak males juga kalo sama aja, jauh2 kesana eh feel nya sama aja

Halo Mba, beda mba feelnya, karena di Bali Safari ga boleh masuk bawa mobil sendiri. Jadi lebih kayak main di wahana permainan, bykan jalan kaki di dalemnya. 🙂 Makasih sudah mampir ke blog kami ya Mba, semoga jawabannya membantu. Selamat jalan-jalan! 🙂

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misi mbak mau nanya,

saya kok baca di beberapa situs, katanya tiket masuk bali zoo sekitar 100rban ya? mohon infonya makasihh

Setau saya, di website lain sering ada diskon Bali Zoo, spt di Groupon misalnya. Mungkin harga 100.000an itu dari sana ya. 🙂 Semoga jawabannya membantu..

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Primadita Rahma

Dear Kak Diana, terima kasih review-nya, sangat membantu sekali, akhirnya saya jadi ke Bali Zoo dan agak kecewa sih. This is my review: 🙂

Halo Prima, aku udah baca review kamu. Hahahaha iya jadinya sebentar banget yak? 😀 Bali Safari lebih seru sih, gedee, harus seharian dan smua dimaenin biar ga rugi! haha.. Salam kenal ya 😉

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Halo Mbak Di, aku ada rencana ke Bali akhir tahun ini membawa anakku yang kira-kira umurnya akan 1 tahun. dan aku dilema sekali memilih antara Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari. Thank god, aku nemu blog mbak ini. Dan aku sudah menentukan pilihan utk ke Bali Safari. Thank you Mbak Di untuk reviewnya. Salam kenal.

Halo Mba Aprilia, seneng sekali blog kami bisa membantu mba untuk mutusin mau ke mana, haha.. Salam kenal juga, dan selamat senang-senang sama Si Kecil dan keluarga ya. 🙂

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Thanks mb Di… Alhamdulillah menguatkan pilihan. Btw.. Sense ke Bali Safari sama ke TSI Prigen sama aja ngga ya? Ada rekomendasi destinasi lainnya utk bayi 11mo ?

Halo, makasih Mba udah mampir, syukurlah bisa menguatkan pilihan 🙂 Terus terang kami blm pernah ke TSI Prigen, tapi kmrn smpt lewat dan kyy itu lebih mirip sama yang di Bogor ya? Kalo iya, berarti beda sama yang di Bali.

Untuk sama bayi 11 bulan, mungkin bisa coba intip yang di bawah ini Mba:

Salam, Diana 🙂

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Krishna Dwi Lesmana

Mba Diana..

Sekedar mau Share saja mengenai Bali Safari Marine Park.. bukannya mau promo sih hehehe.. tapi Saya dulu pernah menjadi Staff sebgai kepala Maintenance Disana tahun 2011-2012…

yang kebetulan saya juga tinggal didalam area Bali Safari jadi hafal benar deh situasi dan kondisi disana… sampai hafal juga letak letak point of interest disana…

memang benar kalau tiket masuk bali Safari terkesan mahal, tapi mahalnya itu sudah include beberapa show dan wahana permainan. Staff kami juga well trained karena management TSI group sangat berorientasi kepada public satisfaction. We Learned everyday to serve our guest very well..

maka dari itu kami 3 kali berturut turut mendapat penghargaan the best tourism spot in Bali dan mendapat penghargaan Tri Hita Karana dari dinas pariwasata bali..

Kami terus improve dan develop potensi yang ada untuk selalu menjadi yang terbaik

jadi jangan bosan untuk kembali ke Bali Safari

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Eko Octavianus

Halo, Mas… Iyaa betul, emang kalau dihitung-hitung dengan inclusionnya sebenarnya hargany wajar banget kok : ) Tenang aja, pasti kapan-kapan maen lg ke Bali Safari hehe…

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Halo mbak diana, thank you buat reviewnya. Pas tau bali zoo spt ini batal dah kesana, bete banget sampe dalam semua bayar2 lagi n kalo di tanya staff nya gak tau… Oalahh kelaut aja ini bali zoo.. Wkwk ok saya dan anak hari ini ke safari marine aja.. Thank youuuuu mbakkkk

Halo Mba, ya ampun maaf ini telat banget bales komennya haha.. Btw, Bali Zoo sekarang sudah diperluas dan diperbagus Mba pas kami ke sana lagi. Ini review updatenya ya: 🙂 Semoga infonya membantu 🙂

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Arista Rizky Indriyanto

Nemu juga ulasan yang mantep. Terima kasih sudah ngulas keduanya, sangat membantu saya dalam merencanakan perjalanan saya berikutnya.


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bali zoo dan bali safari park

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Home » Indonesia » Bali Safari park review after 2023

Rhinos Bali safari

Bali Safari park review after 2023

During the pandemic of 2020, there was a huge promo to visit the Bali Safari park. Don’t confuse this one with the Bali Zoo, that’s a totally different zoo. In October 2022, I visited again as a family trip, and it was a very different experience for both the audience and the staff.

The park is located in the east of Bali. Nearby you have the chance to eat the biggest burger of Bali . It takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to get to Bali Safari Park from Seminyak or south.

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The opening times for Bali Safari Park are different depending on what ticket you buy. The most common and popular one is during the day, these opening times are from 9 am to 5 pm. If you go for the night safari, then the opening time is from 6 pm to 10 pm, and some parts will close earlier, like the night safari walk. For more information about ticket pricing and opening times (which can vary) do check at this webpage of Bali Safari Marine Park . At the time of writing the prices start from 640k IDR and up, which is 40 USD and up depending what ticket you want. You can even pay 77.50 AUD per person as per comment. It can be a costly venture, make sure to read the website.

Buy your ticket for Bali Safari Marine Park with the Best Price Guarantee. Different options are available.

The Entrance

Bali safari entrance by car

You can reach the park by scooter, car or van. If you have a reservation for Bali Safari park you could mention it here. You will get some directions on where to park (depending on your vehicle type) and you could walk from there to the ticket booth. If you have only made reservations and or don’t have your ticket yet you would need to collect them here.

You will get some wristbands here. You don’t need to put it on yourself, it can make the scanning of your bar/QR code difficult. Just scan the code first, this happens further at the small gate. Then there will be staff for you to put it on. After this, you would need to wait for the bus. It’s a few minutes’ ride to the actual park.

You will also be checked for any foods and drinks. It is not allowed to bring inside the park. I was with my daughter 3 years old. I had some things for her, the milk she’d like and her own brand snacks specially for kids. This wasn’t an issue for me at the time. We were with 3, and it was visible we only had something for our little one. No issue because of this.

Aquariums and Bali Marine park

Your start begins with the part filled with the aquarium. It’s a bit nice and cool here in terms of temperature. Other than that there is a lot to see. The marine park itself is still “coming soon”, this happened also on my last visit about 3 years ago.

bali zoo dan bali safari park

Piranha feeding

The piranha’s feeding starts from 10 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm. So if you are a bit early and want to see it. It will cost 70k IDR (US $4.50) per 2 baits. Here is a short YouTube clip of how it will look like.

As soon as we saw the sign of coming soon, we went back to the main road, structure, to follow the itinerary. Do check the schedule and timetable .

  • Animal Show

Big Cat Show

  • Elephant Show
  • Bali Agung Show
  • Safari Journey
  • Free roaming the park
  • (Feeding) at Petting Zoo
  • Uma restaurant

During the whole trip I advice to have some bottle of water with you. You can buy this all over the park. It can be hot make sure to hydrate all the time.

The Animal Show

bali safari animal show

This show starts 2x a day. From 10.30 am to 11 am and from 16:00 – 16:30 at Hanuman Stage.

The animal show is very educational and fun for all ages. They include all kinds of animals from small rodents, to two orangutans. You will learn all kinds of things during this show. The fun thing is, that post-pandemic, the animals and presenters do interact more with the audience, and you might have an opportunity to volunteer and help out during the show. After the show, 10 people will be picked out to make pictures on stage with the animes. If you are picked out, take your loved ones with you, so they can enjoy this moment with you. Yes, this is allowed 🙂

albino python animal show bali safari

Warning : If you have a phobia of snakes, do not sit at the first 3 rows of the audience, rather sit more at the back. This is because there will be someone with a large albino python walking around the first 2 rows.

tiger swimming in bali safari park

In the Big Cat Show, you will see a bit of the history of the tiger and why they are endangered. The tigers will demonstrate also their ability to climb a tree, swim, and other skills they possess. During this show, there is no interactivity with the audience.

We missed the elephant show and the Bali Agung show, to roam the park free, whilst everyone was at the show we enjoyed a calm park and premium seats for our safari.

Free roaming in the park

Koi pond

Free roaming is the best when you are with little ones. Children want to roam around free and run from here to there. There are enough animals to see and experience. At the bird area, you can even see some parrots roaming free. So missing out on the scheduled events and shows sometimes isn’t that bad. The petting zoo is a lot of fun for the small little ones, do spend some time if you are with kids.

The Siberian tiger or white tiger has its feeding scheduled at 2:30 pm. Before that, you can see the tiger pacing around waiting for food. Almost a bit aggressive running towards the window waiting for something to eat. Interesting to see while you are safe, you can see the tiger’s teeth and impatience for food around this time.

bali safari

The Safari is the highlight of the park itself. You will take a drive through all kinds of areas with different animals. Each their own territory. It was amazing to see the Hippos eat. They are mostly in the water but we were lucky to see this. Behind the Rhino (tap/click to enlarge pictures and zoom) you can actually see the accommodation of the park. So you can take a hotel there and enjoy the park.

The Safari tour is an amazing and educational experience. Sit back and enjoy!

Uma Restaurant

Uma restaurant

Uma restaurant is not the one with the Lions! Last time we went to that restaurant there. It’s a nice and spacious restaurant with a playground for little children. Uma Restaurant is like a food court, you will get a separate bill for almost every order. We’ve received 3 bills. The Nasi Campur is a clean nice and spicy meal. The Pizza rendang, was very hard and tough to eat. it gave our jaws some aches. It was hard to chew. This is because of the dough. The salad was nice and refreshing, it came with balsamic vinegar for a bit of an acidic taste. yummy!

Verdict Bali Safari park

There is a huge improvement compared to when we visited Bali Safari Park during the pandemic . It’s an excellent place to visit for a day. I am not sure about staying there in a hotel. Might be very convenient for the evening visit and feeding the predators. The Safari Park comes with a hefty price ticket, but you can see and do a lot there. So I would say it’s worth it for a family outing, a date, or even for animal lovers to see the tropical animals of this park. I have included some pictures but there is so much more to see at Bali Safari Park.

I hope you liked this review and that you feel convinced in going! It’s a unique experience, especially the safari! You will come out enriched with newly found knowledge

If you’re planning to do more in one day, also check out Tirta Gangga , because that’s about 1.5 hours drive from there


Hi I am Dwi. I am a blogger, travel agent and a mom of a lovely daughter and wife to a supportive husband. I customize and plan tours in Bali and islands nearby for a living and have been doing this for more than 14 years. Get in touch via contact [at]

4 thoughts on “Bali Safari park review after 2023”

We first went to the Bali Safari & Marine Park in 2013 and we loved it. We went yesterday and what a total different experience. I would like to say it was nice but it was an absolute rip you off experience from start to finish. We paid at the entrance a bit over $310.00AU ($77.50AU each) for four of us, while the locals basically pay nothing
. Worst part at the entrance was our driver did not take a white piece of paper at the entrance gate and we could not enter with out it
anyhow a good 20minutes later they just scanned another driver’s ticket and we could enter. The toilets were putrid and looked liked they had not been cleaned in months and did not have toilet paper (strongly recommend BYO toilet paper in case!). The displays in parts were missing animal exhibits and the shows were so loud I reckon I have suffered hearing loss. The small roller coaster (not that we went for that) used to be free for kids
not now at least for tourists as we were asked to pay 30k Rp while the locals went on for free. All in all it is so obvious the zoo will extract as much money from a tourist as it can. We have been to many many zoos all over the world and I recommend saving you money for another activity or a trip if you are from AU to a zoo like Dubbo. This zoo is clearly charging entrance prices (for tourists) in excess of quite a few around the world and I just did not see the value or get a positive experience from start to finish for the price for an average family.

Hi Martin, thank you for sharing your experience!

Hi Dear, Thank you for sharing this details. This content is very helpful for me.

Thank you Elly!

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Bali Safari Park

This theme park is filled with critters whose species never set foot in Bali until their cage door opened (tigers, lions, elephants, hippos, rhinos etc). Entry is by package tickets that can be tailored to interests – opt for safaris, a Bali Agung show, waterpark access, animal shows, meals, night safaris and more. Note that animal shows and rides are offered here despite there being overwhelming evidence that shows and rides are harmful for animals such as elephants.

The park is near Pantai Lebih ; free shuttles run to tourist centres across south Bali. Tickets are cheapest when purchased online.

off Prof Dr Ida Bagus Mantra Bypass Km19.8

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Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Agung Rai Museum of Art

Agung Rai Museum of Art

If you only visit one museum in Ubud, make it this one. Founder Agung Rai built his fortune selling Balinese artwork to foreigners in the 1970s, and

Exterior of Pura Besakih, the black temple.

Pura Besakih

16.73 MILES

Perched nearly 1000m up the side of Gunung Agung, this is Bali's most important Hindu temple. The site encompasses 23 separate but related temples, with

Gate in Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple on Bali, Indonesia

Pura Luhur Ulu Watu

24.07 MILES

This important temple is perched precipitously on the southwestern tip of the peninsula, atop sheer cliffs that drop straight into the ceaseless surf

Neka Art Museum

Neka Art Museum

Offering an excellent introduction to Balinese art, the top-notch collection is displayed in a series of pavilions and halls. Don't miss the multiroom

The great temple of Mengwi, Bali, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia

Pura Taman Ayun

11.73 MILES

Don't miss one of the top temples on Bali, a serene place of enveloping calm. The huge royal water temple of Pura Taman Ayun, surrounded by a wide,

Ceiling painting, Taman Kertha Gosa, Klungkung

Puri Agung Semarapura

Built when the Dewa Agung dynasty moved here in 1710, this palace compound was laid out as a large square, believed to be in the form of a mandala, with

Fresh yellow tail fishes at fish market in Bali

Jimbaran Fish Market

16.43 MILES

A popular morning stop on a Bukit peninsula amble, this fish market is smelly, lively and frenetic – watch where you step. Brightly painted boats bob

Playing at sunset

Jimbaran Beach

17.01 MILES

One of Bali’s best beaches, Jimbaran’s 4km-long arc of sand is mostly clean and there is no shortage of places to get a snack, drink or seafood dinner, or

Nearby East Bali attractions

1 . Pantai Masceti

Masceti beach is a study in contrasts. Some 15km east of Sanur, it has a few drinks vendors and one of Bali's nine sacred directional temples, Pura

2 . Pantai Keramas

Villa and hotel projects are sprouting here. The surf is consistent and world-class.

3 . Pantai Pering

This beach has burnt-umber-hued sand and a small snack shack.

4 . Pantai Lebih

Just off the coastal highway, Lebih Beach has glittering mica-infused sand. Fishing boats line the shore and the air is redolent with the smell of BBQ

5 . Pantai Siyut

A mere 300m off the road, and often deserted.

6 . Pantai Ketewel

Ketewel is known for its surfing, which demands advanced skills; it's a tricky reef-rocky right.

7 . Pantai Purnama

A small beach with black sand reflecting billions of sparkles in the sunlight. Religion is big here: the temple close to the coastal highway, Pura Erjeruk

8 . Pura Puseh Desa Blahbatuh

A carved stone head inside this temple compound is believed to be a portrait of Kebo Iwa, the legendary strongman and minister to the last king of the


Embark on a Exciting Jungle Adventure at Bali’s Best Wildlife Zoo and Safari Park

Bali is no doubt heaven on earth for all nature lovers. The Island is surrounded by lush forests, historical sites, temples exuding rich cultural history, and of course, the beautiful white-sand beaches. But what makes it particularly appealing to travelers is the presence of a plethora of activities they can undertake, including Safari Bali .

Book your next Bali adventure at our award winning jungle safari park eco-lodge!

Mason Bali Safari Park

At our Bali Safari Park , you get to enjoy an unforgettable experience with Sumatran elephants. You can not only meet and greet them, but you can also reside with them and spend your entire trip right by their side.  

What Makes Bali Zoo Safari Park Unique?

Our Bali Zoo Park is unlike any other animal park that you will ever visit. The park is designed explicitly for our Sumatran elephants so they can move freely in an ideal habitat. The Mason Elephant Lodge and garden were designed purely for the conservation of the 27 Sumatran elephants rescued from government camps.

After 20 years of dedicated service, they have naturally bred to add four more elephants to the herd, which is a testament to our dedication to their conservation. The habitat we have designed is in line with animal welfare guidelines to ensure the endangered species not only survives but thrives.

Mission Statement – Guarantees Five Freedoms

Our mission is to provide the endangered Sumatran elephants with the ideal environment for them to thrive, and this we ensure the following:

  • Freedom from thirst and hunger
  • Optimal comfort
  • Protection from pain, injury or disease
  • Freedom from distress and fear
  • Freedom of expression

We do not believe in caging the animal; thus, our Bali zoo safari park is designed for them and them alone. We ensure they always have access to clean drinking water, nutritious food, comfortable places to rest, ample space to roam in, and 24/7 access to healthcare.

We treat our elephants like kings at our animal safari , so they feel at ease at all times. We ensure they are not distressed so that they can grow and breed healthily.

Elephant Safari Ride

At our Bali Zoo Safari , you can enjoy a thrilling elephant ride. You get an extensive tour of the grounds so you can firsthand experience the peaceful and scenic habitat in which our giants reside. The Bali Safari tour atop elephants provides an interactive experience, so you get to know more about the endangered species and how we take care of them.

Plus, they are an absolute delight to be around, and their calming presence can help you get closer to nature. The complete Ubud Safari Elephant tour package includes:

  • Tour of the grounds
  • Access to all park facilities and attractions
  • Educational show providing information on the residing elephants
  • Air-conditioned hotel transfer
  • Emergency Air Medevac

Mason – Bali Safari Park and Lodges

If you want the ultimate Safari Bali experience, then why not live with the animals. At Mason Elephant Safari Park and lodges, you can step out the door of your hotel room and greet elephants first thing in the morning.

Here you can restore your body and soul as there is nothing more calming than living amid our jungle-like Animal Park . Here you not only get access to luxury accommodation but also get to experience nature’s marvels as you live life with the elephants.

Services Offered in Mason Elephant Lodges

At our Zoo in Ubud , you get access to a plethora of services and extracurricular activities to enjoy. You can avail of the VIP elephant Chauffeur pick and drop service. You won’t have to set foot on the ground when you can spend your time sitting atop the elephants.

You can even indulge in the Elephant bathing sessions. Wake up earlier, so you can wash an elephant and enjoy a playful interactive morning with them. You can even undertake the elephant trekking session during the day.

At night you can enjoy Ubud safari at our zoo in Ubud . Hop right onto the elephants back and explore the forests of Taro and later enjoy a wonderful dinner. The residents can also enjoy all-day access to our Elephant Park and Botanical Gardens, both of which are truly remarkable sites. They are a sight to behold and act as nature preserves, ensuring animals have access to an ideal habitat at all times.

Residents will also have access to Elephant viewing terrace and treetop walkway besides other amenities, including a wellness spa, private bar, a well-equipped gym, a and weight room, in-room dining, and other accommodation facilities.

As a resident of the lodges, you will have 24/7 access to grounds other visitors don’t, so it will be like living in a private jungle resort. Enjoy a nice massage at our spa while surrounded by nature and our gentle giants as they carry on with their daily activities. Our Bali Safari tour might very well be the perfect family vacation for all nature lovers out there.

Why Choose Mason Adventures?

Mason Elephant Lodges is the ideal Bali Zoo Park . Its sole purpose is to provide the rescued endangered Sumatran elephants with the perfect habitat to grow up. Not only does it ensure they have access to clean water and food, it allows them to thrive in an ideal setting so they can breed.

They are victims of deforestation, and we at Mason Adventures consider ourselves lucky to be provided with the opportunity to care for them all the while bringing our customers a unique animal safari experience for them to enjoy.

At Mason elephant lodges, you not only have access to the best Ubud Safari but also to a world full of exciting adventure sports. We are pioneers of river rafting on the Island and are the only ones offering 5-star Bali tours t o its clients.

Our Bali Safari Park is open and accessible for all ages making it the ideal family-friendly activity. You can indulge in elephant feeding, and bathing encounters to obtain information on the endangered species via the museum, art gallery, and information center.

When in Bali, a visit to the Mason Elephant Safari is an experience that you don’t want to miss.

Privacy Overview

bali zoo dan bali safari park

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  • More Animals
  • Jungle Hopper Legend
  • Elephant Safari
  • Night Safari
  • Feed the Predator
  • Jeep 4 x 4 safari
  • Water Play & Fun Zone
  • Varuna Underwater Dining
  • Park Activities
  • Restaurants
  • Shuttle Service
  • Safari Wonders

Difference Between Safari Parks and Zoos?

Surely animal lovers often hear these two places. Do you know the difference between Safari Parks and a Zoos?

Turns out in principle they are different!

Safari Park Better than Zoo

Zoo is a place where animals are exhibited in cages, while the Safari Park allows the animals to roam freely in an environment that resembles wild nature, as is the case at Bali Safari Park.

At Bali Safari Park, friends can meet as well as educate about animals originating from Indonesia, Africa and India.

Closer Encounter with Wildlife

red panda

Zoos always make sure their animals stay in cages. This causes the animals to get bored and depressed because they cannot live freely. Especially wild animals such as lions and tigers which are very active and require a large space.

In the Safari Parks, animals live freely, so animal lovers can see how they live in their natural habitat. Safari will also invite guest to boost adrenaline. You can see the animal will feel closer, nothing is in the way.

Enjoying Local Culture from Indigenous Habitats

The Big cat show showing local culture of Bali only at Bali Safari Park

Zoos are generally design with artificial building arrangements, while Safari Parks are design in such a way as to follow the beautiful natural environment.

Not only the experience of meeting animals, at the Safari Park, you also learn the natural beauty of flora & fauna. Don’t miss the show enjoying the local culture, as part of the environment where animals live.

More Than Just a Zoo

encounter wildlife closer at Bali Safari Park

If at the zoo you can only see animals in cages with limited visibility, Safari Park invites you to go on an adventure that goes beyond meeting animals.

Bali Safari Park is a loving place for animals. Here is actively involved in conservation programs throughout Indonesia to protect endangered species.

Visit our website and order tickets now to see what Bali Safari Park has successfully done.

Meet all our animals

We have hundreds of animals in our park from over 100 species, including some of the rarest and endangered.

Not only are we one of the leading wildlife conservations in Indonesia, we are devoted to caring for the animals in our own safari. We ensure the highest standards of wellbeing is given to all our animals.

Browse below to see the animals that we have given a loving home to.

The world's largest land mammals gather in groups and are led by females! It requires them to drink 150 litres of water per day to quench their thirst.

Lions are the second largest cats in the world after the tiger and can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa (West African Lion) and in western India (Asiatic Lion). They live [...]

The word rhinoceros is derived through Latin from the Ancient Greek: which is composed of rhino, "nose" and keras, "horn". There are five living species of Rhinoceros. The two African [...]

The third largest mammals on land are the hippopotamus. These animals can weigh up to 2000 kg. The common hippopotamus lives near rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps. During the day, [...]

Tigers are as majestic as they appear. The tiger is the largest member of the "big cat" species, as they can weigh up to 350kg. There are 6 subspecies of [...]

Official Ticket


  1. Bali Safari and Marine Park

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  2. Tourist Attractions Bali Safari Marine Park in Gianyar Bali

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  3. 3 Reasons Why Bali Safari Park is a Child-Friendly Park

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  4. Taman Safari Bali

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  5. Bali Zoo Park

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  6. Bali Bali Zoo (E-Ticket Up to 4% Discount)

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  1. Bali Safari Park #bali #fyp #shorts

  2. Bali #safari and Marine Park

  3. Bali Zoo Part 2 #balizoo #kebunbinatang

  4. Bali Zoo Vs Bali Safari




  1. Bali Zoo

    Browse & Book the Best Tours, Trips, Activities and Excursions on Tripadvisor. Top Rated Bali Zoo Tours. Discover & Book on Tripadvisor Today.

  2. Book Bali Zoo Tickets

    Located In The Heart Of Bali, The Iconic Bali Zoo Is A Must-visit. Boasting Over 350 Animals Across Multiple Species, You Will Have Plenty To Explore.

  3. Taman Safari Bali

    Escape Into Paradise. The Amazing Taman Safari Bali, home to over a thousand amazing animals and your finest destination for an adventurous, fun and educational experience more than just a safari. Our park represents more than 120 species, including rare & endangered species like the Komodo Dragons, Orangutan, Bali Starling bird, and many more.

  4. 8 Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park, Apa Saja?

    Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari salah satunya bisa kamu lihat dari koleksi satwa kedua kebun binatang tersebut. Jika dibandingkan, koleksi satwa Bali Zoo lebih sedikit dari koleksi di Bali Safari. Berdiri di atas lahan seluas 12 hektar, Bali Zoo menjadi rumah bagi lebih dari 450 satwa dari 70 spesies asli Indonesia dan luar negeri, termasuk ...

  5. Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

    Bali Zoo berjarak sekitar 6 km dari Kota Denpasar atau sekitar 30 menit berkendara dari Kuta. Sementara jika berangkat dari kawasan Ubud, memerlukan waktu sekitar 20 menit untuk sampai di Bali Zoo, Sementara Bali Safari Park berlokasi di Jl Bypass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Km. 19,8 (Golden Line of Bali) Gianyar.

  6. Bali Zoo or Bali Safari Park

    Hi, The Safari Park is certainly a lot glitzier. The Zoo may have seen better days but is still a good way to entertain the kids. The flying fox (ride, not animal) at the zoo was great fun. It involved some climbing, shreeks from mummy, and a long slide down the rope to the car park outside. Do it on the way out.

  7. Bali zoo vs Bali safari

    Bali zoo vs Bali safari. Apr 29, 2024, 6:25 AM. Dear ALL, We are going to Bali in August and I have a 4 year old who loves animals, we will also have two teenagers and a 70 year old with us, would you recommend the zoo or the safari, and if it is the safari night or day. Many thanks. Ayesha.

  8. Bali Safari & Marine Park

    Bali Safari & Marine Park. 5,039 reviews. #8 of 37 things to do in Gianyar. Amusement & Theme ParksNature & Wildlife Areas. Open now. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Write a review. About. Home to thousand amazing animals representing more than 100 species, including some of rare and endangered species.

  9. Your Ultimate Guide to Experiencing Bali Safari and Marine Park

    How to Get to Bali Safari and Marine Park. Address: Jl. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra No.Km. 19, Serongga, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80551, Indonesia ( map) The safari park is easily accessible from all parts of Bali. Cab or Car Rental: A four-wheeler on hire or rent is the best way to reach the park. It takes around 40-45 minutes from ...

  10. Bali Safari & Marine Park

    Bali Safari & Marine Park. 5,036 reviews. #8 of 37 things to do in Gianyar. Amusement & Theme ParksNature & Wildlife Areas. Open now. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Write a review. About. Home to thousand amazing animals representing more than 100 species, including some of rare and endangered species.

  11. Bali Zoo Review: Experience, Prices & Photos

    Ticket Prices. These are the ticket prices for tourists as of 2022. The prices for Indonesian locals are a bit lower. Adults: 355k IDR ($25 USD) Children: 250k IDR ($17 USD) Extra Activities: Check the Bali Zoo website for the latest prices.

  12. Bali Zoo

    How much is the entrance to Bali Zoo safari? The Bali Safari and Marine Park offer various packages, with the Adventure Package starting from IDR 540,000 per person, including safari, aquarium, elephant show, and tax. For an exclusive experience like breakfast with lions, the package is priced at Rp675,000.

  13. 7 Perbedaan Bali Zoo dan Bali Safari Park

    Luas area: Bali Zoo (12 hektar) lebih kecil dibandingkan Bali Safari Park (40 hektar). Jenis Hewan: Bali Safari Park memiliki lebih banyak jenis hewan (sekitar 1000+ satwa) dibandingkan Bali Zoo (sekitar 500+ satwa), termasuk hewan-hewan eksotis seperti gajah, singa, dan bison. Bali Zoo, meskipun lebih sedikit, memiliki beberapa jenis hewan ...

  14. Safari Info

    Meet all our animals. We have hundreds of animals in our park from over 100 species, including some of the rarest and endangered. Not only are we one of the leading wildlife conservations in Indonesia, we are devoted to caring for the animals in our own safari.

  15. Home

    A Place to Learn & Enjoy Nature. Bali's first zoological park is a wondrous place where you can learn the behaviour of over 500 rare and exotic animals in a lush, tropical environment. A park where you can participate in fascinating animal adventure activities, some of which are unique experiences of their kind in Indonesia.

  16. Bali Zoo Review vs Bali Safari Marine Park

    Tapi kalo cuma setengah hari, mending ke Bali Zoo kayaknya.. Secara keseluruhan, lebih murah di Bali Safari. Walaupun tiketnya terlihat lebih mahal, tapi kebanyakan show sudah ga bayar lagi. Makanan di restorannya juga cukup murah , mulai dari Rp.30.000,- an per porsi.

  17. Bali Safari and Marine Park

    Taman Safari Bali (Bali Safari & Marine Park), or Taman Safari Indonesia III is a branch of Taman Safari located in Gianyar, Bali. ... Pura Safari is a temple located in the zoo, where people of Hindu Dharma and Hindu religious worship. Price and facilities As of 2023, the domestic ticket price for the cheapest package, the Safari Explorer, is ...

  18. Bali zoo or bali safari

    2. Re: Bali zoo or bali safari. Dec 15, 2023, 7:10 AM. Save. Each will give you a different experience in that one is a Zoo & one is a Safari Park with animals from Asia & Africa in a free range setting. I visited Bali Zoo last year (Sept) for Breakfast with Orangutan (arrived 8am for 8.30am breakfast buffet) also two elephants & after ...

  19. Bali Safari park review after 2023

    Bali Safari park review after 2023. Updated: December 6, 2023Published: October 30, 2022by TaleTravels. 53. SHARES. During the pandemic of 2020, there was a huge promo to visit the Bali Safari park. Don't confuse this one with the Bali Zoo, that's a totally different zoo. In October 2022, I visited again as a family trip, and it was a very ...

  20. Bali Safari Park

    Bali Safari Park. Indonesia, Asia. East Bali. This theme park is filled with critters whose species never set foot in Bali until their cage door opened (tigers, lions, elephants, hippos, rhinos etc). Entry is by package tickets that can be tailored to interests - opt for safaris, a Bali Agung show, waterpark access, animal shows, meals, night ...

  21. Best Bali Wildlife Zoo & Safari Park for Family Adventure

    Our Bali Zoo Park is unlike any other animal park that you will ever visit. The park is designed explicitly for our Sumatran elephants so they can move freely in an ideal habitat. The Mason Elephant Lodge and garden were designed purely for the conservation of the 27 Sumatran elephants rescued from government camps.

  22. Bali Zoo vs Bali Safari park?

    I've been to the Zoo 🙁. Lonely looking HOT animals in concrete boxes. Can get up close to a whopping big Python - with glad wrap around its head to stop it biting! Safari park can't possibly be as bad. Report inappropriate content. Lynne P. Ballina, Australia. Destination Expert. for Pemuteran, Bali.

  23. Difference Between Safari Parks and Zoos?

    Turns out in principle they are different! Zoo is a place where animals are exhibited in cages, while the Safari Park allows the animals to roam freely in an environment that resembles wild nature, as is the case at Bali Safari Park. At Bali Safari Park, friends can meet as well as educate about animals originating from Indonesia, Africa and India.

  24. Bali zoo or Bali Safari and Marine Park?

    Are you planning to visit Bali and enjoy some wildlife adventures? If you are wondering whether to choose Bali Zoo or Bali Safari and Marine Park, you can find some helpful answers from other travelers who have experienced both attractions. Learn about the key differences, the pros and cons, and the best way to book your tickets for a memorable animal encounter.

  25. Diving di Pemuteran Buleleng Bali, Penginapannya Estetik dan Unik

    Bali memang tidak pernah ada habisnya. Kali ini ke wilayah Buleleng, ada pantai yang enak banget buat diving. ... Scientia Square Park, Main Bareng Binatang dan Bisa Foto Bareng Minggu, 21 Apr 2024 12:00 WIB 06:37 KELANA WISATA Wisata Batam Zoo Paradise, Main dan Belajar Sekaligus Ada Water Park-nya Minggu, 14 Apr 2024 11:30 WIB. VIDEO TERKAIT ...

  26. Bali Zoo or Bali Safari Marine Park?

    I haven't been to Bali Zoo though heading there in 3 weeks, to have a look as I know the guy who helped them improve the Zoo. I have been to Bali Marine and Safari Park and would highly recommend it. The animal show was terrific, the safari trek incredible and the Elephant show amazing. Loved seeing the Phirana getting fed and there is a small water park that the kids will love and rides to enjoy.