Monica Suma

88 and counting. Interview with Cezar, from Imperator Travel

Over time, I have met several travel bloggers and media personalities, passionate about a life of travel. Cezar is one of them, and after meeting him over drinks this summer in the Old City of Bucharest, I knew I had to share more of his amazing travels. This is the first of a new interview series I am starting, and I am honored to have Cezar premiere it!

I had first heard about Cezar Dumitru, the phenomenon behind Imperator Travel, from my brother. He has worked with Cezar a few years ago, and had the privilege to travel with him on business trips. They went to Budapest, where Cezar knew the historical facts of every street and every statue in the Hungarian capital; his fascination for not only travel, but the history that lies behind any destination, was evident from Cezar’s stories. Bottom line was – as my brother put it – Cezar is a human encyclopedia. You can ask him anything and he will have a thrilling anecdote, backed up by extensive details of where to go, where to stay, what to visit and so on. 

cezar travel

1. Tell us a bit about yourself. Most Romanians know all about your exotic travels from your Romanian travel blog, but for the worldwide audience, what is your story?

Hey. My name is Cezar Dumitru, I am 40 years old and I’ve been traveling the world since I was 19. This was also when I first traveled outside my country, Romania, in 1991. Before that, it was very difficult to do so, as Romanian borders were pretty much sealed off by the Communist regime. My first leap into the unknown was to the Netherlands, where I had an EU scholarship for 1 year in the picturesque city of Maastricht. It was there where I discovered that it’s not so hard to travel, that it can also be affordable, so I started discovering the world. So far, I’ve visited 88 countries and I am preparing for the 89 th – Myanmar. In the last few years, I started blogging, firstly in my native language, Romanian, and as of this year, also in English.

2. A few months ago, you started an English version of your Imperator Travel blog, for which I had the honor to guest post a few times. What was the purpose of that?

I am a marketer, all my professional life I’ve worked in marketing, & communication and I am always interested in learning something new. I grew my Romanian travel blog to be one of the best in Romania and therefore I decided to expand beyond… learning more on how to grow a blog (you can use different means than the ones used for growing a “national” travel blog) and also interacting with other outstanding bloggers around the world.

cezar travel

Hampi, India

3. As a fellow blogger, writer and travel lover, I am bewildered how you manage to run two blogs, travel constantly, and have marketing jobs as well. Are you superhuman?

I try to do my best… Obviously, there are some things, which I delegate – technical aspects of my blog, SEO and even the translation of the posts (some of the posts in the English blog are actually the English version of some of my Romanian articles)… Well, it’s a hard working life, but it’s interesting and rewarding!

4. Everyone is talking about having a niche. Do you have a particular topic in travel, which you focus on? What is your opinion on limiting yourself to one area in the travel industry?

In the international travel blogosphere, it is quite important to focus on a niche, as it is a highly competitive industry. You cannot be successful if you are the 1247 th blogger who decides to go backpacking to Indochina and write about his experiences. This was OK 5 or 6 years ago when the world’s most read bloggers started.

In Romania, I am probably the exotic travel guy – I’ve been to places were few Romanians have ever been and this is what makes a difference. However, in the past few months, I started to appeal to other target groups as well, providing travel tips from regions which are more approachable for Romanians, including travel in Romania.

For the English blog, I focus on giving travel tips combined with travel journals from more unusual destinations. I just finished publishing my Iran travel journal , and I am now writing about Laos… Soon to come are other special and unusual destinations like North Korea, Ethiopia and others.

cezar travel

Ethiopian tribe

5. Some of the most popular travel blogs out there advocate a lifestyle of nonstop travel. The “I quit my job, and I’ve been traveling for the past year” folks seem to have it all figured out and some are successfully monetizing their travels through their blogs. How realistic is that?

There are quite a few professional travel bloggers. Those on top, none of them (to the best of my knowledge) generate all their income from advertising alone. All of them have projects with different advertisers, publishing books, consulting, public speaking, organizing trips … a blog is a key tool in brand building, afterwards you need to do something aside to boost your income.

6. You travel quite a lot, but you also work in marketing. Does this mean you prefer a balance of work & travel?

Definitely! For years, I’ve been working 9 to 5 (well, 6, 7, 8pm), but I’ve always exploited any travel opportunity. And my holidays were exclusively mine! No negotiation on that. I also traveled more extensively between jobs, or even connecting business trips (and I had plenty of those) with sightseeing. At the moment, I am a part-time advertising professional and a part-time travel blogger.

cezar travel

In Esfahan, Iran

7. I’m sure everyone asks you this, but I have to ask as well. What is your favorite destination and/or country, and why?

Wow, that’s hard. I believe Bali is the place I find closest to how I imagine Heaven to be. I also love Nepal, Iran has some of the most hospitable people I ever met and Tibet is amazing, I loved the old-Asia feel of Laos. Visiting North Korea was also a highlight of all my travels as I visited a truly unique country. Should I forget about the safaris, about the clouds raising over Macchu Picchu or being blown away by the colors of the Venetian channels, when getting out of the Santa Lucia Railway Station. Surely, not! There are so many!

cezar travel

Sunset in Tanah Lot, Bali

8. What is your least favorite place, and why? Think of a destination that was below your expectations or that disappointed you.

Honestly, none. You can have some particularly bad experiences, but if you go with a positive spirit, you could enjoy almost every place on Earth.

9.  If you would ever move out of Romania, which country would you choose?

Not sure, but probably somewhere in South East Asia.

10. Most people would not travel by choice to Iran or Syria. What would you tell them to convince them otherwise?

Iran is probably the most hospitable country in the world. Everyone wanted to talk to me, to offer me food and drinks, and to even pay for my bus tickets. At the very top, you can find some of the most impressive monuments in the region – Persepolis used to be the capital of the world 2400 years ago! It’s also extremely interesting to discover a country living in 2 worlds – the official world of the ayatollahs, and the underground world of people who try to enjoy their lives as anyone else. I honestly think it is one of the most culturally rich countries in the world. I don’t know of any other country where poets who died 800 years ago have a mega-star status!

cezar travel

Inside an Iranian mosque

Syria is also an interesting country. You can find some really fascinating Christian enclaves, speaking the language of Jesus; it also has a divine cuisine. It is such a shame it is now being destroyed by this sectarian war between the Christian-Shia vs. Sunni factions… But we’ve seen it in the neighboring Lebanon, some years ago.

11.  The same goes for North Korea. How is it? What are some of the similarities and differences to our native Romania, during its communist era?

You almost cannot compare old communist Romania to North Korea. North Korea is an extremely robotized society. I did not see people strolling on the streets, they were marching and everything I’ve witnessed in Romania, in North Korea is tenfold more “spectacular” – starting from the cult of the leaders to finishing with the unbelievable shows on the world’s largest stadium!

cezar travel

In North Korea

12. What are some of the funniest anecdotes from your trips so far? You must have hundreds!

There really are hundreds, maybe even more. I do remember about this Czech guy who was traveling through Sri Lanka on a local bus. At a certain time, he received a text message saying: “congratulations, they found your SD card.” Five minutes later, the same text message from a person unlikely to know the first sender… By the time we reached the next town, he got hundreds of text messages congratulating him for the “discovery” of his SD card. So, what had happened? Some months before, while he was tracking in Tibet, he met a Canadian pilot who was doing the same thing. After the trek, the Canadian guy went to Kathmandu, in Nepal and the Czech remained in Tibet. He then received an email asking for some pictures, as the Canadian lost his SD card. It turns out the Canadian had really lost his SD card.  Found by a Tibetan lady, she traveled to Lhasa to an Internet café in order to look at the pictures. She saw nothing in particular, just some Caucasian folks travelling through Tibet, when something peculiar appeared: two guys holding a flag at Everest Base Camp. After researching the Internet, she discovered that was the flag of the Czech Republic! She found the address of the Czech Embassy in Beijing and sent the SD card by post to the Embassy. Someone there was really surprised and sent the pictures with the two guys holding the flag to some tabloids back in Czech Republic. They were published front page “Czech adventurers lose SD card in Tibet!”… Apparently, it was a high circulation newspaper and so, everyone who knew the Czech guy found out of his adventures.

So, try taking a picture with your country’s flag on your SD card; just in case you lose it 🙂

13. You just came back from your second trip to Dubai. Did you like it more this time around? What changed since the last time you were there?

It was much better. First of all, because I met some wonderful people (all of them readers of my blog) who showed me around and secondly, I think Dubai looks more friendly now than it used to in 2007 on my first visit! They acquired public transportation, there are some oases, which were finalized, and it overall looks somewhat less artificial… Well, still artificial and too much of the  “biggest in the world” obsession, but I felt happier visiting it!

cezar travel

The people of Mali

14. What’s your next trip on the calendar?

I just came back I from a long weekend in Albania 🙂

15. Any extended travel plans to South America in the near future?

Not really. I love South America, but it is pretty expensive to travel in most of the countries (like Argentina, Brazil or Chile). I plan to get there some day, but not in the near future…. Or who knows?

16. What’s your advice for bloggers on increasing traffic, their following, obtaining advertising sponsors and press trips?

Be yourself, write from your heart and about what you like. Don’t copy; you need to be yourself… After you have some quality posts on the blog, start promoting it – via online media, fellow bloggers (guests posts, interviews, etc). And then start pitching. I am happy enough to be in the position to be called up by sponsors and advertisers, but you should start firstly. After others see your projects, they will start looking for you!

cezar travel

Christmas in Lalibela, Ethiopia

17. And lastly, why should people visit Romania? Apart from Dracula, great gymnastics and pretty girls, what makes Romania special?

It’s probably the most unspoilt country in the EU – we still have lots of virgin forests, undiscovered landscapes and places, which barely changed for centuries. It is a country that requires some effort in exploring it, but when you do, you will have a lifetime experience. I’ve heard many foreigners (including bloggers) who loved it!

You can read more of Cezar’s adventures on Imperator Travel  (the English blog) or on the wildly popular  Imperator Travel  (the Romanian blog).


cezar travel

  • September 18, 2017
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  • El Salvador

cat who travels the world

Most cats are homebodies. Cezar, however, is an adventure cat.

This Maine Coon from Sweden travels the world and has currently more than 14 countries on his travel resumé… and no intention of stopping anytime soon. Cezar is proof that cats CAN travel.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the inspiring story of Cezar, the most traveled cat in the world, and explore some of his incredible journeys.

cat who travels to Canada

This is a guest post by Carla from Cezar’s Crew

How Cezar the cat started to travel

Since we lived in an apartment in the city in Sweden, Cezar started out to be an indoor cat as a kitten, but I was used to outdoor cats, and I wanted him to feel free.

So every weekend, I put him in a backpack and went to my father’s place in the countryside where he could run around as he pleased. Now and then, I put Cezar on a leash and walked him around the block to get a little bit of fresh air.

When I started out traveling full time in 2015, I wanted to bring my cat Cezar with me.

He adapted really well to life on the road, probably because he was already used to walking on a leash and traveling short distances.

cat who travels to Portugal

Traveling the world with a cat

We started from Sweden over to Denmark and Germany. Next was the Netherlands , Belgium , France, Spain, Portugal, and then back to the south of Spain.

In the summer of 2016, we took part in some voluntary work in Greece , France, and Spain.

Soon after, we set our sights on a new continent: America. We embarked on a road trip across California, Nevada, and Arizona before moving on to Cuba and Colombia, where we celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

cat who travels to Crete

During our time on the island of Crete in Greece, we met a traveler from El Salvador who kindly invited us to visit her home country. We couldn’t pass up such an opportunity and kicked off 2017 with a trip to El Salvador.

I rented a car for a week, so Cezar and I could explore the country, especially the national parks and the volcanoes .

Cezar became quite popular in El Salvador, and everyone wanted to take a picture with him. They were amazed because he is quite big compared to the local cats – 3,5 y.o. 100 cm long and about 7-8 kg.

On the pictures below, you can see Cezar at a place called The Devil’s Door (Puerta del Diablo), which is the highest point of San Salvador.

adventure cats

In El Salvador, Cezar and I also loved hanging by the swimming pool , having lunch or enjoying the company of friends .

adventure cat

After exploring the country for a few weeks, we headed back to Colombia. With some time to spare, we decided to stay in Medellin for a few months before finally making our way back to Sweden.

On our journey back home, we took a two-week “detour” to Canada and drove through five provinces, including Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

In total, we have visited 14 countries so far.

Medellin Columbia

Any cat can become accustomed to adventure

I didn’t know how popular my cat would be during our travels. That’s why we started to share our story, and a mission was born – to inspire others that you CAN travel with your furry-four-legged-loved ones.

I believe that any cat can become accustomed to adventure. Our goal is to continue to inspire others that traveling with your furry, four-legged loved ones is possible by adding at least eight new countries to our list in the upcoming months.

Usually, there aren’t any problems. But maybe it was a little too hot for him in El Salvador. Maine Coons are “winter” cats. That didn’t suit him too well with 30-35 degrees (Celsius).

Follow Cezar’s adventures on Instagram .

cat who travels to France

Do you have a cat who travels the world? Share your photos with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?

cat who travels

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Cézár Travel Gyöngyös

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Cézár Travel Gyöngyös

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Cézár Travel Gyöngyös


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Öreglányok, zenés komédia 2024. Előadások, online jegyvásárlás 2024. szeptember 5. (csütörtök)

Öreglányok - zenés komédia előadások 2024-ben online jegyvásárlási lehetőséggel. Íme, négy nő. A mai hetvenesek. Négy különböző kultúrájú „öreglány” – őszinték, viccesek- igazi emberek, még most is ízig – vérig nők. Életük utolsó fejezetében, a hedonizmust és a nevetést választják. Néha nyersek, mégis ...

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Mátra programok 2024 / 2025. Fesztiválok, események, rendezvények 2024. szeptember 5. (csütörtök)

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Mátra Numizmatika Éremgyűjtő találkozó Gyöngyös 2024

Mátra Numizmatika Éremgyűjtő találkozó Gyöngyös 2024 2024. szeptember 14. (szombat)

MÁTRA NUMIZMATIKA- 28. Éremgyűjtő találkozó Gyöngyösön 2024. szeptember 14-én 07:30 - 13:00 óra között.

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Találkozók 2024. Szakmai, hobbi, tematikus országos és regionális találkozó programok, események 2024. szeptember 14. (szombat) - 2024. szeptember 15. (vasárnap)

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Könyvtári programok Gyöngyösön a Vachott Sándor Városi Könyvtárban 2024-ben

Könyvtári programok Gyöngyösön a Vachott Sándor Városi Könyvtárban 2024-ben 2024. október 2. (szerda)

Játékos vetélkedő.

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Gyöngyösi Állatkert programok 2024

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Családi múzeumlátogatás az MTM Mátra Múzeumában 2024-ben

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Gyöngyös Piac 2024

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Városi piaccsarnok és őstermelői piac Gyöngyösön.

Gyöngyösi Állatkert

Gyöngyösi Állatkert

Huszár Lajos Éremtár

Huszár Lajos Éremtár

Gyöngyösön a Fő tér 10. szám alatt, a Vachott Sándor Városi Könyvtár épületében kapott helyet a város legújabb közgyűjteménye, a 2007. június 2-án megnyílt Huszár Lajos Éremtár. A gyűjtemény anyaga felöleli a magyar államiság teljes történetét. Megismertet nemcsak a magyar uralkodók által kibocsátott ...

MTM Mátra Múzeuma

MTM Mátra Múzeuma

Gyöngyösön a Mátrába vezető főút mellett áll a Mátra Múzeum, mely az ország egyik legjelentősebb természettudományi gyűjteményét őrzi. A Múzeum három egységből áll, az Orczy Kastélyból, az új Természettudományi pavilonból, és a 2 hektáros helyi védettségű természetvédelmi területté nyilvánított parkból. ...

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Szent Bertalan Templom Kincstára Gyöngyös - Vallásturisztikai Látogatóközpont Torony Kilátó

A kincstár páratlan együttessel rendelkezik a középkori ötvöstárgyakból. A gyűjtemény különlegességei a 7 db filigrán díszítésű kehely, a 15. századi nagy gótikus formájú úrmutató, cibóriumok és 16-17. századi talpas keresztek.

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  • Utazási Iroda
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5 tengelyen – biztos kézzel! Közlekedésbiztonsági és vezetéstechnikai verseny, ingyenes családi nap

Kiemelt ajánlatok

Gyere el, próbáld ki, válassz!

Közeli ajánlatok

Családi múzeumlátogatás az MTM Mátra Múzeumában 2024-ben

Érdemes felkeresni!

Vachott Sándor Városi Könyvtár Gyöngyös

Ez is érdekelheti!

ABC Travel Utazási Iroda Székesfehérvár

  • Székesfehérvár

Bakony Tours Utazási Iroda Pápa

Foglaljon szállást!

Mátra Kemping Sástó****

Foglaljon asztalt!

Tavirózsa Étterem Gyöngyös-Sástó

Kapcsolat, elérhetőség

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Gyöngyösi programturizmus

  • Gasztronómia

Országos eseménynaptár

Prémium program.

5 tengelyen – biztos kézzel! Közlekedésbiztonsági és vezetéstechnikai verseny, ingyenes családi nap

Cézár Travel Utazási Iroda

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Cézár Travel Utazási Iroda bemutatkozása

2003. júniusában nyílt utazási irodánk, Gyöngyös belvárosában található, elegáns környezetben, felkészült munkatársakkal várjuk az utazni vágyó kedves vendégeket. Az irodánkban dolgozók több éves tapasztalattal rendelkeznek az idegenforgalom területén. Fő tevékenységi körünkbe tartozik: Belföldi és külföldi utak szervezése, egyéni, szakmai utak és színházlátogatás szervezése, autóbuszok – idegenvezetők közvetítése, extrém sportok, futball- csomagok értékesítése, utasbiztosítások kötése.

Cím: 3200 Gyöngyös, Kossuth L. utca 8.


Telefonszám: 37/500-716, 20/203-9996

Fax: 37/500-717


Utazási iroda engedély száma: U000361


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55. Rasarit La Angkor Wat1

Tajikistan. Am ajuns in sfarsit in ultimul “stan” din Asia Centrala si ce am gasit acolo

Trebuie sa spun ca dintotdeauna am fost fascinat de Asia Centrala. Mi-aduc aminte ca in timp ce eram in scoala generala un cunoscut de-al mamei a avut pilele necesare sa se inscrie intr-un circuit ONT in Asia ..

Yurta de lux

Cezar conquers the world in quest for adventure

Regal Cezar poses by the water in his home country of Sweden. (Photo: Instagram/@cezars.crew)

A bike tour across Europe. Volunteering in the Mediterranean. Vacationing in Cuba. This sounds like quite the travel resume — and, believe it or not, it belongs to a cat.

The fluffy Maine Coon and his owner, Carla Hagberg, have seen more than two dozen countries across the world, from their hometown of Gothenburg, Sweden, all the way to Greece, France, Spain, Colombia, El Salvador and back. And that’s just the tip of the adventure iceberg.

“I would with confidence say that Cezar is the most well-traveled cat in the world,” Hagberg tells Adventure Cats.

It all started when Hagberg decided to quit her career, ditch her belongings, and pack up life on the road with Cezar.

“Off we went on an epic bike-tour across Europe from Sweden to [the] south of Spain,” Hagberg says. “A few years later we are still on the ‘road’ — not on the bike, though.”

It was Hagberg’s knack for spontaneity that sparked her urge to pick up and leave. But, while she’d traveled extensively before, hitting the road with a cat required a bit more planning.

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(Photo: Instagram/@cezars.crew)

Tips for International Cat Travel

Country hopping with a kitty in tow comes with big requirements and bigger rewards. Hagberg shared her personal checklist with us:

  • Pick a place/country
  • Research the requirements needed to “import” a cat into that specific country
  • Find cheap tickets, and narrow it down to those airlines who accept pets in the cabin
  • Prep for additional vaccinations or re-vaccinations if needed
  • Sometimes it’s required to have a health certificate not older than (usually) 10 days prior to arrival in the new country
  • Most importantly of all, be willing to adjust

“The latest adventure, the plan was to bike-pack around Sweden, Norway and Finland, and we were planning to be away for at least two to three months,” Hagberg says. “However, Cezar didn’t like our new bike-backing setup, so I had to cancel the adventure after 10 days. We did manage to get to Norway and he loved the hiking and wild camping part. I find this to be a perfect example of how you have to be willing to adjust an adventure after your cat’s well-being, which always should be your first priority.”

Cezar may be a pro at globetrotting, but just like outdoor adventuring, international travel is not for every cat.

“With a little bit of training and a lot of patience, anything is possible,” Hagberg says. “Just make sure that your cat’s well-being is a priority and learn how to read and understand your cat .”

cezar travel

So, having been to more than 25 countries, which was Cezar’s favorite?

“Probably the countryside of France,” Hagberg says. “Since he is a Maine Coon, he prefers places where it isn’t too hot for him.”

Cezar isn’t slowing down any time soon. With his 26th country and fourth continent now officially under his collar, this worldly kitty has big plans — and one happy owner to share them with.

“The best part of traveling with a cat is the company and the endless love and cuddles it comes with,” Hagberg says. “He is a curious cat, and I just love to look at him while he goes out and explores new places.”

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You can keep up with Cezar’s adventures on Instagram , Facebook , and his  website .

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Luxury villa Cezar is one of the most beautiful luxury villas located in the west coast of Istria, in a small, relaxing place called Vabriga, 2 km from the sea, 12 km from Porec and 49 km from Rovinj. Vabriga is a small place that offers guests peace and relaxation away from noise and bustle, and at the same time in just 10 minutes drive guests can reach Porec or Novigrad, tourist centers with rich cultural and gastronomic offer and numerous events and summer festivities. The location and authenticity of this villa provides a special atmosphere and a true experience of luxury holiday experiences.

Luxury villa Cezar is surrounded by a spacious garden with a swimming pool, sofas and a covered terrace with a summer kitchen with barbecue and an outdoor dining table for 8 people.

Luxury villa Cezar has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 toilet and is suitable accommodation for 8 people.

With its clean lines, Luxury villa Cezar gives a feeling of modern elegance immersed in luxurious comfort. Superbly equipped with carefully selected pieces of neutral earth tones combined with dark blue details, this villa will provide you with everything you need for a perfect vacation.


  • Indoor area: 261 m 2
  • Total plot area: 400 m 2
  • Max. guests: 8
  • Baby cot: 1
  • High chair: 1
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Deck chairs by the pool
  • Pool towels


  • Barbeque / Grill
  • Greenery in the courtyard
  • Summer Outdoor Kitchen
  • Airport: 60 km
  • Bank: 750 m
  • Beach: 2 km
  • Bus Station: 9 km
  • Caffe bar: 1 km
  • City center: 1.5 km
  • Dentist: 10 km
  • Doctor: 10 km
  • Ferry: 12 km
  • Marina: 12 km
  • Pharmacy: 1.5 km
  • Restaurants: 500 m
  • Shops: 850 m
  • Tennis court: 10 km
  • Catamaran: 12 km
  • Golf: 35 km
  • Gas Station: 1.5 km


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Samara Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Samara oblast: Samara .

Samara Oblast - Overview

Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region.

The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

Samara oblast flag

Samara oblast coat of arms.

Samara oblast coat of arms

Samara oblast map, Russia

Samara oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

15 February, 2020 / Syzran - the view from above .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

26 January, 2018 / Samara - the view from above .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

21 November, 2016 / Park of the History of Equipment in Tolyatti .

More posts..

History of Samara Oblast

The territory of the present Samara region became part of the Russian state in the middle of the 16th century, after the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates were conquered by the Russian state. In the 17th-18th centuries, the territory around the middle Volga was colonized by migrants from other regions of Russia and foreigners (in particular, the Volga Germans).

The intensified colonization of the region began only in the second half of the 18th century. From the mid 19th century, this region experienced economic growth. Samara became an important center of the Russian domestic grain market, which led to the development of trade and industry in the city. In 1851, Samara became the center of Samara guberniya (province).

In 1935, Samara was renamed into Kuybyshev (the historical name was returned in 1990). In Soviet times, industrialization had a serious impact on the development of the region. Construction of plants producing explosives, poisonous substances and ammunition began in the town of Chapayevsk.

During the Second World War, the region became one of the centers of the defense industry of the USSR. In 1941, an oil processing plant was put into operation in Syzran providing the army with fuel. Several aviation plants were evacuated to Kuybyshev from Moscow and Voronezh. They started production of “Il-2” attack aircraft.

More Historical Facts…

In 1942, a railway passed through Syzran to supply Soviet troops during the Stalingrad Battle. In 1941-1943, diplomatic missions of foreign countries to the USSR were located in Kuybyshev (Samara). In 1941, there were plans for transferring the capital of the country to Kuybyshev in case the German troops capture Moscow.

In the 1950s-1960s, this region was one of the leading centers of oil extracting in the USSR. In 1945-1951, Kuybyshev and Novokuybyshev oil processing plants were built. At the same time, construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was resumed. It was put into operation in 1955. Because of this construction, the town of Stavropol was flooded and was rebuilt in a new place and received a new name - Tolyatti.

Later, the construction base created during the construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was used to create a series of other large industrial enterprises in Tolyatti - “KuybyshevAzot” mineral fertilizer plant, “Tolyattikauchuk” synthetic rubber plant (1964-1966), the Volga Automobile Plant (1970), and the largest in the country and the world manufacturer of ammonia “TolyattiAzot” (1979).

At the same time, aviation production was expanded. Kuibyshev Aviation Plant began production of the most mass Soviet passenger medium-haul aircraft Tu-154. The Soviet rocket space program orders were also fulfilled at this plant (“Progress” rockets).

In the post Soviet period, due to saved economic potential, Samara oblast has become one of the main economic centers of the country.

Samara Oblast views

Samara Oblast scenery

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Dmitriy Siryachenko

Winter in Samara Oblast

Winter in Samara Oblast

Author: Ochin Vladimir

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Urgalkin

Samara Oblast - Features

Samara Oblast stretches from north to south for 335 km, and from west to east - for 315 km. The climate is moderately continental. The average temperature in July is plus 20.7 degrees Celsius, in January - minus 13.8 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns of the region are Samara (1,137,000), Tolyatti (685,600), Syzran (163,000), Novokuybyshevsk (98,400), Chapaevsk (70,100), Zhigulevsk (50,000), Otradny (47,000).

The main resources of the Samara region are oil, natural gas, shale oil, various building materials, water resources. The local industry is presented by about 400 large and medium plants and over 4,000 small ones. The most developed industries are machine building (automotive industry) and metalworking, fuel, electric power, chemical and petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy.

AvtoVAZ is the largest manufacturer of cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. TogliattiAzot is the largest producer of ammonia in the world (about 8-10%). The 300-kilometer section of the main ammonia pipeline Togliatti-Odessa passes through the territory of the region.

Crop production specializes in the cultivation of wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, sunflower, vegetables, and potatoes. Livestock is represented by production of cattle meat and milk, pigs, poultry.

Tourism in Samara Oblast

There are 19 monuments of archeology, more than 1,200 cultural monuments, 11 theaters, and 58 museums on the territory of the Samara region. The cities of Samara, Syzran and Tolyatti are included in the List of Historical Settlements of the Russian Federation.

The most developed areas of tourism: sightseeing tourism, cruises along the Volga River, medical and recreational, ecological, event, rural, and ethnographic tourism, caving tourism, bicycle and horse routes.

The most interesting sights:

  • The buildings of the Samara Drama Theater and the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater,
  • Stalin’s Bunker, House with Elephants, Klodt Mansion, Zhigulevsky Brewery in Samara,
  • Samara Space Museum,
  • Church of Sergius of Radonezh in Chapaevsk,
  • Kremlin, Sterlyadkin Mansion in Syzran,
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Verhnee Sancheeleevo,
  • Museum of the History of Technology in Tolyatti,
  • House-museum of Ilya Repin in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • Sarbai Center of Folk Crafts in the village of Sarbai,
  • Center for Historical Modeling “Ancient World” with the dwellings of the Stone and Bronze Ages,
  • Zhiguli State Nature Reserve and Samarskaya Luka National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Zhiguli Mountains are the largest mountain range in the region and, at the same time, one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Annual festivals taking place in the Samara region:

  • All-Russia festival of the author’s song named after Valery Grushin (the first weekend of July),
  • “World of Bards” (in the end of August),
  • Festival of electronic music and extreme sports GES FEST (the second week of July),
  • “The Battle of Timur and Tokhtamysh”,
  • “Steppe races in the Samara estate of Leo Tolstoy”,
  • International festival “Drums of the World” (June),
  • Holiday “Syzran tomato” (mid-August),
  • “Holiday of a cherry pie” in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • International festival “Theatrical Circle” in Tolyatti,
  • Festival of Classical Ballet named after Alla Shelest.

Samara oblast of Russia photos

Nature of samara oblast.

Field road in the Samara region

Field road in the Samara region

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Author: Vladimir Baboshin

Samara Oblast landscape

Samara Oblast landscape

Pictures of the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Author: Dyomin Ivan

Church in Samara Oblast

Church in Samara Oblast

Author: B.Yartsev

Churches in the Samara region

Churches in the Samara region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

  • Currently 3.03/5

Rating: 3.0 /5 (248 votes cast)

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