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8 Conseils pour voyager seule au Mexique

Voyager seule

Je m’appelle Lara, j’ai 27 ans et la première fois que je suis venue au Mexique, c’était seule ! J’ai effectué un road-trip à travers le Mexique et je vais vous partager 8 conseils si vous voyagez seule au Mexique (ou seul, c’est évidemment aussi valable pour les hommes).

Voyager seule

Tous ceux à qui vous direz que vous allez voyager seule au Mexique auront leur opinion à ce sujet : certains vous apporteront leur soutien, mais beaucoup d’autres vous diront que vous êtes folle, que pourquoi ne pas choisir une autre destination, que c’est dangereux, qu’il vous arrivera quelque chose et bien d’autres choses encore.

La réalité est qu’il est très probable que tous ceux qui tenteront de vous décourager dans votre idée de voyager seul au Mexique seront ceux qui n’ont jamais été là bas, et qui se laissent guider uniquement par les nouvelles qu’ils reçoivent des médias et la réputation du pays.

Les nouvelles dans les médias sont réelles, oui, mais elles ne représentent qu’une  très petite partie de la réalité du pays : le Mexique est bien plus que cela.

Ce n’est qu’en voyageant au Mexique que l’on peut découvrir le vrai visage de ce fabuleux pays.

Bien qu’il faille prendre certaines précautions, le Mexique est une destination fascinante pour voyager seul, car c’est un pays qui possède une  variété exceptionnelle de paysages . Vous pouvez voyager à bas coût via un réseau de bus très développé, la nourriture est exquise et il ne vous faudra pas longtemps avant de rencontrer d’autres voyageurs solos avec qui partager de bons moments.

1.Vous ne serez pas seule !

Il y a beaucoup de voyageurs solo et de digital nomade au Mexique. De plus, les gens sont très accueillants et chaleureux. Vous ferez certainement de très belles rencontres. 

N’hésitez pas à engager la conversation et ne chercher pas d’occasions spéciale pour parler aux gens, lancez vous ! Si vous n’avez pas d’idées de conversations, voici quelques exemples de questions à poser: de quelle nationalité es-tu? Depuis combien de temps es-tu au Mexique? Qu’as tu visité? sont les questions qui reviennent le plus.

2. Il n’est pas très cher de voyager au Mexique.

 Le coût de la vie est beaucoup plus bas dans la plus part du Mexique. On peut trouver de bonnes offres d’hôtels et manger pour pas très cher. Ce qui est le plus cher est sûrement le transport mais rien d’excessif. Il existe cependant des exceptions. La région du Quintana Roo avec la Riviera Maya est plus cher que le reste du pays car très touristique.

3. Les auberges de jeunesse sont vos alliés.

C’est l’un des meilleurs endroits pour rencontrer du monde et en plus le prix à la nuit est moins cher. Je conseille de réserver votre hôtel un peu à l’avance. Moins vous aurez à vous soucier de votre arrivée dans une nouvelle ville, plus vous aurez confiance en vous pour l’explorer. Bien que je préfère toujours ne pas partir avec des plans fixes pour laisser place à la magie de l’aventure,  je recommande de réserver un hébergement au moins pour la première nuit  dans chaque ville que vous voulez visiter au Mexique. Cela vous permet aussi d’arriver de nuit sans stress. 

Personnellement j’aime bien prendre de temps en temps une chambre privée dans une bel hôtel. Le prix à la nuit est souvent abordable (regarder sur Booking) et c’est agréable de quitter les dortoirs de temps en temps pour prendre du temps pour soi. 

4. Faire des tours et des excursions

Faire des tours et des excursions et un autres très bon moyen de rencontrer des gens. De plus, certains endroits sont difficile d’accès en transport en commun, ainsi vous mettrez beaucoup moins de temps en réservant un tour.

5. Visitez les “Pueblos Mágicos”

Le Secrétariat du tourisme du Mexique a lancé un programme de promotion du tourisme dans les “Villages magiques” qui sont dispersés dans tout le pays.

Voyager seule

Ce n’est pas un nom commercial: les villages mexicains sont vraiment magiques. Souvent par peur, parfois par désinformation, ceux qui voyagent seuls au Mexique se contentent de visiter la Riviera Maya et la capitale Mexico, mais d’après mon expérience, les villages en dehors de ces zones sont ceux que j’ai  le plus appréciés lors de mon voyage au Mexique .

Que sont les “Pueblos Magicos” au Mexique ?

Ces villes ont été choisies parce qu’elles  se distinguent par un aspect particulier : cela peut être pour leur beauté naturelle, leur richesse culturelle, leurs traditions, leur importance historique, leur gastronomie, leur artisanat… ou tout à la fois.

Pour une liste complète des “Pueblos Magicos” je vous recommande de visiter le site officiel du Ministère du Tourisme. 

6. Faites attention aux personnes avec lesquelles vous partagez des informations

Avant de révéler certains détails sur votre voyage, comme le lieu de votre séjour, les activités que vous prévoyez de faire ou la somme d’argent que vous avez apportée, regardez qui est votre interlocuteur. Bien que la rencontre de nouvelles personnes soit l’un des meilleurs aspects du voyage, il faut toujours tenir compte du contexte et être  particulièrement prudent si le voyage se déroule la nuit  et que vous buvez un peu d’alcool.

Voyager seule

Mais attention que cela ne vous empêche pas de sortir la nuit et faire la fête. Sachez par exemple que la Riviera Maya est une zone très sûre même la nuit. D’ailleurs vous pouvez lire notre article sur les meilleures  boîtes de nuit à Cancun .

7. Étudier l’itinéraire afin de choisir le transport le plus commode

Si quelqu’un vous a dit que parce que vous êtes une femme et que vous aller voyager seule au Mexique, vous devriez éviter les bus au Mexique, c’est parce qu’elle n’y est jamais allé. 

Voyager seule

Le Mexique dispose d’un  système de bus excellent et sûr , ainsi que de très bons prix et une bonne fréquence. Les entreprises les plus connues sont ADO et ETN.

En visualisant votre itinéraire sur la carte et en étudiant les différentes possibilités de parcours, vous pourrez non seulement le structurer, mais aussi choisir le moyen de transport qui vous convient le mieux:  le Mexique fait partie des quinze plus grands pays du monde  et si vous n’avez pas beaucoup de temps et une longue distance à parcourir, vous voudrez peut-être prendre l’avion un jour.

Outre  Aeroméxico , je vous recommande de comparer les prix de  Viva Aerobus  et  Volaris , deux compagnies aériennes Mexicaines qui proposent des vols intérieurs à très bons prix – parfois moins chers que le bus.

Voyager seule

Pour bien planifier vos trajets je vous recommande de consulter les recommandations des autres voyageurs, vous pouvez consulter des blogs spécifiques à chaque région que vous traversez ou consulter des sites webs avec des communautés de voyageurs comme par exemple le  forum du site Planète Voyage  .

8. Avoir des notions d’espagnol

Parlez avec les locaux, est toujours mieux. Beaucoup de mexicains ne parlent ni français ni anglais. Heureusement tout est possible avec la technologie, reverso ou google traduction pourra vous être utile.

De plus une autre bonne raison de parlez avec les locaux et que c’est ni les blogs, ni les forums, ni le meilleur guide de voyage qui disposent des meilleures informations et les plus récentes .

Voyager seule

Dans les villes mexicaines (et en Amérique latine en général), il y a toujours une zone à éviter, surtout lorsque le soleil commence à se coucher. Lorsque vous arrivez à chaque endroit, demandez à un local s’il est sûr de se promener la nuit dans telle ou telle zone.

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apprendre l'espagnol au Mexique

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Home » North America » Mexico » ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Mexico | Destinations & Tips for 2024

ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Mexico | Destinations & Tips for 2024

The first time I went solo traveling in Mexico, my expectations were high. I’d heard about the exquisite nature, vibrant cities, friendly locals, and colorful culture, not to mention the incredible food scene, from just about everyone I knew who had visited before me. If it was at all possible, the country only exceeded my unrealistic expectations.

Many view the country exclusively as a resort destination, taking the odd day trip to a Mayan ruin or strolling through a local market. Beyond the classic stereotypes of mariachi bands and street tacos, Mexico is bursting at the seams with cultural vibrancy .

Little did I know: traveling through Mexico alone means building confidence, meeting amazing people, falling in love, and learning a LOT.

The country has been known to get a bad rep for its cartel activity and violence, which deters many solo travelers from exploring. However, Mexico has made its mark as a home for ex-pats and a destination for tourists looking to create lives and communities. Cities like Oaxaca and Mexico City deserve the same – if not more – attention than the idyllic beach towns.

Traveling alone is one of the best ways to get to know yourself by participating in the activities that most excite you. In this article, I will give you all the best advice and tips on traveling solo in Mexico , where to go, and how to stay as safe as possible. Let’s get into it!

Laura smiling in front of bars on a door in Frida Kahlo's house, Casa Azul in Mexico City

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7 Things to Do in Mexico When Travelling Solo

5 best solo destinations in mexico, the best travel apps for solo travel in mexico, safety tips for solo travelers in mexico, tips for solo traveling in mexico, how to meet people when solo traveling in mexico, final words for solo travelers in mexico.

Mexico is pretty much a paradise for beach lovers, culture fanatics, and foodies. If you’re looking for ways to spend your alone time, you could sip on a fresh coconut on the beach, explore unique markets, take yourself on a self-made food tour, or spend months exploring Mexico City’s museums.

From the Pacific coastline lined with world-class surfing waves to the calm waters of the Caribbean Gulf of Mexico to the rumbling volcanoes, each corner of the country boasts its own unique ecosystem, culture, and history. With a natural landscape so diverse, it’s not hard to believe that Mexico is bursting at the seams with different activities and things to do as a solo traveller. 

mexique voyage solo

If you’d prefer to join others on a fun activity, check out local tour groups or travel groups and join a trek or hike through nature, take a group surfing lesson or cooking lesson, explore ancient ruins in an organized tour, or simply enjoy the social atmosphere at a local bar or nightclub. 

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1. Get to Know Mexico’s Surf Scene

If you’re travelling solo in Mexico and like to stay active while catching some sunshine, Mexicos Pacific Coastline is packed with incredible surfing conditions and waves for all levels. Surfers offer a very child-out outlook on life and are usually friendly and welcoming even if you aren’t a surfer yourself. 

The surfing scene is well worth checking out, and Puerto Escondido is particularly well-known among the world’s best surfers, while places like Sayulita and San Pancho are more suited for beginner and intermediate surfers. 

backpacking oaxaca mexico

By spending time out in the water, you’ll be getting your daily dose of vitamin D in, exercising your body, and will get a chance to see the country from a different point of view. Whether you want to try your hand at the sport or not, you will no doubt leave with a few cool new friends.

2. Support a Small Business and Take a Local Cooking Class

The cuisine is one of Mexico’s most valued ‘exports.’ With tacos and burritos available across the four corners of the world today, Mexico truly does offer something special when it comes to food. 

Support a Small Business and Take a Local Cooking Class

That said, the food you’ll taste within the country is a unique experience from what you might have tried abroad, and the way it is prepared locally is an art compared with how you might throw your breakfast burrito together in the morning. 

One of the top Mexican solo travel tips, joining a cooking class is a great way to learn about the local culture of your region, while meeting other travellers and supporting a local business. Typically hosted by a homely chef (the matron of a home), you’ll learn the ins and outs of authentic Mexican cooking as it is passed down from generation to generation.

3. Volunteer

Volunteering abroad is one of those activities that is just good for you in every sense. It doesn’t matter if you choose to volunteer with a local animal shelter or cook for hungry children, the selfless act makes you feel helpful, all while helping you gain experience, promoting your own self-esteem and personal growth, and strengthening your ties with the local community. 

There are all sorts of ways to help out in Mexico, offering you a chance to ‘give back’ while meeting other volunteers, and locals, and learning about Mexican culture.

4. Join a Group of Strangers on a Tour of Ancient Mayan Ruins

mexique voyage solo

Mexico’s history and unique heritage are not to be missed. Known for their incredible stone pyramids and intricate cities, the Mayans were an advanced ancient civilization known for their incredible understanding of agriculture, pottery, and maths. 

Still standing tall today, visiting these incredible ancient pyramids offers a glimpse into the past of Mesoamerica. If you’re travelling solo in Mexico, take a day trip from Mexico City to Teotihuacan and the Tlatelolco ruins of the Sun and the Moon.

5. Play Chess with the Locals

Even though you might not be able to communicate using Spanish, chess is a world-famous game that is understood by just about every nationality. You’ll find locals enjoying a game of chess in hostels, parks, on sidewalks, and in busy marketplaces, who will welcome you to compete with them in a friendly battle.

6. Adventure Across the Beautiful Mexican Landscape

Adventure Across the Beautiful Mexican Landscape

If you enjoy spending time outdoors and in nature, you’ll want to seek out the best hikes and treks through Mexico’s best national parks. From one point of the country to the other, you could explore the dense tropical Lacandon Jungle and venture through the cacti-studded Sonoran Desert.

Perfect for Mexico solo travel, a hiking tour from Mexico City ventures into the peaks of the Iztaccihuatl Volcano with a trained alpinist.

7. Join a Spanish Class

Spanish is one of the core components of Latin heritage, and understanding a basic level of the language will not only be an added skill set for yourself but will earn you more respect from locals when exploring Mexico. Plenty of language courses are offered throughout the country, offering essential to advanced level courses. Of course, joining any class like this will leave you with a well-rounded group of new friends.

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Mexico is bursting with activity and colour, with a surprise in every direction you turn your head. That said, like any country, there are certain regions that are better suited for solo travellers than others, and some that I would recommend you outright avoid.

Mexico has a bad reputation for safety related to crime and gang violence and it’s not really fair. It’s always a good idea to do personal research about neighbourhoods inside major cities since there are always places you would rather not find yourself passing through (especially alone). However, these really aren’t places of interest.

Enough about that; here are five places that are incredibly welcoming for solo female travellers in Mexico:

Mexico City (CDMX)

Founded in 1325, Mexico City is the oldest continually inhabited city on the American continent and one of the most populous in the world. The city is home to an incredibly vast population with something to offer every type of traveller, including more museums than any other city in the world.

Visiting Mexico City needs to involve the cultural scene. It’s bursting at the seams with incredible restaurants and unique cuisine, gorgeous parks, and incredible options for accommodation. 

Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City on a sunny day

Viajero CDMX Centro Hostel is a beautifully designed property in a safe historic neighborhood. Surrounded by Mexican culture and history, the hostel is packed with local art and craft showcasing the unique artisanal creatives of the area. Choose from a private room (with breakfast included), a single private ensuite, or a range of dorms from six to twelve beds. Female dorms are available for solo female travellers.

So, is it a safe city for solo female travel in Mexico City ? The short answer is yes, but the long answer is that this comes with a few apparent appendixes.

Common sense and intuition are always important, but so are avoiding specific neighbourhoods. The atmosphere can change quickly from neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Generally safe to explore as a solo female, Roma Norte/Sur, Condesa, Centro Historico, and Zona Rosa are good areas to find accommodation in CDMX.

San Miguel de Allende

If you’re wondering what it takes to be a good city for solo travellers, staying in San Miguel de Allende is the answer. It has a moderate year-round climate, gorgeous architecture and mountain views, and an abundance of World Heritage Sites nearby.

It’s also considered relatively safe, small enough to explore by foot (the centre, at least), and known for its incredible art, culture, and architecture. It is popular with solo travellers and digital nomads, long-term ex-pats, and artist communities. With tons of festivals held in the town, it’s gaining traction with younger travellers. 

San Miguel de Allende

El Jardin, the central town square, is where you’ll find the highest concentration of restaurants, shops, and other inspired travellers. It’s also just a short drive from the surrounding vineyards of Mexico’s wine and cheese route.

This amazing city has places to stay for all budgets, ranging from impressive hotels and boutique bed and breakfasts to affordable hostels suitable for sociable solo travellers.

Located in central city, Meson Amelia is one of the best Mexican solo travel hostels, built on the foundations of a 30-year-old mansion. It offers a more intimate vibe than other hostels, with small four-person dorms and female-only rooms, a central courtyard space, and an on-site restaurant.

Sayulita and San Pancho

Just an hour’s drive from Puerta Vallarta on Mexico’s Pacific coastline, Nayarit, Sayulita, and San Pancho are some of the best beach towns in Mexico with much to offer.

The small beach towns are known for their intimate town centres, incredible nightlife (Sayulita especially), and excellent surfing conditions for beginners. 

Sayulita is the busier town of the two, offering a small yet significant centre with many shops, restaurants, bars, cool ass hostels , and nightclubs. While certainly more of a tourist destination, the town still hones into the local feeling of small-town Mexico, with no chain stores or Western restaurant brands to be seen. 

Two girls holding hands under the vibrant Mexican flags that line the streets of Sayulita.

From ol’ style hostels to fancy seaside retreats, you’ll find sick places to stay in Sayulita that’ll make your journey unforgettable.

San Pancho is a lot smaller yet less touristy than Sayulita. Visitors flock to the exquisite beach to watch the sunset, surf, and enjoy ball games on the sand. Both towns are relatively affordable, although priced slightly for tourist markets.

Known for its properties worldwide, Selina Sayulita is one of the beach town’s most popular hostels. Set right in the heart of the town; it’s just a few meters from the beach and all major restaurants and nightlife. Of course, the hostel hosts daily events and activities, which offers an easy way to meet friends while travelling solo.

Oaxaca City

Oaxaca City is known as one of the best destinations in Mexico for female solo travellers in Mexico. The city is smaller than one might expect and is also the cultural capital of its state.

The central town square, called the Centro Historico, is a World Heritage Site. Since the city is one of the food capitals of Mexico, joining a food tour is one of the best ways to experience the city’s charm.

mexique voyage solo

You’ll feel safe walking around the city alone during the day, even as a female solo traveller. However, I always advise walking with a group or using taxis at night as a precaution. The city has boomed as a tourist destination, which means it’s easy to meet other travellers, but prices can also be higher than local towns. Regardless, accommodation and food are affordable, and staying in a hostel or boutique hotel is a great way to meet others.

One of the most exciting hostels in Oaxaca is Casa Angel Hostel . This award-winning hostel is one of the best places for solo travellers in Mexico to mingle and let loose. They have a perfect, city centre location in the historic area of Oaxaca and offer endless activities for backpackers to get stuck into. 


One of the best destinations for solo female travel in Mexico , Guadalajara is a colourful, vibrant, yet equally relaxed city just a six-hour drive from Mexico City. This modern, global city offers a diverse range of hostels , giving comfortable accommodation to travelers on even the smallest budgets.

There are also plenty of safe neighbourhoods here, including Chapultepec and Colonia Americana. both of which boast a number of boutique accommodations and affordable hostels. 

As the second largest metropolitan centre behind CDMX, this city has a lot to do and see. The Centro Historico and Zocalo neighbourhoods are an excellent place to start exploring, home to a range of historic buildings and exciting markets. 

Historic Center, Guadalajara 2

One of the best things to do while in Guadalajara is take a day trip to Tequila. Unsurprisingly, this is the small town where the famous Mexican liquor is produced. There is even a Tequila Train that offers a full-day tour through the town. Another incredible place for a day trip is Tlaquepaque, a magical town known for its artisanal pottery production.

With a lush rooftop garden terrace and sunset views, Hostal Bohostel Chapultepec is one of Guadalajara’s most authentically attractive properties. It’s just a block away from the city’s trendiest avenues offering private and shared rooms with cozy common areas. The hostel also offers a range of activities like yoga and cooking classes.

Having the right apps for travel makes your life a whole lot easier.

  • Hostelworld – The best way to search and book affordable dorms or private rooms
  • Couchsurfing – Ideal for budget travellers but not advised for solo female travellers
  • Tinder – Suitable for meeting friends in foreign places
  • Hinge – Designed for dating and meeting likeminded travellers
  • Bumble – Ideal for making new friends
  • Backpackr – A social app for travellers to find nearby travellers
  • Holafly  – An e-SIM application that allows you to download a data-only SIM card without installing a physical card

If meeting like-minded travellers is your goal, check out the current popular Facebook groups for travellers in Mexico.

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Like any destination, there are certain areas you should stay clear of and things you should avoid doing in Mexico. One of the leading Mexico solo travel tips for staying safe is to avoid unnecessary attention. Don’t wear flashy jewellery or wear unnecessarily revealing clothing, as this will only attract predators.

Listen to your gut and trust your sixth sense – we have it for a reason. Share your plans with those you trust, but avoid oversharing information with those you don’t know. Partying is fun, but don’t get blackout drunk when out alone at night. 

mexique voyage solo

In the same vein, don’t leave drinks unattended; no matter how good that margarita looks, never accept a drink from a stranger. I don’t think I have to explain this one.

Although optional, learning basic Spanish is a great way to understand your surroundings. Locals advise tourists to avoid calling the police. Bribery is rife, and the police force won’t necessarily be on your side. 

Always carry cash with you; there will no doubt be a scenario when you want to buy something or get home, your Uber app doesn’t open, your phone dies, or your card doesn’t w

Tourist walking on a colourful street in Mexico.

  • Spend time of your trip in Mexico in hostels . This is the easiest way to make friends. Viajero Sayulita Hostel in Sayulita and Hostal Cuija Coyoacan in Mexico City are two of my favorites.
  • Plan pre-booked and organized adventures. When you first arrive in a town or city, sightseeing or group walking tours are a great way to get your bearings and see the city through a different lens.
  • Keep your plans and itinerary flexible. Undoubtedly, you will meet people who guide you toward different destinations and activities you may not have initially planned for. After I fell in love, I moved out my entire itinerary…
  • Plan your own trip with what you most enjoy . Template itineraries and advice from friends is helpful, but it’s always best to research and make time for the activities you most want to do and places you most want to visit. Define your budget and timeline, and research those places.
  • Know a basic level of Spanish – vital in more remote regions. However, Spanish fluency isn’t essential to travel to Mexico, and you can get by knowing minimal Spanish.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and belongings. Always keep an eye on your possessions on beaches, when travelling on public transport, and in public spaces when travelling solo in Mexico, where petty crime and pickpocketing is expected.
  • Always share your travel plans with someone you trust back home, and once you make new friends in Mexico, it’s a good idea to tell them your vague plans too. This way, if something goes wrong, your family and friends should be able to contact you.
  • Download an air SIM using a company like Airalo when you arrive. There will be times when you will want your phone to organize reservations, order Uber, or check the exchange rate. 
  • Prepurchase a solid insurance plan that covers both health and emergency repatriation and travel insurance in case you run into any issues with lost luggage or misplaced items. 

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

mexique voyage solo

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Two girls smiling next to a beautiful cliffside in Zipolite, Mexico.

  • Stay in a hostel : One of the best ways to meet people when traveling solo in Mexico is by staying in a hostel. Whether you stay in a private room or a dorm room, typical hostels have a variety of shared spaces where guests can socialize. Many hostels even have on-site bars to let loose. 
  • Attend events: If you are staying at a hostel, find a property that organizes regular gatherings or tours. Many hostels (especially in major backpacker destinations) host social evenings like pub crawls, tours, and group activities. Joining a few organized activities is a sure way to interact and make new friends. 
  • Download dating/friend-finding apps: Did you know that most dating apps offer services that allow you to meet and make new friends? Ideal for solo female travel in Mexico, Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge can all be switched from ‘dating’ to a ‘friendship’ profile, where you can scroll through and chat with people within your vicinity who may have similar interests or travel plans. 
  • Short-term memberships: If you plan to spend an extended period of time in one particular area, purchasing a gym membership or joining a coworking space is another excellent way to meet people. 
  • Join group tours: Whether you join a tour hosted by a hostel or an independent tour, joining a group tour or activity is one of the best ways to make friends while travelling . Chances are those joining the same tour as you will have similar interests, at least in the tour or type of trip you join together.
  • Join Facebook groups: They offer a similar way to meet friends as an online app, just within a different format. Groups like Mexico Travel Community, Travel Buddies on the Road in Mexico , and Mexico Travel Recommendations all host a vast community of tourists and ex-pats, many of whom are also looking for social connections while abroad.
  • Join cultural activities: Besides tours, joining other cultural activities like language classes or cooking courses is a great way to meet others with similar interests.
  • Be approachable: Make sure you keep an open mind about meeting others while in Mexico. Be available when others ask for advice or directions or to take photos of them. Being open and available makes you seem more approachable and makes it easier to strike up a conversation with a stranger in arbitrary scenarios.

All in all, there is little negative to be said about travelling to Mexico solo. Since the country is so large, it can be daunting to decide which places to visit, where to stay, and what to do in Mexico at the best of times. The best thing about travelling solo? You can make all the calls for yourself and spend your time exactly how you want to.

If you possess a good level of worldliness and common sense (which is necessary for any solo adventurer), you’ll find Mexico is not at all intimidating or scary and instead is home to some of the friendliest locals, the most exquisite landscapes, and exciting cities. 

From the laid-back vibe of Baja California and the Pacific coastline to the dynamic beach scene of the Caribbean side, Mexico has something to offer every traveller.

big mural of street art in mexico with person for scale

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Travel Mexico Solo

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Looking for the Best Solo Travel Destinations?

As a big country, there are many solo travel Mexico destinations.

From the beautiful beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula and culturally-rich Southern Mexico, to the charming colonial cities in Central Mexico and laid-back Baja California — there’s a Mexico solo travel destination for everyone.

So how do you narrow down the best places in Mexico to travel alone? You get advice from the experts, of course!

This article is a compilation of solo travel tips, advice and recommendations from women who have done some Mexico solo travel.

mexique voyage solo

Every female travel blogger featured here is sharing her personal experience visiting the 20 best solo female travel Mexico destinations — in the hopes of inspiring other women to take the plunge and book that Mexico solo trip.

Ready to discover all the top Mexico solo travel destinations? Let’s get this party started! After the destination suggestions, we’ll examine the 🐘 elephant in the room topic, which is the question Is it safe to travel to Mexico alone?

Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

Mexico map: best solo travel mexico destinations.

Now, let’s get to the fun stuff — the Top 20 solo travel Mexico destinations, picked by women who have safely traveled there solo!

All destinations mentioned are separated by region in Mexico, and pinned to the map below so you can get a visual idea of where everything is.

While visiting one place during your Mexico solo travel adventure, some of the places are close enough to one another to combine them for an extra epic solo female Mexico travel extravaganza 🎉

Have a look at the map of Mexico and see what you can come up with.

Solo Travel Mexico Destinations in Yucatan Peninsula

van a la luz tulum sculpture of a wooden man

I have visited this Yucatan pueblo magico , home to some of the best beaches in Mexico , several times. Each visit, I enjoyed the laid back vibes, variety of activities and attractions, fantastic restaurants, and excellent Tulum hotels .

Tulum is home to one of the best kept Mayan archeological sites in the country, the Tulum Ruins , located on the Caribbean Sea. After visiting, head to the beach cove below and jump in the turquoise waters to cool off.

I also visited Coba, a Mayan pyramid site about one hour away. You can get there by colectivo , a small shared van perfect for Tulum budget travel .

Coba is a large site deep in the jungle that’s best explored by renting a bike on-site. Unlike other Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan, you can climb the Coba pyramids. 

Tulum Solo Travel Tip

Book a private room in Selina Tulum , one of the best hostels in Tulum. A private room gives you the social aspect of a hostel, and the solace of privacy. Selina is located right on the beach and has many social activities.

The surrounding area is scattered with Tulum cenotes , underground freshwater lakes unique to Yucatan — which are truly special to see.

You can even dive in some, though I couldn’t work up the courage to do that, and stuck to the Tulum beaches — some of the best beaches in Mexico .

One of the best things to do in Tulum is take an underwater photoshoot on a Tulum cenotes tour .

Tulum solo travel is considered quite safe for female travelers, and given the large backpacker and digital nomad community, it is easy to meet other people.

The best way to do that is to stay at a social hostel on Tulum Beach, right in the middle of all the action! One of the best Tulum hostels on the beach is Selina .

You have many options for Cancun to Tulum travel . The safest is this private Tulum shuttle where someone picks you up in the airport and drops you off at your Tulum hotel .

You can also rent a car in Cancun and drive to Tulum, or take the ADO bus . The drive takes about two hours.

• Tulum is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Tulum is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related article: Tulum Solo Travel: How to Safely Visit Tulum Mexico • Submitted by Claudia of @myadventuresacrosstheworld

Best SOLO TRAVEL MEXICO destinations

Colorful colonial buildings

Merida, Mexico, in Yucatan state is the place I’ve called home since 2019.

This colorful, colonial city is ideal for a solo trip to Mexico, as it’s the safest city in Mexico, and named one of the two safest cities on the Americas Continent in 2019 by CEOWorld Magazine . 

While still an up-and-coming Mexico travel destination, this Yucatan Peninsula city, located about 3.5 hours from Tulum, Cancun and Playa del Carmen, is slowly climbing to the top of many a Mexico bucket list.

For now, you can still rent a gorgeous Merida Airbnb (VRBO) or Merida hotel for little money.

Merida is one of the most instagram worthy Mexico cities, known for photogenic architecture, amazing food, outdoor festivals and gorgeous homes.

It is considered the Mayan Cultural Capital of the Yucatan, making it unique because it combines a tropical destination with rich history.

Merida Solo Travel Tip

While Merida is considered the safest city in Mexico, you’ll still want to follow the same general travel safety tips you would anywhere else.

For a complete guide to Merida travel safety, check out Is Merida Mexico Safe for Travelers? [20+ Tips from a Local] .

Best Merida Day Trips

woman making a heart shape with her two hands at the pink lakes in mexico - day trips from Merida

There are so many things to do in Merida , including these beautiful Merida beaches and Merida day trips , located just outside the city.

All of these day trips are safe to do as a solo traveler by bus or in your rental car , as it’s quite safe to drive in the Yucatan.

Within just two hours of the city, there’s the pink lakes of Las Coloradas, amazing Mayan ruins like Chichen Itza and Uxmal Ruins.

There’s also Yucatan pueblos magicos (Mexico magic towns) like Valladolid and Izamal , old school haciendas , gorgeous swimmable cenotes , and more.

MERIDA nightlife

When the sun goes down, Merida comes alive with outdoor festivals around Plaza Grande, the central plaza where you’ll see the Merida Cathedral, and also on Paseo de Montejo.

In both areas, you can take a calesa (horse and buggy tour), a popular nighttime activity.

There are plenty of great bars in Merida , as well as cantinas and places to mingle. Head to La Negrita Cantina, Mercado 60, Casa Chica, Pipiripau Bar and Malahat for drinks — and when it’s time to go home, just call an Uber.

• Merida is located in Yucatan, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Merida is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related article: Ultimate Merida Yucatan Mexico Travel Guide [By A Local] • Submitted by Shelley of @traveltomerida

3. Bacalar Lake

a sail boat in the middle of the blue waters of bacalar lagoon mexico

I visited Bacalar Lagoon as a solo traveler in November 2020, and loved it!

It was uncrowded and had a unique local atmosphere. I was able to get a boat tour of Laguna Bacalar on the spot, and spent the rest of my day exploring this unique town.

Located less than an hour away from the Belize border, Bacalar is a Mexico hidden gem .

This small pueblo magico , or magic town, is located near several Mayan Ruins , archeological sites and cenotes, all of which are quieter than other top travel destinations in Mexico and Quintana Roo state .

Bacalar Solo Travel Tip

Bacalar is still up-and-coming, and isn’t as expensive as other Yucatan travel destinations, so you can rent a gorgeous Bacalar hotel for little money. If possible, stay right on the lake, instead of in Downtown Bacalar.

Bacalar town hugs the shores of Lake Bacalar, known as the Lagoon of Seven Colors and the Maldives of Mexico.

♻️ Mexico Travel Tip : Practice responsible tourism in Mexico by using only reef-safe sunscreen when visiting Bacalar, Mexico.

When the sun shines, the lagoon turns various shades of blue that range from dark blue to turquoise, making Bacalar Lagoon popular for snorkeling, swimming and boating.

The best thing about going to Bacalar is that it’s relatively inexpensive. If you don’t want to rent a car , just take a bus from Mahahual or Tulum, Mexico — two of the best destinations in Quintana Roo.

The ADO bus from Tulum to Bacalar takes about three hours, as it makes multiple stops along the way.

One of the tips for solo visitors is to spend at least one night in Bacalar instead of trying to cram the entire trip into one day. Bacalar is a gorgeous place with an incredible lagoon, cenotes, and nearby Mayan ruins , and it deserves more of your time.

• Bacalar is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Bacalar is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related article: Bacalar Mexico: Ultimate Travel Guide to the 7 Color Lagoon • Submitted by Daria of @thediscoverynut

4. Playa del Carmen

giant sculpture on playa del carmen beach

Playa del Carmen , located in Quintana Roo state, is one of the best beach towns in Mexico.

It used to be a quieter alternative for Cancun , but in recent years has become nearly as popular. If you’re looking for a lively solo travel destination, you’ll find it in Playa , as the locals call it.

I visited Playa del Carmen regularly when I was living in Belize, as it’s an easy bus trip and I did my shopping in Mexico.

Besides shopping, there’s many other things to do in Playa del Carmen . Head to 5th Avenue, the main street in Playa, with tons of restaurants, bars, shops and all inclusive resorts .

I spent many late nights here with no problem, as Playa’s social scene makes meeting people easy. However, do watch your alcohol intake, listen to your intuition , and avoid dark, empty streets at night.

I took taxis at night with no problem, however, some say it’s safer to walk and stick to the main streets.

Playa del Carmen Solo Travel Tip

There is no Uber in Playa del Carmen , or Quintana Roo state.

If you’re sticking to the beaches and main areas of Playa, you won’t need Uber anyway; however, to explore outside of town, join a group tour or rent a car at Cancun Airport when you arrive.

Located within an hour drive of several amazing cenotes near Playa del Carmen , world-class diving sites, and some of the best Mayan Ruins in Mexico , like Chichen Itza, Coba Ruins and the Tulum Ruins.

You might want to consider a rental car to see them all if you’re only in town for a few days. You can also drive to beautiful Xpu-ha Beach to escape the crowds in Playa.

Driving in Mexico is quite safe, but you’ll want to consider the time of year you’re visiting Playa del Carmen.

When planning solo travel in Yucatan, know June-September has the most rainfall and June 1-November 30 is Hurricane Season. Located right on the Caribbean Sea, Playa does get storms.

I’d say the best time to visit Playa Del Carmen is from March-May, as it’s quieter and has great weather.

December to March tends to be the busiest time since many North Americans and Europeans head to sunny Playa and the Yucatan Peninsula in winter for warmer weather.

• Playa del Carmen is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Playa del Carmen is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related article: Is Playa del Carmen Safe for Tourists? • Submitted by Christine of Mexico Viajara

5. Holbox Island

colorful sign spelling out HOLBOX in holbox island mexico

Holbox (pronounced hole-bosh ) is a fantastic place to visit if you’re traveling solo to Mexico.

I visited for the first time in 2018, and immediately fell in love with the island. Holbox Island is small, with a small town feel, and without being completely overrun by tourists.

As a female traveling solo, you won’t have to worry about your safety here. Holbox is quiet and calm; not the place for nightlife, but perfect for beautiful beaches, rest, relaxation and getting in touch with nature.

It’s not only very safe, but it has some of the best beaches in Mexico I’ve experienced.

Holbox Island Solo Female Travel Tip

Wondering how to get to Holbox Island ?

Holbox is only accessible by a 30-minute ferry ride from Chiquila, about two hours from Cancun. This is the perfect time to meet other solo travelers by chatting up a neighbor on the boat ride to Holbox.

Due to its unique location, Holbox, Mexico is fantastic for kayaking to see wildlife like flamingos, manta rays, turtles and even whale sharks.

If you visit from June-September, make sure to do a swim with the whale shark tours, one of the best things to do in Mexico .

I’ve never felt unsafe in Holbox both during the day or at night. The island is very relaxed and laid-back. Since only about 2,000 people live on Holbox permanently, it’s a tight-knit community.

For women traveling solo to Holbox, this makes meeting people easy.

You’ll always find at least some backpackers around although this is not the place to look for wild parties. The island is easily reachable via ferry, and there are plenty of accommodation options at boutique hotels and Holbox hostels .

• Holbox Island is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Holbox is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related article: 27 Best Things to Do in Holbox Island Mexico • Submitted by Victoria of @guideyourtravel

6. Valladolid

mexique voyage solo

Valladolid, Mexico, located in Yucatan state, is a true hidden gem, and one of the most up-and-coming Mexico travel destinations in the Yucatan Peninsula . Love hidden gems? Don’t miss Homun, Yucatan .

It is also one of the country’s 130 or so pueblos magicos , or Mexico magic towns.

There are about 10 of pueblos magicos in Yucatan, including Tulum , Izamal , Isla Mujeres , Bacalar Lagoon , “the Maldives of Mexico,” Sisal , and of course, Valladolid.

🤔 Wondering, What is a pueblo magico? Learn all about the Mexico magic towns here .

The Yucatan Peninsula is known as one of the safest areas of Mexico, and Valladolid is no exception. This is a small town with only a few thousand residents, and an increasingly-booming tourism industry, making it relatively easy to meet other travelers.

As Valladolid grows, the quality of its tourism amenities like these Valladolid hotels and restaurants is also on the rise

When visiting, don’t pass up the chance to try authentic Yucatan food at La Casona de Valladolid, and don’t miss the giant Talavera tile fountain outside.

Best things to do in Valladolid Mexico

There’s great things to do in Valladolid, like a Market Visit and Cooking Class , and seeing the nearby Chichen Itza and Ek-Balam Mayan Ruins.

While I’d only recommend spending 1-2 nights in Valladolid, it also makes for one of the best day trips from Merida or Tulum , if you don’t stay the night.

When visiting, get your camera ready 📸 The colonial city of Valladolid is one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico.

There are many gorgeous buildings to photograph, especially on Calzada de los Frailes and Calle 50.

Valladolid also has some nice colonial churches, like Iglesia de San Servacio in the Zocalo (town square). There’s also the Convent de San Bernardino de Siena, a 16th Century Franciscan monastery.

Best Cenotes in Valladolid

mexique voyage solo

Ready to cool off with a swim in some of the best cenotes in Mexico?

You’re in luck because the Valladoild cenotes rank among the best cenotes in Yucatan. These include Cenote Ik Kil , Cenote Oxman, Cenote Samula, Cenote Suytun and Cenote Zaci; among others.

Valladolid Solo Female Travel Tip

All the best cenotes in Mexico (like Cenote Zaci ) are located around Valladolid.

The easiest way to explore cenotes is to hire a taxi to take you to a few in one day, or drive your rental car . No matter which you choose, both are safe options for solo female travel in Mexico.

• Valladolid is located in Yucatan, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Valladolid is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog:  Valladolid Mexico: Ultimate Travel Guide • Submitted by Shelley of  @travelmexicosolo

7. Cozumel Island

mexique voyage solo

I reached Cozumel, Mexico in the morning, after the 30-minute ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel.

I made my way to a local shop to rent a scooter. I was a little scared of driving in a foreign country, but in late March, the roads weren’t crowded and I had a peaceful ride.

Driving along the western coast of Cozumel, I passed the popular diving and snorkeling reefs, including Palancar Reef and El Cielo Reef.

It took me about 30 minutes to get to my first stop at the southern tip of the island, Playa Encantada. I love secluded beaches like this, to fully connect with nature.

♻️ Mexico Travel Tip : Practice sustainable tourism in Mexico by using only reef-safe sunscreen when swimming in Cozumel, Mexico.

It felt as if I had the entire Caribbean Sea to myself, full of all its gorgeous shades of turquoise. I have no idea how much time I spent there, jumping at the waves and floating like a starfish.

I left all of my belongings at the beach without worry because there was nobody else around.

My next stops were El Caracol Mayan ruins on Cozumel and the San Gervasio Mayan Ruins in the center of the island.

These sites are dedicated to Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of the moon, medicine and childbirth, and famous pilgrimage spots by many Mayan women from the mainland. 

I drove on the eastern side of the island on my way back so I could enjoy the different scenery. I made several stops at El Mirador, Playa San Martin, and Chen Rio to take some solo travel photos , have a meal and sip on fresh coconut water.

Cozumel Solo Female Travel Tip: Cozumel Island, Mexico, is accessible only by a 30-minute ferry ride. The Playa del Carmen to Cozumel ferry is the perfect time to meet other solo travelers by chatting up a neighbor on the ride over.

Back at the ferry terminal, I took a short walk around town until it was time to board the ferry for a sunset ride back to Playa del Carmen.

It always feels magical to leave a place just as the end of the day is approaching, especially after an amazing solo trip to Cozumel, Mexico.

• Cozumel is located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula. • The best time to visit Cozumel is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related Blog: 25 Must See Yucatan Peninsula Travel Destinations • S ubmitted by Eva of Elevate Calm and @evamilanoyoga

Solo Travel Mexico Destinations in Central Mexico

8. mexico city.

mexique voyage solo

I admit that traveling to Mexico City (AKA CDMX) alone may seem very intimidating, and many wonder, Is it safe to travel to Mexico City alone?

Overall, I felt very safe as a woman doing solo travel in Mexico City , and day trips from Mexico City to places like Puebla City in Puebla, Mexico .

While the idea of exploring it alone as a solo female traveler can be scary, CDMX is a gorgeous city filled with art, markets, history, and some of the best food in the world.

It is an exciting place, and solo travel in Mexico City is a lot of fun because this is such a dynamic city.

Ⓜ️ Riding the Mexico City Metro

When alone, avoid public transportation on weekdays, especially during rush hours. I once took the Mexico City subway during peak hours, and it was the most chaotic metro experience of my life!

I live in a city where I take public transportation every single day, and even I was overwhelmed.

If you do want to try the CDMX Metro for getting around Mexico City, use it on weekday afternoons and weekend mornings, when it’s empty and easy to navigate. You’ll also want to use the front cars, which are reserved for women and children.

Mexico City Solo Female Travel Tip

While most people fear getting sick from the water (if so, get this Water-To-Go Filterable Bottle ), don’t forget about the high altitude .

CDMX is about 1.5 miles above sea level, so don’t forget your meds and altitude sickness bracelet .

Is there Uber in Mexico City?

For the rest of your trip, I recommend using Uber in Mexico City instead of public transportation, as It’s affordable and quicker.

In case you’re wondering Is Uber safe in Mexico City? It is considered quite safe for solo travelers, and in fact, taking an Uber is safer than hailing a cab on the street.

Make sure you have an active cell phone data plan while on your Mexico City solo travel adventure. This is one of my best Mexico City travel safety tips!

You can use it for calling Uber, for directions if you get lost, and for language translation. Many U.S. phone carriers include free data in Mexico, but if not, buy a Mexico SIM card before you arrive in Mexico.

best neighborhoods in Mexico City

Lush green park Parque Mexico

When planning out your Mexico City solo travel itinerary , know that neighborhood vibes can change quickly when you’re walking. If you have a far distance to go, opt for Uber if you’re headed off the main tourist grid, or when going out at night.

If you want to meet other travelers, stay at Hostel Home or Downtown Beds Hostel , the best hostels in Mexico City.

Known as the best and safest neighborhoods in Mexico City, I felt very safe when I went out at night in Roma and Condesa — two great places to rent a VRBO in Mexico City .

Being from Texas, I try to visit Mexico City often.

Sometimes, it’s a long layover to eat the best tacos in Mexico City on a Mexico City taco tour . Other times, I stay for a long weekend and go on a Xochimilco boat cruise and see a Lucha Libre wrestling match 🦹‍♂️

• Mexico City is a state in Central Mexico. It is also the country’s capital city. The best time to visit Mexico City is from October to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: Ultimate Mexico City Solo Travel Guide for Female Travelers • Submitted by Erin of @solsalute

9. Guadalajara

beautiful large spanish colonial church in the colonial town of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, located in central Mexico, and a safe place for female solo Mexico travel

One of the best solo female travel destinations in Mexico has to be Guadalajara, where I visited in December 2019.

It has an international airport, but if you’re coming from Mexico City , Guadalajara is located about six hours away via rental car or bus, and one hour by plane.

This is a fun, colorful, relaxed city, with safe neighborhoods like Chapultepec and Colonia Americana which have some of the best hotels in Guadalajara .

There’s also plenty of affordable guesthouses and hostels, so it’s easy to meet locals and other travelers.

As the second largest metropolitan city in Mexico, behind Mexico City , that’s so many things to do in GDL, as it’s known. For travelers who love exploring big cities, don’t miss Monterrey, Nuevo Leon as well.

Begin your Guadalajara itinerary with a trip to Centro Historico (historic downtown, or City Center) and the Zocalo.

Here, you’ll see the city’s historic buildings including the gorgeous Guadalajara Cathedral, visit the local mercados (markets) and check out all the amazing street art .

Guadalajara Solo Female Travel Tip

Despite being a bustling city, Guadalajara feels quite safe, although it’s best not to walk at night in the city center.

There is Uber in Guadalajara so make sure you have a Mexico SIM card and data to call an Uber from anywhere.

Best Guadalajara Day Trips

colorful umbrellas hanging over a street | Tlaquepaque, Mexico | Jalisco travel

• Tequila: While visiting, consider a Guadalajara to Tequila day trip. As you probably guessed, Tequila, Mexico, is the town where the infamous beverage is produced.

There are several ways to do this, one being the Tequila Train , a full-day adventure popular with tourists that includes free unlimited tequila on the way there! To save money, you can do a regular Tequila group tour or catch a local bus.

• Tlaquepaque: Don’t miss Tlaquepaque , a pueblo magico (magic town), and vibrant area of Guadalajara known for pottery production.

It’s also where mariachi music began, so make sure to sit outside, sip a margarita and enjoy the roaming mariachi bands.

• Lake Chapala & Ajijic: Other fun things to do in Guadalajara include taking a day trip to Lake Chapala, the largest lake in Mexico.

You can take a boat tour of Lake Chapala , and then head to the nearby colorful town and pueblo magico of Ajijic (pronounced ah-he-heek ).

• Guadalajara is located in Jalisco, Mexico, about 350 miles west of Mexico City. • The best time to visit Guadalajara is from November to May, during the dry season. • Related Blog: 25 Safest Cities in Mexico & Safest Beaches in Mexico • Submitted by Rose of @wheregoesrose

10. San Miguel de Allende

colorful street in San Miguel De Allende Mexico

San Miguel de Allende is one of the top destinations in Mexico. It’s popular with everyone from solo travelers and digital nomads, to expats and artists.

Blessed with a beautiful climate year-round, stunning architecture and plenty of things to see, San Miguel is a great stop on your solo travel journey in Mexico.

Located in Guanajuato state in Central Mexico, San Miguel is famous for blue skies, cobblestone streets and pretty buildings.

It has a similar look to the nearby destinations of Queretaro City and Guanajuato City — and fun fact, all three cities are Mexico UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

Today, the town continues to be known for art, culture, architecture and festivals.

Fabrica La Aurora, a renovated textile mill that now houses art galleries, is well worth a visit. Among the other San Miguel de Allende things to do , don’t miss the large, gothic Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel church.

San Miguel de Allende Solo Female Travel Tip

SMA, as it’s called, is a pretty small town. It makes the perfect place to photograph and have a spa day, before exploring the surrounding areas on a vineyard tour along Mexico’s Wine & Cheese Route.

Best Things to do in San Miguel de Allende

Spend some time at El Jardin, the central square that hums with life day and night. It’s a great place to meet people, as are the numerous cafes and restaurants that line the streets around the plaza.

When you’re craving a snack, head to Café y Churrería San Agustín . They serve the best churros in San Miguel de Allende.

Other highlights include the El Charco del Ingenio, one of the best botanical gardens in Mexico. There’s also the beautiful Biblioteca Publica (Public Library), picturesque Instituto Allende.

Head a little out of town to Spa La Gruta and Escondido Place, the two best hot springs in San Miguel de Allende.

Make sure you also spend some time strolling around town, as San Miguel is one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico.

There’s a good range of San Miguel de Allende hotels , as well as San Miguel de Allende hostel accommodations for all budgets. Regardless of your budget, both lodging options work well for solo travelers.

I visited San Miguel twice, once with my family, and a second time solo. Traveling as a solo woman in San Miguel was easy, as it’s located just four hours by bus from Mexico City .

The city is very welcoming to tourists, and is known as one of the safest destinations in Mexico .

• San Miguel de Allende is located in Guanajuato, Mexico. • The best time to visit San Miguel de Allende is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: 30 Best Places to Visit in Mexico Right Now • Submitted by Katja of @globetotting

11. Guanajuato City

mexique voyage solo

I lived in Guanajuato City, Mexico a few years back, and found it one of the most unique and interesting cities in Mexico. There are so many amazing things to do in Guanajuato , with lots of budget options and free things.

Guanajuato City, the capital city of Guanajuato state, is in a valley so many buildings are on the side of a mountain, which offer incredible views of the city.

It is one of the most Instagram worthy Mexico destinations, with its brightly-colored buildings contrasted by natural colors and earthy mountains.

I felt safe walking around during the day and night in Downtown Guanajuato.

There is always lots going on and people everywhere, going to bars, eating at restaurants and enjoying this lively city. It is important to be cautious of your belongings when walking around, however.

Guanajuato Solo Female Travel Tip

Guanajuato is gorgeous — and so are you!

Make sure to be in some of your travel photos with these solo travel photo tips , and with the help of a flexible “octopus” phone tripod , a game changer in solo travel photography.

To be safe, stay at one of the best hotels in Guanajuato , all located in downtown. Uber and taxis are cheap and safe, so use them when traveling outside the city center.

Guanajuato City isn’t a huge destination for travelers, but you can join Facebook groups to meet other people and find events.

It is easy to meet locals in Guanajuato, as Mexicans are super friendly and love to show you around this gorgeous city.

By night, enjoy a callejoneada , historical tours through the Guanajuato alleys and streets with a local guide who explains the history of Guanajuato.

Getting to Guanajuato City is also easy in your rental car , and by bus from Mexico City or Guadalajara.

You can also fly into Bajío Guanajuato International Airport (code: BJX) in Leon, one town over from Guanajuato, and take an Uber from the airport to your hotel.

Overall, Guanajuato City is a great solo female travel destination in Mexico. You will absolutely love it, and all the amazing Guanajuato things to do .

When visiting, don’t pass up the chance to see nearby San Miguel de Allende as well. It is only an hour away, and an easy drive for those renting a car in Mexico .

• Guanajuato City is located in Guanajuato, Mexico, and the state’s capital city. • The best time to visit Guanajuato City is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: 25 Best Things to Do, See & Eat in Guanajuato, Mexico • Submitted by Jessica of @unearththevoyage

12. Puerto Vallarta

mexique voyage solo

Puerto Vallarta , located in Jalisco state, is a vibrant city on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. It is situated between the lush, green Sierra Madre mountains to one side, and the blue waters along the pristine beaches of Banderas Bay on the other.

This pretty beach town has been a top Mexico travel destination for decades now. It is popular with U.S. and international visitors, and known as one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly destinations in the world.

It’s also known for one very special Old Hollywood romance!

After filming The Night of The Iguana in the early-1960s, Richard Burton remained in Puerto Vallarta with wife Elizabeth Taylor.

They bought a home, which is now the Casa Kimberly Hotel and Spa , one of the best boutique hotels in Puerto Vallarta, and a stop on the Old Town Hollywood Tour .

Puerto Vallarta Solo Female Travel Tip

Puerto Vallarta International Airport (code: PVR) has direct flights from all over the U.S. It is only about 20 minutes by Uber from downtown, where you’ll find the best hotels in Puerto Vallarta .

Best Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta

mexique voyage solo

Puerto Vallarta Mexico is a relatively safe destination for solo female travel, and there are so many things to do in Puerto Vallarta that you just can’t get bored.

The most characteristic area is historic Viejo Vallarta (Old Town), with its colorful art galleries, narrow cobblestone streets and great restaurants.

The Zona Romantica (Romantic Zone) is one the best Puerto Vallarta neighborhoods , and where you’ll find the best beach in Puerto Vallarta, Playa los Muertos.

The Puerto Vallarta Malecon is a pedestrian promenade along Banderas Bay. The Malecon (walkway ) is a popular gathering point and perfect for sunrise and sunset walks.

There are also 15 beautiful sculptures on the Malecon, shops, art galleries, outdoor cafes, bars and amazing ocean views.

For outdoor enthusiasts, there’s no shortage of activities. Puerto Vallarta is known for stand up paddle boarding and snorkeling near Los Arcos , hiking, whale watching , parasailing , sunset dinner cruises and much more.

Puerto Vallarta is indeed a fun and entertaining destination for solo female travelers.

• Puerto Vallarta is located in Jalisco, Mexico. • The best time to visit Puerto Vallarta is from October to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: Puerto Vallarta Itinerary: 3, 4 or 5 Days in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico • Submitted by Isabella of @boundlessroads

13. Sayulita

mexique voyage solo

I first visited Sayulita, Mexico , in Nayarit state in 2019, and ended up living there for three years.

Being a small town of fewer than 3,000 inhabitants, you can meet locals and other travelers easily, and you’d easily get to know everyone after a week of staying full-time.

There is a very strong desire to be part of the community here that made me feel very safe from the moment I arrived.

For example, when the pandemic hit in May, the whole community did a food drive for those who have been laid off. It was such a beautiful thing to see and be a part of.

That being said, there is virtually no crime in town because of this close-knit culture.

Gossip also flies fast! If your belongings go missing on the beach ( very unlikely, btw ), and you post it in the community Facebook group, word spreads fast and everyone will help you find the culprit.

This is the reason why people don’t do bad things. I remember two years ago when someone was publicly shamed for stealing money and was pretty much kicked out of town!

People love living in the Sayulita pueblo magico (magic town), and will not do anything to ruin its reputation when it comes to safety.

Moreover, this town is so beautiful that none of us wants to be kicked out just because of petty theft. We truly take care of each other here.

Sayulita Solo Female Travel Tip

To get to Sayulita from Puerto Vallarta , you’ll fly into Puerto Vallarta International Airport (code: PVR), and either rent a car , take a shared shuttle, or a private Uber for the one-hour drive.

Prices vary, but the shuttle costs about $15-20 USD. Uber is about $45-60 USD.

Living in Sayulita , Mexico

The first question I receive from solo travelers is how to find long-term rent in Sayulita — because people visit and don’t want to leave.

The truth is, we have very few resources about Sayulita travel so when it comes to finding a place to stay. It’s usually easier to find one when you are already in Sayulita.

I live in a Mexican neighborhood and I truly feel taken care of, though there’s a Sayulita expat neighborhood called Gringo Hill.

Whenever I am out or traveling, my neighbors always voluntarily report what’s happening in my house or if they see something suspicious.

Since Sayulita is a walking town, walking by yourself at night is not a problem, and I’ve done it a lot of times (sometimes even at 3am), and never felt scared.

If you choose to visit Sayulita, expect everyone to look after you, but there’s also a downside where privacy is very limited since everyone knows what’s happening in your life.

• Sayulita is located in Nayarit, Mexico. • The best time to visit Sayulita is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: Is Sayulita Safe? Best Sayulita Mexico Travel Tips • Submitted by Trisha of @ psimonmyway

Solo Travel Mexico Destinations in Baja California

14. baja california sur (mexico road trip).

mexique voyage solo

If you need solo travel destination inspiration, and enjoy driving and nature — look no further because a Baja California road trip is the Mexico vacation you need.

The state of Baja California Sur is part of the Baja Peninsula in Western Mexico, famous for beautiful beaches, great surf and whale watching in winter.

Driving in Baja California Sur is a safe, Mexico bucket list experience. This is a beautiful state to take in the views of cacti and deserted lands, red rocky mountains and boulders, and marvel at the turquoise waters in the Sea of Cortez.

🚗💨 Keep scrolling for a full Baja, Mexico itinerary.

Baja California Solo Female Travel Tip

A Mexico road trip is the best way to see an entire state, and Baja California is one of the best places in Mexico for road trips!

You can rent a car from Discover Cars with your U.S. driver’s license, then read these 10 Useful Mexico Driving Tips .

Baja California road trip itinerary

baja california mexico: man petting the Grey Whales in Magdalena Bay

San Jose del Cabo, Mexico

Starting from Los Cabos International Airport in San Jose del Cabo, pick up your rental car and drive to Santiago .

This tiny town is located at the entrance of Sierra de la Laguna, an amazing natural reserve with hot springs and rivers, and some fun hikes among its cacti and huge boulders.

Cabo Pulmo, Mexico

Continue to Cabo Pulmo for amazing snorkeling, whale watching tours, diving and birdwatching . Then, drive north to Magdalena Bay , known for the gray whale encounter.

Join a two hour boat tour and meet the friendly gray whales, which come right up to the boat — an extraordinarily experience.

Magdalena bay (Whale watching)

After the Magdalena Bay whale tour , continue south where the landscape becomes even more interesting as you make your way down the coastline. Here, the friendly gray whales come right up to the boats to let you pet them 🐳

Loreto, Mexico

Head to the pueblo magico (magic town) of Loreto and spend a couple of days there enjoying all the amazing tours available — especially the blue whale watching tour and boat tour to Coronado Island.

Don’t miss the beautiful Spanish mission of San Francisco Javier; the panoramic drive itself is worth it.

todos santos, Mexico

Next, continue north if you have the time, or just head back to Todos Santos , another one of Mexico’s 130 or so pueblos magicos .

Here, book one of the town’s stunning boutique hotels , enjoy the gorgeous sunset, and for the adventurous, take a surf lesson.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

One of the top travel destinations in Mexico, Cabo San Lucas is a great place to end the road trip. There are so many things to see in Cabo, including the famous Cabo Arch and Playa del Amor (Lover’s Beach).

Check out this entire article about taking a Cabo solo trip .

There are so many Baja California road trip itinerary choices, so how much you see depends on how much time you have. However, I felt safe anywhere I went in the state of Baja California Sur.

I did this road trip twice, the second time on my own, and I had a blast. 

• Baja California Sur is a state in Northwestern Mexico. • The best time to visit Baja California Sur is from November to June for mild weather, and the best time to see whales in Baja is from January to March. • Related Blog: Renting A Car in Cabo: Everything You Need to Know • Submitted by Isabella of @lets.travel.to.mexico

15. Valle de Guadalupe

a vineyard landscape in Valle de Guadalupe wine country, located in Baja California Norte, Mexico

It’s often recommended that solo female travelers in Mexico stick to the tourist areas and resorts — however, there are many wonderful, safe places you miss doing this.

One such place is Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico, located less than two hours from San Diego, California.

The Valle de Guadalupe (Valley of Guadalupe) is Mexico’s biggest wine region, and sometimes called “the Napa Valley of Mexico.”

It makes a perfect getaway for the solo traveler slash wine lover, as a safe travel destination where you likely won’t even encounter a language barrier.

Valle , as it’s known, is easily accessible via the Tijuana or Tecate border crossings. This Mexico wine region makes an awesome weekend getaway from Southern California.

If you feel uncertain about driving to Mexico or are still concerned about safety, join a small group tour from the U.S.

Valle de Guadalupe Solo Female Travel Tip

Want to drive to Valle de Guadalupe from the United States?

Check out this Driving to Mexico Guide for everything you need to know, and look over these 10 Useful Mexico Driving Tips , so you’ll be confident on how to drive in Mexico.

Best vineyards in Valle de Guadalupe

Dozens of small and modest-sized wineries dot the rugged rural landscape of Valle. While the winemaking process might be similar at each winery, the philosophies of the vintners vary, as does the sophistication of experience.

For wine novices, The Best Private Tour in Valle is a great guided tour — and you won’t have to drive after visiting the vineyards

If you want to DIY it, Santo Tomas is a good starting point. Here, you’ll find a high-tech multimedia experience and an easy-to-understand overview of the winemaking process.

For those seeking a low-key traditional tasting encounter, try Adobe de Guadalupe, where you can sample wines in their private barn. The coolest winery in Valle is Vinícola AlXimia — which is downright otherworldly.

Go glamping in Mexico

mexique voyage solo

Valle offers many options for overnight accommodations, with some of the best hotels in Valle de Guadalupe located within a few miles of the vineyards.

You can also do some glamping in Mexico at Cuatro Cuatros , stay at a small winery like Adobe de Guadalupe, and even larger eco-resorts.

With its desert-like climate, and cool nights, Valle is one of the most popular places for glamping in Mexico — especially at Cuatro Cuatros Hotel Mexico . This is the perfect place to stay so you don’t have to drive after wine tasting.

Whether you decide to try out glamping in Mexico or not, I suggest you head to Bura at the Cuatro Cuatros glampsite for sunset views overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Situated high upon a hill, this trendy outdoor restaurant and bar offers amazing panoramic views.

Valle is a perfect, chill getaway for wine aficionados and novices alike to expand their palette experiencing the best Mexico wines.

It’s perfect for those coming from California, but if you’re in Arizona, you can still drive to some great places like Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) and San Felipe .

• Valle de Guadalupe is located in Baja California Norte, Mexico. • The best time to visit Valle de Guadalupe is from October to May, when the temperatures are most mild. • Related Blog: 25 Unique Places to Visit in Mexico You Have to See to Believe • Submitted by Susan of @genxtaveler

16. Todos Santos

Colorful Mexican folk art flags (papel picado) on a street in Todos Santos pueblo magico (magic town), a great place for Solo Mexico travel in Baja California, Mexico,

If you’re a solo female traveler looking for sun, surf and good vibes, then Todos Santos, in Baja California Sur, Mexico, is the perfect Mexico beach town for you.

I visited the Todos Santos pueblo magico (called Todos by the locals), on a whim, and ended up staying eight days after I serendipitously met a couple of other female travelers in town for a yoga retreat.

While exploring, even on my own, I felt completely safe during the day and at night.

Located on the Pacific coast, north of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , it’s easy to fly into San Jose del Cabo International Airport (code: SJD) or La Paz International Airport (code: LAP).

From either airport, take a bus straight to Todos, or rent a car and road trip to this unique enclave of surfers, yogis, healers and artists.

Todos Santos Solo Female Travel Tip

Todos Santos is photogenic — and so are you!

Things to Do in Todos Santos

playa cerritos beach todos santos | best beaches in mexico

Once you arrive, you won’t need a car as this is a compact, small town of less than 7,000 people.

Opt to stay in a downtown Todos Santos hotel , and then walk everywhere. Go shopping for local treasures, check out the street art, eat fresh fish tacos , and enjoy some avocado ice cream.

Head to Hotel California — which shares its name with a song by The Eagles — and have a Paloma cocktail at this iconic old school Todos Santos resort. ( Note: Don Henley, singer of The Eagles, says he didn’t write the song about this hotel.)

From there, head to Jazamango, La Morena, The Green Room, and a few other must see Todos Santos places.

For those who want to explore the surrounding areas, venture out of the city center in your rental car and stay at the eco-friendly Perro Surfero Boutique Hotel .

You’ll have the opportunity to explore some of the amazing local beaches in the area, like Cerritos, Punta Lobos and Playa Tortugas.

The Pacific Ocean water is often quite chilly for swimming, however, the weather is perfect for a massage on the beach year-round.

• Todos Santos is located in Baja California Sur, Mexico. • The best time to visit Todos Santos is from November to May, when the temperatures are most mild. • Related Blog: Scared to Travel Alone? 10 Tips on How to Embrace Solo Travel • Submitted by Lori of @ southernersays

Solo Travel Mexico Destinations in Oaxaca & Chiapas

17. oaxaca city.

Colorful buildings in downtown Oaxaca City, Mexico

After visiting Oaxaca City twice, I can safely say it’s one of the best places to visit in Mexico , and a great solo female travel destination.

Oaxaca City, located in southern Mexico, is the capital of the state of Oaxaca (pronounced waa-ha-kaa ). It home to Mexico’s largest Day of the Dead celebration.

🌺💀🌺 Oaxaca Solo Travel Tip: If you plan to visit Oaxaca for Dia de los Muertos ( Day of the Dead ), it takes place Oct. 31-Nov. 2. However, book as early as you can, or about 3-6 months out, as Oaxaca City is a small town, and this is big festival!

Oaxaca City is also the cultural capital of the state, and its Centro Historico (Historic Downtown), is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Close to ancient ruins like Monte Alban , including another UNESCO site, and stunning natural wonders like Hierve el Agua , it’s easy to make a great Oaxaca itinerary .

Oaxaca is also one of the foodie capitals of Mexico, famous for its seven varieties of mole , and artisanal mezcal that comes straight from small production distilleries .

When visiting, make sure to do a food tour and explore the city’s incredible culinary scene and sample all the best Oaxaca food .

The first time I visited Oaxaca was on a solo backpacking trip through Mexico and Guatemala, and it was hard to drag myself away from the city. The second visit was with my husband, more than a decade later. Both times I felt incredibly safe.

As a solo female traveler, you can easily walk around by yourself during the day.

At nighttime on my second visit, my husband and I walked around at night and felt completely at ease. However, I’d encourage solo travelers to only walk in groups or get taxis at night, just as a precaution.

With a booming tourist economy, it’s easy to meet people and fellow travelers. Staying in smaller Oaxaca boutique hotels , as well as hostels in Oaxaca , is a great way for solo female travelers to meet other people.

I absolutely adored visiting Oaxaca solo, and think it’s one of the best destinations in Mexico for solo female travelers.

Oaxaca is easy to get to, with an international airport just 25-minutes by rental car from Centro Historico. Buses also connect Oaxaca to other major cities in Mexico.

• Oaxaca City is located in Oaxaca, Mexico; it is the state’s capital city. • The best time to visit Oaxaca City is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related Blog: Traveling to Oaxaca: Here’s Everything You Need to Know • Submitted by Rebecca of @rebeccaandtheworld

Best Places to Visit in Oaxaca State

beautiful bay with blue water and boats

Though Oaxaca City is the top travel destination in Oaxaca state , there are many other places to visit.

The popular Oaxaca beaches are located about 160 miles (257 km) from the city. However, there are a few places closer to the city, if you don’t want to hit the beaches.

🍄 San Jose del Pacifico: Mexico mushroom town in Oaxaca

As an off the beaten path Oaxaca destination,  San Jose del Pacifico Oaxaca , has been gaining in popularity in recent years.

This town is located between Oaxaca City and the  Oaxacan beaches , so many stop in this  pueblo  (small town) to enjoy nature and magic mushrooms.

Oaxaca Pueblos Mancomunados

For an off the beaten path Oaxaca experience, go on a Oaxaca trekking adventure to the  Pueblos Mancomunados .

These eight self-governing indigenous villages work together to provide immersive Mexico ecotourism experiences — while protecting their land, culture and heritage.

18. Puerto Escondido

Stairs leading down to a tropical beach in Mexico

After spending some time in Oaxaca City, many head to the coast of Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido, Mexico — one of the best beaches in Oaxaca .

I traveled solo to Puerto Escondido after attending Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead in Oaxaca City , one of the best festivals in Mexico.

Puerto Escondido, meaning hidden port , is a laid back beach town in the truest sense of the word.

For me, it was a wonderful place to decompress after Dia de Muertos, but it’s also one of the best places for surfing in Mexico on the world famous Mexican Pipeline wave, which can get 10- to 12-feet-tall (3-3.6 m).

🏡 Need a Puerto Escondido Hotel? I stayed in Casa UMI , located in the boho chic La Punta neighborhood, with tons of restaurant and bar options, and less crowded beaches than Zicatela.

For those who have always wanted to learn how to surf, don’t pass up the chance to take a surfing lesson in Puerto Escondido .

There are also plenty of beautiful non-surfing beaches, like Playa Zicatela, La Punta and Playa Carrizalillo, the best beaches in Puerto Escondido .

Puerto Escondido and the Oaxacan coast are a designated Mexico whale watching zone, and they migrate past the beaches in winter. The town is also well known for all the turtles that lay eggs along the shores.

Join a baby turtle release in Puerto Escondido, and watch these little animals wake their way into the Pacific Ocean. Nearby Laguna de Manialtepec (Manialtepec Lagoon) is also a bioluminescent bay — one of only a few on Earth.

🐢 Check out the Turtles and Bioluminescence Tour and see them both!

How to Get to Puerto Escondido

If you’re flying directly to Puerto Escondido , there’s the Puerto Escondido International Airport (code: PXM).

Though this airport has international in its name, you’ll very rarely find a direct flight from the U.S., and you’ll likely have to connect through Mexico City or Guadalajara.

How to Get to from Oaxaca City to PUERTO ESCONDIDO

You have a few options when traveling to Puerto Escondido and the beaches of Oaxaca from Oaxaca City.

These five options include: your own rental car , a private hired car with driver, colectivo (shared van), ADO bus and plane.

I took the flight, which I loved for both the convenience and also because it was such a cool experience to be on a small, 10-seater plane.

While this might not be for everyone, I enjoyed it, and everyone else on the plane couldn’t stop taking photos, just like me!

Puerto Escondido Solo Travel Tip

While I find Mexico safe for solo travel, I wouldn’t do the drive from Oaxaca City to Puerto Escondido alone. The road is a bit intimidating, not well maintained, and not safe at night.

▶︎ Head to Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido: 5 Transportation Options for more info on how to plan the best trip.

• Puerto Escondido is located in Oaxaca, Mexico. • The best time to visit Puerto Escondido is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog: 21 Best Oaxaca Beaches: Ultimate Oaxacan Coast Guide • Submitted by Shelley of @travelmexicosolo

19. Huatulco

beautiful blue water in a bay and beach cove in the small beach town of Bahias de Huatulco, Mexico, in Oaxaca state, a safe solo Mexico travel destination in southern Mexico on the Pacific Ocean

I’ve traveled solo up and down the coast of Oaxaca many times over the past few decades while researching guidebooks to the region.

I’m always amazed by the number of things to see in Huatulco (pronounced waa-tool-ko ), located about an hour from Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca .

Although Bahías de Huatulco (usually just called Huatulco) is one of the best resort towns in Mexico , it has a wealth of attractions beyond the big resorts.

In fact, Huatulco is unique in that it combines modern amenities with environmental sustainability.

Some of my favorite Hualtuco things to do include snorkeling tours around the nine bays, visiting the best Huatulco beaches, exploring Parque Eco-Arqueologico Copalita archeological site, and releasing baby sea turtles .

I’ve also taken a cooking class to learn how to prepare traditional Zapotec dishes and popular Oaxaca food . This was a great way to learn about the local culture while meeting other travelers.

Prices for activities, dining and hotels are generally lower in Oaxaca than many other Mexican states , so you can do more and stay longer.

Another factor making Huatulco safe for solo female travelers is the many investments made to modernize its tourism infrastructure.

With all these upgrades, you have no shortage when booking any of the best hotels in Huatulco .

These include having wide sidewalks, street lights, sanitation and water quality systems.

I know firsthand it’s no fun getting sick when traveling solo, and these measures help reduce the likelihood of getting sick, especially for culinary adventurers like myself.

In 2005, it achieved international Green Globe Certification , and has more protected space than any other tourism destination in Mexico — meaning you can feel good about traveling here and leaving a small footprint during your Mexico vacation.

Huatulco Solo Travel Tip

While I find Mexico safe for solo travel, I wouldn’t do the drive from Oaxaca City to Huatulco alone. The road is a bit intimidating, not well maintained, and not safe at night.

▶︎ Use this Oaxaca to Huatulco Guide to plan the best trip.

• Huatulco is located in coastal Oaxaca, Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean • The best time to visit Huatulco is from November to March, during the dry season. • Related Blog: Huatulco Mexico: Ultimate Travel Guide for Visitors • Submitted by Michele of A Taste for Travel

Best Beaches Near Huatulco

tropical beach with golden sand and large boulders in the water at san agustinillo, oaxaca, mexico | Best Oaxaca Beaches

There are several Oaxaca beach towns near Huatulco to check out if you’re getting a rental car .

These include Mazunte , one of the Oaxaca pueblos magicos . There’s also San Agustinillo (seen in the photo above ⤴), Zipolite, the only legal nude beach in Mexico and Puerto Angel .

Mazunte, Mexico Pueblo Magico

Mazunte is one of the 135 or so Mexico  pueblos magicos , and actually the only  pueblo magico  on the coast of Oaxaca.

It is a small town, but there are plenty of beautiful beaches and things to do in Mazunte , a town popular with bohemian travelers, artists and yogis.

Zipolite, Mexico Nude Beach

Zipolite is one of the beaches that make up La Riviera Oaxaqueña (Oaxacan Riviera), along with San Agustinillo and Puerto Angel .

It is famous as the only nude beach in Mexico, though many visitors do remain clothed.

Playa Zipolite , the main beach in town, and Playa del Amor , a small beach cove, are spectacular — whether you go with or without a bathing suit!

20. San Cristobal de las Casas

mexique voyage solo

Located way up in the mountains in Chiapas state , you’ll find San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. This pueblo magico (magic town) lives up to its magical name for nature, food and culture lovers traveling to Mexico.

🏡 Need a San Cristobal de las Casas Hotel? There are many great and posh boutique hotels in San Cristobal , but you can also find amazing budget guest houses and hostels in San Cristobal .

Those continuing on to Central America from Mexico will often use San Cristobal as a last stop, because you can do a land crossing into Guatemala from this part of Mexico.

This is also a popular place for backpackers, as it’s safe and inexpensive.

The Southern Mexico states of Chiapas and Oaxaca are well known as two of the states still most connected to their indigenous heritage.

San Cristobal de las Casas felt like another country compared to much of Mexico — and I’ve been to 16 out of 32 Mexican states now!

You’ll usually see women in traditional dress and speaking non-Spanish languages, usually Maya. It’s easy to meet other travelers here, because it’s quite clear who’s a local and who’s not.

To get to San Cristobal, you fly into Tuxtla Gutierrez International Airport (code: TGZ), in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas state.

From there, take a colectivo (small shared van) for the one-hour drive to San Cristobal. Colectivos leave every hour or so, and cost about $200 pesos ($10 USD).

Best Things to Do in San Cristobal de las Casas

mexique voyage solo

San Cristobal is a small Colonial town, and completely walkable. Spend some time just roaming the streets, photographing the colorful buildings, eating amazing food — perhaps in a cooking class .

The Centro de Textiles del Mundo Maya ( Mayan Textiles Museum ), filled with Chiapas’ famous textiles, is one of the best museums in San Cristobal.

However, don’t pass up the great day trips from San Cristobal de las Casas to see the other unique places in Chiapas state.

There’s so much beautiful nature and unique culture just an hour or so outside of the city, and you can go with one of these tours or in your rental car .

San Cristobal de las Casas Solo Travel Tip

If you’re not into advanced planning, just head to Downtown San Cristobal de las Casas, where you can book tours and day trips from a number of local companies.

To book ahead, check out these best San Cristobal de las Casas tours .

San Cristobal de las Casas Day Trips

smaller blue boat approaching the large Sumidero Canyon, one of the most unique places to visit in mexico

Head back to Tuxtla Gutierrez to do the boat tour of Cañon del Sumidero (Sumidero Canyon), one of the largest navigable canyons on Earth.

For a unique cultural experience, visit the San Juan de Chamula pueblo to see the town and its Templo de San Juan church.

There’s plenty of amazing natural wonders in Chiapas, like Agua Azul (Blue Waters), a giant series of waterfalls and swimming pools with bright blue waters.

Maybe also check out the Lagunas de Montebello National Park , Misol-Ha waterfall, El Chiflon waterfall and El Arcotete Cave & Eco-Park.

The last, and perhaps most visited area you’ll want to check out is the ruins and city of Palenque . If you have the time, spend the night there, as it’s about five hours from San Cristobal.

There are day trips to Palenque from San Cristobal de las Casas, though it is a long day.

• San Cristobal de las Casas is located in Chiapas, Mexico. • The best time to visit San Cristóbal de las Casas is from November to April, during the dry season. • Related Blog — Is it Weird to Travel Alone? (Answers to the Top 5 Solo Travel Questions) • Submitted by Shelley of @travelmexicosolo

Is Mexico Safe to Travel to?

Is traveling to Mexico alone as a woman safe? is a complex question — and in my opinion, the answer is really yes and no .

Yes, it is safe for nearly all travelers.

No, it’s not always safe if you don’t make your own personal safety a top priority.

In truth, there’s no definitive answer to the solo travel safety in Mexico question. However, there are general safety measures all travelers will want to take.

Contrary to often-sensationalized media reports, Mexico gets a bad wrap; though it’s not totally undeserved, as there are unsafe parts.

However, American and international travelers still flock to Mexico year after year — So if it were that unsafe, Wouldn’t people stop going?

Fact: Travelers Loves Mexico

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Travel and Tourism Office , Mexico was the most popular 2019 travel destination for Americans, with nearly 40 million visits 😳

When I’m asked if Mexico is a safe place to go travel on vacation, my response is yes . Carlos Barron, 25-year FBI veteran (source: Forbes )

Further, the World Tourism Organization declared Mexico the most visited country in Latin America in 2019, and the seventh most visited country in the world.

With such a sinister reputation, and many convinced Mexico is unsafe, it seems travelers would avoid Mexico at all costs; but the opposite is true.

So what’s the verdict — Is Mexico safe to visit for solo female travelers? The answer is still yes and no … and you’re about to discover why this is the case ⤵

Fact: There are Two Mexicos

One Mexico is a welcoming country with friendly people, world-class beaches , tacos so good you’ll cry, colorful colonial cities , ancient ruins , swimmable cenotes and amazing festivals like Day of the Dead .

There is also another Mexico that is, quite frankly, unsafe for most residents and visitors.

However, just as you’d avoid the unsafe areas in your own city or state, you should also avoid them in Mexico.

Generally, the states that border the U.S make this list, like Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Chihuahua. Also generally speaking, these aren’t the states most visitors were heading to anyway.

Stick to the Safe Mexico

mexique voyage solo

For visitors, it’s easy to avoid the unsafe places in Mexico. In all honesty, you likely weren’t planning to travel to any of them anyway.

For a deep dive into the safest places in Mexico, check out 25 Safest Cities in Mexico for Travelers .

Also, consult the U.S. State Department site , but know they evaluate by state, and not by city, which would make more sense for travelers.

For example, Sinaloa is one of the least safe states in Mexico. However, the city of Mazatlan in Sinaloa state is one of the best Mexico beach towns .

🧳 Solo Travel Mexico Travel Tip s: Check out this list of Mexico travel safety items to bring with you. After your Mexico trip, they will also come in handy for future solo travel adventures.

Solo Travel Mexico Safety Tips

Colonial plaza in downtown

🎧 Love podcasts? Check out this Mexico podcast which has 30 useful solo travel safety tips.

Now, while there are 15 other women in this article who have safely done a Mexico solo trip, that doesn’t mean you should assume your safety in Mexico is a guarantee. It’s not!

Personal safety is not a guarantee in Mexico, your hometown, or anywhere else on Earth.

Like everyone who contributed to this article, you should follow the 10 General Female Travel Safety Tips below and check out these 30 Solo Travel Tips .

Also, register for the STEP Program, always keep your personal safety front-of-mind, and purchase Mexico travel insurance .

  • Don’t walk home alone at night; take an Uber or taxi.
  • Always listen to your intuition because your intuition is always right.
  • If you get a sketchy or uneasy feeling about a person or place, get away from that person or place immediately. If you feel you’re in danger, don’t worry about making a kind, nice, or politically correct exit from a creepy person or bad situation — Just get away ASAP.
  • Don’t keep your phone, keys, wallet, passport, or anything valuable in your back pocket; it’s the easiest place to pickpocket from.
  • Learn some basic Spanish. If you can’t learn it, pin and save the infographic below as an image on your phone so you have something to use even if you’re off-WiFi.
  • Take all of your belongings into the bathroom with you, rather than asking a cafe/bar neighbor to watch your things.
  • Speaking of bar neighbors, don’t take drinks from strangers and/or leave your drink unattended with one.
  • Don’t wear flashy clothes, expensive jewelry, designer sunglasses, etc.
  • Keep some cash in your pocket so you don’t have to pull your whole wallet out every time you need to pay.
  • This should be a no brainer since you’re traveling during a pandemic, but get Travel Insurance !

List of useful spanish words and phrases

Make sure you enroll in the FREE   STEP Program  before your trip. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, or STEP, allows U.S. citizens traveling to Mexico to document your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

After you’ve registered, the U.S. Embassy or Consulate can contact you in the event of an emergency, including natural disasters, civil unrest, etc. STEP can also put you in touch with your family and friends back home, in the event of an emergency while abroad.

Mexico Travel Insurance

Want an added level of security and peace of mind while traveling alone in Mexico? Then travel insurance for Mexico is a smart choice.

Many want to know, Is travel insurance mandatory for Mexico? Legally, it’s not. However, you’ll regret not having it when something goes awry — and when it comes to traveling, something always goes awry.

Just as you insure your car, home and body, you can also insure your luggage, belongings and health during travel.

If Mexico travel safety is the thing holding you back, get a FREE quote from the two companies listed below — two of the biggest names in travel insurance.

  • World Nomads : Perfect for general travel coverage, and those who want to do adventurous activities while traveling.
  • Safety Wing : Perfect for general travel coverage, and digital nomads in Mexico who travel for extended periods of time.

Mexico Packing: FREE Printable Packing List for Mexico

Wondering what to pack and what to wear in Mexico? Head to this article about  packing for Mexico , and this one for the best outfits for Mexico .

Check out this list of Mexico travel safety items to bring with you, and after your Mexico trip, they’ll come in handy for future solo travel adventures.

🧳 Also, don’t forget to download your FREE Printable Packing List in this article .

This multi-page Mexico packing checklist covers everything you’ll want to bring to Mexico for both your beach trip and city trip — but more importantly — what not to bring to Mexico on vacation.

Final Thoughts: Top Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

Hopefully you now see that you largely control whether or not you’re safe as a solo female traveler in Mexico.

However, if you follow your intuition , make safety a priority and research your travel location, you, and the 40+ million of other Americans who visit Mexico, are statistically safe to visit Mexico.

Personally, I have been living and traveling solo in Mexico since April 2018. To date, I have been to 16 states out of 32, and always felt safe.

While safety is never a guarantee, anywhere on Earth, I do my best to address the topic further in this article, Is Mexico Safe? 25 Tips to Stay Safe in Mexico .

Given the negative perceptions of Mexico, I wanted to compile this article with the voices of other ladies who have done some Mexico solo travel — safely .

I figured that just because I feel safe in Mexico, there needs to be as many voices in the Mexico solo travel safety conversation as possible.

Since some people (maybe even you) just need a small extra push to take your first solo trip , or their first Mexico solo trip, I hope the endorsements of my fellow solo female travelers might do the trick.

For those who have actually been, Mexico is one of the best countries for solo travel 🇲🇽

Mexico Travel Planning Guide

Should i buy mexico travel insurance.

YES — With basic coverage averaging just $5-10 USD per day, enjoy peace of mind with a plan from Travel Insurance Master , one of the biggest names in travel insurance. ( Read more )

Can you drink the water in Mexico?

No — You’ll want to buy this Water-To-Go Bottle , which filters your drinking water so you don’t get sick from drinking water in Mexico.

Also, it helps keep you hydrated while traveling Mexico. ( Read more )

Is it safe to rent a car in Mexico?

Yes — Renting a car in Mexico is one of the best ways to see the country! I always rent with Discover Cars , which checks international companies and local Mexican companies, so you get the best rates. ( Read more )

Will my phone work in Mexico?

Maybe — It depends on your company, so check with your provider. If you don’t have free Mexico service, buy a Telcel SIM Card . As Mexico’s largest carrier, Telcel has the best coverage of any Mexico SIM Cards. ( Read more )

What’s the best way to book my Mexico accommodations?

For Mexico hotels, Booking.com is the best site , but for hostels, use Hostel World . If you’re considering a Mexico Airbnb, don’t forget to check VRBO , which is often cheaper than Airbnb.

What do I pack for Mexico?

Head to the Ultimate Mexico Packing List + FREE Checklist Download to get all the info you need on packing for Mexico.

What’s the best site to buy Mexico flights?

For finding cheap Mexico flights, I recommend using Skyscanner .

Do I need a visa for Mexico?

Likely Not — U.S., Canadian and European Passport holders don’t need a visa for Mexico; but check here to see if you need a Mexico travel visa. Most travelers will get a 180-Day FMM Tourist Visa passport stamp a upon arrival.

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Solo trip to Mexico: a complete guide for safety and fun

In this article I'll share my recommendations to have a fun but safe solo trip to Mexico as a female backpacker.

mexique voyage solo

Christelle ambr

Aug 15, 2023

solo trip to mexico

Truth be told, I had only set out to trace to Mexico because my goal was South America. My initial plan was to land in Mexico, stay there for a couple of months, go through all of Central America and travel all of South America .

If you’re a backpacker like me.. you’ll know that was is often initially planned rarely turns out the way it was supposed to be.

I ended up staying 7 months in Mexico in total, did do most of Central America except Panama, and didn’t make it to South America (yet). I had no idea how amazing Mexico would be, and that I would fall in love with traveling there as a solo female backpacker .

Sure, Mexico has a certain reputation , but let me first start by saying one thing: Stop believing everything you read on the internet and listening to what people say (especially those that haven’t been to the said location).

That being said, do take this article however you want to, but at the end of the day, only you can make your own judgment and opinions on a place, if and when you go.

Solo trip to Mexico: your complete guide

When people think of Mexico they often associate the country with tequila, cartels, tacos, and men with moustaches, wearing sombreros and playing the guitar… I won’t judge you if you thought all of that when you first read Mexico, because that’s what I used to think too! Until I actually went there.

In this article, I’ll take you through traveling to Mexico as a solo female, how to plan a solo trip to Mexico (it’s really not that hard) and, what I believe are the best places to travel alone in Mexico (the safest regions).

Planning a trip to Mexico? Check out this list of the best places to visit in Mexico .

Woman selling vegetables in a local market in Mexico

Traveling to Mexico as a solo female

Traveling as a solo female obviously differs a little from traveling with friends, a partner, a group, with parents, or (let’s state the downright obvious) as a solo male.

 Why? Because (unfortunately) we can be more “ at risk ” for dangerous situations and the chances of being raped are higher than if you’re a solo male. Let’s be real.

I believe that there are some basic-sense tips and knowledge that all solo females should know (in which ever part of the world you’re traveling) and then some more specific ones tailored to different countries and regions of the world.

Why? Because cultural norms can be very different, mentalities and perspectives change drastically from one culture to another, and YOU - as a solo female traveler - need to adapt to your environment ... not the other way around. When you’re in a foreign country, you are the tourist, so you must adapt accordingly.

Here are some tips/insights on traveling alone as a woman (anywhere in the world, but you’ll see it’s basically applicable to any solo traveler, regardless of gender):

  • Avoid unecessary attention (unless you want it) this can be, but not limited to: 1) Wearing revealing items of clothing: and I’m not saying don’t wear shorts, or what you want, but just think of how much skin you’re comfortable showing - this will differ from woman to woman... for me, my usual travel outfit is a loose/baggy t-shirt, black shorts or leggings, and boots. 2) Wearing make up:  I mean… I don’t know many who even wear any whilst hitchhiking and backpacking, but to go out at night, sure, why not. 3) Wearing jewellery:  and once again i’m not saying don’t wear bracelets or stud earrings if you want to, but you really don’t need the big hoop earrings, choker, and rings. 4) This might be pushing it, but little details such as nail polish, fake eyelashes, extensions etc, sort of show that you’re not from around there and that you have the money to afford those things (and to thieves/people with bad intentions, you become the perfect victim).
  • Always keep your belongings with you - not keep an eye on them, keep them with you so no one can snatch it from you
  • Travel as light as possible , take only what you need which does not include your hairdryer or straighteners :)
  • Follow your gut : cliché but if you don’t feel comfortable doing something, going down a certain road, sitting next to someone.. just don’t do it. It’s sometimes just not worth the risk, and trust me on this - I have stories.
  • Avoid saying too much about yourself and your plans : don’t forget that you never know who you might be talking to... yes, even if it’s the most gorgeous Argentinian guy you’ve ever seen, keep some things private, especially your plans and where your staying (at first).
  • Avoid getting drunk or taking substances with people you don’t know/trust : As a solo female traveler, you’ll probably be asked out quite a bit, and depending on your personality, can end up in some really interesting situations. But simple rule: less risk, less chances of something happening. If you end up in a jungle rave an hour away from Tulum, completely wasted with no signal or money, there’s only one person you can blame if anything happens, and that’s yourself for putting yourself in that situation in the first place - tough love hun, but the backpacker life is not always all fun and games.
  • Ignore catcalling:  they’re only asking for attention and by you reacting in any way shape or form (even eye rolling) is a reaction. Just ignore, pretend you never heard it, and continue your way. Now as to traveling solo in Mexico, no one can deny that this country does have a certain level of “machismo” (strong or aggressive masculine pride), as in, certain men think very old school and think they have all rights with women, or that women are meant to be at their service. So in addition of all of the aforementioned, I’d really recommend:
  • Being as covered up as possible when traveling solo (once you’re in a hostel or a group of people, you do you).
  • Learn some Mexican Spanish - and I say Mexican Spanish because some words and expressions greatly differ from Spanish Spanish. I’m not asking you to take a course, but at least learn some basic words so you don’t come across as the completely brainless tourist (first lesson: "coger" in Spain means “to take” but in Mexico it means to fornicate…).
  • Avoid taking public transportation if you don’t see any other women : for example, in Mexico City, they have specific wagons only for women in the metro, and when a man enters, he gets kicked out by metro security. The local buses/colectivos, are often run by men and if you don’t see any women inside, just wait for the next one. Better safe than sorry.
  • AVOID THE POLICE : by all means, just don’t put yourself in any unnecessary risk and this goes from drinking in public in CDMX (you will get caught and bribed) to even just making eye contact with them. I have horror stories about Mexican cop and once again, not all of them are corrupt, but it’s just not worth the risk in case you fall on malevolent ones.
  • Always use protection : yes, this is basic basic knowledge, but in some countries there isn’t much sexual education, especially in Mexico. Women get pregnant at a very young age and men don’t have that automatic reflex of being safe - it’s not a question of preference but they just didn’t grow up with that education (once again, not every single man, but this also depends on which regions you go to and if you end up in local villages or bigger cities).
  •  Always have some cash on you (Mexican pesos): this isn’t just for female travellers but just a general rule of thumb. Certain ATMs take more commissions than others so just be aware of that before you withdraw, and when you do, make sure you take “a lot” in one go so you “save” on those fees (I also switched to Revolut online banking to save on fees).
  • Tampons:  If you use them, bring some with you, cause they’re not that easy to find and when you do, they can be quite expensive. I switched to the cup a few years ago and that has been handy especially budget wise during my travels (sorry to the guys reading, but this is a real budget).

Depending on your personality, you can have the absolutely best time of your life, or not enjoy it at all.

I think you need a certain set of skills/traits to travel as a solo backpacker , which are but not limited to: adaptability, a sense of curiosity, spontaneity, ability to say “no”, independence, courage, thirst for adventure, not afraid to get dirty (not the princess type) and hey, there are so many different types of travel.

I come from the backpacker/roots/minimalist traveler but you can very well be a solo female traveler that stays in 5 star hotels and flies around in a private jet. Every person has their own style.

How do I plan a solo trip to Mexico? Tips and common knowledge

The first thing that always comes to mind when someone asks me how to plan a solo trip to Mexico is… don’t. Just don’t make plans . I was the type to be super organised and have a schedule with dates of my travels and after the first few months, I quickly understood that: 1) It takes away some of the joys of backpacking and 2) This is Mexico, things never go to plan.

What I can advise though is to first of all, check regions that you really want to visit and things that you really want to do/see.

As you go along your travels, you will come across people that will advise you to go here or there, and you’ll also probably start traveling with people and all of your initial plans will get shifted - but that’s the fun part.

Have a brief idea of where you want to go and how much time you want to spend in each place, and then go with the flow.

I usually plan my trips around my Worldpackers volunteering . For instance: I had 2 weeks of volunteering in a hostel in CDMX , a few days of buffer time to then get from CDMX to Veracruz, and then fixed dates for the next volunteering in Veracruz (photo below). I’d usually make my way to my next destination over the course of a few days (just to see more things) and also Couchsurf to not spend much and meet locals.

Depending on the opportunities and their locations, sometimes I also had a few weeks in between and that’s when things can get real fun, but make sure you always stick to a goal and turn up if you commit to something.

If you’re spontaneous like me, you’ll also sometimes let destiny take the lead. There were times where I literally flipped a coin to see which city I’d go to next, or just take a map, close my eyes, and randomly land my finger on a place and, well, just go! Why? Why not?!

As a general rule or guide, I would follow these next steps to plan a solo trip to Mexico:

  • Define your budget (giving yourself an extra emergency envelope).
  • Define a brief timeline for your trip.
  • Research places you absolutely want to go and visit, and how to get there.
  • Research documents you need (like covid passes, visas).
  • Apply to Worldpackers experiences in the location, at least 1 month before (this will also give you some structure to your trip and trust me, it's important to not lose yourself too much whilst in the backpacking lifestyle).
  • Research what you need to bring with you (especially travel adapters or medication).
  • Try to speak to some locals or people who have traveled to where you want to go (either through Worldpackers, Couchsurfing or Facebook travel groups).
  • Keep an open mind and be prepared to be adaptable.
  • Stay positive and enjoy every single second of your trip!

Best places in Mexico to travel alone (Safest regions of Mexico)

Before I list out the safest regions in Mexico and give you my take on things, I’d like to tell you my itinerary and how things happened.

I set out to Ciudad de México , spent 2 weeks there volunteering with Worldpackers (there are 20 opportunities), took road trips and weekends to neighbouring areas, then did 2 weeks in Las Casitas ( Veracruz ) volunteering again, before heading to Cholula,  Puebla for some time.

I then made my way to San Cristobal de las Casas to volunteer with Worldpackers for another 2 weeks and then went to Tulum (I don’t recommend this route and i’ll explain later on).

There are over 200 Worldpackers opportunities in Mexico which means that you too can travel throughout Mexico without spending on accomodation! Get 10$ off your annual membership by signing up here . 

Dia de los muertos celebration in Mexico

My trip took a twist in Tulum, and then I ended up visiting the Yucatan region which include Merida , before going to Oaxaca , making my way down to the coast (Zipolite, Mazunte, Puerto Escondido) and that is where I met someone and started traveling with a guy.

I felt much more comfortable hitchhiking with a man and we’d stay in much more “dangerous” places (we pretty much hitchhiked through all of Central America and in countries like El Salvador and Honduras ). But that being said, before meeting him, I had been in some pretty interesting situations by myself, which included 12h overnight buses, random road trip with people from Couchsurfing (should I mention them drink driving?), and parties/48h after parties with the locals (to only name a few adventures). 

I also did most of the Quintana Roo area ( Cancun , Playa del Carmen , Tulum , Bacalar , Majahual, Chetumal ).

I didn’t make it to Guadalajara and the whole North of Mexico - areas that I really wanted to visit despite it’s reputation, but in hindsight, I don’t think there’s exactly any region that is really dangerous.

That being said, perhaps my perception of danger and risk has been a little warped after being in that side of the world for so long and being so often exposed to cartels and weapons (just cause that’s how it is over there, or at least in the places that I went to). 

Don't miss out:  Tulum vs. Cancun: which one to choose  and The ultimate Tulum travel guide .

Three girls with mexican huts serving nachos

Recent studies and a simple internet search will give you the list of safest areas and regions in Mexico and those that are the most dangerous, but have you ever actually questioned what is the danger and how are these danger rates calculated?

The following regions are said to be "Level 4" warnings which means "do not travel":

  • Tamaulipas The main reasons being crime and gang related activity (aka cartels). Usually these crimes are within gangs and they wouldn't specifically target travellers or tourists, but then again, it's only up to you to decide how much of a risk-taker you are or not. I personally haven't traveled to these regions (yet) but have met many local females who live and work in those regions and it's sort of the same basic principle: just stay out of trouble . If you stick to the more "touristic" areas and volunteer in hostels , things really cannot go that wrong for you.

Group of volunteers in a hostel in Mexico

I do find the information on the internet a little skewed, as many travel blogs and forums will advise you to go to certain places because their travel style is boutique or 5* hotels, and taking private taxis... whereas for other types of travellers, the same destination can be a totally different experience. Tulum and Playa del Carmen are said to be safe areas in Mexico and I agree - to a certain extent. When I was there a year ago there were cartel wars and shootings every single week. Did I ever experience or see anything? No. But my friends did. Was I lucky? Maybe, or perhaps it's just being street smart and not putting myself voluntarily in danger. In all honestly I don't personally trust the information on the internet (even on official Mexican websites) as a lot of things are simply corrupt in that country, because of all the gang related activity which basically runs the economy.

My main sources of information that I trusted, were locals living in those places who see and experience things first hand with their own eyes.

That being said, if you're really concerned about safety in Mexico , here are the best areas to visit (according to another recent study and personal travel experience):

  • Mexico City: Roma (Norte and Sur), Condesa, Centro Historico, Coayacan to name a few neighbourhoods (take note: Polanco is the elite/super rich neighbourhood but it doesn't mean it's the safest!). There are a lot of volunteering opportunities here, including this one as a start!
  • Merida (colonial city)
  • Puerto Vallarta (family and LGBTQ friendly)
  • Sayulita (beach town with an older crowd)
  • San Miguel de Allende (known as a melting pot)
  • San Cristobal de las Casas
  • Oaxaca (city and the coast, mainly Mazunte/Zipolite)

As promised earlier on in the article, the reason why I do not recommend going from San Cristobal de las Casas to Tulum , is because both locations are so different that I would advise to have some form of transition between the two.

San Cris is up in the mountains of Oaxaca, it is quite a spiritual place (with many different types of ceremonies to attend if you're into that), it is a bit cold (depending on what time of the year you're going), it's small, has a french influence, has really good vibes and a lot of locals.

Tulum on the other hand, is the Monaco or St Tropez of Mexico. You will find every single type of influencer, DJ, model, and rich American tourist there... very different vibes, and both locations don't go well back to back.

Four men hanging upside down from a pole for the Danza de los Voladores ("Dance of the Flyers") in Mexico

So on that note, don't hesitate to follow our Worldpackers community on Instagram , TikTok  and Youtube . Plan your trip to Mexico and let us know how it goes! I'm sure you will have an incredible time, and as a final tip... don't drink the tap water !

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Christelle Horn

28 y/o Singaporean/French female traveler. I started backpacking with Worldpackers in August 2020: I said goodbye to my Parisian life and bought a one-way ticket to Mexico. Since then, i've spent 7 months there, backpacked all through Central America, lived in Manchester (UK) for a few months, traveled all around Europe (I have 12 countries left to visit before I would've seen all European countries).. I had a little pit stop in Athens from August22-January 2023 and I resumed my trip on this side of the world with Panama in February, and now I am in South America. My long term goal is to open up a wellness hostel in South America, which is why i'll be traveling all through the continent until I find the right location, or opportunity :)

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Jan 05, 2023

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Jun 13, 2023

Very useful post! This article provides better information. https://takesurvey.onl/kfc-allergen-menu/


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mexique voyage solo

Tulum vs. Cancun: which one to choose

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mexique voyage solo

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Mexico , Solo travel

Solo female travel in mexico (2024) – a complete guide.

mexique voyage solo

Table of Contents

This post may contain affiliate links to things like tours, hotels, Amazon associates and products. These help me earn a small commission at no additional charge to you.

If you’re unsure about solo travel in Mexico, I’m here to guide you, answer any questions you may have and, hopefully, persuade you! I understand what travelling to Mexico alone as a woman is like: I spent six months backpacking here in 2019, starting by travelling to Mexico City alone , and returned to live here in 2022. Now, it’s 2024 and I’m still here!

MEXICO ESSENTIALS Accommodation: Booking.com / Hostelworld / Airbnb Copy of Lonely Planet Mexico Activities: GetYourGuide / Viator Food tours: Eatwith Getting around: Rentalcars.com / Busbud Travel insurance:   True Traveller  (European travellers) /   Hey Mundo  (other nationalities) /   Safety Wing  (digital nomads)

Thinking of solo female travel in Mexico? Pin this for later!

travelling solo in mexico woman

Is Mexico safe for solo female travellers?

Yes, Mexico is safe for solo female travellers. I’ve recently put together guides on solo female travel in South Africa and solo female travel in India . Although I loved travelling in both places, I’ll admit they have their safety concerns. I’m not saying nothing bad ever happens in Mexico but I am saying that it’s overall a fantastic place to travel solo with far fewer concerns for females than either India or South Africa. As long as you are sensible, it is safe to solo travel in Mexico .

For first-time solo female travellers , I’d always suggest starting out somewhere easy like Europe or Southeast Asia. In an ideal world, I’d say save Mexico until you’ve got your confidence up in those places. However, if you’re really keen to, it’s still doable for a first-timer if you have your wits about you and follow advice. If you’ve travelled alone before then you’ll have no issues. I hope these solo female travel tips for Mexico will guide you during your trip.

Read next: everything to know about safety while travelling alone as a woman

Solo travel in mexico oaxaca

Good things about solo travel in Mexico

1. It’s a popular place with foreign travellers so you’ll meet loads of other people doing the same thing as you. 2. There are hostels in abundance so you’ll always have a safety net during solo female travel in Mexico. Hostels are a great way to make new friends which is one of the best things about travelling solo in my opinion! 3. It’s affordable. You don’t have to worry about blowing the budget by booking a hotel room for one.

Queretaro mexico

Challenging things about solo travel in Mexico

1. In the same way as solo travel in Cuba , it’s tricky to get by if you don’t speak Spanish. But it’s not game over: download the Google Translate app and pack a Latin American Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary . 2. People have a tendency to be negative about travel to Mexico (mainly as a result of US media I think). One of the problems with solo female travel is people critiquing your decision to travel somewhere alone. Ignore female travel myths about Mexico and stick to your guns; you got this!

Let’s get this out of the way: I hate people banging on about cartels and drugs. I find TV shows and Netflix series from the US so small-minded when depicting Mexican people. Areas of Mexico with cartels and issues relating to the drugs trade are far removed from tourist areas. They’re typically in the Northern states where you’ll have no reason to visit since they don’t have any tourist attractions. Around Central and Southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula, there’s a clear tourist trail with countless safe and charming towns and cities. Basically, don’t stress about issues that won’t affect you in areas you won’t go to!

Read next: is solo female travel worth it?

Oaxaca mexico female travel

In terms of minor crimes like pickpocketing , yes there is a bit of this. It usually occurs in busy and crowded areas like markets. When it comes to solo female travel in Mexico City, there are areas you’ll want to avoid, as well as areas where you should go while keeping an eye on your bag. It’s nothing that doesn’t exist around major cities in Asia, Europe and the US. In answer to the question, is Mexico safe? , well no – nowhere in the world is truly 100% safe. There are always threats to women (even without them leaving their homes). However, in terms of your solo trip to Mexico, there are no threats so severe that you can’t have a fantastic and trouble-free trip. I’m proof of that!

Tours in Mexico

Not quite ready for solo travel in Mexico? There are pros and cons to group tours vs solo trave l but they certainly offer extra security. One option is to take a short introductory tour then go solo afterwards. My favourite tour operator is G Adventures , an ethical company partnering with locals. They offer 18-30-something tours which are fast-paced and budget-friendly, as well as classic tours and National Geographic adventures.

How to get around in Mexico

Mexico is an easy country to travel internally. The best ways for solo female travellers in Mexico to get around include: Buses – I’ve always been impressed with the bus network in Mexico. There are a few main networks like ADO which are pretty upmarket. Your ticket usually includes snacks, a drink and access to an entertainment service via the screens on the back of each seat. Bus travel isn’t as cheap as travelling solo in Southeast Asia ; a 4-hour bus usually averages around $40.

To book buses in Mexico, I use Busbud .

Colectivos – these mini vans are an affordable, local option that you can take for short distances. Knowing some Spanish will go a long way when using these. Internal flights – these are really cheap in Mexico, sometimes cheaper than buses. I generally avoid flying internally for environmental reasons but sometimes it’s too tempting. Coming back to Mexico City from Oaxaca, it was a choice between a $40 two-hour flight or a $60 bus that would take 18 hours. There are several budget airlines in Mexico like Viva Aerobus (which I have dubbed the Ryanair of Mexico), Volaris and Aeroméxico. I use Skyscanner to compare and book flights.

BlaBlaCar – some people may have safety reservations about shared car rides but I’ve personally taken BlaBlaCar while travelling as a solo female in Mexico and felt safe. I’ve travelled from Mexico City to Guadalajara, Tepoztlán and Queretaro and each time I made friends with the drivers and saved money compared to the bus.

Taxis – in cities, always take Uber when you can. The regular taxis in Mexico City don’t have the best safety reputation, plus they’re more expensive than Uber. I always take Uber or UberPool as soon as it gets dark in Mexico.

Cooking class solo travel Mexico

Accommodation for female travellers in Mexico

Mexico has abundant options when it comes to accommodation. You’ll find options for all budgets and styles from backpacker hostels to resorts and 5* hotels. Here’s a quick review of the best types of accommodation for solo travel in Mexico. Hostels: Mexico has plenty of decent hostels; you’ll find several in each city. These are colourful and comfy places to meet other people when travelling solo . Some of my favourite hostels include Casa de Dante in Guanajuato, Hostal Hospedarte in Guadalajara, Hostal Central in Oaxaca, Tower Bridge in Puerto Escondido, Casa Esterito in La Paz, Viajero in Sayulita, Posada del Abuelito in San Cristobal… And many more! Airbnbs: There’s so much choice when it comes to Airbnbs in Mexico and you’ll great value. The hosts I’ve stayed with have been incredibly friendly and taken me around on tours and to their favourite restaurants. Hotels: I’m not much of a hotel person but there are plenty of great options if you prefer the comfort of a hotel over hostels. Browse options on Booking.com . I use this booking platform a lot as they also have private apartments and hostels; it’s a great way to browse all the options in one go. After a few bookings, you qualify for discounts, free breakfasts and room upgrades. Housesitting – for free accommodation, housesitting in Mexico is a great idea! The premise here is that you stay in a local’s home while they’re out of town. In exchange for looking after their home and sometimes pets, you get a cosy home from home! Read my review of TrustedHousesitters for more about this platform.

How to dress for solo travel in Mexico

There’s no strict dress code for solo female travel in Mexico. Like anywhere, the more conservative you dress, the less attention you’ll receive. In Mexico City, locals tend to wear jeans and puffer jackets even in weather I’d describe as warm. It’s just a different perception of the temperature. Nothing bad will happen if you wear shorts and dresses but you’ll look like a tourist. It depends how much you want to blend in. When it comes to beach areas and more touristic places like Tulum, you can really wear whatever you want. It’s warm so I’d suggest whatever you wear at the beach at home.

Packing for female travel in Mexico

The first Mexico packing tip that might surprise you – Mexico isn’t always hot! Or even mild. Sometimes it can be downright cold especially in hilly regions of Central Mexico. I remember falling asleep watching my breath on the air in Guanajuato and cursing my lack of extra layers. The same can be said for Mexico City which drops below 0 in the winter months. Knowing what to pack for Cancun won’t help you in the capital! Make sure to pack jeans and a jacket unless you’re visiting in the summer or sticking to the Yucatan Peninsular. It’s easy to get laundry done in Airbnbs and lavanderia (laundrettes) so don’t pack too much. This is my recommended packing list for a week’s female travel in Mexico:

  • 1 x casual dress
  • 1 x jacket / sweater
  • 3 x shoes: comfortable city shoes, sandals and beach shoes
  • 1 x night out outfit
  • 2 x swimwear
  • 1 x beach shoes
  • 7 x underwear.

Panoramic view oaxaca solo travel mexico

SIMs and internet in Mexico

Although your accommodation and every cafe in town will have Wi-Fi (and there’s decent free city Wi-Fi you can connect to), I always get a SIM card when travelling so I can guarantee I can get a safe Uber ride home at night etc. Getting a SIM card is easy. Just walk into any OXXO store and ask for a SIM with credit (Telcel and OXXO SIM are reliable options). I pay 150 pesos for a month’s data and calls, but there are packages from 50 pesos. A little bit of Spanish will help you with this transaction or, failing that, use the Google Translate app to show the cashier what you want. Alternatively, get an e-SIM before you arrive with Airalo . This is an e-SIM platform covering 200+ regions and my new favourite app! Browse their Mexico packages so you’re connected as soon as you land.

Best time of year to visit Mexico

While it depends on your destination, the best time to visit Mexico is usually considered November to April. Temperatures are manageable and there’s almost no rain. From April, temperatures pick up before the rainy summer months. Rains can be quite severe and tail off by September. If you don’t mind the rain, you can still visit through this season. Everything is beautifully lush and green. If you’re not a fan of spring breakers and higher prices, avoid touristic areas like Cancun during March and April. You should also check if you’re visiting during a Mexican national holiday. During these, popular towns and cities are so packed you can barely move!

Safety tips for solo female travel in Mexico

Don’t walk at night.

As a general rule, it’s best not to walk alone at night in Mexico. In places like Oaxaca and safe neighbourhoods like Condesa in Mexico City, you’ll likely be fine but it’s best to air on the side of caution. Hop in an Uber once it gets dark.

Get travel insurance

An essential for solo travel in Mexico (and anywhere for that matter) is travel insurance. I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) which covers both gadgets and pre-existing conditions. They’ll still insure you if you’re already travelling which is quite rare. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing .

what to eat solo travel mexico

Check neighbourhoods before visiting

Have a general idea of your surroundings. For example, there are some neighbourhoods to avoid in Mexico City like Doctores. While it’s unlikely you’ll wander into them as they’re generally far from tourist areas, it’s best to be safe. The same goes for other areas of Mexico. You’re never going to accidentally stumble 500 miles into a cartel area but it can’t hurt to Google a new city’s safety ranking before visiting.

Don’t drink tap water

You’re likely to get very sick if you drink tap water in Mexico. Instead, buy bottles and check they’re sealed or, better for environmental reasons, bring a reusable water bottle that you can fill up with filtered water (your accommodation will have this) or a filtering water bottle which sterilizes water for safe consumption.

Food and sanitation

I can’t lie – I mainly included this section to talk about all my favourite Mexican foods ! It’s such a fantastic cuisine and totally different to the Westernised version of Mexican food I’d tried in the UK. It’s not all about tacos either; there are so many other delicious dishes to try like tostadas, tortas, flautas, gorditas, tamales, churros and more.

Street food in Mexico

If you’re on a short solo trip, it can be hard to squeeze in all the different dishes. I’d suggest signing up for a food tour so you get to try a bit of everything! Take a food tour in Colonia Roma or an adventurous San Juan and Merced markets food tour. My Mexico City food blogs:

  • Where to eat in Roma & Condesa
  • Where to eat in Coyoacan
  • Eat Like a Local tour review
  • Aura Cocina cooking class review

In terms of food safety, I would always suggest eating where’s busy as food is less likely to have been sitting around. Sanitise your hands before eating and avoid ice in your drinks.

Solo Mexico City tips

The question on many would-be travellers’ lips is, ‘ Is Mexico City safe for solo female travellers ?’ Yes, I absolutely recommend Mexico City for solo female travel! It’s a fun, vibrant and cultural city. Like capitals often do, it feels different to the rest of the country, hence why I put together these Mexico City travel tips . Since many solo travellers to Mexico start their trip in the capital, it’s a great way to meet other people to potentially travel around with. Pick a good hostel, like Casa Pepe in the historic centre, to get your solo travels in Mexico off to a good start. Mexico City has great nightlife so it’s a fun place to be with a group.

Related read: How to spend 5 days in Mexico City

Best neighbourhoods for solo travel in Mexico City: Stay in Roma Norte or Condesa and wander the tree-lined walkways and pretty parks. The food in Condesa and Roma Norte is worth a trip alone! Another safe and tourist-friendly neighbourhood is Coyoacan in the south of the city, known for its pretty cobbled streets and famous ex-resident, Frida Kahlo. If you have the budget, Polanco is a swanky area of Mexico City with some cool galleries and museums.


Getting around Mexico City: During the daytime, you can get around using the Metro (underground) and the Metro bus (overground) for just 5 pesos a journey. You just need to buy and top up a Metro card in any station. To travel around within neighbourhoods, use EcoBici for bicycle hire with generous discounts for weekly or longer passes. Download the app, scan a bike and jump on! At night, use Uber to get around safely.

Confidence tips for traveling to Mexico City alone as a woman

If you’re nervous, stick to areas like Roma, Condesa, Centro and Coyoacan to start with. Avoid Doctors and Tepito completely. Wear a handy bum bag with secure zip in busy areas like Centro and keep a close eye on your belongings in markets.

For an extra confidence boost to get you started, take tours with GetYourGuide or Viator .

Useful items for solo female travel in Mexico

  • The latest copy of Lonely Planet Mexico / Cancun, Cozumel & the Yucatan
  • A Lonely Planet Mexican Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary
  • A handy bum bag with secure zip
  • Microfibre quick-drying towel
  • Reef-safe sunscreen
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Travel luggage: Osprey Farpoint backpack ( men’s ) ( women’s )
  • Solo photography pick: Manfrotto tripod and Joby Gorillapod
  • A GoPro if you’re making videos – I use the HERO8 Black
  • A power bank to keep your devices alive
  • Sustainability: A stainless steel reusable water bottle with straw lid to reduce the use of plastic bottles
  • Alternatively, a filtering water bottle that allows you to safely drink tap water
  • Metal straw kit with straw cleaner and cloth bag .

Best places in Mexico for solo female travel

The sheer volume of awesome destinations has to be my favourite thing about travelling in Mexico. As my friends in Mexico City and I always say, you could live in Mexico for years and not make it everywhere. My favourite places to travel alone in Mexico include:

Mexico City


As mentioned above, Mexico City is a good place for solo travel. An optimal amount of time to spend is 5 days in Mexico City . Things to do in Mexico City for solo travellers include exploring charming suburbs, hipster neighbourhoods, lively markets, historical buildings, art galleries, museums, nightlife, green spaces and world-class cuisine. Don’t miss Xochimilco , a neighbourhood known as the Venice of Mexico.

Read next: how to plan an epic solo trip to Mexico City

Puebla city

Puebla city

Just two hours drive from Mexico City is Puebla city. This small city is beyond charming and a great base for exploring Puebla state. My favourite thing about Puebla is definitely Calle de Dulces, in English – Sweet Street! You can browse the dulcerias (sweet shops) and buy delicious confectionaries for a few pesos. Puebla is a pretty city with open squares, an Artists Quarter and numerous crafts markets and museums. Don’t miss the nearby city of Cholula which is famous for its ancient pyramid.

Tepoztlán, Morelos

Tepoztlán mexico solo travel

An hour’s drive (in good traffic) from Mexico City is this charming town in the state of Morelos. Due to its positive safety rating, it’s one of the best places in Mexico to travel alone. As well as some pretty street art, there’s loads of amazing food in Tepoztlán including pre-hispanic pink hibiscus and squash burgers in the main market. The town has historical significance as the renowned birthplace of Mexican god, Quetzalcoatl, and there’s an ancient pyramid with lofty panoramic views that you can hike through the woods to reach. Tepoztlán (not to be confused with Tepotzotlán) makes for a great weekend away or mini trip from Mexico City. The hostel scene isn’t amazing but EKKO Hostel does the job.

Taxco, Guerrero

Taxco city

Another of my favourite destinations near Mexico City is Taxco, a charming ex-silver mining city 2.5 hours from the capital. Although I visited with friends, I have no doubt it’s a lovely place to visit while travelling solo in Mexico so long as you enjoy your own company. There are plenty of affordable guesthouses and apartments but no backpacker hostels. Things to do in Taxco include shopping for silver, eating unique local cuisine and taking the cable car to Hotel Montetaxco (pictured).

Guadalajara, Jalisco

Guadalajara mexico

Guadalajara is the second-largest city in Mexico, four hours north of Mexico City. In many ways, it’s quite similar to the capital: there’s a busy historic city and some stylish, upmarket areas on the outskirts. You can take several day trips to Tequila, the town where the infamous spirit is produced, and Lake Chapala and Ajijic. You can spend around four days in Guadalajara experiencing the vibrant nightlife and excellent cuisine. I’d recommend staying in Hostal Hospedarte in Chapultepec which is a fun and modern neighbourhood.

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

San Miguel

San Miguel is a charming, colourful city popular on the tourist trail. It’s a well-known American and Canadian retirement hub so it feels very Westernised and for that reason, isn’t my favourite destination in Mexico. However, it’s a pleasant place to spend a couple of days. You can browse craft markets, soak up views from the Mirador, eat chocolate-stuffed churros at  Chocolates y Churros San Agustín and take a half-day trip to the natural hot springs at La Gruta Spa .

Related read: San Miguel de Allende travel guide

Guanajuato city

Guanajuato city view

Guanajuato is a safe and friendly place for solo female travel in Mexico. This small historical city in Central Mexico (the capital of Guanajuato state), not far from San Miguel de Allende, is built predominantly of rainbow-coloured houses set inside a sweeping valley. As well as fantastic local food and the quirky Mummy Museum , it’s a lovely place to soak up panoramic views and take solo travel photos from El Mirador viewpoint.

San Cristobal, Chiapas

san cristobal

A new destination I visited in 2023 was the beautiful city of San Cristobal. Although the surrounding state of Chiapas has some safety issues (which can be avoided when travelling to the other popular destination of Palenque), pretty San Cristobal is super safe for solo travellers in Mexico. Things to do in San Cristobal include wandering the central square, hiking up to either of the churches at opposite sides of the city both offering fantastic views, buying souvenirs at Mercado de Artesanias de Santo Domingo and visiting museums dedicated to Jade, Amber and Chocolate. Take day trips to Sumidero Canyon and autonomous villages, Chamula and Zinacantán, where prehispanic traditions and languages prevail. Posada del Abuelito is a great hostel with free breakfast and activities like movie nights and tamale-making classes.


Oaxaca city

After Mexico City, my favourite city in Mexico has to be Oaxaca. Due to its safety record and popularity with other travellers, it’s the perfect place for solo travel in Mexico. Oaxaca refers to both the state and its capital city. In this instance, I’m talking about the city which is famous for its culinary scene (don’t miss the mole or tlayudas!), mezcal distilleries and nearby Hierve el Agua , a petrified waterfall surrounded by forest and natural swimming holes.

Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca

Turtle Puerto Escondido

Another destination in Oaxaca state for solo female travellers is Puerto Escondido. This coastal region has beautiful beaches and abundant nature experiences. Take excursions such as dolphin-spotting boat rides and wildlife cruises along Manialtepec Lagoon where you can witness the magical bioluminescence once the sun’s gone down. As a well-known backpacker destination, there are plenty of hostels in Puerto Escondido and rapidly developing tourist infrastructure due to the boom the town has experienced in recent years. In 2019 when I first visited, it was still a hidden gem and now not so much. The fish tacos and seafood tostadas in Puerto are next level! Beware if you take a day bus from Oaxaca City to Puerto, it takes a mountain pass which is one of the windiest roads I’ve ever experienced! Take sickness tablets or opt for an ADO bus along the new highway.

Other places on the Oaxaca coast 

Mazunte oaxaca

Mazunte : I loved this chilled, hippie town with wonderful beaches and the chance to capture magical sunsets from Punta Cometa (accessed by a 20-minute hike) or the more boujee option of El Copal hotel and bar. If relaxing and visiting all the amazing cafes isn’t enough, take a wildlife boat trip or an eco-tour to Laguna Ventanilla.

Zipolite : visiting the country’s only legal nude beach is something to tick off your Mexico bucket list ! This chilled beach town with a lively LGBT scene is a unique destination just a 10-minute drive from Mazunte. 

Huatulco : this region boasts beaches, waterfalls, the inland coffee region of Pluma Hidalgo, and Parque Nacional Huatulco which is best explored by boat. There’s not a big backpacker scene but there’s one hostel, Azul y Blanco in La Cruceita (a 15 min walk from Santa Cruz Huatulco beach town) and plenty of tours and activities in Huatulco to potentially meet others. 

Note – the Oaxacan coast is notorious for big waves so there aren’t THAT many beaches where you can swim.

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Another well-known beach town in Central Mexico is Puerto Vallarta in Jalisco state. Popular on the travel trail after visiting Guadalajara, it’s a great place to relax, party or splash some cash during a luxurious beach break. As well as beautiful beaches, the Old Town is easy to explore on foot and there’s fantastic local cuisine, dive opportunities and an LGBT+-friendly scene. PV is a popular American and Candian holiday hotpsot so prices are high; backpackers will prefer nearby Sayulita and San Pancho along the Nayarit Riveria (in Nayarit state rather than Jalisco) for boho, backpacker vibes and great surf.

Tulum, Quintana Roo

Although it’s one of Mexico’s most expensive and touristic areas, there are plenty of exciting things to do in Tulum like visiting beautiful beaches, crystal-clear cenotes, dive sites and archaeological ruins. This city on the Yucatan coast has become a hippie hub home to Instagram hotspots and matcha cafes. Since English is widely spoken and there’s well-developed tourist infrastructure, it’s an easy place for beginner solo female travel in Mexico.

Merida, Yucatan

Yellow buildings Merida

The largest city on the Yucatan Peninsular is Merida , known for its colonial architecture and Mayan heritage. With its sunny squares and beautiful buildings, it’s a safe and friendly place in Mexico for solo travellers.

Foodies will enjoy the unique Yucatan cuisine like cochinita pibil, a slow-cooked pork dish marinated in banana leaves.

Another idyllic, traditional Mexican town not far away is Valladolid where I enjoyed spending a few days. Both destinations offer day excursions to cenotes, lesser-visited Mayan ruins like Uxmal and other nice towns like Izamal.

Isla Holbox, Quintana Roo

holbox solo travel places mexico

This picturesque island off the Yucatan Peninsula is a must-visit for solo female travellers in Mexico – and everyone else for that matter! On Isla Holbox , you can visit isolated beaches, swim with whale sharks, take island boat trips, see luminous plankton and even cycle around the whole island by bike. There’s a boho vibe with colourful street art and endless places to sip margaritas and eat seafood.

Mexico solo travel itinerary

It really depends on how much time you have but here are a couple of suggested 2 week Mexico solo travel itineraries: 2 weeks in Southern Mexico: Days 1-5: Mexico City Days 6-7: Puebla. Don’t miss Calle de Dulces ! Days 8-12: Oaxaca Days 12-14: Puerto Escondido. Finish with some beach chills! 2 weeks in Central Mexico: Days 1-5: Mexico City Days 6-7: San Miguel de Allende. Eat at San Augustin Chocolates & Churros ! Days 8-10: Guanajuato Days 11-14: Guadalajara 2 weeks in the Yucatan Day 1: Arrive in Cancun and head to Holbox Days 2-4: Holbox Days 5-6: Vallodolid Day 7: Chichén Itzá and Izamal Days 8-10: Merida Days 11-14: Bacalar. Note – my preference is avoiding very touristic places like Cancun and Tulum but that’s up to you.

What to budget for solo travel in Mexico

Mexico is great for affordability although it’s certainly increased in price in the last few years. But if you eat street food and stay in hostels, it’s manageable on a budget. However, if you stay in stylish areas of Mexico City like Roma or Condesa, or basically anywhere in Tulum or Cancun for that matter, it’s not that cheap at all.

Budget for accommodation: If you stay in hostels, you can spend $12-20 a night on accommodation. To stay in basic hostels or private rooms in shared Airbnbs, I would budget $15-30 per night instead. Private Airbnbs and rooms in nicer hotels usually start around $40 a night. Budget for food: If you love Mexican street food as much as me, you can spend your entire trip eating street food for $2 a meal. If you eat in modest local restaurants (as opposed to ones popular with foreigners), expect to spend 70-100 pesos per main dish. Keep an eye out for restaurants with comida corrida (‘food on the run’) meals which often include two courses and a drink for around 100 pesos ($5). If you consume world cuisine, brunch, cocktails and speciality coffees, well…. get ready to spend almost the same you would at home!

Chile en nogada

Budget for activities:  You can take very affordable tours in Mexico. Browse tours on GetYourGuide from $30 a day

Budget tips for solo travel in Mexico

Stay in Airbnbs or hostels with kitchens to save money or eat healthily. Rather than hiring a whole apartment, I often like to find rooms in local homes. You usually get to meet the locals this way, too! If you shop at local markets over supermarkets, you’ll find cheaper groceries. Pick up fresh tortillas and serve them with cooked veggies, meat, mole sauce or salsa… Whatever you have lying around!

Events in Mexico

If you can time your solo female travels in Mexico around these events, do! They’ll give you memories for life.

Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Day of the dead celebrations solo travel in mexico

I thoroughly enjoyed the chance to experience Day of the Dead. This unique cultural holiday held from 31 October – 2 November sees Mexican families spend the night in graveyards and build altars in their homes to commemorate their deceased family members. Rather than being sad or morbid, it’s a lively cultural celebration showing respect to their ancestors. Taking a Day of the Dead tour with Coyote Aventuras in Oaxaca was a fun experience while solo travelling in Mexico. If you choose to celebrate Day of the Dead in Oaxaca , make sure to book accommodation a couple of months in advance because it’s so popular. Another iconic place to celebrate Dia de Muertos is Janitzio Island on Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacan state.

Mexico City Alebrijes Parade

Alebrije parade Mexico City

A few days before Day of the Dead in Mexico City, a parade of model alebrijes (fantasy animals rooted in Mexican folk art) make their way from the Zócalo to the Angel of Independence in Reforma where they remain for a few weeks. This colourful and lively celebration is worth timing your trip around.

How to meet people & make friends

How to pick a travel buddy

  • Stay in hostels – this is the numero uno option to meet other backpackers.
  • Airbnb rooms in shared houses – whether these are other guests or the owners, this is a good way to meet other people getting to know the city (or better yet, those who already know it well).
  • Food tours and walking tours – you can bet other people will be new to the area, too. If it’s a food tour, you can guarantee a shared interest!
  • Join a foodie experience with EatWith – from market visits to supper clubs, these are usually led by friendly locals.
  • Join expat groups on Facebook – if you’re staying somewhere more than a few days, tap into the expat community. Post and introduce yourself or see if any events are being held.
  • Language exhange groups – use Facebook or Meetup to find these. As an extra bonus, you get to brush up on your Spanish.
  • Dating apps – apps like Bumble have a BFF friend feature.
  • Volunteer – use Workaway or Worldpackers to find opportunities By staying put longer, you’ll make deeper connections. If you want to sign up, I can offer you discount codes for both Workaway and Worldpackers.
  • For more tips, use my guides to meeting people while travelling solo and meeting people in a new city (based on my experiences in Mexico City). If you decide to travel with people you meet, see my guide to picking an A* travel buddy .

Thanks for reading my solo travel Mexico guide!

Guides to solo female travel in Asia :

  • Solo travel in Bali
  • Vietnam solo travel guide
  • What to know about solo Malaysia travel
  • Thailand solo female travel guide
  • How to stay safe as a solo traveller in India
  • Solo female travel in Taiwan
  • Korea solo travel

Guides to solo travel in Europe :

  • Where to travel alone in Europe for women
  • Solo female travel in Lisbon
  • Solo travel in Portugal for women
  • Complete guide to solo travel in Croatia
  • Is Italy safe for solo female travellers?
  • Is it safe to travel to Romania alone?
  • Solo female travel in Albania

Guides to solo travel in the Americas:

  • A solo female travellers guide to NY
  • Solo travel in Guatemala
  • Solo female travel in Belize
  • Cuba solo travel guide

For more travel content, follow me on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .

VISITING MEXICO? These are my trusted resources: Getting around by air – the quickest (and often cheapest) way to travel between Mexican cities is by flight. I use Skyscanner to find the best-value flights, using the ‘search by month’ tool to find the cheapest dates. You can also use the ‘to anywhere’ feature if you’re flexible on where you’re going. Getting around by bus (environmental option) – buses in Mexico are comfy with free snacks and an in-journey entertainment system. I use Busbud to find the best prices. To stay connected, download an e-SIM with Airalo and connect immediately. Browse their packages for Mexico . Driving in Mexico – use Rentalcars.com to compare car rentals in Mexico (and all around the world) For hotels in Mexico, I use Booking.com – they also have self-catering apartments. You can filter by review score and price to find the best-rated budget places. For hostels, I use Hostelworld.com . To save money on accommodation, I use Trusted Housesitters , a website that connects homeowners going away and travellers who can sit their homes & pets. Browse Mexico tours and activities on GetYourGuide . I always check Viator too in case they have a better price. For Mexico food tours with passionate local chefs and foodies, check out EatWith . Need travel insurance ? I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) since it’s affordable but covers everything you’d need including various activities, valuables and pre-existing conditions. Unlike some companies, they insure you if you’re already travelling / don’t yet have your flight home booked. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing . Check out my resources page for more travel discounts and tips!

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Solo female travel mexico

Rose is a solo traveller from the UK who has been on the road since 2015. She wants to show other women that solo travel isn't scary and doesn't have to be expensive! Rose has lived in Mexico, Canada and all over Asia, seeking out food, bubble tea and street art wherever she goes!

10 thoughts on “ Solo Female Travel In Mexico (2024) – A Complete Guide ”

mexique voyage solo

Oh Rose, you’ve totally helped me make up my mind! Thank you so Much!

mexique voyage solo

Yay! So glad to hear that!

mexique voyage solo

Thank you so much for the detailed information! Super duper helpful! Which year did you travel in Mexico solo? Love your blog.

Hi Xia! It was 2019-2020 and I will be back later this year!

Thank you! Me too. Planning to go to Tulum and Oaxaca Oct/Nov. Would be nice to follow on your adventures.

mexique voyage solo

thank you so much, I’ve solo travelled in many parts of Asia and Europe but have been a little nervous about Mexico.

I spent four months in South America but with my ex.

This has been so helpful, in looking at Mexico City, Oaxaca , Merida and Tulum ( hopefully as a help exchange to relax a while )

I’ll start practicing Spanish now 🤗 gracias

Hi Ella thanks for reading and commenting. You will love Mexico. I also need to practise A LOT lol

mexique voyage solo

Brilliant thank you! Now looking at your two week southern Mexico itinerary suggestion for our family holiday this year!! Questions- would it be good for teenage kids too? Is it best to hire a car or use buses to get between towns? Would you recommend booking all accommodation in advance or just winging it as we go? Finally, the weather in July – good or horrible?? Don’t mind some rain… Thank you!

Hey Sam! It’s easy to get buses around. I think you can wing it with accommodation! And I have no experience about travelling with teenagers – sorry! Have a fab trip

mexique voyage solo

Thank you for this information! It’s definitely helpful for planning my upcoming trip!

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Is It Safe For A Female To Travel Alone In Mexico? 11 Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations: Unveiling the Hidden Gems

Are you planning to travel to Mexico Alone for your next trip? If you have no idea about what are the safest places to travel solo in Mexico? This article can help you in finding the best solo travel Mexico Destinations .

Is It Safe For A Female To Travel Alone In Mexico? Yes, traveling alone as a female in Mexico is generally safe. However, it’s crucial to take appropriate precautions, such as staying in inhabited places, avoiding isolated areas at night, and paying attention to your surroundings.

Mexico is a place that frequently appears on tourist wish lists, and it’s easy to see why: the nation genuinely has something to offer every type of traveler. Mexico is a great place to learn about food, culture, history, adventure, and leisure.

Numerous cities and towns in Mexico are fantastic for single travelers as they offer the ideal balance of security, accessibility, and excitement.

Now, to assist you with making the most of your vacation, I contacted several of my favorite bloggers to get their recommendations for the top destinations in Mexico for solo travelers . To learn their suggestions, keep reading.

Although not comprehensive, this list will give you an excellent place to start when planning an enjoyable solo vacation.

3. Playa del Carmen

4. holbox island, 5. valladolid, 6. cozumel island, 7. mexico city, 8. guadalajara, 9. san miguel de allende, 10. guanajuato city, mexico, 11. sayulita, a. understanding local safety conditions, b. tips for ensuring personal safety, c. recommended safety precautions, q. do i need a visa to travel to mexico, q. what is the best time to visit mexico, q. what are the must-visit destinations for solo travelers in mexico, q. what is the local currency, and how do i exchange money, q. what are the local customs and cultures i should be aware of, q. is it safe to travel alone in mexico, q. how can i stay safe as a solo female traveler in mexico, q. what are some budget-friendly options for solo travelers in mexico, q. are there any specific cultural customs or etiquette i should be aware of when traveling alone in mexico, q. is mexico a good place for solo travel, q. what is the safest city in mexico for solo travelers, q. what are the safest cities in mexico for solo females, a. is cancun safe for a solo female traveler, conclusion: embark on an unforgettable solo adventure, tell us in the comments as per you which one is the best solo travel mexico destinations.


List of 11 best place for a solo traveler in Mexico To Embrace the Spirit of Adventure in Mexico

Explore the top Mexico solo travel spots to start an amazing journey. Mexico offers a wide range of options for solo travelers looking for exploration and excitement, from bustling cities to relaxing beaches.

Tulum | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

I’ve made multiple trips to this magical Yucatan town, home to some of Mexico’s best beaches. Every time I went, I loved the relaxed atmosphere, the array of things to do and see, the fantastic restaurants, and the top-notch Tulum hotels.

The Tulum Ruins, situated on the Caribbean Sea, are one of the best-preserved Mayan archaeological monuments in the nation. Go to the beach cove below after your visit to cool off in the blue sea.

A nearby Mayan pyramid site called Coba was another place I went to. You can travel on a tight budget to Tulum using the Colectivo, a compact shared vehicle.

The ideal way to tour Coba, a sizable place deep into the jungle, is by hiring a bike there. The Coba pyramids can be climbed, unlike other Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan.

Merida | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

I’ve lived in Merida, Yucatan state, Mexico, since 2019. As the safest city in Mexico and one of the two safest towns on the Americas Continent in 2019, this vibrant, colonial city is perfect for a solo trip to Mexico.

This Yucatan Peninsula city, roughly 3.5 hours from Tulum, Cancun, and Playa del Carmen, is quietly making its way to the top of many people’s bucket lists for Mexico while still being a relatively new travel destination. You may still affordably book a beautiful Merida hotel or Airbnb (VRBO).

Merida, one of the most Instagrammable cities in Mexico, is well renowned for its stunning residences, mouthwatering cuisine, and picturesque architecture.

Playa del Carmen | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

One of the top beach destinations in Mexico is Playa del Carmen, which is in the state of Quintana Roo. It was once a more sedate option to Cancun, but recently it has gained almost as much popularity. Playa, as the locals refer to it, is a vibrant travel destination for lone travelers.

When I lived in Belize, I frequently traveled to Playa del Carmen because it was a short bus ride away, and I did all of my shopping in Mexico.

In addition to shopping, Playa del Carmen offers a wide range of other activities. Go to 5th Avenue, Playa’s major thoroughfare with many eateries, bars, stores, and all-inclusive hotels.

I stayed out late here with no issues because of Playa’s vibrant social scene. Watch your alcohol intake, trust your gut, and avoid empty, dark streets at night.

Holbox Island | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

If you’re going to Mexico alone, Holbox (pronounced hole-bosh) is a terrific spot to go. In 2018, I went there for the first time, and I fell in love with the place. Holbox Island is a tiny island with a small-town atmosphere that tourists don’t swamp.

You won’t need to be concerned about your safety here if you’re a female traveling alone. Holbox is peaceful and serene; it is not a destination for partying, but it is ideal for enjoying magnificent beaches, taking it easy, and connecting with nature. Not only is it exceedingly safe, but it also features some of the most incredible beaches I’ve seen in Mexico.

Valladolid | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

The Yucatan Peninsula’s Valladolid, Mexico, is a remarkable hidden treasure and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Mexico.

Are you interested in undiscovered gems? Keep Homun, Yucatan, in mind. It is also one of Mexico’s roughly 130 “magic towns,” or pueblos magicos.

Yucatan has ten magical towns, or pueblos, some of which include Tulum, Izamal, Isla Mujeres, Bacalar Lagoon, “the Maldives of Mexico,” Sisal, and of course, Valladolid. Are you curious about what a “pueblo magico” is? Find out everything about the enchanted towns of Mexico here.

Valladolid sits in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is regarded as one of Mexico’s safest regions. It’s pretty simple to meet other tourists in this small town with only a few thousand residents and a flourishing tourism economy.

The standard of Valladolid’s tourist attractions, including these hotels and eateries, is rising as the city develops.

Cozumel Island | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

After taking the morning ferry from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel, I arrived in Cozumel, Mexico. I moved toward a nearby store where I could rent a scooter.

Driving in a foreign nation made me a little nervous, but by late March, the roads were empty, and I enjoyed a relaxing journey.

I passed the well-known diving and snorkeling reefs, such as Palancar Reef and El Cielo Reef, while traveling down Cozumel’s western shore.

My first visit, Playa Encantada, was at the southernmost point of the island, and it took me about 30 minutes to get there. Such remote beaches are my favorite for truly experiencing nature.

I thought the Caribbean Sea, with its exquisite turquoise hues, was all mine. How long I was there, bouncing at the waves and floating like a starfish, I have no notion.

There was nobody else nearby, so I was able to leave all of my possessions at the beach without concern.

Mexico City | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

I acknowledge that traveling to Mexico City (also known as CDMX) alone may seem highly scary, and many people wonder if it is secure to do so. I felt very safe traveling alone as a woman in Mexico City and taking day trips to places like Puebla City, Puebla, Mexico.

Although it can be intimidating to travel alone as a female solo, CDMX is a stunning city with markets, art, history, and some of the best food in the world. It’s an exciting location, and traveling alone in Mexico’s metropolis is fun because it’s such a vibrant metropolis.

Guadalajara | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

Guadalajara, which I visited in December 2019, has to be among the most incredible places for solitary female travelers in Mexico.

Although Guadalajara has an international airport, it is about six hours by bus or rental vehicle and one hour by plane from Mexico City.

This is a lively, colorful, laid-back city with safe areas like Chapultepec and Colonia Americana, which house some of Guadalajara’s best hotels.

It’s simple to meet locals and other visitors because there are so many accessible guesthouses and hostels.

There are a ton of activities to do in GDL, which is the second-largest metropolis in Mexico after Mexico City.

Don’t forget Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, if you enjoy visiting large cities. Start your Guadalajara agenda with a visit to the Zocalo and Centro Historico, also known as the city center or old downtown.

San Miguel de Allende | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

Among the most popular travel locations in Mexico is San Miguel de Allende. Everyone enjoys it, including ex-pats, artists, single travelers, and digital nomads.

San Miguel is an excellent stop on your solo travel journey in Mexico, blessed with a lovely climate all year round, magnificent architecture, and a ton to see.

San Miguel, a city in Central Mexico’s Guanajuato state, is well known for its clear skies, cobblestone streets, and attractive architecture.

It resembles the neighboring tourist hotspots of Queretaro City and Guanajuato City in appearance, and interestingly enough, all three are Mexico’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

The town is still well-known for its festivals, art, culture, and architecture today. Visit Fabrica La Aurora, a former textile mill converted into an art gallery.

Don’t miss the sizable, gothic Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel cathedral among the various things to do in San Miguel de Allende.

Guanajuato City, Mexico | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

I formerly lived in Guanajuato City, Mexico, and thought it was one of the country’s most distinctive and attractive cities.

Guanajuato offers a wide variety of exciting activities that are both inexpensive and free. Guanajuato City, the state’s capital, is located in a valley where many buildings are perched on the edge of a mountain, providing breathtaking views over the city.

With its vibrantly colored structures in contrast to the muted hues of the natural world and the earthy mountains, it is one of the most Instagrammable places in Mexico. In Downtown Guanajuato, both during the day and at night, I felt secure moving around.

Constant activity is everywhere, and people enjoy this vibrant city by visiting pubs and dining in restaurants. However, it’s crucial to take care of your possessions when moving about.

Sayulita | Best Solo Travel Mexico Destination

In 2019, I made my first trip to Sayulita, Mexico, in the Nayarit state, and I ended up relocating there for three years. Being a small town with less than 3,000 residents, you can quickly meet locals and other tourists, and after a week of staying full-time, you’d soon come to know everyone.

I felt pretty protected as soon as I came since there was a tremendous desire to be a part of the community here. For instance, the entire town organized a food drive for people who had lost their jobs when the virus struck in May. It was breathtaking to witness and take part in.

Despite this, the town has a meager crime rate due to its tight-knit society. Even gossip spreads quickly! If your belongings go missing on the beach and you post about it in the neighborhood Facebook group, word gets out quickly, and everyone pitches in to assist you in catching the culprit.

Safety Considerations for Solo Travelers in Mexico

Below are some of the basic things which we should keep in our mind while traveling alone in Mexico.

Understanding local safety conditions is essential before going out on a solo travel journey in Mexico. Despite the fact that Mexico is a stunning and diverse country, it’s crucial to be aware of potential threats and take the appropriate safety measures. Here are some important things to think about:

  • Research and Stay Informed: Research the safety situation in the particular locations you plan to visit before your trip. Keep informed of any travel advice or warnings provided by the government of your nation or other trustworthy sources.
  • Crime Hotspots: Crime is more common in some regions of Mexico than in others. When visiting areas or towns with a history of theft or violence related to drugs, take precautions. For the most recent information, check with regional authorities, travel forums, and experienced travelers.
  • T ourist Areas: In general, popular tourist areas in Mexico have increased security and a significant police presence. Minor crimes like pickpocketing and scams can still happen, though. Keep an eye out and protect your belongings, especially in busy areas or while taking public transportation.

In order to reduce potential risks and have a safe trip, solo travelers should pay additional attention to personal safety.

  • Blend In: Dress modestly and fit in with the surroundings to avoid attracting unwanted attention. This can lessen the possibility that you will be picked out as a tourist.
  • Be Mindful of Your Valuables: Passports, money, and other valuables should be kept in a secured spot, such as a hidden money belt or a hotel safe. When traveling, secure your luggage with a lock or padlock.
  • Stay Connected: Your vacation arrangements should be shared with a trustworthy friend or relative, who you should also keep frequently updated. Tell them about your travel plans, accommodations, and emergency phone numbers.
  • Use Reliable Transportation: Especially at night, choose certified taxis or known ride-hailing services. To reduce your risk of being targeted, stay away from unregistered cabs and never take rides from strangers.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Pay attention to your instincts. Removing yourself from a situation or person if you feel unsafe or uneasy should be done. In order to ensure your personal safety, it can be important to trust your gut feelings.

Your security while traveling alone in Mexico can be greatly increased by taking preventative safety precautions. Think about the following safety measures:

  • Travel Insurance: Get complete travel insurance that includes personal belongings coverage, trip cancellation, and medical emergencies. Make sure the policy covers activities you plan to take part in and solo travel.
  • Secure Accommodation: Make it a priority to stay in places with an excellent reputation, good reviews, and security features. Look for amenities like well-lit entrances, 24/7 customer service, and reliable door and window locks.
  • Secure Digital Presence: Use secure Wi-Fi connections, stay away from public Wi-Fi when conducting critical business, and create strong, one-of-a-kind passwords for your devices and online accounts to safeguard your digital identity.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts useful, including the local police, the embassy or consulate of your nation, and crucial phone numbers for your bank and insurance company.
  • Learn Basic Phrases: Learn some fundamental Spanish words and phrases so you can communicate clearly and ask for assistance if necessary. The effort is appreciated by the locals and can be helpful in an emergency.

A good attitude and an open mind are crucial while starting on a solo travel trip, even though safety precautions are crucial. You can travel to Mexico’s fascinating locations while prioritizing your own safety if you are prepared and alert.

FAQs About Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations

There are a lot of questions that come to mind when planning a solo trip to Mexico destinations . ,  some of the commonly asked questions are answered below.

A. For visits up to 180 days, most nations, including the USA, Canada, and the UK, do not require a visa. Prior to your trip, you must, however, confirm the country’s visa requirements.

A. The ideal time to travel to Mexico depends on your travel choices, although the country boasts a beautiful temperature all year round. December through April is the busiest travel period because of the mild, dry weather.

A. Numerous locations in Mexico are ideal for single visitors. Mexico City, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas are a few of the major vacation spots.

A. The Mexican peso (MXN) is the country’s official currency. Banks, exchange bureaus, and the airport all provide currency exchange services. Avoid transferring money in unapproved locations or on public roadways.

A. Respect for regional customs and traditions is crucial since Mexico has a rich cultural past. Mexicans are renowned for their warmth and friendliness, and it’s normal to grin or nod when you welcome a stranger.

A. Solo travel in Mexico can be safe with proper precautions.

A. Travelers who are female solo should prioritize their personal safety in Mexico by booking respected hotels, avoiding remote locations at night, and being conscious of their surroundings.

A. Hostels, transportation by bus, eating at street stands, and seeing inexpensive or free attractions are all economical options for single travelers in Mexico.

A. When traveling alone in Mexico, it’s crucial to observe local etiquette and customs. For example, give someone a handshake or a kiss on the cheek when you meet them, dress modestly when visiting holy places, and get permission before taking their picture.

A. Yes, Mexico offers a diverse range of destinations and experiences that make it a great place for solo travel.

A. While safety can vary, some cities considered relatively safe for solo travelers in Mexico include Mexico City, Mérida, and San Miguel de Allende.

A. Cities like Mérida, San Miguel de Allende, and Oaxaca are often considered safer options for solo female travelers in Mexico due to their welcoming and friendly atmospheres.

A. Cancun is typically more touristy and has sophisticated safety measures, making it a rather safe destination for solo female tourists. However, it’s crucial to use caution and follow by safety precautions.

Mexico is a place that is best visited alone and in your own time. Although it’s vital to be aware of the appropriate safety precautions and organize your trip properly, traveling alone in Mexico may be a wonderful experience. We hope our answers to your queries about Mexico’s solo travel places have helped you prepare for your trip.

Keep in mind to travel lightly, drink enough water, and enjoy yourself while touring the Mayan and Aztec homelands.

Also, don’t forget to book your personalized holiday package with  Fiery Trippers . Let us make your vacation a romantic as well as a dreamy getaway.

Avatar of Rahul Siddharth

Rahul Siddharth

He is a dedicated travel writer with a wealth of 10 Years + experience that enriches his narratives. He holds a degree in Hospitality and Hotel Administration from IHM Dehradun, which he couples with hands-on expertise in the field. Drawing from his diverse experiences, Rahul's writings offer readers a captivating glimpse into the world of travel. Embark on a journey of exploration and inspiration with Rahul as your guide. Read More

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Voyager seul au Mexique : les choses à savoir avant de se lancer


Vous prévoyez de voyager seul au Mexique ? Je vous rassure tout de suite, le Mexique est parfait pour les voyages en solo !

Le Mexique est une destination particulièrement prisée par les personnes voyageant seules en quête d’aventure : climat idéal, paysages paradisiaques, montagnes, forêts, excursion…

Les amoureux de découverte y trouvent toujours leur bonheur !

Dans cet article, vous retrouverez mes principaux conseils pour apprécier au mieux votre aventure en solo au Mexique !

excursions à playa del carmen

Les régions à éviter lorsque vous voyagez seul au Mexique

Les régions à privilégier au mexique, où dormir lors de votre voyage en solo au mexique , que faut-il prévoir avant de partir seul au mexique , comment faire des rencontres lors d’un voyage en solitaire  , quelles régions choisir pour voyager seul au mexique  .

Le Mexique peut être réputé comme «  dangereux  ». En réalité, la plupart des crimes au Mexique sont liés à des règlements de compte. 

Alors en théorie, si vous n’êtes pas en conflit avec qui que ce soit au Mexique, vous devriez être tranquille pour y voyager seul !

Néanmoins certaines régions du Mexique restent potentiellement dangereuses et à éviter lorsque vous voyagez tout seul :

  • Les Etats de Colima , Sinaloa , Zacatecas , Michoacán et Guerrero sont connus pour leurs fort taux de violence et de kidnappings.

À Colima , situé à l’est du Mexique, les crimes violents et les activités des gangs sont relativement répandues.

Les homicides sont très généralement ciblés contre des membres d’organisations criminelles.

Ces fusillades peuvent néanmoins avoir lieu en public, rendant la ville dangereuse pour tous les voyageurs particulièrement ceux étant seuls. 

Sinaloa est également l’une des régions les plus criminelles du Mexique.

La criminalité est répandue et certaines organisations criminelles y opèrent.

Il est déconseillé aux personnes prévoyant d’y voyager seul de s’y rendre, particulièrement à la tombée de la nuit, où les crimes se multiplient comparés à la journée.

Il est aussi déconseillé de voyager seul dans l’Etat du Michoacán , en raison du taux de criminalité et d’enlèvements dont des touristes ou titulaires de permis de séjour temporaire ont déjà été victimes.

  • Une des régions incontournables pour un voyageur seul au Mexique est la péninsule mexicaine du Yucatán

Celle-ci regroupe 3 Etats où les magnifiques paysages et excursions ne manquent pas pour les aventuriers.

À commencer pas ses îles paradisiaques et sa faune locale :

  • Sian Ka’an est une réserve naturelle où l’on peut voir de nombreux oiseaux, tortues, dauphins, crocodiles, lamentins… 
  • Rio Lagartos : une magnifique mangrove où l’on peut retrouver des crocodiles ou encore des flamants roses.
  • Isla Mujeres , pour profitez des plages paradisiaques et de beach clubs festifs.
  • Holbox , une île paradisiaque au sable fin et à l’eau particulièrement claire.
  • Cozumel réputée pour ses spots de plongée & snorkeling

Sian Ka'an tortues

Ses sites archéologiques :

  • Visitez Chichen Itza , ancienne ville maya où se trouve l’un des temples les plus connus et prisé de la région du Yucatán, l’une des Sept Merveilles du monde moderne à ne pas rater si vous voyagez seul au Mexique.
  • Tulum , avec ses magnifiques ruines donnant vues sur la mer des Caraïbes.
  • Coba , pour une jolie balade dans un des plus grand site maya du Yucatán.
  • Pour profiter d’un des plus beaux temple maya au coeur de la jungle, rendez-vous à Calakmul .

Carte du Yucatan

  • À la frontière du Guatemala, l’Etat de Chiapas est réputé pour ses sites archéologiques mayas, ses villes coloniales, ses forêts tropicales et ses montagnes. 

Destination idéale pour les personnes venant voyager seul au Mexique, la région du Chiapas est typiquement connue comme une région méridionale et mystérieuse où le monde maya est omniprésent.

Elle regorge d’animaux, de ruines de la jungle, et de spécialités régionales.

  • Ne ratez pas la Réserve Spéciale de la Biosphère Cascades de Agua Azul  : ses cascades à l’eau turquoise serpentent dans certains canyons peu profonds entre les falaises, d’où leur forme originale
  • Palenque cité maya particulièrement représentative de cette culture même de part sa taille plus petite que les autres cités maya car elle se distingue grâce à son riche patrimoine sculptural et architectural au milieu de sa jungle et de ses cascades : c’est en effet ici que se concentrait le centre cérémoniel le plus important. C’est un paradis pour les amoureux d’archéologie, de nature et d’histoires Mayas. Le site est inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO
  • Centro Ecoturístico Las Nubes : Si vous êtes n’avez pas peur du vide, vous pouvez apprécier les incroyables cascades d’eau turquoise depuis un pont suspendu au dessus de celles-ci, pour une vue impressionnante et unique d’où l’on voit la vitesse des eaux.
  • San Cristóbal de las Casas , une petite ville montagneuse pleine de charme et remplie monuments de couleurs dans laquelle vous pourrez profiter de traditions du Mexique


Comment passer à côté de la capitale, Mexico City , ville la plus historique et riche en terme de culture : si lors de votre voyage en solo au Mexique, ne ratez pas la richesse de l’histoire de Mexico, ancienne ville aztèque. Avec ses nombreux musées du patrimoine du Mexique, vous en trouverez toujours à votre goût.

Si vous souhaitez sortir et rencontrer du monde, Mexico ne manque pas d’endroits pour cela : Avec ses nombreux restaurants proposant des spécialités culinaires, les traditionnelles cantinas, les boîtes de nuits, pour une ambiance festive représentative du goût des mexicains pour la fête !

La capitale regorge donc d’activités et de paysages typiques.

Ville de Mexico City - Bellas Artes

⚠️ Attention, il faut rester vigilants dans les quartiers en périphérie de la ville comme La Lagunilla, Tepito ou Doctores.

La région d’ Oaxaca est réputée pour ses événements artistiques et culturels, ses sites archéologiques, et sa gastronomie

Tout d’abord pour la ville d’Oaxaca , capitale de la région du même nom : une petite ville coloniale par laquelle vous devez passer pendant votre si vous voyager seul au Mexique.

Riche en couleurs, avec ses magnifiques bâtiments et façades, ses musées, galeries d’arts, boutique de shopping, ses restaurants et bars festifs plus conviviaux les uns que les autres, ou vous pourrez rencontrer du monde.

Entre autres, vous ne pourrez pas ne pas tomber sous le charme de cette ville et en ressortirez pleins de souvenirs.

  • Visitez les sites archéologiques Milta et Monte Alban , qui regorge tous les deux d’histoire de la culture & civilisation amérindienne précolombienne Zapotèque.
  • Dans toute la région, vous pourrez découvrir la façon dont de Mezcal est créé : cet alcool typique mexicain signifiant “agave cuit” vient en effet à l’origine de cette région. De nombreuses fabriques y sont présentes et vous laisse profiter de dégustation.

Ville d'Oaxaca

La basse Californie : un mélange de montagnes, déserts & volcans aux paysages à couper le souffle.

Choisissez selon vos envies entre la station balnéaire de Cabo San Lucas pour une ambiance festive et animée, des plages avec si vous le souhaitez des activités aquatiques : saut en parachute, bouée tractée… Sans oublier ses magnifiques falaises et roches dont vous pouvez profiter en bateau.

La Paz , si vous voulez du repos et moins de touristes pendant votre voyage en solitaire en profitant de ses magnifiques plages au sable doré et couchers de soleil, ou partir en excursion dans la mer de Cortes.

Ou le village de San José del Cabo , village colonial pour un séjour plus calme mais tout aussi agréable dans une ambiance traditionnelle.

Cabo San Lucas

Si votre objectif est de faire de nouvelles rencontres , s’impliquer entièrement dans la culture sans dépenser des milliers d’euros, alors les auberges de jeunesses sont à privilégier.

Il s’agit d’un moyen simple et efficace de rencontrer d’autres voyageurs dans la même situation que vous, souvent seuls et étrangers et de partager des moments conviviaux avec des personnes issus de toutes cultures qui vous apporterons probablement de nouvelles choses !

La seconde alternative encore plus radicale, est de dormir chez l’habitant .

Vivre chez un local vous apportera énormément sur le plan personnel.

Il n’y a pas de meilleure façon de découvrir les tendances culturelles du pays que d’habiter chez un Mexicain qui vous accueillerait pendant votre périple et vous apprendra plus que n’importe quel guide sur son pays.

Auberge de jeunesse

Pour mieux préparer votre voyage , certaines choses sont nécessaires à faire en amont du grand départ :

  • Vérifiez que votre passeport est en cours de validité pour la totalité de la période de votre séjour.
  • Prévoyez vos documents d’identité, billets d’avion aller / retour, assurance, logements sur place imprimés et sur téléphone en cas de problème ou de perte sur le territoire Mexicain.

❗️ Ne donnez jamais vos papiers d’identité à qui que ce soit : montrez-les uniquement. Au pire, donnez une photocopie que vous avez amenée.

  • Prévoyez en amont les vaccins nécessaire s’il y en a à la période concernée : les vaccins contre la fièvre jaune , l’ Hépatite A juste avant le départ, Hépatite B pour un séjour long sont recommandés mais pas obligatoires.
  • Prévoir de la monnaie locale avant votre arrivée. Au Mexique, les locaux peuvent appliquer des taxes de 10 à 15% sur votre addition si vous régler par carte. Vérifiez avant de partir les conditions et propositions dont vous pouvez bénéficier auprès de votre banque, mais privilégiez l’argent liquide pour les transactions.

Conseil pratique

P endant vos déplacements, répartissez votre argent liquide dans plusieurs poches : si vous êtes arrêtés par la police qui demande de payer en liquide donnez seulement ce que vous avez dans une des ces poches pour ne pas finir les mains vides.

Notez les numéros d’urgences mexicains : en voyageant seul, il est possible que vous vous retrouviez dans des situations imprévues. Faites vous aider quand c’est nécessaire !

  • Toute urgence : 911
  • Problème sur une grande autoroute à péage de 8h à 18h : Les anges verts, service de patrouille routière : 078 ou le 800 006 8839 (sans frais au Mexique).
  • Sapeurs pompiers : 068
  • Assistance médicale à distance : 5132 0909

Prévoyez une «  trousse médicale  » avant de partir. Munissez vous de médicaments dont vous auriez potentiellement besoin au Mexique, car les prix varient d’un pays à l’autre et les frais de santé / médicaments au Mexique peuvent être nettement plus élevés et rarement remboursés au Mexique comparés à la France.

✍️ Assurance voyage pour le Mexique

Retrouvez mon comparatif sur les meilleures assurances voyage pour le Mexique !

Si vous choisissez comme logement une auberge de jeunesse, vous serez déjà nettement plus sujet à faire des rencontres internationales.

Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez même avant de partir rejoindre des groupes , forums ou autres de voyageurs dans le même cas que vous pour échanger avec eux.

Sur Facebook, il existe de nombreux groupes du Mexique de voyageurs, expatriés sur lesquels vous pouvez discuter, posez des questions, ou autres.

N’ayez pas peur de sortir seul ! Vous n’êtes pas le seul à voyager en solitaire : sortez de votre zone de confort et rejoignez des bars, café animés : c’est essentiellement là-bas vous tomberez probablement sur des personnes par hasard qui ont le même objectif & état d’esprit que vous. Aller vers les gens est la meilleure façon de tisser des liens avec, alors soyez avenants avec chaque personne que vous rencontrez.

Si vous prévoyez des excursions, privilégiez les petits groupes plutôt que les grandes excursions que les grandes familles adoptent plus.

De cette façon, vous serez plus susceptible de faire connaissance avec d’autres personnes partageant votre passion tout en la pratiquant ! 

Rencontres aux Mexique

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5 reasons why Mexico is the ultimate solo travel destination

Mexico solo travel

Bear with me, because I’m about to get pretentious about one of my favourite destinations. If Mexico isn’t on your list to travel, well I’m sorry, but I’m quite confident you haven’t fully appreciated all it has to offer – especially for solo travellers.

I didn’t always have this progressive perspective on Mexico travel. As a Canadian, I used to view a trip to Mexico exclusively as an all-inclusive resort stay with a day trip to Chichen Itza. So if you were to tell me a year ago that I’d be spending nearly two weeks on a solo trip that’d take me to Mexico City, Oaxaca, Puebla and Mazunte, I’d think you’d have me confused for someone else.

But luckily for me, this trip would end up being one of my all-time favourites.

Mexico solo travel Oaxaca

Eating one of many elotes in Oaxaca

Mexico truly has something for every traveller: an unparalleled cuisine for foodies, one of the best museums in the world for history buffs (Museo Nacional de Antropología) and incredible natural beauty for nature lovers. And for solo travellers, it offers even more added benefits. I experienced them myself during both my independent travels and time on Intrepid’s 9-day Mexico Real Food Adventure tour.

Here are a few reasons why Mexico is the perfect solo travel destination.

There’s a diverse range of offerings

As a solo traveller with a limited time and budget, I love doing trips where I can tick a couple boxes. It’s why I opt for places where I can satisfy my hyperactive need for food, nature, history and culture stimulation, all at once. For all my fellow multi-purpose travellers, Mexico might as well be our mecca. Delicious cuisine? Check. A fascinating history? You got it. Unparalleled natural beauty? Uh, duh! Mexico is blessed with diverse natural landscapes, including the Sierra Madre mountains to arid stretches dotted with agave (a.k.a. tequila and mezcal territory).

Mexico solo travel Oaxaca ruins

Zapotec ruins in Oaxaca Valley

Every day of my trip was jammed-packed with bucket list-worthy moments. Heck, in a 24-hour stretch in Mexico City alone, I got serenaded by a Mariachi band, ate some of the city’s best tacos and visited the famous Teotihuacan pyramids on Urban Adventures’ Beyond Mexico City: Hidden Teotihuacan & Family Dinner tour.


You’ll feel welcomed

If there’s one thing I’ve learned travelling, it’s that the local people want you there. I mean, as long as you’re actually positively benefitting their country, that is. And Mexico is no exception to this. Wherever I went, I could feel this sense of genuine hospitality – from the kind woman at a Mexico City taqueria who patiently helped me order tacos as I blubbered through broken Spanish, to the lovely family of obsidian makers that helped me find the perfect necklace.

Mexico solo travel locals

Locals say hi in Teotihuacan

I can’t speak on behalf of Mexico’s busy beach towns and all-inclusives, but everywhere I went I felt welcomed. There was even a moment in Oaxaca City where one of the many recurring street parties was breaking out, and I was welcomed in to crash the festivities (with shots of mezcal, of course).


Enjoy a rising number of travel options

Gone are the days where tourists flock to Mexico exclusively for spring breaks and stretches of beaches. More travellers are heading to Mexico to experience the real Mexico. In fact, one of my coworkers recently spent three months backpacking through Mexico with friends. It was him that told me about his adventures, and I’m so glad I let these anecdotal tales convince me to go.

Mexico solo travel scorpions

Trying scorpions during an Urban Adventures tour in Mexico City

After travelling a few days solo and then on my Mexico Real Food Adventure tour, I fell deeply in love with the country. The days solo I stayed in a hostel, which was great (other than they were loudly filming a Mexican soap opera at night during my stay, but that’s another story). But the tour part of my trip was a real highlight.

My local leader, Balam , showed us the ins and outs of Mexico’s delicious food scene, the group was absolutely wonderful and it was so nice having the logistics planned for me.

Mexico solo travel group

My Intrepid group in Oaxaca (and mezcal, naturally)

It’s easy to get to

We’ve all been there: the long-haul journey of three different connecting flights (*shivers*). Not ideal. While Mexico is definitely a big trip for those living far away, it’s still a pretty easy place to get to thanks to Mexico City’s prime location and well-connected international airport.

For Londoners, you can get to Mexico City with just one stop in Atlanta, Amsterdam or Paris. Aussies coming from Sydney can get to Mexico City with one stop in either Houston or Los Angeles. And for us lucky North Americans, it’s a cakewalk. My flight to Mexico City from Toronto was a laughable 5-hour direct flight – about the same time (and price) it takes me to get to my parents in Calgary.


It’s really the coolest

Mexico solo travel street art

Street art in Oaxaca City

Call it ignorance, but before going to Mexico, I didn’t realize how ridiculously cool Mexico actually is. I knew about the eternal awesomeness of Frida Kahlo, the epic taco scene and the catchy tunes of Mariachi. But Mexico is so packed with other underrated gems that you can spend a lifetime uncovering them all.

Let’s start where it all began: Mesoamerica. Did you know there are ruins of an Aztec pyramid right in the centre of Mexico City? Yeah, I hadn’t either (it’s called Templo Mayor if you want to Google it).

Mexico solo travel tacos

The best meal I had in Mexico City

You might even find the ancient civilizations of Mexico – Aztecs, Zapotecs and Mayas – so interesting that you’ll spend seven hours in the National Museum of Anthropology like I did.

And if modern society is more your thing, fear not. You can enjoy Oaxaca City’s blossoming craft beer scene, catch a Lucha Libre show in Puebla and visit the creepy Island of the Dolls instead.

Want to travel Mexico with fellow solo travellers? Check out our 9-day Mexico Real Food Adventure – for Solo Travellers tour.

Not a solo traveller? Check out our range of other amazing Mexico tours.

(Image of locals in Teotihuacan c/o Lucy Piper for Intrepid Travel, all other images taken by Libby Shabada)

Feeling inspired?

mexique voyage solo

Libby Shabada

Canadian-born nature and animal lover. I travel for the cultural enrichment, scenic views, and tasty eats. Other than being a food enthusiast, I dabble in reading, napping, and amateur crocheting. Yes, I’m in my early twenties. In addition to not acting my age, I try to avoid cliché travel quotes. But it is true that I, “haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list”. Please never let me say that out loud again.

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Home / Destinations / Mexico / Solo travel in Mexico: The independent globetrotter’s guide

Solo travel in Mexico: The independent globetrotter’s guide

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Get ready to set your old impressions of Mexico aside. We share must-know tips on how to take a safe and fun solo trip around Mexico.

Solo female traveler at Paradise Beach in Tulum

If your friends and family know you want to travel alone in Mexico, you might be feeling overwhelmed by opinions from those who’ve never done it themselves. “Mexico is dangerous” and “You’ll get kidnapped” are the go-to lines that people often told me before I embarked on my trip. Now, with over six months of solo travel in Mexico under my belt, their fears have subsided.

Here’s the truth about traveling alone in Mexico : Locals will go out of their way to help you when you’re lost, you’ll have lots of opportunities to connect with other travelers, and you can order another round of tacos without anyone judging you.

In this guide, I’ll share tips about what you can expect from a solo trip to Mexico based on my experience.

  • Unraveling the solo female travel stigma

This guide isn’t strictly for women, but as a solo female traveler, this feels like the right place to start. I’ve always felt safe during my solo travels in Mexico. From my experience, catcalls aren’t as prevalent as certain other Latin American countries I’ve visited, and places like Mexico City have female-only cars on their metro (whether that’s putting a band-aid on a problem that needs addressing is a topic for another day).

mexique voyage solo

When deciding where to vacation in Mexico as a female traveler, my advice is don’t limit yourself based on travel distances and transportation methods. I’ve hopped on ferries from Chiquila to Holbox , crisscrossed the Yucatan Peninsula by bus , and flown on a local airline from Mexico City to Oaxaca . 

  • Beaching it as a solo traveler

If your plan is to treat yourself to a solo beach getaway, you’re in luck—Mexico has a beach for practically everyone. You can tap into your spiritual side with some meditation in Tulum or mingle with the party crowd in Cancun. 

Getting around Cancun is easy thanks to frequent transfers from the Cancun airport to the Hotel Zone . You can also use Cancun as a base to hop on a ferry or bus to other nearby beach destinations. Below is a chart of some of my favorite Mexican beach destinations when solo traveling.

Alternatively, you can take a bus and ferry combination from Cancun to Cozumel or, for a more remote experience, from Cancun to Chiquila .

mexique voyage solo

Although many of the best beaches to visit in Mexico are in the Yucatan , they’re far from the only good ones. The Pacific side offers excellent surfing in Puerto Escondido, and you can enjoy a luxurious resort getaway in Cabo San Lucas.

  • The digital nomad lifestyle 

Mexico is a hopping place for digital nomads, so it’s an excellent country to visit if you want to meet fellow remote workers as you take your solo trip. The quality of WiFi varies depending on where you are, but larger cities and popular tourist towns tend to offer reliable connections. 

mexique voyage solo

Cowork spaces are becoming a thing in Mexico, and many of these places organize networking events. There are even facilities like the Selina hostel chain that offer cowork and coliving packages. These are wonderful ways to form little social circles as you travel.

My favorite places for working remotely as a solo traveler are Playa del Carmen, Mexico City, and Puerto Escondido. These destinations have a big expat remote work culture, making it easy to connect with people. Furthermore, these are great destinations to base yourself for shorter trips, such as taking the four-hour bus from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende .

  • Getting around Mexico as a solo traveler

If you’re on a budget, taking buses is the most affordable way to travel around Mexico alone. The good news is that you can get to just about any destination by bus; the bad news is that some of the journeys can take over a day—and by “day,” I mean 24 hours, not an 8-hour workday. The bus trip from Guadalajara to Tijuana is an example.

mexique voyage solo

That said, taking flights between long-distance destinations often isn’t much more expensive than the bus, especially if you’re only traveling with a carry-on bag. That same Guadalajara to Tijuana trip is an example.

Many long-distance bus companies operate in Mexico, but ADO is among the biggest and most comfortable. Ferries are another popular way to island-hop around the country, and, like the buses, they won’t charge you extra for being a solo traveler. 

I especially love the ferry route from Cozumel to Playa del Carmen since the port in Playa is located right in downtown, meaning I don’t have to worry about bargaining with taxi drivers who want to charge me more for being a solo traveler.

Staying safe

When it comes to safety as a solo traveler in Mexico, practicing common sense goes a long way. I’ve never had safety issues during my time there, but I also don’t wander around poorly lit streets at midnight. My advice? Treat safety in Mexico as you would any other place that you’re unfamiliar with.

That said, taxis are the exception to this rule. Whether you’re alone or with some new friends you met at the beach, you should never hail a taxi off the street; the chance of a pirate taxi picking you up is too high. Instead, call a local taxi company or use a ridesharing app.

  • You’ve got this!

I know that solo travel to Mexico can feel intimidating at first. However, from my experience, those fears quickly subside after arriving. The important thing to remember is that just because you travel alone doesn’t mean you have to be socially isolated—there are plenty of opportunities to meet locals and fellow solo travelers. Of course, if the purpose of your trip is to disconnect and recharge, Mexico offers an array of quiet destinations. 

image of blog writer Laura

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Curious about solo travel in Mexico? Read on to discover some of the best places in Mexico to travel alone, along with my best Mexico travel advice for an awesome trip!

With its pleasant climate, stunning scenery, and extroverted culture, Mexico is a welcoming place for anyone traveling alone . The country offers all kinds of different experiences and settings, from boho beach towns to world-class cities, charming pueblos mágicos , and incredible natural escapes.

You can climb mountains, surf, dive on world-renowned reefs, learn about pre-Hispanic cultures and history at UNESCO sites throughout the country, and so much more.

And the fact that Mexico happens to be just a quick flight from anywhere in the US and Canada only adds to its allure as a solo travel destination.

Traveling soon? Don’t forget to buy travel insurance for Mexico. Insurance gives you peace of mind, knowing you can get the help you need if anything goes wrong. SafetyWing is the provider that I recommend.

If you’re curious about Mexico solo travel, this is the perfect article for you. I’ve joined forces with several other travel bloggers to highlight some of the best (and safest) places in Mexico to travel alone.

There are options here for every type of traveler. I’ve also included tons of Mexico travel tips and advice that I’ve gathered from over 4 years of living and traveling solo in Mexico. By the end, all you’ll have left to do is pack your bag! 

But first, I know you’re just dying to know…

Is traveling to Mexico safe?

Contrary to what many people believe, Mexico is actually a pretty safe travel destination . No, there are no guarantees; bad things can happen anywhere. And yes, Mexico does have some issues… and yes, crime is one of them.

But, the situation in Mexico isn’t nearly as dire as many people would have you believe. In fact, in my experience, those that are most vocal about the dangers of Mexico usually haven’t even been here.

I spent over four years living in Mexico and have traveled the country extensively without incident.

You can do it too!

Whether or not you’ll feel safe in Mexico is a different question. Each person’s sense of safety is informed by our unique life experiences and personal risk tolerance. 

For instance, I speak Spanish, which helps me integrate a bit better in Mexico, enabling me to feel safer than someone who doesn’t have the same language skills. On the other hand… I grew up in a rural part of Canada, and being in crowded cities puts me a little on edge. Someone accustomed to living in a large city might feel totally different. See? It’s all subjective.

mexique voyage solo

All that said, there are certain safety precautions you should take as a female traveling alone in Mexico (and I’ll touch on them in more detail below). But generally, you can stay safe by exercising basic common sense and a little extra vigilance. Even if some of the said precautions feel like overkill (and probably are), putting them in place is bound to contribute to your overall sense of safety and help you feel more at ease during your trip.

Mexico is a truly fantastic destination for solo female travelers, and I urge you to give it a chance. Plus, the cities included on this list are some of the safest places in Mexico for women traveling alone. 

Solo travel tip: Just because you’re traveling solo doesn’t mean you have to do everything alone. Group tours are a fantastic way to meet fellow travelers that share your interests. You know how the story goes… first comes small talk on the tour bus, next comes secrets shared over margaritas, then comes country-hopping with your new BFF! 👯‍♀️ There are group tours available to suit any budget, so give one a shot! I use Viator and Get Your Guide to book excursions.

Best Places in Mexico to Travel Alone

The following are some of the best solo travel destinations in Mexico. This list is by no means exhaustive, but each of the Mexico destinations below has been vetted by fellow solo travelers. You can rest assured that each of them offers plenty of interesting sites and activities for women traveling alone. 

woman walking alone down the street in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico

1. San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur

Contributed by Rachel-Jean Firchau of Rachel Off Duty

Many people consider Los Cabos solely a party and honeymoon destination, but there is so much more to this part of Mexico than meets the eye! 

While you’ll no doubt find more partying and big groups in Cabo San Lucas, the more relaxed, laidback city of San Jose del Cabo just down the road lends itself to being a fantastic base for solo female travel. Los Cabos is a quick flight from the west coast, and there’s a wide selection of incredible activities and restaurants to keep any solo traveler busy. 

Whether you want to go on big adventures like swimming with whale sharks and learning how to scuba dive or small adventures like strolling the beach or visiting cute restaurants like Flora Farms, there’s lots to discover, and the prices are pretty reasonable for such a popular destination. 

For long solo trips, you’ll find plenty of Airbnbs and hostels to choose from to help you stretch your budget. But, for shorter trips, staying in an affordable all-inclusive resort can be an incredibly safe and hassle-free way to explore this part of Mexico. Getting around is affordable, and you can walk, taxi, or Uber with ease.

Top Los Cabos Activities:

  • Enjoy a kayaking and snorkeling adventure along Land’s End
  • Spot whales on a Humpback whale watching tour
  • Take a dreamy sunset cruise aboard a catamaran from Cabo San Lucas

Wondering about the best places in Baja, Mexico? Check out my guide to awesome Baja experiences . 

aerial view of Monterrey, Mexico, a fantastic destination to travel alone in Mexico

2. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon

Contributed by Lilian Arjona of Solo Female Travelers Tours

Monterrey is a fantastic destination for solo female travelers. Also known as the “City of mountains,” Monterrey has the perfect mix between breathtaking nature and modern cosmopolitan entertainment. This city has become the biggest economic force in the country, boosted by a robust industrial and entrepreneurial scene. 

Monterrey has diverse attractions, from art museums and high-end cuisine to outdoor adventures and vibrant nightlife. 

Here are some of the best things to do for solo female travelers in Monterrey:

  • Visit Parque Fundidora  

One of the city’s main landmarks, Parque Fundidora , used to be a steel-factory complex. Designers left behind the enormous smokestacks and industrial machines when it was transformed into the park. The park is ideal for taking a stroll. There are many trails for walking or jogging, but you could also rent a bike, visit the ice skating rink, or paddle a rowboat through the lake. You can also see the Museo del Acero Horno 3 , which highlights the history of an important steel mill. 

Parque Fundidora also hosts many concerts and festivals with international artists, so check the schedule online and attend an open-air concert. 

  • Visit MARCO (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo)

This remarkable museum has outstanding art exhibitions mainly by Mexican and Latin American artists but has also displayed international artists’ work. MARCO’s entrance is unique, with a giant black dove sculpture. Go on Wednesdays when they have free admission. 

You can walk to the city center from the museum, which is a few blocks away. 

  • Enjoy exceptional, high-end cuisine.

Monterrey has many excellent restaurants offering a mix of local and international cuisines. Pangea is the star of the show and the #15 of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America. La Nacional, Cometa, and Cara de Vaca are other great picks for delicious Mexican food.  

The best area to stay in Monterrey is San Pedro Garza García, the safest municipality in the state of Nuevo León and where the majority of the main entertainment spots are. 

And speaking of safety tips… don’t walk alone at night. Use private transportation apps like Uber or Didi, or rent a car during your visit. 

Monterrey may be off the beaten path , but it’s a diverse, modern city unlike any other in the country!

Top outdoor adventures in Monterrey, Mexico:

Monterrey is a lively, modern city, but it also offers incredible opportunities to experience some of Mexico’s natural wonders.

  • Nido de los Aguiluchos Hiking & Rock Climbing Tour
  • Huasteca Canyon Sightseeing Tour
  • Garcia Caves Exploration Tour (this is the world’s second-largest cave system!)

Surboards on a stand in Sayulita, one of Mexico's best beach towns for solo travelers!

3. Sayulita, Nayarit

Contributed by Jessica of Uprooted Traveler

With its lively atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and boho hippie vibes, Sayulita is the perfect place to go as a solo female traveler. If you’re looking to meet fellow travelers, you’ll have no problem finding new friends to explore the city’s colorful streets with. Sayulita is a favorite among everyone, from digital nomads to backpackers. 

If you’re instead more in the mood for an “Eat Pray Love” type experience, the town is perfect for that as well, with plenty of yoga retreats, reiki treatments, and chill vibes just waiting to help you reconnect with yourself. 

two surfers in Sayulita, Mexico at sunset

Looking for something more active? Sayulita was put on the map for its world-class surfing , so grab a board (and an inexpensive surfing class!) and hit those waves. 

While Sayulita itself is small, it’s conveniently located–only about an hour north of the bustling resort city of Puerto Vallarta. It’s also within an easy day trip from other not-to-be-missed destinations along the Pacific Coast, from the sleepy surf town of San Pancho to the glitzy beaches of Punta de Mita. 

Another added benefit of Sayulita’s size? There’s absolutely no need for a car–in fact, golf carts are a pretty popular way to get around town!

Best things to do in Sayulita:

  • Hike and Yoga Jungle Experience
  • Take a private surf lesson
  • Hidden Beach & Snorkel Tour to Marietas Island

Wondering about the best beach places in Mexico? Check out my guide to Mexico’s most alluring beach towns.

people walking along the malecon next to the water in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

4. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 

Contributed by Lora of Explore with Lora

Situated on Mexico’s Pacific Coast on the Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta is the perfect destination for solo travelers in Mexico seeking a trip full of outdoor adventure or a place to live and work remotely.

Puerto Vallarta has a growing digital nomad scene with several groups that host regular meetups, events, and organized excursions, making it easy to make friends. Or, if you’re just visiting for a few days, there are many fun day tours you can join to meet like-minded travelers to explore with.

You won’t find yourself getting bored in Puerto Vallarta with so many exciting things to do! Some of the best outdoor activities are whale watching, snorkeling or diving at Los Arcos Marine Park, catamaran trips, coastal hiking, and zip-lining through the jungle. 

solo female traveler in Mexico walking down a cobblestone street toward the beach with the ocean in the distance

Zona Romantica, the official gaybourhood of Puerto Vallarta, is a great place to stay if you want to be in the heart of the action. You’ll be steps away from some of the best restaurants and bars and just a 5-minute walk to Los Muertos Pier, where you can catch a boat to smaller beach towns.

Puerto Vallarta is a walkable city with a gorgeous mile-long ocean promenade that takes you between many main attractions. And if you don’t want to walk alone at night, Ubers are readily available to get you home safely for just a few dollars.

Best things to do in Puerto Vallarta on your own:

  • Take a food and mixology walking tour and sample tacos, tequila, and Mexican cocktails
  • Day trip to Yelapa on a waterfall and snorkeling tour
  • Spot dolphins and humpback whales on a whale watching excursion
  • Take a zipline canopy tour (it ends at a tequila bar!)

Does working remotely from Mexico appeal to you? Check out my guide to the best digital nomad destinations in Mexico !

large yellow cathedral in the heart of Guanajuato City, Mexico

5. Guanajuato City, Guanajuato

I can confidently say that Guanajuato is one of the best places in Mexico to visit alone. The city is super safe, easy to navigate, and really affordable. Plus, it’s easy to get there from Mexico City .

Once a major silver mining town, Guanajuato is now known as a haven for arts and culture. The city is highly photogenic and pedestrian-friendly. In fact, tunnels built below the historic center divert vehicle traffic (and create visual intrigue).

In the Centro Historico (where you’ll want to spend most of your time), you’ll find several museums, vibrantly painted buildings, cobblestone streets, and a network of meandering callejones (alleys, but make them not sketchy!). Sip coffee or cocktails in bougainvillea-lined plazas and head to the Mercado Hidalgo to shop for budget-friendly souvenirs. 

Joining a callejoneada is an essential Guanajuato experience. These are basically history tours taking you through Guanajuato’s streets and alleys while your guides share historical anecdotes and legends through song and dance.

The Callejón del Beso, the storied site of a Romeo & Juliet-style love tragedy, is a must-visit stop on your sightseeing tour of Guanajuato. Other highlights include a climb to the Pipíla statue, situated on a scenic lookout above the city, a visit to the Alhondiga de Granaditas museum to learn about the movement for Mexican independence, and (if you can handle it) a trip to the Mummy Museum.     

Beyond the city center, the Presa de la Olla is a lovely spot to take a walk, especially on weekends. It’s a big dam with a path around it where you can buy ice cream, rent paddle boats, or gawk at the beautiful houses surrounding it. For something different, take a taxi to the Ex-Hacienda San Gabriel Barrera to admire the beautiful gardens and the impressive architecture. 

empty cobblestone street in Guanajuato, Mexico with colorful buildings on either side

When looking for accommodation, plan to stay somewhere within the historic center. There are many hotels, hostels, and vacation rentals available. If you’d like something a little quieter, consider a vacation rental in the Pastita neighborhood to the southeast of the city center– it’s a safe neighborhood just 10 to 15 minutes walking from the city center.  

Guanajuato is a popular destination for Mexican tourists, it has an established expat community, and it’s host to several language schools that welcome international students looking to learn Spanish. But somehow, it manages not to be corrupted by tourism. 

It has all the infrastructure and attractions you want in a travel destination, but the city still feels entirely genuine. In my eyes, Guanajuato’s only flaw is that it isn’t near the beach. I adore this city, and I think you will too. 

Top Guanajuato activities for solo travelers:

  • Learn about the history of Guanajuato on a guided walking tour
  • Capture travel memories and learn about Guanajuato on a photoshoot tour – this is the perfect way to go home with a few awesome photos of yourself that aren’t selfies!
  • Learn about the Mexican Independence movement on a day trip to Dolores Hidalgo, Atotonilco, and San Miguel de Allende

Does Guanajuato sound like your kind of place? Check out my Guanajuato guide to start planning your trip!

aerial shot of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, one of the best places for solo travelers to visit!

6. Mexico City 

Contributed by Claire of This Travel Lover

Mexico City might not seem like an obvious choice for solo female travelers in Mexico, but you can have an incredible time in this fascinating city. Mexico City has the most museums in the world – matched only by Paris, so it is the perfect place to learn more about Mexico’s rich culture.

There are all kinds of fun things to do when traveling to Mexico City alone . In the historic center , the zócalo (main square) has an impressive cathedral built using stone from Aztec temples – the Templo Mayor Museum next to the cathedral shows the ruins of the temples beneath the modern city.  

In the southern borough of Coyoacan, you can visit the Frida Kahlo Museum and marvel at the gorgeous architecture, leafy parks, and brightly colored buildings found in this charming neighborhood. The local Mercado de Artesanias is a great place to shop for souvenirs!

Related Reading: The Ultimate Mexico City Itinerary for 4 Perfect Days

cafe on avenida Amsterdam in Mexico City's La Condesa neighborhood

You also can’t miss the leafy green neighborhoods of Roma and Condesa. These areas are peaceful, safe, and beautiful. You’ll find all kinds of cool eateries, boutique shops, and fun bars to check out. Roma Norte is also known for its lively nightlife– it’s one of the best party places in Mexico!  

Chapultepec Park is another must-see attraction. It is home to several museums, including the Chapultepec Castle and the excellent Anthropology Museum that traces the country’s history through each of the indigenous cultures that have lived here.

For an insight into Mexico as it is now, join a group and go to see a Lucha Libre wrestling match and join the locals screaming and shouting at their favorite mask-wearing heroes and villains as they leap around the ring.

crowded street in downtown Mexico City

Is Mexico City safe for solo travelers?

Yes, it is!

As in any big city, you should still exercise some caution, but ultimately Mexico City is very safe. One thing to be aware of when you’re here is petty crime. Pickpocketing is a common problem in cities around the world, and Mexico City is no exception. Crowded spaces, like the metro, or busy markets, are prime opportunities for thieves to strike. Pack an anti-theft purse to reduce your risk. 

To feel safe here, avoid walking around alone at night (take Ubers instead) and stick to the female-only carriages in the Metro transport system, marked as “Solo Mujeres.” Dressing relatively conservatively will also reduce unwanted attention. My guide to Mexico City airport transportation also has some great tips for safely navigating the city’s public transportation options.

Best activities to do for solo travel in Mexico City:

  • Teotihuacan, Tlatelolco, Guadalupe Shrine & Tequila Tasting Tour – perfect for history lovers!
  • Xochimilco Cruise, Coyoacan, & Frida Kahlo Museum Tour
  • Mexico City Street Food & Market Tour

Iglesia Santo Domingo in Oaxaca, Mexico

7. Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca 

Contributed by Kristel of Chef Travel Guide

Oaxaca City is one of the best places for solo female travel in Mexico. The cobblestone streets lined with colorful buildings are easily walkable and safe for any solo female traveler. This UNESCO world heritage site is packed with lots of things to do so you will never get bored.

One of the best things about visiting Oaxaca is getting to try its regional cuisine. Oaxaca’s food is unique and different from the rest of Mexico, and the region is mainly known for its 7 moles. Stopping by local markets such as Mercado 20 de Noviembre and Benito Juarez is an excellent way to see the local ingredients and sample some amazing regional food. 

You can’t visit Oaxaca without trying some mezcal. The best way to do this is by going to a mezcalería in town or joining a mezcal tour where you can see how mezcal is made from plant to bottle. Other nearby attractions include Hierve el Agua (petrified waterfalls) and the Monte Alban archeological site .

A free walking tour is a fun way for solo travelers to connect with fellow travelers. It is best to stay in Centro, close to the Santo Domingo Cathedral, where everything is at your doorstep. 

When going home at night, take a taxi instead of walking home alone to be on the safe side.

Top activities for solo travelers in Oaxaca:

  • Hierve el Agua & Teotitlan del Valle Tour
  • Eat Like A Local Oaxaca Street Food Tour – this should be mandatory!
  • Street Art Cycling Tour
  • Visit an artisanal Mezcal distillery in a Zapotec village

Dying to visit Oaxaca yet? Check out my 4-day Oaxaca itinerary to start planning your trip. 

beach chairs in the sand in Mazunte, Oaxaca, one of the best beach places in Mexico

8. Mazunte, Oaxaca 

Contributed by Anna of Anna Meanders 

Tucked away just around the corner from Puerto Escondido in the state of Oaxaca is one of the most chilled little beach spots in all of Mexico; welcome to the magical town of Mazunte. 

Magic in nature, and in name too; Mazunte is one of the best-known pueblos mágicos in the state of Oaxaca , one of 132 towns in Mexico decided to be truly magical and worth preserving. 

Famous for sea turtle preservation, yoga, excellent juice bars, vegan eats, and fire spinners kicking back on the beach at sunset, it’s undeniable that Mazunte is a real treasure for those seeking a relaxed lifestyle. 

Hiking up to the Punta Cometa lookout for sunset is one of the must-do activities in Mazunte. You should also visit the Centro Mexicano de la Tortuga to learn more about sea turtles in the area. If you’re into yoga, head to Hridaya Yoga for a class. 

Enjoying a seared tuna or vegan bowl and locally made kombucha at Sahuaro is a great way to finish the day in Mazunte. 

Thanks to an abundance of other solo female travelers attracted to the hippy vibe and well-known yoga school, Mazunte is a small, safe, and walkable town ideal for solo travel. You’re sure to meet many other like-minded travelers. You can safely stay in any of the small guest houses, hotels, and Airbnbs dotted around near the main street or on the hill towards San Agustinillo. And because Mazunte is so small, you don’t need to worry about catching taxis or busses once you get there; everything in town can be reached by walking. 

Best places to stay in Mazunte:

  • Posada Olivo
  • Posada La Sabila

view down a cobblestone street in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

9. San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas

Contributed by Megan of Packing up the Pieces

Nestled in the mountains, in Mexico’s most southern state of Chiapas, find the pueblo mágico of San Cristobal de las Casas. This beautiful city has inviting cobblestone streets, bustling cafes, delightful plazas with colorful buildings, rooftop terraces with breathtaking views, and multiple arts and cultural centers. With so many diverse things to do in San Cristobal de las Casas , it tops the list as one of the best destinations in Mexico for solo female travelers.

view of Sumidero Canyon from the water level in Chiapas, Mexico

Beyond the enchantment of the magical city itself, San Cristobal de las Casas offers tons of unique day trips. Visit a few of the many Chiapas waterfalls or hop on a boat and ride through the scenic Sumidero Canyon. Nearby, find Indigenous communities that still practice sacred rituals and authentic handicraft techniques. For longer day trips, walk through ancient Mayan cities hidden deep in the jungle.

Independent travelers can easily and safely ride on the shared public transportation mini-vans or colectivos . However, it’s a breeze and sometimes cheaper to join one of the many daily tours that depart to popular Chiapas destinations.

San Cristobal de las Casas offers travelers many lodging options from hostels, guesthouses, and hotels. They are found in the many barrios, and each area has its own appeal. Every neighborhood is filled with street art and green space and is a fluid blend of locals, expats, and tourists alike.

Top solo travel activities in San Cristobal:

  • Day trip to Sumidero Canyon and Chiapa de Corzo
  • Day trip to Montebello Lagoons and El Chiflon Waterfall – not only are they incredibly beautiful, but you can swim!
  • Learn about Prehispanic cultures on a day trip to the Palenque ruins and Agua Azul falls

Curious to learn more about what Chiapas has to offer? Check out my post on the best places to visit in Chiapas!

a blue water delivery truck stops under a leafy green tree in front of a park in Merida, Mexico

10. Merida, Yucatan

Contributed by Daria of The Discovery Nut

The capital of Mexico’s Yucatán State , Merida, is one of the best destinations to travel solo in Mexico thanks to its rich culture and safety. In fact, Merida is often touted as one of the safest places to travel in Mexico alone thanks to its low levels of cartel-related crime . 

As one of the major cultural hubs of Mexico, Merida is a perfect place to learn all about the Mayan culture. Be sure to visit El Gran Museo del Mundo Maya– one of the most important museums in Mexico –where you’ll find an extensive collection of Mayan artifacts. 

As you stroll the streets of Merida, you’ll encounter lots of opportunities to buy handmade products created by artisans in Mayan villages around Yucatan. 

To better learn the Yucatec culture, don’t forget to stop in one of the local restaurants in Merida, such as La Chaya Maya or Maíz, Canela y Cilantro, where you can try typical Yucatec dishes.

No trip to Merida is complete without taking a day trip to some nearby Mayan ruins such as Uxmal, Mayapan, or Ruta Puuc, a collection of several archaeological sites off the beaten track. 

The best way to get around Merida is by taxi, as local public transportation is slow and sometimes unreliable. Since the historic part of Merida is compact, you can easily get around on foot. 

And, if you want to take a day trip to Mayan ruins or cenotes near Merida, you can catch a colectivo or join an organized tour from Merida. 

Top solo travel activities in Merida:

  • Sample Yucatecan specialties on a street food tour of Merida
  • Merida is known for its awesome cantinas. Check them out on a bar-hopping tour of the city!  
  • Learn about the Yucatan’s history on a day trip to the beautiful Hacienda Yaxcopoil and ancient city of Uxmal. You’ll also stop to swim in a cenote!  

Are you dreaming of backpacking Mexico alone? Check out my guide to backpacking Mexico on a budget to start planning your trip. 

solo female traveler swimming in a cenote in Mexico

11. Homún, Yucatan

Contributed by Kate of Adventurous Kate

One nice thing about solo travel in Mexico is discovering local versions of the more popular tourist activities. Take, for example, cenotes in Mexico . If you’ve visited some of the more popular cenotes, like the Gran Cenote near Tulum or Cenote Ik-Kil near Chichen Itza, and wished you didn’t have to share the experience with dozens of foreign tourists, it’s time for you to try local cenotes. 

The best cenote town in Mexico is Homún, about an hour from Mérida.

Homún is absolutely studded with cenotes. Once you arrive, you have two options: a resort cenote experience or a wild cenote experience. For the resort cenote experience, visit Cenotes Santa Barbara, a complex with three cenotes (Cenotes Cascabel, Chaksikin, and Xoch), a restaurant, and horse-drawn carriages.

Otherwise, hire a local tricycle driver to take you to wild cenotes — cenotes that are barely publicized to the foreign traveler market and might just be a hole in the ground with an attendant and a handmade sign.

It’s better to use Homún as a day trip — or multiple day trips — from Mérida, as it has the best accommodation and restaurants.

To get to Homún, take a colectivo from Mérida. This is a very popular destination for locals, and colectivos run regularly. 

Alternatively, you can rent a car . If you want to make a full day of it, combine the cenotes of Homún with a visit to the Mayapán ruins and a visit to the yellow city of Izamal . That’s a special day in the Yucatán right there!

Related Reading: 26+ Incredible Things to do in the Yucatan Peninsula

looking up at the cathedral in Valladolid, Mexico

12. Valladolid, Yucatan 

Contributed by Carolin of Happy When Abroad

Valladolid, the charming Spanish colonial town in the Yucatan Peninsula, is the perfect destination for solo female travelers. Although the small town has become increasingly popular in recent years, it is still one of the safest, most authentic, and budget-friendly places to go in Mexico. 

With many trendy hostels, restaurants, and bars, Valladolid attracts solo travelers from all over the world. Notwithstanding the town’s size, there are many things to do in Valladolid . You can’t miss visiting the impressive church, Iglesia de San Servacio, at the town’s main square or strolling around the colorful street Calzada de Los Frailes.

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit at least one of the beautiful cenotes in the area. Take a refreshing swim in Cenote Zaci, located directly in the middle of the town, or visit Cenote Suytun with its magnificent rock formations. 

Another great activity is a day trip to the Maya ruins of Chichén Itzá , one of the New Seven Wonders of the World (and one of the most famous places in Mexico).

Valladolid is generally a safe area for female solo travelers, especially if you stay in one of the most popular hostels, such as the Hostel La Candelaria or Hostal Tunich Naj. Here you are sure to be surrounded by many friendly, like-minded people.

Thinking about adding Valladolid to your Mexico solo travel itinerary? Check out my Valladolid travel guide to start planning your visit .  

a shallow sandbar in Isla Holbox, Mexico. You can see birds and turquoise water in the distance.

13. Isla Holbox, Quintana Roo 

Contributed by Paulina of UK Every Day

Isla Holbox is a tranquil island that is a perfect destination for solo female travelers, and it is a very safe place to visit. You will not find paved roads on the island or many cars, just sand and bikes that are a great way to explore Holbox.

This tiny island has gorgeous beaches and is much less crowded than Tulum or Cancun. Wherever you look, there are plenty of hammocks that will give you a feeling of a very relaxed place. Isla Holbox is also famous for its street art, so you can wander around the island and admire beautiful paintings.

There are plenty of amazing things to do in Holbox . Whether you want to look out for flamingos or relax at the beach, it is a dream place to visit for solo female travelers. When the sun goes down, everyone gathers at The Pier to watch one of the best sunsets in Mexico.

With plenty of amazing hotels on the island like Villas HM Palapas del Mar, where you can book a room with a little private pool, there is no better place to stay for solo travelers. 

Best activities for solo travelers in Isla Holbox:

  • Kayak and swim in the bioluminescence on a night tour
  • Spot migratory birds (like flamingos!!) on a paddling tour of the Isla Holbox mangroves
  • Swim with whale sharks in the wild on a snorkeling tour

beach chairs in the sand on a beach in Cancun, Mexico

14. Cancun, Quintana Roo

Contributed by Cynthia & Alexander of Travel Your Memories

When you think of beaches, parties, and luxury, you think of Cancun. This is one of the most visited places in Mexico, but many people don’t know that there is much more to it than hip beach bars, parties, and all-inclusive resorts. 

There are a lot of things to do in Cancun . You can find beautiful beaches, learn about Mayan culture, and enjoy delicious local food, fun outdoor activities, and tours. Take a day trip to Chichen Itza, join a food tour, go snorkeling, or book a sailing excursion on a catamaran! 

Beyond the hotel zone, Playa Delfines is one of the best places in Cancun for a beach day. The broad, white-sand beach offers palapa rentals, endless sand, and gorgeous aquamarine water to frolic in.  

The ADO bus company is the best way to travel through Yucatan and Cancun. It’s safe, reliable, and affordable on any travel budget. Use Busbud to book tickets upfront. 

Overall, Cancun is a safe place to travel alone as a woman. What applies in every country or city also applies in Cancun: use your common sense. Look out for pickpockets and never withdraw money directly on the street but inside the bank or supermarket. Keep valuables out of sight. 

Getting acquainted with other people from your hotel/hostel and visiting bars or clubs in a group might make it more comfortable for you while traveling alone in Cancun. 

Top Cancun solo travel activities:

  • Day trip to Tulum to visit the ruins, snorkel, and swim in cenotes
  • Sail to Isla Mujeres on a catamaran (with an open bar!)
  • Tour Chichen Itza with stops in Valladolid and Cenote Ik Kil

a restaurant in the sand on Isla Mujeres, Mexico

15. Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo

Contributed by Krisztina of She Wanders Abroad

If you are looking for a safe, affordable destination in Mexico to travel solo as a female, Isla Mujeres is a perfect choice. Isla Mujeres is an island just off the coast of Mexico that offers all that one could want in a tropical vacation spot: stunning scenery, friendly people, and delicious food.

It’s located only about 8 miles off the coast of Cancun and has many great places to stay, including hotels and apartments. Alternatively, you can also take a day trip to Isla Mujeres from Cancun and spend an entire day exploring the island.

To get to Isla Mujeres, take a ferry from Cancun. The ferry leaves from the Puerto Juarez dock, about a 20-minute walk from downtown Cancun. Ferries depart every 30 minutes, and the ride takes about 15-20 minutes.

Renting a golf cart is one of the best ways to explore the island. This is a great way to get around, and you can visit some of the beaches that are further away from downtown.

While you’re on Isla Mujeres, you can’t miss Playa Norte. This gorgeous, white sand beach is the best place to hang out and soak up the sun. At the south end of the island, you’ll find Punta Sur, a scenic, rugged coastline. 

Isla Mujeres is also home to an Underwater Museum of Art (MUSA) , featuring a collection of about 500 sculptures. You can check it out on a snorkeling excursion! 

Best things to do in Isla Mujeres on your own:

  • Swim with tropical fish and sea turtles on an Isla Mujeres snorkeling tour
  • Scuba dive to visit Mexico’s underwater art museum
  • Go on a golf cart bar crawl around the island

woman walks down La Quinta Avenida in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, one of Mexico's most popular solo travel destinations.

16. Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo

Located just an hour south of Cancun (and an hour north of Tulum), Playa del Carmen is the beating heart of the Riviera Maya. This modern beach town sprawls along the coast, meaning you’re never far from a gorgeous white-sand beach.

When it comes to fun activities, Playa del Carmen has it all. During the day, you can soak up the sun at a beach club, spot tropical fish on a snorkel trip, treat yourself to a spa experience, or bike through town looking for street art. When the sun goes down, sip cocktails on the beach, dance the night away in one of the booming nightclubs, or catch a live band at Kitxen. There’s no shortage of awesome things to do in Playa.  

Additionally, most of the top Riviera Maya attractions are reachable on a day trip from Playa del Carmen . You can take a tour to Chichen Itza, pop over to Cozumel for a diving adventure, check out nearby cenotes, or even bus to Tulum to see the sights!  

But what makes Playa del Carmen one of the best solo travel destinations in Mexico is that there are so many other travelers to see the sights with. There are several lively hostels in Playa (notably Selina). Even if you don’t stay in a hostel, join their social activities or take advantage of their amenities in your quest to mingle with fellow travelers. It won’t take much effort to make friends around town! 

Because Playa del Carmen is so tourist-oriented, you don’t need to know a lot of Spanish to get around (though, the more, the better). Most service-industry professionals will speak at least a little English, plus with so many other travelers and expats around, you’ll have no problem finding someone to help translate. 

Playa is one of the best places to travel in Mexico for your first solo trip. If you’re looking to take an easy, fun-filled beach trip, use my Playa del Carmen itinerary to start planning! 

Top things to do in Playa del Carmen on your own:

  • Swim in a cenote (or several)
  • Visit XCARET, an eco-archaeological park where you can experience Mexican history, culture, and nature  
  • Take a market tour and cooking class

woman walks alone down El Cielo beach in Cozumel, Mexico

17. Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo

Cozumel Island lies just off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, a 45-minute ferry ride from Playa del Carmen . The island is known for its remarkable diving– the Palancar Reef attracts divers from around the world who come to experience its biodiversity. A diving or snorkeling tour of the reef is a must-do activity when visiting Cozumel. 

But even if you’re not into diving, Cozumel is a fantastic place for solo travel in Mexico! Cozumel is very safe (though you should always use common sense), and there’s a lot to see and do. You can tour the Mayan ruins of El Gervasio or take part in a tequila tasting experience, or rent a car and beach hop around the island. 

One of the most extraordinary things about Cozumel is that the beaches on the island’s east side are largely undeveloped , a rarity in this part of the world! El Cielo, within the Punta Sur Eco-Park, is a fantastic place to swim and sunbathe.

Because Cozumel’s attraction s are spread throughout the island, the best way to get around there is with a rental car . Taxis are available too!  

There are all kinds of fantastic hotels and vacation rentals to be found in Cozumel, and the city is large enough to offer a fantastic selection of restaurants and shops. It’s definitely worth spending a couple of days poking around. If you’re looking for a relaxing, safe, and fun-filled destination, Cozumel is one of the best places in Mexico to travel alone.

Best things to do on Cozumel:

  • Spend the day frolicking at a beach club
  • Take a snorkeling tour of Cozumel’s famous reefs
  • Learn about local food on a farm-to-table food tour

Ready to plan your Cozumel visit? Check out my Cozumel travel guide .

ven a la luz sculpture in Tulum, Mexico

18. Tulum, Quintana Roo

Contributed by Natasha Karcz from Planes, Trains and Karcz

Nestled along the scenic Yucatán Peninsula is Tulum, arguably (one of) the best Mexican cities for solo female travelers. It’s here, upon Tulum’s white-sand beaches and turquoise shores, that you’ll find a huge network of digital nomads and expats, providing an opportunity to connect with a like-minded, free-spirited community right out of the gate. 

Recently named the “Manhattan of Mexico” due to its ever-increasing desirability, Tulum is growing at a rapid rate; and with it, so are its unparalleled dining and nightlife experiences, myriad of oceanfront events, and – of course – the endless opportunity for adventure that comes with visiting any region within the Riviera Maya. 

Consider a visit to one of Tulum’s best-kept secrets, Cenote Tankah, and spend a day in what can only be described as a natural infinity pool that combines Tulum’s notorious jungle landscape and beach scene. Or, opt for a frothy coconut iced coffee from Liefs infamous food truck! 

Though regardless of how you opt to spend your time in Tulum, know that you’re never far from a scenic lookout, local hotspot, or simply somewhere to sit and grab some salty sea air. It truly is paradise. 

For a safe yet local vibe for solo travel in Tulum, opt to stay in the Aldea Zama neighborhood, which strikes a great balance between Tulum’s beaches and the centro (downtown). Aldea Zama offers more reasonable rates than the hotel zone while still within proximity of all the tropical action that Tulum has to offer!

Top Tulum experiences for solo travelers:

  • Tour the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and Muyil Archaeological Site
  • Experience the jungle canopy on a Selva Maya Zipline Tour
  • Learn about Mayan culture on a Tulum Ruins and Cenote Experience
  • Take a local street food tour to learn all the best under-the-radar places to ea t

Dreaming of a solo trip to Tulum yet? Use my guide to the best things to do in Tulum to start planning your visit.

mexique voyage solo

Solo Travel in Mexico FAQs

Is mexico safe for solo female travelers.

Mira . Safety is never guaranteed anywhere, and Mexico is no exception. While there are safety concerns to be mindful of in Mexico (cartel violence, petty crime, etc.), you can absolutely have a safe and magical trip, even if you’re traveling alone to Mexico.  

Just use common sense, avoid drugs (seriously.), and use social media and news outlets to stay up to date on the goings-on in the area you visit. Following these practical solo travel safety tips will give you additional peace of mind.  

As you plan your trip, check the US State Department website for guidance on the safety situation in Mexico. They update their regional advisories regularly. Be mindful of their warnings but don’t take them too seriously, as they may mark an entire state dangerous when in reality the main safety issues are isolated to a certain area. 

Nervous about safety in Mexico? Check out my top tips for staying safe in Mexico.

Do I need to speak Spanish for Mexico solo travel?

Knowing a little español would undoubtedly serve you well, but you don’t NEED to know Spanish to have a good trip to Mexico. In fact, most (if not all) of the destinations on this list should be pretty easy to navigate if you don’t speak Spanish. Many Mexican folks speak at least a little bit of English because it’s part of the school curriculum, but English is most prevalent in tourist-heavy regions like Cancun and Los Cabos. That said, knowing some Spanish will help you make a positive impression, and you’ll feel more secure and confident if you can understand some of what’s going on around you. Try to learn some basic phrases before you go, but if your Spanish is lacking you can fall back on Google translate.  

Want to improve your Spanish? Rocket Spanish is a program designed to take you from beginner to conversational in Spanish while teaching you about Latin American culture along the way. Click here to try it out!  

Is it weird to travel alone?

No! Traveling alone is totally normal. For many of us, the only alternative is sitting around waiting for someone who has the time, money, or inclination to come with us. It may feel a little daunting at first, but going by yourself is a heck of a lot better than not going at all. Plus, even though you might be technically traveling to Mexico alone, you’re sure to make a ton of friends on your trip and have such a fun-filled time that you go home thinking, man, I could really use a couple of days to myself .  

Are there benefits to solo travel?

Solo travel has all kinds of benefits. Most obviously, it gives you full control over your time frame, itinerary, budget, and every other trip decision there is to make. Beyond that, solo travel is a fantastic way to connect with yourself and get to know yourself. Putting yourself in new situations is challenging but also incredibly rewarding. You’ll uncover new curiosities, test your own limits, and probably come away feeling truly empowered. You can do hard things and you can do them on your own! Sweet!

unpaved street lined with palm trees and palapa roofs in Isla Holbox, Mexico

Solo Travel Safety Tips for Mexico

Mexico doesn’t have the most stellar reputation when it comes to safety, but it is often the victim of unfair generalizations. It’s important to remember that Mexico is a huge country, and the safety situation varies from place to place. It’s not fair to paint the entire country with one broad stroke. 

Safety isn’t a guarantee anywhere in the world. Instead of asking “is Mexico safe?” we should be asking how to travel safely in Mexico. You can stay safe wherever you travel in Mexico by taking a few simple precautions.

In this video, I’ve outlined my top Mexico safety tips. Bear with me because YouTube is not my forte. I did my best! 

One of the best ways to stay safe in Mexico is to chat with people you meet throughout the country. Nobody knows Mexico better than the people who live there. Facebook groups (like mine!) are a great place to start connecting with people on the ground, but don’t hesitate to speak to your hotel concierge, servers, tour guides, or anyone else you meet! 

Most importantly, just be a respectful traveler. (I already know you will be since you’re taking the time to read this.) Mexican culture is super extroverted and community-oriented. You’re sure to receive a warm welcome into the country and, as long as you are kind and open-minded, everyone around you will have your back.

two women laugh as they walk down a cobblestone street in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

How to Make Friends While Traveling Alone

Solo travel might sound lonely at first, but, realistically, you’ll rarely be alone. There are sure to be all kinds of other solo travelers just like you who are slightly nervous about being alone and keen to meet people to do things with. 

Here’s how to find them:

  • Join Facebook groups for travelers. The more niche, the better, as it will be easier to connect with people in your destination. Again, my Female Travelers in Mexico group is a great place to start! 
  • Take group tours. There are group tours available for just about everything: from checking out street art to touring Mayan ruins, learning to cook local cuisine, and beyond. Choose one (or several) that match your interests, and you’ll find yourself in a small group of like-minded travelers. Strike up a conversation and invite others to join you for a meal or excursion. You can always befriend your tour guide too!
  • Stay in hostels. Hostels in Mexico are awesome; they usually have great common areas and often host fun interactive events like volleyball games, quiz nights, and more. If you’re not into dorms, opt for a private room. Many hostels have really nice private accommodations, so you get all the social benefits of shared accommodation and the privacy of a hotel room! 

What’s that? You think you’re too old for hostels? Nope, you’re wrong …do a bit of research, though, some are very party-oriented, and that might not be your style!

woman in a red sundress rings the doorbell of a mansion in La Condesa, Mexico City

What to Pack for Mexico Travel

Exactly what you pack for Mexico will vary depending on your itinerary. It’s a huge country, and each region has its own climate. If you’re headed anywhere with altitude, you’ll need a few more layers than if your trip is based on the beach. Basically, research the climate of your destination before you start packing. 

Here are a few basics I take on every Mexico trip:

  • Doorstop alarm – This clever contraption will alert you to any intruder in your hotel room and, with any luck, scare them away or draw enough attention to attract assistance. It’s super affordable and offers reassurance while traveling alone in Mexico. For more suggested safety items to pack, click here . 
  • Anti-theft purse – Petty crime is a concern in Mexico, so, even though I’ve never had an issue myself, I figure why take my chances ? An anti-theft purse with slash-proof straps, locking zippers, and RFID protection will give you peace of mind and keep your valuables safe while you’re out and about. I have this one , but here are 5 other styles you might like. 
  • LifeStraw bottle – Ordinarily, you shouldn’t drink tap water in Mexico, but a LifeStraw bottle filters out all the bad stuff and leaves you with water that’s safe to drink. 
  • Baggu shopping bag – I always keep one of these reusable shopping bags folded up in my purse or backpack. They come in handy for carrying groceries, souvenirs, or wet beach clothes home at the end of the day!  
  • A warm outer layer – Even if you’re traveling to the beach, airports and buses tend to be heavily air-conditioned, so wearing layers is key. I take my Patagonia NanoPuff ; it’s very warm but also folds into a small pouch when I’m not using it (I have it in Rosehip) . 
  • Comfortable sneakers – You’re bound to do a ton of walking in Mexico, and the terrain won’t always be even. Bring a pair of comfortable walking shoes. Running shoes with a bit of support would be ideal, but if you want something a little cuter, Vans sneakers are one of my go-to’s! 

Need more packing guidance? Check out this post if you’re headed to the beach and this post i f you’re headed to a city.  

pink and white Mexico City taxi cab crosses an intersection in La Condesa, Mexico City

Safe Transportation for Female Solo Travel in Mexico

Wondering how to travel around Mexico safely? There are a lot of differing opinions out there regarding the safest transportation options for Mexico solo travel (particularly taxis). I’ve summarized the main options below, along with my tips for using each of them safely.

  • Uber : Uber is awesome because you don’t have to haggle over prices, and your trips are tracked in real-time. Sadly, it’s not available in every city in Mexico . If it is available in the city you visit, I recommend using it because it’s much easier than coordinating a taxi (especially if you don’t speak Spanish). Always use common sense, though. Ubers are typically safe, but there are no guarantees. If something feels off, get out of the vehicle. 
  • Taxis : Taxis can be a great way to get around, but you need to do your due diligence. Always agree on a price ahead of time. Whenever possible, use a radio taxi (a taxi that is dispatched when you call to request it) or take one from an official taxi stand so you can be sure they are legit. NEVER get in a taxi if there is someone other than the driver inside already. 
  • Colectivos : These vans travel between towns and are an efficient and affordable way for locals to commute. In my experience, they’re safe and the prices are fixed. The drivers tend to really floor it, so be prepared for an exciting ride.
  • Buses : Mexico’s network of long-haul buses is one of the safest and most affordable ways to get around on a solo trip to Mexico. There are several different service levels ranging from economy to premium, so you can select the option that best suits your budget. 
  • Car Rental: Renting a car in Mexico can be a convenient way to get around, but it’s not necessary for every trip. If you opt to rent a vehicle, always travel on toll roads (called cuotas ) and don’t drive at night. Not only are roadblocks more common at night, but it’s tough to see hazards like topes and livestock in the road when it’s dark. I like to use Discover Cars to score the best rates on rental vehicles in Mexico.

Mexico Travel Planning Resources

🌡️ Do I need travel insurance?

Yes! Healthcare in Mexico is affordable for minor ailments, but travel insurance will give you peace of mind if an emergency arises. Plus, you can add coverage for trip interruption, theft, etc. Get a quote from SafetyWing . 

🏨 What’s the best way to find accommodation in Mexico?

I use a mix of Booking, Airbnb, and Hostelworld. 

Booking.com  is awesome for booking hotels and resorts,  Hostelworld  is great for hostels, and  Airbnb  specializes in apartment rentals, making it a great place to find long-term stays.

💸 How should I exchange money in Mexico?

Use local ATMS to withdraw cash. US travelers should open a Charles Schwab bank account because they’ll refund ATM fees at the end of the month.

Travelers from outside the US should open a Wise account to secure the best currency exchange rates. 

📱 Where can I buy a local SIM card in Mexico?

Pick up a Telcel SIM card at any convenience store. Or, buy an Airalo eSIM online so you’re connected as soon as you land. 

🗣️ Do I need to speak Spanish in Mexico?

No, but it definitely helps you feel more confident and connected. 

RocketSpanish is my favorite program for learning the foundations of the language. If you’re more focused on improving your conversation skills, hire a tutor through iTalki to prep for your trip. 

✈️ What’s the best way to find affordable flights?

I use Skyscanner because it makes it easy to compare rates across different travel days. 

🚖 How do I find a safe airport transfer?

I recommend GetTransfer for airport transfers anywhere in Mexico. 

🚗 What’s the best way to find rental cars in Mexico?

I recommend Discover Cars because they aggregate prices across rental car companies, making it easy to find competitive rates. 

🚐 How do I book bus tickets online in Mexico?

Plan your routes with Rome2Rio , and book your tickets with Busbud — the site is in English and takes foreign credit cards. (Read more here)

🤿 How do I find cool activities and tours in Mexico?

I recommend Viator and Get Your Guide . Viator usually has more options, but it’s worth comparing offerings across both platforms. 

🇲🇽 How can I experience Mexico like a local?

Solo female travelers can hire a local female guide through Greether . Greeters will tailor tours based on your interests— it’s basically like experiencing a destination with a local bestie!

🧳 What’s the best luggage for Mexico?

Unless you’re staying at a resort, a travel pack is recommended. I’ve used this one from Osprey for the last 8+ years. 

👯‍♀️ How do I connect with fellow travelers in Mexico?

Join my Female Travelers in Mexico Facebook group , a supportive community of fellow Mexico travel enthusiasts, where you can find answers to all your travel questions!

How do you feel about our round-up of the best places in Mexico to travel alone? Are there any you think we missed?

mexique voyage solo

Janine is a full-time content writer and travel blogger. In 2017 she and her cat moved from Los Angeles to Mexico and never looked back. Now, she writes in-depth articles to help women travel Mexico safely and confidently. Connect with her on Instagram.

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A Solo Traveler's Guide to Yucatán, Mexico

Enjoy blissful solitude at Ser Casasandra

Planning a solo trip to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico ? Fringed by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, home to ancient Maya ruins and colonial cities, the Yucatán Peninsula is like no other part of Mexico. As far as this enticing trio of states – Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatán – is concerned, the all-things-to-everyone cliché applies perfectly here, from the region’s cooling cenotes to colorful towns such as Izamal and Mérida. If you crave crowds, clubs, bars and swanky hotels on your solo trip, the pleasure seeker’s resorts of Cancún, Tulum and Playa del Carmen are right here for you, too. From places to stay, to where to eat and how to make the most of Maya culture, Culture Trip’s handy solo travel guide has you covered.

What’s the vibe.

Yoga on the beach is the order of the day

The Caribbean coast south of Cancún, known as the Riviera Maya, is blessed with the winning combination of white sand and blue sea, with a slight hint of hippy vibes, making beachfront yoga de rigueur. You can party to your heart’s content in Playa del Carmen and Tulum, and be wowed by the pyramid-building brilliance of the Maya throughout the wider region. Effectively, you’re here to soak up the beach and backpacking culture, Maya history and beautiful scenery.

Where to stay in Yucatán, Mexico

2. gran real yucatán, mérida.

Opulent terrace area at Gran Real Yucatán, with marble floor, chandeliers and luxurious sofas.

The “gran” part of this 19th-century mansion’s name is justified by the ornate columns and courtyard patios furnished as lavishly as the interior spaces, with ceramic floors, fancy sofas, framed paintings and dangling chandeliers giving the space plenty of character. Sturdy dark-wood pieces set a traditional tone in cooling rooms that face either the garden or the pool – both a joyous mix of green foliage and palms. Alone or with your group, you’ll enjoy the 10-minute walk to the laurel-shaded Plaza Grande, with a daily flag ceremony, live music and a Sunday craft market, meaning no thoughtless last-minute duty-free gifts for your cat sitter.

3. Zamas Hotel, Tulum

Boutique Hotel

A thatched cabin at the Zamas Hotel sits directly on a sandy beach and is shaded by tall palm trees.

Where to eat and drink in Yucatán, Mexico

4. marakame café, cancún.

Restaurant, Mexican

A wooden plate at Marakame Café, Cancún, presenting a row of shrimp quesadillas with guacamole and pico de gallo.

One of the best things you can do in Cancún is sample Yucatán flavors in this longed-for Caribbean setting. This breezy treehouse-style cafe features barbacoa , quesadillas and fresh corn tortillas on the menu – with a side order of live music come nightfall. There are French and Italian dishes to try too – and you can get into the groove inside or outside, with their heady array of margaritas, sangrias, Mexican beers and wines.

5. Kinich, Izamal

The yellow exterior of Kinich, Mexico, with an arched wooden doorway flanked by potted plants.

One of the country’s “Pueblos Mágicos”, Izamal is home to one of Mexico’s finest and most unassuming restaurants. Step through the butter-yellow facade of Kinich, flanked by vines and plants, and you’ll find a lively atmosphere with local women dressed in traditional huipil white tunics bringing freshly-made tortillas to tables set beneath a cathedral-style palapa roof. Try the rolled tortillas stuffed with diced egg and topped with pumpkin-seed sauce, and the smoky sausage – a conversion starter for any group of friends, whether old or new.

6. Casa Jaguar, Tulum

Long dining tables at Casa Jaguar, Tulum, occupy a leafy courtyard area with jungly plants and wood-chip floor.

Let the sea breeze cool the balmy night air at this jungle setting close to the beach. Head there late – after 11pm – and you’ll soon be toe-tapping to live sets from local and international DJs. Well crafted cocktails such as the Crisanto – a mezcal-infused mix of chile serrano, cilantro and pineapple, with spicy salt around the rim – are the main draw, soaked up by grilled seafood hot from the wood-fired oven. Chatty bartenders are happy to share their on-the-ground local knowledge – as well as their impressive cocktail know-how.

What to do in Yucatán, Mexico

7. admire the architecture and markets of mérida.

Architectural Landmark

A red tourist bus sits in front of the impressive stone carvings of the Monument to the Fatherland in Mérida.

Mérida, the peninsula’s cultural capital, is shaped by a blend of the original Maya civilization and the invading Spanish conquistadors. Colorful Spanish-era architecture painted foodie shades of pink and green lines narrow streets, while the main zócalo (plaza) is home to one of the oldest churches in Latin America. Elsewhere, the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya de Mérida gives an educational account of the Yucatán’s ancient history and more recent colonization, while the heady blend of crafts, local cuisine and market stalls piled high with spicy habanero peppers is seriously impressive.

8. Cool off in Cenote Azul

Natural Feature

Clear, turquoise waters in a small tree-fringed pool at Cenote Azul, Mexico.

The Yucatán peninsula is home to a seemingly endless supply of cenotes – natural sinkholes and caves filled with fresh water, used by the Maya for drinking and rituals. Just off the main highway south of Playa del Carmen, rainforest-fringed Cenote Azul is certainly one of the most noteworthy. With shallow parts appealing to less confident swimmers and snorkelers, and a cliff for daredevil divers, the dreamy blue waters will tempt any passerby in for a swim.

9. Climb the 365 steps at Chichén Itzá

Archaeological site

Mayan Temple pyramid of Kukulkan - Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

The multi-stepped pyramids and temples of Chichén Itzá are feats of Maya science and astronomy that would be no less impressive if built today. The best-known is the Temple of Kukulkan, also known as El Castillo, with a step for every day of the year. Abandoned before the arrival of the Spaniards, the former city is rightfully bestowed with the double glory of being a Unesco World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Luckily for visitors today, the Maya people built their complexes close to cenotes – so small tour groups can slip away for a cooling swim after a sweaty day of clambering around.

A trip to the amazing Maya ruins is just one of many authentic activities you’ll experience on Culture Trip’s nine-day Yucatán Peninsula tour , led by our Local Insider.

Stay safe, be happy

Travel within the Yucatán Peninsula is safe and the region has not experienced the levels of crime affecting other parts of Mexico. The Mexican government makes efforts to protect major tourist destinations like Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel, where drug-related violence levels are very low. Female travelers may get unwanted attention if they are alone – another reason a small-group trip to the Yucatán makes sense – but on the whole, the further you are from resorts and big cities, particularly in indigenous areas, the less this will occur.

Getting around Yucatán as a solo traveler

The pretty port of Chiquila

From Cancún’s international airport, most parts of the Riviera Maya are accessed by Highway 180, which runs all the way to Campeche, alternating coast, city and countryside. You can hire a car from the airport, although taxis are an easy way to sightsee as you get around. It’s also easy to travel around the entire region by bus, as Cancún is connected to major locations in the Yucatán Peninsula via ADO (Autobuses de Oriente) – the leading bus service in Mexico. Finally, you can hop on the ferry to get to any islands: for example the Holbox Express passenger service goes between Chiquila and Holbox, while Ultramar runs between Cancún and Playa del Carmen, to Cozumel and Isla Mujeres.

Solo traveler who likes to socialize? Immerse yourself in the Yucatán Peninsula when you join C ulture Trip’s nine-day Yucatán Peninsula tour . You’ll be glad you chose to experience the blissful beaches, Maya ruins and friendly Mexican culture as part of a small group of like-minded travelers.

Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel - and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.

Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.

Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.

Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.

We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future.

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

Solo Travel To Mexico City: Your Ultimate Guide (With Map!)

By Trisha Velarmino. This guide to traveling alone in Mexico City contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Considering solo travel to Mexico City , but need help with the planning?

Then you’re in the right place!

Mexico City is one of the world’s largest and most vibrant metropolises. It offers an extraordinary fusion of ancient history and modern life, housing numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as the historic center and Xochimilco, alongside contemporary architecture and cutting-edge restaurants.

Its rich culture is reflected in countless museums, vibrant street art, traditional markets, and festivals, which vividly showcase the country’s artistic heritage and culinary diversity.

Exploring Mexico City offers an immersive experience of warm hospitality, a diverse food scene, timeless traditions, and captivating history, providing an enriching travel destination for any traveler.

As someone who lives in Mexico and has lived in Mexico City, I can provide insights into traveling alone as a woman in this Latin American capital that has a notorious safety reputation.

Along with travel tips, this Mexico City solo travel guide will give you a general feel of what’s it like to travel here alone from a foreign woman who has lived here.

Mexico City Solo Travel Itinerary (Quick List) If you’re short on time, here are a few top picks and tips for solo travel to Mexico City. You can find even more in the full itinerary below! Best Neighborhoods To Stay: – Roma hotels – Condesa hotels – including excellent hostels like Casa Pancha & Roomies Hostel Condesa – Polanco hotels – Click here for a full list of Mexico City hotels & rentals Top-Rated Tours: – Xochimilco, Coyoacán, and Frida Kahlo Museum Tour – Hot Air Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan – Chapultepec Castle & Anthropology Museum Tour – Click here for a full list Mexico City tours Culinary Experiences: – Private Food Tour of Mexico City – EatWith (eat in a local home) – Click here for a full list of Mexico City food experiences Mexico City Safety Tips: While Mexico City is safe for solo travel, it’s still smart to pack travel safety essentials . One top pick is the She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm , which is TSA-approved and can help scare away potential attackers. Other recommendations include Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments and Speakeasy Travel Supply Hidden Pocket Scarves .

Table of Contents

Resources For Solo Travel In Mexico City [Free Course]

But first, before we get into our Mexico City solo female travel guide, I invite you to grab a seat in Jessie’s  free Savvy Solo Traveler E-Course .

The 6-day course is designed to help you feel confident about booking your first solo trip and exploring the world alone.

Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect solo trip
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Once you’ve  grabbed your seat , read on to learn about solo female travel in Mexico City.

solo travel in Mexico City

Solo Travel In Mexico City: Is It Worth It?

Mexico City may not be your first destination in mind when it comes to solo female travel so let’s kick this guide off by answering the question, “is it even worth it?”

Mexico City offers an engaging blend of diverse cultures, fascinating history, and unique attractions catering to solo travelers.

It’s one of the top places to travel solo in Mexico – especially as it’s home to some of the world’s best museums, such as the Museum of Anthropology and the Frida Kahlo Museum, showcasing a rich cultural and artistic history.

mexico city solo travel

The city’s culinary scene is also world-renowned, from street food to Michelin-starred restaurants.

In 2021, Mexico City became a top spot for digital nomads due to the lower cost of living. From then, the digital nomad community of foreigners kept growing, which may be a reasonable justification for you to visit.

Meaning, you can easily make friends and meet people here as a solo traveler. It’s a melting pot – everyone’s here!

Where Is Mexico City?

Mexico City, the capital of Mexico , is located in the southeastern part of the country. It is situated in the Valley of Mexico, also called the Basin of Mexico, a large valley in the high plateaus in the center of Mexico, at an altitude of 2,240 meters or about 7,350 feet.

The city is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, creating a uniquely beautiful landscape. Geographically, it’s roughly in the middle of the country, making it a significant hub for transportation and travel in Mexico.

Best Time To Visit Mexico City

The best time to visit Mexico City for good weather is during the dry season, which runs from late November to April .

During these months, the city experiences less rainfall and has an average temperature of around 20-24°C (68-75°F), providing a pleasant climate for exploring the city’s outdoor attractions.

Remember that Mexico City is at a high altitude, so the city can have warm days but cooler nights. Packing a jacket or sweater is advised even during these months.

Actually, make sure to always pack a jacket because the weather in Mexico City can be really unpredictable. It also can have occasional rain showers even in the dry season so expect different layers of weather when you visit.

I personally think that Mexico City is an all-year-round destination, but I love rain so it might be different for you. I also live in Cabo where we don’t experience rain at all, so visiting Mexico City with a different climate is always a joy for me.

The rainy season in Mexico City typically begins in May and ends in October, with the heaviest rainfall usually occurring from June to August. Keep this in mind if you want to avoid a wet trip to Mexico City.

Mexico City cityscape

Getting To Mexico City

Mexico City, being the capital, has all the transportation types that make travel from here to other parts of the country easy. For instance, if you are going to other parts of Mexico, flights will always stop in Mexico City.

Mexico City International Airport is the main flying hub, not just for Mexico but for Latin America. Most flights from the USA, Canada, Europe, and even Japan are direct!

Once you arrive at the airport, it’s relatively easy to get to your hotel; however, remember that Ubers are not allowed to operate in Mexico City or any other airports in Mexico.

You have to pay for a licensed taxi to get to your hotel, which can be double the price of an Uber. There is no airport train, unfortunately, and if you want to take the bus, you have to walk out of the airport (which is quite a walk).

The good news is you can take Uber to the airport to save on costs. They are allowed to drop off passengers but not pick them up.

Getting Around Mexico City As A Solo Traveler

Mexico City is a big city and as a tourist, you will most probably focus on the trendy neighborhoods of Condesa , Roma , and Polanco . These are the top three areas for tourists and are labeled as the safest areas.

Within these neighborhoods, you don’t need public transportation. You can even walk from one neighborhood to another. The bulk of your things to do in Mexico City are here, so get ready to do a lot of walking!

If you need to go to another tourist attraction outside these areas – like the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan – Uber is cheap and easy to hail.

solo female traveler exploring Mexico City

As unpredictable as the weather is, heavy traffic in Mexico City is also inevitable. Personally, when taking Uber, I always expect traffic jams no matter what time of the day.

Mexico City has a train but I don’t take it because Uber is cheap and more convenient. The city’s train is not well-maintained and in the last few years there have been many incidents of collisions and accidents.

Buses are also common and can be found everywhere, but you need to speak very good Spanish to be able to navigate or ask around if you are on the right bus.

I would only recommend buses if you are going to nearby cities like Queretaro or San Miguel de Allende. These are first-class buses and are really easy to hop into. Within the city, just take an Uber.

Mexico City Travel Map

To help give you a lay of the land, here is a map for visiting Mexico City solo. It includes most of the main points and activities mentioned below pre-plotted:

Mexico City solo travel map

Click here for an interactive version of the map .

Is Mexico City Safe For Solo Female Travelers?

According to Travel Safe-Abroad , while Mexico City does experience crime, travelers who stay aware of their surroundings and practice common sense should be fine – especially as tourists are rarely targeted. That being said, pickpocketing is common, so make sure you know how to avoid pickpockets .

In my opinion, solo female travel safety is objective and personal. I do feel safe in Mexico City because first, I have been living in Mexico for the last five years; I know how to behave and move here like I am a Mexican.

Additionally, I also speak Spanish which makes locals not mistake me as a foreigner. Sure, they know I am a foreigner by looking at me but when I start speaking to them in their language, they treat me as a local.

As in many other destinations, solo female travel is often daunting if it’s your first time, especially in a city with a bad press when it comes to safety.

solo female traveler in Mexico City in front of a Mexico Mi Amor sign

I also believe that safety is not dependent on the places we travel to but on our behavior when we are traveling. In Mexico, I learned that the more you lay low and don’t draw too much attention to yourself, the more that travel becomes safe.

What do I mean by “drawing attention?”

For many of our North American neighbors, Mexico is a place to party, and partying often means drugs. I always tell my friends that buying drugs is the only reason why you will get into trouble anywhere in Mexico (or in the world).

When it comes to how to stay safe in Mexico City, know this: you can enjoy the city without drugs. Do not get too drunk and do not walk alone after 10pm. Sure, you can drink and have fun as this is also a party city; but, make sure you can handle yourself and bring yourself home safely.

Where To Stay On A Solo Trip To Mexico City

Mexico City is a big city, so the best areas to stay in are within the areas where tourists frequent.

Known for its artistic and bohemian vibe, Roma is home to indie boutiques, art galleries, and a thriving culinary scene. Here, you can wander down tree-lined streets, explore vintage markets, or dine in trendy eateries.

Roma is walkable and has good public transportation options, including the metro and buses.

Click here for a full list of Roma hotels!

Known as Mexico City’s most upscale neighborhood, I recommend staying in Polanco if you’re looking for high-end shopping, luxury hotels, and top-tier restaurants.

It’s one of the city’s safest neighborhoods. Public transit is readily available, though the area is also walkable.

Click here for a full list of Polanco hotels!

woman traveling solo in Mexico City relaxing in a hotel

Popular among young professionals, Condesa offers a mix of vibrant nightlife, lush parks, and Art Deco architecture. Enjoy the cafe culture, stroll in Parque Mexico, or get into its vibrant nightlife.

Condesa is pedestrian-friendly, and you can also use the EcoBici bike-sharing system.

Here you’ll also find some of the best hostels in Mexico City, like Casa Pancha and Roomies Hostel Condesa . If you don’t like the idea of sharing a room with strangers, keep in mind that many hostels also offer private rooms.

Click here for a full list of Condesa hotels!

Steeped in history, Coyoacan is the place to explore the Frida Kahlo Museum, or visit the vibrant Coyoacan Market. It’s one of the best places to stay for small-town charm, with cobbled streets and colonial architecture.

Safety can vary, so it’s advised to take common precautions. The neighborhood is served by the light rail system and buses. Walking is also an enjoyable option here.

Click here for a full list of Coyoacan hotels!

Hotels & Rentals In Mexico City

If you want to research local Mexico City hotels as well as self-contained stays, this map   can help you compare your options. It’s set to show hotels and rentals in the Roma neighborhood, but you can easily change this based on where you’re staying:

Are you a plant-based traveler? Here are some of the best vegan-friendly resorts in Mexico !

Top Things To Do Alone In Mexico City

As a large city, you will never run out of things to do in Mexico City. To help you with planning your solo itinerary, here are the best things you shouldn’t miss, especially if it’s your first time.

1. Frida Kahlo Museum

Located in the vibrant neighborhood of Coyoacan, the Frida Kahlo Museum , or “Casa Azul” (Blue House), is the childhood home of the famous Mexican painter.

It was transformed into a museum in 1958, four years after Kahlo’s death. The museum houses an extensive collection of Kahlo’s work, personal belongings, and pre-Hispanic artifacts she collected.

Tip: it’s one of the most visited museums in Mexico City, so buy your tickets 1-3 months in advance. You can click here to purchase them . If you’re interested in exploring art in Mexico City , this is a must-do.

exterior of the Frida Kahlo Museum

2. Teotihuacan

When exploring Mexico City as a solo female traveler, you can’t miss Teotihuacan .

Known as the “City of the Gods,” it’s an ancient Mesoamerican city located 50 kilometers (31 miles) northeast of Mexico City. It flourished from the 1st to the 7th century AD, making it one of the most significant archaeological sites in Mexico.

Here, you can explore the immense Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon , and stroll down the Avenue of the Dead .

Tip: go early to avoid the midday sun and bring plenty of water. Wear comfortable shoes – it’s a lot of walking!

You can also opt for one of the many guided tours that visit here, like:

  • Teotihuacan Early Access Tour with Tequila Tasting
  • Hot Air Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan
  • Teotihuacan Private Tour from Mexico City
  • Teotihuacan, Guadalupe Shrine, Tlatelolco & Tequila Tasting Tour

visiting the Teotihuacan pyramids during Mexico City solo travel

3. Xochimilco

Xochimilco , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is known for its extensive network of canals and artificial islands, or chinampas . Traditionally decorated, colorful flat-bottomed boats called trajineras navigate these canals.

The area offers a glimpse into the ancient agricultural practices of the Aztecs and is a popular spot for festivities.

You can visit the site on its own, or combine the experience with others on a guided tour from Mexico City like a Xochimilco, Coyoacán, and Frida Kahlo Museum Tour or a City Tour and Xochimilco Floating Gardens Experience .

woman visiting Xochimilco's floating gardens while traveling solo in Mexico City

4. Anthropology Museum

The National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City is one of the world’s most renowned anthropology museums.

It houses artifacts from Mexico’s pre-Columbian era, including the famous Aztec Calendar Stone and the replica tomb of the Mayan ruler Pakal .

The museum is a stunning modernist architecture with a massive stone umbrella at its center. It’s also vast, so allot at least half a day to explore.

5. Grutas Tolantongo

Grutas Tolantongo is a natural paradise in the Mezquital Valley of Hidalgo , approximately 180 kilometers (112 miles) north of Mexico City.

It’s a unique resort set in a canyon, famous for its strikingly beautiful hot spring caves and turquoise-blue, mineral-infused pools situated on the cliffs.

solo female traveler in Mexico City swimming in Grutas Tolantongo

You’ve probably come across this on Instagram as it is one of the most popular Instagrammable spots in Mexico!

6. Chapultepec Park

Chapultepec Park , often compared to Central Park in New York, is one of the largest city parks in the Western Hemisphere. It’s an amazing place housing numerous attractions, including Chapultepec Castle, several museums, a zoo, and a lake.

The park has been a site of significance since Aztec times and offers a welcome respite from the city’s hustle and bustle.

I recommend visiting on a weekday if possible, as it can get crowded on weekends. Don’t miss the view from Chapultepec Castle !

solo traveler in Mexico City visiting Chapultepec Castle

7. Centro Historico

Centro Historico , or the Historic Center, is the heart of Mexico City and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Established on the ruins of Tenochtitlán , the capital of the Aztec empire, it became the center of New Spain after the Spanish conquest.

The neighborhood showcases the city’s rich history – with buildings dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries – and is a living testament to Mexico City’s cultural evolution.

Key attractions include:

  • the Zócalo , one of the largest public squares in the world,
  • the stunning Metropolitan Cathedral , the largest cathedral in the Americas,
  • and the National Palace , which houses Diego Rivera’s famous murals depicting Mexico’s history.

Nearby, the Templo Mayor , an Aztec archaeological site, offers a glimpse into pre-Hispanic times.

The area is also known for its bustling markets, boutiques, and eateries, where you can sample local cuisine. A maze of streets, brimming with architectural treasures, museums, and art galleries, make the Centro Historico a must-visit in Mexico City.\

mexico city solo travel

8. Chinatown

Mexico City’s Chinatown , known as “Barrio Chino,” is a small two-block area located in the historic city center on Dolores Street . While modest in size, it’s a vibrant district with a rich history.

Its development began in the late 19th century with the influx of Chinese immigrants to Mexico. It’s a great place to experience Chinese-Mexican culture, explore shops selling Asian goods, and enjoy Chinese cuisine with a Mexican twist.

The district is known for its colorful archway, street food stalls, and annual Chinese New Year celebrations.

9. Eat street food

Fun fact: there are 46,000 taquerias in Mexico, of which 2,862 are in Mexico City!

Mexico City’s street food culture is an integral part of its identity, reflecting its rich culinary tradition. From taco stands to tlacoyos (oval-shaped cornmeal patties topped with a variety of ingredients), the city’s streets are teeming with mouthwatering food.

One of the most beloved street foods is the taco al pastor, a Lebanese-inspired dish made with marinated pork cooked on a vertical spit and served with pineapple.

solo traveler eating tacos al pastor in Mexico City

Also worth trying are churros (fried dough dusted with sugar) and elotes (corn on the cob served with chili, lime, cheese, and mayo).

One of the best ways to explore local street food is on a guided tour, such as a Mexico City Street Food Experience or a Private Food Tour of Mexico City . You can click here for a full list of Mexico City food tours .

10. Eat in a local home

If you’re still hungry after your tour, a guaranteed way to meet people as a solo traveler in Mexico City is to book a dining experience in a local home. One company that offers this is EatWith , which also offers culinary tours, classes, and experiences.

11. Discover Mexico City nightlife

Mexico City’s nightlife is as diverse as its daylife, with a mix of traditional cantinas, dance clubs, mezcalerias, and jazz lounges.

Zona Rosa and Polanco are known for stylish bars and dance clubs, while Roma and Condesa offer a bohemian vibe with craft beer pubs, mezcalerias , and live music venues.

The city’s nightlife is a blend of modern and traditional, with the age-old cantinas in the historic center serving tequila and pulque , a fermented maguey sap drink.

two mugs with pulque

Mexico City is a night owl, and bars are open until 5 AM! There will be street food all over the city operating until late, too.

Top Tours For Solo Travelers In Mexico City

While traveling to Mexico City alone as a woman can feel daunting, one way to immerse yourself in local culture while meeting other people is by booking a guided tour. A few top-rated options include:

  • Xochimilco, Coyoacán, and Frida Kahlo Museum Tour
  • Puebla, Cholula & Tonantzintla Day Trip from Mexico City
  • Private Food Tour of Mexico City
  • Chapultepec Castle & Anthropology Museum Tour

Click here for a full list of tours in Mexico City !

Tips For Solo Dining In Mexico City

Exploring food in Mexico City is one of the top local experiences – even if you’re eating alone. Here are some tips for dining out when traveling alone to Mexico City:

Opt for street food. Street food in Mexico City is communal so you will often find yourself standing or sitting with locals. Along with giving you the opportunity to connect with locals and meet other people, it also helps you save money and stick to a solo travel budget .

Every cafe is a digital nomad hub. Particularly in Roma and Condesa, you will often come across foreigners – who are also traveling solo – working on their laptops while eating. Even if you are not sharing a table, the conversation will flow naturally.

solo traveler in Mexico City eating street food tacos

Ask for a bar seat. Bartenders are often chatty, welcoming, and entertaining, especially to solo travelers. Plus, fellow solo travelers also tend to sit by the bar, so don’t be surprised if you end your meal with a new friend.

Always say hola. Mexico and the Latin culture generally have strong greeting cultures. Everyone says hola (hello) to everyone, and it’s not weird. They will say hola back. Try entering a restaurant and say “hola, buenos dias!” (hello, good morning!), even to diners. You’ll see that Mexico City locals will typically respond.

Go on a food tour . When traveling to Mexico City alone or even in a group, at least one food tour is obligatory. Apart from meeting other travelers on a tour, you’ll get to taste delicious Mexican food. Additionally, you might opt to eat in a local home to have a true taste of local culture.

Treat yourself to a fine dining restaurant. Mexico City is home to many best restaurants in the world with affordable 9-course tasting menus from $140 USD. Go to Pujol or Quintonil to get an interactive meal.

Estimated Mexico City Solo Trip Cost

For a solo traveler, a decent hotel in Mexico City starts at $55 USD. Street food is around $3 USD while a meal at a nice restaurant can cost $9 USD.

If you want to splurge on accommodations, many five-star hotels start from $90 USD. Tasting menus in very popular restaurants cost $90 – $120 USD.

All tours range from $25-$125 USD, depending on the activity that you are doing. There are many free things to do in Mexico City, too!

Not including accommodations, $30 USD per day is a very good budget for solo travel to Mexico City.

And if you’re looking for budget-friendly accommodation in Mexico City, check out this map   to peruse a mix of hotels and holiday rentals in the Roma neighborhood:

Travel Insurance For Solo Travel In Mexico City

When visiting Mexico City solo — or anywhere else in the world — it’s wise to get travel insurance.

One of the  best travel medical insurance for travelers  is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country.

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

Frequently Asked Questions About Mexico City Solo Travel

Still have questions about visiting Mexico City alone? Here are answers to common queries:

Q) Is Mexico City safe to travel alone?

Like any major city, Mexico City has areas that are safe and others that are less so, but overall, it is generally safe for solo travelers who take standard precautions such as avoiding less secure areas, especially at night, and being mindful of their belongings.

Q) How many days do you need in Mexico City?

For a first-time visitor, a trip of about 4 to 5 days is usually sufficient to explore the key attractions of Mexico City, such as the historic center, the Frida Kahlo Museum, the pyramids of Teotihuacan, and Xochimilco. However, if you wish to delve deeper into the city’s culture, and explore its diverse neighborhoods, museums, and cuisine at a more leisurely pace, you might want to consider a week or longer.

hot air balloons over Teotihuacan

Q) What are the top things to do alone in Mexico City at night?

Mexico City at night offers a range of activities for solo travelers. You can immerse yourself in the vibrant culinary scene, enjoy traditional mariachi music at Plaza Garibaldi, attend a Ballet Folklorico performance, or partake in cultural events at various museums. Always remember to stay in well-lit, busy areas and exercise standard precautions for your safety.

Q) Is Mexico City a walkable city?

Mexico City is quite expansive, but many of its central neighborhoods, such as Condesa, Roma, Polanco, and the historic center, are indeed walkable with many attractions, restaurants, and shops close to each other. However, given the city’s size and the distance between some attractions, you’ll likely need to use public transportation or taxis at times.

Q) Can I use Uber in Mexico City?

Yes, Uber is widely available and commonly used in Mexico City, providing a convenient and often safer alternative to traditional taxis. It’s an efficient way to navigate the city, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the public transportation system.

exterior of the Palacio de Bellas Artes at sunset

Final Thoughts On Solo Travel To Mexico City

Mexico City is a world-class city despite its bad press. It is easy to travel here alone as a woman because there’s always an opportunity to meet people.

You’ll see that you will keep coming back after your first solo trip to Mexico City! Consider your source and only ask people who have been instead of browsing the news.

The situation on the ground is always different, so take advice from someone who knows Mexico City well.

Bonus  Mexico Travel Guides :

15 Best Beach Clubs In Holbox Island, Mexico

6 Best Beaches In Holbox, Mexico (Stunning!)

23 Best Things To Do In Holbox Island, Mexico (+ Sample Itinerary!)

14 Travel Tips For Puerto Vallarta For A Fun & Safe Trip (In-Depth Guide!)

Solo Travel In Puerto Vallarta: The Ultimate Guide

5 Active Ways To Explore Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula

Puebla, Mexico: The World’s Only To Make Talavera Ceramics

12 Things You Didn’t Know About Puebla, Mexico

21 Best Vegan Resorts In Mexico

Solo Travel In Mexico City: The Ultimate Guide

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About The Author

Currently living in Mexico, Trisha Velarmino is an award-winning journalist who produced TV and radio shows for major channels like BBC and CNN. She’s given TEDx talks about creating genuine content and making the Internet a better place for learning and development. She’s the founder of P.S. I’m On My Way and Mexico Insider . You can follow her adventures on Instagram and TikTok .

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The article is just amazing! Now I definitely want to go on this amazing journey and enjoy it. Thanks a lot for the inspiration!

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Solo travel in Mexico - is Mexico safe for solo female travelers?

Discover everything you need to know about solo travel in Mexico including the best places in Mexico to travel alone as well as expert Mexico travel advice.

Discover the best ways to stay safe and healthy when travelling alone in Mexico

If you are dreaming of escaping on a grand adventure, Mexico is a great destination to choose from. It is rich in culture, boasts amazing cuisine, and is relatively close to major US airports. Solo travel in Mexico offers the freedom to explore and discover everything this country has to offer without being bound to rigid tour schedules or other people’s routines. Solo travel is an incredible, immersive travel experience and more so in Mexico where you have luscious tropical forests, sunkissed white sand beaches, and breathtaking mountain scenery at your fingertips. Of course, solo travel is always more daunting than traveling with friends or family, so, we put together the best destinations to enjoy alone in Mexico . Are you ready to venture off the beaten track and enjoy the magic of Mexico ?

Female solo travel in Mexico

Traveling alone is a great soul-searching exercise that offers bountiful rewards in the form of new friends, unforgettable experiences, and everlasting memories. Solo travel is experiencing a boom and it is estimated that more females are traveling alone than their male counterparts. Solo female travel in Mexico is not to be missed. Not only does Mexico provide both the Caribbean and Pacific coastlines to enjoy, but it also offers breathtaking ancient ruins that tell stories of both the Aztecs and the Mayans in addition to the brightly colored traditions that are also celebrated across towns and cities. But, that’s not all, anyone interested in participating in Mexico solo female travel will be met with:

  • Lush tropical forests full of exotic wildlife
  • A world-class offering of museums, bars, and must-visit restaurants
  • Delicious, mouth-watering cuisine served on every street corner
  • An abundance of activities to enjoy such as diving, hiking, or even learning Spanish
  • Great transport connections across the country

Solo Traveller's Mexico Travel Advice

When partaking in solo travel in Mexico, it is always worth brushing up on some key phrases in Mexican Spanish. Not only will it help to orientate you once you land but locals will love the fact that you are making an effort to integrate. Apart from learning the lingo, it is also worth creating a rough itinerary since Mexico is a huge country with lots of land to explore. Make the most of your trip by pinpointing exactly which unmissable highlights to visit and plan your travel around those. Our solo traveler’s guide to Mexico will help to lead you to the best places for your personality. Beach lovers will fall in love with Ixtapa and its bohemian coastal vibe while fans of the city shouldn’t miss out on the dizzying highs of Mexico City and Querétaro.

Discover the best things to do when travelling to Mexico City alone as a woman

Planning a solo trip to Mexico - Riviera Maya

If you are enjoying solo travel in Mexico for the first time, then the Riviera Maya is the perfect destination to explore. A hotspot for foreign tourists, this picture-postcard corner of Mexico is filled with the mystical ruins of Mayan civilization, luxury hotels , and some of the best beaches in the Caribbean. Tulum solo travel is a popular option for those wanting to disconnect and enjoy the natural beauty of this boho paradise. Tulum offers a hippy alternative to the built-up neighboring towns surrounding it. This idyllic enclave offers relative safety and an accessible base from which to explore the sacred town of Chichen-Itza . On a solo trip to Tulum , enjoy scuba diving in the coral reef or venture into the wilderness of Xcaret in the neighboring town of Playa del Carmen for a wildlife-fuelled adventure into the jungle.

Discover top travel destinations in our solo travellers guide to Mexico

Travelling alone in Mexico - Cancun

Planning a solo trip to Cancun is the ultimate recipe for a relaxing, luxurious getaway . Once upon a time, this white sand paradise was a small fishing village, but, with the arrival of mass tourism, this corner of Mexico has become the must-visit tourist destination , attracting visitors from across the globe in hordes. Cancun solo travel , especially Cancun solo female travel is perhaps the easiest of all solo travel adventures you could embark upon in Mexico. Thanks to the well-established infrastructure of this city, it is easy to navigate on foot, allowing you to go from the beach to the local flea markets without the stress of navigating local transit. Solo travel in Mexico doesn’t mean you need to miss out on all the fun of a night out on the town. Cancun is famous for its hectic nightlife which illuminates the city once the sun goes down and, for those who are avid golf fans, Cancun boasts 15 golf courses to enjoy.

Uncover the best places in Mexico to travel alone

Solo travelling Mexico - Mexico City

Traveling to Mexico City alone as a woman doesn’t need to be a daunting experience. This city is a world of its own, bursting with an eclectic cultural scene full of music, art, and unique experiences. While staying in Mexico City retrace the steps of Mexico’s great artists such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera with a trip to Coyoacán and the ‘La Casa Azul’, Kahlo’s home where she lived and painted many of her great works. Soak up the cosmopolitan atmosphere of this Aztec city with a stroll down the Avenida de la Reforma, the city’s most famous street, where many concerts and cultural events have taken place and where it is possible to see a mix of the different styles of architecture that make up this iconic capital city. For those searching for more adventure on their solo travel in Mexico, venture from Mexico City to Puebla, Oaxaca or even to the resort of Ixtapa to further enjoy the spirit of Mexico.

Querétaro - Mexico solo travel itinerary

Querétaro is a real sensory delight and one of the best places in Mexico to travel alone . Located just 200km from Mexico City, Querétero offers a picturesque place to stay with a glimpse into the pre-Colombian era of Mexico. Cobbled pathways, decadent churches, and elaborate fountains decorate each corner of this cosmopolitan city. Anyone planning a Mexico solo travel itinerary should consider beginning their trip in Querétero to witness the magnificent 18th-century aqueduct, the El Cerrito pyramid, and soak up some authentic Mexican city life. Since Querétero is a major business hub, the city strikes the ideal balance between old and new and it is certainly one for wine lovers to visit while enjoying solo travel in Mexico since it is Mexico’s second-largest wine region.


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  • North America Tours
  • Mexico Tours

Mexico Solo Trips and Holidays 2024/2025

Mexico solo tours are for independent travelers who prefer to explore on their own. Spend time in the community of San Pedro Tlahuac, home to Nahuatl descendants, and learn about traditions like chinampa farming, fiestas, and ancient ceremonies by joining a group tour or all on your own. Take your time exploring the Mayan temples of Palenque and the ancient citadel of Chichen Itza, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, without feeling rushed. Take a detour from a Tulum tour to enjoy some downtime in the beachside hub of Playa del Carmen and go solo on a snorkeling or scuba-diving adventure. You could also join a Mexico group tour spontaneously for specific activities and to travel to certain destinations with like-minded travelers. While on your Mexico solo travel, embark on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, networking with like-minded travelers, and personal growth while enjoying the beauty and diversity of the country. Below are some of the most sought-after solo trips to Mexico for you.

  • Things to do in Mexico
  • Best Time To Visit Mexico

177 solo trips in Mexico

Mexico Unplugged Tour

  • Starts Mexico City, Mexico
  • Ends Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Mexico Unplugged

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Small Group Tour
  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & City sightseeing Cultural, religious and historic sites , City sightseeing & Natural landmarks sightseeing 'data-more-tripid='3473'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Taxi & Ferry
  • Age Range 15-99 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,930
  • Special Deal (25%): - US$ 482
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,448
  • May 18 Only 5 seats left
  • Jun 01 Only 3 seats left
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Highlights Of Mexico Tour

  • Ends Mexico City, Mexico

Highlights of Mexico

  • Activities Adventure & Honeymoon
  • Accommodation Hotel & Resort
  • Transport Boat
  • Age Range 18-99 yrs
  • May 18 Only 8 seats left
  • May 25 Only 8 seats left

Mexico City Stopover Tour

Mexico City Stopover

  • Activities City sightseeing
  • Transport Bus
  • May 18 10+ seats left
  • May 19 10+ seats left

Mexico Real Food Adventure Tour

  • Ends Santa María Huatulco, Mexico

Mexico Real Food Adventure

  • Activities Food tours
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Taxi & Boat
  • Jul 13 Only 7 seats left
  • Sep 14 Only 8 seats left

Mexico Yucatán Experience Tour

  • Starts Cancún, Mexico

Mexico Yucatán Experience

  • Tour Type Group Tour
  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Beach Cultural, religious and historic sites , Beach & Local boat rides 'data-more-tripid='37265'>+1 more
  • Transport Boat, Private Vehicle, Ferry, Minibus & Flight
  • Age Range 18-40 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,245
  • Special Deal (20%): - US$ 449
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,796
  • Jun 16 10+ seats left
  • Jul 14 10+ seats left

Best Of Mexico Tour

Best of Mexico

  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Local culture
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Bus & Boat
  • Brochure Price: US$ 4,460
  • Special Deal (10%): - US$ 446
  • Total Price from: US$ 4,014
  • May 18 Only 4 seats left

Wonders Of The Maya Tour

  • Ends Cancún, Mexico

Wonders Of The Maya

  • Activities Art and architecture & Active and outdoor
  • Age Range 10-99 yrs
  • Operated in English, Spanish
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,605
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 241
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,364
  • Jun 09 Only 10 seats left
  • Jun 23 Only 10 seats left

Mexico Highlights (from Cancun) Express Travel Pass Tour

Mexico Highlights (from Cancun) Express Travel Pass

  • Activities Explorer & Sightseeing Tours Explorer , Sightseeing Tours & Walking tours 'data-more-tripid='26858'>+1 more
  • May 13 10+ seats left
  • May 14 10+ seats left

Yucatan Peninsula Adventure Tour

  • Starts Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
  • Ends Tulum, Mexico

Yucatan Peninsula Adventure

  • Activities Beach & Chill out
  • Accommodation Resort & Hotel
  • Transport Private Vehicle
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,265
  • Special Deal (5%): - US$ 113
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,152
  • May 25 Only 3 seats left
  • Aug 31 Only 8 seats left

Viva Mexico Tour

Viva Mexico

  • Free cancellation
  • Trip customizable
  • Tour Type Private Tour
  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Beach Cultural, religious and historic sites , Beach , City sightseeing & Honeymoon 'data-more-tripid='35052'>+2 more
  • Transport Boat, Bus & Taxi
  • Age Range 15-79 yrs

Magical Mexico Tour

Magical Mexico

  • Activities Explorer & Beach
  • Age Range 8-95 yrs
  • May 25 10+ seats left
  • Jun 01 10+ seats left

Mexico City: Day Of The Dead Original Tour

Mexico City: Day of the Dead Original

  • Activities Explorer & Day of the Dead Festival Explorer , Day of the Dead Festival & Festivals and events 'data-more-tripid='10175'>+1 more
  • Transport Private Vehicle & Boat
  • Oct 30 Only 5 seats left
  • Oct 31 Only 3 seats left

Real Mexico Tour

Real Mexico

  • Activities Adventure
  • Accommodation Hotel, Resort, Eco Lodge & Lodge
  • Transport Bus, Private Vehicle, Boat, Ferry & Taxi
  • Age Range 18-35 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,575
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 236
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,339
  • Jun 12 Only 7 seats left
  • Jul 03 Only 9 seats left

Magic Chiapas Tour

  • Starts Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico
  • Ends Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico

Magic Chiapas

  • Transport Boat & Bus
  • Brochure Price: US$ 812
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 122
  • Total Price from: US$ 690
  • Jun 08 Only 4 seats left
  • Jun 12 Only 4 seats left

Traveling to Mexico alone? Chat with a local travel expert in Mexico who can help build the perfect solo trip in Mexico.

Ivana Gasser

Mexico Solo Trip Reviews

  • Zoe Mackenzie
  • Katy McCullagh

Solo trips and solo holidays

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Mexico upcoming departures

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Mexico Trips for Solo Travelers

  • Start Date Select Month May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 March 2025 April 2025 May 2025 June 2025 July 2025 August 2025 September 2025 October 2025 November 2025 December 2025 January 2026 February 2026 March 2026 April 2026 May 2026 OR, More specific start
  • Easy Active
  • Food & Wine
  • Scheduled Group Tour
  • Solo Travel
  • Wildlife & Safari Exploration
  • Adventure Options
  • Archaeological Site Visits
  • Cooking Classes
  • Horseback Riding
  • Local Market Visits
  • Photography Seminars
  • Scuba Diving
  • Small Ship Cruises
  • Stand Up Paddle Boarding
  • Urban Exploration
  • Village Visits
  • Whale Watching
  • Whitewater Rafting
  • Wilderness Lodge Exploration
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • National Geographic Sea Bird
  • National Geographic Sea Lion
  • National Geographic Venture
  • Safari Voyager

Premium Mexico Yucatan Highlights

  • Visit Chichen Itza, Muyil, & Tulum
  • Experience local life in community
  • Enjoy in a old-world charm hotel
  • Explore Tulum archaeological site
  • Meet with a local conservationist

Premium Mexico in Depth

  • Visit the vibrant Mexico City
  • Tour Teotihuacan ruins
  • Visit Oaxaca archaeological site
  • Explore Celestun Bird Sanctuary
  • Enjoy the resort town of Tulum

Best of Mexico

  • See Mexico's Metropolitan Cathedral
  • Discover Teotihuacan ruins
  • Relax in Playa del Carmen resort

Baja California's Whales & Sealife

  • Snorkel with young sea lion pups
  • Hike around rugged islands
  • Go gray whale watching
  • Kayak around coastal rocks

Mexico Travel Guide

  • All Mexico Trips
  • Mexico Adventure Cruises
  • Mexico Overview
  • Mexico Festivals!
  • Beaches in Mexico
  • Mexico FAQs
  • Shuffle your feet in the sand

Favorite Mexico All Trips

  • Yucatan Explorer
  • Chiapas Adventure
  • Chiapas Maya Heartland
  • Baja's Bounty
  • Oaxaca Traditions
  • Into the Canyon
  • Trekking Copper Canyon
  • Oaxaca Culinary Tour

Top Mexico Travel Destinations

  • Central America & Mexico

Mexico Trips by Departure Date

  • 2024 Mexico trips (16)
  • 2025 Mexico trips (18)
  • 2026 Mexico trips (15)
  • June 2024 (13)
  • November 2024 (14)
  • December 2024 (16)
  • January 2025 (15)
  • February 2025 (15)
  • March 2025 (15)
  • January 2026 (13)
  • February 2026 (13)
  • March 2026 (13)

Top Experiences in Mexico

  • Mexico Land Tours (13)
  • Mexico Wildlife & Safari Exploration (9)
  • Mexico Cruises (7)
  • Mexico Cultural (6)
  • Mexico Active (6)
  • Mexico Beaches (6)
  • Mexico Solo Travel (4)
  • Mexico Scheduled Group Tour (3)

Mexico Trips by Duration

  • 7 day trips (3)
  • 8 day trips (8)
  • 15 day trips (3)

Mexico Trips by Activity

  • Mexico wildlife viewing (15)
  • Mexico whale watching (9)
  • Mexico archaeological site visits (9)
  • Mexico village visits (8)
  • Mexico snorkeling (8)
  • Mexico kayaking (7)
  • Mexico hiking (7)
  • Mexico small ship cruises (6)
  • Mexico local market visits (5)
  • Mexico cooking classes (3)
  • Mexico biking (3)
  • Mexico urban exploration (3)

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mexique voyage solo

Solo Female Travel in Mexico – Your Essential Guide

03/25/2021 by Emily Becker Leave a Comment

mexique voyage solo

Mexico is by far my favorite place on the planet, and I’m partial to recommending other solo female travelers to come here to explore. Something I love about Mexico is that every city, town, and region has their own special thing that makes it unique. From the mole in Oaxaca to the mind blowing Mayan ruins of the Yucatán, each place worth a visit.

Here’s my complete guide for making your solo trip to Mexico the best it can be:

Table of Contents

The Best Destinations in Mexico for Solo Female Travelers:

1. guanajuato city, guanajuato.

mexique voyage solo

Guanajuato is a sprawling city that has a bit of everything. Because of its history as having once been one of the most wealthy places in Mexico, the streets are full of immaculately built buildings and some of the best architecture in the country. If it weren’t for the obvious Mexican elements, you might think you’ve been transported across the ocean to Spain!

While it is a larger city, there are a few smaller areas where travellers tend to congregate, making it easier than you’d expect to meet others. Sticking to the city center is always a great way to assure that you’ll cross paths with other travellers.

Guanajuato City itself is known for being pretty safe, but make sure to do your research on any places you plan to visit outside the city. The state of Guanajuato doesn’t have a great reputation for being safe, so if you have any doubts about any day trips it might be a good idea to go with a tour group.

2. Holbox, Quintana Roo

cancun things to do isla holbox

This little island in the Caribbean is an absolute dream. I was enchanted the first time I went and I’ve been dying to go back ever since. Holbox is a great place for solo female travelers because it’s small, quiet, and social all at the same time. There are no cars on the island and most people get around by golf cart, which makes it a great place for first-time travelers because it is super accessible and easy to get around.

You’re likely to see the same faces over and over again in Holbox, and that can be really fun if you’re looking to meet new people. The laid back vibe of the island also lends itself to easily striking up a conversation with a stranger and feeling at ease.

Check out our post with plenty of other things to do on Holbox and around Cancún !

3. Mérida, Yucatán

mexique voyage solo

We’ve written about Mérida before because it’s one of the most magical places in Mexico and safe, too. I lived there for 3 months while in college and I found it incredibly difficult to leave. It’s an enchanting city with a ton of things to do and a friendly atmosphere.

I love Mérida’s cosmopolitan vibe. There are many foreigners living there who own restaurants and shops around town. You can find a French bakery right next to a Mexican taquería next to an Irish pub, literally!

Mérida has been named Mexico’s safest city and the second safest city in all of North America. This is especially reassuring if you’re a solo female traveler. In my experience the street harassment in Mérida is significantly less frequent than in other places in Mexico and even in the States.

4. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

mexique voyage solo

Oh, San Cristóbal . I have found that this city is the best in Mexico if you want to heal yourself and explore your spirituality. Located up in the mountains, San Cris is surrounded by nature. Whether you want to get out and hike in the woods, swim in a lake, or take a weekend trip to the beach, San Cris has it all.

I especially recommend San Cris for solo female travellers for a few reasons. First of all, it is easy (and fun!) to meet people here. It’s a very social city without the intense party atmosphere as other places. You can find chill breweries, coffee shops, and wineries to hang out and meet people at without the crazy spring break vibe you might find on the beach.

Another thing I love about San Cristóbal is how safe I feel here. Street harassment happens everywhere, but I have experienced far less than in other places. The overall relaxed feeling here is comforting and definitely makes me feel safer, which is something I hear from other women here all the time.

5. Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca

mexique voyage solo

Oaxaca’s biggest city is your perfect hub for Mexican culture, gastronomy, and natural wonders. Because of its location within Mexico, it’s also a great base if you want to go explore other areas. For example, if you want to trek to the beach at Puerto Escondido, you can easily get there from the city.

My absolute favorite thing about Oaxaca are the markets. I have spent days exploring each one, meandering and eating my way through. Besides that, there are a ton of things to do in Oaxaca and plenty of them can be done on a tour. These tours can be a great way to meet people if you want to make friends.

Oaxaca is pretty safe, but I don’t recommend walking anywhere at night alone. Even taxi drivers have creeped me out there, so keep that in mind if there are any nighttime activities you want to do. I found that I never was catcalled or harassed by a taxi driver when I had a man with me. A sad but true moment, for sure.

6. San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

mexique voyage solo

One of my favorite things about San Miguel de Allende is how warm and friendly the people are there. I once had a friend (a fellow solo female traveller) tell me that an elderly gentleman randomly gave her a bouquet of flowers on the street, just because!

For real though, San Miguel is incredibly enchanting and beautiful. The colonial architecture will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time and the gastronomy is incredible. It’s a very walkable city as well, so you can easily get around if you stay close to the city center.

If you’re big into art like me, San Miguel is heaven. It has been a hub for artists for literal centuries and you can find art galleries around just about every corner it seems. Being a relatively peaceful city, it’s a great place to ground and get into your own creativity, too!

How to Get Around:

santa rita hot springs

  • Cheap Airlines: The two best budget airlines here in Mexico are Aeroméxico and JetBlue, both of which fly to almost every airport in the country. I have found them both to be very reliable and a great bargain
  • Buses: Most people travel from city to city by bus here in Mexico. There are many options for buses, but I suggest sticking to the official buses if you can, like ADO. ADO is very popular and is the cleanest and most reliable company that I have found.
  • Colectivos: Also known as combis , these vans are great for short distances within a city or from one town to another. I don’t recommend taking them longer distances because they tend to get quite crowded and there is a higher risk that you could get pickpocketed. It’s helpful to have some command of Spanish if you plan to take these.
  • Taxis: Taxis in Mexico are cheap and reliable. If you meet a nice taxi driver in your destination, see if you can get his number to call him directly next time you need a lift somewhere. If he can’t take you, he will send somebody trustworthy who can. Uber is also available in many major cities.
  • Car Rentals: Sometimes a road trip is the best way to see parts of Mexico. I especially love rentals in Quintana Roo and Baja California. Be forewarned that they will never honor the price you book for online, so it’s best to show up and haggle in person.
  • Rideshare: Blablacar has become more and more popular in Mexico, especially in urban areas in and around Mexico City.
  • Walk: Especially with cities in Mexico, it is quite easy to get from place to place by walking. Due to the colonial architecture and city planning, things tend to be very close together in the city centers.

How to Meet Others While Traveling Solo in Mexico:


You might be surprised at how many people are traveling through Mexico solo. There are especially a lot of travelers from Central and South America who are making their way through Latin America by bike (yes, it’s a thing!), van, and hitchhiking.

  • Don’t be afraid to make the first move and say “hello” to fellow travelers. Sometimes you have to be the one to break the ice, especially if others are already traveling in a group and have their pals with them. In my experience, this has led to making some wonderful friends that I still keep in contact with.
  • Say “yes” to hanging out with strangers. I know this might sound a little intimidating to some, but you never know what adventure waits on the other side of a “yes.” Always trust your gut about the vibe someone gives you and, of course, if that person gives you a weird vibe it’s always best to say no. If not, I say go for it!
  • Stay in a hostel for the first few days in a new place. I’m someone who really likes her own space when I travel. However, I have found that booking a hostel for the first couple nights in a new place has helped me meet people and socialize before eventually finding a private room or Airbnb that I can have to myself.
  • Hit the apps (with caution!). Using apps like Tinder and Bumble can be a good way to meet people, even platonically. It’s always important to make it very clear what you’re looking for and be honest if you really just want to make friends. In my experience, it’s been totally chill and a really easy way to meet locals and travelers.

Volunteer Opportunities

mexique voyage solo

One way to meet other travelers and have an awesome experience while solo traveling in Mexico is to volunteer. Hostels are always looking for volunteers to help out in exchange for a place to stay. My favorite platform is Worldpackers.com (get $10 off your membership with discount code “BMTM”!) which has plenty of options in Mexico. From working on a farm to helping out in an eco village to the night shift at hostels, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re curious about what Worldpackers is all about, check out my post about my experience as a Worldpacker in the Mayan jungle.

How to Stay Safe While Traveling Solo in Mexico:

santiago waterfall baja sur

I have heard a lot of people (especially women) express grave concern about my solo traveling in Mexico, and I get it. What we see in the news about Mexico doesn’t really paint a pretty picture and for that reason a lot of people are afraid to travel alone here. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive, so I am happy to share some tips on how to stay safe:

  • Always research where you want to go before you book anything. I don’t recommend simply jumping on a bus and seeing where it takes you here in Mexico. Some areas are definitely more risky than others to travel to, so try to avoid even bussing through those places if you can.
  • Do not hitchhike. Obviously, if you’re an experienced hitchhiker and you feel fine about doing it in Mexico, go for it. I have hitchhiked all over Southern Africa but I would never give it a go here or even in my own country of the USA. It’s not common at all to hitchhike in Mexico, making it really unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
  • Don’t walk home alone at night anywhere.
  • Avoid drinking too much or being under the influence of any drugs with people you don’t know well. Even if it’s just going out with some people you met at your hostel, always make sure you have a plan for getting home and doing so with a clear head.
  • Always lock up your valuables when staying at hostels. Even if the people staying there seem awesome and trustworthy, it never hurts to keep your things safe.
  • DO bring a copy of your passport with you at all times, but DON’T bring the original copy out and about with you. Keep it locked up in a safe place.
  • There is a chance you could get pulled off a bus by immigration officials while en route to your destination. Stay calm, don’t panic, and hand over your passport when they ask. They might hassle you about where you’re going and how long you’re staying. If that happens, just answer confidently and don’t budge. Don’t bribe them if they give you a hard time, either.
  • Get travel insurance! Here’s an honest review on World Nomads, SafetyWings , and Faye Travel Insurance .

mexique voyage solo

First Name:

What to Pack:

mexique voyage solo

Especially if you’re going on a longer journey through Mexico and hitting up various places, make sure to bring layers. The weather here is drastically different on the beach than it is in the mountains, so I advise being prepared for both extremes.

  • Comfy walking shoes that go with everything. The list of shoes I own while living in Mexico is short: black work boots (Dr. Martens), black leather sandals (Sorel), running shoes, and huaraches (leather flats). These serve me well and I never have to worry about matching because they all go with everything.
  • Light layered clothing that you feel comfortable in. I recommend traveling with as little clothing as possible in Mexico because of how easy it is to get your laundry done. It’s very cheap and accessible to do laundry here, so I survive off mostly jeans, jean shorts, cotton tops, and cardigans.
  • Beach ready items such as your favorite swimsuit, coverup, and something to lay on. I don’t recommend a big bulky beach towel, so go for a lighter fabric throw if you can find one.
  • Chargers and adapters from the U.S. work in Mexico, but make sure you have a backup because sometimes the ones they sell here can fry the cord if you’re not careful.

Where to Find the Best Food:

mexique voyage solo

Mexico has the best food in the world. Okay, I said it, and I really do believe it, too! Each and every regional dish is bursting with flavors and I am always excited to try something new when I go to a new place. I mean, what did I even eat before I came to Mexico? Does it even matter? The food here really is THAT good.

  • The Market . I would recommend going to the market a thousand times over going to any fancy restaurant in Mexico. In most cities, you can find a whole section of food stalls within the larger markets. I usually gravitate towards the ones with older women cooking and I haven’t been disappointed yet. If you’re not sure what to order, just ask what they recommend! I can often be caught asking: “¿Qué desayunaste tú?” (What did you eat for breakfast?).
  • Where there is the longest line. Yep, I’m telling you to find that line and go stand in it. Here in Mexico, the places with the long lines of hungry people are usually where the best food is. Take a look at what everyone is ordering and make your choice from there. Pro-tip: ask when the place opens up and try to get there when it first opens to avoid the lines. In Mexico, mealtimes are much later than in the States, so your lunchtime might actually be the best time to go.
  • Ask an abuelita . If you’re not sure where to get the best mole or cochinita , ask a local elderly woman. She won’t steer you wrong, I promise! Next time you’re browsing through the textiles at a market stall, ask the clerk where she recommends you go for a bite to eat.

Long-term Living and Working Remotely in Mexico:

mexique voyage solo

There’s a reason why so many people migrated to Mexico to work remotely during the pandemic. The cost of living here is a fraction of what it is in the U.S. and most of Europe, the weather is incredible, and the people are lovely. If you’re considering spending a longer amount of time in Mexico, here are a few bits of info and tips:

  • Visas: If you are from the U.S. or Canada, the typical tourist visa is for 180 days and you can get it easily at your point of entry. If you want to stay longer than that, it’s completely legal to leave Mexico, cross into another country, and come back after a couple days. Many expats do this regularly and there is little risk involved.
  • Housing: Rent is very cheap in most of Mexico, but you will have to know where to look for long term housing as Airbnbs can get unnecessarily expensive for long stays (I’m talking many months). I recommend booking an Airbnb for the first week or so, and from there looking for a long-term option once you get here. You can find places on Facebook Marketplace, by asking other expats, or by simply walking around the area you’d like to live and looking for “for rent” signs. These will say “casa en renta” and with be either furnished ( amueblada ) or unfurnished ( no amueblada ).
  • Working: If you want to work (legally) in Mexico for a Mexican business or enterprise, it is going to be tough. Wages are quite low here, even if you have great qualifications. You also would need the entity to sponsor your work visa, which can be a long and costly process, both for you and for them. However, if you’d like to teach English in Mexico, there are plenty of options for schools that sponsor visas and might even offer housing.

Regardless of how long you plan to stay, Mexico is an incredible country that might surprise you with how easy it is to get around. I’ve found that Mexico’s infrastructure allows for smooth and safe travel from place to place, a far cry from other places I’ve been.

mexique voyage solo

Traveling alone as a woman in Mexico is totally doable and might become your favorite place to visit! Ready to book your flight yet?!

The Ultimate Mexico Guide

The best places to visit in mexico (that aren’t tulum).

About the author: Emily is a Mexico travel enthusiast based in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. She is a part-time freelance writer for BMTM and part-time doula.

About Emily Becker

Emily Becker is a digital nomad based in Costa Rica. She's been traveling on and off since 2014 and has visited 15 countries—planning to tick many more off her bucket list. In addition to writing for BMTM, she works as a copywriter and project manager.

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Voyager seule au Mexique

Voyager seule au mexique en tant que femme, n'est-ce pas trop dangereux , tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour voyager seule au mexique sans problème, les 3 régions incontournables où partir au mexique sans danger, pourquoi partir au mexique pour un voyage solo .

Voyager seule au Mexique est une excellente façon de découvrir le pays et de vivre des expériences incroyables. Il y a beaucoup à explorer tant les paysages sont diversifiés et les régions différentes, Le pays est surprenant et regorge de trésors tels que les sites Mayas, les cenotes, les plages de sable blanc, les forêts tropicales... Si vous hésitez encore sur le choix de la destination, un conseil optez pour le Mexique ! Pour cette destination, il est tout de même important de bien se renseigner avant de partir sur les précautions à prendre pour garantir votre sécurité et votre bien-être tout au long de votre voyage. En suivant quelques conseils de base, vous pourrez profiter pleinement de votre séjour et découvrir le meilleur du Mexique en toute sécurité.

Une femme de dos face à un site archéologique Maya dans le Yucatan

Nous entendons souvent dire qu'il est dangereux de voyager au Mexique, au même titre qu'il est dangereux de voyager en Amérique Latine en général, que ce soit pour une femme seule, un homme seul ou bien un groupe de personnes. Comme n'importe quelle destination, il est important de bien se renseigner avant de partir : où peut-on mettre les pieds et quelle attitude faut-il adopter une fois sur place ? Tous les conseils sont bons à prendre, mais attention aux personnes qui vous conseillerons sans jamais y avoir mis les pieds. C'est souvent eux qui vous dirons à quel point le pays est dangereux et qu'il ne faut surtout pas y aller. Le Mexique souffre depuis de nombreuses années de sa mauvaise réputation de zone sensible où il ne fait pas bon s'y balader. Mais cela vaut principalement pour certaines zones du Mexique qu'il faut bien avoir en tête et où le taux de criminalité est fort principalement lié à des règlements de compte sur fond de drogue. Si vous n'êtes pas mêlée à tout cela, il n'y aucune raison que vous soyez prise pour cible ;) Toutefois, il est important d'être consciente de tous les dangers pour mieux savoir les appréhender. Cela guidera à coup sûr votre itinéraire de voyage. Heureusement, avec un peu de planification et d’organisation, vous pouvez voyager en toute sécurité et profiter pleinement de votre voyage. Et puis, ce n'est pas pour rien que le Mexique est une destination aussi prisée et où les voyageurs viennent et reviennent tant il y fait bon vivre ! Le Mexique est donc un pays sûr à la condition de bien respecter les règles de sécurité.

Femmes mexicaines en costume fleuri traditionnel

Quelles sont les conditions pour entrer au Mexique ?

Pour entrer au Mexique, vous devez posséder un passeport valide sur toute la durée du séjour. Nous vous conseillons toujours de vérifier la validité de votre passeport plusieurs mois avant votre voyage pour éviter tout désagrément. Si vous êtes française, vous n'avez pas besoin de visa pour voyager au Mexique si votre séjour ne dépasse pas 90 jours. Certains documents peuvent vous être demandés à la douane en arrivant tels que des justificatifs d'hébergement, votre billet retour... Toutes les compagnies aériennes distribuent au moment du vol votre document d'immigration afin que vous ayez le temps de compléter tranquillement les informations.

Quelle est la meilleure période pour aller au Mexique ?

La meilleure période pour visiter le Mexique dépend de ce que vous recherchez. Si vous souhaitez profiter de la chaleur et de la plage, les mois de novembre à avril sont les meilleurs. C'est la saison dite sèche ! Si vous préférez explorer les villes et les sites historiques, alors mai à octobre est la meilleure période pour voyager, sauf si vous choisissez les villes de la côte en août, septembre et octobre. Il y a souvent de fortes pluies et parfois même des tempêtes.

Quel budget faut-il prévoir ?

Le budget à prévoir pour un voyage au Mexique dépend de la durée du séjour et des activités prévues. En général, comptez entre 50 et 70€ par jour pour visiter le Mexique. Les dépenses supplémentaires seront liées aux transports, aux activités, à l'hébergement et aux repas. Parmi tous les postes de dépense qu'il faut prendre en compte, il y a : l'aérien, l'hébergement, les transports internes si vous optez pour un road trip au Mexique, les repas quotidien et les activités.

Hébergement et transport : quoi privilégier sur place ?

Lorsque l'on voyage seule au Mexique, il est important de bien choisir son hébergement et son mode de transport. Choisir un hébergement sûr est essentiel, en optant pour des hôtels ou des auberges de jeunesse bien notés. Nous ne le dirons jamais assez, mais l'auberge de jeunesse est le moyen idéal pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et parfois même partager un bout de voyage avec elles. Le voyage en solo peut parfois peser, surtout s'il s'agit d'un voyage au long court sur plusieurs mois.

Il est également important de sélectionner un moyen de transport fiable, afin de pouvoir se déplacer en toute sécurité. Le Mexique est un pays où réseau de bus est bien développer avec notamment la possibilité de se déplacer en bus de nuit pour ne pas perdre une journée dans les transports sur les longs trajets. Vous pouvez aussi opter pour des vols intérieurs. Il existe de nombreuses compagnies aériennes mexicaines aux tarifs très attractifs. Enfin, et si vous rencontrez d'autres voyageurs pour faire un bout de route ensemble, vous pouvez aussi opter pour la location de voiture. Cette option peut-être très intéressante si vous partagez les frais à plusieurs. Au cœur des villes et pour les petites distances, il reste toujours le taxi et les tuk tuk. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il manque au Mexique !

Les lieux à éviter au Mexique

Une rue de Mexico City avec de nombreux passants

Si vous voyagez seule au Mexique, il est important de connaître les endroits à éviter. Bien que le pays soit généralement sûr pour les voyageurs, certaines régions sont à éviter en raison de la criminalité et de la violence. Il faut être prudent et éviter de visiter des zones isolées ou des quartiers défavorisés. Il est également conseillé de se renseigner sur la situation politique et sécuritaire avant de partir. Voici donc quelques états à éviter et réputés pour leur fort taux de violence et d'enlèvements :

  • Colima à l'Est du Mexique : ici les gangs font rage et il n'est pas rare que des règlements de compte se passent en pleine rue. Mieux ne vaut pas y mettre les pieds !
  • Sinaloa, sur la côte du golfe de Californie connue pour ses nombreuses violences.
  • Michoacan au centre du pays, sur la côte Pacifique : des enlèvements de touristes ont déjà eu lieu, mieux vaut s'y tenir à distance.

La bonne attitude à adopter pour un voyage seule au Mexique

Au-delà des us et coutume du Mexique, il est bon de prendre en considération quelques conseils si vous voyagez seule au Mexique. Ces conseils sont également valable pour d'autres destinations.

  • Déclarez votre voyage au Mexique sur le site gratuit Ariane.
  • Suivez votre instinct et partez si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec une personne ou un lieu.
  • Ne vous promenez pas seule à la tombée de la nuit dans certains lieux. C'est notamment valable pour la ville de Mexico.
  • Baladez-vous dans des endroits grand public où il y a du monde. Evitez les lieux isolés.
  • Evitez d'avoir trop d'argent sur vous et d'exposer des objets de valeur à la vue de tous.
  • Ne buvez pas dans un verre laissez sans surveillance.

La Péninsule du Yucatan

La côte caraïbe de la péninsule mexicaine du Yucatan

La Péninsule du Yucatan est une des destinations les plus populaires au Mexique pour les voyageuses seules. Elle est connue pour ses plages paradisiaques et ses sites archéologiques, tels que les ruines de Tulum et de Chichen Itza. Le Yucatan est d'une grande richesse culturelle et d'autres cités antiques mayas font parties des incontournables. C'est le cas d'Uxmal, d'Edzna sur la Riviera maya ou encore d'Izamal. Côté Mérida, sur la côte Ouest du Yucatan, s'étend la réserve naturelle de Celestun où il est possible de voir des flamands roses entre septembre et février.La Péninsule du Yucatan est également connue pour ses petites villes côtières, ses cenotes, ses réserves naturelles et ses plates-formes de plongée. Cancun, la festive ne vous attire pas, nous avons la solution. Cap sur une île proche de Cancun, Isla Mujeres, pour un dépaysement total et une séance de snorkeling à couper le souffle. Et si vous souhaitez pousser le voyage plus loin, une autre île vaut elle aussi le détour pour sa faune et sa flore, Holbox.

La région de Chiapas

Une rue de la ville de San Cristobal de las Casas avec ses habitants

L'Etat de Chiapas, située dans le sud-est du Mexique, à la frontière avec le Guatemala, est une destination riche en culture et en histoire, offrant aux voyageurs seuls des possibilités variées. La région est connue pour ses temples anciens, ses sites archéologiques mayas et ses paysages montagneux spectaculaires, qui sont parfaits pour de la randonnée et de l'exploration. Il s'agit d'une des régions les plus fascinante avec ses beautés naturelles. Bien loin du tourisme de masse, l'Etat de Chiapas peut se visiter sous forme de circuit avec des stops incontournables comme le centre cérémoniel de Palenque, le site archéologique de Tonina, le pueblo magico de San Cristobal de las Casas, un repère de paysages à couper le souffle.

La Basse Californie

Une vue aérienne sur playa Balandra en Basse Californie au Mexique

La Basse Californie, située à l'extrême sud-ouest du Mexique, est une destination prisée des voyageurs à la recherche de soleil et de plages. C'est une région très sûre pour les voyageuses seules. De plus, les gens y sont très accueillants et ouverts, ce qui en fait une destination idéale pour prendre du bon temps et revenir avec plein de souvenirs en tête. Parmi les incontournables de la zone, le Sud avec ses eaux turquoises et ses mammifères marins. Il est possible d'observer les baleines -requins, les orques, les requins entre octobre et avril. Côté nord, les paysages sont plus désertiques. Place à la magie du voyage également avec une zone bien moins connue des touristes et beaucoup plus désertique.

Une femme assise sur un rocher regardant la mer des Caraïbes à Tulum

Loin de l'agitation de Cancun, le Mexique regorge de trésors à découvrir seule ou bien accompagnée ! Aztèques, Toltèques, Mayas... des noms qui font rêver et qui reflètent de grandes civilisations ayant laissés une multitude de traces de leur existence à explorer un peu partout dans le pays ! Les terres mexicaines sont magnifiques. Des plages somptueuses du « bohème chic » village de Tulum au désert aride du Nord en passant par la jungle verdoyante du Sud, ce sont des tas de paysages à couper le souffle à découvrir. Ici, le métissage et la musique se rencontrent à chaque coin de rue. Les villes et villages vivent, vibrent et offrent leur lot de « good vibes » à quiconque prend le temps de les savourer ! Quel plaisir de s'imprégner d'une si belle culture. Un évènement à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte ? C'est bien sûr « El dia de los muertos », un jour sacré et ultra coloré où se mêlent avec joie musique, fleurs, danses, offrandes et grandes parties de rigolades. Bonne ambiance assurée !

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3 semaines au Mexique : l’itinéraire détaillé

3 semaines au Mexique : l’itinéraire détaillé

Nous sommes tombés amoureux du Mexique lors de notre voyage de 3 semaines en Novembre 2021. Un pays qui offre tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer d’un grand voyage : soleil, paysages paradisiaques, eau turquoise, culture, faune et flore. Après avoir résumé notre voyage juste ici , je vous laisse avec notre itinéraire détaillé.

Jour 1 – Arrivée & Playa del Carmen

Après 11h de vol, nous sommes arrivés à Cancun en fin d’après-midi. Nous avons récupéré la voiture chez le partenaire de Touracancun, et avons directement filé vers Playa del Carmen, où nous avons pu fêter Halloween & voir les décorations de Dia De Los Muertos sur la 5 ème avenue, la rue la plus animée du centre-ville.

👉🏼   Qu’est-ce que Dia de Los Muertos ? En français cela signifie « le jour des morts ». C’est une célébration des défunts qui s’étend du 31 octobre au 2 novembre. Les Mexicains vont alors préparer des autels, décorés et avec les photos des défunts. Le 31 et le 1 er , ce sont les enfants qui sont célébrés. Le 1 er et le 2, ce sont les adultes. Le 2 novembre est officiellement la journée de la commémoration des fidèles défunts.

C’est une cérémonie très locale, que vous ne pourrez pas célébrer dans les lieux les plus touristiques (excepté Mexico, avec le festival, et Valladolid qui reste authentique). À Playa del Carmen donc, il y avait beaucoup de décorations, d’autels, mais pas de réelle cérémonie. On s’y attendait, mais cela est resté très joli à voir.

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Jour 2 – Playa del Carmen & Puerto Morelos

Le deuxième jour, nous nous sommes rendus directement sur la plage principale. Ensuite, nous avons visité la 5 ème avenue, manger en ville, et sommes partis direction Puerto Morelos, à 30mn de route.

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Puerto Morelos, c’est un petit village entre Cancun et Playa del Carmen. La plage et son récif coralien sont très jolis. On pensait pouvoir faire du snorkeling mais l’accès seul est restreint… Il faudra prendre un bateau pour accéder à la barrière de corail.

Jour 3 – Akumal, Cenote Dos Ojos & Tulum

Pour notre 3 ème jour, direction Akumal. On nous avait conseillé d’y aller le matin, donc on y était pour 10h30. Mais on ne savait pas très bien si on pouvait y aller seul ou si on devait prendre un guide.

Pour tout vous dire, on ne sait toujours pas si un guide est obligatoire. Ils disent que oui, pour protéger les tortues (des touristes s’amusaient à les prendre dans leur bras, les toucher…) mais on ne sait pas si on est rappelés à l’ordre en allant dans l’eau tout seul.

👉🏼   Alors comment nager avec les tortues à Akumal ? À notre arrivée, dès le passage du panneau « Akumal », beaucoup de guides nous sont tombés dessus. Un conseil : dîtes non, et attendez au guichet ou sur la plage directement. Les prix seront bien moins élevés. Ensuite votre guide vous mettra à l’eau et vous pourrez voir les tortues et les raies.

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Ensuite on a profité de la plage, vraiment magnifique, puis on s’est dirigés vers le Cenote Dos Ojos. Le premier du voyage, et de notre vie !

👉🏼 Les cenotes sont des puits naturels, conséquence de l’impact d’une météorite. Ces grottes remplies d’eau douce sont sacrées pour les Mayas. Et sans vous mentir, c’est l’une des plus jolies choses que j’ai pu voir de ma vie jusqu’à maintenant ! Toutes les photos n’expriment en rien ce que ça fait de voir ça de ses propres yeux, la nature fait des merveilles !

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Le Cenote Dos Ojos est néanmoins celui qu’on a le moins aimé du voyage. Il est superbe, mais l’entrée est beaucoup trop chère comparé à tout ceux qu’on a pu voir ensuite. (350 pesos (15€)/pers…)

Jour 4 – Les ruines de Coba & la réserve naturelle de Punta Laguna

Le lendemain, direction les ruines de Coba. Nous avons loué un vélo après l’entrée (impossible de les rater, c’est sur l’allée principale). On a choisi de ne pas prendre de guide, notre visite a duré 1h30.

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Ensuite, nous avions rendez-vous avec Jesus, notre guide français, pour une visite de la réserve naturelle de Punta Laguna. Au programme : tyrolienne, kayak, observation des singes, cérémonie Maya et baignade dans un cenote atypique. Si vous le faites sans guide, vous avez 100% chance de vous perdre, et de ne pas trouver les singes.

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👉🏼 Nous avons réservé sur WhatsApp à partir du numéro renseigné sur Google, pour le prix de 700 pesos/pers. Une superbe balade de 3h que je vous recommande fortement. L’argent revient aussi à protéger cette réserve et les locaux qui y habitent.

Jour 5 – Route des cenotes : Gran Cenote & Cenote Calavera

Pour cette journée cenotes, on a commencé par Gran Cenote, conseil : arrivez à l’ouverture pour ne pas connaître l’afflux de touristes de 11h. On a vu des tortues et on a adoré nager dans celui-ci. Prix de l’entrée : 300 pesos.

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Ensuite, direction Calavera, un cenote insolite (aménagé aussi !) où l’on peut sauter. On n’y reste pas forcément des heures mais c’est amusant. Prix de l’entrée : 250 pesos.

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Jour 6 – Réserve naturelle de Sian Ka’an

Réveil très tôt, mais cette journée a été une des plus jolies du voyage. Sian Ka’an est reconnue réserve de biosphère par l’Unesco. Mangroves, plage paradisiaque, eau translucide, lamantins, dauphins, crocodiles, oiseaux et tortues sont au rendez-vous. On a réussi à cocher un de chaque !

Au programme : Départ de Tulum jusqu’à l’entrée de la réserve. On prend le bateau, et on cherche les crocodiles et les lamantins. Ensuite, le bateau s’arrête devant l’île aux oiseaux. Un air de Jurassik Park : un petit bout de terre avec des dizaines d’oiseaux qui le survolent.

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Le guide nous emmène ensuite chercher les dauphins, et une fois aperçus, direction la barrière de corail pour y faire du snorkeling. L’eau est splendide, les coraux et les poissons aussi. Légèrement plus loin, se trouve une piscine naturelle d’un bleu incroyable, où l’on peut nager librement.

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On voit une tortue sur le chemin pour nous emmener à Punta Allen, qui est un gros coup de cœur. Un petit village dans la biosphère, où on peut déguster la langouste locale dans le restaurant au bord d’une plage qui n’a rien à envier à une autre.

On prend ensuite le café dans un petit boui-boui un peu plus loin, pendant que le guide nous explique l’histoire du village.

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Ensuite, nous avons repris le bateau pour retourner vers la côte et revenir à Tulum vers 16h30.

👉🏼  Nous sommes passés par Secretoo pour faire cette excursion. On a opté pour « Sian Ka’an Absolute » que vous trouverez juste ici , qui fait éviter une heure de route sinueuse et désagréable, et nous fait arriver dans la réserve avant tout le monde.

Je ne peux que vous conseiller cette excursion. Elle vaut largement son prix, en sachant qu’une partie est réservée aussi à la réserve. C’est un des plus jolis souvenirs qu’on gardera de notre voyage.

Jour 7 – Kaan Luum Lagoon & direction Bacalar

Le temps n’était pas avec nous donc pas de Kaan Luum Lagoon. Je vous partage le nom quand même et vous laisse juger par vous-même suite aux photos d’internet ! On est allés directement à Bacalar.  Village où se trouve le lagon aux 7 couleurs, et le célèbre canal des pirates. Le centre-ville est aussi adorable, surtout la nuit quand il s’anime et prend des airs de marché de nuit.

Si vous avez plus de temps, je vous conseille fortement Mahahual aussi, un paradis moins touristique.

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Jour 8 – Cenote Cocalitos & Canal des pirates

On a commencé par le Cenote Cocalitos pour aller observer les stromatolites. Et surtout profiter des hamacs, des balançoires, du banc de sable et de cette eau d’un bleu magnifique ! C’est vraiment LE spot de Bacalar pour nous. Prix de l’entrée : 50 pesos.

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Ensuite, on a loué un canoë pour aller jusqu’au Canal des Pirates (environ 20-25mn de pagaies). Le temps n’était pas avec nous, mais l’eau restait d’un bleu/vert magnifique !

Jour 9 – Los Rapidos

On est arrivés à l’ouverture de Los Rapidos, ce célèbre « lagoon club » qui donne accès aux rapides de Bacalar. On peut manger, boire un coup, louer des kayaks ou tout simplement profiter du lieu, vous pouvez prendre un gilet et vous laisser flotter avec le courant. Les rapides sont vraiment magnifiques et agréables !

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On est ensuite allés au bar “Catch” qui dispose d’un joli ponton sur le lagon.

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Jour 10 – Cenote Cocalitos & direction Valladolid  

Avant de prendre la route vers Valladolid, on a décidé de retourner au Cenote Cocalitos. Et ensuite direction notre nuit étape ! Pour profiter pleinement de Bacalar, ne pas faire trop de route, ni passer la frontière vers le Yucatan de nuit, on a pris une nuit étape dans un petit motel à Felipe Carillo Puerto.

Jour 11 – Valladolid, Cenote Oxman & Dzinup

On a commencé cette journée par visiter Valladolid, qu’on a beaucoup appréciée. Puis on s’est dirigés vers le Cenote Oxman. Je l’avais tellement vu sur les guides, les réseaux et internet. J’avais vraiment hâte de le voir de mes propres yeux. Aucune déception, bien au contraire, énorme coup de cœur. Prix de l’entrée : 150 pesos.

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Pour continuer la découverte des cenotes, on est allés voir le cenote Samula & X-kenken, aussi appelés « cenotes Dzinup ». Autre style et vraiment superbes.

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⚠️  Attention ici : des « guides » sont à l’entrée, vont vous demander si vous voulez juste regarder, ou nager… Répondez que vous voulez seulement regarder, et si l’un d’eux vous suit arrêtez-le : sinon il demandera de payer le « tour » à la fin.

Jour 12 – Chichen Itza, Cenote Ik-kil & Valladolid

Réveil très tôt pour éviter la foule et arriver à l’ouverture du Chichen Itza. Très bonne décision, nous étions pratiquement seuls. Prix de l’entrée : 533 pesos (sans guide).

Le Chichen Itza fait partie des 7 merveilles du monde moderne. Les photos parlent d’elles-mêmes, il est réellement impressionnant.

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Ensuite nous avons rejoint le cenote Ik-Kil, qui se trouve à côté du Chichen Itza. On l’a trouvé très beau, mais plus fabriqué et plus peuplé que les autres. Privilégiez l’ouverture ou l’heure du déjeuner pour le voir.

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Jour 13 – Direction Holbox

Le lendemain, nos 15 premiers jours de découverte intense touchent à leur fin. C’est un peu le cœur lourd qu’on se dirige vers l’aéroport pour rendre la voiture et se rendre sur les îles où passer notre dernière semaine.

Première île : Isla Holbox. On a pris le bus de Cancun pour rejoindre Chiquila, le port où prendre le ferry pour Holbox. Prix du trajet : 220 pesos aller, 220 pesos retour.

On s’installe à l’hôtel, et on longe la plage pour trouver un joli spot où regarder le coucher de soleil, célèbre à Holbox. Gros coup de cœur pour le bar de l’hôtel Zomay : Une petite paillote sur la plage avec une musique chill, et ces gens qui ont tous la même intention : profiter du sunset et du moment. Une ambiance superbe que je garderai en tête !

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Jour 14 – Holbox : centre-ville

Premier réveil à Holbox, petit-déjeuner à l’hôtel et ensuite direction le centre-ville pour manger un coup et admirer les petites ruelles colorées. Pas une journée très rythmée, l’après-midi, le temps n’était vraiment pas avec nous ! On a chillé dans les petits restos, bars et à l’hôtel.

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Jour 15 – Punta Mosquito & Punta Cocos

Pour les deux derniers jours sur l’île, on a décidé de louer un vélo. Et on commence notre petite aventure par Punta Mosquito, ce célèbre banc de sable de l’île d’Holbox ! Un énorme coup de cœur durant ce voyage. On y accède par la mer. Comme tous les autres points touristiques, je vous conseille d’y aller tôt le matin, pour éviter la foule. 

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Comme pas mal de lieux victimes de son succès, le banc de sable possède maintenant une limite, l’autre côté est maintenant préservé. Sachez que les drones sont également interdits. Beaucoup l’utilisent, mais ce n’est pas autorisé pour préserver la faune et la flore… ils faisaient fuir les flamants roses par exemple.

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Ensuite, on s’est dirigés vers Punta Cocos, tout à l’ouest cette fois. On a surmonté les flaques en rigolant, et l’endroit est vraiment joli, même avec le mauvais temps ! (Alors imaginez avec du soleil…)

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Jour 16 – Punta Mosquito & les plages de l’Est

Comme on a eu un coup de cœur pour Punta Mosquito, on a décidé de rester sur ce côté de l’île pour notre dernier jour à Holbox, on y est retournés et on a aussi fait les plages de l’ouest.

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Le soir, on est retournés au Bar Zomay, pour observer notre dernier coucher de soleil sur l’île.

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Alors finalement, c’était super triste de quitter cette île. Avant notre arrivée, il y a eu beaucoup d’avis négatifs sur les pages Facebook, sur Instagram… Même aux hôtels, des personnes demandaient le remboursement sous prétexte que l’île « était catastrophique ». Donc on appréhendait.

👉🏼 Je vous explique : entre novembre et décembre, il y a les « vents norte ». Ces vents ramènent des algues (maritimes et non des sargasses !) sur les plages. Donc sur certaines parties, il y a des algues, et l’eau n’est pas bleue comme sur les photos. C’est aussi la fin de la saison des pluies et c’est une île : très peu d’évacuation. Il y a donc des flaques parfois… Quelques inconvénients qui font finalement des souvenirs rigolos. Ces phénomènes sont normaux, et préservent le reste de l’année l’île et les locaux des ouragans. On a adoré l’île, l’ambiance y est vraiment spéciale, il y fait juste bon vivre, et c’est vraiment dommage de passer à côté/ou de ne pas l’apprécier à sa juste valeur car « ça ne ressemblait pas aux photos Instagram »…

Donc on part d’Holbox avec des souvenirs merveilleux, et on se dit que ce n’est sûrement pas un adieu !

Jour 17 – Direction Isla Mujeres

Direction Chiquilà pour prendre notre collectivo qui nous emmène directement à Cancun Downtown. On a ensuite pris un uber pour aller jusqu’au port, et ensuite prendre le ferry jusqu’à Isla Mujeres. Ça nous a pris pas mal de temps donc en arrivant on a surtout profité de l’hôtel. On a décidé de loger au sud de l’île, car le nord est connu pour le centre-ville mais aussi pour la fête et on voulait être au calme. On a choisi de ne pas louer de voiturette et se déplacer en taxi. La météo était bancale et on a eu peur de pas pouvoir pleinement en profiter (on a eu raison finalement !) mais ça doit être vraiment agréable sous le soleil.

Jour 18 – Isla Mujeres : centre-ville & Playa Norte

Direction le centre-ville d’Isla Mujeres, au nord de l’île. Très joli, beaucoup plus touristique et américanisé qu’Holbox, mais on le savait en y venant.

Ensuite, nous allons à Playa Norte, qui est classée comme une des plus belles plages du monde. L’eau même avec un temps nuageux est d’une couleur incroyable. Cependant, on voit en face les constructions de Cancun donc ça fait perdre un peu son charme. Mais on ne peut qu’affirmer qu’elle est vraiment splendide !

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Jour 19 – La plage Garrafon & retour sur Cancùn

Pour le jour 19, le temps n’était malheureusement vraiment pas avec nous.

Nous devions admirer le lever de soleil à Punta Sur et aller à la plage Garrafon, avant de repartir sur Cancun. Je vous laisse regarder les photos sur internet vu que nous sommes restés à l’hôtel.

Pour quand même essayer de profiter, on est retournés à Playa Norte et on a mangé dans le centre-ville. Nous avons pris le ferry vers 15h30 pour retourner sur Cancun et aller à notre hôtel, qui était vraiment magnifique.

Jour 20 – Chill à l’hôtel & direction l’aéroport

Tellement heureux d’avoir réservé à l’hôtel Alamos Inn notre dernière nuit au Mexique, un petit havre de paix reposant avant de repartir en France. Éloigné de l’agitation de Cancun, il offre piscine, jacuzzi, baignoire spa, restaurant pour dîner et petit-déjeuner, jeux de société, et service de taxi. Tout était parfait. On en a profité et ensuite direction l’aéroport pour notre retour à la maison.

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Et voilà pour notre itinéraire détaillé de ces 3 semaines merveilleuses. Comme je vous le disais dans mon guide pratique du Mexique , ce voyage s’est hissé numéro 1 de mon classement sans hésitation. Nous garderons des souvenirs extraordinaires, et espérons bien y revenir un jour ! ✨

Si vous souhaitez en voir plus, vous pouvez voir ces 2 autres articles ici ! 

mexique voyage solo

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Je viens de découvrir votre blog, bravo les articles sont très complets Nous partons en famille en décembre au Mexique pour 2 semaines, votre itinéraire semble parfait en enlevant les îles. Conseillez- vous de terminer par Holbox ? Merci

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Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire ! Je vous conseille vraiment Holbox, vous pouvez facilement terminer par 2 nuits (par exemple, en enlevant Puerto Morelos du planning, une nuit à Bacalar, et la nuit étape). Surtout en décembre, c’est la meilleure période pour visiter l’île. Bon voyage à vous !

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Merci pour vos articles sur le Mexique, on espère pouvoir partir en février avec le covid … on a lu qu’Isla Holbox devenait beaucoup trop touristique, vous n’en parlez pas, vous ne l’avez pas ressenti ?

Je peux comprendre le ressenti ! Il y a beaucoup plus de voiturettes et de chantiers de construction par exemple. Honnêtement, je pense que l’île “tient le coup” niveau nid à touristes, pour l’instant. On y trouve encore cette superbe ambiance et les plages magnifiques. Dans quelques années, le ressenti sera sûrement différent malheureusement…

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bonjour pouvez vous nous indiquer vos lieux de villegiatures lord de votre periple nous n avons retenu que celui de cancun qu en est il des autres. par avence merci

Madi, 24 janvier 2022 Bonjour je viens de découvrir votre blog, pouvez vous s il vous plait me conseiller les hôtels que vous avez réservé? Merci!

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Cancún, Mexique, votre prochaine destination!

À la fois pour son paysage hôtelier dernier cri, son âme frivole et la beauté déconcertante des teintes de bleu qui l’entourent, Cancún est une destination touristique captivante. Située à la pointe nord-est de la péninsule du Yucatán, dans l’État oriental de Quintana Roo, la zone hôtelière en forme de L s’étale sur une trentaine de kilomètres entre le lagon Nichupté et la mer des Caraïbes. L’omniprésence de l’eau et les quelque 200 jours d’ensoleillement font de Cancún le paradis des loisirs aquatiques et des sports nautiques. Calme et exotique, Nichupté se prête au kayak, à la planche à pagaie et aux excès de vitesse en bateau à jet! Protégée par l’île d’Isla Mujeres, la baie accueille dans ses eaux chaudes les adeptes de kitesurf, de plongée en apnée, de ski nautique et de motomarine.

Au large du long bras de mer, voiliers, catamarans, embarcations de pêche, yachts et cruiseurs voguent devant la gent vacancière qui paresse à la plage. Vamos a la playa, telle est la devise des gens qui déferlent sur la rive poudreuse et scintillante de Cancún. Et que dire des merveilles qui sommeillent dans les fonds marins de la région? Les sculptures du musée immergé, les récifs coralliens et les bancs de poissons colorés se découvrent en plongée avec bouteille, en bateau à fond de verre ou avec un casque sous-marin. Soupçon de modernité au cœur d’un vaste territoire naturel, Cancún contraste du Mexique typique.

Dans cette ville où le vacancier est roi, les hôtels compétitionnent pour atteindre le soleil et les installations balnéaires frôlent la démesure. Fruit d’un ambitieux projet touristique initié vers la fin des années 60, Cancún possède aujourd’hui la réputation de destination ludique, un brin américanisée! Les avenues bordées de palmiers mènent à des terrains de golf à la fine pointe, à des marinas exclusives, à de grands noms de la haute couture, à des restaurants branchés et à des boîtes de nuit de classe mondiale.

Pour connaître une autre facette de la destination, un détour à El Centro s’impose. En retrait du complexe touristique, ce centre-ville local réserve bien des surprises au voyageur avide d’authenticité. On se rend au Mercado 28 pour acheter de la poterie traditionnelle, au Parque Las Palapas pour s’offrir un churro fumant et au restaurant La Parilla pour s’envoyer une téquila sur les rythmes des mariachis. Le calendrier culturel rassemble les événements phares de la région, allant des combats de coqs aux matches de lucha libre et des carnavals flamboyants aux fêtes religieuses. Point de départ vers le fascinant monde maya, des réserves naturelles, des grottes souterraines, des îlots exotiques, des parcs récréatifs, des musées et des ruines archéologiques sont facilement accessibles. Osez Cancún!

  • Aéroport international de Cancún
  • Distance entre l'aéroport et la zone hôtelière : 15 à 30 minutes
  • Taxe d'aéroport : habituellement incluse dans le prix du billet d’avion ou du forfait vacances. Veuillez vérifier auprès de votre conseiller en voyages.
  • Centre médical et hôpital sur place.

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Découvrez Cancún

Cancún déborde d’activités inusitées, d’endroits sympas, de nouveaux paysages et de découvertes inattendues. En une seule journée, on enchaîne ronde de golf, visite d’un cenote, saut en bungee, croisière en gondole mexicaine, magasinage, apéro gourmand et soirée bien arrosée!

Principal attrait de la destination, le littoral est un lieu très animé où les vacanciers s’abandonnent à leurs plaisirs coupables! Course à pied, volley-ball, flânerie sous un parasol et baignade avec un margarita à la main sont quelques activités cultes. Quelle sera la vôtre?

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Bondée du matin au soir, Playa Gaviota Azul est le cœur de la station balnéaire. La route qui la longe est bordée de restaurants, de clubs, de bars, de magasins et de boutiques de souvenirs. Playa Gaviota a cette atmosphère unique, cette capacité de jeter les ponts entre les familles avec jeunes enfants, les nouveaux mariés en séance photo, les vendeurs de la pêche du jour, les adeptes de foot, etc. Tous s’entremêlent pour profiter du soleil, pratiquer des sports nautiques et festoyer au rythme des meilleurs mixeurs de musique au Mexique!

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Un rendez-vous avec la mer vous attend à Playa Chaac Mool, où seuls les bruits de vagues et de battements d’ailes se font entendre. Longue, large et d’un bleu hypnotisant, elle permet à chaque vacancier de se créer un espace intime. Bien que majoritairement fréquentée par les clients des hôtels qui la surplombent, Playa Chaac Mool est ouverte au public. Elle offre toutes les commodités requises pour une agréable journée à la mer, dont la présence de sauveteurs, des infrastructures pour personnes à mobilité réduite, un stationnement, des installations sanitaires et quelques coins d’ombre. On retrouve dans les environs un petit surf shop et un supermarché où acheter votre crème solaire, du guacamole et une Dos Equis bien froide!

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À Playa Ballenas, on respire le bonheur et l'on fait le plein d’énergie. Certifiée Blue Flag, les efforts environnementaux sont palpables. Aucun déchet, que du sable doux comme de la farine et des zones protégées pour la ponte d’œufs des tortues marines. Appréciée pour sa largeur et son vaste périmètre, les gens qui s’y rendent sont énergiques et actifs! Soyez alerte, cerfs-volants, ballons de football et frisbees sont constamment en mouvement!

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Située entre Playa Chaac Mool et Playa Bellenas, Playa Marlin leur ressemble en tous points. Il s’agit d’une immense plage de sable blanc faisant face à la mer des Caraïbes. Elle est certifiée Blue Flag et est ouverte au public. Vacanciers, touristes d’un jour et locaux s’y rendent pour se détendre, profiter des sports de plage et des loisirs aquatiques.

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Voisines, Playa San Miguelito et Playa Delfines sont situées à l’extrême est de la zone hôtelière, sur le long bras de mer qui flirte avec les Caraïbes. Prises d’assaut par les somptueux palais en formule tout inclus, elles ont en commun ce petit trait d’exclusivité qui les hisse au sommet des endroits les plus en vue de la ville.

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Alors que toutes les plages de Cancún offrent un paysage hybride, mariant beauté côtière et blancheur de l’architecture balnéaire, Punta Zinuc se distingue avec son air de jungle et ses formations coralliennes. Sa forme d’hameçon lui procure des eaux calmes et idéales pour la baignade avec les plus jeunes et l’exploration des fonds marins! Cette plage accueille les hôtels Club Med et Sun Palace.

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Située au nord-ouest de la zone hôtelière, Playa Las Perlas est effleurée par de gentilles vagues. La proximité avec le centre-ville local, la présence d'arbres et la faiblesse des vents font de cette plage un endroit magique pour la baignade et les réunions de famille.

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À mi-chemin entre le centre-ville local de Cancún et la zone hôtelière, Playa Linda est un lieu de rencontre entre touristes et locaux. Nichée au creux de la baie, la mer y est calme et transparente. S’il fait bon se détendre et barboter, l’atmosphère est vibrante à ses heures. Avec les nombreuses navettes vers Isla Mujeres, les départs en excursion et la foule du restaurant Sirenas Raw Bar, il y a de l’excitation dans l’air par moment!

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Playa Langosta est une plage publique très populaire auprès des touristes et des locaux. Ceux et celles qui bravent la petite bande rocailleuse sont largement récompensés! Un fond de mer immaculé et de chaudes ondulations les attendent. Longue et large par endroits, chacun peut s’y installer à son aise. D’autres parcelles de Playa Langosta sont peuplées de palapas et de transats, créant ainsi de véritables bains de foule!

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Playa Tortugas est un filet de sable blanc qui se jette dans la mer limpide. La baignade en famille, les longues promenades, les tête-à-tête avec un bouquin et les apéros paisibles sont les activités favorites des gens qui la visitent. Malgré les propriétés et les installations touristiques qui occupent les lieux, l’ambiance demeure calme et agréable. Un quai de bois accueille quelques embarcations de plaisance et des navettes vers Isla Mujeres.

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Installée au pied des palaces et des hôtels modernes, Playa Caracol inspire au confort et à la zénitude. Allongé sur un lit de plage, devant l’immensité turquoise de la mer des Caraïbes, vous n'aurez nulle envie d’aller plus loin! En plus d’offrir un environnement paisible et distingué, Playa Caracol est située à proximité du quartier animé de Punta Cancun.

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Très populaire auprès des jeunes gens, Playa Juventad est sans contredit un hot spot de la destination! Les fanatiques de sports nautiques et les adeptes de farniente s’y retrouvent dès les premières lueurs du jour et ne quittent les lieux qu’une fois le ciel étoilé.

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Rio Secreto est une randonnée qui marque l'esprit à jamais! Assistez à la cérémonie d’accueil avant de pénétrer dans le tortueux couloir souterrain de 2 kilomètres. Marchez entre d’étranges formations rocheuses, nagez dans les bassins d'eau pure, contournez les colonnes de calcaire et déchiffrez, avec l’aide de votre guide, les gravures indigènes. Transport, frais d’entrée, dîner et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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En choisissant Rio Secreto Plus, vous optez pour le parfait équilibre entre détente et adrénaline! Enfourchez votre vélo et filez dans les sentiers de broussailles pour rejoindre l’orifice de la mystérieuse caverne. Savourez les émotions fortes que procure la descente en rappel dans ce profond cenote et laissez la magie du spectacle de sons et de lumières vous envahir! Recueillez-vous dans le silence du couloir souterrain de 2 kilomètres, Rio Secreto. Marchez entre d’étranges formations rocheuses, nagez dans les bassins d'eau pure, contournez les colonnes de calcaire et déchiffrez, avec l’aide de votre guide, les gravures indigènes. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide expert, combinaison isothermique, équipement, repas et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Participez à cette formidable journée de découvertes! En route vers l’ancienne cité Chichén Itzá, profitez d’un arrêt au cœur de la jungle mexicaine pour nager dans un gouffre d’eau douce appelé cenote. Découvrez une facette unique de ce pays hétéroclite lors de la visite de la ville coloniale Valladolid. Tandis que vous admirez les hautes pyramides du site archéologique Chichén Itzá, laissez-vous transporter par les récits de votre guide expert au sujet des héritages culturels et spirituels de la civilisation maya. Amateurs de base-ball, ouvrez grand les yeux lors de la visite d'un terrain de jeu de balle. Appelé juego de pelota en espagnol, c'était le sport sacré des peuples précolombiens. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide touristique, dîner et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Mordu d’histoire et d’archéologie? Allez droit au but lors de cette excursion d’une demi-journée à Chichén Itzá. Grâce à votre guide expert, cette merveille maya n’aura plus aucun secret pour vous. Visitez le site de fond en comble et attardez-vous devant quelques vestiges de grand intérêt, dont le terrain de jeu de pelota et le temple de Kukulkan, une pyramide de 30 mètres de haut! Transport, frais d’entrée et guide sont généralement inclus.

* Une option incluant un repas typique de type buffet est également offerte à destination.

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Cancún possède plusieurs terrains de golf de grande renommée. Au bord de la mer, entouré de canaux, au cœur d’une végétation luxuriante, ou directement sur le site de votre hôtel, ils proposent tous un environnement agréable où pratiquer ce sport aux nombreux bienfaits pour le corps et l’esprit! Certains sont signés Nick Price, Tom Weiskopf et Pete Dye, certains sont respectueux de l’environnement et d’autres incluent des lacs artificiels et des dénivellations naturelles. Tous les niveaux de joueurs trouvent leur compte! Plusieurs forfaits sont offerts à destination, allant de l’inclusion des droits de jeu, à la voiturette de golf et à l’équipement de golf. L’heure de départ et les inclusions diffèrent d’un forfait à l’autre. Veuillez vérifier les inclusions auprès de votre conseiller en voyages au moment de la réservation.

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La péninsule du Yucatán a de quoi faire tourner les têtes. Ses paysages verdoyants, sa faune éclatante et ses plages à couper le souffle captivent quiconque s’aventure en nature. Comme conducteur ou comme passager, montez dans un VTT et foncez dans la forêt tropicale! En chemin, respirez l’air humide, profitez des rayons du soleil et demeurez aux aguets, de curieux animaux pourraient vous observer! Transport, VTT, équipement de sécurité, guide local, collations et breuvages sont généralement inclus.

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Une fois la nuit tombée, préparez-vous à vivre une expérience inusitée! En compagnie de votre guide expert, marchez dans l’obscurité de la jungle jusqu’à atteindre Dos Palmas, un ancien village maya. Tandis que vous évoluez dans les sentiers étroits, l’écho de la vie sauvage se mêle aux murmures du chaman qui vous attend pour entamer le rituel sacré de guérison du corps et de l’esprit, la purification Temazcal. Un feu de joie encerclé d’un muret de pierres et de flambeaux fait office de cercle cérémonial. Une fois la cérémonie terminée, visitez les maisons du village et reprenez la route vers un cenote illuminé. Terminez la découverte de l’univers maya en partageant un repas traditionnel cuisiné par les femmes du village. Transport, guide local et souper sont généralement inclus.

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Cette excursion d’une demi-journée est consacrée à la découverte des ruines de Tulum. Seul et unique site archéologique situé en bord de mer au Mexique, Tulum réunit magnifique panorama et révélations sur les croyances et les traditions mayas. Participez à la visite guidée et profitez de temps libre pour admirer le paysage et vous baigner dans les eaux caribéennes. Transport, guide et frais d’entrée sont généralement inclus.

*Une option incluant du temps libre dans la ville de Playa del Carmen sur la Riviera Maya est également offerte à destination.

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En après-midi, alors que la chaleur s’estompe, rejoignez les ruines de Chichén Itzá. Tandis que vous pénétrez dans cet empire maya déclaré Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, laissez-vous éblouir par la magnificence des lieux et la singularité des anecdotes de votre guide. Vous en apprendrez davantage sur le mode de vie des peuples précolombiens, la signification religieuse et spirituelle des bâtiments ainsi que sur les rites et les traditions qui prévalaient à l’époque. Au souper, vous êtes attendu dans un restaurant pittoresque où un festin local vous sera préparé. En soirée, retrouvez les pyramides mayas et assistez au spectacle de sons et de lumières, une façon unique de mettre en valeur la richesse architecturale et historique de Chichén Itzá. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide et repas sont généralement inclus.

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Détendez-vous à bord d’un spacieux catamaran tandis que le vent vous fait glisser sur la scintillante mer des Caraïbes. L’équipage vous concoctera des boissons désaltérantes avant de vous transporter dans l’ambiance suave et festive des pays chauds. Faites de la plongée avec tuba dans un immense récif corallien et profitez de temps libre sur les plages de la séduisante Isla Mujeres. Magasinage en ville avant de regagner le catamaran. Guide local, dîner, boissons et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Laissez-vous surprendre par l’indescriptible architecture d’Ek’ Balam. Ce site archéologique datant du XIe siècle possède des places et des temples aux décorations et aux artefacts bien préservés. Plongez dans l’eau fraîche du cenote maya, une grotte souterraine où un magnifique et interminable escalier de bois vous engouffre dans les profondeurs turquoise aux parois de calcaire. Emplettes au marché d’artisanat local et dîner traditionnel. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide local, repas et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Prenez place à bord du navire Jolly Roger où toute une aventure vous attend! La destination finale est inconnue, mais le trajet est rempli de péripéties! Des pirates et des rebelles s’affronteront sous vos yeux dans la quête d’un trésor. Une fois la bataille terminée, les pirates invitent petits et grands à participer à des jeux, des défis et des concours! Alors que vous partagez un repas et profitez du bar ouvert, des feux d’artifice illuminent le ciel de Cancún sous le regard admiratif des enfants! Transport, croisière, repas, boissons alcoolisées et breuvages sont généralement inclus.

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Offrez-vous une immersion exaltante dans l’arrière-pays mexicain. Entamez cette journée à Cobá, où vous pénétrerez dans une ancienne cité maya et aurez l’occasion de faire connaissance avec les gens de la communauté actuelle. Rejoignez ensuite la forêt tropicale où une expérience de descente en rappel dans les cenotes les plus grandioses vous attend. Prenez quelques minutes pour y faire saucette avant de jouer à Tarzan dans le spectaculaire parcours de tyroliennes. Dégustez un mets typique de la région avant de prendre place à bord d’un canoë pour observer les singes hurleurs et les singes-araignées des mangroves. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide local et repas sont généralement inclus.

*Une option sans l’activité de tyroliennes est également offerte à destination. Veuillez valider les inclusions de votre activité au moment de la réservation.

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Passez une journée de rêve à Xcaret, le parc thématique aux multiples surprises! Faites une immersion dans la nature et la culture du Mexique grâce aux 40 attraits et activités. Nagez dans les labyrinthes souterrains, visitez des sites archéologiques ainsi qu’un traditionnel cimetière mexicain. Observez de nombreuses espèces animales, dont le lamantin et le jaguar, dansez avec les papillons et sifflez avec les 150 espèces d’oiseaux de la nouvelle volière. Barbotez avec les poissons du lagon ou flottez tranquillement sur un tube le long de la rivière et assistez à une prestation de danses et de chants folkloriques en soirée! Transport, frais d’entrée, repas et breuvages sont généralement inclus.

*Plusieurs forfaits sont offerts à destination et leurs inclusions diffèrent. Veuillez valider les inclusions au moment de votre réservation.

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Cette excursion combine merveilles préhispaniques et merveilles aquatiques! Commencez votre journée avec la visite du site archéologique de Tulum, le seul étant situé au bord de la mer. Les ruines mayas sont entourées d’une nature tropicale exubérante et sont blotties dans une crique sauvage sans cesse effleurée par l’eau chaude des Caraïbes. Un lieu splendide à capturer en image! Après d’intéressantes explications sur la vie et les croyances d’autrefois, vous mettrez le cap sur Xel-Há, un endroit unique qui rassemble grottes, rivière tranquille, lagons émeraude, perroquets bavards ainsi qu’un gigantesque aquarium naturel grouillant de vie! Transport, guide, frais d’entrée, équipement de plongée en apnée, repas, breuvages et boissons alcoolisées sont généralement inclus.

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Tulum Jungle Maya est une escapade au cœur de la jungle mexicaine haute en émotions fortes! Plongez dans le plus long tunnel souterrain de la Riviera Maya, le cenote Sac Actún, et découvrez la faune marine de la Caverne Nohoch Nah Chich. Sautez à bord de votre véhicule tout-terrain pour défier les chemins tumultueux de la forêt humide. En tyroliennes, survolez l’épaisse canopée avant de rejoindre les ruines de Tulum pour une visite guidée. Terminez votre périple avec une initiation à la spiritualité maya lors d’un rituel de purification. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide local et dîner sont généralement inclus.

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Profitez d’une journée complète au parc Xel-Há. Cette oasis naturelle offre un cadre enchanteur où l’on fait la rencontre de dauphins souriants et de perroquets jacasseurs, où l’on se promène à vélo dans les chemins feuillus et où l’on nage des heures et des heures parmi plus de 90 espèces aquatiques! Entre deux plongées, rassasiez-vous au succulent buffet ou sirotez, sur un transat faisant face au lagon, un rafraîchissant margarita! Transport, frais d’entrée, équipement de plongée en apnée, vélo, buffet, breuvages et boissons alcoolisées sont inclus.

*Une option incluant la baignade avec les dauphins est aussi disponible.

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Offrez-vous la crème de la crème de la vie nocturne mexicaine au célèbre club Coco Bongo. Commencez la soirée en douceur en regardant la troupe d’artistes et d’acrobates réchauffer la piste de danse. Une fois le spectacle terminé, les artistes quittent la scène et la nuit commence alors pour les visiteurs! Sirotez un délicieux cocktail tout en vous déhanchant sur les notes enivrantes du DJ. Frais d’entrée et bar ouvert sont généralement inclus.

*Des options aux inclusions différentes, notamment le transport aller-retour, les jours de semaine où votre billet est valide ou un accès Gold Member avec boissons de qualité supérieure et traitement VIP sont disponibles à destination. Veuillez vérifier les inclusions de votre forfait au moment de la réservation.

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Profitez des plaisirs du lagon Nichupté d’une tout autre façon. À bord d’un navire rappelant le galion espagnol, admirez les dernières lueurs du soleil s’estomper au large et laissez-vous bercer par les notes suaves du saxophoniste. Prenez l’apéro et savourez un repas trois services composé de steak ou de langouste. Croisière, repas et bar ouvert sont généralement inclus.

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À bord d’une gondole mexicaine illuminée, la Trajinéra, naviguez sur les canaux qui serpentent dans la jungle humide. Participez à des jeux, des danses et des chants traditionnels avant de prendre place à table pour un voyage culinaire aux saveurs explosives. Buvez de la téquila et festoyez avec les mariachis! Un véritable carnaval mexicain vous attend à Xoximilco. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide, tapas, breuvages et boissons alcoolisées sont généralement inclus.

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Entrez dans le monde fantastique du parc Xenses et éveillez tous vos sens grâce aux activités saugrenues et aux expériences inusitées! Mettez votre équilibre à l’épreuve dans la ville qui défie la loi de la gravité, retrouvez votre chemin dans le labyrinthe de miroirs, suivez les battements de cœur dans le tunnel The Heartbeat et visitez un espace où vous vous sentirez géant puis minuscule! Pénétrez dans la grotte Xensatorium, l’entrée d’un trajet parsemé de surprises où vous découvrirez plusieurs écosystèmes. À la fin du parcours, vous traverserez une série de grottes et de cavernes impressionnantes avant de rejoindre un environnement humide où plusieurs espèces animales cohabitent. Humez les fragrances du jardin Xitric et goûtez l’exquise limonade de l’arbre mystérieux. Glissez dans des toboggans, faites quelques vols en tyroliennes, laissez-vous flotter dans la rivière salée et exfoliez votre peau dans la rivière boueuse! Transport, frais d’entrée et casier sont généralement inclus.

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Pénétrez dans le fascinant monde maya du site archéologique de Cobá. D’un bâtiment à l’autre, les explications de votre guide local vous renseigneront sur la culture des peuples de l’époque précolombienne, laquelle est marquée de croyances, de rites et de coutumes hors du commun! Poussez l’émerveillement d’un cran en atteignant le sommet de la plus haute pyramide de tout le Quintana Roo, Nohoch Muul, et profitez de la vue sur la canopée enveloppante. Revenez ensuite au moment présent et découvrez comment est perpétuée la culture ancestrale au cœur d’un village maya. Apprenez-en plus sur l’agriculture lors d’une visite chez l’habitant. Sur le chemin du retour, marchez dans la jungle et plongez dans l’eau transparente d’une piscine souterraine. Transport, guide local, frais d’entrée et dîner sont généralement inclus.

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Le parc Xplor vous ouvre les portes d’un monde rempli d’aventure, d’émotions fortes et de découvertes! Enfilez votre casque de protection et aventurez-vous dans l’opacité du réseau de grottes souterraines. À bord d’un radeau, pénétrez dans les gouffres exigus au plafond de calcaire. Complétez un parcours de neuf tyroliennes avant de prendre le volant de votre véhicule tout-terrain pour traverser la jungle et emprunter des chemins suspendus. Lorsque la chaleur devient insupportable, plongez dans les rivières d’eau douce! Profitez d’un savoureux repas au buffet. Transport, frais d’entrée, dîner de style buffet et breuvages sont généralement inclus.

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À bord d’une embarcation de plaisance, naviguez sur les eaux calmes de la mer des Caraïbes pour atteindre l’île sauvage de Contoy. En chemin, testez les breuvages rafraîchissants du bar et préparez votre équipement de plongée en apnée. Un premier arrêt près du célèbre récif mésoaméricain, où vous pourrez nager en compagnie de plusieurs espèces marines, est prévu. Le chant des oiseaux annoncera votre arrivée à Contoy, un sanctuaire où des centaines d’espèces trouvent refuge pour la reproduction. Sur l’île, temps libre pour la visite du musée, l’observation d’oiseaux, la plongée en apnée ou la détente en bord de mer. Faites le plein d’énergie au repas du dîner avant de rejoindre votre bateau et de mettre le cap sur Isla Mujeres. À destination, baladez-vous en toute liberté dans les rues coquettes de l’île des femmes! Transport, guide, équipement de plongée avec tuba, dîner, bières et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Une immersion en nature, teintée de récits mythiques et historiques, vous est proposée lors de cette journée d’excursion. Accompagné d’un guide passionné, visitez 4 cenotes et profitez du meilleur de chacun. Descente en rappel dans Lu’um, survol de Lik en tyroliennes, plongée en apnée dans le bassin d’eau fraîche de Ha et contact avec la flore de K’aak à bord d’un kayak. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide local, équipement de plongée, dîner et breuvages sont généralement inclus.

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Partez à la rencontre de la faune mexicaine lors de cette journée d’excursion! Plongez en apnée dans les récifs colorés du Parque Nacional Isla Contoy. De votre embarcation nautique, profitez de la vue sur l’île sauvage. Accostez sur Isla Contoy et faites une randonnée pédestre dans la nature insulaire. En chemin, vous croiserez des mangroves, des lagons, des colonies d’oiseaux ainsi qu’un point d’observation pour admirer le paysage lointain. Visitez le musée et prenez le repas du dîner sur la plage immaculée. Transport, guide local, équipement de plongée en apnée, dîner et breuvages non alcoolisés sont généralement inclus.

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Visitez l’arrière-pays du Mexique d’une façon tout à fait inhabituelle, à dos de chameau! Cette randonnée combine plages idylliques, nature grandiose et plaisir en famille. Transport, guide et collations sont généralement inclus.

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Asseyez-vous confortablement au volant de votre bateau hors-bord et amusez-vous sur le gigantesque lagon Nichupté! Tendez les bras vers le ciel et savourez cette sensation de liberté! Coupez les moteurs et laissez-vous porter par le courant dans les canaux de la mangrove mexicaine. Prenez un moment pour observer la faune locale et apprécier la végétation au riche coloris. À pleine vitesse, rejoignez Punta Nizuc, un endroit reconnu pour ses magnifiques récifs coralliens. Enfilez masque et tuba et offrez-vous une baignade en compagnie de plusieurs espèces marines! Bateau, guide, gilet de sauvetage et équipement de plongée en apnée sont généralement inclus.

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Jungle Maya est une escapade au cœur de la jungle mexicaine haute en émotions fortes! Plongez dans le plus long tunnel souterrain de la Riviera Maya, le cenote Sac Actún, et découvrez la faune marine de la Caverne Nohoch Nah Chich avec votre tuba. Sautez à bord de votre véhicule tout-terrain pour défier les chemins tumultueux de l’arrière-pays. En tyroliennes, survolez l’épaisse canopée avant d’enfourcher un vélo pour emprunter les passages étroits de la forêt tropicale humide. Terminez votre périple avec une initiation à la spiritualité maya lors d’un rituel de purification. Transport, frais d’entrée, guide local, équipement de plongée en apnée, vélo et dîner sont généralement inclus.

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Votre forfait voyage

Client fortuné, esprit d'aventure, voyageur sans flafla ou famille décontractée? Qui que vous soyez, laissez-vous envelopper par la douceur et l’allégresse de la vie d’hôtel. Rencontre avec la faune sous-marine, escapade en nature, sports d’adrénaline et plaisirs citadins, Cancún foisonne de bons plans vacances!

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Cancún a cet effet magique qui plonge les couples dans un univers des plus divins ! Des hôtels à la délicieuse atmosphère, une gastronomie de calibre mondial, des soins de détente personnalisés, des frissons en saut à l'élastique et des escales exotiques sur les îles environnantes… tout est en place pour ne jamais rompre le charme. Faites la grande demande sur la proue d'un bateau, taquinez votre complice sur le green , célébrez vos réussites sur un plancher de danse et partagez l’émerveillement que procurent les ruines et les cenotes mayas. À Cancún, tous les rêves deviennent réalité! Que vous souhaitiez parader dans la foule nocturne aux côtés de votre partenaire ou vous blottir au creux d’un lit de plage, la station balnéaire possède un coin de paradis où écrire un nouveau chapitre à votre histoire! Qui plus est, le parc hôtelier de Cancún regroupe des complexes de luxe, des hôtels tout inclus réservés aux adultes et de charmants petits établissements.

Coup(s) de cœur :

  • Secrets The Vine Cancun
  • Le Blanc Spa Resort

Rapport qualité-prix :

  • Sandos Cancún

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Bouclez les valises et larguez les amarres, Cancún s’apprête à être la scène de vos parfaites vacances familiales! La destination possède une ribambelle d’hôtels en formule tout inclus, tous situés en bord de mer. Certains offrent des activités farfelues pour divertir les enfants de tous âges, d’autres se vantent d'offrir un large éventail de sports nautiques et terrestres, et quelques-uns sont fiers de posséder leur propre parc aquatique! Si l’envie vous prend de quitter la plage, votre séjour peut prendre une tournure des plus mouvementées! Sur une planche de surf, parmi les sculptures du musée sous-marin, au volant d’un bateau hors-bord ou en compagnie de dauphins, chassez le soleil en famille! Les parcours de VTT, les plongées avec casque Sea Trek et les circuits de tyroliennes savent égayer vos petits et grands casse-cous , tandis que les virées shopping, les après-midis au spa et les journées en catamaran font le bonheur des membres les plus posés de votre clan! Cancún satisfait tout un chacun!

  • Club Med Cancún
  • Iberostar Selection Cancun
  • All Ritmo Cancun Resort And Waterpark
  • Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun

mexique voyage solo

En solo, impossible de résister à la vague « Cancún » ! Avec sa vie nocturne légendaire, ses clubs de plage et ses nombreux centres nautiques et sportifs, la destination a de quoi essouffler les voyageurs infatigables de ce monde! Épicuriens et fashionistas ne sont en rien oubliés: la zone hôtelière abrite les adresses les plus fréquentées par la jeune élite mexicaine. Le centre-ville local, quant à lui, est une véritable mine d’or culinaire et artistique. On retrouve dans ses rues mouvantes quelques chefs éminents de la cuisine locale, de magnifiques objets fabriqués à la main et des textiles uniques aux couleurs vives. Être un amoureux de la nature, un fringant de culture ou un adepte de tourisme du bien-être n’est en rien un problème à Cancún. Nombreuses sont les excursions guidées vers les contrées pittoresques du Yucatán. Quant à la question de l'hébergement, la station balnéaire est réputée pour son offre hôtelière variée, proposant des concepts, des inclusions et des activités conçus expressément pour les globe-trotters non accompagnés!

  • Hard Rock Hotel Cancun
  • Oleo Cancun Playa Boutique Resort
  • Grand Oasis Cancun

mexique voyage solo

Installée sur une terre de sable et blottie entre mer et lagon, Cancún est prise d’assaut par les rayons du soleil! Sur la plage de votre hôtel, construit en front de mer, vous apprécierez sans doute l’effet rafraîchissant de l’océan remuant. Le vent marin souffle en permanence sur la station balnéaire et tempère ainsi ses chaudes journées pour en faire une destination au climat profitable tout au long de l’année. Même si les averses sont plus fréquentes durant la saison des pluies et des ouragans, entre mai et novembre, on dit de Cancún que son ciel est toujours bleu, sinon gris que quelques instants seulement!

mexique voyage solo

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Deals of the Week   Solo is the new black   Up to 50% OFF

Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Mexico

Find the right fully guided tour for you in Mexico. There are 168 trips to choose from, that range from one day in length, up to 24 days. The month with the most departures is November, making it the most popular time to visit Mexico.

168 Fully Guided tour packages in Mexico with 784 reviews

Mexico Yucatán Experience Tour

Mexico Yucatán Experience

Awesome trip, great way to see so much of Mexico in a short space of time. Top moments were the beach at Holbox, swimming in the 7 colours lagoon, experiencing the cenotes, all the guacamole, delicious breakfast recommendations, seeing Xichen Itsa and biking in Tulum. Our guide was Eve and she was THE BEST. We have done a bunch of other trips and she was by far the most personable, creative, fun, lovely person with a lot of experience and wonderful ability to share her knowledge with us. Highly recommend this trip to anyone who wants to party and catch a lot of culture all in one trip. I loved that the group was only 10 people, gave us a chance to meet everyone and there wasn’t a divide in the group nor too many people.

Classic Mexico Adventure Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Classic Mexico Adventure

Our tour guide was an amazing professional. She was enthusiastic about Mexico and keen to share places to admire, enjoy, and have fun in. The smaller group size, central hotel locations,and mix of sights and options worked super well together. A lot of enjoyable holiday in the tour!

Premium Mexico Yucatan Highlights Tour

Premium Mexico Yucatan Highlights

Great. Exceeded our expectations Selected experiences were all highlights. Hotels fine - some minor niggles but no worries. Big rave for Alejandro - our guide. Just made the trip so alive and interesting.

Yucatan Adventure: Merida, Tulum & Jungle Swims Tour

Yucatan Adventure: Merida, Tulum & Jungle Swims

Mexico is an amazing place and having the opportunity to live it with a local guide and an amazing group is even better!

Mexico Real Food Adventure Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Mexico Real Food Adventure

Great intro into Mexico with what underpins all cultures. Food!

Mayan Adventure Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing

Mayan Adventure

The tour was interesting, well balanced, so that it was possible to also independently enjoy each and every city we stayed at. The only thing I disliked was the fact that in the offer was included only American breakfast. So it was not possible to chose anything else, although the hotel's offer was much bigger.

Mexican stroll ( 8 days ) Tour

Mexican stroll ( 8 days )

An amazing tour with a very experienced tour guide. Maria made it a perfect experience! I really recommend this tour to everyone who wants a first glimpse of Mexico. Next time we're going for the bigger tour all the way to Cancoun!

Mexico Unplugged Tour

Mexico Unplugged

Colonial Mexico ( 9 days ) Tour

Colonial Mexico ( 9 days )

Viva Mexico Tour - 11 Days Tour

Viva Mexico Tour - 11 Days

Excellent tour! The tour program was really interesting. The guide was great. We stayed in hotels right in the historical city centers. Everything was well explained. We are happy with the tour and this adventure, thanks!

8 Days Tailor-Made Best Mexico Tour, Daily Start Tour

8 Days Tailor-Made Best Mexico Tour, Daily Start

Our guide Enrique and driver Riccardo we’re both very accomodating and provided great support making our trip stress free. At every stop Enrique checked accomodation, explained breakfast, meals and checked the room. His knowledge of each site and the historical context of significant events was exceptional. We would highly recommend this trip with this guide and driver
  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Mayan Route Tour

Mayan Route

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Colonial Treasures of Mexico Tour

Colonial Treasures of Mexico

A little too busy itinerary. Thanks for adding the Monarch BioReserve.

Premium Mexico in Depth Tour

Premium Mexico in Depth

Mexico in a Week (6 Days) Tour

Mexico in a Week (6 Days)

Contiki went above and beyond - my whole trip was jam packed full of amazing "cultural experiences"! I'd definitely go Contiki again!!
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Mexico

Great experience! A lot of cool activities and it is so great to not need to plan anything and stay with great people all the time.
Excellent guides. Should prepare travellers that the local tours accept only cash payments, I almost didn't have enough because I had thought they could be paid by card.

Regions in Mexico

  • Central Mexico (33)
  • Pacific Coast Mexico (21)
  • Yucatan (9)
  • Chichen Itza (8)
  • Western Caribbean (7)
  • Chiapas (6)

Travel Styles

  • Fully Guided
  • Mexico Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 10 Best Mexico Vacation Packages 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

Transat’s Solo Collection: be the master of your desires – Mexico

Transat’s Solo Collection: be the master of your desires – Mexico

Who says you can’t have fun without company? It goes without saying that Transat’s Solo Collection comes with its own set of advantages. Solo Collection hotels don’t charge a single-occupancy supplement! You’ll have your own room, but pay the same rate as if you were sharing with someone else. Isn’t that the best of both worlds?

Take control of your stay and give yourself the freedom to do as you please and enjoy the moment. After all, there’s nothing better than being quietly pampered with the knowledge that no one is waiting for you! Who knows, you might even meet some nice and interesting people!

mexique voyage solo

💺 Some hotel suggestions in Mexico available in Transat’s Solo Collection 💺

Breathless soul cancun resort & spa 5*.


Now Emerald Cancun 4.5*


Exclusive Transat benefits :

  • No single supplement1
  • Free room service2
  • Up to 25% discount at the spa3
  • Welcome basket in room upon arrival4
  • Free Wi-Fi5

Applies to selected room categories. Subject to availability.

1 Number of rooms limited.

2 Based on availability.

3 If available. Valid for certain services, once per stay.

4 Selection may vary by resort.

5 Some restrictions may apply.

Other hotels available on request in Transat’s Solo Collection


  1. 8 Conseils pour voyager seule au Mexique

    1.Vous ne serez pas seule ! Il y a beaucoup de voyageurs solo et de digital nomade au Mexique. De plus, les gens sont très accueillants et chaleureux. Vous ferez certainement de très belles rencontres. N'hésitez pas à engager la conversation et ne chercher pas d'occasions spéciale pour parler aux gens, lancez vous !

  2. Solo Travel in Mexico

    Still standing tall today, visiting these incredible ancient pyramids offers a glimpse into the past of Mesoamerica. If you're travelling solo in Mexico, take a day trip from Mexico City to Teotihuacan and the Tlatelolco ruins of the Sun and the Moon. Take a Tour of Teotihuacan. 5. Play Chess with the Locals.

  3. 20 Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations to Visit in 2024

    1. Tulum. Tulum is one of the best destinations for solo travelers in Mexico. I have visited this Yucatan pueblo magico, home to some of the best beaches in Mexico, several times. Each visit, I enjoyed the laid back vibes, variety of activities and attractions, fantastic restaurants, and excellent Tulum hotels.

  4. Solo trip to Mexico: a complete guide for safety and fun

    In this article I'll share my recommendations to have a fun but safe solo trip to Mexico as a female backpacker. Truth be told, I had only set out to trace to Mexico because my goal was South America. My initial plan was to land in Mexico, stay there for a couple of months, go through all of Central America and travel all of South America.

  5. Solo Female Travel In Mexico (2024)

    Guanajuato city. Guanajuato is a safe and friendly place for solo female travel in Mexico. This small historical city in Central Mexico (the capital of Guanajuato state), not far from San Miguel de Allende, is built predominantly of rainbow-coloured houses set inside a sweeping valley.

  6. 11 Best Solo Travel Mexico Destinations [2024]

    3. Playa del Carmen. One of the top beach destinations in Mexico is Playa del Carmen, which is in the state of Quintana Roo. It was once a more sedate option to Cancun, but recently it has gained almost as much popularity. Playa, as the locals refer to it, is a vibrant travel destination for lone travelers.

  7. Voyager seul au Mexique : les choses à savoir avant de se lancer

    Vous prévoyez de voyager seul au Mexique?Je vous rassure tout de suite, le Mexique est parfait pour les voyages en solo ! Le Mexique est une destination particulièrement prisée par les personnes voyageant seules en quête d'aventure : climat idéal, paysages paradisiaques, montagnes, forêts, excursion…. Les amoureux de découverte y trouvent toujours leur bonheur!

  8. 14 Best Places In Mexico To Travel Alone + Mexico Solo Travel Tips

    Luckily, this guide can help you narrow down some of the best places to travel to in Mexico and understand how to travel solo successfully. Add these to your Mexico solo travel itinerary for an unforgettable trip! 1. Puebla. Delicious Mole Poblano - a specialty of Puebla, Mexico.

  9. Solo Travel in Mexico: Why To Go and What To Do

    Eating one of many elotes in Oaxaca. Mexico truly has something for every traveller: an unparalleled cuisine for foodies, one of the best museums in the world for history buffs (Museo Nacional de Antropología) and incredible natural beauty for nature lovers. And for solo travellers, it offers even more added benefits.

  10. Solo travel in Mexico: The independent globetrotter's guide

    Getting around Mexico as a solo traveler. If you're on a budget, taking buses is the most affordable way to travel around Mexico alone. The good news is that you can get to just about any destination by bus; the bad news is that some of the journeys can take over a day—and by "day," I mean 24 hours, not an 8-hour workday.

  11. Mexico Solo Travel: 18 Best Places in Mexico to Travel Alone

    4. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Contributed by Lora of Explore with Lora. Situated on Mexico's Pacific Coast on the Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta is the perfect destination for solo travelers in Mexico seeking a trip full of outdoor adventure or a place to live and work remotely.

  12. A Solo Traveler's Guide To Yucatn Mexico

    There are French and Italian dishes to try too - and you can get into the groove inside or outside, with their heady array of margaritas, sangrias, Mexican beers and wines. 5. Kinich, Izamal. One of the country's "Pueblos Mágicos", Izamal is home to one of Mexico's finest and most unassuming restaurants.

  13. Solo Travel To Mexico City: Your Ultimate Guide (With Map!)

    For a solo traveler, a decent hotel in Mexico City starts at $55 USD. Street food is around $3 USD while a meal at a nice restaurant can cost $9 USD. If you want to splurge on accommodations, many five-star hotels start from $90 USD. Tasting menus in very popular restaurants cost $90 - $120 USD.

  14. Solo Travel in Mexico: Discover the Safest Places This Year

    Planning a solo trip to Mexico - Riviera Maya. 4. Travelling alone in Mexico - Cancun. 5. Solo travelling Mexico - Mexico City. 6. Querétaro - Mexico solo travel itinerary. If you are dreaming of escaping on a grand adventure, Mexico is a great destination to choose from. It is rich in culture, boasts amazing cuisine, and is relatively close ...

  15. 10 Best Mexico Solo Trips and Holiday Packages 2024/2025

    While on your Mexico solo travel, embark on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, networking with like-minded travelers, and personal growth while enjoying the beauty and diversity of the country. Below are some of the most sought-after solo trips to Mexico for you. 192 solo trips in Mexico. Best Seller 15% OFF TODAY. Starts Mexico City, Mexico.

  16. 4 Best Mexico Trips for Solo Travelers for 2024-2025

    Call 1.406.541.2677. Start Planning My Trip. Exploring Mexico solo doesn't mean you'll actually be alone, or that you'll necessarily be paying large single supplement fees that tend to follow solo travelers wherever they go. These trips for solo travelers visit highlights such as Mérida, Valladolid, Tulum, Oaxaca, and Puerto Morelos where you ...

  17. Solo Female Travel in Mexico

    Mérida has been named Mexico's safest city and the second safest city in all of North America. This is especially reassuring if you're a solo female traveler. In my experience the street harassment in Mérida is significantly less frequent than in other places in Mexico and even in the States. 4.

  18. Voyage seule au Mexique

    Voyager seule au Mexique est une excellente façon de découvrir le pays et de vivre des expériences incroyables. Il y a beaucoup à explorer tant les paysages sont diversifiés et les régions différentes, Le pays est surprenant et regorge de trésors tels que les sites Mayas, les cenotes, les plages de sable blanc, les forêts tropicales...

  19. Voyage en solo au Mexique

    Partez en voyage en solo au Mexique avec TUI ! Des activités dédiées et adaptées pour les personnes seules : vivez les vacances solo de vos envies !

  20. 3 semaines au Mexique : l'itinéraire détaillé

    Nous sommes tombés amoureux du Mexique lors de notre voyage de 3 semaines en Novembre 2021. Un pays qui offre tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer d'un grand voyage : soleil, paysages paradisiaques, eau turquoise, culture, faune et flore. Après avoir résumé notre voyage juste ici, je vous laisse avec notre itinéraire détaillé.

  21. Cancún

    Cancún, Mexique, votre prochaine destination! À la fois pour son paysage hôtelier dernier cri, son âme frivole et la beauté déconcertante des teintes de bleu qui l'entourent, Cancún est une destination touristique captivante. Située à la pointe nord-est de la péninsule du Yucatán, dans l'État oriental de Quintana Roo, la zone ...

  22. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Mexico 2024/2025

    Yucatan Adventure: Merida, Tulum & Jungle Swims. 5.0 (5 reviews) Mexico is an amazing place and having the opportunity to live it with a local guide and an amazing group is even better! Destinations. Merida, Valladolid +1 more. Age Range. 18 to 35 year olds. Operated in. English.

  23. Transat's Solo Collection: be the master of your desires

    7 August 2023 26 February 2024. Who says you can't have fun without company? It goes without saying that Transat's Solo Collection comes with its own set of advantages. Solo Collection hotels don't charge a single-occupancy supplement! You'll have your own room, but pay the same rate as if you were sharing with someone else.