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Perbedaan "Trip", "Travel", "Tour", dan "Journey" dalam Bahasa Inggris

Perbedaan "Trip", "Travel", "Tour", dan "Journey" dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sebagai pengguna bahasa Inggris, kamu tentu mengenal kata “trip”, “travel”, “tour” dan “journey”. Bahkan, kamu mungkin pernah menggunakannya saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris , baik dengan berbicara, maupun menulis. Biasanya, keempat kata tersebut digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa kamu sedang liburan. Lalu, bagaimana cara membedakan waktu penggunaannya? Nah, berikut ini adalah penjelasan lengkap dari masing-masing kata dan contoh penggunaannya yang tepat:

Secara harfiah, kata “trip” artinya adalah sebuah perjalanan, biasanya bolak-balik ke suatu tempat. Meski bisa digunakan untuk perjalanan jauh, kata “trip” akan lebih sesuai digunakan untuk perjalanan singkat yang sengaja dilakukan untuk kesenangan atau menyenangkan diri sendiri. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “trip” yang berupa kata benda atau noun untuk menceritakan perjalanan kerja ( business trip ), liburan singkat ( short trip ), atau liburan sekolah ( school trip ). Agar lebih jelas bagaimana menggunakan kata “trip” dengan tepat, berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang bisa kamu pelajari:

We had a short trip to Bandung last week. (Kami melakukan perjalanan singkat ke Bandung minggu lalu.)

He’s gone to Paris for a business trip . (Dia pergi ke Paris untuk melakukan sebuah perjalanan bisnis.)

He went with me to my overseas trip last year. (Dia ikut bersamaku melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri tahun lalu.)

She’s planning a trip to Singapore. (Dia merencanakan sebuah perjalanan ke Singapura.)

Kata “travel” dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya bisa diartikan sebagai “bepergian”. Itu sebabnya, saat kamu jalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat dalam jarak yang cukup jauh, kamu bisa disebut sedang travelling. Kata ini sebenarnya tidak berbeda jauh maknanya dengan kata “trip”. Akan tetapi, jika “trip” adalah kata benda atau noun , kata “travel” termasuk sebagai kata kerja atau verb . Dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “travel” untuk menunjukkan aksi atau kegiatan yang dilakukan dan berkaitan dengan bepergian. Jika kegiatan tersebut sedang berlangsung saat kamu mengatakannya, kamu bisa menggunakan kata “travelling” sebagai present participle dari kata “travel”.

Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan kata ini dengan tepat, simak beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini.

I traveled abroad a lot last year.  (Aku sering bepergian ke luar negeri tahun lalu.)

We love to travel by train. (Kami suka bepergian menggunakan kereta api.)

My parents enjoy travelling around Asia continent. (Orangtua saya sangat menikmati bepergian keliling benua Asia.)

Sama halnya dengan kata trip, kata tour juga termasuk sebagai kata benda atau noun . Kata yang satu ini memiliki makna “perjalanan yang dilakukan ke beberapa tempat, bisa daerah, kota, hingga negara”. Hal ini bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah perjalanan yang menyenangkan dan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan ke beberapa tempat. Meski demikian, kata ini sebenarnya juga bisa difungsikan sebagai verb layaknya “travel”. Biasanya, jika digunakan sebagai kata kerja, tour bermakna aktivitas bepergian yang dilakukan ke beberapa tempat secara berkelanjutan.

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan kata “tour” sebagai  noun dan kata “tour” sebagai verb dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang tepat.

Kata “tour” sebagai noun

They embarked on a tour around the country. (Mereka melakukan perjalanan keliling negara ini.)

When I was in Europe, I rode a bus tour. (Saat aku berada di Eropa, aku naik tur bus.)

Kata “tour” sebagai verb

She’s currently touring with her theatre club . (Dia saat ini sedang berkeliling dengan klub teaternya.)

He’s toured the country promoting his new album. (Dia bepergian keliling negara ini untuk mempromosikan album barunya.)

Sedikit berbeda dengan ketiga kata lainnya, journey yang tergolong sebagai kata benda atau noun ini memiliki makna “sebuah perjalanan panjang yang jauh dan memakan waktu lama.” Biasanya, kata journey juga bisa digunakan untuk mengatakan “perjalanan hidup” dalam bahasa Inggris.

Jika kamu ingin menggunakan kata journey saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, pastikan kamu sudah menggunakannya secara tepat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata “journey” sesuai konteks.

Lani had a very thoughtful journey in Africa. (Lani mengalami perjalanan yang berat di Afrika.)

She has a wonderful journey touring across the world. (Dia mengalami perjalanan yang sangat indah saat berkeliling dunia.)

My journey was tiring. (Perjalananku sangatlah melelahkan.)

Nah, dari penjelasan lengkap di atas, kini kamu sudah paham bukan bagaimana menggunakan keempat kosakata tersebut?

Kecepatan suara

Terjemahan teks, teks sumber, hasil terjemahan, terjemahan dokumen, tarik lalu lepas.

arti trip up

Penerjemahan situs

Masukkan URL

Terjemahan gambar

Terjemahan "trip" ke dalam Bahasa Melayu

perjalanan, kesilapan, khayalan ialah terjemahan teratas "trip" ke dalam Bahasa Melayu. Contoh ayat terjemahan: Well, you think he can handle a road trip like that? ↔ Kau rasa dia boleh hadapi perjalanan seperti tu?

A journey. [..]

Inggeris - Bahasa Melayu kamus

Well, you think he can handle a road trip like that?

Kau rasa dia boleh hadapi perjalanan seperti tu?

Terjemahan kurang kerap

  • berjalan-jalan
  • makan angin
  • membunyikan
  • mencetuskan
  • mengaktifkan
  • menggerakkan
  • menggerakkan hati
  • menyebabkan
  • pergi makan angin
  • terjerembat
  • terserandung

Tunjukkan terjemahan yang dihasilkan secara algoritma

Terjemahan automatik " trip " ke dalam Bahasa Melayu

Imej dengan "trip", frasa serupa dengan "trip" dengan terjemahan ke dalam bahasa melayu.

  • ocean trip pelayaran
  • trip the light fantastic toe berdansa · berjoget · bertandak · igal · meloncat-loncat · melonjak-lonjak · menari · mengigal · meronggeng
  • trip the light fantastic berdansa · berjoget · bertandak · igal · meloncat-loncat · melonjak-lonjak · menari · mengigal · meronggeng
  • tripping berlari-lari anak · ringan
  • field trip lawatan lapangan
  • trip out membunyikan · menyalakan · menyandung · terjerembat
  • trip-up kesilapan
  • pleasure trip bersiar-siar · ekspedisi · lawatan · makan angin · pengembaraan · persiaran · rombongan

Terjemahan "trip" ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dalam konteks, memori terjemahan

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Apa Terjemahan dari "trip" di bahasa Indonesia?

"trip" bahasa indonesia terjemahan, trip {kt bnd}.

  • volume_up perjalanan
  • pelancongan

road trip {kt bnd}

  • volume_up perjalanan darat
  • perjalanan jalan

"trip" bahasa Inggris terjemahan

  • volume_up travel

trip {kata benda}

  • open_in_new Tautan ke sumber
  • warning Request revision

road trip {kata benda}

Contoh penggunaan, english indonesian contoh kontekstual "trip" di bahasa indonesia.

Kalimat ini berasal dari sumber eksternal dan mungkin tidak akurat. bab.la tidak bertanggung jawab atas isinya.

Contoh Monolingual

English cara menggunakan "trip" dalam kalimat, english cara menggunakan "road trip" dalam kalimat, persamaan kata, sinonim (bahasa inggris) untuk "trip":.

  • trigger off

Terjemahan lebih lanjut di kamus bahasa Inggris-bahasa Indonesia bab.la.

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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)

Pranala ( link ): https://kbbi.web.id/trip, ★ pencarian populer hari ini.

postulat sasana kompendium yang sekarang absah tidak akomodasi kaleidoskop premis belot dalam vertikal asas gelanggang atau becus adalah implikasi degradasi holistik izin-atau-ijin artistik aktivitas-atau-aktifitas sentimental telah praktik-atau-praktek andal terimakasih tradisional modern konvensional autentik pepek-2 andal-atau-handal wirang istri-atau-isteri selamat linier dalih miliar-atau-milyar personal populer buyut royal representatif ekspresif zaman-atau-jaman majemuk nampak-atau-tampak

★ Mana penulisan kata yang benar?

abjad/abjat akte/akta aktivitas/aktifitas akidah/aqidah amfibi/amphibi andal/handal analisis/analisa antre/antri apotek/apotik asas/azaz atlet/atlit atmosfer/atmosfir azan/adzan belum/belom bengep/bengap besok/esok biosfer/biosfir blanko/blangko cabai/cabe cendekiawan/cendikiawan daftar/daptar dekoratif/dekoratip dekret/dekrit detail/detil diagnosis/diagnosa durian/duren efektif/efektip efektifitas/efektivitas ekstra/extra elite/elit embus/hembus faksimile/faksimili/faksimil februari/pebruari fondasi/pondasi formal/formil foto/photo frekuensi/frekwensi gizi/gisi gladi/geladi gubuk/gubug hadis/hadist hafal/hapal hakikat/hakekat hierarki/hirarki hipotesis/hipotesa ijazah/ijasah imaginasi/imajinasi imbau/himbau indera/indra insaf/insyaf isap/hisap istri/isteri izin/ijin jadwal/jadual jenazah/jenasah jenderal/jendral justru/justeru karena/karna karier/karir karisma/kharisma kategori/katagori komoditi/komoditas komplet/komplit kreatif/kreatip kualitas/kwalitas kuitansi/kwitansi lembap/lembab lubang/lobang makhluk/mahluk masjid/mesjid metode/metoda menyolok/mencolok miliar/milyar nampak/tampak napas/nafas nasihat/nasehat negatif/negatip negeri/negri nomor/nomer november/nopember objek/obyek objektif/obyektif paham/faham pikir/fikir praktik/praktek provinsi/propinsi rapot/rapor risiko/resiko sariawan/seriawan sekretaris/sekertaris sistem/sistim standarisasi/standardisasi subjek/subyek teknik/tehnik teknologi/tehnologi zaman/jaman

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✔ Informasi Tambahan

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Arti Kata "trip" Menurut KBBI

Arti kata, ejaan, dan contoh penggunaan kata "trip" menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI).

trip n 1 perjalanan jauh: menyelesaikan -- pertama mengelilingi Pulau Bali; 2 rombongan (yg bepergian): calon jemaah haji -- pertama berangkat dng kapal Cut Nyak Dien

Kosakata Populer

Sedang dilihat, informasi tentang situs kbbi.co.id.

KBBI.co.id Merupakan situs penyedia data mengenai arti kata atau istilah dan cara pengejaannya beserta contoh kalimat yang disadur dari "Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia" atau yang biasa disingkat dengan KBBI. Tidak seperti beberapa situs web yang sama, kami mencoba untuk menyediakan berbagai fitur lain, seperti kecepatan akses, menampilkan dengan berbagai membedakan warna untuk jenis kata, tampilan yang tepat untuk semua web browser kedua komputer desktop, laptop dan ponsel pintar dan seterusnya. Fitur lengkap dapat dibaca di bagian fitur Online KBBI.

Arti kata seperti kata "trip" di atas ditampilkan dalam warna yang membuatnya mudah untuk mencari entri dan sub-tema. Berikut adalah beberapa penjelasan:

  • Jenis kata atau Deskripsi istilah-istilah seperti n (kata benda), v (kata kerja) dalam merah muda (pink) dengan menggarisbawahi titik.
  • Arahkan mouse untuk melihat informasi (tidak semuanya telah dijelaskan)
  • Makna 1, 2, 3 dan seterusnya ditandai dalam huruf tebal dengan latar belakang lingkaran
  • Contoh penggunaan entri / sub entri yang ditandai dengan warna biru
  • Contoh dalam Amsal ditandai di orange
  • Ketika mengeklik hasil dari "Loading" daftar, hasil yang sesuai dengan kata Cari akan ditandai dengan latar belakang kuning
  • Menampilkan hasil yang baik dalam kata-kata dasar dan derivatif, dan makna dan definisi akan ditampilkan tanpa harus kembali men-download data dari server

Link (cukup Permalink / Link) indah dan mudah diingat untuk definisi kata, misalnya:

  • Kata ' teknologi ' akan memiliki link di  https://kbbi.co.id/arti-kata/teknologi
  • Kata ' konservatif ' akan memiliki link di  https://kbbi.co.id/arti-kata/konservatif
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Essential Guide to the Ganga Aarti in India

The Ganga Aarti at Rishikesh, Haridwar, and Varanasi

arti trip up

Tim Graham / Getty Images

Every evening, as dusk descends, the Ganga Aarti is performed at the three holy cities of Haridwar , Rishikesh , and Varanasi in India. It's a very powerful and uplifting spiritual ritual. But what's its meaning and how can you see it?

An aarti is a devotional ritual that uses fire as an offering. It's usually made in the form of a lit lamp, and in the case of the Ganges River, a small diya with a candle and flowers that's floated down the river. The offering is made to the Goddess Ganga, also affectionately referred to as Maa Ganga, goddess of the holiest river in India. The aarti takes on special significance on the auspicious occasion of Ganga Dussehra (in May or June each year), when Maa Ganga is believed to have descended from heaven to earth.

Overview of the Ganga Aarti

The aarti is carried out facing the river. The lamps are lit and circled around by the pandits (Hindu priests) in a clockwise manner, accompanied by changing or songs in praise of Mother Ganga. The idea is that the lamps acquire the power of the deity. After the ritual is complete, devotees will cup their hands over the flame and raise their palms to their forehead in order to get the goddess's purification and blessing.

Where is the Ganga Aarti Performed?

As mentioned above, the Ganga Aarti happens every evening (rain, hail, or shine!) on the banks of the Ganges River in Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Varanasi. However, the ceremony is very different in each of these places.

Read on to find out about the Ganga Aarti in each place.

Haridwar Ganga Aarti

The Haridwar Ganga Aarti is held at Har-ki-Pauri ghat. The name of this famous ghat literally means "Feet of the Lord". A footprint on a stone wall there is said to belong to Lord Vishnu. In terms of spiritual importance, Har-ki-Pauri is considered to be equivalent to Dashashwamedh Ghat where the aarti takes place in Varanasi. Legend has it that some nectar ( amrit ) landed there after falling from a pot carried by the celestial bird Garuda.

The Ganga Aarti at Haridwar is possibly the most interactive of the three main Ganga aartis in India and will have the deepest appeal to pilgrims, particularly those with an Indian background. It has a location of spiritual significance the same as the Varanasi Ganga Aarti but isn't as flamboyant and staged. Yet, it's quite the spiritual circus: people, pandits, babas , idols of various gods, loudspeakers, clanging bells, singing, incense, flowers, and flames! All this combines to create a very sensory experience. Some people say that it's too commercial, crowded, and noisy. However, I found it to be one of the most awe-inspiring things I've ever witnessed in India.

How to Attend the Haridwar Ganga Aarti

There are a couple of options for attending the aarti , depending on how you want to see it and what you're prepared to pay. It's possible just to sit on the steps and watch it from a distance, like most people.

However, if you're staying in a decent hotel such as the Haveli Hari Ganga , a guide will most probably be available to take you to the aarti . This way, you'll be able to get in among the action and participate in it. You'll be blessed by a pandit , and ushered to the front steps of the ghat, right where the lamps are circled. If you're fortunate, you'll even be able to hold one of the lamps. The evocative chanting coupled with the billowing flames, and the holy water lapping at your feet, makes it particularly moving and unforgettable. You can really immerse yourself in this ancient ritual. It's highly recommended.

Of course, at the end, when the pandits ask for money, it can be a rude shock. They're known to be greedy, and if you're a foreigner they've been known to ask for thousands of rupees. It's definitely not necessary to give this much though. An amount of 501 rupees (for a couple) is more than sufficient if you're feeling generous. Tip: If you're a woman, do take a scarf to cover your head for religious reasons. Don't worry too much if you don't have one though. You'll be issued with a thread to perform the same function.

Rishikesh Ganga Aarti

The most well known Ganga Aarti in Rishikesh is held on the bank of the river at Parmarth Niketan ashram . It's a much more intimate and relaxed affair than the aartis at Haridwar and Varanasi and is devoid of the theatrics as well. Many people prefer it for these reasons. They find it much more spiritual.

Instead of being performed by pandits , the Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan is organized and performed by ashram residents, particularly the children who are studying the Vedas there. The ceremony commences with the singing of bhajans (devotional songs), prayers, and a hawan (a purifying and sacred ritual that takes place around a fire, with the offerings made to Agni, the fire god). The lamps are lit and the aarti occurs as the final part of the ceremony. The children sing along with the spiritual head of the ashram, in sweet, haunting voices. A huge statue of Lord Shiva overlooks the proceedings.

How to Attend the Rishikesh Ganga Aarti

Everyone is welcome to attend the Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan. Do arrive early if you want to get a seat on the steps close to the action. It can be difficult to see otherwise. Shoes must be removed but you can securely store them for free at the entrance.

Varanasi Ganga Aarti

The Varanasi Ganga Aarti takes place every sunset at holy Dasaswamedh Ghat , near Kashi Vishwanath Temple. It differs from the aartis at Haridwar and Rishikesh in that it's a highly choreographed ceremony. Although a spectacular must-see, some people consider it to be too much of an artificial and showy extravaganza to have a lot of meaning in a spiritual context.

The aarti is performed on a stage by a group of young pandits , all draped in saffron-colored robes with their puja plates spread out before them. It commences with the blowing of a conch shell, and continues with the waving of incense sticks in elaborate patterns and circling of large flaming lamps that create a bright hue against the darkened sky. The movement of the lamps, held in the pandits ' hands, is tightly synchronizing to the rhythmic chants of hymns and clang of cymbals. The heady scent of sandalwood thickly permeates the air.

How to Attend the Varanasi Ganga Aarti

People start arriving very early (as early as 5 p.m.) in order to get a good position for viewing the aarti . A novel and effective way of seeing it is by boat from the river. Alternatively, many shops in the vicinity hire their balconies out to tourists. A maha aarti (great aarti) takes place on a particularly elaborate scale in Varanasi near the end of each year on Kartik Purnima.

There's also an early morning sunrise Ganga Aarti in Varanasi, organized by Subah-e-Banaras.

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Varanasi Guide: Planning Your Trip

20 Top Things to Do in Diverse India

15 Top Tourist Places to Visit in North India

Top 14 Things to Do in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

18 Best Places to Visit in Kolkata to Discover the City

Badrinath Temple in Uttarakhand: The Complete Guide

7 Top Traditional India Yoga Centers

Guide to the Mystical Kumbh Mela in India

One Week in Delhi: The Perfect Itinerary

16 Best Tourist Destinations in India

India Travel: Issues to Know at Top Tourist Places

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Meaning of trip (someone) up in English

Trip (someone) up.

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  • I tripped up on a piece of loose carpet .
  • He deliberately tripped me up.
  • She tripped up and dropped the tray .
  • He tripped up on the doorstep .
  • A fallen branch tripped me up.
  • collapse under someone's/something's weight
  • collapse/fall in a heap idiom
  • drop like flies idiom
  • knock someone over
  • let go idiom
  • overbalance
  • parachutist

You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

  • balls (something) up
  • blunderingly
  • make a cock-up of something
  • misdiagnose
  • misdiagnosis
  • misremember
  • speak/talk out of turn idiom
  • stumblingly
  • to err is human (to forgive divine). idiom
  • uncorrectable

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Perbedaan Trip, Travel, Tour dan Journey

Bagi kalian yang hobi jalan-jalan, pastinya sudah tidak asing lagi nih dengan kata –kata trip, travel, tour, dan journey . Salah satu diantara kata-kata tersebut mungkin sering kalian pakai ketika ingin menyatakan/mengungkapkan bahwa kalian sedang bepergian/jalan-jalan. Jika dicermati, keempat kata tersebut memiliki makna yang hampir sama namun ternyata penggunaannya berbeda lho guys . Adakah yang bisa membedakan makna dan penggunaannya? Tentunya penting bagi kalian untuk mengetahui makna dan cara penggunaan kata-kata tersebut sebelum menggunakannya.

Keempat kata tersebut tentunya memiliki makna dan penggunaan yang berbeda. Jika kalian belum mengetahui makna dan penggunaannya, bisa jadi kalimat yang kalian ucapkan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya salah persepsi terhadap lawan bicara kalian guys . Nah, untuk menghindari terjadinya hal tersebut dan agar kalian lebih paham lagi tentang makna dan penggunaan keempat kata tersebut, yuk ikuti baik-baik penjelasannya dibawah ini.

Trip merupakan kata benda ( noun ) yang maknanya adalah perjalanan atau bepergian. Yang dimaksud dengan perjalanan/ bepergian disini adalah dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama dan pasti kembali lagi ke tempat asal.  Biasanya kata trip digunakan untuk liburan singkat, perjalanan bisnis ke luar kota, ataupun studi banding.

Contoh kalimat:

  • I had a short trip to Tampak Siring last week (Saya melakukan perjalanan singkat ke Tampak Siring minggu lalu).
  • How was your business trip to England? (bagaimana perjalanan bisnismu ke Inggris?).
  • I really enjoyed our last trip to the Banyumala Waterfall (saya sangat menikmati perjalanan kita ketika ke air terjun Banyumala).

Kata travel bisa berfungsi sebagai kata kerja ( verb ) maupun kata benda ( noun ). Travel juga berarti perjalanan/bepergian. Yang membedakannya dengan kata trip, makna dari kata travel ialah bepergian/melakukan perjalanan ke suatu tempat (biasanya tempat yang jauh) namun tidak memiliki tujuan/ jangka waktu tertentu.

  • He likes travelling around the world (dia suka jalan-jalan keliling dunia).
  • Komang travels every month with his friends (Komang bepergian setiap bulan dengan teman-temannya).
  • Will you travel with me? (maukah kau bepergian denganku ?).


Sama halnya dengan travel , tour juga bisa berfungsi sebagai kata kerja ( verb ) maupun kata benda ( noun ). Tour sendiri berarti tur/perjalanan wisata. Kata Tour disini memiliki makna pergi dengan cara berkeliling ke beberapa tempat-tempat wisata yang ada di suatu daerah.

  • My friends and I will tour to Jogjakarta (saya dan teman-teman saya akan melalukan tur/perjalanan wisata ke Jogjakarta).
  • Would you like to join us in our tour to England? (maukah kau bergabung dengan kami dalam tur ke Inggris?).
  • We toured to Kalimantan last month (kami tur ke Kalimantan bulan lalu).

Journey berfungsi sebagai kata benda ( noun ) dalam bahasa inggris, Journey berarti perjalanan. Kata jouney sendiri memiliki makna perjalanan panjang dan memakan jarak yang jauh. Lebih jauh lagi, journey juga dapat diartikan sebagai perjalanan hidup seseorang.

  • I think it is a long journey to visit your house (saya pikir ini adalah perjalanan yang panjang untuk sampai di rumahmu).
  • Nyoman has passed his amazing spiritual journey in India (Bapak Nyoman sudah melewati perjalanan spiritualnya yang luar biasa di India).
  • The journey took time about 3 days (perjalanannya memakan waktu sekitar 3 hari).

Nah, itu dia guys perbedaan keempat kata tersebut. Jadi setiap kata memiliki penggunaan yang berbeda-beda. Semoga nantinya setelah menyimak penjelasan diatas kalian tidak bingung-bingung lagi ya guys dalam menggunakan kata-kata tersebut. Jika kalian ingin tahu lebih banyak lagi tentang penggunaan suatu kata yang memiliki makna yang hampir sama, yuk belajar bareng kita di English Café Bali.

Disini kita akan belajar dengan metode yang fun and enjoy. English Café beralamat di Jalan Gunung Soputan 1 No 16A Denpasar atau kalian juga bisa mengubungi kami di nomor (0361) 481910 . Let’s come and study together!

Gede Murta

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Perbedaan Trip vs Voyage vs Journey vs Travel


Beberapa kata dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa memiliki arti yang hampir sama. Seperti kata perjalanan yang dalam Bahasa Inggris travel, trip, voyage, atau journey . Berikut adalah perbedaannya.

Kata ini dipakai untuk menujukkan perjalanan singkat.

  • Anna is away on a business trip with her sister . (Anna sedang pergi untuk perjalanan bisnis dengan saudara perempuannya)
  • They went on a trip to the beach . (mereka pergi menjalani perjalanan ke pantai)
  • Are you coming to the trip to Arizona ? (apakah kamu akan ikut dengan perjalanan ke Arizona?)
  • It only a two hour trip with bus (itu hanya perjalanan dua jam dengan bis)
  • Our trip was a fail because of a hurricane (perjalanan kami gagal total karena badai)
  • Have a great trip to Bali (selamat menjalani perjalanan ke Bali)
  • Each trip is more exciting then the last one (tiap perjalanan akan lebih menyenangkan dari pada sebelumnya)
  • So, how was your trip? (jadi, bagaimana dengan perjalananmu?)
  • I cant believe you are going on a trip to Disneyland and didnt invite me (saya tidak percaya kamu akan pergi ke Disneyland dan tidak mengajak saya)

Perjalanan yang panjang, biasanya dengan pesawat atau kapal dan tidak melalui daratan.

  • The UUSD voyage to the moon is over . (perjalanan UUSD ke Bulan telah selesai)
  • He wrote his many voyage on a novel (dia menulis banyak perjalanannya dalam bentuk novel)
  • They voyage to a far away island (mereka melakukan perjalanan ke pulau yang jauh)
  • This is my first voyage in a steamboat (ini adalah perjalanan pertama saya dengan kapal uap)
  • The voyage marked the Captain career in 20 years (perjalanan menandakan karir kapten dalam waktu 20 tahun)
  • Colombus decided to do extended voyage to Asia . (Colombus memutuskan melakukan perjalanan tambahan ke Asia.)
  • The doctor didnt adviced him to take such a long voyage (dokter tidak menyarankan dia untuk menjalani perjalanan yang jauh)
  • The Nusantara ship made the 3,000-kilometre voyage across the Pasific. (Kapan Nusantara melakukan perjalanan 3,000 kilometer melintasi lautan Pasifik)
  • The voyage proved to be an important event in human’s history of traveling the world (perjalanan ini membuktikan sebagai kejadian penting dalam sejarah manusia dalam perjalanan di dunia)
  • You started a long journey home five days from now . (kamu mulai perjalanan panjang pulang lima hari dari sekarang)
  • He planned a journey together with his wife to India . (dia merencanakan perjalanan bersama dengan dengan istrinya ke India)
  • So are you ready for this journey? (apakah kamu siap dengan perjalanan ini?)
  • We will make a map about our journey together (kami akan membuat peta tentang perjalanan kami bersama)
  • He made a journey around Asia with only 1000$ budget (dia melakukan perjalanan keliling Asia hanya dengan dana 1000 dollar)
  • I cant afford a journey across Europe, it is too expensive (saya tidak mampu melakukan perjalanan melintasi Eropa, itu terlalu mahal)
  • We start our journey from America to The Carrabien on the new cruise ship (kami mulai perjalanan dari Amerika Ke Karribian dengan kapal pesiar yang baru)
  • You are traveling alone? That is a going to be a lonely journey (kamu bepergian sendirian? Itu akan jadi perjalanan yang sepi)
  • See the world and experience the journey by yourself (lihatlah dunian dan alami perjalanan dengan sendiri.)
  • We will travel to Jakarta dan Bandung next month (kami akan pergi ke Jakarta dan bandung bulan depan)
  • I have to travel back and forth Jakarta dan Bandung just to be with my husband (saya harus bepergian pulang pergi Jakarta Bandung hanya untuk bertemu dengan suami saya)
  • I learn a lot about myself from all of my travels. (saya belajar banyak tentang diri sendiri dari s semua perjalananmu)
  • Jenny talks about travel to different countries, but she never does it (Jenny berbicara banyak tentang jalan-jalan ke negara yang berbeda-beda, tapi dia tidak pernah melakukannya.)
  • I didnt travel anythere during the first year of pandemic (saya tidak pergi kemana-mana selama setahun pertama dari Pandemik.)
  • My parents will never let me travel all by myself (orang tua saya tidak akan membiarkan saya jalan-jalan sendirian)
  • I like travel to unique places and avoids crowd if possible (saya suka jalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat unik dan menghindari tempat ramai sebisa mungkin.
  • I love to travel all by myself (saya suka melakukan perjalanan sendirian )
  • We travel in style with jets and everything (kami bepergian dengan gaya dengan pesawat jet dan hal-hal lainnya)
  • I cant wait to travel again (saya tidak sabar menunggu untuk bisa jalan-jalan lagi)

Itulah perbedaan antara kata trip, voyage, journey, dan trip . Pakai kata yang tepat sesuai dengan pemakaiannya. Jadi kalimat yang Anda buat dapat dipahami dengan baik.

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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu 'Trip' yang Dinyanyikan Ulang Oleh Jay iKON

Lirik dan terjemahan lagu 'Trip' yang dinyanyikan oleh Jay iKON

Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul ‘ Trip ’ dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi asal Inggris, Ella Mai yang dirilis pada tahun 2018.

Lagu ini kemudian di- cover ulang oleh salah satu personel boyband asal Korea Selatan, Jay iKON .

Hingga artikel ini dirilis, lagu ini masuk kedalam jajaran trending YouTube musik Indonesia.

Lagu ini memuncak di nomor 47 di Inggris dan nomor 11 di Billboard Hot 100 di Amerika Serikat. [3] Lagu ini ditulis oleh Mai, Varren Wade, Quinton, dan Dijon MacFarlane.

Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu ‘Trip’ yang dinyanyikan ulang oleh Jay iKON.

Baca Juga: Chord dan Lirik Lagu ‘Despacito’ Milik Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee

[ (Ella Mai Cover.) iKON-ON : JAY - Trip ] Ooh, yeah, yeah. I put my feelings on safety So I don't go shootin' where your heart be Cause you take the bullet tryna save me Then I'm left to deal with makin' you bleed [Pre-Chorus] And that's a whole lotta love, ain't tryna waste it Like we be runnin' a mile to never make it That's just too bitter for worse, don't wanna taste it That's just too bitter for worse, don't wanna face it [Chorus] But I think that I'm done trippin', I'm trip-trippin' I've been sippin', that's how I control This feelin', you keep givin' You keep on hittin' it, ooh, oh Maybe it's your love, it's too good to be true Baby boy, your love, got me trippin' on you You know your love is big enough, make me trip up on you Yeah, it's big enough, got me trippin' on you, trip-trippin' on you [Post-Chorus] My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you) My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you) [Verse 2] Boy, you know we cool when I ain't waitin' But I act a fool when I don't get it And I'm steady bruisin' just to save this But I tripped on your love, now I'm addicted [Pre-Chorus] And that's a whole lotta love, ain't tryna waste it Like we be runnin' a mile to never make it That's just too bitter for worse, don't wanna taste it That's just too bitter for worse, don't wanna face it [Chorus] But I think that I'm done trippin', I'm trip-trippin' I've been sippin', that's how I control This feelin', you keep givin' You keep on hittin' it, ooh, oh Maybe it's your love, it's too good to be true Baby boy, your love, got me trippin' on you You know your love is big enough, make me trip up on you Yeah, it's big enough, got me trippin' on you, trip-trippin' on you [Post-Chorus] My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you, trippin' on you) My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you, trippin' on you) [Bridge] That's some kind of love, baby (Drip, drip) That's the type of love, make me (Trip, trip, trippin' on you) It's big enough, make me (Drip, drip) It's big enough, got me (Trip, trip, trippin' on you) [Chorus] I'm done trippin', I'm trip-trippin' I've been sippin', that's how I control This feelin', you keep givin' You keep on hittin' it, ooh, oh Maybe it's your love, it's too good to be true Baby boy, your love, got me trippin' on you You know your love is big enough, make me trip up on you Yeah, it's big enough, got me trippin' on you, trip-trippin' on you [Post-Chorus] My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (My bad, my bad, my bad, trippin' on you, yeah) My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you, trippin' on you, baby) My bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you) Said I admit I was wrong when I did it My bad, my bad, my bad for, trippin' on you (Trippin' on you, trippin' on you) [Outro] Trippin' on you, yeah, yeah Ooh, yeah, yeah

Baca Juga: Chord dan Lirik Lagu 'Make You Mine' Milik PUBLIC, You know that I won't stop until I make you mine

Berikut terjemahan lagu ‘Trip’ yang dinyanyikan ulang oleh Jay iKON.

Ooh, yeah, yeah. Aku meletakkan perasaan saya pada keselamatan Jadi saya tidak pergi menembak di mana hatimu berada Penyebab Anda mengambil peluru tryna menyelamatkan saya

Lalu aku meninggalkan berurusan dengan makin' berdarah [Pre-Paduan Suara] Dan itu whole lotta cinta, tidak tryna sia-siakan Seperti kita menjadi runnin' satu mil untuk tidak pernah membuat Itu hanya terlalu pahit buruk, tidak ingin merasakannya Itu hanya terlalu pahit buruk, tidak ingin menghadapinya [Paduan suara] Tapi saya berpikir bahwa aku sudah selesai trippin', aku trip-trippin' Aku sudah sippin', bahwa ini bagaimana mengontrol feelin ini, Anda tetap givin' Anda terus Hittin' itu, ooh, oh Mungkin cinta Anda, itu terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan

Bayi laki-laki, cinta Anda, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda Anda tahu cinta Anda cukup besar, membuat saya perjalanan pada Anda Ya, itu cukup besar, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda, perjalanan-Trippin' pada Anda [Post-Paduan Suara] buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda) buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda) [Ayat 2] Boy, Anda tahu kami dingin ketika saya tidak menunggumu Tapi aku bertindak bodoh ketika saya tidak mendapatkannya Dan aku mantap bruisin' hanya untuk menyimpan ini Tapi aku tersandung pada cinta Anda, sekarang aku kecanduan

[Pre-Paduan Suara] Dan itu whole lotta cinta, tidak tryna sia-siakan Seperti kita menjadi runnin' satu mil untuk tidak pernah membuat Itu hanya terlalu pahit buruk, tidak ingin merasakannya Itu hanya terlalu pahit buruk, tidak ingin menghadapinya [Paduan suara] Tapi saya berpikir bahwa aku sudah selesai trippin', aku trip-trippin' Aku sudah sippin', bahwa ini bagaimana mengontrol feelin ini, Anda tetap givin' Anda terus Hittin' itu, ooh, oh Mungkin cinta Anda, itu terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan Bayi laki-laki, cinta Anda, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda Anda tahu cinta Anda cukup besar, membuat saya perjalanan pada Anda

Ya, itu cukup besar, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda, perjalanan-Trippin' pada Anda [Post-Paduan Suara] buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda, Trippin' pada Anda) buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda, Trippin' pada Anda) [Jembatan] Itulah beberapa jenis cinta, bayi (Drip, drip) Itulah jenis cinta, membuat saya (perjalanan, perjalanan, Trippin' pada Anda) Ini cukup besar, membuat saya (Drip, drip) Ini cukup besar, membuat saya (perjalanan, perjalanan, Trippin' pada Anda) [Paduan suara] Aku sudah selesai trippin', aku trip-trippin'

Aku sudah sippin', bahwa ini bagaimana mengontrol feelin ini, Anda tetap givin' Anda terus Hittin' itu, ooh, oh Mungkin cinta Anda, itu terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan Bayi laki-laki, cinta Anda, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda Anda tahu cinta Anda cukup besar, membuat saya perjalanan pada Anda Ya, itu cukup besar, membuat saya Trippin' pada Anda, perjalanan-Trippin' pada Anda [Post-Paduan Suara] buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (saya buruk, saya buruk, saya buruk, Trippin' pada Anda, ya) buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda, Trippin' pada Anda, bayi) buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda) Kata Aku mengakui aku salah ketika aku melakukannya saya buruk, saya buruk, buruk saya untuk, Trippin' pada Anda (Trippin' pada Anda, Trippin' pada Anda)

[Outro] Trippin' pada Anda, yeah, yeah Ooh, yeah, yeah

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  • Lirik Lagu dan Chord Gitar 'Every Breath You Take' - The Police
  • Lirik 'Lir Ilir' By Ten 2 Five, Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong Sumilir
  • Lirik dan Chord If The World Was Ending - JP Saxe feat. Julia Michaels
  • Lirik Lagu Tahun 2000an 'Bimbang' Yang Dipopulerkan Oleh Melly Goeslaw
  • Lirik Lagu 'Genting' Yang Dipopulerkan Oleh Andika & D'ningrat
  • Baru Rilis, Ini Lirik Lagu 'What a Man Gotta Do' Milik Jonas Brothers

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KPU Kalbar Gelar Launching Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2024 di SSA, Tambah Semarak Karena Hadirnya Andra And The BackBone

A retired Microsoft exec and his wife fell in love with RVing during the pandemic. Now he's using AI to help you plan your next road trip.

  • Scott Lengel, a former Microsoft CTO, launched an AI-powered RV road trip planner, AdventureGenie.
  • He said when he got into RVing during the pandemic, he couldn't find a great planning tool.
  •  AdventureGenie recommends custom routes, campsites, and activities based on user preferences.

Insider Today

Scott Lengel and his wife, Lisa, were Marriott people.

After spending 23 years as a CTO at Microsoft , Lengel retired in 2017, at which point he and his wife knew they wanted to travel the world. They visited places like Cambodia, Vietnam, and India, typically traveling by plane and staying in hotels — often Marriotts.

Then the pandemic hit.

Suddenly, they were stuck at home in South Carolina. That's when the couple realized, "We really haven't seen the good old US of A."

Up until that point, they'd never even been camping .

"We figured if ever there was a time to go RVing, to go camping, this would be it," Lengel told Business Insider.

So they rented an RV and set off for Nashville with a couple of good friends. "We just had a blast," Lengel said. "Hanging around the campsite and the campfire and eating and beverages, and just the camaraderie. We just fell in love with the lifestyle of camping in one week."

Within six months, they purchased an RV of their own and started taking it all over. But when the couple tried to plan a six-week, multi-stop road trip to the national parks of the Southwest, they realized it was actually pretty challenging and that the existing resources were not great.

"There has to be a better way," they thought.

A couple of years later, in May 2023, Lengel launched AdventureGenie — an AI-powered RV trip planner. Lengel, who serves as chairman and CEO, said that in less than a year, AdventureGenie has attracted more than 10,000 users, and not just RVers, but also people traveling in cars on all kinds of road trips.

AI can customize trip planning

AdventureGenie is one of many AI-powered trip-planning tools that have popped up over the past couple of years. It's been featured on lists of the best RV- and road-trip planning AI tools.

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AdventureGenie is set up to help people plan their trips in three phases, which Lengel said was based on talking to thousands of people about how they plan their trips.

First, you can shape your trip. You can tell AdventureGenie things like where you want to start, where you want to end, how many miles you want to drive in a day, and any places you know you want to stop along the way. AdventureGenie will create a custom route based on your preferences and what the program knows about you, either from what you've told it or from past trips you've planned.

Second, you can select your campsites. AdventureGenie uses AI to compile information about campsites and make recommendations based on your preferences. In addition to generating an overall score on a campsite, AdventureGenie also generates a score that is unique to you, indicating how likely a specific campground is to meet your personal needs.

Third, is finding things to do. For instance, if it knows you like eating at local restaurants, hiking, and biking, as Lengel and his wife do, it can point out those attractions.

The biggest thing AI brings to AdventureGenie's trip planning is the customization, Lengel said. Instead of looking up a generic road trip planner that is the first hit served to everyone on Google, AdventureGenie can create itineraries that are unique to you.

"It feels as if you have a copilot or a travel planner sitting by your side and knows what you're looking for and customizes it for you," Lengel said.

He said that when RVers first use AdventureGenie the "jaw-dropping" moment for them is when it fills in the blanks on a trip with stops along the way.

In the past, if you wanted to road trip from South Carolina to Yellowstone, you'd have to look at a map and try to plot out stops based on how many miles a day you want to drive. But you'd also have to manually figure out whether those stops have campsites that suit your needs, or if they have any other attractions that make them worth passing through, or how far off the highway they are.

Lengel said new AdventureGenie users often say it saves them so much time planning their trip just by filling in their route.

"That's pretty darn rewarding for us," he said.

From Microsoft to tech startup

Lengel, who came out of retirement to launch AdventureGenie, said working on this startup has been a major change of pace from his days at Microsoft, which he also loved.

"We're a startup at our core, and it's a lot different than when I was working for an organization that had 150,000 employees and an incredible budget," he said. "We all wear lots of hats, which has been exciting, thrilling, and even challenging from time to time."

These days, he and his wife are on the road three out of four weeks a month, though now it's usually for work, visiting trade shows and meeting with RV user groups.

However, they do still make a point to do some fun things, too.

When Lengel spoke to BI, he was sitting in his RV in the Florida Keys, with a view of the ocean right out his window .

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Halodoc , Jakarta – Guilt trip  atau rasa bersalah sering muncul dalam hubungan, baik itu hubungan romantis, persahabatan, hubungan profesional, ataupun hubungan keluarga. Perlu diwaspadai, guilt trip merupakan bentuk manipulasi dan pelecehan psikologis yang dibuat secara hati-hati. Tindakan tersebut dilakukan dengan menimbulkan rasa bersalah pada salah satu pihak dalam hubungan. 

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Biasanya, orang yang melakukan guilt trip tahu pasti, bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan (membuat orang lain merasa bersalah), sebagai senjata untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan dari orang lain. 

Guilt trip saat ini juga dipandang sebagai salah satu jenis intimidasi. Lantas, bagaimana seseorang dapat menyadari dan mengatasi bahwa ia sedang mendapatkan perilaku guilt trip dari orang lain?

Tindakan Guilt Trips Sulit Dikenali Korban

Tindakan guilt trip sering kali tidak langsung dan sulit dikenali. Terkadang, bentuk manipulasi psikologis ini dapat terjadi dalam perilaku pasif, pasif-agresif, atau agresif terhadap target atau korban. Perilaku tersebut dapat mencakup isolasi, perlakuan diam ( silent treatment ), atau antagonisme eksplisit. 

Tujuan dari perilaku guilt trip adalah untuk mengecewakan target, dan akibatnya memanipulasi korban menjadi merasa menyesal, serta malu pada diri mereka sendiri. Bahkan, ketika mereka seharusnya tidak melakukan sebuah kesalahan.

Perilaku guilt trip lainnya yang kerap terjadi yaitu mengungkit kejadian di masa lalu, ketika pelaku (tampaknya) membantu targetnya saat ini. Isu umum dari trik khusus ini adalah 

  • “Lihat, berapa banyak yang sudah saya lakukan untukmu.”
  • “Jika bukan karena saya, di mana kamu akan berada sekarang.” 
  • “Ingat ketika saya ada di sana untukmu.”

Hal yang perlu ditegaskan, masih banyak kalimat-kalimat serupa di atas yang bisa memicu  guilt trip. 

Berbeda dengan jenis manipulasi lainnya, taktik ini bisa lebih sulit untuk dilawan oleh korban. Di permukaan, mungkin tampak seolah-olah si pelaku masuk akal dan hanya meminta balasan. Namun, hal ini salah. Sebab seseorang yang benar-benar membantu dengan niat tulus, tidak akan mengungkit peristiwa tersebut demi keuntungannya. 

Ciri-ciri Pelaku Guilt Trip Sedang Melakukan Aksinya

Perilaku guilt trips bisa disengaja, tapi bisa juga tidak disengaja. Bahkan, ada kemungkinan pula dirimu yang melakukan tindakan ini pada orang lain. Lantas, bagaimana cara mengetahui orang lain sedang melakukan tindakan ini pada dirimu?

Terkadang perilaku guilt trips mudah dikenali, tapi bisa juga lebih sulit dideteksi. Beberapa tanda utama bahwa seseorang membuatmu merasa bersalah yaitu:

  • Membuat komentar yang menunjukkan bahwa kamu belum melakukan pekerjaan sebanyak yang telah mereka lakukan.
  • Mengungkit kesalahan yang pernah kamu lakukan di masa lalu.
  • Mengingatkan kamu tentang bantuan yang telah mereka lakukan untuk kamu di masa lalu.
  • Bertingkah seolah mereka marah, tapi kemudian menyangkal bahwa ada masalah. 
  • Menolak untuk berbicara dengan kamu atau memberikan “ silent treatment ”.
  • Menjelaskan melalui bahasa tubuh, nada suara, dan ekspresi wajah bahwa mereka tidak setuju dengan apa yang kamu lakukan.
  • Terlibat dalam perilaku pasif-agresif. 
  • Membuat komentar sarkastik tentang upaya atau kemajuan yang kamu lakukan.

Perlu diingat, bahwa guilt trip dapat terjadi dalam hubungan interpersonal apa pun. Namun, hal tersebut lebih mungkin terjadi dalam hubungan yang melibatkan emosional yang erat.

Itulah yang perlu diketahui tentang guilt trip . Jika kamu mengalami dampak psikologis dari guilt trip , atau jika kamu merupakan pelaku tapi ingin mengubahnya, sebaiknya diskusikan dengan psikolog di aplikasi Halodoc untuk mengatasinya. Yuk, download aplikasi Halodoc sekarang juga.

Very Well Mind. Diakses pada 2022. What Is a Guilt Trip?

Better help. diakses pada 2022. warning signs of a guilt trip and how to resist it, healthline. diakses pada 2022. think guilt-tripping isn’t a big deal think again, psych central. diakses pada 2022. why the ‘guilt trip’ comes naturally (but can be problematic), berlangganan artikel halodoc, topik terkini, artikel terkait.

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Breaking news, widowed dad should not take girlfriend on annual father-daughter trip, reddit users insist.

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Happy family on a road trip in their car

A Reddit user whose girlfriend objected to being left out of his annual father-daughter trip is completely right to exclude her, said other Reddit users and experts who spoke to Fox News Digital. 

“AITA for not booking tickets for my [girlfriend] to come on holiday with me and my daughter?” asked Reddit user “Acrobatic-Agent-6532” in a Monday, April 29, post on Reddit’s “Am I the A–hole” (AITA) subreddit. 

In the post, the man revealed that his girlfriend was extremely upset with him for planning his annual vacation with his 16-year-old daughter — something he’s done every year since she was born.

“We’ve carried on the tradition since her mother died as a way to remember her (we go to the same place during the same two weeks),” he wrote. 

Last year, Acrobatic-Agent-6532 said his girlfriend was “completely fine” about the trip.

“She said she had no issue with it just being me and my daughter and it would be fine again in the future.” 

This year, however, things were different. 

After he told the girlfriend he’d booked the trip, “she completely freaked out, saying that I was entitled and selfish for not taking her as well.” 

The man detailed, “I’ve tried to explain to her that this is a very personal event for me and my daughter ,  but she doesn’t seem to listen and keeps on telling me to book her tickets as well.”

He continued, “I’ve talked to my daughter about it, and she’s said she would rather it be just us two.” 

Acrobatic-Agent-6532 said he regularly goes on vacations with the two of them — and that he does not use all of his time off on his daughter. 

“Was I wrong for not booking tickets for my [girlfriend]?” he asked.

“Should I book her tickets as well?”

Father and two little girls roasting marshmallows at bonfire in a fall forest

In an email to Fox News Digital, the Reddit poster said he would not be booking his girlfriend a ticket for the trip. 

A psychiatrist and social worker told Fox News Digital that it is completely reasonable for Acrobatic-Agent-6532 to want to continue an important tradition with his daughter — and that the trouble he’s going through right now could be a sign of a deeper issue with his relationship. 

“The dad has clearly stated the purpose of this trip with his daughter to his current girlfriend, which seems more than appropriate not to include her. Honoring the role of her mother, who has passed away, is very personal and healing for them both,” Lisa Pion-Berlin, ACSW, of California, told Fox News Digital. 

Pion-Berlin is CEO of Parents Anonymous, a self-help organization that aims to prevent child abuse . 

These trips do not lessen or diminish the relationship between Acrobatic-Agent-6532 and his girlfriend, said Pion-Berlin.

A family roasting marshmallows by a fire pit in the forest near their country house

The girlfriend’s “negative reaction this year versus previously should be explored so that the air can be cleared, and everyone can understand each other’s feelings.” 

“As a parent, [Acrobatic-Agent-6532] has defined what he needs to support his daughter and that priority is separate from their personal relationship and will not interfere with her developing a relationship with the daughter if this is important to each of them,” she also said. 

Dr. Carole Lieberman, a California-based psychiatrist, told Fox News Digital that Acrobatic-Agent-6532 would be wrong to stop his annual tradition — and that his relationship with his girlfriend might be over .

“You may not realize it now, but this father-daughter time is so important to her mental health and is what will keep your daughter away from ‘bad boys’ in the future,” said Lieberman, the author of “Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets” 

By taking his daughter on these trips, the father is “modeling what a loving relationship should be by keeping her mother ‘alive’ during these times.” 

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And while Acrobatic-Agent-6532 is upset by his girlfriend’s insistence on joining the trip, Lieberman said that this should be viewed positively. 

“It has opened your eyes to the true character of your girlfriend,” said Lieberman. 

Reddit users largely agreed that it was completely fine for Acrobatic-Agent-6532 to have his annual trip with his daughter. 

On the AITA subreddit, people can reply to posts and indicate the poster is “NTA” (“Not the A–hole”), “YTA” (“You’re the A–hole”), “NAH” (“No A–holes Here”) or “ESH” (“Everyone Sucks Here”).

Users can “upvote” responses they think are helpful and “downvote” ones that are not.

“Your [girlfriend] is off her rocker,” said Reddit user “keephopealive4you” in the top-upvoted comment, addressing the comments directly to the father.

“She is the only entitled and selfish person here! She has already gotten vacations from you. This is a special time for you and your daughter … Your [girlfriend] needs to back off.”

Said a user named “Friendlily,” “You are her only parent left and I’m sure she needs this as much as or more than you.” 

The person added that these trips will likely change in the future as the daughter grows up and moves out of the house. 

“You also need to take this as the red flag it is with your [girlfriend] and have some serious conversations with her,” said the same commenter.

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Rays wrap up miserable road trip with another quiet loss to Brewers

  • Marc Topkin Times staff

MILWAUKEE — Debuting the City Connect uniforms on Friday should work out well for the Rays.

Because they way they’re playing, they could use a new identity.

Wednesday’s 7-1 loss to the Brewers capped a miserable 1-5 road trip in which they were swept by a White Sox team that started the series with a majors-low three wins and then lost two of three to the Brewers, scoring four runs total.

“Pretty rough,” said 10th-year manager Kevin Cash. “Maybe one of the rougher ones that I can recall. We just didn’t do many things very well. We didn’t necessarily beat ourselves. We just got beat — outplayed, outperformed in really every aspect.”

The Rays have lost eight of their last 10 games and headed home in last place in the American League East with a 14-18 record. It is the first time they’ve been four or more games under .500 since the 2018 season.

“Since I’ve been here, I don’t think we’ve been (on) such a negative streak like we have,” Yandy Diaz, a Ray since 2019, said via team interpreter Manny Navarro. “We’re trying to do things better, but it doesn’t seem like things are coming our way. Little by little, hopefully.”

As has been the case during much of their rough opening month, the Rays struggled to produce much offense.

Wednesday was among their low points, an eighth-inning, run-scoring wild pitch the only thing that kept them from being shut out for the first time.

“It’s tough,” said outfielder Richie Palacios, one of the few Rays who is hitting right now. “We’ve just got to play better baseball, all facets of the game. We’ve just got to come together and produce. I know we’re trying hard, obviously. Some times we try too hard. But we try to go out there and play a better brand of baseball as a total.”

They didn’t make much contact, and most of what they did was soft, with only four balls, all outs, clocked in excess of 100 mph. Their five hits were all singles — two of which didn’t leave the infield — and they got only four runners past second base. They were 0-for-8 with runners in scoring position and left nine on.

“We’re just not getting it done,” Cash said. “We’ve got to do a little bit better job of that. Some good at-bats early, but that big hit is really tough to come by right now to put some runs on the board and keep us in games.”

In the three games against the Brewers — a 1-0 win and losses of 8-2 and 7-1 — 15 of their 16 hits were singles. (The other was Jose Siri’s homer Tuesday that eventually led to a brawl and multiple suspensions .)

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“You’ve got to find ways to put a ball in the gap, knock it out of the ballpark. Got to get some walks,” Cash said. “These guys, they’re wearing it right now. They feel it. And they’re frustrated by it. We’ve just got to stay at it.”

While Cash said the Brewers pitchers deserve some credit, “there’s no denying our approaches are not very good right now, not solid. We’ve got to kind of put our heads together to collectively make an adjustment as an offense, as as a team right now. We’ve just got to do a better job.”

There are some things they could try, such as shuffling a lineup that still includes .211-hitting Diaz and .139-hitting Randy Arozarena in the top four. But their options are somewhat limited until they start (maybe by next week) getting back some of their injured players, such as Josh Lowe, Jonathan Aranda and Jonny DeLuca.

“Potentially, we’re thinking through those things all the time,” Cash said. “You can mix up the lineup. You still in theory want your best hitters to get as many at-bats as possible. So, that’s why you rush them to the front of the lineup.”

Zach Eflin gave the Rays a solid start, allowing three runs (including a solo homer by ex-Ray Willy Adames) while working into the sixth. But as bad as the offense has been, there is not much room for error. The Brewers added four, including a three-run blast by Adames, off reliever Erasmo Ramirez.

“It’s been a difficult month, I’d say, on all sides of the ball,” Eflin said. “I wouldn’t single (the hitters) out by any means. We’ve just got to do a better job of playing together.”

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Marc Topkin is a sports reporter covering the Tampa Bay Rays. Reach him at [email protected].


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King Charles too ‘busy’ to meet with Prince Harry during upcoming London trip

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King Charles may be too “busy” to meet with his youngest son, Prince Harry, when he flies to London next week.

The Telegraph reported on Monday that, despite not seeing each other for the last two months, it’s still unknown if Charles’ schedule will allow him to meet up with Harry. And if he does, it will be brief.

The outlet further commented that if he is able to, the King will make time for the California-based royal, who will be in town to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games at St. Paul’s Cathedral on May 8.

Per the Telegraph, the King’s busy schedule includes his weekly audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, as well as the first Buckingham Palace garden party of the season and previous engagements.

Prince Charles.

Harry, 39, will be returning to the UK for the first time since early February when he flew in shortly after the King announced his cancer diagnosis.

On Feb. 10, Buckingham Palace revealed that the monarch, 75, was undergoing treatment for an unnamed cancer.

“His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties,” their statement read.

King Charles and Prince Harry.

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“Throughout this period, His Majesty will continue to undertake State business and official paperwork as usual.”

Immediately after, Harry jumped on a jet and rushed to be by his father’s side, while his wife, Meghan Markle, remained in their Montecito, Calif., home with their two children: Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lilibet, 2.

The Duke of Sussex saw his father at Clarence House for under an hour before returning stateside the following day.

Harry later told “Good Morning America” that he was grateful for being able to drop everything to see his father.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

“Look, I love my family,” the Duke of Sussex said. “The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I’m grateful for that.”

Harry’s upcoming trip to London is not the last time he will be able to see his dad for a while.

Page Six exclusively reported that the King may invite Harry and his family to Balmoral Castle this summer in an attempt to mend fences and see his grandchildren, who he has only seen on a handful of occasions.

For the last couple of years, Charles and Harry have had a fractured relationship, which was exacerbated by the publication of the latter’s tell-all memoir “ Spare ” in 2022.

King Charles.

There is no word on whether Harry will see Prince William, whom he has been feuding with for years.

In fact, Harry reportedly found out about his sister-in-law, Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis from a television report.

Soon after, he and Markle released a statement saying, “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family.”

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Utah cat with a fondness for cardboard takes surprise trip to California in an Amazon box

Galena, a 6-year-old house cat from Utah, likes hiding and playing with cardboard. Earlier this month, the combination of the two made for a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a feverish search, a California rescue and a tearful reunion.

In this photo provided by Carrie Clark of Lehi, Utah, is Galena, a 6-year-old house cat. Clark says Galena went missing after jumping into a box being returned to Amazon without its owners noticing. (Carrie Clark via AP Photo)

In this photo provided by Carrie Clark of Lehi, Utah, is Galena, a 6-year-old house cat. Clark says Galena went missing after jumping into a box being returned to Amazon without its owners noticing. (Carrie Clark via AP Photo)

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In this photo provided by Carrie Clark of Lehi, Utah, Carrie poses with Galena, a 6-year-old house cat. Clark says Galena went missing after jumping into a box being returned to Amazon without its owners noticing. (Carrie Clark via AP Photo)

Galena, a 6-year-old house cat from Utah, likes hiding and playing with cardboard.

Earlier this month, the combination of the two made for a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a feverish search, a California rescue and a tearful reunion.

Her family is still waiting to “reintroduce cardboard to her again,” owner Carrie Clark said Tuesday, because they don’t want to stress her out.

Clark got Galena as a kitten after her aunt rescued a pregnant feral cat. The American short hair with calico and Siamese coloring has been a constant companion and source of emotional support.

“I’ve been through a bunch of health things and she and I have gone through all of that together. And she’s she just has this extra great part about her personality that’s very loving. And she can tell when you don’t feel well,” Clark said. “And she’s just really, really special to me.”

So when Galena disappeared on April 10, Clark was beside herself.

They searched the neighborhood, put up flyers and posted notices on Facebook lost pet pages in Lehi, Utah.

“Not knowing what had happened to her was pretty excruciating,” Clark said, “I cried my eyes out for seven days trying to figure out what had happened.” Clark also ran through all the worst-case scenarios, wondering if the cat could have gotten out of the house and been nabbed by a predator or run over by a vehicle.

Coco nibbles on a blade of grass in a National Palace courtyard, in Mexico City, Thursday, March 4, 2024. Nineteen feral cats have free rein of Mexico's National Palace, long roaming the gardens and historic colonial halls of the most iconic buildings in the country. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Clark said she received a “text that changed my life” on April 17, saying that Galena’s microchip had been scanned, so Clark knew she had been found somewhere. Soon after, she got a call saying her cat was near Riverside, California, after being found in a box along with steel-toed boots that had been returned to an Amazon warehouse.

Clark’s husband had ordered several pairs of boots, kept one and returned the rest in a large box on April 10.

“We realized that that our sweet kitty must have jumped into that box without us knowing,” she said.

Amazon employees knew just who to call when they found the feline — co-worker Brandy Hunter, who rescues cats, Clark said.

Hunter took the cat home and to the vet the next day, where the microchip was scanned.

Clark spoke with Hunter who “calmed me down and told me that my kitty was OK,” despite having spent six days in a cardboard box without food or water.

“I wanted desperately to be with her,” Clark said. She and her husband flew to California the next day, reunited with Galena at the veterinarian’s office and rented a car to drive home.

“We did what we needed to do because I just adore her,” Clark said.

It was an intensely emotional week.

“I went from hysterically laughing that she was stuck like that — we mailed our cat — you know ... just the humor part of that, to hysterically crying all within like five seconds,” Clark said.

The family was lucky to get Galena back, Clark said, in part because the weather was not harsh during the time the cat was missing, the box was torn at a seam, allowing her to get more air, and because Hunter who took her to a vet and had her scanned for a microchip.

Since word got out, Clark has been sharing her cat’s story, with advice to microchip your pets and to double-check your Amazon boxes before returning them.

Galena is a quiet cat, Clark said.

“She didn’t meow,” Clark said. “We would have loved for her to meow so we knew that she was,” in the box.

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  2. rishikesh

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  1. Trip

  2. TRIPS by Culture Trip

  3. Dehradun nd Mussoorie trip ♥️♥️

  4. Short trips with School frnds😅 #trip #schoolfriends #banaras


  1. Best Hajj and Umrah Travel Agency

    Arti Trip is the best travel agency for Hajj and Umrah journeys. They aim to provide an unforgettable and meaningful experience for pilgrims. Their team takes care of visa arrangements, accommodation, and transportation, ensuring a seamless and stress-free journey

  2. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  3. Perbedaan "Trip", "Travel", "Tour", dan "Journey" dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sebagai pengguna bahasa Inggris, kamu tentu mengenal kata "trip", "travel", "tour" dan "journey". Bahkan, kamu mungkin pernah menggunakannya saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, baik dengan berbicara, maupun menulis.Biasanya, keempat kata tersebut digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa kamu sedang liburan.

  4. Google Terjemahan

    Layanan Google yang ditawarkan tanpa biaya ini dapat langsung menerjemahkan berbagai kata, frasa, dan halaman web ke bahasa Indonesia dan lebih dari 100 bahasa lainnya.

  5. Terjemahan 'trip'

    trip out. membunyikan · menyalakan · menyandung · terjerembat. trip-up. kesilapan. pleasure trip. bersiar-siar · ekspedisi · lawatan · makan angin · pengembaraan · persiaran · rombongan. lebih banyak lagi (+4) Tambah contoh. Terjemahan "trip" ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dalam konteks, memori terjemahan.

  6. TRIP

    troop. troops. trophy. tropic. tropical. trot. troth. Terjemahan untuk 'trip' dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia gratis dan banyak terjemahan bahasa Indonesia lainnya.

  7. Definisi: trip up, Arti Kata: trip up

    Maksud arti kata dari trip up kata berbahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia. Definisi pengertian dari trip up . Definitions of words in Indonesian and English. Synomyms, Dictionary, Sinonim, Kamus, dan lain-lain.

  8. Arti kata trip

    Tetapi jika anda melihat iklan yang tidak sesuai atau tidak pantas di website kbbi.web.id, ini silakan klik Laporkan Iklan. Definisi/arti kata 'trip' di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah n 1 perjalanan jauh: menyelesaikan -- pertama mengelilingi Pulau Bali; 2 rombongan (yang.

  9. Arti Kata "trip" Menurut KBBI

    Arti kata, ejaan, dan contoh penggunaan kata "trip" menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). trip n 1 perjalanan jauh: menyelesaikan -- pertama mengelilingi Pulau Bali; 2 rombongan (yg bepergian): calon jemaah haji -- pertama berangkat dng kapal Cut Nyak Dien. Bantuan Penjelasan Simbol.

  10. Ganga Aarti in India: Rishikesh, Haridwar, and Varanasi

    An aarti is a devotional ritual that uses fire as an offering. It's usually made in the form of a lit lamp, and in the case of the Ganges River, a small diya with a candle and flowers that's floated down the river. The offering is made to the Goddess Ganga, also affectionately referred to as Maa Ganga, goddess of the holiest river in India.


    TRIP (SOMEONE) UP definition: 1. to fall because you hit your foot on something, or to make someone fall by putting your foot in…. Learn more.

  12. Perbedaan Trip, Travel, Tour dan Journey

    Bagi kalian yang hobi jalan-jalan, pastinya sudah tidak asing lagi nih dengan kata -kata trip, travel, tour, dan journey. Salah satu diantara kata-kata tersebut mungkin sering kalian pakai ketika ingin menyatakan/mengungkapkan bahwa kalian sedang bepergian/jalan-jalan. Jika dicermati, keempat kata tersebut memiliki makna yang hampir sama ...

  13. Perbedaan Trip vs Voyage vs Journey vs Travel

    Beberapa kata dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa memiliki arti yang hampir sama. Seperti kata perjalanan yang dalam Bahasa Inggris travel, trip, voyage, atau journey. Berikut adalah perbedaannya. 1. Trip Kata ini dipakai untuk menujukkan perjalanan singkat. Anna is away on a business trip with her sister. (Anna sedang pergi untuk perjalanan bisnis dengan saudara perempuannya) They … Continue ...

  14. Apa Itu Trip? Ini Pengertian dan Jenis Trip yang Harus Diketahui!

    Namun, dengan arti yang berbeda. 'Trip' di kalimat pertama mengartikan bahwa perjalanan panjang Budi telah selesai, sedangkan di kalimat kedua memiliki makna rombongan untuk perjalanan haji. Sementara itu, untuk 'trip' dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki arti 'perjalanan' yang biasanya lebih baik digunakan untuk konteks bepergian bolak-balik.

  15. Definisi: trip, Arti Kata: trip

    Maksud arti kata dari trip kata berbahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia. Definisi pengertian dari trip . Definitions of words in Indonesian and English. Synomyms, Dictionary, Sinonim, Kamus, dan lain-lain. ... -- often followed by up; as, to trip up a man in wrestling. source: webster1913. Indonesian to Indonesian. noun. 16: perjalanan jauh ...

  16. arti.trip • Instagram photos and videos

    31 Followers, 30 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @arti.trip. 31 Followers, 30 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @arti.trip. arti.trip. Follow. 13 posts; 72 followers; 33 following; arti.trip. #artitrip_th part of @arti ... Sign Up. Log In.

  17. Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu 'Trip' yang Dinyanyikan Ulang Oleh Jay iKON

    Sonora.ID - Lagu berjudul 'Trip' dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi asal Inggris, Ella Mai yang dirilis pada tahun 2018.. Lagu ini kemudian di-cover ulang oleh salah satu personel boyband asal Korea Selatan, Jay iKON.Hingga artikel ini dirilis, lagu ini masuk kedalam jajaran trending YouTube musik Indonesia.. Lagu ini memuncak di nomor 47 di Inggris dan nomor 11 di Billboard Hot 100 di Amerika ...

  18. Ella mai

    HiMAAF ya jika ada salah. Terimakasih atas kunjungannya, bagaimana pendapatmu dengan video ini? Koment dibawah. Dan jangan lupa klik tombol like, s...

  19. Art Tripp

    Art Tripp. Arthur Dyer Tripp III (born September 10, 1944) is an American retired musician who is best known for his work as a percussionist with Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention and Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band during the 1960s and 1970s. Thereafter, Tripp retired from music.

  20. Perbedaan Tour, Travel, Trip, dan Journey dalam bahasa Inggris

    Kata travel memiliki arti "bepergian" dan berfungsi sebagai kata kerja atau verb. Kata travel cukup sering digunakan, termasuk di Indonesia yang sering kali mengatakan jalan-jalan sebagai travelling. Arti kata travel sendiri tidak jauh berbeda dengan kata trip, hanya saja kata travel merupakan verb sedangkan kata trip merupakan noun.

  21. From Microsoft to tech startup

    AdventureGenie is one of many AI-powered trip-planning tools that have popped up over the past couple of years. It's been featured on lists of the best RV-and road-trip planning AI tools.

  22. Ini yang Dimaksud dengan Guilt Trip dan Ciri-cirinya

    Halodoc, Jakarta - Guilt trip atau rasa bersalah sering muncul dalam hubungan, baik itu hubungan romantis, persahabatan, hubungan profesional, ataupun hubungan keluarga.Perlu diwaspadai, guilt trip merupakan bentuk manipulasi dan pelecehan psikologis yang dibuat secara hati-hati. Tindakan tersebut dilakukan dengan menimbulkan rasa bersalah pada salah satu pihak dalam hubungan.

  23. Widowed dad should not take girlfriend on annual father-daughter trip

    A Reddit user whose girlfriend objected to being left out of his annual father-daughter trip is completely right to exclude her, said other Reddit users and experts who spoke to Fox News Digital.

  24. Tiffany Haddish gets candid about her struggles

    The comedian and 'Girls Trip' star gets candid about why she doesn't want to have children and addresses her DUIs, relationships and new book.

  25. Rays wrap up miserable road trip with another quiet loss to Brewers

    Wednesday's 7-1 loss to the Brewers capped a miserable 1-5 road trip in which they were swept by a White Sox team that started the series with a majors-low three wins and then lost two of three ...

  26. Local elections road trip: Thurrock

    In the run-up to the local elections this week, the Guardian columnist John Harris is in Thurrock where the council has amassed more than £1.5bn in debt since 2022. He speaks to people facing ...

  27. Trip up

    Trip up. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a quick one: Trip up. We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. Here are the possible solutions for "Trip up" clue. It was last seen in The New York Times quick crossword. We have 5 possible answers in our database. Sponsored Links.

  28. King Charles too 'busy' to meet with Prince Harry during upcoming

    King Charles may be too "busy" to meet with his youngest son, Prince Harry, when he flies to London next week. The Telegraph reported on Monday that, despite not seeing each other for the last ...

  29. Utah cat with a fondness for cardboard takes surprise trip to

    Earlier this month, the combination of the two made for a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a feverish search, a California rescue and a tearful reunion. Photos. 6 1 of 6 | In this photo provided by Carrie Clark of Lehi, Utah, is Galena, a 6-year-old house cat. ... They searched the neighborhood, put up flyers and posted notices on Facebook ...