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What is Hercules Hero’s Journey? 12 Stages

Wondering how Joseph Campbell’s monomyth narrative structure applies to this well-known Greek myth? Read on to discover the Hercules hero’s journey.

Hercules – also known as Heracles – and his twelve labors, are one of the staples of Greek mythology. The story has even been transformed into a Disney movie and plenty of big-budget action-adventure fantasy films over the years.

The hero’s journey structure can be clearly identified in the tale. We can see the twelve stages, from The Ordinary World through to The Return with the Elixir in Hercules’s story, as his adventures take him from an ordinary town in Greece to the Temple of Zeus.

Return with Elixir: Hercules Becomes a God-Like Hero

Stages of the hero’s journey in hercules.

To prepare this analysis, we’ve read through many of the best books about greek mythology and also applied the hero’s journey framework to the legend of Hercules.

The Ordinary World: Hercules in the Human World

What is Hercules hero's journey?

Hercules, the demigod son of Zeus, grew into a mighty warrior in the human world. He was well-respected and generally adored in his hometown of Thebes in Greece. Despite his lofty heritage, Hercules was a mortal. This background may not scream ‘ordinary world’, but it was business as usual for Hercules. You can also check out our guide on hero’s journey archetypes .

The Call to Adventure: Hercules Goes To War

Now for the next stage of the hero’s journey. Every year the people of Thebes were compelled to pay homage to the king of the Minyans, Erginus. Hercules isn’t happy about this state of affairs and, encountering some Minyans by chance, takes matters into his own hands, cutting off their noses, ears, and hands.

King Erginus is not impressed and subsequently declares war on Thebes – and Hercules in particular. The king’s army is no match for the demigod, though, and he dispatches it in short order. As a symbol of gratitude, the king of Thebes allows Hercules to marry his daughter, Megara.

Refusal of the Call: Hercules Goes Insane

Hercules happens to be Zeus’s illegitimate son, and this infuriates the jealous Hera, Zeus’s wife. She decides to drive him insane, and is so successful in her endeavors that Hercules goes seriously off the rails, even killing his three children.

For some, this represents the initial refusal stage of the hero’s journey as it represents Hercules’s refusal to take on the role of hero, becoming the dark reflection of the hero, instead. Even if he had a little help with this decision.

Meeting the Mentor: Hercules Visits the Oracle of Delphi

Hercules, recovering from the temporary insanity, is devasted at what he has done. He decides that a visit to the Oracle of Delphi is needed to help him figure out what to do. The Oracle was a high priestess, serving in the sanctuary of Apollo, with powerful prophetic abilities.

Here, the Oracle advises him that the best way to atone for his terrible actions is to serve King Eurystheus.

Crossing the First Threshold: Hercules Undertakes Ten Labors

King Eurystheus accepts Hercules’s service offer but tells him he’ll need to undertake ten labors successfully. And that’s not a typo; there were initially ten rather than twelve labors. Hercules agrees – he is the son of Zeus, after all, so he has a level of confidence that we mere mortals may struggle to muster when faced with ten near-impossible endeavors.

Tests and Meeting Allies and Enemies: Hercules Meets Athena and Chiron

Hercules meets Athena and Chiron

Hercules completes nine of the ten tasks. These missions include the Nemean Lion’s slaying, the Hydra’s vanquishing, capturing the Cretan Bull, and retrieving Hippolyte’s belt.

Some of the allies that Hercules meets on his adventures are Athena and the centaur Chiron, but it wasn’t all plain sailing, even with a ton of supernatural aid. The Greek god Poseidon’s sons and Sarpedon (another of Zeus’s offspring) were just a few of the characters that cause trouble for the erstwhile hero during his quest. But being Hercules, he vanquishes them all.

Approaching the Inmost Cave: Hercules Travels to The Edge of The World

For his tenth labor, Hercules has to travel to the very edge of the world, Erytheia, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean to do so. His mission is to retrieve the Red Cattle of Geryon. This part of the hero’s journey concerns the approach to the inmost cave.

According to Joseph Campbell, who wrote widely on this structure, this part of the journey represents a pause before a shift: the hero’s mindset may change. He or she may be approaching unchartered territory, either physically or spiritually, and must draw on new energy to continue.

The Ordeal: Hercules Recovers the Golden Apples of Hesperides

Those allies we mentioned above who gave Hercules a helping hand in his quest? King Eurystheus wasn’t best pleased with the intervention and stated that two of the ten labors that had been assigned were, therefore, invalid. The king subsequently set two additional tasks – bringing the total to twelve labors.

These extra missions were to bring back the golden apples of Hesperides and to fetch Cerberus from Hades. When Hercules successfully completes these two extra tasks, he becomes a bona fide Greek hero.

The Reward: Hercules Enters Olympus

It was never about treasure. By completing the twelve labors, Hercules is seen as atoning for the murder of his children and is now ready to join the godly world of his father in Olympus . But the hero’s journey doesn’t end there…

The Road Back: Hercules Returns to Earth

According to the Disney version of this Greek myth, Hercules isn’t satisfied with life in Olympus and returns to the ordinary world to live as a mortal with his beloved Meg (Megara). However, this isn’t exactly what happens, according to Greek mythology.

In the original legend, Hercules gives his wife to his friend Iolaus (okaaaay) and decides to live out his life as a heroic wanderer on Earth.

The Resurrection: Hercules is Reborn Immortal

Zeus granted Hercules immortality after successfully undertaking his twelve labors. According to some versions of the tale, this happened immediately after he returned from Hades with Cerberus in tow, and in others, it occurred at a later point. Either way, Hercules’s rebirth as an immortal is clearly the Resurrection stage of his journey.

As well as gaining God status and access to Mount Olympus, Hercules is now able to use the lessons he has learned throughout the hero’s journey to heal his past wounds and be a true hero. He is triumphant in every sense of the word, has atoned, and gained spiritual freedom.

Hero’s Journey Archetypes

When it comes to main characters, there are several archetypes. Hercules is generally considered an example of the Warrior archetype, as he primarily uses his physical skills and strength to overcome challenges and trials.

However, the character in Disney’s Hercules can be categorized differently. In Disney’s retelling of the tale, Hercules is cast in the Orphan role, cast adrift in the Ordinary World and needing to discover himself and his powers to gain fulfillment. The role of the hero does not sit quite comfortably at first; think Peter Parker in Spiderman , another Orphan archetype.

This shift of Hercules’s character from Warrior to Orphan archetype tells an interesting story about general cultural shifts that have occurred over time and the nature of our understanding of the ‘hero’ role and its mentality.

If you enjoyed this analysis, check out our guide to movies that follow the hero’s journey.

hercules disney journey

Melanie Smith is a freelance content and creative writer from Gloucestershire, UK, where she lives with her daughter, long-suffering partner, and cat, The Magical Mr. Bobo. Her blog posts and articles feature regularly in magazines and websites around the world.

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The Twelve Labors of Hercules: A Hero's Journey

Ever wondered about the ins and outs of Hercules' epic journey? Well, let's chat about it. We're going to break down his legendary Twelve Labors and see how they match up with the famous hero's journey concept – you know, the one outlined by scholar Joseph Campbell.

We're talking about the daring start, the tough challenges, and finally, the victorious return. We'll see how our hero Hercules, a real old-school hero, handles his unique transformation journey. And believe me, it's not a walk in the park – we're talking about battling monsters, dealing with tricks, and yes, even some meddling from the gods.

As we dig into this side-by-side analysis, you'll start to see the timeless wisdom tucked away in these old Greek myths. And who knows? You might even find yourself more intrigued by Hercules' extraordinary story.

Understanding Hercules' Ordinary World

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Let's dive in and better understand Hercules' everyday life. You see, Hercules was highly respected in his hometown of Thebes. He led a privileged life, widely admired by all. Yet, his life wasn't all sunshine and roses, as he faced the immense challenge of confronting King Erginus, the Minyans' ruler. Here, Hercules' bravery truly shines as he steps up against the tyrant king, earning the Thebans' love even more.

Let's not forget, Hercules was married to Megara, Erginus' daughter, which only increased his standing in society. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. His life was filled with turmoil, largely thanks to Hera's constant interference. Hercules, despite his heroic image, had his fair share of trials and tribulations. It goes to show, even heroes aren't exempt from life's struggles.

In his search for peace, Hercules turns to the Oracle of Delphi, leading him down a path of redemption. This point is a game-changer, signaling the start of his transformative journey. When we look at Hercules' everyday world, we see a mix of privilege and hardship. It's an enlightening lesson for us, as Hercules' Heroes, showing us that our struggles are part and parcel of our journeys, much like they were for Hercules.

The Call and Refusal: Hercules' Inner Battle

hercules internal struggle

Imagine Hercules, our legendary hero, trying to navigate his regular, chaotic day-to-day life, when suddenly he's faced with a tough decision. He's tasked with completing the twelve labors – a monumental challenge that scares him to his core. This stage of his journey, known as 'The Call and Refusal', really shows us his human side, showcasing his fears and vulnerabilities.

Think about it like this – Hercules' internal struggle is something every hero goes through. The adventure calling out to them is daunting enough, but it's saying "no" that really puts their courage to the test. As for Hercules, the twelve labors are more than just tasks, they symbolize a chance to transcend his normal life. He's scared, so his first reaction is to deny the call. But in a weird twist, it's this rejection that nudges him to take that first step.

Hercules' Allies, Enemies, and Tests

hercules mythological allies enemies and labors

Hercules, the famed hero of ancient lore, sets out on an extraordinary adventure filled with allies and foes, each providing unique challenges that shape him into the hero he is destined to be. His friends, including divine entities like Athena and ordinary humans like Iolaus, offer him priceless advice, aid, and moral encouragement. They embody the positive traits of Hercules' persona: his bravery, determination, and ability to form lasting friendships.

On the other hand, Hercules also has to confront formidable foes, such as the spiteful Hera and the terrifying Nemean lion. These foes symbolize the darker sides of his personality, like his unmanageable anger and impulsive behavior. They act as trials forcing Hercules to confront and conquer his inner weaknesses.

The trials Hercules goes through are more than just physical confrontations. They're also mental and moral dilemmas. He must tackle tasks that require more than just raw power. They demand wisdom, resilience, and a rock-solid moral compass. These trials serve to shape him into a more well-rounded individual, propelling him along his heroic journey. Through Hercules' friends, foes, and trials, we see his transition from a volatile hero into a paragon of power and virtue.

The Ordeal and Reward: Hercules' Transformation

hercules journey and transformation

Let's dive deep into the life-changing journey of Hercules, where he faced ordeals that pushed him to his limits and rewards that reshaped his entire existence. The hero's journey is often a rollercoaster ride, and Hercules' was no exception. His mission? To make up for his past by completing twelve challenging tasks.

  • He had to get his hands on the golden apples of the Hesperides. This wasn't a simple task – it demanded both physical strength and sharp wit.
  • Capturing Cerberus from Hades was also on his list, which meant a risky trip into the underworld itself.
  • These trials were part of Hercules' attempt to make amends for the devastating mistake of killing his own children.
  • His transformation and rebirth into an immortal symbolize a deep, spiritual healing.
  • At last, Hercules ascended to Mount Olympus, marking his growth into a true hero and gaining spiritual liberation.

These tasks are a testament to Hercules' transformation. He evolved from a tormented soul, burdened by his past, to a heroic figure akin to a god, emphasizing the transformative power of such a journey. His tale teaches us a valuable lesson – it's not just the destination that matters, but the journey and the change that comes with it.

Hercules' Resurrection and Return

hercules triumph over death

So, let's talk about the last chapter in Hercules' incredible tale. What we observe here is Hercules' transformation from mortal to divine, a powerful symbol of his heroic journey's completion and the ultimate proof of his redemption and rebirth. After finishing his twelve labors, Hercules makes amends for his past mistakes and gains the ability to live forever, essentially getting a second chance at life as an eternal hero.

This rebirth and return are meaningful in so many ways. They mark his spiritual liberation, his healing, and the wrap-up of his heroic journey. This journey changes him in many ways, not just physically but also spiritually. When Zeus gives him the gift of immortality, it's like a fresh start and a massive change in his journey.

Now, here's a cool twist in the story when we look at the Disney version versus the original Greek mythology . In Disney's take, Hercules decides to go back to his normal, mortal life with Megara. But in the original Greek story, instead of settling down, he chooses to keep wandering the Earth like a hero, which presents an interesting contradiction. He's a hero, but he's also forever tied to his human origins. This conflict reminds us of how complex the hero's journey can be, full of challenges, victories, and ultimately, a rise to a higher level.

Frequently Asked Questions How Is Hercules a Hero's Journey?

So, you're curious about Hercules and his legendary journey? It's a fascinating story that truly embodies the essence of a hero's quest. Here's the scoop: Hercules begins his tale as a well-regarded citizen of Thebes. But then, he's faced with a series of daunting challenges, the most memorable of which are his notorious twelve labors. After overcoming these hardships, his story reaches an inspiring conclusion – Hercules attains not just salvation, but also ascends to a divine stature. It's a quintessential tale of a rise from humble beginnings to the heights of Olympus.

What Are the 12 Steps in a Hero's Journey?

Let's chat about the 12 steps that typically define a hero's journey. It all starts in an ordinary world, where our hero lives a normal life. Suddenly, an adventure beckons, but initially, the hero is hesitant to accept the challenge. That's when a mentor steps in, offering guidance and support. With newfound courage, the hero crosses the threshold into a world of trials and challenges.

These tests prepare the hero for the impending ordeal, a major conflict that pushes them to their limits. After overcoming this difficult situation, the hero receives a reward. However, they must then embark on the road back home, often facing additional trials.

In a moment of resurrection, the hero experiences a significant transformation, leading to the final step – returning home, but now with a newfound wisdom or power, often symbolized by an elixir. This narrative arc is prevalent in many of the stories we love and relate to. It's a timeless formula that continues to resonate with audiences across the globe.

What Is the Point of the 12 Labors of Hercules?

You know, when I think about Hercules and his famous 12 labors, it strikes me as a classic story of bouncing back and personal development. It's like a journey, right? Each task he tackles is a hurdle he has to overcome, showing his inner strength and grit. And in the end, it's all about the victory of goodness over the wrong. Pretty cool, huh?

What Are the 12 Steps to Being a Hero?

From my perspective, if you want to step into the shoes of a hero, there's a 12-step process you need to go through. Start by setting out on an exhilarating journey. You're bound to come across obstacles along the way. Tackle them head-on, learn from them, and use that knowledge to your advantage. The aim is to come back from your expedition a stronger person. It's all about embracing change and growing as an individual.

Magical Clan

The Original Hercules: Greek Myths vs. the Hero’s Disney Journey


Let’s dive into the story of Hercules, a character who has been around for ages. We all know him as the strong hero from Disney’s animated movie, but his story began long before that, in the world of Greek mythology. In this article, we’ll compare the original Hercules from ancient tales with the one we’ve seen in the Disney movie. It’s a journey through time, showing how stories change and adapt to new audiences and times.

Hercules in Greek Mythology: The Original Tale

In Greek mythology, Hercules, or Heracles as he was originally known, is a figure of strength and courage, but his story is more complex and darker than many realize. Born to Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, Hercules was subject to the wrath of Zeus’s wife, Hera, from birth. Hera’s jealousy led to Hercules living a life filled with challenges and turmoil. His most famous feats, the Twelve Labors, were penance for a crime he committed under Hera’s influence, where he tragically killed his own family. Each labor, from slaying the Nemean Lion to capturing Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld, was a near-impossible task designed to test and torment him.

Yet, Hercules’ story isn’t just about brute strength. It’s filled with moments of wisdom, kindness, and suffering that humanize this demigod. He was a symbol of resilience, battling both external monsters and his inner demons. Ancient Greeks saw Hercules as a complex character who, despite being half-god, experienced profound human emotions and challenges. His tale was a lesson in overcoming adversity, understanding oneself, and seeking redemption.

Disney’s Hercules: A Modern Twist on an Ancient Story

Disney’s version of Hercules, released in 1997, reinvents the ancient myth for a modern audience. In this animated retelling, Hercules is depicted as a wholesome, likable hero on a quest to discover where he truly belongs. The movie simplifies the complex mythological figure into an easily relatable character, focusing on themes of heroism, identity, and belonging. Hercules is portrayed as an awkward teenager who transforms into a celebrated hero, while also discovering the value of true love and self-sacrifice.

50 Best Male Disney Characters Of All Time

This adaptation takes considerable liberties with the original myths. Disney’s Hercules is a son of Zeus and Hera, completely omitting Hera’s animosity and the tragic backstory involving Hercules’ family. The film introduces new characters like the villainous Hades, who in traditional mythology is not an evil figure, and Megara, Hercules’ love interest, who has a very different story in ancient myths. The film uses humor, catchy songs, and a vibrant animation style to make the story appealing and accessible to children and families.

Comparing the Hero: Mythological Hercules vs. Disney’s Version

The Hercules of Greek mythology and Disney’s Hercules differ significantly in their character and story arcs. The original Hercules was a deeply flawed character. His strength was as much a curse as it was a blessing, often bringing him as much trouble as it did glory. His life was marked by suffering, a constant struggle against the whims of gods and the challenges of fate. This Hercules was a hero not just because of his physical prowess but because of his endurance and moral fiber in the face of endless trials.

In contrast, Disney’s Hercules is portrayed more like a traditional superhero. His challenges are less about internal struggle and more about proving himself to be a true hero. The Disney version focuses on Hercules’ journey to discover his true place in the world, emphasizing themes of belonging and identity more than the tragic elements of the original myths. This Hercules is more straightforward, with a clear path from zero to hero, and his story is more about external conflict and achieving greatness than about complex personal challenges.

The Cultural Impact: What Changes in Hercules’ Story Tell Us

The evolution of Hercules’ story from ancient Greek mythology to a modern Disney movie tells us a lot about how storytelling adapts to cultural changes. The original Hercules was a product of a time when myths were used to explain the world, teach lessons about morality, and explore the human condition in a world ruled by capricious gods. His story was full of complexities and moral ambiguities, reflecting the realities of life in ancient times.

Disney’s Hercules, on the other hand, reflects contemporary values and sensibilities. It simplifies and sanitizes the story for family audiences, focusing on universal themes like heroism, identity, and the power of love. This shift from a complex character study to a more black-and-white tale of good versus evil mirrors broader trends in modern storytelling, where audiences often prefer more straightforward, optimistic narratives. The changes in Hercules’ story highlight how myths and legends are continually reinterpreted to resonate with new generations, reflecting their values, hopes, and fears.

Raleigh Ryley

I’m a writer immersed in the world of superheroes, anime, and all things magical. My passion is to bring these fantastical elements to life through my words, captivating readers with each story I tell.

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Finding your inner self.

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Zero to Hero: Hercules and his Hero’s Journey

As stated in my last blog, this week I will be showing an example of the Hero’s Journey or Joseph Campbell’s monomyth in a classic tale: Hercules. Recall that the hero’s journey is an archetype or pattern of that acts as a blueprint to tell a specific type of story. It is broken down into three main steps: the departure, the initiation, and the return. Now, unless you have taken greek mythology (or read Percy Jackson), you probably do not know the real story of Hercules and his 10/12 trials. What you do know is the Disney animated Hercules — the hero gets the girl and its a classic love story in the end. Since Campbell’s monomyth is applicable in some way to every hero story and for the sake of universal recognition, we will be looking at Disney’s Hercules to chart our tale. Secretly I just wanted a reason to watch Hercules again.

The  Departure


Hercules leaves home because he is called to find his true self. Previously he had made a mess of things for his “father” in the marketplace because he was too strong to play frisbee with the other kids. Realizing that he might not belong he asks his parents “why.” Hercules finds out that he is adopted and looks to his only clue — the necklace of Zeus’ lightening bolt– to the past. Hercules sets out on the quest to find his identity and fulfills the monomyth’s departure sequence.

The Initiation

In this phase of the hero’s journey change occurs to the hero; in other words they become the hero — physically and mentally. The individual faces challenges and trials to build themselves anew and create the hero image.

Hercules meets Phil who at first denies Hercules training. However, since Hercules found out his dad was Zeus, Phil decides to give him a shot. In the beginning of the trials, Hercules was scrawny and didn’t have the hero physique that comes with super strength.

Before the initiation . . .


After the initiation . . .


Hercules becomes the hero he always knew he could be. He still has his kind heart and the makings of a hero on the inside too. The completion of this face signifies that the hero is ready to rejoin the world and conquer the task.

Normally the return comes from a quest accomplished to be reborn. In this case, Hercules is reborn as a god in his return from the underworld. He conquers death and is reborn to return a new person.

Also in the return Hercules is allowed to journey home. The journey home is a crucial point of the hero’s journey because it signifies full transformation.


In the end, the hero does not find home satisfying and ends up a wanderer; however, in Disney’s rendition Hercules leaves his home to live a mortal life with meg.

Realizing the Hero’s journey in stories and films is important to recognizing the journeys in our own lives that shape ourselves. Hercules teaches us all different lessons about ourselves. That is the idea of self-actualization through stories with moral lessons.

One thought on “ Zero to Hero: Hercules and his Hero’s Journey ”

I remember learning about mythology and heroes in 8th grade and I loved it! As you mentioned at the end I frequently think about “modern heroes” and applying these qualities to people I know.

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Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

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Watch Hercules: The Legendary Journeys with a subscription on Prime Video, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video.

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Kevin Sorbo

Michael Hurst

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What To Watch On Disney+ | Hero’s Journeys

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There are hundreds of movies and shows available on Disney+, many of them featuring stories of heroes taking epic journeys, often having to leave home, alone or with friends, battling enemies and triumphing over evil.  In this watch list, there are many different movies and shows that showcase a hero on one of these epic journeys.

Titles listed are available in the U.S.  Availability varies by region and subject to change.

Beauty and the Beast

This classic animated hit is one of the most popular Disney movies for a generation. It follows the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself in the castle of a prince who’s been turned into a mysterious beast. With the help of the castle’s enchanted staff, Belle soon learns the most important lesson of all — that true beauty comes from within. And there is also a live action version featuring Emma Watson available, should you want to double dip!

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Captain America

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Finding Nemo

When a young clownfish called Nemo, is unexpectedly taken from his Great Barrier Reef home to a dentist’s office aquarium. It’s up to his worrisome father Marlin and a friendly but forgetful fish Dory to bring Nemo home — meeting vegetarian sharks, surfer dude turtles, hypnotic jellyfish, hungry seagulls, and more along the way. It’s a classic Pixar movie that is always enjoyable to watch. And if you love this, check out its sequel Finding Dory.

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Quite possibly one of the most scariest movies available on Disney+, this Oscar winning documentary tells follows Alex Honnold as he attempts to become the first person to ever free solo climb Yosemite’s 3,000 foot high El Capitan wall. This one will have you watching through your hands as he climbs with no ropes or safety gear, in what would arguably be the greatest feat in rock climbing history.

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Disney tackles Greek mythology in this animated feature. Hercules (Tate Donovan), a son of gods, was snatched as a baby by Hades (James Woods) and forced to live among mortals as a half-man, half-god. Now a teenager, Hercules needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus. With his plucky satyr sidekick, Philoctetes (Danny DeVito), along for the ride, Hercules must learn how to use his strength to defeat a series of evil creatures.

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Plagued with worry and insomnia since saving New York from destruction, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), now, is more dependent on the suits that give him his Iron Man persona — so much so that every aspect of his life is affected, including his relationship with Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow). After a malevolent enemy known as the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) reduces his personal world to rubble, Tony must rely solely on instinct and ingenuity to avenge his losses and protect the people he loves.

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Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the oceans call, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments. Moana delivers a awesome soundtrack including “Your Welcome” and “How Far I’ll Go”.

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National Treasure

Historian and code-breaker Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) has been searching his whole life for a rumored treasure dating back to the creation of the United States. Joining an expedition led by fellow treasure hunter Ian Howe (Sean Bean), Gates finds an ice-locked Colonial ship in the Arctic Circle that contains a clue linking the treasure to the Declaration of Independence. But when Howe betrays him, Gates has to race to get to the document ahead of his so-called colleague.

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Pixar’s latest animated smash, Onward, is set in a suburban fantasy world, two teenage elf brothers embark on an extraordinary quest to spend one day with their late father. This is a lovely story and will no doubt leave you wiping away the tears.

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Primal Survival

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Star Wars: A New Hope

The Imperial Forces — under orders from cruel Darth Vader (David Prowse) — hold Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) hostage, in their efforts to quell the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford), captain of the Millennium Falcon, work together with the companionable droid duo R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) to rescue the beautiful princess, help the Rebel Alliance, and restore freedom and justice to the Galaxy.

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The Lion King

The original animated classic is still my favourite Disney movie of all time, the music is amazing and iconic. It’s one of Disney’s most unique animated classics, that tells the story of a young lion cub named Simba, who just can’t wait to be king. But his uncle Scar, craves the title for himself and will stop at nothing to get it, leading to Simba being banished from his home, only to return years later when his pride need him.  Or check out the 2019 version if you haven’t already.

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The Muppet Movie

After Kermit the Frog decides to pursue a movie career, he starts his cross-country trip from Florida to California. Along the way, he meets and befriends Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, Gonzo and rock musicians Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. When Kermit is offered a job by Doc Hopper (Charles Durning) to advertise the fried frog legs at his restaurant chain, Kermit turns Hopper down. However, Hopper refuses to relent and pursues Kermit and his companions to a final showdown.

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The Princess Bride

In this enchantingly cracked fairy tale, the beautiful Princess Buttercup and the dashing Westley must overcome staggering odds to find happiness amid six-fingered swordsmen, murderous princes, Sicilians and rodents of unusual size. But even death can’t stop these true lovebirds from triumphing.

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Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang embark on a road trip with Bonnie and a new toy named Forky. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woody’s slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that they’re worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.

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Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, is about to fulfill a lifelong dream. Tying thousands of balloons to his house, he flies away to the South American wilderness. But curmudgeonly Carl’s worst nightmare comes true when he discovers a little boy named Russell is a stowaway aboard the balloon-powered house.

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Which hero are you going to be watching on Disney+  ?

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Roger Palmer

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Kevin Sorbo

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The Festival of Dionysus

  • Episode aired Feb 6, 1995

Kevin Sorbo in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995)

A traditional festival dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, is about to be celebrated, but this year someone wants to turn it into a massacre with the murder of a fair king. Hercules will... Read all A traditional festival dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, is about to be celebrated, but this year someone wants to turn it into a massacre with the murder of a fair king. Hercules will try to stop this plan. A traditional festival dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, is about to be celebrated, but this year someone wants to turn it into a massacre with the murder of a fair king. Hercules will try to stop this plan.

  • Peter Ellis
  • Christian Williams
  • Andrew Dettmann
  • Daniel Truly
  • Kevin Sorbo
  • Norman Forsey
  • Jonathan Blick
  • 1 Critic review

Kevin Sorbo in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995)

  • Old Blind Seer
  • Prince Nestor
  • Prince Pentheus

Katrina Hobbs

  • King Iphicles

Ilona Rodgers

  • Queen Camilla

Martyn Sanderson

  • Ancient Priest

Bernard Moody

  • (as Michael Dwyer)

Patrick Kake

  • Hercules Double
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Did you know

  • Trivia Queen Camilla's role is similar to that of Calpurnia in William Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar. Calpurnia dreams that her husband, Gaio Giulio Cesare , will be murdered at the Senate on 15 March. Caesar himself half-believes her, and simply decides to let fate decide whether his death is necessary. The Senators who are conspiring to commit the murder, find ways to dismiss and discredit her statements as ridiculous, leading Caesar into their trap.

User reviews

  • February 6, 1995 (United States)
  • United States
  • New Zealand
  • MCA Television
  • Pacific Renaissance Pictures Ltd.
  • Renaissance Pictures
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 44 minutes

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Disney Giving HERCULES A Live-Action Remake (But It’s Slow Going)

I n 2020, Disney has announced the latest in its long line of live-action remakes of beloved animated films. According to The Hollywood Reporter , it appears that Hercules will be flexing his Olympian muscles on screen at some point in the future. And it will have something of a Marvel-ous pedigree attached behind the scenes. Avengers’ Joe and Anthony Russo are on board as producers, with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’  writer Dave Callaham attached to write the screenplay.

This is still in the earliest stages of development, so there is no word on whether this will keep the music from the film, or go the Mulan route and ditch the songs for a more action-oriented take. But given that this is one of the most memorable Disney musicals from the post Howard Ashman/Alan Menken collaboration era, I would say the odds are in favor of this one going full musical theater.

Although several years have passed since the initial announcement, there’s been very little movement on live-action Hercules  so far. Most recently, in May of 2024 , the Russo brothers indicated they are still ” “waiting on a script.” It doesn’t sound promising, but it doesn’t sound dead either.

So who will play the son of Zeus? As mentioned, it is way to early to know, as casting ages away. But when they do start filming, fans are already clamoring for pop diva Ariana Grande to take on the role of Megara , mainly due to her rendition of the film’s song “I Won’t Say I’m in Love” during the Disney Family Singalong . Maybe that was her stealth audition?

Also unknown is whether this one will be theatrical, or go straight to Disney+ like Lady and the Tramp and the upcoming Robin Hood . But given that that this Greek mythology infused tale will probably need a big budget, one would expect Disney to “ go the distance ” and make sure this one hits theaters before landing on their streaming service.

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Disney Giving HERCULES A Live-Action Remake (But It’s Slow Going)


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  2. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (TV Series 1995-1999)

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  13. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

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  16. Watch Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Season 2

    September 25, 1995. 42min. TV-PG. Hercules and Iolaus (Kevin Sorbo, Michael Hurst) incur the wrath of a horde of barbarians when they capture the group's leader (Brian Thompson). Entitled. Watch with a free Prime trial. Watch with Prime. S2 E5 - Outcast. October 2, 1995.

  17. Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (TV Series 1995-1999)

    Mon, Feb 12, 1996. Hercules stumbles on the n-th battle between Spartans and Eleans. When he helps battered but unbridled cocky Spartan warrior Damon home, his aunt turns out to be an old acquaintance of mythical strength in her own right, Atalanta, who complains his excessive battle courage equals a death-wish.

  18. The Hero's Journey: Hercules by Cameron Kelly on Prezi

    The Hero's Journey: Hercules by Cameron Kelly on Prezi. Blog. April 18, 2024. Use Prezi Video for Zoom for more engaging meetings. April 16, 2024. Understanding 30-60-90 sales plans and incorporating them into a presentation. April 13, 2024.

  19. What To Watch On Disney+

    Hercules. Disney tackles Greek mythology in this animated feature. Hercules (Tate Donovan), a son of gods, was snatched as a baby by Hades (James Woods) and forced to live among mortals as a half-man, half-god. Now a teenager, Hercules needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus.

  20. Watch Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Season 1

    Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, the hit series starring Kevin Sorbo as a 90's version of the mythical demigod, with its trademark blend of high action and lighthearted humor single-handedly revitalized the fantasy-action genre on television. Sorbo, a strapping Minnesotan with the physique of a decathlete and a ready sense of humor, won the hearts of audiences around the world with this powerful

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    The Festival of Dionysus: Directed by Peter Ellis. With Kevin Sorbo, Norman Forsey, Jonathan Blick, Warren Carl. A traditional festival dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine, is about to be celebrated, but this year someone wants to turn it into a massacre with the murder of a fair king. Hercules will try to stop this plan.

  23. Disney Giving HERCULES A Live-Action Remake (But It's Slow Going)

    In 2020, Disney has announced the latest in its long line of live-action remakes of beloved animated films. According to The Hollywood Reporter, it appears that Hercules will be flexing his ...