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hurtigruten coastal voyage

Hurtigruten - Croisières en Norvège et expéditions aux confins de la Terre

hurtigruten coastal voyage

L’express Côtier de Norvège, le voyage authentique depuis 1893 Un voyage à bord d’un navire Hurtigruten est sans doute l’expérience norvégienne la plus authentique qui soit. Forts d’un héritage de 130 ans, les bateaux de l’Express côtier continuent à relier les communautés locales isolées le long du littoral norvégien, à rassembler les familles, à délivrer des marchandises, à épauler les commerces locaux et à protéger cette nature spectaculaire qui défile sous les yeux des passagers. Un voyage à la découverte de paysages spectaculaires, en toutes saisons, en longeant plus de 100 fjords et 1 000 montagnes.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Le Spitzberg Express, une croisière inédite en Norvège et au Spitzberg En 2023, pour célébrer les 130 ans de la compagnie, Hurtigruten a lancé le Spitzberg Express, une nouvelle ligne assurée par le MS Trollfjord, de mai à septembre, pour sillonner la côte norvégienne à destination du Cap Nord jusqu’à Longyearbyen. Une croisière, tout inclus, qui dévoile les secrets et la beauté des fjords de Norvège et des glaciers du Spitzberg sous le Soleil de Minuit. Un rendez-vous privilégié avec l’Arctique 

Ce que l’on apprécie à bord du Spitzberg Express Un itinéraire inédit

Dans l’esprit de notre célèbre Express Côtier, il dévoile des lieux incontournables comme les fjords, les îles Lofoten ou le Cap Nord, mais aussi l'île du Spitzberg durant 3 jours de navigation au cœur des plus beaux paysages sauvages de l’Arctique. Au total, 13 escales d’environ 6 heures laissent à chacun le temps de découvrir chacun de ces lieux uniques.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Une véritable croisière À bord, conférences thématiques, présence d'un photographe dédié et dégustations culinaires rythment le programme. À terre, plus de 30 excursions optionnelles, aux thèmes variés, permettent de répondre aux envies de chacun tout en offrant une découverte approfondie de chaque escale.

Une restauration Premium avec boissons incluses Une gastronomie non seulement basée sur l’expérience culinaire norvégienne et ses produits locaux mais aussi revisitée et sublimée. Les trois restaurants que sont Flora, le restaurant principal alternant buffets et menus 3 plats, Árran, la brasserie d’inspiration Sami avec ses plats traditionnels ou encore Røst, le restaurant gastronomique (optionnel), offrent tous une immersion gustative inoubliable.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Des membres de l’équipage parlent français à bord Toujours disponibles pour répondre aux questions, encadrer les débarquements et les activités, ils livrent leurs connaissances sur la Norvège, si impressionnante par sa nature et sa culture, ainsi que sur le Spitzberg. Proche des passagers et à leur écoute, l’équipage participe également à une ambiance chaleureuse très appréciée.

Embarquer l’été, la meilleure saison pour découvrir la Norvège et le Spitzberg Les longues journées d’été en Norvège apportent un dépaysement supplémentaire. Au nord, le Soleil de Minuit s’accroche au ciel, refusant de se coucher tandis qu'au sud, les paysages verdoyants et la vie animée réchauffent les cœurs. En naviguant de mai à septembre sur le Spitzberg Express, toutes les nuances du Soleil de Minuit sont au rendez-vous grâce à des journées de 24 heures et une luminosité permanente pour ne rien manquer d’une nature grandiose.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Découvrir le MS Trollfjord, le navire dédié au Spitzberg Express Tenant son nom d’un petit mais spectaculaire fjord des l’archipel des Vesterålen, le MS Trollfjord se distingue non seulement pas ses équipements mais aussi par son confort et son service impeccable. Trois restaurants, salon panoramique sur deux niveaux avec bar, vaste solarium extérieur, sauna et salle de fitness avec vues panoramiques, salon de lecture et boutique avec produits locaux de grande qualité promettent de profiter pleinement de la vie à bord.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

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Fares on The Coastal Express

Sailing in style: platinum.

Welcome to the finest sailing experience we have to offer. With our PLATINUM fare, you’ll receive a Champagne welcome basket in your cabin, a daily turn-down service, and a complimentary set of seasonal outdoor clothing. A full drinks package is included with your full-board dining, as well as all dinners à la carte at Kysten, the onboard fine-dining restaurant​.

You'll also enjoy exclusive visits to the ship’s bridge, private airport transfers in selected ports, and two seasonal excursions of your choice.


Our bestseller: Select

Our SELECT option has been carefully crafted to include the services that are most important to you. In addition to our essential services, you can have your choice of cabin, down to the cabin number, and pick your preferred dining time. Stay connected on board with access to basic complimentary Wi-Fi where available and enjoy complimentary tea and coffee whenever you want.

Child discount

Northern Lights Promise *

Full-board set-menu dining

Complimentary Wi-Fi

Choice of cabin (1)

Expedition Suites available for booking

Choice of preferred dining time (2)

Complimentary tea and coffee

The essential experience: Basic

The BASIC fare gives you access to all the core services and facilities on board, at our lowest price. When booking, you’ll be able to select from three general cabin categories; Arctic Superior, Polar Outside, and Polar Inside. Your specific cabin will be assigned to you at check-in, after coming aboard. The Basic fare includes all three daily meals in the main restaurant, with pre-allocated meal times.


The above fare options are applicable for Hurtigruten Classic Voyages (Bergen-Kirkenes-Bergen, Bergen-Kirkenes-Trondheim, Bergen-Kirkenes, and Kirkenes-Bergen).

Wi-Fi is already included in the Basic package on Norway Coastal Express and on all Svalbard Express and North Cape Express voyages.

(1) Choice of exact cabin number on Bergen-Kirkenes-Bergen

(2) Subject to availability


Plan your trip.


With Hurtigruten as your basecamp, you'll have the best possible starting point for exploring everything the Norwegian coast has to offer – from fjords and iconic towns to northern lights and midnight sun.

The Classic voyage

The classic  Coastal Express takes you from Bergen in the south to Kirkenes up north and back, past islands, archipelagos, small towns, and 34 ports. The coastal fleet consists ofseveral unique ships, all which have daily departures. A classic one way voyage takes 6 days , and the full round trip takes 12 days, visiting the ports of call twice. You will experience different views and places on a full round trip, as you visit the them on a different time schedule.  

See the sailing route and learn more about The Coastal Express .

New cruises in 2023

Two cruises and routes have recently been added that let you explore the northern tip of the world on a refurbished ship. 

Between late September and April, you can keep an eye out for the northern lights on The North Cape Express , and cruise all the way between Oslo and the North Cape and back to Bergen for the first time. 

See the sailing route and learn more about The North Cape Express .

You can also cruise under the midnight sun between late April and August, when The Svalbard Express  relaunches its iconic 'sports route'  from Bergen to Svalbard and back . Follow the Norwegian coast all the way north to the North Cape before crossing over to Svalbard, and returning past the Lyngen Alps on the way back. 

See the sailing route and learn more about The Svalbard Express .

On both cruises, you can visit many of the same highlights as on the original Hurtigruten Coastal Express, as well some exciting and lesser known destinations. You also get to spend longer time in the ports than on the regular Hurtigruten cruises — up to six hours. 15 day and 7 day cruises are available.

International routes

Starting in 2023 you can visit the Norwegian coastline and steam all the way up to the North Cape, starting your journey outside Norway.  MS Maud sails from Dover in the UK, while Otto Sverdrup  departs from Hamburg, Germany.

Experience local life

With beautiful and majestic nature waiting around every corner, life on board is an incredible experience. But if you really want to experience the Norwegian coast , it's the excursions that truly make this journey unique.

With 34 ports to visit and more than 90 excursions to choose from , you never have to worry about being bored on your journey in the Arctic.

Join a king crab safari, meet the Sami people, or try dog sledding with eager Huskies. Experience standing at the end of the world on the North Cape, look a sea eagle in the eye while exploring the Trollfjord, or go kayaking in the beautiful fjords in Fjord Norway. Learn more about Hurtigruten’s excursions.

Choose your favourite season

In the winter, from October to March, you can see the northern lights dancing across the Arctic skies. Hurtigruten even has a Northern Lights Guarantee , meaning if the northern lights do not appear within sight of your ship, you can get a new voyage free of charge !

In long periods during the summer, you can stay up on deck all night, as you can get  24 hours of daylight, thanks to the midnight sun .

Which light you want to see – and how you want to see it – is entirely up to you and the season you choose. 

Taste the delicious Coastal Kitchen

Norway’s culinary traditions are strongly linked to the nature along the coast: fresh, characteristic, and full of variation. On board Hurtigruten, you will experience Norway’s Coastal Kitchen, a culinary concept that is based on close cooperation with local suppliers who provide fresh ingredients of the highest quality every day.

When Hurtigruten won the prestigious Matmerk award for “Norwegian on the menu” the jury wrote: “None of our big tourist operators have put local Norwegian food on the menu to such a degree. The fact that you can eat your way through the Norwegian coast, presented with good descriptions, great stories, and amazing imagery, is something any culinary and language enthusiast will appreciate.”

The chefs on board are very creative in composing variations on both new and traditional Norwegian dishes. With its culinary concept, Hurtigruten is not only supporting local fishermen, farmers, and other suppliers along the coast, it is also ensuring that its guests have some unique culinary experiences to tell their friends and families about.

Travel with care

Experience it for yourself, the classic round trip voyage: bergen–kirkenes–bergen.

To create your own voyage in Norway, select which ports you want to experience. Plan your Norwegian coastal voyage  today!

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Voyagez en solo avec Hurtigruten

Nos voyages le long de la côte norvégienne sont parfaits pour les voyageurs en solo, que ce soit pour prendre un peu de temps pour soi ou pour rencontrer de nouveaux amis partageant les mêmes idées., pas de supplément pour les passagers voyageant en solo.

Ce n’est pas parce que vous voyagez en solo que vous devez faire un compromis sur le prix pour voyager en notre compagnie. À nos yeux, une croisière en solo avec Hurtigruten le long de la côte norvégienne figure parmi les plus belles expériences au monde. Toutefois, nous savons pertinemment que les suppléments appliqués aux passagers voyageant en solo peuvent constituer un frein aux réservations. C’est pourquoi nous exemptons les voyageurs en solo de ce supplément sur une sélection de départs tout au long de l’année.

Notre offre Supplément cabine individuelle offert vous permet de réserver un voyage au même prix par personne que les passagers voyageant en couple.


Explorez la Norvège en solo mais pas seul

Voyager en solo sur un navire Hurtigruten ne signifie en rien voyager seul. Trouvez à bord un éventail d’espaces communs et d’évènements facilitant les rencontres entre les passagers ayant le même état d’esprit.

Toutefois, si vous avez décidé de voyager en solo pour avoir du temps pour vous, c’est simple aussi. Que ce soit votre premier ou votre énième périple en solitaire, voyagez avec Hurtigruten pour permet de choisir vos rencontres.

Voyages sélectionnés

Le voyage de découverte | Bergen - Kirkenes - Trondheim

Le voyage de découverte | Bergen - Kirkenes - Trondheim

Bergen – Kirkenes – Trondheim (Aller-retour)

Dates de départ

Départs réguliers - 11 jours

À partir de 2 631 € TTC

2 236 € TTC

Express Côtier

Le Voyage classique aller-retour | La côte norvégienne à découvrir

Le Voyage classique aller-retour | La côte norvégienne à découvrir

Bergen – Kirkenes – Bergen (Aller-retour)

Départs réguliers - 12 jours

À partir de

1 574 € TTC

Voyage classique du Sud au Nord | Bergen à Kirkenes

Voyage classique du Sud au Nord | Bergen à Kirkenes

Bergen – Kirkenes (Du Sud au Nord)

Départs réguliers - 7 jours

1 071 € TTC

Voyagez à votre gré

Faire une croisière en solo, c’est faire passer votre plaisir personnel avant tout… et profiter en plus d’une cabine juste pour vous. Nul besoin de tergiverser sur ce que vous voulez manger, les excursions auxquelles vous voulez participer ou l’heure à laquelle vous voulez vous coucher.

Vous voulez rester sur le pont toute la nuit pour guetter les Aurores Boréales ? Libre à vous. Vous prélasser dans un bain bouillonnant à l’heure du déjeuner ? Ne vous en privez pas ! Partir en excursion en bus et non en kayak ? C’est vous qui décidez ! Et si vous décidez de rester dans votre cabine avec un bon livre ou faire du crochet au bar en discutant avec des locaux toute la journée, c’est votre droit !

Lofoten archipelago summer

Foire aux questions pour les voyageurs en solo

Hurtigruten ne propose pas de cabines spécifiques pour les voyageurs en solo. Autrement dit, si vous voyagez en solo, vous disposez d’une cabine conçue pour accueillir 2 à 3 passagers.

Nous ne proposons pas de voyages en groupe. Toutefois, nous avons des partenaires en mesure d’organiser ce type de programmes.

Nous appliquons un supplément aux passagers voyageant en solo, ainsi qu’il est d’usage dans le secteur. Toutefois, nous proposons également une offre Supplément cabine individuelle offert sur une sélection de départs tout au long de l’année. Par supplément cabine individuelle offert, il faut comprendre que vous ne payerez pas de supplément parce que vous voyagez en solo. Autrement dit, lorsque vous réservez votre voyage, vous payez le même prix par personne que les passagers voyageant en couple.

Voyager en solo à bord d’un navire Hurtigruten n’est en rien synonyme de solitude. Nos croisières attirent des voyageurs issus d’horizons variés et l’ambiance chaleureuse à bord est propice aux rencontres. En plus des espaces communs et de restauration présents sur nos navires, nous programmons un éventail d’activités favorisant les interactions entre les passagers.

Nombreux sont les voyageurs en solo qui font la connaissance d’autres passagers lors des repas, des excursions et des évènements organisés à bord. L’équipe des guides Coastal Experience Team organise également des activités, des conférences et des rassemblements qui sont autant d’occasions de faire de nouvelles rencontres. Si vous voulez vous faire des amis et participer à des activités en groupe lors de votre voyage en solo, attendez-vous à vivre une expérience ludique et enrichissante à bord.

Sur la majorité de nos voyages au long cours, nous invitons tous les voyageurs en solo à un temps de rencontre informel au bar afin de permettre à tous de se rencontrer autour d’un verre.

Absolument pas. La Norvège est considérée comme un pays sûr pour quiconque voyage en solo et se classe fréquemment parmi l’un des meilleurs pays à explorer en solo. Le pays se caractérise par un taux de criminalité bas, un réseau d’infrastructures bien développé et des communautés réservant un accueil chaleureux aux voyageurs de passage. Si l’on ajoute à cela la splendeur de ses paysages, il n’est nullement surprenant que la Norvège soit une destination aussi prisée des voyageurs en solo.

Cela dit, comme partout, il est conseillé de prendre quelques précautions comme veiller à son environnement immédiat et faire attention à ses affaires.

Réservez votre voyage en choisissant un départ avec supplément cabine individuelle offert sur notre site Web ou par le biais de notre Service Réservation.

Cliquez ici pour consulter nos offres actuellement réservées aux voyageurs en solo

Tips from a veteran solo traveller

Kristina Kramer  has sailed the Norwegian coast 13 times, usually as a solo traveller and often in search of the Northern Lights. We asked her to share her experiences of cruising solo with us.

laurent at patin-hurtigruten-aurora

Hurtigruten Trip: Route, Ships & our Tips for Norway’s Coast

Rugged Fjords, colourful Norwegian wooden houses and endlessly wide oceans – a Hurtigruten expedition along the Norwegian coast is one of the most beautiful sea trips in the world. We can’t confirm if it really is the best, but one thing is for sure: Our expedition on the Hurtigruten is absolutely one of our top travel highlights.

A trip along the Classic Roundtrip Voyage of the Hurtigruten takes 12 days. 12 days filled with breathtaking scenery, a slower pace and – depending on the season – northern lights or midnight sun.

Perhaps you are considering traveling on a Hurtigruten Ship through Norway? Then you’re in the right place. In this article on our travel blog, we have gathered together all the information you need to plan and prepare for your Hurtigruten trip. In addition, as always, we provide you with our personal travel trips.

1. Hurtigruten Trip: Initial info & FAQs

2. the hurtigruten travel routes [+ info to book], 3. best time to travel, 4. hurtigruten ships & cabin info, 5. prices and costs: how much does a trip with the hurtigruten cost, 6. hurtigruten packing list: what should i take with me.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Hurtigruten – what actually is that?

Are you thinking of the German word ‘hurtig’ (quick)? Well, that’s not so far off. ‘Hurtigruten’ translated from Norwegian roughly means ‘the fastest route’ and is the term for the traditional Norwegian postal ship route.

The Hurtigruten were once intended as a means of transport for the post or freight and passengers. Especially in winter, the Hurtigruten were once the fastest way to get from A to B. In the meantime, the trip on the Hurtigruten has become popular amongst tourists. Nevertheless, many locals still use the ships. 

The classic Hurtigruten route goes for 12 days (11 nights) along the coast of Norway. It goes from Bergen in the south up north to Kirkenes and eventually back down again to Bergen.

Who is a trip with the Hurtigruten suited towards?

  • Nature: Without a doubt – the number one reason to take a trip with the Hurtigruten is to watch Norway’s scenery go by in such a special way. Spectacular fjords, colourful Norwegian houses and ocean as far as the eye can see – the scenic backdrop is absolutely unique here in the far north.
  • Slow pace & winding down: The nice thing on board is that there is not too much to do – other than enjoy the trip. Anyone who really wants to switch off and calm down is absolutely in the right place on board a Hurtigruten ship.

What is NOT to be expected?

  • Luxury: Or in other words: A trip with the Hurtigruten is no cruise! The cabins are small, the furnishings more basic, the atmosphere on board is cosy, and you can hear noises when the ship is loading. In short: A trip with the Hurtigruten is an experience, but certainly not suited towards someone who wants to compare the standard to that of a cruise.
  • A cheap trip: What we said above would suggest otherwise, but unfortunately the opposite is the case. A trip with the Hurtigruten is an expensive undertaking. Norway is already quite an expensive country to travel to and the Hurtigruten is no exception.
  • Many trips onshore: When you take a look at the travel route of the Hurtigruten trip (We will provide the link further down) then you will quickly realise: You see many places along the coast, but only have time to properly explore a few of them. Therefore, the focus is on experiencing the nature from on board. However, there are some great excursions on offer, through which you can thankfully also experience some of the country. We will reveal more about this later.

Atmosphere & flair: How should I imagine a Hurtigruten trip?

Relaxed, cosy and informal – that describes the atmosphere on board a Hurtigruten ship. You learn to cherish the slower pace. Often you sit hours long on the deck and let the fjord landscape pass you by. (Talking about the deck: You really cannot miss one of the highlights because there is always an announcement over the loudspeaker in advance. For example, the crossing of the Arctic Circle is duly celebrated.)

Fancy and chic are fortunately nowhere to be found on board a Hurtigruten ship. Expedition not cruise is the motto. If an extensive entertainment program or a fine gala dinner is important to you, then you would be far better off on a cruise boat. 

We found the Hurtigruten passengers to be very open minded, connected to nature and relaxed. Most were sporty and casually dressed – no one would find it strange if you wore your sweatpants to breakfast. And there was also no need to dress up for dinner – something we found very relaxing! 

You notice right away that the people on a Hurtigruten trip value nature. The focus is on the experience, the adventure and the travel itself. The average age of the passengers is somewhat older but that didn’t bother us in the least – in fact just the opposite. We had conversations with incredibly interesting, young-at-heart people.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Classic Roundtrip Voyage: Bergen – Kirkenes – Bergen

When talking about a trip on the Hurtigruten through Norway, this usually refers to the Classic Roundtrip Voyage. This trip with the Hurtigruten takes 12 days (11 nights) and starts in the in the pleasant city of Bergen in the southwest of Norway.

The ship leaves from Bergen direction north, past the northern Polar Circle and reaches Kirkenes after six days. There the ship turns around and returns back again in the direction of Bergen.  

The Hurtigruten ship makes its way to countless ports along its trip. (To be precise, there are 34 ports just from south to north!). It usually only makes short stops (often only 10 to 15 minutes), sometimes also for a few hours so that you can see the place or take an excursion on shore.

You can find the exact travel route with all the arrival and departure times for each port here under this link: Travel Route Hurtigruten

Additional info: Other Hurtigruten travel routes

In addition to the classic postal ship route, there are also other worthwhile travel routes through countless countries that you cover on the Hurtigruten ships.

For example, there is also an expedition which partially goes to the ports in Norway along the postal ship route. While on board on this expedition ship (currently the MS Otto Sverdrup), you will travel (from Hamburg) to not all 34, but just some selected ports. An advantage: You have more time in each place and usually travel on a more modern ship. The classic postal ship feeling is probably missing a little bit though.

The expedition to Greenland or the Antarctic must be a very special experience – definitely a lifelong dream that we would like to fulfill one day.

Northbound vs southbound routes (Classic Roundtrip Voyage)

Even though at first glance it looks as though you will travel the same route twice (once direction north and then back south), that’s only partially true.

The time (and length of stay) for each port visited and also the exact route change for the northbound and southbound routes. Therefore, many travellers decide to travel the complete route (Bergen – Kirkenes – Bergen), even though it is of course possible to just book part of the trip (e.g. half the route).

Our tip: If you really only want to travel have of the route then we would suggest traveling the northbound route, i.e. Bergen to Kirkenes. This is for two reasons: One, on the trip north you pass by the imposing Geiranger Fjord (however, only in summer). The other reason is that the nature when you head north always gets more and more spectacular as you go. The more north you get, the more arctic and impressive it is.

How do I book a Hurtigruten trip?

You can book your Hurtigruten trip at your trusted travel agent, or you could also easily book it online on the official website in just a few clicks.

Next you select the travel route of your desire, i.e. either the entire postal ship route or perhaps just one section (e.g. northbound from Bergen to Kirkenes or southbound from Kirkenes to Bergen).

A different ship leaves every day, i.e. if you want to travel on one particular ship then you have to select the correct date for it – but that is shown quite clearly online.

After that you choose your desired cabin. Whether it is inside or outside is a question of price or taste. We personally would opt for an outside cabin. You can now select your cabin of choice based on the deck plan. Alternatively, there is also a cheaper option where you are given your cabin number on arrival. We let you know more about the cabins later on in this blog article. The next step is to choose your trips on shore (more on this soon), and that’s it.

You can book the expedition here: Hurtigruten (official website)

Additional info: Booking your arrival

You book your arrival to the Hurtigruten boat trip separately. It is possible to book with the support of Hurtigruten, but the flights booked via Hurtigruten are often (but not always) more expensive.

Therefore, you can also very easily book the flights yourself. Our tip: It is best to check the flight prices before booking your Hurtigruten expedition – so that you don’t get a nasty surprise.

We really recommend staying a night in Bergen as a buffer. One reason is that you never know of your flight will be delayed and the other reason is that Bergen is a nice city that you should definitely see. Many also spend a night in Bergen at the end of their trip, but that is a matter of taste.

You can search for cheap flights here: Skyscanner

Shore Excursions during a Hurtigruten trip

The trips on shore while on a Hurtigruten trip are like the icing on the cake. Because the ship often only stops in the ports for a short time, the offer to take trips on shore are a good (and also only option) to see more of the country.

It’s not that uncommon that the arrival and departure ports for the trips will be different. This means that the Hurtigruten ship will carry along on its route and you can re-board at a different port after you finish your excursion (e.g. after 5 hours). The trips on shore are really well organised so you don’t need to worry about missing your ship.

Which trips can I book – and how?

The offers are wide-ranging from leisurely city walks to past-paced rides in rubber dinghies. We dare to say that there is really something for everyone – be it relaxed, adventurous or family-friendly. You can read about which trips we recommend in our detailed blog article: The Most Beautiful Hurtigruten Onshore Excursions .

The onshore trips on offer differ depending on season, i.e. in summer some of the trips are different to those in winter. Also good to know: northbound and southbound trips have different onshore trips on offer.

You can either book your trips online (either when booking your trip or later) or also spontaneously onboard the ship. It is better to book the most popular trips with limited spots, or those trips you are really set on doing, from home. Otherwise, we would suggest not to pack your trip full and to decide more spontaneously (depending on weather) when you are there.

Small (or better said, big) downside: The trips on shore are unfortunately fairly expens ive and it’s not unusual for them to cost 200 or even 300 euros per person – and that’s just for a few hours. This is also one reason we suggest limiting your trips on shore to your favourites.

You can search for trips on shore & book them here: Hurtigruten Onshore Excursions

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Selecting the best time to travel is always a bit tricky. If you ask die-hard Norway fans what the best time to visit is they will say, it has to be all year round.

The fact is that every season is completely different – and this is due to the interesting light. Therefore, which season you choose will depend on your personal preferences.

Winter: Northern lights & polar nights

One of the most popular times to travel is clearly in winter, and that is for one reason: The northern lights! If you want to see the colourful lights dancing across the sky, then you need to come in winter. The northern lights season in Norway stretches from October to March.

During this travel period, the Hurtigruten provides the ‘northern lights promise’. If no northern light sightings are announced over the loudspeaker during your trip, then you can travel again within the next 28 days, with expenses covered by the Hurtigruten.

It is important to know that during some months in winter it can be continuously dark or dusky above the Polar Circle on a Hurtigruten trip. This phenomenon is called the polar night. In some areas north of Polar Circle the sun doesn’t rise for months. (For example, in Tromsø the polar night lasts from the end of November until mid-January).

However, it is not always pitch black but often quite dusky. If you’re not so comfortable with darkness, you might be more interested in taking a trip from the middle/end of February when the days a noticeably longer. 

Summer: Midnight sun

The counterpart to the polar night is the midnight sun. Over the period of a few months in some regions north of the Polar Circle the sun shines down from the sky 24/7. For example, at the North Cape (not directly part of the route, but nearby and can be booked as an excursion) this spectacle lasts from mid-May to the end of July.

We ourselves were underway on the Hurtigruten in July and therefore, exactly at the time of the midnight sun. The lighting atmosphere is simply fascinating and a unique experience. However, you should be prepared for the fact that your body may find it difficult to go into sleep mode when it is so bright.

Important to know: You can also encounter rough weather in the middle of summer. It is never properly hot – when we were there in July the temperatures were always between 10 and almost 20 degrees. We often had rain, a lot of wind and luckily also a lot of sunshine. Always keep in mind that you are venturing into the far north and the weather can be quite variable.

Shoulder seasons: Spring & autumn

We were told by a Hurtigruten-pro that spring is also beautiful. For example, during April/May you can watch the sunset for hours. Generally, March is a very popular season because you still have the chance to see the northern lights, but the days are already much longer.

When the weather is stable, autumn is a very colourful travel time. The forests are in colour during September/October and make for a brilliant photo. However, the weather can also be quite rough and stormy.

Mitternachtssonne in Norwegen

The Hurtigruten fleet has around a dozen ships that vary in size, decor, design and age. So the question is: Which ship should I decide on?

If you are more into luxury, then we would suggest taking one of the newer ships or one that has been recently renovated.

One example of this is the MS Spitsbergen. The ship is very tasteful decorated with a lot of wood but also not at all pretentious or overdone. The sauna is also great: It has a large glass window. That means that you can watch the interesting landscape go by while you are in the sauna.

The oldest ship of the fleet is the MS Lofoten, which has been in operation since 1964. Although the ship was modernized in 2003, it is still something for the nostalgic among us. However, from 2021 the MS Lofoten will no longer be part of the fleet.

The new hybrid expedition ships ( MS Fridtjof Nansen and MS Roald Amundsen ) are certainly also an experience but are primarily used for trips to the Arctic and Antarctic and not for the postal ship route.

Cabins onboard the Hurtigruten ships

Important to note in advance: A trip on the Hurtigruten is definitely no luxury cruise – and that goes for the cabins as well. There are some more exclusive cabins with balconies (especially the suites) but that’s not always the case – and also costs accordingly.

The cabins tend to be quite small, the furnishings more functional, but still comfortable. We personally would recommend an outside cabin (not an inside cabin) for you. Speaking from experience, you spend most of the time in public spaces or on the deck, but it is quite nice to be able to look outside from time to time

Important: There are also outside cabins with restricted views (e.g. because a safety boat is hanging in front of it). Some are also located on the promenade deck, i.e. where other guests may be walking in front of your window. There are great plans on the Hurtigruten website so that you can easily find and book your preferred cabin.

Whether you prefer to spend the night on the starboard side (right), or port side (left) is a matter of taste. Important to know: The ship docks on the port side. You can observe the port hustle and bustle better from here, but you also have the disadvantage of hearing the ship’s charging noises better on this side.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

The bad news first: Norway is one of the most expensive countries to travel to in Europe. And unfortunately a trip on the Hurtigruten is no exception.

There is no single price. The price of your Hurtigruten trip will depend on a few factors. One factor is the question of your travel route. For example there is a large difference if you do the complete postal route (12 days) or just one part of it.

The second important factor is your choice of cabin. Often there are worlds between the cheaper category cabins and the more expensive suites. In addition, the onshore excursions also cost extra, which can be quite pricey. Of course, there are also large differences here: Some do without them completely and others book a lot of onshore trips.

And last but not least, you also need to get to Norway somehow (Bergen in this particular case). Whether or not you find a good deal will also affect the overall price. 

Roughly speaking, the price for the stretch from Bergen-Kirkenes (i.e. the postal route one way) is around 1,500 euros per person (fully catered, excluding onshore trips).

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Some things should always be packed – regardless of season – for a Hurtigruten trip to Norway. This includes:

  • Enough warm clothes (e.g. thermal shirts, fleece shirts, long sleeved shirts, warm sweaters, long trousers; we recommend an onion look – i.e. many thin layers that are as warm as possible.)
  • Jacket (If just one, then this needs to be rain and wind proof.)
  • Beanie & gloves
  • Waterproof, comfortable shoes with good grip
  • Rainproof trousers (We found these to be practical e.g. while kayaking but may not be necessary if you are not planning these kind of trips.)
  • Backpack (ideally waterproof)
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Swimsuit or swim shorts (for the spa pool)
  • Ear plugs (if you are sensitive to noise – the ship is still docking and departing during the night. 
  • And of course, very important: Camera & enough memory cards (and a rainproof case for it)

What you can leave at home with a clear conscious are your fancy clothes. You practically never wear chic clothing or even suits onboard (maybe with the exception of New Year). Concentrate your efforts on selecting clothing that is comfortable and functional.

In summer you can also take sandals and a few lighter clothing items with you. Although on our trip we wore long trousers throughout because it was too fresh otherwise. We would have been more pleased with an additional thick sweater.

In winter it’s definitely worth it to have shoes with a good profile. Some even swear by spikes because it can be quite slippery in the towns. You should definitely also bring a warm winter jacket.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Disclaimer: Invitation & Affiliate Links

We were invited by Hurtigruten to travel on this dream trip – thank you very much! Of course, this does not influence our honest opinions.

This blog article contains our personal recommendations in the form of affiliate links. If you book or buy something through the links, we receive a small commission. This does not change the price for you at all. A million thanks from the both of us!

Tell us: Have you already been on a Hurtigruten trip? What did your travel route look like? Let us know your experiences. We look forward to your additional tips in the comments.

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4 responses.

Thank you for the informative posts – we are travelling on MS Richard With in February on the BKB and cannot wait!

Amazing, have a great trip and enjoy the northern lights! :)

Your Blog is excellent. We had a taste of the Hurtigruten expedition in 2018 doing the 2 day round trip from Tromso-Svolvaer-Tromso to experience the midnight sun from another perspective. It was amazing. Next year my friend and I are doing the Classic 12 day Voyage, so have found your Blog interesting. This time its in autumn to see the Northern Lights. Some great tips as well as much info that we have found during our research. We are saddened to see the Midnight Concert at the Arctic Cathedral in Tromso and Breakfast at Nordkapp are not available. Thankyou for sharing your experience

Hello Dianne, Thank you so much for your comment! Autumn is surely an amazing season, wow. :) Are you sure that there is no Midnight Concert at the Arctic Cathedral in autumn? (It’s only on the southbound route I guess.) We wish you a memorable trip! Fingers crossed for Northern Lights. :) All the best Kathi & Romeo

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The Hurtigruten coastal cruise is often called the world’s most beautiful voyage. But it's not just beautiful - for many communities along Norway’s long coastline, the Hurtigruten coastal express is also a vital lifeline.

The Hurtigruten ships are first-class yet homely passenger boats. A voyage on the Hurtigruten coastal cruise is for many people the dream of a lifetime. With our tours Geiranger & Norway in a Nutshell® and Hurtigruten & Norway in a Nutshell®, you can make this dream come true.

During a Norwegian costal voyage with Hurtigruten you can enjoy the view of Norway’s rough and wild coastline with insidious rocks, windswept lighthouses and hidden islands and inlets appearing as small, beautiful oasis' in between. The Hurtigruten departs daily from Bergen to Kirkenes and calls on 34 ports during its route.

On board Hurtigruten you can:

  • Enjoy the view of Norway’s rough and wild coastline
  • Relax on a classical yet homely passenger boat
  • Learn about Hurtigrutens importance for people living along the cost

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There’s more than one way to sail with us and discover the many wonders of the Norwegian coast.

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The Original Coastal Express

Mainland Norway

This is our classic route that has faithfully served the families and communities of the Norwegian coast for generations.

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The North Cape Express

For the first time, we sail to or from the capital Oslo, journeying between Norway’s southernmost point and its northernmost.


The Svalbard Express

Mainland Norway & Svalbard

Embark on a nostalgic summertime voyage along the Norwegian coast up to the Svalbard archipelago at the edge of the world.

MS Nordstjernen at Svalbard. Photo: Vegard Åsen

The Spitsbergen Adventurer

A nostalgic voyage of the largest island in the Svalbard archipelago to experience a remote wilderness of fjords, glaciers, and polar wildlife.

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Roundtrip Voyage from Bergen | Explore Norway’s Coastline

Roundtrip Voyage from Bergen | Explore Norway’s Coastline

Bergen - Kirkenes - Bergen (Roundtrip)

Departure Dates

Regular departures - 12 days

Price from $2,440

The Svalbard Express: Full Voyage | 2024

The Svalbard Express: Full Voyage | 2024

Bergen - Longyearbyen - Bergen (Roundtrip)

May - September - 16 days

Price from $6,276

MS Trollfjord

The North Cape Express: Full Voyage from Bergen to Oslo

The North Cape Express: Full Voyage from Bergen to Oslo

Bergen – Honningsvåg – Oslo (Roundtrip)

December - April - 14 days

Price from $4,323


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Hjorundfjorden photographed by Mattias Fredriksson

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I went solo on Hurtigruten to Antarctica. I took the 2 week trip that left out of Buenos Aires. I... read more

hurtigruten coastal voyage

We took the overnight ferry from Tromso to Lufoten. The cabin itself was okay - compact but with... read more

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Hurtigruten coastal voyage

Recently did the 12 day. classic voyage up to Kirkenes and back. Amazing trip. Especially fantastic to do in winter with all the snow makes the scenery even more fantastic. We loved the fact it’s a working ferry stopping at so many ports NOT a cruise . Whilst most people had come for the complete trip I really liked the fact that ordinary Norwegians were using it as their means of transport along the coast. (We did feel slightly outnumbered in age ) so it was nice when some younger folks boarded on the way back. The part north of the Arctic circle in Finnmark was wonderful. Lofoten isles would go back to again. The northern lights made many appearances getting better further north but you won’t capture them without a tripod .i phones don’t work! The expedition team on board was fantastic taking us on a variety of hikes. Do these not the arranged excursions. Small groups and very knowledgable leaders. The 2 excursions to do were huskys in Tromsø brilliant and the midnight concert in the cathedral there. Don’t do the marble mine ( seen much better caverns in the Peak District!) very boring but the only slight downer of an amazing trip.

My boyfriend and I did the classic roundtrip voyage from Bergen to Kirkenes and back, and it was an experience that we will never forget. We sailed aboard MS Spitsbergen from 22 March 2018 - 2 April 2018. a beautiful ship, smaller than the rest of the Hurtigruten fleet which made the experience more memorable. We got to know the staff, crew and other travellers, if not by name then by face. The service on board was 5 star, we did not lack anything. The cabin was great, we had a 4 sleeper so it felt like we had a suite being only 2 people. The food was wonderful, we ate like kings everyday. so much variety on the buffets. the set menu for dinner was tailored for us where needed as we couldn't eat meat, but we were never disappointed.The excursions we went on were well organized, informative and left such magical memories with us. We did the Northernmost tram ride in Trondheim, snowmobile from Kjollefjord to Mehamn, Husky sled ride in Kirkenes, Midnight concert in Tromso, Arctic coastal walk in Bodo and the Taste of Vesteralen. Our north cape excursion had been cancelled due to an avalanche but we enjoyed our time in Honningsvag nonetheless. When we didn't do any of the Hurtigruten excursions we enjoyed a walkabout in the various towns and ports, each one being different from the next. We also did our own outings, in Tromso we went up the mountain with the fjellheisen cable car, in Alesund we climbed the 418 steps at the fjellstua lookout point, we did the dip in the arctic in Vardo, we went up mount floyan in Bergen. There is so much to see and do over the 12 days, we tried to cram in everything we could, even if it was just to run off the ship at the 15min stops take a quick picture at the port name:-)I am a runner, i even squeezed in a few runs at some ports. We tried not to miss the sunrise and sunsets as they were so beautiful. and even when we did nothing just seeing the fjords and the mountains were an acitivity in itself. sitting on deck 8 as the world floated by was wonderful. The on board talks and presentations were great, and on deck activities fun. i will never forget crossing the arctic circle as the ceremony was so entertaining!of cos why we were doing the cruise was to see the Northern Lights and we managed to see it twice! on day4 of our cruise, the lights were at its maximum intensity and it was more breathtaking than i could have ever imagined. The staff was very helpful in informing us that it could be seen and how we should take our pictures. The second time we saw it wasnt as spectacular as the first, but knowing i have seen the aurora twice is something that will stay with me forever.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Wife and I sailed 2 nights aboard MV Lofoten from Hammerfest to Bodo, then after train travels south picked up Spitsbergen from Molde to Bergen (1 night). The March winter scenery was spectacular. It included northern lights which are another story (the naked eye's cones don't pick up color in the dark... shhh! don't tell anyone). The ships were well kept and staffed but couldn't have been more different. Lofoten being a very small ship of yesteryear (tiny cabins), Spitsbergen a modern more 'cruise' like vessel with surprisingly large cabins. But pax go for the scenery and it doesn't disappoint, particularly the Lofotens.

What a terrific trip. Twelve days sailing from Bergen to Kirkenes and back. Twenty something stops, some short, some longer, with opportunities to go dog sledding, snowmobiling and more. Excellent food, friendly and helpful staff. Our cabin, an Arctic Superior, was small, but comfortable. But bear in mind, this is not a “cruise”. It’s a journey on a working boat. I watched the forklifts buzzing about in some of the ports, unloading and loading. That in itself was an entertainment. I can’t recommend this trip highly enough.

hurtigruten coastal voyage

Fabulous cruise. Superior room - adequate size with enough storage and big, comfortable bed with lovely soft pillows. Food was excellent - courses could be changed if requested (evening meal). Buffet for lunch and breakfast with lots of choices and good vegetarian selection. Staff were all lovely - friendly and helpful. Day trips on pricey side and would have been nice to spend more time on shore. Scenery spectacular and northern lights seen!

We have just returned from 11 nights aboard the M/S Nordlys. Our outside cabin was on Deck 5 on the port (loading) side. We have had the most amazing trip of a lifetime! The cabin was small but perfectly formed with en suite facilities. We were not disturbed by noise or vibration when the ship docked, unlike some other folk. The ship is well appointed and very comfortable with many different places to relax and enjoy the stunning scenery. The dining room is large and can be busy but the staff are very helpful and kept everything moving without being too obtrusive. The food was delicious and so much choice! We like fish so were in heaven but one of our party did not like fish and, having notified the staff when first on board, had delicious meat based meals throughout the voyage. Dinner is a set meal which is always interesting and a reflection of the areas the ship is passing through. The onboard Expedition Team worked so hard to keep the passengers informed about various points of interest, information and wonderful photographs of the hikes they led, and the amazing Northern Lights. They produced daily sheets with all ports and activities itemised. This is a working boat, which for us was important. All the ports were very interesting to see and made us feel connected to Norwegian life. For the longer stops, excursions were organised. We chose two, one of which was to the North Cape. Unfortunately this was cancelled due to an unexpected temperature rise following 24 hours of snow, giving an extreme risk of avalanche at Honningsvåg and beyond. When we arrived the whole town was isolated and all the roads blocked ... thank goodness for Hurtigruten! The other excursion was a husky adventure in Kirkenes. This was wonderful. I have written about it elsewhere. We thought that all the excursions seemed very expensive but Norway is a very expensive country. There are many to choose from so something for everyone. Equally, just the voyage and occasional foray ashore made an unforgettable and relaxing trip. Thank you to the Captain and all his crew, both seen and unseen. We hope to return for another voyage some day!

hurtigruten coastal voyage

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Hurtigruten's MS Nordlys sailing the beautiful Norwegian Fjords



Hurtigruten's Norwegian Coastal Cruise along the scenic coast and fjords of Norway has often been praised as being one of the most beautiful voyages in the world. Each day of your voyage will yield unforgettable memories of natural beauty as you discover a coastline with an ever changing personality with a new revelation around every headland.


Remote, mysterious and extreme, the island of Spitsbergen is the crown of Arctic Norway. Located right on the southern fringe of the ever-frozen Arctic Ocean, this land is forged by ice, wind and sea. Here you will find both an untouched Arctic wilderness and a biological hot spot. Reigning this fragile food web is the top predator, the polar bear.

Greenland is a land of contrasts and truly a world of its own. Colossal icebergs in fantastic shapes and the inland ice - a sheet of ice that is kilometres thick. But the ice is not all. Greenland is also about green mountains, long fjords, precipitous cliffs, hot springs, beautiful flowers and fresh air. Animals like whales, seals, reindeer, musk oxen and polar bears also thrive here.

Hurtigruten - A Voyage Like No Other

Right to the heart of Norway and its people, is extraordinary voyage known as the Norwegian Coastal Express or Hurtigruten, meaning "Express Route" in the local tongue. This remarkable journey serves as a lifeline, transporting passengers, mail, and vital supplies to over 30 ports along the Norwegian coastline, many largely untouched by mainstream cruise liners.

Departing from Bergen, the Hurtigruten cruise embarks on a captivating odyssey, forging its way northward, traversing the Arctic Circle and beyond. With every twist and turn through the awe-inspiring wonders of the Norwegian coast, you will be immersed in a spectacle of nature's grandeur. Almost perpetually in sight of land, you will sail along one of the world's most breathtaking coastlines, navigating narrow inlets and uncovering the essence of this extraordinary expedition.

Enchanting hamlets pepper the route, nestled upon tiny islands, where the inhabitants rely on the arrival of Hurtigruten ships for their very survival. These vessels serve as a lifeline, delivering essential supplies and reuniting families and friends, perpetuating the symbiotic relationship between the communities and the sea.

Each Hurtigruten cruise ship possesses its own distinctive style and character, ensuring that no two journeys are ever alike. The ever-changing seasons, climate, flora, fauna, and encounters with local people, combined with the amiable English-speaking crew, transform each Hurtigruten voyage into a truly unique experience.

Fellow travelers from across the globe, sharing a mutual appreciation for extraordinary beauty, come together to revel in the splendorous landscapes and the relaxed ambiance on board. Many seize the opportunity to sail during the summer months, when the midnight sun casts its ethereal glow upon the horizon, bathing the breathtaking scenery in perpetual daylight.

As you step aboard your Hurtigruten ship, take pride in being part of a tradition that spans three centuries. It is this steadfast commitment to a rich heritage that has embedded Hurtigruten as an indispensable part of Norwegian life, ensuring its enduring significance for generations to come.

Hurtigruten Cruise

Hurtigruten has an old and illustrious history. Its meaning in Norwegian of "the express route" refers to the route's original use of facilitating the transport of goods between the two ends of the country. Nowadays, however, it is synonymous with a more leisurely, relaxed style of travel.

Often called "the world's most beautiful voyage", Hurtigruten voyages traverse Norway's western and northern coast between Bergen in the south and Kirkenes, deep in the arctic north. The approximately 780 miles (or 1,255 kilometres) of coastline between the two destinations are a dreamland of dramatic fjords, historic cities, incomparable seabird and marine life and, at certain times of the year, the mesmerising spectacle that is the Northern Lights.

Passengers joining one of our Hurtigruten Cruises have a choice of an extensive selection of comfortable cabins. Most outside cabins afford the opportunity to watch the panorama outside unfold through either a large picture window or a quaint porthole. Some of the suites also benefit from a private balcony. The views very much set the tone for the voyage itself, which aims to transport passengers away from their busy onshore lives in favour of immersion in the unique landscapes.

Life on board is relaxed and convivial. Food is traditional Norwegian-style and all ships are fully licensed. Expert lecturers accompany themed voyages but passengers on all voyages will find that there is a culture of sharing experiences of the trip with their fellow travellers.

Dress is informal although, of course, breathable, windproof and waterproof clothing is a must for voyages at any time of year. Winter departures necessitate thermal layers. UV sunglasses are useful throughout the year, even in winter due to the dazzling effect of even the thinnest streams of sunlight reflecting off ice and snow.

To add further interest to the voyage, all the ships are also working vessels. Their regular stops at the 34 ports along the route provide opportunities for the curious passenger to observe the loading and unloading of goods while also admiring the harbour areas.

The ports of call vary in size and purpose. Some belong to tiny island communities that rely on the Hurtigruten ships for supplies of food, mail, other essential goods and personal transport needs. Others are home to much larger communities whose wealth and status owes much to their background in the fishing, shipbuilding or mining industries. Bergen at the start of the voyage is perhaps the best-known location, with its Hanseatic mercantile history, its museums, shops and galleries, its fish market and the funicular railway offering spectacular trips to the summit of Mount Fløyen.

Beyond Bergen, every traveller is bound to find their own favourites. Perhaps it will be the pretty Art Nouveau town of Ålesund. Rebuilt after a devastating fire at the turn of the twentieth century, Ålesund is home to an impressive aquarium, which is actually built in to the coastline.

Fjord-lovers will adore the fairy tale landscapes of Geiranger. During the summer months, there is the additional opportunity to voyage into the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Geirangerfjord. Visitors can also opt to join onshore excursions to allow them to marvel at the fjords from an entirely different vantage point.

Synonymous for many with the Vikings, Trondheim is also Norway's ecclesiastical centre. In addition, it is home to one of Europe's most splendid Gothic cathedrals, Nidaros, and features a large number of picturesque and thoroughly photogenic wooden buildings, including the magnificent Stiftsgården palace.

The island chains of Lofoten and Vesterålen are a wildlife-lovers paradise. Sea eagles, guillemots, eider ducks, cormorants and puffins are only some of the bird species regularly spotted here. The area's rich marine life is also why so many fishermen make their livings here; their waterfront cabins (rorbuer) built on stilts are always much admired.

Few people can visit Norway without thinking of the herring trade. Harstad is the place to learn more, although this port town has also now embraced shipbuilding with equal gusto.

Hammerfest is the most northerly town in the world. Despite this, it remains mostly ice-free, thanks to the warming effects of the nearby Gulf Stream.

Kirkenes, where the coastal voyage turns south again for Bergen, lies only 10 kilometres from the Russian border. Largely insulated from the Gulf Stream, its deep harbour can become iced over in winter.

It may be difficult to decide which time of year to take a Hurtigruten Cruise. Spring is the ideal time to experience the contrast between the warmer south and the colder north, where ice has often not yet released its grip. The summer months are often the most popular, with many travellers keen to experience the “Land of the Midnight Sun”. Whatever time of year is chosen, passengers can be sure of a warm and hearty Norwegian welcome and an unforgettable encounter with some of the world's most awe-inspiring and beautiful landscapes.

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  1. The Norwegian Coastal Voyage (Hurtigruten)

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  2. Hurtigruten Coastal Voyage

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  3. Norway Coastal Cruise: Hurtigruten & Havila Voyages Explained

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  4. Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Voyages

    hurtigruten coastal voyage

  5. The Norwegian Coastal Voyage (Hurtigruten)

    hurtigruten coastal voyage

  6. The Norwegian Coastal Voyage (Hurtigruten)

    hurtigruten coastal voyage



  2. Marvelous May

  3. Introduction to Hurtigruten

  4. Hurtigruten Expeditions MS Fram

  5. Nordkapp and Vesteraalen at Port of Trondheim

  6. Cod Tongue Cutting & preparing Stock Fish on MS Nordnorge


  1. Hurtigruten : Croisières dans les fjords de Norvège et aurores boréales

    Hurtigruten : Croisières dans les fjords de Norvège et aurores boréales. Explorer tous les voyages. Recherche. Faites plus qu'un voyage en Norvège. Embarquez cet été pour une croisière en Norvège et au Spitzberg et économisez jusqu'à - 25%. Réservez avant le 30 avril 2024. Nos croisières.

  2. Voyage fjords norvégiens & Oslo avec l'Express Côtier

    Prix à partir de 3 849€ TTC. 3 699€ TTC. Pension complète incluse. Voir les prix et la disponibilité. Un parcours complet et varié. Visitez les superbes îles Lofoten. Combinez votre navigation avec un séjour dans la capitale norvégienne. Passez le Cercle Polaire Arctique. Offres en cours sur ce voyage: Économisez jusqu'à 300€ TTC par cabine.

  3. Learn more about The Coastal Express

    Our signature voyage along the Norwegian coast travels from the southern city of Bergen, across the Arctic Circle, up to Kirkenes, and back. These 12 days and 2,500 nautical miles feature some of the most stunning scenery on the planet.

  4. Hurtigruten

    Hurtigruten, the Norwegian coastal express, have sailed from port to port along one of the world's most beautiful coastlines for more than 130 years! And it is still bringing people, stockfish, and new kitchen chairs safely between Bergen and Trondheim - and all the way to Varanger and Kirkenes in the far north.

  5. The Coastal Express

    Our 12-day Norwegian coastal cruise travels northbound and then southbound, taking in Norway's many fjords and mountains along the way. Your ship will call at 34 ports of all sizes and cross the Arctic Circle twice over 2,500 nautical miles. It is the definitive scenic route to see the Norwegian coast.

  6. Hurtigruten US: Norwegian Fjords & Northern Lights Cruises

    Get 25% off the regular price of Svalbard Express and North Cape Express voyages or 30% off Hurtigruten's Original Coastal Express sailings. Book now. Our voyages. There's more than one way to sail with us and discover the many wonders of the Norwegian coast. Classic. The Original Coastal Express. Mainland Norway.

  7. Croisière de Tromsø à Bergen

    Naviguez le long de la côte norvégienne, l'un des plus longs littoraux du monde, de Tromsø jusqu'au Cap Nord, au sommet de l'Europe, avant de redescendre vers Bergen. Embarquez à bord du superbe MS Trollfjord, navire rénové en 2023 pour refléter la beauté des fjords que nous traversons.

  8. Hurtigruten: Norwegian Fjords & Northern Lights Cruises

    Hurtigruten: Norwegian Fjords & Northern Lights Cruises. Explore all voyages. Don't just visit Norway. Live it. The beauty of the Norwegian coast is calling. Experience our home with up to 50% off selected voyages when you book by 30 June 2024. Book now. Our voyages.

  9. 12-Day Norway Cruise

    Discover our full scenic route with 34 ports visited twice, northbound and southbound, allowing you to really get to know the heart and soul of Norway's coastline. Bask in spectacular scenery any season of the year as we sail past more than 100 fjords and 1,000 mountains.

  10. Hurtigruten

    Hurtigruten - Croisières en Norvège et expéditions aux confins de la Terre. Accueil Croisiere Hurtigruten. L'express Côtier de Norvège, le voyage authentique depuis 1893. Un voyage à bord d'un navire Hurtigruten est sans doute l'expérience norvégienne la plus authentique qui soit.

  11. Fares and benefits

    Our fares on the Original Coastal Express Classic Voyages. Sailing on our four Classic Voyages, you have a choice of how you like to travel. Keep it simple with our Basic fare, get more included with the Select fare, or go deluxe with Platinum. Sailing in style. Inclusions in platinum fare. Child discount. Northern Lights Promise*

  12. Plan your trip with Hurtigruten

    The classic Coastal Express takes you from Bergen in the south to Kirkenes up north and back, past islands, archipelagos, small towns, and 34 ports. The coastal fleet consists ofseveral unique ships, all which have daily departures. A classic one way voyage takes 6 days, and the full round trip takes 12 days, visiting the ports of call twice.

  13. Learn more about The Coastal Express

    Our signature voyage along the Norwegian coast travels from the southern city of Bergen, across the Arctic Circle, up to Kirkenes, and back. These 12 days and 2,500 nautical miles feature some of the most stunning scenery on the planet.

  14. Croisière en solo

    Explorez la Norvège en solo mais pas seul. Voyager en solo sur un navire Hurtigruten ne signifie en rien voyager seul. Trouvez à bord un éventail d'espaces communs et d'évènements facilitant les rencontres entre les passagers ayant le même état d'esprit.

  15. Norway Coastal Cruise: Hurtigruten & Havila Voyages Explained

    Norway's classic coastal voyage from Bergen to Kirkenes and back to Bergen takes 12 days. Departures are available on most days throughout the year. Many tourists with limited time take a one-way trip and fly the other leg. Hurtigruten Norway: Check the latest fares and availability on the Norwegian coastal cruise.

  16. Hurtigruten Trip: Route, Ships & our Tips for Norway's Coast

    Rugged Fjords, colourful Norwegian wooden houses and endlessly wide oceans - a Hurtigruten expedition along the Norwegian coast is one of the most beautiful sea trips in the world. We can't confirm if it really is the best, but one thing is for sure: Our expedition on the Hurtigruten is absolutely one of our top travel highlights.

  17. Hurtigruten

    The Hurtigruten coastal cruise is often called the world's most beautiful voyage. But it's not just beautiful - for many communities along Norway's long coastline, the Hurtigruten coastal express is also a vital lifeline. The Hurtigruten ships are first-class yet homely passenger boats.

  18. The Ultimate Guide to Hurtigruten Cruises in Norway

    Hurtigruten is best known for its coastal cruise service. It now operates seven out of eleven departures from Bergen. The Hurtigruten Norway coastal ferry (known as BKB for Bergen-Kirkenes-Bergen) can be done as a full roundtrip, one-way trip or shorter voyage such as Bergen to Tromsø or Trondheim to Tromsø.

  19. Learn more about The Coastal Express

    Our signature voyage along the Norwegian coast travels from the southern city of Bergen, across the Arctic Circle, up to Kirkenes, and back. These 12 days and 2,500 nautical miles feature some of the most stunning scenery on the planet. Norway's world-famous fjords will be on full display, dotted with farms and charming fishing villages.

  20. Hurtigruten AU: Norwegian Fjords & Northern Lights Cruises

    Embark on unforgettable coastal voyages with Hurtigruten. Discover unique expeditions, breathtaking landscapes, and enriching experiences.

  21. Hurtigruten

    Hurtigruten ( lit. 'Express Route' ), formally Kystruten Bergen-Kirkenes ("coastal route Bergen - Kirkenes "), [1] is a Norwegian public coastal route transporting passengers that travel locally, regionally and between the ports of call, and also cargo between ports north of Tromsø. [2]

  22. Hurtigruten coastal voyage

    972 Reviews. #18 of 39 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Tromso. Outdoor Activities, Boat Tours & Water Sports, Tours. Fredrik Langes gate 14 | Tromsoe Harbour, Tromso 9008, Norway. Open today: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Save. Review Highlights. "Not the best for solo travelers to Antarctica." I went solo on Hurtigruten to Antarctica.

  23. Hurtigruten Cruises Around Norway

    Hurtigruten's Norwegian Coastal Cruise along the scenic coast and fjords of Norway has often been praised as being one of the most beautiful voyages in the world. Each day of your voyage will yield unforgettable memories of natural beauty as you discover a coastline with an ever changing personality with a new revelation around every headland. .