25 Road Trip Games to Make the Miles Go By Fast

You won’t be hearing: “Are we there yet?” 😂

best road trip games

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Road trip games are one of the easiest ways to make the miles fly by in the blink of an eye, and if you used to take road trips when you were little, you likely have several car games that you still love today. Perhaps you’re heading out with your whole family in tow or going somewhere fun with a group of gals or your main squeeze (talk about a cute summer date idea !). No matter what type of trip you’re taking, road trip games are a must. The nice thing about road trip games is that they don’t require a ton of items to bring along—just your brains, a few rules to follow, and plenty of giggles. If you’d like to tuck away those smartphones and kick it old-school, turn to these 25 boredom-busting road trip games.

While You Were Sleeping

best road trip games

It’s not just a favorite movie from the ‘90s! For this game, one person will be asleep (which happens pretty frequently on road trips). Once they’re asleep for at least five minutes, the ones who are awake will start making up a story, and each person will take turns adding to that story. After the person wakes up, the group’s job is to make them believe that it’s a true story. If someone starts giggling, they’ll lose a point. But if each one tricks the sleeper into believing the story, every person gets three points.

The Singing Game

best road trip games

This is for the family and pals who love to bust out a tune! One person in the car will start singing a song. The next person will pick up a lyric from that song and will link it up with another song (i.e. “Should I stay or should I go…” can link to “…your own way, go your own way.”) The words can connect to one another going round and round until someone can’t think of a new lyric or sings the incorrect words.

This might be one of the most classic car games of all time. You know the rules: someone in the car will spot something by the road and say, “I spy with my little eye, something that is…” and then will give a hint, whether it’s a color or general direction. The other players will ask questions until someone discovers what it is.

20 Questions

One person will choose a noun (a person, place, or thing) and the other players will get 20 questions to find out what it is. Simple and fun!

License Plate Game

A game that’s always a favorite! The aim of this game is to spy all 50 states on license plates throughout your journey. You can keep track on a piece of paper, a phone, or you can use a board with markers for each state.


Scavenger Hunt

Similar to “I Spy,” a road trip scavenger hunt involves bringing along a list of items that are typically seen along the road. Your pals or little ones will spot the items, like stop signs or blue cars, and check them off the list. The first one to check them all off wins.

Two Truths and a Lie

For this, one player will make three statements, and one of them will be false. The other players will try to guess which one is the untrue one. It’s a great way to discover new things about a friend or family member!

This game is great for older kids and adults. Focusing on compound words, each person will link to the previous word and keep going around until someone can’t come up with anything. For example, notebook, bookstore, store-bought, etc.

Never Have I Ever

Each player will start a statement by saying, “Never have I ever…” Then they’ll finish the statement by saying something like, “Fallen asleep in class,” or “Flown on an airplane.” The rest of the crew has to decide if it’s a true statement or not.

Road Trip Bingo

It’s just like the bingo you play at home, except this game has a road-trip spin. Bring along some bingo cards (you can even purchase ones that are road trip-themed) and look for all the items on the board. The first one to get BINGO wins!


The Name Game

This game is all about naming as many “names” as you can, but you’ll each only have three seconds to answer! There are lots of ways to play: focus on first letters, go with last names only, etc. Or change the category to dog breeds, books, types of flowers, or anything else you can come up with.

Story Starter

Here’s a classic game. One person will start a story but won’t finish the sentence. The next player will finish that sentence, but won’t finish it, and so on. By the end, you’ll probably have a pretty funny story going!

Alphabet Game

This is a game to play when you know there will be a lot of signs and billboards along the way. Starting with “A” and so on, players will find words on the route that start with each letter of the alphabet. You can play with the letters in order, or you can cross them off as you see them.

The Grocery Game

The first player will come up with an item they would buy at the grocery store. Without telling anyone, the rest of the car will take turns asking questions to discover what it is. Is it red? Can it be found in the produce department? It’s an apple!

Name That Tune

This one goes out to the music lovers out there! For this game, someone will start playing music on the radio or on a smartphone. In only five seconds, you have to guess what song it is. The first person to answer gets a point!


What Color Is It?

This game is perfect if you have young kiddos. The adults will list several items that are the same color: for instance, leaves, frogs, money, and so on. The kids have to guess the color!

Triple Threat

Someone in the car will choose three random nouns, like “alligator,” “flute,” and “mashed potatoes.” Everyone else in the car will have to make up a story based on these three nouns!

Car Color Search

Keep track of car colors as you spot them, including all the colors of the rainbow and some less-common ones, like pink, lime green, and gold.

Would You Rather?

These are questions that you make up as you go along, and you might learn some new things about each other, too! Ask questions like, “Would you rather eat a too-hot slice of pizza or a too-cold popsicle?” or “Would you rather win a million dollars or have the ability to fly?” Each person gets to answer these fun questions.

In My Suitcase

It’s a memory game! Start a sentence with, “I’m going on vacation, and I packed…” and begin with an item that starts with the letter A. The next player will choose an item that starts with B, but they have to add the previous player’s item onto their sentence. For example, you could say, “I’m going on vacation, and I packed accessories.” Next, the person could say, “I’m going on vacation, and I packed accessories and a brush.” See how long you can go until someone forgets.


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Best road trip games to play with your partner and family

30 Best Road Trip Games That Are Super Fun

Road trip games can make any journey more enjoyable and fun whether you're going on a long drive across the country or spending a few hours in the car with the kids.

Our list of the 30 of the best road trip games will provide entertainment for children and adults alike, ranging from music-related games and foodie challenges to word contests and devious pranks.

You will never have to think of what to do on a long car ride again! The following is the ultimate list of games you can play on a road trip.

1. The Story Game

The Story Game can take up a good chunk of a road trip if everyone's memory holds up!

Entertaining for adults and kids alike, this is storytelling with a twist - you go round the car and each passenger adds just one word following on from the player before.

See how crazy you can make the story, and get someone to record it on their phone so you can listen back to the hilarious progression of the plot as you make way along your road trip. You could go from sunbathing in Spain to training alpacas in Chile in a matter of seconds.

Trust us, you're in for a laugh with this one and if your passengers are good, these stories can get seriously long!

2. I'm Going On A Road Trip

The I'm Going On A Road Trip game will definitely test your memory!

This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages. To play, passengers take it in turns to state 'I'm going on a road trip and I'm bringing…' followed by an item of their choice.

The next person has to repeat the phrase, saying the last person's item and adding one of their own and so on - eventually you'll have a really long list of crazy items to try and remember, and it's always amusing watching people try and get it right a few rounds in.

Be sure to throw in a few weird and wonderful items to confuse the rest of the players!

3. The Quiet Game

The Quiet Game can be a great way to earn 5 minutes of silence on a road trip.

This game is a bit of a joke for the adults who want a few minutes of peace and quiet from their squabbling kids. The rules are hilariously simple - just say 'who can stay quiet the longest?' and breathe as the competitive siblings fall instantly silent.

Just a word of warning though: don't expect it to last very long, so have another kid-friendly car game lined up for when they get bored.

4. The Banana Game

A bright yellow classic Beetle is one of the cars you can find in the Banana road trip game.

This game is all about the color yellow and is super simple - points are awarded whenever a passenger spots a yellow vehicle.

Come up with a scoring system for different types of vehicle (e.g. one point for a car, two for a van, and three for a lorry) and whether you saw it parked (one point) or in motion (two points). Add any extra rules you fancy, and prepare to get competitive about who saw it first.

5. Never Miss A Beat

Never Miss A Beat is more of a group singalong than a game.

This game may be more of a singalong than a game, but it's still awesome!

Never miss a beat offers another chance to show off your singing skills and unusually gets everyone playing together rather than against each other.

All you need to do is stick on your family's favorite song or a song everyone knows the words to and start singing. Someone then needs to turn it down for 10 seconds whilst everyone keeps singing, before turning it back up again to see if you've kept the beat and stayed in time.

This game is mainly just a bit of fun, but you could always turn it into a competition by splitting into teams!

I Spy is an all time great road trip game and requires no preparation or props.

Another classic you've probably played a thousand times before but never get bored of.

Passengers take it in turns to find an object either inside or outside the car and say "I spy with my little eye something beginning with…" the first letter of whatever the object is.

The other passengers must then try and guess the answer (clues can be given if it's really hard), with the winner taking the next turn. This is an easy car game to play with kids and always a great one to keep bored passengers entertained for a surprisingly long time.

7. 20 Questions

The 20 Questions road trip game only allows Yes/No questions.

This classic road trip game probably doesn't need much of an introduction - simply choose one passenger to start by thinking of a random object, and the other passengers take turns asking 20 yes-or-no questions to guess the object.

Whoever finds the answer first gets to think of the random thing in the next round, but if the object has everyone stumped, they get to keep their role for the next round.

There are no rules on the object you can pick, but lying in your answers is strictly forbidden!

8. Car Bingo

Spotting wildlife can be a fun game on the road - like this elk in the Yellowstone National Park.

This kid-friendly game takes a little prep before you set off, but it's well worth it if you need to keep the kids entertained on a long journey.

Make a list of things the children might see along the road trip route - e.g. cows, a tractor, a red car etc, to give to them when you get into the car.

As you drive they can cross things off as they see them, not only distracting them from boredom but also encouraging them to look around and learn about the places they're visiting.

Make the list as specific to the place you're going as you want. In Texas you might have anything mentioning the Lone Star and in Wyoming you might be on the lookout for elk!

You can tailor the difficulty and number of things to find depending on the age of your children.

9. Sweet Or Sour

The Sweet Or Sour road trip game is all about waving at other people.

The rules of this road trip game are super simple: passengers take turns waving at passing pedestrians or people in nearby cars. If they wave back they're sweet, if not they're sour. You win a point for every sweet passerby you get, so aim to find as many friendly people as possible along the way.

For obvious reasons, the driver should opt out of this one, but it can be extra fun if they divert the car through a busy area of town to rack up some extra waving opportunities!

Remember not to distract other drivers!

10. Secret Place Race

Kids looking at a map to find secret places along the road trip route.

Make use of that old road map that sits in the car seat pocket to entertain the kids. All you need to do for the secret place race is pick a place they're unlikely to know such as a tiny village, river, or mountain, and see how long it takes them to find it on the map.

This can be incredibly entertaining in a Where's Waldo kind of way, except their mission in finding the village can be made critically important for the driver to be able to find the right way!

Have a reward on hand if they're able to find it in less than 5 minutes, and watch as they're completely engrossed in the task. A simple yet satisfyingly effective game.

11. Punch Buggy

Spotting a VW Beetle or another car of your choice is a great reason to playfully punch each other on a road trip.

First gaining popularity as part of one of Volkswagen's marketing campaigns in the 1960s, the aim of this game is to give your fellow passengers a playful punch whenever you see a VW Beetle drive past.

This is one of those road trip games that is universally loved by children (as long as you monitor the punching to avoid disaster), although we don't see why the adults wouldn't enjoy it too.

Granted - in some parts of the world, seeing a Beetle is incredibly rare, so if you're struggling to see many Beetles, you could always choose a specific color of car or another funny model as the target instead to make it a touch easier.

12. Regional Car Pantry

Buying a selection of different foods and snacks along the length of your road trip can become a game itself.

One for the foodies. Stretching across the full duration of your road trip, collect as many local snacks as you can at every stop along the way to build up your car pantry.

Make sure you take pictures of each snack (or buy duplicates if they'll keep) so you can see what you've managed to collect at the end of the trip, and be sure to take some weird and wonderful treats home for friends and family to try.

Do some research beforehand and make a list of all the foods you want to find, or just wing it and see what local delicacies you stumble across as you go.

13. The License Plate Game

A selection of US license plates that would be perfect for the License Plate game.

You'll need pens and paper for this game so make sure you've packed some before you head off. The aim is to spot license plates from as many different countries or US states (depending on where your road trip is taking place) as possible.

Write a list of the places you've seen and compare it with the other passengers at the end of the drive. This is the ideal game for those long stretches of boring motorway where you'll probably rack up a surprisingly long list, and the person with the most countries gets to ride shotgun for the next leg of the journey.

The end of this road trip game can get very controversial - if you spot a real game winner, photographic evidence is a good idea so get your phone out and take photos in secret!

14. The Fortunately - Unfortunately road trip game

The Fortunately Unfortunately road trip game can be played absolutely anywhere based on what you see along the way.

This is similar to the Story Game (see #1 above), however players get a little more control and creativity. You can say more than one word this time!

One player starts off with a 'fortunately' sentence, and the next has to follow with an 'unfortunately' sentence to build a story of luck and misfortune. For example, one player might start with 'fortunately, the sun was shining' with the second player adding 'unfortunately they had a long drive ahead of them' and so on.

This game can make it a little easier to remember the long string as everything has to be either fortunate or unfortunate! Get as creative as you can and you'll find yourself at your destination in what seems like no time at all.

15. The Complete Food Menu Game

The Complete Food Menu game involves ticking off restaurant types as you pass them on your road trip.

This is the perfect road trip game to play if you're passing through a few towns on your way although roadside restaurants and chains will do just fine.

Print out a sheet with all the food types you can think of in a grid against the names of people in the car.

Every time you drive past a restaurant of some kind, the first person to spot it gets to collect the tick for the food type it serves. Steaks and pizzas should be easy to collect by everyone, but you might just win if you're the only one who spotted the seafood restaurant in the middle of Oklahoma!

16. The Name Game

The more random names you know, the better you will do in the Name game on your road trip.

This is another simple game that keeps your brain occupied during a long drive without being too strenuous. One person simply says any name they can think of and the next person must say another name that begins with the last letter of the name before, and so on.

For example if passenger one says Tom, passenger two might say Mary. If you've made any friends during your road trip, try and include their names to make it a tad more topical.

Obviously adding the rule of not repeating the same names once they have been mentioned makes this a whole lot more interesting as the game progresses although you're guaranteed to have a disagreement over whether a name has or has not been mentioned already!

17. Guess The Song

Guess The Song is not only reserved for road trips, but an awesome way to have fun on the way.

If you're comfortable in your musical knowledge you'll definitely want to suggest playing this one. The rules are simple: get the front passenger to play the first few seconds of a song and whoever can guess the artist and song title the quickest wins a point.

This is much easier if you can connect your phone to the car for the road trip and play songs from there so you can easily search and pause the music.

The person with the most points after half an hour gets control of the music for the rest of the journey, so there's a lot at stake...

18. Sing The Next Line

Two women enjoying playing Sing The Next Line game in their car.

A variation on the Guess The Song game above, except this game relies on your vocal chords.

Instead of just guessing the song after a few seconds, players have to rack their brains and try and sing the next line, and the person who successfully remembers it first wins a point. Think of a reward for whoever wins, and if you attempt it but get it wrong you have to do a forfeit chosen by the driver.

19. Radio Roulette

Be prepared to listen to some seriously wacky tunes in the Radio Roulette game.

This game's a little less hands-on but no less entertaining. Use your road trip driving time to discover all the local radio stations of the place you're visiting by re-tuning every ten minutes and choosing a new station at random.

You'll probably find some pretty wacky programs and get to know traditional and popular music in that country - a great way to appreciate culture even when you're between destinations.

If you a radio station that is really wacky, let us know!

20. Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a game that can be as innocent or outrageous as you are comfortable with.

This road trip game can be be as PG or as outrageous as you like depending on the age of the passengers.

Take turns asking the car whether they would rather do one thing or another (e.g. 'would you rather go to France or Spain?') and see what they answer. Make it as difficult as possible to choose between the two options for maximum entertainment value, whether that's making them equally amazing or equally horrible, it's up to you…

You can see how this game can get as interesting in group of adults as with kids - answering the question is compulsory and providing reasons is where it gets fun!

21. Car Rules Road Trip Game

The Car Rules road trip game will keep you thinking in case you go over a bridge or pass a yellow car on the way.

Everyone in the car gets to make up a silly rule, e.g. whenever we cross a bridge everyone has has to touch their nose, or whenever we stop at a red light everyone has to touch the roof of the car.

The last person to join in when an action is enforced gains a point, and the person with the most points at the end of the drive loses. Get as creative as you like with the rules and try and catch people out where possible so you can take the victory.

The loser has to go pay for parking or buy ice creams at the next stop!

22. Hot Seat

The Hot Seat game can get you to know your close friends even better and have a laugh.

If you're that nosy friend that wants to find out all of your companions' deepest secrets then you'll like this one. Passengers take it in turns to be in the hot seat and are asked 5 questions, one of which they're allowed to veto and the other four must be answered honestly.

This is best played in an adult-only car (questions get notoriously cheeky) and is the ideal way to pass the time finding out some interesting new facts about your road trip friends.

You can use it as a warm up or a step up from the car version of Truth or Dare (see #27 below) depending on how close your friendships are!

23. People Watching

People watching is fun - some cars will really make you scratch your heads as you pass them on your road trip.

Someone picks a car full of people that everyone can see (this works best if you're stuck in traffic), and together you make up a story about the people - who they are, where they're going, what they do for a living. The funnier and more far-fetched the story, the better - just make sure you're not staring too obviously at your subjects or it might get a little awkward...

Use your imagination to make the stories controversial and see how far you can go with making things up!

You might just surprise yourself how the most innocuous of road trip games will make you spot things you would never otherwise see just by looking at the cars around you.

24. Kiss, Marry, Avoid

The Kiss, Marry, Avoid road trip game will let you debate the qualities of famous people or mutual friends.

Another one for the older crowd. Take turns listing three famous people and the other passengers in the car have to choose which person they would kiss, which they would marry, and which they would avoid.

Make it really hard to decide so that everyone has a bit of a laugh, and try to predict each other's answers to add an extra twist to the game.

If you want to add a little spice to the game, use people you all know or move to people in the car!

25. While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping is a road trip game where your imagination can run wild!

There's nothing more tempting than pulling a prank on a passenger who falls asleep en route, and whilst we don't dispute the whole drawing-a-mustache classic, we've got something even craftier.

Whilst they're taking a nap on the road trip, have a brainstorm with the awake members of the party and come up with an epic story or scenario of something that they missed during their nap.

The aim of the game is to get them to believe the story, so make sure nobody laughs or breaks character (come up with a forfeit if they do), and keep the lie going for as long as possible. If you manage to pull it off this is far better than a DIY mustache... but by all means, draw one on for good measure.

This classic road trip game can really take a turn for the worse if you want it to. A simple horror story about a truck that followed the car for miles that you just managed to pull away from before getting a flat tyre can go a long way as you're parked on the side of the road. Peer into the rear view mirror in horror and watch their face when a random truck appears on the horizon!

26. Categories

Beatles songs is one possible option for the Categories road trip game.

Popular with kids and adults alike the world over, Categories can be an awesome game to play on road trips as well.

The premise is simple - somebody picks a category which can have multiple different answers. Fruit or Beatles' songs can both be great options.

Players have to then take turns to name one item from the category at a time. Players are eliminated when they can't name one until there's one winner. Either the winner or the next person in turn gets to choose the next category.

That brings our list of the best road trip games to an end. Do you have other games you enjoy? Get in touch to let us know and we'll add it to our list!

27. Truth Or Dare (The Car Edition)

Playing Truth Or Dare on a long road trip can really help pass the time and get people laughing.

The old classic can and should be played on road trips! Players take turns to either answer an embarassing question truthfully or perform a dare set by other players.

The dares obviously have to be contained to the realms of the car or the roadside so you'll have to get creative.

Needless to say, this game is very different when played with kids as a family or with adult friends and is equally great in both cases!

28. 6 Degrees of Separation

How is a gaucho from Patagonia connected to Prince Charles? That's what the 6 Degrees of Separation game is all about.

This is a road trip game that will require some imagination and provide plenty of topics for conversation.

Take turns and pick two people who you may know or make them up (e.g. a Shaolin monk). The more different the background and location of these people the better!

Then proceed to discuss how these two people are connected through 6 connections or less. You don't have to know the whole chain - that's actually where the fun is.

How is a gaucho from a remote farm in southern Argentina connected to Prince Charles? The gaucho must know his ranch's boss (1). The boss knows the boss of the company that buys beef from local producers (2). That company has a liaison manager in a UK-based Argentinian beef importing firm (3). This manager has a colleague who imports fine wines from around the world for the same company (4). The colleague personally provides the fine wines to the Royal sommelier (5) and the sommelier personally knows Prince Charles (6). Bingo!

29. The Stop Joker Card road trip game

The Stop Joker Card game allows every person the road trip to pick a stop wherever they want.

If you're going on a long trip and you're going to be driving all day or even longer than that, this is a great way to give everyone in the car, kids included, a way to have a bit of control.

At any point during the trip, each person can enact their Stop Joker Card - this means the car has to stop wherever they are passing and spend some time there doing an activity or just relaxing.

Your kids might see something really fun halfway along and use their card to break up the journey and everyone gets to have their stop along the route!

30. Pick One Car road trip game

You have to be quick if you spot a dream car on your road trip to win the One Car game.

This one is a game of patience and opportunity. Every person in the car has one chance during the journey to pick a car that you can see on your way as their ultimate One Car. The objective is to pick the coolest/fastest/most amazing car possible.

Once you've chosen a car, you can't change it - you only have one go so you better make it count - if you're passing something that is decent but not stellar, you might have to make a tough choice.

The game is made even more difficult by the fact that the first person to call the car out gets to have it so you have to be alert and on the lookout if you haven't got one yet.

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20+ Entertaining Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

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Road trips are not just about getting to your destination. It’s also about all the fun you can have on your journey to your next stop.

These road trip games will bring laughter and excitement to your next road trip.

Let’s dive into some of our favorites.

Alright, we know this is one of those classic games to play on a road trip that everyone has heard of, but have you ever really dug into it? 

I Spy has a lot of versatility. It’s not just that one-dimensional game you remember from your childhood. This is a game that you can mix up and cut loose with. Try adding time limits, creating I Spy themes, or just killing some time with a class road game. 

You probably know the rules, but all you need to do to play this game is pick something you and your friends can see and have them guess until they get it right. You’ll say, “I spy something that…” and add a clever clue that gives a subtle hint about what you’re looking at. 

The key to playing this game as an adult is to focus on those clever hints. That’s where the fun is!

20 Questions 

 20 Questions is one of those games that has plenty of versatility. Let’s look at a few ways to enjoy this game while on a road trip.

You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be “it.” That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

You can spice up 20 Questions by making it themed, personal, or romantic. It all depends on who you’re traveling with. 

Like many road games, this game is best played in short bursts. You want to mix up these classic road trip games, so you don’t burn out on any one game. 

Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another excellent game to play while on a road trip. 

The goal of this game is to give someone a ridiculous and near-impossible choice between two options. You can ask them to pick between their favorite hobbies, a million dollars or perfect health, or anything else you can think of!

This is also a great game for getting to know someone new. It’s the perfect icebreaker for couples and helps you explore topics that matter to the people you travel with. 

Mini Board Games 

Mini magnetic board games are fun games to play in the car, but they are also adorable. 

You and your travel companions can enjoy Scrabble, chess, checkers, or mini Monopoly.

There are travel-sized versions of just about every board game out there. Throw one of these in your bag, and you’ll hardly notice the extra space it takes up. Besides, it will generate way more fun than you might expect. 

Travel Scavenger Hunt 

One of the most fun things you can do when heading out on your road trip is to set up a scavenger hunt .

You need to do some planning ahead of time for this game. Think about some interesting or challenging items you and your travel companions can hunt down or see on the road together. 

These can be wrappers from regional snacks, landmarks, road signs, or anything you can find along your road trip route. 

Here’s a tip for setting up a scavenger hunt. Come up with a low-stakes prize for the winner, which could be anything from a Starbucks gift card to a coupon for a free back massage. 

Trivia Apps! 

Playing trivia games on the road used to mean taking several decks of cards with questions and answers on them. However, your phone is full of game apps to keep you entertained on your road trip.

There are trivia apps like Popcorn Trivia, SongPop, and countless others. These let you play trivia games based on movies, music, and even history with your travel buddies. 

Don’t get caught thinking these games are trivial; they are some of the most fun games to play on a road trip!

Related Post: Best Road Trip Game Apps

Travel Bingo

Here’s another exciting game that takes a little preparation before you hit the road.

You can set up a travel bingo gam e for everyone you will be on the road with. This bingo game can be full of fun inside jokes, sites along the way, and all the ups and downs of a long car ride.

Travel bingo is a great way to add a little lightheartedness to some of the challenges of taking a road trip. Why not lean into these awkward moments and add a square on your travel bingo card for awkward smells or getting stuck in traffic?

The winner of travel bingo can get a little prize, but there’s no prize more fabulous than the satisfaction of being the travel bingo champion.  Related Post: Free Downloadable Road Trip Bingo Cards

Gas Station Stop Gourmet 

There are plenty of travel games about embracing the unique and sometimes weird cuisine you can find while on the road.

The goal of this game is to make the most of the limited culinary options you have at your average gas station. Players should be given a budget and are challenged to come up with the most exciting meal they can think of.

Imagine you’re on a Food Network competition show, but all you can do is create a fine dining experience using a convenience store and a few fast food diners.

This is a great game to help people think outside the box and not get stuck snacking on the same pre-packaged chips for the entire ride. 


Fictionary started hundreds of years ago with the Victorians in England. 

This word game is all about obscure words and the definitions that they “should” have. Play works like this. 

One player picks an obscure word that few people know, like “mycorrhizal” or “sozzled.” Everyone else writes down their made-up definitions. Whoever gets the most laughs wins!

More Road Trip Entertainment: Best Attention-Grabbing Audio Books for a Road Trip Boredom-Busting Podcasts for a Road Trip Road Trip Questions for Couples

Six Degrees of Separation

Here’s another road trip classic, especially for movie buffs. 

Six Degrees of Separation got a second wind when it became an iconic meme in the early days of the internet known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. 

The point of the game is straightforward. One player names two actors, and the other must connect them in six degrees of separation or less.

Here’s a classic example using Kevin Bacon.

“Kevin Bacon and William Shatner.”

William Shatner was in Festival in Cannes with Maximilian Schell, who starred in Telling Lies in America with Kevin Bacon.

There’s even a website called The Oracle of Bacon that can generate these degrees of separation if you two get stuck!

Fictional Road Trip Families

One of the most fun things about a road trip is the people you will meet on the way. 

However, some people you “meet” drive past you on the road at 60 miles an hour. While you need more time to meet them adequately, you can still tell a fun story about their lives.

The next time an interesting-looking car drives past you, collaborate on a fictional story about the family inside that vehicle. Take turns adding story elements and see where it will lead you.

The Movie Game

Here is another one for film buffs.

This game starts with one person naming a movie and another person naming an actor who starred in that film. The next person then picks another actor from that movie and a different movie that the actor starred in. The second player then repeats the process, and play continues until no one can name a new movie.

For a twist on this game, players can go back and forth naming actors, writers and directors, and production staff on movies until they cannot name anyone else involved with a given film.

Human Jukebox

Here’s a game for the musically inclined pair on a road trip.

Human Jukebox starts with one player singing a line from a song. Then the other player uses the last word of that line to connect it to a brand-new song.

Here’s an example:

Player 1 starts with a line from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody: “So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye. So you think you can love me and leave me to die. Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby .”

Player 2 connects it with Britney Spears’s classic “… Baby One More Time.” When I’m not with you, I lose my mind. Give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time.”

And the song goes on!

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is more than a fun game. It’s a great way to get to know your travel companions.

Here’s how the game works:

Name two truths about yourself and one lie. For example, you could say, “I used to have blue hair, I once designed a video game, and my aunt is a world record holder for women’s rodeo.” 

Your traveling companions will then have to guess which is the lie and which is the truth. And the fun part is that you can make your truth and lies as straightforward or as challenging to guess as you’d like. 

This game is a fun way to explore your traveling companion’s personal history and discover unique and fun details about their life.

Fortunately Unfortunately

Fortunately Unfortunately is a game that can get weird pretty quickly. Therefore, it’s a great game if someone in the car has their crabby pants on. 

It starts with one player saying something that starts with “fortunately: that’s positive, and then the next saying something negative about that same event starting with “unfortunately.”

“Fortunately, we got time off of work for this road trip.”

“Unfortunately, your boss got replaced by a zombie.”

“Fortunately, all those George Romero movies I watch have prepared me for this day.”

Continue this back and forth until you are ready to move on to the next game. 

The Road Trip Memory Game

Here’s a fun game to test your memory skills.

The game starts with the first player saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing…” 

They can name any person, place, or thing they want to bring on this road trip. Let’s say they said, “my guitar.”

The next player continues the game by saying, “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing my guitar and…” and adding their own item.

The game continues until someone forgets items on the list. Consider this game as a safe way to forget what you need to bring on your next road trip!

Radio Roulette

Radio Roulette can be an exciting way to find new music you love or a challenging endurance test.

All you need to do is turn on the local radio stations and pick one randomly. You have to keep this station on for an unbroken 10 minutes to complete a round of the game. After 10 minutes, you switch to the next radio station and keep playing.

You might find yourself in love with some local Polka you would have never thought to listen to. Or you might be battling through 10 minutes of local talk radio.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

In the mood to win $1,000,000? Well, there might not be a stack of hundreds on the table, but you can have fun playing along.

The Who Wants To Be A Millionaire app is a great way to play a game with just two players on your next ride. One player gets to be the host of this iconic game show, while the other gets to be in the hot seat with a shot at a cool million dollars.

Bad Film Plots

Usually, when you play a game, you want to do everything right. However, Bad Film Plots has you intentionally doing everything wrong.

This game aims to explain a movie’s plot as badly but as accurately as possible. The other players must guess the film you’re talking about correctly.

Let’s say you wanted to badly explain the plot of Terminator II: Judgement Day. You could say: “A down-on-her-luck working single mother makes an unlikely friendship as her son discovers a father figure.” 

That may be tricky, but that’s the whole point of the game. 

Local Trivia Night

One of the most significant advantages you have when taking road trips today is that you’ve got the whole internet by your side while you’re on the road.

Use that to your advantage and do a local trivia game while traveling. 

One player gets to be the trivia master asking questions about the state you’re driving through.

Try Out Some Nintendo Switch Games! 

Some of the best games to play on a road trip take advantage of today’s technology. 

The Nintendo Switch offers plenty of variety, including two-player puzzle games, action, and RPGs with compelling stories. You can even download classic Super Nintendo video games and enjoy nostalgia while on the road. The Switch has games for kids and adults, so you don’t have to worry about not finding the right game for you. 

Name That Tune

No list of road trip games would be complete without a game designed for music lovers, as singing and enjoying new tunes is one of the best parts of a good road trip. 

And SongPop 3 is one of the best game apps for long car rides for music lovers. This app plays a song clip and has you guess what you’re hearing.

These are real clips from actual songs. And you’ll hear everything from Cardi B to Queen. You can even play in dedicated music genres to focus on your favorites.

You can spice things up a little by trying to sing the next lyrics in the song. 

Words With Friends

Words With Friends is one of, if not the, most popular word game app. The secret to this app’s success is that it is Scrabble but for the smartphone age. Being a digital Scrabble allows Words With Friends to give you more options to play while traveling.

You and your traveling partners can play together using your own devices or challenge friends and family back home. Since it’s basically Scrabble, you know what you’re getting into with this app.

License Plate Game

The L icense Plate Game aims to find as many license plates from the 50 States + the District of Columbia as you can during your road trip. 

The best thing about the License Plate Game is you can make the rules to fit your road trip needs. Plus, you can make it enjoyable by finding prizes for the winners or an award for the first passenger to spot a license plate from Mexico or Canada.

You can make a list of all 50+ states, or there are phone apps to help you keep track. Our favorite is PlateSpot . 

Related Post: License Plate Game: 3-Ways to Play on Your Next Road Trip

Road Trip Games for Adults

Home » Roadside Attractions Blog » Road Trip Games » 55 Fun Road Trip Games for Adults to Play in the Car

55 Fun Road Trip Games for Adults to Play in the Car

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Road trips are full of fun, adventure, breathtaking landscapes, and weird roadside attractions. But sometimes they also involve long stretches of driving with nothing on your itinerary. In those cases, you might be looking for something to keep you entertained in the car. Enter these road trip games for adults. All of these game ideas are perfect for a road trip with friends or a couples trip. Most of them can even be enjoyed by the whole family. #RoadTrip #RoadTripGames #RoadTripGamesforAdults

Road trips are full of fun, adventure, breathtaking landscapes, and weird roadside attractions . But sometimes they also involve long stretches of driving with nothing on your itinerary and nothing but corn out your window. In those cases, you might be looking for something to keep you and your friends entertained in the car. Enter these fun road trip games for adults.

Kids aren’t the only ones who should be able to have fun in the car. So all of these game ideas are perfect for a road trip with friends or a couples trip. Most of them can even be enjoyed by the whole family.

Read on to find some of the best road trip games for adults, and get ready for a memorable road trip!

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

Want more fun road trip games?

The road trip journal & activity book.

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

Classic Road Trip Games for Adults

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Everyone knows these standard road trip games. They are such classics that everyone will have fun playing, no matter their age!

Free State License Plate Game Printable PDF - Visual Road Trip Game with Labeled State License Plates to Circle

The License Plate Game

How do you play the license plate game? All you have to do is keep a look out your windows and keep track of all the different license plates you see. To win: try to be the first to spot one from every state! Each individual vehicle can only be claimed by one person, so think fast! For example, if Jane sees a red Toyota with a Montana plate, she can claim that car. John will have to wait for another Montana plate to go by. You can play this game with just a pen and paper, or you can click here to learn more about the game, get a free license plate game printable, or find versions you can play online or buy .

Regal Bingo - Original License Plate Travel Bingo Set - Travel Bingo Cards for Family Vacations, Car Rides, and Road Trips - Yellow - 4 Pack

Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

Keep your eye out for these common road trip sites. Compete in a road trip scavenger hunt to see who will claim each item first or make it a photo challenge and see who can get the best pic of or selfie with each item.

Road Sign Bingo printable checklist road trip game

Road Sign Bingo

Play a friendly game of Road Sign Bingo . Play a traditional game where you try to get four in a row on a game sheet. Or print out a road sign checklist full of some of the most common road signs you’ll see on your road trip. Keep an eye out to see who can spot the most the fastest!

Traveling with friends, family, or a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend? Want to get to know them a little more? These Get To Know You road trip games for adults will have everyone in the car talking.

Road Trip Questions

With all the free time you have in the car, why not spend some of it getting to know your passengers by taking turns answering fun road trip questions. This game of ice breakers and conversation starters will get the chat going. Use these 100 fun road trip questions to get everyone in the car talking. Ready to get to know your travel companions? Start asking away!


TableTopics to GO Road Trip

What was your all-time favorite vacation? Answer this and 39 other conversation starter question cards in this portable question and answer game designed for road trips.

Truth or Dare

Would you rather reveal something potentially embarrassing about yourself or do something potentially embarrassing? Play a friendly round of truth or dare while driving in your car. Take turns asking passengers, “truth or dare?” If truth is picked they have to answer any question you ask them. If they pick dare, give a wild (but car friendly) dare. A game of truth or dare in the car can be as tame or wild as you desire, and will let you really get to know your friends.

Two Truths and a Lie

Go around the car and have everyone say three facts about themselves: I studied abroad in Rome, I’ve traveled to all fifty states, my favorite color is blue. They can be anything you want…but one of them must be a lie. State two truths and one lie about yourself and then everyone else has to guess which of those facts is not so factual.

Never Have I Ever

Traditionally played as a drinking game, Never Have I Ever allows you to say something you’ve never done and learn which of your friends have. You definitely don’t want to drink and drive, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun with this get to know you game. Each person takes turns saying something they have never done using the phrase “never have I ever.” For example: “Never Have I Ever Been to Alaska,” Never Have I Ever Driven for 12 hours straight,” or “Never Have I Ever gone camping.” Then everyone else in the car has to chime in to say whether they have done the things you haven’t. If you’re playing at night by your hotel’s pool or the light of a campfire, have everyone take a drink if they have done the action in question. If you’re playing in the car, have the guilty raise their hand and yell “I have!”

The Hot Seat

Want to ask your friends questions you’d normal shy away from? Put them in the hot seat. In this road trip game everyone takes a turn in the hot seat. When it’s their turn everyone else gets to ask them any question they want. Any question they want. And the person in the hot seat has to answer. You can set a timer (like five minutes), a maximum question amount (like 5 questions), or a per person quota (everyone gets to ask two questions). Whichever way you choose to play, this game will let you all get to know each other on a whole new level.

Would You Rather

Would you rather eat only hamburgers for the rest of your life or never eat tacos again? In this game you pit two things against each other and decide which scenario you’d rather do over the other. Take tuns posing hypothetical battles and see how your answers compare to everyone else in the car!

Kiss, Marry, Kill

Say you had to choose from Joey, Chandler, and Ross on Friends. Which one would you kiss, which one would you marry, and which one would you prefer to throw off a cliff. Take turns listing three people (they can be celebrities; movie, book, or TV characters; or even people you know) and make arguments for who you would kiss, marry, or kill.

The Compliment Game

Go through the alphabet and take turns giving each other compliments that start with each letter. Tom is an amazing athlete. Danielle is a badass beatboxer. Go from A to Z and brighten your car mates’ days.

Most Likely To Game

Remember senior superlatives? At the end of the school year everyone would choose from their class who was the “most likely to succeed,” the “most athletic,” or the “biggest flirt.” Turn that into a road trip game by coming up with superlatives for everyone in the car!

What makes a good road trip game for adults? Most of the time you’ll be playing within the confines of the car, so you want something that can be done with minimal movement and minimal supplies. These car games are fun to play and are only dependent on what you can see out the car’s window.

Cows on My Side

If you’re driving across certain areas of the country, you’re going to see a lot of cows out your window. A lot of cows. Make spotting bovines a game by playing a friendly game of Cows on My Side. Game play for this one is easy. If you see cows out the window on your side of the car yell out, “cows on my side!” to get one point. If you see cows out the window on the other side of the car, yell out, “cows on your side!” before someone on that side does, to steal one point. When you pass a cemetery, be the first to yell out, “ghost cow!” to steal all the points.

There are plenty of other cow-related games to play on a road trip. Here are some of my favorite variations.

Similar to Cows on My Side, but with slightly different rules. For this version, every time you see a herd of cows, the first person to yell out, “my cows!” gets a point. If you see a church, the first to yell out, “marry my cows!” doubles their points. If you see a cemetery, the first to yell out, “bury your cows!” steals everyone’s points.

To play Hey Cow! you just yell out, “hey cow!” whenever you pass a herd of cows. For every cow that turns their head to look at you, you get a point.

Counting Cows (AKA Cow Poker)

Pit the left side of the car against the right side of the car and count all the cows you can see from your side of the window. It can get tricky when you pass a large field, so count fast! Whoever has counted the most cows at the end of the journey wins, but watch for cemeteries, if someone calls out, “your cows are buried!” they can steal all the other side’s points.

The RV Game

RVs are known to have some interesting names on their own. Make them even more interesting by adding the word “anal” before them for a bit of a juvenile laugh. Keep an eye out for RVs and make the one marked “commander” a little more interesting.

Slug Bug (AKA Punch Buggy)

The rules of this game are simple: every time you see a Volkswagon Beetle out the window, yell out “Slug Bug!” (or “Punch Buggy!” if you prefer), and give your travel companion a gentle punch on the arm.

The object of this road trip game is to be the first person in the car to spot a car with a burnt out headlight or taillight. This game is best played when driving at night (or through long tunnels) where the surroundings are dark and most cars have their lights on. Whoever spots a car with a light out yells out, “Padiddle,” and touches the ceiling of the car. Play throughout your trip and whoever has the most padiddles when your travels end wins.

Odd Colored Cars

Pick an odd-for-a-car color, something like pink or purple or orange. Keep your eyes on the road and see who can spot a car of that color first or see the most through the entire trip.

The Alphabet Game

Try to go through the entire alphabet (in alphabetical order) by referencing words on signs you see from the car. Look for words on billboards, highway signs, road signs, and businesses. Each individual word can only be used by one person. The first person to get from A to Z wins!

The Gas Price is Right

Gas prices are ever changed and can vary widely by state or city. Make it a game to try to guess the prices that gas will be for the next station you pass. Try to guess to the nearest tenth and see who is closest.

Fictional Families

Do you ever look at other cars on the road and wonder what their story is? In this road trip game for adults, you pick out another vehicle on the road and come up with a story about who they are and where they’re going.

Vehicle Identification Game

When you spot an oncoming car try to be the first person to identify the make and model and see who is the best at identifying the vehicles on the road.


Bring along a variety of travel-sized versions of your favorite board games. Look for smaller, simplified games that come with cards or magnetic boards that can easily be played by backseat passengers in the car. But even though they are meant for travel, many travel board games work better as games to play in a hotel after a long day on the road. Pack your favs to play in your hotel room or by the pool! Here are some of the most popular travel board games:


Monopoly Grab and Go Game

Play a compact game of Monopoly with all your favorite features in a small package that also serves as storage.


Connect 4 Grab and Go Game

Try to get four checkers in a row and block your opponent from getting it first. Connect 4 Grab and Go is a compact travel version of the popular board game.


Clue Grab and Go Game

Solve a whodunit mystery by following the clues. Move around the board and try to piece together what you find to be the first to crack the case in a friendly game of Clue. Buy Travel Clue


Scrabble to Go

Challenge each other to come up with the most impressive words. A travel edition of scrabble not only allows you to play this fun board game in a hotel room, latching pieces mean you can bring your unfinished game with you to pick up at the next day and the next hotel.

These games are perfect for bringing out your creative side. Use your time in the car to make up stories with your friends.

While You Were Sleeping

On a road trip with friends one thing is for certain: someone is going to fall asleep in the back seat. And that’s the perfect time to play a fun game of While You Were Sleeping. Once your sleeping car mate awakens from their backseat nap, tell them a story of what happened while they were sleeping. The catch? It’s a completely made up story. Try to make up a ridiculous story and see how long you can go and how much you can convince your sleepy car mate that it actually happened.


Tell a story where everything goes right…and wrong. In Fortunately/Unfortunately you alternate sentences that start with fortunately or unfortunately. For example: Marissa was driving on a road trip. Fortunately she was almost to her hotel. Unfortunately her phone (and Google Maps) was about to die. Fortunately she had a paper map.

See how long your fortunate and unfortunate can go and where it takes you.


Mad libs are fun for all ages. There are a wide variety of these fill-in-the-blank stories, from adult-friendly options to ones based on your favorite TV shows to road trip focused stories . Whichever version you choose, you can pick adjectives and verbs to create your own hilarious stories.

Sorry I am Late

“Sorry I am late, but I accidentally traveled back in time and had to make sure my parents still got together so I would be born.” In this story telling game you start with “Sorry I am late but…” and then fill in the rest with a movie plot. Then see who in the car can guess what movie you are recapping.

Tell a story one word at a time. Have one person in the car start a story by saying a single word. Then the next person adds the next word. Keep going around the car one word at a time and see where this story time leads you!

These road trip games rely on simplicity: words, wordplay, and numbers.

Don’t Say It

Before your trip come up with a “Don’t Say It” word: something everyone is forbidden to say. Whenever someone says that word, they get a point. The person with the most amount of points at the end of the trip loses, and has to buy the car a round of soft drinks.

The Name Game

Start with one person saying a name, like Rebecca. The next person then says a name that starts with the last letter of that name. Rebecca ends with an A so the next person might say Amy. No repeat allowed, keep going until no one can think of a new name that fits!

The Counting Game

The goal of this game is to collectively count to 20. Sounds easy, right? But the trick here is you don’t know where or when the next person is taking a turn. One person starts by saying the number one. Then anyone can say the number two. But, if more than one person speaks at the same time, the game is done and you have to start over. If more than five seconds pass in between, the game is also done, so act fast!


This car game only requires a pen and paper. Come up with a list of categories. It can be anything you want, but try to find things that might have a lot of possible answers, like dog breeds, items of clothing, body parts, or cars. Write those all down in a list. The driver can then pick a random letter and all the passengers race to see who can fill in the list of categories with something starting with that letter the fastest.

In this easy car game, everyone picks any category they want: Taylor Swift songs, MLB teams, La Croix flavors, etc. And then everyone takes turns naming something that fits that category until someone is stumped and can’t think of anything that fits.

Try and guess what your car mates are thinking with these guessing games that are perfect to play in the car.

20 Questions

Read your friend’s mind in 20 questions of less. In this game, one person in the car has to think of something, anything. It can be a movie, a book, a person, place, or thing. Then everyone else in the car gets to ask questions to see who can guess what the person is thinking of. Choose your questions wisely, because you only have 20 tries.

I’m Going on a Picnic

In this game, players take turns saying what they might bring on a picnic (bananas, sandwiches , paper plates…). But one leader is in charge of saying whether you are allowed to bring that item or not, all based on a secret rule they have. For example, if Amanda is the leader she might have a secret rule that all items brought to the picnic must start with the first letter of her name. So if someone wanted to bring guacamole, they would be denied but someone bringing avocados would be OK. Players take turns naming items and trying to figure out what the secret rule is.

How much do you know about movies, TV shows, or celebrities? These games rely on your knowledge of films and those who star in them.

6 Degrees of Separation

Based on the popular “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” where it is said you can link any celebrity to Kevin Bacon (via mutual movie/television appearances) in six connections or less, in this version you can link any celebrities you want. Pick any two celebrities, like Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Frank Sinatra and connect them through their mutual crossovers.

The Movie Game

Similar to 6 Degrees of Separation, this road trip game also involves linking celebrities. But in this version, you have to come up with the next celebrity to link an actor to. To play, have one person name an actor or actress. Then, the next person has to name a movie they were in. The next person then has to name another actor or actress from that movie. Keep going until someone is stumped. That person has to sit out the next round. Keep playing until only one person is left and a winner is declared.

Bad Movie Plot

The goal of this game is to explain a movie plot badly and see who can guess what it is. For example, you might say, “an elderly man uses balloons to kidnap a young boy,” and others would have to try to guess that you’re explaining the plot to the Pixar movie Up .

Whether you love to sing or can’t hold a tune and prefer to leave it to the professionals, many fun road trip games for adults rely on music to guide them. These games are based on music knowledge, singing, or your favorite playlists.

Name That Tune

Use the scanner or seek on your radio or the shuffle feature on an app like Spotify. For every new song that comes up, try to be the first one to guess the name of the song and the musical artist. Or, take turns choosing a song to play and see if you can stump your friends.

Battle Of The Bands

Battle it out among the car to see which song reigns supreme. Choose a category. Any category. You can pick anything from “Best Emo Love Ballad” to “Songs that mention Birds.” Have two eople in the car think of a song that fits and then play them both for the whole car to hear. It’s then up to everyone in the car to vote and see which song, and which player, wins.

Human Jukebox

Channel your best Pitch Perfect impressions for this road trip game. To play, one person starts singing a song. Then the next person has to pick up with a new song that borrows the last word of the last phrase of the song before. Keep going until someone gets stumped, then start the Human Jukebox all over again.

There are so many different road trip games adults can play in the car. Here are some more games that will keep you entertained on long stretches of road.


Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation. The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features fun and engaging journal prompts. plus 100 activities and games to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route.


Shotgun! Road Trip Game

Shotgun! is a fun card game and car game. Designate a reader and then take turns answering road trip related questions and doing activities.

Road Trip Trivia

Have a fun time challenging each other to road trip trivia. Find trivia questions based on road trips, the route you’re on, your destination, or America.

Regional Snack Master

Every time you pull over at a gas station or travel center, have everyone try to find a local snack. Something you can really only find in the city or state you’re in. Compare your finds and see who found the tastiest (or weirdest) ones.

At the beginning of your road trip, have everyone make up a rule for the car. The sillier, the better. Something like at every red light you have to open all the windows and cheer. Try to keep up these funny road trip rules throughout the course of your trip.

In this game, start with one passenger coming up with a sentence or phrase. They whisper it into another passenger’s ear, and it should go all the way around until it gets to the last person in the car. That person then has to say out loud what they think they heard, and see how close or far it was from the original phrase.

Almost any game app can be a road trip game app. Here are some of our favorites that work well with a group of people traveling in a car.

Drive.fm: Car & Home Trivia

Have a knack for knowledge and want to put your brain to the test? Drive.fm is a game app controlled using your voice, making it the perfect hands-free trivia game to play in your car.

This musical trivia game features real song clips from popular artists. See who can guess the song the fastest!

A fun road trip game app for singing karaoke songs in the car.

Road trips are full of fun, adventure, breathtaking landscapes, and weird roadside attractions. But sometimes they also involve long stretches of driving with nothing on your itinerary. In those cases, you might be looking for something to keep you entertained in the car. Enter these road trip games for adults. All of these game ideas are perfect for a road trip with friends or a couples trip. Most of them can even be enjoyed by the whole family. #RoadTrip #RoadTripGames #RoadTripGamesforAdults

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Plan Your Road Trip

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Valerie Bromann

Founder & road trip expert.

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book , she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

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Last modified: December 2, 2023 Category: Road Trip Games , Road Trip Planning

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The road trip you’ve been dreaming of starts here! Journal about your stops and get to know your fellow passengers with activities and exercises designed to pass the time and bring you closer together. Instead of “Are we there yet?” you’ll find yourself asking, “We’re there already?”. Complete with prompts you can turn to while driving between locations, this journal will one day be a memento of your life-changing trip.

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Ordinary and Happy

39 Fun Road Trip Games to Play

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Fill long drives with joy by playing these fun road trip games , helping you say goodbye to boredom on the journey, no matter who you’re traveling with.

I’ve been on plenty of road trips across Europe and the U.S. in my time, and these games have helped me, friends, and fellow travelers pass the time with lots of laughs and intrigue.

Road Trip Games (Fun Games to Play in the Car)

Road trip games (list from the article)

1. Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare Questions (list)

This is a classic game, but it can be adapted to a road trip as well. Take turns picking whether you want to reveal a truth or take a dare.

In this case, you will need to pick a dare that can be done safely in the car or by stopping the car when you get the chance. Time to be creative!

Read more: 100+ Best Truth or Dare Questions

2. Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever Questions

Each player holds up five fingers, and in turn, they name something they have never done, for instance, “Never have I ever been to Italy.”

For each thing they have done, players need to fold a finger. The person who folds all five fingers first loses. This is a fun game, and if you pick the right questions, you may even learn some interesting or funny things about your friends.

Read more: 200+ ‘Never Have I Ever’ Questions

3. The Compliment Game

In this game, you go through the alphabet, and for every letter, you say a compliment about someone else in the car. For instance, “A is for how awesome Monica is,” “B is for Jack’s beautiful hair,” and so on, taking turns.

4. Most Likely to

Most Likely To Questions/Statements

Take turns and come up with “most likely to” scenarios about your friends. Everyone in the car must point to the person they believe reflects the title.

You could say things like “Most likely to become a celebrity” or “Most likely to win a Nobel prize.” If you’re out of ideas, you can find many examples online, or just try to be creative and invent fun scenarios.

Read more: 300+ “Who is Most Likely to” Questions

5. The Forbidden Word

Pick a forbidden word at the beginning of your trip. Try to aim for a word that you would normally use a lot. Keep count of how many times each person says the forbidden word.

At the end of the trip, whoever has said the word the most will have to take a pre-agreed forfeit, such as paying for a round of drinks.

6. Truth or Lie?

This is a storytelling game in which one person in the car tells a true or invented story from their past, ideally something elaborate and hard to believe.

The other people in the car take turns and get to ask one question about the story before deciding if it’s true or not. Reveal the right answer after everyone took their guess. Take turns telling stories and see who has the greatest number of correct guesses.

7. Smurfing

Pick one person in the car who will be the subject of the game. While the subject covers their ears, the other persons need to pick a verb. Then, the subject must ask questions replacing the verb with the word “smurf.”

For instance, “Do you smurf in the morning or evening” or “When did you last smurf?” They need to guess the right verb as quickly as possible. You may even decide how many questions they get to ask or set a time limit, like 2 minutes, to guess the right verb.

For Families and Kids

8. what color is it.

In this game, start naming a list of items of the same color until your kid, or one of your kids, guesses the right color. For instance, you could start by saying “Sky, sea, smurfs…” and keep going until someone guesses blue.

A classic road trip game for families and kids, “I spy” consists in choosing an object, preferably something in the car, and having other players guess by asking yes or no questions.

You can use colors or the first letter of the object. For instance, you could say “I spy with my little eye… something blue/something that starts with the letter B.” The first person to guess the object gains a point.

10. Spelling Bee

A fun and educational game, the spelling bee is easy to play in a car. You can pick random words or make it more fun by choosing a theme, possibly something kids would enjoy.

For instance, you could do a Harry Potter spelling bee with words from the book/movie. Make sure to have someone keep track of the points on a piece of paper or a note app.

11. Scavenger Hunt

This game may require a bit of preparation but it’s a great way to keep kids entertained on a long road trip.

Before the trip, prepare a list of things you would usually see on the road, like road signs, cars, animals, and so on. The person who checks the most items off the list before the end of the trip wins.

12. Car Color Search

This game also needs some preparation, but it can be very entertaining for small kids. You can draw several cars of different colors or find a ready-made sheet online and print it.

Every time they spot a car of a certain color, they cross it off the list. Whoever crosses the most cars off the list wins the game.

13. Going on a Picnic

This challenging memory game is great for adults, but you can also play it with older kids. The first person starts by saying “I’m going on a picnic, and I’ll bring…” and picks an item.

The next person repeats the sentence and adds another item, then the third adds a third item, and so on. The list will get longer and longer. The first person who can’t remember the correct list is out of the game and it resets until there is one winner.

14. Storytime

If you’re feeling creative, why not invent a fairy tale with the kids? Start with the classic fairy tale beginning “Once upon a time…” and come up with the start of a magical journey in a singular sentence.

Each player will add a sentence to the story until you either reach the end or until a set time limit elapses. You can also record the story so you can listen to it later.

15. The Quiet Game

If you’re traveling with kids and want some downtime, you can always try the quiet game. See how long your kids can go without saying a word. The first one to break the silence loses.

For Couples or Two People

16. 20 questions.

In this guessing game, one person will have to think about an object, animal, or person, and the other must ask yes or no questions to figure out what the other person is thinking.

They have a limit of 20 questions to guess the item or person. Ideally, you would start with more generic questions, like “Is it an animal” or “Is it an object?” and get more specific with questions about the size, color, and other features.

If the person guesses in less than 20 questions, they take the place of the answerer. Otherwise, the same person gets to think of a new thing.

17. The Human Jukebox

This can be a really fun song if you know song lyrics. One person starts singing a song, and the next has to connect it to another song using the last word of the lyrics, then another has to connect a new song, and so on.

For instance, “Take me down to the paradise city where the girls…. Just wanna have fun, oh girls… Who run the world? Girls. Who run…. Boy run. This world is not made for you…” And see how long you can keep going before someone is stumped.

18. 6 Degrees of Separation

A person has to name two people, objects, movies, or any other thing. You can mix them, for instance, a celebrity and a movie, that are apparently not connected. Another player has to connect the two in six statements, or less.

You could, for example, pick Uma Turman and the movie Mamma Mia. And then say “Uma Turman starred in “Kill Bill” with Lucy Liu. Lucy Liu starred in Charlie’s Angels with Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz had a relationship with Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake starred in “In Time” alongside Amanda Seyfried. Amanda Seyfried starred in Mamma Mia!”

19. Two Truths and a Lie 

Two truths and a lie ideas

This is a great game to learn more about your travel companion. Take turns and tell two truths and one line. The other person has to guess which is the lie.

You can just keep playing to discover curious facts about yourselves or make it a points game. Whoever gets to 10 correct answers first wins. Remember to choose a reward for the winner.

Read more: 2 Truths and a Lie: 200+ Lie Ideas

20. Holiday Memory Game

In this memory game, you pretend you are packing your suitcase for the holidays and need to take turns listing all the items you will pack. The first person will start by saying “I am going on a holiday and I’m taking…” and adds an item.

The next player has to repeat the sentence and add a new item then the next player will do the same. Keep adding items to the bag, repeating the entire list every time. The first person who messes up the order or forgets an item loses the game or is out. Ready to test your memory?

21. Kiss Mary Avoid

Pick three people, either someone you know or celebrities, both from past and present. You may even pick a fictional character.

The other person will need to choose which person they would kiss, marry, and avoid. Depending on your choice of people, this game can be really fun. Take turns and get creative!

22. Would You Rather

Would You Rather Questions

Time to get creative for this game where a person has to ask the other(s) what they would choose between two options.

The idea is to come up with impossible or weird choices, like “Would you rather never see again or never taste food?” If you’re out of ideas, this “would you rather” questions list can help you out. Tine to make some difficult choices.

Generally Fun Road Trip Games

23. categories.

While this is not necessarily a road trip game, it’s a really fun one to pass the time. Pick a category, anything from ice cream flavors to R&B songs. Every player takes turns naming an item in that category. See who runs out of ideas first.

24. The Humming Song Game

The game is pretty easy yet fun to play. One player must hum a famous song while the others need to guess the song. The person who guesses correctly gets to hum a new song. It may sound really easy, but it can get quite tricky.

25. Music Battle

To play this game you must be at least three passengers. One person is the judge while the others need to play songs on their phones.

Select different categories, and for each one, every player picks a song and plays it. The judge has to decide the winning song for every category.

26. Alphabet

This game consists in spotting items that start with each letter of the alphabet, in order. You can use objects in the car or on the road, like road signs, billboards, animals, or anything else you may spot.

Call out each letter and the item/word as you see it. The first person the get to Z wins. In a different version, you may pick a category, like animals, and take turns naming items in that category in alphabetic order.

One player starts by saying a word, then each passenger takes turns saying words that rhyme. Set a 15-second time limit per turn. If the person can’t come up with a word within the time limit, they are out.

The remaining person wins a point. See who gains the most point before you get to the destination or who gets to 10 points first.

28. Storyteller

The game is pretty simple but depending on how creative you get it can be very fun. One person starts a story with the first sentence. Then, everyone takes turns adding to the story.

Come up with interesting and fun plot twists to make the story more entertaining. Record it to have a memory of your road trip story.

29. Fortunately/Unfortunately

This game consists of telling a story where each sentence starts with the word “fortunately” or “unfortunately,” alternating between them.

For example: “Anna had to go to work. Unfortunately, her car broke down. Fortunately, she could take the train. Unfortunately, all trains were delayed.” Keep the story going, alternating between the two.

30. While You Were Sleeping

This is a funny game that you can play if any of the passengers falls asleep during the trip. With the other passengers, come up with an interesting and unbelievable story of something that happened while the other person was asleep.

When they wake up, tell them the story, starting with “While you were sleeping…”. Each passenger adds a little to the story to make it credible that you all witnessed it. Try not to break character and see if the other person believes your story.

31. Car Rule

To play this game, each person in the car gets to make up a random rule, and everyone has to follow it. Try to think of weird and fun rules, like “Whenever I change the radio station, everyone has to clap their hands”.

Assign points to everyone who enforces the rules except for the last person to do so. The person with the most points at the destination wins.

32. The License Plate Game

This classic road trip game can be played in different ways. You can try to spot a license plate from every US state or from different countries if you’re traveling in Europe.

Or you can try to spot a license plate starting with each letter of the alphabet, and the first one to get to Z wins. If you are playing with kids, you can even print a coloring map of the U.S. and have them color each state they spot on a license plate.

Trivia Road Trip Games

33. name that tune.

A great game for music lovers is “Name that tune”. You can simply turn on the radio or put on a Spotify playlist, making sure the song name is not visible on the display.

As soon as the song starts, the first person to shout the right song title wins a point. This is a great game to have fun, listen to music, and refresh your memory of song names.

34. Name the Artist

A different take on “Name that tune,” this game requires players to guess the artist. You can even prepare a playlist in advance and set different rules.

You can assign points based on who answers first, or you can take turns, play a song for 5 to 10 seconds, and let the player guess or pass. Whoever makes more points or reaches a set number of points first wins.

35. The Movie Game

If you know your movies and actors, you can play this potentially endless game during your road trip. To start, a person mentions an actor while another person must name a movie the actor has been in.

Another player must name a different actor in that movie, and the next player must then name another movie with that actor, and so on. See how long you can go!

36. Guess the Quote

One person in the car has to say a quote from a movie, TV show, or song, while the other passengers must guess where the quote is from.

The player who makes the right guess takes the next turn in saying a quote. Try to make it hard, and for extra fun, use the accent of the actor who said the quote.

37. “Sorry I am Late” Movie Guessing

This can be a really fun game for movie buffs. It essentially consists of saying a sentence that starts with “Sorry I am late” and continues with the main plot of a movie, told in a fun way.

For instance, “Sorry I am late, but I got a letter saying I am a wizard and I had to go to wizarding school only to find out this evil wizard has been trying to kill me since I was a newborn,” which would be Harry Potter. The person who guesses 10 movies first wins.

38. Bad Movie Plot

Another fun movie fame consists in picking a movie and explaining the plot in a really bad way, although factually correct. The other person has to guess the movie.

If they do, they win a point. Take turns and see who makes the most points or gets first to 10 correct guesses.

39. Celebrity

In this game, one person will play the character of a celebrity of their choice while the others take turns asking random questions.

The celebrity player answers the questions as if they were the famous person. The first person to guess the celebrity wins.

Long journeys in the car can often be difficult, for both you and the other passengers you are traveling with. Finding activities to pass the time can go a long way making the journey far more comfortable and enjoyable.

The beauty of these road trip games is that they require little, if any, equipment and preparation to play, yet can provide hours of fun.

Don’t let tiredness and boredom take control on a long car ride. Use these fun car games to create a fun and relaxing atmosphere, keeping your minds off the journey and giving you all an opportunity to interact and bond.

From word games to games involving famous people, there’s so much you can do in the car with minimal resources to entertain young kids, teenagers, and the whole family!

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Road trip games (list from the article)

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Ellie's Travel Tips

100+ Fun Road Trip Games for Everyone!

Posted on Last updated: February 12, 2024

Road trips offer a unique opportunity to explore, bond, and create unforgettable memories. An essential part of these journeys is the road trip games that bring laughter, joy, and friendly competition.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or solo, these games transform long drives into an adventure, making every mile an opportunity for fun and connection. Let the games begin!

road trip style games

Classic Road Trip Games

Embark on a journey back to the basics with classic road trip games that have stood the test of time. These games require no gadgets, just an eagerness to have fun and a dash of creativity.

Perfect for all ages, they turn every mile marker into a moment of joy and every road sign into a prompt for play. Let’s dive into the timeless fun that makes every road trip memorable.

How to Play: One player looks around and chooses an object that all players can see, but they keep it a secret. They say, “I spy with my little eye, something…” followed by a clue about the object’s color, shape, or a general description. The other passengers take turns guessing what the object might be. The game continues with players taking turns to “spy” new objects.

Players: 2 or more.

Variations: To keep things interesting, set themes for each round like “only things outside the car” or “items that start with the letter B.”

2. 20 Questions

How to Play: Think of something—animal, vegetable, or mineral—and let the others know the category. They have 20 questions to ask to guess what it is, but you can only answer with “yes” or “no.” If someone figures it out before reaching 20 questions, they win and get to think of the next object.

Variations: Try limiting the categories to specific themes, such as movie characters or historical figures, to ramp up the challenge.

3. License Plate Game

How to Play: Keep your eyes peeled for license plates from as many different states as possible. When someone spots a new state, they shout it out. Keep a list of all the states seen during the trip. The person or team that spots the most wins.

Players: Any number.

Variations: Make it educational by requiring the spotter to say something they know about the state or find the state on a map.

4. Alphabet Game

How to Play: The aim is to find words that begin with each letter of the alphabet, in order, from A to Z. Players look for letters on signs, license plates, billboards, and passing trucks. The first person to complete the alphabet wins.

Variations: Play in teams and make it a relay; once a player finds “A,” the next player looks for “B,” and so on.

5. The Picnic Game

How to Play: Start the game with “I’m going to a picnic and I’m bringing…” followed by something that begins with the letter A. The next player repeats the phrase, including the A item and adding something that starts with B. This continues through the alphabet. If you forget an item, you’re out!

Variations: Change the picnic to a different theme, like a monster party or a castle banquet, to spark imagination.

6. Story Time

How to Play: One person starts a story with a single sentence. The next player adds another sentence to continue the story, and so on. The tale grows more elaborate and often more humorous as each person adds their twist. The game ends when the story comes to a natural conclusion or becomes too absurd to continue.

Variations: Limit each contribution to specific genres, like sci-fi or fairy tales, or add rules like each sentence must contain a certain word or concept.

7. Guess the Song

How to Play: Hum, whistle, or softly sing the melody of a well-known song without using any lyrics. The other passengers try to guess the song as quickly as they can. The first person to name the song correctly gets to perform the next one.

Variations: Make it themed around specific decades, genres, or artists to cater to the group’s musical tastes or to challenge their knowledge.

8. Would You Rather

How to Play: Players take turns asking “Would you rather” questions, posing two scenarios from which the other passengers must choose. For example, “Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or dance everywhere you go?” The game sparks laughter and intriguing conversations as players justify their choices.

Variations: Set boundaries to keep questions appropriate for all players and consider creating themed rounds, like food-related choices, travel dilemmas, or superpower options.

9. The Name Game

How to Play: Start with any name (person, place, or thing). The next player has to come up with a name that begins with the last letter of the previous name mentioned. No repeats allowed! If someone gets stuck, they’re out, and the game continues until only one player remains.

Variations: Narrow it down to categories such as celebrities, cities, animals, or foods to increase the difficulty or educational value.

10. Silent Car DJ

How to Play: One player acts as the DJ and plays a song on their device, but with headphones in so only they can hear it. They hum or tap the rhythm, and the others have to guess the song. Points are awarded for correct guesses, and the DJ role rotates after each round.

Variations: Instead of humming, the DJ could describe the song with three adjectives, making others guess based on the description.

11. Categories

How to Play: Choose a broad category, such as animals, cities, foods, or movies. Players take turns naming items that fit within the category. The catch? You can’t repeat an item that’s already been said, and you only have a few seconds to think of your answer. If you can’t come up with something or you repeat an item, you’re out. The last player remaining wins.

Variations: To increase the challenge, narrow the categories to more specific themes, like ‘Animals in Africa’ or ‘Movies with Tom Hanks.’

12. Two Truths and a Lie

How to Play: Each player takes a turn to say three statements about themselves: two truths and one lie. The rest of the group has to guess which statement is the lie. This game is not only fun but also a great way for passengers to learn new and surprising things about each other.

Variations: For a twist, after the lie is revealed, the person has to tell the story behind one of the truths.

13. The Restaurant Game

How to Play: One player thinks of a restaurant, and the others ask up to 20 yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. Questions can range from the type of cuisine to the restaurant’s location. This game can spark discussions about food, travel experiences, and personal preferences.

Variations: Expand the game to include any type of business or specific places the group has visited together to make it more personal and challenging.

14. The Alphabet Sign Game

How to Play: Similar to the Alphabet Game but with a twist. Players must find the letters of the alphabet, in order, on road signs only. The first person to spot a sign with the next letter calls it out and moves on to the next letter. The first player to reach ‘Z’ wins.

Variations: To make it more challenging, exclude common signs or require the whole word to start with the letter.

15. Telephone

How to Play: This classic game starts with one person whispering a short message to the person next to them. The message is whispered from person to person until it reaches the last player, who says it out loud. It’s often amusing to see how much the message changes as it’s passed along.

Players: 3 or more, the more, the merrier.

Variations: Introduce a theme for the messages, such as movie plots or famous quotes, to guide the whispering and add an element of challenge in remembering specific details.

Road Trip Games

Trivia and Quiz Games

Elevate your road trip with a dash of knowledge and a sprinkle of competition.

Trivia and quiz road trip games are perfect for those who love to learn, challenge their brains, and boast about their obscure knowledge.

These games are not only entertaining but also educational, making them ideal for travelers of all ages.

Ready to test your wit and perhaps learn a thing or two along the way? Let’s quiz!

1. Movie Trivia

How to Play: Test your group’s movie knowledge with questions about classic films, famous actors, and award-winning movies. One person plays the quizmaster, asking questions like, “Which movie won the Best Picture Oscar in 1994?” or “Name the actor who played James Bond in ‘Casino Royale’.” Keep score, or just play for fun!

Variations: Focus on a specific genre, decade, or even movies from a single director to tailor the game to the interests of the passengers.

2. Capital Cities Quiz

How to Play: A geographical twist that challenges players to name the capital cities of countries around the world. The quizmaster names a country, and players take turns answering. Incorrect answers mean you’re out, and the last person standing is the geography champ!

Variations: Make it easier for younger players by asking for the country of famous landmarks or harder by asking for cities that are not capitals.

3. Name That Tune

How to Play: Hum, whistle, or sing a few bars of a song without revealing its title or the artist, and let the others guess. The person who guesses correctly gets a point and takes the next turn as the performer.

Variations: Stick to a particular decade, genre, or even songs from movies to keep everyone on their toes.

4. Celebrity Guessing Game

How to Play: Think of a celebrity, and the others ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who it is. Questions can be about their profession, their work, physical characteristics, or any public knowledge. The game goes on until the celebrity is guessed or the questions run out.

Variations: Limit the celebrities to a certain field, like athletes or musicians, to make the game more challenging.

5. Road Trip Bingo

How to Play: Before the trip, create bingo cards with common road trip sights (like a red car, a billboard, or a cow). Players mark off the items on their card as they see them. The first to get five in a row and shout “Bingo!” wins.

Variations: Customize bingo cards for different regions or themes, such as a beach trip, mountain adventure, or urban exploration.

6. The Ultimate Quiz

How to Play: Combine all areas of trivia into one ultimate quiz game. Include categories like sports, science, pop culture, history, and more. Each correct answer scores points, and the person with the most points at the end of the game—or the trip—wins ultimate bragging rights.

Variations: Have each passenger come up with their set of questions for the group, giving everyone a chance to be the quizmaster.

7. Finish the Fact

How to Play: Start a fact about something (it could be about a country, a scientific phenomenon, a historical event, etc.) but leave it incomplete. For example, “The Eiffel Tower was originally intended for…” Players then guess to complete the fact. This game can lead to hilarious answers and some genuine learning moments.

Variations: Choose facts related to the destinations on your trip route to add an educational twist that connects with your journey.

8. Sports Trivia

How to Play: Perfect for the sports enthusiasts in the car, ask questions related to different sports, famous athletes, Olympic records, and memorable sporting events. Keep track of points to find out who the ultimate sports trivia champion is by the end of the trip.

Variations: Narrow the focus to a particular sport, like basketball or soccer, or include questions about local sports teams and athletes from your area.

9. Book Worm Trivia

How to Play: This game is for the literary aficionados in the car. Challenge each other with questions about famous books, authors, literary genres, and classic literature. For example, “Who wrote ‘1984’?” or “In which book does the character Scout appear?” Points are awarded for correct answers, and the person with the most points after a set number of questions wins.

Variations: Focus on a specific literary period, genre, or even books that have been adapted into movies to cater to different interests.

10. Science and Nature Quiz

How to Play: Test your knowledge of the natural world and scientific discoveries with questions ranging from biology and chemistry to astronomy and earth science. The quizmaster poses a question, and players take turns answering. This game not only entertains but educates, sparking curiosity about the wonders of the world.

Variations: Make it more interactive by relating questions to the scenery outside. For instance, if you’re passing through a mountainous area, ask questions related to geology or mountain ecosystems.

11. Historical Figures Guess Who

How to Play: One player thinks of a famous historical figure, and the rest ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who it is. The game continues until the figure is guessed or the questions are exhausted. It’s a great way to brush up on history while having fun.

Variations: Narrow the pool of historical figures to a certain era or field, such as Renaissance artists, World War II leaders, or women in science, to make the game more challenging.

12. Mythology Matchup

How to Play: Dive into the rich world of myths and legends with this trivia game. Players are given a character or item from mythology, and they must name the mythological tradition it belongs to (Greek, Roman, Norse, etc.) or tell a fact about it. It’s a fantastic way to explore different cultures and stories.

Variations: Focus on one mythology at a time or challenge players to match gods and goddesses with their domains or symbols.

13. Foodie Trivia

How to Play: For the culinary enthusiasts, this game tests your knowledge of world cuisines, cooking techniques, famous chefs, and food history. Questions can range from “What is the main ingredient in a traditional ratatouille?” to “Who is considered the father of modern French cuisine?”

Variations: Challenge players to guess the dish from a list of ingredients or to name the country of origin for popular dishes.

14. Pop Culture Puzzles

How to Play: This game focuses on current pop culture, including movies, music, influencers, viral trends, and television shows. Players might have to answer questions like “What was the highest-grossing film of 2020?” or “Who sang the hit song ‘Levitating’?” Keep the questions current to test who’s really up-to-date.

Variations: For a twist, include “finish the meme” challenges where one player describes a popular meme, and others have to complete or explain it.

15. Environmental Trivia

How to Play: With a focus on the environment, sustainability, and wildlife, this game educates players on important issues while engaging them in a fun challenge. Questions can cover topics like endangered species, national parks, renewable energy sources, and significant environmental events.

Variations: Incorporate questions related to the regions you’re driving through, such as local conservation efforts, native species, or geographical features.

Road Trip Games

Word and Language Games

Inject some linguistic fun into your road trip with games that play with words and language.

These games are perfect for wordsmiths, budding poets, and anyone who loves to tangle with tenses, wrestle with rhymes, or simply savor the sounds of syllables sliding together.

They’re a fantastic way to keep minds sharp and spirits high, turning every turn of the road into a twist of the tongue. Let’s dive into the verbal voyage!

1. Word Association

How to Play: Kick off this simple yet stimulating game by saying a word. The next player says the first word that comes to mind associated with the previous word. The game continues with each player building off the last word mentioned. It’s a great way to see where your minds wander and how differently or similarly everyone thinks.

Variations: Introduce themes to guide the associations, such as only using adjectives, animals, or places, to make the game more challenging.

2. Rhyme Time

How to Play: One player says a word, and the others must take turns coming up with words that rhyme with it. Keep going until no one can think of any more rhymes. For an added challenge, disallow simple rhymes or set a timer to up the ante.

Variations: Make it a storytelling challenge where each rhyming word must be used in a sentence that continues the story.

3. Storytelling Round Robin

How to Play: Begin a story with a single sentence. The next player adds a sentence, and so on, with each contribution building on the last. The resulting stories can be fantastical, hilarious, or unexpectedly poignant, reflecting the collective creativity of the players.

Variations: Impose rules such as each sentence must contain a certain word, or each addition must switch the genre of the story.

4. Word Chain

How to Play: Start with any word. The next player must say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. No repeating words, and each word must be real and verifiable. This game can go on indefinitely and is a great way to expand your vocabulary.

Variations: Focus on specific categories, like animals or food, to narrow down the options and increase difficulty.

5. Alphabetical Sentences

How to Play: Construct sentences where each consecutive word begins with the next letter of the alphabet. For example, “Alligators bask, cautiously digesting.” Players can work together to create the longest possible sentence or challenge each other to see who can come up with the most complex or humorous sentence.

Variations: Try creating sentences in reverse alphabetical order for a brain-bending twist.

6. Synonym Rolls

How to Play: One player says a word, and the next must come up with a synonym for it. The game continues, with each player trying to think of another synonym. This game ends when players run out of synonyms or repeat a word.

Variations: Play the antonym version, where players must come up with opposite words instead.

7. Haiku Highway

How to Play: Embrace the beauty of your surroundings by composing haikus related to the trip. A traditional haiku is a three-line poem with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Take turns sharing your poetic observations about the journey, the landscape, or travel companions.

Variations: Expand beyond haikus to other forms of poetry, challenging each other to limericks, free verse, or sonnets about the trip.

8. The Unending Sentence

How to Play: Start with a simple sentence. The next player adds to it, and so on, with the goal of creating the longest, most grammatically correct sentence possible. This game can lead to some hilariously complex sentences and tests your understanding of grammar and punctuation.

Variations: Impose limitations such as each addition must include a specific word class (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) to increase the educational value.

9. First Letter, Last Letter

How to Play: This game challenges players to think of a word that starts with the last letter of the word previously mentioned. For example, if the word is “road,” the next word could be “dog.” The game continues, with each player linking their word to the last letter of the word before theirs. This can be played with themes, such as animals, cities, or any category you choose.

Variations: Make it more challenging by disallowing repeat words or setting a time limit for responses.

10. Gibberish Translation

How to Play: One player says a phrase in gibberish, and the others have to guess what they’re trying to convey. The gibberish speaker can give hints if needed. The aim is to translate the gibberish back into English, rewarding the most creative and accurate interpretations.

Variations: Instead of gibberish, use a made-up language or incorporate simple foreign language phrases for a bilingual twist.

11. Tongue Twister Tournament

How to Play: Challenge your fellow travelers to say classic tongue twisters as quickly and accurately as possible. Each player takes turns attempting different tongue twisters, and the group votes on the performance. Players get points based on clarity and speed.

Variations: Create your own tongue twisters related to the trip or surroundings for a personalized touch.

12. The Silent Game

How to Play: While not strictly a word game, this game challenges players to stay silent for as long as possible. It’s a humorous way to enjoy some quiet time, with the last person remaining silent winning the game. The twist? Other players can try to make the silent player speak (without touching them).

Variations: Add challenges or tasks that the silent player must complete while maintaining their silence for added difficulty.

13. Celebrity Name Game

How to Play: Start with the name of a celebrity. The next player must think of another celebrity whose first name starts with the first letter of the last name of the previous celebrity. For example, if the first name is “Tom Hanks,” the next could be “Harrison Ford.”

Variations: Include fictional characters to broaden the pool of names and add an element of fun.

14. The Definition Game

How to Play: One player thinks of a word, preferably one that’s obscure or whose meaning might not be widely known, and shares it with the group. The other players then invent definitions for the word, trying to convince the others that their definition is the correct one. After everyone has presented, the true meaning is revealed.

Variations: Vote on the best fake definition for points, regardless of whether it’s correct, to reward creativity.

15. Reverse Spelling Bee

How to Play: In this twist on the traditional spelling bee, the quizmaster spells out a word backward, and the players must guess the word. This game tests listening skills and mental flexibility as players translate the backward spelling into a recognizable word.

Variations: Use words related to the trip or destinations for a thematic connection to your journey.

Road trip games

Interactive Tech Games

In the age of smartphones and tablets, technology offers a wealth of opportunities to make road trips more engaging and interactive.

These games leverage the power of devices to entertain, educate, and even connect players with others far away.

From trivia apps that test your knowledge to multiplayer games that pit passengers against each other in friendly competition, there’s no shortage of ways to turn your vehicle into a mobile game room.

So, charge up your devices, download some apps, and get ready for some high-tech fun on the road.

1. Mobile App Trivia

How to Play: Numerous trivia apps are available that cover a wide range of topics, from general knowledge and science to pop culture and history. Players can compete individually or split into teams, answering questions on their devices. Some apps allow for real-time competition against players from around the world.

Players: 1 or more per device.

Variations: Choose apps that offer themed trivia nights or allow players to create custom quizzes about each other for a personal touch.

2. Multiplayer Gaming Apps

How to Play: There are many apps designed for multiple players, allowing you to engage in everything from strategy games and puzzles to racing and action adventures. Find games that can be played on a single device or over a shared network, and dive into a virtual world together.

Variations: Look for games that require cooperation to complete challenges or solve puzzles, encouraging teamwork and communication among passengers.

3. Audiobook Story Guessing

How to Play: Listen to an audiobook together and pause it at cliffhanger moments or the end of chapters. Everyone then guesses what happens next, with points awarded for correct predictions or the most creative guesses. Resume playback to find out who was right.

Variations: Choose audiobooks from genres everyone enjoys, or for an educational twist, listen to historical or scientific audiobooks and quiz each other on the content.

4. Podcast Quiz

How to Play: Select a podcast episode related to a topic of interest for all passengers. After listening, one passenger poses questions about the episode. This can be a great way to learn something new and spark interesting discussions.

Variations: Choose different podcast genres for each leg of the trip, ranging from mystery and science to history and comedy, to keep the content fresh and engaging.

5. Geocaching Adventure

How to Play: Use a geocaching app to find hidden caches along your route. This global treasure hunt uses GPS to guide you to specific coordinates where a geocache is hidden. It’s a great way to add physical activity and adventure to your stops.

Variations: Look for caches that contain trackables—items that travel from cache to cache—and see how far items you track or place travel over time.

6. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

How to Play: Create a list of items to find or tasks to complete that can be done from the car, such as taking a photo of a specific landmark, finding a rare car model, or spotting wildlife. Use your phones to document each item found or task completed.

Variations: Make the scavenger hunt educational by including historical landmarks or natural wonders in the list of items to find.

7. Karaoke App Competition

How to Play: Use a karaoke app that scores your singing based on pitch and rhythm. Passengers take turns performing songs, and the app provides a score at the end of each performance. It’s a fun way to showcase your vocal talents (or lack thereof) and enjoy some music.

Variations: Hold a tournament with different musical genres or have duet battles for an added layer of fun.

8. Digital Pictionary

How to Play: Drawing and guessing games are available as apps, allowing players to sketch on their devices while others guess what’s being drawn. These apps often have time limits and scoreboards to keep the competition lively.

Variations: Choose themes for each round, such as movies, animals, or actions, to keep the game challenging and interesting.

9. Language Learning Challenge

How to Play: Use a language learning app to collectively learn basics or brush up on a language spoken at your destination. Compete to see who can complete lessons or earn the most points by the end of the trip. It’s a productive and fun way to prepare for international travel or simply learn something new together.

Variations: Focus on learning useful travel phrases or challenge each other to conversations using only the new language.

10. Escape Room Apps

How to Play: Dive into the world of virtual escape rooms, where you solve puzzles and decode messages to “escape” from a locked room. These apps offer a variety of themed adventures, from mystery and horror to fantasy. Work together to solve the puzzles as quickly as possible.

Variations: Assign roles based on strengths, such as puzzle solver, researcher, or coordinator, to tackle the challenges more effectively.

11. Virtual Reality Sightseeing

How to Play: If you have VR headsets or can share one among the group, download virtual reality apps that allow you to visit famous landmarks, museums, and natural wonders around the world. Take turns exploring different locations and share interesting facts or impressions with each other.

Players: 1 per VR headset.

Variations: Make it educational by focusing on historical sites or natural phenomena related to your road trip destinations.

12. Interactive Story Apps

How to Play: Choose an app that offers interactive stories, where your decisions affect the outcome. These can range from mystery and romance to fantasy and adventure. Read the story aloud, and as a group, decide which paths to take at key decision points.

Variations: Vote on decisions for a democratic approach or rotate the decision-maker role to let each player shape the story’s direction.

13. Fitness Challenge Apps

How to Play: Use fitness apps to set up daily challenges, such as achieving a certain number of steps during rest stops or completing mini-workouts. Keep track of everyone’s progress and reward the winner with a special treat or privilege on the trip.

Variations: Tailor challenges to the trip, like doing specific exercises at landmarks or competing in impromptu races.

14. Social Media Scavenger Hunt

How to Play: Create a list of photo or video challenges to complete and share on social media, such as imitating a statue, dancing in a scenic spot, or finding the quirkiest roadside attraction. Use hashtags to track your posts and see who can complete the most challenges.

Variations: Focus on creating content that tells a story of your journey or highlights lesser-known attractions.

15. Digital Art Contests

How to Play: Utilize drawing or painting apps to hold art contests. Choose a theme or subject, and everyone creates their digital artwork. Share the results with each other or on social media to let followers vote on their favorites.

Variations: Have art challenges based on scenery you pass or themes related to your trip destinations.

Road trip games

Creative and Imagination Games

Let your creativity soar and imagination run wild with games designed to inspire storytelling, artistic expression, and innovative thinking.

These games are perfect for travelers looking to stretch their minds and explore new ideas, all while enjoying the journey together.

Whether you’re crafting epic tales, sketching the passing landscape, or inventing new games, there’s no limit to where your creativity can take you.

Buckle up for a journey filled with whimsy, wonder, and the joy of creating something out of nothing.

1. Create a Story

How to Play: One person starts by saying a sentence to begin a story. The next person adds a sentence, and so on, with each addition building upon the last. The goal is to create a collaborative story that can take unexpected turns and evolve in surprising ways.

Variations: Introduce specific elements that must be included, such as a mysterious character, a magical object, or a specific setting, to guide the story’s direction.

2. Imagine If

How to Play: Players take turns posing hypothetical scenarios, starting with “Imagine if…” The scenarios can be as realistic or fantastical as you like. Each player then adds their response or continuation of the scenario, leading to creative and often humorous discussions.

Variations: Limit the scenarios to themes related to your trip or destinations for a more focused exploration of creativity.

3. Draw It Out

How to Play: Using paper and pens or a drawing app on a tablet, one player describes a scene or object without naming it, and the others must draw what they think is being described. Afterward, compare drawings to see how each person interpreted the description.

Variations: Make it a guessing game where players have to guess what was being described based on the drawings.

4. Invent a Game

How to Play: Challenge yourselves to invent a new game that can be played in the car. Discuss ideas, decide on the rules, and then test it out. This not only sparks creativity but also results in a unique game that’s personalized to your group’s interests.

Variations: Set constraints for the game creation, such as it must involve storytelling, drawing, or singing, to narrow down the focus.

5. The What-If World

How to Play: Players ask “What if” questions about the world around them, pondering alternate realities or outcomes. For example, “What if trees could talk?” or “What if we could fly?” Discuss the implications, invent stories, or draw conclusions based on these fantastical questions.

Variations: Focus on “What if” questions related to the places you’re passing through or visiting on your trip.

6. Design Your Dream Destination

How to Play: Each player describes their dream travel destination, detailing what makes it unique, what activities you can do there, and even what the local cuisine is like. This game encourages players to use their imagination and share their travel aspirations.

Variations: Sketch your dream destination or create a travel brochure for it, adding a visual or written element to the game.

7. Once Upon a Time

How to Play: Using the phrase “Once upon a time,” start a fairy tale that each player contributes to. The story can include classic elements like dragons, magic, and quests, but should also incorporate modern twists or personal touches from each player.

Variations: Assign roles (such as hero, villain, sidekick) to each player, who must then tell the story from their character’s perspective.

8. The Soundtrack of Our Trip

How to Play: Imagine your road trip is a movie. Discuss and decide together what songs would be on the soundtrack, including the opening credits, a dramatic moment, and the closing credits. Share why each song was chosen and how it fits the “movie” of your trip.

Variations: Create actual playlists based on these discussions and listen to them during your trip, enhancing the journey with your personalized soundtrack.

9. Collaborative Comic Strip

How to Play: Start creating a comic strip together. One person draws the first panel, then passes it to the next player to draw the second panel, and so on. Each panel should continue the story from where the last one left off. By the end, you’ll have a unique comic strip created by everyone in the car.

Variations: Set a theme or main character for the comic strip at the beginning, or let each panel be a surprise to the next artist to encourage spontaneity.

10. Dream Invention Brainstorm

How to Play: Discuss and brainstorm ideas for a new invention. It could be something practical, something futuristic, or completely whimsical. Talk about what problem it solves, how it works, and even what it looks like. The goal is to let your creativity and problem-solving skills run wild.

Variations: Sketch your inventions or come up with a pitch as if you were presenting it on a show like “Shark Tank.”

11. Alternate Ending

How to Play: Think of movies, books, or stories that everyone is familiar with, and discuss alternative endings for them. Each player proposes their unique twist on how the story could have concluded, encouraging creative thinking and storytelling skills.

Variations: Write down these alternate endings or act them out if space and safety allow.

12. The Time Capsule

How to Play: Pretend you’re creating a time capsule to be opened in 50 years. Discuss and decide what items (real or imagined) you would include to represent your current road trip, the era you’re living in, or your group of travelers. Explain why each item was chosen and what story it tells about your journey or time.

Variations: Design or draw the items instead of just discussing them, creating a visual time capsule.

13. Mythical Creature Creation

How to Play: Each player comes up with their own mythical creature, describing its appearance, abilities, and habitat. You can get as detailed as you like, from what it eats to how it interacts with humans (if at all). This game sparks imagination and can lead to some fascinating creature designs.

Variations: Draw your creatures or create a story involving all the creatures invented by the players.

14. Future City Planning

How to Play: Imagine you’re the planners of a city in the future. Discuss what innovative features and technologies your city will have, how it addresses modern challenges, and what daily life looks like for its inhabitants. This game encourages forward-thinking and discussions about technology, sustainability, and community living.

Variations: Sketch your city or specific technologies and buildings in it, or create a brochure or advertisement promoting your futuristic city.

15. Secret Superhero Identities

How to Play: Each player invents a superhero persona for themselves, complete with powers, weaknesses, a hero name, and a backstory. Share your superhero identities with each other, and then create scenarios or challenges that your superheroes might face on an adventure.

Variations: Combine all the superheroes into a single story or comic, working together to overcome a grand challenge or villain.

Road Trip Games

Puzzle and Strategy Games

Engage your brain and test your strategic thinking with puzzle and strategy games designed to challenge and entertain.

These games are perfect for those who enjoy a mental workout and the satisfaction of solving problems or outsmarting their opponents.

From logic puzzles that stretch your reasoning skills to strategy games that require foresight and planning, there’s a wealth of ways to turn the journey into a battle of wits.

Prepare to think critically and strategize creatively as we delve into games that make every decision count.

1. Sudoku Showdown

How to Play: Bring along printed sudoku puzzles or use a sudoku app. Compete to see who can complete their sudoku puzzle the fastest. To accommodate multiple players, you can work on the same puzzle and take turns, or each work on separate puzzles of similar difficulty levels.

Variations: Adjust the difficulty level based on the experience of the players, or try a team approach where players collaborate to solve more challenging puzzles.

2. Travel Chess or Checkers

How to Play: Use a travel-sized chess or checkers set for games on the go. These classic strategy games are perfect for rest stops or longer breaks. Players take turns, strategizing moves to outmaneuver their opponent.

Players: 2.

Variations: Play a tournament with brackets if you have more than two players, or introduce “speed chess” rules to keep games quick and engaging.

3. Crossword Competition

How to Play: Bring a book of crossword puzzles or find them in newspapers or apps. See who can complete a crossword puzzle the fastest, or work on a single puzzle as a group and see how many clues you can solve together.

Variations: For a collaborative twist, each player can be responsible for different sections of the crossword or specialize in certain types of clues.

4. Brain Teaser Battles

How to Play: Prepare a list of brain teasers, riddles, and logic puzzles before the trip. Challenge each other with these puzzles, and keep score of who solves the most. This game tests your critical thinking and problem-solving skills under pressure.

Variations: Turn it into a team game where one team poses puzzles to the other, alternating roles after each round.

5. Tangram Challenges

How to Play: Use a tangram set or an app to challenge each other with geometric puzzles. Players try to recreate specific shapes using the seven tangram pieces within a set time limit. This game tests spatial awareness and geometric skills.

Variations: Compete to see who can complete the most puzzles in a given time or who can create the most original design.

6. Memory Match

How to Play: Use a deck of cards or a memory match game app. Lay out the cards or activate the game, and players take turns flipping two cards at a time, trying to find matches. The player with the most matches at the end wins.

Variations: Increase the difficulty by adding more cards or using a version of the game with complex symbols or pictures.

7. Strategy Card Games

How to Play: Bring a deck of cards and play strategy-based card games like Rummy, Hearts, or Spades. These games require strategic thinking, planning, and a bit of bluffing to win.

Players: 2 to 4.

Variations: Learn and introduce new card games from different cultures to keep the gameplay fresh and educational.

8. Logic Puzzle League

How to Play: Equip yourselves with a book of logic puzzles, which might include grid puzzles, sequence puzzles, and more. Challenge yourselves to solve these puzzles individually or as a group, discussing your reasoning and strategies as you go.

Variations: Set up a league with a point system for different types of puzzles, crowning the “Logic Champion” at the end of the trip.

9. Battle of Wits: 20 Questions Reimagined

How to Play: Give the classic game of 20 Questions a strategic twist. One player thinks of an object, and the others have a limit of 20 questions to figure it out—but with a catch. Players also score points based on the efficiency of their questions, encouraging strategic thinking about what to ask next.

Variations: Implement a rule where the questioner can make a guess at any time, but if they’re wrong, they lose a point or give a point to the person who chose the object, adding an extra layer of strategy.

10. Codebreaker Challenge

How to Play: Create a simple code or cipher before the trip. During the trip, one player writes messages using this code, and the others try to decipher them. The first to crack the code or the one who decodes the most messages wins.

Variations: Use different types of codes throughout the trip, from simple substitution ciphers to more complex systems, to keep the game challenging.

11. Map Quest

How to Play: Using a physical map or a mapping app, one player selects a destination, and the others must figure out the most efficient route using only the information given by the map. This tests geographic knowledge, planning skills, and the ability to navigate complex routes.

Variations: Set challenges within this game, such as finding the shortest route, the most scenic route, or creating a route that passes through specific checkpoints.

12. Strategic Storytelling

How to Play: This game combines storytelling with strategic thinking. Players collaborate to tell a story, but each addition must follow a strategic goal, such as avoiding certain words, incorporating specific themes, or achieving a narrative objective set at the beginning.

Variations: Introduce “plot twist” cards or challenges at intervals, which must be incorporated into the story, requiring quick thinking and adaptability.

13. The Great Debate

How to Play: Players choose or are assigned different sides of a debate on a light-hearted topic. Each side must come up with arguments and strategies to convince the others. Points are awarded for creativity, logic, and persuasiveness.

Players: 3 or more (including a judge).

Variations: Incorporate absurd topics or fictional scenarios to make the debates more entertaining and imaginative.

14. Building Bridges

How to Play: Using paper, pens, and a creative mind, players must design a bridge that meets specific criteria, such as length, material limitations, and aesthetic appeal. After drawing, players present their designs, explaining the strategy behind their construction methods and choices.

Variations: Make it a competition with categories for judging, such as most innovative design, most realistic, or most likely to withstand natural disasters.

15. Escape Plan

How to Play: One player designs a hypothetical “escape room” scenario with puzzles, clues, and a storyline. The others must ask strategic questions to solve the puzzles and “escape” within a certain timeframe. This game tests problem-solving skills and creativity in both the design and execution phases.

Variations: Rotate the role of the escape room designer, allowing each player to craft their unique challenges and stories.

road trip style games

Musical and Sing-Along Games

Turn up the volume and let the rhythm take over with musical and sing-along games that celebrate the joy of music.

These games are perfect for music lovers and anyone who enjoys a good melody, offering a fun way to pass the time while showcasing your vocal talents—or just your enthusiasm for a catchy tune.

From guessing games that test your musical knowledge to creative challenges that let you compose your own songs, there’s a symphony of options for making your road trip a musical adventure.

Get ready to sing your heart out, tap your feet, and let the music lead the way.

1. Karaoke Challenge

How to Play: Use a karaoke app or simply play songs from a playlist, muting the vocals if possible. Passengers take turns singing, and performances can be rated by the audience for fun. Choose songs that everyone knows to encourage group participation.

Variations: Award points for accuracy, performance flair, or audience engagement to keep things interesting.

2. Name That Tune

How to Play: One player hums, whistles, or plays a short snippet of a song, and the others try to guess the song as quickly as possible. The player who guesses correctly first gets to choose and perform the next song.

Variations: Limit the song choices to specific decades, genres, or artists to tailor the game to your group’s musical tastes.

3. Finish the Lyric

How to Play: Play a line from a song, then pause it abruptly. The next player must sing or say the next line correctly. If they succeed, play continues; if not, it’s the next player’s turn. This game tests your memory and musical knowledge.

Variations: Make it more challenging by choosing songs with less well-known verses or by only reading the lyrics without the melody.

4. Create Your Own Song

How to Play: Collaborate to write a song about your road trip, including details about places you’ve seen, inside jokes, and memorable moments. Take turns contributing lines or verses, and then put it all together into a melody.

Variations: Assign different parts of the song (verse, chorus, bridge) to different players or create a song in a specific musical style (country, pop, rap).

5. Guess the Artist

How to Play: Play a few seconds of a song, and the other passengers have to guess the artist. This can be played with a streaming service or local music files. Keep score to see who has the broadest knowledge of music artists.

Variations: Focus on specific music periods, genres, or even movie soundtracks to narrow down the possibilities and challenge your group’s music knowledge.

6. Musical Storytelling

How to Play: One player starts by singing a line from a song that hints at a story or emotion. The next player must continue with another line from a different song that logically follows the narrative or emotional thread. This continues, weaving a story or conveying a mood through connected song lyrics.

Variations: Set a theme for the story, such as love, adventure, or overcoming challenges, to guide the song choices.

7. The Humming Game

How to Play: Similar to “Name That Tune,” but players hum the tune instead of playing a snippet. This tests both the hummer’s ability to convey the song without words and the guessers’ ability to recognize tunes from just the melody.

Variations: Use only television theme songs, commercial jingles, or songs from musicals to make guessing more focused and potentially easier or harder.

8. Song Association Game

How to Play: One player says a word, and the others have a short time to sing a snippet of a song that includes that word. Points are awarded for speed, accuracy, and sometimes creativity in song selection.

Variations: Play with themes related to your trip, such as cities, emotions, or landscapes, to make the song choices more meaningful.

9. Band on the Run

How to Play: Each passenger picks an imaginary instrument and “plays” it to a song playing over the speakers. The challenge is to keep in rhythm and put on a performance. After each “performance,” players rate each other on creativity, enthusiasm, and how well they “played” their instrument.

Variations: Switch instruments after every song, or introduce “solo performances” where one person takes the spotlight while others provide backup.

10. Music Video Director

How to Play: As a song plays, passengers collaboratively come up with a concept for a music video for that song. Discuss locations, scenes, and the storyline. After the song ends, vote on the best idea or combine elements from everyone’s suggestions to create a group concept.

Variations: Assign roles such as director, cinematographer, and actors, and plan out specific shots or scenes, adding depth to the creative process.

11. Lyrics Rewriting Workshop

How to Play: Choose a well-known song and rewrite the lyrics to fit the theme of your road trip or to recount a funny event that happened along the way. Each passenger contributes a line or verse, and together, you create a new version of the song.

Variations: Focus on specific parts of the song to rewrite, like the chorus, or challenge yourselves to maintain the original rhyme scheme and meter.

12. Musical Charades

How to Play: Like traditional charades, but with a musical twist. Players act out the title of a song, a band, or a musical act without speaking, while others guess. Use motions to represent words or actions associated with the song or artist.

Players: 3 or more.

Variations: Include categories or themes to narrow down the guessing, such as 80s hits, rock bands, or songs about traveling.

13. Song Shuffle Story

How to Play: Put your music library on shuffle. Each song that plays serves as inspiration for a short story, memory, or joke from one of the passengers, ideally relating to the song title, lyrics, or mood.

Variations: Make it a challenge to connect each story to the next, creating a coherent narrative thread or theme that runs through the entire game.

14. Echo Song Battle

How to Play: One player sings a line from a song, and the next player must sing a line from a different song that echoes a word or theme from the previous line. The game continues, with each player trying to link their song choice to the one before.

Variations: Set a timer to limit how long players have to think of their song line, adding pressure and spontaneity to the game.

15. Composer’s Challenge

How to Play: Take turns humming a melody you create on the spot. The next player has to add onto the melody, either by extending it, adding harmony, or creating a response melody. Continue around until you have a complete composition created by all passengers.

Variations: Record each addition on a phone or other device, and play back the entire composition at the end to hear your collaborative masterpiece.

road trip style games

Mindfulness and Relaxation Games

In the midst of the excitement and entertainment, it’s also important to incorporate moments of calm and mindfulness into your road trip.

Mindfulness and relaxation games offer a serene counterbalance to the high-energy activities, inviting passengers to connect with their senses, breathe deeply, and find peace on the road.

These games are designed to reduce stress, enhance awareness, and promote a sense of well-being among travelers.

Let’s explore games that turn the journey into a path toward tranquility and mindfulness.

1. The Gratitude Game

How to Play: Take turns sharing things you’re grateful for, focusing on the experiences of the trip, the beauty of the scenery, or personal reflections. This simple exercise can shift focus to the positive, uplifting everyone’s mood.

Variations: Set a theme for each round, such as nature, technology, or people, to guide the reflections.

2. Mindful Observation

How to Play: Choose an object outside the window and observe it quietly for a full minute. Then, share your observations, describing the object in detail and reflecting on any thoughts or feelings it evoked. This game encourages present-moment awareness and attention to detail.

Variations: Focus on observing different senses in turn—sight, sound, touch—to deepen the mindfulness experience.

3. Breathing Relay

How to Play: Start with deep, synchronized breathing as a group. One person leads a breathing exercise, guiding the others in inhaling, holding the breath, and exhaling slowly. Pass the role of leader around, allowing each passenger to contribute a breathing pattern or technique.

Variations: Incorporate visualization or meditation techniques with the breathing exercises for enhanced relaxation.

4. Soundscapes

How to Play: Close your eyes (except for the driver!) and listen to the sounds around you for a few minutes. Afterward, discuss what you heard and how it made you feel. This game helps tune into the environment and fosters a calming, mindful listening practice.

Variations: Create your own soundscape using apps or recordings of nature sounds, then reflect on the imagined environment.

5. Positive Affirmations Circle

How to Play: Each person takes a turn to say a positive affirmation about themselves and then one about another passenger. This activity boosts self-esteem and strengthens connections within the group.

Variations: Focus on affirmations related to travel, such as adaptability, curiosity, or joy in discovery.

6. Cloud Stories

How to Play: Look at the clouds and individually pick one that catches your eye. Spend a few moments in silence contemplating it, then share what you imagined or felt about your chosen cloud. This game encourages creativity and a connection to nature.

Variations: Instead of clouds, focus on landscapes or other natural features you pass by, interpreting their shapes or imagining their stories.

7. Sensory Countdown

How to Play: Engage in a “5-4-3-2-1” exercise to ground yourselves. Name five things you can see, four you can touch (describing the texture), three you can hear, two you can smell (if possible), and one you can taste (even if it’s just the memory of a taste). This exercise helps focus on the present and calms the mind.

Variations: Adapt the countdown to focus more on one sense, especially if you’re in an area with limited sensory input.

8. Intention Setting

How to Play: Share intentions for the day or for a particular destination. Discuss what you hope to experience, learn, or feel. Revisit these intentions at the end of the day or trip to reflect on how they were realized, fostering a sense of purpose and mindfulness about your journey.

Variations: Write down these intentions and share them with the group, creating a shared document of your collective journey’s aspirations.

9. Journey Journaling

How to Play: Allocate quiet time for each passenger to jot down thoughts, sketches, or observations in a journal. This can be about the scenery, how you’re feeling, or anything you’ve noticed or appreciated along the way. Afterward, if everyone is comfortable, share some of your reflections with the group.

Variations: Choose a specific theme for each journaling session, such as gratitude, nature, or personal growth, to guide the reflection.

10. Guided Imagery Relaxation

How to Play: One passenger leads a guided imagery session, describing a peaceful scene in detail (such as a serene beach, a quiet forest, or a cozy mountain cabin). Everyone else listens, visualizes the scene, and allows themselves to be mentally transported there, focusing on the calming effects.

Players: Any number, with one acting as the guide.

Variations: Record a guided imagery session before the trip, perhaps even one personalized to your journey, and play it back during the game.

11. Haiku Highway

How to Play: Inspired by the traditional Japanese form of poetry, passengers compose haikus (short poems of three lines, with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5) that capture moments or impressions from the trip. Share these poems aloud, enjoying the simplicity and depth of expression this form allows.

Variations: Set challenges for the haikus, such as focusing on a particular color, emotion, or element of the landscape.

12. Mindful Eating Experience

How to Play: Choose a snack or meal to eat mindfully. Before starting, everyone observes their food, noticing its color, texture, and smell. Eat slowly, savoring each bite and focusing on the flavors and sensations. Discuss the experience afterward, reflecting on any new insights or appreciations.

Variations: Blindfolded tasting, where each person tries to guess what they’re eating based on taste, smell, and texture alone, heightening the sensory experience.

13. The Silence Game

How to Play: Set a timer for a period of silence, during which passengers are invited to meditate, contemplate, or simply rest in the quiet. This game encourages internal reflection and a break from constant stimulation.

Variations: Include gentle background music or nature sounds to aid in relaxation, or practice silent observation, focusing on different senses in turn.

14. Emotional Check-In

How to Play: Pause for a group check-in, where each person shares how they’re feeling in the moment, what’s on their mind, or anything they’re processing. This game fosters emotional awareness and support within the group, creating a safe space for sharing.

Variations: Use prompts to guide the check-in, such as “What has been the highlight of the trip so far for you?” or “Is there anything you’re looking forward to?”

15. Nature Connection Ritual

How to Play: Whenever you stop for a break in a natural setting, take a few moments to connect with the environment. This could involve walking barefoot on the grass, hugging a tree, listening to the wind, or simply breathing in the fresh air deeply. Share your experiences and feelings afterward.

Road Trip Games

Educational Road Trip Games

Educational road trip games offer a fun and interactive way to learn new facts, explore topics of interest, and stimulate curiosity while on the move.

These games are perfect for families, students, and lifelong learners who want to turn their journey into an opportunity for growth and discovery.

From geography quizzes to science experiments you can perform in a moving vehicle, there’s no limit to the knowledge you can uncover.

Prepare to engage your brain, challenge your companions, and learn something new with each mile you travel.

1. Geography Guessing Game

How to Play: Use a map or a geography app to quiz each other on capitals, countries, landmarks, and natural features. You can ask questions like “What’s the capital of this state?” or “Which river are we crossing?” This game enriches your understanding of the world and the places you’re traveling through.

Variations: For a more advanced challenge, focus on historical geography, asking about ancient cities, historical events tied to specific locations, or changes in political boundaries.

2. Science on the Go

How to Play: Conduct simple, safe science experiments that don’t require stopping the car. For example, you can explore the concepts of motion by observing how objects behave in a moving vehicle. Discuss the science behind what you observe, such as inertia, gravity, and friction.

Variations: Prepare a list of phenomena to observe before the trip, such as the phase of the moon, weather patterns, or types of ecosystems you pass through, and discuss the science behind each.

3. Historical Timeline Challenge

How to Play: One player mentions a historical event, and the next player has to mention another event that happened either before or after, depending on the direction chosen at the start. This game tests and expands your knowledge of history in a fun, chronological context.

Variations: Focus on specific themes, such as inventions, wars, cultural movements, or the history of science and technology, to tailor the game to the players’ interests.

4. Vocabulary Builder

How to Play: Choose a word of the day, and everyone tries to use it correctly as many times as possible during the trip. Alternatively, challenge each other with unfamiliar words, and guess their meanings before looking them up to learn new vocabulary.

Variations: Pick words related to your trip’s destination or themes, such as geological terms for a national park visit, to make the learning relevant and engaging.

5. Math Road Rally

How to Play: Use the journey to solve math problems. Calculate the distance between points, average speed, fuel consumption, or even budgeting for the trip. It’s a practical way to apply math skills and make real-world connections.

Variations: Create challenges or competitions, such as who can calculate the estimated arrival time most accurately using current speed and distance remaining.

6. Language Learning Game

How to Play: If traveling in a multilingual region or to a destination where another language is spoken, practice key phrases and vocabulary together. Use language learning apps, phrasebooks, or audio courses to learn and quiz each other.

Variations: Turn it into a role-playing game where you simulate conversations in different travel-related scenarios, such as ordering food, asking for directions, or checking into a hotel.

7. Cultural Trivia Quiz

How to Play: Prepare trivia questions about the cultures, traditions, and customs of the places you’re visiting or passing through. This game is an excellent way to educate yourselves about the diversity of the world and foster respect and curiosity for different cultures.

Variations: Include questions about world religions, languages, culinary traditions, and significant holidays to broaden the scope of learning.

8. Environmental Awareness Challenge

How to Play: Discuss environmental issues related to the areas you’re traveling through, such as conservation, wildlife protection, or climate change impacts. Look for examples along the way, and talk about ways to address these challenges.

Variations: Focus on positive actions, highlighting conservation successes, renewable energy projects, or sustainable tourism practices observed during the trip.

9. Artifact Hunt

How to Play: Before the trip, research interesting historical or cultural sites along your route. As you travel, look for these “artifacts” — anything from a historical marker to a local museum. Take photos or notes about each find and discuss its significance. This turns the journey into a scavenger hunt through time and culture.

Variations: Include natural “artifacts” like geological formations or significant trees to expand the learning to environmental history.

10. “Did You Know?” Exchange

How to Play: Each passenger researches and shares fun facts or lesser-known information about the places you’re visiting or passing by. This can include folklore, unusual laws, famous residents, or unique local customs. It’s a great way to stimulate curiosity and appreciation for diversity.

Variations: Tailor the “Did You Know?” facts to themes, such as technological innovations from the area, literary figures, or pivotal moments in social justice related to the locations.

11. Economy Explorer

How to Play: Discuss the economic landscape of the areas you travel through, focusing on industries, agriculture, and services. Identify different businesses, farms, and factories along the route, and speculate on their roles in the local and broader economy. This game offers insights into the interconnectedness of communities and economies.

Variations: Make predictions about how the economy of an area might change in the future based on current observations and known trends, fostering critical thinking about economic development and sustainability.

12. Local Lore and Legends

How to Play: Research or ask locals about myths, legends, and stories from the areas you visit. Share these tales during the trip, diving into the rich tapestry of local folklore that gives each place its unique character. This game is a gateway to understanding cultural values and the power of storytelling.

Variations: Create your own story or legend inspired by the landscapes and communities you encounter, blending learned lore with imaginative creation.

13. Architecture Analysis

How to Play: Observe and discuss the architectural styles of buildings you see along the way. Try to identify the period, influences, and functional aspects of different structures. This encourages an appreciation for design and engineering and how they reflect cultural and historical contexts.

Variations: Focus on specific types of buildings, such as houses, public buildings, or religious structures, to deepen the analysis and understanding of architectural diversity.

14. Political Landscape Discussion

How to Play: Engage in discussions about the political history and current political climate of the regions you’re traveling through. Explore how geography, economy, and culture have shaped political developments and policies. It’s a respectful way to broaden understanding of governance and societal dynamics.

Players: Any number, with mindful respect for diverse opinions.

Variations: Compare and contrast the political landscapes of different areas visited, considering factors like governance models, civic engagement, and public policy issues.

15. Artistic Inspirations

How to Play: Use the scenery, towns, and experiences of your trip as inspiration for individual or collaborative art projects. Sketch, write poetry, compose music, or simply brainstorm ideas influenced by your journey. Share and discuss your creations, reflecting on how travel inspires creativity.

Variations: Choose a single theme that each person must interpret in their artwork, offering diverse perspectives on the same subject.


road trip style games

Majestic mountains, rolling meadows, and the bored family that is constantly bickering. Does this sound all too familiar on your family road trip? Well, we’ve got the solution to your problem: 30 fun road trip games that are great for everyone!

These games are a great way to keep everyone off of social media, allowing them to just live life with the people they love! None of these games can be played alone, so make sure that you have space for all of your friends in the car.


road trip style games

Road trip trivia is the perfect game for those individuals who like to learn things about the places that they have been and the places that they are going. Road trips are never boring when you are competing to prove who has the most random assortment of knowledge.  


The game comes in a metal tin to contain the mess when you’re not playing. Simply choose a card, read aloud the question, and take turns answering. You may choose to play with random locations, or you can use the locations that you are near. 


WHAT DO YOU MEME? Shotgun! - The Hilarious Family...

  • Hit The Road: This card game is perfect for your next long drive!
  • Family Fun: This family game is designed for ages 12+ and is encouraged to be...
  • How to Play: Nominate someone to be the card reader (person sitting shotgun,...

Shotgun is the perfect game for any age group. This game can easily keep younger players occupied, while older players will be just as entertained.

The player riding Shotgun is the designated card reader for the first game.

You can play a DIY version of the game by making your own cards before the road trip. Alternatively, the game has over two hundred question cards that allow players to complete a variety of actions to earn points. Of course, the player with the most points wins the game when the road trip ends!  


road trip style games

Name the Artist is a game that is perfect for the musically inclined family. It keeps the road trip interesting by giving everyone a chance to play their favorite type of music and possibly even discover some new music.

When a song comes on the radio, you must yell the artist of the song before any other player.  If you’re the first player to do this, you score a point.  

If the game gets boring, you can spice it up by choosing a player to play random music from their phone. Additionally, to make things more difficult, you could only allow a few seconds of the song to play before you announce your answers. Either way, you get to listen to sick jams while also enjoying wholesome family time.  


road trip style games

Would You Rather is a classic game that can be played in any party or group setting. It also happens to be one of the best road trip games for those who want to learn a little more about the people that they are traveling with!  You will bond with the players who play Would You Rather for the rest of your life.

Present the players with a “would you rather” option, and they must choose one of the two options. Fair warning : this game can get gross and out of hand quickly because anything in the world is an option. As the game progresses, the players will come up with ridiculous choices that the others must choose between. 

If you aren’t able to come up with questions on the fly, you can purchase a deck of Would You Rather cards, and then you can draw randomly from the deck. You will quickly get into the heads of your car-mates, so be prepared!


road trip style games

The License Plate Game is a fun game that can be played as a background game on a road trip. This means you don’t have to be exclusively playing this game, as it can be played throughout the entire road trip.

The goal is to spot as many license plates from as many states as possible! They have to be confirmed by other players before they are allowed to count them! This saves the group from having to worry about cheating.  

This game is great for kids and adults alike as you travel through many cities and states. To make keeping score easier, you can print a map of the United States before heading out on your road trip and use crayons to color in the map when you see a state’s license plate.

Once a plate is called, it cannot be called again, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. The players will quickly become excited as they realize that many of the plates from the same state do not look the same! 

6. I SPY 

road trip style games

I Spy is a classic game that many families love to play. It can also become an awesome road trip game, keeping everyone engaged and interested in their surroundings. This game can be as complicated or simple as you make it, making it perfect for any age group. 

First, you must say, “I Spy,” and then give a random quality of the object that you have chosen. The other player must be able to see the object so it cannot be something hidden. Everyone will then begin to guess what you have spied. The other players get three tries before you receive a point. If the players spot the object, then they earn a point instead! 


road trip style games

The Grocery Game will have everyone in the car giggling by the end. This game is similar to I Spy, but it easily takes the place of I Spy when you are experiencing the boring stretch of a road trip, like the desert. This game uses imagination rather than actual objects in the surrounding space. 

To play, first think of something you have seen in a grocery store. Remember, grocery stores have lots of things, even toys! The other players must then ask questions regarding the object. Questions could be about its shape, its color, or its purpose. The questions must be yes or no questions.

The questions will have players laughing, and so will the random things that pop into people’s heads! 


road trip style games

The Alphabet Game is a perfect game to practice alphabetical skills with younger kids, and it is more of a challenge than one would think! 

The goal of the game is to find signs that begin with each letter of the alphabet. The catch? It must happen in alphabetical order. If you think you will have trouble keeping up with everyone’s place, then you can print a sheet online or even do it yourself! This allows players to mark off each letter as they find a sign beginning with that letter and write down what the sign was beside it.

The best time to find new signs is when you are stopping to eat or when you pass food places. Everybody else may be caught up in city limit signs, but food places are where it’s at!


road trip style games

In My Suitcase is another fun alphabetical game. While it is a perfect road trip game for younger kids, the entire family will have a laugh playing In My Suitcase.

To play, each player will attempt to finish the following statement: “I’m going on vacation, and in my suitcase, I have….”.  

You first state an item that begins with the letter A. The next player will make the statement, mentioning an item that begins with the letter B. See how long your group can go! When someone gets stuck, and they do not have a word that matches the letter that they are on, then the round ends. 

If you don’t have many exciting things packed in your suitcases besides what you wear, everyone can spice it up by stating items that aren’t actually in their bag. This will quickly lead to gut-wrenching laughs. 


road trip style games

The Sing Along Challenge is another game that is directed at musically inclined families. It’s a super fun game to play with classic and well-known music, but even funnier with more obscure choices!

First, choose a song and play a portion of it aloud. Whenever you want, you can pause, and any player that you choose will then begin to sing from the same place in the song.  

If the player you choose is able to sing the next line, they win a point. If they aren’t, then you win a point. Every player has to be chosen before a player can be chosen again. This helps to avoid singling anyone out!  



This is another road trip classic that can be played with everyone except the driver, of course. If you’re driving, just have someone else cross off things you list. 

This is a pretty obvious one: you can download a sheet off the internet or create your own. Make a bingo sheet of different things you might see along the road, for example, different gas stations, fast food places, and even famous sights. The possibilities are endless, and this game can be played throughout the trip, too! 



Guess The Time is a fun way to get people looking forward to certain destinations that could otherwise be boring. The good thing about this game is that it can be prepared before the road trip, and all you have to do is keep track of the points.

To play this game, simply make a list of the cities you’ll be passing through during your road trip. Then, have everyone guess at what exact time you’ll be passing through each destination. For example , what time will the car pass the sign saying “You are now leaving Ohio”? 

The person with the closest time (down to the minute) wins the round.



This is one of our favorite games to play during road trips. It’s especially fun if you have someone in your car who loves to nap.

Once someone falls asleep during your trip, then the game begins. The rest of the people in the car will make up a fake story that supposedly happened while the other person was asleep. 

You can wake the player after a while or just wait until they wake up themselves. Then, you start to tell the made-up story. Each player then has to add their own part to the story. Whoever breaks character or is caught by the sleeper loses a point. If you all successfully convince the sleeper, then you each get a point.

As this is not really a game, you can do it too many times on the trip, and you can up the stakes by saying whoever loses has to do the dishes.



The beauty of this game is that gas prices are constantly changing from state to state and even from gas stations within each state.

To play, everyone must try to guess the price of regular unleaded gas at the next gas station whoever guesses the price correctly to the nearest tenth wins. It is especially fun for players who don’t drive since they rarely pay attention to gas prices. 

You can have the player who is furthest away buy a snack for everyone inside the gas station!



This is a great game for the players in the car who are good at making up stories. It is essentially “who can lie better.”

You begin by telling a story about your past, and another player has to say whether you are telling the truth or spinning a story. Each player gets two follow-up questions, and then they have to guess. A good strategy is to tell a real story but then add something that didn’t happen. This makes it easier to follow the “lie.”

If they guess correctly, they get two points, and the first player to reach 10 points wins. The loser has to tell an embarrassing story that actually happened. 



Riff Off is similar to The License Plate Game but with a fun twist. You can think of it almost like Scrabble with license plates!

To play this game, you have to find a license plate whose letters could make up a word. For example , if the license plate is PKN48, you could yell, “Pumpkin!” Another player can challenge you by creating a longer word with the same letters.

If you want to make the game a bit more difficult, you can say that the letters have to be in the correct order to make up the word, not scrambled. If someone spots a vanity plate, they get an extra two points. The first player to 10  points wins.



It seems like movie references are a big part of road trip games. This game is super fun to play, especially for those extra creative people. This game doesn’t have an exact title, but Change One Letter seems to work the best. 

To play this game, choose a film, TV show, video game, or book, preferably something well-known. Then, change one letter of the title and describe the plot of the newly created title. Everyone else has to guess what the title is.

You can add or remove a letter as long as the title is made up of real words. For example , you might change Fight Club to Flight Club . Then, make up a plot about men who secretly take flights around the world together and then have to become pilots and fly the planes filled with their secret friends as passengers.



20 Questions is a classic road trip game that can be played almost anywhere. The best part is that the object chosen is only limited by your imagination.

Similar to the grocery game, except there is a limit of only 20 questions. Pick an object, person, or place and allow the other players to guess what it is.

They may only ask yes or no questions, and they only get a total of 20 questions and only 3 guesses total. If they don’t guess in 20 questions, then you win. If someone guesses, they win, and they get to pick the next object.



Did you Hear That is a great game to play, especially if you keep up to date with pop culture and news. If you don’t, then you may have some trouble unless you are a good lie detector!

In this game, you are trying to fool your opponent and make them believe your story is true. You start by asking, “Did you hear that (blank) happened?” Your opponent will then either say, “That didn’t happen,” or “Tell me more.”

If they guess correctly that something didn’t happen, then they get two points. If they guess incorrectly that something didn’t happen, then you steal one of their points and gain two of your own!

However, if they say, “Tell me more,” you continue with the story and the points are doubled at the end of your statement!



Let’s get another game for the singers in the group. This is especially fun when everyone joins in and sings along to each song.

This game is played in a chain. So you start singing any song you want. The next person now has to sing another song that begins with any lyric from your song. This continues until someone messes up or they get stuck. 

Here’s a good example :

  • “Don’t go breaking my heart…”
  • “…will go on and…”
  • “…Find, that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time…”



This game is like a word association game but with movies and actors. It will go very well for film buffs, but for everyone else, well, good luck.

The rules of this game are quite simple. First, start with any actor you can think of and say their name aloud. The next player then has to name a movie that that actor was in. Then the next person says another actor who starred in that same film. This continues until someone is incorrect. They then sit out the next round. 

An example would be:

  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • The Silver Linings Playbook
  • Robert DeNiro
  • The Godfather



As I mentioned before, movies come up a lot during road trips. We love that, but how often do we get to describe movies badly?

In this game, you simply pick any film; again, known films are usually better for this one. Now, describe the plot of the film in a terrible way, but that is also factual. The others have to guess the film. If they guess correctly, they get a point; if not, then you get a point.

Here’s our favorite example, “Two 90yr old men fight when one of them can’t remember who the other is.” ( Captain America: The Winter Soldier )



Yes, believe it or not, it’s another movie-based game. It’s just so much fun to incorporate films into road trip games. This game is so fun, but it also makes you see how similar a lot of movies are! 

The game starts with you naming any film you want. The next person then has to name another movie that has the same basic plot. Some examples are Volcano and Dante’s Peak , or No Strings Attached , and Friends with Benefits.

The play continues until someone gets stumped. The last person to be able to name a film that fits is the winner.



Fortunately, Unfortunately, is a fun game to play, especially for those who are good at improv. The best part is that it takes no preparation at all and can help kids with their creativity!

The game is really easy to play. All you do is make a declarative statement that begins with “Fortunately.” For example, “Fortunately, we are passing through Las Vegas soon.” Then, the next person follows that up with an “Unfortunately” statement. For example, “Unfortunately, It’s now underwater!” Then that continues until someone can’t think of anything or until you get bored.



You know I couldn’t leave out games for the foodies out there. This game is much easier if you’re playing with adults, but if the kids are playing, you’ll just have to cover the bill.

The object of the game is to collect the most regional snacks between the start and the end of your road trip. There are a few rules to make it a bit more interesting. 

  • You have to get a snack at each gas station you stop at.
  • You can only choose one item per gas station.
  • The food item has to be created in the region where the stop was.
  • Duplicate cities do not count.

The person who has the most snacks at the end of the trip is the winner!



The counting game is one that can be played anytime, anywhere. It can even be played as a drinking game, but obviously not during the road trip. There is no limit to the number of players. However, the more players there are, the more chance there is to mess up.

Start the game by saying the number one out loud. Then, another person follows with the next number at random. This continues until you reach the number 20. The rules are: if two people say the same number at the same time, then you start over. If there is more than a five-second pause, start over. Trust me, this is harder than you might think.



This is another association-style game. If you know the names of lots of famous people, then you’ll love this game. 

You’re trying to connect the first and last names of famous people. Start by saying any name out loud. Then, the next person has to say another name of a person whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous last name. For example, you say Chris Hemsworth, the next person can say Harry Stiles, and so on. 

If someone says a name that has the same letter as their first and last name, for example, Lindsay Lohan, then the order of players reverses. The first person to mess up loses and is out for the round.



This game is super fun for the whole family. It works especially well if someone has their phone connected to the car and can create playlists.

Two people are going head to head in this game to have their song chosen as the best in a category. One person is going to give out a theme, for example, “love songs” or “best fight songs.”

Two other contestants have one minute to choose their song. Each player then plays their song, and everyone in the car judges which song is better. Whoever wins gets one point, and the one with the most points wins.



I love games that make your brain work hard. This one will definitely do that and can also help kids with creativity. It can be played anytime you have some downtime, so the car ride is perfect!

The game is simple: start with a word, and the next person thinks of a word associated with it. The next person does the same with the previous word. 

For example:

  • Haunted house
  • Meerkat 

The game is over when someone says something crazy or can’t think of anything. However, if they can defend their answer, then the game can continue.



I absolutely loved this game as soon as I heard about it. It’s another one of those games that you can play throughout the trip and not be actively playing. Be sure to keep an eye out!

Throughout the road trip, anytime you see cows, you shout out, “ Cows on my side!” You get a point every time you call it out. If you see cows on the other side, you can yell, “Cows on your side!” If you call this before the other person sees them, you get to steal a point.

The person with the most points at the end of the trip wins. My favorite part of the game is if you see a cemetery and scream, “Ghost cow!” you get to steal all the other side’s points!



This is another one to help out with creativity. It is super fun to use random words that don’t coincide to make it a bit more difficult.

To play, you say three random words out loud. Then, each player has to tell a story using the three words. You get to be the judge and decide who told the best story. 

The winner now gets to choose three words for the other players, and play continues. 


Road trips are a must for families who want to make memories together. Although they can be boring at times, with enough initiative, the road trips will create memories all on their own. Families will laugh, joke, and play games, making the trip seem faster than it is!  

From trivia games to singing challenges, these are some games that will work for any family. Any age group can participate in these games, as many of them can be modified for younger players. 

If you’re looking for games more appropriate for parties check out the 10 best drinking games article.

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The 9 best road trips in PC games

One Off The List

Kick the tires, whistle at the paint job, spin the keys on your finger like a revolver and then shoot the car with the little laser of unlocking. It’s time to get back on the road. What’s that? Entire country in a state of unprecedented lockdown? I see. Well, lucky for you, we concern ourselves here only with pretend cars, the indoor joy of fictional journeys on virtual roads. Here, my housebound friends, are the 9 best road trips in PC games. Seatbelts on, please.

road trip style games

Jalopy is a driving game that truly understands the absurd ambition of road trippery. You have been gifted an old banger, the Laika 601, by your generous (if bedraggled) uncle Lutfi. It is a cramped wheely bin of a vehicle, based on the Trabant 601 of 1960s East Germany. You will need to change tires, mix fuel, swap batteries, and wrestle with various innards to keep your rusty little friend from dying by the side of the motorway like an unlucky rabbit. But upgrades, salvage and smuggling will see you across many a European border, chugging and clunking along as your uncle natters incessantly about forgotten history. This is what road trips are all about. A bad car, questionable company, and frequent breakdowns of both the mechanical and emotional variety. Strap in, you’re taking this unruly metal baby all the way to Istanbul.

Final Fantasy XV

road trip style games

Square Enix’s premier boy band world tour has you driving a waxed-up automobile accompanied by four lads with hedgehog hair and an insatiable appetite for boring side quests. The game eventually throws its “Final Fantasy but a road trip” premise out the window like the smoldering arse end of a ciggy. But, while it lasts, the atmosphere of being in a shiny convertible with some close buds is a pleasing one. They stop to make camp and eat noodles. They reminisce about childhood misadventures. They visit a Venetian city, and watch as it is destroyed by a gargantuan snake god. All the usual bants of a good cross-country journey.

American Truck Simulator

road trip style games

A driving sim so detailed you can roll the windows down . Not only that, but the sound effects of traffic and truck will change when you do, from muffled to whooshing, from rumble to growl. American Truck Simulator is the beloved take-a-moment game of RPS. Despite being a game in which the only real goal is to travel from A to B, it has kept Alec sane , bedazzled Alex Wiltshire , and made Alice O feel far too dry , such is the power of its atmospheric charm. From an outsider’s perspective, this sim is the weirdly mundane realm of hobbyists and people who inexplicably like their exhaust pipes to be the size of small trees. But climb inside the cab, friend. Between A and B, you might find what you’re looking for.

Euro Truck Simulator 2

road trip style games

As above, but with pessimism.

road trip style games

You don’t need a car for a road trip. Or even a road. This barely distinguishable path beaten into the dirt will do. Don’t be so narrow-minded, mate. As long as there is one place, and another, farther-away place, there can be a road trip. Pack your frying pan, pick up a lantern, stuff some herbal tea into your pockets, and let’s head off. I’m not just being colourful here. In co-op jaunt ‘em up Outward, you and your friend will need the pan for boiling water, the lantern for seeing things in the deep black of night, and the tea for getting over the inevitable cold you catch from being out in the rain too long. It is an ambling RPG about going on a journey, and usually being under-prepared. Oh, there are also wolves, troglodytes and giant purple-eyed mantis creatures. Watch out for those.

The Oregon Trail

road trip style games

I’ve never played this and, let’s be honest, neither have you. Let’s just pretend I made a joke about pooing yourself to death, and you laughed. A comfortable, safe, and hollow laugh. The laugh of a joke both foreseen and postheard. The empty, glassy-eyed laugh of a person who knew this game would be on this list before they even finished reading the headline. Who are we fooling. Who are any of us fooling. The Oregon Trail is not a game. It is a ritual. It is a spirit, often invoked, never seen. Let us forget these putrid few seconds, which we have excreted into the void, time wasted and expelled from the body, forever. Like dysentery.

road trip style games

As a racing game, The Crew was a bit crap. The cars were less fast and furious, more wonk and spurious. But as a cross-country dossabout, it was enjoyable. The open world is a USA in miniature, from the red rock pillars of monument valley, to the deserts of Nevada, to the snowcaps of the Rocky mountains. Basically, if you want to saunter from one US coast to another, taking in the scenic beauty of the land, but you lack the moral fibre to commit to the slow ins and outs of Truck Simulator... well, you’ve got The Crew. This is the accessible road trip for time-starved car likers. You can get across the whole nation in less than two hours. Trust us, we’ve done it .

Half-Life 2: Episode 2

road trip style games

Graham made me put this one in, because he likes crossing the Valveverse in Gordon and Alyx’s Mad-maxmobile, skirting the legs of tripods and gunning down infestations of antlions. What merry scrapes that man is into. Has he, like many others, attempted to traverse the entirety of the game with a garden gnome in the passenger seat? I do not know, and frankly, I am afraid to ask.

Fallout: New Vegas

road trip style games

A road trip can lack a car, it can even lack a road, but if you haven’t been shot at from the mouth of a giant dinosaur statue, it does not qualify.

One Off The List from… the best distress calls

Last week we heard some muffled screams over the radio, and discovered the 7 best distress calls in videogames. And none of you explicitly called for any of them to be removed from the list. You are all fired.

Which means it's up to me to examine the subtext of your comments and remove one of the games based on a close reading of your cybernetically distributed emotions. It’s… Subnautica .

road trip style games

"Subnautica, for fuck’s sake," cries list deliberator "Godwhacker", as they point out the fatal flaw in all environmental storytelling. "If you’re in that much distress surely you shouldn’t be typing things into your iPad? At least open up Trello and create a board with ESCAPE THE FIRE in the ‘To Do’ column, and then move it to ‘In Progress’."

Yes, why do so many dead-meat game characters spend their dying moments writing "they're coming through the walls" instead of getting on with the barricade? It's a mystery. Anyway. See you next week.

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  • No, the Fallout TV show hasn't written Fallout: New Vegas out of history, says Bethesda design director
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16 Fun Road Trip Games for the Whole Family

July 13, 2022


Tis the season for road trips, and with air travel becoming increasingly more expensive and unreliable, more families are hitting the road for long car rides than ever before. We have a 19-hour road trip coming up, so I am sharing some of our family’s favorite fun car games.

While we allow lots of iPad time, car games are a great way to connect as a family and have a little fun along the way, so here’s a list of the best road trip games for your next road trip.

road trip style games

16 Fun Road Trip Game s for the Whole Family

Interesting thing of the hour scavenger hunt.

Last summer, when we went to South Dakota ( check out the itinerary here ), we started this game by accident because there were just so many interesting things on the side of the road. This game is perfect for little kids or older kids. The game aims for family members to look out the car window for something interesting and unusual each hour. You can either record your findings by snapping a photo or on a piece of paper.

It’s fun to see how many interesting things you can find on your road trip. Things like a barn on wheels driving down the highway, a larger-than-life steel shark, or a smiley face water tower. What can you find that is interesting? You can share it with your friends and family when you return home, they might not believe what you found.

road trip style games

License Plate Game

The license plate game is a classic road trip game. I remember playing it when I was a kid. With so many people traveling these days, it’s fun to search for all the different state license plates as you travel down the road. Plus, you can sneak in a little geography and abbreviation lesson while you are at it. When we visited Texas earlier this year, we spotted 35 different state license plates. Will we find all 50 on our next road trip?

Print off the license plate game template in this FREE download. See how many license plates you can find on your road trip. It’s all hands on deck to try to get all 50! Bonus points if you find license plates from different countries.

Slug Bug or Punch Buggy

This is another road trip classic. Is it because kids like the opportunity to punch their siblings? I think so! The game aims to look out the window for a Volkswagen Beetle. I have heard it said that you can punch someone twice if you find a classic beetle or a convertible beetle, but you can make up your own rules. You can even tally up how many you see on a piece of paper.

This is one of our family’s favorite games, not just a favorite road trip game. This game is perfect for waiting in a theme park line or for food at a restaurant. Plus, it’s a simple game for young kids to play as well. One person starts counting to 21, they may say up to 3 numbers total, but each player can choose to say the next 1, 2, or 3 numbers.

So, for example, the first person will say up to 3 numbers. In this example, four people are playing. Player one says 1, 2, 3, and the second person says 4 and 5 (they chose to count two numbers). The third person says 6, 7, 8 (they chose to say all three numbers), and the next person says 9 (they chose to say 1 number).

We are back to player one, who continues counting up to 3 numbers. Player one says 10, 11, 12, and player two says 13, 14, 15. Player 3 says 16, 17, 18. Player 4 says 19, 20. Player one is out because they say 21.

You continue playing the game, taking turns counting up to 3 numbers with the remaining players until one person is crowned the winner.

Would You Rather

Another fun game is “Would You Rather?”. Family members can take turns asking the question, “Would you rather (blank) or (blank)? Then, have family members go around sharing their responses and why. You might learn something about each other while you play, which usually offers a good laugh.

Check out this website with 101 Would You Rather Kids printable , a perfect game for your next long drive.

Who Am I? Game

For the game Who Am I?, each person will take turns picking a famous person. The other people will take turns asking yes and no questions to determine who the person is. If your kids are apt to change their minds, have them write it down on an erasable doodle board so they can reveal it at the end. Which famous people will you choose?

Alphabet Game

This is another family game where everyone works together locating items in and outside of the car that correspond with the next letter in the alphabet. Start with the letter A, and as a family, look around to find something that starts with the letter A. Can you find an antenna on a car? Once you find the item with the letter A, move on to letter B and continue on in alphabetical order. Do you see a bike on the back of someone’s car?

Keep going until you have made it all the way through the letters of the alphabet. Remember to find hard-to-find letters on road signs like train Xing :). You can also have a child practice their writing skills by recording it on a piece of paper. Who knew road trip car games could be educational?

I Spy with My Little Eye

In this classic game, the first player will pick something they see either inside or outside the car. The other players will ask yes and no questions to determine what that player sees. Once they figure it out, the next player will spy something with their little eye, and play continues.

Interesting Facts

This works great for long journeys to new places. While you are driving, you can have someone google interesting facts for a town you are passing by. You might be surprised to find out a famous person is from that small town, or they happen to have the world’s largest popcorn ball or make the most ice cream in the world.

road trip style games

Hourly Dance Party

This is fun for the music lovers among us (my hand is raised). Set a timer for one hour, and every hour, let a family member pick a popular song to dance to. Everyone stops what they are doing to groove, sing along, and celebrate that another hour has passed. It’s a good idea to get the blood pumping, wake up the driver, and a fun way to get the younger kids involved and work their wiggles out. Before you know it, you’ll be having so much fun.

Name That Tune

Take the hourly dance party up a notch and play name that tune. Before you leave for your next road trip, ask the family for their favorite songs and make a road trip playlist. Then, someone can choose a song to dance to, and everyone can try to guess the song title. Name That Tune is a great car game.

Download a Family-friendly Audio Book or Podcast

It’s the perfect time to “read’ as a family as you cruise down the road. This time we will read the book “Wink” but we have also enjoyed listening to Harry Potter as a family too!

Bop-It or Simon

Do you have either of these games? These are both a perfect road trip game because you can just pass it from person to person, and there’s a time limit so that everyone can take a turn. Plus, the good news is the car trip is long enough that you might just beat your record.

Another game I remember playing as a kid, probably because my parents were ready for a little peace and quiet. As a mom of 4, I can now relate. In this great road trip game, everyone in the car is silent (not on their electronic devices; that would be cheating). The last person to make a sound wins the game. This is perfect for younger players, too. It usually results in lots of laughter in our car. Why is being quiet so funny?

Hourly Special Toy or Snack

Wrap up a special toy or snack in a paper sack. Let your kids pick something new to play with or eat every hour. Things like play-doh, Melissa and Doug Sticker books, silly putty, color forms, mad libs, magic ink notebooks, doodle boards, wicky sticks & pipe cleaners are great options. You could also head to the dollar store and pick up a few trinkets & snacks. 

road trip style games

Rock Paper Scissors

No road trip game list would be complete without the classic great game – Rock, Paper, Scissors. Everyone knows how to play this game, and you can even track how many times people win. Who will be the road trip rock, paper, scissors champion?

Feeling More Prepared for your next family road trip?

I sure hope so with all of these family road trip game ideas. Next time you head out on that long road trip, I hope some of these fun road trip games will help pass the time and help you have a good time on the way to your destination.

While we also have lots of I pad time, sometimes it’s nice to play travel games and do fun things together in the car. What other great road trip games do you like? Share them in the comments below. The fun games you play in the car are the best part of family road trips.

road trip style games

Need Help Organizing for Your Next Road Trip?

Check out this instant download full of helpful worksheets, including road trip car game ideas, license plate game printable, road trip packing lists, and printable itineraries. C heck it all out here.

road trip style games

Check Out These Travel Tips Posts:

What To Pack in Your Carry-on

15 Road Trip Game Ideas

Best Packing Tips to Simplify the Process

Travel Planner Printable Download

Check out these Tip Guides:

Anna Maria Island Travel Guide

New Smyrna Beach Travel Guide

South Dakota Travel Guide

MN North Shore Travel Guide

Magnolia 2-Day Girls Trip Travel Guide

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These Road Trip Games Are So Fun, Your Kids Won't Ask "Are We There Yet?" Once

The tech-free car activities on our list will also help you connect with your kids—whether they're five or 15—on a deeper level.

road trip style games

  • Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • School-Age Kids
  • Tweens and Teens

AleksandarNakic / GETTY IMAGES

The modern family road trip may look very different from the one you, your siblings, and your parents took decades ago, when you drove cross-country with maps instead of GPS, CDs in a Discman that skipped when you went over bumps, and nothing but pre-texting-era postcards to keep in touch with family and friends back home.

But one thing, at least, hasn't changed: Family road trips, whether an hour-long trip to your beach house or a multi-state adventure through the National Parks , offer valuable time to connect and bond with the other travelers in your car—especially if you can convince everyone to set aside their tablets, phones, and earbuds.

Classic road trip games like I Spy, Two Truths and a Lie, or Spot the License Plate have helped pass the time for families on cars, trains, and planes for generations. Bri DeRosa, content manager for Boston-based nonprofit The Family Dinner Project , suggests adding the games below to your lineup; all can be modified for different age groups and played with no equipment and no planning—just your presence. "When you purposefully interact with each other, whether it's at meal time or playing a game during a road trip, are intentional about spending that time together, and try to do so in a way that's fun, the message you are sending is that you, as a family, are important enough to each other to be together without distraction," she says.

Road Trip Games to Play With Toddlers and Preschoolers

Kyryl Gorlov / GETTY IMAGES

When you need a break from Disney soundtracks and handing out snacks, try one of these games that are just right for your youngest travelers (and their older siblings, too).

Cat and Cow

This incredibly simple game is a favorite for little ones, says DeRosa. One person alternates saying either "Cat" or "Cow"—switch between them, but say each as many times in a row as you want—and the rest of the players respond with either "meow" or "moo." "You do it quickly and it ends up with everybody just dissolved in laughter because meow and moo are so similar," says DeRosa. "Little kids love it—their favorite thing to do is be the person who dictates cat and cow to watch their parents mangle it."

Different Drummers

In this rhythm game, one person acts as the leader, tapping out a syncopated pattern on the dashboard, on their knees, or on a book on their lap, while the rest of the group follows. Have younger kids match your beat in a follow-the-leader-style game, and add tricky changes or quick stops to make it harder for older ones, says DeRosa.

Think of this as celebrity charades without the action, says DeRosa: One person describes someone the entire group knows, one detail at a time, and other players see who can correctly name the person first. Who counts as a celebrity can depend on the age range of your players: A favorite swimming teacher, the mailman, Grandpa, or Bluey are equally worthy choices for the preschool set.

Road Trip Games to Play With School-Age Kids


Give the "Are we there yet?" group something else to talk about with these games—which are more fun when the whole car participates.

Can You Remember?

Turn your family's powers of observation into a game that's perfect for slow highways, rest stop meals, or rides along stretches of dull terrain. This game requires no preparation, says DeRosa: "People close their eyes and you challenge them to remember what’s around them: What color is dad's shirt? What's your sister wearing in her hair?" If you’re outside the car in an unfamiliar place, give everyone 30 seconds to look around before quizzing them on the photos on the wall, what types of cake are in the dessert case at the diner where you're having lunch, or how many flavors of potato chips this mini-mart sells.

Story by Sentence

Any type of storytelling game is a hit with school-age kids, says DeRosa. In the most basic version, go around the car with each person adding one sentence to a made-up story, building on the details that came before. If you need a little creative inspiration, products like Story Cubes or Story Stones offer pictures of animals, places, people, and things to get your tale started; for a free alternative, have each person in the group name one item in a given category that must be included in the final story (then enjoy coming up with a story about a pink dinosaur going bowling on the moon).

Family History

Draw on classic stories from your parents, grandparents, and extended relatives for this trivia game, which tests players on how well they know their family background. Which of your grandmothers went to Woodstock? Which of your grandfathers was in the Navy? Which uncle broke his arm on a Boy Scout camping trip? Which aunt lived in Spain after college? "Let kids try to guess or remember who did what," says DeRosa. "It's a really excellent way of strengthening that family heritage, and their sense of belonging within their family unit."

Road Trip Games to Play With Tweens and Teens


These more challenging—and funnier—games just might tempt your older kids away from their devices.

Alphabet Games

Alphabet games are classics for any age, whether you're spotting letters on license plates and signs with preschoolers or having school-age kids create an alphabetical list of what they're bringing on a picnic. But tougher versions can be surprisingly engaging for tweens and teens who think they’ve outgrown this type of activity.

DeRosa's favorite modification: Require players to use the last letter of the previous answer as the first letter of their answer—no repeated letters allowed. Choosing a tricky category can make this more interesting, too: Try celebrity actors (where Brad Pitt could be followed by Tom Holland, but not Taylor Swift, for example), countries, or cities.

Higgledy Piggledy

This rhyming game is one of DeRosa's family's favorites—a standby for waiting in airports and for long trips. One person thinks of two rhyming words, then gives a clue to the rest of the group, who must guess the pair of words. "For example, you think of funny bunny, and the clue is something like, hilarious furry mammal," she says. "It's silly and engaging, but also really enough of a brainteaser for older kids not to get bored."

The Song Game

Convince your teens to take out their earbuds with a few rounds of this music-and-lyrics-based game. Choose a specific word or category, and take turns coming up with lyrics or songs that include them; the last person to come up short is the winner. "Maybe the word is love, or make it harder with a category like transportation—and you might use 'Leavin’ on a Jet Plane' or 'Midnight Train to Georgia,'" says DeRosa.

2-Minute Interview

This fast-paced, either-or game might help you learn a thing or two about your quietest kids (particularly those tight-lipped teens). "Set the timer, and choose someone to be the interviewer, then see how many either/or questions you can ask and answer in two minutes," DeRosa says. (A few ideas to get started: summer or winter, chocolate or vanilla, socks or no socks, pizza or tacos, planes or trains, Woody or Buzz, ocean or lake.)

Simple Conversation Starters

Another take on Q&A games doesn't require the timer. Instead, have a stock of conversation starters or would-you-rathers at the ready: What three items would you take to a desert island? If you had a time machine, what would you do? If you could change a rule, what would it be? "Ask them things that are not about life, school, homework, friend struggles, and odds are, they are going to eventually loosen up and talk about the things you want to know," says DeRosa. "Road trips are the perfect opportunity for families to find those moments of reconnection."

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11 Best Road Trip Games for Families

Family of four sitting in the trunk of their car with suitcases nearby

Jan 31, 2023

See recent posts by Jackie Perrin

Games for a family road trip need three ingredients in order to maximize their vacation mileage: portability, a minimum number of small parts, and a kid-friendly fun factor. Avoid the “Are we there yet?” blues and take a detour around the “tech trap” when you add one or more of these travel-ready games to your emergency road kit . From modern spins on retro favorites to cleverly designed all-in-one sets that kick searches for lost pieces to the curb, these are the best road trip games for families. 

1. The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game; Courtesy Shutterstock

In this classic road trip game that doesn’t require a board or game pieces, players attempt to find words starting with every letter of the alphabet, going in order from A to Z. You can look at billboards, road signs, branded trucks, restaurant names, and more. It’s up to you whether to play cooperatively–with each player building off the group’s progress–or competitively, with everyone going through their own alphabet. Either way, when players spot their next word, they call out their letter and the word (“A! Arby’s!”) so everyone can keep track. Some people use the rule that if someone spots a graveyard, they can declare it and all other players will go back to “A”.

Another version of the Alphabet Game is for someone to pick a category (the original game is “groceries/food”, but it could be animals, places, famous people, or something else), and the family will take turns naming items from that category that begin with ascending letters from A to Z. For example, if one person starts with “aardvark,” the next person could follow up with “butterfly” and so on.

2. Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman

Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman; Courtesy Amazon

A retro game made road-ready, Flip to Win Hangman by Melissa & Doug is one of the best road trip games for beginning readers (ages 6 and up). Designed with flippable, magnetic wooden letters, each game comes with an erasable whiteboard and a self-store dry-erase marker . The sturdy set really holds up to repeated kid (and adult) play, which is good because it’s addictive! It’s so fun, in fact, you’ll want to buy a second game for Grandma’s house!

road trip style games

Related: The Best Snacks for Road Trips

3. Coggy by Fat Brain Toys

Coggy by Fat Brain Toys; Courtesy Amazon

Get kids’ mental gears spinning as they build visual-spatial skills with Coggy by Fat Brain Toy Co . The mind-building travel game is designed as a single strand of connected patterned cogs, which players match to a series of corresponding pattern cards. Gears make a satisfying click as they pivot, making Coggy one of the best travel games for kids who need some sensory input when they’re cooped up in the car. 

I Spy game; Courtesy Amazon

No self-respecting list could leave out this classic kids’ road trip game! Players take turns selecting an object around them (ideally something in the car or that will remain in sight for a while), and giving the others a clue about it. The traditional formula is “I spy, with my little eye, something [color], or something beginning with [letter].”

But if you want to get preschoolers even more involved with the game, try the I Spy Travel Card Game from University Games . Similar to the board-free classic, this road trip game is seek-and-find style for ages 4 and up. The game contains 48 jumbo cards with simple pictures and corresponding text. Pre-readers will feel grown-up as they “read” about common road trip sights, and then race to be the first to locate them. 

5. Travel Blurt

Travel Blurt; Courtesy Amazon

A favorite party game gets a travel makeover in Travel Blurt , a fast-talking word recall game for on-the-go play. Pit sibling against sibling or parent team against kid teams in a hilarious competition that will have everyone laughing out loud. A handy travel case and magnetic scorecards help keep the fun at your fingertips. One of the best road trip games for groups, Travel Blurt is for three to four players, ages 10 and up.

Related: 10 Strangest Places to Stop on a U.S. Road Trip

6. License Plate Game

License Plate game; Courtesy Amazon

Have your kids “collect” as many license plate states as they can find, writing each one down to keep track. They probably won’t find all 50 (looking at you, Alaska, and Hawaii), but especially if you’re driving cross-country, you’d be surprised how many people you’re sharing the road with. This is another kids’ road trip game that lends itself equally well to collaboration or competition: do they work together or collect their own lists of plates? Or go a step further and have them learn while playing with the Flip to Win License Plate Game by Melissa & Doug .

Easy to play and fun for all ages, it’s a scavenger-hunt style game that helps kids learn U.S. states and capital cities. The beauty of this smartly designed game— and what makes it one of the best road trip games available—is that the parts stay put. No more fishing loose pieces out of car seats and seat cushions, thanks to sturdy, flippable, magnetic wooden pieces! Adults will enjoy taking a trip down memory lane as they play along with the kids and revisit a childhood classic. Great for gift-giving, this game is for one to two players (or teams), ages 8 and up.

7. Interstate Highway Bingo Cards

Interstate Highway Bingo Cards; Courtesy Amazon

Lure your family members away from their devices and into the driver’s seat on your next road trip travel adventure with Interstate Highway Bingo Cards by Regal Games . Fingertip shutters reveal photos of common road trip sights, such as a horse, rest area, farm house and police car. Be the first to get five pictures in a row, and become the king or queen of the road trip! The four-card set makes it easy for brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles to get in on the scenery-spotting competition.

8. 20 Questions

Mom looks back at her kids in card during a road trip; Courtesy onkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Especially with younger kids, it often seems like the questions are endless. 20 Questions is a perfect way to get it out of their system. You’ve probably played it before, but just to refresh your memory: one player thinks of a person, place, or thing. The others take turns asking yes-or-no questions; after each question, they get a guess about what/where/who it is. If they don’t solve it after 20 questions, they lose.

Related: Best Family Card Games to Play on Vacation

9. Guess in 10-Cities Around the World

GUess in 10 cities around the world; Courtesy Amazon

It’s the Game of 20 Questions, minus 10! In “ Guess in 10-Cities Around the World ,” players draw clue cards and, through the process of elimination, make guesses to identify one of 52 diverse metropolitan locations. Kids and parents will learn about the food, culture and monuments associated with the world’s most famous cities, from Rome to San Francisco . For parents looking to increase learning mileage on the road, this game for players ages 8 and up is one of the best road trip games to pack in your overnight bag .

Related: 10 (and a Half) Tips for Road Trips

10. FlashDash

Flashdance; Courtesy Amazon

FlashDash by Winning Fingers helps backseat travelers get the wiggles out, without waging a sibling turf war. A combination of the popular games Simon and Bop it, contained in a compact handheld electronic cube, FlashDash features four different speed and memory games, with lights and optional sound. For kids who need to move on long car rides, this Android device alternative is one of the best new road trip games. Designed for ages 6 to adult. 

11. Cow on My Side

Cow in my side; Courtesy Shutterstock

This simple kids’ road trip game is a lot of fun for families driving through the countryside. When you see cows on your side of the road, yell “Cows on my side!” You get a point for each time you call a group of cows. If you spot cows on the opposite side, you can yell “Cows on your side!” and steal a point from your opponent. Passing a cemetery? The first person to yell “Ghost cow!” steals all the other side’s points.

Of course, you can always bring along a tablet or computer and put on one of these kids’ movies for road trips, but sometimes it’s nice to just engage everyone with some old-fashioned fun. Especially if your trip is on the longer side, it’s a good way to turn those potentially torturous hours into quality family bonding time.

Writer Jackie Perrin has covered the best of family travel for nearly two decades, for media ranging from newspapers and magazines to  TripAdvisor.com . At home and on the go, she manages a crew of companions. Follow her on Pinterest, TripAdvisor and Instagram,  @NYfamtravels .

Related:   Most Fun Family Beach Games 

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Going on a road trip? These games will help you pass the time 

From classics like Scrabble and Uno to newer hits that prioritize conversation and connection, these games will appeal to everyone in the car.

No matter where you’re going on a road trip, travel games can be a great way to pass long hours in the car and create lasting memories.

The best travel games should be small and light enough to pack with you. They should appeal to a wide range of ages and interests. And of course, they should provide hours of entertainment.

With that in mind, the classic card game Uno is our top choice for best overall travel game. It’s compact, fun for everyone, and easy to pack and pull out when the mood strikes.  

But it’s not the only one. We considered portable games in several categories too. From classic board games to Ping Pong-inspired matches, here are the best travel games to take on your next road trip.

The best travel games by category

We break down the best travel games based on different categories like board games, card games, and more.  

The best travel board games

Purple cow magnetic backgammon  .

One of the best travel board games is backgammon, considered the national game in many countries across the Middle East and the Mediterranean. This portable version of the classic board game is magnetized so the pieces don’t slide around. Simply open the case, roll the dice, and play. The board may be smaller, but the strategy remains the same.  

Keep in mind:   The magnets on the pieces aren’t the strongest but do a good enough job of staying mostly in place.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 | Ages: 5 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 |   Size: 6 x 3 inches  

Portable Puck Shot

Sturdy wooden pucks and a Baltic birch wood case make this portable hockey board game ideal for car trips, camping, or spending a cozy evening in a cabin. You don’t have to be a hockey lover to enjoy this fast-paced game either. It involves a simple sling that fires wooden pucks across the board at your opponent’s goal.  

Keep in mind:   The Portable Puck Shot game is a bit large and heavy, making it more suitable for a road trip than for carrying onto a plane.  

Product details:   Number of players: 2 | Ages: 6 and up | Minutes to play a round: 5 | Size: 17 x 10.25 inches  

Scrabble to Go

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Buy it now on   Amazon

It’s not hard to see why Scrabble is one of the most popular board games around. It appeals to players across generations, stimulates the brain, and can spark fun debates. This miniature version comes with snap-in tiles that make it easy to play on bumpy car rides or pick up later, after a break.  

Keep in mind:   The tiles on this mini version are small, which may take some getting used to for some players.

Product details: Number of players: 2 to 4 | Ages: 8 and up | Minutes to play a round: 25 | Size: 10.63 x 2.50 x 10.63 inches

Best travel card games  

Song survivor.

road trip style games

This travel card game is a great way to kick off singalongs in the car or hotels after a long day of travel. Developed by Black-owned small business Doin’ The Most, the game involves drawing cards with one word, prompting each player to sing a song containing that word. If a player messes up the lyrics or can’t think of a song in time, they’re out. This card game is designed for players (and crooners) 13 and up, with easy and hard modes to help make the game as challenging as you want.  

Keep in mind:   Not everyone is into singing outside of the shower, so consider your audience of fellow players before bringing this one along.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 and up | Ages: 16 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 | Size: travel size  

52 Essential Conversations

road trip style games

The premise behind this intriguing travel card game springs from the idea that the art of engaging conversation never goes out of style. It’s a “social-emotional” learning game designed to get players thinking and talking about topics that can help people—including kids—open up, improve social skills, and spark creativity. The cards come in a small tin box, making them easy to keep organized and bring anywhere.  

Keep in mind: Although this travel card game is designed for players 5 and up, some questions lean more adult. If you’re playing with a multigenerational group, you can skip the questions better suited to adults or take them out of the deck before you play.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 and up | Ages: 5 and up | Minutes to play a round: NA | Size:   3 x 2 x 1 inches

road trip style games

This popular family card game is equally fun to play while traveling. You can go head to head with just one other person or as many as 10. The objective is to be the first person to get rid of all your cards. But achieving that goal depends on the luck of the draw. Just don’t forget to shout “Uno!” when you’re down to your last card. We love that this version comes in a sturdy tin for safekeeping.

Keep in mind:   This version of Uno incorporates graphic symbols on the cards so players with colorblindness can play too.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 to 10 |   Ages: 7 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 | Size: 3 x 2 x 5 inches

Exploding Kittens

road trip style games

Easy to learn and loads of fun, Exploding Kittens is a cheeky card game loosely based on Russian roulette. Players draw cards, but use strategy (plus special “immunity” cards) to avoid drawing an “exploding kitten” card. With its compact size and lack of any additional game pieces, this card game is a hilarious way to pass the time while traveling.

Keep in mind: This card game is available in English, but other languages (German, Spanish, Italian, and French) are in the works.  

Product details:   Number of players:   2 to 10 | Ages:   7 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 | Size: ‎4.41 x 6.38 x 1.5 inches  

Best travel games for adults

Pepper pong.

road trip style games

This portable spin on ping pong and pickleball is one of the best travel games for adults. About the size of a shoebox, the game sets up virtually anywhere in a matter of seconds. Place the foldable net (called a Fence) on a picnic table at the park or any other relatively flat surface, and you’re good to go. The game’s three ball sizes (called Peppers) give you options for how aggressively you want to play. You can also feel good about purchasing this portable travel game—the makers say they donate a set to a recovery center or addiction-focused homeless center with each set they sell.  

Keep in mind:   There’s no official age minimum for this game. If you can swing the racket you can play. You’ll need a flat surface to set up.

Product details: Number of players: 2 to 4 | Ages: 3 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 | Size: 12 x 7 x 4 inches

The Hygge Game

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Buy it now at   Uncommon Goods

Hygge is the Danish word for coziness and the basis for this 300-question portable travel game. The questions are designed to foster meaningful conversations among friends and family members. Play it during long car rides, in a candlelit, hygge-inspired restaurant, or anyplace where you want to spark fun and thoughtful connections.  

Keep in mind: Some of the questions go pretty deep and might surprise people who prefer more superficial lines of interrogation.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 and up | Ages:   14 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 |   Size:   5.70 x 5.70 x 1.80 inches

Parents Are Human

Like the Hygge Game, Parents Are Human is a card game that fosters understanding and connections. This specific deck (others are designed for friends, romantic partners, and siblings) focuses on immigrant families, making it a great game for family road trips. Each set includes 50 question cards and 20 action cards in English on one side and another language on the other ( Arabic, Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, and Thai).

Keep in mind:   Some reviewers say you can’t play this card game many times with the same people.  

Product details:   Number of players: 2 and up | Ages:   13 and up | Minutes to play a round: NA | Size: ‎3.81 x 2.81 x 1.44 inches

Where Should We Begin

road trip style games

This traveling card game stems from relationship therapist and author Esther Perel’s Where Should We Begin podcast and is ideally suited for adults. Cards with topics like “A dream I’ve never shared” and “One of the things that is keeping me up at night” help travel companions learn more about each other in an approachable way.

Keep in mind: Many reviewers prefer not to use the dice and pull randomly from the deck of cards instead.  

Product details: Number of players: 2 to 6 players | Ages: 18 and up | Minutes to play a round: NA | Size:   9.4 x 4.9 x 2.6 inches  

Best travel games for kids

Nex playground.

This compact game console works as a portable travel game that the whole family can play while on the road. The colorful cube uses motion sensors (with controllers or wearable gear) for family-friendly competition. Just plug Nex Playground into a TV and tap the library of more than 20 games and experiences ranging from dance-offs to sports competitions and activities like jumping in puddles with favorite cartoon characters.  

Keep in mind: You’ll need floor space of about 8 feet by 8 feet to play, since the game requires moving around. If you’re in a small hotel room or other tight space, that can be challenging.  

Product details:   Number of players: Up to 4 | Ages: 5 and up | Minutes to play a round:   5 | Size: 2.83 x 2.83 x 2.83 inches

Kanoodle Ultimate Champion

road trip style games

Popular on TikTok, this puzzle game can easily pack up and go with you on your next road trip. It comes with over 500 puzzles and a timer, challenging family members to use problem solving and spatial reasoning skills to beat the clock in time.  

Keep in mind:   This game requires two AAA batteries to operate.  

Product details: Number of players:   1 | Ages:   7 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 to 30 | Size: ‎5.75 x 2 inches  

Play Monster Take ’N Play Bingo

road trip style games

Kids can spend hours playing this traveling bingo game. The animal-based bingo cards are built into a metal case that closes for easy storage and transport. Two players take turns spinning the spinner and placing magnetic markers on the matching animals.

Keep in mind:   The magnet is built into one side of the marker pieces, so they’re not the strongest at staying put on the board. However, this game is hard to beat for an affordable and fun option.

Product details: Number of players:   2 | Ages:   4 and up | Minutes to play a round: 5 | Size:   1 x 6.50 x 6.50 inches

Pass the Pigs

road trip style games

Families will get a kick out of this adorable dice game that involves rolling a pair of pig-shaped pieces to score points. The first player to score 100 points wins. It’s also a great game to play anywhere while traveling, since it only requires a flat surface to play, plus the pigs, scoring pads, and pencils fit in a small plastic storage case that easily tucks into a backpack.  

Keep in mind: Small parts could pose a choking hazard for younger kids.  

Product details: Number of players:   2 | Ages:   7 and up | Minutes to play a round: 15 | Size:   1.63 x 4.25 x 9.25 inches

Our review process  

The best portable travel games are compact and light enough to take on a road trip or flight, can be contained in a case, and are still fun after multiple rounds of play.

Size:   Travel games shouldn’t be large and heavy. They should be small and light enough to fit easily into suitcases and carry-ons.

Multiplayer: Games for two or more players are best, since the whole point of travel games is to keep everyone entertained.  

Fun-factor: Travel games can help stave off boredom between activities, while you’re in transit, or during travel delays. So make sure you choose games that appeal across ages, interests, and have enough variety for the long haul.  

Tips for buying travel games

Size of the game

When it comes to the best travel games, size matters, whether you travel with just a carry-on suitcase or don’t want to bulk out your checked baggage. Look for games that are contained in a case small enough to fit into a backpack. On road trips, you can get away with larger games, especially if you’re driving your own vehicle.  

Game ratings and popularity

A game’s ratings and popularity can give you a good idea for whether or not it will work for your needs. A sure-fire tip is to look for reviews by customers with similar travel styles and companions as your own.  

Players’ ages

It goes without saying, but you’ll maximize fun by packing travel games that are appropriate for everyone in your group. Consider bringing a couple of games–one for spending time with the kids and another for adults.  

Time it takes to play a round

When shopping for the best travel games, keep in mind that some people can take longer to finish a game than others. Consider your travel companions’ attention spans and choose accordingly.  

Frequently asked questions

Are there travel-sized board games?

Yes, many classic and unique board games come in travel sizes. Some even have travel-friendly modifications, such as magnets to prevent pieces from sliding off the board and carrying cases that keep everything contained.  

How do you know if a game is good for traveling?

Some games are better suited to travel than others. Card games with a carrying case and board games that don’t have too many loose parts (or are magnetized) tend to be good options for the road. Consider the size and weight of the travel game’s carrying case too. Make sure there’s enough room among everything else you’re packing for your trip.  

What are the best travel games for an airplane?

Since space is limited on an airplane, look for games that don’t take up more room than a typical airplane tray table. You’ll also want travel games that can handle turbulence and that you can quickly and easily pick up, in case you need to get out of your seat for a neighbor.  

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road trip style games

8 Fun Road Trip Games for Adults, Couples, and Families

R oad trips are as much about the journey as the destination. But even though a car gives you flexibility and allows for more spontaneity than a plane, train, or bus, boredom is bound to set in. That's where games come in.

Whether you are hitting the road with a party of 2 or 10-or with kids or adults-here are appealing games that can help pass the time and keep the "are we there yet?" chorus at bay.

20 Questions

In this classic parlor game that transitions easily into the car, one player thinks of a random person, place, or thing and the other participants take turns asking up to 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out the answer through a process of elimination. Whoever gets the answer first starts the new round.

The License Plate Game

The goal of this quintessential road trip game is to spot at least one license plate from each of the 50 states. Participants can write down the states as they see them or check them off of a list. Have kids in tow? Print out a blank map of the United States for each tot and have them color in the states whenever they see a corresponding license plate.

Build a Story

You might not write the next great American novel on your road trip, but you can create a hilarious tale collaboratively. The first player invents an opening line and then everyone takes turns adding a sentence to the story. Keep it going for as long as you need to, whether it's the next rest stop or your final destination.

In this game, players take turns choosing letters to create a valid word (so no picking "Z" after someone says "X"). But the catch is that you don't want to be the person to complete the word. Any player who does complete a word is penalized by receiving a letter from the word GHOST: "G" for the first penalty, "H" for the second, and so forth. Players who receive five penalties-and therefore spell out the word "GHOST"-are eliminated until one winner remains.

Scavenger Hunt

A game that involves spotting specific objects during the trip might not be ideal for the driver, but the rest of the travel party can have a blast. Simply create a list of objects to look for beforehand and distribute it to each traveler. Make the game easy or challenging by choosing items that are really common or very rare. To add some randomness to the game, create a unique list for each participant. As with any scavenger hunt, whoever finds the most items wins.

Alphabet Game

A good choice for families traveling with children, the alphabet game is another road trip classic that involves looking for words on signs and billboards that start with each letter of the alphabet, beginning with the letter "A" until reaching "Z." Players can simply yell out the word when they see it, and the whole group moves on to the next letter. Whoever spots the most words wins.

Interactive Podcasts

You may not be able to convince a game show host to join your road trip adventure, but your entire travel party can put their smarts to the test by pressing play on a trivia or brain teaser podcast like Good Job, Brain! or Road Trip Riddles .

Name the Passenger

As you make your way along the open road, keep an eye on passengers in the other vehicles around you. (Unless you are driving, of course.) Pick some passengers at random and have a discussion about what name you would assign to them and why. Some laughs are guaranteed.

Nathalie Alonso is a journalist based in New York City. Her work has also appeared in National Geographic , Outside , Refinery29 and Well+Good , among other publications.

Lots of road trip games are free and you don't need to pack anything other than your brain and a sense of humor.

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Rutgers University Athletics

Indiana Up Next

Baseball Apr 25

Baseball Set for Road Trip to Indiana

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Rutgers baseball is on the road once again this week for a three-game series at Indiana. It is the team's first trip to Bloomington since 2019. 

Game one is set for a 6 p.m. first pitch on Friday evening, followed by a 2 p.m. start on Saturday and an 11 a.m. finale on Sunday which will be broadcast nationally on BTN.

Rutgers is coming off a series on the road to Iowa. 

The Scarlet Knights bounced back with a dominant 15-0 midweek win at home over St. John's on Tuesday.

The Hoosiers are 7-5 in the Big Ten and most recently won two-of-three on the road over Minnesota.

Friday and Saturday's games will be streamed on Big Ten Plus, with Sunday's game set for BTN with Jack Kizer (PxP) and Scott Pose (Analyst) on the call. 

Fans can also follow along on X ( @RutgersBaseball ) for live updates. Live stats will be available here .

Series History Rutgers is 9-13 all-time against Indiana, including a 7-9 mark in Big Ten games. The teams did not play in 2023, while the Scarlet Knights won all four games against the Hoosiers in 2022, including a 14-2 run-rule victory in the Big Ten Tournament. Last Time Out

Rutgers was swept on the road last weekend at Iowa. Justin Sinibaldi delivered another quality start on Friday night, but it wasn't enough in the 8-1 defeat. On the weekend, freshman Ty Doucette hit two home runs and drove in four runs.

In Tuesday's midweek game, RU shut out St. John's 15-0 behind an eight-run first inning and quality pitching across the board. 

Left Side, Strong Side 

The Scarlet Knights boast one of the top left sides of the infield in the entire country. SS Josh Kuroda-Grauer (#5) and 3B Tony Santa Maria (#13) are both ranked among the best at their respective positions by D1Baseball.com at the midpoint of the season.

Kuroda-Grauer was named to the Golden Spikes Award Midseason Watch List and a Midseason First Team All-American by Perfect Game . 

The duo has been the engine that powers RU's Big-Ten best offense and have the numbers to back it up. 

Kuroda-Grauer is batting .440 to lead the Big Ten and rank fourth in the country. His 65 hits lead the country. His 105 total bases, 17 doubles and 20 stolen bases are all second in the Big Ten.

After missing 2023 with injury, Santa Maria ranks among the Big Ten's best with 45 runs (third), 85 total bases (fifth), 10 home runs (sixth), 42 RBI (sixth) and 16 hit-by-pitches (third).

Rotation Continuity

After having to replace the entire starting rotation in back-to-back seasons, Rutgers has enjoyed continuity on the mound in 2024. 

Justin Sinibaldi and Christian Coppola have started every weekend game this season.

Sinibaldi has five outings of seven-plus innings, has gone eight-plus in three of his last seven stars and was named Big Ten Pitcher of the Week after a shutout against UConn. He has eight quality starts this season and has five in a row.

Coppola was named Big Ten Pitcher of the Week in February after a six-inning, nine-strikeout performance at Old Dominion and earned the win against UConn with 5.2 innings, three runs and six strikeouts.

Right Side Breakout

The right side of the RU infield has enjoyed a pair of breakout seasons thus far. Senior Cameron Love is having a career year in his final season on the Banks. His .333 average is third on the team, while his 17 extra-base hits are third and he already has a career high with three home runs.

True freshman Ty Doucette has emerged after missing 10 games with injury. His eight home runs are already second-most on the team and his 37 RBIs trail only Kuroda-Grauer and Santa Maria.

Staff Updates Head Coach Steve Owens announced a number of changes to his staff ahead of the 2024 season. Mike Garza was promoted to hitting coach after serving two years as a volunteer assistant.  With the NCAA increasing the number of full-time assistant coaches from two to three, Owens added Danny Bethea to the staff from St. John's. In his role, Bethea works with the team's catchers, offense and will coach first base.  Jack Arend also joined the staff as the Director of Player Development, where he oversees video and data collection while also running camps and clinics.  Depth Behind the Dish RU has a number of quality options at the catcher position for 2024. Hugh Pinkney returns after making 48 starts at catcher and designated hitter last season, hitting .267 with 12 extra-base hits and a .716 OPS in his true freshman season. JD Jones joins the catching corps as a transfer from Miami and provides a veteran presence. True freshman Jackson Natili is primed for a big career "On the Banks" and factors in as well. Infield Experience Rutgers returns at least a full season of starting experience at every infield spot, with Jordan Sweeney (108), Kuroda-Grauer (105), Cameron Love (63) and Santa Maria (60) combining for 376 starts for RU.  Outfield Options Trevor Cohen represents the lone returning starter in the RU outfield, having started all 56 games last season and hitting .298 with 26 walks to 22 strikeouts en route to being named to the All-Big Ten Freshman Team. Rutgers retooled with the addition of RJ Johnson Jr. from the JUCO ranks, who is expected to start in centerfied. Johnson his .343 with six home runs and 36 RBIs, while leading his Gulf Coast State team with 61 hits and 55 runs scored in 2023.  Transfers Pete Ciuffreda (Lafayette) and Pete Durocher (Manhattan) bring a combined seven seasons of experience to the outfield and can play multiple positions.  Bullpen Arms Ben Gorski returns for his final season after an All-Big Ten season in 2023 where he locked down eight saves and posted a 3.40 ERA with 46 strikeouts in 39.2 innings. He was named to NCBWA Stopper of the Year watchlist ahead of 2024. Sam Portnoy pitched to a 3.69 ERA across 31.2 innings in 20 appearances and also earned a spot on the NCBWA Stopper of the Year watchlist. Joey DeChiaro joins the bullpen as a graduate transfer from Old Dominion, where he appeared in 50 games across four seasons for the Monarchs. After a strong summer in the Cape Cod League, DeChiaro was named Preseason All-Conference by Perfect Game. Jake Marshall was third on the Scarlet Knights in 2023 with 51.0 innings as both a starter and reliever and will factor in the team's plans once again. Marshall struck out 60 batters in 51.0 innings a year ago and has 191 strikeouts in his collegiate career.  Joe Mazza was second to only Gorski with 24 appearances for RU last season and pitch 32.0 innings with a 4.78 ERA out of the bullpen.  The bullpen will also receive a boost from the returns of RHP Gavin Stellpflug and LHP Donovan Zsak – neither of whom pitched last season.  A pair of transfers in Jordan Falco (Adelphi) and Sonny Fauci (St. John's) emerged as relievers who can provide length out of the bullpen as well. 

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Players Mentioned

Trevor Cohen

#4 Trevor Cohen

Christian Coppola

#23 Christian Coppola

Ben Gorski

#35 Ben Gorski

Josh Kuroda-Grauer

#44 Josh Kuroda-Grauer

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BYU Basketball update: Cougars bring two players back, take road trip to Phoenix

By darnell dickson - | apr 26, 2024.

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Nothing brings a bunch of college students together better than a road trip.

New BYU coach Kevin Young flew his Cougar players to Phoenix on Friday for an NBA playoff game between the Suns (the team Young is still an assistant coach with) and Minnesota.

In his introductory news conference, Young said he wanted his players to watch film on what the Suns are currently running to get an idea of what they might see in practice.

They’re getting a closeup view in Game 3 of the NBA Playoffs.

Young also said retaining the current talent on the team was his No. 1 priority and the 2024-25 roster grew by two over the past 36 hours with recommitments from sophomore guards Dallin Hall and Richie Saunders.

Hall was getting looks from some pretty serious basketball programs (Duke, Creighton, Virginia, Clemson, among others) after entering the transfer portal a couple of weeks ago before ultimately deciding to return to Provo.

Hall’s social media post said, “Run It Back,” which is what the kids say when they are opting to stay with their original school.

Hall has started 51 games over the past two seasons. In BYU’s first year in the Big 12, Hall averaged 9.0 points and 5.1 assists per game at the point guard spot. Those numbers and his experience brought a lot of attention his way in the transfer portal, but he was convinced by Young to come back.

Saunders entered the portal after Mark Pope left to take the Kentucky job and made a trip to Lexington to check out opportunities with his former coach. Saunders let Cougar Nation know he was returning with a social media post that read simply, “I’m in.”

Saunders has played in 68 games, 65 of them off the bench, in two seasons. He averaged 9.6 points per game in 2023-24 and shot 36% from the 3-point line, but his real value is his energy and intensity on both ends of the court.

Both players were rated 4-star transfers by 24/7 Sports.

The BYU roster for next season is expected to include seven returning scholarship players (Hall, Saunders, Trey Stewart, Dawson Baker, Trevin Knell, Noah Waterman and Fousseyni Traore) along with incoming freshmen Isaac Davis and Brody Kozlowski.

Kozlowski was officially announced as a signee on Friday.

“We are thrilled to add Brody to our program,” Young said. “He is a high character and high achieving student-athlete on and off the court, evidenced by winning back-to-back Player of the Year honors in the state of Utah. He will bring size, versatility, shooting and toughness to our program. It’s a great time for BYU basketball and we are excited Brody and his family are joining with us.”

Young and his coaching staff are making contacts in the transfer portal, including guards Pop Isaacs (Texas Tech), Mike Sharavjamts (San Francisco) and Jalen Blackmon (Stetson) and forward TJ Power (Duke). Young also recently offered four-star guard JJ Mandiquit (Class of 2025).

Hudgins signs with BYU women’s hoops

Cougar coach Amber Whiting announced on Friday the addition of Marya Hudgins to the 2024-25 roster.

Hudgins comes to BYU after playing the first two years of her collegiate career at Santa Clara where she appeared in 63 games, starting 13 during her freshman and sophomore seasons.

“Marya [Hudgins] is a two-way, competitive player who wants to win,” said Whiting “She is a scoring threat on offense and a menace on the defensive end. Her length and athleticism will help us on the perimeter. She is a great perimeter shooter but can also take defenders off the bounce and has an incredibly high ceiling. She and I connected instantly and she will be a great fit for the team and culture we are building at BYU.”

The incoming junior scored 7.6 points per game on 39 percent shooting from the field and a 33.3 percent clip from three over two seasons with the Broncos. Hudgins also pulled down 5.1 rebounds, dished 0.9 assists and recorded nearly a steal per game.

Whiting’s roster for 2024-25 is coming together with seven returning players: Her daughter, sophomore Amari, along with seniors Emma Calvert, Heather Hamson, Kylie Krebs and Lauren Davenport, redshirt junior Arielle Mackey-Williams (who missed last season due to injury) and sophomore Marina Mata.

Incoming freshmen include Canadian star Delaney Gibb, Lone Peak’s Sarah Bartholomew and Idaho standouts Brinley Cannon and Kambree Barber.

In addition to Hudgins, the Cougars have also obtained a commitment from 6-foot-3 Buffalo transfer Hattie Ogden.

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Miami heat | after notching win in boston, heat look to deny celtics road-trip advantage.

Miami Heat center Bam Adebayo reacts after a three-point basket against the Chicago Bulls during the second half at Kaseya Center on Friday, April 19, 2024 in Miami. (John McCall/South Florida Sun Sentinel)

MIAMI — Conventional wisdom is that the home team has an advantage. Conventional wisdom does not apply to the Celtics in the playoffs.

Boston is 14-7 in its last 21 road playoff games, including five of seven games in Miami, with one being a victory in Game 7 of the 2022 Eastern Conference finals.

So, coming off a needed road win over their own on Wednesday, the Heat will try to flip the scrip t on the top-seeded Celtics and take a lead in the series in Game 3 (Saturday at 6 p.m.) and increase the advantage in Game 4 (Monday at 7 or 7:30 p.m.).

“We know what Boston’s going to come in here with,” Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. “Even knowing that, it’s hard to create that edge, that urgency, all that. We had an unbelievable sense of urgency after Game 1 of getting absolutely embarrassed and feeling a certain way about that. And having that extra day to sit with that was horrible. And that can be motivating.

“I’m sure Boston feels the same way. We’re going to have to beat them, I’m sure, at their best version of what they bring.”

The Heat have not been bad on the road in crucial games, either. Last year, they went 7-6 in road playoff games. They picked up a series-clinching, overtime win against the Bucks in the opening round as well as two series-opening wins and a Game 7 against the Celtics in the TD Garden. In this opening series against the Celtics, they split the first two games on the road.

“I think just staying steady,” said forward Caleb Martin, who scored 21 points and drained five 3-pointers in Miami’s win on Wednesday. I think a lot of it (is) you know what type of environment it’s going to be. It’s going to be a lot of runs, especially in that building. The basket can get 8 feet wide sometimes for them. I think just staying steady, just knowing they’re going to have those runs and knowing it’s going to be explosive. As long as we just stay steady, mentally, we’ll be alright.”

Although the Celtics are favored to win the series, the Heat’s victory in Game 2 threw a wrench in Boston’s coronation. Miami and Boston have faced off six previous times in the postseason since 2010. The Heat have won four series to the Celtics’ two, and the last four playoff series have gone six or seven games.

“That goes back to, obviously, when the Big 3 was here,” center Bam Adebayo said. “It just is what it is. It’s a great rivalry. You know it’s going to be a dogfight series every time.”

If the Heat are going to win this series, they will need to go back to Boston at least once.

“You’ve got to come in there with that mentality that whoever gets on that bus, that’s who’s got your back,” Adebayo said. “That’s how you’ve got to look at it: going into the lion’s den.”

But before that, the Heat know they will get the Celtics’ best punch in Miami.

“It goes both ways,” Martin said. “Just like you feed off your home crowd, one of the best feelings in the game is to go into somebody else’s place, especially a hostile environment, and leave with a win. They’re going to try to do the same.”

Wright questionable for Game 3

Heat guard Delon Wright may miss Game 3 against the Celtics. Miami listed the guard as questionable due to personal reasons on its injury report Friday night.

Duncan Robinson (back), Kevin Love (arm) and Haywood Highsmith (arm) are all listed as available.

Star Jimmy Butler (knee) and guard Terry Rozier (neck) are both still listed as out for Game 3 with their lingering injuries.

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Miami Heat's Tyler Herro gets his NBA playoff moment at Kaseya Center, as responsibilities increase amid absences of Jimmy Butler and Terry Rozier.

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  1. 41 Fun Road Trip Games To Play In The Car

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  2. 25 Road Trip Games

    If you'd like to tuck away those smartphones and kick it old-school, turn to these 25 boredom-busting road trip games. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. These fun road trip games will make the drive all the more exciting! Games like "I Spy" and "Two Truths and a Lie" are just a few that'll get the crew rolling.

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    2. I'm Going On A Road Trip. Another one for training memory, I'm Going On A Road Trip is a great road trip game for the whole family. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com. This road trip game requires a bit more brain power than some of the others, but is still really entertaining and great for all ages.

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    20 Questions is one of those games that has plenty of versatility. Let's look at a few ways to enjoy this game while on a road trip. You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be "it.". That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

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    Mad Libs. Mad libs are fun for all ages. There are a wide variety of these fill-in-the-blank stories, from adult-friendly options to ones based on your favorite TV shows to road trip focused stories. Whichever version you choose, you can pick adjectives and verbs to create your own hilarious stories. Buy Mad Libs.

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    3. Hangman. Bring a notebook along on your trip so you can play hangman. Each person takes a turn coming up with a word. Once you have a word, draw a blank for every letter in it on the paper ...

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    Spot the Car Road Trip Game. Printable Road Trip Scavenger Hunt. 16. License Plate Game. The license plate game is another popular road trip activity, it's basically a type of scavenger hunt based on the number plates of passing cars, however, there are a few different ways to play.

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    1. Truth or Dare. This is a classic game, but it can be adapted to a road trip as well. Take turns picking whether you want to reveal a truth or take a dare. In this case, you will need to pick a dare that can be done safely in the car or by stopping the car when you get the chance. Time to be creative!

  9. 100+ Fun Road Trip Games for Everyone!

    Let's dive into the timeless fun that makes every road trip memorable. 1. I Spy. How to Play: One player looks around and chooses an object that all players can see, but they keep it a secret. They say, "I spy with my little eye, something…" followed by a clue about the object's color, shape, or a general description.

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    7. THE GROCERY GAME. The Grocery Game will have everyone in the car giggling by the end. This game is similar to I Spy, but it easily takes the place of I Spy when you are experiencing the boring stretch of a road trip, like the desert. This game uses imagination rather than actual objects in the surrounding space.

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    License Plate Alphabet Game. Use license plates to complete the alphabet from A to Z. This is a great game for young kids who are reinforcing their ability to recite the alphabet. You can also collect double or triple letters from license plates - perfect for older kids. Road Trip Word Games. Word Rhyming.

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    2. Melissa & Doug Flip to Win Hangman. A retro game made road-ready, Flip to Win Hangman by Melissa & Doug is one of the best road trip games for beginning readers (ages 6 and up). Designed with flippable, magnetic wooden letters, each game comes with an erasable whiteboard and a self-store dry-erase marker.

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    Popular on TikTok, this puzzle game can easily pack up and go with you on your next road trip. It comes with over 500 puzzles and a timer, challenging family members to use problem solving and ...

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    Grim Fandango. Even if you don't like adventure games I so highly recommend it. Manny and Glottis are two of my favorite video game characters. The game involves the pair travelling to different locations as the story unfolds. A really fun and humourous adventure game. 27.

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    Road trips are as much about the journey as the destination. But even though a car gives you flexibility and allows for more spontaneity than a plane, train, or bus, boredom is bound to set in ...

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  22. The Long Drive- Road Trip Game 4+

    If you are tired of driving for a long route then you will find a safe place and do camping in your long road trip car drive games. Features of long road trip - car simulator: Beautiful and stunning long route 3d environments. Main city, Desert road, offroad driving 3d in long drive game Hunt the animals to get rewards in road trip games.

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  24. BYU Basketball update: Cougars bring two players back, take road trip

    Saunders has played in 68 games, 65 of them off the bench, in two seasons. He averaged 9.6 points per game in 2023-24 and shot 36% from the 3-point line, but his real value is his energy and ...

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    So, coming off a needed road win over their own on Wednesday, the Heat will try to flip the script on the top-seeded Celtics and take a lead in the series in Game 3 (Saturday at 6 p.m.) and ...

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