Billet Tour Belém

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Le billet Tour Belém

1 | planifiez votre visite.

Comme vous le savez sûrement, la Tour Belém est l’un des monuments les plus emblématiques de Lisbonne. Cette magnifique fortification Portugaise est l’œuvre du génie de Francisco de Arruda. La Tour Belém attire chaque année plus de 500 000 visiteurs et devient l’un des monuments les plus visités du Portugual derrière le Monastère des Jerónimos. Bâtie entre 1514 et 1519, sous le règne de Manuel 1 er , cette forteresse fut un édifice majeur dans l’histoire maritime du Portugal.

billet tour belem

500 000 visiteurs par an.

Francisco de Arruda, un ingénieur militaire portugais du XVIe siècle, a joué un rôle crucial dans la construction de la Tour de Belém à Lisbonne. Sous la direction de l’architecte Diogo de Boitaca, Arruda a contribué à la conception et à la réalisation de cette tour emblématique, achevée en 1521. Son expertise en architecture militaire a été mise en avant, intégrant des éléments défensifs tels que des canons et des mâchicoulis. La Tour de Belém, mêlant style manuélin et éléments mauresques, a été érigée pour renforcer la défense de Lisbonne et symboliser la grandeur maritime du Portugal à l’époque des découvertes.

billet tour belem

Planifiez votre visite à la Tour Belém.

1.1 Choix de la date

Il sera primordial pour découvrir la Tour Belém de définir votre date de visite qui conviendra le mieux à votre emploi du temps. Sachez que les visites à la première heure ou en fin de journée sont les créneaux les moins fréquentés. En période de fêtes il sera parfois difficile d’obtenir un billet, nous vous recommandons de réserver plusieurs jours, voire semaines en avance afin de vous assurer d’avoir un créneau de visite. Il est important de savoir qu’après l’achat du billet Tour Belém, il sera ni modifiable, ni remboursable. Celui-ci est comptabilisé pour les quotas de visites imposés avec votre billet Tour Belém.

billet tour belem

Découvrez l’intérieur de la Tour Belém.

La Tour Belém avait pour rôle d’assurer la défense du port de Lisbonne. Située à l’avant-poste, sur le Tage, elle constituait une forteresse stratégique contre les invasions extérieures. Mais cette tour vit aussi les départs d’explorateurs prestigieux, avec leurs caravelles lancées vers les territoires inexplorés de l’Afrique, de l’Amérique ou de l’Asie.

1.2 Achat du billet Tour Belém

Acheter votre billet Tour Belém en ligne vous permettra de ne pas perdre de temps. Vous pourrez ainsi limiter votre temps d’attente lors de votre venue à la Tour Belém. tilckets vous permet via ce site d’effectuer votre réservation en ligne avec de nombreuses options de visites via la plateforme sécurisée de Tiqets. Nous informons que le site de tilckets n’est pas le site officiel mais une marque affiliée à Tiqets. Tiqets est l’un des partenaires de la Tour Belém. La réservation est simplifiée, choisissez le type de billet en fonction de vos préférences (accès à la Tour, Pass de visites, etc.) , vous recevrez directement votre billet Tour Belém par e-mail. Vous pourrez ensuite présenter votre billet Tour Belém via votre smartphone ou en format imprimé.

billet tour belem

Limitez votre temps d’attente lors de votre venue.

2 | Avant votre visite.

2.1 Itinéraire Planifiez et organisez votre itinéraire pour rejoindre la Tour Belém. Celle-ci n’est pas si accessible. Utilisez les transports en commun ou réservez un taxi si nécessaire. Vous pourrez aussi y accéder par le tramway arrêt Lg. Princesa qui est situé à 6 minutes seulement de la Tour Belém. Vous pourrez découvrir les accès à la Tour Belém ici.

2.2 Tenue vestimentaire Pour visiter la Tour Belém, optez pour une tenue confortable et légère, adaptée à la météo méditerranéenne. Des chaussures de marche confortables sont recommandées pour plus de confort. La Tour Belém étant composé de cinq étages, vous aurez quelques escaliers à monter. Ajoutez des accessoires tels qu’un chapeau et des lunettes de soleil pour vous protéger du soleil, et n’oubliez pas une bouteille d’eau.

2.3 Temps de visite Prévoyez suffisamment de temps pour profiter pleinement de la visite. Une fois entré avec votre billet Tour Belém, votre temps ne sera pas limité, vous pourrez prendre le temps nécessaire pour le visiter et vous y balader.

billet tour belem

L’entrée de la Tour Belém est située côté nord.

3 | Votre Arrivée

3.1 Par où entrer ?

Les visiteurs accèdent généralement à la Tour Belém par la porte principale située du côté nord. Cette entrée en hauteur est accessible via un escalier, et elle est agrémentée de motifs décoratifs caractéristiques du style manuélin. Il est recommandé de consulter les horaires d’ouverture et d’être attentif à d’éventuelles restrictions d’accès avant de planifier la visite.

À votre arrivée sur place, suivez les indications pour localiser l’entrée réservée aux visiteurs. Présentez votre billet Tour Belém à l’entrée depuis votre smartphone ou en format imprimé. L’important est que votre QR code soit facilement lisible. Assurez-vous d’arriver à l’heure précisée sur vos billets afin de respecter les créneaux de visite. Vous pourrez ainsi vous émerveiller devant l’architecture exceptionnelle imaginée par Francisco de Arruda.

billet tour belem

4 | Pendant votre visite

4.1 Découverte des espaces

Une fois à l’intérieur, les visiteurs ont la possibilité d’explorer les différentes salles de la tour, notamment la salle des audiences, ainsi que de profiter de la terrasse qui offre une vue panoramique sur le fleuve Tage et ses alentours.

billet tour belem

4.2 Observation architecturale

Prenez le temps d’admirer l’architecture manuéline imaginée par Francisco de Arruda. C’est une architecture du style gothique tardif qui intègre des éléments de l’art flamand, de l’art islamique et de motifs marins liés à l’ère des découvertes. Les caractéristiques de l’architecture manuéline incluent des univers richement décoratifs, tels que des motifs floraux, des nœuds complexes, des symboles héraldiques et des représentations de cordages et de nautisme. L’architecte Francisco de Arruda a imaginé la tour de Belém selon les formes d’une proue de caravelle. Elle est ainsi composée de deux grandes structures : le bastion et la tour.

Le bastion.

Le bastion, comme la tour, est accessible depuis les terres par un pont-levis. Il se décompose en deux niveaux.

La première salle, dans laquelle vous allez directement arriver, comprenait les pièces d’artillerie. Les murs sont composés d’ouvertures destinées aux canons de la forteresse. Au-dessus vous trouverez une première terrasse, qui servait aux gardes, et qui offre aujourd’hui un beau panorama sur le Tage.

La tour, que vous pourrez rejoindre depuis la terrasse avec votre Billet Tour Belem, comprend cinq étages. Chacun donne accès à une salle spécifique, qu’il est possible de visiter.

Tous sont reliés par un escalier en colimaçon, qu’il peut être parfois difficile d’emprunter en cas de forte affluence. Mais le monter en vaut le détour : au sommet, une seconde terrasse permet aux visiteurs d’avoir un point de vue à 35 mètres de hauteur.

5 | Après votre visite

5.1 Boutique de souvenirs

À la fin de votre visite, vous pourrez découvrir la boutique et repartir avec un souvenir de la Tour Belém.

5.2 Temps libre

Si vous avez du temps libre, profitez-en pour vous promener dans les environs. Prenez le temps d’apprécier la magnifique Tour Belém depuis l’avenue Brasília.

billet tour belem

Bonne visite !

La visite est gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans, et dure entre 30 minutes et une 1 heure environ. Pour les personnes en fauteuil roulant, l’accès est limité au rez-de-chaussée. La visite de la tour n’est malheureusement pas possible. La réservation du billet Tour Belém jouera un rôle central dans la simplification de votre voyage à Lisbonne. En suivant les conseils de tilckets, vous devriez pouvoir organiser une visite agréable et bien planifiée.

 De Mai à Septembre : 10H – 18H30

De Octobre à Avril : 10H – 17H30.

Fermé le lundi. 1 er Janvier, Dimanche Pâques, 1 er Mai, 13 juin et 25 décembre.

Temps à prévoir :

Circuit de visite : Entre 1H et 1H30.

billet tour belem

Accès Tour de Belém

  15E     Arrêt Lg. Princesa (à 6 min)

Lignes 149, 729, 79B.

Este sítio está associado à plataforma Tiqets. A Tiqets é um dos parceiros oficiais do monumento para a revenda de bilhetes. Este site não é o site oficial; os bilhetes são vendidos através da plataforma Tiqets, um dos parceiros da Torre de Belém.

billet tour belem

Belém Tower in Lisbon

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Belém Tower in Lisbon

Belém Tower was first built to defend Lisbon . Years later, it was transformed into a lighthouse and then a customs center.

The Belém Tower (Torre de Belém) was built between 1514 and 1520 in a Manuelino style by the Portuguese architect and sculptor Francisco de Arruda. It was classified as a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO.

Constructed on the northern bank of the Tagus River, this tower was used to defend the city . Years later, it was transformed into a lighthouse and customs house. It's located right by the  Jerónimos Monastery , so we recommend visiting them on the same day.

Inside Belém Tower

The ground floor of this architectural jewel has 16 windows with cannons . The visit also includes a tour of the pits and holes where the prisoners were thrown into.

The tower has five floors which lead to a roof terrace. Each story is connected by a small and narrow spiral staircase, which, on the busiest days is a little overwhelming, having to wait your turn to go up and down.

The floors are, from bottom to top: The Governor’s Hall, The Kings’ Hall, the Audience Hall, the Chapel, and the Roof terrace.

The rhinoceros gargoyle

On the western façade of the Tower of Belém, you’ll find a curious gargoyle in the shape of a rhinoceros. Interestingly, the first rhino to set foot in Portugal was in 1513 from India. 

Belém Tower

Belém Coast , 6 kilometers west of Lisbon.

October - April : 10 am to 5:30 pm. May - September : 10 am to 6.30 pm. Closed: Mondays, 1 January, Easter Sunday, 1 May and 25 December.

Adults : € 6 ( US$ 6.40) (+ Jerónimos Monastery, € 12 ( US$ 12.80); Jerónimos Monastery + Ajuda Palace: € 16 ( US$ 17)) Senior (over 65 years old): 50% discount. Youth Card: 50% discount. Children (less than 12 years old): free entrance. Free entrance with the Lisboa Card .

Tram : line 15 . Bus : lines 27, 28, 29, 43, 49, 51 and 112. Train: Belem , Cascáis Line.

Nearby places

Belém (245 m) Monument to the Discoveries in Lisbon (919 m) Archaeology Museum (1 km) Jerónimos Monastery (1.1 km) National Coach Museum (1.6 km)

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ticket tour de belem

ticket tour de belem

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The inside story

Lisbon’s most photographed monument is without a doubt the majestic Torre de Belém. Also known as the Tower of Saint Vincent, the fortress tower located on the freguesia of Santa Maria de Belém also holds the status of UNESCO heritage site, and it is also the symbol of Portugal’s great past of exploration and discovery. Commissioned by King João II to be part of the defence system facing the Tagus river and also as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon, the tower was actually built in the 16th century entirely with lioz limestone incorporating hints of several architectural styles but mostly Portuguese Manueline. Built on an island near the Lisbon shore, for many years it has been incorrectly stated that the tower was built in the middle of the Tagus and now sits near the shore because the river was redirected after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. The Belém Tower was added on 7 July 2007 to the registry of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.

ticket tour de belem

How to get there

Lisbon Tourist Information

  • 50 Things to Do
  • Religious Sites
  • Castelo de Sao Jorge
  • Tower of Belém
  • Jeronimos Monastery
  • Arrival in Lisbon
  • Public Transport
  • Train Stations in Lisbon
  • Audio Guides
  • 3 Days Itinerary
  • 1 Day Itinerary
  • Lifestyle Guide
  • Shopping Guide
  • Restaurant Guide
  • Nightlife Guide
  • Guide to Sintra
  • Alfama Quarter Guide
  • Central Hotels
  • Historic Hotels
  • Boutique Hotels
  • Airport Hotels
  • Hotels with A Pool
  • Romantic Hotels
  • Group Hotels
  • Where to Stay?
  • Tours & Tickets

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Guide to tower of belém: tips, history & more.

tower of belem in lisbon in portugal

The Tower of Belém, built to defend the city, is not only one of the top 10 attractions of Lisbon, but also the most famous historical landmark in Portugal.

Perched on the banks of the Tagus River, the 16 th century medieval fortress is an enduring symbol of Portugal's powerful maritime empire. With its history and impressive architecture, the UNESCO World Heritage Site should be on every traveler's itinerary.

In this guide, read everything you should know before your visit, including the history, the top things to do, directions, hours, and more.

Let’s start!

Things to do at the Tower of Belém

The Tower of Belém, one of Lisbon's most remarkable monuments, was the starting point of numerous voyages to the New World. It is therefore considered an iconic symbol of Portugal's Age of Discoveries and is an absolute must-see.

It was built during the reign of King Manuel I as part of a defensive system and at the same time as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon, and later also served as a prison and lighthouse, among other things. A visit to this Manueline jewel is like a short trip through 500 years of Portuguese history .

See below some of the highlights not to be missed:

Architecture of the Tower of Belém in Lisbon

1. Architecture of the Tower of Belém

One of the most striking features of the Belém Tower is its unique architecture. Standing in front of the tower, admiring its exterior, is therefore a mind-blowing experience.

The Tower of Belém was made of Lioz limestone and built by military architect and sculptor Francisco de Arruda in the Portuguese Manueline style of the late 16th century. The influences of Moorish architecture are also clearly visible, for example in the watchtowers, arched windows and balconies.

Remarkable is the base of the structure, a bastion from which a 30-meter tower rises.

Decorations of Belem Tower in Lisbon

2. Decorations

A closer look at the exterior reveals a wealth of decorations , sculptures , gargoyles, pillars, arches, and cupolas .

Particularly noteworthy are the many stone motifs that adorn the façade and show religious symbols, exotic animals or references to the discoveries of Portugal. You can find Saint Vincent, the Patron Saint of Lisbon, the royal coat of arms, twisted ropes and knots as well as the cross of the Order of Christ.

Don't miss the figure in the shape of a rhinoceros on the west façade. What makes it interesting is that this is the first time this animal has been used in Western European art.

→ If you'd like to explore more European art, across the street is the Belém Cultural  Center which contains one of Lisbon's best museums . 

Inside Tower of Belém in Lisbon

3. Inside Tower of Belém

It is possible to enter the Tower of Belém and take a close look from inside. There are four floors in total, which are connected by a rather narrow spiral staircase.

When entering, you will first see the artillery rooms with 16 openings for the cannons that were used for defense. You can even discover ditches from the time the tower was used as a dungeon for political prisoners.

When touring this architectural gem, you can discover the Governor’s Room with a vaulted cistern , the Kings’ Room with great acoustics and a loggia overlooking the river , the Audience Room and the Chapel with its typical 16th-century vaults.

The Belem Tower Terrace in Lisbon

4. The Tower Terrace

Be sure to climb to the top of the Belém Tower. A spiral staircase will take you all the way up to a roof terrace. There you will be rewarded with a breathtaking panoramic view of the riverside and the surrounding area. 

Attractions nearby to Belem Tower in Lisbon

5. Attractions nearby

When you visit the Tower of Belém, you should also take time to explore the Belém neighborhood, one of Lisbon’s most historic districts . It is filled with centuries-old architecture, renowned museums and some of the country's best pastry shops. For a tour of the historic district, we recommend the self-guided Belém audio tour from YourMobileGuide . Find more information below.

Other places worth a visit are the Manueline-style Jerónimos Monastery , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the tomb of Vasco de Gama, and the magnificent Monument to the Discoveries. This monument celebrating Portuguese seafarers and explorers depicts 33 important figures of the Portuguese late Middle Ages, including explorers, kings and artists. You can even go inside the building, which houses an auditorium and an exhibition hall, and climb up to the observation deck, offering a view of the surrounding area and the Tower of Belém.

→ The Tower of Belém shares the  neighborhood with many of Lisbon's five star hotels  and is just a short distance from some of the city's most romantic hotels for honeymoons or getaways. Check out complete lists before making a reservation. 

Entrance, Tickets, and Tours to Tower of Belém

  • Entrance: The Tower of Belém is open every day, except for Mondays. From October to March, it is open between 10 and 17:30. From April to September, the tower is open between 10 and 18:30. The Tower of Belém is closed on 1 January, Easter Sunday, 1 May, 13 June, 24 and 25 December.
  • Tickets:  Check out an exclusive selection of the  most popular tickets for the Belém Tower here!
  • Tours:  Visitors who want to dive deeper into the rich history of this quarter will appreciate the self-guided tour of Belém . With YourMobileGuide's audio guide app, which takes you to Belém's must-see attractions, you can explore the neighborhood on your own while still benefiting from expert guidance and comprehensive information.
  • Traveler’s Tip: The entrance is free for Children aged 12 and under, holders of the Lisboa Card, unemployed EU citizens (proof required), on 18 April and every Sunday during European Heritage Days.

How to Get to the Tower of Belém?

The Tower of Belém is located on the waterfront at the historic district of Belém.

From Praça do Comércio: Take the Tram 15E and go 17 stops to “Lg. Princesa” station. From here, it is just a 6-minutes walk.

Need to know more about getting around the city? Check out the full guide to Lisbon's public transportation and tickets. 

FAQ about Tower of Belém

Where is the Belém Tower?

Why was the Belém Tower built?

The Belém Tower was built as a defense system for those who wanted to enter from the Tagus River. In addition, it served as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon, where the ships were embarked and disembarked.

How long did it take to build the Tower of Belém?

The Tower of Belém was built between 1514 and 1519.

Why is the Belém Tower important?

The Tower of Belém is regarded as one of the most important landmarks of Portugal. The medieval fortress with its 500 years of history is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and icon of the Portugal’s Age of Discoveries. Moreover, the tower is considered to be one of the most beautiful examples of Portuguese Manueline architecture.

Can you go inside Torre de Belém?

Visitors who buy an entry ticket can enter the Tower of Belem and tour the inside of the medieval fortress. Highlights inside are the Governor’s Room with a vaulted cistern , the Kings’ Room with a loggia overlooking the river , the Audience Room and the Chapel with its typical 16th-century vaults. Be sure to go to the top of the tower. The rooftop terrace offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.

History & Facts about Tower of Belém in Lisbon

History & Facts about Tower of Belém

The Tower of Belém, officially the Tower of St. Vincent, was constructed under King Manuel I to protect the city against attacks from enemies. Originally it had been the idea of King John II to place a ship as a defensive post at the entrance to the Tagus, but his successor, King Manuel, pursued the plan to build the Tower of Belém instead. 

While today the tower sits on the north side of the Tagus River, it was originally built on a small island. However, after the severe earthquake of 1755, the island shifted due to the change in the flow of the river. Over many centuries, the location of the Tower of Belém moved to the riverbank and the island disappeared.

The Tower of Belém was not only a military fortress, but also served many other purposes during its 500-year history. It was the starting point of seafarers into unknown worlds, including Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama. After the Spanish occupation in 1580, the tower was used as a dungeon for political prisoners, who were kept in the former ammunition depot that was constantly flooded by the river. Later, it served as a lighthouse and customs house.

The Tower of Belém has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. Since 2007, it has been classified as one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal. Today, it is one of the most visited attractions in Lisbon.

Best Audioguide to Visit Belém

Audio guides are a great way to explore the highlights of the city at your own pace! This way you can get to know the city inexpensively, simply by using your mobile phone. YourMobileGuide is the best AudioGuide app for travelers . Just download the app, featuring self-guided tours written by local experts, a free city map, and exclusive discounts.

If you want to visit Belém and its famous tower, the Tour of Belém from YourMobileGuide is your perfect choice. Immerse yourself in the rich past of this quarter and discover its most important sights while listening to fascinating facts and stories.

Contact & Map

  • Address:  Torre de Belém, Av. Brasília, 1400-038 Lisboa, Portugal
  • Opening Hours: October to March: From 10 to 17:30; April to September: From 10 to 18:30
  • Public Transport: Tram 15E,   Lg. Princesa Stop
  • Official Website:

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How to Visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal: Travel Guide and Tips

October 26, 2023 by Edson Amorina Jr Leave a Comment

How to Visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal: Travel Guide and Tips

Explore iconic Belém Tower (Torre de Belém) in Lisbon, a UNESCO-listed fortress along the River Tagus, with a rich history of defending Portugal.

If you are planning a trip to Portugal, you should not miss the Torre de Belém, one of the most iconic landmarks of the country. The Torre de Belém, or the Tower of Belém, is a 16th-century fortification that stands on the banks of the Tagus River in Lisbon. It was built to defend the city from maritime attacks and to serve as a ceremonial gateway to the Portuguese explorers who sailed from here to discover new lands.

The Torre de Belém is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Portugal’s Age of Discovery. It is also a stunning example of Manueline architecture, a style that combines Gothic, Renaissance, and Moorish elements. The tower has four floors and a terrace, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the river and the city.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about how to visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal, including its history, location, transportation, opening hours, admission fees, accommodation, attractions, food, and itineraries. Read on and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

If you are traveling in the summer, be sure to visit the  7 Most Beautiful Beaches in the Algarve Region in Portugal or 5 Churches with blue tile facades in the city of Porto, Portugal .

If you are traveling in winter, the best itinerary is to get to know the  The best Pastel de Nata de Lisboa in Portugal and the Pastel de Belém .

How to Visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal: Travel Guide and Tips

Belém Tower Entry Ticket – Visit one of Lisbon’s most iconic monuments with an entry ticket to the Belém Tower. Learn more about the UNESCO-listed fortress, built at the mouth of the River Tagus to defend the city from attack

Table of Contents

Brief History of Torre de Belém in Portugal

The Torre de Belém was commissioned by King Manuel I in 1514 and completed in 1520. It was designed by Francisco de Arruda, a military architect who had worked in Morocco and was influenced by Islamic art. The tower was part of a larger defense system that included a fortress on the opposite shore and a chain that could be raised to block the river.

The tower also served as a ceremonial entrance to Lisbon for the ships that returned from the overseas expeditions. The tower’s façade is decorated with sculptures of Saint Vincent, the patron saint of Lisbon, and a rhinoceros, which was a gift from India to King Manuel I. The tower also has a chapel dedicated to Saint Mary of Belém, where the sailors prayed before their voyages.

Belém Tower witnessed many historical events, such as the earthquake of 1755 that destroyed much of Lisbon, the Napoleonic invasion of 1807 that forced the royal family to flee to Brazil, and the Carnation Revolution of 1974 that ended the dictatorship in Portugal. It was restored several times and opened to the public as a museum in 1983.

Where is Torre de Belém in Portugal

The Torre de Belém is located in the parish of Belém, about 6 km west of Lisbon’s city center. Belém is a historic district that was once the departure point for many Portuguese explorers, such as Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral, and Ferdinand Magellan. Today, it is home to many cultural and historical attractions, such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Monument to the Discoveries, the Belém Cultural Center, and the National Coach Museum.

How to go to Torre de Belém in Portugal

There are several ways to go to Torre de Belém in Portugal from Lisbon’s city center. You can take public transportation, such as bus, tram, train, or ferry; you can rent a bike or a scooter; or you can join a guided tour or hop-on hop-off bus. Here are some options:

  • Bus: You can take bus number 15E or 728 from Praça da Figueira or Praça do Comércio and get off at Altinho or Mosteiro dos Jerónimos stops. The journey takes about 25 minutes and costs 2 euros.
  • Tram: You can take tram number 15E from Praça da Figueira or Praça do Comércio and get off at Altinho or Mosteiro dos Jerónimos stops. The journey takes about 25 minutes and costs 3 euros.
  • Train: You can take train from Cais do Sodré station and get off at Belém station. The journey takes about 10 minutes and costs 1.85 euros.
  • Ferry: You can take ferry from Cais do Sodré station or Terreiro do Paço station and get off at Belém station. The journey takes about 15 minutes and costs 1.25 euros.
  • Bike or scooter: You can rent a bike or a scooter from several locations in Lisbon and ride along the riverside path to Belém. The journey takes about 30 minutes and costs between 5 and 15 euros per day.
  • Guided tour or hop-on hop-off bus: You can join a guided tour or hop-on hop-off bus that includes Torre de Belém in its itinerary. The journey takes between 1 and 2 hours and costs between 10 and 25 euros per person.

Services that can help with your transfer and visit:

  • Lisbon: Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour
  • Lisbon: Electric Bike Tour by the River to Belém
  • Lisbon: Belem District and River 3-Hour Guided Segway Tour

What are the best times to visit Torre de Belém in Portugal

The best times to visit Torre de Belém in Portugal are in the morning or in the late afternoon, when the sun is not too strong and the crowds are not too large. The tower is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (last admission at 5:30 pm). The tower is closed on Mondays and on some holidays, such as January 1, May 1, and December 25.

The admission fee to Torre de Belém is 6 euros for adults, 3 euros for students and seniors, and free for children under 12 and residents of Lisbon. You can also buy a combined ticket that includes Torre de Belém, Jerónimos Monastery, and National Archaeological Museum for 12 euros. You can buy the tickets online or at the ticket office near the tower.

The tower has a limited capacity of 150 people at a time, so you may have to wait in line to enter. You can also book a guided tour or an audio guide for an extra fee. The tower has stairs and narrow passages, so it is not accessible for people with reduced mobility or large luggage. The tower has a souvenir shop and a café on the ground floor.

What are the best times to visit Torre de Belém in Portugal

Where to stay near Torre de Belém in Portugal – Resort, hotel, hostel and Bed & Breakfast

If you want to stay near Torre de Belém in Portugal, you have many options to choose from, depending on your budget and preferences.

Read our post Where to stay in Lisbon, Portugal – Tips for the best region and hotel !

You can find resorts, hotels, hostels, and bed and breakfasts in Belém or nearby areas, such as Alcântara, Ajuda, or Restelo. Here are some suggestions:

  • Resort: If you want to enjoy a luxurious and relaxing stay near Torre de Belém, you can book a room at Altis Belém Hotel & Spa, a five-star resort that offers stunning views of the river and the tower. The resort has a spa, a pool, a restaurant, a bar, and a terrace. The rooms are spacious and elegant, with modern amenities and balconies. The price per night starts from 200 euros.
  • Hotel: If you want to stay in a comfortable and convenient hotel near Torre de Belém, you can book a room at Hotel Jerónimos 8, a four-star hotel that is located next to the Jerónimos Monastery and within walking distance from the tower. The hotel has a contemporary design, with colorful rooms and artworks. The hotel has a breakfast room, a lounge bar, and a garden. The price per night starts from 100 euros.
  • Hostel: If you want to stay in a budget-friendly and social hostel near Torre de Belém, you can book a bed at Belem Hostel, a cozy hostel that is located in a renovated building in the heart of Belém. The hostel has dorms and private rooms, with shared bathrooms and kitchens. The hostel has a common area, a terrace, and free Wi-Fi. The price per night starts from 15 euros.
  • Bed and Breakfast: If you want to stay in a charming and authentic bed and breakfast near Torre de Belém, you can book a room at Casa Amarela Belém B&B, a family-run guesthouse that is located in a historic building near the tower. The guesthouse has four rooms, each with its own theme and decoration. The guesthouse has a breakfast room, a living room, and free Wi-Fi. The price per night starts from 50 euros.

There are also some other accommodation options in hotels, hostels and inns, be sure to check them out at page .

What to do near Torre de Belém in Portugal

The Torre de Belém is located in the district of Belém, which is about 6 km west of the city center. You can easily reach it by public transport, such as bus, tram or train. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or rent a bike or a scooter.

Once you are there, you will find plenty of things to do and see near the tower. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Visit the Jerónimos Monastery, another UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most impressive buildings in Lisbon. It was built in the same period as the tower and features a magnificent church and cloister. You can admire the elaborate carvings, sculptures and paintings that decorate its interior and learn about its history and importance.
  • Explore the Maritime Museum, which showcases Portugal’s naval heritage and achievements. You can see models, maps, instruments and artifacts related to the Portuguese explorers, such as Vasco da Gama, Magellan and Cabral. You can also visit the Royal Barge Pavilion, where you can see the lavish boats used by the Portuguese royalty.
  • Discover the Berardo Collection Museum, which houses one of the most important collections of modern and contemporary art in Europe. You can admire works by artists such as Picasso, Warhol, Dali, Mondrian and Kandinsky. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Enjoy the gardens and monuments of Belém Cultural Center, which is a complex of buildings that host cultural activities and events. You can stroll through its green spaces and fountains, see sculptures by artists such as Henry Moore and Alexander Calder, and visit its auditoriums, theaters and exhibition halls.
  • Taste the famous pastéis de Belém, which are custard tarts sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. They are a traditional delicacy that originated in this area and are still made according to a secret recipe by a bakery near the monastery. You can buy them fresh from the oven and eat them on the spot or take them away.

Jerónimos Monastery in Portugal

Lisbon: Jerónimos Monastery Entrance Ticket – Enjoy access to the Jerónimos Monastery with this entry ticket and marvel at the monument’s 16th-century Manueline architectural style.

Top 10 tourist attractions near Torre de Belém in Portugal

If you have more time to spend near the Torre de Belém, you can also check out these other tourist attractions that are worth a visit:

  • Monument to the Discoveries: A monumental sculpture that depicts figures from Portugal’s history of exploration, such as Henry the Navigator, Pedro Álvares Cabral and Fernão de Magalhães. It was built in 1960 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Henry’s death and offers a viewpoint on its top.
  • MAAT: The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology is a modern building that showcases innovative projects and exhibitions related to art, science and society. It has a distinctive curved shape that reflects on the river and blends with the landscape.
  • National Coach Museum: A museum that displays a collection of historical carriages used by the Portuguese royalty and nobility from the 16th to the 19th century. You can see examples of different styles and functions, such as ceremonial, travel or hunting carriages.
  • Ajuda National Palace: A royal palace that was built in the 19th century after an earthquake destroyed the previous one. It has a neoclassical facade and an opulent interior that features rooms decorated with furniture, paintings, tapestries and porcelain from various periods and countries.
  • Botanical Garden of Ajuda: A botanical garden that was created in the 18th century as a scientific and educational institution. It has a variety of plants from different regions of the world, such as tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean. It also has a historical greenhouse, a fountain and a viewpoint.
  • Belém Tower Beach: A small beach that is located next to the tower and offers a nice spot to relax and enjoy the sun and the water. You can also see the 25 de Abril Bridge, which is a suspension bridge that connects Lisbon to the south bank of the river.
  • Electricity Museum: A museum that is housed in a former thermoelectric power plant that was built in the early 20th century. It displays the machinery and equipment that were used to produce electricity and explains how it works and how it changed the city’s life.
  • Combatant Museum: A museum that is dedicated to the Portuguese soldiers who participated in the wars and conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. It exhibits uniforms, weapons, medals and documents that tell their stories and experiences.
  • Tropical Botanical Garden: A botanical garden that was founded in 1906 as a research center for tropical plants. It has a collection of over 500 species from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. It also has a palace, a chapel and a pond.
  • National Archaeology Museum: A museum that displays artifacts from various periods and cultures of Portugal’s history, from prehistory to the Middle Ages. You can see objects such as pottery, jewelry, coins, sculptures and mosaics.

Guided tours and tourist attractions in Lisbon, Portugal

Be sure to check out these offers and opportunities in Portugal, Lisbon.

Tip itineraries for 1 day to visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal

If you want to make the most of your day near the Torre de Belém, you can follow one of these suggested itineraries:

  • Itinerary 1 : Start your day by visiting the Torre de Belém and admire its architecture and views. Then, walk to the Jerónimos Monastery and explore its church and cloister. Next, head to the Maritime Museum and learn about Portugal’s maritime history. After that, have a lunch break at one of the nearby restaurants or cafes and taste the pastéis de Belém. In the afternoon, visit the Berardo Collection Museum and enjoy its modern art collection. Finally, end your day at the Monument to the Discoveries and climb to its viewpoint.
  • Itinerary 2 : Start your day by visiting the MAAT and discover its innovative exhibitions. Then, walk to the Electricity Museum and see how electricity was produced in the past. Next, head to the National Coach Museum and admire its historical carriages. After that, have a lunch break at one of the nearby restaurants or cafes and taste the pastéis de Belém. In the afternoon, visit the Ajuda National Palace and explore its royal rooms. Finally, end your day at the Botanical Garden of Ajuda and relax in its greenery.
  • Itinerary 3 : Start your day by visiting the Combatant Museum and learn about Portugal’s military history. Then, walk to the Tropical Botanical Garden and enjoy its exotic plants. Next, head to the National Archaeology Museum and see its ancient artifacts. After that, have a lunch break at one of the nearby restaurants or cafes and taste the pastéis de Belém. In the afternoon, visit the Belém Tower Beach and relax on the sand or swim in the water. Finally, end your day at the Torre de Belém and admire its architecture and views.

ticket tour de belem

Small Group Walking Tour of Belém – Explore Belém and Portugal’s rich maritime heritage on a 3 hour walking tour. Follow your guide through the banks of the River Tagus and visit sites like the Belém Tower and the Jerónimos Monastery.

Where to eat near Torre de Belém in Portugal – Tips for bars and restaurants

If you are looking for some places to eat near Torre de Belém in Portugal, you have plenty of options to choose from. Here are some tips for bars and restaurants that offer good food, service and atmosphere:

  • Pão Pão Queijo Queijo: A casual eatery that specializes in sandwiches made with fresh bread and cheese. You can also try other snacks such as salads, soups or pastries.
  • Nosolo Italia: A restaurant that serves Italian cuisine such as pizza, pasta or gelato. You can also enjoy its terrace with views of the river.
  • À Margem: A restaurant that is located on a dock on the riverfront. It offers contemporary Portuguese cuisine with seasonal ingredients and creative presentations.
  • Darwin’s Café: A restaurant that is part of the Berardo Collection Museum. It has a modern decor and a menu that features international dishes with a twist.
  • Estaminé 1908: A restaurant that is housed in a former tram station. It has a cozy atmosphere and a menu that features traditional Portuguese dishes with regional products.

Where to eat near Torre de Belém in Portugal – Tips for bars and restaurants

Lisbon: Food and Wine Walking Tour – Savor the flavors of Portuguese food on a 3-hour tour of Lisbon’s traditional eateries. In the company of a culinary guide, get tips on wine, petiscos, food, and fado on a shared or private tour.

The Belém Tower, a Torre de Belém, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Portugal’s Age of Discovery. It is also a stunning example of Manueline architecture, a style that combines Gothic, Renaissance and Moorish elements.

General international travel tips

For general travel tips, be sure to check out:

  • The best Travel Quotes to motivate your trip on an adventure!
  • Tips for using Google Flights and buying the best airfare

Where to travel next?

Other posts beautiful destination:

  • Complete travel guide to visit the Romantic Road in Germany 
  • Berlin, Germany – Top 20 sights and things to do and visit
  • Paris, France – Top 10 must-see sights and tourist attractions
  • What to do in New York, USA – Trave Guide and tips
  • Best travel tips for Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

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  • The best Pastel de Nata de Lisboa in Portugal and the Pastel de Belém
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  • Where to stay in Lisbon, Portugal – Tips for the best region and hotel

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Monastère des Hiéronymites

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Réservez vos billets pour la tour de Belém

Headout est un partenaire autorisé et de confiance du site, qui propose des expériences de qualité pour profiter du lieu.

ticket tour de belem

Billets Tour de Belém

  • Évitez la queue pour les billets et disposez de plus de temps pour découvrir toutes les zones de l'emblématique tour de Belém. Choisissez d'ajouter un audioguide pour en savoir plus !
  • Depuis les points de vue du site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, vous aurez une vue imprenable sur le Tage, le pont du 25 avril et le reste de la ville.
  • Vous devez absolument voir les intérieurs, répartis sur quatre étages, qui comprennent la salle du gouverneur, la salle des rois, la salle d'audience et la chapelle voûtée.
  • Optez pour la Lisbon Card pour bénéficier d'un accès gratuit aux transports publics et aux principales attractions de votre choix, de la tour de Belém au monastère de Jerónimos, et bien plus encore !
  • Observez le style médiéval de ce chef-d'œuvre de calcaire « manuélin » ; comme les cordes qui s'enroulent autour de la tour et qui en font une structure fortifiée unique.
  • Entrée à la tour de Belém
  • Audioguide en anglais, espagnol, portugais, français, allemand et italien (en option)
  • Lisboa Card de 24/48/72 heures (en option)
  • Guide pratique en couleur et application gratuite (en option)
  • Carte interactive (en option)
  • Guide en personne
  • Conseil : Comme il s'agit d'un site très visité, planifiez votre visite avec suffisamment de temps à votre disposition car il peut y avoir une file d'attente à l'entrée.
  • N'oubliez pas que la nourriture et les boissons ainsi que les grands sacs ou sacs à dos ne sont pas autorisés lors de cette expérience. Préparez votre sac en conséquence !
  • Avis aux amateur·rice·s de photographie : les photos au flash sont interdites à l'intérieur du site.
  • Code vestimentaire strict : pas de maillots de bain, de shorts ou de vêtements révélateurs.
  • Cette visite est accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant et aux poussettes.
  • Des rampes et des ascenseurs sont disponibles sur le site pour faciliter l'accès.
  • Des panneaux en braille et des panneaux audio sont disponibles pour cette expérience.
  • Vous trouverez la liste des attractions couvertes par la Lisbon Card ici and instructions on how to use it here
  • Ces billets ne peuvent pas être annulés. Cependant, vous pouvez les utiliser à tout moment jusqu’au 31 août, 2024.
  • Ces billets sont valables jusqu’au 31 août, 2024.

combo essentiel belém : billets pour la tour de belém + monastère des hiéronymites-1

Combo essentiel Belém : Billets pour la Tour de Belém + Monastère des Hiéronymites

  • Vous souhaitez visiter deux des principales attractions de Lisbonne en une seule fois ? Prenez ce billet pour découvrir les sites du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, la tour de Belém et le monastère de Jerónimos.
  • Explorez les différentes sections de la tour de Belém, de la salle d'armes à la prison, et admirez les panoramas du Tage et du pont du 25 avril.
  • Comprenez le rôle de la Tour dans la protection de la ville et l'ère des découvertes en admirant le bastion entièrement armé qui s'avance sur la rivière.
  • Au monastère de Jerónimos, suivez les motifs bibliques et le voyage indien de Vasco Da Gama à travers des cloîtres sculptés et de superbes carreaux de faïence.
  • Vous y trouverez la tombe de Da Gama ainsi que les cryptes d'autres grands personnages portugais comme le roi Manuel, le roi Sebastião, le poète Luís de Camões, etc.

Tour de Belém

  • Entrée au monastère des Hiéronymites
  • Conseil : De la Tour de Belém au monastère des Hiéronymites, vous pouvez monter dans un bus de la Rua Pinto Ferreira et y accéder en 3 minutes. Si vous préférez prendre lentement les rues de Lisbonne, les deux monuments ne sont distants que de 15 minutes à pied.
  • N'oubliez pas que la nourriture et les boissons ainsi que les grands sacs ou sacs à dos ne sont pas autorisés lors de cette expérience. Faites vos valises à bon escient !
  • Code vestimentaire strict : pas de maillots de bain, de shorts ou de vêtements révélateurs.
  • Avis aux amateurs de photos : les photos au flash sont interdites à l'intérieur de la salle.
  • Ce lieu est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes.
  • Conseil : Prévoyez au moins 2 à 3 heures pour découvrir l'attraction dans son intégralité.
  • Les visiteurs ne sont pas autorisés à prendre des photos dans certaines parties du monastère.
  • Le monastère est partiellement accessible aux fauteuils roulants, mais les visiteurs peuvent être confrontés à certaines difficultés en raison des sections pavées.
  • Des fauteuils roulants peuvent être loués à l'entrée du monastère.
  • Code vestimentaire strict : Veuillez noter que les hauts décolletés, les robes et les shorts à hauteur du genou ne sont pas recommandés.
  • N'oubliez pas que la nourriture et les boissons ainsi que les grands sacs ou sacs à dos ne sont pas autorisés lors de cette expérience.
  • Ces billets ne peuvent pas être annulés. Cependant, vous pouvez les utiliser à tout moment jusqu’au 30 juin, 2024.
  • Ces billets sont valables jusqu’au 30 juin, 2024.

combo (réduction de 9 %) : billets tour de belém + musée national d'art ancien + musée national d'art contemporain-1

Combo (Réduction de 9 %) : Billets Tour de Belém + Musée national d'art ancien + Musée national d'art contemporain

9 % de réduction

  • Avec ce combo économique, entrez dans la tour de Belém et dans deux musées emblématiques, le Musée national d'art ancien et Musée national d'art contemporain.
  • Explorez les quatre étages de l'intérieur de la tour de Belém, avec la salle du gouverneur, la salle des rois, la salle d'audience et la chapelle voûtée.
  • Admirez le chef-d'œuvre de Domingos Sequeira, l'"Adoration des Mages", ainsi que la Croix en or massif de Dom Sancho I au Musée national d'art ancien.
  • Découvrez les trésors de l'art portugais ancien, tels que les panneaux de Saint-Vincent et l'exquise pièce de joaillerie connue sous le nom de Croix de Dom Sancho I.
  • S'émerveiller Des sculptures françaises de la fin des années 1800 et plus de 5 000 peintures portugaises de 1850 à nos jours au Musée national d'art contemporain.

Musée national des Arts anciens

  • Entrée au Musée national d'art ancien
  • Entrée à la collection permanente

Musée national d'Art contemporain

  • Entrée au Musée national d'art contemporain
  • Conseil : Recherchez des peintures flamandes d'artistes tels que Bosch et Rubens. Ces œuvres d'art offrent une perspective plus large sur les influences artistiques européennes.
  • Pour faire scanner votre billet, veuillez vous rendre à l'entrée du musée dans la Rua das Janelas Verdes.
  • Cette expérience est accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant et un vestiaire est disponible.
  • Les sacs à main sont autorisés dans la MNAA après avoir été contrôlés par la sécurité.
  • Conseil : si vous manquez de temps, pensez à participer à une visite des points forts proposée par le musée. Ces visites guidées permettent souvent de mieux comprendre les pièces les plus significatives.
  • Cette expérience est accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant.
  • Ces billets ne peuvent pas être annulés. Cependant, vous pouvez les utiliser à tout moment jusqu’au 8 mai, 2024.
  • Ces billets sont valables jusqu’au 8 mai, 2024.

combo « essentiel de lisbonne » : monastère des hiéronymites + tour de belém + palais de pena-1

Combo « Essentiel de Lisbonne » : Monastère des Hiéronymites + tour de Belém + Palais de Pena

  • En une seule réservation, accédez à trois sites épiques du Grand Lisbonne : le monastère des Jerónimos, situé au bord de l'eau, la tour de Belém, ainsi que le palais et le parc de Pena, situés sur les collines.
  • Le monastère de Jerónimos commémore la culture maritime de Lisbonne avec des détails maritimes complexes, des décorations religieuses en faïence et une cour éblouissante.
  • La tour médiévale de Belém, sculptée dans le calcaire et située à proximité, témoigne de sa splendeur en matière de défense nautique. Traversez les 4 étages à l'intérieur et profitez des vues panoramiques depuis les points de vue.
  • Explorez les ponts-levis et les tours de l'horloge du palais de Pena, le deuxième point de vue le plus élevé de Sintra ! Passez à la vitesse supérieure pour un trajet confortable à destination et en provenance du Palais et de son parc.

Palais de Pena

  • Entrée au Palais de Pena
  • Entée au parc
  • Entrée au chalet de la comtesse d'Edla
  • Transport aller-retour entre l'entrée principale du parc et le palais (en option)
  • Transport entre Lisbonne et Sintra
  • Conseil : Observez la sculpture détaillée du retour de Vasco da Gama dans la salle du chapitre, une œuvre d'art importante.
  • Le monastère de Jerónimos est partiellement accessible aux fauteuils roulants, mais les visiteurs peuvent rencontrer quelques difficultés en raison des sections pavées.
  • Conseil : la tour de Belém est à voir soit tôt le matin pour participer à une visite guidée à 10 heures, soit le soir pour admirer un magnifique coucher de soleil sur la rivière Targus.
  • Avis aux amateurs de photos : les photos au flash sont interdites dans les deux salles.
  • La tour de Belém est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes grâce à des rampes et des ascenseurs.
  • Conseil : Il n'y a pas beaucoup de restaurants près du palais, qui se trouve à une distance importante du centre ville. Nous vous recommandons d'emporter un petit repas car le parc de Pena dispose d'aires de pique-nique désignées où vous pourrez faire le plein d'énergie au milieu de la nature !
  • Le palais de Pena se trouve à Sintra, à environ 25 kilomètres de Lisbonne.
  • Veuillez noter que le créneau choisi correspond à l'heure à laquelle vous devez être à l'entrée du palais et non à l'entrée principale du parc. Si vous manquez le créneau, l'entrée vous sera refusée .
  • Le chemin entre la porte principale du parc et le palais est d'environ 30 minutes de marche. Si vous choisissez l'option de transport, la navette prévue pour cette expérience se fait entre l'entrée principale du parc et le palais.
  • Les places de parking accessibles sont commodément situées dans le centre historique de Sintra ou dans les parkings périphériques disponibles. Il y a des parkings à l'entrée du parc mais ils peuvent être limités en fonction du nombre de visiteurs.
  • Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

combo classique de lisbonne : billets pour le château saint-georges + tour de belém + monastère des hiéronymites-1

Combo classique de Lisbonne : Billets pour le château Saint-Georges + Tour de Belém + Monastère des Hiéronymites

  • Opt for a combo that ushers you into the best of Lisbon’s must-visit attractions – St. George’s Castle, Belém Tower, and Jerónimos Monastery.
  • Explorez les expositions permanentes organisées par des expert•e•s au château St. Georges afin de comprendre sa valeur historique et culturelle.
  • Découvrez le rôle de la tour de Belém dans la protection de la ville, construite en pierre calcaire et conçue dans le style de l'architecture manuéline.
  • Promenez-vous dans le Monastère des Hiéronymites pour découvrir l'hommage au voyage de Vasco da Gama vers les Indes, puis repérez les diverses influences maritimes dans son architecture.
  • Entrée au Château Saint-Georges

Château Saint Georges

  • Conseil : Montez sur la Tour d'Ulysse pour observer Lisbonne à travers une camera obscura !
  • En raison des restrictions imposées par le lieu, les animaux de compagnie ne peuvent pas participer à cette expérience.
  • Veuillez tenir compte d'un temps d'attente pouvant aller jusqu'à 2 h.

Monastère des Hiéronymites et tour de Belém

  • Conseil : Cherchez le célèbre rhinocéros ramené d'Inde et les cordages nautiques qui ornent les fenêtres de la tour de Belém.
  • Avis aux amateurs de photos : les photos au flash sont interdites dans les deux salles. Les visiteurs ne sont pas autorisés à prendre des photos dans certaines parties du monastère de Jerónimos.
  • Ces billets ne peuvent pas être annulés. Cependant, ils sont valables pour une période prolongée.
  • Ces billets sont valables pour une durée prolongée. Les détails exacts seront indiqués sur le billet.

billets pour la tour de belém avec audioguide-1

Billets pour la Tour de Belém avec audioguide

10 % de réduction

  • Enjoy hassle-free entry to the iconic Belém Tower in Lisbon and learn all about Portugal's Age of Discoveries era with audio guides included with your tickets!
  • Choose between 4 audio guide languages that will help you appreciate the gargoyle faceted exteriors and strategically contructed interiors.
  • Walk along the barracks, chapel, and gunpowder magazine at Fort of Bom Sucess. Découvrez sa valeur historique dans la défense de Lisbonne à travers plusieurs expositions.
  • Visit the Governer's Hall, an octagonal space that opens into the cistern, and learn more about the intricate stonework in these lavish chambers.
  • A simple ticket upgrade gives you the opportunity to add on entry to St. George's Castle or Jerónimos Monastery.
  • Audio guide in English, German, French & Spanish (Android & iOS)
  • Contenu hors ligne (textes, commentaires et cartes)
  • Entrée au monastère des Hiéronymites (en option)
  • Entrée au Château Saint-Georges (en option)
  • Téléphone portable
  • Tip: For the most beautiful river views, gaze out from the King's Hall and be sure to climb to the terrace of Belém Tower.
  • Please carry your own earphones and a fully charged smartphone for the best audio experience.
  • The audio guide requires an Android (version 5.0 and later) or iOS smartphone, and 350MB storage space. It is not compatible with Windows Phones, iPhone 5/5C or older, iPod Touch 5th generation or older, and iPad 4th generation or older.
  • Cette visite est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes.

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Belém au bord de l'eau : Visite de Lisbonne en e-bike

  • Vous pouvez annuler ces billets jusqu’à 24 heures avant le début de l’expérience et bénéficiez d’un remboursement complet.
  • Pédalez sur une seule boucle qui commence au cœur de Lisbonne et se termine à Belém sur un vélo électrique, une façon décontractée de s'imprégner du paysage.
  • Bénéficiez de la compagnie d'un guide expert qui vous éclairera sur l'âge d'or de la découverte du Portugal. Leurs points de vue enrichiront votre expérience et rendront chaque arrêt plus significatif.
  • De l'emblématique monastère des Jerónimos à la majestueuse tour de Belém, cette visite est un véritable enchantement architectural, offrant un aperçu de l'âge d'or du Portugal.
  • Au milieu des explorations, profitez d'une pause délicieuse avec la fameuse tarte à la crème portugaise, une spécialité traditionnelle incluse dans votre visite.
  • circuit de 3 heures en vélo électrique
  • Guide spécialiste
  • Casque et filet à cheveux
  • Tarte à la crème
  • Entrée dans les monuments
  • Conseil : Gardez un œil sur la statue ornée qui domine la place Afonso de Albuquerque lorsque vous passez à vélo devant ce point de repère situé de l'autre côté de la rivière.
  • La sécurité étant une priorité, cette expérience est réservée aux personnes d'une taille inférieure à 1,5 m (4,92 pieds) et d'un poids supérieur à 118 kg (260,15 livres).
  • Cette expérience n'est pas accessible en fauteuil roulant. Avec une preuve d'invalidité, vous pouvez bénéficier d'une réduction allant jusqu'à 60 % sur l'entrée.
  • Les participant·es doivent être des cyclistes compétent·es.

Meilleures choses à faire à Lisbonne

Billet Palais de Pena

Découverte de la Tour de Belém | Un emblème de l'héritage nautique du Portugal

La tour de Belém, majestueuse structure ressemblant à une forteresse, est un symbole emblématique de la riche histoire maritime du Portugal et de ses prouesses architecturales. Ce site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, situé sur les rives du Tage à Lisbonne, attire les touristes avec son design manuélin complexe et son importance historique. Avec des billets pour la tour de Belém, les visiteurs peuvent explorer son histoire fascinante, admirer des vues à couper le souffle et s'immerger dans ce monument intemporel.

Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de réserver des billets pour la tour de Belém

Réservez à l'avance : pendant la haute saison (d'avril à octobre), il est conseillé de réserver vos billets pour la tour de Belém à l'avance. En réservant à l'avance, vous vous assurez de la date et de l'heure de votre choix, ce qui vous évite les longues files d'attente et les déceptions au guichet.

Optez pour des visites combinées : la tour de Belém est située à proximité de plusieurs autres attractions touristiques populaires, notamment le monastère des Jerónimos et le château de Saint-Georges. Vous pouvez facilement combiner votre visite de la tour de Belém avec une visite de ces autres sites.

Offrez-vous un petit plaisir : Pastéis de Belém, une boulangerie située près du monastère, est le lieu d'origine du célèbre pastel de nata, la tarte aux œufs portugaise. Après tout, vous méritez bien une récompense après avoir gravi plus de 200 marches ! Même s'il y a une longue file d'attente, vous ne le regretterez pas.

La terrasse ouverte : bien que la vue depuis la terrasse ouverte au sommet soit certainement l'un des points forts de la Tour de Belém, ne vous sentez pas obligé de vous précipiter à travers le reste de la structure pour y arriver. Sachez qu'en raison de l'existence d'un seul escalier, la visite se fait à sens unique. Pour gérer le flux des visiteurs, un système de feux rouges/verts contrôle la montée ou la descente des personnes à un moment donné.

Apportez une pièce d'identité avec photo en cours de validité : pour entrer dans la Tour de Belém, vous devez présenter une pièce d'identité avec photo en cours de validité en même temps que votre billet. Toute pièce d'identité officielle comportant une photographie claire du visiteur devrait suffire.

Pourquoi visiter la tour de Belém ?

tour de belem

  • Représente l'ère des découvertes des Portugais : la tour de Belém, qui est l'un des sites culturels les plus importants du Portugal, est un témoignage permanent des anciens explorateurs maritimes de la ville, qui se sont aventurés dans les mers inconnues et ont changé à jamais les pages de l'histoire. 
  • Architecture gothique : taillée dans le calcaire, la tour de Belém est construite dans le style manuélin et rappelle les aventures maritimes du pays.
  • Façade maritime : la tour de Belém possède la première représentation connue du rhinocéros dans l'art occidental. Des cordes torsadées, des ancres et des petites lances se cachent entre les pierres.
  • Vues splendides : la salle de la tour offre une vue panoramique sur la ville de Lisbonne et le fleuve Tage, sur lequel se trouve la tour. Vous pouvez facilement distinguer l'endroit où l'eau douce du Portugal rencontre la mer salée et se fond dans l'inconnu. 
  • Reliques de guerre : le premier étage de la tour est la salle des canons, où un canon est placé sur chaque ouverture donnant sur la tour. Il y a des cellules de prison sous la tour ouvertes aux visiteurs.
  • Emplacement unique : la tour de Belém est l'un des endroits les plus populaires de Lisbonne pour son emplacement stratégique au milieu du centre culturel de Belém.

Toutes vos options de billets pour la tour de Belém

tour de belem

Si vous manquez de temps

Aller pour : billets d'entrée standard

Durée : flexible

Guide : audioguide

  • Réservez les billets d'entrée pour la Tour de Belém afin d'éviter les longues files d'attente et de passer plus de temps à explorer l'histoire maritime, les reliques de guerre et les sculptures en pierre du monument.
  • Ne manquez pas de visiter tous les étages de la Tour de Belém pour voir les canons dans le bastion, la chambre du roi, la salle du gouverneur, la salle de l'audience, la chapelle voûtée et la terrasse de la Tour.

Visites recommandées :

billet tour belem

Si vous êtes passionné d'histoire

Type de billet : Combo Tours

Durée : 2-3 heures

  • Si vous aimez l'histoire, un billet combiné pour la Tour de Belém avec d'autres attractions populaires de Lisbonne telles que le Monastère de Jeronimos et le Château de St Georges est idéal pour vous.
  • Ces billets combinés offrent l'entrée à plus d'une attraction et certains billets comprennent également des transferts pour plus de commodité.

Billets recommandés :

  • Belém Essential Combo : Billets Tour de Belém + Monastère des Jerónimos
  • Billets combinés essentiels pour Lisbonne : Billets Monastère des Jerónimos + Tour de Belém + Palais de Pena
  • Le combo Lisboeta : Billets Château de Saint-Georges + Tour de Belém + Monastère de Jerónimos

Politique d'annulation

La plupart des billets pour la Tour de Belém peuvent être annulés 24 à 72 heures avant le début de l'expérience. Cependant, les billets combinés ne peuvent pas être annulés ou reportés. Veuillez vérifier les détails de votre billet au moment de la réservation.

Points forts de la tour de Belém

tour de belem

Architecture gothique

Découvrez l'impressionnante architecture manuéline de la tour de Belém, ornée de sculptures et de détails complexes, qui témoignent des prouesses artistiques du Portugal à l'époque de l'exploration.

tour de belem

Une façade magnifique

Vestige de la période de découverte maritime du Portugal, la tour de Belém possède une façade parsemée de cordes torsadées, d'armures et de petites lances. Près des tourelles, vous verrez de nombreux rhinocéros sculptés sur le mur.

tour de belem

Loggia Renaissance

Le deuxième étage de la Tour de Belém s'ouvre sur une salle du Roi. L'élément le plus frappant de cette salle est la Cour royale d'armes d'Emmanuel Ier, placée au-dessus d'un arc élégant.

tour de belem

Reliques de guerre

Le bastion inférieur de la tour de Belém comporte de nombreux canons alignés et positionnés à l'entrée. Il y a des cachots sous la tour de Belem. Avant la bataille entre l'Espagne et le Portugal en 1580, le roi Manuel Ier a jeté ses captifs dans les cellules de la tour de Belem qui ont servi de prisons jusqu'en 1830.

tour belem

La salle du gouverneur

Une chambre ornée d'exquises fenêtres manuélines offrant des vues et des aperçus historiques sur la fonction de la tour.

tour belem

La chapelle

Une chapelle petite mais richement ornée, reflétant la signification spirituelle et les détails artistiques de l'époque.

tour belem

La terrasse

Grimpez au sommet pour profiter d'une superbe vue panoramique sur le Tage et les environs pittoresques de Lisbonne.

tour belem

Observez les anciens canons qui défendaient autrefois le port et qui donnent un aperçu du rôle militaire de la tour.

Planifiez votre visite de la tour de Belém

tour de belem

  • Horaires D'octobre à avril : de 10 h à 17 h 30. De mai à septembre : de 10 h à 18 h 30.
  • Dernière entrée D'octobre à avril : 17 h. De mai à septembre : 18 h.
  • Fermeture : le lundi, le 1er janvier, le dimanche de Pâques, le 1er mai, le 13 juin, et le 25 décembre.

Durée de la visite : 2 heures. Meilleur moment pour visiter : les mois mars à mai sont les meilleurs pour visiter la tour de Belém, car la ville s'épanouit lentement en été et le temps est encore agréable. Essayez de vous réveiller tôt et de regarder le lever du soleil depuis le port de Belém tout proche.

Adresse : Avenida Brasilia, 1400-038, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Comment s'y rendre via Google Map

  • En bus : lignes 149, 729, 79B, 27, 28, 29, 43, 49, 51, 112. Arrêt le plus proche : Lisboa.
  • En tram : ligne 15, 28 ou 15E. Arrêt le plus proche : Torre de Belem.
  • En train : trains directs de Cascais et Cais do Sodre. Arrêt le plus proche : Torre de Belem.
  • En bus hop-on-hop-off : jaune et rouge.
  • En tuk-tuk : disponible près du centre ville de Belém. Arrêt le plus proche : tour de Belém.
  • En voiture : la distance entre l'aéroport de Lisbonne et la tour de Belém est de 15,7 km. Parking le plus proche : parking Torre de Belém.

tour de belem

  • Centre d'accueil des visiteurs : fournit des informations, des cartes et des conseils sur la tour et son histoire.
  • Toilettes : ces installations sont accessibles aux touristes.
  • Boutiques de souvenirs : boutiques de cadeaux proposant une variété de souvenirs et d'objets d'artisanat local.
  • Cafétéria ou snack-bar : un endroit pour prendre des rafraîchissements et des collations légères.
  • Guides audio : disponibles à la location pour améliorer l'expérience des visiteurs grâce à des commentaires informatifs.
  • Accessibilité aux fauteuils roulants : rampes et ascenseurs pour les visiteurs à mobilité réduite.

tour belem

  • Pasteis de Belém : le plat emblématique : Pastéis de Nata - ces pâtisseries crémeuses, remplies de crème pâtissière, sont célèbres dans le monde entier et sont à goûter absolument.
  • À Margem : meilleur plat : Riz aux fruits de mer - Savourez un savoureux plat de riz aux fruits de mer tout en profitant de la vue sur le fleuve.
  • Cantinho Gourmet : meilleur plat : Bacalhau à Brás - découvrez la cuisine portugaise avec ce délicieux plat de morue et d'œufs brouillés.
  • Restaurante O Poleiro : Point fort : Poulet rôti à la sauce Piri-Piri - Savourez un succulent poulet infusé dans les saveurs épicées du Piri-Piri.
  • Museu da Cerveja : spécialité : bières artisanales portugaises et tapas - Savourez des bières artisanales locales et des tapas portugaises traditionnelles dans un cadre chaleureux.

tour belem

Belem Hostel : une auberge de jeunesse économique proposant des dortoirs et des chambres privées, idéalement située près de la Tour de Belém.

Moyenne gamme

Palácio do Governador : un charmant hôtel de charme situé dans un bâtiment historique, offrant un mélange de luxe et d'histoire.

Pestana Palace Lisboa : un opulent hôtel 5 étoiles situé dans un palais du XIXe siècle, offrant des chambres somptueuses, des jardins et une cuisine raffinée.

tour de belem

  • Palais Pena : le palais Pena à Lisbonne est célèbre pour son architecture de style Renaissance du XIXème siècle. Ses villas historiques, ses domaines, ses jardins et son extravagance lui ont valu d'être classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. 
  • Château des Maures : le château de Sintra, qui ressemble plus à une ruine, séduira tous ceux qui ont un penchant pour l'histoire. Le château mauresque est un château fortifié de style médiéval dont la tour de l'hommage et les murailles sont les principales attractions. 
  • Palais national de Sintra : le Palacio Nacional Sintra est un château médiéval du Portugal, préservé du mieux possible. Il était le favori de la noblesse portugaise et l'extérieur gothique minimaliste du Palais national de Sintra vaut le détour. 
  • Palais national de Queluz : les jardins historiques taillés et sculptés de ce palais national de Queluz du XVIIIème siècle comprennent également un canal bordé d'azulejos pour la navigation de plaisance. Il a été conçu comme un palais d'été et a abrité deux générations royales du Portugal.

tour de belem

  • Portez des chaussures confortables : la tour de Belém comporte plusieurs niveaux et implique beaucoup de marche. Portez des chaussures confortables et fermées pour visiter la tour de Belém.
  • Marchez prudemment : le long escalier en colimaçon qui mène de la chambre du roi à la terrasse de la tour est assez raide. Il est préférable de ne pas se précipiter et de marcher lentement. Veillez également à faire la queue et à laisser passer les autres. 
  • Réservez vos billets en ligne : essayez de réserver vos billets en ligne pour sécuriser votre place à l'avance et profiter de bonnes affaires et de réductions. 
  • Capturer le coucher de soleil : visitez la ville en fin d'après-midi pour assister à un coucher de soleil époustouflant sur le fleuve Tage.

Au-delà de la tour de Belém

tour belem

Monastère d'Alcobaca

Site étonnant inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, connu pour son impressionnante architecture gothique et sa riche histoire, abritant notamment les tombes du roi Pedro I et de sa bien-aimée Inês de Castro.

tour belem

Monastère de Batalha

Chef-d'œuvre de l'architecture manuéline, célèbre pour ses sculptures de pierre complexes et comme symbole de l'identité nationale portugaise, notamment pour son rôle dans la commémoration de la victoire de la bataille d'Aljubarrota.

tour de belem

Monastère de Jerónimos

Un chef-d'œuvre de l'UNESCO à l'architecture manuéline complexe, abritant des tombes royales et un cloître paisible.

tour de belem

Monument aux découvertes

Hommage grandiose aux explorateurs portugais, grimpez pour profiter d'une vue panoramique et explorez un musée maritime à l'intérieur.

tour belem

Château de Saint-Georges

Cette citadelle historique située au sommet des collines de Lisbonne offre des vues panoramiques, des ruines médiévales et un aperçu du passé du Portugal.

Foire aux questions : billets pour la tour de Belém

Le prix des billets pour la Tour de Belém commence à 8 €.

Vous pouvez acheter des billets pour le Colisée en ligne ou sur place. L'achat en ligne vous permet d'éviter les longues files d'attente à la billetterie. En outre, certains billets combinés donnent accès à d'autres attractions populaires comme le monastère de Jeronimos, ce qui permet de vivre une expérience plus complète.

Le billet d'entrée standard à la tour de Belém comprend l'entrée à l'attraction et un audioguide en cinq langues.

Les conditions d'annulation dépendent du type de billet que vous avez choisi de réserver. Alors que certains billets offrent un remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation jusqu'à 48-72 heures à l'avance, d'autres peuvent ne pas offrir de remboursement en cas d'annulation. Veuillez vérifier les conditions spécifiques avant d'effectuer votre réservation.

Le meilleur moyen de se rendre à la Tour de Belém est de prendre le tramway de la ligne 15 ou de la ligne 15E.

Le meilleur moyen de rejoindre la tour de Belém est de prendre le tramway de la ligne 15 ou de la ligne 15E.

Les mois de mars à mai sont les meilleurs pour visiter la tour de Belém car le temps est agréable et la ville est belle, avec des températures estivales.

Le palais Pena, le palais national de Sintra, le château des Maures et le palais national de Queluz sont quelques-unes des attractions situées à proximité de la tour de Belém. Tous ces hauts lieux touristiques sont situés dans le centre culturel de Belém.

La tour de Belém est ouverte de 10 h à 18 h 30 de mai à septembre et de 10 h à 17 h 30 d'octobre à avril.

Vous êtes autorisé à prendre des photos de n'importe quelle partie de la tour de Belém.

La tour de Belém n'est que partiellement accessible en fauteuil roulant de l'extérieur. La tour ne dispose pas de rampes ni d'ascenseurs, étant donné son style manuélin du XVIème siècle.

La tour de Belém comporte plusieurs niveaux et un long escalier en colimaçon qui mène à la terrasse. Assurez-vous de l'explorer à fond pendant au moins une à deux heures.

Il n'y a pas de toilettes dans la tour de Belém.

En savoir plus

tour belem

Intérieur de la tour de Belém

tour belem

Faits concernant la tour de Belém

tour belem

Histoire de la tour de Belém

Attraction tickets | TicketLens

  • Belém Tower
  • TicketLens: Compare Prices

Lisboa Card

More tickets & tours, 4 tips for visiting the belém tower, frequently asked questions, what’s so special about the torre de belém, how long does a visit take, is there an elevator, what is there to do nearby, general information, opening hours, how to get there.

Odyssey Magazine

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket

Set out on a journey through Lisbon’s Belém district and step into the grandeur of Portugal’s history with a visit to the majestic Jerónimos Monastery. As you explore the charming streets and iconic sights, the tour unfolds the hidden gems of this historic area.

From savoring the delectable Pastéis de Belém to engaging with knowledgeable local guides, this experience offers a blend of culture and gastronomy that will captivate any traveler.

Priced attractively at $52.01, this tour caters to various interests, promising an unforgettable encounter with Lisbon’s past and flavors.

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Key Points

  • Immerse in Lisbon’s rich history with a local guide
  • Taste the famous Pastéis de Belém tart
  • Explore iconic landmarks and Portugal’s Age of Discoveries
  • Marvel at the grandeur of Jerónimos Monastery

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • Lisbon: Pena Palace, Sintra, Cabo Da Roca, & Cascais Daytrip
  • Lisbon: Fátima, Batalha, Óbidos and Nazaré Tour
  • Lisbon: Guided Tuk-Tuk Tour With Hotel Pickup
  • Lisbon: Sunset Boat Tour With Music and Drinks

Activity Details

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Activity Details

Set out on a captivating 3-hour walking tour in Belém, where you can savor the famous Pastéis de Belém tart, explore the historic district with a knowledgeable local guide, and marvel at the grandeur of Jerónimos Monastery. This tour offers a delightful experience of local cuisine through the iconic Pastéis de Belém tart and a chance to immerse in the rich history of Portugal by visiting historical landmarks like the Jerónimos Monastery.

With a guide leading the way, participants can absorb the charm of Belém while gaining insights into the Age of Discoveries, making it a perfect blend of gastronomic delights and cultural exploration.

Booking Information

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Booking Information

After exploring the captivating historical district of Belém and marveling at the grandeur of Jerónimos Monastery, participants can seamlessly move on to the ‘Booking Information’ section for essential details on reserving and preparing for this enriching walking tour experience .

If you’re considering booking this tour, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Flexible Payment : Reserve now and pay later to keep your travel plans flexible.
  • Gift Options : There’s an option to give the activity as a gift.
  • Meeting Point: The meeting point is at the Garden of Afonso de Albuquerque.
  • Important Information: All you will receive important information regarding the tour.

With these considerations in mind, booking your Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience will be a smooth and enjoyable process.

Participant Selection and Date Availability

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Participant Selection and Date Availability

Selecting participants and checking available dates for the Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience can be easily done through the booking platform provided for a seamless planning process.

Customer Reviews

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Customer Reviews

Upon exploring the reviews from past participants of the Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience, travelers have consistently praised the insightful guidance and memorable insights shared during the excursion. The review feedback highlights the enriching tour experience , as travelers express their satisfaction with the depth of knowledge provided by the local guides.

Specific mentions of historical context and cultural significance add to the overall positive sentiment surrounding the tour. Plus, participants appreciate the attention to detail and personalized recommendations offered during the journey. The reviews consistently mention the high level of engagement and interactive learning experienced throughout the itinerary.

Highlights of the Tour

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Highlights of the Tour

Enjoy the rich history and cultural treasures of Lisbon on the Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience, where you’ll have the opportunity to taste the famous Pastéis de Belém tart and explore iconic landmarks with a knowledgeable local guide.

The tour highlights the best of Portuguese cuisine with a chance to savor the delicious traditional pastry. As you walk through Belém, you’ll encounter historical landmarks that tell the story of Portugal’s Age of Discoveries, offering insights into the country’s maritime past.

The grandeur of the Jerónimos Monastery will leave you in awe, showcasing impressive Manueline architecture and intricate detailing. This tour not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a deep dive into the captivating history of Lisbon.

Meeting Point Information

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Meeting Point Information

The meeting point for the Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience is located at the Garden of Afonso de Albuquerque, offering a central and convenient starting point for participants.

Local recommendations : Participants can receive insider tips on the best places to eat, drink, and explore in the Belém area from knowledgeable guides.

Historical insights : Before the tour commences, historical background on the significance of Belém and the Jerónimos Monastery will be shared to provide context for the experience.

Detailed instructions : Clear directions and important information will be provided to ensure all participants can easily find the meeting point and join the tour promptly.

Interactive experience : The meeting point serves as a hub for participants to engage with each other, share excitement , and begin their journey through Lisbon’s rich history.

Additional Information

For participants looking to enhance their experience, personalized recommendations on local attractions and hidden gems can be provided during the Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery adventure.

Explore Lisbon’s historical significance as you explore the iconic Jerónimos Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage site symbolizing Portugal’s rich maritime past.

After immersing in history, savor the flavors of local cuisine by indulging in a tasting of the famous Pastéis de Belém tart, a traditional Portuguese pastry that has delighted taste buds for centuries.

Your adventure isn’t just about sightseeing; it’s about experiencing the cultural tapestry of Lisbon. Let the tour guide lead you to discover not only the must-see landmarks but also the hidden culinary delights that make Lisbon a gastronomic paradise.

Tour Pricing and Options

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Tour Pricing and Options

Enhance your Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery experience by exploring the tour pricing and various options available to make the most of your visit to Lisbon. The tour package offers a comprehensive experience for visitors, with a duration of 3 hours to explore the historical richness of Belém.

When considering your options, keep in mind the following:

Flexible Pricing : Prices start from $52.01 per person, providing an affordable opportunity to explore Belém and the Jerónimos Monastery.

Payment Flexibility : Reserve now and pay later to maintain flexibility in your travel plans.

Meeting Point : The meeting point at the Garden of Afonso de Albuquerque makes it convenient for participants to start the tour.

Gift Option : Consider giving the tour as a thoughtful gift for friends or family members to enjoy.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we have reviewed.

  • From Lisbon: Fatima, Obidos, Batalha and Nazaré Group Tour
  • Lisbon: Jerónimos Monastery Entrance Ticket
  • From Lisbon: Day Trip to Porto, Óbidos, and Nazaré
  • Lisbon: Tomar and Almourol Knights Templar Tour
  • From Lisbon: Knights Templar Day Tour in Tomar
  • Lisbon: City Walking Tour With Food Tasting and Drinks

Common questions

Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour and Jerónimos Monastery Ticket - Common questions

Are Entrance Fees to Jerónimos Monastery Included in the Tour Price?

The tour inclusions cover entrance fees to Jerónimos Monastery. Ticket details are transparent with free cancellation up to 24 hours beforehand. Participants explore Belém, try Pastéis de Belém tart, and learn about Portugal’s Age of Discoveries.

Is There a Minimum Age Requirement for Participants on the Walking Tour?

There is no specified minimum age requirement for participants on the walking tour. Parental supervision may be necessary based on individual circumstances. It’s always best to check with the tour provider for any specific guidelines.

Are Food and Drinks Included During the Tour, or Should Participants Bring Their Own?

During the tour, participants can enjoy picnic options or try local restaurants. Food and drinks are not included, so bringing personal snacks or beverages is recommended. Embrace the local culinary experience while exploring Belém.

Is There a Dress Code or Any Specific Clothing Recommendations for the Tour?

When preparing for the tour, consider the mild weather of Lisbon. Opt for casual, comfortable attire and sturdy footwear. Respectful clothing is appreciated at cultural sites, adhering to local norms. Dress comfortably, prepare for walking.

Are There Any Additional Costs or Fees That Participants Should Be Aware of Before Booking the Tour?

Participants should be aware of hidden fees or unexpected costs before booking the tour. Transparency is vital for budgeting. Ensure all expenses are clearly outlined to avoid surprises. It’s essential for a smooth and worry-free experience.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Sintra, Cascais and Pena Palace Tour From Lisbon
  • Lisbon Private Fatima, Batalha, Nazare, Obidos Tour
  • Natural Caves – Alcobaça – Nazaré – West Coast – Óbidos Start in Lisbon Private
  • Sunset Group Tour in Lisbon With Welcome Drink
  • Private Guided Tour to 7 Colinas and Belém in an Electric Tuk Tuk With 4.5 Hours.
  • Sintra Private Tour
  • Lisbon 2-Hour Private Segway Cultural Tour With Local Guide
  • Lisbon (All City) Private Tour Belém Cristo Rei
  • Private Tour From Lisbon to Fatima Nazare and Obidos
  • Wine Bike Lisbon Experience
  • Fátima With Optional Candle Procession Half Day Private Tour From Lisbon

Experience the magic of Lisbon’s Belém district and Jerónimos Monastery on this immersive walking tour.

From tasting the famous Pastéis de Belém tart to exploring the rich history of Portugal, this three-hour adventure offers a unique blend of culture, history, and culinary delights.

With affordable pricing and personalized recommendations from a local guide, this tour is perfect for history buffs, food lovers , and curious travelers alike.

Book now and embark on a journey through Portugal’s Age of Discoveries!

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Sergei Pavlovich Korolev – the Father of Practical Astronautics

Sergei Korolev (1907 – 1966), Soviet Union 1969 CPA 3731 stamp

On January 12, 1907, lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer during the Space Race Sergei Korolev was born. Korolev is regarded by many as the “father of practical astronautics “. He was involved in the development of the R-7 Rocket , Sputnik 1 ,[ 1 ] launching Laika , Belka and Strelka  and the first human being, Yuri Gagarin ,[ 2 ] into space.

“Today we are witnesses to the fulfillment of the dream that occupied some outstanding people, among them Tsiolkovsky. He had prophesied that mankind will not stay on Earth forever. Sputnik is the first confirmation of his predictions. The opening up of space has begun.” – Sergei Korolev, on the night of October 5, 1957, after the successful launch of Sputnik 1.[8]

Sergei Korolev – Youth and Education

Korolev was born in Zhytomyr , the capital of Volhynian Governorate of the Russian Empire. His parents, Russian teachers Maria Nikolaevna Balanina (née Moskalenko),  from a wealthy merchant family with Greek and Cossack roots, and Pavel Yakovlevich Korolev, who was  of Belarusian origin, separated just three years after his birth. Korolev grew up with his grandparents in Neshin . When he was ten years old, the family moved to Odessa . There he completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and roofer. Korolev showed an early interest in aviation and, in addition to his job, worked at the local glider club, constructing his first glider K-5 at the age of 17. In 1925, Korolev began studying at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute . When the Kiev faculty was closed, he transferred to Moscow Technical University (MWTU) in 1926 and graduated. Before that, he completed an internship at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (ZAGI), where he came into contact with the design of powered aircraft. In 1929, together with S. N. Lyushin, Korolev developed and built the Koktebel glider. In the same year, under the guidance of Andrei Tupolev, Korolev created his first powered aircraft SK-4 as his diploma thesis.

First Experiments with Rockets

In the 1930s, Korolev began building rockets as part of MosGIRD, a group founded in 1931 to research recoil propulsion systems. There he received essential impulses for his later work from Friedrich Zander . Together with Zander, whom he considered a mentor, he was involved in the design and construction of the first Soviet hybrid rockets GIRD-09 and GIRD-X , among others. In 1933, he moved to the Rocket Research Institute (RNII) and became head of the Rocket Missile Department in 1934. In the same year, his scientific treatise The Rocket Flight into the Stratosphere was published.

The Great Terror

While working on the RP-318-I rocket-powered glider, Korolyev was arrested by the NKVD’s secret political police during the Great Terror on June 27, 1938. After two days of torture and threats against his family, he signed a confession in which he was forced to identify himself as a member of a counterrevolutionary Trotskyist conspiracy and a participant in acts of sabotage to obstruct development work. He had been denounced under duress by Valentin Glushko ,[ 3 ] who had been arrested three months earlier and who himself spent the period until 1944 in prison. Although innocent, Korolev was sentenced without formal trial on to ten years of hard labor in the gulag and five years of loss of civil rights. After spending time in several prisons and prolonged transportation, he arrived at the notorious Maldyak labor camp in 1939, where he nearly starved to death and became so ill with scurvy that his lower jaw was severely damaged and he lost many teeth.

In the First Circle of Hell

Through interventions of his mother with the support of the well-known pilots Mikhail Gromov and Valentina Grisodubova, the USSR Supreme Court overturned the previous sentence and Korolev was recalled from Maldyak only in November 1939. After renewed interventions by his mother and Gromov with NKVD People’s Commissar Lavrenti Beria , he was sent to the special design office of aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev , who had already supervised Korolyov’s thesis and was also imprisoned. The ZKB-29 special camp for scientists and engineers was under the control of the NKVD and was described from personal experience by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the novel The First Circle of Hell . The ZKB-29 developed the Tupolev Tu-2 dive bomber in Omsk in September 1942.

Petlyakov Pe-2, co-developed by Sergei Korolev

Korolev applied for a job at an aircraft engine plant in Kazan , where Glushko headed the OKB-16 special design bureau for rocket engines under Sharashka conditions. Korolev participated in the development of the Petlyakov Pe-2 multirole aircraft to improve takeoff performance and climb performance with a switchable rocket engine. In 1944, Korolyov and Glushko were paroled from prison early and continued their work on rocket developments as employed engineers of OKB-16. However, Korolev was not officially rehabilitated until April 18, 1957. Korolev’s six-year imprisonment in the Gulag was erased from Communist accounts of the history of technology.

Becoming Chief Designer

After World War II, Korolev rose to become the chief designer of the initially military-only Soviet missile program within the NII (Scientific Research Institute). Korolev’s identity was kept secret during his lifetime, and in public he was referred to only anonymously as the “chief designer.” Korolev’s goal was to develop a civilian rocket program. In 1945, now holding the rank of colonel in the Red Army, he was ordered to Soviet headquarters in Berlin with other engineers and technicians. He was given the task of studying the German rocket program and locating associates of rocket engineer Wernher von Braun who remained in Germany.

The first A4 rocket (from German stocks) is transported to the launch site on a truck trailer. It was launched on 18 October 1947 from the Kapustin Yar test site, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, CC-BY-4.0

The Soviets placed a priority on reproducing lost documentation on the A4 rocket, and studying the various parts and captured manufacturing facilities. That work continued in East Germany until late 1946, when 2,000+ German scientists and engineers were sent to the USSR through Operation Osoaviakhim . Most of the German experts, Helmut Gröttrup being an exception, were engineers and technicians involved in wartime mass-production of A4, and they had not worked directly with Wernher von Braun. Korolev returned to the Soviet Union in 1946 with plans of German designs and German rocket designers. Among others, Wernher von Braun’s assistant Helmut Gröttrup and aerodynamicist Werner Albring worked on rocket technology development under Korolev’s direction in Kaliningrad (in Moscow oblast) and on Gorodomlya Island (now Solnetchny settlement) in Lake Seliger during this period. The first design resulting from this cooperation was the R-1 rocket of 1948, a copy of the German A4 based on materials available in the Soviet Union. Unlike the U.S., which brought German scientists to the U.S. with its Operation Overcast and ensured their naturalization and retention in the U.S. as early as 1946 with Operation Paperclip, the Soviet Union merely siphoned off their knowledge and used it in the crucial steps for spaceflight.

The Soviet Space Programme

Among Korolyov’s greatest achievements were the construction of the R-7 – the world’s first intercontinental ballistic missile – and the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957,[ 1 ] but most importantly, the first space flight by a human, Yuri Gagarin , in 1961.[ 2 ] The R-7  was a two-stage rocket with a maximum payload of 5.4 tons, sufficient to carry the Soviets’ bulky  nuclear bomb  an impressive distance of 7,000 kilometres. However, despite the Soviet R-7 initial success, it experienced later failures as it was not intended to be a practical weapon. Sputnik 1 was designed and constructed in less than a month with Korolev personally managing the assembly at a hectic pace. The satellite was a simple polished metal sphere no bigger than a beach ball, containing batteries that powered a transmitter using 4 external communication antennas. Sputnik 1 was successfully completed and launched into space on 4 October 1957 using a rocket that had successfully launched only once before. After gaining approval from the government, a modified version of Korolev’s R-7 was used to launch Yuri Gagarin into orbit on 12 April 1961, which was before the United States was able to put Alan Shepard into space.

Variants of the R-7 Rocket, (NASA)

Korolev’s group was also working on ambitious programs for missions to Mars and Venus , putting a man in orbit, launching communication, spy and weather satellites, and making a soft-landing on the Moon.

Health Problems and Early Death

In December 1960, Korolev suffered a heart attack, which was followed by others. His cardiac arrhythmias were joined by internal bleeding and intestinal problems. Korolyev was admitted to a Moscow hospital. Doctors were going to remove painful hemorrhoids in a routine operation in January 1966, but in the meantime they discovered a large tumor in his colon and put him under general anesthesia. Tracheal intubation, necessary due to circulatory weakness, failed due to scurvy-related jaw abnormality as a late consequence of Gulag imprisonment; this caused his death on January 14, 1966. The Soviet government honored him by burying his urn in the Kremlin wall. In 1996, the city of Kaliningrad in Moscow Oblast, where he headed the experimental design bureau OKB-1 as chief designer from 1950, was renamed after him.

Losing the Race to the Moon

With Korolev’s death, the Soviet space and lunar programs suffered a bitter loss. Although work on the N1 lunar rocket was continued by his collaborator Vasily Mishin , it was discontinued in 1974 after several launch failures.[ 4 ] The identity of the chief designer remained a state secret in the Soviet Union during his lifetime. While in the U.S. his adversary Wernher von Braun made a high-profile appearance in the press and on television, Korolev was not known even in his own country. When, after the successful launch of Sputnik 1, the Nobel Prize Committee asked Nikita Khrushchev for the name of the chief designer, he replied that it had been the work of the entire Soviet people and that they had thus deserved the award. Only on the occasion of the state funeral in Moscow was this secret revealed.

References and Further Reading:

  • [1]  The Sputnik Shock and the Start of the Space Race , SciHi Blog
  • [2]  Yuri Gagarin – the first Man in Space , SciHi Blog
  • [3]  Valentin Glushko and the Space Race , SciHi Blog
  • [4]  The Russian Dream to Land a Man on the Moon , SciHi Blog
  • [5]  “Sergei Korolev: Father of the Soviet Union’s success in space” . .
  • [6]  West, John B. (1 October 2001).  “Historical aspects of the early Soviet/ Russian crewed space program” .  Journal of Applied Physiology .  91  (4): 1501–1511.
  • [7]    “Sputnik Biographies–Sergei P. Korolev (1906-1966)” . .
  • [8]  Joachim Kutzner, Kurt Kobler:  Der Sputnikschock.  4. April 2004
  • [9]  The 2021 John J. Rhodes Lecture: Expanded Space Exploration , A Discussion with NASA Astronaut, Dr. Shannon Walker & Ambassador Barbara Barrett, Barrett Honors College @ youtube
  • [10] Sergei Korolev at Wikidata
  • [11] Timeline for Sergei Korolev , via Wikidata

Harald Sack

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ticket tour de belem

Korolyov is a mid-sized city in North Moscow Oblast , best known as the "cradle of space exporation," as it was the center of the Soviet space program. It was also a former elite dacha location, a vacation spot for all sorts of famous Russians (e.g., Chekhov, Lenin, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, etc.). The city today has become one of the most desirable residential locations outside Moscow.

Get in [ edit ]

By car [ edit ].

Take the M8 highway. The town starts right from the highway to the right of it, opposite to Mytishchi .

By bus [ edit ]

Buses 392, 565 and 576 from VDNKh metro station in Moscow, bus 28 from Mytishchi train station (starts on east side, opposite to bus station). Keep in mind jams on M8 for all of these buses, even though they become less severe after opening multilevel traffic interchanges on M8 between Mytishchi and Korolev.

Get around [ edit ]

See [ edit ].

  • House-Museum of Vladimir Lenin , ☏ +7 095 519-6265 . 11:00–18:00 .  
  • House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva .  
  • Church of the Birth of the Sacred Bogoroditsy in Kostino . (17th century)  
  • Space operation center .  
  • Temple Cosmas and Damian .  
  • The monument to Sergei Korolev .  

Drink [ edit ]

Sleep [ edit ], go next [ edit ].

ticket tour de belem

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  • 10 best things to do in Lisbon!

The Jeronimos Monastery

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The jeronimos monastery , a monument listed as a unesco world heritage site:.

Located in the district of Belém, the Jeronimos Monastery was built in 1502 by King Manuel I to welcome the return of Vasgo de Gama from India.

He thus decided to build a monastery intended for the religious of the order of Hieronymites. If the Jeronimos Monastery escaped the earthquake of 1755 which nevertheless devastated the city of Lisbon, it will be damaged by the English troops of Wellington at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1907, the Jeronimos Museum was classified as a Historic Monument.

Moreover, and since 1983, it has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is currently considered “The monument with the most architectural elements of the Manueline style”.

(As Belém Tower)

  • A skip-the-line ticket The visit to the south portal, the cloister, the tomb of Vasco da Gama, the upper choir, the altar, the sacristy.

Find all offers to visit the Jeronimos Monastery:

Opening hours:.

  • October to May: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (last admission is at 5 p.m.).
  • May to September: 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (last admission is at 6:00 p.m.)
  • Closed: Monday, January 1, Easter Sunday, May 1, June 13, December 25


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    ticket tour de belem


    ticket tour de belem


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  2. Lisbonne la tour de Belém et le monument des découvertes

  3. Kirman Belazur Resort & Spa 2022Turkey,BELEK /Кирман Белазур БЕЛЕК ОБЗОР ОТЕЛЯ/ТУРЕЦКАЯ ZARA (цены)

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    Booking your Belém Tower ticket will play a key role in simplifying your trip to Lisbon. By following tilckets' advice, you should be able to organise a pleasant and well-planned visit. #horaires. From May to September : 10H - 18H30. From October to April : 10H - 17H30.


    Belem Tower. The Belem Tower is in the city of Lisbon, Portugal in southern Europe. This monument was erected for the purpose of service both as a gateway to the city of Lisbon but also as a defense system against possible invasions and attacks from the Tagus. This rampart was a strategic point also protecting the Jeronimos Monastery, which ...


    La visite de la tour n'est malheureusement pas possible. La réservation du billet Tour Belém jouera un rôle central dans la simplification de votre voyage à Lisbonne. En suivant les conseils de tilckets, vous devriez pouvoir organiser une visite agréable et bien planifiée. 10H - 17H30.

  4. Belém Tower- Easy ticket

    Belém Tower - Easy entrance. 0. 10:00 - 17:30. Last admission 30 min. before closing. No need to print your ticket. Strategically built on the north bank of the Tagus River between 1514 and 1520, for the defense of Lisbon, it is one of the jewels of architecture during the reign of D. Manuel I. The Belém tower is a reference in architecture ...

  5. Belém Tower in Lisbon

    The Belém Tower (Torre de Belém) was built between 1514 and 1520 in a Manuelino style by the Portuguese architect and sculptor Francisco de Arruda. It was classified as a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO. Constructed on the northern bank of the Tagus River, this tower was used to defend the city.Years later, it was transformed into a lighthouse and customs house.

  6. Torre de Belém

    E-ticket for the Belem Tower with audio tour & Lisbon city tour . 1. Monuments and Memorials. from . $20.76. per adult. E-ticket to Belem Tower with Audio Tour on Your Phone. 6. Monuments and Memorials. from . $17.48. ... Torre de Belem, Belem Portugal: Strategically located into the sea, the tower is of iconic Manueline style like many of the ...

  7. Tickets & Tours

    A: Belém Tower (Torre de Belém) hours of operation: Oct - Apr: 10am - 5pm, May - Sept: 10am - 6:30pm. Closed Mondays, January 1, Easter Sunday, May 1, December 25. Buy tickets in advance on Viator. If you book with Viator, you can cancel at least 24 hours before the start date of your tour for a full refund.

  8. Belém Tower tickets

    Belém Tower Tickets. 4.3 (11,943 reviews) Check availability. 6 options • from $7.49. ... Belém Tower + Sintra, Cascais & Cabo da Roca Tour ... Belém Tower, or Torre de Belém, is a 16th-century fortification on the banks of Lisbon's River Tagus. This architectural jewel is a must-see when in the city, and is home to magical interiors ...

  9. Lisbon: Belém Tower Entry Ticket

    Know before you go. Admission is free at National Museums and Monuments on Sundays and holidays for residents of Portugal. Belém Tower opening hours are 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM, October to May; and 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM, May to September. The Last admission is at 5:00 PM. The tower is closed on Mondays, and January 1, Easter Sunday, May 1, June 13 ...

  10. Torre de Belém Tickets and Tours in Lisbon

    Enjoy a hassle-free visit with this skip-the-line ticket and gain valuable insights of the Belem Tower and explore its secretes. free cancellation. Available in: en, fr, es, de, pt. from: $18.00. Attractions & guided tours.

  11. Guide to Tower of Belém: Tips, History & More

    Entrance, Tickets, and Tours to Tower of Belém. Entrance: The Tower of Belém is open every day, except for Mondays. From October to March, it is open between 10 and 17:30. From April to September, the tower is open between 10 and 18:30. The Tower of Belém is closed on 1 January, Easter Sunday, 1 May, 13 June, 24 and 25 December.

  12. Belém Tower Tickets

    Highlights & Description. Book your Belém Tower tickets and visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Access all four interior floors of this architectural jewel, including the King's Chamber. Enjoy panoramic views by the Lisbon riverside along the Tagus. Belém Tower, or the Tower of St. Vincent, stands triumphantly on the banks of the River Tagus.


    Tour de Belém - Billet facile! La tour de Belém se trouve dans la ville de Lisbonne, au portugal dans le sud de l'Europe. Ce monument fut érigé dans le but de service à la fois de porte d'entrée dans la ville de Lisbonne mais aussi de système de défense contre les éventuelles invasions et attaques venant du Tage. From €8.

  14. Belém Tower Tickets

    from €18.50. €16.87. 9% off. Check availability. Extended Validity. Instant Confirmation. Mobile Ticket. With this cost-saving combo, gain entry to the Belem Tower, and 2 iconic museums, the National Museum of Ancient Art and National Museum of Contemporary Art.

  15. How to Visit the Torre de Belém in Portugal: Travel Guide and Tips

    The Torre de Belém is located in the district of Belém, which is about 6 km west of the city center. You can easily reach it by public transport, such as bus, tram or train. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or rent a bike or a scooter. Once you are there, you will find plenty of things to do and see near the tower.

  16. Réservez vos billets pour la tour de Belém

    Le combo Lisboeta : Billets Château de Saint-Georges + Tour de Belém + Monastère de Jerónimos. Politique d'annulation. La plupart des billets pour la Tour de Belém peuvent être annulés 24 à 72 heures avant le début de l'expérience. Cependant, les billets combinés ne peuvent pas être annulés ou reportés.

  17. Torre de Belém, Tickets and Tours

    Castle of São Jorge tickets & guided tours. Compare tickets and tours from multiple websites to visit Belém Tower in Lisbon. Find the best deal to save time and money when you use TicketLens. Discover one of the symbols of Portugal's maritime power during the Age of Discoveries, and explore the 16th-century fortification on the Tagus river.

  18. Lisbon: Belém Walking Tour And Jerónimos Monastery Ticket

    From savoring the delectable Pastéis de Belém to engaging with knowledgeable local guides, this experience offers a blend of culture and gastronomy that will captivate any traveler. Priced attractively at $52.01, this tour caters to various interests, promising an unforgettable encounter with Lisbon's past and flavors.

  19. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

    January 2022 0 Harald Sack. Sergei Korolev (1907 - 1966), Soviet Union 1969 CPA 3731 stamp. On January 12, 1907, lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer during the Space Race Sergei Korolev was born. Korolev is regarded by many as the "father of practical astronautics ". He was involved in the development of the R-7 Rocket ...

  20. Korolyov

    Korolyov. Korolyov is a mid-sized city in North Moscow Oblast, best known as the "cradle of space exporation," as it was the center of the Soviet space program. It was also a former elite dacha location, a vacation spot for all sorts of famous Russians (e.g., Chekhov, Lenin, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, etc.).

  21. The Jeronimos Monastery

    A monument listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site: Located in the district of Belém, the Jeronimos Monastery was built in 1502 by King Manuel I to welcome the return of Vasgo de Gama from India. He thus decided to build a monastery intended for the religious of the order of Hieronymites. If the Jeronimos Monastery escaped the earthquake of ...

  22. Музей космонавтики

    To book a tour around Sergey Korolev Memorial House, please, call +7 499 750-23-00, ext. 1017, 10 AM - 7 PM daily. Tours are available in English (2 000 RUR for the group of 10). Please, make sure you purchase tickets 30 minutes before closing time. Tickets purchased are non-returnable and non-refundable. Address: 1st Ostankino street 28.

  23. Moscow to Korolyov

    Drive • 28 min. Drive from Moscow to Korolyov 26.6 km. RUB 200 - RUB 300. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between.