trip murah ke bali backpacker

Backpacker ke Bali: Panduan, Estimasi Biaya, dan Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata

Ilustrasi Turis Backpacker (ransel), solo traveler

Panduan Backpacker ke Bali yang Menyenangkan

Estimasi biaya liburan ke bali ala backpacker, tips backpacker ke bali yang aman, tempat wisata gratis ala backpacker ke bali, apa saja yang harus dibawa saat backpacker ke bali.

Berlibur ke Bali pasti mahal? Tidak juga. Kamu bisa tetap menikmati keindahan Pulau Dewata ini dengan backpacking yang murah meriah dan antiboros! Berikut panduan dan rekomendasi liburan ala backpacker lengkap dari detikBali, khusus untuk Anda, detikers.

Banyak macam wisatawan yang datang ke Bali, tidak cuma yang berduit saja. Jika budget-mu terbatas, kamu tetap bisa menikmati liburan di Bali dengan maksimal. Asalkan kamu mengikuti panduan berikut ini, dihimpun dari detikTravel dan catatan detikBali.

1. Manfaatkan Promo

Sebagai destinasi wisata populer, tidak sulit menemukan promo liburan di Bali. Macam-macam promo bisa kamu dapatkan, mulai dari promo tiket pesawat, hotel, sewa kendaraan, sampai promo objek wisata!



2. Rencanakan Pengeluaran dengan Matang

Tantangan backpacking adalah dompet tipis dan dana terbatas. Rencanakanlah pengeluaranmu sebaik mungkin untuk penginapan, makan, sewa kendaraan, hingga tiket masuk tempat wisata. Jika sekiranya melebihi budget-mu, kamu bisa skip dan cari alternatif wisata yang lebih murah.

3. Kunjungi Wisata Murah dan Gratis

Menyambung tips sebelumnya, kamu bisa memilih tempat wisata yang murah, bahkan gratis! Ada kok banyak spot wisata menarik yang ramah kantong. Coba cek rekomendasi-rekomendasi yang ada di detikBali.

4. Menginap di Hotel dengan Breakfast

Makan itu penting. Tapi jika kamu ingin menghemat pengeluaran dalam hal makanan, carilah hotel atau penginapan yang sudah menyediakan sarapan dan termasuk ke dalam harga sewanya. Atau cari hotel yang sarapannya gratis. Tidak enak kan, kalau mau jalan-jalan tapi perut kosong?

5. Pilih Tempat Makan Murah

Banyak kafe dan resto lucu yang rasanya ingin dikunjungi di Bali. Masalahnya, harga makanan resto dan kafe semacam itu biasanya mahal. Jika memang kamu berniat backpacking, pilihlah tempat makan yang lebih murah tapi tidak murahan. Ada banyak warung nasi tersebar di berbagai tempat dan menyediakan makanan sehat dan lengkap. Dijamin tidak kalah nikmat daripada resto-kafe kekinian!

6. Sewa Kendaraan

Harus diakui bahwa tidak semua tempat wisata di Bali mudah diakses dengan kendaraan umum. Jika kamu ingin mengunjungi banyak tempat, sebaiknya sekalian saja sewa motor atau mobil supaya lebih leluasa berkeliling. Jatuhnya juga lebih murah daripada kamu harus naik taksi.

7. Bayar Patungan

Jika kamu pergi backpacking bersama teman-teman, kamu bisa berbagi 'beban' membayar kebutuhan liburan kalian. Lebih enteng kan, kalau bisa bayar patungan?

1. Estimasi Biaya Naik Pesawat Jakarta-Bali

Cara termudah menjangkau Pulau Bali dari Jakarta adalah dengan naik pesawat. Dihimpun dari berbagai situs penjualan tiket pesawat online, harga tiket Jakarta-Bali berkisar antara Rp 900 ribu hingga Rp 6 juta. Pilihlah tiket yang sesuai dengan budget.

2. Estimasi Biaya Naik Kereta Jakarta-Bali

Lho, memangnya bisa? Nah, sayangnya memang tidak ada kereta yang langsung mencapai Pulau Bali, detikers. Di Pulau Bali pun tidak ada jalur kereta. Namun, kamu masih bisa naik kereta menuju kota yang paling dekat dengan Bali, yakni Banyuwangi.

Mengutip CNN Indonesia, kereta termurah dari Jakarta-Banyuwangi adalah KA Bengawan tujuan Stasiun Lempuyangan Yogyakarta. Kemudian dari Yogyakarta, sambung lagi dengan naik KA Sri Tanjung tujuan Banyuwangi. Berikut harganya.

  • KA Bengawan (Pasar Senen-Lempuyangan) Rp 74 ribu
  • KA Sri Tanjung (Lempuyangan-Ketapang) Rp 94 ribu

Jadi totalnya hanya Rp 168 ribu! Murah banget, kan? Tapi kamu harus cepat-cepat membeli tiket 30 hari sebelum keberangkatan, karena tiket kereta murah seperti ini cepat habis.

Dari Stasiun Ketapang Banyuwangi, kamu bisa naik angkot atau jalan kaki menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang. Kemudian menyeberanglah naik kapal ferry dengan harga tiket Rp 9.650. Sesampai di Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, kamu tinggal mencari kendaraan umum berupa bus menuju Denpasar atau kota tujuan lain.

3. Estimasi Biaya Menginap di Bali

Backpacker biasanya mencari penginapan semurah mungkin. Apakah ada di Bali? Tentu saja ada dan banyak! Menurut catatan detikBali, ada beberapa hotel di sekitar Kuta yang harga sewa per malam hanya sekitar Rp 100 ribuan!

Jangan khawatir, semua penginapan itu layak huni dan dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas memadai seperti AC, kolam renang, dan WiFi. Ini daftarnya.

- Easton Kuta

Alamat: Jalan Kartika Gang Nusa Indah No. 3, Kuta

- OYO 91112 Tara Kost

Alamat: Jalan Majapahit No. 82, Kuta

- Pesona Beach Inn Hotel

Alamat: Jalan Poppies I No. 31, Kuta

- OYO 1654 Maha Bharata Kuta Inn

Alamat: Jalan Legian No. 96, Legian, Kuta

- OYO 4003 Ceria Guest House Seminyak

Alamat: Jalan Seminyak Gang Bima No. 8 BA, Seminyak, Kuta

Nah, terkadang wisatawan yang baru pertama kali backpacking lupa satu hal: Keamanan. Pokoknya murah, hajar saja! Padahal keamanan tetaplah nomor satu. Berikut tips backpacking ke Bali supaya tetap aman.

1. Beri Tahu Rencana Perjalanan ke Orang Terdekat

Kabari orang terdekat seperti keluarga atau teman ketika kamu ingin berangkat backpacking ke Bali. Supaya kalau amit-amit terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan, mereka bisa segera tahu dan segera membantumu.

2. Catat Nomor-nomor Penting

Misalnya nomor kantor polisi, nomor pemadam kebakaran, atau nomor-nomor yang akan berguna untukmu selama liburan ke sana. Misalnya nomor hotel tempat menginap dan nomor kantor penyedia sewa kendaraan.

3. Menjaga Sikap Sesuai Masyarakat Setempat

Namanya wisatawan datang ke tempat baru, tentu ada aturan masyarakat setempat yang harus diikuti oleh wisatawan pendatang itu. Kalau ada peraturan A atau B, sebagai wisatawan kita harus mengikuti sebagai bentuk menghargai dan menghormati warga setempat.

4. Jaga Barang-barang Bawaan dengan Baik

Awasi barang bawaanmu ke mana pun kamu pergi. Jangan sampai hilang digasak maling. Sebaiknya tidak perlu terlalu banyak membawa barang tidak penting supaya bebanmu lebih ringan dan kamu lebih leluasa jalan-jalan.

Salah satu tips yang dibahas sebelumnya adalah cari tempat wisata yang murah dan gratis. Nah, berikut daftar tempat wisata gratis yang bisa kamu kunjungi selama backpacking, mengutip situs Wonderful Indonesia.

Rata-rata pantai di Bali tidak ada tiketnya. Artinya, wisatawan bisa bebas masuk ke area pantai dan menikmati keindahan laut hingga horizon. Banyak pantai yang bisa kamu kunjungi, seperti Pantai Kuta, Pantai Jimbaran, Pantai Suluban, dan lain-lain. Dari ujung selatan sampai ujung utara, semua pantai Bali bagus!

Selain pantai, objek wisata perbukitan juga biasanya bebas biaya. Paling-paling wisatawan hanya bayar sewa kendaraan menuju ke sana. Salah satu bukit terkenal yang cocok dijadikan tujuan backpacking adalah Bukit Campuhan. Pemandangan sunrise di bukit ini sangat recommended!

Bali dikenal sebagai Pulau Seribu Pura. Maka, kurang afdol jika kamu liburan ke sana tanpa mengunjungi setidaknya satu pura di sana. Masuk pura biasanya dikenai biaya untuk tiket, tapi sangat terjangkau, kok. Ada juga pura yang tidak perlu tiket masuk, seperti Pura Taman Saraswati Ubud.

4. Jalan Ikonik

Banyak jalan ikonik yang sering didatangi wisatawan di Bali, seperti Jalan Legian. Jika kamu hanya berjalan kaki saja, tidak perlu ada biaya yang dikeluarkan alias gratis! Kecuali kamu mampir ke salah satu toko yang terdapat di sepanjang jalan tersebut, baru deh kamu belanja dan mengeluarkan uang.

Setiap backpacker punya daftar tersendiri barang-barang apa saja yang ingin dan perlu dibawa. Tapi kalau kamu belum pernah backpacking, berikut ini daftar barang yang sebaiknya dibawa saat berlibur ala backpacker.

  • Sandal atau sepatu sandal
  • Sepatu trekking
  • Sunscreen/tabir surya
  • Pakaian ganti secukupnya
  • Pakaian khusus untuk berenang
  • Tas belanja, sebaiknya dari kain
  • Kantong khusus pakaian kotor
  • Obat-obatan pribadi dan P3K
  • Losion antinyamuk
  • Botol minum/tumblr
  • Ponsel dengan paket internet yang cukup
  • Kamera (atau kamera ponsel saja cukup)
  • Uang tunai secukupnya

Itulah panduan dan rekomendasi liburan ala backpacker ke Bali. Jangan lupa untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan di setiap tempat wisata yang kamu kunjungi ya, detikers. Semoga bermanfaat and let the adventure begin!

Pantai Walakiri, si Eksotis dari Tanah Sumba

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Home » Southeast Asia » Indonesia » Bali

Backpacking Bali Travel Guide 2024

Let me whisk you away for a moment. Are you ready?

Picture wind in your hair as you speed down a road that is surrounded by rice fields, glistening the most intense green you’ve ever seen.

Picture sand between your toes and water droplets dripping on your hands from an ice-cold coconut as you watch the skies go pink and purple and baby-blue above the ocean.

Picture stretching out to a downward dog as you hear the waves crash somewhere in the distance.

These are completely normal, everyday experiences in Bali. They’re not even up top in what this little island has to offer.

Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world which is why I was really unsure I would EVER visit Bali. Hadn’t I already seen the whole place on Instagram?

I promise you that you have not.

When you’re planning to backpack Bali on a budget, it’s important to know what to do. Where to go? What to do? Where do all the cool people hang?

This budget travel guide to Bali covers everything and more that you need to know for your trip. Soon you’ll be more than prepared for this amazing island.

A girl standing near Sekumpul Waterfall in bali indonesia

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Why Go Backpacking in Bali?

Bali has a lot more to do than most islands of its size. Here you can eat, drink, lounge, surf, explore, relax, hike, dive, and much, much more all within the course of a week or two.

You could start your morning with a surf in the salty waves; spend the day driving from waterfall to waterfall; then end the night in a spectacular sunset with a cold beer (or a fresh coconut for ya health nuts). That is, before you hit the nightlife. Live music in a speakeasy? Stand-up comedy? Open-mic poetry? Getting absolutely shitface-wasted and dancing on the beach?

That’s just one day of Bali travel. This place is a paradise both inside and out.

a large balinese statue in ubud, Bali

People who come to Bali swear that there’s some special magic in the air. It’s the kind of sparkles that get travellers to come here “for a week” – next thing you know, you’ve applied for a two-year visa.

It helps that the lifestyle is fucking good. As a backpacker, I’m sure you can appreciate a sliver of hardcore rest&relaxation among your busy itinerary. Soak in a flower bath, get massaged for hours, or hit the gym – and all this for ultra-cheaply.

There is so much to do and see in Bali that trying to take part in everything may seem overwhelming at first. Luckily, this budget travel guide to Bali is here to help you sort through everything.

Prepare to rock out amigos. I’ll show you my favourite places to chill, party, eat and explore in Bali 🙂

Best Itineraries for Backpacking Bali

With so much to do, where do you start a Bali budget trip?

Lucky for you, I’ve created a few itineraries that show you a few of Bali’s best sides. Hopefully you’ll stick around and stay for a few weeks at least to check out all the best things to see in Bali!

Distances here are not insurmountable; the points in these itineraries are just 1-2 hours apart. If you’re brave enough to take a scooter to the infamous Bali roads, you’ll be backpacking Bali in no time at all.

5 Days Travel Itinerary for Bali: A Party Trip to Bali

5 Days Travel Itinerary for Bali

Only have a few days to travel in Bali? No problem! With this 5-day itinerary for Bali, you’ll still get a taster of the Island of Gods.

A lot of backpackers end up in Kuta , but, frankly, I fucking hate Kuta. It’s tacky, busy and basically just a drinking area for young backpackers.

Of course if that’s what you’re after… then Kuta is an excellent spot to hang out at for a night or two.

After this, move on to Canggu to rest your hungover head on the beaches and instagrammable cafés for a bit. (Although you can also easily base yourself in Canggu for the whole thing and just go to Kuta to party.) If you need to get out, visit Tanah Lot to the north of Canggu.

Then head to the Bukit Peninsula, AKA Uluwatu. It’s possible to visit as a day trip but the cliffs offer some of the best sunset views on the island, so I recommend spending at least a night there! Plus, it’s closer to the airport than Canggu. Visit Uluwatu Temple and the famously beautiful beaches.

1 Week Travel Itinerary for Bali: The Highlands and the North

1 Week Travel Itinerary for Bali

Many travellers argue that backpacking Ubud and the lush mountains of northern Bali require their own separate itinerary and for good reason – there’s so much to do here! Go rambling in the rice terraces; visit the many volcanoes in Indonesia ; have a spa day in one of the many jungle retreats… there are a lot of options.

For this 7-day itinerary for Bali, Ubud will be your primary base of operation. The town itself has stuff to see and explore for at least a day, and you can easily find tons of good day trips around there – just take your pick.

From Ubud, travel to north Bali to Lake Batur where you can climb Mount Batur at sunrise. It’s easily one of the top things to do in Bali! Lastly, travel down through the island to Canggu for a least day or two. Because if you went to Bali and didn’t even see one beach, did you even go to Bali?

1 Month Travel Itinerary for Bali: The Grand Tour

1 Month Travel Itinerary for Bali

Got a whole month to spare for backpacking Bali? Good. This itinerary will take you all over: you’ll see the jungles, volcanoes, temples, beaches, dive bars, everything you can imagine!

Once you land, head to Uluwatu . Surf, enjoy sunsets, chill on hidden beaches, and visit some of Bali’s best temples.

From there, head to Sanur . You can spend a couple of days there but mainly it’s important as the port to the Nusa Islands. Base yourself on Nusa Lembongan from where it’s super easy to also check out Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida.

Return to the mainland and make your way to Kuta or Seminyak – if you want to party. If not, you can easily skip it and head right down to Canggu .

From Canggu, it’s an easy way up to Ubud and all of its surrounding waterfalls and jungle treks. Next, you’ll make your way to northern Bali; but make a quick stop in Bedugul . Here you’ll get to see the awesome Pura Ulun Danu Beratan temple and the nearby mountain lakes.

Spend a couple of days Munduk which IMHO is the best place for hiking in Bali. 

Next up: Lovina . There’s not much to see so one or two nights is enough but it IS worth a stop to see the dolphins. From Lovina, travel to the mountainous Kintamani area to climb Mount Batur. 

All righty. Had enough of mountains? Pop by in Sideman to hang out in some more nature before ending up in Amed on the coast. If you still have time, make a stop in Candidasa or Padang Bai, but eventually this itinerary is closing in Denpasar from where you can easily get to the airport.

Best Places to Visit in Bali

Now it’s time to cover the best places to visit in Bali more in-depth, so you know exactly where to go during your trip. From the most popular destinations to some hidden gems , this is where to go backpacking in Bali.

Note that the towns on the south coast of Bali are pretty much blended together with no visible city borders. Each area has a bit of a different vibe to others, though. My best advice is to base yourself in Canggu and commute from there to wherever you want to go!

rice-fields in Ubud, Bali, indonesia

Psssst…. Searching for your Tribe?

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Tribal Hostel – Bali’s first purpose-built co-working hostel and perhaps the greatest hostel in the world!

An ideal hub for Digital Nomads and backpackers, this very special hostel is now finally open…

Come on down and enjoy amazing coffee, high-speed wifi and a game of pool 😉

Backpacking Canggu

Visiting Canggu is my FAVOURITE thing in Bali! It feels worlds away from the chaotic, congested streets of Kuta and Legian. It’s still not quiet, though. This is where lots of expats and digital nomads in Bali have hung their hats so there’s always something going on.

Between yoga studios, vegan restaurants, a great surf beach, awesome nightlife, famous gyms… I fucking love it here. There’s just so much to do in Canggu ! Canggu is a village with a big city heart.

(Note: When people say “Canggu”, they usually mean all the other areas surrounding it, too. It’s a little bit confusing but if you hear people talk about Berawa, Pererenan or Umalas, you can just assume it’s Canggu-adjacent.)

Canggu has many beaches that have become popular for their surf as well as sunsets. Granted, they’re not super pretty – but they’re great for grabbing a sunset coconut. Echo Beach is the most famous of these, but Batu Bolong and Berawa Beach are good as well.

Traveling with a Skateboard

Some of the best bars in Canggu are Black Sand Brewery (great craft beers!), La Brisa (best shisha), and The Lawn (awesome place for sunset cocktails!) All these spots are pricey for Bali standards though so if you’re backpacking Bali on a budget, join the crowds at seedy dive bars, in front of mini-marts, or the bar at your awesome Canggu hostel .

If you’re a Digital Nomad visiting Bali, make sure to head down to Tribal Hostel for some networking, slamming the keyboard, chilling in the pool or sipping on a cold coconut from the bar. It recently opened its dorm and private rooms as well, so you can even make this your base for adventures on the island.

One of the top things to do in Canggu is to just hang out in cafés and restaurants. Canggu has an incredibly diverse and delicious food scene and the best coffee in Bali!

Don’t miss out on driving through “The Shortcut”, an infamous rice paddy road connecting central Canggu and Berawa. It used to topple careless foreigners and car drivers over all the time, but as of January 2022, Canggu’s once most-dangerous road has been re-paved and it’s sexier than ever.

When visiting Canggu, take a day trip to Tanah Lot . This temple is located on a rocky outcropping on the coast and it is one of the best things to do in Bali.

Backpacking Ubud

Ubud is the primary base for backpackers to explore the highlands of Bali. The “green heart of Bali” is a very lush and beautiful place, close to some of Bali’s best rice terraces, temples, waterfalls, and mountains.

Ubud itself is a collection of a dozen or so villages and all of them come together to form a decent-sized community. If you’re wondering where to stay in Ubud , keeping it central is a good idea.

Ubud is absolutely jam-packed with temples that come in all shapes and sizes. Nowhere else in Bali can you find so many religious sites and in such great propensity.

You have the epic Goa Gajah, Pura Kehen, the humble Yeh Pulu, and the Tirta Emplus, which has been the setting for many an Instagram snap. My real favourite is Gunung Kawi, mostly for its expansiveness but also for its ambience.

a couple taking a selfie with a monkey in the monkey forest of ubud, bali

Ubud’s Monkey Forest is very popular to visit for very obvious reasons – here, monkeys run freely among the wooded grounds and play with visitors. Be careful though: monkeys are fuckers and they will steal your snacks, iPhone, and probably soul, too.

Be sure to visit the Neka Art Gallery, Setiadarma House, Ubud Palace, and the Agung Rai Museum for some prime culture. Many of the best hostels in Ubud are within walking distance from its top attractions.

Ubud is all about the nature. You probably already know the Tegallalang rice terraces and the Campuhan Ridge Walk from Instagram but in real life , they’re also gorgeous. Just get up early to avoid crowds!

This town is also known for its hippies. Spiritual backpackers will feel right at home here, and it offers some of the best yoga in Bali.

Backpacking Kuta

Located west of Denpasar is one the longest and most developed areas on the entire island. Consisting of Kuta, Legian, and Seminyak, these buzzing neighborhoods offer not only lots to do but some of the best places to stay in Bali on a budget if you’re young and wanna drink a lot. Here you’ll find the bulk of shops and restaurants on the island as well as some of the most popular beaches.

Kuta definitely has a reputation for being pretty debaucherous and grimy. All of Kuta’s neighbourhoods are lined with countless dive bars, and by night wasted drinkers stumble around, trying their hardest not to fall off their motorbike taxis.

If you’re looking for the best parties in Bali, you’ll definitely find many of them here in Kuta. If this is your jam, book into a party hostel in Kuta and have yourself an absolute blast.

A group of friends talking outside a cafe holding surfboards.

It’s hard to say which bars are the best bars in Kuta. The beach bars are numerous and somewhat generic, though Sam’s Bar and the Capil Beach Bar do stand out. In the interior of the neighbourhood, you have classic establishments like Paddy’s Pub, Deejay Club, VH Bali, and the Hard Rock that are generally the go-to spots.

As mentioned before, nearly all of Kuta’s bars will have a certain seediness to them whether you like that kind of thing or not – there are a lot of working girls around, try not to be a dick and if you’re going to interact, treat these ladies of the night kindly.

Kuta also has a number of spas and yoga studios in addition to an impressive beach. Visiting any one of these makes for a good way to weather the massive hangovers. The beach itself is long and actually very nice although crowded. Kuta Beach still remains one of the best places to surf in Bali so long as you don’t mind sharing the beach.

Backpacking Seminyak and Legian

Seminyak is the most upscale area on the western beach stretch that includes Kuta and Legian.

This neighborhood is by far the most orderly of the three and has the most luxurious accommodations and restaurants. Prices here are consequently the highest of the three as well. But don’t worry – you’ll still find some cheaper backpacker hostels in Seminyak .

The beach here is still top quality but not so good for surfing.

Seminyak’s bars are well known for being very chique places where people like to go and be seen. Among the most famous establishments are Ku De Ta, Potato Head, Woo Bar, and La Favela, though there are many, many more worth mentioning (if we had more time!)

Be sure to dress nicely as it’s a bit fancier here than Kuta – I was turned away from one place on account of a tank top.

a coconut full of coconut water at a beach bar in Bali

If you’re finding staying in Seminyak a bit to bougie for your tastes, head a little south to the neighbourhood of Legian . Legian is great because it has a little bit of everything: some shopping here, some bars there, and plenty of beach in between. The vibes are not too extreme and the energy here feels much more stable.

The beaches of Legian are well kept and somewhat laidback. They are definitely more like Kuta than Seminyak though, with lots of shacks and happy hour offerings.

The shopping in Legian is diverse and you can find just about anything here. There are plenty of boutiques that sell more than just the usual Bintang shirts and phallic souvenirs though you can still find plenty of those latter items in Legian. Overall, prices in Legian are only slightly higher than those Kuta but less than Seminyak.

Bar-wise, Legian almost blends seemingly into Kuta as they’re very close to one another. Zanzibar Beach Front, Bounty Discotheque, Engine Room, and Sky Garden all worth visiting.

Backpacking Uluwatu & the Bukit Peninsula

Uluwatu is a surfer mecca! Located on the southern tip of the island, Uluwatu has legendary surf, gorgeous temples, and some of the most beautiful beaches in Bali. Uluwatu is, for lack of better terms, simply stunning and just really fucking cool.

Note: Again, the backpackers of Bali tend to simplify names. The whole area is known as Bukit Peninsula and Uluwatu is just a small part of it but pretty much everyone just refers to the whole deal as Uluwatu, so you should too 🙂

The landscape is distinctly more rugged and arid than the rest of Bali. Here you will find epic coastal cliffs and hidden coves that are just waiting to be explored. Some of the best beaches in Uluwatu include Nyang Nyang Beach, Balangan Beach, Bingin, Padang-Padang, and Suluban Beach , among others.

sunset at Uluwatu beach, Bali

The waves in Uluwatu should be irresistible to big wave surfers. If you’re a beginner, stay out of the water! These waves are for experienced surfers – if you’re just learning, head down to Batu Bolong in Canggu.

One of the best things to see in Uluwatu  is definitely on the western edge of the peninsula – an area that is referred to locally as “ Blue Point .” Built among the cliffs overlooking the sea, the hotels here are a pretty awesome sight. Grabbing a drink and watching the surfers catch waves as the sun sets is one of the best things to do in Bali as night approaches.

Also, you can’t miss Pura Uluwatu. This complex, perched precariously on the edge of a cliff, is one of the most impressive temples in Bali. Try to catch a kecak dance ceremony here.

On the eastern side of the Bukit Peninsula is the ultra-exclusive Nusa Dua area. It’s a gated community and pretty much a bore if you’re travelling Bali on a shoestring budget. If you’ve got some dough to spend, though, the fancy resorts can treat you like royalty.

Renting a villa in Uluwatu is quite heavy on the budget but luckily there are plenty of cheaper backpacker hostels in Uluwatu for those on a Bali budget trip.

Backpacking Sanur

Sanur is one of the oldest resort areas in Bali and maintains a pretty relaxed atmosphere. As such, Sanur is more popular with the middle-aged crowd and/or those with families who are just trying to avoid dealing with the madness of the western beaches.

Like any beachside resort worth two shits, Sanur has some great beaches to chill on. These beaches are notably devoid of the bars that litter the western shores, and are instead replaced by a well-maintained promenade.

This paved path is great for early morning jogs as well as bike rides with the family. Watersports – in particular, kitesurfing – are very popular activities in Sanur. Note that because it faces the east, sunrises are better than sunsets in Sanur.

crystal clear water with rocks

Thanks to its central location in east Bali, Sanur is a great place to organize dive trips. The diving around Sanur specifically isn’t all that great but many of the island’s top dive instructors are in this area, so it still makes sense to organize dives here.

There are a couple of non-beach related activities around Sanur worth checking out. The La Mayeur Museum is a lovely gallery (and former residence) that exhibits the works of Belgian impressionist Adrien Jean La Mayeur. There is a beautiful Orchid Garden in Sanur as well as the Pura Blanjong , which is home to the extremely important Prasati Blanjong stone pillar.

One of my favourite secret-not-so-secret things to do in Bali is located right outside of Sanur – the Taman Festival park . This abandoned theme park is awesome for a couple of hours of urban exploring!

Sanur is also the gateway to Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida, both of which are among the best places to visit in Bali!

Backpacking Amed

Once one of the sleepiest, most impoverished fishing villages in Bali, Amed is now becoming one of the most popular diving destinations on the island! Set against the inspiring Mt. Agung, Amed has some of the best scuba diving and snorkelling in Bali, in addition to some stunning scenery.

Amed’s main attractions are mostly ocean-oriented. Between Amed and the local community of Tulambed , there are a plethora of dive sites to visit. There are several dive operators within either town that can organize trips out to the sites easily and affordably.

The USS Liberty wreck is one of the most awesome dive sites in the area as it has become a menagerie for aquatic life. There’s another popular wreck in Lipah Bay (known as the Japanese wreck which is also very accessible to snorkelers) and a contemporary “underwater gallery” in Jemeluk Bay .

Girl looks over view of Lake Kawaguchiko and Fuji-san in Japan.

The scenery around Amed is some of the best in Bali. Views of Mt. Agung are plentiful especially around Jemeluk Bay. There’s a place in Jemeluk that is particularly exposed to the mountain and it’s become popular with locals for its great sunset views. Its name is (not surprisingly) Sunset Point . You can see the sunset from a stand-up paddleboard in the bay or sip on a Bintang at the local bar (seats fill up quick!).

If you’re feeling invigorated by Mt. Agung , why not considered visiting or even climbing it?! Mt. Agung is only within an hour’s drive of Amed. The holiest temple on the island, Pura Besakih , is also located at the base of the mighty mountain.

Amed is also the best place to stay if you want to visit the famous Lempuyang temple. But don’t stick to the boring Insta-photos at the first gates – climb the hill to see a dozen other temples!

Backpacking Lovina

Located in northern Bali, Lovina is perhaps the most laidback of all the beach destinations on the island. Once a singular resort, named Lovina by a king, the term Lovina has come to refer to a greater collection of villages that have all become popular with travellers.

The black-sand beaches around Lovina are very calm, both in terms of crowds and tides, when compared to the more southern beaches. Because of the calm sea, diving and snorkelling are also popular activities.

a sign that says Kroya waterfall, with the waterfall in the background

Dolphin sightings are frequent in these waters as well, so much so that these animals have become a mascot of sorts in town. The famous Dolphin Statue crowns the central village of Lovina, which is officially called Kalibukbuk . Take an early-morning dolphin cruise, you won’t regret it!

What really sets Lovina apart from the rest of Bali are the nearby waterfalls. These cascades are the best on the island and exploring them is one of the most fun things to do in Bali. Popular falls include Gitgit, Aling-Aling, Singsing, Sekumpul, and Blahmantung .

Some other attractions around Lovina are the Air Panas Banjar hot springs and Brahmavihara-Arama Buddhist temple.

Backpacking Denpasar

Denpasar is Bali’s fast-paced and densely inhabited capital. Most who are backpacking around Bali just pass through here on their way to somewhere else and don’t see much of the city.

And to be honest – that’s the best thing to do. Denpasar doesn’t have a beach, it’s chaotic and heavily trafficked, and just not what you probably came to Bali for.

Still, it’s not all tragic. Denpasar has many temples, museums, and cultural centres to visit. It also has the best movie theatres in Bali in case you were craving a little normalcy during your backpacking trip. My best advice would be to base yourself along the coast – Kuta, Seminyak or Canggu – and drive up to Denpasar for the day.

a traditional balinese statue in denpasar, bali, Indonesia

Lapangan Puputan Margarana is probably the most prominent and important landmark in the area. At the centre is a large monument that commemorates Balinese independence through the celebration of the puputans – the original Balinese fighters who committed suicide to combat the Dutch.

Near the Puputan is the Bali Museum , which has a great collection of Balinese artefacts. Though the Bali Museum is perhaps the largest, there are several others that you can visit in Denpasar, including the Sidik Jari Museum , the Wedhi Budaya Cultural Centre , and the Interactive Art Museum .

Also worth seeing is the Taman Budaya Art Center – this building has a large amphitheatre that hosts many performances including dancing and music. This site is also the centre of the Bali Arts Festival.

Finally, there are a few noteworthy temples around Denpasar. Pura Sakenan, Pura Agung Jagatnata, and Pura Maospahit are all charming little shrines. The old Palace of Satria , once a royal residence, now serves as a holy place as well.

Backpacking Nusa Lembongan, Ceningan, and Penida

For those looking to get away from the madness of mainland Bali, to find an island escape from a bigger island escape if you will, the Nusa Islands make for an awesome respite. Let the island hopping begin!

The Nusa Archipelago is composed of three islands: Lembongan, Penida, and Ceningan . Each one has different sorts of attractions and varying levels of development – Lembongan has the most infrastructure while Penida has the least; Ceningan is connected to Lembongan by a famous yellow bridge and is practically an extension of the island.

You can catch a boat between Lembongan and Penida easily; it takes only ten minutes. Lembongan has the best accommodation and restaurant options so that’s why I’d recommend staying in Nusa Lembongan .

Each of the islands has a similar ultra-rugged topography; think Uluwatu but more rough and epic. Rising prominently from the sea, these islands are protected by sheer, sometimes crazy coastal cliffs that are awe-inspiring to see. What few beaches there are usually hidden away from sight and are totally pristine. Finally, the water surrounding the islands is probably the deepest cerulean that I’ve ever seen.

a girl climbing down to a famous beach with cliffs and clear blue ocean in nusa penida

There are a couple of settlements spread throughout the islands that are like more down-tempo versions of Bali’s touristy areas. In these, you’ll find the usual joints like beach bars, organic cafes, and yoga studios. Lembongan has a tiny but active expat community as well, mostly centred around surfing and scuba diving.

You can start exploring the islands and visiting popular locations like the Devil’s Tear on Nusa Lembongan or the Blue Lagoon on Ceningan but be sure to blaze your own trail sometimes.

Being a much larger island, Nusa Penida has way more to see than its neighbours. The beaches of Atuh, Suwehan, Panadan, and Kelingking Beach are all worth seeing. My personal favourite was Diamond Beach.  Nusa Penida is also the best place to see and swim with manta rays – and it’s absolutely magical.

Getting to the Nusas only takes about half an hour on a boat from Sanur or Padang Bai so I highly recommend checking them out if you have 2-3 days to spare in your Bali itinerary.

Off the Beaten Path in Bali

Between all of the traffic, resorts, and developments, there are definitely moments where Bali can feel less chilled than you expected. Thankfully, there are still parts of the island that are relatively untouched by mass tourism; places where you can really unwind and let your feet roam wherever they want.

Bedugul : Okay, this mountain village is not exactly offbeat – it’s home to Pura Ulun Danu Beratan , a water temple that is literally one of the most famous sights in Bali. Most people just stop by for the temple (and the Insta-famous giant gate that is, in fact, just a gate to a golf resort). However, it’s worth sticking around for at least one night. You can visit the Botanical Gardens, hike Mount Catur, drive up to the nearby twin lakes Tamblingan and Buyan, and explore the multitude of nearby waterfalls.

a girl walking on a log in front of pejeng kelod waterfall in bali indonesia

Munduk : Munduk is one of the best mountain getaways in Bali, and probably among the best places for hiking in Bali. This little mountain village is surrounded by green jungles and gorgeous waterfalls. Plus, since it’s up in the mountains, the crisp air offers some much-needed relief from the stifling Bali heat.

Sideman : Gorgeous and quiet, this area in east Bali is known for endless rice fields and epic views of Mount Agung. Check out some temples or hunt down waterfalls! My favourites in the area are Tukad Cepung and Gembleng waterfall.

West Bali national park: Still off the beaten path, maybe because it’s pretty damn far from everything else: 1.5 hours from Lovina and 5 hours from Canggu. This area of Bali is gorgeous, though. West Bali has some of the most unique nature in Bali, including flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else, and incredible snorkelling spots. If you’re planning to take a ferry to Java next, the park is basically on your route anyway, so it’s definitely worth a visit.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

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Top Things to Do in Bali

Bali has oodles of awesome stuff to see and do, so where do you even start? Here is my shortlist of the ten coolest things to do in Bali for tourists, backpackers, and adventurous travellers alike. Don’t worry – all of these things are possible to try out, even if you’re travelling Bali on a budget!

1. Spoil the Hell out of Yourself

a girl going a yoga handstand on a beach

Whether you find your inner zen at a beach bar or in a yoga studio, Bali has no shortage of ways to relax. The best way to really pamper yourself is a spa day. Get a Balinese massage; they’re like 6 bucks an hour, making luxury very attainable even for backpackers on Bali on a budget. Go to a breathwork session or take a dip in an ice bath. Or try out a flower bath – it might sound ridiculous but it’s incredibly relaxing.

2. Go Surfing – or Watch the Pros

Bali has some of the best surf in the entire world and so attracts some of the greatest talents. Take a shot at riding some truly tubular waves or, if you’re not feeling up to it, just kick back and watch the pros while you sip your cocktail.

3. Visit One of the Many Temples

Bali is home to dozens of temples and each one has something unique to offer. Be sure to visit at least a few while staying on the island. Many travellers have even taken it upon themselves to see them all (on a pilgrimage of sorts) while backpacking in Bali.

a hindu temple in northen bali, indonesia

4. Get Fit!

Without a doubt, Bali is one of the best places in the world to get fit. With plenty of tasty, healthy eating options, yoga centres, world-class gyms and the best Crossfit Box in Asia – Crossfit Wanderlust – it’s truly my favourite place in the world to settle down and get fit.

Or, if you’re just passing through, almost any gyms will also allow drop-ins for a class 🙂

5. Do Go Chasing Waterfalls

Resist the urge to burst into the TLC song as you make your way from waterfall to waterfall. Bali has HEAPS.

Bali’s most famous waterfalls are also unfortunately super crowded. Come with patience; if you want your picture taken, you sometimes have to wait for an hour. Or even better: get up ultra-early to beat the crowds. The sun in Bali rises at 6am, no excuses 😉

a bintang beer, with a waterfall in the background in indonesia

6. Swim with Manta Rays

Bali is an absolute wonderland for underwater life. Wanna see squid? Check. Whale sharks? Check. Rare, funky-looking fish? Check, check.

One of my favourite experiences has been swimming with manta rays in Nusa Penida’s Manta Point. These gentle giants are breathtaking, and you can easily spot them even with a snorkel – no diving needed!

a guy putting on snorkeling gear to swim in the ocean with manta rays in nusa penida island , indonesia

7. Hike Mount Batur at Sunrise

A sunrise hike to Mount Batur is by far one of the most fun things you can do in Bali. You do have to get up at 4 a.m. but once you reach the top and can spot the shape of Mount Rinjani in the distance – that’s why life is worth living, babey.

8. Grab a Sunset Beach Coconut in Canggu or Uluwatu

The western beaches of Bali are renowned for offering some of the best sunset views in Southeast Asia. Whatever you may be doing, be it lounging at a beach bar or hanging out on a surfboard, be sure to stop what you’re doing and tune into the setting sun. And make sure to order an ice-cold kelapa to go with it.

9. Walk through the Hills and Rice Paddies

There’s something enchanting about the highlands of Ubud. The way the morning light reflects in the rice paddies, the occasional mist that settles in the trees, the ethereal sounds that the jungle emits; few places in the world can imitate these aspects of Bali. Just go for a walk around and feel the magic.

a girl on a swing with a white dress on and a flower in her hand with rice fields and palm trees in the background

10. Immerse yourself in Balinese culture!

As a Hindu island in the middle of Muslim-dominated Indonesia, Bali is a bit of a cultural microcosm. Its religion, stories and history are truly some of the most fascinating in the world.

Take part in a Bali festival – there always seems to be one going on – or just start conversing with locals to get to grips with this unique island.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

Backpacker Accommodation in Bali

I know all you budget backpackers are wondering, is Bali cheap? Sure, it is a little pricier than some other places in Southeast Asia but still very budget-friendly compared to Europe or the USA.

Private villas are the best places to stay in Bali if you’re craving a bit of luxury – a backpacker probably can’t afford a villa in most other places in the world. They are usually very well maintained, comfortable and well serviced. However, they are still the pricier option, especially in the Canggu-Seminyak-Kuta axel.

You can also book a bungalow in the middle of the jungle that has next to nothing except for good views and vibes, or a fancy Bali treehouse overlooking ocean views! Either way, whilst these are not exactly cheap accommodation options, they ARE super good value and a very unique experience to have.

a treehouse in the jungle of bali, indonesia

If you’re not going to stay in a hostel, your best option is to stay at one of the epic Airbnbs in Bali .

Hostels in Bali can be a very, very good time depending on what you want. The ones around Kuta will obviously be more party-centric while those in Ubud will be more laid-back, with plenty of epic surf hostels thrown in the mix. There are a couple of hostels located off the beaten track that will be very low-key and finding these are half the fun!

Hostels are the best option for backpackers on a budget in Bali. A dorm bed usually costs around $10 USD per night but you can definitely dig deep and find something even cheaper than that.

Staying in a hostel doesn’t mean living without any luxuries. There are plenty of amazing places that offer you some real bang for your buck. Take Tribal Bali for example – a hostel specifically built for Digital Nomads and backpackers that value quality and comfort, located just minutes from the beach and amazing cafes.

Another great option for staying in a backpacking Bali budget are cheap guesthouses. You can easily find a very decent private room for as low as ten bucks a night, and guesthouses often also come with an attached pool. All the luxury for a fraction of the price!

You can also find cheap villas in areas outside the main tourist spots. Villas in Kerobokan , for example, are more affordable than the center of Seminyak.

The Best Places to Stay in Bali

Bali has many a town to lay down your backpack for a bit. Here are the best places to stay in Bali on a budget, featuring the best backpacker hostels in Bali and a few epic Airbnbs!

Backpacking Bali Costs

Bali is one of the most affordable luxury destinations in the world where even the most frugal of backpackers can find awesome lodges for a decent price.

How much does it cost to travel in Bali ? For the average backpacker, a comfortable daily budget for backpacking Bali would be around $30-$50 per day . This will get you a dorm bed, food, transport, and leave plenty for beer and attractions. A 1 month in Bali budget could be as low as 1,000 USD.

Personally, though, my Bali travel costs ended up being significantly more because I was eating in awesome healthy restaurants and well… partying.

Broke backpackers can also thrive in Bali, though. If you use a scooter to get around, stay in cheap hostels in Bali, eat mostly local food and don’t want to splurge for expensive activities like surfing or diving, your daily budget could be even around $20 USD.

a girl smiling walking down a paved path down a cliff to a beach in nusa penida

Aside from Couchsurfing or camping , backpacker hostels or cheap guesthouses are the best budget accommodation options in Bali. For less than $10/day, you can stay at a good hostel in Bali; paying anything more than this could land you in some pretty spectacular digs.

Local food is inexpensive in Bali. A meal at a warung – a local restaurant – costs about $2-4 USD.

If you eat in Western restaurants, expect to pay a whole lot more. It’s easy to spend $20-30 USD on food only if you don’t watch it! Hunt around for deals – lots of places do breakfast + coffee combos for just a few dollars.

I highly recommend eating out while backpacking in Bali. Going out to a nice restaurant is still comparatively cheaper than in the West, and Bali – especially Canggu – has INCREDIBLE food.

If you insist on getting drivers around the island, your transportation budget will definitely be big. Public transportation isn’t really a thing in Bali, other than around the capital Denpasar.

The absolute best and cheapest way to get around is to rent a scooter. A daily rent for the smallest bikes could be as low as $5. It’s best to rent for a whole week or a month, then you can easily find a bike for $40-50 for a month. This is your trustiest steed for all the adventures around the island 🙂

If you’re not super comfortable on a bike, you also have the option for motorbike taxis. A 10-minute ride on one costs about a dollar.

This is where it’s very easy to blow up your budget!

A small local beer, Bintang, costs about $2.

Beer prices in Bali in nicer places can be double that, though, so if you’re backpacking Bali on a budget, avoid the fancy schmanzy spots.

Cocktails are expensive – importing booze to Bali is pricey so fancy drinks come with a price as well. If someplace is offering drinks too cheaply, you should actually be cautious since “fake alcohol” has sometimes been a problem and caused some cases of alcohol poisoning.

Another point that can make or break your budget…

There are heaps of free or ultra-cheap things to do in Bali. For example, waterfalls are either free to enter or cost about a dollar. No problem there.

Gym classes can be kinda pricey on a shoestring budget, about $10 a pop. Of course, you could just go to a weightlifting gym for way cheaper than that.

If you want to try surfing, diving, paragliding or any other fun special activities, prepare to throw some more money in.

Bali Daily Budget

Whether you’re a broke backpacker backpacking Bali on a shoestring budget or a bougie babe trying to get the best value for your money, you can definitely travel Bali. Here are some example budgets of expenses in Bali.

Money in Bali

The official currency of Bali is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). In February 2022, the exchange rate of the Rupiah is roughly 1 USD=15,000 Rupiah. Yes, for just a hundred USD, you could be an Indonesian millionaire!

Due to huge economic inflation in the past, the Indonesia Rupiah has lost value over the years and as such is now printed in the thousands. Most Indonesians completely disregard the last 3 zeroes anyway; often you’ll just end up bartering as if those last 3 zeros didn’t exist.

For example, if you offer someone 10, they’ll understand that you mean 10,000.

Money changers are ubiquitous in the urban areas and offer different rates. Walk around and find the best rates for your particular currency. Be mindful of shady dealers who don’t post their rates. Also, note that older USD bills are no longer accepted.

a large amount of Indonesian Rupiah in Bali

ATMs are widely available in Bali, especially in busier areas. If you think you’re going somewhere pretty remote, it’s definitely best to take out cash in the city beforehand.

Many people have reported fraudulent charges though after using a random ATM. When withdrawing cash, it’s usually best to use the ATMs inside banks. Many unfortunate travellers have also got their cards swallowed up by greedy ATMs so make sure you’ve got a couple of cards with you!

Speaking of travel banking like a pro…

For all matters of finance and accounting on the road, The Broke Backpacker strongly recommends Wise – The Artist Formerly Known as Transferwise! Our favourite online platform for holding funds, transferring money, and even paying for goods, Wise is a 100% FREE platform with considerably lower fees than Paypal or traditional banks. But the real question is… is it better than Western Union? Yes, it most certainly is.

Travel Tips – Bali on a Budget

Bali is cheap – but there’s no reason you shouldn’t get even cheaper. There are tricks to make your pennies go EVEN further!

Try out these budget tips, tested and tried by years of  budget backpacking :

a girl holding a surfboard on top of her head as she walks up the stairs with the beach and palm trees in the background

  • Camp: With plenty of gorgeous places, Bali can be a great place to camp in rural areas. Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous and want to save some cash, consider picking up a backpacking hammock.
  • Cook your own food: If you are on a tight budget, you can save money by cooking your own food. I recommend bringing a portable backpacking stove.
  • Find deals: TONS of places do promos and specials. Ask around, and you might find breakfast and coffee for just a few dollars!
  • Book your transportation early: Both plane and bus tickets are much cheaper if you purchase them in advance.
  • Couchsurf:  Balinese are awesome, and I am so grateful I was able to explore its cities with local friends. Check out couchsurfing to make some real friendships and see this country from the perspective of locals.
  • Pack a travel water bottle  and save money every day! Tap water in Bali is not drinkable but every guest house and villa will have a water cooler where you can fill up.

Why You Should Travel to Bali with a Water Bottle

Plastic washes up on even the most pristine beaches… so do your part and keep the Big Blue beautiful!

You aren’t going to save the world overnight, but you might as well be part of the solution and not the problem. When you travel to some of the world’s most remote places, you come to realise the full extent of the plastic problem. And I hope you become more inspired to continue being a responsible traveller .

Tl;dr – STOP USING SINGLE-USE PLASTIC! If you’d like some more tips on how to save the world , be sure to watch the video below.

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Drink water from ANYWHERE. The Grayl Geopress is the worlds leading filtered water bottle protecting you from all manner of waterborne nasties.

Single-use plastic bottles are a MASSIVE threat to marine life. Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. Save money and the environment!

We’ve tested the Geopress  rigorously  from the icy heights of Pakistan to the tropical jungles of Bali, and can confirm: it’s the best water bottle you’ll ever buy!

Best Time to Travel to Bali

The island really has one of the best climates on the planet and, for this reason: you can visit Bali any time of the year .

Bali only has two distinct seasons: the rainy season and the windy season.

driving through the flooded streets of Bali during rainy season

The rainy season runs officially from December to March. In the past few years, though, the rain’s got a little funny, and the season might even run from October to April.

Look, it’s not that bad. Travelling Bali during the rainy season can still be a super great experience. Sometimes it rains an entire day straight with no relief, but often the doom&gloom only happen in the evening, leaving mornings for exploring.

When it rains, it RAINS. Streets flood, sometimes villas flood, and the thunderstorms are fucking intense.

IMHO, the windy season (AKA the dry season) is the absolute best time to visit Bali. It runs from about April to November, and it’s considerably drier than the rainy season. Sometimes it doesn’t rain at all for days or even weeks. It’s a breezier time to be in Bali as the wind takes away the worst of the tropical heat and humidity.

Plus, the wind means kites – and the Balinese kites are a really remarkable thing. You’ll see them in swarms in the sky day and night (night kites have LED lights), and there’s even a kite festival in Sanur.

Temperatures barely fluctuate throughout the year but they can feel higher when it’s more humid.

Bali’s meteorological consistency is very apparent on a macro level e.g. the whole island is subject to the same lovely weather. On a micro level though there are some unique weather conditions in Bali.

The highlands of Bali (i.e. the regions around Ubud and Bedugul) can receive rain at any time of the year. The mountains, in general, are less hot and humid than the lowlands, and in the evenings you should arm yourself with a sweater or a jacket.

Note on Nyepi:

Nyepi, or the Balinese Day of Silence, is a truly unique day in the Balinese calendar. It is a day when the entire island stops and quiets for 24 hours – literally.

No electronic lights are allowed on, no loud speaking or music either, and you are absolutely forbidden to go out to the streets. (This means no food delivery either – get ready for a home-cooked meal!) Even the airport stops.

Nyepi can be a super magical and unique thing to experience in Bali and a good moment to be quiet and reflect during your backpacking trip, but if you’re on a tight schedule, you should absolutely avoid Nyepi since you won’t be able to leave your accommodation at all.

Nyepi usually takes place some time in March.

What to Pack for Bali

When it comes to crafting the perfect Bali packing list , you might be interested in a few tips. On every adventure, there are six things I never go travelling without:


Snoring dorm-mates can ruin your nights rest and seriously damage the hostel experience. This is why I always travel with a pack of decent ear plugs.


Hanging Laundry Bag

Trust us, this is an absolute game changer. Super compact, a hanging mesh laundry bag stops your dirty clothes from stinking, you don’t know how much you need one of these… so just get it, thank us later.

sea to summit towel

Sea To Summit Micro Towel

Hostel towels are scummy and take forever to dry. Microfibre towels dry quickly, are compact, lightweight, and can be used as a blanket or yoga mat if need be.

Monopoly Card Game

Monopoly Deal

Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days.

Grayl GeoPress Water Filter and Purifier Bottle

Grayl Geopress Water Bottle

Always travel with a water bottle! They save you money and reduce your plastic footprint on our planet. The Grayl Geopress acts as a purifier AND temperature regulator. Boom!

Staying Safe in Bali

Bali is one of the most popular places in the world to travel to, and as such suffers from many of the blessings and sins that come from rampant tourism. Now don’t get stressed – Bali is safe to travel . However, you should never go off to the world without taking some precautions.

Scams and theft are the most common form of crime in Bali. Both of these are avoidable with common sense. Be sure to keep your personal items close at hand and be alert in dangerous places e.g. dark alleyways and shady businesses. You could also consider getting a money belt !

Lots of phones get stolen in Bali. This is not Brazil; you’re not gonna get mugged for your valuables, and it’s totally OK to have your phone out on the street to check for directions or whatever. Just take note of motorbikes driving by as they are sometimes known to snatch phones off people’s hands. And if you’re driving yourself, for hell’s sake, don’t keep your phone in the glovebox. At night especially it’s best to keep your bag under the seat.

The biggest hazard to your safety is the traffic. It’s INSANE in Bali. It looks scary but it’s actually pretty much more dangerous being a pedestrian than driving yourself. Serious accidents are rare but little bumps and scratches do happen a lot. Wear your helmet!!!

a girl taking a selfie wearing a helmet as she rides on the back of a scooter.

In terms of natural hazards, there are some. Small earthquakes happen a lot and are pretty much harmless. Part of Bali is in the tsunami zone but that kind of an event would be extremely unlikely. Mount Agung, the biggest mountain in Bali, is an active volcano. It last erupted a few years ago but you know, it’s a possibility.

The seas around Bali are very strong and can carry you away very quickly – exercise greater caution and look out for warning signs when entering the water around Bali.

Watch out for monkeys. They’re generally chill except for the ones at Ubud’s monkey temple, which are total bastards. They may steal your sunglasses, and they may bite. If you get bitten by a monkey (or any other animals in Bali for that matter), go get treated for rabies!

In general though, Bali is safe – just take normal backpacker’s safety precautions .

Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll in Bali

Let’s be frank: Bali is kind of a shitshow at times. Though what do you expect when you throw a bunch of backpackers, Australian holidayers, and overly-welcoming locals on the same island?!

Before you start to think that Bali is Hamsterdam and there are no rules, some things need to be said.

Indonesia, on a federal level, is very, very anti-drug. Do NOT get caught with drugs in Indonesia. 

Many have probably already heard this, but there are cases where tourists are incarcerated or even sentenced to death for drug possession. People have been locked up just for having a joint on them, and unlike other Southeast Asian countries, the police in Indonesia are not so easy to bribe.

Taking drugs on the road is fun but in Bali it’s too much of a hassle and not worth the risk. If you want to smoke – take a boat to the Gili Islands or track down a reggae bar. Always party responsibly.

Young backpackers dancing on a bar whilst partying in Cambodia, Southeast Asia

So, on to alcohol. Indonesia is a mostly-Muslim country with Bali being a little hedonistic oasis in the middle of it all. Drinking is fine in Bali, and both foreigners and Indonesian do it rampantly (too much, some might say). Domestic beer and imported spirits are readily available and safe to drink. Drinking is however pretty expensive in Bali.

Special caution should be noted around local moonshine. As the government doesn’t make alcohol production easy on an industrial scale, many local businesses have turned to making their own. These brews aren’t made with the safest standards and may cause serious alcohol poisoning. Take caution if someone hands you something mysterious or if your mixed drink tastes funny.

Just a note on dating: for those looking for some love or sex on the road , Bali might be an island paradise for you. The dating scene here is as much of a shitshow as the party scene in general but hey, you were gonna have to experience your first threesome some time anyway.

Getting Insured BEFORE Visiting Bali

Just ’cause you’re lounging in an island paradise, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepped for a rainier day. Did you sprain your toe surfing? Get into a scooter crash? Medical care in Bali is expensive without insurance. Don’t become another GoFundMe going around local Facebook groups – take care of yourself beforehand.

A savvy backpacker should always consider getting a comprehensive  travel insurance policy  before leaving home.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

How to Get into Bali

Arriving in Bali is very easy.

Those arriving internationally will have to arrive by plane, passing through customs in either Ngurah Rai International Airport or another Indonesian airport. Those arriving by sea will have slightly more options and flexibility.

Most people backpacking Bali will arrive directly at Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar via an international destination. When you arrive, travellers will have to pass through customs and get an Indonesian visa if they haven’t already done so.

a girl smiling and making a silly face taking a selfie with a local in indonesia

If you’re coming in from elsewhere in Indonesia, you can fly in. Often you also have the option to arrive on a ferry. Boats ply the waters between Java, Lombok, and Bali frequently via individual ports. Note that punctuality and to some extent safety are questionable standards on these boats.

Entry Requirements for Bali

Since 2016, Bali is now among one of the Indonesian ports of entry that dispenses free visas on arrival for tourists. These visas are available to more than 100 nationalities and have certain requirements – the most important being that the traveller must only be visiting for tourism purposes and cannot stay longer than 30 days. Extensions are not possible with free VOAs.

Those who wish to go backpacking longer in Bali and Indonesia must apply for a standard visa in advance which can then be extended. For more information on official visa regulations in Bali, please refer to this website here .

an air asia airplane at the airport with the sun setting in the background

I found that I was able to convert my 2 month tourist visa to a social visa once in the country through a visa agent (cost about $30 for each month) and thus stay for up to six months.

Note that you DO NOT want to overstay your visa even a little bit. The day you arrive and the day you leave are included in the duration of the visa. Each day of overstaying is fined 1,000,000 IDR – about $60 USD.

How to Get Around Bali

Bali can seem like an overly chaotic mess of scooters, taxis, and minibuses at times. The south coast and its towns are a special hellscape for traffic.

There is a certain method to this madness, though. You won’t notice it until you’re driving in Bali yourself but there is a rhythm to the chase of the road, and you soon learn to go with its flow.

Travelling by Scooter in Bali

As part of a Southeastern Asian nation, the scooter is king when it comes to getting around in Bali. Driving one is super simple so anyone can pick it up, and it’s the option that offers you the most freedom and fun.

Most hotels will have a personal fleet of scooters available to rent; otherwise, there are several shops around. You can normally get a scooter for around 70,000 Rupiah a day. This can be even cheaper if you rent it for a week or a month.

two girls on a scooter in Bali, Indonesia holding a small dog and with a surfboard hanging on the side of the scooter

I highly recommend getting a scooter in Canggu, for example, driving it all over the island on your adventures, then returning it to Canggu at the end of your holiday.

Just note that you’re required to have an international driver’s licence in Bali. Literally no rental place will care if you don’t have one but I HIGHLY recommend having one anyway: if you get stopped by the police without a valid licence, you’ll either get fined or have to bribe your way out, and if you get into a crash, your insurance won’t cover your costs if you were driving without a valid licence.

Other Forms of Transportation in Bali

Taxi – Bali does have its regular taxis and motorbike taxis. They also have a legit taxi mafia that likes to overcharge tourists. Download a rideshare app instead. In Bali, the ones used are called Grab and Gojek (Gojek is a brilliant name – “ojek” in Indonesian means “motorbike taxi”.)

Motorbike taxis are the best way to get around city clusters but if you’re headed further, say, Kintamani, you could consider hiring a driver if you’re not comfortable driving yourself. You can also get a one-way car ride through Grab and Gojek to nearer destinations.

Car – Yes, people do rent their own cars here, but I do not recommend this if you can just stay upright on a scooter. The roads in Bali are narrow and congested, and taking a car anywhere takes 3x longer than a scooter.

Walking – Don’t even dream it. There are some sporadic sidewalk areas, otherwise you’re always in danger of getting mowed down by erratic drivers!

Hitchhiking in Bali

Hitchhiking in Bali and Indonesia uses a different method for hailing a car. No one uses their thumb in Indonesia but instead waves or maybe points their thumb to the ground.

Never use your left hand as, since this is a Muslim nation, it is considered the “unclean” one. Try to learn a bit of Bahasa Indonesia or Balinese as well; doing so will make your life much easier.

These cultural differences aside, hitchhiking is as straightforward in Bali as anywhere else.

To be fair – I’ve never heard of anyone hitchhiking in Bali. It’s not much of a thing here. You could always try it but be prepared that finding a lift might be tough. Not because drivers aren’t friendly – they’re SUPER friendly – but because most vehicles on the road are motorcycles, tourists in hired cars and small trucks with no space for an extra passenger.

Onwards Travel from Bali

Bali is actually an excellent starting point if you’re looking to explore more of Indonesia. Which you should – it’s an awesome place.

Note that when you get your visa for Bali, it’s valid for all of Indonesia! Just don’t overstay 😉

The Gili Islands – A group of 3 islands off the coast of Lombok that could easily rival Bali in terms of beauty and good times. Direct ferries are available from Padang Bai, Bali, and there are great hostels on all Gili Islands . The main island is Gili Trawangan , known as the party island; as such, it’s the most popular among backpackers. Gili Meno is the laid-back island more popular with families and couples. Gili Air is a chill island where you can snorkel and trip on shrooms.

Lombok – Backpacking Lombok is great for grand adventures. You can take a 3-hour ferry or fly cheaply from Denpasar to get to this island that’s more arid and underdeveloped than Bali. The main draw is Mount Rinjani , a gorgeous volcano trek. Kuta (not to be confused with Kuta, Bali) is an awesome little surfer village in the south with amazing beaches.

mount rinjani summit lombok backpacking bali

Flores – Beyond Lombok is Flores, which is even wilder and more sparsely populated than Lombok. It contains some of the most beautiful places in Indonesia including Komodo Island, Kelimutu, and Bajawa . Flores can be reached by plane or long-distance ferry. Taking a cruise around the Komodo Islands is one of the best things to do in Indonesia!

Internationally , Bali is also an excellent launchpad for other adventures around Southeast Asia and Oceania. Bali’s international airport operates cheap flights to all other nearby destinations. Bali is just the start of the adventure!

Java – The most populated island in Indonesia is Java, easily accessed from Bali. Jakarta is its most famous city but don’t skip visiting Yogyakarta either. Backpackers can catch a direct bus at Ubung terminal in Denpasar, which includes the ferry across the narrow strait and arrives in Surabaya. Travellers can also stop short in Probolinggo for Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park for some grade-A hiking.

  • Backpacking Singapore
  • Backpacking Malaysia
  • Backpacking the Philippines
  • Backpacking Australia
  • Backpacking New Zealand

Working in Bali

Listen, let’s be honest – actually, legally working in Bali is kinda tough. To get a real work visa, you need to be employed by an Indonesian employer. This can be tough to find since Westerners are usually more expensive to hire than Indonesians.

It’s not impossible, though, and there are possibilities to work for example in teaching English or as a trainer at a gym. For these kinds of jobs, you don’t really even need to know Indonesian (although it’s good form that you do).

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Most foreigners that come to Bali and want to stay long-term legally while also working end up starting their own companies. Note that this is different from being a digital nomad – to be able to start a business in Indonesia, you also need a suitable visa. Bureaucratically it’s a little tricky navigating the whole start-up process in Bali but tons of foreigners have done it before so it’s not impossible at all.

The Digital Nomad Scene in Bali

Bali is arguably THE hottest hub for digital nomads in the world right now (according to recent digital nomad trends ).

And who could blame the nomads? The weather is tropical all year-round, the community is maybe the biggest and most stable in the world, and there are heaps of great places to work from. Being a digital nomad in Bali is a blast – if you’re a nomad, your road is bound to lead here eventually.

The internet coverage in Bali is also great. I still recommend getting a SIM card, too;  Indosat  and  Telkomsel  are two of the most common ones. You can find SIM cards and packages in many convenience stores or franchises around Bali.

If you’re looking for a place to try out the remote work lifestyle, Canggu and Ubud are some of your best bets. There are several co-working spaces in both towns and more cafes than you can count, giving you tons of options for places to be productive.

And if you’re looking for the perfect place to live, work, play and stay in beautiful Bali… Boy, do I have the spot for you. Introducing Tribal Bali – Bali’s first custom-designed, purpose-built co-working hostel. This is the place where backpacker babes, aspiring entrepreneurs, adventurous explorers and vagabond hustlers alike come together to work, eat, play and fall in love… well, at least with the absolutely fantastic coffee and beautiful views!

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Mingle, share inspiration and find your tribe whilst working in the TREMENDOUSLY FUCKING HUGE co-working space and shooting a game of pool on Tribal’s electric pink billiards table. There’s a gigantic pool as well so it’s always time for a refreshing dip to break up the day’s hustle, brainstorming, work, and games… 

With epic food, legendary coffee, awesome cocktails (Tribal Tonics are the best signature cocktails you’ve ever had in a hostel – I guarantee you that!) and a dedicated co-working space , this is the place where digital nomads want to be when visiting Bali. If you love the site and want to support Will, swing on by next time you’re in Bali 😉

Volunteer in Bali

Volunteering overseas is a great way to experience a culture whilst doing some good in the world. There are lots of different volunteer projects in Bali that you can join ranging from teaching, animal care and agriculture to pretty much anything!

Volunteers are always appreciated in Bali. Cultural exchanges and language teaching are the main areas where volunteers can make a difference to local communities. Other opportunities include helping on eco-farms, as well as assisting in guesthouses and hospitality. Most nationalities won’t need a visa to volunteer in Bali for less than 30 days, but you’ll need a KITAS permit and a temporary stay visa to volunteer long-term.

If you just wanna do something good on your holiday without much of a commitment, join a beach clean up for an afternoon. There are also lots of charity events like brunches, runs and comedy nights that help you put a little bit of money in the neediest pockets.

Sungai Watch in Bali

My favourite platform for finding volunteer opportunities is Worldpackers. They’re not only a great company that cares about their people, they’re also actively creating a community of volunteers just like you!

Volunteer programs that are run through reputable work exchange programs like Worldpackers and platforms like Workaway are usually very well-managed and reputable. However, whenever you are volunteering do stay vigilant, especially when working with animals or children.

Balinese Culture

Balinese culture is a very distinct demographic within Indonesia that places great emphasis on religion, community, and tradition.

Due in part to their sense of the collective whole and to the doctrines of their religion, Balinese people are extremely friendly and modest people. Those backpacking through Bali will find locals to be gentle and very helpful. I made some good Balinese friends during my time there.

There is a very strong sense of community in Bali. In the early days of the island, Balinese communities ended up forming subaks – kind of like co-ops – in order to coordinate and regulate rice paddy yields, which in turn raised the quality of life for the local population. These days, this sense of cooperation manifests itself in other more contemporary ways.

Canang sari, a traditional hindu offering in bali, indonesia

Balinese people are very serious about their culture and go through great pains to make sure it’s preserved. Festivals in Bali are regularly organized to excite locals and tourists alike. The arts are highly valued in Balinese society as well, mostly because of their historical significance but also because creativity is actually seen as pious in the eyes of the gods.

No other aspect of this unique culture is more valued than religion. The gods are still all-powerful in Bali and the people pray to them very frequently. You’ll see little offerings absolutely everywhere: left at intersections, on doorsteps, and in altars that almost every house in Bali has in their yard.

Don’t feel bad if you accidentally trample over an offering on the road. The Balinese believe that when an offering is left out, whatever happens to it is what the gods meant to happen. So, as wild as it sounds, driving your scooter over an offering is not actually disrespectful.

Balinese Travel Phrases

Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia and is universally understood throughout the country, including Bali. Note that “bahasa” is just the Indonesian word for “language”. However, most people use the word “bahasa” alone to just refer to Indonesian .

But did you know that Bali also has its own traditional language called Balinese? This fascinating language is very distinct from Bahasa Indonesia and the two are actually unintelligible to each other. Traditional Balinese isn’t used as much these days as the standardized Bahasa Indonesia is the dominant language. In fact, the script is becoming so uncommon in day-to-day life that most people can only speak Balinese, not read it.

English is widely understood in the tourist centres in Bali thanks in part to the hyper-developed tourism infrastructure and the inflated presence of Westerners. However, not nearly everyone speaks it even in the cities.

I’ve listed some travel phrases in Balinese below. If you really want to impress some people in the villages, throw in a phrase or two. You should know though that especially in the cities – Denpasar, Uluwatu, Canggu – there are HEAPS of Indonesians that are NOT Balinese. So, these here phrases are more for funzies; it’s usually better to use Bahasa Indonesia.

  • Inggih  – Yes
  • Ten  – No
  • Rahajeng Semeng  – Good Morning
  • Rahajeng Wengi  – Good Evening
  • Suksma  – Thank you
  • Punapi gatra?  – How are you?
  • Tiang becik-becik  – I am fine
  • Tidak ada kantong plastik  – No plastic bag
  • Tidak ada jerami silahkan  – No straw please
  • Tolong, jangan gunakan sendok garpu plastik  – No plastic cutlery please
  • Tiang uling…  – I am from…
  • Aji kuda niki?  – How much?
  • Angayu bagia kacunduk sareng ragane  – Pleasure to meet you

What to Eat in Bali

With a liberal use of spices and ingredients, Balinese food is hugely varied and somewhat unique. The cuisine is similar to that found in the rest of Indonesia and, in some ways, Hindi cooking albeit with a few caveats.

In Bali, you’ll see pork on the menu quite often, which is unheard of in the rest of Indonesia. Likewise, you’ll see that Balinese cuisine is very meat-centric, which is somewhat converse to many Hindi culinary traditions.

Like its culture, Balinese cooking is a synthesis of many styles that forms its own culinary gestalt.

(Don’t worry, vegans – there are heaps of places that cater to you too. These are not just Western restaurants but Balinese local food also has stuff to offer.)

a traditional plate of indonesian food called nasi goreng, with fried rice, a fried egg, chicken, and peanut sauce

Most restaurants in Bali will have a diverse selection of dishes to choose from. When backpacking in Bali, we wholeheartedly suggest staying away from the touristy restaurants and eating at the local spots, which are referred to as warungs . The food will be more authentic and less expensive. (Restaurant prices in Bali can really drive up your budget.)

Rice ( nasi ) is the most ubiquitous ingredient in Balinese cooking and most dishes will include it.

Food carts base most of their dishes around rice and will serve them in paper cones. You’ll easily recognize the food carts trolling around the beaches and streets by their appearance. Referred to as kaki lima , or “five legs,” the food carts will have 3 legs/wheels in addition to the owner’s own 2 legs.

Must-Try Dishes in Bali

These dishes are both delicious and friendly to people backpacking Bali on a budget.

  • Babi Guling  – slow-roasted pig
  • Satay  – grilled meat skewers
  • Betutu  – stuffed duck or chicken
  • Nasi Goreng – fried rice
  • Lawar  – minced meat and veggies w/ coconut
  • Urab  – mixed vegetables
  • Tum  – mixed ingredients prepared in banana leaves
  • Mie Goreng  – fried noodles
  • Ayam bubur –  Chicken porridge

A Brief History of Bali

The first mentions of the island of “Bali” date back to around the end of the first millennium AD when the name Bali Dwipa appeared in various inscriptions including the Blanjong pillar.

Two monkeys are perched atop a traditional Balinese statue in the Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.

Archaeological evidence places its origins at much early dates; all the way back to the Neolithic era when the various Austronesian peoples of the Pacific began to migrate in great numbers. Many nomads from now modern Taiwan, the Philippines, and South China settled in Bali at this time.

Following the Bronze Age, Bali developed into a respectable kingdom near the turn of the first millennia. It was during this time that it was introduced to the Buddhist and Hindu religions. The latter in particular was the aftereffect of Bali’s relationship with the much larger Majapahit Empire, which, at the time, controlled Java and would establish a Hindu colony on Bali.

It was also during this time that many of the prevailing Balinese traditions that we know of today were established. Subaks were formed and Hinduism became the dominant religion.

When the Majapahit Empire collapsed at the end of the 15th century, much of the Javanese Hindu community fled to Bali, thus solidifying the religion.

During the mid-19th century, following the race to colonize the East Indies, the Dutch set their eyes on Bali. Using false pretences, the Dutch harassed the Balinese and eventually laid siege to the island at the turn of century.

Facing their inevitable doom at the hands of the powerful Europeans, the Balinese royalty committed mass suicide in an act known as the puputan . To this day, the puputan is one of Bali’s proudest moments.

In the following years, Bali’s history echoed much of that of Indonesia. It came under occupation by the Japanese during WWII, thus ending Dutch colonialism, and following the war fought for its independence again.

Some Unique Experiences in Bali

Bali has no shortage of cool things to do and keep you entertained for days. Many backpackers come to Bali specifically to experience these things! Here are a few of them, and the best places to try them out.

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Things go wrong on the road ALL THE TIME. Be prepared for what life throws at you.

Buy an AMK Travel Medical Kit before you head out on your next adventure – don’t be daft!

Practicing Yoga in Bali

a guy sitting on his yoga mat about to start a yoga class

It’s no secret that Bali is one of the most famous and romanticized places on the planet to study yoga.

Whilst there are yoga studios everywhere in Bali, there are places where they’re more concentrated than average. Ubud is often considered ground-zero for everything yoga in Bali and there are sessions being held in every corner of the city, from high-end resorts to parks and cafes. This is the place to explore stranger forms of yoga from acro yoga to laughter yoga.

If this sounds like a bit much, it is – Ubud is the spiritual centre for hippies and energy healers in Bali, which is fantastic for others in the same tribe. For the more spiritually challenged of us, Ubudian antics can be kinda WTF. Still, it’s a fun time.

All of the other backpacker-favoured spots in Bali also have plenty of yoga studios where you can attend classes. In the Canggu area, the more popular yoga studios include Samadi and Serenity. My favourite is Udara in Munggu – a 15-minute drive from Canggu, it’s located right by the sea and on top of “normal” yoga, also does aerial yoga classes (as well as sound healing and ecstatic dancing).

In Uluwatu, I recommend checking out the daily morning yoga classes at Mana!

If you’d like to get a yoga teacher’s license in Bali, inquire with Santosha Institute – they organize regular teacher courses on Nusa Lembongan.

Surfing in Bali

Bali is a mecca for surfers. The seas offer some of the longest, largest, and most consistent waves in the world. Whether you’re a pro or a beginner, surfing is one of the most fun things to do in Bali.

There are plenty of surf shacks offering informal lessons but from experience, these teachers are more concerned with getting you to stand on the board than actually teaching you.

If you want to learn how to surf, I recommend finding a teacher that comes recommended.

2 girls holding surfboards headed to the beach

Best Surf Spots in Bali :

  • Kuta – The original “surfer’s paradise” on Bali. Relatively gentle waves. Busy as fuck.
  • Canggu – Offers waves for all skill levels. Barrels can be intense.
  • Padang Padang – Located between Bingin and Uluwatu. Famous for its long, consistent barrels. More for experienced surfers but there are some gentle breaks.
  • Uluwatu – Not only some of the greatest waves in Bali but some of the best scenery as well!
  • Dreamland – Long stretches of sand that are great for surfers and bathers.
  • Medewi – Some of the longest waves in Bali and a great spot for beginners.

Diving and Snorkelling in Bali

Bali, in addition to much of Indonesia, is a part of the greater Coral Triangle of the East Indies, which is one of the most ecologically diverse places on the entire planet. For this reason, scuba diving in Bali is world-class and will stun even the most seasoned of divemasters.

For divers, the waters around Bali are popular for their warmth and plethora of marine biology. Common sightings while diving in Bali include parrotfish, several varieties of shark, turtle, stingrays, moray eels, and the elusive mola-mola.

Many of the island’s most popular dive sites are on the eastern part of the island around Amed. Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida, and Menjangan Island also offer great diving opportunities.

Scuba Diving in Komodo

The sea currents around Bali can be very strong. If you’re thinking about going diving in Bali, be sure to check ocean conditions.

Snorkelling is also an option around Bali; the waters are plenty clear for you to spot some awesome marine life even closer to the surface. Or, combine the two – Bali is an epic place to learn how to freedive .

Best Dive Spots in Bali :

  • Amed – Ground Zero for Bali’s diving culture. Offers a wide range of marine biology, conditions, and topography. Appropriate for all skill levels.
  • Tulamben – Famous for the many shipwrecks that have now become marine menageries. Lots of coral. Good for snorkellers as well.
  • Nusa Penida – A layover for several species of migrating marine life. Schools of manta rays and mola-mola are seen here. Careful: there are strong currents here.
  • Menjangan Island – Renown for crystal clear water and ease of access. Lots of beautiful reefs and marine life.
  • Padang Bai – Calm dive site with good visibility and marine diversity. Great snorkeling at the Blue Lagoon.

FAQs About Backpacking Bali

You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers! Here are some commonly asked questions about backpacking in Bali on a budget.

Is Bali good for backpacking?

Hell yes! Come on by and mix with all the other dirtbags, penniless backpackers, party animals, yogis, world saviours and jungle trekkers. There’s surely a friend for you too ?

How much money do you need for 3 weeks in Bali?

Your budget varies a lot depending where you swing on the broke-bougie scale. For a three-week holiday, I recommend a budget of $700-1,000 USD.

Can I live in Bali permanently?

Actually, yep, but it’s a bit tricky. You’re not alone, though. It’s a classic Bali syndrome. You come here for three weeks and end up staying for two years. To stay long-term, check out other possible visas: for example, investor visa, residency visa and retirement visa.

Are the influencers in Bali THAT bad?

The influencers and Instagrammers of Bali do get a bad rep, mostly because there’s a LOT of them, and some of them can be a little ridiculous… But no, in general, no. You’ll deffo see a lot of people posing for photos but let them hustle. If it gets too tough, just try some offbeat travel in Bali!

Final Advice Before Visiting Bali

Bali is an awesome fucking place to be. It is also a place where all kinds of hustlers, partybodies, influencers and backpackers congregate and cause chaos. Bules (westerners) already have a bit of reputation so remember to be respectful while backpacking in Bali so that you won’t make us look even worse.

Wear modest clothing when visiting religious sites. Most temples will rent out sarongs to visitors at the entrance, and even men are expected to wear them. Actually, pay attention to your clothing anyway: especially in Canggu, even skimpy clothing is totally acceptable (although a bikini on a motorbike is slightly cringe) but in villages, it’s respectful to cover up more.

If you plan on partying in Bali, please remember to be somewhat in control and respectful of the locals and other travellers, for that matter. Do not drink and drive; grab a Gojek home instead. There are also many working girls in Bali. Don’t be a wanker, respect all humans.

Stay calm and respectful in all situations. I know things here get a little hectic, and not everything works like clockwork, but that’s just Asia. The Balinese don’t respect anger, ever.

And lastly, which might be the most important piece of advice you’ll get about your upcoming Bali trip: WEAR YOUR FUCKING HELMET. The traffic here doesn’t care about the wind flowing through your goldilocks. Protect your precious noggin.

No matter where your backpacking route through Bali goes, it’ll be an epic journey. With this travel guide for Bali in hand, you’ll have everything that you could possibly need to craft the perfect trip. Study it well and have a great time, amigos!

  • Travel Insurance for Bali
  • Backpacking Indonesia
  • Backpacking Thailand
  • 21 MUST-SEE Beautiful Places in Indonesia

a girl at the beach as the sun sets on the ocean

Will Hatton

Backpacking Bali Travel Guide Pinterest Image

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trip murah ke bali backpacker

This is one of the best and most helpful blogs I have read. Normally I have to read several to answer all of my questions and to gain all of the information but you covered literally, everything! We have visited Bali once before and now we are planning our trip back. This was so helpful, so thankyou.

You’re welcome! We’re releasing a bunch of new Bali-related content soon so stay tuned!

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Jones Around The World

Backpacking Bali: The Ultimate Trip Itinerary, Budget Guide & Travel Tips

Backpacking Bali soon? I’m here to help!  Bali is one of the first destinations in Southeast-Asia I really felt like a true solo backpacker, and it’s become one of my favorite places in the world!  I’ve spent a lot of time backpacking around Bali, and I’m hoping that this travel itinerary, budget guide, and all of these articles / photos will help you plan your solo backpacking trip that much easier!

It’s known as the “island of the Gods”, and I know it’ll be a trip / experience that you’ll never forget.  While it is known as a very romantic / honeymoon type of destination – it’s also a backpacker paradise, and the budget travel options are incredible!  With it’s super cheap hostels, deliciously cheap food, and wild backpacker party scene – it’s no surprise why it’s become such a popular destination!

Backpacking Bali Itinerary

Backpacking Bali Itinerary

I think it really all depends  on how long do you have in Bali…?  Are you trying to relax on the beach and do yoga…or see as much as possible during your backpacking trip?

SANUR (2-5 Days)

To start off your backpacking trip in Bali, I’d recommend beginning in the quiet yet beautiful area of  SANUR .  There’s an awesome hostel called Big Pineapple Backpackers , and it’s where I stayed for my first week in Bali.  It’s  super-budget friendly,  close to decent shops & nightlife, and you’re guaranteed to meet some really awesome travelers.  While this may not be the most glamorous area of Bali, it’s definitely a great place to see.

Sanur Beach stretches for miles and miles, and walking along the beach you’ll see tons of beautiful places to swim, restaurants, and hotels / resorts.  There’s tons of free things to do, cheap food plenty, and I absolutely love the Sanur Night Market!

My top recommendation would be to rent a moto, and explore a bit of the nearby beaches.  Bali is one of my favorite places to ride a moto, just please make sure you have travel insurance and an International Driver’s License !

Further reading :  The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Bali on a Moto

Backpacking Bali Itinerary

Uluwatu (3-6 Days)

Uluwatu is hands down my favorite spot to chill-out in Bali!  The coastline is  amazing, the parties are wild, the food is delicious, and the sunsets are unbelievably gorgeous. 

While backpackers in Bali have to be a bit careful down in Uluwatu (as the prices can be a bit expensive), it’s an absolute must visit!  When it comes to a backpacker hostel, I’d recommend staying at the Terrace Ample Backpackers  because it’s cheap, perfectly located, and has an epic pool!

While you’re down in Uluwatu, enjoy some epic surf, coastline explorations, relax on the beach, and make sure you check-out SINGLE FIN SUNDAYS (a super fun weekly party every weekend).  Drinks are expensive, so try and buy-your drinks outside the venue, and then go back inside.

Read my article : 10 Awesome Things to do in Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia

Uluwatu Backpacker in Bali

Kuta / Seminyak Area (2-5 Days)

When you’ve decided you’ve had enough of Uluwatu, it’s time to make your way to the Kuta / Seminyak area.  It’s the most touristy-part of the country… and you’ll either love it or hate it.

It’s a great place to party, meet fellow travelers, surf / relax at the beach, and watch the sunset every night.  It’s a massive large stretch of beach with areas like Kuta Beach, Legian Beach, and Seminyak Beach.   They’re all pretty similar with lots of people selling various stuff, beach bars / restaurants, and hotels and resorts lining the place.     

There are so many hostels in Kuta & Seminyak to choose from…it really just depends on your budget / price point.  I’d personally spend around $12 U.S.D per night for a nice hostel, compared to the $5 options that suck…but every backpacker has their own budget to worry about!

While I’ve never personally been, you could also check out Waterbom Bali, which is Asia’s #1 Water Park!

Cara Cara Inn :   Guaranteed to be one of your favorite hostel experiences while in Bali!  Super fun atmosphere,  perfectly located , and great value for money.    **KUTA**

Capsule Hotel- Bali @ New Seminyak:   One of the best and top-rated hostels on the entire island of Bali! Amazing vibe, family dinners, free shots, beautiful property.  Just read the reviews , and you’ll want to stay there!

Kuta Backpacking Bali

Canggu (2-5 Days)

Just a bit further up the beach from Kuta / Seminyak is the much more respected and relaxed surf hotspot of Canggu.  It’s not as commonly visited by Bali Backpackers, but if you’ve got the time – it’s definitely worth the visit!  If you’re on a tighter itinerary (like only have 10 days – two weeks in Bali), I’d recommend visiting Canggu as a quick day-trip during your time in Kuta / Seminyak.

There’s some decent nightlife, delicious food, and epic surf breaks!  I’d also recommend renting a moto and exploring Tanah Lot Temple while you’re up this way!

Griya Backpackers Canggu:   A new property in the area that will definitely make an impression. Beautiful area, nice pool, and great location in Canggu.

Canggu Backpacker

Ubud (3-6 Days)

Last, but certainly not least…is the ever so spectacular Ubud region of Bali!  When I first visited Ubud, I immediately fell in love with the lush green landscapes, rice terraces, yoga studios, cheap accommodation, infinity pools, night markets, and so much more!

I’ve already written quite a lot about this – so check out my 3 Days in Ubud | The Best Travel Itinerary , and you’ll be able to plan your entire trip pretty easily! :-)

It’s truly a must-visit, and super budget-friendly for backpackers in Bali!  Don’t leave Ubud without doing a bit of yoga, wandering around the rice fields, and doing some shopping!  If you’re up in Ubud, I’d also recommend doing the Mt. Batur Sunrise Hike !  It’s such an amazing experience, and the views you’ll get are remarkable!

Ubud Itinerary

How Do Backpackers Get Around Bali…?

Transportation is extremely affordable in Indonesia, and it’s super easy getting from place-to-place.

Top Travel Tip:  UBER is widely used in Bali, and is definitely the easiest way to get around.  I’d meet people at hostels or parties that are looking to go to the same area, and just split the cost with them.  With that being said, it’s not even necessary because Uber is dirt-cheap!  Just remember to leave throw the driver a little tip!

Renting a moto  is also a popular way for Bali backpackers to get around the island.  It just depends on how comfortable you are riding a moto with your backpack/luggage on the bike.  If you pack light, it’s pretty easy and convenient.  The only issue is where you rent the moto, as you always have to return the moto at the same place.  (So if you’re planning on renting a moto for the entire visit, I’d do it in Sanur).

Also – you can hire a private-driver for like $40 U.S.D!  This is a great way to explore Bali, and the drivers are all super friendly!  They’ll take you to wood-cutting, temples, shopping, waterfalls, and wherever else you’d want to go.  Split the cost with a few friends from the hostel, and it’ll be a very cheap day!

Backpackers in Bali

 Bali Backpacking Budget & Tips

So whenever people ask me questions about money / budget, I always respond that it’s always different depending on the person.  Are you planning on drinking and going out a lot?  Will you be doing yoga classes everyday?  Are there any expensive tours you have your eye on?

The truth is – you can Bali on a budget pretty easily!


If you’re staying in budget hostels, you’ll still never pay more than around $10-$13 U.S.D per day!

Food & Drink

If you eat like the locals, you can find meals for ridiculously cheap (like $1)!  But there’s also plenty of expensive Western restaurants.  My rule is to always eat the local food like Nasi Gorgeng or Mie Goreng, never order expensive drinks, and pre-game before going out.  I’d plan a minimum of $20 U.S.D per day for Bali Backpacking though.

Activities & Miscellaneous Purchases

Moto rentals will cost around $6-7 U.S.D per day, a SIM card will be about $20, bottled water throughout the day, etc.  I’d plan for an estimate of $10 U.S.D for all other expenses / tours over the course of your time backpacking around Bali.

I’d recommend to have around a $50-$60 U.S.D per day budget for Bali, and you’ll have more than enough to do / see everything this beautiful island has to offer!

Bali Backpacker

Where To Next…?

If you’ve got some more time on your hands, then you’ll be happy to know that the adventure has only just begun.

Nusa Penida / Nusa Lembongan –  These two gorgeous islands just off the coast of Bali are absolutely breathtaking, and are an amazing place to spend a few days.  If you don’t have enough time, you can do a day-trip from Bali.

The Gili Islands:   If you’re looking for paradise, then you must go to the Gili Islands!  I lived on Gili Trawangan  for 2 months, and I miss it everyday!  I’ve written tons of articles about, so defintiely take a look and start planning your trip:

  • The Ultimate Backpackers Guide to Gili Trawangan, Indonesia
  • 10 Awesome Things to do on Gili Trawangan
  • How to get from Bali to the Gili Islands
  • The 7 Best Place to Eat on Gili Trawangan

Bali on a Budget

Lombok & Komodo National Park:   After spending a few days exploring the beautiful beaches of Lombok, I’d strongly recommend checking out  KOMODO ISLAND TRIP ! It’s one of my favorite trips, and love recommending it to people.

  • 20 Photos To Inspire You to Visit Komodo National Park
  • Sendang Gile & Tiu Kelep Waterfalls: Exploring North Lombok
  • Batu Batong: The Best Snorkeling of My Entire Life!

Bali Backpacking Itinerary

Bali Trip Planning Resources

I’ve written a ton more on this site about Bali, Indonesia, and Southeast-Asia.  Check out a few of these articles to get excited for your trip!

  • 7 Music Festivals in Bali, Indonesia to Experience Before You Die
  • Magic Mushrooms in Indonesia
  • One Week In Bali: The Best Travel Itinerary
  • The 15 Best Places to Party in Southeast Asia
  • My Top 25 Experiences in Southeast Asia

Backpacking in Bali

Buy the Amazon Book

I always love having one of the Lonely Planet pocket books or guides while I’m backpacking in Bali.  The books are filled with super cool information, things to do, restaurants, etc.

Backpacking Bali

Thanks so much for reading!

Like this post?  Follow me on  Facebook ,  Instagram , and  Twitter  for more adventures Around The World…

Good stuff. Really helpful information. We’ve been Bali and we love Ubud the most. When you in Bali then I would suggest going to Gili Air. We noted our itinerary as well. Check it out:

Great article Jones!

dear readers, if you need a tour guide or holiday assistant to arrange your holiday in Bali then contact me by email [email protected] thank you!

This is an interesting subject. I am a nomad for 3 years and I have lived incredible experiences for the places I have already spent. The cool thing about traveling around the world is that we experience many different cultures, as well as being able to try different cuisines and visit beautiful places such as beaches and tourist sites.

I’ve met some parts of Bali and it really made my mouth water. The town has restaurants with very tasty menus and also has great places for family outing. I love the post:

Bali is a wonderful place to visit in a budget range you can take the full enjoyment and if you have budget and you are lover of travelling and visiting new places then you must go here and everything in budget oriented from staying to food and accommodation available here.

Amazing! This is an interesting post. I am a nomad for 4 years and I have lived incredible experiences for the places I have already spent. The cool thing about traveling around the world is that we experience many different cultures, as well as being able to try different cuisines and visit beautiful places such as beaches and tourist sites. Thank you for this amazing post!

I was in Ubud, Bali, but I was more like a tourist there. I’m also a die hard backpacker and I’m very much excited to try a similar journey like you did. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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nice Bali itinerary, recommended!

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Bali Travel Guide

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

A rugged beach in Bali, Indonesia surrounded by green trees on a sunny day

Bali is a budget backpacker paradise. It’s one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia and a hub for travelers, yoga lovers, honeymooners, and digital nomads alike.

Not only does it cater to the budget-savvy vagabond, but the island offers plenty of options for the more affluent traveler as well.

While visiting Bali has become clichéd (many people visit to have an “Eat, Pray, Love” experience), I still find the island to be beautiful, budget-friendly, and full of things to do. The countryside is beautiful, the beaches ( outside of Kuta ) are picture perfect, there is great hiking, friendly locals, world-class dining, and it’s inexpensive.

I spent a month exploring the island and would happily go back and explore it again.

The trick to traveling Bali is to get away from Ubud and Kuta. Once you do so, you find a much calmer, cheaper, and less-busy island worth exploring where the touts don’t bother you and the empty beaches are yours to enjoy.

This travel guide to Bali can help you make the most of your visit, save money, get off the beaten path, and have the trip of a lifetime!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Bali

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Bali

The lush green rice fields of Bali, Indonesia surrounded by towering jungle

1. Go scuba diving

While snorkeling is always an option here, Bali is best known for its phenomenal dive spots. The reefs here are beautiful and there is an amazing variety of fish to see. The wreck of a US cargo ship, Liberty, is a highly recommended spot, as is Manta Point off Nusa Penida. Mola mola (ocean sunfish) season runs from July to October and is also very popular with divers. Prices vary depending on the dive site location and where you’re staying, but expect to pay at least 1,500,000 IDR for a two-tank dive.

2. Visit a Hindu temple

The island of Bali is covered in temples. There are at least three in every city and they are considered to be the most iconic attractions. The most prominent temples are the nine directional temples (built for pilgrimages and which allow tourist entry except to the inner sanctum) and the Besakih Temple (Mother Temple) to the east of the island. Mother Temple is a huge temple complex located on the sacred Mount Agung, an active volcano. The climb takes several hours, and most people arrange this as a tour since you need a vehicle to reach the trailhead. Prices start around 320,000 IDR per person. Since it is a holy mountain, climbing can be off-limits during certain times of the year.

3. Take a trip to Nusa Lembongan

Located right off the coast of Bali, this little island is a good alternative to the craziness that is Bali. In fact, it’s where lots of residents go to escape! Nusa Penida is the most developed of the three Nusa islands and you can actually cross to Nusa Ceningan via a bright yellow footbridge. The beaches aren’t great here but the surfing is really good, with some of the best breaks in Bali. The diving is also excellent here and it’s cheaper than on the mainland.

4. Learn about Balinese Culture in Ubud

Ubud is the second most popular tourist area and it can get crazy busy, but it’s still the best place to learn about Balinese culture. There are a number of beautiful temples, numerous historical sites, dance shows, and some of the best food on the island. Head to Tegalalang Village to see the famous rice terraces as well as interact with the local farmers and artists who live there.

5. Hike Mount Batur

Many travelers hike up this 1,700-meter (5,577-foot) volcano for the sweeping vistas and stunning sunrise it offers. The climb only takes a couple of hours, and there are plenty of guides available to lead the way (you have to use a guide to be allowed to climb). Expect to pay around 400,000 IDR per person for a guide.

Other Things to See and Do in Bali

1. try some adventure sports.

There are tons of adventurous activities to do in Bali. You can go paragliding, white water rafting, hiking, mountain biking, ATVing, horseback riding, jungle trekking, and even treetop zip-lining. Prices vary, though they are all quite affordable. Paragliding, for example, costs around 650,000 IDR per person for a tandem glide while zip-lining costs around 1,300,000 IDR.

2. Visit the hot springs

There are several hot springs on the island where you can relax and pamper yourself. In the northeastern mountains, there are some on the shores of Lake Batur. Another good spot is Air Banjar, which is located on the northern coast of the island near Lovina. It is incredibly energizing to sit in these natural pools while you take in the lush, beautiful landscape all around you. Admission varies but expect to pay around 200,000 IDR.

3. Visit the spa

Bali is the perfect place to re-energize by pampering yourself and releasing bottled-up stress and tension. Balinese massage is one of the most relaxing in the world, and there are a number of Balinese spa treatments which involve the use of various herbs and spices. Prices vary depending on what you purchase but expect to pay at least 200,000 IDR for a massage (it should cost less on the beach).

4. Party in Kuta

Kuta is kind of like the Tijuana of Bali. The streets are narrow here and there are hundreds of stalls selling faux-brand ripoffs and novelty souvenirs. There are plenty of hostels and lots of bars that cater to the younger backpacker crowd. If you’re looking to party, this is the best spot on the island to do so. Personally, I hate Kuta and think there are a lot of better places on the island. But if you want to party on a budget, this is the place.

5. Watch the monkeys

Located in Ubud, the Ubud Monkey Forest is a nature reserve and sacred area with temples. It’s very touristy, and a lot of people break the rules and feed the monkeys, which teaches them bad habits so don’t do that! Still, it’s exciting to watch all of the long-tailed macaques running around and playing with each other. Admission is 80,000 IDR.

6. Watch a Buffalo Race

Chances are, after a few days in Bali, you will have seen the water buffalo working in the various fields. In Negara, locals riding chariots race buffaloes every second Sunday from July to October. Negara is a bit out of the way and the races take place at 7am, so you probably should arrange accommodation for the night before. Nevertheless, it’s a peculiar spectacle and something you won’t likely see anywhere else!

7. Stretch it out

There are tons of world-class yoga retreat centers all around Bali, offering both single classes and multi-day retreats as well as training courses. If you need to relax, destress, and stay healthy this is a great place to do it! Expect to pay around 4,750,000 IDR for a 3-day retreat and upwards of 40,000,000 IDR for a 200-hour teacher training course. Drop-in classes are usually around 150,000 IDR.

8. Take a surfing lesson

You don’t even have to leave the airport to know that Bali is a surfing destination; you’ll see tons of surfboards being picked up at baggage claim. The best thing about surfing in Bali is that there’s something on offer for all abilities and on any stretch of the coast. Bring your own board or hire one for 150,000 IDR per day. If you’re new to surfing, a one-hour lesson costs around 350,000 IDR (including a board rental).

9. Learn to cook

The food scene in Bali has developed a lot in recent years and you can easily find some really high-quality restaurants all over the island. Sometimes getting back to the basics is best, though, and nothing really beats learning how to make authentic local dishes liked nasi goreng (fried rice), satay (skewered grilled meat with a peanut sauce), or sambal (a chili sauce or paste) so you can recreate the dishes when you’re back at home. Class lengths vary between a short 2-hour class all the way up to a 9-hour full-day class including a market visit. Classes cost around 350,000 IDR.

10. Join a beach clean-up

The amount of trash that ends up on Bali’s beaches is infuriating. Use your time to give back to the local community by joining a beach clean-up. There are clean-ups all over the island so it’s easy to find one close to where you’re staying. If you’re visiting in February, One Island One Voice organizes Bali’s biggest annual clean-up, with some 70,000 people spread out over 560 locations.

  For more information on other destinations in Indonesia, check out these guides:

  • Gili Islands Travel Guide

Bali Travel Costs

A stunning beach alongside the rugged cliffs and coast of Bali, Indonesia

Accommodation – Hostels usually cost around 75,000-200,000 IDR per night but they can be found as low as 55,000 IDR in the shoulder-season. Most hostels don’t offer private rooms, though free WiFi and free breakfast are generally included.

If you are looking for a cheap guesthouse or a budget hotel, expect to pay around 375,000-800,000 IDR per night for a double room. This generally includes free WiFi and breakfast. For a hotel with a pool, expect to spend at least 600,000 IDR per night.

Airbnb is available here too, with prices starting at around 350,000 IDR per night for an entire home or apartment. Private rooms cost around 180,000 IDR per night. Be sure to book your Airbnb in advance, otherwise, expect these prices to double (or triple).

If you’re looking for luxury, Bali also has some of the most expensive hotels in the world, many costing over 13,000,000 IDR per night.

Food – Lots of dishes here have a rice (nasi) or noodle (mie) base and, in some cases, that’s the whole dish, such as with nasi ayam (chicken rice). Be sure to try the Balinese take on satay (where the meat is minced and wrapped on skewers) and babi guling , a delicious suckling pig that is roasted for hours. Another popular choice is oxtail soup. Be mindful that the food here can be a little spicy.

Local cuisine is extremely cheap, usually under 10,000 IDR for street food. A basic restaurant meal costs closer to 25,000 IDR. Western food is a lot more expensive but is still affordable at around 125,000 IDR for a meal and a drink.

Fast food (think McDonald’s) costs around 55,000 IDR for a combo meal deal while a beer at the bar is around 45,000 IDR. Expect to pay 17,000 IDR for a bottle of water.

If you plan on cooking your own meals, a week’s worth of groceries costs between 500,000-700,000 IDR. Be sure to stick to local food items, as imported foods like wine, cheese, chicken, and beef are super expensive. Buying them often ruins your budget.

Bali Suggested Budgets

On a backpacker budget of 425,000 IDR per day, you can stay in a hostel dorm, eat some street food, cook some meals, rent a bicycle to get around, and do a few activities like hiking or seeing a Balinese dance. It’s really easy to do Bali on a budget if you stay in cheap guesthouses, eat local, and stick to the less expensive activities.

On a mid-range budget of 1,100,000 IDR per day, you can eat out at more restaurants, stay in a budget hotel or a private hostel room, rent a scooter to get around, drink more, enjoy some massages, and take more tours.

On a “luxury” budget of 2,350,000 IDR or more per day, you can stay at a nicer hotel or villa, take taxis or private minivans around the island, eat Western food, drink more, and do any adventure activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury, however. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages — some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in IDR.

Bali Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Bali can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be. This is the land of cheap backpackers, honeymooners, top-of-the-line expensive resorts, and yoga retreats. It caters to every travel style. If you’re looking to save money while visiting, here are some tips and tricks that help you lower your costs:

  • Eat local food – You can pick up tasty local fare for around 10,000-15,000 IDR. Stay far away from Western restaurants if you want to save money!
  • Bargain – Nothing is ever at face value in Indonesia. Bargain hard and bargain often. Don’t ever pay the first price you were quoted (but don’t be a jerk either).
  • Head north – The southern area of Bali (Kuta, Ubud, Seminyak) is the most popular (and most expensive) part of the island. If you head to the beaches in the north or northeast part of Bali, prices are much cheaper and you can find better deals on accommodation.
  • Save money on rideshares – Uber and Grab are cheaper than taxis and are the best way to get around a city if you don’t want to wait for a bus or pay for a taxi. Just be aware that Ubers can be much harder to find in quieter areas.
  • Drink cheap – Save money on alcohol by hitting the happy hours or just buying your drinks at a local store instead of the bar. This is the cheapest way to drink.
  • Bring a filtered water bottle – Bali has a waste problem, and much of it gets burned. You’ll see (and smell) it during your visit. Bring a reusable water bottle with a filter to save money — and the environment. I like Lifestraw .

Where to Stay in Bali

Bali has tons of fun, affordable, and social hostels and guesthouses. Here are my favorites places to stay on the island:

  • Tribal Bali (Canggu)
  • PADI Backpackers House (Ubud)
  • Kememai Hostel (Ubud)
  • Warung Coco Hostel (Kuta)
  • M Boutique Hostel (Seminyak)
  • Capsule Hotel Bali – New Seminyak (Seminyak)

For more recommendations, check out this list of the best hostels in Bali.

How to Get Around Bali

An ancient pagoda along the water in beautiful Bali, Indonesia

Bemos & buses – Bemos are a minibus or a van that carries around 12 people in very tight quarters. They’re not widely used by visitors because they’re usually real time consuming. However, they’re cheap and most rides are around 5,000 IDR.

Tourist buses are a great way to get around, and they’re very affordable. They usually have air-conditioning, and some have Wi-Fi. There are signs in most areas offering these services. Kura-Kura Bus and Perama are the two biggest tourist bus operators. Kuta to Lovina costs 250,000 IDR, while Denpasar to Kuta is just 30,000 IDR. Kuta to Ubud is 100,000 IDR.

Taxis – Taxis are essential for getting around Bali, and they’re cheap. The starting rate is around 7,000 IDR and then 5,000-15,000 IDR per kilometer. You can also find drivers all over the island willing to take you wherever you want to go. A car from Ubud to Padangbai (where you get the boat to Lombok and Gili) costs around 300,000 IDR while an airport transfer to Seminyak or Canggu should cost around the same.

Bluebird Taxis are available in most places, and they’re the most dependable company for metered taxis and English-speaking drivers. There’s a smartphone app that makes ordering a taxi simple and convenient.

Grab (an Uber offspring) is a household name in Southeast Asia. It, too, is convenient, but it sometimes costs even more than a taxi. Go-Jek is a similar option and it also offers motorbike ride shares.

Bicycle – Bicycles are available for rent all around the island, usually costing 50,000 IDR per day for a basic bicycle.

Motorcycles and scooters – Motorbikes are quintessential to the Bali experience, and it’s not uncommon to see whole families riding one together! Motorbikes are so common here because they make it easier to weave in and out of congested traffic.

Scooter rentals are available around the island for as little as 90,000 IDR per day while motorbikes cost about 300,000 IDR a day. You should be an experienced driver for this option though as accidents are very common.

Ferry – Getting to and from Bali is easy via ferry. Ferries start around 15,000 IDR for a ticket from East Java to West Bali, and the rates go up from there for other routes. Bali (Padang Bai) to Lombok is about 500,000 IDR (one way) on the fast ferry or 60,000 IDR on the slow boat (which takes around 8 hours), while Bali to the Gili Islands is 300,000-350,000 IDR (one way) on a speedboat.

When to Go to Bali

Bali has a warm, tropical climate year-round with just two seasons: wet and dry. The dry season lasts from April to September while the rainy season occurs from October to the end of March. The average daily temperature year-round is 28°C (80°F). The high season is from July and August as well as through the Easter holidays and Christmas holidays (about December 11th to January 1st). Bali is busiest during this time, and prices are the highest.

In Bali’s mountainous areas, temperatures are much cooler and there is more rainfall than along the coast. If you plan on spending time in the mountains you need to pack appropriate clothing.

Overall, the best time to visit is between May and September when it’s dry and sunny. It’s still pleasant to visit during the rainy season as rainfall usually comes as fast and intense downpours that only last a few hours. In Bali, the extremes between seasons aren’t drastic.

The dry season is the best time to climb the volcanoes, participate in water sports, and the best time to dive is from April to September.

How to Stay Safe in Bali

Bali is an incredibly safe place to backpack and travel — even if you’re traveling solo — as violent crime is rare. Petty theft (including bag snatching) is the most common type of crime in Indonesia. Theft is also very common on public transit. It’s easy for thieves to grab your wallet or purse when you’re distracted by all the chaos around you. Stay alert and always keep your valuables out of reach.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here but the standard precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.). There’s a lot of partying here so you’ll want to keep an eye out at night. There are countless solo female travel blogs out there that can give you specific information on how to stay safe.

Credit card fraud is common in Indonesia so it’s always best to pay with cash when possible. To avoid getting your information stolen at an ATM, enter a reputable bank to withdraw money from there.

When out and about, make sure you don’t keep all your cash on you. Take what you need for the day and keep the rest secure in your accommodation just to be safe.

If you take a taxi, remember that not all prices in Bali are fixed. Make sure the driver turns on the meter when you get in, or agree on the price upfront to avoid any misunderstandings.

To avoid some of the common scams on the island, read about common travel scams to avoid here .

If you experience an emergency, dial 112 for assistance.

When in doubt, always trust your instincts. If a taxi driver seems shady, get out. If your hotel or accommodation is seedier than you thought, go somewhere else. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID, in case of an emergency.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Bali Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Agoda – Other than Hostelworld, Agoda is the best hotel accommodation site for Asia.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.

Bali Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on Indonesia and Bali travel and continue planning your trip:

The 6 Best Hostels in Bali

The 6 Best Hostels in Bali

Is Southeast Asia Safe for Travelers?

Is Southeast Asia Safe for Travelers?

A Visitor’s Guide to the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces

A Visitor’s Guide to the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces

Kuta Beach: The Worst Place in Bali

Kuta Beach: The Worst Place in Bali

How to Visit Borobudur in Indonesia

How to Visit Borobudur in Indonesia

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Everything You NEED to Know About Backpacking in Bali

  • September 21, 2022

Budget travel is a must at least once in your life. Backpacking is a rite of passage, and where better to cross that passage than in Bali?

The island is PACKED with all different types of activities, experiences and cultures – it’s a pretty easy and safe way to start a world backpacking adventure.

With any budget, you can have a memorable time! 

Flights to Bali, or at least Indonesia, are available from all over the world.

Stop wondering and start to planning your backpacking in Bali holiday. 

Here is EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about exploring Bali on a budget.

Why Go Backpacking in Bali?

trip murah ke bali backpacker

The island of the Gods is famed for being budget friendly for travelers and backpackers.

You can easily have a comfortable, and fun, day spending as little as USD$25 a day – including accommodation and food!

The cost of living in Bali, and many parts of Indonesia, is incredibly affordable for those on a Western budget. However, for local Balinese and Indonesians it will still be considered expensive. 

Warungs will be your best friend when you’re looking for affordable food. At some traditional food spots in Bali , you can pay as little as IDR50,000 (USD$3) for a FULL meal with a drink! 

Save money where you can on accommodation, food and transport to be able to splash out on night’s out, activities and experiences.

Backpacking in Bali is an amazing introduction to the world of backpacking and budget traveling. Don’t miss out!

Where to Backpack in Bali

First things first, knowing WHERE to go in Bali.

Everywhere in Bali is welcoming to backpackers. You’ll be able to find affordable accommodation just about anywhere. There are some well-known spots and some hidden gems!

Check out these places to stay in Bali .

Backpacking in Canggu

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Canggu is a hotspot for Bali digital nomads and backpackers.

To live it up Canggu style you could spend up to USD$50-60 a day – including accommodation in a hostel and motorbike rental.

You can live on less than half of this, but say goodbye to beach clubs, fancy restaurants and hipster cafes. 

Many of the must-see sights in Canggu are free, or affordable, like the small USD$4 to visit Tanah Lot. The beautiful beaches are obviously free. Although you could end up spending money at a beach bar for drinks and a rental bed. Save a little and set up a sarong on the sand with beverages from home. 

A home for surf lessons, yoga classes, gyms sessions and sports, make sure you add a little extra to your budget if there’s something you REALLY want to try. 

Hostels in Canggu are a dime a dozen. From amazing coworking hostels to chic, Mediterranean style spots, there is something for every budget and location preference. 

Overall, Canggu is a must-stop for any good Bali backpacker. Pick up some friends to continue your journey with, set up camp for your entire stay or stop by on a day trip, Canggu is a prime Bali area!

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Canggu: 

The paving villa.

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Tribal Hostel

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Backpacking in Ubud

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Further from the airport then the other tourist towns, Ubud is the cultural heart of Bali.

It’s easy to get around the town on foot, however if you fancy driving in Bali , Ubud is a great place to start with smaller, more local roads.

Attractions like the Monkey Forest, Campuhan Ridge and Tegalalang Rice Terrace are a little further out from the center, so a driver, taxi or bike will be needed. Hit many spots in one day to do it the real backpacker way!

Ubud is shrouded in nature – forests, rice fields, gardens and jungles. A lot of the accommodations in Ubud boast luscious, treetop surroundings or tricking Ayung River views. 

It is becoming increasingly more popular among digital nomads, with coworking spaces and coliving spots dotting up around town.

You can find just as many luxurious restaurants as you can local warungs and cafes. Depending on your budget and travel style, Ubud has it all! 

Immerse in nature, culture and local life all in one place.

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Ubud:

Ubud tropical.

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Askara Hostel

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Backpacking in Seminyak

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Seminyak is often called the new Kuta. Both areas are filled with boutiques, bars, cafes, restaurants and spas, but Seminyak is the newer, trendier one.

There is a myth that Seminyak is the most expensive place to stay for backpackers in Bali. Luckily, we have the secrets. 

You don’t really need a motorbike to get around, Seminyak is pretty walkable. You’ll find ‘main’ streets filled with restaurants, shops, and markets. Make sure you wear sunscreen, even just walking around you will catch the sun. 

The area is party central, with some of the best clubs and bars in Bali . After a lazy day lounging at a beach club, you can party the night away sipping fruity cocktails or local beers. With top hits blaring and people letting loose, a party in Seminyak is unlike any other.

For those who need to watch the pennies, there are many local warungs, affordable hostels and quaint market stalls where you can shop without worrying about your wallet.

Even if you decide to stay elsewhere in Bali, be sure to hit up Seminyak for sunset sips, shopping, partying and dining.

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Seminyak:

La belle villa.

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Stellar Capsules

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Backpacking in Uluwatu & the Bukit

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Stunning ocean and cliffside views are iconic to Uluwatu. With so many luxurious beach clubs , villas and beaches, it’s known as a luxury-seekers haven.

That being said, we are here for the budget backpackers in Bali. Can you do Uluwatu on a pinch? Absolutely!

Uluwatu and the Bukit have many hostels and villas with reasonable prices, just a short drive from the town’s best beaches , bars, restaurants and amenities. 

Transportation in Uluwatu is quite limited compared to other areas in Bali. The best way to get there with your luggage is GO-JEK Car or taxi.  Once in Uluwatu, you will need a motorbike as everything is pretty spread out, especially from the budget accommodations. The roads are pretty winding and steep, take it easy or ask for help from your accommodation!

The obvious draw to Uluwatu is the magnificent beaches. Spend days soaking in the sun, try out surfing or stop by for sunset, the beaches are outstanding.

Also, don’t miss out on Uluwatu Temple and the Kecak dance for something more cultural.

Our Favorite Places to Stay in Uluwatu:

Sultans of swell.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

S Resorts Hidden Valley Bali

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Backpacking in the East of Bali

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Nearly a two-hour drive from Seminyak, the East of Bali is filled with amazing sights and things to do.

Away from the crowds, it is a perfect place for the backpackers who want something a little more chilled, local and rural.

A full week’s stay here may be a little too low key, but stopping by for a night or 2 will give you a chance to see another side of Bali that many tourists don’t bother venturing to. 

With one of the best coasts for diving in Bali , affordable places to stay, an inside look into local life and STUNNING landscapes, the East of Bali shouldn’t be skipped on your Bali itinerary.

Our Favorite Places to Stay in East Bali:

Ocean prana.

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Bali Blue Gecko Villas

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Backpacking Other Parts of Bali

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Sanur and Lovina aren’t common Bali backpacking areas, but still deserve an honourable mention.

Sanur is a hub for families with easy walkable streets, plenty of villas , calm beaches and amazing water sports. Backpackers will find some affordable villas (even more affordable when shared with friends) and epic activities.

Lovina is a one-stop-hop for seeing dolphins in Bali . A  super local and rural area, there isn’t much to do other than scour the waters for the intelligent creatures.

And let’s not forget the smaller islands dotted around the archipelago!

Nusa Penida is a renowned backpacking destination with a whole host of magnificent, natural sights and affordable hostels . 

Just an easy boat ride over from the mainland, it can be a few days trip or extended stay.

The Gilis are also nearby, with some of the most picturesque and tropical beaches you’ll ever see. Hostels and guesthouses are buzzing on each of the small paradise islands.

Places to Stay:

Nuansa penida hostel.

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Blue Lagoon Secret Villas

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Best Accommodation for Backpackers in Bali

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The biggest part of saving money while traveling is knowing the best types of places to stay.

Bali is FULL of amazing accommodations from super budget to ultra, slap in the face luxury.

Here are some of the best spots for your backpacking Bali adventure.

After weeks of backpacking, sometimes you want to treat yourself to a resort.

Bali has many luxurious and modern resorts at affordable prices.

To really find great deals, look for resorts outside of the main tourist areas – especially if you are going to be driving yourself. 

Grand Kesambi Resort and Villa in Kerobokan is an exclusive retreat on a budget. Just 10 minutes from the center of Seminyak, you can have easy access to amenities and save money on accommodation! 

Private Villas

Many private villas can be found in Bali for less than $50 per night!

Choosing to stay in a villa is not only super comfortable, it is often the most cost-effective solution when traveling with backpacker friends.

If location is not a major concern, a spot like   Karana Villa in Denpasar is ideal with a range of different sized villas. 

Any good backpacker will have some consideration for their environmental impact.

Choosing a place to stay that helps the environment and has sustainable practices will ease some of that traveler guilt.

The number of eco lodges in Bali are slowly increasing, usually located away from the crowds, among nature.

Green views, quiet atmosphere, dim lights, rural nuances are what you can get at some eco lodges like Pondok Sebatu Eco Lodge . 

Cheap, simple, and located in touristy areas, there are hundreds of hostels in Bali.

The rooms are usually dormitories with lockable drawers, bunk beds, reading lamps and power outlets.

Most hostels have a garden, swimming pool, friendly staff and on-site restaurant or cafe. Honestly, you won’t ever have to leave!

Tribal Bali is the best hostel in Bali. It is a digital nomad dream AND is affordable, just a short drive from the hotspots of Canggu – win, win, win.


Want hotel facilities without the hefty price tag? Guesthouses are a great compromise.

Often run by friendly local families, they are perfect for long stays and having your own home away from home.

With private rooms within a shared space, you can get to know your neighbors and have a cozy place to return to after each adventurous island day.

Guesthouses are found across Bali. A great option is Pecatu Ubud Guest House in Ubud. It is a mini version of a hotel, with an exclusive location. 

Travel Tips

trip murah ke bali backpacker

  • Pack light – packing for Bali isn’t an exact science. Since you are going to be carrying it on your back, you’ll want to have a little self-control. Laundry services are widely available and affordable, you can have everything washed and rewashed – save yourself some back pain! 
  • Avoid carrying too much cash – check out travel cards like Wise and Revolut. They are widely accepted across the island, you can take out cash at local banks and ATMs and save yourself from carrying too much cash. Be sure to use indoor or bank based ATMs. Card skimming has been an issue on the island. 
  • Luggage storage – island hopping isn’t as much fun when you are carrying months worth of stuff on your back. Luggage storage facilities are available to keep your belongings safe while you explore. Your hostel or hotel may even be able to hold onto things for you! Just don’t leave behind any valuables.
  • Do your research – knowing where you want to go, what you want to see, and how to get around is important before you even land in Bali. A little online research through blogs (*cough* Balipedia *cough*), Facebook groups and Youtube will help you get a lay of the land and make your stay all the more successful.
  • Figure out how to get around – obviously motorbikes are the most popular way of getting around Bali. However, it’s not for everyone! It’s SO easy to hire a private driver or order a bike taxi. Don’t feel pressured into driving if you aren’t 100% confident! 

Final Thoughts

Well, what do you think? Will you be backpacking in Bali soon?

Whether you are on a tight budget or have saved up some serious coin to REALLY enjoy the island, you can explore Bali no matter your bank balance.

Check out affordable accommodations, meet other backpackers and visit some real hidden gems.

Bali is a stunning place to start your backpacking lifestyle.

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8 Tips Wisata Backpacker Ke Bali Hemat dan Menyenangkan

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Liburan ke Bali memang tidak pernah membosankan, apalagi setelah mengetahui hampir seluruh wilayah Bali memiliki pesonya sendiri. Sekali, dua kali kunjungan tentunya belum cukup untuk menikmati keindahan Pulau Dewata.

Jika kamu sedang merencanakan liburan ke Bali dalam waktu dekat, tidak ada salahnya mencoba berwisata ke Bali ala backpacker . Selain hemat biaya, kamu juga bisa merasakan sensasi bepergian yang unik dan pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan. Mau tau apa saja tips wisata ke Bali ala backpacker ? Yuk, cekidot!

1. Kereta Api, Alternatif Moda Transportasi Menuju Pulau Bali

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Biaya transportasi adalah salah satu alasan mengapa dana liburan kita habis, apalagi jika kita menggunakan moda pesawat terbang. Pulau Bali yang bertetangga dengan Pulau Jawa memberikan banyak alternatif transportasi selain pesawat terbang. Salah satu yang jadi favorit para backpacker adalah kereta api.

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PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) menyediakan rute khusus kereta api Mutiara Timur ke Bali dua kali sehari. Perjalanan dengan kereta api ini akan memakan waktu tempuh sekitar 12 jam dari stasiun Gubeng Surabaya. Rute kereta apinya akan berhenti di stasiun Banyuwangi Baru, lalu dilanjutkan dengan menaiki bus Damri yang akan mengantarmu sampai ke terminal Ubung, Denpasar. Bus Damri ini nantinya akan menaiki kapal ferry untuk menyeberangi Selat Bali. Untuk pengalaman yang berkesan, kamu bisa menaiki kereta Mutiara Timur dengan jadwal keberangkatan malam hari, sehingga kamu bisa menikmati sunrise yang sangat indah di atas kapal ferry . Pengalaman yang seru bukan?

2. Transportasi Umum Di Bali

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Seperti yang kita tahu, keberadaan ojek online telah menjadi sarana transportasi kekinian yang bisa menjadi alternatif selama bepergian antarkota di Bali. Namun, tahukah kamu jika Bali juga punya sarana angkutan umum? Di antaranya adalah bus Trans Sarbagita dan Kura-kura bus.

Bus Trans Sarbagita merupakan bus milik pemerintah provinsi Bali yang melayani beberapa rute penting termasuk di antaranya rute wisata. Lain halnya dengan Kura-Kura bus yang merupakan bus mini khusus untuk rute wisata dengan shuttle point yang cukup banyak. Bus ini menjangkau hampir semua destinasi wisata penting di Bali, mulai dari Nusa Dua hingga Ubud. Klik di sini untuk melihat rute dan harga bus Trans Sarbagaita, dan di sini untuk Kura-kura bus.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

3. Akomodasi Murah Meriah

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Jika ingin liburan cukup lama di Bali, misalkan lebih dari seminggu, ada baiknya untuk mencari kos-kosan dengan tagihan per minggu. Dengan cara ini, kamu dijamin akan menghemat banyak biaya dan tidak perlu pusing membawa koper yang berat tiap harinya. Namun, kamu harus memastikan lokasi kos berada di lokasi yang sesuai dengan itinerarymu ya! Jangan sampai uang yang berhasil kamu simpan justru membuat jebol pengeluaran di bagian transportasi.

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Untuk kamu yang liburannya kurang dari seminggu, sebaiknya mencari akomodasi sesuai dengan itinerarymu. Di Bali, terdapat berbagai macam tipe akomodasi yang cocok untuk backpacker , mulai dari hostel, bunk bed dormitory , guest house murah sampai capsule hotel . Jika ingin menginap di daerah Kuta, kamu bisa menjelajahi daerah Legian untuk bisa menemukan penginapan yang super murah! Kamu juga bisa mencari akomodasi murah di Agoda sesuai dengan budget dan kebutuhanmu.

4. Kuliner Enak, Kenyang Dan Murah

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Mencari warung makan yang enak dan murah mungkin menjadi hal yang cukup menantang di Bali. Terdapat beberapa warung makan yang cukup hits di kalangan para backpacker , di antaranya yaitu Warung Indonesia di Jl. Poppies 2, Kuta. Jika kamu menginap di guest house dengan fasilitas dapur, kamu bisa memasak makanan ringan seperti mie instan, telur mata sapi dengan roti ataupun nasi goreng. Praktis, bukan?

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Fast food ternama juga bisa jadi andalan jika sedang lapar. Kamu juga bisa datang ke LuhTu Coffee Shop di Sanur yang menawakan sensasi makan ala kafe dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau. Untuk wisata kuliner yang murah lainnya, kamu bisa mencoba Ayam Kedewatan Ibu Mangku, Sate Plecing Arjuna, dan Ayam Betutu Men Tempeh yang dijamin enak dan ramah di kantong!

5. Perencanaan Itinerary

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Itinerary menjadi hal penting yang akan mempengaruhi biaya yang akan kamu keluarkan saat jalan-jalan. Bali memang tidak bisa dijelajahi dalam satu kali kunjungan, jadi jangan terlalu memaksakan diri untuk mengunjungi semua destinasi sekaligus. Perhitungkan berbagai macam kendala yang mungkin terjadi, misalnya badan yang kecapekan, atau ban bocor di tengah jalan. Saat membuat itinerary, ada baiknya jika dibagi berdasarkan wilayah geografis serta kemudahan aksesnya. Pada tahap ini, google maps bisa menjadi alat yang kamu andalkan!

Bali Selatan merupakan wilayah Bali dengan tempat wisata terbanyak dengan jarak yang berdekatan. Di Bali Selatan, kamu bisa membagi segmen wilayah; misalnya, hari pertama sampai ketiga kamu bisa menjelajahi wilayah Sanur dan sekitarnya, lalu lanjut ke Kuta dan berakhir di Uluwatu.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Agar tidak kecewa dengan objek wisata yang terlalu ramai, kamu harus selalu mengunjungi Bali pada saat low season , dimana tidak terlalu banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung. Misalnya, wilayah Kuta akan banjir wisatawan pada bulan menjelang tahun baru. Oleh karena itu, kamu bisa merencanakan liburan ke kota lain seperti Ubud, yang cenderung lebih sepi pada bulan tersebut. Mengambil cuti tahunan di luar perayaan hari libur nasional (bulan Maret atau September) juga bisa jadi salah satu alternatif untuk menghindari tempat wisata yang tidak sesuai ekspektasi karena penuh dengan wisatawan.

6. Selama Perjalanan

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Selama perjalanan, jangan lupa untuk selalu membawa botol air minummu sendiri, dan isi di tempat penginapanmu sebelum memulai perjalanan. Siapkan juga uang kecil untuk membayar makanan di warung atau untuk membayar angkutan umum. Jika kamu mengandalkan google maps selama perjalanan, tidak ada salahnya menyiapkan rencana alternatif dengan mendownload offline maps untuk daerah yang akan kamu kunjungi. Satu lagi, pastikan power bank mu dalam kapasitas yang penuh agar kamu tidak panik jika baterai handphonemu habis. Jangan sungkan untuk bertanya jika sedang tersesat, karena warga Bali terkenal ramah dan tidak akan segan untuk memberi tahu arah jalan yang benar.

7. Keamanan

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Jangan pernah tinggalkan barang berharga dan dokumen penting di tempat penginapanmu. Jika akomodasimu menyediakan electronic safe box , kamu bisa meletakkan barang-barang berharga dan dokumen penting seperti laptop dan paspor di dalamya. Ketersediaan loker ini bisa jadi syarat saat kamu memilih akomodasi, terutama jika kamu membawa banyak barang-barang berharga.

Pastikan juga untuk membawa satu tas kecil yang bisa kamu isi dengan dompet, handphone, ataupun keperluan lainnya. Selalu waspada dengan copet yang berada di tempat-tempat ramai seperti pasar, ataupun pantai. Aktifkan juga aplikasi anti-theft di smartphonemu untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kehilangan.

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Seiring dengan kejahatan transportasi online yang meningkat, tidak ada salahnya untuk selalu memeriksa kendaraan sebelum menaikinya, dan selalu waspada dengan gerak gerik mencurigakan selama perjalanan. Saat ini banyak aplikasi smartphone yang bisa melakukan panggilan telepon ke beberapa kontak darurat yang kita simpan, bahkan dalam keadaan tangan terikat. Jadi, pastikan untuk melakukan persiapan yang lengkap dan selalu waspada ya!

8. Oleh-Oleh

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Oleh-oleh tentu termasuk dalam salah satu item yang akan meningkatkan pengeluaranmu. Salah satu cara dimana kamu bisa menghemat biaya pengeluaran oleh-oleh adalah dengan berbelanja di pasar. Ya, datang saja ke pasar Kereneng di Jalan Kamboja Badung Bali; selain harganya murah, kamu pun bisa menawar lho! Tapi ingat, nawarnya juga jangan kebangetan ya. Pasar tradisional ini tidak hanya menyediakan suvenir dengan harga murah tapi juga aneka kuliner khas Bali yang wajib kamu coba!

Baca juga: 20 Aktivitas Gratis Di Bali Yang Asyik Untuk Liburan Hematmu

Selain lebih murah, Wisata ala backpacker juga memiliki nilai tambah dari sisi pengalaman yang tidak bisa dinilai dengan uang. Semoga kedelapan tips di atas dapat membantumu membuat perencanaan liburan ke Bali ala backpacker ya! Selamat berlibur.

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Tips Backpacking ke Bali, Murah dan Nagih!

Meski budget terbatas, Anda tetap bisa liburan ke Bali lho! Mau tau bagaimana caranya? Mari simak tips backpacking ke Bali berikut ini. Solusi mudah merencanakan liburan dengan biaya murah.

Pulau Bali masih jadi andalan pariwisata Indonesia. Saat pandemi merebak kemarin, sektor pariwisata ini sempat ambruk, Bali seperti kota mati. Untungnya saat ini, pariwisata Bali mulai bangkit kembali, wisatawan pun ramai berdatangan.

Sejatinya Indonesia punya banyak sekali tempat-tempat cantik, misalkan saja Labuan Bajo. Meskipun demikian, pesona pulau Bali tetap tidak tergantikan, menurut wisatawan lokal maupun wisatawan asing.

Pulau Bali terletak di bagian timur Indonesia. Posisi geografisnya kerap jadi kendala bagi wisatawan. Letaknya jauh sehingga butuh banyak biaya untuk transportasi. Seringnya pesawat jadi moda transportasi ke pulau Bali.

Untuk Anda yang ingin liburan tapi tetap berhemat, tentu ini jadi masalah baru. Tak jarang rencana liburan batal akibat budget yang tidak cukup.

Masalah ini bisa kita siasati, lho! Caranya dengan jadi backpcker. Penasaran kan? Yuk simak tips backpacking ke Bali berikut ini.

Tips Backpacking ke Bali Liburan Hemat Budget

Backpacker atau backpacking adalah istilah untuk menyebut orang yang bepergian tapi hemat budget, atau low-cost. Biasanya, mereka tidak membawa banyak barang, sehingga cukup dengan tas punggung saja.

Gaya ini cocok sekali untuk Anda yang mau liburan tapi tetap berhemat. Berikut ini kami sajikan tips backpacking ke Bali sebagai referensi.

1. Kelola Budget dengan Efektif

Girl holding American Dollar Bills

Pertama sekali, Anda perlu merencanakan anggaran dengan efektif. Tujuan utama menjadi backpacker adalah menghemat budget selama liburan. Supaya budget terorganisir dengan baik, Anda bisa memisahkannya sesuai jenis kebutuhan.

Ada budget untuk transportasi, penginapan, konsumsi, juga budget tiket masuk destinasi wisata. Cara seperti ini akan membantu Anda dalam menghemat pengeluaran selama liburan.

2. Susun Rencana Liburan dengan Matang

Planning the day at Crater Lake National Park

Setelah memastikan perencanaan budget, Anda perlu menyiapkan rencana selama liburan. Sesuaikan destinasi tujuan dengan budget yang sudah dianggarkan sebelumnya.

Sebagai backpacker, menyusun rencana itu penting sekali. Jangan sampai, Anda malah kebingungan sendiri ketika sudah sampai Bali. Bukannya liburan, malah menghabiskan waktu dengan cuma-cuma.

3. Bawa Barang Secukupnya

Tips jadi backpacking selanjutnya adalah membawa barang secukupnya, sehingga tidak butuh koper cukup dengan tas ransel saja.

Ciri yang membedakan backpacker dengan wisatawan biasa adalah gayanya yang minimalis. Tidak membawa banyak barang, baju pun seperlunya saja.

4. Liburan Ketika Low Season

Kalau mau hemat budget, sebaiknya Anda menghindari liburan pada saat high season, seperti akhir tahun, weekend, atau perayaan hari-hari besar. Mengapa demikian?

Pada hari-hari ini, harga tiket biasanya naik jadi lebih mahal. Begitu pula dengan biaya penginapan. Untuk mengantisipasi kantong membengkak, sebaiknya Anda berlibur pada hari-hari biasa saja.

5. Menginap di Tempat Kerabat atau Teman


Kalau punya kerabat atau kenalan yang tinggal di Bali, akan sangat menguntungkan. Sebab Anda bisa menumpang tinggal di rumahnya selama liburan. Cara seperti ini tentunya lebih hemat.

Budget yang disiapkan untuk penginapan bisa Anda alihkan untuk kebutuhan lain, seperti tiket masuk destinasi wisata, atau membeli oleh-oleh.

Kalaupun tidak punya kerabat atau kenalan, Anda bisa memilih penginapan dengan harga bersahabat. Tidak perlu mewah, yang penting nyaman juga aman untuk beristirahat.

Sebagai destinasi unggulan pariwisata Indonesia, ada banyak sekali penginapan di pulau Bali dengan harga murah. Penginapan fasilitas sederhana bisa Anda dapat dengan harga sewa mulai dari 45 ribu setiap malamnya.

Pilih Moda Transportasi Murah

Tips backpacking ke Bali berikutnya adalah memilih moda transportasi yang murah. Sebisa mungkin Anda tidak menggunakan pesawat. Karena harganya mahal, meskipun sudah memakai kupon promo.

Daripada pesawat lebih baik menggunakan transportasi umum. Waktu tempuhnya tentu saja lebih lama, tapi Anda bisa mendapatkan pengalaman berharga selama perjalanan. Wisatawan dari Jawa bisa menggunakan kereta tujuan Banyuwangi.

Dari Banyuwangi silahkan menyeberang menggunakan kapal Feri. Nantinya Anda bisa menaiki bus dari pelabuhan menuju pusat kota.

Kedengarannya menarik bukan? Berangkat ke Bali menggunakan transportasi umum memang memakan waktu, tenaga pun terbuang lebih banyak daripada menggunakan pesawat.

Namun, ada hal lain yang jadi pelajaran berharga. Anda dapat melihat tempat-tempat baru selama perjalanan.

Berburu Kuliner Enak Murah Meriah

Selain menikmati indahnya pantai, Anda wajib mencicipi lezatnya kuliner khas Bali. Ada banyak sekali warung makan dengan sajian lezat juga harga murah. Kuncinya, Anda mau eksplor. Manfaatkan media sosial, atau bertanya langsung kepada warga lokal.

Kalau mau berhemat saat liburan, tak perlu datang ke tempat makan yang fancy, yang penting makan terjamin dan kenyang.

Menjelajah Surga Tersembunyi di Pulau Bali

Rumah Pohon Treehouse Nusa Penida Island Bali Indonessia

Rasanya belum sah menjadi backpacker kalau Anda belum menjelajah surga tersembunyi di pulau Bali. Jangan cuma mengunjungi Pantai Kuta atau Tanah Lot saja. Masih banyak destinasi yang bisa dieksplor kalau Anda mau.

Destinasi tersembunyi biasanya tidak terlalu ramai oleh pengunjung dan tidak butuh tiket masuk. Kekurangannya, aksesnya lebih sulit. Contohnya saja Pantai Pasih Uug, Pantai Nyang-Nyang atau Pantai Gunung Payung.

Selain tiga destinasi pantai tersebut, Anda bisa mendatangi destinasi yang memang gratis. Itung-itung menghemat biaya pembelian tiket masuk. Contoh destinasi gratis di pulau Bali adalah kawasan Seminyak juga Pantai Sanur.

Meskipun gratis, pemandangannya tak boleh disepelekan. Pantai ini jadi spot favorit untuk menyaksikan matahari terbenam. Cocok deh untuk swafoto, lokasinya pun instagramable.

Jalan Kaki Atau Sewa Motor

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Tips backpacking ke Bali lainnya berkaitan dengan transportasi selama liburan. Kami sarankan Anda berjalan kaki saja mengingat jarak antara destinasi yang berdekatan. Kalau memang perlu mengunjungi destinasi yang jauh, Anda bisa sewa motor.

Pulau Bali memiliki tempat penyewaan sepeda motor juga mobil. Harganya variatif. Untuk motor, biasanya mulai dari 35 ribu untuk per hari.

Kalau mau hemat, lebih baik jalan kaki saja. Pilih penginapan yang jaraknya berdekatan dengan destinasi wisata tujuan. Sehingga tidak butuh biaya tambahan untuk membayar ongkos transportasi.

Berburu Oleh-Oleh ke Pasar Seni

pasar seni bali

Liburan belum lengkap kalau tidak belanja cinderamata khas Bali. Soal membeli oleh-oleh, Anda perlu waspada, jangan membuat keuangan bocor.

Tempat membeli cinderamata khas Bali dengan harga miring adalah Pasar Seni. Disini, Anda bisa menemukan banyak sekali cendera mata. Ada sejumlah Pasar Seni yang bisa Anda kunjungi, seperti Pasar Seni Sukawati, Pasar Seni Guwang juga Pasar Seni Tanah Lot.

Gimana? Sudah tahu kan bagaimana cara menjadi backpacker? Gaya liburan ini cocok sekali untuk Anda yang ingin menghemat budget. Sensasi dan pengalamannya juga berbeda, dijamin lebih seru.

Demikianlah tips backpacking ke Bali. Semoga tips ini bisa mewujudkan impian Anda untuk berlibur ke pulau Bali, ya!

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Home » Lifestyle » 5 Tips Backpacker ke Bali Dengan Hemat dan Aman

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5 Tips Backpacker ke Bali Dengan Hemat dan Aman

Diperbarui 25 Juni 2022

Siapa yang tidak tahu Bali? Pasti Anda sudah pernah mengunjunginya bukan? Tapi, pernahkah Anda berencana untuk backpacker ke Bali?

Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa liburan hemat ke Bali sangat mungkin untuk dilakukan.

Anda bisa mencoba melakukan backpacker ke Bali untuk bisa mendapatkan keseruan liburan dengan biaya yang lebih terjangkau.

Ingin tahu cara untuk mewujudkannya? Yuk simak ulasannya dalam artikel Finansialku berikut ini!

Biaya Backpacker ke Bali

Setelah berkutat dengan rutinitas harian, liburan akan terdengar menyenangkan.

Bagi Anda yang ingin mencari suasana baru sambil liburan, Bali selalu bisa Anda jadikan destinasi liburan.

Kalau Anda memiliki jiwa petualang, berlibur ke Bali mungkin akan terdengar cukup mainstream .

Tapi backpacker ke Bali akan memberikan Anda suasana liburan yang tidak kalah seru dengan daya tarik tersendiri yang tentu saja sangat layak untuk dicoba.

Selain itu, tentu saja backpacker ke Bali juga bisa membuat Anda liburan dengan lebih hemat.

Sebelum membahas lebih jauh mengenai backpacker , hal yang harus Anda ingat ialah persiapkan terlebih dahulu dana untuk berlibur.

Hal ini penting untuk dilakukan agar kondisi keuangan tetap stabil tanpa mengganggu post keuangan lainnya.

Untuk mempermudah kamu dalam mempersiapkan dana liburan, alangkah lebih baik jika Anda menggunakan aplikasi Finansialku .

Aplikasi Finansialku merupakan aplikasi berbasis website yang sangat membantu Anda untuk melakukan pengelolaan dan perencanaan keuangan, termasuk soal dana liburan.

Anda bisa men- download aplikasi Finansialku melalui Google Play Store atau lakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu melalui PC.

Backpacker ke Bali 02 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Bagaimana Cara Resign Kerja, Hidup Sejahtera, Mencapai Financial Freedom dan Bekerja Karena Passion ? ]

Untuk mempraktikkannya, langkah yang harus Anda lakukan sangatlah mudah, yaitu:

  • Buka aplikasi Finansialku dan pilih menu “Rencanakan Keuangan”.
  • Tekan simbol “+” untuk menambahkan rencana keuangan.
  • Pilih opsi “Dana Liburan”.
  • Isi semua data yang diperlukan, seperti:
  • Dana perjalanan ke: misalnya, Bali.
  • Biaya akomodasi atau penginapan: misalnya, Rp1.000.000. (Untuk 5 hari 4 malam)
  • Anggaran konsumsi: misalnya, Rp500.000.
  • Anggaran oleh-oleh: misalnya, Rp500.000.
  • Biaya transportasi: misalnya, Rp2.000.000.
  • Berapa lama lagi Anda akan pergi: misalnya, 6 bulan.
  • Dana yang telah tersedia: misalnya, Rp1.000.000.
  • Kenaikan dana: 10% per tahun.
  • Estimasi hasil investasi: 12% per tahun.

Catatan: Kamu bisa menambahkan rincian biaya dengan meng-klik simbol “+” di bagian kanan.

  • Setelah semua data terisi, klik “Hitung”. Kesimpulan berupa hasil perhitungan serta estimasi biaya yang harus dikumpulkan tiap bulannya pun akan muncul.

Rencana Keuangan Dana Persalinan Aplikasi Finansialku

Bagaimana? Mudah bukan? Yuk praktikkan sekarang juga!

Nah , jika Anda ingin lebih memahami mengenai perencanaan keuangan, gunakan juga  ebook  Finansialku sebagai panduanmu:

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Download Ebook Sekarang

Di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah penjelasan dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti sehingga kamu bisa langsung mempraktikkan saat ini juga.

Tunggu apalagi?  Yuk  segera miliki dan rasakan manfaatnya!

Persiapan Backpacker Ke Bali

Bali saat ini bisa dibilang adalah destinasi wisata yang ramah terhadap backpacker . Bukan hanya backpacker lokal saja, bahkan banyak turis asing yang juga melakukan backpacking di Bali.

Apalagi, saat ini Bali bisa dibilang salah satu kota metropolitan yang tidak akan menyulitkan Anda untuk mencari makan atau tempat istirahat.

Iklan Banner Perencanaan Dana Liburan - 728x90

Untuk transportasi pun, Anda bisa memilih berbagai macam transportasi. Dari mulai ojeg dan taksi pangkalan hingga transportasi online .

Bahkan backpacker pemula sekalipun bisa menikmati pengalaman liburan di Bali tanpa harus merasa kesulitan.

Tips Backpacker Ke Bali

Meski backpacker ke Bali cukup mudah, tapi tetap saja Anda tidak boleh asal-asalan.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang bisa Anda ikuti saat backpacker di Bali:

#1 Cari Penginapan Ekonomis yang Nyaman

Meskipun Anda backpacker di Bali, penginapan yang nyaman juga perlu Anda perhatikan.

Karena dengan begitu, energi Anda akan lebih cepat kembali dan siap menikmati pengalaman liburan di hari selanjutnya.

Untuk mencari lokasi penginapan yang nyaman dan memiliki harga yang ekonomis, Anda bisa mencarinya di Jalan Poppies I dan Poppies II.

Tempat ini sudah sejak lama dikenal memiliki banyak penginapan dengan harga yang murah.

Kalau beruntung, Anda mungkin bisa menemukan penginapan dengan harga per malam di kisaran Rp100 ribu sampai dengan Rp500 ribu.


[Baca Juga: KETUPAT: Ketahui Cara Atur Keuangan Supaya Mudik Bebas Dari Utang ]

Agar lebih mudah, ada baiknya Anda mencari dulu melalui aplikasi online mengenai lokasi hotel dengan harga yang affordable untuk Anda.

Jangan sampai tenaga Anda malah habis untuk keluar masuk penginapan demi mencari harga yang sesuai.

Sebagai referensi, kalau Anda ingin mencari penginapan yang tidak jauh dari Pantai Kuta, Anda bisa mencoba penginapan The Pavillion Hotel Kuta, Hotel Ratna, Jesen’s Inn 1, Jesen’s Inn 3, Pop Hotel Kuta Beach , Balisani Padma Hotel, dan lain-lain.

Untuk penginapan yang tidak jauh dari Pantai Jimbaran ada Wedari Guest House , Udayana Kinfisher Eco Lodge , atau Kemala Bed and Breakfast .

Sedangkan penginapan yang dekat Pantai Suluban ada The Gong Hotel, Kiki Homestay , Sandat Mas Cottages , The Hill Ungasan House Hotel, dan lain-lain.

#2 Cari Tempat Makan Murah

Kalau tidak pintar-pintar mencari tempat makan, budget perjalanan bisa menjadi sangat besar.

Apalagi kalau Anda mencari makan di tempat-tempat wisata atau tempat makan kuliner terkenal.

Karena itu, Anda perlu pintar-pintar mencari tempat makan yang enak dan murah.

Jika Anda berkunjung ke pantai Kuta, ada satu area tepat makan yang bisa Anda capai hanya dalam waktu 10 menit saja.

Beberapa menu makanan bahkan bisa Anda nikmati hanya dengan membayar Rp2.500 saja. Salah satunya adalah Nasi Jinggo. Nasi ini bahkan dijual dengan harga maksimal Rp5.000 saja.

#3 Buat Target Lokasi yang Ingin Dikunjungi

Liburan hemat tentu saja butuh effort lebih.

Keseruan backpacker pun memang ada di seni liburan dengan pengeluaran yang terbatas.

Supaya liburan Anda bisa lebih jelas, padat, dan berkesan, tidak ada salahnya untuk membuat daftar tempat yang ingin dikunjungi selama di Bali.

Perhatikan juga apakah tempat-tempat yang ingin Anda kunjungi berada di lokasi yang berdekatan atau searah?

Daftar ini akan sangat memudahkan Anda untuk merancang rencana perjalanan.

Menikmati Liburan Saat Nyepi di Bali 02 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Ayo Menabung Demi Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia ]

Ada banyak hal yang bisa Anda kunjungi di Bali. Jika Anda menyukai keramaian, Anda bisa datang ke bagian selatan yang didominasi pantai.

Tempat ini menjadi bagian paling banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Ada banyak pantai yang bisa Anda kunjungi di Bali.

Misalnya Pantai Nyang Nyang, Pantai Balangan, Pantai Green Bowl , Pantai Kelan, Pantai Pandawa, Pantai Nusa Dua, Pantai Karma Kandara, dan masih banyak lagi.

Selain pantai, Bali juga memiliki banyak tempat wisata bukan pantai yang tidak kalah menarik untuk Anda kunjungi.

Misalnya Pura Ulun Danu, Pura Besakih, Danau Bedugul, Danau Beratan, Monkey Forest Ubud, Danau Batur, dan lain-lain.

Atau Anda juga bisa mencoba snorkeling di Pulau Menjangan, trekking ke Gunung Batur atau Gunung Agung, dan menonton tari kecak di Uluwatu.

#4 Transportasi di Bali

Transportasi adalah salah satu hal yang penting untuk Anda pikirkan saat melakukan backpacker ke Bali.

Ada banyak alternatif moda transportasi yang bisa Anda pilih.

Salah satunya adalah moda transportasi yang cukup baru di Bali, yaitu bus Trans Sarbagita.

Akan tetapi, menggunakan bus Trans Sarbagita dinilai kurang efisien karena Bali yang semakin macet.

Jika Anda ingin backpacker ke Bali, motor adalah moda transportasi yang paling baik untuk digunakan.

Ada banyak penyewaan motor di Bali yang memiliki harga sewa yang cukup murah. Hanya sekitar Rp50 ribu per hari.

Harga ini juga masih bisa ditawar lagi kalau Anda ingin menyewa motor lebih dari satu hari.

Untuk backpacker di Bali, menggunakan motor lebih ekonomis dan juga lebih efisien untuk melewati jalanan Bali yang mulai macet.

#5 Jangan Datang Ketika Peak Season

Backpacker ke Bali akan lebih seru dan terasa jika Anda datang ke Bali bukan pada saat peak season .

Biasanya, harga penginapan akan lebih tinggi di peak season , sehingga mencari penginapan murah akan cukup sulit.

Di samping itu, tempat-tempat wisata pun akan penuh oleh lautan manusia.

Selain itu, jangan juga pergi backpacker ke Bali pada saat musim hujan. Karena sunset dan sunrise akan lebih sulit ditemukan.

Pergi backpacker ke Bali juga tidak boleh malu-malu. Anda harus berani bertanya.

Tenang saja, orang di Bali cukup ramah dan mau menunjukkan jalan. Improvisasi juga perlu dilakukan supaya perjalanan liburan jadi lebih menyenangkan.

Nah , penasaran mau mencoba backpacker ke Bali?

Jangan lupa untuk merencanakan anggarannya dengan baik. Jangan sampai Anda jadi kesulitan di Bali karena tidak menyiapkan dana liburan dengan baik.

Selain itu, buat rencana persiapan hal lainnya dengan baik. Cari informasi terlebih dahulu mengenai penginapan serta transportasi yang ada di sana.

Selamat berlibur!

Apakah Anda pernah pergi backpacker ke Bali? Share pengalaman Anda di kolom bawah ini. Bagikan juga artikel ini kepada teman atau saudara yang ingin pergi backpacker ke Bali. Terima kasih!

Sumber Referensi:

  • Fahmi. 3 April 2012 . Tips, Trik dan Panduan Backpacker Ke Bali Untuk Traveler Pemula! –

Sumber Gambar:

  • Backpacker ke Bali 1 –
  • Backpacker ke Bali 2 –

About the Author: Ike Nofalia, S.Kom.

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Begini Cara Perjalanan Murah Ke Bali Ala Backpacker Jalur Darat!

Gimana sih agar perjalanan Ke Bali bisa lebih murah? Dari pengalaman travel blog Indonesia sih, kalau mau liburan murah ke Bali pergi dengan cara lewat jalur darat ala Backpacker saja!

Jika pepatah mengatakan ada banyak jalan menuju Roma, begitu juga cara jalan jalan liburan ke Bali dengan murah!!

Iya, tidak terhitung banyaknya jalan menuju Bali. Mulai dari yang ekonomis sampai yang mahal! Mulai dari gratisan sampai yang berbayar, tinggal pilih mau nyaman atau mau murah :D

Nah! Sebenarnya banyak banget cara menuju pulau yang menjadi ikon pariwisata Indonesia ini. Mulai dari yang paling gampang yaitu naik pesawat dari bandara manapun yang melayani rute penerbangan menuju Denpasar.

Hingga cara yang paling ekonomis yang biasa saya sebut “ ngeteng ”, atau perjalanan darat dengan moda transportasi yang berbeda.

Cara pertama liburan ke Bali dengan naik pesawat memang paling praktis, kadang bisa lebih murah dari perjalanan darat.

Hanya saja kalau mau liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker dengan naik pesawat, ya harus nunggu tiket promo.

Soalnya kalau lagi gak promo, harganya suka mahal. Apalagi kalau di musim peak seson liburan!

Mau Liburan Murah Ke Bali Ala Backpacker? Pergi Lewat Jalur Darat Aja Berangkat Dari Bandung, Surabaya Atau Jakarta Bisa!!

Solo Riding, Touring Ke Bali Sendirian! - [ Motovlog Indonesia ] [ Motovlogger Indonesia ]

Cara kedua dengan adalah dengan perjalanan darat, baik secara langsung dengan cara naik sepeda motor ke Bali seperti motovlog diatas, atau “ ngeteng ” dengan berganti – ganti kendaraan umum untuk menuju Pulau Bali.

Perlu diketahui ada dua pintu masuk ke Pulau Bali jika dengan perjalanan darat.

Pintu pertama untuk masuk ke Bali beraada di bagian barat pulau, yaitu Pelabuhan Gilimanuk dengan penyeberangan dari pelabuhan Ketapang di Banyuwangi , Jawa Timur.

Sedangkan pintu masuk kedua ada di bagian timur, yaitu pelabuhan Padang Bai, yang juga sebagai pintu keluar masuk menuju pelabuhan Lembar, Lombok .

Beberapa Cara Murah Perjalanan Ke Bali Lewat Jalur Darat

Meskipun "ngeteng" atau bergonta - ganti jenis transportasi ketika traveling kebali itu bisa sangat melelahkan, namun liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker jalur darat bisa jadi lebih seru dibanding dengan cara lainnya.

(Baca Juga :  10 Ide Destinasi Asik Bali Untuk Weekend Traveler’s )

Mencoba cara murah pertama atau kedua untuk pergi ke Bali ada kelebihan dan kekurangan-nya masing – masing.

Memakai cara pertama akan lebih cepat dan praktis, namun cara kedua akan lebih terasa petualangannya .

Cocok banget buat yang suka sama kegiatan petualangan, drama dan kejadian tidak terduga selama traveling.

Yang pasti, tentukan dulu tipe jalan-jalan ke Bali yang disuka.

Mau yang liburan saja yang santai atau liburan plus bumbu petualangan yang menegangkan!

Naik Kereta Api Dari Malang, Lalu Nyambung Naik Bus Dari Gilimanuk

Kalau saya, pengalaman pertama kali traveling ke Bali dengan cara “ ngeteng ”, yaitu dengan naik kereta api dari Malang menuju Banyuwangi, kemudian nyambung bus malam sampai Bali dengan menjadi seorang penumpang gelap.

Memang waktu tempuhnya bakal lebih lama, tapi rasanya itu adalah pengalaman liburan murah ke Bali saya yang paling seru. Kamu juga bisa mencobanya sesekali ya.

Gara – gara itu juga saya jadi menemui berbagai macam tipe orang di perjalanan.

Seru banget, jalan-jalan ke Bali pertama kali sendirian, nggak pake itinerary sama sekali!

Bandingkan kalau naik pesawat yang bisa di tempuh hanya dengan beberapa jam, atau bahkan puluhan menit saja?

Tahunya sih B2SB, B oarding, B obok, S ampai B ali. Enak sih, tapi kurang kerasa petualangannya :D

Review Terminal Domestik Bandara Bali I Gusti Ngurah Rai! Sekarang Makin Keren!

Naik Bus Kereta Api Dari Jakarta, Bandung Atau Surabaya Agar Perjalanan Ke Bali Lebih Murah

Naik bus ke Bali juga bisa loh menjadi pilihan utama untuk liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker.

Hampir dari seluruh kota besar Pulau Jawa ada bus yang rutenya langsung menuju Bali.

Kalaupun tidak mendapatkan tiket bus malam atau bus eksekutif ada satu cara untuk mengakalinya.

Cari saja bus menuju kota Surabaya terlebih dahulu, nah sampai di terminal Purbaya , Surabaya ada banyak sekali bus yang langsung menuju ke Denpasar, Bali, tinggal pilih!

Tapi awas kena tipu ya!

Liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker dengan kereta api sebenarnya juga bisa, meski tidak ada jalur kereta api langsung ke Bali.

Pilihan yang menggiurkan buat railway fan nih!

Seperti yang saya sebutkan, tidak ada kereta api langsung sampai Pulau Bali. Karena memang sama sekali tidak ada jalur kereta api di Bali.

Dari ibu kota Jakarta yang berada di ujung barat, pemberhentian terakhir kereta api menuju Bali ada di stasiun Banyuwangi Baru, yang juga merupakan stasiun kereta api paling timur di pulau Jawa.

Kalau enggak mau ribet, bisa liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker dengan naik pesawat terbang :D rajin - rajin saja mencari tiket promo kesana.

(Baca Juga :  Balada Bali, Transportasi Publiknya, Dan… Sepeda Motor )

Beberapa Kereta Api Tujuan Banyuwangi Yang Bisa Mengantarkan Perjalanan Ke Bali Lewat Jalur Darat

Untuk mencapai Banyuwangi bisa dijangkau dari Surabaya menggunakan kereta api kelas bisnis Mutiara Timur, atau dari kota Malang dengan kereta api ekonomi Tawang Alun.

Jika melakukan perjalanan dengan kereta api, biasanya saya merencanakan perjalananan dengan bantuan website dan Jadwal_kereta_api_di_Indonesia .

Dua website tersebut sangat berguna untuk melihat dan membandingkan jadwal kereta api yang ada di Indonesia, atau Pulau Jawa khususnya. Jadi bisa kamu gunakan juga ya.

Beberapa kereta api yang melayani jalur ke Banyuwangi, pintu menuju Pulau Dewata.

Lokasi Stasiun kereta api Banyuwangi baru dan pelabuhan penyeberangan Ketapang sangat dekat :D Jalan kaki tidak akan capek :)

Sesampainya di ujung timur Pulau Jawa sendiri, Bali masih berjarak sekitar satu jam penyeberangan laut dari pelabuhan Ketapang di Banyuwangi .

O iya, Pelabuhan Ketapang ini berada di dekat stasiun Banyuwangi Baru, hanya sekitar 10 menit berjalan kaki.

Lokasi stasiun dan pelabuhan memang dekat sekali, jadi tidak perlu naik angkutan apapun lagi.

Kalaupun nantinya ditawari ojek atau becak bisa di tolak jika tidak berkenan, atau mencobanya jika ingin berbagi atau sedang iseng.

Biasanya setelah turun dari stasiun Banyuwangi Baru, akan banyak yang menawari jasa untuk mengantarkan ke Pelabuhan Ketapang.

Kalau sudah sampai Ketapang, perjalanan liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker jalur darat sebentar lagi selesai.

Karena setelah menyeberang dari Ketapang akan sampai di Pulau Bali.

Cara Naik Kapal Ferry Ketapang Gilimanuk Bali Untuk Sepeda Motor [ Motovlog Indonesia ]

(Baca Juga :  “Wonderful Indonesia” Bali, Banyak Libur! )

Jangan Lupa Bawa Identitas, Karena Akan Ada Cek Identitas Ketika Masuk Ke Pulau Bali

Setelah sampai di pelabuhan Gilimanuk, Bali . Jangan lupa mempersiapkan kartu identitas, yang biasanya KTP/SIM.

Karena disini akan dilakukan pengecekan identitas. Bukan hal yang menakutkan, tapi Bali memang berusaha menjaga stabilitas keamanannya.

Tunjukkan saja kartu identitas yang masih berlaku, dan kemudian dilanjutkan untuk mencari transportasi menuju Denpasar dengan santai.

Waktu siang hari, mencari transportasi untuk menuju jantung Pulau Bali, tidak akan sulit.

Banyak ditemukan kendaraan berupa mini bus yang berada di terminal Gilimanuk.

Terminal yang berada di depan pelabuhan Gilimanuk ini memang sebagai titik keberangkatan transportasi yang akan mengantarkan menuju kota Denpasar.

Harga standar untuk menuju terminal Ubung, Denpasar adalah sekitar 20 – 30 Ribu ( mungkin data kurang valid ketika inflasi di Indonesia semakin tinggi. Jadi pastikan lagi ya ).

Selamat datang di Bali, selamat berlibur dan berpetualang XD

Tantangan sebenarnya adalah mencari bus ke Denpasar ketika malam hari.

Mini bus yang berada di terminal Gilimanuk tadi pasti sudah tidak beroperasi.

Triknya, cari bus yang menuju Mataram. “PDKT” sama kenek bus, yang lebih baik dilakukan ketika sedang mengapung di Kapal Fery menuju Gilimanuk.

Bus dengan tujuan Mataram tadi pasti akan melewati terminal Ubung juga.

Dulu saya pernah sampai Pelabuhan Gilimanuk dini hari, hasilnya saya jadi penumpang gelap setelah PDKT dengan kenek bus, menumpang bus jurusan Mataram ceritanya. Hehee!

Tips Pergi Cara Ke Bali Lebih Hemat Untuk Pemula!

Road Trip, Solo Touring Ke Lombok Bagian 1 [ Blitar - Singaraja ] [ Motovlog Indonesia ]

Nah, kira-kira cerita diatas adalah pengalaman saya liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker lewat jalur darat.

Dibawah ini juga saya tambahin gimana tips liburan murah ke Bali untuk pemula, atau yang baru pertama kali ke Bali. Semoga berguna deh!

  • Kadang terbang dengan pesawat bisa lebih murah dari pada perjalanan darat, sering sering saja membuka website maskapai yang sering member promo tiket murah . Jalur penerbangan menuju ke Bali juga sangat populer, makanya tiketnya juga sering menjadi murah.
  • Murah tidaknya biaya perjalanan darat tergantung dari kelihaian menawar, bisa saja mendapatkan harga dibawah normal kalau memang raja tega menawar. Sayangnya saya sering gak tega nawar harga dibawah normal :p
  • Jika melakukan perjalanan darat, GPS (Guide Penduduk Setempat) adalah petunjuk terbaik, caranya bisa beli minum di warung sambil bertanya, atau sambil makan. Kalau gak mau keluar biaya, manfaatkan bertanya kepada petugas yang berwenang jika perlu suatu informasi. Mereka adalah sumber informasi terbaik, bahkan lebih baik daripada Google!

Jadii, sekarang sudah tahu kan gimana cara liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker sendirian?

Semoga beruntung, ada banyak tempat wisata baru di Bali menunggu untuk kalian jelajahi nih! Yuk!

Artikel Traveling Terkait:

  • Naik Sepeda Motor Di Jalan Tol Bali Mandara! Emang Bisa Ya? [ Motovlog ]
  • Touring Lewat Jalur Shortcut Singaraja - Denpasar Bali!
  • Touring Ke Lombok : Etape 4 Gilimanuk - Padang Bai Via Singaraja, Bali Utara
  • Pengalaman Dan Cara Naik LRT Train Di Kuala Lumpur!
  • Pengalaman Solo Touring Ke Bali Sendirian
  • Mau Pergi Ke Travel Fair!? Baca Dulu Tips Dapetin Tiket Murahnya!

Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi

Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi

Fahmi adalah seorang Digital Marketer, Travel Enthusiast, Geek Travel Blogger dari Indonesia penulis, Penulis Buku perjalanan Traveling The Traveler Notes Bali The Island Of Beauty dan The Traveler Notes Bersenang-Senang di Bali, Bertualang di Lombok. Pernah disebutkan, mentioned in Lonely Planet Indonesia 2019 as Best in Blogs. Mau menyapa saya? Kunjungi media sosial pribadi saya, atau hubungi lewat email [email protected] jika Anda ingin mengajak saya bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi.

artikelnya berguna banget. terakhir ke bali 2010, masih pengen ke BALI lagi.

Aku naik pesawat aja titik ngakpake koma, maklum faktor umur biar ngak terlalu capek di jalan hahaha

hahaa, iya mas cumi, udah tau itu mah :D mumpung masih kuat, puas – puasin nih :D

Pengen sih nyobain ngeteng sekali-kali biar berasa adventurenya, tapi karena waktu yang tidak memungkinkan jd prefer naik pesawat secara banyak maskapai low budget sekarang.

pesawat cara paling cepet dan efisien, cuma kalau ngeteng biasanya bisa dapet banyak pengalaman :D

Pernah Kelayapan ngak jelas di Bali. Dari Pelabuhan Padang Bay ngak nemu angkutan umum. taksi ngak ada akhirnya nyari tumpangan Truk Tingkat pengangkut mobil.,.

wah, memang lumayan ribet nyari kendaraan umum ke pusat kota kalau dari padang bai :D rencana cadangannya sih emang harus cari tumpangan hahaa

Saya malah belum pernah naik pesawat ke Bali. Naik bus sudah, naik kereta juga sudah.

cobain semuanya, biar tau bedanya :D

Pengen sih naik pesawat tapi belum keturutan. Kayaknya pas mendarat di Bandara Ngurah Rai itu seru karena dari atas laut.

hahaa, seru – seru ngeri tahu :D tapi viewnya bagus

jadi catatan nih, kata orang, kalau orang indo belum ke bali rasanya belum liburan, hiks, aku belum pernah ke bali. :)

masak ada yang bilang gitu? hehe tapi bali memang wajib dikunjungi meski sekali saja deh :D

Bagus kaka tampilan blog nya yang baru.. like this.. tampilan lbh fresh..

makasih kk :D

Waduh, start dari Semarang kok nggak ada?…

ke bali, kalau dari semarang bisa ke jogja dulu, apa langsung naik kereta dari semarang – surabaya kan bisa :D

waduh aku baru mau nanti maret ke bali, tapi msh ga tau tujuan nanti udh di bali mw kmana aja hahaha, recomend tempat donk yg deket dr kuta kmana aja, *maklum baru pertama

jelajah pantai di bali selatan aja :D rata – rata cuma 30 menit – 1 jam perjalanan dari kuta. udah banyak banget yang aku tulis di blog, atau beli buku The Traveler Notes : Bali The Island Of beauty bisa juga :D lengkap sama peta di dalamnya :)

bali, ya? Saya belum. Jadi pengin naik kereta kesana. Mas, kalau boleh nambah, bisa naik eksekutif kesana. Ke surabaya dulu naik Bima/Argo Bromo Anggrek/Bangunkarta/Gumarang, terus lanjut muttim(mutiara timur). Seenggaknya saya pengen kesana, terus langsung balik lagi ke JAK naik kereta. Toh, naik kereta paling murah sekali jalan cuma 50.000 yang ekonomi, itupun udah ber-AC, tanpa sesak, tanpa asongan, dan sebagainya. semoga aja saya bisa kesana naik kereta

hohooo, suka naik kereta ya? aku pengen cobain naik kereta dari ujung barat jawa sampe ujung timur jawa terus nyambung ke bali :D makasih udah nambahin! :D

Bermanfaat sekali gan postinganya, Ane dulu pernah ke bali…memang betul jalur transportasi darat di samping murah menyenangkan juga ”Adventure” kerasa banget…apalagi pas baru sampai pelabuhan gilimanuk, Kerasa aura mistis’nya tapi top liburan di sana.

iya :D jalur darat emang lebih seru meski lambat :D

Saya aslinya Malang tapi tinggal di bali udah 6 tahun mas…mau ngasih saran, untuk nyari bis yang dari gilimanuk ke denpasar saya ada ide yang lebih mudah, murah n gak capek :) Nyari bisnya jangan di gilimanuk, tapi diluar pelabuhan ketapang…Jadi nyampai ketapang jangan buru2 jalan kaki masuk pelabuhan dan jangan beli tiket ferrynya dulu, tapi tunggu bis dari jurusan jember atau dari arah surabaya yang akan menyeberang..yang dai jember tiap 30 menit biasanya ada..Jadi gak perlu jalan kaki kedalam n ga perlu beli tiket ferrynya karena udah include sebagai penumpang bisnya :)

wah, bisa juga kayak gitu :D lebih enak, gak perlu ribet di sisi bali nya :D

Mau naik dari ujung barat sampai timur, mas? Ada 2 cara: 1. pertama naik KA 7096 Krakatau ekspress dari merak, turun madiun lanjut 136 Sri tanjung, sampai bw(banyuwangi) cari bis ke bali 2. naik kalimaya ekspress, turun tanahabang, lalu ke gambir, langsung pesen Bima, sampai sgu(surabaya gubeng), langsung pesen muttim sepaket bis KAI ke gilimanuk

huaaaah, dicatet banget niiih! kepengen banget naik kereta dari ujung barat sampe timur jawa :D makasih!

maklum edan sepur mas, ya, lama-lama hapal sendiri. Itu cara-cara dari ujung barat ke timur saya belum tulis semua itu

Itu karena saya setuju bahwa cara ngeteng adalah cara paling seru. Hidup ngeteng!

Bukannya tiket kereta api Mutiara Timur Malam dari Surabaya ke Denpasar sudah include termasuk dijemput/oper bus Damri Patas diBanyuwanginya ?

bisa beli include busnya atau enggak dulu, soalnya kadang ada yang milih nyeberangnya beli sendiri, baru naik disisi bali karena nggak mau antri masuk kapal di dalam bus :)

Bener, mas. Muttim itu nggak termasuk jasa penyebrangan. Harus ngasih biaya tambahan. Kalau saya, nggak akan naik Muttim. Saya naik K3 alias ekonomi, selalu.

dulu nggak ngerti, soalnya traveling tanpa rencana waktu itu, cuma punya tujuan bali, naik apapun caranya :))

Gan kalo pake kartu pelajar bisa masuk ke bali?;( pengen banget ke bali naik kereta+feri. Thx infonya

Bisa, kartu pelajar bisa digunakan sebagai ID kok, bilang aja liburan :D

bisa, yang penting identitasnya tercantum. Tiket kereta juga harus make identitas resmi sekarang

lebih enak begitu, pake identitas asli, naik kereta api di indonesia rasanya jauh lebih aman sekaran :D

udah pernah ke bali naik pesawat, pengen nyoba naik kereta tapi agak takut :( udah ada rencana sihh awal tahun depan, semoga jadi dehh rencana’a :D izin comot adeventure’a yaa, nanti kalo saya jadi kesono, saya share lagi harga terbaru :D

amiin, semoga bisa kesana :D good luck ya!

takut? Bukannya seharusnya lebih takut naik pesawat? Takut jatuh? Tergantung juga, mbak naiknya K1, K2, apa K3 dulu, kelasnya

amin O:) naik pesawat kan enak tinggal Duduk, Tidur, Sampe :D kalo ngecer butuh banyak perjuangan pfftttt kenapa takut ? yaa karna saya agak sedikit trauma sama yang nama’a Terminal dan stasiun >..<

tapi kadang pengalaman seru banyak ditemu perjalanan lho XD tapi pilihan masing sih, bebas mau pake apa saja, yang pentig merasa nyaman :)

trauma? Trauma apa? Duduk, tidur, sampai itu, kalau menurut saya itu, hanya orang manja yang akan lakukan (maaf kalau menyinggung). ya, itu kan karena naik kendaraannya saja yang estafet atau ngeteng, jadi enggak duduk tidur sampai. Mesti berganti-ganti. Yah, yasudah. Selera orang. Begini saja. Daripada cuma duduk, tidur, sampai, coba mbak lakukan yang namanya nge-bordes. Penjelasannya, nanti master yang akan bilang. Kebalikan, saya punya dendam tersendiri dengan bandara

masing2 punya caranya sendiri, ya kalo masalah manja dulu saya juga suka jalan2 -_- bahkan udeh nyampe papua naek kapal -_- tahun 2008 *8 hari terombang ambing di lautan* waktu saya masih sekolah *itu juga bolos 2 minggu sampe mau di keluarin* :(. tapi ketika saya lagi semangat2’a jalan2 sendiri, malah dapet 2x perlakuan gak enak >.< jadi sekarang agak trauma kalo ke terminal / stasiun -_-

hehee, tenang – tenang, yang penting terus berbagi, terus yang trauma belajar move on dikit – dikit tuh. tapi tetep stay alert ya XD

Maaf, maaf, ternyata perlakuan nggak menyenangkan, mbak? Kalau itu saya juga sering banget dapet, mbak, dari otc, dari kp, dari pkd, dari ks, dari ppka. Kalau itu, sih, jangan diambil hati, mbak, mereka juga manusia. Kecuali kalau udah keterlaluan

wah tulisan yang menarik sekali. saya ada rencana ke bali akhir tahun ini. awalnya ingin ikut rombongan tour travel, tapi tertarik juga untuk jalan sendiri. cuma karena saya merasa tidak punya teman, agak ngeri juga sebenarnya mas jalan sendiri di tempat yang tidak kenal, malam-malam, dan yah akhir-akhir ini banyak berita kriminal tak menyenangkan. jadi kalau ada yang mau ke bali dengan kereta ayo kita bareng-bareng. aku domisili di sukoharjo (solo). terima kasih

Ada yg maw bareng travel ke bali g y, minggu ini start dr semarang naek kereta, bisa barengan

Baru saja pulang liburan dari Bali nih (9-14 Okt 2014). Tapi PP nya pake pesawat dari JOG-DPS-JOG, kebetulan dapat promo AA super duper murah PP only 200an (tapi belinya pas taon lalu :D). Ke Bali tujuan pertama ke 61Legian (Sky Garden) University Party (free entry kalau punya Kartu Mahasiswa) + Malam minggu nya ada DJ R3hab juga (I’m so Lucky bisa ikut party bareng r3hab). Untuk penginapan di Popies Lane I & II, rata2 150K/N (fan), kalo pake AC starting 250K. Waktu explore pantai-pantai di Bali cuma bermodalkan GPS and seru. Next trip ke Bali pengen coba jalan darat.

Harus dicoba jalan darat yak :D

Mas minta saran nya dong kalau pas sampai pel ketapang mending lngsung nyari bus di luar pelabuhan atw nanti pas di dalam ferry

Kalau mau ke Denpasar, mending cari bus setelah di Gilimanuknya, soalnya pasti ada disana, lebih murah lagi :)

Kasih saran dong ane mau berangkat dari semarang kira kira klo naik jalur darat kebali lewat solo apa jogja terus klo semarang ke solo pake bis dr terminal sampe st. Jebres pake apa? Brp wktu perjalannya?? Pesen tiketnya bisa lngsung ke stasiun kan? Btw ane masih di bawah umur hehe :D karena ane masih kurang beberapa bulan lagi dpt ktpnya jadi gk sabar pengen kesana secepatnya.. Klo blum punya ktp waktu di gilimanuk nya gimana gan?

kalau lama perjalanan bisa di cek di wikipedia atau website KAAI deh. jalur darat ke bali bisa lewat solo – kertosoni – banyuwangi :D mungkin bisa pake Kartu pelajar deh buat masuk ke bali lewat laut :)

Gan ane belum punya ktp nih cos ane masih 16 thn hehe Klo perjalanan bali dr semarang ke bali lebih prefer ke aolo apa jogja..? Trus klo misal dr smg ke kota itu naik bis sampe solo, kira kira dr terminal sampe st. Jebres naik apa? Btw ane kan masih di bawah umur trus di gilimanuknya pas priksa ktp pake apa gan?? Thanks sblmnya soalnya ane juga pengen backpackeran sendiri ke bali hehe :D

saya mau nanya… kalo dari semarang ke bali gimana ya? apa harus ke surabaya dulu? terimakasih

Kalau bus eksekutif biasanya langsung denpasar ada, kalau nyambung – nyambung ke bali (ngeteng) harus lewat surabaya :) apalagi semarang kan di utara, via jalur pantura pasti lewat surabaya :)

halo kak, saya mau tanya. saat melakukan penyebrangan dari pelabuhan Ketapang menuju Gilimanuk, kapal ferry apa yang kakak tumpangi? saya sedang mencari kapal ferry yang bagus untuk penyebrangan tour kantor saya terima kasih

semua kapal ferry yang menyeberang ke bali hampir sama sih, entah bisa milih apa enggak, yang jelas yang ada diisi penuh dulu baru berangkat :D

Woowww lengkap dengan daftar biaya nih.. dan benar-benar murah. Tapi setelah sekarang harga tiket mahal, rasanya udah sulit dapat harga segitu ke bali

iya euy, sekarang udah mulai mahal semua :D

,ak pny rencana trip ke bali sm temen ala backpacker sih.. Nah, mw minta saran untuk hotelnya itu sebaiknya pindah” sesuai obyek ato stay aja ya?rencana sih mw ke bali 3d/2n pake kereta, kalau blm trima ktpbbsa berangkat kan?tx infonya

kalau cuma 3 hari dua malam, stay di satu tempat aja :) kalau nggak ada ktp bisa pake kartu pelajar harusnya :D

kece nih mas…saya mau ke lombok juga sih…dari surabaya masih nyusun itinerary

Waah! pasti seru dari surabaya :D Ayuk, semangattt!

Kira” sekarang untuk tarif dr sby gimana ya….lom ada yg kasih info tarif n tumpangan’x nih….

Kalau tarif pasti dah naik beberapa persen sih. tapi kurang tahu update berapa sekarang :)

hai, saya berencana ke bali naik kereta bln desember. kalau bawa anak (5 th) apakah memungkinkan? sebaiknya saya pilih mutiara timur atau sri tanjung? jika saya memesan mutiara timur via online, apakah sudah otomatis termasuk bus damri sampai denpasar? maaf pertanyaannya borongan, hehehe. makasih sebelumnya

mau tanya kalau dari terminal ubung ke pelabuhan gilimanuk sampe Jam berapa yah?

Hahaha baru baca nih … jadi pembaca yg ke 14,xxx dehhh :-D

Aku dulu banget pernah naik bus dari Semarang ke Bali, tapi blm pernah nih naik kereta ke Banyuwangi trus nyebrang … seru kali ya :D :D :D

cobaiin, seru loh naik kereta :D

Pake flight aggregator juga lumayan, sih, Mas. Di tanggal-tanggal tertentu malah bisa dapet 800 PP Jakarta – Bali.

Tanggal 17 februari rencana mau ke bali pake jalur darat nih, udah sering kebali pake pesawat. Perjalannya makan waktu berapa jam ya mas? Hehee

ya tergantung pace perjalanan sama dari mana jalannya dong :)

yang mimin tulis kan perjalanan ke bali nya. ak ada rencana mw ke bali ntr september dan sdh pesan tiket pesawat dr surabaya – bali. tp ak dr bali pgnnya k malang. bisa lewat darat g dari Bali-MAlang? ada jalur kereta api? info dunk…

Klo naik kereta dr stasiun banyuwangi ke denpasar brpa ya??tau gak

Rencana ke bali ny kpn nih?

Informasinya Keren

untuk informasi wisata murah di bali, silahkan cek di

boleh nih diplanning buat tahun baruan disana, mudah-mudahan jadi gak batal kayak tahun kemaren

Hei…..saya mau ke bali tanggal 7 january 2017….yang lain…..

Kakak mau tanyaaa…. Kalau solo backpacking cewek lewat jalur darat recommended enggak? Saya mau coba nih Malang – Jogja bulan februari. Sebenernya sih dari Lampung – Jakarta – Bandung – Yogyakarta – Malang – Bali. Nah kok agak ragu buat solo ke Malang – Bali setelah baca postingan kakak.

rekomended juga sih, banyak kok cewek yang jalan solo ke bali. ragu dimananya ini? :D

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Tips Liburan ke Bali ala Backpacker, Hemat dan Menyenangkan!

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Jeli cari tempat makan

Sebagai tempat wisata yang ramai oleh wisatawan baik lokal maupun asing, Bali tak melulu menyajikan sensasi kuliner ala bintang lima dengan harga yang mahal. Di samping itu, terdapat pula beberapa tempat makan murah yang cocok bagi para backpacker yang harus berhemat.

Bali masih cukup aman soal harga makanan. Tergantung selera saja, kamu bisa menemukan restoran mewah sekaligus warung makan murah meriah. Nasi khas Bali, Nasi Jinggo saja bisa didapat mulai harga Rp5.000 hingga kenyang.

Jelajahi Bali dengan sepeda motor

Bagi yang berlibur sendiri, berdua, maupun dengan rombongan kecil, ada baiknya cermat dalam memilih jenis kendaraan.

Ketimbang keluar banyak uang hanya untuk membayar taksi atau angkutan online, menyewa motor bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif paling pas untuk Okezoners yang berlibur dengan dana terbatas.

Susun jadwal perjalanan

Itinerary menjadi hal penting yang akan memengaruhi biaya yang akan kamu keluarkan saat jalan-jalan. Bali memang tidak bisa dijelajahi dalam satu kali kunjungan, jadi jangan terlalu memaksakan diri untuk mengunjungi semua destinasi sekaligus. Perhitungkan berbagai macam kendala yang mungkin terjadi.

Kunjungi objek wisata gratis

Bali menawarkan berbagai objek wisata yang dapat dinikmati secara gratis. Tapi jangan sepelekan, karena daerah ini tetap mengesankan meski tidak berbayar. Kamu bisa bertanya ke masyarakat lokal untuk mencari tahu destinasi gratis tersebut.

Seminyak dan Sanur adalah destinasi wisata pantai tanpa tiket masuk dengan pemandangan sunset yang indah plus instagramable lho guys. Selamat berlibur ya!

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  • # Liburan ke Bali


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trip murah ke bali backpacker

Traveloka Team

16 Jan 2020 - 4 min read

5 Tips Berlibur ala Backpacker ke Bali

Saat mendengar kata Bali, liburan pasti menjadi hal utama yang ada di pikiran kamu. Bagaimana tidak, Pulau Dewata memang sudah dikenal sebagai “surga” bagi para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Karena alasan itu pula, beberapa orang menganggap Bali cukup mahal untuk dijadikan destinasi berlibur.

Nah, sekarang kamu tak perlu khawatir lagi. Pasalnya, ada banyak cara yang bisa kamu lakukan agar bisa liburan hemat di Bali. Berikut adalah beberapa tip yang bisa kamu coba:

Low season vs. peak season

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Low Season vs. Peak Season (Sumber: Shutterstock)

Sudah jadi rahasia umum kalau semakin tinggi permintaan, maka semakin tinggi pula penawaran. Begitu pula dalam dunia travel , jangan kaget jika kamu menemukan harga tiket maupun penginapan melonjak drastis saat masa liburan tiba. Karenanya, jika kamu tak ingin mengeluarkan bujet yang mahal sebaiknya hindari masa liburan saat berkunjung ke Bali.

Selain bisa menekan anggaran, kamu pun bisa lebih puas eksplor berbagai destinasi wisata di sini. Ada pula cara lain yang bisa kamu lakukan, yaitu dengan rajin mencari promo tiket pulang-pergi maupun promo hotel di Bali. Misalnya saja dengan aplikasi Traveloka, kamu bisa menemukan promo atau potongan harga. Untuk mencari tiket murah di tanggal tertentu, kamu pun bisa menggunakan fitur Best Price Finder.

Pilih perjalanan via darat

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Perjalanan via darat (Sumber: Shutterstock)

Menggunakan pesawat sebagai moda transportasi memang cukup menguras bujetliburan. Oleh karena itu, mayoritas para backpacker memilih cara ngeteng (menggunakan beberapa moda transportasi umum darat untuk sekali perjalanan). Meski memakan waktu yang cukup lama, cara ini bisa memangkas ongkos perjalanan cukup banyak.

Dari Jakarta, kamu bisa menggunakan kereta Gumarang (kelas Ekonomi) tujuan Surabaya Pasar Turi dengan harga tiket mulai dari Rp150.000. Setelah itu, kamu dapat melanjutkan perjalanan dengan menggunakan kereta api Probowangi jurusan Surabaya Gubeng – Banyuwangi Baru dengan biaya Rp56.000.

Setibanya di Stasiun Banyuwangi Baru, kamu bisa berjalan kaki atau naik ojek menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang. Untuk menyeberang ke Bali, kamu akan dikenakan biaya Rp6.000. Penyeberangan ini akan memakan waktu tempuh selama 1 jam menuju Pelabuhan Gilimanuk. Dari pelabuhan di Bali, kamu bisa naik bus dengan biaya sekitar Rp35.000 menuju Terminal Ubung, Denpasar.

Pilih tempat menginap hemat

Sewa penginapan juga dapat memengaruhi besar anggaran berlibur. Agar tetap hemat, pilihlah tempat penginapan low budget. Meski di Bali banyak vila dan resor mahal, kamu tetap bisa menemukan banyak penginapan murah. Misalnya, di kawasan Kuta dan Poppies Lane yang gemerlap, terdapat berbagai pilihan penginapan dengan harga per malam mulai dari Rp50.000 per orang. Meski harganya murah, fasilitas yang ditawarkan terbilang cukup memadai.

Tentukan destinasi dengan matang

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Goa Gajah (Sumber: Shutterstock)

Menikmati alam di Pulau Dewata nyatanya tak memerlukan biaya yang mahal.Ada banyak pantai cantik yang bisa kamu kunjungi gratis. Selain bisa menikmati suasana pantai, kamu pun bisa melihat indahnya matahari terbit maupun matahari terbenam. Salah satunya deretan pantai di daerah selatan yang wajib kamu kunjungi adalah Pantai Sanur, Kuta, Karma Kandara, dan Pantai Kelan yang berada dekat bandara.

Keesokannya, kamu bisa mengunjungi kawasan Nusa Dua untuk menyambangi pantai-pantai eksotis, seperti Pantai Geger dan Pantai Mengiat secara gratis. Di sini, kamu pun bisa menikmati deburan ombak di atas dermaga, tepatnya di pinggir karang Water Blow. Selain itu, kamu juga patut mengunjungi tempat wisata terkenal lainnya, seperti Tanah Lot dan Goa Gajah yang memiliki tiket masuk kurang dari Rp20.000.

Mau berkunjung ke tempat wisata yang nyentrik? Kamu bisa datang ke dua bangkai pesawat yang secara misterius muncul di pusat kota. Lokasi pertama bisa kamu temukan di tengah Kuta, sedangkan bangkai pesawat kedua berada di dekat Pantai Pandawa. Mau yang menantang adrenalin? Kamu bisa berkeliling ke tempat yang terkenal cukup seram, misalnya Hotel Taman Rekreasi Bedugul yang sudah terbengkalai dan terkesan angker. Berani coba?

Banyak sekali bukan pilihan wisata di Bali yang bisa kamu coba? Hanya berbekal riset kecil-kecilan dan persiapan yang matang, kamu bisa menentukan sendiri destinasi wisata tanpa harus menggunakan jasa tur maupun travel.

Jelajah destinasi dengan sewa motor

Bagi yang berlibur sendiri, berdua, maupun dengan rombongan kecil, ada baiknya kamu cermat dalam memilih jenis kendaraan. Ketimbang keluar banyak uang hanya untuk membayar taksi atau angkutan online , menyewa motor bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif paling pas untuk wisatawan yang berlibur dengan dana terbatas.

Di beberapa pusat wisata seperti Legian dan Kuta, tersedia banyak tempat penyewaan motor dengan sistem pembayaran yang dihitung per hari. Jenis motor yang ditawarkan pun beragam, mulai dari motor bebek, matic , hingga motor besar yang disewakan mulai dari Rp35.000 hingga sekitar Rp70.000 per hari. Selain bisa menghemat pengeluaran, kamu pun bisa lebih puas menjelajah Pulau Dewata hingga ke pelosok.

Meski begitu, tetaplah berhati-hati selama di perjalanan. Kamu bisa menyetir bergantian dengan teman atau sesekali berhenti sejenak untuk menikmati panorama Bali. Jika rute yang akan kamu tuju cukup jauh, pilihlah motor matic agar tidak terlalu lelah saat harus berkendara dalam waktu yang cukup lama.

Pintar cari tempat makan

trip murah ke bali backpacker

Sumber Instagram : @nasiayamkedewatan

Sebagai tempat wisata yang ramai oleh wisatawan dari segala penjuru negara, Bali tak melulu menyajikan sensasi kuliner ala bintang 5 dengan harga mahal. Di samping itu, terdapat pula beberapa tempat makan murah yang cocok bagi para wisatawan bujet. Salah satu tempat yang menjual menu khas dengan harga terjangkau adalah Warung Nasi Ayam Kedawetan Ibu Mangku yang memiliki cabang di beberapa wilayah, seperti Ubud, Seminyak, dan Denpasar.

Dengan harga sekitar Rp20.000 per porsi, kamu bisa mencicipi cita rasa nasi campur lengkap dengan sate lilit, telur pindang, ayam, sambal, dan sayur lawar. Bagi yang sedang main ke Denpasar bagian utara, kamu juga bisa mampir ke Warung Sate Plecing Arjuna yang menjual seporsi sate dengan saus campuran sambal plecing yang dijual sekitar Rp20.000.

Menjelang malam, kamu bisa berkunjung ke Pasar Malam Kereneng. Buka selama 24 jam, pasar ini menjual berbagai menu khas dengan harga yang bersahabat. Bagi wisatawan yang beragama Islam, sebaiknya pastikan dulu halal atau tidaknya makanan yang akan dibeli. Pasalnya, pada siang hari pasar tradisional ini juga banyak menjual masakan Bali yang tidak halal.

Masih belum kenyang? Kalau begitu kamu bisa mampir ke Warung Indonesia di Poppies Lane, Kuta atau Warung Murah yang berada di Double Six, Seminyak. Di sini, tersedia banyak tempat makan yang menawarkan prasmanan dengan harga sekitar Rp20.000. Dengan menghemat biaya makan, biaya berlibur pun akan semakin kecil. Hati senang, perut kenyang!

Kalau menerapkan seluruh tip yang dibahas di atas, kamu bisa puas jelajah Bali dengan anggaran yang hemat setiap harinya. Ingat, dengan perencanaan yang tepat, backpacker yang punya anggaran terbatas pun tetap bisa menjelajahi keindahan Bali sepuasnya.

Jadi, segera rencanakan jalan-jalan hemat kamu di Pulau Bali dengan pesan tiket pesawat , hotel, maupun kereta di Traveloka. Lewat situs web dan aplikasinya, kamu bisa temukan pula promo dan penawaran menarik yang bisa mengurangi bujet akomodasi selama di Bali. Yuk, dicoba!

trip murah ke bali backpacker

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    Sedia voucher kecak murah, watersport, atv, paragliding Bali dan lain sebagainya. Aneka paket wisata Bali dan Open trip mulai 99k ajah lho.. Sedia voucher kecak murah, watersport, atv, paragliding Bali dan lain sebagainya ... Aneka Wisata Digital atau Backpack Buddy adalah startup yang menyediakan rute wisata harian untuk Backpacker secara ...

  15. 13 Tempat Wisata Gratis Saat Liburan ala Backpacker ke Bali

    Itulah rekomendasi 13 tempat wisata di Bali yang cocok untuk para backpacker. Tak hanya indah, destinasi wisata tersebut juga tidak memungut biaya tiket masuk. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa tetap menikmati aneka wisata tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak biaya. Agar lebih berkesan, kamu bisa ajak teman-teman kamu untuk liburan ala backpacker bersama.

  16. Mau Backpacking ke Bali? Berikut Ini 7 Rekomendasi Hotel Untukmu!

    Hotel untuk Backpacking ke Bali. 1. Urban Style Biz Premier. Urban Style Biz Premier (Formerly Berry Biz Hotel) Lokasi: Sunset Road nomor 99, Legian Kaja, Kuta, Badung, Bali. Dengan menginap di Urban Style Biz Premier, kamu bisa backpacking di Bali tanpa harus memikirkan tarif menginap yang mahal.

  17. Begini Cara Perjalanan Murah Ke Bali Ala Backpacker Jalur Darat!

    Beberapa Cara Murah Perjalanan Ke Bali Lewat Jalur Darat Meskipun "ngeteng" atau bergonta - ganti jenis transportasi ketika traveling kebali itu bisa sangat melelahkan, namun liburan murah ke Bali ala Backpacker jalur darat bisa jadi lebih seru dibanding dengan cara lainnya. (Baca Juga : 10 Ide Destinasi Asik Bali Untuk Weekend Traveler's)

  18. 4 Tips Liburan ke Bali Murah ala Backpacker

    Bali adalah salah satu destinasi wisata populer di dunia. Sayangnya, banyak orang yang mengira bahwa liburan ke Bali membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Padahal ada berbagai tips liburan ke Bali murah ala backpacker yang bisa diterapkan. Berdasarkan buku Bali dan Sekitarnya, Dayat Suryana (2012: 5), Bali ...

  19. Backpacker Trip Murah ke Bali

    Sharing Pengalaman Backpacker ke Bali murah, dari Surabaya.Backpacker Trip to BaliBackpacker Trip Bali MurahKe Bali Naik KeretaKe Bali MurahTrip Bali#backpac...

  20. Tips Liburan ke Bali ala Backpacker, Hemat dan Menyenangkan!

    Yuk simak tips berlibur ke Bali ala backpacker berikut ini: Baca juga: Backpacker Murah ala Tompelz "Bluesmates". Moda transportasi alternatif. Bali yang bertetangga dengan Pulau Jawa memberi banyak alternatif transportasi selain pesawat terbang. Salah satu yang jadi favorit para backpacker adalah kereta api, kapal dan bus.

  21. 10 Terbaik Hostel untuk Backpacker Bali

    Hostel untuk Backpacker Bali: Temukan 1.782 ulasan wisatawan, foto asli lengkap dengan alamat dan peta dan harga murah untuk Hostel untuk Backpacker di Bali dalam Tripadvisor.

  22. 5 Tips Berlibur ala Backpacker ke Bali

    5 Tips Berlibur ala Backpacker ke Bali. Saat mendengar kata Bali, liburan pasti menjadi hal utama yang ada di pikiran kamu. Bagaimana tidak, Pulau Dewata memang sudah dikenal sebagai "surga" bagi para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara. Karena alasan itu pula, beberapa orang menganggap Bali cukup mahal untuk dijadikan destinasi berlibur.

  23. Solo Traveling ke Bali Backpackeran Murah

    Hi! Buat cewek-cewek, pernah kepikiran buat backpackeran ke Bali dan sendirian?Ini video perjalanan gue backpackeran ke Bali sendirian tahun ini, 2022. Seru ...