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Literature / The Wandering Inn

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The story initially focuses around Erin's attempts to survive in a hostile world where she does not know how to defend herself or even survive. Non-human species are the only people who live in the surrounding area, and Erin quickly finds that monsters and magic are an accepted part of this world. Erin is forced to reconcile herself with making moral choices such as killing in self defense — something which is completely unnatural to a normal girl from our world.

A second protagonist, Ryoka Griffin, is introduced later in the story. She has a different viewpoint and experience of the world than Erin does, and has to contend with her own share of adaptation to this new world. It is soon revealed that she and Erin are in fact only a few inter-dimensional travelers among many and that these events are affecting entire nations as ordinary people become adventurers and start creating waves wherever they appear.

The Wandering Inn began in July 2016 and updates regularly on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The author put out the first volume on Amazon Kindle. Each successive volume is even bigger than its predecessor; in total the web serial exceeds 13 million words as of the end of Volume 9.

This series provides examples of:

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  • Acid Flies use their flesh-dissolving acid to eat carrion. If hit, they explode that acid on their would-be predator.
  • The Goblin Lord uses undead goblins filled with explosives to break enemy lines.
  • Bronze are inexperienced, low-level, and have few-to-no magical equipment. Silver are run-of-the-mill, with levels generally below 30 and decent combat capabilities against most monsters. Gold are exceptional, have great equipment and levels, have more obligations to help in case of emergencies, and are required to undergo frequent evaluations under truth-stones to make sure they aren't endangering others or abusing their power. Lastly, Named Adventurers are called that because their names are known across the world, and are generally understood to be some combination of insane, and heroic.

wiki wandering inn

  • Traditionally for Wistram, [Archmage] is a high-level class-progression of [Mage], but in recent times it has simply become a title due to no one being able to achieve the actual Class. There are currently six "official" Archmages associated with Wistram who compete in its ruling council for influence.
  • In the entire world, not counting historical and deceased figures, there are several who can be named as the absolute best of all [Mages], outmatching even Wistram's Archmages: Teriarch, Xrn, Az'kerash, Rhisveri Zessoprical, and Silvenia Ettertree.
  • Later Played for Laughs when Yellow Splatters unknowingly copies him several Volumes later. He had no backup either.
  • Taken to its Logical Extreme in Volume 7 when Bird attempts to do this to the Walled City of Pallass while on a live, world-wide broadcast. A new Antinium War would have started if they'd attacked him because even the watching Antinium Queens assumed he was speaking for them .
  • Lady Magnolia's [Butler] Reynold Ferusdam carries magical items and has the Skills to ward off attackers. It is later revealed that he is, in fact, a [Combat Butler] . Similarly, the rest of Magnolia's staff are trained to be capable in multiple fields by the [Head Maid], Ressa, who is an assassin.
  • Orthenon, [Steward] and Left Hand of the King of Destruction, is a powerful warrior and military commander on the level of the Seven. He spends most of his time managing the kingdom.
  • Erin is very friendly, and hates killing, even when it's necessary to save lives. But when she does decide to fight, she doesn't hold back.
  • Inverted with Ryoka, who, despite being an extremely unfriendly character, discovers she doesn't have any killer instinct when she goes Dungeon Crawling .
  • Volume 1: Skinner and its undead horde escape the Liscor dungeon and attack the city, while every relevant character in the area rallies to fight and drive them back.
  • Volume 5: A horde of colossal Face-Eater Moths attack Liscor from the dungeon.
  • Volume 5: The Goblin Lord's forces are forced to attack Liscor by Tyrion's army. The Solstice Goblins, and the Painted Antinium join the defense of Liscor.
  • Volume 6: An adult Creler and its horde ambush the Horns of Hammerad, the Wistram team, and several Silver Rank teams on a routine guard job. When reinforcements finally arrive after an hour , 13 of the adventurers are still alive, the Adult Creler is dead, and The Horns are deemed undeniably Gold-Rank .
  • Most nations have a magically-binding agreement to send a tithe of troops, money, or supplies to Rhir’s Forever War . This has been in place in one form or another since the Creler Wars, about 6,000 years ago.
  • After what’s implied to have been an attempt at world domination in the distant past, the Minotaurs were exiled to the Isles of Minos, and charged with keeping Sóve’s Island of Goblins in a check . While Minotaurs are generally a Proud Warrior Race who sees this as an honorable duty, some people question exactly which side is really meant to be contained by this Sealed Evil in a Duel .
  • Many people call the names of Skills when using them. Many have mastered their Skills to the point where they don't need to. Then there's Erin... TABLE FLIP ATTACK!
  • Also a notable trait of the bombastic Relc, who loves to call out attacks like "Relc Punch" or "Relc Headbutt," despite them not being actual Skills. They're sometimes useful as feints in serious fights though.
  • Averted. Adventuring and warfare are both very dangerous professions, so armor covers as much as they can.
  • Mars the Illusionist often appears to wear impractical armor like this, but considering how much of her appearance is an illusion at any given time, it's safe to assume it's an affectation.
  • New enslaved [Gladiators] are often stuck in this as Yvlon finds out to her displeasure , but will upgrade as soon as possible.
  • Lady Magnolia's seat of power, Invrisil, is known by the epithet "City of Adventurers" for its high Adventurer population.
  • Increasingly, the border city of Liscor (where much of the main plot occurs) is gaining a reputation as this.
  • "Street Runners" are the lowest rung in the Runner's Guild and deliver things within a city.
  • "City Runners" are considered a step below Courier, delivering more mundane packages between cities.
  • True Couriers are Gold and Named-rank Runners who securely deliver anything anywhere via some combination of Super-Speed , magic, or just being a One-Man Army that cannot be stopped.
  • The story starts as a fairly standard LitRPG Fantasy setting focusing on Slice-of-Life. Early on, it's mentioned that the gods of the world are all dead , hence the lack of any [Clerics], and the common swear " Dead Gods ". It turns out that the gods are dead. Some of them are very unhappy with this, and are willing to do anything to be restored. By Volume 8, Erin is trapped in the Land of the Dead, pursued by these undead gods, who are eating the helpless souls of most everyone who has ever lived. The Things that even they fear are crawling their way up from the Last Tide . No wonder the Fey and the rest of The Multiverse has quarantined this universe .
  • The mechanics behind the transportation of Earthers to this world ? Its a ritual that runs on the sacrifices of unborn children, and is actively weakening the fabric of reality .
  • Gazers are an enigmatic, sapient species that have a variety of arrangements of magical eyes, on a mostly humanoid body plan. Most species find them to appear alien ( they may be descended from Eldrich Abominations from beyond the edge of the known world ), and they are largely isolationist. Gazi, a half-gazer, is the only one ever shown to the reader until Volume 8. She has a large, magic-augmented eye in the middle of their face and smaller, less clairvoyant ones all around the main one, and for most of the story it could easily be assumed that ALL Gazers had only head-centered eyes.
  • Actual Cyclopes are a type of humanoid monster that is considered a Gold-rank threat.
  • Played with by The Horns of Hammerad in Albez. Yvlon uses a heavily enchanted door as an impromptu shield. When Ksmvr later suggests using it as one from now on, they all tell him that'd be ridiculous.
  • The Half-Troll Durene uses a door as a shield because regular shields are too small.
  • Flos the "King of Destruction" conquered his home continent and nearly the world several decades ago. He's considered to be the highest-level ruler in the world, and is specialized entirely in warfare. The mere possibility that he would use his Skills to aid one side in a war saw a coalition of seven nations partially retreat, and three Wistram Arch-Mages panic .
  • Crelers are an Enemy to All Living Things with the oldest examples being noted as capable of fighting dragons.
  • Erin has several depending on who you ask including The Crazy Human of Liscor for the insane stunts she's pulled in the past, the Inkeeper of Liscor, and the Innkeeper of Solstice. To the Antinium she's The sky, or a manifestation of heaven , To the Goblins she is initially known as the Destroyer for killing a Goblin chieftan early on , while it has not yet in occured in the future she is known as The Goblinfriend of Izril .
  • Halrac getting the nickname "the Grim" is seen as a sign he's bordering on becoming a Named-rank Adventurer.
  • Ryoka gets the nickname "Wind Runner of Reizmelt", making many potential clients take notice of her, wondering if she's going to become a Courier soon . In actuality, she just got the nickname from the local kids because she often let them play in her wind, not through any great act. It stuck when she was actually made a Courier though .
  • King Raelt is immediately given the epithet "King of Duels" after surviving a fight with Flos "The King of Destruction". The announcer specifically says that after doing that, he can't be called just a [King] anymore .
  • A more general epithet that still carries a lot of weight is "Hell's Warden". This title, along with a sizable bounty, is given to anyone who kills an Adult Creler like the Horns of Hammerad .
  • The three strangers who visited Erin's Inn and met Ryoka during the Winter Solstice are revealed to be the Dead Gods themselves. The ones visiting Erin even offered gifts in exchange for her soul, and it is hinted that if even one of them had touched Ryoka she would have been dragged into the darkness forever.
  • Seamwalkers , which are certain... things (implied to be similar to the D&D concept of Aberrations) are said to exist over the edge of the world. A’ctelios Salash is a cursed city built out of one's corpse, and the Empire of Drath is dedicated to fending them off. There is a reason that area is known as "where dragons do not fly".
  • Chapter 1.01C has one. For full effect, make sure your reading device has sound enabled.
  • While less evil, laughter later gets weaponized by Erin using her Witch class .
  • Dullahans have a hierarchy based on the material of their armor, with wood at the bottom, and magical materials such as mithril at the top.
  • String Folk have a system based on what material they are made of, with hemp at the bottom, cotton in the middle and silk on top. Unlike Dullahans however, they cannot change their fundamental material and improve, and their system is noticeably stricter as a result.
  • Antinium have to expand their existing caste system over the course of the story to account for Individuals and 'lesser' forms of Individuals.
  • The sweet-tasting Amentus Fruit, which Erin obliviously calls “blue fruit”, is a famed delicacy on Izril, but is difficult to prepare due to a massive, highly toxic seed core within.
  • “Yellats” are spicy, carrot-like vegetables common on Chandrar since they are easy and fast to grow compared to most food crops.
  • Festering Fungus : One of the four quadrants of Liscor’s Dungeon is infested with this.
  • Saliss of Lights is a Named-Rank Adventurer infamous for being a nudist.
  • Krshia gets a moment of this when she's woken up at night by the Raskghar attack on Liscor .
  • Later invoked by the Free Hive as a matter of Combat Pragmatism while fighting Belavierr, who can control the threads making up clothes.
  • The conclusion of Volume 5: Tyrion Veltras, the Grand Antinium Queen, and Az'Kerash all had a scheme for how they would take control of Liscor once it fell. Then Erin comes out and accidentally sparks an inter-Goblin war trying to make peace .
  • 8.64K: Wistram falls into one. The Earthers in Wistram, the entire Drake Coalition, a Drowned Fleet, the Golems of Wistram, three Archmages, and the Ullsinoi faction are all drawn into one by Trey Atwood. Then the Quarass and Rasea Zecrew turn out to have been involved as well. The ensuing bedlam frees Amerys, and earns Trey the [Chao Schemer] Class .
  • Moore of the Halfseekers is a [Green Mage], capable of thorny vines around his hands and body to serve as armor.
  • The [Druid] class fits the bill, able to cause grass and other plants to grow in places they usually don't. Members of this class include Magnolia's gardener Nalthal and then later Mrsha after she reads from the tome of magic Ryoka obtained from Teriarch .
  • The aptly named Walled Cities. The loss of one is considered irreplaceable, and a blow to the entire Drake species.
  • The Blighted King has four magical walls, and is trying to add a fifth. Each one is over twice as tall as the Great Wall of China, and has some of the best magical defenses, and highest-leveled people defending them, but all but the final wall have been breached before.
  • Tersk and Dekass are remarkably successful with their Blatant Lies about being regular Soldiers.
  • Ksmvr and Artur manage to be repeatedly overlooked by staying still and quiet while in plain sight .
  • After this trope is subverted, it returns when Erin gains her Field of Preservation Skill.
  • Much later, Erin creates an Indestructible Edible that nearly nobody and nothing can break.
  • Lyonette insists that others use her full name, not shorten it to Lyon, as befits a [Princess]. Her character arc eventually leads her to accepting the nickname as perfectly fine, and even begins to prefer it in an effort to remain anonymous .
  • In 9.50 Klbkch repeatedly corrects Garry for not refering to him by his title.
  • Bevussa, a Garuda, was also adopted and raised by Drake parents.
  • Mrsha gets officially adopted by Lyonette.
  • A horrifying revelation to Erin is when Pisces informs her that her "pet" skeleton Toren had developed true individual consciousness unlike other skeletons—after Erin's inconsiderate but unknowing treatment of Toren as an unthinking servant had already driven him to rebel, and become a violent and uncontrolled killer.
  • Volume 5 has the Raskghar, a primitive offshoot of Gnolls that sacrificed their intelligence and ability to Level millennia ago in return for greater strength. First, they regain sentience in a full moon, immediately becoming a much bigger threat. Then, Liscor realizes almost too late that the moon is still full even in the day . Lastly, it's revealed that they can keep their enhanced strength and intelligence permanently by eating a Gnoll's heart .
  • How the First Antinium War was won; once it was discovered that Antinium can't float , the allied armies started flooding the battlefields, culminating with drowning an entire Hive.
  • Used to great effect against the Face-eater Moths that besiege Liscor in Volume 5; Pisces and the other [Mages] nearby create a massive rain storm that panics the insect swarm, drowning many and forcing them to flee back to the dungeon.
  • Invoked again to defeat Facestealer in Volume 9 ( Interlude - Adventurers (Pt. 3) ), who was too dense to swim out of a hole that went possibly and literally down out of the world.
  • Antinium Listeners can hear for miles, at least out to the edges of the Floodplains.
  • Pisces uses undead infant Shield Spiders and Face-eater Moths on rare occasions in order to spy on people.
  • There may have been a few "wonders" in our world long ago, but the Winter Fae claim there isn't any anymore.
  • Somehow, magic itself was actually broken in the Innworld at some point. While this lasted for centuries, it eventually got better . In 8.81, the culprit makes his appearance in the Deadlands who is, according to a Gnoll [Mage], The Mage of Magic's End, [Mage] Level 93.
  • Occupying the skilled section (though not necessarily equals) are Klbkch, Shorthilt, Redscar, Thomast Veniral, Raelt Leysars, Deniusth the Duelist of Strings, "Maestro" Linvios Reiscale, Az'kerash, Ksmvr when he inherits the [Silver Illusion] Sword School, and Teriarch as the simulacra Eldavin note  when Real!Eldavin appeared at 9.30's tournament still holding onto some of the Dragon's memories, he was judged to have skills outmatching nearly every other participant .
  • Greydath of Blades was a Goblin Lord once appointed as Velan's master of arms, showing mastery with a greatsword outstripping a majority of the opponents he faces in the present . To wit, he first revealed part of this skill in his duel against the outperformed Thomast, slashed through rock to Garen's shock in a test of the latter's skills, and blew apart Bird’s tower (and Bird himself) with just a throw of his sword. The greatest extent of his swordsmanship gets displayed as a One-Man Army against the Bloodtear Pirates of Volume 9: slaughtered [Pirates] by slipping his sword through floorboards; killed a [Geomancer] captain within seconds, twice, were it not for a Skill that forced other [Pirates] to substitute their lives (the first deathblow being a Sword Beam ); continuously slicing apart almost every spell being sent from nations all over the world without any indication of a special power or Skills, which is how he struck down Visophecin’s grandfather…
  • The [Dragonbane Swordlegend] of the Village of the Dead was a swordmaster who, in his time, earned nine [Blademaster] emblems each from a Walled City that certified his mastery, on top of a Skill, [Thou Art Cut], which even sliced through the Skill name itself along with all but one of the Gold-rank Lifwail Blades . Similarly, [Blademistress of Ancients] Zeladona Ischen traveled all over the world learning the art of every blade in every culture, and began her entrance into the Trial of Blades by making a slash that reached into the Free Hive’s tunnels and parted clouds in the sky for miles.
  • Taletevirion the Unicorn is a special case in that he has no Levels and yet is beseeched, if not begged by Zeladona to fight as a hint to his skill, but when he does demonstrate it against Tolveilouka in their Sword Fight , the onlookers immediately back off while barely keeping track of the duel .
  • The full-blooded Elf Sprigaena takes the cake for being a swordfighter who existed before the Grand Design , and yet was the progenitor for the Design's highest-level sword Skills.
  • Some Goblins (widely regarded as the weakest monsters) can "evolve" like this. A high-level Goblin can become a Hobgoblin and/or Chieftain, who can become a Goblin Lord, who can become a continent-ending Goblin King .
  • The Crypt Lords , and Bone Horrors can develop from large enough groups of more mundane undead.
  • Gargoyles are eventually revealed to be another monster species capable of evolving into smarter and more dangerous forms.
  • Diseases that are magical in nature are not too uncommon, with Typhenous, "The Plague Mage" being a fairly moral practitioner of disease magic.
  • "Yellow Rivers" is a recent disease to come out of Baleros, and a main focus of the "D" storyline. STD Immunity is not in play here.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much : Rags and Garen are both this… of sorts… for Goblins. They do try to be more civilized than regular Goblins and form bonds with humans (Garen was even part of an Adventuring team, which was unheard of)… but Rags goes on to become a Goblin Chieftain and Garen killed his partners to become chieftain of a large murderous tribe.


  • The Goblin Lord, underscoring his nature as a mere slave to the Necromancer, unlike Garen and Rags who are individualized. After the battle of Invrisil, Zel gives the Goblin Lord the name of Reiss, perhaps as a sign of respect to a Worthy Opponent and a fellow enemy of the Necromancer.
  • The Goblin Greybeard, is initially presented as old and feeble, but eventually reveals himself to be the former Goblin Lord Greydath, who served the last Goblin King and remains supremely capable in battle .
  • Goblins are both this and Younger Than They Look . They age relatively rapidly, a Goblin is mostly grown within a year of birth, and a full adult by age 3. However, once grown, they age slowly. It's just most Goblins are killed before reaching age 10. Goblin Lords, such as Greydath and Izikere, can be hundreds of years old. Goblins on the Isle of Goblins have very similar villages to half-Elves
  • Meanwhile Teriarch is closing in on 60,000 years old and Klbkch has claimed to be over 40,000 years old .
  • Klbkch and Xrn are both very rarely called by their full names, even amongst their own species .
  • Elves were functionally immortal, undisputed masters of magic, and better than Humans in every conceivable way. They're all gone however.
  • Half-Elves, the Elves' Half-Human Hybrid descendants, are more skilled and magical than Humans, but are the victim of severe Fantastic Racism from the significantly larger populations of other species.
  • "The Putrid One" is was an infamous [Necromancer] specialized in this. In Volume 8, it's revealed he was a half-Elf who destroyed several kingdoms in plague, had multiple crusades fought against him, and had a truly horrific true form . A simple touch from him was incurable even for a high-level Paladin .
  • Typhenous of Griffon Hunt earned his title as "the Plague Mage" for having spells to create magical plagues, seeing use in infecting the Raskghar of Liscor's dungeon and becoming the main reason why they were driven out of there. He also once developed a disease that brought down an entire flock of Griffons in the earlier days of the team... which also affected an innocent city or two by accident , giving the team infamy that the old [Mage] swore to make amends for .
  • The Prognugators and Revalantors of the Antinium are the equivalents to ministers and commanders of the armies in their Hives. Each one is a powerful fighter in their own right.
  • The Captain of the Watch of Liscor, Zevara is one of "the Oldbloods", who can breathe fire in addition to being a skilled swordswoman.
  • "The Seven" of the King of Destruction are the commanders of his armies, and each one is an expert specialized in a certain field.
  • Many of the Lords, Ladies, and Kings possess abilities that put them above the rest of the people. Some Skills are combat-oriented while others simply give them the power to give absolute orders, although the effectiveness varies with the level of the user.
  • The Antinium Crusader 57 is a special case, as he became an Aberration, but is still loyal to Liscor's Army, if not the Hive itself. His comrades are very protective of him when Antinium leaders reflexively try to put him down .
  • Classes represent passions and jobs, giving you more of the associated Skills as the Class grows with Levels. However, this is dependent on mentality; Erin is a master chess player for one, which could have granted her Levels in [Tactician] like it does Olesm, but it doesn't because Erin considers chess as only a game. Moreover, Levels are gained only when the individual not only learns knowledge and skills related to their Class but also has gone through personal hardship and achievement. As Richard Davenport puts it in the first group chat, "you can't grind ".
  • It is possible for someone to lose their Class if their actions go against its definition, like [Guardsmen] who break laws.
  • You can have multiple Classes, but the more overall Levels one has, the more difficult it becomes to Level. This is often solved on its own by the system merging and/or removing Classes to create a new one .
  • Skills are based on the person's needs and desires, so someone who survived a fight by enduring with their body may gain a Skill that helps with that, like [Stoneskin].
  • Besides Skills that can be "obtained", it also possible to "learn" Skills original to the bearer, such as Erin's [Immortal Moment]. These are highlighted in green and become available in the system's list of Skills to be learned by others eligible for it.
  • "Capstone Skills" are often assigned at increments of 10, which tend to become standouts amongst anyone's Skill repertoire.
  • Said effects and cooldowns improve the higher the person's Level.
  • It is not always a requirement to say a Skill name out loud to activate it; just thinking it is enough. Those aware of this can exploit it as a feint by shouting a Skill without activating it.
  • The most common way to receive Level-ups is to sleep and hear the system assign them. However, those who are undead or have <Faith> Classes are exempt from this condition and Level immediately. Another way is "Counter-leveling", which happens when a lower-level person goes up against a higher-level foe, letting them Level in the middle of combat.
  • Levelless people, also known as "Rulebreakers", are simply those who do not have Levels and thus exist outside of the Level system. Though they're weak against direct-target Skills, it lets them resist indirect Skill-based powers such as Auras. This is important for Ryoka (who rejected Levels) and Nanette (who temporarily put aside her [Witch] Class), who are able to view Nerry's information that would have been filtered by the Grand Design where not even the Levelless Teriarch could remember or perceive anything about the issue of the Sariant Lambs.
  • The events of Volume 8 give this system a name, the "Grand Design of Isthekenous", a creation of the gods that replicate the capabilities and feats of those it has ever recorded as Levels and Skills, which are then assigned to people who match it in terms of Class-associated deeds and personal hardship. Volume 9 expands further on the fact that the system has several features such as Quests and Titles that were disabled at first before the Design activated them, and Classes related to <Faith>, including Royal Classes, are given greater power than normal ones for reasons even the Design doesn't know, meaning that the Levelling system has flaws (at least the ones it determines) rectified in real time. The Design also appears to be semi-sentient, constantly debating on the fairness of the Levels and Skills it gives out, and getting annoyed by Mrsha's neglect of her old Classes.
  • The warning poem in Liscor's crypt was read and whole-heartedly ignored. The exact same thing happened within the true dungeon when Toren found the inner city.
  • Further invoked when Erin finds out that there are even more Gardens she can access and at least one of those Gardens has its own secret room hidden within it .
  • Yvlon Byres' original team "The Silver Spears" shares the name of a "Good"-aligned Mercenary Group in the web-serial A Practical Guide to Evil .
  • Chaldion, the [Grand Strategist of Victory] of Pallass has a Skill called [Path to Victory]. This is the same name as Contessa's superpower in the web-serial Worm .
  • The Named Adventurer featured in a popular in-world book is a [Thief] powerful enough to steal bolts of lightning. The Lightning Thief is the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.
  • Someone who never takes off their helmet has made a name for themselves by wiping out dozens of Goblin Tribes overnight. He’s only known to the populace as the Goblin Slayer . It’s actually Rabbiteater, a disguised Hobgoblin . He’s secretly rescuing Goblins, and sending them back to Goblinhome, where they’ll be safer.
  • When transported in a prison wagon in Volume 8, Yvlon is treated to Skyrim's infamous opening scene almost word for word.
  • In 8.11E, Erin's got this to think about the Dead Gods. If someone told her the gods were bastards , she would get behind that statement.
  • In 8.19 H: The wraiths of the Village of the Dead wield enchanted scythes as part of their Grim Reaper aesthetic. These black blades can cut straight through the defenses of Eldertuin the Fortress, a Named Adventurer famous for his shields. Lampshaded by Yvlon, who points out just how impractical wielding a farming tool in combat is, and that they only get away with it due to their Intangibility , which her silversteel arms counter .
  • In 8.47H: Played straight with the feared Loquea Dree Tribe. Being Garuda, they can make full use of a scythe's reach in midair combat, and can use the curved blades to effectively pin other fliers midair. Flying enemies are forced to either try to evade the scythe blade wrapped around them, or get into close quarters combat, which the Loquea Dree also excel at .
  • Symbiotic Possession : After her back is broken, Geneva enters into this with the Selphid Okasha, who she'd saved a few days before .

Team Killer : Garen Redfang is infamous for having done this.-->

  • The Quarass of Ger has a form of Born-Again Immortality where whoever takes up her Class gains all their predecessors' memories. She killed dragons back when they ruled Chandrar, is older than most countries, and offhandedly mentions that 87 of her previous lives were spent running away from responsibilities. All in the body of a prepubescent girl .
  • Belavierre the Stitch Witch has peddled her dark deals for so long she's lost much of herself to The Fog of Ages . She was old when the first String-People were created .
  • Teriarch , the Dragon Lord of Flames is one of the very few old Dragons left. He served as the champion for species that no longer exist, and has met elves . In Volume 9, he is confirmed to be 58,000 years old .
  • Klbkch was created before Antinium started keeping track of time but he claims to be multiple times older than Khelt, which would make him over 40,000 years old .
  • Half-Elves have this trait so long as the mother is a half-Elf. Half-Giants have some of this, but the giant blood is thinning.
  • Goblins subvert this: so long as at least one parent is a Goblin, the resulting child will always be a Goblin.
  • The Kingdom of Khelt in Chandar is a Egypt-like Necrocracy built off of this trope. The living citizens pursue art and their passions while legions of their dead ancestors do all menial tasks for them. Meanwhile, benevolent undead rulers who retain Levels and memories from their life command potentially millions of undead to deter neighbors from attacking.
  • Vegetarian Vampire : Most Vampires don't drink human blood, even though they can do so without turning them, and instead drink animal blood (regular food being optional) .
  • Goblins are universally despised and attacked on sight, despite being a sentient species.
  • The few remaining Vampires are in hiding to avoid this.
  • Taken even further with A’ctelios Salash, which is trying to revive and make its way to Rhir .
  • The Krakk trees near Liscor have bark that explodes at the slightest disturbance. They go dormant when sufficiently frozen, though...until warmed back up.
  • The Watcher Trees of the Blood Fields are actively predatory. They stab anything that comes close with their roots, and often leave corpses sitting out to attract more prey.
  • Defied by Rags. When offered a white Carn Wolf as a mount, she refused, saying that such a unique coloration would only make her a target in battle.
  • Zombie Apocalypse : Since zombies arise naturally on their own if people remain unburied for too long, this is a constant, low-level possibility. Considering the types of undead that arise become exponentially nastier the more corpses there are, battlefields are a big concern. Because of this, sometimes entire companies are tasked with disposal of the dead between battles.
  • The Wanderer's Library
  • Fantasy Web Originals
  • Warlock Games
  • Viceroy's Pride
  • Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon
  • Twisted Cogs
  • Web Serial Novel
  • The Ugly Empress

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wiki wandering inn

The Wandering Inn

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The Wandering Inn by Asanee

The Wandering Inn by Asanee04

The Wandering Inn is the name of Erin 's inn. It is located on a hill in the Floodplains , next to Liscor .

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Notable Properties
  • 3.1 No Killing Goblins
  • 3.2 No Killing Antinium
  • 4.1.1 Soup and Pasta:
  • 4.1.2 Fried Food:
  • 4.1.3 Burgers:
  • 4.1.4 Pizzas:
  • 4.1.5 Pancakes:
  • 4.1.6 Drinks:
  • 4.1.7 Alcoholic Drink:
  • 4.1.8 Dessert:
  • 4.1.9 Toppings:
  • 4.1.10 Other:
  • 4.2 Magical Food:
  • 5.1 Current Members
  • 5.2 Former Members
  • 8 References

Background [ ]

“Just remember this! This is The Wandering Inn! And we’ve seen good people and jerks come through here! Legends and monsters! But we remember the good ones now! Raise a cup to them all! They’ll be back again, someday!”
- Erin's promise [1]

The original Wandering Inn was located much further from Liscor than the second, newer inn, built in its first iteration by the Antinium as a newer replica of that first building, after Toren 's mishap with explosive bark .

The Wandering Inn is roughly twenty minutes away from Liscor on a hill. This second inn had an outhouse, and was much closer to Liscor, providing a much more attractive location to customers. In addition, Erin now had the ability to quickly restock her supplies. The new inn also had a basement which was large enough to house all the food supplies as well as a party of adventurers. Lyonette also asked Pawn to install two more outhouses for guests with larger body sizes.  [2]

Erin later hired Antinium to expand her inn further, adding a second floor and a lookout tower for Bird to stand guard.

The inn was damaged several times, for example during the Moth's Attack on Liscor and during the Goblin-Human Siege of Liscor. These damages were subsequently fixed, but Erin held off on a total refurbishment of the building that Lyonette had planned with the Antinium. Eventually, the Creler attack at the Bloodfields also had Crelers invading the Second Wandering Inn. Erin destroyed the building almost completely to destroy the Crelers, and the ruined inn came down in her fight with Toren shortly afterwards.

The third iteration of the Wandering Inn is also constructed by the Antinium at slight cost, based on the plans of Lyonette and Belgrade and funded by money given by the city and several "concerned private citizens". No longer a singular building, it is now a compound, with a main building with three floors connected to several smaller ones. The main entrance to the new building leads to a narrow pathway that doubles as a kill zone, featuring arrow slits, narrow openings for acid jars, and hidden pathdoors. After leaving Celum, Octavia relocates her shop Stitchworks to one of the common rooms of the Wandering Inn.

In the wake of Erin's death and Lyonette's departure to Oteslia, the Wandering Inn was partially closed, with most of the staff let go. In the aftermath of Belavierr, Hectval, and the Plain Eye's Doomhunters' attack, Ishkr fully closes down the Wandering Inn, with the promise that "We'll be back one day." [3] After Erin's and Lyonette's return, The Wandering Inn has reopened. [4]

Even though Erin, Lyonette, and the rest of the Inn’s inhabitants returned from their journeys. The Inn would be closed for several more weeks to allow a newly resurrected Erin Solstice to recuperate. When the Inn would fully reopen, most of the work staff wouldn’t return due to the Inn’s notorious reputation of being a breeding ground for dangerous and obscenely deadly events.

The Inn would further struggle as any new prospective employees either couldn’t or wouldn’t do tasks like serving Antinium or Goblins. Or emptying Acid Fly traps and helping defend the Inn from attacks. And those that would were either [Scoundrels], [Criminals], and other of ill-repute. Or [Spies] & [Infiltrators] from world powers attempting to gain access and keep tabs on Erin Solstice.

Due to this, Erin would decide to have Ishkr(their only retained employee aside from Liska) train up Antinium & Goblins from Goblinhome. Causing a stir in Liscor about the Wandering Inn retaining a purely Antinium and Goblin majority workforce. Though few would be actually horrified and most would find it in tune with the ‘Crazy Human of Liscor’s Antics’.

Erin would also consult Hexel on transforming the Inn according to Drevish’s blueprints. Though after being told about the ludicrous price of such a transformation the plan would be put on hold. Erin would later begin adding decorations in the form of silver figurines of her friends from the Deadlands to the Inn.

After Erin and Rags' reunion in the Garden of Sanctuary, a statue of them appeared in the common room of the Inn.

Notable Properties [ ]

Garden of Sanctuary by Enuryn

Garden of Sanctuary (by Enuryn (commissioned by Pirateaba )

The new inn constructed by the Antinium was built using copper nails, rather than iron nails, in order to be accommodating to the Faeries . [2] The first notable magical item that Erin got in her inn was the Magical Chessboard, gifted to her by an anonymous chess player . [5] Another one of the first notable magical items in the inn was the collection of Faerie Flowers , given as payment by the Faeries for Erin's prepared [Wondrous Fare]. [6]

The inn has several more notable properties due to Erin's skills as a [Magical Innkeeper]. The most significant property is [Magical Grounds], which allows mana to naturally regenerate within the inn. This is especially helpful for the Magical Door , recovered by the Horns of Hammerad from Albez, that acts as a teleportation channel between the inn, Celum , and Pallass with other links either temporary or permanent possible. The Magical Door can be tuned by use of Mana Stones, and has since been used to teleport into the Dungeon.

As of Volume 8, six mana stones have been installed on the door, each one connected to a different door. There is one in Celum, Liscor, Pallass, Invrisil (though the Halfseekers still had to reach the city and eventually abandoned that quest), and lastly there is Numbtongue's personal door he carries around when he leaves the inn to mine. [7] A final door connects to the goblin encampment in the Unseen Empire though it is mostly unknown and generally does not have enough power to be used. [8]

The inn also benefits from Erin's [Reinforced Structure] skill. As a result, its walls are exceptionally sturdy, withstanding the majority of a major Face-Eater Moths attack. Its primary weakness is in the glass windows. The [Field of Preservation] skill allows Erin to store any kind of raw food within the inn indefinitely without going bad. The skill extends to everything in the inn, and is able to keep prepared meals, as well as corpses for Selphid use.

Since becoming home to the Players of Celum , the inn has also benefited from Erin's [Grand Theater] skill, where the first floor of the inn can expand to a very large room, holding hundreds of guests.

After Erin obtained the Garden of Sanctuary skill, the inn became connected to the garden and entrance may open up anywhere in the Inn as a safe place to retreat or enter for trusted guests. No enemy or untrusted person may enter the garden. Those with the [Druid] Class are able to enter the Garden without the owner's permission as it is a place of nature, but will lose their class if they break the sacred rules. [9]

After Erin would reach level 47 in her [Magical Innkeeper] class. She would gain the [Key of Reprieve] and would be able to access the personalized [Gardens] of every previous holder of the skill along with the items within as well. Erin would later create her own version of the Garden, bathed in perpetual twilight and shining stars. A world of colorful fire burns in the starlit sky and trees.

Rules and Signs [ ]

No Killing Goblins 5 simplified by Enyavar

The Rule. by Enyavar

No Killing Goblins [ ]

The Inn has the rule of ' No Killing Goblins .' [10] As long as the Goblins inside or around the inn are not attacking anyone, stealing or being extremely rude, Erin won’t let anyone harm them. Currently this rule is written on a sign right in front of the inn, by the door, [11] as well as on a dozen posters all around the inn. [12]

No Killing Antinium [ ]

The Inn also has the rule of 'No Killing Antinium.' It is normally right next to the ' No Killing Goblins ' signs. [13]

Selected Menu Items [ ]


Menu - Mains (by Enuryn , commissioned by Pirateaba )

Regular Food [ ]

Soup and pasta: [ ].

  • Pasta w/sausage and onions – 3 cp. per plate.
  • Soup variations

Fried Food: [ ]

  • French Fries
  • Fried Ashfire Bees [14]
  • Fireflake Fries

Burgers: [ ]


Menu - Pizza, Burgers, Rice (by Enuryn , commissioned by Pirateaba )

  • Hamburgers (with Ketchup or Mayonnaise) [15]
  • Meat Supreme Sub

Pizzas: [ ]

  • Pizza [16]

Pancakes: [ ]

  • Pancakes [17]
  • The Archmage's Well [18] / The Archmage of Syrup's breakfast

Drinks: [ ]

  • Blackfur Ale [19]
  • Blue juice – 2 cp. per glass. 6 cp. per glass as of volume 6 ( Bluefruit (Amentus) Juice) [20] [21]
  • Coffee [22]
  • Honeyed Water
  • Milk with honey

Alcoholic Drink: [ ]

  • Beer [16]
  • Cenidau Frostsip
  • Firebreath Whiskey
  • Frost Dragon shot

Dessert: [ ]


Menu - Confections (by Enuryn , commissioned by Pirateaba )

  • Carrot Cake – 8 s. or 12 s. with Frosting (Decoration Free) [23]
  • Chocolate (Expensive)
  • Spider Succulents [24]

Toppings: [ ]

  • Baked beans
  • Fish paste sauce
  • Mac and cheese
  • Pork shavings
  • Acid flies – 1 s. per plate
  • Falafel [19]

Magical Food: [ ]


Menu - Magic Food (by Enuryn , commissioned by Pirateaba )

  • Faerie Flower Ale [16]
  • Heat Soup / Corusdeer Soup / Magical Soup
  • Scaleguard Sandwich
  • Minotaur's Punch
  • Blue Tea [25]
  • Mana Candies
  • Bulkup Bisque
  • Unbreakable Scones

Once Imani joined the staff as a full cook, she was able to create many new foods that were generally healthier or more culturally diverse such as the following:

  • Flyfish Quiche

Staff Members [ ]

Current members [ ], former members [ ], gallery [ ].

TWI banner by Raoul Solomon

  • Erin's "blue juice" is "very expensive" according to Magnolia, one of the richest people in the world. Erin is oblivious to it, though, and initially sold it for a few coppers.
  • Before it was rebuild it was located a few miles southeast of Liscor. [31] (In Chapter 1.20 it was said, that the inn is located west and not southeast.)
  • When Erin first found the original inn, it was four times the size of a normal house. [32]
  • The hill where the inn stands is twenty feet higher than the area around it. [33]
  • After Palt accidentally fell on Erin, [34] and then fell again on Imani , Bezale joked about putting up a spare sign saying ‘Caution: Beware of Falling Centaurs’ . [35]

References [ ]

  • ↑ Interlude - Burning Alcohol
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 Chapter 2.11
  • ↑ Chapter 8.29
  • ↑ Chapter 9.00
  • ↑ Chapter 2.16
  • ↑ Chapter 2.21
  • ↑ Chapter 6.08
  • ↑ Solstice (Pt. 9)
  • ↑ Interlude - A Meeting of [Druids]
  • ↑ Chapter 1.20
  • ↑ Chapter 4.34
  • ↑ Chapter 7.43 G
  • ↑ Chapter 7.57
  • ↑ Chapter 2.36
  • ↑ Chapter 2.13
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Chapter 2.26
  • ↑ Chapter 1.41
  • ↑ Chapter 9.02
  • ↑ 19.0 19.1 Chapter 9.62
  • ↑ Chapter 1.22
  • ↑ Chapter 6.28
  • ↑ Chapter 9.08
  • ↑ Chapter 6.56
  • ↑ Chapter 9.05 NPR
  • ↑ Interlude – Adventurers (Pt. 2)
  • ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Interlude – Beginnings
  • ↑ Chapter 7.50
  • ↑ Chapter 7.38
  • ↑ Chapter 8.01
  • ↑ Chapter 1.06 R
  • ↑ Chapter 1.00
  • ↑ Chapter 5.14
  • ↑ Chapter 7.52
  • ↑ Chapter 7.56
  • 1 Erin Solstice
  • 2 Ryoka Griffin


  1. Termin

    wiki wandering inn

  2. Wistram Academy

    wiki wandering inn

  3. Walled Cities

    wiki wandering inn

  4. Category:Vanguards

    wiki wandering inn

  5. Rhir

    wiki wandering inn

  6. Teriarch

    wiki wandering inn


  1. Among US VR (GamePlay 018)

  2. 10.00 V

  3. The Wandering Inn

  4. 10.06, Stream 1

  5. 10.08

  6. 10.03


  1. The Wandering Inn Wiki

    Welcome Welcome to the Official Wandering Inn Wiki that anyone can edit. The Wandering Inn is an ongoing Fantasy-LitRPG web serial by pirateaba.Since the first chapter in July 2016, the web serial currently is on its tenth volume with over 13 million words (and counting).To get started, you can read for free on the website, read the e-books on Kindle, or listen to the audiobooks via Audible.

  2. The Wandering Inn Wiki

    Welcome to The Wandering Inn Wiki. The Wandering Inn is an ongoing Fantasy-LitRPG web serial by pirateaba. Since the first chapter in July 2016, the web serial currently has nine volumes with over 12.4 million words ( and counting ). To get started, you can read for free on the website, read the e-books on Kindle, or listen to the audiobooks ...

  3. The Wandering Inn

    The new inn was built using copper nails, rather than iron nails, in order to be accommodating to the Faeries. The first notable magical item that Erin got in her inn was the Magical Chessboard, gifted to her by an anonymous chess player. Another one of the first notable magical items in the inn was the collection of Faerie Flowers, given as payment by the Faeries for Erin's prepared [Wondrous ...

  4. Erin Solstice

    Erin Summer Solstice, is the main protagonist of The Wandering Inn. She is the [Innkeeper] of The Wandering Inn in Liscor and a grandmaster-level chess player. She first wandered into this world on her way to the bathroom and has been stuck ever since. Erin has fair skin, hazel eyes and light brown hair with the slightest orange tint. While initially she had short hair, it grew longer, to the ...

  5. Timeline

    60,000 years ago Frost Faeries come to Innworld. [4] 58,000 years ago Teriarch is born. [5] The Harpy Empire of Iltanus falls during Sheta 's reign. The first Quarass founded Germina. [6] [7] [8] The fourth Quarass strikes a deal with Teriarch after he fought other Dragons for her.

  6. Chapter Overview

    Chapter 2.10 T: Toren explodes the Wandering Inn, is sent away, falls into the rift of the dungeon. Chapter 2.11: Erin has good friends who all help her rebuild the inn. Chapter 2.12: Ryoka meets Teriarch and renegotiates her delivery to the Necromancer. Chapter 2.13: Erin introduces hamburgers to Liscor and meets Hawk. Ceria moves into the Inn.

  7. List of Classes

    This is a list of Classes in the Universe of The Wandering Inn. A diagram of all classes listed below can be found here, brought into some (arbitrary) order. Classes introduced after Chapter 7.04 are not included in that graphic yet. This table is meant to list all known classes. Besides the name of a class (first column), it includes a link to characters known to have (had) this class (second ...

  8. The Wandering Inn

    This year The Wandering Inn hosted an Inktober Challenge, with all TWI […] The Black-Tide Merch Sale! In honor of the most dreadful of days of the year-if you're facing the Black Tide of shoppers, The Wandering Inn's merch store is offering a sale! It will run until Monday, November 27th, so snag some new merch or maybe the Solstice ...

  9. Category:Characters

    The Wandering Inn Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...

  10. The Wandering Inn Series by Pirateaba

    The Wandering Inn Series. 13 primary works • 20 total works. An inn is a place to rest, a place to talk and share stories, or a place to find adventures, a starting ground for quests and legends. In this world, at least. To Erin Solstice, an inn seems like a medieval relic from the past. But here she is, running from Goblins and trying to ...

  11. Quests

    Quests are a previously inactive and recently unlocked function of the System that governs Innworld. The function was unlocked for the [Innkeeper] class by Erin Solstice. The Grand Design later expanded the ability to post quests for <Ruler> and [Guildleader] classes, as it felt that the ability was too limiting if it is only available for [Innkeepers] Quests are tasks that can be completed in ...

  12. The Wandering Inn

    So reads the sign outside of The Wandering Inn, a small building run by a young woman named Erin Solstice. She serves pasta with sausage, blue fruit juice, and dead acid flies on request. And she comes from another world. Ours. It's a bad day when Erin finds herself transported to a fantastical world and nearly gets eaten by a Dragon.

  13. Blog #7

    New Wiki Site — https://wiki.wanderinginn.com. This is an update, well, one-third into my break. How terrifying! Where did it go? I have two things to talk about. First is that the wiki is moving away from Fandom to another hosting site to mitigate the impact of ads, and so all links and the site itself should shift—but nothing else will.

  14. wandering inn

    Books. The Wandering Inn. Fae and Fare. Flowers of Esthelm. Winter Solstice. The Last Light. The General of Izril. The Rains of Liscor. Blood of Liscor.

  15. The Wandering Inn (Literature)

    The Wandering Inn, by 'pirateaba', is an ongoing LitRPG Web Serial Novel that follows the life of a young woman named Erin Solstice who finds herself in a fantasy world ruled by a leveling system and classes. However, instead of becoming a famous adventurer or hero, she becomes an innkeeper. The story initially focuses around Erin's attempts to survive in a hostile world where she does not ...

  16. The Wandering Inn: Book 1 (The Wandering Inn, #1)

    The Wandering Inn is a web serial and literary version of a role-playing game, which really ought to say all you need to know--except that it is also literary crack. Like a good game, it's almost impossible to stop once you start. The story begins with a young woman, Erin Solstice, running for her life from a band of goblins.

  17. The Wandering Inn

    The Wandering Inn is the name of Erin's inn. It is located on a hill in the Floodplains, next to Liscor. "Just remember this! This is The Wandering Inn! And we've seen good people and jerks come through here! Legends and monsters! But we remember the good ones now! Raise a cup to them all! They'll be back again, someday!"- Erin's promise The original Wandering Inn was located much ...

  18. 10.10 E (Pt. 1)

    A tale of a girl, an inn, and a world full of levels. Latest Chapter 10.09 E. Next Chapter Saturday, April 13th. Table of Contents; Blog; Books. The Wandering Inn; Fae and Fare; ... Vote on the Winner for The Wandering Inn Inktober Challenge 2023! The Black-Tide Merch Sale! Beware of Chicken — Book 3 out now! Annual Survey! Ardent Tears ...

  19. 10.10 E (Pt. 2)

    A tale of a girl, an inn, and a world full of levels. Latest Chapter 10.09 E. Next Chapter Tuesday, April 9th. Table of Contents; Blog; Books. The Wandering Inn; Fae and Fare; ... Vote on the Winner for The Wandering Inn Inktober Challenge 2023! The Black-Tide Merch Sale! Beware of Chicken — Book 3 out now! Annual Survey! Ardent Tears ...