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Work and Travel in Italy

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People think of Italy as one of the most desirable vacation destinations in the world. Whether for food tourism, heritage tours, or beach-hopping, working and travelling in this culturally rich European country is a great starting point for a backpacker trying to make the transition from sightseer to a full-time employee. We’re going to give you some tips and tricks about working and travelling in Italy that you won’t find in any other guide. Get ready to say “ciao” to your next big adventure. 1.  Wine Tourism on an Italian Vineyard If you have an interest in wine, there’s no better place to build your skills than on a classic Italian vineyard.  From picking grapes during harvest time to leading wine tours for English-speaking visitors, you can learn about the whole complete process involved in running a successful wine-producing vineyard. 2. Refugee/Migrant support in southern Italy Italy is currently hosting 175,000 refugees, with many more arriving every day. Different organisations have sprung up to offer accommodation, food and clothing services to ensure that people’s most basic needs are fulfilled. They also provide legal assistance, physical and mental healthcare. You can utilise your skills in public health or social services to assist with the overburdened support system. 3. Live with and look after an Italian family  The family unit is perhaps the most important value for the Italian people. Therefore, there are usually plenty of opportunities available to move in with a family, play with the children and help around the house a bit. Often these are non-paying but the work is simple and a great way to improve your Italian.


EU, UK, Australian, North American, and most South American citizens do not need a visa to stay for up to 90 out of every 180 days in a Schengen-area country like Italy. To stay longer or to work and travel you will need to meet the Italian government’s entry requirements. Check which type of visa and/or work permit you may need with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs before booking an appointment through the Italian consulates. Chinese, South African and Russian citizens will need to apply for a visa to enter the country for any length of time. These visas are relatively simple to complete with the right documentation, however. Just make sure you don’t overstay your visa to prevent getting yourself banned from entering the EU in the future.


Spring work.

Most Italian locals aren't fluent in English, and therefore it's unlikely you'll secure work without mastering the language. On the other hand, your English speaking ability will be highly valued, particularly in tourism and teaching. Because of this, jobs teaching English as a foreign language are readily available. Recruitment for teachers typically begins in early spring for positions available in September/October. The weather in Italy is generally already warm in springtime, so farms and trekking tourism sites will already be operating and recruiting workers.


Summer tourism is big business in Italy, so there are plenty of seasonal jobs on offer including bar, hotel and restaurant work. You could find employment in summer camps or holiday resorts, much of it in exchange for free accommodation. Backpackers just looking to gain some entry-level experience will find plenty of volunteer opportunities in summer, especially in either the agricultural sector or hostels.

Italy is known for its ancient villas and historic structures, much of which was spared destruction during WWII, but could now use some facelifts. If you have handyperson or construction skills, there are a multitude of opportunities for you to work and travel. Felling trees, carpentry, brickwork - this is all consistently in demand, especially in the autumn before vacation residences close up for the winter.

The southern Italian islands such as Sicily have a mild climate, so backpackers can find citrus harvest work in February for picking lemons and oranges. Ski resorts in the Italian alps also need lots of help, but apply early since these positions are lucrative and the less-skilled jobs fill up quickly.


Italians consider family extremely important and value a healthy live-work balance, so if you can get past initially hesitancy and establish yourself with the natives you can look forward to a thoroughly enjoyable work and travel experience. Italians expect to be respected and are usually prideful of their particular regions, so w hen in a place, do not praise too other places of Italy too much and don't compare the place where you are with other ones. Generally, Italy is a very safe country for visitors and solo travellers as long as you keep your wits about you.

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Anno scolastico all'estero

Vai al programma, stati uniti.

Offrendo, come gli Stati Uniti, un panorama vario sotto numerosi aspetti, il Canada è tutto da scoprire: dalla cultura al paesaggio, fino ad arrivare alla lingua stessa, ne rimarrai affascinato giorno dopo giorno!


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Premiamo gli Exchange Students più meritevoli con borse di studio fino a 2.500€

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I programmi Campus USA: il tuo ponte verso l’istruzione universitaria negli Stati Uniti.

Scopri di più e inizia il tuo viaggio con noi oggi!

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Il tuo ruolo come au pair, la famiglia ospitante.

Scopri come diventare una Au Pair negli Stati Uniti, controlla di avere i requisiti giusti e inizia ora il tuo viaggio nel profondo della cultura americana.

Workshop a New York

Mondo insieme ed euraupair.

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Work & travel usa.

Un’estate indimenticabile negli Stati Uniti, un’esperienza culturale, linguistica, professionale e di crescita personale assolutamente unica, a fronte di una retribuzione e di un contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato.

Se desideri partecipare ad un’esperienza lavorativa e culturale negli Stati Uniti fino a 12 mesi nel tuo settore di studio, noi possiamo aiutarti e potrai così maturare un’esperienza lavorativa presso un’azienda americana.

Offriamo a giovani professionisti laureati con almeno un anno di esperienza, oppure a professionisti non laureati ma con almeno 5 anni di lavoro a tempo pieno, la possibilità di lavorare fino a 18 mesi negli Stati Uniti!

mondo insieme e asse - aspire worldwide

Un’esperienza lavorativa e culturale in alcune delle località più interessanti e dinamiche degli Stati Uniti per giovani italiani brillanti, altamente motivati e che parlano correntemente la lingua inglese.

work and travel usa italia


Programma summer in southern california.

Realizza il sogno di vivere nel Golden State. Vivi una full-immersion nella vita americana con una famiglia locale e partecipa ad attività ed escursioni di gruppo.

Menlo college summer program

Un’imperdibile esperienza di 3 settimane, dedicata ai ragazzi tra i 16 e i 21 anni, di full-immersion nella vita universitaria americana nel cuore della Silicon Valley, in California, la culla della tecnologia per eccellenza.

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Hai mai pensato di condividere un’esperienza culturale accogliendo uno studente straniero che sogna di conoscere la lingua, la cultura e le tradizioni italiane?

Ospitare un Exchange Student proveniente da Nord e Sud America, dall’Europa, dall’Asia e dall’Oceania significa aprirsi a nuovi orizzonti, vivere la quotidianità da una prospettiva nuova e speciale.

Scopri come diventare una famiglia ospitante

Scopri i profili degli studenti, work&travel usa.

work and travel usa italia

Se sei uno studente universitario o laureando tra i 18 e i 28 anni di età, il programma Work and Travel USA proposto da Mondo Insieme e dallo sponsor americano ASSE-Aspire Worldwide è perfetto per te!

work and travel usa italia

Il Work and Travel negli Stati Uniti ti regalerà un’estate indimenticabile, un’esperienza culturale, linguistica, professionale e di crescita personale assolutamente unica, a fronte di una retribuzione e di un contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato .

Potrai lavorare in posizioni stagionali per 10 o 12 settimane – indicativamente dal 15 giugno al 15 settembre – nel settore turistico , in compagnia di studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo e, al termine del periodo di lavoro, avrai la possibilità di trascorrervi un ulteriore mese da turista prima di tornare in Italia.

Indipendentemente dal tuo corso di laurea, questa è un’opportunità che i datori di lavoro italiani e internazionali valuteranno positivamente. Infatti, il mercato del lavoro odierno richiede personalità giovani, dinamiche, professionalmente mature e con una conoscenza medio-alta della lingua inglese. Quale occasione migliore per rafforzarne la conoscenza, migliorarne il parlato e apprendere la mentalità imprenditoriale americana?

Non solo, con il Work and Travel USA imparerai a vivere a stretto contatto con altre culture e aprirai la tua mente, diventando un cittadino del Mondo! Ti seguiremo in ogni singola fase del programma: selezione iniziale, preparazione del dossier di iscrizione, simulazione dei colloqui con il datore di lavoro, organizzazione dei colloqui, richiesta del visto J-1, prenotazione dei voli, arrivo e sistemazione.

Il nostro supporto sarà costante anche durante i tuoi mesi negli Stati Uniti, grazie alla collaborazione di ASSE-Aspire Worldwide .

Ultimi posti disponibili: le iscrizioni chiuderanno a fine marzo!

Non aspettare oltre: contattaci e inizia a programmare la più bella estate della tua vita.

  • iscrizione full-time all’università (triennale, specialistica o master) al momento dell’iscrizione al programma (chi si laurea tra dicembre e aprile 2024 deve iscriversi al programma e consegnare la documentazione necessaria prima della laurea);
  • età compresa tra i 18 e i 27 anni all’iscrizione al programma (i 28 anni si possono compiere prima dell’arrivo negli Stati Uniti o durante il programma);
  • apertura alle novità, flessibilità e volontà di adattarsi ad una realtà diversa da quella italiana; dimestichezza con la lingua inglese parlata (non è richiesta alcuna certificazione linguistica);
  • 10 o 12 settimane a disposizione tra metà giugno e metà settembre (partenze tra metà e fine giugno, a scelta dello studente e in base alle disponibilità dei datori di lavoro).

Se ti riconosci in questa descrizione e desideri sperimentare un’esperienza culturale unica che ti permetterà di integrarti nella vita americana, contattaci oggi stesso!

Costo del programma Work and Travel USA e modalità di iscrizione

Iscriversi al programma è semplicissimo: compila la cedola di pre-iscrizione e inviacela insieme alla quota di iscrizione a mondo insieme (€100)..

Lavoreremo insieme al tuo dossier di iscrizione e ti prepareremo per affrontare al meglio il colloquio con il datore di lavoro, che si svolgerà di persona o su Skype tra gennaio e marzo (anche ad aprile, se ci saranno ancora posti disponibili).

La quota di partecipazione sarà divisa in due parti: € 1.700 alla consegna del dossier di iscrizione e € 1.790 alla ricezione dell’offerta di lavoro, post colloquio con il datore di lavoro americano da te prescelto.

La scelta della destinazione rispetterà l’ordine di iscrizione quindi non esitare a programmare oggi stesso l’estate più bella della tua vita, consapevole del fatto che siamo noi a ricercare gli alloggi, fornirti l’assicurazione, organizzare il tuo viaggio di andata e ritorno e fornirti tutta la documentazione e le informazioni necessarie per richiedere il visto J-1.

Listino prezzi

Servizi inclusi e opzioni extra: tutto ciò che devi sapere, le quote comprendono:.

  • Colloquio di selezione
  • Assistenza per la compilazione della documentazione
  • Ricerca del datore di lavoro e dell’alloggio
  • Lavoro full-time tra le 30 e le 40 ore circa a settimana, per una paga mensile a partire dai $1.300
  • Documento per ottenere il visto J-1 (modulo DS-2019)
  • Tassa SEVIS per l’emissione del modulo DS-2019
  • Riunione di orientamento (obbligatoria) prima della partenza
  • Viaggio aereo di andata e ritorno Milano o Roma/ New York o Washington D.C.
  • L’organizzazione dei voli sempre fino a destinazione finale (con integrazione per tratte diverse da a/r Milano o Roma / New York o Washington D.C.)
  • Assistenza sanitaria durante il periodo lavorativo
  • Assistenza negli USA da parte dello staff di ASSE-Aspire Worldwide
  • Disponibilità 24 ore su 24 di un numero verde di emergenza

Grazie allo stipendio potrai:

  • Recuperare le spese del vitto e dell’alloggio
  • Mantenere parte delle tue spese personali

Le quote non comprendono:

  • Vitto e alloggio (che pagherai grazie allo stipendio guadagnato)
  • Quota di iscrizione a Mondo Insieme (Euro 100) e pagamento della tassa consolare ($180 circa)
  • Trasporti aeroporto di arrivo – alloggio / alloggio – datore di lavoro (se necessari)
  • Assicurazione sanitaria per i 30 giorni facoltativi alla fine del programma per poter visitare gli Stati Uniti
  • Quanto non espressamente menzionato sotto “la quota di partecipazione comprende”

I datori di lavoro

Il programma work and travel negli stati uniti è un’esperienza lavorativa retribuita estiva nel settore turistico..

Indipendentemente dal tuo corso di laurea, trascorrere un’estate negli Stati Uniti rappresenterà un’esperienza di vita che ti permetterà di migliorare il tuo inglese, immergerti nell’etica professionale e nella cultura americana, conoscere studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo e dare una svolta internazionale al tuo CV!

Dove vorresti trascorrere la prossima estate? Sei tu a scegliere la destinazione tra Los Angeles, San Diego, Ocean City, Seattle, Wisconsin Dells e il Parco Nazionale di Yellowstone. Non solo, ad Ocean City darai anche una preferenza sul datore di lavoro al quale candidarti. I nostri datori di lavoro sono accuratamente selezionati e inseriscono con grande entusiasmo gli studenti Work and Travel nel proprio staff, perché un team multiculturale è ideale per far fronte al boom turistico dei mesi estivi e lavorare in un clima giovane, frizzante e stimolante.

I datori di lavoro assegneranno le varie posizioni lavorative sulla base di un colloquio che faranno su Skype o in presenza, fino ad esaurimento posti. Prepareremo il vostro colloquio insieme con grande cura, prima della selezione diretta da parte del datore di lavoro; ti consigliamo quindi di iscriverti al programma il prima possibile, per permetterci di prepararti al meglio per il colloquio di lavoro!

Non sono necessarie esperienze pregresse, imparerai tutto “sul campo” e svilupperai tantissime skills utili per la tua carriera futura. Le posizioni lavorative sono svariate e si abbinano a tutti i livelli di inglese! Di seguito riportiamo i datori di lavoro tra i quali potrai scegliere ed elenchiamo le posizioni lavorative disponibili per l’estate 2024.

Siamo sempre a disposizione per ascoltare le tue esperienze pregresse e i tuoi desideri, al fine di consigliarti al meglio su quale destinazione e quale opportunità sono ideali per la tua estate a stelle e strisce.

Scarica la nostra presentazione sui datori di lavoro disponibili per l’estate 2024!

Le destinazioni Work and Travel USA

Dalla località balneare di Ocean City – gettonatissima meta turistica della Costa Est – alla metropolitana Los Angeles e alla splendida San Diego per gli amanti della California, fino alle meraviglie naturali del Parco Nazionale di Yellowstone, di Seattle e della regione dei Grandi Laghi in Wisconsin: parti per un’esperienza indimenticabile e scegli dove trascorrere la tua estate americana!


Iscriviti ora!

Sei pronto per un’esperienza unica ed entusiasmante.

Il futuro è il tuo, fai il primo passo e preparati per un’esperienza straordinaria all’estero.

Hai dubbi o domande?

Non esitare a contattarci siamo qui per fornirti tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per vivere un'esperienza straordinaria all'estero., scopri le ultime novità, resta sempre aggiornato sul nostro mondo.


Sei pronto a vivere un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile?

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Live Work Play Travel

Italy Working Holiday | Live Work and Play in Italy

by Sharyn McCullum | Last updated Jul 7, 2023 | Europe live work and play , Working Holiday Visa Destination

People Sitting At A Cafe In A Square In Rome, Italy.

Immerse yourself in Italian life in your local piazza while doing an Italy Working Holiday

Italy is a nation with incredible history and tradition. There is also superb artistic treasures and more than 100,000 magnificent monuments and buildings. Add ancient ruins, precious art, timeless cities, beautiful countryside, Italian cuisine, wine and warm hospitality and it is little wonder the country attracts millions of tourists every year. Now it is your turn. But you want to spend a little longer than a few weeks there. How do you do that? How can you live in Italy? You go to live, work and play in Italy on an Italy working holiday visa. On one of these, you can stay in Italy for up to 12 months. Yes, that’s what you do. Work and live abroad in Italy and immerse yourself in the Italian way of life. Here’s how to get started.

This post is about how you can take up this great opportunity to experience life in Italy. Perhaps learn to cook your favourite Italian food and even learn some Italian while on your Italian working holiday. Whilst all my best efforts are made to keep this information updated, I do not guarantee its accuracy. Things change, and if you find an error, please let me know so I can update the information as quickly as possible. Future fellow travellers are counting on us!

Table of Contents

Key Facts About Italy

🇮🇹 The flag of Italy 🇮🇹 Population of Italy is around 60 million people. 🇮🇹 Official language is Italian, though many speak English. 🇮🇹 Capital city of Italy is Rome. 🇮🇹 There are many large cities in Italy: Milan (Milano), Venice (Venezia), Florence (Firenze), Naples (Napoli, to name a few. 🇮🇹 Currency is Euro.

Best Time to go to Italy on a Working Holiday

Anytime is a good time to head to Italy to live, work and play. If you are going on the one year Italy working holiday visa or work permit and plan to stay for the whole year, you will experience every season. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter when you get there. If you are thinking about work opportunities and things you want to experience, the seasons may be a factor. If you want to spend time working in the ski resorts then you should be in Italy during the winter months. Planning to spend your time on a beach on the Amalfi Coast, the summer months is when you should get there. This could also be a good time to get a job in a restaurant or cafe when there are plenty of tourists visiting Italy. But anytime is a good time to go to Italy on a working holiday – cause it aint going anywhere!

Visas Available to Work in Italy

It will depend on your nationality as to what visa you may be eligible for. Here are the most popular options.

European Union (EU) Nationals

European Union (EU) nationals can live, work and play in Italy without too many restrictions. With a passport from an EU member country you will be allowed to move freely in and out of Italy, plus live and work. But each EU country has their own visa rules and regulations so check these out first at the official European Union website .

Italy Working Holiday Visa

Italy currently has a working holiday visa arrangement with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Korea. To apply for an Italian Working Holiday Visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be aged between 18-30 years old (inclusive) at the time of application. 18-35 years if from Canada.
  • Have at least €10,400 to support yourself in Italy for one year (if staying a shorter time, this is calculated on a pro-rata basis).
  • Have a round-trip plane ticket to Italy, or enough money to buy one.
  • Be single and not accompanied by dependent children.

It may take a few weeks for your working holiday visa for Italy to be processed. If you are granted a working holiday visa for Italy you can stay in Italy up to one year. You will be able to find employment for up to 6 months, but only be able to work for one employer for up to 3 months. For more details about the Italy working holiday visa and how to apply for the Italian Working Holiday Visa, contact your nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country. Once your visa has been issued, you’ll have 3 months to travel to Italy. Your visa will be valid for 12 months from the date of entry into Italy.

TIP : Find out what documents are required to apply for the visa and have them altogether before you apply. And note, that the required documentation may vary depending on which Italian Embassy or Consulate you are applying at. At time of writing the visa processing fee is €116 which is payable at the time of your application, and is usually non-refundable.

Other Visas to Visit Italy

If you do not qualify for an Italian working holiday visa or an EU passport you may like to consider investigating other visas. These include and are not limited to the the Schengen Visa for a visit of up to 90 days, student visa, work permit visa and digital nomad visa introduced in March 2022. To discover more about visas to enter Italy and how to apply, visit your nearest Italian Consulate in your home country.

How to Get to Italy?

It will depend on where you are coming from as to how you get to Italy. Many fly into Rome’s international airport, Leonardo da Vinci International Airport or one of Italy’s smaller airports. If you are looking for a good airfare check out flight availability and costs at Skyscanner. As well as by air, Italy is easily reached by road, rail and sea. Italy is well connected by road from other European countries. It is also well serviced by trains with many people travelling Italy on a Eurail Pass . Don’t forget a lot of Italy’s coastline is in the Mediterranean so you can get to Italy by ferry from other nearby countries such as Greece.

Things to do on Arrival in Italy

Before you can begin to live, work and play in Italy on your working holiday, there are some things you will need to do first.

Get your Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit)

The law in Italy requires all foreigners (including EU nationals from other EU countries) to obtain a Permesso di soggiorno (permission to remain for a designated period). You must do this within eight (8) days of arriving in Italy. The quickest and most efficient way of doing this is to go directly to the Questura (Police Station) in the province where you intend to reside. Take your passport, four passport photos, a work or study permit and an application form (that you can pick up at the Questura).  You should be given a number and within a few weeks receive the permit.

Living in Italy – Types of Accommodation in Italy

work and travel usa italia

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My favourite tools to Travel Live and Work Abroad

🏠 Where Will You Be Sleeping Tonight? – Get a bed in a hostel dorm through   HostelWorld or for a hotel room check out . Get free accommodation house and pet sitting through Trusted Housesitters – this has saved me thousands on accommodation, no joke!

✈️ Need a cheap and flexible airfare – head to Skyscanner .

 🚙 Car Rental – search and compare vehicles at DiscoverCars .

 🚆  Train Travel: I love riding the rails. For a rail pass in Europe head to Raileurope . And Japan has a great one too –  JapanRail Pass .

🚌 Travelling by bus is often the cheapest way to travel. Compare and get a ticket or a pass at Busbud .

🏃🏻‍♀️ Jump-the-queue entrance tickets and day tours: I book these through GetYourGuide .

 🌏   How to pick a country to live and work abroad in? Check out my Working Holiday Visa Country Guides and Digital Nomad Visa Country Guides to see where you can live work play travel abroad.

 🚑 Should you buy travel insurance? Absolutely Yes! SafetyWing is great digital nomads and long-term travellers and World Normads has policies for general and adventure travel.

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work and travel usa italia

Sharyn McCullum – Travel Writer / Blogger, Remote On-line Worker, sometime Digital Nomad and Travel, Live and Work Abroad Expert. Is a chocoholic, coffee connoisseur and lover of ’80s music. Been travelling all her life thanks to her dad who worked for an airline. Lived in London 4 years on a working holiday. Has holidayed in Hawaii over 15 times and currently calls Melbourne, Australia home. Is inspiring others to live work play travel around the world with this blog. Read more about Sharyn here.

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Work and Travel

Work & travel usa.

work and travel usa italia


Work & Travel USA is a cultural exchange program that allows university or tertiary students to learn about the American way of life through paid temporary work while perfectioning their English and meeting other young university students from all around the world.

Duration: 3 or 4 months

Departure date: December every year

The largest job offer in the Work and Travel USA program focuses on tourism and services, especially ski resorts, resorts, casinos and hotels. The Work and Travel Program is recognized by the United States Government.

We have more than 20 years of experience in the program. Working closely with our sponsors and employers since 2003, more than 3000 students have traveled to make this experience of living in the USA.

Work & Travel Program Options 

• Option Full: InterLatina provides the job offer.

• Option Independent: If you already have a job in the USA.

• Opción Returnee: For all the students that choose to do this experience again with us. 


• Be between 18 and 28 years of age

• Commit to work for at least three (3) months. The official program dates for Argentina are from December 1 to March 15/31

• Intermediate level of English

• To be a tertiary or university student of an institution integrated to the official education and to be studying as a regular student throughout the school year (first and second semester).

What this visa allows

Through the Work and Travel USA program you will improve your English, expand your vocabulary and gain international work experience. You will learn what is not taught in the university: you will organize your adult life away from your parents and live with other students, living on your salary and paying all your bills.

Application process

1) Work and Travel USA Program Registration: Presentation of the initial documentation, evaluation of English, payment of registration. 2) Selection of at least three Work and Travel USA job offers in which you are interested. 3) Interview with Work and Travel USA employer / sponsor by phone or skype. 4) Payment of the rest of the Work and Travel USA program: Once you have been hired, you will have to pay the balance of the program. 5) Additional documentation: Once you are hired, you must complete the documentation requested by your sponsor USA. 6) Delivery of DS 2019 for the processing of the Work and Travel USA visa. Personal interview at the embassy. 7) Air ticket: can be purchased with InterLatina once your visa is approved. 8) Travel to USA: Once in the USA you must process your Social Security Number (if it is the first time you travel to work) and present yourself at work. 9) During the program: You must perform cultural activities of which you must inform your sponsor. 10) Upon your return to Argentina you will contact us to inform about your experience. This report is very important for the continuity of the program.

Medical insurance and flights

Medical insurance is included in the program. Covers accidents and illnesses. Limited coverage of dentistry. It does not cover routine check-ups. 

The plane ticket can be purchased to InterLatina. Ask us about our offers!

InterLatina represents sponsors of VISA J1 Alliance Abroad, Spirit, Interexchange, Cultural Homestay International, International Educational Exchange, among others. 

work and travel usa italia

  • American Summers

Three travelers standing on rocks with a view.

Summer Work & Travel Program

Expand your horizons — live and work in the us over your university break.

IENA’s Summer Work and Travel program provides the opportunity for university students to live, work and travel for up to 4-months in the US.

Living and working among Americans is a great opportunity to gain great insight into life and culture in the US, make friends, and improve your English skills. At the end of your program you’ll have the opportunity to travel around the US for up to 30 days. Summer Work and Travel programs last up to four months, with an opportunity for up to one month of travel after your job ends, depending upon your university schedule. IENA will be your program sponsor and provide support before and during your stay in the US.

Create lasting memories with Work & Travel!

In the US summer, you might work…

  • At the beach
  • In amusement or water parks
  • In hospitality

In the US winter, you might work…

  • At a ski resort
  • In a restaurant

Application and Fees

Application information.

To apply to the Summer, Work and Travel Program, you must be:

  • Proficient in English (oral and written)
  • Enrolled full time in a college or university course
  • Excited about experiencing American culture

What your program includes

  • High quality service and support from start to finish
  • Optional job placement
  • 24/7 emergency line
  • Visa assistance
  • Insurance for your entire stay in the US

IENA works with certified international partners around   the world.   Please e-mail us at [email protected] to connect you with one of our partners who will guide you through the process in your home country

Group of people in a field at sunrise.

Travel Information

On the move in the us.

Aim to live close to where you work. Walking and biking allows you to get to know your neighborhood and city. You will stay physically active and save on transportation costs.

For longer trips, try public transportation in your area or rideshare services like Uber and Lyft. Local taxi services offer direct service.


Participants will arrange their own transportation to and from the US, and to their housing/destination Check with your recruiter for information on flight deals.

If your employer doesn’t have a shuttle, you may be able to arrange public transportation to/from the airport to your destination. Ask IENA or your recruiter for help in identifying public transportation options.

Participant Resources

What to see in the usa.

  • Sporting events
  • Historical sites
  • Oceans, lakes, and rivers
  • National/state/local parks and recreation areas
  • Major cities/nearby cities
  • Amusement/water parks

The following SEVIS Validation Information is for Exchange Visitors who are sponsored by IENA ONLY and participating in our Summer Work and Travel Program, including Summer Camp Support Staff.

If the Sponsor listed on your DS-2019 is not IENA, please STOP and contact your sponsor.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know traveling to a new country for work can raise a lot of questions. Check out our useful FAQs or reach out with questions

You are going to hear several terms for different forms etc. during the process. Here is our IENAipedia to those forms:

The J-1 Summer Work and Travel Visa:  This J-1 Visa is a government program that allows qualified full time students to share their cultures and ideas with the people of the United States. The J-1 Summer Work and Travel Visa is for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs. This program is run by the US Department of State .

DS-2019 Form:  This form can only be issued by a US Department of State designated visa sponsor. IENA is one of those. It certifies that you are eligible to take part in the cultural exchange program and is a vital part of the application process. In essence, it is evidence that you have a bona-fide job offer in the USA. You will need it for your embassy appointment AND you will need it when you enter into the USA. Guard it as you would guard your passport.

SEVIS Receipt (or SEVIS I-901 Receipt):  SEVIS stands for “Student Exchange Visitor Information System”. It is a system by which the US Department of State keeps track of you on the program. You will need this form when you visit the embassy for your interview

WHAT PAPERWORK WILL THE EMPLOYER REQUIRE? Social Security:  The US Government requires all employees to apply for a Social Security Number. Your employer will help you do this upon your arrival, however, you MUST validate your arrival via your IENA account BEFORE you can apply. Once done, you will need to visit the local Social Security office. You must obtain a Social Security Card. If you already have one, then that’s yours for life.

Form I-9: All employees, foreign and domestic, are required to complete this form for each employer. It is a straightforward form and you will need your passport (including J-1 Visa) and your DS-2019. Your employer will help you complete this.

Form I-94: This is your arrival and departure record. It is a good idea to print this when you get settled and keep it with you. You cannot print it until after you have arrived in the USA. It can be printed here

W-4:  This form is for tax purposes. Your employer may withhold a small amount of taxes from your salary. You ARE entitled to claim some of this back because you are not a resident of the USA. IENA partner with to make claiming back the taxes as simple as possible DO I HAVE HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA?

As you may be aware, health care is not free in the USA. You must have medical insurance. We have that covered for you. There are however some terminology and procedures it is handy to know:

Co-payment:  This is like your car insurance excess. Its an amount you always have to pay when you have treatment. For non-Emergency Room Visits, the Co-pay is $50. Whenever possible. You should always call the 800 number (free call) on the back of your insurance and discuss your symptoms before visiting a doctor. They can best advise you whether to visit a doctor and if so, where the closest clinic is.

Workers Compensation:  Whilst you are at work and carrying out your duties at work, you are covered by this insurance. This means if you have an injury/illness caused by or related to your work, you are covered by this insurance which is held by your employer. Our insurance is for non-work related cases, or injuries/illnesses that occur while on days off and while you are traveling.

Emergency Room: It’s the same thing as the A & E and is for serious injury or illness that requires immediate attention.  There is no co-pay or deductible for this if the injury/illness is deemed life threatening or requires an overnight stay. In all other cases, there will be a $350 Copay, so you should go to a walk-in clinic whenever possible.

Pre-Existing Conditions:  If you have a condition that has been treated, or you take regular medication for, in the past 6 months, it will NOT be covered by this insurance.

Here you can find more details on your insurance policy .


When it comes to social media and American culture, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Employers have withdrawn job offers to participants before they have even arrived in the USA due to things they have found on social media. Please be aware of how you portray yourself. You are going to America to be professionally employed and your public presence should reflect that. We highly recommend you make all your social media private.

Remember, even something someone else tags you in or photos someone else posts of you can have an impact on someone’s impression of you. As a general rule of thumb, think “Would I want my parents or grandparents to see this?”

Each employer will have their own set of rules with regards to social media once you arrive.


IENA recognizes there are several reasons why you may leave your job.

Getting Fired

Break the rules and you may be fired. This is a job just like a job at home.  As with any job you take, there are rules that need to be followed.

If you have been fired, the first thing you must do is call IENA.  (888)724-4292 . Your employer are also instructed to call us.  Our goal is:

  • For you to understand why you have been fired
  • Get your version of events
  • Ensure you are paid up to date
  • To make a plan with you as to where you will go, if we can place you elsewhere or how you will get home

Just because you have been terminated from employment does not mean you are not part of our program. We want to make sure you are safe and taken care of.

You Decide to Leave

We understand there are a few reasons why you may decide to leave. All we ask is that if you have any problems at your place of employment, you follow the following steps:

  • Please make sure you have given the job a chance – at least 2 weeks
  • Speak with your supervisor about any problems first and give him or her the chance to resolve
  • If this has not worked, call IENA who will advocate on your behalf

Remember as with any job, there are good days at work and bad days.  There are people you like working with, and people you don’t like working with.  Just as the employer has made a commitment to you via you job offer, you have made a commitment to the employer in acknowledging and agreeing to the terms of your job offer.

If you do decide to leave early, you MUST call IENA before you leave on (888) 724 4292 ext 4. We will want to help you make a plan to get home or find other employment.


If you have the opportunity for a second job, please contact the IENA office and we will go through the process and contact your new employer. You  MUST  do this  BEFORE  you accept and begin working for your 2 nd  job employer.


The USA is a vast country.  People say that every state is almost like a country with its own culture and compare it to Europe.  Here are some handy tools to help you:

  • Time Zones and Local Times
  • US Public Holidays
  • US Customs, Habits, and Etiquette
  • Cost of Living

Silhouette of a group of people in a field at sunset.

Join one of the best work and travel programs today!

It looks like you’re currently in United States

We recommend the following for visitors in your region:

I'm an American and am interested in participating in your programs I own or operate a business in America and am interested in your services

girl with us flag in desert

Work and Travel USA

The United States is the number one destination for many young people seeking to go abroad. Its cultural diversity, fascinating history and diverse countryside make the country a perfect destination if you want to improve your English skills and take advantage of its vast array of travel opportunities. With Intrax as your agency, you have an experienced and strong partner by your side that supports you from start to finish. We make sure that you can make the most of your work and travel adventure in the USA by helping you to find the right job and providing all the legal paperwork you need to obtain your visa. We look forward to supporting you with any questions or problems along the way. Find the right program for you now and start living your dream in the land of opportunity!

Our goal is to help you find the right program that suits you best. Whether you enjoy working with children or prefer to work in other fields, we can assist you in finding the right job placement for you.

Summer Job in the USA

Our summer job program in the USA is targeted toward university students who wish to work and travel during their semester break. You have plenty of options to choose: Take a job as a resort worker in a U.S. national park, as a lifeguard, a waiter in a café, a hotel receptionist, in a shop, or in an amusement park ticket booth. You would like to improve your language skills, get to know an American work environment and are open-minded and flexible? Then this is the right program for you! Intrax cooperates with host companies all across the United States. We provide you with detailed job descriptions and interview offers and help you find the right summer job for you!

Quick Facts at a Glance

Program Fee: 1.490 € 

3 - 4 months during your semester break

Minimum of 32 hours of work per week

Option to travel for one full month after the program

Sufficient pay to cover your main costs (state minimum wage)

As an official J1 Work Travel Visa Sponsor, Intrax takes care of the legal formalities for you to participate in the Work & Travel program.

Job placements in tourist areas across the USA


In order to take part in the summer job program you have to meet certain prerequisites. As this is a program specifically tailored toward students, you have to be enrolled in a university and should not be in your final year of studies. You must also fulfill the following requirements:

You are between the age of 18 - 28

You are a student in an EU country

You speak an intermediate level of English

Your employment must take place during your semester break from university

You are a full-time student having completed at least one semester

You have sufficient financial resources of at least $1,000 for the first month

You can repeat your work and travel program up to three times! The J-1 visa application is independent of any former participation in other J-1 programs, such as High School exchange, Au pair or Camp Counselor in the USA.

Services and Benefits

In choosing Intrax as your partner for your work and travel program, you gain an experienced and long-standing partner in the business that will be at your side for every step of the way. The Work & Travel USA program is coordinated from our American headquarters in San Francisco. Intrax USA has almost 20 years of experience with this program and has been successfully organizing summer jobs for students since 2001.

Our program costs are 100% transparent. There are no hidden fees or costs you need to worry about. 

Job interviews/video evaluations for positions are offered as we receive them and are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Intrax will offer up to 3 job interviews/video evaluations at a time. You choose one position for interview/video evaluation. 

Support in finding housing for the program duration

Program consultation and pre-departure information

24-hour emergency phone number in the USA

Medical insurance according to J1 visa regulations

DS-2019 form for applying for the J1 visa

$35 SEVIS fee included

Preparation for the visa application, including guidelines

Necessary travel documents

Online handbook

Certificate upon successful completion of the Work & Travel USA program

Visa fees (approx. $185)


Evidence of personal funds for the visa (at least $1.000)

Living costs (amount will depend on the job)

Start your Summer Job

Spend your semester break in the USA and gain experience abroad!

Step by Step to your Summer Job

woman applying online

Register online through the MyIntraxPortal. Please submit your application only if it is complete.

stack of paper

Please send your documents to  [email protected] . Please check the quality/legibility of your documents beforehand. You will find a checklist of all required documents in the MyIntraxPortal.

skype interview online

Once we have received your application, we will invite you to an interview via video in order to ensure your program and visa eligibility. Afterwards you will receive an invoice for the application fee of 300 €.

two women looking at file

Intrax will match your profile with U.S. host companies according to program dates and qualifications (i.e. certified lifeguard). Please be open to all regions in the USA. We offer you up to 4 jobs offers if needed.

woman signing contract

Once you have found a summer job, you will sign the contract with Intrax, pay the remaining program fees and also sign your job contract with your host company in the USA.

visa for the usa

We will send you the DS-2019 form to apply for the J1 visa. A personal interview at the U.S. Embassy is also required as part of the visa application process.

airport departure table

After you have received your visa you can book your flights. We will also send you an invitation for an online pre-departure orientation which will help you prepare for your summer job. 

shadow of departing plane

Once everything is ready to go, you can depart to the USA - we wish you a great time!

Real Stories

Seattle Skyline

“The company was excellent, our team was very friendly and nice. We had an international team and I was able to make many friends from the USA as well as from other Countries. The city itself is very interesting, there are a lot of big companies like Amazon and Microsoft. In conclusion, I can tell that this was one of the best summers of my life.”  

Virginia City Cafe

"Going to the USA as a J1 student was the best experience I have ever had. It really helped me a lot to learn about new cultures and meet a lot of people. Thank you for the opportunity, I really enjoyed it :)“


USA scambi culturali


Vuoi lavorare in America? SCEGLI  il tuo  job Position!   ' A GREAT OPPORTUNITY'

Sei universitario  hai dai 18 ai 28 anniiscriviti subito a work and travel', abbiamo 2 ultimi posti  disponibili, compenso 4000/7000 $..    scegli  il tuo 'job placement' tra i programmi summer camp usa e work & travel usa-vivi un’estate americana indimenticabile che ti cambierà la vita…, destinazioni in america-, parchi in california: yellowstone park, yosemite-  .

NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Jersey, New York, Miami, Alaska, Hawaii…...

Work and Travel (per studenti universitari) - Periodo15 Giugno-15 settembre- 12 settimane- Eta' 18/28

Attractions attendant, barista, hotel management, caricature artist, amusement park, bar,  pub, altro… quota: e. 2990+ 95 spese iscrizione, summer camps usa- ( per studenti di scuola superiore , studenti , insegnanti, lavoratori di eta' 18/28) -, periodo 15 giugno-18 agosto 2024- 9 settimane quota: e. 435+ 230 iscrizione, animatore, istruttore camp counsellor nei summer camps usa-  periodo 15 giugno-18 agosto 2024- 9 settimane,  accompagnatore.......di gruppi di studenti americani della scuola media e scuola superiore nei camps, con altri counsellors internazionali.. ...........tutor.


Summer Camp USA Education

La tua vacanza lavoro in america.

È per te questo programma di 'Vacanza Lavoro', come Camp Counsellor, riservato agli studenti  dai 18 ai 28 anni, anche senza un diploma di Scuola Superiore e anche se non si è studenti universitari. Potrai partire il 15 giugno 2024 per  9 settimane  con un programma di scambio culturale per migliorare la lingua inglese. Puoi scegliere tu il lavoro nei 'CAMPS AMERICANI'!  È un programma senza spese e remunerato. Ti aspettiamo! PERIODO: 15 GIUGNO-18 AGOSTO 2024-



Work & Travel USA 2024

Parti con noi per diventare cittadino del mondo,'gobalcitizen'.

Iscriviti ora con soli 230 Euro (Fee di consulenza). Programma riservato ai soli studenti universitari.

JOB Opportunity

Si parte dall'Italia con un lavoro assegnato prima della partenza. Scegli tu il lavoro e la destinazione Avrai anche, oltre un compenso di circa 4000$,  il rimborso delle tasse americane a febbraio del 2025 -


Scegli 3 tra:

  • California & Nevada
  • New England
  • Pacific Northwest
  • Massachusetts
  • Washington State



DA MUKHAMMADJON KARIMOV,  STUDENTE DELLA UNIVERSITA' DI TORINO    I want to write as a testimonial about 'STI Travels Work and Travel agency.'.. Very supportive and helpful, always available for any kind of requests and questions... The best one so far

Gloria koranteng studentessa dalla  nigeria.

«Sono Gloria Koranteng e vi scrivo per ringraziarvi per la bella esperienza che ho avuto mentre stavo negli Stati Uniti l'estate scorsa. Thanks a lot for guiding me through. I will definitely contat your agency if I still wanna go next year. Thank you for your wonderful Job. I am in NYC, at Hellenic Bar!».


Salvatore Ambrosino

Da Napoli a Baltimora, Washington

«Salve professoressa come sta? Spero che lei stia bene ed in grande forma, tanto quanto l'America ha fatto stare bene me! Devo dire che sembra tutto un sogno.

Il lavoro che ho trovato è fantastico , inoltre la mia compagnia dove lavoro offre l'esperienza di Work&travel a tutto il mondo ed ho avuto modo di conoscere grazie a loro amici provenienti dalla: Giordania, Turchia, Macedonia, America latina e tante tante altre nazionalità.

Sono stato durante questi tre mesi a Miami, a New york, a Washington e in Porto Rico. Le allego qualche foto a Washington e altre con tutti i ragazzi che ho conosciuto. Le mando un gran saluto e vi ringrazio per tutto ciò, spero di rimanere in contatto con lei, perché lei ha cambiato la mia vita.


Diana Cannarozzi

Da Bologna a New York

«Sono davvero entusiasta di questa questa esperienza in Summer di Work and Travel in America, vicino a New York. Senza dubbio viaggiare e soprattutto imparare una lingua ti apre la mente e gli orizzonti. Ringrazio STI Travels e lo sponsor che ogni anno fanno partire ragazzi da quasi ogni parte del mondo e li fanno tornare a casa "ADULTI". Ho apprezzato il contesto informale del lavoro (niente divisa o cartellino); gli americani guardano il risultato :) Il mio datore di lavoro si è fidato di me sin dal primo giorno e ho vissuto questi 3 mesi come una vera e propria vacanza più che come un lavoro».

Deborah Chila

Da Bologna al Shelter Island Hotel, New York

«"Best Experience ever": solo tre parole per descrivere una delle esperienze più belle che abbiamo mai fatto. Non c'è stato niente di più entusiasmante di questo viaggio. Ambiente di lavoro super, ottima sistemazione, New York, agenzia seria e sempre presente» (2019)

Alessandro e Agnese Garbugli

Da Perugia a New York

«Siamo andati due volte. Esperienza incredibile!» (2021-22/2023)

Maria Regina Gramoschi

Da Terni allo Yellowstone Park, California

«Desideravo venire qui a prendermi cura degli orsi. Sono molto contenta! Ho visitato San Francisco: bellissima!…» (2023)


Work and Travel in America

È per te, se sei iscritto all'università in italia.

L'età utile per partecipare è dai 18 ai 28 anni ed è possibile partire oltre il 15 giugno se hai degli esami universitari da dare, anche sino a circa metà luglio.

Ti viene richiesto un livello intermedio B1/B2 , verificabile con colloquio in inglese, via Skype o Zoom. È l'ideale per te se desideri vivere un'esperienza lavorativa dinamica e interessante negli Stati Uniti e se sei disponibile a trattenerti in America per almeno 3 MESI.

ENGLISH: Work and travel USA




Il programma si effettua in tutti gli States, presso strutture alberghiere, fast food, ristoranti, nella Costa Est, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, New York State, New Jersey, Maine, Michigan, oppure parchi gioco in California a Santa Cruz o sulla costa, o nei Parchi nazionali dell'Ovest, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, ecc.

LAVORO DI 3 mesi più un mese di viaggio PER TURISMO FACOLTATIVO all'interno degli Stati Uniti.

Il periodo di permanenza in America è definito dal tipo e validità del visto consolare. Il visto consolare con cui si parte è un 'VISTO CULTURALE" che ti agevola a migliorare il tuo inglese parlato e non solo. Per te diventa una 'nuova esperienza di vita', nuove amicizie, nuovi viaggi, incontro con diverse culture, l'aprirti a nuovi orizzonti, contatti di vari amici americani e internazionali. 

Lo scopo del tuo viaggio negli Stati Uniti è quello di migliorare il tuo inglese e di venire a contatto con la cultura del Paese, secondo il tipo di visto che otterraio che e'  un 'Cultural Visa' .


  • Amusement Parks - Parco Giochi
  • Food and Beverage, ristoranti, bar,
  • Shop Assistant,
  • Hospitality-Fast Food - Hotel, Restaurant
  • Ski Resorts

PARTI per una nuova avventura oltre oceano. Tornerai a casa con un ottimo inglese ed èquesta una esperienza "UNICA"che ti resterà impressa tutta la vita e TI FARÀ DIVENTARE "CITTADINO DEL MONDO", 'GLOBAL CITIZEN!'.

PERCORSI: 'FULL PLACEMENT' o 'SELF-PLACEMENT ' se hai gia' un datore di lavoro che ti accetta in America!


  • avrai un coordinatore tutor americano su posto di lavoro che ti aiuta
  • assistenza dell nostra agenzia  24/7, dal momento dell'iscrizione e finché non rientrerai dagli Stati Uniti,
  • nella preparazione dell'application (domanda)
  • nell'ottenimento del visto consolare
  • nella preparazione dei documenti da consegnare al Consolato Americano in Italia.

Per tutti gli studenti italiani e internazionali, contattare il nostro recapito telefonico WhatsApp: +39 346 2368954 oppure +39 347 6650406




Self arranged.

Per chi ha già un lavoro in America, dispone dei requisiti come sopra e si iscrive al programma Work&Travel perché necessita di visto consolare e assistenza per potere effettuare il programma. Il costo è inferiore rispetto al FULL SERVICE.


Per chi desidera ottenere un lavoro da STI Travels in America con il supporto della Nostra organizzazione americana partner.



Viene reperito dal datore di lavoro, in camere multiletto a trattamento self-catering; di solito nell'appartamento o residence condiviso con altri studenti internazionali. Il costo dell'alloggioè detratto dall' Employer dal compenso settimanale.


Il tuo compenso sarà di circa 1500 $ al mese per un impegno lavorativo di 30/40 ore alla settimana più eventuali mance. Avrai il rimborso delle tasse americane sul tuo stipendio a febbraio dell'anno successivo, semplicemente completando un Form che ti verrà consegnato dal nostro partner all'Orientation.  Reperimento del Summer Job.

Quota di Partecipazione: chiamaci al. 3476650406 o mandaci un whatsapp o e mail a [email protected]

Il programma  comprende:  

  • TEST/Colloquio gratuito in lingua inglese, obbligatorio e richiesto dall'Organizzazione Sponsor Statunitense, livello  accettato a partire da B1/B2...,
  • Controllo di tutta la Application (domanda) americana,
  • Reperimento della posizione lavorativa retribuita prima della partenza dall'Italia per gli Stati Uniti, puoi scegliere tu il lavoro tu… e puoi andare con un amico/a,
  • Assistenza personalizzata per tutto il periodo 24/7,  anche per l'ottenimento del  visto consolare,
  • Meetings informativi prima della partenza via skype o webinars, Zoom, Google Meet, incontri di persona , on site,
  • Controllo della documentazione, consulenza e assistenza 24/7 da parte di STI Travels per tutto il periodo di permanenza negli States,
  • Assistenza dell'ufficio estero partner e Sponsor in loco, 24/7,
  • Servizio di emergenza 24/7,
  • Assicurazione medica e bagaglio,
  • Omaggio Agenzia e Sim card americana,
  • Volo aereo ITALIA/USA 

Il programma non include: 

  • Spese di Consulenza e spese Iscrizione per apertura pratica: € 95,
  • Spese per la pratica dell'ottenimento del visto consolare J1: Tasse Consolari USA : SEVIS TAX E EMBASSY,
  • Tasse aereoportuali ,
  • Go to the U.S.
  • For Work Exchange
  • Work & Travel USA

Let's Get Started

employees jumping on mountain in usa

How To Apply For Work And Travel

Ready to begin your American adventure? Let us help you find a job in the United States – just as we do for more than 15,000 international students each year. 

The first step is to connect with the CIEE international representative closest to you. If you can’t find a CIEE representative in your country, you can apply directly to CIEE. Send us  an email  to learn more.

Find a Representative by Country

EBLA Educational Business Links Albania     +355 67 20 77 990   [email protected]

Integral Albania    [email protected]

Kouzon    00355695417369   00355695417385   [email protected]

Tandek Exchange your mind    +355682060277   [email protected]

WEUSA    +(5411) 4773-7327   [email protected]

BUNAC    +61 3 9119 5252

Work and Travel Group     066/375-888   [email protected]

Kouzon Work and Travel BiH    387 66 533 030   [email protected]

Integral    359 28050600   [email protected]

Usit Colours    359 29811900, ext 306   [email protected]

WEUSA    (+56) 2 2378 7083   [email protected]

Raising Culture    +8618610165402   [email protected]

SunnySky Intl Cultural Exchange    +8602981707357   [email protected]

Servicio Educativo Internacional    +57 (1) 2745798   [email protected]

Smaller Earth Colombia

SEP Costa Rica    +506 2253 4007   [email protected]

Integral    385 1 4683 381   [email protected]

Work and Travel Group    097 720-12-56   [email protected]

Applimates Educational Consultancy Service    +357-22669757 and +90-548- 853-9714   [email protected]

WYSE TRAVEL    +35725345273    [email protected]

Czech-us    +420 773 960 963   [email protected]

Smaller Earth Czech Republic    +420 702 060 336   [email protected]

Student Agency Czech Republic    +1800 100 300   [email protected]

The North-West Passage    +16199720555   [email protected]

ODTE    +1 809 686 3333   [email protected]

OFIT    +1 809 535 4881   [email protected]

APEX… tu camino    +593 (2) 2460484   [email protected]

Ordex    +201093699639   [email protected]

EX Egypt    +201030117310   [email protected]

Star Travel Georgia    +99532 2967799   [email protected]

Work and Travel Group    +30 210 822 0015 [email protected]

Student and Youth Travel Organization    +233 (0) 302 769157   [email protected]

Smaller Earth Hungary    (36) 20-662-5938   [email protected]

Work and Travel Group     +36 70 270 2211   [email protected]

Speedwing Training (Asia) Pte Ltd    +65 62567555   [email protected]

Global Insight    +1 (876) 9788098   [email protected]

International Recruiting Staffing Solutions    +1 (876) 7541836   [email protected]

International Travel and Cultural Exchange    +1 (876) 3783876   [email protected]

Divan Student Travel    +96265511950   [email protected]>

Travel Gates    962 79 691 5148   [email protected]

AirTravel International    +87(17)262-5745    [email protected]

Kazakhstan Council for Educational Travel (KCET)    +7 727 2723722,   +7 747 2507777,   +7 705 249 7337   [email protected]

ABC Universe Kazakhstan    +77075619621   [email protected]

Jaunimo Keliones    370 604 13172   [email protected]

Lithuanian World Center for Work Experience and Studies Abroad    +370 37 223355   [email protected]

Kouzon & Co.    389 2 3238 801   [email protected]

Infinity Abroad    +6012 321 0397   [email protected]

OOTB Personal Development Sdn Bhd    60 3 2164 5407   [email protected]

Speedwing Malaysia S/B    +65 6526 7555   [email protected]

International Cultural Exchange    +52 1 3312462744   [email protected]

Smaller Earth Mexico    (52) 222-211-0956   [email protected]

Kouzon    0038268271671   [email protected]

Work and Travel Group    +382 20 / 675 164   [email protected]

WAT Montenegro    069 450 405, 067 357 377   [email protected]

Phi S.A.    505-8424-0314   [email protected]

BUNAC    +64 9 883 2525

International Working Holidays    +64 9 6660192   [email protected]

Internship New Zealand    +64 (4) 920 7646   [email protected]

Almatur    48 22 826 23 56   [email protected]

The Best Way    48 61 622 95 51   [email protected]

Business Travel Club    BTC - stany,pl   +48 726 020 050   [email protected]

Camp Leaders Poland    (48) 81-532-34-64   [email protected]

GTS International Romania    +4021.313.4545   [email protected]

IntegralEdu Work & Travel    +40 737 069 011   [email protected]

Student Travel    40 756068541   [email protected]

STM Acord Travel    +40784433555   [email protected]

Global Vision    +7 812 970 06 25   [email protected]

Star Travel    +7 495 797 95 55   [email protected]

Divan International    +966126676161   [email protected]

Agencia Kouzon I Ko doo    381 18 523374   [email protected]

IUVIA NGO    00381113035788   [email protected]

Work & Travel Group    00381 11 40 56 198   [email protected]

Smaller Earth Slovakia    (421) 0918-935-622   [email protected]

Student Agency Slovakia    420 5 42 42 42 42   [email protected]

CIEE Study Center Seville    (+34) 954-412-002   [email protected]

Foreign Study League    34-917-819-910   [email protected]

Travelingua    34-965.12.38.12   [email protected]

StudyZone (Advis Educational Counseling)    +90 (212) 3938296   [email protected] 

Armada Grandee Education Consulting    +90 (312) 4192121   [email protected]

United Towers    +90 (212) 2445005   [email protected]

Coliseum    38 (044) 239-1919   [email protected]

Star Travel Ukraine    +38 0443834112   [email protected]

Student Travel    (+380) 99 940 49 62, (+380) 93 271 70 20   [email protected]

BUNAC    +44 333 014 8484

IST Plus    44 (0) 207 788 7877   [email protected]

Parenthèse    33 1 43 36 37 07   [email protected]

WEUSA    +(5411) 4773-7327   [email protected]

Speedwing Training (Asia) Pte Ltd    +65 6256 7555   [email protected]

If you can’t find a CIEE international representative in your country, you can apply directly to CIEE. Send us an email to learn more.

trainee at desk cubicle

How Does the Program Work?

You will be welcomed as a visitor with a U.S. Department of State J-1 visa. This visa allows you to live and work in the United States for up to four months during your university summer break. It also gives you the possibility to travel for an additional 30 days after your job ends.

Visitors with J-1 visas require a sponsor. As a student in the CIEE Work & Travel USA program, CIEE is your sponsor. We’re responsible for making sure you are prepared to live in America, have access to a good job with a responsible employer, and have a meaningful cultural exchange experience. We also monitor your health, safety and well-being while you are in this country.

You will be working for one of thousands of employers located all across the United States. Your representative can tell you all you need to know about your employment options.

usa employee at amusement park

Are You Eligible?

To be eligible for the CIEE Work & Travel USA Program, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (check with your local representative for specific rules)
  • Be registered as a full-time university student
  • Be able to function in English, both at work and in a community
  • Have a pre-arranged job (CIEE can help)
  • Have at least $800 to support yourself upon arrival in the United States

We welcome students who wish to come back. Ask your CIEE international representative, or contact CIEE for further details to find out if you are a candidate for a second visit.

© 2024 CIEE. All Rights Reserved.

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Work and Travel USA

International Cultural Exchange Program


Summer Work and Travel USA Program

The Summer Work Travel program provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the United States during their summer vacation from college or university to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the United States.

Participants in the program must be post-secondary school students in an educational institution outside the United States who have completed at least one semester or equivalent of post-secondary academic study. Additionally they must possess sufficient proficiency in English and must be pre-placed in a job prior to entry unless from a visa waiver country. Applicants must be pre-placed in a job prior to entry. U.S. based exchange visitor sponsors will issue form DS-2019 once they accept applicants into their program.

Participants are allowed to work up to four months during their summer break and are generally allowed a grace period (usually 30 days) to travel in the United States after the end of the exchange program. The Summer Work Travel is not for visitors who only want to travel in the United States; to enter the United States as a tourist only the correct visa category is B-2.

See  or  FAQ  for further information.

HISTORY OF Summer Work&Travel

The Summer Work Travel program was created by the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Senator J. William Fulbright’s legislation to increase mutual understanding between Americans and the people of other countries.

This legislation created such important academic exchanges as the Fulbright Program, among many others.

In that legislation, Senator Fulbright also saw the need for work-based exchange programs like Summer Work Travel. 

Over 50+ years, Summer Work Travel has become the U.S.’ largest student exchange program. It is privately funded and costs nothing to the U.S. taxpayer. In addition to its diplomatic and foreign policy benefits, the program has evolved to provide important economic benefits to U.S. host businesses and seasonal communities. 

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local communities, individuals and families

162 Countries

for volunteering, working and cultural exchange

579531 Feedbacks

the world‘s leading community

Low cost travel

without having to pay expensive agency fees

Volunteer and work in Italy - low cost travel abroad - Workaway

Here at Workaway you will find 500+ hosts and organisations for volunteer work in Italy. Low cost travel without having to pay expensive agency fees.


Travel to regions in Italy

Pescara, L'Aquila

  • Aosta Valley   (15)

Bari, Taranto, Foggia, Lecce, Barletta, Brindisi

Reggio di Calabria, Catanzaro, Crotone, Vibo Valentia

Naples, Salerno, Caserta, Benevento

  • Emilia–Romagna   (221)
  • Friuli–Venezia Giulia   (51)

Rome, Civitavecchia

  • Lombardy   (342)
  • Piedmont   (306)
  • Sardinia   (138)

Palermo, Catania, Messina, Siracusa, Ragusa, Marsala

  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol   (105)
  • Tuscany   (500+)

Verona, Venice, Treviso

Last minute volunteer opportunities

Here you will find 73 last minute opportunities for volunteering in Italy from Hosts that have indicated that they require help immediately.

Latest from our community in Italy

See the latest updates and news from our hosts in Italy

Checkout new hosts that have signed up and are offering volunteering spots

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Feedback from Workaway members

There are 13222 reviews for 500+ Hosts and organizations in Italy. 500+ Hosts in Italy were rated at least 4.9/5!

The 5 weeks I spent with Colin and Louisa was some of the most important time in my life to date. They welcomed us all with open arms and we became a ...


by Maurice , 2 Apr 2024

I've spent a week with Amelia in her beautiful house in the Italian countryside, helping her in her house and garden (even though the weather was not ...

by Lili , 2 Apr 2024

We truly enjoyed our two-week stay at Soundou’s and Enrico’s place and are already missing them and the children. We felt really well cared for, the f...

by Ella , 2 Apr 2024

I was extremely pleased with my volunteer experience at Telma's house in Campagna. From the moment I arrived, I was warmly welcomed and felt at home i...

by Rodrigo , 2 Apr 2024

We absolutely loved staying with this family and helping them with their baby:) They were so welcoming and open and gave us the opportunity to learn a...

by Maxie & Marlene , 2 Apr 2024

Registering as a Host

Registering as a host with is completely free of charge. has been set up to promote and encourage exchange and learning. Hosts on Workaway should be interested in cultural exchange and sharing experiences. They should be able to provide a welcoming friendly environment for visitors as well as offering accommodation and food.

Workaway benefits

work and travel usa italia

Popular Hosts and organizations in Italy

Family (500+), individual (156), farmstay (141), sustainable project (49), community (33), house sitting (19), animal welfare (16), hostel (10).

From the restaurants in Rome to the majestic Mediterranean Islands - it's no wonder Italy is visited by nearly 75 million people every year. But here's the secret: beyond the tourist hotspots lies a very different Italy waiting to be discovered.

From the olive groves of Tuscan farms to the crystal clear coastline of Sardinia, if you’re ready to unveil a more meaningful connection with this Mediterranean gem - listen up!

Why just be a tourist when you can become a part of Italy's story? Volunteering in Italy isn't just an opportunity to taste La Dolce Vita – it's a chance to make a difference in a way you'll never forget.

Reasons to Volunteer in Italy

You will never be hungry Volunteering is one of the best ways to help travel through your tastebuds and there’s no arguing Italy offers some of the best food in the entire world. Tuscany is a foodie haven in particular, famed for its hearty meats, world renowned olive oil and delicious bread and cheese.

Northern Italy is known for its rich dishes such as creamy risottos and hearty stews whereas central Italy is home to classics like pasta and rustic soups. Southern Italy is more influenced by Mediterranean flavours as well as the beloved pizza, pasta and fresh seafood. You’re guaranteed to leave with a full heart and a full stomach.

Head Off The Beaten Track There are parts of Italy seriously struggling with mass tourism. For example the chain of charming little villages known as Cinque Terre is home to fewer than 4,000 locals. Yet in 2022 as many as 3 million people visited here. Venice is also struggling with a dwindling local population as over tourism threatens its World Heritage Status.

Whether you’re travelling Europe on a budget , or simply want to escape the crowds, volunteering in Italy is one of the best ways to head off the beaten track and avoid contributing to this problem. Instead enjoy an authentic, slower paced side of the country. You’ll be rewarded with a deeper connection to the local culture and a unique adventure unlike anyone else's.

Language Learning If you plan on travelling the world as a language teacher , Workaway is one of the best ways to do it. Volunteering in Italy guarantees total immersion which will have you learning Italian in record breaking time, while sharing your language skills with the communities that need it most.

Island life While Italy’s boot-shaped mainland has no shortage of incredible destinations, there are over 400 islands within the country’s borders ready to be explored! The islands are famous for their black sand beaches and dramatic landscapes carved by volcanic activity.

While Capri and Panarea are renowned as holiday destinations for the rich and famous, there are others that offer more rustic charm well worth visiting from Sicily and Sardinia which are the largest in the entire Mediterranean, to the tiny pastel-painted paradise of Procida that’s only two square miles.

Regional Highlights of Italy

Whether you want to ski in The Dolomites, or sip your way around Tuscany’s vineyards, you could say Italy offers all kinds of adventure. The country is divided into 20 administrative regions, including 5 autonomous regions which are Sicily, Sardinia, Aosta Valley, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.

Autonomous regions simply mean they have slightly more control over local laws and how funds are spent in comparison to the other regions. This is to preserve these region’s unique cultural and linguistic differences.

You can filter your host results by each region to help plan your volunteering adventure in Italy:

Nestled between the Apennine Mountains and the Adriatic Sea, Abruzzo offers something for all kinds of travellers. Hikers, wildlife enthusiasts, and those looking to escape the crowds will appreciate Gran Sasso National Park, where hiking, skiing, and wildlife watching are popular. Additionally, wine lovers can appreciate local Montepulciano wines, and history buffs can explore the region's charming mediaeval towns, such as L'Aquila. Best of all we have over 50 hosts in the region waiting for you!

Aosta Valley

From mediaeval castles to Mont Blanc and Matterhorn, there is SO much to love about Aosta Valley. The region is a haven for winter sport enthusiasts as well as foodies (you cannot leave without trying the famous fondue!) The majority of hosts here are in search of volunteers passionate about English practice so if you’re a language teacher with an adventurous spirit, this is the region for you.

For those in search of more tranquillity than adrenaline, the "heel" of Italy, Apulia offers the perfect mix of coastline, culture and culinary delights. Enjoy the unique architecture in Alberobello, the Baroque beauty of Lecce, and some of Italy's most delicious pasta dishes. With 162 hosts in this region alone, it could not be easier to live like a local in Apulia.

Basilicata offers a quieter, more authentic Italian experience, perfect for volunteers who crave a crowd free trip to immerse themselves in local culture. History fans can unearth the beauty of Matera, a UNESCO World Heritage city with ancient cave dwellings while nature enthusiasts may prefer the tranquillity of the Pollino National Park. As the largest national park in Italy, it’s also one of the largest in Europe.

If you’re big on sand and sea, Calabria will be your sort of vibe. Better yet, it is the country’s least visited region with many locals nicknaming it “the wild Italy '' due to its untouched landscapes and lack of tourists. You can expect some of Italy's most beautiful beaches along the 800km of coastline.This also means you’ll find it's the perfect destination for volunteers interested in marine conservation or even surfing . Calabria is home to some of the best surf spots in Italy especially in Capo Rizzuto or Tropea!

Campania is steeped in history and home to iconic sites such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Naples. Dream of sailing or boating with Workaway? This region is where you can find the Amalfi Coast, a paradise with snorkelers and home to the island of Capri. Then indulge in the region’s famous Neapolitan pizza, fresh seafood, and limoncello before adventuring to the cliffside villages like Positano and Ravello.


While any region in Italy will do wonders for your waistline, the Emilia–Romagna region in particular is a foodie paradise. If you crave authentic Italian cuisine, this region is known for Parmigiano-Reggiano, Balsamic vinegar, and delicious pasta. As a tip, homestays in this region are the best way to not only eat authentic Italian food, but learn how to cook it too! To work off those carbs, explore the beautiful art in Bologna and the seaside charm of Rimini. This region offers experiences for all backgrounds - fortunately we have over 200 hosts here to show you around!

Friuli–Venezia Giulia

Wine fans and outdoor enthusiasts - this is your region! Sample world-class white wines in Friuli. Sail and windsurf on the Adriatic, explore Grotta Gigante (the world's largest tourist cave) as well as the beauty of the Julian Alps. If you’re travelling as a couple , this is a particularly romantic region - popular for its picturesque towns and charming vibes.

Lazio is home to Rome, the capital of Italy and a wealth of iconic landmarks including the Colosseum, the Vatican City, and the Roman Forum. Or switch the city for a slower pace of life in the charming towns and villages like Tivoli, go hiking in the Apennine Mountains, or explore the Alban Hills and Castelli Romani. Best of all, who needs a tour guide when you have over 260 hosts in the Lazio region alone!

Thanks to Liguria's stunning Mediterranean coastline, it is one of the more touristy regions. It’s where you’ll find the colourful villages of Cinque Terre hugging the coastline as well as some of the best fresh seafood, pesto sauce and authentic Italian dishes. Whether you want an adventurous escape filled with sailing, diving and windsurfing or a relaxing retreat enjoying the quaint fishing villages, Liguria is home to 162 Workaway hosts ready to show you around.

Fashionistas flock to Milan, for its high-end shopping, iconic street style and world famous fashion weeks. However there is so much more to this region! It features stunning lakes, including Lake Como and Lake Maggiore which means picturesque landscapes and outdoor activities like boating and hiking won’t be hard to find. It’s also one of the most popular regions in Italy, but you can skip the crowds (and tourist prices!) by living like a local instead. With over 330 hosts in the region alone, it could not be easier to head off the beaten track and discover what the guidebooks don’t tell you.

From exploring the Frasassi Caves to paragliding in the Sibillini Mountains, you’ll find adventure easily in Marche. Alternatively unwind with the regional wines like Verdicchio or indulge in the delicious local dishes such as porchetta (roast pork) and Vincisgrassi (a type of lasagna.) The region also boasts over 100 hosts offering all kinds of volunteer experiences from hostels to homeschooling.

Molise is the perfect region for those who want to head off the beaten track as it’s one of the least visited regions in Italy. For example, more than 3.6 million tourists visited Tuscany last year, but only 20,000 went to Molise in comparison. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and unhurried pace of life in the historic towns of Isernia, Campobasso and Termoli.

Picturesque Piedmont is textbook “Italian” - rolling hills are dotted with vineyards, pristine lakes are surrounded by snow-capped mountains and the capital city of Turin looks straight out of a fairytale. It is also a haven for foodie fans as you’ll find white truffle (and its annual festival) as well as walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and homemade cheeses in abundance. We have over 300 hosts in Piedmont many of who are seeking support in organic farming, permaculture and off grid living.

From demanding hikes to incredible surf spots, it’s no wonder Sardinia is a super popular region of Italy. The majority of visitors flock to the island’s mesmerising beaches, particularly along Costa Smeralda (which happens to also be the most expensive area on the island). But there is so much more to enjoy! Art fans will love the mural town of Orgosolo covered in colourful street art, hikers should head for Gola di Gorropu (often nicknamed Italy’s Grand Canyon) and beach lovers will adore Cala Brandinchi a beach lined with cool pine forest on one side, turquoise waters on the other. Best of all, with over 120 hosts on the island, it couldn’t be easier to experience real Sardinia from a local’s perspective.

As the largest island in the Mediterranean, it's no surprise there is so much to see and do in Sicily. Originally dominated by the Greeks, the island was passed on to the Romans and then the European powers during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. This means nowadays, Sicily is a treasure trove of history, with ancient Greek temples in Agrigento, Roman mosaics in Villa Romana del Casale, and the historic cities of Palermo and Syracuse.

The island is known for landmarks like The Valley of Temples and Mount Etna as well as its heavenly sandy beaches, delicious wine and incredible cuisine like arancini, cannoli, and seafood specialties. You could spend months here and never be bored so it's a good job we have over 400 hosts dotted all over the island!

Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

This mountainous northern region offers thrilling winter sports as well as tranquil hiking trails. It’s also home to the Dolomites - an epic mountain range with 18 peaks that rise above 3,000metres high! You’ll notice a blend of Italian and Austrian influences, evident in the architecture, culture, and cuisine. This also makes it a great region for volunteer language teachers as many locals are also native German speakers. This means there is a demand for German, Italian and English teachers.

Some would say it’s the picturesque vineyards and enchanting cities like Florence, Siena, and Pisa, that make Tuscany Italy’s second most popular region. Others would argue it’s the food that entices the crowds. The region is renowned for its simple yet flavorful cuisine, featuring dishes like ribollita (a hearty vegetable and bread soup), pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup), and bistecca alla fiorentina (a thick T-bone steak).

But there are still some hidden gems to be discovered like the paradise beaches of Elba (the largest island of the Tuscan archipelago), the hot springs of Bagni San Filippo and the World Heritage Site of Val D’Orcia. Did we mention we have over 500 hosts in Tuscany ? From house sitting to community projects you’ll have no problem finding your perfect project!

Often nicknamed the "Green Heart of Italy" , Umbria is known for its emerald hills and vineyards as far as the eye can see. If you crave a peaceful escape, this is the region for you. As you may guess agriculture is a massive industry here, with the region renowned for tobacco, vineyards and olive oil. This makes it the perfect place for foodies and farm volunteers alike.

From wine tasting to wakeboarding, you’ll then have no shortage of ways to spend your free time. If you choose to stay with one of our 120+ hosts in Umbria , don’t forget to visit Assisi, with its Basilica of St. Francis, a significant pilgrimage site and Italy’s fourth largest lake, Trasimeno as well as the peaceful villages of Spello and Trevi.

Saving the busiest region until last, Veneto stretches from the beautiful beaches of the Adriatic Sea to the snow-capped summits of the Dolomites. It is home to Venice, the "City of Canals" which is the region’s capital and one of the most visited destinations in the entire country. You can’t visit Veneto without a trip to Italy’s largest lake - Lake Garda - with charming towns such as Lazise, Torri del Benaco, and Malcesine dotted around its shores. If you’re feeling romantic, head to Verona - where the story of Romeo and Juliet takes place. As a bonus, it’s also the birthplace of prosecco and tiramisu - do you need any more reasons to visit!?

Volunteering in Italy

Now you’re clued up on Italy’s regions, let’s plan your volunteering adventure. Why have yet another beach holiday when you can be part of an unforgettable cultural exchange? Switch sitting on an overpriced gondola in Venice for a tractor in Tuscany. Instead of the crazy crowds of Cinque Terre, surround yourself with the stunning countryside of Umbria. By joining Workaway , you’ll discover the real Italy is so much more than Rome and Ravioli!

As the world’s leading community for volunteering and cultural exchange, Workaway is the perfect platform to connect with locals in Italy. Whether you are a solo backpacker trying to find a travel buddy , recently retired or setting off on a grown up gap year – we can help you find your perfect host. Best of all, you can join as a solo traveller, as a couple, or even as a family! In exchange for a few hours of work each day, your host will usually provide free accommodation and meals. Mamma Mia indeed!

How to Find the Perfect Host in Italy

As well as searching by region, use your skills and interests as keywords in the search box to find your dream host in Italy. Whether you’re enticed by the beaches of Sardinia, dream of sailing the Amalfi Coast or hiking your way through the Dolomites – your perfect host is literally a few clicks away.

Best of all, when you join Workaway you are not limited to one project or region. For a small membership fee you have access to over 50,000 volunteer opportunities across 170 countries. After Italy, why not head over the border? To the north, the Alps separate Italy from France , Switzerland , Austria , and Slovenia - best of all we have hosts in each of these countries too!

Making a Difference in Italy

Although we’ve mentioned a few opportunities in the regions above, here is a brief overview of the type of volunteering projects that are particularly popular in Italy:

What’s more rewarding than indulging in Italy’s incredible cuisine? Learning how to grow it! From olives in Puglia to the famous oranges and lemons of Sicily, San Marzano tomatoes to Veneto’s vineyards - there are so many ways you can learn about the farming processes behind your favourite foods in Italy.


Handy with a hammer? Perfect! From maintaining traditional trulli in Puglia to restoring a 16th century farmhouse in Tuscany - there are so many restoration and DIY projects that need your help. Renovation and repair skills are some of the best skills you can learn before your next Workaway as there is always a demand for volunteers within these areas. From fence painting to furniture upcycling, plumbing to plastering - there are so many ways you can lend a hand and help protect Italy’s heritage one beautiful building at a time.

Social Impact

Social impact volunteer work is all about creating positive change in communities and empowering those in need. From working with children and youth NGOs to education and women's empowerment projects, there are endless opportunities to give back to the world (although, it is vital we all learn how to give back the right way! ) These projects are not only rewarding but also allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture, and make meaningful connections with locals .

Language Teacher

As mentioned, there are 5 autonomous regions in Italy with the goal of preserving each region’s unique cultural and linguistic differences. While volunteering anywhere in Italy will help you learn the language fast , these regions are particularly special if you want to further your language learning or teaching experience. Each region speaks Italian but a large percentage of its population also speak another language. For example:

  • Friuli-Venezia Giulia – While the official language is Italian, Friulian is spoken almost everywhere. You may also hear the Venetian language, the Triestine dialect, and some Slovenian dialects spoken in parts of this region.
  • Sardinia – The official language is Italian, with Sardu spoken by almost everyone. However, you may also pick up other dialects such as Algherese, Gallurese, and Sassarese.
  • Sicily – Expect Sicilian to be spoken by almost everyone.
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol – The official languages are both Italian and German. However a small percentage of the population can also speak one (or more) of three dialects: Ladin, Mòcheno and Cimbrian.
  • Val d’Aosta – The official languages are Italian and French (known as Aostan French), with nearly 60% of the population also speaking a regional dialect: Valdotain.

You may have guessed by now but Italy is a dream destination for foodies . Whether you’re an aspiring chef, dream of a career in nutrition or simply want to learn more about farm to table, it’s an excellent location to volunteer as your skills and knowledge of authentic Italian cuisine could help boost your CV .

Not Forgetting…

From bee keeping to boating, marketing to music - there are SO many types of volunteering and ways to get involved with Workaway. While we pride ourselves on being a cultural exchange, Workaway is also a great way to boost your CV , learn a new language and make friends all over the world . With over three thousand hosts in Italy alone, there are so many ways you can share your time and make a difference while enjoying this epic destination.

Hopefully you now agree that Italy is as irresistible as gelato on a hot Summer day. From the rolling hills of Tuscany to the bustling streets of Rome, there’s a place and project to suit all kinds of people.

Combine the Mediterranean sun, the incredible cuisine and warm Italian hospitality with a sprinkling of parmesan and you have the perfect recipe for a truly special volunteering experience. We promise it will be *chef’s kiss*

Your next adventure begins today

Join the Workaway community today to unlock unique travel experiences with over 50,000 opportunities around the globe.

Important information about visiting: Italy

Forgotten your password?

Workaway has committed over $20,000 USD from the Workaway foundation to help refugees from Ukraine.

Upon request all workawayers based in Ukraine will have their accounts extended for free until further notice.

Hosts in Ukraine have been temporarily disabled for safety reasons.

If you are a host and are able to take in refugees please add the information in your account and you will be added to our last minute host list .

Should you wish to donate and help please click here .

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Work and travel

Work and travel

Work & Travel in USA

Il programma Work & Travel negli USA è aperto a tutti gli studenti universitari che vogliono trascorrere il periodo estivo (da Giugno ad Settembre) lavorando negli Stati Uniti con la possibilità di stare un mese in più come turista, mantenendosi così alle proprie spese personali. Il programma prevede il reperimento del lavoro ed anche della sistemazione direttamente presso il nostro ufficio con la collaborazione di organizzazioni riconosciute dal Governo Americano.

Chi può partecipare

Studenti universitari con un età compresa tra i 18 e i 30 anni con una conoscenza discreta della lingua inglese.

Che tipo di lavoro è possibile trovare e dove

  • Amusement park
  • Ski resorts
  • Parchi nazionali
  • ...e tante altre possibilità!

Quale sarà la mia retribuzione e quanto dovrò lavorare?

Le ore di lavoro saranno comprese tra le 35 e le 40 alla settimana con una retribuzione da $8 a $15 all'ora .

Chi mi troverà la sistemazione?

Ti verrà trovata una adeguata sistemazione il più possibile vicino al luogo di lavoro o a volte nello stesso posto ad un costo di circa $120/150 alla settimana.

Documenti necessari da presentare al momento dell'iscrizione

  • Fotocopia del passaporto valido
  • Certificato di iscrizione all'università
  • Curriculum vitae in lingua inglese
  • 2 foto tessera

Durata del programma e scadenza delle iscrizioni

  • La durata del programma è di massimo 4 mesi (3 mesi + 1 mese facoltativo) a partire da Giugno fino a Ottobre
  • Le iscrizioni si apriranno il 15 Settembre fino all'esaurimento dei posti disponibili

ATTENZIONE: Prima ti iscrivi più offerte di lavoro interessanti potrai vedere!

Work & travel in australia.

Il programma Work & Travel in Australia è aperto a tutti coloro che vogliono lavorare in Australia per un periodo che va dai 6 ai 12 mesi , mantenendosi così alle proprie spese personali.

Il programma prevede infatti il reperimento del lavoro ed anche della sistemazione a Sydney o in altre città australiane.

Al tuo arrivo a Sydney un responsabile del programma ti aspetterà all'aeroporto di Sydney e ti accompagnerà in hostel dove avrai 3 notti già prenotate.

Questo tipo di programma è adatto per tutti i ragazzi/e con uno spirito molto indipendente ed anche un po' avventuroso in quanto il lavoro verrà trovato direttamente sul posto :-)

Studenti e non studenti con un età compresa tra i 18 e i 30 anni ed una conoscenza discreta della lingua inglese.

  • Lavoro come au pair
  • Presso fast food, ristoranti, caffetterie
  • Commessa/i in negozi
  • Diversi tipi di lavoro in hotels
  • Lavori presso fattorie (per chi ha un livello basso di conoscenza della lingua inglese)
  • ...e tante altre possibilità

Le ore di lavoro saranno comprese tra le 35 e le 40 alla settimana con una retribuzione che potrà variare tra i 100 e i 150 Dollari Australiani alla settimana, a seconda del tipo di lavoro trovato.

Ti verrà trovata una adeguata sistemazione il più possibile vicino al luogo di lavoro o a volte nello stesso posto da parte dell'agenzia australiana o dallo stesso datore di lavoro. E sarai tu stesso a scegliere quella da te preferita! I costi potranno variare tra i 70 e i 90 Dollari Australiani alla settimana.

  • Lettera di presentazione in lingua inglese

La durata del programma è di minimo 6 mesi fino a 12 mesi e potrai risiedere in Australia con il: WORKING HOLIDAY VISA che possono ottenere tutti gli italiani con un età compresa tra i 18 e i 30 anni di età.

ATTENZIONE: E' necessario iscriversi con 2 mesi di anticipo al programma!

International summer camp in russia.

Avrai quindi la possibilità di perfezionare la lingua russa ma anche l'inglese e volendo imparare nuove lingue quali francese tedesco...

Il programma prevede il reperimento del lavoro ed anche della sistemazione direttamente presso il nostro ufficio con la collaborazione di una importanti organizzazione russa.

Possono partecipare tutti gli Studenti Universitari con una età compresa tra i 18 e i 25 anni, con una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese e con buone motivazioni.

Il lavoro è esclusivamente presso Summer camp a contatto con bambini e le mansioni potranno essere diverse: insegnante di inglese, insegnante di musica, di danza, sport, teatro animatore.

Le zone dove si svolgono i Summer Camp sono le seguenti

Non avrai uno stipendio in quanto avrai vitto e alloggio gratis

La sistemazione ti verrà trovata nel residence dentro al camp e sarà free, avrai quindi anche colazione, pranzo e cena inclusi.

Quota di partecipazione

La quota totale di partecipazione per 1-3 mesi è la stessa è di € 1650€

Sono compresi nella quota:

  • Reperimento del lavoro
  • Reperimento della sistemazione gratis
  • Assistenza per ottenere il visto
  • Tranfer all'arrivo e alla partenza
  • Fotocopia del passaporto
  • Certificato di iscrizione all'universita
  • Curriculum vitae in inglese con una foto allegata
  • Carico pendente da richiedere al tribunale
  • Application form compilate

Durata del programma e scadenza iscrizione

La durata del programma va da uno a tre mesi a scelta del partecipante da maggio a settembre. è necessario iscriversi con largo anticipo.

ATTENZIONE: Al momento dell'iscrizione dovrai versare un acconto di 350€ che non è rimborsabile

Nuovi programmi, volunteer program in inghilterra, au pair per 6 mesi in australia, corso di inglese + stage, usa internship a partire da 3 mesi, viaggia & lavora è un'agenzia icef.

I processi di garanzia della qualità ICEF sono riconosciuti in tutto il mondo come una qualifica importante per le agenzie attive nel reclutamento di studenti

certificazione icef viaggia e lavora


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  • Exchange Visitor Program Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Visa Services Operating Status Update (November 19, 2021)

Exchange Visitor Program

  • Camp Counselor
  • College and University Student
  • Government Visitor
  • Intern-Program
  • International Visitor
  • Research Scholar
  • Secondary School Student
  • Short-Term Scholar
  • STEM Initiatives

Summer Work Travel

Summer Work Travel portrait

College and University students enrolled full time and pursuing studies at post-secondary accredited academic institutions located outside the United States come to the United States to share their culture and ideas with people of the United States through temporary work and travel opportunities.


Ambassadors fund for summer work travel experience.

Bulgarian students Valeri Konicheva and Hristina Nikolova share their experience of living and working in the U.S. with Deputy Assistant Secretary Nicole Elkon.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Educational & Cultural Affairs (@exchangeourworld)

Summer Work Travel Students must be:

  • Sufficiently proficient in English to successfully interact in an English speaking environment;
  • Post-secondary school students enrolled in and actively pursuing a degree or other full-time course of study at an accredited classroom based, post-secondary educational institution outside the United States;
  • Have successfully completed at least one semester or equivalent of post-secondary academic study; and
  • Pre-placed in a job prior to entry unless from a visa waiver country.

The Summer Work Travel program provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the United States during their summer vacation from college or university to experience and to be exposed to the people and way of life in the United States.

More information

Summer work travel 2024 season program dates by country, summer work travel community support groups.

Find SWT community support groups near you

Map of Summer Work Travel Participants

View the number and locations of Summer Work Travel participants across the U.S.

Readmittance, Program Length, and Returning Home

  • Readmittance: Participants can be admitted to the program more than once;
  • Program Length: The maximum length of the program is four months; and
  • Returning Home: Students must return to their home country prior to the start date of their university or college.

Program Exclusions

Sponsors must not place participants:

  • In positions that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Program;
  • In sales positions that require participants to purchase inventory that they must sell in order to support themselves;
  • In domestic help positions in private homes (e.g., child care, elder care, gardener, chauffeur);
  • As pedicab or rolling chair drivers or operators;
  • As operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which drivers’ licenses are required regardless of whether they carry passengers or not;
  • In positions related to clinical care that involves patient contact;
  • In any position in the adult entertainment industry (including, but not limited to jobs with escort services, adult book/video stores, and strip clubs);
  • In positions requiring work hours that fall predominantly between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am;
  • In positions declared hazardous to youth by the Secretary of Labor at Subpart E of 29 CFR part 570;
  • In positions that require sustained physical contact with other people and/or adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions guidelines (e.g., body piercing, tattooing, massage, manicure);
  • In positions that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee that participants will be paid minimum wage in accordance with federal and state standards;
  • In positions involved in gaming and gambling that include direct participation in wagering and/or betting;
  • In positions in chemical pest control, warehousing, catalogue/online order distribution centers;
  • In positions with traveling fairs or itinerant concessionaires;
  • In jobs that do not allow participants to work alongside U.S. citizens and interact regularly with U.S. citizens and to experience U.S. culture during the workday portion of their Summer Work Travel programs;
  • With employers that fill non-seasonal or non-temporary job openings with exchange visitors with staggered vacation schedules;
  • In positions that require licensing;
  • In positions for which there is another specific J visa category (e.g., Camp Counselor, Trainee, Intern);
  • Participants must be employees of and paid by the staffing agencies
  • Staffing agencies must provide full-time, primary, on-site supervision of the participants
  • Staffing agencies must effectively control the work sites, e.g., have hands-on management responsibility for the participants
  • After November 1, 2012, in positions in the North American Industry Classification System’s (NAICS) Goods-Producing Industries occupational categories industry sectors 11, 21, 23, 31-33 numbers (set forth at ).

Sponsors must also:

  • Use extra caution when placing students in positions at employers in lines of business that are frequently associated with trafficking persons (e.g., modeling agencies, housekeeping, janitorial services);
  • Consider the availability of suitable, affordable housing (e.g., that meets local codes and ordinances) and reliable, affordable, and convenient transportation to and from work when making job placements;
  • Actively and immediately assist participants with arranging appropriate housing and transportation, if employers do not provide or arrange housing and/or transportation, or if participants decline employer-provided housing or transportation;
  • The number of job placements available with host employers
  • That host employers will not displace domestic U.S. workers at worksites where they will place program participants
  • That host employers have not experienced layoffs in the past 120 days and do not have workers on lockout or on strike

Sponsors may place participants only in jobs that:

  • Are seasonal or temporary;
  • Provide opportunities for regular communication and interaction with U.S. citizens and allow participants to experience U.S. culture.

Report Abuse or Exploitation


Summer Work Travel Resources

Events SWT Participant Map Community Support Groups Strengthening and Reforming the SWT Program SWT Monitoring Report

Program Sponsors

Sponsors are required to:.

  • A copy of the Department of State Summer Work Travel Program Brochure;
  • The Department of State’s toll-free emergency hotline telephone number;
  • The sponsor’s 24/7 immediate contact telephone number;
  • Information advising participants of their obligation to notify their sponsor when they arrive in the United States and to provide information of any change in jobs or residence; and
  • Information concerning any contractual obligations related to participants’ acceptance of paid employment in the United States, if pre-arranged.
  • Ensure that participants entering the United States without prearranged employment have sufficient financial resources to support themselves during their search for employment;
  • Provide such participants with information on how to seek employment and secure lodging in the United States before they depart their home countries; and
  • Provide participants with a job directory that includes at least as many job listings as the number of participants in their program who are entering the United States without prearranged employment.
  • Sponsors must undertake reasonable efforts to secure suitable employment for participants unable to find jobs on their own after one week;
  • Sponsors must inform program participants of Federal Minimum Wage requirements and ensure that, at a minimum, participants are compensated at the prevailing local wage, which must meet the higher of either the applicable state or the Federal minimum wage requirement, including payment for overtime in accordance with state-specific employment; and
  • Sponsors must maintain, at a minimum, a monthly schedule of personal contact with the program participants (in-person, by telephone or via-electronic mail), document such contact, and ensure that issues affecting the health, safety and welfare of participants are addressed immediately.

2024 Program Date Chart

2024 Program Date Chart (PDF)

  • Summer Work Travel 2024 Season Program Dates by Country (PDF)

Note on the Administration’s 1/20/17 Memorandum

The Exchange Visitor Program – Summer Work Travel Notice of Proposed Rule Making is not affected by the Administration’s January 20, 2017, memorandum to agencies. As noted in the NPRM, the Department of State will accept comments on this proposed rule until February 27, 2017.

Host employers are required to:

  • Provide participants the number of hours of paid employment per week as identified on the job offer and agreed to when the sponsor vetted the jobs;
  • Pay those participants eligible for overtime worked in accordance with applicable state or federal law;
  • Notify sponsors promptly when participants arrive at the work site and begins their programs; when there are any changes or deviations in the job placements during the participants’ programs; when participants are not meeting the requirements of job placements; or when participants leave their position ahead of their planned departure; and
  • Contact sponsors immediately in the event of any emergency involving participants or any situation that impacts the health, safety or welfare of participants.
“As an employer of international kids, keep your door open and be proactive in solving their issues.” 

WISP Resort

  • Facts & Figures
  • About J-2 Visa
  • Other U.S. Student Visas
  • Common Questions
  • How to Apply
  • Current Participants
  • Participant Experiences
  • Common Questions for Participants
  • Become a Sponsor
  • Current Sponsors
  • How to Administer a Program
  • Common Questions for Program Sponsors
  • For Host Families
  • For Employers
  • For Schools
  • Common Questions for Host Families/Employers
  • RO-ARO Virtual Training
  • SEVIS login
  • SEVIS Manual (PDF)
  • SEVIS Manuals
  • SEVIS Training Videos
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The BEST Summer

Of your life, what are you waiting for.

Applications are being accepted now.


Don't be just another tourist!

Be a traveler, don't be another dorky tourist. ccusa's work, camp and volunteer adventures will make sure you're not just one of the herd..

Make your own

 memories being made now.

J1 sponsor

CCUSA Europe.   Providing Exciting Summer Camp Jobs and Work and Travel Adventures in the USA and Around the World!

Our programs.

work and travel usa italia

Camp Counselors USA

Spend a Season Working at a Summer Camp in America

work and travel usa italia

Work Experience USA

Full-time Uni Student? Spend Your School Vacation Working in America

work and travel usa italia

Work Adventures Canada

Live, work, study and explore in Canada

work and travel usa italia

Camp Counselors Canada

Work at a Children's Summer Camp in Canada

work and travel usa italia

Practical Training USA

Intern with an American Company for up to 18 Months

work and travel usa italia

Camp Counselors Russia

Spend a Summer Working at a Russian Children's Camp

work and travel usa italia

Intern Adventures Abroad

Gain valuable work experience by interning throughout the world.

work and travel usa italia

Volunteer Adventures Abroad

Make a difference volunteering throughout the world.

work and travel usa italia

Teacher USA

Work as a full-time teacher in an accredited primary or secondary school in the United States for 1 – 5 years on a J1 Visa.

work and travel usa italia

Campers International

Send your child to a summer camp in the USA or Canada

CCUSA is Europe’s top summer camp and international work adventure specialist - you will be in the BEST hands when working and traveling abroad!

We have something for everyone, including working at a summer camp in america, canada, croatia or russia, leading a group of children in various activities including sports, arts and outdoor adventures.  maybe spend a summer season working and playing at one of the premier resorts in the usa. these are just a few of the great opportunities ccusa can provide you.

Read more . . .

Flag capes at camp.jpeg

Would you like to hear how you can experience your Best Summer Ever in 2024?

Attend our Zoom Info Meeting

* Thursday October 12,  Time: 19:00 (Amsterdam/Madrid, time zone)

* Online on Zoom

* We will tell you all about Summer Camp in the USA and Canada

* 2 Counselors who worked at camp this summer will answer all your questions

* The meeting will be in English

* Send an email to [email protected]  to receive the Zoom link

Foto 2024 open camp.jpg

Come and Work at an American or Canadian Summercamp.

Experience Your Best Summer Ever in 2024! 

Foto 2024 WEUSA.jpg

Applications for  Work Experience USA  are open.

Get ready for your Best Summer Ever in 2024!

Winter Canada.jpg

Last Chance!

Spend a Winter Working in Canada.

We offer Jobs in Canadian Winter Resorts. Get ready for an incredible adventure!

Deadline: September 15 - 2023

Work & Travel Group

  • Conditions for participation
  • Special loan
  • Full Exclusive Program price
  • 5 biggest misleads
  • Job Locations
  • Interviews With Employers
  • Job Positions
  • Hilton Head Island
  • Amelia Island
  • Traverse City
  • Lake George
  • Cedar Point Experiences
  • Free English Language Course
  • SERFSAFE course
  • Health Insurance
  • DS 2019 form
  • Social Security Number
  • I-94 formular
  • About Program
  • Types and prices of the program
  • Types of camps
  • Necessary documentation
  • Living in the camp
  • Program Offer
  • Full Program Price
  • Self Program Price
  • Pay 0$ for the program
  • Program payment
  • Employer for Full Exclusive Program
  • Location for Full Exclusive Program
  • Job positions for Full Exclusive Program
  • Accommodation for Full Exclusive Program
  • About the program
  • Necessary Documentation
  • Campus Locations
  • Accommodation

West Coast

  • Job locations


California is situated on the West Coast of the USA and it is the most populated federal state with 38 million of people. It spreads along 900 miles of the Pacific Coast from Oregon on the north to Mexico on the south, whereas on the east, it spreads to Arizona and Nevada.


There is no such a place in the world as Hawaii. Natural beauties of the island are breath taking. They are the place of the beginning of the modern surfing. There are some of the most active volcanoes and they represent one of the youngest geological formations in the world.Hawaii consists of 8 main islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii, Niihau and Kahoolawe.



South Lake Tahoe is a resort town of this city and relies on the Nevada Mountain Range. Lake Tahoe 2/3 belongs to California while 1/3 of the territory belongs to Nevada. Also, this lake is the second deepest in North America, with the largest measured depth of 501 m and fills its trough with 147 trillion liters of water making it the sixth in the world by the volume of water it owns. It is located at 495 km2. And the fact that leaves breathless is that this lake is the cleanest in the world, in 99.994%, it's really incredible. Nightlife is quite calm when we exclude the fact that there are casinos-and they work 24h. About 3 million people visit Lake Tahoe every year.

work and travel usa italia

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  • Kriterijai WT pretendentams
  • Daug darbų JAV
  • Reikiamos investicijos WT
  • Pretendavimo seka
  • Verta WT USA per mus!
  • Išsamiau apie WT USA
  • DUK apie WT USA
  • WT-USA in English
  • Registracija (preliminari)
  • Laiko biure rezervacija
  • CIEE information
  • Participants' Experiences
  • Types of Camps
  • Skills Desired
  • Qualities - Counselor
  • Read to Apply
  • Praktikos JAV
  • About Teach USA
  • Why Teach USA
  • Eligibility Teach USA
  • Positions Teach USA
  • Documents Teach USA
  • Apply Teach USA
  • Support on Teach USA
  • FAQ Teach USA
  • Investicijos
  • Praktikos Europoje
  • Praktikos Kanadoje
  • Assistance Services
  • New Zealand Working Holiday
  • Dalyvių patirtis
  • Au Pair USA
  • JAV H2B vizos programa
  • JAV H1B vizos programa
  • TEFL kursai, darbas
  • Virtual Internship USA
  • Studies Online
  • Virtual Volunteering
  • JAV žaliai kortai
  • Privatumo politika

work and travel usa italia

You are welcome to review the recording of our Center Zoom event about Summer 2024 "Work and Travel USA" program conducted on September 21, 2023 in English: . Passcode: mGjLS*3D Attention - From October, you can (easy and successfully) apply to WT-Premium job offers on our partner / progarm sponsor InterExchange Job Placement online matching system:    where THOUSANDS of live - real job offers are being exposed , each for 1 – 30 students;    you can see the major information about job offers available via this system on the public link: ;    by using filters {Position, Employer Type, Region, Housing, Employer Positions Available (you can see which offers are available for at least 2 or 3 students), etc.} you can see how many job offers are available in U.S. locations, positions of interest for you, with housing provided, etc. and decide if you want to apply for job offer via this system.    on the InterExchange online Job Placement system: students (after Center submits their application to system) input information about themselves {including a short (just 1 min.) video introduction} to view for employers; students choose the types of positions to apply for (the wider is your positions‘ range of interest – the better possibilities to get job offer); students see job offers with more details than on public link; students can apply for job offers; employers see students‘ information (resume, video, dates of availability, etc.), can choose the students to provide job offer (some employers may wish to conduct the online interview as to decide about offering job, some employers proivide job offer without interview); students have the right do not sign / accept the job offers received.    2 - 3 friends can be sure that they all will get job offers to the same employer on InterExchange system.

The U.S. Summer Work Travel (Work and Travel USA) J-1 visa program is one of the major Exchange Visitor Programs carried out pursuant to the U.S. Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961. Its purpose is to enhance understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries through educational and cultural exchanges. Participants during several months on program have opportunities to get to know about American culture, traditions, open society principles, see and get to know America “from inside”. Participant‘s status allows to be employed legally in USA for up to 4 months during summer vacation season, in order to defray (mostly or at least partially) expenses which participants incur (program, flights, accommodation, food, transportation, cultural events, travel, etc.). "Work and Travel USA" (WT) program is worth to participate for students, at least once per life. It is the most popular cultural exchange and work experience program for students from many countries of the world. The U.S. J-1 visa Exchange Visitor programs are strictly regulated by the U.S. Department of State (DoS). DoS designates the appropriate U.S. organizations (which meet the obligatory criteria and comply with DoS regulations) to be program sponsors - granting the right to conduct pogram and be responsible for participants (whom sponsor accepts) for the duration of program. Most sponsors are the private sector non-profit non-governmental organizations. In order sponsor can run the program with appropriate offices, staff and communications, the program fees are applied for participants. Program fee must include the apropriate insurance meeting or exceeding the standards set by DoS. There is also an additional obligatory U.S. Government fee for Student and Exchange Visitor System ( SEVIS ). It is good that for WT applicants the SEVIS fee is significantly discounted - just 35 U.S. dollars (USD) recent years.  

Program sponsor provides insurance (included into program fee) for up to 3 - 4 months to WT participants. Sponsor provides a telephone line (usually toll-free) to contact sponsor (during business hours) on actual questions during program. Sponsor also provides a toll-free emergency telephone line (24 hours, 7 days a week) to contact sponsor in emergency case.

Our Center cooperates with several WT program sponsors. Some sponsors however accept applications only from Lithuanian citizens, so for international students the options available are (partialy) less.

Eligibility Criteria for Work and Travel USA (WT) progra m applicants :  a) Full-Time students (bachelor or master) at university or college in Lithuania ; b) 18 – 28 years age (student/s of 29 - 30 years age may apply, if program sponsor allows);  c) English - at least Upper Intermediate level.    Notes in regard to students citizens of non European Union ( non-EU ) countries:       for many previous years, J-1 visa issue rates at U.S. Embassy in Lithuania were very good not only for Lithuanian, EU citizens but also for students non-EU citizens who studied in Lithuania on the 2nd, 3rd year of bachelor studies, on the 1st year of master studies; for 1st year bachelor students and for graduating year students it is recommended to provide (during interview at U.S. Embassy) as many as possible additional proofs about their intention to depart from U.S. on time after WT program end;       during interview at U.S. Embassy student should provide a proof of Tuition Fee payment upfront for the next Autumn / Fall semester to university / college in Lithuania;      if student's Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) in Lithuania expires in August - September of current year, during interview at U.S. Embassy student should also provide the proof/s of application (started) for the TRP extension for the next academic year;    Note: I f student’s immediate family member/s (Mother, Father, sister, brother) lives / resides in USA currently, student should bring (to interview at U.S. Embassy) also dcument/s about that family member's legal status in U.S. 

Options of WT program:      „ WT-Self “ (Self Placement / Self-Arranged / Independent) option – if student gets the employment offer by his / her direct communication with the U.S. employer - host company {Notes: offer must be on the standard form (provided by our Center); offer and host company must meet criteria set by U.S. DoS for WT program; offer must be re-confirmed directly to sponsor - by online (signature) and by phone}, including employers from the large list of U.S. companies available on our Center Clients‘ Sector, but not including U.S. companies which are accepting / recruiting via  "WT-Premium" option.     „ WT-Premium “ (Premium / Job Placement / Full Placement) program option - student gets the employment offer from the U.S. employer via our Center's partner in USA (online system, Skype interview, etc.). Assistance in obtaining employment offer is included into program fee. Please see the list of employers potential to recruit our Center applicants on WT-Premium program option - at our site page: and on .

WT Summer 2024 program fees due * :        WT-Self option program fee : 20 EUR + 900 USD  - for students registered * with Center up to 14th October 2023; 20 EUR + 950 USD - for students registered * with Center up to 14th November 2023; 20 EUR + 1000 USD  - for students registered * with Center up to 14th December 2023 ; 20 EUR + 1050 USD  - for students registered * with Center up to 14th January 2024 ; 20 EUR + 1100 USD  - for students registered * with Center after 14th January 2024 .      WT-Premium option program fee : from 220 EUR + 100 0  USD { depends on our partners / sponsors in USA ; discount possible for students who apply for WT-Premium early and complete their application set by the date - deadline set by Center};        SEVIS fee 35 USD { payable via our Center, altogether with major (USD) part of program fee} .     U.S. Visa fee 185 USD {payable at the bank office (in Lithuania) to the account of U.S. authorities, in Euros (in cash only ), equivalent (re)updated by U.S. authorities every few days}.     * Notes:    Registration at our Center is completed after student: a) provides a proof of Full-Time student status (university / college certificate or student ID,); b) has a brief interview with our staff member (by phone / Zoom / Skype / in office); c) signs the WT pogram Applicant / Participant Agreement with our Center; d) pays to Center the first part of program fee 20 EUR .      50 USD discount from the program fee possible for students who already took part at WT program in USA (via / with any organization / sponsor), for students who were applying for WT-2020 or WT-2021 program via our Center .      "WT-Premium" program fee part in Euros (220 EUR - common rate, though some other rate may be applied, depending on the U.S. partner - program sponsor, to be announce by Center) is payable:       either in 2 increments (e.g. 20 EUR + 200 EUR ) - if student wants to (first) seek the employment offer by direct communication to U.S. employers, including the lists on our Clients Sector of employers who were hiring WT participants recent years - seeking to secure a spot to WT-Self program option (possible to apply for "WT-Premium" program option some weeks later);       or by 1 payment - if student wants to apply only for "WT-Premium" program option (to get the employment offer via our U.S. partner / program sponsor - preapproved already employer and offer, thus - faster way to get DS-2019 form, apply fo U.S. J-1 visa).     Application set is completed when applicant submits all documents due (WT-Self - including the employment / job offer form completed by the U.S. employer and suitable for WT program) and pays to Center the full program fee applied and SEVIS fee.    Program fee includes insurance (provided by program sponsor): some sponsors - up to 4 months ( fee supplement for additional insurance coverage period up to 1 month extra - from 50 USD ); some sponsors - up to 3 months ( fee supplement due for additional insurance coverage period, e.g.: 30 USD - for up to 2 weeks, 60 USD - for up to 1 month); some sponsors - even up to 5 months (the very maximal duration of stay in U.S. alloed for WT participants).    SEVIS fee and Visa fee are subject to be updated by the U.S. authorities; if updated - to be applied accordingly.    The annual numbers of WT participants are strictly limited by the U.S. DoS and sponsors, WT is very popular in many countries, so it is worth to apply as early as posible , in order to secure a place on the program. "WT-Self" major allocations are being filled over January or even earlier.

It is reasonable to apply earlier - advantages:      better opportunities to secure a place on the program (the numbers are strictly limited);      to have more time for communication to U.S. employers (for WT-Self option);      to get U.S. visa earlier,      to buy flight tickets to USA earlier – most likely less expensive.

During the most popular summer tourism period in USA (May - September, especially July – August and up to U.S. Labor Day – first Monday in September) plenty of seasonal jobs (especially in seasonal resorts) are available in hotels, casino resorts, shops, cafes, ice-cream, confectionary sales, souvenir shops, amusement parks, etc. U.S. employers (at least those who know WT program from previous year/s) are common to hire foreign students for seasonal work and can decide promptly (based on communication with student just by email, Skype, Facebook).

Salary in USA for WT participants must be on an hourly rate and not less than the U.S. Federal or State minimum hourly rate. For overtime (for work hours more than 40 hours per week) some companies are paying at a 1.5 times larger rate (though some companies are paying the same rate for overtime hours also – it depends on U.S. / state law). In tipped positions (e.g., waiter / waitress), hourly pay rate is less (it may be just some 2.5 – 5 USD/hour), but the tips usually exceed the difference over minimal wage rate. 

Participants are responsible for their food, accommodation and daily transportation expenses in U.S. Some employers / host companies arrange accommodation (some – deducting accordingly from paychecks), some employers assist on accommodation (contacts, reference), some participants find accommodation on their own. For some U.S. locations (popular and / or expensive vacation destinations, etc.) sponsor/s require that host companies must arrange accommodation for WT participants (otherwise offer will NOT be approved by sponsor – applicant must promptly get employment offer from another host company and / or from other U.S. location). 

Students who work in cafes, fast food restaurants may get some discounts for meals, at some companies students get one meal per work-shift for free. Salary in most U.S. companies is paid every two weeks. 

WT participant must bring to USA not less than the minimum of money to support him/her until first paycheck received from employer. Sponsor usually request that participants must have at least 800 USD upon arrival to USA at participant‘s disposition.

WT program participant’s status allows student a possibility to work even for 2 host companies at the same period. You can find a second job when you are in USA, while already working for your major employer (pre-approved by program sponsor, usually before getting visa). If you see the note “Hiring” or “Help Wanted” on the company premises, you are welcome to come-in and express your interest for employment. If you want to work in a second job, you must get approval from program sponsor. If in your major job you get many overtime hours, there may be no need to look for a second job. 

If WT participant has some trouble with his/her employer in U.S., s/he must inform program sponsor. If WT participant wants to change his/her major (approved by sponsor, usually before getting J-1 visa / coming to USA) employer, s/he must in advance discuss this opportunity with program sponsor and await for sponsor‘s decision (approval or not).

After finishing employment period, most WT participants travel in the USA some days or week/s: airplane, bus/coach, train, car, buying a weekly coach ticket / pass which allows to choose the route and time of travel (possibility to get out in some stop and continue your travel the next day/s). Some students visit also neighboring countries (Canada, Mexico, Carribean cruise) but for travel abroad it is obligatory to plan in advance: getting program sponsor’s additional signature on DS-2019 form original (students need to courier-mail their DS-2019 to sponsor a few weeks in advance, in order to get back their signed DS-2019 before departure from U.S.); entry visa to that country/ies; to return back to U.S. from abroad within J-1 visa validity dates.

U.S. Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania has a very positive attitude to "Work and Travel USA" program. Nearly 100 % of WT program applicants Lithuanian citizens were successfuly getting J-1 visa for WT program at U.S. Embassy in Vilnius. For non-European Union citizens, WT program J-1 visa issue rate at U.S. Embassy in Vilnius recent years was a bit lower but quite good. If eligible and interested, you are welcome to apply - register with our Center ( ): Vilnius office - students studying in Vilnius ( please email first to [email protected] , to set the appointment time to come to office for registration) ; Kaunas office - students studying in Kaunas ( please email first to [email protected] , to set the appointment time to come to office for registration) ;  Kaunas office - students studying in Klaipeda, other cities in Lithuania ( please email first to [email protected] , to start and get directives for registration online ).

Ar jau buvote JAV?

  Ne, bet noriu!   Taip, ir dar noriu!   Taip, jau pakaks.   Ne, nenoriu.

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For Baltimore-area residents, bridge collapse means longer commutes, uncertain prospects

Laurel Wamsley at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., November 7, 2018. (photo by Allison Shelley)

Laurel Wamsley

work and travel usa italia

Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by the Dali container vessel, as seen from Riviera Beach, Md., on Tuesday. Carol Guzy for NPR hide caption

Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by the Dali container vessel, as seen from Riviera Beach, Md., on Tuesday.

For Marylanders like Becky Grimes, who works at an Amazon warehouse near the eastern end of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the bridge's sudden collapse immediately changed the shape of her day — and many days ahead.

She normally takes the Key Bridge to and from work, but it now takes an extra half hour each way to drive through the city of Baltimore instead of around it.

What we know and don't know about Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse

What we know and don't know about Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse

"I'm not looking forward to it," she says. "There's a lot of people that already want to transfer out."

The collapse of the bridge and the closure of the Port of Baltimore is upending life for countless people in the Chesapeake region.

For many residents, it's the bridge closure that will shake up their daily lives, lengthening commutes and clogging the city's tunnels.

But for the regional economy, the far bigger blow is that the fallen bridge and the container ship Dali are blocking the Port of Baltimore .

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A sign warns drivers heading to Baltimore that the Francis Scott Key bridge is closed and to use alternate routes. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

A sign warns drivers heading to Baltimore that the Francis Scott Key bridge is closed and to use alternate routes.

"Because of the port being suspended, we don't have any traffic yesterday, today, at least for the next week or a week and a half," says Brent Howard, president of the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce. "That's money that we're losing every day because those ships are being redirected to other ports. Norfolk, Newark, Philadelphia are getting that revenue on a daily basis that was already slotted for Baltimore."

And the Key Bridge is a toll bridge that last year generated 7% of the total revenue for the state's transportation authority, according to an analysis by Moody's.

Mercedes, GM, Stellantis scramble; Port jobs are at risk after Baltimore disaster

Mercedes, GM, Stellantis scramble; Port jobs are at risk after Baltimore disaster

Howard says getting the port and bridge running again is pivotal to the region , both economically and emotionally.

"We're the Chesapeake," he says. "Baltimore is really connected to the port and connected to water and connected to ships and vessels. That's something that's always been intrinsic to Baltimore's history, going back to our inception."

A bustling port, now in limbo

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Brenda Cotsairis has seen the area weather its ups and downs. On Tuesday, she joined others at a lookout in Dundalk, Md., where the collapsed bridge was visible. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

Brenda Cotsairis has seen the area weather its ups and downs. On Tuesday, she joined others at a lookout in Dundalk, Md., where the collapsed bridge was visible.

As a little girl in the 1970s , Brenda Cotsairis's father brought her to a sandy beach to see the Key Bridge under construction.

She works at a local grocery store and has seen the area weather its ups and downs.

"For a lot of years, good jobs were gone and then things started to come back," she says. "And now we have Tradepoint Atlantic and we have the port bustling — it's a very, very busy port and it's thriving for Baltimore. And now it's devastated."

Baltimore's Key Bridge was built in the '70s, but has a deep and patriotic history

Baltimore's Key Bridge was built in the '70s, but has a deep and patriotic history

Daraius Irani, an economist at Towson University, estimates that the port's closure is costing between $10 million and $15 million a day in lost economic activity. And at least another $1 million a day in state and local taxes won't be collected while the port is closed.

Still, Irani says the port — which last year had its best year ever — should fully rebound. That's in part because Baltimore's port is about a day further inland than many others on the Eastern seaboard, putting it closer to points in the Midwest.

More from WYPR in Baltimore:

  • No immediate public health hazards from Dali, Maryland gets $60M for cleanup
  • Maryland lawmakers want to expand state of emergency powers in wake of bridge collapse
  • Baltimore Orioles Opening Day now, 'Reopening Day' to come, governor promises
  • Shipping closure at Port of Baltimore could have worldwide economic impacts

For the latest from member station WYPR in Baltimore head to

He says if the port remains closed for months, there could be some furloughs, but he doesn't expect layoffs among workers there. And Irani says the bridge's collapse will likely create some jobs.

"You hate to say this, but in any kind of disaster, there's obviously the opportunity for the rebuild. So new construction jobs will likely come up because they need to build a new bridge," he says.

Businesses near the bridge could see fewer customers

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The town of Dundalk is among the Maryland communities near the Key Bridge likely to see less traffic while the bridge is down. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

The town of Dundalk is among the Maryland communities near the Key Bridge likely to see less traffic while the bridge is down.

The bridge's absence will almost certainly have a longer impact on the small businesses located near its entrances on either side of the Patapsco River.

Joe Gold is the general manager of Key Brewing, a craft brewery in the town of Dundalk. Like the bridge, the brewery was named after Francis Scott Key, who wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner."

"We're not shut down I mean, it's not like that," Gold said Wednesday. "It's just ... the community is going to have to readjust."

With the Key Bridge closed, the traffic that would have passed by to get on I-695 is now taking alternate routes — routes that don't pass by Key Brewing's taproom.

"When I came to work this morning, past 95 to our office, it was the least amount of traffic that I've ever seen on my commute," Gold says.

He says that's a sign that people aren't coming that direction anymore, at least during their daily commutes.

Loss of ship's power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say

Loss of ship's power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say

Is he worried about his business surviving? Not just yet.

"It's still too early," he says. "It's still too fresh to kind of know how deep of an impact this is going to have."

It all depends on how long it takes to clear the port — and rebuild a very long bridge.

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Baltimore bridge collapse
  • Small Businesses

Maps of the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

By Jonathan Corum

On April 8, the moon will slip between the Earth and the sun, casting a shadow across a swath of North America: a total solar eclipse.

By cosmic coincidence, the moon and the sun appear roughly the same size in the sky. When the moon blocks the glare of the sun, the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, will be briefly visible.

Below are several maps of the eclipse’s path as well as images of what you might experience during the event.

Where Can I See the Total Eclipse?

The eclipse will begin at sunrise over the Pacific Ocean, then cut through Mexico and cross the United States from Texas to Maine. Most of North America will see a partial eclipse, but viewers within the deepest shadow — a band sliding from Mazatlán, Mexico, to the Newfoundland coast near Gander, Canada — will experience a total solar eclipse.

Percentage of

the sun obscured

during the eclipse


Little Rock

San Antonio

Viewers inside the path of the total eclipse may notice a drop in temperature , a lull or shift in the wind , the appearance of bright planets in the sky, and the quieting of birds and other wildlife.

Many cities lie inside the path of the total eclipse, as shown below, the width of which varies from 108 miles to 122 miles.

20% partial eclipse





San Francisco

90% partial eclipse

Los Angeles

Mexico City


Explore our interactive cloud outlook for eclipse viewing times and average cloud data at your location.

What Will I See?

A composite image of the 2017 total solar eclipse over Madras, Ore.

A composite image of the 2017 solar eclipse over Madras, Ore.

Aubrey Gemignani/NASA

If the sky is clear, viewers in the path of the total eclipse should see a “diamond ring” effect a few seconds before and after the total eclipse, as the edge of the sun slips in and out of view.

The sun’s corona during the 2017 total solar eclipse.

The “diamond ring” effect during the 2017 solar eclipse.

Rami Daud/NASA, Alcyon Technical Services

The sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, is normally hidden by the sun’s glare. These tendrils and sheets of gas, heated to a million degrees Fahrenheit or more, are in constant motion and shaped by the sun’s swirling magnetic field.

The sun’s corona during the 2017 total solar eclipse.

The sun’s corona during the 2017 solar eclipse.

The sun is relatively active this year and is nearing the expected peak of its 11-year solar cycle . Researchers at Predictive Science are using data about the sun’s magnetic field to predict and model a dramatic corona for the April eclipse.

A prediction of how the sun’s corona might appear on April 8.

A prediction of how the sun’s corona might appear during the April 8 total eclipse.

Predictive Science

What Colors Should I Wear?

As the sky darkens, light-sensitive cells in human eyes become more sensitive to blue and green hues than to reds and oranges. This shift in color perception is known as the Purkinje effect , after a 19th-century Czech scientist, and is typically seen at twilight.

People watch the 2017 total eclipse at Southern Illinois University.

Watching the 2017 total eclipse at Southern Illinois University.

Andrea Morales for The New York Times

To take advantage of the Purkinje effect, wear green clothes or a contrasting combination of greens and reds. Blue-green colors (shorter wavelengths) will appear brighter, while red colors (longer wavelengths) will appear to recede into the darkness.

What If I Miss It?

The next two total solar eclipses in the United States won’t occur until 2044 and 2045 . But eclipse chasers might catch one in 2026 in Greenland, Iceland and Spain; 2027 along the coast of Northern Africa; 2028 in Australia and New Zealand; or 2030 across Southern Africa and Australia.

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A Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming. Here’s What You Need to Know.

These are answers to common questions about the April 8 eclipse, and we’re offering you a place to pose more of them.

By Katrina Miller

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What’s the Cloud Forecast for Eclipse Day? See if the Weather Is on Your Side.

April 8 could be your best opportunity to see a total solar eclipse for decades. But if clouds fill the sky, you may miss the spectacle.

By Josh Katz, K.K. Rebecca Lai and William B. Davis

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April 8, 2024, Solar Eclipse Will Pass Over All 7 US Cities Named Nineveh?

Some christian groups have preached that the eclipse is a bad omen., published march 31, 2024.


About this rating

On April 8, 2024 , a total solar eclipse will blot out the sun for a couple of minutes in a small band across the United States. The eclipse's totality is the only time humans can look directly at the sun without damaging their eyeballs, and so millions of people from around the world will flock to cities in the path of totality, such as Dallas and Indianapolis.

Eclipses do not discriminate, so anyone in the path of totality will be able to see the sun fully obstructed by the moon. However, some people  have claimed online that there's one interesting coincidence about the eclipse's path of totality: It will pass through every city in the United States named Nineveh. That name is shared by an ancient city in modern-day Iraq that was described in the bible as "evil." 

Snopes received an email from a reader who requested that we check the claim about cities named Nineveh in the eclipse path. In our research, we discovered that many of the people making the claim were Christians who were interpreting the eclipse as a bad omen . 

Contrary to the claims, Snopes discovered that the path of totality in the eclipse does not pass through seven cities in the United States named Nineveh — it passes through just two. But before counting places named Nineveh, we must first briefly clarify how eclipses work.

How Eclipses Work

A total solar eclipse is caused by the moon and the sun being in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. The moon fully blocks the light from the sun, casting a really large shadow on the earth. Those inside the moon's shadow, called the umbra, are the only ones who will be able to look directly at the sun without eye protection, and it's the small path of the umbra that people travel to in order to see the total solar eclipse. The website created a visualization of the shadow's path across North America.

Outside the umbra, where the moon blocks only some of the sun, is called a partial solar eclipse, and the sun looks like it has a giant bite taken out of it. You cannot view a partial solar eclipse without special eclipse glasses, and this area is much, much larger than the umbra. The entirety of the continental United States will be able to see a partial solar eclipse on April 8, just as the entirety of the United States (even Alaska and Hawaii) was able to see a partial solar eclipse in  2017 . 

The cool part (partial) of an eclipse can be seen from a very large area, as long as you wear eclipse glasses. The really cool part (total) of an eclipse can be seen only in a small area. It is the total eclipse that people have thought held religious significance since practically as long as humans have had eyes to see and religions to follow.

To quote the essayist Annie Dillard :

A partial eclipse is very interesting. It bears almost no relation to a total eclipse. Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as kissing a man does to marrying him, or as flying in an airplane does to falling out of an airplane. Although the one experience precedes the other, it in no way prepares you for it. 

Places Named Nineveh

We started with Wikipedia's list of places named Nineveh to get a general idea of where to look. Of course, we cross checked those results with more-reliable sources of knowledge, including Google Maps and data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Wikipedia listed just six places in the U.S. named Nineveh, which made our claim of seven dubious to begin with. Checking the locations of those places on Google Maps, we found that three were actually townships, a term used for county subdivisons in some states. 

The first was the largest, Indiana's Nineveh Township (south of Indianapolis), which contains a small hamlet of the same name. Both the township and the hamlet will indeed fall in the path of the total eclipse.

Next, Wikipedia listed two townships in Missouri — one in Adair County (about halfway between Kansas City and Davenport, Iowa) and one in Lincoln County (about an hour northwest of St. Louis). But neither of the two townships contained a village named Nineveh on any of the maps we looked at. Furthermore, neither of the townships fell in the path of the total eclipse. 

The fourth place on Wikipedia's list, Nineveh, New York, is about 30 minutes east of Binghamton. We found it marked on maps but, again, it did not lie in the path of totality.

Fifth: Nineveh, Pennsylvania, roughly halfway between Pittsburgh and Morgantown, West Virginia. This Nineveh was marked on maps, but it was also outside of the total eclipse. It was also the last Nineveh listed by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Sixth, we found Nineveh, Virginia, an hour and a half west of Washington, D.C. This was the easiest to check: Nobody in the state of Virginia will be able to see full totality during the eclipse. We did not find a label for Nineveh on maps, and buildings located in the area had their postal addresses listed as White Post, Virginia.

That completed the Wikipedia list, but various posts about the supposed line-up listed two more Ninevehs located in the U.S.: one in Texas and one in Ohio.

Nineveh, Texas, was not marked on maps, nor did it have a post office. It was located not far off of Interstate 45 halfway between Houston and Dallas. This one was close, but we eventually confirmed that it would be outside of the zone of totality by referencing nearby cities that also were outside of totality.

Nineveh, Ohio, was a similar story: not found on maps, no post office, no Census data. But this Nineveh, 30 minutes northwest of Dayton, was finally our second hit.

In total, we counted two places named Nineveh in the United States that could be found in the path of totality.

2024 Total Eclipse . Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

"A Total Eclipse Is near. For Some, It's Evidence of Higher Power. For Others It's a Warning." USA TODAY , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

April 8, 2024 Eclipse Will Pass Over 7 United States Cities Named Nineveh . , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

April 8 Eclipse and Third-Day Events in Scripture . Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

Dawson, Brandon. "THE JONAH ECLIPSE - 40 DAYS - GODS URGENT WARNING TO AMERICA!" Tribe of Christians , 2 Mar. 2024,

Dillard, Annie. "Total Eclipse." The Atlantic , 8 Aug. 2017,

Eclipse 2017 . Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

Mark, Joshua J. "Nineveh." World History Encyclopedia , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

"Nineveh (Disambiguation)." Wikipedia , 29 Oct. 2023. Wikipedia ,

Noah. "The Upcoming U.S. Eclipse Just Got Even Stranger!" WLT Report , 4 Mar. 2024,

The APRIL 8, 2024 ECLIPSE & The 7 Cities Named Nineveh | The APRIL 8, 2024 ECLIPSE & The 7 Cities Named Nineveh | By Messiah GuguFacebook . , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

The April 8 2024 Eclipse and the 7 Cities Named Nineveh . , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

"Total Solar Eclipse 2024 US." Great American Eclipse , Accessed 28 Mar. 2024.

By Jack Izzo

Jack Izzo is a Chicago-based journalist and two-time "Jeopardy!" alumnus.

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April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a ghostbuster at Tinder

Every april 1, brands and companies want to get some laughs – and attention – with goofy new 'product' launches. here are some ideas from companies such as sweetgreen, welch's and omaha steaks..

If you don't like Mondays, this one may especially be grating. It's April Fool's Day , when you should trust no one and question everything.

The roots of April Fools' Day may date back before to before the 15th century. But the modern-day April Fools' Day has become a day to prank a friend, family member, co-worker − or your customers.

Even though some companies have had April Fools' pranks backfire , marketers continue to issue spoof products in attempts to get some laughs and attention.

Already ahead of April Fools' Day, 7-Eleven has hinted at a possible prank product: In addition to new Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange flavored 7-Select sparkling waters, out now with partner Miracle Seltzer, there's a fourth flavor coming April 1: Big Bite Hot Dog.

The hot dog-flavored water "combines the mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven’s iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage – ketchup and mustard included," the convenience chain says in a press release . "Say goodbye to the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage, now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles."

Krispy Kreme: A special doughnut deal for April Fools' Day

Will Big Bite Hot Dog sparkling water be sold? Its availability will be announced April 1. However, some reporters were sent a can of the drink. USA TODAY can confirm that it definitely smells like hot dog water and has a smoky aftertaste.

If you are interested in trying it, both 7-Eleven and Miracle Seltzer have hinted at having some to give away on their Instagram pages. (If you get a can, share with a friend as it's 16 ounces.)

Here's a roundup of many of the brand-related April Fools’ gag announcements. You've been warned.

Sour cream & onion flavored soda

Despite the proliferation of crazy-flavored products including Peeps-flavored Pepsi , Frank's RedHot sauce-flavored Vlasic pickles and Doritos Nacho Cheese-flavored liquor , healthy soda brand OLIPOP and Pringles are not really teaming up to bring to market a Sour Cream & Onion soda.

The product would have been "a match made in heaven … to bring the delicious, tangy flavor of Pringles’ Sour Cream & Onion flavor to life in liquid form with prebiotic benefits," the companies said.

Stoner lingo translation app

Another dream team prank product: Rosetta Stoned, a mobile app from Rosetta Stone and medical marijuana company Fluent , that "bridges the conversational gap between novice users and seasoned stoners in any social setting."

Da da decoder

Infant equipment site BabyQuip has its own language-bridging lark: the “Baby Translator” app, to decode your baby's secret language.

"Say 'goodbye' to restless nights as you decode your baby's coos and cries instantly, providing you with the understanding you need as a parent, all in one convenient app," it promises.

An AI-powered plush doll

Custom stuffed animal maker Budsies already makes selfie plush dolls with a built-in voice recorder. Its April Fools' spoof: Artificial intelligence-enabled dolls that "come programmed to learn everything about you and to become your new best friend."

A 50-pound Bearabuddy

Sorry to the 3,500 or so who have already signed up to buy Bearaby's Jumbo Benji plush toy, which is four times the size of its regular weighted plush toys and twice as heavy as its heaviest weighted blanket . This isn't actually going to be sold. But it is real and will be making its home in the lobby at The Child Mind Institute in Harlem to welcome children and their families. More weighted plushies are due the day after April Fools' Day, the company says.

A sleeping bag to go bananas over

The Dole Banana Peel Sleeping Bag, conveniently promoted as being available on April Fools' Day only, is made from actual banana fiber and "allows parents to escape into their own cocoon of sensory deprivation."

A full-body cleaning suit

Outrageous clothing company Tipsy Elves has a special product for April Fools' Day: The Mopsie. You don't need paper towels anymore, you can use your body to clean up those messes, with this "innovative, wearable microfiber towel jumpsuit" for "effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with ease." There's also a Baby Mopsie for "hard to reach places."

Korean BBQ deodorant

Kevin's Natural Foods , which has paleo- and keto-certified ready-to-cook and easy-prep entrées, is touting a new line of personal care products inspired by its food dishes including Korean BBQ Deodorant, Cilantro Lime Toothpaste, Lemongrass Basil Shampoo and Tikka Masala Sunscreen.

"These new face, body and hair care essentials will help fans prioritize self-care inside and out," the company says. 

Omaha Steaks' meaty sprays

Omaha Steaks has its own personal care prank product: Meaty Spritz sprays with flavors such as Omaha Fog, Hog Haze, and Cock-a-Doodle-Dew.

"The world’s first protein-infused, flavor-packed, portable pump spray … (to) enjoy all the mouthwatering flavors of your Omaha Steaks gourmet favorites no matter how far away from the kitchen you are!" the company says.

Sriracha toothpaste

Asian sauce maker Lee Kum Kee , which makes Sriracha Chili Sauce and Sriracha Mayo Dressing, is introducing – not – its Siracha Mayo Toothpaste. It's "fiery and creamy goodness … is sure to spice up your morning dental routine."

Post-salad dental kit

Need some less powerful toothpaste? Sweetgreen offered these fanciful personal hygiene products as part of its Sweetgreen After Salad Kit, which is "designed with your pearly whites in mind … offering everything you need to freshen up post-meal."

Choose from Miso Ginger Toothpaste, Spicy Cashew Mints, Lime Cilantro Dental Floss, and Sweetgreen Toothbrush and Floss Picks.

Fruit juice lip gloss

More personal care prank products: Welch’s Juicyfuls Juicy Fruit Lip Gloss – now available in five flavors: grape, orange, peach, strawberry and raspberry – made with real juice from Juicefuls fruit snacks so "you get that irresistible sweet flavor you love, all in a lip gloss that's as fun as it is nourishing."

Protein-powered seasonings

Quest Nutrition , maker of protein powder, snacks and other products, has a prank product line of seasonings including All Purpose, Lemon Pepper, and Garlic Herb, each of which deliver "21g of protein, 2g of net carbs and less than 1g of sugar."

If you want to try Quest's real products, you can use code NOJOKE for free shipping on online orders over $49 April 1-3.

Superpowered Superfeet?

These would certainly come in hand on a run, but – sorry – it's a jogging joke. Superfeet SuperBoost Power E-Soles gives you 8 hours of continuous battery-powered boost, for almost Iron Man-like propulsion. "All the comfort and support of Superfeet , now with electrifying performance," the company says in a video about the prank product. "It's like having a powerful electric motor in your shoes."

Scotch tape-branded Scotch?

This shenanigan seems like a blend that could stick: Scotch Whisky by Scotch Brand. The whisky "features a nose of cherry wood and a delightfully smooth finish that hits like a well-wrapped gift."

Who you gonna call when ghosted? This new title at Tinder

Dating app Tinder announced a new April Fools' Day hiring quest for a Vice President of Ghost Hunting to help combat "one of dating culture’s most prevalent vices – ghosting," a practice inflicted on 78% of singles already in 2024 (an untrue fact from Tinder).

Patrón's bringing back a beloved liqueur. No kidding.

Patrón patrons get some good news today. The premium tequila maker chose April Fools' Day to announce the return of its Patrón XO Cafe tequila-based coffee liqueur, which was discontinued in 2021. Since production ceased, devotees took to social media and signed a petition asking parent company Bacardi to bring it back.

Made with Patrón Silver tequila and Arabica bean coffee – the dry liqueur can be sipped straight, in cocktails and as dessert topping – Patrón XO Cafe will begin arriving in stores again later this month.

Say it with dead flowers

Don't forget to put roses on your April Fools' Day list. UrbanStems has this "special" delivery, The Dead Inside Collection, "an assortment of dead flower bouquets, dead plants, half empty vases, and more for the pessimist in your life." But, for real, check UrbanStems' social media accounts including Instagram for how to get 20% off an order of real flowers.

Cheesecake Factory's real deals

The Cheesecake Factory  also has a deal that's no joke: Sign up for the chain's Cheesecake Rewards loyalty program on April 1 to get an Any Slice, Half Price reward, redeemable for 50% off any slice of cheesecake or layer cake, with any food or beverage purchase (no gift cards).

Those who were members before April 1 will find something special in their account on Monday, too: either a free slice of cheesecake each month for a year, a free whole cheesecake, a free slice of cheesecake, $5 off $25 purchases, or $10 off $40 purchases. (All rewards redeemable by April 16; can be redeemed for dine-in, to-go and DoorDash.)

New merch from Dunkin', bonus points in app

Dunkin' announced it is going back to its roots and rebranding to just "Donuts'" on Monday, April 1. To celebrate the rebrand, the company is selling "Donuts'" merch, including sweatshirts that read "DONUTS," on .

Additionally, Dunkin' Rewards members will receive 3x bonus points on any donut order through the mobile app on April 1.

Urban Outfitters launches 'Name Three Shirts' movement

Urban Outfitters said it is launching a global movement to "stand in solidarity against band-tee-shaming" by launching a new collection called "Name Three Shirts."

The t-shirt line "playfully mocks the gatekeeping attitudes of older generations who insist that band-shirt wearers should be required to name songs by those artists," the company said in a news release.

The line, which features revamped logos from bands such as The Grateful Dead, Joy Division and Led Zeppelin, is a "playful jab at the attitudes of older generations, and fights back against the misogynistic undertones of the infamous ‘name three songs’ line of questioning," Urban Outfitters said in the news release.

The collection of shirts is available online and in select Urban Outfitters stores starting April 1. You can shop the collection online here .

Auntie Anne's, Frontier Airlines collaborate on Pretzel Plane

Auntie Anne's pretzels and Frontier Airlines announced they have collaborated on the newest addition to Frontier's fleet: the Pretzel Plane.

According to a news release, the plane includes new in-flight entertainment featuring Auntie Anne's pretzels rolled seat-side, the "luxurious" smell of hot, fresh pretzels throughout the cabin and airplane-shaped pretzels if you're feeling hungry.

Moe's Southwest Grill, Sonic team up to introduce a Queso Slush

Two popular fast food chains announced a collaboration that is sure to be polarizing.

Moe's and Sonic announced a new beverage, the Queso Slush, a queso-flavored slushie. "The frozen goodness of a Sonic Slush meets the delicious flavor of Moe's queso."

Follow Mike Snider on X and Threads:  @mikesnider  & mikegsnider .

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

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Baltimore bridge collapse: What happened and what is the death toll?

What is the death toll, when did the baltimore bridge collapse, why did the bridge collapse, who will pay for the damage and how much will the bridge cost.

NTSB investigators work on the cargo vessel Dali, which struck and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Baltimore


What ship hit the baltimore bridge, what do we know about the bridge that collapsed.

The 1.6-mile (2.57 km) long Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland collapsed into the water overnight after a cargo ship collided with it on March 26.


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Writing by Lisa Shumaker; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Bill Berkrot

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Lisa's journalism career spans two decades, and she currently serves as the Americas Day Editor for the Global News Desk. She played a pivotal role in tracking the COVID pandemic and leading initiatives in speed, headline writing and multimedia. She has worked closely with the finance and company news teams on major stories, such as the departures of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and significant developments at Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and Tesla. Her dedication and hard work have been recognized with the 2010 Desk Editor of the Year award and a Journalist of the Year nomination in 2020. Lisa is passionate about visual and long-form storytelling. She holds a degree in both psychology and journalism from Penn State University.

Republicans hope to win Black voters for Trump. It won't be easy.

Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus embassy attack

Iran said on Tuesday it would take revenge on Israel for an airstrike that killed two of its generals and five other military advisers at the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, heightening the risk of further escalation in conflict in the Middle East.

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At least 27 people were killed when a fire broke out during daytime renovation work at a nightclub in central Istanbul, the city governor's office said on Tuesday.

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How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore: A look at the traffic impact and alternate routes

By Rohan Mattu

Updated on: April 1, 2024 / 8:13 AM EDT / CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE -- The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early on the morning of March 26  led to a major traffic impact for the region and cut off a major artery into and out of the port city. 

Drivers are told to prepare for extra commuting time until further notice.

Locator map showing the typical traffic routes of cargo vessels passing beneath the bridge and the trajectory Dali followed before the collision.

Alternate routes after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse

Maryland transit authorities quickly put detours in place for those traveling through Dundalk or the Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point side of the bridge. The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. 

The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek Drawbridge) to allow for enhanced local traffic access. 

The inner loop of I-695 remains closed at MD 157 (Peninsula Expressway). Additionally, the ramp from MD 157 to the inner loop of I-695 will be closed. 

Alternate routes are I-95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or I-895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) for north/south routes. 

Commercial vehicles carrying materials that are prohibited in the tunnel crossings, including recreation vehicles carrying propane, should plan on using I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) between Essex and Glen Burnie. This will add significant driving time.    


Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge? 

The Key Bridge crosses the Patapsco River, a key waterway that along with the Port of Baltimore serves as a hub for East Coast shipping. 

The bridge is the outermost of three toll crossings of Baltimore's Harbor and the final link in Interstate 695, known in the region as the Baltimore Beltway, which links Baltimore and Washington, D.C. 

The bridge was built after the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel reached capacity and experienced heavy congestion almost daily, according to the MDTA. 

Tractor-trailer inspections

Tractor-trailers that now have clearance to use the tunnels will need to be checked for hazardous materials, which are not permitted in tunnels, and that could further hold up traffic. 

The MDTA says vehicles carrying bottled propane gas over 10 pounds per container (maximum of 10 containers), bulk gasoline, explosives, significant amounts of radioactive materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited from using the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895).  

Any vehicles transporting hazardous materials should use the western section of I-695 around the tunnels, officials said. 

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Bridge Collapse
  • Patapsco River

Rohan Mattu is a digital producer at CBS News Baltimore. Rohan graduated from Towson University in 2020 with a degree in journalism and previously wrote for WDVM-TV in Hagerstown. He maintains WJZ's website and social media, which includes breaking news in everything from politics to sports.

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2024 World Men's Curling Championship: All results, scores, schedule and standings - complete list

Discover all the results and fixtures from the 2024 World Men's Curling Championship from Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

Bruce Mouat in action on the ice at Beijing 2022

The 2024 World Men’s Curling Championship is taking place in the ice arena at the KSS Sports Complex in Schaffhausen, Switzerland from 30 March to 7 April 2024.

Scotland, led by skip Bruce Mouat , arrive at the tournament as reigning champions having won the last edition in Ottawa, Canada. But there will be a host of other countries vying to deny them back-to-back titles including Niklas Edin 's Sweden, Team Canada fronted by Brad Gushue and Italy led by Joel Retornaz .

The action begins with a round-robin stage, where all 13 teams will play each other once.

The top two teams will go straight to the semi-finals on the evening of Saturday 6 April with the next four competing in single play-offs that morning for the last two spots.

The bronze medal and gold medal matches will both take place on Sunday 7 April.

The 13 nations competing are Canada, Czechia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

Below are all the results, fixtures and standings from the competition. All games last 10 ends unless otherwise noted. All times are local (UTC+01:00 on 30 March, UTC+02:00 for remainder of tournament).

  • Niklas Edin and the shot that changed curling forever
  • Watch our Five Rings Film: A Brilliant Curling Story about five unassuming women from Scotland

2024 World Men's Curling Championship: Round Robin Standings

2024 world men’s curling championships: day 1 results and fixtures, saturday 30 march - round robin.

Session 1: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Scotland 10-3 Republic of Korea (7 ends)
  • Sheet B: Czechia 8-9 Canada (11 ends)
  • Sheet C: Sweden 8-1 Netherlands (7 ends)
  • Sheet D: Switzerland 3-5 United States

Session 2: 19:00

  • Sheet A: New Zealand 5-9 Norway (9 ends)
  • Sheet B: Scotland 10-3 United States (8 ends)
  • Sheet C: Japan 4-6 Italy
  • Sheet D: Germany 5-8 Canada

Brad Gushue will lead Canada at the 2024 World Championship after winning the Canadian men's title in early March

Brad Gushue will lead Canada at the 2024 World Championship after winning the Canadian men's title in early March

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 2 results and fixtures

Sunday 31 march - round robin.

Session 3: 09:00

  • Sheet A: Italy 8-7 Czechia
  • Sheet B: Norway 5-10 Switzerland (9 ends)
  • Sheet C: Republic of Korea 6-8 Germany
  • Sheet D: Japan 5-9 Sweden (8 ends)

Session 4: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Switzerland 7-8 Sweden (11 ends)
  • Sheet B: Netherlands 9-4 Republic of Korea (8 ends)
  • Sheet C: Canada 8-4 Scotland (9 ends)
  • Sheet D: Czechia 7-4 New Zealand (9 ends)

Session 5: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Germany 9-4 Netherlands (9 ends)
  • Sheet B: New Zealand 3-8 Japan (7 ends)
  • Sheet C: United States 9-3 Norway (6 ends)
  • Sheet D: Italy 3-8 Scotland (7 ends)

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 3 results and fixtures

Monday 1 april - round robin.

Session 6: 09:00

  • Sheet A: Republic of Korea 4-9 United States (8 ends)
  • Sheet B: Sweden 8-6 Czechia (9 ends)
  • Sheet C: Germany 8-1 Japan (8 ends)

Session 7: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Sweden 10-8 Norway (11 ends)
  • Sheet B: Canada 6-7 Italy (11 ends)
  • Sheet C: Scotland 8-2 New Zealand (6 ends)
  • Sheet D: Netherlands 5-8 Switzerland (9 ends)

Session 8: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Japan 6-8 Czechia
  • Sheet B: United States 6-7 Netherlands
  • Sheet C: Italy 8-5 Republic of Korea
  • Sheet D: Norway 8-6 Germany

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 4 results and fixtures

Tuesday 2 april - round robin.

Session 9: 09:00

  • Sheet B: Czechia 10-6 Republic of Korea (9 ends)
  • Sheet C: Switzerland 10-4 Japan (9 ends)
  • Sheet D: New Zealand 4-7 Canada (9 ends)

Session 10: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Norway v Netherlands
  • Sheet B: Germany v Scotland
  • Sheet C: New Zealand v Sweden
  • Sheet D: United States v Italy

Session 11: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Canada v United States
  • Sheet B: Japan v Norway
  • Sheet C: Czechia v Germany
  • Sheet D: Republic of Korea v Switzerland

Joel Retornaz's Italy will be one of the 'shakers' at the 2024 World Men Curling Championships in Switzerland

Joel Retornaz's Italy will be one of the 'shakers' at the 2024 World Men Curling Championships in Switzerland

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 5 results and fixtures

Wednesday 3 april - round robin.

Session 12: 09:00

  • Sheet A: Italy v Sweden
  • Sheet B: Switzerland v New Zealand
  • Sheet C: Netherlands v Canada
  • Sheet D: Scotland v Czechia

Session 13: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Germany v New Zealand
  • Sheet B: Italy v Netherlands
  • Sheet C: Norway v Republic of Korea
  • Sheet D: United States v Japan

Session 14: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Czechia v Switzerland
  • Sheet B: Republic of Korea v Canada
  • Sheet C: Japan v Scotland
  • Sheet D: Sweden v Germany

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 6 results and fixtures

Thursday 4 april - round robin.

Session 15: 09:00

  • Sheet A: Netherlands v Scotland
  • Sheet B: United States v Sweden
  • Sheet C: New Zealand v Italy
  • Sheet D: Canada v Norway

Session 16: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Republic of Korea v Japan
  • Sheet B: Norway v Czechia
  • Sheet C: Germany v United States
  • Sheet D: Switzerland v Italy

Session 17: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Sweden v Canada
  • Sheet B: Scotland v Switzerland
  • Sheet C: Netherlands v Czechia
  • Sheet D: New Zealand v Republic of Korea

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 7 results and fixtures

Friday 5 april - round robin.

Session 18: 09:00

  • Sheet A: United States v New Zealand
  • Sheet B: Italy v Germany
  • Sheet C: Scotland v Norway
  • Sheet D: Japan v Netherlands

Session 19: 14:00

  • Sheet A: Switzerland v Germany
  • Sheet B: Canada v Japan
  • Sheet C: Republic of Korea v Sweden
  • Sheet D: Czechia v United States

Session 20: 19:00

  • Sheet A: Norway v Italy
  • Sheet B: Netherlands v New Zealand
  • Sheet C: Canada v Switzerland
  • Sheet D: Sweden v Scotland

Niklas Edin's Sweden will be one of the top contenders at 2024 World Men's Curling Championships

Niklas Edin's Sweden will be one of the top contenders at 2024 World Men's Curling Championships

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 8 results and fixtures

Saturday 6 april - qualification and semifinals.

Qualification games: 10:00

Semifinals: 16:00

2024 World Men’s Curling Championships: Day 9 results and fixtures

Sunday 7 april - final and bronze medal game.

Bronze medal game: 10:00

Gold medal game: 15:00

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  29. How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore

    The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek ...

  30. 2024 World Men's Curling Championship: All results, scores, schedule

    The 2024 World Men's Curling Championship is taking place in the ice arena at the KSS Sports Complex in Schaffhausen, Switzerland from 30 March to 7 April 2024.. Scotland, led by skip Bruce Mouat, arrive at the tournament as reigning champions having won the last edition in Ottawa, Canada.But there will be a host of other countries vying to deny them back-to-back titles including Niklas Edin ...