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can i sort bookmarks in safari

Sort, alphabetize, or rearrange bookmarks in Safari on Mac

You can sort, alphabetize, and rearrange bookmarks in the Safari sidebar.

Open Safari for me

can i sort bookmarks in safari

Drag a bookmark or folder to a new location.

To copy a bookmark, Option-drag it.

To sort bookmarks in a bookmarks folder, Control-click the folder in the sidebar, then choose Sort By > Name or Sort By > Address. Address is the website URL.

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How to Organize Safari Bookmarks and Favorites

Organize links to your favorite sites

Tom Nelson is an engineer, programmer, network manager, and computer network and systems designer who has written for Other World Computing,and others. Tom is also president of Coyote Moon, Inc., a Macintosh and Windows consulting firm.

In This Article

Jump to a Section

  • How to Access the Safari Sidebar
  • Understanding the Favorites Bar
  • What Does the Bookmarks Menu Do?

Add a Folder to the Favorites Bar or Bookmarks Menu

  • Step-by-Step: Name Bookmarks
  • Step-by-Step: Add Subfolders to Folders

Organize Folders in the Favorites Bar

Organizing, deleting, and renaming folders.

Bookmarks tend to get out of hand. One way to get and keep them under control is to store them in folders. Of course, the process is easier if you set up folders before you start adding and editing bookmarks , but it's never too late to get organized.

The steps and screenshots here were performed in version 13.0.3 of Safari, but they should apply to older versions as well.

The Safari Sidebar

The easiest way to manage your bookmarks is through the Safari sidebar (sometimes referred to as the bookmarks editor). To access the Safari sidebar, click Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks . In older versions of Safari, the menu item might say Show All Bookmarks .

An alternative method to reveal the Safari sidebar is to use the Sidebar button in the Safari toolbar.

With the Safari Sidebar open, you can add, edit, and delete bookmarks, as well as add or delete folders or subfolders.

There are two main places to save bookmarks and bookmark folders : the Favorites bar and the Bookmarks menu.

The Favorites Bar

The Favorites bar is located near the top of the Safari window. It might not be visible depending on how you have Safari set up, but it's easy to enable: Simply select the View > Show Favorites Bar .

The Favorites bar is a great place to keep your favorite websites handy, either as individual links or in folders. The number of individual links you can store horizontally across the toolbar is limited to your screen width, of course, but it allows you to see and access them without clicking a drop-down menu. If you put links rather than folders in the Bookmarks bar, you can access the first nine of them using keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse.

Using folders rather than links in the Favorites bar makes an almost endless array of websites immediately available from the bar. Otherwise, consider reserving the Favorites bar for sites you visit daily or at least once a week, and store everything else in the Bookmarks menu.

The Bookmarks Menu

The Bookmarks menu provides drop-down access to bookmarks and/or folders of bookmarks, depending on how you decide to organize it. It also provides a second way to access the Favorites bar, as well as bookmark-related commands. If you turn off the Favorites bar, perhaps to gain more screen real estate, you can still access it from the Bookmarks menu.

Adding a folder to the Favorites bar or the Bookmarks menu is easy; the trickier part is deciding how to set up your folders. Some categories, such as News, Sports, Weather, Tech, Work, Travel, and Shopping, are universal, or at least pretty obvious. Others, such as Crafts, Gardening, Woodworking, or Pets, are more personal.

Consider adding a Temp category to hold the sites you might visit briefly but want to return to later, when you have more time. These should be sites you wouldn't bookmark permanently but are interesting enough to check out—just not at the moment. If you corral them in a Temp folder, they will still pile up frighteningly fast, but at least they'll all be in one place.

Naming Your Bookmarks

To add a folder:

Select Bookmarks > Add Bookmark Folder . A new folder named untitled folder will appear at the bottom of the Bookmarks section, ready for you to change it.

Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

If you accidentally click away from the folder before you get a chance to name it, right-click the folder and select Edit Name from the pop-up menu. If you change your mind about the folder, right-click it and select Remove (or Delete , depending on your version of Safari) from the pop-up menu.

Select and drag the folder to the Favorites bar or the Bookmarks menu entry in the sidebar, depending on where you want to store it.

Whether you decide to add individual bookmarks or folders to the Favorites bar, keep their names short, so you can fit more of them in. Short names aren't a bad idea in the Bookmarks menu, either, but you have more leeway here because the links display in a hierarchical list.

Adding Subfolders to Folders

If you tend to collect a lot of bookmarks, consider adding subfolders to some of the folder categories. For example, you might have a top-level folder called Home that includes subfolders called Cooking , Decorating , and Gardening . To add a subfolder:

Open the Safari sidebar ( Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks ).

Select the Favorites Bar or the Bookmarks Menu entry, depending on the location of the top-level folder.

Select the target folder and then the right-facing arrow to the left of it to display the folder's contents (even if the folder is empty). If you don't do this, a new folder you create will be added at the same level as the existing folder, rather than within the folder.

From the Bookmarks menu, select Add Bookmark Folder . A new subfolder will appear in the selected folder, with its name ( untitled folder ) highlighted and ready for you to edit. Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

If you're having problems getting the subfolders to appear in the selected folder, simply drag the subfolder to the folder you wish to have the subfolder occupy.

To add more subfolders to the same folder, select the folder again, then select Bookmarks > Add Bookmark Folder . Repeat the process until you've added all of the desired subfolders, but resist the urge to get carried away.

Rearranging the folders in the Favorites bar is easy. You can do this two ways: directly in the Favorites bar itself or in the Safari sidebar:

  • Select the folder you want to move, and drag it to its target location in the Favorites bar. The other folders will move out of the way to accommodate it.
  • Select Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks . In the Safari sidebar, click Favorites. To move a folder, click and hold the folder's icon, then drag it to the desired location. You can move a folder to a different position at the same level in the hierarchy, or drag it into another folder.

The first option is easiest if you're rearranging top-level folders; the second option is the one to choose if you want to rearrange subfolders.

To rearrange your bookmark folders, open the Bookmarks sidebar and simply drag the folders to the desired positions.

To delete a folder from your Bookmarks menu or Favorites bar, right-click on the folder, and select Remove from the pop-up menu.

Check the folder first to be sure that it doesn't contain bookmarks or subfolders that you'd like to save elsewhere.

To rename a folder, right-click it and select Rename ( older versions of Safari used Edit Name instead) from the pop-up menu. The folder's name will be highlighted, ready for you to edit. Type in a new name, and press Return or Enter .

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How To Rearrange Bookmarks In Safari

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Bookmarks are an essential feature of web browsers, allowing users to save and organize their favorite websites for quick and easy access. In Safari, Apple's native web browser, bookmarks play a crucial role in streamlining the browsing experience. Whether you're a casual user or a power surfer, knowing how to efficiently manage your bookmarks can significantly enhance your productivity and enjoyment of the web.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of rearranging bookmarks in Safari. We'll explore the various methods and techniques that can be employed to organize your bookmarks according to your preferences. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effortlessly rearrange your bookmarks, ensuring that your most visited websites are readily accessible and neatly arranged within Safari.

Let's embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of Safari's bookmark management capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned Safari user or a newcomer to the world of web browsing, the tips and tricks shared in this article will empower you to take control of your bookmarks and optimize your browsing experience. So, without further ado, let's dive into the fascinating realm of bookmark rearrangement in Safari.

Accessing Bookmarks in Safari

Accessing bookmarks in Safari is a fundamental aspect of managing your saved websites and web pages. Whether you want to revisit a favorite site, organize your bookmarks, or delete outdated links, knowing how to access your bookmarks efficiently is essential. Safari offers multiple methods to access your bookmarks, catering to different user preferences and browsing habits.

Using the Bookmarks Menu

One of the most straightforward ways to access bookmarks in Safari is through the Bookmarks menu located in the top menu bar. By clicking on "Bookmarks," a dropdown menu will appear, displaying all your saved bookmarks and bookmark folders. This method provides quick access to your bookmarks without cluttering the browser interface.

Bookmarks Sidebar

Safari also offers a convenient Bookmarks Sidebar, which can be accessed by clicking on the Sidebar button in the Safari toolbar or by using the keyboard shortcut Command + Option + 1. The Bookmarks Sidebar provides a comprehensive view of your bookmarks and bookmark folders, allowing for easy navigation and organization.

Bookmarks Bar

For users who prefer immediate access to their most frequently visited websites, the Bookmarks Bar is a valuable feature. By enabling the Bookmarks Bar in Safari's View menu, users can display their favorite bookmarks directly beneath the address bar, providing quick and convenient access to essential websites.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Safari offers keyboard shortcuts to access bookmarks swiftly. By pressing Command + Option + 1, users can toggle the Bookmarks Sidebar, while Command + Option + B enables the Bookmarks Bar. These shortcuts are particularly useful for users who prefer navigating through the browser using keyboard commands.

Using the Smart Search Field

The Smart Search Field in Safari doubles as a search bar and an address bar. By clicking on the address bar, users can access their bookmarks by clicking on the bookmark icon that appears on the left side of the Smart Search Field. This method offers a seamless way to access bookmarks while performing other browsing activities.

By familiarizing yourself with these various methods of accessing bookmarks in Safari, you can streamline your browsing experience and make the most of Safari's bookmark management capabilities. Whether you prefer using menus, keyboard shortcuts, or the Bookmarks Bar, Safari provides versatile options to suit your individual browsing preferences.

Rearranging Bookmarks in Safari

Rearranging bookmarks in Safari is a simple yet powerful way to customize your browsing experience and ensure that your most visited websites are easily accessible. Whether you want to reorganize your existing bookmarks, create new bookmark folders, or prioritize specific websites, Safari offers intuitive tools to help you achieve these objectives.

Rearranging Bookmarks Manually

To manually rearrange bookmarks in Safari, follow these steps:

  • Open Safari and access your bookmarks using one of the methods mentioned earlier.
  • Click and drag the bookmarks to reorder them within a bookmark folder or move them to a different folder. This drag-and-drop functionality allows for effortless rearrangement of bookmarks to suit your preferences.

Creating and Managing Bookmark Folders

Organizing bookmarks into folders can significantly enhance the efficiency of your bookmark management. To create a new bookmark folder in Safari :

  • Access your bookmarks and navigate to the location where you want to create the new folder.
  • Right-click or Control-click on the bookmarks bar or bookmarks sidebar and select "New Folder" from the context menu.
  • Name the new folder and drag relevant bookmarks into it for streamlined organization.

Sorting Bookmarks Alphabetically

Safari provides the option to sort bookmarks alphabetically, making it easier to locate specific websites within your bookmark collection. To sort bookmarks alphabetically:

  • Access your bookmarks and navigate to the desired location.
  • Right-click or Control-click on the bookmarks bar or bookmarks sidebar and select "Sort By" followed by "Name" from the context menu.

Utilizing iCloud for Bookmark Synchronization

If you use Safari across multiple Apple devices, iCloud can be leveraged to synchronize your bookmarks seamlessly. Any changes made to your bookmarks on one device will be reflected across all your iCloud-connected devices, ensuring consistent bookmark organization and accessibility.

By mastering the art of rearranging bookmarks in Safari, you can tailor your browsing environment to align with your preferences and browsing habits. Whether you prefer manual organization, folder management, or alphabetical sorting, Safari offers a range of tools to empower you in customizing your bookmark collection. Embracing these features will not only enhance your browsing efficiency but also elevate your overall Safari experience.

In conclusion, mastering the art of rearranging bookmarks in Safari is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance your browsing experience. By leveraging the diverse methods of accessing and organizing bookmarks, Safari users can streamline their web navigation, prioritize essential websites, and maintain a well-structured collection of saved links.

The ability to access bookmarks through the Bookmarks menu, Bookmarks Sidebar, Bookmarks Bar, keyboard shortcuts, and the Smart Search Field provides users with flexibility and convenience. Whether you prefer a minimalist approach or quick access to your favorite websites, Safari caters to a variety of browsing preferences.

Furthermore, the process of rearranging bookmarks in Safari offers a range of options, including manual organization, creating and managing bookmark folders, sorting bookmarks alphabetically, and utilizing iCloud for seamless synchronization across devices. These features empower users to tailor their bookmark collections to suit their individual needs, ensuring that essential websites are readily accessible and neatly organized.

By embracing these bookmark management capabilities, Safari users can optimize their browsing efficiency, save time, and maintain a clutter-free browsing environment. Whether you're a casual user who enjoys occasional web exploration or a power surfer who relies on a meticulously organized bookmark collection, Safari's bookmark rearrangement tools provide the flexibility and functionality needed to curate a personalized browsing experience.

In essence, the ability to rearrange bookmarks in Safari is not merely a technical skill but a gateway to a more personalized and efficient browsing journey. By taking advantage of these features, users can unlock the full potential of Safari's bookmark management capabilities, ensuring that their most visited websites are just a click away, neatly arranged and easily accessible.

As you continue to explore the vast expanse of the internet, remember that Safari's bookmark rearrangement tools are at your disposal, ready to empower you in customizing your browsing environment. Embrace these features, experiment with different organization methods, and discover the joy of a seamlessly tailored web browsing experience within Safari.

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How to Manage Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari on Mac: A Complete Guide

Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari help you keep track of your favorite sites and visit them instantly. Here's how to master them.

Bookmarks and Favorites in Safari are easy ways to keep track of interesting sites you want to visit again later and your favorite sites you visit often. Bookmarks and Favorites have similar, but slightly different, purposes.

Use bookmarks to save links for sites you want to visit again later. Use Favorites to store links to a select few sites you visit often or every time you open Safari.

We'll explain how to manage your bookmarks and Favorites in Safari so you can make the best use of them and keep them organized.

Managing Bookmarks in Safari

Browser bookmarks can quickly get out of hand, especially if you bookmark a lot of sites. So it's a good idea to start organizing your bookmarks into folders early on to keep them under control. But it's never too late to get organized. It just might take a while if you have a large, unorganized collection of bookmarks.

How to Create Bookmark and Favorites Folders

Before adding a bookmark for a site, create a folder to put the bookmark in. First, click Show sidebar , or press Cmd + Control + 1 .

Make sure the Bookmarks button is selected (blue) at the top of the sidebar. Either right-click or Control -click anywhere in the sidebar and select New Folder .

Your Favorites are at the top of this sidebar and you can also use this method for creating Favorites folders.

Enter a name for the folder and press Enter .

To create a new folder in the Bookmarks editor, click New Folder in the upper-right corner of the page.

If you want to add multiple existing bookmarks to a new folder, select the bookmarks and hold down Option as you click New Folder . The selected bookmarks are added to the new folder that you can rename as mentioned above.

How to Add Bookmarks

To add a new bookmark and customize the name, description, and location, click the Share button in the upper-right corner of Safari. Select Add Bookmark .

This enters a default name for the bookmark based on the website title. But you can change the name if you want.

You can also add an optional description for the bookmark, which helps you remember why you bookmarked a page in the first place.

The first time you add a bookmark in Safari, the default folder is Favorites . We'll talk about adding Favorites later. For now, we're going to add the bookmark to the new folder we created above.

Select the folder from the Add this page to dropdown list and click Add . The folder you select becomes the default folder next time you add a bookmark.

To quickly add a bookmark, move your mouse over the address bar. Click and hold the plus icon on the left side of the box.

Select a bookmarks folder from the dropdown list. Safari adds a bookmark with the default name of the page to the selected folder. We'll show you how to edit a bookmark later.

You can also add the page to your Favorites by selecting Favorites or a Favorites folder.

How to Move and Copy Bookmarks and Folders

If you already have a bunch of bookmarks , you can organize them into folders or rearrange them.

Drag the bookmark to a folder or another location on the sidebar. To copy a bookmark instead of moving it, hold down the Option key while you drag it.

This method also works for rearranging Favorites.

How to Rename Bookmarks and Folders

To rename a bookmark or folder, right-click or Control -click on an item in the sidebar and select Rename . You can also force-click to rename. To do this, click and hold on the item until its text highlights.

If you're in the Bookmarks editor, select the bookmark or folder you want to rename, and press Enter .

Enter a new name or change the current one, and press Enter to accept your changes.

This also works for renaming Favorites.

How to Edit the URL for a Bookmark

Safari contains a Bookmarks editor that allows you to edit and delete your bookmarks and Favorites. Go to Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks .

Use the same method we described for renaming bookmarks to change the Address for a bookmark or Favorite. The editor also allows you to edit Website names, but you can't add bookmarks or Favorites in the editor.

How to Edit the Description for a Bookmark

You might want to add descriptions to your bookmarks, so you know why you saved the link to that page. If you forgot to do that for some of your existing bookmarks, you can edit their descriptions.

You can only edit the description for a bookmark on the sidebar, and only if the bookmark is in a folder. This is another good reason for putting bookmarks into folders.

To edit the description for a bookmark, double-click the folder containing the bookmark on the sidebar to expand it. Then, Control -click the bookmark you want to edit and select Edit Description .

The description is highlighted, allowing you to enter new text.

How to Delete Bookmarks

If your bookmarks are cluttered, you may want to delete old ones you don't use anymore.

On the sidebar, either right-click or Control -click the bookmark you want to delete and select Delete .

To delete multiple bookmarks, Cmd -click the bookmarks and press the Delete key.

You can also click and hold on the bookmark's name until it's highlighted. Then click the X to the right of the name.

Both methods also work for deleting Favorites.

How to Search Through Your Bookmarks

If you have a lot of bookmarks, you might find it hard to locate a certain one, even if you've organized them into folders. Thankfully, Safari allows you to search through your bookmarks.

Enter the text you want to search for in the search box at the top of the sidebar or in the upper-right corner of the Bookmarks editor. On the sidebar, you might have to scroll up to see the search box.

Results of the search display as you type. Click on the bookmark to open the page in the current tab.

To clear the search and go back to the full list of bookmarks, click the X button on the right side of the search box.

How to Import Bookmarks From Chrome or Firefox

Have you switched to Safari from Chrome or Firefox ? You can easily import your bookmarks from either browser into Safari.

Go to File > Import From > Google Chrome or File > Import From > Firefox . Check the Bookmarks box on the dialog box and click Import .

You can do this at any time, even if you've imported bookmarks already.

Safari is smart enough to know which bookmarks you've already imported from Chrome or Firefox. So if you import bookmarks again, you'll only get new ones you added to the other browsers. Or if you've deleted some bookmarks you imported, you'll get those back the next time you import.

The bookmarks and folders from Chrome or Firefox are imported at the root level on the sidebar. Use the methods we covered above to rename and rearrange bookmarks and folders, edit descriptions, or delete any imported bookmarks you don't want.

How to Import Bookmarks From an HTML File

You might want to import your bookmarks into a separate folder automatically, so you can keep them separate from the bookmarks you already had in Safari.

You can accomplish this by importing bookmarks from an HTML file, which you can export from Firefox or Chrome. See our guide to exporting Chrome bookmarks for info on this.

Go to File > Import From > Bookmarks HTML File . Then select the HTML file you want to import and click Import .

The imported bookmarks are put into a folder titled Imported with the current date.

Managing Favorites in Safari

The Favorites bar sits just below the address bar at the top of the Safari window. It provides quick access to sites you visit often.

You can only specify one web page as your homepage. But what if you want to open multiple pages every time you open Safari? You can add your favorite pages to your Favorites and have quick access to them when you open Safari.

How to Show the Favorites Bar

Safari stores favorites on the sidebar and in the Bookmarks editor, as we showed you earlier. You can also access them on the Favorites bar.

If you don't see the Favorites bar under the address bar, click Toggle the favorites bar on the toolbar, go to View > Show Favorites Bar , or press Cmd + Shift + B .

Only a certain number of sites will fit on the Favorites bar, so it's best to limit the number of pages you add to your Favorites.

How to View the Favorites Page on the Current Tab

If you want to view and access your Favorites as thumbnails, you can open the Favorites page on the current tab. Go to Bookmarks > Show Favorites .

If you don't see Show Favorites as the first option on the Bookmarks menu, you must make a change in Safari's settings . Go to Safari > Preferences . On the General screen, select Favorites from the New windows open with popup menu.

Your Favorites are available as thumbnails on the current tab.

How to View the Favorites Page on a New Tab

If you want access to Favorites page when you open a new tab, go to Safari > Preferences .

On the General screen, select Favorites from the New tabs open with popup menu. New tabs will now display the Favorites page, which includes Frequently Visited sites at the bottom. We'll show you how to hide the Frequently Visited sites section later.

How to View Favorites From the Smart Search Box

Use the Smart Search box, or address bar, as a quick way to access your Favorites page without leaving the current web page.

Click in the address bar to open the Favorites in a popup window. Then click the icon for the page you want to visit. The Favorites popup window goes away and the selected page opens on the current tab.

How to Change the Bookmarks Folder on the Favorites Page

By default, the Favorites page shows all your Favorites and the folders under Favorites. But you can change this to show only the Favorites in a Favorites folder or a folder of bookmarks.

Go to Safari > Preferences . On the General screen, select the folder you want to view from the Favorites shows popup menu.

The selected folder displays when you open the Favorites page on a new tab or from the Smart Search box.

How to Show/Hide Frequently Visited Sites in Favorites

If you don't want to see Frequently Visited sites at the bottom of the Favorites page, you can hide them.

Go to Bookmarks > Show Frequently Visited in Favorites . When the option does not have a check mark in front of it, you won't see the Frequently Visited sites on the Favorites page.

How to Open Your Favorites in Tabs When You Open Safari

If you visit the same pages every time you open Safari, you can add these pages to your Favorites and have them open in separate tabs when you open a new window.

To do this, set up your Favorites using the methods described earlier. Then go to Safari > Preferences .

On the General screen, select Tabs for Favorites in the New windows open with dropdown list.

Keep Track of Your Favorite Pages in Safari

Safari already offers great tools in the bookmarks and Favorites features. And they'll help you keep your favorite and important pages organized.

But if you want other options for managing your bookmarks, you can look through some great Safari extensions for bookmark management .

How to manage bookmarks in Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Bookmarking your favorite websites in Safari on your iPhone, iPad, and/or Mac is handy for accessing the pages you need with a tap. But bookmarks can also quickly get out of control. So for the best experience, you can organize your bookmarks in folders, rearrange them, edit them, and of course, delete those you end up never using.

To help you get control of your saved pages, here’s how to manage bookmarks in Safari on iOS and Mac.

Manage Bookmarks in Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Manage bookmarks in Safari on iPhone and iPad

Add a bookmark.

1)  Click either the  Sharing  button from the bottom and pick  Add Bookmark .

2)  Select a location, then adjust the name of the page and give it a description if you like.

3)  Tap  Save .

Add Safari Bookmarks on iPhone

Edit a bookmark

1)  Select the  Bookmarks  icon from the bottom and make sure you’re in the bookmarks section.

2) Choose  Edit .

3)  Select the bookmark you want to edit.

4)  Change the name, link, or location of the bookmark and tap  done .

5)  If you’re finished editing bookmarks, tap  Done  on the Bookmarks screen.

Edit Safari Bookmarks on iPhone

Delete a bookmark

1)  Select the  Bookmarks  icon from the bottom and then tap  Edit .

2)  Tap the  minus sign  for the bookmark you want to delete.

3)  Choose  Delete  when it appears next to the bookmark.

4)  If you’re finished editing bookmarks, tap  Done  on the Bookmarks screen.

Delete Safari Bookmarks on iPhone

Rearrange bookmarks

1)  Tap the  Bookmarks  icon from the bottom and then tap  Edit .

2) Touch the three-line icon and drag and drop this bookmark into its new location in the list.

3)  If you’re finished editing bookmarks, tap  Done  on the Bookmarks screen.

Rearrange Safari Bookmarks on iPhone

Create a bookmark folder

Organizing your bookmarks using folders is ideal for keeping similar websites together.

2)  Select  New Folder .

3)  Give the folder a name, select its location, and tap  Done .

Create Safari Bookmark Folder on iPhone

Move bookmarks to a folder

1)  Choose the  Bookmarks  icon from the bottom and then tap  Edit .

2)  Select the bookmark you want to move.

3)  Change the location of the bookmark to the new folder and tap  Done .

Note: You can rename, delete, and rearrange folders by following the steps above, just like bookmarks.

Move Bookmark to Folder on iPhone

Manage bookmarks in Safari on Mac

1)  Click either the  Sharing  button from the toolbar or  Bookmarks  from the menu bar and pick  Add Bookmark .

3)  Click  Add .

Add Safari Bookmarks on Mac

Edit or Delete a bookmark

1)  Click  Bookmarks  from the menu bar and select  Edit Bookmarks .

2)  Either  right-click  or hold  Control and click  the bookmark you want to edit or delete.

3)  Select an option from the context menu.

For editing, you can rename or change the address. After you finish your edit, hit the  Enter  key.

For deleting, you can choose  Delete  from the context menu. You can also simply select the bookmark and hit your  Delete  key.

Edit Delete Safari Bookmarks on Mac

1)  Select and hold the bookmark you want to move.

2)  Drag it to its new location in the list.

3)  Release your mouse or trackpad when the line is placed where you want the bookmark. If you’re moving it to a folder, the entire folder will be highlighted. (See how to create a folder below.)

Rearrange Safari Bookmarks on Mac

2)  Click the  New Folder  button on the top right. Alternatively, you can  right-click  or hold  Control and click  on the Bookmarks page and select  New Folder  from the context menu.

3)  When the folder appears in your list, it’s labeled Untitled Folder. So, click in that box and give it the name you want.

4)  Hit  Enter .

Create Safari Bookmark Folder on Mac

Simple tips for working with your Safari bookmarks can make them more manageable. Do you have tricks you use to manage your Safari bookmarks on either iOS or Mac? If so, feel free to share them in the comments below.

More Safari bookmark tutorials:

  • How to use bookmark folders in Safari
  • How to sync bookmarks between Mac, iPhone, and iPad
  • How to export Safari bookmarks from your iPhone or iPad to a Mac or PC


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How to sort Safari bookmarks alphabetically

By Charlie Sorrel • 11:00 am, April 3, 2018

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bookmarks alphabetically

OCD users of macOS 10.13.4 rejoice! You can now reorder your Safari bookmarks alphabetically. Instead of having to settle for having Safari’s bookmarks always being in the order you created them, or having to manually drag them into the order you want, you can now have Safari sort them for you.

Why would you want to do this? Well, if you’re browsing through a huge folder of bookmarks, then having any kind of sort order is better than none. And if you’re using accessibility options — for instance if you are using screen readers because your sight is impaired — then alphabetical listings are essential.

sort bookmarks

This tip applies to your saved bookmarks. To see your saved bookmarks, got to Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks in the Safari menubar, or type Option-Command-B on the keyboard. This brings up the bookmark page, which contains all your bookmarks, bookmarks folders, and special collections (Favorites, and the Bookmarks Menu). If you right-click on one of your folders, you get options to rename the folder, or two open all its bookmarks in tabs.

But if you’re running the latest version of macOS on your Mac, then you now have a new option when you right-click on bookmarks folder. You can now choose to Sort By to sort bookmarks alphabetically. You can sort either by the bookmark’s name, or by its address (the URL). The latter is good for gathering all bookmarks from a single website together in your list, whatever their page titles may be.

It might seem to you that this feature should have been there already. It seems like something that would have shipped a long time ago. And in fact, people have been asking for it for many, many years. According to Mac OS X Hints founder Rob Griffiths , the features was first requested in April 2003 — just three months after Safari first launched on the Mac.

In his investigations, Rob also discovered that there is an upper limit to the number of bookmarks that can be sorted: 450. If you have 450 bookmarks or fewer in a folder, you can sort it using this new option. If you have 451 or more? Tough. The option doesn’t appear in this menu.

Sort bookmarks on an older Mac with SafariSort

If you’re not running High Sierra on your Mac, then you can’t use this new feature. But you can get the same behavior using a free app. It’s called SafariSort, and it does the same thing, only in a blunter manner. To use SafariSort, you just launch the app, and click a button in a pop up window. The app will then sort all your Safari bookmarks at once. There’ no way to do it folder by folder. Still, it seems to work, and if you don’t like it, then you can always upgrade to High Sierra.

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Sort Safari bookmarks, folders first?

I know how to sort bookmarks in Safari (16), but is there a setting or hack to sort all the folders first, like Chrome does it? Right now sorting mixes all the folder with the bookmarks (alphabetically), but I find it easier to have my folders at the top.

Steve's user avatar

  • Try these methods . –  harrymc Jan 10, 2023 at 21:14

Re: Re: Yair's answer (thank you for the idea) =>

Tricky(selection causes to enter renaming if not careful), but it works as follows

  • Open bookmarks panel, Create FOLDERS_SORT_TEMP on the TOP of the list
  • Press Command first, then click the BOTTOM folder to highlight it
  • release all keys, press Shift first, click to select top folder
  • Keeping cursor to the left, drag block of folders into sorting directory, proceed with sorting (right-click on temp folder, sort by name)
  • extract sorted directories out of the temp folder ABOVE it
  • Delete temp folder

user6600615's user avatar

  • 2 This is a copy/paste of a comment! –  Toto Jul 26, 2023 at 20:56

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Why can’t Safari sort bookmarks alphabetically?

safari icon osx

Remember when you first started using a web browser, how great it was to be able to save bookmarks? It was necessary back in the day, because you couldn’t remember all those URLs, and browsers didn’t auto-complete with addresses of your saved sites. They also didn’t suggest sites when you typed the name of a company or publication, so you needed to know the URL to get where you wanted.

But the more bookmarks you save, the harder it is to find what you’re looking for. Remember that site where you saw that really interesting article last month? You bookmarked it, and you remember the title, but if you look in your Safari bookmarks, you have to either scan the entire list, or search for it. Sure, you can sort bookmarks in folders, but who has the time to do that? And you’d only do that for the sites you visit very often.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could sort bookmarks alphabetically in Safari? There has never been a way to do this in Safari itself, but there is a way, one that’s been around for donkeys’ years . The process is slightly different now.

Start by displaying your bookmarks in Safari (Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks). Click the Edit button at the bottom of the list.

safari bookmarks

Edit your Safari bookmarks to be able to drag them to the Finder.

Drag them all to a folder in the Finder; make sure you don’t select Bookmarks Menu, or you won’t be able to drag the bookmarks. Display that folder in List view (View > As List, in the Finder), and then click the Name header to sort the files by name.

Next, move up a level in the Finder (press Command-up-arrow), and drag that folder onto the bookmark list in Safari. All your bookmarks will be added to the Bookmarks list, in that folder, You can delete the originals, then move the bookmarks out of the folder to the Bookmarks Menu, or to your Favorites. This is a lot of work for something that should be pretty simple.

You can do this easily in other browsers. For example, in Chrome, if you display your bookmarks and click the Organize menu, you can easily sort them alphabetically (Reorder by title).

chrome bookmarks

Chrome lets you sort bookmarks alphabetically.

And Firefox gives you a plethora of sort options:

firefox bookmarks

Firefox gives you lots of sort options for your bookmarks.

Fortunately, there’s an app for this: the free SafariSort , which can sort your bookmarks alphabetically, or in alphabetical order with all your bookmark folders on top of the list. It’s fast and simple, and if you like having bookmarks in order, you can run it regularly.


SafariSort is a simple app that sorts your bookmarks alphabetically.

Wanting to sort bookmarks alphabetically doesn’t seem like an odd feature request; it’s actually a great way to cull duplicate bookmarks. In fact, Apple should allow Safari to display bookmarks in date order as well. If you add bookmarks to folders, you won’t see all your bookmarks by date, and having a full list in order can be a good way to find what you’re looking for.

No matter what, it would be nice if Safari offered some more ways to view bookmarks, as other browsers do.

Author: Kirk McElhearn , Contributor

can i sort bookmarks in safari

Kirk McElhearn ( @mcelhearn ) writes about Macs, music and more on his blog Kirkville . He also runs Kirk's iTunes Forum , where users can discuss iTunes, iOS devices, music, and more.

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How-To Geek

How to add and manage bookmarks on safari for iphone.

iCloud will sync all the bookmarks you create in Safari on your Mac to your iPad or iPhone, and vice-versa.

iCloud will sync all the bookmarks you create in Safari on your Mac to your iPad or iPhone, and vice-versa. But bookmarks aren't quite as simple and obvious on the iPhone as they are on the Mac. Here's how to create and manage them on iOS.

Adding bookmarks on your iPhone is easy, but it's not immediately obvious. The first thing you're likely to do is fumble around in your existing bookmarks before you realize that isn't working. What you have to do if you want to add a bookmark is to tap the Share icon as shown below in red.

Once the Share menu opens, you'll be able to then add the current website to your bookmarks or Favorites. You also have the option to add a site to your reading list, in case you want to read it later, offline, or you can pin it to your Home Screen.

Once you know how to add bookmarks, you can rename them, add them to folders, or delete them.

To manage your Safari bookmarks on your iPhone or iPad, first tap the Bookmarks icon along the bottom row.

Now, in the bookmarks screen, tap the "Edit" button in the bottom-right corner.

Now the edit mode will appear. Next to each bookmark or folder there is a "-" symbol, which means you can tap it and delete stuff.

Tap the "New Folder" link, and you can create a new folder to stash new or current bookmarks. Give your new folder a catchy title and indicate where you want it to reside under the "Location" option.

When you tap "Location", your bookmarks structure will expand and you can tap where you want the new folder to go.

To edit any bookmark, you simply need to tap on one while in edit mode. The "Edit Bookmark" screen will open where you can then give any bookmark a new name, fix URL issues, and like new folders, place it in an appropriate location.

Finally, you may have noticed that while in edit mode, there are three gray bars that appear along the right edge of each bookmark or bookmark folder. These allow you to move stuff around, so if you want to reorder everything, just place your finger on these bars and drag it into the location you choose.

As you can see, adding, deleting, and editing bookmarks and bookmarks folders on Safari for iOS is pretty easy and once you know how to do it, we're sure you'll have your bookmarks named and arranged in exactly the order you see fit.

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Sorting Bookmarks in Safari on iPad

Is this basic function (of sorting Bookmarks alphabetically in Safari Bookmark folders) really still not available in Safari for iPhones and iPads? It was available in the early IOS platforms. Why was it dropped?

I have hundreds of Bookmarks in about a dozen Bookmark folders. I can only sort them - apart from one-by-one manually - by syncing with Firefox, but it is most unsatisfactory.

Wake up, Apple, we iPhone and iPad users should be able to Sort our Safari Bookmarks!

Posted on Aug 3, 2022 1:35 PM

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Aug 3, 2022 4:48 PM in response to SmoothieChris

No. Sorting Safari Bookmarks/Favourites alphabetically is not supported.

Why? For reasons known only to Apple, this feature has not been included in recent versions of iOS/iPadOS.

Ne aware that other than Apple’s Moderation Team, Apple do not monitor these forums for comments, nor participate in the user-to-user technical conversations. Apple do however, invite submission of constructive comments and feature requests via its Product Feedback portal. For iPad and iPadOS:

Feedback - iPad - Apple


Sort your Safari bookmarks automatically.

SafariSort for Mac - review, screenshots

SafariSort overview

SafariSort will alphabetically sort your Safari bookmarks in just one click! All folders, sub-folders, and bookmarks will be sorted, enabling you to actually find what you're looking for in just seconds. With version 2 you can choose how you want your folders sorted.

  • Sort Safari bookmarks alphabetically
  • Sort Safari bookmarks alphabetically with folders on top

SafariSort is a Universal Mac application that has been successfully tested on macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X 10.11 El Capitan, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.7 Lion, and OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard..

What’s new in version 2.0.2

Updated on Feb 10 2016

  • [Bug Fix] "usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvX] source_file target_file"


Developer’s website, app requirements.

  • Mac OS X 10.6 or later
  • Successfully tested on OS X 10.13 High Sierra

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  1. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with SafariSort

    can i sort bookmarks in safari

  2. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with SafariSort

    can i sort bookmarks in safari

  3. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with SafariSort

    can i sort bookmarks in safari

  4. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with SafariSort

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  5. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with SafariSort

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  6. How to Organize Bookmarks in Safari on Mac

    can i sort bookmarks in safari


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  2. How to Delete Bookmarks on Safari on Mac

  3. How to Delete Bookmarks on Safari Mac

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  3. How to Automatically Sort Bookmarks in Safari for Mac with ...

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  5. How do you sort bookmarks in Safari alphabetically?

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  11. How to sort Safari bookmarks alphabetically

    At last, you can sort your bookmarks alphabetically. This tip applies to your saved bookmarks. To see your saved bookmarks, got to Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks in the Safari menubar, or type Option ...

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