How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online

India has some amazing architecture and natural sights, with famous landmarks like the Taj Mahal in Agra, and snow capped mountains in the Himalayas.

Most nationalities (except for Bhutanese and Nepali citizens) will need a visa to visit India, which is given in the form of an electronic Indian visa (eVisa) since November 2014.

This guide explains everything about how to get an Indian tourist visa using the e-Visa India website! I wrote it in 2019 and last updated it in 2024.

I went through this process as a tourist, but the process on the e-Visa India website is very similar for the other visa categories as well.

What Is The India eVisa?

The Indian e-Visa is for visitors coming to India on a short term trip for sightseeing, visiting friends or relatives, short term medical treatment or casual business related things.

The 5 eVisa types are as follows: e-Tourist, e-Business, e-Medical, e-Medical Attendant, or e-Conference.

The eVisa is valid for 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years from the date of your arrival in India, and it’s a double entry visa (for e-Tourist or e-Business), single entry visa (e-Conference), or triple entry visa (e-Medical). It’s non-extendable and non-convertible.

You can apply and pay online anywhere from 4 to 120 days in advance of your date of arrival in India, but no later than 4 days prior to arrival, otherwise the application will not be processed.

The eVisa is valid for entry through 26 designated airports and 5 seaports in India, including Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, and Goa. The full list of airports and seaports permitted for the India eVisa can be found here (click the Instructions For Applicant link on the left side).  

Who Is The eVisa Available To?

The eVisa is available to US citizens and those of 170+ other places , and the fee depends on your country/territory.

The current fee for American citizens and other countries can be found in their full list of fees by country on the website .

An additional bank transaction charge of 2.5% may be applicable on the eVisa India online website.

The visa fee is non-refundable, even if for some reason your application is rejected.  

How Can I Get The India eVisa?

The visa process may sound complicated, but don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple! Here it is broken down in 4 short steps:

  • 1. Apply Online. You will need to submit an application with a personal photo and passport page.
  • 2. Pay Visa Fee. Credit or debit cards (or Paypal) are accepted for online payment.
  • 3. Receive e-Visa. The visa will be sent to you by email.
  • 4. Visit India. You will need to print the India eVisa and carry it with you at the time of travel.

Before You Apply For The Indian e-Visa

It’s important to fill out your visa application completely and accurately, otherwise it may be rejected.

Before applying on the eVisa India website, make sure of the following:

  • Passport Validity. Your passport should have >6 months validity
  • Visa Pages. Your passport should have at least 2 blank visa pages for stamping
  • Sufficient Funds. You should have enough money for your stay in India (this is rarely questioned), and also a return ticket or onward ticket.

You will also need to have the following items on your computer:

  • Personal Photo. This should be a recent, clear photo of your face with a white background. JPEG format is required.
  • Passport Photo. This should be your main passport page with your name, date of birth, nationality, etc. PDF format is required. If you need help changing your passport image to a PDF, you can use the following website: .

Note: If you’re applying for an e-Business or e-Medical visa, in addition to the above you will also need a copy of the business card (for the e-Business visa) or a copy of the letter from the hospital concerned in India on its letterhead (for the e-Medical visa).  

How To Apply For The India eVisa (Indian Tourist Visa)

When you’re ready to proceed, you can begin your visa application at the Indian government’s official eVisa website:

THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are other websites circulating on the internet that mimic this one or pretend to grant speedy visas, but those are often scams and they will take your money. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER WEBSITE.

I’ve provided some photos below as EXAMPLES to guide you through the application, but these are not from my actual eVisa submission. In other words, the addresses and other data I used in the images below are only examples. With that said, the pages you see in your visa application will resemble the ones shown in these images.

If anything has changed in the application process since this guide was written, please let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page and I will update the guide ASAP. I will do my best to keep this entire page up to date.

To begin your visa application, click the button circled in red that says Apply here for e-visa .

India eVisa application guide and steps

Visa Application Page 1

E-visa application.

Passport Type*:  Select Ordinary Passport Nationality*:  Select your country from the dropdown list Port Of Arrival*:  Select the airport you will be flying into Date Of Birth*: Email ID*: Re-enter Email ID*: Expected Date Of Arrival*: Visa Service*: Select from the list, and then choose an activity that best fits your trip to India Please Enter Above Text*: Enter the captcha code given

(Items above marked with  * are required.)

India e-Visa online application guide and steps on page 1

Page 1 of the Indian visa online application on the eVisa India website. Very straightforward.

After selecting continue, if you’re applying for the Indian tourist visa (e-Tourist), then a small message will appear: “The following documents are required to be submitted. 1) Photograph. 2) Passport.” Select OK.

(For some reason the photo dimensions here state 2″ x 2″ but when you come to the actual uploader, the correct minimum dimensions will be 350 x 350 pixels. You’ll use the latter. Side note: separate messages may appear for Business/Medical eVisa applications.)

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 1

You can ignore this message on the Indian visa application and click OK.

You have now arrived at the second page of the Indian visa online application form. It’s a good idea to write down the Temporary Application ID  because it will be required if you have issues or need to come back to your application later.  

Visa Application Page 2

Applicant details form.

Surname: Exactly as in your passport Given Name*: Exactly as in your passport Have You Ever Changed Your Name?* If yes, click the box and give details Gender*: Date Of Birth: Automatically filled in Town/City Of Birth*: Country Of Birth*: Citizenship/National ID No*:  If not applicable, type NA Religion*: Visible Identification Marks*:  List any tattoos if you have them, otherwise put NONE Education*: Nationality:  Automatically filled in Did You Acquire Nationality By Birth Or By Naturalization?* Select yours Have You Lived For At Least Two Years In The Country Where You Are Applying Visa?* Select yes or no  

Passport Details

Passport Number*: Place Of Issue*: Whatever nationality is on your passport Date Of Issue*: Date Of Expiry*: Any Other Valid Passport/Identity Certificate (IC) Held?* Yes or no. If yes, give details

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 2

Page 2 of the e-Visa India application form. Personal identification details.

Visa Application Page 3

Applicant’s address details.

House No./Street*: Village/Town/City*: Country*: State/Province/District*: Postal/ZIP Code*: Phone No.*: One phone number is required Mobile No.: Email Address: Automatically filled in Click Here For Same Address*: Click here if your permanent address is the same address as above, and then it will be applied.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 3

Page 3 of the Indian visa online. Personal address details.

Visa Application Page 3 (continued)

Father’s details.

Name*: Nationality*: Previous Nationality:  Leave blank if it never changed. Place Of Birth*:  Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city Country Of Birth*:  

Mother’s Details

Name*: Nationality*: Previous Nationality: Leave blank if it never changed. Place Of Birth*:  Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city Country Of Birth*:

Applicant’s Marital Status:  Select whether you’re single or married. If married (or separated but not divorced), enter your spouse’s details. If divorced, just select single. Were Your Parents/Grandparents (Paternal/Maternal) Pakistan Nationals Or Belong To Pakistan Held Area?  Select yes or no  

Profession / Occupation Details Of Applicant

Present Occupation*:  Select your occupation from the dropdown list. If it’s something else, select ‘Others’ and then enter it. The image below gives an example. Employer Name/Business*: Designation: Address*:  Phone: Past Occupation, If Any: Are/Were You In A Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization?* Select yes or no. If yes, a dropdown will appear asking for the following: Organisation, Designation, Rank and Place Of Posting.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 3

Page 3 (continued). Family and occupation details for the Indian visa online.

Visa Application Page 4

Details of visa sought.

Type Of Visa:  Automatically filled in Visa Service:  Automatically filled in Places To Be Visited*: Enter any cities or areas (e.g. Delhi) you will be visiting in India Places To Be Visited Line 2:  Duration Of Visa:  Automatically filled in No. Of Entries:  Automatically filled in Port Of Arrival In India:  Automatically filled in Expected Port Of Exit From India*:  Select the correct airport from the dropdown  

Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details

Have You Ever Visited India Before?*  Select yes or no. If yes, enter the name and address of the place you stayed previously. Cities In India Visited*:  Enter details from previous visits Last Indian Visa No/Currently Valid Indian Visa*:  If your previous visit was with an eVisa, the number will be written on the stamp given in passport. If you don’t know the number, type unknown. Type Of Visa*:  Tourist Place Of Issue*:  United States (if it was a regular visa). Enter the airport name in India if it was an eVisa. Date Of Issue*:  The date it was issued. For an eVisa, you can use the date of entry from the stamp on your passport, or possibly in your email. Has Permission To Visit Or To Extend Stay In India Previously Been Refused?*  Select yes or no. Hopefully the answer is no  

Other Information

Countries Visited In Last 10 Years:  List any countries you’ve recently visited. I didn’t have room to list all of them, so I included a partial list. This field is not mandatory.  

SAARC Country Visit Details

Have You Visited SAARC Countries (Except Your Own Country) During Last 3 Years?*:  The list of SAARC countries can be found in the dropdown list.

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 4

Page 4 of the eVisa application. Your travel details.

Visa Application Page 4 (continued)

Reference Name In India*:  Your accommodation details will work Address*:  For a hotel this can usually be found on Google Maps or the listing at or Phone*:  For a hotel this can usually be found on their website or on Google Maps Reference Name In Home Country*:  A relative or friend will work Address*:  Phone*: 

India eVisa application guide and steps on page 4

Page 4 (continued). Travel and reference details.

Visa Application Page 5

Additional question details.

  • Have You Ever Been Arrested/Prosecuted/Convicted By Court Of Law Of Any Country?*  Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Refused Entry/Deported By Any Country Including India?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Human Trafficking / Drug Trafficking / Child Abuse / Crime Against Women / Economic Offense / Financial Fraud?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Cyber Crime / Terrorist Activities / Sabotage / Espionage / Genocide / Political Killing / Other Act Of Violence?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever By Any Means Or Medium, Expressed Views That Justify Or Glorify Terrorist Violence Or That May Encourage Others To Terrorist Acts Or Other Serious Criminal Acts?* Yes or no
  • Have You Sought Asylum (Political Or Otherwise) In Any Country?* Yes or no

Application guide and steps on page 5 for Indian visa online

Page 5 of the Indian visa online application. Background questions.

Visa Application Page 6

Upload photograph.

At this point you will be asked to upload a personal photo.

If you need to come back and do this later, you can save and exit the application (but make sure to write down the Temporary Application ID  because it will be required if you want to reuse your application later).

The photo format will need to be JPEG, with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 1 MB. Minimum dimensions are 350 pixels wide x 350 pixels high. The personal photo needs to be recent and front facing, with a white background.

The picture needs to be a clear photo of your face. You can get these done at places like Walgreens, for example. Unfortunately you cannot crop your passport photo to use for this, it needs to be a separate photo.

It’s important to follow all of these specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa India application may be rejected. Click choose file and navigate to the photo you want to choose; then click upload photo .

After uploading the photo, you’re given an opportunity to crop the photo or upload it again if you’d like.

Application guide and steps on page 6 for Indian visa online

Page 6 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your personal photo.

Visa Application Page 7

Upload passport.

Next, you will be asked to upload a copy of your passport page.

This should be the photo page with personal details like name, date of birth, nationality, expiration date, etc. It should match the passport details entered in your eVisa application.

The file should be in PDF format with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 300 KB. If you need help changing your passport file from an image to a PDF, you can use the following website: .

Again, it’s important to follow all of the specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa application may be rejected. Click choose file and navigate to the PDF file you want to choose; then click upload document .

Application guide and steps on page 7 for Indian visa

Page 7 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your passport.

Verification & Payment

After submitting your passport upload, the next page will ask you to confirm ALL of the previous details from your Indian e-Visa application.

Look these over thoroughly to make sure you entered everything correctly, because this will be your last chance to edit anything. Once you verify and continue, you will be brought to the visa payment page.

At this point, you can pay for the visa now or later. Follow the instructions on the page for either option. You should also write down the visa Application ID so you can access the application again.

You can pay with international credit or debit cards, or you can make your visa payment with Paypal. I used Paypal and I would recommend this. It was easy to process.

If you don’t have a Paypal account, then the next best option is probably using your card via the Axis option.  

After submission and payment, you will get an email from the Indian government saying that your Indian visa online application was submitted successfully and will take 72 hours for processing.

Generally you will hear back in much quicker time; in my case the Indian visa application was processed and granted in under 24 hours.

You MUST print the email you receive containing the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) and present it to the immigration officer when you arrive in India. I would recommend printing and bringing at least two copies.

The government of India emphasizes that you should also track your application and make sure that the status says  granted on the official eVisa India website ( same link as above ) before making your journey to India.  

What If My India Visa Is Rejected?

If your India visa is rejected, don’t worry. You can apply again, and there’s no minimum amount of time you have to wait before re-applying for a visa. If the online system allows you to re-apply, then you can go ahead and do it when you’re ready.

However, it’s important to find out why you were rejected so you can fix it in your next application. Unfortunately a reason is not always given, but generally the most common reasons for India visas being rejected are simple errors like typos, wrong dates, or wrong photo specifications.

When reapplying, you’ll be faced with this question: “Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?”

How you answer this question will depend on why you were rejected in your first application. If it was a simple clerical error like a wrong date or wrong photo specifications, then I would answer no, because you weren’t actually refused a visa for visiting India due to being ineligible for some reason, you only made a minor mistake in the submission process that can easily be corrected.

Good luck and happy travels!

Black and white Taj Mahal pool reflection in Agra

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More travel guides.

Thanks for looking! I hope you were helped by this guide on how to fill out an Indian e-visa application.

While you’re waiting for your visa to be processed, don’t forget to check out the other travel guides on my blog!

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' src=

I’m very impressed by the quality of information on this website. There are a lot of good resources here. I’m sure I will visit this place again soon.

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I have an extra copy of my passport photo. Although it is the same picture as in my passport it is not just a cropped version of the photo in the passport. Is this acceptable?

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Hi Jeanne, I haven’t tried that myself but it should be okay as long as it meets the other requirements for the personal photo. Regards

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I used my extra copy of my passport photo this past week for my India E-visa, and it worked!

Thank you, David, for providing the details regarding the E-visa information. It was really helpful and guided me as I entered the required fields in the application.

Good to hear. Thanks Esther!

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why is it that when i filled the places to be visited form, it says invalid characters

What are you trying to enter there?

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Once we receive ETA the first name and last name are shuffled is it the same for everyone?

Yes, it was the same on my ETA. No problem.

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Hi David, thank you SO MUCH for this helpful post. I’m flying to India in a month and my e-visa application was just rejected (I traveled to India in early 2020 and had no issues at all) so I’m now going through the process of carefully re-applying… one question I’m hoping you can help me with: I just got married 2 weeks ago, do you expect it to be an issue to check the “married” box despite the fact my (USA & Israeli) passports say nothing about being married (or single, for that matter?) also -I can’t seem to find anything online about a minimum amount of time to wait before re-applying… any idea? Trying to minimize all odds of being rejected again. Thanks so much again, really appreciate your guidance.

Hi Abigail! Glad the post was helpful for you. Yes, it should be okay to put married on the application. Like you say, the marital status isn’t shown on the passport anyway, and spouse names aren’t always changed right away after marriage either, or sometimes they never change. So that should be fine. As far as I know, there’s no minimum amount of time to wait before re-applying. If the online system allows you to re-apply, then I would go ahead and try again. Do you know why you were rejected the first time? I would figure that out before re-applying. Good luck!

Hi David! Another important question – for the “Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?” question on page 4 – would my previous e-visa rejection quality as a “yes”?

For this question, I think it would depend on the reason why you were rejected on the first application. Was it a simple error like a wrong date, wrong photo specifications, etc? If so, I would answer no, you weren’t refused a visa for visiting India, your application was only rejected because of a minor mistake. This is different from refusing you a visa because you aren’t eligible for some reason.

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My e-visa application just got rejected without any specific reason provided. All they mention in the remark is “You may apply for Regular/Official Visa at nearest Indian Mission/Embassy abroad”. I compared my application to yours and the only difference I see is that for “city/town” of birth I put down city and state as opposed to state only. Would you happen to know if this could have caused the rejection?

Hi Jan! That shouldn’t cause a rejection. I’ve heard of people doing it either way (city and state, or city only). Both are correct answers. Do you think there might be another issue on your application? The most common things are simple errors like typos, wrong dates, or wrong photo specs.

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Thanks so much. This is very helpful.

Question – on page 2 it asks if you ever changed your name. Am I correct in assuming that I put yes because I changed my name when I got married?

Hi Judy! If your passport still has your maiden name, I would use that name in the application and answer no to the question about name change. If your passport has your married name, I would use that name in the application and answer yes to the question about name change. However, I know of people who have applied successfully either way. It shouldn’t affect your application.

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Thank you, this was very helpful. I have a question on section “Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details”. I have traveled to India multiple times, but as an Indian citizen and held an Indian passport. Now I am no longer Indian citizen and applying for India Tourist visa for first time. What do I click in this “Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details” section’s “Have you ever visited India before?”

Hi Sylvia, in that case you can answer “No” for the question “Have you ever visited India before?” because they’re asking if you’ve visited India on a visa before, and you haven’t. You were a citizen and resident, not a visitor. They should be able to understand this since you will list your country of birth as India on page 2 of the application, and also when they ask “Did You Acquire Nationality By Birth Or By Naturalization?” you can put Naturalization.

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Government of India Ministry of External Affairs -->

Three step regular visa application process.


Apply Online

Fill and Submit Visa Application Form Securely.

Submit Documents

Submit your application with required documents at Indian Visa Application Center or at Indian Mission.

Receive Passport, visa

Collect your passport/visa from Indian Mission/Visa Application Center or by post.

For Visa application to Indian Missions/Posts

All foreign nationals entering India are required to possess a valid international travel document in the form of a national passport with a valid visa obtained from an Indian Mission or Post abroad.

All Individual visa seekers are requested to apply for the Indian Visa through Online application link , in order to make an application for getting the Indian visa.

Applicants may fill the online application form by going to the tab placed below. Once the form is filled and submitted, applicant must print the completed application form and sign and submit the physical copy along with the supporting documents and the Passport to the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly at the Indian Mission on the scheduled appointed date. The instructions for filling the form and scheduling the appointment can be seen at Instructions for Regular Visa Application .

The status of Visa Application can be seen on the link for Visa Enquiry.

The applicants are also requested to visit website of the Indian Mission concerned for detailed information about Indian visa.

Regular/Paper Visa Application

Complete partially filled regular/paper visa form, check your visa status, print registered application form, re-upload document.

Technical information: This site is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome,Internet Explorer (Windows) version 9.0 and above.The applicant must also have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7.0 or higher installed on your PC in order to download and print the completed application form. This website is compatible with Android and IOS devices.


Online Portal for Visa Application to Indian Missions/Posts


List of Authorised ICPs for ENTRY #$ /EXIT # in India on Regular Visa

# subject to regular/sticker visa endorsements $ check authorised entry points for e-visa.

  • Bhubaneshwar
  • Tiruchirapalli
  • Vishakhapatnam
  • Attari Road
  • Changrabandha
  • Gauriphanta
  • Kailashahar
  • Lalgolaghat
  • Srimantapur
  • Kawarpuchia
  • Bedi Bunder
  • Mormagoa Harbour
  • Mumbai Seaport
  • Nagapattinum
  • Nhava Sheva
  • Vishakapatnam
  • New Mangalore
  • Agati and Minicoy Island Lakshdwip UT
  • Vallarpadam
  • Krishnapatnam
  • Munabao Rail Check Post
  • Attari Rail Check Post
  • Gede Rail and Road Check Post
  • Haridaspur Rail Check Post
  • Chitpur Rail Checkpost

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how to apply indian tourist visa

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  • Visa for Diplomatic/Official and Laissez-Passer Passport Holders
  • Passport Services
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  • The Quad Fellowship
  • Guidelines for issue of No Objection Certificate / Visa for students proceeding to India on Fulbright Scholarship residing under the jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Washington D.C.
  • Financial Terms and Conditions for Scholarships handled by ICCR.
  • ICCR Scholarship
  • Equivalency certificate of academic qualification
  • Study in India
  • Advisory/Information for students desirous of pursuing medical studies abroad
  • Information on various aspects of US Legal system for incoming Indian students
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  • Bill on NRI Marriages
  • Procedure for sending/ forwarding Court Order/ Summons
  • Legal and other provisions in foreign countries on Indian women cheated/abandoned/abused by Overseas Indian Spouses
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  • Home > e-Visa

Nationals of USA and of other eligible countries can also apply for E-Visa under different categories (Tourist, Business, Medical, Medical Attendant and Conference) at Government of India website:

The following may also be noted in this regard:

  • Visa applicants are cautioned against using any other website which may appear to represent the Government of India and only use the Government of India portal which is
  • Passport used by the applicant should have at least six months validity from the date of arrival in India. The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer on arrival.
  • The applicant must travel on the passport on which e-Visa has been applied. Entry into India will be allowed on a new passport even if the e-Visa has been granted on the old passport. However, in such cases, the traveler must also carry the old passport on which the e-Visa has been granted.
  • E-Visa is not available to Diplomatic/Official Passport Holders or Laissez-passer travel document holders.
  • E-Visa is not available to individuals endorsed on Parent's/Spouse's Passport i.e. each individual should have a separate passport.
  • E-Visa is not available to International Travel Document Holders.
  • Applicants requiring help regarding e-Visa may call the 24X7 helpline number (+91-11-24300666) or send an email to [email protected] for any queries.
  • The e-Visa facility is in addition to the existing Visa services being provided through Indian Embassy and Consulates.

Advisory :  The applicant may note that the Embassy does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal. Service of e-Visa involves a completely online application for which no facilitation is required by any intermediary / agent etc. Applicants are, therefore, advised to be cautious and for any clarification, please contact [email protected]  

how to apply indian tourist visa

1. E-Visa has been made available by the Government of India to citizens of certain countries, including the United States of America. Details of the scheme are available on the dedicated website created for this purpose:  .  International travellers whose sole objective for visiting India is recreation, sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends and relatives, attending a short term yoga programme, medical treatment including treatment under Indian systems of medicine, business purpose, as attendant to e-Medical visa holder, attending a conference/ seminar/ workshop organized by a Ministry or Department of the Government of India, State Governments or UT Administrations etc. & their subordinate/ attached organizations & PSUs and no other purpose/activity, can apply for e-Visa.

2. The revised fee structure for e-Tourist visa is as under:-

3. Passport used by the applicant should have at least six-months validity from the date of arrival in India. The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer on arrival.

4. The applicant must travel on the passport on which e-Visa has been applied. Entry into India will be allowed on a new passport even if the e-Visa has been granted on the old passport. However, in such cases, the traveler must also carry the old passport on which the e-Visa has been granted.

4. International Travellers should have return ticket or onward journey ticket, with sufficient money to spend during his/her stay in India.

5. International Travellers having a Pakistani Passport or are of Pakistani origin may please apply for regular Visa at the Indian Mission.

6. E-Visa is not available to Diplomatic/Official Passport Holders or Laissez-passer travel document holders.

7. E-Visa is not available to individuals endorsed on Parent's/Spouse's Passport i.e. each individual should have a separate passport.

8. E-Visa is not available to International Travel Document Holders.

9. Applicants requiring help regarding e-Visa may call the 24X7 helpline number (+91-11-24300666) or send an email to  [email protected]  for any queries.

10. The e-Visa facility is in addition to the existing Visa services being provided through Indian Embassy and Consulates.

11. Advisory: Service of e-Visa involves completely online application for which no facilitation is required by any intermediary / agent etc. Applicants are, therefore, advised to be cautious and for any clarification, please contact  [email protected]


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Chancery Address: 2107 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008

Consular Wing Address: 2536 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008

Disclaimer: The Embassy is not responsible for the information or content provided in any of the external links given in its Website.

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Page last updated on: August 22, 2024

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Here's how to get a visa to visit India

Joe Bindloss

Dec 20, 2023 • 6 min read

how to apply indian tourist visa

From applying for an e-Visa to extending your stay, here's what you need to know about entry requirements for India © beavera / Getty Images

With its dense tapestry of cultures and landscapes, India feels like dozens of countries rolled into one, but a single visa will cover you for travel across more than 3 million sq km (more than a million sq miles) of territory, taking in everything from steamy jungles to the high passes of the Himalayas.

Every Indian state is as large and diverse as a nation, so take your time navigating this enormous and fascinating country. The good news is that visas are easy to obtain and allow plenty of time for exploring.

Here’s everything you need to know about visa requirements for India, from the application process for e-Visas to overland travel and extending your stay.

Rear view of tourist mother and daughter wearing a hat sitting at a step well (Toorji Ka Jhalra) in Jodhpur, Rajasthan

You'll probably need a visa to go to India

Almost everyone needs a visa to visit India , but for most nationalities, tourist visas are easy to obtain online or through your local Indian embassy or consulate. Citizens of 166 countries – including most nations in the EU and EEA, the UK, the US, Australia and New Zealand, and many countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America – can apply for an e-Visa before traveling via a simple online form .

Applying online is a fairly painless process, and it will save you hours compared to applying in person at an embassy or through a visa agency (in countries where Indian embassies no longer issue visas directly). Tourist e-Visas are available with a validity of 30 days, one year or five years, with the one- and five-year visas allowing for multiple entries for a maximum stay of 180 days on each visit.

For one- and five-year tourist visas, applications are accepted up to 120 days in advance of travel. The 30-day visa allows two entries into India, which is handy if you’re planning a side trip to Nepal , and you can apply up to 30 days in advance of travel. All e-Visas take at least 72 hours to process, so be sure to apply in plenty of time (at least 4 days in advance is recommended).

Applying online is the most hassle-free way to obtain a visa

The Indian government’s online e-Visa portal can be used to apply for tourist visas, business visas, and visas for medical treatment and attending conferences. The cost and duration of the visa vary depending on your nationality, and you may need to show proof of return travel arrangements and sufficient funds to support yourself during your trip.

Rules for non-tourist visas can be complex. Business travelers usually need to provide letters of introduction from Indian companies and organizations that they plan to meet. Assuming you meet the requirements, business visas are usually valid for multiple entries over the space of one year.

Working for an Indian company is more complicated. You’ll need an employment visa and a work permit, and most people need a firm job offer and assistance from an Indian employer to complete the paperwork. As with all visa requirements, the situation is subject to change; contact your local Indian embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information.

Applying for a tourist e-Visa is fairly straightforward

To apply for an Indian e-Visa, visit the government’s official e-Visa portal . You’ll need to upload a digital passport-style photo and copies of your passport ID pages, and pay the visa fee, which varies depending on your nationality.

Your passport must be valid for six months beyond the date of entry, and you’ll need two spare pages for the visa, which will be physically stamped into your passport on arrival. Assuming your application is accepted – which is the case for most applicants – you’ll receive a digital Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA), which you should print out and carry with you when you travel, so you can present it to the immigration authorities on arrival. 

Young woman checking travel timetable board

Enter India via air or sea on your e-Visa

E-Visas allow entry to India through 25 designated airports: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Bengaluru (Bangalore), Hyderabad, Kochi (Cochin), Goa, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Gaya, Jaipur, Lucknow, Trichy (Tiruchirappalli), Varanasi, Kozhikode (Calicut), Mangaluru (Mangalore), Pune, Nagpur, Coimbatore, Bagdogra, Guwahati, Chandigarh and Visakhapatnam.

They’re also valid for entry via the designated seaports at Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, New Mangalore and Mormugao (in Goa).

Apply for a visa before you travel to enter India overland

If you plan to enter India overland – for example, from Nepal or Pakistan – you’ll need a visa stamped into your passport before you leave home, which you’ll need to obtain from the Indian embassy or consulate in your home country, or through an approved visa application office.

If you plan to visit India and Nepal on the same trip, get a multiple-entry visa – it used to be possible to arrange a new Indian tourist visa through the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu , but the authorities may now insist on a two-month gap before issuing a new visa.

There’s no need to worry about applying for a visa for Nepal in advance – they’re available on arrival at border crossings (bring passport photos and US dollars to pay the fee).

If you can't apply for an e-Visa, get one in person in advance

Contact your local embassy or consulate to check the application process in your country; the Indian Ministry of External Affairs maintains a list of diplomatic missions online. It’s best to apply for a visa in your home country – obtaining an Indian visa from an embassy in another country can be tortuously slow, assuming it’s possible at all. Fees and the permitted duration of stay will vary depending on your nationality.

As an alternative to applying through an Indian embassy or consulate, you may be able to apply for a visa through a visa agency – however, this tends to be more expensive than applying directly. In practice, many of these agencies just collect together applications and then send over a staff member to the embassy to apply in person.

Woman practicing yoga

Student visas are available to those on full-time courses in India

Student visas are reserved for people enrolled in approved full-time educational courses in India (which can include training courses in yoga, meditation, and traditional Indian art forms). Student visas are valid for up to five years, depending on the length of the course, but the rules are strict, and you’ll need documentation from the institution where you are studying to apply. The Ministry of Home Affairs provides some information online, but contact your local Indian embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date requirements.

Extending your stay in India is for exceptional circumstances only

E-Visas cannot be extended, but other types of visas can, though only in exceptional circumstances, such as medical emergencies or theft of your passport. To apply, you’ll need to use the government’s special online portal , providing evidence of a valid reason for extending your stay in India (e.g., a letter from the hospital where you are being treated or a police report).

You may then be called in for an in-person interview at the Foreigners’ Regional Registration Office (FRRO) in Delhi. If there is a fee, it will be made clear during the application process.

Some border areas in India require additional travel permits

Under a system carried over from British colonial rule, special permits (known as “protected area permits” or “restricted area permits”) are required to visit many areas close to India’s disputed external borders with China , Pakistan and other territories – a zone known as the “inner line.” Applying for these permits outside India is tricky, but you can apply locally in India without too much difficulty.

Permits are especially important for highly sensitive border areas (which tend to be off-limits to all travelers). Applications can be made through local government offices or local travel agencies; contact the state government offices for these regions to get the latest information. In some areas, you may need to register with the local Foreigners Regional Registration Office on arrival, but this is an easy process.

This article was first published Mar 12, 2022 and updated Dec 20, 2023.

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Consulate General of India

The Government of India has decided to restore all valid regular paper /e-visa [including long term 10 years tourist regular paper visa and 5 years e-visa] irrespective of its issue date, for the nationals of USA since 16 March 2022. Fresh issue of regular paper long term (10 years) tourist visas has also been restored for nationals of USA.

The current scheme of regular Tourist visa/e-tourist visa (one month stay only) on gratis basis will be discontinued from 01 April 2022.

Maximum stay by a foreigner in India on an  e-Tourist visa or regular paper Tourist visa or both  in one calendar year shall be restricted to 180 days. Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

For issue of any visa, the passport must be valid for at least 6 months and it should have two blank pages.

In case of a minor applicant,  Notarized Parental authorization form , duly signed by both the parents is mandatory, along with copies of their passports and marriage certificate.

E-Visa  -

The process of obtaining e-visa may be seen at - . The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Paper visa through VFS Global only  -

Applicants residing within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, New York may apply for regular visa at VFS Global  and send the completed physical application to VFS Global at -

VFS Global Indian Visa Application Centre, 128 East, 32nd Street, 2nd Floor, New York, 10016. Email [email protected], Helpline:  +1-800-320-9693

Registration of Foreigners

All foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term (more than 180 days)  Student Visa, Medical Visa, Employment Visa  are required to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) / Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay, within 14 days of arrival. All  Business Visa  (including e-Business visa) holders are required to register themselves with the FRRO/FRO concerned in case the aggregate stay in India on Business Visa exceeds 180 days during a calendar year.

Emergency Visa Service  -

VFS Global will accept in-person applications, with prior appointment, on working days as well as on weekends /holidays, from US passport holders of Indian origin and their family members who are required to visit India due to a family emergency, such as critical illness or death of a family member. Documentary evidence will need to be provided and the applicant will be charged an emergency service fee . Applicants within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, New York may contact VFS as per details given below to:

Monday to Friday: Between 9 AM to 4 PM Email: [email protected] Weekends and Holidays: Between 9 AM to 4 PM Tel:  +1-929-866-2770

Diplomatic & Official Passport holders and Fullbright Scholars  -

Diplomatic/official passport holders and Fullbright Scholars, may please send an email at [email protected] for guidance on the procedure to be followed.

Guidelines for International Travel  -

Applicants are advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India website.

Travel arrangements  -

Applicants are advised not to finalize their travel arrangements prior to issuance of visa.

New York 01 Feb 2023

Updated Advisory on Visas

The Government of India has decided to issue fresh tourist visas with effect from 15 October, 2021 for group tourism and from 15 November, 2021 for individual travel. In this context, the following may be noted:

All foreign nationals intending to visit India for tourism purpose are permitted to enter India on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa with effect from 15 November, 2021. Such travel will be allowed through Vande Bharat Mission, Air Bubble Scheme or by any scheduled/non-scheduled flight allowed by the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation.

A Single Entry e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa valid for a stay of up to 30 days will be issued, which will have to be utilized within a period of 120 days from the date of issue . This visa will be issued free of charge for a limited period once to each applicant. However, VFS service charge and payments on account of value-added services like courier, etc. will have to be made.

It may be noted that existing valid e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa issued before 6 October, 2021 will continue to remain suspended and travel on such visas is not permitted.

Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

The process of obtaining e-Tourist Visa may be accessed at - .The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Tourist Visa/ Business Visa/Medical Visa/Conference Visa/Journalist and Student visa may be applied at VFS Global with effect from 13 December, 2021 (12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time) -

Applicants are also advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at

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Tel No. for all enquiries : +1 347-721-9243

Consulate closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays Official working hours: 9.00 AM - 5.30 PM EST Submission of documents/or any Consular Query: 09:30 am to 11:30 am Collection of documents: 04:00 pm - 04:30 pm For submission of documents : 09:15 am to 11:15 am (Monday to Friday) Delivery of documents : 11:30 am to 13:00 pm (Monday to Friday) --> For submission of documents : 9:15 am - 12:15 pm Delivery of documents : 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm-->

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Page last updated on: August 14, 2024

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

How to Apply for a Tourist Visa for India in 2024? A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE to Tourist Visa Application

Categories Asia , India

Applying for a tourist visa for India is no longer hard! Well, not as hard as it once was!

As of 2020 there became 3 tourist visas for India you can apply for – 30 Days, 1 Year, 5 Years.

Here is a step by step guide of how to apply for a visa for India online so you can get an e-visa for India no matter where you are from. This is how to get a visa for India from UK, how to get a visa for India from USA, and every other country!

Tourist Visa for India

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Tourist visa for India


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This is a breakdown of the e-tourist visas for India that are on offer from the official India visa application website :

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog Tourist Visa for India

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you read this post too much, I want to tell you now that if you are applying for the 1 month visa for India (aka the 30 day visa), you can only apply when you are within 30 days of going,  so if your trip is more than 30 days away, bookmark this post and come back to it 30 days before you visit India!

There are 2 ways to get your Indian visa online:

Find What You're Looking For Easily Here:

1) The Official E-Visa website

This is the official India e-Visa website  to get your India visa on for all nationalities , and this blog post is going to show you how to go through the online India visa application.

2) An India Visa Specialist

When you type into Google ‘ how to get an Indian visa ‘, you will come across other sites to the one above, they will tell you that this is how you get a visa for India, but they will charge you extra money on top of the standard visa fee because they are 3rd party sites.

However, the positive of using third party visa websites is that they offer you assistance and make the visa application process easier .

I have been speaking to iVisa who offer visa services for India. I didn’t use them because I think the official site is easy to navigate and I’m going to explain how to use it below, but if you have any issue working the official system or you’re happy to pay a bit extra to get some assistance and help,

I’d recommend getting your India visa through iVisa by clicking here.

Applying for India Tourist Visa Via Official E-visa Website

Here’s a step-by-step guide with pictures and screenshots to apply for an E-visa for India.

Step 1: Indian E-Visa Application Form:

On the Homepage , click For eVisa by Bureau of Immigration. Apply here .

(If you are applying for a visa for India from Japan or South Korea, click the button with your flags next to it.)

You’ll be taken to this page :

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for India, Indian visa online application homepage screen

Under Advisory you can check the Indian visa types on offer. When you click on the number, details will appear on the right about how long the visa for India lasts and extra nationality information so if you are not from the UK, check the details for your country.

(FYI that I am guiding you on how to get a visa for India using a desktop so the buttons may be in different places on a mobile.)

For example, at the time of writing this post, this is what the 1. e-Tourist Visa details show with the 3 different options:

As you can see if you’re applying for an Indian Visa from the USA, Canada, UK or Japan you can stay for longer without leaving to go back.

Click the  Apply here for e-visa at the bottom left of the page.

Step 2: Completing the form:

Page 1 asks for simple contact and personal details.

The only bit that may catch you out here is  port of arrival and expected date of arrival  if you do not know when you’ll enter India yet. If you do not know, the answers do not need to be exact or correct but try to get them as near as possible. For example, it’s fairly likely you’ll fly into Delhi, Mumbai or Goa as these are the 3 main airports in India.

However, if you are applying for the 30 DAY VISA , note that you can only apply for this within 30 days of your arrival date, so if you don’t know when you’ll visit India yet, you should probably think about this first. After this, your visa will be valid for 30 days once you arrive in India.

If you plan to arrive by land, be sure to check what I’ve said about land border crossings into India in the important information section at the bottom of this post . If you plan to arrive into India from Pakistan, read this blog post about crossing the Wagah Border .

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for India application

Page 2 asks for more details and your passport details.

On the question  Citizenship/National Id No – type NA and for  Visible identification marks – type NA too.

IMPORTANT TIP: Make a note of the Temporary Application ID at the start so if the form crashes midway through (which it may well do) you can go back to the homepage and continue to fill out the pre-filled out form from there rather than starting again.

Page 3 requests details for address, family details and occupation.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for India, Indian visa online application screen

Page 4 gets you to confirm and check the type of visa you are applying for. Generally, unless you are visiting India for business, you will be applying for an eTourist visa . It also asks you for more details about your trip to India.

You’re asked for Places to be visited , in the box, name as many places as you can but you don’t need to name them all and there are limited characters for the box so you can’t name them all anyway.

If you do not know your India route yet, popular places to visit in India that you’ll probably go to are Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Jodphur, Varanasi, Mumbai, Goa, Kerala . After you’ve finished with your visa, you can look at one of my India itineraries to help you plan your trip!


India is best travelled by train because its the quickest, cheapest and best way of getting to know the country. For an EASY option of booking trains in India use 12GO to search and book trains really easily. If you’ll be in India for awhile, you can use the local booking system, it’s a bit tricker but possible, here’s my post on how to book trains in India as a tourist .


I always use to book my hotels in India and Hostelworld to book my hostels . India has a great range of accommodation with brilliant hostel chains like Moustache, Zostel and Backpacker Panda as well as homestays to luxury hotels.


Many cities in India are best seen with a guide , even if it’s just a half day tour on your first day . Cities in India are chaotic and complex and what better way to taste the food and get to know the city than with a local. I recommend Get Your Guide & Viator for the best tours in India!

Have you booked any room in Hotel/Resort etc. through any Tour Operator? – If you’re visiting India solo and you’re not visiting India on a tour, click no. If you are visiting on a tour click yes and give the tour operator details. 

When they ask for Countries Visited in Last 10 years , note that although it lets you add 50+ Countries as I added, when you proceed you’ll get an error message to say you can only add 20. So only add up to 20 if you have been to more.

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Have you visited SAARC countries (except your own country) during last 3 years? The SAARC countries are Afganistan, Bhutan, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal.

Reference Name in India: Put your first hotel/hostel name if you have one booked, if not pick any accommodation in the city you might go to first. For example, I used the details of Backpacker Panda in Colaba, Mumbai as I have been there before and might go back.

Related Blog Post: Best Places to Stay in Delhi, Hostels, Hotels & Airbnbs!

Reference Name in Home Country:  This is where you add your next of kin details.

Page 5  asks you to answer, what should be, pretty easy questions!

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for india, Indian visa online application questions screen

Page 6  is where things can get a bit more tricky but it’s not too hard if you follow these steps.

You need to upload a passport photo to go along with your Indian online visa .

They give you the dimensions and details- it must be a JPEG photo, between 10KB and 1MB, and a minimum of 350×350 pixels .

This can seem tricky but my secret is that I tried scanning in 2 different sized passport photos and uploading them but it didn’t accept them. I then took a photo of a passport photo on my phone, transferred it to my laptop, uploaded it and it worked!  

Note that your photo may be too big, but it may also be too small so be sure to read the red warning correctly if it will not let you load a photo.

Once it is uploaded, you’re given the chance to crop it to the dimensions they need in the next screen. Easy!

Related Post: Are you still working out where to visit in India? Here are 24 places in India perfect for your first trip !

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for india, Indian visa online application photo upload screen

Page 7 asked you to upload a copy of your passport photo page in a PDF format.

What I did is take a photo of my passport on my phone and transferred it to my laptop , as I did with the passport photo.

I opened the photo and changed the size to fit the minimum 10KB and maximum 300KB requirements and I exported it into PDF all on my Mac before uploading it. If you do this, make sure you rename the photo with .PDF at the end or it won’t accept it and will keep telling you it’s not a PDF.

See the screenshots below for help on how to resize a photo and export to PDF on a Mac.

Then, make sure you click upload under the file name so you get the green ‘uploaded’ status on the right.

If you are having real issues at this stage and cannot upload the right photo, this is where I’d suggest you look into help from iVisa !

If you need to go away and take photos before you can upload them remember you can save your application and come back to it. Make a note of the Temporary Application ID and return to it within 7 days, otherwise, you’ll need to start again after 7 days.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for india, Indian visa online application document upload screen

(Note that I applied for a business visa for India as I ran tours in India , so my screenshot asks for my business card, you won’t be asked for this if you’re applying for a tourist visa.)

Page 8 asks you to confirm the details you have entered so far.

Step 3: Paying for the Visa:

Page 9 is where you complete the online Indian visa payment.

Make a note of the application ID, this is different from the Temporary Application ID you were given before. 

Choose your payment type and click Pay Now .

I clicked onto Paypal which took me to this SBIePay site where I could pay via PayPal or by debit or credit card using Visa or MasterCard. Amex does work but there is an extra fee.

As you can see, the 30 day tourist visa for India costs $25.00, the one year visa for India cost is $40.00

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for india, paying for the india tourist visa

If you have issues paying as the system is crashing or doesn’t look like it’s processing the payment, leave the page and to go back to the   homepage  and click on Verify Payment / Pay e-Visa Fee which takes you to a page you can enter the application Id you were given and check the status. If the payment has processed, it will say.

Shortly after I got an email to say my visa application had been successfully received and the application will take up to 72 hours to be processed.

To my delight, I got an email 18 hours later to say it had been granted! That’s quick!

To finish the Indian e-visa process, I went back to the official Indian visa homepage , clicked Check Visa Status , filled in the details, and then clicked Print Status , which downloaded a copy of my granted ETA visa for India as a PDF which I printed to take with me to enter.

The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog tourist visa for india, Indian visa confirmation email

Just when you are finished applying for an Indian E-visa and decided the dates, you might want to book the flights. I use Skyscanner to book all of my flights! I’m a huge fan of Skyscanner because I love how easy it is to compare different dates and routes to help me find the best flight at the best price! Open Skyscanner by clicking here and search for the best flights as you read this post.

Important Things To Note About The Tourist Visa for India

I hope you can tell from this post that you MUST apply for your visa for India in advance and as you can see it can take up to 3 days / 72 hours to process so give yourself time.

DO NOT ARRIVE AT THE AIRPORT WITHOUT A GRANTED VISA FOR INDIA. India does not offer a visa on arrival and you’ll be refused on your flight or into India.

The 1 year and 5 year   visa for India starts as soon as it is granted by email . This isn’t too much of a problem because of the length of the visa but it means the earlier you apply for the visa, the earlier it expires so don’t apply for it too far in advance if you think you’ll go back and forth to India over the next year.


I’ve spent many months travelling India in the last few years visiting over 50 places around the country, here are my recommended itinerary posts for India to help you plan your trip!








However, the 30 day tourist visa for India gives you 30 days from when you enter, not from when it’s approved !

With that being said, you can’t apply for the visa earlier than 180 days before your intended trip, or 30 days if you get the 30 day visa.

Although this is a 365 day visa, most nationalities can only stay for 90 days at a time , then they will have to leave and come back. People with a UK, USA, Canadian or Japanese passport (as of writing this) can stay for up to 180 days at a time.

PRINT off the visa ETA application  that is sent to you as you may need to show it when you arrive in India.

As of August 2019, applicants can arrive at 28 e-Visa designated airports in India which are Ahmedabad , Amritsar , Bagdogra , Bengaluru , Bhubaneshwar , Calicut , Chandigarh , Chennai , Cochin , Coimbatore , Delhi , Gaya , Goa , Guwahati , Hyderabad , Jaipur , Kolkata , Lucknow , Madurai , Mangalore , Mumbai , Nagpur , Portblair , Pune , Tiruchirapalli , Trivandrum , Varanasi , Vishakhapatnam, and 5 designated seaports – Chennai , Cochin , Goa , Mangalore , Mumbai. However, he/she can depart from any of the authorized Immigration Check Posts in India.

It’s popular for travellers to travel into India by land border from Nepal, there are also land borders to cross into India from Pakistan and Bangladesh however with this new visa because it is not technically in your passport already like it used to be if you went to a visa office in your home country.

From what I understand you CANNOT arrive into India via land border for the first time on an e-visa as they need to put a special stamp in, you can re-enter India via land though once your e-visa is in your passport.

This was reconfirmed to me when I travelled from Pakistan to India via the Wagah Border , I could do it as I had the visa in my passport already but I could not have done it if I didn’t.

If you plan to travel into India by land from Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh or any other way, I would strongly recommend speaking to the Indian Visa Office first to check if that’s ok, their email is  [email protected] and their number is +91-11-24300666.

Lastly, the visa rules for India state that you need proof of exit from India so you may be asked to show a flight out of India when you check-in at your departing airport. If you don’t have this because you don’t know when or where you’ll leave India from, you can either book a super cheap flight on Skyscanner , or you can use  to book a flight when you get asked at the airport and to book a flight with a 24-hour cancellation notice so you can cancel it within 24 hours with no charges!

Related Post:  How to Show Proof of an Onward Flight WITHOUT Paying for a Flight!

Make sure you also check out by  India blog posts & YouTube videos to help plan your trip!

Finally, if you want to start looking into how to get from place to place by train and bus in India, although I recommend getting the train as much as possible, head on over to 12GO Asia  to check out some routes and I suggest you book these in advance too!

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Saturday 17th of February 2024

Thanks so much for your blog. Very useful ad helpful espcially the part of the photos and uploads!!! I just applied for the indian evisas for my husband and I. We have our trip comletely planned and paid before we applied for the Visas. We also had our vaccinations and malaria pills so we are all set. We now have to wait for the visas to come through. Keeping our fingers crossed that it processes quickly and it is approved quickly as well.

Thanks agin!!! Really appreciate your blog!!!

Thursday 11th of January 2024

A big thank you for the post, it has been such a valuable benefit in the visa application process. We had ours granted within 12 hours of submitting. Result!


Monday 15th of January 2024

Really glad to hear this, thanks for letting me know.

Sunday 7th of January 2024

I’m travelling to India Feb 24 via cruise ship, I will be visiting Goa, Cochin and Mumbai before travelling home via Mumbai Airport. I have received conflicting advice on what e-Tourist Visa I require ie 30 day or 1 year. Could you possible help?

Monday 29th of January 2024


Thank you so much for your advice on applying for a Visa. My application was successful and granted within 14 hours. I couldn’t have done it without your assistance. Thank you

Monday 8th of January 2024

Hello, sounds like a great trip. I'm not 100% sure, if you are in India less than 30 days it seems like that one should be ok but if it will be more than 30 days from you arriving my ship and leaving from the airport you'll need the 1 year option. Is that the case?

Saturday 4th of November 2023

I am cruising Singapore to Mumbai with a stop at Cochin sea port. I then continue to Mumbai where I disembark for 3 days hotel stay in Mumbai before flying home from Mumbai airport. Will a 30 day tourist e-visa cover me for this trip? Thank you so much for your help.

Monday 6th of November 2023

Hello, wow, that sounds like a great trip! Yes, the visa will cover you for that. The cruise company should advise what visa (if any) you'll need for Cochin as being a cruise stop it might be different but because you are staying on in Mumbai afterwards I assume you will need a visa and therefore the 30 day tourist visa will be the right on :)

Tuesday 31st of October 2023

Thank you for writing such a detailed and helpful article.

Couple of things i was curious about: You'd mentioned that you got the approval within a day for your 30-day visa, but any idea if the Authorization takes longer if the application is for a 1 year or a 5 year visa? if the times / costs are approximately the same, I'm curious why one would apply for a 30-day visa instead of a longer duration.

Lastly, are there additional steps / documents required depending on the length of the visa duration?

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How to Apply for an Indian Tourist Visa

Last Updated: January 24, 2022 References

This article was written by Jennifer Mueller, JD . Jennifer Mueller is an in-house legal expert at wikiHow. Jennifer reviews, fact-checks, and evaluates wikiHow's legal content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 1,788 times.

If you want to visit India, you must have a tourist visa to enter the country. The most common tourist visa is the eVisa (express visa), which allows you to stay in India for up to 30 days at a time. If you want to stay for more than 30 days, you'll need to apply through the nearest Indian diplomatic mission for a regular tourist visa, which allows you to stay for up to 6 months. Nationals of Japan, South Korea, and UAE may also be able to request a visa on arrival at the airport. [1] X Research source

Getting an eVisa

Step 1 Confirm that you are eligible for an eVisa.

  • You must have your own valid passport. An eVisa isn't available for other international travel documents or if you're endorsed on a parent's or spouse's passport.
  • Your passport must have at least 6 months of validity from the date of your application and 2 blank pages for your visa and stamps.
  • If you are a Pakistani national, you cannot get an eVisa. You must apply for a tourist visa at the nearest Indian diplomatic mission.

Step 2 Get visa photos taken.

  • Wear solid colored clothing without any discernible pattern or texture.
  • Passport photo services are available in pharmacies, camera shops, and many discount stores. If you get your photo taken there, they'll know the guidelines for Indian visa photos.

Step 3 Go to the Government of India eVisa website.

  • After you click that box, the next page asks basic information about your planned trip to India and the type of visa you want. For a tourist eVisa, you can choose one with 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years validity. Fees are higher for visas that are valid for a longer duration.

Exception: If you are in the US (regardless of your citizenship), India has outsourced tourist visa processing to Cox & Kings Global Services (CKGS). Go to to begin your application rather than going directly to the Government of India website.

Step 4 Complete your visa application.

  • If you hold any other valid passport, provide details about that passport and the nationality it represents.
  • If you've previously had a visa to India, give the dates you last traveled to the country along with a brief description of what you did there.

Tip: You may need to upload digital scans of other documents to support your application. The website will prompt you for those documents and provide a checklist at the end of the application so you can make sure you've included all required documents.

Step 5 Submit your completed application to the Government of India.

  • If you live in the US, when you click the button to submit your application, you'll be redirected to the CKGS website. Print a copy of your application before you leave the Government of India site. You'll need it to finish the application process.

Step 6 Pay your eVisa fee online.

  • For a table of all fees that is accurate as of January 2020, go to .

Tip: If you're applying from the US, CKGS advises that you submit a check or money order for your fees along with your application, rather than paying online.

Step 7 Finish your application with CKGS if you live in the US.

  • CKGS has supplementary forms and letters for you to fill out. You'll also need to print out a copy of the Document Checklist. Use this checklist to make sure you've included all the required documents with your application.

Step 8 Send your US application to the CKGS application center.

  • CKGS has application centers in San Francisco and New York. If you live in or near one of those cities, choose "walk-in" if you want to take your application to the center in person. You can schedule an appointment on the CKGS website. If you choose walk-in submission, you'll need to get new fingerprints taken.
  • Processing of your application starts when your physical application is received by CKGS. In most cases, your ETA will be ready in 24 to 48 hours. You can view the status of your application and estimated processing time from your account on the CKGS website.

Step 9 Check your email for your electronic travel document (ETA).

  • It's a good idea to save the email in case you lose your print-out. You'll still have to print it again to give to the visa officer at the port of entry, but at least you'll have it.

Step 10 Present your ETA at the port of entry.

  • Keep your passport with you at all times while you're traveling in India. If you lose your passport, your visa may not be reissued until you leave the country.

Applying for a Long-Term Tourist Visa

Step 1 Locate the nearest Indian diplomatic mission.

  • For example, India has only 2 diplomatic missions in the US that handle visa applications: one in San Francisco and the other in New York.
  • Go to and click on the name of the country where you live to find the Indian missions in your country.

Step 2 Complete your visa application form online.

  • If you don't have time to complete the application in one session or need to look up additional information, you can save your application and return to it later.
  • The regular visa application requires more information than the eVisa application, including details about your criminal background and employment.

Step 3 Upload a digital photo to accompany your visa application.

  • Even if you plan to submit a paper application rather than submitting your application electronically, you still need a digital photo for your application. The digital photo will be used for your visa.

Step 4 Submit your visa application.

  • Select "yes" if you want to schedule your appointment and pay your visa application fees online. You'll still need to print your application and sign it to take with you to your appointment.
  • Select "no" if you simply want to print out your application form without making an online payment.

Warning: Online payment and scheduling are not available for all diplomatic missions. If the diplomatic mission nearest you does not accept online payments, submit your payment in person at the mission, along with your paper application and supporting documents.

Step 5 Gather supporting documents to accompany your application.

  • Your passport, showing at least 6 months of validity and 2 blank pages
  • Proof of residence (mortgage statement, lease, or utility bill) [17] X Research source

Step 6 Take your printed application and documents to your appointment.

  • Answer any questions the consular officer asks you completely and honestly. If the officer needs additional information or documents, they'll let you know.
  • At the conclusion of your interview, the consular officer will let you know if your application has been accepted and when your visa will be ready. You can either return to the mission to pick it up or have it mailed to you.

Requesting a Visa on Arrival (VoA)

Step 1 Confirm that you are eligible for VoA services.

  • Make sure your passport shows at least 6 months' validity and has 2 blank pages available for your visa stamps.
  • You are not eligible to get a VoA if you were ever a Pakistani national or permanent resident, or if either of your parents or grandparents was born in or was a permanent resident of Pakistan.

Step 2 Complete your application form before you leave.

  • Download the form at . You'll have to print it to fill it out. Use an ink pen to fill out the application in English using block capital letters.

Tip: If you don't have the opportunity to download and fill out the VoA application before you leave, you can also pick one up on board your flight or at the visa counter at the airport.

Step 3 Fill out your disembarkation card on the plane.

  • This card requires your name and date of birth as they appear on your passport, your passport number, flight number, and date of arrival. You'll also need to provide the address where you'll be staying in India as well as a list of the countries you've visited in the last 6 days. [22] X Research source

Step 4 Present your application and passport to the Visa Officer.

  • Keep your passport on you at all times while traveling in India. Pay attention to the expiration date on your visa and make sure you don't overstay it.

Expert Q&A

  • India requires visitors of Indian origin to travel with an OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) card. [24] X Research source If you are an OCI cardholder, you don't need to get a visa. You just need your OCI card and a valid passport. [25] X Trustworthy Source Official UK government website Official website for the public sector of the UK government Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If your tourist visa application is denied, you will be told a reason. If you believe a mistake was made, you can reapply again. However, you'll have to pay the application fees again. If you applied for an eVisa, you can call +91-11-24300666 for assistance. This number is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. [26] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Additional forms and photos are required if you hold a passport from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or Bangladesh. [27] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are of Pakistani origin and are the citizen of another country, you must apply from your visa on your Pakistan passport unless you provide documentary proof that you canceled your passport and renounced your Pakistani nationality. [28] X Trustworthy Source Official UK government website Official website for the public sector of the UK government Go to source

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Jennifer Mueller, JD

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how to apply indian tourist visa

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Visa Requirements for India

how to apply indian tourist visa

All visitors need a visa for India, except citizens of neighboring Nepal and Bhutan. The Indian government has now introduced one-month, one-year, and five-year electronic visas for citizens of most countries. The e-visas are available for tourism, business, medical, and conference purposes.

Nowadays, an e-Visa will be sufficient for most visitors, thereby removing the need to obtain a regular visa before arriving in India. However, citizens of the United States can get a regular Tourist visa that's valid for up to 10 years. Some people may also require a type of visa that's not offered as an e-Visa.

Some countries, such as Japan and Mongolia, have individual agreements with India that allow their citizens to pay significantly less for a visa. Citizens of Argentina, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nauru, Niue Island, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uruguay, and Vanuatu do not have to pay a visa fee.

If you're not applying for an e-Visa, it's now possible to apply for a regular paper visa online. The Indian government has introduced a centralized  online application process  whereby you can complete and submit the form online, and then manually submit your passport and supporting documents in person to the relevant Indian Mission (Indian consulate or embassy) in your country.

Alternatively, you can still go through a visa processing center if you can't appear at an Indian consulate in person. You'll need to complete your application form online, on the agency's website, and then mail in your application and required documents.

In the United States, Indian visa applications are handled by Cox and Kings Global Services. In  Australia  and the  UK , it's VFS Global. In Canada,  BLS International  processes visa applications.

Tourist Visas

Tourist visas are issued to people who want to come to India to visit people and go sightseeing or attend a short-term yoga program. Although tourist visas can be granted for more than six months, it's not possible to remain in India for longer than six months at a time on a tourist visa. In late 2009, India introduced new rules to curb the misuse of tourist visas in India (people who were living in India on Tourist visas and doing quick runs to a neighboring country and back every six months). Specifically, a two-month gap was required between visits to India. This requirement was finally removed in late Nov. 2012. However, some exceptions do remain.

India now has a popular electronic visa (e-Visa) scheme in place for citizens of most countries. Under this scheme, visitors can easily apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization online, and then get a visa stamp for entry into the country upon arrival. E-Tourist visas of one-month, one-year, and five-year validity are now available. The scope of visas under the program has also been widened to include short-term medical treatment and yoga courses, and casual business visits and conferences. Previously, these required separate medical/student/business visas. Tourists visiting India on a cruise ship can get an e-Visa as well.

Visa Fees and Applications

Tourist visa fees vary between countries, according to the arrangement between governments. The current price for U.S. citizens is $150 for up to 10 years. Processing is additional and costs $19.90. There are also other incidental costs, such as a Biometric Enrollment fee, although these are not significant in amount. When compared to the new reduced cost of getting an e-Tourist visa—$80 for five years—there's no real financial benefit of obtaining a regular paper visa.

Along with your application and fee, for an Indian Tourist visa, you'll need a passport that's valid for a least six months and has at least two blank pages, a recent passport-sized photo (check the requirements as it changes, the current requirement is a 2-inch square photo), and details of your itinerary. Copies of flight tickets and proof of residential address may also be required. Your visa application form may have the space for Indian referees, but this section usually isn't necessary to be completed for Tourist visas.

Even if you have a valid Tourist visa, some remote areas in India require foreigners to obtain a Protected Area Permit (PAP) to enter them. These areas are usually near borders or have other security concerns associated with them.

Such areas include Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and some parts of northern Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand. In many cases, individual tourists are not allowed, only tour/trekking groups.

You can apply for your PAP at the same time as you apply for your Tourist visa. Alternatively, it's also possible to obtain it while in India before going to the protected area.

Entry (X) Visa

An X-visa used to be issued to people who didn't fall into any of the other categories of visa applicants (such as volunteers). However, as of mid-2010, an X-visa is only available to the following people:

  • A foreigner of Indian origin.
  • Spouse and children of a foreigner of Indian origin or Indian citizen.
  • Spouse and dependent children of a foreigner coming to India on any other long term visa, such as an Employment visa or Business visa.
  • Foreigners who are joining specified ashrams or spiritual communities, such as Auroville, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Missions of Charities in Kolkata, or certain Buddhist monasteries.
  • Foreigners who are participating in professional international sporting events.

It's not possible to work in India on an X-visa. However, X-visas can be extended in India, and there's no need to leave every six months. If you do stay for longer than six months at a time, you'll need to register at with Foreigners Regional Registration Office.

Employment Visa

Employment visas are issued to foreigners who are working in India, for an organization registered in India. Foreigners doing long-term volunteer work in India are now granted employment visas (as opposed to X-visas previously). Special Project visas are issued to highly skilled foreigners coming to India to work in the power and steel sectors. Employment visas are usually for one year or the term of the contract. They can be extended in India.

To apply for an Employment visa, you'll need proof of employment with a company/organization in India, such as a contract that states the terms and conditions. From April 1, 2017, the rule that stipulates applicants must be earning 16.25 lakh rupees (about $23,000) a year or more has been lowered to allow for foreigners to teach in Central Higher Educational Institutes. Other exceptions are made for volunteers, ethnic cooks, translators, non-English language teachers, and members of Foreign High Commissions and Embassies.

Intern (I) Visa

Before April 1, 2017, it was necessary for foreigners pursuing an internship in an Indian organization to obtain an Employment visa. However, foreigners who meet certain conditions can now get an Intern visa. The gap between the completion of graduation or post-graduation and the commencement of the internship should not exceed one year. The validity of the Intern visa is restricted to the duration of the internship program or one year, whichever is less. It can't be converted into an Employment visa (or any other type of visa). There are a limited number of intern visas available, so be sure to apply promptly if you know your desired internship.

Business Visa

Business visas are available for people to explore business opportunities or conduct business in India. This type of visa differs from an Employment visa in that the applicant won't be working for and earning an income from an organization in India. Business visa applicants will require a letter from the organization that they intend to do business with, stating the nature of the business, duration of stay, places to be visited, and intention to meet expenses.

Business visas are valid for up to five or 10 years, with multiple entries. However, holders usually aren't allowed to remain in India for more than 180 days at a time, unless they register with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO).

Student Visa

Student visas are granted to people who wish to come to India and study long-term at an officially recognized educational institution. This includes the study of yoga, Vedic culture, and Indian system of dance and music. The main document required is student admission/registration papers from the institution. Student visas are issued for up to five years, depending on the duration of the course. They can also be extended in India.

In regards to yoga, the term "Yoga visa" is often mentioned. However, it's a Student visa that's provided to study yoga. Most of the well-known  yoga centers in India  will require those who study with them to obtain a yoga Student visa. A tourist visa is not sufficient for long-term studies.

Conference Visa

Conference visas are issued to delegates who want to attend a conference in India that's offered by an Indian government organization. Those who are attending a meeting with a private organization in India should apply for a Business visa.

Journalist Visa

If you're a professional journalist or photographer, you should apply for a Journalist visa. The main benefit of a Journalist visa is if you want access to a particular region or person. A Journalist visa is issued for three months. However, these visas can be notoriously tricky to get, so only apply if you need to.

If a media company employs you, or if you list your occupation as journalist or photographer on your visa application, you'll likely be made to get a Journalist visa regardless of what you intend to do in India. India is very sensitive to people involved in the media (including editors and writers) coming to India, due to how they may portray the country.

Film (F) Visa

If you're planning on making a commercial film or TV show in India, you'll need to apply for a Film visa. The visa application is reviewed and processed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting within 60 days. It's valid for up to one year.

Anyone shooting a documentary film or advertisement must apply for a Journalist visa.

Research Visa

Research visas are issued to professors and scholars who wish to visit India for research-related purposes. This is another difficult category of visa to get. It's restrictive and comes with a lot of requirements. Applications are sent to the Department of Education. Ministry of Human Resource Development for approval, which may take three months to be granted. Many people choose to apply for a Tourist visa instead if they're conducting research informally and not going to be in India for more than six months.

Medical Visa

Medical visas are provided to those seeking long-term medical treatment in India at recognized and specialized hospitals, and treatment centers. The treatment should be significant, such as neurosurgery, heart surgery, organ transplant, joint replacement, gene therapy, and plastic surgery. Up to two Medical Attendant visas will be issued for people to accompany the patient. If you're only undergoing short-term treatment of up to 60 days, you can  apply for a e-Medical visa.

Transit Visa

Visitors staying in India for less than 72 hours can obtain a Transit visa. Otherwise a Tourist visa is required. A confirmed airline booking for the onward journey must be shown when applying for the visa.

Visa Overstays

India's immigration policies tightened in late 2018, increasing the fines related to visa overstay. Those who overstay visas for 90 days are subject to a fine of $300, which increases accordingly based on the duration of the overstay. The Indian government can also take legal action against violators.

Extending Your Visa

In many cases, it's possible to extend your visa, but this must be done before it expires. Shorter-term visas, like the Indian e-Visa that most tourists hold, are not eligible for an extension. Those with visas valid for longer than 180 days may extend their visas, provided they register for an extension at least 60 days before the visa's expiry.

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  • By Sarah Steiner
  • Updated On April 20, 2024

If you are planning to visit India you need to get a visa to enter the country. Here is our step-by-step guide to help you apply for your India e-Visa. 

What is a visa? 

A visa for travel is an official document that allows the visitor to legally enter a foreign country. 

The visa is usually stamped or glued into the holder’s passport.  

There are different types of visas that each allow the holder different rights in the host country including tourist, work, business, or transit visas. 

You will probably need a visa for India. 

Almost everyone needs a visa to visit and travel in India.  But for most nationalities a tourist visa is easy to get. 

Citizens of 164 countries – including New Zealand, Australia, UK, US, most nations in the EU and many countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East – can apply for an e-Visa for India before traveling. 

What is an e-Visa and how does that work for India? 

An e-Visa for India is an electronic visa application.  Back in the day the only way to apply for a visa for travel meant visiting an embassy or consulate to receive a hard-copy visa directly in your passport. 

Now it is possible to apply for an Indian e-Visa which, if successful, grants you authorization to enter India by applying online. 

Assuming the application is accepted you will receive a digital Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) by email which you need to print out and carry with you when you travel to India.  

How to apply for an India e-Visa. Here is a step-by-step guide to apply for your Indian tourist visa online.

Types of India e-Visa

There are currently 6 types of Indian e-Visas available:

  • e-Tourist Visa
  • e-Business Visa
  • e-Conference Visa
  • e-Medical Visa
  • e-Medical Attendant Visa
  • e-Emergency X-Misc Visa

This blog post will focus on the application process for the most common visa for travellers to India; the  e-Tourist Visa .

So, what do you need before you apply for your Indian e-Visa? 

You need some patience.  And about an hour…

And you do need to prepare a few specific documents and information.

  • Passport photo:  A recent passport photo of yourself that is at least 10KB and a maximum 1MB. The photo must show the full face with a white or light-coloured background. The photo must be in JPEG format.
  • Scanned Passport ID Page : Scanned ID page of your passport in PDF format. Size must be between 10KB and 300KB.


  • Contact in India:  In the application you will be asked to provide information about a reference name in India. If you don’t have a personal contact in India you can use the name and address of your first accommodation in India. 
  • Your e-Visa fee payment: You can make an online payment for your India e-Visa using a VISA or MasterCard or via PayPal. 

Note also that your passport needs to be  valid for six months  beyond the date of entry and you need  two spare pages  for the visa, which will be physically stamped into your passport on your arrival in India. 

How long is the visa valid for? How long can you stay in India? 

Tourist e-Visas for India are available for 30 days, 1 year or 5 years, with the 1- and 5-year visas allowing for multiple entry. (Note that for the 1- and 5-year visas there are restrictions on continuous stays during that time of 90 or 180 days depending on your nationality).

This blog post will focus on the application process for the  eTourist Visa (for 30 Days) . 

How to apply for an India e-Visa. Here is a step-by-step guide to apply for your Indian tourist visa online.

How to apply for an India e-visa

There is only one official website to get an Indian e-Visa provided by the Government of India:

Follow the link and let’s get started. 

On the website homepage click on the ‘Apply here for e-visa’ tab on the bottom left of the screen.

Page 1 – e-Visa Application 

Fill out the first page with generic information about yourself as well as your email address (this is where you will receive the e-Visa). 

Under “Visa Service” you can choose the type of Visa you want to apply for: 

  • eTourist Visa  (for 30 Days)
  • eTourist Visa  (for 1 Year)
  • eTourist Visa  (for 5 Years)
  • TIP:  The 30 days, 1 year and 5 year e-Tourist Visa validity period begins from the date of first arrival in India.  (It is not related to when you submit the e-Visa application).  If applying for a 30-Day India Visa your successful application will be granted with 30 days until the Date of Expiry of the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation). Make sure this covers beyond your expected Date of Arrival.

Page 2 – Applicant Details

The second page of the application asks you to fill in more information about yourself.  The forms ask you about religion, education and more.  (You may type “None” next to ‘Visible identification marks’ if you do not have any to note). 

  • TIP: Take note of the Temporary Application ID number that pops up at this stage (just in case you hit save and exit the application by mistake). You will need this to log back in if you exit the page.

The last question under ‘Applicant Details’ asks, “Have you lived for at least two years in the country where you are applying visa?” This refers to the  country you currently live in  and not your birth country (and not India), in case they are different. 

Add your passport details and – optionally – you can add a second passport.  If you select “No” the form fields will disappear. 

Page 3 – Applicant Details 

On the third page you need to fill in all the current information about your present and permanent address.  You need to provide your family information (Mother and Father’s details) as well as your profession, occupation and marital status. 

You are also asked on this page if your parents of Grandparents (paternal or maternal) are of Pakistani heritage. 

Page 4 – India Travel Plans

This page requires information about your travel plans in India including your expected Port of Arrival, planned Port of Exit and places you have previously visited in India. 

Under ‘Other Information’ you are also required to list the countries you have visited in the last 10 years(!). 

And the next step asks if you have visited  SAARC  countries during the last  three years.   SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and has eight member countries ( Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka ).  You will need to list any of these if you have visited recently. 

You also need to name a  reference in name in India  and a  reference name in your home country . 

  • TIP:  If you do not know anyone in India you can fill in these fields with the information provided by one of the accommodations you are staying at. 

Page 5 – Declarations

This page asks about any criminal records.  Note that all the answers are on “Yes” by default.  Make sure to read the page carefully and click the box for “No” to each of them.  Tick the bold declaration at the end of the page and press ‘Continue’. 

Page 6 – Upload Documents

After the above step you will be asked to upload your photos.  First upload the passport image (photo) and press “Continue”.  On a different page, you will be asked to next upload a photo of your passport ID page. 

After the uploads are complete, the next step is the payment of the e-Visa fee. 

Page 7 – Online VISA Fee Payment

Check and read the information before selecting “Yes” and “Pay Now”.  

  • TIP: Be sure to record or screenshot the Application ID as you will need this number to check the payment status (and for trying again if the first payment doesn’t go through!).

You will be redirected to the payment page and can now made your e-Visa payment by debit or credit card or PayPal.  

Note that the payment must be made at least 4 days before your expected date of travel, or your Indian e-Visa application will not be processed. 

There is a 2.5% bank charge for payments made on the website, in addition to the e-Visa fee.  (Your own bank may also charge you for a foreign currency transaction fee or conversion).

The payment for the Indian e-Visa is non-refundable, whether or not your application is successful.

Page 8 – Application complete

Congrats! You have just completed the process of applying for your Indian e-Visa!  

Now all you need to do is wait (processing time up to 72 hours) until you receive confirmation (and hopefully your Indian e-Visa) to the email address you supplied on Page 1.  

  • TIP: When you receive your Indian e-Visa it is titled as an ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation). Make sure you double check all details are correct and that the Date of Expiry of ETA is beyond your expected date of arrival in India .

More – IMPORTANT – info about the India e-Visa

For all further information (and to clarify anything official) refer to the e-Visa support center  website . 

How long does it take to receive the visa after applying?  

It states on the official website that it takes up to 72 hours to process, so be sure to apply in plenty of time (at least more than 4 days in advance).  *In actual fact it took less than 48 hours for our Indian e-Visa to be granted.

Your Visa will be granted with 30 days until the Date of Expiry of the ETA from the date you submit your application.

When can you apply for an India e-Visa? 

  • For e-Tourist Visas (30 days)  the application can be made  up to 30 days  in advance and a  minimum of 4 days  before the date of travel. As above, it can take up to 72 hours to process (though our processing time was less than 48 hours).
  • For e-Tourist Visas (1 year / 5 years)  visitors can apply  up to 120 days prior to the date of their trip and  no less than 4 days  before the departure date.

Do I need to print my India e-Visa? 

Yes.   You do need to print your India e-Visa.  You are required to bring a printed copy of your e-Visa when you enter India. 

Before you arrive in India

Once you’ve submitted your e-Visa application and payment you should receive and email confirming the application has been successfully received. 

The processing time is then up to 72 hours and if your application is successful, you will be notified by a further email that will hopefully include, “ Application Status: Granted ”.  (Note that your India e-Visa is also referred to as Electronic Travel Authorization ETA). 

  • TIP:  Make sure to review your personal details on the ETA and the Date of Expiry of ETA in the email and make sure everything is correct and accurate.

As above, you need to   print a copy of your e-Visa  and download the email or screenshot the e-Visa to your phone. 

  • TIP:  It is likely you will be asked to show  proof of your Indian tourist visa  at the check-in desk when departing your home country or flight to India.  

When you arrive at immigration in India you should see a specific line for people with e-Visas.  Here you simply need to present you printed-out e-Visa along with your passport.  Your photo and fingerprints will be taken (this is standard practice).  The immigration officer will ask you a few questions about your planned trip in India and stamp your passport.


How to apply for an India e-Visa. Here is a step-by-step guide to apply for your Indian tourist visa online.

More about travel planning for India and beyond…

These are the companies we use while traveling fulltime as a family and that we would recommend to anyone planning and booking travel. 

  •  – The best all-around accommodation booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation and it’s easy to filter and sort into price and availability with all the extras you are looking for personally. 
  • Hostelworld   – The largest inventory of hostel accommodation in the world. 
  • Skyscanner   – This is by far our favourite flight search engine. They are able to search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites often miss. We book all our flights through Skyscanner.  
  • GetYourGuide   – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions offered all around the world including everything from walking tours, to street-food tours, cooking classes, desert safari’s and more!
  • World Nomads   – Travel insurance tailored for longterm travel and nomads (including those who have already left home). 

Read more about India

  • Managing your money in India: ATMs, withdrawing and exchanging rupees.
  • Our complete packing list for India: Everything you need.
  • Train travel in India: A complete guide.
  • Five days in Kerala: The best introduction to India.
  • The Sacred River Ganges: Two days in Varanasi with kids.
  • A desert camel safari in Jaisalmer: Not once (but twice).
  • A bread bucket-list: 12 Indian breads you need to try.

Wondering about itineraries?  Questions about schooling?  See our Family Travel Guides and FAQ here . 

Top Destinations

  • Cook Islands
  • New Zealand

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how to apply indian tourist visa

We are the Steiners: Sarah, Gavin, Harry and Oscar – a family from New Zealand with a love of travel and adventure together… Especially where it takes us off the beaten track! 

how to apply indian tourist visa

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5 thoughts on “India e-Visa: A step-by-step guide to apply for your Indian tourist visa.  ”

' src=

Thanks this was very helpful, BUT, if you are using a Mac DO NOT USE SAFARI. Yes, you will be able to waste 30 minutes filling in the form, get to the payment page and be locked out!

The application form is written for PC users, so use MICROSOFT EDGE and it works perfectly! This will save so much time & arguments!

' src=

Oh truly! We have just done all our four applications again on a Mac and had success. But that is good to know for future applications.

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Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

India e-Visa for tourists in 2023: Requirements, eligibility and more

Updated: September 8, 2023

India e-Visa step-by-step guide

This article is a complete guide to obtaining India e-Visa as a tourist. You can learn everything about India e-Visa types, requirements, eligibility, documents needed, fee and application procedure.

India e-Visa is quite easy to apply. All you need is a photo, a scan of your passport ID page and a credit/debit card. It takes about 15 minutes to fill out the application and the processing takes about 72 hours. 

India e-Visas are issued for tourism, business and medical purposes. The e-Visa for tourism is called e-Tourist Visa. In this article, we will focus on e-Tourist Visa and we will refer to it as simply India e-Visa. 

Currently, about 166 nationalities are eligible to apply for India e-Visa online. Indian e-Visa can be double-entry or multiple-entry and can be valid from 30 days to 5 years.

Indian e-Visa is also sometimes unofficially referred to as “India visa online” or “online visa India”.

Table of Contents

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India e-Visa eligible countries

Who is eligible to apply for India e-Visa?

The following 166 nationalities are eligible to apply for India e-Visa. 

  • Afghanistan
  • Anguilla (British Territory)
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Cayman Island (British Territory)
  • Cook Islands
  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Czech Republic
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Liechtenstein
  • Marshall Islands
  • Montserrat (British Territory)
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Timor-Leste
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos Islands (British Territory)
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Vatican City

What is the validity of India e-Visa?

India e-Visas are valid for 30 days,1 year or 5 years. You can select the validity that works best for your purpose while filling out the e-Visa application.

To summarize, below are the various validity options available for Indian e-Visa. 

How many days can you stay in India on e-Visa?

On a 30-day e-Visa, you can stay up to 30 days. On a 1-year or 5-year e-Visa, you can stay up to 90 days from the day of arrival. 

Canada, Japan, UK and US nationals holding 1-year or 5-year e-Visas can stay up to 180 days on each visit.

Below is the summary of permitted stay for each of the available Indian e-Visas. 

IMPORTANT Irrespective of nationality, the total stay in India on an e-Visa cannot be more than 180 days in a calendar year.

How many times can you enter India on e-Visa?

30-day e-Visas are double-entry visas. That means you can enter India on a 30-day e-Visa twice. 

1-year and 5-year e-Visas are multiple entries, meaning you can enter India as many times as you want.

Keep in mind that your total stay in India cannot exceed 180 days in a given calendar year. 

Below is the summary of various e-Visas and their permitted entries. 

When can you enter India on e-Visa?

You can enter India anytime during the validity of your e-Visa. Depending on your nationality and e-Visa type, you will be given 30-day or 90-day entry (or 180-day entry if you are a Canada, Japan, UK or US national).

Even if you enter India on the last day of your visa validity, you will still be given 30 or 90 days of entry depending on the e-Visa type you hold.

When should you apply for India e-Visa?

For 1-year and 5-year e-Visas, you can apply up to 120 days in advance. For 30-day e-Visas, you can apply up to 30 days in advance. 

The latest you can apply is 4 days. So if you have less than 4 days, your application will not be accepted.

Below is the summary of various e-Visas and the earliest or latest you can apply for those visas. 

Which airports or land borders you can enter India from using e-Visa?

You can enter India on an e-Visa at the following 29 airports and 5 seaports. Details are below.

Airports (29)

  • Bhubaneshwar
  • Tiruchirapalli
  • Visakhapatnam

Seaports (5)

Land border (0).

Currently, e-Visa holders are NOT ALLOWED to enter India via land borders. 

NOTE You cannot enter India via the land border using an e-Visa. But you can exit or depart from India from any airport, seaport or land border. 

IMPORTANT It is NOT MANDATORY to enter India from the airport or seaport that you have mentioned in your e-Visa application. You CAN enter India from any of the above 29 airports or 5 seaports using your e-Visa.

What is the minimum passport validity required for India e-visa?

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from your anticipated date of arrival in India. Add 6 months to your expected date of arrival in India to calculate the passport validity required for your e-Visa application.

Here is an example.

  • Say today is May 01, 2023
  • Your anticipated date of arrival in India is June 01, 2023
  • To apply for your e-Visa, your passport must be valid at least until December 01, 2023

What are the documents needed for India e-Visa?

The following documents are needed for India e-Visa.

  • Original passport
  • Photo must be in JPG/JPEG format only
  • Photo must be 2inch x 2inch in dimensions
  • Photo must be less than 1MB in size
  • Head must be centered with light background and no glasses
  • Scan must be in PDF format only
  • Scan must be larger than 10KB and smaller than 300KB
  • Your credit or debit card must support international transactions in non-home currency

What are the India e-Visa photo requirements?

You need one digital photo for your India e-Visa application. The digital photograph must meet the following specifications.

  • The photograph must be in JPG/JPEG format only
  • The photo must be less than 1MB in size

What is the current India e-Visa fee?

The visa fee for India e-Visa varies depending on the visa type and country. Below is the general fee structure for various tourist e-Visa types.

Irrespective of the tourist e-Visa type, there is no visa fee for Argentina, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nauru, Niue Island, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uruguay and Vanuatu. The visa fee for these countries is gratis.

What is the current India e-Visa processing time?

The India e-Visa processing time is 72 hours. In most cases, the applications are processed within 48 hours. 


India e-Visa Application - Home Page

How to apply for India e-Visa?

You can start your application process by filling out the online application on the India e-Visa portal . Make sure to keep all the required documents ready before starting the application.

Filling out the entire online application may take about 15 minutes. You can also save the partially filled application and come back to it at a later point in time. 

If you haven’t, check out the step-by-step guide on applying for India e-Visa for details on how to complete the online application, track the status and receive your approved e-Visa.

RELATED: How to apply for India e-Visa in 2023: A step-by-step guide

Word of caution on India e-Visa fake websites

If you search on the internet, you will see that there are many Indian e-Visa websites posing as “official websites”. There is ONLY one Indian e-Visa OFFICIAL website. The rest are all fake. The OFFICIAL website is below.

India e-Visa OFFICIAL website:  

How to track India e-Visa application?

You can track your application status on the India e-Visa portal using your Application ID and passport number. 

On the application status page, your application will have one of the below two statuses. 

  • SUCCESSFULLY RECEIVED: Your application is still in the process
  • GRANTED: Your India e-Visa is approved

How to receive the approved India e-Visa?

When your India e-Visa is approved, you will be notified via email that your e-Visa has been granted. 

You can download your approved e-Visa from the India e-Visa portal using your Application ID and passport number. 

On the application status page, click on the “Print Status” button to download your approved e-Visa. 

You must print and carry your approved Inda e-Visa PDF when you travel. You can also download it as a PDF on your phone and show it to the airline staff or India immigration officer on your arrival. 

Is there a priority service for India e-Visa?

Unfortunately, there is no priority visa processing. The e-Visa process takes up to 72 hours. If you haven’t received your visa result even after 72 hours, you must contact the India e-Visa department at their email or phone listed below. 

How to contact India e-Visa customer service?

In case of questions on your visa status, you can contact the e-Visa department at their email and phone numbers.

EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +91 11 24300666


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

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03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from . has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from HeyMondo . HeyMondo offers a 5% discount to Visa Traveler readers (use the link above), and covers all medical and travel emergencies during your trip.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

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India tourist visa from the embassy

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Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK Government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in India set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the  High Commission of India in London or another Indian consulate in the UK .

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering India.

Passport validity requirements

Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months from your date of entry into India.

Your passport must also: - have 2 blank pages for your visa

Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet requirements. Renew your passport if you need to

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

Visa requirements

Apply for the right type of visa for the purpose of your travel.

You need a visa to travel to India unless you are an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder.

India has a number of visa categories. Make sure you get the right visa for the purpose and duration of your travel.

Penalties for having the wrong visa can include refusal of entry or deportation. This may also include not being allowed to enter India in the future.

For latest information on Indian visas and immigration requirements, see the  e-FRRO online portal (part of the Indian Foreigners Registration Office), the  Bureau of Indian Immigration website  and  Indian Ministry of External Affairs website .

Applying for a visa or e-visa

Find out how to apply for a visa from the Indian Bureau of Immigration Depending on your requirements you may be able to apply for:

  • regular (paper) visa
  • e-visa (make sure to check the website’s ‘FAQs’ for restrictions on airports and seaports of entry)

Check your eligibility and any restrictions before you apply and allow plenty of time for your application to be processed.

More information is available from the website of High Commission of India in London .

Applicants of Pakistani origin

If you are of Pakistani origin, a British-Pakistan dual national, or holding a National Identity Card for overseas Pakistanis (NICOP), the visa processing time will be substantially longer than other visa applications. More information is available from the High Commission of India in London .

If you are a British-Pakistan dual national, you must apply for an Indian visa on your Pakistani passport. If you have renounced your Pakistani nationality or cancelled your Pakistani passport, you will need to submit documentary proof of this.

Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders

If you hold a valid Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card, you can use this, along with your valid British passport to visit India. You do not need a visa. If you have a Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) card, you will need to convert it to an OCI card. More information is available from the  High Commission of India in London  and the  Indian Bureau of Immigration .

Arrival, registration, and extensions

If you plan to stay in India for more than 180 days and do not hold an OCI card, register within 14 days of arrival with the Foreigner Regional Registration Office (FRRO) . You could be denied permission to leave if you do not do this. Check if you are required to register your arrival on the Indian Bureau of Immigration website and FRRO .

Overstaying in India on a visa is an offence. Make sure you leave the country before your visa expires or get an official extension if needed. More information is available on the Indian Bureau of Immigration website.

If you’re hospitalised

If you or someone you’re travelling with has a short-term Tourist Visa and is hospitalised, you may be able to extend or ‘convert’ to a Medical Visa .

Exit requirements

You will pass through immigration as you depart India. Officials will check when you entered the country. If you do not have an entry stamp, for example if you have a newly issued passport, you will need to apply for special exit visa before you travel. This must be done online and can take between five and fifteen working days for straightforward applications. Factor this into your timeframe to leave India when you are booking flights. For further information see the  e-FRRO online portal (part of the Indian Foreigners Registration Office).

Vaccination requirements (other than COVID-19)

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and vaccination certificates you may need on TravelHealthPro (from the UK’s National Travel Health Network and Centre).

Depending on your circumstances, these may include:

  • yellow fever

The Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare also provides  vaccination guidance and data .


By law, hotels, hostels and other accommodation providers must register the stay of foreign guests with the Foreigners’ Regional Registration Office (FRRO) using a “C Form”.  Please ask your accommodation provider to ensure they have done so.

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods that can be brought into and taken out of India . You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

Satellite phones and listening devices

It is illegal to possess and operate satellite phones in India without a licence. British nationals have been arrested for bringing them into the country without prior permission. You can contact the Indian Department of Telecommunication to request a licence .

You may also need prior permission from the Indian authorities to bring equipment like listening or recording devices, radio transmitters, powerful cameras, or binoculars into India. You can ask the High Commission of India in London for advice.

Taking money into India

There are restrictions on bringing Indian rupees into India. Visitors, including residents and tourists, should follow Reserve Bank of India guidelines .

If you’re visiting India, you can bring cash, travellers’ cheques (in pounds sterling or another foreign currency) or a bank card with you and exchange or withdraw rupees once in India.

You must declare any amount above 5,000 US dollars in notes, or 10,000 US dollars in notes and travellers’ cheques combined.

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how to apply indian tourist visa

How to Get India Tourist Visa - A Complete Guide

Are you visiting India for a vacation? You would need an Indian Visa to enter and explore the country. There are numerous types of visas introduced by Indian government for the welfare of different types of tourists. When it comes to Visa, there are numerous questions and confusions among tourists of different nations.

This guide will talk in detail about Indian tourism visa.

Who needs Indian Visa?

Not everyone out of India would need a visa to visit the country. Tourists from Bhutan and Nepal do not need a visa to enter India. Maldives citizens can enter India without passport and stay for 90 days. However, if they were visiting from Mainland China, they would need proper visa.

If you are staying in India for less than 72 hours, you need a transit visa. Transit visa can be applied with a confirmed airline ticket for leaving India, within the time. If you do not have a confirmed ticket, you would be requested to take an Indian tourist visa.

Indian Visa

What kind of visa do you need to explore India?

There are numerous types of visa applications like student visa, employment visa, intern visa, journalist visa and so on. If you are looking for tourism visits, choose tourist visa. This tourist visa can be taken for different time, starting from 60 days to 10 years. No matter how long your tourist visa runs, you cannot stay for more than 90 days in India, continuously. There should be at least two months gap between two visits on a tourist visa, even if you are visiting two different regions of India.

e-Visa Indian Portal

How long can I extend my Indian tourist visa?

As said before, tourist visa are available from 60 days to six months for all country citizens. Some country’s citizens are allowed even ten years visa, like US citizens. Citizens of certain countries like France, Netherland, Spain, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Germany, Luxembourg, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Chile, Brazil, Vietnam, Mexico, Argentina and others are offered five-year visas. Beyond this, tourist visa cannot be extended or converted into other types of visas.

Extend E-Visa

Cost of Indian tourist visa

The cost of applying for a visa varies with the country of your nationality. Since 2017 , US citizens pay $100 for 10-year tourist visa . Japan and Mongolia citizens pay way less for visa than other countries. Tourists from South Africa, Maldives, Jamaica, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Afghanistan, Seychelles, Uruguay and others do not have to pay fee to get tourist visa to India. However, visa processing fee would be applicable for those countries.

Process for applying for Indian Visa

In most countries, the application process for Indian visa is outsourced to private agencies. Indian government has reclaimed license of many foreign country agencies and have replaced them with Indian companies. Thus, ask for license number to make sure that you are dealing with a legible person. Indian visa application starts with an online form. Along with the cost of visa and processing fee, you need to submit a few documents.

Apply Online for Indian Visa

Documents required for Indian tourist visa

a) Original passport (should have at least six months validity and at least two blank pages) b) One passport size photo c) Tour details d) Copies of flight ticket (for certain countries) e) Proof of residential options (this can include proof of own residence or relatives or hotel booking details)

Submit these documents to visa processing agencies. You need to submit your original passport and copies of other documents. Your passport with the visa stamping will be mailed to the address in your passport.

How long will it take for visa stamping?

How long can one wait for receiving their passport with visa stamping? Typically, the agencies will request you to wait for 15 working days (weekends and government holidays are not included) to receive the visa. However, the actual time varies from country to country. Indian Mission will take at least 3 days to process your visa, in general.

Visa Stamping

Can I scale entire India with tourist visa?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Even if you hold a valid Indian tourist visa and your passport, you are not allowed to visit certain secluded locations like specific regions of Arunachal Pradesh, Northern part of Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh , Sikkim, Uttarakhand regions, border areas of Rajasthan , Jammu and Kashmir military area and others. Only trekking groups are allowed to visit certain locations, only with PAP. PAP starts for Protected Area Permit.

How to Apply for PAP in India?

You can apply for the permit through Indian missions in your respective countries. Each region has its own restrictions and fee for providing PAP. Usually, tourists are allowed only in a group of at least four people. For applying PAP, you need to travel with a travel agent registered with the government. Normally, PAP is provided for 10 days and can be extended for 7 days.

If you are a citizen of China, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Myanmar, you can apply for PAP, only if you have an approval from Ministry of Home Affairs. People of Indian origin, holding a foreign passport also need to apply for PAP.

What is e-Visa of India?

In many countries, e-Visa is replacing conventional form of Visa. You can easily apply for ‘Electronic Travel Authorization’ through online site. You will receive an approval mail or you would have a PDF with required details. Take a copy of it and you can get visa stamping after entry, at the Indian airport. This stamping is valid for 60 days and approved for three entries. If you are visiting Indian on a cruise ship, you can still get e-visa. Cost of e-visa is $102.50 (It can vary from time to time and from country to country)


Eligibility for e-visa of India

a) Issued only for tourists visiting India for tourism, medical treatment, short-term business visit and for family visits. b) Passport should have at least six months validity and two blank pages. c) You should have copies of your return ticket, in coherent with the duration, you have mentioned in the form. d) Children and infants should have separate e-visa

Documents needed for e-visa

a) Passport scan copy (first and last page) b) Passport size photo

Documents to be submitted upon arrival in India

a) Printed copy of e-visa b) Passport with passport size photo c) Medical insurance cover for the duration of the stay.

How an US citizen can take Indian visa?

You would need a valid passport to start. Take a photocopy of your passport's first and last page. Your passport should have at least six months of validity and two blank pages. Download the Indian visa application and fill out the details. The signature in the visa application should match with the passport. This online application can be found in Indian government site.

You would need one passport size photo, with white background. Applicant should not be wearing glasses in the photo. Staple the photo to the form. Take the form to visa service agencies. You need to submit the form and your original passport. You will get your passport with visa stamping, to the address in the passport, via post.

Can I get on-arrival Indian visa?

You can get visa stamping after visiting India, if you are a citizen of certain countries. All you need is your flight tickets, passport, photo and any special documents. Those who plan to choose Visa on Arrival, should apply on-line, at least four days in advance to the travel date. After uploading required documents, fee has to be paid (non-refundable). Upon arrival at India, biometric details of the passport holder will be captured and visa will be approved.

Visa on Arrival (VOA) is provided only at Bengaluru, Kolkata, Mumbai , Delhi , Hyderabad and Chennai international airports. VOA can be provided only for 30 days (for S. Korea citizens, VOA is provided for 60 days).

VISA on Arrival

Visa on Arrival is provided to citizens of

a) Australia b) Brazil c) Cambodia d) Republic of Korea e) Mauritius f) Myanmar g) New Zealand, Papua New Guinea h) Niue Island i) Micronesia j) Laos k) Kiribati l) Kenya m) Jordan n) Japan o) Indonesia p) Israel q) Cook Islands r) Russia s) Solomon Islands t) USA u) UAE v) Ukraine w) Thailand x) Philippines

And, many others.

Rejection of Indian tourist visa

An immigration authority can reject your visa application for the following reasons.

a) Any information missing/ illegible/ found to be wrong b) Any of the documents missing c) Validity or number of blank pages of passport lower than required

Travel tips for Indian Vacation

a) Always choose iconic attractions if you are visiting India for the very first time . It is safer to choose reputed destinations, high-class hotels and prebooked transportation options. Iconic tour packages for first visit to India and experience the luxury train tour in India .

b) Always take a box of tissue, bottled water and hand sanitizer with you, wherever you travel in India. c) If you are not accustomed to spicier food, mention it ahead to your waiter. d) While shopping, try to haggle as much as possible. e Do not offer money to beggars. If you are interested in donation, there are many NGOs in India, who are looking for a helping hand. f) Even if you are an atheist, visiting temple to enjoy the architectural beauty, never talk ill or disturb the decorum of the sanctum. Be polite. Are you looking for more temples to enjoy during your vacation? Choose Pilgrimage Tour in India . g) Try to take the public transportation at least once during your visit.

For more travel and packing tips, visit our exclusive blog,

  • 15 Essential Tips to Know Before You Travel To India
  • What Do I Need To Travel To India?
  • What To Wear In India – Essential Packing List
  • Foreign Travelers Arriving In India with an E-Visa Will Receive Free SIM Cards
  • India Extended E-Visa Facility for 37 More Countries

Are you looking for tips to choose the right destinations in India ? Make no mistake with our top tour packages .

Suggested iconic tour packages of India are:

a) 10 days Golden Triangle with North India temple tour b) 14 days Rajasthan Family Tour package c) 7 days Kerala Ayurveda package d) 21 days – Taj Mahal with camel safari

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  • Uttarakhand
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  • Central India
  • North East India
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Other Destinations
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  • First Timers
  • Family Holidays
  • Golden Triangle
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Lakshadweep
  • Jammu Kashmir
  • Andaman Nicobar
  • First Timer Tours
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  • Heritage & Culture
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  • Spa & Ayurveda
  • Taj Mahal Tour
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Luxury Trains

  • Palace on Wheels
  • Maharajas' Express
  • Deccan Odyssey
  • Golden Chariot
  • 1 to 5 Days
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High Commission of India Wellington, New Zealand Concurrently accredited to Samoa, Niue, the Cook Islands & Vanuatu

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I) Introduction II) Regular visa

1) How to apply for regular visa 2) Visa fees and mode of payment of regular visa 3) Common documents required for different types of regular visa  4) Types of visas and documents required in addition to the documents mentioned at serial No. IV.3. above.

4.1) Tourist visa 4.2) Entry visa 4.3) Transit visa 4.4) Business visa 4.5) Student visa 4.6) Employment visa 4.7) Conference visa 4.8) Journalist visa 4.9) Medical visa 4.10) Sports visa 4.11) Other types of visas such as Intern visa, Film visa

5) Visa checklist 6) Transfer of visa from old passport to new passport 7) How to submit the visa application 8) Approximate processing time and status enquiries 9) Jurisdiction of High Commission of India

III) Vaccination requirement before entering India IV) Use of Satellite phones is illegal in India V) Frequently asked questions on visa


  • Please note that all foreign nationals require visa to travel to India. There is no facility for visa on arrival in India and therefore appropriate visa must be obtained before entering India by air, sea or land. Please go through this page carefully for proper understanding of visa procedure in order to ensure that your visa application is complete in every respect. This will help in easy and correct submission of visa application in the first instance and avoid unnecessary delay in processing of your application. An incomplete application is liable to be rejected. The visas issued are valid w.e.f. the date of issue and hence it is advised to apply for visa closer to the travel date.
  • Visa can be applied by any of the following method:

a)  Regular paper visa application - To apply, please visit:  and click on “Regular visa application”.   Regular visa are processed at High Commission of India, Wellington.   Details are given below in para II.   After filling online application, the online application form must be printed and duly signed on page 1 and page 2 (declaration) and submitted  to the High Commission for processing, either in person or by post alongwith other required docuemtns, as mentioned below.  

b) e-Visa -  To apply for e-Visa, please visit: .   E-Visas are processed and administered by Ministry of Home Affairs of India and High Commission of India has no control over processing of E-Visa applications.  Details of e-Visa is at .


1. How to apply for regular visa

  • The High Commission of India follows Online Visa procedure and  handwritten / manually typed visa applications are not accepted.  To access the online form, applicants must go to the link  and click on “Regular visa application”. Select “New Zealand – Wellington” as an option for the “Mission Field”. 

[Note: Please use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer browsers. Online visa form is not compatible with Safari browser. It may not work on mobile phone browsers or Apple devices].

Completely fill up the visa application form, without leaving any column blank.

Please indicate your permanent address as that of your native country. 

Upload your photo vertically and not horizontally. Please save / submit your application and take a printout only after you have uploaded your photograph. You will have to re-fill the application form if you fail to upload your photograph. For detailed photo upload instructions, please visit .

Once the online application is completed press ‘submit’ after which an application ID No. starting with NZLWV….will be generated, which should be noted carefully and quoted in all references in this regard made to the High Commission.

Thereafter, the online application form must be printed and duly signed on page 1 and page 2 (declaration) and submitted to the High Commission of India, Wellington along with two latest photographs (2” X 2”), prescribed visa fee, passport in original and the required documents for processing of visas. Procedure for submission and documents required for different types of visas are detailed below.

NOTE:  Kindly provide your latest and complete contact details on the visa form. Suppression of facts and false / incomplete / inaccurate information will not only result in delay / denial of visa but may also debar the applicant from getting visa in future. Visa application may be accepted, modified or refused by the High Commission of India and its decision in the matter shall be final. The High Commission reserves the right to withhold any application submitted for an in-depth examination. Personal interviews by the Visa Officer with applicants may be required in some cases.

Validity of regular visa is effective from the date of issue and not from the date of travel.  Visas are not issued from a future date to match applicant’s itinerary.

2. Visa fees and mode of payment of regular visa: The application fee (in NZD) for common visa categories only for New Zealand passport holders is as below:

* Persons of Indian origin holding foreign passport, their spouses and children must apply for Entry visa to visit India (Refer para 4.2 below for documents required)

Visa Fee for applicants holding other than New Zealand passport is available at the link: Visa Fee

IMPORTANT: Every visa application must be accompanied by visa checklist :  Click Here To Download Visa Checklist  

Processing Time for Entry/Tourist Visas:

  • New Zealand / Samoa / Niue Passport / The Cook Islands / Vanuatu: 4-6 Working Days

Other than NZ / Samoa / Niue Passport / The Cook Islands / Vanuatu: 6-8 Working Days

Pakistan, PR China & Sri Lankan origin applicants: No Time Limit

NOTE:  Duration of any visa will be decided by the  Visa Officer

Mode of Payment of Fees: 

3. Common documents required for different types of regular visa:

3.1. Common documentation required for all categories of visa:

Completed and signed visa application form with photo uploaded vertically.

Original passport valid for at least six months from the date of travel.

Two photographs (2”X2”). Photographs can be cut with scissor to bring to the required dimension if it is large. If you do not have two identical photographs as you uploaded online, please make sure that you are providing your latest and similar matching photographs. [For detailed photograph specification, visit ]

Visa fee as per the fee schedule given at the link: Visa Fee

Additional form for non-New Zealand nationals / those holding dual nationality available at . 

  • Please attach one self-addressed pre-paid return courier bag with tracking facility (required to post back the passport with visa) to the High Commission of India by registered courier (with tracking facility).

3.2. Additional documentation for minors (children under 18 years of age) common to all types of visas

Copy of birth certificate of the minor applicant.

First and last pages of both parent’s current passports. 

If parents are of Indian origin, then copies of current or cancelled Indian passports of parents are required for applying Entry visa. Children of parents of Indian origin are eligible for Entry visa which is in their own interest since Entry visa has far fewer restrictions vis-à-vis other kinds of visas. 

Signature of both parents on the visa application form or no objection letter (letter of consent) signed by the parent not signing on the visa application form.

In case of single parent / guardian, additional documentary proof such as copy of custody orders from a court/ death certificate of the deceased parent / proof of single parent status.

In case the status of minor’s father is unknown, a Statutory Declaration attested by Justice of Peace is required from the mother stating the same. 

4.  Types of visas and documentation required in addition to the documents mentioned at serial No. 3 above:

4.1.  Tourist Visa:

4.2.  Entry Visa:

4.3.  Business Visa:

4.4.  Transit Visa:

4.5.  Student Visa:

4.6.  Employment Visa:

4.7.  Conference Visa:

4.8.  Journalist visa

4.9.  Medical Visa

4.10.  Sports Visa

4.11.  For other types of visas such as Intern visa, film visa, etc.

4.1. Tourist visa:

Note: A person of Indian origin, who does not possess an OCI card, spouse and children of such person must apply for Entry Visa instead of Tourist Visa since Entry Visa has far fewer restrictions than Tourist Visa. Details of Entry Visa are given at Sl. No. 4.2 Tourist visa is granted to foreigners who do not have a residence or occupation in India and whose sole purpose of visiting India is sight-seeing, recreation or meeting friends / relatives, attending a short term yoga programme (not exceeding 6 months and not issued with a qualifying diploma / certificate), short duration medical treatment including treatment under Indian systems of medicine.

Tourist visa may be granted for a validity up to 5 years but the maximum continuous stay permissible on this visa is 90 days during each visit. Tourist visas are non-extendable and non-convertible except in limited circumstances. No additional documentation other than indicated at Sl. No. 3 above is required for Tourist visa.

Enrolment of biometric features  is required while applying for a Tourist visa for a validity of more than 1 year and / or for multiple entry tourist visa. Biometric enrolment once done is valid for 5 years. Applicants below 12 yrs or more than 70 yrs are exempted from biometric enrolment. For more details on biometric enrolment including for booking an appointment for the same, please go to the link: .

NOTE:  Requirement of two months gap between two visits on tourist visa has been done away with for most countries including New Zealand.

A foreigner coming to India on any type of visas will be allowed to avail activities permitted under Tourist visa.

All persons travelling to India on board a cruise ship are advised to obtain “Tourist Visa” in advance. They should clearly write in bold on top of their application “Cruise Trip to India” and request for double / triple or multiple entries depending on the number of entries required to enter the Indian port.

Foreigners of Indian origin, their spouses and children are advised to apply for “ENTRY” visa instead of Tourist visa in their own interest since the Entry visa has fewer restrictions vis-à-vis tourist visa.

All PIOs may also consider applying for OCI Card, which among many other benefits, facilitates easy and visa-free travel to India for life, besides ensuring economy of expenditure in the long run. For detailed information on applying for OCI registration, please visit .

4.2. Entry visa:

  • Persons of Indian origin holding foreign passport, their spouses and children must apply for Entry visa to visit India. Foreign spouse of an Indian national is also eligible for Entry visa.
  • In case applicant was an Indian national before, proof of renunciation of Indian citizenship in the form of Indian Citizenship Renunciation / Surrender Certificate alongwith copy of cancelled passport is required to be attached, else the application will be returned for want of this document. If the applicant has not applied for cancellation of Indian passport, submit the original Indian passport for cancellation along with requisite form and fee as per the procedure given at the link
  • Holding / acquiring Indian passport or travelling on Indian passport after acquiring foreign citizenship is an offence under Indian Passport Act, 1967 and may attracts penalties.

In addition to above documents, other documents required for the application is mentioned at Sl. No. 3 above.

4.3. Business Visa:

Granted to foreigners who intend to visit India for business purpose.

A letter each from the local employer and the sponsoring company in India, stating the purpose of visit, places and organizations to be visited and the duration of the visit.

An additional form given at the link:   is required to be submitted along with the visa application in addition to documents indicated at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable. 

Those intending to go to India for student recruitment are required to provide some additional information which will be asked from the applicant by email.

Enrolment of biometric features  is required while applying for a Business Visa for a validity of more than 1 year and / or for multiple entry Business Visa. Biometric enrolment once done is valid for 5 years. Applicants below 12 yrs or more than 70 yrs are exempted from biometric enrolment. For more details on biometric enrolment including for booking an appointment for the same, go to: .

4.4. Transit visa:

A visa valid for 15 days and permitting a stay in India up to 72 hours is issued for transiting through India to another foreign destination. Transit visa must be obtained before departure as there is no provision for visa on arrival in India. Evidence of confirmed onward travel to a destination outside India is required in addition to documents indicated at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable. A person intending to make two entries into India in transit in the course of the same journey may also be granted double entry visa, with each stay in India up to 72 hours.

NOTE: Passengers transferring to a connecting flight who do not intend to leave the airport or pass through the Immigration do not need a Transit Visa.

4.5. Student visa:

Student visa is granted for studying in a recognized educational institution in India.

The applicant should submit proof of admission to an educational institution recognized by the Government of India.

Proof of finances to meet the cost of education in India, in addition to documents indicated at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable.

4.6. Employment visa:

Employment visa is issued to those who are taking up assignment / employment with companies registered in India.

An authenticated copy of the Employment contract and proof of registration of the employing organization must be furnished, in addition to documents listed at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable. The contract must provide for a minimum gross salary of INR 16.25 lakhs per annum or its equivalent.

Employment visa is also granted for volunteer / honorary work with registered NGOs in India in which case there is no minimum salary requirement.

4.7. Conference visa:

Conference visa is granted to those who are going to India for attending an international conference / seminar. In addition to the documents at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable.

A copy each of the letter of invitation from the organizer. 

Permission letter from the Government of India for holding of the conference are necessary for the purpose of Conference Visa. 

Letter from the local participant / employer should also be submitted to establish credentials for the applicant.

4.8. Journalist visa:

Journalist  Visa  is issued to journalists and media persons travelling to India on assignment to India, for filing reports, shooting of documentaries, etc. A foreigner who is a journalist by profession will be granted journalist visa irrespective of his purpose of visit. For more information about journalist visa and before applying, kindly send an email at  visa.welllington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in , giving full details about the purpose of the visit, a synopsis of the project, itinerary and if any permissions from local authorities for the project have already been obtained.

4.9. (1) Medical Visa:

Is granted to those intending to visit India for getting medical treatment in India from a recognized medical institution.

Referral letter from doctor/hospitals both from New Zealand and India. 

Proof of availability of sufficient funds for the duration of stay and the expenses for treatment in India should be submitted in addition to documents listed at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable.

NOTE: With effect from November 2015, there is a complete ban on surrogacy procedures in India commissioned by foreigners / NRI couples. No visa is, therefore granted for this purpose.

4.9 (2) Ayush Visa: 

  • Ayush Visa is granted to the foreigners wholse sole purpose is to seek treatment trhough Ayush Systems/ Indian Systems of Medcine like therapeutic care and wellness in a Hospital/ wellness centre acredited and registered with any Government authority(ies) concerned or NABH/NCH/NCISM accredited hospitals providing Ayush services.
  • Fees for Ayush visa (AY1) and Ayush Attendant (AY2) is same as of Medical and Medical Attendant Visa.

4.10. Sports visa:

All sportspersons going to India for participation in non-commercial sporting events, the officials / coaches and trainers accompanying the players need to apply for Business visa .

A copy of the clearance granted by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Ministry of Home Affairs and Political Clearance by MEA are required in addition to documents indicated at Sl. No. 3 above, as applicable.

Visa for commercial sports events such as Indian Premier League, Indian Soccer League must apply for Business Visa.

Foreign sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the Indian Clubs/organizations must apply for Employment Visa .

4.11. For other types of visas such as Intern visa, film visa, etc, or for any other visa related queries, kindly drop an email at  visa[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in  or  cons[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in .

5. Visa checklist:

A checklist of documents to be submitted along with the visa application is given at the link here . Please send / submit the checklist along with the application.

6. What to do when the passport with valid visa expires:

There is no provision for transfer of valid visa from old, expired passport to the new passport. In order to travel to India, one must carry both the old, expired passport carrying valid visa along with the new passport.

7. How to submit the visa application

Printout of duly filled and signed visa applications along with the prescribed documentation, two photographs, prescribed fee and one self-addressed pre-paid return courier bag with tracking facility may be sent to the High Commission of India at the following address:

Visa Department, High Commission of India, 72 Pipitea Street, Thorndon, PO Box 12211, Wellington 6011.

The High Commission of India will not accept any responsibility in case the courier is lost / misplaced / damaged or delayed. Do not send the application via ordinary post but only through a registered courier with tracking facility.

Applicants can also submit their applications in person between  9:30 AM and 12:30 PM  from Monday to Friday (on working days of High Commission) at the Reception counter of the High Commission of India, Wellington.

8. Approximate processing time and status enquiries

Applicants are advised to apply for visa sufficiently in advance so that it is processed in time.

Applications which need to be referred to the concerned agencies may take longer for which no fixed timeframe can be given. Applicants should not purchase air tickets before obtaining visa.

The High Commission of India cannot be held responsible for applications which are not finalized in time for your intended date of departure.

At the same time, applications which are registered more than Three months before the expected date of travel are not accepted by the system. Due to huge volume of enquiries, it may not be possible for the High Commission to entertain queries on the status of the visa before expiry of the above timeline. For status of your application, you may drop an email at  visa[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in  or at  cons[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in .

9. Jurisdiction of High Commission of India:

The High Commission of India, Wellington has jurisdiction over New Zealand, Republic of Samoa, Niue, Vanuatu and the Cook Islands. It will be able to accept visa applications only from those who are present in its jurisdiction. Those who are not residing in the jurisdiction of this High Commission may contact the Indian Embassy / High Commission / Consulate General having jurisdiction over the area of their residence.

III) Vaccination requirement before entering India

Persons arriving from Yellow Fever endemic countries or those who have visited such countries during the past 6 days immediately preceding their entry into India will be required to possess a valid certificate of Yellow Fever vaccination from an authorized vaccination centre. Persons arriving from a country having public health risk may be required to undergo medical screening or additional measures as decided by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India.

IV. Use of Satellite phones is illegal in India

All foreign nationals visiting India are advised not to carry / use Thuraya / Iridium satellite phones in India. These phones are strictly illegal in India and any violation in this regard shall have serious consequences and the users are liable for prosecution under Indian laws.

V. Frequently asked questions on visa:

1) Do I need a visa to go to India? A) Yes, all foreigners, except citizens of Nepal and Bhutan (in limited circumstances) need a visa to enter India by air, sea or land.

2) Can I get a visa on arrival to enter India? A) No. There is no facility of visa on arrival in India except for nationals of Japan in limited circumstances.

3) Does India have Electronic Visa (E-Visa) facility? A) Yes. E-visa facility is available to nationals of certain countries, which includes New Zealand. For more details including the complete list of countries whose citizens are eligible for E-visa, visit the link . E-visa facility is not controlled or administered by the High Commission of India. Any queries in regard to e-visa may be addressed to  indiatvoa[at]gov[dot]in . High Commission of India has no control over processing of E-visa applications and accepts and processes only regular visa applications.

4) Can I get medical treatment or do a short time job or attend a business meeting on tourist visa in India?  A) Tourist visa is strictly meant for recreation, sight seeing, casual visit to meet friends or relatives, for attending a short term yoga programme (not resulting in a certificate / diploma at the end of the course) or for short duration medical treatment including treatment under Indian system of medicine. Employment visa should be applied for taking up any job in India and business visa should be applied for any business meetings in India.

5) What is the difference between Tourist Visa and Entry Visa? A) A person of Indian origin, who does not possess an OCI card, spouse and children of such person are eligible for Entry Visa and must apply for Entry Visa instead of Tourist Visa since Entry Visa has far fewer restrictions than Tourist Visa. For example, during each visit a person on tourist visa can stay only upto 90 days whereas there is no such restriction on Entry Visa.

6) Can I study in India? A) Yes, with a valid student visa for a regular study programme conducted by a recognized university / educational institution.

7) Can I work in India? A) Yes, with a valid employment visa.

8) I travel to India frequently for business meetings / to explore opportunities for partnerships with Indian companies. Which visa should I apply for? A) You may apply for business visa with the required documents. For getting long term Business Visa with multiple entries, it is mandatory to enroll your biometric features at the High Commission Reception counter. Without Biometric enrolment you can get Business Visa upto one year validity with up to three entries. You may book an appointment for biometric registration telephonically. Kindly note that a Business Visa does not permit you to work in India. In case you wish to work in India, you should apply for Employment Visa.

9) I have to participate in a Conference / Seminar / Workshop in India. Which visa should I apply for? A) You should apply for a Conference Visa along with an invitation letter from event organizers and clearances from competent authorities for holding the event.

10) Do I need a Transit Visa for changing flights / airports in India in order to travel to my final destination? A) Transit Visa for India is  NOT  required if you are not leaving the plane or the designated transit area of Indian airports. Transit Visa is required if you are going to leave the designated transit area of the airport or going from international to domestic terminal of any Indian airport or if you are having a short stay in India for upto 72 hours enroute to another foreign destination. You should have a confirmed air ticket for the onward journey before applying for Transit Visa. You may check with the airlines whether your travel involves leaving the designated area of an international airport in India or transfer from International to domestic terminal in India.

11) I intend to travel at a much later date. Can my visa be issued to coincide with the date of travel? A) No. There is no system of issuing post dated visas and the validity of regular visas starts from the date of issue and not from the date of entry into India. Validity of E-visas is 2 months starting from the date of entry into India. You cannot apply more than 120 days before your intended date of travel to India.

12) I have to go to India for internship / training in a company / educational institution / NGO in India for a short period. Which visa should I apply for? A) You should apply for Intern Visa along with a copy of a letter from the Indian company / educational institution / NGO, clearly indicating the period of internship. Interns sponsored by AIESEC for social or community work in NGOs and for project-based work in companies may also apply for Intern Visa. For specific queries about Intern Visa, send an email to  visa[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in .

13) Do I need a visa for my pet who is accompanying me on my visit to India? A) No, you do not need visa for taking your pet to India. However, you need to follow certain customs and vaccination related regulations for taking your pet to India.

14) Can I send one cheque and self-addressed courier bag for multiple visa applications? A) No. Cheuqes are not accepted w.e.f. 01 May 2021. Please make the payment by bank transfer.

15) I had applied for Indian visa but I have changed my mind. Can I claim a refund of the visa fee? A) Visa fees are non-refundable. Once the visa application is accepted, fee cannot be refunded even if the visa is refused / not granted.

16) I have to travel to India on an emergency. Is there any extra charge for urgent processing of visa application? A) Visa application can be processed on emergency basis only under compelling medical and humanitarian emergencies. If the applicant is able to prove the emergency to the visa officer, application can be processed on urgent basis on payment of prescribed expediting fee of NZ$90 per application. Please see the latest notification by clicking here .

17) I will be studying in India for one semester / trimester in an Indian university. Which visa should I apply for? A) You should apply for a student visa along with a copy of the letter from the institute / university confirming your acceptance as a student. You would also be required to submit proof of financial standing to support your stay in India.

18) I will be going to India for work / employment along with my family. Which visa should I apply for myself and my family? Would my children be able to study in India? A) You should apply for employment visa both for yourself and your dependent family members accompanying you. Yes, your children will be able to study in India during the validity of your visas.

NOTE: If your query is still not answered above, you may drop us an email at  visa[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in  or  cons[dot]wellington[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in . It may be appreciated that because of large volume of telephone calls, it is not always possible to answer telephone calls. However, it is our endeavour to reply to all emails promptly.

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Australia Tourist Visa From India: Step-by-Step Guide

Picture of Shishira & Navneeth

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  • Understand the importance of Australian tourist visa
  • Know what are the types of Australian visas
  • Understand how to apply for Australian tourist visa from India
  • Know what are the documents required for Australian tourist visa
  • Know the Australian tourist visa application process

Planning a memorable trip to Australia? Navigating the process of obtaining an Australian tourist visa from India is the key to unlocking the wonders of this vast and diverse country. From the iconic landmarks of Sydney to the natural marvels of the Great Barrier Reef, your Australian adventure begins with the right visa. 

In this guide, we will simplify the steps and requirements, ensuring your trip to Australia is smooth and stress-free. Let’s dive into the details so you can start planning your dream vacation.

Types of Australian Tourist Visas

Learn more about the eligibility criteria for Australian tourist visas here.

Documents Required For Australian Tourist Visa

Apart from the Australia tourist visa forms that you are required to fill and submit to access your Australia tourist visa from India, various other documents are required, such as:

  • Original Passports: Must have a minimum validity of 6 months from the travel date.
  • Visa Application Form: Complete and submit the application form accurately.
  • Photographs: 2 passport-sized photos adhering to specified requirements .
  • Covering Letter: Include applicant details in the letter.
  • ID Documents: Provide copies of PAN card or Aadhaar Card.
  • Income Proof: Submit Income Tax/Form 16 for the last 3 years.
  • Bank Statements: Include original bank statements from the last 6 months.
  • Salary Slips: For the last 3 months if employed.
  • Leave Approval: Original leave approval letter from the employer if employed.
  • Self-Employed: Provide company registration proof (e.g., Shop ACT, MOA, etc.).
  • Student Documents: Bonafide letter/ID card, NOC letter from School/College if a student.
  • Retired Individuals : Retirement proof required.
  • Financial Documents: Fixed Deposits, PPF, NSC, Property Papers, etc.
  • Travel Itinerary: Include hotel bookings and air tickets/itinerary.
  • Children Under 18: Provide a notarised ‘no objection certificate’ from non-accompanying parents.
  • Elderly Applicants/12-Month Stay: Provide evidence of Overseas Health Insurance.

The Niyo Global App offers a convenient feature called “Travel More,” allowing you to apply for a visa while travelling abroad. This user-friendly functionality enhances your travel experience, ensuring seamless visa applications.

Note: It is of critical importance to submit truthful and genuine documents when applying for a visa. False or fraudulent documentation can lead to severe consequences, including future permanent disqualification or bans from entering a particular country and in case of Australia, it might also lead to refusals from other English-speaking nations such as Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA.

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Australia Tourist Visa Process

First, go onto the official Australian Immigration portal .

Create an account to be able to proceed further. Then, follow these steps on how to apply for

  • Step 1 : Select a suitable subclass (refer to the table above)
  • Step 2: Gather the necessary documents required for an Australian tourist visa (mentioned above, but also specified on the portal when you create a new application)
  • Step 3: Fill the form for the Australian tourist visa application online. If an online application cannot be processed for a valid reason, reach out to the Australian embassies or consulates, in your place of residence (It is possible to not only apply for the Australia tourist visa from India, but also if you are elsewhere in the world)
  • Step 4 : Pay the visa fees using an electronic means (such as Debit or Credit card).
  • Step 5: Submit the online application and with the resultant tracking code, await further updates from the ministry. Alternatively, for offline submissions (if permitted by the consulate or embassy), book an appointment to submit the Australia tourist visa application form in person.
  • Step 6 : On meeting the eligibility criteria, you will be able to access your tourist visa.
  • Step 7: In case of biometric requirements, applicants need to visit authorised centres such as VFS, ensuring all necessary biometric data is provided.

Australia Tourist Visa Processing Time

An Australian tourist visa from India is processed within 5 to 30 days with a minimal fee of INR 8,000 per person. Once the and biometrics (if required) are completed, the visa application will be processed. Applicants can track their application status online.

The time to process the visa can be affected by various factors, such as the volume of Australian tourist visa applications during holiday seasons like summer break and Christmas, etc. So make sure to time your visit accordingly to get the most out of your Australian joyride!

Also read: 10 travel tips for a first-time travelers to Australia from India .

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Australia Tourist Visa from India

Australian tourist Visa Applicants go through an Australian visa requirement check before given the go-ahead for their visas, and we are here to provide you with a cheat sheet on how to pass it! Here’s what you need –

  • Be a genuine visitor: This means that your intention of visiting Australia should not be to settle permanently in Australia, no matter how much you would like to.
  • Have sufficient funds: Ensure your bank statement shows at least INR 300,000 – INR 500,000 for financial comfort in Australia. Authorities often expect more for stability, relating it to your income as per ITR and salary slips and also cash outflows. Save accordingly!
  • Top-notch health condition: You must be as healthy as a Kangaroo! Unless you are going to Australia for medical visits covered by a different visa, your health condition must be sound as per the eligibility criteria.
  • Pass the Australian character test: Sound subjective? The Aussie authorities don’t think so. You will be required to pass a character test to give proof of being a good and responsible individual to get your Australia tourist visa from India.

Key Takeaways

  • There are 5 types of Australian tourist visas : Visitor Visa (Subclass 600), Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), eVisitor (Subclass 651), Work and Holiday (Subclass 462), and Working Holiday (Subclass 417). 
  • Out of these, only Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) is applicable to the Indian passports. 
  • The documents required for Australian Tourist Visa include a valid passport, visa application form, 2 photographs, cover letter, ID documents, income proof, bank statements, salary slips, leave approval, company registration proof if self-employed, college ID card if student, retirement proof if retired, financial documents, travel itinerary, no objection certificate for children under 18 from non-accompanying parents, and overseas health insurance for elderly applicants or those who want longer stay.
  • An Australian tourist visa from India takes 5 to 30 days to be processed.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the entire process can be completed online, eliminating the need for in-person visits to the embassy.

The validity of the eVisa ranges from 3 months to 12 months, depending on the type of visa granted.

Yes, you can apply without a fixed itinerary. However, you should provide a general idea of your travel plans and intended activities in Australia.

Yes, having travel insurance covering the entire duration of your stay in Australia is a requirement for the visa application.

If your application is denied, you will receive a notification stating the reasons. You can reapply, address the issues mentioned, or seek assistance from immigration experts.

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Complete Guide to Applying for a Tourist Visa from India

Starting a new life with your spouse? Here are five visa-free honeymoon destinations to explore and enjoy on your romantic trip, without the visa worries.

General Steps to Apply for a Tourist Visa Online

Research visa requirements: .

  • Each country has different tourist visa requirements, so the first step is to visit the official embassy or consulate website of the country you wish to visit. Look for sections dedicated to visa applications.
  • Compile all necessary documents such as passport copies, photographs, financial statements, travel itineraries, and proof of accommodation.

Online Application Process: 

  • Go to the official visa application portal of the respective country.
  • If required, create an account and fill in the application form with accurate details. Ensure all spellings and information match your official documents.

Pay the Visa Fee: 

  • Most countries require you to pay a visa processing fee. Payment methods vary; some accept online payments via credit/debit cards, while others might require bank transfers.
  • Keep the receipt of the payment, as it will be needed during the submission of your application.

Schedule an Appointment (if required): 

  • Some countries require an in-person interview or biometric data collection (fingerprints and photographs) at designated visa application centres.
  • Book an appointment at your nearest visa application centre.

Submit Your Application: 

  • Submit the completed application form and the required documents online or at the visa application centre.
  • If attending in person, bring all original documents and copies as specified.

Track Your Application: 

  • Use the tracking facilities provided by the visa issuing authority to monitor the status of your application.
  • You will be notified when your visa is approved, and you can collect your passport from the visa application center or receive it by mail.

Specific Tourist Visa Applications

  • Visitor Visa (subclass 600): For tourists, business visitors, or to visit family.
  • Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) (subclass 601): Available to certain passport holders travelling to Australia as tourists or for business-related visitor activities.
  • Valid passport
  • Completed visa application form (available on the Australian Department of Home Affairs website)
  • Recent passport-sized photographs
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, pay slips)
  • Travel itinerary
  • Overseas health insurance (recommended)
  • Character and health requirements
  • Visit the ImmiAccount portal and create an account.
  • Fill in the application form, upload scanned copies of the required documents, and pay the visa fee online.
  • Schedule and attend a biometric data collection appointment, if required.
  • Track your application through ImmiAccount.

Canadian Visit Visa Requirements 

  • Completed visa application form (IMM5257)
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, employment letters)
  • Purpose of travel (travel itinerary, invitation letter if visiting family or friends)
  • Medical examination report (if applicable)
  • Proof of ties to home country (employment, property ownership)
  • Create an account on the IRCC website and fill out the online application form.
  • Upload the required documents and pay the visa fee.
  • Schedule a biometric appointment and attend it.
  • Track your application status on the IRCC portal.

Applying for the US Visa from India 

  • Complete the DS-160 form on the Consular Electronic Application Center website.
  • Pay the visa fee at designated banks or online.
  • You can schedule two appointments: one for biometrics at a Visa Application Center (VAC) and one for a consular interview at the US Embassy or Consulate.
  • Attend the VAC appointment for fingerprinting and photographs.
  • Attend the consular interview with all required documents. Be prepared to answer questions about your travel plans and ties to India.
  • After the interview, track your application status on the US visa application portal.

Key Considerations for All Applications

Common challenges & tips to overcome them.

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Thailand visa scheme opens door to digital nomads

Thai officials recently launched a visa program that allows foreigners working remotely to legally stay in the country..

Thai officials recently launched a visa program that allows foreign remote workers to stay in the country legally for longer, and hopefully contribute more to economic growth.

Thailand has long been a popular destination for digital nomads. (Grant Squibb/Image Source/picture alliance )

Thailand started a new visa scheme last month that allows people who would usually come in as tourists to stay and work in the country.

Launched on July 15, the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) is aimed at luring remote workers, freelancers and so-called digital nomads to live, work and travel in the country for up to 180 days per entry. The document is valid for 5 years.

ALSO READ: Are you a digital nomad? Know all about the Destination Thailand Visa

Naruchai Ninnad, deputy director-general of Thailand's consular affairs, told DW around 1,200 DTV visas have already been officially approved from 47 embassies and consulates.

He added that there are still more than 40 embassies and consulates that haven't provided the number of DTV visas yet because their applicants are not recorded via the e-Visa system.

How does the visa application work?

To apply for the DTV visa as a remote worker, freelancer or digital nomad, an applicant must be at least 20 years old and be from one of the 93 eligible countries.

Required documents include passport or travel document, the applicant's current location, evidence of financial stability, a proof of salary slip in the last 6 months, a foreign employment contract, employers business licence and a professional portfolio.

Applicants can also obtain the visa if they join Thailand's "soft power" activities including Muay Thai boxing, cooking and short-term education courses.

ALSO READ: Digital nomads: Juggling work and wanderlust

The fee for the DTV visa is 10,000 Thai baht ($291, €260). Applicants must be able to show proof of funds equating to approximately 500,000 baht ($14,500).

Thailand a popular destination for remote work

Thailand has long been a desirable destination for long-stay tourists, but the country has had a problem with visitors not having a legal visa or work permit.

In recent years, more tourists have illegally worked remotely in the country, having to do visa-runs or visa extensions so they can continue their temporary stay.

With the announcement of DTV, some applicants have expressed concern about their history of overstaying their visas, as some consulate websites say this could affects their eligibility for the digital nomads program.

Inside Thailand, some critics say the visas are too easy to obtain and could attract too many foreign workers, which may in turn lead to rising rent prices and "overtourism."

Ninnad from Thailand's consular affairs insists that obtaining the new visa is similar to existing procedures.

"It's not easy, the visa requirements are there. The embassies and consulates are strict in their approvals. We have no target for DTV holders. It's just like other visas," he said.

Working from paradise

Thailand's implementation of the DTV comes with the rise of digital nomadism worldwide that has been driven by technology allowing for remote work.

Five years ago, no country had a digital nomad visa scheme, until Estonia became the first country to do so in 2020. The COVID pandemic ushered in an increase in professionals switching to remote work on a permanent basis.

Gary Bowerman, a tourism analyst based in Kuala Lumpur, says Thailand's DTV visa is aimed at improving Thailand's economy.

"These measures are designed to attract more visitors who will stay longer, travel more widely and spend more in different locations," he told DW.

Thailand also recently relaxed visa requirements for visitors from the 93 countries, including Germany, to enter the country for 60 days. Previously, nationals of dozens of countries were given a 30-day stay, and some had to apply for a visa prior to arrival.

"It's more about diversifying the nation's appeal and making Thailand more accessible to longer stay, high-yield visitors, while maintaining an appeal for the broader mass market," Bowerman added.

Keeping up with Thailand's neighbors

Thailand is currently in an economic slump, and its officials are hoping to boost tourism with more overseas arrivals.

Tourism accounted for 11.5% of the country's overall GDP in 2019 with a record-breaking 39 million visitors.

Thailand has already seen 21 million visitors arrive in the country in 2024 and forecasts a total of 36 million arrivals by year's end.

"[The DTV visa] will extend tourists length of stay in Thailand and of course it will affect more spending for tourists that join activities," Nithee Seeprae, deputy governor of marketing communications at Thailand's tourism bureau, told DW.

Thailand is under pressure to remain competitive with its neighbors as other countries in East and Southeast Asia have recently launched their own digital nomad schemes. This includes Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan, with the Philippines also looking at announcing a similar visa program.


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COVER News India

COVER News India

UK Citizens to Face €7 Visa-Waiver Fee for EU Travel Starting May 2025

Posted: 22 August 2024 | Last updated: 22 August 2024

UK citizens traveling to the EU from May 2025 will need to pay a €7 visa-waiver fee under the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (Etias), The Guardian reports. Etias will require non-EU citizens, including those from the UK, US, Australia, and Canada, to apply for a travel authorization before entering the Schengen area, which includes 25 EU member states.

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  2. India tourist visa from the embassy in 2023: A complete guide

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  4. How to Apply India Tourist E-Visa

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  5. How To Apply For India Tourist Visa From Usa

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  6. A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for an India Tourist Visa (for U.S. Citizens)

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  1. India Visa Online

    Authorized Portal for Visa Application to India. All foreign nationals entering India are required to possess a valid international travel document in the form of a national passport with a valid visa from an Indian Mission/Post or eVisa (Limited Categories) from Bureau of Immigration, Ministry of Home Affairs. Avail Indian Visa plus services ...


    Ans- The validity of e-Visa would be according to the e-Visa service you have requested in the application form as - For e-Tourist Visa (01 year / 05 years), the validity would be 365 days / 05 years from the date of grant of ETA with Multiple entries and Maximum stay in India during one Calender Year should not exceed 180 days.

  3. Welcome to Embassy of India, Washington D C, USA

    The Government of India has decided, with immediate effect, to restore valid long duration (10 years) regular (paper) tourist visas for the nationals of USA. Fresh issue of regular (paper) long-duration (10 years) tourist visas has also been restored for nationals of USA. E-Tourist visas under the three options (one month, one year and five ...

  4. How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online

    Here it is broken down in 4 short steps: 1. Apply Online. You will need to submit an application with a personal photo and passport page. 2. Pay Visa Fee. Credit or debit cards (or Paypal) are accepted for online payment. 3. Receive e-Visa.

  5. A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for an India Tourist Visa (for U.S

    Getting a tourist eVisa for India is an easy online application through the official Government of India Online Visa website. The processing time is quick and easy, and takes around 10-15 minutes. You want to apply at least four days before departure, as validity starts from date of arrival.

  6. India Visa Online

    Applicants may fill the online application form by going to the tab placed below. Once the form is filled and submitted, applicant must print the completed application form and sign and submit the physical copy along with the supporting documents and the Passport to the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly at the Indian Mission on the scheduled appointed date.

  7. Welcome to Embassy of India, Washington D C, USA

    Applicants requiring help regarding e-Visa may call the 24X7 helpline number (+91-11-24300666) or send an email to [email protected] for any queries. The e-Visa facility is in addition to the existing Visa services being provided through Indian Embassy and Consulates. Advisory: The applicant may note that the Embassy does not process e-visas and ...

  8. Here's how to get a visa to visit India

    Applying for a tourist e-Visa is fairly straightforward. To apply for an Indian e-Visa, visit the government's official e-Visa portal. You'll need to upload a digital passport-style photo and copies of your passport ID pages, and pay the visa fee, which varies depending on your nationality. Your passport must be valid for six months beyond ...

  9. How to apply for India e-Visa: A step-by-step guide (with screenshots)

    To download your approved e-Visa, first follow the steps to check the visa status as outlined above in " Check your India e-Visa application status ". On the Visa Status Enquiry page, you will see that your application status is now "Granted". Click on the orange Print Status button to download your approved e-Visa.

  10. Welcome to Consulate General of India, New York (USA)

    Maximum stay by a foreigner in India on an e-Tourist visa or regular paper Tourist visa or both in one calendar year shall be restricted to 180 days. Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa. ... VFS Global Indian Visa Application Centre, 128 East, 32nd Street, 2nd ...

  11. How to Apply for a Tourist Visa for India in 2024? A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE

    Applying for India Tourist Visa Via Official E-visa Website. Here's a step-by-step guide with pictures and screenshots to apply for an E-visa for India. Step 1: Indian E-Visa Application Form: On the Homepage, click For eVisa by Bureau of Immigration. Apply here.

  12. India Tourist Visa: How to Apply For Tourist Visa to India?

    You can check the status of your India tourist visa by following the steps given below: visit the indianvisaonline website. enter your "Application Id" and "Passport Number". enter the Captcha accurately. click "Check Status" for normal visa applications and "Advanced search for e-visa only" for e-visa applications.

  13. Indian E-Visa Information: What to Know and How to Apply

    All visitors to India require a visa, except for citizens of neighboring Nepal and Bhutan. Visitors must either apply for a regular visa or an e-Visa (citizens of Japan and South Korea can also get a visa on arrival at six major airports in India). The e-Visa is hassle-free to obtain, and will be suitable for most tourists.

  14. 3 Ways to Apply for an Indian Tourist Visa

    3. Go to the Government of India eVisa website. If you want an eVisa, you must submit your application online. Go to to get started with your application. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page and click on the box that reads "For eVisa by Bureau of Immigration, apply here."

  15. Visa Requirements for India

    Along with your application and fee, for an Indian Tourist visa, you'll need a passport that's valid for a least six months and has at least two blank pages, a recent passport-sized photo (check the requirements as it changes, the current requirement is a 2-inch square photo), and details of your itinerary.

  16. India e-Visa: Step-by-step guide to apply for your India tourist visa

    An e-Visa for India is an electronic visa application. Back in the day the only way to apply for a visa for travel meant visiting an embassy or consulate to receive a hard-copy visa directly in your passport. Now it is possible to apply for an Indian e-Visa which, if successful, grants you authorization to enter India by applying online.

  17. How to Apply for an Indian e-Visa in 7 Easy Steps

    Step 3: Complete the Application and Pay the Fee. After filling out the e-Visa application form, click "Pay Now." Payments are processed through SBIePay, the State Bank of India's payment ...

  18. India tourist visa from the embassy in 2023: A complete guide

    The visa fee varies depending on the visa period, the embassy's location and the nationality. For example, the fee for a 10-year India visa for a US citizen applying from the US is $160 plus VFS charges. The fee for a 1 year India visa for Bangladesh nationals applying from Bangladesh is free of charge. —.

  19. India e-Visa for tourists in 2023: Requirements, eligibility and more

    Updated: September 8, 2023. This article is a complete guide to obtaining India e-Visa as a tourist. You can learn everything about India e-Visa types, requirements, eligibility, documents needed, fee and application procedure. India e-Visa is quite easy to apply. All you need is a photo, a scan of your passport ID page and a credit/debit card.

  20. Entry requirements

    Apply for the right type of visa for the purpose of your travel. You need a visa to travel to India unless you are an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder. India has a number of visa categories.

  21. How to Apply for an Indian Tourist Visa

    Cost of Indian tourist visa. The cost of applying for a visa varies with the country of your nationality.Since 2017, US citizens pay $100 for 10-year tourist visa.Japan and Mongolia citizens pay way less for visa than other countries. Tourists from South Africa, Maldives, Jamaica, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Afghanistan, Seychelles, Uruguay and others do not ...

  22. How to Apply Indian Tourist Visa through VFS Global from USA

    How to Apply Indian Tourist Visa through VFS Global from USA | new Process T I M E S T A M P S ⏰ 0:00 - INTRO 1:03 - Step 1 - IDENTIFY VISA TYP...

  23. High Commission of India, Wellington, New Zealand : Apply for Visa

    4.1. Tourist visa: Note: A person of Indian origin, who does not possess an OCI card, spouse and children of such person must apply for Entry Visa instead of Tourist Visa since Entry Visa has far fewer restrictions than Tourist Visa. Details of Entry Visa are given at Sl. No. 4.2

  24. Australia Tourist Visa From India: Step-by-Step Guide

    Apart from the Australia tourist visa forms that you are required to fill and submit to access your Australia tourist visa from India, various other documents are required, such as: Original Passports: Must have a minimum validity of 6 months from the travel date. Visa Application Form: Complete and submit the application form accurately.

  25. Job hunting or working on tourist visa is illegal in UAE: Know the new

    Job hunting or working on tourist visa is illegal in UAE: Know the new rule To work in the UAE, you need a proper work visa. ... Visa application form: Complete and accurate, with all supporting documents. ... Fees for a UAE work visa for Indian citizens: Application fee: AED 300 (non-refundable) Visa processing fee: ...

  26. How to Apply for a Tourist Visa from India: Step-by-Step Guide

    Applying for a tourist visa from India does not have to be difficult. This guide streamlines the process by providing straightforward procedures and vital information for popular locations like Australia, Canada, and the United States. You'll learn how to apply for a tourist visa online, gather relevant paperwork, and easily arrange ...

  27. Kuwait Work Visa 2024: Requirements, Application ...

    The required documents and application process for a residence permit and entrance visa differ. The following sections detail all the necessary information for both types. Entrance visa. An entrance visa is a temporary means of staying in the country for applicants who want to work in the Government and Civil sectors.

  28. Thailand visa scheme opens door to digital nomads

    To apply for the DTV visa as a remote worker, freelancer or digital nomad, an applicant must be at least 20 years old and be from one of the 93 eligible countries.

  29. UK Citizens to Face €7 Visa-Waiver Fee for EU Travel Starting ...

    UK citizens traveling to the EU from May 2025 will need to pay a €7 visa-waiver fee under the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (Etias), The Guardian reports. Etias will ...

  30. Schengen Visa FAQs: Application Process From India, Time ...

    Image credit: AnnaStills/Shutterstock. The Schengen visa offers tourists the freedom to explore 29 European countries without border checks. However, the application process can be daunting, requiring a lot of patience, time, and attention.