Dengan Nuansa Mesantren Di Tanah Suci

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Program Umroh & Umroh Plus

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15-23 feb 2024.


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11-20 maret 2023.


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23 mar - 1 apr.


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26 maret - 11 april.


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14-23 april.


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22 JULI, 8 AGT


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14 APR 2024


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22 jul - 1 agt.


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mq travel jakarta ulasan

14 & 15 AGT


Program Haji Khusus & Furoda

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Antrian nasional 6-7 tahun, dapat mendaftar dari kota manapun tanpa harus ke kantor. Uang muka USD 4,500. Segera hubungi customer service kami

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Cukup persiapkan dokumen di bawah ini, kami bantu hingga mendapatkan nomor porsi antrian. Cukup via WA, hubungi customer service kami

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Sisihkan mulai sekarang setiap bulannya, untuk tabungan DP Haji mulai 5 juta perbulan. Detailnya silakan langsung chat admin

Wisata Hikmah

Program wisata hikmah mancanegara.

mq travel jakarta ulasan

24 FEB - 6 MAR 2024


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24 -31 JAN 2024


Ingin mengetahui informasi lebih detail tentang Wisata Hikmah Mancanegara? yuk kunjungi website official Wisata Hikmah

Foto dan video.

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Apa Kata Mereka

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Alhamdulillah, gak nyesel daftar umroh di MQ, fasilitas dan pelayanannya sesuai dengan harga paket, seneng banget hotelnya dekat dengan Masjid Nabawi dan Masjidil Haram, jadi tidak terkendala saat inqin ibadah di masjid, tidak jauh bolak-baliknya, dan fasilitas hotelnya good, paling suka hotel Ghufron yang di Makkah

mq travel jakarta ulasan


MasyaAllah umroh bersama MQ menjadi satu jIn rezeki beribaha yg berkesan buat saya dr mulai berangkat saat sampe di Madinah dan Mekkah semua pelayanan terbaik, kita bener2 diservis dengan baik. Bu rinu, mba dewi para ustad semua MasyaAllah buat kita nyaman sekali beribadah

mq travel jakarta ulasan


Terima kasih atas layanan yang diberikan oleh MQ Travel, kami senanq selama kegiatan wisata hikmah, pemandunya juga bagus-bagus, saat ziarah ke berbagai masjid dan makam para sahabat sultan/ulama diceritakan yang terkait dengan perkembangan agama Islam, sementara ketika di Ephesus, juga diceritakan hal-hal kemusyrikan sebagai pembelajaran. Sekali lagi, terima kasih MQ

mq travel jakarta ulasan

CSnya juga responsif, sabar dan telaten menuntun dari awal hingga akhir, pembimbingnyapun humoris semua sehingga kami sangat terhibur dan nyaman. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan tim MQ di dunia dan akhirat. Aamiin


Daftar online dengan mudah, tanpa harus ke kantor kami.

Diskusikan segera rencana perjalanan tahun ini

Customer Service kami dengan senang hati akan segera menghubungi via whatsapp atau email

Ustadz dan Direksi

Para direksi & pembimbing ibadah.

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Ustadz Sigit Bayu Anggoro

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mq travel jakarta ulasan

Ustadz Mulyadi Al Fadhil

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Ustadz Fahrudin Misdar

Costomer service, diskusikan sekarang juga, klik di sini, jadwal keberangkatan, kenapa memilih kami, terpercaya dan amanah.

MO Travel telah melayani umroh dan haji dari berbagai kota bahkan negara lain sejak tahun 2002, dan program wisata hikmah sejak tahun 2013

Terdaftar Resmi di Kemenag

MO Travel - PT Manajemen Qolbu Tauhiid terdaftar resmi di Kementrian Agama dengan nomor SK Umroh 173 tahun 2019, dan nomor SK Haji 156 tahun 2020.

Beragam Partner Maskapai

Tidak hanya bekerja sama dengan satu maskapai. bebas tentukan pilihan penerbangan transit atau direct Madinah / Jeddah

Berbagai Pilihan Program

MQ Travel menyediakan pilihan Paket Gold, Bronze, Multazam yang dibedakan oleh fasilitas hotel dan menyesuaikan budget yang tersedia

Nuansa Mesantren di Tanah Suci

Bukan hanya beribadah, sholat dan tilawah. Program umroh dan haji MQ Travel mengajak sahabat untuk menambah ilmu setiap harinya

Pembimbing Berpengalaman

Melaksanakan umroh dan haji dengan bimbingan para ustad baik asaatidz Daarut Tauhiid atau lainnya sesuai dengan sunnah. Tim Tour Leader berpengalaman

Merangkai Hikmah Perjalanan

Merangkai hikmah di setiap perjalanan, di setiap kejadian. Menyaksikan keagungan ciptaan Allah secara langsung

Akad & Ketentuan Yang Jelas

Customer Service MQ akan menjelaskan secara detail apa saja ketentuan, akad, fasilitas yang menjadi hak setiap jamaah sebelum mendaftar

Informasi Terbaru

Karantina umroh dihapuskan sejak maret 2022.

Berita gembira bagi jamaah umroh Indonesia, sejak Maret 2022 ini pemerintah Saudi resmi menghapuskan karantina kedatangan Arab Saudi yang sebelumnya menjadi keharusan karantina  selama 4 malam sebelum dapat beribadah baik di Masjidil Haram ataupun Masjid Nabawi.

Tak kalah gembiranya ketika Pemerintah Indonesia juga mencabut aturan karantina kepulangan luar negeri di hotel repatriasi. Kini setiap kedatangan dari luar negeri cukup melakukan PCR 1x di Bandara Soetta dengan membayar 275,000 per orang langsung di lokasi PCR.

Alhamdulillah waktu yang dinantipun tiba, kini persyaratan dan prosedur umroh lebih mudah, siapkan bukti vaksin Covid lengkap 2x, passport, dan buku kuning vaksin meningitis.

Yuukkk… buruan daftar !!


Setelah sempat dilakukan pembatasan usia tahun 2022 lalu, tahun 2023 ini jamaah haji tidak memiliki batasan usia. Jamaah haji asal Indonesia-pun terutama yang berasal dari daerah terlihat lansia dengan bahagia.  Pemerintah memastikan tahun ini adalah tahun haji yang ramah lansia, dengan beberapa petugas haji yang telah dipersiapkan


Setelah umroh sempat ditutup di musim haji dari bulan Juni hingga Juli ini, musim baru umroh akan dimulai kembali di bulan Agustus yang akan datang. Geliat antusias masyarakat untuk berumroh di tahun ini sangat terilhat. Keberangkatan Agustus 2023 telah SOLD OUT di semua tanggal keberangkatan. Dengan program Umroh Plus Turki yang tetap menjadi favoritnya. MQ Travel memiliki banyak pilihan program 9 hingga 12 hari dan banyak pilihan tanggal untuk mengakomodir sahabat-sahabat di keberangkatan September 2023. Booking seat dari sekarang untuk September 2023, jangan sampai kehabisan !!


Sejak bulan September 2023, anak-anak usia berapapun sudah diperbolehkan memasuki Masjid Nabawi dan beribadah di sana dengan bebas. Dari usia bayi, 1 tahun pun tampak jamaah MQ Travel diizinkan. Kalau sebelumnya Masjid Nabawi masih membatasi anak-anak (khususnya perempuan) untuk masuk ke masjid, maka sekarang larangan tersebut sudah dicabut. Jangan ragu untuk mengajak buah hati kesayangan beribadah umroh, melihat langsung dua masjid agung di dunia yang menjadi destinasi jutaan muslimin dari negara manapun. Umroh bersama keluarga akan memberikan kesan mendalam, apalagi ketika sang buah hati dikenalkan tauhiid sejak dini. Umroh bersama MQ Travel akan diisi dengan kajian setiap harinya oleh ustad-ustad berpengalaman. Sepulang umroh hati akan menjadi lebih lapang dan insya allah lebih taat beribadah


Alhamdulillaah, di tahun 2024 ini pemerintah Indonesia menerima tambahan kuota haji sebanyak 20,000 jamaah dari Pemerintah Saudi. Pembagiannya diberikan kepada haji reguler dan haji khusus. Porsi haji khusus mendapat tambahan 10.000, jamaah MQ Travel yang telah terdaftar-pun mendapat kesempatan untuk maju antriannya. Pemilihan maktab di tenda Mina maupun Arafah akan berbeda kali ini, tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Jika tahun sebelumnya MQ Travel menempati maktab 111-333 (tahun 2023), konon tahun ini akan dibagi menjadi zona A, zona B, zona C sesuai dengan negara masing-masing. Hingga pertengahan Februari ini finalisasi nama-nama jamaah yang akan berangkat masih diselesaikan. Semoga salah satunya Sahabat MQ yang sedang membaca artikel ini.

Dokumen Izin

Pusat: Jln. Cisanggiri I No 2A Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12170

Cabang: Gedung Wakaf Daarut Tarbiyah, Jln Gegerkalong Girang No 30 Isola Sukasari Kota Bandung 40154


[email protected]

  • Tanya Umroh
  • Tips Haji Umroh
  • Fakta Haji & Umroh

Mengenal Lebih Jauh tentang mq Travel Pendaftaran Haji Khusus

  • by Budi Berkah
  • January 12, 2024

Mengenal Lebih Jauh tentang mq Travel Pendaftaran Haji Khusus

Haji adalah salah satu ibadah yang sangat penting bagi umat muslim di seluruh dunia. Membuat keputusan untuk melakukan haji merupakan suatu yang sangat membanggakan, namun harus dipersiapkan dengan matang terlebih dahulu. Salah satu persiapan yang paling utama adalah melakukan pendaftaran haji.

Di Indonesia, pendaftaran haji bisa dilakukan melalui berbagai biro travel, seperti mq Travel. Apa itu mq Travel dan bagaimana cara pendaftaran haji yang khusus melalui mereka? Simak ulasan berikut.

Apa Itu mq Travel?

mq Travel adalah biro travel yang menyediakan paket perjalanan ke Tanah Suci yang lebih terjangkau. Selain pelayanan untuk umrah, mq Travel juga menyediakan paket untuk ibadah haji, termasuk pendaftaran haji khusus.

mq Travel memiliki pelayanan terbaik dan fasilitas yang lengkap, mulai dari akomodasi, transportasi, perlengkapan hingga memberikan layanan pendampingan selama perjalanan. mq Travel juga memiliki jaringan kepercayaan terkait pemberangkatan jamaah haji ke Tanah Suci setiap tahun.

apa saja langkah-langkah pendaftaran haji khusus melalui mq Travel?

Pendaftaran haji khusus melalui mq Travel bisa dilakukan dengan mudah dan praktis, dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:

1. Persyaratan Pendaftaran Haji

Sebelum melakukan pendaftaran haji, pastikan kamu sudah memenuhi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan seperti berumur minimal 18 tahun, sudah menunaikan ibadah haji sekali dalam hidup dan sudah mempunyai passport.

2. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran

Setelah memenuhi persyaratan dasar, selanjutnya calon jamaah diharuskan mengisi formulir pendaftaran haji khusus melalui mq Travel. Pastikan data informasi yang diisi sudah sesuai dengan data yang tertera pada passport.

3. Pembayaran Biaya Haji

Setelah nama calon jamaah terdaftar, selanjutnya menyelesaikan pembayaran biaya haji melalui mq Travel. Pastikan kamu memilih paket yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget.

4. Konfirmasi Pembayaran dan Ketentuan Pelunasan

Setelah melakukan pembayaran, jangan lupa untuk konfirmasi pembayaran kepada mq Travel. Selain itu, pastikan kamu memiliki jaminan untuk pembayaran lunas sesuai dengan ketentuan yang dibuat oleh mq Travel dan Kementerian Agama.

5. Pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji

Setelah melakukan pendaftaran dan pembayaran, kamu tinggal menunggu jadwal keberangkatan untuk melaksanakan ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci dengan pengawasan tertib dari otoritas khusus.

Mengapa Harus Menggunakan Jasa mq Travel?

mq Travel merupakan biro travel yang mempunyai pengalaman dan reputasi baik dalam melayani calon jamaah haji. Terlebih lagi, mq Travel memberikan layanan yang baik dan profesional serta fasilitas yang lengkap. Selain itu, mq Travel memberikan harga yang lebih terjangkau dibandingkan dengan biro travel lainnya di Indonesia, tanpa mengurangi kualitas layanan.

Dalam melayani calon jamaah haji, mq Travel mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan, sehingga membuat kenyamanan dan keamanan selama perjalanan diutamakan. mq Travel juga telah terpercaya dalam pemberangkatan jamaah haji setiap tahunnya, dan memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam melayani jamaah haji.

Ibadah haji merupakan suatu yang sangat istimewa bagi umat muslim, yang memerlukan persiapan yang matang sebelum dilakukan. Melakukan pendaftaran haji khusus melalui mq Travel adalah salah satu alternatif bagi calon jamaah haji yang ingin menunaikan ibadah haji dengan aman, nyaman dan terjangkau. Selain itu, mq Travel juga memberikan pelayanan yang profesional dan lengkap. Sudah saatnya kamu mempersiapkan diri untuk menunaikan ibadah haji dengan menggunakan jasa mq Travel.

mq travel jakarta ulasan

Haji Umroh Vip

Pengalaman Umroh dengan MQ Travel: Menjadi Lebih Dekat dengan Allah

Memenuhi panggilan hati untuk melakukan ibadah umroh.

Salam sejahtera untuk Sahabat Umroh yang sedang mempertimbangkan untuk melakukan ibadah umroh. Saya, seorang muslim yang juga merindukan momen suci ini, ingin berbagi pengalaman umroh saya dengan MQ Travel. Dalam artikel ini, saya akan memaparkan pengalaman saya selama melakukan ibadah umroh dengan agen perjalanan ini, serta membagikan beberapa tips dan informasi yang mungkin dapat membantu Anda dalam menentukan pilihan agen perjalanan.

Pendahuluan: Memilih MQ Travel untuk Melakukan Ibadah Umroh

Sebelum saya memutuskan untuk melakukan ibadah umroh, saya melakukan beberapa riset dan mencari referensi mengenai agen perjalanan yang terpercaya dan mudah bergaul. Setelah mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor seperti kredibilitas, reputasi, dan kepercayaan pelanggan, saya memilih MQ Travel sebagai agen perjalanan saya.

Mengapa MQ Travel? Pertama, MQ Travel memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dalam menyediakan paket perjalanan umroh dan haji, sehingga saya merasa percaya dengan pengalaman dan keahlian mereka dalam menyediakan layanan terbaik untuk para jamaah. Kedua, MQ Travel menawarkan paket-paket perjalanan yang lengkap dan fleksibel, yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing jamaah. Dan ketiga, MQ Travel memiliki tim yang ramah dan berpengalaman dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk para jamaah, sehingga saya merasa nyaman dan tenang selama perjalanan.

Dalam artikel ini, saya akan memaparkan pengalaman umroh saya dengan MQ Travel, mulai dari persiapan sebelum berangkat, perjalanan selama di Arab Saudi, hingga kembali ke tanah air. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu Sahabat Umroh yang tengah mencari informasi mengenai agen perjalanan yang terpercaya dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing jamaah.

Persiapan Sebelum Berangkat

Sebelum berangkat ke Arab Saudi, MQ Travel memberikan panduan dan bimbingan kepada saya dan para jamaah lainnya mengenai persiapan yang harus dilakukan. MQ Travel membantu saya dalam membuat visa, mengurus tiket pesawat, serta memberikan informasi mengenai perlengkapan yang harus dibawa dan dokumen yang harus disiapkan. Selain itu, MQ Travel juga memberikan pelatihan dan briefing mengenai tata cara beribadah umroh dan aturan-aturan yang harus diperhatikan selama di Arab Saudi.

Hal ini sangat membantu saya dalam menyiapkan diri secara fisik dan mental sebelum berangkat, sehingga saya merasa lebih percaya diri dan tenang selama perjalanan.

Perjalanan Menuju Arab Saudi

Setelah melakukan persiapan yang cukup, saya dan para jamaah lainnya berangkat menuju Arab Saudi dengan pesawat yang disediakan oleh MQ Travel. MQ Travel menyediakan pesawat yang nyaman dan aman, serta memberikan makanan dan minuman yang halal selama perjalanan. Selama di pesawat, MQ Travel juga memberikan bimbingan dan pengarahan mengenai tata cara beribadah umroh, sehingga saya merasa lebih siap dan memahami apa yang harus dilakukan selama di Arab Saudi.

Tiba di Arab Saudi dan Memulai Ibadah Umroh

Sesampainya di Jeddah, Arab Saudi, MQ Travel membawa saya dan para jamaah lainnya ke hotel yang sudah disediakan. Hotel tersebut memiliki kualitas yang baik dan lokasi yang strategis, sehingga memudahkan saya dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti berdoa, beristirahat, dan berbelanja.

Setelah beristirahat sejenak, kami memulai ibadah umroh dengan bimbingan dari MQ Travel. MQ Travel membawa kami ke tempat-tempat suci seperti Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, serta memberikan panduan mengenai tatacara beribadah yang benar dan aturan-aturan yang harus diperhatikan selama ibadah umroh.

Perjalanan Selama Berada di Arab Saudi

Selama berada di Arab Saudi, selain beribadah umroh, MQ Travel juga memberikan layanan yang baik dan memuaskan bagi para jamaah. MQ Travel membawa kami ke beberapa tempat wisata dan spot foto yang terkenal, serta memberikan pengarahan mengenai makanan dan minuman yang halal dan tempat-tempat belanja yang recommended. MQ Travel juga memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dan keamanan yang baik, dengan menyediakan obat-obatan dan perlengkapan medis yang dibutuhkan, serta memberikan panduan mengenai tata cara menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan diri selama di Arab Saudi.

Kembali ke Tanah Air

Setelah menyelesaikan ibadah umroh dan perjalanan selama di Arab Saudi, MQ Travel membawa kami kembali ke tanah air dengan pesawat yang aman dan nyaman. MQ Travel juga memberikan pengarahan dan bimbingan mengenai tata cara menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan diri selama dalam perjalanan pulang, serta memberikan informasi mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan dan program-program yang dapat diikuti setelah kepulangan dari Arab Saudi.

Informasi Terkait Paket Umroh MQ Travel

Frequently asked questions (faq), 1. apa saja yang harus disiapkan sebelum berangkat umroh.

Sebelum berangkat umroh, Sahabat Umroh harus mempersiapkan diri dari segi fisik dan mental, seperti melakukan vaksinasi, mengurus visa, dan membawa perlengkapan umroh yang sesuai. Sahabat Umroh juga harus menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dan mempersiapkan diri secara spiritual.

2. Apa yang membedakan paket umroh MQ Travel dengan agen perjalanan lainnya?

Paket umroh MQ Travel menawarkan layanan yang lengkap dan fleksibel, serta memiliki tim yang berpengalaman dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk para jamaah. MQ Travel juga menawarkan paket-paket perjalanan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing jamaah.

3. Bagaimana cara beribadah umroh yang benar?

Beribadah umroh harus dilakukan dengan hati yang ikhlas dan penuh rasa syukur kepada Allah. Sahabat Umroh harus mengikuti tata cara beribadah umroh yang benar dan tidak melanggar aturan-aturan yang sudah ditetapkan.

4. Apa yang harus dilakukan jika terjadi kendala selama berada di Arab Saudi?

Jika terjadi kendala selama berada di Arab Saudi, Sahabat Umroh dapat menghubungi tim pengurus umroh MQ Travel yang akan memberikan bantuan dan bimbingan yang diperlukan.

5. Apakah semua makanan dan minuman di Arab Saudi halal?

Tidak semua makanan dan minuman di Arab Saudi halal. Sahabat Umroh harus memperhatikan dan memastikan bahwa makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi selama di Arab Saudi halal.

6. Apakah MQ Travel menyediakan tour guide yang berbahasa Indonesia?

Ya, MQ Travel menyediakan tour guide yang berbahasa Indonesia untuk memudahkan jamaah dalam memahami aturan-aturan dan tata cara beribadah umroh.

7. Apakah MQ Travel menyediakan paket umroh untuk keluarga?

Ya, MQ Travel menyediakan paket umroh untuk keluarga yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing.

8. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan ibadah umroh?

Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan ibadah umroh tergantung pada kondisi fisik dan kesehatan jamaah. Biasanya, waktu yang dibutuhkan sekitar 5-7 hari.

9. Apa yang harus dibawa saat melakukan ibadah umroh?

Saat melakukan ibadah umroh, Sahabat Umroh harus membawa perlengkapan umroh seperti baju ihram, tas kecil, sandal, dan perlengkapan mandi. Sahabat Umroh juga harus membawa dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dan mempersiapkan diri secara spiritual.

10. Apakah MQ Travel melayani umroh sepanjang tahun?

Ya, MQ Travel melayani umroh sepanjang tahun, tergantung pada ketersediaan dan permintaan jamaah.

11. Apakah MQ Travel memberikan layanan asuransi perjalanan?

Ya, MQ Travel memberikan layanan asuransi perjalanan yang melindungi jamaah dari risiko-risiko yang mungkin terjadi selama perjalanan.

12. Apakah MQ Travel memberikan layanan kesehatan selama di Arab Saudi?

Ya, MQ Travel memberikan layanan kesehatan yang mencakup penyediaan obat-obatan dan perlengkapan medis yang dibutuhkan oleh jamaah.

13. Apakah MQ Travel menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan jamaah selama di Arab Saudi?

Ya, MQ Travel menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan jamaah selama di Arab Saudi dengan memberikan panduan dan bimbingan mengenai tata cara menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan diri, serta memberikan pengawasan terhadap jamaah selama perjalanan.

Kesimpulan: Menjadi Lebih Dekat dengan Allah Melalui Ibadah Umroh

Sekian pengalaman saya selama melakukan ibadah umroh dengan MQ Travel. Saya sangat merekomendasikan MQ Travel kepada Sahabat Umroh yang ingin melakukan ibadah umroh dengan tenang dan aman. MQ Travel menyediakan layanan yang baik dan memuaskan bagi para jamaah, serta memiliki tim yang berpengalaman dan ramah dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik. Dengan memilih MQ Travel sebagai agen perjalanan, Sahabat Umroh dapat menjadi lebih dekat dengan Allah melalui ibadah umroh yang dilaksanakan dengan tenang, aman, dan penuh keikhlasan.

Action Plan

Bagi Sahabat Umroh yang tertarik untuk melakukan ibadah umroh dengan MQ Travel, dapat mengunjungi website resmi MQ Travel atau menghubungi nomor telepon yang sudah disediakan. Sahabat Umroh juga dapat menghubungi MQ Travel untuk meminta informasi lebih lanjut mengenai paket umroh yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi masing-masing.

Artikel ini bukan merupakan endorse atau promosi dari MQ Travel, melainkan berisi pengalaman pribadi saya selama melakukan ibadah umroh dengan MQ Travel. Artikel ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan tips kepada Sahabat Umroh yang tengah mencari referensi mengenai agen perjalanan yang terpercaya. Sahabat Umroh diharapkan untuk melakukan riset dan mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor sebelum memilih agen perjalanan, serta menyiapkan diri secara fisik, mental, dan spiritual sebelum berangkat umroh.

Kata Penutup

Selamat beribadah umroh bagi Sahabat Umroh yang sedang menjalankan ibadah suci tersebut. Semoga pengalaman saya dengan MQ Travel dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas dan membantu Sahabat Umroh yang sedang mencari referensi agen perjalanan terpercaya untuk melakukan ibadah umroh. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini.

Tinggalkan komentar Batalkan balasan


Jelajah Situs

  • Alamat Terbaru
  • Lokasi Disarankan

Halaman Penting

  • Hubungi Kami
  • Tentang Kami
  • Syarat dan Ketentuan
  • Kebijakan Privasi
  • Tambah Tempat

Pencarian Tempat

  • Jual Ac Bekas Tangerang
  • Sma 1 Ciruas
  • Pusat Grosir Laptop
  • Jl. Hasan Saputra Iii No.10
  • Subur Ban Bandung
  • Jasa Cutting Hijab
  • Hotel Murah Di Grogol Jakarta
  • Jasa Laser Hijab

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Klinik Mak Erot Jakarta Pusat Photo

Alamat: Jl. Kb. Sirih Tim. Dalam No.28, RT.15/RW.7, Dukuh Atas, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340, Indonesia

Warung Bu Lina,jakarta Photo

Alamat: V47J+R3Q, Jalan, Semabung Lama, Bukitintan, Pangkal Pinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands 33684, Indonesia

Bubur Ayam Jakarta, Photo

Alamat: parkiran resto 66, Jl. Yos Sudarso, Inauga, Kec. Mimika Baru, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua 99971, Indonesia

Erha Apothecary Aeon Mall Jakarta Garden City Photo

Alamat: Aeon Mall, Mall AEON JGC Lt, Jl. Jkt Garden City Boulevard No.8, RT.8/RW.6, Cakung Tim., Kec. Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13910, Indonesia

Klinik Kecantikan Di Jakarta | Vorta Beauty Clinic - Pik (vorta Beauty Clinic - Pik) Photo

Alamat: Ruko Golf Island Beach Boulevard Kel. Kamal Muara Kec. Penjaringan Blok B No. 9, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14470, Indonesia

The Clinic Beautylosophy Menteng | Klinik Kecantikan Dan Bedah Plastik Di Jakarta Photo

Alamat: Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No.41 B, Menteng, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340, Indonesia

Shechantique House Of Beauty Clinique Tanam Benang Klinik Kecantikan Jakarta - Serum Shechantique Photo

Alamat: 1, Jl. H.Icang No.10, RT.1/RW.2, Lenteng Agung, Kec. Jagakarsa, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12530, Indonesia

Lviors Beauty Clinic Jakarta (pik) Photo

Alamat: Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2 No.56 - 57, RT.1/RW.16, Kapuk Muara, Kec. Penjaringan, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14460, Indonesia

Klinik Kecantikan Terbaik Stephanie Cengkareng Jakarta Barat Photo

Alamat: Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Ruko Taman Palem Blok B17 56, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11730, Indonesia

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4.7 dari 62 pengguna

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Taofik Rohman 5

Pelayanannya baik, ramah dan cepat. Terima kasih.

Ni Made Desi Handayani 3

Kantor berada sementara dilantai 2.tangga licin kalau hujan hati hati.semoga kedepan para pegawai dapat lebih ramah ke tamu

Asriah Iskandar 5

Puas deh dng fasilitas yg di sediakan, jadwal tepat waktu di berikan tausiah juga. Recomended deh untuk yg mau umroh, bikin pengen balik lagi. Pengalaman tak terlupakan, team nya helpful n profesional. Baitullah selalu di hati ♡♡♡ semoga bisa gabung dng haji MQ Travel. Mhn bantu Doa kan yaaa

Homeschooling Alam 3

Semoga petugas di mq travel jakarta dapat lebih ramah ketamu tamu.penjelasan dengan tenang dan profesional

Herpadiana 5

Pelayanan ramah Penjelasannya rinci dan jelas Tempat bersih, rapi dan nyaman

Ayah Budi 3

Tempatnya persis di sebelah pasar santa, tepatnya di samping sucre salon, ada di lantai 2, untuk parkir mobil sangat terbatas.

Dini Amelia 5

MQ Travel punya banyak pilihan tanggal dan paket untuk dipilih masing2 jamaah. Pelayanannya sangat ramah. Dan tentunya trusted! 😊

Bayu Witjaksana 5

Salut dengan pelayanannya Semoga tetap dipertahankan

Viedia Imron 5

Tempatnya berada diseberang masjid daruttauhid jakarta yg berada di jalan cilacap

Sofie Kartini 5

Aman nyaman barokah Allah selama umroh aaamiiin alkhamdulillah...

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JAKARTA TRAVEL GUIDE with Sample Itinerary & Budget + Indonesia Requirements

JAKARTA TRAVEL GUIDE with Sample Itinerary & Budget + Indonesia Requirements

By continuing to read this article, you agree to double check with the authorities or other concerned entities for the latest updates.

“Anywhere else, aside from Jakarta?”

This was the reply I would usually get whenever I said I was going to the Indonesian capital. “No, just Jakarta,” was my answer. And it took them a second to realize that they heard my response right.

Jakarta feels strangely familiar. There is so much about it that reminds me of Metro Manila, my home city. Both are capital cities of developing Southeast Asian nations. Both are among the biggest urban hubs in the world, serving as a home and/or workplace for tens of millions of people. And for many international tourists, both are seen mostly as a jump-off point to another destination, a necessary means to a more spectacular end. In Jakarta’s case, this spectacular end can be the beaches of Bali , the temples of Yogyakarta , or the picturesque volcanoes in other parts of Java.

But like Manila, Jakarta can hold its own. It may not be as Instagram-worthy, but it does have a long history and rich culture, making it a great stop for Indonesia first timers. From the numerous museums to the sumptuous street food, the city will give you a taste of what the world’s greatest archipelago has to offer.



Jakarta is the capital of and the largest city in Indonesia. Located in the island of Java, the city serves as the economic, political, and cultural center of the country. Jakarta is sprawling. Over the years, as it continues to draw in more people, it also paves way for the development of neighboring areas.

Jakarta Sign

Today, Jakarta may also refer to the Greater Jakarta area or the Jakarta metropolitan area, which is also called locally as Jabodetabek , short for Jakarta–Bogor–Depok–Tangerang–Bekasi, referring to the nearby cities in West Java and Banten. And with an estimated population of 35 million, it is the second largest urban hub in the world, next only to Tokyo.

The history of Jakarta dates back to the 4th century CE, making it one of the oldest inhabited cities in Southeast Asia. It has been known by several names. Under the Sunda Kingdom, it was known as Sunda Kelapa, an important trading port at the time. In 1619, the Dutch took control and founded Batavia which became the capital of the Dutch East Indies. Then in 1942, Batavia fell to the Japanese and was under the Japanese occupation until 1945. It was 1949 when the Indonesian independence was proclaimed and Jakarta became the national capital.


  • Language: Indonesian or Bahasa Indonesia. But most can understand and speak English.
  • Religion: Islam is the dominant religion. A small part of the population practice Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
  • Timezone: UTC+7 (Indonesia Western Time). Jakarta is one hour behind Manila, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
  • Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR, Rp). USD 1 is around IDR 15,700; EUR 1 = IDR 16,200; PHP 1 = IDR 273 (as of December 2022).
  • Modes of Payment: Cash. Some establishments like restaurants also accept credit cards, but most still prefer cash. However, there are some places that only take card payments.


As of our most recent visit (November 2022), these are the requirements required for travelers going to Jakarta as mandated by the government. These must be presented when you check-in for your flight.

  • Passport. Must be valid for at least 6 months.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate. Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed to enter Jakarta. Your vaccination certificate must indicate 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
  • PeduliLindungi App. Download the app through google playstore or app store and register.
  • E-customs Declaration Form. Fill out the form here . Print or save a digital copy of the generated QR Code.

Depending on your country of citizenship, a visa may also be required. (Filipino citizens may enter Indonesia VISA-FREE.)


Jakarta is huge. Covering 664.01 square kilometers, Jakarta is divided it into its five administrative cities: Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, North Jakarta, and South Jakarta. Easy to remember, right? But these three areas have the key points of interest for tourists:

The Packer Lodge Jakarta

  • Central Jakarta is home to major landmarks like the National Monument and Istiqlal Mosque. Also situated here is Gambir Station, a major railway station that connects the capital to other cities in Java Island. You’ll also find Grand Indonesia, one of the biggest malls in the country, around the corner. A large concentration of the accommodations in Central Jakarta can be found in Menteng .
  • North Jakarta covers the harbor area, the historic port of Sunda Kelapa, and Ancol, a waterfront complex with a theme park, water park, and other various attractions.
  • West Jakarta , the closest to the airport, roughly 30 minutes away. Within its territory lie parts of Kota Tua, Jakarta’s Old Town. Glodok , Jakarta’s Chinatown, where you can find a lot of food spots, is also here. A number of different types of accommodations are spread over West Jakarta.
  • South Jakarta , which harbors the Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), with plenty of office buildings, condominiums, hotels, and shopping malls. If you’re interested in experiencing the nightlife in Jakarta, this is the place to be. The accommodations in this area varies from high-end hotels to budget hostels so there are a lot to choose from.
  • East Jakarta . This is the largest among the five administrative cities of Jakarta. However, there’s not a lot of accommodations available here. It is also the area farthest from the airport.

Best Area to Stay

In our opinion, the best area to stay is the part where Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, and North Jakarta meet. Staying here puts you in a position close to the key attractions and with plenty of dining and lodging options.

This area includes these neighborhoods:

Best Area to Stay in Jakarta

  • Glodok (Chinatown) in West Jakarta
  • Menteng in Central Jakarta
  • Kota Tua in North/West Jakarta

Any of places above are great for first-time Jakarta visitors. However, if you’re the type of traveler who likes to spend their nights going out or partying, South Jakarta might be a great option too. Just keep in mind that this area is a bit farther from other parts of the city, especially if you plan to visit attractions in North Jakarta.

Top Budget Hotels and Hostels in Jakarta

I booked a dorm bed at The Packer Lodge near Kota Tua for only PHP 450 per night . Yep, that’s only USD 8 or 124,000 IDR. But by random streak of good luck, I was upgraded to a private solo room for FREE! (Possibly because they might have overbooked the dorm.)

The Packer Lodge Jakarta Private Room

But there are plenty of other options, too! Here are some of the top reviewed but affordable properties on Agoda:

  • ibis Styles Jakarta Tanah Abang. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • City Biz Residence. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Sleepy Raccoon Hostel. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Cool Living. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Hotel Alia Pasar Baru. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Wonderloft Hostel. Check Rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Jakarta Hotels!

How to get to jakarta.

The primary airport that serves Jakarta is Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) , formerly called Jakarta Cengkareng Airport. It is located at Benda, Tangerang, close to West Jakarta. It was expanded in 1991 to replace Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, which now services mostly domestic and private flights—for international flights. CGK is said to be the busiest airport in Southeast Asia and currently has 3 terminals with a fourth terminal being built.

Jakarta Airport

Manila to Jakarta

As Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta is well-connected. If you’re coming from Manila, Cebu Pacific flies directly to Jakarta and vice versa DAILY. The flight departs from Manila at 8:40 PM and takes around four hours. This is perfect for busy bees who cannot afford to file another leave of absence from work or students who can’t miss a school day. This also means you arrive in Jakarta just before midnight, bypassing heavy traffic to the city center.

For your return journey, Cebu Pacific’s Jakarta-Manila flights are scheduled at 12:30 AM, allowing you to make the most of your last day in Jakarta! Just leave your luggage temporarily at your hotel upon checkout, explore the city the entire day, and pick it up before heading to the airport.

Manila to Jakarta Cebu Pacific

Cebu Pacific has three bundle options for your flight booking: GO Basic comes with a free hand-carry baggage allowance (7kg). If you want a checked bag and reserved seats, GO Easy includes a one piece checked baggage (up to 20kg) and a standard seat. For more flexibility, GO Flexi allows you to cancel your flight for free and store the value as a travel fund.

To book, visit: www.cebupacificair.com .

Jakarta Airport to City Center

Travel time from the airport to your hotel depends on which part of Jakarta you choose to stay, but it could take between 30 minutes to an hour. The most convenient way is by taking a taxi or using a ride hailing app. More details about these below.

Countless taxis await potential passengers at the airport. After going through customs and before reaching the exit, you’ll be welcomed by people offering you taxi services. If you want to take a taxi, a recommended taxi service by locals is Blue Bird . You’ll find a Blue Bird booth to your left after you exit, near the SIM card stores.

However, in my experience, their rate was higher than Grab, but this could vary. You can go to the booth to inquire about the fare going to your hotel and compare it to rates on Grab or Gojek.

By Grab or Gojek

Jakarta Airport Grab Pickup Point

These two are the ride hailing apps available in Jakarta. It is easy to use and booking a ride only takes a few minutes. The Grab pick-up point in Terminal 3 is located at the parking of the arrival area. After you pass through customs, turn to your right and head towards the Pick-up zone. You should be exiting through the West Lobby door. At the parking, you will find signage for the Grab Pick-up Point.

It is important to know that the fare that shows on the app is not the final fare. A parking fee and highway fee or toll fee will be added on top of it. This was also clearly communicated by the person at the Grab Pick-up point once I got there and the driver after I entered the car. But the Grab fare still turned out cheaper than the Blue Bird rate even after adding these fees.

  • Parking Fee: IDR 5,000
  • Highway/toll fee: IDR 18,500

Gojek is also available at the airport. The pick-up point at Terminal 3 is also located at the international parking area. Gojek also adds the parking fee & toll fee plus a location fee on top of the fare that shows on the app when you book your ride.

Internet Connection / Data SIM in Jakarta

The most affordable way of staying connected in Indonesia is by purchasing a data SIM card. However, SIM cards in Jakarta need to be registered first, so you’ll need to present your passport to get one. Two of the most popular internet providers are XL Axiata and Telkomsel.

You can get a SIM card at the airport, but keep in mind that the prices here are significantly higher than prices at a telco branch or SIM card center. Moreover, airport stores are open only from 7:00AM to 3:00AM.

If you’re from any of the countries below, you can have the data SIM card delivered to you via Klook:

  • Deliver SIM to INDIA
  • Deliver to SINGAPORE
  • Deliver SIM to HONG KONG
  • Deliver SIM to VIETNAM

If you’re from the Philippines or any other country, you may opt to pick up Indonesia DATA SIM at the Jakarta Airport (Soekarno Hatta International Airport). The pick up location is at the JavaMifi booth at Terminal 3 Departure at the 2nd floor. The staff will also help you set up the sim card on your phone. However, the operating hours is from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM only. You can purchase one here: Indonesia DATA SIM Jakarta Airport Pickup!

If you’re arriving in Jakarta late at night, you won’t be able to avail of this since their registration has a cut-off time. Another option to consider is Grapari , the SIM card center of the telecommunications company Telkomsel . They have multiple locations all over Jakarta. If you want to save and you can manage to go from the airport without data, just look up the Grapari branch closest to your hotel. More info on its website .

Jakarta Airport Data SIM Internet Rates


Jakarta is a very busy city and there are various transportation options available. There are a lot of taxis all over the city and you can also use ride hailing apps. Commuting is also an option since they have an efficient public bus transportation called Transjakarta . However, because it is a busy city, the traffic gets heavy especially during rush hours.

If you’re visiting attractions, some of them are within walking distance from each other. You can walk from The National Monument to see Merdeka Palace, and then walk to the National Museum. You can also explore Kota Tua or the Old Town on foot. You can choose from the following mode of transportations to explore Indonesia’s capital depending on your budget and preferences.

There are a lot of taxis around the city. In some areas there are cabs lined up by the side of the road so you don’t have to hail a cab on the street anymore. The suggested reliable taxi company in Jakarta is Blue Bird . Their units are easy to spot because they’re, well, blue.

Riding a taxi may pose a challenge because of language barrier since not everyone speaks and understands English. But what you can do is write down the address of your destination or find it on Google Maps, and show it to the driver when you take a taxi. You may also ask your hotel to call a taxi for you and ask them for help to communicate your destination to the driver.

By Grab or GoJek

Grab Bike Motorcycles Jakarta

  • Car. If you want a more convenient mode of transportation, book a Grab or Gojek. It is more simple since all you need to do is pin your pick-up location and destination on the app and wait for your car to arrive. You may also pay using credit card or cash when using ride hailing apps.
  • Motorcycle. This is the best way to beat the traffic in Jakarta. If you’re traveling solo, Grab and GoJek also have a motorcycle/bike option. The motorcycle is also much cheaper compared to the car option. So if you’re on a budget, this is a great option to get from one place to another quicker and at a less price.

By Transjakarta Bus

Taking public transportation is the cheapest option. Each ride costs only IDR 3,500 no matter where your destination is. The bus is very efficient since there are 13 lines and over 200 stations all over the city. You may use Google maps to know which bus line you should take and where you should get off to reach your destination.

Jakarta by Bus

Here’s how you can ride the Transjakarta buses:

  • Purchase a Transjakarta Card at a convenience store. These cards are available at any Indomaret, Alfamart, and other convenience stores in Jakarta. Each card costs IDR 27,500.
  • Top up your card at the digital kiosk at any station. You may also top-up your card when you purchase it at a convenience store, but their minimum amount is IDR 50,000 while you can top up as low as P10,000 at the station.
  • Tap your bus card on the ticket barrier at the station to enter.
  • Tap again to exit the station where you’ll get off.

Riding the bus can take much longer compared to the taxi, car service, or motorcycle taxi. You can look up your destination on Google maps and compare the travel time for each and decide from there depending on your time and budget.


Also known as Old Batavia , Kota Tua is Jakarta’s Old Town. It was a part of the first walled settlement of the Dutch in Jakarta and also served as the capital of the Dutch East Indies. In this area, you will find Dutch-style structures from the 17th century. Some of them used to be government buildings that has been turned into museums. Here are some of the places you can visit in Kota Tua.

Jakarta History Museum

  • Jakarta History Museum , also called the Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum. It used to be the city hall of Batavia. After Indonesia gained its independence, it became the seat of the West Java governor until 1961 and a museum in 1974. Today it highlights Indonesia’s past from the pre-historic era to the Dutch colonization to independence. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Entrance Fee: IDR 5,000
  • Fatahillah Square , where shophouses used to stand. It is located right at the center of the old town and is surrounded by museums. It serves as a recreational area for locals and tourists alike. Bikes are also available for rent at IDR 20,000 per unit, good for 30 minutes.

Kota Tua Buildings Jakarta

  • Museum Wayang , putting the spotlight on Indonesia’s traditional puppet theater. Admire various types of wayang like wayang kulit , Javanese leather puppets, and wayang golek , Sundanese three-dimensional wooden puppets. In the museum’s garden, you will find the funeral site of Jan Pieterszoon Con, the Governor-general of the Dutch East Indies. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Entrance Fee: IDR 5,000
  • Museum Bank Indonesia , housed in a heritage building that used to be the De Javasche Bank, the central bank of Dutch East Indies. It was converted into a museum in 2006, presenting the role of Bank Indonesia in Indonesian history as well as the history of currencies and trade in the country. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Entrance Fee: IDR 5,000
  • Bank Mandiri Museum , the corporate museum of Bank Mandiri. Established in 1998, this museum is home to artifacts that was used in banking activities in the past. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Entrance Fee: IDR 15,000
  • Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics , housed in the former Court of Justice under the Dutch. It showcases traditional Indonesian paintings and ceramics. Join a pottery workshop and make a piece of your choice. The workshop lasts for 30 to 45 minutes. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Entrance Fee: IDR 5,000 – Pottery Workshop: IDR 50,000
  • Cafe Batavia , set in the second oldest building in the square. Constructed in the 19th century, the 2-story building has a bar, performance stage, and lounge area on the ground floor and the “Grand Salon”, which is the main dining hall on the upper floor. This is one of the most recommended restaurants in Jakarta because of its historic location, good food, and great service. They serve Indonesian food from breakfast to dinner plus a few western dishes. Their menu also includes coffee, tea, non-alcoholic, and alcoholic drinks. – Operating Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 AM; Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 AM; Saturday, 7:00 AM – 1:00 AM; Sunday, 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Cafe Batavia

The biggest Chinatown in Indonesia, Glodok was established back in the Dutch colonial period.

Glodok Jakarta

Today, Glodok is dotted with stores selling snacks and Chinese medicine. There’s also a market where you can buy seafood, fruits, and vegetables. Foodies will also be delighted by an array of dining options, from street food stalls to food courts.

Merdeka Square & Surrounding Landmarks

Merdeka Square serves as a recreational park for the locals. With an area of around 75 hectares, the square is so vast that they even have a shuttle to take you to the National Monument , its centerpiece.

National Monument Jakarta

If you visit at night, you will see the Monas light up and illuminate the square. There’s also a food court area here where you can have snacks or a meal.

Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM Entrance Fee: FREE

Here are some of the structures within and around Jakarta’s Merdeka Square:

  • National Monument , also called Monas , the symbol of Indonesian independence. The 132-meter (433-foot) monument was erected under President Sukarno and was opened to the public in 1975. Incorporated in its design is the date of the proclamation of Indonesia’s independence — August 17, 1945. Visitors may enter the National Monument and climb to the top to get a panoramic view of central Jakarta. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM – Entrance Fee: IDR 40,000

Merdeka Square Jakarta Landmarks

  • National Museum of Indonesia , aka the Elephant Museum or Museum Gajah because of the elephant statue in front of the museum building. It is said to be the most complete in the country. It boasts around 141,000 artifacts including pre-historic, anthropological, and archeological artifacts from Indonesia and other parts of Asia, housed in two main buildings: Gedung Gajah which is the old wing, and Gedung Arca which is a new wing that was added in 2007. – Operating Hours: Daily, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM – Entrance Fee: IDR 25,000
  • Jakarta Cathedral , officially named The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption. It serves as the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Jakarta. The current neo-Gothic structure is not the original church, but what was rebuilt after it collapsed in 1890.
  • Merdeka Palace , located on the north side of Merdeka Square. It is also known as Istana Merdeka in Indonesian. The construction of the palace started in 1873 and was completed in 1879. It was then called the Palace of the Governor-general. After Indonesia gained its independence in 1949, it became the residence of the president of the Republic of Indonesia. You may see the palace from across the street near Merdeka Square.
  • Istiqlal Mosque , the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. Its construction took 17 years, from 1961 to 1978. It was built to mark the independence of Indonesia hence the name Istiqlal , which means independence in Arabic. Visitors may enter the mosque through Gate 5, which is right across the Jakarta Cathedral. They also provide a guided tour of the mosque to tourists. The tour is FREE but you are welcome to give a tip or donation. Tour is held every 30 minutes from 10am to 11:30am, from 1pm to 3pm, and 4pm to 4:30pm.

Istiqlal Mosque Tour Schedule

A 19th century market located in Central Jakarta, Pasar Baru is one of the oldest shopping districts in the city.

Pasar Baru Jakarta

The whole street is lined with stores selling mostly textiles, shoes, and clothes. You will definitely not miss this area when you visit because the street is marked by a bridge and a gate that displays its name.

Ancol Beach

Ancol is a waterfront complex located in the coastal area of North Jakarta. Inside Ancol is a theme park called Dunia Fantasi or Dufan. You’ll also find Atlantis Water Adventure which is a waterpark featuring the ancient cities of the Mediterranean.

Ancol Beach Jakarta

Also located within he complex are an ecopark, an art market, and Gondola Ancol , which is the first cable car ride in Indonesia. Each of these attractions has a separate entrance fee.

You may purchase tickets online through their website . You may also pay for the ticket at the entrance on-site, but take note that they only accept card payments for now.

Operating Hours: Daily, 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM Entrance Fee: IDR 25,000

Textile Museum

Textiles are a huge part of Indonesia’s culture. Museum Tekstil displays collections from different parts of the country. Located in West Jakarta, the museum was inaugurated in 1976 in honor of Madame Tien Soeharto, who was Indonesia’s first lady at the time.

Aside from the different textiles, traditional weaving instruments and equipment used to make batik also take centerstage inside the museum.

Textile Museum Jakarta

Visitors may also join a workshop where you can get try making batik. From the gate of the museum, turn to your left and follow the sign that says Pendopo Batik . You may also tell the person at the entrance that you want to make batik so they can lead you to the workshop area. Here, the nice ladies who make batik will guide you through the whole process starting from tracing your chosen design and using the tjanting , a traditional tool used to apply the liquid was to the fabric in batik making. The whole process takes around an hour and you get to keep your batik and the tjanting as a souvenir!

Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Entrance Fee: IDR 5,000 Batik Making: IDR 40,000

Jalan Surabaya Flea Market

Jalan Surabaya Flea Market Jakarta

Along Jalan Surabaya in Menteng District lies a flea market. The street is lined with stores selling tons of various antique items. A visit to Jalan Surabaya is a must — especially if you’re interested in antique items or you just like looking at random unique pieces, from trinkets to collectibles to chandeliers. Also available are old CDs and vinyls, ceramics, and a lot more!


Jakarta’s food scene mirrors Indonesia’s rich culture and long history. The food here is a mix of different cuisines from various parts of Indonesia, with influences from other places. You won’t have a hard time looking for a place to eat in Jakarta because it’s bursting with choices — from street food stalls to hawker centers (food courts) to proper sit-down restaurants. And because Indonesia has a strong coffee culture, you will also find a lot of cafes ranging from traditional establishments to modern ones that give a new spin to everyone’s favorite drink.

Petak Enam Jakarta

  • Sabang Street. Found in Central Jakarta, Sabang street food or Kampung Kuliner Sabang is located along Jl. H. Agus Salim. Starting at around 5PM, vendors begin to set up and open up their tents by the side of the road. This is one of the best places to visit in Jakarta if you want to try various Indonesian dishes — including sate , gudeg , nasi goreng , and martabak .
  • Glodok. Chinatown’s streets are flanked with establishments selling snacks, fruits, and desserts. Some stalls also sell meals like bakso and nasi goreng that you can eat right there on the kerbside while sitting on a chair.
  • Petak Enam. If you prefer to have a meal more comfortably while you’re in Chinatown, head over to Petak Enam, a food court in Glodok. The place is filled to the seams with stalls offering various Indonesian dishes and other cuisines too including soto betawi , which is beef soup with coconut milk broth; and nasi campur , white rice served with different types of meat dishes.

– Rumah Makan Surya Operating Hours: Daily, 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Address: Jl. Bendungan Hilir 

  • Kopi Es Ta Kie. A breakfast place in Glodok, Kopi Es Ta Kie is one of the oldest cafes in Jakarta. This family-owned institution has been in business since 1927 and has been passed on over generations. They are open from early morning to early afternoon serving food like nasi campur, bakmi ayam, and more along with their coffee. Aside from the restaurant in Glodok, they also now have several branches in Jakarta. – Operating Hours: Daily, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM. But they might close early once they sell out.
  • Kopi Oey Sabang. Kopi Oey has several branches, too, but their most popular branch is probably the one in Sabang. The coffee shop has an Indonesian Chinese design with walls paintings and framed photos of food. Their menu includes a variety of nasi goreng, soto and sop, mie or noodles, pasta, roti, and other Indonesian breakfast food. If you’re a coffee lover, included in their selection are single origin coffee which you can pick your preferred brewing method. – Operating Hours: Sunday to Thursday, 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM; Friday to Saturday, 7:00 AM – 12:00 AM – Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim 
  • Giyanti Coffee Roastery. if you’re after cafes with Instagrammable interiors, consider Giyanti Coffee Roastery in Jalan Surabaya. This is a perfect stop for coffee and pastries for breakfast or after you feast your eyes with antiques and shop at the flea market. It has a vibrant interior and a lot of seating space including an outdoor area with a garden feel. Because it is also a roastery, you can also purchase coffee beans here that you can take home. – Operating Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM; Monday, CLOSED – Address: Jl. Surabaya, Menteng  – Note: Giyanti Coffee Roastery does not accept cash payments. You may pay using debit or credit card.


Here’s a sample 3-Day Jakarta itinerary with breakdown of expenses. This assumes that you will be flying with Cebu Pacific, staying in Central Jakarta, and taking public transportation to go around. You may use this itinerary and make adjustments based on your schedule and preferences.

  • DAY 0: ARRIVAL 11:50 AM – Arrival in Jakarta 1:00 AM – Purchase SIM card, IDR 250,000 1:30 AM – Grab to hotel, IDR 160,000 1:40 AM – Hotel check-in
  • DAY 1: CENTRAL JAKARTA 8:00 AM – Wake up call 9:00 AM – Breakfast at Kopi Oey Sabang, IDR 90,000 10:00 AM – Buy Transjakarta Card, IDR 27,500 10:30 AM – Walk to Merdeka Square 10:40 AM – National Monument, IDR 40,000 11:30 AM – Walk to Merdeka Palace 11:40 AM – Merdeka Palace 12:00 PM – Lunch, IDR 100,000 1:00 PM – National Museum, IDR 25,000 2:30 PM – Bus to Istiqlal Mosque, IDR 3500 3:20 PM – Jakarta Cathedral 3:45 PM – Istiqlal Mosque, Tour at 4pm 5:00 PM – Walk to Pasar Baru 5:10 PM – Pasar Baru 6:10 PM – Bus to Padang Street Food, IDR 3,500 6:40 PM – Padang Street Food, IDR 100,000 
9:00 PM – Back to hotel
  • DAY 2: KOTA TUA 8:00 AM – Wake up call 9:00 AM – Breakfast at Kopi Es Tak Kie, IDR 85,000 10:00 AM – Bus to Kota Tua, IDR 3,500 10:30 AM – Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramic, IDR 5,000 11:00 AM – Pottery Workshop, IDR 50,000 12:00 PM – Lunch at Cafe Batavia, IDR 200,000 1:00 PM – Jakarta History Museum, IDR 5,000 2:00 PM – Museum Wayang, IDR 5,000 3:00 PM – Museum Bank Indonesia, IDR 5,000 4:00 PM – Bus to Ancol, IDR 3,500 5:00 PM – Ancol, IDR 25,000 7:30 PM – Dinner, IDR 100,000 8:30 PM – Back to hotel 9:00 PM – Lights out
  • DAY 3: JALAN SURABAYA & GLODOK 9:00 AM – Wake up call 10:00 AM – Early check-out, leave bags 10:30 AM – Brunch @ Giyanti Coffee Roastery, IDR 100,000 11:30 AM – Jalan Surabaya Flea Market 12:30 PM – Textile Museum, IDR 5,000 1:30 AM – Batik Making, IDR 40,000 2:30 PM – Bus to Glodok, IDR 3,500 3:30 PM – Explore Glodok 7:00 PM – Dinner, IDR 80,000 8:00 PM – Back to hotel, get bags 9:00 PM – Grab to airport, IDR 160,000 9:40 PM – Flight Check-in 12:30 PM – Flight out

This itinerary will set you back around IDR 2,700,000 (USD 172, EUR 165, SGD 235, PHP 9700), excluding airfare and travel tax , but assuming you book a hotel room that costs around IDR 200,000 per night. You may still minimize the cost if you stay in a dorm or book a cheaper hotel like we did. In reality we only paid IDR 124,000 per night.

This also includes a big allowance for incidental expenses.


When is the best time to visit jakarta.

May to October is the best time to visit since these are the driest months in Jakarta.

Jakarta has a tropical climate. The temperature here doesn’t change so much throughout the year. However, the chance of rain varies significantly making the wet and dry season very apparent. The dry months are from May to October, with the driest month being August, so schedule your trip around this time if you want to avoid the rain ruining your plans.

The wettest months are September to April, with the most rain in January. During these months, some parts of the city are prone to flooding.Public holidays may also affect the traffic and the operating hours of attractions and other establishments. Here’s the list of public holidays in Indonesia:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Chinese New Year – February 11
  • Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad – February 28
  • Hindu New Year – March 3
  • Good Friday – March or April
  • International Labor Day – May 1
  • Eid-al-Fitr
  • Ascencion of Jesus Christ – April or May
  • Pancasila Day – June 1
  • Eid-ul-Adha
  • Islamic New Year – July 30
  • Independence Day – August 17
  • Maulid Nabi – October 8
  • Christmas – December 25

Where to exchange currencies in Jakarta?

I’ve only tried a couple of money changers along Gajah Mada near Glodok. They are open until late night and there’s one that is open for 24 hours. DollarIndo and Primatama have the same or very similar rates, which are pretty good.

Jakarta Money Changer

What is the power plug or socket used in Jakarta?

Electricity Info: 230V, 50Hz frequency. Type C and F plugs and sockets.

Electric Sockets Types C F

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mq travel jakarta ulasan

The Travel Author


Jakarta, Indonesia. The second largest and most populous city in the world. Only Tokyo ranks above it, which places it well and truly in prestigious company. Jakarta has a completely different history to Tokyo, though, and a unique background. One that helped to shape the city that we know today. In this Guide to Jakarta we will explore a few facts, and find out what there is to do, and where to stay in the Indonesian capital.

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Table of Contents

A bit about jakarta, what to do in jakarta, day trips from jakarta, sudirman central business district, trans jakarta bus, angkot or mikrolet, private driver, gojek or ojek, want to know more about jakarta.

Jakarta is the Capital City of Indonesia, and is located on the North West Coast of Java. It is the largest city in South East Asia, and due to its population is considered the second largest city in the world. That was not always the case, however, and considering it is the oldest continuously inhabited city in South East Asia, is also surprising.

Jakarta was founded in the early 1500’s, and was known then as Batavia. It was home to the Dutch East India Company, and for a time was its defacto capital. Jakarta existed then as just a small port city, and much of the original Dutch architecture still remains around the Kota Tua area.

Where is Jakarta

These days, Jakarta is massive. The rapid growth has been astronomical in the past century, and infrastructure has not just struggled to keep up, but been left floundering in the background. Modern day Jakarta is overpopulated, suffers from massive traffic congestion, and is slowly sinking into the ocean.

For a few interesting facts about Jakarta, check out the link below.

As you would expect in a city so large, there is plenty to see and do in Jakarta. Just take a walk from your hotel, and you will find that you can wander the streets and not get bored. There is literally so much to see. I liken it to Tokyo in that regard. Minus the neon signs and unnaturally clean streets of the Japanese capital of course!

Jakarta Old Town, Kota Tua

So let’s take a quick look in this Guide to Jakarta at some of the things to do when you are visiting:

  • Take in the view from Monas – The Indonesian National Monument is a must see for any visitor to Jakarta. It is impossible to miss, and is located centrally in the city, presiding over everything else. If you go literally anywhere in the city of Jakarta, you have to pass by or around it. Do yourself a favor and stop and check it out!
  • Spend a day in Kota Tua – Kota Tua is the “Old Town” of Jakarta, and is the remnants of the original Dutch Settlement. Back then it was known at Batavia, and the name still dominates many signs and old Dutch architecture in the area. Most notably the Batavia Cafe. Check out THIS article for more.
  • Explore Indonesia at Taman Mini Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia is just what you would think it was, and more! It is a mini version of Indonesia, displaying and celebrating all 26 cultures in the forms of architecture, dance and clothing. There are 16 museums, 3 wildlife parks and a water park at Taman Mini, among plenty of other things!
  • Take a trip to Pantai Ancol – Pantai Ancol is worth visiting due to the fact that there is so much to see and do. This is the “beach area” of Jakarta and is very popular with the locals. So popular, in fact that it gets absolutely packed on weekends and public holidays. There is a water park, theme park and shopping mall along with great boardwalks to take in the sights. Just don’t go swimming. The water is terribly polluted!
  • Shop till you drop – Shopping in Jakarta is the under rated past time that you just HAVE to check out. The malls in the city are incredible, and you have over 130 to choose from. And they are no strip malls either. These are 9 story behemoths that you will literally get lost in!
  • Eat until you nearly burst – Eating in Jakarta is almost a religion, and is definitely part of the culture. You will not do it tough trying to find your next meal, with western restaurants, local warungs and street food everywhere you look. Oh! And they are open at all hours, so if you want a Nasi Goreng at 3am, Jakarta has you covered!
  • Visit Istiqlal Mosque or the Jakarta Cathedral – The incredible Istiqlal Mosque is located right near Monas, so is easy to find. It is the largest Mosque in South East Asia, and the 6th largest in the world in terms of worshiper capacity. It was constructed to commemorate Indonesian Independence, and the name Istiqlal is the Arabic word for Independence. Jakarta Cathedral is directly across the road. It is a very impressive structure, and is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Jakarta.

guide to jakarta Istiqlal Mosque

If you can’t find enough to do in and around Jakarta, then you always have the option to try a day trip or two. There are plenty of options, and amazing things to see within easy reach of the city. It wouldn’t be a good guide to Jakarta if I didn’t mention them.

Shipwreck on the beach at Pulau Pelangi

Let’s have a look:

  • Visit Kebun Raya Bogor – The amazing Botanical Gardens in Bogor are home to the Presidential Palace, and some of the most memorable Gardens you will find. Hire a bicycle as you tour the grounds, eat in the huge cafe, or check out the old Dutch Cemetery. You can even feed the reindeer!
  • Take a trip to the mountains and Kebun Raya Cibodas – Another Botanical Gardens. This one is a branch of the Bogor Gardens, but is located high up in the mountains, making them a totally different experience. Check out why in THIS article.
  • Go hiking in Sentul – The Sentul region near Bogor is famous for its amazing hiking and waterfalls. Not too far from Jakarta, a hiking trip will have you hitting the trails within a couple of hours after leaving your hotel.
  • Take a fast boat to Anak Krakatau – This is something that very few tourists to Jakarta would even realize they can do. Anak Krakatau is the child volcano left from the amazing explosion of Mount Krakatoa. It is not far from Jakarta, and if you have the money, you can fast boat from Jakarta to visit it.
  • Sail away to the Thousand Islands – The Thousand Islands lay just off Jakarta, and very few visitors even know they are there. I only found out when I flew over top of them! You don’t HAVE to go all the way to Bali for a tropical holiday, and if you are in Jakarta, a day trip out to the islands might be just what you need!

Kebun Raya Cibodas

Where to stay in Jakarta

Next up in the Complete Guide to Jakarta is where to stay.

In such a HUGE city, it is hard to pick the very best places to stay. Sure, there are some amazing hotels, but what about if it is a long way from where you want to go? A hotel that is only a few kilometres from where your business meetings are being held, could end up being an hour away in Jakarta peak hour traffic. Likewise, if you are wanting to visit Monas, the Jakarta Cathedral or Istiqlal Mosque, then there is no point staying out near the airport.

Looking for the best Budget accommodation? Hostelworld have you covered with all of the very best budget friendly accommodation around town. Check them out at THIS LINK .

Jakarta Cathedral

Therefore I have selected some of the best neighborhoods to stay in, and why, and will list links to those areas and hotels below. Happy hunting!

Menteng is one of the more affluent districts in Jakarta. Famous for tree lined streets and parks, this is the place to stay if you want to go for early morning jogs. Take a stroll through the park, or find somewhere really nice to eat with plenty of dining option in the area. It will be more expensive than other areas, but that comes with the terrain when staying somewhere like this.

mq travel jakarta ulasan

The best thing about choosing to stay in Menteng however, is its proximity to some of the most popular tourist attractions in Jakarta, such as Monas. Being within walking distance in a city with such bad traffic issues is certainly a bonus in my book.

The Kota Tua area is Jakarta “Old Town”. If you love architecture and history, then staying in or around Kota Tua could be for you. Lined with beautiful old Dutch Buildings, and populated with no less than 9 museums, you will certainly not lack for things to do or to keep you occupied.

Batavia Cafe Kota Tua

The other thing with Kota Tua is that it is very popular with Backpackers. The reason for this is the nearby nightclubs, strip clubs, and abundant street food. Things are a lot cheaper in the Old Town area, and there is also plenty of public transport options.

The Ancol area is best for families as there are so many amazing things to do. Pantai Ancol is packed with entertainment, from a theme park, to a sea world and water park. There are boardwalks to stroll around and plenty of dining options. You can actually stay WITHIN the Ancol district, or just find accommodation nearby. Whatever suits you best.

Pantai Ancol

To wrap up places to stay in the Guide to Jakarta, we will have a quick look at Sudirman CBD.

The CBD is a good place to stay, depending upon what you are looking for. It is not exactly the best place for families, but can cater to singles and couples nicely. There are plenty of dining options, nightclubbing and entertainment.

The Sudirman Central Business District offers a lot of mid range accommodation options, as well as options in the backpacking budget.

Shopping in Jakarta

In my opinion, Menteng is the best area to stay in Jakarta due to its location and beautiful tree lined streets. If you are on a budget and looking for nightlife, try Kota Tua instead.

How to get around in Jakarta

Next up in the Guide to Jakarta is how to get around. In any new city, this is one of the first questions that any visitor needs answered.

Getting around in Jakarta is surprisingly easy, due to the many different options available. This is not, of course, taking into account the worst traffic congestion in the world, of which Jakarta is the proud owner. There are plenty of ways you CAN get around Jakarta, so let’s take a look at some of them.

The Bus service in Jakarta is very good, and runs to all the major destinations and tourist attractions that you would want to visit. There must be at least half a dozen stops around Monas alone!

Jakarta Buses

You can board the bus at any bus stop, and most of them have big signs with detailed maps of where they run. The ticketing system is pretty good too. Mostly they run on the “tap on, tap off” that dominates public transport all over the world. If you don’t have a card, then you can also buy tickets from a machine.

The main train service in Jakarta only really goes to specific places, but is a great option for getting to some outlying areas such as Bogor. Very comfortable, they even have specific carriages just for female passengers.

Jakarta Trains

One interesting fact about the trains in Jakarta is that they are second hand trains from Tokyo. When Japan upgrades, so does Jakarta!

The MRT is mostly an underground railway and is accessible in the main CBD areas of Jakarta. If you want to get around just locally in this area, the MRT is a pretty good option.

The good old Bajaj is one of my favorite ways to get around in Jakarta. The Bajaj is such an institution in Jakarta, that this wouldn’t be a guide to Jakarta without mentioning them! They are mostly Blue or orange in color, and can be caught nearly anywhere off the main thoroughfares. Bajaj’s only have two seats, but they can get you around locally pretty fast as they are small and can fit through gaps you won’t get through in a taxi.

guide to Jakarta Bajaj

If you have been to Bogor you will know all about the Angkot. Actually, in Western Java nearly every town has them. In Bogor they are green, but in Jakarta they are blue. Basically an Angkot is a small mini-van that has bench seats in the back that run along the sides of the vehicle. They hold about 7 or 8 passengers (jammed in) and run between specific points. They are CHEAP, and if you can find the right one, they can save you a lot of money riding with the locals. If you are unsure then ask the driver. If that particular Angkot is not going the right way he will give you the number (painted on the windscreen) of the one you need.


A Mikrolet is similar to the Angkot but are slightly larger and different shape. Both serve the same purpose and operate the same way. If you want to travel like a local, give an Angkot a go, or grab a Bajaj.

Inside an Angkot

The way that many Jakartans get around (if they have the money) and the best way to fight the gridlock, is to simply have someone else drive for you! If you have a car and a private driver, the sky is the limit for where you can go and what you can do. Get dropped off and picked up right at the front door. Just allow yourself enough time to get through the gridlock.

Both of these are motorcycle taxi services. Ojek was the original one, and you will find them on most street corners or near monuments and places of interest. If someone approaches you and asks if you want a lift on their motorcycle, don’t panic! It’s probably an Ojek operator.

guide to Jakarta Getting around

The GoJek version is simply a more official operator that you can order online. Extremely popular all over Indonesia these days, they can give you a lift virtually anywhere, and even provide you with a helmet. The GoJek is also used for deliveries, food orders and even running errands like dropping goods and packages across town.

guide to jakarta the tourist route

One note about getting around in Jakarta. There is an LRT train in construction, and you will see its overhead lines running through much of the cbd and even outlying areas. This construction came to a halt and is currently in limbo due to “misplaced” funds. When they DO complete it, though, it will be a game changer and provide a lot better service for Jakarta. I didn’t really cover it in this Guide to Jakarta as there is no completion date at this stage.

I really hope this guide to Jakarta has helped you out and now you know a little more about what to expect.

Jakarta sort of crept up on me as a tourist destination. I honestly did not realize there was so much to see and do, as it really takes a back seat to the rest of Indonesia. Having spent a fair bit of time there, though, I visited some wonderful places and learned a LOT about the country, culture and history. If you have the time, I would certainly recommend making the most of a long layover by getting out and seeing the city, exploring and trying some street food. You will not regret it!

Do you want to know more, or read more about some of the things I have covered in this Guide to Jakarta? Then have a read of some of my specific articles about the things to do in the city. Simply hit the link below and enjoy!

DON’T FORGET to leave a comment below. I promise to reply!

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5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

Ketika kamu akan melakukan perjalanan ke tempat yang belum pernah dikunjungi, tentunya kamu akan menggunakan jasa agen travel and tours untuk memudahkan perjalananmu, bukan? Layanan travel biasanya sudah menyiapkan segala sesuatu, dari mulai perjalanan hingga pulang kembali, seperti transportasi, penginapan dan makanan. Bagi kamu yang berada di Jakarta Pusat dan sedang merencanakan liburan akhir 2018, terdapat beberapa travel & tours yang bisa kamu pilih demi perjalanan yang mengesankan. Yuk, simak ulasan 5 layanan travel & tours terbaik yang ada di Jakarta Pusat!

1. Bayu Buana Travel Services, berdiri sejak tahun 1972

5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

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2. Shilla Tour, salah satu top travel agent Indonesia

5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

Shilla tour merupakan layanan travel yang berdiri pada tahun 1991 dan termasuk ke dalam ‘Top Travel Agent’ dari beberapa maskapai penerbangan. Travel ini menyediakan layanan perjalanan wisata secara domestik maupun Internasional yang akan meliputi biaya penerbangan, hotel, dan kebutuhan lainnya selama di perjalanan. Untuk paket liburan ke Thailand selama 5 hari, kamu bisa mendapatkan harga mulai dari 7,8 juta.

Kantor pusat Shilla tour terletak di Jl. Kesehatan Raya No. 36, Jakarta Pusat. Shilla tour juga memiliki paket promo ke destinasi dan waktu tertentu. Kamu bisa melihatnya di situs resmi Shilla tour atau di sosial media Shilla Tour.

Baca Juga : 5 Travel Agent Terbaik untuk Menjelajah Depok!

3. Golden Rama Tours and Travel, tawarkan paket wisata dengan cashback

5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

Layanan travel selanjutnya adalah Golden Rama Tours and Travel yang berdiri pada tahun 1971 dengan kantor pusat yang terletak di Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 73-75. Seperti layanan travel pada umumnya, Golden rama juga menyediakan paket liburan, tiket perjalanan, hotel, dan bahkan paket liburan di kapal pesiar di berbagai negara.

Untuk harga paket liburan, kamu bisa mendapatkan promo atau diskon voucher apabila dipesan secara online di situs resmi Golden rama. Misalnya, untuk liburan ke negeri sakura, Jepang selama 7 hari, kamu bisa mendapatkan harga paket mulai dari Rp20.000.000-an dengan potongan bisa mencapai Rp750.000-an.

Baca Juga : 5 Tempat Menginap Ekonomis di Kepulauan Seribu

4. Smailing Tour, dengan predikat termasuk sebagai 10 agensi wisata terbaik

5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

Smailing Tour didirikan oleh Rudy Akili pada tahun 1976 dan kini sudah menerima lebih dari 10 penghargaan sebagai ‘top agency’ maupun ‘best agency’. Smailing tour menyediakan paket perjalanan, tiket pesawat, hotel, outbound dan dokumen perjalanan lainnya serta melayani secara individu maupun company . Kantor pusat travel ini terletak di Jl. Majapahit No. 28 Jakarta Pusat.

Untuk harga paket turnya bervariasi tergantung destinasi yang dipilih. Misalnya, untuk paket tour ke Turki, harga yang ditawarkan mulai dari 32,9 juta selama 12 hari. Apabila kamu berminat menggunakan travel & tour ini, kamu bisa menghubunginya secara online di situs Smailing tour dan terdapat promo untuk beberapa paket tur.

Baca Juga : 5 Hotel Terbaik untuk Menginap di Kepulauan Seribu

5. Dwidaya Tour, agen wisata berpengalaman

5 Layanan Travel Terbaik untuk Jakarta Pusat

Dwidaya Tour merupakan salah satu agen perjalanan terbesar di Indonesia yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1967 dan kini tersebar di banyak tempat. Dwidaya tour juga telah mendapatkan penghargaan bergengsi, seperti Top Travel Agent dari beberapa maskapai penerbangan internasional.

Untuk daerah Jakarta Pusat, Dwidaya Tour dapat ditemukan di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Pasar Baru, Pusat Grosir Mangga Dua, WTC II, dan Green Pramuka Square. Biaya paket liburan ke Eropa dengan Europe Express selama 8 hari misalnya, mulai dari Rp21.000.000-an.

Jadi, untuk liburan akhir tahun, kamu akan liburan menggunakan agen travel yang mana, nih? (YGU)

Jakarta Travel Guide

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A GoJek driver in Jakarta waiting to pick up a passenger.

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Jakarta is a huge metropolis! Learn how to get around the busy streets of Jakarta with our easy-to-follow guide.​

Train at Jakarta Airport-Railway Station. From here many passengers will travel to BNI City Station in Central Jakarta to access other forms of transportation such as the MRT.

Jakarta MRT Guide

Make use of the Jakarta MRT Network to avoid traffic and enjoy your holiday in this big metropolitan.

Jakarta MRT Map

Jakarta Airport Guide

So you've arrived in Jakarta, what's next? Learn how to navigate the city's international airport and how to get to your hotel.

National Gallery of Indonesia. This is a very popular art gallery that showcases some of the best artwork in Indonesia. It is located directly east of the Monas, minutes from Gambir Train Station.


Getting bored in Jakarta? These attractions are something to look forward to and soon.

Taman Fatahillah and other attractions in Kota Tua can be accessed from Jakarta Kota Station.

Jakarta "How To"

Get to know the must-sees in Jakarta so you will have a more satisfying holiday.

Look for this sign in Jakarta Airport Terminal 2 to find the hotel.

Where to Stay

Get to to know the best neighborhoods in Jakarta. Find out the most convenient hotel and accommodation options.

Masks are commonly seen in this market

Pasar Tanah Abang – Want batik? This is Southeast Asia’s Largest Textile Market!

The National Gallery of Indonesia is a great spot to explore while in Jakarta. It is right beside Gambir Station and the Monas.

Pasar Raya Blok M – Want to find the largest souvenir store in Jakarta. It’s right here.

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Suropati Park – Watch local artists play music for free at this public park.

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Bundaran HI and the Selatmat Datang Monument in Central Jakarta.


National Gallery of Indonesia. This is a very popular art gallery that showcases some of the best artwork in Indonesia. It is located directly east of the Monas, minutes from Gambir Train Station.


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One of Our Most Popular Articles that Gets Shared Continuously



You can take the train to this amazing weekly event in Jakarta for super cheap.


Ragunan ZOO

Ragunan Zoo is the largest zoo in Jakarta and a very popular attraction for visitors to the city.  It occupies roughly 147-hectares of land in South Jakarta.  

The colorful bicycles adds to the festive ambiance of Kota Tua

Kota Tua is one of most popular places to visit in Jakarta. It is  ‘Jakarta’s Old Town’ . This is an area about 4.5 km north of the Monas that mainly consists of Dutch colonial buildings …

MONAS (National Monument)

The Monas, short for  Monumen Nasional  is one the top tourist attractions in Jakarta. Visiting the Monas should definitely be something to consider during your trip to Jakarta.


  • Accommodations


A City that Never Sleeps

Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta is a huge, sprawling metropolis, home to over 10 million people with diverse ethnic group backgrounds from all over Indonesia. During the day, the number increases with commuters making their way to work in the city and flock out again in the evenings. Located on the northwest of Java Island, the province of DKI Jakarta has rapidly expanded through the years, absorbing many villages in the process. In fact, Jakarta is a conglomeration of villages known as kampung , now crossed by main roads and superhighways.

A City that Never Sleeps

The Charm of the Metropolis

A part of the local experience is that you may drive down one wide avenue one minute, then suddenly find yourself squeezed into a small street together with scores of cars and motorbikes. With its many suburbs, Jakarta has become a  Megapolitan city . Therefore, when you visit Jakarta it is best to invest in a good map or rely on GPS to navigate around.

Jakarta is not only the seat of the national government and the provincial government, but it is also Indonesia’s political center. Moreover, Jakarta is the hub of Indonesia’s national finance and trade. It is no wonder, that you will find Jakarta as a dynamic city, with activities taking place around-the-clock throughout its populated areas.

This city is divided into 5 districts, namely Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Utara, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Timur, and Jakarta Selatan . The term ‘Jabodetabek’ refers to Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi - the Greater Jakarta area consists of megacities surrounding the capital.

A City that Never Sleeps

Jakarta Pusat or central Jakarta is where you can find the iconic landmarks such as Monas, The Merdeka Palace , The National Museum , Istiqlal Mosque , The Jakarta Cathedral , and Monumen Selamat Datang or the welcome monument widely renowned as Bunderan HI.

Some of the most prestigious shopping malls and upscale hotels are located right in the heart of Central Jakarta. Here you can enjoy the 24 hours excitements of Jakarta!

Jakarta Utara or North Jakarta is where Taman Impian Jaya Ancol or Ancol Dreamland is located. It boasts a variety of amusements such as Dufan Theme park, Seaworld, Atlantis Water Adventure Park, Ecopark, an Art market and comfortable accommodation choices with a complete culinary destination. From Ancol Bay, you can hop on a boat and head to Jakarta’s pristine getaway, enriched with tropical islands named Kepulauan Seribu, or The Seribu Archipelago and sometimes also simply famous as The Thousand Islands.

Here, there are more than 10 islands that one can explore. Some of the most famous are Bidadari, Tidung, Pari and Pulau Macan, the home of private beach huts that lets you plunge directly from your bed to the open sea.

Jakarta Barat or West Jakarta, Jakarta Timur or East Jakarta and Jakarta Selatan or South Jakarta are those areas where a cluster of houses are located alongside offices, public facilities and more choices of shopping malls!

The amazing historical heritage in West Jakarta is Museum Fatahillah and its surrounding Kota Tua or Old Jakarta district is where you can ride a classic bike to tour the area. The new iconic destination in West Jakarta is the contemporary art exhibition venue named Museum Macan, where Yayoi Kusama’s artworks are displayed.

In East Jakarta, you can visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, the miniature of Indonesia Archipelago. You can explore the details of traditional houses and a glimpse of Indonesia’s diverse culture in this park.

When visiting South Jakarta, make sure to drop by at Setu Babakan and get to know the story of Betawi culture, the native ethnic group of Jakarta. There are a museum and traditional Betawi houses with few activities that you can experience, such as getting to know the traditional dance and music, tasting the local beverage of Bir Pletok, have a bite of Kerak Telor and making small ondel ondel, the iconic figure of Jakarta!

A City that Never Sleeps

Indonesia’s Independence Day is also celebrated annually on the 17th of August with various activities throughout the nation. Especially in Jakarta, you will find communities decorating their homes with the national color of red and white.

Unique games and races are packed with participants of all ages. Balap Karung or the sack race and Panjat Pinang or the Pinang climb are two iconic games that are always crowded with spectators.

By Air  Jakarta has two international airports, one is the larger Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, located in Tangerang, now in the neighboring province of Banten. The other is the smaller Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, which is reserved for limited domestic flights. 

Overland As the nation’s capital, Jakarta is connected by land to major cities in Java, public transport to get to Jakarta is available by bus and train.

People who visit Jakarta, usually take time to stop by the neighboring Bogor, famous for it's Botanical Garden and highlands getaway in the Puncak area.

Or if you prefer the coastal area, head to Banten and spend a holiday at Anyer and Carita Beach.

By Sea  Tanjung Priok is the name of Jakarta’s seaport, located in North Jakarta. It is the busiest seaport in Indonesia.

In April 2018, Genting Dream Cruises, based in Singapore, has opened special itineraries to visit Indonesia’s capital for this summer to voyage. A delightful choice for the one who wants to splurge aboard a luxurious cruise ship.

The best way to travel around Jakarta is by rented car, taxi or package tour. Be prepared though to meet traffic jams, especially when traveling during peak hours and into business districts, including the Old Batavia area. 

It is advisable therefore to choose a hotel near the location where you will have your meeting or business appointments or to the attraction or destination you wish to visit. Distances between points of interest in Jakarta can sometimes be far and might be interspersed with traffic.

Jakarta in Moving Frames

An exploration of the wondrous labuan bajo, borobudur - the grand temple, mandalika - where the waves collide, likupang - escape to the new world, the heartbeat of toba, nearby spectacles.

TeamLab Future Park: Jakarta's Interactive Art Experience

TeamLab Future Park: Jakarta's Interactive Art Experience

Merdeka & State Palace: Indonesia's Historic Moments

Merdeka & State Palace: Indonesia's Historic Moments

Old Batavia: Jewel of Asia in the 16th Century

Old Batavia: Jewel of Asia in the 16th Century

Taman Mini: Indonesia's Rich Cultural Showcase

Taman Mini: Indonesia's Rich Cultural Showcase

Motomoto Art Museum: Enrich Your Photo Content

Motomoto Art Museum: Enrich Your Photo Content

The Grand Istiqlal Mosque

The Grand Istiqlal Mosque

Fatahilah Museum

Fatahilah Museum


National Monument

Vihara Dharma Bhakti (The Jin De Yuan)

Vihara Dharma Bhakti (The Jin De Yuan)

Jakarta Shopping Extravaganza

Jakarta Shopping Extravaganza


Dining Experience in Metropolitan City of Jakarta

Jakarta Street Food Scene

Jakarta Street Food Scene

National Museum

National Museum

Catholic Catedral

Catholic Catedral

What they say, romantic bandung - the paris of java.

Well, I just love Bali so much, and we fell in love with the culture, people, the food. Everything was just amazing. I feel like in Bali, you can find serenity anywhere, literally. It's our favorite place that we've been to on our entire trip.

Romantic Bandung - The Paris Of Java!

by Jack Morris Influencer

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Travel Bestie

18 Feb 2024 - 5 min read

10 Destinasi Asyik Bertualang Naik Mobil Sekitar Jakarta, Gas!

Road trip naik mobil bisa jadi aktivitas seru untuk relaksasi diri lho. Di artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang 10 destinasi seru di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Apa saja ya?

Suatu hal seru saat wisata adalah bepergian menggunakan mobil alias road trip . Aktivitas satu ini cocok banget untuk Anda yang ingin melepas penat dan berwisata ke daerah yang tidak terlalu jauh.

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Dengan wisata dengan kendaraan privat seperti mobil, Anda bisa lebih terjamin dari potensi penularan COVID-19 lho. Nah, makanya coba yuk keseruan melakukan road trip di sekitar wilayah Anda!

Baca juga: Road Trip Jelajah Kota Lebih Asyik dengan Rental Mobil, Ini Sebabnya…

Kali ini, kita bakal membahas destinasi apa saja sih yang asyik buat disambangi ketika road trip sekitar Jakarta.

Berikut ulasan selengkapnya dan jangan lupa baca sampai habis ya karena di akhir ada tips penting nih buat Anda yang mau berangkat road trip . Kuy, check it out !

Penerbangan ke Bali / Denpasar (DPS)

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Mulai dari Rp 731.200

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Mulai dari Rp 746.000

Destinasi Pilihan Road Trip Jakarta dan Sekitarnya

1. hutan mangrove pik.

Di pesisir utara Jakarta, ada sebuah destinasi alam yang menarik untuk disinggahi. Namanya adalah Hutan Mangrove PIK. Pada tempat ini, Anda bisa menikmati suasana asri dengan banyaknya pohon bakau di sekitar hutan mangrove. Saking ikoniknya, hutan mangrove ini juga sering menjadi spot favorit berfoto nan instagrammable, lho!

2. Taman Fatahillah

Taman Fatahillah

Di barat Jakarta, terdapat sebuah kawasan terbuka bernama Taman Fatahillah. Di sini, kita bisa melihat bangunan-bangunan kuno bernuansa kolonial, singgah ke sejumlah kafe bercita rasa klasik, hingga berkunjung ke aneka museum. Anda juga bisa menyewa sepeda lho agar lebih nyaman mengitari kawasan ini.

3. Pecenongan

Martabak Pecenongan

Pecenongan adalah surga bagi para pecinta kuliner. Menjelang sore sampai larut malam, kawasan ini ramai oleh aneka kuliner, dari sate ayam hingga martabak legendaris. Ada pula restoran legendaris di sini yang buka 24 jam bernama Bubur Kwang Tung.

4. Lapangan Banteng

Lapangan Banteng

Makan es krim sudah, yuk sempatkan diri mampir sejenak ke Lapangan Banteng. Lapangan ini memiliki monumen historis Tugu Pembebasan Irian Barat. Ada banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan di sini, seperti melihat kutipan para pahlawan kemerdekaan di Dinding Kutipan, bersantai di dekat danau, jalan-jalan santai, hingga berfoto-foto.

5. Setu Babakan

Setu Babakan

Lokasi satu ini bisa menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk mengenal lebih dalam konservasi budaya khas Jakarta, yaitu Betawi. Di Setu Babakan, Anda juga dapat menikmati ragam sajian kuliner Betawi yang kelezatannya begitu menggoda.

6. Curug Parigi

Curug Parigi, Bekasi

Tahukah Anda bahwa kota penyangga Jakarta yaitu Bekasi memiliki air terjun? Ya, air terjun itu dikenal sebagai Curug Parigi yang terletak di Jalan Pangkalan 5, Kampung Parigi, Kecamatan Bantargebang, Kota Bekasi. Destinasi ini tentunya cocok untuk melepas penat dari kesibukan sehari-hari!

7. Scientia Square Park

Nah, destinasi satu ini cocok banget nih untuk Anda yang ingin menikmati ruang terbuka hijau dengan fasilitas modern dan beragam aktivitas menarik di dalamnya. Di Scientia Square Park, kita bisa puas bersantai dengan keluarga maupun kerabat terdekat. Namun, jangan lupa untuk selalu mengenakan masker, ya.

8. Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia

Selain mampir ke taman buah, tidak ada salahnya pula bermain dengan satwa lucu dan menggemaskan ketika road trip . Untuk hal tersebut, salah satu destinasi yang tepat adalah Taman Safari Indonesia yang berada di Cisarua, Bogor. Atraksi wisata yang layak dikunjungi, misalnya Istana Panda, Safari Journey, Baby Zoo, Kubah Burung, Komodo Dragon Island, Pusat Primata, Air Terjun Curug Jaksa, Kampung Papua, dan Humboldt Penguin.

9. Kebun Raya Cibodas

Kebun Raya Cibodas

Destinasi satu ini pas banget untuk Anda yang ingin bersantai di bawah pepohonan rindang sambil gelar tikar dan memakan bekal. Lokasi persisnya terletak di antara Gunung Gede dan Pangrango serta berada pada ketinggian 1.400 meter di atas permukaan laut. Selain bersantai di tengah kebun, di sini Anda juga dapat mengenal lebih dalam berbagai jenis tumbuhan langka dari Indonesia maupun belahan bumi lain.

10. Jembatan Gantung Situ Gunung

Jembatan Gantung Situ Gunung

Jembatan Gantung Situ Gunung adalah salah satu destinasi hits yang tengah naik daun di kawasan Sukabumi. Betapa tidak, jembatan gantung yang dibuat dari kayu ulin khas Papua itu melintang sepanjang lebih kurang 240 meter dan menjadikannya sebagai jembatan gantung terpanjang di Tanah Air. Stop sejenak di jembatan gantung dan jangan lupa untuk mengabadikan momen di sana!

Nah, itu dia 10 destinasi asyik dan seru yang bisa Anda sambangi saat road trip di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Biar Anda lebih nyaman saat berangkat road trip , coba ketahui dulu yuk apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan!

Persiapan Sebelum Road Trip Seputar Jakarta

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Sebagai tips, agar praktis dan tak repot saat melakukan road trip , Anda sebetulnya bisa memanfaatkan rental mobil lho. Misalnya saja, rental mobil yang ditawarkan Traveloka.

Pilihannya fleksibel, mau dengan sopir maupun lepas kunci, tinggal sesuaikan saja dengan keinginan.

Ayo, pesan rental mobil di Traveloka untuk pengalaman road trip berkesan di seputar Jakarta!

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“Pelayanan yang baik, staff nya tamah, dekat dengan street food dan Grand Indonesia , highly reccomended”

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“Lokasi strategis, deket banget sama stasiun mangga besar, sangat mudah mencari makanan atau jajanan, hotelnya biasa banget tapi lumayan bersih”

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“Makana. Pagi”

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“Pelayanan sangat ramah, dari mulai datang disambut security service dan parkir, lalu front office sigap melayani check in, kamar yang bersih, rapi, dan modern. Saya pilih kamar top (8th floor) dgn city view menghadap jalan. Pengalaman yg luar biasa. Terima kasih Holiday Inn Express 🙏🏼👍🏻😊”

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Configuring JMS and Jakarta Messaging resources

One of the ways in which a JMS or Jakarta Messaging application can create and configure the resources that it needs to connect to IBM® MQ and access destinations for sending or receiving messages is by using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to retrieve administered objects from a location within the naming and directory service that is called the JNDI namespace. Before a JMS application can retrieve administered objects from a JNDI namespace, you must first create and configure the administered objects.

About this task

The administration tools use a configuration file to set the values of certain properties. A sample configuration file is supplied, which you can edit to suit your system before you start by using the tool to configure JMS resources. For more information about the configuration file, see Configuring the JMSAdmin and JMS30Admin tools .

IBM MQ JMS applications that are deployed to WebSphere® Application Server need to access JMS objects from the application server JNDI repository. Therefore, if you use JMS messaging between WebSphere Application Server and IBM MQ , you must create objects in WebSphere Application Server that correspond to the objects that you create in IBM MQ .

If you want to use a JMS application to access the resources of an IBM MQ queue manager from within WebSphere Application Server , you must use the IBM MQ messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server , which contains a version of the IBM MQ classes for JMS . The IBM MQ resource adapter that is supplied with WebSphere Application Server is used by all applications that carry out JMS messaging with the IBM MQ messaging provider. The IBM MQ resource adapter is usually updated automatically when you apply WebSphere Application Server fix packs, but if you have previously manually updated the resource adapter, you must manually update your configuration to ensure that maintenance is applied correctly.


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    Destinasi Pilihan Road Trip Jakarta dan Sekitarnya. 1. Hutan mangrove PIK. Di pesisir utara Jakarta, ada sebuah destinasi alam yang menarik untuk disinggahi. Namanya adalah Hutan Mangrove PIK. Pada tempat ini, Anda bisa menikmati suasana asri dengan banyaknya pohon bakau di sekitar hutan mangrove.

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    Banyak pelanggan yang memberikan ulasan positif tentang pengalaman mereka dengan Travel SMG Jakarta, termasuk pelayanan yang ramah dan paket wisata yang terorganisir dengan baik. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Ahmad, seorang pelanggan setia Travel SMG Jakarta, "Saya sangat senang dengan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh tim Travel SMG Jakarta.

  21. 30 Hotel Terbaik di Jakarta dari 82.115 Ulasan di Booking.com

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  22. IBM MQ classes for Jakarta Messaging: an overview

    IBM MQ 9.3.0 introduces support for Jakarta Messaging. For Jakarta Messaging 3.0, control of the JMS specification moved from Oracle to the Java Community Process. However, Oracle retains control of the "javax" name, which is used in other Java technologies. So although Jakarta Messaging 3.0 is functionally equivalent to JMS 2.0, there are some differences in naming.

  23. Configuring JMS and Jakarta Messaging resources

    For JMS 2.0, you can use IBM MQ Explorer to create and administer JMS 2.0 object definitions that are stored in LDAP, in a local file system, or other locations. For Jakarta Messaging 3.0, you cannot administer JNDI using IBM MQ Explorer. JNDI administration is supported by the Jakarta Messaging 3.0 variant of JMSAdmin, which is JMS30Admin.