How to Enable Selenium Driver for Safari Browser

Show safari develop menu.

  • Open Safari : Launch the Safari browser on your Mac computer.
  • Go to Preferences : Click on "Safari" in the menu bar at the top-left corner of your screen and select "Preferences."
  • Advanced Tab : In the Preferences window, click on the "Advanced" tab.
  • Show Develop menu in menu bar : In the Advanced tab, check the box that says "Show Develop menu in menu bar." This option will make the Develop menu visible in the Safari menu bar.
  • Close Preferences : Close the Preferences window to save your changes.

Enable Selenium Safari Driver

  • Install Selenium : If you haven't already, you need to install Selenium WebDriver for your preferred programming language (e.g., Python, JavaScript). You can usually install it using a package manager, such as pip for Python or npm for JavaScript.
  • Download Safari Technology Preview : Selenium WebDriver for Safari typically works best with Safari Technology Preview, which is a version of Safari designed for developers. Download and install Safari Technology Preview from the official Apple website if you don't have it already.
  • Set Safari Driver Path : In your Selenium script, you need to specify the path to the Safari driver executable. The driver executable is responsible for communicating with Safari.
  • Enable Remote Automation : Finally, open Safari Technology Preview and navigate to the Develop menu. In the Develop menu, you'll find an option to "Allow Remote Automation." Click on it to enable remote automation for Selenium testing.

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WebDriver Support in Safari 10

Aug 26, 2016

by Brian Burg

As web content has become increasingly interactive, responsive, and complicated, ensuring a good user experience across multiple platforms and browsers is a huge challenge for web developers and QA organizations. Not only must web content be loaded, executed, and rendered correctly, but a user must be able to interact with the content as intended, no matter the browser, platform, hardware, screen size, or other conditions. If your shopping cart application has a clean layout and beautiful typography, but the checkout button doesn’t work because of a configuration mishap in production—or an incorrect CSS rule hides the checkout button in landscape mode—then your users are not going to have a great experience.

Ensuring a good user experience via automation is difficult in part because each browser has its own way of interpreting keyboard and mouse inputs, performing navigations, organizing windows and tabs, and so on. Of course, a human could manually test every interaction and workflow of their website on every browser prior to deploying an update to production, but this is slow, costly, and impractical for all but the largest companies. The Selenium open source project was created to address this gap in automation capabilities for browsers by providing a common API for automation. WebDriver is Selenium’s cross-platform, cross-browser automation API. Using WebDriver, a developer can write an automated test that exercises their web content, and run the test against any browser with a WebDriver-compliant driver.

Safari + WebDriver

I am thrilled to announce that Safari now provides native support for the WebDriver API. Starting with Safari 10 on OS X El Capitan and macOS Sierra, Safari comes bundled with a new driver implementation that’s maintained by the Web Developer Experience team at Apple. Safari’s driver is launchable via the /usr/bin/safaridriver executable, and most client libraries provided by Selenium will automatically launch the driver this way without further configuration.

I’ll first introduce WebDriver by example and explain a little bit about how it’s implemented and how to use Safari’s new driver implementation. I will introduce some important safeguards that are unique to Safari’s driver implementation, and discuss how these may affect you when retargeting an existing WebDriver test suite to run using Safari’s driver.

WebDriver By Example

WebDriver is a browser automation API that enables people to write automated tests of their web content using Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, or any other language with a library that understands the de facto  Selenium Wire Protocol  or upcoming  W3C WebDriver protocol .

Below is a WebDriver test suite for the WebKit feature status page  written in Python. The first test case searches the feature status page for “CSS” and ensures that at least one result appears. The second test case counts the number of visible results when various filters are applied to make sure that each result shows up in at most one filter. Note that in the Python WebDriver library each method call synchronously blocks until the operation completes (such as navigating or executing JavaScript), but some client libraries provide a more asynchronous API.

Note that this code example is for illustration purposes only. This test is contemporaneous with a specific version of the Feature Status page and uses page-specific DOM classes and selectors. So, it may or may not work on later versions of the Feature Status page. As with any test, it may need to be modified to work with later versions of the software it tests.

WebDriver Under the Hood

WebDriver is specified in terms of a REST API; Safari’s driver provides its own local web server that accepts REST-style HTTP requests. Under the hood, the Python Selenium library translates each method call on self.driver  into a REST API command and sends the corresponding HTTP request to local web server hosted by Safari’s driver. The driver validates the contents of the request and forwards the command to the appropriate browser instance. Typically, the low-level details of performing most of these commands are delegated to WebAutomationSession and related classes in WebKit’s UIProcess and WebProcess layers. When a command has finished executing, the driver finally sends an HTTP response for the REST API command. The Python client library interprets the HTTP response and returns the result back to the test code.

Running the Example in Safari

To run this WebDriver test using Safari, first you need to grab a recent release of the Selenium open source project. Selenium’s Java and Python client libraries offer support for Safari’s native driver implementation starting in the 3.0.0-beta1 release. Note that the Apple-developed driver is unrelated to the legacy SafariDriver mentioned in the Selenium project. The old SafariDriver implementation is no longer maintained and should not be used. You do not need to download anything besides Safari 10 to get the Apple-developed driver.

Once you have obtained, installed, and configured the test to use the correct Selenium library version, you need to configure Safari to allow automation. As a feature intended for developers, Safari’s WebDriver support is turned off by default. To turn on WebDriver support, do the following:

  • Ensure that the Develop menu is available. It can be turned on by opening Safari preferences ( Safari > Preferences in the menu bar), going to the Advanced tab, and ensuring that the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox is checked.
  • Enable Remote Automation in the Develop menu. This is toggled via Develop > Allow Remote Automation in the menu bar.
  • Authorize  safaridriver to launch the webdriverd service which hosts the local web server. To permit this, run /usr/bin/safaridriver once manually and complete the authentication prompt.

Once you have enabled Remote Automation, copy and save the test as . Then run the following:

Safari-exclusive Safeguards

While it’s awesome to be able to write automated tests that run in Safari, a REST API for browser automation introduces a potential vector for malicious software. To support a valuable automation API without sacrificing a user’s privacy or security, Safari’s driver implementation introduces extra safeguards that no other browser or driver has implemented to date. These safeguards also double as extra insurance against “ flaky tests ” by providing enhanced test isolation. Some of these safeguards are described below.

When running a WebDriver test in Safari, test execution is confined to special Automation windows that are isolated from normal browsing windows, user settings, and preferences. Automation windows are easy to recognize by their orange Smart Search field. Similar to browsing in a Private Browsing window, WebDriver tests that run in an Automation window always start from a clean slate and cannot access Safari’s normal browsing history, AutoFill data, or other sensitive information. Aside from the obvious privacy benefits, this restriction also helps to ensure that tests are not affected by a previous test session’s persistent state such as local storage or cookies.

The Smart Search field in Automation windows is bright orange to warn users that the window is not meant for normal browsing.

As a WebDriver test is executing in an Automation window, any attempts to interact with the window or web content could derail the test by unexpectedly changing the state of the page. To prevent this from happening, Safari installs a “glass pane” over the Automation window while the test is running. This blocks any stray interactions (mouse, keyboard, resizing, and so on) from affecting the Automation window. If a running test gets stuck or fails, it’s possible to interrupt the running test by “breaking” the glass pane. When an automation session is interrupted, the test’s connection to the browser is permanently severed and the automation window remains open until closed manually.

If a user interacts with an active Automation Window, a dialog will appear that allows the user to end the automation session and interact with the test page.

Along with being able to interact with a stopped test, Safari’s driver implementation also allows for the full use of Web Inspector during and after the execution of a WebDriver test. This is very useful when trying to figure out why a test has hung or is providing unexpected results. safaridriver supports two special WebDriver capabilities just for debugging. The  automaticInspection capability will preload the Web Inspector and JavaScript debugger in the background; to pause test execution and bring up Web Inspector’s Debugger tab, you can simply evaluate a debugger; statement in the test page. The automaticProfiling capability will preload the Web Inspector and start a timeline recording in the background; if you later want to see details of what happened during the test, you can open the Timelines tab in Web Inspector to see the captured timeline recording in its entirety.

Safari’s driver restricts the number of active WebDriver sessions. Only one Safari browser instance can be running at any given time, and only one WebDriver session can be attached to the browser instance at a time. This ensures that the user behavior being simulated (mouse, keyboard, touch, etc.) closely matches what a user can actually perform with real hardware in the macOS windowing environment. For example, the system’s text insertion caret can only be active in one window and form control at a time; if Safari’s driver were to allow multiple tests to run concurrently in separate windows or browsers, the text insertion behavior (and resulting DOM focus/blur events) would not be representative of what a user could perform themselves.

With the introduction of native WebDriver support in Safari 10, it’s now possible to run the same automated tests of web content on all major browsers equally, without writing any browser-specific code. I hope WebDriver support will help web developers  catch user-visible regressions in their web content much more quickly and with less manual testing. Safari’s support comes with new, exclusive safeguards to simultaneously protect user security and privacy and also help you write more stable and consistent tests. You can try out Safari’s WebDriver support today by installing a beta of macOS Sierra or Safari 10 .

This is our first implementation of WebDriver for Safari. If you encounter unexpected behavior in Safari’s WebDriver support, or have other suggestions for improvement, please file a bug at . For quick questions or feedback, email [email protected]  or tweet @webkit or @brrian  on Twitter. Happy testing!

After this post was published, we received a lot of useful feedback from users. This section contains information on some common problems and how to work around them.

safaridriver quits immediately after launch when running Safari 10 on El Capitan

Some users reported that they could not get safaridriver to run correctly after installing Safari 10 on El Capitan. The main symptom of this issue is that safaridriver will quit immediately when launched manually via the command line. This happens because a launchd plist used by safaridriver is not automatically loaded. Here’s the workaround:

This issue only manifests on El Capitan when installing a newer Safari through an application update instead of an OS update. Users running safaridriver on macOS Sierra should be unaffected.

Running Selenium test on Safari browser

Table of Contents


In this tutorial, we will learn how to execute the Selenium code on the Safari browser. As we know, Selenium is compatible with multiple browsers. The different browsers need corresponding browser drivers, to run the Selenium script on them. However, the setup for Safari browser is little different from the other browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and IE.

For Safari, Apple provides Safari driver for Selenium in the form of in-built plugin extension. All we have to do is to install that plugin.  Now, let us go through all the steps required in detail.


The pre-requisites to perform the steps demonstrated in this tutorial are:

  • Download and install Java
  • Set up Java environment variables
  • Install Eclipse IDE
  • Download Selenium client Jars
  • Set Up Eclipse project with Selenium client Jars

If any of the above steps are not completed, you will not be able to create your script and execute it. Please refer to the detailed individual tutorials available in our course for completing the above steps

Set up for the Safari Browser

Apple designed Safari Browser as a graphical web browser. It is the default browser on all Apple devices like Mac or iOS.

In this tutorial, we will perform the following steps in order to run the Selenium script on the Safari:

  • Download Safari driver extension.
  • Execute the code.

Download Safari driver  

  • First, check the version of the Safari browser installed in your machine. To get the version, click on About Safari . It will show the current version installed.

safari driver path

2. Next, we need to add the Safari driver extension to the browser. For that, go to the Selenium official site and click on the latest version of the extension.

safari driver path

3. Click on SafariDriver.safariextz and click on Trust . It will add Safari Driver extension to your Safari browser.

safari driver path

4. Next, after adding the Safari driver extension, we need to do one more setting in the browser. Go to Safari > Preferences and click on Advanced. Select the check box for Show Develop menu at the bottom. This setting is done to allow the automation script to run on the browser.

safari driver path

5. Now, we will get Develop menu in which we should select the Allow Remote Automation option . Please select this option to allow the Safari driver to run the script on the browser.

safari driver path

Now, after enabling Allow Remote Automation , Safari browser is ready to execute the Selenium script. Let us see what code changes are required when running with Safari browser.

Code Changes

For Safari browser, there is no need to set the driver path using System.setProperty in the automation script. Because Safari driver is added as an extension in the browser. But, we need to initialize driver instance to the Safari driver using the below line of code.

//declare the instance of WebDriver to run on Safari browser WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();

To execute the script, right click on the java class name in the package explorer and go to Run As > Java Application . It will start the execution of the automation script and perform the following:

  • Safari driver will start the Safari browser.
  • Launch the application under test on the browser.
  • Fetch the value of the page title of the web page and store it in a string.
  • Print the page title on the console
  • Close the web page and finish the execution of the script.

Checking the output 

When we start the execution of the script, the application under test will start in a new Safari window. It will perform the actions as per the commands provided in the code. As a result, our test script will fetch the page title and driver.close() method will close the browser window.

Common exceptions encountered:

  • SafariDriver requires Safari 10: It is thrown when the version of Safari browser is below Safari 10 as Safari driver requires at least Safari 10.x version. Therefore, resolve it by upgrading the version of the browser to the latest version.
  • Allow Remote Automation : It is thrown when Allow Remote Automation option is not selected under Develop menu in the Safari browser. Hence, restart the browser and enable the Allow Remote Automation before executing the script.

In this tutorial, we learned how to set up the Safari driver for executing the Selenium code on Safari browser. Safari driver is available as an extension to the browser. Therefore, we can add the extension to the browser. However, we don’t need to set the path of the driver in the script by using System.setProperty. Also, we can run the automation code on the browser simply by initializing the WebDriver instance to Safari driver.

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Unable to locate driver error.

Historically, this is the most common error beginning Selenium users get when trying to run code for the first time:

Likely cause

Through WebDriver, Selenium supports all major browsers. In order to drive the requested browser, Selenium needs to send commands to it via an executable driver. This error means the necessary driver could not be found by any of the means Selenium attempts to use.

Possible solutions

There are several ways to ensure Selenium gets the driver it needs.

Use the latest version of Selenium

As of Selenium 4.6, Selenium downloads the correct driver for you. You shouldn’t need to do anything. If you are using the latest version of Selenium and you are getting an error, please turn on logging and file a bug report with that information.

If you want to read more information about how Selenium manages driver downloads for you, you can read about the Selenium Manager .

Use the PATH environment variable

This option first requires manually downloading the driver .

This is a flexible option to change location of drivers without having to update your code, and will work on multiple machines without requiring that each machine put the drivers in the same place.

You can either place the drivers in a directory that is already listed in PATH , or you can place them in a directory and add it to PATH .

To see what directories are already on PATH , open a Terminal and execute:

If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed, you can add a new directory to PATH:

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

To see what directories are already on PATH , open a Command Prompt and execute:

Specify the location of the driver

If you cannot upgrade to the latest version of Selenium, you do not want Selenium to download drivers for you, and you can’t figure out the environment variables, you can specify the location of the driver in the Service object.

You first need to download the desired driver , then create an instance of the applicable Service class and set the path .

Specifying the location in the code itself has the advantage of not needing to figure out Environment Variables on your system, but has the drawback of making the code less flexible.

Driver management libraries

Before Selenium managed drivers itself, other projects were created to do so for you.

If you can’t use Selenium Manager because you are using an older version of Selenium (please upgrade), or need an advanced feature not yet implemented by Selenium Manager, you might try one of these tools to keep your drivers automatically updated:

  • WebDriverManager (Java)
  • WebDriver Manager (Python)
  • WebDriver Manager Package (.NET)
  • webdrivers gem (Ruby)

Download the driver

Note: The Opera driver no longer works with the latest functionality of Selenium and is currently officially unsupported.

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How to Run Safari Driver in Selenium Using Java?

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Selenium is a well-known software used for software testing purposes. Selenium consists of three parts. One is Selenium IDE, one is Selenium Webdriver & the last one is Selenium Grid. Among these Selenium Webdriver is the most important one. Using Webdriver online website testing can be done. There are three main Webdrivers present. For the Chrome browser, ChromeDriver is present. For the Firefox browser, Gecko Driver is applicable. And for Microsoft Edge, there will be MSEdgeDriver present. Excluding these, many more drivers are present for other browsers. In this article, the process of running SafariWebdriver is implemented. It is useful for those who use Mac OS. This simple Java program can be run.


  • For running SafariDriver, the Java jdk version must be installed in the machine previously.
  • The latest version of Safari should be installed.
  • It is preferable to install Eclipse IDE on the machine so that running this code will be easier.
  • The most important prerequisite is latest SafariDriver should be downloaded on the machine.
  • Here, using SafariDriver, the home page of Google is going to open. For, that some methods need to be imported.
  • First, the Google home page link is to be stored in a string.
  • Then in the program, the property of the browser is to be set. setProperty() method is going to be used here.
  • In the setProperty() method, the first argument is to be the Webdriver that is to be going to use. Here, using SafariDriver specifically that argument have to be passed. And in the second argument, the location of the SafariDriver.exe is to be passed.
Note : In this case, SafariDriver.exe is stored in Eclipse, so maybe the location seems different. But also, a complete File Explorer path can also be passed.
  • Then a new object called driver should be implemented which is a type of WebDriver. Here, in this case, it will be SafariDriver.
  • Then using that driver object, the get() method will be used. This get() method of WebDrivers helps to open some URLs provided. Here the home page of Google is going to be opened. So, only the string where the URL has been stored will be passed. Executing this method will go to open a new Chrome window.
  • Then the sleep() method is going to be implemented. This delays the programs for some time. So that the output can be visible easily.
  • At last, the opened Safari window has to be closed. For that reason, the quit() method is going to be implemented.

Below is the complete implementation of the above approach:

If the above code is run, then a new Safari Window will be opened. This open window will be controlled by SafariDriver.exe.


Hence, the program runs successfully. 

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Driver Binaries

To run automation based on the WebDriver protocol you need to have browser drivers set up that translate the automation commands and are able to execute them in the browser.

Automated setup ​

With WebdriverIO v8.14 and above there is no need to manually download and setup any browser drivers anymore as this is handled by WebdriverIO. All you have to do is specify the browser you want to test and WebdriverIO will do the rest.

Customizing the level of automation ​

WebdriverIO's have three levels of automation:

1. Download and install the browser using @puppeteer/browsers .

If you specify a browserName / browserVersion combination in the capabilities configuration, WebdriverIO will download and install the requested combination, regardless of whether there's an existing installation on the machine. If you omit browserVersion , WebdriverIO will first try to locate and use an existing installation with locate-app , otherwise it will download and install the current stable browser release. For more details on browserVersion , see here .

Automated browser setup does not support Microsoft Edge. Currently, only Chrome, Chromium and Firefox are supported.

If you have a browser installation on a location that cannot be auto-detected by WebdriverIO, you can specify the browser binary which will disable the automated download and installation.

2. Download and install the driver using Chromedriver , Edgedriver or Geckodriver .

WebdriverIO will always do this, unless driver binary is specified in the configuration:

WebdriverIO won't automatically download Safari driver as it is already installed on macOS.

Avoid specifying a binary for the browser and omitting the corresponding driver binary or vice-versa. If only one of the binary values is specified, WebdriverIO will try to use or download a browser/driver compatible with it. However, in some scenarios it may result in an incompatible combination. Therefore, it's recommended that you always specify both to avoid any problems caused by version incompatibilities.

3. Start/stop the driver.

By default, WebdriverIO will automatically start and stop the driver using an arbitrary unused port. Specifying any of the following configuration will disable this feature which means you'll need to manually start and stop the driver:

  • Any value for port .
  • Any value different from the default for protocol , hostname , path .
  • Any value for both user and key .

Manual setup ​

The following describes how you can still set up each driver individually. You can find a list with all drivers in the awesome-selenium README.

If you are looking to set up mobile and other UI platforms, have a look into our Appium Setup guide.

Chromedriver ​

To automate Chrome you can download Chromedriver directly on the project website or through the NPM package:

You can then start it via:

Geckodriver ​

To automate Firefox download the latest version of geckodriver for your environment and unpack it in your project directory:

  • Windows (64 bit / Chocolatey)
  • Windows (64 bit / Powershell) DevTools

MacOS (64 bit):

Note: Other geckodriver releases are available here . After download you can start the driver via:

Edgedriver ​

You can download the driver for Microsoft Edge on the project website or as NPM package via:

Safaridriver ​

Safaridriver comes pre-installed on your MacOS and can be started directly via:

  • Customizing the level of automation
  • Chromedriver
  • Geckodriver
  • Safaridriver

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Safari browser support for Appium


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NPM version

This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13 . The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol . Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.

Note Since version 3.0.0 Safari driver has dropped the support of Appium 1, and is only compatible to Appium 2. Use the appium driver install safari command to add it to your Appium 2 dist.

It is mandatory to run the safaridriver --enable command from the macOS terminal and provide your administrator password before any automated session will be executed. In order to automate Safari on real devices it is also necessary to enable Remote Automation switch in Settings → Safari → Advanced → Remote Automation for these particular devices.

Then you need to decide where the automated test is going to be executed. Safari driver supports the following target platforms:

  • macOS (High Sierra or newer)
  • iOS Simulator (iOS version 13 or newer)
  • iOS Real Device (iOS version 13 or newer)

Safari driver allows to define multiple criterions for platform selection and also to fine-tune your automation session properties. This could be done via the following session capabilities:


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Selenium WebDriver tutorial Step by Step

How to Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium Webdriver

November 20, 2017 by Mukesh Otwani 41 Comments

Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium

Hello, Welcome to Selenium tutorial in this post we will see how to Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium.

  • What is Untrusted SSL certificate? Whenever We try to access HTTPS website or application so many time you will face  untrusted SSL certificate issue. This issue comes in all browser like IE , Chrome ,Safari, Firefox etc.

Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium

2-       Why we get this certificate issues often?

Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium

This certificates some in multiple conditions and we should know all of them so that we can rectify them easily.

1- Each secure site has Certificate so its certificate is not valid  up-to-date.

2 – C ertificate has been expired on date

3 –  Certificate is only valid for  (site name) 

4-  The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown due to many reasons.

Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium

Step 1- We have to create FirefoxProfile in Selenium.

Step 2- We have some predefined method in Selenium called setAcceptUntrustedCertificates() which accept Boolean values(true/false)- so we will make it true.

Step 3 -Open Firefox browser with the above-created profile.

I have published video on the same.

Handle untrusted certificate in Firefox

Since Firefox comes default browser in Selenium so for other browsers like Chrome, IE, Safari we have to use below technique.

Handle untrusted certificate in Chrome

Handle untrusted certificate in ie,   handle untrusted certificate in safari.

I would suggest you add above code in Base Class in Selenium Webdriver so you don’t have to write code again and again.

I have implemented in my office project and found good results.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Please comment below if you finding any issue.

Reader Interactions

' src=

March 29, 2020 at 2:11 AM

I hope u doing great. I m automating my project. One of my test cases is to sign-up using Gmail But when executing sign-up using Gmail, after typing username and click the next button, Chrome show error

“This browser or app may not be secure. Learn more Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.”

Can you help me with this? Looking forward to your reply

Regards Omair

' src=

March 29, 2020 at 6:54 PM

Google has restricted the usage of automation of Google account sign up and sign in action. Google considers this as bots. You can use this link for your learning purpose

' src=

February 4, 2020 at 4:26 PM

Why we are creating a profile for firefox? Why can’t we use DesiredCapabilites or firefox options for firefox?

February 4, 2020 at 5:43 PM

The above blog post is for Selenium 2.xx. Now Selenium 3.6 version onwards gecko driver has introduced FirefoxOptions similar to ChromeOptions. If you are using latest Selenium version then use FirefoxOptions

' src=

April 10, 2019 at 6:57 PM

I tried your code for chrome browser and it is not working.

My Chrome Version: 69 Selenium Version : 2.52.0

Getting SSL pop up everytime after entering the URL although i have added that certificate in my chrome browser as well.

Thanks Vishnu Verma

April 10, 2019 at 7:20 PM

Try this code… ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions(); option.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(option);

' src=

December 27, 2016 at 3:39 PM

Hi Mukesh, I tried both DesiredCapabilities and FirefoxProfile option, but still facing issue in launching https URLs like google,facebook. FF 50 and SE 3.0.1, also i tried with 2.53.1 but getting same issue

' src=

December 28, 2016 at 11:21 AM

I just tried and I am able to handle certificate.

' src=

January 10, 2017 at 5:45 PM

Hi Mukesh ,

I tried both DesiredCapabilities and driver.get(“ur app URL”); driver.navigate().to(“javascript:document.getElementById(‘overridelink’).click()”); to handle SSL for IE 11 browser . But its worn’t work for me . Can you please tell how to handle SSL for IE 11browser .

Below is the SSL message . which we need to handle . “We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website. “.

January 10, 2017 at 7:46 PM

The code statements you have written over are correct. Moreover you need to check Internet Options security. For this please visit this link

' src=

December 1, 2016 at 3:05 PM

Hi Mukesh, I tried both DesiredCapabilities and FirefoxProfile option, but still facing issue in launching https URLs like google,facebook. FF 50 and SE 3.0.1

December 6, 2016 at 12:40 PM

Yes it is issue with Selenium 3 so you can try with 2.53.1

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October 21, 2016 at 10:17 PM

profile.setAcceptUntrustedCertificates(true); WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver(***profile***);

Mukesh, you also seem to have forgotten to pass the profile object in your first piece of code. With SSL certs it is difficult to test whether or not the code works even without passing this object. My contention is it won’t. Example: profile.setPreference(“browser.startup.homepage”, “”); If we try the above line of code (that sets the profile homepage) with the below 2 statements separately, it works only when the profile object is passed as a parameter. WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile); AND WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Not sure if this one too was unintentional. Please let me know what you think.

October 25, 2016 at 2:11 PM

Thanks Venu and post updated.

October 19, 2016 at 6:59 PM

WebDriver driver=new SafariDriver(***cap***);

You forgot passing the “cap” instance in your last line of code. A minor typo but worth correcting.

October 20, 2016 at 1:55 PM

Thank you. Post updated 🙂

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October 17, 2016 at 10:19 AM

Hi Mukesh, I am using your tutorial to learn Selenium. Now I have come so far in Selenium. Thanks for these tutorials and videos. You are a good teacher and its helping me alot.

I have one doubt regarding use of thread. I find your codes are having thread command . Is it good to use thread (sleep) in code.? In real application are we using it? or can we use it?

October 18, 2016 at 2:29 PM

sleep method is not good practise to use.

Kindly refer

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September 12, 2016 at 9:26 PM

This is my code

public static void main(String[] args) {

DesiredCapabilities cap=DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true);

System.setProperty(“”, “C:\\Selenum\\IEDriverServer_x64_2.53.1\\IEDriverServer.exe”);

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(cap);


but still getting the same page

September 12, 2016 at 10:57 PM

Try this as well for IE browser

driver.get(“”); //now we are going to use javascipt ,This will click on “Continue to this website (not recommended)” text and will //push us to the page driver.navigate().to(“javascript:document.getElementById(‘overridelink’).click()”);

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August 16, 2016 at 2:11 PM

Very Nice Explanation and information. Cheers!!!

August 18, 2016 at 9:39 AM

Thanks Jithendra 🙂

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July 15, 2016 at 2:39 PM

yesterday i have gone through your 03 videos [Generate Logs using Logger, Security Certificate,Windows Popup handling].

i was strangling from 01 week to clear this things but yesterday i have followed you videos and created sample application and within 40 Minutes i learnt all these.

I have few questions [small questions]:

1. which is better CSS or XPATH and why ? 2. How you will control page if Network Goes down while entering data in selenium webdriver

Thanks, Vishnu GOdse

July 20, 2016 at 2:14 PM

Hey Vishnu,

Really happy to see nice comment 🙂 Hope my future videos will also help you.

Please find my answers

1. which is better CSS or XPATH and why ? Ans- CSS is faster and it works same in all browser. Xpath works fine with FF and Chrome.

2. How you will control page if Network Goes down while entering data in selenium webdriver Ans- If network goes down it will throw no such element exception. To handle this you can use smart wait.

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May 31, 2016 at 11:46 AM

What is the difference in profileini and firefoxfile() method, profileini also use for SSL Error??

May 27, 2016 at 2:14 PM

will this code also work for “Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer”

May 30, 2016 at 12:36 AM

Yes it should work.

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July 20, 2016 at 1:54 PM

Mine did not :'(

July 20, 2016 at 2:17 PM

Hi Richmond,

In this browser you tried?

July 21, 2016 at 7:33 AM

Im using Firefox47, using marionette and im using RemoteWebDriver

July 25, 2016 at 12:24 PM

Hey Richmond,

I have not used marionette so not sure on this 🙁 why dont you use FF 46 ?

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April 12, 2016 at 5:13 PM

very nicely explained…keep it up with a good work @Mukesh

April 13, 2016 at 10:51 PM

Thanks Vidya, Let me know if any help from my side.

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April 5, 2016 at 8:40 AM

I tried with IE11 and it didn’t work for the site driver.get(“”); could you please check.

April 5, 2016 at 4:42 PM

Let me try and will update u soon.

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December 8, 2015 at 3:07 PM

Thanks you!

December 8, 2015 at 9:54 PM

Thanks Raja

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October 6, 2015 at 4:56 PM

I am trying to use selenium webdriver for Safari browser. As you mentioned in your post regarding Safari launching, I’ve one doubt. Do we need to provide safari driver path because it is available as extension to Safari browser which we can install it as ‘Open With’ option in windows-> Safari.

And if you go to Safari Settings-> Preferences-> Extensions tab. Here I’ve already enabled it

Could you pls put some light over this.

Regards, Lajish Lakshmanan

October 6, 2015 at 5:54 PM

Currently safari extension is available for 2.45 only so you can use Selenium version 2.45 or lower it will work fine. Right now i tried with 2.40 its working fine in my machine.

October 6, 2015 at 6:02 PM

Do i need to provide safari driver path ? As same thing is already available as extension to browser.

October 6, 2015 at 7:51 PM

No Lajish, just install the extension and it will work. Previously we had driver for safari browser but now extension will perform the same thing.

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5 Best Ways to Open a Browser Window in Incognito/Private Mode Using Python Selenium WebDriver

💡 Problem Formulation: When automating web browsers using Selenium WebDriver in Python, there are times when a user needs to test features or scrape data without retaining any user data or cookies. This requires opening a browser window in incognito or private mode. The goal here is to provide code snippets that launch a browser in private mode, starting from a Python script and resulting in an incognito browser session.

Method 1: Using ChromeOptions to launch Chrome in Incognito Mode

This method involves configuring a ChromeOptions object to add the incognito argument before initiating the WebDriver. It’s a straightforward approach to ensure that the Chrome browser opens in incognito mode, thus not saving any browsing history or cookies.

Here’s an example:

The above code initiates a Google Chrome browser in incognito mode and opens Google’s homepage.

In this snippet, Options is imported from , and an instance is created. The --incognito argument is added to the options, which is then passed to the webdriver.Chrome() constructor along with the path to your chromedriver executable. The browser will open in incognito mode.

Method 2: Firefox WebDriver Using FirefoxOptions to Open Private Window

To open Mozilla Firefox in private browsing mode, you can set the relevant FirefoxOptions before initiating the WebDriver. This works similarly to the ChromeOptions method but with Firefox-specific settings.

The output is Mozilla Firefox launching in private mode and opening the specified URL.

The code sets up an instance of Options from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options and then adds the -private argument for private mode. The configured options are provided when creating the Firefox WebDriver, which causes Firefox to open in private mode.

Method 3: Using DesiredCapabilities to Launch Browser in Incognito/Private Mode

DesiredCapabilities can be used for more detailed customization of the WebDriver’s behavior. These capabilities allow users to define specific properties that the browser session should have.

This results in Google Chrome being launched with the incognito flag applied, therefore in incognito mode.

This code shows how DesiredCapabilities for Chrome are copied and modified to include Chrome options, specifically, the incognito argument. The updated capabilities are then used to create the Chrome WebDriver.

Method 4: Setting Safari to Private Browsing Mode

On macOS, Safari can also be used with Selenium. It’s a bit more complex to set private mode in Safari programmatically, but it’s still possible with a combination of Selenium WebDriver settings and AppleScript.

A new Safari window will be opened in private browsing mode.

In this approach, after initializing the Safari WebDriver, an AppleScript is executed through the os.system call to open a new private window. This relies on keyboard shortcuts and interface scripting, so it might not be as reliable as other methods.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Simplified Chrome Incognito with WebDriver

For those preferring a one-liner initialization, here’s a simplified version to launch Chrome in incognito mode using Selenium WebDriver.

The browser opens the Google homepage in incognito mode directly.

This compact code does everything in one line: it imports Chrome WebDriver, sets up the options with the incognito argument, and opens a URL. While concise, it’s best used when only a single WebDriver operation is needed.


Emily Rosemary Collins is a tech enthusiast with a strong background in computer science, always staying up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations. Apart from her love for technology, Emily enjoys exploring the great outdoors, participating in local community events, and dedicating her free time to painting and photography. Her interests and passion for personal growth make her an engaging conversationalist and a reliable source of knowledge in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Where are the cicadas? Use this interactive map to find Brood XIX, Brood XIII in 2024

In a few weeks, over a dozen states will be abuzz as trillions of periodical cicadas will emerge from their yearslong underground stay.

Broods XIX and XIII will emerge in a combined 17 states, mostly in the Midwest and Southeast, in a rare, double brood event . These two broods last emerged together 221 years ago, and after this year are not predicted to do so again until 2245.

Once conditions are right, the two broods will emerge in massive numbers to feed, make noise, mate and die. Here's what to know about where to find the 13-year Brood XIX and the 17-year Brood XIII.

2024 double cicada broods: Check out where Broods XIII, XIX will emerge

The two cicada broods will emerge in a combined 17 states across the Southeast and Midwest, with an overlap in parts of Illinois and Iowa. They will emerge once soil eight inches underground reaches 64 degrees, expected to begin in mid-May and lasting through late June.

The two broods last emerged together in 1803 , when Thomas Jefferson was president.

What is a periodical cicada?

Both the 13-year Brood XIX and the 17-year Brood XIII are periodical cicadas, which emerge every 13 or 17 years across North America. They differ from annual cicadas, which emerge every year.

You may remember the last periodical brood to emerge in huge numbers: the 17-year Brood X that was found in 2021 throughout the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard.

Annual cicadas, which are dark green to black with green wing veins, are  typically larger than periodical cicadas , which are recognizable for their red eyes, red legs and red wing veins, according to North Carolina State University Extension.

Periodical cicadas emerge earlier, usually in mid-to-late May as opposed to annual cicadas in July and August. According to North Carolina State University Extension, annual cicadas begin mating, " singing conspicuously " and lying eggs about two weeks after they emerge. Their first nymphs will fall to the ground and begin feeding on roots under the soil, and fully-developed nymphs will emerge two years later and molt into adults.

Above ground, periodical cicadas have a similar life cycle, appear in much larger numbers and are much louder. At the end of their season, the next generation of nymphs move underground and remain for either 13 or 17 years.

In China, Elon Musk scores wins on the path to self-driving cars

  • Medium Text
  • Tesla aims to being 'Full Self-Driving' system to China soon
  • Key questions remain over whether Tesla can transfer data from cars in China overseas
  • Such data transfers are pivotal to Musk's ambitions to develop fully autonomous vehicles
  • Signs of progress in China send shares up more than 16%

FILE PHOTO: Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk in Paris


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Reporting by Florence Lo and Daniel Leussink and Liam Mo in Beijing, Zhang Yan in Shanghai; Additional reporting by Sarah Wu and Aditi Shah; Writing by Brenda Goh and by Noel Randewich in Oakland, Calif.; Editing by Sonali Paul, Mark Potter, Brian Thevenot and Sharon Singleton

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Daniel Leussink is a correspondent in Japan. Most recently, he has been covering Japan’s automotive industry, chronicling how some of the world's biggest automakers navigate a transition to electric vehicles and unprecedented supply chain disruptions. Since joining Reuters in 2018, Leussink has also covered Japan’s economy, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, COVID-19 and the Bank of Japan’s ultra-easy monetary policy experiment.

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Less alcohol, or none at all, is one path to better health.

Carla K. Johnson

Associated Press

It’s wine time. Beer Thirty. Happy hour. Five o’clock somewhere.

Maybe it's also time to rethink drinking ?

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Moderate drinking was once thought to have benefits for the heart, but better research methods have thrown cold water on that.

“Drinking less is a great way to be healthier,” said Dr. Timothy Naimi, who directs the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.


Guidelines vary a lot from country to country but the overall trend is toward drinking less.

The United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Holland and Australia recently reviewed new evidence and lowered their alcohol consumption recommendations. Ireland will require cancer warning labels on alcohol starting in 2026.

“The scientific consensus has shifted due to the overwhelming evidence linking alcohol to over 200 health conditions, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases and injuries,” said Carina Ferreira-Borges, regional adviser for alcohol at the World Health Organization regional office for Europe.

From Dry January to Sober October to bartenders getting creative with non-alcoholic cocktails , there's a cultural vibe that supports cutting back.

"People my age are way more accepting of it," said Tessa Weber, 28, of Austin, Texas. She stopped drinking for Dry January this year because she'd noticed alcohol was increasing her anxiety. She liked the results — better sleep, more energy — and has stuck with it.

“It’s good to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol,” Weber said.


That idea came from imperfect studies comparing groups of people by how much they drink. Usually, consumption was measured at one point in time. And none of the studies randomly assigned people to drink or not drink, so they couldn’t prove cause and effect.

People who report drinking moderately tend to have higher levels of education, higher incomes and better access to health care, Naimi said.

“It turns out that when you adjust for those things, the benefits tend to disappear,” he said.

Another problem: Most studies didn’t include younger people. Almost half of the people who die from alcohol-related causes die before the age of 50.

“If you’re studying people who survived into middle age, didn’t quit drinking because of a problem and didn’t become a heavy drinker, that’s a very select group,” Naimi said. “It creates an appearance of a benefit for moderate drinkers that is actually a statistical illusion.”

Other studies challenge the idea that alcohol has benefits. These studies compare people with a gene variant that makes it unpleasant to drink to people without the gene variant. People with the variant tend to drink very little or not at all. One of these studies found people with the gene variant have a lower risk of heart disease — another blow to the idea that alcohol protects people from heart problems.


That depends.

Drinking raises the risk of several types of cancer , including colon, liver, breast and mouth and throat. Alcohol breaks down in the body into a substance called acetaldehyde, which can damage your cells and stop them from repairing themselves. That creates the conditions for cancer to grow.

Thousands of U.S. deaths per year could be prevented if people followed the government’s dietary guidelines, which advise men to limit themselves to two drinks or fewer per day and women to one drink or fewer per day, Naimi said.

One drink is the equivalent of about one 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine or a shot of liquor.

Naimi served on an advisory committee that wanted to lower the recommendation for men to one drink per day . That advice was considered and rejected when the federal recommendations came out in 2020.

“The simple message that’s best supported by the evidence is that, if you drink, less is better when it comes to health,” Naimi said.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Navigate Your Career Path Like the Road Trip of a Lifetime

  • Carole-Ann Penney

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Leave space for spontaneous detours and exploration.

Over the past few years, the way we work has changed. Recent data show that working in a single company, or staying confined to a single job title, for several years is becoming rarer. Not everyone’s career paths will be traditional and resemble a climb up a mountain. And that’s okay. We need a new way to approach our careers, one that allows us to be nimble and resilient. Why not  approach your paths like the road trip of a lifetime — to build an intentional career path that is unique, enjoyable, and adaptive to change.

  • Get in the driver’s seat. You don’t have to be confined to a predetermined path and you don’t have to stay on a single track — you can curate a portfolio of experiences. You can embark on a diverse and adventurous journey filled with discovery.
  • Know that the plan is iterative. When you set off on a road trip, you don’t plug your ultimate destination into the GPS and drive there as quickly and directly as possible. You ask yourself some key questions about what you want to experience along the journey: What kinds of places do I want to visit? What do I want to see and experience? When you embark on your career, know that it is okay to make detours.
  • Be open to unexpected opportunities and load up your trunk. On a  road trip, change is expected — that’s what makes it a rich adventure. Approach your career path with openness to unforeseen possibilities and seize them. You can even loop back to revisit somewhere you’ve been before with fresh eyes and new experience under your belt. As you explore, practice articulating the connections between where you’ve been and where you’re going. You should learn how to transfer your unique skills to each new role, as they can make you an asset in new spaces.

Gloria, a client of mine, thought her career path would be traditional and resemble a climb up a mountain. She aimed to follow the steps to success: First, she would choose a mountain by picking a field of work. Then, she would put in her time and build specialized skills. Next, she would shoot for the summit. She’d always been told that when you’re aiming to grow, there’s no room for stagnation or complacency, only linear advancement.

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  • Carole-Ann Penney is a coach and trainer who helps mission-driven leaders navigate their careers with purpose and resilience. As the Founder of Penney Leadership  and a facilitator for Harvard Business Publishing’s corporate leadership development programs, Carole Ann guides professionals at all levels to step into their authentic leadership and craft an impactful career path that aligns with who they are.

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Tesla Reaches Deals in China on Self-Driving Cars

Elon Musk met with the country’s premier, a longtime Tesla ally, and secured regulatory nods and a necessary partnership with a Chinese tech company.

Elon Musk and Li Qiang, the Chinese premier, both wearing dark suits, white shirts and ties, sit alongside one another with a small table between them.

By Keith Bradsher and Jack Ewing

Keith Bradsher reported from Beijing, and Jack Ewing from New York.

Tesla has concluded a series of arrangements with regulators and a Chinese artificial intelligence company during a quick trip to Beijing on Sunday and Monday by Elon Musk, the carmaker’s chief executive, potentially clearing the way for the company to offer its most advanced self-driving software on cars in China.

Tesla had faced a couple of hurdles to offering the latest level of autonomous driving, which it calls supervised Full Self-Driving. It has needed approval from Chinese regulators, who questioned whether the company took adequate precautions to protect data. And it has needed access to extremely high-resolution maps across the country.

The timing of Mr. Musk’s trip was significant. He arrived in China days after he identified self-driving technology and artificial intelligence as critical to Tesla’s future. Tesla is not just a car company, Mr. Musk told investors last week, saying, “We should be thought of as an A.I. robotics company.”

Approval of the technology in China would give Mr. Musk a much-needed win after regulators in the United States issued a harsh assessment of the system’s safety and performance in a report released on Friday.

Mr. Musk flew on his private jet to Beijing on Sunday morning and met almost immediately with Premier Li Qiang, China’s No. 2 official after Xi Jinping. Mr. Li is a longtime ally of Mr. Musk who, when he served as Communist Party secretary in Shanghai, helped clear the way for Tesla’s construction there of what is now the company’s largest car assembly plant.

The government-linked China Association of Automobile Manufacturers later announced that Tesla and five Chinese automakers had obtained approval from authorities and the association for their data security precautions on dozens of car models. The rules bar automakers in China from using software that would identify the face of anyone outside his or her vehicle, and include many other restrictions. Self-driving systems use cameras to guide vehicles.

The cars included Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y. The five Chinese manufacturers included BYD , which is China’s dominant electric vehicle company and Tesla’s primary global rival, and Nio , a longtime player in China’s auto sector.

Tesla has run a data center in Shanghai for the past three years that handles the extensive information accumulated by the cars it has sold in China as they navigate the country’s roads. China has tightened its data security regulations in recent years to severely limit information leaving the country.

Tesla has separately concluded a deal with one of China’s largest tech companies, Baidu, to obtain high-resolution maps of road lanes, according to a person familiar with the deal who was not authorized to speak about it publicly. Tesla cars in China have used Baidu maps for four years for basic navigation, directing drivers where to turn, but have not previously had access to the higher-resolution maps.

Baidu is one of about 20 Chinese companies with the necessary credentials from the Chinese government to obtain access to high-resolution mapping data. Automakers are required to team up with one of these companies or be forced to rely heavily on cameras on their vehicles to create their own maps, as Tesla has done until now.

No details were immediately available on Monday on what Tesla has agreed to do in exchange for the approvals. China has a long history of urging multinationals to share considerable technology in exchange for access to its market. But the Chinese government insists that it does not force foreign companies to surrender their commercial secrets, and promised the Trump administration it would not do so.

Tesla’s stock jumped Monday on the news of the approvals in China. The company last week reported that its profit plunged 55 percent in the first three months of the year, while its revenue fell 9 percent. Days earlier, Tesla announced that it would lay off 10 percent of its worldwide work force, or about 14,000 employees .

As Chinese automakers introduce large numbers of their own electric car models this year, Tesla is doubling down on self-driving capabilities, putting the features into cars ahead of other automakers, despite concerns by regulators and safety experts about the capability of the company’s technology.

Tesla already offers what it calls “supervised Full Self Driving” in the United States. The company charges $99 a month to upgrade Tesla cars from its Autopilot or Enhanced Autopilot driver-assistance systems to the new level.

The main traffic safety regulator in the United States said on Friday that it was investigating Tesla’s recall of its Autopilot driver-assistance system because of concerns that the company had not done enough to ensure that drivers remained attentive while using the technology.

The regulator, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said there had been at least 29 fatal accidents involving Autopilot and Full Self-Driving from January 2018 to August 2023. The analysis did not assess whether the number of deaths was more or fewer than if humans had been driving without those systems in use. Technology used by other carmakers does a better job of making sure that drivers are paying attention, the highway safety agency said.

Tesla’s use of the term autopilot “may lead drivers to believe that the automation has greater capabilities than it does and invite drivers to overly trust the automation,” the agency said.

The agency is also investigating two fatal crashes involving Ford Motors’ BlueCruise system, which allows drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel on many U.S. highways.

China has also had deaths from mistakes made by self-driving cars, which are now offered by numerous Chinese companies as well as Tesla. But crashes involving errors by human drivers are the frequent subject of viral videos in China, feeding a popular perception that self-driving cars may be safer.

Joy Dong contributed research.

Keith Bradsher is the Beijing bureau chief for The Times. He previously served as bureau chief in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Detroit and as a Washington correspondent. He has lived and reported in mainland China through the pandemic. More about Keith Bradsher

Jack Ewing writes about the auto industry with an emphasis on electric vehicles. More about Jack Ewing

The World of Elon Musk

The billionaire’s portfolio includes the world’s most valuable automaker, an innovative rocket company and plenty of drama..

X: An Australian court extended an injunction ordering the social media platform X to remove videos depicting the recent stabbing of a bishop , setting the country’s judicial system up for a clash with Elon Musk, who has denounced the court’s order as censorship.

A $47 Billion Pay Deal: Despite   facing criticism that Tesla is overly beholden to Elon Musk , its board of directors said that the company would essentially give him everything he wanted, including the biggest pay package in corporate history.

Tesla: Tesla reported that it made significantly less money  in the first three months of the year because of its tepid car sales, reinforcing concern among investors that the company led by Elon Musk is losing ground  in the market for electric vehicles.

SpaceX: President Biden wants companies that use American airspace for rocket launches to start paying taxes into a federal fund  that finances the work of air traffic controllers.

Business With China : Tesla and China built a symbiotic relationship that made Elon Musk ultrarich. Now, his reliance on the country may give Beijing leverage .  

The Musk Foundation: After making billions in tax-deductible donations to his charity, Musk has failed recently to donate the minimum required to justify a tax break  — and what he did give often supported his interests.

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Arrow mclaren’s dismissal of indycar driver david malukas came swiftly.

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Team Penske's Will Power (left) shakes hands with David Malukas (right) before the April 28 IndyCar ... [+] Series Children's of Alabama Indy Grand Prix. (Photo by Joe Skibinski | IMS Photo)

David Malukas’ dismissal as an IndyCar Series driver at Arrow McLaren on April 29 illustrates the dangers of professional athletes engaging in recreational activities that come with risk.

Something as innocuous as riding a Mountain Bike in the offseason has dramatically impacted the future path of the 22-year-old aspiring IndyCar Series driver from Chicago.

It was February 11, one month before the 2024 IndyCar at Series season-opening Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg that Malukas was out West for a day or two of riding a Mountain Bike. But when Malukas had a crash on the bike, he fractured his left wrist.

On February 13, Malukas underwent surgery to repair the damage.

Other than a few hybrid assist tests with Arrow McLaren during the offseason, Malukas had yet to turn the wheel of the No. 6 Arrow McLaren Chevrolet in actual IndyCar competition since joining the team.

No Open Tests, no practice before races, or qualifications or races on the schedule.

At first, Arrow McLaren management stood by their injured driver, saving his seat for a possible return to action once his cast was removed and he could begin rehabilitation on the injured wrist.

Callum Ilott, who spent the 2022 and 2023 IndyCar Series seasons with Juncos Hollinger Racing, filled in for Malukas on the streets of St. Petersburg and the $1 Million Challenge at The Thermal Club in California on March 24, as well as the Indianapolis 500 Open Test in April.

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New ios 18 ai security move changes the game for all iphone users, nyt strands hints spangram and answers for monday april 29th.

Théo Pourchaire of France, the 2023 Formula 2 Champion and the youngest driver ever to win a race in both Formula 3 and Formula 2, took over the No. 6 Chevrolet at the April 21 Acura Grand Prix of Long beach. The 20-year-old from France was impressive, advancing from 22 nd starting position to an 11 th place finish.

Pourchaire was also behind the wheel of the No. 6 in the April 28 Children’s of Alabama Indy Grand Prix at Barber Motorsports Park.

Indianapolis, IN - during the open test for the Indianapolis 500 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. ... [+] (Photo by Joe Skibinski | IMS Photo)

Malukas has been at every IndyCar Series race in 2024 to support the team and work with the engineers and the replacement drivers, but his wrist continues to have pins and screws holding the fractured bones together as it heals. It also remains in a cast.

But racing is as much a business as it is a sport, and with each race missed by Malukas, McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown and Arrow McLaren team principal Gavin Ward got closer to deciding on what they believed was best for the team moving forward.

On Saturday, April 20, I was part of a small group of media that met with Brown and Arrow McLaren Team Principal Ward at the team’s hospitality motor home during the Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach.

When specifically asked about whether Malukas would remain with the team or if it would consider bringing a talented newcomer such as Pourchaire or a proven commodity like Ilott to the team, Ward admitted a decision would eventually have to be made.

“Yeah, we’re having to make difficult decisions and there’s too much uncertainty to speculate,” Ward told the group. “We’re doing our best to try and take care of him. We’ve got all the rehab physio and medical support we can but end of the day we also have to look after the performance of the team. It’s so hard to know where we’re going to be. Not really going to get into, we don’t know.

“The truth is the uncertainty, right? Unfortunately, it’s a significant injury with an unclear recovery right now so can’t really say yay or nay.”

Gavin Ward (left), David Malukas (center) and Zak Brown (right) on September 8, 2023 when the driver ... [+] was announced as the newest member of Arrow McLaren's IndyCar team.

Both Ward and Brown showed frustration over the situation and seemed interested in the surprising debut by Pourchaire and how quickly he adapted to IndyCar.

“The team has been very, very supportive of David in what has been certainly an unfortunate situation.,” Ward told the group. “What’s more unfortunate is his injury is much more serious than we thought initially. A big part of our focus has been trying to help him on every way in his recovery but also, we’ve been spending an awful lot of time to make sure we have competitive drivers in that 6 car.

“So unfortunately, it’s just a lot of uncertainty right now.”

By missing the fourth race of the NTT IndyCar Series season in Sunday’s Children’s of Alabama Indy Grand Prix, it triggered a clause in his contract that gave Arrow McLaren the option to terminate his services.

On Monday, April 29 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, Arrow McLaren exercised that option and Malukas is no longer a member of the team.

The team released the following statement:

“Arrow McLaren today announced that the team has released David Malukas for the remainder of the 2024 NTT IndyCar Series season due to him being unavailable for the entirety of the season to date, with no confirmed return date, as a result of a left wrist injury, which occurred February 11, in a mountain biking incident.

“The team has raced at four events with two different drivers, both who were new to the team following David’s incident and currently race in other series: Callum Ilott and Théo Pourchaire.

“David joined the team in September 2023 and was set to race his third NTT IndyCar Series season with Arrow McLaren until this wrist injury sidelined him from races in St. Petersburg, The Thermal Club in Palm Springs, Long Beach, and Barber Motorsports Park.

“Arrow McLaren is finalizing its driver assignments for the remainder of the 2024 season and will announce confirmations for upcoming races in due course.”

One week later, the decision became clear, and Arrow McLaren released Malukas at the earliest opportunity.

What could have been a career-defining ride for Malukas is gone and the young driver has to prepare for the next step in his career and that means looking for a ride.

It may not come in 2024, and that certainly will send his career off the rails, at least for this season.

“The past three months have been challenging,” Malukas said in a release on April 29. “I felt privileged to have had the opportunity to drive for Arrow McLaren and regret that it never materialized. I would have loved to have continued representing the team and its partners going forward. They have been good, and I appreciate all they have done for me.

“I’ve done everything possible to speed up the rehab process—treatments, physiotherapy, strength training—but my recovery has taken longer than anticipated. Every injury is different, and everybody heals at a different pace. I’ll turn my full attention to getting back to 100 percent and then prove that I am ready and able to compete to win.”

Teamwork is vitally important in any professional sport, but it remains a business and Arrow McLaren had to make a difficult decision to move forward with its business.

It’s no different than a National Football League team releasing one of its players after suffering an injury.

Malukas’ tale also signifies how something as simple and innocuous as riding a mountain bike can have a detrimental impact on a professional sporting career because of an injury off the race the track.

David Malukas at the White House Easter Egg Roll on April 1, 2024

Bruce Martin

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  1. SafariDriver: How to Run Selenium Tests in Safari

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  2. How to set up SafariDriver and run automation test in Safari

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  1. How to Run Selenium Tests on Safari using SafariDriver

    Let's assume the use of Selenium with Java for the upcoming examples. Let's consider a simple test scenario with three steps: Launch Safari browser. Visit Enter the search query "BrowserStack". Click on the search button. Close the browser. A Java program for the above test scenario is as follows:

  2. About WebDriver for Safari

    The driver is available in Safari 10 or later. Isolated Automation Windows. Test execution is confined to special automation windows that are isolated from normal browsing windows, user settings, and preferences. You can recognize these windows by their orange Smart Search field. Like a private browsing session, an automation session always ...

  3. Testing with WebDriver in Safari

    Choose Safari > Preferences, and on the Advanced tab, select "Show Develop menu in menu bar.". For details, see Safari Help. Choose Develop > Allow Remote Automation. Authorize safaridriver to launch the XPC service that hosts the local web server. To permit this, manually run /usr/bin/safaridriver once and follow the authentication prompt.

  4. Test Automation on Safari Browser with Safari Driver and Selenium

    As Selenium Safari driver for mac is preloaded on the OS, you need not mention the executable path for creating the Selenium WebDriver object. Download Safari Driver for Selenium WebDriver. As already discussed, we don't have to download Safari's driver for Selenium WebDriver.

  5. Safari specific functionality

    Safari specific functionality. These are capabilities and features specific to Apple Safari browsers. Unlike Chromium and Firefox drivers, the safaridriver is installed with the Operating System. To enable automation on Safari, run the following command from the terminal: safaridriver --enable.

  6. WebDriver

    Use WebDriver to write robust, comprehensive tests and run them against any browser that has a WebDriver-compliant driver, including Safari.

  7. SafariDriver: How to Run Selenium Tests in Safari

    3. These commands are pushed to the driver (in this case, SafariDriver), which then sends HTTP requests that run the test in your actual browser (Safari running on a Mac). 4. The reverse happens regardless of the test results, and an HTTP response goes the driver's way. Eventually, you get execution logs with the test's status.

  8. How to Run Selenium Tests on Safari using SafariDriver

    One can find the Safari Driver (v10 and above) at the following path — /usr/bin/safaridriver. This means that Safari now provides native support for the WebDriver API . Also, one needs to have a Mac machine to test on the latest versions of Safari as Apple terminated support for Safari on Windows in 2012.

  9. How to Enable Selenium Driver for Safari Browser

    Open Safari: Launch the Safari browser on your Mac computer.; Go to Preferences: Click on "Safari" in the menu bar at the top-left corner of your screen and select "Preferences."; Advanced Tab: In the Preferences window, click on the "Advanced" tab.; Show Develop menu in menu bar: In the Advanced tab, check the box that says "Show Develop menu in menu bar."

  10. WebDriver Support in Safari 10

    WebDriver is specified in terms of a REST API; Safari's driver provides its own local web server that accepts REST-style HTTP requests. Under the hood, the Python Selenium library translates each method call on self.driver into a REST API command and sends the corresponding HTTP request to local web server hosted by Safari's driver. The ...

  11. Running Selenium test on Safari browser

    First, check the version of the Safari browser installed in your machine. To get the version, click on About Safari. It will show the current version installed. 2. Next, we need to add the Safari driver extension to the browser. For that, go to the Selenium official site and click on the latest version of the extension.

  12. python

    1. If you are using safari version 12 and later and Mac version High Sierra and later just make sure Safari's executable is located at /usr/bin/safaridriver and Run once safaridriver --enable in terminal and start running selenium scripts os safari. answered May 14, 2019 at 10:06. Jlearner.

  13. Unable to Locate Driver Error

    Troubleshooting missing path to driver executable. ... Specify the location of the driver. If you cannot upgrade to the latest version of Selenium, you do not want Selenium to download drivers for you, and you can't figure out the environment variables, you can specify the location of the driver in the Service object.

  14. Use Selenium.WebDriver.safari in Selenium with Examples

    Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

  15. How to Run Safari Driver in Selenium Using Java?

    For running SafariDriver, the Java jdk version must be installed in the machine previously. The latest version of Safari should be installed. It is preferable to install Eclipse IDE on the machine so that running this code will be easier. The most important prerequisite is latest SafariDriver should be downloaded on the machine.

  16. Enable WebDriver on macOS

    Enabling WebDriver via Safari. From the Develop menu choose Developer Settings…. Check the Allow remote automation checkbox.. Enabling WebDriver via Terminal. Run safaridriver --enable. (If you are upgrading from a previous version of macOS you may need to use sudo.)

  17. Driver Binaries

    3. Start/stop the driver. By default, WebdriverIO will automatically start and stop the driver using an arbitrary unused port. Specifying any of the following configuration will disable this feature which means you'll need to manually start and stop the driver: Any value for port. Any value different from the default for protocol, hostname, path.

  18. appium/appium-safari-driver: Safari browser support for Appium

    This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13 . The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol . Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.

  19. How to Handle Untrusted Certificate in Selenium WebDriver

    As you mentioned in your post regarding Safari launching, I've one doubt. Do we need to provide safari driver path because it is available as extension to Safari browser which we can install it as 'Open With' option in windows-> Safari. And if you go to Safari Settings-> Preferences-> Extensions tab. Here I've already enabled it

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  23. macOS WebDriver Commands for Safari 12 and later

    Overview. This table lists the method and the URI template (the endpoint) that executes each command.The macOS WebDriver Commands for Safari 11.1 and earlier support the Selenium JSON Wire Protocol. The macOS WebDriver Commands for Safari 12 and later support the the W3C WebDriver protocol.. All URI templates listed here are supported by the safaridriver tool included with Safari 12 and later.

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