Suri Cruise cumple 18 años: llega a la mayoría de edad y será libre para hablar de sus padres

La hija de los actores tom cruise y katie holmes vive distanciada de su padre desde el divorcio de la pareja en 2012, cuando se marchó a vivir con su madre a nueva york para llevar una vida sorprendentemente normal.

Katie Holmes y Suri Cruise en Upper West Side de Nueva York el 22 de julio de 2019.

La primera vez que el mundo vio la cara de Suri Cruise, por entonces ya el bebé más famoso del planeta, la criatura tenía apenas cinco meses. Pero pese a su corta edad se había colocado en el lugar central de la portada de Vanity Fair y aparecía en todo su temprano esplendor, retratada por nada menos que por la fotógrafa Annie Leibovitz . La fotografía, así como el reportaje que la acompañaba (con varias imágenes más), certeramente titulado ¿Alguien quería verme? , daba una idea de las cotas de popularidad de la pequeña. De aquello han pasado 18 años (menos cinco meses). Los que cumple este 18 de abril la joven, ya adulta, hija de los actores Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes. Su popularidad no es hoy tan inmensa, sino que la palabra que más la define es hermetismo. Y eso es justo lo que ahora, con su mayoría de edad (en el Estado de Nueva York es a los 18 años, no a los 21), puede cambiar, porque será libre para hablar de sus mediáticos padres si le place. Más difícil ya es que, efectivamente, cambie.

La discreción es hoy día el sinónimo de Suri Cruise. En realidad, la normalidad. No es que se esconda por Nueva York, donde vive con su madre desde hace más de una década. Es que hace una vida plena. Es normal verla de compras, paseando, con compañeros de estudios, en una cafetería... cualquier cosa que una chica de su edad pudiera hacer. Una vida muy distinta de la de sus primeros años, cuando cada uno de sus movimientos, gestos, looks y caprichos infantiles eran analizados. Sin levantar un palmo del suelo era habitual de las publicaciones de moda y tendencias. Las cámaras la seguían allá donde fueran. Como comentó su madre en una entrevista (algo poco usual en ella) hace cuatro años con la revista InStyle , llevaba a la niña al parque a las seis de la mañana para no ser perseguidas.

De pequeña no tuvo una vida normal. Pero probablemente nunca lo sea del todo, al tener Suri el apellido Cruise, y ser Tom una de las más grandes estrellas del firmamento cinematográfico global. Eso sí, la relación padre e hija es escasa. Según medios estadounidenses como Page Six , no se ven desde el año 2012, aunque él estaría obligado a pasarle una pensión de 400.000 dólares anuales que, precisamente, acabará ahora con la mayoría de edad —el actor deberá seguir haciéndose cargo de los gastos médicos y educativos de Suri—.

El verano de 2012 fue en el que se conoció la separación de la hasta entonces mediática pareja formada por Holmes y Cruise. Su relación, expuesta de manera constante en los medios (¿quién olvida los saltos de un emocionado Tom Cruise en un sofá durante una entrevista con Oprah Winfrey en 2005?), culminó en una enorme boda en un castillo italiano en noviembre de 2006 ante 250 invitados, la pequeña Suri entre ellos. Pero la Cienciología, a la que el actor pertenece y es fiel, siempre fue una más en el matrimonio, hasta acabar con él. La intérprete nunca entró en el culto, y sobre todo no quiso que su hija participara de él, y la separación fue total. Las dos pusieron tierra de por medio ese mismo verano para marcharse a Nueva York y dejar a Cruise en Los Ángeles (donde vive, a caballo con el Reino Unido). Él sigue muy vinculado a la secta, y según han contado antiguos miembros de la misma que les han conocido y han pasado por situaciones similares, ya es como si Katie y Suri no existieran para ellos. Cuando un miembro abandona la iglesia, a menudo su familia le da de lado, e incluso puede también ser expulsada de la misma, algo que no ha ocurrido con el actor. Solo ellos tres (y sus abogados) conocen los hechos concretos, pero es difícil que cualquiera de ellos hable al respecto, pese a que Suri podría hacerlo desde hoy mismo.

Suri y Tom Cruise en un paseo por un río en Cambridge, Massachusetts, en octubre de 2009.

Antes de su relación con Katie Holmes, Cruise tuvo otros dos hijos, Bella y Connor. Los adoptó junto a Nicole Kidman mientras estuvieron casados. Ahora tienen 31 y 29 años y siguen manteniendo una buena relación con el actor, aunque no ya con Kidman. “Son adultos. Son capaces de tomar sus propias decisiones. Han tomado la decisión de ser cienciólogos y como madre, mi trabajo es amarlos”, afirmaba la actriz en 2018 . Bella se casó hace años sin la presencia de su madre y ha llegado a ser predicadora de su culto . De hecho, para Katie Holmes observar el desarrollo en la Cienciología de los dos jóvenes, por entonces apenas unos niños, fue lo que en parte la movió a alejar a Suri de ese camino.

La vida de madre e hija cambió mucho hace algo más de una década, pero en esta década apenas ha cambiado. Ambas viven en Manhattan tranquilas y en mutua compañía. Holmes mantuvo en secreto una relación con el actor Jamie Foxx que no se conoció casi hasta su final. Empezaron a verse en 2013, pero fue en 2017 —cuando pasaron cinco años desde su divorcio con Cruise; según algunos medios estadounidenses ella tenía una cláusula que le prohibía hacer público cualquier romance— cuando se supo de su unión. Posaron juntos en mayo de 2019, pero en agosto de ese año terminó su noviazgo. Más tarde se la ha relacionado con cocineros, actores... de manera casual. A Suri los paparazzis por el momento todavía no la persiguen buscándole novio ni novia. Quizá, por una vez, la normalidad ha salido ganando.

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Suri Cruise cumple 18 años: la niña más perseguida por la prensa comienza un nuevo capítulo en su vida

Por Blanche Marcel

Traducido y adaptado por Beatriz Castro Cortiñas

Katie Holmes y Suri Cruise en una imagen de 2022.

Cuando tus padres son Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes , tu infancia no es exactamente como la de los demás. Suri Cruise es una de las niñas más famosas del mundo. Nacida bajo los focos y los flashes de los paparazzi , la pequeña creció en Nueva York, rodeada de purpurina y alfombras rojas. La adolescente celebra ahora su 18º cumpleaños.

Desde el día de su nacimiento, el 18 de abril de 2006, Suri Cruise ha estado en la mira de los fotógrafos. Todos sus movimientos y salidas han sido vigilados y objeto de reportajes. Los tabloides ofrecieron una imagen poco halagüeña y describieron a la niña como "demasiado mimada", vestida con ropa cara y llevando la vida de una auténtica estrella. Desde muy pequeña, la hija única de Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes se convirtió en un fenómeno como pocos. Trencas, minivestidos de flores, abrigos de piel… incluso se la vio calzar tacones con apenas tres años. La explosión mediática no tuvo precedentes. Todo el mundo tenía algo que decir, y la niña se convirtió en un fenómeno social por derecho propio. Los blogs de moda se divirtieron descifrando sus looks , destacando las prendas que lucía. El más conocido es Suri Cruise Fashion , que examina el estilo de esta minifashionista desde 2008 hasta 2018. Independientemente de quién esté detrás de sus diversos atuendos, Suri por sí sola ha sido elevada a la categoría de icono.

La mayoría de edad

En 2012, la pequeña, de apenas seis años, vivió el sonado divorcio de sus progenitores yendo y viniendo entre las residencias de su madre y su padre. Sin embargo, Katie Holmes obtuvo rápidamente la custodia exclusiva de su hija para evitar que cayera bajo la influencia de la Cienciología, iglesia a la que pertenece Tom Cruise. Se ha dicho que la adolescente no ve a su padre desde hace más de 10 años, y que su última aparición pública juntos se remonta a enero de 2012. Sin embargo, se dice que está muy presente económicamente; al parecer el actor estadounidense debía pagar a su exesposa 400.000 dólares al año en concepto de manutención de la niña, o casi 30.000 euros al mes, hasta que Suri alcanzara la mayoría de edad.

Ahora que ha cumplido 18 años, la adolescente tendrá que conformarse con la suma mensual que le dé la estrella de Misión imposible . Aunque hoy vive alejada de las cámaras y de los fotógrafos, la mayoría de edad le permitirá a Suri saltar a la palestra. La joven ahora es libre de hablar públicamente sobre su relación con su padre y su controvertida adhesión a esta misteriosa iglesia, considerada una secta. Mientras que Katie Holmes ha firmado acuerdos de confidencialidad que le impiden hacer revelaciones sobre su matrimonio, Suri, al parecer, no está sujeta a tales restricciones.

Suri Cruise y Katie Holmes en septiembre de 2020.

Suri Cruise y Katie Holmes en septiembre de 2020.

Suri Cruise y Katie Holmes en febrero de 2021.

Suri Cruise y Katie Holmes, en febrero de 2021.

Una elección adulta

Nada más divorciarse sus padres, la pequeña tuvo una infancia discreta, alejada de las cámaras, estudiando en un colegio público de Nueva York. Una vez terminado el bachillerato, pudo empezar a estudiar Moda o intentar abrirse camino en la música, participando en varias ocasiones en los proyectos de su madre, en los que se la puede escuchar canta –interpretó Blue Moon en los títulos de crédito de la película Separadamente juntos (2022), que protagonizó Katie Holmes–.

En julio de 2022, la actriz explicó que había elegido colaborar con su hija porque siempre buscaba "el máximo nivel de talento". "Ella tiene mucho mucho talento, así que la grabé y la dejé hacer. Así es como suelo trabajar", declaró a Yahoo Entertainement . Tras su mayoría de edad, ¿está Suri Cruise a punto de volver a los focos?

Artículo publicado por ‘Vanity Fair’ Francia. Accede al original aquí .

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Así es ahora Suri Cruise a los 18 años: un clon de su madre y futura diseñadora de moda

La hija de tom cruise y katie holmes cumple la mayoría de edad alejada totalmente de su padre. parece ser que desde 2012 no han estado juntos y el actor está hoy en londres.

Foto: Suri Cruise cumple hoy la mayoría de edad.(Gtres)

Katie Holmes y Suri Cruise iban al parque a las 6 am tras su traumático divorcio

Katie holmes enseña la infancia de su hija suri en unas divertidas imágenes por su 15 cumpleaños.

Corría el año 2006 cuando Suri Cruise Holmes llegaba al mundo. Un año en el que además de nacer la primera hija biológica de Tom Cruise y la única para Katie Holmes , también llegaba al mundo la primera hija biológica de Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie, Shiloh.

Han pasado 18 años desde que la conocimos en una famosa portada de 'Vanity Fair' con un par de meses y hoy, Suri cumple la mayoría de edad convertida en un clon de su madre y con el objetivo de convertirse en una gran diseñadora de moda.


Fue en 2012 cuando la relación entre sus padres llegó a su fin. T ras su idílica y mediática boda en el castillo Odescalchi en Bracciano, Italia, la pareja ponía tierra de por medios entre ellos. En ese sentido, Suri se marchaba a vivir con su madre a Nueva York, donde la actriz de 'Dawson crece' pretendía encontrar un respiro de Hollywood y de los años de asedio mediático junto a Tom.


Esa mudanza a la ciudad de los rascacielos y el hecho de que madre e hija no compartan el culto a la cienciología que sí profesa el intérprete, hicieron que padre e hija no volvieran a verse. De hecho, la última foto pública de Cruise con Suri data de 2012, cuando juntos visitaron Disneylandia, antes de Holmes y él firmaran el divorcio. A partir de ese momento, parece ser que padre e hijo no han tenido contacto.


De hecho, en el 18 cumpleaños de su hija, Tom Cruise está rodando una película en Londres, mientras que, tal y como señalan en el 'Daily Mail', Suri celebrará su mayoría de edad en su casa de Nueva York. Por eso, no es muy probable que padre e hija se reúnan ni en un día tan especial para la joven. Sin embargo, además del gran parecido físico entre madre e hija, Katie y Suri están muy unidas y es seguro que disfrutarán de un día tan especial juntas.


Además, con la mayoría de edad cumplida, Suri se centrará en su formación profesional. Siempre ha guardado una gran relación con su madre y Katie Holmes reconoció que era "feliz de haberla tenido con veintitantos", pues eso había hecho que crecieran "juntas".

Aunque con la separación de sus padres la atención mediática se disipó en cierta medida, las pocas apariciones de la hija de los actores era muy seguidas por el gran carácter y personalidad que Suri demostraba desde muy pequeña en su forma de vestir.


Es por eso que a nadie parece extrañarle que los siguientes pasos de la joven sean estudiar para convertirse en una diseñadora de moda de renombre. Ha estudiado en uno de los colegios más exclusivos de Nueva York , Avenues, y ahora se enfrenta a la decisión de escoger una universidad en la que seguir formándose. Más allá de los estudios, Suri siempre se ha mostrado como una niña muy alegre, con muchas amistades y a la que le gustan mucho los animales.

Foto: A Suri Cruise le llaman "pequeña mocosa" y "perra"

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Suri ya es mayor de edad: así es el rostro de la hija de Katie Holmes y Tom Cruise (la única biológica del actor)

Suri Cruise ha dejado de ser una niña muy mediática para convertirse en una discreta diseñadora

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Suri Cruise, la única hija biológica de Tom Cruise , acaba de alcanzar la mayoría de edad. Es fruto de la relación que el actor de Hollywood mantuvo con Katie Holmes. Suri llegó al mundo el 18 de abril de 2006 y no tardó en convertirse en una estrella mediática, pero en la actualidad su vida es muy distinta. Vive lejos de los paparazzi y está esforzándose por convertirse en una buena diseñadora .

Katie Holmes, su madre, se esforzó por mantener la vida de su hija al margen de la prensa. De hecho, la primera foto de Suri fue publicada cuando ya tenía seis meses.

La joven, el pasado verano.

La relación que hay entre madre e hija es estupenda. "Soy feliz de haberla tenido con veintitantos, siento que crecimos juntas", declaró la actriz en una de sus entrevistas. En la actualidad la joven sigue igual de unida a su madre, quien le aconseja en todos sus pasos profesionales.

Hace cuatro años, en Nueva York.

En el lado opuesto está Tom, quien ha tenido ciertas diferencias con su hija. Siempre que le han preguntado ha hablado maravillas de ella, pero lo cierto es que no hay imágenes de ellos juntos desde el verano de 2012. Según han publicado diferentes medios americanos, el artista se centró en su trayectoria profesional después de separarse de Katie y esto le distanció de Suri, asunto que todavía no está resuelto.

Tom Cruise, con su hija Suri, en 2012, en una de las últimas fotos de ambos juntos.

Katie Holmes se mudó a Nueva York después de separarse de Tom Cruise. Su intención era escapar de Hollywood para que su hija pudiera crecer con más libertad. Llegó a confesar que la llevaba al parque a las seis de la mañana para que ningún paparazzi captase imágenes suyas.

Suri Cruise ha estudiado en uno de los colegios más prestigiosos de Estados Unidos y ahora que ya tiene 18 años está buscando universidad. A pesar de estar lejos de su padre, el actor sí contribuye económicamente en formación académica, así que el dinero no será un obstáculo para ella.

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suri cruise edad


Everything We Know About Suri Cruise, Her Relationship With Her Dad & Her Life As A Young Adult

Posted: August 6, 2023 | Last updated: April 10, 2024

<p>Happy birthday, Suri Cruise! When it comes to famous celebrity kids, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s daughter Suri has made her mark in more ways than one. Currently living in NYC with mom Holmes, Suri has been a subject of fascination since the moment she was born — but then again, that’s what happens when you’re the kid of Tom Cruise. When Cruise and Holmes had a dramatic split in 2012, Suri’s life was changed forever as she and Holmes moved across the country and severed ties with Cruise. Facing more paparazzi attention than ever, Suri’s formative years were undeniably tough — but all the while, she’s grown up beautifully from a fashionista toddler to a mature, accomplished teen.</p> <p>Cruise and Holmes’ relationship (and subsequently, Suri) got as much attention as it did largely because of Cruise’s association with the Church of Scientology, whose influence Holmes was reportedly trying to escape when she filed for divorce. But Holmes fleeing to the East Coast only intensified the paparazzi attention around them, and Suri’s mom knows it can’t have been easy for her daughter.</p> <p>“We were followed a lot when she was little,” Holmes previously told Instyle. “I just wanted her outside, so I would walk her around to find parks at, like, 6 in the morning when nobody would see us.”</p> <p>While all that attention might have made some kids want to run and hide, Suri embraced it, waving at the paparazzi cheekily and marching to the beat of her own drum. “She came out very strong —  she’s always been a strong personality,” Holmes added.</p> <p>Now turning 17, Suri is entering the world of high school and looking more like mom Holmes every day. Here are a few things you should know about this remarkable young lady.</p> <p>A version of this was originally published in April 2020.</p>


When it comes to famous celebrity kids, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s daughter Suri has made her mark in more ways than one. Currently living in NYC with mom Holmes, Suri has been a subject of fascination since the moment she was born — but then again, that’s what happens when you’re the kid of Tom Cruise. When Cruise and Holmes had a dramatic split in 2012, Suri’s life was changed forever as she and Holmes moved across the country and severed ties with Cruise. Facing more paparazzi attention than ever, Suri’s formative years were undeniably tough — but all the while, she’s grown up beautifully from a fashionista toddler to a mature, accomplished teen.

Cruise and Holmes’ relationship (and subsequently, Suri) got as much attention as it did largely because of Cruise’s association with the Church of Scientology, whose influence Holmes was reportedly trying to escape when she filed for divorce. But Holmes fleeing to the East Coast only intensified the paparazzi attention around them, and Suri’s mom knows it can’t have been easy for her daughter.

“We were followed a lot when she was little,” Holmes previously told Instyle. “I just wanted her outside, so I would walk her around to find parks at, like, 6 in the morning when nobody would see us.”

While all that attention might have made some kids want to run and hide, Suri embraced it, waving at the paparazzi cheekily and marching to the beat of her own drum. “She came out very strong —  she’s always been a strong personality,” Holmes added.

Now, Suri is soon about to enter the world of college and looking more like mom Holmes every day. Here are a few things you should know about this remarkable young lady.

A version of this was originally published in April 2020.

<p>Suri means “Princess” in Hebrew — a fitting name for this rising star.</p>

Her Name Has a Special Meaning

Suri means “Princess” in Hebrew — a fitting name for this rising star.

<p>Suri Cruise has been taking ballet her whole life, and dad Tom used to drop her off at dance lessons. She also briefly studied guitar, but dropped the classes over conflict with the teacher.</p>

She’s Studied Ballet & Guitar

Suri Cruise has been taking ballet her whole life, and dad Tom used to drop her off at dance lessons. She also briefly studied guitar, but dropped the classes over conflict with the teacher.

<p>Avenues is an elite private school in Manhattan where Holmes enrolled her daughter. Tuition costs $56,000 per year.</p>

She Went to Private School Avenues in Manhattan

Avenues is an elite private school in Manhattan where Holmes enrolled her daughter. Tuition costs $56,000 per year.

<p>Suri’s wardrobe in her early years was a thing of legend, with all the wealth of Cruise and Holmes behind her. She was once named “Hollywood’s Hottest Tot” because of how frequently her style was mentioned in the news, and reportedly had a wardrobe worth $3.2 million — $150,000 just in shoes.</p>

Her Shoe Collection As a Kid Was Worth $150,000

Suri’s wardrobe in her early years was a thing of legend, with all the wealth of Cruise and Holmes behind her. She was once named “Hollywood’s Hottest Tot” because of how frequently her style was mentioned in the news, and reportedly had a wardrobe worth $3.2 million — $150,000 just in shoes.

<p>One perk of having moved to the East Coast? Suri has all the access she wants to her favorite broadway shows, and thanks to mom Holmes, can usually get backstage too. So far, she’s seen Finding Neverland, Cats, School of Rock, Kinky Boots, Dear Evan Hansen, and more.</p>

She Loves Broadway Shows

One perk of having moved to the East Coast? Suri has all the access she wants to her favorite broadway shows, and thanks to mom Holmes, can usually get backstage too. So far, she’s seen Finding Neverland, Cats, School of Rock, Kinky Boots, Dear Evan Hansen, and more.

<p>Suri lived with her mom and dad until she was six years old, arriving six months before their Nov. 2006 wedding. When Holmes filed for divorce in 2012, she was awarded primary custody of Suri with visitation rights granted to Cruise, and she’s lived with her mom ever since.</p>

She Lived With Dad Tom Cruise Until She Was 6 Years Old

Suri lived with her mom and dad until she was six years old, arriving six months before their Nov. 2006 wedding. When Holmes filed for divorce in 2012, she was awarded primary custody of Suri with visitation rights granted to Cruise, and she’s lived with her mom ever since.

<p>While we may still picture Suri like this at times, there’s no denying the teen is growing up! On a recent shopping trip in NYC, Suri and mom Holmes were spotted side by side (see Daily Mail photos <a href="">here</a>), and Suri looks just a few inches away from <a href="">her mom’s 5’9″ frame</a>.</p>

She’s Almost As Tall As Mom Now

While we may still picture Suri like this at times, there’s no denying the teen is growing up! On a recent shopping trip in NYC, Suri and mom Holmes were spotted side by side (see Daily Mail photos here ), and Suri looks just a few inches away from her mom’s 5’9″ frame .

<p>In early 2022, Suri adopted an adorable puppy. She’s been seen walking the little pup around, looking as happy as can be.</p>

She’s A Big Animal Lover

In early 2022, Suri adopted an adorable puppy. She’s been seen walking the little pup around, looking as happy as can be.

<p>Per <a href="">DailyMail</a>, Suri has a wardrobe reportedly worth $5 million, further showing her love for fashion.</p>

She Adores Fashion

Per DailyMail , Suri has a wardrobe reportedly worth $5 million, further showing her love for fashion.

<p>For the past few years, Suri has hinted at her affinity for music. In fact, for the film Katie directed called <em>Alone Together, </em>Suri sang “Blue Moon” on the soundtrack, and she’s considering majoring in music in college, per <a href="">DailyMail</a>.</p>

She Has Musical Talents

For the past few years, Suri has hinted at her affinity for music. In fact, for the film Katie directed called  Alone Together,  Suri sang “Blue Moon” on the soundtrack, and she’s considering majoring in music in college, per DailyMail .

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suri cruise edad

Suri Cruise cumple 15 años lejos de su padre y arropada por su madre

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19.04.2021 | 19:04 horas

Suri Cruise es hija de los actores Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes

Suri Cruise, la hija de Katie Holmes y Tom Cruise , cumple sus 15 dulces años con otros tantos sin ver a su padre: el divorcio de sus padres, la relación de Tom Cruise con la cienciología y la distancia de sus hermanos ha marcado una infancia que, sin embargo, ha dado lugar a una joven madura y feliz. Su nacimiento fue todo un acontecimiento y ahora todo el mundo espera saber a qué se dedicará la pequeña Suri y, sobre todo, si dará algún paso, conforme se acerca a la mayoría de edad, para reencontrarse con la otra parte de su familia .

¿Seguirá los pasos de sus padres y se convertirá en intérprete de cine? ¿O querrá seguir viviendo ajena al mundo mediático que la espera? Suri, de momento, no tiene redes sociales que conozcamos, pero su madre no ha dudado ni un momento en felicitarla por Instagram : "Feliz cumpleaños, cariño. No me puedo creer que ya tengas 15 años", escribe al lado de esta tierna fotografías de la pequeña a su lado cuando era una enana.

Suri Cruise y su madre, en una tierna imagen en blanco y negro

Katie Holmes felicita a su hija por sus 15 años  @katieholmes en Instagram

Suri Cruise lleva más de seis años sin ver a su padre

Corría el año 2006 cuando dos de las actrices más famosas del momento estaban a punto de dar a luz: Angelina Jolie y Katie Holmes . Con tan solo un mes de diferencia los hijos de ambos nacieron con todo el foco mediático apuntando directamente hacia ellos.

Suri Cruise se conviritó en una de las hijas de famosos más conocidas del mundo junto a Shiloh , el hijo biológico de Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie. Sin embargo, cada uno ha ido por un camino diferente de la vida a pesar de que ambos se criaron en pleno centro mediático y bajo los focos. Mientras que el primero sí aparece delante de las cámaras, Katie Holmes decidió apartar a su hija de los focos tras su divorcio con Tom Cruise en 2012 .

Suri Cruise y su madre, Katie Holmes, caminan por Nueva York con abrigo

Suri Cruise y su madre mantienen una magnífica e íntima relación

Una huida de la cienciología

Siempre se achacó el divorcio de Cruise y Holmes a la cienciología , el movimiento religioso de origen estadounidense que pretende promover el conocimiento introspectivo mediante ciertas técnicas alternativas y cuyo funcionamiento ha disparado las alarmas en varias ocasiones. Según varias fuentes cercanas a la familia, Tom Cruise no ve a su hija porque, tras el divorcio y la partida de su madre, no se ha educado en la cienciología : "La Cienciología considera a Katie una persona supresiva, un enemigo, y por lo tanto Tom cree, como todos los cienciólogos, que no puede estar conectado con Suri ", dijo Leah Remini, la actriz que más notoriamente ha denunciado las prácticas de esta organización religiosa.

Katie Holmes, que tras su divorcio con Cruise mantuvo una relación de seis años con el actor Jamie Foxx, se llevó a su hija a Nueva York. "Katie lo ha hecho muy bien con la crianza de Suri, ya que le ha proporcionado un entorno estable. Es su prioridad número uno pase lo que pase, y a pesar de la ausencia de su padre, ella ha crecido feliz", dijo otra fuente cercana a la familia.

Suri Cruise y su madre, en una tierna imagen en blanco y negro

Suri Cruise dejó la cienciología por el catolicismo  @katieholmes en Instagram

Desde que Katie Holmes se separó de Cruise, volvió a adoptar la religión católica y decidió criar a su hija Suri bajo los preceptos de esta Iglesia, por lo que la matriculó en el Colegio Católico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Nueva York, donde estudiaron otras celebridades como Lady Gaga o Paris Hilton. Las dos mantienen una estrecha relación y es habitual verlas compartir tiempo juntas paseando por las calles de la ciudad y hasta se dice que la pequeña Suri ha heredado el gusto por la moda de su madre, lo que podría convertirla en una influencer de éxito en un futuro no muy lejano.

Además, Suri Cruise Holmes es una gran amante de los animales y tiene dos perros como mascotas, de los que ella misma se encarga paseándolos y cuidándolos.

Tú a Australia y yo a Nueva York: ¿cómo viven los hijos de Tom Cruise?

Además de Suri, Tom Cruise ya tenía otros dos hijos con su anterior esposa, Nicole Kidman . Ambos adoptaron a una niña y un niño, Isabella y Connor , a raíz de que la actriz ya había sufrido un aborto en 1990, poco después de la boda de la pareja. Y, mientras que Suri lleva más de seis años sin tener contacto con su padre y optó por apegarse a su madre (quien se quedó con la custodia tras su divorcio con el actor de Misión imposible y más de una vez ha afirmado que se lo pusieron muy difícil desde la propia ciencilogía), Isabella y Connor optaron por apoyar a Tom Cruise .

Katie Holmes pasea con su hija Suri y se ríen por las calles de Nueva York

Madre e hija disfrutan compartiendo su tiempo

Tras el divorcio de ambos actores, sus dos hijos adoptivos decidieron tomar partido e irse a vivir con su padre a Los Ángeles (Florida). Isabella y Connor se pasaron a la cienciología junto a su padre y siguen las normas de esta religión. Connor tiene ya 25 años y reside aún en la casa de Tom Cruise, pero Isabella se mudó a Londres tras casarse. Aunque separarse de Cruise y de su ambiente fue una liberación para Kidman, ha dificultado su relación con sus hijos, que no obstante ha conseguido mantener pese a estar fuera de la organización. Habitualmente discreta en relación con este tema, la actriz dijo a la revista australiana Who: "Son adultos. Son capaces de tomar sus propias decisiones. Han decidido ser cienciólogos y, como madre, mi trabajo es quererles".

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Así luce Suri Cruise, hija de Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes, a sus casi 18 años

Suri cruise, hija de tom cruise y katie holmes, cada vez está más grande..

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suri cruise evolución katie holmes tom cruise

Suri Cruise , la hija de las estrellas de Hollywood Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes , ha cautivado al mundo con misterio y estilo innegable. Nacida el 18 de abril de 2006, el viaje de Suri hacia el centro de atención comenzó desde temprana edad. A medida que crecía, se convirtió en objeto de interés no solo por sus famosos padres, sino también por su propia personalidad como una adolescente que guarda un perfil muy privado .

Louis Vuitton

¿Quién tiene la custodia de la hija de Tom Cruise?

Katie Holmes tiene la custodia exclusiva de Suri Cruise. La pareja se divorció en 2012 y llegó a un acuerdo fuera de los tribunales. Como parte del acuerdo, Cruise accedió a pagar a Katie $400,000 al año en concepto de manutención infantil hasta que Suri cumpliera los 18 años (lo cual sucederá en 2024) . También acordó no interferir en la educación ni en la crianza religiosa de Suri.

Tom Cruise no ha visto a Suri en persona desde 2013 . Han habido rumores de que podría estar intentando reconectarse con ella, pero no hay confirmación al respecto. Es posible que esté esperando a que ella cumpla los 18 años para que pueda tomar su propia decisión sobre si desea o no tener una relación con él.

Los berrinches que ha protagonizado Suri Cruise

¿Por qué Tom Cruise no ve a Suri Cruise?

La razón por la cual Tom Cruise no ha visto a Suri en una década se debe a su participación con la Iglesia de la Cienciología . Las reglas de la iglesia prohíben a los miembros relacionarse con personas que no sean cientólogos, y dado que Katie Holmes no es cientóloga, tanto ella como Suri fueron “desconectadas” de Tom. Esto significa que ya no se considera que formen parte de su vida.

Mientras tanto, Suri parece estar llevando una vida feliz y normal junto a su madre. Asiste a una escuela privada en Manhattan y tiene un grupo cercano de amigos. También muestra interés por la moda y se le ha visto en algunos eventos relacionados con este ámbito —aunque no aparece ante la cámara de los paparazzi.

Así luce Suri Cruise a sus 10 años

La evolución de Suri Cruise

Suri solía ser inseparable de su madre, Katie Holmes, pero ha comenzado a explorar y hacer sus propias preferencias. A menudo se le ve en las calles de la ciudad de Nueva York junto a sus amigos, e incluso ha empezado a asistir a eventos de moda por su cuenta.

Esta privacidad se debe al cuidado de familia que ha recibido desde pequeña. De eso habló Katie Holmes con Glamour, cuando Suri tenía 16. “Lo que ha sido realmente importante para mí con mi hija, porque fue tan visible a una edad temprana, es que realmente me gusta protegerla. Estoy muy agradecida de ser mamá, de ser su mamá, ella es increíble” .

suri cruise evolución katie holmes tom cruise

Incluso ha señalado que le gustaría que su hija trabajara más en películas con ella. “Deseo que siempre haga algo en mis películas. Siempre le pregunto, pero esa experiencia viene del sentido por el que amo esta industria, que tienes proyectos y te vuelves familia con la gente [con la que trabajas]. Viene de mí incluir a alguien que amo mucho, así me gusta trabajar”.


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Suri, hija de Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes, cumple 18 años ¿Hablará de su familia?


18 Abr 2024 - 11:05

Suri Cruise Holmes llega a la mayoría de edad, radicada en Nueva York, alejada de su padre y con una vida relativamente "normal".

Suri Cruise Holmes cumple 18 años este 18 de abril de 2024, radicada en Nueva York.

Autor: El País

Por: María Procel La primera vez que el mundo vio la cara de Suri Cruise, por entonces ya el bebé más famoso del planeta , la criatura tenía apenas cinco meses. Pero pese a su corta edad se había colocado en el lugar central de la portada de Vanity Fair y aparecía en todo su temprano esplendor, retratada por nada menos que por la fotógrafa Annie Leibovitz.

La fotografía, así como el reportaje que la acompañaba (con varias imágenes más), certeramente titulado ¿Alguien quería verme?, daba una idea de las cotas de popularidad de la pequeña.

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De aquello han pasado 18 años (menos cinco meses). Los que cumple este 18 de abril la joven, ya adulta, hija de los actores Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Suri Noelle Cruise Holmes 🔵 (@suricruise_sc)

Su popularidad no es hoy tan inmensa, sino que la palabra que más la define es hermetismo . Y eso es justo lo que ahora, con su mayoría de edad (en el Estado de Nueva York es a los 18 años, no a los 21), puede cambiar, porque será libre para hablar de sus mediáticos padres si le place. Más difícil ya es que, efectivamente, cambie.

La vida 'normal' de Suri

La discreción es hoy día el sinónimo de Suri Cruise. En realidad, la normalidad. No es que se esconda por Nueva York, donde vive con su madre desde hace más de una década.

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Es que hace una vida plena. Es normal verla de compras, paseando, con compañeros de estudios, en una cafetería… cualquier cosa que una chica de su edad pudiera hacer. Una vida muy distinta de la de sus primeros años, cuando cada uno de sus movimientos, gestos, looks y caprichos infantiles eran analizados.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Katie Holmes (@katieholmes)

Sin levantar un palmo del suelo era habitual de las publicaciones de moda y tendencias. Las cámaras la seguían allá donde fueran. Como comentó su madre en una entrevista (algo poco usual en ella) hace cuatro años con la revista InStyle, llevaba a la niña al parque a las seis de la mañana para no ser perseguidas.

De pequeña no tuvo una vida normal. Pero probablemente nunca lo sea del todo, al tener Suri el apellido Cruise, y ser Tom una de las más grandes estrellas del firmamento cinematográfico global.

Pensión de USD 400 mil al año

Eso sí, la relación padre e hija es escasa. Según medios estadounidenses como Page Six, no se ven desde el año 2012, aunque él estaría obligado a pasarle una pensión de 400.000 dólares anuales que, precisamente, acabará ahora con la mayoría de edad —el actor deberá seguir haciéndose cargo de los gastos médicos y educativos de Suri—.

El verano de 2012 fue en el que se conoció la separación de la hasta entonces mediática pareja formada por Holmes y Cruise.

La Cienciología

Su relación, expuesta de manera constante en los medios (¿quién olvida los saltos de un emocionado Tom Cruise en un sofá durante una entrevista con Oprah Winfrey en 2005?), culminó en una enorme boda en un castillo italiano en noviembre de 2006 ante 250 invitados, la pequeña Suri entre ellos.

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Pero la Cienciología , a la que el actor pertenece y es fiel, siempre fue una más en el matrimonio, hasta acabar con él . La intérprete nunca entró en el culto, y sobre todo no quiso que su hija participara de él, y la separación fue total.

Las dos pusieron tierra de por medio ese mismo verano para marcharse a Nueva York y dejar a Cruise en Los Ángeles (donde vive, a caballo con el Reino Unido).

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Tom Cruise (@tomcruise)

Él sigue muy vinculado a la secta , y según han contado antiguos miembros de la misma que les han conocido y han pasado por situaciones similares, ya es como si Katie y Suri no existieran para ellos.

Cuando un miembro abandona la iglesia, a menudo su familia le da de lado, e incluso puede también ser expulsada de la misma, algo que no ha ocurrido con el actor. Solo ellos tres (y sus abogados) conocen los hechos concretos , pero es difícil que cualquiera de ellos hable al respecto, pese a que Suri podría hacerlo desde hoy mismo.

Antes de su relación con Katie Holmes, Cruise tuvo otros dos hijos, Bella y Connor . Los adoptó junto a Nicole Kidman mientras estuvieron casados. Ahora tienen 31 y 29 años y siguen manteniendo una buena relación con el actor, aunque no ya con Kidman.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman)

"Son adultos. Son capaces de tomar sus propias decisiones. Han tomado la decisión de ser cienciólogos y como madre, mi trabajo es amarlos", afirmaba la actriz en 2018.

Bella se casó hace años sin la presencia de su madre y ha llegado a ser predicadora de su culto. De hecho, para Katie Holmes observar el desarrollo en la Cienciología de los dos jóvenes, por entonces apenas unos niños, fue lo que en parte la movió a alejar a Suri de ese camino.

Madre e hija, en paz

Suri y Katie viven en Manhattan tranquilas y en mutua compañía. Holmes mantuvo en secreto una relación con el actor Jamie Foxx que no se conoció casi hasta su final. Empezaron a verse en 2013, pero fue en 2017 —cuando pasaron cinco años desde su divorcio con Cruise; según algunos medios estadounidenses ella tenía una cláusula que le prohibía hacer público cualquier romance— cuando se supo de su unión.

Posaron juntos en mayo de 2019, pero en agosto de ese año terminó su noviazgo. Más tarde se la ha relacionado con cocineros, actores… de manera casual.

A Suri los paparazzis por el momento todavía no la persiguen buscándole novio ni novia. Quizá, por una vez, la normalidad ha salido ganando.

Artículo publicado el 18 de abril de 2024 en El País, de PRISA MEDIA. Lea el contenido completo aquí . PRIMICIAS reproduce este contenido con autorización de PRISA MEDIA.

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suri cruise edad

Así luce en la actualidad Suri, la hija de Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes: es idéntica a la actriz y sigue los pasos de sus famosos padres

Suri, la hija de Tom Cruise, en abril próximo cumplirá la mayoría de edad, mientras tanto da sus primeros pasos en la actuación teatral

suri cruise edad

6 de enero, 2024 - 22h00

Actualizado el   6 de enero, 2024

Hijo de gato caza ratón, dice un refrán que hoy se aprecia claramente cuando vemos a los hijos de los famosos seguir sus pasos. Este es el caso de Suri Cruise, la hija de Tom Cruise y Katie Holmes .

La joven de 17 años es la única hija biológica del protagonista de la saga “Misión Imposible” y también la única descendiente de Holmes. Cruise tiene otros dos hijos que adoptó durante su matrimonio con Nicole Kidman, Isabella Jane y Anthony Connor.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by 𝑺𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒆 (@suricruise2006)

El 18 de abril Suri cumplirá la mayoría de edad, por lo que muchos se preguntan qué pasó con ella, ya que tras la separación de sus padres se mantuvo alejada de la vida pública y solo se sabía de su crecimiento gracias a algún paparazzi.

Su madre, Katie Holmes, la mantuvo lejos de las redes sociales y del foco mediático y su padre no tiene contacto con ella desde hace algunos años, como han reseñado algunos medios.

Sin embargo, la suerte de la hija de Tom Cruise está cambiando para bien y en diciembre pasado se supo que heredó el talento de sus famosos padres al protagonizar una obra musical.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes (@suricruisekatieholmes)

Y es que en una audición en el colegio en el que estudia, Suri Cruise logró el papel principal para interpretar a Morticia Addams en “La familia Addams: Un nuevo musical”, como reseña La Vanguardia con datos extraídos de Page Six .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Page Six (@pagesix)

Así luce Suri Cruise, la hija de Tom Cruise

Aunque se mantiene alejada de la prensa, ya es común que algún fotógrafo capte alguna imagen suya por las calles de Nueva York , donde reside con su madre. Fue así como se dejó ver el 18 de diciembre durante una salida en la Gran Manzana por el cumpleaños número 45 de la actriz.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Happy News (@happyisnews)

La imagen que compartió Page Six muestra cuánto ha crecido la adolescente y los rasgos físicos que la identifican con su madre.

Mientras tanto no hay rastros de algún vínculo con Tom Cruise de quien se dice no tiene contacto con ella desde que se concretó el divorcio de Katie Holmes en el 2012, reseña La Tercera .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by tom89cocktail (@tom89cocktail)

El distanciamiento de la pareja y por consiguiente de padre e hija estaría relacionado con la religión que profesa Tom Cruise, la Cienciología.

Además de los dotes teatrales de Suri Cruise, se sabe que la joven quiere estudiar diseño de modas una vez que termine la secundaria este 2024. (E)

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Suri Cruise, 17, looks more grown up than ever as Tom’s daughter steps out in NYC in denim skirt and face full of makeup

  • Published : 15:19 ET, Jun 24 2023
  • Updated : 15:19 ET, Jun 24 2023

TOM Cruise's daughter Suri Cruise has been spotted on the streets of Manhattan looking like a full-blown adult.

The 17-year-old was seen in New York's Soho while walking with some friends.

17-year-old Suri Crews was spotted on the streets of New York City

Suri is the daughter of actors Tom Cruise , 60, and Katie Holmes , 44.

She was wearing a black tank top and a knee-length denim skirt which gave early 2000s vibes.

She paired it with several silver bracelets and a black string choker necklace that had a large silver flower on it.

On her feet were black sneakers and tall white socks that were scrunched down at her ankles.


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Suri was also sporting a face full of makeup - lipstick and blush included.


In August 2021, Katie and her lookalike daughter turned heads as they stepped out in New York City .

It was hard to miss that her daughter had a striking similarity to her actress mom in the early days of her career.

With her tall frame and long dark locks, the teen looked just like Katie when she starred in Dawson's Creek over 20 years ago.

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Katie starred as Joey Potter in Dawson's Creek from 1998 to 2003, joining the show as a fresh-faced 18-year-old.

On their Friday outing, Katie kept it casual in a cream T-shirt tucked into white pants. Suri wore red shorts and cropped tank top.

Enjoying her evening stroll with her only child, Katie affectionately played with her daughter's brunette tresses while they waited for a crosswalk to turn green.


Suri has reportedly not seen  Top Gun  star Tom in more than a decade after her mom divorced him when she was five.

Katie gained sole custody of Suri in 2012, along with a generous settlement that has Tom paying a reported £325,000 a year for his daughter’s care.

After the split, Katie took Suri to New York which was 2,400 miles away from LA -based Tom.

The actor has been accused of putting his religion before his daughter, with ex-Scientologists claiming he has been ordered to shun Katie and Suri as non-believers.

High-profile former church member Samantha Domingo, daughter-in-law of opera singer Placido, spoke about the religion in 2019.

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She said, “You can’t be anti- Scientology if you’re part of Tom’s family, you will be disconnected — look at his daughter Suri.”

She added that the church, which believes mankind is descended from an alien race of gods, viewed Suri “as a spiritual being in Tom’s daughter’s body”.

Suri has a reportedly unstable relationship with her father Tom Crusie

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Suri Cruise chats with friends in NYC days before her 18th birthday

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Suri Cruise in Soho.

Suri Cruise was all smiles while out and about in New York City with friends ahead of her 18th birthday.

Crusie looked the spitting image of mom Katie Holmes while spending Sunday alongside a gaggle of her girlfriends in Soho.

The teenager, whose birthday is April 18, dressed casually cool in a red sweater with white vertical stripes, a white silk skirt and brown sandals.

Suri Cruise and a friend in Soho

She kept her dark brown hair down in loose waves, pinning her front pieces back with two hair clips.

The group seemingly stopped at a couple of shops and cafes as they embraced one of NYC’s first sunny spring days.

While it’s unclear how the teen will be spending her big birthday, it likely won’t be with her famous father, Tom Cruise.

Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes

Page Six revealed last year that Suri has been estranged  from the “Mission Impossible” star for years.

While a source told us at the time that Tom has played “no part” in his daughter’s life, another Hollywood insider told us this week that the father-daughter duo haven’t seen each other since 2012.

“Katie has safeguarded Suri and she’s a devoted mom,” the source said. “This is a girl who is a private citizen. She hasn’t lived her life in public.”

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Katie Holmes

Suri has lived a low-key lifestyle with her mother in New York ever since the “Dawson’s Creek” alum filed for divorce from Tom in 2012 — allegedly due to his involvement with Scientology.

Despite being raised in the public eye — even appearing on Vanity Fair as an infant — Holmes has since shielded her daughter from the spotlight.

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“I’m very grateful to be a parent, to be her parent. She’s an incredible person. She’s my heart,” Holmes told  Glamour  magazine in 2023.

The mother of one explained that feels the need to “protect” Suri from the limelight “because she was so visible at a young age.”

Suri Cruise with her mom Katie Holmes and dad Tom Cruise.

Although the teen has distanced herself from her dad, she is seemingly getting into the family business.

Page Six revealed in December 2023 that Suri inherited her parents’ acting chops, starring as the lead in her high school play.

“She was amazing,” one impressed audience member said of her portrayal of Morticia Addams in “The Addams Family: A New Musical.” 

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Suri Cruise and a friend in Soho


The Untold Truth Of Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise holding purse

It's risky business being a celebrity baby, especially when your parents are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Perhaps it was the unexpectedness of Maverick from "Top Gun" and Joey from "Dawson's Creek" getting hitched and having a child together that made Suri Cruise an object of fascination while she was still in the womb — and the obsession just kept intensifying after she made her public debut on a  Vanity Fair  cover in 2006.

The obsession also took some odd turns. Have you ever stopped to wonder what became of the bronze sculpture inspired by Suri's "first poop?" Or whether the snarky blog inspired by TomKat's TomKitten, Suri's Burn Book , still exists? Well, the poo statue was purchased by the online casino Golden Palace for $10,000 and put on display in its museum of oddities, and the blog was last updated in 2020 with a photo of Suri wearing a "Vote" T-shirt.

You might also recall that Tom used to talk about his daughter often during her early years, like when he told Esquire that he entertained her with scripts rather than storybooks. "I'll start with the beginning of the movie and take her through the story beat by beat. Of course, I make it age-appropriate. She's four years old. But she asks all the right questions," he said. There are so many other compelling Suri stories to tell, so do you want her untold truth? Well, read on if you think you can handle her untold truth.

Suri Cruise shares her birthday with another celebrity baby

When Katie Holmes gave birth to Suri Cruise at St. John's Hospital on April 18, 2006, another expectant star was there awaiting the arrival of her little one: Brooke Shields. The model initially thought the helicopters hovering around outside were there for her. "I was like, 'This is an outrage! Who alerted the media? Can I just have a baby?'" Shields recalled on " The Jenny McCarthy Show ." A nurse set her straight by saying, "Honey, it's not for you." If only Suri's Burn Book had existed back then.

Shields' lookalike daughter, Grier Henchy , was born on the same day as Suri. Because Tom Cruise and Shields were able to make nice after their depression meds disagreement, Suri reportedly scored an invite to Grier's first birthday party the following year. According to  People , the two tots became such close confidants that they started hanging out regularly and wearing matching clothes. "Suri and Grier love spending time together. They even nap in the same crib," an insider dished.

By 2008, Suri had made friends with a few other celebrity offspring. People reported that she and her parents spent Thanksgiving that year with David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, and their four children. David and Victoria's son Cruz is just one year older than Suri, and it didn't take long for the National Enquirer to conjure up a story about Suri crushing on Cruz. "She lights up whenever he's around," a source told the tabloid.

The fashionista was her family's style supervisor

Perhaps you noticed that Suri Cruise was usually wearing skirts and dresses back when she was papped on the reg. According to her dad, there was a reason for this. "I'd put a pair of pants on her and the next minute I'd turn around and the pants are off and a dress is on," Tom Cruise told Grazia (via X17 ) in 2008. Apparently, Suri also found her mom's taste in trousers questionable. In a 2011 interview with Elle (via Huffpost ), Kate Holmes revealed, "Today I'm wearing brown suede pants, and [Suri] said, 'I don't like your pants.'" She was lucky that Suri let her be seen out in public in them. "She won't let me leave unless I'm wearing what she wants me to wear," Holmes said on "Live with Regis and Kelly" in 2010 (via OK! ). Tom Cruise told Oprah that Suri often picked out his outfits, too.

The red dress Holmes wore to the 2008 Met Gala seemingly met Suri's approval, but her choice of footwear did not. When allowed to work her magic, Holmes' mini-stylist settled on a pair of blue heels with pointy toes. "Suri made me put them on and so I was like, 'Okay, I trust you," Holmes recalled in a 2010 New York Magazine interview. The Met Gala theme that year was "Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy," so perhaps the then-two-year-old realized that the red-and-blue combo would give her mom's look a Wonder Woman vibe.

She attended a school founded by a celeb couple

In 2011, Suri Cruise started kindergarten at the New Village Leadership Academy (NVLA) in Calabasas, a private school with some famous founders: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith . Students were reportedly allowed the luxury of learning at their own pace, which was a big benefit for a busy jet-setter like Suri; it meant that she could play hooky to attend New York Fashion Week with Katie Holmes without having to worry about getting behind in her studies.

There were whispers that the NVLA had ties to the Church of Scientology. In an interview with the Daily Beast , ex-Scientologist Leah Remini called it "a Scientology school," and former teachers claimed that students were taught using Scientology materials and methods. However, a rep for the NVLA told X17 that the academy was unaffiliated with Tom Cruise's religion. Jada didn't deny that the school's curriculum was heavily influenced by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's Study Technology teaching technique, but in a 2009 email to ABC News , she insisted, "Study Technology is a secular methodology."

There was speculation that Suri's schooling factored into TomKat's split. "[Suri] is coming to an age where she gets educated enough to get locked into the faith," a former Scientology official explained to the Independent in 2012 after Holmes filed for divorce . That same year, Holmes enrolled Suri in Avenues, a pricey Manhattan private school. A year after it lost its star pupil, the NVLA shut down.

Suri Cruise was bottle and binky-shamed

In 2008, some tabloids had readers questioning whether it was wrong for 2-year-old Suri Cruise to still be drinking out of a baby bottle. "Aren't you a bit old for that bottle, Suri Cruise?" read the title of a Daily Mail article that the toddler definitely read. ABC News , meanwhile, reminded its readers that the recommended age for eliminating bottle-feeding is 12 months and consulted with a medical professional who said that prolonged bottle use can cause dental problems. Suri was still hitting the bottle in 2009 — but this time, the 3-year-old thumbed her nose at the Suri-shamers by guzzling down some Pellegrino . The posh tot was even gripping her glass bottle with one hand.

Critics found another reason to pounce on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for their parenting decisions in 2011 when Suri was photographed with a pacifier in her mouth. She was five years old at the time, and pediatrician Dr. Ari Brown told Fox News that it was a bad idea for kids her age to still be using a binky because they might develop a bad habit. "They don't explore with hands, but instead put everything in their mouth and are therefore picking up a lot more germs," Brown said. Perhaps this explains why Suri was spotted gnawing on one of her flip-flops.

Sorry to Suri's haters, but she actually became a trendsetter; two other celeb kids, Harper Beckham and Moroccan Cannon , also used pacifiers past age 4.

Katie Holmes had to defend Suri Cruise's fashion choices

Suri Cruise taught us some valuable style lessons when her age was still in the single digits, such as how an Elmo doll is the ideal accessory for a red $285 Dolce and Gabbana coat. But one person who wasn't impressed with Suri's style was "Project Runway" host Tim Gunn. "She's her mother and father's dress up doll and I feel in many ways she's a fashion victim," he told Access (via Today ) in 2010. He also said of Suri's famous toddler-sized high heels, "It's really inappropriate."

At age three, Suri misstepped on a wet Boston sidewalk and lost a silver heel. "Are you sure you're ready for heels, Suri?" the Daily Mail asked. After seeing photographs of Suri's Cinderella moment, podiatrist Dr. Oliver Zong told Fox News that her choice of footwear put her at risk of being injured. "A pair of heels that is too tight could damage the growing bones of her feet," he added. However, Katie Holmes told Access that Suri's shoes were designed to be safer to move in than your average heel. "They are actually ballroom dancing shoes for kids," she said.

Holmes also had to explain photos of Suri looking cold without a coat in freezing weather. She told InStyle that her daughter had simply refused to wear any of her many designer jackets. "I said, 'Suri, I'll take the hit. Just put it on when you get cold,'" she recalled (via E! ).

Why she was photographed with age-inappropriate sweets

In 2011, Suri Cruise was photographed holding a box of candies that you might see used as a garnish for a naughty cocktail at a bachelorette party. The label on the box clearly said "Penis Gummies," an accurate description of the sweets' anatomical shapes. Katie Holmes was carrying Suri when the little girl grabbed the box from a shelf where other similar novelty items were displayed.

Holmes and her daughter were at the popular New York restaurant Serendipity 3, which is known for its decadent desserts; perhaps you've heard of its $1000 Golden Opulence Sundae, which is coated with gold leaf instead of a chocolate shell. During an appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," Holmes said she was unaware that the eatery sold X-rated sweets as well. "We're waiting for a table, and she grabs some gummies that are 'boy part' gummies, and I was horrified!" she recalled (via Radar ). 

Holmes claimed that Serendipity 3 is a kid-oriented establishment, but Joe Calderone, a rep for the restaurant, told Radar that this is untrue. He also expressed concern that the gummies incident would make Holmes reticent to bring Suri there again. "Suri is the cutest and so well behaved and she's a princess," he said. However, she's also been photographed screaming over ice cream and sporting smeared chocolate on her face, so Holmes probably should have made sure to always keep a watchful eye over young Suri whenever there were sweets in the vicinity.

She was a big Disney princess fan

When Suri Cruise was born, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' spokesperson released a statement saying that one meaning for her unique name is "princess," and she certainly lived up to her monicker. Suri made her first visit to Disneyland in 2009, and Holmes said that getting to meet Disney royalty was a highlight of the experience for the child. "She loves the princesses," she told Us Weekly . "Actually, she loves being a princess."

Suri got the princess treatment for her third birthday that year when her parents presented her with a "Beauty and the Beast" cake, and she rocked a Princess Belle hoodie over a Princess Jasmine costume during a 2013 trip to Disney World in Florida. The year prior, her dad had arranged for her to have the ultimate Disney princess fan experience: staying in the theme park's Cinderella's Castle Suite. According to People , the suite can't be reserved by anyone, so Tom likely had to receive a special invitation from Disney.

According to Tom's "Knight and Day" castmate Cameron Diaz, young Suri didn't just admire the House of Mouse's royal family. "Suri does know I'm Princess Fiona. I'm not going to speak for her, but yes, I think she does [love Shrek]," Diaz told People (via the Belfast Telegraph ) in 2010. But by 2016, Suri was embracing democracy over monarchy; on " Today Show Radio ," Holmes said that it pained her little princess that Hillary Clinton had lost the presidential election.

She lost her dog after pouting over a puppy

In July 2012, a seriously sad moment for Suri Cruise was immortalized by the intrusive lens of the pack of paparazzi that trail her everywhere. The Daily Mail published photos of Suri pouting as she was seemingly told that she couldn't take home an adorable puppy from Citipup in NYC. She reportedly left the pet store in tears, and just think of the life of luxury that poor pup missed out on when Katie Holmes taught her daughter that she can't have everything that she wants.

It turns out that Holmes couldn't hold out forever. However, she decided to adopt, not shop, when she allowed Suri to welcome a new fur baby into their home in 2014. Unfortunately, Suri's rescue Chihuahua, Honey, went missing mere weeks after her adoption. According to TMZ , Honey escaped through a gate while Suri was swimming with her at the Beverly Hills home of a friend. Desperate to be reunited with her beloved dog, Suri put posters up in the neighborhood promising a reward of $1,000 for her safe return.

Don't worry — this lost pet story has a happy ending. The employees of a local dog rescue found the lucky pooch just a few days after she went missing, per TMZ , and as of 2020, Suri was still being a responsible dog owner by taking Honey and another cute canine out for walks.

She discovered a passion for performing

By age three, Suri Cruise had already started taking tap dancing and ballet lessons. "I think she's going to do a lot of different things. She's an amazing athlete, singer, and dancer, and I think she'll probably be an actress," her mom predicted to InStyle in 2011 (via Today ). She reportedly made at least one attempt at learning how to play an instrument as well. A source told Page Six that Suri spoke to Broadway actor Alex Brightman after watching him perform in "School of Rock: The Musical" in 2016, and she told him that she tried taking guitar lessons at some point. However, she ended up firing her instructor. "She said she was 'a very nice person,' but that it didn't work out," the insider revealed.

In 2014, Katie Holmes spoke to People about the nurturing home environment she had created for Suri. "I also try to be very creative with her, because I know she's an artist," she said. There was some evidence that the loving mom's emphasis on the arts was paying off in December 2023 when Suri landed a major role in a school play. According to Page Six , she was cast in "The Addams Family: A New Musical" as Morticia Addams, a role previously immortalized by Carolyn Jones, Anjelica Huston, Daryl Hannah, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. "She was amazing," said one play attendee. Perhaps Holmes's prediction about her daughter's future profession is spot-on.

Was Suri Cruise spoiled as a young child?

Perhaps because her parents have admitted to indulging at least some of her whims, there have been many rumors about just how lavish Suri Cruise's life really is. "Whatever she wants to wear, she wears it. I'm not going to tell her different," Tom Cruise said on "Oprah." And in 2008, a source told E! News that Suri didn't just do as she pleased when it came to picking out her trendy apparel. "[Tom] does whatever Suri wants. He defers to her on everything," the insider claimed. According to a 2010 report by Star Magazine (via Hollywood Life ), Suri's nannies also had to let her have her way, from allowing her to practice her makeup application skills on their faces to serving her sweets in the middle of the night.

While tabloid tales aren't always true, there is photographic evidence that Suri's parents didn't treat her like a typical toddler; instead of toting around an inexpensive purse from the toy section of a big-box retailer, she was bringing a Salvatore Ferragamo handbag worth $750 with her on a helicopter trip. But according to Holmes, her daughter doesn't spend all day shopping and ordering nannies around. "If she doesn't get her chores done, I notice she's not really herself," she told Marie Claire in 2010. "She has to make her bed, she has to take her dishes to the sink, she has to put her clothes in the laundry."

The last time she was seen with her dad

One month after Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's five-year marriage ended in 2012, Tom took Suri Cruise to Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park in Florida. He was photographed being an attentive dad during the outing — there were smiles aplenty as he and Suri splashed around in a pool, and he made their time together even more fun by tossing her up in the air. In 2016,  Us Weekly  reported that the father and daughter hadn't been spotted together again since then.

When Tom took Bauer Media Group to court over an In Touch report claiming that he had "abandoned" Suri, he was forced to admit that his involvement with the Church of Scientology was a contributing factor in Holmes' decision to divorce him. According to The Hollywood Reporter , he confirmed in a 2013 deposition that Holmes felt like she needed to shield Suri from the religion. 

While Holmes has remained tight-lipped about Tom's relationship with Suri — or lack thereof — she did make the unusual move of having her rep deny a 2014 report claiming that Suri had visited her dad on Christmas Day. "[Holmes] and Suri spent Christmas afternoon visiting children at a local hospital in L.A.," the rep told E! News . Almost a decade later, a source told Page Six that Suri and her father were still estranged and had been for a long while.

Her mom took advantage of her singing talent

When Suri Cruise was just two years old, Tom Cruise told Extra that she was fond of singing. In an alternate universe, maybe the father and daughter would have performed together in a "Rock of Ages" sequel — in an interview with the Mirror, Cruise did say that one reason he wanted to play a rocker is because Suri and her mom both love musicals (via NDTV ). But it was Katie Holmes who would eventually convince Suri to showcase her vocal talent in one of her projects.

Suri sings the wistful classic "Blue Moon" in "Alone Together," a 2022 film written and directed by her mom. However, she doesn't appear in the movie; her vocals are featured in its opening credits. In an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment , Holmes praised her daughter's performance by giving her the type of effusive compliment that will make teens roll their eyes. "I always want the highest level of talent, so I asked her!" the proud mom gushed.

The end credits of Holmes' 2023 movie "Rare Objects" also feature Suri's singing, and if her mom gets her way, we'll be hearing a lot more of it in the future. "I hope she always does something on my films," Holmes told Glamour . "I always ask her. ... It was very meaningful to me to have her there, because she's my heart."

Suri Cruise is a Swiftie

There was once a rumor that Taylor Swift was going to star alongside Tom Cruise in "Rock of Ages," but it was Katie Holmes that she ended up working with. After starring alongside Swift in the 2014 movie "The Giver," Holmes had nothing but praise for the pop powerhouse. "She is awesome ... I love that girl," she told Extra . "I just think she is so smart. She's so young, really brilliant and works very, very hard." In other words, she's exactly the type of role model a mom would want her tween to have.

We're betting that Holmes scored some major brownie points with Suri when she allowed her to help introduce Swift to the crowd at Z100 New York's 2017 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball, per ET . For the occasion, Suri wore a blue star-print dress that looked like something Swift herself might pick out. While holding hands with her daughter, Holmes said, "She's one of our favorite performers and who is it tonight?" Suri then enthused, "Taylor Swift!"

Suri might be angling for a Girl Squad spot these days, but there was a time when the apparent pop music fan was all about that girl power. Thanks to her mom's friendship with Victoria Beckham, she got to meet the Spice Girls in 2007. The girl group even performed for Suri, Holmes, and Tom Cruise. "Suri danced along to the music," read a post on the band's website .

Suri Cruise has seen Dawson's Creek

Katie Holmes didn't wait for Suri Cruise's high school years to be over to show her "Dawson's Creek." Holmes was 18 when she began playing Joey Potter in the hit teen soap, and Suri was approaching that age when she was forced to confront the burning question: Team Dawson or Team Pacey? Holmes told Variety that Suri started watching the series sometime after the pandemic hit, so she was either 13 or 14. "I think it's probably weird since she's a teenager," Holmes said. "I'm not like, 'You need to watch mommy's work.'" (Remember, Holmes used to date her co-star Joshua Jackson, so that had to add an extra layer of weirdness to Suri's viewing experience.) Some teens might react to watching their mom pretend to fall in love and lust by becoming unbearably embarrassed, but Holmes recalled, "We had a good laugh about it."

Before Suri decided to check out a TV time capsule of the late '90s and early aughts, she became a big fan of a far different entertainment genre: movie musicals. One of her favorites starred a famous Scientologist who was not her father. "My daughter has seen ["Hairspray"] 15 times," Tom Cruise told the Los Angeles Times in 2011. Suri also loved watching the 1999 made-for-TV "Annie" movie. Recalling a conversation he had with Holmes, one of the film's stars, Victor Garber, said to People (via Huffpost ), "She's seen it sixty times because of her daughter."

She enjoys doing many activities with her mom

Katie Holmes' relationship with Suri Cruise is the stuff that dramedies about an unbreakable mother-daughter bond are made of. "I love her so much," Holmes told InStyle (via People ). "My biggest goal has always been to nurture her into her individuality. To make sure she is 100 percent herself and strong, confident, and able."

Holmes and Suri are pretty inseparable. They've attended many Broadway shows together, including "Cats" and "Finding Neverland," and sometimes Holmes takes her daughter backstage to meet the casts of the plays. Don't think for a second that Suri is growing out of wanting to spend time with her mom, either; she was photographed helping Holmes celebrate her 45th birthday in 2023.

When Holmes opens up about what she and Suri enjoy doing together, she often describes activities they do at home. In a 2013 Us Weekly interview, she shared that she and Suri like to make their own bouquets for Valentine's Day, and she told Amazing Magazine (via the Daily Mail ) that they cooked and worked on quilts during lockdown. She and Suri even exercise together sometimes. "But I don't force her to work out with me because I know that's lame," Holmes said in a 2022 interview with Shape . In addition to being Suri's bestie, Holmes tries to be a good mom by leading by example. She told People , "Between tickle fights and glitter art, I try to throw in some manners along the way."

New Photo Of Suri Cruise Makes Clear She's Beating Dad Tom's Height

Suri Cruise

Since she entered this world in April 2006, the media has been fascinated by Suri Cruise, the daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Katie and Tom tied the knot in 2006 and ended their marriage in 2012. However, since the divorce,  Suri reportedly does not have a relationship with her father . Per  Page Six , this is due to Tom's connection with the Church of Scientology. Suri and Holmes, on the other hand, are two peas in a pod. Although Holmes prefers to keep her daughter out of the media, this hasn't stopped her from gushing about her in various interviews.

Speaking to  InStyle  in 2020, Holmes opened up about what it's like raising Suri and said, "I love her so much. My biggest goal has always been to nurture her into her individuality. To make sure she is 100 percent herself and strong, confident, and able. And to know it. She came out very strong — she's always been a strong personality."

Suri turned 17 in April 2023 and  has transformed  from a toddler in heels into a beautiful young woman. That said, Suri shares many similar physical traits with Holmes, and she seems to have inherited her mother's height.

Suri Cruise is all grown up

In the exclusive photo above, Suri Cruise looks casual in a pair of gray sweatpants, sneakers, and a zip-up sweater. With her long legs, Suri is clearly on the taller side. In April 2023,  Suri and her mother, Katie Holmes, were pictured side by side at the Los Angeles International Airport . Suri's exact height is unknown, but it appears that she and Holmes are around the same height, and in some of the photos, she looms slightly over Holmes. Holmes is said to be 5 feet, 9 inches tall, meaning that both she and Suri are taller than Tom Cruise, who is reportedly 5 foot 7.

With Tom having little involvement in her upbringing, Suri lives a lowkey life in New York City with Holmes and will be heading to college soon. A source told the  Daily Mail  that Suri wants to study fashion and said, "Suri is applying to schools all over the place. [Katie] really does want her to stay in New York so they can be close to each other. Katie takes great pride in her but is also extremely overprotective."

Like her parents, the teenager has dabbled in the entertainment industry. Suri's singing voice can be heard in the two films Holmes directed, "Alone Together" and "Rare Objects." Holmes discussed this with  Glamour  and said, "I hope she always does something on my films." She also noted, "It was very meaningful to me to have her there because she's my heart."

Suri Cruise’s style evolution: from cute little girl to beautiful teen

Tom cruise and katie holmes’ daughter is one of the most famous and stylish teens in the world..

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While Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are protective of their private lives — even more following their infamous divorce in 2002 — their only daughter, Suri Cruise, is one of the most photographed adolescents in the world. Being the daughter of two major Hollywood stars, Suri is a magnet for paparazzi attention. Over the years, we’ve seen Suri grow up, from a young girl into a beautiful teenager, someone who’s developed a cool, relaxed and personal style.

Here we have Suri Cruise’s evolution of her personal style. From her adorable dresses that she wore when she was a child, to the must-have items she now has in her closet:

Katie Holmes was overjoyed by her parents visiting her and Suri this weekend

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise coordinated in their trendy summer outfits

Suri Cruise

Suri Cruise was born on April 18th, 2006, from parents Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.

As a baby, Suri used to wear elegant little dresses that matched with cozy coats. As for her hair, she wore her short hair with some bangs.

Her closet was filled with dresses, coats, tights, and shoes. Her style was very classic for a girl her age.

Kati Holmes and Suri Cruise

The fashion world kept an eye on Suri from a young age, known for her iconic dress. She was known for her love of prints, like polka dots, and matching them with ballet flats. The results were consistently adorable.

When there were cold days in New York, Suri used to wear tights with fancy and elegant dresses.

When Suri was three years old, she became the center of attention, because she started wearing heels. While the heel was tiny, everyone loved the little girl’s new style, and admired the fact that she could walk on heels from such a short age.

Like any other little girl, Suri also wore princess dresses, costumes, bunny slippers and fun prints.

Suri then started dressing a bit like her mother. Like a true New Yorker, Suri added sweaters, raincoats and trench coats in order to cope with the weather of the Big Apple.

As she aged up, Suri naturally started leaving behind her little girl era, creating the space for her own identity and creativity, choosing her own jewelry and accessories, like this cute handbag.

As Suri started attending school she started wearing bright tights, colorful boots and jackets. During this stage of her life, Suri was very into hair accessories, like headbands and bows.

She was still into formal attire, wearing beautiful pastel-colored coats. In terms of her hairstyle, Suri said goodbye to her long brown hair in 2016, cutting it shoulder length.

Quickly, Suri grew into a pre-teen. She started dressing and looking more and more like her mother.

As a teen, Suri’s looks skewed for comfortable looking pieces with a modern touch. It appears that what matters most to her is practicality. Being a New Yorker, Suri knows that sneakers, flats and the like are the right choice.

Following the latest fashion trends, Suri has reinvented her style. She now wears high waisted pants with short and flowy tops, pairing them with small handbags. The 15 year old likes to wear her hair long now.

Suri also appears to enjoy oversized clothing items, like jackets, which are very trendy in 2021 fashion trends, and suit her slender frame perfectly.

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suri cruise edad

Tom Cruise no forma parte de la vida de su hija Suri Cruise durante estos 10 últimos años

Tras uno de los divorcios más escandalosos y misteriosos de los 2000 con Katie Holmes, la actriz apoya a su hija de 16 años en la búsqueda de la carrera perfecta, mientras que su padre no aparece en el mapa, siendo la cienciología la causante del distanciamiento.

katie holmes y su hija suri cruise en ny

Aunque un matrimonio, una relación termina, si existen menores en la relación, lo más lógico es que se intente mantener el contacto con los hijos, aunque sea mínimo. El amor de pareja se puede terminar, pero entre padres e hijos no debería ser así, o por lo menos no es lo deseado.

katie holmes y tom cruise 2012 vanity fair oscar party

Suri, la hija de ambos, de 16 años se encuentra a punto de cumplir un año más y ya está en la búsqueda de la universidad perfecta para estudiar moda, según una fuente cercana a Katie ha informado al medio británico The Daily Mail. La pasión por el diseño irrumpe en el hogar de la actriz en Nueva York y se suma junto a su hija, a la gran búsqueda, con la gran ausencia del padre quien "no forma parte de su vida".

El por qué de la separación y distanciamiento con su hija, sigue siendo un misterio, aunque todo apunta a que el responsable es Cruise y su creencia ciega en la cienciología. Esta misma religión fue la causa de su divorcio con Nicole Kidman en 2001 tras once años de relación y dos hijos, Isabella (30) y Connor (28), con los que sí parece tener relación.

katie holmes, suri y tom cruise 2011

10 años son los que lleva Suri sin ver a su padre , 10 años en los que según la autora Samantha Domingo en el Us Weekly, "Tom no está autorizado a tener una relación con Suri por ella no sigue la Cienciología" "la creencia de la iglesia en la reencarnación hace que no vean a Suri como la hija de Tom".

En una ocasión, el actor de Misión Imposible negó durante un juicio en el que demandaba a In Touch Magazine por difundir que había abandonado a su hija, que su creencia fue la separación de su hija, que lo que realmente pasaba era que su trabajo no se lo permitía y que "lejos de abandonar a mu hija, la llamo por teléfono todos los días".

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Suri cruise rings in 18th birthday in nyc while tom on set in london, suri cruise milestone 18th bday in rainy nyc ... dad tom on london set.

Suri Cruise is celebrating adulthood -- let that sink in -- as she rings in her 18th birthday in NYC by taking a rainy day stroll with a friend.

Despite the dreary weather, Suri didn't let a little rain wash out her big day ... she happily chatted away with her pal while under the shelter of her pink umbrella.

Suri had a gift bag in hand during her walk around town, suggesting the celebrations were already underway. It remains to be seen if there will be any larger festivities later -- she leads a pretty low-key lifestyle -- but ya gotta figure her mom Katie Holmes has something planned for such a big birthday.

As for Suri's dad, Tom Cruise , he most certainly won't be joining in on the birthday fun for a couple reasons.

First of all, Tom's across the pond from Suri right now -- he's busy filming a new project in London.

But, more importantly, the father and daughter reportedly haven't had a close relationship since 2012.

In fact, the last time they were publicly seen together was at Disney World that summer. That's also the same year Katie filed for divorce from Tom, when Suri was just 6-years-old.

At this point, they've been estranged twice as long as they were together -- so, the Tom factor's probably NBD for her.

Suri's eligible to vote for the first time. They really do grow up so fast!!!

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