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Caring for Wandering Dudes (Inch Plants)

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Growing Wandering Dude Plants (Tradescantia Zebrina): Watering, Propagating, Lighting, and More

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Tradescantia zebrina   (wandering dude) is a type of spiderwort known for its attractive purple- and silver-striped foliage. This houseplant, also called in “inch plant,” knows how to survive any indoor environment and is perfect for the wanna-be-green thumb! Here’s how to care for an inch plant in your home.

About Tradescantia or Inch Plant

Tradescantia zebrina (pronounced trad-es- KAN -tee-uh zeb- REE -nuh) is a species of creeping plant in the Tradescantia genus. Common names include wandering jude and inch plant. This plant was formerly called Zebrina pendula and wandering Jew. Another common name is Variegated Spiderwort.

While  Tradescantia zebrina is a perennial plant in its native Mexico, its treated as a houseplant in North America, and commonly grown in a hanging pot. It is considered invasive species in warm regions outside of their home ranges (including in parts of the southeastern U.S. ). For this reason, we recommend growing inch plants indoors or keeping them restricted to containers outdoors. 

Not only does the inch plant have attractive leaves but it’s fast-growing, with trailing stems. Leaf nodes on the stem are supposed to be 1-inch apart, hence the common name inch plant.  Each segment is capable of producing a new plant, so Tradescantia is e asily started from cuttings that root readily in moist soil. 

wandering zebrina plant

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  • Grow in all-purpose indoor potting mix in either a pot or hanging basket. 
  • Select a location with filtered sun. Keep inch plants out of direct sunlight and out of dark areas, which will cause them to become leggy.
  • The room temperature should be average (between 55° and 75°F).
  • Water deeply, but allow the soil to dry partially before watering again. This plant doesn’t like to dry out, but it also doesn’t like to be constantly wet.
  • Water less during the winter months, which is the plant’s resting period.
  • Provide fertilizer twice a month in the spring and summer; don’t fertilize in fall and winter.
  • Pinch back to keep this trailing plant contained as well as promoting bushier foliage.  
  • Removed leggy growth also allows for cuttings that can be used for propagation. 
  • Plants can be pruned back hard every spring and can be taken outside on a protected patio in the summer.
  • Tradescantia zebrina  ‘Tricolor’ (pictured at the top of this page) has beautiful purple and green leaves with shiny silver stripes. 
  • Tradescantia pallida ‘Purple Heart’ has fuzzy, purple foliage.
  • Tradescantia fluminensis ‘Quicksilver’ has variegated white-green foliage.
  • Inch plants can easily be propagated by cuttings. Snip off a piece of the plant (the cutting should ideally be 3–4 inches long) and place the cut end in water. In about a week (or less), the cutting should produce roots. A week or so after that, plant the cutting in a pot according to the planting guidelines above.
  • No serious insect or disease problems.
  • Aphids tend to be a problem on the stems and leaves. Monitor for aphids (and other small insects), as they could become an issue if unchecked. To get rid of them, pinch off the infected stems and spray the plant with water.
  • Root rot and stem rot can occur in soggy soil.  
  • Note that contact with plant sap causes skin irritations in some individuals.

Catherine Boeckmann

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2023 Gardening Club

I am not about to call a plant "dude". Stop being ridiculous, stop with the DIV garbage. Keep your roots.

I love the Wandering Jew hanging baskets. Last year they were priced at $40 a basket and I have 3 baskets and was not paying that much so when it came time for the first frost and the leaves started browning I clipped about 25 or so cuttings and put them in juice glasses on my dining table. I changed the water regularly but the whole winter they stayed in the juice glasses in a place with indirect sunlight. In early spring I transplanted them into the baskets with potting soil and some fertilizer. They were tiny little spindles and now they are thriving! I love them!

We love how quickly the inch plants grow and propagate! Thank you for sharing your story with us.

- Jenn, Associate Digital Editor

A good article on the care of the wandering Jew plant. Although, I would like to add, that the branches of this plant are extremely tender. And you can break them off, just buy a glance. So I would caution anyone, to handle them with care. Once it's established as a full-sized plant, it's a more little hardy. But, as a young cutting. Those stems are very tender.

Just because something has "always been this way" or you're old is not a good reason to continue. We constantly learn and evolve our language. The National Gardening Association (NGA) and a number of professional horticulturalists have acknowledges this. Unless you're a plant person or Jewish, I'm not sure you would know. I'm glad the Almanac's forward thinking and not anti-semitic; it may take a few years for regular people in plant stores to catch up. As someone else said here, "Just because you find something inoffensive doesn't make it so."

The genus Tradescantia commemorates John Tradescant the Elder (1570s-1638). Massively famous and significant. An extraordinary plant hunter and master gardener who began his career as head gardener to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury ... gardener to the royal favourite George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham ... Keeper of his Majesty's King Charles I's Gardens, Vines, and Silkworms ... the Oxford Physic Garden. His royal patrons sent him all over to collect for their gardens and greenhouses -- the Low Countries, Arctic Russia, the Levant/North Africa. With his son, maintained their own garden and museum in South Lambeth, known as the Tradescants' Ark -- the first public museum in Britain. The common house plant under discussion here was sent to him by a friend in Virginia (it is indigenous to Mexico); another friend sent the scarlet runner bean from the West Indies. His son, John Tradescant the Younger, was also a traveller (mostly to North America), plant hunter, master gardener. Their huge museum collection went to Elias Ashmole and became the foundation of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. This link lists some of the 750 species they brought to England: They were just as famous for the numerous "rarities" in their large museum of the world, among which is one of the few specimens of the extinct dodo. Their travels explain the "Wandering" part of the houseplant's name. Were they Jewish? If they were Jewish in 17thC England, it would likely have been a private matter. Casual research turns up nothing certain, only this suggestion from a 1638 visit: "The Christian world is also indebted unto that painful industrious searcher and lover of all nature’s variety for the late knowledge of the spiderwort..." -- though that might only signify collection from nonChristian territories. (You can find the whole letter here: But I would like to think they were.

"some PC nonsense... forced on the public" and "a perfectly good name and there's nothing offensive about it"

The name refers alternatively to the legend that a Jew mocked Jesus on the way to the cross and was forced to wander the Earth until the apocalypse or to the supposed itinerant, rootless nature of Jews. There are centuries of stereotypes built around these myths. Please consider that the world is larger than what you know. Just because you find something inoffensive doesn't make it so.

Thank you for the information you provided about the name “Wondering Jew” I did not know this..was very interesting. I was just going to post on social media about my plants didn’t know the correct name I didn’t want to offend anyone reading this put my mind to ease. Again thank so much for your comment.

It has been called the wondering Jew as far back as I can remember how on earth did they come up with the inch plant really!!!

How did they come up with inch plant? It's literally in the article that "Leaf nodes on the stem are supposed to be 1-inch apart, hence the common name inch plant". Yet you think "Wandering Jew" is a great descriptor of a plant? Considering the term is based on anti-Semitism I'm surprised anyone would argue for continuing to use a term once ignorance of it's impact can't be an excuse. To knowingly say that your desire to say words outweighs someone else's desire to not be subjected to casual racism is unbelievably selfish. When offered the chance to be better, to do better, why on earth would you not take it?

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Wandering Jew Care: How to Grow a Long and Luscious Inch Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Tradescantia zebrina (commonly known as wandering Jew, spiderwort, or inch plant) is popular for a reason: This beginner-friendly houseplant is low-maintenance and grows quickly. It’s also super easy to propagate more plants so you can fill your home with more of the colorful striped foliage the species is known for.

Linda Ly

Written by Linda Ly

Wandering Jew plant care: complete growing guide for Tradescantia zebrina (inch plant)

When it comes to vigorous, colorful, and easy-to-grow hanging houseplants, there aren’t many that can compare to Tradescantia zebrina (known more commonly as wandering Jew—and I’ll touch on the history of that name below). Whether you’re a houseplant beginner or a veteran, most indoor gardeners have owned one of these potted plants at some point. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Tradescantia zebrina and growing this stunning houseplant in your own home.

Disclosure: If you shop from my article or make a purchase through one of my links, I may receive commissions on some of the products I recommend.

Close-up of wandering Jew plant leaves

About inch plants

Natural habitat.

Tradescantia zebrina is a native of Central and South America, from Mexico down to Colombia, as well as the Caribbean. Here, it forms part of the undergrowth in lightly forested and often very moist areas. It can form very dense, wide mats thanks to its creeping growth pattern and ability to throw roots extremely quickly.

Unfortunately, its vigorous growth has also made Tradescantia zebrina an invasive plant in some regions. This includes Hawaii, Brazil, and Australia, where the species easily takes hold in moist, forested areas.

As a 2019 study carried out in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest notes, this is problematic due to the species choking out native plants.

Some of the above was caused by careless gardeners allowing bits of the plant to get into the wild, where they quickly root. If you’d like to grow spiderworts like this one in your garden, please make sure to dispose properly of any trimmings left after pruning!

This also applies to zebrina’s popular cousins, like Tradescantia fluminensis, T. pallida, and T. spathacea.


It’s not difficult to see why Tradescantia zebrina gained popularity as a houseplant. Wandering spiderwort plants (not to be confused with spider plants , another beginner-friendly species) are low-maintenance and grow just about anywhere—they even just grow in water !

Easy care and quick growth aside, spiderworts are also just good-looking plants. The pointed, oval leaves on thin, fleshy stems overlap slightly and are characterized by their zebra pattern in purple and silvery green. The leaf undersides are deep purple in color and the tiny, three-petaled flowers are bright pink.

Although this species is naturally a creeping plant, it’s often grown indoors in hanging planters. As long as the plant is provided with enough light, the foliage will be very dense and brightly colored, forming a spectacular waterfall that can reach more than 3 feet in length.

What’s in a name? In the case of common houseplants, sometimes a lot.

Tradescantia zebrina is a classic houseplant (I found mention of it in a 1964 German book about houseplants, but it’s probably been around longer than that!) and among most English speakers, it has long been known as wandering Jew. This is probably a reference to the “wandering” nature of the plant, as it does have a creeping growth pattern.

The legend of the wandering Jew is hundreds of years old and is now commonly considered to be rooted in antisemitism. It describes a Jewish man cursed to walk the planet until the Second Coming because he taunted Jesus on his way to the cross.

Because of this, the plant name has partly fallen out of fashion and has been the source of much debate in the plant world over the past few years. 

Some plant enthusiasts have embraced the alternative “wandering dude,” which I personally think is a great option.

“Inch plant” (houseplant enthusiasts don’t agree on whether this refers to the fact that it can grow an inch a day, or that you only need an inch of stem to propagate it), “spiderwort,” or “wandering spiderwort” are also popular alternatives, though these are common names for other Tradescantia varieties, such as Tradescantia Nanouk.

The best way to avoid any confusion is to just stick to the scientific name.

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew) with bicolor (green and cream) leaves and pink flowers

Inch plant varieties

There are three subspecies of inch plant (wandering Jew): Tradescantia zebrina var. zebrina, var. flocculosa, and var. mollipila. Unsurprisingly, after it having been a popular houseplant for so many years, nurseries have also managed to create a whole bunch of cultivars through selective cultivation.

A few of the popular Tradescantia zebrina cultivars you may come across in your local plant store include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Quadricolor’: Yep, as the name suggests, this one adds an extra color to the mix. The leaves are cream, pink-purple, light green, and dark green.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Burgundy’: Characterized by its very dark purple coloration.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Silver Plus’: Less purple, more shiny silver.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Red Gem’: Less silver, more intense (light) purple.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Purple Joy’: Less silver, more dark purple. 
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Tikal’: A rare, naturally occurring variety that collectors pay a pretty penny for.

Do keep in mind that most of these cultivars aren’t patented and the amount of mislabeling and variation within a cultivar are both huge. Just growing your wandering Jew in lower-light conditions can completely change the way it looks, so it’s not surprising that confusion sometimes reigns supreme.

Luckily, care is the same across all cultivars, so your best bet is to just enjoy your plant even if you’re not sure what Tradescantia variety you’re dealing with!

Where to buy wandering Jew plants:

  • California Tropicals
  • Daylily Nursery
  • The Green Escape

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew or inch plant) with deep purple, green, and cream foliage in a yellow container, shot against a blue background

Caring for an inch plant

Light and temperature.

It’s important to provide your Tradescantia zebrina with enough light. It’s tempting to use plants to brighten up dark, shaded spots in your home, but that just doesn’t work with this one: It loses its dense growth pattern and beautiful coloration in low light.

To prevent your wandering dude plant from growing sparse and green, place it near a window that gets bright indirect light. Some full sun isn’t a problem either, but do make sure you acclimate it gradually to a higher light location.

Temperature-wise, this species is a lot hardier than many of the tender tropicals we like to grow in our homes (like Anthurium andraeanum and Begonia maculata ).

Wandering dude plants can handle a very wide range of temps, making it perfect for those chillier windowsills that your other plants may not appreciate. Room temperature is ideal, but anything between 50°F to 85°F will keep them happy.

Water and humidity

Your Tradescantia zebrina will appreciate lightly moist soil. You can water a bit more during the summer months, when the plant is actively growing and needs a lot of moisture, and less during winter, when soil tends to take significantly longer to dry. 

If you’re not sure whether it’s time to water your wandering Jew plant yet, you can always turn to the age-old trick of sticking a finger in the soil.

  • If it still feels damp, wait a little longer, until the first inch or two has dried. 
  • If it feels bone dry, you’ve waited too long; you may also see limp leaves on your plant at this point. It’ll bounce back, but not always without lasting damage. 
  • If the soil feels wet, you watered too much and need to keep an eye out for root rot.

As for humidity, given its rather wet natural habitat, wandering Jew does appreciate higher air moisture levels. The great thing is, though, that it doesn’t demand it. As long as you keep its soil lightly moist and the air isn’t extremely dry, your plant should do well.

Soil and planting

Wandering Jew is not fussy about its potting mixture at all. I’ve grown it in pure houseplant potting soil with no additives. If you do want to take things to the next level, you can add some perlite and/or peat moss, although this is really not a must. 

Most houseplant enthusiasts like to place their wandering Jew in a hanging planter so they can enjoy the look of the leaves cascading down. This is not a must, though. You can also emphasize the species’ creeping growth habit by filling up a large, shallow planter, growing it in a terrarium, or even keeping it in water on a semi-permanent basis.

Recommended products for wandering Jew plant care:

  • FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil
  • Espoma Organic Potting Mix
  • Perfect Plants Organic Perlite


Like most other houseplants, Tradescantia zebrina appreciates a bit of fertilizer during the growing season, which extends from spring to early fall. You can use a normal houseplant fertilizer according to the instructions on the bottle.

Don’t fertilize during the winter months unless your plant is growing well. It doesn’t need extra nutrients if it’s inactive.

Recommended fertilizers for wandering Jew plants:

  • Houseplant Resource Center Liquid Fertilizer for Houseplants
  • Instant Biologics Instant Plant Food (Fizzing Nutrient Tablets)
  • Maxsea All-Purpose Seaweed Plant Food


There’s a good chance you’ll have to prune your Tradescantia zebrina regularly, because as I mentioned, this is a very quick grower. It also roots very easily, so any trimmings can be replanted! I’ll describe how to do this in the section on propagation below.

Aside from stem trimming, you can remove any dead leaves, which are bound to pop up from time to time in very dense plants like this species.

Dividing or repotting

Inch plants don’t grow by producing plantlets at their base like many other houseplants (such as spider plants ) do. Instead, inch plants spread by rooting along the stems.

This means that division is not really the way to go; keeping these plants manageable is usually done through pruning. You can shape your plant by pinching off any long, leggy stems to create a fuller appearance and control its spread.

You’ll notice that Tradescantia really doesn’t mind being a bit cramped in its planter. Still, it’s a good idea to provide your plant with some fresh soil every year or two by repotting it.

Close-up of pink flower on a tricolor wandering Jew (inch plant)

Propagating an inch plant

If you’ve never propagated a houseplant before, this is truly one of the best species to start with. It’s known for rooting extremely quickly in both water and soil, meaning it’s easy to fill endless planters to keep or give away.

All you need to propagate your Tradescantia zebrina is a pair of clean scissors. Here’s how you do it:

  • Snip the ends off existing branches. An inch or two with a few leaves works best.
  • Remove the leaves at the bottom so part of the stem is exposed.
  • Place the cutting in a glass of water to root or plant it directly in soil. You can put cuttings back in the mother plant’s pot to give her a fuller appearance on top.
  • It can take a little longer during the winter months, but the first roots should appear within a week or so. You can give soil cuttings a slight tug to verify they’ve rooted.
  • Once the first signs of new foliage appear, you’ll know your propagation attempt has been a success! 
  • If you propagated in water, you can leave the rooted cuttings in water almost indefinitely, although you can also pot them up in fresh soil.

Wandering jew (spiderwort) plant with green and silver leaves

Common questions about inch plant care

How do i make a wandering jew plant bushy.

By their very nature, wandering Jew plants are not bushy. Their creeping growth habit means they naturally grow leggy over time, especially in containers.

However, you can mimic a fuller appearance by strategically pinching off any long, spindly stems to shape the plant more. These stems can also be replanted near the mother plant.

As the baby plants grow, they’ll help fill in sparse areas and create the illusion of a bushy wandering Jew.

How long do wandering Jew plants live?

Wandering Jew plants have a limited lifespan of just a few years, and as a potted plant, you’ll notice your wandering Jew becoming very leggy after just two to three years.

Unlike other fast-growing plants that benefit from pruning, cutting back a wandering Jew doesn’t work well to renew its growth; it simply controls the spread.

The best way to keep your plant coming back year after year is to propagate new plants from stem cuttings, which—fortunately—is super easy with a high success rate.

Is wandering Jew perennial?

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a trailing evergreen perennial in its native habitat (USDA hardiness zones 9 through 12). Where it’s not winter hardy, wandering Jew is grown year-round as a houseplant.

Are wandering Jew plants toxic to cats and dogs?

Wandering Jew is not considered outright toxic, but it can cause some skin irritation. If your pet gets into your plant, don’t worry too much, although it can be a good idea to have a look in its mouth to make sure there’s no excessive swelling. Be sure to offer water. To prevent skin rash, it can be a good idea to wear gloves if you need to handle your wandering Jew plant. This especially applies if you have sensitive skin.

Racism in Taxonomy: What’s in a Name?

Chiba de Castro, W. A., Xavier, R. O., Garrido, F. H., Romero, J. H., Peres, C. K., & da Luz, R. C. (2019). Fraying around the edges: negative effects of the invasive Tradescantia zebrina Hort. ex Bosse (Commelinaceae) on tree regeneration in the Atlantic Forest under different competitive and environmental conditions. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(4), 713-721.

Encke, F. (1964). Pflanzen fur Zimmer und Balkon; Auswahl, Pflege, Vermehrung.

wandering zebrina plant

I'm a plant lover, passionate road-tripper, and cookbook author whose expert advice and bestselling books have been featured in Time, Outside, HGTV, and Food & Wine. The National Parks Cookbook is my latest book. Garden Betty is where I write about modern homesteading, farm-to-table cooking, and outdoor adventuring—all that encompass a life well-lived outdoors. After all, the secret to a good life is... Read more »

We bought a full grown Bolivian Jewel mid summer last year. It was in a 14” raised pot and flowing 2 foot over the sides. It was beautiful next to our fountain outside. We live in Minnesota so we had to discard it in the late fall since we had no place to care for it in the house. Since we can’t find another like it we’d like to plant one from scratch but how. We still have the pot and riser but have no idea how to start from that. One plant, a few or just how many to make a bushy over grown plant so it looks like the one we purchased last year. Does this make sense or should we just forget it since it is already the middle of May. The greenhouse that we bought it from last summer doesn’t have any this year, just small ones in 4” pots. Thanks

If you can only grow it as an annual (and won’t be overwintering it indoors), you can plant a few smaller ones together to make them look fuller as they grow.

It seems counterproductive to talk about the problematic origin of the name wandering Jew, recommend multiple alternative names (including scientific), but then continue to call it wandering Jew in the rest of the article. If the name is anti-Semitic just set a good example and use a different name.

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Wondering how to care for an inch plant? Top tips for the tropical plant

Cayla Leonard

Tropical plants can be alluring for any gardener, but they aren’t always easy to care for. With their unique patterns and interesting shapes and colors, it’s no wonder gardeners love bringing these plants into their homes. However, growing a plant in a different climate than it’s used to can be tricky, especially if you aren’t sure what they need.

Soil and seasons

Sun and water, pests and diseases, fertilizing and propagating.

If you’re interested in bringing a taste of the tropics home with you, then why not try growing Tradescantia zebrina , also known as a wandering Jew or inch plant? (Note: While wandering Jew has long been the common name for this houseplant, the name has its roots in antisemitism, so we won’t be using it). This mildly toxic plant is easy to grow and impressive to see. Here’s everything you need to know about Tradescantia zebrina plant care!

Zebrina grows well in many soil types, as long as it’s a well-draining soil. Adding perlite or a small amount of peat moss can help the soil retain water without exposing the plant’s roots to too much water. If you’re growing your zebrina in a pot, make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom. Adding a small amount of compost to the soil can help ensure your potted zebrina will have enough nutrients, since potted plants don’t have access to natural means of replenishing the nutrients in their soil.

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When growing inch plants outside, it’s best to plant them once the weather warms, such as in spring in most areas. Since they are native to Central and South America, they’re adapted to heat and sensitive to cold. Frost can damage or kill them, so wait until all chance of frost has passed before planting them. You can start them indoors at any time, as long as you can keep them warm.

Tradescantia zebrina fares best in partial sun. Generally, when growing this plant outdoors, it can tolerate more shade. If you’re growing it indoors, though, then it’s important for it to get enough sun. When this plant doesn’t get enough sun, the colors of its leaves dim. After that, it begins to grow weaker. If you want to grow zebrina through winter, then you may need to invest in a sun lamp or grow light .

Keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. Whenever the soil dries out, give it an even watering. Try not to soak the soil too thoroughly. Although zebrina can withstand overwatering on occasion, it can develop root rot if overwatered too often. During fall and winter, you can reduce the amount of water you give it even further. This is because the plant will go dormant as the temperature falls, and dormant plants don’t use as much water.

Luckily, zebrina plants rarely have serious issues with pests or diseases. The sap this plant produces is a mild skin irritant, which makes it unpleasant for most pests. It can develop root or stem rot when consistently overwatered, which can lead to mildew in some cases. Let the soil dry before watering it again and make sure the drainage holes are not clogged. In more severe cases, you may need to remove the affected part of the plant.

Some smaller insects can become a nuisance for zebrina. Aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites can cause minor damage to the leaves and stems. In most cases, you can simply brush or blow the pests off of the leaves with your hand, a duster, or air. If you have a consistent issue with them, consider applying insecticidal soap. You can find these in gardening supply stores or make your own at home.

If your inch plant is growing outside, then it may not need any fertilizer at all. If it’s an indoor plant, it may not need any either, depending on the potting soil you used when planting it and how long it survives. Zebrina plants grown in cooler climates often don’t live long enough for lack of nutrients to be an issue. However, if you’re determined to keep yours around, then fertilizing it during spring and summer can give it a helpful boost. You can fertilize your inch plant once per season or once every other month.

Zebrina plants are easy to propagate from cuttings, which can be rooted in water or soil without the use of a rooting hormone. Simply use a sharp, clean pair of scissors to cut a section off the end of one vine. The cutting should be several inches, with longer vines providing longer cuttings.

Snip the section off just above a leaf node at a slight angle. Remove the bottom few leaves and place the cutting in either clean water or soil. Make sure the remaining leaves are above the water or soil. You may see growth in under a week, depending on the variety of zebrina! Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant it from water to soil.

Whether you call it a wandering Jew, zebrina plant, inch plant, or just Tradescantia zebrina , this beautiful plant will look great in your garden or home. Consider mixing yours with some ferns, calathea , or orchids to create a stunning tropical display. Zebrina is so easy to propagate that you can fill your windows with them. As an added benefit, young zebrina plants make great gifts! If you aren’t sure what to get the gardener in your life, why not give them a cutting or two?

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Bonsai trees are, by design, relaxing and beautiful to look at. Thanks to the internet and international shipping, bonsai trees are becoming more and more popular in America, and many gardeners are interested in bringing one of these stunning works of living art home. Bonsai trees need light, water, and fertilizer like any other plant, but their shape and size also need to be maintained. If you plan on growing your own bonsai tree, there are a few things you’ll need to know first. Here is your guide to the basics of bonsai.

What is bonsai? Bonsai is the traditional Japanese art of growing miniature trees. A bonsai tree is any small tree grown in a shallow pot or dish that is trained to grow in a way that resembles a fully grown tree. You can think of bonsai almost like a living sculpture, and like any other art form, there are certain conventions and traditions that bonsai artists follow.

Of the hundreds of plants in the aloe genus, aloe vera probably has the most established reputation as a powerhouse personal care ingredient. The plant is best known for its versatile leaf gel, which you can use to soothe scrapes, burns, and other minor irritations. As a succulent, it’s relatively easy to grow and maintain, but there are things you should know about it to give it the best care possible. Ahead, we’ve gathered everything you need to know about this healing desert marvel — with these tips, you'll be ready to harvest it in no time.

What you need to know about the aloe vera plant Aloe often grows in a rosette form — many varieties are spineless, but some have spines and teeth along their fleshy, upright leaves. They can push out tubular red, orange, or yellow flowers outside during the growing season. The most common variety is aloe barbadensis, or aloe vera. Aloe vera is often found in food, drinks, medicine, and personal care items — that's right, it's in beverages as well. It features dagger-like, fleshy green leaves with serrated edges, and you can grow aloe vera directly in the ground or containers. The leaves can grow up to two feet long and the plant, when grown outside, can sometimes push out a yellow flower stalk up to three feet tall.

Many gardeners look for small houseplants and flowers to conserve space, but what if you have the opposite problem? Many homeowners can relate to the feeling of looking at a room and thinking it’s missing something. Sometimes, what it's missing is a tall houseplant to fill space, to add visual interest, and even to add some relaxing vibes to the room.

If you need a tall houseplant to add a burst of greenery to your home, this guide is here to help. There are plenty of tall indoor plants to choose from, and here are our five favorites!

The Green Thumbler – Plant guides and Gardening tips

How to Grow and Care for Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew)

Tradescantia Zebrina is one of the most popular house plants that can grace the inside of a home. This trailing evergreen is well-loved for its stunning green and purple and silver stripes on the leaves and its fast viney growth. It looks beautiful in a hanging pot or flowing down a bookcase.

Tradescantia Zebrina does well if the soil is allowed to dry a little between waterings. Remember to fertilize once a month during the growing season. This plant loves bright filtered light without any direct sunlight as it risks burning the leaves. It thrives in slightly humid environments but always make sure to protect it by keeping it away from heating vents and air draughts.

This plant is a recipient of the Royal Horticultural Society’s prestigious Award of Garden Merit. This is not surprising, as the varietal is not only a feast for the eyes, but it is fast-growing and easy to care for. The species is native to Southern Mexico and Guatemala and makes a gorgeous ground cover when grown outside in warm climates.

Tradescantia Zebrina can be a mouthful to pronounce. So it not surprising that the varietal has acquired many nicknames over the years. This bold, striking plant is also known as:

But most people call it by the shortened name of Zebrina .

Wandering Jew has also been a very popular nickname over years. However, that name has recently become politically charged. Many people have no issue with the use of this common name as they interpret it as a reference to the Jewish people wandering in the desert. But some feel that the name originates from a European folk story about a mythical Jew who mocked Jesus and was condemned to wander the earth. Recently, there has been a concerted effort to turn the Wandering Jew nickname into Wandering Dude. We like the name Zebrina and will refer to it herein as such.

Zebrina is not cold-weather hardy. If your climate reaches low temperatures in the winter, this varietal is best kept as a house plant. It particularly thrives in hanging baskets or containers, where its branches can trail gracefully over the edges.

When in their native habitat, tiny rosy-purple flowers will bloom in small clusters throughout the year. But only when grown in their native habitat.  Zebrina rarely blooms when grown indoors. But its bold purple and green leaves create enough visual interest on its own.

Read also: How to Grow and Care for Philodendron

Table of Contents

How to Care for Your Tradescantia Zebrina

Water and soil.

Zebrinas like small breaks between watering. Allow your soil to dry to the top 50% before watering. Then water until liquid flows through the drainage hole and accumulates at the bottom of the pot. Discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.

Take care not to overwater your Zebrina plant . Overwatering can lead to root rot, which is a common issue with this varietal. If your soil is soggy, it has been overwatered, and you need to cut back. Pour out any excess water from the pot and let your soil dry out a little before watering again. If your roots are damaged, you may need to re-pot in a well-draining potting mix to get your roots out of their overwatered soil.

Your bathroom or kitchen is a great choice for your Tradescantia Zebrina as it does best in a slightly more humid environment. Feel free to mist your plant frequently. If the humidity is too low the leaves will start to brown.

You may want to fertilize your Zebrina once a month during its peak periods of growth, which are the spring and summer seasons. To do so, choose a liquid fertilizer and dilute with water according to the package instructions. You can fertilize every other week. It is not necessary to fertilize during the cooler months, as the plant is naturally in a resting phase during those times.

Zebrina plants love bright, indirect light. The more natural the sunlight it can receive, the more vibrant purple its beautiful leaves will be. However, take care not to place your plant directly into sunlight. This species cannot thrive under direct sun.

Zebrinas are not prone to pests, but they can occasionally get spider mites (teeny tiny arachnids that lay their eggs on leaves and eat plant tissue). To avoid the occurrence of mites, keep the humidity high (spider mites like it dry). 

If you do find mites on your plant , try rinsing your Zebrina under running water to remove the mites. If this does not work, try a solution of soapy water. Mix 5 tablespoons of dish soap with 4 cups of water in a bottle and spray plants with the solution. 

The fast growth rate of this species can also cause legginess. To address this, pinch off the stems. The plant will reciprocate by developing two new stems. Pinching back the long vines encourages branching and increases the fullness of the plant.

Zebrina looks better when full and bushy, but some growing conditions can make the plant “leggy.” These include poor lighting, poor watering, and low humidity. If any of the above conditions are occurring, it is best to address the root cause. When you prune, bear in mind that you can keep the cuttings to propagate them using the methods below.

Tradescantia Zebrina propagation

How to Propagate Your Tradescantia Zebrina

Zebrina is a very easy plant to grow from cuttings. People especially love that that this species propagates quickly. Always make your cuttings with a sharp, sterilized knife or shears. Your cuttings should be 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm.) long.

To start, find a vine that looks healthy and choose leaf nodes on it. (Nodes are the points on a stem where the buds and leaves develop. Cut just below the leaf node. Note that you can make several cuttings from one long vine. Make 10-12 cuttings to ensure that at least a few will root well.

Place your node cuttings in a wide jar and add fresh water almost to the top. Be sure to remove any bottom leaves from the cuttings that will end up underwater. Only the nodes should be submerged. This will prevent leaf rot below the water’s surface. Place your cuttings in a jar in a bright, sunny area.

You should begin to see little roots form under the water surface in a week or so. The roots will come out of the nodes. Be sure to top the jar off with more water as the water level goes down and replace the jar with fresh water if necessary. The water contains nutrients that your cuttings need to absorb in order to grow. After about two weeks of root growth, you should be ready to transplant your Zebrina cuttings.

You can also plant your cuttings directly into the soil. If you choose to propagate with a container, be sure to water the soil often to keep the nodes moist while they work hard to develop a root system.

Once your cuttings have developed roots, you can transplant them into a container, and fill it with all-purpose potting soil. Place your newly planted cuttings in a location that receives medium to bright light, with indoor temperatures between 65- and 75-degrees Fahrenheit (13-24 C).

Tradescantia Zebrina Additional Care

Your Tradescantia Zebrina is mildly toxic to humans and pets so do take care to keep pets away. Ingestion may cause mouth and stomach irritation. If you have curious pets, it is best to keep your Zebrina plant high on a shelf or hanging from a basket.

It is also important to maintain an average room temperature of between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit for your plant. Extreme changes in temperature can shock it, causing damage to the root system. Also, take care to keep your Zebrina safe from drafts and vents, such as those found around windows and heating systems.

You can train your Zebrina to encourage fullness. If the vines of your Tradescantia become too long, simply trim them with sharp, clean scissors. Then plant the cut ends an inch or two into the soil. Roots will develop and your plant will become more full over time.

Tradescantia Zebrina

Troubleshooting Your Tradescantia Zebrina

Fading leaves.

It can be alarming to notice that the bold purple and silver stripes on your Zebrina are starting to fade, but this is probably due to a lack of light. Find a sunnier spot for your Zebrina, such as a window sill that does not get direct light or a bright shelf.

Yellow Leaves

Drooping yellow leaves on your Tradescantia Zebrina are likely caused by overwatering. Your Tradescantia Zebrina does not need much water to survive. To avoid this condition, water your plant only when the top 50% of soil is dry.

Curling Leaves

Zebrina loves bright light but cannot handle direct sunlight. Getting direct sun will cause the leaves on your plant to curl around the edges. In this case, the solution is not to move to a dark area. Move your plant to another bright area where the direct sun does not come through a window.

Final Thoughts

Gorgeous, eye-catching colors make Tradescantia Zebrina an ideal addition to your indoor plant collection. Remember that this varietal likes bright indirect light and little breaks between watering. But it also appreciates humidity and/or frequent misting. Keep these considerations in mind to be sure that your Zebrina will remain lovely for years to come.

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Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia zebrina): Types, How to Grow and Care

Sharing is caring!

Plants with trailing and creeping habits are some of the best plants to keep. They are fast-growing and make thick carpet of groundcovers for gardens in no time and they also create striking hanging indoor plants. 

Among the all-time best trailers to grow is the wandering jew. Easy to maintain and drapes beautifully, this colored plant will make any space more inviting and interesting.

Medicinal Properties

Propagation and maintenance, what is a wandering jew plant.

Tradescantia is one of the 37 genera under the plant family Commelinaceae (1). Some of its 75 species are commonly called ‘wandering jew’ (also known as inch plant), a name they adapted due to their long lifespan like the Jewish character from a Christian folklore.

Another name for this group of herbaceous perennial plants is ‘spiderwort’ after the spiderweb-like sap they produce when the stem breaks. They are native to Canada, Mexico, and Argentina and have been naturalized in other parts of the world (2).

The most common tradescantia grown ornamentally is the T. zebrina also previously called Zebrina pendula . It has long fleshy stems where the wandering jew plant leaves and roots appear. The lance-like leaves are a mixture of green and purple with silver stripes on the upper side and deep purple under (3). The plant grows close to the ground and can only reach 20 to 30 cm high.

Does Tradescantia Zebrina Flower?

The wandering jew is considered an ornamental plant primarily because of its showy colorful foliage but the plant does produce pink flowers.

wandering jew flower

Small three-petaled pinkish purple flowers appear sporadically throughout the year (4). The resulting fruit is a capsule containing tiny brown seeds.

Is it Toxic to Pets?

Spiderworts are normally harmless plants but they contain toxic properties that may cause mild gastric problems and dermatitis to pets. Although they don’t lead to anything serious, it will be safe to keep the plants out of reach of pets and to keep the hands protected when dealing with the sap of the plant.

Because of the plant’s hardiness and adaptability to different environments, the wandering jew establishes well, in fact so well that it can be considered an invasive species. In countries like Australia, the plant has the capacity to invade natural vegetation. Although growing them is not prohibited, everyone is obliged to keep the plant’s growth under control (5).

Studies showed that Tradescantia has significant effects as an anticancer, antioxidant, and antibacterial medicinal plant. In traditional Chinese medicine, the wandering jew plant is highly valued as treatment for kidney failure.

The extract from the whole plant is cooked with dates, ginger, and water and consumed by patients. The plant is also known to treat high blood pressure, cough, urinary tract infection and tuberculosis (1).

How to Grow and Care for a Tradescantia

Here’s how to care for a wandering jew plant, one of the easy house plants to own.

wandering jew plant care

Light and Water

In the wild, the wandering jew plant thrives without assistance but under the right conditions. It likes filtered sun so indoor fluorescent light is enough. Placing them by the window and turning the plant every two weeks will keep the leaves colorful and the growth even on all sides (3).

The plant spreads easily in damp areas that’s why it naturally grows along riverbanks and roadsides. When potted, the soil should be kept moist but well-drained. Saturated soil often causes root rot.

Fertilize your Tradescantia plant once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength. Avoid fertilizing in fall and winter when the plant is dormant. Over-fertilizing can lead to fertilizer burn and damage the plant, so follow the instructions on the fertilizer package carefully.

Temperature and Humidity

Spiderworts like it warm but there should be enough air circulation or else the leaves will sag. During the heat of the summer, taking the plant outside under shade will provide the necessary cool to the plant.

Mist the hanging plant early in the morning and late in the afternoon. If the plant is on a table, place a glass of water beneath the leaves or put the pot on a wet pebble tray. This will humidify the immediate vicinity of the plant aiding in its photosynthesis and transpiration processes.

Pests and Diseases

The most common living enemies of the wandering jew are aphids, mealybugs, scale, white flies, and spider mites. Manual removal at the onset of infestation is effective but they should be closely monitored as serious attack may lead to the plant’s death. If left unnoticed and the infestation has become severe, get rid of the plant by burning to avoid contamination.

Since the creeping inch plant is mainly soft almost like a succulent, soggy soil and too wet conditions lead to root and stem rot (4). As long as the plant is receiving just enough moisture, this disease will be avoided.

Propagating wandering jew plants is very easy. They can grow from seeds but will take years to establish so the more convenient stem cutting is best. The trailing or creeping stems form nodules where the roots will eventually grow as it comes in contact with the potting soil (2). When the hanging plant has longer trails than intended, it can be trimmed and the resulting stem cuttings can be rooted to form new plants.

There will be times that the potted wandering jew will become leggy, especially if it’s been receiving more shade. To promote a bushier growth pinch back by literally pinching the tip of the plant where the new growth occurs (4). This practice allows the formation of lateral stems.

In two or three years, these hardy plants may become pot bound, with the roots taking up most of the space in the pot. Repot in a larger container with a good mixture of soil, coarse sand, and compost to replenish the nutrients and provide room for the roots to breathe. Additionally, fertilize once every two months by foliar application just to improve plant vigor.

Common Varieties of Wandering Jew

The oldest and most common indoor wandering jew, this species has leaves alternating, often overlapping when young, purple leaves with silvery green thick stripes and solid purple underside. The stem is also a mixture of purple and green.

T. blossfeldiana

The leaves of this species are quite thicker, glossy, and covered in miniscule hairs called trichomes. The three-petalled flower is an ombre of white and pinkish purple with yellow anthers.

T. fluminensis ‘Tricolor’

This attractive variety showcases leaves with white, lilac, and green variegation. It appears smaller than the common wandering jew but bushier in form.

T. sillamontana

This whimsical species looks frosted with its silvery trichomes covering the entire plant. The green leaves are still alternately arranged but more compact which make a potted plant look more bushy than trailing. The light color of the leaves provide a complementing backdrop to the bright purple flowers.

purple queen plant

The leaves and stems of this species are in striking deep purple color hence the common name ‘ purple heart ’. Under shaded, they turn a hint of dull green. The leaves are also longer and have wider space in between.

Does Wandering Jew plant need full sun?

Wandering Jew plants (Tradescantia zebrina) prefer bright indirect light but can tolerate some direct sun, especially in the morning or late afternoon. However, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight may cause their dark green leaves to scorch.

How do you care for a wandering Jew plant indoors?

To care for a Wandering Jew plant indoors, place it in a location with bright, indirect sunlight, such as near a window. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and provide well-draining soil. Additionally, mist the plant occasionally to increase humidity and remove dust from the leaves.

How do I make my Wandering Jew fuller?

To make your Wandering Jew plant fuller, prune it regularly to encourage branching and bushier growth. Pinch off the tips of the stems or trim back leggy growth to promote new growth and create a more compact appearance. You can also propagate wandering jew cuttings to create new plants and fill out the pot.

How long do Wandering Jew plants live?

Wandering Jew plants are generally long-lived when provided with proper care. With the right growing conditions indoors, they can thrive for several years, often becoming fuller and more lush over time with regular pruning and maintenance.

Reference List

(1) Dash, G., et. al. Tradescantia zebrina: A Promising Medicinal Plant. 2017. IAJPS, 4 (10). P. 3498-3502 .

(2) Arakelyan, H. Tradescantia zebrina- Mother Nature Healing. 2019. Researchgate.

(3) Vermeulen, N. Encyclopedia of House Plants. Taylor and Francis. 1999. P. 320.

(4) North Carolina State Extension. Tradescantia zebrina. NC State University. 2018. . Accessed on 12 August 2020.

(5) The State of Queensland. IPA-Zebrina. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. 2020. . Accesed on 12 August 2020.

Photo by Wirestock/depositphotos

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In the Garden Blog

How To Grow Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia zebrina) In Your Home or Garden

Tradescantia zebrina , commonly referred to as Wandering Jew or Silver Inch Plant, is a perennial plant native to Mexico and Central America.

It's prized for its striking, lance-shaped leaves with zebra-like patterns in shades of purple, silver, and green. This plant typically grows to a height of six to nine inches (15 to 23 cm), and spreads up to six feet (180 cm) through cascading vines.

Tradescantia zebrina leaves and flowers

Gardeners appreciate Tradescantia plants for their vibrant foliage, trailing growth habit, and adaptability.

It's an ideal choice for hanging baskets, indoor gardening, or as ground cover in suitable outdoor zones. It thrives in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11 and RHS zones H1C to H1B.

While it can spread rapidly if not controlled, it's generally not invasive indoors.

How to grow Tradescantia zebrina in the Garden

Silver Inch Plant prefers a location with bright, indirect light, but can tolerate lower light conditions. It does well in well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.

You can plant Tradescantia zebrina at any time, although spring is generally best.

Propagation is straightforward and can be done through stem cuttings placed directly in soil or water.

Watering should be moderate, allowing the top layer of the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot. It appreciates higher humidity levels, so consider placing it on a pebble tray or misting it regularly if growing indoors.

Silver Inch Plant

While Tradescantia zebrina is relatively pest-resistant, it can occasionally attract spider mites, especially in dry indoor environments. Regular checks and maintaining good humidity can help keep your plant healthy.

With its dramatic, striped foliage and easy-care nature, this plant can make a fantastic addition to either your indoor or outdoor plant collection.

How to grow Tradescantia zebrina as a Houseplant

Tradescantia zebrina , or Wandering Jew / Silver Inch Plant, is a vibrant and easy-to-grow houseplant. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Be aware that less light may lead to less colorful leaves.

For the best growth, maintain the room temperature between 60°F (15°C) and 75°F (24°C).

This plant prefers well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Watering should be moderate – allow the top layer of the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid overwatering and root rot.

This plant appreciates higher humidity levels, which you can achieve by placing it on a pebble tray filled with water or by regular misting.

Tradescantia zebrina houseplant

Propagation of Tradescantia zebrina is straightforward. Simply cut a stem below a leaf node and place it directly in soil or water. Roots will form from the node, and a new plant will begin to grow.

While generally pest-resistant, Tit can attract spider mites in dry indoor environments. Regular checks and maintaining good humidity can help keep your plant healthy.

With the right care, your Wandering Jew plant should thrive and bring a splash of color to your home.

Quick Tradescantia zebrina Growing and Care Guide

Scientific Name : Tradescantia zebrina

Common Name(s) : Wandering Jew, Silver Inch Plant

Growing Zone (USA / UK Hardiness) : USDA Zones: 9-11 RHS Hardiness Rating: H1c (10-15°C, heated glasshouse – warm temperate)

Best Used For / Garden Location :

Plant Details

Life Cycle / Plant Type : Evergreen perennial

Plant Height : 6-9 inches (15-22.5 centimeters)

Plant Spread : 1-1.5 feet (30-45 centimeters)

Blooms : Summer

Flower Details : Small, purple-pink, three-petaled flowers

Leaf Foliage : Green and silver striped leaves with purple undersides

Fruit : N/A

Growing Conditions and Location

Best Light Conditions : Bright indirect light

Suitable Soil Types : Moist, well-drained soil

Sowing / planting : Plant young plants in spring.

Germination time : N/A, propagated from cuttings.

Propagation : By stem cuttings anytime.

Plant Care : Keep soil consistently moist.

Growing in pots and containers : Suitable for containers and hanging baskets.

Growing as a House plant : Very popular as a houseplant due to its ease of care and colorful foliage.

Further Information

Miscellaneous : Can be invasive in tropical climates.

Pests and diseases : Watch for aphids, scale, and spider mites.

Common Cultivars / Varieties : No specific cultivars.

Family : Commelinaceae, the Spiderwort family.

Native : Mexico and Central America.

References and Further Reading : Gardenia – Wandering Jew ; Wisconsin Horticulture ; NC State Extension – Inch Plant

Common Questions

Does tradescantia zebrina make a good garden or landscaping plant.

Tradescantia zebrina can make a good garden plant in warm climates. Elsewhere it does best as a houseplant. Its trailing habit and vibrant, striped foliage make it attractive for hanging baskets.

Is Tradescantia zebrina a fragrant plant?

No, Wandering Jew does not have a strong fragrance. Its main appeal is in its vibrant foliage, and its easy-care nature.

What is the perfect location to grow Silver Inch Plant?

Silver Inch Plant thrives in a location with bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It prefers a humid environment and requires regular watering.

Is Tradescantia zebrina invasive in the USA, if so in which states?

Tradescantia zebrina is considered invasive in some parts of the southern USA, including Florida and Louisiana, where it can aggressively spread and readily crowd out native plants.

How do I remove Tradescantia zebrina from my garden?

To remove Tradescantia zebrina , simply pull up all parts of the plant and dispose of it securely. Monitor the area closely for any regrowth, as it can easily reestablish from small fragments.

The Wandering Jew or Silver Inch Plant is a trailing houseplant with purple and silver-striped leaves. Plant in well-draining soil in bright, indirect light. Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this guide on how to grow  Tradescantia zebrin . You may also enjoy the following growing guides: How to grow Mimosa pudica , Setcreasea , and Dracaena plants in the garden.

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Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew Plant / Inch Plant)

By Tom Knight

About the Wandering Jew Plant

The Wandering Jew , Wandering Dude, Inch Plant , Spiderwort or Tradescantia Zebrina is a houseplant that can be grown in a hanging basket to show off its long beautiful trailing vines or kept contained and compact in a pot.

Very versatile, very easy and very hard to finish off, makes this a very good indoor plant to have around.

Photo of the Wandering Jew houseplant in a grey plant pot

Tradescantia make for excellent houseplants as they fit into almost any design scheme

" Wandering Jew Plant for sale " and " How do I care for my Wandering Jew plant? " are two big hitters when it comes to our visitors asking us questions about this popular and easy care houseplant. We would suggest or or our Where to Buy article to kick start the buying hunt, and our article below will (hopefully) answer the care question for you.

The common names are based around the plant's ability to easily spread itself.

To start things off, a lot of people also want to understand the common names this plant goes by - the Wandering Jew Plant and the Inch Plant . Both names are centered around its ability to spread and grow very quickly, with little care or intervention from people.

Pro Tip - This is truly one of the simplest houseplants to propagate. From taking cuttings, you can have fully grown plants in less than 6 months.

The Wandering Jew is a legend that basically follows that a Jewish man was cursed to walk the earth forever, therefore like this plant the Jew will, in time, eventually go everywhere .

A number of visitors have contacted us to say the use of this common name today could be misconstrued or even upset Jewish people.

Unfortunately we've not been able to find any specific use of this common name being deliberately used by houseplant owners (or the horticultural industry in general) in an anti-Semitic way (from what we've seen at least). When talking about this plant directly even a Rabbi feels that the name is probably not used with conscious anti-Semitic malice .

That being said, the use and choice of words is often important. Our website is about houseplants and the joy they can bring, and without even trying, this hobby is a very inclusive pastime for everyone.

Our communication to you therefore should reflect this. We'll continue to monitor the common name and use one of the alternatives on our social media channels such as Wandering Dude .

The " inch " plant name probably comes from a combination of the stem's ability to grow about an inch every week, and also because only an inch of this plant is needed to propagate itself.

There are several popular varieties of Tradescantia Zebrina for sale each sharing the recognisable glistening leaf surface and purple underside. T. zebrina 'quadricolor' has green, silver, pink and red leaf markings, whereas T. zebrina 'purpusil' has a green and purple blend.

Tradescantia fluminensis is a very close relative to T. Zebrina (or Zebrina pendula as it used to be called) and is also known as the Wandering Jew Plant. Although it's much less popular these days, its care requirements are identical to T. Zebrina except it will cope better with a slightly darker position.

Where to Buy? - Where can you buy all these interesting varieties you ask, that's easy, check out these Etsy Sellers! * You can also find a broad range as well as some more unusual types over on eBay * * We'll sometimes earn a small commission when you buy something through the affiliate links on our site.

It has smaller leaves compared to its bigger cousin and more green in the leaves. T. fluminensis is therefore very plain looking so search out some of the varieties instead such as T. fluminensis 'variegata' or T. fluminensis 'quicksilver ' or T. fluminensis 'Tricolor', these have cream and white stripes to give it a bit more of a visual punch.

You may find several types growing all in one pot for an extra hit. As the care requirements for each is pretty much the same you can leave them clustered together like this (providing you like this look of course).

A Wandering Jew Plant with white and cream stripes in the leaves

Variegated Tradescantia are becoming much easier to find

We should mention that the Wandering Jew Plant outdoors tends to become an invasive species if not properly maintained, as it's difficult to eradicate because if only an inch of it survives it will live on.

That said, our focus is on the indoor grower and so its potentially invasive nature outdoors isn't a problem. The Wandering Jew Plant is safe to have around cats and people, the sap in the leaves and stems, however, can be irritating so either wear gloves or wash your hands immediately if you come into contact with this.

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Hi, I'm Tom!

If you're like me and enjoy the challenge of growing houseplants and getting them to thrive, then Ourhouseplants can help. This website shares my knowledge and years of growing plants and provides (hopefully) helpful advice on properly caring for your indoor plant friends.

Wandering Jew Plant Photos

Wandering Jew Photo by Ruestz

Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide

All Tradescantias including the Wandering Jew Plants need plenty of light to retain the variegated colours on the leaves, if things are too dim these will fade.

On the other side of the coin if too much light is provided leaf scorching is the end result, fortunately however the problem of " too much light " is basically only caused by excessively exposed locations during midsummer.

This is quite hard to provide indoors anyway, so you will only really risk this if you Summer your plants outdoors.

It's important they're placed in plenty of light but protected from very strong sun .

As you would expect from any easy houseplant, the Wandering Jew will cope with droughts and a little water logging from time to time.

Try to avoid this careless watering approach where possible though as a good looking plant needs to be watered correctly. The instruction here is simple, water your Tradescantia regularly and freely during the warmer seasons to try and keep the soil moist for much of the time.

In Winter cut right back because growth will slow or stop completely and the need for water will reduce drastically as a result.

The leaves are almost succulent like and therefore humidity is something you don't have to worry about a great deal. It will be worth misting the plant however if you start to notice the leaves becoming shriveled or brown leaf tips start to appear. You can also grow Tradescantia in an indoor bottle garden .

The opinion is often divided about how much and how often you should feed Wandering Jew Plants.

Some will suggest regular heavy feeding, perhaps as much as every other watering and others will say only once or twice a year at most, otherwise it will encourage the variegated leaves to turn green. The truth of it is that this plant will cope with almost anything you give (or don't give) it.

We fertilise normally (back of the bottle instructions) once a month and the's Inch Plant is as good looking as the day it was brought.


Give your plant average warmth conditions for quick growth, a cooler room of around 10°C (50°F) is also suitable too. In fact, the only no no, is exposure to frost or really chilly temperatures for prolonged periods. Frost will do serious damage and chilly locations will cause leaf discoloration.

It's best to repot once a year to give a little more space for the roots to grow, but as with everything else to do with this plant, it will still cope living in the same soil for years. This is handy if you've chosen to grow it in a hanging basket as these can be fiddly to upsize and can also be a little difficult to work with.

When you do repot though, normal potting soil is a great choice, just make sure you avoid mixes with a heavy manure content and don't use ordinary dirt from your yard.


When it comes to propagation of Wandering Jews only the Spider Plant is easier and more reliable to work with. The success rate of Spider Plants is something like 99% and the Wandering Jew, 98%, so either way it's still incredibly easy to grow more plants.

You don't need a fancy heat mat or any special containers or tricks. You don't need to use any type of rooting hormone, and it's literally just a case of pushing the cutting a few centimeters into a fresh potting mix, water well and away you go. Trust us, once you know what you're doing it's so easy to do. Below is a break down of each step.

The stems of a mature plant are quite brittle so an accidental knock or an intentional snip on an existing plant will mean you have a Wandering Jew Plant stem cutting almost ready to go.

Broken stem from a Tradescantia Plant

This broken stem can be used to create multiple plants

You don't need to wait for the fresh cut end to dry out so you could just push it into some soil (even in the existing pot where it was growing before if you're trying to recreate a bushy appearance).

But just replanting the large stem is potentially wasteful as there are several individual plants that can be created from a broken stem, like the one shown in the photo, this cutting could easily become three plants.

The photo above shows three sturdy stems with blue circles around them. Snip them off, making sure each is an inch long and has at least one leaf , although ideally for quicker results you will want a cutting that is several inches long and several leaves already in place.

Trim off any leaves on the lower part of the cuttings , because if any leaves touch the soil they will quickly rot, which could then cause the entire cutting to fail. Instead, remove the lower leaves and discard any unused material.

Below you can see the results of the above instructions - Three cuttings created from the original big one that are now ready to be planted up.

Remove the lower leaves of your Tradescantia to give it the best chance

Several sections have been created and the lower leaves removed

Simply fill a container with potting soil or compost and wet it before inserting the stem ends into the soil. Make sure the cuttings are reasonably stable and fixed in place as they need good contact with the soil to stimulate root growth.

Pro Tip - Cuttings will take time to become bushy and to fill a pot by themselves, so because of the ease at which propagation can be done it's usually more effective to take several cuttings and put them all into the same pot.

You can use a rooting hormone, but we've found standard cuttings root with a very high probability anyway so don't bother.

Cuttings do much better if they don't touch each other and if they're planted towards the edges of the container rather than right in the center. Doing this will discourages rotting and the outer edges tend to be warmer than the very heart of the pot which gets the roots growing faster.

Once in place keep the soil moist (but not wet or soggy) and keep the plant warm. New growth should appear in just a few weeks. If you decided to grow several cuttings in a single pot and you notice any gaps later on, you can just push in new cuttings whenever needed to make it bushier.

The cuttings have been planted up into a pot of compost and ready to grow their own roots

The cuttings planted up into a pot of compost

You can, of course, grow your individual cuttings in their own pots if that's what you'd prefer to do, but by putting several together like in the photo above it will mean after just a few months this pot will be completely covered with new growth.

All these cuttings will have knitted together nicely to give the illusion of one full plant when in fact it's actually several. This is something that would take almost a year or more if you're going for one stem cutting per pot.

Speed of Growth

The growth rate of Wandering Jew Plants when temperatures are warm is fast. As much as an inch a week in the growing seasons, if good light levels are provided and its watering needs are being met.

Its natural tendency is to "vine" and spread out, so if you aren't growing this in a hanging basket or you want to grow a neat compact looking plant then you must prune regularly to keep it tidy (don't forget the pruned stems can be used to propagate new plants).

Height / Spread

The height of this plant won't ever go beyond 6in / 15cm however every single stem can eventually grow to 6ft / 1.8M.

This type of spread might be what you're looking for of course i.e. if you want it to trail down from a hanging basket perched up high. However the stems can always be kept shorter by pinching out the growing tips on a frequent basis.

The Wandering Jew Plant is another houseplant that is grown for it's foliage rather than the flowers it produces, however they can still add a nice touch when they appear.

The pink or purplish flowers these plants produce will be small and can appear at any time of the year, although it's much more likely in late Spring early Summer.

Wandering Jew plant in flower

Inch Plant's aren't normally grown for their flowers, but they'll still bloom indoors sometimes

Are Tradescantia Plants Poisonous?

Generally speaking, Tradescantia is very mildly toxic to pets and people.

While it does little harm if eaten, the sap within the leaves and stems can cause contact dermatitis on the skin, especially in those with sensitive skin or those with an allergy . Wash your hands quickly after handling and you shouldn't have any issues.

Anything else?

Your plant is looking tired, it's become leggy and unattractive, convinced you have done something wrong you Google " Wandering Jew care instructions " to try and find out how to fix things. The answer you'll find will be pretty much the same everywhere because as any seasoned owner of this plant will tell you, this " look " is inevitable.

The vines grow long and quickly. Over time as they age the older leaves yellow and fall off creating the appearance you feel you've caused through poor treatment, which isn't usually the case.

Basically what's happened is that the plant has pushed and spread itself away from the pot it was growing in.

You can start again by taking cuttings and next time prune more frequently to encourage everything to keep closer, compact and neat.

Caring for Wandering Jew Plants Recap

Good Light Needed To keep the beautiful markings you need to provide good to bright light. Avoid direct sun exposure and low light conditions.

Average Watering Tolerant of a wide range of watering styles, it secretly wants to be well watered and for the soil to be moist for much of the time.

Average Temperature Provide temperatures at or above 18°C ( 65°F ) for best results.

Feeding Feed the soil once a month during Spring and Summer.

  • No direct sunlight or low light positions
  • Do not try and grow your plant in very cold places

Wandering Jew Plant Problems

Normally this is down to age, the oldest leaves will yellow and fall naturally. Although if this happens and you notice there are limp stems too then this is likely to be caused by quite prolonged and extreme underwatering.

Leaves changing to green / lost variegation

Although you can buy a green leaved variety of Wandering Jew, the majority are variegated and therefore if the leaves are changing colour this is obviously a problem.

The cause is almost certainly too little light. Overwatering can dull the colours but this doesn't make them go completely green. The cure therefore is to move the plant to a brighter area in your home.

Crispy brown and translucent leaves

Sometimes you'll find dead brown crispy leaves or some leaves going yellow or translucent, as shown in the photo below.

Tradescantia houseplant with a brown leaf and some yellow ones

Tradescantia houseplant with unhappy leaves

This is going to be caused by one of the following (or in some cases a combination).

  • Natural Ageing . Close to the heart of the plant tend to be the oldest leaves which are likely receiving very little light due to the shade from the canopy of the outer leaves. It's sensible for the plant to shed these leaves as they're not serving any propose. These leaves should pull off easily, so just remove them.
  • Too much light . Excessive direct burning sunlight will quickly scorch and destroy the leaf. These plants want bright light but not full sun.
  • Underwatering . Too little water can cause leaves to crisp and dry out. Make sure you're giving your plant ample water during the growing months.

Wandering Jew Plants love water when growing strong, but as with the majority of indoor plants too much watering will eventually rot the stems. Keep the soil moist not water logged.

Bare spindly and / or leggy growth

This is typically the issue discussed in the " anything else " section above, i.e. this appearance is usual after the plant is quite old. It may also be caused however by too little light (the variegation will have faded also), too little water on a regular basis (accompanied with yellowing leaves), or not enough fertilizer .

Wandering Jew Plant leaf tips are brown and shriveled

Although quite unusual in most homes this is caused by placement in a room with very low humidity, i.e. the air is too dry. You might also be trying to grow your plant next to a heat source like a fire or heater.

Either move the plant somewhere else or follow some of our tips to increase humidity in the home. You should resolve this quickly as your Wandering Jew Plant will also be easy prey for Red Spider Mite infestation.

About the Author

Tom Knight

Over the last 20 years, Tom has successfully owned hundreds of houseplants and is always happy to share knowledge and lend his horticulture skills to those in need. He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team .

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Dragon Tree

(Article / Gallery) Photo credit of the Wandering Jew T. fluminensi to LucaLuca (Article / Gallery) Photo credit of the Wandering Jew flower to Ruestz


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Wandering Jew Plants Guide: How to Grow & Care for “Tradescantia zebrina”

Hollie Carter

It might surprise you to learn that “the wandering Jew” isn’t a single plant, its name used to describe a collection of plants in the Tradescantia genus.

Many countries around the world view the wandering Jew as an invasive species. Therefore, you won’t find many of them as regular additions to gardens . However, the vine makes for an excellent indoor plant .

Table of Contents

Quick Facts

Wandering jew plant varieties.

The wandering Jew refers to three different plants in the Tradescantia genus. The three varieties are the zebrina, fluminensis, and the pallida.

Tradescantia Zebrina

The zebrina is the most common of the three species, and it features dark-green foliage that contrasts against the brilliant-white three-petal flowers the plant produces.

As you can imagine, the plant also gets part of its name from the zebra-like foliage. The center of the leaf id has a creamy-white color, and the outer trimming of the leaves has a silver lining.

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia Fluminensis

This wandering Jew species features white flowers, and it’s a trendy indoor plant around the world. The species originates from the southeastern region of Brazil. It’s an evergreen perennial plant that flowers all-year-round and lasts for many years if the owner takes care of it correctly.

The oval-shaped foliage of the Fluminensis is green in color and has a glossy look. The leaves attach to fleshy stems, and the stem nodes quickly put roots down into the soil, allowing for the rapid spread and growth of the plant in ideal growing conditions.

When the plant flowers , it produces a set of flowers with three white petals. The flowers don’t bear any seeds, and they might also emerge in clusters. There are various sub-species of this plant as well, and some types, such as variegate, feature different leaf colors, such as yellow or cream streaks in the leaves.

The plant does best in USDA zones 9 to 12, as it loves the additional humidity in these regions as well. The wandering Jew doesn’t do well in colder climates, so stick to planting in the southern states.

The wandering Jew also prefers full sunlight during the day, and you’ll need to feed it a reasonable amount of water throughout the week. The plant doesn’t enjoy being dry for long periods.

Tradescantia Pallida

This variety originates in Mexico, and it’s the most attractive of the three Tradescantia genus. This wandering Jew produces long, pointy leaves that can reach lengths of 7-inches. The leaf will eventually turn a purple color, but the tips might remain red or green during the color transition.

There are visible segmentations on the stem of this wandering Jew, and it’s for this reason that many countries classify this plant as invasive.

The segments break easily, but they root readily, evolving into two plants with little care. Fortunately, for fans of the plant, it also makes it easy to grow the plants for cuttings as well.

Tradescantia pallida don’t like the cold, and it will die back in colder environments in the Northern states, especially if it grows outside. This wandering Jew produces small flowers that bloom in colors of pink, lavender, and white. The flowers feature three petals, and while they aren’t show-stopping, then do add a beautiful aesthetic to the plant.

9 Purple Wandering Jew Cuttings for Planting Indoor, 4 Inc to 6 Inc Tall, Tradescantia Zebrina Plant, Inc Plant, No Root

  • shipped in inproved box to save the plant

Rare Nanouk Pink Wandering Jew -Tradescantia - 4' Pot - Collector's Series

Last update on 2024-02-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Natural Air Cleaners

One of the reasons why the wandering Jew is such a popular house plant is its natural air-cleaning properties. The wandering Jew is an excellent “air scrubber,” and it removes bacteria and VOCs from the air inside your home, exchanging it for fresh air that enhances your home.

Some research also shows that the wandering Jew can assist in soil remediation, as well. The plant can remove heavy metals from the soil, helping restore the root health of other plants in the same flowerbed or pot.

Caring for Your Wandering Jew Plant

All varieties of the wandering Jew are easy to care for, provided that you grow them in the right climate and conditions. As long as the plant receives regular watering and pruning, it will thrive, and you’ll also manage to control the growth as well.

If you plant in a sunny spot in your home, then you can expect your tradescantia to last for many seasons. It’s also important to note that the plant might not flower it in its first season. However, by the third year, you should see plenty of flowers that emerge in the summer months.

Spiderwort Plant

As mentioned, the wandering Jew prefers sunny planting locations. The plant prefers later afternoon sun to morning sun, but it does well in any sunny area around the home. The more light you give the plant, the more flowers it produces in the flowering season.

If your wandering Jew does not get sufficient sunlight, you’ll notice that the color of the leaves starts to fade. Move the plant to a sunny spot, and it should recover in less than a week.

The wandering Jew enjoys a balanced moisture level in its soil . Don’t let the earth get too dry, as it might cause burning in the tips of the leaves. Likewise, the wandering Jew does not enjoy excessively wet soil either. The plant is susceptible to forming root rot if you “keep its feet wet.”

To check if it’s time to water your wandering Jew, push your finger about 1-inch into the soil. If it feels dry, then give your plant some water.

You must ensure you use a rich, loamy soil that drains well when planting your wandering Jew. When planting in a pot, make sure you add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot to enhance drainage. Add perlite to the soil to assist with drainage as well.

You can get away with using a standard potting mix when planting indoors , and other soil enhancements we recommend you add are the following.

  • Coarse sand and perlite for drainage
  • Humus or peat
  • A light dusting of lime
  • A few handfuls of rich organic compost

You want the soil to retain water but still allow optimal drainage.

During the growing season, fertilize your wandering Jew plant using a liquid-based fertilizer product. Make sure that you dilute the fertilizer to 50-percent strength.

Strong concentrations can result in burning in the tips of the leaves of the plant. You can also add a granular slow-release fertilizer to the soil once a year at the start of spring.

The wandering Jew grows quickly, and it might take over its pot in one or two seasons, depending on the size of the container. Therefore, you’ll need to pull up the plant and divide it from year-to-year, depending on its growth rate.

If you choose to re-pot your plant, make sure you use a pot that’s at least 50-percent larger than the old one. Line the pot with potting soil and a few handfuls of rich organic compost. Dig around the edges of the existing container to loosen the root ball. After loosening, pull the base of the plant to release it from the pot.

Move the plant to its new pot, and then fill with potting mix to cover the roots — Pat down the soil, and then water lightly.

Wandering Jew plants require regular pruning . The plant grows quickly, and if you don’t prune, then it can overtake the pot fast. Pruning also helps the stem, from getting “leggy,” meaning that the plant starts to look bare at the base. Pruning keeps the plant healthy and growing at an optimal rate.

All; you need to do is prune back any stems and pinch the stem tips. The wandering Jew will then send out two new shoots from the pinched top, helping your plant spread out into a bush-like appearance.


The wandering Jew is easy to propagate . This plant grows quickly in a variety of conditions, which is one of the reasons why most countries list it as invasive. You can propagate your cuttings after your pruning session, without much effort.

Remove all of the leaves but the top set after pruning the stem. Place the cutting in another smaller pot with moist potting soil . Leave the container in the sun, and you should find that the cutting roots in a month.


Being an indoor plant , the wandering Jew does not get much attention from pests. However, spider mites can be a problem for your plant if you don’t take care of it and watch for the presence of pests.

Spider mites are tiny spider-like bugs that form a web around the inside of the leaves of the plant. If left unmanaged and untreated, they might start to cause yellow spots in the foliage. The wandering Jew might also fail to flower in the summer months as well.

Over-watering your wandering Jew plant can result in the onset of diseases like root rot. Ensure that you have a well-draining soil mix before planting your wandering Jew. Provided that you do everything you can to ensure your soil drains well, you should never have a problem with root rot in your wandering Jew plant.

Wandering Jew Plants FAQS

What is the best way to grow a wandering jew plant.

The best way to grow a Wandering Jew plant involves placing it in a location that gets plenty of sunlight, preferably late afternoon sun. You should use well-draining, loamy soil to plant it, and ensure a balanced moisture level by watering it regularly but not excessively. The plant also appreciates humidity and occasional fertilizing with a liquid-based fertilizer diluted to 50% strength during the growing season. Pruning should be done regularly to manage its growth.

Is Wandering Jew easy to grow?

A: Yes, Wandering Jew plants are generally easy to grow. They adapt well to various conditions and are fast-growing. They can be propagated easily from cuttings and require minimal maintenance beyond regular watering, pruning, and an occasional application of fertilizer. However, they do not tolerate cold climates very well.

Does wandering Jew like full sun or shade?

Wandering Jew plants prefer locations with full sunlight. They can tolerate some shade but too much shade can cause the color of the leaves to fade. More sunlight exposure generally leads to more flowers during the flowering season.

How often do you water Wandering Jew?

Wandering Jew plants should be watered regularly to maintain a balanced moisture level in the soil. However, the soil should not be allowed to become too dry or too wet. Overwatering can lead to root rot. A good way to check if it’s time to water is to push your finger about 1-inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water the plant.

Is Tradescantia Zebrina easy to grow?

Yes, Tradescantia Zebrina, a variety of Wandering Jew, is easy to grow. It requires similar care to other Wandering Jew varieties and is known for its adaptability and quick growth.

Does Tradescantia Zebrina need full sun?

Tradescantia Zebrina does best in a location with full sunlight. While it can tolerate some shade, insufficient sunlight can cause the leaves to lose their vibrant color. Like other Wandering Jew plants, the more light it gets, the more flowers it produces during its flowering season.

Hollie Carter

Hollie is a life-long gardener, having started helping her Dad work on their yard when she was just 5. Since then she has gone on to develop a passion for growing vegetables & fruit in her garden. She has an affinity with nature and loves to share her knowledge gained over a lifetime with readers online. Hollie has written for a number of publications and is now the resident garden blogger here at GardenBeast. Contact her at [email protected] or follow on twitter

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' src=

under the photo “easy to propagate”, that is not a wandering jew-its a peperomia “rosso!”

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My wandering jew plants leafs are getting dried. Why is that?

' src=

It’s not getting enough humidity

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Could you elaborate on “rich organic compost”? What should it be made of, exactly? Can I use compost accelerator in the soil mix?

Worm castings are great, or worm tea, egg shell tea is another.

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What month does the jew break ground to start growing?

All depends on your specific areas weather pattern and seasons.

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Do NOT BUY ANY OF THIS SPECIES if you have a dog because dogs are very allergic to these plants & come out in bad rashes if they wander through them!

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wandering zebrina plant

Home » Houseplant care guides » How to Grow and Care for Tradescantia zebrina

How to Grow and Care for Tradescantia zebrina

Kristine Lofgren

  • | Updated on: June 23, 2023

Tradescantia zebrina (formerly T. pendula ) goes by the names spiderwort, inch plant, silver inch plant, zebra plant, wandering dude, and the name epithet wandering Jew. Many people are moving away from this last name because it has negative and offensive connotations.

wandering zebrina plant

Native to warm, humid areas in Mexico, Columbia, and Guatemala, it has naturalized in hospitable areas in Asia and South America.

Inch plant grows to about a foot tall, with long, trailing stems. The succulent stems hold ovate or lanceolate leaves in green and purple with two silver stripes that appear to sparkle in direct light. On the underside, the leaves are solid magenta. The leaf margins are lined with fine hairs that help the plant trap water. 

While the plant is capable of forming inconspicuous purple flowers, this rarely happens indoors.

Some houseplants look best grown as a specimen, but spiderworts are also a nice option as undergrowth for taller plants such as elephant ears ( Colocasia spp.) or canna lilies ( Canna spp.).

  • Genus: Tradescantia 
  • Species: zebrina
  • Indigenous To: Columbia, Guatemala, and Mexico
  • Sun Exposure: Morning sun with bright indirect light the rest of the day
  • Soil Preference: Well-draining loam or bark and moss
  • Soil pH: 5.0-6.0
  • Toxicity: Non-toxic, sap can cause contact dermatitis
  • Growing Zones: 9-11

Caring for Tradescantia zebrina :

As a plant indigenous to warm, tropical regions, T. zebrina requires temperatures between 60-80°F to thrive. It can tolerate lower temperatures down to 45°F, but you run the risk of cold damage or stunting the plant. It can also tolerate warmer temperatures, up to 95°F, for brief periods.

These plants also do best in moderate to high humidity. Relative humidity between 40-90% is ideal. However, the plant will do fine in lower humidity, but it might develop brown leaf tips. If you’d like to increase the humidity around the plant, group it with other houseplants that need high humidity or use a humidifier in the room.

If you’d prefer not to use a humidifier, grow the plant in a bathroom or near a kitchen sink, which tends to have higher humidity than the rest of the home.

Some people opt to grow inch plants in terrariums or vivariums to give them the humidity they need and to contain their exuberant nature. They’re attractive when planted with strappy-leafed plants such as some bromeliads or birds nest ferns (​​ Aslenium nidus ) to create a contrast.

Wandering dudes can tolerate a range of light exposure. They can tolerate direct morning sun and will typically show better color with more light. However, they shouldn’t be exposed to harsh afternoon sun, or the leaves will become bleached and burned.

Without enough light, the leaves lose their distinct coloring and appear pale. The older, lower leaves will drop from the plant as well.

Try to aim for some direct sun in the morning with bright, indirect light in the afternoon. An east-facing window would be perfect. A west-facing or south-facing window covered in sheer curtains would also work. Place the plant within a few feet of the window.

Soil and Container

T. zebrina doesn’t need anything special when it comes to potting soil. Any water-retentive, well-draining potting soil fits the bill. Most of the mixes that you find on the market will work fine. Look for something with a combination of loam, moss, and perlite or vermiculite.

These plants aren’t fussy about container sizing, but the pot must have drainage.

Inch plants like moist soil but won’t tolerate standing water. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. Overeating leads to root rot.

Too little water results in leaves that turn brown and dry up. These may cling to the stem or fall.

If you don’t have a moisture meter that will indicate when the soil has become dry, you can use your finger as an indicator. Stick it into the soil up to your second knuckle. If it feels dry all the way to your second knuckle, add water. If you feel any moisture from the tip of your finger to your second knuckle, hold off.

When you water, be sure to empty any catchment container after about 30 minutes to reduce the risk of root rot.

There isn’t any need to feed your inch plants if you re-pot regularly. However, if the growth seems to be slow or stunted and there aren’t any pest or disease symptoms, feed the plant with a mild, balanced fertilizer. 

Look for a water-soluble fertilizer with an NPK of 2-2-2 or 3-3-3. Feed the soil, not the leaves, once in the spring and again in the summer.

Overfeeding will cause the plant to lose its distinct coloring. With overfeeding, the leaves will look mostly green, with little silver or purple. Don’t feed unless you’re certain it’s necessary.


Pinch the plant regularly if you want to create bushier growth. Use a clean pair of scissors or clippers and trim back to a leaf node. You should also trim off leggy growth or any stems that are broken or discolored.

T. zebrina grows quickly and can become out of control before you realize what’s happening. If the plant outgrows its pot with roots circling the container, or growing out of the soil or drainage hole, increase to the next size up.

If you opt to move the plant outdoors in the summer, harden it off for a few weeks in order to gradually expose it to the harsher outdoor conditions.

Every few years, remove the plant from its container and replace all of the potting soil. This is necessary for several reasons. First, old soil tends to compact, contributing to root rot. Old soil also becomes hydrophobic over time, which means that it repels water. This makes it more difficult for the water to reach the roots rather than feeding straight out of the drainage holes.

Finally, old soil becomes depleted of nutrients and builds up with minerals if you use hard water.

When working with this plant, note that the mucilaginous sap can be irritating to the skin in some people. If you are prone to contact dermatitis, wear gloves when handling your spiderworts. The stems also break easily, so use caution not to snap them unintentionally.

Best Species and Cultivars

The world of the Tradescantia genus is a bit chaotic in terms of botanic nomenclature. Plants are constantly being mislabeled on the market. Many plants are labeled as zebrina cultivars when they actually belong to the chrysophylla, fluminensis, or albiflora species. That’s understandable since all of these species look similar to each other.

Here are a few of the true zebrina cultivars you can find on the market.

‘Burgundy’ has less green and more burgundy on the upper side of the leaves than the species.

Green Ghost

Slightly more subdued than the species, ‘Green Ghost’ lacks almost any purple on the top of the leaves and is primarily silver and green.

Violet Hill

Also known as ‘Purpusii,’ this cultivar has wider silver stripes and less purple than the species.


Each node segment of the stem can produce an entirely new plant. This characteristic has led to the species becoming invasive in warm regions where it grows outdoors. As a houseplant, it’s a good thing because it means that we can readily reproduce it.

Cuttings can be propagated in soil or water. Look for a healthy stem and cut a section away that contains at least one leaf node. Place the cut end in water or in potting soil in a small container with good soil drainage.

Place the cutting in an area with bright but indirect light. Any direct light could burn the cuttings and should be avoided.

In a few weeks, new roots should develop. If you’re growing in water, you will be able to see the roots. Once they’re an inch long, you can plant the cutting into soil. Be sure to keep the soil moist as the cutting establishes itself. Water-grown cuttings take some time to adapt to soil and need extra moisture during the transition.

If you’re growing in soil, wait for new growth or gently tug the cutting to see if it resists. Once you have roots, you can either move the cutting into a larger pot or allow it to grow in the existing pot until it outgrows it.

In either case, once the plant has become established after a few months, you can move it into a sunnier growing spot and water less often.

Common Problems, Pests, and Diseases

This tough plant is rarely bothered by pests or diseases, particularly when you grow it indoors. Rarely, aphids (part of the superfamily Aphidoidea) will attack, causing yellow stippling or yellowing leaves. Examine your plant closely on the stem and underside of the leaves for these tiny tick relatives, which use their tiny sucking mouthparts to feed on the plant.

Isolate the plant while you treat it. Place the plant in a tub or sink and spray it with a blast of lukewarm water to displace the insects. You’ll need to repeat this every week for a month or so, but it’s a reliable method for eliminating these pests.

While they aren’t prone to disease problems, overwatering will smother the roots, depriving them of oxygen. If you consistently overwater, the plant will begin to wilt and turn brown. To remedy this physiological problem, remove the plant from its container and remove all the sodden soil.

Replace it with fresh potting soil after cleaning out the pot.

Watch out for root rot. This isn’t a disease but rather a physiological condition where the roots become deprived of oxygen because they’re drowning in too much water. Plants will root rot will look wilted and might have brown, mushy leaves.

If you notice these symptoms, dig down and look at the roots. If they’re brown or black and soft, remove the plant from the potting soil and dispose of the soil. Then, wash out the container, making sure the drainage hole isn’t clogged, and repot the plant with fresh soil. Reduce your watering and be sure only to water when the soil has dried out.

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Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

By: Author Daniel

Posted on Last updated: September 18, 2023

Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

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You are reading this guide to learn more about the Wandering Jew Plant and its care . I have had this plant at home for many years and write about all the growing aspects in this guide.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Takeaways

What is the wandering jew plant.

The Wandering Jew, or Tradescantia zebrina, by its scientific name (old name = Zebrina pendula) is native to Mexico. It is not to be confused with Tradescantia albiflora, which also goes by Wandering Jew and has very similar care needs. 

Tradescantia zebrina has attractive foliage, sporting exciting zebra-patterned leaves. It also flowers. But when kept as a houseplant, this rarely ever happens. It is a fast-growing and excellent groundcover, according to the University of Florida .

How not to kill your Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew)

W andering Jew Plant Care

To keep your Wandering Jew plant thriving, ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in average room temperatures of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Fertilize once a month during spring and summer. In winter, relocate the plant to a cooler area with temperatures of 54-59°F (12-15°C).

Table of Contents

Tradescantia zebrina Growing guide

Tradescantia zebrina care is pretty straightforward, but it certainly can’t hurt to glance at the most important things to consider when caring about this herbaceous perennial plant. 

So, without further ado, let’s see how you can make your Wandering Jew, aka the Inch plant, as happy as possible.

Any good potting soil will do for your Wandering Jew. For instance, this could be Miracle Gro potting soil readily available online in stores like Amazon. 

But these plants not only feel very comfortable in soil but can also be kept in hydroponics .

Sunlight is a vital aspect when it comes to the well-being of most houseplants. Some houseplants do well with moderate sunlight, while others only thrive (or flower) when a certain level of sunlight is guaranteed.

The Wandering Jew does best in bright, indirect sunlight . 

If you are unsure what that means, please look at our Light Levels article.   

The Wandering Jew, a tropical native, thrives best when the root ball is always well moisturized. Still, waterlogging should be avoided whenever possible, as this could lead to root rot .

Lookup your USDA Hardiness Zone By Zip Code

This tropical plant does not enjoy limy water. Use soft water whenever possible. Rainwater and distilled water are very good choices. 


People who own an Inch plant and keep it outside run the risk of exposing it to cold temperatures. This is where indoor plant owners have the upper hand.

Wandering Jews can thrive with average room temperatures of 60 to 75°F (16 to 24°C) if it doesn’t drop for long periods. Anything below 12°C for an extended period could be fatal for your Wandering Jew.

Wandering Jews prefer a humidity of around 70%

The perennial, herbaceous Wandering Jew plant is native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia, so it should not surprise you that it likes a good deal of humidity. 

To ensure high humidity levels, regularly misting your plant is a very good idea. A hand mister filled with water does the trick. 

As for the location, you may want to keep your Wandering Jew in the bathroom , as this is usually the place in the house with the highest humidity. 

Feed your plant once a month during spring and summer. In winter, fertilizing is not necessary. 

Also, fertilization of the Wandering Jew is only necessary from the second year of cultivation or after repotting. 


It is best propagated through stem tip cuttings. Propagating the Wandering Jew is an easy task.

Wandering Jews don’t get very tall. They might reach a height of about 14 inches (36 cm) when kept indoors. They spread to about 10 inches (25 cm).


The thing with the Wandering Jew is that it grows fast , hence its nickname “Inch plant.” Because of its fast-growing pace, the plant usually gets very leggy, and leaves are often lost near the base of the plant. 

Repotting is pivotal for keeping the root system healthy regardless of the actual plant species. However, how often a houseplant needs to be repotted depends on various factors.

Some houseplants grow incredibly fast, so they need to be repotted often. Others, on the other hand, grow very slowly, so repotting is not a top priority. 

That said, repotting your Wandering Jew occasionally is a good idea. 

How long does a Wandering Jew live?

As far as the longevity of Wandering Jews goes, they often don’t get older than 2 to 3 years.  

Wandering Jew Houseplant

Wandering Jew Watering

Water about once every 5-7 days in spring and summer. Keep the soil slightly humid. Do not let the Wandering Jew dry out between waterings. Use your index finger to check if the soil is dry down 1-2 inches of soil (2.5 – 5 cm).

Reduce watering to every 10-14 days in autumn and winter.

Wandering Jew Propagation

The Wandering Jew roots very easily . The plant can easily be propagated through stem tip cuttings.

When propagating your Wandering Jew, make sure that your plant is in a healthy condition. 

Please follow our step-to-step guide to propagate your Wandering Jew through stem tip cuttings.

Propagation through stem tip cuttings

  • Identify the plant that you want to replicate. It should have healthy growth and plenty of stems. 
  • Make clean cuts on sections that are three to six inches in length . 
  • Use a sharp knife and carefully cut the leaves on the stem’s bottom half.
  • If you want, you can dip the exposed end of the stem in a rooting hormone . This will speed up the rooting process. However , it is unnecessary . 
  • Place your stem tip cuttings into a pot with fresh soil after thoroughly watering the potting mixture. 
  • Use a clear plastic bag to hold in moisture, taking it off to water weekly . 
  • Keep your eyes on the plant for new growth . You should start to see roots in about two to three weeks . Once this happens, transfer the plant babies to a larger pot. 

Note: Instead of rooting your stem tip cuttings directly in soil, you could also root them in water .

Wandering Jew Pest Control

Wandering Jews are prone to aphids and spider mites attacks. So, you will need to look out for these two little pests. 

Some of these are known to cause defoliation, while others can kill the plant altogether. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may need to use chemicals or insecticides .

Aphids on my Inch Plant

The Wandering Jew is not particularly susceptible to plant diseases or pests. Yet, you might have to deal with an aphid attack at some point. These parasites pierce the leaves of their host plant and suck their sap.

Like scale insects, they excrete sticky honeydew, by which you can immediately recognize the infestation.

Aphids can multiply explosively, especially in warm , dry environments.

As a preventive measure, ensure regular watering and occasional misting of your Wandering Jew.

The best way to combat aphids is to control them mechanically by rinsing them off the plant with water . Isolate the plant from the rest of the collection.

Pest Prevention

To prevent the Wandering Jew from pest infestations, plucking dried leaves regularly makes sense as well as using neem oil. The dried leaves lying on the substrate must be removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of rotting or infestation by parasites and fungi .

Wandering Jew Problems

Brown leaf tips.

Brown leaf tips is a very common problem with a wide variety of houseplant. Depending on the species, the causes for this problem can be very different, though. 

So what causes leaves to turn brown with Wandering Jews?

My Wandering Jew has only green leaves (not enough variegation)

If you do own a variegated Wandering Jew but only see a great amount of non-variegated leaves, chances are that your plant does not get enough sunlight . 

To solve the problem, allow your Wandering Jew some bright, indirect sunlight by placing it in a sunnier location. 

Fading leaves

If your inch plant’s foliage is suddenly losing color and sports fading leaves, this is another sign that it does not get enough sunlight . 

Dropping leaves

Dropping leaves is another very common problem many plant parents must deal with regularly . If your Wandering Jew drops leaves, this is usually due to too low or too high temperatures . 

In summer , ensure your Wandering Jew is exposed to average room temperatures.

In winter , it should be kept in a cooler environment.

Is Wandering Jew care difficult?

Wandering Jews are considered low-maintenance plants and are perfectly suitable for beginners. 

They do well at average room temperatures, don’t demand a very high level of humidity (which is sometimes difficult to achieve in a home environment), and it is very easy to propagate them through stem tip cuttings. 

Which plant species are commonly referred to as “Wandering Jew”?

Tradescantia zebrina as well as Tradescantia albiflora. 

What is the difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula?

There is no difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula. Zebrina pendula is just the old name for Tradescantia zebrina. 

Does my Wandering Jew flower at all?

Wandering Jews are indeed flowering plants. However, when kept indoors, they very rarely flower. 

How long can you keep a Wandering Jew?

If you don’t propagate your Wandering Jew, you can keep it for about three years. After that period, the quality of your Wandering Jew will most likely decrease. If you regularly propagate your leafy friend through stem tip cuttings, you can keep it indefinitely.

Any display tips for Wandering Jews?

Wandering Jews look great in hanging planters!

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to cats?

The Wandering Jew plant is toxic to cats. Therefore, you have to keep your cat away from this plant. 

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to dogs?

Yes, the Wandering Jew plant is toxic to dogs. Therefore, you must ensure your dog does not come in contact with this plant. 

What are the health benefits of Tradescantia zebrina, if any?

Not only is The Wandering Jew a beautiful houseplant famous for its striking foliage, but it also presents several health benefits for humans. It is especially known for its antioxidant and antibacterial activity, and it is widely used in Traditional Medicine in several countries. Tradescantia zebrina is also believed to be a valuable source for treating kidney diseases.

The Last Zebrina

The Wandering Jew is a great houseplant that looks stunning in hanging planters. Its care is easy apart from its humidity-loving nature.

Daniel Iseli

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.

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The Contented Plant

Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina) Care

The Wandering Jew plant is a fast growing vining houseplant with deep purple and green leaves with beautiful striping down the center of the leaf. This houseplant is easy to care for and grows quickly.

The Tradescantia Zebrina is commonly known as the Wandering Jew plant, or Inch Plant. This vining plant originated in Mexico where it grows as a ground cover and spreads out its long vines.

tradescantia zebrina plant

The key to the keeping the vibrant colors of the Wandering Jew plant care is sufficient lighting and an even watering schedule. With proper lighting this plant will retain the beautiful vibrant purple color.

If this plant doesn’t get enough light it will still grow but be leggy and the purple ribboning will fade.

Watering is also important, this plant likes to have moist soil. If you let this plant dry out too many times, the vines will begin to brown and shrivel at the top of the plant.

Wandering Jew Plant Care

I have had my tradescantia for 2 years. This plant is extremely hardy, I’ve let it dry out completely many times and have put it in a few different lighting situations and it still prevails! This might be the hardiest and easiest plant I have come across in my plant journey.

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This plant does great as a hanging basket, or kept in a tall container where it can trail down to the ground. In my experience it grows extremely fast.

If you want to keep this plant full and round, pruning is a great option. Simply chop the vines where you want to create fullness. The plant will grow additional vines where it has been pruned.

Purchase Tradescantia Zebrina from Etsy

tradescantia zebrina potted

The propagation for the tradescantia is incredibly simple. You can propagate this plant through soil or water propagation. My favorite way is to cut the plant just below the node, remove all but the top two leaves, and plant the cutting directly back into the pot. Keep the soil moist while the cutting roots.

The Wandering Jew plant care is fairly straightforward, with a little care and work you can have a beautiful trailing houseplant. We have attached a printable care guide for you below.

Tradescantia Zebrina Care Guide

Wandering Jew Plant Care

Tradescantia Zebrina vines have only a few basic requirements to remain a happy durable plant.

This lovely vine is a perfect beginner houseplant.

  • General potting soil
  • velcro tape


Soil preference:.

  • This plant requires a light soil.
  • A mix of potting soil and perlite will keep the roots happiest.
  • Our mix for this plant is 80% potting soil and 20% perlite
  • A heavy soil potting mix is not recommended for Tradescantias.

Pot Size and Type:

  • Wandering Jew vines are quick growing plants, you will need a pot that can accomodate the growth.
  • Choose a pot about 2 inches wider in diameter than the current pot.
  • Any well drained pot can be used. It MUST have drainage.
  • Repot every second year or when roots come out the drainage holes on the pot bottom To the next pot size up.
  • Don't jump to a huge pot from a small one unless you wish to encourage faster growth. Just go to the next size up pot.
  • The Tradescantia zebrina enjoys bright indirect light. It will tolerate lower indirect light it if has some brighter moments in the day.
  • The purple color will fade on this plant if it is not kept in bright indirect light.
  • Some filtered sunlight from a window will be appreciated.
  • Shield this plant from strong direct light in summer south and west sunny windows. The leaves will burn.
  • Tip: Window sheers or blinds can offset some brief periods of high direct light.
  • Water your Tradescantia when the soil is dry down an inch or so. This plant does not like to dry out too much. Try a watering schedule of every other week.
  • Watering is best done on a regular schedule so the plant is not over or under watered. Both can cause stress on the plant.
  • This plant enjoys humidity. In dry climates this tradescantia will thrive with a humidifier nearby. or set it in your kitchen or bathroom. For a really dry climate frequent misting will help.
  • In dormant winter months reduce watering to when the soil is dry down halfway .
  • Never let this plant get wet feet. If the soil is compacted the bottom of the soil can remain wet which encourages root rot and Fungus Gnats . If you see yellow leaves on your tradescantia you are probably overwatering.

How to Fertilize:

  • Apply a good quality fertilizer (linked in materials) monthly through Spring and summer.
  • Decrease feedings by late Fall and allow your plant to rest through the winter months.
  • Look for brown spots on the leaves of your plants. This may indicate an over concentration of salts in the roots from over feeding. It can burn the leaves.
  • The remedy is to set the plant under a faucet of water and let the water run through for 10 minutes or so. Allow the pot to Completely drain. Discontinue fertilizer until the plant recovers.


  • Keep plant at a low of 65 Degrees F. to upward of 85 Degrees F. It enjoys warmth and humidity.

Pruning and Training:

  • Pruning will give you a fuller plant with more even growth. Unpruned vines will trail and get leggy.
  • Sharp Hand pruners are preferred for pruning. They will give a clean cut that will heal quickly.
  • Tradescantia will naturally trail. They make good hanging baskets or they will happily trail off shelves. For even growth turn hanging pot every time you water.

Table Top Plants:

  • It’s easy to prune and shape these plants to whatever length and fullness you desire.
  • As a table top plant cut the trailers back evenly all around the pot. If you want the pot fuller add more starts.
  • The wandering jew is not fussy and resists pests. However all plants can get attacked by pests.
  • Stress by longterm poor watering practices, poor light, extreme temperatures and soil conditions are contributors to stress.
  • Spider mites, mealy bugs, scale, thrips and whitefly are the most common houseplant pests you will see.
  • Read our post on How to get rid of aphids and other pests with our homemade pesticide soap recipe or neems oil.
  • To minimize the possibility of pests be sure to check all nursery plants before bringing them home.
  • Quarantine all new plants until you are sure no pests live in them.

How to Propagate:

  • Propagation is easily done through leaf node stem cuttings.
  • You need a 3 to 6 inch leaf stem with a couple of nodes and healthy growth.
  • Place the node into a jar with water. Use tap water that has settled 24 hours in the jar to dissipate chemicals harmful to the plant.
  • Set the jar in a well lit area.
  • After several weeks roots will grow. Allow the roots to get an inch or more in length.
  • Plant gently and firmly into pot with proper soil mix.
  • Make sure to keep the soil moist until the roots begin to set into the soil.

watch our video below for more on Tradescantia care.

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Toxic Plant:

This plant can cause mild abdominal discomfort if ingested. It’s best to keep this plant out of reach or small children, dogs, and cats.

Air filtering Plant:

Wandering jew is a good air purifier. In particular, it is excellent at removing VOCs from the air.

learn about the wandering jew-pin image

Read more about the history of the Tradescantia Zebrina

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Wandering Jew Plant Care – How to Plant, Grow and Help Them Thrive


Tradescantia zebrina, commonly called the Wandering Jew plant, is a striking houseplant known for its variegated leaves tinted with green, silver, and purple. It originated in Central America and Mexico’s tropical regions. So, the Zebrina is a perfect choice for growing indoors. The good news is that Wandering Jew plant care is not difficult at all!

Key Takeaways

  • Zebrina is a low-maintenance, fast-growing plant.
  • The Zebra Plant makes an excellent choice for beginner gardeners because care isn’t overly complex.
  • This plant quickly fills up empty spaces in your indoor landscaping efforts.
  • Pruning is good for Zebrinas. It maintains their shape and keeps them from becoming invasive.

Wondering about the Wandering “Dude”

The Zebrina has numerous nicknames (many from cultivars), including Silver Inch Plant, Striped Trad, Striped Wandering Creeper, Purple Heart Plant, Small Leaf Spiderwort, Moses in the Cradle, and Zebra Plant. Because the name Wandering Jew is offensive to some, gardeners usually use one of these, the botanical name, or the new moniker, Wandering Dude.

The flowing leaves on this plant measure about ½ inch long and about ¼ inch wide. When used outdoors, they make a colorful ground cover. The flowers are pink to purple and bear brownish seeds. Take care when you work with the zebra plant. The sap proves irritating to some people.

Light Play: When Zebrina is in bright light, the colors become even more vibrant. If you have a window location with indirect light, the exposure enhances leaf pigments. It is very visually appealing.

The Basics of Wandering Jew Plant Care (Zebrina)

In taking care of any indoor plant, there are certain important points in your care routine.

  • Temperature: Zebrina plants thrive when the temperature is around 70 degrees. Keep the plant away from drafts or air conditioning ducts.
  • Light: South or eastern-facing windows work best, provided the light is indirect. If they’re not getting enough sun, they become spindly.
  • Water: Keep your inch plant moist. Avoid over-watering or letting the plant’s soil dry out completely.
  • Soil: Plant your Wandering Dude in a peat-based potting mix with good drainage.
  • Humidity: Good news! The average humidity in your home should work fine.

Wandering Jew Plant Care

The Battle of Fronds vs. Flowers: Many people buy houseplants for their flowers. Zebrinas do produce delicate petals, which look charming. However, the true allure of the Wandering Dude is its foliage.

Wandering Jew Plant (Zebrina) Needs

When you’re looking for a beautiful backdrop to your indoor garden efforts, Zebrina fills that need. Mix the type of container you use for greater visual impact. You can take your plants for a summer stroll, but you cannot leave them outdoors during winter.

Except for Purple Queen Zebrina, which loves direct light, the fronds of these plants will burn if left in direct sunlight for too long. If you have a window that gets light in the morning and indirect light later, the Wandering Dude will thrive.

Tip: Turn your pots periodically so all sides of the plant benefit from sunlight.

If you’d like to expand your Zebrina family, propagation is simple. It begins with taking a stem cutting. Look for a healthy stem and snip it below a node. You can then root it in a glass of water or put it directly into the soil. A little rooting compound improves the results from direct soil planting.

Choosing a Wandering Jew Plant for Your Home

Inch Plant (blossfeldiana): Thick, fuzzy leaves with purple undersides. It blossoms in flower clusters of white, rose pink, or blue. Mature height 6-12 inches.

Longpipes (Wild Crocus): These bluish-purple flowers appear from May until June. It’s thin, arching leaves grow up to 7 inches long. If you have a rock feature inside, longpipes will do well there.

Moses-in-a-basket (Oyster Plant; Boat Lily): The dark green leaves are sword-like and grow in a spiral. The undersides of the foliage are purple, and it blossoms with white flowers. Dwarf plants are 6-12 inches tall and require 6-8 hours of indirect light daily. The vibrant purple undersides of this plant’s leaves are truly striking.

There are two popular variants of Moses-in-a-Basket. One is a Tricolor, bearing pink, green, and cream leaves. The other is a Golden Oyster with bright gold-yellow leaves.

Pallida: A native of Mexico, Pallida goes by the name Purple Heart. The foliage is eggplant purple, adorned with light pink flowers bordering on orchid—a good choice for hanging baskets. Grows 1-2 feet tall and wide.

Striped Inch Plant (River Spiderwort, Speedy Henry): Average size is 12” x 12”. The plant’s leaves are dark green, shiny, and pointy (2 inches). Striped inch plants blossom with white flowers.

Virginia Spiderwort: Bright green narrow leaves topped with violet, three-petaled flowers that measure 2” across. Each flower only lives for a day, but there are so many you won’t notice. This is a larger member of the Wandering Jew family, with an adult height of 18-20 inches and a width of 12-18 inches.

White Velvet: Gray-green leaves covered in white hairs distinguish this Wandering Jew from others. It blossoms for about a month in bright pink-purple flowers. Received the Award of Golden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Mature height: 12 inches.

While humans suffer no illness from Zebrina, ingestion by pets can be toxic. Keep this in mind when placing them around your indoor garden.

Wandering Jew Plant Watering Techniques

Wandering Jew Plant Watering

While these plants handle random overwatering, it won’t continue being healthy if left waterlogged too long. When you apply water, do so from the base of the plant. Watch and you can see the water absorption. Alternatively, you can take the plant to your sink and give it a good bottom watering until the liquid comes out of drainage holes. Let it finish in the sink, then put it back in place.

When you walk through your home, regularly check your plant’s soil. Put your finger down to the ½ inch point in the soil. If it’s dry, then water. Because your Wandering Jew may grow at different rates throughout the year, this test alleviates guesswork.

If you are busy and may forget, try an aqua globe.

Vertical Space: If you want a plant to fill some of your vertical space, you’ll be happy to know Zebrina can be trained. By using a support, you can guide it toward climbing. Use a moss pole or trellis as a support system.

Wandering Jew: Potting and Repotting

Tradescantia are fast growers, so you may need to repot it every two or three seasons. When it’s time, you want to give the plant a larger container and fresh soil. Zebrina’s roots will start peeking out of drainage holes to tell you they need more space. Alternatively, they may move up the side of the pot toward the container’s edge.

When you remove the plant from the current container, begin by putting it down on its side. Hold the pot with one hand and the base of the foliage with the other. Gently wiggle (the stems can be quite delicate). Once it slides out, shake off old soil and inspect for signs of disease or pests.

Potting and Repotting Wandering Jew

As a generalization, Zebrina represents adaptability, growth, and resilience. Because of its hardy nature, this plant has become a metaphor for overcoming adversity and showing grace during times of transformation. It is an emblem of the human spirit’s perseverance and enduring hope. In literature, the flower appears as a symbol of beauty, strength, faith, and diligence.

Dream books say the Wandering Jew appearing reminds you all is not lost. Stay true, stand tall, and succeed. If you’re holding the flower, it portends luck and prosperity.

Pruning and Maintenance

Because this plant grows quickly, heavy pruning is good for it. Make it an addition to your regular Wandering Jew care routine. Trim off long tendrils, dead leaves, and weak growth. Pinch off new growth and thin it out. This helps create a bushy appearance and transforms the plant into something suitable for your indoor efforts.

Sometimes, per their name, Zebrina goes a-wandering. It becomes leggy stems with few leaves. Keep those trimmed down so the plant can focus its energy more effectively. If you’re plants look rather dull, trimming is the trick for promoting thick leaves.

Perhaps the most important reason for pruning Wandering Jews is to keep them healthy. Removing unhealthy or dead parts deters fungus and disease.

When: Indoor plants often follow nature’s lead, resting during fall and winter. So, give them their haircut in spring or early summer at the latest.

Zebra Plants and Therapeutic Properties: Inch plants have antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. In areas like Jamaica, people treasure them as a treatment for high pressure and cough while applying leaves for swelling. In China, this plant has the name “Water Turtle Grass.” It’s recommended for kidney disorders. Mexicans have an inch plant leaf decoction used as a tonic. Along the same lines, Guyana healers brew the leaves and offer the tea for influenza and digestive issues.

Blooming and Resting Periods

This plant’s flowers benefit from a dormant period the previous winter. Since it’s indoor, you’ll need to put the Zebrina in an area hovering around 60F. Reduce water. You want the soil to dry for two weeks between irrigation. Always use room-temperature water so you don’t shock your plants.

Once the Wandering Jew is growing, you’ll need to water it once a week. Now is the time for fertilization.

There is a legend that surfaced in the 13th century. It says that a Jewish person taunted Jesus on his way to crucifixion. As a result, the person was cursed to walk the earth until the second coming. Another sad account was that of a condemned man separated from his sister by the Bering Straight. He set out to find her, yet wherever he traveled, plagues followed. There is no happy ending here. The fellow never finds his sister.

There is no question that the Wandering Jew is diligent and sometimes invasive, so perhaps some of those characteristics contributed to the plant’s name.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Wandering Dudes rarely have pests indoors. Occasionally, you may find aphids or spider mites. You can wash both off the leaves or use a natural insecticide.

When you see small white webs on the undersides of leaves, that’s a spider mite. They like it warm and dry, so amp up the humidity using a household humidifier near the plant. Spray it periodically. Should the critters persist, wash the plant in your sink.

Signs of Aphid infestation include:

  • Weakened growth
  • Yellowing, twisting, or curling leaves
  • Small white flakes on the leaves (this is the result of aphids shedding their exoskeleton)
  • A sticky, shiny substance on leaves and stems (honeydew)
  • Black, sooty mold (a result of honeydew)
  • Diseased plants (aphids carry over 100 different viral diseases that can settle into the Wandering Jew)

Neem oil is a trusted remedy. Apply, then re-apply in a week. Continue more applications until they’re gone.

When it comes to disease, most develop because of over-watering, which leads to root rot. Roots can only retain so much water before they start getting mushy. The good news is you can remedy this easily. Reduce your watering schedule and improve the drainage in the soil. Just add some coarse sand or perlite.

Black patches and white powdery particles on your plant’s leaves reveal fungal issues like leaf spots, botrytis, and powdery mildew. Clean away affected foliage. Make sure your plant isn’t over-watered. If you get stuck and the fungus won’t go away, you should dispose of the Wandering Jew and sterilize the container before reusing it.

In an odd twist, you can grow wandering jew plants in water. You will need to change the water every 4 days and add a little fertilizer (3:1 ratio in freshwater). Using purified water is best. Salt and chlorine can adversely affect these plants. Also, make sure the water is at room temperature. With the right lighting, you can keep Zebrina alive in water for a long time, much like money plants.

Troubleshooting Common Wandering Jew Problems

  • Bare stems and spindly growth: Over the years, this is natural. However, in younger plants, it may indicate a lack of light, water, or fertilization.
  • Loss of leaf color: When variegated leaves begin turning all green, your plant is getting too much direct sunlight.
  • Limp stems: Typically means a lack of water, but could be a sign of insects.

Word Play: The Inch Plant’s name is descriptive to a T. This foliage grows approximately one inch every week! It can also propagate itself using only an inch of stem.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jew plant

Does a wandering jew plant need sun.

Yes, but not direct sun. An area with indirect light is best for these plants. Turn the plant periodically so all sides get filtered light regularly.

How do you care for a wandering Jew indoors?

Now, you may have Wandering Jews that are just indoor plants. But if you have outdoor pines, you; 'll need to bring them into your home before the threat of frost. They’ll do just fine in your household landscape as long as you give them adequate light and proper watering.

How often do you need to water a wandering Jew plant?

If your Wandering Jew develops mushy stems, you’re over-watering it. Don’t automatically bring over the water pail. Check the soil. If it’s dry down to 1”, it’s safe to add moisture. Otherwise, wait.

How long will wandering Jew last?

Wandering Jews are fairly hardy. As long as you care for them correctly, your Tradescantia plants will live for many years.

How big do wandering Jews get?

Much depends on the type. Most plants don’t grow beyond one foot tall but may have longer (2-foot) stems.

Zebrina plants have a rich history and a variety of interesting traits. It thrives in a variety of environments, and has alluring striped leaves, and people enjoy looking at it. When you want to add some living greenery to your indoor garden, Zebrina is one possibility. It’s exotic yet understated, and you will enjoy it for years to come.

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Home » House Plants » Wandering Jew

Tradescantia Care: Growing The Wandering Jew Plant

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The Tradescantia plant is commonly known as the Wandering Jew plant – an attractive vining plant whose distinctive leaves bear stripes of purple, white, green, and silver.

The botanical name for the tricolor wandering jew? Tradescantia zebrina !

wandering jew plants

The wandering jew from the genus Tradescantia is a native of Mexico who earned its common name thanks to the plant’s ability to root easily, spread, and thrive in a wide variety of conditions.

This plant comes from the spiderwort family (Commelinaceae) and is also known as Zebrina pendula or inch plant .

Another popular wandering jew variety is Tradescantia pallida – with deep purple leaves and goes by several common names like purple wandering jew, purple queen, and purple heart.

There are several other wandering jew varieties with green and white variegated leaves.

A variegated green plant draping over the edge of a metal planter on a patio with red brick pavers.

Tradescantia displays small 3-petaled pink, white, or purple flowers.

Wandering Jew Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
  • Common Name(s): Wandering Jew, Inch Plant, Spiderwort
  • Synonyms: Zebrina pendula, Zebrina purpusii
  • Family & Origin: Commelinaceae family, native to Mexico and Central America
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: 9-11
  • Size: Grows up to 2-3 feet long
  • Flowering: Produces small, purple flowers in the summer
  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light
  • Humidity: Tolerates low humidity but prefers higher humidity levels
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 55-75°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry, do not overwater
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs; watch for root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Propagated through stem cuttings
  • Plant Uses: Used as a trailing plant in hanging baskets or as a ground cover in gardens. Can also be used as an indoor plant.

In the “old days” before the advent of garden centers and nurseries carrying a wide variety of houseplants, housewives and gardeners shared cuttings of plants freely.

Cuttings of the wandering jew traveled broadly from home to home and proved itself adaptable and capable of thriving in almost any setting.

Purple wandering Jew plant on sidewalk

This reminded people of the wanderings of the Jews of biblical times, hence the nickname.

This easy-care plant grows indoors or out in a variety of settings.

In this article, we will provide best practice instructions on how to grow and care for Tradescantia and provide some words of caution regarding another invasive species related to it, Tradescantia fluminensis . Read on to learn more.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Tips

Wandering Jew vines do well in pots planted in a 60/40 peat moss and perlite potting mixture or with an all-purpose potting mixture .

Lush green and purple foliage of plants on a speckled concrete ground.

This indoor plant makes an exceptionally beautiful hanging basket plant .

Lighting can vary from medium indirect light to even direct sun. Likewise, this hardy plant does well in room temperatures ranging from 55° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit.

NOTE: Tradescantia  Plants will achieve the most vibrant, bright colors in high, bright, indirect sunlight and at consistently warmer temperatures.

Like most houseplants, the Wandering Jew does not like soggy roots. Translation – Too much water leads to root rot.

A vibrant display of green and purple plants with bright red bromeliad flowers.

Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, then water deeply. If desired, use a half-strength general liquid houseplant fertilizer two times monthly.

Do not water directly into the crown of the plant. Doing so may encourage rotting of the stems and the roots .

These plants like a humid environment, so add a humidifier or, between watering, mist the leaf surface frequently.

Continue misting through the winter, but cut back on watering. Generally speaking, watering once a week should work.

Purple-leaved plant over a brick pavement.

During the winter, reduce watering to two times monthly, and do not fertilize.

Pruning and grooming play an important role in caring for your Wandering Jew indoors.

These houseplants are vigorous growers and send out long tendrils and stems on a regular, ongoing basis. Keep these trimmed or pinched back at leaf nodes to encourage your new bushier growth and fuller plants.

Propagation of this rambling plant is very easy.

Simply clip off the long stem cuttings (3” length) during the spring and summer months and root them in moist potting soil or in water.

Purple and green foliage with delicate flowers.

Growing Wandering Jew As An Outdoor Plant

Wandering Jew thrives in a temperate climate with fairly high humidity. Hardy in USDA Zones 9-11.

Tradescantia tricolor makes a good ground cover in spots receiving bright indirect light, such as around the base of tall trees, which are shady areas.

They also serve as a great ornamental and basket plant.

Planting is simplicity itself. You can use four-inch plants in pots purchased from a nursery or use cuttings of stem tips from your houseplant for repotting or creating new starts.

A lush wandering Jew plant with purple and green leaves in a greenhouse setting.

You’ll get the best results planting in rich, well-drained soil.

Be sure to cover the roots or sink your cuttings 3″ to 5″ inches into the soil. Keep a moist soil until the plant becomes established.

After this, weekly regular watering should suffice. Applying liquid fertilizer once a week or apply a slow release fertilizer to help to develop a healthy root system.

Keep plants pinched back and pruned to encourage them to grow bushy rather than in a spindly and trailing manner.

NOTE: Some people report skin irritation when coming in contact with the sap when handling cuttings.

Wandering Purple Jew plants will die back outdoors during the cold winter months. Fear not, if you plant correctly and help establish a good root system they will reappear come springtime.

lilac wandering jew flowers

Three Best Ways To Root Tradescantia

  • Poke the ends of cuttings into fresh potting soil and keep the soilless mix moist for a few weeks. During the rooting process (rooting hormone is not needed), keep plants in partial shade. Once rooted, transfer them to pots and water as you would a mature plant.
  • Simply lay cuttings on the surface of the moist potting mix. Press the cutting joint into the soil mix to make good contact. Roots will form at the joint. Once the plant becomes established, transfer it to its own pot with drainage holes.
  • Place cuttings in a glass or bottle of water set on a sunny windowsill. Once roots emerge, transfer cuttings into pots. Keep the soil moist for a few weeks until the cuttings adjust and establish themselves in the soil.

A lush green potted vine plant with variegated leaves indoors near a staircase with terracotta tiles.

Replacing The Wandering Jew Sometimes Becomes Necessary

This houseplant does not usually live for long periods of time like a Hoya the wax plant or grandma’s African violet plant. Luckily, it regenerates itself easily.

If your Wandering Jew begins looking shabby, loses foliage easily, and gets too leggy, you may want to simply toss it into the compost pile and replace it with one of its offspring.

Alternatively, you could try cutting the foliage back to the roots to see if it will regenerate.

Pests and diseases rarely attack Wandering Jew, but occasionally, you’ll discover spider mites and aphids on the leaves and stems.

A hanging purple plant over moss-covered brick pavement with other green plants around.

When this happens, simply cut back the affected areas and dispose of the cuttings in a sealed plastic bag.

Spray plants vigorously with water to knock off any errant pests. Depending on the infestation, this should take care of the problem.

If it does not, turn to natural insecticides for killing any remaining aphids and prevent reinfestation.

NOTE: Don’t compost diseased or pest-infested plants.

Beware Of The Wandering Jew’s Invasive Cousin!

So far, we’ve discussed the wandering jew – Tradescantia pallid. Another variety, known as Tradescantia fluminensis, is solid green and produces white blooms.

Close-up of fuzzy green leaves with small pink flowers beginning to bloom.

This wandering Jew variety thrives in USDA zones 9 through 11. In fact, it does so well that it can quickly become invasive. You must take great care to prevent it from taking over your entire yard.

In subtropical areas such as New Zealand and Australia and in the southern United States, it has become a serious invasive plant problem.

Wandering Jew Propagation

Close-up of a purple and green wandering jew (Tradescantia zebrina) plant with visible leaf detail.

It propagates itself with wild abandon, and new starts grow readily from stem segments.

Inclement weather only encourages this because the segments can float and travel far and wide to establish themselves in new homes.

Eradicating Tradescantia fluminensis or even cutting it back by hand may encourage the plant to spread.

A lush Tradescantia zebrina (wandering jew) plant with green-purple leaves under a greenhouse roof.

Very often, people regret introducing this “Wandering Jew” in their gardens. They often end up having to use a strong herbicide to kill it off.

Should The Green Wandering Jew Be Avoided Entirely?

Tradescantia fluminensis can be a good garden addition, and it does well as a groundcover in Brazil and Argentina, from whence it hails.

If you want Tradescantia fluminensis in your garden, look for the Innocence variety.

Close-up of purple and silver-tinged leaves of a Tradescantia zebrina plant, against a backdrop of a gray surface and yellow floor.

It’s more attractive and less invasive than the common varieties. It prefers damper and shadier areas and thrives in lower shade with moist soil.

More on Tradescantia:

  • Wandering Jew Plant being Poisonous or Toxic
  • Check out this patented 2017 variety – Tradescantia Nanouk ®
  • Growing and Care Of Tradescantia Tricolor
  • Tradescantia Spathacea Care (Oyster Plant)
  • Caring For Callisia Repens The Bolivian Wandering Jew

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wandering zebrina plant

Succulent Path

Wandering Jew Plant: Care and Propagation Guide

Table of Contents


The Wandering Jew plant, also known as the Inch plant, has been a trendsetter in the world of plant swapping long before indoor gardening became popular. Its stunning foliage and ease of care make it a favorite among plant enthusiasts. Its variegated leaves, a captivating blend of purple, green, and silver, add a burst of vibrancy to any environment.

The name “Wandering Jews” refers to three distinct plant species: Tradescantia zebrina, Tradescantia pallida, and Tradescantia fluminensis . Tradescantia zebrina is the most widely grown of the three and boasts the most strikingly colourful leaves. The same conditions must be met by all three for healthy development.

 This beauty hails from Mexico, Central America, and Colombia.

Why is it Called So?

It stems from its vigorous growth habit, seemingly “wandering” and cascading elegantly.

Preferred for foliage or flowers?

Embraced for lush foliage rather than flowers, this resilient plant is suitable for indoor and outdoor settings. The unique characteristic of the Wandering Jew Plant is its beautifully variegated, elongated leaves that display a striking combination of purple, green, and silver shades.

Where to Grow?- Indoor or Outdoors?

The trailing growth habit of this plant makes it ideal for hanging baskets or cascading over shelves, adding a touch of natural beauty to any indoor or outdoor space.

Growing Habits

They grow fast and can take up a lot of space if they are not properly handled. Every leaf node on their trailing stems, which can reach a length of 6 feet, produces a new sprout. The plant can stretch out and take on a lush, bushy appearance thanks to this growth pattern.

Because they can escape cultivation and occupy natural habitats, Wandering Jew plants are crucial to note that when cultivated outdoors, they are regarded as invasive in some areas. Nonetheless, they are readily confined in their pots when cultivated as houseplants.

Is it Suitable for First-time Plant Owners?

With its low-maintenance requirements and eye-catching appearance, the Wandering Jew Plant has gained popularity among both experienced plant enthusiasts and beginners. Its adaptability and resilience make it a suitable choice for first-time plant owners looking to enhance their home decor with a touch of nature.

Let’s explore its origin, characteristics, and care tips for plant enthusiasts, whether seasoned or novice.

Plant Characteristics

wandering jew plant

The Wandering Jew Plant features a well-developed root system that helps anchor the plant and absorb nutrients from the soil. The roots are typically fibrous in nature and grow in a spreading manner, enabling the plant to establish a stable foundation for optimal growth.

wandering jew plant

The stem of the Wandering Jew Plant is thin and trailing, allowing it to gracefully cascade down from its container or climbing surface. The stems are fleshy and succulent, providing the plant with the ability to store water and nutrients.

wandering jew plant

One of the most distinctive features of the Wandering Jew Plant is its vibrant foliage. The leaves are elongated and lance-shaped, measuring around two to three inches in length. The upper surface of the leaf showcases a stunning mix of purple hues, while the underside displays a contrasting silver shade. The leaves are covered with fine hairs, imparting a velvety texture that adds to their allure.

wandering jew plant flower

Although the primary appeal of the Wandering Jew Plant lies in its foliage, it occasionally produces small, three-petaled flowers. These flowers bloom in clusters and can range in color from pink to purple, adding a touch of delicate beauty to the plant. However, it’s worth noting that the flowers are not the main focus, and they may not appear frequently in indoor settings.

It produces oval-shaped seed capsules that contain tiny, brownish seeds. While the plant’s fruiting abilities are not its main attraction, they serve as a reminder of the plant’s reproductive capabilities.

Botanical Classification

Usda growing zone.

The USDA Hardiness Zone system is a universal guideline used to determine the climatic conditions suitable for various plant species. The Wandering Jew Plant thrives in zones 9-12, encompassing regions with average annual minimum temperatures ranging from 20 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 to 15 degrees Celsius).

If you reside in these zones, the Wandering Jew Plant can be grown both outdoors and indoors. However, if you reside in zones outside of this range, you can still enjoy its beauty by cultivating it as a houseplant in containers.

Special Features

The Wandering Jew Plant possesses several special features that make it an attractive choice for plant enthusiasts. Here are a few notable ones:

  • Variegated Foliage: The striking coloration of the leaves, with its mix of purple, green, and silver, adds a touch of vibrancy and visual appeal to any space.
  • Trailing Growth Habit: The cascading nature of the Wandering Jew Plant makes it an excellent choice for hanging baskets, shelves, or even as ground cover in outdoor gardens.
  • Low Maintenance: This plant is well-known for its ability to thrive with minimal care. It can tolerate slight neglect and adapt to various environmental conditions, making it an ideal choice for plant beginners or busy individuals.
  • Air-Purifying Abilities: Like many other houseplants, the Wandering Jew Plant actively removes toxins from the air, enhancing the overall indoor air quality. Its presence can contribute to a healthier living environment.

Is Wandering Jew Plant Poisonous ?

While the Wandering Jew Plant is undoubtedly beautiful, it is essential to be aware of its potential toxicity to humans and pets. The plant contains mildly toxic compounds when ingested. The most common symptoms of toxicity include gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Furthermore, the sap of the Wandering Jew Plant can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. It is advisable to wear gloves while handling the plant and to wash your hands thoroughly afterward.

If accidental ingestion occurs or if you notice severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing or skin rashes, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. In households with pets, it is recommended to keep the plant out of their reach to prevent any accidental consumption.

Wandering Jew Plant vs Purple Heart

The Wandering Jew Plant is often confused with another popular plant known as Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida). While both plants belong to the same genus and share similar characteristics, it’s essential to distinguish between the two.

The Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia zebrina) is known for its elongated, lance-shaped leaves with striking variegation of purple, green, and silver shades. It has a trailing growth habit and is ideal for hanging baskets or cascading over shelves.

Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida), on the other hand, features more elongated leaves with a solid, intense purple coloration. It is also a trailing plant that can be used similarly for decorative purposes.

Overall, the primary distinction is in the coloration and pattern of the leaves. While the Wandering Jew Plant showcases a unique mix of colors, Purple Heart stands out with its deep purple hue.

Types of Wandering Jew Plant

The genus Tradescantia has a wide range of plants with unique traits.

1. Tradescantia pallida ,’ Purple Heart,’

A fragile perennial that is frequently used as an annual or houseplant, is one noteworthy species. It has thin stems with lance-shaped, dark purple leaves that are occasionally accompanied by tiny pink or pale purple blooms.

2. Tradescantia fluminensis ,

A trailing perennial has succulent stems that easily root at nodes to create a dense carpet. It has star-shaped clusters of delicate white flowers, and its leaves are usually dark green with occasional stripes.

3. Tradescantia zebrina

Formerly called Zebrina pendula,  is a creeping plant with succulent stems. It makes an excellent ground cover with its green to purple leaves that are striped with silvery white. In low light, this species tends to lose colour, and its stems break readily at the nodes.

4. Tradescantia Blossfeldiana

An evergreen perennial forms clumps and has glossy green leaves along with colourful blooms that have three triangle-shaped petals.

5. Tradescantia spathacea

Commonly called an oyster plant or Moses-in-the-cradle, is an evergreen that forms clumps. Its leaves are sword-shaped and grouped in a spiral pattern, and its purple bracts, which surround white flowers, have the shape of boats.

6. Tradescantia virginiana

Has 3-petaled blooms in terminal clusters and linear to broadly linear dark green leaves that grow up to 2½ feet tall. It may rebloom following summer dieback and is propagated by subterranean stolons.

7. Tradescantia sillamontana or, Cobweb Spiderwort

A low-growing plant whose leaves and stems are covered with silver-white hairs. In July, it produces pink blooms.

8. Tradescantia subaspera

Sometimes called Zigzag Spiderwort, has leaves that resemble grass and a zigzag stem, whereas Tradescantia ohiensis is a clump-forming spiderwort with purple to rose-blue blooms.

A variety of looks and growth patterns are offered by these Tradescantia cultivars, which make them appropriate for a range of environments, from groundcovers in gardens to houseplants.

General Overview of Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering jew plant care .

The Wandering Jew Plant thrives in bright, indirect light. While direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, it still requires a sufficient amount of light to maintain its vibrant colors. Place the plant near a north or east-facing window where it can receive an ample amount of bright but indirect sunlight throughout the day.


The Wandering Jew Plant prefers a warm and humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius). Avoid exposing the plant to cold drafts or temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius) as it can cause damage to the foliage.

The ideal soil for the Wandering Jew Plant should be well-draining and rich in organic matter. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and regular potting soil works well to provide the necessary drainage while retaining moisture. Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level, between 6.0 and 7.0, to encourage optimal growth.

Check the top inch of soil before watering and only water when it feels dry to the touch. Water thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain out of the pot.

Avoid overwatering , as it can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to wilt and dry out.

Methods of watering

Misting: Use a spray bottle to mist the leaves occasionally, especially during dry seasons or in environments with low humidity. This helps to mimic the plant’s natural habitat and prevents the leaves from becoming too dry

Pebble Tray Method: You can create a pebble tray by placing a saucer filled with water and pebbles underneath the pot. As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the plant.

Humidifier: Using a humidifier in the vicinity can provide a consistent humidity level.

The Wandering Jew Plant appreciates moderate to high humidity levels. In environments with low humidity, such as heated indoor spaces, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase moisture levels. This helps prevent the leaves from drying out and ensures optimal growth.

To promote healthy growth, fertilize the Wandering Jew Plant every two to four weeks during the growing season, which typically spans from spring to early fall.

Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.

Apply the fertilizer directly to the soil, taking care to avoid contact with the leaves.

During the dormant period in winter, reduce the frequency of fertilization to once a month or suspend it altogether. This allows the plant to rest and prepare for the next growing season.

Potting and Repotting

Frequency: Repot when the plant outgrows its current container or if the soil becomes compacted. When repotting, gently loosen the root ball and place the plant in the new pot. Fill the remaining space with fresh potting mix , ensuring that the roots are adequately covered. Avoid pressing the soil too firmly, as it can impede proper drainage.

Mix: Use a fresh cactus mix or succulent mix while repotting.

Training and Pruning

The Wandering Jew Plant tends to grow long and trailing stems. To maintain a more compact and bushier appearance, it is essential to prune and train the plant regularly. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to remove any leggy or damaged stems. Cutting above a node helps promote new growth and encourages a fuller appearance.

Additionally, you can propagate the pruned cuttings to create new plants. Simply place the cuttings in water or moist soil, and they will quickly develop roots, ready for planting.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Indoors

When growing the Wandering Jew Plant indoors, it is crucial to provide optimal growing conditions. Here are a few essential tips:

  • Position the plant near a north or east-facing window to receive bright, indirect light.
  • Monitor the humidity levels and consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase moisture.
  • Keep the plant away from cold drafts or temperature extremes, as it prefers warm temperatures.
  • Regularly dust the leaves to prevent any blockage of pores and ensure optimal photosynthesis.
  • Rotate the plant every few weeks to promote even growth and prevent it from leaning towards the light source.

With proper care and attention, the Wandering Jew Plant can thrive in indoor settings, adding a touch of natural beauty to your living space.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Outdoors

The Wandering Jew Plant can also be grown outdoors in suitable climates. Here are some guidelines to follow when caring for it outdoors:

  • Choose a location that receives bright, filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
  • Ensure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter. Adding compost or organic fertilizers can help improve soil quality.
  • Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Adjust the watering frequency based on weather conditions and rainfall.
  • Protect the plant from excessive rainfall and fluctuations in temperature. Consider placing it under the cover of a tree or using a canopy during heavy rains.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases regularly. Inspect the leaves for any signs of infestation or damage and take appropriate measures.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully cultivate the Wandering Jew Plant outdoors, allowing it to thrive and showcase its beauty in a natural setting.

Wandering Jew Plant Propagation

wandering jew plant

A. Cuttings

Step 1: Pick a mature, healthy stem that has a few leaves at least.

Step 2: Cut slightly below a leaf node with pruning shears or clean, sharp scissors.

Step 3: Cut off the lowest leaves so that the stem is naked for a few inches.

Once the cutting is prepared, you have two options for propagation:

1. Water Propagation: Place the cutting in a glass or vase filled with water, ensuring that only the bare stem is submerged. Position the container in a bright, indirect light location, and change the water every few days to prevent stagnation. After a few weeks, roots will start to develop, indicating that it is ready for transplanting into soil.

2. Soil Propagation: Dip the cut end of the stem in a rooting hormone powder, if desired, to promote root development. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mix, making sure that at least two nodes are buried in the soil. Mist the soil lightly to provide moisture, and cover the pot with a plastic bag or use a propagator to create a mini greenhouse effect. Place the pot in bright, indirect light and maintain moderate humidity. After a couple of weeks, roots should begin to form.

Ideal season: When the plant is actively developing, which is in the spring or early summer.

B. Grafting

Step 1: Select a disease-free, healthy rootstock and scion.

Step 2: On the scion and rootstock, cut diagonally.

Step 3: Use grafting tape or a similar substance to bind the two pieces together.

Step 4: Until the grafted plant develops, keep it in a humid atmosphere.

Ideal season: Late spring or early summer.

C. Seed Propagation

Step 1: Gather seeds from established Wandering Jew plants.

Step 2: Lightly cover the seeds after sowing them in a soil mixture that drains properly.

Step 3: Keep the temperature and moisture levels constant.

Step 4: When seedlings reach a sufficient size, transplant them.

Ideal Season: Spring.

The vendor, the size and health of the plant, and other factors affect the price. Larger, more mature specimens may cost between $20 and $30, whereas a tiny potted Wandering Jew plant typically costs between $10 and $15.

Locations for Purchases

1. nurseries.

Visit plant nurseries in your area. They frequently stock a range of succulents.

2. Internet-Based Plant Stores

Examine internet markets and plant stores. Numerous vendors give a large selection of succulents along with delivery choices.

3. Online shopping portals

Look through well-known online stores like Amazon and Etsy or specific websites that offer plants. Verify the seller’s reputation for high-quality plants and excellent ratings.

4. Plant exhibits

Go to farmers’ markets, and plant exhibits in your area. These may be great sources for unusual succulents.

Common Problems

A. disorders:.

Overwatering: Causes root rot, and yellowing leaves.

Underwatering: Leads to wilting and dry, crispy leaves.

Spider Mites: Visible webbing, stippled leaves.

Aphids: Clusters of tiny, soft-bodied insects on leaves.

C. Diseases:

Fungal Infections: Brown spots, wilting, and leaf drop.

Preventive Measures:

Maintain proper watering practices.

Regularly inspect and isolate new plants.

Provide adequate ventilation.

Pros and Cons

1. what kills wandering jew plants.

Overwatering and insufficient light can lead to demise. The plant is also vulnerable to fungal diseases that can result in brown patches, wilting, and leaf loss, as well as pests like aphids and spider mites.

2. What does the wandering jew plant symbolize?

The Wandering Jew plant is deeply embedded in Christian folklore, particularly associated with the concept of eternal wandering. It also implies a connection to the Jewish people, symbolizing their historical exile and forced wandering. Some see it as evidence of the Jewish people’s tenacity and will in their pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment.

3. How to revive a dying wandering jew plant?

Adjust watering and light, prune dead parts, and repot if necessary.

4. How to trim wandering jew plants?

To trim a wandering jew plant, use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to remove any leggy or damaged stems. Cutting above a node helps promote new growth and encourages a fuller appearance.

5. Who named the wandering jew plant?

The wandering jew plant is named after John Tradescant the Elder, an English gardener and botanist who introduced the plant to England in the early 17th century.

6. How long do wandering jew plants live?

As far as the longevity of Wandering Jews goes, they often don’t get older than 2 to 3 years.

In conclusion, the Wandering Jew plant emerges as not just a botanical marvel, but a testament to the timeless allure of indoor gardening. Whether adorning indoor spaces with its trailing vines or cascading over outdoor gardens, the Wandering Jew plant thrives with minimal maintenance, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a touch of nature in their homes.

As we delve into its characteristics and growing habits we embark on a journey that celebrates not only the beauty of this plant but also the joy it brings to those who welcome it into their homes.

Prakash Bhattarai

Mr. Prakash Bhattarai is Agriculture student. He writes content around gardening topics by doing social survey of real gardeners so that the factual information is delivered to the users.

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How to Grow and Care for Spiderwort Indoors

Jon VanZile was a writer for The Spruce covering houseplants and indoor gardening for almost a decade. He is a professional writer whose articles on plants and horticulture have appeared in national and regional newspapers and magazines.

Debra LaGattuta is a Master Gardener with 30+ years of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. She is a lead gardener in a Plant-A-Row, which is a program that offers thousands of pounds of organically-grown vegetables to local food banks. Debra is a member of The Spruce Garden Review Board.

wandering zebrina plant

Emily Estep is a plant biologist and journalist who has worked for a variety of online news and media outlets, writing about and editing topics including environmental science and houseplants.

wandering zebrina plant

  • Propagating

Common Pests

Native to both tropical and temperate climates, some spiderwort plants are regarded as noxious weeds; some are prized as garden plants; and some, like Tradescantia zebrina, are grown primarily as indoor houseplants for their bold patterns and dazzling foliage .

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

Like their garden-varieties counterparts, the houseplant varieties produce flowers with three petals, although they are not particularly showy in these species. The blooms can be white, purple, pink, and other similar colors—depending on species and variety—and appear regularly.

When tended to indoors, spiderwort plants can be started and grown year-round (though they should be planted in early fall if grown outdoors). They will grow rapidly and can become invasive in their outdoor environment if left to their own devices. However, indoor plants remain more contained. Some types of Tradescantia may be mildly toxic to humans and animals.

Spiderwort Plant Care

The gardening world has many instances where a single common name is associated with more than one plant species, and such is the case with the houseplant we know as spiderwort . The unique name is actually used to refer to several different plant species within the Tradescantia genus, which includes at least 75 different herbaceous perennial plants.

Spiderwort plants are virtually carefree. One of the only difficult aspects of growing spiderwort plants as houseplants is achieving the right moisture level. These plants liken consistently moist soil but don't like being soggy or waterlogged.

Spiderwort plants are best suited for hanging containers , and they thrive in a location with plenty of indirect, natural light. They can become leggy and scraggly with large sections of bare stems if they are not pinched back regularly to keep them bushy. You will also notice the plant normally produces many dead leaves as fast as it produces new growth. For plant hygiene, you can go over the plant every so often and pick out the dead leaves. Luckily, they are very easy to propagate from small stem cuttings, so you can provide your home with a near-constant supply of them if you plan a bit ahead.

When planted outdoors, spiderwort is considered to be an invasive weed, especially in the southeastern part of the United States.

Spiderwort plants do best in bright but indirect sunlight . Place them nearby a window that boasts at least eight hours of sun a day, but be careful to avoid any direct rays, which can cause the leaves to scorch. If you notice the color or variegation on your leaves is beginning to fade, that's a sure sign that the plant isn't getting enough light.

Spiderwort plants can grow well in ordinary potting soil, as long as it's not over-watered. Overall, they prefer soil that drains well; their roots can easily develop rot if they remain too wet. To aid in drainage, mix a small amount of sand into a commercial potting soil blend that also boasts an ample amount of organic material .

These plants prefer to be kept consistently moist and will thrive if watered weekly in the summer and less frequently in the fall and winter. To check if your plant is ready for watering, feel the soil a few inches down in the pot. If it's dry, it's time to water your plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Any of the species of spiderwort plants will thrive at temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and they'll also do fine in warmer temperatures. However, the plants should not be kept in sustained temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, as it might discolor or damage their leaves.

When it comes to humidity levels, spiderwort plants love above-average moisture. Start by keeping them in a typically humid area of the home, like a bathroom or kitchen. You can also mist the plant lightly every few days or invest in a small humidifier. If you notice the plant's leaves browning, it could be a sign that humidity levels in your home are too low.

Spiderwort plants don't require much, if any, feeding. At most, use a water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half-strength bimonthly. More aggressive feeding can cause the plant's leaves to lose their variegation.

Types of Spiderwort

There are dozens of varieties of plants in the Tradescantia family, each boasting its own unique characteristics, benefits, and difficulties. Some of the most commonly-grown varietals include:

  • T. pallida ' Purple Heart ': This varietal features eye-catching solid purple foliage.
  • T. Zebrina pendula: This species is a slightly more colorful version of zebrina, with reddish leaves.
  • T. Callisia : This version differs yet again in variation, this time featuring bold white stripes.

Spiderwort is an aggressively growing plant that can get overly leggy if left untamed. To keep your plant in check (and encourage it to grow wider and fuller), cut the stems back periodically, trimming back to a joint. To avoid legginess, regularly prune or pinch back the stems by at least 25 percent.

Propagating Spiderwort

Nearly all plants in this family are very easy to propagate using stem cuttings:

  • Take a 1-inch piece of stem containing at least one leaf and set it cutting-side down in fresh potting soil (no rooting hormone is necessary). You can also set the cuttings in a jar of water to root before planting.
  • Water the cutting regularly, and you should notice it take root within a few weeks.
  • Repot the seedling into its permanent container.

Like many other houseplants, spiderwort plants can encounter issues with both aphids and spider mites. Keep an eye out for signs of infestation, and if you suspect your plant is infected, separate it from your other houseplants and treat it with a mild insecticide or horticultural oil like neem oil .

Spiderwort plants are some of the easiest houseplants to grow, and they will reward you with a lush, full appearance for very little work.

Outdoors spiderwort is considered an overly aggressive grower. It grows equally fast indoors, but it can be contained. It grows about an inch a week, which is why it's also called an inch plant. Expect a full-grown plant in about six months after it's planted as a seedling.

Even with the best of care, spiderwort houseplants have a somewhat short lifespan of just a few years.

Tradescantia . North Carolina State Extension.

Tradescantia fluminensis . North Carolina State Extension.

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Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide (Tradescantia Zebrina)

wandering zebrina plant

Wandering Jew Plant, Spiderwort or Tradescantia Zebrina is a lovely trailing plant with spear-shaped green leaves and complimenting long shimmering silver and purple stripes. With the correct sun placement many specimens get a dusting vibrant purple along the tops of each leaf. The leaf’s underside has a beautiful burgundy to fuchsia colored surface and catches your eye at every angle. Burgundy Wandering Jew plant is a popular houseplant that is often grown in hanging baskets in a bright window or placed outdoors in pots or as ground cover. Care for it well and it will just keep growing and growing. The Wandering Jew plant is a pretty, easy and low-maintenance plant that can handle a bit of neglect. But like all plants it needs the right conditions to flourish. We’ll cover all the basics you need to know to keep your little spiderwort healthy and happy.

Pot : Any pot with good drainage holes Soil : Well-draining soil (can add perlite if needed) Water : touch top of soil, if dry, water it. If soggy check drainage, adjust watering schedule accordingly Fertilizer : 10-10-10 (slow release formula) Propagation for Wandering Jew, Spiderwort or Tradescantia Zebrina (information below) USDA zone : Wandering Jew Plant USDA zone 8-11

Where to get a Wandering Jew Plant or Tradescantia Zebrina

An already grown Wandering Jew Inch Plant is the best place to start. To obtain a Wandering Jew Plant or Tradescantia Zebrina check your local nursery that has a wide variety of plants to choose from or online from a highly rated seller. They can give you tips and any other pertinent information you may need to take care of your Wandering Jew Plant. You may also want to check out your local Facebook Marketplace to see if anyone is offering Wandering Jew Plant cuttings, which can be cheaper than buying fully grown Tradescantia Zebrina plant, although some sellers are kind enough to sell rooted Wandering Jew plant at the same price.

What Soil Does My Wandering Jew Plant Need?

Wandering Jew plants like to be somewhat rootbound and rarely needs repotting, so make sure your initial soil is fertile soil that drains nicely. Use a potting mix like Miracle Grow Potting Soil if you’re planning to keep your Wandering Jew Inch Plant in a hanging basket or pot. It retains moisture well and can cut down on waterings as long as your pot has good drainage. If you wish to grow your Tradescantia Zebrina Wandering Jew as a ground cover, you should use a garden bed mix like Kellogs Amend Garden Soil on the area you want to cover. You’ll want to mulch around the soil to keep it wet, and this will also help you save money on water. If you have a huge area to cover, Kellogg’s Gromulch is less expensive since it covers a wider area for less money.

Sunlight: Do Wandering Jew Plants Prefer Sun or Shade?

Even when grown in pots, Wandering Jew Plant likes sunlight but for the best coloring make sure your Tradescantia Zebrina gets a lot of indirect sunlight and even a little shade. On very hot sunny days, if you want your Tradescantia Zebrina Wandering Jew Plant to retain its lovely powdery purple color, keep them out of direct sunlight as the sun rays that might cause water to evaporate from the plant’s leaves, turning them a brown, burgundy or black shade of purple. Even a window sill will keep your indoor Wandering Jew Plant happy over the winter, as long as it gets some ventilation and isn’t subject to drafts or freezing temperatures. Wandering Jew plant does best with at least 6 hours of morning sun or indirect sunlight. When they get the perfect amount of sun they will get a vibrant purple that almost sparkles in the sunshine.

Watering: Do Wandering Jews Need Lots of Water?

If you want to make sure your Wandering Jew plant thrives, make sure you water it at least once a week and more often during extreme heat or drought. Watering Wandering Jew Plant requires a well draining pot and you need to keep them watered regularly.  When watering the Wandering Jew plant make sure the top layer of soil is dry before watering. If your soil is still soggy, check the drainage holes on the pot to make sure water can drain correctly. Water is good for Tradescantia Zebrina, but not stagnant water, which can induce root rot. It may appear simple to add water to the pot, but that water evaporates quickly, causing your Wandering Jew plant to dry up and perish. They do not naturally thrive in a dry climate, which is why Tradescantia Zebrina require so much water.

How To Fertilize Wandering Jew or Tradescantia Zebrina Plants

Fertilization is not required for Wandering Jew plants, although they will appreciate being fed every now and again. Fertilize your Tradescantia Zebrina just in the spring and summer with a simple all purpose slow release plant fertilizer; do not fertilize your Wandering Jew Plant in the fall or winter. If you do not want to use a slow release fertilizer, you can instead feed them in the morning after diluting Miracle-Gro solution to half strength, giving them the day to absorb the nutrients.

Wandering Jew Plant Propagation: How Fast Do Wandering Jews Grow?

Tradescantia Zebrina, Spiderwort or Wandering Jew plants like to root in water, despite their dislike for moist feet in their pots. A dozen stems in a glass of water on a sunny window sill will sprout roots in no time. Another option is to set your cuttings directly on top of or in damp soil to root your new inch plants. Ensure that each joint is in contact with the potting soil. Roots will grow at each notch, and a fresh Wandering Jew plant will appear. It won’t take long for the Wandering Jew plant to mature into a lovely addition to your house.

What Are Alternative Names for Wandering Jew?

Some alternative names for this popular Wandering Jew plant include: Wandering Dude, Inch Plant, Zebrina Pendula, Tradescantia Zebrina, Tradescantia Fluminensis, Tradescantia Zebrina, Spiderwort and more.

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Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)

The Wandering Jew plant is a perfect addition to most types of vivariums.

Known for its resilience and easygoing attitude, this plant is extremely flexible and great for any level of hobbyist.

This vine is an awesome plant for those looking to add a dash of color without introducing more difficulty.

Today’s article will take a closer look at Wandering Jew, providing a complete understanding and care guide to growing one.

Table Of Contents:

What Is A Wandering Jew Plant?

Wandering Jew is an easy, fast-growing plant known for its distinct leaf coloration.

It is a very popular houseplant in the Commelinaceae family, also known as spiderwort.

There are several other similar species of plants that also use the common name Wandering Jew.

However, this one can be distinguished by its variegated purplish-green leaves.

Wandering Jew is often described as a succulent-like trailing, stemmed plant.

In other words, it falls under the category of vines.

A vine can be defined as any plant with a growth habit of creeping or trailing stems.

It is extremely tough and will thrive in almost any situation when grown indoors.

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina) Care Guide

Wandering Jew Facts

Wandering Jew is botanically called Tradescantia zebrina .

As mentioned before, the name Wandering Jew is used for a number of different plant species under the Tradescantia genus.

This genus is made up of at least 75 different perennial species.

Some are seen as obnoxious weeds, some are cherished as outdoor garden plants, and three of them are mostly coveted indoor house plants.

These are the ones generally known as wandering Jew plants.

The genus name was given in honor of John Tradescant and his son John Tradescant.

They were both botanists and successive gardeners to Charles I of England.

Meanwhile, the specific “zebrina” epithet simply means zebra-striped.

Common names of these vines include Inch plant, Wandering Jew, Cockroach Grass, Purple Wandering Jew, Silver Inch Plant, Silvery Inch Plant, Striped Trad, Striped Wandering Creeper, Striped Wandering Jew, Wandering Zebrina, Zebra Plant, and Zebrina.

The common names of the plant were given to it due to its ability to grow and spread extremely quickly.

In fact, the plant will need very little care or aid from humans in order to thrive. The Inch Plant name is more of a play on words.

The idea comes from the plant stem’s ability to grow approximately an inch every week, and the skill to propagate itself using only an inch of its stem.


Most varieties of Wandering Jew are very similar and share most of the same characteristics.

They are vining plants that have eye-catching zebra-patterned leaves.

The top side of the leaf will have a variegated look of purple, and green, as well as two thick silver stripes aligned to the central axis.

Purple coloration will represent new growth, while green marks older growth.

The underside of every leave will be a consistent plum color.

The leaves are bluish-green, thin, oval, fuzzy, and about 2 inches long.

They produce clusters of small, three-petaled flowers in spring and summer.

The flowers are usually purple-pink colored.

Overall, Tradescantia zebrina is a low-lying, succulent-like perennial known for forming dense mats.

Its foliage will usually grow up to 6 feet tall, and crawl to 2 feet wide or more.

Wandering Jew is a species of plant native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico, which includes Central America and Colombia.

However, it can also be found in Belize, Panama, El Salvador, and even the Caribbean Islands.

Throughout the years, it has also been naturalized and adapted in parts of South America, Australia, numerous oceanic islands, Africa, and Asia.

So, it can pretty much be found all around the world. In the wild, this vine can be seen growing in bushes in the rainforest and wetlands.

It will often be found growing on stones in open and shaded areas or riverbanks with elevations of 2000 meters or less.

Wandering Jew is not frost-tolerant and likes to grow in constantly warm temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

The colder the temperature, the slower the plant will grow and propagate. 

Anything below 50 degrees will damage the leaves and ultimately kill the plant.

PH Preference

The pH level of soil measures the relative acidity or alkalinity based on a scale of about 0 to 14.

A pH of 7 represents neutral levels, meaning neither acidic nor alkaline.

Even though the hypothetical range of pH is actually a lot wider when it comes to plants the range used is typically between 4 (highly acidic) and 10 (highly alkaline).

Most plants grown indoors prefer neutral to slightly acidic pH levels of around 6.5.

However, the vast majority of them will tolerate a variance of a few points.

Wandering Jew falls right around those ranges.

The ideal pH for the plant’s success will range anywhere between 5.0 and 6.0, but it will tolerate a slight difference.

Vivarium Type

Tradescantia zebrina will do quite well in a variety of vivarium types .

Even though there is no one set enclosure that it must grow in, some will be better fitting for the plant’s needs.

The best and easiest way to decide on the perfect enclosure will be to keep in mind the plant’s natural habitat.

Be sure to go with setups that have tropical, but well-drained terrestrial areas.

Here are recommended vivariums it will do well in:

  • Paludariums – Half aquatic/ half terrain-based enclosure.
  • Terrariums – Fully terrain-based enclosures with little to no aquatic features.

Vivarium Placement

Wandering Jew is a very versatile plant when it comes to placement.

Where exactly the plant is placed in a vivarium will be up to the person growing it.

However, there are certain setups that will showcase its beautiful foliage better.

For instance, placing the vine towards the top of the enclosure in a bucket-like structure will allow it to freely cascade down.

This will create what looks like a lush curtain of vines and leaves full of vivid colors.

Another option would be to place the plant all the way down.

Its dense growing habit will allow Tradescantia zebrina to cover the ground in a carpet-like fashion.

Also, two things to keep in mind with the placement of the Wandering Jew are lighting and humidity.

First, make sure that the plant is always above water.

With that being said, it will require a good amount of humidity and light to properly grow and thrive.

Make sure that where ever the vine is being placed, it is able to receive both.

Wandering Jews prefer moist, yet well-drained substrate. A peat-based terrarium soil mix is usually the number one recommendation.

Try mixing 2 parts peat moss and 1-part perlite or sand .

The peat moss will help maintain dampness in the soil, while the perlite or sand will ensure there is proper drainage.

Commercial potting soil can also be ideal as long as the sand is added for drainage support.

Waterlogged or soggy soil can lead to rotting roots and eventually the plant’s death.

Tradescantia zebrina will need bright, but indirect sunlight in order to thrive.

The plant will need plenty of light in order to keep its variegated and vivid colors. 

If it does not receive enough light, then the purple and silver coloring of the leaves will begin to fade.

On the other hand, if too much light is provided, especially direct sunlight, the leaves will end up scorching.

Fortunately, the issue of too much lighting is not something to worry about when growing in a vivarium.

It is basically only caused by excessively exposed locations outside during midsummer.

Seasons won’t really matter inside an enclosure. When setting up lights inside of a vivarium, LED or fluorescent lights will do the trick just fine.

Try to go for cooler colors that resemble a bright, but shaded day.

This will assure the plant is receiving all the light it needs, without being harmed.

You might also want to avoid any strong UVB lights since they will replicate direct sunlight.

Buy Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew is a fairly common houseplant and should be pretty easy to find in local stores or online.

Either way, there are a few key indicators you should be on the lookout for.

These will make sure you are buying the best quality plant. The plant should be insect free along with any other types of pests.

In addition, the purchased plant should be green, vibrant, and healthy-looking.

Try to avoid any yellowing or wilting leaves. Those are usually signs of poor health and could make it harder for the plant to survive.

Click the image below to find out more about the current price and other relative info about this plant:

wandering zebrina plant

Wandering Jew Care and Propagation

Wandering Jew is a very easy-going plant. Overall, they will not be too demanding when it comes to their upkeep.

However, there are still a few guidelines that should always be followed.

Tradescantia zebrina should always be provided with ample indirect light, high humidity, and proper drainage to reach its full potential.

As long as those needs are met, there is not much more to worry about.

This will help guarantee the plant always maintains its healthy, lush, and vivid look.

How to grow

Wandering Jew plants can all be easily propagated through the use of stem cuttings.

The plant has an extremely high success rate of 98% when it comes to regrowth.

Simply take a healthy adult plant and cut 4-6 inches off the top of the stem containing at least one leaf.

The new pieces should then be re-planted somewhere moist and warm in order to grow. Make sure to also water well and then just watch it sprout away.

As to be expected with most hardy plants, Wandering Jew can cope quite well with some droughts and a little waterlogging from time to time.

Do not make such a careless watering approach a habit though.

Even though this plant is very tough, it will still begin to deteriorate if it is consistently neglected.

Tradescantia zebrina prefers to be watered moderately.

The plant appreciates moist soil, at least during its growing period where it grows so quickly it uses a lot of water.

An easy way to know whether or not the Wandering Jew should be watered is by dipping your finder in the topsoil and feeling for moisture.

Keep an eye out for limp stems, since they are usually a sign that the vine is lacking water.

Plants Similar To Wandering Jew

When adding different types of vivarium plants , it is important to make sure that they can all co-exist.

There is no use in finding all these beautiful vegetation if they all have different care requirements.

Sooner than later, some of the plants will end up dying if placed in the same enclosure.

One way to avoid this would be by finding similar plants to the Wandering Jew.

As mentioned before, there are a few different varieties of Wandering Jew.

Although they will all be slightly different in appearance, their requirements will be almost identical.

Choosing to incorporate some of those variations will help provide diversity to the tank, while also making sure that all plants will easily coexist…

Here are some other vine plants you might find may do well with or in place of Tradescantia zebrina :

Aluminum Plant (Pilea Cadierei)

Overall, the Wandering Jew is a great addition to most vivariums with terrestrial features.

Whether you are just getting started or simply looking for something new to add to your planted tank, this vine will not disappoint.

I would consider this plant at a beginner’s level when it comes to care and reproduction.

It can tolerate a wide variety of conditions and does not require a lot of attention.

To top it off, this plant’s quick growth and vivid color will help bring life and attention to otherwise neglected areas.

Have you ever used Wandering Jew in your vivarium? What was your experience like?

Frequently Asked Questions

W andering Jew ( Tradescantia zebrina ) likes filtered sun or indirect light . It prefers slightly sh adier environments and can tolerate some direct sun , but the bright direct light of midday sun can burn the leaves .

No , Wand ering Jew is not hard to care for . This low – main tenance house plant is quite easy to grow in average household conditions and requires minimal upkeep . It thri ves in bright , indirect light and likes to stay evenly moist .

Yes , Wand ering Jew  can survive winter in most climates as long as it is protected from cold temperatures , as it is a tropical plant and not hard y for temperatures below about 50 degrees Fahrenheit . Prov iding extra insulation , such as with pot covers or planting in a container , can also help protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures .

The Wand ering Jew , or Tradescantia zebrina , is an ever green perennial plant that is easy to care for . Its pink , white , and green striped leaves make it an attractive addition to any garden, home, or terrarium.

 Additionally , Wand ering Jew is known for its air – pur ifying qualities , making it an excellent choice for improving air quality in an indoor environment .

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  5. Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina) Care

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    It belongs to the dayflower or spiderwort family, Commelinaceae. Plant Type and Habit: The Wandering Dude is a fast-growing, succulent, trailing herbaceous plant, making it ideal for hanging baskets, ground cover, and as an indoor trailing plant. Size: When grown in hanging baskets or containers, the plant usually stands 6-9 inches tall (15-22 ...

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    Monitor the temperature: Lower temperatures may help to keep the leaves more purple. Provide humidity: High humidity will help to keep the leaves more purple. Keep in mind that there are also different types of tradescantia zebrina. Some tend to produce more purple than others, while some produce pinks and greens.

  6. How to Grow and Care for Inch Plant Like a Pro

    Inch plant, also known as tradescantia zebrina, is a creeping perennial with oval-shaped green leaves striped with shades of purple.This fast-growing member of the spiderwort family is native to Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America but does well indoors in temperate climates with the right conditions.

  7. Tradescantia Zebrina Plant Care: Best Practices

    Remove the bottom few leaves and place the cutting in either clean water or soil. Make sure the remaining leaves are above the water or soil. You may see growth in under a week, depending on the variety of zebrina! Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant it from water to soil. Whether you call it a wandering Jew, zebrina plant ...

  8. Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew): Growing and Caring Tips

    Tradescantia Zebrina can be a mouthful to pronounce. So it not surprising that the varietal has acquired many nicknames over the years. This bold, striking plant is also known as: T. Zebrina; Spiderwort; Zebrina; Inch Plant; But most people call it by the shortened name of Zebrina. Wandering Jew has also been a very popular nickname over years.

  9. Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia zebrina): Types, How to ...

    To care for a Wandering Jew plant indoors, place it in a location with bright, indirect sunlight, such as near a window. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and provide well-draining soil. Additionally, mist the plant occasionally to increase humidity and remove dust from the leaves.

  10. Tradescantia zebrina

    Tradescantia zebrina, commonly referred to as Wandering Jew or Silver Inch Plant, is a perennial plant native to Mexico and Central America.. It's prized for its striking, lance-shaped leaves with zebra-like patterns in shades of purple, silver, and green. This plant typically grows to a height of six to nine inches (15 to 23 cm), and spreads up to six feet (180 cm) through cascading vines.

  11. Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew Plant / Inch Plant)

    The Wandering Jew, Wandering Dude, Inch Plant, Spiderwort or Tradescantia Zebrina is a houseplant that can be grown in a hanging basket to show off its long beautiful trailing vines or kept contained and compact in a pot.. Very versatile, very easy and very hard to finish off, makes this a very good indoor plant to have around.

  12. Wandering Jew Plants Guide: How to Care for "Tradescantia zebrina"

    Fertilizer. During the growing season, fertilize your wandering Jew plant using a liquid-based fertilizer product. Make sure that you dilute the fertilizer to 50-percent strength. Strong concentrations can result in burning in the tips of the leaves of the plant.

  13. How to Grow and Care for Tradescantia zebrina

    Tradescantia zebrina (formerly T. pendula) goes by the names spiderwort, inch plant, silver inch plant, zebra plant, wandering dude, and the name epithet wandering Jew.Many people are moving away from this last name because it has negative and offensive connotations. Native to warm, humid areas in Mexico, Columbia, and Guatemala, it has naturalized in hospitable areas in Asia and South America.

  14. Wandering Jew Plant

    W andering Jew Plant Care. To keep your Wandering Jew plant thriving, ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in average room temperatures of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Fertilize once a month during spring and summer. In winter, relocate the plant to a cooler area with temperatures of 54-59°F (12-15°C).

  15. Wild Interiors

    Zebrina (Tradescantia zebrina), also known as "inch plant" or "wandering jew," is a versatile and easy care plant.Boasting variegated purple and green leaves with silvery stripes, it's one of the most beautiful plants you'll find, and we love it so much that we used Zebrina leaves to hand stamp the shape for our logo!

  16. Wandering Jew Plant: Care and Growing Tips- Epic Gardening

    Zebrina pendula was the original botanical name for this plant. However, it was reclassified into the Tradescantia due to its trailing growth habit. Also known as the inch plant, wandering jew plants live naturally in subtropical regions of North and South America. The name, Wandering Jew is now considered passe due to its xenophobic nature ...

  17. Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina) Care

    The Tradescantia Zebrina is commonly known as the Wandering Jew plant, or Inch Plant. This vining plant originated in Mexico where it grows as a ground cover and spreads out its long vines. Trailing Tradescantia Zebrina. The key to the keeping the vibrant colors of the Wandering Jew plant care is sufficient lighting and an even watering schedule.

  18. Wandering Jew Plant Care

    Tradescantia zebrina, commonly called the Wandering Jew plant, is a striking houseplant known for its variegated leaves tinted with green, silver, and purple. It originated in Central America and Mexico's tropical regions. So, the Zebrina is a perfect choice for growing indoors. The good news is that Wandering Jew plant care is not difficult ...

  19. Wandering Jew Care: How To Grow The Tradescantia Plant

    The wandering jew from the genus Tradescantia is a native of Mexico who earned its common name thanks to the plant's ability to root easily, spread, and thrive in a wide variety of conditions. This plant comes from the spiderwort family (Commelinaceae) and is also known as Zebrina pendula or inch plant .

  20. Wandering Jew Plant: Care and Propagation Guide

    The Wandering Jew Plant (Tradescantia zebrina) is known for its elongated, lance-shaped leaves with striking variegation of purple, green, and silver shades. It has a trailing growth habit and is ideal for hanging baskets or cascading over shelves.

  21. Spiderwort: Indoor Plant Care & Growing Guide

    Pruning. Spiderwort is an aggressively growing plant that can get overly leggy if left untamed. To keep your plant in check (and encourage it to grow wider and fuller), cut the stems back periodically, trimming back to a joint. To avoid legginess, regularly prune or pinch back the stems by at least 25 percent.

  22. Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide (Tradescantia Zebrina)

    Wandering Jew Plant, Spiderwort or Tradescantia Zebrina is a lovely trailing plant with spear-shaped green leaves and complimenting long shimmering silver and purple stripes. With the correct sun placement many specimens get a dusting vibrant purple along the tops of each leaf. The leaf's underside has a beautiful burgundy to fuchsia colored surface and catches your eye at […]

  23. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) Plant Care

    The scientific name for the classic variety of the Wandering Jew is Tradescantia zebrina. The common name refers to the whole family that falls under the scientific name of Tradescantia. Tradescantia plants all require similar care and are easy to grow. They are native to Mexico, but are grown both as indoor and outdoor plants in many places.

  24. Tradescantia Zebrina "Wandering Jew" Care Guide

    Tradescantia zebrina prefers to be watered moderately. The plant appreciates moist soil, at least during its growing period where it grows so quickly it uses a lot of water. An easy way to know whether or not the Wandering Jew should be watered is by dipping your finder in the topsoil and feeling for moisture.