Launching Flaming Arrows to the Ends of the Earth

bethel mission trips

Meeting Times

20 Lake Blvd. Redding, CA 96003

About Bethel Missions

At Bethel Missions, we believe in the “go” of the Gospel!

Missions is the very heartbeat of God. God gave this incredible message to the angels in announcing Christ’s birth: “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy which would be to ALL peoples.” This is one of the greatest joys and responsibilities we have as the Bride of Christ. We get to co-labor with heaven to see Jesus get the full reward of His sufferings in the hearts of every people group on the planet. This is why Jesus came—to seek and to save the lost.

“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” — Jim Elliot, martyred missionary to Ecuador in the 1950’s

Annual Missions Report

Our Lost 12 Tribes—Adopt an Unreached People Group in Prayer

Unreached People Groups are tribes who have fewer than 2% Born-Again Christians. The 10/40 Window includes the majority of the Unreached People Groups in the world. This “window” spans the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. The nations in the 10/40 Window are the least evangelized countries in the world and the majority of their populations are followers of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Eight out of ten of the poorest people on earth live in the 10/40 Window.

We are inviting you, Bethel Church, to adopt these 12 tribes with us in prayer this year. Jesus longs to reveal Himself to them and we believe that He will do that as we ask the Father for these tribes in prayer. The nations are our inheritance in Christ as sons and daughters of God. How astounding! As we co-labor with His Spirit, it’s our great joy to see His people, His inheritance, come back to Him!

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Our Lost 12 Tribes Coloring Book

Parents! Check out this fun, interactive resource for your kids—a coloring book for Our Lost 12 Tribes.

Download Now

Our lost 12 tribes, an augmented art experience.

Watch this special video from our Creative Arts department!

At Bethel Missions, we want you to GO! Explore the opportunities to get involved below. And check out these resources to get inspired!

"If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?” — David Livingstone, pioneer missionary in Africa

Get Launched—Bethel Go Trips

You can be a part of changing the world! Bethel Go trips are a wonderful way for our local church to GO and experience missions firsthand. These trips are available to all ages, but are only open to members and attenders of Bethel Redding.

‍ View Bethel Go Trips

Get Equipped—BSSM Missions

BSSM offers special courses led by missions leaders, and a chance to go on a life-changing mission trip. We will soon offer on-ramps into missionary service for those who are called.

‍ Visit BSSM's Website

“Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.” — A.B. Simpson, founder of the Christian & Missionary Alliance

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Pray for Bethel Missionaries

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Receive Our Prayer Newsletter

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Pray for Unreached People

"I will go down, if you will hold the rope.” — William Carey, pioneer missionary to India

There are a variety of ways that you can serve, such as helping to welcome visiting missionary families into Redding. Would you consider hosting them in your home or helping them find a place to stay? Could you provide a vehicle for them to borrow and surround them with prayer and love? There is also an intercessory prayer team for our missionaries. And, we are creating teams to send prophetic words and words of encouragement to our long-term workers.

Volunteer Interest Form

Today, even with all of our technological advances and modern transportation, the staggering fact is that 40% of the world still has not heard the gospel of the kingdom we desire to see the great commission of christ fulfilled in this generation. we count it an incredible privilege and joy to partner with jesus to take the light of the world into the darkest and least reached places on the planet..

bethel mission trips

Bethel Missionaries

We have a world-changing team of long-term missionaries who are bringing the light of the Gospel into the darkness and making disciples all over the world!

View Missionaries

“I am a missionary, heart and soul. God had an only Son, and He was a missionary and a physician. I am a poor, poor imitation of Him, or wish to be. In this service I hope to live; in it I wish to die!” — David Livingstone, pioneer missionary to Africa

Events Calendar

May 1, 2024, may 15, 2024, bethel go trip: mozambique bush, may 14, 2024, may 24, 2024, bethel go trip: israel discovery tour, announcements.

Apr 26, 2024

Give to Mozambique Baby Clinic Milk Drive

Support Tracy Evans and her team as they provide milk for Mozambican moms and their babies.

Mar 8, 2024

BSSM Spring Missions

Our BSSM Students are about to head out to the nations!

Jan 26, 2024

Annual Missions Sundays

Join us for our two Missions Sundays on January 28 and February 4, 2024!

Serve Opportunities

Hospitality/housing missionaries.

Interested in hosting visiting missionaries from around the world? Many come here to be refreshed and revitalized, and they are in need of help with affordable lodging. We are looking for people willing to host a missionary family, for varying durations, at a low cost or no cost at all.

Serve Bethel Missions

There are a variety of ways that you can get involved and serve at Bethel Missions. Click here to learn more!

bethel mission trips

John Taylor

Global Missions Director

bethel mission trips

Cindi Taylor

Global Missions Pastor

Connect With

Give, go, pray, and serve with us as we send others!

Bethel's mission is revival—the personal, regional, and global expansion of God's kingdom through His manifest presence.

Bethel's mission is revival. The personal, regional, and global expansion of God's kingdom through His manifest presence.

Annual Milk Offering


2024 Mission Trips Infomation

2024 missions handout.

Every mission begins with a why. The why of missions is to live out the great commands of Jesus to make disciples of all nations.

The purpose of mission trips:

Meeting Spiritual Needs Ultimately, the most significant need of every human is to know Christ and be in a right relationship with God. Therefore, we believe that prayer is a crucial part of engaging with the spiritual reality of unreached people. Due to this, we prioritize intentional intercession prayer during our short-term trips.

We also recognize that the greatest gospel impact is a consistent local one, so rather than relying on short-term trip participants as a long-term discipleship strategy, we seek to support the ongoing work of local missionaries through our short-term trip participants.

Cultural Exposure We believe that one of the best ways to understand God’s heart for the nations is by experiencing different cultures firsthand. Therefore, we expose short-term trip participants to the beauty and value within cultures that God desires to redeem through visits to various places of worship, hearing directly from local Christians, enjoying new flavors, eating ethnic food, and worshiping with a congregation of foreign-born believers.

Engaging the Church A recent Barna study showed that 51% of regular churchgoers in the U.S. do not know the Great Commission. Our trips are designed to expose followers of Jesus to the Biblical basis of missions, explore the current state of our world, and encourage participants to begin engaging with very practical ways that they can step into their role and help see the Great Commission fulfilled.

Building Generosity We love that many people use their short-term trips as a way to give back and express the compassion of Christ. For others who can not physically go, sacrificial generosity offers an opportunity to partner in kingdom work worldwide. Short-term mission trips open the door of others to grow a generous heart for the Gospel and make an eternal investment. These mission endeavors also create a sacrificial dependency on God for sent participants.

Mission Trips for Students We hope that every student at Bethel will have a global perspective of the Gospel and an expanded worldview that transcends western culture. We desire that every student by 8th grade participates in a domestic mission and by 12th grade travels internationally to share the Gospel.

Mission Trips for Families We believe that discipleship and a missional heart do not begin at church but in the home. Therefore, to help foster a heart for the nations among all ages, some short-term trips are specially designed with the whole family. These short-term missions include household rooming situations and service opportunities for every age.

Community Engagement

Backpack Buddies

Backpack Buddies exist because hunger doesn’t take a break on the weekends. This ministry provides 50-60 local students with a bag of nutritious, easy-to-prepare food to take home every week when other resources aren’t always available. Additionally, the students receive hygiene products three times per school year. For more information or to help serve, feel free to contact Cary or Judy Martin at [email protected].

bethel mission trips

Christmas Store

At the Christmas Store, the head of each of these families can come to the church to receive a food box, shop for presents for their kids, have their gifts wrapped, and pick out hygiene items.  They will also talk and pray with our Evangelism team.

In 2015, Bethel church members recognized an opportunity to minister to the physical needs of the Odenville community. Every month, families are supplied with basic food, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. Those who receive boxes are being talked and prayed with, the Gospel shared and invited to attend worship services and special events at Bethel.

When you contribute to Bethel’s mission fund, you help food-insecure families in St. Clair County every month.

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Annie Armstrong and the North American Mission Board

Over 273 million people in North America do not know Jesus Christ. NAMB helps churches reach the lost in the United States, Canada, and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

That’s 363 million people, 350 languages, and more than 14 religions.  

First Priority

First Priority is a school campus ministry of the local church. They work with multi-denominations to give local churches a plan to reach every student with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. As the Gospel is shared, hundreds of students profess hope in Christ every year, and their lives are transformed from darkness to light.

bethel mission trips

Serve Day brings an opportunity for Bethel to get outside the walls of the church and reach our community for Christ. By painting walls, making minor home repairs, landscaping, etc., we can be the hands and feet of Christ and share the Gospel message to those in need.

Cooperative Program

The Cooperative Program was formulated in 1925 as a unified giving plan for Southern Baptists, designed to be the financial fuel that funds the advancement of the Gospel regionally, statewide, nationally, and globally. It allows churches everywhere to participate in a collective mission.

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St. Clair Baptist Association

St. Clair Baptist Association exists to encourage and engage St. Clair Baptist churches in the Great Commission. The association enables churches to work together and serve St. Clair County through Impact campus ministry, Raceway ministries, disaster relief, and much more.

The Life Church  

The Life Church was established to reach an at-risk inner-city region. Join us in supporting Pastor Johnny Mills during his 4th Saturday outreach event to the local community through their mobile grill ministry. We will engage in various activities, such as evangelism, prayer walking, going door to door, and grilling for the neighborhoods.

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Global Missions

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New Hampshire: New Hampshire, and the New England area, consistently rank in the top five of least evangelical states in America. Bethel partners the Well church, which exists to help the community of Nashua, New Hampshire know and follow Jesus. This church plant realizes that the vast majority in the region are skeptical about the church, so they are committed to being a church where everyone belongs.

Evangelicals represent greater than 10% of the population. The Joshua Project considers the Zambia “significantly reached.” Bethel aids Lifelong for orphans, which operates near Kitwe. Officially known as the Republic of Zambia, the country is landlocked in Southern Africa. Ongoing challenges include rural poverty and high unemployment. One-third of the population has no access to clean water, and one-half of the population lives without adequate sanitation. Girls are at increased risk for teenage pregnancy, and young marriage/pregnancy is nearly pandemic.

Serve on a short-term mission team. Pray for the students at Lifesong school. Become a monthly sponsor. 

Psalm 82:3 Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. (NLV)

bethel mission trips

Lottie Moon and the International Mission Board

The IMB believes that every church has a role in reaching every nation with the Gospel. Therefore, partnering with churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, including Bethel, the IMB empowers limitless missionary teams evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

Pray for unreached Peoples.
 Give to empower IMB missionaries globally. 
Explore opportunities to take the Gospel to the nations.

Dominican Republic

Evangelicals represent greater than 10% of the population. The Joshua Project considers the DR “significantly reached.” Bethel aids in supporting local missionaries as they plant organic churches to reach local villagers for Jesus.

Each year Bethel provides materials and a team to construct either a new church building or home for someone in need. The team will also have opportunities to deliver food bags, Bibles to villagers, and bulk food items to nursing homes.

Serve on a short-term mission team 
Pray for the Dominican church
Support a missionary
Become a Score International advocate

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Bethel University

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Bethel University

A Spring Break of Service

Bethel students spent their spring break building relationships with diverse communities, expanding their ministry experience, and serving others on mission trips around the world..

By Aiyanna Klaphake '20

April 23, 2019 | 2 p.m.

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Spring break missions trips gallery.

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Classes were out, the sun was shining, and there was excitement in the air because spring break had arrived. However, a number of Bethel students were just settling in for one of the most intensely challenging weeks of the entire year. They’d been preparing since the fall by meeting regularly to grow together as a team, fundraise, and ready themselves to follow Christ's example of servanthood.

Over spring break, seven student teams participated in short-terms mission trips across the world through Bethel's Solidarity Missions Partnerships program. Each of the trips offered a unique opportunity to serve others, grow spiritually, and gain relevant experience connected to ministry, reconciliation, and cross-cultural interaction.

Partnering with Mustard Seeds & Mountains to address poverty in the United States, students assisted with projects ranging from home repair to after-school programs in McDowell County.

Having previously participated on the Belize trip, Brittany Hutchinson '20 was looking for another opportunity to practice ministry while learning from locals when she decided to join the Appalachia team. "I have a deep passion for learning from other cultures and communities," she says. "I was humbled and blessed to serve alongside ministry partners to learn more about how God’s kingdom is experienced in a new setting." While working in McDowell County, Hutchinson was impressed by how the community truly supported and valued each other despite difficult circumstances.

This medical mission trip with Praying Pelican Missions allowed 20 health sciences students to gain practical medical experience from local practitioners in northern Belize while leading hygiene education programs and children’s ministry.

Nursing major Jessie Doerr '20 saw the trip as an opportunity to grow both her nursing skills and her faith. In Belize, she along with other Bethel students provided home visits and basic medical care to local residents. "The most challenging aspect for me was leaving," Doerr says. "We were able to build so many amazing relationships with the church community and people down in Belize. I learned so much from them and was very encouraged by the unshaken faith of the church. God used them in ways that made lasting impacts that will affect me for the rest of my life."

"We were able to build so many amazing relationships with the church community and people down in Belize. I learned so much from them and was very encouraged by the unshaken faith of the church. God used them in ways that made lasting impacts that will affect me for the rest of my life."

Partnering with Sunshine Gospel Ministries, Bethel students spent over a week working with other colleges to build relationships with people living in poverty on the south side of Chicago. Students were assigned different projects that ranged from construction and landscaping to volunteering at local after-school programs.

For missional ministries major Derik Mackey '20, the trip was his third Bethel spring break mission trip, and his second to Chicago. "I chose to go on this trip again because I led it last year and saw such transformation among the students I led," he says. "It was such an educational experience for everyone. It was amazing to see their lives change in such a drastic way."

The Costa Rica team was able to gain a variety of experiences connecting both their vocational interests and cross-cultural ministry. Students worked at a number of different Students International sites that focused on everything from microfinancing to environmental health.

Ryken Kreps '20 was initially interested in the trip as an opportunity to see how God works in new ways. Once in Costa Rica, he especially appreciated the opportunity to work with the full-time members of Students International. "They had some inspiring stories of the way God has worked in their lives and what He has done with their organization in making an impact on the lives of people in that area, especially kids," he says.

Dominican Republic

Another Praying Pelican Missions trip, this experience involved hosting a women’s health conference and vacation Bible school in Baharona, Dominican Republic.

Ratsamee Thosaengsiri '22 found herself especially amazed at the genuine relationships she built despite the language barrier and cultural differences. She emphasizes how welcomed she felt by the local residents. "My favorite part of this trip was experiencing how much love we received from the community," she explains, "and how amazing life could be without the distraction of technology."

"I challenge myself to seek God in every moment and remember that wherever we are, we can make a difference to further God’s Kingdom. God has shown me there is work to be done everywhere."

The Paris team worked with local missionaries and Cru students to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the gospel with university students in Paris, a city where only about 2% of the population identifies as Christian.

Social work major Abby Moates '21 had been eager for the opportunity to engage with another culture and gain a broader perspective on the world. For her, the trip was a learning experience about spontaneity and trusting God's plan. "The most challenging but rewarding aspect of this trip was letting God take control of the week," she explains. "Going in with no schedule for the week was a clear indication that God wanted our team to give ourselves in complete surrender to His plans."

Working with Reach Global Crisis Relief, this team provided support for construction projects to repair the homes of local residents dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Motivated by her desire to serve, Taylor Larson '21 felt called to join the Houston team the moment she saw the trip advertisement posted in the Bethel halls. Over the course of the trip, she appreciated the opportunity to build relationships with the homeowners they were serving and to see physical evidence of the difference the team was making whenever they completed a project. Upon her return to Minnesota, Larson is determined to continue looking for ways to serve: "I challenge myself to seek God in every moment and remember that wherever we are, we can make a difference to further God’s Kingdom," she says. "God has shown me there is work to be done everywhere."

Participate in missions work through Bethel.

Bethel Campus Ministries partners with Solidarity Missions Partnerships to provide students opportunities to expand their horizons on mission trips around the world. Students are challenged to interact with multiple cultures, share their faith in a new setting, and grow their concept of ministry while working to follow Christ's example of service. 

  • Young Adults
  • Over 50 Fire
  • Spark Academy
  • ‎‎House Fires

Bethel Missions

bethel mission trips


Whether it be people, cities, or nations, we have a heart for them to be restored to look like heaven. In Mark 16:15, we receive the mandate to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all of creation . We desire to demonstrate the love of God and the power of God to save, heal, and deliver individuals, families, and, ultimately, nations. There is power in long-term missions. The time and energy to create lasting relationships is what will sustain continued revival in a nation.

Interested in learning more about our local outreach opportunities and missions? Please email [email protected]


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Bethel Atlanta Missions

Bethel Atlanta sends, supports, encourages and pastors our missionaries, giving them a strong connection to the church. To assist the missionaries and their ministries, Bethel Atlanta Send facilitates their needs by interceding, communicating regularly, and donating funds.

Locally, we are raising up radical revivalists filled with the love of God and the supernatural power of God. Short-term mission trips are a catalyst for teams to host God encounters with people of other nations and to visit and participate with our missionaries in the field.

Thank you for your interest and support of our missionaries and their presence in the nations. Missions are an opportunity to proclaim the message of Jesus: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand”. Missions provides the opportunity to partner with Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. If you want to be more involved, consider praying for our missionaries, financial contributions, or participating in our short-term mission trips. Our mandate is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. One day all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord and all flesh will see it!

“The kingdom of heaven is at hand”.

bethel mission trips


  • Mexico | February 17-24, 2024

Missionaries We Support

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Tom and Jennifer Atwater

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Michael and Jennifer Coots

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Leif and Jennifer Hetland

Global Mission Awareness

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Sherri Lewis

bethel mission trips

Harry and Heylinn Rios

bethel mission trips

Heidi Winter

Frontline Missions

Tom and Jenn serve as missionaries in Colombia, South America. They are the co-founders and directors of the 911 Life non-profit ministry, which reaches at-risk women, children, and families in the inner city of Medellín . They live in Colombia with their four wonderful children: Alexander, Abigail, Gabriel, and Mariana.

Jennifer completed the first year of BASSM and taught preschool, and Michael was an attorney in Atlanta while they were part of Bethel Atlanta. Following a call from the Lord to go to the nations, they resigned from their jobs in 2015 to attend the Iris Global Harvest School of Missions in Mozambique. Upon returning to Atlanta, they launched as full-time missionaries in 2016 to help establish the Iris Global base (Kaleo International in Mexico) in Morelos, Mexico. They served in the small town of Jojutla, Morelos, until 2019, when they were sent to help build a new church plant in Monterrey, Nuevo León. After two years of serving as co-pastors of a small church in Monterrey, they were asked by leadership to return to Cuernavaca, Morelos, in 2021. They planted the local church Kaleo Cuernavaca with a small team of national and international leaders in October 2021 and are currently serving as pastors of the church plant. They are also the leaders of the missions base in Kaleo Centro Sur (South Central). They help oversee the mission's work and administrate the fellow Kaleo churches in Morelos, Mexico City, and the State of Mexico.

Their vision is to expand the Kingdom of God throughout central Mexico by the transformation of hearts and establishment of healthy communities of extravagant Jesus lovers empowered by the Holy Spirit. Several Kaleo churches and life groups in the south-central region of Mexico continue to grow. The Coots family has emphasized inner healing, deliverance, and counseling to see hearts made whole and develop healthy families and relationships. They also have initiated many outreaches for evangelism, including hospitals, red zones, and other areas to minister to th e oppressed and broken. Michael and Jennifer and their daughters Chloe and Nora hope to demonstrate the culture of honor and Kingdom family during a revival.

Leif and Jennifer Hetland launched Global Mission Awareness (GMA) in 2000 with a vision to impact the least, the last, and the lost. They have since set foot in 87 nations with the message of the Father’s heart. God has opened the doors for GMA to penetrate some of the most spiritually dark areas of the world. Love has softened the hardest of hearts and transformed regions that were once hostile to God. Over one million people have been saved during their years in ministry. Operating in over 22 nations, Global Mission Awareness is a family of families blessing the nations of the earth. Leif and Jennifer have been blessed with four beautiful children and one son-in-law and make their home in Peachtree City, Georgia.

Sherri L. Lewis, MD is the Founder and Director of Bethel Atlanta Africa – a ministry devoted to raising revivalists to bring cultural transformation to the nations of Africa. Her ministry focuses include intimacy with God, the prophetic, worship, purpose, destiny and understanding Kingdom realities.

Sherri Lewis graduated from Howard University, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and University of Maryland Family Medicine Residency. In 2008, she left her 15-year career as a Family Physician to pursue full-time ministry and writing.

In 2010, Sherri founded Bethel Atlanta Cameroon School of Supernatural Ministry after graduating from the second year program of Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. It is located in Buea, Cameroon, and also has a growing, thriving church fellowship called Bethel Atlanta Cameroon.

In 2017, the vision expanded and is now Bethel Atlanta Africa (BAA). BAA has hosted the Kingdom Leadership Academy in Nairobi, Kenya and has launched a Bethel Atlanta Kenya church fellowship there. BAA has ministry partners in Botswana, Nigeria, and South Africa where they provide Kingdom Leadership Immersions to spread the core values of the Kingdom.

BAA has also partnered with Lapis Lazuli Ministries and Bethel Sozo Africa to bring inner healing to several African nations including Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Botswana, and Togo.

Sherri has several bestselling Christian fiction titles and two non-fiction titles, The God Zone and Effectual Prayer. She lives between Cameroon, Kenya and Nigeria.

Pastor Harry and Heyllin Rios, Pastors of Jesus King of Kings Ministry in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. They have three wonderful children: Zoe, Hadassah, and Jedediah. Their mission is to exalt the name of Jesus and reach Nicaragua for Him. They have created meal programs where they serve meals and meet the needs of both children and seniors. They plant churches in their region and meet the discipleship and practical needs of people in their area. Bethel Atlanta met Harry and Heyllin in 2008 and has sent many mission trips to encourage and be part of the work happening in Matagalpa.

Frontline Missions was founded in 1997 by Alan and Heidi Winter. Alan and Heidi poured their lives into the Great Commission for more than twenty years, connecting and inspiring the global church to lo ve the one in front of them. After suffering a stroke in the spring of 2017, Alan Winter went home to be with the Lord. His wife, Heidi, continues their vision as the President of Frontline Missions. Working primarily in Central and South America, Frontline creates strategic partnerships with the local and global body of Christ to bring the message of Jesus to unreached and unengaged people groups. Evangelism efforts, Bible training centers, mission team outreach, economic development, and the training of pastors and leaders are all part of their ongoing ministry in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

bethel mission trips

Carolyn & Ron Book

Missions Pastors

bethel mission trips

Kristi Bohart

Missions Travel Director

bethel mission trips

Lauren Brownlee

Senior Leader

Ron and his wife, Carolyn, have been married for fifty years. Together, they have four children and eight grandchildren. Ron attributes his love and passion for missions to his first trip at age ten. He later visited Africa as a twenty-year-old and spent a year and a half in Zambia. Carolyn is a graduate of Azusa Pacific University and enjoys playing the cello and guitar and boating on the lake in the summer.

Bio coming soon!

Except for her time at Georgia Tech and attending BSSM in Redding, CA, Lauren has lived right around the corner from Bethel Atlanta’s campus her entire life. She currently lives in Peachtree City with a fond appreciation for the golf cart trails; the trails are her family’s favorite option for getting around town. Lauren married her husband Brent, whom she met in college. Together, they led a Redding, California-based home group that eventually transitioned to Georgia to help start Bethel Atlanta. Since the beginning, Lauren has been a staff member of Bethel Atlanta, from leading the School of Ministry for the first nine years to leading the Senior Team and the Send Branch. When she’s not at the church, Lauren and Brent enjoy all things outdoors, such as camping, trail running, and spending time at the lake with their three children, Lake, Reagan, and Wynn.

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Bethel Atlanta Campus

Time & location.

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Bethel Missions  

Trip leader resources for leading a , bssm spring mission trip.

Welcome to the Bethel Missions Trip Leaders Resource page! We encourage you to read on for important policy, vision, and practicals relating to your mission trip as a Bethel Missions Trip Leader.  Bethel Missions oversees BSSM/BSSMO Spring Missions, BSSM Alumni Trips, BSSM 2nd/3rd Year Revival Trips, BSSM 3rd Yr Mentor Travel Insurance, Bethel Go Church Mission Trips, and Bethel Long-Term Missionaries.

The Purpose of a Mission Trip:

The purpose of a BSSM Spring Mission Trip:  Mission Trips focus on growing and activating students in everything they have been learning in class all year long, with the purpose of extending God's Kingdom to every place traveled.  The Trip Leader meets with the team on a regular basis to cast vision for what ministry will take place on the trip, create a sense of belonging, gets to know each person on the team, and invests in them.  During the trip, the Trip Leader focuses on activating each team member with various opportunities to serve. Being a Mission Trip Leader often requires someone who can pastor, mentor, and disciple students throughout the year.  Students love coming alive and feeling seen and known by their missions team and leader! It is our heart that students are activated, grow, learn, and build connections while being under a Trip Leader. 

Requirements, Expectations, and Commitments 

As it is in our hearts that students are activated, grow, learn, and build connections while being a Trip Leader, we ask that:

-   Trip Leaders will create trips that are missional in focus.  We want Spring Missions to be outreach and missional oriented as our goal is to go beyond the 4 walls of the church. Trip Leaders can partner with local churches, however, our goal is for at least 75% of the trip focus to not look like a church conference/ministering to other Christians, but instead focus on missional and outreach opportunities.

-  Trip Leaders will need to create opportunities for students to be activated and empower each student to lead and/or be activated in different opportunities.  On a missions trip, the goal is to have students activated to do various kinds of ministry, e.g. street evangelism, practical service, prophetic booths, and healing prayer.  On a Spring Missions Trip, the Trip Leader takes a step back and empowers the students to lead and be stretched in different areas.

- Trip leaders will prioritize locations where we have a long-term local partner that can carry on the fruits of the outreach to maximize eternal impact and the growth of the partner ministry.  Connecting with our Bethel Missionaries and BLN partners is especially encouraged where possible.

- All Trips will need to take up to 5 BSSMO students on their trip along with on-campus BSSM students.

- All Trip Leaders come to a once-a-month mandatory training that happens on a Thursday morning from 9:00 am - 10:30 am from September-March

- All Trip Leaders will need to have a Budget Meeting with our Finance Coordinator by the middle/end of August.

- Trip Leaders will need to be willing to pastor students through finances while still maintaining trip finance deadlines.

- Trip Leaders are aware & conscious that BSSM/BSSMO students are viewing you as a representation of Bethel Church and that you carry yourself in a manner consistent with the values of Bethel Church.

- Trip Leaders have team meetings 1-2 times a month leading up to the trip to guide & prepare students so they can be successful on the trip, answer questions & allow learning opportunities throughout the trip.

 - Trip Leaders show proper stewardship & wisdom with Travel Money including proper handling of cash, credit card, and receipts during and after the trip and entering information into the Bethel Trips Receipt App and Nexonia. 

- Trip Leaders debrief with students during the mission trip and at the end of the trip.

- Trip Leaders stay in good communication with the Missions Department at all times. This will help to smoothly administrate trips, report & fix any issues/concerns, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

- Trip Leaders are responsible for reviewing flight itinerary options with the Flight Coordinator and confirming the final flight.

 - Trip Leaders fully understand their financial responsibility for the trip & return all receipts or any leftover cash to equal the Final Check amount given, or personally recompense the missing amounts.

- Trip Leaders are aware there is typically about 1-3 hours per week of time devoted to administration, pastoring/mentoring students, Bethel Missions meetings, and other logistics related to leading a BSSM Mission Trip throughout the school year.

- Trip Leaders may have part of their finances covered during a Mission Trip, but may not be 100% covered and will need to raise the necessary funds to cover their portion of the cost.  In order for a Co-Leader to receive a discount, there must be 25+ students on the trip after the December payment milestone.  If there are less than 25 students, then unfortunately, the Co-Leader will need to raise the full cost of the trip.

- Trip Leaders/Co-Leaders/Students are not able to receive an honorarium on a Spring Missions Trip.  IRS tax laws make it illegal to receive income on a trip that was paid for with donor funds.

Our Core Values

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Presence & Anointing

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Honoring Ministry Hosts

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Freedom & Encounter

bethel mission trips

Becoming Family

bethel mission trips

Service & Sacrifice

bethel mission trips

Empowering Students

bethel mission trips

Working as a Team

bethel mission trips

Empowering Others

bethel mission trips

Allowing Students to be Students

bethel mission trips

Celebrate Individual Victories

Bethel Mission Outreach

Mission Trip

Home / Mission Trip

Why go on a mission trip! We go on mission trips for many reasons – to learn, to discover, to share, and to receive. But most importantly, we go to put Jesus on display. That’s why every one of us who follow Christ should be eager and willing to go and share our testimonies with the world. You are light; your presence brings out the God – colors in the world.  All of us know that God is not a secret to be kept. We must go public about Him, as public as a city on a hill.

God makes us light- bearers! That means we cannot hide ourselves under a bucket! I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand –  shine !

  Keep open the house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in Heaven.

Mission trips are both transformative and life changing.

I believe God calls us to work with the poor for several reasons. First, it opens our eyes to what matters most in this life. In affluent societies, it is easy for us to become comfortable and lose sight of what’s important. When you are stripped of everything but the bare essentials, you begin to see the value of faith, hope and love.

Secondly, exposure to extreme poverty teaches us to lean on Jesus every moment of every day. When you are sick and there is no doctor, when you are hungry and there is no food, when you are cold and there is no blanket; where do you turn? In America we turn to Walmart. In many third world countries (if you are a Christian) you turn to God. Regardless of whether we know it or not, we are all in desperate need of Christ. Whether you are ‘rich, and wealthy, and in need of nothing’ (Revelation 2:17a), or you are ‘miserable, poor, blind, and naked…’ (Revelation 2:17b), no matter your physical situation in this life, we are all EQUALLY in need of a Savior…


Scheduling Coming Soon!

Click here to join us on campus for the BSSM Open Day Experience April 18—19th, 2023.

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  • FAQ’s
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  • Revival Regions
  • Creative Arts

Serving the Nations

We offer many ministry and mission trips throughout the year as we activate students to catalyze God encounters in regions across the world. Teams range from two to two hundred or more people and we offer both domestic and international trips.

Short term missions

We have established beautiful connections with churches, missionaries, and leaders throughout the world and love sending BSSM teams to encourage and serve their ministries. In the months of preparation leading up to your trip, you and your team will first be developed as a unified body that is built around vulnerability and empowerment. We aim for cultural transformation to first happen within the dynamics of your team, and then outwardly as you go into all the nations.

As Bill Johnson says, “We owe the world an encounter with Jesus.” We seek to demonstrate God’s grace, His unconditional love and transforming power to see the sons and daughters of God in all nations awaken to His goodness and love.

  • To display the glory of God and to impart the Kingdom of Heaven wherever we go.
  • To build relationship with our global community by serving, honoring, and adding strength to their ministry.
  • To be challenged and go to new levels as leaders.
  • To build strong relationships on our teams and to create an atmosphere where individuals know their place and their significance on the team.
  • To activate the trip’s team members.
  • To encounter God in new ways and bring people into these encounters.
  • To continue to see increase, going from glory to glory.
  • To see Jesus get the full reward of His suffering.

Serving Our City

Learn more about how we’re serving our city.

Bethel Mission Trips


Carolina Cross Connection (Service Weeks) Carolina Cross Connection (CCC) is a week-long mission camp for high school youth and adults to provide minor home repairs (such as: building steps/wheelchair ramps/porches, interior/exterior painting, yard work, and household chores) for individuals in need. CCC is operated out of 5 camps in Piedmont and Western North Carolina. Campers get to fellowship with other youth and adults from churches throughout the Southeast. They also participate in daily devotions and nightly worship services.

Homeless Outreach Missions Experience (HOME) There’s no place like HOME….Carolina Cross Connection has teamed up with the Haywood Street Congregation to offer a mission experience like no other. Come spend a life changing unforgettable week in downtown Asheville, NC. Your week begins on Sunday when you meet and get to know your staff and fellow campers. Then spend Monday through Friday participating in a variety of service and relationship experiences. During the week you will get to know members of the homeless community in Asheville and share some experiences of being homeless in our own state. Activities each week may vary as the spirit guides you to reach beyond your comfort zone by nurturing relationships, loving, serving and being served, and encountering the living Christ among our street siblings.

RED BIRD Red Bird Mission and Clinic have been providing ministries in Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountains since 1921. Today the need remains critical in this isolated, rural distressed area. Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area. Red Bird Mission strives to meet these needs through ministry in five areas: Education, Health and Wellness, Community Outreach, Economic Opportunity, and Community Housing Improvement. The camp fosters a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The workload varies all for volunteers of all skill levels.

HONDURAS (Mama Tara’s Orphanage) A week trip to Honduras involves traveling to a remote area, Puerto Lempira, which is home to the indigenous people of the country. While in Puerto Lempira you will work with and for the 25 children at Mama Tara’s Orphanage. Opportunities for service while you are there are endless. Things we have done in the past: help work on the security fence, secure bunk beds, build cabinets, electrical work, rebuild a chicken coup, rescreen doors and windows, paint murals on the walls, cut hair, and offer a medical clinic. Most importantly you will form lasting relationships with the children teaching them their value in Christ! Every person, young or old, building experience or not, Spanish speaking or not, is useful and valuable on this trip.

Fundraisers: The Missions Committee is committed to helping members of the Bethel congregation who feel called by the Holy Spirit to participate in mission’s experiences not be halted by financial cost. For that reason, we as a committee aim to help participants cover a large portion of the trip costs through fundraising.

To receive financial support you must volunteer in our Annual Fundraisers which are; but not limited to:

  • Mission Possible 5K and Fun Run (Spring)
  • Fall chicken BBQ (Summer)
  • Festival of Tables (Fall)

Scholarships: Participating in a mission trip can be expensive. We provide opportunities for participants to off-set the cost of the trips with several fund raisers throughout the year. But we know that sometimes those fund raisers are not enough. We also know that sometimes the Holy Spirit calls congregation members to participate in mission opportunities not organized by BUMC. For these reasons, our committee has set aside $1000 that is available for individual scholarships. Money is distributed on a first-come first serve basis.

Sunday Service Times

Bethel is currently holding in person blended worship at 9:00 AM. Sunday school and small groups follows at 10:30 AM.

Address and Phone

Bethel Church of Midland 12700 Idlebrook Rd Midland, NC 28107 704-888-2653

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New to Bethel

Find out where we are located, what we believe, how to get involved, how to stay connected and how to become a member.

Catch the Livestream of a Sunday worship service, or access the video sermon archive.

God’s Word says we are designed for community. At Bethel, we want to create opportunities for people to be known and to know others..

Giving financially is a personal way to worship. It’s convenient, immediate, and most importantly, SECURE.


Living generously in obedience to God’s Word compels us to turn our attention outward to our neighbors and to the nations. Bethel is committed to living on mission both locally and globally through partnerships with highly effective ministries. We strive to be faithful to make disciples corporately as a Church, with our families, and individually.

You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way , which through us will produce thanksgiving to God . For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God . 2 Corinthians 9:11-12 (ESV)


bethel mission trips

41.4% of our world’s population live in a place where they have no access to the Bible, a local church, or even another Christian. We aim to partner with missionaries working in these areas.

bethel mission trips

God uses His Church as the main means of reaching the world. We partner with those who are planting churches in locations lacking evangelical, Biblically-sound churches.

bethel mission trips

God has already brought the nations to us! Every year, new international students, working professionals, immigrants, and refugees come to East Texas from all over the world!

bethel mission trips

We are called to love our neighbors. Fulfilling that great calling includes loving those who are especially at risk in our own community, such as children, victims, and the homeless.

bethel mission trips

There are billions across our globe who have never heard the name of Jesus. Learn more about our Missionaries and how you can be part of spreading the gospel to the nations.

bethel mission trips

Missions isn't just overseas. We have many in our East Texas Community who need the love of Christ. Learn about our Local Missions Partners and how you can serve.

Sierra Leone

Live Sent. This means being ready to go, send, and pray as we fulfill the Great Commission. Learn more about our upcoming trips and how you can support those going on a trip.

Sierra Leone-43

Sierra Leone Scholarships

Missions House Application2

Missions House Application

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Missions Monthly Newsletter

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How to Live as a World Christian

Get involved, want to serve with missions.

  • Going on a Mission Trip

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  • 903-839-5007
  • M - Th: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | F: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 17121 US HWY 69 South, Tyler, Texas 75703
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Missions Partners

Serving together.

  • Missions Trips
  • Missions Affiliates

Answering God's Call

We are committed to serving children and disenfranchised, those in poverty or struggling with homelessness, the unreached and persecuted, and the trafficked and enslaved. We believe strongly in these ministry partnerships because we know that God does His work through relationship. Each of these ministries have been called by God and have a passion so that, when we are not with them, God’s Kingdom work continues while we prayerfully support their ministry.

On Mission 365

Being on mission with God means listening for and answering His call daily. Mt. Bethel is blessed to have Missions partnerships that offer us opportunities to be on mission locally and globally every day through prayers, giving, caring, and serving.

bethel mission trips

Mt. Bethel Missions Focus Areas

We focus our efforts through partnerships in four mission categories: Trafficked and Enslaved, Homeless and Extreme Poverty, Children and Disenfranchised, and Unreached and Persecuted.

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Children and Disenfranchised

bethel mission trips

Homeless and Extreme Poverty

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Trafficked and Enslaved

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Unreached and Persecuted

Missions Partners meet the Mt. Bethel standards of Faithful Stewardship, Opportunities to Serve, Christ-Centered Ministry, Unity in Fellowship, and Spiritual Formation. As you look over these partners, see if God might be stirring your heart to serve with one of them.

Children & Disenfranchised

Called to Care, FaithBridge Foster Care, North Atlanta Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Kidz2Leaders, The HOPE Center, Life Academy, and Project 82

Extreme Poverty & Homelessness

Back Pack Blessings, MUST Ministries, SafeHouse Outreach, and Servants in Faith and Technology (SIFAT)

Trafficked & Enslaved

The Table on Delk, Wellspring Living, and Missio Link International (Romania)

Unreached & Persecuted

Global Hope Partners, International Leadership Institute, and TMS Global

Partners Answer the Call

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SafeHouse Outreach City Walk and Fellowship

April 29 3:00 - 7:30 pm

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Monthly Outreach at The Table on Delk

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Walk For Life

May 4 9:00 - 11:00 am

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Foster Care Encounter Session

May 5 12:30 - 1:30 pm

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Salvation Army Collection Day

May 6 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Kettle Krush

2024 mission trips.

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Orphanage Emmanuel – Honduras Mission Trip

June 14 - 21

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Missio Link International-Deborah House – Romania Mission Trip

July 6 - 15

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Life Academy – Romania Mission Trip

July 12 - 22

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S.I.F.A.T. – Ecuador Mission Trip

July 13 - 20

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Project 82 – Kenya Mission Trip

October 9 - 17

Mt. Bethel Missions Affiliates

Mt. Bethel Church has special ministry relationships with Missions Affiliates. Mt. Bethel Church contributes resources to these ministries, and serves alongside them as we are called to do, such as volunteering for a day, contributing goods and services and participating in special events, to name a few!

  • Compassion International
  • Convoy of Hope
  • Friends of Estonia
  • Haggai International
  • Kerygma 180 (K180)
  • Orphanage Emmanuel
  • Project Mail Call
  • The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army

Blogs On Mission

bethel mission trips

The Power of Partnership: MUST Ministries and Mt. Bethel Church

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Poverty in the Appalachian Mountains: The Heart of Hands of Hope

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Project 82 Kenya: A Journey of Love, Hope, and Miracles

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The Table on Delk: A Beacon of Hope for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation

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Transforming Lives Through Back Pack Blessings: A Journey of Compassion

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Edwin’s Journey with SafeHouse Outreach

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Global Hope Partners: Bridging Cultures and Changing Lives

Missions webcasts on demand.


  1. International Mission Trips

    bethel mission trips

  2. Bethel Mission Outreach

    bethel mission trips

  3. Bethel Mission Outreach

    bethel mission trips

  4. Bethel Finds Blessings In Mission Trip To Ecuador

    bethel mission trips

  5. Bethel Mission

    bethel mission trips

  6. Feed the Hungry Initiative

    bethel mission trips


  1. Missions

    Get Launched—Bethel Go Trips. You can be a part of changing the world! Bethel Go trips are a wonderful way for our local church to GO and experience missions firsthand. These trips are available to all ages, but are only open to members and attenders of Bethel Redding. ‍View Bethel Go Trips ‍ ‍

  2. Missions

    The why of missions is to live out the great commands of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. The purpose of mission trips: Meeting Spiritual Needs. Ultimately, the most significant need of every human is to know Christ and be in a right relationship with God. Therefore, we believe that prayer is a crucial part of engaging with the spiritual ...

  3. Mission Trips

    A large portion of our mission trip costs are funded by gifts from generous donors. There are 2 easy ways to make a donation towards your student's trip: Mail in your donations: Bethel University Missions. 3900 Bethel Drive #2380. St. Paul, MN 55112. Drop off donations at the Christian Formation office. All checks must be made payable to Bethel ...

  4. Preparing for Your Mission Trip

    However, if a student is being sent by Bethel, that trip has been approved in light of our mission of Christ-centered education that strives to join in God's reconciling work and to minister the love of Christ to a world in need. Important Dates. Applications for spring break trips will be available in the fall. Deadline to apply is November 1 ...

  5. Belize

    This trip is reserved for students in the health sciences (pre-med, nursing, and other health sciences) who have junior or senior standing. Cross-cultural ministry experience and proficiency in Spanish are helpful and valued in the team selection process. Since we don't spend all of our time working on medical missions, we look for students ...

  6. Texas Border Mission Trip

    Our Ministry Partner. Border Perspective serves families on the U.S. and Mexico border. They equip leaders, advocate for biblical justice, and mobilize the church on service-learning trips along the South Texas border.

  7. Costa Rica Mission Trip

    Nestled in the central highlands of Costa Rica is the capital city of San José. Bethel students will minister in Desamparados on the southeastern edge of the city where the urban environment provides unique ministry opportunities and challenges. You'll get to know the people and the culture as ...

  8. Alaska Mission Trip

    Praying Pelican's mission is guided by genuine partnerships, long-term relationships, and sustainable ministry. What is this trip's focus? Care for people living in poverty; Care for people experiencing mental illness; Manual labor/acts of service; Prayer walks; Trip Cost. This team of 10 students has a team fundraising goal of $17,000.

  9. Bethel Mission Trips

    Bethel Mission Trips, Redding, California. 5,882 likes. WE EXIST so we can raise up a generation of world changers that will be known simply for their reckless abandonment to see that Jesus is Lord...

  10. A Spring Break of Service

    Over spring break, seven student teams participated in short-terms mission trips across the world through Bethel's Solidarity Missions Partnerships program. Each of the trips offered a unique opportunity to serve others, grow spiritually, and gain relevant experience connected to ministry, reconciliation, and cross-cultural interaction. Appalachia

  11. Bethel Missions

    Missions provides the opportunity to partner with Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. If you want to be more involved, consider praying for our missionaries, financial contributions, or participating in our short-term mission trips. Our mandate is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

  12. Spring Missions Trip Leaders

    Welcome to the Bethel Missions Trip Leaders Resource page! We encourage you to read on for important policy, vision, and practicals relating to your mission trip as a Bethel Missions Trip Leader. Bethel Missions oversees BSSM/BSSMO Spring Missions, BSSM Alumni Trips, BSSM 2nd/3rd Year Revival Trips, BSSM 3rd Yr Mentor Travel Insurance, Bethel ...

  13. Missions

    Take a Life-changing short-term Missions Trip to Los Angeles! You can help make a difference in transforming lives and communities through Christ by getting involved in local outreach opportunities. ... For more info, email [email protected]. Learn More. Local Compassion. Making a long lasting difference starts with true compassion and deep ...

  14. Mission Trip

    Mission Trip. Why go on a mission trip! We go on mission trips for many reasons - to learn, to discover, to share, and to receive. But most importantly, we go to put Jesus on display. That's why every one of us who follow Christ should be eager and willing to go and share our testimonies with the world. You are light; your presence brings ...

  15. Missions

    Bethel Church; Missions; Testimonies; Serving the Nations. We offer many ministry and mission trips throughout the year as we activate students to catalyze God encounters in regions across the world. Teams range from two to two hundred or more people and we offer both domestic and international trips.

  16. Bethel Mission Trips

    Bethel Mission Trips. MISSION TRIPS ORGANIZED BY BUMC. Carolina Cross Connection (Service Weeks) Carolina Cross Connection (CCC) is a week-long mission camp for high school youth and adults to provide minor home repairs (such as: building steps/wheelchair ramps/porches, interior/exterior painting, yard work, and household chores) for ...

  17. Bethel Church

    International Mission Trip Details: Who can go? Adults and 11th-12th grade students. When? June 21-30th. What's the Cost? $2,750. Where? Malaga, Spain. What will we do?

  18. Missions

    Bethel is committed to living on mission both locally and globally through partnerships with highly effective ministries. We strive to be faithful to make disciples corporately as a Church, with our families, and individually. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

  19. Missions

    On Mission 365. Being on mission with God means listening for and answering His call daily. Mt. Bethel is blessed to have Missions partnerships that offer us opportunities to be on mission locally and globally every day through prayers, giving, caring, and serving. The purpose of ON MISSION 365 is to remind us of our calling, and April 20 is a ...