Viaja Por Churín

Full Day y Tours en Churín

Full Day y Tours económicos en Churín

Sin duda alguna, la mejor opción para visitar el paraíso de las aguas termales en Lima es contratar uno de los tours con Full day a Churín . Ya sea contratando el servicio desde Lima, hay opciones en todos los distritos de Lima Norte, Lima Sur o Lima Centro, o llegando a la misma plaza de Armas de Churín y buscando una agencia de viaje reconocida. También puedes acercarte a la Municipalidad de Churín donde en la oficina de Turismo te podrán dar más información de que tours y lugares puedes visitar en los alrededores de este pintoresco pueblo de la sierra limeña.

Tour Económico: Full day a Churín

Existen planes baratos de viajes a Churín desde 89 soles (25 dólares) y puedes buscar en internet o redes sociales a las empresas autorizadas que te podrán llevar en un full day económico y tener un día completo de experiencias relajantes en esta zona de la región Lima.

Estos paquetes turísticos usualmente salen desde un punto de Lima (Javier Prado, Orrantia, Plaza Norte, Municipalidad de Los Olivos, Zarate, etc.) en la madrugada (4am o 5am) ya que el viaje hasta Churín demora unas 4 horas aproximadamente desde Lima.

Su plan consiste en llegar a tomar desayuno lo más temprano posible, visitar el pueblo de Churín y de allí recorrer la zona de pozas con aguas termales y medicinales, ingresar y darse un buen chapuzón para recargar energías en sus aguas calientes y luego almorzar en algún lugar campestre de la zona. (ver dónde comer en Churín ).

Tour Económico: Full day a Churín

Full day Churin: Conoce qué incluyen aquí

La mayoría de los tours que ofrecen Full Days a Churín esta temporada incluyen los siguientes servicios:

  • City Tour Churin: plaza mayor y principales atractivos turísticos de Churín
  • Visita iglesia matriz de Churin
  • Degustación de dulces típicos de la zona
  • Excursión a los principales complejos de baños termales medicinales de Tingo o la Meseta o de la Juventud.
  • Traslado hacia complejo Mamahuarmi (mamawarmi)
  • Tiempo libre para compras de artesanía y productos en el mercado.
  • Tour Operador: guía turístico en Churin.
  • Transporte privado para el grupo con Seguro Obligatorio de Accidentes de Tránsito SOAT y Botiquín básico de primeros auxilios.

Servicios que normalmente no están incluidos en los full days son:

  • Ingreso baños de Tingo o Meseta S/.10
  • Ingreso complejo Mamahuarmi (Piscina – velo de la novia – cueva o gruta Mamahuarmi) S/.10
  • Terapia de arcilla bueno para el cutis. Mascarilla de barro S/.5.00

Tour a Churín: 2 días 1 noche

Es el clásico tour a buen precio con el que puedes conocer este hermoso lugar y sus aguas termales en la sierra de Lima. Es ideal para los viajeros que tienen tiempo solo el sábado y domingo.

Tour a Churín: 3 días 2 noches

También puedes optar por opciones de viaje de 3 días y 2 noches dónde a un ritmo más pausado, podrás recorrer el pueblo de Churín, almorzar una buena trucha o un plato a base de cabrito o cuy, descansar en una noche muy tranquila y poder desde Churín como base de operaciones a conocer Oyón, Chiuchín (a 1 hora de Churín) y recorrer todas sus pozas de aguas termales limeñas.

Recuerda siempre consultar la disponibilidad del servicio, sobretodo en feriados largos o fechas especiales como semana santa , fiestas patrias o aniversario de Churin .

Próximas fechas de Salidas de Full Day a Churín

Si bien es cierto que puedes visitar Churin en tours de un día todo el tiempo, la mejor época del año para visitar Churín es en la temporada en donde no hay lluvias, es decir, de los meses de mayo hasta setiembre aproximadamente.

Qué llevar a un Full Day en Churín

La sierra de Churin es un lugar increíblemente hermoso y lleno de aventuras que definitivamente vale la pena explorar en un full day. Ya sea que estés planeando una caminata, una visita a los baños termales o simplemente un día de descanso en la naturaleza, hay algunas cosas esenciales que debes llevar contigo para asegurarte de tener un día agradable y seguro. Como experto viajero, aquí te dejo algunas recomendaciones:

  • Ropa adecuada : la comunidad de Churin puede recibirte con frío y humedad, por lo que es importante llevar ropa adecuada para la montaña. Una chaqueta impermeable, un suéter o una chompa abrigadora, pantalones cómodos, una gorra y zapatos de trekking o zapatillas de senderismo son esenciales. También es recomendable llevar una muda de ropa adicional en caso de que te mojes o necesites cambiar de ropa.
  • Protección solar : La altitud en la sierra de Churin puede ser intensa, y estar expuesto al sol durante todo el día puede ser agotador y peligroso. Por lo tanto, es importante llevar un protector solar con un alto factor de protección solar, un sombrero o gorra para proteger la cabeza del sol y unos lentes de sol para proteger los ojos.
  • Agua y comida : La hidratación y la nutrición son fundamentales en cualquier viaje y más aún en la montaña. Lleva suficiente agua y comida para todo el día, preferiblemente frutas, barras de granola, frutos secos y algo más sustancioso como un sándwich. Es recomendable llevar algún tipo de contenedor o bolsa para guardar la basura y llevarla de vuelta.
  • Botiquín de primeros auxilios : Es importante llevar un botiquín básico que incluya vendas, gasas, analgésicos, repelente de insectos y algún tipo de medicamento para el dolor de cabeza o malestar estomacal. Si tienes alguna condición médica preexistente, lleva los medicamentos que puedas necesitar.
  • Mapa y/o GPS : Si estás planeando una caminata o exploración más larga en la montaña, es importante llevar un mapa o tener acceso a un GPS. También es recomendable que compartas tu ubicación o ruta con alguien en caso de que necesites ayuda.
  • Dinero en efectivo : Aunque es posible que no necesites gastar mucho dinero en Churin, es importante llevar suficiente efectivo para pagar las entradas a los lugares turísticos, comprar comida y/o cualquier otra cosa que puedas necesitar.
  • Una mochila cómoda : Por último, pero no menos importante, es importante llevar una mochila cómoda que te permita llevar todas estas cosas esenciales contigo durante todo el día. Asegúrate de que la mochila tenga suficiente capacidad para llevar todo lo que necesitas sin ser demasiado pesada o incómoda.

En resumen, Churin es un lugar hermoso y lleno de aventuras, pero también puede ser impredecible. Asegúrate de llevar las cosas esenciales como ropa adecuada, protección solar, agua y comida, botiquín de primeros auxilios,

Más sobre Churín

Qué ver y hacer en Churín

Qué ver y qué hacer en Churín

Cómo llegar a Churín desde Lima

Ruta a Churín: Cómo llegar desde Lima

Dónde comer en Churín

Dónde Comer

Dónde dormir en Churín

Dónde dormir en Churín

Churín: Visita el Complejo de Aguas Termales de Mamahuarmi

Viaja a Churín

Navidad y Año Nuevo en Churín

Navidad y Año Nuevo en Churín

Video: lo que no puedes perderte en churín.

churin tours full day

churin tours full day


© 2013 - 2020  Vive Ya Travel S.A.C. Todos los derechos reservados. Vive Ya! Travel es una marca comercial registrada de Vive Ya Travel S.A.C.


Full Day Churín, Sayán

  • Reservar por WhatsApp
  • Reservar por WhatsApp (solo con el 50%)
  • Reservar en línea

Puntos de abordo

Todos los atractivos turísticos serán descritos y explicados a cargo de nuestro guía de turismo.

6:00 a.m. aprox. PANES ARTESANALES: Llegamos a los panes artesanales en chancay, para disfrutar de un rico desayuno (a cuenta de cada participante).

8:30 a.m. aprox. BAÑOS MEDICINALES DE TINGO: Llegamos al muy reconocido Baños de tingo, el cual cuenta con varias pozas termo-medicinales de diferentes temperaturas que poseen propiedades curativas para diferentes afecciones y dolencias.

10:00 a.m. aprox. BAÑOS TERMALES MAMAHUARMI: Disfrutaremos de sus aguas cristalinas y temperadas, para ello ingresaremos a sus diferentes pozos, como el Pozo de los novios, Velo de novia, Geiser, entre otros. Habrá tiempo suficiente para bañarse y tomarse fotos espectaculares.

12:30 p.m. aprox. ALMUERZO Y PISCIGRANJA: Nos dispones a disfrutar los diferentes platos típicos de la zona en un restaurante campestre recomendado por nuestro guía, asimismo tendremos tiempo para apreciar la Piscigranja y su diversidad.

2:30 p.m. aprox. CITY TOUR CHURIN: Llegamos al centro de churín, donde realizaremos el City Tour, visitaremos su plaza principal, su iglesia, el monumento Mamahuarmi, el Arco de churín entre otros atractivos.

4:30 p.m. aprox. SAYÁN Y CERVECERÍA ARTESANAL: En el distrito de Sayán, visitaremos su plaza principal, su iglesia, asimismo realizaremos degustaciones gratis de Cerveza artesanal, alfajores y dulces.

8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. aprox. Llegamos a Lima.


¡múltiples medios de pago disponibles, información general.

  • Sobre Nosotros
  • Términos y Condiciones
  • Políticas y Privacidad
  • Constancia de MINCETUR
  • Código de conducta ESNNA
  • Libro de reclamaciones virtual

Redes sociales

  • 946 805 315
  • [email protected]
  • Jr. Huacayo Mz. A1 Lt. 3 Asoc. Villa Santa Rosa de Huachipa – Lurigancho

churin tours full day

churin tours full day

Tour Full Day Baños Termales de Churín + Sayán

(Precio reservando 7 días antes)

(1 persona)

(A partir de 2 Personas)

*Menores de 5 años viajan gratis cargados por sus padres


Puntos de Abordo

Dale Click para ver cómo llegar


  • Av. Javier Prado Este con Paradero Jockey Plaza
  • Ref. Al lado de la Puerta Principal


  • Av. Javier Prado Este con Cajero BBVA


  • Panamericana Nte. con Plaza Norte
  • Ref. En el Grifo Repsol  

4:00 AM. C.C. Jockey Plaza. Punto de Abordo en el Paradero del Centro Comercial Jockey Plaza (10 minutos de tolerancia)

4:20 AM. C.C. La Rambla. Punto de Abordo en Centro Comercial La Rambla de San Borja (5 minutos de tolerancia)

4:55 AM. C.C. Plaza Norte. Punto de Abordo en Grifo Repsol de Plaza Norte (Sin minutos de tolerancia)


Llegamos muy temprano a nuestro precioso lugar turístico El Tingo, dónde podrán relajarse un rato mientras gozan de un gran desayuno local y se van familiarizando con el entorno y clima.


Las Aguas de los baños son de color marrón por la composición química de  hierro, litio y azufre  son aguas sulfuradas las cuales son excelentes para el tratamiento de  afecciones reumáticas, artritis, asma, dolencias causadas por el frío, calambres, sinusitis y obesidad .

Cuenta con 4 piscinas y servicio de sauna, masajes y baños de barro. Se dice que sus aguas alivian enfermedades como: el   reumatismo, parálisis de cuerpo, males de la próstata, ovarios , entre otros. Además de tener cierto tiempo cómo recomendación para que las altas temperaturas o componentes no hagan daño al cuerpo.


Recorreremos los puntos más turísticos de la Ciudad de Churín.


Visitaremos la Plaza principal en Churín, es el corazón de la ciudad y cuenta con una arquitectura encantadora y una gran cantidad de áreas verdes. En el centro de la plaza se encuentra una pileta o fuente, rodeada de bancos donde la gente puede sentarse y descansar. Alrededor de la plaza, se encuentran importantes edificios y monumentos, como la iglesia principal de Churín, dedicada a la Virgen de la Natividad


Visitamos este punto tan emblemático, el famoso arco de piedra que sale en innumerables fotos y que da la bienvenida al pueblo. Tendremos tiempo para sacarnos las mejores fotos con esta bonita arquitectura.


La hora esperada por muchos, dónde tendremos tiempo para disfrutar estos manjares de nuestra comunidad churina.


Visita al Complejo de la Mamahuarmi, este complejo de baños contempla tal vez dos de los más hermosos lugares para tomarse un baño termal. Es uno de los rincones más hermosos de Churín, en los 300 m² que ocupa aprox. trata de mantener su originalidad con pozas al aire libre, cascadas, paseos de aguas.

Las pozas con las que cuenta son las siguientes:

  • Piscina de los novios Con una temperatura aproximadamente de 30°C. de aguas muy transparentes por su contenido de cobalto, indicado para prevenir y combatir los principios de cáncer, se alimenta a través de un ducto subterráneo, tiene un pequeña gruta donde según dicen los novios deben ingresar y jurarse amor eterno.
  • Velo de la Novia Es una poza tipo cascada que se asemeja al velo de una novia, su baño es recomendable para combatir el estrés.
  • Fuente Mamahuarmi De aguas color turquesa, en su interior posee helechos y musgos.
  • La Mellicera Curiosa poza escondida, donde según testimonios de los lugareños es buena para fertilidad. Asimismo podemos encontrar la gruta de la Mamahuarmi, hermosa caverna donde podemos divisar las estalactitas, es una cueva llena de leyenda y el Churi, es un géiser que llega a 5 mt de altura.


Llegaremos al pueblo de Sayán, conocida cómo  “Tierra del Eterno Sol” y los riquísimos alfajores. Visita a la Plaza de Armas y vista a la casona del libertador José de San Martín. Conoceremos la Iglesia de San Jerónimo de la época Española y podremos degustar los famosos alfajores de Sayán, empanadas y cremolada de frutas.


Conoceremos como se produce la cerveza artesanal y degustaremos las distintas cervezas a base de frutas.

Hora oportuna indicada por el guía retorno a la ciudad de Lima

Llegada a C.C. Plaza Norte

Llegada a C.C. La Rambla

Llegada a C.C. Jockey Plaza

Fin de nuestros servicios

  • Transporte turístico privado Lima / Churín / Sayán / Lima
  • Desayuno Box Lunch Incluido
  • Pulsera de identificación para cada viajero.
  • Mapa del Destino Turístico tamaño A3
  • Degustaciones en la localidad
  • Visita plaza de armas de Sayán.
  • Visita la Casona de Don José de San Martín.
  • Vista a la iglesia San Jerónimo.
  • Degustación de cerveza Artesanal Beerlú.
  • Tiempo libre para compra de alfajores.
  • Visita a la bodega Lumbre.
  • Visita al arco emblemático de Churín.
  • Vista la iglesia matriz de Churín.
  • Visita el monumento Mamahuarmi.
  • Historia del origen del pueblo de Churín.
  • Tiempo libre para compras en Churín.
  • Traslado a baños medicinal de Tingo.
  • Traslado al complejo termo medicinal Mamahuarmi.
  • Foto Artística para todos.
  • Fotografías en todo el recorrido.
  • Excursiones según el programa.
  • 1 Vino gratis al Cumpleañero con DNI
  • 1 Vino a grupos de 5 a más, Sorteos y Animación
  • Guía de turismo.
  • S OAT turístico.
  • Alimentación (Almuerzo)
  • Ingreso a los baños Termales de Tingo S/20 a S/10
  • Ingreso a baños termales de Mamahuarmi S/15 a S/10


  • S/85 Reservando 7 días antes
  • S/95 A partir de 2 Personas
  • S/105 Precio Regular por 1 Persona
  • Niños menores de 5 años viajan GRATIS cargado con sus padres


  • Ropa ligera
  • Bloqueador y repelente para mosquitos
  • Ropa de Baño, toalla y sandalias.
  • Este destino turístico es Ideal para toda la familia y edades
  • La permanencia de un bañista dentro del agua es 20 a 30 minutos y sus aguas no se deben ingerir, su fuerte composición química es nociva para la salud.


Para realizar su reserva consultar primero con nuestros asesores la disponibilidad de salida para este tour por nuestro WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram o TikTok.

Una vez confirmado, se tiene que realizar el abono del 50% total por cada persona o viajero y enviar al asesor(a) que lo atendió lo siguiente:

  • Nombres y Apellidos de cada Viajero.
  • Destino del Viaje con fecha confirmada.
  • N° de DNI y Edad
  • N° de Celular de contacto y Correo Electrónico
  • Punto de Embarque


Buscas otra forma de viaje? 😁

Sumérgete en un día lleno de emociones dónde gozarás de actividades increíbles, disfrutarás de paisajes de ensueño y tendrás los más bonitos recuerdos con tus amigos y familia. ¡todo en un solo día!

3 Días 2 Noches

Si un día no es suficiente y un fin de semana es demasiado corto, tenemos la respuesta perfecta. Con 3 días para explorar, te sumergirás en la aventura más grande de tu vida que llenará tu alma de alegría y tendrás la mejor experiencia de todas.

2 Días 1 Noche

¿Por qué conformarse con 1 día de aventura cuando puedes tener 2? Para tener el doble de emoción, exploración y recuerdos inolvidables con tu familia. ¡Prepárate para vivir una experiencia intensa y completa!

4 Días 3 Noches

¿Tienes una lista interminable de lugares por visitar? Con nuestros paquetes puedes convertir esos sueños en realidad en tan solo 4 días. Te llevamos en un viaje emocionante que te permitirá tachar múltiples destinos repletos de emociones.

churin tours full day

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Jimena Del Carpio

Agencia de Turismo autorizada por:

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Aceptamos todas las tarjetas de crédito y débito

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Sobre Nosotros

Banos Termales de Churin La Meseta

churin tours full day

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

churin tours full day

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Doris A

Banos Termales de Churin La Meseta - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (4.42 mi) Fundo Hotel Ayarpongo
  • (4.71 mi) Hotel Acuario Churin
  • (4.72 mi) Hostal Las Termas
  • (4.68 mi) Hotel Danubio Prime
  • (4.64 mi) Real Palace Churin

Disfruta un día maravilloso BAÑOS MEDICINALES EN CHURÍN

Servicio de transporte privado para grupos, salud y relax  - 2023, beneficios medicinales, gastronomía deliciosa.

Las aguas termales tienen múltiples beneficios. La piel absorbe los minerales en pequeñas concentraciones y activan el metabolismo orgánico.

En mérito a ello se afirma está la fuente de la eterna juventud.

Entre los platos típicos de Churín tenemos:

- Trucha con papas.

- El Pari (sopa con carne de cuy, conejo, res, oveja y gallina, papa seca).

- La Patasca (o mondongo) 

- Chupe verde y el famoso choclo con queso.


Baños termales la juventud, andrea paul ceo - eyevision, plaza de armas  churín, baños termales la meseta, baños de barro tingo, baños termales mamahuarmi, baños de fierro andajes, itinerario full day, visita a churín, ¡recojo desde  su domicilio por motivos de salubridad solo manejamos grupos privados..

04:00 AM Salida de Lima

06:00 AM Paso por Lomas de Lachay

06:45 AM Paso por Sayán

08:00 AM   Llegada a Churín

08:30 AM Baños Termales  Tingo


                   Baños de Fierro

                   Baños Termales  Mamahuarmi

01:00 PM Almuerzo Libre

02:45 PM Baños La Meseta

05:00 PM  Retorno a Lima   

• Lomas de Lachay: conoceremos la entrada y apreciaremos su estable cielo claro y el sol reluciente.

• sayán: v isitaremos panorámicamente la plaza de armas., venden sabrosos alfajores, miel de abeja, mandarinas y naranjas de la irrigación santa rosa., • churín: t omaremos fotos en su plaza de armas, donde destaca la pileta mamahuarmi.,   • tingo: aguas calientes contienen hierro, litio y azufre. instalaciones con saunas personales  , piscina de barro . techado y también al aire libre. pago adicional de s/.10.00 si se desea ingresar a los baños de barro., • baños de fierro. aguas calientes ferruginosas con olor a moho de fierro. son muy buenas para el reumatismo, artritis y sinusitis., • mamahuarmi: complejo de aguas frías donde observaremos el velo de la novia, geiser, mellicera, la poza de los novios, la poza de las esperanzas.  piscinas al aire libre., •  la meseta. posas termales, buenas para las enfermedades reumáticas, respiratorias y de la piel. aguas tibias y calientes, piscinas techadas., • llegada a lima.   09:00 pm aprox . (se puede adelantar el horario)., • observacion para este tour  : determinados domingos  y fechas festivas se tiene bastante afluencia de público, por lo cual el conductor propone realizar visita a 1 ó máximo 2 complejos termales  previa coordinación con el mismo. en caso de tráfico intenso para llegar a churín, el conductor  propone una caminata hasta los complejos seleccionados previamente. la unidad vehicular recogerá a los pasajeros donde vea oportuna su ubicación previa coordinación., nuestros servicios incluyen: , nuestros servicios no incluyen :, •   desayuno/almuerzo: a libre decisión. •  igv: en caso de solicitar factura. • box lunch, frugos + galleta + barra energética • entradas generales a los baños termales a visitar. , • movilidad privada  c on todos los seguros y permisos de ley. • conductor con categoría profesional • asistencia permanente visitas a todos los lugares mencionados. • servicio personalizado para su familia y amigos. no es tour compartido, • 50% del valor de el servicio: el saldo se cancela al momento de abordar el carro al inicio del servicio.  •   enviar foto/scan de la constancia de abono indicando nombres de las personas a participar. •  se sugiere antes de realizar el depósito o abono confirmar los cupos en los teléfonos de la agencia. •  identificación:  todos los pasajeros deben de llevar dni, pasaporte o carnet de extranjería vigente.  •  niños hasta 09 años deberán ir acompañados mínimo con un adulto. •    otros términos y condiciones : ¡clic aquí, tarifas y métodos de pago, abono en cuentas bancarias de hanabi tours s.a.c., • bcp soles  : 193-2030135-0-13 • bbva soles : 0011-0190-0100033415-69, pago online en soles, ¿dónde se encuentra.


  tours privados - 2023  para grupos y familias ¡todos los días.

Contamos con unidades propias:

- Vehículos desinfectados.

- Autos de 4 pax y Vans de 10 y 15 pasajeros.

- Minibuses de 20 a 30 pasajeros.


- Seguridad y privacidad .

- Tours privados por motivos de salubridad 


¡pasa uno de los mejores días de tu vida.








Tipo de tour, grupo tamaño, guía turístico.

churin tours full day

  • Información
  • Plan de viaje

churin tours full day

Sin Reseñas

Alojamiento 0, transporte 0, comodidad 0, hospitalidad 0, deja un comentario cancelar la respuesta.

Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. Los campos obligatorios están marcados con *

Guarda mi nombre, correo electrónico y web en este navegador para la próxima vez que comente.


Descubre las costumbres, tradiciones e intereses de los hermosos destinos turísticos de nuestro país.

Atención de : Lunes - Viernes (9AM - 6PM)

Siga con nosotros :.

Urb. Apolo - La Victoria

Lima - Perú

Copyright 2023 Full Day Perú

  • Paracas – Ica
  • Huaral – Castillo Chancay
  • Nevado de Raura + Churin
  • Cordillera La Viuda
  • Marcapomacocha
  • San Mateo de Otao
  • Playa la Mina
  • Playa Tuquillo
  • Huancaya 1 día
  • Huancaya + Vilca 2D/1N
  • Semana Santa 2023
  • Año Nuevo 2022
  • Fiestas Patrias
  • Viajes de Promoción
  • Viajes de Estudio
  • Grupos Privados
  • Selva Central
  • Pagar con Visa

Full Day Nevado de Raura + Churin

Puntos de partida.


Parada Tecnica – Sayan

AM Parada en Sayan para realizar una aclimatación y descansar en la Movilidad, puede llevar manta para abrigarse en la noche, podrán comprar sus cosas personales que les falta para el refrigerio y seguir con el viaje. (bebidas rehidratantes, barras energéticas, caramelos, frutas secas, etc).

1era Visita: Campo Base – Mirador de la Cordillera de Raura

En este punto realizaremos el pago a la tierra (pachamama), el guía realice el ritual juntamente con los turistas y empezará la caminata de 50 minutos para llegar al nevado Raura y observar la Laguna de 7 colores y Laguna Congelada . (También hay motos o autos disponibles que te aproximan al nevado con un valor de S/ 5.00)

churin tours full day

2da Visita: Nevado de Raura

Llegamos al nevado para disfrutar del hermoso glaciar  donde tendrán tiempo libre (1 hora y media) para disfrutar de la nieve y el lugar.

churin tours full day

3ra Visita – Laguna de Suerococha

AM Realizaremos una parada en esta laguna para tomarnos fotos  disfrutar la hermosa Cordillera de Raura

churin tours full day

4ta Visita: Almuerzo – Piscigranja en Churin

Nos dirigimos a Churín para almorzar, vamos a degustar la gran variedad de platos que nos ofrece este hermoso lugar.

churin tours full day

5ta Visita: Baños Termales

Realizaremos una pequeña parada en los baños termales de churin (Baños de Mamahuarmi o Tingo) para después retornar a Lima. Llegada 7:00 – 8:00 PM Aprox.

Baños de Mamahuarmi:

churin tours full day

Baños de tingo:

churin tours full day


08:00 PM aproximadamente llegada al punto de recojo y fin de nuestros servicios.


Precios por persona:, ¿qué llevar.

  • Ropa abrigadora (Chompas, chalinas, chullos, manoplas, casacas etc.).
  • Mochila o bolso pequeño
  • Pastillas para el Soroche.
  • Lentes de sol, Bloqueador solar y repelente , Zapatillas con cocada de preferencia
  • Snacks como Maní, fruta, habitas, pecanas.
  • consultar con su medico para tomar pastilla Sorochipil , paracetamol.
  • No consumir carnes, grasas  ni comida pesada un día antes del viaje

Salimos todos los Viernes y Sábados por la noche.

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Misión y Visión

Nuestra misión es brindar servicios turísticos de calidad y comprometidos con los viajes responsables, Generando experiencias de viaje innovadoras, únicas y memorables Nuestra visión

Nuestra visión es contribuir al desarrollo del turismo sostenible a través de experiencias de viaje que superen las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

992581948 / 934828765 / 994351152

Centro Comercial "Plataforma 2" Stand 112. Av. Los Héroes 200. San Juan de Miraflores.

Lunes - Domingo 9.00 - 22.00

Solicitar Reserva

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  • Tours to Peru

Churin Full Day

churin tours full day

  • But that's not all: In the surrounding towns and communities there are several colonial churches built by the Spaniards during the extirpation of idolatries.
  • Discover the charms of this mysterious and at the same time charming town.
  • Your people wait for you to help you with the best of themselves.
  • Departure 05:30 AM Av. Aviación No. 2420 crossing with Javier Prado
  • We will visit his beautiful arms and his church San Jeronimo town patron.
  • We will return to the bus to go to Ayarpongo, where we will visit in restaurant eCampestre a Paraiso that has a fish farm, dishes based on trout (optional).
  • We will visit the Mamahuarmi Thermal Complex where there are small waterfalls, several natural pools such as the Velo de la Novia and Poza de los novios where we will have free time to bathe.
  • We will visit the La Meseta Thermal Complex which has the hottest waters of Churinn with high sulfur content, good for rheumatic, respiratory and skin diseases.
  • Then we will visit the Plaza de Armas, where the grotto of MamaHuarmi stands out and we will have free time to make purchases of cheese and local sweets.
  • Transfers: Lima- Sayán- Churin- Lima
  • Activities: Visits and Excursions in private mobility.
  • Ticket: Tickets and Taxes.
  • Official Tourism Guide.
  • Food (Lunches and Dinners).
  • All passengers must bring their Dni (adults and children) to the excursion.
  • The waiting time at the starting point will be no longer than 10 minutes.
  • The accommodation on the bus is according to the order in which they arrive at the starting point. No seats will be separated.
  • Children under 5 years old do not pay. They travel under the tutelage and supervision of their parents and share service and seating with them.
  • The service is subject to variation without prior notice, weather conditions (rain, mudslides, overflows, bad weather, etc.), strikes and / or demonstrations and any other event that does not allow the normal development of the itinerary. The Itinerary may vary at the discretion of the operator, always to ensure the safety of the traveler and the best development of the service in its entirety.
  • Any cancellation of the service for the indicated reasons, does not apply return.
  • It is recommended to bring:
  • Half-season clothing, jacket.
  • Hiking shoes
  • Caps, sunglasses.
  • Towel and sandals.
  • Repellent and blocker.
  • The indicated establishment, offer accommodation and WiFi in their facilities. Its rooms have cable TV and private bathroom. Some even have a view of the city. They have 24 hour reception and room service.
  • The accommodation is subject to the availability of rooms for the date of your trip. Otherwise, you will be lodged in a similar category and service.
  • Movilidad Privada - HUARAL TOURS PERU
  • Private Tourist Transport.
  • Comfortable, safe and with all the permits and licenses in order.
  • Prices not valid in PARTIES

Cancellation Policy

Similar tours, try scuba - diving in san bartolo, full day lunahuaná - cerro azul, full day: canta + cordillera la viuda, cerro azul and lunahuana daily tour from lima, huacas + pachacamac tour (private), casa aliaga, san francisco convent and larco museum -private, 2 days 1 night camp cerro azul and lunahuana, magic water circuit tour plus panoramic tour of lima, full day churin hot springs, why book with us.

When the traveler buys a tour in, allows us to follow the service and intercede before any incident that the traveler could with the tour operator.

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Churín, the paradise of thermal baths

Just 4 hours from the city of Lima is Churín, known as the paradise of thermal baths. This tourist attraction is in the Sierra de Lima region, in the province of Oyón. The place is very visited by older adults. The hot springs are good for relieving rheumatic and bone pain. Learn how to go, how much it costs and more information.

All about Churín

  • The paradise of the thermal baths
  • Where is it located?

How to get there step by step?

The best thermal baths, what else to do, when is the best time to go.

  • What to bring

Churin Photos

More information, the paradise of thermal baths.

Churín is located in the Sierra de Lima region so its high snow-capped mountains (the Huayhuash and Raura mountain ranges) emanate streams of hot water that are the main tourist attraction of the place.

Among the many thermal baths that exist there, the following stand out: the Mamahuarmi complex, the Youth thermal complex, the Tingo thermal baths, the Huancahuasi thermal baths, the Chiuchín complex as well as the Picoy complex .

During your visit you can also enjoy the good mountain climate full of beautiful mountain landscapes. Don't forget to try delicious local cuisine such as crispy fried trout.

The Andean geography of Churín is also ideal for the practice of adventure sports such as trekking and rappelling in the Pucayacu waterfalls.

There is also evidence of pre-Hispanic cultures in Churín. The most famous archaeological complexes are: Gotumarca, Antamarca, Quillhuaca, Ninsah and the ruins of Cancun. The famous network of Inca roads 'qhapac ñan' also crosses Churín.

The majority of visitors to Churín are senior citizens from the city of Lima . However, there are also many young people from various parts of Peru, and the world, who dare to go there.

​​Where is it located?

Churín is located 203 kilometers north of the city of Lima. It is the capital of the Pachangara district in the province of Oyón, department of Lima.

Churín is 2,080 meters above sea level.

To get to Churín from the city of Lima you must follow the following steps:

  • From anywhere in Lima you must take a taxi or public transport to the Lima North bus terminal.
  • At the Square Norte terminal you must take a public transport bus to Churín . The trip takes approximately 4 hours and costs 25 Peruvian soles on average.

These are some of the best thermal baths in Churín:

Mamahuarmi Thermal Baths - This site has several hot water wells. Highlights include the 'Poza de los novios', the 'Veil de la novia' as well as a beautiful outdoor waterfall with scenic views of the mountains. The entrance has a cost of 5 Peruvian soles.

Youth Thermal Complex - This site offers handmade hot water pools made of smooth stone. The site is controlled by the community but also has private spaces to enjoy with the family.

Tingo Thermal Baths - This site offers several pools of water but also mud pools and personal saunas. Its warm waters have iron, sulfur and cobalt. It has a pleasant infrastructure for the whole family. The cost of entry is 15 Peruvian soles.

Picoy Complex - This site is 2 hours from Churín so you have to take ground transportation to get there. It has large pools with incredible views of the mountains of the place. Its cobalt pool stands out, which relieves stress, acne, insomnia and is even good for losing weight. The cost of entry is 5 Peruvian soles.

Huancahuasi hot springs - These hot springs are located right in front of the Picoy complex (so you have to travel 2 hours from Churín to get there). It stands out for its beautiful outdoor pools but also for its personal wells (for 2 or 3 people). The cost of entry is also 5 Peruvian soles.

Gastronomy in Churín - Take advantage of your visit to Churín to try some of the typical local dishes. For example, there are trout farms that are offered as 'fried trout' to visitors. It is a typical dish from the Peruvian highlands that is accompanied by potatoes and salad.

Adventure sports - In Churín you can also practice adventure sports. For example, through a hiking route of a few hours you can reach the Pucayacu waterfalls, a place full of beautiful landscapes. Right there you can rappel (rock descent through safety ropes). The best way to practice these sports is through a reliable tourism agency.

Archaeological sites - The peasant communities near Churín have evidence of the traces of pre-Hispanic cultures. For example, in the rural community of San Bartolomé de Curay there are the archaeological complexes of Kakuay Raqaj, Charqui Ragaj, Contadera as well as Markunkan. On the other hand, in the community of San Francisco de Huacho, the archaeological site of Antamarca stands out.

Churín has a warm temperate climate. From May to September is the dry season with little rainfall and temperatures ranging from 10ºC. up to 27ºC. October to April is the rainy season where it can rain at any time (especially in January, February and March). Temperatures vary from 12ºC. up to a maximum of 24ºC.

The dry season (from May to September) is the best time to visit Churín as it does not rain frequently . The rains can cause stones to fall on the route, making the trip dangerous. Also, enjoying the hot springs in the rain can be uncomfortable for some people.

What to bring?

During your visit to Churín do not forget to take with you:

  • Swimwear (more than one if possible).
  • Towel (preferably towel robe).
  • Comfortable clothes (polo shirts, shorts and something warm for the evenings).
  • Personal hygiene items.
  • Identity documents.

If you like natural places, go ahead and visit other tourist attractions in Lima such as the forest of Marcahuasi stones , a place full of mountains where it is possible to camp under the stars.

Churín has comfortable and well-equipped lodging services for visitors. There are services from 15 soles per night to others with better services that cost 100 soles a night or more.

In addition to the 'Lima Norte' land terminal, there is another bus terminal to Churín located in the district of La Victoria (July 28 avenue) . Remember that it is advisable to leave very early. This way you can get to Churín earlier and, incidentally, you can avoid the harsh traffic of the city of Lima.

If you don't like traveling on your own, an excellent idea is to book a 2-day, 1-night tour to Churín. There are services from 200 Peruvian soles per person. Through the internet you can find the tourism agency of your choice.

Tourist attractions close to Churín, the paradise of thermal baths


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Churin 03 days / 02 nights


Concentration at the indicated place, and departure destination to the town of Churín (2,080 m.s.n.m.) located on the left bank of the Huaura River 206 km. From Lima, capital of the district of Pachangara Oyón province, in the department of Lima. Area blessed by nature for its abundance of thermo mineral medicinal baths, beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and picturesque mountain villages. Arrival in Churín, transfer to accommodation. CITY TOUR CAMPIÑA LA CHIMBA – AYARPONGO-COMPLEX LA MESETA Orientation and recommendation for your stay in the area. Walking tour and acclimatization, guided by the Campiña de Chimba appreciating its Colonial Church, convent and beautiful places and orchards with innumerable fruit trees to reach the Pisigranja and taste a typical dish of the area, the trout in its different presentations .: return accommodation and travel to carry out the guided tour of the thermal baths of the “La Meseta” complex with its Pozas Machay, Jatún and Ñahuin.


Breakfast and departure to the thermal baths of Huancahuasi distant one hour and 45 minutes from Churín, during the tour you will appreciate the picturesque villages of Chuchin, and Picoy with its colonial church as well as waterfalls. Arrival and transfer to the Presidential and First Lady’s pools, as well as the individual ones. Free time to relax and take a bath, to return to the churin spa. We will pass through the town of Chuichin where we can have lunch typical dishes of the region. Return to churin.


Breakfast and visit to the Mamahuarmi Complex where we will meet El Poza de los Novios, the Veil of the Bride and the Grotto of the Mamahuarmi where the legend that gives rise to the name of Churín is developed. Free time to bathe in the baths Free time to take a bath and relax. Return to your accommodation and travel to the land terminal and return to Lima. Departure to Lima.


  • Departure According to itinerary.
  • Departure Time According to itinerary.
  • Return Time According to itinerary.
  • Included Transportation by bus Lima - Churin - Lima (reclining seats). Internal transfers. 02 nights of accommodation. 02 breakfasts. 01 lunch. 02 entries to thermal pools. Orientation talk. Local guide. Assistance.
  • Not Included Services not mentioned.

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Tours to your needs!

Sun route: paracas - ballestas island / ica – huacachina 3 days/ 2 nights, manu tour 04 days / 03 nights, tarapoto adventure 04 days / 03 nights, recommended.

We are an institution certified by the regulators of our country to provide an unforgettable experience.

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Lima Miraflores: Calle  Schell 343 Ofic. 201 Miraflores.. WhastApp: 993551766 – 962484054- 961977314 Locations in Lima, Cusco and Huancayo.  

Claims book :

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  • • City Tour Night Lima
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  • • Museo de Oro del Perú
  • • Ciudadela Sagrada Caral
  • • Tour Gastronómico
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  • • Viaje de Año Nuevo

Viaje y Tour a Churin Full Day Churin y sus baños termales

Salidas Confirmadas : • Todos los Sábados y Domingos del Año Salidas de Fiestas Patrias : • Viernes, 28 de Julio (Feriado de Fiestas Patrias) • Sábado, 29 de Julio (Feriado de Fiestas Patrias) • Domingo, 30 de Julio (Feriado de Fiestas Patrias)

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Nuestros servicios incluye, nuestros servicios no incluye, cuentas bancarias, paquetes turísticos.

  • Tour Full Day
  • Paracas - Ica
  • Lunahuaná - Cerro Azul
  • Churin y sus baños termales
  • Cordillera La Viuda
  • Aucallama - Chancay
  • Antioquía - Cieneguilla
  • Lomas de Lachay - Chancay

Ultima actualización - Junio 2023

Viajes Picaflor Perú Tour Operador S.A.C.   |   R.U.C. Nº 20535802972

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Full day Churin

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  • FULL DAYS 2020


Conoce Churin con el Paquetes Turísticos Full Day Churin que Amy Tours ha preparado para ti.  Verifica el precio por persona para el tour a Churin de todo el dia. Si tienes alguna duda o consulta, usa el Chat que tenemos en la parte inferior derecha, llámanos a nuestra central telefónica (511) 748-2255, al WhatsApp 937 838 812  o escríbenos a [email protected] 

¿Quieres pasar mas de un día en Churin? Visita nuestros PAQUETE A CHURIN 2 DIAS/1 NOCHE ¿Quieres saber que ropa llevar?  Conoce el PRONOSTICO DEL CLIMA EN CHURIN


  • Movilidad Lima Churin Lima en Movilidad privada (Servicio Compartido)
  • Guía de Turismo
  • Visita a Sayán
  • Degustación de Dulces Típicos de la zona de Sayán
  • Excursión a las Baños Termales de Mamahuarmi (CHURIN)
  • Excursión a las Baños Termales TINGO (CHURIN)
  • City Tour Churin
  • Seguro de pasajeros contra accidentes Soat
  • Botiquín básico de primeros auxilios


  • Ingresos a los baños termales S/.15


04.30 AM            Av. Aviación 2410 -2420 (Cruce de las Avenidas Javier Prado y Aviación).

05:00 A.M.          Frente a la Municipalidad de los Olivos.


06.00 A.M.         Partida rumbo a Churin, (04 horas aproximadamente de viaje) en movilidad turística desde el lugar de Concentración elegido. Box Lunch (Frugos + galleta)

09.00 A.M.         En el trayecto visitaremos el distrito de Sayán , el cual ostenta el privilegio de ser llamada «Tierra del Sol» por su estable cielo claro y el sol reluciente, destacando las delicias de los sabrosos alfajores, la rica miel de abeja, las mandarinas y naranjas de la irrigación Santa Rosa.

Luego de realizaremos un City tour en su hermosa Plaza , donde se encuentra la Iglesia de San Jerónimo patrón del pueblo y su importante Museo Municipal del generalísimo Don José de San Martin, ubicado en la casona de descanso del libertador.

11.00 A.M.         Llegada a Churin, considerada como la capital Mundial de turismo y salud, ya que cuenta con sus aguas termales provenientes de las profundidades de la tierra con una temperatura promedio de 35°C a 55°C, ricas en minerales a las que se le otorgan ciertas propiedades medicinales.

Visita al complejo termal MAMAHUARMI, no hay posas privadas, pero si una gran diversidad de piscinas con cascadas, cuevas, etc.

City Tour en su Plaza de armas, donde destaca la gruta a Mamahuarmi y sus pequeñas calles. Momento libre para toma fotográfica del lugar y compras de recuerdos. 

Almuerzo (LIBRE)

Visitaremos los baños de TINGO , El agua ferrosa – sulfurosa se filtra por muchas capas minerales del subsuelo y brota de una parte rocosa del cerro a 55°C. y es enfriada a 32°C, 34°C y 36°C, contienen minerales como: azufre, aluminio, cobalto, hierro, litio y tienen la virtud de curar distintas enfermedades tales como: reumatismo, artritis, gota y todo tipo de inflamaciones, además son reconstituyentes, tonificantes y rejuvenecedores

17.00 P.M.         Salida con destino a la ciudad de Lima.

22.00 P.M.         Arribo a la ciudad de Lima al lugar de salida inicial.



  • Todos los precios están cotizados en SOLES POR PERSONA.
  • Tarifa de niño 89 soles (de 4 a 10 años pagan la tarifa de niño)

Nuestros Servicios No Incluye

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Majestictyt Agencia de Viajes y Full Days

Full day Churin

  • Reseñas 0 Reseñas 0/5
  • Estilo de vacaciones Holiday Type Full Days, Naturaleza
  • Nivel de Actividad Suave


Depósito a Patricia Milagros Muñoz Farfán

BBVA Ahorros Soles N° 0011-0352-0200168466

Scotiabank Ahorro Soles N° 115-0239604

BCP Cta. Ahorros Soles N° 192-31174377-0-68

(Abonos BCP solo por transferencia ó Agente si es

por  Ventanilla banco adicionar S/ 9 al monto del tour).

Nuestro  servicio  incluye:

  • Transporte Turístico Privado Lima-Churín-Lima
  • Refrigerio a bordo (No válido para feriados largos)
  • City tour en Churín
  • Baños de Tingo
  • Completo Mamahuarmi: Piscina de los Novios, Velo de Novia, La Mellicera, La Gruta.
  • Guía Oficial de Turismo
  • Visita guiada a lugares Turísticos
  • Asistencia permanente
  • Seguro contra Accidentes ó SOAT
  • Botiquín de emergencia
  • Transporte moderno con permiso del MTC para traslado turístico Nacional.
  • Control de unidades por GPS para seguridad de los pasajeros.
  • Fotografías durante el tour que luego serán subidas en nuestro Facebook.
  • Ticket de ingreso a los baños termales S/10 (Adultos) – S/ 6 (niños)
  • Otros gastos no específicos.  

Se recomienda llevar:

  • Todos los pasajeros deberán llevar sus DNI.
  • Ropa media estación, casaca cortaviento
  • Ropa de baño
  • Protector solar, repelente
  • Ropa de Baño, short, sandalias (opcional en época de calor)

Salidas los Sábados, Domingos y feriados.


4 :10 Hrs. Av. Jorge Basadre Cdra. 1, cruce con Av. Javier Prado Oeste Cdra. 1 (Alt. Tienda Hyundai).

4.35 Hrs. Av. Colonial cruce con la Av. Universitaria (Paradero feria de muebles). – Punto a confirmar 1 día antes del tour.

4.55 Hrs. Centro Comercial Plaza Norte (Thomas Valle con panamericana Norte) Exactamente en la única puerta que da para la panamericana Norte.

Hrs . Llegada al balneario de Churín, ubicado en el distrito de Pachangara, Provincia de Oyón, a 210 Km al noroeste de Lima, tomando inicialmente la carretera Panamericana norte y luego un desvío afirmado hacia el este, hacemos una parada en el distrito de Sayán para los servicios higiénicos para porteriormente llegar a Churín que se encuentra a 2,080 m.s.n.m. visitaremos el Complejo Mamahuarmi , si bien es cierto sus aguas no son tan calientes, este lugar es muy interesante por sus diversas pozas, como el de Los novios, Velo de novia, La Mellicera, La Gruta , entre otros, además de tener un hermoso paisaje al aire libre.

Hrs . Almuerzo libre.

Hrs . City tour en la plaza de Churín, su iglesia colonial que data del siglo XVI, además tendrá un tiempo libre para que realicen sus compras, y puedan probar los deliciosos quesos y manjar blanco, así como también sus artesanías.

Hrs. Visita Baños De Tingo :  Este complejo se encuentra ubicado sobre la carretera en la margen izquierda del río Huaura, a 3.8 Km de Churín inmediatamente luego de pasar el puente Tingo. Cuenta con piscinas techadas, pozas familiares y baños individuales para su total privacidad. El agua ferrosa-sulfurosa brota de una parte rocosa del cerro a 55ºC y es enfriada a 32º, 34º y 36ºC. Los ricos contenidos de minerales de sus aguas y la temperatura tienen la virtud de desintoxicar el organismo, siendo reconstituyentes, tonificantes y rejuvenecedoras.

17:00 Hrs . Retorno a Lima.

22.30 Hrs.   Llegada a Lima.


Pozas termales

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Sungjae Im holes out from bunker to save par at Wells Fargo

Sungjae Im holes out from bunker to save par at Wells Fargo

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Jason Day uses nice tee shot to set up birdie at Wells Fargo

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Taylor Pendrith chips in for birdie at Wells Fargo

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Jason Day chips it close to set up birdie at Wells Fargo

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Rory McIlroy wedges it tight to set up birdie at Wells Fargo

Recent news view all, mcilroy, schauffele set for sunday showdown at wells fargo.

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Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping walk in the middle of a large courtyard as they review an assembly of guards during an official welcome ceremony

Xi’s European tour: where is Chinese leader going and what are visit’s aims?

Emmanuel Macron and Viktor Orbán among leaders Xi is meeting, with several key issues on the table

China’s president, Xi Jinping , has begun a three-country tour of Europe – his first state visit to the continent in five years – at a time when China-EU ties are under strain from trade disputes and Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Where is Xi visiting and who will he meet?

The Chinese leader’s visit begins on Monday in Paris, where he is meeting the French president, Emmanuel Macron, for a day of talks that will include a trilateral meeting with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen , and a state banquet at the Élysée Palace in the evening.

On Tuesday, Macron will accompany Xi to the Tourmalet pass 2,000 metres up in the Hautes-Pyrénées mountains, an area where the French president spent childhood holidays visiting his grandmother, for a day of less formal discussions. The two last met in April 2023 during a three-day state visit to China by Macron .

On Wednesday, Xi will travel to Belgrade for talks with Serbia’s president, Aleksandar Vučić, and on Thursday he will go to Budapest where he will meet Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán . Both countries are pro-Russia and big recipients of Chinese investment.

What is the purpose of his visit?

Officially, Xi’s visit to Paris is to mark 60 years since diplomatic relations were established between France and China: France was the first western country to formally recognise the People’s Republic of China, on 27 January 1964.

His visit to Belgrade coincides with the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Serbia , when three people died after a US strike accidentally hit the compound during Nato’s air campaign against Serb forces occupying Kosovo.

Analysts have said that in his meetings with Macron and von der Leyen, away from the ceremonies, Xi will mainly be aiming to lobby against the EU’s anti-subsidy investigations, particularly on electric vehicles, and on stabilising diplomatic relationships.

In Serbia , where China is the biggest single source of inward investment, he will hope to play up Beijing’s anti-US, anti-Nato agenda – one reason why China has maintained its support for Russia since its invasion of Ukraine.

In Hungary, Xi will underline the close economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries, including in security cooperation, and discuss progress on China’s belt and road initiative , which includes a high-speed Budapest-Belgrade rail link.

Hungary, a vocal supporter of China that has blocked some EU motions criticising Beijing on human rights, has Huawei’s largest base outside China and will soon host the carmaker BYD’s first European factory.

What big issues will be on the table?

Overshadowing the visit are EU concerns over China’s support for Russia two years into war against Ukraine, and Beijing’s concerns over the bloc’s economic security agenda, including the threat of heavy tariffs on Chinese imports.

Macron and von der Leyen will call on China to stop exports to Russia of “dual-use” and other technologies aiding Moscow war effort. Beijing claims to be neutral in the conflict but China-Russia trade has helped offset western sanctions on Moscow.

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Beijing, for its part, aims to head off the threat of European tariffs on Chinese EVs after an EU investigation into state support for the industry in China. Studies put China’s subsidies at between three and nine times those of other major economies.

Human rights groups have said the issues of Tibet and Xinjiang , where the UN has said China may have committed crimes against humanity by placing up to a million ethnic Uyghur Muslims in re-education camps, must be raised.

What is the outcome likely to be?

Most analysts doubt that the EU and its messages on the looming trade dispute and Chinese support for Russia over Ukraine will make much headway with Xi, whose visit seems designed to exploit the bloc’s internal differences.

China’s economy is facing some difficulties and the US is increasingly reticent about opening up to Chinese companies, meaning the EU could have some leverage, but its 27 members are not fully aligned on China policy, undermining their influence.

Macron wants a more aggressive EU stance on subsidies and has warned that the bloc risks falling behind without one, but other leaders, such as Germany’s chancellor, Olaf Scholz, stress the importance of the Chinese market for their own exporters.

Overall, said Janka Oertel, of the European Council on Foreign Relations, Xi’s Paris visit is “unlikely to have a significant impact on Chinese behaviour”. And Shen Dingli, a Shanghai-based analyst, said the Belgrade and Budapest stops were part of China’s efforts to deepen divisions within the west.

  • European Union
  • Ursula von der Leyen

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Meghan Markle Embraces Quiet Luxury in a Peach Maxi Dress and White Pantsuit on Her Nigeria Tour

The Duchess of Sussex began her day in Heidi Merrick and vintage Lanvin and finished it with Altuzarra.

preview for 8 Times Meghan Markle Channeled Princess Diana’s Style

The couple first visited Lightway Academy in Abuja, Nigeria, for its inaugural mental health summit. Meghan wore a peach-colored maxi dress by Heidi Merrick with vintage Lanvin earrings, Emme Parsons sandals, an Ariel Gordon bracelet, and an Aurate necklace, per the Meghan Markle fashion account, @whatmeghanwore . She accessorized with a Cartier watch and bracelet.

the duke and duchess of sussex visit nigeria day 1

Harry spoke to students at the school about the importance of discussing mental health, leading Meghan to tell them after, “You see why I’m married to him?”

He told them:

If I say mental health, do you know what it means? In some cases around the world, in more than you would believe, there is a stigma when it comes to mental health. Too many people don’t want to talk about it ‘cause it’s invisible. It’s something in our mind that we can’t see. It’s not like a broken leg, it’s not like a broken wrist. It’s something that we are still relatively unsure of. But guess what? Every single person in this room, the youngest, the oldest, every single person has mental health. So therefore, you have to look after yourself to be able to look after other people. And other people have to be able to look after themselves, to look after you. That’s the way it works. And there is no shame to be able to acknowledge that today is a bad day, okay? [If] you woke up this morning feeling sad, [if] you left school feeling stressed, [if] you’ve lost a loved one in your family, and you don’t know who you talk to or who to speak to, all of these things you may be led to believe are not for conversation. We are here today to tell you that that is not the case. Every single one of those things is completely normal. It is a human reaction, whether it’s grief, stress, whatever the feeling is, it comes from an experience that you have had. You can have it. She can have it. I can have it. They can have it. Every single one of us is likely to have that on any given day. So if, if you take anything away from today, just know that mental health affects every single person in the entire world. And the more you talk about it, the more you can kick stigma away, far, far away into long grass, and then everybody will have the opportunity to be able to share how they’re feeling, how they’re coping, and then you can help other people. So will you promise to us that after today, no more being scared, no more being unsure of mental health? If you are unsure, then ask. Ask your teachers. Ask your friends. Be there for one another. If you see your friend in your class not smiling, what are you gonna do? You gonna check in with them? Are you gonna ask him if they’re okay? ‘Cause it’s okay not to be okay.

Meghan and Harry then went to the Defense Headquarters , where Chief of Defense Staff Christopher Musa formally welcomed the couple to the country. Meghan changed into a white Altuzarra pantsuit for that meeting.

The couple signed the visitors book there, and Meghan paid homage to her Nigerian heritage, writing, “With gratitude for the support of the Invictus [Games] community. And for welcoming me home.”

Harry admired her calligraphy and said, “She has beautiful handwriting,” per the trip’s pool reporter.

meghan markle in her white altuzarra pantsuit

Tomorrow, Meghan and Harry will attend a training session for the organization Nigeria: Unconquered, according to People . Meghan will co-host a women in leadership event with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the director general of the World Trade Organization, in the afternoon. In the evening, the couple will attend a reception hosted by the chief of defense staff to honor military families.

On Sunday, the last day of the trip, the duke and duchess “will attend a basketball clinic with Giants of Africa, a cultural reception, and a polo fundraiser for Nigeria: Unconquered,” People wrote.

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Prince Harry and Meghan visit Nigeria, where the duchess hints at her heritage with students: "I see myself in all of you"

By Charlie D'Agata

Updated on: May 10, 2024 / 10:40 AM EDT / CBS News

Their first trip to Nigeria together might have been called a mini royal tour, but for the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, haven't been "working royals" for a few years.

The couple — now California residents — received a warm welcome to the massive African nation on Friday. They were gifted traditional Nigerian necklaces of wooden beads and then treated to a dance routine by students at their first stop, the Lightway Academy in the sprawling capital city of Abuja.

There, Harry addressed one of his biggest causes: mental health.


"If you take anything away from today, just know that mental health affects every single person," he told the students. "The more you talk about it, the more you can kick stigma away."

Their visit to the West African country takes on added meaning for Meghan, who not long ago said on her Archetypes podcast that a genealogy test had revealed she's "43% Nigerian." The couple have both referenced her Nigerian descent since that revelation, and Meghan voiced her hope to "dig deeper" into her roots.

"My daughter Lili looked at me and said she could see her reflection in my eyes, and said, 'Mama, I see me in you and you in me,'" she told the students in Abuja on Friday.

"As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well," she added, drawing a round of applause from the crowd.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Visit Nigeria - Day 1

Harry and Meghan are in Nigeria at the invitation of the country's military, visiting to discuss the future work of the prince's Invictus Games Foundation. The charity helps wounded servicemembers and veterans through sport. Nigeria has a similar program and collaborates with Invictus.

The visit to Africa comes just days after Prince Harry was in London — on his own — to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games. The stop in his old hometown prompted a flurry of speculation about a possible reconciliation with the rest of his royal family in Britain.

But it wasn't to be . He neither met with his brother, Prince William , nor his father, King Charles III.

At one point, the father and son were a mere two miles from each other, attending separate events. According to a statement from the Duke of Sussex, a meeting was unfortunately not possible due to "his Majesty's full program" on the day. It added that Harry hoped to see his father again soon.

Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Their relationship in pictures

King Charles is currently undergoing treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer, but he has resumed some of his public duties , saying this week that he'd, "been allowed out of his cage."

Harry and Meghan were to wrap up their Nigerian tour on Sunday, following a cultural reception and charity polo match for wounded war veterans.

  • Prince Harry Duke of Sussex
  • Meghan Duchess of Sussex

Charlie D'Agata

Charlie D'Agata is a CBS News senior foreign correspondent and has been based in London since 2000. He's spent more than two decades covering international news for CBS.

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I paid $1,700 to visit Iceland. Horrible weather meant I couldn't see the Northern Lights, but I found 5 other ways to have a good time.

  • I traveled from Baltimore to Iceland to see the Northern Lights.
  • I spent about $1,700 on flights, hotels, and activities like whale-watching and snorkeling.
  • I didn't see the Northern Lights, but I had a great time and would return to Iceland in a heartbeat.

Insider Today

Seeing the Northern Lights in person has always been on my bucket list. So, when I learned that 2024 is one of the best years to see them , I knew I had to take a trip to Iceland as soon as possible.

I booked a Northern Lights tour through Gray Line Iceland and paid $66 for a ticket that was valid for several days. But unfortunately, due to inclement weather, the scheduled tours were canceled each day I was in Iceland.

Although I was disappointed after spending $1,700 on hotels, flights, a rental car, and activities, I was still able to have a great time.

Here are five activities that made my trip to Iceland worth it.

My first stop was the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa.

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My first stop was the Blue Lagoon , a famous geothermal spa with temperatures ranging from 98 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Getting in a bathing suit and swimming in freezing weather might sound horrible, but the water was quite comfortable. I paid about $95 for this experience.

I took a virtual tour of the country through FlyOver Iceland.

churin tours full day

My next stop was FlyOver Iceland, an attraction I learned about through an advertisement I saw at the airport. The $42 experience started with lectures and videos about the history of Iceland, mythology, and the land.

Next, we were led to a theater full of chairs with handlebars along the side, similar to the seats on a roller coaster. When everyone was seated, the chairs lifted, suspending each person in the air.

A screen at the front of the room displayed vivid videos of Iceland's beautiful natural landmarks . The seats moved as we watched the videos, and wind and scents to match the projected scenes blew around the theater. Mist hit my face as I saw videos of waterfalls, making it seem like we really were flying over Iceland.

This was a great alternative to physically seeing parts of the country I couldn't drive to because of the inclement weather.

The next day, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to go whale-watching.

churin tours full day

While in Iceland, I wanted to find an excursion that didn't require me to get on the road, so I spent about $120 to go whale-watching . I booked the last-minute adventure at a brick-and-mortar Gray Line Iceland location in downtown Reykjavík.

The mountain views , beautiful ocean, and the whales putting on a show were amazing. The boat had plenty of space, and the staff served coffee and hot chocolate.

After I got off the boat, I headed to the Geysir hot-spring area.

churin tours full day

The weather lightened up during the three-hour whale-watching expedition, so I made the spur-of-the-moment decision to drive to the Geysir hot-spring area. The geothermal area was free to the public and featured geysers that could shoot water over 100 feet in the air .

Most geysers I encountered were inactive, but I saw a fountain-like hot spring, Strokkur, erupt twice.

Next, I headed to Thingvellir National Park for a snorkeling adventure.

churin tours full day

Though it was freezing, I was excited to go snorkeling between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. I paid $150 to go snorkeling and $30 for a diver to snap photos with a company called Dive.IS .

Once I got in my wetsuit, which was surprisingly warm, the instructor taught me about how the tectonic plates shifted. Then, we set out on the 30-minute snorkeling journey.

The buoyancy of the wetsuit made it easy to stay afloat, and I fully enjoyed the clear, refreshing water.

Even though I didn't see the Northern Lights, the trip was worth the money.

churin tours full day

Overall, I still think the $1,700 I paid to travel to and explore Iceland was well spent.

Due to the snowy, cloudy weather, I never went on the Northern Lights tour I'd booked. Though my heart was set on seeing the streaks of blue, green, and purple flash across the sky, my stay showed me plenty of things to see and do in Iceland.

I got out of my comfort zone by whale-watching and snorkeling and had an amazing time learning about the country's rich history.

Gray Line Iceland, the company I booked the $66 Northern Lights tour through, offered customers who didn't see the lights the option of getting a refund or a ticket to use in the future. I opted for the ticket.

I'll definitely return to Iceland to try to see the lights again soon.

churin tours full day

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Stormy Daniels spars with Trump's lawyer during hush money trial testimony

Adult film star Stormy Daniels returned to the stand in Donald Trump's criminal trial Thursday, pushing back during cross-examination against his defense attorney's attempts to discredit her in sometimes bizarre and uncomfortable exchanges.

After she was done testifying in Manhattan criminal court in New York, Trump's attorney Todd Blanche moved again for a mistrial, saying she'd changed her story and been allowed to testify about matters that were irrelevant to the case. He also asked the judge to waive Trump's gag order to allow him to respond to her testimony publicly. State Judge Juan Merchan denied both requests.

“My concern is not just with protecting Ms. Daniels or a witness who has already testified. My concern is protecting the integrity of the proceedings as a whole,” Merchan said of the gag order request.

Trump blasted the judge's actions on Thursday, calling them "a disgrace" to reporters in the courthouse afterwards. "I'm innocent and I'm being held in this court with a corrupt judge," he said.

Daniels took to social media Thursday night with a not-so-subtle dig at Trump. "Real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. Oh...wait. Nevermind," she wrote on X .

It's unclear whether Trump will testify in his own defense.

When Daniels was on the stand, Trump attorney Susan Necheles grilled her about the $130,000 nondisclosure agreement she signed with Trump's then-attorney Michael Cohen near the close of the 2016 election and tried to poke holes in her now-sworn statements about the sexual encounter she says she had with Trump, which he denies.

Necheles asked her about the number of porn films she has written and directed and said, “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.”

“Wow. That’s not how I would put it," Daniels replied. "The sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room” with Trump. She added, "If that story was untrue, I would’ve written it to be a lot better.”

Necheles and Daniels sparred over minor inconsistencies in Daniels’ stories, including her having said in a 2011 interview that she and Trump had dinner together while she now maintains they never actually ate.

“I had dinner in the room, but we never got any food, and we never ate anything," Daniels said. Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger noted on re-direct examination that the article with the 2011 interview said the piece had been "lightly edited."

Necheles also sought to dispute Daniels' claims that she was scared when she saw Trump waiting for her in bed in a T-shirt and boxers after she got out of the bathroom, implying that a porn actor wouldn't be caught off-guard by someone in underwear.

Necheles asked whether it was the first time in her life someone had made a pass at her. Daniels said it was the first time with somebody "twice my age and bigger than me" who had a bodyguard outside the door.

Image: hush money trial

“You wanted money from President Trump, right?” Necheles asked earlier in their exchange. “No,” Daniels answered. “I never asked for money from President Trump,” she said. “I never asked for money from anyone in particular. I asked for money to tell my story” in 2016, and it was Cohen who approached her attorney with the NDA. She said she thought the agreement was “a perfect solution,” giving her a paper trail and peace of mind without having to tell her story publicly.

Daniels also acknowledged that she was irate when Cohen appeared to be stalling on paying the money but that he eventually paid. Necheles also asked about a statement she signed in 2018 denying she'd had an affair with Trump after The Wall Street Journal wrote about her NDA. Daniels said her lawyer had given her the statement and told her she had to sign it. She said she decided she wanted to tell her story later that year, after Cohen began talking about her publicly.

Asked whether she'd promised people she'd be instrumental in putting Trump in jail, Daniels said, "No." Necheles then asked her about a social media post in which someone had called her a human toilet, and Daniels responded, "Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down." Necheles asked whether that meant she'd be instrumental in getting rid of him. Daniels said it was "hyperbole."

"I'm also not a toilet," she said.

Daniels spoke more slowly and seemed more confident Thursday than on her first day on the stand, but her voice shook some when Necheles asked her about various mean tweets she has been the target of, including ones referring to her as an "aging harlot" and a “disgusting degenerate prostitute.” “When somebody attacks me I’m going to defend myself,” she said, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

After Daniels was done testifying, her lawyer Clark Brewster told NBC News she was "shaken" by the ordeal and "relieved" to be done.

“She was cross-examined over communications over years, and having your memory challenged like that and having to respond to questions immediately with recall is not easy, and it was quite an accomplishment,” Brewster said, adding, “She did a remarkable job of getting her testimony across.”

During the discussion about the defense’s renewed request for a mistrial, Merchan said he was surprised Trump's lawyers didn’t object to certain parts of Daniels’ testimony.

He cited one part where Daniels said Trump told her: “I thought we were getting somewhere, we were talking, and I thought you were serious about what you wanted. If you ever want to get out of that trailer park.”

“I was offended because I never lived in a trailer park,” Daniels said.

The judge said he struck that part of her testimony.

Trump sat with his eyes closed for parts of Daniels' testimony. He was accompanied to court by Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., who left in the late morning. On his way out of court, Scott took some jabs at three people whom Trump is prevented from criticizing by the gag order in the case — Judge Juan Merchan's daughter, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's wife and prosecutor Matthew Colangelo.

Scott didn’t name any of the three, but it was clear from his remarks — including saying "the judge's daughter is a political operative" — to whom he was referring. It's unclear whether prosecutors will try to argue the comments violated the gag order. The ruling bars Trump from making "or directing others to make" comments about individual prosecutors or relatives of people involved with the case, in addition to remarks about witnesses and jurors.

Madeleine Westerhout, Trump’s former White House executive assistant, testified later in the day that she had seen Trump sign checks in the Oval Office and that he had been “very upset” by Daniels’ claims.

Westerhout said she got to know Trump while she was working at the Republican National Committee in 2016. She said there was concern at the RNC in October 2016 after the release of the so-called "Access Hollywood" tape, a 2005 recording of Trump saying he can grope women without their consent.

Asked whether there were conversations at the RNC about potentially replacing Trump as the Republican nominee at that time, Westerhout said there were.

Trump remained the nominee and won the election, and she said she helped the president-elect schedule meetings at Trump Tower, which is what led to her White House job.

Her duties included acting as an intermediary between Trump and his company the Trump Organization, coordinating with Rhona Graff, Trump's assistant there, on issues that needed his or the company's attention, like his travel schedule, mail or phone calls.

She said she asked Graff for a list of Trump's contacts, which Graff forwarded to her. The list included information for Cohen and David Pecker , the former National Enquirer publisher who testified he worked with Trump and Cohen to suppress scandalous stories about Trump, including Daniels' claim.

Westerhout said Trump was "very upset" when the Daniels story became public. She broke down in tears as she recalled losing her job in August 2019, after she shared personal information about Trump's family at a dinner with reporters that she believed to be confidential. She called the incident a mistake and said, "I've learned a lot from my experience." She also defended her former boss, saying she believed he has been treated unfairly. She will continue her testimony Friday.

After Daniels was done testifying, Blanche told the judge that she'd changed her story by saying she felt there was a power imbalance between them and that she blacked out and was light-headed when they began having sex. He also said there was no reason for prosecutors to have asked her about supposedly spanking him with a magazine before the encounter or for Daniels to have testified that Trump did not use a condom.

"That has nothing to do with the false business record, but it’s so prejudicial. It’s a dog whistle for rape,” Blanche said.

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass told Merchan: “Those messy details, that is motive. That is Mr. Trump’s motive” for buying her silence. He also suggested that Trump could rebut the story under oath. “If they want to offer testimony that the sex never happened, that’s their prerogative,” he said.

He also said there were some "very salacious details that were intentionally omitted because we did not have the desire to embarrass the defendant.”

Merchan said he agreed with Blanche that there shouldn’t have been questions or answers about the condom, but noted that there was no objection from attorneys to that line of questioning at the time. The judge also pointed out that Blanche had said in his opening statement that Trump didn’t have sexual relations with Daniels.

“Your denial puts the jury in a position of having to choose who they believe. Donald Trump, who denies that there was an encounter, or Stormy Daniels, who claims that there was,” Merchan said.

In addition to the sexual encounter, which Daniels said happened after she met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, she told jurors that Trump made a sexual advance in 2007, which she rejected. Four years later, she said, a mysterious man warned her to “ leave Trump alone ” after she gave an interview to a magazine about their first encounter. Daniels said the article never ran thanks to Trump's then-“fixer” and lawyer Cohen.

Cohen later paid Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about her claim. Trump's reimbursement of that money to Cohen is at the heart of the criminal case against Trump, who is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records related to the repayment. He has pleaded not guilty.

Daniels was followed on the stand by Rebecca Manochio, a Trump Organization employee who was an assistant to the company's former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. She said that after Trump went to the White House, she would FedEx checks for him to sign and then get them to the proper person at the company when they were returned. Her testimony was used to enter records relating to Trump's checks to Cohen.

After Manochio, prosecutors called Tracy Menzies, an executive at HarperCollins Publishers. She was brought in to read into the record from a book Trump co-authored for the company called "Think Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life." One of the 2007 book's chapters was titled "Do Not Trust Anyone."

"I just can't stomach disloyalty," the book reads, mentioning a woman who had been disloyal. "I go out of my way to make her life miserable,” the book says. “My motto is 'Always get even. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.'”

The DA's office is nearing its final set of witnesses. Steinglass estimated this week that prosecutors would be done presenting their case by May 21.

One person who won’t be testifying is Karen McDougal, the former Playboy model who claims she had a monthslong affair with Trump that began in 2006 and was paid $150,000 to keep quiet in 2016 by the National Enquirer. Trump has denied her claim. Blanche told Merchan that prosecutors informed him she wouldn’t be taking the stand.

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Adam Reiss is a reporter and producer for NBC and MSNBC.

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Jillian Frankel is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

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Gary Grumbach produces and reports for NBC News, based in Washington, D.C.

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Dareh Gregorian is a politics reporter for NBC News.

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Meghan Markle says she 'loves being a mum' as she opens up about 'chatty' Archie and Lili

The duke and duchess of sussex are promoting the invictus games on their whirlwind tour.

Ainhoa Barcelona

The Duchess of Sussex  has said how much she 'loves being a mum' as she opens up about 'chatty' children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet on day two of her whirlwind mini tour in Nigeria.

Meghan made the sweetest comment about her children on Saturday afternoon as she co-hosted an event of Women in Leadership with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization. The event aimed to highlight the importance of female leadership and empowerment in driving positive change globally.

Looking radiant in a red summer dress , Meghan was comfortable on stage as she took part in the address with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex speaks at a Women in Leadership event co-hosted with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on May 11, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. (Photo by Andrew Esiebo/Getty Images for The Archewell Foundation)

The mum juggle

When the conversation turned to how women juggle motherhood with their careers, and the Duchess was asked for advice, she sweetly said: "I love being a mum, I love being a mum."

She then recalled: "When I was on season one of  Suits , so that was a long time ago. Now I know the show is having a resurgence, but that was a long time ago. Let's say maybe a decade ago."

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex speaks at a Women in Leadership event co-hosted with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on May 11, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. (Photo by Andrew Esiebo/Getty Images for The Archewell Foundation)

"And Bonnie Hammer, who runs NBCUniversal, was a huge mentor, remains a huge mentor to me. And I remember having the good fortune at the time that she invited me to have breakfast and I thought this was just the biggest deal in the world," she continued.

"And I asked her that exact question. I said, 'How do you find the balance?' And she said, 'You don't, you'll never find the balance.' "

Meghan smiled: "And this was before I was married, before I had children, before all the things in my life have certainly had a plot twist. 

"And it struck me and it stayed with me for a long time because you say, 'Well how can you be so successful? And she's a mother as well and she's married and say that you'll never find the balance? What does life feel like if it's imbalanced?'"

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex speaks at a Women in Leadership event co-hosted with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on May 11, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. (Photo by Andrew Esiebo/Getty Images for The Archewell Foundation)

Meghan said: "What I think that to mean now is that that balance will always change for you. That balance, what seems balanced ten years ago is going to shift. 

" And so being a mum has always been a dream of mine. And I'm so fortunate that we have two beautiful, healthy, very chatty sweet children. "

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet

Proud to be Nigerian

During the Q&A, Meghan was also asked how she felt about being Nigerian: "Well, firstly, thank you all so much for being here. I am just flattered and honoured and inspired. 

"It has been a whirlwind 24 hours since we arrived, and I very quickly got the memo than I need to wear more colour so I can fit in with all of you in your incredible fashion. I am very overwhelmed. So I want to start by saying thank you very much for just how gracious you've all been in welcoming my husband and I to this country, my country."

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex speaks at a Women in Leadership event co-hosted with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on May 11, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria. (Photo by Andrew Esiebo/Getty Images for The Archewell Foundation)

She added her first thing she did when she found out her heritage was "call my mum, because I wanted to know if she had any awareness of it". 

"It was exciting for both of us to discover more and understand what that really means," she said.

Meghan added: "And every single moment that I hear anyone so far talk about what it means to be a Nigerian woman, it is the most flattering thing to be in that company, to be in your company."

Lavish lunch in Abuja

Earlier in the day, Meghan and her husband Prince Harry attended a special lunch for military families with the country's chief of defence staff, General Christopher Musa, at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja.

Meghan Markle pose for a photo as they attend the program held in the Armed Forces Complex in Abuja

The Duchess, 42, amped up the glamour in a St Agni white maxi dress paired with heeled sandals. She teamed the bridal look with a delicate gold necklace and matching earrings, while her hair was beautifully styled in a face-framing updo. 

Harry, meanwhile, matched his wife in a white suit.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend lunch at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja

The couple were guests of honour at the Sit Out event, seated at chairs that had "Duke" and "Duchess" labels printed on the backs. 

After being seated, the British and Nigerian national anthems played. Harry stood eyes front with his arms by his side as God Save The King rang out.

A general view of table arrangements for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja

The royals were also treated to lively performances which they appeared to thoroughly enjoy as they faced a stage decked out with red, white, and blue balloons.

A highlight was the dancers performing an impressive human pyramid, with the top, lightest dancer leaping down and doing a back flip in front of them. 

Prince Harry and Meghan attend lunch at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja

Heartfelt speeches

The couple also heard from some of the wounded military personnel, including Lance Corporal Peacemaker Azuegbulam, 27, who uses a prosthetic and told the reception he is planning to go to the Vancouver Invictus Games to take part in alpine skiing and skeleton sliding. 

He thanked Harry for launching the Games all those ten years ago.

During the series of addresses, Abike Dabiri Erewa, chairwoman of the Nigerian Diaspora Commission, brought applause from the room when she exclaimed: "Princess Meghan is a Nigerian!"

meghan markle in white dress attedning sit out in nigeria

Referencing Meghan's revelation on her podcast that she is half Nigerian, the chairwoman said: "I was excited but not surprised. Because she is beautiful, intelligent, diligent and hardworking and she stands firm in the midst of challenges. 

"Prince Harry you married the best — our daughter, our friend Princess Meghan. I hope you come back again, again and again."

Addressing the Duchess, she then said: "Princess Meghan, you married the best man. He is handsome and gorgeous and the best man."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle receive a traditional outfit made in Nigeria as they attend lunch at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja

She then presented the couple with gifts of a his and hers traditional Aso-Oke outfit. 

Harry's moment on stage

Harry also had his moment under the spotlight as he gave a speech, addressing his fellow diners and the Chief of Defence Staff and the Defence Minister. 

"Your reception and energy have nothing but been remarkable," he said. 

He talked about the last decade of his Invictus Games and "some significant moments that stand out in my mind" including when Team Nigeria "danced on stage better than anyone else" at last year's tournament in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Prince Harry gives a speech as he attends a Sit Out lunch at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja

Invictus Games sporting event

Earlier in the day, Harry and Meghan attended an event linked to the Invictus Games – a training session for organisation Nigeria: Unconquered at the Defence Headquarters Officers' Mess in Asokoro, Abuja – where the couple were invited to watch a sitting volleyball game.

Prince Harry and Meghan arrive for a sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered, a local charity organisation that supports wounded, injured, or sick servicemembers, in Abuja

The charity uses sport to encourage recovery and rehabilitation in wounded, sick, and injured service personnel to "help them find new purpose".

Prince Harry (L), Duke of Sussex, and Britain's Meghan (R), Duchess of Sussex, attend an exhibition sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered, a community-based charitable organization dedicated to aiding wounded, injured, or sick servicemembers, as part of celebrations of Invictus Games anniversary in Abuja, Nigeria on May 11, 2024. (Photo by Emmanuel Osodi/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Harry's love of volleyball

They kicked off the engagement by watching the game, decked in scarves they had been given in the green and white colours of Nigeria.

Prince Harry applauds as he takes part in a sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered

After about 15 minutes, the sporty Duke was invited to take part. As spectators shouted "Team Harry" and Meghan clapped animatedly for her husband, she also got chatting to one little girl, nine-year-old Tiwa Akanbi.

Prince Harry takes part in a sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered, a local charity organisation that supports wounded, injured, or sick servicemembers, in Abuja

Tiwa later said of her meeting with the Duchess: " She said Prince Harry loves to play volleyball and that he's very good at it.  And she asked me if I play volleyball in my school. And I said yes."

Prince Harry plays sitting volleyball at Nigeria Unconquered charity

Her mother Desola, 47, added: "She's always wanted to meet her. She said last night, 'When am I going to meet 'Auntie Meghan?'"

Warm welcome from Nigeria: Unconquered

At the end of the match, the royals took part in an impromptu group photo session with the teams, with Harry wearing his Invictus Games polo top and Meghan stunning in a Johanna Ortiz dress.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pose for photographs with players ahead of an exhibition sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered, a local charity organisation that supports wounded, injured, or sick servicemembers, in Abuja

"We are friends and family supporters of Harry and Meghan," Peace Adetoro, 57, said. "They are a beautiful couple and we love them so much. We support them 100 per cent."

Meghan Markle receives an artwork upon her arrival at a sitting volleyball match at Nigeria Unconquered

Before leaving, Royalty Ojeh, six, the daughter of the executive director of Nigeria: Unconquered, presented Meghan with a bouquet of roses. 

The mother-of-two removed one of the roses from the posy and handed it back to Royalty, who said of the Duchess: "She was nice."

Meghan Markle receives flowers from a girl during a visit to Nigeria Unconquered, a local charity organisation that supports wounded, injured, or sick servicemembers, in Abuja

Nigeria's connection with the Invictus Games

Nigeria participated in the Invictus Games for the first time in September 2023, attending the tournament in Dusseldorf, Germany. It was there that Harry and Meghan met the country's chief of defence staff, General Christopher Musa, who invited them to visit Nigeria.

At the Invictus Games last year, Harry and Meghan met athletes from the Nigerian team and fans. The Duchess was also given a Nigerian name , Amira Ngozi Lolo. Amira is a warrior princess from a legend, Ngozi means 'blessed' and Lolo is 'royal wife'.

LISTEN: Why Archie and Lilibet have not joined Harry and Meghan in Nigeria

In 2022, Meghan revealed on her former podcast, Archetypes , that she has Nigerian heritage. She told celebrity interviewer Ziwe: "I just had my genealogy done a couple years ago… [and I'm] Forty-three percent Nigerian." 


Princess Kate wearing black and white polka dots and a hat

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