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Mini tours PC

Fractal Design Node 804

Mini tour PC, 3 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 5 Slots, Bloc d'alimentation 0 W, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 160, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 320 mm

Asus Prime AP201

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 170, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 338 mm


Mini tour PC, 4 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 5 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 175, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 390 mm

Mars Gaming MC-NOVAM

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté ATX, 4 Slots , Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 158, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 337 mm

Asus Prime AP201 Black

Mini tour PC, 0 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 168, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 400 mm

Corsair 2500D Airflow

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX, 4 Slots , Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 180, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 400 mm

Lian Li Q58

Boîtier Mini ITX, 0 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté mini ITX , 3 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 67, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 325 mm

Aerocool CS-107

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX, 4 Slots , Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 157, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 286 mm

Cooler Master MasterBox Q300L V2

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 159, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 360 mm


Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté ATX

Cooler Master MasterBox TD300 Mesh

Mini tour PC, 2 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 166, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 344 mm

Mars Gaming MC-View

Mini tour PC, 5 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté mini ITX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 158, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 330 mm

Thermaltake The Tower 100

Mini tour PC, 2 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté mini ITX , 2 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 190, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 330 mm

Cooler Master MasterBox TD300 Mesh White

Mini tour PC, 3 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 157, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 286 mm

Mars Gaming MC-S1

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 145, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 256 mm

SilverStone MILO ML06B-E black

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté mini ITX

Asus Prime AP201 White

Mini tour PC, 2 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 167, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 331 mm

Antec VSK 3000 Elite

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 160, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 335 mm

Corsair 2500D Airflow Black

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté ATX , Bloc d'alimentation 500 W, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 160, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 260 mm

Cooler Master MasterBox MB400L

Mini tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 166, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 344 mm

Raijintek STYX

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX, 5 Slots , Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 180, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 280 mm

Nox Coolbay MX2

Moyenne tour PC, 1 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté ATX , 7 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 152, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 305 mm

MSI MAG Forge M100R

Mini tour PC, 4 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 160, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 300 mm

Mars Gaming MC-View noir

Mini tour PC, 5 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 158, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 330 mm

Asus ROG Z11

Mini tour PC, Format de carte mère supporté mini ITX, 3 Slots , Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 130, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 320 mm

Corsair 2500X

Mini tour PC, 2 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 160, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 255 mm

Mars Gaming MC-S2

Mini tour PC, 2 Ventilateurs préinstallés, Format de carte mère supporté micro ATX , 4 Slots, Hauteur max. du ventilateur de processeur 145, Longueur max. de la carte graphique 256 mm

Mars Gaming MC-S1 White

Mini tour PC : nos conseils d’achat

Lorsque l'on décide de monter soi-même son PC afin de choisir la configuration qui nous convient le mieux, il est nécessaire de se munir d'un boîtier. Arrêter son choix sur une mini tour PC doit répondre à des besoins particuliers sans pour autant négliger des aspects généraux communs à tous les formats de boîtier.

Une mini tour PC pour quelle usage ?

Une mini tour PC n'est pas conseillée pour tous les utilisateurs. Pour ceux soucieux de gagner le maximum de place , la fourchette de hauteur comprise entre 30 cm et 42 cm est parfaite pour disposer discrètement son unité centrale dans une pièce ou sur une table de travail. C'est aussi la solution idéale pour les utilisateurs très mobiles : prenant peu de place, une telle unité centrale conviendra parfaitement à toute forme de transport. L'inconvénient principal de ce format est un réchauffement rapide une fois allumé. Il ne faudra donc pas avoir un usage trop exigeant de son ordinateur. Idéal pour les personnes utilisant beaucoup de bureautique et surfant sur le Net, il est en revanche inadapté pour les gamers invétérés qui ont besoin d'un matériel très équipés et gourmand en énergie. En dehors des gamers LAN qui ont essentiellement besoin d'une bonne connexion internet, les amateurs de jeux vidéo ont une utilisation nécessitant des articles plus grands qui peuvent recevoir nombre de composants électroniques supplémentaires fonctionnant en créant une chaleur élevée. Pour eux, les moyennes tours PC et grandes tours PC sont plus indiquées.

Les critères incontournables

L'achat d'une mini tour PC doit répondre à vos exigences en format de carte mère . Elle sont toutes adaptées pour y recevoir un format de carte classique micro ATX . Pour une utilisation home cinéma, les cartes mères Mini ITX refont leur apparition et pourront également trouver refuge dans le ventre de nombre de boîtiers. En revanche, peu nombreuses sont celles qui disposeront de la place nécessaire pour un format ATX . On fera très attention aux nombres de ventilateurs présent sur l'article : il faut effectivement une ventilation optimale pour refroidir le PC. Contre l'accumulation de poussière, les boîtiers munis de filtres seront des alliés de qualité pour protéger tous les composants de sa machine. La connectique en façade et le nombre d'emplacements pour y disposer différents lecteurs devra parfaitement répondre à vos besoins présents et futurs : il serait en effet regrettable de ne pas pouvoir améliorer son PC au fil de ses besoins. La matière du produit est aussi un critère de choix très important : l'acier est lourd, mais il produit peu de vibrations et se montre donc assez silencieux ; l'aluminium est léger – idéal pour transporter sa mini tour PC – et dissipe la chaleur facilement ; le Plexiglas quant à lui est très léger et apprécié pour sa transparence qui laisse apparaître les composants électroniques de la machine.

Camille Herbier

Nouveau dans la catégorie "Boîtiers PC"


Le boitier PC , c’est le logement de tes composants. La tour que tu vas choisir doit être un nid douillet pour permettre un fonctionnement optimal de ton PC. Tu peux trouver plusieurs designs de boitiers et tu as trois formats principaux : Mini Tour , Moyen Tour , Grand Tour . Le format de boitier PC le plus répandu est le Moyen Tour qui accepte la grande majorité des cartes mères actuelles (à l’exception des très grands formats). Tu peux également trouver des boitiers permettant la création de Media Center, qui accueilleront une configuration peu puissante. Des boitiers avec des alimentations intégrées sont également proposés. On recommande cependant de partir sur une alimentation PC seule et de qualité cohérente avec le reste des composants. Un élément important dans la sélection d’un boitier PC, c’est le refroidissement. Un PC bien ventilé, c’est un PC avec une durée de vie allongée. Les boitiers Grand Tour sont d’ailleurs idéaux pour permettre de créer un flux d’air approprié. Tu dois aussi réfléchir à ce que tu veux que ton boitier te permette. Auras-tu besoin de différentes connectiques comme des ports USB ou un port Jack ? Veux-tu te laisser le choix d’installer de nombreux SSD ou encore, envisages-tu d’installer un watercooling ? Si oui, à quel endroit dans le boitier ? Si tu veux pimper ton chassis, tu as également la possibilité d'opter pour un boitier proposant du RGB et disposant d’une fenêtre pour admirer les lumières à l’intérieur de ta machine, émanant de tes barrettes de RAM ou encore de tes ventilateurs. Tu as déjà des composants et tu es à la recherche du boitier de tes rêves ? Tu peux passer par notre ConfigoMatic pour savoir si tes articles sont bien compatibles avec le boitier que tu souhaites.

Meilleures ventes Boitier PC

NZXT H6 Flow - Blanc

Tu hésites ? On te propose un guide pour bien choisir ton boitier ! Trending : Boitier PC avec fenêtre | Boitier RGB | Boitier Aquarium | Boitier Blanc | NZXT H6 | PHANTEKS NV5

Phanteks Eclipse G360A - Blanc

Phanteks Eclipse G360A - Blanc

NZXT H5 Flow RGB - Blanc

NZXT H5 Flow RGB - Blanc

NZXT H9 Flow - Blanc

NZXT H9 Flow - Blanc

Corsair 4000D Airflow - Blanc

Corsair 4000D Airflow - Blanc

Cooler Master MasterBox MB520 Mesh ARGB - Blanc

Cooler Master MasterBox MB520 Mesh ARGB - Blanc

NZXT H5 Flow - Blanc

NZXT H5 Flow - Blanc

Corsair 3000D Airflow - Blanc

Corsair 3000D Airflow - Blanc

Cooler Master MasterBox MB520 TG ARGB - Blanc

Cooler Master MasterBox MB520 TG ARGB - Blanc



Phanteks NV5 - Blanc

Phanteks NV5 - Blanc

Phanteks NV5 - Blanc + M25 D-RGB - 120 mm - Blanc

Phanteks NV5 - Blanc + M25 D-RGB - 120 mm - Blanc

Corsair 3000D RGB Airflow - Blanc

Corsair 3000D RGB Airflow - Blanc

Cooler Master HAF500 - Blanc

Cooler Master HAF500 - Blanc

Phanteks Eclipse G500A D-RGB - Blanc

Phanteks Eclipse G500A D-RGB - Blanc

NZXT H7 Flow - Noir / Blanc

NZXT H7 Flow - Noir / Blanc

NZXT H7 Flow RGB - Blanc

NZXT H7 Flow RGB - Blanc

MSI MPG Velox 100R - Blanc

MSI MPG Velox 100R - Blanc

Aerocool cylon mini - blanc.

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Lian Li O11 Dynamic Evo XL - Blanc

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Aerocool Cylon Pro RGB - Blanc

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NZXT H7 Flow - Blanc

NZXT H7 Flow - Blanc

Lian Li PC-O11 Dynamic Evo - Blanc

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be quiet! Pure Base 500 - Blanc (Version fenêtre)

be quiet! Pure Base 500 - Blanc (Version fenêtre)

Corsair 5000D Airflow - Blanc

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be quiet! Pure Base 500 - Blanc

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Antec NX416L - Blanc

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Corsair 2000D Airflow - Blanc

Best mini PCs of 2024

The best mini PCs are more powerful than you can possibly imagine

  • 1. Best overall
  • 2. Best on a budget
  • 3. Best for offices
  • 4. Best barebones
  • 5. Best for creators
  • 6. Best performance
  • 7. Best for flexibility
  • 8. Best Intel mini PC
  • 9. Best for beginners
  • 10. Best for basics
  • 11. Best for conferencing
  • 12. Best workstation
  • 13, Best for ports
  • 14. Best for editing
  • 15. Best for gaming
  • 16. Best tower
  • 17. Best mobile CPU
  • 18. Best for storage
  • How to choose
  • How we test

Geekom AS 5 Mini PC

The quick list 1. Best overall 2. Best on a budget 3. Best for offices 4. Best barebones 5. Best for creators 6. Best for performance 7. Best for flexibility 8. Best Intel mini PC 9. Best for beginners 10. Best for basics 11. Best for conferencing 12. Best workstation 13. Best for ports 14. Best for editing 15. Best for gaming 16. Best tower 17. Best mobile chip 18. Best for storage

Don't let the size fool you - the best mini PCs we've tested offer a powerful, portable alternative to laptops and desktop PCs. Our team of reviewers tested the best of the best, benchmarking performance, and comparing specs for a range of uses - from basic office tasks to gaming and video editing. 

Mini PCs, sometimes known as a NUC or thin client, are compact boxes that often hide impressively powerful components. Because of their small size (you can mount many to monitor) and reliability, they've become a popular choice for video conferencing, streaming, and server use alongside general office workflows. And while they lack the sheer force of the very best business computers or even best business laptops we've tested, they're a lot more powerful than you might think - and a lot cheaper, too. 

Our review team have gone hands-on with a massive range of the best mini PCs for video editing, gaming, office work, and and the cheapest mini PCs for those working to a budget. Rigorously benchmarking overall performance, we compared specs, connectivity, and explored features across Windows and Mac mini PCs for the home, office, and everywhere in between.

The 2023 M2 Apple Mac Mini

Aside from that big performance boost, the Mac mini is compact, relatively affordable compared to those other Macs, and perfect if you or your business have already bought into the Apple ecosystem.

Read more below

The Beelink U59 Mini PC

Hovering at around $200 USD in a number of RAM configurations, and following Intel's NUC specifications, we found the U59 to be an excellent mini PC, whether it's your first, or you're just hunting for a deal.

The Geekom AS 6 mini-pc

The AS 6 might only be a plastic build and have quite a noisy fan, but it's still of the best value ways to get a machine that's kitted out with USB 4.0 and two Gen 4 2280 M.2 NVMe slots (leaving enough space for a 2.5 inch SATA drive) in this form factor.

The GMKtec NucBoc K1

Almost certainly overpowered for the price, this tiny NUC is a rare bargain that only falls short to a CPU bottleneck with the default RAM configuration of a single 16GB module - and addressing this - should you need to - will bump up the price quite a bit.

The Apple Mac Studio

The Mac Studio is built for creatives across the board - and having tested it out, we can confidently say it's a performance powerhouse for designing and editing content and other creative output. 

The Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS

The SE6 Pro 7735HS might not have as catchy a name as the Mac Studio, but, with an AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU and SKUs now offering up to 32GB of RAM, maybe it's time to realise that branding isn't everything. And at least you'll be able to upgrade this one.

Load more products

The Minisforum Venus NPB7

Small as well as powerful (featuring the staggering Intel Core i7-13700H and up to 32GB of RAM), the Venus NPB7 also manages to be effortlessly configurable, with a barebones configuration available, and the innards being accessible without a screwdriver,

The Intel NUC 13 Pro

Intel have since killed off its own NUC range, but even though you shouldn't expect a refresh anytime soon, the NUC 13 Pro is still a blistering powerhouse, with up to 12 GPU threads, 64GB of RAM. Gen 4 NVME and Thunderbolt 4 in a range of (admittedly barebones) SKUs. Grab it while you can.

The Geekom AS 5 mini pc

Though since succeeded by the AS 6, Geekom's AS 5 is a brilliant starter kit. It only has one SKU, and the DDR4 RAM bandwidth can bottleneck performance. But it does feature 32GB of RAM out of the box, dual M.2 slots and lots of USB ports.

Acemagic AD08 on a white background

With its colorful gaming vibes, the Acemagic AD08 is a lovely looking mini PC with a monster Intel processor (and an AMD version also available). However, with its lacklustre GPU you'll find it doesn't quite measure up for tasks needing heavy multi-threading or serious graphical performance. 

GMKtec NucBox M2 on a white background

The GMKtec NucBox M2 is a prime example of a good quality mini PC that won't break the bank. Housed in an attractive metal case, its size makes it perfect for conferencing rooms, and it can be monitor-mounted for using office applications.

Khadas Mind on a white background

The Khadas Mind is a Kickstarter-founded portable workstation for those that need a lot of power in small form-factor. It boasts the same processor platform found in the NUC 13 Pro, so performance is good for a machine with a mobile CPU and integrated GPU. 

GMKtec NucBox K2 mini PC on a white background

The  GMKtec NucBox K2 has probably the best port selection of any mini PC we've tested, so if you want flexibility, have a lot of different devices, or just like to be prepared, it's a great choice. We found it mostly silent and especially powerful. 

Minisforum UM790 Pro mini PC on a white background

If you're into video editing, we found the Minisforum UM790 Pro more than capable of handling the job. It's a fantastic performer - and packing an AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS CPU and AMD Radeon 780M GPU, it excels at graphically intense work.

Acemagician AM08 Pro mini PC on a white background

Few mini PCs can run triple-A games, but for lighter gaming, the Acemagician AM08 Pro is specifically designed for the task. We ran multiple benchmarks on this AMD Ryzen 9-powered machine excelled at multitasking and graphically intensive applications like video editing.

Chuwi CoreBox 5th mini PC on a white background

You don't often see a mini PC shaped like a small desktop tower. That does mean it's bigger than most, with the space used for extra cooling, leading to almost silent running. An Intel 13th-generation processor gives it a performance edge. 

Geekom Mini IT13 mini PC on a white background

What sets the Geekom Mini IT13 apart from other mini PCs is its Intel Core i9-13900H - one of the most powerful mobile chips out there. As specifications go, this is an excellent unit, but not without drawbacks.  

T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3 on a white background

Storage isn't an issue with the T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3, which boasts a dual-HDD NAS drive to increase storage in minutes without any tools (we know, we tried it). Suitable for offices and home office set-ups. 

Best mini PC overall

Mac mini (2023) in a studio

1. Apple Mac mini (M2, 2023)

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The Apple Mac mini might not be the smallest around, but for the sheer power relative to its size, it’s our pick for best mini PC. Packing the incredibly fast M2 and M2 Pro chips, the Mac mini (‘mini’ in lowercase, just to emphasize its compact form) is perfect for running basic office apps, browsing, right up to intensive creative tasks like photo and video editing. 

When it comes to performance, we had absolutely no issues with the Mac mini. It breezed through every task, every benchmark test, with results putting it not too far behind the similarly portable but not so mini MacBook Pro. The machine even offers good value for money for a mini PC, with prices around the $600 / £600 mark. If you’re not too concerned about the best processors, you can still occasionally find the M1 model, which is a very good alternative at a cheaper price. 

However, this is an Apple device - and an excellent entry-point into its closed ecosystem. But unlike most mini PCs, there’s no barebones option here, no upgrading the system, switching distros, or any other tinkering. This is for those who want a mini PC ready to go from day one. 

Read our full Apple Mac mini (M2, 2023) review .

Best mini PC on a budget

Beelink U59 Mini PC

2. Beelink U59 Mini PC

The Beelink U59 is a NUC-sized PC built around the Intel Celeron Processor N5105 (4C/4T, 4M Cache, 2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz). It can come with 8GB or 16GB of RAM and up to a 512GB SATA SSD installed.

Even with that modest silicon, the U59 performs well at basic tasks and has potential as a small office machine or for embedded applications. For 8GB customers, the RAM can be upgraded to 16GB, along with the M.2 SATA storage. There is also a bay inside for a 2.5-inch drive for even more storage options.

What seals this deal is the relatively low asking price of both the 8GB and 16GB models and the bloatware-free Windows 11 installation. Including dual HDMI outputs and dual gigabit LAN ports neatly positions the U59 for embedded use, ideal for providing product presentations or as a self-contained firewall.

The Beelink U59 is easily one of the better NUC-sized machines we’ve seen, and it’s cheap enough for even the tightest budgets.

Read our full Beelink U59 review

Best mini PC for the office

Geekom AS 6

3. Geekom AS 6

The AS 6 is a different beast compared to the AS 5. This NUC system might look identical from the outside, but the Zen 3+ processor and DDR5 in this system can deliver a dramatically improved performance.

Combining better bandwidth with DRR5 memory, a more power-efficient processor, a superior GPU and a PCIe 4.0 infrastructure, the AS 6 has almost everything going for it. If it has weaknesses, these include a noisy cooling system, all-plastic construction and the same Asus-designed interior layout where the motherboard is in two parts connected by a flexible ribbon cable.

However, it has USB 4.0, and the two 2280 M.2 NVMe slots are both Gen 4, allowing for plenty of performance storage to be added alongside a 2.5-inch SATA mechanism. Sadly, Geekom supplies the machine with only a Gen 3 NVMe drive, but swapping it for something faster is a relatively inexpensive and straightforward exercise.

With an asking price between $659 and $749, depending on the largely processor-optional SKU, this isn’t a cheap design, but it represents good value for a machine with 32GB of RAM and 1TB of storage as standard. For those wanting a high-performance NUC system that can take on most office challenges, the Geekom AS 6 is yet another practical option.

Read our full Geekom AS 6 review  

Best mini PC with a barebones option

GMKtec NucBox K1 Mini PC

4. GMKtec NucBox K1

One of the best things about mini PCs is their upgradeability - it’s one of the joys of owning them. And while you can pick up plenty of ‘barebones’ mini PCs, in our experience, the GMKtec NucBox K1 is particularly outstanding here. 

The ‘barebones’ option is cheap, but you’ll need to provide DDR5 memory, NVMe, operating system - as you’d expect. Preconfigured models run up to 32GB RAM and  1TB storage capacity. So, plenty of options available, whether you’re a PC fixer or just need something to run (almost) straight out the box. 

Like all the best mini PCs, it’s also an incredibly compact device. Easily one of the smallest NUCs we’ve tested, it’s not much larger than the motherboard it houses - without impacting performance. However, we would've liked to see more port selection - USB4.0 is great, but where's the Thunderbolt compatibility? 

Speaking of performance, the K1 did well - and vastly improved once we swapped out the single 16GB module of our review model for a couple of Crucial DDR5 4800 SODIMMs. It brought performance up to Ryzen 7 7735HS levels. If you don’t choose the ‘barebones’ or 32Gb versions, then make sure you pick up a second memory module for best performance. 

Read our full GMKtec NucBox K1 review  .

Best mini PC for creators

Mac Studio on wooden desk

5. Apple Mac Studio

If you’re a creative professional, the Apple Mac Studio is the best mini PC for you. A beefed-up version of the Mac mini, the Mac Studio is built from a single aluminum extrusion, with a square footprint of 7.7 inches and a height of 3.7 inches. 

In our tests, the Mac Studio performed beautifully. It easily handled 8K video editing and the advanced AI-powered photo editing tools in Adobe Photoshop . We even saw the Mac Studio load a detailed 3D scene that took up more memory than most discrete professional PC GPUs come with. And it did all this in near-silence. 

The bottom line is that you’re just not going to get another PC of this performance level in such a compact chassis. Its laser-like focus on creative professionals means it won’t be for everyone, but it packs plenty of ports, and if you want a powerful and compact creative mini PC, there’s a lot to love with the Apple Mac Studio. 

Read our full Apple Mac Studio review  

Best mini PC for performance

Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS

6. Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS

Those looking for the fastest NUC might head to the new Intel NUC 13 Pro, but that assumption might be premature. The Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS, as the name infers, is built around the latest AMD Ryzen 7000 mobile technology and can match or better the latest Intel 13th Gen silicon.

The AMD Ryzen 7000 series processor in this tiny computer has eight cores and can process sixteen threads, making it one of the most powerful small system platforms. Combined with 32GB of DDR5-4800, a Gen 4 NVMe drive and a chipset that includes Thunderbolt, a 2.5GbE LAN port and Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX2111, expect a very positive user experience. 

At the time of writing, there is only one SKU that comes with 32GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. However, these machines can be upgraded to 64GB and at least 2TB of storage through drop-in replacements. Dismantling the machine to add these upgrades could be easier, but it's something most users will only do once. Our only other complaint is that the single Thunderbolt port is on the front, whereas the rear might have been a better option for those with docking stations.

The power and efficiency of this platform are distinctive, and we expect to see many NUC makers embrace this new silicon to deliver new high-performance options. Beelink got its machine out early, and this is now a no-brainer for anyone needing a NUC for demanding jobs lesser hardware might struggle with. It does all this for around $300 less than the Intel NUC 13 Pro, making it a bargain.

Read our full Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS review  

Best mini PC for flexibility

Minisforum Venus NPB7

7. Minisforum Venus NPB7

A powerful mini PC packing a 13th Gen Intel Mobile chip, Minisforum Venus NPB7 is fast, modern (yes, there’s USB 4.0 and Thunderbolt), and beautifully designed with its attractive aluminum chassis. 

One of the big reasons why mini computers are popular is their upgradeability, letting you boost performance as better components become available. We like the flexibility on offer with the NPB7. It may not be the best mini PC with a ‘barebones’ option for upgradeability, but with incredibly easy access to the internals, it’s certainly worth considering if you enjoy tinkering.

During our benchmarking, we found performance was excellent - there’s no denying Intel’s processor is a beast, making short work of just about any task we tried. Even storage read/write speeds were respectable. Where the NPB7 falls down is in the graphics department. Not ideal, then, if you’re working on photo editing or other media creation and production. But for all other tasks, we found this mini PC to be exceptional. 

Read our full Minisforum Venus NPB7 review .

Best Intel mini PC

Intel NUC 13 Pro

8. Intel NUC 13 Pro

The latest, and arguably the greatest NUC yet. The Intel NUC 13 Pro takes the best silicon from the new 13th Gen mobile product lines and packages them in the classic Intel NUC cases.

What the customer gets is plenty of CPU performance with up to 12 threads and 64GB of RAM combined with Gen 4 NVMe storage and Thunderbolt 4 technology baked into the machine. Starting at around $320 for the Core-i3 models and going to over $1,000 for the top-of-the-range Core-i7 vPro processors, there is plenty of scope for both performance and price. All these machines are provided as ‘barebones’, meaning that you will need to provide RAM modules, NVMe storage and other peripherals (mouse, keyboard, screen, operating system, etc.) to make them fully operational.

In our testing, the NUC 13 Pro was much quicker at multithreaded tasks than its predecessors, but the performance of single-threaded benchmarks was only modestly better. The best aspects of the new NUC are the connectivity with Thunderbolt 4.0 and USB 3.2 ports and the near-silent operation.

The Intel NUC 13 Pro might not be the cheapest option for compact computing devices, but it is from a highly trusted source and offers the absolute cutting edge in NUC technology.

Read our full Intel NUC 13 Pro review  

Best mini PC for beginners

Geekom AS 5 Mini PC

9. Geekom AS 5

On paper, this looks like a very powerful NUC and a bargain price from Geekom. Based on the 2021 launched Ryzen 9 5900HX mobile processor, this tiny system comes in a single SKU with 32GB of RAM and 1TB of PCIe 3.0 NVMe storage.

The problem it faces is that it’s competing with systems that use either more recent Ryzen designs or the latest Intel 13th gen processors that use DDR5 memory. The DRR4 RAM in this design comes in copious amounts, but the bandwidth on offer is the Achilles heel of this platform, as it reduces the performance of the integrated Radeon RX Vega GPU.

All that said, this is a fully featured NUC system with three monitor outputs, seven USB ports and a 2.5GbE LAN port. Internally it has two M.2 2280 slots for storage, and a bay for a 2.5-inch SATA device, allowing it to be a tiny power-packed media system. If it weren’t for hardware like the Minisforum Venus NPB7 and the Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS, we’d be more impressed with a tiny computer with an eight-core and sixteen-thread CPU.

Still, at just over $600, this is plenty of mini PC for that investment, and it is a flexible solution that could easily be repurposed for one of many jobs.

Read our full Geekom AS 5 review  

Best mini PC for basics

Acemagic AD08 Mini PC

10. Acemagic AD08

The AD08 is built around an 11th Gen Intel Core-i9 processor and integrated UHD Graphics GPU to provide a platform that, in theory, has an eight-core and sixteen-thread capability.

The system is enclosed in an oddly wedge-shaped enclosure that is designed to sit on the desk rather than to be mounted on the rear of a monitor.

More colourful than most office PCs and with more of a game console vibe, the AD08 might look less out of place in a child's bedroom. But despite looking like a powerhouse on paper, the AD08 doesn’t perform that well when presented with tasks that require heavy multi-threading or raw GPU performance.

That it manages a multi-processing ratio of just 6.07 with sixteen threads might hint that the CPU doesn’t have the power budget or the thermal management to deliver its full potential. The GPU is also very lacklustre compared to the latest Intel Iris Xe integrated GPU, which is three times as fast in some operations.

Thankfully, Acemagic makes an AMD version of the same machine, the AM08 Pro, that has a Ryzen 9 processor and Radeon 680M GPU. It's not only cheaper but substantially quicker than the AD08. And, if you like this form factor, we’d recommend you get one of those.

Read our full Acemagic AD08 review

Best mini PC for conferencing rooms

GMKtec NucBox M2 Mini PC

11. GMKtec NucBox M2

GMKtec has a reputation for making good quality small systems that won’t break the bank, and the NucBox M2 is a prime example of precisely that.

Built around the Intel Core i7-11390H mobile platform, this tiny NUC-sized system is designed to sit on the edge of a desk or be monitor-mounted to provide access to office applications and other productivity tools, and it is available for under $400. That’s not for a barebones solution but a fully operational system with 16GB of RAM, 512GB of storage and Windows 11 pre-installed.

The highlights of this design are its metal case, easy access to the interior and relatively straightforward upgrades to memory and storage. It even has a spare M.2 2042 slot for adding additional space above that available through the main M.2 2280 slot.

What could have been better was the USB ports that are all blue in colour, though one is a USB 2.0, and both USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports are on the front and both Type-A ports. That the only USB-C port is Gen 1 was a definite oversight.

USB port confusion aside, this is a capable mini system that covers many of the typical roles these devices are used, but inexpensively. With its size and power, we found it ideal for conferencing rooms, but it could easily be used as a replacement desktop PC, media server, or firewall, to mention just a few.

Read our full GMKtec NucBox M2 review

Best mini PC workstation

Khadas Mind Portable Workstation

12. Khadas Mind

With so many brands simply turning out NUC clones, the Khadas Mind machine is a radical departure but not a cheap option. The processor platform is the same as Intel put in the NUC 13 Pro, providing this system with good performance for a machine with a mobile CPU and integrated GPU.

However, the designers of this system decided not to follow the NUC pattern and created a modular design with a proprietary Mind Link connection that extends the PCI Express bus to other components. Initially, the Mind Dock adds lots of ports, but without the bandwidth limitations of Thunderbolt or USB-C. The Mind Graphics module will attach a discrete graphics card when it becomes available.

The examples of the Khadas Mind base and Dock we got sent to review were stunningly engineered and made, demonstrating a level of engineering normally reserved for aircraft or space capsules.

The catch, as with anything this nicely made, is the price. Khadas makes the pricing more complicated by launching the system through Kickstarter. Those who pledge now are promised that the machines will ship in October, and discounts can be found for bundle purchasers.

This isn’t a cheap NUC solution, but it does offer the potential for enhanced performance in the future for those who like to gamble a little.

Read our full Khadas Mind review

Best mini PC for ports

GMKtec NucBox K2 Mini PC

13. GMKtec NucBox K2

Brother of the GMKtec M2, the K2 is an AMD NUC that uses the excellent Zen3+ architecture of the AMD Ryzen 7 7735HS. It is the same processor as the Beelink SER6 Pro 7735HS uses, an ideal choice for a powerful and quiet NUC.

What the K2 offers is a minimalist case design with easy access to the memory and storage for upgrades and an excellent selection of external ports. It has four 10Gbps USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports, a single USB 2.0 and a USB 4.0 Type-C port that doubles as a Thunderbolt port and can transfer data at up to 40Gbps. This NUC has the port selection for maximum flexibility and connectivity, almost bar none. With those options, the K2 would make a great media centre with external drives, but there aren’t many jobs this machine couldn’t handle. 

Internal access is via a lid that pulls off, and once inside, you can upgrade the RAM to 64GB and the M.2 slot to an NVMe of at least 4TB, and possibly bigger when they become available. The K2 is small, mostly silent and powerful for its tiny stature, and the only complaint we had with the review hardware was that it had a PCIe 3.0 NVMe pre-installed and not a PCIe 4.0 flavoured one.

Read our full GMKtec NucBox K2 Mini PC review  

Best mini PC for video editing

Minisforum UM790 Pro

14. Minisforum UM790 Pro

The Minisforum UM790 Pro Mini PC impresses with its compact design and powerful performance. Equipped with an AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS CPU and AMD Radeon 780M GPU, it excels in processor and graphics-intensive tasks, including gaming and 4K video editing. 

The machine's 32GB DDR5 dual-channel RAM (expandable to 64GB) and dual M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD slots (1TB installed) ensure fast data access and storage capacity. The UM790 Pro offers versatile connectivity, VESA mounting compatibility, and effective cooling. Its benchmark scores reflect its exceptional real-world performance, making it just as suitable for creative professionals and gamers as gentler office tasks. 

The design might be plain, but it's practical, emphasizing functionality. While priced in the midrange for a high-end mini PC, its strong performance and features justify the cost, appealing to those seeking powerful performance in a compact form.

Read our full Minisforum UM790 Pro review

Best mini PC for gaming

Acemagician AM08 Pro on a desk during our tests

15. Acemagician AM08 Pro

The Acemagician AM08 Pro AMD Ryzen 9 Mini PC stands out for its distinctive triangular design, gaming aesthetics, and solid performance. Ideal for content creators and gaming, it features an AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX CPU and AMD Radeon 680M GPU, and in our experience, it handles graphics-intensive tasks and gaming well. Its 16GB DDR5 RAM (upgradeable to 64GB) and 512GB M.2 PCIe NVME SSD (expandable to 2TB) provide more than enough memory and storage.

The machine excels in cooling efficiency and connectivity, offering Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, USB 3.2 Type-A and Type-C ports, and HDMI outputs. Its triple 4K display support caters to both gamers and creatives. The design might not appeal to everyone, but it's practical with accessible ports.

We ran multiple benchmarks and real-world scenarios which you can read in our review. But overall, the AM08 Pro effortlessly handled the lot, with a real proficiency for multitasking and resource-intensive applications. While pricier than some competitors, we really liked the build quality on show here. And its cooling, expandability, and versatile performance make it a great pick for those seeking a mini PC best-suited to demanding content creation tasks and gaming. 

Read our full Acemagician AM08 Pro review  

Best mini PC tower

Chuwi CoreBox 5th Mini PC

16. Chuwi CoreBox 5th

PC makers occasionally like to make cute miniature versions of recognizable hardware, and the Chuwi CoreBox 5th is a tiny mini tower, copying the previous CoreBox 4th. This styling makes the machine bigger than a typical NUC, but the extra space inside is occupied with an extensive cooling system and fan, delivering an almost silent system.

The only SKU sports a spritely Intel Core i5-13500H (12 cores, 16 threads), 16GB of DDR5 memory and a 512GB NMVe M.2 drive. While the CPU isn’t socketed, the memory and storage can both be upgraded, and it is possible to have 64GB of memory and 2TB of storage if desired.

The other desirable aspect of this design is that it has no less than seven USB ports, although they’re all USB 3.2 Gen 1, and there are no Gen 2 capable ports. It also has a 2.5GbE LAN port and WiFi6, providing plenty of potential for it to be a media server with external USB storage.

The Intel 13th-generation processor gives the Chuwi CoreBox 5th a significant performance edge over mini systems based on older architectures. However, it’s still not a match for the latest AMD Ryzen silicon used by other makers.

Read our full Chuwi CoreBox 5th Mini PC review  

Best mini PC with Intel i9 mobile chip

Geekom Mini IT13 Mini PC

17. Geekom Mini IT13

Geekom has a series of machines using the same case and general layout but different Intel chip generations. Therefore, on the outside, the Mini IT13 looks exactly like the IT12 and IT11, with the true differences being on the inside.

What makes this one stand out is that it uses the Intel Core i9-13900H (14 cores, 20 threads), one of the most powerful mobile chips Intel makes. From that standpoint alone, many people would be interested in the IT13, but before they rush off and buy one, there are a few caveats to this design that somewhat take the gloss off it.

For starters, we’ve seen faster machines, especially those using AMD Ryzen 7 and 9 CPUs, but we’ve also seen faster Intel-based mini PC systems. What all these high-performance machines had in common was DDR5 memory, whereas the IT13 only uses DDR4. That choice impacts the level of system bandwidth, which in turn limits GPU throughput.

As specifications go, this is an excellent unit, and the internal access allows for a good selection of upgrade options. But it isn’t as quick as the processor spec implies, making other machines in this series better value, and the asking price is on the high side. For even more higher performance, we recommend the similar but superior Geekom AS 6.

Read our full Geekom Mini IT13 review  

Best mini PC with NAS


18. T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3

The T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3 offers a unique blend of compact computing and network storage capabilities. In our tests, the AMD Ryzen 5 5500U processor proved to offer an excellent balance between price and performance for this style of machine. And while it might not be a powerhouse, it's a really versatile performer for everyday users.

We really like the design here, which seamlessly blends functionality and aesthetics, and a small footprint that makes it perfect for just about any workspace. But for us, the highlight feature is the provision for two 3.5-inch HDDs, which lets you rapidly expand storage expansion without altering this stylish mini PC. During our testing, we attached two inexpensive 500GB WD Green Drives, effectively quadrupling the storage size in under two minutes - no tools required. However, we did feel the build quality could be better here, as some flexing of the outer case was needed to correctly align all ports. 

While not designed for intensive tasks, its NAS feature and compact design make it suitable for home or small office setups. The T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3 is an interesting choice for users seeking computing power and network storage in a single device.

Read our full T-Bao MiniPC + NAS R3 review

Best mini PCs: FAQs

Are there different types of mini pc.

There is a lot of variety when it comes to mini PCs: various sizes are available and they are designed for various use cases. 

Some mini PCs are designed to lay flat under a desk while others have a unique vertical design that allows them to be placed on top of your desk next to your monitor and within arm's reach. You can also completely conceal them behind your monitor if they come with VESA mounting holes.

Today's best mini PCs are a great alternative to bulky full-size desktops and all-in-one systems for all kinds of uses: from administrative workers doing  data entry, to customer service specialists and call center offices, to creative professionals and students learning at home.

What is the best use of a mini PC?

Mini PCs excel at everyday tasks like web browsing, word processing, video streaming, and light gaming. You can easily connect them to your TV to play games and watch movies either via a platform like Netflix or through your own media server, with the effectively set acting as a monitor. With specs comparable to mid-range laptops, they don’t have the necessary CPU and GPU to run more resource-intensive apps and games. In those circumstances, it may be worth investing in high-spec devices like the best video editing laptops , which are built for heavy workloads. 

What are the disadvantages of a mini computer?

While the best mini PCs absolutely shine, they’re not without a few downsides. When it comes to specs, mini PCs pale in comparison to modern desktop computers and the very best laptops . While you shouldn't have trouble using most as a space-saving alternative to the best laptops for graphic design or the best laptops for photo editing , it can make it difficult to use hardware-intensive apps and processes, like any of the best video editing software . 

Upgrading those lower-specced internals is usually out of the question. Even some of the best mini PCs can't be expanded with better components (at least, not without some technical knowledge and skill). 

They also need to be run from the mains, so while they’re an excellent portable option, you lack the built-in batteries found in laptops. Due to their form, some users may also experience issues with overheating. Mini PCs also lack peripherals, from screens to optical drives. 

How much RAM do you need for a mini PC?

As with desktop computers and laptops, the best RAM is the most amount of RAM you can get within budget. It will make performance much more fluid, especially if you’re using the mini PC for a lot of tasks. We recommend a bare minimum of 8GB memory, although 16GB and above is preferred.  

Are mini PCs good for gaming?

It all depends on which games you want to play. The very best mini PCs can ably run lightweight or older games - in fact, many use them as emulators. However, they will typically struggle with newer games, like the triple-A offerings from the likes of Rockstar. They simply don’t have the required CPU and GPU to handle them. 

Can you connect a mini PC to a laptop?

Yes, you can connect your mini PC to a laptop and use it as a monitor - but it’s also easy, as many mini PCs lack the required HDMI ports to output to the laptop screen. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by using remote desktop software. 

Are the best mini PCs better than laptops?

It depends how you intend to use your mini computer. While both are highly portable, mini PCs are more so, with a far smaller surface area. If you’re working on the go, be aware of the sometimes limited battery life on laptops - if you’re usually running off the mains, a mini PC may be the better choice.

Laptops serve as a great all-in-one solution with everything you need to work and play. Accessories like the best office keyboards and the best monitors for a dual set-up are optional. They also come with a range of tech specs, with options for everyday computing tasks right up to the best gaming laptops . 

Like a traditional desktop computer, a mini PC is best when used in spaces with easy access to monitors (or TV), keyboards, and other peripherals on hand. For this reason, mini PCs are great for office use, allowing multiple users to access the device in a variety of locations. Cost is also a factor, as mini PCs tend to be cheaper than laptops.

How to choose the best mini PC for you

When choosing which mini PC is best for you, there are several factors to consider - but first, it's important to be sure a mini PC is right for your needs.

Mini PCs, sometimes known as think clients or NUCs, are ideal for light use, such as web browsing and video streaming. Some can even handle casual gaming sessions. But you won't find the raw power offered by the likes of the best mobile workstations .

Despite their name, mini PCs come in a range of sizes, from tiny machines like the Acemagician T8 Plus to the Apple Mac mini, which on the larger size. But they're all considerably smaller than a desktop, so if you're looking for a space-saver, they're ideal. You'll find plenty that even include a VESA mount for attaching the device to monitors to de-clutter the desk. 

If a mini PC is best, consider how you'll be using your machine. In addition to general computer usage, mini PCs have been used as media servers, games emulators, and much more. 

For smooth performance. a good CPU, GPU, and RAM are essential. We've included a selection of AMD- and Intel-powered thin clients here, all capable of delivering speed and performance for a range of uses. 

However, be sure to check your device's ports and connectivity. Some of the best mini PCs pack in plenty of Thunderbolt and USB ports, memory card slots, and HDMI connections, but some are less generous. If portability is a consideration, remember to check dimensions and weight. You'll find these details in our full mini PC reviews. 

How we test the best mini PCs

We've tested thousands of devices, from the best photo editing PCs to best business monitors , including small form NUCs and thin clients. 

A lot of time and care goes into selecting the best mini PCs. Appliance-type mini-PCs often have a metal enclosure to help with passive cooling and more than one wired Gigabit Ethernet port. The best mini PCs are perfect for leaving unattended in a small network cabinet, rack, or locker, where they can be used as fixed-function mini-servers, such as a firewall for an office network or file storage for a small shop.

There's also a class of mini PCs that are small. These range from palm-sized to slightly more significant than a thumb drive, often with an HDMI male connector and built to be attached to the back of a TV or monitor for entertainment or web browsing on a big screen.

As such, selecting a mini PC is no easy task. First, we had to filter them based on size. We started from the tiniest ones, the thumb drive-sized PCs, up to the palm-sized devices, then moving to the TV-box-sized machines. In each size jump, we looked for the usage scenarios for each based on the capabilities of the CPU and amount of RAM and included ports, then we weeded out the ones with sub-par specs; this removed several dozen entries with the same Celeron CPUs and low RAM.

Once we got to the higher-spec entries, the winners started to show up either by expansion capabilities, unique features, or suitability for the purpose. Final filtering by brand name and support considerations is how we ended up with our selection of picks for the best mini PC for home and office.  

As such, when testing which mini PC is best, we study several key areas. This includes build quality and form-factor - we want to see a robust machine, and the best materials available for the cost. This is especially true with mini PCs, as they're designed to be easily carried and used in multiple locations. 

We explore the internal specs of each device, and how they compare with some of the other best mini PCs on the market. As part of this process, we also assess the upgradability of the device - from the options on offer to the ease of creating your perfect mini PC. This includes benchmarking performance of the CPU, GPU, and RAM. We're not necessarily looking for the most powerful mini PC. But we want to see suitable performance relative to a range of uses and budgets.

Ports and connectivity are another area where we look at what's on offer - and how it compares with rival devices. Not everyone will need Thunderbolt 4, but we expect to see adequate slots on a mini PC to increase functionality and flexibility. 

Price is always a consideration. Depending on how you use it, the most expensive mini PC you can buy may not offer genuine value for money. We've curated a selection of mini PCs here, from premium machines to the cheapest mini PC with great performance.

You can read more about our comprehensive testing methods in our guide How we test laptops and desktops: Our review process explained .

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Steve Clark

Steve is TechRadar Pro’s B2B Editor for Creative & Hardware. He explores the apps and devices for individuals and organizations that thrive on design and innovation. A former journalist at Web User magazine, he's covered software and hardware news, reviews, features, and guides. He's previously worked on content for Microsoft, Sony, and countless SaaS & product design firms. Once upon a time, he wrote commercials and movie trailers. Relentless champion of the Oxford comma.

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MINISFORUM Venus Series NPB7 Mini PC, 13th Gen Core i7-13700H Small Computer, 32G DDR5+512G PCIe4.0 SSD, 2X HDMI(4K)+2X USB4(8K) Output, 2X 2.5G RJ45 Port, 4X USB3.2 Small Form Factor

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MINISFORUM Venus Series NPB7 Mini PC, 13th Gen Core i7-13700H Small Computer, 32G DDR5+512G PCIe4.0 SSD, 2X HDMI(4K)+2X USB4(8K) Output, 2X 2.5G RJ45 Port, 4X USB3.2 Small Form Factor

About this item.

  • 【Excellent Performance】The MINISFORUM NPB7 Mini PC is equipped with Intel 13th Gen Core i7-13700H(14 cores/20 threads/up to 5.0GHz) Processor. With Intel Iris Xe Graphics eligible (the graphics frequency up to 1.50GHz), it offers an excellent performance of Internet and Office applications, Monitors, Projects and TVs.
  • 【8K@60Hz Output】 This i7 Mini PC is Equipped with 2x HDMI (4K@60Hz) and 2x USB4 (8K@60Hz) Outputs, you can connect ultra HD screens to 4 displays at the same time. Increase work efficiency by expanding multiple workspaces. With the special USB4 port, you could take advantage of high speed data transfer and can enhance the graphics function.
  • 【Large and Expandable Capacity】This Mini Computer comes with DDR5 16GBx2 memory+ M.2 2280 1TB PCIe 4.0 SSD storage (up to 2TB). It supports ultra-high speed PCIe 4.0 SSD, the read and write speed is about 4 times faster than SATA SSD, the operating system and games will run faster. It also equipped with one 2.5-inch SATA HDD (SATA 3.0 6.0Gb/s) slots, you can easily store movies/digital camera photos without worrying about running out of space.
  • 【2.5G RJ45 Port】With 2.5Gbps dual LAN ports, it expands its functions and improved performance of computer to a large extent and allow you to use more networks such as software routers, firewalls, NAT, network isolation etc. 2.5Gbps LAN is applied in various scenes such as homes, offices, large enterprises, high-speed applications and high-speed broadband environments. Measured read&write speeds for gigabit networks are around 120MB/s. 2.5Gbps LAN can achieve 2.5 times faster read/write speed.
  • 【Package Contents】 1x NPB7 Mini PC, 1x HDMI cable, 1x US Power Adapter, 1x Manual, 1x SATA cable for 2.5" HDD.

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Compare with similar items, what's in the box.

  • 1x NPB7 Mini PC
  • 1x HDMI Cable
  • 1x Mount Support
  • 1x US Power Adapter

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NPB7 Mini PC- Make everyting easier


Product Description


Easy to upgrade the storage


How to Upgrade the Storage

mini pc

Open the top cover

Press and open the top cover, which is very easy.


Expand the RAM

The mini pc has pre-installed with 32GB RAM(16x2).


Expand the SSD

The 512GB PCIe4.0 SSD has been pre-installed, you need to replace it by the larger one.


Install HDD

The 2.5 inch SATA HDD slot is available, you could install it directly. Please note the thickness is within 7mm.

NPB7 Mini PC has rich interfaces to simplify your work

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CPU : Intel Core i5-10400F 6-Core 2.9 GHz

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Storage : NVMe M.2 SSD 1 TB

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Motherboard Support : Mini-ITX

Front I/O : 2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A / 1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C / 1x Headset Audio Jack

Operating System : Windows 10 Home

Processor Brand : Intel

Model : i5-10400F

Processor Speed (Base) : 2.9 GHz

Number of Cores : 6

Model : GeForce® RTX™ 3060 Ti

Chipset Manufacturer : NVIDIA

Model : Team T-Force Vulcan Z

Capacity : 16 GB (2 x 8 GB)

Speed : 3200 MHz (max speed)

Interface : DDR4

Primary Storage

Model : Product brand may vary

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Wattage : 750 W

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Rating : 80+ Gold

Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts : 2 years

Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor : 2 years

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Test du Nipogi AD08 : mini-PC élégant avec Core i7-12650H, design mini-tour, et trois modes d'alimentation

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Le choix de mini-PC destinés au travail de bureau quotidien, sur place ou à domicile, ne cesse de s'étoffer. Le Nipogi AD08, cependant, est un appareil assez intéressant, qui attire l'attention par son apparence étonnante. Visuellement, l'AD08 rappelle les PC tours conventionnels et, par conséquent, il est tout sauf grand et encombrant. À l'intérieur, il abrite un Intel Core i7-12650H de la série Alder-Lake. Vous devrez vous contenter d'une mémoire vive DDR4, mais le fabricant l'a dotée d'une généreuse capacité de 32 Go. Le PC est équipé d'un SSD NVMe de 512 Go, ce qui sera probablement suffisant pour la plupart des utilisateurs de bureau.

Actuellement, vous pourriez être en mesure de trouver le Nipogi AD08 pour aussi peu que 460 $ US. En général, nous ne pouvons pas dire grand-chose sur le prix de l'appareil, car la concurrence peut généralement être obtenue pour un montant similaire. Néanmoins, nous pouvons affirmer avec certitude que son prix de vente conseillé d'environ 740 dollars est trop élevé à nos yeux. L'une des particularités du Nipogi est son éclairage RGB ainsi que sa capacité à vous permettre de modifier les performances du processeur en cours d'utilisation via une molette de contrôle. Dans notre test, nous aborderons plus en détail les trois modes (silencieux, automatique et performance).

Dans le cadre de cet examen, nous avons sélectionné une série de PC de bureau compacts similaires pour servir d'éléments de comparaison. Vous trouverez une vue d'ensemble dans le tableau suivant.

Comparaison avec les concurrents potentiels

Le nipogi ad08 en détail.

NiPoGi AD08

L'extérieur de l'appareil rappelle une tour de PC. Avec une hauteur de seulement 19 centimètres, le Nipogi AD08 est très compact et peut facilement être placé sur votre bureau. La qualité de construction est bonne, bien que les matériaux utilisés soient limités au plastique, ce qui signifie que nous n'avons pas apprécié la sensation du PC autant que d'autres appareils. Pour accéder à la RAM ou au SSD, le côté droit du boîtier (vu de face) peut être retiré facilement. Malheureusement, le fabricant n'a pas prévu de solution aussi simple de l'autre côté, ce qui simplifierait grandement le nettoyage des ventilateurs.


Le Nipogi AD08 dispose d'une sélection simple de ports externes. Ils sont répartis à l'avant et à l'arrière de l'appareil. Au total, il dispose de quatre ports USB de type A, ce qui devrait suffire à la plupart des utilisateurs. Les écrans peuvent être connectés via les deux ports HDMI installés à l'arrière ou via la connexion USB-C à l'avant. Le PC n'est pas équipé de ports USB4 ou Thunderbolt.

Façade : prise jack 3,5 mm, 2x USB 3.2 Type-A, USB Type-C


Module WLAN

Nipogi a installé un module Wi-Fi 6 de Realtek dans l'AD08 Pro. Ce modèle fonctionne avec les bandes de fréquences 2,4 GHz et 5 GHz et, lors de notre test, il n'a obtenu que des performances moyennes. Nous ne qualifierions toutefois pas ces résultats de mauvais, car ils sont plus que suffisants pour une utilisation quotidienne. Pour notre test, nous avons utilisé notre Asus ROG Rapture GT-AXE11000 comme routeur de test. L'AD08 offre des connexions de données légèrement plus rapides via son port LAN. Vous pouvez ainsi atteindre des vitesses de transfert de données allant jusqu'à 1 GBit/s.


Le PC Nipogi peut être ouvert sur le côté droit sans aucun outil. Cependant, par cette entrée, vous ne pouvez accéder qu'aux composants déjà installés tels que la RAM et le SSD. Le module WLAN se trouve plus loin à l'intérieur et n'est pas accessible directement. Il en va de même pour l'unité de refroidissement. Ce n'est toutefois pas un problème majeur, car toutes les vis sont facilement accessibles. Dans la configuration actuelle, il y a de la place pour un autre périphérique de stockage.

Le Nipogi AD08 avec un côté ouvert

Performances - Alder Lake H avec 10 cœurs

Le Nipogi AD08 est bien équipé avec son Intel Core i7-12650H si vous gardez à l'esprit les usages auxquels il est destiné. Sa mémoire vive de 32 Go DDR4 est abondante et vous n'aurez probablement pas besoin d'une mise à niveau rapide.


Conditions d'essai

Nous avons utilisé le profil énergétique "performance maximale" pour tous nos tests de performance. Nous n'avons dérogé à cette règle que lors des mesures de la puissance et des émissions sonores, conformément à nos critères d'essai. En outre, il convient de noter que nous avons effectué tous les tests de performance en utilisant les trois modes différents "silencieux", "auto" et "performance".

Intel Core i7-12650H (source : Nipogi)

Le Nipogi AD08 est équipé d'un processeur Intel Core i7-12650H . Le SoC dispose d'un total de dix cœurs de calcul natifs et peut traiter 16 threads à la fois. Lors de notre test, nous avons constaté des performances solides, mais pas suffisantes pour battre le Nipogi AD08 Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 . Le système de refroidissement du concurrent semble être plus efficace, ce qui a permis au processeur d'offrir des performances légèrement supérieures. Dans la comparaison combinée de tous les benchmarks du processeur, notre échantillon de test n'est cependant que 4 % derrière. L'utilisation des modes "auto" et "silencieux" entraîne un ralentissement notable de l'Intel Core i7-12650H. Malgré cela, les performances du processeur sont suffisantes pour les tâches quotidiennes.

Pour d'autres comparaisons et benchmarks, consultez notre Tableau comparatif des processeurs .

Cinebench R15

* ... Moindre est la valeur, meilleures sont les performances

Le Nipogi AD08 pendant la boucle multiple de Cinebench R15

La boucle continue de Cinebench R15 nous donne un aperçu de l'efficacité du système de refroidissement installé. En utilisant les différents modes, vous pouvez constater que la valeur PL2 du SoC n'a été maintenue que pendant une courte période, tandis que les limites de puissance définies sont restées stables au fil du temps. Par rapport au Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 notre échantillon de test a dû s'avouer vaincu. Il y avait 200 points d'écart entre les deux appareils après 50 essais.

Mesures du processeur pendant la boucle Cinebench R15

Performance du système

Le Nipogi AD08 a maîtrisé les tests synthétiques qui prennent en compte les performances du système. En revanche, la concurrence est assez forte, ce qui l'a conduit à n'obtenir qu'une place moyenne dans le test PCMark 10. Le test Crossmark s'est légèrement mieux déroulé avec les processeurs Intel qu'avec les processeurs AMD. Notre appareil de test a, une fois de plus, obtenu des résultats moyens sans subir de coup dur. Par souci d'exhaustivité, nous avons également effectué tous ces tests en utilisant les modes d'alimentation alternatifs. Les valeurs obtenues étaient légèrement inférieures, mais cela ne devrait pas avoir d'incidence significative sur votre travail quotidien.

Latences DPC

LatencyMon a déjà montré des latences élevées lors de l'ouverture de plusieurs onglets dans Edge. En revanche, ces latences n'ont pas augmenté lors de la lecture de notre vidéo de test 4K. Prime95 n'a pas non plus fait augmenter les latences par rapport à ce qui avait été initialement documenté.

Latences maximales lors de l'ouverture de plusieurs onglets de navigateur et de la lecture de vidéos 4K

Dispositifs de stockage

SSD Netac (512 GB)

Notre échantillon de test est équipé d'un SSD de 512 Go de Netac. Il utilise l'emplacement M.2 du PC et est connecté via PCIe-3.0 x4. Les différents modes de performance n'ont pas d'influence notable sur les performances du SSD installé. En fin de compte, il ne peut pas se targuer de taux de transfert extrêmement élevés, ce qui explique que notre échantillon de test ait occupé l'une des dernières places. Cependant, il ne devrait pas y avoir de différences notables dans le cadre d'une utilisation quotidienne normale. Outre le SSD M.2 préinstallé, le PC peut accueillir un autre périphérique de stockage de 2,5 pouces.

Pour d'autres comparaisons et benchmarks, jetez un coup d'œil à notre tableau comparatif .


Reading continuous performance: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8

Carte graphique.

Dans le cadre du programme Intel Core i7-12650H l'unité graphique intégrée Intel UHD Graphics avec 64 UE se charge de l'affichage des images. Du point de vue des performances, vous ne devriez faire confiance à ce modèle que pour l'affichage 2D. Pour des utilisations plus exigeantes en 3D, l'iGPU du processeur est tout simplement trop faible. Une AMD Radeon 780M offre de bien meilleures performances - ce modèle peut être trouvé dans le Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX par exemple.

Pour d'autres comparaisons et benchmarks, consultez notre tableau comparatif des GPU Cartes graphiques mobiles - indice de référence .

Performances des jeux

En raison de ses performances 3D limitées, le Nipogi AD08 n'est que partiellement adapté aux jeux. Il est possible d'atteindre des taux de rafraîchissement acceptables dans des jeux plus anciens ou moins exigeants, mais vous devrez très probablement réduire les paramètres de détail pour y parvenir. Si vous accordez plus d'importance aux performances 3D, regardez de plus près le Miniforum EliteMini UM780 XTX . Son iGPU, la AMD Radeon 780M est bien plus performant. Vous pouvez également consulter le Minisforum HX77G ou le Minisforum NUCXi7 ou le Acemagic Tank03 . Ces appareils offrent d'excellentes performances de jeu grâce à leurs cartes graphiques dédiées.

Nipogi AD08 performance mode

Émissions - bruyantes ou silencieuses à vous de choisir , émissions sonores.

Lors de nos mesures d'émissions sonores, nous avons principalement examiné les émissions en mode performance, car c'est ce mode qui sert de base à notre évaluation. Au début, le Nipogi AD08 a fonctionné assez silencieusement, bien qu'il n'ait jamais été totalement silencieux. En charge, nous avons noté des émissions élevées allant jusqu'à 51,7 dB(A) qui, en temps voulu, se sont équilibrées à 45,8 dB(A). Comme le processeur a une faible consommation d'énergie en charge permanente, ses émissions sonores ont diminué pendant ces mesures par rapport à ce que nous avons constaté en charge moyenne. Les modes de performance alternatifs montrent en outre que le Nipogi AD08 peut fonctionner encore plus silencieusement. Le mode Auto semble offrir un bon compromis entre les performances et les émissions sonores.

Nipogi AD08 - Performance

Degré de la nuisance sonore

Nipogi AD08 - Auto

Nipogi ad08 - silent, température.

Le boîtier du Nipogi AD08 ne chauffe que légèrement en mode ralenti et en charge, et à aucun moment il n'a atteint des températures critiques pendant notre test. Seule la face arrière présentait une source de chaleur perceptible près de la sortie du ventilateur.

Le processeur lui-même n'a atteint qu'une température maximale de 83 °C pendant le test de stress. Cependant, cette valeur n'a été maintenue que pendant une courte période et sa consommation d'énergie est retombée à la valeur prédéfinie de 45 watts au cours du test. Cela signifie que le système de refroidissement fonctionne efficacement et qu'en moyenne, la température de l'Intel Core i5-12650H s'est équilibrée à 70 °C dans ce scénario.

Épreuve d'effort Prime95, en solo

Heat distribution on the sides in performance mode

Consommation électrique.

Malheureusement, le Nipogi AD08 n'est pas le système mini PC le plus frugal. Même en mode veille, notre appareil de mesure affiche entre 14 et 28,7 watts. Tous les concurrents dans ce domaine de comparaison ont fourni de meilleures valeurs. En charge, le bloc d'alimentation (qui est censé fournir jusqu'à 120 watts) doit fournir environ 100 watts. En charge moyenne, le PC n'a besoin que de 77 watts, soit à peu près au même niveau que le Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 .

Le Nipogi AD08 avec son alimentation de 120 watts

Power consumption with external monitor

Points positifs, points négatifs, verdict - un ordinateur de bureau attrayant pour la maison.

Examen du Nipogi AD08 : échantillon de test fourni par Nipogi

Le Nipogi AD08 est un PC compact qui, visuellement, rappelle un PC tour. Grâce à sa compacité, le mini-PC trouve facilement sa place sur votre bureau. En outre, son éclairage élégant fait de l'AD08 un régal pour les yeux. En même temps, vous pouvez désactiver l'éclairage s'il n'est pas à votre goût. Les performances de l'Intel Core i7-12650H sont bonnes, mais pas tout à fait au même niveau que celles du Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 équipé du même processeur. Le mini PC se distingue par sa capacité à ralentir ou à augmenter ses performances en cours d'utilisation. Souvent, il suffit d'utiliser le Nipogi AD08 en mode silencieux, car avec dix unités de calcul natives, le SoC offre suffisamment de réserves même avec une consommation d'énergie réduite. De plus, vos oreilles sont un peu protégées, car en mode performance, l'AD08 peut être assez bruyant.

Le Nipogi AD08 est un PC de bureau visuellement attrayant pour un usage domestique, avec un design de tour compacte. Cependant, en termes d'émissions, le Nipogi AD08 ne peut pas rivaliser avec la concurrence.

Ses 32 Go de RAM et son SSD de 512 Go font de ce PC un appareil solide pour un usage domestique. Si vous examinez de plus près ses options de connectivité, vous remarquerez que ses concurrents disposent généralement de connexions Thunderbolt à l'épreuve du temps qui élargissent considérablement les possibilités d'utilisation de l'appareil. Malheureusement, le Nipogi AD08 ne peut pas en bénéficier, ce qui signifie que nous recommandons le PC uniquement pour le travail à domicile. Du point de vue du prix, l'appareil n'est pas non plus le moins cher. Ses concurrents sont souvent moins chers et plus performants. A l'heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, le Nipogi AD08 ne trouvera pas facilement sa place dans le panier des acheteurs potentiels.

Prix et disponibilité

Le Nipogi AD08 peut être acheté directement sur la boutique en ligne de Nipogi. Actuellement, l'appareil est disponible pour environ 740 USD.

NiPoGi AD08 - 2024-01-02 01/02/2024 v7 Sebastian Bade


The present review sample was given to the author by the manufacturer free of charge for the purposes of review. There was no third-party influence on this review, nor did the manufacturer receive a copy of this review before publication. There was no obligation to publish this review.

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  • Débroussailleuse et coupe-bordure
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  • Lame scie circulaire - Disqueuse
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  • Pompe à eau
  • Scie de forage
  • Scies sauteuses
  • Serres-câbles
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  • Tondeuse à gazon
  • Tronçonneuse
  • Visseuses électriques et visseuses à percussion
  • Nouveaux produits
  • PC / Tablette
  • PC de bureau

Wortmann AG TERRA PC-BUSINESS 5000 i5-12400 Mini Tour Intel® Core™ i5 8 Go DDR4-SDRAM 500 Go SSD Windows 11 Pro Blanc

Wortmann AG TERRA PC-BUSINESS 5000 i5-12400 Mini Tour Intel® Core™ i5 8 Go DDR4-SDRAM 500 Go SSD Windows 11 Pro Blanc

  • Stock: En Stock
  • Modèle: EU1009803
  • EAN: 4039407076024
  • État du produit: Neuf


Wortmann ag terra pc-business 5000 i5-12400 mini tower intel® core™ i5 8 go ddr4-sdram 500 go ssd windows 11 pro blanc (eu1009803)..

  • Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
  • Intel Core i5-12400 (18MB Cache, 2.5GHz)
  • 8GB (3200MHz) DDR4-SDRAM (1 x 8) & 500GB SSD


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