Test av barnesykler

Enten sykkelen skal brukes til skolen, fotballtreningen eller til tur og trening i skogen, bør barnesykler være robuste og samtidig lette å sykle med. men hvor mange gir er ideelt trengs dempegaffel og skivebremser på barnesykkelen les test av barnesykler og få råd om valg av både nye og brukte barnesykler..


Små barnesykler til de minste

Sykler med 20-tommers hjul, sykler med 24-tommers hjul, hva koster en god barnesykkel, ett eller flere tannhjul til barnesykkel, slik har vi testet barnesykler.

En god sykkel kan fort utgjøre forskjellen mellom entusiastisk sykkelglede og enda flere timer med Minecraft eller Roblox.  

Barnesykkelen bør være enkel å bruke, slik at syklisten kan konsentrere seg om trafikken og syklingen. Den bør være enkle å reparere og justere for foreldre som ikke har masse erfaring som sykkelmekanikere.

barnesykkel trek

De aller minste barnesyklene har 12 tommers hjul. De brukes fra 2-3 årsalderen, gjerne i kombinasjon med støttehjul. Mange velger løpesykkel eller balansesykkel i stedet.

Det finnes også sykler med 14-tommers hjul, men enda flere sykler med 16-tommers hjul som passer fra 4-5-årsalderen. Dette er gjerne den første sykkelen barnet kan håndtere uten støttehjul. Den bør være lett, letthåndterlig og med gode bremser, men det er ikke vanlig med gir. 


Når sykkelen får med 20-tommers hjul, innebærer ofte det første møtet med gir. Den passer vanligvis aldersgruppen 6-8 år. Du finner modeller spesielt rettet mot terrengsykling.

Trek Superfly 20 vant testen forrige gang vi tester barnesykler i denne kategorien.

Blant syklene med 24-tommers hjul er utvalget enda større . Disse syklene brukes av barn i alderen 8-12 år. Her kan du få dempegafler, skivebremser og et stort utvalg av gir.

Litt mer avanserte barnesykler er ikke ensbetydende at de er veldig dyre.

I vår test av barnesykler til under 6000 kroner, ble White XC 24" kåret til testvinner, på grunn av flott ramme med smarte løsninger som vi kjenner fra voksensykler. I tillegg har de kraftige skivebremser, allsidige terrengdekk som gjør at de kan brukes på ulikt underlag, og godt sete.

Frog 62 er en annen og lett sykkel med smalere dekk, som kan være aktuelt om syklingen stort sett foregår på asfaltveier og sjeldnere på grus og sti.

Syklene i denne testen koster mindre enn 6000 kroner. Som kjøper av barnesykler kan det være verdt å betale for god kvalitet, samtidig er det verdt å tenke på at sykkelen kan selges videre på bruktmarkedet for en OK sum, hvis den blir godt tatt vare på.

Det er naturligvis fullt mulig å bruke enda flere tusenlapper på barnesykler til ivrige juniorsyklister.

Sykkelprodusentene har de siste årene fokusert mer på å tilby gode barnesykler som ikke veier alt for mye, og som er tilpasset barns kropper og fysiologi.

Det er ikke kjempestor forskjell på vekt på syklene, ut fra testen av 24-tommers sykler. Det er større forskjell på hvilke grep som er gjort når det kommer til lengde på krankarmer, antall gir og hvor godt gir- og bremsehendlene passer til små hender. 

To av syklene, Diamant og White har hydrauliske skivebremser. Dette gir trygg og forutsigbar bremsing. I tillegg er skivebremser tilnærmet vedlikeholdsfrie, og krever veldig lite justering etter hvert som bremseklossene blir slitt. Under normal bruk vil hydrauliske skivebremser kunne være vedlikeholdsfrie i minst et år.

Sykkelen fra Superior er den eneste vi har testet med dempegaffel. Det legger på noe vekt og er mer utsatt for slitasje enn en stiv gaffel. Om barnet opptatt av å sykle på stier med røtter og steiner, så kan dempergaffelen ha sin funksjon. Noen vil så klart også synes det ser tøft ut med en slik gaffel på sykkelen.

Syklene fra Gekko og Xeed tre tannhjul på kranken. Alle de andre syklene har ett enkelt drev på kranken og kun gir i bakhjulet, og dermed også kun girspaker- eller vrider på høyre side av styret. 

Ett tannhjul i kranken er forlengst blitt den foretrukne løsningen på terrengsykler for voksne. Da kombineres det ene tannhjulet gjerne med 11 eller 12-tannhjul i kassetten, slik at sykkelen får 11-12 gir med stort spenn. Akkurat som for oss voksne er det lettere for barn å forholde til seg færre gir og kun girspaker på en side av styret.

Vi skulle aller helst ha ønsket at også barnesyklene ble utstyrt med kassetter med større spenn mellom tyngste og letteste gir, og gjerne 10,11 eller 12 gir, enn de syklene som vi har testet hittil. Dyrere barnesykler vil ha denne mer moderne løsningen. 

Mange barn vil kunne ha problemer med å mestre det å gire på både krank og i bakhjulet. Ofte ender barnet opp konstant syklende med kjedet på det minste tannhjulet på kranken.

Løsningen med tre tannhjul på kranken vil være mer utsatt for at kjedet hopper av, også være mer utsatt for at bukseben og skolisser setter seg fast i kjedet.

Vær også obs på at det å justere frontgir så det fungerer helt bra kan være en ganske krevende og tidvis frustrerende øvelse for selv en nevenyttig forelder. 

test av barnesykkel

Testen har blitt utført ved at seks barn mellom 8 og 10 år har syklet på alle syklene både på asfalt, grusveier og enklere stier. 

Hovedansvarlig har vært utstyrsredaktør Øyvind Aas, som også er sykkelekspert i Terrengsykkel og Landevei . Han er selv tobarnsfar og har parallelt vurdert syklenes kvaliteter og løsninger.  

Alle abonnement gir full tilgang til hele vårt digitale univers. Det inkluderer UTE,

Terrengsykkel, Fri Flyt, Klatring, Landevei og Jeger sine nettsider, app og e-magasin.

Abonnementene fornyes automatisk og kan sies opp når som helst, men senest før perioden utløper.

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Test av White XC 240 Lite

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Gode skivebremser

Lettbetjente gir

Solide kvalitetskomponenter

Store pedaler

Smart vaier/slangeføring

Supre holker

Egentlig ingen

Pris: 4499 kroner

Vekt: 10,5 kilo

Akselavstand: 992 cm

Krankhøyde:  26,3 cm

Krankarmlengde:  140 cm

Minimum setehøyde:  40 cm

Maksimal setehøyde:  59 cm

Avstand fra sete til stem:  50,5 cm

Antall gir: 8

Testår: 2022

Diamant Ultra 24 Disc

Lavt overrør

Passe grove dekk

Robust konstruksjon

Korte krankarmer

Små, skarpe pedaler

Kunne hatt 8 gir

Diamant Ultra 24 Disc

Pris: 4999 kroner

Vekt: 10,1 kilo

Akselavstand: 99 cm

Krankhøyde: 27 cm

Krankarmlengde 14 mm

Minimum setehøyde: 44 cm

Maksimal setehøyde: 61,5 cm

Avstand fra sete til stem: 49,5 cm

Antall gir: 7

FARGESPRAKENDEN: Xeed XC R Jr 24 kommer også i en vinrød farge.

Ganske lett

Setet kan settes høyt

Mange gir kan være fordel for større barn

Gode bremser

Tungt å gire, venstrevrideren må vris langt for å skifte gir

Enkle plastpedaler

Holkene løsnet med en gang

Eksponerte hjullager

Dårlig beskyttelse på krankdrev

Mange gir kan lett bli krevende å bruke for barn

Pris: 3790 kroner

Vekt: 10,3 kilo

Akselavstand: 100 cm

Krankhøyde: 27,6 cm

Krankarmlengde 152 cm

Minimum setehøyde: 43 cm

Maksimal setehøyde: 59 cm

Avstand fra sete til stem: 50 cm

Antall gir: 24

Test av gekko fast 24

Veldig lett

God å gire med

Kommer i mange farger

Ruller lett

Smal og kort krank

Ordentlig skruholker

Smalt styre

Hardt å gire fra 1. til 2. gir

Litt smale dekk

Bremsene subbet fra start

Pris: 5100 kroner

Vekt: 9,8 kilo

Krankhøyde: 27,8 cm

Krankarmlengde 12,7 cm

Minimum setehøyde: 40,5 cm

Maksimal setehøyde: 57,5 cm

Avstand fra sete til stem: 50,4 cm

Relevante artikler og tester

LEKKER: Gekko Fast Run er lett og lekker. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Gekko Fast Run

STILIG: Xeed XC JR har et tøft utseende og mange kvaliteter, men noen snarveier kunne vi vært foruten. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Xeed XC JR 24

GOD DESIGN: Scott Jr Scale 24 har gjennomført design og finish. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Scott JR Scale 24

GJENNOMFØRT: Frog 62 er gjennomført og lett sykkel. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Frog 62

LETT: Diamant Ultra 24 er en lett sykkel som har sine sterkeste sider på grus og asfalt. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Diamant Ultra 24

VELLYKKET: Merida Vasa er en svært vellykket sykkel og er klar for de fleste utfordringer. Foto: Audun Holmøy Røhrt

Test av Merida Vasa Race 24

White MTB Lite. Foto: Erlend Sande

Test av White MTB Lite

Merida Dino J16 Light. Foto: Erlend Sande

Test av Merida Dino J16 Light

barnesykkel trek

Test av Superior XC 24 Jr

Foreslått innhold.

lære barna å sykle

Sykkelutstyr for barn

oppgradering barnesykkel terrengsykkel barn

Slik kan du gjøre barnesykkelen bedre

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Utemagasinet.no utgis av Fri Flyt AS | Postboks 1185 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo

Ansvarlig redaktør og daglig leder:  Anne Julie Saue  | Redaktør:  David Andresen Vesteng  | Journalist: Gunhild Aaslie Soldal | Tips til redaksjonen

Kommersiell leder: Alexander Hagen

Sykkelbua Vinstra

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Gratis frakt fra første krone! ⚡ (gjelder også sykler)

Trek Wahoo 24 Anthracite - Sykkelbua Vinstra

Trek Wahoo 24 Anthracite

kr  5,699

Wahoo 24 er en lett, enkel, og praktisk hybridsykkel for barn, som gjør det enkelt for barnet ditt å få det meste ut av hver eneste sykkeltur. Denne allsidige sykkelen er bygget for brukervennlighet: den er lett, takler en rekke underlag, og utstyrt med 1×8 drivverk og bred girutveksling for alle steder barnet ditt sykler. For barn fra 8-12 år, mellom 128 og 148 cm

Passer for deg hvis… Du vet at sykling handler om å ha det gøy, og du vil at barnet ditt skal ha en bra sykkel som er enkel å kontrollere, enkle å sykle på og allsidig. Enten du sykler med familien eller pendler til skolen om morgenen, leverer Wahoo den ene fine turen etter den andre.

Teknologien du får Lett ramme av Alpha Aluminum som er lett for barna å løfte opp og manøvrere, dekk med grep på mange underlag, og et 1×8 drivverk som forenkler girskiftene så barna kan fokusere på det som betyr noe: ha det gøy!

Det siste ord Wahoo er en allround barnesykkel med topp allroundegenskaper. Den er lett, praktisk, bygget for å være enkel å bruke og veldig morsom å sykle på. Pluss at den er superenkel å utstyre så barnet ditt kan gjøre den til sin egen!

Trek Wahoo 24 Anthracite - Sykkelbua Vinstra

⚡ Gratis frakt fra første krone!

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Hvorfor du elsker den Lettvekts og kapabel: Wahoo’s aluminiumsramme er sterk og holdbar, men allikevel lett nok til at den er enkel å kontrollere for barna Lukkede endestykker med Treks egen ThruSkew, en sikkerhetsdetalj som sikrer at hjulet ikke faller ut av rammen når det ikke skal Et enkelt 1×8 drivverk forenkler giringen så barna kan fokusere på å ha det gøy! Å investere i en barnesykkel fra et etablert sykkelmerke er verdt det—Trek barnesykler er designet og satt sammen av mennesker som kan sykler.

Relaterte produkter

Trek Wahoo 24 Waterloo Blue/Quicksilver - Sykkelbua Vinstra

Trek Bergen

  • By- og pendlersykler
  • Treningssykler
  • Elektrisk hybrid
  • Elektrisk terreng
  • Elektrisk landevei
  • Lastesykkel
  • Barn 3-5 år
  • Barn 4-6 år
  • Barn 6-9 år
  • Barn 8-12 år
  • Astrik Kolleksjon
  • Beskyttelse
  • Bekledningstilbehør
  • Landeveissko
  • Touring/spinning
  • Allround Hjelm
  • Landeveishjelm
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Du har ingen produkter i handlekurven.

Tilbake til butikken

Hva er du på jakt etter?

Trek carback radar.

Kraftig baklykt som oppdager biler på 240 meters avstand.

Thule sykkelvogner og seter for barn

Sikkerhet og stil for aktive familier

Elektriske sykler til hverdagsbruk

Sporty, komfortable og pålitelige

Vårt verksted

Shimano service center.

Verkstedet vårt er et sertifisert Shimano Service Center. Dette betyr at sykkelen din er i trygge hender hos utdannede mekanikere med lang erfaring. Vi har kort ventetid, og et stort lager med orginale Shimano-deler.

barnesykkel trek

Bli inspirert

barnesykkel trek

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trek barnesykkel

Trek Bergen

  • By- og pendlersykler
  • Treningssykler
  • Elektrisk hybrid
  • Elektrisk terreng
  • Elektrisk landevei
  • Lastesykkel
  • Barn 3-5 år
  • Barn 4-6 år
  • Barn 6-9 år
  • Barn 8-12 år
  • Astrik Kolleksjon
  • Beskyttelse
  • Bekledningstilbehør
  • Landeveissko
  • Touring/spinning
  • Allround Hjelm
  • Landeveishjelm
  • Terrenghjelm
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  • Diverse Sykkelutstyr
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Du har ingen produkter i handlekurven.

Tilbake til butikken

anbefalte produkter

Viser 1–36 av 617 resultater

Pearl Izumi Knebeskytter Summit

Pearl Izumi Knebeskytter Summit

Pearl Izumi Summit Amfib Pant

Pearl Izumi Summit Amfib Pant

Pearl Izumi Albuebeskytter Summit

Pearl Izumi Albuebeskytter Summit

Bontrager Velocis Unpadded Softshell Cycling Bib Tight

Bontrager Velocis Unpadded Softshell Sykkelbukse

Julbo Aerospeed REACTIV

Julbo Aerospeed REACTIV

trek barnesykkel

Julbo Vermont Classic Spectron

SIS GO Isotonic Energy Gel


SIS GO Isotonic Energy Gel

Bontrager Co2 Patron Threaded 16g

Bontrager Co2 Patron Threaded 16g

Squeezy Energy Gel 33 g

Squeezy Energy Gel 33 g

Squeezy Super Bar Cherry+koffein 50g

Squeezy Super Bar Cherry+koffein 50g

Squeezy Energy Bar Eple 50g

Squeezy Energy Bar Eple 50g

Squeezy Recovery Bar 50g

Squeezy Recovery Bar 50g

Squeezy Liquid Energy gel 60ml

Squeezy Liquid Energy gel 60ml

Bontrager Comp Road Brake Cable

Bontrager Comp Road Brake Cable

Bontrager Trip 100/200 Battery Cover

Bontrager Trip 100/200 Battery Cover

Bontrager Dekkspaker, 1 par (rød)

Bontrager Dekkspaker, 1 par (rød)

Bontrager Threaded Wheel Magnet

Bontrager Threaded Wheel Magnet

Bontrager Blendr Universal Light Mount

Blendr deler

Bontrager Blendr Universal Light Mount

Bontrager Aero Wheel Magnet

Bontrager Aero Wheel Magnet

Trek Elite 400 ml oppbevaringsflaske

Trek Elite 400 ml oppbevaringsflaske

Lidl-Trek Team 550 ml vannflaske

Lidl-Trek Team 550 ml vannflaske

Morgan Blue Chain keeper Normal - Blue

Morgan Blue Chain keeper, stikkaksling

Morgan Blue Chain brush

Morgan Blue Chain brush

Trek Word Mark flaske, 591ml

Trek Word Mark flaske, 591ml

Bontrager TLR Tire Sealant, 89 ml

Tubeless deler og utstyr

Bontrager TLR Tire Sealant, 89 ml

Morgan Blue Cleaning glove

Morgan Blue Cleaning glove

Morgan Blue Chain keeper Thru Axle

Morgan Blue Chain keeper, Thru Axle

Morgan Blue Tyre Repair 75mL

Morgan Blue Tyre Repair 75mL

Bontrager 4mm Cadence Band Magnet

Bontrager 4mm Cadence Band Magnet

Bontrager Comp Shift Cable

Bontrager Comp Shift Cable

Trek Word Mark flaske, 710ml

Trek Word Mark flaske, 710ml

Bontrager Standard Presta Valve sykkelslange

Bontrager Standard Presta Valve sykkelslange

Bontrager Standard Schrader Valve sykkelslange

Bontrager Standard Schrader Valve sykkelslange

Trek Integrated Seatpost Light Mount

Trek Integrated Seatpost Light Mount

Trek Fly 550 ml vannflaske

Trek Fly 550 ml vannflaske

Morgan Blue Wheelbrush

Morgan Blue Wheelbrush

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Your complete guide to the 2021 trek mountain bike range.

Your complete guide to the 2021 Trek mountain bike range

Trek has had a long-standing presence in the mountain bike world with a vast range of bikes to back it up. The brands offering ranges from featherweight cross country bikes right through to downhill thoroughbreds. If you're in the market for a Trek bike and wondering which will suit you best, read on for our complete guide to their 2021 range.

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2021 Trek mountain bikes

  • Full Stache


Understanding trek's naming system.

Trek's naming system follows a similar style to how Canyon names its bikes. Each bike's name is suffixed with a number, with higher value numbers corresponding to pricier and better-kitted bikes. Once we get to 9, Trek adds decimals to the suffix to denote changes in the bike's suspension package. All bikes with a 9 in the name get carbon frames but a 9.7 might get its suspension from Fox's Rhythm range for example, while a 9.8 will get better something from higher in the range. Also, you'll see that a lot of kit on the bikes come from Bontrager, for the uninitiated that's Trek's in-house component brand.

At the '9' level, we also see XT, XO1, and GX finding their way into the names. Yep, you've guessed it, that's the drivetrain the bike comes kitted with.

Another thing that's definitely worth mentioning is that a small selection of Trek's bike range is available through what the brand calls Project One. Project One offers the opportunity to have your bike personalised and custom painted with special, exclusive colours. This will mean you have to part ways with a heap of cash but in return, you'll get a bike that's unique to you.

As with the brand's range of bikes, the price range is vast with bikes starting from £440, right up to £9,200 and that's not even considering the Project One options. There's also a comprehensive range of gravel bikes and e-bikes.

Let's kick things off with the Slash. It's Trek's enduro bike which rolls on 29" wheels and gets 160mm of travel at the rear, paired with 170mm at the front. For 2021 it gets both an aluminium and carbon frame option all of which benefit from Trek's proprietary Knock Block system which saves your top and down tube if your front end spins during a crash. This bike also gets the Mino Link which is a geometry adjusting flip-chip, down tube guards threaded bottom brackets, an Active Braking Pivot, and storage in the downtube. As for the geometry, in the low setting, the Slash sees a 75.6° effective seat tube angle, a 64.1° head tube angle, and a 435mm chainstay. A large frame gets a 486mm reach. If you're after something a little more special, the Slash is available through Project One.

2021 Trek Slash Geo.png

Slash 9.9 XTR

2021 Trek Slash 9.9 XTR.png

Topping the Slash range is the Slash 9.9 XTR. It gets Trek's OCLV carbon frame with the all-new RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate shock with an updated ThruShaft damper. At the front, you'll find the RockShox ZEB Ultimate RC2 which features chunky 38mm stanchions. As its name suggests there's a full Shimano XTR 12-speed drivetrain with an e*thirteen LG1 Race Carbon crank. The brakes here also come from the XTR lineup and they come with 4-pot calipers for extra stopping power. This bike rolls on a pair of Bontrager Line Pro 30 which are wrapped with a Bontrager SE5 Team Issue 2.6" Tubeless Ready, Core Strength sidewall, aramid bead tyre at the front and an SE5 Team Issue with the same spec in 2.4" at the rear. It also gets a Bontrager Line Elite Dropper with Bontrager supplying the 820mm wide carbon bar, 35mm stem along with the rest of the build kit.

Slash 9.9 XO1

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The Slash 9.9 XO1 gets all of the same trimmings as the 9.9 XTR but benefits from a SRAM XO1 Eagle drivetrain and SRAM Code RSC Brakes, along with a slightly friendlier price tag.

Slash 9.8 GX

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Shaving a few thousand pounds of the range-topper is the 9.8 GX. This one is still built around Trek's carbon frame but this one gets a slightly downgraded RockShox ZEB Select+ RC with a RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate. Here we get a SRAM GX drivetrain with a matching crankset and SRAM Code R brakes. As for the rest of the bike, it's the same as the 9.9 XTR.

Slash 9.8 XT

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As its name suggests, the Slash 9.8 XT gets a very similar built kit to the 9.8 GX. However, this bike sees a Shimano XT drivetrain with SLX M7120 four-piston brakes.

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Dropping a full £1.8k off of the 9.8 models, the Slash 9.7 is still built around a carbon frame and it swaps the RockShox suspension with a Fox Rhythm 36 fork and a Fox Performance DPX2 EVOL shock. The drivetrain is a mix of SRAM GX and NX Eagle and the wheels here are the alloy Bontrager Line Comp 30's. Those come shod with a Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength sidewall, aramid bead 2.6" tyre at the front with a Bontrager XR4 with the same spec and a 2.4" width at the rear. Trek has also swapped the dropper post for a TransX post and there's Bontrager's own alloy finishing kit.

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With the Slash 8, we no longer get a carbon frame but we do get a RockShox Lyric Select+ RC fork with a RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate at the rear. This bike is driven by a SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain and there's a pair of SRAM Code R brakes. Everything else is the same as what you would get on the 9.7 model.

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The Slash 7 rounds of the range with its alloy frame, RockShox Yari RC fork, RockShox Deluxe Select+ shock, and SRAM NX drivetrain. Here we get a pair of SRAM Guide T brakes and the rest of the bike follows suit with the 8.

Trek Remedy

The Remedy is Trek's long-legged trail bike which comes with four models for 2021. It rolls on 650b wheels and gets 160mm of travel at the front, with 150mm at the rear. Much like the Slash, the Remedy benefits from the Knock Block, the Active Braking Pivot, and the Mino Link. Geometry-wise, it gets a 65.6° head angle, a 74.2° effective seat tube angle, and 435mm chainstays in the low position. A large frame gets a 455mm reach, again in that low setting.

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The Remedy 9.8 is the only bike in the 2021 line up that gets a carbon frame. It also gets a burly Fox Performance 38 paired with a Fox Performance Float DPX2 EVOL shock at the rear. This bike benefits from a SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain matched with SRAM Code R brakes. As for the wheels, they're a pair of carbon Bontrager Line Elite 30's and they're wrapped with a Bontrager SE5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Core Strength sidewalls with an aramid bead in 2.6" with a Bontrager SE4 Team Issue with the same specs in the 2.4" width. Bontrager also supplies the dropper post with the Line Elite and the 820mm handlebar along with the 35mm stem.

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As suggested by the lack of a '9' in its name, the Slash 8 comes kitted with an alloy frame. As for the fork, it's a RockShox Lyrik Select+ RC and that's paired with a RockShox Super Deluxe Select+ shock. This bike is also driven by a SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain and it gets the same brakes as the 9.8 rig. Differing from the range-topper, this build sees in a pair of Bontrager Line Comp 30 alloy wheels which get an XR5 Team Issue tyre that's tubeless-ready with Inner Strength sidewalls and an aramid bead in 2.6", also from Bontrager. At the rear, there's an XR4 with the very same specification. The rest of the bike follows suit with the 9.8 model.

Remedy 8 XT

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Rather unsurprisingly, the Remedy 8 XT comes with a very similar build to the 8 but gets an XT drivetrain and Deore M6120 four-pot brakes. Everything else on this build matches the Remedy 8.

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The Remedy 7 is the cheapest 2021 Remedy on offer. It gets a RockShox Gold RL fork and a RockShox Deluxe Select+ shock. There's a SRAM NX drivetrain with SRAM Guide T brakes. Apart from that, everything else is the same as what you'll get on the Remedy 8's.

Trek Fuel EX

The Fuel EX is Trek's do it all trail bike. It gets 130mm of rear travel and 140mm at the front. Just like the Slash, the Fuel EX gets built-in downtube storage and the Active Braking Pivot. It comes with a RE:aktiv shock with Thru Shaft, something that you'll only find on Trek bikes. It promises more grip and control with a shock the reacts to the ground faster than anything else on the market, says Trek. This bike also gets the Mino Link, Knock Block, and Straight Shot downtube. The Fuel EX comes in five sizes with XS getting 650b hoops and M upwards getting 29" wheels. However, size S comes with a choice of either wheel size. As for the geometry in the low setting, the bike gets a 66° head angle, a 75° effective seat tube angle, and a 437mm chain stay. A large frame benefits from a 470mm reach.

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Fuel EX 9.9 AXS

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Topping the range with a pretty hefty pricetag is the 9.9 AXS. On this model, you'll get a Fox Factory 36 with a GRIP 2 damper, paired with a Fox Factory Float EVOL RE:aktiv shock. Of course, we then get wireless shifting from SRAM and the AXS range along with a wireless RockShox Reverb AXS dropper. It rolls on a pair of Bontrager Line 30 carbon wheels and they're wrapped with two Bontrager XR4 Team Issue tyres with Inner Strength sidewalls and aramid beads, measuring in with a 2.6" width at the front and a 2.4" at the rear. Bontrager supplies the finishing kit with a Knock Block stem and a 780mm OCLV carbon handlebar.

Fuel EX 9.9 XTR & XO1

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Next up, the Fuel EX 9.9 XTR gets all of the bling. It's built around Trek's OCLV carbon frame and gets a Fox Factory 36 fork with a GRIP2 damper. At the back, there's a Fox Factory Float EVOL, RE:aktiv. As its name hints, this bike comes with a Shimano XTR 12-speed drivetrain with matching XTR M9120 four-piston brakes. There's also an option with a SRAM XO1 drivetrain with SRAM G2 RSC brakes. This one rolls on a pair of Bontrager Line Pro 30 OCLV carbon wheels which are wrapped in a pair of Bontrager XR4 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready tyres with the brand's Inner Strength sidewalls and aramid bead. At the front, there's a 2.6" tyre with a 2.4" at the rear on both wheel sizes. Then the bike comes kitted with a Bontrager Line Elite Dropper and the rest of the kit comes from the same brand.

Fuel EX 9.8 XT & GX

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Offering a saving of over £2,000 over the top of the range bike is the 9.8 GX and XT. This bike comes with the same carbon frame as the most expensive bike but sees a downgrade in suspension and drivetrain. Here we get a Fox Performance 36 with a GRIP damper and a Fox Performance Float EVOL, RE:aktiv shock. This rig comes with a choice of drivetrain with either SRAM's GX groupset or Shimano's XT. The GX build comes with SRAM G2 RS brakes whereas the XT model is stopped with a pair of Shimano SLX M7120 four-piston brakes. Everything else on these builds is the same as what you'll find on the 9.9 XTR model.

Fuel EX 9.7

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The 9.7 is Trek's most affordable carbon-framed Fuel EX. It comes kitted with a Fox Rhythm 36 with a GRIP damper and a Fox Performance Float EVOL shock. The drivetrain here is a mix of SRAM NX and GX with the former making up the shifter and the latter handing the mech. Gone are the carbon wheels, unfortunately, but instead we get a set of Bontrager Line Comp 30 wheels wrapped in the very same tyres like the rest of the range. The rest of the bike follows suit with the pricier models but there's an alloy bar and stem.

Fuel EX 8 XT & GX

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At the sub £3k mark Trek does away with the carbon frames and replaces them with cheaper alloy alternatives. On the priciest alloy option, we get a Fox Rythm 34 Float with a GRIP damper and a Fox Performance Float EVOL RE:aktiv shock. On this build, there's a choice of either a SRAM GX Eagle drivetrain or a Shimano XT with the former benefitting from SRAM G2 R brakes and the latter receiving a pair of Shimano MT4100 levers mated to MT420 four-piston callipers. This bike gets a pair of Bontrager Line Comp 30 alloy wheels and the rest of the build is the same as what you'll get on the 9.7 bike.

Fuel EX 7 NX

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On the Fuel EX 7 NX we find a RockShox 35 Gold RL fork and a Fox Performance Float EVOL shock, note that this shock doesn't come with that special RE:aktiv tech. You've guessed it, this one comes equipped with a SRAM NX Eagle drivetrain it gets its brakes from Shimano with a pair of MT4100 levers and MT410 callipers. The rest of the bike, including the wheels and tyres on this bike, is the same as the rest of the alloy range but we see a TransX dropper on this model.

Fuel EX 5 Deore

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Rounding off the fairly extensive range is the reasonably priced Fuel EX Deore. It gets a RockShox Recon Silver fork with an X-Fusion Pro 2 shock. Then there's the Shimano Deore 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano brakes made up of MT201 levers and MT200 callipers. The wheels see a downgrade from the rest of the range with an Alex MD35 rim laced to Bontrager hubs. They're wrapped in a pair of Bontrager XR4 tyres and there's a TransX dropper post. The rest of the finishing kit comes from Bontrager.

Trek Top Fuel

Like it or not, but down-country bikes are becoming more and more prolific. Luckily for those who are on board with the trend Trek has a bike for you. It comes kitted with 120mm travel up front and 115mm at the rear with 29" wheels. In keeping with the rest of Trek's bikes so far the Top Fuel also gets a Straight Shot downtube and Trek's Active Braking Pivot. It's also kitted with the Mino Link and Control Freak cable management system. Moving onto the geometry, the Top Fuel sees a 68° head tube angle, a 75.7° effective seat tube angle and a 434mm chainstay. A large frame gets a 470mm reach and those numbers have been taken with the bike in its low setting. As for frame sizes, there's a choice from XS right up to XXL.

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Top Fuel 9.9 XX1 AXS

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A few hundred pounds shy of the 10k mark, this bike comes with all of the top tech. It's made around a carbon frame with a RockShox SID Ultimate fork with a Race Day Charger damper and a RockShox SID Luxe Ultimate shock. There's a RockShox TwistLoc Full Sprint lockout remote too. As for the drivetrain, here we get a SRAM XX1 Eagle AXS 12-speed wireless set up with SRAM G2 Ultimate brakes. The wheels on this bike area pair of Bontrager Kovee Pro 30 Carbon hoops and they're kitted with a pair of Bontrager XR3 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready tyres with Inner Strength sidewalls and aramid beads in a 2.4" width. Finally, there's a RockShox Reverb AXS wireless dropper post, Bontrager OCLV carbon bar with a 750mm width and 35mm clamp and a Bontrager stem.

Top Fuel 9.9 XTR & XO1

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Next up, the Top Fuel XTR and XO1 models get the same carbon frame but this time there's a Fox Factory 34 Step Cast with a FIT4 damper paired with a Fox Factory Float shock. This bike also gets the RockShox Twistloc remote lockout. With this model, there's a choice of either a SRAM XO1 drivetrain or the Shimano XTR set up. The XO1 model gets SRAM G2 RSC four-piston brakes while the XTR gets XTR M9100 brakes. Everything else on the bike is the same as the AXS model but the dropper, which is a Bontrager Line Elite.

Top Fuel 9.8 XT & GX

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The Top Fuel 9.8 sees a saving of £2.4k and gets its suspension from RockShox with the SID Select+ RL fork and RockShox SID Ultimate RL shock. There's a choice of drivetrain on this bike too between either a SRAM GX Eagle 12-speed with SRAM G2 RSC brakes or a Shimano XT drivetrain with SLX M7000 brakes. Everything else on this bike is the same as its pricier brethren.

Top Fuel 9.7

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The 9.7 model is the cheapest with a carbon frame and it comes with a RockShox Reba RL fork and a Fox Performance Float DPS shock. There's a SRAM NX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano brakes consisting of MT501 levers and MT500 calipers. This bike makes a move to Bontrager Kovee Comp 23 alloy wheels and they get the same tyres as the rest of the range. We get an alloy cockpit and a Bontrager Line Dropper.

Top Fuel 8 NX

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At this price point, Trek introduces alloy frames into the mix. With the 8 NX there's a RockShox Recon Gold RL Solo Air with a Fox Performance Float DPS. There's still a remote lockout here but it comes from Bontrager in the form of the Drop Lock. As its name suggests, this bike is driven by a SRAM NX drivetrain and it's stopped with a pair of SRAM Level T brakes. The rest of the bike is the same as what you'll find on the 9.7 model.

Top Fuel 7 SX

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The Top Fuel 7 SX is the most affordable bike in the range featuring suspension from RockShox with the Judy SL Solo Air fork and the X-Fusion Pro 2 shock. There's a SRAM SX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano MT200 brakes. This one rolls on the same alloy wheels as the rest of the range with the same tyres. In fact, apart from the TransX dropper post, everything else matches the Top Fuel 8 NX.

Trek Full Stache

While the Full Stache hasn't had an update for 2021, it seems rude not to include it as there aren't an awful lot of full suspension 29+ bikes on the market. Of course, it rolls on 29" wheels with chunky 3" tyres. It also has 130mm of travel at both ends but the frame is compatible with up to a 140mm fork if you fancy some extra lairy riding. There's also the Mino Link, Control Freak cable management and the Knock Block. It's built around an aluminium frame and gets a 67° head tube angle, a 75.5° effective seat tube and a 430mm chainstay in the low setting. A large gets a 480mm reach, again in the low setting.

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Full Stache 8

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With its aluminium frame, you'll find a RockShox Pike Select Plus RC fork with a Fox Performance Float EVOL RE:aktiv shock. There's a SRAM GX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain, aTruvativ Descendant 6k crank and SRAM Guide R brakes. This bike gets a pair of SUNringlé Duroc 40 SL wheels and they're shod with a pair of Bontrager XR4 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready tyres with Inner Strength sidewalls and aramid beads. We get a Bontrager Line Dropper on this bike with a 780mm wide alloy bar, also from Bontrager.

Trek Supercaliber

Filling the role of the full suspension cross country bike is the rather unique looking Supercaliber. The standout feature of this bike is its IsoStrut suspension platform. It offers 60mm of fully tunable travel and what makes it special is that it does away with a rocker link thus saving a chunk of weight. The IsoStrut is also a structural feature of the frame which Trek says prevents twisting, flex and deflection which the brand claims offers a more direct power transfer. The whole range of Supercalibers feature carbon frames rolling on 29" hoops, Straight Shot downtube and the Knock Block. The geometry on this bike sees a 69° head angle, 74° seat tube angle and a 430mm chainstay. The reach of a large frame measures in at 455mm. There are six sizes from S to XXL and an ML size which gets a longer top tube than the M. Up front there's 100mm of travel.

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Supercaliber 9.9 XX1 AXS

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The Supercaliber 9.9 XX1 AXS takes the crown as Trek's most expensive mountain bike. It comes dripping with top-shelf kit such as the RockShox SID SL Ultimate with a Charger Race Day damper and a Fox Factory IsoStrut shock. This bike gets SRAMs XX1 Eagle AXS wireless drivetrain with the carbon crank and SRAM Level Ultimate brakes. It rolls on a pair of Bontrager Kovee XXX OCLV carbon wheels and they're wrapped with a set of 2.2" Bontrager XR2 Team Issue, tubeless ready tyres with Inner Strength Sidewalls and aramid beads. Then the finishing kit also comes from Bontrager and the line of carbon components, including a 720mm wide handlebar.

Supercaliber XX1 & XTR

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Next up the Supercaliber 9.9 XX1 and XTR get all of the same kit as the priciest model but they drop the fancy wireless shifting. Instead, there's a choice of either a SRAM XX1 Eagle drivetrain with SRAM Level Ultimate brakes or a Shimano XTR drivetrain with XTR M9100 brakes.

Supercaliber XT & GX

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Seeing a considerable saving from the rest of the range, the Supercaliber 9.8 GX and XT models get a downgraded Fox Performance 32 Step-Cast fork with a GRIP2 damper. There's also that IsoStrut suspension also provided by Fox but this model doesn't get that sleek Kashima coating, coming from the brands Performance line-up. These models come with a choice of either a SRAM GX Eagle 12-speed groupset with both choices coming kitted with Shimano Deore XT M8100 brakes. Here we get a pair of Bontrager Kovee Pro 30 carbon wheels, then the rest of the kit is the same as what you would get on the other bikes.

Supercaliber 9.7

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The Supercaliber 9.7 is the most budget-friendly option in the range. It's still built around that OCLV carbon frame and the Performance level IsoStrut shock but gets a RockShox Reba RL fork. This one is driven by a SRAM NX Eagle drivetrain and it's stopped by brakes from Shimano with the MT501 levers and MT500 calipers. This model gets slightly narrower Bontrager Kovee Elite 23 carbon wheels with the same XR2 tyres but the rest of the bike comes from Bontrager's alloy line of kit.

Trek Procaliber

The Procaliber is Trek's lightweight cross country hardtail. Compared to the Supercaliber it presents a mighty cash saving if you're looking for a race-ready XC bike. That doesn't mean that it's not without some cool tech, however. The Supercaliber benefits from what Trek calls the IsoSpeed decoupler which allows the set tube to rotate independently from the top tube to seatstay junction which Trek says offers some vertical compliance without sacrificing pedalling efficiency. As with the rest of the range, this bike gets the Straight Shot downtube and Knock Block too. Each bike in the Supercaliber line up comes with a carbon frame which rolls on 29" wheels and can fit up to 2.4" rubber. Here we see a 68.8° head angle, a 73.8° seat tube angle and 432mm a chainstay. A large frame benefits from a 450mm reach and there are six sizes, from S up to XL, including an ML size which gets a longer top tube than the M. The Procaliber gets 100mm of suspension.

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Procaliber 9.8

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Built around an OCLV carbon frame the Procaliber 9.8 comes with a Fox Performance 32 Step-Cast fork with a GRIP damper. It's driven by a Shimano XT drivetrain with Deore XT M8100 brakes but this one gets an e*thirteen TRS Race Carbon crank. The wheels here are a pair of Bontrager Kovee Elite 30 carbon wheels and there's a pair of Bontrager 2.2" XR2 Team Issue, tubeless-ready tyres with Inner Strength sidewalls and aramid beads. The rest of the kit comes from Bontrager too, with a 720mm wide carbon handlebar.

Procaliber 9.7

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This model comes equipped with a RockShox Reba RL Solo Air and a SRAM GX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano MT501 brake levers hosed to MT500 calipers. This bike gets Bontrager's Kovee Elite 23 wheels, then the rest of the bike matches the 9.8 model.

Procaliber 9.6

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On the 9.6 model of the Procaliber you'll get a RockShox Recon Gold RL and a mixture of Shimano kit making up the drivetrain. There's an SLX M7100 shifter and an XT M8100 derailleur. With this model there's the move over to alloy wheels, they come from Bontrager and the Kovee's. Then there are the same tyres as the rest of the range and an all-alloy finishing kit from Bontrager.

Procaliber 9.5

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Finally the Procaliber line-up is rounded off with the 9.5. Even as the cheapest bike, it still gets that OCLV carbon frame but sees a RockShox Judy SL fork. There's a full Shimano Deore 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano MT200 brakes. Then the rest of the bike features the same kit that you'll find on the 9.6 model.

Trek X-Caliber

If you're looking for a race-ready cross country bike but you're on a budget, the X-Caliber is the bike for you. Accommodating for its affordable price point is an aluminium frame rather than the carbon you'll find on its pricier sibling, the Procaliber. The X-Caliber comes kitted with rack mounts, so it's bike-packing ready, along with a mount for a kickstand. All frames feature internal routing and they all come kitted with Trek's Blendr stem. The X-Caliber comes with either 650b wheels on sizes XS and S with all larger bikes (up to XXL) roll on 29" hoops. As for the geometry, there's a 73° effective seat tube angle on sizes M and up while the smaller two sizes get a 73.5° effective seat tube angle. Then there's a 69.5° head tube angle (S and XSs get a 69.3° HA) and a 438mm chainstay on M and up, and a 425mm chainstay on the smaller bikes. Sizes S to XL get 100mm of travel leaving XS with just 80mm. Although, the frame will accept a maximum of a 120mm fork while the XS can accept a 100mm fork.

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X-Caliber 9

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Heading up the range, the X-Caliber 9 gets a RockShox Judy Silver Solo Air with a TurnKey remote lockout. This bike gets a Shimano SLX M7100 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano brakes made up of an MT401 lever and an MT400 caliper. The wheels on this one are a pair of Bontrager Kovees and they're wrapped with a pair of Bontrager XR3s in the 2.3" width on all sizes. The finishing kit comes from Bontrager too with an alloy bar, stem, and seat post.

X-Caliber 8

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The middle of the range X-Caliber 8 comes with a RockShox Judy SL Solo Air fork with a SRAM SX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain. Stopping the bike is a pair of MT200 brakes from Shimano. As for the wheels, the rims come from Bontrager with a pair of kovees and they're laced to Formula DCL-141Q hubs. Then the rest of the bike is the same as the X-Caliber 9.

X-Caliber 7

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The X-Caliber 7 gets much of the same kit as the X-Caliber 8 with the only difference in spec being its Shimano Deore 10-speed drivetrain.

Trek Roscoe

If you're looking for a trail orientated hardtail, the Roscoe fits the bill. Each build comes properly sorted with dropper posts, 120mm of travel (size S gets 100mm), 1x drivetrains and alloy frames. The bike also rolls on 650b+ wheels and tyres. They all feature internal cable routing, rack and kickstand mounts too. Onto the geometry, the Roscoe sees a 67.3° head angle, a 70.8° effective seat tube angle (with the medium frame getting a 70.7° effective seat angle and the S and XS getting 71.2° and 71.1° angles respectively), and a large frame gets a 428mm reach. As a 650b+ bike, it can run either 27.5x2.8" or 29x2.4" rubber.

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On the Roscoe 8, you'll find a RockShox 35 Gold RL fork with a SRAM NX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain with Shimano brakes in the form of the MT501 lever paired with an MT500 caliper. It's worth noting that the fork comes with a flexy QR axle. The wheels here are made of rims from Bontrager and the Line 40s with a Bontrager hub at the front and a Formula hub at the rear. This bike gets a pair of Maxxis Rekon tubeless tyres with a 2.8" width and then the rest of the kit comes from Bontrager and the alloy range apart from the dropper post, which comes from TranzX with the JD-YSP18.

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The Roscoe 7 benefits from most of the same kit as the 8, but this one gets a SRAM SX Eagle 12-speed drivetrain and Shimano MT200 brakes.

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On the cheapest Roscoe 6 you'll get an SR Suntour XCM 32 coil sprung fork with a Shimano Deore 10-speed drivetrain and MT200 brakes. This bike then rolls on Alex MD35 rims and Formula DC hubs which get a pair of Kenda Havok, wire beaded, 2.8" tyres. As for the rest of the build, that's just the same as the rest of the range.

Trek Marlin

If a sub £1k cross country, everyday bike is more your speed then it's worth checking out the Trek Marlin. Each bike in the range comes with an alloy frame and a fork with 100mm of travel (XS frames get 80mm). There are also rack and stand mounts, the Blendr stem, and internal cable routing. XS and S sizes roll on 650b wheels while sizes M to XXL get 29" hoops. On the Marlin, you'll get an effective seat tube angle of 73.5° on the XS and S frame while everything else benefits from a 71.9° effective seat tube angle. As for the head angle, on the smaller sizes it'll measure in at 69.3° and from M upwards it's a couple of degrees steeper at 69.5°. All frame sizes share a 438mm chainstay length and a large frame gets a 451mm reach.

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The Marlin 7 comes kitted with a RockShox Judy coil sprung fork with a Shimano Deore 10-speed drivetrain and Shimano MT200 disc brakes. The wheels are made of Bontrager Kovee rims laced to Formula DC hubs and they're wrapped with a pair of Bontrager XR2 Comp 2.2" tyres with wire beads. The rest of the bike comes with Bontrager's own finishing kit.

Trek Farley

Perhaps fat bikes are more your things. Allow me to introduce the Farley. There are two in the 2021 range with an alloy and a carbon option which, of course, roll on 4.5" tyres. Both bikes come with a dropper post, horizontal sliding dropouts, ideal for single speed setups and tubeless-ready tyres. As for the geometry, the Farley gets a 69° head angle, a 73° effective seat tube angle and a 455mm chainstay. The reach on a large is 441mm and there are four sizes available, from S to XL. 

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The Farley 9.6 gets an OCLV carbon frame with a Bontrager Haru OCLV fork. The drivetrain on this bike comes from SRAM and the GX Eagle 12-speed shifting. As for wheels, they're Sunringle Mulefut 80 SL rims laced to Bontrager alloy hubs. Those are wrapped in a pair of Bontrager Barbegazi Team Issue, tubeless-ready tyres with inner strength sidewalls and aramid beads. The dropper kitted here is a TransX JD-YSP18 and the rest of the kit comes from Bontrager with a 750mm wide bar.

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The Farley 5 is Trek's best value fat bike and it's built around an alloy frame. It gets a Shimano Deore M4100 10-speed drivetrain with SRAM Level brakes and there's a Race Face crank. It gets the same wheels as the 9.6 but the tyres here are a pair of Bontrager Gnarwhals. The rest of the kit is the same as the 9.6. It's worth mentioning that while the Farley 5 comes with a rigid fork, it'll happily accommodate a 100mm travel suspension fork.

Trek Session

The Session needs no introduction, but it's the brand's 650b downhill bike. There's only one model in the 2021 range which is built around an alloy frame. It gets Trek's Active Braking Pivot and the geometry adjusting Mino-Link. Up front, there's 200mm of travel and at the rear, there's 210mm. In the low setting, the Session gets a 63.6° head angle, a 445mm chainstay and a large frame gets a 426mm reach. There are four sizes, from S to XL and the 8 27.5 model will set you back £4,200

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Trek Ticket

2021 trek ticket 2.png

Finally, rounding off the Trek range of mountain bike is the Ticket. It's available as the full suspension, Ticket S (pictured) with 100mm of travel and the Ticket DJ, which is the hardtail version. Both come as a frame only with prices starting from £725, up to £1,400.

  • www.trekbikes.com

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Liam Mercer

Tech Editor here at off.road.cc Liam can also be found photographing bikes as well as revelling in cycling's intricacies. Whether it's gravel, mountain, or e-MTB as long as it's a bike on dirt, he's happy.

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Trek Bikes Brand Review: A Close Look at the Iconic USA Bike Brand

woman riding a red road bike made by the trek bikes brand

T rek Bikes is one of the most popular and the most respected USA-based bike brands right now, and for a good reason. They offer models in all categories and all price points, for all types of cyclists. Let’s learn more in our in-depth overview!

No matter if you are an absolute beginner who can’t even ride, or you’re a pro cyclist with years of experience in the legs, Trek Bikes has a bike for you.

With more than 40 unique models, it’s both very easy and very challenging to find exactly what you’re looking for. Our in-depth overview teaches you all you need to know about each model series and many other things related to Trek.


Trek’s range of models, trek mountain bikes, trek bikes – road, trek hybrid & city bikes, trek gravel & cyclocross bikes, trek adventure & touring bikes, trek tt/triathlon bikes, trek electric bikes, electra bikes, trek women’s bikes, kids’ trek bikes, new or used trek bikes.


The first bikes Trek made were touring steel frames , but as the business evolved, so did the selection of models. Soon enough, Trek began producing road racing bikes, and then mountain bikes from both aluminum and carbon.

The first Trek-branded all-aluminum bike left the production lines in 1985 and the first full-carbon model came out in 1989.

Today, Trek offers high-profile road bikes such as Domane, Madone, and Emonda; hardtail and full-suspension models like Marlin , X-Caliber, or Slash; Checkpoint and Boone gravel and CX bikes; and dozens of other popular model names in a wide range of categories.

Over the years, Trek has pioneered or perfected many of the best technological solutions used in the top-level cycling sport.

Thanks to them, many of these advanced technologies have been passed down to mid-range and entry-level classes, improving the cycling experience for beginner and intermediate cyclists as well.

Technologies Trek use

Here are some of the most ground-breaking technologies developed by Trek so far:

  • OCLV Carbon:  Optimum Compaction Low Void carbon frames developed in 1991 — some of the lightest and stiffest in the world.
  • Alpha Aluminum: Trek’s refined aluminum frames that rival carbon frames in terms of strength and overall weight.
  • Active Braking Pivot: A revolutionary patented system developed to keep the rear suspension working while braking.
  • RE:aktiv: Advanced suspension system that provides dynamic flow that automatically adapts its performance to the rider and the type of the terrain.
  • Full Floater: Trek’s rear suspension system that allows for extremely supple and responsive rear suspension action, giving you the impression of bottomless travel.
  • IsoSpeed Suspension: Road bike suspension that decouples the seat tube from the top tube, diminishing the fatiguing impacts of the road.

One of the secrets to Trek Bikes’ long-lasting success is that they make bicycles for EVERYONE. No matter what kind of riding you wish to do or how much you can stretch your budget, you can find a suitable model in Trek’s lineup.

Their beginner bikes such as FX, 820, or Marlin start at around $400; whereas their elite road models such as Domane or Madone cost upward of $12,000.

Below is a full list of ALL Trek model lines available at the moment of writing this article, organized into logical categories.

This is intended as an informative resource for people looking into Trek bikes , trying to decide which one suits their needs the best.

Trek 820

820 is the most affordable mountain bike in the Trek line. It consists of one men’s and one women’s model, both of which cost around $500. They are equipped with rim brakes, Shimano Tourney components, and 26″ tires, which makes them perfect for beginners.

Best for: 820 bikes are good for short daily recreational and fitness rides, as well as short commutes.

See On Trek Bikes

Trek Marlin 7

Marlin is one of Trek’s most popular entry-level MTB lines. It consists of several aluminum hardtail models that cost between $620 and $1,400, so they’re ideal for first-timers and experienced hobby cyclists. Marlin bikes feature front suspension, disc brakes, 2x or 3x drivetrains, and wide 27.5″ or 29″ tires.

Best for: Marlin series can be used for on and off-road riding, commuting, and all-around daily cycling.

Our review s of Marlin 4 –  5 –  6 –  7

Trek Roscoe 8

Mountain biking enthusiasts who don’t have thousands of dollars but want quality trail bikes can choose the Roscoe line. These are fun aluminum hardtail bicycles with massive 27.5+ tires and specs that are ready to party. These models cost between $1,200 and $2,800 , so they are quite affordable as well.

Best for: If you want to ride trails more seriously with RockShox suspensions and SRAM or Shimano components, check out Trek Roscoe.

Trek X-Caliber 9

X-Caliber is Trek’s lineup of quality, yet affordable aluminum 29ers ideal for beginners and riders with some experience on the trails. They’re characterized by 120 mm of travel in the fork, light and efficient 1x drivetrains, and prices that remain between $1,500 and $2,000 . All models also feature powerful hydraulic disc brakes and size-specific tires.

Best for: Aspiring trail riders who aim to challenge themselves more, explore more technical trails, and do it all on a tight budget.

Farley 7 orange

Farley is a collection of Trek’s super-capable fat bikes built around aluminum or carbon frames, depending on the model. They’re characterized by awe-inspiring 27.5″ x 4.5″ tires and mud-ready 1x drivetrains. Most models have rigid forks, but there are options with a suspension fork as well.

Best for:  Trek Farley showcases its abilities best when put against snow, mud, rocks, roots, and other extreme conditions.

Trek Procaliber 9.6

Trek Procaliber is a group of race-ready aluminum and carbon cross-country hardtail bikes. They feature 100 mm of front suspension as well as IsoSpeed rear decouplers that improve control and comfort further. All Procaliber models also come with 29″ wheels, modern 1x drivetrains, and strong hydraulic disc brakes.

Best for: Cyclists interested in doing cross country racing or simply having fun and improving their skills on high-quality, yet reasonably-priced XC machines.

Trek Fuel EX 9.9

If you have more money than you know what to do with, why not spend it on the mouth-wateringly good Trek’s full-suspension Fuel EX line? These bikes are built with 140mm/130mm front and rear suspension, 29″ wheels, and efficient 1x drivetrains. The prices start at around $2,500 and cap at around $10,600  for the flagship Fuel EX 9.9.

Best for:  Expert trail riders (or those who practice becoming so) with money to spare, who want to ride a wide range of terrains, climb, descent, and race.

Trek Top Fuel 9.9

Top Fuel is a line of high-end , full-suspension bikes that are suitable for elite XC racing competitions. Every model features 120 mm of travel in the fork and 115 mm in the rear shock. All models are also equipped with super-capable 29″ wheels and tires that go up to 2.4″. If you want to own a Top Fuel bike, you’ll need to pay between $2,700  and $11,500.

Best for:  All-around fun on challenging and technical singletracks and top-level XC racing events. 

Trek Stache 7

Stache offers a high level of performance in a simple and easy to maintain hardtail package. These are mid-range trail bikes built around carbon or aluminum frames, with prices between $2,500 and $4,000. They feature 120 mm of front suspension travel coupled with 29+ wheels and tires that are 3.0″ wide. They’re capable of some serious damage.

Best for:  Stache bikes are best for trail enthusiasts who want to have maximum fun on the most challenging terrain available in their area, but not worry much about upkeep costs. 

Trek Remedy 8

Remedy is one of Trek’s best-selling full-suspension bikes because of phenomenal money to value ratio and well-balanced components. It comes with 160/150 mm of front and rear travel, zippy 27.5″ wheels, wide-range 1×12 drivetrains, and dropper posts. The frames are aluminum or carbon, depending on the price. It’s the most trail aficionados can ask for!

Best for:  Remedy models are best suited for riders who enjoy fast and dynamic descents, jumps, drops, and other challenging on-trail stuff.

Slash 8 reddark_pinkdark

Slash is a capable long-travel enduro bike built to… well, slash the trails. Right now, this series numbers around seven models valued between $3,500 and $12,500. Therefore, these bikes are great for pro riders and those who feel that way. They have premium carbon frames, 160/150mm of front and rear travel, and huge 29″ wheels.

Best for:  Professionals and enduro enthusiasts who enjoy the thrill of fast-paced downhill sections and challenging rocky trails. 

Trek Session 8

If you want the best of the best in the DH world, Session is the type of bike you should be looking at. Session models boast premium carbon frames, 190 mm of deluxe RockShox travel, 29″ wheels, and high-end SRAM and Shimano components. They’re ready to win races.

Best for:  Making the best results and winning World Cup Championships on the most brutal downhill courses.

Trek Supercaliber 9.9

Supercaliber is a series of unique cross-country racing bikes with Trek’s premium IsoStrut rear suspension. The rear shock is integrated into the frame with unique pivotless seatstays. In addition, it also features 100 mm of front travel, 29″ wheels, 1×12 drivetrains, and progressive racing geometry. Supercaliberline consists of some of the most expensive Trek bikes that cost up to $12,000.

Best for:  Cross-country races that require maximum speed and technical terrain that requires the best possible components and geometry. 

Trek Domane SL 5

The Domane series is Trek’s selection of fast, versatile, and technologically advanced endurance road bikes. It’s one of Trek’s best-known lineups, featuring IsoSpeed frame suspension, aluminum or carbon frames, and different levels of SRAM and Shimano components. Domane models cost anywhere between $1,100 and $12,600, so they’re suitable for everyone.

Best for:  Beginner, intermediate, and professional road cyclists looking for all-around good performance on a quality road bike that can do it all. 

Our review s on Domane  2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 .

Émonda ALR 5

The Émonda line consists of some of the lightest and best-performing road bikes in the world. It’s built around three frame options – 700 OCLV Carbon, 500 OCLV Carbon, and lightweight aluminum. The most expensive Émonda bike costs $13,000, whereas the cheapest can be bought for just $2,300. They’re race-ready, good-looking, and suitable for all rider profiles.

Best for:  Beginner, intermediate, and elite cyclists who want the lightest available road setup suitable for racing, fitness, and leisure riding.

Madone SLR 7 Disc eTap

Trek Madone is a top-of-the-line aero road bike developed in the wind tunnel. These bikes are super-light, super-fast, but super-expensive as well. If you want to own one, you’ll have to spend between $4.8K and $13K. For that money, you’ll get a carbon aero frame, aero wheels, high-end components, and supreme integration.

Best for:  Seasoned road riders in search of capital and marginal gains that would make them as fast and as efficient as possible. 

Related: Best Road Bike Brands

Trek FX 1 Disc

If you want an aluminum bike that costs between $600 and $2,000 and that can truly do it all, Trek FX is one of the best choices around. These are efficient and affordable hybrid bikes with entry-level or mid-range components, skinny 700c wheels, and comfortable upright geometries. Around 15 models are available, which includes men’s and women’s bikes.

Best for:  Recreational or fitness riders wanting to commute, run errands, get fit, or train on a daily basis without spending too much money.

Trek Verve 2 Disc

Trek Verve is a lineup of comfortable, high-quality, yet accessible hybrid and fitness bikes that can serve as all-around workhorses to urban riders. They cost between around $700 and $1,000, which makes them very cost-efficient. Verve bikes are made from aluminum, roll on 700c wheels, and feature disc brakes coupled with entry-level components.

Best for:  Trek Verve is best for entry-level riders who need a dependable two-wheeler to use and abuse every day or just enjoy riding on the weekends. 

Trek Dual Sport 3

As its name tells you, Trek Dual Sport is a versatile series that can be used for on and off-road rides. These bikes are built around affordable aluminum frames, generally cost around $1,000 , and roll on wide 700c wheels. All models have disc brakes and 63 mm of front suspension. Riders can choose between step-over and step-though frame designs.

Best for:  Versatile riders who want one affordable bicycle that can be used for urban commutes and weekend out-of-town excursions on dirt and forest roads. 

Trek Checkpoint ALR 4

Trek jumped on the gravel bandwagon with the Checkpoint series. These are versatile and efficient gravel and adventure bikes built around aluminum frames. Therefore, they don’t cost much — as little as $2,400 . The prices can get up to $12,000 for high-spec models. Checkpoint bikes feature wide 700c tires, 1x or 2x drivetrains, and disc brakes on all models. They look pretty cool as well!

Best for:  Trek Checkpoint can be used by beginner or seasoned cyclists for gravel races, bike touring adventures, daily commutes, or anything else that comes to mind. 

Trek Crockett 7 Disc

Trek Crockett is a capable aluminum cyclocross bike that can navigate the urban jungle or take you through a real jungle. These models ride on lightweight aluminum frames, knobby 700c tires, and dependable and efficient 1x drivetrains. At the moment, Crockett numbers three affordable models with price tags between $1,500 and $3,000.

Best for:  Trek Crockett works equally well as a fast CX racing machine and a rugged daily commuter. Use it to commute on workdays and go crazy on the weekends.

Trek Boone 7 Disc

Trek Boone is the lightest, fastest, and best-looking cyclocross bike around. Boone frames are built with lightweight carbon fiber material and feature IsoSpeed front and rear decouplers that improve comfort and off-road riding efficiency. Boone also has performance-oriented racing geometry, race-ready components, and 1x drivetrains.

Best for:  Cyclocross racing for beginner riders and amateur or experienced athletes. 

Trek 520

The well-known 520 is one of Trek’s bikes with the longest tradition. Its classic touring steel frame was developed back in the 1970s when the company was established. Today, it’s equipped with front and rear racks, disc brakes, 700c tires, 27 speeds , and comfort-based geometry. It’s the best expedition tourer for the money.

Best for:  Trek 520 is a dependable touring bike that you can take around the world, ride over mountain passes, or use it as a day-to-day bike and commute on a regular basis.

Trek 1120

If there is one bike that almost every bikepacker dreams about, it has to be Trek 1120. This is the ultimate bikepacking setup thanks to a lightweight aluminum frame, stiff carbon fork , well-designed front and rear racks, and fearless 29×3.0″ tires. Its 1×11 Shimano SLX drivetrain can get you up any hill and over any off-road section.

Best for:  Bikepacking and off-road touring that requires dependable components that can take daily abuse for months, years, and thousands of dusty miles.

Speed Concept

Trek Speed Concept

Speed Concept is the only TT bike Trek makes, if we don’t count in the Madone aero road bikes. This speed machine is made around a super-lightweight carbon frame developed after years of testing in wind tunnels. It offers total aerodynamic integration, minimal drag, and a 2×11 Shimano Ultegra drivetrain.

Best for:  Trek Speed Concept is most suitable for Time Trial events or Triathlon races where speed, aerodynamics, and power efficiency is all that matters. 

Trek Verve+ 2

Trek Verve+ series is an electric version of the regular verve series. These are versatile electric hybrid and city bikes with step-over and step-through frames, making them suitable for men and women. They can assist your pedaling up to 20 mph thanks to Bosch electronics. They also feature lights, fenders, and a rear rack for easier commutes.

Best for:  Daily urban commuters and fitness riders who want to maintain an upright riding position and enjoy the comfort and extra boost Verve+ offers.

Trek Allant+ 9.9S

Trek Allant+ is series of mid-range and high-end electric hybrids with flat bars and premium Shimano components. They are capable of replacing your car thanks to powerful and reliable Bosch electronics that will support your pedaling up to 28 mph. Allant+ bikes are made with aluminum and carbon frames and feature fenders, racks, and lights.

Best for:  Urban riders who want to ditch their cars and do long daily commutes through busy city traffic that require utmost speed, reliability, and comfort. 

Trek Powerfly 5 Women's

Trek Powerfly is a range of high-performing electric hardtail mountain bikes. The series numbers just two bikes at the moment — one men’s and one women’s. They’re built around lightweight aluminum frames and come equipped with high-end Bosch electronics that assist up to 20 mph. You also get 120 mm of travel and 1×12 SRAM drivetrain for around $4,200.

Best for:  Trail mountain biking enthusiasts who want to conquer hills more easily and focus more on descents and speedy flat sections. 

Trek Rail 9.9 XTR

The Trek Rail series presents the best of the best one can get in the e-MTB world . Rail bikes cost between $5K and $12.5K, but they are worth the money. They have extremely long 160mm travel, 29″ wheels and tires, Bosch electronics (20 mph max speed), and high-end Shimano and SRAM components.

Best for:  Mountain bikers with high expectations and deep pockets who want to stay fresh when climbing and preserve the energy for aggressive descents. 

Domane+ HP/LT

Trek Domane+ HP 7

One thing cannot be argued — Domane+ LT and HP are the best electric road bikes in the world. The HP series (28 mph max speed) provides maximum power, whereas the LT series (20 mph max) offers a good balance between power and weight. These bikes cost up to $12,500 , but they have the best groupsets you can find, the lightest and stiffest carbon, and the highest-end Bosch electronic parts.

Best for: Road riders with money to spare, who want the speed, weight, and performance of a standard road bike, coupled with electronics that will assist them along hilly sections.

Trek Electra Bikes

In 2014, Trek acquired the Electra Bicycle Company , which is now part of Trek’s brand. That is why you can see many Electra bikes on Trek’s official website.

The Electra brand offers a wide range of city, cruiser, and hybrid bikes built around aluminum or steel frames and intended for daily recreational and fitness riding.

Electra’s lineup also includes electric models (“Go!” in the model name) and numerous kids’ bikes with a wide range of wheel sizes. These are quality and affordable bicycles, even though they don’t have “Trek” written all over them.

Below is a full list of Electra model series available on Trek’s website:

  • Cafe Moto Go!

Trek's Women bikes

Trek advertises all of their bikes as unisex, although the smaller models are more suitable for women.

In previous years, Trek came out with two kinds of models, but pretty much all of the 2024 range is unisex.

The trick is, smaller models come with a curved top tube to make mounting the bike easier, but for bigger models, the top tube is straight.

See All Women's Bikes

Electra Kids Bikes 16″, 20″, 24″

Electra Kids Bikes

At the moment, Trek offers a wide range of kids’ bikes under the Electra brand. These bikes are available with 16″, 20″, and 24″ wheels, so they are suitable for different ages. Electra does not have any balance bikes, but there are many 16″ and 20′ models with training wheels. There are also single-speed and multi-gear models for younger and older kids. The best thing about them is fun and colorful designs!

Best for:  Kids and teenagers of all ages, for riding around the block, commutes to school, or family weekend rides on bike paths.

Kickster by Trek

Kickster is the only balance bike Trek offers. It costs around $160 and it comes with 12″ wheels, so it’s suitable for kids who are roughly 34″-40″ tall. It’s the best bike for very young riders to learn how to ride, practice balance, and progress on their own terms.

Best for:  Toddlers who need to learn how to maintain balance on two wheels. 

Precaliber, Wahoo & Roscoe

Precaliber, Wahoo, Roscoe

Precaliber, Wahoo, and Roscoe are Kids’ MTB series with wider tires, rim or disc brakes, and rigid or suspended forks. Trek Roscoe is available only with 24″ wheels, whereas Precaliber and Wahoo can be bought with 16″, 20″, 24″, and even 26″ wheels. These kids’ bikes are excellent for both on and off-road riding , trips to school, family rides, and any other fun cycling activities.

Best for: Children of all ages who need versatile bikes that they can ride on paved and unpaved roads, as well as on bike paths.

Trek MT-201

The MT-201 pedal trailer can be attached to the parent’s bike in front and allows the child to tag along and practice balancing while pedaling. The saddle is fully adjustable and the trailer comes with a 20″ wheel that makes it suitable for children between 45″-52″ tall.

Best for:  Toddlers and preschoolers who still need to perfect their balancing skills but want to follow their parents anywhere they go.

See All Kids Bikes on Trek

new or used bike

That means that you can probably easily sell them when you decide to upgrade and get a decent part of your investment back. Of course, assuming the bike is still in good condition.

If you have the money to spare, we recommend going for a new Trek bike that you will be able to sell for a decent chunk of the original price in the future, if you decide to do so.

Whenever possible, new is always better. It’s true that you can buy a bike with better specs for the same amount of money if you look for used, but you should only do it if you have enough experience to determine whether the bike is in good shape.

Trek bikes sizing charts

One of the benefits of buying a Trek bicycle is that you can usually choose from a large number of sizes. Most Trek bikes are usually available in 6 to 7 sizes , but some series come in up to 8 sizes (Domane).

Trek also offers size-specific wheels on many of their MTB models, such as the Marlin series. That means that the smallest frame sizes come with 27.5″ wheels, whereas larger frame sizes are 29ers. This ensures the best possible fit for riders of all heights.

One big plus is that Trek also offers height and inseam-based bike size charts , which is something that many other brands avoid. Therefore, to find the right size, just compare your height and inseam to the chart provided for every single bike.

Check out our favorite TREK bikes

What is a Trek bike?

These are bicycles made by Trek Bikes, one of the most popular USA-based cycling companies. Electra bikes can also be considered as Trek bikes because they are part of the same enterprise.

Are Trek Bikes Any Good?

Yes, Trek bikes are very good. Trek has a long history of making quality bikes that are used by beginner, hobby, and elite cyclists around the world. Trek bikes last for a long time and have excellent reselling value years after purchase.

Why are Trek Bikes so expensive?

Trek bikes are not expensive if you compare the price to the components. The price might be steeper compared to some other low-profile brands; however, the value you get is much higher as well.

Is Trek owned by Giant?

No, Trek is not owned by Giant. Giant makes some of Trek’s bikes in Taiwan, but they also do it as a paid service to for other major brands such as Scott or Colnago.

Is Cannondale owned by Trek?

No, Cannondale is not owned by Trek. Cannondale is owned by Dorel Industries.

What is the most expensive Trek bike?

Some of Trek’s most expensive bikes include Supercaliber, Domane, Madone, Emonda, Domane+, and Rail series. The highest-priced models cost around $12,500.

Is Trek worth the money?

Yes, Trek bikes are worth the money. Trek packs high-end technologies into their bikes, build their bikes around high-quality aluminum and carbon frames, and use only reliable Shimano and SRAM components.

Where are Trek bikes made?

Most Trek Bikes are made in the Netherlands, Germany, Taiwan, and China. Trek also has two manufacturing facilities in USA, Wisconsin – one in Waterloo and one in Whitewater.

Why are Trek bikes so popular?

Trek bikes are very popular because they offer excellent value for the money, they look good, they’re jam-packed with modern technologies, and they retain value for a long time. Their bikes are also ridden by many elite cycling athletes, which makes them even more desirable.

How much is a used Trek bike worth?

It depends on the model, age, and condition, but used Trek bikes have one of the best re-selling values of all bike brands.

See All Models On Trek Bikes

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5 thoughts on “ trek bikes brand review: a close look at the iconic usa bike brand ”.

The Trek Powerfly 5 Review may be an extremely advanced electrical off-roader that comes with spectacular specs to deliver unmatched skillfulness.

It offers the sort of power you’ll have to be compelled to tackle difficult cross-country terrains, however still feels natural on a leisurely weekend cruise round the neighborhood!

I was interested in buying a used xcalibur 7 and it’s a woman’s model. I can’t find any differences in the mens and woman’s besides the seat and coil spring. Is the frame and everything else the same? Thanks

Hi Jack, Good question. Unlike other mountain bikes with the top tube curving down for women’s bikes, there is not much difference except the frame size and the things you mentioned perhaps?

What’s the difference sl series. I’m confused, can you please explain.

Hi Antonio, It’s just an acronym: AL: Aluminium. CF: Carbon Fibre. CF SL: Carbon Fibre Super Light. CF SLX: Carbon Fibre Super Light Extreme etc 😉

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An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: The Exhibit In San Jose

Those Star Trek fans living in the Bay area will be pleased to hear that Star Trek: The Exhibition will arrive there this fall.

On October 23, Star Trek: The Exhibition will open at the Tech Museum in San Jose, California, and run through at least Christmas. The run “could go beyond that if things go well,” said Elizabeth Williams , senior director of marketing at The Tech.

Star Trek: The Exhibition will take up more than fifteen thousand square feet, and will be larger than those seen in other cities, such as Detroit. “Once again, we’ve successfully endeavored to bring our visitors an exhibition that everyone on the planet, and even strange new worlds, can relate to, learn from and enjoy,” said Tech President Peter Freiss . “Housing the exhibition at the Tech Museum is perfectly logical.”

The exhibit will include: an authentic replica of the bridge from the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (original series,) actual shooting model of a Borg cube, full-motion flight simulator, costumes and props, such as a tricorder, phaser and communicator, from all five Star Trek television shows as well as from the eleven movies, including Star Trek XI.

“Many of the comments they got in Detroit about the show were about why the new film wasn’t part of the exhibit and why it wasn’t part of the historical timeline in the exhibit,” said Elizabeth Williams, explaining that the exhibit has been updated and will include Star Trek XI .

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Discover the Unbeatable Features of Trek 7000

October 23, 2023

Discover the Unbeatable Features of Trek 7000 | PedalChef

‍ Key Takeaways

  • The Trek 7000 showcases an ideal blend of lightweight aluminum construction and robust durability.
  • Its versatile design guarantees top-notch performance and comfort from urban roads to challenging trails.
  • With a perfect union of cutting-edge tech and quality components, it stands as a commendable choice for cycling enthusiasts.

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‍ In the cycling world, few names evoke as much respect as Trek. The Trek 7000 stands as one of them because of its amazing features.

The Trek 7000 has an aluminum frame, contributing to its lightweight nature, making it easy for riders of all levels to handle. The comfortable seat post, rear derailleur, and smooth pedals ensure a comfortable ride on trails and terrains. This is a versatile mountain bike with solid durability.

This guide dives into a comprehensive review of this iconic bicycle, analyzing its unmatched features, from the intricacies of its frame to its sophisticated drivetrain and braking system. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a newcomer, this deep dive thoroughly explains what makes the Trek 7000 a revered choice among biking enthusiasts.


‍ Trek 7000 Bike Overview

The Trek 7000 is a versatile mountain bike for casual riders and those looking to hit the trails. This is a solid place to start looking for riders who love bikes with durability.

With its combination of quality components, comfortable ride, and stylish design, the Trek 7000 is an excellent choice for those who want to explore the great outdoors on two wheels.

It's known for its well-rounded features, such as durability and ease of use, and it comes with a medium price tag that doesn't break the bank. So, what should you know about the Trek 7000?

What We Loved

Frame and fork.

The aluminum frame of the Trek 7000 offers a lightweight yet durable foundation for this bike. It's an improvement over the earlier models, built with Alpha ZX aluminum. The high-tensile steel fork features curved blades, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride on various terrains.

The Trek 7000 boasts a reliable drivetrain, including a Shimano M131 crank, a Shimano TX51 rear derailleur, and SRAM MRX 7-speed twist shifters. These components work together to provide smooth gear changes and excellent performance on various trails.

Wheels and Tires

This mountain bike comes with Bontrager 550 36-hole alloy rims and Bontrager H4 700x35c tires, which provide excellent traction and durability on different surfaces. The wheels and tires are perfect for those who want to tackle off-road adventures or simply enjoy casual rides around town.

Comfort and Size

The Trek 7000 is available in a range of sizes to accommodate riders of different heights. We particularly appreciated the comfortable saddle and easy-to-grip handlebars, making for an enjoyable ride that accommodates various riding styles.

What Could Be Improved

While the Trek 7000 features decent stock brakes, some riders may prefer to upgrade to higher-quality brakes for better stopping power and control. This is especially important for those who plan to tackle more advanced trails or ride in wet conditions.


Although the Trek 7000 is a great bike on its own, we believe some riders may want to add accessories like a rear rack, fenders, or upgraded pedals to further personalize their bike and improve its utility.

Trek 7000 Distinctive Features

Comfortable design.

As casual riders, we can't help but appreciate the Trek 7000's comfortable design. The saddle is specifically designed to provide a comfy ride, making it ideal for those long days on the trails.

The bike also has the option to add fenders, a rear rack, and other accessories that make it even more user-friendly. We definitely enjoy riding this mountain bike.

Lightweight Frame

The Trek 7000 mountain bike features a light yet strong aluminum frame. This lightweight property greatly affects our ability to ride longer and tackle uphill climbs easily. The lightweight frame makes it much easier to handle and maneuver while riding.

Smooth Ride Quality

When it comes to ride quality, this bike truly shines. The Trek 7000 is equipped with reliable components such as the rear derailleur and brakes. Its tires are designed for various terrains, providing excellent grip and traction. The bike's fork ensures a smooth ride by absorbing shocks and vibrations.

Core Strengths of the Trek 7000 Bike

Superior durability.

One of the main reasons why we love the Trek 7000 mountain bike is its superior durability. The aluminum frame is made of high-quality materials that can withstand the test of time.

With proper care and maintenance, this bike can serve both casual riders and mountain biking enthusiasts for years.

Efficient Performance

Another core strength that makes the Trek 7000 an excellent choice is its efficient performance. This mountain bike is designed to handle various terrains, making it perfect for those who love to take on new trails.

With a wide gear range, riders can easily tackle hills and enjoy a comfortable ride even on uneven surfaces. The tires on this bike are also designed to provide excellent traction, ensuring a smooth and safe ride.

Advanced Technology

Trek is a brand known for utilizing advanced technology in their bikes, and the Trek 7000 is no exception. The smooth welds on the frame and the durable aluminum material make it a light yet robust mountain bike.

The components of the bike, such as the drivetrain and brakes, are also designed to provide top-notch performance during rides. The high-quality aluminum material used in the frame ensures a durable and lightweight bike that can handle challenging trails.

The smooth welds are not just for aesthetics. They also contribute to the frame's overall strength and durability. The Trek 7000's wide gear range allows you to easily ride up hills and tackle various terrains.

Trek 7000 Frame and Build Quality

The Trek 7000 prides itself on an advanced aluminum alloy frame, ensuring a lightweight yet robust structure. This material choice provides an optimal balance between agility and sturdiness.

The frame's geometry, tailored for both comfort and performance, caters to varied rider preferences. Noteworthy is the meticulous welding technique which offers seamless joints, enhancing the overall aesthetics and durability.

With anti-corrosive properties and rigorous testing, the Trek 7000 ensures longevity, even in the toughest of conditions, justifying its reputation in the biking community.

Trek 7000 Drivetrain and Braking System

The heart of the Trek 7000's performance lies in its precision-engineered drivetrain. Sporting top-tier components ensure seamless gear shifts with a wide range to cater to steep climbs and fast descents.

The bike boasts a modern derailleur system, delivering crisp transitions between its multiple gears. Complementing the drivetrain is its efficient braking system. Equipped with hydraulic disc brakes, the Trek 7000 offers rapid stopping power, ensuring safety even in wet conditions.

Compared to competitors, its responsive drivetrain and potent braking mechanism position it as a frontrunner in its class, providing an unmatched riding experience.

Suspension and Handling

Central to the Trek 7000's appeal is its state-of-the-art suspension system. Equipped with responsive front shocks, it promises a smooth ride even on rugged terrains. These suspensions are adept at absorbing shocks from bumps, providing cyclists with a jolt-free experience.

Its geometry is specifically designed to offer improved handling on diverse terrains - from city roads to mountain trails. Thanks to the bike's lower center of gravity, riders can expect unparalleled stability.

All these features collectively ensure that regardless of the path taken, the Trek 7000 guarantees a ride that's both comfortable and controlled.

How Durable Is The Trek 7000?

The Trek 7000 is a well-built mountain bike designed to withstand rough terrains and provide a comfortable ride for casual riders. The durability of this bike primarily lies in the materials used for its construction.

The frame of the Trek 7000 is made from high-quality aluminum, which provides the bike with a lightweight and sturdy structure. This material contributes to the bike's durability and enables it to handle tough trails without sustaining significant damage.

The components of the Trek 7000, such as the rear derailleur, brakes, and drivetrain, are also carefully selected to ensure a long-lasting performance. Quality tires are crucial for the durability of any mountain bike, and the Trek 7000 is no exception.

The tires used in this model are designed to provide excellent grip, even on challenging surfaces, ultimately enhancing the bike's longevity. The wheel design is super durable for off-roading too.

Is The Trek 7000 Worth Buying?

As mountain bike enthusiasts, we believe the Trek 7000 is worth considering, as it has built a solid reputation over the years. Designed for both casual riders and those new to the sport, this bike is known for offering a comfortable ride while still providing durability and performance.

One of the components contributing to the comfortable ride is the aluminum frame, which is both lighter and stronger than many alternatives. This makes the Trek 7000 easier to handle and more capable of tackling various trail conditions.

Additionally, the wide gear range on this mountain bike allows for easier hill climbs and a more enjoyable overall experience. We like the fact that the Trek 7000 is suitable for casual riders, but it's also designed to handle more adventurous trails.

Before making a decision, research your own and read reviews from fellow cyclists better to understand the Trek 7000's riders' experiences. We think it’s a good buy, and we're confident you'll enjoy hitting the trails with this reliable mountain bike.

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Danny Lawson

Danny Lawson

Mountain biking is more than just a hobby for me - it's a way of life. I love the challenge and excitement that comes with it, and I'm always pushing myself to go faster and ride harder. Some people might think that mountain biking is dangerous, but I see it as the only way to live.

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About PedalChef

PedalChef is a blog on all things cycling. We are a group of people who love bikes, and we want to share the joy that comes with the experience. You can read more about us here .

Julian Maissel

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Bikes & Gear

We know that the bike you ride plays an important role in making your vacation truly memorable. That’s why, we go the extra mile to ensure you have the best cycling experience possible, offering world-class Trek bikes and top-of-the-line equipment at no extra charge. Whether you’re excited about the all-new, Trek Domane SL 7 with electronic shifting, or prefer the boost of our electric-assist bikes, we’ve got the perfect option waiting for you. And that’s not all! Every Trek Travel trip comes with a special discount on your next Trek bike purchase.

So what are you waiting for? Step up, clip in, shift down, and get ready to ride the best bikes in the business on a cycling vacation of a lifetime.

Our Trek Bikes

A bike is more than a tool. It’s a ticket to your next adventure. And a good ride on a great bike can make memories of a lifetime. That’s why we don’t offer anything less than the top-of-the-line Trek Bikes on every trip.

Trek Domane SL 7

Experiencing your cycling vacation of a lifetime is not complete without a world-class bike and the Trek Domane is the King of the road ride. It raises the bar to deliver incredible endurance road bike comfort without sacrificing performance and features highly responsive disc brakes and electronic shifting. This new bike is lighter than ever before, and carbon wheels come standard on every bike.

Included in trip price. Not offered on select destinations. See trip pages for details.

Trek Verve+ Electric Hybrid

With its low-step frame design, front suspension, and the barely-there Bosch electric motor, the Verve+ has one goal: pure enjoyment. Get a boost up the hills when you need it, and never feel a pedal stroke behind.

  Not offered on Level-4 trips and select destinations. Contact us to learn more.

Specialty & Upgrade Bikes

Whether you’re seeking an elegant road ride that includes a boost for challenging climbs or aiming to dominate unpaved adventures with the best gravel bikes in the industry, our specialty and upgrade bikes are guaranteed to offer the comfort you need on and the performance you expect.

Trek Domane+ SLR 7

The upgrade you need for any grade you’ll ride up. Experience all of the pleasure, and none of the guilt with the ultra-lightweight design and high-speed assist of the Domane+ SLR 7. This performance e-road bike will help you fly up mountains, hang with fast group, and take every curve with confidence. So go ahead – take the long way.

Available on  select trips .  including  gravel bike tours  where they are specially outfitted with 40cm Bontrager GR1 tires

Upgrade to the Domane+ SLR7 for only $399 (3-6 Day Trips) or $599 (7+ Day Trips)

Trek Checkpoint SLR 7

Sometimes the road ahead isn’t a road at all. With a high-performance frame designed to be nimble yet stable, and the smoothing effect of rear IsoSpeed technology, the Checkpoint SLR 7 chews up any surface like it was made of butter. And the GRX groupset with integrated clutch in the rear derailleur is made for the bumps to hit every shift, every time. Disc brakes give you maximum stopping power, and 45mm tubeless tires will leave you confidence on every corner.

Trek Domane SL 5 Disc

The Trek Domane SL 5 Disc is the perfect bike for your North America self-guided trip. Trek’s latest innovation has led to the best bike on the road—a light weight, stable and technologically advanced machine to make even the hardest roads seem smooth and easy. Ride confidently, comfortably and longer in the most beautiful destinations around the world We think you’ll like this bike so much, you’ll want to get one of your own!

Trek Domane AL 5 Disc

Sometimes, carbon can be overkill. That’s why Trek delivers the best aluminum bike on the road—a lightweight, stable, and technologically advanced machine to make every road seem smooth and easy while the disc brakes make stopping safe and secure. It’s every bit a race machine, only made for the rest of us.

Additional Gear for Your Ride

Great rides are safe rides, and Trek Travel provides the best gear when it comes to keeping you safe and seen on the road. From the most advanced helmet tech, disc brakes, and powerful Flare R lights, to certified mechanics on every trip—you can enjoy the scenery without the worry. It’s safe to say, no other tour operator goes the extra mile like we do.

Bontrager Wavecel Helmet

WaveCel is revolutionary helmet safety tech that’s available exclusively in Trek and Bontrager bike helmets. It’s designed to be more effective than traditional foam helmets by better managing the rotational forces that can occur in certain cycling accidents. You only get one brain, it’s worth protecting.

Available sizes: Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large

Garmin Edge 1030

The Garmin Edge 1030 comes equipped with a 3.5″ high-resolution display for maximum visibility, comprehensive navigation and everything you need to track your ride. This GPS computer offers advanced performance monitoring, turn-by-turn navigation, and the Garmin Cycle Map, which notifies you of upcoming turns, elevation data, points of interest and new route generation to explore a destination on your terms. Simple to use, turn by turn instructions at the tip of your finger with the day’s ride pre-loaded for you, plus all the standard information you need.

*North American Self-Guided trips are equipped with the Garmin 830

Ride with GPS

Now you can store your itinerary, guide and hotel contacts all within the Ride With GPS app on your phone or tablet. It’s a modern-day replacement to your standard vacation folder. You can also see each day’s route options and navigate with turn-by-turn directions right from your phone. And the best part? You don’t have to be connected to WiFi or data to use it.

Learn more about what the Ride with GPS Experience can do for you  right here»

Flare R Lights

We make every ride safer with the first taillight designed for daylight visibility. Flare R’s balanced optics set off with a powerful CREE LED can be seen from over 2km day or night. 65 Lumens and 270 degrees of visibility help make you the biggest distraction on the road.

Shimano R540 Road Pedals

This pedal works with any road Shimano SPD-SL cleat to offer a wide platform for efficient transfer of power. If you prefer flat pedals or pedals with cages, we also have those available on every trip. This pedal is compatible with SPD-SL cleats.

We can also provide flat or caged pedals on all of our bikes.

Shimano M520 Mountain Bike Pedals

This pedal works with any touring or mountain Shimano SPD cleat and can be adjusted to fit your desired tension. If you prefer flat pedals or pedals with cages, we also have those available on every trip. This pedal is compatible with  SPD cleats .

Hiking + Walking Gear

Join our Hiking + Walking Tours and leave the planning to us. With tools like GPS navigation, hiking poles, and backpacks provided, you’re set for a comfortable and safe exploration. The path to adventure is clear—all you need to do is walk it.


  • Hiking Poles*
  • Technical T-Shirt
  • Insulated Water Bottle 
  • Ride with GPS navigation experience

*Available for use during the trip. For your comfort, we highly recommend packing your own.

The Apparel

On every Signature, Reserve, Cross Country, and Pro Race Trek Travel trip, you will receive a complimentary Trek Travel cycling jersey. We are proud to partner with Santini, the official clothing sponsor of the Trek Factory Racing Teams to provide a jersey that delivers podium worthy performance and vacation ready style. And when you return home, sport your Trek Travel jersey for instant travel nostalgia. We’ll be sure to give you a high five if we spot you on the road. 

Please note, we do not send out guest jerseys for our Discover, Ride Camp, or Self-Guided trips

Classic Cycling Jersey

On every Signature, Reserve, and Pro Race Trek Travel trip, you will receive a complimentary Trek Travel cycling jersey. We are proud to partner with Santini, the official clothing sponsor of the Trek Factory Racing Teams to provide a jersey that delivers podium worthy performance and vacation ready style. And when you return home, sport your Trek Travel jersey for instant travel nostalgia. We’ll be sure to give you a high five if we spot you on the road. 

Jersey Sizing | Exchange Form

Cross-Country USA
Cycling Jersey

On our Cross-Country USA trip, you’ll receive a custom kit to commemorate the remarkable achievements of your 47-day, 3,786-mile journey across 15 states, taking you from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine.

Trek Domane SL 7 Components:

  • Aeolus Pro 37 Carbon wheelset
  • Shimano R8170 12-speed Di2 components
  • Shimano Ultegra Disc Brakeset
  • 11-34T cassette
  • Rear IsoSpeed Decoupler
  • Bontrager Verse Comp saddle
  • Optional : Women’s Specific Bontrager Yatra Elite saddle
  • Garmin GPS Computer

Trek Domane SL 7 Availability:

Available in sizes (cm):  44, 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62

Not available for select destinations. See trip pages for details or contact your Trip Consultant for trip-specific availability.

Trek Verve+ Electric Hybrid Components:

  • Shimano 9-Speed Drivetrain
  • Bosch Active Line Plus drive unit
  • Shimano Hydraulic Disc Brakes
  • Bontrager Boulevard saddle
  • Bosch 500WH Removable Integrated Battery
  • Max Assistance Speed: 20 MPH (32 km/h) in U.S. / 15 MPH (24 km/h) in Europe

Trek Verve+ Electric Hybrid Availability:

Available sizes: Small, Medium, Large (frame sizes are first come, first served)

Subject to availability. Not offered on Avid / Level-4 trips and on select destinations.

Some of our trips offer the Trek Verve+ 2 or the Trek Verve+ 3. See trip pages for details.

Trek Domane+ SLR 7 Electric Road Bike Components:

  • Shimano R8150 Di2 Series components
  • Bontrager Verse Elite saddle
  • Aeolus Pro 37 OCLV Carbon wheels
  • TQ 250 watt motor
  • TQ 360Wh battery
  • Max Assistance Speed: 28 MPH (45 km/h) in U.S. / 15 MPH (24 km/h) in Europe

Trek Domane+ SLR 7 Electric Road Bike Availability:

Available sizes (cm): 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 (frame sizes are first come, first served)

Available on SELECT TRIPS. Please talk to your Trip Consultant to learn more.

Available on select GRAVEL BIKE TOURS, the Trek Electric-Assist Domane+ SLR 7 will be specially outfitted with 40cm Bontrager GR1 tires.

Upgrade to the Domane+ SLR7 for only $399 (3-6 Day Trips) or $599 (7+ Day Trips).

Trek Checkpoint SLR 7 Components:

  • Aeolus Pro 37 Carbon wheelset with Pirelli Cinturato Gravel M Tubeless Tires
  • Shimano GRX 2X 11-speed Di2 components
  • Shimano GRX Disc Brakeset

Trek Checkpoint SLR 7 Availability:

Available in sizes (cm): 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61

Available in 2023 on GRAVEL BIKE TOURS. Contact your Trip Consultant to learn more.

Trek Domane SL 5 Disc Components:

  • Bontrager Paradigm SL Wheelset
  • Shimano 105 R7100 12-speed components
  • Shimano 105 Disc Brakeset
  • Bontrager Verse Short Comp Saddle

Trek Domane SL 5 Disc Availability:

Available in sizes (cm): 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60

Available on all North American SELF-GUIDED trips.

Contact your Trip Consultant with any questions you may have.

Trek Domane AL 5 Disc Components:

  • Lightweight Aluminum Frame
  • IsoZone Handlebar with Carbon Fork
  • Shimano R7000 105 Series components
  • Bontrager P3 Verse Saddle

Trek Domane AL 5 Disc Availability:

Available in sizes (cm): 44, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61

Available on all 2023 SCOTLAND , ENGLAND , and IRELAND trips.

If a date is marked as Private, it is reserved for a private group.

Looking to travel with a small group or looking for a custom date? Call our trip consultants at 866-464-8735

What is the Difference?

Ultimate luxury:.

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.

Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.

These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.

On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of hotel levels, from Explorer to Luxury to Ultimate Luxury. Rest assured, no matter which level of hotel you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Road : 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Road : 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Road : 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Road : 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - reserve:.

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discovor:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself

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Trek Research

Market studies and forecasts for the niche travel industry, a focused approach.

Trek Research is a small group of smart people that thrive on bringing insight to the emerging markets in the travel industry, such as volunteer-based travel and eco-toursim. Each member of our team brings a different set of skills and strengths to the table — allowing us to be thorough and incredibly good at what we do.

Experienced People

Founders Kristy Holch and Mette Eriksen are experienced market researchers with over 40 years between them in measuring consumer behavior and projecting market trends.  Quoted in the press and recognized as specialists in their areas of expertise, Trek's analysts help define markets and lead industry thought through studies and conferences, serving a client list from Fortune 500 to startups.

Integrity and Quality

Trek Research prioritizes integrity, accuracy, and insightful analysis. Our mission is to help grow the market for responsible social impact travel. We believe it has the potential to transform and improve individual lives and our world.

Contact us to find out about how we can help you develop your marketing strategy through our deep industry insight.

855 El Camino Real, Suite 13A-350 Palo Alto , CA 94301 U.S.A.

[email protected]

© 2019 by Trek Research, Inc.

trek barnesykkel

NOK 1 874,25 NOK 2 499,00. Varer. 24. Sorter etter. Relevans. Alle barnesykler fra Trek er laget for å gi sykkelglede. Her finner du de beste barnesyklene, alt fra sykler med støttehjul til ytelsesrettede landeveis- og terrengsykler. Handle nå!

Å investere i en barnesykkel fra et etablert sykkelmerke er verdt det—Trek barnesykler er designet og satt sammen av mennesker som kan sykler. Trek innbytteordning for barnesykler Ikke bekymre deg for at barnet vokser fort Med vår innbytteordning for barnesykler, kan du spare penger og være trygg på at barnet ditt alltid har en sykkel som ...

Trek Integrated Seatpost Light Mount. 90,00 kr. Flaske/flaskeholder. Trek Fly 550 ml vannflaske. 90,00 kr. Flaske/flaskeholder. Trek Elite 400 ml oppbevaringsflaske. 90,00 kr. Flaske/flaskeholder.

Sykler. Verdens beste sykler får du kun fra verdens beste sykkelfirma. Hver Trek-sykkel er bygget for å øke kvaliteten på sykkelturen, og hver modell stiller med vår anerkjente ytelse, slitestyrke og presisjon i ryggen. Finn din neste og beste sykkel i vårt omfattende sortiment av stiknusende terrengsykler, lynraske landeveissykler og ...

Vet du hvor stor sykkel ungen din trenger? Hør våre tips og anbefalinger, og velg riktig barnesykkel!#AntonSport Følg oss gjerne på sosiale medier:Facebook: ...

Trek started in a small Wisconsin barn in 1976, but our founders always saw something bigger. Decades later, we're on a mission to make our world a better place to live and ride. We build only products we love, provide incredible hospitality to our customers, and change the world by getting more people on bikes. ...

The Remedy is Trek's long-legged trail bike which comes with four models for 2021. It rolls on 650b wheels and gets 160mm of travel at the front, with 150mm at the rear. Much like the Slash, the Remedy benefits from the Knock Block, the Active Braking Pivot, and the Mino Link.

Terrengsykler. Trek er verdensledende innen terrengsykkelteknologi. Så det er ikke rart våre terrengsykler er markedets mest teknologisk avanserte. Her er ikke nyskapningen begrenset til de dyreste syklene. Hver modell er fullastet med funksjoner og detaljer som gjør ethvert ritt, i enhver løype, bedre. 193 Resultater.

Mountain. Trek is the world leader in mountain bike technology. No surprise that our mountain bikes are the most technologically advanced on the market. Here, innovations are not limited to only the highest-end MTB models. Every Trek mountain bike is loaded with features and details that will make any ride, on any trail, better. Shop now.

Brand: Trek, Product: Domane SLR Frameset The award-winning Domane SLR Frameset is built with 600 Series OCLV Carbon and includes both Front and Adjustable Rear IsoSpeed so you can fine-tune your compliance to your terrain.

Showing 12 of 39 results. Back. ⌖ Use My Location. Store Locator by Locally.

Lett og allsidig barnesykkel fra Trek. Kjøpt ny av oss på Tromsø ski og sykkel for 4699,- Noen bruksmerker her og der, men mye god barnesykkel igjen. Selges 1500,-

820 Trek 820 Men's Model. 820 is the most affordable mountain bike in the Trek line. It consists of one men's and one women's model, both of which cost around $500. They are equipped with rim brakes, Shimano Tourney components, and 26″ tires, which makes them perfect for beginners.. Best for: 820 bikes are good for short daily recreational and fitness rides, as well as short commutes.

The Trek 6500 is an excellent choice for mountain biking enthusiasts who love tackling steep climbs and fast descents. With a solid frame and good suspension, the bike easily handles technical singletrack and rugged terrain. Its front fork provides sufficient shock absorption to keep riders comfortable, helping maintain control and traction on ...

Star Trek: The Exhibit In San Jose - TrekToday

When it comes to speed, the Trek 1000 road bike does not disappoint. The skinny tires and 14-speed configuration make for a nimble and fast ride. Furthermore, the carbon fiber components add to the bike's overall lightweight, allowing riders to pick up speed and easily tackle various terrains. Component. Benefit.

Trek Bicycle Bracknell, Bracknell. 168 likes · 1 talking about this · 24 were here. Trek Bicycle Bracknell is your destination for the latest products from Trek and Bontrager, alongside service and...

About us. The Trek Factory Racing family of teams is managed directly by Trek's in house Race Shop department. We strive to deliver the highest level of service and product across numerous cycling disciplines by: Empowering athletes to achieve greatness. Pushing the limits of engineering and human potential. Inspiring riders and fans with our ...

The Trek 7000 is a well-built mountain bike designed to withstand rough terrains and provide a comfortable ride for casual riders. The durability of this bike primarily lies in the materials used for its construction. The frame of the Trek 7000 is made from high-quality aluminum, which provides the bike with a lightweight and sturdy structure.

Hvordan justere bremser og bytte bremseklosser på landeveissykkel?Stephan viser deg hvordan du justerer bremser og bytter bremseklosser på landeveissykkel me...

Bikes & Gear. We know that the bike you ride plays an important role in making your vacation truly memorable. That's why, we go the extra mile to ensure you have the best cycling experience possible, offering world-class Trek bikes and top-of-the-line equipment at no extra charge. Whether you're excited about the all-new, Trek Domane SL 7 ...

Space-Con 2 (the second Star Trek convention) was held in Oakland at what was then known as the Oakland Municipal Auditorium (now the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center) on August 7 and 8, 1976. Bob Wilkins, the host of Creature Features, which broadcast on KTVU, was the emcee at Space-Con 2. This convention was much larger then the first, which had been in San Francisco's Lincoln High School ...

Barnesykkel - test og nyheter 2022

Terrengsykler for barn finnes det mange typer av. her vil du finne nyheter og omtaler av barnesykkel både til terrengsykling og vanlig bruk..

Skal du kjøpe barnesykkel for første gang? Her finner du nyheter om sykler og tips til hva du må se etter når du kjøper terrengsykkel for barn.  

Vi har også oversikt over fulldempere til barn , og tips til hvordan du med små tilpasninger kan gjøre sykkelen bedre å bruke for barnet ditt.

trek wahoo barnesykkel

Wahoo Trail - ny barnesykkel fra Trek til terrengsykkelspirene

oppgradering barnesykkel terrengsykkel barn

Slik kan du gjøre barnesykkelen bedre

MORO FOR DE MINSTE: Det finnes et utvalg fulldempede terrengsykler for barn - men det koster! Foto: Tore Meirik.

Er barnet ditt ivrig stisyklist? Da må du vurdere dette

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Terrengsykler for barn

leie barnesykkel med abonnement

Vil gjøre barnesykler abonnementsbasert

barnesykkel specialized jett 16 20 24

Ny barnesykkel fra Specialized – Jett

barnesykkel størrelse hjulstørrelse tips

Dette må du se etter når du kjøper barnesykkel

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Stor interesse for fulldempede terrengsykler for barn

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Nå kommer Scott Ransom i barneversjon

kidreel sykle med barn tau

Tidligere norsk sykkelproff med gründeridé for barn på sykkel

Foto: Margus Riga/Rocky Mountain

En seriøs barnesykkel

Ja. Flere produsenter lager barnefulldempere som er laget for terrengsykling. 

Ja, det er flere måter å gjøre en barnesykkel både lettere og mer egnet for terrengsykling på. 


Terrengsykkel skriver om gode sykkelopplevelser. Her møter du ildsjelene og de som pusher grensene. Terrengsykkel gir deg inspirasjon til å sykle mer og finne nye stier. Grundige utstyrstester gjør at du velger riktig utstyr du kan ha lenge. Vi belyser kontroversielle temaer og gir rom for gode argumenter.

Redaksjonen arbeider etter Redaktørplakaten. Holdninger og meninger i Terrengsykkels reportasjer er ikke nødvendigvis i tråd med redaksjonens syn.

Terrengsykkel har ikke ansvar for innhold på eksterne nettsider som det lenkes til. Kopiering av materiale fra Terrengsykkel for bruk annet sted, crawling, skraping, indeksering (for eksempel tekst og datamining) er ikke tillatt uten avtale.

Alt om ditt abonnement

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Terrengsykkel.no utgis av Fri Flyt AS | Postboks 1185 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo

Ansvarlig redaktør og daglig leder:  Anne Julie Saue  | Redaktør:  David Andresen Vesteng  | Journalister: Kristoffer Kippernes

Kommersiell leder: Alexander Hagen

Cannondale banner | Merker

Caad13 Tiagra

Kids Trail Plus 20

Kids Trail Plus 20

Wonderwagen Neo Raincover

Wonderwagen Neo Raincover

Topstone Carbon Apex AXS

Topstone Carbon Apex AXS

Topstone Carbon 3

Topstone Carbon 3

Scalpel HT Carbon 3

Scalpel HT Carbon 3

Scalpel Carbon 4

Scalpel Carbon 4

SuperSix Evo 3 med R-45 Carbon-hjulsett

SuperSix Evo 3 med R-45 Carbon-hjulsett

ReGrip Aero Cage

ReGrip Aero Cage

R 45 Rear CL Shimano Wheel

R 45 Rear CL Shimano Wheel

Precise Floor Pump

Precise Floor Pump

OutFront Cargo Front Rack

OutFront Cargo Front Rack

Habit LT 2

Habit Carbon LT LTD

Gripper Stacked Bottle

Gripper Stacked Bottle

Gripper Logo Insulated Bottle

Gripper Logo Insulated Bottle

Essential Floor Pump

Essential Floor Pump

Caad13 105 Di2

Caad13 105 Di2

Cargowagen Neo Seatpad

Cargowagen Neo Seatpad

Cargowagen Neo 1

Cargowagen Neo 1

Trail Neo 3

Trail Neo 3

LAB71 SuperSix EVO

LAB71 SuperSix EVO

Habit 4

Moterra Neo Carbon LT 2


Hvordan velge riktig barnesykkel

  • filter controls Varer 24 24 48 72 filter controls Sorter etter Relevans Relevans A–Å Å–A Pris, lav–høy Pris, høy–lav

Say Hello to Lidl-Trek.

Our mission: Become the best road cycling team in the world and inspire more people to ride their bikes.

Lidl and Trek: two great brands that go even better together.

With more than 12,000 grocery stores, lidl promotes healthy nutrition and well-being across the globe., ride bikes. have fun. feel good., stay updated, meet lidl-trek.

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This size table is only an estimation, the optimum frame size depends on your personal preference and riding style

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Energihuset Sport & Fritid AS

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Specialized Vado 3.0 23

Specialized Vado 3.0 23

38000,00  kr

Consider Vado your high-performance transportation bike, getting you where you’re going with an unmatched combination of speed, reliability, and confidence. Whether you load it up with your stuff, or jump on and go, commute to work, or ride to the gym, Vado’s full power and huge range will get you from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’ ASAP.

The Specialized Vado has everything you need for e-powered transport. It brings a balanced nature to the way it handles and superior levels of comfort, plus a motor range of up to 90 miles. This is a true class leader of its type.

TURBO: The heart of the Vado is its Turbo technology, an advanced and integrated electric bike system that delivers an unequaled combination of power, natural feel, anti-theft functions, training tips, a full-function bike computer, 93 miles / 150 km of range, and more. Plus, with Over the Air updates, your Vado will improve over time with automated functions that can be downloaded as they are developed.

POWERFUL: It’s you, just faster — it’s 4x You. The Turbo Full Power system senses the force you apply to the pedals and naturally quadruples it for an experience that makes getting up any hill or to any destination no sweat. Literally.

COMFORTABLE AND CONFIDENT: Body position and handling are optimized to deliver unsurpassed riding comfort, confidence, and control. Powerful hydraulic disc brakes reign in your speed, while larger tires provide maximum traction for turning and stopping.

LONG-RANGE: With a ride-anywhere range, go up to 93 miles / 150 km on a single charge.

SMOOTH: Stay comfortable in the saddle with an 80mm front suspension fork, higher volume tires, and a plush suspension seat post that smooths harsh bumps from points A to B.

SECURE: Vado has anti-theft lock built right into the bike. Prevent would-be bike thieves by disabling the motor with a press of a button so no one can turn on the motor without your phone connected to the Mission Control app or your personalized pin. The Vado’s battery locks in the bike or can be easily taken with you. And if anyone tries to move your bike an alarm will sound. Beat it, thieves.

BETTER OVER TIME: Because our technology never stops improving, neither will your ride experience. With new features, introductions, and firmware updates happening wirelessly, take your ride experience to the next level every time an update is available.

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Relaterte produkter

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Dominate AXC-2 Elite MTB 29

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Micro Mini Aqua

Micro Black 200mm

Micro Black 200mm

Trek Powerfly Sport 4 EQ

Trek Powerfly Sport 4 EQ



Frog MTB 72

Micro  Speed+ Mint

Micro Speed+ Mint

Micro  Cruiser Blue

Micro Cruiser Blue

Frog MTB 69

Frog MTB 69

Energihuset Sport & Fritid AS

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  1. Barnesykler

    Kickster. NOK 1 874,25 NOK 2 499,00. Varer. 24. Sorter etter. Relevans. Alle barnesykler fra Trek er laget for å gi sykkelglede. Her finner du de beste barnesyklene, alt fra sykler med støttehjul til ytelsesrettede landeveis- og terrengsykler.

  2. Kjøpsguide for barnesykler

    Kjøpsguide for barnesykler. Barnesykler handler om å ha det gøy, skape minner, og å gi barnet ditt den friheten de kun opplever på to hjul. Det er utrolig å se barnet ditt sykle for første gang, bli med på en tur med hele familien, og se dem vokse som syklister. Enten barnet ditt er klar for sin første sykkel eller en større sykkel ...

  3. Trek Wahoo 24 Trail

    Trek Wahoo 24 Trail - Trek Bergen. Sykkel / Barnesykkel / Barn 8-12 år. Trek Wahoo 24 Trail. 9200,00 kr. Wahoo 24 Trail er en lett og solid barnesykkel som er klar for å sykle i terrenget. Den solide aluminiumsrammen er lett å manøvrere når de jobber seg nedover stien, men solid nok til å tåle røffere saker.

  4. Elektriske sykler

    Elektriske sykler. Bruk elsykkelfinneren Mer informasjon. Sykler. Elektriske sykler. Elektriske sykler forsterker tråkket, så du kan gjøre og se mer enn du noen gang trodde var mulig. De er raske og smidige med en forutsigbar motorkraft som er enkel å kontrollere, og batterier som holder lenge og er enkle å lade i en vanlig stikkontakt.

  5. Barnesykkel

    Barnesykkel er et fantastisk redskap og leketøy. Les test av barnesykkel fra Trek, Frog Bikes, White, DBS, Gekko, Fuji og flere. Både 16-tommer, 20-tommer og 24 tommer.

  6. Butikk

    Barnesykkel. Barn 3-5 år; Barn 4-6 år; Barn 6-9 år; Barn 8-12 år; Elektrisk sykkel. Elektrisk hybrid; Elektrisk landevei; Elektrisk terreng; Lastesykkel; Hybrid. ... Trek Word Mark flaske, 710ml. 80,00 kr. Slange Bontrager Standard Presta Valve sykkelslange. 80,00 kr. Slange Bontrager Standard Schrader Valve sykkelslange.

  7. Trek Wahoo 24 Anthracite

    Trek Wahoo 24 Anthracite Wahoo 24 er en lett, enkel, og praktisk hybridsykkel for barn, som gjør det enkelt for barnet ditt å få det meste ut av hver eneste sykkeltur. Denne allsidige sykkelen er bygget for brukervennlighet: den er lett, takler en rekke underlag, og utstyrt med 1x8 drivverk og bred girutveksling for alle steder barnet ditt sykler.

  8. Trek Bergen

    Wahoo Trail 🚲 Knalltøff barnesykkel som skiller seg ut i mengden! En heldig guttunge er klar for nye eventyr ️ #newbikeday. Mandag - Fredag. 10:00 - 17:00. Lørdag. 10:00 - 16:00. Vi i Trek Bergen er lidenskapelig opptatt av å spre sykkelglede og god service til alle våre kunder. Kom innom for en hyggelig handel!

  9. Sykler

    Sykler. Verdens beste sykler får du kun fra verdens beste sykkelfirma. Hver Trek-sykkel er bygget for å øke kvaliteten på sykkelturen, og hver modell stiller med vår anerkjente ytelse, slitestyrke og presisjon i ryggen. Finn din neste og beste sykkel i vårt omfattende sortiment av stiknusende terrengsykler, lynraske landeveissykler og ...

  10. trek barnesykkel

    0 && showAutoCampaigns)" style="display: none;"> Kundesenter, booking verksted, majorstua, kontakt oss, vÅre butikker, hjulbygging. Du er 1 000 kroner unna å få ...

  11. Barnesykkel

    Skal du kjøpe barnesykkel for første gang? Her finner du nyheter om sykler og tips til hva du må se etter når du kjøper terrengsykkel for barn. Vi har også oversikt over fulldempere til barn, og tips til hvordan du med små tilpasninger kan gjøre sykkelen bedre å bruke for barnet ditt. annonse. barnefulldempere.

  12. Terrengsykler

    Sykler. Terrengsykler. Trek er verdensledende innen terrengsykkelteknologi. Så det er ikke rart våre terrengsykler er markedets mest teknologisk avanserte. Her er ikke nyskapningen begrenset til de dyreste syklene. Hver modell er fullastet med funksjoner og detaljer som gjør ethvert ritt, i enhver løype, bedre. 185 Resultater.

  13. Trek Bikes

    Trek started in a small Wisconsin barn in 1976, but our founders always saw something bigger. Decades later, we're on a mission to make our world a better place to live and ride. We build only products we love, provide incredible hospitality to our customers, and change the world by getting more people on bikes. ...

  14. Cannondale

    Vi har et godt utvalg av Cannondale sykler. Anton Sport har et stort utvalg av sport-, og friluftsutstyr. Vi har alt innen sykkel, løp, langrenn, alpint, topptur og trening. Vi hjelper deg finne det utstyret som passer best for deg

  15. Velg riktig barnesykkel

    Vet du hvor stor sykkel ungen din trenger? Hør våre tips og anbefalinger, og velg riktig barnesykkel!#AntonSport Følg oss gjerne på sosiale medier:Facebook: ...

  16. Trek precaliber 20 barnesykkel selges

    Trek Precaliber 20 barnesykkel med 7 gir selges. Flott og pent ivaretatt barnesykkel. Alltid stått i bod når den ikke har vært i bruk. Sykkelen er 20' og i følge Trek egnet for barn i alderen...

  17. Barnesykkel med kvalitet = sykkelglede

    Barnesykkel - slik finner du riktig sykkel til barn. Lav vekt, gode og velprøvde komponenter og riktig størrelser er det aller viktigste. Vi har utvalget og ...

  18. Guttesykler

    Barnesykler. Guttesykler. En guttesykkel er en hvilken som helst sykkel som en gutt sykler på. Trek lager barnesykler med fargeutførelser og rammegeometrier som vekker sykkelinteressen for livet. 14 Resultater. Varer. 24. Sorter etter. Relevans.

  19. Say Hello to Lidl-Trek

    Back to racing.trekbikes.com. Say Hello to Lidl-Trek. Scroll to explore. Our mission: Become the best road cycling team in the world and inspire more people to ride their bikes. Lidl and Trek: two great brands that go even better together. With more than 12,000 grocery stores, Lidl promotes healthy nutrition and well-being across the globe.

  20. Hvordan montere barnesete på sykkel?

    Gustav Hartvigsen, sykkelekspert G-Sport, gir deg tips for hvordan montere barnesete på en sykkel

  21. Mondraker Bikes Us

    We started in 2001 in Alicante. Our dream was to develop bikes capable of delivering performance for the mountain bikers who wanted something beyond what the market was offering. Even from our...

  22. Hvordan justere bremser og bytte bremseklosser på ...

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  23. Specialized Vado 3.0 23

    Consider Vado your high-performance transportation bike, getting you where you're going with an unmatched combination of speed, reliability, and confidence. Whether you load it up with your stuff, or jump on and go, commute to work, or ride to the gym, Vado's full power and huge range will get you from 'point A' to 'point B' ASAP. The Specialized Vado has everything you need for e ...