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Come contattare Fly Go

Hai effettuato una prenotazione tramite Fly Go e vorresti contattare il servizio clienti per risolvere alcuni problemi? Hai trovato un'offerta piuttosto conveniente su Fly Go e ti piacerebbe procedere all'acquisto con il supporto di un operatore? Se la risposta ad almeno una di queste domande è affermativa, non preoccuparti: sei capitato nel posto giusto al momento giusto!

Con la guida di oggi, infatti, ti spiegherò come contattare Fly Go indicandoti tutte le soluzioni a tua disposizione. Per prima cosa, troverai le indicazioni necessarie per parlare telefonicamente con un operatore e ricevere assistenza sia durante la procedura d'acquisto che per una prenotazione già effettuata. Successivamente, ti mostrerò anche la procedura dettagliata per contattare il servizio clienti di Fly Go tramite email e tramite chat.

Come dici? È proprio quello che volevi sapere? Allora non dilunghiamoci oltre e vediamo insieme come procedere. Mettiti comodo, prenditi tutto il tempo che ritieni opportuno e dedicati alla lettura dei prossimi paragrafi. Individua la soluzione di contatto che ritieni più adatta alle tue esigenze, prova a mettere in pratica le mie “dritte” e sono sicuro che riuscirai a parlare con il servizio clienti di Fly Go. Buona lettura e in bocca al lupo per tutto!

Numero per contattare Fly Go

Come contattare fly go tramite email, come contattare fly go tramite chat.


La prima soluzione alla quale puoi affidarti per contattare Fly Go è chiamare il servizio di assistenza clienti, che permette di ricevere supporto telefonico sia durante la procedura di acquisto che per una prenotazione già effettuata.

Il servizio in questione è disponibile dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 08.00 alle 21.00 e il sabato dalle ore 09.00 alle 15.00. La chiamata è tariffata secondo i costi previsti dal proprio operatore.

Per procedere, prendi dunque il tuo telefono, componi il numero 02.9475.1714 (in qualsiasi momento, puoi verificare che il numero di telefono non sia cambiato collegandoti al sito ufficiale di Fly Go ) e avvia la chiamata premendo sull'apposito pulsante (solitamente l'icona della cornetta ).

Dopo aver ascoltato il messaggio di benvenuto e l'informativa sulla privacy, segui attentamente le indicazioni della voce guida e premi la combinazione di tasti a seconda di quelle che sono le tue esigenze.

Nel momento in cui scrivo questa guida, è sufficiente premere il tasto 1 per assistenza durante la procedura di prenotazione. Se, invece, hai già effettuato una prenotazione, premi il tasto 2 per accedere alla relativa sezione e, poi, il tasto relativo alla tipologia di acquisto effettuato: 1 per assistenza su prenotazioni voli , 2 per pacchetti vacanze e 3 per noleggio auto .

A prescindere dalla scelta fatta, attendi pochi instanti in linea affinché il primo operatore disponibile prenda in carico la tua chiamata e possa offrirti tutta l'assistenza di cui necessiti.

Inviare un'email

Se preferisci contattare Fly Go tramite email , puoi inviare un messaggio di posta elettronica in qualsiasi momento tenendo presente che riceverai una risposta nel giro di qualche giorno lavorativo.

Per fare ciò, accedi alla tua casella di posta elettronica, premi sul pulsante per creare un nuovo messaggio e inserisci l'indirizzo su [email protected] nel campo dedicato al destinatario del messaggio. Anche in questo caso, prima di procedere, ti consiglio di collegarti al sito ufficiale di Fly Go per assicurarti che l'indirizzo email di contatto non sia cambiato.

Specifica, poi, l' oggetto della tua richiesta nel campo apposito e inserisci il tuo messaggio nel corpo dell'email, specificando nel dettaglio la tua richiesta ed eventualmente il codice della prenotazione al quale ti stai riferendo.

Infine, premi sul pulsante per inviare il messaggio e attendi la risposta da parte del servizio clienti di Fly Go. Per la procedura dettagliata, puoi dare un'occhiata alla mia guida su come mandare un'email .

Contattare Fly Go tramite chat

Ti sarà utile sapere che, coloro che hanno già effettuato una prenotazione e desiderano ottenere assistenza, hanno la possibilità di contattare Fly Go tramite chat e parlare con un operatore in carne e ossa.

Se questo è il tuo caso e desideri avviare una nuova chat, sia procedendo da computer che da smartphone e tablet, collegati al sito ufficiale di Fly Go e premi sull'opzione Chat , in basso a destra.

Nel box comparso a schermo, inserisci i dati richiesti nei campi Nome e cognome , Indirizzo email e Codice prenotazione e premi sul pulsante Avvia chat , per visualizzare il tempo di attesa per parlare con un operatore Fly Go.

In qualsiasi momento, puoi inserire il tuo messaggio nel campo Rispondi qui e inviarlo premendo il tasto Invio della tastiera. Non appena il primo operatore disponibile entrerà in chat, potrai proseguire la conversazione inviando ulteriori messaggi e caricando eventuali documenti richiesti, operazione che puoi effettuare cliccando sull'icona della graffetta .

Per terminare la conversazione, invece, non devi far altro che premere sul pulsante X , in alto a destra nella finestrella relativa alla chat: così facendo, riceverai la trascrizione completa della conversazione tramite email, all'indirizzo di posta elettronica che hai indicato prima di avviare la chat.

Infine, qualora i canali ufficiali non dovessero rivelarsi soddisfacenti e avessi già fatto un’esperienza di acquisto/viaggio con Fly Go, puoi provare a pubblicare una recensione su Trustpilot e. aspettare una eventuale risposta di un rappresentante dell’azienda.

Salvatore Aranzulla

Salvatore Aranzulla è il blogger e divulgatore informatico più letto in Italia. Noto per aver scoperto delle vulnerabilità nei siti di Google e Microsoft. Collabora con riviste di informatica e cura la rubrica tecnologica del quotidiano Il Messaggero. È il fondatore di Aranzulla.it, uno dei trenta siti più visitati d'Italia, nel quale risponde con semplicità a migliaia di dubbi di tipo informatico. Ha pubblicato per Mondadori e Mondadori Informatica.

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GO Voyages   Reviews

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Reviews 4.6.

58,409 total

Most relevant

My experience was great because Mr…

My experience was great because Mr Adnane helped even more than I expected, he took the time to understand why I needed and did all the research needed. Even though the call lasted longer than what we thought it would he was still friendly and didn't make feel like I was bothering or anything.

Date of experience : September 28, 2024

My experience was great

The operators are so helpful.

The operators are invested, listen to you and very helpful! They are quick and take matters into their hands to try and resolve the situation in the best way.

Raul helped me sort out a problem…

Raul helped me sort out a problem regarding my +Prime membership and gave me a great voucher for my next flight! He was knowledgeable, quick and very friendly. Thank You!!

Date of experience : September 23, 2024

Reply from GO Voyages

Thank you for taking the time to write this review! Your feedback is important to us and helps us to continue to improve our service. We are grateful for your business and hope you will choose us again for your future travel. Sincerely, Customer Care team

Very helpful

Got answers to my questions and worries very quickly. Othmane was very helpful!

Amina was very kind and she is a good…

Amina was very kind and she is a good problem solver. Very professionnal !

I took refundable tickets and in the…

I took refundable tickets and in the end it's an obstacle course to get a refund. Sorry but I do not recommend this company and especially do not trust the refund options. It's scandalous because I spent hours there and nothing....no return.

Date of experience : September 11, 2024

Hi Myriam, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

great support and very parient

The support of team is great, always very patient and correct. The problem has been resolved very fast. Thanks a lot!

Date of experience : September 25, 2024

Thank you very much for your positive review! We appreciate you taking the time to share your kind words. It will be our pleasure to serve you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

reservation number 19075430449…

for my reservation number 19075430449 everything are good; your score for me is 5 stars

Thank you for your positive feedback and for taking the time to post it! We are delighted that you had a great experience and look forward to being of service to you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

He is a person who was able to give the right explanations.

Date of experience : September 27, 2024

I have a good conversation with…

I have a good conversation with agent,by phone It is note long to have a correspondant Thanks You.

Date of experience : September 24, 2024

It’s was perfect

It’s was perfect , thank you Mister Bayer

I am happy to discover this travel…

I am happy to discover this travel agency. thanks to the lady I spoke with on the phone. she is so professional and kind .

Our sincere thanks for your positive words and feedback. As a valued customer, we look forward to serving you again. Best regards, Customer Care team

The employee with whom I spoke…

The employee with whom I spoke explained very well and answered my questions, I am very happy to have come across him. Good bye.

The sale represent is very compétent…

The sale represent is very compétent and listesting my issue. tanks you Ayoub

I needed help with my reservation and Ryanair verify and I have been really well helped.

Date of experience : September 22, 2024

Thank you MED for quick answer and help…

Thank you MED for quick answer and help me solve problem in a few minutes

Date of experience : September 26, 2024

Quick and easy

It’s quick and easy and sometimes even cheaper then other websites

Date of experience : September 21, 2024

I am sorry but when I pay the option…

I am sorry but when I pay the option "flexible date " and for anticipating my return flight by 2 days they asked me to pay 400 euros more I cannot be satisfied. And if I want to postpone the return by 5 or 6 months that's also not possible. I have been using Govoyages for 20 years but I will never pay an extra for flexible date again.

Date of experience : September 19, 2024

Hi Simon, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

Very good service

Very good service, very patient with me and explained very details I wanna know, and offer good deal that satisfy me

Date of experience : September 18, 2024

GO Voyages, avis, présentation

GO Voyages

Avis et commentaires sur GO Voyages

Go voyages, en savoir plus.

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GO Voyages   Reviews

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Reviews 4.6.

58,409 total

Most relevant

My online reservation for a flight for Thailand went very well, no unpleasant surprises on the price at the end. The person at the GO Voyage standart is helpful and competent.

Date of experience : 11 September 2024

Reply from GO Voyages

Our sincere thanks for your positive words and feedback. As a valued customer, we look forward to serving you again. Best regards, Customer Care team

Thank so much for your assistance Noor

Thank so much for your assistance today. I’ve been helped by Nour, he was very professional, helpful, and he understood my request. He gave me a really good service. Thank you

Date of experience : 13 September 2024

Thank you very much for your positive review! We appreciate you taking the time to share your kind words. It will be our pleasure to serve you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

Excellent support

Problem solved for the ticket issuing within a minutes after a call to the prime center. Highly recommended services.

Date of experience : 18 September 2024

Go Voyages est une arnaque pure et…

Go Voyages est une arnaque pure et simple ! J'ai payé 900 euros pour un billet avec une option soi-disant 'flexible', mais après avoir modifié ma réservation, ils ont refusé de me rembourser lorsque j'ai dû annuler mon vol faute de visa. Ils profitent des gens en vendant des offres mensongères. En tant qu'étudiante, c'est une énorme perte pour moi. Go Voyages est un service malhonnête, méprisable et absolument non fiable. Fuyez cette entreprise à tout prix ! Go Voyages is nothing but a scam! I paid 900 euros for a ticket with a so-called 'flexible' option, but after modifying my reservation, they refused to refund me when I had to cancel my flight due to visa issues. They take advantage of people by selling false offers. As a student, this is a huge loss for me. Go Voyages is a dishonest, despicable, and utterly unreliable company. Avoid them at all costs!

Date of experience : 16 September 2024

Hi Zarah, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

Thank you Ouss

Ouss helped me a lot, he is efficient and empathic, I'm very grateful for that!

Date of experience : 19 September 2024

It was very good experience with sophia

Date of experience : 26 September 2024

Thank you for your positive feedback and for taking the time to post it! We are delighted that you had a great experience and look forward to being of service to you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

it's a scam

it's a scam ! My flight got cancelled and they did not bother to notify me. Plus I paid 474 EUR for the flight on Govoyages and will get reimbursed for 420 EUR only by the airline. Above all, there is no way to reach them !

Date of experience : 24 September 2024

Hi Nour, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

The advisor listened to me and solved…

The advisor listened to me and solved my problem. He was great!

Date of experience : 28 September 2024

No body booking with go voyage again…

No body booking with go voyage again never is verry bad company just take your money and never person help you later.. go voyage Gang of thieves .. go voyage I go police and give all photos I have I was pay everything and you never person want give me my money.. no body booking with go voyage never never

Hi Mohamed, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

Very professionnel agent Mr Rached !

Very professionnel agent Mr Rachid Thanks you so much, one of the best agent I have seen in my customer go voyage life !

Good job perfect man for théâtre information

Date of experience : 25 September 2024

Customer service on the phone was VERY…

Customer service on the phone was VERY great and HELPFUL !!!!

Date of experience : 22 September 2024

Super interlocuteur

Super interlocuteur, merci à Adnane pour sa compréhension et son professionnalisme.

Clear and good explanations provided by…

Clear and good explanations provided by the customer service. Thanks.🙂

Medhi was my operator

Medhi was my operator, he dealt with my problem efficiently. I am very satisfied with his performance.

Date of experience : 17 September 2024

I got some very good information over…great satisfaction

I got some very good information over the phone

Date of experience : 23 September 2024

Thank you for taking the time to write this review! Your feedback is important to us and helps us to continue to improve our service. We are grateful for your business and hope you will choose us again for your future travel. Sincerely, Customer Care team

Good job Rania !

Good job Rania ! Thanks for your help Bgds

Date of experience : 27 September 2024

The person I spoke to was very nice and…

The person I spoke to was very nice and helpful. She helped me and explained me in détails .

A Customer service has been very clear…

A Customer service has been very clear and competent to listen my differents questions and to bring very right answers !

Nice to discuss with your employee the…

Nice to discuss with your employee the service is helpfull rapide and very polite thanks to you all

Date of experience : 12 September 2024

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go voyages italia numero verde

GO Voyages   Reviews

In the Travel Aggregator category

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Reviews 4.6.

58,409 total

Most relevant

My experience was great because Mr…

My experience was great because Mr Adnane helped even more than I expected, he took the time to understand why I needed and did all the research needed. Even though the call lasted longer than what we thought it would he was still friendly and didn't make feel like I was bothering or anything.

Date of experience : September 28, 2024

My experience was great

The operators are so helpful.

The operators are invested, listen to you and very helpful! They are quick and take matters into their hands to try and resolve the situation in the best way.

Raul helped me sort out a problem…

Raul helped me sort out a problem regarding my +Prime membership and gave me a great voucher for my next flight! He was knowledgeable, quick and very friendly. Thank You!!

Date of experience : September 23, 2024

Reply from GO Voyages

Thank you for taking the time to write this review! Your feedback is important to us and helps us to continue to improve our service. We are grateful for your business and hope you will choose us again for your future travel. Sincerely, Customer Care team

Very helpful

Got answers to my questions and worries very quickly. Othmane was very helpful!

Amina was very kind and she is a good…

Amina was very kind and she is a good problem solver. Very professionnal !

I took refundable tickets and in the…

I took refundable tickets and in the end it's an obstacle course to get a refund. Sorry but I do not recommend this company and especially do not trust the refund options. It's scandalous because I spent hours there and nothing....no return.

Date of experience : September 11, 2024

Hi Myriam, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

great support and very parient

The support of team is great, always very patient and correct. The problem has been resolved very fast. Thanks a lot!

Date of experience : September 25, 2024

Thank you very much for your positive review! We appreciate you taking the time to share your kind words. It will be our pleasure to serve you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

reservation number 19075430449…

for my reservation number 19075430449 everything are good; your score for me is 5 stars

Thank you for your positive feedback and for taking the time to post it! We are delighted that you had a great experience and look forward to being of service to you again in the future. Best regards, Customer Care team

He is a person who was able to give the right explanations.

Date of experience : September 27, 2024

I have a good conversation with…

I have a good conversation with agent,by phone It is note long to have a correspondant Thanks You.

Date of experience : September 24, 2024

It’s was perfect

It’s was perfect , thank you Mister Bayer

I am happy to discover this travel…

I am happy to discover this travel agency. thanks to the lady I spoke with on the phone. she is so professional and kind .

Our sincere thanks for your positive words and feedback. As a valued customer, we look forward to serving you again. Best regards, Customer Care team

The employee with whom I spoke…

The employee with whom I spoke explained very well and answered my questions, I am very happy to have come across him. Good bye.

The sale represent is very compétent…

The sale represent is very compétent and listesting my issue. tanks you Ayoub

I needed help with my reservation and Ryanair verify and I have been really well helped.

Date of experience : September 22, 2024

Thank you MED for quick answer and help…

Thank you MED for quick answer and help me solve problem in a few minutes

Date of experience : September 26, 2024

Quick and easy

It’s quick and easy and sometimes even cheaper then other websites

Date of experience : September 21, 2024

I am sorry but when I pay the option…

I am sorry but when I pay the option "flexible date " and for anticipating my return flight by 2 days they asked me to pay 400 euros more I cannot be satisfied. And if I want to postpone the return by 5 or 6 months that's also not possible. I have been using Govoyages for 20 years but I will never pay an extra for flexible date again.

Date of experience : September 19, 2024

Hi Simon, We are truly sorry that your experience with customer service was less than ideal. The way the interaction was handled does not align with our quality standards, which is something we take seriously. We reviewed your case to verify that quality was otherwise met and assure you that your request is in progress and being properly handled. As soon as we have an answer, we will notify you by email at the address used to make your purchase. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Sincerely, Vicky Customer Care Team

Very good service

Very good service, very patient with me and explained very details I wanna know, and offer good deal that satisfy me

Date of experience : September 18, 2024

Frequently asked questions

Got a question? Browse our FAQ to find what you’re looking for.

Photo for Italy FAQ page

Do I need a visa to study in Italy?

The Italian government requires to all non-EU citizens studying in Italy for more than 90 days to apply for a Student visa.

Do I need a Italian Student Visa if my studies are shorter than 90 days?

No, you can study in Italy for a maximum of 90 days with a passport valid at least 3 months from the intended departure date from Italy. Citizens whose home countries don’t have a visa waiver agreement with the EU need a Schengen Visa for studies shorter than 90 days. Check here if to see if that applies to you.

What is a Schengen Visa?

The Schengen Visa is a type of visa issued by any country of the Schengen area. This visa allows you to stay in Italy and travel around the Schengen area for up to 90 days. This is the type of Visa for short studies, trips, or business.

How far in advance can I apply for a Italian Student Visa?

You can apply up to 2-3 months before the course starting date. 

How long does the Student Visa application process take?

It might take between a couple of weeks to a few moments from the moment the application is submitted at the Consulate/Embassy of Italy. However, the time can vary depending on the country.

How much does study in Italy cost?

The total cost is very important when deciding to study in Italy. The cost of living is different depending on the city. For large cities, the accommodation price is between 550 and 700 euros per month. For small and medium size cities the cost is between 450 to 550 euros. Other expenses, including groceries, utilities, entertainment, and healthcare can cost around 600€ per month.

Why should I use Go! Go! Italia?

Go! Go! Italia is a specialized study abroad agency for Italy with extensive expertise. Our support and consulting services are 100% free with no hidden costs. Go! Go! Italia students do not have to pay any additional fees and they will be guided and supported by a professional before and during their studies in Italy. Go! Go! Italia is able to provide a free service thanks to their close relationships and partnerships with schools all over Italy.

Useful blog articles

How long does it take to learn italian.

The Foreign Services Institute (United States government’s primary training institution) estimates that it takes 600-750 classroom hours to achieve conversational fluency in Italian.

What are the levels of Italian?

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) there are 6 levels; A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The level A1 is the lowest and the level C2 is the highest. When reaching C2 students are supposed to have mastered the language.

Which language certificate should I take ?

The most recognized Italian language certifications include CELI, CILS, and PLIDA. The choice between them depends on your specific goals for learning Italian. To explore the detailed distinctions, please refer to our comprehensive article or feel free to reach out to us for personalized guidance.

How much does a course in a Italian language school in Italy cost?

Italian language school courses usually cost between 6.240€ and 9.440€ euro a year, depending of the city.

Can I book multiple destinations for my Italian course?

Yes! You can combine several destinations. For example, you can study 4 weeks in Firenze and 4 weeks in Milano. You can also combine more cities.

When do the Italian courses start?

Intensive courses usually start every Monday of the year. All courses start on a Monday and end on a Friday. You can study as many weeks as you wish. Courses are held all year round. If you are a complete beginner, depending on the school it is possible to start the first Monday of the month or every 2 weeks.

How soon should I enroll in a Italian language school?

We recommend booking your course between 3 and 6 months in advance. This way you can make sure you will have a spot available at the school and you will have enough time to get the student visa on time in case it is required.

How can I book my Italian course in Italy?

You only have to get in contact with us here and we’ll send you the online application form.

Are there any Italian language courses for absolute beginners?

Yes! You can book a Italian language course with us as an absolute beginner.

I am not sure about my Italian level, what should I choose in the application form?

The most important is to know if you have studied Italian before. If you select beginner, you will be placed in a group with absolute beginners. If you select anything else, you will take a level test online or on your first day of school or online before your arrival. This way the school will be able to place you in the right group.

What language does the teacher speak during the Italian class?

The teachers speak Italian during the classes. This will help you to learn how to communicate in Italian faster. However, if necessary, most of the teachers will give you some support in English.

What can I do if my Italian course is too easy or too difficult for me?

If at the end of your first day of school you find your course very easy or too difficult please explain to your teacher and contact us. The school will review the situation and they will place you in a class more suited to your skills if possible.

How long are the Italian lessons?

The most popular course is the general intensive course. In this course you will have around 4 hours of Italian lessons per day for a total of 20 hours per week.

How many students will be in my Italian class?

The average number of students per class is 7.

How long is a full Italian course?

You can freely choose the length of your course. It’s possible to book a course starting from one week up to one year. If the course length you are interested in isn’t indicated on our website, please contact us and we’ll provide you the exact price.

Will I receive a certificate with my Italian level?

Yes, you will receive a certificate at the end of your course showing the number of hours you have studied at the school, the course you have taken and the level you have achieved.

go voyages italia numero verde

Go! Go! Italia Live and study in Italy

Go! Go! Italia was established by language enthusiasts with the mission of assisting individuals from across the globe in achieving their dream of studying and residing in Italy. Our aim is to support you in selecting an appropriate school, facilitating enrollment, assisting with the student visa application process, locating suitable accommodation, and providing any additional services required for a smooth transition to life in Italy. Our schools offer a wide array of courses in Italy ensuring that we can meet the diverse needs and preferences of our students.

Ask us a question

Any questions we are here to help.

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go voyages italia numero verde

We aim to reply to our students within 3 business days. However, during peak times or due to public holidays, on occasion it might take a bit more time. But don’t worry, we’ll be in contact as soon as possible!

Email: [email protected]

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  3. Go Voyages : Numéro de Téléphone du Service Client

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  4. Go Voyages

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  5. Go Voyages : Vols pas chers

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  6. Bon Plan Go Voyages

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  2. Voyage Brésil : Voyage d'exploration sur la Costa Verde

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  4. Mes voyages de 2023 ✈️

  5. Le Train à grande vitesse (EUROSTAR) en France


  1. Come posso mettermi in contatto con voi?

    Come posso mettermi in contatto con voi? Per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti le modalità per metterti in contatto con noi, visita la nostra pagina Contattaci qui. Ti ricordiamo che verrà creato un ticket di assistenza solo per richieste inviate attraverso i canali listati sulla pagina Contattaci. Tutti i messaggi pervenuti in modalità ...

  2. Chi posso contattare e a che ora?

    1. Se il Proprietario utilizza l'Assicurazione Giornaliera di Goboony, chiamate i numeri dell'Assistenza Stradale, attiva 24/7: - Se ti trovi in Italia - Numero Verde: +39 02 24 128 671 - Se ti trovi all'Estero - Numero Verde: +39 02 24128391. Troverete tali contatti anche in fondo al GoForm. 2.

  3. Comment contacter le service client GO Voyages

    Contacter le service client GO Voyages en ligne L'application GO Voyages. Grâce à l'application GO Voyages vous recevrez des mises à jour instantanées sur votre voyage - notifications sur l'état des possibles annulations et changements d'heure/d'itinéraire - directement sur votre téléphone portable. Sur l'application, vous pourrez consulter, modifier ou annuler votre ...

  4. Chi devo chiamare al momento del danno?

    Se il Proprietario utilizza l'Assicurazione Giornaliera di Goboony, chiamate i numeri dell'Assistenza Stradale, attiva 24/7: - Se ti trovi in Italia - Numero Verde: +39 02 24 128 671 - Se ti trovi all'Estero - Numero Verde: +39 02 24128391. Troverete tali contatti anche in fondo al GoForm. 2.

  5. Come posso contattare il vostro servizio clienti?

    Puoi contattare il nostro servizio clienti via e-mail utilizzando il modulo di contatto in fondo a questa pagina o per telefono al seguente numero: +39 06 97 62 21 10. Le nostre linee telefoniche sono aperte. Per risparmiare tempo, tieni pronte le seguenti informazioni quando contatti il nostro servizio clienti: Potete anche chiedere di essere ...

  6. Come contattare Fly Go

    La chiamata è tariffata secondo i costi previsti dal proprio operatore. Per procedere, prendi dunque il tuo telefono, componi il numero 02.9475.1714 (in qualsiasi momento, puoi verificare che il numero di telefono non sia cambiato collegandoti al sito ufficiale di Fly Go) e avvia la chiamata premendo sull'apposito pulsante (solitamente l'icona ...

  7. Service Client GO Voyages

    GO Voyages vous apporte son aide à tout moment. Retrouvez ici toutes les informations utiles pour nous contacter : mails, aide en ligne et numéro de téléphone. Découvrez des destinations de rêve. ª La rose des vents de GO Voyages. La rose des vents de GO Voyages vous présente des idées de ...

  8. GO Voyages Reviews

    Pays for extra features. Replied to 99% of negative reviews. Replies to negative reviews in < 1 week. Information written by the company. GO Voyages is one of France's leading online travel retailers, offering the widest choice of flights from over 700 airlines, as well as the widest variety of hotels, and car rentals.

  9. Go Voyages: Vols et Hôtels

    Go Voyages ti aiuta a trovare le migliori offerte su voli, hotel e autonoleggi. Cerca, confronta i biglietti e prenota i biglietti Volo + Hotel nella nostra app di viaggio con uno sconto del 40%. Ultimo aggiornamento. 23 set 2024. Viaggi e info locali.

  10. GO Voyages Reviews

    Do you agree with GO Voyages's 4-star rating? Check out what 57,022 people have written so far, and share your own experience. | Read 1,681-1,700 Reviews out of 6,104

  11. By phone

    If you have any questions about international travel, please go directly to your carrier's website. Call us at. Call 36 35 7d/7 and from 8am to 8pm (free service + cost of a call). If you wish to call from abroad, dial 00 33 1 84 94 36 35 (cost of an international call).

  12. GO Voyages Reviews

    GO Voyages is part of the eDreams ODIGEO group, one of the world's largest online travel companies, with 20 million customers. Do you agree with GO Voyages's 4-star rating? Check out what 56,580 people have written so far, and share your own experience. | Read 761-780 Reviews out of 6,033.

  13. GO Voyages, avis, présentation

    Les avis sur GO Voyages varient considérablement parmi les voyageurs. De nombreux utilisateurs soulignent la facilité d'utilisation du site, qui permet de comparer rapidement les prix des vols, des hôtels et des séjours. Beaucoup apprécient la diversité des offres, allant des escapades de dernière minute aux vacances planifiées en détail.

  14. GO Voyages Reviews

    GO Voyages is one of France's leading online travel retailers, offering the widest choice of flights from over 700 airlines, as well as the widest variety of hotels, and car rentals. Founder of GO Voyages Prime, the first ever travel membership programme, GO Voyages is revolutionising the way people research, book and enjoy travel.

  15. GO Voyages Reviews

    29,554 people have already reviewed GO Voyages. Read about their experiences and share your own! | Read 21-40 Reviews out of 1,277

  16. Go voyage comment les contacter?

    J'ai réservé mes billets sur ce site Go Voyage. Je n'ai reçu aucun mail de confirmation de réservation donc pas de numéro de réservation… mais montant du billet débité !!!

  17. Contacter Go voyage: numéro gratuit, contacts service client et

    Voici les coordonnées pour appeler gratuitement le service client Go voyage avec son numéro de téléphone non surtaxé. Ces informations ont été trouvées sur le site, les CGV de la société ou fournies par la communauté nonsurtaxe.com: dites nous via le système de vote en-dessous si le numéro a fonctionné pour que l'on corrige si besoin !

  18. GO Voyages Reviews

    Replied to 99% of negative reviews. Replies to negative reviews in < 1 week. Information written by the company. GO Voyages is one of France's leading online travel retailers, offering the widest choice of flights from over 700 airlines, as well as the widest variety of hotels, and car rentals.

  19. MosVoyage Tour Agency

    Numero di telefono. E-mail. Metodo di comunicazione preferito. La tua domanda. Inviare. Riservatezza e protezione dallo spam sono garantite. Contactez nous. S'il vous plaît, remplissez vos informations de contact. Nous répondrons à toutes vos questions! Votre nom. Numéro de téléphone. Email ...

  20. About us

    Let's go! Contacts. Feel free to contact us any way you like +7 499 520 99 84 From 8:00 to 22:00 GMT+3. [email protected] Viber WhatsApp ... Numero di telefono. E-mail. Metodo di comunicazione preferito. La tua domanda Inviare. Riservatezza e protezione dallo spam sono garantite. Contactez nous ...

  21. Frequently asked questions

    Go! Go! Italia was established by language enthusiasts with the mission of assisting individuals from across the globe in achieving their dream of studying and residing in Italy. Our aim is to support you in selecting an appropriate school, facilitating enrollment, assisting with the student visa application process, locating suitable ...