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Strategies for Parents

Has Just Began or Has Just Begun: Past Tense vs. Past Participle

By: Author Susan Parker

Posted on Published: September 7, 2021

Choosing the correct phrase can be tricky, especially when words are very similar or expressed in different forms. The terms “began” and “begun” are two such words that can be challenging to master, especially when deciding whether you should say “has just begun” or “has just began.”

The correct phrase is “has just begun.” When using the helping verb “has,” a past participle must follow it to create the present perfect tense. This conveys that something has started but has not ended. “Began” is the simple past tense, which we use to describe an action that has started and finished. In contrast, we do not use “began” with a helping verb. 

This article will explore past participles such as “begun” and past tense verb forms such as “began.” We’ll also consider the differences between “began” and “begun” and how to correctly use each word in a sentence.

Meaning of Begin

Before we get into a discussion of “began” or “begun,” we should consider the root word of both, which is “begin.” 

“Begin” means to go into or start an action or process ( source ). Therefore, one must have a starting point to “begin.” “Begin” can also mean that something has arisen. Maybe a problem of some sort has come into existence. Consider the sentences below, which illustrate the word’s meaning. 

  • The class will begin at 1:00. 
  • The school year will begin on September 1st.
  • Let the games begin!
  • Dinner begins at 8 p.m. sharp.
  • The issues begin when he doesn’t communicate with me. 

Began vs. Begun

“Began” and “begun” are both past tenses that we form from the verb “begin.” Both words mean an action has commenced, but what’s the difference between the two? 

“Began” is the simple past tense of “begin” and means something has started and finished. 

“Begun” is the past participle form of “begin,” and we use it in the perfect tenses together with the helping verb “have.” If something “has begun,” it has already started but not has yet to finish. 

Another example of past tense vs. past participle is eaten or ate. Click here for more information on this .

Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is a way to describe something that happened in the past, before now. The word “began” is an example of a simple past tense verb. Consider the sentences below, which illustrate the use of “began” in describing a completed action.

  • World War II began in 1939 and ended in 1945.
  • Our test began at 11 a.m.
  • The snow began to fall this morning; the roads are now white.
  • Cars began to pile into the drive-in at 7 p.m.

The past tense of any verb will either be regular or irregular. For most verbs, you add either -d or -ed to present tense verbs. Below are a few simple past tense verbs:

  • Push → Pushed
  • Walk → Walked
  • Grab → Grabbed
  • Talk →Talked

Irregular past tense verbs do not follow any rules, so you must commit them to memory.  “Began” is an example of such an irregular past tense verb. Here are a few more examples of common irregular past tense forms: 

  • Eat → Ate
  • Fall → Fell
  • Drink → Drank
  • Forget → Forgot
  • Drive → Drove

Past Participles

You will use the past participle in the perfect tenses to refer to completed actions. To create these tenses, we use a past participle together with a helping verb. We can also use them to form the passive voice, and they can sometimes function as adjectives ( source ). 

“Begun” is an example of a past participle verb. In order to use a past participle correctly in a sentence, a helping verb must accompany it. 

Here are some situations demonstrating how we could use “begun” in a sentence.

  • She has begun writing her doctoral thesis.
  • He has begun his medical training.
  • Now that winter is upon us, the holidays have begun.
  • The flowers have begun to bloom.

journey has just begun

Regular past participles end with -ed, but there are many irregular ones too, such as “begun.” 

Some common irregular past participles would include: 

  • Be → Been
  • Choose → Chosen 
  • Come → Come
  • Drink → Drunk
  • Fall → Fallen
  • Forget → Forgotten

Past participles do not function on their own but often pair with a helping verb such as “to have” or “to be.” As we previously mentioned, “begun” is an example of a past participle that pairs with “to have” — for instance, when trying to say something “has just begun.” 

When Do We Say “Has Just Begun?” 

You might also ask what the meaning of “has just begun” is. It simply means that something has recently started, and it hasn’t finished yet. A similar phrase would be “has already begun.” If we say, “it has already begun,” then we mean something that has started before now.

When we use the construction “has begun,” we are using the present perfect tense. English has three simple tenses (present, past, and future) and three perfect tenses (present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect). Let’s consider the verb “to begin” in each of these tenses.

As you can see, we use “begun” in all the perfect tenses together with various forms of the helping verb “to have.” Past participles can only stand on their own when they act as adjectives; as a verb, they need a helping verb.

Meaning of “Just” in “Has Just Begun”

The word “just” is an adverb that commonly expresses time. It can mean now, recently, or soon. When we use “just” in the phrase “has just begun,” we mean “has recently begun,” as in the sentences below.

  • At nine months old, Jack has just begun to crawl.
  • Sarah has just begun to understand a bit of French.
  • Oh no, it has just begun to rain! 
  • Summer vacation is officially over; school has just begun . 

In other contexts, the term “just” can also add emphasis to a statement or describe something that’s the same ( source ).

  • You look just like your dad. 
  • I just can’t believe it. 
  • That’s just great; my car battery died on the highway. 

All these examples using “has just begun” are in the present perfect tense. You will notice that using the helping verb “to have” means that we will use the present participle “begun” with it. 

Doing so will help if you are wondering if it would be correct to say, “has officially began” or “has officially begun.” Similarly, what about “holidays have began” or “holidays have begun”? 

In both these cases, we would use “begun” because both contain the helping verb “to have.” “Began” is a simple past tense verb and does not need a helping verb. We would therefore say:

  • They will sing the national anthem to show the event has officially begun . 
  • I feel the holidays have begun when I smell roasting chestnuts.

Helping Verbs

Let’s explore the role of helping verbs a little further. Their role is to help the main verb in a sentence by extending its meaning and adding detail. Helping verbs are necessary to complete the structure of a sentence, and we can also use them to express time in a sentence ( source ).

There are two types of helping verbs: auxiliary and modal verbs. 

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verbs accompany the main verb to show verb tense or add emphasis. One of the most common functions of the auxiliary verb is to establish the action in a sentence to a certain point in time. 

The most common auxiliary verbs are “to have,” “to be,” and “to do,” but there are many others. Auxiliary verbs can stand alone, but they give more information about time or mood when they appear with the main verb. For example: 

  • I have begun to like him. 
  • He was winning the race before he tripped.
  • She has eaten so many donuts!

journey has just begun

In these examples, the auxiliary verbs go together with the main verb to create “have begun,” “was winning,” and “has eaten.” They all provide further information about time.

Modal Verbs

Helping verbs that further modify the action or meaning of the main verb in a sentence to show obligation, possibility, or necessity are modal verbs. These verbs do not change form and include the following:

  • Can: I can ride my bike with no hands.
  • Could: I could come to see you today. 
  • Might: I might see the doctor today.
  • Will: I will fly home early from my trip. 
  • Should: You should see a doctor if you feel ill.
  • Must: I must see you right away. 
  • May: May I buy you a coffee this morning? 
  • Shall: I shall ride my bike to work today. 
  • Would: I would love to see you tomorrow. 

Using “Begin” in Other Tenses

A verb tense indicates when the action takes place. Most verbs have a past, present, or future tense, meaning verbs can change form. You can change the form by simply adding a different ending or changing the spelling ( source ).

We know that the past tense describes something that has already happened. What about the present and future tense? 

Present Tense 

Simple present tense verbs are action words that express what is happening currently or something that occurs regularly in the present time. Here are some examples of “begin,” where it operates in the present tense.

  • The sky begins to darken as night falls. 
  • My patience begins to run thin as my kids continue not to listen. 
  • You might begin to wonder what is going on. 
  • The teacher begins her lesson today. 

Future Tense 

Simple future tense verbs describe things that are yet to happen, that will begin and end in the future ( source ). Here are some examples of “begin” in the future tense.

  • The online class will begin on Tuesday.
  • He will begin violin lessons next month.
  • You will begin to understand if you do your homework.

“Begin” in Different Participle Forms

As there are different verb forms of “begin,” there are also different participle forms. 

Present Participle

A present participle is a verb ending with -ing that forms continuous tenses or functions as an adjective. Present participles typically convey current action. The verb “begin” becomes “beginning” when using the present participle form. Consider the examples below.

  • The beginning of the school year is fast approaching. 
  • She is beginning her college applications as the deadline fast approaches. 

In the first sentence, the participle functions as an adjective to describe the time in the school year. Sentence number two describes an ongoing action — she is in the process of starting her applications. This article was written for 

Perfect Participle

Another less common form of the participle is the present participle, which we form by combining the word “having” with the past participle. Perfect participles determine that an action was completed before the action in the sentence’s main clause ( source ), as in the examples below.

  • Having begun the test early, she sat quietly, waiting for her classmates to finish. 
  • She graduated early, having already begun her postgraduate studies.

Final Thoughts  

It’s essential to know the difference between past tenses and past participles so that we can use them correctly in both spoken and written English. Mastering when to use “begun” vs. “began” will help to clarify this further.

“Begun,” as a past participle, requires assistance from a helping verb. “Began,” as a simple past tense, stands alone to describe something that started in the past.

With some practice, you’ll be able to effortlessly use both “began” and “begun” in fluent English, and you will know that the correct phrase to choose is “has just begun” because the helping verb always accompanies the past participle.

Writing Explained

Began vs. Begun: What’s the Difference?

Home » Began vs. Begun: What’s the Difference?

When speaking or writing English, using the past tense can be confusing. There are many types of tenses when referring to events that have already happened. To make matters worse, English contains many irregular verbs that are conjugated in ways that don’t immediately make sense.

This lack of consistency can (and does) lead to quite a few mistakes. One of the easiest mistakes to make is to misuse began and begun, which are two forms of the irregular verb begin .

In spoken English, the two words are often used interchangeably, but in academic and professional writing, knowing the difference between these words is important.

Began vs Begun: What’s the Difference?

What is the difference between began and begun? In this article, I’ll explain the differences between began and begun, use these words in a sentence, and demonstrate how to choose began or begun and use each correctly.

When to Use Began

began versus begun grammar

Began is the simple past tense form of begin. It does not need any helping, or auxiliary verbs , like had.

So, while you might say,

  • Gavin began to open the package.

You would not say,

  • Gavin had began to open the package.

Began is never used with a helping verb.

When to Use Begun

began or begun english help

You could say,

  • Yasmin had begun to eat the cake.

But you wouldn’t say,

  • Yasmin begun to eat the cake.

If you’re using begun, it needs a helping verb in order to be correct.

This brings us to the differences between simple past and past participles. Simple past tense describes things that happened in the past. The sentence “Gavin began to open the package” describes an event that happened in the past. The past participle describes something that happened in the past in conjunction with other events in the past.

“Yasmin had begun to eat the cake” describes one of a sequence of events. For instance, one could say,

  • Yasmin had already begun to eat the cake by the time we sang to her.

As you can see, began is not used with a helping verb.

Begun , on the other hand, is always used with a helping verb.

Trick to Remember the Difference

has begun or have begun writing tips

If you find yourself confused, remember that begun rhymes with one, and since begun is a past participle, it needs one more word to go with it: a helping verb.

Summary: Begun vs. Began

Began and begun are two forms of the irregular verb begin.

Began is the simple past conjugation.  Began is not used with any helping verb.

Begun is the past participle form. Begun must always have a helping verb to be correct.

If you have trouble deciding which word to use, remember that begun rhymes with one and always needs one helping verb in grammatically correct English.

Being able to use each word accurately when speaking or writing signifies intelligence and professionalism. If you’re having trouble deciding whether to use began or begun, you can always revisit this article as a quick refresher.

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My Journey’s Just Begun

A short funeral poem by Ellen Brenneman. An uplifting funeral reading about finding peace in the afterlife and saying goodbye to loved ones.

Don't think of me as gone away My journey's just begun Life holds so many facets This earth is but one Just think of me as resting From the sorrows and the tears In a place of warmth and comfort Where there are no days and years Think of how I must be wishing That you could know today How nothing but your sadness Can really go away And think of me as living In the hearts of those I touched For nothing loved is ever lost And I know I was loved so much

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journey has just begun


A Journey Just Begun

  • Andrew Donaldson

Singing songs of the oecumene —the whole inhabited earth—is rooted in the feast of Pentecost, portrayed in the book of Acts, when people from the whole known world gathered in Jerusalem and heard the disciples singing of God’s glorious acts in many tongues.

Now, as then, we are assured that we are surrounded by the unseen host of the saints of God, who in countless tongues sing with us the unending song of praise.

The short introductions in the following liturgy paint a picture of Jesus’ disciples gathered joyfully to pray as described in Luke’s gospel, and of us standing with them, singing and praying for the world and our mission to it as followers of Jesus’ way. It ends with a litany of dedication to go out from our sanctuaries and our places of shelter to live and to share the life of the realm of God.

This service can be used either between Ascension and Pentecost or just after Pentecost, looking forward to the coming season.

The Spirit Calls

Call to worship.

(If “All Peoples Clap Your Hands” is the first song, begin percussion and clapping here, softly, under the spoken text.)

Clap your hands, all you nations; Shout to God with cries of joy. For the Lord Most High is awesome, The great King over all the earth. —Psalm 47:1–2

“All Peoples, Clap Your Hands” Paschal Jordan, RW 119 p. 26

Resource: “Break into Song,” Episode 1 (

Options “Clap Your Hands and Sing” Hosanna! 32a “Peoples, Clap Your Hands!” GtG 261, PH 194 “Nations, Clap Your Hands” LUYH 216, PFAS 47E, PsH 47

Scripture Reading

Luke 24:44–53

“Comment ne pas te louer?/How Can We Not Praise Your Name?” Hosanna! 23


Option: “Cantai ao Senhor/O Sing to the Lord” LUYH 493

Spoken Words of Introduction

The world that God so loved is all around us. Pilgrims, refugees, seekers, and expats from the whole inhabited earth gathered in Jerusalem then, and they are our neighbors now. They share this community; they walk these streets. With their many different voices, with many different songs and stories, they are the world that God so loves, all around us.

“Alle nasies/All You Nations” Hosanna! 21


Options: “One People, Here, We Gather” LUYH 243 “Bān-bîn ah/Let All Nations Praise the Lord” LUYH 588, PFAS 117A

“That Day in Jerusalem” Andrew Donaldson, Book of Praise 278

Note: “That Day in Jerusalem” underscores the mystical Jewish roots of the Christian celebration. Richard D. Leach’s “Hear the Sound, My Friend” in Over the Waves of Words can be an alternate choice to playfully sing the story of Pentecost using the traditional French carol tune “Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella.”

Option: “Spirit of God, Unleashed on Earth” LUYH 237

Holy God, blessed Trinity, as you did on that day of Pentecost at the birth of the church, you pour out your Spirit upon us. You give us visions and dreams, and you bless us with every gift. You have shown us the kind of community that practices the compassionate life of your realm, the commonwealth where your will is done on earth as in heaven.

Give us courage and boldness to tell the story of Emmanuel, God with us, and to live as those for whom the spring of our actions is the love of the Christ:

To walk the way, for Christ is for us the way; To worship you, the living, moving God, in spirit and in truth, for Christ is for us the truth; To live the life of realm of God, for Christ is for us the life.

“Margam Satyam Jivam Nive/Living, Moving, End and Beginning” The Book of Praise 68

Option: “Praise the Spirit in Creation” LUYH 236

The Spirit Intercedes

Romans 8:22–27

“‘Abba, Abba Hear Us,’ We Cry ” SNC 211

Option: “Send Us Your Spirit” LUYH 228, SNC 163

Prayer of Confession

(spoken and sung)

O Creator, in the beginning your Spirit moved across the chaotic waters. You created a world for us to name, to tend, and to share with all your creatures. But we wanted more; we have always wanted more.

“O God, You Planted a Garden” Hosanna! 59 (v. 1 and refrain), RW 119 p. 19


Option: “Send Us Your Spirit” LUYH 228 (refrain), SNC 163

O Creator, in the beginning you planted a garden where we could meet with you, walk with you, and learn from you. But already we had gone our own way; we still go our own way and then hide from the consequences. We seek wealth rather than commonwealth; we seek our gain rather than the good of our neighbor.

“O God, You Planted a Garden” Hosanna! 59 (v. 2 and refrain), RW 119 p.19

Loving Creator, you created us not to be alone, but to seek each other’s company, to give and receive love freely. And this we do—but we also desire to possess, to control, to fence in and fence out, to hold onto power, even if our grasp enslaves others and ourselves.

But we seek your face, O God, and ask that you forgive us and renew us.

“O God, You Planted a Garden” Hosanna! 59 (v. 3 and refrain)

(Note: The final refrain may be sung in canon)

Option: “Send Us Your Spirit” LUYH 228 (refrain), SNC 163, RW 119 p.19

Words of Renewal

Friends, hear the good news. For anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation. Everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! —adapted from 2 Corinthians 5:17

“Rombaho/From All that Turns Us from You” as taught by Sharon Lee Ranotahinjanahary, Madagascar

Option: “Sing! A New Creation” LUYH 797

The Spirit Sends

Isaiah 61:1–3

God of liberty, in dangerous times when all around us people are weary and wary, keep us open to your abundant life in all its fresh possibilities. Send us to wage peace, to do your will on earth as it is in heaven, and to announce that your reign has come and is at hand.

“Envío/To the Streets” Hosanna! 83

Option: “We Are Called” LUYH 296 (v. 1–2)

We go out in the joy of the Spirit who moved across the face of creation, who inspired prophets and dreamers, who came to Mary, who descended as a dove upon Jesus at Jordan, who roared among the gathered disciples, and who moves among us with new visions, wise counsel, and abundant life.

“We Are Called” LUYH 296

(If singing the first two stanzas after the prayer, only sing the third stanza here.)

Option: “When Our Savior, Yesu, Went Away” LUYH 242

Sending Litany

The Spirit moves on. Our journey has just begun. The Spirit calls us to travel on. Our journey has just begun. We are called to journey on the way of the servant, the way of the cross. Our journey has just begun.

Will you sing the Spirit’s song in your heart as you follow in the way? We will. Will you follow with the faithfulness of Hannah and the courage of Mary? We will. Will you love sincerely, resist evil, and hold fast to what is good? We will. Will you speak no arrogance, but keep company with the ordinary, the humble, offering hospitality, treating one another with love and respect? We will. Offering ourselves as a servant community, we will walk with God, following Jesus, moved by the wind and the fire of the Spirit.

The Spirit has called us. Our journey has just begun.

“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” LUYH 964/965, PH 591/592, PsH 638, TH 731/732, WR 34/44/147

  • Andrew Donaldson website:
  • Andrew Donaldson, ed. Hosanna! Ecumenical Songs for Justice and Peace . Geneva, Switzerland: WCC Publications, 2016.
  • The Book of Praise. Toronto, Canada: Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1997.

Andrew Donaldson is a Canadian writer, composer, and church musician with extensive background in global song. He worked for five years in Geneva, Switzerland, as the worship consultant for the World Council of Churches. His work may be found at .

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35 Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success

' src=

Journey is defined as a long and often difficult process of personal change and development; traveling from one place to another. The path to success might be tough, but once gain momentum, everything will fall to its place. Always remember to enjoy the journey because sometimes it’s more worthwhile the the destination itself. Don’t forget to thank all the people you helped you on your way. Everyone’s journey is different, so try not to compare yours to others. May these quotes inspire you on your journey to greatness .

1.  “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

2.  “Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey , especially if they’ve never walked your path.”

3.  “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” Steve Maraboli

4.  “It’s all about the journey not the outcome.” Carl Lewis

5.  “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” Tony Robbins

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." Tony Robbins

6.  “The true journey is one that is traveled with an inner GPS fully activated.” Alexis Brooks

7.  “The journey is yours. Enjoy each and every step .” Anonymous

8.  “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” Arthur Ashe

9.  “Embrace the journey.” Anonymous

10.  “Stay patient and trust your journey.” Anonymous

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "Stay patient and trust your journey." Anonymous

11.  “The journey is long but the goal is in each step.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

12.  “Life is a journey.” Anonymous

13.  “The journey is the fun part.” Jaime Tardy

14.  “Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.” Matsuo Basho

15.  “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” Drake

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." Drake

16.  “Life is not a race but a journey to be savored each step of the way.” Anonymous

17.  “This is your journey, your body, your mind, and your spirit. Dig deep, own it and start doing things for you and by you.” Anonymous

18.  “Your journey has molded you for the greater good .” Asha Tyson

19.  “Life is a journey filled with unexpected miracles.” Anonymous

20.  “The end of a journey means the start of another.” Anonymous

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "The end of a journey means the start of another." Anonymous

21.  “There is only one map to the journey of life and it lives within your heart .” Willie Nelson

22.  “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber

23.  “To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” Danny Kaye

24.  “You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” Les Brown

25.  “Take the journey even if it means alone.” Anonymous

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "Take the journey even if it means alone." Anonymous

26.  “Love is the spirit that motivates the artist’s journey.” Eric Maisel

27.  “Our journey is about being more deeply involved in life and yet, less attached to it.” Ram Dass

28.  “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” Anonymous

29.  “So the single most vital step on your journey towards enlightenment is this: learn to disidentify from your mind.” Eckhart Tolle

30.  “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” Anonymous

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." Anonymous

31.  “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” Kenji Miyazawa

32.  “The best journey always takes us home.” Anonymous

33.  “The journey is much easier when you are not carrying your past.” Anonymous

34.  “The journey to freedom is paved by the substance of our character.” Erwin McManus

35.  “The only journey is the one within.” Rainer Maria Rilke

Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey Of Success - "The only journey is the one within." Rainer Maria Rilke

I hope these Journey Quotes inspired you to aim for success. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out This Video On Guided Meditation — A 10-Minute Journey To Inner Peace:

Have A Great Day!

35 Inspirational Quotes On Commitment

35 Inspirational Quotes On Joy

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My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.

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Hilary Williams

March 12, 2019 at 2:05 pm

What an amazing quotes that transforms life. It gives one the courage to actually owns his own journey. I Love This.

March 28, 2019 at 6:14 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Hilary

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haddy Ndimballan

March 11, 2019 at 10:58 pm

Comment: The quotes are very inspirational, they give me more courage to push harder

March 28, 2019 at 6:15 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Haddy

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February 1, 2019 at 12:40 am

I I enjoy the wonderful quotes. It has been very inspectional.

February 22, 2019 at 11:40 am

Glad you enjoyed the quotes Rosaline

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funeral inspirations logo

His Journey’s Just Begun Poem

By Ellen Brenneman

‘Don’t think of him as gone away  his journey’s just begun , life holds so many facets, this earth is only one. A suitable poem for a grandfather (or mother) that tries to express a feeling of peace and an ongoing adventure to the people in attendance.

His Journey’s Just Begun Poem Lyrics

Don’t think of him as gone away his journey’s just begun, life holds so many facets this earth is only one.

Just think of him as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years.

Think how he must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our sadness can really pass away.

And think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched for nothing loved is ever lost and he was loved so much.

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Funeral Celebrant in Kent - Marc Lemezma

Funeral Poem – My Journey’s Just Begun by Ellen Brenneman

Funeral Poem My Journey’s Just Begun by Ellen Brenneman

Read by marc lemezma – funeral celebrant.

This lovely poem is another message to the living from a person who has passed away. This time it is a reminder of more than life simply going on. It tells of a new existence and relationship, founded on the love that existed in life.

Don’t think of me as gone away My journey’s just begun Life holds so many facets This earth is but one

Just think of me as resting From the sorrows and the tears In a place of warmth and comfort Where there are no days and years

Think of how I must be wishing That you could know today How nothing but your sadness Can really go away

And think of me as living In the hearts of those I touched For nothing loved is ever lost And I know I was loved so much

Poetry is written to be shared, read and heard.

Can I share or use this poetry?

The poems I share on my website or social media are original or are regularly used at funerals and are presented to aid those researching poetry for use at their loved one's funeral service.. Wherever known, I do give credit and thanks to the author. If you know the author of any I have marked as ‘unknown’, then let me know, and I will amend the page.

If you chose to share or use the poetry at a funeral or memorial service, please give the author credit.

Many of these poems are original to me; please feel free to share those or use them if they seem right for your service. All I ask is that you give credit to me as the author.

Visit Marc’s Facebook Page

See the list of other Poems for Funerals

journey has just begun

Learning to Listen to My Body: An Adaptive Yoga Journey

journey has just begun

Finding your true self is a lifelong journey. While there are usually fits and starts, every step creates possibility if you can remain open. My journey thus far has led to the transformative power of yoga. It took a life-altering car accident at the age 19 that resulted in a spinal cord injury, and more than 30 years, to unearth a passion for this practice. Since then, learning adaptive yoga and becoming a certified yoga teacher has transformed my life in unexpected ways.

Before the car accident, I felt invincible. I was a dancer, swimmer, lifeguard, cheerleader, pom pom girl, choreographer, and athlete. I knew who I was and what I wanted to do after high school: go to New York to become a choreographer/dancer on Broadway. I felt physically strong, and I knew I could complete any task. I never gave up on my goals.

After the car accident, I awoke to a devastating blow. I had a crushed spinal cord with partial paralysis, and I was told I would never walk again. In 24 hours, my life was forever changed. I felt alone and lost. My Broadway dreams were shattered. The physical and emotional trauma of the accident numbed my senses and led to disconnection from my body. When you’re a dancer, your body is your instrument, and if that instrument no longer plays as it once did, your connection to it is broken; it’s very easy to feel ungrounded.

It took a long time for me to regain a sense of self and create a new life. While I experienced spurts of empowerment, I did not want to accept my disability or a life of limited mobility.

My journey began in a wheelchair. After a year of intense physical therapy, by some miracle, I learned to walk again with the help of forearm crutches, a cane, and foot orthotics. While I’m grateful for having survived the car accident, the emotional trauma initially made me resistant to living life fully. I also used to think that talking about my physical challenges made me weak. So I went out of my way to avoid asking for help or accommodations; I wanted to do everything myself. Because I didn’t want to be judged for physical limitations, I acted as if they didn’t exist. I’ve learned a lot since then.

It took years for me to learn that a strong will or ego doesn’t always equal a strong mind and body. It took even more time to shed my “survival story” for a deeper understanding of myself and my health challenges.

But gradually I found the courage to own my body, in both present and past forms. Adaptive yoga was one catalyst for this. It taught me to stop, go within, and reconnect mind, body, and spirit. More importantly, I discovered hope within trauma and loss. I now know a different kind of strong.            

Finding Adaptive Yoga Felt Like Coming Home

After the car accident, I struggled with having to let go of my old life as a dancer and I had no idea how to move forward. I dreamed of trying yoga, or something else that was physically demanding, but doctors warned it could re-injure my spine. While their advice was meant for my safety, it mostly instilled fear. In addition, I felt self conscious about my physical limitations. When I thought about yoga, I imagined able-bodied skinny girls bending and stretching in every direction. Going to a studio also felt intimidating because yoga is generally practiced barefoot, and I needed my shoes to walk. I didn’t want to feel judged or marginalized for limited mobility. In short, my preconceived ideas about yoga kept me from trying it.

I was 51 years old when I finally gained the courage to take my first yoga class, and doing so was one of the best decisions of my life. My self-consciousness didn’t change immediately, but I eventually found my place. I no longer felt embarrassed about not being able to do handstands or backbends; I no longer worried about not being able to take my shoes off in class. Instead, I sat in a chair and modified or adapted any poses that put a strain on my body. Yoga felt natural in my body. It felt like home and I felt free.

And once I experienced adaptive yoga and began adapting poses to fit my body, I wanted to share this practice with everyone—especially those with physical challenges. I knew there must be others who could benefit from experiencing this practice. This led me to adaptive yoga and to attend the first Accessible Yoga Conference (AYC) in Santa Barbara, California.

There are many different ways to define adaptive yoga. Simply put, adaptive yoga is a creative and mindful approach to adapting poses for the body. This can include using a chair, wall, or yoga props. In my view, adaptive yoga is any form of yoga that teaches integration of mind and body sensation over simple physical asana.

Attending the Accessible Yoga Conference was life changing. Meeting others on a similar mission—bringing yoga to everyone regardless of ability or background—was inspiring. We were activists bound by our goal to change perceptions of yoga and to make its practices and teachings accessible for all. We wanted to create a yoga community that embraces everyone.

I met many inspiring yogis at the AYC, including Jivana Heyman (the founder of Accessible Yoga), and other trailblazers such as Matthew Sanford, Dianne Bondy, Melanie Klein, Marsha Therese Danzig, and Cherie Hotchkiss. Some of the yogis I met were cancer survivors with prosthetic limbs, or car wreck or other trauma survivors; others managed muscular dystrophy (MD), multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy (CP). Most had faced incredible challenges. Still, everyone felt empowered and couldn’t wait to share the ways in which yoga had transformed their lives.

And once I experienced adaptive yoga and began adapting poses to fit my body, I wanted to share this practice with everyone.

Attending the conference ignited my passion to teach. I eventually enrolled in a general 200-hour teacher training program but I had no idea what I was getting into. All I knew for sure was that I wanted to deepen my yoga practice, connect with other yogis, and spread an inclusive adaptive yoga message.

At that time, having a 200-hour certification was a prerequisite for the adaptive teacher training I wanted to take. But when I took my teacher training, I realized there was a need for more adaptive elements within traditional 200-hour programs. There were parts of my training that simply did not accommodate people with physical limitations. Nonetheless, my experience was wonderful thanks to the knowledge, guidance, and support of my teacher and our group. Their encouragement felt like divine intervention. I kept moving.

Completing the 200-hour teacher training inspired me to seek additional training. I started with Jivana Heyman’s Accessible Yoga certification, then took Barre training with Jessa Voos, and then a teaching mentorship with Alexandria Crow. I’m currently working on Open Yoga instructor certification with Matthew Sanford, and Yoga For All certification with Dianne Bondy and Amber Karnes. I’ve met many compassionate guides along the path, and I’m grateful for their wisdom. It fuels my commitment to adaptive yoga.

Adaptive Yoga Teaches Inner Strength

If yoga teaches us anything it’s self-acceptance and trust of our inner selves. Doing yoga is an empowering experience; it develops calmness in the face of difficulty, ease in place of tension, and stillness of mind and body. With every inhale and exhale, yoga reveals something new. As we observe the breath to feel grounding and expansion, our goal is to feel and embrace our bodies in the present moment. Doing so has the ability to bring balance and wisdom into our lives.

Finding adaptive yoga helped me to embrace my whole self and reclaim my power. For me, yoga is not about the poses; it’s more about paying attention to my body and gaining inner strength. In the end, I see yoga as a personal, noncompetitive experience—a transforming path to self-awareness. The first step involves listening to what our bodies need.

I encourage my students to let their inner wisdom guide their practice. The beauty of yoga is that everyone’s practice is individual and unique and tapping into this awareness can change lives. The power of yoga is within all of us, and it’s available anytime we need it; all we have to do is find stillness and then listen and accept what we hear. These discoveries live at the heart of my daily adaptive yoga practice.

Practicing yoga has brought my life full circle: Being an adaptive yoga teacher makes me feel like a choreographer again. I make up poses and I’m free to explore…it’s a wonderful adventure that keeps me centered. In many ways, however, my yoga journey has just begun. I’ve only been teaching for one year, but my passion grows every day.

As I continue my journey, my heart-based mission is to encourage anyone—no matter size, shape, or physical challenge—to try yoga.

Yoga changed my life. I know it will do the same for you.

About the Teacher

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The Journey Has Just Begun

Stay focused and strong..

journey has just begun

A new America is on the horizon, and we must take an active role in its formation. There is no going back to when times seemed simpler, there is only a future waiting to be determined. As the world transforms, so must we.

Moving toward 2024, attention must be given to actively navigate impending sacrifices. There is hope of a better time, but it will not come without sacrifice, and we must give careful thought to the activities taking our valuable time and resources. 

As citizens get more actively involved in the leadership of their community, it is also important to stay connected to your children and family. One of the biggest problems we have in the United States is the breakdown of the family. The family structure provides strength to the fabric of our society and if you have a healthy society, you can most likely fight off the ills of communism.

As our country transitions, clench to your roots, as you’ll need them to continue to grow. Many of us are in this battle for our future generations and our loved ones, so recognize the importance of pausing for a breath and staying joined with those who you are fighting for. 

Independent citizen journalists are gaining momentum through every type of community, with a renowned sense of passion for the truth. There are “breaking stories”, every 20 minutes, and we must be prepared for the future, yet stay steady in our goals. Staying up to date on various social media platform's trending stories should not take precedence over time with family or with your faith. 

Choose your battles wisely and don’t forget about those who are closest to you.

In these times of immense change, those who stay focused and strong are presented with great opportunities.

Remember that only 2% of the passionate will defeat 98% of the indifferent 100% of the time. Let's be part of the passionate few who take time to stand up, step up and speak up. God Bless America!

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  2. His Journey's Just Begun

    Free In Loving Memory Poem - His Journey's Just Begun. His Journey's Just Begun. Don't think of him as gone away-his journey's just begun, life holds so many facets-this earth is only one. . . Just think of him as resting. from the sorrows and the tears. in a place of warmth and comfort. where there are no days and years. Think how he must ...

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  4. Her Journey's Just Begun

    Free In Loving Memory Poem - Her Journey's Just Begun. Her Journey's Just Begun. Don't think of her as gone away-her journey's just begun, life holds so many facets-this earth is only one. . . Just think of her as resting. from the sorrows and the tears. in a place of warmth and comfort. where there are no days and years. Think how she must ...

  5. the journey has just begun

    The sentence 'the journey has just begun' is correct and can be used in written English. You can use the phrase when referring to a new undertaking or experience, which implies that there is more to come. For example: "After a lot of hard work, I am finally ready to launch my business - the journey has just begun!". exact ( 5 )

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  8. My Journey's Just Begun Funeral Poem

    Don't think of me as gone away. My journey's just begun. Life holds so many facets. This earth is but one. Just think of me as resting. From the sorrows and the tears. In a place of warmth and comfort. Where there are no days and years. Think of how I must be wishing.

  9. the journey has begun

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  11. The Journey Has Just Begun (Horde)

    You do not cease to astonish, hero. I am humbled. Please accept what I am about to teach you. This knowledge will prove to be invaluable if you are to destroy what remains of the Black Dragonflight . Create the cloak from the scales of the brood mother. It will protect you and your allies against the incendiary breath of the Lord of Blackrock ...

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  13. His Journey's Just Begun Funeral Poem by Ellen Brenneman

    Poems for Funerals. Don't think of him as gone away. his journey's just begun, life holds so many facets. this earth is only one. Just think of him as resting. from the sorrows and the tears. in a place of warmth and comfort. where there are no days and years.

  14. His Journey's Just Begun Poem

    By Ellen Brenneman. 'Don't think of him as gone away his journey's just begun, life holds so many facets, this earth is only one. A suitable poem for a grandfather (or mother) that tries to express a feeling of peace and an ongoing adventure to the people in attendance.

  15. My Journey's Just Begun by Ellen Brenneman

    Don't think of me as gone away. My journey's just begun. Life holds so many facets. This earth is but one. Just think of me as resting. From the sorrows and the tears. In a place of warmth and comfort. Where there are no days and years. Think of how I must be wishing.

  16. PDF His Journey's Just Begun

    His Journey's Just Begun. Don't think of him as gone away-his journey's just begun, life holds so many facets-this earth is only one. . . Just think of him as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how he must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our ...

  17. My Journey's Just Begun

    Don't think of me as gone away My journey's just begun Life holds so many facets This earth is but one Just think of me as resting From the sorrows and the tears In a place of warmth and comfort Where there are no days and years Think of how I must be wishing That you could know today How nothing but your sadness Can really go away And think of me as living In the hearts of those I touched ...

  18. Learning to Listen to My Body: An Adaptive Yoga Journey

    In many ways, however, my yoga journey has just begun. I've only been teaching for one year, but my passion grows every day. As I continue my journey, my heart-based mission is to encourage anyone—no matter size, shape, or physical challenge—to try yoga. Yoga changed my life. I know it will do the same for you.

  19. PDF Her Journey's Just Begun

    Her Journey's Just Begun. Don't think of her as gone away-her journey's just begun, life holds so many facets-this earth is only one. . . Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how she must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our ...

  20. I once dissed Journey in a concert review. Man, was I wrong

    CNN —. In August 2006, I was working as an arts writer for a newspaper when my editor sent me to review a Journey/Def Leppard concert at an outdoor amphitheater in suburban Salt Lake City ...

  21. The Journey Has Just Begun

    The Journey Has Just Begun. Stay focused and strong. A new America is on the horizon, and we must take an active role in its formation. There is no going back to when times seemed simpler, there is only a future waiting to be determined. As the world transforms, so must we. Moving toward 2024, attention must be given to actively navigate ...

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    kam.oncamMarch 27, 2023 on : "and the journey has just begun. • • • #alpha #alphaland #alphalete #inakapower #inaka #youngla #rawgear #rawnutrition #vegan #vega..." and the journey has just begun.