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Motos et Scooters neuves Honda et Motos d’occasion du concessionnaire H 37 à CHAMBRAY LES TOURS

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Motors Avenue Tours

15 avenue du Danemark 37000 Tours

15 avenue du Danemark, 37000 Tours

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Retrouvez notre concession Motors Avenue Tours au 15 avenue du Danemark, 37000 Tours.

Achat, vente, entretien et réparation, nos vendeurs et techniciens Motors Avenue Tours sont à votre écoute au sein de la concession de Tours mais aussi par téléphone ou par mail.

Retrouvez l'ensemble des coordonnées de notre concession Motors Avenue Tours ci-dessous :

Reprise de votre véhicule

Estimation par un professionnel.

Envie de vendre votre véhicule actuel ? Faites-le estimer par un expert automobile et recevez une offre de reprise rapide et claire en quelques clics.

Gratuit et sans engagement

Quel que soit votre projet, la solution d'estimation de votre véhicule est un service entièrement gratuit et ne vous engage pas dans l'achat d'un nouveau véhicule.

Réglement sûr et rapide

Une fois l'offre de reprise validée, le réglement correspondant à la vente de votre véhicule vous est versé de manière rapide et sécurisée.

Les marques disponibles

Disponible chez motors avenue tours.



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Commentaires Client

Les marques distribuées chez motors avenue.

Chaque marque distribuée par le réseau Motors Avenue est choisie soigneusement par nos équipes. Nous pouvons ainsi vous proposer une large gamme de modèles et de véhicules pour les différents univers disponibles.

Motors Avenue vous garantit

100% satisfait ou remboursé.

Parce que votre satisfaction est notre priorité, nous faisons le choix de vous proposer des produits soigneusement choisis et de collaborer avec des marques mondialement reconnues. Chez Motors Avenue, il est possible d'être intégralement remboursé si un de vos achats n'est pas à la hauteur de vos espérances.

Véhicules révisés et garantis

Pour chacun des véhicules d'occasion que nous vous proposons, notre équipe se charge de réaliser une révision rigoureuse. Ainsi nous pouvous vous garantir que le produit respecte l'ensemble des conditions de sécurité et de mise sur le marché.

Service à votre écoute

Pour vous accompagner de la recherche de votre véhicule jusqu'à l'après-vente, nos experts sont à votre écoute de 8h à 19h sans interruption du lundi au samedi au 02 52 08 01 76 mais aussi en nous écrivant .

Prise de rendez-vous en ligne

L'ensemble des véhicules disponibles en ligne, le sont aussi dans nos concessions. Aide au choix du véhicule, conseils techniques, essai, il vous est donc possible de prendre rendez-vous en ligne et programmer un créneau avec l'un de nos conseillers sur place.

Le meilleur de la moto

Achat Moto / Vente Moto / Atelier Moto / Transport Moto

estimation gratuite de votre moto

Service Transports

En savoir plus sur nos services en chiffre

Reprise Vente Moto vous apporte les conseils nécessaires pour l'achat et la revente de votre deux roues depuis 2006.

Nos motos d'occasion sont disponibles dans notre garage et prêtes à partir.

Motos vendues

Tous les ans plus de 600 motos passent dans nos mains pour mieux vous servir.

Voir les avis de nos clients

Estimation - Rachat cash de votre moto

Votre demande.

Vous voulez vendre votre moto, vous n'êtes pas satisfait de l'offre de reprise de votre concessionnaire ou des offres plus ou moins sérieuses des sites d'annonces. Faites votre estimation moto gratuite directement sur notre site, nous vous recontacterons par téléphone dans les 24h . Pas d'obligations, aucun frais cachés.

Votre Estimation

Nous estimerons rapidement votre moto et nous vous ferons notre proposition chiffrée de rachat. Après notre proposition de rachat Moto , l'enlèvement de votre moto est gratuit, à votre domicile sur demande. Départements couverts par ( voir carte ).

Votre Paiement

Pour finaliser la vente, les documents administratifs sont traités gratuitement par nos soins. Nous vous payons par virement instantané sur votre compte bancaire (généralement reçu en 30 secondes). Nous sommes des professionnels de l'achat / reprise de moto.

Estimation de votre moto

Nos experts vous donne gratuitement l'estimation de votre moto

Transport ou dépannage de votre moto !

Transport de votre moto.

Transporter votre moto d'un point A vers un point B en toute sérénité.

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On s'occupe de tout !

Devis dépannage moto devis transport moto.

Confiez-nous le transport de votre moto d'un point A à un point B en toute sécurité par des Pros ! Faites votre demande de transport de moto directement sur notre site , nous vous recontacterons par téléphone dans les 24h .

Atelier - Entretien - Dépannage - Customisation de votre moto

Notre atelier avec des experts confirmés.

Toute l'année, nous avons à nos côtés un service Atelier ! Nos agents entretiennent et dépannent vos machines rapidement, avec soin et passion. Le petit plus ? Il est de taille ! Nous sommes en mesure de customiser votre moto selon vos attentes, ou même de vous proposer un plan de custom. Pièces détachées, projet concret ou petite folie, nous saurons sublimer votre bolide.

Prestation de notre atelier

Entretien, réparation, customisation

Les dernières motos arrivées

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Découvrez nos motos à vendre

Nos motos sont toutes révisées et prêtes à prendre la route.

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RN 143 Route de Loches

37170 Chambray-les-Tours

Tél. : 02 47 25 95 03

Fax : 02 47 25 96 22

[email protected]



Du mardi au samedi

10h00 à 12h00 / 14h00 à 18h00

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SP Moto 37, à Chambray-les-Tours, magasin de motos (37), vente motos d’occasions, réparation entretien moto, pièces détachées motos en Indre-et-Loire

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panier: 0,00 €

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Toutes les références dans les catalogues BIHR situés en bas de page à copier au dessus dans la barre de recherche pour commander .

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Concessionnaire exclusif SUZUKI à Tours – Indre-et-Loire

Votre concessionnaire motos scooters et quads vous accueille à Tours ! Toute l’équipe est à votre écoute, que ce soit pour un véhicule neuf ou d’occasion, notre expertise est à votre service. De nombreux modèles de motos de diverses marques dont Suzuki, Kymco, Benelli, CF Moto,Zontes , Moto Archive , Moto Electrique Stark Future , Sur-Ron , Talaria n’attendent plus que vous !

Découvrir la marque SUZUKI

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envie 2 rouler location de moto en Franc

La moto en toute liberté

envie 2 rouler location de moto en Franc

Avis Google

Note 4,8 / 5 

> votre avis <

location motot à Tours


Envie2rouler ce week-end ou en vacances et de  découvrir la belle région de Tours ? Notre agence  envie2rouler  de tours vous propose une large gamme de véhicules récents : Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha et plusieurs autres marques à découvrir ....



345 Avenue du Grand Sud

Z.I. Les Renardières

37170 Chambray Les Tours

TEL : 02 47 41 14 61 E-MAIL : [email protected]


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37 000 Tours 


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Dafy Moto Tours / St-Cyr-sur-Loire

Pour prendre rendez-vous dans ce magasin, merci d'appeler au numéro :

02 47 41 22 05

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Votre Dafy Moto se trouve à Tours en Indre-et-Loire (37) dans le Centre-Val de loire

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  • Le 01/05/2024
  • Le 14/07/2024
  • Le 11/11/2024
  • Le 25/12/2024

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Espace détente, 3 x sans frais, american express, click and collect, plaque d'immatriculation.

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Dafy, élu parmi les meilleurs sites de commerce en ligne en 2023

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Tours on: BMW / Ducati / Harley-Davidson® / Honda / KTM / Suzuki / Triumph / Vespa / Yamaha » 2.350 tours in over 180 destinations and over 40 years of experience! «

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Guided motorcycle tours since 1980..

Experience the motorcycle trip of a lifetime with Edelweiss Bike Travel - worldwide the #1 in guided motorcycle and scooter tours. We offer guided, self-guided and custom tours as well as motorcycle rentals. Discover the world with Edelweiss Bike Travel and explore the most fascinating routes, ride on the newest motorcycles and enjoy the guidance of experienced Edelweiss tour guides.

  • Travel program 2024
  • 10 most beautiful roads

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Our 2024 travel program is here!

With the constant aim of providing unforgettable experiences on two wheels, we continue to grow – and surpass ourselves! For the 2024 season, we have not only improved our existing tours, but also added some new ones for you! The successful AMA Alps Challenge tours, which have been carried out since 2020 and involve conquering the 40 highest passes in the Alps, will now be included as fixed Edelweiss AMA Alps Challenge tours in our program. Additionally, we have introduced two charming new destinations in Southern Europe: Magical Portugal and the Southern Apennines in beautiful Italy, both relatively undiscovered areas and true biker gems. As a new long-distance destination, we have added Namibia to our program – a must for everyone who loves gravel roads and diverse landscapes. For those who prefer a classic experience, we now offer a sensational touring area in the South of Brazil with countless curves, excellent asphalt and culinary highlights. And there's also good news for off-road enthusiasts! Edelweiss will be hosting the annual Adventure Rally for KTM. Enjoy browsing through our program!

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Around the World expedition

This motorcycle tour meanders through six continents in one go and gives all participants the opportunity to discover our planet step by step. In spite of this being a gigantic undertaking it is a dream that is the ultimate for every motorcycle touring enthusiast.

Order your free brochure!

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... and receive the e-paper with 10 of the most beautiful motorcycle roads worldwide, be the first one to receive the latest Edelweiss news, know about new adventures, get travel tips and special offers.

The latest from Edelweiss

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Tourguide Training 2024 - Video

February 27, 2024

Edelweiss Bike Travel TourGuide Team

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Tour Program 2024 now online!

August 29, 2023

The most wonderful time of the year has come again! With great pride and joy, we present to you the brand-new Edelweiss Bike Travel catalog 2024/2025, packed with unforgettable adventures, breath-taking landscapes, and loads of two-wheeled action. ...

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Mystery Ride 2024 (RAS2401)

April 13, 2024

Welcome to our Mystery Ride 2024! And welcome to our guests Gaby, Eva and Johannes, Gerda and Stefan from Austria, Emmanuelle and Philippe from Belgium, Georgia and Peter from the US, Ricardo and Mauricio from Chile, Thorsten, ...

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Vietnam Extreme (4VE240A) Suisse and German friends plus one Austrian taking the whole experience

Welcome to Vietnam,   A country with so many different impressions you cannot capture.  Nice and helpful people, amazing food and incredible scenery's.   Greetings Chris    

Tour finder

New search tour finder tour calendar.

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Tuscany by Scooter

A scooter tour in Tuscany with plenty of time to experience the enviable Italian lifestyle.

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Best of Italy

Loads of riding fun in the land of pizza, pasta and amore!

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Captivating Cuba

This motorcycle tour through Cuba is loaded with culture, great scenery and fantastic roads!

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Balkan Adventure

Through the wildest parts of Europe in two weeks – true adventure can be so close!

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ACT Centre of Italy Unpaved

Unpaved mountain roads, adventurous forest paths and loads of curves: On this Unpaved! tour you will get to know a completely new side of beautiful Italy!

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Classic Germany and Benelux

Looking 4 something unusual? This tour is about history, scenery, winery – and ridery!

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Sardegna Extreme

A true motorcycle paradise in the Mediterranean: Sardegna impresses with beautiful beaches, sunshine, original Italian flair and a lot of forgotten roads and paths full of riding fun!

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The Viking Experience

Ready for an unforgettable adventure in the high North? Our insider tip: Discover the unique landscapes of Southern Norway on absolute dream roads!

Edelweiss Bike Travel

Edelweiss Promo Video

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Top 5 Motorcycle Trips Near San Jose, California

Sep 18, 2021

Exploring the Redwood forests on a Ducati motorcycle.

The San Francisco Bay Area is an icon in its own right. To outsiders, the name brings scenes from American movie masterpieces. Gorgeous technicolor photography of San Francisco in Alfred Hitchock’s Vertigo ; idle wanderings through Berkeley’s bookstores and cafes in The Graduate ; the birth of Palo Alto-based Facebook in The Social Network . 

But behind the fame and celebrity of the region, there’s a different side to the Bay Area. For the motorcycle enthusiast, a visit to San Jose doesn’t have to end in an inevitable trip to the Golden Gate Bridge. Mt. Diablo and Mt. Hamilton tower far above the giants of Silicon Valley’s burgeoning tech industry, and California’s impressive state parks cover immense swaths of the Bay Area. Best of all, exhilarating motorcycle routes full of switchbacks and blind turns run through, over, and around all of them. Interested in renting a motorcycle? Learn how in the How to Rent a Motorcycle in California article. 

Make your next trip to San Jose an opportunity to experience the other Bay Area. This region includes redwood forests, mountain observatories, and unforgettable rides. To save you time, we’ve listed five routes. Don’t forget to make Riders Share your go-to when it comes to renting a motorcycle in San Jose; you’ll find the best rides at the lowest prices, from owners and enthusiasts like you. Need more trip ideas? Read the Best San Francisco Motorcycle Riding Routes and Top-5 Motorcycle Routes Near San Francisco articles. 

1. Mount Hamilton Loop

One-day trip — 100 miles

The Mount Hamilton Loop offers the best views of the Bay Area opposite San Francisco and shouldn’t be missed by any road-riding visitor.

Going up and over a mountain with a 4,196-foot peak has its perks. You’ll survey every kind of landscape the Bay Area has to offer, including meadows, forests, and farmland. The views themselves are to die for. Go on a clear day to see all across the Bay, or wait until the evening to go stargazing near James Lick Observatory. The Observatory’s visitor center and displays could eat up a whole afternoon!

This route is a real mountain road, so expect lots of switchbacks and blind turns. Road quality along this route is good, although there are a few mount-related hazards. The section of the route going up the mountain is windy, while the portion coming down gradually levels and smooths out, with some amazing sweeping radius turns. Fallen rocks and gravel aren’t unheard of on this route, so be aware. The same goes for potholes, which are harder to spot. Also be mindful of bicyclists going up and down the mountain, and the occasional cattle guard crossings. Squirrels and deer are a common sight.

If you’re hungry, the Mount Hamilton Loop doesn’t disappoint. A Bite of Wyoming coffee shop and restaurant in San Jose, is a great way to start the route if you’re up early in the morning. The Junction Bar & Grill on Mines Road is another delicious stopping point. If gas is what you’re looking for, you’ll have to fill up in San Jose—there aren’t any gas stations on the loop. 

2. Sierra Road Loop

One-day trip — 12 miles

San Jose’s surrounding motorcycle routes are a convenient way to explore the redwood-covered landscape of the South Bay. The Sierra Road Loop is one such motorcycle trip.

Be prepared for sweeping views of the South Bay—you’ll get exactly what you came for. Sierra Road climbs west uphill. After five miles, you should be able to see a Vista Point parking lot on your right. Park your motorcycle and enjoy the incredible views. Go for a hike on one of the trails. You can see the Santa Cruz mountains and the Calaveras Reservoir on the other side. Felter and Calaveras Roads will take you back down again, into the foothills.

Aside from the views, you can release some steam on several of the twisties and sweeping turns. Road quality is good for the most part, although the initial straightaway climb up Sierra Road has some potholes. A mile-long portion of the route is restricted to a single lane, so make sure you ride it at a lower speed.

If you need gas, the intersection of Sierra and Piedmont Roads in San Jose is as good a place as any. Otherwise, finding amenities outside San Jose will be difficult.

3. Morgan Territory Road

One-day trip — 15 miles

Explore the Bay Area’s wealth of nature preserves and farmland by taking Morgan Territory Road .

The first section leaving Livermore samples California’s charming farmland. The second half plunges you into the dense forests of Morgan Territory Regional Preserve and around Mt. Diablo, an imposing fixture in the Bay Area horizon. If it’s open, drive into Mt. Diablo State Park—it’s rife with opportunities to go rock climbing, hiking, and camping.

Morgan Territory Road is 15 miles of single-lane road with a ton of blind corners in its middle section. The first and last four miles of the route are a blast. Although the middle portion is a ton of fun to ride too, it isn’t well-maintained. Keep an eye on your speed and watch for hazards.

Take this route if you want to unplug. For all intents and purposes, you’ll be in the middle of nowhere. While not having cell service in Silicon Valley is ironic, it’s not always a bad thing to turn away from the digital world and get back to nature.

4. Castro Valley to Berkeley

One-day trip — 23 miles

Visit the best public university in the world and see some of the greatest views in the Castro Valley to Berkeley motorcycle route.

The first thing you’ll want to do is ride 33 miles from San Jose to Castro Valley. Redwood Road is fairly scenic and lined with ancient trees, but things really pick up once you reach Berkeley. Grizzly Peak overlooks all the San Francisco Bay, including some of its lushest forests and most beautiful mountains. On a clear spring or summer day, you’ll be treated to an all-encompassing panorama: San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, the Bay Bridge, the Campanile, the University of California—you name it, and you’ll see it.

This route features a bevy of turns, twisties, and elevation changes. The road gets narrow in some places, but you’ll get a mix of slow- and medium-speed corners. Although road quality is generally good, a few places are rough and need some maintenance. You should pay attention to any sand and rocks on the road from the cliffs above. Luckily, you won’t find much gravel or oil on the road.

Although this ride isn’t long enough for you to stock up beforehand, you can get gas at two places; both are located north of the Redwood exit off 580. Once you get to Berkeley, you’ll have a blast. Visit the university’s massive aboveground and underground libraries. Take a stroll across verdant Memorial Glade and lie in the sun; listen to the chatter of the students and the tinkling of UC Berkeley’s Italianate bell tower, the Campanile. Street parking can be a hassle, so we recommend picking one of the several parking garages surrounding the campus. Bring a few bucks for parking, too.

5. Palomares Road

One-day trip — 17 miles

To conclude our list of motorcycle routes near San Jose, we recommend working Palomares Road into your itinerary. This idyllic East Bay back road is an ideal escape from the frenetic pace of Silicon Valley and the wider San Francisco Bay Area.

The only companion you’ll have for the duration of this route will be a positively picturesque creekbed. It’ll follow you up and down as you traverse a tight, twisty, verdant canyon.

Road condition is great—the roads are well-paved, and the center lines are very visible. Rain sometimes washes dirt, mud, and gravel onto portions of the road. Motorized traffic is sparse, but you’re likely to pass plenty of bicyclists along the way.  

Because this is more of a nature-trek than anything else, amenities are in short supply. However, there are some roadside attractions. Check out the Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery for a taste of real seclusion, or visit the nearby Chouinard Winery. Under normal circumstances, they offer tours and wine tasting on weekends between noon and 5:00 pm. 

Once you’ve exhausted all the fun to be had in the city, break away from San Jose to any of the above motorcycle routes for a change of pace and scenery. Northern California’s natural beauty is unsurpassed in much of the United States, and the Bay is no exception.

If you breeze through these, don’t worry about running out of motorcycle routes—there are additional rides in the Bay Area. We here at Riders Share let you rent a motorcycle at the price you want, because we don’t want you to miss a minute of the Golden State’s best motorcycle riding.

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Best mexico motorcycle tours adventures. planning a roadtrip by mexico, we are ready to help you. guided tours available in mexico by moto tours mexico..

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2023 Triumph Tiger 1200 Rally Pro in San Jose, California

2023 Triumph Tiger 1200 Rally Pro

2023 Triumph Tiger 900 GT in San Jose, California

2023 Triumph Tiger 900 GT

2022 Aprilia RSV4 1100 Factory in San Jose, California

2022 Aprilia RSV4 1100 Factory

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2012 Victory Zach Ness Vegas®

Welcome to spirit motorcycles /, triumph san jose, we are open to serve you   our business hours are tue - sat 10am - 5pm.

If you prefer to stay home, we will be happy to pick your bike up or drop it off to you!  Now is a great time to schedule your bike's service or repair!

Our service and parts departments remain open by appointment, walk ups are handled case by case. Our motorcycle sales department is partially open as our sales team is working remotely, if you are interested in purchasing our sales professionals will set up a one on one meeting at our store or at your home. Paperwork can be done remotely. 

We are taking extra precautions -- constantly cleaning commonly touched surfaces and bikes, practicing social distancing, and now offering curbside pick up for parts and accessories if you prefer to not enter the shop.  Thanks for your understanding and support!  

We are your official dealer for Indian Motorcycles , Triumph motorcycles , Aprilia , Moto Guzzi , Royal Enfield , Can-Am Spyder  and Can-Am Ryker ! We are the foremost customer oriented motorcycle dealership serving San Jose, the Bay Area and San Francisco and our focus is to make your experience at our motorcycle store the best in the country. So if you're in search of a 'motorcycle dealership near me', we want to be your first choice!

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Stop into our  San Jose dealership , call, or contact us today to see why our customer service makes us the most awarded motorcycle dealership in the country. We strive to make you feel at home, we listen to you and we work hard to improve everyday. We offer motorcycle rentals too!

Read more about us and our awards...


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Motorcycle Rentals in San Jose, CA

26 motorcycle models listed for rent in san jose, ca.

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  • San Jose, CA

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Looking to rent a motorcycle in San Jose, CA? Browse all motorcycle rentals available in San Jose, CA and book your rental today. We found 26 motorcycle rentals in San Jose, CA, book yours online and learn why thousands of riders have been using EagleRider since 1992.

Whether you are renting a motorcycle to explore San Jose for one day, or starting a multi-day bucket list journey, EagleRider Motorcycle Rentals and Tours is the perfect choice for those looking to experience the road on a late model motorcycle. Our nearly 130 locations are spread out between major metropolitan tourism and transportation hubs giving riders easy access to the top riding destinations and attractions in United States. We also have a large number of locations that are regionally located, with many being located in more rural areas, giving riders immediate access to rent new motorcycles and explore new roads in their own backyards. This large network of nearly 130 locations allows EagleRider to offer some advantages to our rental and tour customers that others cannot; one-way rentals, and a vast network of service hubs for those rare instances of a mechanical issue or need for a replacement motorcycle.

All EagleRider locations also offer tour packages. This means our team will take care of the route planning, hotel bookings, and support, then provide you with our Mobile Tour Guide App, allowing you to simply show up, hop on, take off, and enjoy. EagleRider’s world-famous tours range from fully guided experiences, to self-guided, custom groups, and even corporate events.

If you are flying in for your rental or tour and looking to pack light, we’ve got you covered with our wide range of motorcycle apparel, gear, and accessories. Most EagleRider locations carry a wide range of helmets, boots, gloves, sunglasses, jackets, t-shirts, hats, and everything else you need to look great and stay comfortable on the road. We’ve even got our own motorcycle luggage called EaglePack. This soft bag is designed to integrate and secure safely to the rear seat or luggage rack of your rental motorcycle.

The real stars of each EagleRider location are our highly trained staff. From the initial greeting, through your pick-up, motorcycle orientation, and return, you’ll appreciate the professionalism and passion for riding and touring that each of them share. As a company built by riders for riders, we wouldn’t have it any other way!


EagleRider and EagleShare are part of EagleRider Holdings, the world's most trusted powersports and motorcycle rental marketplace.

Watch CBS News

Aerosmith announces new farewell concert tour dates after Steven Tyler's injury forced postponement

By Neal Riley

Updated on: April 10, 2024 / 12:59 PM EDT / CBS Boston

BOSTON - Aerosmith's farewell tour is back on. The iconic rock band from Boston announced it will continue its "Peace Out" tour this year, months after a vocal cord injury to lead singer Steven Tyler forced several concerts to be postponed. 

New and rescheduled Aerosmith tour dates

The announcement includes some new concert dates in addition to a long list of rescheduled shows stretching into 2025.

The band will return to the stage to play their greatest hits on Sept. 20 in Pittsburgh for a newly added show at PPG Paints Arena with special guest Teddy Swims, and then play Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Center on Sept. 23. 

Aerosmith says a highlight of the tour will be a "special hometown show" on New Year's Eve at Boston's TD Garden. The band was supposed to ring in 2024 at the Garden before Tyler's injury.

Some of the rescheduled stops on tour include Dallas (Nov. 9), Denver (Nov. 18), San Francisco (Nov. 30), Los Angeles (Dec. 7), Detroit (Jan. 4), Chicago (Jan. 19) and New York (Feb. 23). Click here for a full list of dates for the tour, which will also feature special guests The Black Crowes.  

Steven Tyler's vocal injury

The announcement from Aerosmith did not include an update on Tyler's health. The "Dream On" singer, who just turned 76 years old, had previously said he suffered vocal cord damage during a performance last September "that led to subsequent bleeding," and a doctor ordered him not to sing for 30 days.

After canceling a handful of shows, the band later postponed its farewell tour to 2024 because Tyler's injury was "more serious than initially thought" and included a fractured larynx.

Tyler posted to social media in late November that his throat was "on the mend." He shared a similar message earlier this year while hosting a Grammys viewing party in February. People magazine reported that he told attendees "My throat's been better, but it is on the mend."

Aerosmith began in Boston in 1970. The five original members - Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford, Joey Kramer and Tom Hamilton - lived together in an apartment in Allston . The band was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2001.

Neal J. Riley is a digital producer for CBS Boston. He has been with WBZ-TV since 2014. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe and The San Francisco Chronicle. Neal is a graduate of Boston University.

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