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Les croisières Virgin Voyages réservées aux adultes

Découvrez Virgin Voyages, la compagnie de croisière révolutionnaire qui propose des expériences haut de gamme réservées aux adultes. Plongez dans un monde d’exclusivité, de gastronomie étoilée Michelin et d’itinéraires uniques pour vivre une aventure en mer inoubliable.

Présentation de la compagnie de croisières Virgin Voyages

Fondé par l’emblématique entrepreneur Richard Branson, Virgin Voyages se démarque par son concept unique de croisières sans enfants. La compagnie vise à offrir une expérience luxueuse et raffinée, où chaque détail est pensé pour satisfaire les voyageurs adultes en quête d’évasion et de détente.

Historique de Virgin Voyages

Créée en 2014, la compagnie s’est rapidement imposée sur le marché des croisières grâce à son approche innovante et audacieuse. En mettant l’accent sur un service haut de gamme et une clientèle exigeante, Virgin Voyages a su conquérir le cœur des voyageurs à la recherche d’une expérience unique en mer.


Concept unique de croisières réservées aux adultes

La spécificité de Virgin Voyages réside dans sa politique « Adult by Design », qui garantit que seuls les passagers âgés de 18 ans et plus peuvent embarquer. Ce choix permet de créer une atmosphère plus intime et sophistiquée, propice à la détente et au plaisir des sens.

Les navires de Virgin Voyages

La flotte de Virgin Voyages se compose actuellement du Scarlet Lady, premier navire lancé en 2020, et du Valiant Lady construit en 2020. Chaque navire est conçu avec soin, alliant design moderne et élégance classique.

Présentation du Scarlet Lady

Le Scarlet Lady est un véritable bijou des mers, offrant une expérience de croisière inégalée. Avec ses nombreux espaces communs luxueux, tels que le Red Room et le Wellness Deck, les passagers peuvent profiter d’une multitude d’activités et de divertissements à bord.

Navire de croisière Scarlet Lady de la compagnie Virgin Voyages

Autres navires de la flotte

Le Valiant Lady promet lui aussi une expérience exceptionnelle, reprenant les codes du Scarlet Lady tout en proposant de nouvelles destinations et activités exclusives.

Expérience à bord

La vie à bord d’un navire Virgin Voyages est synonyme de confort, de divertissement et de détente absolue.

Services inclus

Parmi les services inclus dans chaque croisière, on retrouve les pourboires, l’accès au centre de fitness, l’eau plate et gazeuse, ainsi que les boissons non-alcoolisées telles que les sodas et certains jus. Les passagers bénéficient également d’un accès illimité à la plupart des restaurants à bord.

Activités et divertissements

Virgin Voyages propose une multitude d’activités pour tous les goûts : cours collectifs de fitness, escapades sur l’île privée de Bimini, spectacles en live ou encore séances photoshoots professionnelles. L’équipage veille à ce que chaque passager vive une expérience mémorable.

Un couple profite d'un moment de détente à bord d'un navire de croisière de la compagnie virgin Voyages

Gastronomie à bord

La gastronomie est un point fort des croisières Virgin Voyages. Les menus sont élaborés par des chefs étoilés Michelin et proposent une cuisine raffinée, inventive et savoureuse. Les passagers peuvent choisir parmi plusieurs restaurants à bord, offrant des expériences culinaires variées et inoubliables.

Les cabines

Les cabines de Virgin Voyages sont conçues pour offrir un confort maximal et une expérience sur mesure. Des cabines Terrace aux luxueuses suites Rockstar, chaque passager trouvera son bonheur dans ces espaces modernes, élégants et fonctionnels.

Destinations et itinéraires

Les itinéraires de Virgin Voyages sont soigneusement élaborés pour faire découvrir des destinations exceptionnelles. Au départ de Miami, les croisières explorent les eaux turquoise des Caraïbes ainsi que les rivages ensoleillés d’Espagne, d’Italie et de Grèce.

En choisissant Virgin Voyages, vous embarquez pour une aventure maritime unique, où luxe, gastronomie et bien-être sont au rendez-vous. Ne manquez pas l’occasion de vivre cette expérience hors du commun lors de votre prochaine croisière.

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Virgin Voyages Tips | 10 Things to Know Before Your First Cruise

By: Author Emily

Posted on Last updated: January 2, 2024

If you’re sailing with Virgin Voyages, you should be prepared for sun-soaked days, fun-filled nights and flavor-packed meals. But you should also be prepared to do a bit of prep in advance if you want to take your cruise to the next level. In this post, we’ll share our 10 best Virgin Voyages tips to help you get the most out of your cruise.

I recently returned from a 5-day Virgin Voyages Dominican Daze Cruise on the Scarlet Lady . Before this trip, I had only cruised with Disney Cruise Line, and the Virgin Voyages experience was very different. (If you’re interested in how those two cruise lines compare, be sure to check out our post on Disney Cruise Line vs Virgin Voyages .) I learned so many things from my first Virgin Voyages cruise, and I’m sharing it all here.

Follow these tips and you can be sure that you won’t miss out on any of the fun (or food) onboard. The best part about these tips is that most of them can be done before your trip, so by the time you board you can sit back and relax.

virgin voyages registration

Disclaimer: My Virgin Voyages cruise was graciously gifted by our trusted travel advisor, Lauren Quirk, from  Travel With Character . This post is not sponsored by Virgin Voyages or Travel With Character, and I do not receive any compensation in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

1. Complete the “Before You Sail” tasks ASAP.

As soon as you book your Virgin Voyages cruise (or as early as 120 days out), download the Virgin Voyages mobile app and complete the “Before you Sail” tasks. You’ll need the app for a few different things before and during your cruise, so you might as well get it now.

The “Before You Sail” task list has seven steps and takes about ten minutes. It includes things like confirming your passport information, taking a security photo and linking a credit card to use onboard. Most importantly though, this is where you can schedule your embarkation time. (Aka the time you can board the ship.)

It’s important to book your embarkation as soon as possible, because the best boarding times can book up quickly. What are the best embarkation times for Virgin Voyages? The earliest ones, which leads us to …

virgin voyages registration

2. Schedule the earliest embarkation time.

I’d strongly recommend booking the earliest possible embarkation time for your Virgin Voyages cruise. On my cruise, this is 2 PM.

Early boarding has many benefits. Most obviously, you will have more time on the ship, plus shorter queues in the terminal. Most importantly though, early boarding means earlier access to registration for onboard activities. (We’ll talk more about that in tip #6.)

The embarkation experience will vary based on the port you’re sailing from. If you’re sailing from Miami, Virgin Voyages’ Terminal V is very well organized and boarding is quick and orderly. We were scheduled for earliest boarding group, and we were on the ship 20 minutes after we arrived at the terminal.

Boarding times are pretty strictly enforced. There are queues outside the terminal for each boarding time. If you arrive early, you’ll have to wait with your group for your time. You will not be able to board early if you arrive early.

virgin voyages registration

3. Book dining reservations as soon as they open.

Meals are included on all Virgin Voyages cruises. That includes food from all quick service and table service restaurants onboard, as well room service. While all of the food onboard is pretty good, the very best, chef-curated meals can be found at the table service restaurants.

These high-end dining establishments are one of the selling points on Virgin Voyages, but actually getting a table at them takes a little bit of effort.

Virgin Voyages does not automatically schedule any meals for you. That means you’re not guaranteed a chance to dine at every (or any) table service restaurant onboard. You need to proactively make a reservation if you want eat at these table service restaurants.

virgin voyages registration

Dining reservations open up 45 days before your sailing date. The exact time reservations open up reportedly varies, but it is typically around midnight in the departing port’s timezone. For example, if you are scheduled to sail on December 16, 2023 from Miami, your dining would open just after midnight ET the morning of November 1. You could potentially start checking the website in the late evening hours of October 31, around 11:30 PM, because sometimes they open early.

That said, the reservations don’t book up instantly. Unless you have a large party and are really set on a specific restaurant on a specific date and time, you probably don’t need to stay up till midnight to book your reservation. You should definitely plan to book in the morning of the day reservations open, though, for the best selection.

If you happen to miss the reservation window, don’t give up hope. All of the restaurants do have limited space for walk-ups and same-day reservations. This will just take more time and effort. There is also quick service dining available at all times.

virgin voyages registration

4. See if you qualify for Deep Blue Extras.

Virgin Voyages is a relatively new cruise line, so they don’t have an established frequent sailor program just yet. While they build that up, they’re offering a collection of perks to seasoned sailors called Deep Blue Extras through the end of 2024.

Deep Blue Extras are pretty good, too. The perks include a $100 onboard drink credit, $10 per day specialty coffee credit, some complimentary laundry services and a free upgrade to premium wifi. You’ll also have access to a dedicated Sailor Services rep onboard, expedited boarding and a special happy hour.

Anyone who sailed with Virgin Voyages in 2021 (Sea-Blazers) or has sailed twice in 2022 and 2023 (Sea-Rovers) will receive Deep Blue Extras. If you qualify, these rewards will automatically be applied to your next sailing through 2024.

virgin voyages registration

4.5 (Bonus tip!). Don’t tighten your Deep Blue Extras bracelet.

If you do qualify for Deep Blue Extras, you’ll get a special bracelet when you check in at the terminal. This one is a ribbon style bracelet with a one-way clasp — meaning you can tighten it but not loosen it.

If you put this bracelet on, make sure that you keep it loose enough to slide on and off. You don’t actually need this bracelet for anything, and all the perks are connected to your other NFC band. I think this is literally just to demonstrate your status on board.

I slipped mine off right away and just kept it in my purse, but I didn’t actually need it.

virgin voyages registration

5. Use a hair tie for The Band.

When you check in at the terminal, they will give you a bracelet to use during your cruise. The Band is a contactless device that you need to use for pretty much everything on board. It serves as your room key, ID and credit card onboard, and you are required to tap it every time you get on and off the ship.

The NFC device itself is plastic with two attached loops. It is on a rope bracelet that wraps around your wrist twice and attaches with a small metal anchor. As you would expect from that description, the bracelet broke immediately.

virgin voyages registration

Since the tap device is so important for your cruise, I’d recommend bringing a backup bracelet for it. A hair tie is the perfect solution. Slip the hair tie through one of the loops on The Band, and then pull one side of the hair tie through the other side of the hair tie to create a loop knot. Then you can wear the hair tie around your wrist and The Band won’t go anywhere.

Also, any small bracelet that can fit through these loops will do the trick.

virgin voyages registration

6. Sign up for activities in the app as soon as you board.

As soon as you board, connect to the ship’s wifi and open the Virgin Voyages app. At this point, you will be able to see the full itinerary for your cruise and begin signing up for activities. To sign up for an activity, click “Add to Agenda.” (Hearting an activity doesn’t officially sign you up for it.)

Some events are “ticketed,” meaning that there is a cap on how many people can participate. Some ticketed activities have an additional fee (like cocktail classes or coffee tastings), while others are free (like yoga, spin classes and select stage shows). For ticketed events, you’ll need to tap your bracelet in order to enter.

You should sign up for all of your ticketed events as soon as you board, because some ticketed events fill up quickly. If any of these activities are important to you, be sure to check the itinerary and sign up quickly or you may miss out.

virgin voyages registration

Other activities on board (like fitness classes, bingo and parties) are not ticketed. There is no formal cap on who can attend and they don’t check to see if you’ve registered before they let you participate. For these activities, adding them to your agenda is just to keep you organized.

Unfortunately, the Virgin App isn’t great and it’s even worse when everyone is using it at the same time. We experienced the app crashing, spinning and logging us out numerous times on both the basic and premium wifi. So I’d recommend heading to a bar and grabbing a drink for this process so it feels less annoying.

virgin voyages registration

6.5 (Bonus Tip!). Link your party in advance.

Passengers staying in the same room should automatically be connected with each other in the app. That means that anyone in your cabin can register anyone else in your cabin for activities.

However, if you are traveling with friends or family in other cabins, you will need to manually connect them. You can complete this step at anytime, but ideally you should do it before you board. That way, anyone in your party can start booking for the entire party right away.

7. Plan for any in-person registrations.

While most things onboard can be booked in the app, there are a handful of sign-ups that have to be done in person on the ship. These are things with individual time slots, like tattoo and spa appointments and private karaoke registration, and they will be noted as such in the app. If you are set on any of these services/activities, do some research in advance and plan your first day accordingly.

For example, the tattoo parlor opens after the ship has left port and reaches international waters, often around 6 PM. The line for tattoo appointments forms early and gets long very quickly. Appointments on the last cruise day usually book up first, but they’re usually fully booked within a couple hours. If a tattoo is a priority, plan to be there about an hour before it’s scheduled to open for bookings.

Spa appointments book up less quickly, and karaoke spots usually open up daily. There might be other in-person registrations, but these are the three I know about. This is just something else you’ll want to take care of early for the best choice in times.

virgin voyages registration

8. Skip luggage service when you board.

Most Virgin Voyages cruises have a luggage service available at embarkation and debarkation. The exact details vary based on your port, but here’s how it works at Terminal V in Miami.

There is a luggage check location outside the terminal. You can leave your bags here and then they will be delivered to your cabin that evening. The timing can vary, but on my cruise they were scheduled to be delivered by 6 PM.

This service can make it easier to navigate the terminal and board the ship without having to deal with your bags. This can also make security a bit easier. If you do use this service, just make sure you keep everything with you that you’ll need before 6 PM (including swimsuits, make up, meds, etc.)

It’s a good service, but I would actually recommend you skip luggage check when you board.

virgin voyages registration

The main reason for that is because rooms are typically ready as soon as you board. On other cruise lines, that’s not the case, so you want to check your bags so you can enjoy the ship without lugging them around. But on Virgin Voyages, you can usually drop your bags in your room right away. This is easier than having to pack a day bag and then waiting for your bags to be delivered.

The Miami terminal is also easy to pull your bags through. The entire route is accessible by elevator, escalator, and/or ramp, so you won’t have issues with stairs. You do have to go through security, but you don’t have to remove anything from your bags like at the airport. If you have an early boarding time, this process can take less than 20 minutes.

8.5 (Bonus Tip!). Do use luggage service if you have a late debarkation time.

Similarly, Virgin Voyages also offers luggage check service on your debarkation day. You can leave your bags outside your door the night before you disembark, and then pick them up just before you exit the terminal. There is a cutoff time, but it’s usually around midnight.

This service does actually make sense if you have a late debarkation time. Most itineraries allow you to stay on the ship as late as 10:30 AM. However, access to the rooms is usually cut off before that. That means you have to keep your luggage with you.

If you plan to leave the ship late and want to have a relaxing morning, you don’t want to be lugging your bags. In this case, it’s a good idea to take advantage of the baggage service.

virgin voyages registration

9. Pack the essentials.

This is not a complete packing list, but there are a few things you should be sure to pack for your Virgin Voyages cruise.

  • Passport. There are some ways around this, depending on your itinerary, but it’s best to have it on you when cruising.
  • Scarlet outfit. There are a few cruise parties and events, some of which vary by season, but the highlight of every Virgin Voyages cruise is Scarlet Night. Everyone wears red and there are a few events around the ship. It’s really fun and everyone gets into it, so this is the one onboard event you should definitely plan for.
  • Sunblock and aloe. I’m usually pretty firmly in the buy-it-there camp, but that’s not always possible on a cruise ship. The stores onboard are only open when the ship is at sea and they are closed when the ship is at port. You might not always be able to buy these important items onboard when you need them.
  • Portable charger . Virgin Voyages offers free wifi for everyone, so you might be on your phone more than you think. Plus, you’ll probably be using the app a lot to check the day’s schedules. A portable charger is nice to have in your bag. There are also many outlets around the ship, so you can also just bring an extra cord to keep with you.

virgin voyages registration

10. Plan your flights properly.

If you are flying on either side of your cruise, selecting the right flight times is a delicate art.

Regardless of what port your sailing from, I would recommend flying in at least one day before you sail. Even if you don’t board until late in the afternoon or evening, I still wouldn’t recommend flying in the same day as your cruise departure. There’s always a chance that your flight gets delayed, you get rerouted, your bags get delayed, etc. You don’t want one bad travel day to cost you your entire cruise if you don’t make it there in time.

That same rule of thumb does not necessarily apply to your departure flight. It’s rare (but not impossible) that your cruise disembarkation will be drastically delayed. You can usually plan to fly out the same day that your cruise is scheduled to arrive. This of course varies based on your specific itinerary and port.

If you’re sailing from Miami, Virgin Voyages officially recommends booking a flight no earlier than noon on your arrival day.

Based on my recent personal experience, though, I would say that you could make a domestic flight as early as 10 AM. My disembarkation was scheduled for 8 AM, but I went down at 7:30 AM and walked right off the ship. There were no lines in the terminal, and I was at the Uber pick-up area by 7:42 AM. I arrived at the Miami airport at 8:02 AM and was through PreCheck security by 8:17 AM.

Everything might not always go that smoothly. However, I just wanted to share an actual timeline to help give you an idea.

virgin voyages registration

Final Bonus Tip: Work with a travel advisor.

As I mentioned before, this trip was graciously gifted by our travel advisor at Travel With Character . We always work with them to book our Disney vacations , but this was my first time working with them on a cruise. I got to experience first hand what it was like to have a dedicated travel advisor help with my cruise vacation, and it was a dream.

They stayed on top of all of the timelines I mention throughout this post, and sent out reminders for each task to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks. Not only did they make the cruise planning a breeze, but they also helped plan my hotel and activities in Miami before the cruise, and they quickly found a third-party tour provider when our cruise itinerary changed last minute.

If you want your travel planning to be as stress-free as the cruise itself, I’d highly recommend reaching out to Travel With Character. (And no, they’re not paying me to say that.)

virgin voyages registration

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Virgin Voyages Opens Registration for Travel Agents

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Virgin Voyages announced that it's officially open for business for travel partners in the UK, Canada and USA.

The adults-only new cruise brand says it refers to travel partners as First Mates, so the company opened registration on its dedicated online platform FirstMates.com. Beginning February 5, the platform will offer all tools that are needed for First Mates to be immersed in everything that Virgin Voyages has to offer, such as downloadable in-store and digital marketing materials, interactive learning materials and much more.

Virgin Voyages is due to kick off ‘Cabin Fever’ February 6, which is a learning campaign for First Mates on the cabins and suites aboard Scarlet Lady as they prepare to go on sale. The platform will make bookings for the new brand’s 2020 inaugural season as of February 14 and can contact the Sailor Services team of the company from February 5 in case they have clients with pre-sale deposits. 

Scarlet Lady cruise ship

First Mates registered to do business with the cruise line before the on-sale date February 14 will have the chance to enter and win tea with Sir Richard Branson (opt-in to sweepstakes by 11:59 EST February 13). 

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Virgin Voyages opens registration for First Mates

Virgin Voyages, cruise, cruising, travel agents, Scarlet Lady

Virgin Voyages has opened registration for its online travel agent platform.

Known as First Mates, agents can find a dedicated trade website at FirstMates.com.

The website will be the home for agents to learn, engage and do business with Virgin Voyages.

On 6 February, the company will start ‘Cabin Fever’, an immersive learning campaign for First Mates on Scarlet Lady’s cabins and suites as they prepare to go on sale.

Any First Mate who registers before the company’s open for bookings date of 14 February could win tea with Richard Branson.

Virgin Voyages’ vice-president of sales and business development Stacy Shaw said: “On board a ship, a First Mate is the Captain’s most trusted confidant and right hand, which is how we see our travel partners because their input and guidance has been critical to the development of our sales strategy, policies and onboard experiences.

“We aim to be brilliant to do business with, and we are calling all travel sellers looking for a fresh travel option for their customers and a simple approach to business to join us on our journey as a First Mate.”

First Mates will be able to make bookings for the 2020 season through FirstMates.com as of 14 February.

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Virgin Voyages

Découvrez la compagnie virgin voyages et partez en croisière adults only.

Virgin Voyages proposent des croisières d'exception réservée uniquement aux adultes . Ainsi, vous pourrez alors vous déconnecter de la routine et vous reconnecter à vous-même ! Virgin Voyages vous proposent de vivre une expérience de croisière luxueuse et inoubliable , emplit de tranquillité où vous serez traiter tel un VIP !

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Pour un départ le 16/12/2024

Lueur des îles grecques

Itinéraire : Le Pirée, Athènes, Santorin, Rhodes, Bodrum, En Mer, Mykonos, Mykonos, Le Pirée, Athènes

Lueur des îles grecques avec Virgin Voyages

Pour un départ le 23/06/2024

Dubrovnik et Mykonos

Itinéraire : Le Pirée, Athènes, En Mer, Split, Dubrovnik, Kotor, En Mer, Mykonos, Le Pirée, Athènes

Dubrovnik et Mykonos avec Virgin Voyages

Pour un départ le 04/05/2025

Istanbul, Santorin et plus encore

Itinéraire : Le Pirée, Athènes, En Mer, Istanbul, Istanbul, En Mer, Kusadasi, Ephèse, Mykonos, Rhodes, Santorin, Chania, En Mer, Le Pirée, Athènes

Istanbul, Santorin et plus encore avec Virgin Voyages

Les navires Virgin Voyages

Brilliant lady, resilient lady, scarlet lady, valiant lady, vivez une expérience d'exception avec virgin voyages.

Conçu pour une clientèle adulte (tout comme la compagnie française CFC ), chaque navire de Virgin Voyages offre une expérience de voyage d'exception, mêlant luxe, confort et innovation . Les passagers bénéficient d'une flexibilité totale en matière de restauration, avec une offre comprenant tous les restaurants à bord. De ce fait, vous pourrez passer des moments inoubliables au sein de plus de 20 restaurants présents sur les navires de la compagnie. Que vous soyez un lève-tôt ou un oiseau de nuit, vous trouverez toujours de quoi satisfaire vos papilles.

De plus, Virgin Voyages a pour volonté d'éviter toutes les mauvaises surprises liées à des frais cachés. C'est pour cette raison que la compagnie a supprimé les frais de service et propose un accès illimité au wifi , ce qui rend votre séjour à bord encore plus agréable et sans stress . Comme le précise la compagnie : " pas de petits caractères, pas de reçus surprises ".

Les croisières Virgin Voyages offrent une ambiance décontractée et authentique, loin des conventions des croisières traditionnelles. Les passagers, surnommés "les marins", sont invités à vivre à leur rythme et à profiter de chaque instant. Les passagers de la compagnie Virgin Voyage sont traités comme de véritable VIP et bénéficie de service extraordinaire. Que ça soit les repas, le service, attendez-vous à recevoir les meilleures prestations possibles.

Les navires à taille humaine , accueillent plus de 2500 passagers, favorisant ainsi une atmosphère conviviale et intime. Chaque navire est un véritable super yacht, alliant l'élégance d'un design moderne au charme d'un grand navire.

Découvrez la compagnie Virgin Voyages ! (crédit vidéo : Virgin Voyages)

Enfin, chaque croisière est une occasion unique de découvrir le monde à bord d'un navire sublime, où le luxe est toujours inclus.

Du divertissement hors du commun

Le divertissement occupe une place central dans l'expérience Virgin Cruises. Pour sa programmation, la compagnie s'est inspirée des festivals. En s'entourant des meilleurs professionnels primés du milieu, la compagnie proposent de vivres des spectacles et des soirées immersives et extraordinaire. Que vous soyez amateurs de soirées à thème, des spectacles inoubliables ou encore de casino, avec Virgin Voyages, vous êtes sûr de trouver votre bonheur !


Amusez-vous au casino ! (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

C'est en repoussant les limites du divertissement que Virgin Voyages offre une expérience de croisière véritablement unique et inoubliable.

Les navires proposent également une large gamme d' activités pour répondre à tous les goûts. Que vous soyez adepte de sport, amateur de jeux ou friand de relaxation, vous trouverez votre bonheur à bord de ces super yachts luxueux.

Les luxueux navires Virgin Voyages : les Lady Ships

Le Scarlet Lady est le premier navire de la compagnie Virgin Voyages a avoir prit la mer. Effectivement, depuis 2021, ce bateau vous permet de découvrir à bord de ce merveilleux navire les eaux des Caraïbes .

Scarlet Lady est un navire luxueux, conçu pour refléter l'élégance d'un yacht. Ce navire est capable d'accueillir 2 770 passagers et 1 160 membres d'équipage pour des croisières inoubliables dans les Caraïbes.

Avec un tonnage brut d'environ 110 000 tonnes , le Scarlet Lady comporte plus de 1 400 cabines . Le design du navire est très original et ne vous laissera pas indifférent !

scarlet lady

Voyagez à bord du Scarlet Lady (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Découvrez les plus belles destinations d'Europe à bord du Valiant Lady . Ce somptueux navire sillonne les eaux européennes depuis 2022 et son port d'attache est Barcelone.

Le bateau est un véritable hommage à l'audace et à la force. Son nom latin "valere" qui signifie vaillant, évoque également le courage. Avec un tonnage brut de 110 000 tonnes , une longueur de 278 mètres et une largeur de 38 mètres , il peut accueillir plus de 2 770 passagers et 1 160 membres d'équipage . Doté de 1 400 cabines et de 17 ponts , il offre une multitude de services pour assurer un voyage mémorable à ses passagers.

valiant lady

Le Valiant Lady (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Le Resilient Lady est le dernier navire a avoir rejoint la flotte de la compagnie Virgin Voyages. Depuis 2023 , le Resilient Lady vous permet découvrir l'Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande ainsi que l'Europe.

Avec un tonnage brut d'environ 110 000 tonnes , une longueur de 278 mètres et une largeur de 38 mètres , il peut accueillir plus de 2 770 passagers , assistés par un équipage de 1 160 personnes . Il dispose de plus de 1 400 cabines , dont certaines sont spécialement aménagées pour accueillir des personnes à mobilité réduite.

Ce superbe navire a effectué son inauguration lors d'un voyage de sept nuits dans les îles grecques , partant d'Athènes, avec des escales à Santorin, Rhodes, Bodrum et une nuit à Mykonos.

resilient lady

Le Resilient Lady (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Le Brilliant Lady , quatrième navire de Virgin Voyages, est actuellement en construction et prévu pour 2024 . Ce navire, dont le nom rend hommage à l'intelligence et l'autonomie des femmes du monde entier, se prépare à vous faire découvrir l es plus beaux endroits des Caraïbes . Bien que ses spécificités techniques et ses itinéraires n'aient pas encore été dévoilés, il partagera le même tonnage de 110 000 tonnes que ses navires jumeaux.

brilliand lady

Le Brilliant Lady (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Une gastronomie d'excellence, conçue par des chefs étoilés Michelin

Vivez l'expérience du tout inclus.

La gastronomie occupe également une place centrale au sein de l'expérience que propose Virgin Voyages. Ainsi, dans cette volonté de proposer l'expérience la plus extraordinaire possible, vous ne trouverez pas de buffet à bord des navires de la compagnies, Cependant, vous aurez à votre disposition plus de 20 restaurants qui sont INCLUS dans votre réservation.

De cette manière, vous aurez l'opportunité d'aller déguster de succulents plats dans des restaurants mexicains, italiens ainsi qu'un barbecue coréen. Tous les restaurants sont inclus, alors vous pourrez vous faire plaisir et passez d'excellents moments au sein de restaurants proposant des espaces intimistes afin de vivre des vrais moments de tranquillité avec vos proches !

Un restaurant ouvert 24h/24 !

Ce n'est pas tout ! Vous trouverez à bord des navires de la compagnies, un restaurant ouvert 24h/24 et 7j/7 . De ce fait, vous trouverez toujours un endroit pour manger, peu importe l'heure de la journée !

Déguster des plats conçus par de grands chefs étoilés Michelin

La compagnie de croisières Virgin Voyages a travaillé avec de grands chefs étoilés Michelin avec pour objectif de vous offrir de repas tout simplement d'exception ! Vous aurez donc l'opportunité de découvrir la cuisine de grands chefs comme Brad Farmerie ou encore Sohui Kim !

Faites votre choix parmi un large choix de restaurants

Extra virgin.

Voyagez avec ce restaurant, en plein cœur de la gastronomie italienne . Que ce soit avec des pâtes fraiches, de succulents fruits de mer, des viandes grillées ou encore des glaces maison, préparez-vous à déguster le meilleur de la cuisine italienne !

extra virgin

Prenez place à l'Extra Virgin (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Passez un moment convivial inoubliable dans le barbecue coréen Gunbae . Vous pourrez y manger des viandes d'exception tout en vous amusant. En effet, les repas commenceront par un jeu à boire coréen, c'est l'idéal pour passer de supers moments avec vos amis !


Vivez un repas inoubliable au Gunbae (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Razzle Dazzle

Passez un superbe repas en toute décontraction au sein du Razzle Dazzle . Dans ce lieu branché, vous retrouverez aussi bien de succulents plats végétariens ainsi que des viandes . Vous pourrez ainsi y manger des plats audacieux au sein d'un confort américain.

razzle dazzle

Découvrez le Razzle Dazzle (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Vivez un extraordinaire voyage en plein cœur d'un steakhouse du milieu du 20e siècle avec une touche de modernité . Vous passerez assurément des moments d'exception au sein de ce restaurant mélangeant avec habilité la sophistication et la nostalgie.

the wake

L'éveil des sens au sein de The Wake (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Immergez-vous en plein cœur de la culture mexicaine au sein du restaurant Pink Agave . Dans ce voyage gastronomique, savourez les gourmandes saveurs provenant du Mexique et découvrez une immense collection de tequila et de mezcal. Le cerise sur le gateau, un DJ sera présent afin de vous faire passer un repas inoubliable dans une ambiance d'exception.

pink agave

Un voyage gustatif au sein du Pink Agave (crédit image : Virgin Voyages)

Partez à la découverte de superbes itinéraires avec Virgin Voyages

(re)découvrez l'europe (barcelone, grèce, espagne, italie, dubrovnik, france, toulon...).

Partez à la découverte des plus beaux lieux d'Europe et notamment de la Méditerranée dans des conditions de voyages luxueuses réservées aux adultes. Grâce aux itinéraires proposés par la compagnie, vous êtes sûr des lieux magiques de l'Europe comma jamais auparavant !

La sublime Athènes , la festive île d'Ibiza , la belle Corse , l'authentique Dubrovnik ou encore la lumineuse Palma de Majorque ne sont que des exemples des destinations que vous pourrez découvrir à bord des navires de la compagnie américaine. Une chose est sûr avec cette compagnie. C'est qu'entre des croisières adults only et des prestations de luxe, vos voyages européens auront une saveur unique !


Découvrez la sublime Grèce !

Voyagez au cœur des eaux cristallines des Caraïbes !

Commencez votre voyage en partant de Miami , Floride, et voguer vers des destinations exotiques. Les escales incluent San Juan à Porto Rico, Puerto Plata en République Dominicaine, Costa Maya et Cozumel/Playa del Carmen au Mexique sans oublier Key West , en Floride.

Découvrez des destinations phares des Caraïbes comme Bimini ou encore Mayan Sol ! Vous aurez ainsi le choix de vivre une croisière sous l'auspice des sensations fortes en faisant de la tyrolienne au dessus de la mer ! Il s'agit d'une expérience inoubliable pleine d'adrénaline. Vous aurez également la chance de manger des plats typiques provenant des Caraïbes, voyage gustatif garantie ! Et pour finir, vous aurez aussi l'opportunité de de vous reposer avec une vue extraordinaire à Nassau !


Partez à la découverte des Caraïbes !

Chaque croisière est conçue pour vous offrir une expérience unique et mémorable , avec une attention particulière portée aux détails.

Réservez votre voyage inoubliable dans le Pacifique Sud et découvre l'Australie et le Nouvelle-Zélande

Explorez l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande avec Virgin Voyages et plongez dans une aventure unique en son genre. Vous aurez ainsi l'occasion de découvrir des villes fascinantes comme Hobart en Tasmanie ou encore Burnie en Australie.

Découvrez les  paysages grandioses de la Nouvelle-Zélande, dignes du Seigneur des anneaux, et laissez-vous émerveiller par la beauté des îles du Pacifique . Et admirez la faune et la flore exceptionnelles de l'Australie, abritant des espèces uniques comme les kangourous et les koalas.

Profitez de formules tout inclus pour une expérience sans stress. Vous pourrez ainsi vous concentrer sur l'essentiel : l'exploration et la découverte de ces terres lointaines et envoûtantes.

Ne manquez pas cette chance de vivre une aventure inoubliable, réservez dès maintenant votre voyage au cœur du Pacifique Sud avec Virgin Voyages !


Un voyage inoubliable en Australie !

Effectuez une croisière transatlantique inoubliable avec Virgin Voyages !

Virgin Voyages est aussi réputé pour ses croisières transatlantiques , offrant des voyages de 14 jours (mais pas seulement !)  à travers l'océan Atlantique. Ces croisières sont idéales pour ceux qui souhaitent vivre une expérience de voyage plus longue et plus immersive.

Les croisières transatlantiques de Virgin Voyages vous permettent de découvrir de nouvelles cultures et de voir des sites spectaculaires tout en profitant des luxueux équipements et des nombreux divertissements des navires.

Profitez d'une escale à Marina di Carrara en Italie, une destination populaire pour ses plages de sable blanc et ses carrières de marbre historiques.

Les croisières transatlantiques de Virgin Voyages sont également une excellente occasion de visiter  Palma de Majorque , une île espagnole connue pour ses plages magnifiques et sa vie nocturne animée.

Les points de la compagnie de croisière Virgin Voyages

Des croisières réservées aux adultes

Des prestations de luxe

Les frais de service et le wifi illimité inclus dans le prix

Une restauration flexible

Des navires innovant et luxueux

Expériences uniques : Des spectacles époustouflants, des événements et des activités immersives

FAQ Virgin Voyages : on répond à vos questions !

Virgin voyages est-il réservé aux adultes .

Oui, Virgin Voyages est une compagnie de croisière spécialement conçue pour les adultes. L'ensemble de ses navires, appelés les Lady Ships , sont réservés aux personnes âgées de 18 ans et plus . Cette politique permet à la compagnie de proposer une expérience de croisière unique, mêlant luxe et tranquillité, sans la présence d'enfants. C'est l'une des caractéristiques qui distingue Virgin Voyages des autres compagnies de croisières. Elle offre ainsi une atmosphère plus calme et relaxante, idéale pour les couples, les groupes d'amis ou les voyageurs solitaires à la recherche d'une escapade paisible.

Combien de navires la compagnies Virgin Voyages possède-t-elle ?

La flotte de Virgin Voyages se compose actuellement de trois navires opérationnels. Ces trois navires, connus sous le nom de Lady Ships, sont le Scarlet Lady , le Valiant Lady et le Resilient Lady . Ces navires, mis en service respectivement en service en 2021, 2022 et 2023.

La compagnie a également commandé un quatrième navire, le Brilliant Lady , dont la livraison est prévue pour 2024. Ce navire viendra rejoindre les rangs de la flotte Virgin Voyages et promet de proposer une expérience de croisière à la hauteur des autres Lady Ships.

Tous les navires de Virgin Voyages sont-ils identiques ?

Bien que les navires de Virgin Voyages partagent des caractéristiques communes, chaque navire possède des éléments distinctifs. Par exemple, le Scarlet Lady est le premier navire de la flotte et se distingue par ses suites exclusives. Le Valiant Lady offre une expérience unique en Europe, tandis que le Resilient Lady est connu pour ses itinéraires en Grèce. Le futur Brilliant Lady devrait également présenter des spécificités uniques. Cependant, tous partagent une conception similaire, un tonnage de 110 000 tonnes et une capacité d'accueil de près de 2 800 passagers.

Les croisières Virgin Voyages sont-elles chère ?

En comparaison avec d'autres compagnies de croisières, Virgin Voyages se situe dans une gamme de prix plutôt haute . Cependant, la compagnie justifie ces tarifs par une offre de services de haute qualité et de nombreuses prestations incluses.

Il est important de souligner que chez Virgin Voyages, beaucoup de services sont inclus dans le prix de base de la croisière tels que la Wifi, les frais de service ou encore l'accès à tous les restaurants présents sur les navires.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter au  afin que l’un de nos experts croisière puisse organiser votre prochaine croisière Virgin Voyages.

Aucune croisière ne correspond à votre recherche, recherchez votre virgin voyages.

Mois de départ

Date de départ


Port de départ


L'équipe d'experts de Planète-Croisière

Une équipe de spécialistes croisières gère votre dossier de A à Z.

  • Les meilleurs tarifs pour votre croisière : profitez de nos prix négociés et de nos avantages
  • Devis gratuit sans engagement - Pas de frais de dossier - N° non surtaxé
  • Agence française 97% de Satisfaction Client


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Planète Croisière

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Up to 80% off 2nd Sailor in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.

virgin voyages registration

  • Boarding Pass to Sunlit Savings.

Spring into our most sought-after sailings with up to 80% off their 2nd Sailor in the Mediterranean (and Repositioning voyages) from Barcelona, Athens, and Portsmouth, or up to 70% off their 2nd Sailor in the Caribbean from Miami and San Juan.

virgin voyages registration

  • Vote for Virgin Voyages.

We’re asking for your help allowing their favorite lady ship to reign supreme! We’ve been nominated for Condé Nast Readers Choice Awards. Cast your vote for one of our gals today, or before voting ends on June 30th, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET, and once again, THANK YOU!

virgin voyages registration

  • Sailing Club updates have arrived.

The wait is over and updates to our Sailing Club's perks program are here. Now it’s even easier for your Sailors to join the club, unlock, then sail with bundles of perks — leveling-up their experience each new time they sail.

virgin voyages registration

  • Boost your bookings: Eat & Drink Festival 2024.

Turn gastronomic exploration into an advantage and elevate your sales with our Eat & Drink Festival. From the 1st Asian Night Market at sea to the beloved Seven Seas Sippers, these exclusive experiences are not just attractions — they’re your summer sales pitch, offering exceptional value.

virgin voyages registration

  • Introducing Summer Season Pass.

Our Summer Season Pass was a major smash and met with such enthusiasm that we're expanding our horizons. We’re thrilled to open up more (although still very, very limited!) month-long itineraries on Resilient Lady in the Adriatic Sea, visiting stunning Greek isles and Croatian coastal wonders.

virgin voyages registration

  • Transatlantic itineraries are here!

Our award-winning Resilient Lady ship is relocating from Athens to San Juan this fall, and your Sailors can be part of the epic voyage. We’re launching brand new one-way itineraries in fall 2024 and spring 2025, so they can share the excitement with us.

virgin voyages registration

  • Sunshine State Savings.

Let your Florida residents know that they’ll score (extra) savings when they sail on any 4 to 8-night Caribbean voyage. They’ll receive an extra 5% off for a getaway in the DR, Mexico, and our Beach Club at Bimini when they sail in the next 45 days (or less) from Miami.

Brilliant For You

Brilliant commissions.

16% commission on voyage fare is only the start. We make sure to take you to the bank with earnings on bookables like airfare, hotels, Bar Tab, Shore Things, and more. And with no NCFs, you can kiss those asterisks goodbye.

Epic Experiences

Proof is in the numbers; a 95% satisfaction score and 40% onboard rebooking rate speak to our extraordinary experience. Plus, with LetsGoBook and My Next Virgin Voyage, we ensure that your experience as our partner is just as epic.

Together For Success

Our award-winning support teams are on deck for you and your Sailors, with solutions for your sales (and sails), and guidance to set your business full speed ahead for success.

In The Know

Access to exclusive, first-hand opportunities, social media groups, webinars, events, and streamlined continued learning through Seacademy, winner of two Gold Magellan awards.

virgin voyages registration

Introducing LetsGoBook - an easier, faster way to book and earn more commission (plus major rewards). All First Mates get their own, dedicated link which can be used to book their Sailors, or share it over email, text, & on social media so Sailors can secure a booking which you can customize after.

virgin voyages registration

Virgin Voyages Brand Brochure

We've updated our brand brochure with content for you and your Sailors.

New to Virgin Voyages?

Meet Virgin Voyages' second ship – Valiant Lady

The mermaid design by Hillary Wilson for Valiant Lady

Virgin Voyages ’ second ship, is getting ready to set sail in spring 2022. And the cruise line has just revealed the mermaid design on the side of its brand new ship.

Who is Valiant Lady?

The mermaid represents the beautiful tension between strength and vulnerability – a woman who is unafraid of her own power and never backs down. She was created by artist Hillary Wilson . Hillary wanted to convey the balance between the two and drew a mermaid who is confidently moving forward toward her dreams.

Hillary’s background is in classical art and medical drawing, allowing her to draw inspiration from both sides: one that’s more creative and less exact, and the other which is extremely precise. This results in a mermaid that looks like a real woman, a work of art that celebrates the human form in all its glory.

Hillary says that she’s inspired by the diversity of people in the world that she has an opportunity to paint. That’s what drives and inspires her creative process. She told Virgin Voyages: “The breadth of people that live and exist in the world – I feel so lucky that I get to experience them and create art from them. How lucky are we to get to paint all these kinds of people? To rejoice in all the kinds of people that exist and all the ways you can draw them.”

Virgin Voyages always knew it wanted an inclusive group of mermaids to reflect and celebrate diversity and Hillary knew that was important for the brand. She said that she generally tends to draw her subjects as Black, if not otherwise specified, noting that “you don’t need permission to make someone Black.” Virgin Voyages is purposefully trying to be more inclusive and make sure that its models, brand logos and depictions of people aren’t predominantly white. It wants to reflect the real, beautiful world that we all live in – allowing more than just white people to take up space, seeing only themselves and their stories represented.

Valiant Lady

What does Valiant Lady have to offer?

Valiant Lady offers sailors curated itineraries featuring longer port stays and overnighters in some of Europe’s most idyllic islands and effervescent cities, allowing Sailors to experience destinations how they want, when they want.

It gets even better... When it comes to additional costs, Virgin Voyages has you covered - all food, soft drinks, group fitness classes, entertainment and Wi-Fi are all included. All tips and port taxes are also covered.

With menus crafted by Michelin-starred chefs, the responsibly sourced food makes it easy to strike a balance. From their first-to-sea Korean BBQ and elegant steakhouse to the 24/7 diner, Virgin Voyages take food , and the experience around it, seriously.

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This is your holiday and they’ve made it a point to ensure that you get a healthy dose of Vitamin Sea… This means there are no kids on board. From workout classes and gym facilities to luxe spa treatments, the adults-only voyage gives you plenty of chances to relax, rejuvenate, and restore. And if you want to sit back and do nothing, fresh-pressed juices served poolside will make “nothing” feel like everything .

Valiant Lady’s routes

Can’t wait to get on board Valiant Lady and set sail to somewhere fabulous? Here are some of the itineraries on offer on Virgin Voyages’ second ship:

Coast the Canary Islands, Spain, & Portugal – an 11-night voyage setting sail from Portsmouth, UK, with stops in La Coruña, Funchal, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lisbon.

Long Weekender in Zeebrugge – a three-night cruise from Portsmouth, UK, to Zeebrugge (Bruges), with time to explore the historic seaside town.

Late Nights in Portugal and Spain – a one-way, 12-night sailing from Portsmouth, UK, to Valiant Lady’s homeport in Barcelona, stopping in La Coruña, Lisbon, Cádiz, Gibraltar, Málaga, and Palma de Mallorca along the way. 

The Irresistible Med – a seven-night voyage from Barcelona, sampling the Med and its islands, visiting Toulon, Marina di Carrara, Ajaccio, Cagliari, and Ibiza.

French Daze & Ibiza Nights – a seven-night cruise from Barcelona, experiencing French glamour in Marseille and Monte Carlo, before partying the night away in Ibiza.

Spanish Obsession – a seven-night voyage from Barcelona to experience a selection of Spanish delights, including Palma de Mallorca, Gibraltar, Málaga, and Ibiza.

Visit Virgin Voyages to find out more and book your first voyage with Valiant Lady now.

Seven European destinations you can visit with Virgin Voyages

The Wake restaurant onboard Virgin Voyages' Scarlet Lady

Check out some of Virgin Voyages’ onboard restaurants

Virgin Voyages' Resilient Lady ship

Introducing Resilient Lady: Virgin Voyages’ third ship is an ode to womankind


Voyage Well

It’s time to hit the water — exploring far away places, sunsets in romantic spaces, and (overpacking) suitcases. Here you’ll find everything you need to know so you can book and sail with confidence.

Book now, because we’ve got your back

We’ve got you covered, so you don't have to miss out on all the great deals (and unmatched experiences) we’ve got going on.

Keeping you safe while on board with us

From extensive cleaning measures, to a first-to-sea, high-tech air filtration system, plus a fully vaccinated and boosted Crew — our top priority is creating the safest environment possible so you can focus on soaking up your vacation.

Getting you home safely, no matter what

Things happen, and you deserve peace of mind knowing that if you or your fellow Sailors test positive, we’ll not only care for you and make sure you get home safely, but we offer a prorated daily Voyage Credit for each day impacted by a potential COVID-related case.  

Top 4 reasons you should feel confident booking

Last updated: October 26, 2022

Our Voyage Well initiative

A detailed breakdown of everything we’re doing to keep our Sailors and Crew healthy and safe as we hit the high seas.

Pre-embarkation testing updates

In keeping in line with the rest of the travel industry, we have removed all vaccine and testing requirements.  

Mask policies

Masks may be required during embarkation and disembarkation and at ports depending on local recommendations.   

Experience it all

Dining. Entertainment. Spa treatments. Shore Things. We've made it safe, so you can do everything.  

Before we set sail

Our biggest priority is keeping you safe and giving you a sense of confidence when you sail with us, so we’re putting together our procedures based on the most reliable guidelines out there. See below for everything we’re doing to make that happen pre-sail:

We’ll be following recommended CDC and European government guidelines, and working closely with the Voyage Well Expert Advisory Group in order to inform and update our processes and procedures in real-time. 

Upon arrival, all Sailors are required to fill out a health declaration (aka the health check form). Those who have answered “yes” to any of the questions will be sent to a secondary screening in the event that they may have been exposed or potentially infected. Please refer to the  CDC’s criteria for when not to travel , and note if any of their recommendations apply to you.

  • In addition to pre-voyage assessments completed by those who are deemed high risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus), we will collect a pre-voyage medical questionnaire/health declaration that all Sailors must complete before boarding the ship
  • This pre-voyage medical questionnaire opens up for completion in the Virgin Voyages Sailor App — 24 hours prior to sailing
  • Sailors cannot board the ship until they have completed this questionnaire
  • If Sailors’ responses cause our medical team concern (i.e. a Sailor has answered “Yes” to any question) Sailors will be asked, on arrival at the terminal, to meet with the Virgin Voyages medical care crew for an evaluation prior to boarding
  • The medical care team will decide, based on this evaluation, if a Sailor is fit to travel or not
  • If deemed not fit to travel, those particular Sailors will be denied boarding 
  • We do not require travel insurance to sail, but strongly advise Sailors to purchase private travel insurance and make sure that it covers you for COVID-related expenses
  • At a minimum, you should have coverage for the cost of cancellation by yourself and the cost of medical treatment and assistance, including repatriation, or in the event of an accident or illness
  •  It is your responsibility to make sure that the insurance you purchase is suitable for your particular needs, and to purchase additional or alternative insurance if required
  • Please read your policy details carefully and bring your policy with you
  • If you choose to travel without adequate insurance, we may not be liable for any losses suffered by Sailors with respect to what insurance covers

Lastly, just as a final reminder, you cannot travel if you have been advised that you are:

  • Experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms
  • Self-isolating as a result of COVID-19 symptoms
  • Sharing a household or support bubble with somebody who has experienced COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days
  • If you’re unsure as to whether or not you’re in a high-risk health group, please call Sailor Services for additional support

If you are exhibiting symptoms or indicate on your Health Form that you aren’t feeling well, we may test you for COVID-19 during embarkation. If you test positive, you will be denied boarding. Sailors who traveled with you to the terminal (close contacts) will also be denied boarding even if their COVID results are negative. Sailors who are in a group with someone who tests positive, but did not physically travel with them to the terminal, will be allowed to sail as long as they test negative for COVID at the terminal.

  • We recommend that you wear a mask when you feel it necessary, wash hands frequently, and maintain social distancing when you can
  • When flying on planes or using car services like Uber or Lyft, we ask that you abide by their mask-wearing protocols 

Please see below for detailed information on what is considered high risk, how to contact us with questions, or notify us of your high risk status.

High Risk groups are defined as:

  • a blood cancer (such as leukemia or lymphoma)
  • a weakened immune system due to treatment (biological therapy, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy)
  • an organ or bone marrow transplant
  • Primary immunodeficiency is caused by genetic defects that can be inherited. 
  • Having neurological conditions, such as dementia, can make you more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19.
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Asthma, if severe
  • Bronchiectasis (thickening of the lungs airways)
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (chronic lung disease affecting newborns)
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  • Having damaged or scarred lung tissue such as interstitial lung disease (including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)
  • Cystic fibrosis, with or without lung or another solid organ transplant
  • Recent Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs)
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
  • Severe Heart Failure 
  • Coronary bypass within a year

While we set sail

During the voyage, we’ve implemented best practices around sanitation, physical distancing, limited occupancy, and health checks for everyone on board. But let’s get down to the details of exactly what that will look like:

Below you can find a detailed list of everything we’re doing to keep it clean and ship shape by:

  • Adopting the use of advanced cleaning tools like fogging; which means that all luggage and delivery to the ship will be fogged down, as well as fogging cabins as needed — in addition to sanitizing each cabin between every sail
  • Incorporating the latest hygiene initiatives specifically for COVID-19; sanitizing dispensers in every public space, touchless faucets, increased hygiene signage, and leveraging hospital grade EPA registered disinfectants from EcoLab — all while using best practices to sanitize and disinfect
  • Utilizing our partnership with Ecolab, identifying specific high touch points across cabins, public spaces, restaurants, and recreational areas that will be disinfected on a frequent basis, so that you don’t have to worry before touching a door handle or elevator button when you’re with us

From keeping the ship fresh with optimal air flow to high-tech purification systems, we’re keeping it all flowing by:

  • Using the latest technology from AtmosAir Solutions — an air purification system that disinfects air on board
  • Leveraging bi-polar Ionization technology, this air purification system has been shown to kill 99.9% of viruses — making us the first in our industry to treat 100% of the air on board with this technology
  • Our sea terrace ratio is one of the highest in the industry — allowing plenty of access to (salt-infused) fresh air
  • Managing personal space by significantly reducing our overall ship capacity for our start-up sailing period — meaning that we can all easily adhere to appropriate social spacing/physical distancing recommendations
  • We don’t have buffets or large dining rooms; purposely creating smaller eateries to limit large crowds. And there’s no communal food sharing — food is only prepared when it’s ordered and delivered directly to you
  • When using our delivery food service on board, ShipEats, we have contactless drop-off and pick up
  • Leveraging our already-digital onboard experience to limit contact; The Band (for contactless payment), Service Chat (for assistance digitally), and our Virtual Queues (for getting in lines for onboard experiences without actually getting in physical lines). Frankly, the only lines we like are tan lines

Our Crew members receive regular tests and health checks. Our goal is to ensure all of our crew are fully vaccinated with two shots of a WHO-approved COVID vaccine. 

In addition to vaccinations, we’ll be doing the following for our Crew:

  • Bi-weekly testing for the COVID-19 virus for our Crew
  • Any Crew members who come into contact with anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will isolate and take part in additional health checks to stop potential outbreaks 
  • Increased Crew uniform cleaning at our laundry facilities with the latest cleaning technology installed; high temperature cleaning that eradicates viruses and harmful bacteria that can live on clothing
  • Required gloves and frequent hand washing for high-risk areas of contamination like pre-health check terminal welcome areas, delivery areas, laundry and waste disposal areas

We’ll be doing our best to ensure that no matter where we go, we’re considering our Sailors well-being, so here are a few important things to know. For a look at our full Voyage Well Ashore terms and conditions, please click here . At shore we'll be: 

  • Managing the arrival and disembarkation times of Sailors and Crew at the port terminals, so that necessary physical distancing is possible
  • For all our Shore Things and at The Beach Club at Bimini, we only suggest activities on land that meet the sanitation or physical distancing requirements that we have on the ship
  • Sailors can explore ports of call on their own except where local laws and regulations require a booked Shore Thing to disembark. We suggest participating in shoreside activities that meet the sanitation and/or physical distancing requirements that we have and follow onboard our ships
  • All Shore Excursion operators listed on our website or mobile app have committed to implementing our Voyage Well initiative health and safety protocols, including vaccinated tour guides or, if not vaccinated, proof of a negative PCR Test 48 hours prior to the Shore Thing departure or negative Antigen Test on the morning of the Shore Thing departure
  • That being said, we cannot ensure or guarantee that all such health and safety protocols have been implemented or will be maintained at all times by the Shore Thing operators
  • All Sailors going ashore will also be required to comply with protocols in each specific port of call
  • We encourage Sailors to visit each destination’s official website to familiarize themselves with the local health and safety measures in effect at each port of call

In the case of positive COVID-19 cases on board, we’ve outlined our protocols for quarantining and contact tracing to ensure the best possible care for impacted Sailors, and protection to other Sailors and Crew on board.

Our quarantine protocol aboard our lady ships is as follows:

  • Any Sailor who has signs of COVID will receive complimentary medical care on board via our onboard Medical Team — our medical center is equipped with the latest PCR testing capabilities to test for COVID-19 and other viral diseases
  • In case of a positive PCR test, those Sailors will be isolated under Virgin Voyages Infection Prevention & Control protocols
  • Our highly trained medical team will treat impacted Sailors with the best care until we arrive back and are in port, and the impacted Sailors can be transferred to local medical or quarantine facilities
  • If negative, we will test for other viral infections as well, for example, influenza A & B, etc., and if any of those tests are confirmed, treatment is administered accordingly
  • Isolation may not be required for the above cases, but our medical doctors on board will determine on a case by case basis
  • Using the close contact tracing feature built into our Sailor App, we will identify other Sailors and Crew who will also need to isolate and take a PCR test
  • If those Sailors test positive, they will need to remain isolated for the rest of the Voyage and then be transferred to a designated shore-based quarantine facility to complete the remainder of the required quarantine period
  • Any and all Sailors who test positive for COVID-19 are moved to a Sea Terrace Cabin on Deck 9 in an isolated zone away from other Sailors

Below we’ve outlined some of the financial details, and how we’ve got your back, in the rare case that there are COVID-19-impaced Sailors:

  • A prorated voyage fare FVC will be given to anyone who has their cruise cut short due to testing positive for COVID-19, or being suspected of having COVID-19 during the sailing
  • If required, Virgin Voyages will cover the costs of your COVID-19 medical treatment on board
  • If you test positive, Virgin Voyages will take care of all Ship Eats delivery charges while in isolation and/or quarantine and WiFi will automatically be provided
  • We will also take care of all On-Demand Entertainment Charges from Sailors’ folios during isolation/quarantine
  • Please note that all other Ship Eats charges will still be applied to orders e.g. alcohol and specialty drinks

And finally, our contact tracing protocol on board is as follows:

  • Via the Sailor App, Sailors will be asked to turn on Bluetooth once on board — doing so allows us to access the ability to contract trace while aboard the ship
  • All Sailors who have been in the proximity of a positive test will be notified either on board or once back home depending upon when the positive test on board was discovered
  • Sailors who may have come into contact with another Sailor with a positive test while on board will be sent to their cabin and a health officer will visit 
  • If their COVID-19 test is positive, those Sailors will be asked to quarantine in a designated cabin
  • The quarantine measures detailed above will then apply to the impacted Sailor(s)
  • Our Medical Care Crew on board will coordinate with our Terminal Crew to arrange the safe disembarkation of COVID positive Sailors, so that they’ll be isolated from the standard disembarkation flow/pathway of the rest of the Sailors
  • After identification, passengers intend to travel commercially, domestically or internationally, despite being advised of the need for continued isolation or quarantine; or
  • After identification as a case or close contact, Sailors are non-adherent to public health interventions and are at risk for commercial travel, despite the need for continued isolation or quarantine
  • When NOT to Travel: Avoid Spreading COVID-19 | CDC
  • Fit for Travel | NHS
  • Travel during the coronavirus pandemic | European Commission

After we sail

Caring for each other extends beyond the time we sail together. So in the instance that any of our Sailors or Crew potentially become unwell after we return home, we want you to know we’ve got your back by:

  • Aiming to set up a post-voyage notification process through which Sailors and Crew can inform us if becoming unwell within 14 days of leaving the ship (the COVID-19 incubation period)
  • Contacting Sailors and/or Crew who may have come in close contact with anyone who became unwell, so you can arrange any necessary follow-ups or care

Please note that all of our Sailors are responsible for making necessary COVID-testing plans after disembarkation from the ship. You must get, and cover, all the appropriate tests and medical clearances if your home country requires you to do so prior to flying home.

One last thing...

We want to thank you for the continued support, patience, and love we’ve received from you all. We’re so excited to have you on board our gorgeous lady ships.

Sail the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea

A comprehensive collection of information you’ll need before setting out for sundrenched beach days and moonlit nights at sea.

Pre-sail checklist

Everything you need to complete and submit before you get to the port.  

Health & wellness To-Dos

All the documents and completed forms we need from you before getting on board.  

Embarkation prep

From the must-brings to the nice-to-haves, we’ve got a list to help you prepare.  

Onboard experiences

The 411 on what to book pre-sail, and what you can book once we get out to sea.  

Pre-Sail Checklist

Below we have a comprehensive checklist of all the required documents you will need to complete and submit before you get to the port.

Ready-to-Sail is required information for every Sailor in a reservation and includes the following:  

  • Legal name 
  • Date of birth 
  • Nationality
  • Email address
  • Visa (if required)

Sailors can add/confirm Ready-to-Sail information through any of the following avenues:

  • Contacting Sailor Services
  • Contacting your travel professional

The Band is your room key, wallet, bar, and restaurant tab all in one — with just one, simple tap. When you arrive at the port and check-in at the terminal, you’ll be able to pick up The Band and start your vacation with digital (sea) breeze.

Health & Wellness To-Do's

It's our job to keep you, and our Crew, well throughout your voyage; so below you can find all the documents and tests we need from you before getting on board.

Please head to our Sailor App  to complete the health-check form at least 24 hours before embarkation. If this is not complete, we cannot let you board the ship.

  • In keeping in line with the rest of the travel industry, we have removed all vaccine and testing requirements
  • Should a Sailor exhibit signs or symptoms of an illness during check-in (or during their voyage), Virgin Voyages reserves the right to test that Sailor and their traveling companion(s) for COVID-19 at the terminal (or on board), and will cover the testing fees
  • Regardless of vaccination status, if you exhibit symptoms during embarkation, we may test you for COVID-19. If you test positive, we will have to deny boarding
  • Pre-boarding health screening may require secondary screening or testing if necessary 
  • We will deny boarding if a member traveling in your group has a positive COVID test result
  • We aim to sail with our entire Crew fully vaccinated and boosted
  • Our Crew is regularly tested for COVID-19
  • A FVC will be issued to Sailors who are denied boarding because of a positive COVID test result, or who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive

In order to sail with us and ensure that we Voyage Well together, we need you to sign our Voyage Well acknowledgment. Head over to our Sailor App to sign the acknowledge form.

All of our Sailors are accountable for making necessary COVID-testing plans after disembarkation from the ship. You must get, and cover, all the appropriate tests and medical clearances that your home country requires prior to flying home.

Embarkation Prep

From the must-brings (like your passports and vaccine cards) to the nice-to-haves (like swimsuits and sunglasses), we have a list to help you prepare.

  • Valid government-issued passport

While we’ll leave the creative packing choices up to you, there are a few things we already have on board that you won’t need to bring along. 

  • We're already taking care of the Crew. The tips are on us
  • We've got you (and your hair) covered there
  • These are already provided in your cabin and/or suites
  • Your cabin's well stocked with these
  • There's complimentary WiFi on board, so you don’t need to check with your provider about data roaming charges

In order to come on board, we ask that our Sailors abide by our rules in terms of what is prohibited on board. Please note that if any of these items are brought on the ship, they will be confiscated before you board the ship:

  • Illegal Drugs and illegal substances : all illegal drugs, non-prescribed controlled substances, medically prescribed marijuana or synthetic marijuana and CBD products are prohibited
  • Firearms and weapons : all firearms and weapons, ammunition, explosives and incendiary devices 
  • Replicas of any firearms or ammunition
  • Explosives : all explosives, incendiaries and pyrotechnic items 
  • Candles and incense
  • Extension cords and multi-plug power strips 
  • Seasonal and/or celebratory light bulb strings
  • Any appliance with a heating body or element
  • Any flammable liquids, fuels, paints or thinners
  • Aerosols, except for personal care toiletries which are permitted
  • Large batteries
  • Gas torches
  • Hookahs & water hookah pipes
  • Personal grooming items exception: personal grooming items such as metal nail files, cuticle tools, scissors for trimming facial hair, manicure sets and other similar small personal grooming items, are permitted on board
  • Hand and power tools
  • Martial arts and self-defense items
  • Baseball and cricket bats
  • Hockey\lacrosse sticks
  • Skateboards and hoverboards
  • Surf boards
  • Golf clubs (permitted, stored in the cabin)
  • Scooters, regular or electrical (not for disability related use)
  • Remote-controlled helicopters, airplanes, drones or similar devices
  • Insecticides\pesticides
  • Spray paints
  • Pepper sprays\mace
  • Spillable batteries (note: wheelchair batteries are permitted)
  • Small compressed gas cartridges
  • Fire extinguishers (not ship equipment)
  • Other compressed gas cylinders (medical gas bottles are permitted - 680 liters or E / M-24 size, only 2 can be hand carried, rest are delivered)
  • Alcoholic beverages, hard liquor, spirits or beer is not allowed. Any alcohol in checked luggage will be collected on embarkation and returned once the voyage is complete
  • Passengers can bring two (2) 750mL bottles of wine per cabin in carry-on bags.
  • Water or soft drinks in boxes and cans are permitted in hand luggage only
  • Ice chests and coolers , except for those permitted for storing medications and items related to dietary restrictions
  • Homemade, pre-cooked or perishable foods or open food containers

Any questions, clarifications or exceptions to this list must be requested from the Ship’s Security Officer Only.

Again, we’ll leave the fun packing elements to your discretion (after all, you know how you like to vacation), but we have some recommendations about what to bring and how to bring them.

What to put in your carry-on:

  • Anything you want (or need) to use right away. Medications, swimwear, running shoes, party dress…

Suggestions for things to bring in your suitcase:

  • Workout gear
  • Comfy shoes for exploring the ship
  • Quick dry sports top
  • Reef-safe sunscreen
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Waterproof pouches for valuables
  • Seasickness medicine
  • Anti wrinkle spray
  • Dry shampoo
  • A Splash of red for Scarlet Night

Onboard Experiences

We've put together some information so that you know exactly what you need to book pre-sail, and what you can book once we have set out to sea.

Below is a list of things you need or can book before you get on board:

  • We’ll need you to book your disembarkation slot so that we can all get off the ship in a spaced-out fashion. You can do so on the Sailor App or by contacting Sailor Services
  • Dinner reservations at our eateries are available for booking
  • Shore Things are open and available for booking as well

Below is a list of things you can only book once you’re on the ship:

  • Redemption Spa and Thermal Suite services 
  • Squid Ink appointments
  • Lunch and breakfast reservations at our eateries
  • Fitness classes 
  • Onboard cabanas
  • The Dry Dock appointments 
  • Stubble and Groom appointments 
  • Tune Up & Medi Spa services

Explore the vibrant ports and seas of Europe

What you need to know before heading out to jewel-toned isles and late-nights in colorful spots across the Med.

Health & wellness to-dos

Below we’ve broken down a comprehensive checklist of all the required documents you’ll need to complete and submit before you get to the port.

The Band is your room key, wallet, bar and restaurant tab all in one — with just one, simple tap. When you arrive at the port and check-in at the terminal, you’ll be able to pick up The Band and start your vacation with digital (sea) breeze.

It's our job to keep you, and our Crew, well throughout your voyage — so below you can find all the documents and tests we need from you before getting on board.

  • Should a Sailor exhibit signs or symptoms of an illness during check-in (or during their voyage), Virgin Voyages reserves the right to test that Sailor and their traveling companion(s) for COVID-19 at the terminal (or on board), and will cover the testing fees 
  • We will deny boarding to any Sailor whose response is “yes" at boarding to any COVID related questions 

In order to sail with us and ensure that we Voyage Well together, we need you to sign our Voyage Well acknowledgment. Head over to our Sailor App to sign the acknowledgment form.

All our Sailors are accountable for making plans after disembarkation from the ship — they must get all the appropriate tests and medical clearances that their home country requires prior to flying home.

  • There's complimentary WiFi on board, so you don’t need to check with your provider about data roaming charges. Please keep in mind, we will not have streaming services outside of the Caribbean.

Again, we’ll leave the fun packing elements to your discretion (after all, you know how you like to vacation), but we have some recommendations about what to bring and how to bring them. What to put in your carry-on:

"Virgin Celebration Voyage" Returns for Second Year with Sir Richard Branson & Boy George

Virgin voyages’ celebration series expands; includes three extraordinary voyages featuring special guests and some of virgin’s most influential leaders.

  • Sir Richard Branson and Boy George at the Helm http%3A%2F%2Fwww.virginvoyages.com%2Fpress%2Flatest-releases%2F2nd-celebration-voyage-sir-richard-branson-and-boy-george" data-size="large" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-sharetype="twitter" aria-label="Share on Twitter" data-category="VV-__path__" data-action="social-share" data-label="twitter" >

MIAMI, FL - April 25, 2024 - Virgin Voyages is calling fans of the Virgin brand and loyal Sailors to embark on the company’s second-annual “Virgin Celebration Voyage.” In honor of Virgin’s 50+ year history, guests will have the opportunity to sail on three distinct voyages across the brand's worldwide fleet of Lady Ships. Featuring an incredible line-up of guests – most notably, the man who started it all, Sir Richard Branson – along with Boy George from Culture Club and a variety of Virgin company executives, these epic voyages are set to immerse Sailors into the brand’s rock-n-roll history and exciting future. Sir Richard and Virgin Voyages are thrilled to welcome Virgin executives alongside a distinguished cohort of Virgin Galactic-flown astronauts who recently returned from space. They’ll be joined by the famous Boy George whose iconic contributions to music and beloved single “Karma Chameleon” have left an indelible mark on pop culture. Together, these esteemed guests will lend their star power to this memorable adventure celebrating Virgin’s musical history with unparalleled brand insights. Sailors will have the opportunity to dive into immersive experiences that capture the disruptive essence of the Virgin brand. Hosted Shore Things, energizing fitness classes, interactive workshops, exclusive fireside chats and daily happy hours are just a few of the unique programs available during each Virgin Celebration Voyage. "Not only are we excited to bring back this special series, but we’re making a splash, doing it bigger & better than in 2023 with not one, but three incredible voyages,” said Nirmal Saverimuttu, CEO of Virgin Voyages . "Once a year, our Sailors have unprecedented access to immerse themselves in the magic of both Virgin Voyages and the Virgin brand. They’ll be rubbing elbows with visionary leaders from across the Virgin family and this year’s very special guests.” Dates for this year’s “Virgin Celebration Voyage” include:

  • Valiant Lady - August 30 - September 4 : Dominican Daze (Miami - Puerto Plata - Beach Club at Bimini - Miami)
  • Scarlet Lady - September 1-8 : French Daze & Ibiza Nights (Barcelona - Marseille - Cannes - Palma de Mallorca - Ibiza - Barcelona)
  • Resilient Lady - September 3-8 : UK to Zeebrugge & Amsterdam (Portsmouth - Amsterdam - Zeebrugge (Bruges) - Portsmouth)

For more information about Virgin Voyages, or to book a cabin during the “Virgin Celebration Voyages,” visit www.VirginVoyages.com.

About Virgin Voyages

Promising to Create an Epic Sea Change for All, Virgin Voyages is the award-winning, exclusively adult cruise line founded by Sir Richard Branson. Delivering unforgettable, relaxing vacations at sea, Virgin Voyages launched at the end of 2021. Inspired by superyacht design, its fleet of Lady Ships exemplify an elevated, boutique hotel at sea with contemporary spaces that strike the perfect balance of nautical chic and glamour. Currently departing from the sun-soaked cities of Miami, Barcelona, and Athens, the fleet offers more than 60 unique itineraries, sailing to 100 incredible ports of call.

On-board, 20+ eateries feature culinary experiences from Michelin-star chefs, stylish workout spaces and group fitness classes are offered daily, and a festival-like line-up of intimate and larger-than-life shows are on the agenda. Paired with modern, tech-savvy cabins, designer suites fit for a rockstar, and a mermaid-inspired spa and thermal suite, the brand is taking the industry by storm. In 2023, Virgin Voyages won Travel + Leisure’s highly coveted World’s Best Award for the best mega-ship ocean cruise line and swept the Cruise Critic Cruisers’ Choice Awards - the first time a brand has won in all five categories.

Virgin Voyages Media Contact

Public relations team, michelle estevam.


  1. My Account

    VV Auth flow. or do it the old school way. Sign up with Email

  2. My Account

    Sign in to your Virgin Voyages account and access your personalized dashboard, where you can manage your bookings, view your cruise history, and enjoy exclusive offers and benefits. Whether you're planning your next voyage or reminiscing about your previous one, your account is your gateway to the Virgin Voyages experience.

  3. Registration Type

    Ahoy! Virgin Voyages is a new lifestyle brand on a mission to create the world's most irresistible holiday. We're on the lookout for First Mates to help us bring Sailors along for the voyage.

  4. Agent Registration

    By checking the box below, you agree to the First Mates Sales & Marketing T&Cs on behalf of your agency, you acknowledge that you understand what we expect in terms of marketing and selling Virgin Voyages and agree to make sure your staff follows the rules too. You control your team's access to FirstMates.com including the ability to make bookings on FirstMates.com or by calling our Sailor ...

  5. Virgin Voyages : Les croisières réservées aux adultes

    LinkedIn. Découvrez Virgin Voyages, la compagnie de croisière révolutionnaire qui propose des expériences haut de gamme réservées aux adultes. Plongez dans un monde d'exclusivité, de gastronomie étoilée Michelin et d'itinéraires uniques pour vivre une aventure en mer inoubliable. Sommaire. Présentation de la compagnie de croisières Virgin Voyages.

  6. Virgin Voyages

    Virgin Voyages is a cruise line headquartered in Plantation, Florida and a joint venture between the Virgin Group and Bain Capital. As of April 2024, Virgin Voyages has three ships in the fleet, with one more on order, all with an expected capacity of approximately 2,700 passengers each.

  7. Virgin Voyages Tips

    Most importantly though, early boarding means earlier access to registration for onboard activities. (We'll talk more about that in tip #6.) The embarkation experience will vary based on the port you're sailing from. If you're sailing from Miami, Virgin Voyages' Terminal V is very well organized and boarding is quick and orderly.

  8. Virgin Voyages Opens Registration for Travel Agents

    The adults-only new cruise brand says it refers to travel partners as First Mates, so the company opened registration on its dedicated online platform FirstMates.com. Beginning February 5, the platform will offer all tools that are needed for First Mates to be immersed in everything that Virgin Voyages has to offer, such as ...

  9. Introducing Brilliant Lady to Virgin Voyages' award-winning fleet

    For those eager to secure their spot on board, Virgin Voyages is offering the Brilliant 4 You Pass, which grants access to all of Brilliant Lady's MerMaiden voyages complete with a RockStar Suite and one complimentary Shore Thing per voyage. And for those dreaming of an Alaskan adventure, the Alaska Front(ier) of the Line Pass ensures priority booking for limited itineraries beginning May 8 ...

  10. Virgin Voyages opens registration for First Mates

    Virgin Voyages has opened registration for its online travel agent platform. Known as First Mates, agents can find a dedicated trade website at FirstMates.com. The website will be the home for agents to learn, engage and do business with Virgin Voyages.

  11. Agents can now register with Virgin Voyages

    Cruise. Agents can now register with Virgin Voyages. By Tom Stieghorst. |. Dec 31, 2018. |. A rendering of Virgin Voyages' first ship, to be called Scarlet Lady. Virgin Voyages has...

  12. How to book Cruises: Virgin Voyages

    How to book Virgin VoyagesInterested in becoming a travel agent and making commission on your own vacations, schedule a meeting for more information at www.C...

  13. First Mates

    Welcome to Virgin Voyages. First Mates are automatically enrolled in Seacademy within 2 business days of completing FirstMates.com registration. Your username will be the same email address as the one used for FirstMates.com. If you forgot your password, select the "Forgot Password" option on Seacademy.

  14. Virgin Voyages

    In partnership with the Virgin Group, Virgin Voyages is jointly funded by Bain Capital, one of the world's leading private multi-asset alternative investment firms. For updates on the latest ship features, cruise destinations, onboard offerings and to book your vacation, visit Virgin Voyages.

  15. Virgin Voyages : croisières, prix et navires 2024-2025

    3 nov. 2024. A partir de. 1 260€ Pour un départ le 03/11/2024. Pension Complète. Tout Inclus. Balnéaire et culturel. >> DÉCOUVRIR. Caraïbes et Antilles. Itinéraire : Miami, En Mer, Puerto Plata, San Juan, Virgin Gorda, En Mer, En Mer, Bimini, Miami. Au départ de : Miami. Navire : Scarlet Lady. Durée : 9 jours. Date (s) de départ (s) :

  16. Brilliant Lady is coming: New Cruise Ship in 2025

    Once-in-a-lifetime 5 to 16-night journeys, four MerMaidens, never-seen-before experiences, and iconic destinations sea-defining luxury and adventure. The rumors are true — Brilliant Lady is set to cross the US of A in her highly anticipated 2025 debut. Watch our first-ever live reveal below for a collection of unforgettable moments, luxurious ...

  17. First Mates

    Spring into our most sought-after sailings with up to 80% off their 2nd Sailor in the Mediterranean (and Repositioning voyages) from Barcelona, Athens, and Portsmouth, or up to 70% off their 2nd Sailor in the Caribbean from Miami and San Juan. LEARN MORE. Boarding Pass to Sunlit Savings. Vote for Virgin Voyages. Sailing Club updates have arrived.

  18. Virgin Voyages Launches Travel Agent Website

    by Donald Wood. Last updated: 12:45 AM ET, Thu January 3, 2019. Travel agents and advisors interested in selling Virgin Voyages to customers should join the cruise line's website dedicated to "First Mates."

  19. Meet Virgin Voyages' second ship

    12 August 2021. Virgin Voyages ' second ship, is getting ready to set sail in spring 2022. And the cruise line has just revealed the mermaid design on the side of its brand new ship. Who is Valiant Lady? The mermaid represents the beautiful tension between strength and vulnerability - a woman who is unafraid of her own power and never backs down.

  20. Voyage Well

    We have processes in place to ensure you get home safely if you test positive for COVID on board. While no longer requiring testing or proof of vaccination, Virgin Voyages' health and safety protocols and flexible booking policy ensure you'll Voyage Well.

  21. Embark on the second-annual "Virgin Celebration Voyage."

    MIAMI, FL - April 25, 2024 - Virgin Voyages is calling fans of the Virgin brand and loyal Sailors to embark on the company's second-annual "Virgin Celebration Voyage.". In honor of Virgin's 50+ year history, guests will have the opportunity to sail on three distinct voyages across the brand's worldwide fleet of Lady Ships.