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al badriyah travel umroh

  • Haji dan Umroh

Pelayanan Umroh Terbaik ! PT. Albadriyah Wisata

al badriyah travel umroh

  • 09 July 2019

Tangerang, Beritainspiratif.com - Pada tanggal 16 April 2019 Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) bertemu Raja Salman di Istana Pribadi Raja (Al-Qahr al-Khas) di Riyadh dan sukses meminta tambahan jumlah kuota haji Indonesia sebanyak 10.000 jemaah.

Dengan adanya tambahan 10.000 jemaah, maka total kuota haji menjadi 231.000 jemaah, dari semula 221.000 jamaah.

Baca Juga: Umroh-bersama-albadriyah-wisata-tangerang-dengan-menabung-di-bsm

Penambahan kuota haji ini akan mengurangi daftar tunggu jamaah haji Indonesia yang semula rata-rata 18 tahun menjadi 11 tahun. Dan masih dirasakan panjang dan cukup lama.

Sementara itu dilansir dari informasi yang diunggah oleh akun Instagram Kemenag, @kemenag_ri, waktu tunggu terpendek tercatat selama 11 tahun, yang ada di wilayah Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara, dan Maluku. Sedangkan waktu tunggu paling lama tercatat 39 tahun, berada di Sulawesi Selatan.

Ibadah Umrah Menjadi Pilihan :

Kuota haji yang terbatas dan waktu tunggu yang lama, membuat ibadah umrah menjadi pilihan yang waktunya terbuka luas setiap saat, setiap muslim bisa ke tanah suci Mekkah dan shalat di Masjidil Haram melalui perjalanan ibadah Umroh.

Menjadi tamu Allah dengan menjalankan ibadah umroh merupakan suatu berkah yang tidak ternilai. Niat suci menjadi landasan awal ibadah umroh yang kita jalankan. Banyak hikmah dan nikmat yang kita dapatkan dari perjalanan suci ini.

Keutamaan Ibadah Umrah

Ibadah umroh disyariatkan oleh Allah SWT melalui Rasulullah Muhammad shalallaahu alaihi wasalam karena memiliki keistimewaan dan fadillah yang sangat besar bagi kita. Inilah keutamaan dan fadilah ibadah umroh.

1.Ibadah umroh yang satu kepada umroh berikutnya adalah kaffaroh, penghapus dosa.

2.Haji dan umroh adalah jihad bagi para wanita dan orang yang lemah.

3.Jamaah umroh adalah tamu-tamu Allah SWT yang doanya dikabulkan.

4.Wafat dalam menjalankan ibadah umroh pahalanya dicatat sampai hari kiamat.

5.Ibadah umroh bisa mengilangkan kefakiran.

6.Fadillah pahala satu kali umroh dengan sholat dua rakaat di Masjid Quba.

7.Selama umroh bisa mendapatkan pahala sholat sangat luar biasa, hingga 100.000 kali.

8.Fadillah umroh Ramadhan adalah haji bersama Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wassalam.

9.Bisa melakukan badal umroh bagi keluarga.

10.Bisa memperoleh fadillah pahala umroh berkali-kali.

Baca Juga: Ingin umrah gratis-jadilah-mitra-pt-al-badriyah-wisata

al badriyah travel umroh

Mengapa Memilih Travel Haji dan Umrah Al Badriyah Tangerang

PT. Albadriyah Wisata sebagai penyelenggara Umrah dan Haji Khusus sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 19 tahun tepatnya berdiri tgl 9-9-1999. Memiliki izin Umroh Nomor 553 tahun 2018 dan izin haji Nomor 477 tahun 2018.

Ingat, setiap travel wajib mengupgrade izinnya setiap 3 tahun sekali. Jadi hati-hati kalau ada travel yang masa izinnya masih pakai yang 3 tahun lalu.

Kantor Pusat Albadriyah Wisata beralamat di : Vinion Building Lt.2 Jl. Raden Saleh Raya No.13 – 17 Cikini, Jakarta Pusat 10430.

PT. Albadriyah Wisata menyajikan kenyamanan anda dalam menjalani ibadah Umroh dan memberikan pelayanan terbaik karena :

1.Penerbangan menggunakan Pesawat Garuda dan Pesawat Nasional Negara tujuan Umroh.

2.Memberikan kenyamanan Ibadah Umroh dengan penginapan yang menggunakan Hotel Bintang 4 dan Bintang 5, sangat dekat dengan Masjidil Haram dan Ka’bah

3.Memiliki 16 Kantor Cabang dan Sub Cabang yang tersebar di Indonesia.

4.Memiliki Visi : Jujur – Amanah – Beretika – Profesional

5.Travel Haji dan Umrah Al Badriyah Wisata memiliki 5 prinsip kepastian Pelayanan dan kenyamanan jamaah haji dan umrah yakni : Pasti Travel nya Berijin - Pasti Jadwal keberangkatan - Pasti penerbangan pesawatnya - Pasti Hotelnya dan Pasti Visa-nya.

6.Owner dan Dirut Al Badriyah Wisata sangat Berpengalaman yang dipimpin oleh H. Subaebasni, SE,MM Pria kelahiran Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan adalah lulusan Universitas Hasanuddin tahun 1988, adalah pria yang ulet, cerdas dan suka tantangan. Baginya tidak ada kata tidak bisa atas izinnya, semua tantangan akan dihadapinya, ia begitu yakin pada pertolongan Allah SWT dan usaha yang dilakukannya. Berpengalaman sebagai General Manager Asuransi Marannu dan Direktur utama Marannu Express Tour & Travel , Dan Direktur Marketing di perusahaan Travel Umroh haji terbesar di Indonesia saat ini. Beliau adalah orang yang ikut andil adanya SISTEM KEMITRAAN di Travel tersebut dari yang tidak dikenal menjadi sangat dikenal, dari yang tadinya hanya sedikit jamaah yang diberangkatkan sampai akhirnya mampu memberangkatkan banyak jamaah. Bahkan sampai sekarang SISTEM KEMITRAAN tersebut masih dimanfaatkan oleh para Mitranya di Travel tersebut.

Segeralah bergabung bersama kami, ikuti paket-paket Umroh kami dan hubungi mentor-mentor kami di Kantor Cabang Al Badriyah Wisata Tangerang, Ruko Ampera 1 Blok B-C Jl.KH.Maulana Hasanudin Kel.Poris Gaga Kec.Batu Ceper Kota Tangerang 15122.

Atau Info dan pendaftaran klik :


Form Pendaftaran klik : http://Bit.ly/albadar_form

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al badriyah travel umroh

Tentang kami

Allia tour & travel.

ALLIA Tour & Travel merupakan penyelenggara ibadah umrah dengan izin resmi Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umroh (Izin PPIU) Akreditasi A, SK Menteri Agama RI No. U6113 tahun 2022.

ALLIA Tour & Travel merupakan preferred travel Top 5 Agent dari maskapai Lion Air Group. Kami juga menjalin kerjasama dengan syarikah terpercaya yang berwenang mengurus operasional perjalanan ibadah umrah pada Kerajaan Saudi Arabia, serta menjadi provider visa

Layanan Paket Umrah

Tersedia berbagai pilihan paket layanan untuk para calon Jamaah Haji & Umrah

dengan pilihan hotel beragam serta harga yang kompetitif

ALLIA TOUR & TRAVEL juga mengakomodir Ibadah Umroh khusus bersama Keluarga besar, Komunitas,

atau lingkup tertentu dalam bentuk Umroh Private.

Untuk request layanan ini dapat mengisi form berikut :

Pengajuan Umroh Private


Layanan lain-lain, dokumentasi kegiatan, galeri kegiatan jamaah.


Apa kata mereka tentang layanan Allia Tour & Travel?

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ALLIA Tour & Travel

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Selangkah Menuju Baitullah

Travel umroh, biro perjalanan wisata.

Labbayk Haramayn memberikan layanan perjalanan wisata sejak tahun 2001 dan resmi terdaftar sebagai Penyelenggara Haji Plus dan Umrah di Kementerian Agama RI. Labbayk Haramayn menawarkan beragam paket umroh, diantaranya paket umroh keluarga, paket umroh regular, paket umroh wisata dan paket haji.


Tentang Labbayk Haramayn

Travel haji & umrah terbaik di indonesia, visi perusahaan.

Menjadikan Labbayk Haramayn yang terbaik dan terpercaya, dengan standar pelayanan professional, dan menjadi pilihan paling utama bagi semua pelanggan.

Misi Perusahaan

Memberikan pelayanan profesional, cepat-tepat, fokus pada solusi, didukung oleh sumber daya manusia yang ramah, spirit of excellence, humble, ikhlas dalam melayani seluruh pelanggan, dan fokus pada kepuasan customer.

Layanan Paket Kami

Fasilitas untuk jamaah.

Konsumsi yang terjamin dari memulai perjalanan sampai selesai

Visa haji & umrah

Pengurusan visa haji & umrah untuk keperluan ibadah

Perlengkapan Umrah

Paket umroh dengan perlengkapan kebutuhan ibadah yang lengkap

Tiket Pesawat

Tiket pesawat PP untuk keperluan berangkat ke tanah suci

TL/ Muthawwif

Umroh ditemani oleh tour leader dan Muthowif yang tersertifikasi

Hotel Penginapan

Akomodasi hotel / penginapan terbaik dan ternyaman


Transportasi untuk memudahkan perjalanan jamaah


Dokumentasi untuk jamaah selama ibadah

Muthawwif Professional

Ustad Diki


Muhammad haritsul iman


Muhammad Qalbiy


Terimakasih sudah mempercayai labbayk haramayn.

al badriyah travel umroh

Galeri Perjalanan Jamaah

al badriyah travel umroh

Dapatkan Promo Paket Umrah

Harga paket umrah termurah

Testimoni Dari Jamaah Labbayk Haramayn

Siti humairah - 2016-07-23.

Pelayanan di PT Khaira Berkah Mandiri sangat professional, mulai dari keberangkatan dan kedatangan kembali ke tanah air dilayani dengan sangat baik.

H. Abdul Aziz - 01 Oktober 2015

PT Khaira Berkah Mandiri memiliki staff yang ramah dan mampu menciptakan suasana kekeluargaan. Ketika saya berangkat umrah Tahun 2015 lalu, seperti umrah dengan keluarga sendiri.

Clarissa Adriana - 14 Mei 2015

Saya merasakan sendiri pelayanan umrah di PT Khaira Berkah Mandiri sangat praktis dan mudah. Mulai dari cara pendaftaran, pembayaran sampai keberangkatan

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By labbaykh February 21, 2023

Jemaah haji furoda bisa berangkat tanpa antre, berapa biayanya, dapatkan info terbaru dari kami.

Silahkan masukkan email Anda

*Kami tidak mengirimkan SPAM

Alhijaz Indowisata

Alhijaz Indowisata Travel Umroh Haji Plus

  • Travel Umroh Terbaik di Indonesia ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Melayani Sejak Tahun 2000
  • Bersertifikat SNI & ISO 9001
  • Terintegrasi SISKOPATUH Kemenag

Our Services


Paket Umroh

Ratusan Jadwal Keberangkatan Tiap Tahun

Umroh Alhijaz

Haji Khusus (Plus)

Pendaftaran Haji Khusus (ONH Plus)

furoda alhijaz

Haji Furoda

Haji Furoda, Langsung Berangkat Tanpa Antri

badal alhijaz

Badal Umroh/Haji

Umroh/Haji Pengganti untuk Keluarga / Sanak Saudara


Wisata Halal

Paket Tour Turki, Eropa, Mesir, dan negara lainnya

Go Umrah and Hajj With Us.. Why Not?

Travel umroh alhijaz indowisata, our profile.

Nama perusahaan AlHijaz terinspirasi dari sebutan dua kota suci di masa lampau, yaitu Mekah dan Madinah. Sebagaimana keistimewaan 2 kota suci tersebut, diharapkan akan menularkan kebaikan kebaikan pada layanan dan kinerja kami.

Sedangkan Indowisata merupakan akronim kata dari Indo yang berarti Indonesia, dan Wisata yang merupakan fokus bisnis dari Alhijaz Indowisata.

  Alhijaz Tour and Travel adalah merk usaha kami yang terdaftar di Kementrian Hukum dan HAM. Sebagai perusahaan jasa pelayanan penyelenggaraaan haji plus dan umroh, kami telah mengantongi izin resmi dari Kementrian Agama.

Alhijaz Travel juga tergabung dalam organisasi maupun asosiasi perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perjalanan wisata atau penyelenggara umroh haji, baik di dalam ataupun luar negeri seperti HIMPUH, AMPHURI, IATA, dan ASITA.


Tahun 2024 sd 2030, jamaah umroh, 8 tahun terakhir, rekap jamaah, haji - umroh dari tahun ke tahun.

Rekap Jamaah Umroh Alhijaz


Travel Umroh Terbaik Alhijaz Indowisata

Ter-Akreditasi "A"

Kewajiban Akreditasi PPIU dan PIHK dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Agama. Alhijaz Travel memiliki Peringkat akreditasi “A” Sangat Baik.

Menjamin rasa aman kepada calon jamaah, karena kami secara berkala setiap 3 tahun menjalankan proses kewajiban untuk memperoleh Akreditasi dari Badan Akreditasi Resmi Nasional yang ditunjuk oleh Kementrian Agama.


Ber-Izin Resmi Kemenag

PASTI TRAVEL -nya, kami telah mengantongi Izin Penyelenggara Jasa Umroh (PPIU) dan Haji Khusus (PIHK) dari Kemenag.

Perpanjangan izin resmi penyelenggara umroh (PPIU) dan haji khusus (PIHK) dilakukan setiap 3 tahun sekali. Izin Umroh dan Haji Khusus terbaru dari Kemenag adalah Izin Umroh No.U.490 tahun 2020, dan Izin Haji No.304/2022.

Alhijaz Indowisata Travel

Sertifikat SNI & ISO 9001

Layanan kami terintegrasi dengan layanan penyelenggaraan umroh & haji baik dari pemerintah di Indonesia maupun Arab Saudi. 

Audit terhadap sistem dan layanan umroh dan haji di PT. Alhijaz Indowisata, dilakukan secara berkala oleh perusahaan sertifikasi independen nasional.


Gedung Milik Sendiri

Pusat pelayanan administrasi dilakukan di gedung milik sendiri Graha Alhijaz. Gedung ini digunakan juga untuk pelaksanaan Manasik Umroh/Haji.

Untuk memberikan kemudahan, kenyamanan, dan kepastian, Graha Alhijaz juga digunakan sebagai tempat pengurusan seluruh dokumen perjalanan dan perlengkapan, dan Manasik Umroh yang dilakukan setiap pekannya di hari Sabtu atau Minggu.


Berangkat Setiap Hari

PASTI TERBANG -nya. Dalam setahun musim umroh (8-9 bulan), kami memiliki sekitar 120-140 jadwal umroh yang dapat dipilih oleh calon jamaah.

Untuk memberikan layanan terbaik bagi calon jamaah, kami berkomitmen menyediakan jadwal akurat setiap keberangkatan umroh, diantaranya  Informasi Nomor Pesawat, Nomor Penerbangan, Hari & Jam Keberangkatan.


Jadwal Pasti

PASTI JADWAL -nya, bagi calon jamaah yang mengutamakan ketepatan waktu keberangkatan, ratusan Jadwal Umroh tersedia untuk Anda.

Perlu diketahui bahwa Tiket Penerbangan sudah kami Booking. Sehingga ratusan jadwal umroh dan ribuan kursi umroh kami sediakan untuk pilhan Anda. Jadwal umroh yang pasti cocok untuk Anda yang terikat dengan cuti kedinasan. 


Pasti Hotelnya

Akomodasi hotel telah di-booking jauh hari sebelum jadwal keberangkatan. Mulai dari hotel ★ 3 sd ★ 5.

Seluruh hotel yang kami gunakan adalah hotel yang berlokasi pada ring 1, yang artinya dekat dengan pusat ibadah Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi.


Muthowif Berpengalaman

Pengalaman melayani jamaah selama puluhan tahun, Anda akan ditemani oleh Muthowif berpengalaman.

Muthowif akan membantu agar ibadah Anda semakin lancar dan sesuai dengan sunnah. Perjalanan umroh Anda akan ditemani juga dengan Tour Leader.


Cust. Service 24 Jam, Senin - Minggu

Siap memberikan pelayanan informasi paket umroh haji selama 7 Hari 24 Jam kepada calon jamaah.

Dapatkan informasi paket umroh haji secara online, manfaatkan waktu Anda yang berharga. 

Dengan sistem kerja online, Anda dapat menghubungi Customer Service via WhatsApp, kapan saja dan dimana saja.


Ruang Tunggu Nyaman

Ruang tunggu di bandara yang nyaman selama menunggu keberangkatan umroh menuju Tanah Suci.

Executive Lounge Umroh akan menjadi lokasi berkumpul dan briefing jamaah menjelang keberangkatan menuju Tanah Suci.

Travel Umroh Alhijaz Indonesia, melayani lebih dari 20 Tahun

Dengan predikat Travel Umroh Terbaik di Indonesia, pelayanan kami tidak terbatas untuk jamaah dari Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Banten, dan Tangerang, melainkan seluruh wilayah di Tanah Air. Ribuan jamaah dari kota-kota seperti Bandung, Cirebon, Banten, Semarang, Solo, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Lampung, Jambi, Palembang, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Palangkaraya, Makassar, Denpasar, Lombok memilih berangkat bersama travel umroh Alhijaz .

Konsultasi :

0857 1198 2253, tahun 2023 2024.


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Umroh Reguler & Umroh Paket Promo


Badal Umroh

Umroh Akbar Milad


Badal Umroh

Umroh Ramadhan

Badal Umroh

Umroh Promo


Tanya Jawab Paket Haji Umroh

Apakah bisa mendaftar umroh dan haji via online, bagaimana jika saya ingin datang langsung ke kantor alhijaz.

Konfirmasikan rencana kedatangan Anda dengan menghubungi kami melalui Chat WA terlebih dahulu, agar kedatangan Anda dapat dilayani oleh Customer Service yang bertugas.

Apa persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi?

  • Vaksin Meningitis,
  • Vaksin Covid19,
  • FC Buku Nikah (utk suami istri),
  • FC Akte Lahir (utk putra/i),
  • Pas foto 4×6 background putih, 4 lembar,
  • Surat Pernyataan,
  • Membayar Uang Muka Rp.9 Juta,
  • Pelunasan 1 bulan sblm keberangkatan .

Berapa Uang Muka Umroh yang harus dibayar?

Untuk mem- Booking paket umroh yang sudah dipilih, calon jamaah wajib membayar Uang muka sebesar Rp.9 Juta.

Syarat Lengkap Pembatalan

Kapan Biaya Umroh harus dilunasi?

Pelunasan biaya umroh harus dilakukan 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.

Apakah perlengkapan umroh dapat dikirimkan ke alamat tempat tinggal jamaah?

Testimonial jamaah.

“Alhamdulillah, sy brkt umrah dg Alhijaz Indowisata tgl 23 Des 2023, dilayani dg pelayanan terbaik selama dlm perjalanan. Mutawwif nya membimbing jamaah dg sabar dan telaten. Tour Leadernya jg cekatan membantu. Amanah sekali.” ★★★★★

“Desember 2023 saya berangkat umroh plus turki yang 12 hari, pelayanan dari awal sampai akhir sangat memuaskan..

Smoga bisa berangkat lagi bersama keluarga saya dengan travel alhijaz indowisata lagi.. …” ★★★★★

Mimie Manise

Our Customer Service


Our Partner


Email Address

Jl. Dewi Sartika 239A, Cawang - Kramat Jati, Jaktim

021 8011111, [email protected].

Travel Umroh Al Badriyah, Agen Umroh Terbaik, Biro Umroh Terpercaya, Penyelenggara Jasa Umroh Murah

Travel Umroh Terbaik, Travel Umroh Murah Resmi, Travel Umroh Terpercaya, Travel Umroh Bagus, Biro Umroh Terbaik, Biro Umroh Terpercaya, Biro Umroh Murah, Agen Umroh Terbaik, Agen Umroh Terpercaya, Agen Umroh Murah, Penyelenggara Umroh Terbaik, Penyelenggara Umroh Murah, Penyelenggara Umroh Terpercaya, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji Terbaik, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji Terpercaya, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji Murah, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji Bagus, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji Resmi

0812 7757 7757, Travel Umroh Al Badriyah, Agen Umroh Terbaik, Biro Umroh Terpercaya, Jasa Umroh Resmi, Biro Perjalanan Umroh Haji, Penyelenggara Umroh Murah

Travel umroh al badriyah wisata.

0812-7757-7757-Travel-Umroh-Terpercaya-Al-Badriyah-Depok-Bekasi-Tangerang Selatan-Jakarta-Bandung-Makassar-Surabaya-Medan-Bogor

Alhijaz Indowisata Travel Umroh Haji Terbaik

“pelayan anda menuju baitullah”, travel umroh terbaik di indonesia, alhijaz indowisata tour & travel berpengalaman sejak tahun 2000.

Alhijaz Indowisata, dengan merek dagang Alhijaz Tour Travel telah terdaftar di Kemenkumham, dan sejak tahun 2001 mendaftarkan diri sebagai anggota asosiasi ASITA, dan dilanjutkan dengan keanggotaan di IATA dan HIMPUH.

Alhijaz Indowisata memiliki Izin Resmi dari Kemenag sebagai penyelenggara ibadah haji dan umroh, dan mampu diperpanjang setiap 3 tahun sekali. Dengan izin terakhir adalah Izin Umroh PPIU No.U490 Tahun 2020 , dan Izin Haji Khusus PIHK No.304 Tahun 2022

Keunggulan Travel Umroh Alhijaz Indowisata dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada jamaah umroh haji adalah sebagai berikut :

Berizin Resmi Kemenag

Terakreditasi a “sangat baik”, provider resmi visa umroh, hotel dekat masjid, jadwal umroh pasti, konsultasi layanan 24 jam, gedung milik sendiri, pembimbing berpengalaman, our advantages, how we differentiate from the competition.

Jadwal Umroh Pasti dan Tepat Waktu, Perencanaan Lebih Mudah

Paket Umroh dan Pilihan Jadwal Keberangkatan Lebih Banyak Dibanding Travel Umroh Lain.

Gedung Milik Sendiri Sebagai Pusat Administrasi & Lokasi Manasik Umroh

Terakreditasi “A” Sangat Baik Dari Komite Akreditasi Nasional

Dengan Status Sebagai Provider Resmi Visa Umroh , Jaminan Keberangkatan Untuk Anda

Dengan Pengalaman Lebih Dari 20 Tahun , Pelayanan Dilakukan Secara Profesional

Our services

Paket umroh & haji, paket umroh reguler, paket umroh plus, paket umroh promo, paket haji khusus, paket haji furoda.

Badal Umroh

Paket Wisata

Umroh corporate, jasa ticketing, jadwal umroh, persyaratan umroh, harga termasuk.

  • Visa Umroh,
  • Tiket Pesawat Pulang Pergi,
  • Transportasi Bus,
  • Akomodasi Hotel di Tanah Suci,
  • Makan 3x sehari,
  • Pembimbing Ibadah / Guide / Muthowif,
  • Manasik Umroh di kantor Alhijaz Indowisata Tour & Travel,
  • Ziarah Mekkah, Madinah, & City Tour Jeddah,
  • Air Zamzam 1 Galon (5 liter) – jika diperbolekan maskapai.

Harga Tidak Termasuk

  • Biaya Pembuatan Passport,
  • Biaya Vaksin Meningitis,
  • Dam / Qurban
  • Biaya Kursi Dorong Thawaf/Sai
  • Biaya Kelebihan Bagasi
  • Guide Khusus Pribadi
  • Biaya Laundry
  • Kegiatan di luar program
  • Pengeluaran Pribadi

Syarat Pendaftaran Umroh

  • Paspor yang masih berlaku minimal 8 bulan sebelum keberangkatan dan nama di dalam paspor minimal terdiri dari 2 suku kata, contoh : “Achmad Abdullah” ,
  • Buku Vaksin Meningitis,
  • Fotocopy KTP,
  • Fotocopy Buku Nikah bagi suami istri,
  • Fotocopy Akte Lahir bagi yang membawa putra/i, minimal usia 5 tahun,
  • Pas foto ukuran 4 x 6 = 4 lembar latar belakang putih, tidak berkacamata, dan menggunakan hijab,
  • Membayar DP Pendaftaran Umroh sebesar Rp. 9.000.000,-
  • Dokumen dan Pelunasan sudah kami terima paling lambat 1 bulan sebelum jadwal keberangkatan,
  • Mengisi Surat Pernyataan,
  • Calon Jamaah Umroh Usia Lanjut (>60 Tahun) harus didampingi oleh kerabat keluarganya (berjenis kelamin sama),
  • Calon Jamaah Umroh berkebutuhan khusus wajib didampingi oleh kerabat keluarganya (berjenis kelamin sama),
  • Sertifikat Vaksin Covid-19 Dosis Lengkap (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson-Jhonson, Astra Zaneca, Sinovac/Sinopharm), 14 hari sebelum keberangkatan.

A leading player in the industry

Travel umroh Alhijaz adalah travel umroh terbaik yang memiliki keunggulan dalam pengalaman dan pelayanan. Rata-rata keberangkatan 8500 jamaah pertahunnya.

Alhijaz Tour & Travel™️,

Travel umroh amanah terpercaya, memberikan pelayanan terbaik.

Alhijaz Travel menawarkan ribuan kursi umroh setiap tahun dengan pilihan paket umroh yang bervariasi. Mulai dari paket umroh reguler dengan menggunakan maskapai Saudia Airline, dan paket umroh plus Turki atau Dubai dengan maskapai Emirates atau Turkish Airline.

Best product line


Award-winning projects

Layanan Alhijaz Indowisata memiliki peringkat Akreditasi A (“SANGAT BAIK”) dari Komite Akreditasi Nasional, menjadikan kami sebagai Travel Umroh Terbaik


Our happy customers.

Alhamdulillah, perjalanan umroh keluarga kemarin lancar dan dimudahkan. Jarak hotel dekat dgn mesjid, baik itu di Madinah maupun Mekah. TL dan Mutowif yang kompeten, cekatan, fast response. Recommended untuk Travel ke Baitullah 🕋👍

Sri Meilina (Wirausahawati)

Travel umroh terbaik, paling top se Indonesia pokoknya.. Dr dulu keluarga selalu pilih Alhijaz kalo mau umrah. Nyaman dan aman pastinya… Ga repot ngurus ini itu. Mantep lah. Sukses buat Alhijaz Travel❤️

Ahmad Haryanto (PNS)

Alhamdulillah.. selama prjalanan dari Indonesia ke madinah dan makkah pelayanannya sangat memuaskan dr Alhijaz jg para muthawifnya sangat ramah. Jgn ragu memilih Alhijaz Travel sbg agen prjalanan ibadah umroh dan haji plus yg trpercaya. Insyaa Allah amanah..❤️

M Gibran Enggar P (Pengusaha)

Umroh bareng Al Hijaz Travel sangat menenangkan hati. 💖Semua terjamin. Hotelnya bagus dan dekat ke masjid. Makanannya enak. Ustad pembimbing nya juga jelas dan padat informasi. Maju terus Alhijaz Indowisata.💕

Alfina Nayita (Designer)

Other Information

Cappadocia Turkey

Umroh Plus Turki 2023 ❤️ Paket Umroh Terfavorit Alhijaz Indowisata


Umroh Ramadhan 2023 ❤️ Bersama Alhijaz Tour Travel

Tenda Haji Plus Wukuf Arafah

Haji Plus 2023, Biaya Paket Haji Khusus New Normal

Tanya jawab paket umroh haji.

Alhijaz Indowisata memiliki Izin Resmi dari Kemenag sebagai penyelenggara ibadah umroh dan haji khusus, yaitu  Izin Umroh PPIU No.U490 Tahun 2020 , dan  Izin Haji Khusus PIHK No.304 Tahun 2022 . Sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, Izin tersebut harus diperpanjang setiap 3 tahun sekali.

Untuk melihat status Travel Umroh Alhijaz Indowisata, Anda bisa langsung mengakses website resmi SISKOPATUH Kemenag disini !

Di zaman modern dan serba cepat seperti saat ini, administrasi dan pelayanan kami sebagian besar dilakukan secara online 24 Jam. Selain menghemat waktu dan biaya, Anda berkesampatan untuk mendapatkan Diskon Umroh apabila mendaftar secara online. Silahkan bertanya kepada Customer Service Online kami untuk paket umroh yang berlaku Voucher Diskon dan paket dengan harga promo murah.

Untuk paket umroh tertentu Anda dapat memperoleh potongan harga, untuk informasi paket umroh apa saja yang berlaku diskon, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami di nomer berikut : 0811 1111 1111 . Voucher Diskon Umroh berlaku untuk 10 orang pendaftar pertama setiap bulannya. Mudah-mudahan Anda menjadi orang yang beruntung mendapatkan potongan harga umroh kami.

Jamaah kami berasal dari seluruh penjuru Tanah Air, tidak terbatas hanya dari daerah Jakarta atau Pulau Jawa. Kami melayani pendaftaran jamaah yang berdomisili di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua dan wilayah Indonesia lainnya. Bahkan banyak jamaah kami yang berdomisili di luar negeri seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan yang berangkat umroh bersama Alhijaz Travel.

Seluruh file dokumen (soft copy) dapat dikirimkan secara online ke Customer Service kami untuk persyaratan awal pendaftaran. Namun dokumen Asli seperti Passport dan Buku Kuning Vaksin Meningitis harus dikirimkan 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.

Perlengkapan umroh mulai dari koper, syal, dan bahan seragam akan kami kirimkan ke alamat domisili jamaah segera setelah pembayaran DP Umroh kami terima. Dan apabila Anda berhalangan untuk mengikuti manasik umroh secara langsung di Graha Alhijaz, Anda dapat menyimak pelaksanaan manasik umroh secara online via Youtube streaming .

Untuk mem-Booking paket umroh yang dipilih, calon jamaah wajib membayar Uang Muka Pendaftaran Umroh sebesar Rp.9 Juta.

Uang Muka pendaftaran umroh akan digunakan untuk pembayaran perlengkapan umroh, Block Seat tiket pesawat umroh yang tentunya harus dilakukan jauh-jauh hari, dan biaya pemesanan Akomodasi Hotel di Tanah Suci. Sehingga sebagian besar pembayaran DP Umroh akan digunakan untuk kepentingan jamaah yang akan berniat berangkat umroh.

Pelunasan biaya umroh haris dilakukan paling lambat 30 hari sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.

Perlu diingat bahwa Alhijaz Travel adalah PROVIDER RESMI VISA UMROH yang dapat memproses sendiri pengajuan Visa Umroh kepada pihak berwenang di Saudi Arabia. Selama persyaratan dokumen dari calon jamaah telah lengkap dan tidak ada pelanggaran ketentuan ke-imigrasian di masa lalu, insya Allah 99,99% Visa Umroh dijamin akan terbit.

Untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan (hilang, lupa, rusak, dsb.) maka pengembalian passport dan pemberian Visa Umroh akan dilakukan di Airport Soekarno Hatta pada saat Briefing (pembekalan) menjelang keberangkatan umroh.

Jika terjadi sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan sehingga jamaah umroh terpaksa harus membatalkan diri, maka akan dikenakan biaya pembatalan.

  • Pembatalan sebelum  Issued Ticket  dan  Visa,  dikenakan DP hangus
  • Pembatalan setelah pengurusan Visa, dikenakan DP hangus dan dikenakan biaya Visa
  • Pembatalan setelah  Issued Ticket,  dikenakan biaya 100% dan harga paket
  • Perhitungan biaya pembatalan berdasarkan dari harga paket
  • Segala biaya yang timbul atas perubahan kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dan Kerajaan Saudi Arabia menjadi tanggungan masing-masing Jamaah.

Our Partner

Our Partner


menjadi Perusahaan Terdepan dalam pelayanan wisata khususnya ibadah haji dan umroh

Menyebarkan Syiar Islam dan Pemahaman Agama Yang baik kepada jamaah dan masyarakat indonesia

Membantu Masyarakat Muslim Indonesia Untuk Menunaikan Ibadah Haji Dan Umroh

al badriyah travel umroh

Moto Alhijaz :

# Pelayan Anda menuju Baitullah

# Semangat Alhijaz Untuk Indonesia

Graha Alhijaz Jl. Dewi Sartika 239A Cawang - Kramat Jati Jaktim 13630

Telp : (021) 801 1111 (021) 801 2222

Call Center 24 Jam:

0811 1111 1111

Support requests

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Alhijaz Indowisata berdiri sejak tahun 2000, dan telah terdaftar sebagai anggota IATA, ASITA, HIMPUH, sebagai syarat pemenuhan persyaratan dalam pendirian Perusahaan Penyelenggara Ibadah Umroh dan Haji Khusus

Rekening Bank

Rekening pembayaran umroh (idr), pt. bank bca.

Cab. Dewi Sartika Rek.No.273 22 11 111 an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata


Cab. Jatinegara Rek.No.006 000 801 2225 an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata


Cab. Dewi Sartika Rek.No.707 367 5598 an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata


Cab. Dewi Sartika Rek.No.32 0000 9247 an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata

Rekening Pembayaran Haji Khusus (USD)

Cab. Dewi Sartika Rek.No. 706 774 5587 (USD) an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata

Cab. Dewi Sartika Rek.No.32 0000 8322 (USD) an.PT. Alhijaz Indowisata

Alhijaz Indowisata Tour & Travel

Travel Umroh Haji Terbaik Jl. Dewi Sartika 239A Cawang - Kramat Jati Jaktim 13630

Izin Haji Khusus : No.304 Tahun 2022

Izin Umroh : No.U490 Tahun 2020

Paket Umroh reguler

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Haji Khusus (ONH Plus)

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></center></p><p>Albait Tour & Travel adalah anak perusahaan PUTRA BAHAGIA GROUP yang berdiri sejak tahun 1989.</p><p>Albait Tour & Travel bertekad memberikan pelayanan dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan yang maksimal untuk para perindu Baitullah.</p><p>Kami membantu para calon Jama’ah mendapatkan ketenangan dalam beribadah dengan membantu semua proses pengurusan administrasi keberangkatan anda dari awal sampai akhir.</p><p><center><img style=

Kami konsisten memberikan 5 keunggulan :

Harga rasional, jadwal tepat waktu, pesawat saudi airlines, jarak hotel dekat, pelayanan maksimal dan profesional.


AL-Baittravel berusaha menghadirkan fasilitas terbaik untuk mendukung kenyamanan ibadah dan wisata Anda.


Paket umroh gold, paket umroh platinum, paket umroh 2023.


AL-Bait Travel berusaha menghadirkan fasilitas terbaik untuk mendukung kenyamanan ibadah dan wisata Anda.


al badriyah travel umroh

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Tunggu apalagi..., booking seat anda sekarang.

Rencanakan Perjalanan Umroh Anda Bersama Al-Bait Travel


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Aturan Terbaru, Jemaah Umroh Tak Lagi Wajib Vaksin Meningitis

Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) menerbitkan aturan terbaru soal syarat umrah melalui Surat Edaran Nomor HK.02.02/C.I/9325/2022 Tentang Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Meningitis Bagi Jemaah Haji dan Umrah, Jumat (11/11/2022).

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Mudahkan Jemaah, Hotel di Makkah Dilengkapi Fasilitas Tempat Ibadah

Jakarta (PHU)–Cuaca di Arab Saudi saat ini sangat panas. Jemaah haji Indonesia diimbau untuk tidak memaksakan dirinya beribadah di Masjidil Haram. Untuk itu, setiap hotel

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Layani Jemaah Haji, Indonesia Miliki Proses yang Jelas dan Tim Profesional

Makkah (PHU) – Dibandingkan dengan jemaah haji dari negara-negara lain, perhatian dan pengurusan Pemerintah Indonesia kepada jemaah hajinya lebih baik, jelas, dan profesional. “Jemaah diperhatikan


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PT PUTRA BAHAGIA DARUL ULUM atau lebih dikenal dengan nama ALBAIT TOUR & TRAVEL adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa ticketing, tour, pengurusan dokumen perjalanan ( paspor dan visa ) serta Pelayanan Haji dan Umrah serta Wisata Halal Domestik dan International. 


Jl Banjarwangunan RT 001/ RW 004 Desa Banjarwangunan Kec Mundu Kab Cirebon

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Goods Trading Company Moscow Russia Posts

Exploring the impact: deodorant’s role in post-laser hair removal care.

Laser hair removal has arisen as a famous and successful strategy for accomplishing long haul hair decrease. As people try to partake in the advantages of smoother, sans hair skin, questions normally emerge about post-treatment care and possible unfavorable impacts. One normal inquiry rotates around the utilization of antiperspirant in the wake of going through laser hair removal Birmingham laser hair removal. Is it protected to continue utilizing antiperspirant quickly following the strategy, or might it at any point prompt undesirable intricacies?

The choice to try not to utilize antiperspirant after laser hair removal is established in the fragile idea of the skin during the post-treatment stage. Laser hair removal includes the utilization of centered laser energy to target hair follicles and repress their regrowth. While the system is intended to be insignificantly intrusive, the skin’s reaction to the laser energy can deliver it briefly delicate and inclined to responses.

Antiperspirants, intended to battle personal stench, frequently contain a variety of fixings that may not be all around endured by sharpened skin. These fixings can incorporate scents, additives, and synthetic substances that might actually prompt aggravation or distress when applied to newly treated skin. The utilization of antiperspirant on such skin could intensify existing redness, responsiveness, or even reason a stinging sensation.

The period following laser hair removal is basic for the skin’s recuperating and recuperation

Presenting likely aggravations, like antiperspirant, could upset the skin’s regular recuperating process. Rather than permitting the skin to zero in on recovering equilibrium and steadiness, the presentation of antiperspirant could redirect its assets towards overseeing expected bothering.

By ceasing from involving antiperspirant for the suggested time span – ordinarily around 24 to 48 hours post-treatment – people allow their skin the opportunity to recuperate without pointless obstruction. This wary methodology decreases the gamble of uneasiness as well as supports the skin’s innate capacity to recuperate and restore.

While utilizing antiperspirant following laser hair removal could prompt unfavorable impacts for certain people, it means a lot to take note of that everybody’s skin answers in an unexpected way. Factors, for example, skin type, the power of the laser treatment, and a singular’s responsiveness assume a part in deciding the skin’s response. Talking with a certified professional when the strategy is fitting, as they can give customized direction in light of a singular’s extraordinary qualities.

All in all, the choice to try not to utilize antiperspirant after laser hair removal is a prudent step pointed toward advancing ideal mending and lessening the gamble of unfavorable impacts. By regarding the skin’s requirement for delicate consideration and furnishing it with the potential chance to recuperate undisturbed, people can embrace the excursion toward sans hair skin with certainty, realizing they are supporting their skin’s wellbeing and prosperity.

Why Invest in Industrial Ventilation Systems for the Workplace

Assuming your industrial working environment is as often as possible excessively hot, putting resources into industrial air ventilation system by Clean Air Environmental that battle the heat is significant. If not, you might confront serious outcomes. Here are a portion of the many motivations behind why you really want to keep your work environment cool:

Heat Pressure: Heat pressure is one of the greatest worries with regards to high temperatures in the industrial work environment. This is where individuals become too hot and their center internal heat levels increment. This can prompt serious threats to laborers’ wellbeing. Overheating can cause cramps, rashes, blacking out, and weakness. Now and again, it could prompt disarray, tipsiness, or even passing. Many individuals pass on working consistently because of intensity stress, so this is a significant concern.

Low Efficiency: Additionally, high temperatures might be influencing efficiency at your industrial office. OSHA suggests work environments keep up with temperatures somewhere in the range of 68°F and 76°F. This is a decent objective, as a few examinations have taken a gander at the impacts of intensity on efficiency and found that temperature increments over 80°F prompted lower efficiency and expanded blunders from laborers. Hence, chilling off your industrial working environment might emphatically affect generally efficiency.

Issues with Items and Cycles: Moreover, over the top intensity in your industrial office may likewise adversely influence your items and cycles. High temperatures habitually cause speedier debasement of various materials. This can prompt issues with items inside your office or may try and make your hardware and apparatus separate all the more often. Contingent upon your application, high encompassing temperatures may likewise slow down your cycles. Hence, this is one more motivation to put resources into industrial ventilation systems to assist with cooling your structure.

Settling Hot Temperatures with Industrial Ventilation Systems

In the event that you consistently experience high temperatures in your industrial office, you want one of our experts to plan a ventilation system redid to your structure and cooling difficulties. Your industrial ventilation systems might use various parts to assist with cooling the inside of your structure, for example,

Plan a Ventilation System with Fans for Separating Hot Air: Industrial fans are a basic piece of keeping laborers cool in huge offices. Roof and floor fans assist with expanding air flow and move hot air through the structure and out through the exhaust system. They likewise make a fake breeze that can assist with sweat dissipation to forestall heat pressure.

There are different fans that might function admirably for your industrial ventilation systems. For example, HVLS (high volume low speed) fans are great at moving a lot of air rapidly through the structure. More modest fans on the floor might be useful for spot cooling in workspaces.

Consider Evaporative Coolers for Spot Cooling in Industrial Ventilation Systems

Evaporative coolers are one more choice that functions admirably for spot cooling. These pass air through water-immersed cushions, which can lessen the temperature of the air. A few models of evaporative coolers are just helpful in industrial ventilation systems in dry environments. This is on the grounds that they frequently add dampness out of sight, expanding mugginess.

Nonetheless, circuitous evaporative coolers are an extraordinary arrangement that involves a similar impact for air cooling without expanding moistness levels. Accordingly, we might prescribe evaporative coolers to assist with cooling the air as it enters your working environment.

Incorporate Louvers to Exploit Breezes: Louvers are every now and again remembered for ventilation systems to help with normal industrial ventilation control. This permits new, cool air to stream into a structure, normally from the sides, while hot, polluted air is ousted from the top of the structure. This permits your office to exploit breezes and wind to assist with cooling a huge region without high energy costs.

Louvers cover an opening in the structure’s envelope and use cutting edges to permit natural air in while impeding things like bugs, vermin, and garbage from entering the structure. This goes with them an extraordinary decision for industrial conditions where open air temperatures will generally be cooler than inside the structure and furthermore where incessant breezes and winds can assist with chilling off the structure and increment air course.

Does Car Insurance Cover Locksmith Services

In this situation, calling an automotive locksmith will be your best option because they can resolve the issue quickly. It doesn’t matter if you drive a new or older vehicle. Auto locksmiths have the knowledge and equipment needed to help. The services provided by Locksmith Sutton Coldfield have already been briefly discussed, but the complete list is even longer!

Another approach we use for troubleshooting is to replace the ignition cylinder. Sometimes the issue goes beyond your car keys. Our locksmiths are qualified to enter the ignition and fix any problem that may exist there. It’s possible that your car needs a new ignition key or something else you didn’t think of.

Problems with automobiles seem to occur in a variety of unusual and erratic ways, none of which are convenient for drivers. You might get stuck in the middle of a deserted area or have trouble with the crowded transportation system in a city. In any case, the question of whether locksmith services are covered by car insurance remains unchanged.

Sadly, the response is not straightforward. Every driver selects an insurance plan that is specifically tailored to their requirements. Over the past few years, insurance companies have moved away from offering standard, generic coverage plans and are now offering the option for customers to personalize their own insurance policies. You can select which policy features you wish to pay for.

Drivers benefit greatly from choice because they can cut costs by eliminating services they never use. Does these individualized policy plans include locksmith services as covered by car insurance? Insurance companies may occasionally have established relationships with professional locksmiths and roadside assistance programs.

In this piece, we have a lot to talk about and think more deeply about. So, before we get into the specifics, let’s answer some questions and increase our understanding. You will have the answer to our question, “Does car insurance cover locksmith services?” by the time we get to the end.

What is the difference between roadside assistance and locksmith services

In the insurance sector, crossover deals between corporations are common. For instance, well-known insurance companies will collaborate with a roadside assistance organization and direct customers to that organization. In an effort to increase revenue, this strategy encourages cross-pollination with customers.

There is definitely also a desire to provide emergency services and increase safety. In the end, insurance companies, providers of roadside assistance, and locksmiths all offer assistance. Therefore, is locksmith services covered by car insurance? Yes, but it’s possible that insurance companies have already made the decision for you through one of their partnerships.

That is not a problem at all. The majority of people don’t care where their assistance comes from as long as it’s trustworthy. For the past two decades, Locksmith Sutton Coldfield has provided quality roadside assistance and the quickest response times for all automotive issues. If you do not have car insurance, our low prices do not apply to you!

Factors to consider when choosing a website builder

There are a few important considerations to make when selecting the appropriate website builder for your requirements. Consider how much time you are willing to devote to learning how to use the website builder first. You should look for a website builder that is simple to use if you don’t want to learn too much.

Second, you ought to contemplate what sort of site you need to make. Look for a website builder with a variety of tools and features if you want to make a custom website. If you have any desire to make a cutting edge, proficient site, then, at that point, you ought to search for a seo sutton coldfield web designer with a scope of layouts.

Thirdly, you should consider your budgetary capabilities. Before choosing a website builder, it’s important to think about your budget because some builders are more expensive than others.

Last but not least, you should consider how much time you are willing to devote to building your website. Before choosing a website builder, it’s important to think about how much time you’re willing to spend creating your website. Some builders are faster than others.

Benefits and impediments of every web designer

With regards to the benefits and impediments of the different web designers, there are a couple of key things to remember. Webflow is better suited for those who want to create a custom website without having to write any code, while WordPress is a great option for those who want to create a website quickly and easily. If you want to quickly and easily create a modern, professional website, Squarespace is a great option.

There are many advantages to using WordPress, including its low cost, extensive community of developers and users, and wide range of tools and features. However, learning how to use it and selecting the appropriate themes and plugins for your needs can be challenging. WordPress can also be slow, and if you don’t know how to code, it can be hard to change your website.

A visual page builder, custom design elements, a variety of features and tools, and Webflow’s advantages are just a few. Notwithstanding, it very well may be costly, and it tends to be hard to track down the right modules and subjects for your necessities. In addition, Webflow can be slow, and if you don’t know how to code, it can be hard to change your website.

Squarespace has a scope of benefits, including a simplified page developer, specially craft components, and a huge determination of formats. Notwithstanding, it very well may be costly, and it tends to be hard to track down the right modules and subjects for your necessities. In addition, Squarespace can be slow, and if you don’t know how to code, it can be hard to customize your website.

Traditional Conservatories For More Than You Can Afford

If you are looking to renovate your home and want to save money, then you may consider buying Traditional Conservatories for more than you can afford. You might be surprised at how much you can get and save. You may be wondering why they cost so much more than comparable Energy Star approved models.

It all depends on what you are looking for in a conservatory Wooden Conservatories . If you are simply looking for a place to relax and enjoy the sunshine and scenery around you, then you probably won’t have much of a problem finding a model that you like. However, if you want to do some landscape work, like planting flowers or building an arbor, then you may find that there is a lot more to choose from. Traditional Conservatories for more than you can afford might be just what you need.

If you decide to buy a conservatory for more than you can afford, it might be wise to find out what you can and cannot do with the conservatory. In most cases, the answer is very little. If you love the outdoors and you have enough room, then you can almost do anything you want.

If you have children, however, then you might find that you do not want your children using your Traditional Conservatories for more than you can afford. Most models come with a warranty and require regular maintenance and cleaning. However, these are usually maintenance services that you pay for in the long run, and the cost of the services is much less than the cost of regular maintenance Traditional Conservatories .

If you love your garden, but cannot afford a new conservatory, then you may want to look into getting a garden shed instead. Even if you do not need a new conservatory, you can still get a garden shed and put in some new furniture in it. With a shed, you can also get an entire landscape done in a matter of days, which means that you will have a completely new garden all by yourself. This makes it possible for many people to buy a conservatory for less than they could for one but use a garden shed for most of the gardening.

With a conservatory, you may have your favorite spot and want to be able to spend time there. However, if you don’t have the money to pay for a whole new Conservatory for more than you can afford, then you can get a Garden Shed instead. A Conservatory for more than you can afford may also be considered a shed when it is built with large windows and doors. These are two features that can be used to allow for ventilation in the structure and to let light in as well.

You should check out the Internet and find out if any model has a shed attached to it, or if it comes with a pre-fabricated shed built with doors and windows already in place. Then, you can go online and find out how much you can get for that garden shed. It will help you narrow down your options a bit and make the choice easier.

Buying Traditional Conservatories for more than you can afford is not necessarily impossible. It is possible for you to find a good quality conservatory that costs less than what you might expect. Whether you like to spend time in your garden or if you prefer to have a large conservatory outside, you can find a good quality conservatory that fits into your budget.

What Does Headphone Hire Mean?

The hidden treasure of headphone hire.

Batteries tend toward damage from continual use and aren’t designed to last forever. If your battery is running out within a couple of hours, it could be damaged. If nothing happens, you can want to put in a new battery. Replacing the charger should repair the issue.

Sports headphones arrive in a multitude of lightweight in-ear and on-ear designs to make sure that your headphones stay put. Furthermore, the headphone has received the superior certificates also. When it is, you might want to start looking into getting new headset. Some people today say this high-quality headphone is ideal to carry in any little bag. Many headphones have a convenient in-line mic and remote. Headphones for travel are available in many diverse styles. Besides that, the affordable earphones can impact your hearing ability Silent Disco Hire .

Headphone Hire: the Ultimate Convenience!

With streaming video chat, you will be in a position to communicate precisely what you want to. Even though it’s a relative rarity to find a headphone site provide any kind of standardized testing, this specific site has made the leap to offer a more objective picture of what’s happening with the products that you buy. Similar to any other on-line reviews, it’s quite hard to locate a source you can trust immediately. If you would like the very best information possible, we must deal in facts and figures rather than emotions. Furthermore, there are several other approaches to quiet your events by using our wireless headphone technology which do not consist of music. The best thing about it was that you didn’t need to be concerned about how simple it was to set up.

With as much as 3 possible channels, it’s simple to create a audio experience that appeals to a lot of tastes. Our extensive knowledge and expertise permits us to design and specify the appropriate audio system for virtually any event type. Actually, experts think that listening to music through headphones while driving is as a lot of distraction as texting whilst driving. Experienced audio technicians are a necessity. Take a look at this linked blog post for even more information than that which is above in regards to the equipment. All units are vigorously tested to make certain that they are totally functional always of the maximum quality.

You will readily get a pair of headphone beginning from the low prices to the high rates. To take the awesome musical experience, it is crucial to grab a wonderful pair of earphones. You can also purchase a set of 5 to delight in an immense discount. Long-term hire options are also offered. Instead, it turns into a preference and policy decision by the business.

The Bose F1 Model 812 is a very flexible loudspeaker which comes with a flexible vertical collection. Design and planning is critical in regards to event audio. Bearing that in mind there are solutions for each and every budget. Headphone reviews are in a poor way for the large part.

As you might discover volume limiting headphones here or there in physical stores your very best bet is to shop online. Volume limiting headphones are only headphones which have the resistor built into the headphones unit or into the current cord. In addition to that, the manner that lots of folks describe sound is also misleading.

If you may set up a DVD player, then you may establish a silent disco system! If your screen won’t respond, no matter what, it might be damaged. When it is, you should replace the screen. Frozen screens can be quite frustrating. You will have to put in a new screen. Wait until the battery icon indicates it is fully charged.

The Pain of Financial Accounting Basics

Accounting is among the choicest study alternatives for overseas students in Australia. If yes, it’s among the best options to research in Australia. It’s one of the most popular research choices for overseas students in Australia. Financial accounting makes a public record of a organization’s historical financial performance, which empowers stockholders and other stakeholders outside the organization to acquire an extremely clear image of a business’s fiscal wellbeing. It is the process of recording, summarizing and reporting the plethora of transactions caused by business operations over a time period. It ends in the determination of net income at the base of the income statement.

Financial reporting happens through using financial statements. Accounting is a required portion of any company success Accounting gives business executives a means to assess the financial status of the company. Accounting, in its heart, is in fact a set of quite simple theories and principles. It has evolved into one of the essential professions on the planet, like a column to almost all major companies in the world. Money accounting has some constraints which could possibly be defined Training Link .

With a larger job stability and fantastic pay for professionals, accounting has turned into a leading career choice for those youths around the world. It is a lucrative career choice for job aspirants throughout the globe. Forensic accounting is among the most fulfilling and exciting career choices out there. Effective accounting is critical to developing business development, as in the business structure there must be the acceptable allocation of financing to guarantee sound business decisions are created, and financial obligations are satisfied.

Accounting is supposed to be one of the safest and respected professions on Earth now with an remarkable scope to earn big. Accounting and Taxation are regarded as a few of the most necessary elements for any business organization appropriately fulfill to be able to reach success in the company. It’s a difficult field. It’s one of those few subjects that could guarantee you a job wherever you examine it. Should you hunt for accounting online you will develop endless publications, articles, terms, and definitions AAT Courses .

The Do’s and Don’ts of Financial Accounting Basics

Whenever you are decided to join an accounting training program, choose the area you would like. An internet accounting training program, in virtually almost any area, needs discipline upon the section of the student. Accounting classes are supplied to private people and companies which are attempting to find knowledge and skills as it pertains to basic accounting and bookkeeping tasks. They’re loaded with important information that can be tough to digest, so it’s essential you study at the right moment. They can help you build the skills needed to operate in the field, and permit you to turn your attention to possible career paths that might interest you. To locate the correct course for you, you will find two or three measures you might want to take to make certain you pick the finest high quality accounting course to assist you make your financial goals moving forward.

Where to Find Music Recording Software

The tried and true method for music recording software in step by step detail.

Once you get your recording done, the chances are endless! Audio recording wasn’t an exception. If you expect doing tons of live audio recording, you are going to want an audio interface and an external microphone Online Mastering .

Why Almost Everything You’ve Learned About Music Recording Software Is Wrong

Men and women enter home recording for many different explanations. You could also pause while developing a recording and resume it at a subsequent time, without needing to edit the audio file. As mentioned earlier, however, you can realize a fantastic recording utilizing minimal exceptional equipment and work your way up. Besides that, you might also create timer and audio initiated records.

If you can’t track down a song easily, you might use the Search box to track down the music you desire. Before beginning, think about if you intend to record all the songs and or musicians and instruments connected with a project all at one time, or individually. Some might love so as to play specific songs. Following that, you are all set to get started making music. If you are working to produce your own music, then there’s no need to acquire expensive software since it is likely to utilize Wavosaur. Considering all the available resources out there these days, it’s fairly easy to create your own audio and have it sound amazing!

How to Get Started with Music Recording Software?

You do not even understand how to do what the computer software was designed to help you perform! You need to be sure you’re learning everything there’s concerning the program and about the full process of recording beats. If you think like most individuals, you wish to make sure that you’re getting quality hip hop recording applications, but applications that you are able to afford.

Music Recording Software Can Be Fun for Everyone

You may realize the program’s most important interface as below. Most recording software offers that option, but bear in mind you may want to mess with all the output settings to acquire the maximum quality MP 3 out of your program. In order to actually make sure you’re finding the most effective possible hip hop recording applications, you will should make certain that you are taking the chance to take a look at a number of the worst out there Fluid Mastering .

Music Recording Software: No Longer a Mystery

You just require the suitable applications and a number of abilities. Rather than looking at what is believed to be expensive applications, you may want to discover a refresher on just how much it used to cost to find all the equipment you needed to lay down some beats. The main reason you would like to go with professional audio manufacturing software within an internet beat maker is that you need your track to be approved by professionals around the globe.

What You Need to Do About Music Recording Software Beginning in the Next 9 Minutes

In the event the program is comparable, it might just deserve a location on your software toolkit. Though the program isn’t extremely complex, there are a few things you need to know as a means to be certain your beats do not wind up sounding like something that has been rejected from the reject pile of beats. Also, prior to buying any software, it would be an excellent idea to do a very small amount of study in order to be certain you truly have a comprehension of everything you are taking a look at. As soon as you’ve located the most effective possible hip hop recording applications, you may should make sure you get right to do the job.

Van Hire Can Be Fun for Everyone

All about van hire.

When you employ a van, your van rental company will probably contain things like insurance cover for the whole duration of the lease period. You are in a position to seek out the services of a van for periods that vary from 1 hour to 12 weeks as suppliers recognise that customers won’t always should employ a car for a entire 24 hour period if they simply have a couple things to move over a brief distance. For residents, picking a van in britain is perfect once you’re seeking to relocate or invest in home improvements. You should also work out just how long you have to lease the van for. Decide whether you’re in need of a tiny transit or a medium or large sized one, so you might tell the individual at the close end of this telephone precisely what you need and discover out which paperwork, ID’s, etc are required for that leasing of the van GB Vehicle Hire .

The cars we’ve got for rent have lavish interiors with chairs which are intended to supply you with complete comfort even when you’re travelling a very long distance. If you’re searching for an affordable and dependable automobile or van hire support, give us a call now and you might be driving away at the vehicle of your choice in no moment. You will not locate any expensive car or van hire services in Derbyshire that provides the high quality service that our staff can supply you with.

The Key to Successful Van Hire

Most hire company will also permit you to modify the dates if you give lots of advance notice. Some van hire businesses require their trucks to be returned with the same quantity of gas as at the beginning of the hire period. There are quite a few companies around London which provide a van hire support but not all of these are conveniently located.

When you wish to employ a van, having the capacity to travel a brief space to collect it’s a terrific comfort and it might save a considerable time period in daily or weekend. It is not really cheap to employ a van that is significantly larger than you require, but in addition, it is significant that a van is large enough for your requirements so you don’t ought to make more excursions since it is too small Knowing the right sized van for your own needs allows you to receive the best all round price. Sydney Ute Van Hire quick and straightforward!!

Van Hire: the Ultimate Convenience!

Whether you’re in need of a van to get work or about the odd weekend for assorted reasons, then deciding on the best van hire London business is of utmost significance. A van is merely spacious and perfect enough to pleasure in a trip with family members or friends. After that you may rent a van to continue with your company. Anyone trying to discover a broad van that matches their needs should discover that there are loads of choices across London, and not only in the major tourist hubs. Many vans even have full third individual, theft and fire insurance as part of the price, and therefore you do not need to consider extra expenses. While big Luton vans are naturally common, and therefore the offender, the simple truth is that Luton vans are available in all dimensions Van Hire Birmingham

The Good, the Bad and Security Monitoring

The hidden treasure of security monitoring.

Live tracking is easily the most dependable, best kind of protection. You are going to want to test to be sure cellular monitoring are located in your town, but most regions with phone coverage needs to be okay. Cellular tracking has become the most advanced and provides the best security. More technologically advanced monitoring methods may also cost slightly more. To be able to serve you better, alert tracking is unavailable for internet purchase. The alert monitoring includes not just the detectors, but the communication transmitter itself. You must make a choice as to what sort of alarm system monitoring is logical for your circumstance and you must come across an alarm company that’s prepared to fulfill your wants Protect & Serve .

But What About Security Monitoring?

There are means to defray security expenses. Home security system monitoring costs are a little price to pay when it’s to do with the security and basic wellbeing of your family. They may be costly, but the advantages are truly worth the cause. They could really come as pricey, especially in the event that you hire home security companies to perform the job.

Home Security System Tracking There are numerous methods to observe your alarm. If, for cost or other reasons, a monitored alarm process isn’t for you, there are plenty of methods to create your house more secure. Possessing a superb alarm system on your house will discourage burglars by fostering their danger, can lower your insurance premiums, and can force you to feel safer in your residence.

A specialist alarm business will stand with their goods and setup, and you can make certain that things will be repaired should you encounter a issue. Most alert businesses don’t even admit they utilize a third party for its fundamental station support. Well-established alarm monitoring businesses quote a increased rate partially due to their goodwill and also to some terrific extent for their group of experienced and highly-trained home security professionals using the expertise to manage emergency situations in a timely method.

The Security Monitoring Cover Up

A safety system can allow you to save more, depending upon your insurer. The wireless security programs are offered in do-it-yourself kits, which can be for the most part easy to set up. Monitored security methods offer you additional peace of mind since you’re not the individual responsible for tracking your own system ( including as you’re away from your residence, asleep or showeri ng). Even should you not own a true safety system in place evil doers won’t be in a position to tell.

In case the system isn’t connected to remote observation, it is likely to function properly by setting off loud alarms in the house. Prior to purchasing your system understand the conditions of this guarantee. You can even purchase refurbished systems on their website to save even more cash. Some systems have particular advanced features which are only supported by the business that installed them. When you’re trying to find a house security system, here is what you have to be aware as a way to safeguard your nearest and dearest and stop getting ripped off. Home security methods detect intruders in your house, and then alert the right authorities. Just about all modern home security methods use wireless technology to connect sensors throughout your residence home security companies .

Kantor Pusat

Alamat : Vinilon Building Lt.2, Jalan Raden Saleh No. 13-17, Cikini -Jakarta Pusat

Kontak : Telp. :021 – 29619715, 29619716, 29619717 Fax : 021- 29619718 Email : [email protected] Website : www.albadarwisata.com

Kantor Cabang :

Cabang Makassar Jl. Pengayoman Ruko Mira 2 No.5 (Samping Hotel Gladiol) Makasar Telp. 0411 425 197

Cabang Palembang Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.2069C Rt.03 Rw.09 Kel. 20 ilir II Kec. Kemuning Kota Palembang Telp. 0711- 5730 226

Cabang Pontianak Jl. Gusti Hamzah No 6D Kel. Sungai Jawi Telp. 0561-8107314

Cabang Surabaya Jl. Menanggal Utara WP Ruko 9 Surabaya Telp. 031 828 1202

Cabang Bandung Jl. Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No.300 Kujang Sari, Bandung Kidul – Bandung Telp.022 – 8730 7811

Cabang Pekanbaru Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 628D kel. Tangkerang Tengah – Kec. Marpoyan Damai Pekanbaru – Riau Telp. 0761 – 597 0430

Cabang Jambi Jl. JL. Marsda Iswahyudi Rt.04 Kel. Talang Bakung, Kec. Paal Merah

Cabang Bengkulu Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo No.46 Rt.03 Rw.02, Kel. Tanah Patah, Kec. Ratu Agung Kota Bengkulu. Telp. 0736 – 732 6595

Cabang Solo Jl. Adi sucipto No.113 Jajar, kec. Laweyan, Surakarta Telp. 0271 –  7468693

Cabang Lombok Ruko No.4 Depan Komplek Pasar Sayang-Sayang Jl. Jendral Ahmad yani Kec.Cakranegara, Kota Mataram

Cabang Gorontalo Jl. AA. Wahab No.8, Desa Luhu Kec.Telaga, Kab. Gorontalo Telp. 0435 -8361981

Cabang Padang Jl. Prof.Dr Hamka No.61 Tabing – Padang

Cabang Tangerang Ruko Ampera 1 Rt.04 Rw.01 Kel. Poris Gaga Kec. Cipondoh Kota Tangerang Telp. 021-55733577

Cabang Medan Jl. Sisinga Mangaraja No.289 Pasar Simpang Limun, Gedung B1&B2 Telp. 061-42778771

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Pt. al badriyah wisata.

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  • Fax         : 021- 29619718
  • Email      : [email protected]
  • Website : www.albadarwisata.com

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Umroh Bersama Maghfirah Travel

Izin haji                    : no. u.169 tahun 2021 izin haji khusus : no.626 tahun 2021 izin umroh.            : no.  u.561 tahun 2020.

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Yuk Segera Daftar, Seat Terbatas!

Wujudkan Rindu Baitullah Anda bersama MAGHFIRAH TRAVEL. Jadikan perjalanan umroh Anda menjadi lebih nyaman dan bermakna: Menjemput cinta Allah dan baginda Nabi s.a.w.

Katakan saja apa yang Anda butuhkan atau ingin Anda ketahui seputar umroh dan haji, Umrohin sebagai mitra resmi MAGHFIRAH TRAVEL dengan senang hati siap membantu Anda.

Paket Umroh Maghfirah Travel

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Umroh Parenting Spesial Bersama Bunda Elly Risman

18 oktober 2023, travel  maghfirah travel.

Harga Mulai Dari


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Umroh Plus ilmu Parenting Desember 2023

23 desember 2023, travel  maaghfirah travel, rp 42.900.000 ,-.

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Umroh Belajar Langsung Ditempat Turunnya Al Quran

27 desember 2023, rp42.900.000,-.

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Umroh Paket Firdaus Plus Thaif 2023

13 desember 2023, travel  maghfirah travel  .

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6 Desember 2023

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Oktober & November 2023

Testimoni jamaah  maghfirah travel.

Lebih Khusyu karena ustadznya bagus banget, saat tahajjud membahas tentang suratnya & membawa suasana lebih enak. Baru pertama kali selama saya umroh, Maghfirah yang paling bagus, InsyaAllah. PUAS, Terstruktur, dan Khusyu”

CEO KALLA Group , Jamaah Umroh 2015 & 2017

Luar biasa, mulai dari kedatangan sampai Tawaf Wada ini Kami dibimbing dan puas untuk beribadah, baik di Madinah maupun di Makkah.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia , Jamaah Umroh 2023

Yang mau ke tanah suci wajib nyobain manasik Haji disini bikin nagih bareng Maghfirah. Perjalanan experience penuh ilmu nan syahdu full recommended kalau yang mau berhaji dengan masa tunggu tercepat

Artis Nasional , Jamaah Haji 2023

Tertarik Dengan Paket Umroh dari Maghfirah Travel?

Jangan Ragu, untuk mengetahui paket umroh dan tanggal keberangkatan lainya, jangan ragu untuk tanya ke CS kami terlebih dahulu

Trans-Siberian Railway Prices

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View from the Trans-Siberian Railway

Home » Prices and Trans-Siberian Tickets » Trans-Siberian Railway Prices

Ticket prices for the Trans-Siberian Railway also depend on the current ruble exchange rate.

Is the Trans-Siberian Railway expensive?

Before starting on your Trans-Siberian Railway adventure you naturally want to know what the entire trip will cost. Although this sounds like a simple question, it is pretty difficult to answer. The Trans-Siberian Railway price of travel depends on the following factors:

  • Which travel class do I want to use? The price for a first class ticket is about three times the price of a 3rd class ticket
  • Am I willing to buy the tickets myself and assume responsibility for the organisation of the trip?
  • How many stopovers do I want to make? The more breaks, the higher the total price.
  • What sort of accommodation do I want? Will it be a luxury hotel or will a hostel dormitory be sufficient?
  • What tours and excursions would I like to go on?
  • What is the current exchange rate for rubles?

Basically, everything from a luxury to a budget holiday is available. If you buy yourself a 3rd Class nonstop ticket at the counter, a few hundred Euros will cover the price. All you will experience is a week on the Trans-Siberian train and will see nothing of the cities on the way. There is, however, any amount of room for upward expansion. Everyone makes different choices about which aspects they are willing to spend money on. I personally prefer to save money on accommodation and railcar class, visit as many cities and do as many trips as possible. To enable better classification of your travel expenses I have contrasted two typical traveler types. In the third column you can calculate the total cost of your own journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that these are only rough estimations and not exact prices.

The all-in costs seem fairly high at first. However, they cover everything and it is quite a long journey taking four weeks. Many people forget to consider that when looking at the list. We should also deduct the running costs for food and leisure at home. I think most visitors to this page will classify themselves somewhere between the two categories, that is around the € 2,000 – € 2,500 range. When comparing these prices with other travel packages, you get the impression that it is hardly worthwhile travelling individually on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that most packages last no more than 14 days and you are herded like cattle through the most beautiful locations.

If you spend less time on the Trans-Siberian Railway you will, of course, pay less. I chose this particular travel length because I prefer not to do things by halves. If you fulfill your dream of travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway, enjoy it and don’t rush things. But it’s up to you, of course. Try playing around with the form a bit to find the appropriate price for your trip.

  • Trans-Siberian Railway Tickets »

al badriyah travel umroh

Russia's Nuclear Deterrent Command Center Imperiled by Winter Freeze—Report

A Russian nuclear deterrent command center in Moscow has been imperiled by power outages that have impacted more than one-quarter of the region's cities amid freezing temperatures, a Russian Telegram channel has reported.

The VChK-OGPU outlet, which purports to have inside information from Russian security forces, reported that the 820th Main Center for Missile Attack Warnings—part of the Russian Space Forces, a branch of the country's Aerospace Forces—near Solnechnogorsk in Moscow is without power.

It serves as the space forces early warning network against potential ballistic missile attacks.

The development comes as Russians are reported to be suffering from power outages in their homes in the Moscow region caused by technical issues at plants amid subzero temperatures.

On January 4, a heating main burst at the Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant in the town of Podolsk, which is about 30 miles south of central Moscow. Since then, tens of thousands of Russians are reported to have no heating in their homes.

Affected areas include the cities of Khimki, Balashikha, Lobnya, Lyubertsy, Podolsk, Chekhov and Naro-Fominsk, a map published by a Russian Telegram channel and shared on other social media sites shows.

Other Russian media outlets reported that in Moscow, residents of Balashikha, Elektrostal, Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrov, Domodedovo, Troitsk, Taldom, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Krasnogorsk, Pushkino, Ramenskoye, Voskresensk, Losino-Petrovsky and Selyatino are also without power.

The Telegram channel said that at the 820th Main Center for Missile Attack Warnings, "the crew...is on duty around the clock."

"It is here that the decision on a retaliatory nuclear strike is executed," the channel said.

Newsweek could not independently verify the report and has reached out to the Russian Defense Ministry by email for comment.

Power outages have also been reported in Russia's second-largest city, St. Petersburg, in the country's western Voronezh region, in the southwest city of Volgograd, and in Rostov, which borders Ukraine, a country that Russia has been at war with since February 24, 2022.

On Sunday, two shopping malls in St. Petersburg were forced to close because of problems with light and heating, reported local news outlet 78.ru. Hundreds of other homes in the city have had no electricity, water or heating for days amid temperatures of -25 C (-13 F).

Russian authorities have also been forced to compensate passengers of a train that ran from Samara to St. Petersburg (a 20-hour journey) without heating during -30 C (-22 F) temperatures. Videos circulating on social media showed carriage windows frozen over. A passenger also said the toilet didn't work during the trip because of frozen pipes.

Do you have a tip on a world news story that Newsweek should be covering? Do you have a question about the Russia-Ukraine war? Let us know via [email protected].

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A Russian Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launcher parades through Red Square during the Victory Day military parade in central Moscow on May 9, 2022. A Russian nuclear deterrent command center in Moscow has reportedly been imperiled by power outages.


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  23. Russia's Nuclear Deterrent Command Center Imperiled by Winter Freeze—Report

    A Russian nuclear deterrent command center in Moscow has been imperiled by power outages that have impacted more than one-quarter of the region's cities amid freezing temperatures, a Russian ...