Luke 10:38-42 New Living Translation

Jesus visits martha and mary.

38  As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39  Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40  But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”

41  But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42  There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Holy Bible , New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. , Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

mary martha jesus visit

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She is Called Women of the Bible Study Vol. 2

Mary and martha, sitting at the feet of jesus.

By Elder Michelle Christy

The story of Mary and Martha in the Bible shows us two different approaches to following Jesus. In Luke 10:38-42, Martha works hard to welcome Jesus to her home. Her sister, Mary of Bethany, simply sits at his feet and listens. Both Mary and Martha serve, yet Mary understands the priority and necessity of choosing to abide with Christ. Sitting at the feet of Jesus prevents Mary’s service from becoming distracted and unhealthy.  

Jesus, you call us to seek your presence and to serve the world in your name. Teach us to seek you wholeheartedly and to serve you without distraction or self-righteousness. Fill us with your love that we might bring it to a broken and hurting world. Amen.

Key Scripture

Luke 10:38-42 , John 11 , and John 12:1-7

“Now as they went on their way, [Jesus] entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.’ But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.’” – Luke 10:38-42

Introduction to Mary and Martha in the Bible

In our text, we find Jesus headed two miles east from Jerusalem toward the nearby village of Bethany. Jesus stops in Bethany where his friends Martha and Mary and their brother, Lazarus, live. John’s Gospel tells us that Jesus “loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5). One commentator indicates that Mary and Martha may have been the most important and prominent women in Jesus’s life after his own mother. 1

If we consider the passage in its canonical order, we first meet Jesus’s friends here in Luke, and later in John 11 and 12. Mary positions herself at the feet of Jesus in each of these stories. Luke says Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.” John 11 says she falls at Jesus’s feet. Mary anoints and wipes the feet of Jesus in John 12. The connection between Mary and Jesus’s feet is significant.

As Mary sits at Jesus’s feet, Martha finds herself “distracted by her many tasks” (Luke 10:40). Consumed by worry and anxiety, Martha demands that Jesus tell Mary to help her. Feeling justified, Martha receives an answer from Jesus she surely did not anticipate. Jesus commends Mary for sitting at his feet, inviting Martha to consider the way in which she serves.

Digging Deeper: Mary and Martha as Disciples of Jesus

The significance of mary at the feet of jesus.

Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying” (Luke 10:39). Without understanding the cultural context, we might miss the profundity of Mary’s posture. In Jewish tradition, “sitting at the feet” was what a disciple did. In Acts 22:3, the apostle Paul tells us that he was educated “at the feet of Gamaliel.” Gamaliel, an esteemed rabbi in Israel, trained Paul who would later self-describe as a “Pharisee of Pharisees” (Acts 23:6; cf. Philippians 3:5). 

Mary sits at the feet of her rabbi, Jesus. Since this was the posture assumed by a disciple, we can safely conclude that Mary was a disciple of Jesus. Mary, a woman in a male-dominated world, yet a disciple! Scandalous and profound, indeed! Jesus’s affirmation of Mary’s posture reveals his acceptance of Mary as a legitimate disciple. Jesus welcomes women to learn at his feet. 

Learning from both Mary and Martha

At first glance, we might assume this story invites us to be either a Mary or a Martha. We ask, “Does a disciple sit at Jesus’s feet or serve?” While this may seem like the main point the passage is making, a clue to a deeper meaning may lie in a small word in verse 39 that is often left out in translation: the Greek word “kai,” translated into English as “also.” A more literal, word-for-word translation would read like this: “And she had a sister called Mary, who also having sat at the feet of the Lord, was listening to his word.” 

What might “also” be referring to here? We might consider it to mean that Mary also served. Or, perhaps the word communicates that Martha “also”—just like her sister Mary—sat at Jesus’s feet. This could mean that, in general, they both sat at Jesus’s feet when he came around, but this time, it was only Mary. Either way, Jesus does not condemn Martha, nor does he pit the sisters against each other. Jesus seizes a teachable discipleship moment. 

Disciples are not called to either sit or serve but are called to both sit and serve.  

Was this distracted state Martha’s characteristic way of serving? Perhaps, given Jesus’s pointed answer to her demand. The word “distracted” means to be drawn away, driven about mentally, over-occupied. Very literally, it means to be pulled and dragged in different directions. Martha’s distraction leads to a sense of aloneness and self-righteousness, to self-focus and questions about Jesus’s care.

Martha’s distraction leads to five Ds: 

  • Disbelief – Martha asks, “Do you not care…?”
  • Defensiveness – Martha defends her place: “My sister has left me to serve alone.”
  • Dismissiveness – Martha depersonalizes Mary as “my sister,” as though Mary is not even there. 
  • Demands – Martha flat out says to Jesus, “ Tell her to help me.”
  • Desperation – Martha attempts to control the situation—and Jesus—with her comment about being alone. 

Martha’s distracted serving led her to a place she did not want to go. Martha surely regrets the way she speaks to Jesus. We hear him lovingly acknowledge the state of her heart when with tender repetition Jesus says, “Martha, Martha.” Jesus invites her to consider a way of serving that is without distraction or self-righteousness. In Martha’s mind, she seems to have no choice but to serve alone with much worry. Jesus reminds her that she does have a choice. Martha can spend time doing the one “needed” and “necessary” thing from which all else flows.  

She Is Called and We Are Called

Jesus did not acquiesce to Mary’s sitting at his feet. He unequivocally applauds it. Jesus affirms Mary as his disciple as well as her choice to abide with him. Jesus declares that “one thing” is needed as his disciple: a kind of attentiveness to Jesus that glories in his presence, a serving that bears eternal fruit.

Not long after visiting Mary and Martha, Jesus uses a vine as a teaching metaphor (John 15). As he walks through the grapevines of the Kidron Valley, Jesus emphatically endorses a choice like Mary’s. He instructs the disciples how to live without his physical presence. The key, he says, is abiding in him and allowing his words to abide in them. For apart from Jesus, they will not be able to do anything of kingdom value. It is to the Father’s glory that they bear much fruit. Mary models that fruit will not be born apart from remaining in Jesus. 

Yet and still, each of us needs to be a Mary and a Martha. As disciples, we are called both to sit and to serve. We are called both to abide and to bear fruit. We sit and hear Jesus’s word. We bow at his feet in worship. We kneel before him in prayer. In all these ways, we follow after Mary’s example at the feet of Jesus. It is in this place that we find the discernment, clarity, wisdom, strength, and courage to bring Christ’s loving presence into the world.

In our desire to follow God’s call by serving him with everything we have, we can easily find ourselves overcommitted, “worried and troubled about many things.” Distracted. In a culture that exalts multitasking and a “we-can-do-it-all” mentality, we have a teacher who invites us to learn his way and adopt his priorities. This one, who Paul says “ascended on high … and gave gifts,” gives each of us gifts for such a time to best express God’s love in our appointed generation (Ephesians 4:8, NIV). 

We each have our uniquely given expression in the body of Christ. If we are all trying to do it all , we are driven to distraction. Instead, we remain and abide in Jesus by sitting at his feet. We receive and absorb his love. We hear Jesus’s word, and these words remain in us. For apart from him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). 

Related: Finding Ways to Accept God’s Gift of Sabbath Rest

Friends, how will you choose to serve? Many of us find ourselves mostly like Martha. We can learn from Mary. Distraction is sometimes translated as “cumbered.” “Cumbered” speaks to hindrance, hampering, and obstruction. How might our hampered and hindered lives stand as an obstruction to the lasting fruit Christ desires to bear in and through us? What might it look like for us to abide at the feet of Jesus and to receive his invitation to be un encumbered by the weight of self-imposed responsibility, anxiety, and control? 

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). 

How fitting are these words! The one who sits at the rabbi’s feet learns the rabbi’s yoke. The rabbi’s yoke was a way of living and being in the world. Jesus’s yoke is easy and light. With Jesus’s yoke, there is work and there is rest. Jesus invites you: “Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how … Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace” (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message ).

Discussion Questions

  • Do you most identify with Martha or Mary?
  • What tends to distract and pull you away from Jesus? What is the result when you are distracted with much serving?
  • How is “sitting at Jesus’s feet” viewed by the culture and world around us? How about by the Church?
  • What surprised you in this Bible study session?
  • What do you hear the Spirit saying to you/your family/your church/your community?

[1] Ben Witherington, Women and the Genesis of Christianity (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1990), 99.

Michelle Christy is a speaker who passionately and faithfully leads others to personal and transforming encounters with God through the study of his Word. She brings almost 25 years of experience to her inspirational speaking and Bible teaching ministry, Defining Word. Michelle has spoken nationally and internationally, and thousands have experienced her sincere and natural style inviting them to a deeper relationship with God in Christ Jesus. Her Bible studies include The Goodness of God in the Waiting Rooms of Life, Defining Words for Daddy’s Daughters, and When Jesus Sees. For the last two years, she has also been serving as director of adult discipleship at Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa. Michelle’s husband and her three adult children describe her with one word: intentional. Michelle is learning to be less of a striver and more of an abider.

Continue this Bible study as a book

Get your copy of the she is called women of the bible study vol. 2.

Women of the Bible Study Volume 2 Cover

This Bible study is from the second book in the Women of the Bible Study Series. Get the book to discover how women like Mary and Martha, Abigail, and Junia embraced God’s call for their lives.

© Reformed Church Press

Bible Helps, Inc.

Publishers of Bible Teaching Literature

Mary and Martha: Friends of Jesus

By Harold S. Martin A Bible Helps Booklet No. 420

In this article we want to take a look inside a home that Jesus often visited. It is our purpose to meet some people who loved Jesus, and people whom He loved—the family of Martha and Mary and Lazarus.

The home of Martha and Mary was one of the homes in Bible times that was given to hospitality. Mary and Martha lived in Bethany, on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, about two miles from Jerusalem. Bethany was the starting point for the Palm Sunday procession.

There were two sisters and a brother who lived in the home which is the focus of our lesson. This was a home where love prevailed, but it was not without some quarrels and tensions. Luke tells us about a meal that was being prepared for Jesus. In the lesson Martha and Mary are the principal characters.

Martha wanted everything just right—the living room must be dusted, the drapes must be just so, and the flowers on the table must not clash with the colors of the table setting.

Mary seemed to care very little about such details. She didn’t mind disarranged cushions and things not always in their exact place. She preferred to sit and interact with the company than go to a lot of work to make a dainty meal.

Both women were kind and faithful disciples of Jesus, but their characters and temperaments differed.

The lesson has two primary centers:

  • 1) The Supper: The visit of Jesus and His disciples (Luke 10:38-42)
  • 2) The Funeral: The sickness and death of Lazarus (John 11:20-32)

1. The Supper: the Visit of Jesus and His Disciples (Luke 10:38-42)

Jesus felt a close bond with the family living at Bethany. A beautiful friendship existed between Jesus and the two sisters, and their brother Lazarus. Jesus not only visited the family, but He felt free to drop in at any time. The fact that He loved the family is stated three times in just one chapter of the New Testament—John 11, verses 3, 5, and 36.

On the occasion described in Luke 10, Jesus was traveling through the country with His disciples, most likely coming up from Jericho. He had just related the story of the Good Samaritan (the man who was robbed and left for dead along the Jericho Road). Jesus no doubt sent a messenger on ahead to inform His friends at Bethany that they could expect Him for supper that night. His disciples may have gone on to Jerusalem, or perhaps they too were included among the visitors who would drop in at Bethany. That is not clearly stated.

We can almost see Martha, when she received word that Jesus was planning to stop by; she was concerned about hospitality and generosity. She immediately went to work, beginning to prepare the meal. She sent one of her helpers to the market to get some extra food; she began to build a fire for cooking—and in the midst of the bustle of preparation, Jesus arrived.

Luke 10:38 says, “Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village; and a . . . woman named Martha received him into her house.”

Martha was the older of the two sisters, and the words “her house” indicate that she was the proprietor of the property. Martha welcomed Jesus into the home, and after the initial greeting, she hurried off to the kitchen to continue the preparation of the meal.

Verse 39 says, “And she had a sister named Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.”

When Jesus arrived, Mary soon found a place sitting at the feet of Jesus, drinking in His words of wisdom. Mary took advantage of this time with Jesus to hear what He had to say—and what He was teaching about the real issues of life here and hereafter. There is something tranquil in what Mary chose to do. Mary chose to hear about matters of eternal consequence.

In verse 40, we read, “But Martha (who) was cumbered about much serving, came to (Jesus), and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.”

Martha was disturbed by the fact that Mary seemed to have no concern about helping her to prepare and serve the meal—and in a mood of desperation, she came to Jesus and lamented the fact that Mary had left her with the work of food preparation. Martha said in essence, “Doesn’t it seem unfair to you that Mary just sits here while I do all the work?” Martha said to Jesus, “Bid her therefore to help me” (verse 40).

Martha wanted to give her guests the royal treatment, but she allowed her concern about getting the meal ready turn to irritation and complaint. She was motivated by hospitality and wanted to be a good hostess—but she became involved beyond her strength! And so she went to Jesus and said, “Don’t you care that my sister has left me do all the work? Tell her to help me!” The Greek construction of the words makes it clear that Martha anticipated a positive answer to her question. She expected Jesus to come to her aid. She was sure He would send Mary to help in the kitchen.

But in verses 41-42 Jesus responded: “(He) answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful. And Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

The repeated use of Martha’s name indicates a sense of urgency. Jesus repeated the name of Simon (in Luke 22:31), and of Saul (in Acts 9:4). The phrase, “You are careful (anxious) and troubled about many things,” was saying in essence that Martha was disturbed about too many things which were not really important.

The “one thing needful” was something spiritual and eternal in nature, instead of those things that are merely material, physical, and social. Jesus said to Martha, “There is one thing in life worth being seriously concerned about—and that is the relationship of the human soul with God.”

Jesus is saying something like this: “Now Martha, stop and think about life; there are not really many necessary things. You are concerned about a lot of details, but you could live without them if you had to. On the other hand, there is one thing that you just can’t do without—and Mary has found it!”

The “one thing needful” is to take time to worship, and to hear about those things related to “the grace of God that brings salvation” (Titus 2:11).

The longer we live in this life, and the closer we come to the grave—the more we realize the importance of that truth. We can have health and money and lands and prosperity, but those things cannot really be called “needful.” The “many things” which most people are constantly striving for are not really necessities. For when we come to the end of life’s journey—the one thing that will count is whether or not we have accepted God’s offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Martha was feverishly going about many things that day, in order to please and properly entertain the guests who had arrived. Jesus was not especially interested in being fed a sumptuous meal, but was rather interested in reaching open hearts to hear His message of good news!

Martha was active and anxious to serve others. Mary was quiet and contemplative. Jesus did not condemn Martha for attempting to provide a good meal for her company—and neither did He praise Mary for her indifference toward the work of helping to prepare the meal. Jesus will not criticize a woman for keeping a neat house, nor will He especially bless a woman who sits around all day at His feet and does nothing else!

Martha could have prepared a less lavish feast, and Mary could have offered to help Martha—but the point is this: There must be a balance between a place for the busyness of life, and the need for meditation at Jesus’ feet. We must guard against focusing most of our activity on providing physical comfort, and neglecting the provision of food for the inner person.

Unfortunately, when things get busy, usually the first thing to go is time with the Lord. The programs of the church, and the unending needs of people around us, are so pressing—that reading and hearing the Word of God is sometimes neglected. It is a sin to get caught up with our busy schedules, and fail to take time daily to be alone with God and His Word. Most of us can use a little more Mary and a little less Martha in our lives.

2. The Funeral: the Sickness and Death of Lazarus (John 11:20-32)

Sometime after the event described in Luke 10, Lazarus (the brother in the family) became seriously ill, and his sisters sent word to Jesus, saying, “He whom thou lovest is sick” (John 11:3). And when Jesus had heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was.

Jesus had a special love for the family, and because of His love for this household (John 11:5-6), He delayed going to their home. Jesus knew that Lazarus would be dead when He arrived in Bethany, but He also knew that He was going to do a great miracle. Jesus wanted all who would witness the miracle to know for sure that Lazarus was truly dead, and to be convinced that Jesus (the Son of God) had power over death.

In the warm climate of Palestine, a dead body would decompose rapidly, so the bodies of those who died were often buried the same day as the day of death. Lazarus had been dead four days by the time Jesus arrived. Jesus and His disciples were on the other side of the Jordan River when they received the news about Lazarus. The journey to Bethany meant traveling more than 20 miles (all by walking). The road to Bethany involved climbing from more than 1,000 feet below sea level, to an altitude of 2,700 feet above sea level. It took a long, long day of difficult up-grade walking to get from Jericho to Bethany.

When Jesus arrived, Martha was there to meet Him (verse 20), and she said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died” (verse 21). Jesus said to Martha, “Thy brother shall rise again” (verse 23). Martha responded that she believed in a general resurrection on the last day. But Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (verse 25). Those who live and believe in Jesus will never die spiritually and eternally. Those who serve the Lord will not experience a loss of communion with God, even though the physical body dies.

In John 11, verse 27, Martha said to Jesus, “Yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.” Remember that in Luke 10, which we examined earlier in this article, Martha was best known for being too busy to sit down and talk with Jesus—but here we see Martha as a woman of deep faith. It is likely that Martha (though busy with food preparation) took time to memorize Scripture while she stirred puddings and prepared soups!

Apparently Martha had also taken time to learn from Jesus and to know the basics of the Hebrew faith. Her statement of belief in verse 27 is exactly the response that Jesus wants to hear from all of us! “Yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.” Martha, like Mary, was also a woman with a valid faith and a clear love for God.

Martha went quickly to call Mary, and Mary hurried to meet Jesus, and fell down at His feet, saying just what Martha had said before her, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died” (verse 32). When Jesus saw Mary weeping, He was deeply moved and He also wept (verse 35).

That was followed by the scene at the tomb, when Lazarus came forth at the mere word of Jesus. He was bound hand and foot with grave clothes. Jesus said, “Loose him and let him go”—that is, unwrap the grave clothes and let him go free. Surely there was a happy reunion that evening in the home of Mary and Martha at Bethany.

There are several practical applications gleaned from the lesson:

Lesson 1) We must not let the cares of this world take up too much of our attention, yet Jesus did not rebuke Martha for her zeal and her hard work.

Somebody had to prepare the supper. If Martha would have spent most of her time sitting at the feet of Jesus (like Mary did), Jesus and His disciples would have gone hungry that night. On the other hand, there is always the danger of putting too much emphasis on the busy side of life—which can lead to the neglect of the devotional and contemplative side. Jesus did not condemn Martha, but neither did He condone her activity. The serving was not bad, but she allowed the serving to get her all tensed up.

One writer says, “The Lord wants all of us to imitate Mary in our worship, and to imitate Martha in our work—blessed are those who achieve the balance!”

Lesson 2) Martha’s gift of hospitality is a gift which the Bible says is important. One of the qualifications for spiritual leaders is that they are to be “lovers of hospitality” (Titus 1:8). May God bless all thoughtful, busy, efficient housekeepers like Martha.

Lesson 3) Jesus saw Mary and the other mourners weeping, and He too wept. The words translated “weep” in John 11:33 and 11:35 are two different words.

Mary’s weeping (verse 33) was “a loud crying.” The weeping of Jesus (verse 35) simply means “to shed tears.” The heart of Jesus goes out in deep sympathy to those who know the ache of parting with loved ones at death. Jesus may have wept, however, not so much because Lazarus had died, but because He was going to call Lazarus back from the glories of the eternal world, into this life again—that is, to a life of grief and troubles.

Lesson 4) We notice how different the temperaments of true Christians may be. The two sisters in this lesson were faithful disciples.

  • both had believed that Jesus was the Messiah
  • both loved Jesus
  • both welcomed Jesus into their home

But Martha was active, stirring, and impulsive—speaking out all she felt. Mary, by way of contrast, was quiet, still, contemplative, and had deep inner feelings. Just so, in our congregations today—we must not expect all believers in Christ to be exactly like each other. We must not think that others have not experienced God’s grace, just because their ways of doing things do not tally exactly with ours.

Lesson 5) It seems proper to provide for our families and to attend to the normal duties of life—but we must guard against letting our businesses, our daily callings, our household duties, and our interaction with society around us—become so demanding that our time for Bible reading is abridged, and the time for regular daily periods of family worship is skipped.

Lesson 6) Mary chose the good part, the one thing needful—which is salvation through repentance of sin, faith in Christ—and a commitment to follow Him in obedience.

That is the only thing which is absolutely needful, in order to be prepared for the life to come. Other things may be convenient, and helpful, and desirable, and useful, but there is one thing without which you cannot do—and that is saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus was a home which Jesus graced a number of times with His presence. It was also a home He blessed with His greatest miracle. The little home in Bethany did not escape from the trials and tragedies of life. Martha and Mary and Lazarus dealt with normal anxieties. There was sickness, and death, and grief. The presence of Jesus in the home did not exempt them from these things. But there was also a deep faith: “Yea Lord, you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”

How much is your home like the home described in our lesson? The presence of Jesus in your home will not remove the realities of life—but His presence will help you to live nobly through the crises that come—and to triumph over them! May God send special blessings upon your home in the days (and perhaps years) that may lie ahead.

Mary and Martha Bible Story Study Guide

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mary martha jesus visit

  • M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University
  • B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University

The Bible story of Mary and Martha has confused Christians for centuries. The main lesson of the story places emphasis on giving attention to Jesus over our own busyness. Learn why this simple incident continues to baffle energetic Christians today.

Questions for Reflection

The story of Mary and Martha is one we can return to study again and again in our walk of faith because the lesson is timeless. We all have aspects of Mary and Martha within us. As we read and study the passage, we can reflect on these questions:

  • Do I have my priorities in order?
  • Like Martha, am I worried or anxious about many things, or, like Mary, am I focused on listening to Jesus and spending time in his presence?
  • Have I put devotion to Christ and his word first, or am I more concerned about doing good deeds?

Bible Story Summary

The story of Mary and Martha takes place in Luke 10:38-42 and John 12:2.

Mary and Martha were the sisters Lazarus, the man Jesus raised from the dead. The three siblings were also close friends of Jesus Christ . They lived in a town called Bethany, about two miles from Jerusalem. One day while Jesus and his disciples stopped to visit in their home, a wonderful lesson unfolded. 

Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening intently to his words. Meanwhile, Martha was distracted, working frantically to prepare and serve the meal for her quests.

Frustrated, Martha scolded Jesus, asking him whether he cared that her sister had left her to fix the meal alone. She told Jesus to order Mary to help her with the preparations.

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42, NIV )

Life Lessons From Mary and Martha

For centuries people in the church have puzzled over the Mary and Martha story, knowing that someone has to do the work. The point of this passage, however, is about making Jesus and his word our first priority. Today we come to know Jesus better through prayer , church attendance , and Bible study .

If all 12 apostles and some of the women who supported Jesus' ministry were traveling with him, fixing the meal would have been a major job. Martha, like many hostesses, became anxious over impressing her guests.

Martha has been compared to the Apostle Peter : practical, impulsive, and short-tempered to the point of rebuking the Lord himself. Mary is more like the Apostle John : reflective, loving, and calm.

Even still, Martha was a remarkable woman and deserves considerable credit. It was quite rare in Jesus' day for a woman to manage her own affairs as the head of the household, and especially to invite a man into her home. Welcoming Jesus and his entourage into her house implied the fullest form of hospitality and involved substantial generosity.

Martha appears to be the eldest of the family, and head of the sibling household. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, both sisters played a prominent role in the story and their contrasting personalities are evident in this account as well. Although both were upset and disappointed that Jesus did not arrive before Lazarus died, Martha ran out to meet Jesus as soon as she learned he had entered Bethany, but Mary waited at home. John 11:32 tells us that when Mary did finally go to Jesus, she fell at his feet weeping.

Some of us tend to be more like Mary in our Christian walk, while others resemble Martha. It's likely we have qualities of both within us. We may be inclined at times to let our busy lives of service distract us from spending time with Jesus and listening to his word. It's significant to note, though, that Jesus gently admonished Martha for being " worried and upset ," not for serving. Service is a good thing, but sitting at Jesus' feet is best. We must remember what is most important.

Good works should flow from a Christ-centered life; they do not produce a Christ-centered life. When we give Jesus the attention he deserves, he empowers us to serve others.

Luke 10:41–42 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” ( NLT )

  • Bible Story Summaries (Index)
  • The Raising of Lazarus Bible Story Study Guide
  • All the People Raised From the Dead in the Bible
  • Meet Thaddeus: The Apostle With Many Names
  • Meet Mary Magdalene: Loyal Follower of Jesus
  • Meet Mary: Mother of Jesus
  • Meet Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist
  • Examples of Friendship in the Bible
  • Meet Thomas the Apostle of Jesus Christ
  • What Did Lazarus Experience in Heaven?
  • Introduction to John's Gospel
  • Phileo: Brotherly Love in the Bible
  • What Does the Bible Say About Attending Church?
  • Meet the Apostle John: 'The Disciple Jesus Loved'
  • Peter the Apostle - Member of Jesus' Inner Circle

6 Things to Know about Mary and Martha in the Bible

6 Things to Know about Mary and Martha in the Bible

The names of Mary and Martha are names that many people are familiar with. When Martha is spoken of, she is often scorned for being too busy to sit at Jesus’ feet while Mary is often praised for doing the opposite. Beyond that are there any other things to know about Mary and Martha? In the Bible, two of the most well-known mentions of Mary and Martha are found in the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John. Using these two passages primarily, here are six things to know about Mary and Martha in the Bible.

1. They were loved by Jesus.

"Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus ." – John 11:5

Perhaps the most obvious thing to know about Mary and Martha in the Bible is they were loved by Jesus. We know that Jesus loves everyone because that is his nature. However, there are very few places in Scripture that highlight this level of love on such a personal level. What this tells me is that Jesus had more than just a casual relationship with Mary and Martha. They truly held a special place in his heart. This relationship extended not just to Mary and Martha but also to their brother Lazarus. We see this especially when Lazarus dies and Jesus’ emotional response when he arrives at the tomb of Lazarus. I am not sure how this relationship formed or developed, but we know these people were special to Jesus.

2. They were possibly part of a Jewish sect called the Essenes.

Since Mary and Martha lived in Bethany, it is possible they belonged to a Jewish sect known as the Essenes. One of the hallmarks of this community is their devotion to serving the poor and caring for the sick. Here is a quote from the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies on this place in Bethany.

“Bethany was not far from Jerusalem (there was also a Bethany across the Jordan river). There are many reasons to think it was a very special village. It is likely that this village served as one of the Jewish Essene diaconal centers. These centers were spread throughout the ancient Jewish world. Essenes (a Jewish sect) were known for their commitment to serve the poor and sick.”

It is not far-fetched to believe Mary and Martha were part of this community even though the Bible does not say this explicitly, we can make this assertion from a historical context.

3. They were well respected in the community.

"On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother." – John 11:17-19

It appears from this verse that Mary and Martha and their family were well respected in the Jewish community. Upon news of her brother’s death, the Bible tells us that many Jews had come to comfort them. This could be because they were part of the Essene sect mentioned above and if they weren’t then it’s possible Lazarus was. Either way, many Jews came to comfort them after the death of their brother.

4. We are not sure how old they were.

One thing we don’t know about Mary and Martha in the Bible is how old they were. There is no way of definitively determining their age, but here are some clues that might help get us in the ballpark. In the mentions of Mary and Martha in the Bible, there is no mention of husbands or children. In the Jewish culture of that day women were often married during their teenage years. Also because of the way the culture was designed, it was rare in those days for a woman to be unmarried. This can lead to a few conclusions. They may have been widowed or if they did indeed belong to the Essene sect, then they could have taken a vow of celibacy which was part of the practice of this group.

It is also safe to assume that Lazarus was their younger brother which could be why they were so concerned when he got sick and died. Had they been much older and Lazarus much older I wonder if there would have been that same sense of urgency.

5. They were possibly women of financial means.

If Mary and Martha did not belong to the Essene sect, then it is possible they were women of financial means. There are two things we know about Mary and Martha in the Bible that could lead to this conclusion.

The first one is the dinner given to Jesus in his honor. "Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." – John 12:1-3

At this dinner, Mary opens an expensive bottle of perfume which was worth one year’s wages. Estimates say this perfume was worth three hundred denarii and considering that a typical day laborer worked for one denarius per day, this was a very expensive perfume. A perfume that expensive was either gifted to Mary or she purchased it. If she purchased it, that could point to the financial viability Mary and Martha possessed.

The second is when Jesus visits their home. "As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him." – Luke 10:38

As I mentioned earlier this is the one story most people know about Mary and Martha in the Bible. It is in this passage in Luke where Martha is serving, and Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus. How then does this potentially speak to their financial position? Simply the fact that Martha was able to host Jesus and his disciples in her home can speak to the size of her home and her ability to provide food for a group of this size. I am not trying to say Mary and Martha were rich and loaded, I am simply looking at the evidence and drawing out some possibilities.

On a side note, Martha was likely the older of the two sisters because when we talk about Mary and Martha in the Bible, Martha is usually mentioned first. Also, when Jesus went to visit them, the Bible says he went to visit the home of Martha, not Mary. It appears that Martha owned the home and her younger sister Mary lived with her. 

6. Martha was a woman of great faith.

We often give Martha a hard time because of the incident in Luke 10 . But when you compare that story to another mention of Mary and Martha in the Bible, what you see is that Martha had a real gift of hospitality. What we often don’t recognize is that Martha also had great faith and was sure of who Jesus was. Let’s go back to John 11 and I want you to pay attention to this exchange between Martha and Jesus.

When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.

"Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” – John 11:20-27

Look at all the points of faith and belief Martha speaks. She was confident in Jesus’ ability to heal her brother and even though he was dead she was confident he could raise him from the dead. She fully believed in the resurrection of the dead and the hope of eternal life. Finally, she made a confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. I know Martha gets a lot of grief, but clearly, she was a woman of great faith.

When you think about Mary and Martha, we should acknowledge both of these women for their great faith. They were both committed to the cause of Christ; they were both loved by Jesus, and they were both true believers. These women were friends of Jesus and should be celebrated because clearly, they held a special place in his heart.

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Mary and Martha

  • Mary Ann Beavis

In the Gospels, the sisters Mary and Martha are mentioned only in Luke and John, but they figure prominently in many early and medieval Christian traditions.

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Did You Know?

  • Mary and Martha are identified as “loved” by Jesus in John 11:5.
  • Luke doesn’t say that Martha was doing housework.
  • In the Western church, Mary of Bethany was confused with Mary Magdalene.
  • Mary and Martha are the original “apostles to the apostles.”
  • Mary of Bethany is the woman who anointed Jesus.
  • In early Christian writings and artifacts, Mary and Martha are portrayed at the cross and at the empty tomb.
  • Martha was portrayed as a dragon-tamer in medieval legend.
  • Mary and Martha are among the holy myrrh-bearing women in the Orthodox Church.

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Mary and Martha are not frequently mentioned in the New Testament, but their names are well known. The most famous story about them appears in Luke 10:38-42, but they also figure prominently in John 11:1-12:8 and in many postbiblical traditions. Although contemporary understandings of their significance to the early church have been eclipsed by the scholarly preoccupation with Mary Magdalene, they were highly revered by ancient Christians, and their role in the Gospels and beyond is starting to be recognized.

Who are Mary and Martha in the Bible?

Luke 10:38-42 portrays Jesus visiting the house of Martha (compare John 12:1, which has the meeting take place at the house of Lazarus, who is not mentioned in Luke’s story). Her sister, Mary, sits at Jesus’ feet listening to him. Martha, “distracted by her many tasks,” asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her. Jesus replies: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42).

When most people read this story, they often imagine a harried housewife complaining about her lazy sister. Jesus’ gentle rebuke reminds his audience to attend to what’s important—his presence. However, Martha is not shown doing housework, and Jesus doesn’t specify what the “one thing…the better part” is. Rather, Martha is a householder who hosts Jesus; she is engaged in much “work” or, better, “service” (Greek: diakonian ). By contrast, Luke depicts Mary as a disciple sitting at Jesus’ feet. Both women are engaged in different aspects of ministry, or ways of following Jesus and his teachings. The story illustrates how householders should treat visiting teachers. Mary Stromer Hanson observes that it isn’t even clear that Mary is in the house with Martha and Jesus; possibly, Martha’s complaint is that Mary’s discipleship has taken her away from home.

John 11:1-12:8 also features the sisters. Here, they are located in Bethany, and the story revolves around Jesus’ raising of their brother, Lazarus, from the dead. We are told that Jesus loved all three siblings (John 11:5), the only people mentioned by name in the Gospel as being loved by Jesus. Both women figure significantly in the story: Martha confesses that Jesus is the Messiah (John 11:27), and Mary’s tears prompt Jesus to raise Lazarus (John 11:28-44). In gratitude, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume at a banquet where “Martha served” (John 12:2). Here, Judas criticizes her for wasting money, but Jesus commends her. All four Gospels contain stories of a woman who anoints Jesus; only John names her as Mary of Bethany.

Who are Mary and Martha in Christian Tradition?

The sisters appear in many postbiblical traditions. Early Christians often interpreted Luke 10:38-42 as depicting active (Martha) and contemplative (Mary) vocations. Some later texts and artifacts depict the sisters at the cross and resurrection. The first usage of the title “apostle to the apostles” (third century) refers to Martha and Mary, not to Mary Magdalene. This tradition endures in the Orthodox icon of the holy myrrh-bearing women, including Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdalene.

The gospels name only one Martha, but multiple Marys: Mary of Nazareth (Jesus’ mother), Mary of Bethany (Martha’s sister), and Mary Magdalene. Because of their similar names, early Christians sometimes confused Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany. Contemporary scholars have perpetuated the confusion by identifying the Mary mentioned in some ancient texts (such as the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas ) as Mary Magdalene. However, in these texts, Mary is often not called “Magdalene”; she appears with Martha, she poses at Jesus’ feet; she is criticized by a disciple; she is defended by Jesus or a disciple; and she is a beloved disciple, commended by Jesus. That is, the woman called simply “Mary” is portrayed more like Mary of Bethany than Mary Magdalene. These texts portray Mary in many roles, from the woman who receives special revelations to miracle-working missionary and Eucharistic minister (see Beavis 2013).

Because the gospels mention so many women named Mary—and it’s hard to know which one is which—later Christians tended to conflate or compress them all into a single figure. Eastern Christians resisted this conflation, traditionally regarding the two Marys as distinct saints. In the West, however, Pope Gregory the Great pronounced, in the sixth century, that the “sinner” Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50) was Mary Magdalene rather than Mary of Bethany. A popular medieval French legend spread this idea, portraying Martha, Mary Magdalene, and Lazarus as missionaries to southern France, where Mary preached and performed miracles and Martha saved the village of Tarascon from a dragon, taming it with a cross and holy water. Many Christians—especially in France—continue to believe that Mary and Martha are buried in France, far from their native Bethany.


  • Beavis, Mary Ann. “Mary of Bethany and the Hermeneutics of Remembrance.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 75 (2013): 739-55.
  • Beavis, Mary Ann. “Reconsidering Mary of Bethany.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2012): 281-97.
  • Peters, Diane E. The Many Faces of Martha of Bethany . Ottawa: Novalis, 2008.
  • Hanson, Mary Stromer. The New Perspective on Mary and Martha . Eugene, Ore.: Wipf & Stock, 2013.

Mary Ann Beavis

Mary Ann Beavis is professor of religion and culture at St. Thomas More College, the University of Saskatchewan. She is the author of many articles and several books, most recently a commentary on the Gospel of Mark (Baker, 2012).

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Women In The Bible

Martha & Mary Gospel Women

  • 1st century Palestine

Jesus visits Martha & Mary

House plan of a well-to-do family in 1st century Jerusalem; the house of Martha and Mary was probably smaller, but built along a similar plan

House plan of a well-to-do family in 1st century Jerusalem; the house of Martha and Mary would have been smaller, but built along a similar plan

Martha and Mary were two sisters who offered hospitality to Jesus and the people traveling with him.

They had a brother, Lazarus. The three young people were friends of Jesus. They behaved with him in a natural way, speaking openly about what they thought. Jesus, who was quite capable of overwhelming people with his presence, was informal and easy in their company.

This was important for a man like Jesus. People who are held in high esteem, as Jesus was, are often isolated , even though they are at the center of the crowd. Luke 10:38-42

Leonardo da Vinci captures this isolation in his painting of The Last Supper (below): Jesus is sitting in the middle of a table with his friends all around him, but he seems alone , as those dearest to him lean away from him, separating themselves from him as they will do later, when he is arrested and faces death.

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci

Who were Martha and Mary?

We know little about the background of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.

  • They may have been well-to-do orphans who had the management of their own lives, since there is no mention of their parents. Moreover the eldest of the three, Martha, appeared to be in control of the household .

mary martha jesus visit

Read what modern writers say about Martha & Mary

  • They appeared to have no occupation . But Mary could afford to buy a very expensive perfume called nard . It was a special gift, not an everyday item, but it showed they were people of means .
  • None of the three appeared to be married . This was unusual in Jewish society, where people were usually married before the age of 20.

Two sisters, Martha and Mary

  • In any case, they seem to have been young, comparatively well-off, independent, and intelligent .

A meal with Jesus

The first story about them happened in a town near Jericho , which is between Galilee, where Jesus came from, and Jerusalem , where he died.

Jesus visited their house. Martha prepared food for the guests; Mary sat and listened to Jesus.

What did they eat?

The main meal was taken in the evening. It might consist of a lentil stew seasoned with herbs like cumin or coriander. It was served with cheese made from sheep or goats’ milk, olives, onions and bread.  Fruits included fresh figs and melon, as well as dried pomegranates and dates – dried fruits were a staple item in the Middle East. Wine, water, and curdled milk similar to liquid yogurt accompanied the meal. An Ancient Kitchen: What People Ate

‘Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying.

MARTHA AND MARY: BIBLE WOMEN: FAYUM PORTRAIT - Coffin portrait of a Middle Eastern woman, 1st century AD

But the Lord answered her “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her”.’ Read Luke 10:38-42

The two women obviously had complementary personalities – this is common in families.

  • Martha was a doer , a capable young woman who organized and ran a fairly large household.
  • Mary was a thinker , interested in ideas.

Martha objected to the fact that she had to work while Mary sat and listened. Jesus said that Mary had made the better choice.

What’s the meaning of this story?

  • Mary ‘sat and listened’ . This was the usual posture of a disciple of any teacher in the ancient world. But disciples were usually male, so Mary must have been quietly breaking the rule that reserved study for males, not females .
  • Her sister Martha was not merely asking for help. She was demanding that Mary keep to the traditional way of behaving.
  • Jesus had previously encouraged the idea of service among his followers, so he did not say that Martha’s role of service was unimportant. This would have gone against all his other teaching. What he did say was that being a disciple, and learning about the ideas he was explaining, was even more important.

See this scene at Bible Paintings of Martha and Mary ‘. Martha is in a well-stocked 16th century kitchen, and is remonstrating with her sister Mary. They have a lot of guests – can’t Mary come and help with the preparations of food? Mary hardly hears her sister, so focused is she on the face and words of Jesus.’

Lazarus dies. Martha & Mary turn to Jesus.

Jesus with Martha and Mary, Bible women. Painting by He Qi

Jesus with Martha and Mary, Bible women. Painting by He Qi.

John 11:1-44 A second story about Martha and Mary happened in the town of Bethany, a small town near Jerusalem but separated from it by the Kidron Valley (see map of Jesus’ visits to Jerusalem ). It was about three kilometers east of the city, a comfortable walk for people at that time.

Lazarus was very ill, so Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus, asking him to come. Jesus received the message, but put off coming for two days. In the meantime, Lazarus died of his illness.

The house went into mourning. As was the custom, a continual stream of friends and relatives came to comfort Martha and Mary, and to mourn for Lazarus.

There were strict rules about what could and could not be done after a death in the family. After the funeral,

  • the family of the dead person stayed at home for seven days , sitting barefoot on the floor or on a low bench
  • they did not wash themselves or their clothes, or do any work.
  • they did not cook , but were given food by relatives. (See ‘ Major Events in Women’s Lives ‘ for further information on death and burial in ancient Jewish culture.)

What happened when Jesus arrived?

When Jesus eventually arrived, Lazarus had already been buried in the tomb for four days.

Present-day interior of the tomb said to have belonged to Lazarus

Present-day interior of the tomb said to have belonged to Lazarus

The length of time, four days, is important . It means that the custom of inspecting the body three days after burial, to make sure that the person was dead, had already been carried out.

So Lazarus was not merely unconscious, as modern skeptics suggest . This point is driven home by Martha in verse 39, when she described the stench of the rotting body.

As Jesus approached, Martha went out to meet him on the road. She reproached him for being so long in coming.

‘When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, while Mary stayed at home.

Martha said to Jesus “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him”. Jesus said to her “Your brother will rise again”. Martha said to him “I know he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day”.

Jesus said to her “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

She said to him “Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world”.’ (Read John 11:20-27 )

Van Gogh's extraordinary painting of the resurrection of Lazarus

Van Gogh’s extraordinary painting of the resurrection of Lazarus

Distraught, Martha reproached Jesus for being absent when he was needed. Modern interpretations of the New Testament assume that women at that time were down-trodden and docile, but there is no sign of it in this story.

But then as Martha continued talking, she named Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. This is the central moment of the story.

Martha said the same words that the apostle Peter said in Mark 8:29. On the strength of these words, Peter went on to become the first leader of the Christian community.

The writer of John’s gospel suggests that Martha had an equal right to authority, because she had an equal understanding of who Jesus was.

Why is this story so important?

John inserted the story into his gospel to stifle the argument that was raging in the Christian community. Since the day of Pentecost, when the Christian church began, women had been acting as deacons, preaching about Jesus and presiding over eucharistic meals .

But opposition had arisen because this did not mirror the position that women held in society at the time. By telling the stories about Martha and Mary, John showed that Jesus treated women as the equal of men, and implied that Christian practice should do the same .

Rembrandt's 'The Raising of Lazarus'

Rembrandt’s ‘The Raising of Lazarus’

After speaking with Jesus, Martha called Mary. Mary ran to Jesus, weeping with terrible grief, and Jesus was deeply upset by the sight of her pain.

Jesus went to the tomb, had the stone taken away from its entrance, prayed, and then called loudly to Lazarus. Lazarus appeared, alive, still wrapped in the linen strips of cloth used to cover his corpse.

Many Jews believed in Jesus after witnessing this event.

Note: The term ‘the Jews’ is used in several ways in the gospels.

  • In the story you have just read, John meant ‘the Jewish friends and relatives of the family’ . Remember that Jesus and the people he knew were Jewish.
  • At other times, when John spoke of ‘the Jews’, he meant any people with closed minds . People like this can be found anywhere.
  • John was writing for a community of Jews who had moved away from traditional Judaism, so his portrayal of traditional Jews often reflected the dislike this breakaway community felt for those who did not share their faith in Jesus.

Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus

John 12:1-8 In the last year of his ministry, Jesus again visited his friends at Bethany, just prior to going into Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover.

Topographic map of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside

A topographic map of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside, showing the route Jesus would have taken on his way south-eastwards from Jerusalem to Bethany. Go to MAPS to see Jerusalem and Judea at the time of Jesus.

This was the week before his death. All his friends knew that Jesus was in grave danger. They did not want him to go anywhere near Jerusalem (see John 11:8 and 11:16). The house at Bethany was a safe place, a refuge.

Martha, Mary and Lazarus gave a dinner for Jesus and the people with him.

In was the custom when guests arrived for dinner to give them a refreshing foot bath. Then they either sat at a table, or lay propped up on couches surrounding a central food table.

1st century table pots and plates, excavated in Israel

1st century table pots and plates, excavated in Israel

People always ate from a communal platter, which contained the main dish. There might be small side dishes. It was essential to wash themselves before eating, because they ate with their fingers from the one plate – knives and forks were not used, and food was scooped up with a piece of bread ( see John 13:26 ).

Depending on the circumstances, women and men might share a meal, sitting together. Because they prepared the food, women also brought the food to the table, as Martha did in this story. Martha served at the meal.

‘Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him.

Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.’ Read John 11:1-4

Why is the anointing with oil so important?

The story of the dinner, as told by John, is set on a Sunday evening, when members of the early Christian communities met to share a eucharistic celebration.

Martha and Mary, Bible women: Roman perfume bottles

Roman perfume bottles

This was no accident. John, writing circa 100AD, used several levels of meaning in the story.

  • At the first level, Martha ‘served’ at the meal .
  • But on a second level of meaning Martha was acting as a deacon at a eucharistic celebration . The word ‘served’ in Greek was diakonein ; it was the term used for deacons in the early Christian church. This word was used in both stories about Martha and Mary, in Luke’s and John’s gospels.

During the meal, Mary took a container of oil of nard (oil extracted from a balsam tree), broke it, and anointed Jesus’ feet with the expensive perfume. Then she wiped his feet with her hair .

Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus' feet with nard, and expensive perfume

Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus’ feet with nard, an expensive perfume

Anointing with oil has always had deep religious significance.

  • Even today it is performed at the coronation of a monarch .
  • In the Jewish world, it was a symbolic action which announced that the person anointed was especially favored by God .
  • In the Old Testament, prophets anointed future kings , for example, Samuel anointed the future King David.

When Mary anointed Jesus, she may have been anointing him as a king, the Messiah – Mark’s gospel hinted at this when it said that what she had done would always be remembered (Mark 14:3-0).

Judas objects

The apostle Judas, a close friend of Jesus , objected to the waste of money. He reasoned that the money should be given to people in need – and of course he had a point.

Judas was particularly aware of the value of money because he was the organizer of the group who traveled with Jesus, in charge of the money that they carried with them . He paid for food and lodging from the contributions that wealthy supporters gave Jesus.

In a bitter aside written long after Jesus’ death, the writer of John’s gospel suggests that Judas was not honest in this task .

How did Jesus respond to Mary’s action?

But Jesus defended Mary’s apparent extravagance. He knew he was in great danger , and that the path he meant to take might end in a terrible death.

Being fully human he could not see into the future – this is one of the great mysteries of Christian faith about which theologians ponder. He was both fully human like us and so could not know the future, but he was also God and thus all-knowing .

In any event, Jesus knew the probable consequences of the actions he planned . He had many enemies who would bring him down if they could.

Mary also knew the danger that Jesus was in, and that he faced an ominous future.

She offered her gift as a comfort and a reassurance to him, and perhaps as something more. She believed he was the Messiah, and the nard was her anointing oil.

Two Middle Eastern sisters

Main ideas in Martha’s & Mary’s story

Ancient perfume bottle which may once have held nard, the perfume used by Mary to anoint Jesus

Ancient perfume bottle which may once have held nard

  • The truth of the Resurrection. Stories about Martha, Mary and Lazarus suggest that women’s testimony should be given equal weight with men’s . This was vitally important in the Christian story, since the first witnesses to the Resurrection had been women. Could they be trusted?

Names in this story

Martha means ‘lady of the house’. Mary means ‘wise woman’ or ‘lady’; it is a Greek form of the Hebrew Miriam or Mariam. It was a popular name at the time of Jesus, perhaps because of the beautiful young Jewish princess Mariamme, married to King Herod the Great and murdered by him on a false charge of infidelity. Naming your child Mary or Miriam was a not-too-subtle protest against King Herod and what he had done. Lazarus means ‘God has given help’

The story in brief  

1  Jesus visits Martha and Mary Martha and Mary offer hospitality to their friend Jesus of Nazareth, a controversial rabbi from Galilee. Mary sits and listens to him as he talks, but Martha objects to the fact that she is left with all the work. Jesus tells Martha to decide what is really important. See Luke 10:38-42

2  Their brother Lazarus is terribly ill, dying. In desperation Martha and Mary send for Jesus. He delays coming, and Lazarus dies. When Jesus arrives, both sisters reproach him for not coming sooner. But Martha also makes an extraordinary statement of faith in Jesus. In response, Jesus goes to the tomb, prays, and calls to Lazarus. Lazarus comes out, alive, from the tomb.

See John 11:1-44

3  Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus Martha, Mary and Lazarus give a dinner for Jesus. During the dinner, Mary anoints Jesus with expensive nard perfume . Judas objects to her extravagance, but Jesus defends her.    The crucifixion happens just a few days later. See John 12:1-8

Bible Study Resource, Martha and Mary, New Testament Women: Two Sisters, friends and disciples of Jesus

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Martha & Mary – the gospel text

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Martha & Mary – their world

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The New Testament mentions Martha, a disciple of Jesus, three times (Luke 10:38–42; John 11:1–44; 12:2). Her actions, statements, and profession of faith reveal a remarkable woman who grows into her role as one of Jesus’s most devoted followers.

mary martha jesus visit

This mid-17th-century painting by the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer depicts Jesus’s visit to the home of Martha and Mary, as described in Luke 10:38–42. Image in the public domain, by Google Art Project.

Based on Luke 8:1–3, Martha is arguably one of the women of means who supported Jesus and the Twelve, his co-traveling, male disciples. She, her brother, and sister illustrate the concept of hospitality demonstrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37). Later, while experiencing her brother’s sudden illness and death and her keen disappointment regarding Jesus’s prolonged absence, Martha declares that Jesus is the Son of God (John 11:27).

Her interactions with Jesus provide added insights on his character. They show a woman of independent thought and bold assertions, one meriting study and shaping theology.

Hospitality (Luke 10:38–42)

The scene is Bethany, a two-mile walk east from Jerusalem. In the last year of his ministry, Jesus left Galilee and relocated to Judea. An entourage accompanied this itinerant preacher.

“Martha opened her home to him” (Luke 10:38) (italics added). Perhaps Martha was a widow with a large compound able to accommodate many guests.

It was unusual that siblings lived together; none seemed eager to marry. The family, especially the sisters who entertained a single man, broke the rules (Camille 2007:44–45).

Jesus chooses to “hang out” with this trio (Honeycutt 2019:10). He loves Martha, Mary, and Lazarus (John 11:5). Among them, he sheds the stress of his ministry’s long hours and its harassment from religious authorities.

Displaying an eclectic schedule, Jesus shows up, perhaps unexpectedly. Traditional norms of hospitality (established already in Genesis 18) demanded that guests—in this case, Jesus and the dozen or more who accompanied him—be fed, protected, honored, and housed.

Martha starts cooking. But Mary sits at Jesus’s feet, enthralled (Luke10:39). Listening to him teach, Mary ignores any responsibility for food preparation as well as traditional norms of gender separation. Jesus does not send her away.

Meanwhile, Martha’s irritation rises. Interrupting Jesus, she demands, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” (v. 40).

Martha ruins her own dinner party! She forces her honored guest to arbitrate a seemingly ongoing squabble: sibling household duties.

However, Jesus makes it a brilliant teaching moment. He acknowledges Martha’s service to him and others but names a detracting habit: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things” (v. 41).

Jesus then recognizes Mary’s different service: listening. He surprisingly states Mary has chosen “what is better.” Adjudicating Martha’s demand, he decides Mary’s choice “will not be taken away from her” (v. 42).

Jesus thus re-organizes traditional biblical hospitality around himself. Hospitality now includes service to him by doing and listening.

He thereby continued his pattern of changing established traditions. Earlier, he had re-ordered the family around himself, declaring that whoever does God’s will is “my brother, and sister, and mother” (Mark 3:31–35); and, likewise, the Sabbath, declaring “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8).

However, Jesus’s teaching contains this sincere compliment: Jesus wants Martha’s company more than he wants her splendid meal.

It is also important to note that the doubling of Martha’s name (v. 41)—“Martha, Martha…”—presents interesting canonical parallels. Name repetition, a biblical rarity, denotes emphasis and a divine encounter. Consider, for example, God’s call to Abraham not to lay a hand on Isaac (Genesis 22:11), the call to Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3:4), and Jesus’s appearance to Saul on the Damascus road (Acts 9:4).

Faith (John 11:1–44)

Martha’s second appearance verifies her importance. Often called the “Raising of Lazarus” the John passage is better seen as conversations between Jesus and his disciples and, individually, with Martha and Mary (Blessing 2002:399).

Through the sisters’ message, Jesus learns that Lazarus, “the one you love” (John 11:3), is ill. Obviously, Jesus will come quickly! But Jesus delays. The sisters must have watched the road ceaselessly, listening acutely.

Lazarus worsens, dies, and is buried. Jesus remains silent, absent, and mysterious.

Jesus arrives during the mourning period. He stops outside Bethany. Martha hurries to him. Foregoing a greeting, she says—bluntly and perhaps accusingly—“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (v. 21).

Jesus answers Martha, likewise, directly: “Your brother will rise again” (v. 23). Thinking eschatologically, Martha parrots a prevailing principle, that “he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day” (v. 24). However, Jesus speaks prophetically about what will happen shortly at Lazarus’s tomb.

He honors Martha with one of his seven “I am” statements, “I am the resurrection and the life,” and challenges her, “Do you believe this?” (vv. 25–26).

His directness, piercing through her bewilderment and hurt, necessitates a response.

Without hesitation, Martha answers: “Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world” (v. 27).

Martha’s four-fold confession of faith ranks alongside Peter’s confession (Matthew 16:16; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20).

Returning home, Martha tells Mary that “the Teacher” (evidently the sisters’ pet name for Jesus) asks for her. Going quickly to him, Mary repeats Martha’s words but her mannerisms differ. She greets Jesus by kneeling and weeping (John 11:28–29, 32).

With Martha, Jesus was no-nonsense, channeling her grief by focusing her attention on himself. With Mary, deeply moved, he weeps (vv. 33–35).

Onlookers accompany them to the tomb. Riveting every eye, Jesus commands that the stone be taken away. The ever-practical Martha states the obvious: “By this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days” (vv. 38–39).

All stare at the darkened cave. Jesus shouts: “Lazarus, come out!” (v. 43).

And he does!

In one of scripture’s most remarkable events, a shrouded form hobbles forth. No doubt all are astonished, speechless. Jesus breaks the silence by recognizing the obvious: bound Lazarus cannot loose himself. Jesus commands, “…let him go” (v. 44).

Resolution (John 12:2)

Shortly thereafter, in scripture’s final mention of the trio, a smell different from death but associated with burial occurs. Six days before Passover, Martha serves at a dinner in Jesus’s honor. Lazarus reclines at the table with Jesus. Mary takes nard and opens it; a sweet smell fills the house. Mary pours it on Jesus’s feet and wipes them with her hair (John 12:2–3).

The scene shows growth by its silence. Martha busies herself with serving; she offers no comment when Mary serves Jesus differently. Hospitality issues seem resolved.

However, Mary again receives criticism, this time from Judas Iscariot. Jesus again defends her, praising her extravagant gift as “perfume for the day of my burial.” The next day, Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph and to acclaim (John 12:4–8, 12).

Scripture heavily documents Jesus’s last week. Jesus celebrates Passover on Thursday with his disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem . Afterward they go to the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:7–46).

Perhaps Jesus was scheduled to return to Bethany. One can picture Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, their compound aglow with oil lamps, waiting at the gate, watching the Jerusalem road.

Jesus never comes. He is seized, taken to the high priest’s house, tried before the council of elders, sent to Pilate then Herod, and sentenced by Pilate . On Friday morning he is crucified and dies that afternoon (Luke 22:47–23:49).

The sibling trio are not mentioned at the cross, the tomb, or later after the resurrection as among the 120 who were praying (Acts 1:12–14). What happened?

Perhaps when learning of Jesus’s sentence, they fled, hearing that the chief priests desired to kill Lazarus (John 12:9–11).

Early church lore says they were captured and put in a leaking boat without oars. The boat made it either to Cyprus or Gaul. One account says Lazarus became Bishop of Cyprus and died, peacefully, 30 years later (“St Lazarus,” 1956:IV:576). His feast day is December 17.

According to another account, Martha evangelized Tarasçon (in modern day southern France), where relics associated with her were enclosed in a shrine (“St Martha,” 1956:III:205). Her feast day is July 29. Early church thinking merges Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalen into one person. Mary Magdalen’s feast day is July 22 (“St Mary Magdalen,” 1956:III:161).

Kamila Blessing, “John,” in The IVP Women’s Bible Commentary , C.K. Kroeger & M.J. Evans, eds. (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 2002), pp. 584–605.

A. Camille, “Catfights of Biblical Proportions,” US Catholic 72.7 (2007), pp. 43–45.

F.G. Honeycutt, “Jesus Wept—but Why? The Savior in a House of Affliction,” Christian Century 136.13 (2019), pp. 10–12.

“St Lazarus,” Butler’s Lives of the Saints , Volume IV (New York: P.J. Kenedy, 1956), pp. 576–577.

“St Martha,” Butler’s Lives of the Saints , Volume III (New York: P.J. Kenedy, 1956), pp. 205–206.

“St Mary Magdalen,” Butler’s Lives of the Saints , Volume III (New York: P.J. Kenedy, 1956), pp. 161–163.


Dr. Robin Gallaher Branch serves as an adjunct professor at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee, and in a research capacity at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, where she did her Fulbright Fellowship in 2002–2003. She is the author of numerous academic articles and two books, Six Biblical Plays for Contemporary Audiences (Cascade 2016) and Jeroboam’s Wife: The Enduring Contributions of the Old Testament’s Least-Known Women (Wipf & Stock 2018).

Read more by Dr. Robin Gallaher Branch about women in the Bible:

Deborah in the Bible
Judith: A Remarkable Heroine
Judith: A Remarkable Heroine, Part 2
Anna in the Bible
Tabitha in the Bible

This article was first published on Bible History Daily on June 21, 2021.

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1 Responses

Yet another example of the ‘experts’ misreading a scripture passage without understanding the times. Bethany was the ‘house of the poor’ and hence established by the Essenes as a village of, what today we would call, almshouses. After Lazarus died the mourners not only included the local women, but also the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem (John 12:19) [unfortunately most translations misrepresent the language of John]. Now! would you expect the members of the Government to come and mourn you? Of course not, unless you are an important person in your community. Lazarus was the most important person in the village. He was their Torah teacher. Jesus is referred to as the Teacher by Martha. A typical phrase of ultimate honour in the Essene community. This passage needs further study to get the full meaning.

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  • Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

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The story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) also puts generosity in the context of love for God. Martha works to prepare dinner, while Mary sits and listens to Jesus. Martha asks Jesus to rebuke her sister for not helping, but instead Jesus commends Mary. Regrettably, this story has often suffered from dubious interpretations, with Martha becoming the poster child for all that is wrong with the life of busyness and distraction, or what the Medieval Church called the active or working life of Martha, which was permitted but inferior to the perfect life of contemplation or the monastery. But the story must be read against the backdrop of Luke’s Gospel as a whole, where the work of hospitality (a vital form of generosity in the ancient Near East) is one of the chief signs of the in-breaking of God’s kingdom. [1]

Mary and Martha are not enemies but sisters. Two sisters squabbling about household duties cannot reasonably be construed as a battle of incompatible modes of life. Martha’s generous service is not minimized by Jesus, but her worries show that her service needs to be grounded in Mary’s kind of love for him. Together, the sisters embody the truth that generosity and love of God are intertwined realities. Martha performs the kind of generosity Jesus commends in Luke 14:12-14, for he is someone who cannot pay her back in kind. By sitting at Jesus’ feet, Mary shows that all our service ought to be grounded in a lively personal relationship with him. Following Christ means becoming like Martha and Mary. Be generous and love God. These are mutually reinforcing, as is the two sisters’ relationship with each other.

See Brendan Byrne, The Hospitality of God: A Reading of Luke’s Gospel (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000).

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Contributors: Aaron Kuecker Adopted by the Theology of Work Project Board April 26, 2011. Image by fancycrave1 / Pixabay . Used with Permission .

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Catechist's Journey

Disciples of Hospitality: Martha and Mary

Julianne Stanz Discipleship

"Hospitality is who we are as the people of Christ." -Julianne Stanz - quote next to image of Martha and Mary with Jesus

In the Gospel of Luke, we hear the story of Jesus’ visit to two sisters, Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38–42). Martha and Mary are presented in contrasting ways, but are they two sides of the same coin? Let’s take a look by exploring their story and its implications from a discipleship perspective.

Martha welcomes Jesus into her home. Martha’s sister Mary seats herself at the feet of Jesus to listen to him speak. Martha, who had been “distracted by her many tasks” (Luke 10:40) goes into the room where Jesus is speaking and demands that Jesus tell Mary to help her! But instead of doing as Martha asks, Jesus reminds her that she is worried and distracted by many things, but “there is need of only one thing.” (10:42). Mary had chosen the better place to be, with him.

This short story holds three lessons for all who are striving to be missionary disciples .

1. Set the stage for an encounter with Jesus through hospitality.

While many authors focus on the interaction that took place at Martha’s house, the opening lines of this story are incredibly significant from a discipleship perspective. Martha, with great boldness and generosity, throws open the doors of her home to Jesus. Martha and Mary’s encounter with Jesus would not have been possible without her hospitality. This is an important lesson for us: hospitality always sets the stage for an encounter with Jesus Christ. This is especially true of parish hospitality. Unfortunately, hospitality has become synonymous with coffee and donuts after Mass or relegated to a committee such as the stewardship committee or the hospitality committee. Not only has this mindset absolved us of the need to go out of our comfort zone to welcome others, but it also reinforces the mindset that hospitality is something only certain people do. Hospitality is who we are as the people of Christ. Martha reminds us that it is the responsibility of every person to help facilitate encounters with Jesus through generous living.

2. Be bold in prayer.

A striking element of this story is Martha’s attitude in addressing Jesus. Clearly frustrated with her sister’s lack of support in the kitchen, she speaks to Jesus with boldness and in fact, issues him a command: “‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.’” (Luke 10:40) While we may think that Martha was out-of-line in her tone and approach, Scripture reminds us that “we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in [Jesus Christ].” (Ephesians 3:12) We can approach God our Father in our prayers with the same spirit of boldness and confidence, although knowing that his will be done, not ours.

3. Dwell in the Word.

In life and in ministry, there will always be distractions and much to do. But we are human “be-ings” and not human “do-ings” for good reason. Martha, in her desire to make sure that everything was prepared and ready, forgets that the most important thing is to be present to Jesus. The greatest gift we have been given is Jesus’ presence in Sacred Scripture and the Blessed Sacrament. We can often forget that when we are busy with our various ministries. As disciples, one of the best ways to be nourished and strengthened is through Scripture. The Word is welcomed, not as a human word but the Word of God. It is God’s intended gift to us that gives us the strength to arise each day. Being nourished by the Word gives us the strength to focus and set aside distractions so that we can hear the voice of God in our daily lives.

At one time or another, we have all been a bit of a Martha in our walk of discipleship. The popular expression “missing the forest for the trees” is a good reminder to slow down and to set aside all other distractions so to be truly present to every person we meet.

What lessons of discipleship do you take from Martha and Mary?

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Mary and Martha Bible Study Lesson

Are you read to dive into a short but impactful Mary and Martha Bible study lesson ?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to find ourselves mirrored in Martha’s image: diligent, hardworking, and oftentimes, stretched thin.

We strive to serve, to meet expectations, and to fulfill our duties, all noble pursuits.

Yet, in the midst of our busyness, the gentle story of Mary and Martha whispers a profound truth into our hearts—a reminder of what truly matters.

The Story of Mary and Martha in the Bible Summary

The story of Mary and Martha, beautifully captured in the Gospel of Luke 10:38-42, offers a profound lesson on finding balance between service and devotion, especially relevant for us as Christian women navigating the demands of faith, family, and sometimes even our own ministries.

This account takes place during Jesus’ visit to the home of Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus, in the village of Bethany.

While Martha busily attends to the duties of hosting, ensuring every detail of hospitality is perfect for her revered guest, her sister Mary takes a different approach.

Mary chooses to sit at Jesus’ feet, soaking in His teachings and presence, an act that defies the era’s cultural expectations and emphasizes her desire for spiritual over material fulfillment.

Frustrated by her sister’s lack of help, Martha turns to Jesus, hoping He will encourage Mary to assist her. However, Jesus’ response is both gentle and revealing.

He acknowledges Martha’s efforts and concern but points out that her priorities may be misplaced. He praises Mary’s decision to prioritize spiritual nourishment, stating, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

This affirmation by Jesus highlights the importance He places on being spiritually fed and the necessity of putting our relationship with Him first.

The encounter between Jesus, Mary, and Martha shines a light on the delicate dance between actively serving and quietly sitting at the Lord’s feet.

While both aspects are essential to our faith, Jesus’ words remind us of the supreme value of spiritual attentiveness and the importance of choosing the better part—time spent in His presence.

For us as women of faith, this story is a tender nudge to examine our own lives. It calls us to strive for balance, ensuring that our service and ministry flow from a well-nourished relationship with Christ.

It’s a beautiful reminder that in our busy lives, filled with noble tasks and responsibilities, we must not overlook the vital need for quiet moments with God, where our souls are refreshed and our faith deepened.

Mary and Martha Study Mockup

Bible Study – Mary and Martha

To study the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible, you can focus on several key passages in Luke and John:

Mary and Martha Welcome Jesus:

Luke 10:38-42: This passage introduces Mary and Martha as they welcome Jesus into their home. Martha busies herself with the preparations, while Mary chooses to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His teachings. Martha’s complaint to Jesus about Mary not helping and Jesus’ response highlight the importance of prioritizing spiritual nourishment.

Martha’s Faith in Jesus:

John 11:1-27: This segment of the story focuses on the death of Lazarus, Mary and Martha’s brother. When Jesus arrives in Bethany after Lazarus has died, Martha expresses her deep faith in Jesus’ power, even in the face of her brother’s death. Her declaration that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, underscores her profound faith and understanding.

The Raising of Lazarus:

John 11:28-44: After Martha’s confession of faith, Mary meets Jesus and leads Him to Lazarus’s tomb, where Jesus performs one of His most remarkable miracles by raising Lazarus from the dead. This event solidifies the sisters’ faith and showcases Jesus’ power over life and death.

Mary Anoints Jesus:

John 12:1-8: In this account, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and wipes His feet with her hair, an act of devotion and worship. This event occurs in their home in Bethany, shortly before the Passover and Jesus’ crucifixion. Martha is mentioned as serving the meal, consistent with her character as a diligent hostess.

Mary and Martha Bible Study Lesson

Reflection Questions for Esther Bible Study

Here are some insightful study and reflection questions to help you better understand the story of Mary and Martha

  • What cultural and historical contexts surround Luke 10:38-42, and how do these contexts influence our interpretation of Martha’s and Mary’s actions?
  • What is Jesus’ reaction to Martha’s complaint about Mary? What does His reply reveal about His expectations for His followers?
  • When Jesus mentions, “Mary has chosen what is better,” what is He referring to? How can we apply this principle to our own lives today?
  • Reflect on your current spiritual habits. Do they align more with Martha’s active service or Mary’s attentive listening to Jesus? How can you find a more balanced approach?
  • Looking back on the past week, identify moments when you leaned more towards Martha’s side, caught up in distraction and worry. How can you consciously create more moments to be fully present with God?

Mary and Martha Study Worksheets Mockup

Download (free) the list of Bible passages and the study/reflection questions so you can keep them handy during your Bible Study time.

If you’d like to take a deeper dive into her story, be sure to checkout my full Mary and Martha Bible Study Journal and Workbook !

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  • Esther Bible Study Lesson

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The Story of Mary and Martha: 6 Inspiring Lessons

The story of Mary and Martha in the Bible is a true tale of two sisters who passionately loved Jesus.

I have frequently studied both of these women throughout the past few years and each time I study the story of Mary and Martha I learn something new!

At the time of this writing about the story of Mary and Martha, I am also teaching Bible lessons about Mary of Bethany to 12-year-olds in our local school.

Oh my goodness I have some scripture treasure to share with you about the time when Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus and she poured very expensive perfume all over His feet!

But I am getting ahead of our life-transforming story of Mary and Martha. Keep reading to discover the lessons we learn from Mary and Martha in the Bible.

The Story of Mary and Martha in the Bible

How did Jesus know Mary and Martha?

Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus lived together in Bethany, which is a small town in Judea just two miles from Jerusalem, on the eastern slopes of the Mount of Olives.

It is thought that they may have been wealthy and lived in a large home – big enough to accommodate Jesus and His disciples.

There is no mention of husbands or parents, so it is assumed that they lived independently and that Martha was probably the older sibling in charge of running the household.

We read the story of Mary and Martha multiple times in the Gospels and we will take a more detailed look at these scriptures below.

The story of Mary and Martha reveals a beautiful picture of what it would have looked like to be a passionate follower of Jesus back in Biblical times.

The Gospel of John reveals how close a friendship Jesus had with Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus.

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” John 11:5 ESV.

Jesus did not favor a man over a woman or a woman over a man. The culture at this time was for the women to serve at home and the men were the ones that were expected to learn from the Rabbi.

We will be discussing the familiar dialogue that Martha had with Jesus when she asked Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her serve instead of sitting at Jesus’ feet hanging on to every single word that He spoke.

We will also be studying the story of Mary and Martha where Mary poured very expensive perfume over the feet of Jesus.

Can you imagine being in the presence of Jesus and being so comfortable with Him that you can tell Jesus to reprimand a sister or to be at ease to sit at the feet of Jesus and not just pour perfume over His feet but to dry them with your hair?

The story of Mary and Martha, and Lazarus does indeed show us that they had a glorious friendship with Jesus!

buildings-the story of mary and martha

Lessons from the Story of Mary and Martha

In the story of Mary and Martha, we learn that Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet.

“ Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.

But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:38-42 .

What stood out to you when you first read this scripture about the story of Mary and Martha?

I get giddy every time I read these Bible verses!

Can you imagine speaking to Jesus like that about your sister?

Take note that scripture states that Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet. This is the posture usually taken by men who wish to learn from the Rabbi.

It was the culture at this time for the men to sit at the feet of the Rabbi to learn and it was unusual for a woman to be invited to do that too.

Lessons from Martha in The Bible

What can we learn from Martha in the Bible?

So we have Martha rushing about preparing a meal for her guests (which takes a lot of effort and time) and where was her sister Mary?

Mary was eagerly sitting at the feet of Jesus listening and learning all that He was teaching.

Well, poor Martha just got very frustrated. Maybe she was feeling a little overwhelmed by the work that needed to be done to take care of her guests or maybe she was frustrated at not being able to take the time to sit and listen to the words of Jesus.

I know that I would want to be preparing a fantastic meal for Jesus but I would also want to be sitting at His feet gleaning all that He had to teach me.

In another portion of scripture, further down in this post, we will see how Martha’s faith grew great and expectant in Jesus when He comes to her home after Lazarus dies.

lavendar on a table-the story of Mary and Martha

4 Lessons We Learn from Martha

In the story of Mary and Martha, here are four lessons we learn from Martha.

1. Go straight to Jesus with your problem.

When Martha demanded that Jesus tell her sister to come and help her, He said,

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.”

I wonder if Martha was embarrassed by what Jesus said to her. Did she realize that she was missing out by being too busy serving instead of using that time to sit and listen to Jesus?

I wonder if you and I sometimes get our priorities wrong and get too busy serving when we need to sit still in God’s presence and be instructed by Him.

2. Come boldly and confidently in the Lord’s presence.

Did you notice that Martha was very comfortable confronting Jesus with her problem?

Martha is so comfortable and confident in Jesus’ presence that she can say to Him exactly how she feels and doesn’t have to hide her frustration.

We need to learn from Martha. We can cultivate a relationship with Jesus that is so solid and intimate that we can boldly come into the throne of grace of God’s presence anytime and all the time without fear and wanting to hide from Him.

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 ESV.

3. Seek God’s peace.

Martha learns that very important ‘one thing’ that Jesus wants for all of us. Jesus teaches Martha that the most important thing in life is to seek His presence.

We need to have a close and intimate relationship with Him.

When we get that ‘one thing’ right then everything else will fall into place .

When we seek God first we gain God’s grace and wisdom for the task before us. And most importantly we will have God’s peace in the middle of whatever busy season that we are in.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work”. 2 Corinthians 9:8.

4. Activate your faith muscle just like Martha

In another portion of scripture, after Lazarus dies, we see Martha express extraordinary faith in Jesus as the Son of God.

In Luke chapter 11, we read about Mary and Martha sending urgent word to Jesus that Lazarus was very sick. Jesus delayed coming to see them and Lazarus died.

“Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died, and for your sake, I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” John 11:14-15.

Jesus had a plan – a good plan. It was an unexpected plan that caused much delight and much controversy all at the same time!

The religious leaders were not happy that Jesus was gaining so much attention and they did not recognize Him as the Son of God.

Let’s read how the drama unfolds:

“Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles off, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother.

So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.

Martha said to Jesus, “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.

Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”

John 11:17-27.

Wow! What a statement of faith from Martha!

We see Martha running to meet Jesus as soon as she hears that He is near.

Maybe she was complaining a little bit that Jesus had not come straight away (verse 21) but look at what she said in verse 22, “But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.”

Martha’s faith is shining for all of us to see.

Do you know how the story of Lazarus ends?

“Then Jesus deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.”

Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, “Lord, by this time there will be an odor, for he has been dead four days.” Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”

So they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that you sent me.”

When he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

John 11:38-44.

Martha’s faith may have wavered for a moment in verse 39 but Jesus reassures her and her brother is brought back to life!

Did you notice the transformation in Martha?

When we first met Martha she was busy preparing her home and food for her guests.

This was a noble thing to do but for that exact time in her life, it was more important to be sitting at the feet of Jesus and to be refreshed in His presence.

Martha did the right thing in coming straight to Jesus to present all her problems to Him and to look to Him to give the perfect answer to her problem. But the answer that she received was not the one she was expecting.

Jesus told Martha ‘the one thing’ that was most important was to sit in His presence.

We now catch up with Martha when Jesus comes to resurrect Lazarus and we see the transformation in Martha. She is full of expectant faith.

Are you full of expectant faith, that God will work His miracles in your life?

Martha wasn’t perfect but she obviously worked hard in pursuing the presence of Jesus and now we see how her faith muscle grew!

We don’t have to be perfect either . We need to cultivate a heart that desires to beat louder and stronger for Jesus.

We need to seek His presence above everything else and enjoy His sweet fellowship.

Then you and I will be ready and refreshed to do the work God has called and created us to do.

Lessons from Mary in the Bible

What can we learn from Mary in the Bible?

We have already discussed how Martha was very good at taking care of her household and guests. Martha did what was expected of her culture at that time. It was Mary who stepped outside of the cultural expectations.

Mary was not supposed to be sitting at the feet of Jesus with the men. She would have been expected to be helping Martha with the preparation of food in the kitchen.

Women of that time were kept very busy. They would have been busy grinding grain for bread, then mixing, kneading, and baking it. Then they would also be responsible for drawing water for all the day’s requirements.

They would also be busy mending and washing clothes and all the other daily chores that contribute to a thriving family.

I am so thankful for all the modern-day conveniences that we have!

The point is that women were extremely busy and the tasks could easily become overwhelming.

Where do we find Mary when her household is busy with important guests?

Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening very carefully to everything that He teaches.

Please note that Jesus respects the work that needs to be done in the household and encourages us to serve others.

But the most important thing to do is the ‘ one thing ‘ that Mary did and that is seeking the presence of Jesus.

2 Lessons We Learn from Mary

In the story of Mary and Martha here are two lessons we learn from Mary.

1. Seek God’s presence first.

The first important lesson from the story of Mary and Marta is to seek God’s presence and to listen well as He speaks to us.

Mary wasn’t concerned that she was breaking the cultural rules of her time. She was bold making sure that she had a place to sit and listen to Jesus, just like the men were doing.

The fact that Mary dared to break this cultural role in society shows that she was very hungry to hear all that Jesus was teaching. Also, take heed of the fact that Jesus defended Mary when Martha complained that she was not helping her.

Jesus said that Mary had chosen the right thing. Jesus longs for you and me to take time throughout our busy daily lives to sit at His feet and soak in His presence .

So join me in being hungry for the Lord’s presence and seeking Him first.

2. Be devoted to Jesus and listen for Him to speak to you.

When Mary sat at Jesus’ feet she was devoted to Him and listened to His words carefully.

How do I know this to be true?

We read in John 12:1-8,

“Six days before the Passover, Jesus, therefore, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So they gave a dinner for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at the table.

Mary, therefore, took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair.

The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?”

He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and had charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it.

Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. For the poor, you always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

I mentioned earlier that I had some scripture treasure to share about Mary.

Here it is: It’s all about a very expensive bottle of perfume!

It is thought that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were independently wealthy . This may account for the fact that Mary had a very expensive bottle of perfume that was worth a year’s wages.

This perfume was made of pure nard, a fragrance imported from India. The nard was kept in an Alabaster jar a form of marble.

Alabaster jars were intricately crafted and sealed so that to open the jar, the owner would have to break it, and the perfumes or oils would have to be used immediately.

This meant that Mary could only use this expensive nard once. Mary was wise and listened carefully to all that Jesus had been teaching.

Jesus was not popular with the religious leaders at this time. They actually were plotting to kill Jesus. Jesus had been preparing the disciples for His imminent arrest and crucifixion but they hadn’t quite grasped that this would happen soon.

But then we have Mary who had been listening to all that Jesus had been teaching and in an act of devotion, she ministered to Jesus by pouring out this expensive nard all over His feet.

In these Ancient times, nard or Spikenard was used in preparing a body for burial. This very expensive nard was usually reserved for the burial of Kings and the upper classes. So it was very fitting to be used to anoint the feet of the King of Kings!

So you can see that Mary loved, trusted , and believed every word that Jesus spoke and that was how she was able to take the opportunity to bless the Lord.

How can you and I bless the Lord ?

The answer is surprisingly simple. God wants us to spend time in His presence. After all, that is why Jesus went to the cross.

Due to our sins, we could not enter the Holy Presence of God and so God made a way for us. He bridged the gap between our sin and His holiness through the death of His Son, Jesus on the cross.

We just have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died, paying the price for our sin, and rose again three days later.

hands-the story of Mary and Martha

Are you a Mary or a Martha?

That is an unfair question to ask.

I believe  the story of Mary and Martha teaches us that we need to be both a Mary and a Martha. We need to keep our priorities in the right order.

No matter how busy our lives are, we need to seek God first in everything that we do and then get busy with the million and one tasks that need urgent attention.

When you seek God’s presence, you become refreshed and when you are listening to His voice you will receive His battle plan for your day.

The beauty of practicing the presence of God is that you can do it all the time throughout your day. It is wise to set apart a specific time in your day to read and study scripture and pray but you can consciously chat with God and invite Him into everything that you do.

I hope you have enjoyed learning these lessons from the story of Mary and Martha. I know that these two awesome women have left their imprint on my life!

Karen O’Reilly is the creator and designer of Scriptural Grace which offers products, bible studies, and bible reading plans. Karen also contributed to the devotional Life Changing Stories.

mary martha jesus visit

Karen OReilly

Karen O'Reilly is the creator and designer of Scriptural Grace ( . She is living in the southeast of Ireland. She designs products using scripture that will encourage you as you live an intentional Christ-centered life. Karen is passionate about scripture and writes about growing your faith through Bible studies and Bible reading plans. Click to order her Strong Woman in the Bible study! ( )


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I love how you suggest we need to be both a Mary and a Martha. Martha gets such a bad rap! Thank you for this encouraging and thorough post. It is so well-written and thoughtful. Blessings to you!

mary martha jesus visit

So glad you were blessed by Karen’s story of Mary and Martha. Blessings to you and Happy Easter!

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God bless you. well done. praying

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Thank you for unpacking and make it easy to understand the importance role of Martha and Mary . I’m so blessed ?, God bless you too ?

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HI Karen. Great post! I like the stories of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It is through them we seem some emotions of Jesus. “He wept.” And, I think I am more of a Mary than a Martha. LOL!

Jodi, Thanks for reading Karen’s story of Mary and Marhta. I agree seeing emotions through Jesus is very touching. Many blessings and Happy Easter!

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thank for the thoughtful lessons

Thank you for reading and many blessings!

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Very great revelation, new insight and a good lesson to me I love this,God bless you,,thank you

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Thank you for the thoughtful words in your writing.

Thank you for reading and I am blessed by your words of encouragement!

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thanks I have learned alot

Thank you for reading and I am blessed it was helpful!

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God Richly Bless You. More Grace and Oil to continue with the great job.

thank you for reading and commenting, blessings!

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I love how you wrote this story and broke it down so anyone could understand it. I am happy you explained that we can be both Mary and Martha, seeking Gods presence is most important than anything.

I am so thankful you found Karen’s words encouraging! I love that we can be both a Mary and a Martha too. Many blessings!

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This is so insightful and lifting…using these thoughts through the help of the Holy Spirit for our women’s week….more Grace mam

I am grateful you found Karen’s words encouraging! Many blessings!

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what a blessing to have read and learned a lot in the lives of these two women. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and fresh insights! God bless the work of your hands.

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I can’t help finding the story of Martha and Mary a little bit funny, I just keep imagining the look that must of been on Mary’s face when sitting at the feet of Jesus, knowing that her sister Martha wanted her to help with the food etc, I’m sure Mary gave Martha a look as if to say “I’m sorry sister, but I’m not giving up this prime position at the feet of Jesus for any reason” I don’t blame her, and it seems Martha should of had the same priority as Mary, and I doubt anyone that was there that day in the presence of Jesus would expect Martha to miss out on what Jesus was teaching them, I’m sure they too were fixated on Jesus just like Mary was, and weren’t too worried about getting served a meal. Was Martha older ? Maybe Martha felt she didn’t have a choice but to serve and prepare the food etc, because that was her role, to think that Jesus is sitting in your house and your the only person who can’t sit and talk to him because you feel you have a responsibility to prepare and serve food is also a little sad when you think about it, Jesus explained it best (obviously) when he basically said “Martha, you need to get your priorities straight” I’m sure Jesus didn’t need Martha to serve him food, he was there to serve her something more important than food. Mary wasn’t expected to give up her prime position at the feet of Jesus to a man, and Martha wasn’t expected to serve food alone while everyone else sat and spoke with Jesus, not expected by Jesus anyway, and his expectations are the only ones to be concerned about.

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I don’t think it is fair to judge Martha. I strongly believed her best strength controlled her which was “hospitality”. Jesus was a visitor, hence, it is dutiful to get busy with something to prepare for him to eat. Moreover, he was not conscious of the importance of the visit and how iconic it is, that was where Mary edged her by placing her priorities right(Discernment). Summarily, both were good examples to look up to. Both were not perfect. Both demonstrated intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ. My humble opinion!

[…] Bible has changed my life through the stories and hope found in its words. When feeling lost and unable to find comfort, I open the Bible and […]

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This so much helped me to understand why Jesus often wen to Bethany… I have always known that each one of us needs deep friends and a place to be free and relax…

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As a Martha, named for my paternal grandmother, I have been drawn to this telling of Jesus’ visit to Mary and Martha’s home. Your guiding thoughts have opened the door to a deeper understanding. Thank you.

[…] show made me wonder who was Mary Magdalene. Why is she mentioned in all four gospels when women were not particularly esteemed in Bible times? What was her relationship with Jesus? What can we learn from […]

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I share the same perspective. We are called to notice when we are too much of being a Martha and not a Mary. Maintaining a balance would be critical in our journey as believers.

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Am blessed , and have to set my priorities right. More wisdom of God in Jesus name.

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The Story of Mary and Martha

How did Jesus know Mary, Martha, and Lazarus? Mary and Martha (and their brother Lazarus) were some of Jesus’ closest friends.  John 11:5 tells us “ Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus .”  The story of Mary and Martha gives us amazing insight into their personalities and teaches us some important lessons.

The Story of Mary and Martha- Mary, Martha and Jesus in a home setting- portrait by J Vermeer

This family believed Jesus was the Messiah and saw Him bring their brother back to life. Jesus spent some of his last days on earth in their comfortable home.  I wanted to write a blog post on sisters, and these two women caught my eye. 

Jesus Visits Mary and Martha

 We get this story from the Gospel of Luke:

Mary and Martha Scripture

“ Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42. NKJV.

What jumps out at you from this conversation?  

I haven’t studied this story extensively, so my first reaction is Wow! That takes a lot of nerve to get snappy with the Messiah when you’re having a tiff with your sis!

But I get it, Martha. I’ve been on the receiving end of doing the lion’s share of the kitchen work while others sit around. It doesn’t seem fair.

Martha’s complaint seems legitimate. Maybe Martha had already asked Mary to help, and she ignored her.  (We’ll never know.)

Either way, there are great lessons to learn from these sisters.

Martha of the Bible

“Martha opened her home to him.” V 38.

Mary and Martha lived in the small village of Bethany; just a couple of miles east of Jerusalem.  Martha was the one who graciously invites her dear friend Jesus and His disciples into her home.

There was no “calling ahead”, so I assume they just showed up on her doorstep! Martha’s gift of hospitality shows what a giving person she was.

What did Martha do in the Bible?   

This story takes place at the home of Martha, which makes her the head of the household.  It is also large enough to accommodate the large group of Jesus and his disciples for lodging, and she had enough food to feed them all. This hints at some degree of affluence. 

Some believe Martha was the older sister, and perhaps she was used to being “in charge.” (I’m an older sister… we sometimes have a reputation!)

The story of Martha shows her courageous side by having a close friendship with Jesus and housing Him.  It was dangerous to associate too closely with Him, as the authorities were trying to find a way to kill Jesus. ( John 7: 25-32)

She was willing to face the consequences, however, and let everyone know of her devotion to Him.

She was also very busy serving this day.

“Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. ” v40a.

Jesus was teaching and speaking to the gathered group. Meanwhile, Martha was busy making sure her guests were comfortable and well fed.

We should commend her for her gift of service in seeing to the needs of others.  Domestic work would have been the norm for women in her time.  She was simply doing the good works expected of her.

Martha and Mary

Martha’s sister Mary, who instead of helping her with the domestic chores was sitting  “at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. ” v39.

Martha, possibly hot and tired from cooking and cleaning, went to Jesus and said , “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?  Tell her to help me!”  v40b.

Apparently, Martha was so comfortable with Jesus that she has no problem venting her frustration. She didn’t ask Jesus what His opinion was, she boldly told him what to do!  We could kindly call her behavior outspoken and straightforward.

Martha wanted Mary to behave in the traditional woman’s role of Biblical times.  It was unthinkable for a woman to sit at a rabbi’s feet and listen to him teach.  Girls stayed in the home, illiterate, while the boys went to school. 

Women could only congregate in the Women’s Court of the Temple, nowhere near the men. So for Mary to plop down at Jesus’s feet and listen to his teaching among a group of men was remarkable!

The Story of Mary and Martha- table setting with flowers in vase

Mary of Bethany

We see very little of this Mary in the Bible. A common question that comes up  is Mary and Martha the same as Mary Magdalene? 

This Mary shouldn’t be confused with Mary Magdalene. On the occasions we do see her, Mary of Bethany is always in the same place- at the feet of Jesus.

Mary at the Feet of Jesus

•Luke mentions her as sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His Word.

•When Jesus returns to their home after her brother Lazarus died, she went to Jesus and  “fell at his feet.”  (John 11:32).

•Just six days before the Passover, Mary was present at a dinner given in Jesus’ honor.  Again, with Martha serving (!), Mary took an expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet:

“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”  John 12:3.

Pure nard was expensive and the amount Mary used was worth a year’s wages. It was a beautiful picture of her devotion.

Mary seems to have a deeply spiritual side. She is willing to forego the traditions of the day to learn all she could of Jesus’ teaching.  (For all we know, she may have even encouraged Martha to join her!)

She fell at His feet for comfort when she was in deep grief.

She showed her deep love, reverence, and worship of Jesus by honoring Him with an expensive gift of perfume.

Why did Jesus say Martha, Martha?

“Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and   Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” vv41-42(NKJV)  

Jesus’ gentle rebuke was said with a calming, tender patience. It upset Martha that something she considered of utmost importance- preparing food and caring for Jesus and His disciples- was left solely up to her.

Mary, however, prioritized listening to Jesus over domestic chores.  Jesus was ignoring the traditional role of women and encouraging Mary’s desire to listen and learn.

He didn’t say that Martha’s service was unimportant.  Jesus made it clear that service to others is an important part of His ministry.

But He wanted Martha to realize two important truths. First, being His disciple and learning about His teachings were the most important thing.  All other things are secondary.

Second, Jesus gently reminds her she was  “worried and upset about many things .”  Martha’s activity as a superb hostess caused her anxiety, hard feelings towards her sister, and an outburst towards Jesus.

Had she calmly gone to Jesus with her dilemma, He would have advised her and helped her work it out. This was a much-needed lesson for me!

Philippians 4:6- verse on white background with dark pink print with pink flowering scroll on edges

Lessons from Mary and Martha

Martha vs mary.

There is much written about the “battle of the sisters” in this story. Many can sympathize with poor Martha!

 I would like to think it is not about a battle or rivalry, but a look into two personalities that are both valuable and full of God-honoring purpose.

Consider these two Bible verses:

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”   Romans 12:13.

“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”  1 Peter 4:9.

Clearly, Martha had the gift of hospitality.  It does not come naturally to all, and it may not have been Mary’s strong suite.

And these two:

“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. ’” Luke 4:4 NKJV

“The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”   John 6:63 NKJV.

I’d love to add an exclamation point to that verse from the Gospel of John, but it’s not in the text!♥

Mary made the right choice–listening to the life-giving words of Jesus.  Mary was not being lazy.  She simply was prioritizing correctly at that point in time.

What Can W e Learn from Mary and Martha?

We probably all have a bit of both Mary and Martha inside of us.

•Our priorities, however, matter.  It is essential that we make time to sit at the feet of Jesus!

•Do not let our busy lives and acts of service get in the way of spending time in His Word.

•Anxiety doesn’t solve problems; Jesus does.

•Acts of service/hospitality are a mark of discipleship.  But they should come from a heart overflowing with Jesus’ love which we develop by studying His Word.  Fill up, listen and learn, and grow strong in His Word.

The story of Mary and Martha shows us two women who Jesus loved dearly.  But He would rather have you sitting at His feet while He  feeds you  before you go out in the world to preform acts of service in His name. 

May we see from this story He desires the worship of Mary and the work of Martha in the correct balance!

Blessings of Balance!

All Scripture is taken from the NIV unless specified otherwise.

Photo Credits: Johannes Vermeer, Pixabay

4 thoughts on “The Story of Mary and Martha”

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Hi, really enjoyed this, but could you make it printable so I can share it with non computer people?

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Absolutely! Thanks so much for sharing! I put it in a word document. Let me know if this link doesn’t work for you. I copied it into mine and it worked, but that doesn’t always mean anything! 🙂

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The thing that struck me recently with this story is the fact that Martha went to Jesus. This is what we should do when we are troubled by something. When we go to Jesus as described here, we allow his wisdom and teaching to correct our misconceptions. Martha is a great example of taking our worries or difficulties to the Lord. She could have stewed and stayed in her frustrations. Yet because she went to him and explained herself, he is able to teach and lead her to a better way. Sitting at Jesus’ feet is where she wanted to be. Free from feeling great about being the “hostess with the mostess” Mary is free to be and do as she pleases, to sit at the masters feet on complete adoration

I agree! We shouldn’t forget this- just because we are frustrated or angry doesn’t mean we can’t go to Jesus for help. It’s the best step for us to take! Love the lessons from this story. Thanks for reading and the insightful comment.

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JESUS VISITS MARY AND MARTHA – LUKE 10:38-42 (Teen Bible lesson)

by truewaykids | Jul 15, 2022 | NT TEEN , TEEN | 0 comments

Jesus visits Mary and Martha - printable Bible lesson for teen - LUKE 10:38-42

In this lesson, we will learn about Jesus’ visit to Mary and Martha, shown to us in Luke 10:38-42. This lesson relates to pre-teens and teens, and by the end of this lesson, they should have learnt about the following: 

  • It is a blessing to be able to serve.
  • It is also a blessing to be able to rest and listen.
  • It is okay to share our frustrations with Jesus.
  • We should do what God wants us to do.

BIBLE PASSAGE:   Luke 10:38-42

MEMORY VERSE: “but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:42


mary martha jesus visit


Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus were some of Jesus’ closest friends. John 11:5 tells us that Jesus loved them.

Martha and Mary were sisters living in Bethany. A town located about 2 miles on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Jesus had just finished teaching the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) and now arrived with His disciples to Mary and Martha’s house.

We are unsure if they were expecting a visit or if it was a surprise to open the door and find Jesus there. What we do see in the passage are two different reactions by the two sisters.

Jesus visited these sisters and taught them about spiritual matters. In Jesus’ day, most rabbis would not teach women, but Jesus valued them.


1. WE ARE CALLED TO SERVE (Luke 10:38)

How would you react if you opened your front door and Jesus stood there with twelve disciples? How about if the pastor of your church turned up with twelve deacons? Would you welcome them in? Lead them into the garden, then run inside to tidy up? Make some excuse? Invite them to the local coffee shop for a chat?

Hospitality is a blessing. The Bible has a lot to say about it. 1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” Hebrews 13:2 even says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

Martha was able to give Jesus and those with Him a place to rest and recharge while also giving others a place where they could listen and learn from Jesus.

Hospitality is something we can all put into practice. Hospitality does not mean we have to throw a fantastic dinner party. The Bible’s view of hospitality is much simpler. It means giving people a warm welcome. It is all about sharing the love that God has shown us. What does this look like? We can invite a new person in our youth group to a social event with our friends. We can stay to chat when your parents ask another family around for dinner. We can serve others and their needs.

As we see in our Bible reading, it can sometimes be challenging. But it is a blessing to follow Jesus’ example and serve others.


We are told that while Martha was working, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His teaching. While Martha was troubled about many things, Mary had “chosen the good portion.” Martha had welcomed Jesus into her home, but Mary welcomed Him into her heart.

In a hustle culture, we can be tempted to measure someone’s worth by how busy they are and by how much they accomplish. We celebrate a full schedule.

We are certainly not to be lazy, but we must be careful that our noble desires don’t leave us with no time to be still in God’s presence and hear His word. 

It is easy for us to fall into the trap of doing much for Jesus (serving in kids ministries, cleaning the church, helping at a homeless shelter and so on) and neglect to spend time in prayer, fellowship and reading the Bible.

God calls us to service and equally calls us to rest, remember the Sabbath, seek Him, pray and study Scripture.


Imagine the scene in our reading. Over a dozen guests turn up at your house. You quickly begin to prepare the room. Move things off the sofa, bring out the spare chairs, run to the kitchen and think up a meal using what you have in your cupboards. You being to cook, serve the guests drinks and refreshments. You pull out the extra dishes and wash them. The list goes on.

Do you think it could be stressful? Do you think it could also be satisfying?

Then, in your busyness, you notice your sister is sitting down and chatting with the guests. You’re running around, and she is doing ‘nothing’.

It is easy for us to understand Martha’s frustration. How often have we felt the same? Martha, worn out from cooking and cleaning, went to Jesus and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” v4.

Do you think it was okay for her to question Jesus? Martha was comfortable in taking the problem to Jesus. Often, we take our frustration out in the wrong places. We post about them on social media. We yell at the innocent waiter in the restaurant. We complain to our friends when we should be taking them to Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t rebuke Martha. He listens to her, cares and points her on a better path. (Luke 10:41-42). Jesus reminds Martha and us that our relationship with Him should be our greatest concern. When we get that right, we begin to get our other priorities right.


Martha’s frustration begins with comparing what she is doing with Mary. It is so easy to get discontented when we compare ourselves to others. The danger is both ways. We look online at someone’s profile, see their happy family, dream holiday, new toys, perfect smile and feel our lives are worth less. By contrast, we see someone who seems lazy, or someone living on the street or fighting addiction and begin devaluing that person.

Comparison is dangerous because we never see the whole story. Comparison doesn’t change anything; it only creates envy or resentment.

2 Corinthians 10:12 warns, “Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.”

Martha could have served Jesus and the disciples joyfully, but she allowed her sister’s actions to steal the joy of her worship and replace it with worry and upset. We should focus less on what others are doing (or not doing) and concentrate on doing what God calls us to do.


In life, it can feel like we need always to be working, studying in school, serving in church, and following friends and family commitments. It can be exhausting and overwhelming. It is too easy for us to get wrapped up in everything we need to do. Our top priority must be spending time with Jesus and doing what He wants us to do.



Fill a tray full of non-breakable items.

  • Give the player a tray and time them to cross to the other side of the room and back.
  • They should hold the tray like a waiter.
  • Either time the player or split into teams and make it a relay race.
  • If any items are dropped, they must either stop and replace them on the tray or have a time delay.


  • Create two zones, A and B.
  • Name two things such as food, drink, hobby, movie etc
  • Each child should then walk to which they think is better.
  • For example: What sport is better A) Running B) Swimming
  • Remind them how Mary chose what was better.


  • Use sticky notes to write daily tasks.
  • Next have a group discussion to arrange the tasks by priority.
  • Are there things missing from the board? Are there things that should be removed to make time for more important things?

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Jesus visits Mary and Martha - True or False worksheet for teens

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mary martha jesus visit

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    Jesus had just finished teaching the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) and now arrived with His disciples to Mary and Martha's house. We are unsure if they were expecting a visit or if it was a surprise to open the door and find Jesus there. What we do see in the passage are two different reactions by the two sisters.