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Cómo es el tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas

  • por Cata Contreras

Ruinas de Palenque.

Te cuento cómo es y qué incluye el tour a la Zona Arqueológica de Palenque y las cascadas de Agua Azul y Misol-Há desde San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Palenque es una de los zonas arqueológicas más importantes de México y uno de los principales atractivos de Chiapas .

Se encuentra a cerca de 220 km de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Sin embargo, el camino es largo y lleno de curvas y topes , por lo que suele tomar más de 5 horas.

Algo que debes saber es que este trayecto puede ser peligroso, especialmente de noche, por lo que es mejor contratar una excursión para visitar la Zona Arqueológica en forma más segura.

Los guías de las excursiones se organizan para ir y volver en caravana , además ellos conocen los caminos y saben en qué lugares es mejor no parar.

Además de Palenque, los tours suelen incluir la visita a las cascadas de Agua Azul y Misol-Ha .

A continuación te cuento cómo fue la experiencia de hacer este tour, qué incluye, qué no incluye y algunos consejos para tu viaje.


Algunos links de este artículo son enlaces de afiliados . Esto quiere decir, que si compras a través de ellos, ganaré un porcentaje que no tiene costo para ti y que me ayudará a continuar con este proyecto.

1. Datos clave del tour

  • Contraté el tour a Agua Azul, Misol-Ha y Palenque a través de Civitatis.
  • Incluye traslados; guía; entradas para Agua Azul, Misol-Ha y Palenque; tour corto en Palenque.
  • No incluye comidas.
  • El tour comienza a las 4 de la mañana y finaliza en el pueblo de Palenque (recomendado) o en San Cristóbal de las Casas, según tu elección.
  • El regreso a tu hospedaje en San Cristóbal de las Casas es a alrededor de las 11 de la noche .
  • Si decides quedarte en Palenque, puedes llevar tu equipaje en el vehículo del tour, sin costo extra. Te recomiendo avisarle a la agencia para que consideren el espacio.
  • El tour no es accesible en silla de ruedas .
  • Tiene cancelación gratuita hasta 24 horas antes de iniciada la actividad.

2. Recogida y comienzo del tour

Furgón del tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Me pasaron a buscar a mi hospedaje a eso de las 4 de la mañana y emprendimos el largo camino a Palenque.

El tour se realiza en furgones blancos , los cuales resultan bastante cómodos y se veían en muy buen estado.

  • TAMBIÉN TE PUEDE INTERESAR: Guía para viajar a San Cristóbal de las Casas

3. Desayuno en El Ranchito

Desayuno del tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas.

La primera parada la hicimos a cerca de 2 horas de San Cristóbal de las Casas, en el Restaurante Familiar El Ranchito.

En este sitio venden desayuno buffet a 95 MXN [4,6 USD] (precio noviembre 2021).

4. Cascadas de Agua Azul

Tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas: Cascadas de Agua Azul.

A cerca de 1 hora y media del lugar en el que tomamos desayuno, hicimos la segunda parada, esta vez en las Cascadas de Agua Azul.

Se trata de un conjunto de saltos de agua de gran belleza, en donde me sorprendió mucho el color del agua: de un tono celeste claro.

En el recinto hay varios miradores , además de restaurantes, puestos de recuerdos, comida, jugos y servicios higiénicos .

Está permitido el baño en un sector cerca de la primera cascada. El agua es fría, pero creo que vale la pena darse un baño para refrescarse.

5. Cascada de Misol-Ha

Tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas: Cascada Misol-Ha.

Luego de 1 hora más de viaje, hicimos una parada en Misol-Ha, una bonita cascada de más de 30 metros de altura .

En este sitio hay un camino por el que se puede llegar detrás de la cascada, desde donde se puede apreciar la fuerza con que cae el agua.

En Misol-Ha está permitido bañarse , pero NO es nada recomendable , ya que la poza alcanza una profundidad de 25 metros y el agua cae con mucha fuerza, así que el riesgo de tener un accidente es muy grande.

6. Almuerzo en Restaurante Picaflor

Almuerzo buffet en El Picaflor, Chiapas.

La siguiente parada fue en el Restaurante Picaflor, a 40 minutos de Palenque, en donde comimos un rico almuerzo buffet por 200 MXN [10 USD] (precio noviembre 2021).

  • TAMBIÉN TE PUEDE INTERESAR: Consejos para viajar a Chiapas

7. Zona Arqueológica de Palenque

Ruinas Mayas de Palenque.

Finalmente, llegamos a la principal parada del tour: la Zona Arqueológica de Palenque.

Allí nos explicaron que hay dos tipos de recorrido : el corto y el largo .

El recorrido corto tiene una duración de 1 hora y estaba incluido en nuestro tour; el recorrido largo tiene una duración de 2 horas, incluye una caminata por la selva y tiene un costo de 1.300 MXN [65 USD] adicionales por grupo (precio noviembre 2021).

Como nuestro grupo estaba conformado por 10 personas, pagamos 130 MXN [6,5 USD] cada uno e hicimos el recorrido largo, pero esto queda a elección de cada grupo.

A continuación te cuento sobre las diferentes estructuras que visitamos en el tour:

7.1 Tumba de la Reina Roja

Tumba de la Reina Roja, Palenque.

Una de las primeras edificaciones que se ven al ingresar a la Zona Arqueológica es el sitio en donde se encontró la Tumba de la Reina Roja.

En 1994, se encontró allí un sarcófago con los restos óseos de un niño y una mujer . Esta última fue llamada la Reina Roja porque la osamenta estaba cubierta por un mineral de color rojizo.

7.2 Templo de las Inscripciones

Palenque, México.

Una de las construcciones más representativas de Palenque es el Templo de las Inscripciones.

Se trata de una pirámide funeraria en la que se encontró, en 1952, la Tumba de Pacal , uno de los gobernantes más importantes de la ciudad.

A un costado del Templo de las Inscripciones se encuentra la Tumba de la Reina Roja y el Templo del Cráneo .

7.3 El Palacio

Tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas:  Palacio de Palenque.

El Palacio es el punto más importante de la Zona Arqueológica.

Se trata de una construcción que sirvió como residencia de la familia reinante , la cual cuenta con estancias, corredores y patios.

Se cree que la torre que sobresale funcionó como observatorio astronómico .

7.4 Grupo de las Cruces

Tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas: Templo de la Cruz.

El Grupo de las Cruces está formado por tres templos: el Templo del Sol, el Templo de la Cruz y el Templo de la Cruz Foliada .

Estos templos fueron construidos para conmemorar el ascenso al trono del Señor Chan Bahlum II , quien fue el sucesor de Pacal el Grande.

7.5 Caminata por la selva

Recorrido por la selva en la Zona Arqueológica de Palenque.

Luego de hacer un recorrido por algunas de las principales edificaciones de la Zona Arqueológica, hicimos una caminata por la selva.

Allí pusimos conocer un poco más sobre la vegetación del lugar y ver ruinas mayas que no han sido restauradas .

Lo más sorprendente fue escuchar a los monos aulladores . Hicieron que me alegrara de estar en grupo, ya que el sonido que hacen es realmente escalofriante.

Con este entretenido paseo, dimos por finalizado el tour y me tocó emprender las más de 5 horas de regreso a San Cristóbal de las Casas . Un viaje largo, pero que valió la pena.

  • Reserva aquí el tour a Palenque desde San Cristóbal de las Casas

7.6 Otras estructuras en Palenque

En la Zona Arqueológica de Palenque hay varios otras estructuras que no visitamos en el tour, como el Juego de Pelota, el Templo del León y el Templo del Conde .

8. Consejos para hacer el tour

  • Prepárate para un camino largo y lleno de curvas y topes .
  • Te sugiero llevar ropa y zapatos cómodos, agua, un cojín cervical y algo para entretenerte .
  • En la mañana hace frío, pero en las cascadas y en Palenque hace bastante calor, así que considera llevar un cambio de ropa (o vístete por capas).
  • También puedes llevar tu traje de baño y una toalla , por si te animas a bañarte en Agua Azul.
  • No viajes con el estómago vacío , ya que es fácil marearse en el camino.
  • Considera finalizar el tour en Palenque, ya que así la excursión no se hace tan pesada.
  • Aunque está permitido, te recomiendo NO bañarte en Misol-Ha , ya que puede ser peligroso.
  • Respeta las normas en Palenque , en donde no está permitido subir a casi ninguna de las estructuras.
  • También está prohibido volar drones y se debe pagar para el uso de cámaras profesionales . Si solo llevas tu teléfono y cámaras no profesionales, puedes tomar fotos y videos sin problema.

Planifica tu viaje a San Cristóbal de las Casas

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Free tour por San Cristóbal de las Casas Reserva gratis un tour por San Cristóbal de las Casas que no tiene un costo fijo, sino que funciona a base de propinas

Arriendo de vehículos Arrienda vehículos en México con una agencia de confianza y a buenos precios

Restaurantes en San Cristóbal de las Casas Encuentra los mejores restaurantes en San Cristóbal de las Casas

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Desde San Cristobal de las Casas: Palenque

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  • Intérnate en la selva y se parte de la cultura Maya
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Políticas de cancelación

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10 MEJORES actividades y visitas turísticas en Palenque

Visitas turísticas en palenque.

  • Tours en autobús
  • Tours de arqueología
  • Tours históricos
  • Tours culturales
  • Tours turísticos
  • Tours privados
  • Tours a pie
  • Tours de varios días
  • Hasta 1 hora
  • De 1 a 4 horas
  • De 4 horas a 1 día
  • 5.0 de 5 burbujas
  • 4.0 de 5 burbujas y más
  • 3.0 de 5 burbujas y más
  • 2.0 de 5 burbujas y más
  • Se agota rápidamente
  • La clasificación de tours, actividades y experiencias disponibles en Tripadvisor se determina según varios factores, incluidos los ingresos generados por Tripadvisor a partir de estas reservaciones, la frecuencia de los clics de los usuarios y el volumen y la calidad de las opiniones de los clientes. A veces, es posible que se priorice a las ofertas recientemente publicadas y que aparezcan en un lugar más alto de la lista. La ubicación específica de estos nuevos perfiles puede variar.

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2. Cascadas Agua Azul Y Misol-ha

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4. Bonampak y Yaxchilán de Palenque

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5. Excursión para grupos pequeños por el yacimiento arqueológico de Palenque desde Villahermosa

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6. Zona Arqueológica Yaxchilan Y Bonampak

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Agua Azul, Misol-Há y Palenque

  • 8 / 10 74 opiniones | 1,312 viajeros Excelente servicio...y los lugares muy bonitos 10 Maria Del
  • Cancelación gratuita hasta 24 horas antes
  • Traslado desde el hotel

Palenque, Agua Azul, la cascada de Misol-Há … En esta excursión desde San Cristóbal de las Casas  descubriremos los atractivos más impresionantes de la región de Chiapas. ¡Un día de lo más completo!

Cascada Misol-Há

A las 4:00 horas pasaremos a recogeros por vuestro hotel de San Cristóbal de las Casas y pondremos rumbo a la ciudad de Ocosingo , donde haremos una parada para que podáis desayunar por vuestra cuenta.

Viajaremos después hasta las  Cascadas de Agua Azul , una Reserva Especial de la Biosfera donde tendremos la oportunidad de tomar un relajante baño . Del agua que cae de las cascadas escalonadas, se han formado diferentes estanques de color turquesa . ¿Sabéis por qué tienen esta tonalidad? ¡Lo descubriremos! 

Continuaremos la excursión visitando la impresionante Cascada de Misol-Há . ¡Tiene más de 30 metros de altura! Este espectacular entorno sirvió como escenario de la película ‘El Depredador’, de Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

Finalmente, llegaremos al punto fuerte de la excursión, donde nos adentraremos en la zona arqueológica de Palenque , haciendo una parada en el trayecto para que podáis almorzar por vuestra cuenta. Nombrada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, las ruinas de Palenque han servido a historiadores, exploradores y turistas para comprender el mundo maya. Allí conoceremos los Templos de La Calavera, El Palacio, el Juego de Pelota, el Templo de las Inscripciones ... ¡Y muchas otras construcciones importantes! 

Al finalizar la visita, podremos terminar el tour en Palenque, o poner rumbo a San Cristóbal de las Casas. Estaremos de vuelta en el centro a las 22:00 horas aproximadamente.

Salida desde otros puntos de México

Este tour sale desde San Cristóbal de las Casas. También podéis reservar la excursión a  Agua Azul, Misol-Há y Palenque desde Tuxtla Gutiérrez . 

La actividad se realiza con un guía que habla español.

Recogida en el hotel y traslado de regreso.

Guía en español.

Entrada a la zona arqueológica de Palenque.

No incluido

Comidas y bebidas.

¿Cuándo reservar?

Se permiten reservas hasta 24 horas antes siempre que queden plazas. Reserva ya y asegura tu plaza.

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Esta actividad, en concreto aporta de la siguiente manera:

  • No requiere imprimir documentación.

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Preguntas frecuentes

P - ¿Es posible llevar equipaje?

R - Sí, con peso máximo de 25kg.

P - ¿Por qué realizar esta actividad con Civitatis?

R - En Civitatis ofrecemos la mejor calidad y precio garantizados, haz click aquí si quieres saber cómo seleccionamos nuestras actividades.

P - ¿Cómo hacer la reservación?

R - Para reservar esta actividad tan solo tienes que elegir la fecha deseada y completar el formulario de esta misma página. La confirmación es inmediata.

P - ¿Se necesita un número mínimo de participantes?

R - Esta actividad necesita un mínimo de 2 participantes. En caso de no alcanzar ese número, os contactaremos para ofreceros diferentes alternativas.

Si tienes algún problema para reservar o necesitas un servicio diferente, contacta con nosotros.

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Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

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Lo Destacado de Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

  • Hermosos paisajes naturales.
  • Cascadas de Agua Azul.
  • Cascada de Misol Há.
  • Zona Arqueológica de Palenque.
  • Tiempo libre para disfrutar cada uno de los puntos a visitar.

Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque recomendado para:

icono informativo méxico destinos

Debido a la pandemia y por tiempo indefinido, se omite la visita a la Cascada de Misol Há

Opciones para Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

Disponible los días

  • Aparta desde 499mxn
  • Impuestos Incluidos

Ver detalles y condiciones

Tips para Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

- Lleva ropa y calzado cómodo tipo minero o tenis. - Protector solar y repelente de mosquitos biodegradable. - Dinero extra para gastos adicionales.

Conoce más de Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol Há y Ruinas de Palenque, descubre la diversidad de Chiapas a través de este tour que te llevará a conocer tanto sitios naturales como una de las ciudades de la antigua cultura Maya. Hay dos salidas, la primera es desde Tuxtla Gutiérrez y la segunda desde San Cristóbal de las Casas, durante el trayecto harás una parada donde te dan tiempo para tomar un desayuno (no incluido), posteriormente tu primer visita será a la reserva de la biósfera de Cascadas de Agua Azul, donde podrás caminar entre la flora y fauna de la región, así como apreciar las numerosas caídas de agua que dan lugar a la formación de albercas naturales de una belleza sin igual, ya que poseen un hermoso color y están rodeadas de abundante vegetación. Continúa tu recorrido rumbo a la Cascada de Misol-Há y tiene como significado "caída de agua", que posee una altura de aproximadamente 25 metros y que al caer forman una poza. El último punto a visitar será la zona arqueológica de Palenque, uno de los lugares más famosos de Chiapas y declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO; dentro de este sitio podrás conocer los templos de La Calavera, Reina Roja, El Palacio, La Plaza de Las Cruces, el Juego de Pelota y el templo de Las Inscripciones donde se guardan celosamente los restos del principal gobernante maya, Pakal. Al finalizar emprenderás el regreso dependiendo de la ciudad que hayas elegido, Tuxtla Gutiérrez o San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Ubicación de Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol há y Ruinas de Palenque

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tours a palenque desde san cristobal

Universal Traveller

4 Best Ways to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins, Mexico

By: Author AnaMarija Mishachkovska

Posted on Published: April 14, 2023  - Last updated: November 22, 2023

You can get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins by bus, private transfer, rental car, or a guided tour.

The cheapest option to travel from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque Ruins is by OCC bus + colectivo , which costs around USD 33. The journey takes about 10 hours.

The most popular option is the Guided Tour , providing a day filled with activities and exploration, along with transportation to the ruins at a very affordable price.

The fastest way to travel to Palenque Ruins from San Cristóbal de las Casas is by private transfer or rental car , which takes about 6 hours.

Over the years, my numerous trips across Mexico have given me a deep understanding of its travel routes.

I’ll share essential tips and information on the best ways to traverse this mesmerizing country in the following sections. Gear up for a comprehensive guide that ensures a smooth journey through Mexico!

Check our guide for the best options to travel from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins.

Table of Contents

Transportation Options from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

The following table outlines all transportation options from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins:

How far are the Palenque Ruins from San Cristóbal de Las Casas?

The distance from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins is 136.1 miles or 219.1 kilometers.

It takes about 5.5 hours to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins.

Getting to Palenque Ruins from San Cristóbal de Las Casas

1. occ bus + colectivo from san cristóbal de las casas to palenque ruins via palenque.

Journey Duration: ~10 hours

The first transportation choice for reaching the Palenque Ruins from San Cristóbal de las Casas is a convenient and budget-conscious journey via a coach bus, followed by a local colectivo ride to the archaeological site.

Start by hopping on a coach bus from San Cristóbal de las Casas’ central bus terminal. The reliable company OCC provides daily services with air-conditioned, roomy seating to ensure an enjoyable 9-hour trip through the scenic Chiapas landscape. 

The OCC Coach Bus fare is a mere USD 31! Don’t forget to book your ticket online to guarantee your spot!

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque OCC Coach Bus Schedule

The table below displays the OCC bus timetable for trips from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque , detailing departure times, journey lengths, and fares.

Upon reaching Palenque town, make your way to the “colectivos” zone, where you’ll find communal minivans or taxis offering transport to the ruins. 

This swift and economical 20-minute journey allows you to connect with other travelers and immerse yourself in the local ambiance.

Tell the colectivo driver your destination, and they’ll drop you off at the entrance to the majestic Palenque Ruins, ready for your exploration. Colectivos operate frequently, and tickets cost less than USD 2!

San Cristobal De Las Casas To Palenque Ruins2

2. Private Transfer from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

Journey Duration: Custom Time

A private transfer is ideal for those who prefer a more tailored, direct, and hassle-free mode of transportation from San Cristóbal de las Casas to the Palenque Ruins! 

This option provides door-to-door service, picking you up from your hotel or accommodation in San Cristóbal and delivering you right to the entrance of the archaeological site.

Numerous companies and independent drivers offer this service, with various vehicle sizes and styles to suit your preferences and group size. 

Naturally, prices fluctuate depending on the vehicle type and the number of passengers, so the larger your group, the better! The private transfer usually takes 5-6 hours, allowing you to journey in the comfort of a private vehicle, often equipped with air conditioning and adjustable seats.

Additionally, this option allows you to pause and appreciate the stunning landscapes or visit intriguing attractions, making the trip to the Palenque Ruins an even more unforgettable experience!

You can check out all the offers and book a private transfer online here!

Prices for a private transfer from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins :

  • 1-3 passengers: USD 189
  • 4-6 passengers: USD 304
  • 7-9 passengers: USD 339

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San Cristobal De Las Casas To Palenque Ruins1

3. Driving with Rental Car from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

Journey Duration: 5 hours 30 minutes

For travelers who crave the ultimate autonomy to explore at their leisure, renting a car is an exceptional option for getting from San Cristóbal de las Casas to the Palenque Ruins! 

This choice enables you to take charge of your journey, making impromptu stops and taking alternate routes to uncover hidden treasures along the way.

You can rent a car in San Cristóbal de las Casas at a very affordable price, which is definitely well worth it. 

The drive to Palenque Ruins takes about 5 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the route chosen and the number of stops you make. While driving, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Chiapas and create a one-of-a-kind, unforgettable adventure on your way to the awe-inspiring Palenque Ruins!

Book your vehicle ahead of time , particularly during peak travel seasons, to ensure availability and the best possible rates!

Rentalcars compares 900 companies at over 53,000 locations. Click here to guarantee you the best car rental price.

4. Transport + Tour from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

San Cristobal Tour

For those who wish to maximize their journey from San Cristóbal de las Casas to the Palenque Ruins while experiencing other captivating attractions, a transport and guided tour combination is the perfect choice! 

This option offers a comprehensive, stress-free day trip that merges comfortable transportation with the enriching experience of an expert guide.

Various tour operators in San Cristóbal de las Casas provide day trips that include the Palenque Ruins, the stunning Agua Azul waterfalls, and the mystical Misol-Ha waterfall! These guided tours typically offer round-trip transportation from your designated meeting point in San Cristóbal.

The trip lasts about 19 hours, commencing early in the morning and returning at night. Throughout the journey, you’ll be accompanied by an experienced guide who will share captivating insights into the region’s history, culture, and natural wonders. 

This option allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of Chiapas and make unforgettable memories as you explore the Palenque Ruins, plunge into the crystal-clear waters of Agua Azul, and gaze at the majesty of Misol-Ha!

Book your day trip in advance to secure your spot and embark on an extraordinary adventure!

Best day tours in Palenque, Mexico

San Cristobal De Las Casas To Palenque Ruins

Get Your Guide helps you find the best tours wherever you are heading. It’s usually the first website I check when I plan a trip to a new place!

Here, you can find some of the  best tours in Palenque, Mexico .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cheapest way to get from san cristóbal de las casas to palenque ruins.

The cheapest way to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins is by coach bus and a local colectivo. The price of the whole trip is around USD 33!

What is the fastest way to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins?

The fastest way to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins is by car. The journey takes about 5 hours and 30 minutes by car.

Is there an entrance fee at Palenque?

Yes, there is an entrance fee of MXN 35 or about USD 2 to visit the Palenque Ruins.

Can you climb the Palenque Pyramids?

Yes, you can climb some of the ruins at Palenque and even explore the inner chambers!

Is the bus from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque safe?

Buses in this area are safe as you will have local and experienced drivers who know the area very well.

Can I visit the Palenque Ruins on a day trip from San Cristóbal de Las Casas?

Yes, it is possible to visit the Palenque Ruins on a day trip from San Cristóbal de Las Casas. However, it is a long journey, so you must start early in the morning and plan your visit accordingly.

More Routes from San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal de las Casas to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Agua Azul Waterfall

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Misol-Ha

San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Montebello Lakes

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque

San Cristóbal de las Casas to Bonampak

  • About the Author

Ana Maria Universal Traveller Travel

AnaMaria is a dedicated SEO specialist and content strategist with profound expertise in Transport in Costa Rica , Transportation in Mexico , Transport in Guatemala , Transport in Peru , and Transport in Thailand .

Expertises: Transport in Costa Rica, Transportation in Mexico, Transport in Guatemala, Transport in Peru, and Transport in Thailand

Jean Najera Travel Expert Specializing In Transportation Universal Traveller

Jean Nájera is the CEO of GuateGo , an online marketplace to buy transportation tickets in more than 200 cities. He has profound expertise in  Transport in Costa Rica ,  Transportation in Mexico ,  Transport in Guatemala ,  Transport in Peru , and  Transport in Thailand .

Expertises: Transport in Costa Rica, Transportation in Mexico, Transport in Guatemala, Transport in Peru, and Transport in Thailand

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tours a palenque desde san cristobal

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Palenque Ruins Guide: 1 or 2 Day Palenque Tour Itinerary with Hotels, Misol Ha + Agua Azul

palenque ruins guide_ Palenque tours itineraries including hotels, agua azul, misol ha headerLR

Planning my Palenque tours from San Cristobal was probably the most difficult part of my Chiapas travel planning. The Palenque ruins are quite far from San Cristobal, and there is mixed information online about the safest way to get there. So after lots of research and actually doing the trip, I want to write about my 2 day side trip to Palenque, the transportation, the Agua Azul and Misol Ha waterfalls, and some Palenque hotel suggestions to hopefully make your planning easier!

San Cristobal to Palenque Transportation : Palenque Ruins, Misol Ha, Agua Azul Guide

palenque ruins chiapas trip from san cristobal

This was the most confusing portion of my Palenque travel planning. There are two main routes from San Cristobal to Palenque – the shorter route via Ocosingo and the longer route via Villahermosa.

I had read many things online about the route via Ocosingo being dangerous due to bus/van robberies, but couldn’t tell if it was still recommended to avoid this route. From what I could tell, it was still better to take the longer route, so we planned to take the ADO bus via Villahermosa that takes 9 hours. This was in April of 2019.

A few ways you can find out what the current situation is: email your hotel to ask, check ADO’s route to Palenque (ADO is a reputable first class bus line in Mexico, if they don’t feel the shorter route is safe, they will route through Villahermosa), or check online travel forums like Tripadvisor or Lonely Planet. The forums to me are the least reliable, as they often are sensationalized accounts or out of date, so just keep that in mind.

The ADO bus offers an overnight option, which is what we did, to try to save time with the long 9 hour trip. We took overnight buses each way – leaving San Cristobal at 10:30pm and arriving in Palenque at 7:30am. And then on the return trip, leaving Palenque at 11pm and arriving in San Cristobal at 8am. Check the ADO website for current schedules, prices and routes.

We did find out that there are still tour companies that take the shorter route through Ocosingo to do the Palenque tours that stop at Misol Ha and Agua Azul on the way. I didn’t feel comfortable with this option since it doesn’t make sense to me that the buses find the route unsafe but tourist shuttles do. But you can ask around and make your own decision about what you feel is best for you.

How to Visit the Palenque Ruins

how to see the palenque ruins without a tour

The Palenque ruins are incredible easy to visit. We had looked at some Palenque tours to the ruins, thinking this would help us save time to pack a lot in. We didn’t end up by taking a tour, and found the ruins so easy to get to and explore on our own.

To visit the Palenque ruins, you can take any colectivo van that goes from the Palenque town and down the road to the ruins. We stayed at a hotel outside of town on the road to the Palenque ruins, and found it extremely easy to catch one of these colectivos to the ruins at any time of day.

The colectivo will drop you off right at the entrance. You buy your ticket here and enter the Palenque ruins site. It’s a large site with lots of pyramids and areas to explore. We were on a time crunch so we powered through climbing lots of pyramids, and walking the grounds within a couple of hours. However, you could spend a full morning or even full day here if you wanted to explore slowly and thoroughly. You can also hire a guide at the entrance if you’d like to learn more about the Palenque ruins history.

palenque ruins chiapas

We went fairly early in the morning and I really loved the weather at that time of day. We had an overcast and misty morning, which was the perfect dreamy backdrop to the ruins. It also kept the tropical weather more comfortable and less hot.

Misol Ha + Agua Azul Palenque Tours

agua azul palenque tours waterfalls

Since we were short on time, we scheduled one of the half day Palenque tours to the waterfalls of Misol Ha and Agua Azul for same day that we visited the Palenque ruins. We arrived from the night bus in the early in the morning, visited the Palenque ruins during the morning, then grabbed the tour to the waterfalls at Noon from our hotel. It didn’t feel as crazy or rushed as I expected – this is definitely doable and comfortable if you only have one day, or are short on time.

The Palenque tours to the Misol Ha and Agua Azul waterfalls are comfortable and pleasant. You do spend a pretty good amount of time in the van – the waterfalls are not very close together and are a decent distance from the Palenque town. But our tour van was comfortable enough, had a/c, and was a pretty comfortable ride.

The Palenque tours visit the Misol Ha waterfall first and spend about a half hour there. Misol Ha is a narrow but tall and impressive waterfall. You can get in for a short swim here, or just sit and enjoy the epic waterfall.

tours a palenque desde san cristobal

Then you travel the distance to the Agua Azul waterfall and spend a couple of hours here. Agua Azul is a large waterfall with lots of pools and mini falls that cascade down the hill. The water is usually clear and blue, though I have heard it can become more obscure and darker during rainy season.

Agua Azul is a beautiful spot for swimming, and has lots restaurants and tourist shops. We didn’t realize it until the end of our time there, but you can keep climbing up and up to admire the falls from above. And there is even a hiking path at the top to wind through the jungle. I would have loved to explore that if I had known about it when we first arrived.

waterfalls near palenque agua azul

Both waterfalls are impressive and beautiful and worth taking one of the Palenque tours if you have the time.

To book Palenque tours, you can arrange anything through your hotel or local agencies when you arrive. But if you are short on time and want to have a tour arranged for as soon as you arrive (like we did), I’d recommend arranging through your hotel by email ahead of time.

Palenque Hotels : Palenque Tours + Ruins Guide

I’ll give 3 different suggestions for Palenque hotels based on where I stayed, another hostel complex I visited, and a final couple options in town. The main things you want to consider are – if you want to stay in town, or in a more natural/jungle setting, what your budget is, and how social you want to be.

Quiet and Peaceful Mid-Range Hotel: Casa Lakyum – Palenque Hotels

palenque hotels casa lakyum mid range

Casa Lakyum is the Palenque hotel that I stayed in with my friend. We had a very large double room with two beds. The beds were comfy, the space was ample, the bathroom had everything we needed + plenty of hot water, and we had a large patio out front.

The grounds are very lush and full of tropical palms and plants. There is an onsite restaurant where you can order breakfast or small lunch items/snacks. The food wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, but seemed to be on par with what is available in Palenque. The staff was helpful and available, and helped us a lot to arrange tours ahead of time, and answer any questions.

We were also able to see some amazing wildlife in and around our hotel – monkeys, lots of parrots, lizards, and more.

It is a very quiet hotel, so if you are looking for more social opportunities, check below.

wildlife near palenque hotels

Budget Jungle Hostels with Social Vibe: El Pachan Palenque Hotels

If you want a more social vibe, I’d recommend checking out the hostels at El Pachan. This little compound that feels like a mini village. There are a couple of onsite restaurants (that we visited) with good food and a good vibe. They often have live music, so this is a fun place to hang out and socialize. It’s a laidback, hippie vibe that I found welcoming.

There are several different options to stay ranging from camping to private rooms. Most options are pretty basic and this is in the middle of the jungle, but would be a good budget option, or good option for those that want to meet people and have a good time.

Most options in this complex are not available for online booking, though I was able to find one online: Chatos Cabanas . The most popular seems to be Margarita. Or you can ask around when you arrive. Check Tripadvisor for current reviews and info.

Palenque Hotels in Town Budget Options: Casa 5 B&B or Casssa Vlanca

I didn’t stay at either of these Palenque hotels, but communicated with them several times before my trip. They both were very helpful and communicative with info about Palenque tours and Palenque hotels. They both have very good reviews, are in convenient locations in town, and are well priced.

Click through the links to read reviews or find out pricing: Casa 5 B&B or Casssa Vlanca .

Or check the below map for more Palenque hotels:

Other palenque tours: cascada de roberto barrios, bonampak ruins, and yaxchilan.

Another beautiful waterfall in Palenque is the Roberto Barrios waterfall . We didn’t have a chance to visit this one, but you can take one of the Palenque tours here, either on its own, or in combination with the Palenque ruins. Or if you are comfortable with public transportation, you can take a colectivo from town. This waterfall is visited less frequently by tourists and looks gorgeous.

Bonampak & Yaxchilan ruins are two smaller ruins tucked in the remote jungle in the Montes Azules/Lacandon jungle on the Mexico/Guatemala border. We had planned to do a long day tour to this beautiful area on our second day, but my friend wasn’t feeling well so we decided to play it safe. I really really want to visit these sites though, so it is at the top of my list for next visit.

These two ruins take quite a long time to get to from Palenque, so they could be their own side trip, staying in nearby cabins. But you can take a long day tour Palenque if you are short on time.

Our 2 Day Itinerary: Palenque Ruins + Palenque Tours, Misol Ha + Agua Azul from San Cristobal

how to visit the palenque ruins on your own

Day 1 – Night Bus from San Cristobal, arriving at 7am.

Taxi to hotel, check in.

8am – Breakfast

9-11:30am – Palenque ruins

12-6pm – Misol Ha, Agua Azul Palenque Tour

Day 2 – We had planned to do a full day tour of Bonampak & Yaxchilan ruins but had to cancel due to sickness. Otherwise we would have been on the tour from 5:30am-8pm

Instead we had a more leisurely day, having breakfast at the hotel, then went for a hike in the nearby Sendero Motiepa. This simple trail is near the Palenque ruins, and is an easy loop with lots of nature to enjoy. Not a necessity if you are short on time, but a nice way to spend an afternoon.

hiking near palenque ruins

Later we had dinner at El Pachan

Then headed to our night bus that left at 11pm.

I found the night buses very comfortable and was able to get a good amount of sleep (not always easy for me on transportation). If you are really short on time you could pack Palenque ruins and waterfalls into one day and take the night bus on either end. Or if you have two days you can spread out the activities, or pack in a long day trip to the Bonampak and Yaxchilan ruins.

There are also tourist vans that do very long full day tours to the Palenque ruins and Agua Azul/Misol Ha from San Cristobal. To me, I’d prefer to do the night bus option, because the tour vans would not be comfortable for sleeping – so I think the day would feel a lot more exhausting.

waterfalls palenque tours misol ha

Palenque is a really special part of Chiapas and completely different from the mountainous highlands of San Cristobal. If you can make the time, you’ll find this beautiful and lush jungle a very interesting stop on your Chiapas itinerary.

Check out my other posts about what to do in San Cristobal and Chiapas . Or find all my many Mexico posts here .

Pin it for Later! Palenque Hotels, Ruins, Tours, Misol Ha + Agua Azul

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2 Responses

You mentioned you had a trip planned Yaxchilan & Bonampak? We would like to stay for 1 night in that area & need a tour guide. Can you recommend someone?

I had wanted to visit Yaxchilan and Bonampak, but unfortunately didn’t have time. I do know that you can find guides and tour operators in Palenque, and most likely in San Cristobal as well. Good luck.

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Inicio » Descubriendo Chiapas: Ruta de Palenque a San Cristóbal, entre Ruinas y Cascadas

tours a palenque desde san cristobal

Descubriendo Chiapas: Ruta de Palenque a San Cristóbal, entre Ruinas y Cascadas

Precio $1,090 mxn, reservar con prepago.

Reúnete con nosotros en el lobby de tu hotel a las 8:00 am para comenzar una fascinante jornada explorando las maravillas de Chiapas. Nuestro primer destino será el sitio arqueológico de Palenque, ubicado a tan solo 15 minutos de la ciudad.

Comenzaremos nuestra aventura en la emblemática plaza principal de la zona arqueológica de Palenque, donde tendrás la oportunidad de admirar impresionantes estructuras como el Templo de las Inscripciones, el Palacio, el Templo de las Cruces y la Cruz Foliada, entre otros montículos arqueológicos que narran la historia de esta antigua civilización.

Después de explorar el sitio arqueológico, nos dirigiremos al andador turístico, descendiendo durante 30 minutos mientras disfrutamos de la exuberante flora y fauna del entorno, así como de las refrescantes cascadas que adornan el paisaje. Nuestra siguiente parada será el Museo del Sitio, donde tendrás la oportunidad de admirar la réplica de la tumba del rey Pakal y aprender más sobre la fascinante historia de esta región (cerrado los lunes).

Continuaremos nuestro viaje hacia la espectacular cascada de Misol-Ha, donde tendrás 45 minutos para explorar y caminar por el sendero que te lleva detrás de la cascada, permitiéndote capturar fotos espectaculares desde diferentes ángulos y disfrutar de la impresionante vista.

Luego, nos dirigiremos a las famosas cascadas de Agua Azul, donde dispondrás de aproximadamente 2 horas y media para caminar, tomar fotos, disfrutar de un almuerzo y nadar en sus refrescantes aguas cristalinas, si así lo deseas.

Al finalizar nuestra visita a las cascadas de Agua Azul, nos encontraremos con nuestro transporte para continuar nuestro viaje hacia San Cristóbal. Es importante mencionar que en San Cristóbal no hay actividades programadas. Simplemente te dejaremos en tu hotel para que puedas relajarte y disfrutar de tu tiempo libre cómodamente. La llegada está prevista para las 10:00 pm.

No te pierdas esta increíble oportunidad de descubrir la historia, la naturaleza y la cultura de Chiapas en un solo día. ¡Reserva ahora y únete a esta emocionante aventura!

  • Transporte de Viaje Redondo.
  • Entrada a los sitios de visita.

Adicional (con costo extra):

  • Guía turístico durante todo el recorrido disponible en inglés y francés.


  • Llevar traje de baño y/o cambio de muda de ropa para nadar.
  • Vestimenta adecuada: shorts y playera (debido al clima húmedo y caluroso).
  • Sombrero y/o gorra para protección solar.
  • Toallas para secarse después de nadar.
  • Repelente y/o Bloqueador Solar para protección contra el sol.
  • Zapatos cómodos para caminar y/o sandalias para el agua.
  • Tiempo para comer, lo ideal es en Agua Azul donde hay más disponibilidad. El platillo principal sería mojarra frita y/o al ajo.

Notas importantes:

  • El horario de pick-up es estimado y puede variar dependiendo de la ubicación de su hospedaje y la puntualidad de cada uno de los pasajeros.

tours a palenque desde san cristobal

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How to Get From --> Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

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What to expect when visiting San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal de las Casas is Mexico’s magic town — a nickname it gained for its vibrant bohemian vibe. Its well-preserved, colourful colonial houses give you the feeling of stepping back in time. There’s also a remarkable cultural and artisan scene that’s worth discovering.

Check out the artisan market for some of the most exquisite handmade textile and jewellery and the municipal market for unique flavours. Finish your days in one of the many bars and restaurants that line almost every street. One not-to-miss restaurant in San Cristobal de las Casas is La Vina de Bacco where you can get wine for under $1 plus free tapas!

Road Safety from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

While Palenque and San Cristobal are perfectly safe destinations to stay for tourists, it’s not the same for the roads between these two towns.

Especially the part between Ocosingo and San Cristobal is really sketchy due to roadblocks and the risk of robbery.

Alternative route via Villahermosa

Thankfully, there is a good alternative route to reach San Cristobal de las Casas from Palenque via Villahermosa . Villahermosa is part of a different state (Tabasco) and is much safer.

Compared to the direct route via Ocosingo (5-6 hours), the route via Villahermosa (11.5 hours) takes longer but is a much safer choice.

To be clear, the route via Villahermosa also has occasional roadblocks. But they are not a daily event like those in Ocosingo. They happen only once in a while. Also, more cars and public transport operate on this route so if ever there is a roadblock, you most probably won’t be alone.

Buses take a safer route than taxis

Luckily, buses only take the route via Villahermosa so you don’t need to worry about safety during the journey. However, taxis and some other private transfers often prefer the shorter route via Ocosingo.

To be fair, taxis normally travel in a convoy as a form of defence, so you will normally get to San Cristobal without any trouble. It’s usually with a short line of minivan shuttles and other private transfers that travel together for safety.

Still, the convoy isn’t always effective, so we would recommend asking the taxi driver to take the route via Villahermosa instead .

Renting a car?

Are you thinking of renting a car and driving this route on your own? It’s possible, but we don’t recommend it. Taking the bus or a taxi will be safer.

Local drivers know the area very well and are trained to take the safest roads and know how to act in case they drive into a roadblock.

If you’re really set on driving on your own, make sure you take the Villahermosa route and inform yourself very well about the route to take.

For the Ocosingo route: if you’re travelling in just one car and not as a part of a convoy, you’re an easy target.

Why we don’t recommend travelling via Ocosingo

  • Roadblocks . You will pass by some of the poorest towns in Mexico. The roadblocks are like toll gates. For each roadblock, you will be asked to pay around 100 MXN ($6) to be able to pass. There are several of them, so better prepare the bills beforehand. If they see you taking the money out of a wallet full of cash, we can already tell you that you won’t have any money left to pay at the next roadblock.
  • Robbery . On a regular day, you’ll only really have to worry about roadblocks. But there have been instances of robbery – cars being stopped and everything of value being taken away (gadgets, jewellery, cash, etc.). This is not common, but it has happened. We don’t think it’s worth taking the chance when there is a safer route via Villahermosa.
  • Narco territory. The road between Ocosingo and San Cristobal is a well-known Narco territory, as well as the base of a few political and militant groups. They may have no beef against tourists and other civillians, but their presence in the area makes the government virtually non-existent.
  • No order . That also means that the government has very little control over this area. If something happens to you, you are most likely on your own. You may not be able to ask for help to take back your lost things or post a complaint for an injury. There have been incidents where authorities even covered up crimes to stop any further investigation.

While speed is important, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. For guaranteed safety, always pick the Villahermosa route.

2 ways to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

Where to stay in san cristobal de las casas.

Still looking for accommodation? Don't forget to check out our favourite places to stay in San Cristobal de las Casas at the bottom of this page.

Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas by Bus

There are at least two bus departures each day from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas, one in the morning and another one in the evening. The company providing this service is ADO’s sub-branch OCC. It offers first-class buses that include AC, reclining seats and a toilet.

The bus journey takes around 8h 55m - 10h – much longer than the travel time of a taxi – because all buses take the Villahermosa route. It’s longer but safer. So even though it’s a lengthy journey from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas, you can be at peace for the entire journey. The buses also make short stops where you can stretch your legs and go to the toilet.

A bus ticket from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas costs 535 MXN ($32).

Bus schedule from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

To avoid turning up at the station and there being no tickets left, we recommend booking in advance online. BookAway is our preferred booking platform for its excellent customer service.

Bus departure in Palenque

All buses from Palenque to San Cristobal depart from ADO Bus Terminal , located within walking distance from the town’s main square, just 12 minutes away. It’s also surrounded by lots of accommodations so chances are you’re already staying nearby.

If your hotel’s a bit far though, you can reach the bus station by taxi. It takes around 5 minutes from the city centre. Rates start at 50 MXN ($3).

Bus arrival in San Cristobal de las Casas

The bus will drop you off at the main bus terminal in San Cristobal de las Casas , located very close to the city centre. It takes around 12 minutes to walk to the main square.

If your accommodation is further away or you just don’t fancy walking, there are taxis available outside the bus terminal with fares from 40 MXN ($2.40).

Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas by Taxi

When taking a taxi or other forms of private transfer from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas, you can choose which way to take: via Villahermosa or Ocosingo.

The road via Villahermosa is the better choice for safety, especially if you’re travelling with kids.

The safer route via Villahermosa is more expensive

However, the Villahermosa route is longer and travel time by taxi can take over 7 hours, compared to 5-6 hours via Ocosingo. Taking the longer route via Villahermosa also means the ride is a bit more expensive. Rates start from around 5,000 MXN ($300) for a 3-seater car.

This is why many taxi operators and travel agencies choose to take the Ocosingo route. There are roadblocks, but the drivers are trained to react and deal with the locals.

They also know the safest roads, so most of the time, you can really complete the journey by just paying a few hundred peso extra. There’s just a high chance that you’ll be a nervous wreck throughout the 6-hour journey.

Recommended taxi companies

Rates for a [pax]-seater taxi from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas via Ocosingo start from 3,400 MXN ($205) when you travel with Palenque GL . If you’re with more people, Wayak also offers a 9-seater shuttle with prices from 7,100 MXN ($425).

Note that you can always ask them to take you via Villahermosa for an additional charge (which we think is well worth it). If time and budget are more important to you, make sure to be very prepared when taking the way through Ocosingo.

Safety tips when travelling via Ocosingo

  • Pick a trusted taxi company. Don’t just hail a taxi from the street. Ask your hotel’s staff to help you find a good ride or choose one that is well-reviewed.
  • Ask if they’re travelling in a convoy. There is safety in numbers, especially if you’re passing through unknown territory. Tour operators know this, which is why it’s a common practice to be a part of a convoy. Just make sure your taxi also plans to join one.
  • Secure your valuables. Hide all gadgets and anything flashy (especially jewellery!).
  • Separate a few 100-peso bills ($5) from the rest of your cash. You will encounter at least one roadblock along the way. When paying for your “toll fee”, it will be better if you don’t show that you’re carrying a lot of money.
  • Look brave, not fierce. It helps to look calm and confident, but definitely not annoyed, aggressive, or scared. You don’t want to end up pissing off the locals or look like a pushover.
  • Travel during the day. No taxi will want to travel at night anyway. That would be like asking for trouble.

Best places to stay in San Cristobal de las Casas

Hotel Bo - Treating Yourself

Gardens around Hotel Bo in SanCristobal

Many people say that Hotel Bo is ‘one of the best places they have ever stayed in’. You’re certainly treating yourself if you decide to stay here. Alongside the stunning flower-filled gardens ideal for relaxing in, there are modern and cosy rooms, a gym and onsite restaurant.

The hotel’s restaurant treats guests to upmarket Mexican cuisine and international dishes in an beautifully-designed environment. Their exceptional breakfast is the perfect way to set you up for a day of exploring San Cristobal. Trust us, you won’t want to leave once you arrive at Hotel Bo.

  • Stunning and relaxing garden
  • Exceptional restaurant
  • Large and modern rooms

Double rooms start from  $80  per night

Check Available Rooms

Casa Lum - Treating Yourself

Contemporary style bedroom in Casa Lum in San Cristobal

You couldn’t be more at the heart of San Cristobal than at Casa Lum. The popular walking street filled with restaurants and bars are literally on your doorstep.

Contemporary style and colonial architecture coexist in harmony at Casa Lum. This is clearly exhibited throughout it’s 8 rooms and delicious restaurant. Another thing we love about this place, they’re also a social and environmentally sustainable hotel.

  • Onsite, highly rated restaurant
  • Excellent location
  • Socially and environmentally responsible ethos
  • A intricately designed city oasis

Sereno Art Hotel - Mid Range

courtyard in Sereno Art hotel in San Cristobal

This 4 star hotel really does feel like it was designed by artists, with it’s spectacular wall art and intricate details. The decor is an interesting blend of urban and rustic pieces.

The courtyard is truly stunning, with fairy lights creating the appearance of a starry night sky. Another star of the hotel is it’s restaurant. Their food can’t be raved about enough!

  • Delicious food served in their onsite restaurant
  • Creative and stunning decor
  • Great location
  • Cosy and large rooms

Double rooms between  $40-$80  per night

Posada del Abuelito - Budget Friendly

Rustic San Cristobal outdoor space in Posada del Abuelito

Posada del Abuelito is a friendly and colourful hostel situated inside one of San Cristobal’s stunning colonial buildings. The heart of the hostel is the perfect place to chill, surrounded by plants and hammocks.

Their delicious complimentary breakfast sets you up perfectly for a day of exploring the city. The communal kitchen also means you can dabble in a bit of cooking yourself. The best part? The hosts do an excellent job of making everyone feel at home.

  • Homely atmosphere
  • Delicious breakfast included
  • Rooms are bright and spotless

Double rooms between  $15-$40  per night

Puerta Vieja Hostel - Budget Friendly

Arched entryways living room of Puerta Vieja Hostel in San Cristobal

We’re not quite sure how Puerta Vieja Hostel makes money, but we’re definitely not complaining. For just $9, you get both breakfast and dinner included in the price. On top of that, they even offer a free burger and cocktail night every Friday!

There’s plenty to keep you occupied within the hostel too. There’s table tennis, a TV lounge and a large garden for chilling in. The hostel is also only seconds away from San Cristobal’s main square. It’s the best place to meet other travellers in San Cristobal.

  • Free breakfast and dinner
  • TV lounge and table tennis
  • Great atmosphere
  • Close to the main square

Dorm rooms from  $9  per night, including breakfast and dinner

Frequently Asked Questions about Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

What is the distance from palenque to san cristobal de las casas.

The distance from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas is 220 km (137 miles).

What is the fastest way to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas?

The fastest way to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas is by taxi and takes 6 hours.

What is the cheapest way to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas?

The cheapest way to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas is by bus with ticket costs starting from 535 MXN ($32).

Rounding it up

We hope this guide was helpful in planning how to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas . If there's anything else you're wondering about, drop us a comment and we'll do our best to answer you within a few days.

PS: If you've recently travelled this route, share your experience with fellow travellers and help us improve this post. Thanks for helping out our travel community!

San Cristobal de las Casas Travel Guides

The Ultimate San Cristobal de Las Casas Travel Guide

12 best things to do in San Cristobal de Las Casas

Routes from San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal de las Casas to Palenque

San Cristobal de las Casas to Oaxaca

San Cristobal de las Casas to Antigua

San Cristobal to Puerto Escondido

Most popular routes in Mexico

Cancun to Chichen Itza (and back)

  • Cancun to Cozumel
  • Cancun to Isla Holbox

Cancun to Isla Mujeres (and back)

  • Cancun to Merida
  • Cancun to Tulum
  • Playa del Carmen to Tulum

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Ela Writer with Gecko Routes

Ela is a storyteller, content producer, solo traveller and a mermaid-in-training. When she’s not in front of her laptop, you will find her barefoot and living her best tan on some island in the Philippines… Or exploring the depths of its seas as a budding freediver. An island girl at heart, she’ll be happy anywhere there is sea, sand, sun and coffee.

Maarten founder of Gecko Routes

Based in Bali, Maarten’s passion for travel is undeniable. In 2016, he decided to quit his job as a stock analyst and started doing what he always dreamed of: travelling through South East Asia and helping other people plan their trips. When he is not working on Gecko Routes, you’ll find him surfing in the ocean or exploring the best gems of Indonesia.


i came accros this article after trying to decide my options but there is a huge part missing here. there are cheap collectivos who you switch in the bus station in Ocosingo. those are hourly based driving and are not mentioned in your article for some reason. iv done that road twice in the past.

Hi Amir, thanks for sharing your information. We normally always include all the options, but for this route, we didn’t want to go into further detail on how to travel to San Cristobal via Ocosingo. The route between Ocosingo and San Cristobal is known for being a more dangerous road. In fact, it is the only route in Mexico where we specifically recommend to take an alternative route which is via Villahermosa.

It might go well several times, but there are also significant risks involved which we explain in the intro. We spend a lot of hours checking with companies and travel agencies about this route a few months ago, but they were still warning about road safety. From reading your comment, I assume you took this journey without any problems what I’m very happy to hear about. Feel free to share your tips and if the road-safety issues are being resolved, we will consider adding it to the main content.

Hi, do you think it is safe to drive from Palenque to San Cristobal with a rental car? I’ve read about protest and roadblocks, are these still the case?

Hi Thomas! We are doing some work on this and will come back to you within a few days. Stay tight!

Hi Thomas! Thanks a lot for asking this question. As it was still something that wasn’t completly clear to us, we went on investigation and informed with several local travel agents and transport companies.   We updated the article with an extenisve explanation, but to shortly answer your question: both Palenque and San Cristobal belong to Chiapas state, which is Narco territory. Although the towns in between are not always dangerous, they can be when you happen to pass on a bad day. If you have already rented a car or you’re really set on driving, we recommend taking the Villahermosa route instead of the route via Ocosingo.   Based on everything we know about this route from Palenque to San Cristobal, we don’t recommend driving at all. If you haven’t rented a car yet, we highly recommend that you take a bus or a private transfer with a local driver instead.   Local drivers are trained to pass only on the safest roads and they know how to react in case there is a roadblock.   Stay safe and we’d really appreciate it if you can share your experience with us in a comment!

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    Cascadas Agua Azul, Misol Há y Ruinas de Palenque, descubre la diversidad de Chiapas a través de este tour que te llevará a conocer tanto sitios naturales como una de las ciudades de la antigua cultura Maya. Hay dos salidas, la primera es desde Tuxtla Gutiérrez y la segunda desde San Cristóbal de las Casas, durante el trayecto harás una ...

  15. 4 Best Ways to get from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to Palenque Ruins

    The cheapest option to travel from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque Ruins is by OCC bus + colectivo, which costs around USD 33. The journey takes about 10 hours. The most popular option is the Guided Tour, providing a day filled with activities and exploration, along with transportation to the ruins at a very affordable price. The ...

  16. Palenque Ruins Guide: 1 or 2 Day Palenque Tour Itinerary with Hotels

    Planning my Palenque tours from San Cristobal was probably the most difficult part of my Chiapas travel planning. The Palenque ruins are quite far from San Cristobal, and there is mixed information online about the safest way to get there. So after lots of research and actually doing the trip, I want to write about my 2 day side trip to ...

  17. Recorrido en Agua Azul con traslado desde San Cristóbal a Palenque 2024

    Visite las impresionantes cataratas de Agua Azul durante una excursión de día completo que incluye el traslado de ida y vuelta desde San Cristóbal de las Casas a Palenque. En Agua Azul, podrá nadar en las cataratas (si las condiciones meteorológicas lo permiten), o caminar hasta las cataratas cercanas. Después, continúe hasta su elección: Misol-Ha, otra impresionante cascada, o el ...

  18. San Cristobal de las Casas to Palenque

    2 ways to get from San Cristobal de las Casas to Palenque. There are two ways to travel the distance of 220 km (137 miles) from San Cristobal de las Casas to Palenque: by bus ( 8h 45m - 9h 20m) and taxi ( 5 hours 05 minutes ). The journey takes 5h 05m - 9h 20m and the quickest way is by taxi . The lowest priced tickets start from 420 MXN ($25 ...

  19. Descubriendo Chiapas: Ruta de Palenque a San Cristóbal, entre Ruinas y

    Maravillas de Chiapas: Tour a Cascadas, Ruinas y San Cristóbal desde Palenque; Descubriendo Chiapas: Ruta de Palenque a San Cristóbal, entre Ruinas y Cascadas; Transporte Transfers Palenque Mexico - Flores Guatemala por frontera el Ceibo; Belice. Transporte Maritimo Ferry Taxi Acuatico Corozal - San Pedro Belice; Tours en isla San Pedro ...

  20. San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route ...

  21. LOS 10 MEJORES Tours y Excursiones en Palenque en el 2024

    7. ZONA ARQUEOLÓGICA DE PALENQUE - CASCADAS DE MISOL-HA - CASCADAS DE AGUA AZUL- SALIENDO DESDE PALENQUE CHIAPAS Salida 8:00 A.M. desde la recepción de su hotel, nos dirigiremos a la Z.A. de Palenque, donde conoceremos los vestigios arqueológicos de la cultura Maya, conformada por su exuberante riqueza natural, con un recorrido de 2 horas.

  22. Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas

    2 ways to get from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas. There are two ways to travel the distance of 220 km (137 miles) from Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas: by bus ( 8h 55m - 10h) and taxi ( 6 hours ). The journey takes between 6h - 10h and the quickest way is by taxi. The lowest priced tickets start from 550 MXN ($32) for the bus. Bus.

  23. San Cristóbal de Las Casas Excursiones, Tours y Tickets

    Cañón del Sumidero - Chiapa de Corzo. 25. Desde San Cristóbal de Las Casas nos aventuraremos al embarcadero de Osumacinta en donde abordaremos una lancha para navegar sobre las aguas del impresionante Río Grijalva, las cuales nos conducirán a conocer la increíble falla geológica que año con año reúne a miles de turistas, el Cañón ...