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Let’s visit London – Ein Trip in die britische Metropole London

Bus London

Ein kleiner Reisebericht

Eine Reise mit meinen beiden Kindern in die britische Metropole stand Pate für die folgende Unterrichtsidee: Nach und nach wird von den Kindern ein kleiner Londonführer gestaltet. Außerdem bereiten sie schrittweise eine Präsentation zu den wichtigsten Sights vor. Dazu erhaltet ihr interaktives Material, welches die Kinder zum Sprechen und Handeln anregt. Have fun and a great trip to London!

Zur Einstimmung zeigt ihr im Stuhlkreis ein Bild „London von oben.“

Dadurch aktiviert ihr das Vorwissen eurer Schülerinnen und Schüler. Anschließend lest ihr den Reisebericht von Felix und Maja (siehe Downloads) vor. Dazu legt ihr an den passenden Stellen die Bildkarten (siehe Downloads).

Luftansicht London


In Kleingruppen arbeiten die Kinder eine kurze Präsentation zu einer oder zwei Sehenswürdigkeiten in London aus. Dabei können sie unter eurer Aufsicht im Internet und in Reiseführern recherchieren.

Sie erstellen ein Plakat und üben ihren Vortrag auf Deutsch mit englischsprachigen Anteilen ein. Diesen halten sie vor der Lerngruppe.

In der gesamten Lerngruppe wird reflektiert. Was ist den Kindern besonders gut gelungen? Welche Aspekte könnten sie noch genauer beleuchten? Und was sollten sie beim Vortrag beachten?

Die Checkliste hilft bei dieser Reflektion.

Wenn ihr noch ein Spiel spielen möchtet, so eignet sich das bewährte Spiel „Koffer packen“. „I am going to London, I take a … with me.” Reihum wird eine Sache mehr hinzugefügt, bis ein Kind sagt: „Enough!“ Entweder beendet ihr dann das Spiel – oder fangt noch einmal von vorne an. Was wird der Klassenrekord?

Have a nice journey! Eure Alexandra v. Plüskow-Kaminski.

Über die Autorin

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trip to london grundschule

  • 6. Nov. 2022
  • 1 Min. Lesezeit

Materialpaket London

Hallo ihr Lieben!

Ganz neu auf dem Blog: Ein Materialpaket zum Thema London!

trip to london grundschule

Das Materialpaket besteht aus rund 70 PDF-Seiten und arbeitet auf allen Ebenen der englischen Sprache: Lesen, Schreiben, Sprechen und Hören. Zu finden ist es in der Materialsammlung Englisch.

Ebenfalls online sind kostenlose BK und WK zum Thema London.

Viel Spaß damit! ♥

Aktuelle Beiträge

Kostenlose Ostermaterialien

Korrekturseite Escape Room Klasse 1

Escape Room Ostern Klasse 1 und 2

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  • Hinweise / Datenschutz


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trip to london grundschule

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David and Red

David's travel guide to London | Englisch Grundschule

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Der Engländer David Fermer erklärt in kurzen Clips Landestypisches aus Großbritannien. Die kurzen Clips sind in einfachem Englisch und richten sich an fortgeschrittene Lerner ab dem 3. Lernjahr. Sie können passend zum jeweiligen Thema im Unterricht eingesetzt werden. Themen: Fish and chips Union Jack Big Ben English breakfast Pounds Letter box Rugby River Thames Telephone box Tower of London London underground Double decker School uniform

Alle Themen zum Schwerpunkt David and Red

Englisch für die Grundschule: David spricht mit der roten Strumpfhandpuppe Red. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

David and Red - Clips nonstop Folge 1

Davids Muttersprache ist Englisch. Red kann weder Englisch, noch kennt er sich mit anderen Dingen aus. Aber das ist auch kein Wunder, denn der freche Red ist eine rote Socke.

Englisch für die Grundschule: David findet die rote Strumpfhandpuppe Red in einer Holzkiste. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

David and Red - Clips 2

Auch im zweiten Teil der First Clips erleben David und Red jeweils ein kleines Abenteuer. Erste Vokabeln werden in den einfachen Dialogen spielerisch vermittelt.

Englisch für die Grundschule: David und die rote Strumpfhandpuppe Red in Schiffen aus Pappe. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

David and Red | Clips 3

In den neuen Clips erleben David und Red jeweils ein kleines Abenteuer. Erste Vokabeln werden in den einfachen Dialogen spielerisch vermittelt.

Ein Mann und eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe sind im Wald. Der Mann zeigt der Puppe eine Kastanie. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

David and Red - Clips and Songs

David, der Engländer, und Red, die freche Socke, sind diesmal unterwegs und erkunden die Welt. Dazu gibt es neue, lustige Clips mit den beiden und zwei Musikvideos zum Mitsingen!

Ein Mann und eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe sind auf einem Schiff und schauen durch ein Bullauge. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Let's go to England, Red!

David packt seinen Koffer, denn er will nach England fahren und Freunde besuchen. Für Red steckt die Reise voller Rätsel: Was genau ist dieses England?

Eine Gruppe Menschen steht versammelt vor einem roten Bild. Eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe hat sich hier versteckt. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Where are you, Red?

David and Red sind bei Holly und Charly und ihren Eltern angekommen. Schnell bringt Red die Begrüßung hinter sich, dann kann er endlich mit den Kindern "Hide and Seek" spielen.

Ein Mann und eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe sitzen am Tisch und frühstücken. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Hurry up, Red!

Heute wird es hektisch: David und Red wollen zur Schule und sind viel zu spät dran. Zähneputzen, Waschen, Frühstücken, alles muss schnell gehen und Red schläft dauernd wieder ein.

Eine Schultafel im Englischunterricht, davor eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

It's school time, Red!

David und Red besuchen heute Holly in der Schule. Red fühlt sich etwas allein unter den ganzen neuen Kindern, also muss David bei ihm bleiben.

Drei Personen und eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe sind an einem Tisch versammelt und spielen ein Spiel. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

What's your hobby, Red?

Red sitzt den ganzen Tag vor dem Fernseher. Für David ist klar: Red braucht ein Hobby und zwar schnell.

Englisch lernen: Socke Red mit einer Möhre für das Abendessen. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

What's for dinner, Red?

Heute müssen David and Red eine ganz besondere Herausforderung meistern: Sie wollen für die ganze Familie kochen.

Englisch lernen: David und Red wird im Zoohandel eine Schlange gezeigt. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

What do you want, Red?

Red will unbedingt ein Haustier haben. David kann ihn nur mühsam von Elefanten, Pferden, Schwänen, Frettchen und Schlangen abbringen.

Eine rote Strumpfhandpuppe liegt auf dem Rasen, neben ihr ein Rugbyball. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Run, Red, run!

David findet, dass Red nach dem vielen Essen dringend Sport machen muss. Doch es ist gar nicht so leicht, die richtige Sportart für Red zu finden.

Englisch lernen: David und Red höhlen einen Kürbis für Halloween aus. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Don't be scared on Halloween, Red!

Red hat Angst. Überall im Haus laufen Hexen und Monster herum. Zum Glück kann David ihn beruhigen und erklärt Red, dass Halloween ist.

Screenshot aus dem Film "David and Red - Surprise,surprise" (Foto: WDR)

Surprise, surprise, Red!

Red ist zu einer Geburtstagsparty eingeladen. Kein Problem, denkt sich David, wir haben ja die Wegbeschreibung. Bis zur Kirche klappt auch alles gut, aber wo ist bloß School Lane?

Screenshot aus dem Film "What's the matter, Red?" (Foto: WDR)

What's the matter, Red?

David ist krank. Gemeinsam mit Red schleppt er sich zum Arzt. Nach gründlicher Untersuchung steht fest: David hat eine Grippe. Als Red Davids Tabletten sieht und für Bonbons hält, wird er auch schon ganz schwach.

Englisch lernen: David und Red stehen in London vor der Tower Bridge. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

Let's go on holiday, Red!

David und Red machen einen aufregenden Ausflug: Sie besuchen London. David ist begeistert und kann kaum noch aufhören zu fotografieren.

Eine Hand hält eine Portion Fish and Chips. (Foto: WDR - Screenshot aus der Sendung)

David's travel guide to London

Der Engländer David Fermer erklärt in kurzen Clips Landestypisches aus Großbritannien. Die kurzen Clips sind in einfachem Englisch und richten sich an Lerner ab dem 3. Lernjahr.

  • Grundschulenglisch

planet schule: David's travel guide to London · David and Red in England | Video der Sendung vom 02.02.2023 08:05 Uhr (2.2.2023) mit Untertitel

David's travel guide to london · david and red in england.

Der Engländer David Fermer erklärt in kurzen Clips Landestypisches aus Großbritannien. Die kurzen Clips sind in einfachem Englisch und richten sich an fortgeschrittene Lerner ab dem 3. Lernjahr. Sie können passend zum jeweiligen Thema im Unterricht eingesetzt werden. Themen: Fish and chips Union Jack Big Ben English breakfast Pounds Letter box Rugby River Thames Telephone box Tower of London London underground Double decker School uniform

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A trip to London: famous sights - Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / w w w . l e h r e r - o n l i n e . d e / u n t e r r i c h t / s e k u n d a r s t u f e n / f r e m d s p r a c h e n / e n g l i s c h / a r b e i t s m a t e r i a l / a m / a - t r i p - t o - l o n d o n - f a m o u s - s i g h t s /


Mit diesen interaktiven Übungen können Schülerinnen und Schüler London und seine Sehenswürdigkeiten entdecken. Die Vermittlung landeskundlicher Inhalte erfolgt dabei ausschließlich spielerisch.

Lehrer-Online | Eduversum GmbH, Taunusstr. 52, 65183 Wiesbaden

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Lange Beschreibung:

Auch wenn eine Klassenfahrt nach London nicht immer möglich ist, können Ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler in den interaktiven Übungen des Arbeitsmaterials "A trip to London: famous sights" dennoch London entdecken. Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, The London Eye : die Namen der wichtigsten Londoner Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie spannende Infos über die britische Hauptstadt entdecken die Lernenden eigenständig auf ihrer virtuellen Reise. Das Arbeitsmaterial mit interaktiven Übungen kann eigenständig genutzt werden, stellt aber auch eine schöne Ergänzung zur Unterrichtseinheit "Sightseeing in London" dar. In der ersten interaktiven Übung können die Lernenden die Namen einiger touristischer Attraktionen Londons sowie kurze Informationstexte dazu nachlesen. Diese sind hilfreich für das London-Quiz, das sie zum Abschluss bearbeiten. Die zweite Aufgabe erfordert von den Schülerinnen und Schülern, dass sie Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten dem richtigen Namen zuordnen können. Gesucht sind unter anderem der Tower of London , Westminster Abbey , das British Museum oder der Big Ben . Den Abschluss bildet ein True-/False-Quiz zu den Londoner Sehenswürdigkeiten.


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‍The Ultimate Guide to London School Trips

ultimate guide to london school trips

As an educator, you know a well-planned school trip can provide rich learning experiences for your students, as well as improving relationships and team spirit. Research from Learning Away shows that more than 80% of secondary school pupils felt improved relationships with their peers and teachers after a trip outside of the classroom. What better place to start than our very own capital city - London.  

Imagine exploring the city's iconic landmarks, delving into history at world-class museums, or even having a magical Harry Potter or world-class West-End theatre experience...  

Planning such a trip can seem daunting, right? That's where we come in. With Adaptable Travel, you're not alone. We help you create customised itineraries, linking fun activities with your curriculum goals. We handle all the safety checks and paperwork, so you don't have to worry.  

So, sit back and let us guide you through planning the ultimate school trip to London.

Key Takeaways

  • London offers a wide range of benefits for school trips including stunning architecture, historical landmarks, and world-class museums all nestled amongst a vibrant multicultural atmosphere.
  • Adaptable Travel provides tailor-made itineraries for educational trips to London, with a focus on subject-specific events linked to the curriculum, offering a fun and innovative approach to school trips.
  • Safety is a top priority for Adaptable Travel, with comprehensive measures in place such as safety documentation, risk assessments, and a travel insurance policy, ensuring a secure and worry-free experience.

Benefits of Educational Visits

Why London? Well, just like a book isn't judged by its cover, this city's vibrant ambience, multiculturalism, and iconic architecture cannot be appreciated from a textbook alone. Not only does a trip to London offer engaging activities for students, but it's also an unparalleled platform for cultural exploration.

The city's unique blend of historical landmarks and world-class museums provides an immersive learning experience that cannot be replicated in a classroom. With every corner turned, there's a new opportunity for learning outside the traditional four walls of the school. From the grandeur of the Tower of London to the technological advancements showcased at the Science Museum, these sites offer educational value that encourages curiosity and enhances knowledge.

Visiting these sites not only provides subject-focused learning but also a fantastic way to spark interest in a breadth of topics from science and history to arts and culture. It's not just about the facts and figures; it's the tangible experiences, the stories behind the exhibits, and the atmosphere that create memorable experiences for students.

The benefits of school trips extend beyond academics as these trips also contribute to students' personal development. They learn to navigate new environments, work as a team, and expand their horizons.

So, when planning your next school trip, remember that London is not just a city, but a bustling, interactive classroom waiting to be explored.

school students on the london eye on a school trip in london

Planning and Preparations

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of orchestrating a successful educational journey, focusing on the crucial planning and preparations! With careful consideration of these elements, you're well on your way to creating a memorable educational journey for your students.

Firstly, Accommodation. London offers a vast array of choices from vibrant hostels with quirky, bright, and fun interiors to 3* hotels located in the heart of the city. Make sure you select a place that's comfortable, secure and conveniently located near the educational sites you'll be visiting.

Whilst it’s often convenient to be centrally located, some of our favourite accommodation options are located on the outskirts of the city – often providing cheaper options and better-quality facilities.  

All accommodation we use has been risk assessed and are STF assured . All assured accommodation adheres to a rigorous Code of Practice and Safety Management Standards that are verified each year. You can therefore relax knowing you’ll always be heading to accommodation that meets these standards.  

Next is transportation logistics. For large groups, our full-executive coaches are a convenient and cost-effective option that can not only transport you to and from your UK educational institution but around the city too - so long as it’s within the coach driver’s hours ! Don’t worry – we always plan our itineraries around these hours to ensure you can make the most of your time in London, with your coach driver also getting their entitled rest. If you plan well in advance, you can also get discounts on train tickets.  

As for educational objectives, your London itinerary should include activities, sites, and attractions aligned with your curriculum. You can view our full list of these on our website here . This enhances the learning experience while keeping the trip exciting and engaging.

school group on a school trip to london stood with houses of parliment in the background, all wearing matching red t shirts

Exciting Itineraries

Crafting an exciting itinerary is the heart and soul of any successful educational journey. London, a melting pot of culture, history, and innovation, provides an array of exploration options that cater to every subject. With over 170 museums in London including 11 National museums, it’s sometimes tricky to know where to begin.

Here's a list of some subject specific destinations that could spark the curiosity of your students:

  • Science and Technology : Explore the wonders of human ingenuity and bring science to life at the Science Museum. Boasting a plethora of exhibits that are ever-changing, there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone here. If you prefer something smaller, there are the Centre of the Cell and Body Worlds museums to consider too.
  • Psychology and Sociology: Go inside the family home of history’s most well-known psychologist - Sigmund Freud - and discover the story of psychoanalysis or visit the famous Old Bailey Court House.  
  • History : Dive into the prehistoric era and learn about the evolution of life on Earth at the world-class Natural History Museum or delve into some of the darker history with a Jack the Ripper Walking Tour.  
  • Arts and Design : Experience the magic of creativity at the Victoria and Albert Museum, boasting the World's largest museum dedicated to the arts. Similar museums include Tate Modern or the National Gallery, or if you’re looking for something more niche there’s The Cartoon Museum or Camden Street Art Tour!
  • Geography: Step off the streets and onto the water with a Thames River Cruise, learning about the 215-mile stretch of river that runs through Southern England, or explore the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens.  
  • Business and Economics : Take a look at the skyscrapers within London’s financial center with a Canary Wharf Tour. The likes of HSBC, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Barclays, and many more have set up their headquarters or central offices here. Boasting impressive transport links, Canary Wharf is now easier than ever to reach with the brand new, Canary Wharf Elizabeth Line station.  
  • Film and Media Studies: Wow your students with a world-class West-End Show or go behind the scenes to see how it all happens with a trip to the London Film Academy or the Guardian Newsroom Workshops.  

You can also take advantage of our FREE LONDON EYE offer on ALL School trips to London! (T&Cs apply)

To find out more about these visits (and many more!) click the relevant subject link above and browse our most popular visits.  

Remember, there's flexibility in choices. You can tailor your itinerary to suit your student's interests and learning needs, ensuring a truly customized learning experience.  

Bespoke Itineraries

We're experts at crafting bespoke itineraries that cater to your school's unique needs and preferences. Interestingly, 80% of our clients say that our custom itineraries are what set us apart from other travel companies.

With Adaptable Travel, you can let go of the one-size-fits-all approach and embrace a journey that's tailored just for you.

From choosing attractions that align with your curriculum to planning tailor-made activities that pique your student's interest, we've got you covered. But it doesn't stop there, our service offers a level of group-specific customization that goes beyond the usual. We carefully consider the age, interests, and study levels of your students to create a trip that's engaging and educational.

Here are four key features involved in planning a bespoke itinerary:

  • Choosing attractions : We help you select attractions that supplement your teaching, making the trip an extension of the classroom.
  • Tailor-made activities : We plan activities that not only entertain but also reinforce learning.
  • Group-specific customisation : We cater to the unique dynamics of your group, ensuring each student is engaged according to their age and subject focus.
  • Customised sightseeing : We structure sightseeing activities to enhance learning experiences, sparking curiosity and interest.

We believe that every school trip should be a memorable adventure. By creating customised itineraries, we aim to provide enhanced learning experiences that are fun, interactive, and insightful. So, whether you want to explore the wonders of the Natural History Museum or take a ride on the London Eye, we're here to make it happen.

group of students on a london educational tour at the natural history museum in london in front of the steps

Safety and Security

Ensuring everyone's safety and security is paramount when planning an educational trip. In a bustling city like London, it's a crucial aspect that teachers and organisers must consider. You have to think about risk assessments, emergency procedures, supervision guidelines, and even transportation safety. Not to forget, setting up clear communication protocols is a must. For peace of mind, you can explore our in-depth Safety and Insurance policies here.  

In the unlikely event of a crisis, having a well-thought-out plan could be a real lifesaver. Provide everyone with emergency contact numbers and familiarise them with evacuation routes. We also offer an Emergency Phone Line, so you can get into contact with us whilst on your trip, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Supervision guidelines are equally crucial. You need to ensure students are never left unattended. Establish a buddy system or break students into manageable groups with assigned supervisors. That way, you create a safety net around them.

Communication protocols should be in place to keep everyone informed and updated. Use group chats or social media platforms to share information quickly and efficiently. To help this easier, we have partnered with Vamoos – an app to keep all your travel documents in one place. This includes your itinerary, excursion tickets, weather forecasts, and maps. Once all of these documents are downloaded, you don’t need data to access them!  

So, when you're organising that school trip to London, remember, safety isn't just a box to tick. It's a commitment to your students' well-being and a vital part of a successful educational journey.  

Future Opportunities

Looking ahead, there's an array of exciting prospects on the horizon with Adaptable Travel. Did you know that students resilience, self-confidence and wellbeing improve drastically when learning aligns with real-world applications? That's why we're always evolving and innovating to offer more tours and destinations that align with the school curriculum, providing continued fun, inspiration, and real-world education.

Adaptable Travel has been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge , increasing confidence in our practices. This means we provide and have demonstrated high quality learning outside of the classroom. You can read more about the wonderful works of LOtC here .  

We're not just about exploring London; our upcoming destinations span the globe, giving students the opportunity to learn about different cultures, histories, and ecosystems. Our innovative programs are designed to make education an adventure, turning every trip into a unique learning experience.

We are committed to expanding our curriculum offerings to cater to a wider range of subjects. Whether it's science, history, or art, we believe in providing engaging activities that inspire curiosity and deepen understanding. We don't just show students the sights; we immerse them in the subject matter.

Whether you're planning to explore the wonders of London or venture further afield, Adaptable Travel is here to create personalized experiences to meet your educational needs. Our experts work closely with you to tailor itineraries that align with your learning objectives and engage your students in meaningful ways.

So, what's around the corner with Adaptable Travel? More exploration, more learning, and more fun! Stay tuned for our future school trips, where we continue to break down classroom walls and turn the world into a learning playground. Remember, with Adaptable Travel, the horizon for educational trips is always expanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of year to plan a school trip to london.

Considering weather, cost implications, cultural events, exam schedules, and holiday seasons, spring and autumn are ideal for your school trip to London. These seasons offer pleasant weather and fewer tourists.

However, it's crucial to plan around exam schedules and coincide with cultural events to enhance the educational experience. Remember, holiday seasons can be more expensive and crowded.

We recommend avoiding travelling in June or July if possible as this is when costs will be highest and accommodation choices most limited.

Ultimately, the best time depends on your specific needs and budget constraints.

How can schools factor in special dietary requirements for students during the trip?

We understand the importance of catering to special dietary requirements to ensure everyone is happy and healthy.  

Allergy awareness is paramount, with vegan options and gluten-free catering readily available. Halal meals can be arranged with ease and cultural dietary customs are always respected.

We will ask for your dietary requirements once you book your trip and pass this onto any meal bookings, we make for you.

What strategies can teachers use to keep students engaged during the trip?

To keep students engaged during a trip, teachers can implement interactive activities. They can use the surroundings as a canvas for scavenger hunts or educational games. Additionally, they can opt for guided tours that are specifically tailored for students, offering intriguing insights and fun facts. Teachers can also encourage students to maintain personal journals, documenting their experiences and observations. These strategies promote active engagement, making learning fun and memorable.

How can schools ensure accessibility for students with mobility issues during the trip?

Navigating a bustling city like London might seem difficult for less mobile students. But don't worry, it's achievable!

Start by booking accessible transportation, and ensuring the chosen venues cater for all accessibility needs. With an Additional Needs form to complete during the booking process on our website, so long as we’re aware of every student’s needs, we can accommodate our trip planning best suit.  

Remember, every student deserves to be a part of this epic adventure!

So, don't hesitate, get in contact and start planning your trip to London today! With Adaptable Travel, you're not just planning a school trip, you're crafting unforgettable learning experiences for you and your students.

From the classroom to the capital, we turn London into a learning playground. Safety, learning, and fun interweave seamlessly, creating a tapestry of experiences that'll shape your students' futures.

With us, a school trip to London isn't just a drop in the ocean, it's a ripple effect of lifelong learning.

The Globetrotting Teacher

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Your First Trip to London

Are you planning your first trip to London?  

This global city is endlessly popular with travelers from all over the world. With its famous landmarks and iconic sights, the number of things to see and do in London can easily excite and overwhelm first-time visitors.

In this post, you’ll find a cheat sheet compiled over 3 separate visits to London packed with information about how to get to London from the airport, where to stay in London, how to get around once you arrive, and best of all,  mapped-out London itinerary planning tips .

Are you ready to make your first trip to London a success? 

How to Plan a Trip to London

Tower Bridge in London, UK

It can seem daunting to get started on your London trip plan. It’s a huge city with lots of iconic sights and experiences. In fact, I think it’s often underestimated by travelers who often write to tell me what a great time they had in London and that the city was such a surprise…in a good way!

So, as any good teacher will tell you, start with an outline. In this case, you want to break down each step you’ll need to do to plan a trip to London and then work on filling in all the details.

Start with deciding when you want to visit London and how many days you’ll stay. (I recommend at least 3-4 days.)

Once you know this, you can work on booking your London accommodations. (I recommend staying in a central-ish area within walking distance of a Tube station. Keep reading for more below) The further out you book your London hotel, the more available options you’ll have with competitive pricing.

ProTip: If you have flexibility, you might even look at London flights and hotels first to find the cheapest combination of dates and rates. In this way, you’re letting the deals decide when you travel versus looking for a deal on the dates you need/want to travel.

Once you’ve got the major logistics set, it’s time to work on your London itinerary. (I’ve got specific itinerary ideas below so keep reading!)

At this point in your planning a trip to London, you’ll want to make a list of the London sights and attractions that are your must sees and dos. Then, using the maps below (or Google Maps), start grouping them by area.

One really important thing to know as you plan your London trip is that the city is huge. The distances between places can be far, and with limited days, you don’t want to backtrack or plan activities on opposite ends of the city on the same day.

From here, figure out what can be booked ahead…and actually book it ahead! London is a popular destination. It’s normal for there to be lines at top sights and restaurants that are completely booked.

You can use sightseeing passes like The London Pass (my complete review) to pre-plan and save money. Or you can book individual tickets through a platform like Get Your Guide .

Once you know where you’re staying and what you’ll be doing each day, you can round out your London trip planning by looking at the Tube Map to orient yourself and decide how you’ll get from the airport to the city center. (More tips on this below!)

What to See and Do on Your First Trip to London

This London trip planner is set up in different sections to help you plan a trip to London from start to finish. The first part helps you get ideas about how to plan your days in London with landmarks, attractions, museums, markets, and activities in a logistically sensible way.

You want to maximize your time in London without backtracking or zigzagging around the city. These ideas can also help you piece together a complete day because not all of them require a full day.

You also note that I’ve included the Tube stops for individual attractions. This is to help you in case you visit these places outside of the order I’ve suggested in the Google Map for each itinerary idea.

After these itinerary ideas for planning your trip to London, you’ll find tips and helpful information so you can navigate the city confidently.

Are you ready to plan your trip to London?

London Itinerary Planning Idea #1 – History Buffs and Foodies

Tower of London – Tower Hill Tube Stop – Circle and District Lines

The  Tower of London  with its crown jewels is an absolute must with its thick, ominous walls, dark past, resident black ravens, and informative Beefeaters. The Tower and the nearby Tower Bridge sit stalwartly as a link to the past when Kings and Queens sent prisoners to “think” about their choices and to wait for the inevitable… execution.

The Tower of London was the inhospitable home to infamous gangsters, spies, Dukes, Bishops, Princes, and even Queens!

First Trip to London Tower of London as seen from the River Thames

Undoubtedly the most famous Queen of them all was the ill-fated Anne Boleyn. The Tower of London is where Henry the VIII’s executioner beheaded her on charges of adultery and conspiracy, however, Henry actually blamed her for not producing a male heir.

Today, visiting the Tower of London is like stepping back in time. The daily traditions involving this historic castle have continued for hundreds of years. The resident Beefeaters live at the Tower of London and maintain the rituals and routines of the past. But they also offer free tours (once inside) and comically share their vast Tower of London knowledge.

These tours begin every 30 minutes starting at 10:00 a.m. and finishing with the last tour at 2:30 p.m.

Pro Tip:  Arrive in the morning when the Tower first opens. It becomes quite crowded later in the day. Use your  London Pass  to get Fast Track Entry and bundled savings when compared to buying attraction tickets individually.

Tower Bridge & Borough Market – London Bridge Tube Stop – Northern and Jubilee Lines

After a morning at the Tower of London, time your escape for lunch at  Borough Market . It’ll be easiest to walk from the Tower of London. Walk across Tower Bridge instead of London Bridge as shown on the map above. The walk is a bit longer than crossing London Bridge, but historic Tower Bridge is a sight in its own right.

You can tour the Victorian-era engine rooms, as well as climb to the bridge’s upper walkways for gorgeous views over London and the River Thames. Get your Tower Bridge ticket in advance or use The London Pass to visit the bridge.

You can also cross the River Thames with a river bus using your Tube Oyster Card (more on these below) from Tower Pier to London Bridge City Pier.

Once at Borough Market, the market lanes are lined with food and grocers selling every imaginable food item. It’s a great place to sample a variety of foods from all types of global cuisines. Not to mention, no London trip is complete without taking advantage of the city’s amazing international food scene!

Borough Market London

From famous falafel to perfectly spiced Indian food, huge skillets of paella, and savory British pies from Pieminster, you’ll be thankful to visit with an empty stomach on your first trip to London and every time you return like I do!

Restaurants and cafes fill the upstairs level and the surrounding streets (in case you’d prefer to sit rather than sample and roam) making this Southwark neighborhood a foodie’s delight.

ProTip: From Borough Market, you’re just a 5-minute walk to The Shard , London’s tallest glass skyscraper to see the highest views over the city. If you have it, you can use your London Pass for access. Be sure to follow the pass instructions to pre-reserve a time.

London Itinerary Planning Idea #2 – Royalty and High Tea

Westminster Abbey – Westminster Tube Stop – Jubilee Line

Coming out of Westminster Station, you’ll immediately be in the shadow of Big Ben and London’s iconic Parliament Building. You can walk back onto the Westminster Bridge to capture fuller photos of these London landmarks. If you’re lucky, you just might get a classic shot with a red doubledecker bus!

Continue on to  Westminster Abbey , just a couple of minutes walking from Big Ben. Westminster Abbey is open to visitors Monday-Saturday from 9:30 a.m until 3:30 p.m. The Abbey is closed on Sundays so keep this in mind when planning your London trip.

Use your  London Pass  to gain access to Westminster. Once inside, admire the architecture and the Abbey’s gorgeous choir room. Westminster is also the final resting place of numerous kings, queens, and dignitaries. You can see the monuments in their honor, as well as learn about their place in history.

If you’re a fan of the Royals, you’ll be visiting the spot where Kate and William were married.

Pro Tip:  If you want to take a ride on the London Eye , it can be included with the stops you make in and around Big Ben because it’s just a short walk over the bridge you see in the photo below. Avoid the lines by choosing the fast-track ticket option. It’s also quite popular to depart from the Westminster Pier for a cruise along the River Thames to take in the sights of London from the water.

History buffs won’t want to miss the Churchill War Rooms. They’re not far from Westminster Abbey, along the edge of St. James’s Park. These rooms served as the secret headquarters for Churchill during WW2. The rooms have been preserved just as they were during the war and give a fascinating look at how Churchill operated and made decisions during this dark time in history.

If your trip to London is 3 days or less and it’s your first visit, this WW2 museum may not be a top priority. But if you or a travel companion is interested in visiting WW2 sights and museums in Europe, The Churchill War Rooms are a great way to divert from the typical first time in London sights.

Buckingham Palace-Green Park Tube Stop-Jubilee, Victoria, & Piccadilly Lines

Next, make your way to  Buckingham Palace  where the  Changing of the Guards  happens.

The ceremony is all pomp and fanfare. The King’s Guard outside the castle has been on watch for hours and the new guard comes to take over in grand style! A marching brigade of guards along with a mounted cavalry and a marching band head up The Mall and through the palace gates.

This ceremony draws a crowd so it’s best to arrive ahead of time so that you can get yourself in a position to see the fanfare. I’ve watched from both the gates of Buckingham Palace and the Queen Victoria Monument directly opposite the palace gates.

First Trip to London Changing of the Guard

You’ll have to choose the location you want because it’s typically too crowded to move from place to place. To get a spot along the fence at Buckingham Palace, be prepared to arrive up to an hour early and wait.

If this is the case, you also may need to reverse the order and visit Westminster Abbey after so that you can stake out your Changing of the Guard spot in the morning.

Pro Tip:  Check the  Changing of the Guard schedule  before you go to make sure the ceremony is planned for the day you intend to visit.

Hyde Park – Hyde Park Corner Tube Stop – Piccadilly Line

When the ceremony is finished, keep those royal juices flowing for a stroll around  Hyde Park . It’s one of the largest parks in London, as well as one of the Royal Parks. Enjoy its monuments, bridges, fountains, gardens, and lake, including the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain.

Finish up with a classic afternoon tea experience at  The Dorchester Hotel .

No doubt, it’s a luxurious splurge, but after having experienced life as a royal, it’s the perfect way to properly finish the experience. From finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, sweets, and of course, tea, you’ll have had a quintessential London outing.

First trip to London Afternoon Tea

Alternatively, if you plan afternoon tea for another day, you might want to visit London’s Natural History Museum or Kensington Palace on the other end of Hyde Park.

The latter has been a royal residence for hundreds of years and was where Princess Diana lived with Princes William and Harry. Today, you can tour the apartments and staterooms and see the sunken gardens where there is a statue of Princess Diana commemorating the 20th anniversary of her death.

While the Natural History Museum displays animal specimens, dinosaurs, and exhibitions about the history of the natural world and the people who evolved in it.

If you intend to walk into Hyde Park and casually make your way towards Kensington Palace or the Natural History Museum, the walk will be broken up by the time spent in the park.

Otherwise, if your aim is to get to either of these sights without a long walk, use the London underground. The Queensway stop along the Central line is the closest to Kensington Palace and the South Kensington stop along the Circle and District lines is near to the Natural History Museum.

London Itinerary Planning Idea #3 – Architecture, Theatre, & Art

St. Paul’s Cathedral – St. Paul’s Tube Stop – Central Line

Start off at  St. Paul’s Cathedral  to admire this Anglican Church’s architecture. You can explore the crypt or head in the opposite direction and climb the dome’s 528 steps for spectacular panoramic London views.

If you have it, entry is included with your London Pass .

Take your time crossing the pedestrian-only Millennium Bridge on your way to the Tate Modern and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. This is a great spot to watch boat traffic along the River Thames.

First Trip to London Millenium Bridge with view of St. Paul's

Tate Modern & The Globe Theatre-Blackfriars Tube Stop-Circle & District Lines

These 2 London attractions are just next to one another.

The  Tate Modern  has a vast permanent collection of modern art by the likes of Henri Matisse and Jackson Pollock, as well as temporary exhibitions. There are beautiful views looking back on St. Paul’s Cathedral and the River Thames, as well.

It’s free to enter the museum and there’s no need to book ahead, unless there is a specific exhibit you’d like to see that requires a reserved space.

The nearby  Globe Theatre  is a replica of Shakespeare’s original which burned in a fire many years ago after the thatched roof was ignited during a production of Henry VIII.

For your first trip to London, you’ll want to use your  London Pass  to tour the theater during the day and hear about its historic past. The Globe also has evening performances during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. The ambiance of the open-air theater makes for a fantastic night out!

First Trip to London Shakespeares Globe Theatre

Pro Tip:  Check times to coordinate visits to both the Tate Modern and The Globe in a way that lets you see one after the other. The Globe performance tickets sell out so purchase them in advance, especially if you want to see a play on a specific date.

London Itinerary Planning Idea #4 – Artifacts, Landmarks, and Shopping

The British Museum – Tottenham Court Tube Stop – Central & Northern Lines

No trip to London is complete without a stop at The   British Museum . The art and artifacts on display are open free to the public beginning at 10:00 a.m. each day. Highlights include the Rosetta Stone, sculptures from the Parthenon, and a vast Egyptian collection including mummies.

It’s worth checking for any special, limited-time exhibits during your stay. If there’s one you’d like to see, it’s worth buying tickets online or at the museum when you first arrive.

London British Museum

After the museum, spend the afternoon strolling through  Covent Garden  or head over to  Soho  and  Oxford Street  for a shopper’s paradise. Covent Garden is in London’s West End, home to theaters, restaurants, and shops. You’re sure to find anything you’d want to buy from the numerous chain stores, boutiques, and markets.

Pro Tip:  There are many classic London pubs in these neighborhoods. If you haven’t had a plate of fish and chips yet, now’s the time. You can also join a historical pub walking tour to visit some of London’s most iconic pubs.

Fish and Chips London

Leicester Square – Leicester Square Tube Stop – Piccadilly & Northern Lines

Make your way to  Leicester Square  and the heart of London’s Theatre District. It’s super touristy here. Think Times Square-esque…a place where you take a few photos before moving on.

But if you plan to see a musical or a play later (and you certainly should!),  get your discounted tickets at the TKTS booth right in the square for performances that day or night.

There’s crossover between shows in London and New York’s Broadway district. Sometimes, you can even catch a performance in London before it heads to New York City.

Trafalgar Square – Charing Cross Tube Stop – Bakerloo & Northern Lines

Finish your walk at  Trafalgar Square . This iconic London crossroads has monuments, historic buildings, museums, and street performers. It’s an absolute beehive of activity and perfect for taking more classic London photos complete with red double-decker buses passing by on the streets in and around the square.

First Trip to London Trafalgar Square

With any luck, you’ll have time to check out the  National Gallery  right in Trafalgar Square which houses famous paintings by the likes of Vermeer, Monet, Rembrandt, Cezanne, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Best of all, it’s free to visit, and you can use your  London Pass  Hop On Hop Off double-decker bus ticket to reposition yourself closer to your hotel when you’re done.

London Itinerary Planning Idea #5 – Harry Potter Fans

Harry Potter Studio Tour Meeting Point – Victoria Station – Circle, District & Victoria Lines

Are you traveling with a wannabe wizard dying for a Hogwarts adventure?

Plan a visit to the  Harry Potter and Warner Brothers Studio . Buses leave from Central London and travel to the magical sets of the famed movie and book series. The closest tube stop to the meeting point is Victoria Station. From there, it’s just a few minutes on foot.

You’ll have 4 hours to see places like the Great Hall, Dumbledore’s Office, Diagon Alley, and more! Plus, get to see some of the most famous props and the costumes worn by Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

If you’ve wanted to visit Platform 9 ¾, ride the Hogwarts Express, and attempt to ride a broomstick, then you definitely don’t want to miss escaping the world of Muggles for just a bit on your visit to London!

ProTip: If you want to sprinkle some Harry Potter into your London trip but don’t want to commit a full day to the experience, this Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour is a popular alternative.

Out-of-Town Must-Sees on your First Trip to London

From London, many parts of Britain and the U.K. are easily reachable by train. This makes it possible to visit a couple of popular sites with even just a half day’s worth of time.

Trains run from London to both  Windsor Castle  and  Hampton Court Palace . From their respective train stations, it’s just a few minutes on foot to reach the entry points.

The exquisite staterooms at Windsor Castle are open to the public when the King is not in residence. These rooms are some of the most spectacular castle rooms you’ll see anywhere in the world.

St. George’s Chapel, within the grounds of Windsor Castle, is the final resting spot of Henry VIII and several other Kings and Queens. It’s also where Meghan and Harry were married and the final resting place of Queen Elizabeth II.

First Trip to London Windsor Castle

Hampton Court Palace is full of Tudor history, as it was a regular stop for Henry VIII and his royal court. The palace creates a historical experience by revealing the inner workings of how the palace operated in its heyday. It’s undoubtedly one of the most interesting and well-preserved looks at Tudor history, as well as what life was like during this period.

Look out for King Henry VIII himself, as visitors can watch the King interact with Anne Boleyn or flirt with his soon-to-be next wife, Jane Seymour. Leave some time for the palace’s gardens and maze.

Pro Tip:  Windsor Castle and Hampton Court Palace are both included with the  London Pass . Get Fast Track Entry at Hampton Court to maximize your time and avoid any entry line.

If you have extra days in your itinerary, consider a London day trip to:

  • Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and Bath
  • The Cotswolds
  • Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey) & the Filming Locations

If you’re planning a trip to England, rent a car and drive into the English countryside when your time in London is done. I’ve done this to spend time exploring places like Stratford-Upon-Avon , the Cotswolds villages , and Warwick Castle .

It’s a perfect way to add on to an England itinerary and explore more of what the country has to offer beyond London.

Best Area to Stay in London

Where to stay in London is one of the most frequently asked questions for anyone planning a trip. It’s understandable. You want to be somewhere conveniently located, safe, and within your travel budget.

London’s neighborhoods and districts each have their own unique charm and flavor. And while some might say you should absolutely stay in the heart of the most touristy areas of the city, I think the most important thing when choosing where to stay in London is to  stay somewhere with convenient access to the Tube. 

You shouldn’t be hesitant to book a hotel or rental accommodation that’s a few Tube stops away from popular attractions. You can truly get nearly anywhere in London very quickly by using the underground train system.

That being said, you don’t want to stay too far from the heart of London, either. The city is big and the Tube rides from London’s outer neighborhoods can take upwards of an hour back to the center.

Ideally, you want to find a London hotel that matches your travel budget, close to a Tube station, in a relatively center-ish location. Example neighborhoods include Seven Dials, Covent Garden, Westminster, Soho, and near Southwark along the south bank.

Below, I’ve shared a couple of hotels where I’ve stayed. They’re in different budget categories and neighborhoods, and they have convenient Tube access.

Interior of a hotel room the house-keeper of a class

I’ve had excellent hotel points and paid stays at several London hotels including the ones listed below.

Radisson Blu Edwardian Mercer Street Hotel  – The hotel is located in the Seven Dials neighborhood near Covent Garden, the West End’s Theatre district, pubs, and my favorite Indian restaurant, Dishoom. Rooms are a classic modern boutique style for which Radisson Blu hotels are known.

Holiday Inn Express London-Southwark  – Just a 10-minute walk to Borough Market, the Tate Modern, or the Globe Theatre, with a Tube station nearby. This hotel is on the south bank of the city not far from the Southwark Tube station.

London Rental Accommodations

During my travels, I’ve also opted for apartment and home rentals. You feel more like a local and oftentimes can save money because you’re able to prepare your own breakfast or share the overall cost with family members or friends. Not to mention, you can find truly unique places to stay with awesome views or even discover a new neighborhood!

London is the perfect destination to consider a rental accommodation over a hotel because hotels aren’t cheap(!) and London is well-connected with its underground trains.

My go-to place to search for rental accommodations is Plum Guide . They vet the properties on their site using “Home Critics” and only select the best properties in a variety of price brackets. Plum Guide even offers phone support 24/7 should you need any help or have questions.

How Many Days to Spend in London

As with most places, you can spend an extended period of time and still not see and do everything a fantastic city like London has to offer.

If it’s your first time in London, you likely will focus on the most popular attractions and experiences that interest you. For this, you’ll need 3-4 days to explore and make use of the London itinerary ideas in this guide.

With 4+ days in London, you can also use a day to visit a popular sight just outside of London or even  get off the beaten path .

London is a great city to explore. It’s also the perfect jumping-off point for future trips to Europe. It’s not complicated to add a couple of days in London as a stopover before continuing on to another destination in Europe.

Arrival into London

The  Heathrow Express  is a quick and efficient way to get into the city from London Heathrow Airport. The train leaves every 15 minutes and arrives in just about the same time to Paddington Station.

You can book your tickets online or using the Heathrow Express App. Not only will this save you any hassle at the airport, but you’ll also save money. Heathrow Express prices are lower the further you book in advance.

Gatwick Airport also has an  express train  which arrives at Victoria Station. Trains run every 15 minutes and take a half-hour to reach London.

Similarly, the express train from Gatwick offers considerable discounts for booking online and ahead of time.

First Trip to London Trains at Paddington Station

The airports also have commuter trains, buses, and taxis to get you into London. Except for the taxis, these options are less expensive than the express trains mentioned above but do take more time.

You can check prices and schedules for  Southern Railways  from Gatwick to compare.

In addition, from London Heathrow, you can take the Tube. Trains along the Picadilly and Elizabeth lines connect terminals 2, 3, 4, and 5. The ride takes between 45-50 minutes to reach central London but is less expensive than the Heathrow Express.

From Paddington and Victoria Stations in London, you’ll have access to the  London Tube  with lines spreading across the city, as well as a taxi queue at ground level. Most taxis take credit cards but be aware of the occasional cash-only sign in a taxi’s window.

Pro Tip:  My recommendation is to use an express train or the Tube (from/to Heathrow), for a quick and easy trip to London’s city center or even directly to your hotel. Avoid London traffic and expensive taxi rides.

If you’d prefer to arrange transportation and/or avoid taking the trains, consider booking a car with Welcome Pickups  to transfer to the city. Although I’ve only used the trains to get from Heathrow to London, I’ve used Welcome Pickups in several other European cities and always had a great experience.

This will be a much more affordable option compared to a London taxi. The price will be a flat rate, as opposed to paying based on the taxi’s metered fare which can get quite high with even the smallest amount of traffic

How to get around London

First Trip to London Tube Station near Big Ben

London is very pedestrian-friendly and you’re bound to do a good amount of walking during your London trip. Remember, cars are on the opposite side of the road compared to the U.S., so you need to LOOK RIGHT when crossing the road. When in doubt, just look both ways before crossing.

Along the Thames, the riverwalk is a clear path connected with several bridges to help you cross to the other side as frequently as you need.

In addition, London’s Tube (subway) is reliable, easy to navigate, and stretches across the city. The announcements are clear and the lines are identified with colors and names, like Central, District, and Piccadilly. Given how big London is, you’ll need to rely on public transportation to maximize the time you have rather than always walking long distances.

As with getting to London from the airport, taxis are expensive in London and get even pricier when traffic is heavy. It’s best to go underground to save time, money, and patience.

Visitors staying for a few days can get an Oyster Card for easy use and refills in the Tube. Your Oyster Card is good for your first trip to London and every return trip thereafter!

London Pass  purchases come with the option to add a visitor’s Oyster Card. I would skip this option because the card takes several weeks to be physically mailed to you. You can also save more money by simply using a regular Oyster Card or the Tube’s contactless payment system because it will cap how much you’ll pay each day automatically.

Use a contactless credit card to pay to enter the Tube, as well as a mobile device like a smartphone with Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay. Just be sure you’re using a card with no foreign transaction fees.

A few things to keep in mind when paying to access the Tube.

  • Use the same card or device when you touch in and out at the yellow card readers. The London Tube caps how much you’ll pay. So, you can ride as much as you want in a day or a week and you’ll never pay more than the capped price.
  • If you don’t use the same card or device, the Tube card readers won’t be able to accurately cap the amount you pay.
  • If you’re using a device like a smartphone, be sure you have enough battery power. You need to touch in and out of the Tube. You also need to use your phone all day otherwise the system can’t cap the amount you pay.
  • You can pay for another person if you are traveling together. (They will need to touch out of the Tube and can’t do it without your card or device.) You’ll need to pay for yourself with a separate card or device.

London Tips for Your First Trip

View of the River Thames in London across from the London Eye

As you plan things to do in London and where to stay in London, also take into consideration the tips below. They’ve come from 3 separate trips to London and a lot of travel experience overall.

The best time to visit London is during spring and fall.

Visiting London in the shoulder/winter season months, April-June and September-November, are the perfect combination of moderate to cool temperatures and fewer visitors. January to March can also be a good time to visit if you’re not bothered by colder temperatures and prefer to visit during the least busy time of year.

Summer can be very busy, making the next London travel tip even that much more important.

Book as many things as possible in advance.

Not only will things like the London Pass or advance fast-track tickets help you save time and money, but it’ll eliminate indecisiveness about what to do while you’re in London and who to trust when you eventually buy the tickets, tours, and passes you want.

Use a credit card with no foreign transaction fees.

London isn’t a budget destination. The last thing you want to add to the currency exchange are fees from your credit card once you get your bill back home.

Credit cards are widely accepted throughout London and also remove the necessity to convert and carry large amounts of dollars to British pounds.

ProTip: When paying by credit card or using your debit card to withdraw money at an ATM, always pay in the local currency (Pounds) and/or decline the currency conversion. This is a sneaky way to convert your money at a less-than-desirable rate.

Wear comfortable walking shoes.

I know this seems obvious but it truly can’t be understated. As someone who lives in New York City, I can always recognize a visitor who’s regretting his/her shoe choice.

These are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. I wear them walking around New York City and they’re a staple I pack for nearly every trip I take. You can walk miles without any irritation or blisters.

Check for service charges.

Tipping isn’t obligatory in London. In fact, service charges are often added to bills at restaurants and pubs. That being said, if you’re happy with your service, you always leave a small amount as a gesture of appreciation.

Pack the right electrical converters.

Most commonly, you’ll need a Type G converter to plug into the outlets throughout the U.K. I’ve encountered one place where this wasn’t the case. So, it’s smart to also have a universal adapter with USB ports, too.

London Trip Planner FAQs

How do i start planning a trip to london.

To plan a trip to London, first, decide how many days you’ll spend in the city. Then, book your hotel. You’ll find more options and competitive pricing the further in advance you book. After this, plan your London itinerary. Make a list of the sights and activities you want to see and do. Then, group them by area to logically plan what to do without backtracking. Be sure to book ahead as many things as possible to save time and to ensure you can visit places on the days that make sense for your London itinerary.

How many days should I plan for London?

As you plan a trip to London, you’ll need at least 3-4 days to comfortably see the city’s top sights and attractions. London is a very large city with an endless number of things to see and do. You can easily plan a trip to London for a week and have plenty to fill your itinerary.

What time of year is best to go to London?

The absolute best months for a perfect combination of weather and number of visitors is from April to June and September through November. January to March can also be a good time to visit London because fewer people are visiting during this time. Summers come with big crowds and long lines.

What is the best area to stay in London?

The best area to stay in London is in the heart of the city, especially if you’re visiting London for the first time, and within walking distance of a Tube station. These include neighborhoods like Seven Dials, Covent Garden, Westminster, Soho, and along the south bank near the Southwark area.

Where should I go on my first trip to London?

For your first London trip, plan to see the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, the British Museum, Covent Garden, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, and the iconic view of Big Ben and Parliament from Westminster Bridge. You should also plan to have afternoon tea, eat at Borough Market, go to a play or musical, and glimpse London from above at the London Eye or the Shard.

First Trip to London – Bottom Line

You have chosen a fantastic city to visit, full of important landmarks, historic sights, good food, and fun experiences. With some advance planning, you’ll arrive in London prepared with your itinerary and know-how to navigate the city confidently for an unforgettable trip.

So, what questions do you have about your first trip to London or about planning a London itinerary?

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Planning a trip to London? This is a complete London Guide with itinerary ideas and tips, things to do in London, where to stay in London, how to get around and save money in London, as well as great day trips from London. Plus, get a FREE London Cheat Sheet to take with you on your trip! | #London #UK #Travel #Bucketlist #Europe #greatbritain #england #thingstodoinlondon #londonguide #londontrip #londonitinerary #europetravel #wheretostayinlondon #londondaytrips

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76 thoughts on “the ultimate cheat sheet for your first trip to london”.

trip to london grundschule

I have been to London several times, but I found your guide and itineraries very helpful!

trip to london grundschule

I’m so glad, Chrysoula! Thanks for reading. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Such a great guide! I’ve been to nearly 50 countries and still not the UK, so I’ll have to remember to come back to this article when I finally make it to London 🙂

Thanks, Tamara! 50 countries is quite an accomplishment! Awesome. Glad the guide will be useful when you make it to London. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Somehow I wish I’ve read this post before my first trip to London. Then I wouldn’t have skipped many experiences listed here) Thank you for putting this up! I’ve pinned it as well (maybe I’ll visit London again, then I’ll need it for sure)

Thanks for reading and sharing on Pinterest, Natalia. 🙂 Here’s to hoping you make it back to London soon!

trip to london grundschule

Love the Pro Tops plus how you broke each day down into categories. What a great way to see London! I also like how you included things to see if it is your first time there. Going anywhere for the first time can be so overwhelming!

Especially in a big place like London, Bryanna. It’s nice to break it up and make the most of your time.

trip to london grundschule

You made me want to visit London again! Love the way you divided the itinerary with themes and suggestions for good food. London is such a huge city and planning a trip there for the first time can be overwhelming, you just make it so easy! Cheers,

Thanks, Natalie! Sometimes, it’s just easier to work on trip planning in small chunks. 😉

trip to london grundschule

I’ve been to London a few times, but I’ve never made it to the Windsor Castle or the Hampton Court Palace. There is just so much to do in the city and its surroundings, but you’ve highlighted the must-sees in a very comprehensive and informative post. I’d love to go back and take more advantage of the free museums, especially the National Gallery!

Next trip, Erika, take some time for Windsor Castle and/or Hampton Court Palace. They’re well worth your time. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Wish I had your cheat-sheet on m first trip to London! You certainly covered all the hot spots and then some. I can’t wait to go back and hit the places I missed.

Thanks, Sue. A return trip to London is always a good idea. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Loved your tips! I’ve pinned and will reference during my London trip planning. Can you share a bit more about the oyster card?

Thanks, Amanda! I’m so glad the post is helpful for planning your London trip. The oyster card is a plastic card you can use for quick and easy entry to the London’s metro, buses, and many commuter trains. The card is 5 pounds to buy, after which you load some money onto it. The fare you’ll pay for a metro ride with the oyster card will be cheaper than if you had simply purchased a single ticket for the ride. The Oyster card also caps off what you’d pay in a day making sure you never pay more than had you bought a day pass travel card. Hope that helps! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

I love the addition of the pro tips, especially times of day best to visit. I do love London, but timed a few things wrong, ending up in bigger crowds than I like.

Thanks, Rhonda. I certainly know that feeling of being in a crowd and wanting to be anyplace but there! Glad the pro tips will help for your next London trip. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Hi Jackie! Any tips for going to London with a toddler? Going to London this Wednesday and I’m going to use your cheat sheet! Thanks!

Hi Jen! So exciting to hear about your trip. 🙂 I’d definitely do the London Eye, but book tickets ahead of time online to skip the line. The Changing of the Guard with its parade, music, and horses are also toddler-friendly. He’ll get in free to the London underground, but if you don’t want to do that, go for the Hop on Hop off Bus Tour. The pirate-themed Princess Diana Playground in Hyde Park is also supposed to be a big hit. Not sure if he’s too young, but the I’d also look at the Natural History Museum, the National Maritime and/or Transport Museum, and maybe a show like Lion King. If that show is too long, how about The Gruffalo? It’s based on the kids book and is less than an hour long. Let me know if you have any more questions and have a great trip!! 🙂

Awesome, thank you for this! I printed out your cheat sheet & 8′ using it for our guide! Thanks!

Great! Hope you have a fantastic trip, Jen!

trip to london grundschule

I’m actually from London, yes all these places are great, but you haven’t mentioned how expensive they can be. Most museums and art galleries are free and fantastic but eating at fancy hotels is only for the rich! Try to go to restaurants and pubs that are not in the tourist areas and you’ll be much better value for your money. As for traditional fish and chips, there is a great place in Waterloo road called Superfish. It’s the best around and very reasonable. Lots of London Taxi drivers eat there, so you know it’s good!

Hi, Joanne and thanks for the tip about Superfish! It’s so great to get that from a local. Totally agreed about eating in hotels, too expensive. I only splurged on the Dorchester Tea because we wanted to have a fancy afternoon. Thanks again for reading. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Hi, thank you for your tips. We’re going to London ne te may, my husband and I. Do you recommend Stonehenge ?

Hi Helene, Thanks for reading and commenting. You know, as many times as I have been to London, I have not made it to Stonehenge. To help you, I’m linking to another blog post all about visiting Stonehenge written by a blogger friend of mine. She’s got some great tips. Hope that helps! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

There are some great tips here. I’m planning a trip to London during the high season with a variety of ages from grandmother, 4x 30 year olds, 4 kids between the ages of 8-3, and 2 newborns. Aiaiai. Just trying to get a place to eat together will be challenging. I loved your tips about the Oyster card, and pre-booking tickets, It saves lots of time to book in advance so that you are not waiting in line for tickets, and then waiting in another line for entry. Depending on how early you book it also puts that block of tickets on separate credit card bill instead of all at once. Just a tip from how I travel with all the children and trying to be budget concsious, I usually stop in a local grocery store and grab the 3 (pound, I don’t have the symbol on my keyboard) meal deal, Its filling and usually healthy. If you have any more kid friendly tips I’d love to hear them. Thanks for the guide, I found you on Pintrest, and will make sure to repin.

Thanks for reading, Erin, and for repinning on Pinterest. I appreciate it. 🙂 Sounds like your trip is set to make some amazing multi-generational memories. Thanks for sharing your food tip. London has great parks to make use of when the kids need a break. Hyde Park has paddle boats for rent and a great playground and fountain. St. James Park also has a popular playground. Enjoy your trip!

trip to london grundschule

Do you have more ideas? We will be in London for 10 days. We will do all you mention but we need more?

Hi June, Thanks so much for reading and so exciting about your upcoming trip to London! 🙂 A couple other sites/places I’d recommend is Kensington Palace and if you’re at all a history buff, the Churchill War Rooms. If you’re doing all of that plus these last 2, check out the London Pass to save some money. Also, check out Free Tours by Foot and Sandeman’s free walking tours. If you’re interested in street art and/or learning more about London’s ethnic food scene check out a tour in the Shoreditch neighborhood. With 10 days, you can also plan day trips out of the city if you want. The Cotswolds Warwick Castle , and/or Stratford upon Avon are just a couple of hours drive, as are Stonehenge and Bath. Even Paris is a doable day trip with the Chunnel train taking just 2ish hours. Good luck and enjoy your trip!

trip to london grundschule

Thanks for the tip about the London Pass! We went last year and no one told us about it, and we are going back in October and still want to do many of the activities included in the pass. Sounds like a great value!

Fantastic, Dana. I hope your trip is fantastic and enjoy the London Pass! Thanks so much for reading. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

The best North Indian food is in southall (West London), trains run from Paddington. Brilliant Restaurant highly recommended..

Thanks Preetvan for the tip! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

It’s ravens that you find at the Tower of London, not crows!

Thanks for that! I have no bird ID skills! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Thanks for your post; definitely adding it to my Pinterest board. I’m heading there for Spring Break with my husband and three teenage girls. We have eight days (flying into Gatwick and out of Paris-CDG). How do you suggest we split the days between London and Paris? And what would your top recommendations be?

Thanks for reading, Sheath. So exciting about your upcoming family trip to London and Paris. Both cities have so much to see and do, it all depends on your interests. You can easily split your time in half, although the Francophile in me says to give yourself an extra day in Paris. Not sure if you’re into theatre, but a night out to see a show in London’s West End is unforgettable. Tower of London, Shakespeares Globe, Borough Market, high tea are all at the top of my London first time list. For Paris, visit the top of Notre Dame in the morning, Arc de Triomphe at dusk, Sainte-Chappelle, Musee de l’Orangerie, and wander through 4th, 5th, and 6th arrondissements for tucked away shops and cafes as a start to your Paris visit. Hope that helps and have soo much fun! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Thank you for this cheat sheet. Great tips and ideas. My best friend and I are traveling to Europe for our 40th birthdays in March. We are spending about 2 1/2 days in London. It seems you were recommended traveling by way of the tube for most everything. I had been looking at the Hop On and Off Bus before reading your cheat sheet. Would you recommend skipping the bus and just using the tube?

Hi Heather, Thanks for reading. London is such a great city for a friends birthday trip! I would still recommend the Tube. The traffic in London can be horrible and Hop on Hop off buses can get stuck in it with the rest of the vehicles. With 2 1/2 days, getting underground will help you maximize your time getting from place to place. Enjoy your trip! -Jackie

trip to london grundschule

Do you have any recommendations for visiting in December (just prior to Christmastime)? My family and I will be arriving on a Monday and departing on Thursday (for Germany), flying in and out of Stansted. It will be myself, my husband, and our 2 kids, ages 20 and (will turn while we’re in London) 17 year old (boy and girl). My husband is normally into things like the museums, but he’s the type that would need several days in any one museum (he literally reads each and every plaque, and doesn’t miss a display, LOL). So, because we’re limited on time, we’ll probably skip museums until another time. My husband and I are doing Harry Potter/WB Studios on Tuesday (I’m a big fan, kids not so much) and we’re letting them go off on their own. Will definitely be getting Oyster Cards.

Any other recommendations, especially since will will be cold weather? Thanks!

Thanks for reading, Cammi. I’d definitely try and see a show, be it one in the west end or a special Christmas themed show or concert. I’d also like to see the seasonal attractions like the winter wonderland in Hyde Park and all the lights around the city. I’m a cold weather gal so I love to get outside. But just in case of super cold weather, I’d have 1 museum in mind just as a back up if you need to warm up. Not sure if your hubby has seen the Churchill War rooms not far from Westminster, but I highly recommend. Enjoy your trip!

trip to london grundschule

My husband and I leave for our first ever trip abroad, London, in less than a week! The ironic and very strange thing is that as soon as I read the title of our article was that the authors last name is Sills. That is MY maiden name and some of my father’s family still lives in England! Dad himself, Charles Sills, was actually born in London! We will be visiting some Sills relatives in Suffolk on our trip!

Anyway, thanks for the great articles!

Sincerely, Elizabeth (Sills) Hurd

Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for reading and omg! My maiden name is Sills as well! I have done a ton of family research but always run into a dead end trying to figure out more about the George Sills who came over from England to the U.S. back in the 1800s. That’s so amazing you’ll be combining your tip with some ancestry travel. I hope you have a great trip and enjoy meeting your relatives! Thanks again for reading the blog. 🙂 Jackie

trip to london grundschule

Nice tips overall. Anyway, thanks for the great articles!

Thanks for reading, Brandy. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

I must say this is an ultimate post for travelers who are looking for trip to London at affordable cost. You have covered everything in your post such as best places to stay, which is really helpful.

Thanks for reading, Sandeep. Happy travels to London!

trip to london grundschule

Your blog is amazing – thanks for all the incredible ideas. We are considering going to London for Spring Break (March 8-17, 2019). Would you recommend going at his time ….will the weather be agreeable? Thanks, Stacey

Thanks for reading, Stacey, and for your kind words. So, it’ll likely still be chilly, but I’d say yes, go! Take this with the knowledge that I live in NYC and walk around in all kinds of weather and that I love visiting Europe in the off-season. I’d rather have cooler temps and fewer crowds. Plus, with London’s Underground/Subway, you can so easily pop underground and get around if you needed to escape the weather for a bit. Not to mention with delicious tea, scones, English pies, and Indian food, there’s plenty to warm you up! 🙂 Thanks again for reading.

very informative blog love to read it. i got so many new ideas about London. Thanks for sharing and it will help me during my visit to London. [LINK EDITED OUT]

Thanks for reading, Mickey. Enjoy London. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Love this guide and the one for Portugal also. Now if I could print it and store it in my travel file folder for easier access when I go to London. Thanks for writing these detailed trip reports – they are extremely helpful

Thanks do much for reading, Jane. You can download the London cheat sheet to help with your travels. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Going to the Harry Potter Studios by bus from Central London is the silliest thing to do. It takes too long AND you can only stay at the studios until the time your bus would take you back (about 4 hours) – not enough time for a true Harry Potter fan. It is fastest and easiest to go by train from Euston Station to Watford Junction (Oyster can be used) and takes about 30minutes. The studio has buses at Watford Junction to take you there – it takes just about 10 minutes. We stayed over 7 hours at the studios – my kids would start a riot if we had to leave after some 4 hours only!

Thanks for reading, Deesi! And great tips! Appreciate you sharing. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Your blog is amazing. How do I download the cheat sheet??

Thank you ~Alison

Thanks so much for reading, Alison. All you need to do is fill in the fields on the cheat sheet sign up box. It’ll get sent to you. 🙂 So glad the blog has been helpful for you.

trip to london grundschule

If you have enough time you should certainly consider Kew Gardens and Greenwich. You can take the clipper down the river to Greenwich. Also Kenwood is free to visit and set in beautiful grounds on Hampstead Heath. Don’t pay to go up the Shard. Book the free tickets for Skygarden three weeks ahead. Or go up the tower at Tate Modern. Children like all these places but as other people have said the parks are lovely and all different. It’s lovely to see this thread still working and growing after such a long time. Well done!!!

Thanks for reading and sharing your London tips, Marian! I didn’t know that about the Shard!

trip to london grundschule

The Dorchester is indeed a great hotel, but the very best Afternoon Tea has to be the Ritz.

Thanks for reading and sharing, David. I have heard great things about the afternoon tea at the Ritz. I’ll have to try it next time I’m in London. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Thank you for sharing this info about London. I am planning to visit in a neaxt month.

Thanks for reading, Alina. Have fun in London. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Amazing. you have told very easy and splendid ways for exploring London. London is my favourite place to travel and for food too. I love the food Enjoy!

Thanks for reading, Amy. Glad you had great travels to London. 🙂

trip to london grundschule

My niece and I want to go to London. We’ve considered a tour group, but the itinerary is limited, I enjoyed reading your cheat sheet. It was interesting, and we got very excited at the thought of actually visiting the sites, Have you ever traveled there in December? I am a teacher and my big break is in the month of December, I don’t want to go and freeze! The travel dates would be between December 14th and December 24th. Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you.

Rebecca and Brooke

Thanks for reading, Rebecca and Brooke. I haven’t been to London in the winter but I’ve been to many other cities in Europe in winter like Paris, Prague, Budapest, Munich, and more, also during my winter school breaks! I’m probably not the most objective person on this as I live in NYC and walk around outside all winter long. But I love European cities around Christmas. Yes, it’s chilly. But if you dress right the charm and the ambiance is unforgettable. I’d highly recommend a London Christmas visit! If you want some freedom to explore mixed with a few organized activities, plan a couple of day tours instead of something more comprehensive. The London Pass is also a great way to see what’s popular while saving money by bundling sightseeing costs. Hope this helps and you have a great trip! 😉

Thank you so much. We are moving ahead with our plans. I agree, if you dress appropriately, the weather will not be a factor.. Again, I really learned a lot from your cheat sheet and have read it many times.

Thanks for reading, Rebecca and Brooke. 🙂 So glad to hear the cheat sheet was helpful. I hope you have a wonderful trip to London.

trip to london grundschule

Heathrow express!! Saved me so much time! So glad I read this.

Thanks for reading, Scott. Yep, the Heathrow Express makes things super easy! 🙂

trip to london grundschule

Thanks for informative sharing. I must say that your shared information is very useful for me as well as other readers.

Glad to hear it, William. Thanks for reading.

trip to london grundschule

Hello Jackie, I am at the beginning of planning a second Girls Trip to London, and the country side of England. The first was with a group of high school girls friends,(tons of fun) and this one will be with all my sister in laws. Both groups are in their early 60’s. I appreciated the link to the GO transportation site. I like the idea of a van to haul us all to the hotel from Heathrow. There will be six of us in this up coming trip. There were only four on the high school trip. We all squeezed into one cab, and shared the cost. I don’t think we can squeeze six ladies and luggage into a cab, so the van idea sounds good. I suggested a cab for the HS group, knowing it is the more expensive way to get from the airport. I knew we would be sharing the cost AND also with the age of the group, didn’t think we (or I ) would want to be dragging our luggage in and out of tube trains. They were all ok with the idea of a cab. Also one thing I tell anyone I know who is on their way over, WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES!!! I know they aren’t always the most fashionable, but gee, your feet will thank you at the end of the day. No new shoes that haven’t been wore in yet either. One last thought– the HS trip was a full week in London, so we all decided that the London Pass would be a good idea– and it was! The Shard visit alone would have cost 50 pounds for one person to enter. The payable sites do add up. All worth seeing, but can get pricy. Not so sure it will be worth it for this sister in law trip, we won’t be spending as much time in London. Thanks for the time and research you put into this travel blog. Very enjoyable read. 🙂

Thanks so much for reading, Deborah! So exciting to be planning another trip (and a Girls Trip, even better!) to London. Thanks for sharing your experiences, too. Totally agree on comfortable shoes! My go-to’s for lots of walking (live in NYC) and traveling (one pair is with me on every trip) are Allbirds . In fact, I just bought 2 new pairs (Tree Runner & Wool Runner) since I’ve worn my others out. If anyone in your group or you are looking for something comfy, definitely give these shoes a look. Enjoy your trip to London and come back if there are any questions I can answer. Thanks again for reading. 🙂

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The ultimate guide to school trip ideas to London

Hostelworld Blog | Posted on July 15, 2018 |

London has the perfect blend of culture, history and beauty to ensure that any school trip goes down a treat. If you know the right places to go you can learn, experience the weird and wonderful aspects of the City and have fun doing it.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of ideas for your school trip to London including; discovering some esteemed and incredible museums, visiting a royal park, getting some group photos at key landmarks, and experiencing Shakespeare in a new light through an open-air theatre. We’ve completed the guide by choosing our top hostels for school trips and given you some group tips to keep in mind when travelling.

1. Visit the best museums in London

Horniman museum & gardens.

school trip ideas London - Horniman Museum & Gardens

Over-stretched walrus in the Horniman Museum

There’s so many fantastic and diverse  museums  around London that any curious mind is sure to be kept entertained. The Horniman Museum is one of our favourites. This beautiful treasure in Forest Hill was commissioned in 1898 after collector, Frederick J. Horniman opened his house and extraordinary collection to his community with the hope of enriching their lives. The Museum has since grown its collection and now holds an extensive range of items including a natural history collection, a Butterfly House and an acclaimed aquarium.

The most popular exhibit is the variety of stuffed animals including a stretched, overstuffed walrus, a tiger, kangaroo and some penguins. But perhaps the most fascinating item in the museum is the freaky man-made mermaid known as a “Japanese Monkey-fish”. This creature takes the shape of a fish below and a monkey head. Its strange features attract so much attention from visitors that Assistant Keeper of Natural History, Paolo Viscardi began researching its origins.  So far, he has discovered that this species has been represented in many religious depictions, most commonly T he Ningyo , since as early as the 19 th century. The Horniman and Gardens is full of fascinating stories like this and best of all, it’s completely free.

Address:  100 London Road, SE23 3PQ horniman.ac.uk

Natural History Museum

school trip ideas London - natural history museum

Overlooking the Natural History Museum

Credit: @yokeboy

Anyone fascinated by The Theory of Evolution should visit  The National History Museum . You can explore over 80 million specimen spanning an unbelievable 4.5 billion years. See the origins of everything from sea creatures and dinosaurs to mammals and ancient fossils. For something a bit more hands-on, book your group into one of their workshops or science shows. The museum is free for children, but make sure to book in advance if you’re going with a group. You can use their pre-booking check list   as a guide to booking.

Address:  Cromwell Road, SW7 5BD nhm.ac.uk

Science Museum

school trip ideas London - science museum

A space-suit showcased in the Science Museum, London

The Science Museum is probably one of the coolest museums in London, attracting over 3 million visits a year. It has hundreds of interactive exhibits; the first jet engine, rockets, computers, cars and trains from throughout the ages. Book your group into a viewing of A Beautiful Planet in their 3D cinema, and take a journey into orbit around our home planet. This is another fantastic free museum, but the exhibits and cinema may cost a small fee.

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2. Take a stroll around Hyde Park

school trip ideas London - hyde park

A Monument in Hyde Park, London

Hyde Park is London’s most famous park, and is one of eight Royal Parks in the City. Set right in the heart of London, it covers a whopping 350 acres. Enjoy the serene views by the serpentine lake and visit a memorial fountain dedicated to Princess Diana. If you want to do something a bit more adventurous you can go boating, horse riding, or cycling. Take your pick of one of their educational walking tours or spend the day on a safari adventure with a campfire snack.

  Address:   142 ha, London, UK

3. Visit Shakespeare’s Globe

school trip ideas London - Shakespeare's globe

View from the outside of Shakespeare’s Globe, London

There are many, many theatres in London, including the infamous West-End. But for students especially, Shakespeare’s Globe is a must to see Shakespeare’s plays come to life. While you can see performances all year around, keep in mind that this is a very old, open-air building and pack for all weather. Take a guided tour of the globe and pop in to the exhibition to learn more about the building and the man himself, Shakespeare.

Address: New Globe Walk SE1 9D

4. Take pictures at key Landmarks

school trips London - London eye

The London Eye, South Bank of River Thames, London

You can’t visit London without visiting the London Eye, an enormous Ferris wheel on the River Thames. It’s one of the most popular tourist attractions in the UK and although it only opened to the public in 2000, by June 2008, 30 million people had ridden the wheel. Just make sure you go on it before meals, and get some great snaps from a height.

school trip ideas London - big ben

Big Ben, London, England

Another key landmark for some great snaps is Big Ben, a Great Bell clock on a tower at the Palace of Westminister. At the time of its completion in 1859, Big Ben was the biggest and most accurate four-faced striking and chiming clock in the world. The Palace of Westminister, the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords is a striking palace and the centre of political life in the UK.

5. Take a short trip to the beach

school trip ideas London - Brighton beach

Brighton beach, Brighton, England

If you’re planning on taking a trip outside of London, then Brighton beach is the place to go. It’s  about an hour from central London and is probably the best coastal city to visit at any time of the year. Its clean and vibrant beachfront is packed with amusements, places to eat and fun activities. Take a dip in the beach and go zip-lining, kayaking or bike riding before eating lunch in one of the delicious cafés by the beach. No matter what time of the year you plan on visiting, Brighton is packed with outdoor events  all year.

Address: Brighton Beach, Brighton, UK

6. See the best art in the world

Get those creative juices flowing and head to some art galleries in London to see some of the best art in the world. Many art galleries are free and are a great way to get a taste of London culture.

House of Illustration

school trip ideas London - best art museums

The House of Illustration art gallery, London

The House of illustration is the UK’s only public gallery devoted to illustration. Situated at the heart of the King’s Cross regeneration area, this fascinating gallery has a full calendar, hosting exhibitions, talks, workshops, courses, live drawing classes, events and much more. If you’re visiting in December, book in for December Sketchmeet for a night of live drawing and challenges designed to get you thinking creatively.

Address: 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH Free entry houseofillustration.org.uk

  Camden Arts Centre

school trip ideas London - camden arts centre

Camden Arts Centre, London

Credit: Mark Blower

This arts centre is more on the contemporary side and exhibits new and upcoming artists in London. If you’re planning on travelling in September, you can visit Peter Fraser’s exhibition Mathematics . This collection attempts to draw our attention to the interconnected nature of the world, with the view that time, space and everything in between, can be described through mathematics.

Address: Arkwright Rd, London NW3 6DG, UK

7. Hostels in London for school trips

With so much accommodation in London ranging in price, style and location, finding the best hostel in London for your group can be a bit overwhelming. Here’s our guide on the best hostels in London  for school trips.

school trip ideas London - rest up hostel in london

 Rest Up, London

Rest Up is a youthful and vibrant hostel about 20 minutes by bus from central London. The building is a unique pre-WW1 baroque style building. It blends a modern and minimalist style with an old British WW1 style perfectly, while their games room and terrace are brought to life through colour. If you want to add breakfast, lunch or dinner to your booking or if you just become a bit peckish, Rest Up have lots of tasty meals and snacks on their group menu.

Address : New Kent Rd, London SE1 4YT, UK

  St. Christopher’s Village

school trip ideas London - Hostel St Christopher Village

 St. Christopher’s Village, London

St. Christopher’s Village is a youth hostel in one of London’s most vibrant areas, about 15 minutes by bus outside of London, and well within walking distance of some major attractions. Its quirky, bright and fun interiors give the place a cool and positive vibe and is a multi-award-winning hostel. You can add breakfast to your bookings to get a head start on the day and stop by any of the cute cafes in the area for a mid-day breaks or hot-chocolate pick-me-up in the winter.

  Address: Borough High St, SE1 1HR, UK

  8. Transport for school trips

You can get around London easily by many forms of transport, but for groups it’s a bit more difficult. If you’re keeping to a budget, trains and buses are the best way to go.

school trip ideas London - Transport - London undergound

A Subway in London, England

Credit: Leon Wanking

Make sure to book your transport methods well in advance of your trip. This will save you time and stress later. You’ll also get a discount for booking early, and with large groups this always adds up. This will also help you stick to your schedule better because you’ll need to get the transport at the time you booked for.

school trip ideas London - Bus

A red bus driving through London, England

Credit: negativespace.com

Buses across London are plentiful and often, you simply can’t go wrong! Again, just make sure to book ahead for groups to ensure you all have seats for services like Megabus.  If you’re booking transport keep track of the times and dates you booked for so you don’t miss them.

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Lernaufgabe A trip to London (Klasse 6, Gy) mit Impulsen zur Binnendifferenzierung / zum zieldifferenten Lernen, Unterrichtssequenz 1

Thema der 1. unterrichtssequenz: paddington’s plans for london - what are we going to do in london erste begegnung mit dem going-to-future anhand der figuren paddington bear und sherlock holmes im unterrichtsgespräch., schwerpunktziele der unterrichtssequenz.

Zum Erwerb eines qualifizierten Abschlusses im zieldifferenten Bildungsgang Lernen bilden Kompetenzerwartungen des Kernlehrplanes Hauptschule die Grundlage. Inwieweit dieser im Fokus eines Lerners liegt, wird durch die fortlaufende Dokumentation der individuellen Bildungsbiografie im Lern- und Entwicklungsplan festgehalten.

Inwieweit die unterrichtlichen Angebote für den individuellen Lerner im zieldifferenten Bildungsgang Geistige Entwicklung bedeutsam sind, ist abhängig von seinen Bildungsmöglichkeiten. Der jeweils eigene Lern- und Entwicklungsplan dokumentiert fortlaufend die individuelle Bildungsbiografie.

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1. Teilsequenz:

KLP Sek I Gy – Interkulturelle Kompetenzen

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erwerben in Abhängigkeit von ihrer individuellen Lernausgangslage interkulturelles Wissen, indem sie einige der wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten Londons in Wort und Bild kennenlernen und abhängig von ihrer individuellen Lernausgangslage benennen und zuordnen.

2. Teilsequenz:

KLP Sek I Gy – Verfügbarkeit von sprachlichen Mitteln und sprachliche Korrektheit & Sprechen: zusammenhängendes Sprechen

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler rezipieren in Abhängigkeit von ihrer individuellen Lernausgangslage die Verwendung des going-to-future als sprachliches Mittel, um zukünftiges Geschehen ausdrücken zu können, indem sie den Weg der Figuren Paddington Bear und Sherlock Holmes durch London nachvollziehen. 

KLP Sek I Gy – Leseverstehen

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler entnehmen in Abhängigkeit von ihrer individuellen Lernausgangslage kurzen einfachen Texten wesentliche Informationen, indem sie sich in verschiedenen Übungsformen vertiefend mit ausgewählten Sehenswürdigkeiten in London auseinandersetzen.


Die Entwicklungsbereiche Kognition/Lernentwicklung, sprachliches und kommunikatives Handeln, soziale und emotionale Entwicklung und senso-motorische Entwicklung sind für die Förderschwerpunkte Lernen und geistige Entwicklung basal (siehe KMK Empfehlungen für die beiden Förderschwerpunkte).

Bezogen auf die Aufgaben werden im Folgenden die basalen Entwicklungschancen in Ergänzung zu den fachlichen dargestellt. Eine Anschlussfähigkeit zur Lern- und Entwicklungsplanung wird dadurch hergestellt. Sonderpädagoginnen und -pädagogen unterstützen in diesen Bereichen.

Sprachliches und kommunikatives Handeln:

- Zuhörkompetenz während Plenumsphasen (Visualisierungen geben Unterstützung) - Gesprächsbereitschaft bzw. Gesprächssicherheit im Plenum, in Gruppen (bei Bedarf kann zunächst zugehört und beobachtet werden) - Sprechen in Lernsituationen (Frage-Antwort-Kette, choral repetion …)


- Selbstkontrollstrategien (den help desk nutzen) - Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration in Plenumsphasen (Visualisierungen geben Unterstützung) - Selbstständigkeit und Organisation während differenzierter Unterrichtsphasen (z.B. Memory spielen zur Vertiefung/Übung)


- auditive Differenzierung: Wort-Bild-Zuordnung

Soziale und emotionale Entwicklung:

- Kooperationsfähigkeit während Partner- und Gruppenarbeit (Motivation durch das Memory-/Dominospiel) - Selbstbild: um Hilfe bitten; Hilfe annehmen; Hilfe geben

1. Teilsequenz: Einführung

Impulse zur Binnendifferenzierung/zum zieldifferenten Lernen  


2. teilsequenz: einführung.

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© 2024 Qualitäts- und UnterstützungsAgentur - Landesinstitut für Schule 06.12.2018 -->

trip to london grundschule

Hier finden Sie London Unterrichtsmaterial Englisch: Einen Native-Speaker Schulfilm, Arbeitsmappen, Audio-Streams u. interaktive Übungen.

Unit 4    London Part 1 of 4:  Intro – Big Ben – Westminster Abbey – Trafalgar Square – London Eye > DEMO-Content

zum Schulfilm:

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Als e-language MEMBER genießen Sie die volle Filmlänge von 07:26 Min. –  inklusive folgender Themen: History, Population, Tourism, London Eye (Part 2), Tower of London, Tower Bridge, River Thames, Parks.

Sechs Online Exercises

zum Native-Speaker Schulfilm

Als e-language-MEMBER stehen Ihnen 30 Exercises zu diesem Thema zur Verfügung.

#1 Drag & Drop – fill in the missing words!

#2 matching – which photo refers to the text, at trafalgar square we once again meet the famous english hero, admiral nelson. his statue towers far above the square on a sixty metre high column..

trip to london grundschule

Picture #1: Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. / Picture #2: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential Austrian composer of the Classical era. / Picture #3: Admiral Nelson was a British flag officer in the Royal Navy. He was noted for his inspirational leadership, superb grasp of strategy, and unconventional tactics.

#3 Listening exercise – can you find out the Ding-Dong word?

#4 Describing & Explaining – use the keywords for your story!

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#5 Vocabulary – test yourself!

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#6 Native-Speaker Commentary & Text

Big  Ben,  the  bell  within  the  clock tower at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, is one of London’s most famous sights and landmarks. It is named after the man who had it built, Sir Benjamin Hall, and weighs thirteen tons. Directly opposite Big Ben we find Westminster Abbey, a famous Gothic church. This is the place where English kings and queens are crowned and buried.

The famous Tower of London is set on the north bank of the Thames, somewhat away from the centre of London. It was built by William the Conqueror and was a Royal Palace until the beginning of the 17 century. Later on, it was used as a prison and as the Royal Mint. Today it is home to the world-famous crown jewels. The guardians of the Tower of London are called Beefeaters. Today they also serve as tourist guides.

Genießen Sie als e-language MEMBER für Sie als SprachlehrerIn und Ihre SchülerInnen folgende Vorteile:

–    volle länge der schulfilme  mit vielen zusätzlichen themen (siehe oben) –   4 drag & drop exercises (anstatt von einer wie hier im demo-content) –   4 matching exercises (anstatt von einer wie hier im demo-content) –    4 listening exercises  (anstatt von einer wie hier im demo-content) –    4 describing exercises  (anstatt von einer wie hier im demo-content) – 10   vocabulary tests  (anstatt von einem wie hier im demo-content) –    6   native-speaker audiostreams + text  (anstatt von zwei wie hier im demo-content) –    1 download area mit kostenlosen lehrmaterialien, das landeskunde-portal für ihre englisch-schülerinnen:, damit sich ihre sprachschülerinnen auch außerhalb des unterrichts jederzeit mit landeskundlichen themen beschäftigen können, wurde eigens das schülerinnen-portal class.e-language.at  eingerichtet. der große vorteil: die privatsphäre ihrer schülerinnen bleibt zu 100% gewahrt, da keine daten erfasst oder gespeichert werden und kein login erforderlich ist., workshop london homeschooling.

In diesem Video sehen Sie Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie mit dem London-Schulfilm, den ergänzenden Online-Exercises und der England-Arbeitsmappe interaktiv Landeskunde unterrichten können. Das gesamte U-Material steht Ihnen und Ihren SchülerInnen kostenlos zur Verfügung, Sie können sofort loslegen und damit arbeiten. Da sich sämtliche U-Materialien auch am SchülerInnen-Portal befinden, eignen sich die Medien auch für Homeschooling und E-learning.

  • Zum SchülerInnen-Portal

London is a famous and historic city. It is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. The city is quite popular for international tourism because London is home to one of the oldest-standing monarchies in the western hemisphere. Rita and Joanne recently traveled to London. They were very excited for their trip because this was their first journey overseas from the United States.

Among the popular sights that Rita and Joanne visited are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye. Big Ben is one of London’s most famous monuments. It is a large clock tower located at the northern end of Westminster Palace. The clock tower is 96 meters tall. Unfortunately, Rita and Joanne were only able to view the tower from the outside. The women learned that the tower’s interior is undergoing renovations until 2021.

Fortunately, the London Eye, the city’s famous Ferris wheel, was open to the public. The London Eye is situated along the southern shores of the Thames River. This attraction stands 135 meters high. It is one of London’s most well-known spots for gaining aerial views of the city. Each capsule of the Ferris wheel can hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel, the women took spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful cityscape below.

The last place that Rita and Joanne visited was Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen of England. The women were impressed by the palace’s incredible architecture and historical value. Both Rita and Joanne enjoyed watching the Queen’s guards outside the palace. These guards wore red tunic uniforms, shiny black boots, and bearskin hats. Despite the women’s attempts to catch the attention of the guards, the guards are specifically trained to avoid distractions. Because of this, the guards ignored the women completely.

Joanne and Rita had an amazing time visiting the city of London, and they are inspired to seek more international travel destinations in the future.

trip to london grundschule

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Big Ben, the Tube and Tower Bridge

Großbritanniens Hauptstadt hat auch für Kinder eine Menge zu bieten.

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aus: Grundschule Englisch Nr. 67 / 2019

Sightseeing in London

  • Hintergrund & Konzept

Joanna Hirst-Plein

Auf sightseeing-tour in london, keine hauptstadt in europa zieht mehr touristen an als london: über 18 millionen touristen haben die britische metropole im letzten jahr besucht. neben den welt-bekannten sehenswürdigkeiten bietet london aber auch interessantes für kinder sowie viele kostenlose attraktionen für besucher, die nicht viel geld ausgeben möchten..

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Flight prices soar by 50 per cent ahead of train strikes this weekend

Exclusive: on strike-hit saturday, easyjet fares from edinburgh to london are typically 50 per cent higher than on friday or sunday, article bookmarked.

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British Airways and easyJet stand to profit from the cancellation of many trains from Edinburgh to London on Saturday

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Airlines are cashing in on the next round of walk-outs on the railways , which begin on Friday.

Many air fares between Scotland and London are 50 per cent or more higher on days when train drivers are striking. But flying from Edinburgh to London may still be cheaper than by train.

Members of the Aslef union are staging “rolling” strikes on 5, 6 and 8 April.

Among key long-distance operators, train drivers will walk out at Avanti West Coast and CrossCountry on Friday 5 April, with LNER and Great Western Railway (GWR) passengers hit on Saturday 6 April.

Neither Avanti nor CrossCountry will run any trains on Friday, while on Saturday only very limited services will operate on LNER and GWR.

From Glasgow to London Gatwick on Friday, the first easyJet flight of the day is selling at £106 – compared with £69 on Thursday and £97 on Saturday. The normal Avanti West Coast off-peak fare is £125, though cheaper Advance tickets are usually available.

On Saturday, when LNER is running only a skeleton service between Edinburgh and London, the difference is even greater. The first easyJet flight from the Scottish capital to Gatwick is selling for £69 on Friday but £148 on Saturday.

The average fare for the Edinburgh-Gatwick route on easyJet is:

  • Friday: £93
  • Saturday: £163
  • Sunday: £113

A spokesperson for Britain's biggest budget airline said: “easyJet’s pricing is demand driven with fares starting low and increasing as fewer seats are available to book. We do not artificially increase fares.”

Yet flying may still be cheaper than taking the train. LNER is pricing most available trains on Saturday at the £200 Anytime fare.

On British Airways , the highest fare from Edinburgh to London Heathrow on Friday is £336, while on Saturday the midday departure is selling at £1,147 – or close to £20 for every minute spent in the air.

Journeys normally covered by CrossCountry are also selling well for the airlines. Between Edinburgh and Bristol, easyJet has an average fare of £94 on Friday and £113 on Sunday, but £153 on Saturday, the strike day.

GWR has cancelled all long-distance trains from the West of England and South Wales to London on Saturday. But from Newquay in Cornwall to Gatwick, tickets for Saturday are still available on Eastern Airways for £140 one-way – compared with £200 on Friday.

Mick Whelan, general secretary of Aslef, said: “As [rail minister] Huw Merriman told the House of Commons Transport Select Committee, it would have been much cheaper – for everyone – to have settled this dispute a long time ago.”

All fares researched direct from airline and rail websites on the morning of Wednesday 3 April.

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This lesser known European beach has the bluest water in the world

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When picking the perfect locale for a beach vacation, travelers often seek out the bluest waters to frolic in and relax.

It’s no wonder why. Research shows that being near, in or under water offers a slew of benefits for our well-being . Blue spaces have a calming effect, helping to lower stress and anxiety and provide a respite to the over-stimulated states of mind we often find ourselves in. 

To help travelers pick their perfect beach with stunning blue water, London-based travel agency CV Villas conducted a study in March to find the beaches with the bluest waters, according to scientific color theory. To do this, the team analyzed the RGB color codes of unfiltered Google map images of 200 popular beaches worldwide to see how close they compare to the YInMn Blue, an intensely vibrant blue shade discovered in 2016. 

While most people imagine the most azure waters to be somewhere tropical like Maldives or Bora Bora, the research revealed that some of the bluest waters can be found in Europe, especially around Greece. (Nevertheless, travelers to the tropics will still find the water just as beautiful and relaxing.) 

“Not only does our research highlight the stunning coastal destinations that Europe has to offer, but it also reinforces the allure of lesser-known gems like Pasqyra Beach in Albania,” said Ben Briggs, CV Villas’ head of marketing, in a statement. “We hope that our study gives recognition to the natural beauty that lesser-known destinations can offer to travellers who are seeking an unforgettable seaside experience – and getting the chance to say they have officially swam in the world’s bluest water.”

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Here are the beaches with the bluest waters.

Itching for a beach vacation? Cheap airline tickets to nab this Spring and Summer

10. Los Lances Beach, Spain

With vast sandy areas and dunes, the sprawling Los Lances Beach is aptly located on the Costa de la Luz, meaning the Coast of Light, in southern Spain. Situated along the Atlantic Ocean, the beach’s waters are a clear, deep blue. On a clear day, beachgoers can spot the silhouette of Morocco in the distance. 

9. Ombros Gialos, Greece

On the Greek island of Sambros, Ombros Gialos Beach is ideal for adventurers as the hidden cove is only reachable by a winding road or boat. Although mostly rocky and sometimes with rough conditions, the small beach has a dock for swimmers or snorkelers to launch themselves into the bright turquoise sea. 

8. Praia do Carvalho, Portugal

Surrounded by dramatic golden cliffs and a rock formation out at sea, this quiet beach is beloved for its clear turquoise waters. To access the beach, visitors need to walk through a man-made tunnel and stairs, where a tranquil sandy beach awaits on the other side. 

7. Foki Beach, Greece

Situated on the Ionian island of Cephalonia, Foki Beach is named after the monk seals who used to frequent the beach. Flanked by olive and pine trees, the pebble beach features clear blue waters for swimmers and snorkelers. Visitors can meander around the beach via nearby trails. 

6. Voulisma Beach, Greece

Also known as Golden Beach, this crescent-shaped beach is one of the most popular destinations in eastern Crete. With soft white sand and calm azure water, beachgoers enjoy spending the entire day there, stopping at nearby snack stands or renting umbrellas for respite from the sun. 

5. Kaputa Beach, Turkey

As one of the most popular beaches along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, Kaputa Beach is known for its gold sand and crystal clear waters. Nestled between two cliffs, the beach is only accessible by descending a steep flight of stairs that have been carved into the cliffside. Visitors can rent sunbeds and umbrellas to enjoy the beach.

4. Plage de la Verne, France

In the South of France's Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Plage de la Verne is a charming pebble cove on the Saint-Mandrier-sur-Mer peninsula. Visitors can reach the beach via a coastal path. With just a little space for beachgoers to relax under the sun, the water is beautifully blue but not very swimmable. 

3. Kassiopi Beach, Greece

Corfu’s Kassiopi Beach is a stunning bay with a white pebble beach and water so clear that people can see the fish right below the surface. Guests can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, paddleboarding or jet skiing, or wandering along a charming waterfront promenade with cafes and tavernas. 

2. Paralia Mpouka, Greece

Located on the Ionian Sea, Paralia Mpouka is a spacious resort-laden beach with stunning water in various shades of bright blue. It’s also a popular beach destination, where guests frolic in the shallow water, kayak or paddleboard. Once the wind picks up in the afternoon, the favorite beach pastime activity is windsurfing. 

1. Pasqyra Beach, Albania

Landing the top spot for the bluest water is Pasqyra Beach, or Mirror Beach. The beach earned its name for its crystal clear water reflecting the sun like a mirror. The coastline is known to be breathtaking, surrounded by rock formations and mountains. Visitors to the beach take a dirt road and descend a rocky path. While the water is beautiful, it’s known to get pretty crowded as the day goes on.

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .




How West Ham kept Tottenham at bay in 1-1 Premier League draw at London Stadium

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Premier League result: West Ham 1-1 Tottenham

  • Werner tees up Johnson for Spurs opener (5)
  • Zouma header levels from Bowen corner (19)
  • Both sides then struggle to find a winner
  • Tottenham remain 5th; West Ham 7th

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West Ham 1 Tottenham 1 – A missed opportunity? Set-piece woes for Spurs but Johnson impresses

West Ham 1 Tottenham 1 – A missed opportunity? Set-piece woes for Spurs but Johnson impresses

Right place, right time for quick-learner Johnson

Right place, right time for quick-learner Johnson

Brennan Johnson being in the right place at the right time like today. It doesn't happen by accident - and Tottenham boss Ange Postecoglou deserves a good chunk of credit for that.

Here's Johnson, speaking to TNT Sports shortly after full-time at the London Stadium.

💬 "The manager makes it very clear if you're not there in the right positions. He definitely lets you know. For me, in my first couple of months I wasn't in those positions. When we to the meetings after games, he's always drawing arrows into positions that I should be coming into.

"As time went on, I feel I made a conscious effort to try and keep getting in the positions because it will drop for me. And today it did, which I happy about."

Michael Dominski

Bowen: 'A draw is a good result for us'

Bowen: 'A draw is a good result for us'

Getty Images

After the match, Jarrod Bowen spoke about West Ham's need to respond to their collapse against Newcastle last time out: “(Spurs) are a top top side. We had to react from the weekend. It was probably a good spectacle to watch, this is what you expect from these kinds of games.

"But tonight we knew we had to show a reaction and get something from the game. It’s tight in the fight for the European places. In the end, a draw is a good result for us.”

Supporting Spurs is an emotional rollercoaster

Supporting Spurs is an emotional rollercoaster

Having led 1-0 early before settling for a 1-1 draw, Tottenham have now dropped 20 points from winning positions in the Premier League this season in addition to gaining 22 points from losing positions.

They're just the fourth side in PL history to reach 20 points in both statistics in a single season, joining Southampton in 1994-95, Everton in 2012-13 and themselves in 2012-13.

How the top of the table looks

How the top of the table looks

Premier League

As we've noted, Tottenham remain in fifth place, two points behind Aston Villa for the final guaranteed Champions League place.

West Ham, meanwhile, remain in seventh place but have played more games than all the teams around them.

It's 400 up for Spurs skipper

It's 400 up for Spurs skipper

It was a big night for Tottenham captain Son Heung-min , who made his 400th appearance for the club in all competitions.

Alas, facing West Ham has rarely been a highlight for him in recent times. He has now failed to score or assist at the Hammers in last out of his last seven visits (six at London Stadium, one at Upton Park).

Better luck next time Sonny, and congralutions on bringing up the big 400.

Moyes takes pleasure in West Ham response

Moyes takes pleasure in West Ham response

West Ham boss David Moyes didn't exactly cut a happy figure speaking to TNT Sports after that, but his words stated his satisfaction at his side responding to that collapse at Newcastle on Saturday:

💬 "I would have taken a point before the game. Tottenham are a really good team so it’s a good point for us.

"Everybody knows Tottenham’s style and we had to do some changes to try and eliminate that, and we done a pretty good job of it. They go the goal and it put us on the back foot. But fair credit, we got on the front foot as often as we could.

"Tonight we were organised, better structured and committed to make sure people didn't score, so we've done a really good job that gave us a chance of winning. In the end…maybe it was the right result."

Ange: Every game during run-in will be tight

More from the Tottenham manager's conversation with the BBC after the match: "There's a lot of games to go still. I will be very surprised if all games aren't tight. Everyone is fighting for something. We have to maintain our levels."

On Brennan Johnson suffering a knock: "Yeah I think he's alright. It was just a knock from a set piece. I think everyone got through it pretty well considering it was two games in a short space of time."

Ange: 'Disappointed not to get a better outcome but a tough game'

Ange: 'Disappointed not to get a better outcome but a tough game'

Ange Postecoglou spoke to the BBC after the draw: "Yeah it was (tough physically) and it's what you expect when you come here. They are a strong team and they sit compact so you have to be patient. I thought we handled it OK. Disappointed not to get a better outcome but a tough game."

On Brennan Johnson's opening goal for Spurs: "It was a well-worked move. We have been working on that. A couple of other times we just weren't in the right areas."

On Timo Werner's performance: "We are working with all the guys all the time to try to get a better understanding. I thought in the front third, some of our decision-making and clarity of thought let us down a little bit."

On Yves Bissouma's performance: "I thought he was outstanding. Yves did the defensive work which was always going to be important today. The general effort from the lads was strong. It's a tough place to come."

Johnson shines again in the top flight

Johnson shines again in the top flight

That's another game and more proof of Brennan Johnson 's growing influence as a top Premier League player.

The forward has now has six directly goal involvement in his last seven Premier League games - 3 goals, 3 assists.

That makes it 12 in 24 appearances since joining Tottenham in the summer - 5 goals, 7 assists - and already one more than he managed in 41 appearances for Nottingham Forest last season (11).

What does this result mean for Spurs?

What does this result mean for Spurs?

Charlie Eccleshare and Jay Harris have broken down the talking points for Spurs from this match, delving into:

  • Brennan Johnson's big impact from the start this time
  • Spurs being undone by a set piece again
  • Was this a good point in the battle for fourth, or an opportunity missed?

Follow the link below to read their analysis!

Both sides won the argument

Both sides won the argument

The Athletic

Our dashboard does a great job of showing how much of the ball Tottenham had in that game.

You can see it in the strength of the lines connecting the Spurs' average positions - as well as the blue in the heat map and the many blue circles below it including build-ups and high press.

But then you get to the shot maps and you can see how much more dangerous West Ham were in the box.

Zouma: We had to react after collapse against Newcastle

Zouma: We had to react after collapse against Newcastle

West Ham goalscorer Kurt Zouma spoke to TNT Sports after the draw: "It was an intense game today. Both teams wanted to win. We finished with a draw but we gave so much energy in the game. We had to react from the weekend and I think we did well.

"The opposition are playing well but the reaction was the thing we have to take from the game. I always say to the boys we are family and that is in ups and downs. The reaction was spot on. Unfortunately we couldn't get the win but it was good for the confidence.

"The run-in is always exciting. We still have a lot to play for and hopefully we finish in a good position."

Around the Premier League

Around the Premier League

Newcastle 1-1 Everton

  • Dominic Calvert-Lewin's penalty in the 88th minute rescues a point for Everton, who trailed after Alexander Isak's early opener.

Nottingham Forest 3-1 Fulham

  • A huge victory for Forest in the battle to avoid relegation as they got first-half goals from Callum Hudson-Odoi, Chris Wood and Morgan Gibbs-White.

Bournemouth 1-0 Crystal Palace

  • Justin Kluivert scores the game's lone goal in the 79th minute as the hosts earn their third straight PL win.

Burnley 1-1 Wolves

  • Jacob Bruun Larsen's opener was cancelled out by Rayan Ait-Nouri as the hosts fall further behind safety from relegation.

A missed opportunity?

A missed opportunity?

Here's the evidence that Paqueta did indeed bring down James Maddison on the edge of the West Ham penalty area in that second half.

That should've given Maddison the chance to air his free-kick expertise but alas.

In fact, playing on should've really allowed Michail Antonio to win the game for West Ham, but he couldn't take advantage.

Full-time stats zone

Well that first half was short of the fun of the first - bar a chaotic final few minutes. Here's how the final picture looked in terms of the numbers:

FT: West Ham 1-1 Tottenham

  • Possession: 32% - 68%
  • Shots: 11 - 13
  • On target: 4 - 4
  • Expected goals: 1.16 - 0.96
  • Big chances: 2 - 1
  • Successful duels: 42 - 56
  • Possession lost: 130 - 122

No complaints over the final result and in reality, the game went as expected too. It was pretty evenly matched, which may well prove a bit of a disappointment for Spurs.

Spurs not enjoying London Stadium

Spurs not enjoying London Stadium

Tottenham are now winless in their past four Premier League away games against West Ham, drawing two and losing two.

It's their longest run without a win at West Ham since a run of six matches between 1995 and 2001.

Charlie Eccleshare

Spurs miss opportunity in UCL race

Spurs miss opportunity in UCL race

A fair result, with neither team doing enough to win it. Frustrating for Spurs, who couldn't capitalise on an early lead and miss the chance to move level on points with Aston Villa.

As it stands, they're two points behind and even on games played. Villa face Manchester City at the Etihad tomorrow.

Those attacks by both sides right at the end of the match come to nothing, and the referee whistles for full time.

A thrilling ending to an engrossing match as honours are shared.

Frantic action at the death!

90+4' West Ham 1-1 Tottenham

West Ham launch a quick counter-attack after Udogie's chance. Spurs are all over the place at the back but manage to clear the danger.

The waning seconds see an ensuing counter-attack by Spurs, before another by West Ham!


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