
Lanzarote : le guide complet pour un voyage inoubliable

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Lanzarote est nichée au sein de l’archipel des Canaries. Cette terre volcanique séduit les amoureux de nature par ses plages paradisiaques et ses paysages lunaires.

volcan coloré à Lanzarote

Au-delà de son apparence calme, Lanzarote cache un trésor géologique, forgé par des millions d’années d’activité volcanique. L’île est constellée de volcans endormis, de plages isolées et de formations rocheuses uniques. 

Dans cet article, nous t’invitons à plonger dans les mystères et les merveilles de Lanzarote, à travers un voyage virtuel qui te guidera dans la planification de ton propre périple sur cette île énigmatique.

Si tu rêves d’un voyage où l’aventure et la détente se conjuguent harmonieusement, Lanzarote est ta destination idéale.

Liens utiles

Avant d’entrer dans le vif du sujet, voici quelques liens utiles pour organiser facilement ton voyage à Lanzarote : 

  • 🚘   Trouver une location auto au meilleur prix
  • 🏩   Choisir un logement
  • ❤️  Notre activité préférée : Se rendre à La Graciosa pour la journée
  • 🛣   Télécharger le guide de voyage numérique

Sentier dans le champs de lave

Table des matières

Découverte de lanzarote, pourquoi choisir cette île plutôt qu'une autre .

Lanzarote, la quatrième plus grande île de l’archipel des Canaries, fascine et surprend les voyageurs du monde entier. En effet, cette île aux charmes multiples offre une variété de découvertes pour les amateurs de plages, de randonnées ou encore d’explorations géologiques.

Lanzarote possède un passé volcanique fascinant

Ce qui rend Lanzarote si unique, c’est son histoire géologique captivante. L’île est née de la colère des volcans, et cette histoire est inscrite dans chaque paysage. Les champs de lave pétrifiée, les cônes volcaniques et les cratères endormis sont autant de témoins silencieux de l’activité volcanique passée.

volcans Lanzarote

On y découvre des plages de rêve

Lanzarote ne se contente pas d’offrir des paysages volcaniques exceptionnels, elle abrite également certaines des plages les plus spectaculaires d’Europe.

La plage de Famara

L'aventure se trouve à chaque coin de rue

Lanzarote propose une multitude d’activités en plein air. Les randonneurs peuvent gravir les volcans et contempler des panoramas uniques sur l’île. Les plongeurs peuvent explorer les fonds marins exceptionnels. Certains spots de surf permettent cette activités dans des conditions optimales. Et les amateurs de vélo peuvent sillonner les routes panoramiques de l’île. Pour ceux qui le souhaitent, des sorties en mer sont aussi organisées pour observer les dauphins . Et il existe même une excursion en sous-marin !

Plage de Famara, le spot pour le surf à Lanzarote

Dans les sections suivantes de cet article, nous explorerons en détail les trésors cachés de Lanzarote, te fournissant toutes les informations nécessaires pour planifier un voyage mémorable.

🌋 Visiter Lanzarote - Le Guide

  • 80 pages téléchargeables au format PDF
  • 7 feuilles de route avec cartes et coordonnées GPS pour savoir exactement où aller, où te garer
  • 115 photos authentiques pour choisir et mieux te projeter
  • Des conseils pratiques et détails vraiment utiles pour profiter au maximum du séjour
  • Les meilleures adresses pour les couchers de soleil, les bons restos, etc.

La Montaña Colorada à Lanzarote

Les volcans de Lanzarote : les sites volcaniques à voir absolument

Lanzarote est l’une des rares destinations au monde où la géologie devient une attraction touristique à part entière. L’île doit son paysage unique à une série d’éruptions volcaniques historiques qui ont façonné ses terres et ses côtes. Si tu es passionné par la géologie, l’histoire volcanique de Lanzarote te réserve une expérience captivante.

Volcan de Lanzarote

Le parc national de Timanfaya

Ce parc national offre un aperçu saisissant des forces de la nature à l’œuvre avec un paysage lunaire unique, presque irréel. Tu peux contempler les champs de lave, admirer les cratères, et même assister à des démonstrations de l’activité géothermique avec des geysers de vapeur jaillissant du sol brûlant.

Timanfaya à Lanzarote et ses Montañas del Fuego

À lire aussi :  Timanfaya à Lanzarote, un incontournable à visiter absolument !

La Cueva de los Verdes et James del Agua

Ces tunnels de lave uniques au monde sont le résultat de l’éruption du volcan La Corona. Ils offrent une expérience souterraine exceptionnelle. Tu peux explorer les galeries de lave, les piscines souterraines et même assister à des concerts dans l’une des grottes.

Pour en savoir plus, lire Visiter Lanzarote : dépaysement garanti lors de 5 visites incontournables  et  Jameos del Agua : découvre les mystères de ce lieu exceptionnel à Lanzarote

Cueva de los Verdes - Lanzarote

La Caldera Blanca

Certains site proposent des sentiers de randonnée qui font le tour du volcan. 

La Caldera Blanca par exemple, est un endroit exceptionnel à visiter quand la météo le permet (pas trop de rafales de vent). En effet, tu peux atteindre des points de vue imprenables sur son immense cratère tout en ayant un panorama à 360 degrés sur l’île. 

Pour en savoir plus, lire l’article « La Caldera Blanca de Lanzarote : à la découverte du cratère éblouissant » .

Panorama depuis la Caldera Blanca à Lanzarote

Si tu ne souhaites pas entrepredre la randonnée seul(e), notre partenaire Getyourguide propose une randonnée guidée sur le volcan :

La Caldera de Los Cuervos

Los Cuervos quant à lui, offre la possibilité d’explorer l’intérieur de sa caldera. C’est une aventure extraordinaire où tu es immergé(e) dans une atmosphère unique.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’accès à la Caldera de Los Cuervos, lire l’article «  Un volcan à Lanzarote dont la caldera est accessible à pied « 

Volcan Lanzarote : À l'intérieur de la Caldera de Los Cuervos

Il y’a bien d’autres volcans à explorer à Lanzarote. Je t’invite à lire mon article : Volcans Lanzarote : voyage au coeur des mystères de l’île

Les plages paradisiaques de Lanzarote, top 3 des plus belles plages de l'île

Passionné(e) de baignade, surfeur(se) ou simplement à la recherche de moments de détente sur le sable, Lanzarote possède des plages sublimes qui savent satisfaire les attentes de chacun. 

La Playa de Famara

Cette plage est le paradis des surfeurs, avec ses vagues impressionnantes qui attirent des amateurs du monde entier. Tu peux également t’inscrire à un cours de surf pour t’initier à cette pratique quelque soit ton niveau.

>>> Je m’inscris à une leçon de surf à Lanzarote

La plage de Famara est aussi un endroit apaisant pour contempler le coucher du soleil. En effet, les couleurs au moment de la tombée de la nuit habillent les falaises et offrent un décor sublime.

Plage de Famara et reflèt des falaises

La Playa Mujeres et la Playa Papagayo

La plage Mujeres est située juste à coté de la célèbre Playa Papagayo . Son étendue de sable doré permet de s’installer avec une vue incroyable sur ses eaux cristallines. C’est l’endroit parfait pour une baignade. Et au loin, on peut même apercevoir Fuerteventura.

Playa Mujeres à Lanzarote

Et pour découvrir ces plages de rêve depuis la mer, tu peux partir en croisdes croisière pour une demi journée. Du matériel à bord te permet de profiter d’activités telles que le stand up paddle ou le snorkeling. Un barbecue est également servi à bord. Ainsi, tu pourras contempler certaines des plus belles plages de l’île tout en t’amusant. 

>>> Réserver ma place sur le bateau

La Playa de Las Conchas

La Playa de la Conchas est située à La Graciosa. En fait,lLa Graciosa est une petite île au nord de Lanzarote qui s’accède facilement grâce à un système de ferry au départ du port d’Órzola . À la Graciosa, la nature est préservée et les plages sont d’une beauté incomparable. La Playa de las Conchas s’accède à pied, à vélo ou grâce à des tours organisés. Avec son sable doré, elle invite à la contemplation.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’île de la Graciosa, je t’invite à lire mon article  La Graciosa : un souffle d’authenticité au cœur des Canaries

>>> Je réserve ma place sur le ferry pour visiter la Graciosa

Plage de Las Conchas à La Graciosa vue d'en haut

Ces plages ne sont que la pointe de l’iceberg des trésors balnéaires de Lanzarote. Chaque coin de l’île cache des criques isolées et des paysages côtiers pittoresques…

À lire aussi : Playa de Papagayo, plus belle plage de Lanzarote ?

La Culture Vivante de Lanzarote

Au-delà de ses trésors naturels et géologiques, Lanzarote est une île vivante, imprégnée d’une culture riche et vibrante. En parcourant ses rues, en rencontrant ses habitants chaleureux et en participant à ses événements locaux, tu découvriras un aspect unique de cette île des Canaries.

En effet, Lanzarote c’est bien plus qu’une destination de plage et de volcan. C’est une île qui vit et respire la culture canarienne, une île où l’art s’intègre parfaitement à la nature.

Création architecturale du célèbre César Manrique le Mirador Del Rio

Les marché locaux de Lanzarote

Les marchés de Lanzarote sont des joyaux où tu pourras dénicher des produits artisanaux et des souvenirs authentiques. Par exemple le marché de Teguise est l’un des plus célèbres de l’île. Les ruelles se remplissent de stands colorés chaque dimanche.

L'art de César Manrique

L’artiste César Manrique a profondément marqué l’île de son empreinte. En effet, ses créations artistiques et architecturales, intégrées harmonieusement dans le paysage, sont devenues des attractions incontournables. Ne manque pas le Mirador del Rio ou encore Jameos del Agua.

La cuisine locale

La gastronomie de Lanzarote est une fusion délicieuse de saveurs espagnoles, africaines et latino-américaines. Goûte aux plats traditionnels comme le « mojo, » une sauce épicée, ou les « papas arrugadas, » des pommes de terre en robe de chambre, dans les restaurants locaux. Poissons et crustacés sont aussi des spécialités délicieuses.

Un plat de poisson et de fruits de mer - gastronomie locale Lanzarote

Les villages de Lanzarote

Les villages de Lanzarote débordent de charme. Promène-toi dans les ruelles pavées de Teguise, ou découvre l’architecture blanchie à la chaux d’Haria.

Conseils pratiques pour un voyage à Lanzarote réussi

Pour te déplacer sur l’île, la location de voiture est souvent la meilleure option. Cela te permettra de découvrir Lanzarote à ton rythme. Assure-toi de réserver à l’avance, surtout pendant la haute saison touristique. 

>>> Trouver une location auto au meilleur prix

Les transports en commun sont limités, mais tu peux également utiliser des services d’excursions au départ des différentes stations balnéaires pour découvrir des sites touristiques accompagné(e) d’un guide.

GetYourGuide propose une multitudes d’activités incluants le transport :


Lanzarote propose une variété d’options d’hébergement, des hôtels de luxe aux appartements en location. Réserve ton logement à l’avance, en particulier si tu voyages pendant les mois les plus fréquentés. Les villes côtières comme Puerto del Carmen, Playa Blanca et Costa Teguise sont des choix populaires pour séjourner.

>>> Trouver un hébergement à Lanzarote


Si tu as des activités spécifiques que tu veux faire, comme une visite guidée du parc national de Timanfaya ou une excursion en bateau vers l’île de La Graciosa , il est recommandé de réserver à l’avance pour garantir ta place.

Le ferry vers la Graciosa

Pour simplifier ton voyage à Lanzarote et avoir un accès facile aux meilleures activités de l’île, nous te recommandons de passer par notre partenaire de confiance, GetYourGuide . Avec GetYourGuide, tu bénéficieras d’une sélection variée d’excursions, de visites guidées et d’activités passionnantes, le tout avec une réservation en ligne simple et sécurisée. Profite de l’expertise de GetYourGuide pour découvrir les trésors cachés de Lanzarote et rendre ton voyage encore plus mémorable.

Les informations utiles avant de partir à Lanzarote

Quelle langue est parlée à lanzarote .

La langue officielle à Lanzarote est l’espagnol, mais de nombreuses personnes dans l’industrie touristique parlent anglais. Il peut être utile d’apprendre quelques expressions en espagnol de base, mais tu devrais pouvoir te débrouiller en anglais dans la plupart des situations.

L’Espagne utilise l’euro comme monnaie. Assure-toi d’avoir un peu de monnaie sur toi, bien que les cartes de crédit soient largement acceptées dans les établissements touristiques.

La météo à Lanzarote

Le climat de Lanzarote est agréable toute l’année, mais il peut y avoir des variations de température en fonction de la saison. Assure-toi d’emporter des vêtements chauds comme un gilet et une doudoune pour les soirées et les matinées plus fraîches que le milieu des journées ensoleillées.

Lanzarote est généralement considérée comme une destination sûre pour les voyageurs. Néanmoins, il est toujours important de prendre des précautions de base, comme veiller à tes effets personnels.

Conclusion : Lanzarote, le terrain de jeu idéal pour les amoureux de nature, mais pas que...

Profite au maximum de ton séjour en explorant toutes les facettes de Lanzarote. Découvre ses plages dorées, explore ses volcans majestueux, déguste sa cuisine locale et laisse-toi imprégner par sa culture unique.

Lanzarote est une île enchanteresse qui a beaucoup à offrir. En planifiant à l’avance et en suivant ces conseils, tu maximiseras ton expérience et tu vivras des moments inoubliables sur cette île des Canaries. Bon voyage !

Le Guide Ultime pour ton Voyage à Lanzarote

Pas le temps ni l’envie de planifier chacune de tes journées. Le guide de voyage qui te simplifie la vie c’est :

  • 80 pages téléchargeables au format PDF pour avoir ton guide tout le temps sur toi
  • 115 photos authentiques pour mieux choisir et te projeter
  • Des conseils pratiques et détails vraiment utiles sans faire de gros pavés indigestes

île de Lanzarote

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📸 Un Aperçu Unique en photo de Chaque Lieu Clé.

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La Cueva de Los Verdes à Lanzarote

Cueva de Los Verdes : un tunnel mystérieux à Lanzarote

Jameos del Agua

Jameos del Agua : découvre les mystères de ce lieu exceptionnel à Lanzarote

Volcan Lanzarote : À l'intérieur de la Caldera de Los Cuervos

Un volcan à Lanzarote dont la caldera est accessible à pied

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Beaches at El Papagayo

Getty Images

Intimately intertwined with the legacy of 20th-century lanzaroteño artist and environmentalist César Manrique, Lanzarote is an intriguing island with an utterly extraordinary geology of 300 volcanic cones, eerie blackened lava fields and the occasional bucolic, palm-filled valley.


Must-see attractions.

César Manrique Foundation on the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, Europe; Shutterstock ID 603358700; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 65050 ; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best in Travel 2018

Fundación César Manrique

Upon returning definitively to Lanzarote, César Manrique built his spectacular house and creative centre, Taro de Tahíche, into the lava fields just…

Panoramic view of the Timanfaya National Park ( also called The Montanas del Fuego or Mountains of Fire ) in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain; Shutterstock ID 437700634; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 65050 ; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best in Travel 2018

Parque Nacional de Timanfaya

Lanzarote's most spectacular sight, the eerie 51-sq-km Parque Nacional de Timanfaya sprawls around the Montañas del Fuego (Mountains of Fire) formed by…

Secret of cave

Cueva de los Verdes

A yawning, kilometre-long chasm, the Cueva de los Verdes is the most spectacular segment of an almost 7km-long lava tube left behind by an eruption 5000…

outer Jameos del Agua pool, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain; Shutterstock ID 283647977; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 65050 ; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best in Travel 2018

Jameos del Agua

When molten lava seethed through this volcanic cavern around 5000 years ago, the ocean leaked in slightly, forming the startling clear azure lake that…

Castillo San Jose in Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands; Shutterstock ID 177666716; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 65050 ; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best in Travel 2018

Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo

Converted into an art gallery in 1976, on César Manrique's wish, the well-preserved 18th-century Castillo de San José houses one of the Canaries' major…

Casa-Museo César Manrique

Casa-Museo César Manrique

Frozen in time, complete with Manrique's clothes in the cupboard and personal art collection adorning the walls, the palm-shaded final home of the island…

Piscinas de Punta Mujeres

Piscinas de Punta Mujeres

One of the most magical swimming spots on Lanzarote, this cluster of glittering turquoise natural pools dots the coast in the tranquil whitewashed fishing…

Playa del Papagayo

Playa del Papagayo

Hemmed in by the punta's craggy cliffs, deliciously unspoilt and protected Playa del Papagayo is one of Lanzarote's loveliest beaches, with pale-gold sand…

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Papagayo Playa Blanca on Lanzarote  or Cofete Beach on the Southern Tip of Fuerteventura during Sunset.

Local Voices

Dec 11, 2023 • 6 min read

Two passionate experts go head-to-head to decide which Canary Island is better: Lanzarote or Fuerteventura.

guide voyage lanzarote

Sep 11, 2019 • 2 min read

guide voyage lanzarote

Aug 22, 2017 • 5 min read

Purchase our award-winning guidebooks

Get to the heart of Lanzarote with one of our in-depth, award-winning guidebooks, covering maps, itineraries, and expert guidance.

Lanzarote and beyond

Spain, Lanzarote, Arrecife, Puente de las Bolas in front of Castillo San Gabriel

Plan Your Trip to Lanzarote: Best of Lanzarote Tourism

guide voyage lanzarote

Essential Lanzarote

guide voyage lanzarote

How to do Lanzarote in 4 days

guide voyage lanzarote

6 places with unbelievable views on Lanzarote

guide voyage lanzarote

Browse collections

Bring on the volcanic drama.

guide voyage lanzarote

Catch a wave—or dive under it

guide voyage lanzarote

Art meets nature

guide voyage lanzarote

Wine and tapas—the main event

guide voyage lanzarote

On the water

guide voyage lanzarote

  • Club Marmara Playa Blanca
  • Casa De Las Flores - Hotel Boutique Lanzarote
  • Luxury Marbo Suites
  • Apartamento Luna
  • Sassi's Bar and Bistro
  • O'Sheas Bar
  • La Lanterna
  • La Cocina de Colacho
  • Timanfaya National Park
  • Playa de Papagayo
  • Cueva de los Verdes
  • Lagomar Museum
  • Aquapark Costa Teguise
  • Lanzarote Short South Tour with Timanfaya Volcano Entrance
  • Submarine Safaris Lanzarote
  • 3 Hour Amazing Automatic Can Am Buggy Tour of Beautiful Lanzarote
  • Full Day Tour to Timanfaya, Green Lagoon and La Geria
  • Water Taxi: Puerto del Carmen - Puerto Calero
  • Gran Canaria
  • Fuerteventura
  • Tenerife - Best Places to stay
  • Gran Canaria - Top Places to stay
  • Lanzarote - Best Accommodation
  • Fuerteventura - Best Places to Stay
  • La Gomera - Where to stay
  • La Palma - Best Accommodation
  • El Hierro - Best Areas To Stay
  • Tenerife weather
  • Gran Canaria weather
  • Lanzarote weather
  • Fuerteventura weather
  • La Palma weather
  • La Gomera weather
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  • Lanzarote Events
  • Fuerteventura Events
  • La Palma Events
  • La Gomera Events
  • El Hierro Events
  • Tenerife Attractions
  • Gran Canaria Attractions
  • Lanzarote Attractions
  • Fuerteventura Attractions
  • Tenerife Tours
  • Gran Canaria Tours
  • Lanzarote Tours
  • Fuerteventura Tours

30 Things To Do in Lanzarote - Best places to visit (2024 Guide)

puerto del carmen lanzarote

If you're planning a trip to Lanzarote and you want to go out and explore (which you definitely should do), then read our list of the best things to do on the island.

What to do in Lanzarote - excursions, sightseeing and attractions

1. puerto del carmen, 2. costa teguise, 3. playa blanca, 4. discover lanzarote on a full-day tour, 5. rancho texas, 6. fun family day at aqualava waterpark, 7. timanfaya national park, 8. el golfo, 9. los hervideros, 10. admire the view from mirador del rio, 11. jameos del agua, 12. cueva de los verdes, 13. cactus garden , 14. playas de papagayo, 15. learn to surf at playa de famara, 16. lanzarote carnivals, 17. go on a cruise along the coast of la graciosa (lunch, drinks and water activities included), 18. take a walk through haria, 19. visit teguise, lazarote's former capital, 20. go to teguise market on a sunday, 21. go on an exciting volcano buggy-tour, 22. visit la geria and taste the lanzarote wine, 23. admire lanzarote's coastline on a sunset cruise, 24. visit arrecife, lanzarote's capital, 25. shop at the local markets, 26. walking tours inside timanfaya national park, 27. spend a day in fuerteventura, 28. césar manrique foundation, 29. coastal walk between puerto del carmen and puerto calero, 30. pirate museum.

Although it is one of the smaller islands in terms of size, Lanzarote is actually one of the most popular Canary Islands among foreign visitors, so there are plenty of things to do and activities for the entire family.

Best day trips and excursions in Lanzarote

There are 3 main tourist resorts in Lanzarote: Puerto del Carmen, Playa Blanca and Costa Teguise so we encourage you to find the best tours and excursions available from where you're staying. 

  • Tours from Puerto del Carmen (Visit Timanfaya, Jameos del Agua and go on a sunset boat tour from Puerto del Carmen)
  • From Playa Blanca: 40-Minute Jet Ski Excursion in Marina Rubicón (40 minutes of jet skiing for one or two people accompanied by a monitor)
  • Tours from Costa Teguise (Visit Mirador del Rio, Cueva de los Verdes or spend a day at Aquapark Costa Teguise )

puerto del carmen lanzarote

Puerto del Carmen is the largest and most popular resort in Lanzarote.

It's a great place for nightlife, as there are plenty of bars, restaurants and clubs that stay open until the early morning hours.

Puerto del Carmen also has several great beaches, shops and activities for kids, so it's good for a family holiday also, especially the Matagorda area. The town is situated close to the airport, so it's extremely easy to get here, by bus, taxi or car. Since it's situated very centrally on the island, it's easy to make daily excursions on your own or with tour companies.

playa de las cucharas costa teguise

One of the rising resorts in Lanzarote, great for families with young kids, as there are many activities around. The largest waterpark on the island is right in Costa Teguise and there are also many hotels with kids clubs so that mom and dad can also have a proper holiday. Playa de las Cucharas is known as one of the best beaches in Lanzarote , although a bit windier compared with the beaches in other resorts.

 playa blanca lanzarote

Situated in the very south of Lanzarote, Playa Blanca is a bit quieter compared to Puerto del Carmen, but it's got great beaches and many attractions nearby.

Playa Blanca also has a large marina from where you can take a lot of boat trips, including the ferry to Fuerteventura, if you're curious to spend a day in Corralejo.

lanzarote jameos del agua

If you don't want to rent a car and drive on the island on your own, you always have the option of going on an organized tour, which will show you the highlights of the island.

The main points of interest in Lanzarote are all included in this tour: Timanfaya National Park (bus ride through the volcanic landscape), Jameos del Agua, Haria Valley (or the valley of the 1000 palms) and many more interesting places, like Monumento del Campesino.

This is a really comprehensive tour and also one of the most popular tours in Lanzarote, which will surely make you fall in love with the beauty of this charming volcanic island. The tour is recommended especially for first-time visitors to Lanzarote who want to discover and see as much as possible in one day.

  • Duration 9 - 10 hours
  • Includes entrance to Timanfaya National Park & Jameos del Agua
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before activity starts

What to do in Lanzarote for a fun family day: visit the animal parks and water parks

dolphins rancho texas lanzarote what to do

Ranchos Texas is the only animal park in Lanzarote, with a wild west theme and it's a great attraction for both kids and adults.

The park is situated very close to Puerto del Carmen and it's easy to get to by taxi or shuttle bus.

You can spend an entire day looking at the animals and the shows and in the evenings they have a western night, where you can party like you are in Texas.

  • Visit a unique wildlife park with a Wild West theme
  • Includes access to a dolphin demonstration and the chance to watch exotic birds and birds of prey

aqualava waterpark lanzarote

Aqualava Waterpark is located in the Playa Blanca resort and although fairly small if you compare it to Siam Park for example, it can provide a day of family fun, featuring the only saltwater wave pool in Lanzarote.

Aqualava is a great place to visit in Lanzarote, especially for families with kids, since they have attractions for all ages, including a lazy river, which is also popular with adults.

  • Includes All-access tickets, Sunbeds, Umbrellas
  • Recommended for families with kids

Places to visit in Lanzarote: don't miss Lanzarote's most unique attractions

lanzarote timanfaya park

If you have to choose just one place to visit in Lanzarote (but I personally don't know why you'd do that), it should be Timanfaya National Park and the bus trip around the volcanoes, to see the crater and learn more information about the volcanic of Lanzarote. 

Also, even if you don't have lunch at the restaurant located at the car park, you should go inside to see their barbecue where the chicken is cooked using the heat coming from the volcano.

  • Includes lunch and wine tasting
  • Visit Timanfaya National Park, El Golfo and a tasting of the award-winning wine of La Geria

el golfo lanzarote green lake

The green lagoon or the Green Lake appears in many photos when you look for info about Lanzarote and it's really a place you should see with your own eyes. The color looks different depending on the moment of the day and the light outside, but no matter when you do, it's interesting to admire the lake and the ocean so close together.

los hervideros lanzarote

Los Hervideros is usually paired as a visit with El Golfo and it's one of the best places where you can see the force of the ocean around the island of Lanzarote. The best time to visit is when it's high tide, to see the full force of the currents and waves, as this side of the coast will show you the wild nature of Lanzarote, very different from the vibe you get in the resorts.

la graciosa from mirador del rio lanzarote

Mirador del Rio offers the most breathtaking views in Lanzarote, overlooking the island of La Graciosa. Take care to go up there on a sunny day, otherwise, you won't see much.

jameos del agua

You have to visit Jameos del Agua to understand more about Cesar Manrique's vision for Lanzarote. With it's lake filled with albino crabs and its unique concert hall, Jameos del Agua is one of the best places to visit in Lanzarote.

cueva de los verdes lanzarote

By visiting the Green Caves or Cueva de los Verdes in Spanish you get the opportunity to go inside a lava tube that has solidified after the various eruptions that have taken place in Lanzarote. The cave is visited with a guided tour that lasts for one hour and it's really interesting to learn about the island's volcanic history.

lanzarote cactus garden

An entire garden, filled with different types of cacti, offering also great views of the ocean. It's a nice activity for an hour or two, especially on a more cloudy day when you don't feel like being on the beach.

The Cactus Garden (Jardin de Cactus) is also the brainchild of Lanzarote's famous César Manrique, so the place brings together the volcanic nature of the island with a collection of cacti, making for an interesting place to visit while in Lanzarote.

papagayo beach lanzarote

Situated inside a protected area, Papagayo beach is probably the most famous beach in Lanzarote and the one that you see on all the postcards. Go there to see the most beautiful turquoise waters but remember to take something to drink and eat with you, as there are no shops inside this natural park, although there is a restaurant overlooking the beach.

If you don't have a rental car or you simply don't want to drive all the way there, you can hop on a catamaran cruise, which also includes lunch and unlimited drinks and it's a fun way to see the beaches of Costa de Papagayo, while stopping to swim and snorkel along the way.

  • Includes lunch, welcome mojito cocktail, unlimited draft beer, sangria, soft drinks and water
  • Transfers from and to the nearest pick-up point to your accommodation in Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carmen and Costa Teguise included

 famara lanzarote canary islands

Famara Beach is any surfer's dream and the place to come if you want to start surfing. Also, come visit to see the most amazing sunsets in Lanzarote and to enjoy a meal with fresh fish at one of the small local restaurants.

Each year, between the months of February and March, Lanzarote and the rest of the Canary Islands celebrate Carnival season. There's a party everywhere from Puerto del Carmen, Playa Blanca, Costa Teguise, Arrecife and even La Graciosa. If you're visiting at that time, do read more about the carnival in Lanzarote .

lanzarote la graciosa

After seeing La Graciosa from Mirador del Rio you'll definitely wish to see it with your own eyes from up close. The island has very few residents and most of them live there only during the summer months. There are no asphalt roads and you rent a bike if you want to explore the island and enjoy its beauty. Playa de la Francesa and Playa de las Conchas are the best beaches on La Graciosa , just remember to take your sunscreen as there's no place to hide from the sun.

  • Sail along the coast of La Graciosa on a luxury catamaran cruise
  • Includes lunch, welcome mojito, unlimited beer, sangría, soft drinks, and water + use of kayaks

haria lanzarote

Haria is a typical Canarian village, situated in the valley known as the Valley of 1000 palms.

This is actually the greenest part of Lanzarote, compared to the arid aspect the rest of the island has. You can stop for a short walk in Haria or maybe come on Saturday to visit the local market. Here's a list of things to do in Haria .

teguise lanzarote

Teguise was the capital of Lanzarote before Arrecife, so it's a small town full of historic buildings and significance.

Teguise is a sleepy town during the weekdays and only comes alive on Sunday, when it's a big market day. If you want to explore more around the town, you can come during the other days and walk around to find out more about the history of Lanzarote.

  • Read more about things to do in Teguise .

teguise market lanzarote

The market in Teguise takes place every Sunday and it gets visitors from all over the island.

There are hundreds of stalls, with handmade objects, clothes, food and even the usual fake bags and watches. There's something for everyone, just take care of your purse and haggle the price before you buy something.

Teguise market is the largest market in Lanzarote and probably the largest in the Canary Islands.

buggy tour lanzarote canary islands

Explore the north of Lanzarote on a unique and adrenaline-pumping tour.

Enjoy a small group of a maximum of 5 buggies, starting from Costa Teguise and visiting places like the old quarries of Guatiza, Los Cocoteros and reaching Lanzarote's highest point, Peñas del Chache.

  • Go on a 2 or 3-hour, private or group buggy tour from Costa Teguise
  • Includes hotel pickup and drop-off, dust protection glasses, bottled water, helmet

la geria lanzarote

La Geria is the valley where the wine region of Lanzarote is located and a visit here will give you the opportunity to sample various types of wines produced on the island. Being the driver while on a wine tour may be a pretty bad experience for the one behind the wheel, so in this case, a tour would be more suitable , so everyone will be able to have a taste. 

lanzarote sunset

Watch the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean by embarking on a 2.5-hour cruise aboard a modern and super-fast boat. There's also a good chance of seeing dolphins and other types of marine life during your trip, which is always exciting.

The cruise includes champagne and complimentary pastries, served by the professional crew while you enjoy watching the sunset over the ocean.

  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • Includes champagne and pastries

visit arrecife lanzarote canary -islands

Arrecife is the capital of Lanzarote and it's located very close to the airport and it's easy to get there either by car or by bus.

Although it's not the most exciting thing to see in Lanzarote, it can give you an idea in regards to local life beyond the tourist resorts. And they do have some pretty places like Charco San Gines and or Playa del Reducto. You can read further about the best things to do in Arrecife if you do decide to visit..

lanzarote markets

If you want to shop while on holiday in Lanzarote, a good idea is to visit the local markets. Every town and resort has at least one market day and you can read all about markets in Lanzarote if you want to know more. You'll find everything from authentic craft products to souvenirs and knock-offs like sunglasses and clothing. Teguise has the largest market on the island, but the one in Playa Blanca is in a nice location, in the marina, and some of the stalls move from one market to another, so you can find similar products between all markets.

If you've already visited Timanfaya National Park with the bus tour and you'd like to explore even further, you can go on one of the walking tours organized by the authority that has the park into administration. There are several guided walks available and you need to book online in advance.

corralejo natural park

If maybe you are curious about Fuerteventura, why not pop over and visit for the day? It is very easy to cross from Lanzarote to Fuerteventura on board of the ferry, and afterward, you can spend the entire day either in Corralejo, or you can take a quick taxi to Corralejo Natural Park, see the sand dunes and the amazing beaches, before heading back again to Lanzarote in the evening.

  • Transport to the ferry and back to the pickup point
  • Roundtrip ferry ticket & 5 hours of free time

The famous Spanish César Manrique was originally from Lanzarote, so a lot of the main attractions in Lanzarote are his creations, showing us today the vision he had for his island in terms of blending design and functionality with respect for the environment and the surrounding natural space. 

The location where the Foundation is now used to be Cesar Manrique's home for twenty years, between 1968 and 1988, and the house offers truly a unique experience, as it sits on a 30,000 sqm plot, and it combines modern elements of design with old traditional architecture, specific to Lanzarote.

If you're staying in Puerto del Carmen, one of the island's most popular resorts, we highly recommend the walk to Puerto Calero, which can be completed in under one hour one way.

If you've done it all and think there's nothing more to discover on the island...think again! Here's a list of secret places in Lanzarote to add to your list of places to see.

  • This museum is temporarily closed due to renovation works.

Located inside the Fortress Santa Barbara, the Pirate Museum can prove to be an interesting experience for adults and children as well.

The Pirate Museum is located next to the Villa de Teguise and boasts spectacular views of the ocean and the island.

Lanzarote is a great place to visit with the family and you should check out our list of things to do with kids in Lanzarote in order to plan some fun days for the little ones. 

  • Best apartments in Lanzarote: Apartamentos Fariones (Puerto del Carmen) • Apartamentos El Guarapo (Costa Teguise) 
  • Popular hotels in Lanzarote: Barceló Teguise Beach - Adults Only  4* (Costa Teguise) • Hyde Park Lane 3* (Puerto del Carmen)
  • Luxury 5* hotel in Lanzarote: Iberostar Selection Lanzarote Park (Playa Blanca) • Arrecife Gran Hotel & Spa (Arrecife)
  • See our dedicated guide for the best places to stay in Lanzarote .
  • Best Excursions & Tours: Volcanoes and Caves: Full-Day Tour  • Fire Mountains in Southern Lanzarote: Half-Day Tour

20 Best things to do in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (2024 Guide)

20 Best things to do in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (2024 Guide)

17 Things To Do in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote - Best Places to Visit

17 Things To Do in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote - Best Places to Visit

10 Best Beaches in Lanzarote and La Graciosa

10 Best Beaches in Lanzarote and La Graciosa

18 Best Things To Do in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote

18 Best Things To Do in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote

Visit El Golfo & the Green Lake in Lanzarote

Visit El Golfo & the Green Lake in Lanzarote

Los Hervideros, Lanzarote - See the volcanic cliffs and caves

Los Hervideros, Lanzarote - See the volcanic cliffs and caves

7 Best Things To Do in La Orotava, Tenerife

Your guide to Lanzarote, Canary Islands

Lori Zaino

Lanzarote's charm goes beyond just windswept beaches . If you love the sun and sand but also want to infuse your vacation with some nature , culture and truly original wine adventures, this is the Canary Island for you.

guide voyage lanzarote

Besides long stretches of golden sands, Lanzarote is home to many art installations by the island's very own César Manrique, a Spanish artist with a flair for incorporating natural landscape into his work. And, if you've ever wanted to explore a volcanic vineyard and sample volcanic wine, this is the island to do so.

If you aren't quite sure if Lanzarote is the right island for your visit, check out these guides which may help you choose another:

  • How to know which Canary Island is right for you
  • Which Canary Island is best for a socially distanced vacation?

Getting there and around

Plan to fly into Lanzarote Airport (ACE), which is located a few miles south of Arrecife, the island's capital. Similar to many of the other Canary Islands, if you plan to explore all that Lanzarote has to offer, car rental is essential. If you'd rather just relax at your all-inclusive hotel, it may not be necessary. Taxis are readily available at the airport if you decide not to rent a car.

Where to stay

Lanzarote has many tourist resort areas. The closest to the airport and most popular is Puerto del Carmen, a short ride away from the airport and the capital of Arrecife.

guide voyage lanzarote

Although there are plenty of tourist-catering beachfront resorts in this area, we love the boutique Hotel Los Lirios , decked out in traditional whitewashed plaster with volcanic rock, located slightly inland. This option is ideal if you want to be near some of the amenities, but away from the party scene or avoid the crowds.

guide voyage lanzarote

For a more typical hotel experience, the Barcelo Teguise Beach north of Arrecife is an adults-only resort with two pools and a modern, chic ambiance.

guide voyage lanzarote

If you want less wind and guaranteed sunshine, the best spot is Playa Blanca in the south, which also features more luxury hotel and resort options, such as the Kamezi Boutique Villas . Some of the villas feature private pools and the resort overlooks a gorgeous rocky beach.

guide voyage lanzarote

For those wanting to be closer to the white sand beaches in this area, the recently renovated H10 Rubicon Palace is perfect for families, with a special play area for children featuring a pirate ship.

guide voyage lanzarote

If you'd prefer to get away from it, consider a stay at the Finca de Arrieta Eco Retreat , close to the sand and rocks of Playa Garita. This spot is all about "glamping," so expect hammocks, eco-chic yurts and fancy farmhouses.

guide voyage lanzarote

What to do and see

Lanzarote's beach scene has something for everyone: black sand, picturesque pebbles, white and golden sand stretches flanked by cliffs, breezy surfer spots and shallow bays perfect for families.

guide voyage lanzarote

  • For natural sands in the south: Playa de Papagayo
  • For natural sands in the north: Playa Orzola
  • For shallow, family-friendly waters: Caleton Blanco
  • For amenities and golden sands: Playa Flamingo
  • For shallow, calm waters: El Jablillo
  • For surfing: Famara Beach

guide voyage lanzarote

Nature and adventure

A must-see in Lanzarote, Los Herivdores are cliffs created from volcanic lava. Weave through tiny paths heading towards the sea for some awe-inspiring scenery. Next, pay a visit to El Golfo, a volcano that has slowly been eroded by sea and salt, now a reddish crater wall with a vibrant green lagoon made up of volcanic minerals. The green water is separated from the blue ocean by a black pebbly beach, a one-of-a-kind natural wonder. Note that swimming in it is forbidden though.

guide voyage lanzarote

You can't leave the island without checking out the Timanfaya Natural Park, home to volcanic craters and the famous Fire Mountain Monument. For more volcanic craters and hiking, you also have the nearby Volcanos Natural Park.

guide voyage lanzarote

Culture and art

For a family-friendly adventure, check out one of the most beautiful villages in the Canary Islands, the whitewashed town of Haría lined with palm tree after palm tree.

guide voyage lanzarote

Design and art lovers need to enter the world of César Manrique. Visit his former home in Haría, decked with sculpture and art incorporating the natural landscape of caves , volcanic rock and tunnels in his distinctive design aesthetic.

Another Manrique must-see is the Jameos de Agua, a unique tunnel, pool and event space with quirky design touches. And don't forget about his famed cactus garden, or the Campesino Museum, where his work is also on display.

guide voyage lanzarote

What to eat and drink

Volcanos Natural Park has another claim to fame: the volcanic wine of La Geria. You can't come to Lanzarote without touring a volcanic vineyard, learning about how the grapes thrive in the mineral and ashy soil. The wines have small stone circles around them to protect from wind, salt and rain, making these volcanic moonscapes unlike any other vineyards in the world. Tour and taste at wineries such as Bodega Vega de Yuco or Bodega Vulcano Lanzarote. Most wines are light and fruity, but some sweet wine is also cultivated on the island.

guide voyage lanzarote

Beyond its famous wine, Lanzarote has cuisine typical of the Canary Islands, stews and simple plates of tapas like potatoes with mojo picon sauce. To eat like a local, you'll want to dine in Arrecife, the island's capital, or in the north, where most of the population lives. For international cuisine , the tourist resorts of the south have many different gastronomic options.

For a truly unique dining experience, eat at El Diablo, a restaurant designed by César Manrique that overlooks the island's impressive volcanic landscape. For the complete experience, order something cooked using the volcanic steam, which can heat up to 570 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bottom line

guide voyage lanzarote

If you want a beach vacation that also includes some culture, Lanzarote is the island for you. With plenty of art, design and sculpture by César Manrique, its volcanic vineyards and impressive natural parks, you'll never get bored there.

Green Eyed Traveller

A Local Guide to Lanzarote – How to Visit the Island Properly

by Charlotte Walton | Europe , Lanzarote

Famara Beach Lanzarote

The island of Lanzarote is incredible and definitely worth a visit. I may be biased as I grew up on the island and had a fantastic childhood here! I do recommend you visit though, and visit properly. Here is a Local Guide to Lanzarote.

The island is often misunderstood by tourists, who come over and stay in all-inclusive hotels, eating and drinking in the hotel restaurants, and spending their whole day sunbathing there. Doing this, you miss out on everything the island has to offer. 

Lanzarote is known as ‘The Rock’ to us locals, as it resembles exactly that, a giant rock. The lava fields around the island are unharmed and protected by the government. The lava offers stunning scenery, often used in films for a ‘moonscape’ setting.

Lanzarote offers a number of activities for tourists, from sightseeing tours to adventures. Below I have listed a number of things that I would recommend doing when you come to visit this island.

A Local Guide to Lanzarote:

Lanzarote is one of the most picturesque of the Canary Islands, mainly due to the influence of Cesar Manrique who insisted that all buildings had to be painted white and be no more than 3 storeys high (with the odd exception). Its natural beauty is a huge part of why many tourists, and locals alike love the island.

Fun fact: Did you know that the windows and doors here can only be painted with 3 colours? Blue: to represent the ocean. Brown: to mimic the colours of the volcanoes, or green: to symbolise the palm trees.

guide voyage lanzarote

Where to Stay in Lanzarote

First of all, choosing a place to stay will effect how you enjoy your time here. There are 3 main resorts, Costa Teguise, Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca , each with their own selling points, beaches, restaurants, bars, shops, nightlife and promenades.

Personally, I love Puerto del Carmen as it offers all of the above and it is the most vibrant place to be on the island. If socialising is your thing, I’d recommend staying in this area.

In Playa Blanca , there are many 5* resorts and so naturally you will find an older crowd in this area. It is a beautiful place to stay with a few beaches along the coast and plenty of beach front bars to sit in. Expect it to be quieter here.

Costa Teguise attracts a lot of tourists and has many beach bars to choose from and two main beaches. The best part about Costa Teguise in my opinion is the selection of brunch cafes. We seem to be limited with them anywhere else on the island. The biggest downside to this location is the wind. It can be very windy in this town as it is located on the North East of the island.  

If you love to surf, you could consider staying along the West coast of the island in the town of Famara or La Santa. These are the surf hotspots of the island and boast an incredibly chill vibe!

Timanfaya National Park

Timanfaya is the main tourist attraction with its live volcano and bus only tour of the park. Whether you are into your history or not, visiting Timanfaya is a unique experience. The volcano remains active and bus tours take you around the picturesque landcape, explaining the history of the eruption and how if affected the island. The locals use the heat from the volcano to cook meals in the restaurant giving them a bbq taste, unlike anything you have ever tried!

guide voyage lanzarote

Getting there: There are many tour companies who offer a trip to Timanfaya. If you have a car, type in Timfanfaya National Park into your Google maps. You’ll arrive at a barrier with a small hut adjacent to it where you can buy your tickets. Drive up the road and park at the restaurant at the top where you can then hop on to one of the buses that are sat waiting on the tarmac for you. Opening times: 09:00-3.30 – The last bus tour around the park leaves at 3.30pm so you must arrive before then. Price:  €12 for adults. €5 for children. The entrance fee is €12 which includes a 40 minute educational bus ride through the volcanoes, and a few demonstrations of the volcano activity up at the visitor centre! Important information:  Timanfaya is a very popular tourist destination. If possible, choose to go later on in the afternoon when all the crowds have already been and gone for the day.

TIP! If you would like to see a number of attractions while you are here, consider booking an organised tour. Not only do you have everything planned for you and transport to each location, it works out cheaper the more you want to see. Here are the tours available on the island offering daily excursions.

Where: Visiting, El Golfo, Timanfaya, La Geria for wine tasting, Teguise and Jameos del Agua. Time:  9am to 6.30pm. Price:  45 euros Important information:  Lunch is included in the price

South Tour:

Where:  Visiting Timanfaya, camel ride, El Golfo and La Geria for wine tasting Time:  9am to 4pm. Price:  33 euros Important information:  Lunch is included in the price

North Tour:

Where:  Visiting Teguise, Mirador del Rio, Jameos del Agua and the Cesar Manrique foundation Time:  9am to 5.30pm. Price:  38 euros Important information:  Lunch is included in the price

guide voyage lanzarote

If you’re not THAT into sightseeing, there are other things to do on the island which are really fun!

There are plenty of stunning beaches on the island which you can visit. Most of them are very close to nearby bars so you can sit and have a drink in the sun.

Papagayo Beach, Playa Blanca

Papagayo is the iconic beach of Lanzarote. Situated in the side of the cliffs, this natural beach attracts 1000’s of tourists. There is an entry fee of €3 but it is totally worth it. The beach is down a long dirt road and there are no shops once you arrive. There is a small restaurant located on the cliff but I would recommend taking a crate of beer with you for the day!

guide voyage lanzarote

Playa Grande & Playa Chica, Puerto del Carmen

Playa Grande beach is located in the heart of Puerto del Carmen. This beach is close to 100’s of bars, restaurants and hotels making it a very popular spot. There is a beach next to it, called Playa Chica. This beach is smaller, and very good for snorkelling. There is a dive school at the beach and there are many scheduled dives per day. If you love being underwater, or want to get your PADI, check out the Lanzarote Diving for more information.

guide voyage lanzarote

If you are a beach enthusiast like me and want to find the best beaches in Lanzarote, click here to read my detailed blog.

Los Charcones

One of my favourite places on the island are the natural rock pools. I have written a separate blog on how to find them and what you need to know before you go, here.

guide voyage lanzarote

Getting there: For the last couple of years there has been a promenade that runs from Puerto del Carmen all the way to Arrecife (the capital). It is perfect as the walk from one to the other is mainly flat. On the way, you pass the airport. You can also hire bikes for 10euros or less a day, and bike the whole thing. It is around 20km there and back, which makes for a fantastic bike ride.

TIP! If you are driving, you can park at either the Hotel Beatriz in Puerto del Carmen and then walk left in the direction of Arrecife, or at the main car park in Playa Honda near the high school (instituto de Playa Honda) and walk right in the direction of Puerto del Carmen.

Wine Tasting in La Geria

Lanzarote is famous for its wine, and for good reason. Did you know that the grapes are grown underneath the volcanic ash (peacon)?  After the volcanic eruption in the 1700’s residents lost the ability to grow wheat and were forced to adapt to the new volcanic landscape.

The island has a similar climate to its neighbouring desert; the Sahara. During the day it’s hot, but the cool breeze from the Atlantic Ocean means that temperatures can plummet at night time.

The ash from the lava is fertile and able to hold humidity from the overnight condensation and so it turned out that the island is the perfect place for growing grapes.

The cool wind chill at night gives the grapes acidity, complimented with the sweetness developed from the long sunny days create the unique wine of Lanzarote.

This is what a typical vineyard here looks like. Farmers dig these holes and surround them with volcanic rock walls to help keep the soil temperature constant and to protect the vines from the strong coastal winds. These formations create the effect of a crater and look “moon-like”.

Because of the way the grapes are grown here, they must be hand-picked which makes the winemaking process heavy labour.

You can sample the local Lanzarote wine at many wine tasting places in La Geria.

guide voyage lanzarote

You can also hire buggies which costs 95 euros for a 2 hour guided tour and 115 euros for a 3 hour guided tour. Take a look at the website below for more information.


Best Places to Eat & Drink in Lanzarote

I have written a separate blog post of the best places to eat & drink in Lanzarote here.

Other must-visit spots:

+ El Mirador del Rio – an incredible viewpoint overlooking the island of La Graciosa. If you wish to take a boat over to La Graciosa, and I highly recommend that you do, you can check out my blog here: 2 days in La Graciosa. Even if you simply fancy going over for the day, you’ll find everything you need to know about visiting the island in this blog and you can choose which bits you want to see for the day! The boat leaves from the beautiful fishing town of Orzola which is also worth a short visit.

+ Jameos del Agua + Cueva de los Verdes

+ Teguise Sunday Market

So, there you have it. There are plenty of other things to do on the island but this should give you enough things to do!

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Blog Voyage – Amoureux du Monde

What to do in Lanzarote? 5-day itinerary

must see Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote? Road Trip

Lanzarote is the northernmost island of the Spanish Canary archipelago, located off the coast of Morocco. It is famous for its lunar landscapes, its biosphere and its favourable climate almost all year round. How to visit Lanzarote in 5 days ? We offer you a detailed itinerary to discover what to do in Lanzarote !

You can of course take a week to visit the island mixing discovery and relaxation on the beaches. ?

Road trip in Lanzarote: what to do in Lanzarote?

How to prepare your trip to lanzarote, when to go to lanzarote.

As with all the Canary Islands, it’s pretty easy to answer: all the time. ☀️ The climate is very temperate, it is between 20 and 28 degrees all year round. So I advise you to go when the temperatures are low in France, to enjoy some mildness!

Where to buy a plane ticket?

We recommend that you compare the best offers and book your flights on Skyscanner .

Where to rent a car for your road trip in Lanzarote?

? Compare prices and book your car here !

what to do in Lanzarote

How much to budget to visit Lanzarote in 5 days?

  • ✈️ Plane: 100€ per person on average
  • ? Car rental: 75€ for 5 days
  • ⛽️ Petrol costs: 25€ for about 350 km driven (1€ per litre of fuel)
  • ? Hotels: 60€ per night on average in low season
  • ? Restaurants: 30€ per day per person for 2 meals

Total = 750€ for a 5 night stay or 375€ per person, excluding activities.

Please note: this budget can obviously vary depending on the price of car rentals and aeroplanes, but also depending on the standing of the hotels/restaurants you choose. We are only talking about our experience here.

Should you buy tickets online to visit the must-see spots in Lanzarote?

Indeed, for price, language and ease we recommend booking your activities on one of the following 3 sites:

  • GetYourGuide

What to do in Lanzarote during 5 days?

We will show you our itinerary to visit Lanzarote in 5 days . If you have time to spare, we recommend that you combine this trip with its neighbouring island, Fuerteventura. Indeed, from 10 days there, it is interesting to discover the 2 islands because there is only 30 minutes of boat between the 2 islands and you can make the crossing by embarking your rented car on the ferry.

Find all our info on Fuerteventura by redirecting you to our dedicated article. LIEN

⛴ You can also book your crossing in advance here .

road trip fuerteventura

Where to sleep in Lanzarote?

For your stay in Lanzarote, we recommend that you only take one fairly central accommodation, as the island is only 840 km², 10 times smaller than Corsica! The best place to stay is in Puerto Del Carmen or around Teguise / Costa Teguise . Avoid Arrecife , the capital, which is not very interesting.

  • In Puerto Del Carmen I would recommend this accommodation  which has excellent value for money or this one  which is incredible with a very reasonable price for the beauty of the place and the quality of the services but slightly out of centre.
  • On the Téguise side there is an unusual accommodation in bubbles to sleep under the stars. ? I highly recommend you try the experience, if only for one night. Book the Eco Dome Experience early to make sure you have availability.

Unusual accommodation Lanzarote

Travel: what to do in Lanzarote for 5 days?

Day 1 of the road trip to lanzarote, cactus garden.

The cactus garden, the work of César Manrique, is a must-see in Lanzarote. No less than 1,500 varieties of cactus await you and a lovely restored mill completes this magnificent setting. Don’t hesitate to climb up to the level of the mill for a great view of the park.

? Admission is €6.50 for adults and its doors open from 10am to 5pm.

trip to Lanzarote

? Sunset from a volcano with a view of a crater

For this first sunset on the island I found a little wonder! Go to the Colibri volcano for an incredible view of the Caldera de Los Cuervos crater ?. There’s plenty of room for parking but take it easy! It will take you a good 30 minutes. The ascent is quite physical, it is done on quite slippery ground. It’s not dangerous but bring good shoes.

Be careful not to forget anything before coming back down because believe me, the second sprint up in the dark to look for the car keys is not very fun. ?

Lanzarote what to do

Day 2: Timanfaya (What to do in Lanzarote)

timanfaya national park.

With no less than 110 volcanoes, the island of Lanzarote is literally riddled with volcanoes ?. You can drive around and contemplate a good number of them. But if you want to visit the Timanfaya National Park (for a fee) which is in the southwest of the island, I recommend booking this activity online. You’ll get a guide, transport, entrance ticket to the park and to the Jameos del Agua cave, a camel ride, lunch and wine tasting.?

Alternatively, you can explore the volcanoes by booking a guided buggy tour.

visit Lanzarote in 5 days

Day 3 of the Lanzarote itinerary – Road Trip in Lanzarote

visit the village of teguise.

Love this colourful village full of charm. If you have a village to visit on Lanzarote it is this one. Indeed, in addition to the beauty of its streets, you will find souvenir shops and many places to have a drink or lunch. I recommend you to stop in the cactus-filled courtyard of the boutique hotel Palacio Ico. In fact, if there is any availability, don’t hesitate to book this magnificent hotel  for one or two nights.

This town was the island’s capital for almost 500 years before being replaced by Arrecife.

Teguise lanzarote

? Famara beach – surfers’ landmark

At the foot of the Famara massif lies the town of Caleta de Famara and its huge 6km long beach. A surfer’s paradise, the atmosphere is really chill and the landscape is sublime! If you come for lunch, I recommend the El Risco restaurant which offers a beautiful view of the cliffs.

If you feel like surfing the waves of this famous beach, then let yourself be tempted by one or more surfing lessons! What to become an expert of the wave ? More info here .

must see Lanzarote

? Sunset on the cliffs of Famara

The cliffs of Famara are even more impressive seen from above! To enjoy a beautiful sunset, head to Cueva de las Cabras . The road is a bit bumpy but it’s easy to park and get to the viewpoint. Be careful if you have vertigo, it’s very impressive ? To access the cave in the photo below (photo 1) you have to find the small stairs just next to the rock that juts into the void (photo 2). The stairs are quite steep but the spot is really beautiful and you will be sheltered from the wind to contemplate the sunset.

Unusual accommodation Lanzarote

Day 4: The south of the island, its beaches and natural pools

natural pools of charcones.

The island of Lanzarote also offers beautiful beaches and incredible natural pools. For the latter, head to the south west of the island and more precisely to Charcones. Be careful, the access road is very damaged and some rental companies do not cover problems on this kind of road. Here are the GPS coordinates  for parking. You will be within walking distance of the 2 beautiful pools below.

Lanzarote trip 5 days

? Charco Verde

Still on the west coast but 20 minutes further north, you will find a really special beach: Charco Verde. The sky was cloudy at the time of my visit but if you have sun you will see a real contrast between the blue sea water and the green pseudo lake. The green colour is due to algae and the presence of sulphur. Access is of course forbidden but you can go to the viewpoint (free parking a few meters away) or to the beach.

what to do in lanzarote in 5 days

? Papagayo beach

In the south east of the island is the very beautiful Papagayo beach. There is an access fee (3€ per car) and it is a dirt road for 3km but it is allowed by the rental companies. From this beach, you will also have access to other nearby beaches on foot.

→ Also opt for a sailing excursion with open bar and breakfast included.

→ Kayaking and snorkeling , to enjoy the sea bed.

Lanzarote what to do

Day 5 of the Lanzarote itinerary: visit the vineyards.

the lying palm tree.

On the island of Lanzarote is the most famous palm tree in the Canaries. It even has its geolocation on Maps under the name “Palmera inclinada”. If you are not lucky enough to have a Jeep, park here  and finish by foot in 5 minutes. It is located at the bottom of the volcano which I climbed for the sunset with a view on the crater.

road trip lanzarote

? The vineyards of La Geria

Not only is it imperative to taste the wine of Lanzarote, but you must also visit its vineyards. For this, head to La Geria . The vines have the particularity of being planted in holes. Even if it is very beautiful, it is not for aesthetic reasons but to protect the vines from the wind which blows very regularly on the island.

I highly recommend a visit to the Bodega La Geria winery ! The place is beautiful, the prices are very reasonable and you will have a great view of the vineyards and the sunset if you come at the end of the day.

Lanzarote activities

If you want to take advantage of your trip to Lanzarote to visit Fuerteventura or Tenerife, go to our article “ Road Trip in Tenerife ” to get all our tips and good plans!

Also find our guides for Madrid and Palma de Majorca ! ?

Further Reading...

What to do in South Vietnam

What to do in the South of Vietnam ?

Republique Dominicaine

What to do in the Dominican Republic?

What to do in Sicily

Road trip in Sicily : 1 or 2 week itinerary

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Top 5 waterfalls in Guadeloupe

What to do in menorca .

Article mis à jour le 19 December 2023 par Amoureux du Monde

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25 Lanzarote travel tips (for a successful trip)

by Claire ROBINSON , Region Lovers | January 24, 2024 | no intrusive ads, no sponsored content, just some affiliate links - if you use them, we get a small commission (read more)

Travelling to Lanzarote: paradisiacal beaches , lava fields, volcanoes, inspiring cliffs , unique architecture… The island will provide you with an unforgettable vacation! But to make sure your trip to Lanzarote is a success , it’s best to have a few things in mind and be well prepared. On this page, we’ve put together all our Fuerteventura travel tips to help you make the right choices and find the trip that’s right for you: when, how, where…

Travel tips Lanzarote vacation tips

This opinion is completely independent , based on our experiences. We visited the region anonymously, making our own choices and paying our bills in full.

The essentials for a successful trip to Lanzarote

If you don’t want to read the whole article, here’s a summary of our answers. But you’ll find more detailed information in each section below.

And let’s start with a beautiful photo to inspire you…

Lanzarote's volcanic landscapes

When to go and for how long Lanzarote’s temperatures are very pleasant all year round. High season for all vacation periods in Europe, even in winter when travelers are looking for a little sun and warmth. May, September and October are often excellent months to make the most of the island. We recommend a 10-day stay to discover the whole island.

Where to go in Fuerteventura Our favorite cities to stay are:

  • Playa Blanca, south – see the accommodations rated places
  • Puerto del Carmen, in the center – see accommodations rated places

The island isn’t very big, so you can stay in one place to explore everything.

A simplified map for orientation

Here’s a map to help you understand the essential, well-known features of Lanzarote:

Lanzarote highlights travel map

  • Places to stay: Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carme, Costa Teguise
  • The capital Arrecife and the airport
  • Famous places: Playa de Papagayo, Isla de la Graciosa, Timanfaya National Park, Jameos del Agua, Teguise, Cactus Garden

How to get around It may be tempting to stay in the hotels with their superb swimming pools and all amenities, but we recommend renting a car to discover the island’s magnificent landscapes. It’s really easy to drive – see the car offers on our favorite platform .

Our top 5 things to do We love many places on Lanzarote, it’s one of our favorite islands. Apart from discovering beautiful beaches, our top 3 are..:

Dolphins off Lanzarote

  • Take a boat tour from Puerto del Carmen to see the dolphins – see the availability of the tour we really liked .
  • Visit the island of La Graciosa – book your round trip by boat
  • Admire the landscapes of Timanfaya National Park – book a tour if you don’t drive
  • Walking around Montana Cuervo volcano
  • Discover the works of César Manrique – book a tour if you don’t drive

Not to worry A trip to Lanzarote is very easy: it’s not big, the roads are in good condition… Just remember to protect yourself from the sun and check the sea conditions before jumping in.

Tip 1. When to go to Lanzarote

Lanzarote is open all year round. It’s an island with very little rainfall, even in winter. So there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy sunny weather whatever the month.

Sunset in Famara, Lanzarote

Depending on what you’re looking for:

  • For guaranteed, substantial heat: June to September
  • For swimming: July to October
  • For hiking and exploring: April, May, September and October
  • For winter sun : December to March (but the sea water is much lower).

But here are a few things you should know:

  • Crowd – The island is fairly large, with few towns. You’ll never get the impression of a huge crowd. The biggest tourist influx is during school vacations in European countries. The island also gets quite a few tourists in winter, as people seek out the sun!
  • Weather – Temperatures become very high in summer, are very pleasant in the intervening months and are always pleasant in winter. You’ll be able to walk around in a t-shirt during the day in winter, but you’ll just need a jacket for the evenings.

Playa Francesa

  • Wind – It’s hard to predict how much wind you’re going to get, and how it might affect your vacation. On the whole, there’s more wind in June and July (which is why the world windsurfing championships are held there at this time).
  • Swimming – Summer is the best time to bathe in warm waters, once it has had time to warm up.
  • There’s nothing special to see at certain seasons, as there’s little planting.

More details in our article on when to go to Lanzarote .

Tip 2. How long to stay

The island is not very big The drive from Playa Blanca in the south to Orzola in the north takes 1 hour 10 minutes.

  • If you’re planning to enjoy the beach and the hotel, plan ahead.
  • However, if you want to discover the island’s most iconic sites, 5 to 6 days is all you need.
  • And if you want to see more of what the island has to offer, we recommend 10 days (see our recommended itineraries for 2 weeks ).

Here’s a map with the main driving times to give you an idea:

Lanzarote travel time map

Tips 3 to 6. How to get to Lanzarote

3. where is lanzarote in which country.

Lanzarote is an island in the Canary Islands. It is part of political Europe, being a territory of Spain. In terms of geography, it lies to the east of the Canary Islands, not far from the Sahara coast of Africa.

As it’s an island, you can get there by plane or ferry.

4. Flights to Lanzarote

Lanzarote airport is on the east coast, south of the capital Arrecife and north of the large tourist town of Puerto del Carmen. Its code is ACE.

Direct flights from many major European cities: Paris, London, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Zurich, Milan, Leeds… Ryanair offers many low-cost flights to Fuerteventura.

Discover flight options on Skyscanner

Lanzarote airport

5. Ferry to Lanzarote

You can also reach Fuerteventura from the other Canary Islands or from Cadiz in mainland Spain.

See ferry schedules and availability

6. Visa and identity papers for Lanzarote

Lanzarote is part of Spain, and therefore within the Schengen area. If you are one of them, you don’t need a visa. Otherwise, you need a Schengen Visa.

For everyone, you need a valid ID to travel within the country, and also to take a plane or ferry.

Tips 7 to 10. Where to go in Lanzarote

7. where to stay in lanzarote.

There’s absolutely no better place to stay in Lanzarote. It all depends on what you’re looking for. Here are some of our recommendations and more tips in our article dedicated to the best places to stay in Lanzarote .

Puerto del Carmen

Puerto del Carmen

Puerto del Carmen is the most famous and largest of all Lanzarote’s seaside towns. It has everything you need: beaches, casino, shopping, fun activities, zoo, golf…. What’s more, the town is central enough to easily explore the whole island. The town is quite large. It takes a long time to get from the marina to the other end.

  • See top-rated accommodations in Puerto del Carmen
  • or read our article with our 15 favorite hotels
  • and see the best things to do in Puerto del Carmen

Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca is our favorite destination. We really like the town’s atmosphere, its pretty beaches, its seafront promenade, its restaurants… It too offers plenty of activities, including a water park . On the other hand, it’s further south, which adds 30min to 45min to the journey when we explore the north.

  • See top-rated accommodations in Playa Blanca
  • or read our article with our 12 favorite hotels
  • and see the best things to do in Playa Blanca

Costa Teguise

Costa Teguise

Costa Teguise was developed for tourism. So you’ll find very practical facilities and plenty of parking close to the beaches (which is not the case in other resorts). That’s a good thing! What we love about Costa Teguise is its relaxed atmosphere and the fact that it’s so conveniently located, with easy access to all Lanzarote’s attractions.

  • See top-rated accommodations in Costa Teguise
  • or read our article with our 11 favorite hotels
  • and see the best things to do in Costa Teguise

The capital Arrecife is not really touristy.

8. Best hotels in Lanzarote

If the hotel is more important to you than the location, some of our favorite hotels are:

Hotel CalaLanzarote - Swimming pool

  • 5 stars: We loved our stay at the Hotel Fariones in the heart of Puerto del Carmen, elegant and practical. – see prices, pictures and availability
  • Boutique and Adults-only: We fell in love with Hotel La Calma in Playa Blanca (Calalanzarote) for its bright decor and peaceful ambience. – see prices, pictures and availability
  • Families: The Mynd Yaiza hotel in Playa Blanca with its children’s pool, playrooms and small waterslides… lots of fun to be had! – see prices, pictures and availability
  • Luxury villas with private pools We were won over by the villas at Hotel Villa Kamezi in Playa BLanca, its bar and restaurant. – see prices, pictures and availability
  • Aparthotel We were won over by the peace and quiet of the Nazaret apartments in Costa Teguise. If you don’t want to eat out all the time, this is a great option! – see prices, pictures and availability

But we’ve tried plenty more, and we’re sharing our 12 favorites with you in this article .

Hotel Secrets Bahia

9. Single or multiple units?

It takes 1h10 to drive from Playa Blanca in the south to Orzola in the north. So you can easily explore the whole island from a single hotel. But if you’re staying for more than a week, we like to split our stay between two places to enjoy two different atmospheres, and vary the restaurants.

10. Always check parking conditions

If you choose to stay in the heart of one of these towns or near one of their beaches, it can be difficult to find parking during the day. So be sure to check the parking conditions for your choice of hotels.

11 à 14. Getting around Lanzarote

Here are the 4 options for exploring the island of Lanzarote . Of course, if you’re staying in the hotel, all you have to do is take a cab or bus.

Roadside car rental in Lanzarote

11. Rent a car

Our preferred option is to rent a car . Prices are reasonable for an island and driving is easy. A small car is sufficient, but you can take any size you like, as there are no narrow streets and parking spaces are fairly wide.

The platform we personally use (since we discovered them) is Discovercars . As soon as we decide on a destination and dates, we look at their offers and the types of cars available. After research, they often have the best offers for our needs. It is one of the highest rated comparison sites in the market.

See their current car rental offers in Lanzarote.

12. Excursions

From most hotels you can also find numerous excursions to explore certain parts of the island: Timanfaya Park, the attractions of César Manrique, volcanic formations… See all offers on our preferred platform: Getyourguide

Cab tours in Lanzarote

If you’re not traveling too far from your hotel, you can also choose to visit a place by cab. In Lanzarote, you can take advantage of tourist offers to visit certain places (tour loops).

14. Public transport

There are buses connecting all the major towns in Fuertenventura. However, it will not be possible to get to more remote areas. See routes .

15 to 18 – Food and beverages

15. is tap water safe to drink in lanzarote.

Yes, you can drink tap water. There’s no danger. Just be aware that Lanzarote receives very little rain. So tap water comes from desalinated seawater. So it doesn’t taste the best, or the taste we’re used to. Most people drink bottled mineral water.

water in hotel reception

16. Type of food

Lanzarote is a tourist island, so you’ll find everything:

  • Mediterranean cuisine, tapas
  • Italian restaurants
  • Indian restaurants
  • Chinese restaurants

We were just put off by the small number of gourmet and bistronomic restaurants. But if there’s no demand… But we did find a few. Among other things, the Restaurant des Villas Kamezi was a superb experience.

See our selection of the best restaurants in Lanzarote.

Restaurant des Villas Kamezi

17. Bread and water

Please note that the bread placed on the table is chargeable if you touch it. And water, even in carafes, is not free.

Tipping is not obligatory in Lanzarote. It’s a good idea to round up if you’re paying cash, or to leave a few euros if you’re really satisfied with the service. It’s a voluntary act, to reward quality.


All the information you need for your trip:

  • 7 maps that make planning easier
  • + 75 pre-selected locations
  • Practical advice
  • + 140 photos to help you choose


19 to 22 – Planning your trip to Lanzarote

19. suitcase – what to take to lanzarote.

All year round, pack light summer clothes. And if you’re traveling during the winter months, add a small jacket for evenings or potentially cloudy days.

Playa Flamingo

20. Sun protection

Beware, the sun can be brutal. Don’t take any risks, protect yourself with sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

21. Language

Lanzarote is in Spain. The language is Spanish. But as it’s a very touristy island, almost everyone speaks English. We also met a lot of teams who also spoke German and French. But few Italian- and Dutch-speaking encounters.

22. Power strip and adapter

In Spain, and therefore in Lanzarote, the plugs are 2 round holes (Type E which also work with a Type C). If it doesn’t match yours, consider bringing a plug adapter.

23 to 26 – Safety when travelling to Lanzarote

23. security.

The island of Lanzarote is quite safe. Nothing special to specify. Like all tourist destinations, there can be a certain amount of theft. Don’t leave anything visible in the car. See our article on safety .

sunset on Lanzarote

24. Insurance

If you are a resident of the European Union, your national medical cover also applies. Don’t forget to ask for your European medical insurance card to make the process easier. If you are coming from outside the EU, remember to take out insurance.

25. What to do in an emergency

In Europe, 112 is the number for all emergencies: police, ambulance and fire. Operators on this number can speak several languages. This is the only number you need to keep in mind.

26. Using a VPN

As everywhere else, you run a risk when using shared wifi in hotels. We know, because we had a bad experience in a Paris hotel. We now systematically use a VPN to protect our data, especially banking data.

See what our favorite VPN has to offer .

Best things to do in Lanzarote

We’re going to share all our favorite places with you on this site . But here’s a quick summary of Lanzarote’s must-sees.

Papagayo beaches

Enjoy the beaches

Lanzarote has a good choice of beaches:

  • Sandy beaches in towns with all amenities
  • The wild beaches of Papagayo with fine sand and clear waters
  • The magnificent beaches of La Graciosa island , far from any construction work
  • Famara beach with its impressive cliffs (ideal for sunsets)
  • Northern beaches with shallow lagoons.
  • We’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

See our article on Lanzarote’s most beautiful beaches .

Dolphin in Fuerteventura

Admire the dolphins

We always love to take a boat trip, which gives us a different perspective on the scenery. You have many options in Lanzarote, but one of the most popular is dolphin watching . There’s no guarantee of finding dolphins, but you can still enjoy the beautiful views and a good swim. We were very lucky, as we were surrounded by lots of dolphins for a long time. See the tour we had chosen, and its availability .

Montana Cuervo

Discover the volcanic landscape

If you love volcanic landscapes, you’ll love Lanzarote. The island is covered with large and small volcanoes of all shapes and colors, as well as lava rock formations. Fascinating! Here you can discover..:

  • The famous Timanfaya National Park, with its mountains of fire – See tour options
  • Lanzarote Volcanic Park with even more volcanoes and lava flows around Timanfaya. Among our favorite spots, we recommend a hike around Montana Cuervo or the volcanic bomb of Montana Colorada.
  • Other lava-related rock formations: We love the basalt columns where lava meets the sea, as at Los Hervideos, and the lava tubes at Jameos del Agua and Cueva de Los Verdes.

Lanzarote’s landscapes are truly exceptional.

La Graciosa island

Visit the island of La Graciosa

The island of La Graciosa is a tiny volcanic pile to the north of Lanzarote with very few buildings. It’s a magnificent reserve with wonderful beaches In our opinion, this is one of the main excursions not to be missed on Lanzarote. Unlike Lanzarote, it is covered in golden-white sand. But there are also a few volcanoes. The colors are magnificent and you can enjoy a variety of landscapes: beaches, volcanoes and basalt columns. Even the ferry crossing is fascinating, with superb views of the Famara cliffs to the north of Lanzarote. To get there, we recommend

  • the ferry from Orzola – reserve your seats
  • a catamaran boat trip from Puerto del Carmen – see program and availability – and book!

Mirador de Sicasumbre

Discover the works of César Manrique

Thanks to the singular vision of César Manrique, Lanzarote boasts unique places where architecture blends with nature. He left an indelible mark on Lanzarote thanks to his commitment to respecting the environment and integrating himself into it. See our article dedicated to the 8 places designed by César Manrique on Lanzarote. Thanks to him, hotels don’t take up too much visual space, white contrasts with nature, and his works offer unique experiences in the heart of nature. The main ones are :

  • The cactus garden in a former quarry
  • Jameos del Agua in a lava tube
  • Mirador del Rio to admire the sea and the island of La Graciosa from a former military post

See tour options to discover his works .

Parasailing in Lanzarote

Water sports activities

Lanzarote is famous for its water sports. So there are plenty of opportunities to learn to surf or windsurf on the various beaches in the area. If it’s an idea that’s been on your mind for a long time, go for it!

  • Discover surfing – discover the joys of the board
  • Diving – take your first dive!
  • Trying to catch the wind on a windsurfer
  • Parasailing – admire the island from the sky

buggy in Lanzarote

Outdoor activities

The Lanzarote region is also ideal for off-the-beaten-track adventures and lunar landscapes. Take a bandana or other piece of cloth to cover your mouth, as a lot of dust will fly around you. But it’s great for getting your adrenalin pumping, having fun and discovering more remote corners of the island: desert hills and dry riverbeds. The options are:

  • buggy or quad – see options and departure points
  • eBike: see options

To drive a vehicle, you must be at least 18 years old, but young people can be passengers.


Discover more in museums

And for a bit of culture about the island’s history, its people and its products, we recommend visiting a few places:

  • The old center of Teguise , the former capital of Lanzarote, with its beautiful church.
  • The salt marshes, important to the island’s development and so photogenic!
  • Museums dedicated to César Manrique
  • Churches everywhere…

Aguas Verdes

Going off the beaten track

Nothing is really secret on this arid land, but you can find small, not very touristy spots where you can enjoy nature and the island’s historic charm. For example:

  • Picon valley and its strange formations
  • The village of Tenesar and its red crabs
  • Las Grietas slot canyon on the slopes of a volcano

See our article with 10 hidden gems off the beaten track .

Travelling to Lanzarote: FAQs

What is the time zone in lanzarote.

Lanzarote is at the same time as London, i.e. GMT.

guide voyage lanzarote


Region lovers' 10 commitments.

  • Visit all the places we tell you about.
  • For each city, stay in at least one hotel and visit the ones we recommend.
  • For each city, eat in at least one restaurant, visit the ones we select.
  • Pay all our invoices in full, refuse any partnership or sponsorship.
  • Periodically update our articles, with the help of our readers.
  • Enrich our articles with our first-hand experiences.
  • Use 99% of our own photos
  • Use digital tools in a reasoned and transparent way, feeding them with information verified on site.
  • Provide information on the traveler/writer pairing that gave rise to the article.
  • Tell you what we do, and do what we tell you!

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viajar a lanzarote

Lanzarote travel guide: Everything you need to know

  • Sofía Pozuelo
  • UPDATED: 09/12/2023

You have probably landed on this Lanzarote travel guide because you are going to visit this beautiful island. You should feel lucky! Everyone who visits Lanzarote ends up falling in love and you are about to discover why. In this article, I have selected the best tips before traveling to Lanzarote, Canary Islands. In this way, it will be easier for you to plan your trip.

Lanzarote, one of the most beautiful islands in the Canary Islands, stands out for its numerous volcanoes, which you can admire by visiting Timanfaya National Park. However, Lanzarote has much more. Incredible beaches of golden and black sand, mountainous massifs, charming towns, amazing viewpoints that will amaze you and, of course, all the works of César Manrique.

Below, you will find tourist information about Lanzarote: the best time to visit, how much time to spend, how to get around the island, what to see, the best day tours, where to stay and other Lanzarote tips. I hope it helps you plan your trip to Lanzarote. Let's start!

Table of contents

Best time to visit lanzarote.

Lanzarote is a good destination to visit year round. Maximum temperatures range between 20°C and 28°C. Therefore, no matter what time of year you visit, you can always enjoy a pleasant time.

As for the high and low season on the island, you should know that during the winter months (especially December and January), along with July and August, there are more visitors in Lanzarote. During these months there are more people and prices are higher. The low season is in April, May, June, September and October.

If you want to travel to Lanzarote at the best time, I recommend choosing traveling in September or October. You’ll be traveling in low season, therefore, prices will be lower and you will be able to enjoy the tourist attractions in Lanzarote with much more peace of mind. Also, in September there is less wind in Lanzarote than July or August. Finally, the days are still long and with very pleasant temperatures.

The month of November, along with April, May and June, are also a good months to visit Lanzarote.

How to get to Lanzarote, Canary Islands

Lanzarote travel guide

The most common way to visit Lanzarote is by taking a flight. If you are already in the Canary Islands or if you are going to bring your own vehicle from mainland Spain, you may be interested in taking a ferry to Lanzarote. Below we’ll review the different options.

Flights to Lanzarote

There are direct flights to Lanzarote from different cities in Spain: Oviedo, Seville, Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Bilbao, Santiago de Compostela, Gran Canaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, etc. There are several companies that offer these routes but Ryanair is the one that offers the most affordable flights to Lanzarote.

I recommend searching for your flights to Lanzarote on Skyscanner , a platform that I always use to compare flights. Once you find the best flight, I advise you to always buy it through the airline’s website.

Travel to Lanzarote on a ferry

If you are interested in getting to Lanzarote by ferry, I recommend you look for the best price on Ferryhopper , a platform that offers routes for different ferry companies.

It is a good alternative if you are already on another Canary Island, such as Gran Canaria or Fuerteventura, and want to continue your trip through Lanzarote.

🏥 Remember it is very important to purchase travel insurance for Spain if you don’t have medical coverage in this country. I always use and recommend the company Heymondo, where I can offer you a 5% discount on your travel insurance .

How long you should travel to Lanzarote for

The 845.9 km² of space in Lanzarote is full of incredible places which will require your time to discover them all. In my case, I spent a week in Lanzarote, which seems like a good number of days to get a good first impression of the island. Although if you have more time in Lanzarote, even better!

A one-week trip to Lanzarote is very good to get to know the island; however, if you have fewer days, don’t worry. You can still make a good route through Lanzarote for 4 days or so. You will only have to reduce the number of places to visit or increase the pace of your trip.

Places to add to your Lanzarote travel guide

lanzarote guia de viaje

As I just mentioned, there are many places to visit in Lanzarote . The island draws attention for its deserted and volcanic landscapes. Timanfaya National Park is on of Lanzarote’s main tourist attraction.

Another reason why Lanzarote is worth visiting is because it hosts incredible beaches, charming towns, surprising viewpoints and the works of César Manrique, scattered throughout the island. In addition, the free and wild atmosphere that the island offers will completely captivate you.

Best beaches in Lanzarote

Let’s start with the best beaches in Lanzarote. During your vacation on the island, you cannot miss Famara Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen, and the beautiful Papagayo Beach, ideal for swimming.

Other beaches that I recommend visiting are Caletón Blanco, El Jablillo, Mujeres Beach, Janubio Beach and Montaña Bermeja Beach. These last two are black-sand beaches.

Beautiful towns in Lanzarote

As for towns in Lanzarote, I recommend visiting Caleta de Famara, Teguise, Haría, Arrieta and El Golfo, where I recommend eating fresh fish by the sea. You can also take a walk through Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote. Here I recommend taking a walk through Charco de San Ginés.

Other places to visit

Other essential places to visit in Lanzarote are Risco de Famara Viewpoint, the famous crevasses, Los Charcones, Caldera Blanca, Del Río Viewpoint, Jameos del Agua, Cueva de los Verdes, Cactus Garden, Cuervo Volcano, Charco de los Clicos, Los Hervideros, Janubio Salt Flats, Lagomar Museum, hiking up the Black Mountain, La Geria Winery, the César Manrique Foundation and the Colorada Mountain.

La Graciosa

Something else that I recommend doing if you are going to travel to Lanzarote is taking a day trip to La Graciosa. You can book an organized tour or go on your own. In my article on how to get to La Graciosa , I give you all the info and tell you what to do on this island.

How to save some money on your trip to Lanzarote

If you want to save money during your trip to Lanzarote (Canary Islands), you may be interested in buying one of the Lanzarote tourist passes .

They have vouchers for 3, 4 or 6 centers, among which you will choose several of the following attractions in Lanzarote:

  • Timanfaya National Park (€12 without pass).
  • Cueva de los Verdes (€10 without pass).
  • Jameos del Agua (€10 without pass).
  • Cactus Garden (€6.50 without pass).
  • Mirador del Río (€5 without pass).
  • Castillo de San José (€4 without pass).

The 3 center pass costs €23.50, the 4 center pass costs €29 and, finally, the 6 center pass costs €35.

As you can see, if you are going to visit several of these places in Lanzarote, it is advisable to buy one of the passes to save some money during your trip.

How to get around in Lanzarote

lanzarote travel guide

The best way to get around the island is by car, therefore, I recommend renting a car in Lanzarote. If it is not an option, you can use public transport but you will be quite limited. You can also choose to do private transfers. You can book them in advance here .

Car rental in Lanzarote

If you are planning on renting a car in Lanzarote, I recommend doing so through Cicar or Cabrera Medina (they belong to the same company). It is a local business and they offer very good service. Unlike other companies, they do not ask for a security deposit, the rental includes comprehensive insurance and the prices are very good.

It is possible, especially if you travel in high season or if you are looking at it with little time in advance, that there are no cars available for your trip in these companies. If so, I recommend looking for a car rental in Lanzarote at Discover Cars .

Some roads on the island are dirt roads, such as the one that goes to Papagayo beaches, in the south of Lanzarote. The rest, for the most part, are paved. Therefore, you can choose any type of vehicle but if you want to be even more safe, it is not a bad idea to rent a 4×4 vehicle for your visit to Lanzarote, Canary Islands.

Visit Lanzarote in public transportation

If renting a car is not an option, you can use the island’s public transport. We used the bus the first days of the trip to go from the airport to Arrecife and from Arrecife to Órzola (to get on the ferry to La Graciosa) and it went well. However, the schedules are quite limited if you are going to use the buses to visit the island.

On the Intercity Transport website , you can check the routes and schedules. If you are going to use the bus (or guaguas, as they say in the Canary Islands) to move around the island, I recommend staying in Arrecife, since most bus routes depart from the capital.

I repeat, it is not the best option to move around Lanzarote since you will be very limited. However, if you have no other option, you can combine taking the bus with booking private transportation services and organized tours. Below I review some of the best tours in Lanzarote.

Best tours in Lanzarote

excursiones lanzarote

Another great option if you are not going to rent a car on your trip to Lanzarote is to book organized tours. Below you can see the best tours in this Lanzarote travel guide.

– La Graciosa day trip . After arriving in La Graciosa by ferry and strolling through Caleta de Sebo, you will cruise along the coast on a sailboat. The tour includes a stop at one of the best beaches on the island and equipment for water activities. Food and open bar drinks are also included. You will be picked up at your hotel on the island.

– North of Lanzarote Trip . Thanks to this tour you will be able to visit Jameos del Agua and the Monumento al Campesino, works by the famous artist César Manrique. You will also visit Cueva de los Verdes, one of the natural wonders on the island. You’ll be picked up at the hotel.

– Excursion to Timanfaya and the Jameos del Agua . If you book this tour, you will be able to visit Timanfaya National Park and Jameos del Agua, two of the essential places to see in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. You will also make a stop at Charco de los Clicos and La Geria, apart from passing through the Valley of a Thousand Palms. Hotel pick-up is made from various points on the island.

– Cesar Manrique Tour of Lanzarote . If you are interested in visiting all the works of César Manrique left on the island, you will love this tour. Thanks to it, you can visit the Monument el Campesino, Del Río Viewpoint, Jameos del Agua, the Cactus Garden and the César Manrique Foundation. Hotel pick-up is made from various points on the island.

Where to stay in Lanzarote

Lanzarote travel guide

As far as hotels in Lanzarote, my advice is to stay in a central area of ​​the island. This way, you will be able to vist all corners quickly and you will not have switch hotels during your stay.

We stayed in Costa Teguise, a coastal town not far from Arrecife, and we were very comfortable. Specifically, at Conylanza Golf and Mar Suites , some apartments located in a very quiet area of ​​this town. I recommend it! You can see more hotels in Costa Teguise here .

Caleta de Famara is a little further north but the atmosphere and surroundings of this town are charming. Therefore, it is also a great option to stay in Lanzarote. You can check the available hotels in Famara here . I recommend the Dunas de Famara apartment .

If you want to be close to the best beaches in Lanzarote, then I recommend staying in Playa Blanca, in the south. If you decide on this area, take a look at Jardines del Sol By Diamond Resorts aparthotel . Check the rest of the available hotels in Playa Blanca here .

If you still have doubts about accommodation on the island, I recommend you read my guide on where to stay in Lanzarote .

More Lanzarote tips

Below, you can see other tips in this Lanzarote travel guide.

– Travel insurance for Lanzarote:

Even if you have medical coverage in Lanzarote, travel insurance covers other things such as luggage or transportation delays. If you want to travel to Lanzarote with all the peace of mind possible, I recommend Heymondo travel insurance. I can offer you 5% discount .

– What to take with you to Lanzarote:

You may be wondering what clothing to pack for your trip to Lanzarote. Temperatures are usually warm throughout the year but, especially in the winter months, it can get quite cool. For this reason, I always recommend bringing at least one jacket and some long pants. As for footwear, I recommend wearing sports shoes and flip-flops with good grip.

– Traditional food:

Be sure to eat fresh fish, papas arrugadas with mojo , Canarian gofio, island cheeses… Don’t forget to try the local wine!

Map to travel to Lanzarote

In the following map, you can find the different places mentioned in this Lanzarote travel guide, areas to stay and our apartment.

If you are going to travel to other regions of the country, do not miss my Spain travel guide .

I hope that this Lanzarote travel guide has been very useful to you in planning your visit to this wonderful Canary Island. If you want to tell me about your experience or have any questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment or email me. Enjoy your holidays in Lanzarote!


↠ Book free tours and guided visits on Civitatis or GetYourGuide . I always use these platforms to check what organized activities there are at my destination.

↠ To pay with card in foreign currency or withdraw money from ATMs, I always use this card (there are free and paid plans). It works the best!

↠ Traveling with travel insurance to a destination where you don’t have healthcare coverage is a must. Get your insurance 5% cheaper with this link .

↠ If you want to have cellphone data at your destination from the moment you land and don’t want to waste time, there is nothing like this eSIM . Use the code “comeamaviaja” for a 5% discount.

↠ Check out Booking’s offers , a platform I always use, as I always find very good options thanks to its search engine with filters.

↠ For destinations where I need to rent a car, I always check Discover Cars and Auto Europe search engines. I recommend them!

↠ If you still need to buy flights for your trip, there is no better search engine than Skyscanner (although I always recommend booking the flight on the company’s website).


como llegar isla de la graciosa

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  • 2 Other destinations
  • 3.1 Climate
  • 3.2 Time zone
  • 4.1 Spanish words specific to the Canary Islands
  • 5.1 By plane
  • 5.2 By ferry
  • 6.3 By taxi
  • 6.4 By bicycle
  • 6.5 By hitchhiking
  • 7.1 Centres of Art, Culture and Tourism (CACT)
  • 7.2 César Manrique
  • 8.1 Scuba diving
  • 8.2 Snorkeling
  • 8.3 Surfing
  • 8.4 Beaches and natural pools
  • 9.1 Local cuisine
  • 9.2 Traditional
  • 10.1 Tap water
  • 10.2 Bottled water
  • 10.3 Standalone bars
  • 10.4 Vineyards
  • 14 Stay safe
  • 15 Stay healthy

Lanzarote is one of the Canary Islands , in the Atlantic Ocean 130 km (81 mi) west of North Africa and 1,000 km (620 mi) southwest of mainland Spain . With a population of 156,112​ in 2022, it's the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, about half the size of its neighbour Fuerteventura . It has stark volcanic scenery and has been a biosphere reserve since 1993.

Towns [ edit ]


  • 28.9625 -13.550556 1 Arrecife is the island's capital. It has the airport and seaport so everyone arrives here, but gets bussed straight to their resorts. Arrecife itself has a beach, an island fortress housing a history museum, and an art museum in the Castillo de San José.
  • 28.996 -13.492 2 Costa Teguise was purpose-built as a resort in the 1970s.
  • 29.1221 -13.5415 4 Famara is a small beach and surfing town on the north coast.
  • 28.922778 -13.649444 7 Puerto del Carmen is mostly a purpose-built resort, dwarfing the original harbour village.
  • 29.001634 -13.613931 9 San Bartolomé in the centre of the island has Manrique's gigantic Monument to the peasant at its crossroads, and a museum of local culture.
  • 28.952128 -13.764667 11 Yaiza however is the main access point for the Park.
  • 28.863806 -13.828483 12 Playa Blanca is a resort on the south coast of the island.

Other destinations [ edit ]

  • 29.01 -13.735 1 Timanfaya National Park is the area that bore the full fury of the 1730s eruptions. Much of it is a lava plain; here and there are small volcanoes, with short hikes to the rim of their calderas. The only part that remains hot (very hot below the surface) is Islote de Hilario, where you transfer to a coach to be taken around.

Understand [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

The Canary Islands are all volcanic. From 28 million years ago, submerged volcanoes grew, but as the seabed is 2,500 m (8,200 ft) deep it took another 12 million years before the first island of Fuerteventura broke the surface. A string of islands then emerged further north and 4 million years ago these coalesced to form Lanzarote, while sea erosion broke their link to Fuerteventura and La Graciosa . Volcanic activity continued but its focus shifted ever westward, throwing up the other Canary Islands, with Gomera and Hierro active to this day. Lanzarote became quiet, life slowly colonised it, and its surface weathered to a fine gravel suitable for small-scale agriculture. There was no reason to expect future eruptions, ever.

This island lies only 130 km (81 mi) from North Africa , and genetics, culture and carbon dating indicate settlement by Berbers around 1000 BC. The Phoenicians and Romans traded here, but Europe took no interest until 1312, when the Genoese navigator Lanceloto Malocello arrived. Mapmakers recorded "Insula de Lançarotus Marocelus" – hence Lanzarote – and it was his thereafter not the aboriginal inhabitants, as they were systematically carted off into slavery. In 1402 mercenaries acting for Castille captured the island, in 1404 it acquired a cathedral, and eventually, it was governed by mainland Portugal then Spain . Pirates of other nations repeatedly attacked and several defensive castillos were built, and still stand.

Because Lanzarote's volcanic peaks are low – seldom much above 500 m (1,600 ft) – they don't draw the rain as on the lusher islands, and agriculture struggles with an arid climate. Nevertheless, the south of the island was sufficiently fertile to grow grain, exported as a cash crop to Tenerife and Gran Canaria until 1730. Then the volcanoes' second disadvantage was made clear when a line of them erupted, and kept on erupting for six years. Their lava destroyed the most fertile farmland and a score of villages and farmsteads. Why, after so long? The Canaries are part of the Africa tectonic plate and it's believed that a hot plume bunsen-burns upon it, appearing to move west as Africa shifts east, but the re-activation is a puzzle. The people of 1730 knew about Trade Winds, the Gulf Stream and so on, but it took another 200 years to map the global weather systems and ocean gyres powering these phenomena. Similarly today we observe the surface effects of vulcanism and plate tectonics, but await a 21st century Humboldt to map the "deep earth weather" below the planet's crust.

The eruptions followed by drought prompted mass migration to the Americas, but the transatlantic trade was a lifeline, and tomatoes, potatoes, maize and prickly pears made their way east. (This last has a parasite, the cochineal insect source of carmine red dye, so there was briefly a lucrative trade in this until synthetic dyes replaced it.) Not much happened for another two centuries, and in 1936 the Canaries were so remote that a troublesome army officer was "promoted" here to keep him out of the way. But not remote enough, as his name was Franco and he teamed up with a like-minded colleague in Morocco to launch the Spanish Civil War. It was only towards the end of his regime in the 1970s that Spain modernised and promoted tourism on its mainland and islands, and wide-bodied jets put the Canaries within reach of chilly northern countries.

This was a mixed blessing and Lanzarote risked submerging beneath ticky-tacky concrete developments as so much of the Mediterranean coast has done. One who campaigned for sustainable low-rise development was local artist César Manrique (1919–1992). He also played a key role in having the island declared to be part of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves in 1993.

Climate [ edit ]

The climate is pleasant year-round, with a daytime average in summer of 29 °C (84 °F) and in winter 15 °C (59 °F). It seldom rains Oct-March, and never April-Sept. There is very little rainfall throughout the whole year.

Time zone [ edit ]

Lanzarote like the other Canary Islands is on the Western European Time (WET) time zone , so its time is the same as in Portugal, the UK and Ireland, but one hour behind mainland Spain.

Flora [ edit ]

Lanzarote doesn't have much native flora due to its arid climate which affects growth and pollination but it is now home to many different species of palm trees, aloe, agave and cacti. Many of these plants are alien invasive species which have somehow flourished. Historically, the main source of irrigation was trapping moisture in the mountains.

Both the Jardín de Cactus and Fundación César Manrique have a wide variety of plant life.

Euphorbia plants aren't technically cacti despite their appearance. They all produce a poisonous milky sap which irritates to the touch and was historically used as a laxative, so enjoy them from afar.

Fauna [ edit ]

The lack of rainfall also affects the ecosystem for the animals as well as the plants.

Talk [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

Lanzarote islanders speak Castilian , the majority form of Peninsular Spanish, with a distinct Canary Island accent and some vocabulary not found on the mainland.

Since Lanzarote's principal industry is tourism, there's a large service sector proficient in the languages of its visitors, who are mostly from the UK, Ireland and Germany. Menus for example are usually in Spanish, English and German. So you'll get by fine in English but, as elsewhere, your attempts to use the local language will be appreciated however badly mangled the result.

Spanish words specific to the Canary Islands [ edit ]

  • Charcones – means rock pool , which has been formed by erosion from Atlantic Ocean waves.
  • Chinijo – means boy , but usually refers to the Chinijo Archipelago of islets off the northern coast of Lanzarote, including the largest island La Grandiosa.
  • Guachinche – a small restaurant which is usually family-run and serves traditional Canarian cuisine.
  • Guagua (say wa-wa ) – means bus , the Latin American word for a bus, which has somehow taken root here along with the prickly pears. It literally means a howling baby and may derive from the sound of the horn.
  • Jameo – a hollow or natural cave that is produced by the sinking of the ceiling of a volcanic lava tube.

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ].

  • Arrecife Airport ( ACE  IATA ) 5 km west of the city has budget flights from across Europe, domestic flights from mainland Spain, and inter-island flights.
  • Arrecife Seaport is east edge of the city, with ferries from Cádiz (32 hr) and Huelva (27 hr) in Spain, and inter-island ferries from Tenerife (10 hr) and Gran Canaria (7 hr). There are no ferries from Morocco or Portugal, travel via Spain.

By ferry [ edit ]

  • Playa Blanca has ferries from Corralejo on Fuerteventura, 30 min.
  • Órzola has ferries from La Graciosa , 30 min.

Get around [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

By bus [ edit ]

Bus routes radiate from Arrecife and in 2023 a ride costs at most €3.60. Drivers accept cash and give change up to €10. There's no public bus through the National Park so join a tour or organise your own wheels.

Look at the Bus routes Arrecife Bus website for information on the bus routes.

By car [ edit ]

Car hire is available at the airport, seaport and main resorts. Roads are in good condition and well-signposted, and it only takes 40 minutes to span the entire island from north to south.

By taxi [ edit ]

Taxis are plentiful and drivers are friendly and honest. There are fixed prices for common routes, otherwise meters are used. There is no Uber online booking service , but you can hail any cab that has its green roof light on.

By bicycle [ edit ]

Cyclists may use almost all asphalted roads, except for a few sections of LZ-1 and LZ-2 that have frontage roads or historic loops. Mountain bikes may not leave the marked trails, to protect the vegetation.

By hitchhiking [ edit ]

Hitchhiking is seldom difficult.

See [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

  • Lava tunnels and caves are created by the fluid lava characteristic of "hot spot" volcanoes. The flow acquires a hard sheath, which insulates it and keeps it liquid; after the eruption, the lava empties out but the tunnels persist. (Plate subduction volcanoes such as Vesuvius have viscous lava, so their plumbing repeatedly blocks, to be torn apart by explosions.) Notable examples in Timanfaya National Park are Cueva de Las Palomas / Los Naturistas a 500 m long tube, two near Pico Partido and one near Montaña Cardona. Cueva de los Verdes is a show-cave north of Arrieta. At Tahiche Cesar Manrique converted a tunnel into his house and studio.
  • Camels wait to be photographed and ridden near the Yaiza park entrance.
  • Castillo de San José is a fortress in Arrecife housing a Museum of Contemporary Art.

Centres of Art, Culture and Tourism (CACT) [ edit ]

Centres of Art, Culture and Tourism (CACT) manage several sites and offer combi-tickets. You may struggle to break even on the combi: the top attraction Timanfaya is better visited by bus tour, which includes the entrance fee, as the bus skips line while cars queue for over an hour to get in. The others are Mirador del Rio a scenic lookout, Jardín de Cactus, Castillo de San José an art museum, Cueva de los Verdes lava tunnel, Jameos del Agua water park, and Casa Museo del Campesino an ethnographic museum which is free. In 2023 the combi for 3 centres costs €21, 4 centres €28, or 6 centres for €32.

  • Timanfaya National Park is named for the first village to be destroyed when the eruptions began in 1730. There are over 100 volcanoes, and you transfer to a bus to be taken around the two main cones. These badlands cover a quarter of the island's surface and are usually accessed from Yaiza in the southwest, alternatively from Mancha Blanca in the northeast.
  • Jardín de Cactus is an attractive display in Guatiza off LZ-1 midway between Tahiche and Arrieta.
  • Mirador del Rio is a lookout point designed by Manrique on the mountains in the north of the island: access it via Haría . This one charges, but there are several other equally impressive views free to access above the cliffs on the northwest coast.

César Manrique [ edit ]

César Manrique (1919-92) is the Lanzarote artist whose style is stamped on many sights. That includes those above plus his houses and studios at Tahiche and Haría, Lagomar mansion near Teguise, and public sculpture wherever you look.

  • Fundación César Manrique is his home within volcanic chambers, and gallery of his art collection. It's in Tahiche north of Costa Teguise .
  • Palm Grove House is his other home and studio in Haría .
  • Lagomar , also designed by Manrique, is in Teguise . It was briefly owned by Omar Sharif but he promptly lost it at cards.

Do [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

Scuba diving [ edit ]

Scuba diving is year-round, with water temperatures always close to 20 °C (68 °F) and a visibility of 25 m (82 ft) or more.

The three principal resorts all have dive centres offering training, kit hire and guided dives. A 7 mm wetsuit is recommended, the instructors who are continually in the water use drysuits. Diving is shore-based, and as the island is small, dive groups from one resort routinely travel to the others to get the best conditions.

Snorkeling [ edit ]

Snorkeling is anywhere along the sheltered southeast-facing coast where you can find safe beach access – and exit, bearing in mind that Lanzarote has a 3 m (9.8 ft) tidal range.

Surfing [ edit ]

There are many surf schools for surfing . Popular spots are Famara and La Santa on the west coast, and Arrieta on the east which has an interesting break.

Beaches and natural pools [ edit ]

Sandy beaches are found at the three main resorts of Costa Teguise, Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca, all on the sheltered southeast-facing coast. The northwest coast is exposed to the Atlantic so it has the wildest surf: Famara and El Golfo are small settlements on this side.

  • Charcones are natural swimming pools, and the best are near Playa Blanca.
  • Cueva del Agua near Arrieta in the north is a part-submerged lava tunnel leading into the open sea.

Hiking [ edit ]

For hiking you must wear tough boots, use sun protection, and carry plenty of water. Popular trails include:

  • Camino Risco Famara is from Famara village north beneath the cliffs.
  • Monte Corona an extinct volcano in the north, reached from the village of Yé.
  • Caldera Blanca, Pico Partido and Montaña del Cuervo are easy trails within Timanfaya National Park.
  • Ruta de Tremesana is a guided hike from Yaiza, through parts of the National Park that are otherwise off-limits.

Events [ edit ]

  • Romería Virgen de los Dolores . A pilgrimage and fiesta around the Saturday closest to 15 September. People dress up in traditional peasant garb and make their way towards the church in Mancha Blanca – from all over the island, though San Bartolomé is a common starting point for a 9 km (5.6 mi) hike. The legend goes that in 1836 the lava was halted there when an effigy of the Madonna was carried towards the flow. ( updated Dec 2023 )

Eat [ edit ]

Local cuisine [ edit ].

guide voyage lanzarote

Local cuisine is typical of the Canary Islands.

Traditional [ edit ]

Traditional for many visitors means what they ate back home, so lots of places serve it: pizza, Chinese, Indian, and fish & chips.

  • Vegetarian and vegan choices are easy to find in the main resorts.

Drink [ edit ]

Tap water [ edit ].

The tap water is safe to drink.

Like many arid islands, Lanzarote has no natural springs or lakes so it's desalinated sea water. When it's cold from the tap it will slake a thirst, but once it gets warm in your tumbler it's flat and dull.

Bottled water [ edit ]

To accompany meals, go for bottled water ( agua mineral ) which is not expensive. Most restaurants sell still ( sin gas ) and carbonated ( con gas ) bottled water.

Standalone bars [ edit ]

Standalone bars are found in all the beach resorts. Cafes elsewhere sell alcohol.

Vineyards [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

Vineyards are mostly in the area from San Bartolomé to Yaiza, with La Geria at its centre. This was spared by the eruptions of the 1730s and the older volcanic soil can be cultivated, with distinctive little half-moon walls to protect the vines and trap moisture. Conditions suit the Malvasia grape, as in Sicily.

Buy [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

  • Money : See Canary Islands#Money for info on cash, ATMs and credit cards. All the towns have ATMs, and most merchants take card payments.
  • Supermarkets : Lidl and HiperDino are the largest and usually offer the best value. Many of them sell bars of turrón which is Spanish honey nougat.
  • Fruits and vegetables are inexpensive if they are grown locally in the Canary Islands, such as papaya, bananas and avocado. But much has to be shipped from the mainland, and the prices reflect that.
  • Markets are held in most towns, often on Sunday mornings, see individual pages for details. Best known is Teguise market – extra buses run on Sunday from Arrecife, Puerto del Carmen and Costa Teguise.

Sleep [ edit ]

guide voyage lanzarote

Hotels and self-catering accommodation are concentrated in the three resorts of Puerto del Carmen, Playa Blanca and Costa Teguise. Prices quoted on these pages are those advertised for individual travellers, but many of the clientele are on package deals, in effect paying the same room rate while getting their return flight from Europe for free. The package holiday companies quality-assure their accommodation far more rigorously than any state-backed tourist agency could do, and these packages are an attractive deal even to the most independent-minded travellers, since from a clean comfortable base every attraction on the island is within a short journey.

Because these resorts were purpose-built, they lack guesthouses and hostels – look for these in the inland towns, especially Arrecife. Surf shacks often have basic accommodation for their visitors.

Papagayo Beach near Playa Blanca has a campsite but these are otherwise rare. Wild camping is not allowed at beaches or national park, but you are permitted to park overnight in camper vans or cars.

Connect [ edit ]

For mobile devices , Lanzarote has:

  • 5G from MasMovil, Movistar and Orange
  • 4G from Vodafone and Telefónica (known in the United Kingdom as O2).

Most carriers will charge roaming rates in line with the rest of Spain.

Stay safe [ edit ]

Standard advice applies to road safety, water safety , and care of valuables. Theft from cars in the National Park has been a recurrent problem.

112 is the emergency number for all services, as in the rest of Europe.

Stay healthy [ edit ]

Always use sun protection , even on the rare cloudy days. By the time you feel frazzled, the damage is done. Most supermarkets and convenience stores should sell sunscreen and aftersun (if you need it).

When in hot weather , staying hydrated is crucial and it is recommended to drink 1–1.5 litres of water a day at a minimum.

Go next [ edit ]

  • Fuerteventura is a larger island reached by ferry from Playa Blanca , taking 30 min.
  • 29.25 -13.5 1 La Graciosa is the only inhabited island of the Chinijo Archipelago north of Lanzarote, with a 30 min ferry ride from Órzola to its town Caleta del Sebo. You have to come back the same way. It's considered a "canary island" in its own right, not a subsidiary of Lanzarote. The other island in this group is Alegranza, and there are four islets.
  • The other Canary Islands are much longer ferry crossings, 6 hours or more, but there are daily flights from Arrecife.

guide voyage lanzarote

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What to see in Lanzarote? Where to Stay in Lanzarote? How long to stay in Lanzarote?

Lanzarote, often called the Island of a Thousand Volcanoes , is a small Canary Island , located in the northeast of the archipelago, near Fuerteventura .

We spent a couple of weeks in Lanzarote during our sabbatical year, and we are happy to share our ultimate Lanzarote travel guide with you.


Key Takeaways From a Trip to Lanzarote

– The climate is pleasant all year round in Lanzarote! – Lanzarote is unique due to its lunar-like landscape – The island offers amazing beaches such as playa Papagayo – A visit to Timanfaya National Park is a must – Admire the amazing work of Cesar Manrique such as the Jameos del Agua caves – You will need at least 3-4 days to visit Lanzarote

Check out this teaser about Lanzarote:


1. playa papagayo, the most beautiful beach in lanzarote.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Papagayo beach is considered the most beautiful beach in Lanzarote. Named after the region, this beautiful beach is located in a wild area of Lanzarote fully protected. There used to be a village called El Papagayo above this beach, but it has been deserted for over ten years now.

The half-round shape of the picturesque bay leaning against the large black wall of rocks is very typical of the region. This beach is often used as an image for postcards .

The fine white sand and clear turquoise water are the reasons why this beach is so popular and often very crowded. There is a restaurant and parking nearby.

We loved this place. It is simply amazing. There are 4 different beaches which you can choose from: Playa Mujeres (the largest one and partially for nudists), Playa Papagayo, Playa del Pozo (our favorite one with Playa Mujeres) and Playa de la Cera

Best things to do in Lanzarote

How to get there?

The beaches of Papagayo are located on the southern tip of Lanzarote. You will find many signs pointing to Papagayo Beach from the resort of Playa Blanca . The road is rocky and rough and it will take around 15 minutes by car to get to the first beach. There are different options to get to the beaches:

The beaches are about a twenty to forty-minute walk from the resort of Playa Blanca. The path leads from the end of the resort beach promenade along the coast. It’s a great way to take your time and admire the beautiful coast. However, not ideal with kids and as the path is not very easy.

El Papagayo can also be reached by bus number 30 from Playa Blanca. You have to get off at the last stop. From there the beaches of Papagayo are about a 20-minute walk on a small path.

By bicycle:

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Another option to come to the beaches of Papagayo is by bicycle, following the same path as the car road. It’s a bit dusty when cars pass by, but it’s a nice way to discover the area.

Bikes can easily be hired in Playa Blanca for around € 12 per bike a day (and you skip the € 3 entry fee to the park). We actually opted for the electric bicycle, which brought us there in no time. We recommend this option.


Those with a car will have to go through a dirt road 5km long. This road starts at the roundabout on the LZ-705 between Playa Blanca and Femés and ends just above the beaches.

Despite the unpaved roads, some car rental companies do not object to their cars going to the beaches of Papagayo. It would be better to check with the rental company though. The entrance to the dirt road is marked by a small hut and a gate. An entry fee of € 3 per person is required.


2. Timanfaya National Park, the most impressive thing to see in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

If there was only one must-see in Lanzarote, it would be Timanfaya National Park .

Magical, Breathtaking, Impressive, this is how we could describe this place. At Timanfaya National Park, you are in the land of volcanoes in a real lunar landscape. The park is the consequence of eruptions from 1730 to 1736 and then in 1824.

You can see the remains of lava flows which extend over several kilometers.

The volcanic landscape varies according to the age of the different eruptions. Here craters mix in extraordinary colors of black, brown, yellow, and red, but no green as nothing grows on this lava soil.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

How to visit Timanfaya National Park ( official website )?

You can drive to the entrance of the park. It will cost €12 per adult and €6 per child. However, from there, you have to take a bus as it is not allowed to drive in the entire park by yourself. Once you pay the entry cost, you can join the bus tour for free.

The bus tour lasts about 45 minutes with explanations of the park in Spanish, English, and German.

However, be aware that this place can be very crowded. You may need to wait 30min to enter the park with your car unless you come early morning (which we did). When we left we saw the huge line of cars waiting to enter the park at around 11 am.

  • Location : here

By tour bus

In hindsight, we think this is the best option. With the tour bus, you do not need to wait in line at the entrance, as they have the priority. The bus also takes you directly through the visit to the park, which makes it very convenient.

There are many tour operators that organize full-day trips. See here .


3. El Diable Restaurant, the most unique restaurant in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

El Diable restaurant is actually inside the Timanfaya National Park . Here the barbecue is not electric, nor gas but rather the heat of the volcano!!

The restaurant has a stunning view of the park. We highly recommend stopping there for lunch if the timing works for you.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Right in front of the restaurant, you can also see the demonstration from the tour guide with the powerful geyser. This is the perfect way to finish your visit to Timanfaya National Park.

  • Location: here
  • Website: here

4. Camel Ride, one of the best things to do in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

One of Lanzarote’s most popular tourist attractions is the camel ride along Timanfaya National Park.

This park is wonderful and what is most unusual is seeing the moonscape. The camel ride costs 12 euros and last for about 20min. There is no need to book for this tour. Simply show up at the starting point at any time between 9:00 and 16:00.

If you’ve never been on a camel, go for it. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It may feel a bit scary when the camel stands up or lay down on his knees. But it’s fun and safe.

The starting point of the Camel Ride is just a few minutes away from the Timanfaya National Park entrance.

5. Teguise, the old capital of Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Teguise in Lanzarote is considered the oldest town in the Canary Islands , dating back to the 13th century. This small town was the capital of Lanzarote for over 450 years, until 1852 when Arrecife became the new capital.

During the 1980s a strong campaign was launched to rehabilitate and restore Teguise . This resulted in the town being declared an architectural historic site.

Teguise is a very quiet town, where you can experience the true spirit of Lanzarote. There are several buildings and places you should visit and explore if you want to know more about the history of Lanzarote and its former capital.

As you walk through the narrow streets of Teguise in Lanzarote, you’ll see plenty of the island’s ancient architecture and buildings of great historical significance. A must-see if you are visiting Lanzarote.


6. César Manrique Foundation, one of the most extraordinary visits to Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

If you don’t know yet who is César Manrique , you will quickly discover that he was key in making Lanzarote what it is today. Throughout your trip to Lanzarote, you will learn a lot about what we think is a genius.

The influence of César Manrique , the universal creator and pioneer of environmentalism, does not go unnoticed on the island. His work, and in particular his extraordinary vision of the relationship between nature and humans, can be seen everywhere in Lanzarote.

He also influences the way of thinking of the inhabitants of the island and of all Canarians in general.

Therefore, visiting his foundation is a must.

The foundation aims to encourage and publicize artistic, cultural and environmental activities . It is in his own and spectacular house that this foundation is installed on a surface of 1800 m² of living space, to which must be added 1200 m² of terraces and gardens.

Built on one of the most beautiful lava flows in Lanzarote, the foundation comprises five large natural volcanic bubbles. The contrast between the black of the lava and the white of the house is striking.

This house/foundation is a real marvel from an architectural point of view. A fascinating visit is guaranteed!

To find out more about the artist, we wrote a full post about César Manrique’s heritage in the Canary Islands here.

  • Opening Hours:  10AM–6PM
  • Admission:  8€ Adult / 1€ Child (0-12)

7. Mirador del Rio, the best viewpoint in Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

On the northern part of the island, you can visit the gorgeous Mirador del Rio with an extraordinary view of La Graciosa and the Corona volcano which culminates at 640 meters. Mirador del Rio was designed by Cesar Manrique .

It is fully integrated into the natural elements which allows you to discover one of the most beautiful views of the island.

You enter this site via a corridor with bright white walls with scattered plants and niches in which beautiful ceramics are displayed. At the end of this corridor, you discover this superb bright room with huge windows that give you one of the most spectacular views on the island of La Graciosa.

Near the fireplace, a beautiful staircase takes you to the souvenir shop and then to a panoramic terrace, the highest peak on the site. Simply STUNNING!

  • Opening Hours:  10AM–5PM
  • Admission:  5€ Adult / 2.5€ Child (0-12)

8. Jardín de Cactus, another beautiful thing to see in Lanzarote by Cesar Manrique

What to do in Lanzarote

Another superb creation by the artist César Manrique that is really worth the visit: Jardin de Cactus .

When you arrive at the car park, you wouldn’t suspect this immense garden built in an old quarry. The garden is incredibly well integrated into the landscape that surrounds it.

As soon as you enter, you are captivated by this decor between the black of the soil made up of volcanic pebbles and the green of the cactus.

There, you see thousands of Cactus of all shapes and sizes from all over the world, from Madagascar to Peru via Mexico and Kenya… Impressive!

To discover them, walk along the many stone paths and stairs that teem in this circular garden. In the center, a water fountain with goldfish and a small stone bridge to rest during the visit.

  • Location:  here
  • Admission:  6. 5€ Adult / 3.25€ Child (0-12)

9. El Lago Verde, a magical place in Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

Located in El Golfo , a small fishing village of 150 inhabitants surrounded by lava and volcanic rocks, El Lago Verde is an extraordinary natural site . A small path of a few meters very easy to access takes you to discover this natural sight.

This small lake of 150 meters long with a green color due to the presence of seaweed, seagrass, and sulfur is breathtaking. Another specificity of this lagoon is its salinity which is denser than the Dead Sea.

We are speechless in front of this landscape and this contrast of colors between the blue of the sea, the black of the beach and the green of the lagoon.

El Lago Verde is one of the most exceptional sites not to be missed during your trip to Lanzarote.

The village of el Golfo is known for El Lago Verde but also for its fish restaurants which are located at the center of the village facing the sea.

Do not hesitate to take a short lunch break there. To digest, you can stroll on the coastal walk, which starts just a few meters from the restaurants.

  • Entrance: free

10. Caleta de Famara, one of the best spots to surf in Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

Another thing to see in Lanzarote is the gorgeous Caleta de Famara . This small fishing village is famous for its huge beach and its dunes swept by frequent winds which attract surfers from all over the world .

The beach is covered with volcanic pebbles. Some were used to build semi-circular shelters that protect from the wind, very frequent in this part of the island.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

You can also walk around the traditional village of Famara whose streets are covered in sands. The atmosphere is relaxed in a magical landscape. We wrote a full post about Famara here . Check it out to find out more about this charming village and surfer’s paradise.


11. Casa-Museo César Manrique, an emotional visit in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

This is the last residence of the artist César Manrique located in Haria on the northeast of the island. It is a beautiful traditional house in the middle of a small palm grove with its workshop at the end of the garden.

You enter the house through a small interior courtyard paved with volcanic stones and you will quickly discover the intimate universe of the artist: his bedroom with his personal effects, his pajamas on the bed, his outdoor bathroom protected by a veranda…

You expect to see the artist reappear at any moment.

The rest of the house is also furnished with familiar objects. An outdoor area with a swimming pool, and garden furniture invites you to relax. And at the end of the garden, the studio which has been reconstructed as if the artist had just left the room: unfinished canvases, pigments, and tables covered with drawings.

This was a very emotional visit, as throughout our trip to Lanzarote we learned more and more about Manrique’s life . We felt Manrique’s presence at every corner of the house. Unfortunately, it is not allowed to take photos inside the house…

We recommend adding this to your list of things to visit in Lanzarote. You can also combine this visit with a stroll through the traditional village of Haria where Manrique’s house is located. It’s a very traditional and quiet village.

  • Opening Hours:  10:30AM–6PM
  • Admission:  10€ Adult / 3.€ Child

12. La Cueva de los Verdes, a unique place in Lanzarote

Cueva de los Verdes II, Lanzarote, 20210813

La Cueva de los Verdes is a vast lava tunnel following the various eruptions of the Corona volcano which connects the heart of the volcano to the ocean over 6 kilometers. A 1 km long route without too much difficulty will allow you to discover this extraordinary natural phenomenon.

The cave can reach heights of up to 50 meters in a multitude of colors between black, brown, green, yellow and red due to the oxidation of the iron content of the basalts.

The temperature is quite mild inside at around 19°C.

The only downside is that the visit is not done alone but in groups of about fifty people with a guide for explanations in Spanish and English. Groups are formed as visitors arrive, with a waiting time of up to 20 minutes.

  • Opening Hours:  10AM–4PM
  • Admission:  Adult:  10€ / Children 7-12: 5€ / Children 0-6: free

13. Jameos del Agua, our favorite attraction in Lanzarote!

What to do in Lanzarote

Jameos del Agua belongs to the system of caves and underground galleries resulting from volcanic eruptions that took place more than 3000 years ago, including the previously presented Cueva de los Verdes. T

he term Jameos is the Spanish name that determines the volcanic galleries that start from La Cueva de los Verdes and go to the sea.

César Manrique , the famous painter, sculptor, and architect from Lanzarote took advantage of this incredible natural phenomenon to adapt it and make it a place to visit.

First, you will climb a winding staircase to the first volcanic bubble called Jameo Grande which is almost 100 meters high and 30 meters wide.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Pass the interior lake and you will reach an exotic garden with a large and stunning swimming pool. Continue your visit in the huge auditorium where concerts are held from time to time.

This place is breathtaking. There are no words to describe its beauty. Jameos del Agua is in our top 5 places to see in Lanzarote.

  • Opening Hours:  10AM–5:15PM
  • Admission:  Adult: 10€ / Children 7-12: 5€ / Children 0-6: free

14. Villa Lagomar, a dream home in Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

Villa Lagomar is our dream house. This beautiful villa was designed by César Manrique , again 😉

Lagomar is built directly on the rock, in a volcanic stone quarry. This house is really impressive by its volumes and its very luxuriant exteriors.

According to legend, Omar Sharif bought the house a few years after its construction (but only for a few days…). According to rumors, he would have lost his acquisition by betting it in a Bridge game.

This site is a cultural reference on Lanzarote, its lush gardens, incredible caves, water games, and labyrinths are worth a visit for nature lovers. We can’t recommend enough a visit to Villa Lagomar, another must-see in Lanzarote. You will also find a restaurant and a bar inside the villa.

  • Admission:  Adult: 6€ / Children 2€

15. Los Hervideros, the wild coast of Lanzarote

What to do in Lanzarote

Not far from El Golfo and El Lago Verde, about 5km, you can visit Los Hervideros. There you will find impressive cliffs and huge waves crashing onto it. The ocean is engulfed in huge volcanic caves.

Los Hervideros has magnificent landscapes with small volcanoes in the background.

It is easy to access, free, and with a large car park. Small paths allow you to discover this exceptional site. A staircase giving access to a small balcony allows you to approach a little closer to admire the show of the ocean. Not to be missed during your stay in Lanzarote.

16. Casa Museo del Campesino, a must-see in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Built in the geographical center of the island, this monument, built by César Manrique, is a monument in honor of the farmers of the island. 15 meters high, the structure representing a farmer and his dromedary, was built from old metal tanks that were used to transport water.

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Right next to the monument you can visit a house museum where you can discover crafts, rural life, and local culture as well as a restaurant; everything has also been designed by Manrique .

  • Admission:  free

17. The wine road in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

In this volcanic and desert land, you might think that nothing grows, but think again! You will see in the middle of the volcanoes a multitude of vineyards that offer a striking contrast between the green of the plant and the black of the soil.

Small rounded stone walls surround the foot to protect it from the strong winds of the island.

A very beautiful road connecting the villages of Yaiza and Teguise makes you discover the vineyard of Geria, the most important of Lanzarote.

For photo enthusiasts, the landscapes are incredibly beautiful and conducive to very beautiful shots.

18. Wine tasting in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Along this road, you will see many wine producers. You can stop and visit their vineyards as well as try their wines.

We recommend a stop at El Grifo Winery as they also have a museum and offer tour guides which will explain you more about the techniques to grow wines in the region. Check their website for more information on the guided visit here .

There are other smaller wineries to visit such as El Tablero, which is more a boutique winery or Bodegas Rubicon, which is another very famous wine producer in Lanzarote.

19. Playa Blanca and Marina Rubicon, one of the best places to stay in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Playa Blanca in Lanzarote was once a peaceful fishing village and within a decade it has transformed into a tourist area with a stunning coastline, sandy beaches, and a beautiful marina. This place is located on the southern tip of Lanzarote.

One of the best things to do in Playa Blanca is to walk and enjoy the scenery , the good weather, and the pleasant temperatures. Marina Rubicon is just 15-20 minutes from the city center and is where all the boat trips depart from, either for diving trips or to go to the Papagayo beaches . It is also from Playa Blanca that you can take a ferry to Fuerteventura .

You’ll find some good cafes and restaurants. We really like this area.

We wrote a full post about Playa Blanca, you can check it out here.

To book you ferry to Fuerteventura, we recommend using Direct Ferry, which compares the prices of all ferry companies and gives you the better price. Check it out here .

20. Underwater Museum, Museo Atl ántico

What to do in Lanzarote

Museo Atlántico is the first underwater museum in Europe . It might not be for everyone, but Museo Atlántico is an underwater attraction unique in Europe and located just off the coast of Playa Blanca.

You can go underwater to see the beautiful statues, which have started to attract marine life and in doing so have revived the ecosystem around this part of the island of Lanzarote. If you love scuba diving, don’t miss this great experience in Playa Blanca!

  • Opening hours: 9AM–6PM (closed on Sunday)

21. Salinas de Janubio

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Las Salinas de Janubio is a salt flat located at Caleta de Janubio on the southwest of Lanzarote. Resembling a giant patchwork with rectangles filled with water, others dry and others covered with a layer of salt, all with the sea in the background, they offer one of the most beautiful postcard images from Lanzarote.

This large cove was formed between the years 1730 and 1736 after volcanic eruptions which isolated it from the sea by a sandbar and thus created an interior water area.

We didn’t visit the area, but we stopped at the lookout area for a photo. It was a quick stop on our way back to our hotel.

22. Go on a day trip to la Graciosa

La Graciosa

La Graciosa is often called the eighth island of the Canaries. And with only 600 inhabitants, no paved roads, and some truly impressive beaches, visiting La Graciosa is certainly an ideal destination for day-trippers and holidaymakers alike.

The island is a gem that has been hidden from mass tourism and protected from development even during the last real estate boom, mainly because it was declared a natural park.

Its arid volcanic landscapes and spectacular pristine beaches are unspoiled by huge holiday resorts that grace the rest of the Canary Islands .

So be sure to visit La Graciosa.

The ferry from Lanzarote takes 30min. You will need to book in advance here . You can opt for a day trip around the island which include lunch and water activities. This is one of the best activities in Lanzarote. More info here .

At La Graciosa make sure to visit Playa de las Conchas and Playa Francesca, the 2 most beautiful beaches on the island. You can also eat some great seafood at Caleta del Sebo.

23. Visit Arrieta, a charming village in Lanzarote

Best things to do in Lanzarote

Located in the northeast of Lanzarote, Arrieta clearly stands out from the other seaside resorts in the south of the island. Stuck in a fishing village with many small restaurants, you can enjoy fresh fish with a view of the sea. Its calmness and authenticity will charm you.

It is also famous for surfing with great surf spots in this area . We just made a stop there after our visit to Jameos del Agua and ate delicious fresh seafood.

Don’t miss the Blue house here , called Casa Juanita. This curious building is situated along the coast in the Northern village of Arrieta, it stands out from the small white typical buildings with its painted red and blue bricks and a garden complete with grass.

You can find this property next to the old fishing harbor and a small beach with a sea pool.

The house was built by Don Juan de Leon Perdomo in 1916. He was a local from Arrieta before he emigrated to Argentina in the early 20th century. He made his fortune there selling wheat and met and married Juana Alemán. The couple had a daughter in 1904, and they named her after her mother.

24. Visit Puerto Calero, a chic place in Lanzarote!


Puerto Calero is a charming little marina, as well as many equally charming shops. Bars and restaurants are on the waterfront while designer clothing shops are found in the charming “fashion street” at the back.

If you like to walk, climb the stairs to join the seafront promenade, which leads you (west) to the superb Hesperia hotel. The marina has a ship repair shed and can accommodate around 450 boats, up to 75 meters in length.

25. Puerto del Carmen is a great place to visit as a family!

Puerto del Carmen

The town of Puerto del Carmen is located on the southeast coast of Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands . It is one of the main tourist centers of the island, ten minutes from the airport.

This seaside resort is visited every year by many tourists looking for the ideal place for their holidays on the island of Lanzarote. Its geographical position, in the center of the island, is a wonderful starting point for your day trips.

The seaside resort of Puerto del Carmen lacks nothing: water sports, beautiful beaches, many shops, hiking trails, lots of apartments, cycling paths, bars and restaurants, a zoo…

The range of activities offered in this town is one of the most complete on the island, especially if you plan to travel to Lanzarote with your family.


1. scuba diving.

Start your vacation in Lanzarote with a scuba diving session. This is an opportunity to discover the island’s marine world. The island offers a great diversity of underwater species. To discover the best diving spots, leave from Playa Blanca or Puerto del Carmen.

If you’ve never scuba-dived before, a guide will explain the right steps to take to swim underwater. Conversely, if you are already an expert and have your PADI, you will be able to rent equipment to explore the depths of the Atlantic.

Another outdoor activity in Lanzarote, and always on the sea; is surfing. For all surf lovers, the Canary Islands are a real treasure. Lanzarote is nicknamed “Hawaii of Europe” because of the variety of beaches for surfers, whether beginners or professionals.

Although every month of the year are ideal for surfing, winter is particularly recommended for the most experienced. Indeed, during this period, the waves are more intense.

Among the best spots for surfing in Lanzarote are El Quemao, La Santa, and Caleta Caballo.

3. Windsurf / Kitesurf

As with surfing, Lanzarote offers exceptional conditions for windsurfing or kitesurfing. To take full advantage of it, stay away from the most touristy places. Off the beaten track, the waves and the wind are perfect for windsurfing.

In addition to exceptional conditions, the island offers breathtaking landscapes. If you want to discover the best spots to practice this outdoor activity in Lanzarote, we recommend Las Cucharas de Costa Teguise. This place is suitable for both beginners and experts.

With its lunar landscape, the island offers exceptional trails for hikers.

Among the best treks to do in Lanzarote, here is our selection:

Caldera Blanca : for three to four hours, you explore one of the smallest volcanoes in the Parque Nacional de Timanfaya. This hike is ideal for less sporty people with an ascent of medium difficulty

Guatiza : in this region, you can go for a hike of more than 27 kilometers. The path offers you magnificent landscapes to admire from the Mirador which is in the direction of Haria.

5. Boat tour

Boat trip, one of the best activities in Lanzarote

If you want to relax a full day on a boat with plenty of activities such as snorkeling and SUP, go on a boat trip from Lanzarote.

If you are lucky you will even see dolphins. There are many companies offering boat tours from Playa Blanca or other parts of the island. You can also sail around La Graciosa which is an amazing experience.


What to do in Lanzarote

In the west of the island, there are constant winds that make surfers happy all year round. In the north of Lanzarote, you have magnificent views, the vegetation is more beautiful but the atmosphere is much quieter.

To the South (Playa Blanca to be precise), which we recommend the most, you have beautiful beaches, better weather, and good options for accommodations. In the South-East this is where most of the tourist resorts are located, which combine beaches, bars, and restaurants.

We wrote a full post here about the best places to stay in Lanzarote. However, we like to recommend Playa Banca the most. So here we will focus on Playa Blanca , which is our favorite area to stay in Lanzarote.

Hotel The Volcan Lanzarote

Where to stay in Lanzarote?

If your budget allows, then we highly recommend Hotel The Volcan in Playa Blanca . This hotel is located right by Marina Rubicon with many restaurants and bars around. The beach is just a few minutes walk.

This hotel has a very large swimming pool and offers an excellent breakfast.

Where to stay in Lanzarote?

This hotel has a breathtaking view, directly facing the ocean. Iberostar has 3 large swimming pool, including 1 dedicated for kids only.

The beach is located just a few minutes walk from the hotel. In front of the hotel, you have the famous Playa Blanca promenade with restaurants and bars along the way.

Ona Las Casita

Where to stay in Lanzarote?

If you are a little bit more on a budget, then we recommend Ona Las Casita . This lovely bungalow is perfectly located near the beach and the main promenade at Playa Blanca.

The bungalow has a kitchen, so you can cook at home to save a bit of money. The place was super clean when we stayed there and we ate pretty much every day on the outdoor terrace. We love this place which has the perfect value for money.



To maximize the things to see on the islands, we highly recommend renting a car in Lanzarote. It is very easy to drive on the island, and if you have a GPS then you do not have to worry about direction.

If you stay in Playa Blanca, taking a taxi will already cost you around 45 to 50 euros. Then a round trip is already 100 euros. During our stay in Lanzarote, we were able to rent a car for 30 euros per day if you choose a Fiat 500 for example.

Once you reach the Canary Islands, it is highly recommended to rent a car . To get the cheaper rate we used Rentalcars.com .

If you do not wish to drive in Lanzarote, you have the option to hire a private driver for a day here or to join a tour group here .


Full guide for visiting Lanzarote

You can visit Lanzarote all year round as the temperature are mild even in Winter. However, the best time to travel to Lanzarote is from July to November. Over the year, the average temperature varies moderately. It is always around 21°C.

Temperatures are lowest in February, with lows around 18°C. With an average maximum temperature of 25°C, it is in August that the temperatures are the highest.

There are usually 11 days of rainfall each year in Lanzarote. June is the least rainy month with almost no rain and December the rainiest with up to 18 mm and 2 days of precipitation.



Full guide for visiting Lanzarote

Taste the many delights that the island of Lanzarote has to offer. Gastronomy in Lanzarote, and throughout the Canary Islands, has some of its roots in Spanish cuisine and is also influenced by recipes from Africa and Latin America. In addition, there are traditions inherited from the natives of the island.

Let’s start with the Spanish tapas influences. These small portions are served all over Lanzarote and vary depending on where you eat. Some traditional tapas dishes include Padrón peppers, which are small green peppers cooked in sea salt and olive oil. They are often on the menu with entrees. Other dishes often served are meatballs (Albóndigas) in tomato sauce and a tortilla (Spanish omelet). There are dozens of different tapas recipes.

Canarians are good with stew, they put a lot of love and care into making an appetizing dish of meat and spiced vegetables. Taste the rabbit stew (conejo), a local specialty. You will rarely see cattle on Lanzarote, mainly due to the landscape, so most meat is imported from South America and other islands in the archipelago. Of course, choice cuts of meat are on the menu of any decent restaurant. Cabrito (kid meat) is a big favorite and is sometimes called baifo in the Canary Islands.

If you like fish, you will love Lanzarote. Being an island, the fish and seafood supplies are limitless. It’s the biggest business in the Canaries with trawling boats heading out to sea every day to meet the demand for tasty fish. Tuna (atún), sea bass (de lubina), hake (merluza), swordfish (pez espada), crab (cangrejo), lobster (langosta), mussels (mejillones)… you name it!

Vegetables and fruits

Lanzarote is blessed with an exceptional climate all year round, which helps farmers grow fruit in abundance. You will see farmers’ markets all over the island. These are vibrant and colorful places ideal for buying locally grown fruits and vegetables.

A real Canarian experience is tasting papas arrugadas, potatoes that are boiled in salted water with their skins on. They will often be served with mojos (sauces), to dip the potatoes in and have more flavor… delicious! In general, they are served with two types of sauces: mojo picón, a red sauce that is hot and made with chili and mojo verde, a green sauce that is mild and made with herbs.

If you go to Lanzarote you have to try the local goat cheese. It is sold in supermarkets and will appear on most menus. It is often fried or served with an accompaniment such as olives or a savory honey sauce.

Another great Canarian specialty is called gofio, a type of flour made from roasted corn, wheat and barley. It is an important part of the local diet and is added to various foods such as ice cream, a kind of bread that is similar to polenta, and milk for children as well as soups and thick sauces. Gofio was used during the time of the Guanches (1st known inhabitants of the Canary Islands ) and was thought to be one of the staple foods in their diet.

The traditional preparation of gofio has been passed down for centuries from generation to generation, making it the second most consumed food product in the whole archipelago, coming just after bananas!

The wine produced from grapes grown on the volcanic plains is one of the best surprises the island has to offer when it comes to complementing a good meal. The most appreciated is the Malvasias, a generally strong wine. Wine is also used for very popular local drinks like tinto de verano (literally “red summer wine” consisting of red wine mixed with lemonade) and sangria.


Full guide for visiting Lanzarote

Lanzarote is one of the most surprising islands in the Canaries and probably the most unique one. Its lunar landscape, amazing beaches, beautiful sights thanks to the work of Manrique, and its many activities make it one of the best places to visit in Europe.

If you are still not convinced, you can click here to check the 10 best reasons why you should visit Lanzarote.

We completely fell in love with this magical island. We would even consider moving here some days. Why not?! It’s warm all year round, we can surf, do plenty of yoga, go hiking. It’s perfect for our lifestyle.

If you are traveling to Lanzarote for the first time, we recommend at least 1 week. There is so much to see, that it’s really hard to squeeze everything in just a few days…

If you have any questions to prepare for your trip to Lanzarote, feel free to leave a comment below, we usually respond very quickly.

Here are all our articles about the Canary Islands.



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Need a Warm European Escape This Winter? Head to Lanzarote 

By Monica Mendal

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

The Canary Islands have long been a popular port of call among Europeans in search of a dose of vitamin C during the cold winter months, with their sub-tropical climates guaranteeing the warmest temperatures in all of the continent. But arriving to Lanzarote—the wildest of the string of eight Spanish islands hovering a few dozen miles off the West African mainland—on a mild December morning, it soon becomes clear this isn’t your typical warm-weather escape.

If pristine white sand beaches and rambling, picture-postcard villages were what you were coming for, though, you’d be missing the point. Lanzarote has never promised to offer the trite box-ticking you might expect from a Mediterranean island hotspot. For one, its landscape is harsh and volcanic: emerging from the breakup of the African and American continental plates some 15 million years ago, much of Lanzarote’s current topography is the result of eruptions that took place in the early 18th century, forming the geysers and blackened, desert-like surfaces of Timanfaya National Park and the fertile valley of the island’s wine region La Geria. There’s plenty of beach-hopping, hiking, and wine-tasting to be done here, but all under a historic—indeed, often prehistoric—shadow. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

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The island’s wholly distinctive allure doesn’t end there. It’s impossible to discuss Lanzarote without mentioning César Manrique, the artist and architect whose legacy spills out across the island like the very lava that formed it. The late artist and proud naturist was born on the island in 1919 and lived there for much of his life, throwing lavish parties for friends like Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock in the 1970s, while also working closely with the local government to preserve his own corner of paradise.

While tourists began to swarm the neighboring islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria from the 1980s onwards, Manrique ensured the implementation of a ban on high-rise hotels and commercial buildings, arguing—quite rightly—that they wouldn’t fit into the aesthetic harmony of the island. The cohesive white architecture you see scattered throughout the landscape today was also his doing, a result of his efforts to protect Lanzarote’s visual identity—and since his passing in 1992, the government has steadfastly upheld his preservationist vision.

Below, a guide to Lanzarote, Europe’s most unique warm-weather escape.

Where to Stay

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Despite the drive through the bumpy dirt road bound by deep volcanic craters, there’s an otherworldly tranquility you feel arriving at Buenavista. The moment the gate opens and you wind your way up to the main entrance, you wonder if you’ve somehow detoured to a different planet. A friendly greeter—accompanied by the owner Gonzalo Bethencourt’s three Labradors—quickly arrives to assure you that you’re at the right place, however. Then, you’re whisked away to one of the property’s five gorgeous suites that feel as though they’ve somehow always been part of the surrounding landscape. (You won’t find a formal reception or indoor public spaces here; instead, cushions are propped in the property’s volcanic craters, which are utilized for planting trees, guavas, figs, oranges, and lemons.)

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

You’re advised to open the door in the morning when you’re ready for breakfast (spoiler alert: breakfast is exceptional) and then quickly left to soak in your surroundings. And there’s plenty to soak in: From inside your suite, the panoramic windows and skylights offer unbeatable views of the volcanic landscape, filling the rooms with natural light—although they are particularly stunning at sunset. Gonzalo’s vision to create a space that existed in harmony with nature also colored his approach when deciding to position wrap-around sofa benches at ground level, so you can sink firmly into nature during your afternoon siesta.

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

For those traveling to Lanzarote to experience the island’s volcanic wine culture, there’s no better stay than Finca Malvasia, a rural boutique property featuring six self-service apartments located in the heart of Lanzarote’s wine region, La Geria. Your visit to Finca Malvasia begins before you even arrive. Upon booking, you’re sent an insider’s guide of local recommendations that the owners, Richard and Tarnya Norse-Evans, have carefully crafted to assist with planning ahead of your travels. From wineries to the best restaurants, beaches, and unique island experiences, you’ll begin your stay with all information needed for a friction-free experience for solo travelers, couples, and families alike. (This guide is especially handy as this entirely self-service property is very much designed for independent travelers.)

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

After winding through the narrow dirt road within the 20,000-square-meter wine estate, you’ll reach the small parking area to the property that’s situated on its own working vineyard. There are no staff onsite here; though upon completing the self check-in, you’ll quickly discover that all your needs have been imaginatively catered for. Apartment kitchenettes are stocked with pre-packaged breakfast foods, local snacks, and coffee to start your morning seamlessly, while a Cesar Manrique-inspired communal pool area includes a shared grill on which to prepare dinner after a long day exploring the island. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Hotel Casa de las Flores opened this past summer in the historic town of Teguise. Situated in a historical building in the heart of town, the intimate guesthouse boasts five ethereal, light-filled rooms that surround a central courtyard and communal indoor dining room, where a multi-course breakfast is served daily. Each room is individually designed by Canary Island-born owner Oscar Cubillo Blasco and his wife Gigi, a former costume designer, in an artful balance of old and new—from the preservation of the building’s original wooden doors to Gigi’s whimsical tapestries and murals displayed above the beds. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

The thoughtful renovation—Oscar lists the most important factors being plenty of light and Lanzarote whites—was realized in collaboration with an array of local artisans, including carpenters, stone workers, and blacksmiths, balancing the wisdom and traditions of the island with the couple’s desire to innovate. But the real achievement here is the quintessential Spanish hospitality courtesy of the team’s warm and casual approach to service that makes you feel, as they say,  en casa . 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

The fashion crowd is likely to gravitate towards the minimalist trappings of Alava Suites, which is owned by designer María Gonzalez Alava. Located just a few minutes drive from the sea, the property is situated on a palm-lined street in the southern part of Teguise. María’s high-end fusion of craft and nature is articulated throughout her use of organic materials and woodwork displayed in each of the six suites. All furnishings were handmade by local carpenters and designers on the island lending warmth to the more minimal spaces, which are also punctuated by the palms and strelitzias that surround the property.

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

While nearly all the suites come with outdoor spaces, the César Manrique-inspired circular pool hosts an intimate terrace for lounging during golden hour—and golden hour is especially idyllic here. Don’t forget to check out the curated Lanzarote guide María created which is accessible via the iPad available in each room. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Just down the road in the heart of Teguise is Hotel Boutique Palacio Ico, which sits in an old building on a quiet cobblestoned square surrounded by centuries-old palaces, monasteries, and manor houses. As far as amenities go, this feels like the closest to a traditional hotel you can get in Lanzarote, but it’s still layered with the island’s distinctive character and rustic charms.

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

The property’s nine suites feature original wood floors and exposed ceiling beams, but are balanced with plenty of reliable modern comforts—including room service—to ensure a truly luxurious stay. The restaurant, meanwhile, features a gourmet menu featuring plenty of local seafood and cheeses that is sure to satiate epicurean travelers, while the hacienda-style courtyard is the perfect place to take in your delicious daily breakfast or a sunset cocktail before dinner. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

While the cluster of beaches on the southern tip of the island, such as the famed Papagayo Beach, has long gripped the interest of travelers, the lesser-known natural pools of Los Charcones on the southwestern side are the island’s real standout. And even further away from the tourist hotspots in the southern flank are the natural pools and beaches in the north. The remote Farmara Beach, with its four miles of golden sand dunes stretched beneath a sublime backdrop of dramatic cliffs, is a favorite among local beach-goers and surfers alike. Naturists will love Charco del Palo, a nudist holiday community in Haría with a tranquil natural pool, accessed by a winding road that weaves through a vast sweep of cactus fields. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

For those who prefer to keep their clothes on—but are still keen to try the island’s natural pools—head to Piscinas Naturales de Punta Mujeres, also situated in Haría. The small fishing village of Punta Mujeres dotted with charming white houses features one central pool with several smaller ones surrounding it. Finally, don’t miss taking the 25-minute ferry from Órzola to La Graciosa island, a tiny volcanic hamlet with unpaved roads and paradisiacal sandy beaches. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

César Manrique’s work and influence can be found sprinkled throughout all of Lanzarote. The late artist and architect worked closely with the government to ensure the authentic spirit and natural beauty of the island remained intact, and a trip to Lanzarote isn’t complete without a visit to one of his various properties. First, there’s his Haría home, where he lived until his death in 1992; but more famously, there’s his studio, which is now known as the César Manrique Foundation. (Built into an old lava flow, it’s where the artist would throw glamorous soirées for his famous friends visiting the island.) Manrique also created one of the island’s most beautiful viewpoints, Mirador del Río, integrated into lava rock and designed in his signature style, featuring a café, souvenir shop, and an outdoor viewing platform. Also devised by the Manrique are the Jameos Del Agua, a series of lava caves turned into a center for art and culture featuring a concert hall, restaurant, and salt lake. Manrique’s final project, meanwhile, was the Jardín de Cactus, a cactus garden built in a former quarry in partnership with botanist Estanislao González Ferrer. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Other worthy stops on the art and culture circuit include a visit to Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, a contemporary art museum housed in an 18th-century castle, and Lagomar Museum, the famous volcanic home of Egyptian actor Omar Sharif also designed by Manrique. Finally, if you wish to pick up souvenirs to take home with you, there’s no better place to do so than at Eguzkine, the studio of Lanzarote’s beloved ceramicist Eguzkine Zerain; at Cestería Eulogio for traditional wicker baskets; or at the studio of potter Joaquin Reyes Betancort, who offers master classes too. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Timanfaya National Park, with its jagged volcanic terrain and ever-shifting sunset hues, is a must-visit. Lanzarote’s famous fire mountains, which received their name as a result of the volcanic eruptions that took place in the 1700s, opened to the public as recently as 1970—and in an effort to preserve this protected area, it can only be accessed by a guided volcano tour. From here, head to Restaurant El Diablo, encased in a circular glass building overlooking the park—once again designed by César Manrique—where food is prepared exclusively using the heat of the volcano itself. 

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

Located at the southernmost point of Timanfaya National Park, El Golfo is another worthy stop that’ll instantly immerse you into Lanzarote’s dramatic landscape. In this unique fishing village, you’ll find a green lake situated within a volcanic crater, forming a small bay of emerald green water due to the high concentration of algae. (As it’s a protected natural reserve, swimming is not permitted.) Then, finish off the day with a sunset stroll through Volcán del Cuervo, accessed via an easy hiking trail that winds through the crater of the volcano.

Lanzarote Travel Guide The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

“With its desert-like climate and rainfall of just 150 milliliters a year, wine production in Lanzarote is a surprise to most, as it sits well outside of the geographic norm for winemaking,” says Ollie Horton of Wine Tours Lanzarote. In fact, he explains, winemaking is the lifeblood of the island. The constant flow of volcanic eruptions in the 18th century that spanned nearly six years created a layer of volcanic ash that serves as surprisingly ideal terrain for growing vines, trapping this minimal rainfall into the fertile soil which lies beneath. 

Book a wine tasting with  Wine Tours Lanzarote and a knowledgeable guide will take you to a handful of La Gueria’s commercial wineries—including Los Bermejos, El Grifo, and Bodega Rubicon—or to exclusive artisan wineries like Bodega Cohombrillo and Bodega Erupción for a more intimate experience with some of the island’s up-and-coming local winemakers. As Lanzarote’s wine region is small and low yielding (as low as 300 vines per hectare, even) production is relatively limited compared to other destinations around the world, making Lanzarote wine particularly hard to come by. You’ll want to stock up on your favorites, then, as you won’t be able to find them anywhere else.

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    Beautiful towns in Lanzarote. As for towns in Lanzarote, I recommend visiting Caleta de Famara, Teguise, Haría, Arrieta and El Golfo, where I recommend eating fresh fish by the sea. You can also take a walk through Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote. Here I recommend taking a walk through Charco de San Ginés.

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    29°3′0″N 13°37′12″W. Map of Lanzarote. 28.9625 -13.550556. 1 Arrecife is the island's capital. It has the airport and seaport so everyone arrives here, but gets bussed straight to their resorts. Arrecife itself has a beach, an island fortress housing a history museum, and an art museum in the Castillo de San José.

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    Day 1 of Your Lanzarote Itinerary: Arrecife & César Manrique's art. Day 2 of Your Lanzarote Itinerary: Parque Natural de los Volcanes and Timanfaya. Day 3 of your Lanzarote Itinerary: Playa Blanca and Surroundings. Day 4 of Your Lanzarote Itinerary: La Graciosa Island.

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    Highlights. Experience the lava landscapes of Lanzarote in Timanfaya National Park. Marvel at the geysers on Fire Mountain. Discover a garden inside the Jameos de Agua. Enter to explore the fantastic Cueva de los Verdes. Enjoy spectacular views of the island of La Graciosa from the cliffs.

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    Timanfaya National Park, the most impressive thing to see in Lanzarote. 3. El Diable Restaurant, the most unique restaurant in Lanzarote. 4. Camel Ride, one of the best things to do in Lanzarote. 5. Teguise, the old capital of Lanzarote. 6. César Manrique Foundation, one of the most extraordinary visits to Lanzarote.

  22. Lanzarote Travel Guide: The Warm European Winter Destination to Know

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