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Post Summary: 15 tips from full-time road trippers on how to survive, and actually enjoy, a road trip with a toddler or baby. Plus everything you need to bring on the road.

Planning on taking a road trip with a toddler or baby and wondering if it’s an awful idea? I get it. Our first road trip with our baby was when he was five months old and what was supposed to be a six hour drive to visit the grandparents turned into a ten hour drive with five hours of him crying nonstop.

Listening to a crying baby is hard no matter where you are. In your car, when all you want is to desperately arrive at your destination…it’s agony.

Cut to two years later and our little family left our life in California and decided to travel full time from state to state in our car. Are we professionals now at this whole long road trips with toddlers thing or just gluttons for punishment? I like to think a little bit of both.

We are so into road tripping we managed to do a four month cross country road trip with our toddler!

Along the way, we’ve learned a lot about what works and what does not work when going on a road trip with a toddler or baby. Traveling with kids of any age always provides some challenges, but doing a long road trip with a toddler is definitely a step up and requires a good dose of preparation and finesse.

Whether you’re on a road trip with a 4-month-old or a road trip with a two-year-old, this post is perfect for anyone who wants to know what to bring on a road trip with toddlers and simple, actionable tips on how to road trip with a toddler .

NEED MORE ROAD TRIP TIPS? CHECK OUT OUR OTHER POSTS BELOW 160 Fun, Deep, And Sometimes Silly Road Trip Questions The Ultimate Road Trip Food List 40 Road Trip Essentials You Need To Pack 80+ Road Trip Trivia Questions To Cure Boredom 17 Things To Do On A Road Trip To Pass The Time

This post about road tripping with a toddler may contain affiliate links, which means we might earn a small commission if you purchase from them. This is at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products and services we truly think are helpful.


Favorite Podcast : Kids Short Stories: A Bedtime Show By Mr. Jim Favorite Audible : The Gruffalo Favorite Educational App : Homer


mom and dad upset during road trip with baby


To the best of your ability, try to keep the total driving time 4-6 hours a day. I know that’s not always possible. Sometimes you have a set plan and need to arrive somewhere and don’t have the luxury of taking your time to get there. But if it’s something you can do, we highly suggest it.

For instance, if you are going somewhere that’s 8 hours away, can you break it up into two days and find an interesting midway point to stop at for a night? Perhaps even spend an entire day there and add it to the itinerary? During a two-week road trip from Los Angeles, CA to Sandpoint, ID we were able to fit in interesting cities like Santa Rosa, CA, and Bend, Oregon.

If you’re trying to plan a road trip with a baby and have no set destination in mind, a good idea is to see what’s 4-8 hours away from you within driving distance. Maybe plan a family road trip around that and opt to arrive in two days, rather than one long haul.

We have found that slow travel is the best way to travel with toddlers or babies. It allows for everyone to be less stressed and puts the focus on spending time together rather than accomplishing a lot in a short window of time.

If that’s not something you are able to do due to timing and finances, don’t worry, we have plenty of other road trip with toddler tips up our sleeves.

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We have a very set schedule for how we do long car rides with toddlers. We either:

  • Fit in about one hour of driving in the late morning and stop for a long lunch at a rest stop or playground. We’ll make sure to play around and get a lot of physical activity before getting in the car at about 30-45 minutes before he typically naps. Thankfully, we have a toddler who sleeps pretty well in his car seat. We can often get 2-3 hours of uninterrupted driving.
  • We play really hard with our son in the morning and make sure to get in a lot of physical activity. Then we load him up with carbs (our go-to is always spaghetti) for lunch, do a diaper change, and get him in the car seat about an hour before his regular nap time. When we do this, he usually sleeps for longer, and we can sometimes get 3 hours of napping in.

Many parents swear by nighttime driving when making a road trip with toddlers. The idea is that your toddler will sleep the whole way, and you can potentially avoid all the troubles of driving all day with them.

We’re kind of split on if this is a good idea. Neither of us are too keen on nighttime driving or the idea of arriving super late to our destination. Also, being tired the next day never seemed that appealing to us. Not to mention the genuine fear of falling asleep at the wheel.

Ultimately, the choice is up to each parent and the needs of each family. If your baby doesn’t sleep well in the car, perhaps driving at night would be better when their physical need to sleep is much stronger.


prepared food on top of a map

Snacks are the answer to everything. Are you upset? Have a cracker. Are you bored? Have some cheese. You’re angry that the car seat is too tight? Here’s a pretzel.

I joke. Except…I’m not.

Keeping your little one and their blood sugar at bay is key to keeping a happy road-tripping kid, so come prepared with all the snacks. For babies who are still getting used to solid foods, pre-made baby pouches like these are the best. While eating healthy is a wonderful thing, when going on a road trip with your toddler, we find it’s best to be lenient and let them have some of their favorite snacks.

If you want even more inspiration for road trip snacks, check out our post about the best snacks and meals for a road trip.


Road trips with your kids are a great opportunity to create lifelong memories that you’ll talk about forever. A fun way to create those memories? Road trip games. Keeping everyone entertained and laughing is paramount to making the experience a happy memory.

Admittedly, road trip games with babies aren’t as complex and will be one-sided, but it never hurts to engage with them and get them excited about the journey. Simple games include pointing out the colors of things, counting how many times you see a red car or a game of I spy. It’s more about engaging with them to keep them stimulated and a part of the journey.

With toddlers, there’s an opportunity for more back and forth. Our favorite road trip games to play with toddlers include I spy, would you rather prompts, 20 questions, and a round of fun and silly road trip questions.

For more road trip inspiration here’s our list of 57 road trip questions for families.


Music is a great tool to keep your “road trip baby” happy. While playing your child’s favorite kids’ music is always a winner, don’t be afraid to try out music that you’ll actually enjoy too! On our road trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park , we played a continuous selection of bluegrass music and Johnny Cash to help get us in the spirit of our surroundings. He loved it! We’d get in the car and I’d ask him, “What do you want to listen to?’ Without fail, my two-year-old would say, “Johnny Cash!”

So while it’s good to have a selection of upbeat kids music, you can also use it as a time to introduce them to other types of music. Pop music is always a great option because it tends to have simple melodies and repetitive hooks.

You can stream from a music service like Amazon Music or Spotify.


Where the Wild Things Are

Audiobooks or podcasts are GREAT road trip activities for toddlers. It’s also a great way to lull them into sleep. Before you leave you can peruse through podcasts made for little kids on iTunes or Spotify to see what your kids might like. Make sure to download them before you leave so you don’t have to rely on a strong signal.

Some podcasts your toddlers might like:

  • Kids Short Stories: A Bedtime Show By Mr. Jim (Our son loves this one!)
  • Deep Blue Sea (Learn about sea creatures, perfect if they enjoy the show Octonauts)
  • Story Pirates
  • Stories Podcast: A bedtime show for kids of all ages
  • Little Stories for Tiny People

You can also opt to do audiobooks through Audible. Audible is Amazon’s audiobook service and like Prime Music, you can do a free trial of the service. Click here to learn more about Audible. Some popular books for toddlers and babies are:

  • Where The Wild Things Are
  • The Gruffalo
  • Dragons Love Tacos
  • My Magic Breath

TIP: If the option is available, make sure to download everything on to your phone before you leave so you don’t have to rely on a good signal.


HitTopss Busy Board for Toddlers, Sensory Activity Board for Travel Car Airplane, 25-in-1 Montessori Educational Toys for Learning Fine Motor Skills, Gift for Boys Girls (Blue)

When going on a road trip with a toddler or a baby, bringing old standby toys is always a great option. Even better, bring some new toys they’ve never used. I’m not suggesting you have to spend a lot of money on expensive toys. An easy option is to go to a dollar store or a used children’s store. Another option is to borrow some toys from a fellow parent who doesn’t mind you using them for a week or so.

We suggest keeping the travel toys in a bag with you upfront and doling them out one by one when your child starts to fuss and needs something to focus on. Think of it as your secret tool bag that you dip into only when you need it.

Here are some of our favorite travel toys for babies and toddlers.

  • Water Wow Toys are mess-free and inexpensive. This toy is better suited for babies and younger toddlers as it might not hold the attention of an older toddler.
  • Reusable stickers from Melissa and Doug are always a great standby. You don’t have to worry about them putting stickers all over the windows and car seat because they’re super easy to peel off.
  • Our son LOVED his magnetic doodle board and was one of the only things that kept his attention for more than 5 minutes.
  • Links from Manhattan Toy are great simple toys for babies that some young toddlers might enjoy as well. They double as teething toys so they may provide relief if you have the fortune of having a teething baby on your road trip.
  • Lacing cards for toddlers give their hands something to fiddle with and helps them to develop their fine motor skills. Plus, if you’ve been reading to them the Hungry Caterpillar book, they’ll love seeing one of their favorite characters in a toy. Check here for prices.
  • A travel busy board is a great car seat toy that can keep their little fingers busy trying to latch and unlatch different compartments.


General Medi 2-in-1 First Aid Kit (215 Piece Set) + 43 Piece Mini First Aid Kit -Includes Eyewash, Ice(Cold) Pack, Moleskin Pad and Emergency Blanket for Travel, Home, Office, Car, Workplace

While this won’t help you keep your kid calm, it’s always a good thing to have a fully prepared first aid kit when you’re doing any kind of car travel with toddlers and babies. I prepared a medical kit in preparation for when we left for our year of full-time travel and within 5 months I had already used every item in our bag. There’s always something that comes up. You can buy a fully prepared first aid kit or you can opt to make your own. Some things to include would be:

  • Bee Sting Relief
  • Antibiotic Ointment
  • Kids Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen
  • Kids Dramamine
  • Thermometer
  • Instant Ice Pack
  • Antiseptic Cleansing Wipes
  • First Aid Tape


ULEEKA Car Backseat Organizer with 10' Table Holder, 9 Storage Pockets Seat Back Protectors Kick Mats for Kids Toddlers, Travel Accessories, 2 Pack

Now that you’ve got your toys and packed your first aid kit, there are a few other things that will make your toddler road trip a success:

  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sunglasses (we love these for toddlers and babies )
  • Sunblock (even though you’re inside, the sun can be just as powerful shining through the window.)
  • Diaper changing mat (we like to use this one for babies, but in a jam, a swaddle or towel can work as well)
  • Travel potty for the potty training toddlers
  • Blanket and/or comfort stuffed animal
  • Headsets (Perfect for when you want them to listen to music or watch a show and you don’t want to hear the noise. We love these for babies and toddlers since they’re small and kids can easily fall asleep wearing them.)
  • Having an organization system will help to create order amongst all the road trip supplies. We like this  back seat organizer  with SO MANY pockets for all your gadgets, notebooks, and snacks. We particularly like that it has a tablet holder. You can put a movie on without them having to hold the device the entire time.

For a thorough list of road trip essentials check out our post on the ultimate Road Trip Packing List.


YANWANG 100% Cotton Baby Boys Girls Pajamas Set Long Sleeve Sleepwear(Green-zebra,3-12 Months)

This may feel obvious, but make sure to dress your child comfortably for the car ride. Loose-fitting breathable tops and pants so their bodies can be as relaxed as possible. I can’t imagine sitting in a constricted car seat is comfortable, especially for agile toddlers who need to move around as much as possible. You can even dress them in their pajamas to help coax them towards sleeping in the car.


When going on road trips with toddlers and babies, we have found it’s best if we follow their lead to maintain a calm car ride. If he’s getting fussy, instead of forcing another hour of driving, we know to stop and do what he needs to keep his mood stable. Perhaps that’s eating lunch, doing another round of diaper changes, or running around to get his body moving. We’ve learned that keeping him in an even state, keeps everyone happy. Road tripping with a baby means you might have to let go of the strict agenda. Be open to taking lots of breaks when needed and everyone will be happier!


A great idea when driving long distances with toddlers and babies is to get in the back seat with them. Since their car seats face away from the front of the car, your baby might be soothed by visually seeing you. I did it on my first road trip with my five-month-old baby and it was helpful….until it wasn’t and he cried for five hours. But it might work for you!

Reading books to them or just being able to see you could go a long way toward keeping them content.


trendy mother and toddler stand in front of vintage 1979 camper

Keeping a sunny attitude will go a long way towards keeping morale up in the car. If something happens, say a tire blows out or a baby has a blowout, keeping a calm steady demeanor will help to keep everyone in a good mood. Our child is such a sponge for the energy around him that if we let our hot-headed ways (and yes, we are both hot-headed) get the best of us, then it isn’t long until our little one starts going off the deep end with us.

The last thing I want my kid to feel is that road trips are NOT fun. So we try to make it fun by channeling our best ability to “go with the flow.”


Whenever you’re traveling with young kids and especially when doing a road trip with toddlers, it’s okay to let go of rules a little. You’re on vacation, so if you have to give them extra snacks or let them stay up later than usual…it’s okay.

For us, the main goal of car trips with toddlers is to ensure the most easeful and stress-free journey. If that means giving him a bag of gummy worms, so be it. At home, he gets plenty of structure and healthy food, so a few allowances aren’t going to ruin all the well-laid rules we’ve set down. This leads me to my final tip for traveling with toddlers by car.


ApoloMedia Kids Tablet, 10 inch Tablet for Kids with EVA Shockproof Case, 2+32GB, Pre-Installed Google Kids Space, Parental Control, 5000mAh Battery, Android 13 Toddler Tablet Ages 3-7 (Blue)

Use a tablet.

I promise you it’s okay. I know we’re all trying to reduce screen time, but on a road trip where you want to stop a meltdown, don’t be afraid to use it. If it works, it works. I believe that parenting isn’t defined by one singular moment in time but rather by the values and habits you consistently uphold. If all your toddler does is play on an iPad, yeah…you might want to consider reducing it, but a few times on a road trip…it’s fine you guys.

I would suggest using the iPad as a final tactic. If the above tips don’t work, then hand it over and call it a day.

You can preload it with educational toddler apps and already downloaded movies from Netflix. Our favorite App to use is Homer . I used to do free apps because I didn’t want to dish out the money, but they were always glitchy and bombarded with ads. Plus, they make those apps so that the kids are continually led into wanting to buy the paid version. I found it’s better to buy a high quality app that offers fantastic content that is continually being updated. I like that Homer has animated popular books and teaches them in a fun and engaging way. My son loves it! You can try out the free trial for 30 days here.

I also like to use a thick toddler-proof cover like this to keep the iPad safe. Also, if it’s any consolation I grew up in the ’80s when every parent’s idea of a babysitter was plopping their kids in front of a TV screen. And we all managed to turn out okay! Right? Right?

I hope you use all these tips on how to road trip with a toddler and have the ultimate family adventure! Let us know if you have any great tips in the comments below.

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baby in carseat with pacifier

Hi, we’re Christina and Brad, Idaho based writers and photographers who live to explore. We did a short stint of traveling full time with our two year old and discovered we're much happier as part time nomads. What does that mean? We travel a lot! And then we go home. We love helping fellow parents and everyday adventurers discover new places and experiences.

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Our Sweet Adventures

Tips for Road Tripping with a Baby ( 0 – 12 Months) – A Complete Guide for First-Time Parents

Tips for Road Tripping with a Baby ( 0 – 12 Months) – A Complete Guide for First-Time Parents

Who says you cannot travel with a baby? Yes, it is different, but it is totally doable! One of the best ways to start traveling as a new family is by going on a road trip with a baby.

After one year of road trips with our son, we have learned a lot. From short 2-hour road trips to a 2-week long road trip – we have experienced the best and the worst parts of road tripping with a baby. 

Through personal tried and true experience, I have created this guide of “How to Road Trip with a Baby” to help new parents navigate their way as easily as possible. My guide includes product recommendations, expectations at different months of age, and 12 essential tips for road tripping with a baby.  

Full disclaimer: I am not a children’s practitioner, nurse, or expert. This guide and tips are purely from personal experience and fellow traveling parents. If you have any medical or health concerns, please seek advice from your pediatrician. 

Furthermore, This post may contain affiliate links. When you click on the link you will have the option to purchase a product at no extra cost to you, but I would receive a small commission. I want to thank everyone for following and supporting us on all of “Our Sweet Adventures.” 

Table of Contents

12 Essential Tips for Road Tripping with a Baby

A couple holding their baby at Palo Duro Canyon. A great pit stop when road tripping with a baby.

First and foremost, EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT!

Yes, I believe my guide can help first-time parents navigate their way to a successful road trip with a baby. However, what has worked for other parents and us, may not always work for you. Some tips may work, some may not – you will not know until you hit the road and go through trial and error.

We have found these 12 essential tips to be the most helpful during our road trips with a baby. Whether you are taking a road trip with a newborn, a 12-month-old, or any age in between – these tips can be helpful for any stage.

The Trifecta Checklist

Of all the tips for road tripping with a baby, this one is KEY! We call it the “trifecta checklist.” So what does that mean? Sleep, diaper, food.

If our son was crying, the first thing that helped us was to check for a diaper, see if he was hungry, and find out the last time he slept.

Nine times out of ten (especially before our son was 6-months-old), he would cry for one of those three reasons. He would immediately stop crying once we figured out if he needed a diaper change, a bottle, or sleep.

Moreover, the “trifecta checklist” is a great tip for traveling with a baby , period.

Plan For Several Stops

This brings me to my next tip – you will need to plan for several stops when road tripping with a baby. This is important and inevitable. Depending on your baby and their stage in life, you may need to plan a stop every 1 -3 hours.

Why? Because you need to give your baby breaks. The best way to take breaks is by incorporating fun activities, tours, or stops at cute little towns. As a family who loves to hike, we plan our stops around hiking places.

You also want to be prepared to carve out a couple of hours on your road trip for diaper changes, breastfeeding, and walks. Honestly, these stops are so healthy because a nice break is beneficial for both the parents and child when the baby gets fussy.

Plan for Itinerary Changes

With that said, you can also expect to change your itinerary. Going on a road trip with a baby is not always easy. You may get behind schedule. That is OKAY!

I recommend setting a goal for Plan A, knowing you most likely will end up with Plan B. This could mean taking an activity (or two) out of the day, going to a drive-thru instead of dining inside, taking the highway instead of a more scenic route, etc.

If planning road trips is daunting for you. Do not worry! There are awesome apps for road tripping planning that can help you.

Find Patience!

I am probably one of the most impatient people in the universe, but I had to find the patience to succeed when road tripping with a baby.

As you may have already gathered from my previous tips, a typical 2-hour road trip may take up to 4 hours. So take deep breaths, and remember it’s about the journey and the memories you create with your family. It is not a race to the finish line or, in this case, the destination.

Once you can find patience, your road trip with a baby will be so much more enjoyable.

Plan Driving Around Naps

If possible, plan the driving around your baby’s sleep schedule. We always try our best to drive 30 minutes before our son’s scheduled nap.

If you do not already keep track of your baby’s sleep schedule, now would be the time to start. Our favorite baby app is Huckleberry because it keeps track of sleep, feedings, medicine, and more.

Road tripping with a baby in his car seat looking up at the patterns on his blanket.

Another tip for road tripping with a baby and their naps – pack a swaddle blanket with patterns and keep it in the car. We use swaddle blankets for three things. Of course, we use it to wrap our son, but we also use it for two road trip tips.

We place the swaddle blanket over the car seat to help provide more shade and a quiet space for our son to sleep while on the road. We also use it to keep our son calm and engaged by looking at the patterns. He would always stare and try to touch the patterns on the swaddle blanket.

Be Prepared to Pack MORE Than Ever!

My goodness, I think we had a full-sized suitcase packed to the top just for our son. From the 2 – 3 clothes per day to diapers, baby wipes, towels, and everything else – our son had more stuff than the two of us combined.

Not to mention, the car seat, the stroller, the pack-n-play… everything will quickly add up. So if you are renting a vehicle for the road trip, I suggest an SUV.

Pack the Car with Easy Access 

What is a road trip without snacks, right? I think this tip works for any road trip – make the snack bag easily accessible. More importantly, when road tripping with a baby, you want to make sure all the essentials are also easily accessible.

Whether that means a cooler with baby bottles, a bag of toys, or a diaper bag, you want to make sure you can easily reach these items.

Pack Extra Batteries

Today, so many of the best ways to keep a baby happy and calm require batteries. Therefore, you do not want to forget to pack extra batteries.

Before your road trip, check all electronics that require batteries and either replace them with new batteries or pack extra batteries for them.

Stretch and Massage Baby

Just like adults, a baby’s body and muscles will get stiff and sore after sitting in a car seat for long periods of time. So it is recommended to massage and stretch your baby when you take breaks or at night in your accommodations.

The benefits of massaging and stretching your baby are significant. It can help calm a fussy baby, ease tummy troubles, boost muscle development, and most importantly, soothe babies to sleep.

Baby Wipes are like Gold 

One of the most important things I have learned as a parent is that baby wipes are gold! We use baby wipes for EVERYTHING!

We use baby wipes to change diapers, clean spills in the car, wipe dirty hands, clean hard surfaces or utensils, and more. With that said, at least two stacks of baby wipes are essential when road tripping with a baby.

New Toys or Rotate Toys

Something we learned from the Montesorri Method is rotating toys. We do this at home and find it useful for road tripping with a baby.

Before a road trip, we will remove a few of our son’s favorite toys. Then when we are on the road trip, we reintroduce the toys (one at a time) so that the toys are “new,” exciting, and engaging. Of course, you can also buy new toys for a road trip.

It is essential to give the baby only one toy to focus on at a time. This way, when they get bored with one toy, there is a new one to play with because, let’s be honest, babies LOVE NEW things!

Music Matters!

Okay, this tip is from personal experience. I am not sure of any scientific research to prove this works, but it does for us – and I hope it does for you too.

During my pregnancy, I listened to this one trance album that I found calming and peaceful while I worked. Adam read that the music I listened to during pregnancy is what the baby would find relaxing after birth. It turns out it worked at least 80% of the time for us.

On our road trips, we would listen to this one trance album on repeat until our son was fast asleep. I swear it made our son calm and fall asleep almost every time.

Now, fast forward to when our son was 9 – 12 months old – things changed. Children’s music that we listened to at home helped our son stay calm during road trips. It was not music to our ears like our favorite trance album, but it kept our son happy, relaxed, and quiet – and that IS music to our ears.

So , music that is familiar with the baby at home will most certainly help put the baby at ease during road trips. You can also use a portable sound machine or play white noise from the car speakers.

How to Feed a Baby on a Road Trip

Whether you breastfeed your baby, bottle feed your baby, or are in the stage of providing snacks/solid foods – here are a few simple tips for feeding a baby on a road trip.

Breastfeeding a Baby on a Road Trip

First and foremost, do not breastfeed your baby in a moving car. This is very dangerous in the event of a car accident. Therefore, allow extra time to stop the vehicle and breastfeed your baby. If possible, utilize this time for restroom breaks, to get gas, food, etc.

If you pump, pack a breast pump car charger , breastmilk storage bags , spare parts, and a cooler to store pumped breastmilk. Moreover, continue to practice good nursing hygiene and habits as if you were at home.

Bottle Feeding a Baby on a Road Trip

Whether it’s breastmilk or formula, you want to pack a cooler to bottle feed your baby on the road.

Make sure you pack enough bottled water and formula powder (if you use formula). To help with space, I recommend pouring a small amount of water into the baby bottles and adding the formula when needed.

Furthermore, a formula dispenser can come in handy in the car. Then store a large container of formula in a suitcase.

Feeding Snacks to a Baby on a Road Trip

Once your baby can eat solid foods and/or pureed food, it can make feeding on the road a lot easier. I recommend packing snacks/food that your baby is familiar with, will enjoy, and is easy to eat on the go.

A few snacks that are easy to eat on the road are the squeezable veggie and fruit pouches , yogurt pouches , and Cheerios.

How to Change a Baby on a Road Trip

Honestly, sometimes there is no easy or right way to change a baby on the road. Through trial and error, find what works best for you!

For us, we have stopped at gas stations, rest stops, and have even needed to pull over on the side of the road to change our son. If a changing table in a bathroom is not available, we utilize our car. Moreover, a travel changing mat has been the key to our success because we can use it on any hard surface.

What to Pack for a Road Trip with a Baby

Believe me when I say you will probably pack your entire nursery when you road trip with a baby. Babies need soooo much! So do not feel like you packed “too much” because you will probably use everything.

Here are a few essential items to pack when road tripping with a baby.

  • A car seat, obviously
  • Pack n Play for sleeping
  • Stroller (if you find you will need/use it)
  • Plenty of diapers (if you run out, you can always buy more at a store)
  • Plenty of baby wipes (again, if you run out, you can always buy more at a store)
  • Portable changing mat
  • First aid kit
  • Baby Tyenol and Benadryl (approved by your pediatrician)
  • 3 sets of clothes per day
  • Swaddle blankets and/or sleep sacks
  • Batteries for any toys
  • Portable white noise machine
  • Baby bottles
  • Travel sterlizing bags for bottles
  • Bottle soap and brushes
  • Travel high chair

How Long Can You Go on a Road Trip with a Baby?

There is no exact number of hours that you can road trip with a baby, but it is highly recommended to give your baby plenty of breaks. Just like adults, our bodies can only take sitting in a car for so long. So imagine how a baby feels.

From personal experience, when our son was 2 – 4 months old, we could only go on 3-hour road trips. From 5 to 12 months old, we have only been able to drive up 8 hours a day. When we would drive 8 hours, the day would get divided into several stops at different cities. So really, it was two, 4-hour drives in one day and even then we had to break that up at times.

To figure out what is best for you and your family, I would practice around your city first, especially if you have been nesting for the first few weeks/months. Start with a short 30 minute to one-hour drive.

Then gradually work towards a 2 – 3 hour day trip. Eventually, you will learn your baby’s road trip habits to plan for a weekend getaway with a 4-5 hour road trip.

Road Trip with a Baby ( 1 – 4 Months)

Road tripping with a baby at 3 months old. Baby boy is strapped inside his car seat with a black and white toy hanging.

The first few months of going on a road trip with a baby are the easiest and the toughest because everyone is still learning their roles. On one hand, a baby sleeps the most at this stage, so driving through naps is easier. On the other hand, this might be the most challenging stage because, as first-time parents, we are all just trying to survive, right?

Moreover, I recommend waiting at least two weeks before going on a road trip with a baby because the first few weeks as a parent are the hardest!

Additionally, I went with my pediatrician’s recommendation and waited for our son to receive his vaccines at 2 months before we traveled outside of our city. I would always consult with your pediatrician and do what is best for you and your family.

After we figured out the amount of time we could drive without stopping, this was the easiest and best time to road trip with a baby. Our son would sleep for the majority of the time. We would engage him with black and white toys and books when he wasn’t sleeping.

Here are a few products that I highly recommend for road tripping with a baby between 1 – 4 months old.

Road Trip with a Baby ( 5 – 8 Months)

Road tripping with a baby at 5 months old - baby boy is in pajamas in his car seat.

At this stage in life, if your baby is becoming mobile, independent, and napping less – road tripping with a baby might become a little more complicated. Mainly because you may need to help entertain your baby.

In our experience, once our son became mobile and napped less, we had to entertain him more on road trips. It would require one person to always sit in the backseat to play with him. It also meant stopping more frequently to keep him active and happy.

Furthermore, rotating toys will become essential during this stage because of the developmental leaps. A baby will want to be constantly engaged and challenged. At 5 months, a baby should also start seeing colors well.

Therefore, I recommend these colorful toys for road tripping with a baby between 5 – 8 months old.

Road Trip with a Baby ( 9 – 12 Months)

Road tripping with a baby at 9 months old - baby boy looking and reaching out at camera while seated in a car seat.

Road tripping with a baby at 9 – 12 months old may or may not be the most challenging time. It could be the hardest if your baby is mobile, enjoys being active, and just doesn’t like car rides – period. If you’ve been road tripping with your baby for several months, it might just go as smoothly as one could hope.

For us, it was hard, but not that bad. Our son had grown used to traveling and taking road trips. So he would be okay for 3 – 4 hours at a time. Granted, we made an epic 2-week road trip through West Texas and New Mexico. Therefore, we had plenty of overnight stays in fun towns such as Fort Davis and San Angelo with fun activities to keep everyone entertained.

The best way to road trip with a baby between 9 – 12 months old is to keep the baby active and entertained by exciting roadside attractions and pit stop destinations. Let your baby be mobile, and your road trip just might be the most enjoyable family vacation you could ever imagine!

We mostly entertained our son with activities at different destinations along our journey, but here are a few products that I also recommend for road tripping with a baby between 9 – 12 months old.

And that’s a wrap! I hope you have found my guide on road tripping with a baby helpful and insightful. Like all parents, I wish I had all the answers, but my knowledge and experience are all I have. I hope it is enough to help you and your family have successful road trips for many years to come!

road trip with an 18 month old

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Friday 15th of December 2023

Mind blowing article! I have a 1+ years old baby boy.So this blog will be very helpful for us and every guide is very important for newly parents. Thanks for sharing.


Tuesday 26th of December 2023

Aww thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad to hear you found my guide helpful! :)

Katherine Hurt

Sunday 19th of March 2023

Since my baby is 8 months old and we live in San Diego, I appreciate all of your advice. We are preparing to drive to San Francisco so that our baby can meet the family. Many people advised us to travel after the baby has gone to sleep. Then I came across your essay, which has been a huge assistance to us with all of our issues. Many thanks

Aww thank you. I’m glad my post has been helpful to you. I know some say to drive at night when the baby is sleeping, but that never appealed to us. And every baby is different! If you can, I would try a day trip to get some experience. We now have twin babies and the same has applied with them. We drive an hourish before nap and they are out for at least 2 hrs. And have learned that they really can’t do more than 5 hours without getting out of the car for a break. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Tuesday 7th of June 2022

Thank you for all the tips; my baby is 9 months we live in San Diego and are planning to drive to San Francisco so our baby can meet the family. A lot of people told us drive at night when the baby is sleeping. Then I found your article and help us a lot with all our concerns. Thank you

Wednesday 8th of June 2022

Hi Emma, thank you for your comment. That makes me so happy to hear you found my guide helpful. I hope my tips help you for your family road trip!

It's a Family Thing

18 Toddler Road Trip Essentials

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Table of Contents


If you are thinking of going on a family road trip, I say go for it. Traveling with a toddler isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare.

We have driven to or through 12 states, recording more than 8,000 miles with our toddler.

Most of that time has been pleasant, but a few hours of our trips have been downright miserable. Although it isn’t fun while it is happening, we’ve learned from our mistakes.

You have to keep in mind, it’s all about the experience. Ultimately, “it doesn’t matter where you’re going, it’s who you have beside you.” That is one of our favorite road trip quotes .

Here are the toddler road trip essentials you need to make your next road trip more manageable and stress-free.

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If you are planning to take a long road trip with a toddler, having the right toddler road trip gear is essential.

Although some of these things are no-brainers, a few of them fall through the cracks.

Here is our list of toddler road trip essentials that you’ll need before hitting the road.

Car Seat Travel Tray

Lusso Gear Kids Travel Tray

I don’t know why these haven’t been around for decades; they are so awesome.  Car seat travel trays  will keep your little one entertained while on your road trip.

The different pockets make it easy to organize everything you need. There is a place for everything, and most importantly, nothing will end up on the floor. 

Related Post: Best Car Seat Travel Tray

Lusso Gear Kids Travel Tray Price

Comfortable Car Seat 

Symphony Elite All-in-One Car Seat

A comfortable car seat is essential when traveling with a toddler. Imagine being strapped into a 5-point harness for hours at a time. Wouldn’t you want to be in a comfortable seat? If so, that’s how your toddler feels.

Before we started traveling full-time we used the Symphony Elite car seat because it could grow with our toddler and was very comfortable. He would sit in that car seat for hours without crying.

So, if you plan on taking a road trip with your toddler, check if their car seat is comfortable for this.

Note: If you have a lightweight car seat (with less cushion), consider stopping more frequently to give your toddler a break.

Symphony Elite All-in-One Car Seat Price

Car Sunshade

Car Sun Shade

Until recently, I’ve never had to think about a car sunshade because I had tinted windows. After seeling our car, I realized a car sunshade is essential when traveling with kids .

There is nothing fun about the sun beating down on you. If your car does not have tinted windows, you should invest in a car sunshade for your little one(s).

Car Sun Shade Price

Insulated Cooler Bag

Insulated Cooler Bag

Insulated cooler bags have been a part of our lives since our son was born. We needed to keep his breastmilk cold after I pumped while traveling.

Now that our baby is no longer a baby, we use the cooler for his snacks. He LOVES to eat, so we like to have food packed and ready before starting a road trip with our toddler.

This cooler bag is leakproof and can hold up to 50 pounds, that’s more than enough to hold our toddler while on a road trip. The cooler is also collapsible so, it doesn’t take up much space in your trunk.

Insulated Cooler Bag Price

First Aid Kit

No products found.

A first aid kit is one of those things that you know you need, but somehow always forget to buy.

I know my wife has been telling me for over six months to get a first aid kit, and I say okay, but somehow I always forget to buy it.

If anyone is interested, I purchased this first aid kit for our move to Mexico. I am sure we’ll have this kit for years, which is perfect because that’ll be the next time I will remember to buy another one.

Laundry Bag (For Dirty Clothes)

Travel Laundry Bag

When traveling on a road trip with a toddler, you will have a lot of dirty clothes.

Our son goes through at least two shirts a day, almost every day because he loves to take dirt baths outside. Since we know, he will likely be dirty before his first nap we always pack a laundry bag .

Packing a laundry bag allows us to keep dirty clothes separated from clean clothes. Trust me, getting dressed will be a lot easier if you separate; your clothes.

When you return home, you can throw the clothes from the laundry bag into the washer without having to unpack other items.

This tip is for all of my procrastinators because I love packing for vacation, but hate unpacking when returning from vacation.

Travel Laundry Bag Price

Portable Diaper Changing Pad

Portable Diaper Changing Pad

I used to think portable diaper changing pads weren’t needed and were a ploy to get you to buy more baby stuff you don’t need, I was wrong.

Our portable changing pad has been a lifesaver ever since our toddler has decided he no longer likes getting his diaper changed.

Not only is it cleaner than using the changing table in the restroom, but it is also less risky.

The surface is waterproof, so it is easy to clean with wipes. The large pockets give you enough storage; for extra diapers and wipes. There is a padded cushion; to keep your little one comfortable.

Related Post: Best Travel Potty for Toddlers

Portable Diaper Changing Pad Price

Diaper Changing Story

While at the airport, I was changing our son in the restroom. I turned around for less than ten seconds to grab more wipes because there was a lot more poop than expected, and by the time I turned back, he was about to jump off the changing table.

It felt like everything was in slow motion because I caught him mid-jump, and he thought it was hilarious.

From that moment on, we have been using a portable diaper pad, closer to the ground.

Related Post: Best Travel Backpacks for Toddlers & Older Kids

Toddler Road Trip Snack Essentials

There is nothing our kid loves more than eating. Our lives revolve around making sure he has snacks, and that he eats on time. If his food isn’t ready, we know an epic tantrum is coming.

His temper tantrums are the reason snacks are number one on our road trip packing list.

Stainless Steel Insulated No-Spill Sippy Cup

Stainless Steel Insulated No-Spill Sippy Cup Price

We love our son’s no-spill sippy cup. We do not go anywhere without his cup.

It has made our lives so much easier because he can no longer pour out his water. The latest improvement is the stainless steel insulated sippy cup .

This cup can keep drinks cooler, compared to other cups for up to 15 hours. It is a win/win scenario for everyone, cold drinks with no mess.

Stainless Steel Insulated No-Spill Sippy Cup Price

Snack Catcher with Lid

Snack Catcher with Lid

If you haven’t noticed, we love Munchkin brand products. They are the only brand that our son hasn’t conquered in terms of making a mess.

The snack catcher with a lid is our go-to for snack time. This cup is designed to keep snacks inside the bowl and requires them to take out a few at a time.

The lid helps keep the snacks fresh, so they are exposed to air and become stale.

Snack Catcher with Lid Price

Toddler Snack Bowls

BraveJusticeKidsCo | Snack Attack Snack Cup | Collapsible Silicone Snack Container | Toddler and Baby Snack Catcher Lid (Maroon)

Last update on 2024-04-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Reusable Food Pouch

Reusable Food Pouch

If you aren’t using reusable snack pouches , you are missing out on savings. We buy jars of yogurt, apple sauce, puree, and sometimes ice cream to fill these pouches.

It is a lot cheaper to buy the larger containers and fill the pouches than it is to buy them individually.

Not only are you saving money, but you are helping the environment by producing less waste.

All you have to do is fill them, clean them, and store them for next time. We’ve been using these since our son was nine months and do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

Note: You can prefill the pouches and put them in the freezer for a few days. Take them out the night before your road trip, and give them to your toddler. They will love them.

Tip: This is also how we get him to eat veggies if he’s being too picky. We blend apple sauce with some veggies and he doesn’t taste the difference. 

Reusable Food Pouch Price

Flipping Holder

Flipping Holder

We recently discovered the  flipping holder ,  and it has been a game-changer. Our son loves making a mess, so we needed something to hold his pouches, so he’d stop making a mess.

The flipping holder lets him hold his pouches without spilling them everywhere. They not only work on snack pouches but they can also be used for juice boxes or Capri Sun.

Flipping Holder Price

Related Post: 50 Road Trip Activities for Toddlers

Reusable Storage Bags

Reusable Storage Bags

We are making an effort to use more eco-friendly, sustainable products. To cut down on our waste as a family on the move, we switched to  reusable storage bags.  

As we all know, traveling with a toddler means you always need to be prepared with snacks . Whatever snacks we need to pack for the little one, we use these storage bags.

Related Post: 20 Toddler Travel Essentials

Reusable Storage Bags Price


Our #1 tip when traveling with a toddler is, have a lot of road trip entertainment or activities. Toddlers are little balls of energy, so sitting in a car seat or booster seat for several hours isn’t appealing.

To keep them from getting frustrated, you must have a lot of different activities to keep them entertained.

Car rides aren’t fun for them, so creating road trip games , packing toys, and having different entertainment is an easy way to keep the tantrums, frustration, and boredom at bay.

Related Post: 20 Screen-Free & Fun Toys for Toddlers for Long Road Trips 

Kids Fire HD Tablet

Amazon Toddler Tablet

Before tablets came about, I remember our van having a tv with VHS for us to watch movies during long road trips. Thanks to advancements in technology, tablets for kids have made traveling with a toddler easier.

We download learning sing-along shows, movies, and music for our toddler to watch and listen to throughout the road trip.

To keep his screen time at a minimum, we only allow him to watch his tablet in one-hour increments.

If he watches a show for one hour, he then has to play with toys, draw, or color for at least an hour. This way, we keep him engaged, and he is not spending hours on his tablet.

A single charge can last up to 12 hours, so the tablet can be used for a few days before needing to be charged.

Amazon Fire Tablet Price

Related Post: Best Tablets for Toddlers

Toddler Headphones

Toddler Headphones

Headphones keep me from going insane as a parent.

I can only listen to the same song so many times before I feel like my ears are going to start bleeding.

Toddler’s headphones will keep you sane you need them if you plan on taking a road trip with a toddler.

The headphones we use are Bluetooth but have a wire included, just in case the battery dies.

We purchased these headphones because they are more durable compared to other brands.

Our baby Hulk has broken three pairs of headphones (snapped by the earphone), and so far, these have held up.

Related Post: Best Headphones for Toddlers

iClever BTH02 Toddler Headphones Price

LeapFrog Builders

Toddler Travel Essential Toys LeapFrog Blocks

We do not go anywhere without toys. Recently, our son has gotten into blocks. Since he has been excited about stacking, we purchased the LeapFrog Builders , and they are amazing.

The blocks are large enough for a toddler and easy to connect and pull apart. The best thing is, the blocks help him learn.

There is an interactive cube that helps them learn numbers, fruits, shapes, animals, and people.

These blocks aren’t just for boys; these blocks are for toddlers of any age to help them learn and grow. I just purchased two sets for our big move to Mexico next week.

Related Posts: Toys to Keep Toddlers Busy on a Road Trip

LeapFrog Blocks Price

Coolplay Alphabet Water Cards

Coolplay Alphabet Water Cards

One of our favorite mess-free activities for our son is the  coolplay alphabet water cards.  

I like that these cards are attached, so it’s less likely they’ll get lost. Plus, he can’t draw on the walls, doors, or floor.

They don’t use ink, just water, so they are safer than other markers. Each card is double-sided with letters on the front and words on the back, to help your toddler learn the alphabet, then transition to reading.

Coolplay Alphabet Water Cards Price

Related Post: The 25 Best Travel Toys for Toddlers

Double-Sided Busy Boards

Double-Sided Busy Boards

Busy boards are one of my favorite toys for toddlers. They help them learn hand-eye coordination, problem-solving, fine motor skills, and getting dressed.

This  double-sided busy board  is perfect for toddlers learning how to tie their shoes, button their shirts, and zip up their jackets.

This learning toy also comes with a travel bag for your little one to carry.

Double-Sided Busy Boards Price

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Creating Really Awesome Fun Things

16 of the Best Tips for Road Trips with Toddlers

Updated on April 9, 2024   |  By Jamie Dorobek   |   16 Comments

We love to travel! My son took 10 plane rides before he was 5 months old! (Here are my tips for traveling with a baby via airplane .) Our longest car ride to date with two toddlers (1.5 year old and a 3 year old) was from Texas to Florida. I put together a list of 16 tips for road trips with toddlers. Oh and if you have older kids, don’t miss these 26 car games for kids .

Road trip tips for kids 3 and under (1)

* A giant thank you to Kia for letting my family borrow a Kia Sorento for our 12 hour road trip to Seaside, FL! What a difference a car can make!

After meeting the Kia team at Mom 2.0, a blog conference, and then checking out their fleet of eco friendly cars in San Diego, CA I was sold on driving a Kia Sorento for our family road trip this summer. I can’t get over that 10 years ago Kia was at the bottom, and over the next decade, Kia dedicated itself to quality craftsmanship. In 2016 Kia earned the top spot on JD Power and associates study of best initial quality in the entire car industry, above all of the luxury car brands! That’s impressive.

*This post contains affiliate links.

16 Tips for Road Trips with Toddlers

If you’re new here we have a 1.5 year old and a 3.5 year old and we drove to Seaside, Florida from Texas. According to Google Maps, 788 miles should take a little less than 12 hours. It took us about 15 hours. I put together a list of tips I wish I would have seen before we set off on on our crazy road trip adventure.  #9 ensures 4 hours of peaceful driving, don’t lose kids shoes with #14, and if you get nothing else out this article, pack whole apples for car snacks!

1. Dry Car Snacks

Next to #9, this is the most important tip for my hungry crew! I love to use diaper boxes for traveling. The boxes are sturdy, have built in handle, and I have plenty of them on hand. I rip the flaps off of the diaper box and fill it with easy, healthy snacks. I also put the snack cups and paper towels in this box too. ( These snack cups are the best!)

Here are a few of our favorite car snacks

  • Apples (Whole apples are the best because they aren’t messy and take longer to eat.)

road trip snacks for toddlers

2. Cooler Bag Car Snacks

We use a medium sized soft cooler so that it can fit on the floor in the middle of the back seat of the car. We also love this kind of cooler for bringing snacks and drinks to the beach. At some point on the road trip, we grab a bag of ice from the gas station to keep our cooler cool. Plus my kids love ice cubes! ( This is the cooler we use! )

Road trip cooler snacks

  • Peeled whole carrots (Same idea as the apples above)
  • 2 no spill 360 cups filled with water
  • Cut up strawberries in zip lock bags
  • Bottles of water
  • Yogurt pouches

3. Car Activities

I fill another diaper box with car activities including books that I know my 3.5 year old loves. I like to pick a few books that he knows by heart and can “read” to his 1.5 year old sister. ( Pout Pout Fish  and Brown Bear, Brown Bear are always winners!) I usually buy at least one new book too.

Travel toys for a 3 year old

  • Magnetic drawing board
  • Rescue bots
  • Toy vehicles with moving parts

Best toddler travel toys

  • Hand held mirror
  • Leap Frog word book
  • First 100 Words Book
  • Anything the 3 year old is holding, ha!

4. Best Car Activities for Toddlers

Sticky notes and pipe cleaners will bring your toddler and preschoolers hours of fun in the car!

Post It Notes

Pick up a few packs of Post It notes in different colors and let the kids go wild sticking them all over the car. Or make a fancy container like the one below and hand it to your toddler.  Sticky notes on an oatmeal container, who knew that could provide so much entertainment? Oh and store the extra sticky notes inside of the container so that you can remake this fancy contraption if necessary.

toddler car game

Pipe Cleaners

As for pipe cleaners, I got this idea from my friend Cassie who wrote a blog post for C.R.A.F.T years ago. You can read all of her great ideas to keep kids busy on road trips  with pipe cleaners here.  Since my kids are both really young their favorite thing to do is make loops and connect the loops. My 3 year old enjoys stringing Cheerios too.

pipe-cleaner car activity

5. Electronics

Feel free to judge, but electronics are a must for us on long car rides! I’m all about that iPad or Kindle Fire . My 1.5 year old could care less about shows, but the 3.5 year old will almost watch an entire movie. So, if the little one is sleeping, I insist the big guy watch a movie. We have about 10 of his favorite movies/shows downloaded on the Kindle Fire, and it wedges perfectly wedges between the 2 front seats the Kia Sorento.

6. Find Playgrounds

There will be lots of pit stops when road tripping with babies, toddlers, and/or preschoolers. Our 3.5 year old is potty trained so we stopped multiple times for him to use the restroom. We typically tried to combine that with getting gas, changing the 1.5 year olds diaper and possibly grabbing coffee or a real meal. If you’re traveling through small towns there might not be playgrounds readily available so one thing I like to do is search Google maps for “Elementary schools”. If it’s the weekend or summer, likely no one is on the playground and it’s the perfect place to stop and play.

How to find a playground while traveling

  • Chick-fil-a
  • Search “Elementary school” or “public park” on google maps
  • Download the app “Playground Buddy”

7. Music and Car Dance Parties

My kids love a good dance party. At home, we turn the music up really loud and “do circles” around the dining room table. Dance parties cure most bad moods even in the car. Find a song with a good beat and turn it up loud! It’s even better if your kids are familiar with the song or you have a few favorites ready to go on a Spotify playlist or a CD. Maxwell’s very favorite right now is the Hamster Song . (Listen at your own risk, kids love it, but it’s fairly annoying.)

8. Learn Something New

Since you’ve got lots of time, why not teach the kids something new! I found number flash cards in the Target Dollar Spot and decided to teach Maxwell to recognize numbers 0-9. On one side of the card was the number (3) and on the back side was for example, 3 apples. Sometimes I quizzed him, sometimes he quizzed me, sometimes he would ask for a hint and I would hand him the card so that he could count the items on the back of the card. We worked on numbers in sets of 3. So, we started with 0-2. Once he mastered those we would try and find those numbers on road signs. We did this in spontaneous spurts of 5-10 minutes or whenever he asked to “learn numbers”. There was also a prize involved, ha! It worked surprisingly well, upon arriving home he could identify all 10 numbers!

Tips for road trips with preschoolers

9. Leave Early or Drive Through the Night

Driving through the night is not an option for us, but I know lots of people that swear by this method. Mama needs sleep or everyone will be grumpy! We were on the road by 4am to get 4 hours under our belt while the kids were sleeping. When both kids were up and ready to move by 8am, we stopped and had breakfast. Here’s picture proof we were on the road by 4:36am! For the record, I love the navigation system in the Kia Sorento. It’s bright, user friendly, includes street signs, speed limit sign, and you can see how many miles until the next turn on the driver’s dashboard.

Kia Sorento Navigation

10. Leave Room Between the Car Seats

We are going to talk about car organization in #12, but I think this is worthy of its very own bullet point. It’s very simple: Do not pack anything to go between the 2 car seats in case you need to jump back there and console a total meltdown. I only had to use this tactic once per 777 mile trek, but when you need it, you really need it.

11. Window shades

The Kia Sorento comes with window shades built into the back windows! You can roll down the window and the shades stay up. It’s amazing! I’m a big fan. If your car does not have built in shades, you can buy these that suction cup to any window .

Kia Sorento built in sun shades

12. Recline Car Seat

This is especially important for our 17 month old. Our Britax Marathon car seats have 7 recline positions and we adjust hers to recline to the 7th position. It ensures she is ready for sleep at any moment! Also fair to note here, dress kids comfortable and bring their favorite sleep item in the car. Don’t pack it in the suitcase like I did one time. My kids need their “blanks”! After all, the ultimate goal of the road trip is to get the kids to sleep! Also, I spy a lone Cheerio on the “blank”, ha!

tips for road trips with toddlers

13. How to organize a car for a toad trip

The next tip for road trips with toddlers involve how and where to put things in your car. I swear just knowing where stuff is hiding in the car is half the battle. I cut the flaps off of diaper boxes and use them to store dry snacks and books/activities on the floor of the back seat. The soft cooler goes in the middle.

Road trip car organization

Another tip for road trip car organization

Use a hanging jewelry organizer ( this one is perfect! ) to hang on the back of the passenger seat to house things like toy cars, kid sunglasses, hair ties, socks, chap stick, and small fidget toys!

Car organization for road trips

14. Road trip shoe trick

In the name of car organization and knowing where things are, Andy invented this shoe trick. After hunting for kid shoes at multiple pit stops, he started stowing kiddo shoes in the space behind the carseat. Genius!

Road trip shoe trick C.R.A.F.T.

15. Hand Sanitizer

Go ahead and stick it right in a cup holder so you don’t loose it.

16. Diaper Bags & Trash Bags

The diaper bag should include bazillions of diapers, a ridiculous amount of wipes, and at least one change of clothes for each kid. I pack these goodies in my everyday backpack diaper bag and make sure it is the last thing packed in the trunk of the car. If you have a diaper situation, you’re stopping anyway so I prefer the diaper bag in the trunk versus at my feet.

If you are looking for more travel tips with kids, I’ve got you covered:

  • Tips for  long road trips with a bab y
  • Tips for traveling with a baby via airplane
  • Traveling with a  mobile lap baby via airplane
  • Tips for  flying with a toddler
  • 26 Car games for kids

Did I miss any tips for road trips with toddlers? I’d love to hear…

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Reader Interactions

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September 3, 2020

Is it okay to have his seat reclined forward facing? My son is 3 and I have the option to recline it and just want more tips on how to make it safer!

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September 4, 2020

Hi Amber! I would check with the maker of your brand of carseat.

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August 27, 2020

Thanks for the great article, love the tips. But, with the pandemic still in effect, do you have any additional tips that are specific to travelling now? We have an 18 hour drive planned for October and we have a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old who have never done more than 2 hours in the car. I do not think we will be able to stop at playgrounds and we have to be really particular about what “to go” food we partake in because restaurants will be out of the question. Thanks!

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October 18, 2020

The only thing extra that I’m adding to my list that isn’t suggested here, is an on the go potty station for my trunk (with corresponding toiletries in diaper bag). We’ll be stopping for picnics and stretches in parking lots as opposed to utilizing restaurants and public spaces (6month old and 2.5 year old)

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December 1, 2019

When temps are high slip an icepack behind the cushion of their car seat.

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July 30, 2019

1.5 year old should be rear facing..

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August 7, 2019

I bet the kid survived just fine.

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August 10, 2019

Not if thay are over 20 lbs

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August 16, 2019

In several states Amber is correct- it is legally required that a child under two is rear facing. And the thing about driving through other states on a road trip is that you’re required to follow their laws. (You wouldn’t tell a cop pulling you over for speeding, “Well, the speed limit is higher in my state!” would you?). Regardless of laws, children under two are safest rear-facing according to science.

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October 22, 2020

You are correct. Best practice is to leave. A child read facing until at least 2 years old or they maximize the harness weight for the rear facing position of their car seat.Children are much safer in an accident rear facing.

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June 20, 2019

This was really helpful for me as we are about to take our first road trip as a family with my 2 year old in August. He’s never been in the car longer than 3 hours and even then it seemed challenging. I would love to get more information on who to contact about a collaboration with Kia as well if you don’t mind sharing? Ironically I own a 2017 Kia Sorento but would also be very interested in testing out a newer one with a navigation system like the one you drove and bonus features. Thanks so much!

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June 16, 2019

Best tips I have read. Affiliate links are subtle, ads are not overwhelming, I love it so much. Great travel hacks, we are traveling soon and I will be using all of these! Thank you! Just gained a fan.

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July 21, 2018

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August 29, 2017

I have a trip tomorow with my kid… Definitely going to have to give that a try.

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August 26, 2017

These are all fantastic tips! We have three kids between ages 2 and 8, and road trips are becoming more and more common. We love to have the oldest run a few rounds of Mad Libs during a trip. It’s a great way to reinforce language skills and writing during the summer. Though, using the post-its is total genius with the little one. Definitely going to have to give that a try.

Ohhh Mad Libs is a great idea with oldder kiddos!! PLus I LOVE them! Thanks for the tip!

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Road trip with a baby: The essential guide including Tips and Packing list

You are currently viewing Road trip with a baby: The essential guide including Tips and Packing list

  • Post author: Lovicarious
  • Post published: November 19, 2022
  • Post category: Traveling with Kids

The thought of traveling with a newborn can sound intimidating, especially when it involves spending long hours inside a small enclosed vehicle. How do I calm my baby during a road trip? What should I pack? From travel tips to packing essentials, this guide covers everything you need to know on how to road trip with a baby from newborn to 24 months.

My family grew up taking 12-hour road trips from Washington DC to Chicago every Christmas. That time spent in the car as a family created some of the best childhood memories for me. I enjoyed singing in the car with my sister, raiding the cooler for snacks, stopping at different travel stations, and sleeping in “quirky” hotels .    Road trips were an enjoyable experience for me, and I don’t doubt that there was a lot of planning that happened before we ever hit the road. Now as a parent, I want to continue the same tradition of spending quality time together as a family, traveling, exploring, and seeking out adventure. By the time our son was 10 months old, we had already driven well over 6,000 miles.

We have learned quite a bit when it comes to taking a road trip with a baby. We are here now to answer your questions in the hopes that you will be prepared to plan a successful road trip journey of your own.

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What Should I pack for a road trip with my baby?

Your questions answered:.

Family Road Trip Tips and Packing List

How much time should I allocate for a road trip with my baby?

This really depends on a few factors including your child’s age, temperament, and ultimately how many times you need to stop. Babies move through stages quickly and with each stage comes a shift in their sleep/wake cycles, their attention spans, and their needs.

When our son was between 3-5 months old, his threshold was about 3 hours before he would need a break from the car seat. During that 3 hour-period he would nap and play with the soft toys dangling from his car seat. After that, he was bored, hungry, and ready for a diaper change. This cycle dictated our need to stop every 3 hours.

By 12 months, our son was only taking 2 naps a day so we needed to find a way to entertain him in his car seat for longer. In our case, the 3-hour threshold before boredom set in stayed about the same. (We were lucky.) Some 12-month babies might not be able to sit in a car for 3 hours straight, necessitating more frequent stops.

On average I would advise at least doubling the time it normally takes to arrive at your destination. If your baby is sleeping through the night and you are able to drive while they sleep then this would shorten that time frame. If you are driving through the day and are expecting more frequent stops, it might mean tripling your drive time. The key to remember is to let go of expectations, practice patience, and enjoy the ride. You’ll arrive at your destination eventually.

How do I change my baby’s diaper on a road trip?

Our son’s first out-of-home diaper change (excluding the hospital of course) was on a flat slab of rock. We took him hiking at one month old and changed his diaper on the mountain summit. That was the first of many mountain tops that would be graced with his bare little hiney. I tell that story to say that you can change your baby’s diaper pretty much anywhere as long as they have a clean surface to lay on.

Before ever leaving our home, we typically pack the trunk of our vehicle keeping in mind that we may need to perform a diaper change at some point along the journey. If it is not possible to leave one side of the trunk clear, we pack in a way that the items are easily moveable to quickly accommodate a changing mat or blanket. This flat space is usually the best location in a vehicle for changing a baby’s diaper while on a road trip.

Alternatively, a backseat or passenger seat also works. If you happen to be stopping at a restaurant or rest stop, most locations do have changing tables in their restrooms. The quality and cleanliness of public restrooms are not always reliable so I would strongly advise always using a portable changing mat if possible.

How do I prevent my baby from crying in the car?

It’s every new parent’s dream to discover the secret to preventing a baby from crying in the car, on an airplane, or any other enclosed space. If you can prevent your child from crying in the first place, an unlikely yet ideal situation, it will be a much easier car ride for everyone. Believe it or not, there are a few things you can do to help prevent or at least stave off the inevitable cry session for a bit longer.

Drive while the baby is sleeping .

The easiest way to plan a road trip with a baby is to drive at night while your baby is fast asleep. If that is not possible, try to drive during nap times. You can take advantage of wake hours for meals, exploration, and even spontaneous roadside attractions . While this may increase the duration of the car ride, you will be enriching your road trip with various activities and irreplaceable moments of family bonding. Furthermore, working with instead of against your baby’s regular sleep schedule, will result in an easier transition when you arrive at your final destination.

Take timely breaks .

Your baby is staring at the backseat of a car for hours so of course, they will get a little antsy. Take breaks every 2 to 3 hours for your child to eat and stretch those little limbs. Find a playground along your route or simply set a blanket down in a patch of grass. 

Sit in the backseat.

Toys are entertaining for a time, but nothing can replace the joy and contentment of seeing a familiar face. Babies are fascinated by faces at this age and derive great excitement from simple activities such as imitating facial expressions and playing peek-a-boo. Even if they are too young to interact in that way, your simple presence can often be enough to make a baby feel safe and secure.

Road Trip with a Baby

My baby won’t stop crying. What do I do?

If prevention is no longer an option and your baby is already crying in their car seat, what do I do next?

There are a number of reasons why babies cry, but they typically fall under one of three reasons. They are uncomfortable, they want your attention, or they simply do not like the physical restraint of being confined to a car seat.

With this in mind, if your newborn is crying in their car seat the first thing that you should do is check to see if there is an obvious cause. Do they have a wet diaper? Has it been a while since their last meal or break from the car? Is it too hot or cold in their car seat? Is the sun in their eyes? Are the seatbelt straps too tight? Are they sitting on a toy or sock? If none of these questions seem to resolve the problem, then you can try to pacify a crying infant with one of the following methods.

Give the baby a pacifier.

Pacifiers are called that for a reason. They provide temporary relief to babies who enjoy the sucking motion as it reminds them of being in the womb.  Some studies show that the act of sucking a pacifier can help to lower the heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. We highly recommend using a pacifier clip as they are prone to popping out, dropping behind car seats, and otherwise getting lost.

Use the “baby shusher”.

We swear by this miracle sound machine. The Baby Shusher uses a rhythmic “shhh” to imitate the same cadence and sound of a parent soothing their child. If you have ever read the Happiest Baby on the Block, the “shhh” sound we make actually mimics the environment inside of the womb where babies hear all kinds of wooshing and swooshing sounds. This Baby Shusher worked best for our infant over other white noise sound machines. It is always one of our top travel tips for road-tripping with a baby.

If this didn’t work to prevent your child from crying, it might not help so much to soothe them once they are already crying. However, if you are still in the front seat, then I would certainly recommend moving to the backseat where your baby can see your beautiful comforting face. Try playing some peek-a-boo, playing with their toes, or engaging them in a crinkly toy, book, or song. Sometimes just letting them hold on to your finger is enough to calm them.

Give them snacks.

If your baby is old enough and used to eating solids, then you may consider giving them some soft snacks or a bottle during the drive. Always follow a few precautions when feeding a baby in the car: an adult should be sitting next to the baby to supervise, and avoid hard solids that might lead to choking. Some car seat-safe foods for babies include snack pouches and dissolvable rice-husk teethers. We provide some recommendations in the road trip packing list below.

Baby in car seat next to dad

Babies grow fast. Their needs and preferences seem to change just as fast. Here are some baby road trip essentials to keep your little one up to 18 months happy, comfortable, and entertained. Toddlers will require a different list of road trip essentials that are geared more toward their level of maturity and development. This list of travel toys for toddlers highlights all of the best toys to keep a toddler entertained during travel.

Road Tripping with a Baby: Packing List


  • Dangling car seat toys – For newborns and infants, dangling car seats are essential entertainment. They might not have developed their grip strength or coordination yet to be able to grab other toys and rattles. Similar to a crib mobile, safely attached dangling car seat toys can capture a baby’s attention, while also helping them to develop spacial awareness. We recommend Baby Links and the interactive Hug & Tug Caterpillar which is appropriate for both infants and older babies.
  • Teething toys and rattles . Teethers help to soothe babies’ gums when their teeth begin to come in. Like rattles, teethers provide a safe form of entertainment in the car while helping baby to improve their fine motor skills, group strength, and spatial awareness.
  • Books – Babies like to chew, rip, and crumple books. With this in mind, it is best to pick up a selection of books that will stand the test against curious babies. Soft crinkly books like Peek-a-Boo Forest by Lamaze and Taggies are durable, washable, and engaging with flaps and tabs. Cardboard books are not indestructible, but they will serve their purpose and last you through many road trips with a baby. Our son was always the most engaged in learning books like First Numbers and First Words by Priddy.
  • Favorite stuffed animal – Stuffed animals are great travel toys for children at any age. Children can begin forming a bond with their toys at a young age so it is important to bring their “best friend” along for the car ride and journey.
  • Random items around the car – If all else fails there are many things that you likely have in the car that would keep a baby entertained for example an empty water bottle or a box of tissues. Just make sure that anything you give to your baby is safe: no small detachable parts that can pose a choking or suffocation risk.

Food and Drink

  • Milk and Bottle . If you are nursing exclusively, that eliminates a large portion of your packing needs! If you are not nursing, make sure to pack formula or milk (babies 12 months and older), along with a bottle or two. If you prefer to pack one bottle only,  XYZ make kits for cleaning baby bottles on the go.
  • Snacks and pouches. A baby’s capacity to chew and digest certain foods evolves over time, so always reference the age recommendations on a food label. Up until 6 months, babies will pretty much be fine with just milk/formula. After you begin to introduce solids, prepacked baby food and snacks become an essential road trip item. Rice husks and yogurt melts are excellent road trip snacks. They dissolve quickly, don’t leave many crumbs, and our son loves them! For a more substantial meal, we find that pouches are more convenient than the more traditional glass jars. If baby is a bit older or if you are pulling over for a roadside picnic, other road trip foods for babies include yogurt, sliced soft fruit, and graham crackers. Our son is partial to breakfast bars, peanut butter Bamba puffs and Pirate’s Booty.
  • Snack cups . The more proactive you are in keeping the car seat free of crumbs, the easier it will be to clean and when it comes to babies every last bit helps. Using snack cups like the Munchkin Snack Catcher helps your little one to slow down the process of palming all their goldfish in one gulp. It also reduces the number of crumbs spilled into the car seat and the floorboard below.
  • Bib. If your baby is eating milk and purees exclusively, a cloth bib works just fine. If your baby has moved on to eating more crumbly solids like crackers and fruit slices, I would highly recommend using a silicone bib with a catcher. The Mushie silicone bib is easily washable which is ideal for travel, and the pocket catches most crumbs making clean up a much easier process.
  • Diapers.   Diapers are an obvious item for your baby road trip checklist. Consider overnight diapers if you plan to drive through the night while your baby sleeps. The added material and increased absorbency will help to reduce leaks and keep baby dry.
  • Wipes. Wipes are essential for diaper changes, but they can also be used to clean faces, little fingers, and sticky surfaces. Pro tip: Wipe dispenser is almost empty? Keep the dispenser and fill it with toilet paper or ribbon. Babies love pulling things out of boxes and containers. This do-it-yourself baby toy will entertain your child for hours.
  • Diaper rash cream. Did you know that diaper rash cream is used not only to treat, but also to prevent diaper rash? If your baby will be spending long stretches of time in a car seat, it is wise to apply diaper rash cream as a preventative measure against rash and discomfort.
  • Portable changing pad – Using a portable changing station provides a more comfortable changing for the baby. It also provides an extra layer of safety when doing a diaper change in a public restroom.
  • Extra changes of clothing. You don’t want to be left unprepared when the inevitable blowout or spit-up happens. We recommend packing at least 2 extra changes of clothing.
  • Swaddle/ burp cloth. Swaddles are a bit universal and reduce the need for packing additional items. Although you wouldn’t swaddle a baby before placing him in a car seat, they do serve as great burp cloths and blankets. After arriving at your destination, you can then of course use the swaddle as intended…to wrap your baby like an adorable burrito bundle.
  • Baby Tylenol. There are many baby medications on the market, but really the only medication we have ever needed was baby Tylenol. Teething can bring about bouts of pain and fever. Baby Tylenol is a fever reducer that can help assuage your child’s discomfort. Always contact your pediatrician before administering to your child.

Supplies for momma

  • Breast pump. Depending on a number of factors (your milk production level, how much baby is drinking, etc) you may need to pump while on the road. While the manual breast pump is tried and true, the Elvie is a newer brand that many swear by. They make a wearable rechargeable breast pump that can be inserted into a nursing bra. It is discreet and portable making it possible to pump almost anywhere including at restaurants, in the office, and during a long car ride. Speaking from experience, make sure you have access to a pump! You do not want to get stuck in a situation where your body is telling you to empty the milk, but your baby isn’t hungry and you do not have a pump around. Women who have to delay pumping or nursing risk painful breast engorgement which can lead to medical problems and a reduction in milk supply.
  • Nursing Cover . It is likely that you may end up nursing your child in a busy parking lot. While I have nursed my son in a parking lot without a cover, I did receive some unwanted prolonged glances from individuals passing by my window. If this is something that makes you feel uncomfortable, it may be wise to pack a nursing cover just in case. I recommend the Bebe au Lait nursing cover with it’s peek-a-boo hole. It allows me to keep an eye on my son, but also provides him with some nice airflow.
  • Water. It is important for mothers to stay hydrated when nursing.

Additional items that make for a more comfortable trip

  • Portable blanket. A soft clean surface is a great item to bring along when traveling with an infant. If you are stopping by a travel plaza, gas station, or rest area there is usually a nice grassy area somewhere nearby. This is a great opportunity to unbuckle your little one, and let them have some fresh air. Lay a soft blanket in the grass and allow your baby some time to roll around, stretch their legs, and enjoy the change of scenery. We recommend the Rumpl blanket that compresses into a convenient bag perfect for traveling and road trips.
  • Car seat fan. When a baby is in their rear-facing car seat they don’t always have the same pleasure of cool air circulating around their bodies. This combined with warm sunrays peeking through the window can make a car seat pretty toast. It is a good idea to bring along a portable fan that clips onto the car seat to ensure that your child is cool and comfortable.
  • Car seat liner. If you have a 10-hour drive ahead of you, you do not want to deal with a wet soiled car seat. A waterproof liner provides protection from wet bathing suits, diaper leaks, and other accidents.
  • Backseat organizer to keep essentials close at hand. As you can see, there are many things to bring on a road trip if you want to ensure a smooth journey. You can be saved from headaches and stress in the long run if you are able to keep toys and baby essentials organized. A backseat organizer is helpful for keeping anything you or your baby might need close at hand.

Now that you have your questions answered and your car packed, the last step is to check out our top list of road trip with baby tips .

Road Trip with a Baby packing List

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road trip with an 18 month old

Pack In Advance

Be prepared, safety first, don’t forget the snacks, they should be ready for diaper changes, stop for kid-friendly restaurants, don’t forget to charge all your gadgets especially your ipad.

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road trip with an 18 month old

How To Have A Stress-Free Travel With 18-Month old

If you want to travel with your 18-month old toddler with no hassle or inconvenience, then this post is for you.

Are you planning to travel with 18-month old toddler? I know you’re probably anxious especially if it’s their first time to go out of town.

I already wrote about flying with a child in this age group , and I included some tips to make it a non-traumatic experience for the little one, the passengers and you.

But what if it’s a road trip? At this point, you can’t just leave them with a movie if you’re travelling for hours.

For the first two, it might entertain them for a while, but eventually, they will get bored. Don’t worry though because I’ve been there and we’ve done that. So trust me, you got this.

Here’s a handy tip: create a checklist a week before travelling. From snacks to PJs, you have to list them down and only tick off those you already put inside the luggage or bag .

This way, there’s no need to cram when you have to leave in a few hours since you might end up forgetting small but important stuff.

Always place on top those which you need DURING the trip like snacks, towels, pacifiers or baby bottles.

Preparation is the key whenever you travel, and it rarely matters if it’s a long haul or a 30-minute drive. One thing to keep them busy for a few hours at least is to bring their favourite toy or any plaything which they will enjoy.

The thing is, one toy isn’t enough. You need to offer them variety because chances are, they will get tired of playing with the same thing over and over again.

But don’t over pack – two or three are enough. Also, bringing a book isn’t much of a good idea because reading while travelling (unless if you’re on a plane) can make anyone dizzy.

Just remember that happy kids mean happy trip.

Always double check the car seat if you installed it correctly. If travelling with another child, make sure they have enough legroom and space.

If you travel by air, consider renting a car seat, so you don’t have to lug it along because that’s just impractical. Or for 18 months old, you can always let them sit down on your lap unless if it’s a long haul and your little one is heavy and might get uncomfortable.

It is perhaps one of the most important things you should bring. Keep it healthy as much as you can.

And go for finger foods like apple slices, crackers, nuts and dried fruit. And while it’s tempting to bring plenty of fruit juices, you shouldn't make them drink it all because you wouldn’t want them asking for bathroom breaks every fifteen minutes.

Limit their fluid intake. If you’re flying, they can have as much as they want.

Quick tip : Avoid messy snacks like Cheetos or anything that can leave residues on their fingers because you wouldn’t want your car looking like a total mess after.

Pants and socks look cute and comfortable, but they’re not the easiest to take off when the toddler pooped. Unless they’re already potty trained (which I highly doubt because it’s still too early), you’re going to find yourself changing nappies mid-travel.

You may no longer be a fan of onesies or frog suits, but those are easier to open and change.

Do your research so you can stretch your legs and maybe let the child run and play around to burn off energy.

It is also a good time for bathroom breaks and if there’s a convenience store, that’s a big bonus because you can buy more snacks or other essentials.

When all else fails, you can whip out the tablet and let them watch educational videos or cartoons. Reserve this for those times when the toddler is already restless and doesn’t find it fun to play with the toys you brought.

It works whether you’re flying or driving. And if you’re on a plane, you can bring headphones to avoid disturbing other passengers.

I recently found a headband which your child can wear – it’s not as annoying as earphones or as bulky as over-the-ear headphones. Plus, it comes in various colors and prints too.

I hope you found this helpful. Whether it’s going on a road trip or flying, an 18-month old toddler just needs the following: food, comfort and entertainment.

If you covered all three, then you increased your chances of stress-free travel.

Then again, kids (no matter how old they are) are unpredictable, and there may be times when they just feel like throwing tantrums. If that happens, stay calm and don’t let it get to you.

Try to keep it together even if it’s starting to grate on your nerves.

Besides, at the end of the day, you cannot control or predict a toddler’s behavior because that's just how it is.

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Hi. My name is Nancy. I am a nurse by profession and a writer by passion and ever since I became a mother, I’ve become very active in sharing useful and important information about basically anything under the sun and a full-time mother to a 21-month old boy. Read more about me here .

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Road Trip with a Toddler: A Survival Guide

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group ™ and Wet-Nap but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #showusyourmess ”

We did it!  We drove over 2,000 miles in 8 days with our 20 month old Griffin.  And not only did we live to tell the tale, we had a blast.

All of us.  Even the tiny boy trapped in his carseat!

Without using an ipad, portable DVD player, or any other electronics.  Seriously – little man didn’t watch a single movie the entire time. And we still had a great time. There’s proof – it can be done!

surviving a road trip with a toddler

So first of all, why did we drive so far?  The short answer is because we wanted to.  When I found out my husband was unexpectedly going to be able to take a week off from work, I wanted to do and see as much as possible.  While still getting in some time on the beach of course.  So we plotted a course from our home in Virginia to Charleston, SC to Cumberland Island, GA to St. Augustine, FL to Sanibel Island, FL and back.  It sounds like a lot I know, but we got to see some really amazing places we have been wanting to go for years.  Plus, all of those stops really broke up the loooonnnnggg drive to Florida – instead of driving 14 hours at once, we were able to break it down into four or five hour chunks.  Which is great when you are an adult and even better when you are a toddler.

vacation memories

Even so, I knew it was going to be tough on Griffin being in the car so long.  I thought carefully before we left about how to make the trip more enjoyable for him and in return more enjoyable for us as well.   These are my top tips for surviving and even loving a long road trip with a toddler.

Use sleep to your advantage

The absolute best times for travelling are very early in the morning, during naptime, or late at night.  Nothing makes a long drive go by faster than sleeping through it.  The more you are able to drive while your toddler is sleeping, the easier the trip will be for everyone. Enough said.

Make frequent stops

playing ball at gas station

We tried to look at the whole trip as our vacation, not just the part at our destination.  Which meant doing what we could to make the ride enjoyable rather than just pushing to get to our next stop as quickly as possible.  A big part of this was stopping every couple of hours to get out and stretch, play, even run around.

Rest areas and welcome centers are definitely the best place to stop – you can’t beat a nice grassy patch for your toddler to run around.  But sometimes rest areas just don’t appear when you need them.  In those cases, we found gas stations could work just fine too.  The most important part is to let your toddler get out of their car seat and move around.  Griffin had tons of fun playing catch at the back of a gas station parking lot or even just standing in the front seat playing with the mirror.

Pack a few toys

I knew that Griffin was going to need something better to do other than stare out the window.  Especially since his carseat is still rear-facing so the poor guy can barely see out the window to begin with.  But of course we couldn’t pack up his whole toy arsenal.  So a few days before the trip, I set aside a few very small toys that he really likes and could play with in the car – a set of drumsticks, a few books, an egg shaker, a toy cell phone, a yellow squeeze toy and his beloved pinwheel.

road tripping with a toddler survival kit

I also put together a few other distractions.  I bought a small handheld fan from the dollar store which was a huge hit.  I made a glitter calm down bottle like this one for him to play with. I also picked up a pack of pom poms and put them into an old drink mix container.  Griffin had a blast emptying the container and then stuffing the pom poms back in.  Although, in retrospect this one is probably better left home.  It occupied him for a long time but always seemed to end with little pom poms all over the car.

pom pom fun

Pack some ‘grown up’ stuff

We all know that toddlers love random ‘grown up’ things way better than their actual toys.  (I mean seriously, a full roll of toilet paper is a toddler’s dream!).  So I also packed some old gift cards, a nonworking CD, a measuring cup, and an old cell phone.  He loved each and every one of these things.  Especially the measuring cup – go figure.

Pack snacks…lots of snacks

Every roadtrip needs snacks and lots of em.  Have plenty of snacks on hand for everyone in the car – you’ll prevent a lot of hangry passengers, plus you’ll save yourself from having to buy the way over-priced treats at gas stations along the way.  Fruit pouches, goldfish, graham crackers, animal crackers, Cheerios – anything easy to eat with your fingers.  And don’t forget to pack plenty of water and drinks too.

Be prepared for messes

wet nap

When you’re stuck in a car for hours, messes pile up quickly.  Trash accumulates, toys get thrown all over, and everyone mysteriously becomes sticky.  Wet-Naps were so handy to have to help combat this.  Whenever we stopped for gas, it was super easy to wash hands and faces without having to trek into the dirty gas station bathroom.  And I have to admit, they came in handy for me just as much as the toddler.  I, of course, am the only one whose soda exploded all over me when I opened it.  I was so glad we had a pack of Wet-Naps on hand.  I was really happy with how they dealt with all of our messes: they are softer, stronger, and even have aloe to help moisturize.  I found mine at Walmart in the napkin aisle.  Plus, bonus, you can click here for a coupon for .55 cents off. (Love a good coupon).

We had an Ah-mazing trip from start to finish.  But I will say, even though Griffin did excellent in the car, we did have a few toddler meltdowns during the vacation.

tantrum aftermath 2

This is what happens when you throw a tantrum in the middle of the beach and then get up and pretend nothing happened.  What can I say – that’s real life with a toddler.

So those are all of my best toddler travel tips – have any to add?

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Kim {Pinspired Home} says

July 28, 2014 at 8:40 am

I’m glad your trip went well! We did a 12-hour trip to Outer Banks with our then-18-month-old and successfully used a lot of the same tips. :) Stopping and playing at rest stops was key. Our little guy is a mover!

Carrie says

July 28, 2014 at 4:30 pm

I love the outer banks! I think that may be made favorite part of the coast! And stopping was definitely a key factor to keeping everyone happy.

Steph@The SillyPearl says

August 1, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Such beautiful pictures! Thanks for the tips as well. Some still apply to my girls (age 7).

August 1, 2014 at 5:49 pm

Thanks Steph! I have a feeling we will be using some of these tips for quite awhile. Heck, some still apply to me! Especially the snacks. ;)

Vanessa Barker says

August 1, 2014 at 5:02 pm

Oh my gosh, that sand face picture is priceless! How cute. And thanks for the tips. We’re going on a road trip next weekend with a 3 and 4 year old, so these will come in handy.

I know! Funny little boy. Enjoy your trip!

Debbie refresh resytle says

August 1, 2014 at 10:00 pm

Great tips and what a fun trip!

August 2, 2014 at 10:06 pm

Thanks Debbie – it was amazing!

Claire @ A Little Claireification says

August 2, 2014 at 5:12 pm

Fantastic tips!! My boys are older now but you are right on with all of these! Especially the “prepare for messes” part. :)

August 2, 2014 at 10:04 pm

Thanks Claire!

Maryann @ Domestically Speaking says

August 2, 2014 at 10:46 pm

What great tips! I remember those days when the kiddos were younger… lots of fun memories!

August 3, 2014 at 9:39 am

Thanks Maryann – definitely lots of fun memories…along with plenty of difficult moments as well!

Amy Anderson says

August 3, 2014 at 6:07 am

Great tips! Looks like you had an awesome vacation :D

Thanks Amy! We definitely did!

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10 Tips for Road Tripping With an Infant

road trip with an 18 month old

Image Source / Getty Images

Road trips with an infant can be stressful, but they don’t have to be, and the truth is a car ride with a baby is often less stressful than getting on a plane. You can stop your own vehicle for an emergency bathroom break or to move around a restless toddler. And if your baby does throw a tantrum, you can focus your attention on their needs instead of worrying about other passengers.

Whether you're hitting the road to visit the grandparents or heading to a vacation destination geared toward families with infants , you may be surprised at some of the simple things you can do to keep your little one calm and quiet during your trip. Whether you’ll be on the road for five hours or five days, these 10 tips will help your vacation go as smoothly as possible.

While one person is driving, have another sit in the back with the baby. Having that caretaker in the back seat can help address issues as they arise—preparing bottles, wiping up, curing boredom with some old-fashioned “peek-a-boo”—which can help minimize stops and avoid total meltdowns.

It's an old bit of wisdom, but "sleep when the baby sleeps" is solid advice during a road trip with kids . When the baby is sleeping, the person in the back should try to rest, too, so they can be refreshed enough to take over driving when the driver gets fatigued.

Manage Expectations

Any number of things can go wrong on a road trip—a flat tire, bad weather, food poisoning—but those hiccups become exponentially more stressful with a young (likely screaming) infant in tow. Accepting that going in and maintaining a sense of humor about the situation can go a long way to help ease the tension. After all, the difference between a fiasco and an adventure can be as simple as your state of mind.

One way to make light of unpleasant situations is to make a game out of them. For example, put together Baby Road Trip BINGO cards where spaces are filled in with any and all potential disasters—think "blow out in the car seat" or tiny victories like "finished a whole podcast." That way, even bad situations turn into wins.  

Drive at Night

It’s a bit uncomfortable for the parents, but then again, so is a screaming child with no exit in sight. Driving at night means your baby will spend more time sleeping and less time awake and hungry, bored, or needing changes. You’ll be able to drive for longer stretches without needing breaks. 

A great way to maximize drive time is to schedule your departure so that it coincides with bedtime. Go through your whole routine (bath, pajamas, bedtime song—whatever your nightly ritual entails), but put the baby down to sleep in the car seat instead of the crib or bassinet. Drive as long as you're comfortable—or for as long as the baby is sleeping—but be sure to switch drivers, caffeinate, and rest when needed to avoid driving drowsy. 

Plan Frequent Breaks

You might be able to go six hours without using the bathroom or needing to eat, but the baby likely can't. Plan for stops every one to three hours during the day and three to six hours at night to change diapers, stretch legs, eat, and change sweaty or spit-up clothes as needed.

To avoid unnecessary stops, make a checklist of items that you go through during every break so you don’t forget anything, such as changing the baby’s diaper or clothes, using the restroom (for those not in diapers), and refreshing essential supplies. 

Skip the Scenic Route

While scenic overlooks and long stretches of the open road might seem like the very things that make a road trip worthwhile, they can also make it difficult to find help or reprieve when you need it. Choose a route in advance that has frequent access to food, 24-hour gas stations, restrooms, and service areas.

Even better, plot out some pit-stops in advance —including some potential hotels if you think you might need a real rest—so you can pull over when necessary.

Keep Supplies Nearby

You might have a giant suitcase with everything you need to survive traveling with an infant for an extended period of time, but that's not what you want to be digging through at 65 mph while a baby is screaming in your ear, or while parked at a dodgy rest stop in the middle of the night.

Keep a kit within easy reach so you don’t have to unbuckle your seat belt to retrieve any critical items, and fill the bag with small amounts of necessities (you can always refill as you go). You could pack all of these items into a medium-sized backpack or tote bag:

  • A portable changing pad with two or three diapers
  • A packet of wipes
  • Pre-portioned bottles of formula or breast milk in a small cooler bag
  • Two or three small but versatile toys
  • Infant Tylenol or ibuprofen
  • A baby forehead thermometer
  • A small portable sound machine
  • An extra blanket

In addition to the baby kit, be sure there's one for the adults, too. That could include mobile chargers for your electronic devices, a tablet or e-reader, high-protein/easy-to-eat snacks, sleep aids, sleep mask, a small pillow, earphones, and earplugs. You might also want to bring along a car sun shade to help your little one nap.

Brush up on Baby Massage Techniques

Babies can get stiff and uncomfortable after sitting for hours in their seats, just like adults. Read up on some infant massage techniques that you can modify to use either while driving (if you’re on backseat duty) and during stops. Gently massaging legs and feet, in particular, can often help calm a fussy baby long enough to get you to a good stopping place where they can stretch out their legs in earnest.

Sing Simple Camp Songs

When it comes to fussy infants stuck in car seats, be prepared with a variety of tools at your disposal. Singing songs can often be more effective than the radio at helping to put a baby to sleep, calming them when they’re fussy, and entertaining them when they’re bored. Try to pick songs with simple melodies, but where verses can be added or improvised as with many nursery rhymes or typical camp songs. Taking turns inventing new lyrics can help break up the monotony for parents, too.

Take Precautions

With or without an infant, standard prep and safety precautions should be followed. Make sure you have a spare tire, car jack, and tire iron that are ready to go, especially if you're driving through sparsely populated areas where the nearest mechanic could be several miles away. It's not fun waiting hours for a tow truck to arrive and even less so when you have a baby on board.

While packing the car, be sure not to obstruct the driver’s view, including in the rearview mirror. And always take steps to pull over to well-lit areas when stopping at night.

Admit Defeat

If you’re tired, if you’re frustrated, if everyone in the car (including and especially your baby) can’t take another second on the road, then stop. It’s okay.

Find a place to rest and give yourself a few minutes or hours to regroup. Most hotels will take bookings any time of day and many provide cribs in the room upon request. Take a nap in a real bed or freshen up with a hot shower and a meal at a sit-down restaurant. Giving yourself and your baby a chance to reset can help make the rest of the ride go more smoothly.  

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Road Trip Wanderers

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Tips for a Road Trip With a Baby: How to Survive the Long Drive

tips for a Road Trip With a Baby Car Seat

Setting off on a road trip with your little one? I know – it sounds like a mission. Trying to figure out nap times, packing enough but not too many toys, dealing with sudden mood swings (and that’s just from the parents!) – it’s enough to give anyone a slight headache. “Will my baby be okay? How on earth am I going to keep them calm? Did I pack enough diapers?” These questions whirling around in your head are perfectly normal, and I’m here to help with my tips for a road trip with a baby.

Over the years, I’ve taken my kids on so many road trips, I’ve lost count. Short weekend jaunts, epic cross-country adventures, you name it. And you know what? Every single one was a learning curve. Sometimes, it felt more like a rollercoaster than a curve, but that’s parenting for you. I’ve had my share of forgotten essentials and messy surprises, but each hiccup has helped me perfect my road trip routine.

Don’t worry – by the end of this blog post, you’ll be a lot more confident about hitting the road with your little partner in crime. You’ll know what to expect, what to pack, and how to handle those inevitable bumps along the way. I’ve done all the hard yards, the late-night packing, and the frantic roadside diaper changes. Now, you get to benefit from my road-tested wisdom and plan a trip that’s all about the fun stuff.

Table of Contents

Road Tripping With an Infant FAQs

road trip with baby toddler

I know how different it is to take your kids with you on a long drive compared to a fun and spontaneous road trip as a couple . Especially if you’re taking a baby with you. And if it’s your first trip as a family, you’d be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed and nervous . 

Jumping in the car to explore the country can be such a fantastic memory-making experience. Plus, showing your kids (even the teeny tiny ones) magical places is part of what all parents dream of doing. 

So to calm your worries and help you plan a fabulous vacation, I’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions and answered them as best I could. 

Have another question? Or a tip for new parents about to hit the road? Let us all know in the comments, and keep the support going!

What to Expect When Traveling With a Baby

baby road trip mirror

The question most parents would love to be able to answer with a crystal ball; I promise, even if you have a few hiccups on the road, at the end of the day, the memories will be worth it. 

A road trip with a baby under 12 months isn’t the nightmare that some may make it seem, as long as you prep properly . Your baby has their usual routine, space, and expectations in their daily life—all of which go away once you put them in the car for an extended period of time. 

You definitely should expect them to be a little fussy , possibly get bored, and very likely make a bit of a mess . With a few important steps, you can ensure the ride is pleasant for the baby and parents. You want to make fun family memories , which means enjoying the journey just as much as the destination .

I’ve been using Roadtrippers for years to help me plan out my trips and find fun stops along the way. Use my code “BTR5QTP” for $5 off when you sign up!

What is The Best Age to Road Trip With a Baby?

This depends on your baby, of course. Generally, it’s best to start planning your family road trip only once your baby is about three months old. Between three and six months , babies are in their developmental stage and will begin to gain more head and neck control. 

This means they can sit in a car seat and be comfortable for slightly extended periods. They’re also typically on better sleeping schedules at this age, allowing you to plan accordingly. 

You can entertain your baby between three and six months with bright, colorful, and noisy toys. They’re interested in the world around them but not yet crawling or walking , so they won’t be too antsy to get out of their seat for the whole ride.

Also taking Fido? Here are some tips for a road trip with a dog .

How Often Do You Have to Stop With a Baby on a Road Trip?

road trip with baby tips sleeping

When you’re planning a road trip with a baby, your stops will need to be planned around their routine . You’ll likely need to stop for feeding, diaper changes, and as they get fussy . You may find that a stop is needed as they wake up from a nap or before they fall asleep. 

On average, I would say plan for a stop every two to four hours . Try not to go longer than this, for the whole family’s sake. Although, if you’re driving overnight and your baby sleeps through, you may be able to extend this a bit. 

The shorter driving times when you’re traveling with a baby may just give you the perfect excuse to stay over in more small towns. Driving four hours and then retiring for the night at a quaint hotel or BnB only adds to the entire road-tripping experience is one of my best tips for a road trip with a baby.

How Do You Occupy a Baby in a Car?

Unlike older kids, babies are not going to be interested in games of I Spy or a traveling trivia quiz . So how do you keep them busy for the ±four hour stretches of driving?

One way is to play music in the car — not the latest pop songs, but nursery rhymes and calming tunes. Sing along and make it a fun time for the baby. Give them a rattle to play with as well, as this will help stimulate them. This is ideal when on a road trip with a baby and toddler, as it can entertain both of them at the same time (I used this trick many times on drives).

You can also set up a sort of mobile in the car, with animals and colorful toys for them to look at and grab. If their heads can’t reach the windows, give them a plastic handheld mirror or position a mirror to help them see the fun sights outside. 

If all else fails, chatting with your baby is normally always a winner. Play peek-a-boo , describe your journey, and tell them where you’re going. Even if they don’t seem to understand it all, your attention and the sound of your voice are often enough to keep them engaged. 

Make sure to reserve your rental car ahead of time! I love using Discover Cars for my trips.

Can You Give a Baby a Bottle While Driving?

The short answer is no. 

It might be perfectly fine to have your older kids snacking while driving, but the risks are too high for an infant. You shouldn’t have a baby drinking from a bottle without your attention being fully focused on both the baby and the bottle . 

Even if you are breastfeeding, it’s not safe to do so while the car is moving . So it’s best to plan your stops according to the baby’s feeding schedule . 

How Do You Calm a Crying Baby on a Road Trip?

There’s always a reason why your baby is crying. First, check that they’re not uncomfortably hot, cold, or perhaps have a dirty diaper . It’s also good to check that they’re not hungry . 

If their basic needs are met, and they are still crying, they may just not be enjoying the drive as much. Try playing soothing music, talking to them, or giving them a toy to distract them . If none of that works, then it may be best for everyone to stop the car at the next safe spot, get out, and cuddle the baby until they are calm again . 

Are Car Seats Uncomfortable for Babies?

As long as your car seat is properly installed and has all of the right cushioning, it should be comfortable enough for your baby to sit in during a drive. Sitting in one for too long for a more extended, cross-country drive with a baby can become uncomfortable . 

Staying in one position for extended periods of time will agitate anyone, and babies are no different. There are a few ways you can ease this discomfort until you stop, though:

  • Keep the car’s temperature pleasant. 
  • Give the baby a little extra cushioning where you can. 
  • Distract them with toys and excitement. 

How Long Should a Baby Be in a Car Seat on a Trip?

Even though babies can’t walk around yet, they still need to stretch during road trips . If you’re doing longer newborn travel by car, you should aim to take them out of the car seat every two hours or so (a very important tip for a road trip with a baby). 

If your perfectly planned road trip falls within the three- to six-month sweet spot, then two to four hours is fine . Be sure that when you’re stopping, you’re taking the baby out of their car seat and letting their bodies stretch in different positions for a bit. 

What Do I Do If My Baby Hates the Car Seat?

So, your baby cannot stand when you put them in a car seat — are your dreams of a family road trip over? Not necessarily. 

First, I would check with a doctor if anything makes the baby hate sitting in the car seat. If there are no medical concerns, then it may just be personal preference. You can slowly introduce long road trips with a baby and make the experience more pleasant. Both my kids hated drives at first, but they got used to it the more I traveled with them.

Don’t begin right off the bat with a 15-hour trip from LA to Lake Tahoe ; begin with an hour-long drive and gradually increase the time and distance . Doing this will allow you to test out a few soothing options and hopefully find one that works. Driving while the baby sleeps is also an option. 

What Should I Pack for a Baby on a Road Trip?

bento box kid road trip

You can read my full family road trip packing list for a more detailed list , but here are a few essential items to include that are important road trip with baby tips: 

  • Extra diapers — Pack a little more than you think you’ll need. It’s better to be overprepared with a little one than scramble to find a grocery store while on the road. 
  • Wipes and rash cream — These should be with your diapers, but again, pack a little more than you think you need in case of emergencies. 
  • Extra sets of clothing — This is standard when going anywhere with kids and babies. Make sure you have extra clothes for messes as well as enough clothing for all kinds of weather. 
  • Their favorite blanket — Keep babies comfy and soothed with whatever blankie they would use at home. This will help them sleep better in the car and may keep the tears away on the drive. 
  • A few fun toys — There isn’t much space in the car, so you want to make sure that the toys you bring along will entertain the baby for long periods. Choose colorful toys, squishy ones, and even ones that make a bit of noise — just remember, you don’t want to have a distracted driver. 
  • Bibs and utensils — Quick meals on the side of the road or at a gas station may be necessary. Pack in any mealtime essentials so you’re not left in the lurch if you need to make an emergency dinner stop. 
  • Sippy cups and bottles — Ensure you have enough of these with you so that even if you can’t wash them out for a few hours, there’s still a clean one to use until you reach your hotel. 
  • First aid kit — Always keep a car first aid kit on you. Include things like pain syrup for little ones, bandaids, and any medication your baby usually takes. Also, bring sanitizer, mosquito repellant, and a thermometer. 
  • Baby car rier — Pit stops and impromptu hikes will be much easier and more enjoyable if you can comfortably carry the baby around. 
  • Milk and snacks — While you can find food along your route, you definitely want to pack some easy-to-eat snacks and enough milk to avoid a hangry baby. 
  • Bin bags — You’re going to want to keep the car clutter-free and as clean as possible. This will eliminate frustration, help you quickly find what you need, and make the drive more enjoyable. Keep plastic bags to throw trash in and discard them as soon as possible once you’ve stopped. 

What Food to Carry for Babies While Traveling?

We’ve mentioned packing in food and snacks, but what else can you take that won’t make too much mess or require any prepping? Some great options to keep in the car for emergency snacking include:

  • Extra milk and/or water – I always warn parents against packing juices for road trips because they’re sticky and can get everywhere if spilled. Pack milk for the ride if your baby is too young for water. 
  • Sipping yogurt – Driving may take away the baby’s appetite. Sipping yogurt is easy to eat in the car, will fill them up a bit, and often tastes good enough to entice them to eat. 
  • Finger foo ds – Beef jerky, cheese puffs, finger sandwiches. These are all ideal for packing into a lunchbox in the car and handing over if your little one starts to complain about tummy grumbles. 
  • Pre-packaged & single-serve baby food pouches – What you don’t want to do is try and handle large amounts of anything to dish anything out in the car. It might be a little more work, but getting pre-packaged snacks before you set off makes eating and sharing easier on the drive. 
  • Pre-cut fruit – Cut up apple slices, pears, or oranges, as these will be a fun, sweet (but healthy) snack to keep the little mouths busy for a while. 

Read more in my post with 101 road trip snacks for kids .

How Do You Pack Baby Milk for Travel?

If the baby is still exclusively on milk or only just starting on solids, you’ll want to bring quite a bit of this with you on your road trip with an infant. Keeping it fresh is important; no one wants to drive for hours with a car smelling like spoiled milk. 

If you’re pumping breastmilk to take with you, keep it frozen before you leave . Then when you pack the car, put the milk into a well-insulated cooler box to stay cool and frozen during the drive. If you’re packing formula , pre-pack servings in either bottles or secure containers/bags is an easy way to do it. Then have a flask or bottled water to mix it up.

Sterilize your bottles before you pack them and again when you stop at your nightly accommodation. 

My Top Tips for Long-Distance Driving With a Baby

road trip with toddler snacks

If this is your very first road trip with a baby, just remember that it can only get easier from here. I’ve found that getting the kids used to traveling and being on the road from an early age means it becomes a splendid experience as they get older. 

Besides keeping the car organized (and booking any accommodations you’re going to need well in advance), here are some other things I’ve found helpful when taking a 0- to 12-month-old on a road trip. 

Check the Car Seat Before You Go

Most importantly, ensure that your car seat is safe , follows regulati ons , and is properly installed. 

A car window safety shade is another must-add for a baby’s comfort and safety. Having the sun pelting down on their faces is a sure way to end up with a miserable baby. 

Plan Your Route Carefully

Know where you’re going (as well as possible detours in case of roadworks, etc.) and how long you have between each possible stop. Know where you can stop to walk, where you can get gas, and where there are shops to top up on essentials . 

This will give you a bit more control over how long to keep baby busy, when nap time should be, and where you can get out and stretch your legs if needed. You can also plan any activities along the way. 

Make a Note of Doctors and Hospitals Along Your Route

While planning your trip, keep a log of hospitals, emergency doctors, and medical care units in each town and city you’ll be passing through . Hopefully, you won’t need to use this list when going on a long drive with a baby, but if you have a feverish kid or an unfortunate accident, it’s better to know where to go. 

And on that note, be sure to keep important medical records on you while driving . From vaccination cards to allergies, bring anything that may be important in the event of an emergency. 

Keep Essential Travel Items Packed in The Front of The Car

You don’t want to take up too much leg room, but you also don’t want to have to stop the car just to reach a pacifier. Before you pack the car, separate items for the drive from things you’ll only need when you stop or reach your destination . 

On the other hand, don’t put items that you won’t need while driving in the front of the car. Keep extra clothes, bulky toys, and similar non-essentials in the boot instead. 

Stick to Routine as Much as Possible

This may seem harder once you’re actually on the road, but if you can keep to regular nap times and feeding times , it will help your baby stay regulated and feel secure. Similarly, taking some of their personal items with you to put into hotel rooms can help them feel at home. 

Get your free road trip packing list here!

Have Someone in the Back Seat

If you can, have one adult in the back seat with the baby if there’s a need for snacks or a quick drink. If you’re stopping often enough for food and drink, having an adult sitting at the back might still be helpful to talk to and entertain the baby . 

Of course, if older siblings take up space in the back seat, try to get them to play nicely with and speak to the baby. 

Look After Yourself Too

Just as it’s important to remember everything needed for the baby, it’s equally important for parents to stay happy and comfortable on long drives . Not only is it good for the parent driving, but it’ll also help keep the car’s atmosphere pleasant and calm . 

Stop when you are feeling uncomfortable, too. Pack in a few of your own favorite snacks. If the baby is fast asleep, take the time to play some of the music you used to play on long drives. You can’t take adequate care of your baby unless you also care for yourself.

Again, these tips for a road trip with a baby are from my real-life experiences, so I hope you feel more confident to plan that drive you’ve been putting off!

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Marissa Pedersen

Marissa is a passionate road trip enthusiast who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada via car and continues to go on new trips every year to explore more of the country. Her love of road tripping has given her a unique perspective on the best routes, hidden gems, and must-see attractions along the way.

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How to Take a Road Trip With Toddlers

The term "road trip" might be enough to make you wince, but what happens when you add a toddler to the equation? Contrary to popular belief, a long car ride with your toddler doesn't have to be a complete nightmare.

Taking a road trip with a toddler in tow can be fun and a lot less expensive than air travel . Follow these tips to stay safe, make the most of your time on the road and keep your sanity intact.

Prepare Your Car

Tuomo Vainamo / Getty Images

You're going to be spending a lot of time in the car, so it only makes sense that you'll want it to be in the best shape possible. A lot can happen on the road, so don't put it off.

Don't wait until a downpour to find out that your windshield wipers need replacing or until you're stranded on the side of the road with an overheated engine refilling your coolant. If you don't feel like your car is capable of handling a long road trip, consider getting a rental.

Invest in Roadside Assistance

CaiaImage / Getty Images

Roadside assistance seems like an unnecessary expense...until you need it. Then it's worth every penny and then some. Before you purchase a standalone plan, check to see if you're covered. It could already be part of your auto insurance or cell phone plan. Wholesale clubs like Costco and Sam's offer roadside benefits as part of membership, too.

Make sure your plan covers the worst road trip nightmares, like a tow to a service station, a fix for a flat, or an unlock if you leave your keys in the car.

If you lock the keys inside the car with your child inside, don't rely on calling roadside assistance. Call 911. If it's hot outside, don't think twice about breaking a window to get your child out.

Avoid Leaving Your Child in the Car

Ekaterina Nosenko / Getty Images

We've all heard news stories about a child being left in a hot car alone and wondered, "What were those parents thinking?" It's another story entirely when your toddler is finally fast asleep, you're running on empty, and you pull into a gas station where you can't pay at the pump.

Any number of circumstances can lead a parent to be tempted to briefly leave their child in the car, but it's better to be safe than sorry. It only takes a moment for someone to break in and take your child while you're taking an emergency bathroom break, and it only takes a little warmth to quickly heat your car to dangerous temperatures.

Get Your Toddler's Car Seat Inspected

Kent Mathews / Getty Images

It's just as important to make sure your child's car seat is safe as it is to have your car inspected. A certified Child Passenger Safety Technician can check to make sure your seat is in good shape and is installed correctly. The best part of this inspection is the free education you get with it.

Your technician won't just be installing the seat and sending you on your way, but will actually teach you how to install it right every time and will even give you usage tips that go beyond the bare minimum required by law.

Fasten Your Child in Correctly

Once the car seat is inspected and properly installed, you'll want to make sure you keep it that way. It might be tempting if you're the only adult on board to turn your child's car seat around so you can see what they're doing when it  should  be rear-facing .  

You might also want to put your child in the front seat so you can reach them and give them toys or snacks more easily. As tempting as it might be, don't do it.

According to certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Heather Corley, "The most recent study shows that toddlers are up to five times safer if they remain rear-facing until age 2. Turning baby's car seat around isn't a milestone to rush on. It's actually a step down in safety, so don't be in a hurry to make the big switch."

Keep a First Aid Kit Handy

Tetra Images/Getty Images

Be prepared for scraped knees, allergic reactions, sunburns , splinters, bumps, bites, stings, and bruises by keeping a first aid kit on hand. Accidents do happen on the road, and it's best to be prepared for whatever might come your way, big or small.

Before you go on your road trip, it's also not a bad idea to brush up on your first aid and CPR skills if you haven't in a while.

Keep Toys Close

While it may seem like your number one priority is to keep your child happy and entertained, if you're the driver, that can be a tall, unsafe order. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel by keeping toys, books, and snacks within easy reach of your toddler.

The more they can do themselves, the safer and happier you'll both be.

There are a variety of backseat organizers, but we especially like those that fit right in right next to your toddler's car seat. An over-the-seat organizer can work too, but if your toddler is properly strapped in they might not be able to reach it.​

Arm Yourself With Entertainment

Fuse / Getty Images

Toys and books will help pass the time and keep your toddler occupied, but at some point, those toys will lose their luster. Supplement with a supply of fun music CDs and be ready to do some singing yourself. If your car has satellite radio, don't forget the kid stations that add variety.

While your toddler's screen time should be extremely limited on a normal basis,   using a DVD player can help pass some of the time on a road trip.

If you have a portable DVD player, put it to use and pick up something appropriate, fun, and educational, like That Baby DVD . Learn some new games and play those along the way, too.​

Pack Blankies and Binkies

Fabrice LEROUGE / Getty Images

Road trips can be full of fun and excitement for your toddler, but there can also be moments of insecurity and stress. You're going to be away from all the comforts of home and spending quite a lot of time confined to the car instead of being active. Be ready for those trying times with a dose of comfort.

Keep binkies, blankies, and other comforting objects close at hand, and bring extras since your sanitation options are probably going to be limited.

If you're planning on weaning from any comfort items or undertaking anything new close to trip time, like potty training or weaning from the breast or bottle, consider postponing until after you are home to maximize your child's chance of success.

Avoid Panicking Over Tears

Tanya Little / Getty Images

When your toddler starts to get weary of the ride and the tears start, the best thing to do is make a pit stop. If you're nowhere near a rest stop or safe place to pull over, do what you can to calm and reassure your toddler, but remember to stay focused on the road.

Driving is your priority and if you become too distracted with trying to soothe your child, it could have dangerous consequences.

Remember that even though your child is crying, they are safe in their seat and no harm will come from waiting a few minutes until you can pull off the road and take a break. Try singing songs, playing soothing music on the radio, calling attention to things outside, or offering a drink or snack to distract.

Split the Trip and Take Breaks

When you're planning a trip on paper it makes perfect sense to minimize the time you spend in the car and speed right to your destination. After you've been on the road for about five hours, this becomes completely unrealistic. The whole trip will seem like a death wish around hour nine.

Save the long road trips for the days when your child is older. As long as you've got a toddler in tow, spread a trip over a few days.

Choose cities on your route that have lodging and things to do during the day. Better yet, lodge in one city, wake up and travel for a few hours, then plan a stop along the way in a city with things to do, even if it's just a museum and lunch. Each break you take leads to a more peaceful time on the road. Take plenty of them.

Avoid Too Much Nighttime Driving

Just like you've heard you should zip straight to your destination, you've probably also heard you should postpone driving until your child's bedtime and then drive while they're asleep. This isn't a problem if your trip is only a few hours long and you'll be turning in at a decent hour, but if you plan on reaching your destination much later than your normal bedtime or beyond the few hours of energy that a venti mocha might afford, don't bother.

You are actually putting your life in danger by driving drowsy. Driving drowsy can be just as dangerous as driving drunk.

Consider, too, that you'll be completely worthless the next day without enough sleep while your well-rested toddler will be raring to go, and that's no way to start a great vacation.

Have a Full Tank and a Full Stomach

Topping off the tank, having a hearty lunch, and heading out while your toddler is almost ready for a nap will most likely give you the most drive time. You can look forward to a good hour while your toddler is satiated and then a couple more calm hours as they sleep. By the time they wake up, you'll both be ready for a stop to fill up the tank, stretch, and grab a snack.

This is true not just for road trips, but on errand runs that don't require you to get out of the car or trips to a relative's house not too far away. Be sure you've got the potty situation under control to minimize possible awakening. Equip your toddler with a fresh diaper, or if potty trained , make sure they've gone to the bathroom.

Prepare for Potty Emergencies

Keep a complete arsenal of potty supplies at your disposal. You just never know. If your child isn't potty trained, keep plenty of diapers, wipes, and a changing pad close at hand. If your child is transitioning into potty training, consider using disposable training pants just for the trip, even if your child normally wears underwear since there are no great solutions to a soiled car seat on the road.

Even if you feel your child is completely potty trained, you might find yourself nowhere near a bathroom. Consider bringing a travel potty or emergency disposable training pants for situations like this.

Have Plenty of Snacks and Water

You'll want to make sure to keep enough water for you to cover drinks for everyone in an emergency situation and a little extra to help with things like cleaning up accidental messes. An excess of snack items, and plenty for you, too, is never a bad thing to have since even just a few bites of cereal or fruit can provide just the thing to dry up toddler tears and keep everyone from getting cranky.

Good picks include soft fruit, cereal, and crackers. Avoid giving too much juice and opt for water instead to avoid sticky spills and too much sugar. Carrying a small cooler on board will extend your snack options to items like yogurt and cheese.

Keep Essentials Handy

It might seem like this goes without saying, but you might overlook throwing these things in the car until your toddler sneezes and has a half-mile-long river of snot dribbling down to their chin or the lid of the sunscreen bottle comes off, spilling the entire contents on the back seat. Let there be no shortage of cleaning materials on your trip.

National Safety Council.  Kids in Hot Cars .

Durbin DR, Hoffman BD. Child passenger safety [policy statement]. Pediatrics. 2018;142(5):e20182460 doi:10.1542/peds.2018-2460

Council on Communications and Media.  Media and young minds .  Pediatrics.  2016;138(5):e20162591. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-2591

National Safety Council. Drowsy Driving Is Impaired Driving .

By Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown is a parenting writer with experience in the Head Start program and in NAEYC accredited child care centers.

road trip with an 18 month old

The Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

The Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

If you’re like me and a first-time parent, it is daunting to go on your first road trip with a baby. What to pack, what to bring, the mental checklist runs on.

Our first road trip was from Sacramento to Los Angeles with our 8-week-old. Now home, I want to share what we brought on the trip to help make it go smoothly.

We booked a six-night trip that was split across two hotels and around a 5.5-hour drive each way. I spent probably too much time thinking about what to bring. But I would much rather be prepared and it certainly helped calm my nerves.

The Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

Now back home, I can say the trip was much easier than it felt in my head. The prep work definitely paid off and having a game plan was helpful. We thought about where we wanted to stop and made sure our car was set up for the stops to feed and change. More on that below.

road trip with an 18 month old

So here’s my essential packing list for a road trip with a baby. It’s everything we brought for the car drive and what you may consider bringing on yours.

Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

Travel tips for the road trip, time budget.

We chose to stop every 2.5-3 hours to give the baby a break from the car seat, feed, and change. These longer stops took around 45 minutes to an hour. Then we had the occasional one-off stop for a quick feed or change.

I would recommend the essentials being within hand’s reach and setting up a diaper changing area. We didn’t want to use public bathrooms so we changed her in the front seat of the car.

If you’re headed on a longer trip, try to time it with one of the longer naps. I know our baby sleeps longest in the morning and after the middle of the night feed. So we left at 5 am promptly after her feed. We got a really nice long stretch before having to stop.


Sometimes you may have to stop in the most random places or even only after being on the road for 15 minutes, roll with it!

Always double-check your car seat. Map out where you want to stop, it is super helpful.

What to Keep in the Front of the Car

Diapering station.

  • Several diapers + wipes
  • Butt cream (we used this one since we were going for 3-hour stretches)
  • Changing pads. For the changing pad, I bought these puppy puddle-proof liners to protect our car seats underneath our Gathre changing pad .
  • Plastic bags for dirty diapers or soiled clothes.

Feeding Essentials

  • Burp cloths and lots of them. I had a single bag just of burp cloths for the trip.
  • Haakaa if breastfeeding (super helpful if you get engorged/overfull on the trip)
  • Any other feeding essentials like bottles + formula

Other Essentials

  • Portable sound machine — we use this all the time in the car.
  • Nasal bulb suctioner in case you need to suction.
  • Blankets — we keep two in the car.
  • Outfit changes for you and baby. At least 2 for baby.
  • Sun shades for car windows — these block UVA
  • Safety mirror to see baby
  • First aid kit + one towel
  • Toys or books for baby for entertainment (see my toddler travel essential gear list for our favorites!)
  • Diaper Bag: I kept ours up front stocked with our normal go-to’s. I love our Caraa Diaper Bag .
  • Snacks and water

Everything Else to Pack

How much you pack is dependent on what gear you choose to travel with. Since we were road-tripping and using our SUV, we packed what would be most convenient for the trip.

I’ll share what we packed for gear and some alternatives to consider.

  • Car seat ( Cybex Cloud G ) + Mios 2 Stroller . These connect together as one travel system. (rain gear for carseat and a stretchy car seat cover — great for protecting baby from curious eyes!)
  • Baby Bjorn Bouncer — loved having another spot to put baby in our hotel room.
  • We have the Guava Pack & Play which is what I pack every time
  • The Slumber pod — a black-out tent for naps and fits over most pack & plays. Wouldn’t travel without it.
  • Artipoppe Baby Carrier — this was amazing to have on the trip, it’s one of our most used baby items.

Sleep Essentials

Whatever you may use to get baby down at night. For us that is:

  • Swaddle (brought 2 in case one was soiled) or sleep sack
  • Hatch Sound Machine – we use it as a nightlight, could use the portable sound machine instead. Certainly wasn’t necessary but we had the room.
  • VAVA Baby monitor . You don’t need any internet for this to work.
  • 2-3 outfits a day – we live for bodysuits and kimono-style onesies.
  • Sweaters and outerwear
  • Sleep sacks or pajamas
  • Socks, shoes, beanies, and sun hat

Hygiene + Medical + Diapering

  • Laundry detergent — we did a bit of hand-washing
  • Baby Shampoo + Soap and brush
  • Thermometer and infant medications
  • Rash Cream and body ointment
  • Diapers, wipes, and changing pad
  • Baby brush and nail clippers if a longer trip
  • Nasal aspirator and saline drops
  • Burp cloths — these muslin ones are our favorite
  • Formula, bottles , cleaning brush
  • Fork and spoon set and suction plates
  • Breastfeeding: cover , disposable nursing pads , Haakkaa , breast pump if needed

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The Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

PS — Are You Booking a Trip Soon? Use My Booking Checklist!

These are the sites I use most to book my own trips. Using the links below is a great way to support Bon Traveler’s travel journalism at no extra cost to you . If you need help organizing your itinerary, get my free travel itinerary template here .

1. Book Your Flights

Use Skyscanner to find the best flights. It searches 100s of airlines and websites across the globe to ensure you’re not missing out on any route options or deals.

2. Book Your Accommodations

Use for hotels and guest houses. They have the biggest inventory and consistently offer the best rates.

3. Book Your Tours & Experiences

Use Viator or Get Your Guide to find the best tours and experiences. They are my favorite tour search engines. I always check both as their inventory varies depending on the destination.

4. Book Your Car

Use Discover Cars or to find the best car rental deals. I recommend comparing rental agency reviews on Google to ensure you are booking with the best company in that destination, as the reviews are often more accurate than the car rental search engines.

5. Don’t Forget Airport Lounge Access

Get a Priority Pass membership to gain access to 1,400+ VIP lounges and airport experiences worldwide. The Priority Pass app is the first thing I check when I have a layover. I’ve been a member for over a decade, and having a comfortable place to relax before and between flights makes air travel so much more enjoyable.

6. Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

I never leave the country without travel insurance. It provides comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong (ie. illness, injury, theft, and cancelations, etc.). I use it frequently for my travels to stay protected.

My favorite companies that offer the best coverage and rates are:

  • World Nomads (best for all-around)
  • Safety Wing (best for frequent travelers)

Xx, Jessica

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Here in July 2023 and found your list very helpful as we prepare for our first mini road trip with our 2 month old – thank you!

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Toddling Traveler

Road Trip with Baby: How to Survive Long Car Rides

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Our oldest child logged more miles in the car his first few months of life than I can even begin to count.  I’ll thank our family and friends all over the eastern part of the United States for that! A road trip with baby requires a lot flexibility, especially given that the car ride can change so much during each stage of your baby’s life. A road trip with a newborn is MUCH different than a road trip with an 8 month old baby, for example.

With some advanced planning and trial and error, road trips with babies do get easier! Below is a rundown of our best tips and products for surviving long car rides with baby.

Driving a Car in Europe Northern Ireland Roadtrip Itinerary Toddling Traveler

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Road Trip Tips for Long Car Rides with a Baby

We learned a lot about drives with a baby after all the miles we logged in that first year. (And some things were definitely learned the hard way!) Below are a handful of our best tips for road trips with a baby after many long drives with two kids.

1. Accept that a road trip with a baby is going to take you longer

I typically estimate about a 30 minute stop for every 2.5 hours of driving.  There have been times, however, that I stopped every 2 hours (or even more.) Given the differences in mobility and sleep, a road trip with a 6 week old baby is going to be very different than a road trip with a 6 month old baby. When my son was in that 6-12 month stage, road trips were a little more difficult and often required more stops to allow him to stretch out.

Bottom line, give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination safely and comfortably!

2. Pack as much of the car as you can the night before your road trip with baby

Whether you’re leaving at 5am or 5pm, try to pack the car ahead of time to minimize stress the day you’re leaving for your trip. Ideally, I try to have everything in the car but the diaper bag and cooler well before our departure time. That usually means packing the car the night before for early departures.

The last thing you want to do is to have to jam a week’s worth of stuff into your car while trying to hold the baby or wrangle older siblings. (Especially since there will be times when just walking out the door is a feat in itself.)

Road Trip with Baby Toddling Traveler

3. Try to sync up long drives with your baby’s sleeping schedule

When my oldest was only a few months old, it worked best for us to leave early in the morning. He was taking several naps and would fall back asleep in the car, making road trips with a 1 month old baby and up to about 4 months pretty easy. As he got a little older and was more mobile, he was the most active early in the morning. That meant we had to adjust our approach and leave a little later to coordinate drives with his nap schedule. (Or just be super effective at keeping him entertained first thing in the morning!) This was also the case for our second child.

For really long drives, splitting the drive up also works well. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stay overnight. Just stopping for an hour or two to stretch and get a change of scenery works well too. Especially when babies start to become mobile and need to get those wiggles out.

For those moms or dads to-be, I don’t want to give you a false impression that every single baby sleeps well in a car. We were lucky with our son in that he always slept in the car at some point during the drive, but you might need try out different approaches to get this right.

4. Pack extra snacks and meals for road trips

Once babies are starting to get into the solids phase, you’re likely going to be bringing a lot of their food from home. For snacks that travel well, we love teething wafers or puffs . We also loved snack catching cups as our son got older and started eating snacks more independently. They’re a lifesaver with preventing snacks from getting dumped all over the keep your car by your little ones!

While we like fruit and veggie pouches for easy on-the-go nutrition, I don’t recommend them for car rides. Speaking from experience, they can make a mess unless you have someone in the backseat to help.

Be sure to also have more food and milk/formula on hand than you think you need. You never know when you’ll get stuck in traffic or your drive will take longer than planned.

Long Car Ride with Baby Road Trip Tips Toddling Traveler

5. Bring different forms of entertainment for the car

Babies can easily get bored looking at the same thing for ours on end. (And so can adults, for that matter!) Regardless of their age, proactively keeping your baby entertained in the car definitely helps minimize the fussing.

Screen time is one form of entertainment many parents use in the car with babies or toddlers. We don’t typically use iPads or Kindles at home, so they’ve always been a special treat for long drives or flights. Our favorite device for kids is the Kindle Fire along with a Kindle Fire tablet case for kids . We also have this tablet holder for car that hooks onto the headrest and can be used for a rear or front facing car seat. If you’re planning to use screen time in the car with baby, I recommend using other forms of entertainment first and keep the tablet for playing learning shows like Miss Rachel when they get really restless.

A few of our favorite toys for a road trip with baby are below.

  • A sensory   toy that’s multifaceted like  this one .   It also has rings, a teether, a mirror, a rattle as well as multiple sounds and textures.  
  • The  Wubbanub Pacifier is great, even if your baby doesn’t take a pacifier. It was a lifesaver on our road trip home from Omaha with a newborn when we weren’t able to stop and feed our son right away.  
  • A stuffed animal or lovey is great to give them comfort and something to grasp.
  • When your baby starts teething, bring several teether options. Both for back up when they drop them and to switch it up with something new. Some of our favorite tethers are Nubby Chewy Rings , the Chicken Wing Appeteether and the Banana Toothbrush Teether .
  • If another adult is able to be in the backseat, you can bring books to read to them. Check out our page on travel books for children for more ideas.
  • As your baby gets closer to 1 year old, sticker books are a great toddler road trip activity with adult assistance.

Related Post: 10 Baby and Toddler Toys for Travel Under $10

6. Make sure you can access an open seat in the car

When driving for long periods of time, I’ve found that the car often becomes ground zero for anything you need to do to take care of the baby.   For this reason, it definitely helps if you leave the backseat next to your baby open.  (This gets a little tougher when you have other kids in the car, but it’s helpful for new parents trying to navigate everything.) Whether you need to go back and check on the baby or quickly change a dirty diaper, that extra space is key!

As a breastfeeding mom, I also felt more comfortable nursing from my car with it parked in the corner of the parking lot versus trying to manage it inside a rest stop.  This is totally a matter of personal preference, and I admire anyone who can breastfeed anywhere!

Long Car Ride with a Baby- Toddling Traveler

7. Know where the rest stops are for those frequent stops

If you have a navigation or app that shows where the rest stops are, use it! Knowing how many miles away the rest stops are is super helpful when trying to time out feedings and diaper changes in the car.  

Have to stop when there’s no rest stop near you? Many toll roads and major highways have emergency rest stops.  I found these to be especially helpful when I was driving by myself. There were quite a few times that my son became hysterical, and I had to stop either comfort him, feed him or change his diaper. (Hence, why the prior tip on leaving an open car seat comes in handy!)

If your child is just starting to become more mobile, try to use rest stops to help them stretch out and move around as well. Sitting in a car that long is hard enough for adults, much less babies who just want to move and don’t understand why they can’t.

8. Try to bring reinforcements when you’re tackling a long car ride with baby

I’ve probably done as many road trips with my son solo as I have with someone else in the car. For obvious reasons, it’s much easier to get through the long drive with a baby when you have someone to help you. You can actually check on the baby without hanging to pull over. And rest stops are easier to tackle since you can split up getting guess, using the restroom and taking care of the baby.

road trip with an 18 month old

9. Ziplock bags are your friend

I never leave the house without Ziplock bags when traveling with a baby, whether I’m road tripping or not. You can use Ziplock bags for dirty clothes and diapers, snacks, other trash that you don’t want to stink up the car. We usually have some in the diaper bag, and they’re small enough that you can keep a few large Ziplock bags in the glove compartment or other car storage just in case.

10. Stay focused on the road when you have a baby on board

This one may seem obvious, but it’s easy to get distracted when driving with a baby. As a multi-tasker at heart, it’s tough for me not to feel like I’m super woman and can focus on the road while simultaneously singing to my son and picking up that sippy cup I swear he tried to throw at me.

I’m constantly having to remind myself of this and will often stop to pull over in a safe spot if I need to check on something for peace of mind. It’s much better and safer than trying to do it all from the driver’s seat.

Long Drives with a Baby Toddling Traveler

5 Must Have Products for a Car Ride with a Baby

In addition to the above-mentioned items, below are some things we swear by for your road trip with baby packing list. For any moms-to-be out there, I definitely recommend planning ahead and considering these items for your baby registry.  

1. Baby Mirror

A baby car mirror was critical for us for both safety and peace of mind for car rides of any length. We relied pretty heavily on these to see our son when he was rear facing. The mirror especially comes in handy if you’re doing a solo road trip with a baby. It makes it much easier to check if they’re sleeping, crying or throwing their toy for the millionth time when you don’t have a co-pilot to help.  

We have this backseat car mirror . I love that it’s big enough to see the baby’s entire body, and it’s easy to install and adjust when needed.

2. Car Sunshades 

Our son HATES the sun in his eyes, especially in the car. While our newer car came with sunshades, our prior car when we first had our son did not. These white-hot car safety shades are perfect. Not only do they have an indicator that shows if the car is too hot, but they also retract easily. Every car is different, so make sure you measure your car windows to ensure you’re getting adequate coverage for your window size. I’d recommend avoiding the stick-on car shades that fold up, since they easily fall off.

As your little one gets older, baby sunglasses are a great option if they’ll keep them on for the car. You can find the best baby sunglasses here .

3. Small Cooler

A cooler is critical for any road trip, but especially with a baby when you can’t easily get drinks and snacks for them at a rest stop.

We bought this freezable lunch bag cooler after it was recommended by a friend.  The bag itself freezes, and it can keep the contents cold without a separate freezer pack It also easily folds up when you’re not using it.  It’s the perfect size to keep a couple bottles and snacks cold for that long car ride. And it’s also great for milk on a plane ride with a baby or traveling without baby while breastfeeding .

Looking for a larger cooler for car rides? This soft-sided cooler is large enough for several drinks and food. Plus, it’s foldable and easy to pack away when not using it.

4. Hands-free diaper bag

This probably seems too obvious, but the hands-free part is key when making those pit stops while juggling a baby. I have this diaper bag that I wear like a cross body diaper bag. (Although sadly the champagne color I have is discontinued.) I also have this diaper bag backpack that we use periodically.

In addition to the multiple pockets, a changing pad that comes out separately and velcros shut is also a necessity. You will definitely want something that can easily be washed after multiple uses on those dirty roadside changing tables.

5. Light blanket

Whether in the car or just pushing the stroller, we almost always had a thin muslin blanket on our son’s lap. Not only does it help make sure baby is warm enough in the car, but it also gives them something to grab onto for comfort. We love muslin baby blankets because they serve a number of purposes and are light, breathable and easy to pack.  

Target also sells a similar, less expensive set of muslin baby blankets that we’ve used as well.

Do you have any additional tips for long car rides with a baby? Please share in the comments!

Related Posts:

  • 9 Baby Travel Essentials + Packing List
  • 6 Toddler Road Trip Tips
  • 12 Reasons to Travel with a Baby or Toddler

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Road Trip with a Baby Toddling Traveler

19 thoughts on “Road Trip with Baby: How to Survive Long Car Rides”

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I love you tips.Thanks for putting this together I will pin for later to have it handy then I travel next time.

You’re welcome! I’m so glad to hear it was helpful.

  • Pingback: Family Vacation in North Myrtle Beach: Where to Stay, Play and Eat - Toddling Traveler
  • Pingback: 10 Baby and Toddler Toys for Travel Under $10 - Toddling Traveler

Such brilliant tips, which take me back to many years ago – am sure these will be useful for so many parents. Also, the photos are adorable!

Thanks so much!

oh dear. we did not get a car until my son was about 15 months old so on the rare times he was in one as a baby, OMG he hated it! We did a road trip from Raleigh to the outer banks when he was 5months old and he screamed the whole time!!!!!! def takes longer, driver has to stay focused. plastic bags, extra clothes, prepare for it all!

That’s quite the drive! It’s definitely tougher when they get more mobile!!

I agree with you that it was easier when the baby was between 0-4 month old. The baby mirror and car sun shades also helped us a lot. Now our baby is 13 years old. 🙂

Time flies! We’re about to start doing this all over again so I’m hoping these baby road trip tips stick for baby #2!

You always have the best insight for traveling with our youngest travelers! Great tips as always…!

Thanks so much Jen!

  • Pingback: Kid-Friendly Things to Do in Omaha: Weekend Getaway - Toddling Traveler
  • Pingback: 9 Baby Travel Essentials (+ Baby Packing List!) - Toddling Traveler

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40 tips for traveling with your baby or toddler

Take heart – babies and toddlers can be good travelers! Use these travel tips to keep your little one safe, healthy, happy, and well-rested.

Caroline Picard

When can you travel with a baby?

  •  25 tips for traveling with a baby

15 tips for traveling with a toddler or kid

What should you pack when traveling with a baby, what should you pack when traveling with a toddler.

Before traveling with a baby or toddler, you'll want to be prepared. Here's how to pack efficiently and entertain your little one on a flight or road trip.

It depends! There's no standard age when you can or can't travel with a baby, and most airlines allow newborns to fly after the first few days or weeks of life. (Policies vary from airline to airline.)

But because traveling with newborns is risky from an infectious disease standpoint, the  American Academy of Pediatrics Opens a new window (AAP) strongly discourages parents from traveling with very young babies. Most experts suggest waiting until around the 2-month mark.

At this point, "babies are outside the age range for the highest risk of a serious bacterial infection, and hopefully the 2-month vaccines have been given to further provide immunity" says  Chandani DeZure , M.D., FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and a member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

Sticking close to home lowers the risk that your newborn will catch an unpleasant virus. Plus, traveling soon after birth would probably be exhausting for you. It's hard enough dealing with constant feedings, diaper changes, and sleep deprivation when you're at home, much less in an unfamiliar place. Also, waiting a few months before traveling may help you and your baby get into a better routine.

Still, infants aren't as fragile as parents sometimes fear. And by 2 months old , babies are pretty good candidates for travel, as long as the trip is low-key. They feel at home as long as they're close to you. Plus, they can't run around and get into trouble yet!

  25 tips for traveling with a baby

1. prep your packing list.

Think about the items you use to care for your baby at home, then decide which are truly essential to have with you during your trip. "Before your first or any flight with a baby , you need to think like a Boy Scout and be prepared," says Corinne McDermott, an authorized independent travel consultant, family travel specialist, and founder of the website Have Baby Will Travel Opens a new window .

"Since some baby items are difficult to come by while en route, ensure you have everything you need and enough of it to cover any delays, which are unpredictable and very likely to occur," says McDermott. (Here's a handy baby packing list that will cover your bases.)

2. Assemble a first-aid kit

Include all the first aid supplies you might need to deal with minor medical problems while on the road. Don't forget prescription medications, even if your baby only needs them on occasion.

3. Fill out an emergency contact sheet

Include your child's health information, contact names and numbers of healthcare providers, and a list of any allergies your child has or medications they take. That way, everything is in one place if you need it.

4. Bring lots of diapers

Whether you're traveling by car, train, or plane, you want at least enough diapers to last until you reach your destination and can buy more. It's a good idea to pack a few extras in case of travel delays. Also, bring diaper rash cream and plastic bags for dirty diapers.

5. Don't forget a change of clothes

Don't pack all your clothes in checked luggage! Have at least one extra shirt for yourself and a few outfits for your baby close at hand. Store them someplace that's easily accessible, like in your carry-on bag, diaper bag , or an easy-to-grab spot in your car. You never know when a diaper leak, spit up , or another mess might occur.

6. Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date

Check with the pediatrician prior to departure. Following an immunization schedule is critical to protect your baby from serious illnesses they might encounter during your travels.

7. Think about your stroller options

A lightweight stroller is your best bet if you're bringing it on an airplane. Some models are compact enough to fit in the overhead compartment when folded. If you don't have a stroller small enough to bring on board, you can either check it at the ticket counter or gate-check it. 

For road trips, your main concern will likely be what you can fit in your car. An umbrella stroller is always easiest to pack, but a full-size or jogging stroller might be better if you'll be walking a lot at your destination.

8. Invest in a good diaper bag

Look for one with enough pockets to keep you organized but not so many that you can't find anything, says McDermott. "Double-check you have everything you'll need in terms of food, formula , diapers, and changing supplies," she says. (Here's a full list of what to put in your diaper bag for reference.)

9. Consider a carrier

Baby carriers are great for carting around younger babies and keeping your hands free while you navigate the airport.

10. Dress your baby in comfy clothes

There's a time and a place for elaborate baby outfits, but a trip isn't one of them. Many parents find that it's simplest to put their baby in onesies or sleepers for a flight or car ride. 

11. See if you'll need any documents

Although the Transportation Security Administration Opens a new window (TSA) doesn't require children under 18 to provide identification for domestic flights, it's still a good idea to check your airline's requirements before flying with a baby.

Some carriers ask for an infant's proof of age for domestic flights, which could be a birth certificate, passport, or immunization record. Others might not ask for proof of age but may require a boarding verification document (printed for your infant from the ticket counter) even if they aren't occupying their own seat. And if you're flying internationally , your baby will need a passport .

12. Bring a car seat

If you've purchased an airplane seat for your baby, bring an FAA-approved car seat for your child . This is the safest way for kids under 2 to fly. If you didn't buy a ticket for your baby , you might get lucky and be able to use your car seat on the plane if there are empty seats on board.

13. Prep formula

If you're not breastfeeding, bring ready-to-use formula or make a few bottles of formula at home to bring along. (When traveling with formula, you can bring premade bottles in a soft cooler bag, or bring bottles of clean water and a separate container of powdered formula.)

If you're traveling by plane, review the policies for bringing formula on board and hand the formula to security officers when you go through screening. You don't need to put bottles of formula into the standard quart-size zip-top bag, and you aren't limited to 3.4-ounce bottles. Security officers may ask to test the formula, however.

14. Pack baby food

If your baby has started solids , bring as much baby food as you'll need for the trip. You can always buy more once you reach your destination. (Exception: If you're traveling internationally or to a place where it might be tough to find what you need, it may be easier to pack a bigger supply.) The TSA says Opens a new window that baby or toddler food in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces, including puree pouches, is allowed in carry-on baggage.

15. Don't forget feeding accessories

If your baby is eating solids, bring bibs that are large enough to cover most of their outfit, can be easily wiped off, and can be folded or rolled for easy packing. A few baby spoons and forks are helpful, too.

16. Bring your breastfeeding gear 

If you're breastfeeding, pack everything you'd typically need to nurse in your carry-on, such as nursing pads . If you're pumping, don't forget to pack all your pump parts, and if you're traveling internationally, check whether you need any adapters.

17. Anticipate ear pain

If your baby's ears seem to hurt from air pressure changes during takeoff and landing, encourage them to breastfeed or suck on a bottle, pacifier , or sippy cup. 

"I recommend feeding or nursing your baby during this time because swallowing helps relieve the pressure," says Dr. DeZure. "It can be very painful for babies, so expect them to be fussy and cry, but their ears will adjust once the pressure levels off in the sky or on the ground."

18. Adjust their schedule ahead of time

If you're crossing time zones, take steps to fight jet lag. Try shifting your baby's sleep schedule over a few days leading up to your departure and exposing them to sunlight once you reach your destination. Alternatively, you may want to keep to the same schedule in the new time zone if that works best for you.

19. Bring a blanket

Travel with a blanket so when you're in the airport or at a rest stop, you can offer your baby a nice spot to lie down, crawl, roll, or stretch their little limbs. A blanket can also be a helpful layer on chilly airplanes.

20. Pack entertainment

Generally speaking, the older the baby, the more entertainment you'll need to bring. Pack a goody bag containing a few of your baby's favorite toys, plus some surprises. Possibilities include nesting toys, baby-proof mirrors, rattles, musical toys , soft animals, pop-up toys, plastic keys, and teething rings .

21. Prepare for diaper changes

Changing a diaper on a plane is stressful, but a little preparation can help. Make a small bag with a few clean diapers, wipes, a small (or disposable) changing mat, and a plastic bag to store dirty diapers and wipes. Ideally, there will be a changing table in the airplane bathroom, but if there isn't you'll have to use the closed toilet seat – or your plane seat if you're desperate. Changing your baby's diaper right before you board can help limit the number of changes you need to do on the plane.

22. Check the car seat

If you're traveling by car, make sure your car seat is properly installed and fits your baby as well as possible. Check that the harness straps aren't twisted, and they're at or below your baby's shoulders (not above). The top of the buckled chest clip should be at armpit level after the straps are tightened.

 When you try to jiggle the car seat base, it shouldn't budge more than one inch side-to-side or front-to-back, according to the  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Opens a new window . In the car, your baby should always ride in the back seat, in a rear-facing car seat.

23. Babyproof

If your baby is mobile, find out whether your accommodations can be babyproofed before you arrive. If not, bring your own childproofing kit with the essentials. If you need to travel light, masking tape or duct tape provides a quick fix for most danger zones.

24. Don't try to pack too much in 

Whatever you do, try not to overschedule the first few days of your trip – you can't predict how disrupted your baby's rhythms might be.

25. Decide where your baby will sleep 

If you're staying in a hotel or vacation rental, ask if they have a crib or play yard when you make your room reservation. Another option: Rent equipment (just make sure it meets the AAP's safe sleep recommendations Opens a new window ) or bring along your own play yard or portable bassinet.

Many of the above tips still apply when traveling with toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged kids – you'll want to pack a first-aid kit and entertainment, for example – but there are also some specific strategies to keep in mind.

1. Pack plenty of toys and games 

Good options include paperback books, stickers, small animal figurines, small trucks, water-coloring books, Slinkys, small fidget toys, and "I Spy" books.

2. Preload their tablets 

Make sure your child's tablet has plenty of downloaded videos, favorite movies, audio books, music, and apps that don't require Wi-Fi – and make sure they've actually finished downloading before you leave the house! (Although the AAP discourages screen usage for children under 2, they also say that "desperate times can sometimes call for desperate measures.")

3. Don't forget the car seat 

If you're driving, make sure your child's car seat still fits them well – if they've grown recently, you may need to make adjustments. If you're flying, bringing a car seat onboard is still the safest option for toddlers or preschoolers weighing less than 40 pounds. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends an approved forward-facing car seat for children weighing between 20 and 40 pounds or a CARES harness for children weighing between 22 to 44 pounds.

4. Consider sleeping arrangements

Before you leave, plan ahead for where your child will sleep at your destination. While preschoolers and older kids are usually comfortable in twin beds or pull-out couches, a toddler who still sleeps in a crib at home will need a play yard or portable cot. Many hotels and rental homes supply these, but check that any gear provided meets the AAP's safe sleep guidelines and hasn't been recalled .

5. Get dropped off

The time it takes to park your car in the airport parking lot and schlep to the terminal adds up, and you haven't even gotten through security yet. If it's an option, many families find that it's most time-efficient to get dropped off at the terminal, or divide and conquer – one parent parks the car while the other waits inside the terminal with the kids and luggage.

6. Consider wrapping new (or newish) toys

Giving your child a few small wrapped items from the dollar store to open can make the trip feel a little more thrilling. For toddlers, even old toys they haven't played with in a while might be fun again. Plus, the simple act of unwrapping something provides a few minutes of entertainment.

7. Don't forget chargers

Make sure you pack charging cords for all your child's gear and have them within easy reach, as well as any necessary adapters if you're traveling internationally. Portable chargers can be a lifesaver, especially if your child's tablet runs out of battery at a crucial moment (like a super-long security or customs line).

8. Plan for bathroom breaks

Traveling with a child who's in the potty-training process or still uses a potty seat can require a little forethought. Portable potty seats (some fold up, so you can easily fit them in a carry-on!) ensure you have options while on the go. 

And even if your child has nearly graduated from diapers or pull-ups, having a few on hand for emergencies is smart – especially if you're traveling overnight. Spare clothes in case of accidents are crucial, too.

9. Pack more snacks than you think you'll need

To keep kids' energy levels up and prevent meltdowns, aim for a mix of fresh fruit, protein, and carbs. A few ideas: Berries, cubes of firm tofu, little packs of nut butter, crackers, pre-wrapped cheese, yogurt pouches, small sandwiches, steamed veggies, pretzels, cereal bars, dried fruit, cucumber sticks, dry cereal like Cheerios, mini muffins, homemade banana bread slices, and puffed snacks. 

While nutritious snacks are best, a few small treats that will be exciting to your child can help them cope with a long travel day. If there's a particular snack they always ask for, consider bringing one or two to dole out during moments when everyone needs a pick-me-up.

10. Bring along cups and water bottles

Thankfully, toddlers and older kids require fewer on-the-go feeding supplies than babies. But some basics, such as sippy cups, water bottles, and snack containers are still helpful. You never know what kind of drinking cups will be available at your hotel or rental home, for example, and it's always better to be prepared with items your child is comfortable using.

11. Don't forget comfort items

Tried-and-true favorites that give your child comfort, such as a lovey or blanket that's precious to them, can help them feel more settled when you get to your destination.

12. Anticipate meltdowns

"By this time, you know your kid and their triggers for outbursts, so it's a little easier to both prepare for them and avoid them," says McDermott. Leading up to the trip, she recommends talking about how exciting it is to travel and giving your child a rough outline of events. "Also, let them know the kind of behavior that's expected during your journey and model it yourself," she adds.

13. Just keep driving 

While it's smart to map out plenty of rest stops along your route, many frequent-traveler families find that sometimes it's better to keep driving than stop unnecessarily. "The best piece of advice on road trips with children is to keep driving if they're happy or quiet," says McDermott. "Even if you've completely mapped out the best rest stops or roadside cafes, unless you'll run out of gas or your bladder will literally burst, if the kids are comfortable and not complaining, keep going for as long as you can."

14. Bookmark fun car games

Road trips are hectic, yes, but they're also great opportunities to connect with your kids. You're trapped in a car together, after all! These fun car games for kids will keep everyone entertained.

15. Watch out for motion sickness

Some kids are more susceptible to motion sickness than others, and it can happen during plane turbulence, too. If you notice signs of motion sickness – a cold sweat and loss of appetite – encourage your child to look up from screens and, if possible, gaze ahead at a spot in the horizon. If your child is prone to vomiting, pack an emergency kit with spare clothes, paper towels, bags for soiled clothes, and wipes, and keep it within easy reach.

When you're traveling with a baby, you'll want to bring plenty of spare clothes (including pajamas, hats, socks, sweaters, onesies, and bibs) in addition to diapering supplies, like a changing pad, diapers, wipes, and plastic bags (to store messy items like dirty diapers, clothes, and bibs). A first aid kid, including a thermometer and infant pain reliever, and personal care items, such as sunscreen and diaper rash cream, are essentials

You'll also need a baby carrier or sling; an infant car seat, if they have their own seat on the airplane; a travel crib or portable play yard; a crib or bassinet sheets; and a larger blanket to play on.

Depending on where your baby is in their feeding journey, you should bring: spare bottles; formula; a breast pump and all its components; other breastfeeding accessories (like nursing pads); snacks; and a sippy cup.  

Don't forget about comfort items like: extra pacifiers or teethers; waddle blankets or sleep sacks; small loveys, toys, and soft books.

You can skip the diapering supplies when you're traveling with a potty trained toddler, but don't forget underwear and a portable potty seat. Plastic bags for storing messy items are still a great idea. 

Keep your tot entertained with small toys, books, and electronics (plus the charging cables and portable chargers) and fed with snacks as well as a water bottle or sippy cup.

In terms of gear, consider bringing a travel crib or portable play yard as well as a car seat. Last but not least, pack those personal care essentials (such as sunscreen, diaper rash cream, toothpaste, and their toothbrush) and a first aid kit. Don't forget about your child's favorite lovey!

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Flying with baby: Parent FAQs. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Sun safety: Information for parents about sunburn and sunscreen. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Car Seats: Information for Families. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022. Beyond Screen Time: Help Your Kids Build Healthy Media Use Habits. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Federal Aviation Administration. 2023. Flying with Children. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Mayo Clinic. 2021. Airplane ear. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Transportation Security Administration. Undated. Traveling with children. Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Chandani DeZure Opens a new window , M.D., FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and a member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

Corinne McDermott, an authorized independent travel consultant, family travel specialist and founder of the website Have Baby Will Travel Opens a new window .

Kathleen Felton

Kathleen Felton is a freelance writer and editor. She was previously the executive editor of editorial strategy and growth at BabyCenter, the world's number one parenting resource. She is originally from Farmington, Connecticut, and now lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and two sons.

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11 Smart Tips For A Road Trip With A Baby

Tips and Hacks for a Road Trip with a Baby or Toddler

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Tips and Hacks for a Road Trip with a Baby or Toddler

Planning to take a road trip with your baby or toddler in tow? You can do it! Learn all the best tips and hacks  for surviving a long drive with your young child from our parenting experts.

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandma’s house we go!

Only problem is: Grandma’s house is an 8-hour car ride away, and you’ve got a baby or toddler, plus maybe a few big kids, to cart along with you. But don’t let that stop you from embarking on that road trip – with some smart planning and preparation, you can make it to your destination relatively unscathed.

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Stonyfield, to bring you the absolute best tips and advice to make it through a marathon car journey with your baby. So buckle up and read on to learn how to make some road trip memories that will last a lifetime.

PIN for when you’re planning your next road trip:

road trip with an 18 month old


First things first, it’s critical to not set your expectations too high. Remember that babies and toddlers don’t have the patience that you do (or that you might hope!). With this in mind, don’t expect to drive straight to your destination without stopping…multiple times.

Depending on the age of your child, you may have to stop every hour or two to feed, change, or give them a break from their car seat. If you go into the trip with this in mind, you’ll have a much better, less-stress experience.


Keeping #1 in mind, plan your trip so you avoid driving too far in a single day. Map out your journey with the help of an online tool so you can get a sense of how long the trip will take. An app like  Waze  will even take into consideration what day and time you’ll be leaving and factor in the consistent travel patterns like rush hour.

road trip with an 18 month old

Plan a few potential pit stops along your route so if baby is getting fussy, you’ll already have done your research. Depending on your child’s age and stage, you may want to find a park or playground for them to explore, or somewhere to go for a short walk to stretch your own legs. Pack some bubbles and a ball for some fun, interactive play during your stop.

Inevitably you’ll need to find a clean bathroom at some point, so we suggest downloading the  SitOrSquat app  before you leave so you can view public restrooms based on your current location. It also includes an interactive map with how long it will take to reach each stall, can filter those with baby changing tables and even gives a cleanliness rating. Major high five to that!


The most successful road trips are timed right.

If your baby sleeps well in the car, plan your trip to coincide with a time where you know your baby will sleep – either over naptime, or at bedtime. This way you’ll be able to get in a good chunk of quiet, peaceful driving that can recharge everyone’s batteries.

If your baby isn’t a great car sleeper, plan to leave shortly after they wake up in the morning, or right after a nap. Then at least you’ll start the journey with a well-rested, happy baby.

Either way, make sure that baby has a full tummy and a clean diaper before you leave!


We suggest packing your car the day/night before you leave, and while you pack, really think about what you’ll need to keep at arm’s reach vs. what you can stow away.

Keep your suitcases and large baby items like a travel crib at the back of your trunk, as you likely won’t need to access these until you reach your destination. Pack a separate “necessity bag” with all of the essentials you’ll want en route like toys, pacifiers, burp clothes, and bottles.

We like to pack a separate “Changing Station” that includes a changing pad, plenty of diapers, wipes, diaper cream, small trash baggies and an extra set of clothes for any spit-ups, spills or worse! Stick everything into a plastic zipper bag, or buy one of  these handy dandy organizers . You could even just grab the pre-stocked caddy you use in your home.

road trip with an 18 month old

If you can, leave a free space in the back of your car for a make-shift Changing Table (especially if you have an SUV where the trunk is flat and the perfect height for diaper changing). This makes it super easy for quick changes during pit stops, and you don’t have to worry about finding a clean gas station bathroom.

Create an easy place to throw your trash – we love  this amazing car trash bin , but a trash bag around the front seat headrest can work just as well.

These back-of-the-seat organizers  are also great for keeping toys, books and other necessities close at hand.


Your baby will need to eat during your travels, and whether nursing or formula feeding, make sure you have all of your supplies close at hand. If nursing, a comfy pillow for feeds in the car while filling up with gas can make a huge difference. For bottle fed babes, pack a thermos 1/3 full with hot water so you’ll have room to place your bottle inside to warm it up. Do this just before you arrive at your next pit stop, so the bottle will be ready and your baby won’t have to wait.

We know several mamas who nurse but also bring a pump and bottle so that they can pump while their partner drives, and feed with a bottle from the backseat if need be.


For babies who are eating solids, make sure to bring a cooler stocked with healthy, nutritious options for pit-stops or eating on-the-go.

road trip with an 18 month old

To save room in the cooler, we love to use  Stonyfield Organic Whole Milk Yogurt Pouches  as ice packs. Simply stash a few in your freezer 24 hours+ before you depart, and then line your cooler with the pouches. Not only will they keep your food and drinks icy cold, but once they thaw, they can turn into a great snack for the whole family. We especially love that they contain real fruits and veggies and have 35% less sugar than the leading kids’ yogurt.

We also like to travel with our favorite  Stonyfield YoBaby yogurt  so we have plenty of them for meal time and snack time once we arrive at our destination. If your baby is at least six months old, YoBaby is a great choice as it’s made with only Certified Organic ingredients and supports digestive health with its blend of live and active cultures and the probiotic BB-12. We love that the  YoBaby Veggie  and  YoBaby Plain  have no added sweeteners, and they’re thicker than other baby yogurts which makes it much easier for them to eat. That being said, remember to bring pack some napkins/wipes, spoons and a bib.

And although it’s important that you pack foods that baby will enjoy, don’t forget about yourself! Even if you plan to stop along the way for your meals, if your baby is content or asleep, you may want to keep driving. So throw a few healthy snacks in the cooler for yourself as well.


As we mentioned earlier, having your baby sleep for a portion of your trip is essential for everyone’s happiness. So do whatever it takes to recreate their ideal sleeping environment: bring any comfort items like a blanket, lovey or pacifier and if they’re used to white noise, download an app to play on your phone/iPad or use a  portable white noise machine .  These window shades  can also help protect your baby from the sun and create a darker, nap-inducing environment.


After baby has awoken from their nap, they’ll be ready to play, so be sure to bring a vast selection of age-appropriate toys for them to explore. We find that new toys often hold their attention for the longest spans. Pick up a few new ones at your local discount store, or plan a toy-swap with a friend. You could even stash away a selection of toys a week or two before your trip so they will be forgotten and feel new.

Or try your hand at these DIY ideas to keep baby engaged:

Make your own “baby garland” by taping a piece of string across the back of the seat where they sit, and attach photos of other babies or family members to it. Babies are fascinating by studying people’s faces, so this can keep them surprisingly occupied.

Alternatively, fill an empty tissue box with long scraps of fabric or smaller mouthing-friendly toys – baby will love reaching in and pulling out each new surprise.


If you are traveling with another adult, it helps if one of you can ride in the backseat next to your baby for at least a portion of the trip. Think of it as free time to bond with your baby – read them books (interactive ones with lift-the-flaps or things to touch/feel are extra engaging), sing nursery rhymes and play peekaboo. Switch off with your travel partner every half hour so baby gets a new face and fresh entertainment!


Listening to music both you and your kids will enjoy can make your road trip so much more fun for everyone. If you’re able to sync your phone or device to your car’s speakers, make a playlist of your family’s favorite songs. If it’s just you and your baby, listening to podcasts or books on tape can make the time go quickly, and the sound of voices often helps a baby relax.

You can even try listening to music in another language – exposing your kids to new sounds and cultures.


Although we hope with fingers tightly crossed that your road trip will be a smooth one, with no unforeseen circumstances, we always suggest to be prepared for the worse!

We’ve learned the hard way, that it’s always helpful to have a bucket (or small garbage pail) and towel within an arm’s reach. You may learn that your baby (or even yourself) gets car sick, or comes down with a sudden stomach bug.

Having a First Aid kit with band-aids, bug spray, sunblock, prescriptions, and over-the-counter drugs like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen, could stop your trip from taking a disastrous turn.

And make sure that your vehicle has emergency supplies like jumper cables, flares, a spare tire and jack, and if applicable to your location, a small snow shovel and brush.

Believe it or not, traveling with a baby can actually be a pleasant experience. After all, they aren’t old enough to ask “are we there yet?” over and over again!

Plan carefully and use our tips and you’ll be at Grandma’s house in no time. Safe travels!

Thank you to our sponsor, Stonyfield, for making delicious yogurts that are better for our children, families, and our planet. We’re grateful for their dedication to this mission.



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What to Expect the First Year , 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff., Flying With a Baby? Here's What to Know Before You Go , September 2021., Do Babies Need Passports? , October 2021., Best Travel Toys for Babies , February 2021., Baby Products You Can Take on a Plane , September 2020. American Academy of Pediatrics, Flying with Baby: Parent FAQs , November 2019. American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for Families to Travel Now? , August 2021. American Academy of Pediatrics, Travel Safety Tips , August 2018.  American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for My Baby to Travel in a Car Seat a Few Hours at a Time? , August 2021. Transportation Security Administration, Traveling with Children . Federal Aviation Administration, Flying with Children , March 2021. Mayo Clinic, Is Air Travel Safe for an Infant? , October 2019.

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road trip with an 18 month old

Utah teen and dad go on Ford racing trip after CEO learns of son’s cancer battle: ‘Hard to put into words’

A teenager and his father had a once-in-a-lifetime experience thanks to a thoughtful gesture from a CEO. 

Joseph Tegerdine, 18, of Springville, Utah, is currently in his fifth year of battling bone cancer. 

Tegerdine was diagnosed with osteosarcoma bone cancer in May 2019 after suffering from knee pain ever since he was 13. 

In Jan. 2022, cancer was also found in his lungs and his hip. He had surgery and chemotherapy to treat it. 


Two years later, in Feb. 2024, the cancer was found again in his lungs, something his mother told Fox News Digital pushed the family to begin checking things off his bucket list, as Fox News Digital previously reported. 


"We’re focusing on making memories and doing bucket list items for him," Kerry Tegerdine said. 

One of those bucket list items included owning a Ford Mustang — something Joseph Tegerdine’s father, Joe Tegerdine, made happen recently. 

Kerry Tegerdine told Fox News Digital that her husband knew her son wouldn’t have enough time to save enough money to buy it himself — so her husband went out and bought him one. 

Yet the good news for Joseph Tegerdine didn’t stop there. 


As the elder Joe Tegerdine posted on X, "For those wondering why I’d buy my 18yr old son a 330hp Mustang, well, he’s been given months to live and can’t work long enough to buy one himself. His comment on the way home: ‘Dad, I’m going to squeeze a few extra months of life just to be able to drive this,’ #cancersucks."

The post on X gained attention from many — including Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford Motors. 

In a tweeted response, Farley shared his condolences for what the Tegerdines were going through — then offered both Joe Tegerdine and son Joseph Tegerdine the chance to drive a Ford Mustang Dark Horse on the track at the Ford Performance Racing School in Charlotte, North Carolina.  

This past week, the Tegerdines did just that. 

In a phone interview on Tuesday, April 16, Joe Tegerdine told Fox News Digital that the experience was hard for him to put into words. 


"It’s hard to describe, [but] there’s this feeling of finality … This is probably our last time doing something like this," he said. 

The pair traveled from Utah to North Carolina for the occasion, something Joe Tegerdine said almost didn’t happen due to his son’s increased hip pain after radiation over the last few weeks. 

"He [Joseph] was like, ‘Dad, I don’t care if you have to roll me in on a gurney, I’m going to this driving school’," he recalled. 

He added, "He [Joseph] had the most energy I’ve seen in months, just a super big smile and super excited."

The pair were taught how to properly drive the specialty vehicle and more before getting their chance behind the steering wheel. 

"I mean, everything was just such a great adrenaline rush and a great experience," he said. 


Ford Motors even surprised the two with custom helmets for their driving school experience that matched the pattern of their sports car. 

Ford Motor Company president and chief executive officer Jim Farley told Fox News Digital via email that the company was "simply happy [that] we could provide this experience to Joe and Joseph."

Joe Tegerdine shared that his son finished radiation on Monday, April 15, in an effort to stop the largest tumor on his lungs from growing further. 


However, Joseph Tegerdine had an increasing amount of pain in his hip where another large tumor lies. 

"He’s exhausted," Joe Tegerdine said. "There are no treatments left for osteosarcoma — we’ve pretty much exhausted everything."

He added that the racing school experience was hard to describe due to its "feeling of finality."

"You just realize that you’re enjoying these precious little moments of smiles and excitement and not knowing how many more there are going to be before he passes," he said. 

Joseph Tegerdine is still doing typical 18-year-old things like going to prom this month. 

Dad Joe Tegerdine told Fox News Digital that his son and his girlfriend will take prom photos in front of the Ford Mustang. 

"It’s a precious time," his father said. 

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Original article source: Utah teen and dad go on Ford racing trip after CEO learns of son’s cancer battle: ‘Hard to put into words’

Joseph Tegerdine, 18 years old, was diagnosed with cancer five years ago, but he got to live out a dream moment just recently. Fox News


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  19. The Essential Packing List for a Road Trip With a Baby

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    6. BRING A FULLY STOCKED COOLER WITH SNACKS OR MEALS. For babies who are eating solids, make sure to bring a cooler stocked with healthy, nutritious options for pit-stops or eating on-the-go. To save room in the cooler, we love to use Stonyfield Organic Whole Milk Yogurt Pouches as ice packs.

  23. What to Pack When Traveling With Baby

    Wipes, lots of them. A changing pad. Diaper cream (no more than 3.4 ounces if you're flying by plane) Two bibs. Three baby blankets that you can use as burp cloths or to cover yourself up with while breastfeeding. Two bottles (if you use them) Change of clothes for your baby.

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  25. Utah teen and dad go on Ford racing trip after CEO learns of son ...

    The 18-year-old and his dad from Utah were gifted a trip to the performance racing school. ... I'm going to squeeze a few extra months of life just to be able to drive this,' #cancersucks ...